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A custom renderer class that extends the plugin_renderer_base and is used by the assign module. More...

mod_assign vs mod_assignment

Public Member Functions
  ($method, $arguments)
 Magic method used to pass calls otherwise meant for the standard renderer to it to ensure we don't go causing unnecessary grief.
  ( $action, $id=null)
 Adds a JS action for the element with the provided id.
  ( $ , $userid, $filearea, $component)
 Rendering assignment files.
  ($maxwidth=300, $maxheight=300)
 Return the site's compact logo URL, if any.
  ($maxwidth=null, $maxheight=200)
 Return the site's logo URL, if any.
 Returns true is output has already started, and false if not.
  ($imagename, $component='moodle')
 Return the for an image.
  ($imagename, $component='moodle')
 Return the direct URL for an image from the pix folder.
  ( $widget)
 Renders the provided widget and returns the HTML to display it.
  ( $history)
 Output the attempt history for this assignment.
  ( $history)
 Output the attempt history chooser for this assignment.
  ( $indexsummary)
 Render a course index summary.
  ( $feedbackplugin)
 Render a feedback plugin feedback.
  ( $status)
 Render a table containing all the current grades and feedback.
  ( $tree)
 Rendering assignment files.
  ( $form)
 Render the generic form.
  ( $summary)
 Render a table containing the current status of the grading process.
  ( $table)
 Render the grading table.
  ( $result)
 Render a grading message notification.
  ( $header)
 Render the header.
  ( $header)
 Render the header for an individual plugin.
  ( $submissionplugin)
 Render a submission plugin submission.
  ( $status)
 Render a table containing the current status of the submission.
  ( $status)
 Render a compact view of the current status of the submission.
 Render the submit for grading page.
  ( $summary)
 Render the user summary.
 Page is done - render the footer.
  ($templatename, $ )
 Renders a template by name with the given context.
  ( $app)
 Defer to template.
 Whether we should display the main logo.
 Whether we should display the logo in the navbar.
Static Public Member Functions
static  ($classes)
 Given an array or space-separated list of classes, prepares and returns the HTML class attribute value.
Protected Member Functions
  ( $table, $rowsperpage, $displaylinks)
 Helper method dealing with the fact we can not just fetch the output of .
 Return an instance of the mustache class.
  ( $tree, $dir)
 Internal function - creates htmls structure suitable for YUI tree.
  ( $mform)
 Helper method dealing with the fact we can not just fetch the output of moodleforms.
Protected Attributes
 The to use.
 A reference to the current renderer.
 The Moodle page the renderer has been created to assist with.
 The requested rendering target.

Detailed Description

A custom renderer class that extends the plugin_renderer_base and is used by the assign module.

Member Function Documentation

◆  __call().

plugin_renderer_base::__call (   ,

Magic method used to pass calls otherwise meant for the standard renderer to it to ensure we don't go causing unnecessary grief.


◆  add_action_handler()

renderer_base::add_action_handler (   ,

Adds a JS action for the element with the provided id.

This method adds a JS event for the provided component action to the page and then returns the id that the event has been attached to. If no id has been provided then a new ID is generated by html_writer::random_id()

stringid of element, either original submitted or random new if not supplied

◆  assign_files()

mod_assign_renderer::assign_files (   ,

Rendering assignment files.


◆  flexible_table()

mod_assign_renderer::flexible_table (   ,

Helper method dealing with the fact we can not just fetch the output of flexible_table .

$tableThe table to render
int$rowsperpageHow many assignments to render in a page
bool$displaylinks- Whether to render links in the table (e.g. downloads would not enable this)

◆  get_compact_logo_url()

renderer_base::get_compact_logo_url (   = ,

Return the site's compact logo URL, if any.

int$maxwidthThe maximum width, or null when the maximum width does not matter.
int$maxheightThe maximum height, or null when the maximum height does not matter.

◆  get_logo_url()

renderer_base::get_logo_url (   = ,

Return the site's logo URL, if any.

◆  get_mustache()

renderer_base::get_mustache ( )

Return an instance of the mustache class.


◆  has_started()

renderer_base::has_started ( )

Returns true is output has already started, and false if not.

booleantrue if the header has been printed.

