Application Tips

We realize the college application process can feel overwhelming sometimes, and we want to help alleviate some of that stress with this advice.

Letters of Recommendation

Carefully select teachers to write your recommendations . They should come from teachers who taught you in a core academic area (English, math, science, social sciences, global/foreign language, or visual performing arts).

You do not have to pick the teacher who gave you the highest grades. Consider the teacher who challenged you the most, can share details about your strengths, or can tell us how you overcame obstacles.

Personal Statement & Short Answers

We get inspired hearing about you. Your test scores and grades are an important part of demonstrating your academic achievements, but your essay and short answers tell us just a bit more about you and allow us to hear your voice. 

In this example of a well-crafted essay , the admission committee member who reviewed this student’s file had this to say:

This essay is all about honesty. Being honest about their background, honest about their relationship with friends, and honest about their own feelings toward their community. The essay shows growth and reflection. While the simple topic of the essay is essentially not attending a high school dance, it is about so much more. The writing style is straightforward and simple—in a good way—and it is an edited and polished piece. The author of the essay is reflective about their community and does not try to be anything they are not. They understand that if they expect change, they themselves have to be a part of that change.

We hope you use your essay to give us a compelling glimpse of the real you.

student testing

Standardized Tests

Only after we’ve reviewed your high school transcript, personal statement, short answer responses, and extracurricular activities, do we turn to your standardized test scores. Usually, they confirm the impressions we have from the rest of your application.

students testing

AP, IB, and College Credit

We know you’re an exceptional student, and you’ve worked hard to earn academic credit that may be applied to courses in college. Here are some parameters around what type of credit Emory does (and does not) accept.

Are you seeking one-on-one college counseling and/or essay support? Limited spots are now available. Click here to learn more.

Emory Supplemental Essays 2024-25 — Prompts and Tips

July 29, 2024

Emory’s 15% acceptance rate for the Class of 2028 came after they received approximately 35,000 applicants for admission, numbers that have held steady over the past several years. Whether applying to Emory College, Oxford College, or both, applicants to this prestigious Atlanta-based research university face an epically challenging admissions process ahead. Emory is a rare school where a 1500ish SAT and 3.9 GPA are often necessary, but not sufficient for admission. In addition, application components like the Emory supplemental essays need to be exceptionally well done.

(Want to learn more about How to Get Into Emory? Visit our blog entitled:  How to Get Into Emory University: Admissions Data and Strategies  for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

The good news is that this school does ultimately admit over 5,000 students each year. If you have the academic chops, then getting into Emory is an achievable goal. However, you’ll need to make sure that you use the two supplemental essays to showcase your writing ability by generating powerful and detail-rich essays that will stand out to an admissions officer.

Emory Supplemental Essays Prompt 1 – Academic Interests

What academic areas are you interested in exploring at Emory University and why ? (200 words)

We all have a story of what drives us to pursue a certain academic pathway and career. How did your interest initially develop? What was the spark? How have you nurtured this passion and how has it evolved over time? If you desire to go into engineering, for example, use this as a chance to talk about everything from your childhood fascination with how things work to your participation in an award-winning robotics program at your high school. Share a compelling narrative about how your love of your future area of study has blossomed to its present levels.

In addition to the above, Emory also wants to know why you desire to pursue your studies at their institution. Tie your passions into specific  academic opportunities  at Emory including courses, professors,  hands-on research programs , or any other aspects of your desired major that appeal most to you. The more specific, the better.

Emory Supplemental Essays Prompt 2 – Getting to Know You

In addition, answer one of the following questions.  Your response should be no more than 150 words.

In the university’s own words, “We encourage you to be thoughtful in your responses and not stress about what the ‘right answer’ might be, as there really isn’t one.”

a) Which book, character, song, monologue, or piece of work (fiction or non-fiction) seems made for you? Why?

What is your favorite (or most thought-provoking) book, character, monologue, or piece of short fiction or nonfiction? Why do you identify with it? Is it the protagonist’s tenacity, empathy, sense of justice, big heart, humor, resilience, uncompromising integrity, loyalty, self-awareness, or courage? Is it the overall theme, topic, or life lesson? Use the 150 available words to explain the powerful connection you feel to your answer. If you go the song route, explain why you connect so deeply with the music and lyrics.

b) Reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness.

Some students may have more direct experiences related to cultural awareness than others. But—no matter your background—this is an opportunity to demonstrate that you care about justice and fairness in your local community as well as the global community. If applicable, speak about a time when you spoke up for a peer in a moment of need. Alternatively, you could describe an instance when you became involved in a larger cause or movement. This could be in the realm of politics, activism, or volunteer work.

If you don’t happen to have a deeply personal story to tell in this realm, you’ll probably want to select a different prompt. While there’s nothing wrong with simply articulating your basic beliefs in the values of inclusion, equity, tolerance, and diversity, it doesn’t necessarily make for the most compelling essay, particularly when the school is asking for a specific “experience.”

Emory Supplemental Essays (Continued)

C) emory university’s unique mission calls for service to humanity. share how you might personally contribute to this mission of service to humanity..

To truly understand where Emory is coming from with this question, one needs to look no further than the school’s own mission statement: “Emory University’s mission is to create, preserve, teach, and apply knowledge in the service of humanity.”

If you have been involved in some type of charitable/community service endeavor throughout your high school years, this is a great opportunity to speak about that venture in more detail. Looking forward, how might you continue the work you’ve been doing? You can also connect your aspirations in this realm to specific service opportunities that are available at Emory.

d) Emory University has a strong commitment to building community. Tell us about a community that you have been part of where your participation helped to change or shape the community for the better.

“Community” can be defined in myriad ways: it could be large-scale, like an ethnic, religious, or neighborhood community, or small-scale, like a group of individuals who gather for a club, sport, or service project.

Most applicants to Emory are involved in at least one “community.” You may be the captain of a team, the editor-in-chief of your school paper, a member of your town’s trail clean-up team…but don’t just rest on those laurels—instead, bring your involvement to life. Use your writing ability to show  what type of community member you are rather than merely  telling . What is your role within your chosen community? Within that role, how do you lead, guide, or interact with others? What have you learned and how have you grown? How have you positively impacted your chosen community? Strive for personal detail here rather than re-hashing your resume.

How important are the Emory supplemental essays?

Emory views six factors as being “very important” to their applicant evaluation process. They are: the rigor of one’s coursework, the GPA earned, recommendations, character/personal qualities, extracurricular activities, and talent/ability. The essays are “important,” alongside standardized test scores and volunteer work.

Want personalized assistance with the Emory supplemental essays?

If you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your Emory supplemental essays, we encourage you to  get a quote  today.

Need additional writing resources? Consider checking out the following:

  • Common App Essay Prompts
  • 10 Instructive Common App Essay Examples
  • College Application Essay Topics to Avoid
  • How to Quickly Format Your Common App Essay
  • Should I Complete Optional College Essays?
  • How to Brainstorm a College Essay
  • 25 Inspiring College Essay Topics
  • “Why This College?” Essay Examples
  • How to Write the Community Essay
  • College Essay

Dave Bergman

Dave has over a decade of professional experience that includes work as a teacher, high school administrator, college professor, and independent educational consultant. He is a co-author of the books The Enlightened College Applicant (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016) and Colleges Worth Your Money (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).

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Emory University is a highly selective, private research university in Atlanta , Georgia , with only an 18% acceptance rate . Due to its competitive application process, there are two required Emory supplemental essays . This helps the admissions committee personalize their admission decisions among a large pool of equally qualified high school applicants with impressive GPAs and high test scores . Emory supplementals are key factors in the admissions process, so its important to familiarize yourself with past Emory University essay prompts , Emory essays that worked, and tips for writing compelling Emory supplemental essays that will help you stand apart from other applicants.

Emory University has an esteemed liberal arts college, noteworthy professional and graduate programs, and is well-known for its healthcare system. The school attracts lots of medical students and is recognized as one of the nation’s leaders in research. There are lots of reasons why Emory University receives so much attention, and there are lots of qualified applicants who would like to take advantage of the great opportunities Emory has to offer. Read on to gain insights and tips on how to write a successful supplemental essay .

Before you get started on your Emory University supplemental essays for 2022-23:

As a highly-selective institution, Emory University requires two Emory supplemental essays as a part of its application. These brief essays, both of which are under 200 words, help Emory’s admissions officers get a feel for applicants’ individual personalities, passions, and opinions. Test scores and statistics are important, but each Emory University application essay helps narrow down prospective students and personalize the admissions process. Focus on writing personal, compelling Emory supplemental essays in order to stand out and give the admission committee a reason to want to admit you. Emory supplemental essays are typically announced around the end of June. In the meantime, in order to prepare for the college application season, familiarize yourself with the Emory supplemental essays of 2021. 

How to answer the “Academic interests” Emory essay prompts

The first Emory University supplemental essay is always the same and is devoted to your academic interests . This essay is 200 words and is often referred to as the “why this major?” essay. The specific Emory essay prompt is: 

What academic areas are you interested in exploring in college? 

Of course, not all incoming freshman know what they want to major in; don’t let this dissuade you. Use this Emory application essay to convey your passion for and commitment to learning — regardless of whether or not you know what you’d like to study. 

Generally, though, your college essay should answer the following questions:  Why this major? How will this major help you achieve your goals? How will  Emory University  help you specifically?  In terms of organization, addressing these questions, in this order, is straightforward, flows well, and is well-structured.

Step 1: Brainstorm

Brainstorm thoroughly before you start writing your Emory personal statement . Jot down bullet points, record your stream of consciousness, or discuss the Emory essay prompt aloud with a friend. Whatever works best for you. The point is, in order to write a powerful, concise supplemental essay (remember, you only have 200 words!) , you need to have a clear focus and already know what you want to say. Do your best to communicate your personal connection to your chosen essay prompts when drafting your short answer responses. Otherwise, you risk rambling. Take time to reflect deeply before you jump into this part of college admissions . 

emory essays

Step 2: Why This Major?

Start your Emory supplement essay by explaining why you are passionate about your prospective major. How did you develop an interest in this subject? When did you encounter or experience this subject for the first time ? How will it help you personally and professionally? Why do you believe it is important? 

Be as specific and personal as possible. Ideally, you want to tell a story. A good way to begin this essay is to share a short personal anecdote. Remember though, you only have 200 words so be concise. Just because the essay is brief does not mean it cannot be filled with lots of unique, interesting details.

Step 3: Goals and Aspirations

Discuss some of your greater, post-college goals and aspirations in this Emory University supplemental. This might be highly specific (i.e. a detailed career path), or it may be more abstract (such as pursuing a set of values or ideals). The point is to contextualize your course of study. How does your major fit into the world? Why is it important? What do you hope to accomplish by pursuing this major? Use lots of details.

Step 4: Why Emory?

Conclude your essay by discussing how Emory University , specifically, will help you reach your personal, academic, and professional goals. Again, you want to be as specific as possible, so research the university and your major carefully. Mentioning specific courses, resources, and professors by name will help communicate to the admissions officers that you are committed not only to your education, but to Emory University as well. The admissions officers want to create a dynamic campus community. Therefore, they prioritize admitting applicants who are serious about making the most of Emory University ’s unique resources. 

Step 5: Edit and Proofread

Give yourself enough time to proofread and edit. Ask for feedback on your Emory University application essay from your teachers, peers, guidance counselor, parents, etc. Be confident that your essay is free from grammatical errors.  

How to answer the academic interests Emory essay prompts

There are five essay prompts to choose from for the second Emory supplemental essay . Consider each prompt carefully. Your Emory University essays should feel genuine and natural. There are no “right” answers, so don’t get distracted by what you think might sound impressive. The admissions committee wants to get to know you, so always be truthful and genuine. 

Although the specific essay prompts change year to year, they are typically centered around something meaningful in your life that has changed you in some way. This could include an experience you’ve had, a personal insight, or a field you’re passionate about.

Emory Essay Prompt 1

Reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness..

Should you choose this prompt?

Certain areas of the country are much more diverse than others. Only choose this Emory essay prompt if you have real, first-hand experiences of cultural diversity. This is a good prompt to choose if you are an international student, a cultural minority, or grew up in a culturally diverse community. Don’t choose this prompt if you are merely interested in cultural diversity, but do not have any actual, lived experiences to discuss.

The right strategy for this prompt

Like with all of the Emory supplemental essays , be specific, direct, and honest. Do not make up details to make your experience or your reaction seem more impressive. The admission committee wants to see how you interact with others and are able to gain personal insights and integrate them into your actions and worldview. Emory University has a diverse campus culture, so use this essay to show how you can contribute to Emory’s diverse student body and overall sense of community.

Emory Essay Prompt 2

When was the last time you questioned something you had thought to be true.

Choose this prompt if you can easily think of a time when you questioned a religious, political, or otherwise deeply personal view. For instance, did you decide to become a vegetarian after watching a documentary about factory farming? Were you raised in a homophobic household but realized that you wanted to be more open and welcoming? 

To answer this prompt well, you will need to focus on a specific event. Show how this instance inspired, challenged, and changed you. Emory University values students who are willing and able to challenge their existing beliefs and grow.  Are you intellectually curious? Are you able to change your mind? Are you comfortable stepping out of your comfort zone?

Emory Essay Prompt 3

If you could witness a historic event (past, present or future) first-hand, what would it be, and why.

This essay prompt gives you the opportunity to show some of your passions, interests, and values. Choose this prompt if you can think of an answer that clearly resonates with you. Have you always been fascinated by a specific moment in time or a historical event ? Perhaps you wish you could go back in time to experience an event that was particularly impactful for a loved one so that you can understand them better. Or maybe you are passionate about Ancient Egypt or Ancient Greece.

Set the scene and describe the event in detail. Use literary devices such as imagery and metaphors. Then explain why this event is important to you personally. Use the beginning of your essay to share your passion for and knowledge of the subject. Then use the remainder of your essay to explain why you’d like to witness this event.

Emory Essay Prompt 4

Share about a time when you were awestruck..

Are you a thoughtful, reflective person? Do you regularly experience awe or feel inspired by nature, music, etc.? This is a great Emory essay prompt to choose if you can think of a powerful instance of feeling inspired.

Choose a specific instance to focus on. Even if you are routinely inspired by nature, choose a specific memory and describe it in detail. The admission committee wants to know what moves you and where you find inspiration. Then focus on how this instance of inspiration has had a positive impact on your life. Make sure you clearly communicate how your experience of awe changed you.

Emory Essay Prompt 5

Which book, character, song, monologue, or piece of work (fiction or non-fiction) seems made for you why.

This prompt is great for avid readers, musicians, and other creative types. Your connection to this book, character, song, etc.  should feel natural and genuine.

Choose something that holds personal meaning to you. Do not try to choose an “impressive” answer. Start your essay by describing the work in detail and then showing how it connects to your larger personality, interests, and passions.

