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How to Sell Yourself in an Interview Presentation

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

Confirm the Brief

  • The topics you need to present on
  • How long the presentation should be
  • Preferred tools or data points to use and reference
  • What tools you'll be given to present with (e.g. a projector, a touchscreen monitor, an interactive whiteboard)
  • Whether your interviewer(s) will ask questions during or after the presentation
  • Who will be in the presentation, and their knowledge level on the subject area

Structure Your Presentation

Keep your presentation concise, prepare notes, then practice your delivery, review data, formatting, and spelling, related articles.

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How to sell yourself in an interview presentation

A young man in a suit half way through an interview presentation

Confirm the brief

  • The topics you need to present on
  • How long you have to present
  • Preferred tools or data points to use and reference
  • What tools you'll be given to present with (e.g. a projector, a touchscreen monitor, an interactive whiteboard)
  • Whether your interviewer(s) will ask questions during or after the presentation
  • Who will be in the presentation, and their knowledge level on the subject area

Structure your presentation

Keep your presentation concise, prepare notes, then practice your delivery, review data, formatting and spelling, what's next, download your job applicant toolkit.

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how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

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How to Nail a PowerPoint Presentation for Job Interview

How to Nail a PowerPoint Presentation for Job Interview

You just scored an interview for you dream job! Yes! But…now they’re asking you to give a PowerPoint presentation for the job interview.

What the heck? Isn’t interviewing nerve-wracking enough without the added stress of giving a presentation?

We hear you. It’s a lot of stress. But actually, when you stop to think about it, what is a job interview if not a presentation about yourself? Now you just have the added benefit of visuals and slides to work with.

In this article, we’ll demystify the interview PowerPoint presentation ordeal and help you put your best foot forward so you can nail the interview!

Question Mark Icon

What is an Interview Presentation?

Ok, back up. What exactly is an interview presentation? According to Indeed , an interview presentation is a “formal presentation delivered to a human resources team, management team, or another group of people to convince them that you are the best candidate for a position.” Potential employers may ask you to make an interview presentation to better assess your public speaking and/or communications skills, your ability to stay calm under pressure, your knowledge about specific, industry related topics, and more.

This kind of presentation can give your potential employers a really comprehensive look at you, so it makes sense. And although you may run into a request for an interview presentation in any industry, this tact is particularly popular in Sales, Marketing, Technology, and Academia.

Thumbs Up Icon

Benefits of Interview Presentation

Now that you know why employers might make this request, why might an interview presentation be a good thing for you? One of the biggest benefits for you is that it gives you a chance to shine and stand out. Old-fashioned interviews have become somewhat run-of-the-mill, with those ever-recycled questions like “what would you say are your greatest strengths” all running together. But with a unique presentation designed and delivered by you, there’s more of a chance for you to really leave a distinct impression.

Additionally, giving an interview presentation gives you a chance to show your professionalism in a different setting than just a conversation. You can prove your diligence, your attention to detail, and your work ethic just by how you compile the presentation.

How to Make an Interview Presentation

It may seem overwhelming at first, but don’t be intimidated by the task of creating an interview presentation. Below, we’ve compiled a list of interview presentation tips — from initial research to the final presentation — that will have you acing this task in no time.

Making the Presentation

Information Text Bubble

Gather Information

Man writing in notebook

Do your Research

This is a solid tip for any kind of interview: do your research! Make yourself an expert on the company for which you are interviewing. It’s no secret that you are far less appealing as a potential hire if you don’t know anything about the company or industry. But the important thing here is to make sure your gathered knowledge comes across. Prove your expertise in your presentation.

Slide Show Icon

Pick your Platform

Sometimes, your potential employer will have a particular platform that they want you to use for your interview presentation, but more than likely, they will leave it up to you. The basic presentation software out there includes PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides. If you’re going for an artsier, more unique approach, check out Prezi : an online virtual presentation tool with a more animated feel. Go with whatever platform you’re comfortable with, or you can even start by looking at templates and seeing what matches your style.

1 2 3 List Icon

Start with Structure

Every great presentation, whether for an interview or not, starts with a strong and compelling structure. In simplest terms, you have an opening, details, and then a conclusion. When structuring your presentation, begin with a strong opening that states your goals and introduces yourself. Next, keep the main body of the presentation to around three major points (although you can have plenty of subsections.) Then finish with a killer closing, something to bring it all home. All throughout, keep your message clear and make every piece of your presentation relate back to that message.

Check out this article for more in-depth tips on structuring a great presentation of any kind.

Simple Slide Icon

Keep it Clear, Succinct and Impactful

Make sure your content is simple and clear. You want your audience to glance quickly at your slide, gain interest, and then listen to you, the presenter, for more in-depth information. Be careful not to pack too much information onto the slides themselves, or to break off onto tangents that don’t support you. But do be sure to choose eye-catching images for your slides and easy-to-read fonts that really pop.

Person on Slide

Highlight YOU

You could almost think of this presentation as a commercial and the product you’re selling is you. While it’s important to demonstrate expertise through your presentation, make sure that everything goes back to selling you as the star of the show.

Repeat Icon

Practice, Practice, Practice

Woman Presenting

Giving the Presentation

Person Talking Icon

Build Rapport

The day of the interview is here! Once you begin your presentation, start off by building rapport with your audience. Not only will this help draw them in and make them more engaged in your story, it will also help calm you down. Introduce yourself, smile, and maybe even consider cracking a joke if the mood is right.

X Icon

As you give your presentation, try your hardest to not read straight off the slides or from your notes. Snooze alert! This will bore your audience and give them the impression that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Be so confident and practice so thoroughly ahead of time that you can speak off the cuff and don’t need to read your notes at all.

Business Woman Standing Icon

Mind Your Body Language

Sit up straight, shoulders back, and smile! Your body language is always incredibly important for any kind of presentation. You want to appear professional and comfortable at the same time.

Presentation Icon

Diction and Delivery

Make sure you’re enunciating clearly and projecting to “the back of the room,” even if that’s just your computer’s microphone. If you mumble or speak too quietly, you’ll come across timid. Also, most of us have a tendency to speed up when we’re nervous. Pay attention to the pace of your speech and even build in some pauses if you can. This will give you time to collect your thoughts and let your message sink in for your audience.

Confident Pose Icon

Be Confident

You got this! Even if you’re not feeling confident on the inside, show it on the outside. Speak with authority and make eye-contact with your audience by staying focused on your camera. This is you you’re selling after all, and no one is a better authority on you than you!

Question Mark Speech Bubble

Take Questions at the End

Man Asking Question in Meeting

Presentation for Interview Example

If you’re looking for job interview presentation ideas, check out this great example on Slide Team or this one on Slide Geeks .

Person On Screen

Pre-Recorded Video Interviews

On a related note, some potential employers may ask you to make a pre-recorded video interview. This tactic has become increasingly prevalent in the age of COVID and Zoom interviews. Essentially, employers can give you a set of questions ahead of time and you can record yourself answering them, then send it in for them to review on their own time. Sometimes, potential employers will call this a “pre-screening.” While this isn’t technically an interview “presentation” per say, it sort of falls into the same category, so we want you to be prepared.

The best way to record video interviews is with whatever software and setup you’re comfortable with! If you have a great camera-ring light-soundproof room already set up and raring to go, obviously you should use that. But if you don’t have a pro setup, don’t sweat it. Most people don’t. Just record your interview with the webcam on your computer. You can also record an interview directly through Zoom meetings . But do make sure that you are properly lit, somewhere quiet, and that your background is clean and intentional.

 Other tips for pre-recorded video interviews:

  • Maintain eye contact by focusing on the camera and not the video of yourself.
  • Dress professionally , even your pants and shoes that won’t be seen in the video. You’ll be in a better headspace when you’re dressing the part and you avoid the embarrassment of accidentally standing up while only wearing boxers in the video.
  • Remember — it’s still an interview! Don’t let the strange format throw you off. You still need to transfer everything you’ve learned about acing interviews, like not fidgeting and sitting up straight – to this pre-recorded format. Check out our article on acing remote interviews to learn more.

So by now, hopefully you feel like an expert on how to nail a presentation for a job interview. Once you understand what is being asked of you and how it benefits all parties, this type of interview makes a lot of sense. If you follow the guidelines above, you’ll be able to make a stellar presentation. And remember, your audience wouldn’t have invited you to interview if they didn’t see something in you. They want you to succeed! So take a deep breath and give a presentation that’ll knock their socks off!

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how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation


When Olivia West isn't writing theme park attractions for Universal and Disney, she's writing any other thing she can get her hands on! She loves writing novels, scripts, blog posts, bad jokes, and everything else. If you can't find her at her laptop, however, she might be chilling in the nearest speakeasy sipping a manhattan or screaming her head off on the nearest roller coaster. Check her out at oliviawestwriting.com !

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  • Presentations

How to Make a Very Good PowerPoint Presentation About Yourself 2024 (+ Video)

Brenda Barron

Creating a presentation about yourself may seem like a daunting task. After all, talking about yourself is a nerve-racking experience for even experienced speakers. But when you take the time to prepare and plan ahead, you can nail it.

MEA Portfolio PowerPoint template

In this article, we’ll discuss how to prepare a good presentation about yourself . We’ll cover tips for introducing yourself, preparing your who am I presentation, incorporating your accomplishments, and more. 

How to Quickly Make an About Me Presentation With PowerPoint PPT Templates (Video)

Giving an about me presentation can be stressful--especially if that presentation is about yourself. An "about me" presentation is easier with templates. Learn more in this short video:

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

For even more tips on how to make a presentation about yourself, keep reading the tutorial below.

Jump to content in this section:

How to Prepare a Good Presentation About Yourself

How to make an about me presentation with powerpoint quickly, best powerpoint templates for an about me presentation (with unlimited use), how to start a presentation about yourself (8 quick design tips), 5 top powerpoint templates from envato elements - for 2024, discover more amazing powerpoint templates, common powerpoint questions answered (faq), learn more about using powerpoint, don't miss our free online presentation guide.

With proper preparation and planning, you can easily create a great creative self-introduction PPT presentation. Here’s how: 

1. Decide Which Information to Include in the Presentation

Company Profile PowerPoint Template

The first step in creating an about me presentation is to decide which information you want to include. While this may be a presentation about you, that doesn’t mean you need to include your whole life story. Only choose to include information that’s relevant to the audience. 

If you’re giving an about me presentation in a business conference, focus on your skills and education. Explain how they're relevant to the topic. If you’re giving a who am I presentation in a local community meetup, then it makes more sense to focus on your involvement in the community.

2. Prepare & Design the All About Myself PowerPoint Presentation

Before you create the all about myself PowerPoint presentation, write the contents first. Once you know which information to include, put it in bullet point format to make it easier for your audience to follow.

Once you’ve prepared the content, start designing your about me presentation in PowerPoint. The easiest way to design your presentation is with a premade PowerPoint template. 

Agio PowerPoint Template

3. Create Your Introduction

Your introduction will be the first thing your audience will hear. As such, your introduction slide about yourself needs to pique their interest and make you feel relatable. This will build trust with your audience. It’ll also help you keep the audience engaged throughout the who am I presentation. Plus, it'll make you more memorable long after the presentation is over.  

A great way to kick off the introduction to your creative self-introduction PPT is to tie yourself to the topic and then tie the topic to the audience. Start by stating your name and job title and then share a random or a fun fact about you. Then, transition into the main part of your presentation about yourself. 

4. Sell Yourself & Talk About Your Accomplishments

One of the hardest parts of your all about myself presentation is selling yourself and talking about your accomplishments. An easy way to do this is to highlight the results you’ve gotten for your clients. Accompany them with testimonials on your about me presentation slides. 

You can also share your accomplishments and skills by providing value first. Then, talk about how you got there before transitioning into the actual accomplishment list.  

5. Adapt Your About Me Presentation for Different Lengths

Be sure to tweak and adapt your presentation for different lengths. For example, a one-minute presentation about yourself is enough to state your name and job title and share a relevant fact about yourself. A five-minute presentation allows you to include more information, such as your professional achievements or your related work. 

It’s a good idea to inquire about the length of time you’ll have available. Plan your presentation for that time slot.

6. Engage the Audience Before the Start

People in business meeting audience

Engage your audience before you start the all about myself PowerPoint presentation. You can do this by:

  • telling a story related to the presentation itself
  • sharing a statistic from your industry
  • mentioning a compelling quote
  • asking the audience to introduce themselves 

This turns your audience into active participants. They'll be more likely to stay engaged throughout the about me professional presentation.

