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15.13 Structure Assignment

Assignment operating on a structure type copies the structure. The left and right operands must have the same type. Here is an example:

Notionally, assignment on a structure type works by copying each of the fields. Thus, if any of the fields has the const qualifier, that structure type does not allow assignment:

See Assignment Expressions .

When a structure type has a field which is an array, as here,

structure assigment such as r1 = r2 copies array fields’ contents just as it copies all the other fields.

This is the only way in C that you can operate on the whole contents of a array with one operation: when the array is contained in a struct . You can’t copy the contents of the data field as an array, because

would convert the array objects (as always) to pointers to the zeroth elements of the arrays (of type struct record * ), and the assignment would be invalid because the left operand is not an lvalue.

C Functions

C structures, c reference, c structures (structs).

Structures (also called structs) are a way to group several related variables into one place. Each variable in the structure is known as a member of the structure.

Unlike an array , a structure can contain many different data types (int, float, char, etc.).

Create a Structure

You can create a structure by using the struct keyword and declare each of its members inside curly braces:

To access the structure, you must create a variable of it.

Use the struct keyword inside the main() method, followed by the name of the structure and then the name of the structure variable:

Create a struct variable with the name "s1":

Access Structure Members

To access members of a structure, use the dot syntax ( . ):

Now you can easily create multiple structure variables with different values, using just one structure:


What About Strings in Structures?

Remember that strings in C are actually an array of characters, and unfortunately, you can't assign a value to an array like this:

An error will occur:

However, there is a solution for this! You can use the strcpy() function and assign the value to s1.myString , like this:

Simpler Syntax

You can also assign values to members of a structure variable at declaration time, in a single line.

Just insert the values in a comma-separated list inside curly braces {} . Note that you don't have to use the strcpy() function for string values with this technique:

Note: The order of the inserted values must match the order of the variable types declared in the structure (13 for int, 'B' for char, etc).

Copy Structures

You can also assign one structure to another.

In the following example, the values of s1 are copied to s2:

Modify Values

If you want to change/modify a value, you can use the dot syntax ( . ).

And to modify a string value, the strcpy() function is useful again:

Modifying values are especially useful when you copy structure values:

Ok, so, how are structures useful?

Imagine you have to write a program to store different information about Cars, such as brand, model, and year. What's great about structures is that you can create a single "Car template" and use it for every cars you make. See below for a real life example.

Real-Life Example

Use a structure to store different information about Cars:

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5.3. Structures

  • Declaration and definition
  • Stack And Heap
  • new And delete
  • Dot And Arrow

Programmers often use the term "structure" to name two related concepts. They form structure specifications with the struct keyword and create structure objects with a variable definition or the new operator. We typically call both specifications and objects structures, relying on context to clarify the the specific usage.

Structures are an aggregate data type whose contained data items are called fields or members . Once specified, the structure name becomes a new data type or type specifier in the program. After the program creates or instantiates a structure object, it accesses the fields with one of the selection operators . Referring to the basket analogy suggested previously, a structure object is a basket, and the fields or members are the items in the basket. Although structures are more complex than the fundamental types, programmers use the same pattern when defining variables of either type.

Structure Specifications: Fields And Members

A program must specify or declare a structure before using it. The specification determines the number, the type, the name, and the order of the data items contained in the structure.

Structure Definitions And Objects

We can use a blueprint as another analogy for a structure. Blueprints show essential details like the number and size of bedrooms, the location of the kitchen, etc. Similarly, structure specifications show the structure fields' number, type, name, and order. Nevertheless, a blueprint isn't a house; you can't live in it. However, given the blueprint, we can make as many identical houses as we wish, and while each one looks like the others, it has a different, distinct set of occupants and a distinct street address. Similarly, each object created from a structure specification looks like the others, but each can store distinct values and has a distinct memory address.

Automatic Definition Dynamic Allocation
  • C++ code that defines three new student structure variables or objects named s1 , s2 , and s3 . The program allocates the memory for the three objects on the stack.
  • The pointer variables s4 , s5 , and s6 are defined and allocated automatically on the stack. However, the structure objects they point to are allocated dynamically on the heap.
  • An abstract representation of three student objects on the stack. Each object has three fields.
  • An abstract representation of three student pointer variables pointing to three student objects allocated dynamically on the heap with the new operator.

Initializing Structures And Fields

Figure 3 demonstrates that we are not required to initialize structure objects when we create them - perhaps the program will read the data from the console or a data file. However, we can initialize structures when convenient. C++ inherited an aggregate field initialization syntax from the C programming language, and the 2011 ANSI standard extends that syntax, making it conform to other major programming languages. More recently, the ANSI 2020 standard added a variety of default field initializations. The following figures illustrate a few of these options.