Emory essays that worked: 3 inspiring Emory essay examples

Thankfully Emory University provides top-tier examples every year of successful Emory secondary essays. In this article we will look at several Emory essay examples and discuss why each of these Emory personal statements is successful. 

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supplement essay for emory university

How to Answer the UC Personal Insight Questions

Emory essay example 1.

My interest in Gender and Sexuality Studies was sparked in my eighth grade Civics class when we studied topics pertaining to sexual equality. I went into the class knowing I believed women had a right to make choices for their own bodies and that view remained the same, but I discovered the complexity of abortion debates. I challenged myself by thinking about the disparity between actual and potential personhood and the moral rights of unconscious lives. If pregnancy had the same consequences for men as it does women, how might the debate be different? Would this debate even exist? 

A year later, I shadowed an OB/GYN at a nearby hospital. On my first shift, I watched an incarcerated woman receive a postpartum exam after giving birth in her cell toilet with just Advil, and the issues discussed in Civics suddenly became urgent and real.

My school projects have often focused on reproductive rights. I’ve spent numerous hours delving into summaries of Supreme Court cases on abortion and contraception, and I’m even known as the “Tampon Fairy” at school because I frequently restock the school bathrooms with tampons and condoms.  

I’m interested in exploring how Gender and Sexuality Studies connect to Public Health and Reproductive Biology, as well as Public Policy and Law. The interdisciplinary nature of this major will allow me to investigate many other areas of study and create a more nuanced understanding of how this particular field interacts with our world and society. 

There is no one “right” way to write successful Emory supplementals. In fact, Emory University says “We encourage you to be thoughtful and not stress about what the right answer might be. We simply want to get to know you better.” A general sense of direction can be helpful, however, so here are some helpful tips to get you started on your Emory essays. 

Why did this essay work?

This essay is concise, contains interesting details, and follows a clear narrative arc. The student shows how she is willing to change her mind and follow her passion in interesting ways. This student is clearly passionate about her course of study and shows a commitment to the subject matter, academically through her research, and personally through their unique actions as the “Tampon Fairy.” This Emory personal statement is detailed, emotional, passionate, and grants the reader insight into the student’s various ways of learning and interacting with the world. 

Emory Essay Example 2

“If You Give a Mouse a Cookie,” the book goes, then the mouse will ask for a glass of milk. If you ask me a question, I’ll answer with another question. 

I’m naturally inquisitive. As a girl, I’d interrogate my parents during 13-hour flights to Beijing: “If we’re traveling to a later time zone, does that mean we’re entering the future?” or “If planes have autopilot, why do we need pilots?” 

Today, my curiosity has transitioned to topics like thermodynamics. Through questioning, I’ve made boring lectures more engaging for me and my peers, while also helping us better internalize the information and develop an appreciation for scientific theories—the ideal gas law and atomic configuration—that help us make sense of our surroundings. 

Questioning my surroundings has allowed me to find my voice in the crowd, letting me step out of my comfort zone while furthering my and my peers’ knowledge.

The opening of this essay is creative and concise. This fictional mouse is known for its dizzying insistence and humor and is an effective cultural touchstone. It hooks the reader, is witty, and demonstrates the student’s personality clearly. Overall, this essay covers a lot of ground in a short amount of space, spanning from childhood to present day. It is humorous, warm, and clearly demonstrates the student’s inquisitive nature and how this will enhance Emory’s academic culture.

Emory Essay Example 3

In 2018, I was eager to see the Senate vote on DACA, an issue I only knew through debate, so I sat in the Senate gallery for 8 hours, surrounded by DREAMers in neon-orange shirts. When Senator McConnell quoted the White House calling the DREAMers unlawful immigrants, we exchanged grimaces. When Senator Schumer listed all he was willing to give up to save DACA, I smiled at the woman next to me. 

As we sat for hours with no food, water, or bathroom breaks, I began to understand the gravity of the issue, realizing the impact 60 people can have on millions, through just one vote. After the government shut down without passing protections for DREAMers, I understood the human impact of our immigration policies. This experience expanded my awareness of the struggle that immigrants go through, and I recognized my responsibility in seeking justice for others. 

This Emory secondary essay hones in on a specific event and shows how the student is willing and able to learn and form new opinions, and apply personal insights to policy. The fact that the student attended this Senate Vote shows that they actively seek out new learning experiences, surround themselves with new people and communities, and are eager to enact change.

Extra tips for a killer Emory supplemental essay

emory essays

Include lots of details. Try to be as specific as possible. Use precise words. You only have 200 words or less to communicate something important in each of these supplemental essays . Do your best to make each word count . 

Establish a tone. Emory University wants to know who you are, so try your best to convey your personality. Try to write the way you talk. If you’re bubbly and personable, do your best to convey that. If you’re shy and thoughtful, try to communicate that. If you have an interesting sense of humor, use that!

Choose a unique topic or approach your topic in a unique way. You want to be memorable so brainstorm interesting topics or unique ways to structure your essay. For example, if you love theater,  write your essay with stage directions. If you’re involved in orchestra, use music theory vocabulary to discuss something non music-related. Your topic itself could be fairly common and straightforward, but if you have an interesting, unique way of discussing it, you’ll have a better chance of being remembered.

Connect your story with the present. The experience you write about doesn’t necessarily have to be recent, but try to convey how your experiences continue to have meaning in the present. The admission committee wants to know how you learn, grow, and create meaning. 

Key takeaways on Emory essays

There are lots of factors to consider when writing a successful Emory supplemental. There are countless decisions to make about your topic, which Emory essay prompt to choose, vocabulary, style, etc. but there are also some more logistical questions to consider. In the following section, we will go over some of these frequently asked questions and answers.

Emory requires 2 supplemental essays . The first essay is academic-focused and is 200 words. The second essay is more reflective and should grant the admissions committee insight into your personality. Emory supplemental essays give you the opportunity to make your application stand out and be memorable.

Emory University is a test-optional school that allows students to either self-report or send official score reports. The test-optional application component, along with the two ways of reporting is meant to increase student accessibility. The writing portion of the SAT is also optional for this reason. 

Emory supplemental essay prompts come out during the summer, typically around the end of June. The first essay prompt , however, is always the same: What academic areas are you interested in exploring in college? The five essay prompts for the “ getting to know you ” essay vary year to year. Past essay prompts , however, can help you begin brainstorming before the prompts are available. Check the Emory website to stay up to date. 

Think outside the box! How can you be creative while still being genuine? If your essay is gimmicky, the admissions staff will know. Authenticity is key. There are lots of ways to stand out. Think about what makes you unique and brainstorm from there. The possibilities are endless!

Emory University is a highly-selective institution with an 18% acceptance rate . Lots of qualified students apply, but there are only so many available slots. Emory supplemental essays give you a chance to stand out from your peers by sharing who you are as a person and what you care about. Choose your essay question carefully; ideally, choose a prompt that differs from your common app college essay . 

  • November 10, 2020
  • 12th Grade , College Admissions

How to Write Emory Supplemental Essays: 2022-23 Guide

supplement essay for emory university

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supplement essay for emory university

How to Write the Emory Supplemental Essays

Emory supplemental essays

Reviewed by:

Former Admissions Committee Member, Columbia University

Reviewed: 5/6/24

Writing a compelling supplemental essay can be your key to getting accepted into Emory University. 

Nestled in the heart of Atlanta, Emory University is known for its rigorous academic environment, vibrant student life, and strong emphasis on community engagement. As such, the supplemental essay is not just a formality in the admissions process; it's an opportunity for you to showcase your unique personality, intellectual curiosity, and how you align with the university's values.

In this article, we will guide you through the nuances of crafting a standout essay. We'll explore strategies to effectively convey your story, align your goals with Emory's ethos, and demonstrate your potential as a future member of their community. 

Whether you're an aspiring scientist, a budding entrepreneur, or a creative thinker, this guide is designed to equip you with the essential tools for crafting an Emory supplemental essay that truly resonates with the admissions committee. 

Emory University Supplemental Essay Prompts 2023-2024

For the 2023-24 application cycle, Emory requires applicants to respond to two short-answer essay prompts.

"What academic areas are you interested in exploring at Emory University and why?" (200 words)
Applicants must also write a response to one of the following six essay prompts in a recommended length of 150 words.
  • Option A : Which book, character, song, monologue, or piece of work (fiction or non-fiction) seems made for you? Why?
  • Option B : Reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness.
  • Option C : Emory University aspires for all students to flourish on campus. Reflect on what flourishing at Emory means to you.
  • Option D : Emory University’s unique mission calls for service to humanity. Share how you might personally contribute to this mission of service to humanity.
  • Option E : Emory University has a strong commitment to building community. Tell us about a community that you have been part of where your participation helped to change or shape the community for the better.
  • Option F : Reflection is a central tenet of Emory University’s values. Craft a personal email providing advice to yourself in your first year of high school.

These essay prompts are a vital opportunity for applicants to highlight their unique attributes and articulate their suitability for Emory University.

How to Write Each Essay Prompt for Emory University

Here is a guide on how to approach Emory’s essay prompts, including key strategies for crafting captivating responses. It's important to tailor your essays to reflect the university’s unique values and culture, ensuring that your voice and experiences shine through.

How to Write Emory University Supplemental Essay #1 + Analysis and Tips

Analysis of Prompt #1 : This prompt seeks to understand your academic passions and how they align with Emory's offerings. Begin by introspecting on the subjects or fields that ignite your curiosity, drawing from your academic and extracurricular experiences. 

Reflect on why these areas intrigue you, whether it's due to personal experiences, career ambitions, or a drive to solve specific challenges.

  • Show Why You Care : Dive deep into your personal motivations and experiences that drive your academic interests. Emory seeks students who are genuinely passionate about their fields of study. Reflect on experiences that sparked your interest in a particular subject and how they have shaped your academic journey.
  • Fill Your Essay with "How You Will Contribute" Language : Discuss how you plan to use Emory's resources to further your academic and personal growth. Be specific about Emory’s clubs, organizations, or research opportunities that you are excited to be a part of, and discuss how you see yourself making a positive impact.
  • Engage with Emory's Unique Culture and Values : Discuss how your personal beliefs and experiences align with Emory's ethos. Mention specific cultural aspects, traditions, or initiatives at Emory that resonate with you and how you plan to actively participate or contribute to these facets of university life. 

How to Write Emory University Supplemental Essay #2-A + Analysis and Tips

Analysis of Prompt 2-A : This prompt invites you to explore your deep personal connection with a piece of creative work and articulate why it resonates with you. It's an opportunity to reveal your values, interests, and the aspects of your identity that align with the chosen work.

  • Paint a Vivid Picture : Create a well-phrased hook that captures the essence of your chosen work, setting the stage for a detailed exploration of why it resonates with you.
  • Consider Incorporating Annecdotes : Share anecdotes or specific instances from your life to illustrate the deep connection you have with this piece, emphasizing its role in shaping your perspectives.
  • Move Beyond the Surface-Level : Explore the nuances of the characters, themes, or lyrics, and discuss how these elements resonate with your own beliefs, experiences, or aspirations. Analyze specific passages or moments that have left a lasting imprint on your mind.

How to Write Emory University Supplemental Essay #2-B + Analysis and Tips

Analysis of Prompt 2-B : Reflecting on a moment where you actively sought to understand a culture different from your own shows openness, adaptability, and a commitment to diversity. This prompt values personal growth and the recognition of a global community.

  • Craft a Compelling Narrative : Use descriptive language to transport the reader into the experience, focusing on the sensory details that made this cultural journey memorable.
  • Emphasize the Impact : Dive deep into the impact of this experience on your cultural understanding and personal growth. Reflect on how your perspectives evolved, detailing the moments of realization or revelation. Don’t be afraid to also explore the emotional and intellectual shifts that occurred as a result of this intentional cultural exploration.
  • Bridge Awareness to Action in Diverse Communities : Provide concrete examples of situations where your heightened cultural awareness played a role in fostering positive interactions or overcoming challenges within diverse communities. Illustrate how the lessons learned have shaped your attitude, communication style, and overall engagement with diverse individuals and groups. 

How to Write Emory University Supplemental Essay #2-C + Analysis and Tips

Analysis of Prompt 2-C : This prompt seeks to understand your vision of personal and academic success within Emory’s unique environment. It reflects on your expectations for college life and how you envision taking advantage of the opportunities at Emory.

  • Consider a Holistic Definition : Clearly define what flourishing means to you in both academic and personal contexts. Articulate your vision for success, encompassing not only scholarly achievements but also personal growth and fulfillment. 
  • Align Yourself With Emory : Relate your definition of flourishing to specific aspects of Emory's culture, resources, or opportunities. Showcase a deep understanding of what the university offers, tying in elements such as academic programs, extracurricular activities, or unique campus traditions. 
  • Illustrate Personal Growth :  Choose anecdotes that highlight your adaptability, resilience, or moments of self-discovery. This helps the reader understand not only your vision for success but also the journey of personal transformation you anticipate at Emory.

How to Write Emory University Supplemental Essay #2-D + Analysis and Tips

Analysis of Prompt 2-D : Emory’s mission emphasizes social responsibility and service. This prompt asks you to reflect on how your personal goals and experiences align with this mission, showcasing your commitment to making a positive impact.

  • Use Concrete Examples : Share a specific example of how you have served others or outline a tangible plan for future service. Whether through past volunteer experiences, community projects, or a detailed proposal for future endeavors, provide a clear and impactful illustration of your commitment to service.
  • Highlight Your Strengths and Passions : Connect your personal strengths, passions, or experiences to the broader mission of service to humanity. Articulate how your unique attributes make you well-suited to contribute meaningfully. Discuss specific qualities, skills, or experiences that position you as an advocate for positive change.
  • Showcase Your Fit : Discuss how Emory’s resources or community can help you further contribute to the mission of service to humanity. Highlight specific aspects of Emory's environment, programs, or support systems that align with your service goals. Illustrate how being part of the Emory community will enhance and amplify your impact.

How to Write Emory University Supplemental Essay #2-E + Analysis and Tips

Analysis of Prompt 2-E : Emory values community engagement and transformation. This prompt allows you to demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to a community, highlighting leadership, empathy, and initiative.

  • Specify Your Role and Contributions : Describe your specific role and contributions within a particular community. Provide a detailed account of the responsibilities you undertook, the initiatives you spearheaded, or the unique role you played in fostering positive change within the community. Ensure your narrative highlights the depth and breadth of your involvement.
  • Highlight Changes and Impact : Emphasize the changes or impact that resulted from your participation in the community. Quantify the measurable outcomes or qualitatively describe the positive shifts that occurred as a direct result of your contributions. 
  • Explain How You’ll Make a Positive Impact at Emory : Reflect on the lessons learned from your community engagement and how they prepare you to contribute to Emory’s community. Discuss how your experiences have shaped your understanding of effective community building, leadership, and empathy. 