◆  htmllize_tree()

mod_assign_renderer::htmllize_tree (   ,

Internal function - creates htmls structure suitable for YUI tree.


◆  image_url()

renderer_base::image_url (   ,

Return the moodle_url for an image.

The exact image location and extension is determined automatically by searching for gif|png|jpg|jpeg, please note there can not be diferent images with the different extension. The imagename is for historical reasons a relative path name, it may be changed later for core images. It is recommended to not use subdirectories in plugin and theme pix directories.

There are three types of images: 1/ theme images - stored in theme/mytheme/pix/, use component 'theme' 2/ core images - stored in /pix/, overridden via theme/mytheme/pix_core/ 3/ plugin images - stored in mod/mymodule/pix, overridden via theme/mytheme/pix_plugins/mod/mymodule/, example: image_url('comment', 'mod_glossary')

string$imagenamethe pathname of the image
string$componentfull plugin name (aka component) or 'theme'

◆  moodleform()

mod_assign_renderer::moodleform (   )

Helper method dealing with the fact we can not just fetch the output of moodleforms.


◆  pix_url()

renderer_base::pix_url (   ,

Return the direct URL for an image from the pix folder.

Use this function sparingly and never for icons. For icons use pix_icon or the pix helper in a mustache template.

string$imagenamethe name of the icon.
string$componentspecification of one plugin like in get_string()

◆  prepare_classes()

static renderer_base::prepare_classes (   )

Given an array or space-separated list of classes, prepares and returns the HTML class attribute value.

mixed$classesSpace-separated string or array of classes
stringHTML class attribute value

◆  render()

plugin_renderer_base::render (   )

Renders the provided widget and returns the HTML to display it.

renderable$widgetinstance with renderable interface

Reimplemented from renderer_base .

Reimplemented in tool_policy\output\renderer .

◆  render_assign_attempt_history()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_attempt_history (   )

Output the attempt history for this assignment.


◆  render_assign_attempt_history_chooser()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_attempt_history_chooser (   )

Output the attempt history chooser for this assignment.

◆  render_assign_course_index_summary()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_course_index_summary (   )

Render a course index summary.


◆  render_assign_feedback_plugin_feedback()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_feedback_plugin_feedback (   )

Render a feedback plugin feedback.


◆  render_assign_feedback_status()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_feedback_status (   )

Render a table containing all the current grades and feedback.


◆  render_assign_files()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_files (   )

◆  render_assign_form()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_form (   )

Render the generic form.

$formThe form to render

◆  render_assign_grading_summary()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_grading_summary (   )

Render a table containing the current status of the grading process.


◆  render_assign_grading_table()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_grading_table (   )

Render the grading table.


◆  render_assign_gradingmessage()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_gradingmessage (   )

Render a grading message notification.

$resultThe result to render

◆  render_assign_header()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_header (   )

Render the header.


◆  render_assign_plugin_header()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_plugin_header (   )

Render the header for an individual plugin.

◆  render_assign_submission_plugin_submission()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_submission_plugin_submission (   )

Render a submission plugin submission.


◆  render_assign_submission_status()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_submission_status (   )

Render a table containing the current status of the submission.

◆  render_assign_submission_status_compact()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_submission_status_compact (   )

Render a compact view of the current status of the submission.

◆  render_assign_submit_for_grading_page()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_submit_for_grading_page (   )

Render the submit for grading page.


◆  render_assign_user_summary()

mod_assign_renderer::render_assign_user_summary (   )

Render the user summary.

$summaryThe user summary to render

◆  render_footer()

mod_assign_renderer::render_footer ( )

Page is done - render the footer.


◆  render_from_template()

renderer_base::render_from_template (   ,

Renders a template by name with the given context.

The provided data needs to be array/stdClass made up of only simple types. Simple types are array,stdClass,bool,int,float,string

array | stdClass$contextContext containing data for the template.

◆  render_grading_app()

mod_assign_renderer::render_grading_app (   )

Defer to template.

grading_app$app- All the data to render the grading app.

◆  should_display_main_logo()

renderer_base::should_display_main_logo (   = )

Whether we should display the main logo.

int$headinglevelThe heading level we want to check against.