7. Give the Self-Introduction Speech

Once you’ve introduced yourself and gotten your audience engaged, it’s time to give the self-introduction speech. During this part, make eye contact with your audience. Keep the about me presentation informative without bragging.

Refer them back to the introduction slide about yourself or the handout for any extra information. This way you can keep your about me professional presentation succinct. Keep some relevant information for later parts of the presentation. Revealing everything at once will make your presentation less interesting.  

8. Nail the Conclusion

You’ve hooked your audience with a great introduction slide about yourself, you gave the talk and kept your audience engaged. Now is the time to nail the conclusion. Start by asking your audience if they've got any questions and encourage them to start the discussion. 

Once you’ve answered their question, let them know what’s the next step and what they should do. Be sure to include this information on the final slide as well as on the handout. 

9. Establish a Personal Connection With Your Audience

audience listening to a speaker in a meeting

A personal connection with your audience will make them trust you more and remember you and your all about myself PowerPoint presentation. A few ways to establish a personal connection include:

  • sharing a few fun facts about yourself
  • asking your audience to share their name
  • using humor to break the ice
  • maintaining eye contact throughout the presentation

10. Practice With a Friend

To make sure that your who am I presentation goes smoothly, practice it with a friend. Not only will you be able to deliver your presentation without awkward pauses, but your friend or coworker can give you valuable pointers. 

Practice your about me professional presentation well in advance to have plenty of time to prepare. 

11. Make Them Laugh

People laughing

We’ve already mentioned using humor to break the ice and to establish a personal connection with your audience. Humor makes you more relatable and can make any topic more interesting. Use humor sparingly and tastefully, otherwise your jokes will miss the mark.  

12. Keep Your Audience In Mind

Your about me presentation should be tailored to your audience. For example, if you’re delivering your presentation in a formal setting with a corporate audience, keep the tone professional. 

Get familiar with your audience before you start preparing your about me slide template. This knowledge can serve as your guide. It'll help you decide which information you should include. Plus, you can decide what style and tone of voice to use. Understanding the audience is a must before including humor and cultural references in your all about myself PowerPoint presentation.

13. Show Your Passion

Show your passion. Everyone has a passion for something, whether it’s your job, your hobby or a cause you care about. When you show passion, people see you as more relatable. This helps form that personal connection and establishes trust, especially if they share your passion. 

Think about how your passion relates to your professional achievements as well. This can serve as an unusual but more memorable way to deliver your presentation and talk about yourself.

14. Pay Attention to How the Presentation Looks

Marketplace Business Template

Using a professionally designed template such as this one from Envato Elements can help you make the right impression with your audience.

Sure, the presentation is about you. But that doesn't mean that how it looks is unimportant. You want to make a good impression. The best way to do that is by using a professionally designed template such as those available from Envato Elements. 

So, if you haven't already done so, switch your information over to a professionally designed about me PowerPoint. You'll learn more about professionally designed templates in the next section.

Now that you know the basics of what should be included in your about me presentation, let’s go through the steps of actually creating it. The easiest way to start is with a premium template. For this tutorial, I’ll use the Amarish PowerPoint Template . 

amarish powerpoint template

It's a modern and clean design with 30 slides and five color variations for a grand total of 150+ slides. 

1. Decide on Your Slides

Delete a slide

As mentioned earlier, the Amarish template comes with 30 slides, but chances are you won’t need all of them. The first thing you should do is delete unnecessary slides. You can easily delete a slide by right-clicking on it and pressing Delete Slide . 

2. Customize the Title Slide

Customizing the title slide

Once you’ve decided on the slides you want to keep, take some time to customize the title slide. You’ll want to include your name and a nice profile photo of you. To customize the text, double-click the title and then enter your name. To add your photo, click on the picture icon and select a photo from your computer. Then, press Insert . 

3. Add Your Content

Adding content to your About Me presentation

The next step is to add your content to the presentation. Like the title slide, all you've got to do is double-click text, press CTRL+A to select all of it, and then enter your text.

As you’re entering the content, you can also customize the fonts used in the presentation about yourself. Simply select a different font from the drop-down menu.

4. Highlight Your Achievements With a Timeline Slide

Use a timeline to highlight your achievements

Make sure to include a timeline slide to highlight your achievements. This is a great way to showcase important dates and milestones in your career.

The Amarish template comes with a stunning timeline slide that’s easy to customize. All you've got to do is edit the text and the years to match your milestones. If you wish, you can customize the color used to represent the milestone by selecting the circle and selecting Format Shape . Then, set the Fill option to your preferred color.

5. Customize the Style

Customize the style and colors of your presentation

The last step is to customize the style of your presentation. The easiest way to do this is to change out the colors used in your presentation about yourself. All you've got to do is right-click on a colored shape and select the Format Shape option. Then, choose your preferred color for the Fill color. 

Or click on the Design tab and then press the down arrow on the Variants tab and hover over Colors . Choose a different color theme to quickly change colors throughout the presentation. 

A good place to find templates for PowerPoint presentations about yourself is Envato Elements. They've got a great offer you can take advantage of today: download as many presentation templates as you want for one low price.

Find PowerPoint Templates

Choose from thousands of about me presentation templates on Envato Elements to create a presentation about myself.

A subscription is great if you need a range of template designs for several about me presentations. 

One of the best ways to start a presentation about yourself is to start with a premade presentation template designed for PowerPoint. The benefit of working with an about me PowerPoint template is that you don’t have to start from scratch. This means you'll be able to create your about me professional presentation much faster. 

PowerPoint templates come with various slide designs that you can use to share information. Just customize the design with your text and your choice of colors and fonts.  

Akhara PowerPoint Template

Once you've got a PowerPoint template to use as a starting point, there are a few design tips to keep in mind so you can create a good presentation about yourself: 

1. Create a Visual Hierarchy

A visual hierarchy is where you arrange the elements by priority. When you arrange the elements on your about me slide template by importance and relevance, you create a logical structure for the information on your slide.

Creating a visual hierarchy helps your audience understand your main ideas and follow your topic.

2. Use Unique Fonts

Using unique fonts can make your creative self introduction PPT more intresting.

On Envato Elements, many about me slide templates come with unique fonts that you can download. Also, Envato Elements has thousands of unique, downloadable fonts.

Use fonts to create a specific mood or meaning. People are used to repeatedly seeing the same default fonts, so using a unique font makes it more memorable.

3. Keep Text Down to a Minimum

Resist the temptation to include all the information on your slides. Not only will this overwhelm your audience, but you also run the risk of your audience getting bored as they’ve read what’s on the slide and are now waiting for you to move on to the next one. Share the main idea on the slide and then elaborate in your speech. 

4. Increase the Font Size

Keep in mind that your about me professional presentation will most likely be viewed on a screen or a wall. And not everyone will have a seat that’s front and center. So, you need to increase your font size to at least 28px so even those who are further away can still read what’s on the slide.  

5. Mind Your Photos

Porto Template

Use high-quality photos. You’ll want to make sure that your photos aren’t blurry and are well-lit so everyone can see the subject of your photo. 

6. Ensure There’s Plenty of Contrast

For best practices, make sure there's enough contrast between your slide background and the text. Black text on white background works well and maintains legibility. This will ensure that everyone can read the contents of your presentation. 

7. Be Careful With Colors

Be PowerPoint Presentation Template

Use colors that reflect your personal brand. But don’t go overboard as too much color will distract your audience. Use color as an accent in headings or to add a border around your page instead of as a full slide background.

8. Reduce Your Use of Bullet Points

You can use images to replace bullet points in your about me slide template.

If you’re looking to make a great PowerPoint presentation about yourself, an about me PowerPoint template is the best way to get started. Look at some of the best PowerPoint templates from Envato Elements. Use these to make a very good PowerPoint presentation about yourself:

1. Style Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

Style Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

The Style PowerPoint template has a versatile design that can be used for any type of presentation. It comes with image placeholders for easy editing and 4000 total slides. So, you can include all the relevant information in your presentation. 

It was designed in widescreen resolution. The template also comes with two color schemes, subtle animations, and custom icons.

2. Muli Minimalist PowerPoint Template

Muli Minimalist PowerPoint Template

The Muli template has a minimal yet creative design. It would work well for freelancers in the creative industry and anyone who wants to show off their portfolio. The template was designed in widescreen resolution. It includes 90 unique slides and image placeholders.

3. Karmel Stylish PowerPoint Template  

Karmel Stylish PowerPoint Template

If you’re looking for a stylish PowerPoint template, the Karmel template could be perfect for you. It's got elegant and modern typography and image placeholders for easy editing. The template includes more than 50 unique slides and was designed in widescreen resolution.

4. Rockstar Bold PowerPoint Template  

Rockstar Bold PowerPoint Template

Try the Rockstar PowerPoint template if you’re looking for a bold and edgy design. The template comes with more than 150 unique slides designed in widescreen resolution. You’ll also find image placeholders, five color variations, and editable graphic elements.

5. Retro PowerPoint Template

Retro PowerPoint Template

The Retro PowerPoint template has a simple but attractive design. It comes with 30 slides in total with image placeholders. The template was designed in widescreen resolution. It's got plenty of custom elements to make your presentation about yourself even more memorable. 

The templates linked above are just a small selection of what’s available on Envato Elements. To see even more amazing PowerPoint template design, take a look at these articles:

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

If you’re thinking about using PowerPoint for your presentation, you probably have a lot of questions. Here, we've gathered up some of the most common questions people ask about Microsoft PowerPoint to provide you with some answers:

1. Can I Use Microsoft PowerPoint for Free?

The only way to use PowerPoint used to be by buying a subscription to Microsoft Office. You can use Microsoft PowerPoint for free through the online app. Keep in mind that you won’t have all the features as you would with the desktop version. But if all you need is basic functionality, it'll come in handy. 

2. Can I Add Charts to Microsoft PowerPoint?

Adding charts to Microsoft PowerPoint is easy and allows you to present your data in a visually appealing way. We've got a detailed tutorial that shows you how to make great charts in PowerPoint:

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

3. Can I Edit the Layouts Easily?

Premium Microsoft PowerPoint templates come with pre-built slide layouts that make creating a great presentation easy. But you’re not limited to those layouts. Easily manipulate them and edit them to your liking. We've got a tutorial that walks you through the process:

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

4. How Do I Learn PowerPoint Quickly?

PowerPoint is a powerful program with lots of features. This can be somewhat of an obstacle if you need to learn PowerPoint quickly and make a presentation. Getting familiar with the basics is the best way to speed up the process and learn PowerPoint quickly:

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

5. How Do I Make My Text More Appealing in PowerPoint

Working with text in PowerPoint is pretty straightforward. There are plenty of features hidden in PowerPoint that can help you make your text stand out more. From customizing how your text looks to using shapes to add subtle color backdrops and shadows, there are many ways to highlight text in PowerPoint:

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

Now you know how to make a who am I presentation about yourself. You’ve seen how you can easily create one with the help of a template, it’s time to learn more about using PowerPoint . Knowing how to use PowerPoint will help you design your presentation faster. We've got plenty of tutorials to help you along. 

From learning how to make a good presentation design even better to using PowerPoint to make a great business presentation , there’s plenty to learn when it comes to PowerPoint:

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

Do you want to learn even more about presentations? We've got the resource for you! We'll take you through the complete process to get you ready for your next about me presentation in PPT—from start to finish.

Don't miss our free online presentation guide, The Complete Guide to Making Great Business Presentations . It's chock full of powerful presentation advice to help you make your next presentation about yourself your best yet.

Get Started on Your PowerPoint Presentation About Yourself Today

Creating a very good and engaging presentation about yourself can be daunting. But once you know what to include and put in place basic design principles along with a premade template, this task becomes easier. 

With the tips shared in this tutorial, you’ll create a presentation about yourself that your audience enjoys. The only thing left to do now is to find the perfect PowerPoint template for the task. 

Get started with one of our premium PowerPoint templates from Envato Elements. You'll get access to unlimited templates for one low monthly fee. 

Editorial Note: This post has been updated with contributions from Brenda Barron and Sarah Joy . A video has been added by Andrew Childress . Brenda, Andrew, and Sarah are freelance instructors for Envato Tuts+.