How to Write Emory University Supplemental Essay #2-F + Analysis and Tips

Analysis of Prompt 2-F : Offering advice to your younger self encourages introspection and demonstrates growth. This reflective exercise reveals your capacity for self-awareness and your values.

  • Be Authentic and Personable : Adopt a sincere and personal tone, as if you're genuinely advising your younger self. Create a conversational atmosphere that reflects the depth of your introspection. Speak from the heart, offering insights that you wish you had known during your early high school years.
  • Be Insightful and Share Practical Advise : Be specific about the lessons you want to impart, ensuring they are relevant and impactful. Consider moments of growth, resilience, or self-discovery that have left a lasting impression on you.
  • Relate Your Lessons Back to Emory : Tie your personal growth directly to the values and ethos of Emory University. Illustrate how these lessons have not only shaped you as an individual but have also equipped you to thrive within Emory's community that values reflection and personal development.

When writing your essay for Emory University, make sure it's straightforward and to the point, but also share a story or example that shows who you are. This story should help the reader understand you better, showing how you've grown or what you're passionate about. It's important that your essay sounds like you and reflects your own views and goals. 

Make it clear how you fit in with what Emory values and how you see yourself making the most of what Emory has to offer. By keeping your essay clear, personal, and true to your own voice, you'll be able to show Emory why you'd be a great addition to their campus.

Examples of Emory University Supplemental Essays That Worked

Each of the essays highlighted below was written by a successful applicant to Emory University. We have also provided feedback on these Emory essay examples , explaining why the admissions committee found them compelling.

Sample Essay #1

Strategy and management consulting as a primary area is exactly what I have always wanted to do in college. After researching this area, I see it can bring together and develop my diverse interests such as psychology, economics, and political science. Entrepreneurship would be the perfect secondary area. It can teach me the strategy of starting a venture, and also give me a practical approach to bringing value. Emory’s Goizueta School of Business is an amazing school and can teach me all the skills to become an effective leader in the business world.
I honestly can’t remember a time when business hasn’t been my chosen path, so naturally the Strategy and Management BBA program at Emory’s Goizueta School of Business is my primary academic area of interest. I’m especially keen to complete coursework in the psychology of leadership, negotiation, and Goizueta’s marketing consultancy practicum while pursuing a secondary focus in entrepreneurship. 
Currently, I’m interning for an executive coaching company. My internship has exposed me to the psychology of leadership as well as how a business works. I’ve also been able to assist with the company’s online marketing strategies and evaluation of marketing tactics. In years past, I’ve run a dog-walking business, dove for and peddled sand dollars to tourists at the beach, and volunteered for nonprofit enterprises such as [NAME OF ORGANIZATION]. I often spend time brainstorming ideas for new companies as well. Meanwhile, I love exploring the business of sports, specifically football, and am endlessly researching blockbuster deals, contracts, and trades. For all these reasons, I’ve become enamored with business as my chosen pathway to making a significant impact on the world around me. At Emory, I look forward to uplifting both my community and my business propensity to new heights.

Why Essay #1 Worked

This essay effectively communicates the applicant's passion and commitment to a career in strategy and management consulting. It successfully links the applicant's diverse interests in psychology, economics, and political science to their chosen field, demonstrating a well-rounded and thoughtful approach to their academic and career goals. 

Including specific examples, such as the internship experience and entrepreneurial ventures, also provides concrete evidence of the student’s engagement and skills in business. 

Additionally, the essay clearly articulates how Emory’s Goizueta School of Business aligns with their aspirations, showcasing a strong fit between the applicant's goals and the program's offerings.

Sample Essay #2

Prompt : “Which book, character, song, monologue, or piece of work (fiction or non-fiction) seems made for you? Why? ”

The hair stood up on my arms the first time I heard Frederic Chopin’s “Suffocation” (Prelude in E Minor, Op. 28 No.4). After just two musical phrases, I was gripped. I’m convinced that, in 1839, Chopin composed this piece just for me. In a way, it's like that movie scene in The Shining where Lloyd the bartender says to Jack, “You are the caretaker. You’ve always been the caretaker.” I am the pianist, I’ve always been the pianist. 
“Suffocation” contains precious little composer notation, so it’s my job to interpret it. To start, Chopin notates espressivo piano, so I show my soft, kind side. He writes stretto, and I build with confidence and exuberance. Scattered crescendos/decrescendos highlight my intensity and spirit. A final smorzando pianissimo exhibits my calm and grounded nature. Mr. Hallorann from The Shining says, “Some places… shine, and some don’t.” For me, this piece shines.

Why Essay #2 Worked

Essay 2 effectively resonates with the prompt by vividly illustrating a deep, personal connection with Chopin's "Suffocation" (Prelude in E Minor, Op. 28 No.4). It skillfully intertwines the music with the writer's identity as a pianist, demonstrating how the piece mirrors and expresses their own characteristics and emotions. 

This personalization, coupled with references to "The Shining," adds a unique and compelling layer to the narrative, making the essay stand out.

FAQs: How to Write the Emory University Supplemental Essays

Below are some of the frequently asked questions and answers about the supplemental essays:

1. Does Emory Have Supplemental Essays?

Yes, Emory does require supplemental essays as part of its application process. These essays are an important component of the application, providing applicants the opportunity to showcase their individuality, interests, and how they align with Emory's values and community.

2. How Many Essays Do You Need to Write for Emory?

You typically need to write two supplemental essays for your Emory application.

Final Thoughts

The Emory supplemental essay is your chance to highlight the unique attributes that distinguish you from other candidates. Your essay should be thoughtfully composed and captivating while effectively conveying your values and aspirations. 

A well-written essay can significantly enhance your prospects of securing a place at Emory University. Best of luck!

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How to Write the Emory Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

September 6, 2023

supplement essay for emory university

If you feel a strong pull towards Emory University, it's likely due to a multitude of reasons. Perhaps it's the appeal of smaller class sizes or the state-of-the-art lab facilities in Atlanta that have captured your attention. As a renowned research university, Emory looks for students who aren't afraid to take initiative in their communities and dedicate themselves to achieving their goals. By delving into your diverse interests and experiences, you have the ability to convince the admissions officers of your exceptional qualities and unwavering work ethic. In this blog post, I have provided a comprehensive discussion of the essay prompts and offered additional tips to help you successfully tackle the Emory supplemental essays for the 2023-2024 application cycle .

Emory Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

Academic interests (required), what academic areas are you interested in exploring at emory university and why (150-200 words recommended length).

The goal of this question is to assess whether you have done your research to determine if Emory is the right fit for you. InGenius Prep counselor Ken Johnson, who worked as an Admissions Officer at Emory, adds, “If you show you can write about some of Emory’s unique aspects that fit your particular academic interests or needs, then you will help admissions make a decision in your favor.”

If you have already decided on a major, visit the Academics section on Emory’s website, and thoroughly acquaint yourself with the offerings available. This will provide you with valuable insights into the courses, research programs, internships, and even professors that may be of interest to you. 

However, do not simply list what interests you. Ken adds, “The key point of the question is “why”.  Explain why the items you highlight interest you. It is better to focus on 2-3 things and explain in some detail why it is what you’re looking for and excited about. So rather than try to cover a lot of things superficially, scan and see what catches your eye. Then zero in on it and explain why.” Remember, the point is for admissions officers to gain insight into your interests and motivations, so don’t spend time reiterating information from the website.

If you are undecided and unsure about your major, don't worry! Emory has a liberal arts model of education, which means they encourage all students to explore various subjects and gain a breadth of knowledge and learning experiences. Emory's General Education Requirements are divided into four main areas, and two of these areas are particularly well-suited for showcasing why Emory is a great fit for you – even if you haven't decided on a major yet. 

First, there is “Exploration”, which encourages you to try courses from different disciplines. In this instance, Ken recommends that you mention 2 very different courses you’d like to check out. Second, there is “Experience and Application”, which presents an exceptional opportunity for students to gain practical experience and explore various career paths from the numerous organizations, research institutions, non-profits, and businesses that Emory is closely affiliated with. Ken also notes, "You might notice that the four areas of General Education requirements – exploration, communication, community/belonging, and practical experience – are related in part to the questions below."

Getting to Know You

In addition, please answer one of the following questions. (150 words)

Essay Option 1

Which book, character, song, monologue, or piece of work (fiction or non-fiction) seems made for you why.

For this prompt, you have the freedom to choose anything that resonates with you – whether it's from a movie, show, comedy routine, cartoon/anime, or even something outside of traditional literature like novels, short stories, or poems.

Ken adds, “The point is to explain how/why you relate to this piece of work. For example, with Japanese anime, such as the Evangelion series, I’ve seen students relate to it in completely different ways. One could relate to a character; another could relate to a philosophical theme, and another could relate to the artistic and production qualities. In explaining how you relate, you will reveal something about your own personality, interests, and even biases.” 

Essay Option 2

Reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness..

Oftentimes, the first thing that comes to mind when reflecting on expanding cultural awareness is the experience of traveling abroad. While this can be a transformative experience, you don't have to choose an exotic location to impress admissions officers. What matters most is how you gained insight into a culture that is different from your own – regardless of where you were.

In fact, even without leaving your home country, there are countless ways to expand your cultural awareness. Perhaps you visited an art or history museum in your town, which exposed you to different perspectives and artistic expressions. Alternatively, maybe you immersed yourself in a different genre of music, either by attending a concert or actively listening – which opened your ears to new sounds and rhythms. Or perhaps, you watched a foreign film recently that opened your mind to different storytelling techniques and another culture's cinematic traditions. 

But sometimes, it's the simplest of experiences that can have the biggest impact – like trying a new ethnic cuisine for the first time, opening your taste buds to the rich tapestry of culinary traditions and the cultural significance of food. Even without venturing far, the possibilities for expanding your cultural awareness are endless. Reflect on how these experiences broadened your understanding and appreciation of different cultures. Did it challenge any preconceived notions or biases you may have had? Did it spark a curiosity to learn more about the history, traditions, or customs of the culture you encountered? 

By delving into these aspects, you will demonstrate not only your willingness to embrace diversity but also your ability to engage with and learn from different cultures. Throughout your response, remember to incorporate anecdotes and describe how these experiences have shaped your perspective and understanding of the world. Ken also adds, "Consider concluding this essay with a brief statement about why “expanding” your cultural awareness proved valuable to you." 

Essay Option 3

Emory university aspires for all students to flourish on campus. reflect on what flourishing at emory means to you..

“Flourishing” at Emory means more than just academic success; it encompasses personal growth and development in all aspects of life. Imagine yourself as a seed, planted in the nurturing environment of the Emory campus. Just as a seed needs the right soil, temperature, humidity, water, and sunlight to flourish and bloom, you too need the right conditions to thrive.

To get a deeper understanding of the non-academic aspects of life at Emory, take a look at the Explore section on Emory’s website . Here, you will find a wealth of opportunities and activities that can enrich your life on campus. From joining student organizations and clubs to participating in community service projects, there are countless ways that you can enrich your experience at Emory.

When writing about how you can contribute to this vibrant campus life, consider your unique skills, interests, and passions. Are you a natural leader who can organize events and bring people together? Do you have a talent for public speaking or performing arts that can add excitement to campus events? Are you passionate about community service and eager to make a difference in the lives of others?

Remember, Emory values holistic development . Reflect on how you envision yourself actively engaging in campus life – therefore, creating a fulfilling and well-rounded college experience for yourself and your peers.

Essay Option 4

Emory university’s unique mission calls for service to humanity. share how you might personally contribute to this mission of service to humanity..

If you choose to answer this question, first read Emory’s own statements of its vision and mission . Emory University takes great pride in its affiliation with Jimmy Carter's Carter Center , a world-renowned organization dedicated to promoting peace, health, and human rights. In fact, in recognition of his contributions, Emory appointed President Carter as a Distinguished Professor at the university after his presidency. Human rights were a major theme of President Carter's time in office, and the Carter Center continues to engage in numerous service projects around the world.

Therefore, Emory particularly favors students who have a strong commitment to service and community involvement, which would be evident in your Activities List section of the application. For this prompt, Ken highly recommends that you mention your interest in Volunteer Emory , a student-run organization that offers a wide range of volunteer placement opportunities. 

Throughout your response, reflect on your commitment to making a positive impact in the world and provide examples, like Volunteer Emory, for how to plan to contribute to their mission. Remember, your goal is to show the admissions officers at Emory that you are a student actively engaged in service, plan on continuing your volunteering efforts, and seek to cultivate a community of individuals dedicated to service and social responsibility.

Essay Option 5

Emory university has a strong commitment to building community. tell us about a community that you have been part of where your participation helped to change or shape the community for the better..

Like the previous question, you should only consider answering this question if you have a strong service record on your Activities List and Honors/Awards sections of your Common Application. Additionally, keep in mind that the term "community" should be interpreted broadly. It can encompass physical communities, such as neighborhoods or schools, but it can also refer to social, academic, athletic, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, or other communities. The focus for this prompt should be on how you personally contributed to improving or shaping the community. 

Ken adds, “You should refer (but not repeat the description) of a service activity, mainly focusing on the results and impact of your participation.” For instance, if you were part of a volunteer program that aimed to improve literacy rates in underserved communities, you could discuss how your dedication and efforts led to an increase in reading levels among the children you worked with. Highlight the specific strategies you employed, such as implementing interactive learning activities or creating a supportive and encouraging environment, and explain how these initiatives positively influenced the community. By expanding on your personal contributions and the tangible outcomes you achieved, you will effectively demonstrate your commitment to creating positive change in various communities.

Essay Option 6

Reflection is a central tenet of emory university’s values. craft a personal email providing advice to yourself in your first year of high school..

This is your chance to be creative! Use humor, or even be serious and lighthearted as you provide advice to your younger self.  Ken notes, "Think of things you had the most trouble with or things that you wish others would have told/warned you about. Your advice could focus on personal things – like getting to class on time, where to study, whether to join a club or team, your participation in class, procrastinating on assignments, etc.”

You could also reflect on things you wish others would have warned you about. Do you have any regrets or actions you wish you had done differently during your first challenging year of high school? As you write this email to your younger self, remember to share your personal experiences and insights to show the admissions officers a different side of you. 

Additional Tips for Writing the Emory Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

Now that you’ve taken a look at the prompts for the Emory supplemental essays , here are a few tips to help your brainstorming process: 

  • Choose your prompt strategically. Pick a topic that you believe will bring the best out of you, and help paint an accurate picture of your personality and values. You want to choose the topic that brings forward the qualities that make you a unique and valuable applicant.
  • Don’t repeat your personal statement or your activities list. The goal of the Emory supplemental essays is to provide further information on who you are and what you’re all about. Before you start writing, map out potential essays for different prompts. Compare your outlines and make sure that when side-by-side, they bring out different strengths. Most importantly, make sure that they do not repeat what’s in the rest of your application. Use every opportunity to tell the admissions office something new about you. Don’t repeat yourself!