(a) Inherited from C(b) ANSI 2020(c) ANSI 2015
  id name gpa
s1 123 dilbert 3.0
s2 456 alice 4.0
s3 789 wally 2.0
  • The field order within the structure and the data order within the initialization list are significant and must match. The program saves the first list value in the first structure field until it saves the last list value in the last structure field. If there are fewer initializers (the elements inside the braces) than there are fields, the excess fields are initialized to their zero-equivalents . Having more initializers than fields is a compile-time error.
  • Similar to (a), but newer standards no longer require the = operator.
  • Historically, en block structure initialization was only allowed in the structure definition, but the ANSI 2015 standard removed that restriction, allowing en bloc assignment to previously defined variables.
  • Abstract representations of the structure objects or variables created and initialized in (a), (b), and (c). Each object has three fields. Although every student must have these fields, the values stored in them may be different.
  • Another way to conceptualize structures and variables is as the rows and columns of a simple database table. Each column represents one field, and each row represents one structure object. The database schema fixes the number of columns, but the program can add any number of rows to the table.
  • Initializing a structure object when defining it. The = operator is now optional.
  • Designated initializers are more flexible than the non-designated initializers illustrated in Figure 4, which are matched to structure fields by position (first initializer to the first field, second initializer to the second field, etc.). Designated initializers may skip a field - the program does not initialize name in this example.
  • Programmers may save data to previously defined structure objects, possibly skipping some fields, with designators.

The next step is accessing the individual fields within a structure object.

Field Selection: The Dot And Arrow Operators

A basket is potentially beneficial, but so far, we have only seen how to put items into it, and then only en masse . To achieve its full potential, we need some way to put items into the basket one at a time, and there must be some way to retrieve them. C++ provides two selection operators that join a specific structure object with a named field. The combination of an object and a field form a variable whose type matches the field type in the structure specification.

The Dot Operator

The C++ dot operator looks and behaves just like Java's dot operator and performs the same tasks in both languages.

id = 123; l-value
name << endl; r-value
gpa; r-value
  id name gpa
s1 123 dilbert 3.0
s2 456 alice 4.0
s3 789 wally 2.0
  • The general dot operator syntax. The left-hand operand is a structure object, and the right-hand operator is the name of one of its fields.
  • Examples illustrating the dot operator based on the student examples in Figure 3(a).
  • The dot operator's left operand names a specific basket or object, and the right-hand operand names the field. If we view the structure as a table, the left-hand operand selects the row, and the right-hand operand selects the column. So, we can visualize s2 . name as the intersection of a row and column.

The Arrow Operator

Java only has one way of creating objects and only needs one operator to access its fields. C++ can create objects in two ways (see Figure 3 above) and needs an additional field access operator, the arrow: -> .

id = 123; l-value
name << endl; r-value
gpa; r-value
  • The general arrow operator syntax. The left-hand operand is a pointer to a structure object, and the right-hand operator is the name of one of the object's fields.
  • Examples illustrate the arrow operator based on the student examples in Figure 3(b).

Choosing the correct selection operator

A picture illustrating the order (left to right) of a structure variable name, the location of the selection operator, and a structure field name.

  • Choose the arrow operator if the left-hand operand is a pointer.
  • Otherwise, choose the dot operator.

Moving Structures Within A Program

A basket is a convenient way to carry and move many items by holding its handle. Similarly, a structure object is convenient for a program to "hold" and move many data items with a single (variable) name. Specifically, a program can assign one structure to another (as long as they are instances of the same structure specification), pass them as arguments to functions, and return them from functions as the function's return value.

Assignment is a fundamental operation regardless of the kind of data involved. The C++ code to assign one structure to another is simple and should look familiar:

  • C++ code defining a new structure object and copying an existing object to it by assignment.
  • An abstract representation of a new, empty structure.
  • An abstract representation of how a program copies the contents of an existing structure to another structure.

Function Argument

Once the program creates a structure object, passing it to a function looks and behaves like passing a fundamental-type variable. If we view the function argument as a new, empty structure object, we see that argument passing copies one structure object to another, behaving like an assignment operation.

// function call
  • The first part of the C++ code fragment defines a function (similar to a Java method). The argument is a student structure. The last statement (highlighted) passes a previously created and initialized structure as a function argument.
  • In this abstract representation, a program copies the data stored in s2 to the function argument temp . The braces forming the body of the print function create a new scope distinct from the calling scope where the program defines s2 . The italicized variable names label and distinguish the illustrated objects.

Function Return Value

Just as a program can pass a structure into a function as an argument, so it can return a structure as the function's return value, as demonstrated by the following example:

  • C++ code defining a function named read that returns a structure. The program defines and initializes the structure object, temp , in local or function scope with a series of console read operations and returns it as the function return value. The assignment operator saves the returned structure in s3 .
  • A graphical representation of the return process. Returning an object with the return operator copies the local object, temp , to the calling scope, where the program saves it in s1 .

Struct declaration.


A struct is a type consisting of a sequence of members whose storage is allocated in an ordered sequence (as opposed to union, which is a type consisting of a sequence of members whose storage overlaps).

The type specifier for a struct is identical to the union type specifier except for the keyword used:

Syntax Explanation Forward declaration Keywords Notes Example Defect reports References See also

[ edit ] Syntax

attr-spec-seq (optional) name (optional) struct-declaration-list (1)
attr-spec-seq (optional) name (2)
name - the name of the struct that's being defined
struct-declaration-list - any number of variable declarations, declarations, and declarations. Members of incomplete type and members of function type are not allowed (except for the flexible array member described below)
attr-spec-seq - (C23)optional list of , applied to the struct type

[ edit ] Explanation

Within a struct object, addresses of its elements (and the addresses of the bit-field allocation units) increase in order in which the members were defined. A pointer to a struct can be cast to a pointer to its first member (or, if the member is a bit-field, to its allocation unit). Likewise, a pointer to the first member of a struct can be cast to a pointer to the enclosing struct. There may be unnamed padding between any two members of a struct or after the last member, but not before the first member. The size of a struct is at least as large as the sum of the sizes of its members.