Brenda Barron

Michael Page - Jobs and recruitment agency in Australia, link to home page

How to sell yourself in an interview presentation

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

Confirm the brief

  • The topic(s) you need to present on
  • How long you have to present for
  • Preferred tools or data points to use and reference
  • What tools you’ll be given to present with (for example a projector, a touchscreen monitor, or even an interactive whiteboard)
  • Whether your interviewer(s) will ask questions during or after the presentation
  • Who will be present at the presentation, and their knowledge level on the subject area

Structure your presentation

Keep your presentation concise, prepare notes, then practice your delivery, review data, formatting and spelling.

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9 Ways to Sell Yourself in an Interview (+ Examples)

9 Ways to Sell Yourself in an Interview (+ Examples)

Picture this: you apply for a job and make it to the final round. But another candidate, with less experience than you, gets the offer.

Frustrating, yes. But it’s really common.

The reality is, there’s a sea of candidates applying for each open role. A lot of them are in no way better than you. Yet, they get an offer and you don’t.

This is because you probably don’t know how to sell yourself. And selling yourself in an interview is often the key step to standing out from the competition.

It doesn’t mean being salesy or exaggerating your strengths. It simply means presenting your experience in the best light, knowing the company you’re interviewing with, and knowing interviewing etiquette.

In this article, I’ll help you:

  • Understand what selling yourself means
  • Learn how to sell yourself through research, your USP, and elevator pitch
  • Learn additional tips for making a great impression

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What It Means to “Sell Yourself” in an Interview

In summary:

  • Selling yourself in an interview doesn’t mean overpromising, exaggerating, or being arrogant.
  • It means presenting relevant experience and skills in an appealing way and showing enthusiasm for the role.
  • Remember — talking honestly about things you’ve done well in the past doesn’t make you appear cocky.
  • If you’re a modest person, it can be challenging, but all it takes is a bit of practice for you to go from forgettable to irresistible.

People think selling themselves means overpromising, embellishing past achievements, and being pushy.

It’s actually this simple: selling yourself in an interview means presenting your strengths and skills that the company is looking for, backing them up with evidence, and showing enthusiasm for the role.

If you’re modest, it can be a daunting task — but anyone can do it with a bit of practice. Studies suggest that using self-promotion strategies can improve your interview ranking, so we’d say working on this will definitely pay off.

Take Lawrence for example. He’s a successful IT guy with an impressive resume and no problem getting up in front of a room full of colleagues. However, he hasn’t interviewed in a while and he’s always been a fairly humble guy.

Our career coach, Pam, asked about his strengths in their first session. He got confused and started to stumble and mumble. Lawrence was like most of us — the sheer thought of “self-promotion” made him cringe.

But after one session, Lawrence went from modest and forgettable to irresistible (and he got the job offer that he wanted anyway).

And if you’re like him, we’re here to help. Keep reading, as we’ll teach you how to sell yourself in an interview, step by step.

How to Sell Yourself in an Interview

  • Research and understand your prospective company
  • Identify and articulate your unique selling points (USPs)
  • Create and master your elevator pitch
  • Present your skills and accomplishments
  • Showcase your soft skills
  • Display positive body language
  • Ask insightful questions
  • Close strategically
  • Send a thank-you note

1. Research and understand your prospective company

  • Research who you’re interviewing for and what they want from this role.
  • Your guidelines are the keywords in the job description.
  • Scour their website, google them, check forums and hiring platforms to check their reputation, and speak to their (past) employees.

This is a crucial first step. It will help you:

  • Adjust your approach
  • Highlight relevant skills and experience
  • Come up with relevant and thoughtful questions to ask.

You’ll come across as a person who knows (and owns) their stuff. The kind anyone wants on their team.

Where can you start?

Study the job description and find keywords that will point you in the right direction.

Job ad example - keywords

This will show you what they need and will help you take relevant experiences from your work history and present them in a memorable way.

But you’ll also need to:

  • Visit their website
  • Google their name and reputation
  • Check forums
  • Check hiring platforms for reviews
  • Speak to people who work(ed) for the company to get the bigger picture

✅ Pro tip: Knowing who you’ll speak to during interviewing stages (HR, team leaders, founders, team members) will help you anticipate the kind of questions they’ll ask. HR will be most interested in your experience and qualifications. A CEO might focus on your vision, strategic thinking, and if you’re a cultural fit.

If you need more tips to rock any job interview, we’ve prepared a free course to teach you how to speak about your strengths, sell yourself, and negotiate the salary of your dreams.

2. Identify and articulate your unique selling points (USPs)

  • Identify the unique selling points (USPs) that will make you stand out.
  • Your USPs consist of key skills, key accomplishments, and an element that makes you special (experience in a certain industry; particular project/award; connections…).
  • Support USPs with a proof statement (short story, example, achievement).
  • Mention your USP when asked: “Tell me about yourself”, “Why should we hire you?”, and “Why this role/company?”

To convince a recruiter you’ll be the perfect addition to their company, think of the bits and pieces of your professional self that make you special.

Create your USP by:

  • Mentioning key skills you possess that the company needs.
  • Highlighting your main accomplishment (ideally the one that fits the job ad/company needs).
  • Saying what sets you apart (a particular project/award, experience with certain industries, connections…).

Then, create a supporting proof statement for each selling point. It can be a short story or a particular example that showcases your selling point.

You can see a few examples below, adjusted to fit the criteria outlined in the job ad.

Example selling point #1: Management skills/experience

For a management role, you’ll want to demonstrate that you can successfully lead others. If this is one of your strengths, highlight it with specifics:

Proof Statement A (specific example): In my current role, I have built a great team that has grown from 3 to 14 over the last five years. Early on, I learned a lot from my mentors about how to hire the right people and coach them to success. Now I’m proud to say that my team has been acknowledged as the most productive and cohesive group in the division. Now my bosses send young managers to me to mentor!

Proof Statement B (general description): I love being a manager and I believe it’s one of my greatest strengths. I have managed customer service teams at both large and small companies for more than four years, so I know how to get the best out of customer service professionals.

Example selling point #2: Hard worker

A strong work ethic is a great asset and a desirable quality for almost any position.

Just keep in mind that interviewers hear this “hard worker” claim a lot and may not see it as a huge differentiator. If you choose this as one of your interview selling points, make sure you have a great example or proof statement that shows how you personify this quality.

Also, be sure to supplement this one with additional selling points that are more specific to the role and set you apart more clearly.

Proof Statement A (specific example): In my previous position, I put in many late nights to ensure that our monthly client newsletter went out on time — and that it met the company’s high-quality standards. Because of layoffs, we were understaffed and I volunteered to take on many additional tasks beyond my role — I wrote stories, edited for our other writers, oversaw layout, and served as the final proofreader to ensure no mistakes made it to press. The issue was a huge success and resulted in lots of positive feedback from clients and from senior management.

Proof Statement B (general description): I have always been that person who’s first in the office in the morning and last to leave in the evening. And I’m not happy unless I know I’m giving my all. I’m the guy who taught himself website design so that I could be more valuable to my team on our site redesign project. I also learned the classic drag-and-drop website design using my own portfolio as an example, so I could use this format for future projects. 

✅ Pro tip: You can mention your USPs on several occasions during the interview — when they ask:

  • “Tell me about yourself”
  • “Why should we hire you?”
  • “Why this role/company?”

And for additional tips on how to leave a great impression, check out the video below:

3. Create and master your elevator pitch

  • Create a 30–60–second–long elevator pitch to show who you are as a professional.
  • Your elevator pitch = who you are, what you accomplished, what you can do for the company, and how you fit in.
  • Be positive and practice for a perfect delivery.

An elevator pitch is a concise, appealing summary of your experience and key skills, typically delivered in the time span of an elevator ride — hence the name.

In an interview, you can generally use your elevator pitch when you’re asked “Tell me about yourself,” usually right at the beginning of an interview.

How to create an elevator pitch

  • Be brief (30–60 seconds tops).
  • Share your key accomplishments and skills: who you are and what you’ve done.
  • Know your audience and speak to them: what you’ll do for them and how you fit in.
  • Be positive: your enthusiasm counts and is an important factor recruiters will take into account.

Elevator pitch: Sample

I’m a Customer Service Specialist with 9 years of experience in the SaaS industry, primarily in the Trucking and Logistics sector. I have extensive experience with the biggest ELDs on the market. Over the past 4 years, I consistently exceeded expectations, resulting in 2 promotions in my current company. I’m looking for new challenges, perhaps even taking on more responsibilities as a Customer Success Manager, and I believe my versatile experience and connections are a solid starting point. I’m passionate about meaningful work and my unique blend of strong technical skills and excellent communication allows me to deliver exceptional service to customers. I’d love to discuss how my expertise can contribute to your team’s success.

4. Present your skills and accomplishments

  • Focus on quantifiable accomplishments and relevant skills.
  • Use the PAR (Problem-Action-Solution) formula to think of achievements.
  • Check the frequency and scale of your work to think of achievements.
  • Make your achievements SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely).
  • If you don’t have enough relevant experience, qualitative achievements will do (positive feedback and similar).
  • Use the STAR (Situation-Task-Action-Result) method when talking about achievements.

Remember that golden resume rule that you should always focus on your accomplishments and skills rather than everyday duties?

The same goes for interviews.

Quantifiable achievements (and relevant skills) are something you’ll always want to emphasize.

They’re solid proof of everything you say about yourself. Having trouble coming up with or quantifying achievements?

Use the PAR (Problem-Action-Solution) formula

For every position you worked in, think about some of your successes and what actions you took to achieve them. What problems were they tied to? This should help you get inspired.

Make your accomplishments SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely

This means providing achievements that are specific, measurable, data-driven, and believable.

Talk about frequency and scale

Think about how frequently you were able to deliver your work (resolved X customer tickets/day, wrote X long-form pieces of content/month, booked X demos with clients/week) or the scale of your work (how many people you managed, how many people from other departments you collaborated with, how big the budgets you handled were…). These are achievements in themselves.

List qualitative achievements

If you don’t have hard numbers but you still feel like you improved something, you can still bring it up as an achievement in an interview. Telling a story about it will create space for you to showcase your skills, especially if you’re just starting out and lack relevant experience (qualitative achievements are praises from your superiors, awards, promotions, and similar).

Use the STAR model

Once you have the list of achievements and skills you want to mention, the best way to showcase them is through the STAR model (Situation-Task-Action-Result) .

  • Situation: the context of the problem you were faced with.
  • Task: how you wanted to solve the problem.
  • Action: what exactly you did.
  • Results: the impact your action made on the business (it’s best to quantify the results whenever possible).

For each accomplishment, pick a single event from your experience. This is the most efficient way to prove your skills. And if you practice before the interview, your story will flow naturally, it will be engaging and compelling, and you’ll be able to efficiently get your point across.

Our Answer Builder will help you list supporting arguments for each event you want to mention.

Big Interview's Answer Builder

5. Showcase your soft skills

  • Don’t merely talk about soft skills — find a way to prove them during the interview.
  • For proving interpersonal and communication skills, be an active listener, be clear and concise, and use positive body language.
  • For proving you’re dedicated, prepare for the interview, research the company, and know their pain points.
  • For proving your wit, know the company and ask smart, relevant questions.

Unlike hard skills, you can’t really quantify soft skills and present them as achievements. Yet, they’re equally important. So how do you showcase them in an effective way?

During the interview process itself.

Want to showcase your interpersonal and communication skills? ➡️ Be an active listener. Ensure you fully understand a question before answering. In your answers, be clear and concise. Pay attention to your non-verbal cues, nod your head to let a recruiter know you’re listening, and use positive body language (eye contact, open arms, body facing their direction). After the interview, send a thank-you note.

Want to showcase you’re dedicated and resourceful? ➡️ Come to the interview prepared. Getting to know the company before the interview will hint at how dedicated and resourceful you are in everything that you do.

Want to showcase your sharp wit and critical thinking? ➡️ Ask the right questions after the interview . Make sure they’re meaningful and tailored to the company you applied for — they’ll reveal a ton of useful information. You get the drill. Actions speak louder than words here.

6. Display positive body language

  • Have a firm handshake and maintain eye contact.
  • Sit up straight, facing the interviewer with your whole body. Don’t cross your arms.
  • Smile when appropriate.
  • Control nervous habits: no leg shaking and pen clicking.
  • Practice in front of the mirror to quickly improve.

“It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it” — this is actually, mostly true. More than half of what you communicate is through your body language and non-verbal communication instead of what you actually say.