The Emory supplemental essays 2023-2024 present an incredible opportunity to offer the admissions officers a deeper understanding of your character, passions, and ambitions – as well as how an Emory education can propel you toward success. Approach each prompt with the intention of showcasing your individuality and leaving a lasting impression as an exceptional candidate. The goal is to persuasively convey to Emory why you are a student they cannot afford to overlook!

If you are looking for a college admissions counselor to help maximize your chances of getting into your dream school, we can help! InGenius Prep has helped more than 6,000 students around the world gain admission into the most competitive schools including Harvard, Yale, MIT, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, NYU, and more. Sign up for a free strategy call today and join the 6,000+ students we've helped get accepted into their dream schools.

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4 Tips to Write Stellar Emory Essays

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College Essays


Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Emory University is a prestigious private university ranked within the top 25 universities nationwide . To apply here, you'll have to submit your transcripts, SAT or ACT scores, and a few essays. But what do you actually have to write for your Emory essays?

Below, we present to you this year's Emory University essay prompts and offer you tips for figuring out which prompts you should choose for your application. We will also look at admissions officers' feedback for real Emory essays that worked.

Let's get started!

Feature Image: Nrbelex /Wikimedia Commons

What Are the Emory Essays?

All first-year applicants to Emory must submit one longer essay in response to either the Common Application or Coalition Application essay prompts and two short answers as part of the Emory supplement . For the first Emory essay, you must respond to the single prompt provided, and for the second essay, you can choose any one of the five prompts listed.

Here are the Emory University essay prompts for the 2022-23 application cycle:

Academics Essay (200 words max)

What academic areas are you interested in exploring in college?

Reflections Essay: Respond to one of the following (150 words max)

Reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness.

When was the last time you questioned something that you had thought to be true?

If you could witness a historic event (past, present, or future) first-hand, what would it be, and why?

Share a time when you were awestruck.

Which book, character, song, monologue, or piece of work (fiction or non-fiction) seems made for you? Why?

Fortunately, Emory offers a little advice on how you should answer these essay prompts: "We encourage you to be thoughtful and not stress about what the right answer might be. We simply want to get to know you better."

Now, let's take a closer look at each of the Emory University essay prompts.

How to Write the Emory Academics Essay

This is standard college essay prompt, asking you to elaborate on your academic plans. Emory is asking this because they want to get a better understanding of what you plan on studying in college and why you're excited about it. Students who have a solid plan for college and are genuinely passionate about their academics are more likely to do well in college and after graduation, and they're more likely to be involved on campus and give back as an alum.

As a reminder, this prompt is required for all applicants, and you can write up to 200 words.

So, what should you write about? Start with describing the academic area(s) you plan on focusing on in college. Then, dive into it more. If you want to major in biology, what areas of biology are you most interested in? What about these topics excites you? What career are you hoping to pursue with a biology degree? Are there internships/research opportunities you hope to do? You don't need to include all those parts, but be sure to give an in-depth answer that makes it clear what your academic interests and plans are.

But what if you don't know what you want to study? That's OK; this isn't a binding document that requires you to follow up on what you write about. Choose an area or areas that you're thinking about, and go with that. Don't write that you have no idea what you're going to study because that can cause Emory to worry that you won't be interested in your studies/won't be able to commit to anything.


How to Write the "Reflections" Emory Essay

For this essay, you'll have to select one prompt to answer (out of five possible prompts). These prompts are pretty varied, but they all ask you to reflect on something meaningful to you and that has helped you become the person you are today , whether that's an experience you had, an insight you gained, or a field you're passionate about.

As a reminder, your essay must be no longer than 150 words.

Now then, let's go through the "Reflection" Emory University essay prompts one at a time and give you tips on how to answer each of them effectively.

"Reflections" Emory Essay Prompt 1: Cultural Sensitivity

Emory is a competitive school and admits students from all over the world. In order to be a good member of the Emory community, you'll need to understand and thrive in a diverse environment. To that end, this essay gives you the opportunity to showcase your cultural sensitivity.

But what is cultural awareness? The National Center for Cultural Competence defines cultural awareness as "being cognizant, observant, and conscious of similarities and differences among and between cultural groups." So to answer this prompt, you'll have to share an experience where your understanding of cultural awareness grew.

A good place to start is to think about your experiences with people from different cultures. When have you been in this situation before? And what did you learn?

On the other hand, you may be a member of a cultural minority in the United States. If you are, this would be a great prompt to talk about how that has impacted you, and how that has shaped your own unique understanding of how cultural awareness works in American society.

Regardless of which strategy you choose, you'll need to demonstrate your ability to learn from others and your capacity to be thoughtful about your own actions. The kiss of death for this prompt? Bragging. No one is perfectly culturally aware: developing our cultural sensitivity is a lifetime process. Acting like you've got it all figured out isn't going to impress anyone, especially admissions counselors.

Should You Choose This Prompt?

Do you have a good understanding of diversity and what it means to be "culturally sensitive"? This goes beyond just knowing the definitions of these terms. Have you had experiences where diversity played a key role? You'll need real, first-hand experience if you want to tackle this prompt well. If you haven't had that, then this might not be the best prompt for you.

Tips for Answering This Prompt

  • Be honest and specific about your experience. Do not make something up to try and answer this prompt! Additionally, make sure you're being honest about the experience in general. Don't try and make yourself into the "hero" of the situation. Instead, admissions counselors want to see that you can be thoughtful about cultural differences, and that you've learned something about being part of a diverse community.
  • Explain how this will make you a better Emory student. Like we mentioned earlier, Emory is a diverse campus. How will you bring what you've learned about cultural awareness to Emory? Explain how what you've learned has prepared you for your Emory experience, and touch on how your experience will help you be a better member of the Emory community.


"Reflections" Emory Essay Prompt 2: Questioning Beliefs

Emory uses this question to get to know more about your opinions and how you have learned to think more objectively .

In other words, the admissions committee wants to see how you have become more open-minded and that you are ready and willing to explore outside your safe comfort zone. Are you intellectually curious? Are you willing to admit when you're wrong?

This is the type of student Emory is looking for—someone who can be honest and open with themselves , who is introspective and always willing to learn.

If you can easily think of a time when you questioned any major beliefs you used to hold—whether it was something religious, political, or otherwise highly personal—this would be a great prompt to choose for your first Emory essay.

For example, maybe you used to eat meat but became a vegetarian after visiting a slaughterhouse as part of a school trip.

Or maybe you used to think that libraries were completely useless and should simply go away. But after getting help from a kind librarian one day, you realized that libraries are necessary to have in society, especially considering that people of lower-income backgrounds typically do not have easy access to computers, books, and other repositories of knowledge.

  • Follow a clear structure. Present what you used to believe, explain what or who caused you to question this belief, and finally clarify how this process has (positively) impacted you.
  • Focus on a unique moment from your life. Don't just talk about how you used to believe in Santa Claus and eventually grew out of it—most, if not all, of us have had similar experiences. Try to find something unique to you and that will set you apart from other applicants.
  • Think beyond religion and spirituality. It's not inherently bad to write an essay about how you used to practice a certain religion and now practice another one or none at all, but don't feel limited to only topics regarding faith or religion just because this prompt is asking about your beliefs!


"Tell Us About You" Emory Essay Prompt 3: Historic Event

This next Emory essay prompt is a fun and interesting way for admissions officers to get a clearer sense of what your interests, passions, and values are .

There are no limits to what you can put down here—you could focus on a big event from as recent as the late 20th century, such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, or something that happened thousands of years ago, such as the building of the great Egyptian pyramids.

Your goal should be to choose something that highlights a critical aspect of your personality and/or interests.

For instance, perhaps you want to minor in architectural studies, which is why you're so fascinated with how the pyramids were constructed. Or maybe your mother was present when the Berlin Wall fell and you'd love to have seen her expression of joy at having helped reunite her country.

Is there a specific moment from the past that you have always wished to see because it genuinely interests, excites, or fascinates you? Is there a certain event from history that means something special to you and/or your family, and that you wish you could have actually been there for?

If you answered yes to one of these questions, then this would be a great prompt to choose for your second Emory essay.

  • Describe the event in detail. Before you jump into the "why" part of your essay, take care to set up the details of the scene by using literary devices such as images and metaphors. Doing this will show admissions officers that you're passionate about both this event and the details of how it happened.
  • Clearly and cogently explain why this event is so important to you on a personal level. Once you've set up your essay with some details of the event, it's time to dive into the "why" with full force. A historic event could be special to you for a number of reasons: for example, maybe you've got a burning desire to study physics at Emory after learning about the Wright brothers' first successful flight.
  • Try to find a more positive or empowering event. While it's not off the table to write about horrible (but important to know) things that have happened, such as the assassination of JFK or the Holocaust, make sure you manage to tie this back to yourself in a meaningful, positive way. For example, maybe you've always felt that witnessing the Holocaust with your own eyes could help you better relate to your great-grandparents who suffered through it.


"Reflections" Emory Essay Prompt 4: Awe

The purpose of this essay prompt is for the admissions committee to understand what really moves you.

To answer this prompt, think back to the times when you were overcome with a sense of wonder or awe. Did it happen when you reached the summit of a long hike and stared at the vista surrounding you? Or when you heard a particular piece of music for the first time? Or when you traveled to a new city that's nothing like your hometown?

As you think about what to write about here, remember that the most powerful answers will involve telling a story of some kind. Let's say you were awestruck the first time you got a clear view of the Milky Way Galaxy. You were ten years old, on a camping trip with your dad, and, since you'd grown up in the city, you'd never seen so many stars before. The sight of all of them made you appreciate the vastness of the universe, and ever since you've had a passion for outer space. Including those details will make your essay more memorable and unique to you.

As you tell the story, always remember to connect it to the most important part of your essay: your discussion of who you are as a person and what about you makes you a good fit for Emory.  In this example, you could say that you use that memory to remind yourself you're just a single person in a vast place, and it helps you stay humble and put your challenges into perspective.

This prompt is great for people who've experienced awe that caused some sort of change in their lives . If you're a thoughtful person who can reflect on that experience in positive ways, then this prompt is a good fit for you!

  • Pick one experience and focus on that. Even if you regularly feel awe when you fly in an airplane, pick one specific example and focus on that for this essay. Discussing a single experience will make it easier for you to tell a story as well as keep within the wordcount for this essay. 
  • Think about the long-term impact it had on you. In the moment you felt awe, but what were the lasting impacts of the experience? How did feeling awestruck convince you to change yourself/your plans/your view of the world? Emory wants to see the bigger picture in all of this, so make sure you include that in your essay. 


"Reflections" Emory Essay Prompt 5: Artistic Representation

The point of this prompt is for Emory to get a clearer, more holistic sense of not just who you are, but also how you see yourself. What qualities do you feel represent your personality? Your goals? Your best traits? Your challenges?

Remember that you should aim to tell the admissions committee something new and unique about yourself that they haven't yet gleaned from your application or other essays.

When thinking of how a piece of art represents you, don't think literally—try to go beyond generic and superficial traits and think about the deeper meaning and symbolism that speaks to you.

For example, maybe you've always felt a strong connection to the character of Forrest Gump—not because you literally fought in a war, started a restaurant, and met the president, but because you were always supported by your family, especially your mom, and believed that your optimism and positive outlook is what ultimately helped you attain some of your biggest goals in life so far.

My recommendation is to choose this prompt only if you can immediately come up with a specific piece of art or character you've always felt a strong personal attachment to. Remember that it's not just about something you like but something that truly gets across the essence of who you are .

If nothing comes to mind right away, it's probably best to go with another prompt. You don't want to write this essay and have it feel heavily forced or contrived!

  • Choose a topic that emphasizes your most prominent and best qualities. Obviously, you don't want to compare yourself to something or someone that's notoriously corrupt, bigoted, immoral, mean, or unlikable. The point here is to show the Emory admissions committee key positive traits you have, such as your selflessness or ability to see the best in everyone.
  • Avoid exaggeration. No matter how strong of a connection you might feel to Batman, your life is most certainly not a carbon copy of his. Don't hyperbolize any traits you (think you) share with your character or art piece by making ridiculous claims, such as how you're a real-life superhero or secret genius.
  • Don't just choose something because it's famous or "impressive." If you've never actually read Great Expectations or have but never had any real connection to it, Emory admissions officers will be able to tell. So don't worry—it's OK to pick something that's less well-known or not very intellectual or scholarly, just as long as you can cogently explain how this piece of art or character encapsulates you .


Admissions Feedback for Emory Essays That Worked

One thing that can really help you while applying to Emory is seeing examples of real Emory essays that worked and secured students admission. Fortunately, the official Emory website has an entire series dedicated to going over their applicants' best personal essays .

The downside is that these are all for the Common App/Coalition App essay prompts, so they are a lot longer and do not respond directly to any of the short-answer supplemental questions above.

Still, you can use these essay examples and their feedback from admissions officers to get a better sense of what to write about, how you can effectively structure your thoughts, and what Emory is ultimately hoping to learn about you through your writing .

We've consolidated the most important ideas from admissions officers' feedback for you. Here's a basic overview of what Emory is looking for in your essays:

  • "Expressive language," "interesting vocabulary," and showing instead of telling
  • A sense of maturity
  • Clear connections between your interests, experiences, and/or goals
  • Authenticity
  • The ability to reflect on your experiences (and learn from them)
  • Either a unique topic or a unique approach to a more common topic

Make sure your Emory essays have most (ideally all!) of these essential qualities.

How to Write the Emory Essays: 4 Essential Tips

Here are four tips to keep in mind as you write your Emory University supplemental essays.

#1: Write Concisely

You have just 200 and 150 words for the supplemental Emory essays, so don't waste space— include only the most essential facts and information you want to present to the admissions committee .

Use these essays as an opportunity to practice writing more succinctly. Take your time to try to cut out any irrelevant or ineffective words or phrases that don't answer the prompt or reveal anything important or unique about you.

#2: Be Highly Specific

Don't make the mistake many students make by not being specific enough in your college essays—especially considering how little space you have for the Emory essays!

The trick here is to not dawdle in your writing : get straight to the point and overarching topic of your essay, and then dive right in so that you're fully answering the question.

To truly make your writing come alive, you must home in on the most essential info about yourself. Use examples, anecdotes, and plenty of details to paint an accurate picture of who you are and how you see yourself.


#3: Avoid Repeating Yourself

You have to write two short essays for the Emory supplement and one longer essay in response to one of the Common App or Coalition App prompts. Because some of these Emory University essay prompts are similar to the Common App/Coalition App ones, you'll want to check that you're not repeating anything you already wrote .