If a struct defines at least one named member, it is allowed to additionally declare its last member with incomplete array type. When an element of the flexible array member is accessed (in an expression that uses operator or with the flexible array member's name as the right-hand-side operand), then the struct behaves as if the array member had the longest size fitting in the memory allocated for this object. If no additional storage was allocated, it behaves as if an array with 1 element, except that the behavior is undefined if that element is accessed or a pointer one past that element is produced. Initialization and the assignment operator ignore the flexible array member. sizeof omits it, but may have more trailing padding than the omission would imply. Structures with flexible array members (or unions who have a recursive-possibly structure member with flexible array member) cannot appear as array elements or as members of other structures.

s { int n; double d[]; }; // s.d is a flexible array member   struct s t1 = { 0 }; // OK, d is as if double d[1], but UB to access struct s t2 = { 1, { 4.2 } }; // error: initialization ignores flexible array   // if sizeof (double) == 8 struct s *s1 = (sizeof (struct s) + 64); // as if d was double d[8] struct s *s2 = (sizeof (struct s) + 40); // as if d was double d[5]   s1 = (sizeof (struct s) + 10); // now as if d was double d[1]. Two bytes excess. double *dp = &(s1->d[0]); // OK *dp = 42; // OK s1->d[1]++; // Undefined behavior. 2 excess bytes can't be accessed // as double.   s2 = (sizeof (struct s) + 6); // same, but UB to access because 2 bytes are // missing to complete 1 double dp = &(s2->d[0]); // OK, can take address just fine *dp = 42; // undefined behavior   *s1 = *s2; // only copies s.n, not any element of s.d // except those caught in sizeof (struct s)
(since C99)

Similar to union, an unnamed member of a struct whose type is a struct without name is known as . Every member of an anonymous struct is considered to be a member of the enclosing struct or union, keeping their structure layout. This applies recursively if the enclosing struct or union is also anonymous.

v { union // anonymous union { struct { int i, j; }; // anonymous structure struct { long k, l; } w; }; int m; } v1;   v1.i = 2; // valid v1.k = 3; // invalid: inner structure is not anonymous v1.w.k = 5; // valid

Similar to union, the behavior of the program is undefined if struct is defined without any named members (including those obtained via anonymous nested structs or unions).

(since C11)

[ edit ] Forward declaration

A declaration of the following form

attr-spec-seq (optional) name

hides any previously declared meaning for the name name in the tag name space and declares name as a new struct name in current scope, which will be defined later. Until the definition appears, this struct name has incomplete type .

This allows structs that refer to each other:

Note that a new struct name may also be introduced just by using a struct tag within another declaration, but if a previously declared struct with the same name exists in the tag name space , the tag would refer to that name

[ edit ] Keywords

[ edit ] notes.

See struct initialization for the rules regarding the initializers for structs.

Because members of incomplete type are not allowed, and a struct type is not complete until the end of the definition, a struct cannot have a member of its own type. A pointer to its own type is allowed, and is commonly used to implement nodes in linked lists or trees.

Because a struct declaration does not establish scope , nested types, enumerations and enumerators introduced by declarations within struct-declaration-list are visible in the surrounding scope where the struct is defined.

[ edit ] Example

Possible output:

[ edit ] Defect reports

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C standards.

DR Applied to Behavior as published Correct behavior
C11 members of anonymous structs/unions were considered members of the enclosing struct/union they retain their memory layout

[ edit ] References

  • C23 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2024):
  • Structure and union specifiers (p: TBD)
  • C17 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2018):
  • Structure and union specifiers (p: 81-84)
  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011):
  • Structure and union specifiers (p: 112-117)
  • C99 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999):
  • Structure and union specifiers (p: 101-104)
  • C89/C90 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1990):
  • Structure and union specifiers

[ edit ] See also

  • struct and union member access
  • struct initialization
for Class declaration
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  • C Programming

Structure in C Programming Language with practical examples

  • Declaring Structure in C
  • Variable Declaration with Structure Template
  • Variable Declaration after Structure Template
  • Initializing by Accessing Member Variables
  • Initializing through Initializer List
  • Structure as a Member Variable
  • Declaring Inside Another Structure
  • Structure Pointers
  • Passing Structure to a Function
  • Run C Programming Online Compiler

It is often convenient to organize related pieces of information together while working with real life entities. In C programming language, structure provides a way to do that by grouping several related variables into one place as structs. Structure may contain different data types such as char, integer, float and group them together to create a user-defined data type.

¶ Declaring Structure in C

To declare a structure, we use the keyword struct followed by an identifier as the structure name. Inside the curly braces we list the member variables with their respective data types. Here, we are creating a structure for devices that contains information about the device’s name, price, and quantity.

Notice we put a semicolon after the curly braces unlike the function declaration we have seen previously.

¶ Declaring Structure Variable

A structure is a kind of blueprint or template in which we get to decide what types of data we want to keep. To use it, we need to create an instance (variable) of it. Let’s create two structure variables of Device type. We can do that in the following ways,

¶ Variable Declaration with Structure Template

We can create instances of the structure with the template in the following way.

¶ Variable Declaration after Structure Template

We can also create instances of the structure after the template in the following way

Notice that we use the keyword struct followed by the name of the structure we want to create an instance of, and then the variable names. Structure also allows to create array of structure like other data types with the similar syntax.