◆  should_display_navbar_logo()

renderer_base::should_display_navbar_logo ( )

Whether we should display the logo in the navbar.

We will when there are no main logos, and we have compact logo.

Member Data Documentation

◆  $output.


A reference to the current renderer.

The renderer provided here will be determined by the page but will in 90% of cases by the core_renderer

  • mod/assign/ renderer.php

Uploaded image for project: 'Moodle'

Remove Assignment 2.2 (mod_assignment) from core

Icon: Improvement

  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Fix Version/s: 4.2
  • Affects Version/s: 4.0 , 4.2
  • Component/s: Assignment (2.2)
  • hqteam_hedgehog
  • release_notes
  • Affected Branches: MOODLE_400_STABLE, MOODLE_402_STABLE
  • Fixed Branches: MOODLE_402_STABLE
  • Epic Link: Remove support to 1.9 backups
  • Pull from Repository: https://github.com/stevandoMoodle/moodle.git
  • Pull Main Branch: MDL-72350 -master
  • Pull Main Diff URL: https://github.com/stevandoMoodle/moodle/compare/f7a8df253b...MDL-72350-master

The following steps should be run on a Moodle site without the patch.

  • Login as admin
  • Go to Site admin > Plugins > Plugins overview and search for "Assignment 2.2 (Disabled)"
  • Verify that you see 2 results.
* from mdl_assignment;
* from mdl_config_plugins where plugin = 'mod_assignment';
INTO mdl_assignment (name, intro) VALUES ('Assginment 2.2', 'Assignment 2.2 intro');
  • Apply the patch and run the site upgrade.
  • Verify that you cannot continue the site upgrade due the environment check being failed with Assignment 2.2 is in use .

Test scenario for upgrade

  • Stand up a fresh site from master branch
  • Apply the patch
  • Perform the upgrade
  • Login as an admin
  • Go to "Site administration > Plugins > Plugins overview".
  • Verify  there is no longer a mention of 'Assignment 2.2'.

Test scenario for fresh install

  • Create a new freshly install site
  • Verify that there is no longer a mention of 'Assignment 2.2' in Site admin > Plugins > Plugins overview

Test scenario for backup and restore (Post mod_assginment removal)

  • Access to "Site administration > Courses > Restore course".
  • Restore as a new course
  • Verify that you see an error saying "Invalid get_string() identifier: 'pluginname' or component 'assignment'. Perhaps you are missing $string ['pluginname'] = ''; in mod/assignment/lang/en/assignment.php?"
  • Finish the restore process as a new course
  • Access to the restored course.
  • Verify that the "Preparation" section has only 2 activities ("Assignment 2: Join our discussion forum" and "Assignment 3: Give your vote"). The assignment activities "Assignment 1: Create your personal profile" and "Assignment 4: Create and submit a paper" shouldn't be created.

Test scenario for backup and restore (Reinstall the mod_assignment)

  • Get the mod_assignment plugin from here
  • Put all the plugin files in mod/assignment
  • Run the the site upgrade
  • Follow the steps from Test scenario for backup and restore (Post mod_assginment removal)
  • Verify that you don't see any errors and you should also see what you did not see in step 8 in Test scenario for backup and restore (Post mod_assginment removal)
  • Story Points: 6
  • Sprint: Team Hedgehog Sprint 1.2, Team Hedgehog Sprint 1.3, Team Hedgehog Sprint 1 review, Team Hedgehog Sprint 2.1, Team Hedgehog Sprint 2.2, Team Hedgehog 2023 Sprint 1.3


The Assignment 2.2 activity module has been disabled by default since 2012 but was kept to enable pre-2.2 backups to be restored and have the assignments auto-converted to new assignments.

Let's remove it from Moodle 4.2 and add it to the git repository for anyone who still needs to restore pre-2.2 backups.

Link to the plugin: https://github.com/moodlehq/moodle-mod_assignment


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(I) 3 Passed -- (Master)MDL-72350.png

  • mootieuk12.mbz 198 kB 20/Sep/21 5:37 PM

Issue Links

Bug - A problem which impairs or prevents Moodle from functioning correctly.