The point of all these essays is to give you the chance to introduce a range of different, but equally important, sides of yourself. Repeating yourself shows a lack of creative thinking and will most certainly not leave a good impression on the Emory admissions committee.

#4: Don't Forget to Proofread

Last, but certainly not least, remember to edit and proofread your Emory essays several times before you submit them with your application.

Once you've got a rough draft finished, put it away and don't look at it. After a few days, take it out and reread it, looking for areas that feel out of place, irrelevant, or unclear, and tweak as needed.

Lastly, give your draft to someone you trust , such as a teacher or parent, and have them read it over and give you some feedback. Ask them to also correct it for any technical or stylistic errors.

Do all this and you should have one unforgettable Emory essay ready to go!

What's Next?

Curious about what it takes to get into Emory as a freshman? Check out our Emory admission requirements page to learn the average GPA and SAT/ACT scores of admitted applicants.

Interested in applying to colleges in the South? Our expert guide walks you through all the very best schools in the South, including Emory .

Did you know that Emory University is one of a select number of schools that offers full-ride scholarships? To see even more colleges that do this, take a look at our complete list .

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Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she taught English in Japan via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel.

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Emory’s Short Answer Questions 2024-25

  • July 22, 2024

supplement essay for emory university

We are pleased to announce Emory University’s short answer questions for the 2024-2025 first-year application.

In addition to your Personal Statement, please answer two additional short answer questions, one about your academic interests and one to help us get to know you better. We encourage you to be thoughtful in your responses and not stress about what the “right answer” might be, as there really isn’t one.

Academic Interests

This question is required. (150 Words Recommended Length)

  • What academic areas are you interested in exploring at Emory University and why?

Getting to Know You

In addition, answer one of the following questions. (150 Words)

  • Which book, character, song, monologue, or piece of work (fiction or non-fiction) seems made for you? Why?
  • Reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness.
  • Emory University’s unique mission calls for service to humanity. Share how you might personally contribute to this mission of service to humanity.
  • Emory University has a strong commitment to building community. Tell us about a community that you have been part of where your participation helped to change or shape the community for the better.

Want advice and examples of other great Emory University application essays and Personal Statements? We’ve got you covered! Check our Strong Personal Statements blog series . We share real essays from previous years’ applicants who were admitted and enrolled at Emory University. Each applicant’s personal statement includes thoughts from the staff who reviewed it and why they felt it was a strong example for you.

We look forward to getting to know you better through your application writing.

Be sure to connect with us by posting a comment to this blog,  following us @emoryadmission , or  emailing us at [email protected] .

Don’t miss out on information about applying to Emory by  joining our mailing list.

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August 2, 2024

Emory Supplemental Essay Prompts: 2024-2025

A student reads on a lawn in front of a white building at Emory University.

Emory University has released its supplemental essay prompts for the 2024-2025 admissions cycle . In addition to The Common Application ’s Personal Statement, applicants to Emory’s Class of 2029 are asked to respond to two short-answer essay prompts: one of 200 words and a second of 150 words. So, what are this year’s prompts? Let’s dive in!

2024-2025 Emory Essay Topics and Questions

Academic interests essay prompt.

It’s recommended that students write about 200 words to respond to the first prompt, which is required:

What academic areas are you interested in exploring at Emory University and why?

This prompt is a hybrid question: Why Major and Why College . For the first part of the essay prompt, it would behoove applicants to articulate to Emory’s admissions committee why they wish to study what they wish to study by sharing the origin story of their interest in this discipline. The origin story should always take place during a candidate’s high school years. Too often, students focus on stories that stem from their childhood.

For the second part of the essay prompt, it’s all about capturing specifics about why Emory is the place to pursue this course of study. Too many applicants choose to name-drop professors and list classes in Why College essay prompts when they should instead capture the enduring specifics of a course of study at a school — the research, the programs and institutes, the design of the curriculum, and more. If a sentence in this second half of the essay can apply to another school, it should be deleted.

Getting to Know You Essay Prompts

Applicants must also write a response to one of the following four essay prompts in a recommended length of 150 words. Last year, there were six essay prompts to choose from, but these four were among them (with some slight word changes).

1. Which book, character, song, monologue, or piece of work (fiction or non-fiction) seems made for you? Why?

We would always prefer students showcase their intellectual curiosity in a short answer like this one. As such, choosing to write about a book (one that ideally is not required reading in classrooms around the world) is always preferred to choosing a song, film, or television series. Wouldn’t it be nice to showcase to Emory’s admissions committee that an applicant reads for pleasure?

2. Reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness.

Emory’s admissions committee wants to see that applicants have convictions but are also malleable to changing those convictions when presented with differing viewpoints. That’s the beauty of attending a school with a liberal arts curriculum and a diverse student body like Emory. The anecdote an applicant shares in this response should thus showcase the student’s intellectual curiosity as well as open mind.

3. Emory University’s core mission calls for service to humanity. Share how you might personally contribute to this mission.

Too many college applicants feature activities in their Common Application activities section that make it seem like they’re trying to impress admissions officers with what good citizens they are. Too many college applicants think that by volunteering for a lot of hours, it’ll showcase their humanity. But that’s simply  not  how elite college admissions works. Admissions officers want to see a depth of involvement related to a student’s hook. If a student is interested in political science, let’s see how they serve their community by addressing unlevel sidewalks on the streets of their town.

In short, in this answer, it would behoove applicants to tell a small story here — ideally backed up with an activity in their activities section — that shows how they’re acting locally, even if they are thinking globally. 

4. Emory University has a strong commitment to building community. Tell us about a community that you have been part of where your participation helped to change or shape the community for the better.

Here’s Emory’s community essay. In the wake of the United States Supreme Court ruling outlawing Affirmative Action , many universities included community or background questions on this year’s application — to capitalize on the loophole Chief Justice John Roberts penned in the majority opinion.

In that opinion, Chief Justice Roberts wrote, “Nothing in this opinion should be construed as prohibiting universities from considering an applicant’s discussion of how race affected his or her life, be it through discrimination, inspiration, or otherwise.”

Students need not be underrepresented minorities to answer this essay prompt. They can instead focus on their faith, hometown, fellow mathematicians, or just about anything so long as they showcase small moves they made to make these groups they consider community stronger.

Ivy Coach’s Assistance with Emory Essays

If you’re interested in optimizing your case for admission to Emory, complete Ivy Coach ’s free consultation form , and we’ll be in touch to outline our college counseling services for applicants to the Class of 2029.

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supplement essay for emory university

4 Excellent Emory Essay Examples

What’s covered:, essay example #1 – book, character, or song, essay example #2 – cultural awareness, essay example #3 – historic event, william henry harrison, essay example #4 – historic event, nikola tesla, where to get your emory university essays edited.

Emory University is a private research university in Atlanta, Georgia. The school is commonly referred to as a “ Southern Ivy ” due to its academic prestige. In fact, Emory consistently ranks among the nation’s top 25 schools. The university also boasts a selective admissions process, so it’s important that you submit engaging essays that will make your application stand out.

In this post, we will walk through some essays that real students submitted to Emory. By noticing the strengths and weaknesses of these essays, you will be more prepared to write impressive essays to submit to the Emory admissions committee.

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Read our Emory University essay breakdown to get a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental prompts. 

Prompt: Which book, character, song, or piece of work (fiction or nonfiction) represents you, and why? (150 words)

Never has a song resonated with me the way ‘My Shot’ did.

In the song, I saw a person who was motivated by nothing more than passion. Who had big dreams, and a stronger will to get it done. I saw someone who would stay up for nights on end to understand the inner workings of a seemingly-simple software to create a truly great website. Who would forgo meals because she had ideas in her head and a desire to write them down. Who would teach herself a subject her school refused to let her pursue. Who would take Machine Learning courses for fun. I saw someone with goals, with plans, and with the mettle required to reach them. I saw myself.

Applying to Emory is me thinking past tomorrow. It is me fanning my spark into a flame. Applying to Emory is me not throwing away my shot.

What the Essay Did Well

This essay is strong because it utilizes more sophisticated writing to express how this song represents the student. There is no generic sentence “ The song ‘My Shot’ represents me because of x, y, and z. ” Rather, there is a seamless transition from the subject of the song to the student: “ In the song, I saw a person who was motivated by nothing more than passion. Who had big dreams, and a stronger will to get it done. I saw someone who would stay up for nights on end to understand the inner workings of a seemingly-simple software to create a truly great website.”

The student tells us that her song focuses on a person with strong passions and a stronger will, and then she goes on to demonstrate how she is that person. She doesn’t tell us outright that she is passionate about anything, but she shows the reader through her descriptions of “ staying up for nights on end, ” “ forgoing meals because she has ideas in her head ,” and “ teaching herself a subject ” she couldn’t learn in school.

The conclusion is also well done because it brings the song back into the essay. Any Hamilton fan can hear themselves singing those last lines in their head, which is a great way to make your reader feel engaged! Returning back to the song emphasizes the student’s attention to the prompt and provides a satisfying sense of closure.

What Could Be Improved 

One way this student could bring more nuance to her essay is through rewriting the beginning.  The first sentence restates the prompt, wasting space that could be used to bring more action to her writing. To fix this, the student could integrate this introductory line with their first paragraph like this:

As I frantically danced around my room, I let the vibrant rhythms control me. I screamed out “ We’re gonna rise up. Time to take a shot!” The intensity of the song ‘My Shot’ reminded me of my passionate motivations. 

In the song, I see…

This hook brings the passion and intensity of the song to the reader.  By integrating information about the tone of the song or a lyric from the song, readers will feel more connected to the work you are describing and thus, your essay as a whole.

Prompt: Reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness. (150 words)

“Mama, there’s HOLES in the floor!” 

Utterly culture shocked, five year old me was horrified to learn that the sitting toilets of America were not a guarantee in China.

I can’t say I like squat toilets, but they’ve made me realize that many things I see as “ordinary” might be completely different in a different culture or country. 

Since my little fiasco, I have in fact spent time researching toilets: bidets, heated seats, ancient Roman sanitation systems (actually not very sanitary but A+ concept), the works. I find it fascinating to think about how the economic status and cultural standards of different countries affect their bathrooms. It’s shocking how something as universal as a toilet can have such deeper implications. Though I can’t say it’s something I think about every day, in my mind it’s a small testament to the diverse yet similar ways we live as a global community.

The introduction is a major strength of this essay. The image of a little kiddo, with the best intentions, saying “Mama, there’s HOLES in the floor!”  gets us hooked. Through the sweetness behind the word “Mama” and the use of capitalization to articulate the young person’s astonishment, this student’s intentional writing creates a picture that has us interested right off the bat. They show their cultural experience, instead of just telling us what happened.

As we continue reading, we get to learn about the student’s thoughts. They position themself as the kind of student who is drawn to deep thought and can see the importance of small details and differences. This capacity for critical thought—especially as it relates to cultural differences—is appealing to admissions officers. Additionally, as they describe their critical thinking, they continue to highlight their endearing personality through humor, with parenthetical jokes like “ ancient Roman sanitation systems (actually not very sanitary but A+ concept) .” This works great.

Finally, the student ties up their essay simply. This is important because they already did a bells-and-whistles introduction with dialogue. In a short essay like this, including an engaging introduction and a creative conclusion can make the essay feel overwhelming and forced in its attempt to engage readers. Sometimes the simple answer is best—and this student does simple so well!

The biggest improvements this essay could make are mostly related to grammar. For example they could tighten up some of their prose.  Words like “ many ,” “ might be ,” and “ in fact ” can be changed or eliminated to achieve concision and clarity.

Additionally, there are some small, but not insignificant, grammar issues that could have been caught with more thorough proofreading, including:

  • “culture shocked” → “culture-shocked”
  • “five year old me” → “five-year-old me”
  • “such deeper implications” → “much deeper implications”
  • “in my mind it’s” → “in my mind, it’s”

Prompt: If you could witness any event (past, present, or future) first-hand, what would it be, and why? (150 words)

Watching an old white man speak might not be the best way to spend my one chance to time travel, but something about William Henry Harrison’s inauguration has always piqued my curiosity. Not only did Harrison stubbornly refuse a coat, hat, and carriage on a disgustingly dreary day, but also gave the longest inaugural speech in US history—I imagine some were bored out of their minds. But it’s not the speech itself I’m interested in; it’s the desire to let the world hear all that you have to say, even if no one is listening. I often find myself bursting to share my thoughts on all kinds of issues: climate change, class, capitalism, but stop myself when I can’t find eager ears. Mr. Harrison died after (stupidly?) braving the elements to share his mind; I want to see that conviction with my own eyes.

This essay is bold, but it definitely pays off!

It can be risky to write your college essay in a casual style, but this student pulls it off. In the first sentence, they use the phrase “ old white man ” to describe William Henry Harrison which, while descriptive, has become a colloquial assemblage of descriptors. That being said, for this student, it works because it makes their essay feel authentic. When reading this essay, we get the opportunity to walk through this student’s thought process with them:

  • I’m not crazy about old white men
  • But William Henry Harrison is pretty cool
  • I think William Henry Harrison is so cool because he spoke his mind fearlessly
  • It’s important to me to speak my mind fearlessly

Through this progression, we learn so much about the student—which is the entire point! The essay is your main opportunity to humanize yourself to admissions officers and this student really shows who they are as a human aside from test scores and extracurriculars.

This essay is fabulous—it’s clear and engaging, shows the student’s personality and values, and answers the prompt. 

The main change this essay could use is replacing the word “stupidly”. While some students can make a casual tone work, presenting yourself as disrespectful to authority through such a harsh word (even if you really believe he is stupid!) isn’t ideal for admissions. Instead, this comedic parenthetical could have read “ carelessly? ” or “ foolishly? ” These words would’ve gotten the student’s point across without being negative.

Prompt: If you could witness a historic event first-hand, what would it be, and why? (150 words)

I would love to join Nikola Tesla during one of his pigeon-feeding ventures. I’ve always had an affinity for scientist trivia, and this bird aficionado/innovator is undeniably my favorite. However, I’ve discovered that history accentuates so strongly on such scientists’ laboratory accomplishments that we perceive them as mythical beings rather than humans – to the point that we’re surprised whenever they participate in commonplace activities. We all know Tesla’s multitude of revolutionary inventions that are still ubiquitous in modern technology. Nevertheless, I aspire to go a step further; I believe there is a beauty and inspiration that can only be found by understanding scientists outside the lab, movie stars off-camera, and politicians away from microphones. Great minds aren’t necessarily defined by the moments that history records; many times, the most remarkable people are found lurking in the park with a handful of sunflower seeds.

This essay is ripe with potential because the student picked an interesting topic—important people doing unimportant things! And, to articulate this topic, the student chose a great example—Nikola Tesla feeding pigeons. 