¶ Initializing Structure Variable

Since a structure is just a blueprint not an actual data placeholder, it doesn’t occupy any memory space when declared until an instance is created. Also, structures do not support constructors or functions inside their body. Therefore, we can not initialize member variables within the curly braces. However, we can initialize or assign values to member variables in the following ways:

¶ Initializing by Accessing Member Variables

To assign or access the value of the member variables of an instance we can access them using dot (.) operator then assign value using assignment operator (=)

Notice that we assigned name variable differently from others because, C string is an array of characters which does not support using assignment operator directly. That’s why we used the function strcpy() from string.h header file to achieve the same goal.

¶ Initializing through Initializer List

We could achieve the same result when declaring an instance of the structure through an initializer list in the following way,

¶ Nested Structures

When a structure is used as a member variable of another structure or declared inside another structure, it is referred to as the nesting of structures. Nesting of a structure can be done in the following two ways,

¶ Structure as a Member Variable

We can use a structure as a member variable of another structure as well. We have to declare the structure of the member variable before the structure in which we are nesting our structure.

We have nested our structure Model as a member variable inside the structure Device . We can access and initialize the members of the both structures Device and Model in the same way we have seen before.

¶ Declaring Inside Another Structure

We can also declare a structure inside the body of another structure.

We can access and assign member variables in the same way we have seen before.

¶ Structure Pointers

Similar to other data types, we can use a pointer to refer to the memory address of a structure. To access the member variables, the arrow operator (->) is used with the structure pointer.

We can also use pointers as member variables. Sometimes, it is useful to have a pointer member that points to another instance of the same structure, creating a self-referential structure . Consider a scenario where we want to manage desktop information along with the GPU details used in that desktop. We can define a Device structure with an additional pointer member that points to another instance of the same Device structure. In this example, both the desktop and GPU are instances of the Device structure, and a desktop Device structure can point to another Device structure, representing the associated GPU, through a self-referential pointer .

¶ Passing Structure to a Function

we can pass a structure to a function by the structure itself (pass by value) or a reference to the structure (pass by reference). When we pass by the reference we can modify the actual instance members from inside the function.

In the C programming language, directly returning multiple values from a function is not allowed. One workaround is to return a structure from a function.

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Structures in C programming, need and use

  • Need of structures?
  • What is structure?
  • How to declare and define?
  • How to create structure object?
  • How to access structure members?
  • Example program

Structures in C, is an advance and most popular topic in C language. It facilitates you to design your custom data type . In this tutorial, we will learn about structures in C its need, how to declare, define and access structures.

Need of structures in C?

C has built in primitive and derrived data types . Still not all real world problems can be solved using those types. You need custom data type for different situations.

For example, if you need to store 100 student record that consist of name, age and mobile number. To code that you will create 3 array variables each of size 100 i.e. name[100] , age[100] , mobile[100] . For three fields in student record it say seem feasible to you. But, think how cumbersome it would be to manage student record with more than 10 fields, in separate variables for single student.

To overcome this we need a user defined data type. In this tutorial I am going to explain how easily we will deal with these situations using structures in C programming language.

What is structure in C?

Structure is a user defined data type. It is a collection of different data type, to create a new data type.

For example, You can define your custom type for storing student record containing name, age and mobile. Creating structure type will allow you to handle all properties (fields) of student with single variable, instead of handling it separately.

How to declare, define and access structure members?

To declare or define a structure, we use struct keyword. It is a reserved word in the C compiler. You must only use it for structure or its object declaration or definition.

Syntax to define a structure

Here, structure_name is name of our custom type. memberN_declaration is structure member i.e. variable declaration that structure will have.

Example to define a structure

Let us use our student example and define a structure to store student object.

Points to remember while structure definition

  • You must terminate structure definition with semicolon ; .

For example, following is an invalid structure definition.

  • You can define a structure anywhere like global scope (accessible by all functions) or local scope (accessible by particular function).
  • Structure member definition may contain other structure type.

How to create structure object (structure variable)?

A data type is useless without variables. A data type defines various properties about data stored in memory. To use any type we must declare its variable. Hence, let us learn how to create our custom structure type objects also known as structure variable .

In C programming, there are two ways to declare a structure variable:

  • Along with structure definition
  • After structure definition

Declaration along with the structure definition

Out of two ways to declare structure variable. You can declare a structure variable along with structure before terminating the structure definition.

So, if you want to declare student type object along with student structure definition you can use this approach.

Declaration after structure definition

The other way to declare, gives you luxury to declare structure variable anywhere in program based on the structure scope. If structure is defined in global scope, we can declare its variable in main() function , any other functions and in the global section too.

For above example, if we want to declare its variable with name student1 , it will be declared as given below:

How to access structure members (data)?

You created structure and its variable. But since structure is a complex data type, you cannot assign any value directly to it using assignment operator . You must assign data to individual structure members separately.

C supports two operators to access structure members, using a structure variable.

  • Dot/period operator .
  • Arrow operator ->

Dot/period operator (.) in C

Dot/period operator also known as member access operator. We use dot operator to access members of simple structure variable.

Read more about other operators in C programming language .

Arrow operator (->) in C

Since structure is a user defined type and you can have pointers to any type. Hence, you may also create pointers to structure.

In C language it is illegal to access a structure member from a pointer to structure variable using dot operator. We use arrow operator -> to access structure member from pointer to structure.

Example program to demonstrate declare, define and access structure members

In this example, we will declare a structure type, create structure object and access structure members. I will show how to use both dot and arrow operator to access structure members.