Verbal vs non-verbal communication by London Image Institute

Being mindful of your non-verbal communication and body language will help you be confident and sell yourself, leave the right impression, and establish a more professional presence.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Practice a firm handshake and eye contact. This will help you immensely with first impressions.
  • Sit up straight. Don’t slouch or lean away from the interviewer. Keep your back straight, your arms open, and your entire body turned towards the interviewer.
  • Maintain a proper amount of eye contact. Don’t avoid eye contact but don’t overdo it and stare at the interviewer all the time — a healthy amount, the one you’d use with your family and friends, will do. Maintaining eye contact will show that you’re confident and engaged.
  • Smile when appropriate. A genuine smile during the handshake and when talking about positive experiences in your past will make a world of difference — showing that you’re an approachable, warm person, even hinting that you’re a team player.
  • Control nervous habits. Don’t bite your nails, shake your leg, or click your pen. Contrary to what you think, these will only make you more nervous. Stop it and you’ll see your mind and body relax.
  • Practice. Stand in front of the mirror (or use our Mock Interview Tool) and observe your body language, eye contact, hand gestures, and general posture. You should be able to quickly figure out areas of improvement and work on them to eliminate the negatives and be the best version of yourself in the interview. If you use the Mock Interview Tool, you’ll also get instant feedback on the quality of your answer, the pace of your speech, the power words that you used, and similar. You can also share your answers with friends, family, or coaching mentors who can help you further perfect your delivery.

Inside Big Interview's mock interview tool

7. Ask insightful questions

  • The questions you ask at the end of the interview can make or break your reputation.
  • Don’t be lazy, research the company and prepare a set of tailored questions.
  • Nice questions to ask: “Why is this position open?”; “A year from now when you’re looking back on this hire, what would I have done to exceed every expectation?”; “What do new employees often find surprising after they start?; “Where do you see this role in the company’s growth?”
  • Never say “No questions on my side, thanks.”

To put it frankly, the questions you ask at the end of the interview will show if you’re lazy and forgettable or curious and resourceful. They can make or break your status with a recruiter. God forbid you say “No questions on my side, thanks.”

If you get these questions right, it’ll give you an advantage over 90% of other applicants — and will help you to sell yourself. Not to mention you’ll identify if the company is the right fit for you.

You can ask all types of questions based on the company you’re interviewing for, the industry it operates in, company culture, or its long-term plans and vision.

Examples of insightful questions you can ask:

  • Why is this position open?
  • A year from now when you’re looking back on this hire, what would I have done to exceed every expectation?
  • What do new employees often find surprising after they start?
  • Where do you see this role in the company’s growth?
  • What are the biggest challenges your team is currently facing and how are you addressing them?
  • What’s different about working here than anywhere else you’ve worked?

Check our full guide for more smart questions to ask in a job interview .

8. Close strategically

  • The end of the interview is your last chance to leave a lasting impression.
  • Make a small announcement showing gratitude, circling back to company values and how you share them, restate your interest in the position, recap key points, ask for the next steps, and be courteous and confident.
  • Do this at the end of the interview after you answered all the questions. You can say something like “Before we leave, I just want to thank you for your time and…”

Closing the interview is your last chance to leave a lasting impression, so you’ll want to make sure you emphasize your dedication, passion, and the fact that you’re the right fit for the role.

Here are a few tips to help you close your interview strategically and make recruiters excited about extending you an offer.

1. Show gratitude

Thank the recruiter for their time and show appreciation for the opportunity to discuss the role and company in question.

2. Circle back to the company’s culture and values 

Briefly mention the examples of shared values and goals between you and the company — it’ll show that you did your research and that you’re a cultural fit.

3. Emphasize your interest in the position

Restate how interested you are in the position within their company and mention a particular detail from the conversation/job description that made you excited to work there. Make sure to mention how the position matches your skills and experience and your professional plans for the future.

4. Recap key points

Briefly go through the key points mentioned during the interview (particular achievements and skills that make you a perfect fit). It’ll remind recruiters of how you can bring value.

5. Ask for the next steps

Feel free to inquire about the next steps in the interview process and how you’ll be moving forward. But remember to be polite!

6. Be courteous 

Thank the recruiter once again for their time and efforts and say you’re looking forward to hearing from them soon.

7. Display healthy confidence

Confidence is a magnet that will make others more attracted to you. Interestingly, confident candidates high in extroversion tend to engage in more honest self-promotion . This might motivate you to at least fake it till you make it.

✅ Pro tip: The perfect time to close the interview strategically is after all the questions are answered and the interview is about to end. You can start by saying something like “Before we leave, I just want to thank you for your time and…”

9. Send a thank-you note

  • Sending a thank-you note after the interview is the last step to take in the interview process.
  • Send it in the form of an email within 24 hours after the interview.
  • If you interviewed with several people, send them thank-you emails separately.
  • In this email, thank the recruiter for their time, personalize by mentioning one of the key points of discussion, subtly demonstrate you’re the right fit, and restate your interest in the position.

So you prepared for your interview , learned all types of questions and how to best answer them , learned how to sell yourself, and crushed the interview.

Chill time, right?

Not yet. Not until you take the final, crucial step to selling yourself:

Writing a post-interview thank-you note , the cherry on top that will solidify the rapport you established with the recruiter.

Here’s a few tips on how to write it:

  • Begin this email by thanking the recruiter for their time
  • Personalize it by briefly mentioning some of the key points of discussion
  • Include details about your excitement for the position
  • Subtly demonstrate how you’re a fit for the role
  • Reiterate your interest
  • Send the email within 24 hours after the interview
  • If you had an interview with several people, send them separate thank-you notes (don’t copy-paste the same email to everyone!)

For more details and specific instructions on how to write a thank-you note, head here: How to Write an Interview Thank You Email [Tips + Examples] .

Post-interview thank-you note sample

Subject Line: Thank You | Content Writer Interview

Dear Rachel, Once again, thank you for the time you took to meet with me yesterday to discuss the Content Writer position at your company. I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about Skillful Communications, especially the details regarding the collaborative company culture and systematic approach to operational processes, which I really value.

I’m excited about the potential opportunity to work with your diverse team of writers and editors, as I’m certain I’d provide value with my educational background and hands-on writing and editing experience.

Please let me know if there is any additional information you need from me. I hope to hear back from you and have the opportunity to continue our discussion about the role.

Sincerely, Maja Stojanovic

How to Sell Yourself in an Interview: Popular Opinion vs. Expert Advice

Most people can’t stand the idea of “selling” themselves in an interview because they don’t really understand what it means. You might think you need to brag about yourself or exaggerate your accomplishments to win the interviewer over, but that’s rarely the case.

Let’s see what people from Reddit and Quora had to say about this. 

Neurorex on Reddit said:

“Selling yourself” has been one of the most damaging advice that’s been floating out there, with a terrible return rate, and successes that may not even have been attributed to the candidate’s salesmanship. With interviewers always expecting different things from applicants, this isn’t something you “failed” at, any more than you can fail at reading people’s minds. It’s just been a really sexy thing for people to say, to make them feel like they’re helping others by giving advice.

It’s more important to just be your best, professional self. Those interview questions are already ineffective in the first place, so it doesn’t help anyone to cater to random expectations. If you walk in and interpret the questions using your best professional judgment, and respond in kind, at least you can walk away from the meeting knowing that you were at least the most honest one in the room (whether you ultimately get the job or not).

Career expert comments:

The perfect example of what we talked about above — it’s easy to misinterpret this phrase and avoid it.

I wouldn’t say that interviewers expect to hear anything in particular from candidates. There’s no script candidates should follow blindly. Each question is there for you to display the way you think, the values you uphold, and the experiences you went through. That being said, I agree that you should be your honest, best professional self. No one expects you to lie, but it is expected that you prepare a few achievements relevant to the position you applied for and show that you’re aligned with the company. And that’s honest, right? ‘Cause otherwise you wouldn’t be invited to the interview. So coming in prepared, being sincere, and connecting with the interviewer in a meaningful way is more than enough to “sell” yourself. 

Tom O’Brien from Quora says:  

Well, the hiring company is making a decision to pay money for your services. Seems to me that that is the equivalent of a buying situation for them (and a selling situation for the interviewee).

In sales, the goal is to add value. The buyer should get some return on their investment. Going into an interview, my mindset is always “How can I add value to this company”. 

If you can’t answer that question, then you are not prepared for the interview. I believe this is true for ALL positions. Adding value in my context might mean the ability to implement a sales process AND land big enterprise accounts. If you are interviewing to be a dishwasher, adding value means always being on time and willing and able to help out whenever and wherever needed. Happy to be a team player so we all succeed.

Think in detail about how you add value before the interview.

In simple, transactional terms, this is the ultimate truth. It’s a proactive, value-driven approach to interviews. You will provide services you’ll be paid for — and your employer will buy those services and spend money. You need to showcase why your services are great and better than other candidates’ services. At the end of the day, the focus will always be on what you bring to the table.

Perfect-Maize-5540 says:

I’m not sure you actually need to be unique at a job interview. That could easily backfire. Just being memorably above average or qualified will probably do the trick.

Well, this sums it up nicely. You don’t need the fluff, the exaggeration, the lying, or the fake confidence (I’ve seen a lot of “fake it til you make it” pieces of advice on Reddit). You just need to show up prepared, talk about your strengths, and back them up with quantifiable accomplishments. These strengths need to be aligned with the job ad and demonstrate how you can help the company solve its pain points. If you can do this, you’ll be ahead of most of the candidates.

Summary of the Main Points

  • Knowing how to sell yourself in an interview is a skill that will help you stand out (even if you have less experience than other candidates).
  • Selling yourself isn’t bragging or lying in order to get a job — it’s presenting yourself and speaking about your skills and experience in a memorable, appealing way.
  • In order to successfully do it, you’ll need to research and understand the prospective company, identify and promote your unique selling points, master your elevator pitch, focus on measurable accomplishments, and showcase your soft skills as well as your spotless non-verbal communication and body language.
  • Post-interview thank-you notes are a useful tool that will help you solidify the great impression you left on the recruiter.
  • As usual, preparing and practicing selling yourself in an interview will make you confident and appealing, increasing your chances of landing that offer.


Need a hand? There’s 3 ways we can help:

  • Tired of interviewing and not landing the job? Discover actionable lessons and interview practice here (Rated with 4.9/5 by 1,000,000 users).
  • Learn about 30+ common job interview mistakes to avoid .
  • Find out how to decrease anxiety and calm your nerves before a job interview .

I’m on my way to the interview now — what’s the key thing to do to sell myself?

Present your accomplishments and skills in a way that will prove you 1) have the experience 2) are aware of the company’s needs 3) are the right person for the job. Use the STAR model to showcase your achievements and pay attention to your non-verbal communication (be polite, smile when appropriate, and assume positive body language).

How to sell yourself in an interview if you have no experience?

By focusing on what you have: transferable skills, academic experience, and any work experience, however small. In these cases, draw a lesson from each academic experience and take one or two key transferable skills that will show you have the potential to be successful in a role (always focus on key skills listed in the job ad). Try to draw parallels between your existing skills and achievements and how you could use them to be successful in the future. Display positive body language, be polite, ask smart questions at the end of the interview, and send a post-interview thank-you email.

How to sell yourself in an interview for a managerial role?

Pick out your proudest leadership accomplishments and tell them through appealing stories using the STAR method. Present your key managerial skills (ideally ones also mentioned in the job description) as your unique selling points and prepare a proof point for each.

How to sell yourself in 30 seconds?

Create a spotless elevator pitch in which you’ll briefly touch upon who you are and what you do, your proudest accomplishment, and how you can bring value to the new company. You can be positive, persuasive, and confident in your delivery by practicing beforehand.

Can introverts successfully sell themselves?

Absolutely! Selling yourself in an interview is not about being extroverted, bold, loud, or boisterous. It’s about presenting your strongest accomplishments and skills and backing them up with proof. Preparing your unique selling points and practicing in advance will help you sell yourself, even if you’re on the introverted side. If it’s easier, you can use another technique: engaging in self-verification behavior that might help you present yourself authentically. Or, if you want a more realistic picture, you can throw in a story or two about your own shortcomings .

What if I have no unique selling points and am just a solid employee?