Choosing a simple event that represents a larger curiosity of the student is a great way to bring an essay topic that can get very lofty and aspirational back down to Earth. The essay is more about the question of who celebrities are outside of the public eye, which demonstrates the depth of this student’s critical thought. They search for deeper significance, hidden truths, and non obvious answers. 

Admissions officers admire a student with these skills, but there’s no one way to convey it in your essays. That being said, a good place to start is to dig deeper and go beyond what the prompt explicitly asks for, as this student did.

While this student has the perfect set-up for an outstanding essay, their execution needs work for this essay to be truly effective. In its current state, the point gets muddled. Though readers ultimately understand what this student is getting at, it takes too much work to parse through all of the elevated prose, transitions, and sentences. To articulate the idea we don’t truly know our heroes more clearly, the student could have written something engaging like:

On the news, in my classes, and even at my family’s dinner table, I constantly hear Tesla referred to as “the innovator of the future,” “our generation’s Einstein,” “the most brilliant man on the planet.” While I don’t deny his extensive list of scientific and engineering accomplishments, I am inclined to wonder when he stopped being seen as human. Is the Tesla on our screens a man or a mythical being?

Finally, the student’s reflection should be more reflective! The first sentence of the reflection reads “ I believe there is a beauty and inspiration that can only be found by understanding scientists outside the lab, movie stars off-camera, and politicians away from microphones. ” This is a valuable point, but it goes entirely unexplained. Is the student saying that these well-known individuals gain their inspiration through their daily activities? Or is the student trying to say that the fact that these well-known individuals are just ordinary people inspires them as a student?

The topic of “important people doing unimportant things” is perfect for reflection, but this student misses the opportunity. The essay needs to relate back to the applicant—Where do they get inspiration? Why is inspiration important? At the end of this essay, we still don’t know why Nikola Tesla’s pigeon-feeding matters to the student. We need more.

Do you want feedback on your Emory University  essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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supplement essay for emory university

Emory Essays 2023-24

Emory essays .

Emory University , nestled in Atlanta, Georgia, is known for its commitment to intellectual rigor and interdisciplinary exploration. The Emory essays offer students a great chance to stand out in the competitive admissions process. So, as you prepare to apply, you should ensure you understand the Emory essay requirements. 

As one of the nation’s top private research universities and the top university in Georgia , Emory attracts a diverse array of bright minds each year. The allure of Emory’s vibrant campus resides in its robust academic offerings and its rich extracurricular landscape. Wondering how to get into Emory? Well, given the competitive nature of admissions, the Emory essays hold considerable weight within the Emory application process. 

Strong Emory essays form a critical part of any successful application. In this guide, we’ll walk you through each of the Emory University essays. 

We’ll also discuss:

  • Each of the Emory essay prompts
  • Tips for writing the Emory supplemental essays
  • Where to find successful Emory essay examples
  • Other Emory requirements

We hope this guide provides useful insight into how to get into Emory University!

Emory Supplemental Essays: Quick Facts

Emory university essays quick facts.

  • Emory University Ranking Overall: Ranked #22 among National Universities.
  • Emory University Acceptance Rate: The acceptance rate is 13% . U.S. News considers Emory University highly selective.

Essay Requirements:

  • Common Application Essay/Personal Statement
  • 1 Short Answer Focused on Academic Interests (Why Major Essay)  (150 words) 
  • 1 Short Answer Focused on Getting to Know Applicant (Get to Know You Essay)  (150 words) 

Admissions Application options:

  • Emory University uses the Common Application . Students will use the Common App to upload all materials, including the Emory supplemental essays. 

Emory University Application Types & Deadlines :

  • Early Decision I: November 1st
  • Early Decision II: January 1st 
  • Regular Decision: January 1st

Emory University Supplemental Essays Tip:

  • Emory University publishes strong Emory supplemental essays from previous candidates . In these Emory supplemental essays, note how the writers use engaging rhetoric, highlight their intellectual curiosity, and offer genuine responses.

Please note that essay requirements are subject to change each admissions cycle, and portions of this article may have been written before the final publication of the most recent guidelines. For the most up-to-date information on essay requirements, check the Emory admissions website.

Does Emory have supplemental essays?

Yes. Alongside the Common Application personal statement, all Emory University applicants must complete two Emory supplemental essays. 

The Emory supplemental essays include two short answer questions focusing on your academic and personal interests. Additionally, the Emory supplemental essays are shorter than those you might encounter at other schools—less than 150 words each. Therefore, applicants should make the most of every word in their Emory University essays.

How many essays does Emory require?

In total, students will complete three Emory essays, including the Common App personal statement. 

On the Emory application, students will complete two additional Emory essays. These two additional Emory essays are less than 150 words apiece and ask students to share their academic and personal interests. 

In the next section, we will review the prompts for each of the Emory supplemental essays. We’ll also highlight where students can find successful Emory essay examples.

What are the Emory essay prompts?

As stated, Emory requires the Common Application personal statement and two Emory supplemental essays. While the Common Application personal statement aligns with the standard Common Application prompts for 2023-2024, the Emory supplemental essays have two specific prompts. 

The first of the two Emory supplemental essay prompts focuses on academics. This Emory essay prompt is considered a ‘Why Major Essay” prompt. 

The first Emory University essay prompt states: 

What academic areas are you interested in exploring at Emory University and why?

The second Emory supplemental essays prompt focuses on getting to know the applicant. With six different Emory essay prompts to choose from, these “Getting to Know You” Emory essays allow students to share a bit about themselves. 

For the second of the Emory supplemental essays, students can choose from the following six prompts: 

Emory University Supplemental Essay Prompts

1. which book, character, song, monologue, or piece of work (fiction or non-fiction) seems made for you why, 2. reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness., 3. emory university aspires for all students to flourish on campus. reflect on what flourishing at emory means to you., 4. emory university’s unique mission calls for service to humanity. share how you might personally contribute to this mission of service to humanity., 5. emory university has a strong commitment to building community. tell us about a community that you have been part of where your participation helped to change or shape the community for the better., 6. reflection is a central tenet of emory university’s values. craft a personal email providing advice to yourself in your first year of high school..

Each of these Emory University essays allows you to share something a bit different about yourself and what you’d bring to campus. So, choose your topic carefully for the second of the Emory University essays. 

Emory Common App Essays

The Common App essay plays an important role in the Emory admissions process. So, use it as a chance to introduce yourself in a unique way. You can write about your background, a major moment in your life, or your future goals. Through your Emory University essay for the Common Application, you can show Emory who you are and why you’re a perfect fit.  

Remember that Emory requires two additional supplemental essays. So, when crafting your Emory essay for the Common Application, try to avoid topics you’ll cover in later Emory supplemental essays (or those for other schools).

Emory Essays – Why Major Essay

The first of the required Emory University supplemental essays asks you to describe your interest in your intended major. This Emory essay prompt—asking applicants to explore their academic interests at Emory University—challenges students to convey their passion and commitment within a 150-word count. In this section, we’ll guide you through strategies for these Emory University supplemental essays.

Here’s the first Emory essay prompt:

Prompt: What academic areas are you interested in exploring at Emory University and why?

In order to tackle this Emory essay prompt, start by pinpointing the academic areas that genuinely resonate with you. Be specific—mention departments, courses, or research opportunities that captivate your interest. Think about both your general academic interests and the specific offerings of Emory University. 

Share why these areas excite you—whether it’s a unique curriculum, esteemed faculty, or research initiatives. Highlight how Emory’s programs align with your academic aspirations and why you believe Emory is the ideal place to foster your intellectual growth. 

With only 150 words, you should maximize every sentence to convey your enthusiasm. Overall, strong Emory University supplemental essays will use specific details about what Emory offers. Avoid general statements and focus on specifics that showcase your deep interest and preparedness for your chosen academic areas. 

This Emory essay is your opportunity to show that you’ve researched the university’s offerings and envision how they will support your academic journey. However, remember that this essay should still be about you. So, don’t just repeat information about Emory—instead, focus on how Emory’s offerings meet your individual needs. 

Emory Supplemental Essays – Getting to Know You

While the first of the Emory essays focuses on your academic interests, Emory University’s “Getting to Know You” essay lets applicants showcase their personality, experiences, and aspirations. A key difference within this Emory essay is that you are given a choice of six prompts. While the topics are different, the word count is the same. You guessed it—you only have 150 words. 

With a choice of six Emory essay prompts, each essay prompt offers applicants distinct avenues for self-expression. Ultimately, the second of the Emory essays allows you to highlight an important facet of your character. To help you choose the strongest Emory essay prompt, let’s take a closer look at the options.

Be mindful that you only have 150 words to stand out, so choose your prompt carefully. Furthermore, this Emory essay should not only showcase your unique perspective; it should also complement your other application materials.

You should choose this Emory essay prompt if you deeply connect to a creative work that has shaped your perspective. Your chosen work should reflect your unique identity, values, or experiences. Strong Emory essays won’t just discuss a piece of creative work that the applicant likes—instead, they will use this work to say something deeper about the applicant’s identity. 

Once you select your work, be sure to thoughtfully explain your selection and connect it to other facets of your identity. The best Emory essays, moreover, will teach the admissions team something they don’t already know about the applicant. However, this doesn’t mean that your chosen work can’t connect to other interests in your application—just make sure that the second of your Emory essays adds a new dimension to your profile. 

Make sure the work you select is authentic to you, so avoid picking something just to impress the admissions committee. Most importantly, be cautious of what you pick. Avoid divisive or graphic content that might distract from your intended message and the positive impression you aim to create.

You should choose this Emory essay prompt if you’ve engaged in meaningful cross-cultural experiences. Notice the word “intentionally”—have you engaged in activities where you actively sought to learn more about the world around you? You could write about a meaningful trip abroad, a volunteer experience in a different community, or a variety of other experiences. Remember, no two Emory essays will be the same. 

Additionally, make sure the second of your Emory essays highlights your personal growth through this experience. Again, don’t just tell your readers what you think they want to hear. Instead, use the Emory essays to thoughtfully demonstrate your commitment to cultural understanding and your desire to contribute to a diverse community. Make sure to connect your intentional expansion of cultural awareness to your desire to enrich Emory’s campus.  

You should choose this Emory essay if you’re excited about embracing opportunities and growth at Emory. Think about what “flourishing” means to you—intellectual stimulation? Community? Giving back? Then, use the second of the Emory essays to specifically explain how Emory will allow you to flourish. Strong Emory essays will discuss specific academic programs, extracurricular activities, or campus resources that align with a student’s goals and aspirations. 

Highlight how the university’s environment aligns with your values and ambitions. Avoid generalities and clichés; instead, focus on unique experiences or qualities that make Emory a special place for you to flourish.

If you’re dedicated to positively impacting society, this Emory essay prompt suits you. Strong Emory essays will show a student’s genuine commitment to serving their communities. Additionally, the best Emory essays will look both backward and forward—that is, they’ll share how a student’s past interests and experiences will allow them to create change in college. 

Outline specific ways you have engaged in service or contributed to the well-being of others in your community. Discuss your values, experiences, and skills that align with Emory’s mission of service. Avoid generic statements about helping others; instead, use concrete examples of how you’ve translated your commitment into action. Then, highlight how you’ll continue to serve your community at Emory. 

5. Emory University is strongly committed to building community. Tell us about a community that you have been part of where your participation helped to change or shape the community for the better.

The fifth prompt for the Emory essays slightly resembles the previous prompt. However, it expands from the concept of “service” and, instead, speaks more generally about building community. If this resonates with you, you might consider this Emory essay prompt. 

The best Emory essays will recount a specific experience in which the applicant actively contributed to enhancing a community. You’ll need to provide some context about the community you were part of, whether it was a school club, volunteer organization, or any other group. However, make sure you quickly move into a discussion of what this community meant to you. Detail how you created positive change within that community through leadership, collaboration, or innovation. Additionally, highlight the outcomes of your efforts and how they positively impacted the community. 

Choose this Emory essay prompt if you enjoy self-reflection and have valuable insights to share. For this Emory essays prompt, address your younger self genuinely and empathetically, offering advice based on your personal growth and experiences since then. 

Reflect on the challenges you’ve overcome, the lessons you’ve learned, and the insights you’ve gained. Strong Emory essays will share practical advice that reflects Emory’s emphasis on personal growth and self-discovery. Additionally, in your response, avoid clichéd or superficial advice. Instead, provide thoughtful, meaningful guidance that showcases your maturity and depth of understanding.

To recap, Emory University’s “Getting to Know You” supplemental essay invites you to share your unique perspective and experiences in just 150 words. By selecting the right prompt and responding concisely, you can effectively convey your character and aspirations.

How to write Emory supplemental essays

Outstanding Emory University supplemental essays can make your application stand out to the admissions team. The best Emory essays will show who you are, share your experiences, and explain how you’d fit in at Emory University. 

Here are some quick tips to help your Emory supplemental essays shine:

Learn About Emory

First, before writing your Emory University supplemental essays, learn about the school’s values and programs. Use what you’ve learned to show you’re genuinely interested in Emory. Furthermore, take advantage of Emory’s resources, such as their admissions blog , to help you craft your Emory essays and create a strong application for Emory University.

Be Yourself

Next, write your Emory University supplemental essays in a way that shows your true self. Share personal stories that have influenced you. Stay away from generic answers and talk about what makes you special.

Tell a Good Story

Also, make your Emory supplemental essays interesting by telling a story. Use descriptive words to keep the reader interested.

Check and Improve

Before sending your Emory University supplemental essays, proofread them and fix any mistakes. Check for good grammar, punctuation, and clear writing. Since you have a limit on how many words you can use, pick your words carefully and avoid saying the same things too much.

By following these tips for your Emory University supplemental essays, you can create an application that shows your unique qualities and explains why you’d fit well at Emory University.

Emory essays examples and more

We hope this guide has helped you better understand how to get into Emory with strong Emory University essays. Next, let’s look at some more resources—including Emory essay examples—that can help you tackle the admissions process. By reading successful Emory essay examples, you can learn more about what the admissions team looks for in applicants. 

Emory University Essay Resources

  • Emory University Essays That Worked : This article provides a collection of successful Emory essays. In it, we showcase how students approached the Emory supplemental essays in past admissions cycles. While some prompts may change from year to year, the same strategies remain effective. 
  • Client Success Stories: Cequiyia & Kelsey York : Check out this spotlight on Cequyia York—a CollegeAdvisor student who got into Emory’s class of 2027. In it, Cequyia shares her experience with the admissions process and discusses how one-on-one college advising helped her succeed. 
  • How to Win a HOPE Scholarship : This article provides insights into the HOPE Scholarship, a merit-based scholarship program in Georgia. It also offers guidance on how to strengthen your merit scholarship applications. 
  • Strong Personal Statements: Poetry & Prose Can Elevate Your Essay : This article from Emory University highlights exemplary personal statements from previous applicants. It demonstrates the diverse range of topics that can effectively showcase a student’s character, curiosity, and voice. By featuring these statements, the article underscores the significance of a well-crafted personal statement.