Happy coding 😉

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  • C Operators
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Nested Structure in C with Examples

Pre-requisite: Structures in C

A nested structure in C is a structure within structure. One structure can be declared inside another structure in the same way structure members are declared inside a structure.

struct name_1 {     member1;    member2;    .    .    membern;    struct name_2    {        member_1;        member_2;        .        .       member_n;    }, var1 } var2;

The member of a nested structure can be accessed using the following syntax:

Variable name of Outer_Structure.Variable name of member to access 
  • Consider there are two structures Employee (depended structure) and another structure called Organisation(Outer structure) .
  • The structure Organisation has the data members like organisation_name,organisation_number.
  • The Employee structure is nested inside the structure Organisation and it has the data members like employee_id, name, salary.

For accessing the members of Organisation and Employee following syntax will be used:

org.emp.employee_id;; org.emp.salary; org.organisation_name; org.organisation_number; Here, org is the structure variable of the outer structure Organisation and emp is the structure variable of the inner structure Employee.

Different ways of nesting structure

The structure can be nested in the following different ways:

  • By separate nested structure
  • By embedded nested structure .

1. By separate nested structure: In this method, the two structures are created, but the dependent structure(Employee) should be used inside the main structure(Organisation) as a member. Below is the C program to implement the approach:

The size of structure organisation : 68 Organisation Name : GeeksforGeeks Organisation Number : GFG123768 Employee id : 101 Employee name : Robert Employee Salary : 400000

2. By Embedded nested structure: Using this method, allows to declare structure inside a structure and it requires fewer lines of code. 

Case 1: Error will occur if the structure is present but the structure variable is missing.



Whenever an embedded nested structure is created, the variable declaration is compulsory at the end of the inner structure, which acts as a member of the outer structure. It is compulsory that the structure variable is created at the end of the inner structure. 

Case 2: When the structure variable of the inner structure is declared at the end of the inner structure. Below is the C program to implement this approach:


Drawback of Nested Structure

The drawback in nested structures are:

  • Independent existence not possible: It is important to note that structure Employee doesn’t exist on its own. One can’t declare structure variable of type struct Employee anywhere else in the program.
  • Cannot be used in multiple data structures: The nested structure cannot be used in multiple structures due to the limitation of declaring structure variables within the main structure. So, the most recommended way is to use a separate structure and it can be used in multiple data structures

C Nested Structure Example

Below is another example of a C nested structure.

College name : GeeksforGeeks Ranking : 7 Student id : 111 Student name : Paul Roll no : 278

Nesting of structure within itself is not allowed. 

struct student {     char name[50];     char address[100];     int roll_no;     struct student geek; // Invalid }

Passing nested structure to function

A nested structure can be passed into the function in two ways:

  • Pass the nested structure variable at once.
  • Pass the nested structure members as an argument into the function.

Let’s discuss each of these ways in detail.

1. Pass the nested structure variable at once: Just like other variables, a nested structure variable can also be passed to the function. Below is the C program to implement this concept:

Printing the Details : Organisation Name : GeeksforGeeks Organisation Number : GFG111 Employee id : 278 Employee name : Paul Employee Salary : 5000

2. Pass the nested structure members as arguments into the function: Consider the following example to pass the structure member of the employee to a function display() which is used to display the details of an employee.


Accessing Nested Structure

Nested Structure can be accessed in two ways:

  • Using Normal variable.
  • Using Pointer variable.

Let’s discuss each of these methods in detail.

1. Using Normal variable: Outer and inner structure variables are declared as normal variables and the data members of the outer structure are accessed using a single dot(.) and the data members of the inner structure are accessed using the two dots. Below is the C program to implement this concept:

College ID : 14567   College Name : GeeksforGeeks   Student ID : 12   Student Name : Kathy   Student CGPA : 7.800000 

2. Using Pointer variable: One normal variable and one pointer variable of the structure are declared to explain the difference between the two. In the case of the pointer variable, a combination of dot(.) and arrow(->) will be used to access the data members. Below is the C program to implement the above approach:


A nested structure will allow the creation of complex data types according to the requirements of the program.


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Structures in C

A structure in C is a derived or user-defined data type. We use the keyword struct to define a custom data type that groups together the elements of different types. The difference between an array and a structure is that an array is a homogenous collection of similar types, whereas a structure can have elements of different types stored adjacently and identified by a name.

We are often required to work with values of different data types having certain relationships among them. For example, a book is described by its title (string), author (string), price (double), number of pages (integer), etc. Instead of using four different variables, these values can be stored in a single struct variable.

Declare (Create) a Structure

You can create (declare) a structure by using the "struct" keyword followed by the structure_tag (structure name) and declare all of the members of the structure inside the curly braces along with their data types.

To define a structure, you must use the struct statement. The struct statement defines a new data type, with more than one member.

Syntax of Structure Declaration

The format (syntax) to declare a structure is as follows −

The structure tag is optional and each member definition is a normal variable definition, such as "int i;" or "float f;" or any other valid variable definition.

At the end of the structure's definition, before the final semicolon, you can specify one or more structure variables but it is optional .

In the following example we are declaring a structure for Book to store the details of a Book −

Here, we declared the structure variable book1 at the end of the structure definition. However, you can do it separately in a different statement.