Being a solid employee is a strength in itself. If you don’t have crazy achievements or unique selling points, you can always turn to the quality, scale, or frequency of your work — talk about how much you got done and how quickly you got it done. Emphasize soft skills like being consistent, dependable, hard-working, adaptable, and similar. Focus on qualitative achievements (promotions, company awards, positive feedback, bonuses, etc.) and use the STAR method when speaking about your accomplishments.

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

Maja Stojanovic

Michael Tomaszewski

Fact Checked By:

Briana Dilworth

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How to Sell Yourself in an Interview Presentation

​It’s second interview time and they’ve asked you to present – but where do you start!?

Depending on the role that you’re applying for, the more senior it is, the more likely you’ll be asked to give a presentation as part of the interview process. A presentation allows the interviewer to access your public speaking abilities, your knowledge of a specific topic and your ability to stay calm under pressure.

Heres our top tips on how to sell yourself in an interview presentation:

Understand the brief

This is, in a way, your first test. The interviewer wants to know that you can take in a brief and roll with it, so it’s important for you to understand exactly what is required.

Don’t be afraid to ask the hiring manager for clarification if the brief is well, brief. It’s particularly important to ask who you will be presenting to, so you know your audience. Questions such as the length of the presentation and what technology will be available are the basics which you need to know from the start.  

Keep it concise

If you’ve followed our advice so far, you should now know the length of the presentation that you are required to deliver. In order to keep your audience engaged, we would always recommend you keep it as concise as possible.

Remember, don’t overcrowd your slides. Keep it simple and verbally expand on any points that need a little extra explanation. Think of it as a road sign; provide enough information to be useful but not too much so that it becomes distracting. We find that ensuring slides are visually pleasing with diagrams, images and colours keeping the audience interested but ideally, the slides should only be there to back up the argument that you are communicating verbally.

TOP TIP | If you have long sections of text or graphs that you need to share, how about putting them onto a handout instead?

Structure is key

Make sure that your story is easy-to-follow and your key message is easy to digest, remember and pass on. To efficiently do this you need to ensure your presentation has structure.

We like to use the ‘Why, How, What’ method and the below helpful ‘STAR’ acronym, depending on the situation, to stay on track.


S - Situation T - Task A - Action R – Results

Practice, and practice again !

The biggest and best tip we can share is to  practice ! You could either practice running through your presentation to a friend or family member or you could practice in front of a mirror. When you practice it’s a good idea to time yourself to minimise the chances of you running overtime on the day.

We’d also advise you to not read from a script. There’s nothing worse than having someone present to you who’s constantly looking down at a piece of paper. Instead, we’d recommend you write short bullet points on some small cue cards.

Along with this, we would recommend you double-check all of your spelling and grammar and if possible, ask a friend to proof it too.

All of the above should stand you in good stead for smashing your interview presentation.  Now all that’s left is to be creative, be professional and most of all be yourself!

If you haven’t yet secured an interview,  check out our top CV tips  to get your job search off to a good start. Or, if you think you’re ready to apply now, browse our latest job roles  here .  

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Introducing yourself and setting a professional stage whether with a colleague at a networking event or at an interview is very important. The only thing that makes your introduction easy and effective is the elevator pitch . 

Elevator pitch or also known simplistically as an elevator speech is basically a synopsis you deliver or show about your background. And the reason it is called an elevator pitch is that it should be short enough to deliver even on an elevator. 

Hence it is a must that you keep your elevator pitch short and on-point. This article will cover all the to deliver an excellent elevator speech, including;

What is an elevator pitch?

Why is it important, how to write an elevator pitch.

To make it easy for you to understand. 

A personal elevator pitch is nothing but summarising yourself. 

As we ride on an elevator from the bottom to the top of a building, it takes us about 40 to 60 seconds. Similarly, Elevator pitches are something similar to actual elevators, we get about 40 to 60 seconds to elevate ourselves. 

If you want to sell yourself professionally then an elevator pitch is the way to go.

Example: I recently graduated from college with a degree in literature. I worked on college magazines as a writer, and eventually, as the editor of the arts section. I’m looking for a job that will put my skills as a writer to work.

The above-mentioned example will help you as a reference to customize your elevator pitch. 

Some of the benefits of an elevator pitch are:-

1. An elevator pitch works as an ice breaker in a conversation. Whether we are in an interview or event one question always arises, “how should I start the conversation?” and the answer is, through, elevator pitch. 

2. During an in-person interview, you will always be asked to introduce yourself and what your background is, and what you learned from your career. The elevator pitch can be helpful to answer. And it can also be helpful for you to write a cover letter.

3. One more benefit of a personal elevator pitch is that it helps you introduce yourself in every opportunity that comes in front of you in daily life.

4. Whether you are at a store, at a party, or a networking event, even if you are in the middle of a road, your personal pitch will easily attract people to connect with you or to consider you at every opportunity that arises. 

5. An advantage of an elevator pitch is that it will never let you wait, you can always take the lead. Instead of waiting for the other person to take the lead, you can explain through your pitch what you have to offer. 

6. In some interacting positions, like a  job interview or mentoring, an elevator pitch can be a relief to people. It will show your smartness and knowledge about your needs and how to present them in front of people smartly. 

Keep these points in mind while writing your elevator pitch;

1. Introduction:

Whenever you approach someone to pitch to, no matter where you are, at an event, or an interview, or wherever, always start by introducing yourself.

Smile, tell your full name, make a warm handshake and politely say “nice to meet you!”. 

2. Summarize what you do:

Now is the time when you will summarize your background. You have to start with your educational background and then your career history, including your work experience, or you can also mention any key specialties you have that may seem appropriate according to the situation. 

If you are unsure of what you should include then write your thoughts on a piece of rough paper. Once done proofread it and eliminate the points you feel unfit or hard to explain in a short period of time. Highlight all the important points and then try to portray it like a story. 

How you should deliver it?

Now that you have written an elevator pitch for yourself, you have completed half the task, but half is yet left, that is practicing how to deliver it. 

Giving a loud read to your pitch will help you mark any errors you made while writing. You can also think of substitute lines to make it better to listen. You can even ask your friend or family to give you feedback on your pitch so that you can polish it. Keep it understandable and make sure you do not shift from the main track. 

Let us look at an example to understand what is an elevator pitch;

Hi, my name is Sumit. Glad to get your time today. After graduating with my bachelor’s degree in literature honors, I have spent my last three years building a professional experience as a ‘Content Writer’. I have Successfully managed writing and publishing blogs for my company’s website and generated a strong positive work environment for my colleagues. I was excited after I learned about this opportunity in the conference hall. This culture of reading has always brought people together and I would passionately love the opportunity to bring my writing and creative abilities to this position.


Starting a conversation from nowhere with an unfamiliar person always feels embarrassing and awkward, but an  elevator pitch helps us break the ice and grab the attention of people without making the conversation awkward. 

But it is important to remember that an elevator pitch only works when you have prepared it with all your sincerity and have presented it in front of the people in a way, they feel comfortable and impressed with.

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Home Blog Presentation Ideas About Me Slides: How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation

About Me Slides: How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

From conference talks to client demos, it’s always essential to include an About Me slide in any presentation you are giving. Introducing yourself early into the presentation helps build a better rapport with the audience.

You can start with several fun facts about me slide to break the ice or go for a more formal professional bio to explain your background and what makes you qualified to talk about the topic at hand. At any rate, your goal is to get the audience on your side by revealing some of your personality. 

How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation: 4 Approaches 

It’s a good practice to include self-introduction slides at the beginning of your presentation. If you are looking to answer how to introduce yourself professionally, typically somewhere after the title, opening slide , and the main agenda. However, the presentation structure will be somewhat different depending on whether you are presenting to a new audience or a group of people familiar with (e.g., your team, clients, or business partners). 

Here are four about me slide ideas you can try out, plus an About me template you can use to present yourself in a presentation. 

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

1. Mention Your Name and Affiliations

Start with the introduction basics. State your name, company, title/position, and several quick facts about who you are and what you do. Even if you present to a familiar audience, a brief recap is always welcome. 

To keep things a bit more engaging, consider adding some lesser-known facts about yourself. For example:

  • Your interests 
  • Recent accomplishments
  • Testimonial/quote from a team member 
  • Fun nicknames you got 

The above can be nice ice breakers for less formal team presentations, project updates, or catch-ups with clients. 

Here are several unique About Me examples you can try out:

For a client case study presentation : 

“Hi, I’m Lynda, Chief Customer Success Specialist with Acme Corp. (Also, someone you thought was a chatbot for the first few encounters)

47 NPS | 15% Churn Rate | 40% repeat purchase rate”

For a team after-action review presentation :

Mike, Project Manager at Cool Project

(aka Maximizer)

Personal Project stats:

387 Slack messages answered

56 cups of coffee consumed

Project profit gross margin: $1.2 million 

2. Work On Your Elevator Pitch 

One of the best ways to introduce yourself in a presentation is to share a punchy elevator pitch. This works extra well if you are presenting to a new audience. 

An elevator pitch is a concise statement (1-2 sentences) that summarizes your unique strengths, skills, and abilities and explains how these can benefit your listener. 

It’s nice to have one ready for your presentations and networking in general since it helps you immediately connect with new people and communicate your value. 

Writing a solid elevator pitch may require several attempts and iterations. But the sooner you start — the faster you’ll arrive at the best formula! 

To get your creative juices flowing, here are several elevator pitch ideas you can incorporate in an introduction slide about yourself. 

For professionals: 

“Certified Salesforce Administrator, data visualization specialist, and analytics for top SaaS brands. I help businesses make more sense of their data to drive better outcomes”.

For a mentor :

“Adjunct professor of creative writing at Columbia University, published author, former lifestyle editor at Esquire, the New York Times. I can teach you how to find, shape, pitch, and publish stories for web & print.”

For a student: 

“Third-year Marine Biology student at Denver State Uni. Volunteer at Lake Life Protection NGO, climate change activist, looking to expand my research about water conservation”.

3. Answer Popular Questions or Assumptions 

If you are a frequent presenter , chances are you get asked a lot of the same “About Me questions” after your speeches and during the networking bits. So why not address a roaster of these in your About Me slide? Select 4-5 most common questions and list them as quick FAQs on your slide deck. 

4. Focus on Telling a Story 

Strong introductions are personable. They are meant to offer a sneak-peak into your personality and the passion behind your work. That’s why for less formal presentations, you can (and should!) start with a short personal story. 

Remember: reliability is important to “click” with your audience. 

For instance, neuroscience research of political ads recently found that ads featuring real people performed better than those with genetic stock footage. Among viewers, emotional engagement and memory encoding (recall) increased dramatically when political ads showed relatable people. 

The same holds true for commerce. In 2015, GE launched a viral “What’s the Matter With Owen?” video ad series to attract more young talent to the company. The clips featured a relatable protagonist, struggling to explain what his work at GE entails e.g. that the company isn’t building railroads, but actually does some very innovative pilots. Many engineers related to the promo and work applications to GE shoot up by 800% ! 

As the above examples show, a good relatable story can go a long way. So think about how you can make a PowerPoint presentation about yourself more representative of who you really are as a person. 

How to Give a Presentation About Yourself: 4 Fool-Proof Tips

On other occasions, you may be asked to give a full-length “about me” presentation. Typically, this is the case during a second interview, onboarding , or if you are in attending a training program or workshop where everyone needs to present themselves and their work. 

Obviously, you’ll need more than one good about me slide in this case. So here’s how to prepare a superb presentation about me. 

What to Put in a Presentation About Yourself?

The audience will expect to learn a mix of personal and professional facts about you. Thus, it’s a good idea to include the following information: 

  • Your name, contact info, website , social media handles, digital portfolio .
  • Short bio or some interesting snippets. 
  • Career timeline (if applicable).
  • Main achievements (preferably quantifiable).
  • Education, special training.
  • Digital badging awards , accolades, and other types of recognition.
  • Something more personal — an interest, hobby, aspiration. 

The above mix of items will change a bit, depending on whether you are giving an interview presentation about yourself or introduce yourself post-hiring. For example, in some cases a dedicated bio slide may be useful, but other times focusing on main achievements and goals can be better.

That being said, let’s take a closer look at how to organize the above information in a memorable presentation. 

P.S. Grab an about me slide template to make the design process easier! 

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

1. Create a List of “Facts About Me”

The easiest way to answer the “tell me about yourself” question is by having an array of facts you can easily fetch from your brain. 