Time Tracking

Error rendering 'clockify-timesheets-time-tracking-reports:timer-sidebar'. Please contact your Jira administrators.

Assignment sub-plugins

The mod_assign activity can be extended using two sub-plugin types, namely:

  • submission plugins, used to provide different ways for students to submit their content
  • feedback plugins, used to extend the ways in which feedback may be provided to students on their submissions

Modulo-Assign Operator %=

This page was translated by a robot.

The modulo assignment operator performs remainder division by dividing the value of the variable to the left of the operator by the value to the right of the operator. The result is stored back into the variable.

The modulo assignment operator expects an lvalue on the left and an rvalue on the right and is processed from right to left . The return value is an rvalue in C : the value of the left operand after assignment. in C++, the return value is an lvalue : the (now assigned) left operand itself.

The modulo assignment operator behaves exactly like the assignment operator except that it performs an additional modulo calculation. For details about the properties of a modulo assignment, reference is made here to the description of the assignment operator and the modulo operator . The following two program lines, which are absolutely equivalent, suffice as an additional explanation of the modulo assignment operator in relation to the simple assignment operator :

The set round brackets indicate that due to the operator ranking in the modulo assignment, just like in all assignment operators, the complete right-hand part after the equals sign is evaluated as an operand.

Kontakt doesn't respond to expression pedal while Cinesamples do on MK3

Tom Hojnacki

Just booted up a new S88 MK3. The expression pedal work fine with my Cinesamples but won't register with my Kontakt sounds. Any ideas?

Best Answer


@Tom Hojnacki Not all libraries have a MIDI assignment for expression (CC). You can easily assign it yourself by right clicking a control and choose MIDI learn or by going into the MIDI aautomation menu:

Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 14.43.00.png

You will have to set the preset as a user preset if you don't want to make the MIDI assignment every time.


not all instruments react to an expression pedal set to the same CC, so it depends as what you have set it, as damper pedal or whatever.

Thanks for the advice! I appreciate it.

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Why not and !

The M in Moodle stands for modular. The easiest and most maintainable way to add new functionality to Moodle is by writing one of these types of plugin.

  • 1 List of Moodle plugin types
  • 2 Obtaining the list of plugin types known to your Moodle
  • 3 Things you can find in all plugins
  • 4 Naming conventions