Structure Variable Declaration

To access and manipulate the members of the structure, you need to declare its variable first. To declare a structure variable, write the structure name along with the "struct" keyword followed by the name of the structure variable. This structure variable will be used to access and manipulate the structure members.

The following statement demonstrates how to declare (create) a structure variable  

Usually, a structure is declared before the first function is defined in the program, after the include statements. That way, the derived type can be used for declaring its variable inside any function.

Structure Initialization

The initialization of a struct variable is done by placing the value of each element inside curly brackets.

The following statement demonstrates the initialization of structure  

Accessing the Structure Members

To access the members of a structure, first, you need to declare a structure variable and then use the dot (.) operator along with the structure variable.

The four elements of the struct variable book1 are accessed with the dot (.) operator . Hence, "book1.title" refers to the title element, "" is the author name, "book1.price" is the price, "book1.pages" is the fourth element (number of pages).

Take a look at the following example −

Run the code and check its output −

In the above program, we will make a small modification. Here, we will put the type definition and the variable declaration together, like this −

Note that if you a declare a struct variable in this way, then you cannot initialize it with curly brackets. Instead, the elements need to be assigned individually.

When you execute this code, it will produce the following output −

Copying Structures

The assignment (=) operator can be used to copy a structure directly. You can also use the assignment operator (=) to assign the value of the member of one structure to another.

Let's have two struct book variables, book1 and book2 . The variable book1 is initialized with declaration, and we wish to assign the same values of its elements to that of book2 .

We can assign individual elements as follows −

Note the use of strcpy() function to assign the value to a string variable instead of using the "= operator".

You can also assign book1 to book2 so that all the elements of book1 are respectively assigned to the elements of book2. Take a look at the following program code −

Structures as Function Arguments

You can pass a structure as a function argument in the same way as you pass any other variable or pointer.

Take a look at the following program code. It demonstrates how you can pass a structure as a function argument −

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −

Pointers to Structures

You can define pointers to structures in the same way as you define pointers to any other variable.

Declaration of Pointer to a Structure

You can declare a pointer to a structure (or structure pointer) as follows −

Initialization of Pointer to a Structure

You can store the address of a structure variable in the above pointer variable struct_pointer . To find the address of a structure variable, place the '&' operator before the structure's name as follows −

Let's store the address of a struct variable in a struct pointer variable.

Accessing Members Using Pointer to a Structure

To access the members of a structure using a pointer to that structure, you must use the → operator as follows −

C defines the → symbol to be used with struct pointer as the indirection operator (also called struct dereference operator ). It helps to access the elements of the struct variable to which the pointer reference to.

In this example, strptr is a pointer to struct book book1 variable. Hence, strrptr→title returns the title, just like book1.title does.

When you run this code, it will produce the following output −

Note: The dot (.) operator is used to access the struct elements via the struct variable. To access the elements via its pointer, we must use the indirection (->) operator

A struct variable is like a normal variable of primary type, in the sense that you can have an array of struct, you can pass the struct variable to a function, as well as return a struct from a function.

You may have noted that you need to prefix "struct type" to the name of the variable or pointer at the time of declaration. This can be avoided by creating a shorthand notation with the help of typedef keyword, which we will explain in a subsequent chapter.

Structures are used in different applications such as databases, file management applications, and for handling complex data structures such as tree and linked lists.

Bit Fields allow the packing of data in a structure. This is especially useful when memory or data storage is at a premium. Typical examples include −

  • Packing several objects into a machine word, for example, 1-bit flags can be compacted.
  • Reading external file formats − non-standard file formats could be read in, for example, 9-bit integers.


C allows us to do this in a structure definition by putting :bit length after the variable. For example −

Here, the packed_struct contains 6 members: Four 1 bit flags f1..f3, a 4-bit type and a 9-bit my_int.

C automatically packs the above bit fields as compactly as possible, provided that the maximum length of the field is less than or equal to the integer word length of the computer. If this is not the case, then some compilers may allow memory overlap for the fields while others would store the next field in the next word.

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C Struct Examples

A structure is a collection of variables of different data types.

You will find examples related to structures in this article. To understand examples in this page, you should have the knowledge of the following topics.

  • C structs and pointers
  • C structs and functions

C struct Examples

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Structure assignment and its pitfall in c language.

Jan 28 th , 2013 9:47 pm

There is a structure type defined as below:

2 3 4 5 struct __map_t { int code; char name[NAME_SIZE]; char *alias; }map_t;

If we want to assign map_t type variable struct2 to sturct1 , we usually have below 3 ways:

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 struct1.code = struct2.code; strncpy(,, NAME_SIZE); struct1.alias = struct2.alias; /* Way #2: memcpy the whole memory content of struct2 to struct1 */ memcpy(&struct1, &struct2, sizeof(struct1)); /* Way #3: straight assignment with '=' */ struct1 = struct2;

Consider above ways, most of programmer won’t use way #1, since it’s so stupid ways compare to other twos, only if we are defining an structure assignment function. So, what’s the difference between way #2 and way #3? And what’s the pitfall of the structure assignment once there is array or pointer member existed? Coming sections maybe helpful for your understanding.

The difference between ‘=’ straight assignment and memcpy

The struct1=struct2; notation is not only more concise , but also shorter and leaves more optimization opportunities to the compiler . The semantic meaning of = is an assignment, while memcpy just copies memory. That’s a huge difference in readability as well, although memcpy does the same in this case.