When it comes to a full-length about me presentation , it’s best to have a longer list ready. To keep your brainstorming process productive, organize all your ideas in the following buckets: 

  • Key skills (soft and hard)
  • Educational accolades, training
  • Accomplishments and other “bragging rights”
  • Personal tidbits (a.k.a. fun facts ) 

Once you have a list, it gets easier to build a series of slides around it. 

2. Think Like Your Audience 

Most likely you’d be asked to make a presentation about yourself by a recruiter. There’s a good reason why many ask this — they want to determine if you are a good “cultural fit” for their organization. 

After all, 33% of people quit within the first 3 months of accepting a new job. Among these:

  • 43% of employees quit because their day-to-day role was different than what they were told it would be during the hiring process.
  • 32% cite company culture as a factor for leaving within the first three months. 

About me presentations often serve as an extra “filter” helping both parties ensure that they are on the same page expectations- and work style-wise. Thus, when you prepare your slide deck, do some background company research. Then try to align the presentation with it by matching the company tone, communication style, and cultural values. 

3. Include Testimonials and Recommendations

Use the voice of others to back up the claims you are making in your presentation. After all, trumping your own horn is what you are expected to do in such a presentation. But the voices of others can strengthen the claims you are personally making. 

Depending on your role and industry, try to sprinkle some of the following testimonials: 

  • LinkedIn recommendations
  • Quotes from personal or professional references
  • Social media comments 
  • Data metrics of your performance
  • Funny assessments from your colleagues/friends 

The above not just strengthen your narrative, but also help the audience learn some extras about you and your background. Testimonial slides can be of help for this purpose.

4. Include a Case Study 

One of the best ways to illustrate who you are is to show what you are best in. Remember, an about me presentation often needs to “soft sell” your qualifications, experience, and personality. 

One of the best ways to do that is to showcase how you can feel in a specific need and solve issues the business is facing. 

So if you have the timeframe, use some of the ending slides to deliver a quick case study. You can present: 

  • Short retrospective of a past successful project
  • Before-after transformations you’ve achieved 
  • Spotlight of the main accomplishments within the previous role 
  • Main customer results obtained
  • Specific solution delivered by you (or the team you’ve worked with) 

Ending your presentation on such a high note will leave the audience positively impressed and wondering what results you could achieve for them.

To Conclude 

It’s easy to feel stumped when you are asked to talk about yourself. Because there are so many things you could mention (but not necessarily should). At the same time, you don’t want to make your introduction sound like a bragging context. So always think from the position of your audience. Do the facts you choose to share benefit them in any way? If yes, place them confidently on your About Me slides! 

1. Personal Self Introduction PowerPoint Template

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

Use This Template

2. Self Introduction PowerPoint Template

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

3. Meet the Team PowerPoint Template Slides

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

4. Introduce Company Profile PowerPoint Template

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

5. Modern 1-Page Resume Template for PowerPoint

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

6. Modern Resume Presentation Template

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

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7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (And How to Make Them Your Own)

7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (And How to Make Them Your Own)

7 Types of Slides to Include In Your Sales Presentation

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A brilliant sales presentation has a number of things going for it.

Being product-centered isn’t one of them. Or simply focusing on your sales pitch won’t do the trick.

So what can you do to make your offer compelling?

From different types of slides to persuasive techniques and visuals, we’ve got you covered.

Below, we look at data-backed strategies, examples, and easy steps to build your own sales presentations in minutes.

  • Title slide: Company name, topic, tagline
  • The “Before” picture: No more than three slides with relevant statistics and graphics.
  • The “After” picture: How life looks with your product. Use happy faces.
  • Company introduction: Who you are and what you do (as it applies to them).
  • The “Bridge” slide: Short outcome statements with icons in circles.
  • Social proof slides: Customer logos with the mission statement on one slide. Pull quote on another.
  • “We’re here for you” slide: Include a call-to-action and contact information.

Many sales presentations fall flat because they ignore this universal psychological bias: People overvalue the benefits of what they have over what they’re missing.

Harvard Business School professor John T. Gourville calls this the “ 9x Effect .” Left unchecked, it can be disastrous for your business.

the psychology behind a sales presentation

According to Gourville, “It’s not enough for a new product simply to be better. Unless the gains far outweigh the losses, customers will not adopt it.”

The good news: You can influence how prospects perceive these gains and losses. One of the best ways to prove value is to contrast life before and after your product.

Luckily, there’s a three-step formula for that.

  • Before → Here’s your world…
  • After → Imagine what it would be like if…
  • Bridge → Here’s how to get there.

Start with a vivid description of the pain, present an enviable world where that problem doesn’t exist, then explain how to get there using your tool.

It’s super simple, and it works for cold emails , drip campaigns , and sales discovery decks. Basically anywhere you need to get people excited about what you have to say.

In fact, a lot of companies are already using this formula to great success. The methods used in the sales presentation examples below will help you do the same.

We’re all drawn to happiness. A study at Harvard tells us that emotion is contagious .

You’ll notice that the “Before” (pre-Digital Age) pictures in Facebook’s slides all display neutral faces. But the cover slide that introduces Facebook and the “After” slides have smiling faces on them.

This is important. The placement of those graphics is an intentional persuasion technique.

Studies by psychologists show that we register smiles faster than any other expression. All it takes is 500 milliseconds (1/20th of a second). And when participants in a study were asked to recall expressions, they consistently remembered happy faces over neutral ones.

What to do about it : Add a happy stock photo to your intro and “After” slides, and keep people in “Before” slides to neutral expressions.

Here are some further techniques used during the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Simple Graphics

Use simple graphics to convey meaning without text.

Example: Slide 2 is a picture of a consumer’s hand holding an iPhone — something we can all relate to.

Why It Works: Pictures are more effective than words — it’s called  Picture Superiority . In presentations, pictures help you create connections with your audience. Instead of spoon-feeding them everything word for word, you let them interpret. This builds trust.

Tactic #2: Use Icons

Use icons to show statistics you’re comparing instead of listing them out.

Example: Slide 18 uses people icons to emphasize how small 38 out of 100 people is compared to 89 out of 100.

Why It Works:  We process visuals 60,000 times faster than text.

Tactic #3: Include Statistics

Include statistics that tie real success to the benefits you mention.

Example: “71% lift driving visits to retailer title pages” (Slide 26).

Why It Works:  Precise details prove that you are telling the truth.

Just like how you can’t drive from Marin County to San Francisco without the Golden Gate, you can’t connect a “Before” to an “After” without a bridge.

Add the mission statement of your company — something Contently does from Slide 1 of their deck. Having a logo-filled Customers slide isn’t unusual for sales presentations, but Contently goes one step further by showing you exactly what they do for these companies.

sales presentation

They then drive home the Before-After-Bridge Formula further with case studies:

sales presentation

Before : Customer’s needs when they came on

After: What your company accomplished for them

Bridge : How they got there (specific actions and outcomes)

Here are some other tactics we pulled from the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Graphics/Diagrams

Use graphics, Venn diagrams, and/or equations to drive home your “Before” picture.

Why It Works:  According to a Cornell study , graphs and equations have persuasive power. They “signal a scientific basis for claims, which grants them greater credibility.”

Tactic #2: Keep Slides That Have Bullets to a Minimum

Keep slides that have bullets to a minimum. No more than one in every five slides.

Why It Works:  According to an experiment by the International Journal of Business Communication , “Subjects exposed to a graphic representation paid significantly more attention to , agreed more with, and better recalled the strategy than did subjects who saw a (textually identical) bulleted list.”

Tactic #3: Use Visual Examples

Follow up your descriptions with visual examples.

Example: After stating “15000+ vetted, ready to work journalists searchable by location, topical experience, and social media influence” on Slide 8, Contently shows what this looks like firsthand on slides 9 and 10.

Why It Works:  The same reason why prospects clamor for demos and car buyers ask for test drives. You’re never truly convinced until you see something for yourself.

Which is more effective for you?

This statement — “On average, Yesware customers save ten hours per week” — or this image:

sales presentation

The graphic shows you what that 10 hours looks like for prospects vs. customers. It also calls out a pain that the product removes: data entry.

Visuals are more effective every time. They fuel retention of a presentation from 10% to 65% .

But it’s not as easy as just including a graphic. You need to keep the design clean.

sales presentation

Can you feel it?

Clutter provokes anxiety and stress because it bombards our minds with excessive visual stimuli, causing our senses to work overtime on stimuli that aren’t important.

Here’s a tip from Yesware’s Graphic Designer, Ginelle DeAntonis:

“Customer logos won’t all necessarily have the same dimensions, but keep them the same size visually so that they all have the same importance. You should also disperse colors throughout, so that you don’t for example end up with a bunch of blue logos next to each other. Organize them in a way that’s easy for the eye, because in the end it’s a lot of information at once.”

Here are more tactics to inspire sales presentation ideas:

Tactic #1: Personalize Your Final Slide

Personalize your final slide with your contact information and a headline that drives emotion.

Example: Our Mid-Market Team Lead Kyle includes his phone number and email address with “We’re Here For You”

Why It Works: These small details show your audience that:

  • This is about giving them the end picture, not making a sale
  • The end of the presentation doesn’t mean the end of the conversation
  • Questions are welcomed

Tactic #2: Pair Outcome Statements With Icons in Circles

Example: Slide 4 does this with seven different “After” outcomes.

Why It Works:  We already know why pictures work, but circles have power , too. They imply completeness, infiniteness, and harmony.

Tactic #3: Include Specific Success Metrics

Don’t just list who you work with; include specific success metrics that hit home what you’ve done for them.

Example: 35% New Business Growth for Boomtrain; 30% Higher Reply Rates for Dyn.

Why It Works:  Social proof drives action. It’s why we wait in lines at restaurants and put ourselves on waitlists for sold-out items.

People can only focus for eight seconds at a time. (Sadly, goldfish have one second on us.)

This means you need to cut to the chase fast.

Uber’s headlines in Slides 2-9 tailor the “After” picture to specific pain points. As a result, there’s no need to explicitly state a “Before.”

sales presentation

Slides 11-13 then continue touching on “Before” problems tangentially with customer quotes:

sales presentation

So instead of self-touting benefits, the brand steps aside to let consumers hear from their peers — something that sways 92% of consumers .

Leading questions may be banned from the courtroom, but they aren’t in the boardroom.

DealTap’s slides ask viewers to choose between two scenarios over and over. Each has an obvious winner:

sales presentation example

Ever heard of the Focusing Effect?

It’s part of what makes us tick as humans and what makes this design move effective. We focus on one thing and then ignore the rest. Here, DealTap puts the magnifying glass on paperwork vs. automated transactions.

Easy choice.

Sure, DealTap’s platform might have complexities that rival paperwork, but we don’t think about that. We’re looking at the pile of work one the left and the simpler, single interface on the right.

Here are some other tactics to use in your own sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Tell a Story

Tell a story that flows from one slide to the next.

Example: Here’s the story DealTap tells from slides 4 to 8: “Transactions are complicated” → “Expectations on all sides” → “Too many disconnected tools” → “Slow and error prone process” → “However, there’s an opportunity.

Why It Works:   Storytelling in sales with a clear beginning and end (or in this case, a “Before” and “After”) trigger a trust hormone called Oxytocin.

Tactic #2: This vs. That

If it’s hard to separate out one “Before” and “After” vision with your product or service because you offer many dissimilar benefits, consider a “This vs. That” theme for each.

Why It Works:  It breaks up your points into simple decisions and sets you up to win emotional reactions from your audience with stock photos.

Remember how satisfying it was to play connect the dots? Forming a bigger picture out of disconnected circles.

That’s what you need to make your audience do.


Zuora tells a story by:

  • Laying out the reality (the “Before” part of the Before-After-Bridge formula).
  • Asking you a question that you want to answer (the “After”)
  • Giving you hints to help you connect the dots
  • Showing you the common thread (the “Bridge”)

You can achieve this by founding your sales presentation on your audience’s intuitions. Set them up with the closely-set “dots,” then let them make the connection.

Here are more tactical sales presentation ideas to steal for your own use:

Tactic #1: Use Logos and Testimonials

Use logos and  testimonial pull-quotes for your highest-profile customers to strengthen your sales presentation.

Example: Slides 21 to 23 include customer quotes from Schneider Electric, Financial Times, and Box.

Why It Works: It’s called  social proof . Prospects value other people’s opinions and trust reputable sources more than you.

Tactic #2: Include White Space

Pad your images with white space.

Example: Slide 17 includes two simple graphics on a white background to drive home an important concept.