List of Moodle plugin types

Plugin type Component name ( ) Moodle path Description Moodle versions
mod /mod Activity modules are essential types of plugins in Moodle as they provide activities in courses. For example: Forum, Quiz and Assignment. 1.0+
antivirus /lib/antivirus Antivirus scanner plugins provide functionality for virus scanning user uploaded files using third-party virus scanning tools in Moodle. For example: ClamAV. 3.1+
assignsubmission /mod/assign/submission Different forms of assignment submissions 2.3+
assignfeedback /mod/assign/feedback Different forms of assignment feedbacks 2.3+
booktool /mod/book/tool Small information-displays or tools that can be moved around pages 2.1+
customfield /customfield/field Custom field types, used e. g. in Custom course fields 3.7+
datafield /mod/data/field Different types of data that may be added to the Database activity module 1.6+
datapreset /mod/data/preset Pre-defined templates for the Database activity module 1.6+
ltisource /mod/lti/source LTI providers can be added to external tools easily through the external tools interface see . This type of plugin is specific to LTI providers that need a plugin that can register custom handlers to process LTI messages 2.7+
fileconverter /files/converter Allow conversion between different types of user-submitted file. For example from .doc to PDF. 3.2+
ltiservice /mod/lti/service Allows the implementation of LTI services as described by the IMS LTI specification 2.8+
mlbackend /lib/mlbackend Prediction processors for analytics API 3.4+
forumreport /mod/forum/report Display various reports in the forum activity 3.8+
quiz /mod/quiz/report Display and analyse the results of quizzes, or just plug miscellaneous behaviour into the quiz module 1.1+
quizaccess /mod/quiz/accessrule Add conditions to when or where quizzes can be attempted, for example only from some IP addresses, or student must enter a password first 2.2+
scormreport /mod/scorm/report Analysis of SCORM attempts 2.2+
workshopform /mod/workshop/form Define the type of the grading form and implement the calculation of the grade for submission in the module 2.0+
workshopallocation /mod/workshop/allocation Define ways how submissions are assigned for assessment in the module 2.0+
workshopeval /mod/workshop/eval Implement the calculation of the grade for assessment (grading grade) in the module 2.0+
block /blocks Small information-displays or tools that can be moved around pages 2.0+
qtype /question/type Different types of question (e.g. multiple-choice, drag-and-drop) that can be used in quizzes and other activities 1.6+
qbehaviour /question/behaviour Control how student interact with questions during an attempt 2.1+
qformat /question/format Import and export question definitions to/from the question bank 1.6+
filter /filter Automatically convert, highlight, and transmogrify text posted into Moodle. 1.4+
editor /lib/editor Alternative text editors for editing content 2.0+
atto /lib/editor/atto/plugins Extra functionality for the Atto text editor 2.7+
tinymce /lib/editor/tinymce/plugins Extra functionality for the TinyMCE text editor. 2.4+
enrol /enrol Ways to control who is enrolled in courses 2.0+
auth /auth Allows connection to external sources of authentication 2.0+
tool /admin/tool Provides utility scripts useful for various site administration and maintenance tasks 2.2+
logstore /admin/tool/log/store Event logs storage back-ends 2.7+
availability /availability/condition Conditions to restrict user access to activities and sections. 2.7+
calendartype /calendar/type Defines how dates are displayed throughout Moodle 2.6+
message /message/output Represent various targets where messages and notifications can be sent to (email, sms, jabber, ...) 2.0+
format /course/format Different ways of laying out the activities and blocks in a course 1.3+
dataformat /dataformat Formats for data exporting and downloading 3.1+
profilefield /user/profile/field Add new types of data to user profiles 1.9+
report /report Provides useful views of data in a Moodle site for admins and teachers 2.2+
coursereport /course/report Reports of activity within the course Up to 2.1 (for 2.2+ see )
gradeexport /grade/export Export grades in various formats 1.9+
gradeimport /grade/import Import grades in various formats 1.9+
gradereport /grade/report Display/edit grades in various layouts and reports 1.9+
gradingform /grade/grading/form Interfaces for actually performing grading in activity modules (eg Rubrics) 2.2+
mnetservice /mnet/service Allows to implement remote services for the environment (deprecated, use web services instead) 2.0+
webservice /webservice Define new protocols for web service communication (such as SOAP, XML-RPC, JSON, REST ...) 2.0+
repository /repository Connect to external sources of files to use in Moodle 2.0+
portfolio /portfolio Connect external portfolio services as destinations for users to store Moodle content 1.9+
search /search/engine Search engine backends to index Moodle's contents. 3.1+
media /media/player Pluggable media players 3.2+
plagiarism /plagiarism Define external services to process submitted files and content 2.0+
cachestore /cache/stores Cache storage back-ends. 2.4+
cachelock /cache/locks Cache lock implementations. 2.4+
theme /theme Change the look of Moodle by changing the the HTML and the CSS. 2.0+
local /local Generic plugins for local customisations 2.0+
assignment /mod/assignment/type Different forms of assignments to be graded by teachers 1.x - 2.2
report /admin/report Provides useful views of data in a Moodle site, for admins only. Up to 2.1 (for 2.2+ see )
contenttype /contentbank/contenttype Content types to upload, create or edit in the content bank and use all over the Moodle site 3.9+
h5plib /h5p/h5plib Plugin type for the particular versions of the H5P integration library. 3.9+
qbank /question/bank Plugin type for extending question bank functionality. 4.0+

Obtaining the list of plugin types known to your Moodle

To get the most exact list of types in your version of Moodle, use the following script. Put it to a file in the root directory of your Moodle installation and execute it via command line.

Things you can find in all plugins

Although there are many different types of plugin, there are some things that work the same way in all plugin types. Please see Plugin files page that describes things that work the same in all plugin types.

Naming conventions

Warning if you have to choose a plugin (directory) name. The name is validated by the method lib/classes/component.php::is_valid_plugin_name() with a regexp: /^[a-z](?:[a-z0-9_](?!__))*[a-z0-9]+$/ . In particular, the minus (-) character is not considered as valid, and the plugin will be silently ignored if the name is not valid.