Emory Supplemental Essays: Final Takeaways

We hope this article has helped you learn more about the Emory requirements and prepare to write strong Emory supplemental essays. To craft standout Emory essays, you need more than just strong writing skills—you need a strategic approach that aligns with the university’s values and aspirations. 

Let’s recap the five key takeaways to help you master the Emory supplemental essays:

1. Keep your Emory supplemental essays authentic.

Authenticity is the cornerstone of success in your Emory supplemental essays. The admissions team knows how to recognize genuine experiences and insights. Instead of molding your responses to fit a preconceived notion of what’s expected, focus on sharing your unique stories, experiences, and thoughts. When it comes to your Emory University essays, authenticity will always resonate the most.

2. Weave Emory’s values into your narrative.

Emory University isn’t just a backdrop for your academic journey; it’s a community with a mission and core values. As you approach your Emory supplemental essays, take the time to understand Emory’s values. Weave these values into your Emory University essays, illustrating your genuine interest in and alignment with the university’s distinctive character.

3. Reflect and connect.

Emory supplemental essays offer you a space to showcase your past, present, and future. Reflect on your journey and the experiences that have shaped you. Then, connect these reflections to Emory’s opportunities—whether through its innovative academic programs, dynamic campus culture, or commitment to community engagement.

4. Make sure your Emory supplemental essays dig deep.

Emory values diversity in all its forms, and your Emory supplemental essays are the perfect place to display your identity. Embrace the chance to showcase how your unique background, perspectives, and experiences can contribute to Emory’s community. Use these Emory University essays to demonstrate not only your individuality but also your potential to enrich the university’s diverse environment.

5. Embrace your Emory supplemental essays as a chance to reflect.

The journey of crafting Emory supplemental essays is both a reflective process and an opportunity to align your aspirations with Emory’s mission. You can create strong Emory essays that connect with the admissions committee by using your responses to weave in Emory’s values, reflect on your experiences, and showcase your diversity. Therefore, let your passion for Emory University and your personal growth shine through in your Emory University essays.

If you feel you need more insight into Emory admissions and how to approach your Emory essays, check out this virtual information session from Emory University admissions officers:

We hope this guide and the other resources we have suggested have helped you better understand the Emory requirements and prepare for the Emory application process. If you want more guidance on the Emory supplemental essays as you prepare to apply , we’re always here to help.

This article was written by senior college advisor Ashley Hollins . Are you looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. In your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how can support you in the college application process.

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How to write the emory university essays, updated for 2023-2024.

What academic areas are you interested in exploring at Emory University and why? (200 words or fewer)


This prompt requires students to identify their intended area of study and, perhaps more importantly, explain the reasons for their interest in the subject. While identifying an area of study may feel straightforward, the “why” is the trickier element of this prompt. Students should approach the “why” from two different angles: first, they should demonstrate their hands-on experience with their area of interest. What experiences first ignited your interest? How have you pursued further learning outside of the classroom—through online courses, self-study, research, internships or summer programs? What qualifies you to study this subject at a high level at a top college? Your answer to “why this major?” should not simply be an intellectual interest; it should demonstrate your tangible exploration of the topic throughout your high school career.

Second, the “why” should address why you want to study this major at Emory specifically. While the first angle addresses your past experiences with the topic, this approach to the “why” looks toward the future. Why is Emory the ideal place for you to foster your interest in this topic? Share details about the professors, courses, research opportunities, clubs, or study abroad opportunities that would allow you to deepen your knowledge and reach your professional and academic goals.

I was fourteen years old when I got my first babysitting job. After only thirty minutes, I found myself in a mound of toys with three children asking what game we would play next. In my desperation, I suggested we play a memory game. I became fascinated by how effortlessly I could recall sequences, while the children struggled to repeat them back to me. That simple game sparked an interest in human cognition, which led me to study psychology and neuroscience. From taking AP Linguistics to founding the Minority Psychologist Network for high school students from underrepresented backgrounds to participating in the prestigious Lumiere Research Scholar Program, what started as a babysitter’s game has become the defining interest of my last three years of study.

At Emory, I’m eager to participate in the Cognition and Development program because of its interdisciplinary approach and ample opportunities for research, which will enable me to study the brain’s complexities in depth. I’m particularly drawn to the Emory Neuroethics Program, where I can examine the ethical questions surrounding neuroscience. Dr. Patricia Bauer’s research on memory development aligns perfectly with my interests, offering me the opportunity to explore how memory evolves across our lifespans.

Please answer one of the following questions:* (150 words)

General Explanation: With all of these prompts, admissions officers are looking for answers that highlight your unique attributes and values. What are your special interests? What makes your approach to the world unique to you? Be sure to use this opportunity to tell a story about yourself and share aspects of your identity that are not reflected elsewhere in your application. Ask yourself: which of these prompts allows me to add depth and dynamism to my application? Pick a prompt that allows you to be specific enough that admissions officers feel like they really know you.

Question 1: Which book, character, song, monologue, or other creative work (fiction or non-fiction) seems made for you? Why?

When answering this prompt, don’t spend too much time writing about the creative work you choose. In addition, avoid getting caught up in choosing a creative work that is particularly niche or that you think will impress admissions officers. Instead, put your energy into ensuring that you are describing its significance for you in a unique and meaningful way. How did this creative work impact your life? How can you use this creative work to put an aspect of your personality or life experience into context? Think outside of the box about how you can use this creative work to illuminate another dimension of your personality in your application.

“What matters isn’t if people are good or bad. What matters is if they’re trying to be better today than they were yesterday. You asked me where my hope comes from? That’s my answer.”

Episode after episode, I watched as Michael helped Eleanor make sense of the world around her and the repercussions of her actions in her community. In the midst of The Good Place’s humor, the writers wove in profound lessons and theories from philosophers throughout history, teaching the audience through laughter.

As someone deeply interested in philosophy and psychology, I am endlessly amused both by the accidental truths that are woven into the show’s banter and by the way in which it demonstrates the absurdity of topics we deem serious. While the show itself is witty and entertaining, it inspires me as a person and student to maintain levity and embrace absurdity.

Question 2: Reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness.

The most important word in this prompt is “intentionally”—in asking this question, the admissions officers not only want to see your ability to participate in a diverse community, but your willing and active role in seeking such experiences. Was there a point in your life when something made you realize your cultural shortcomings and then take active steps to fix them? How did this experience impact who you are today? This is an opportunity to talk about how a specific experience inspired you to grow and develop into the person you are now. Consider stories that have a “before” and “after,” or a turning point that made a significant impact on you.

On National Hijab Day, my friend Saman encouraged members of her new club, the Muslim Student Association, to don hijab to see the world through her eyes. As the only Filipino person in our school, I could relate to how my friend must have felt as the only South Asian muslim student, and I wanted to support her as she worked to dispel misconceptions about her religion.

The experience opened up the space for conversations about others’ perceptions of our identities. Saman shared her feelings of isolation, while our friend Samuel, one of the only people of color attending our school, shared instances of microaggressions he had faced in and out of the classroom.

Although we had not previously spoken so openly about our experiences as minority students, I learned a great deal about my friends’ experiences. I look forward to further expanding my cultural understanding at Emory and beyond.

Question 3: Emory University’s core mission calls for service to humanity. Share how you might personally contribute to this mission.

While this prompt invites you to share how you “might contribute” to Emory’s mission of service as a student, the best way to do so is to point to your demonstrable commitment to service in the past. With this prompt as with others, specificity is key. Be sure to write about a service activity you participated in, how you specifically contributed to the activity, and how the experience of service impacted you, your values, and your perspective. Then, research the service activities and outreach opportunities at Emory that are of interest to you. Focus particularly on the opportunities that may connect to your core passions or area of study and tie those into your personal service goals.

Question 4: Emory University has a strong commitment to building community. Tell us about a community you have been part of where your participation helped to change or shape the community for the better.

In order to make the most of this prompt, pick a community that showcases a part of you that you have yet to talk about in your application. Why was this community important to you? How did you identify things you wanted to change? What did it take to change them? How is your community better now than it was before? Did you give back in one big way or did you give back in small ways that always worked toward a goal? This is your opportunity to showcase your active role in affecting change, giving the admissions committee a glimpse into the kind of community member you will be at Emory as well.

500 Saturdays go by so fast.

Every Saturday since I was 6 years old, I sang with the Imagination Players, a performing group that fundraises and brings joy to children’s hospitals, nursing homes, and veterans’ groups.

Kids Runway for Research is one of my favorite annual events. Children with cancer get makeovers and get to be stars for a day. After the event, I dress up as Moana to go visit the kids who were too sick to participate, some of them younger than I was when I first joined the Imagination Players.

Twelve years with this group taught me that changing and improving the community for the better doesn’t necessarily have to involve wide structural change. It can simply look like many small acts of kindness that improve the lives of community members who are most in need of support.

supplement essay for emory university

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Emory Supplemental Essays 2022-2023

supplement essay for emory university

By Eric Eng

Emory University signage.

When it comes to applying to the top schools in the country, your application is vitally important. In order to give yourself the best chance of gaining admission, you need to make sure all aspects of your application are top notch. In this post, we’re going to do a deep dive into how to write Emory supplemental essays, and everything you need to keep in mind as you write.

Emory uses the common app, and this means that you will be asked to answer essay questions contained in the common app. But like many top schools, Emory also requires that you complete a short activity-based essay as well as an additional essay about your personal or intellectual growth. The Emory supplemental essays 2022-2023 allow applicants a certain amount of freedom when choosing their supplemental essay topic, but we’re going to look at each essay prompt and discuss the best way to respond to each topic.

Emory Supplemental Essay Prompts 2022-2023

So, let’s start by looking at each supplemental essay prompt, and then we will discuss how to approach each one individually.

When it comes to answering the Emory supplemental essays 2022, there are some things to keep in mind. First, these essays are in addition to the personal statement found in the common app. The first Emory supplemental essay is required, but you are then free to choose an essay to write from the Getting to Know You list of essays. The Emory supplemental essay word limit is pretty restrictive, so you will need to plan your responses efficiently.

The Emory supplemental essays 2022-2023 are as follows:

Academic Interests

This question is required. Your response should be no more than 200 words. What academic areas are you interested in exploring in college?

Getting to Know You

  • In addition, answer one of the following questions. Your response should be no more than 150 words. Reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness.

When was the last time you questioned something you had thought to be true?

If you could witness a historic event (past, present or future) first-hand, what would it be, and why?

Share about a time when you were awestruck.

Which book, character, song, monologue, or piece of work (fiction or non-fiction) seems made for you? Why?

  • How to answer Emory’s supplemental essays?

Because the nature of the prompts is so varied, you may be wondering how to answer Emory supplemental essays. Don’t worry, though. We’re going to go through each prompt and create a strategy for your response. Let’s first take a look at the required academic question before we move on to the optional prompts.

As you’ve likely noticed, the prompt that is required by Emory University is quite broad. But that doesn’t mean you can give a general answer. Emory wants to know what excites you most academically. While it’s possible that you have numerous interests that you are interested in exploring at college, Emory is asking you to narrow it down to the areas that interest you most.

First, start by thinking about the subjects that interested you most in high school. What was it about these fields of study that grabbed your attention? Once you’ve figured that out, think about where you see yourself going in the future. How will studying these fields at Emory give you the tools you will need in life?

If you have areas of interest that you want to study at Emory, but don’t have a clear path in front of you, write about what excites you, and how you want to study these fields in more depth in college. The goal of this prompt is to demonstrate your intellectual curiosity and your love of learning. Emory wants to know what fields you are passionate about, and what your passion needs to shine through in your essay. Keep in mind, though, the Emory supplemental essay word limit is low, so make the most of the space.

In addition, answer one of the following questions. Your response should be no more than 150 words.

Let’s now take a look at the optional essays. You will choose one prompt from the list a write a brief essay letting Emory know more about you as a person. Let’s go through the prompts one by one.

Reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness.

This prompt relates to your personal integrity. Part of demonstrating integrity is having the ability to learn and understand more about the world around you. This prompt asks you to think of a specific time when you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness. This may have happened as a result of your academic studies, but it may also be the result of travel or time spent living or working with people different from yourself. The key is to highlight something specific, and then explain how this experience made you think differently about the world or your community.

This is an excellent prompt because it also allows you to showcase your personal integrity, but it also demonstrates that you have an intellectually open mind. Part of the college experience is having your understanding and beliefs challenged, and Emory wants to know that you are capable of questioning yourself and your beliefs.

Keep in mind that the experience you write about doesn’t need to be a true existential crisis. It may be something simple that you had previously assumed to be true, but once you were confronted with new information, you changed your mind. The key is to relate an experience where you had to self-reflect and then move forward with a new understanding of something.

This prompt allows you to have some fun imagining yourself as part of a historical event. Perhaps more important than the event you would choose is why you would choose this event. Since you have all of history to work with, choose something that would be unique to you and your interests. Weave your passions into why you would want to witness this event. Or you could write about an event that you always felt doubts about. Perhaps history wasn’t recorded properly, and you want to see it for yourself. The key here is to be creative and express your unique personality.

As with the previous prompt, the point here is to showcase your creativity and curiosity. Except with this prompt, it needs to be an event that actually happened to you. This could be anywhere from meeting a famous person you admire to witnessing something devastating. “Awe” isn’t a very specific word, so you can use it, however, makes sense to you. Seeing the Grand Canyon or the Pacific Ocean for the first time often leads people to feel awestruck, but so does witnessing the sheer complexity of an Amazon Fulfillment Center. Regardless of the event you choose, the more important point is the effect it had on you as a person.

At some point, we’ve all had that feeling that a song was written just for us, or a character in a movie said things that only we would say. In this final short essay prompt, reflect on the works of art that seem to be custom tailored to you, and why. The most important thing is to be creative and demonstrate that you can think critically. Mostly, just have fun.

At AdmissionSight, our goal is to help you with every step of the college admissions process. The Emory supplemental essays 2022 can seem daunting at first, but our experience and expertise will help you navigate the entire process with confidence. Hopefully, this guide to the Emory supplemental essays 2022-2023 has been helpful, but if you want more information about how AdmissionSight can help you realize your dreams, set up your free consultation today.


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Conquer Emory University's Supplementals: '23-'24 Admission Cycle

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Hello future Emory Eagles! With the application season for Emory University in full swing, it's time to make sure you nail those supplemental essays. In this blog post, we'll provide specific advice to help you create compelling responses.

Emory requires two short answer questions (150 words each) and one longer essay (300 words) for all applicants.

Short Answer Questions

  • What is your favorite fiction or non-fiction work (film, book, TV show, album, poem, or play)? Why?
  • What motivates you to learn?