Why It Works:  White space creates separation, balance, and attracts the audience’s eyes to the main focus: your image.

Tactic #3: Incorporate Hard Data

Incorporate hard data with a memorable background to make your data stand out.

Example: Slide 5 includes statistics with a backdrop that stands out. The number and exciting title (‘A Global Phenomenon’) are the main focuses of the slide.

Why It Works:  Vivid backdrops are proven to be memorable and help your audience take away important numbers or data.

Psychology tells us that seeing colors can set our mood .

The color red is proven to increase the pulse and heart rate. Beyond that, it’s associated with being active, aggressive, and outspoken. LinkedIn Sales Navigator uses red on slides to draw attention to main points:


You can use hues in your own slides to guide your audience’s emotions. Green gives peace; grey adds a sense of calm; blue breeds trust. See more here .

Tip: You can grab free photos from Creative Commons and then set them to black & white and add a colored filter on top using a (also free) tool like Canva . Here’s the sizing for your image:


Caveat: Check with your marketing team first to see if you have a specific color palette or brand guidelines to follow.

Here are some other takeaways from LinkedIn’s sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Include a CTA on Final Slide

Include one clear call-to-action on your final slide.

Example: Slide 9 has a “Learn More” CTA button.

Why It Works:  According to the Paradox of Choice , the more options you give, the less likely they are to act.

Step One : Ask marketing for your company’s style guide (color, logo, and font style).

Step Two: Answer these questions to outline the “Before → After → Bridge” formula for your sales pitch :

  • What are your ICP’s pain points?
  • What end picture resonates with them?
  • How does your company come into play?

Step Three: Ask account management/marketing which customers you can mention in your slides (plus where to access any case studies for pull quotes).

Step Four:  Download photos from Creative Commons . Remember: Graphics > Text. Use Canva to edit on your own — free and fast.

sales presentation pitfalls

What are the sales presentation strategies that work best for your industry and customers? Tweet us:  @Yesware .

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how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation


Sell Yourself With A PowerPoint presentation

In today’s world of Facebook, Twitter, and other avenues of self promotion, why not consider using PowerPoint to sell yourself. I never would have thought of it, but I was recently contacted by a business professional who felt like she was not appreciated in her current role with the company she worked for. She asked if I could help her to develop a pitch to send her boss. This would include a clever way of graphically showing the many hats she wore while performing her day to day duties. Sure, she could set an appointment and have just a normal discussion with her superior, but the boss might consider this an annoying intrusion on his/her day. Why not put together something entertaining that explained how this employee was indispensable to the company? I asked the woman “What would you like to get out of doing this?” Her answer was, more recognition, more staff to support her efforts, and more money. When you’re going to ask for all those things, you had better put together a compelling argument. And PowerPoint is a great tool to do that with because you can use each slide to gradually unfold your story, talk about the reason you’re great, and finally “come in for the kill” at the end, which is to ask for what you want. The added benefit is that you’ve organized your thoughts into a professional format that anyone in business is accustomed to viewing. So stay tuned…I will post a few slides from this presentation, with my client’s permission, when it’s finished.

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how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

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Payhip is your all-in-one ecommerce solution to sell your presentations. You can use Payhip as your website or embed Payhip into your existing website.

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How do you sell a presentation?

Start by doing a research on what your target audience is typically presenting, afterward craft a presentation template that appeals to their needs and general industry aesthetics. Provide templates for your end users to visualize various things such as graphs, pie charts, tables, listicles, and more. You can then sell the presentation templates online on platforms like Payhip as a digital download.

Where can I sell powerpoint presentations?

You can sell powerpoint presentation templates on various platforms including Payhip and Etsy. Payhip is great for creators who want to sell presentation templates directly to their audience, and creating an online store is completely free.

Can I sell a PowerPoint presentation?

Yes, you can sell powerpoint presentations without having to pay any fees to Microsoft. Make sure that the design assets you use on your presentation templates are royalty-free.

Is there a storage limit?

No, we have no storage or bandwidth limits. We only have a 5GB per file limit.

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At Payhip, our goal is to make pricing as simple and transparent as possible. So, no feature-gating here! You'll get access to all of our amazing features to help you grow your business, even on our free plan.

How much should I charge to do a powerpoint presentation?

Presentation templates are typically priced between $5-$30 depending on the complexity of the presentations. If you're adding some personalizations for each customer, you can expect to charge anywhere from $50-$500 for a presentation.

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how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Presentations > How to create a sales presentation

How to create a sales presentation

Creating an effective sales presentation involves understanding your audience, delivering clear value propositions, and showcasing your product or service in an engaging way. Use these tips to make a presentation that not only captivates the crowd but also compels them to make a purchase.

A man and woman high fiving at a desk

What is a sales presentation?

A sales presentation is an important tool used by businesses to explain, promote, and sell their products or services to a client or potential buyers. The presentation usually includes an introduction to the product, a discussion of its features and benefits, and a list of reasons why the audience should buy it. Effective sales presentations are well-structured, tailored to the audience’s needs, and delivered in a confident and persuasive manner.

Tell your story with captivating presentations Banner

Tell your story with captivating presentations

Powerpoint empowers you to develop well-designed content across all your devices

What to include in your sales presentation

Your sales presentation should be a blend of information, persuasion, and appeal. Here’s what to include in your upcoming presentation:

  • Introduction. Briefly introduce yourself and your company then provide context about the upcoming presentation.
  • Identified need. Clearly define the problem or need your product or solution aims to fix.
  • Solution overview. Explain how your product or service solves the identified problem.
  • Benefits. List the key benefits of your product and illustrate how they align with the audience’s needs.
  • Proof points. Provide evidence to support your claims using case studies, testimonials, or data points.
  • Pricing and packages. Outline your pricing structure along with any packages or deals you’re offering.
  • Call to action. End with a clear call to action by telling your audience what you want them to do after the presentation.

Developing your sales presentation

Creating a persuasive sales presentation requires careful planning and extensive research. Follow these tips while drafting your presentation for a seamless delivery :

  • Research your audience. Get to know your audience’s interests, needs, and pain points.
  • Outline your presentation. Before you dive into any specifics, create a high-level outline to make sure your points follow a clear and logical structure .
  • Design engaging slides. Use visuals to support your message while avoiding clutter and ensuring that any text is easy to read.
  • Practice your delivery . Rehearse your presentation multiple times to refine your flow, timing, and cadence.

How long should your sales presentation be?

The length of your sales presentation can vary depending on the complexity of the product and the audience’s engagement level. However, experts recommend keeping presentations between 20 and 30 minutes to cover all your important points without losing your audience’s attention.

Finalizing your sales presentation

After drafting your presentation, remember to review and refine it. Here’s a quick checklist:

  • Ensure all technical terms are explained.
  • Check that all ideas flow logically.
  • Verify that your presentation addresses all potential questions or objections.
  • Include a memorable conclusion that reinforces your call to action.

A successful sales presentation includes engaging visuals, persuasive rhetoric, and well-structured information. By using the tips above, you can design a presentation that not only holds the attention of your listeners but also encourages them to take the next step.

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Selling Yourself In An Interview Image Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Maker PDF

Selling Yourself In An Interview Image Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Maker PDF

Persuade your audience using this selling yourself in an interview image ppt powerpoint presentation styles maker pdf. This PPT design covers three stages, thus making it a great tool to use. It also caters to a variety of topics including selling, interview. Download this PPT design now to present a convincing pitch that not only emphasizes the topic but also showcases your presentation skills.

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Introducing Yourself Powerpoint Slide

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Integration Methods Do It Yourself Data Integration Strategies For Business

Integration Methods Do It Yourself Data Integration Strategies For Business

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Introduce Yourself Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Introduce Yourself Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

This is a introduce yourself ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides. This is a one stage process. The stages in this process are introduce, yourself, business, planning, management.

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Presenting introduce yourself for a meeting dashboard ppt gallery example file pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on four stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like interest, opportunity. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

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Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Personal Profile Icons PDF

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Introducing Yourself For An Interview Ppt Slide Design

Introducing Yourself For An Interview Ppt Slide Design

This is a introducing yourself for an interview ppt slide design. This is a one stage process. The stages in this process are Self Representation, Interview, Personal Development, Employability, Personal Portfolio.

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Deliver and pitch your topic in the best possible manner with this introduce yourself for a meeting why hire me slides pdf. Use them to share invaluable insights on why hire me and impress your audience. This template can be altered and modified as per your expectations. So, grab it now.

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Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Work Experience Elements PDF

Presenting introduce yourself for a meeting work experience elements pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on five stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like work experience. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

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Agenda For Introduce Yourself PowerPoint Presentation Ppt Professional Influencers PDF

This is a agenda for introduce yourself powerpoint presentation ppt professional influencers pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on nine stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like agenda. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Developing Appealing Persona Ways To Know About Yourself Introduction PDF

Developing Appealing Persona Ways To Know About Yourself Introduction PDF

Following slide illustrates various activities that will assist a person or organization in determining their strength part. It also include internal as well as external ways to identify strong areas and most common strengths. Whether you have daily or monthly meetings, a brilliant presentation is necessary. Developing Appealing Persona Ways To Know About Yourself Introduction PDF can be your best option for delivering a presentation. Represent everything in detail using Developing Appealing Persona Ways To Know About Yourself Introduction PDF and make yourself stand out in meetings. The template is versatile and follows a structure that will cater to your requirements. All the templates prepared by Slidegeeks are easy to download and edit. Our research experts have taken care of the corporate themes as well. So, give it a try and see the results.

Icons Slide For Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Mockup PDF

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Presenting our innovatively structured icons slide for introduce yourself for a meeting mockup pdf set of slides. The slides contain a hundred percent editable icons. You can replace these icons without any inconvenience. Therefore, pick this set of slides and create a striking presentation.

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Introduce Yourself Quotes Ppt Outline Graphics Design PDF

Presenting introduce yourself quotes ppt outline graphics design pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on one stage that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like quotes. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

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Introduce Yourself Training Ppt Infographics Master Slide PDF

Presenting introduce yourself training ppt infographics master slide pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on three stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like training. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Achievements Sample PDF

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Achievements Sample PDF

Presenting introduce yourself for a meeting achievements sample pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on five stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like achievements. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Circular Inspiration PDF

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Circular Inspiration PDF

Presenting introduce yourself for a meeting circular inspiration pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on six stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like circular. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Compare Topics PDF

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Compare Topics PDF

Presenting introduce yourself for a meeting compare topics pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on two stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like compare. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

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Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Financial Graphics PDF

Presenting introduce yourself for a meeting financial graphics pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on five stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like extra curricular activities. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

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Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Location Formats PDF

Presenting introduce yourself for a meeting location formats pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on four stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like location. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

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Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Post It Background PDF

Presenting introduce yourself for a meeting post it background pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on four stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like post it. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

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Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Projects And Assignments Introduction PDF

Presenting introduce yourself for a meeting projects and assignments introduction pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on seven stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like projects and assignments. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

Presentation Describing Yourself Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Presentation Describing Yourself Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

This is a presentation describing yourself ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides. This is a one stage process. The stages in this process are finance, marketing, analysis, management, planning.

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Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Work Experience Adapt Professional PDF

This is a introduce yourself for a meeting work experience adapt professional pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on four stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like work experience. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Presentation About Yourself Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Presentation About Yourself Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name presentation about yourself ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides. The topics discussed in these slides are business, management, planning, strategy, marketing. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Thank You Presentation About Yourself Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Ideas Influencers

Thank You Presentation About Yourself Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Ideas Influencers

Presenting this set of slides with name thank you presentation about yourself ppt powerpoint presentation ideas influencers. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are thank you. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

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Introduce Yourself Achievements Ppt Layouts Designs Download PDF

Deliver and pitch your topic in the best possible manner with this introduce yourself achievements ppt layouts designs download pdf. Use them to share invaluable insights on achievements and impress your audience. This template can be altered and modified as per your expectations. So, grab it now.

Introduce Yourself Case Study Ppt Infographic Template Files PDF

Introduce Yourself Case Study Ppt Infographic Template Files PDF

This is a introduce yourself case study ppt infographic template files pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on three stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like challenge, solution, results. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Introduce Yourself Experience Projects Ppt Portfolio Elements PDF

Introduce Yourself Experience Projects Ppt Portfolio Elements PDF

This is a introduce yourself experience projects ppt portfolio elements pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on four stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like experience projects. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Introduce Yourself Language Skills Ppt Infographics Background Image PDF

Introduce Yourself Language Skills Ppt Infographics Background Image PDF

Deliver and pitch your topic in the best possible manner with this introduce yourself language skills ppt infographics background image pdf. Use them to share invaluable insights on language skills and impress your audience. This template can be altered and modified as per your expectations. So, grab it now.