There is an exception for activity modules that can not have the underscore in their name for legacy reasons.

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Difference between Object.assign and just assign

I would like to know the difference between this:

And.. which one is faster?

  • Used that way, there is no difference, the property of the second object is simply copied to the first object. Object.assign does however have other uses than just adding a single property. Which is faster probably doesn't matter, you'll never notice the difference. –  adeneo Commented Feb 6, 2016 at 13:55
  • 1 Check here: jsperf.com/diff-assign –  Vicky Gonsalves Commented Feb 6, 2016 at 13:56
  • crazy @VickyGonsalves !!!!!!!!! –  user5526811 Commented Feb 6, 2016 at 14:00
  • If you only want to assign a property, use the later. If you want to assign several and don't want to repeat otherObject. each time, use the former. –  Oriol Commented Feb 6, 2016 at 14:16

5 Answers 5

The Object.assign() method is used to copy the values of all enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target object. It will return the target object.

Whereas otherObject.someNewProperty = ''; is a method to directly assign a value to some property of an object.

Obviously the Object.assign pattern is much slower : jsperf.com/assign-vs-equals

Mouloud85's user avatar

For single property, direct assignment ( otherObject.someNewProperty = '' ) is twice faster, but for multiple values - time will grow. Each property + 5% to 10%. Also, code-wise Object.assign is nicer for multiple options.

You simply can run Profiles tab in Chrome Development tool and run few tests.

Audwin Oyong's user avatar

Object.assign() is a pretty versatile function that is designed to do complex object composition.

The property dot notation is a straight forward way to assign a single value to a single property.

Regarding which is faster, that's irrelevant considering these are not equivalent, and as one of my all time favorite posts noted " asking which one runs faster is maybe a non-starter ".

Amit's user avatar

There is another important thing to show here about the differences between assign directly and using Object.assign(actually, not exactly a difference, but a important thing to be aware).

If you have a Object that's assigned to another variable in JS, like this:

then, you decided to use Object.assign to change the value in a and assign to another variable( d ), you will change the value in b as well(even you not assigning the Object.assign return to a , in this example let's assign to a new variable d ).

Basically, it's important to know that Object.assign will mutate the target object as well all variables pointing to it.

Now, if you use directly the assignment to d , it'll not change the value in a (and in b as well will not change).

Redtxai's user avatar

This is actually a good question: We just found a bug, where we would assign properties to a file using Object.assign.

Yoann Maingon's user avatar

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mod_assign vs mod_assignment


  1. How to use MOD Function in Microsoft Excel

    mod_assign vs mod_assignment

  2. oaModAssignAssignment Class Reference

    mod_assign vs mod_assignment

  3. How to make a mod assignment.

    mod_assign vs mod_assignment

  4. Assignment vs Assign: Fundamental Differences Of These Terms

    mod_assign vs mod_assignment

  5. Assignment vs Assign: Which One Is The Correct One?

    mod_assign vs mod_assignment

  6. Excel MOD Function • My Online Training Hub

    mod_assign vs mod_assignment


  1. Mod 5 Bongo Assignment

  2. Mod vs Mod

  3. mod 1 assignment

  4. Pesan & Kesan tentang AI untuk Pendidikan @DjadjaSardjana

  5. Without Mod vs MOD#shorts#viral

  6. Joel Griffin Mod 1 Assign 2 Video


  1. Moodle in English: mod_assign vs mod_assignment

    Re: mod_assign vs mod_assignment. by Damyon Wiese - Friday, 1 February 2013, 12:10 PM. mod_assign is the replacement of mod_assignment. mod_assignment is disabled for new installs and appears as "Assignment (2.2)" in the interface so you can tell which one you are using. Regards, Damyon. Average of ratings: Useful (1)

  2. Assignment module

    Two assignment modules. in Moodle 2.3! Moodle 2.3 includes two assignment modules - the new assignment module (a rewrite of the old assignment module) under /mod/assign/ and the old assignment module under /mod/assignment/ with four subtypes, renamed 'Assignments (2.2)'. For new Moodle 2.3 installs, Assignments (2.2) is disabled/hidden.