Copying by straight assignment is probably best, since it’s shorter, easier to read, and has a higher level of abstraction. Instead of saying (to the human reader of the code) “copy these bits from here to there”, and requiring the reader to think about the size argument to the copy, you’re just doing a straight assignment (“copy this value from here to here”). There can be no hesitation about whether or not the size is correct.

Consider that, above source code also has pitfall about the pointer alias, it will lead dangling pointer problem ( It will be introduced below section ). If we use straight structure assignment ‘=’ in C++, we can consider to overload the operator= function , that can dissolve the problem, and the structure assignment usage does not need to do any changes, but structure memcpy does not have such opportunity.

The pitfall of structure assignment:

Beware though, that copying structs that contain pointers to heap-allocated memory can be a bit dangerous, since by doing so you’re aliasing the pointer, and typically making it ambiguous who owns the pointer after the copying operation.

If the structures are of compatible types, yes, you can, with something like:

(dest_struct, source_struct, sizeof(dest_struct));

} The only thing you need to be aware of is that this is a shallow copy. In other words, if you have a char * pointing to a specific string, both structures will point to the same string.

And changing the contents of one of those string fields (the data that the char points to, not the char itself) will change the other as well. For these situations a “deep copy” is really the only choice, and that needs to go in a function. If you want a easy copy without having to manually do each field but with the added bonus of non-shallow string copies, use strdup:

2 (dest_struct, source_struct, sizeof (dest_struct)); dest_struct->strptr = strdup(source_struct->strptr);

This will copy the entire contents of the structure, then deep-copy the string, effectively giving a separate string to each structure. And, if your C implementation doesn’t have a strdup (it’s not part of the ISO standard), you have to allocate new memory for dest_struct pointer member, and copy the data to memory address.

Example of trap:

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define NAME_SIZE 16 typedef struct _map_t { int code; char name[NAME_SIZE]; char *alias; } map_t; int main() { map_t a, b, c; /* initialize the a's members value */ a.code = 1024; snprintf(, NAME_SIZE, "Controller SW3"); char *alias = "RNC&IPA"; a.alias = alias; /* assign the value via memcpy */ memcpy(&b, &a, sizeof(b)); /* assign the value via '=' */ c = a; return 0; }

Below diagram illustrates above source memory layout, if there is a pointer field member, either the straight assignment or memcpy , that will be alias of pointer to point same address. For example, b.alias and c.alias both points to address of a.alias . Once one of them free the pointed address, it will cause another pointer as dangling pointer. It’s dangerous!!

  • Recommend use straight assignment ‘=’ instead of memcpy.
  • If structure has pointer or array member, please consider the pointer alias problem, it will lead dangling pointer once incorrect use. Better way is implement structure assignment function in C, and overload the operator= function in C++.
  • structure assignment or memcpy
  • assign one struct to another in C
  • structures assignment
  • wikipedia: struct in C programming language
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Struct assignment or memcpy? [duplicate]

If I want to replicate a structure in another one (in C), what are the pro&con's of :

Are they equivalent ? Is there a difference in performance or memory use ?

  • variable-assignment

hmijail's user avatar

  • 4 Just be careful of memory allocation inside the struct. For example if you have a struct that contains a pointer to a string and you allocate memory for the string. That memory does not get copied. the pointer to the memory gets copied, but not the memory itself. In other word this type of assignment is not a deep copy. Neither is vanilla memcpy for that mater. It can get confusing as to who owns the allocated memory. –  Pemdas Commented Mar 21, 2011 at 15:22
  • I think this question is more suited to Stackoverflow. –  karlphillip Commented Mar 21, 2011 at 16:52
  • 2 I think this question was already well answered here: –  karlphillip Commented Mar 21, 2011 at 16:54

4 Answers 4

The struct1=struct2; notation is not only more concise, but also shorter and leaves more optimization opportunities to the compiler. The semantic meaning of = is an assignment, while memcpy just copies memory. That's a huge difference in readability as well, although memcpy does the same in this case.

Alexander Gessler's user avatar

  • 3 Major problem on s = mystruct between struct s and struct * s. Both work nicely with equals, so you can't see the difference by reading. *s gives you identical, while struct s gives you a copy. When it comes time to deallocate(s), this works fine with the identical struct * s; but it leaks mystruct if you foolishly do only one dealloc with the struct s version. It is also faster to work with pointers. Just keep what you're doing in mind, and then things should be fine. YMMV. –  DragonLord Commented Mar 7, 2015 at 2:55

I'm not sure of the performance difference, although I would guess most compilers would use memcpy under the hood.

I would prefer the assignment in most cases, it is much easier to read and is much more explicit as to what the purpose is. Imagine you changed the type of either of the structs, the compiler would guide you to what changes were needed, either giving a compiler error or by using an operator= (if one exists). Whereas the second one would blindly do the copy with the possibility of causing a subtle bug.

Andy Lowry's user avatar

Check out this conversation about the very same topic:

Basically, there are a lot of disagreements about the corner cases in that thread on what the struct copy would do. It's pretty clear if all the members of a struct are simple values (int, double, etc.). The confusion comes in with what happens with arrays and pointers, and padding bytes.

Everything should be pretty clear as to what happens with the memcpy , as that is a verbatim copy of every byte. This includes both absolute memory pointers, relative offsets, etc.

Berin Loritsch's user avatar

There is no inherent reason why one would be better in performance than the other. Different compilers, and versions of them, may differ, so if you really care, you profile and benchmark and use facts as a basis to decide.