Introduce Yourself Post It Ppt Professional Summary PDF

Introduce Yourself Post It Ppt Professional Summary PDF

This is a introduce yourself post it ppt professional summary pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on four stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like post it. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Introduce Yourself Professional Qualifications Ppt Layouts Designs Download PDF

Introduce Yourself Professional Qualifications Ppt Layouts Designs Download PDF

Deliver an awe inspiring pitch with this creative introduce yourself professional qualifications ppt layouts designs download pdf bundle. Topics like professional qualifications can be discussed with this completely editable template. It is available for immediate download depending on the needs and requirements of the user.

Introduce Yourself Vision And Mission Ppt File Templates PDF

Introduce Yourself Vision And Mission Ppt File Templates PDF

This is a introduce yourself vision and mission ppt file templates pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on three stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like vision, mission, goal. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Quotes Ppt Gallery Designs PDF

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Quotes Ppt Gallery Designs PDF

Deliver an awe inspiring pitch with this creative introduce yourself for a meeting quotes ppt gallery designs pdf bundle. Topics like quotes can be discussed with this completely editable template. It is available for immediate download depending on the needs and requirements of the user.

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Achievements Editable Slides PDF

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Achievements Editable Slides PDF

This is a introduce yourself for a meeting achievements editable slides pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on four stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like achievements. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Career Path Audience Portrait PDF

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Career Path Audience Portrait PDF

This is a introduce yourself for a meeting career path audience portrait pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on five stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like career path. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Career Path Clipart PDF

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Career Path Clipart PDF

This is a introduce yourself for a meeting career path clipart pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on five stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like career path. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Certification Information PDF

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Certification Information PDF

This is a introduce yourself for a meeting certification information pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on four stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like certification. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Hierarchy Ppt Infographics Influencers PDF

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Hierarchy Ppt Infographics Influencers PDF

Deliver an awe inspiring pitch with this creative introduce yourself for a meeting hierarchy ppt infographics influencers pdf bundle. Topics like hierarchy can be discussed with this completely editable template. It is available for immediate download depending on the needs and requirements of the user.

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Lego Designs PDF

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Lego Designs PDF

This is a introduce yourself for a meeting lego designs pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on four stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like lego. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Matrix Structure PDF

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Matrix Structure PDF

This is a introduce yourself for a meeting matrix structure pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on four stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like matrix. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Personality Traits Guidelines PDF

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Personality Traits Guidelines PDF

This is a introduce yourself for a meeting personality traits guidelines pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on six stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like personality traits. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

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Introduce Yourself Swot Analysis Option Threats Ppt Summary Inspiration PDF

Presenting introduce yourself swot analysis option threats ppt summary inspiration pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on four stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like swot analysis option 1 of 2. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Timeline Ppt Slides Backgrounds PDF

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Timeline Ppt Slides Backgrounds PDF

This is a introduce yourself for a meeting timeline ppt slides backgrounds pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on four stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like timeline, 2018 to 2021. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Silhouettes Sample PDF

Introduce Yourself For A Meeting Silhouettes Sample PDF

This is a introduce yourself for a meeting silhouettes sample pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on six stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like strategy, connection, enlightenment, solution, comprehension. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Case Study Under Armours Rule Yourself Campaign In Depth Campaigning Guide Themes PDF

Case Study Under Armours Rule Yourself Campaign In Depth Campaigning Guide Themes PDF

This slide showcases under armours sports marketing use case analysis. It provides details about campaign brief, mission, strategies involved, video, billboards, athlete endorsers, hashtags, etc. Want to ace your presentation in front of a live audience Our Case Study Under Armours Rule Yourself Campaign In Depth Campaigning Guide Themes PDF can help you do that by engaging all the users towards you. Slidegeeks experts have put their efforts and expertise into creating these impeccable powerpoint presentations so that you can communicate your ideas clearly. Moreover, all the templates are customizable, and easy-to-edit and downloadable. Use these for both personal and commercial use. This slide showcases under armours sports marketing use case analysis. It provides details about campaign brief, mission, strategies involved, video, billboards, athlete endorsers, hashtags, etc.

Ways To Know About Yourself Entrepreneurs Roadmap To Effective Demonstration Pdf

Ways To Know About Yourself Entrepreneurs Roadmap To Effective Demonstration Pdf

Following slide illustrates various activities that will assist a person or organization in determining their strength part. It also include internal as well as external ways to identify strong areas and most common strengths.If your project calls for a presentation, then Slidegeeks is your go-to partner because we have professionally designed, easy-to-edit templates that are perfect for any presentation. After downloading, you can easily edit Ways To Know About Yourself Entrepreneurs Roadmap To Effective Demonstration Pdf and make the changes accordingly. You can rearrange slides or fill them with different images. Check out all the handy templates Following slide illustrates various activities that will assist a person or organization in determining their strength part. It also include internal as well as external ways to identify strong areas and most common strengths.

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How to Sell PowerPoint Presentations [Tips for Authors]

Powerpoint presentations selling tips.

How to sell Powerpoint Presentations online ? If you’re creating PPT presentation templates and sell them online, you may need some tips that will give you a jumpstart. All-in-all, we’d like to save you from the hassle of surfing the Internet for the sales tips, and we’ve prepared some recommendations that will show you how to sell products online with ease. So, make yourself comfortable, and let’s get started. 

Decide on the Topic of Your Coming Presentation

The online world is evolving rapidly, and digital product creators are most likely to be on the crest of the wave. Yet, everything is not that simple cause the creators should study the market first to produce a viable product that will respond to users’ needs. The most commonly used method of checking product popularity is to study the keywords users enter in search engines, such as Google and others. People searching for products on Google are most likely to want to buy them. 

We understand that our authors don’t have to be SEO specialists. And managing a team of designers who create presentations and other products for different marketplaces doesn’t always mean that they have enough resources to hire a full-time SEO expert. 

This is where TemplateMonster comes to the rescue. We did all the hard work for you and put together the key requests for the PPT presentations guide. Follow the instructions to figure out how to use the table properly. 

  • The keyword is a product topic and a search keyword at the same time. 
  • Difficulty determines the complexity of a keyword, and is estimated by the number of backlinks. The bigger the number, the more backlinks you will need to rank for this keyword. Create your first products for keywords with complexity rates from 0 to 10. 
  • Volume refers to the popularity of the query in Google or, how often users search for the same thing in search engines. The volume is rather about the number of searches, not the number of people who search. It’s always location specific and you can request data for a specific country. 

So your mission is to choose a keyword with the highest volume rate and the lowest difficulty and create a product based on this data. 

Keyword Difficulty Volume
msu powerpoint template 0 350
starbucks powerpoint template 0 250
facebook powerpoint template 0 200
patriotic powerpoint template 0 200
star wars powerpoint template 0 200
georgia tech powerpoint template 0 150
rutgers powerpoint template 0 150
basketball powerpoint template 0 150
coffee powerpoint template 0 150
new year powerpoint template 0 150
mckinsey powerpoint template 0 100
golf powerpoint template 0 100
superhero powerpoint template 0 100
harry potter powerpoint template 0 100
pharmacy powerpoint template 0 100
cooking powerpoint template 0 100
green energy powerpoint template 0 100
plant powerpoint template 0 100
breast cancer powerpoint template 0 100
money powerpoint template 0 100
cold war powerpoint template 0 100
dinosaur powerpoint template 0 100
blood powerpoint template 0 90
baby powerpoint template 0 90
puzzle powerpoint template free 0 90
biography powerpoint template 0 90
coca cola powerpoint template 0 90
hair powerpoint template 0 80
american powerpoint template 0 80
chevron powerpoint template 0 80
black and gold powerpoint template 0 80

Get Ready With the Product Preview

When you’re ready to launch your product, it’s time to prepare its preview. Make sure that your images are item-specific and differ from other products presented in the marketplace. Follow the guidelines for images and promotional materials to make a proper preview. 

  • The settings of the main product image on the product page include an 800px by 500px image (or 1600px by 1000px in max resolution) of 10Mb max size. A recommended image aspect ratio is 8:5. 
  • The settings for presentation media on the product details page include 800 px and 1600 px minimum and maximum width accordingly, and the same maximum size for the image. 
  • The settings for slide image include the resolution from 965 x 600 px to 1930 x 1200 px, and maximum image size up to 30 Mb. 

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

To get your product image submitted to online ad platforms, stick to the following requirements for promotional images : 

  • Technical requirements for images determine 1:1 ratio, minimum 600 x 600 pixels, no larger than 64 megapixels, up to 10 Mb file size, and no other supported file formats other than .gif, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, and .tiff. 
  • Avoid using images containing promotional elements, such as pop-ups, promotional text, watermarks, logos, brand names, CTAs, and service-related data, promotional adjectives, retailer names, or logos that cover the product. 
  • Keep off a placeholder, generic illustrations that have nothing in common with a product image, logo, or icon in place of the actual image, as well as the picture with borders. 

Among other things, consider adding promo images for Facebook and Pinterest — in that case, the marketplace will be able to take your product in promotion. 

As soon as your product is submitted to the marketplace, you can access more ways to boost your sales . They include social networking, a product review post, video tutorials, and review, as well as referral programs. 

Continue With Product Description

Bringing customers to purchase smoothly requires providing a relevant description of the product. Write it in good English avoiding mistakes. If the product is not exclusive and you’ve already listed it on the other sites, make sure that your descriptions don’t duplicate each other and each of them is unique. When describing your product, also include the details about the niche it can be applied to, provide the unique nature of the product, and add relevant keywords. 

Keep the description not less than 512 characters and consider including HTML5 tags, such as <br>, <strong>, <ul> <ol> , <a>, <h2>-<h3> , and <i>. 

Avoid using special symbols, links to 3rd party websites or social media profiles, documents describing your product, list of files, as well as the description of product features. 

The product description is also way crucial for SEO . The more precise description, the more chances the search engines show your product to satisfy users’ queries. SEO aims to attract as many targeted visitors as it’s possible for your product or the information about it. The best SEO practices, in their turn, make the site easy to reach and boost sales. 

The next set of short tips gathered at TemplateMonster will help you optimize the product page consequently it will lead to traffic increase and conversions. 

  • Find relevant keywords. 
  • Pick keyword-rich and unique names for your PowerPoint presentations. 
  • Make up a relevant keyword-rich meta description not shorter than 155 characters. 
  • Optimize images. 
  • Use tags that respond to your product and its use cases. Avoid exceeding 15 tags. 
  • Consider using internal linking.
  • Stick to the topic, etc. 

Take Care of Product Promotion on Social Media

Submitting your products to the marketplace is good to start trading your products online. But, to boost your sales significantly, you may need additional sales channels. This is where product promotion on social media comes into play. While being one of the most effective methods to push your products to a greater number of prospective customers, it also allows increasing SEO weight of your product page and ensures better Google ranking which leads to the sales growth. 

Pinterest Promotion

PPT presentations also have a separate promotion option on Pinterest . TemplateMonster is running its own profile dedicated to Powerpoint templates, so you can:

  • get into the account, find your products, and repin them, or
  • send a request to [email protected] to get your products added to the account.  

how to sell yourself in a powerpoint presentation

Facebook Promotion

Another working method in terms of product promotion is joining a Facebook group dedicated to your topic. That is a community where people have shared interests and can freely get help or share knowledge. Additionally, the Facebook group ensures accurate targeting, better engagement and organic reach, connection with Top fans, and product promotion. 

But before you can sell products via one of the groups you joined, it is important to become a trusted member first. Learn the conversation tone and the way members interact with each other, engage in open communications with them, develop it yourself, comment on the posts, and answer somebody’s queries. After building trust with the members of the group, you can start promoting your PPT presentation templates. But remember one thing — avoid being too spammy, so as you won’t force other users to leave the group.

Here are some Facebook groups you can join to promote your PowerPoint presentation templates: 

  • PowerPoint Templates . 
  • PowerPoint Templates .
  • Free PowerPoint Templates . 

Consider Promoting Your Product on TM Blog

Another way to promote your products is to get them included in a product digest on MonsterPost. For this, find the relevant topic, prepare the inclusion text, and send a request via email.  


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