For the first question, avoid mainstream picks and strive for unique selections that reflect your interests. Your 'why' is essential - it should provide a window into your personality or values.

Example: "My favorite non-fiction work is 'Sapiens' by Yuval Noah Harari. The book challenged me to think about the grand narrative of human history and our role in shaping the future. It resonated with my desire to influence societal progress through technological innovation."

The second question seeks insight into your academic motivations. Highlight intellectual curiosity, passion for a particular subject, or the desire to solve a specific problem.

Example: "My motivation to learn stems from a fascination with the human mind. Understanding its complexities not only gives me insight into human behavior but also equips me to address mental health issues, which I plan to do as a psychologist."

Longer Essay

Students applying to Emory University must answer one of the three prompts:

  • Reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness.
  • When have you worked towards a goal and ultimately succeeded?
  • Share an example of an important conversation you had with someone. What did you learn from that conversation?

All three prompts aim to understand your personal growth, resilience, and open-mindedness. Choose the one that resonates most with your experiences.

For example, if you select the first prompt, discuss an experience where you've actively engaged with a culture different from yours, whether through travel, community service, or a school project.

Example: "Last summer, I volunteered at a non-profit in Kenya, aiming to bridge the educational gap in rural areas. This experience broadened my cultural awareness as I worked with local teachers, learning about their methods and struggles. The experience emphasized the importance of context-specific solutions and sparked my interest in global education."

If you choose the second or third prompt, discuss not just the achievement or conversation, but the journey or thought process behind it.

Your essays should showcase your unique perspective, maturity, and alignment with Emory's values. Good luck, future Emory Eagles!

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How To Tackle The Weirdest Supplemental Essay Prompts For This Application Cycle

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Writing the college essay

How do you write a letter to a friend that shows you’re a good candidate for the University of Pennsylvania? What reading list will help the Columbia University admissions committee understand your interdisciplinary interests? How can you convey your desire to attend Yale by inventing a course description for a topic you’re interested in studying?

These are the challenges students must overcome when writing their supplemental essays . Supplemental essays are a critical component of college applications—like the personal statement, they provide students with the opportunity to showcase their authentic voice and perspective beyond the quantitative elements of their applications. However, unlike the personal essay, supplemental essays allow colleges to read students’ responses to targeted prompts and evaluate their candidacy for their specific institution. For this reason, supplemental essay prompts are often abstract, requiring students to get creative, read between the lines, and ditch the traditional essay-writing format when crafting their responses.

While many schools simply want to know “why do you want to attend our school?” others break the mold, inviting students to think outside of the box and answer prompts that are original, head-scratching, or downright weird. This year, the following five colleges pushed students to get creative—if you’re struggling to rise to the challenge, here are some tips for tackling their unique prompts:

University of Chicago

Prompt: We’re all familiar with green-eyed envy or feeling blue, but what about being “caught purple-handed”? Or “tickled orange”? Give an old color-infused expression a new hue and tell us what it represents. – Inspired by Ramsey Bottorff, Class of 2026

What Makes it Unique: No discussion of unique supplemental essay prompts would be complete without mentioning the University of Chicago, a school notorious for its puzzling and original prompts (perhaps the most well-known of these has been the recurring prompt “Find x”). This prompt challenges you to invent a new color-based expression, encouraging both linguistic creativity and a deep dive into the emotional or cultural connotations of color. It’s a prompt that allows you to play with language, think abstractly, and show off your ability to forge connections between concepts that aren’t typically linked—all qualities that likewise demonstrate your preparedness for UChicago’s unique academic environment.

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How to Answer it: While it may be easy to get distracted by the open-ended nature of the prompt, remember that both the substance and structure of your response should give some insight into your personality, perspective, and characteristics. With this in mind, begin by considering the emotions, experiences, or ideas that most resonate with you. Then, use your imagination to consider how a specific color could represent that feeling or concept. Remember that the prompt is ultimately an opportunity to showcase your creativity and original way of looking at the world, so your explanation does not need to be unnecessarily deep or complex—if you have a playful personality, convey your playfulness in your response; if you are known for your sarcasm, consider how you can weave in your biting wit; if you are an amateur poet, consider how you might take inspiration from poetry as you write, or offer a response in the form of a poem.

The goal is to take a familiar concept and turn it into something new and meaningful through a creative lens. Use this essay to showcase your ability to think inventively and to draw surprising connections between language and life.

Harvard University

Prompt: Top 3 things your roommates might like to know about you.

What Makes it Unique: This prompt is unique in both form and substance—first, you only have 150 words to write about all 3 things. Consider using a form other than a traditional essay or short answer response, such as a bullet list or short letter. Additionally, note that the things your roommate might like to learn about you do not necessarily overlap with the things you would traditionally share with an admissions committee. The aim of the prompt is to get to know your quirks and foibles—who are you as a person and a friend? What distinguishes you outside of academics and accolades?

How to Answer it: First and foremost, feel free to get creative with your response to this prompt. While you are producing a supplemental essay and thus a professional piece of writing, the prompt invites you to share more personal qualities, and you should aim to demonstrate your unique characteristics in your own voice. Consider things such as: How would your friends describe you? What funny stories do your parents and siblings share that encapsulate your personality? Or, consider what someone might want to know about living with you: do you snore? Do you have a collection of vintage posters? Are you particularly fastidious? While these may seem like trivial things to mention, the true creativity is in how you connect these qualities to deeper truths about yourself—perhaps your sleepwalking is consistent with your reputation for being the first to raise your hand in class or speak up about a cause you’re passionate about. Perhaps your living conditions are a metaphor for how your brain works—though it looks like a mess to everyone else, you have a place for everything and know exactly where to find it. Whatever qualities you choose, embrace the opportunity to think outside of the box and showcase something that admissions officers won’t learn about anywhere else on your application.

University of Pennsylvania

Prompt: Write a short thank-you note to someone you have not yet thanked and would like to acknowledge.

What Makes it Unique: Breaking from the traditional essay format, this supplement invites you to write directly to a third party in the form of a 150-200 word long letter. The challenge in answering this distinct prompt is to remember that your letter should say as much about you, your unique qualities and what you value as it does about the recipient—all while not seeming overly boastful or contrived.

How to Answer it: As you select a recipient, consider the relationships that have been most formative in your high school experience—writing to someone who has played a large part in your story will allow the admissions committee some insight into your development and the meaningful relationships that guided you on your journey. Once you’ve identified the person, craft a thank-you note that is specific and heartfelt—unlike other essays, this prompt invites you to be sentimental and emotional, as long as doing so would authentically convey your feelings of gratitude. Describe the impact they’ve had on you, what you’ve learned from them, and how their influence has shaped your path. For example, if you’re thanking a teacher, don’t just say they helped you become a better student—explain how their encouragement gave you the confidence to pursue your passions. Keep the tone sincere and personal, avoid clichés and focus on the unique role this person has played in your life.

University of Notre Dame

Prompt: What compliment are you most proud of receiving, and why does it mean so much to you?

What Makes it Unique: This prompt is unique in that it invites students to share something about themselves by reflecting on someone else’s words in 50-100 words.

How to Answer it: The key to answering this prompt is to avoid focusing too much on the complement itself and instead focus on your response to receiving it and why it was so important to you. Note that this prompt is not an opportunity to brag about your achievements, but instead to showcase what truly matters to you. Select a compliment that truly speaks to who you are and what you value. It could be related to your character, work ethic, kindness, creativity, or any other quality that you hold in high regard. The compliment doesn’t have to be grand or come from someone with authority—it could be something small but significant that left a lasting impression on you, or it could have particular meaning for you because it came from someone you didn’t expect it to come from. Be brief in setting the stage and explaining the context of the compliment—what is most important is your reflection on its significance and how it shaped your understanding of yourself.

Stanford University

Prompt: List five things that are important to you.

What Makes it Unique: This prompt’s simplicity is what makes it so challenging. Stanford asks for a list, not an essay, which means you have very limited space (50 words) to convey something meaningful about yourself. Additionally, the prompt does not specify what these “things” must be—they could be a physical item, an idea, a concept, or even a pastime. Whatever you choose, these five items should add depth to your identity, values, and priorities.

How to Answer it: Start by brainstorming what matters most to you—these could be values, activities, people, places, or even abstract concepts. The key is to choose items or concepts that, when considered together, provide a comprehensive snapshot of who you are. For example, you might select something tangible and specific such as “an antique telescope gifted by my grandfather” alongside something conceptual such as “the willingness to admit when you’re wrong.” The beauty of this prompt is that it doesn’t require complex sentences or elaborate explanations—just a clear and honest reflection of what you hold dear. Be thoughtful in your selections, and use this prompt to showcase your creativity and core values.

While the supplemental essays should convey something meaningful about you, your values, and your unique qualifications for the university to which you are applying, the best essays are those that are playful, original, and unexpected. By starting early and taking the time to draft and revise their ideas, students can showcase their authentic personalities and distinguish themselves from other applicants through their supplemental essays.

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  6. Emory University 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    In this prompt, Emory University is looking for more than just a summary of your favorite book. Admissions wants to know why a certain work of art is meaningful to you, and how it connects to your identity, history, or values. As with all supplemental essays, your goal should be to use this prompt as an opportunity to tell admissions something ...

  7. How to Write Emory Supplemental Essays: 2022-23 Guide

    Emory University is a highly selective, private research university in Atlanta, Georgia, with only an 18% acceptance rate.Due to its competitive application process, there are two required Emory supplemental essays.This helps the admissions committee personalize their admission decisions among a large pool of equally qualified high school applicants with impressive GPAs and high test scores.

  8. Emory University Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

    Emory University has released its supplemental essay prompts for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle. In addition to The Common Application's Personal Statement, applicants to Emory's Class of 2028 are asked to respond to two 150-word short-answer essay prompts. The first prompt is about academic interests, and the second prompt allows ...

  9. How to Write the Emory University Essays 2020-2021

    How to Write the Emory Supplemental Essays. In addition to a Personal Statement, Emory University requires applicants to write two short supplemental essays. Applicants can choose one prompt from each of the following categories. Each essay should be no more than 150 words.

  10. How to Write the Emory Supplemental Essays

    How to Write Emory University Supplemental Essay #2-B + Analysis and Tips. Analysis of Prompt 2-B: Reflecting on a moment where you actively sought to understand a culture different from your own shows openness, adaptability, and a commitment to diversity. This prompt values personal growth and the recognition of a global community.

  11. Emory Essays that Worked

    Emory University Essay Prompts #1- Why Major Essay (200 words) #1- What academic interest are you planning to explore in college? # Getting to Know You Essay (150 words) ... Emory supplemental essays are designed to give the admissions committee additional insight about an applicant. The low Emory acceptance rate makes these essays a crucial ...

  12. How to Write the Emory Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

    Essay Option 3 Emory University aspires for all students to flourish on campus. Reflect on what flourishing at Emory means to you. ... The Emory supplemental essays 2023-2024 present an incredible opportunity to offer the admissions officers a deeper understanding of your character, passions, and ambitions - as well as how an Emory education ...

  13. Emory University Supplemental Essays Guide: 2021-2022's guide to the Emory supplemental essays will show you exactly how to write engaging Emory supplemental essays and maximize your chances of admission. If you need help answering the Emory University essay prompts, create your free account or schedule a no-cost advising consultation by calling (844) 343-6272.

  14. 4 Tips to Write Stellar Emory Essays

    How to Write the Emory Essays: 4 Essential Tips. Here are four tips to keep in mind as you write your Emory University supplemental essays. #1: Write Concisely. You have just 200 and 150 words for the supplemental Emory essays, so don't waste space—include only the most essential facts and information you want to present to the admissions ...

  15. Emory's Short Answer Questions 2024-25

    We are pleased to announce Emory University's short answer questions for the 2024-2025 first-year application. In addition to your Personal Statement, please answer two additional short answer questions, one about your academic interests and one to help us get to know you better. We encourage you to be thoughtful in your responses and not stress.

  16. Emory University Essay Prompts

    Emory University has published its essays for applicants to the Class of 2029. Emory University has released its supplemental essay prompts for the 2024-2025 admissions cycle. In addition to The Common Application 's Personal Statement, applicants to Emory's Class of 2029 are asked to respond to two short-answer essay prompts: one of 200 ...

  17. 4 Excellent Emory Essay Examples

    What's Covered: Essay Example #1 - Book, Character, or Song. Essay Example #2 - Cultural Awareness. Essay Example #3 - Historic Event, William Henry Harrison. Essay Example #4 - Historic Event, Nikola Tesla. Where to Get Your Emory University Essays Edited. Emory University is a private research university in Atlanta, Georgia.

  18. Emory Essays

    Emory Essays . Emory University, nestled in Atlanta, Georgia, is known for its commitment to intellectual rigor and interdisciplinary exploration.The Emory essays offer students a great chance to stand out in the competitive admissions process. So, as you prepare to apply, you should ensure you understand the Emory essay requirements.

  19. How to Write the Emory University Essays

    Emory University asks all applicants to answer the following supplemental questions as a part of their application. For the 2024-2025 application cycle, Emory asks applicants to answer two prompts: the first prompt, a classic "why this major?" is required of all applicants. For the second essay, students are given the option to choose between four prompts. No matter which prompt you choose ...

  20. Emory Supplemental Essays 2022-2023

    The first Emory supplemental essay is required, but you are then free to choose an essay to write from the Getting to Know You list of essays. The Emory supplemental essay word limit is pretty restrictive, so you will need to plan your responses efficiently. The Emory supplemental essays 2022-2023 are as follows: Academic Interests

  21. How to Write the Emory University Supplement 2022-2023

    How to Write the Emory University Supplement 2022-2023. Emory is a private research university in Atlanta, Georgia. While it was founded by Methodist Episcopal Church in the 1800s, they are not very religious today. You don't need to be methodist to go and the school has a wide range of religious communities on campus including Jewish, Hindu ...

  22. Conquer Emory University's Supplementals: '23-'24 Admission Cycle

    Hello future Emory Eagles! With the application season for Emory University in full swing, it's time to make sure you nail those supplemental essays. In this blog post, we'll provide specific advice to help you create compelling responses. Emory requires two short answer questions (150 words each) and one longer essay (300 words) for all ...

  23. How to Get Into Emory University (With Amazing Supplemental Essays

    Emory University asks first-year applicants to write two (2) essays in addition to the personal statement. Applicants must choose one prompt from the "Reflec...

  24. 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Guide

    What do the 2024-25 supplemental essay prompts really mean, and how should you approach them? CEA's experts are here to break them all down. ... Emory University 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide. ... Stanford University 2024-25 Supplemental Essay and Short Questions Guide. Read more » ...

  25. How To Tackle The Weirdest Supplemental Essay Prompts For This ...

    Supplemental essays are a critical component of college applications—like the personal statement, they provide students with the opportunity to showcase their authentic voice and perspective ...