  3. Assignment sub-plugins

    The mod_assign activity can be extended using two sub-plugin types, namely: submission plugins, used to provide different ways for students to submit their content. feedback plugins, used to extend the ways in which feedback may be provided to students on their submissions. Tags: Assign. Assignment. Subplugin.

  4. Assignment Subtypes Combined

    Provide a simple structure for people who want to create new types of assignments or convert assignment "subtypes" from the old mod_assignment to the newer mod_assign.

  5. Assignment settings

    If the site contains courses with over 100 participants, the number of assignments listed on the assignment grading page may be limited using the Maximum assignments per page (assign | maxperpage) setting.

  6. Assign submission plugins

    This function is called once per assignment instance to upgrade the settings from the old assignment to the new mod_assign. In this case it sets the maxbytes, maxfiles and alwaysshowdescription configuration settings.

  7. php

    Also inside add_moduleinfo is a call to a module defined function, _add_instance (so assign_add_instance in this cause, defined in mod/assign/lib.php), which calls assign::add_instance (defined in mod/assign/locallib.php) which does the actual insertion into the assign table.

  8. Moodle in English: mod_assign vs mod_assignment

    Courses and programs to develop your skills as a Moodle educator, administrator, designer or developer. Moodle Academy

  9. mod/assign/view

    The assignment module allows teachers to collect work from students, review it and provide feedback including grades. Students can submit any digital content (files), including, for example, word-processed documents, spreadsheets, images, audio and video clips. Assignments don't necessarily have to consist of file uploads.

  10. mod_assign vs mod_assignment

    Assignment sub-plugins. The mod_assign activity can be extended using two sub-plugin types, namely: submission plugins, used to provide different ways for students to submit their

  11. Moodle APIs: mod_assign_renderer Class Reference

    A custom renderer class that extends the plugin_renderer_base and is used by the assign module. More... Inheritance diagram for mod_assign_renderer:

  12. Moodle in English: Mod/assign not deleting submission status

    Mod/assign not deleting submission status. Hi all, After upgrading to Moodle 3.9.6 we found that student users who use the "remove submission" option in the mod/assign plugin get a confusing situation. The file gets removed, but the submission status stays the same (assignment submitted). This creates the situation of "ghost" assignments where ...

  13. Remove Assignment 2.2 (mod_assignment) from core

    Verify that the mod_assignment has been deleted from the database by running the following query which will return 0 rows. select * from mdl_config_plugins where plugin = 'mod_assignment';

  14. Assignment sub-plugins

    The mod_assign activity can be extended using two sub-plugin types, namely: submission plugins, used to provide different ways for students to submit their content

  15. Modulo-Assign Operator

    The modulo assignment operator behaves exactly like the assignment operator except that it performs an additional modulo calculation. For details about the properties of a modulo assignment, reference is made here to the description of the assignment operator and the modulo operator .

  16. Moodle in English: mod_assign vs mod_assignment

    Courses and programs to develop your skills as a Moodle educator, administrator, designer or developer. Moodle Academy

  17. Kontakt doesn't respond to expression pedal while Cinesamples do on MK3

    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,307 mod. August 5 Answer @Tom Hojnacki Not all libraries have a MIDI assignment for expression (CC). You can easily assign it yourself by right clicking a control and choose MIDI learn or by going into the MIDI aautomation menu: ... (CC). You can easily assign it yourself by right clicking a control and choose ...

  18. Assign submission plugins

    It also has full control over the display the submitted assignment to graders and students. Plugins participate in all assignment features including backup/restore, upgrades from 2.2, offline grading, group assignments and blind marking. An assignment submission plugin can add settings to the module settings page.

  19. Moodle in English: Error after submission of assignment

    After a student submits an assignment, the following error is displayed:

  20. Plugin types

    Plugin types Moodle is a powerful, and very extensible, Learning Management System. One of its core tenets is its extensibility, and this is primarily achieved through the development of plugins.

  21. javascript

    There is another important thing to show here about the differences between assign directly and using Object.assign (actually, not exactly a difference, but a important thing to be aware).