A straight assignment is clearer to read.

Assignment is a teeny bit riskier to get wrong, so that you assign pointers to structs rather than the structs pointed to. If you fear this, you'll make sure your unit tests cover this. I would not care about this risk. (Similarly, memcpy is risky because you might get the struct size wrong.)

  • There's nothing risky about memcpy if you use sizeof and the correct struct. I suppose you could get the struct wrong and there would be no error. I think you'd probably get a segmentation fault eventually though. –  Michael K Commented Mar 21, 2011 at 17:05

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structure assignment in c


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  1. Assign one struct to another in C

    4. Yes, you can assign one instance of a struct to another using a simple assignment statement. In the case of non-pointer or non pointer containing struct members, assignment means copy. In the case of pointer struct members, assignment means pointer will point to the same address of the other pointer.

  2. Structure Assignment (GNU C Language Manual)

    15.13 Structure Assignment. Assignment operating on a structure type copies the structure. The left and right operands must have the same type. Here is an example: Notionally, assignment on a structure type works by copying each of the fields. Thus, if any of the fields has the const qualifier, that structure type does not allow assignment:

  3. C Structures

    The structure in C is a user-defined data type that can be used to group items of possibly different types into a single type. The struct keyword is used to define the structure in the C programming language. The items in the structure are called its member and they can be of any valid data type. Additionally, the values of a structure are stored in contiguous memory locations.

  4. C Structures (structs)

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  7. PDF C Structures

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    C++ code defining a function named read that returns a structure. The program defines and initializes the structure object, temp, in local or function scope with a series of console read operations and returns it as the function return value. The assignment operator saves the returned structure in s3.

  9. Struct declaration

    structattr-spec-seq  (optional)name. (2) 1) Struct definition: introduces the new type struct name and defines its meaning. 2) If used on a line of its own, as in structname;, declares but doesn't define the struct name (see forward declaration below). In other contexts, names the previously-declared struct, and attr-spec-seq is not allowed.

  10. Structure in C Programming Language with practical examples

    Structure may contain different data types such as char, integer, float and group them together to create a user-defined data type. ¶Declaring Structure in C. To declare a structure, we use the keyword struct followed by an identifier as the structure name. Inside the curly braces we list the member variables with their respective data types.

  11. C Structure Assignment

    Notes for You:: C Structure Assignment.Example Code:#include <stdio.h>int main(){ struct Date { int day; int month; int year...

  12. Structures in C programming, need and use

    Arrow operator (->) in C. Since structure is a user defined type and you can have pointers to any type. Hence, you may also create pointers to structure. In C language it is illegal to access a structure member from a pointer to structure variable using dot operator. We use arrow operator -> to access structure member from pointer to structure ...

  13. C structs and Pointers (With Examples)

    printf("weight: %f", personPtr->weight); return 0; } Run Code. In this example, the address of person1 is stored in the personPtr pointer using personPtr = &person1;. Now, you can access the members of person1 using the personPtr pointer. By the way, personPtr->age is equivalent to (*personPtr).age. personPtr->weight is equivalent to ...

  14. Copying structure in C with assignment instead of memcpy()

    Note also that although in C memcpy and structure assignment are usually equivalent, in C++ memcpy and structure assignment are not equivalent. In general C++ it's best to avoid memcpying structures, as structure assignment can, and often is, overloaded to do additional things such as deep copies or reference count management.

  15. Nested Structure in C with Examples

    1. By separate nested structure: In this method, the two structures are created, but the dependent structure (Employee) should be used inside the main structure (Organisation) as a member. Below is the C program to implement the approach: C. #include <stdio.h>. #include <string.h>. struct Employee.

  16. Structures in C

    Structures in C. A structure in C is a derived or user-defined data type. We use the keyword struct to define a custom data type that groups together the elements of different types. The difference between an array and a structure is that an array is a homogenous collection of similar types, whereas a structure can have elements of different types stored adjacently and identified by a name.

  17. C Struct Examples

    C struct Examples. Store information of a student using structure. Add two distances (in inch-feet) Add two complex numbers by passing structures to a function. Calculate the difference between two time periods. Store information of 10 students using structures. Store information of n students using structures. Share on:

  18. Structure Assignment and Its Pitfall in C Language

    If structure has pointer or array member, please consider the pointer alias problem, it will lead dangling pointer once incorrect use. Better way is implement structure assignment function in C, and overload the operator= function in C++. Reference: structure assignment or memcpy; assign one struct to ...

  19. How to initialize a struct in accordance with C programming language

    Interesting that the accepted (and heavily upvoted) answer doesn't actually answer the question, even as originally posted. Designated initializers don't address the OP's problem, which is to split the declaration from the initialization. For pre-1999 C, the only real solution is to assign to each member; for C99 and later, a compound literal, as in CesarB's answer, is the solution.

  20. c++

    Move Assignment (C++11) If you want to know why? It is to maintain backward compatibility with C (because C structs are copyable using = and in declaration). But it also makes writing simple classes easier. ... // zero-initialized // some_struct c; // value-initialized // some_struct d = some_struct(); // zero-initialized // Note: Just because ...

  21. c

    The struct1=struct2; notation is not only more concise, but also shorter and leaves more optimization opportunities to the compiler. The semantic meaning of = is an assignment, while memcpy just copies memory. That's a huge difference in readability as well, although memcpy does the same in this case. Use =.