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Essay on My Mother

Author: Manasi Wangikar: Manasi is a content writer at Open Pathshala

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Essay on mother in sanskrit

माता पर संस्कृत निबंध। Essay on Mother in Sanskrit

Essay on mother in sanskrit.

अस्मिन् संसारे माता एव परम दैवतमस्ति। मातु: स्थान गृहणा तु कोऽपि न समर्थः। सर्वोत्कृष्ट स्थानं मातुरेव। सा तु स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी वर्तते। मातरधिक किमपि पूज्यं नास्ति। वेदेषु पुराणग्रंथेषु अपि मातुः महात्म्य वर्णितम्। पितुः आचार्यादपि माता श्रेष्ठा अस्ति। अत: सर्वप्रथमो अयमुपदेशः ‘मातृदेवो भव’ इति। पितदेवो भव, आचार्य देवो भव इत्यादिकाः उपदेशाः पश्चादागच्छन्ति।

सन्ततिपालने माता किं किं न करोति। सा अनेकानि कष्टानि सहते। शैशवे पुत्रस्य कारणे रात्रौ अपि जागरणं करोति। स्वयं दु:खं सहते, किन्तु पुत्राय सर्वं सुखं यच्छति। माता अतीव पुत्रवत्सला अस्ति। सा एव बालकस्य प्रथम: गुरु: अपि भवति। विद्यालयगमनात् प्रागेव सा बालकं स्नेहेन शिक्षयति। महाभारते महर्षिणा व्यासेनापि उक्तं, ‘नास्ति मातृसमो गुरुः।‘

स्नेहपरायणा, साधुस्वभावा माता बहूनापि मूल्येन लब्धुं न शक्यते। ‘दीवार’ नाम हिन्दी चित्रपटे अपि मातु: महत्त्वं दर्शितम्। तत्र अयं संवाद: लोकप्रियः अभवत, मम् समीपे धनमस्ति, वाहनमस्ति, गृहमस्ति, त्वत् समीपे किमस्ति? तदा नायक: वदति, ‘मम समीपे माता अस्ति।‘ एवं मातुः महत्त्वं सर्वेः स्वीकृतम्। सुप्रसिद्ध मातृभक्तं श्रवणकुमारं को न जानाति। स्वमातृभक्त्या सः अमरः जातः।

भगवतः शंकराचार्यस्य मातृभक्तिः सर्वविदिता एव। अस्य मातभक्ति, अलौकिकी आसीत्। आधुनिके काले अपि अनेके मातृभक्ताः सन्ति। एतत् कथितं यत् पुत्र: कुपुत्रः भवति, परन्तु माता कदापि कुमाता न भवति। यथा- ‘कुपुत्रो जायते क्वचिदपि कुमाता न भवति’ इति। मातुः माहात्म्यं सर्वाधिकं वर्तते। सा परमकल्याणी अस्ति। प्रभुरामचन्द्रेणापि कथितं,’ जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी।‘ अतः एतद् अस्माकं परम् कर्तव्यम् यत् अस्माभिः मातृभक्तिः अवश्यमेव विधेया।

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सर्वतीर्थमयी माता।

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राजपत्नी गुरोः पत्नी मित्रपत्नी तथैव च। पत्नीमाता स्वमाता च पञ्चैता मातरः स्मृता॥

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गुरुणामेव सर्वेषां माता गुरुतरा स्मृता।

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पृथिव्यां पुत्रास्ते जननि बहवः सन्ति सरलाः परं तेषां मध्ये विरलतरलोऽहं तव सुतः। मदीयोऽयं त्यागः समुचितमिदं नो तव शिवे कुपुत्रो जायेत क्वचिदपि कुमाता न भवति ॥३॥

essay 10 lines on my mother in sanskrit

आपदामापन्तीनां हितोऽप्यायाति हेतुताम् । मातृजङ्घा हि वत्सस्य स्तम्भीभवति बन्धने ॥

Transliteration: āpadāmāpantīnāṃ hito’pyāyāti hetutām । mātṛjaṅghā hi vatsasya stambhībhavati bandhane ॥

Hindi Translation: जब विपत्तियां आने को होती हैं, तो हितकारी भी उनमें कारण बन जाता है । बछड़े को बांधने मे माँ की जांघ ही खम्भे का काम करती है ।

English Translation: When calamities befall, even a wellwisher becomes a cause of them. It is the leg of the mother that serves as the pillar for tying the calf.

Source   – Hitopadesha 1.30

Quote from Skanda Purana

Mother's Day image 2020

नास्ति मातृसमा छाया नास्ति मातृसमा गतिः। नास्ति मातृसमं त्राणं नास्ति मातृसमा प्रपा॥

Transliteration: nāsti mātṛsamā chāyā nāsti mātṛsamā gatiḥ। nāsti mātṛsamaṃ trāṇaṃ nāsti mātṛsamā prapā॥

Hindi Translation: माता के समान कोई छाया नहीं, कोई आश्रय नहीं, कोई सुरक्षा नहीं। माता के समान इस विश्व में कोई जीवनदाता नहीं॥

English Translation: There is no shade like a mother, no resort-like a mother, no security like a mother, no other ever- giving fountain of life!

Source –   Skanda Purana Mo. Ch. 6.103-104

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Happy Mother’s Day

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essay 10 lines on my mother in sanskrit

Sanskrit Shlok On Mother | माता पर संस्कृत श्लोक

sanskrit shlok on mother

Sanskrit Shlok on Mother

निचे दिए गए संस्कृत श्लोक में कवि द्वारा अद्भुत श्लोक लिखा गया है जिसमें एक माँ ( हिरण ) शिकारी से प्रार्थना कर रही है:-

आदाय मांसमखिलं स्तनवर्जमंगे मां मुञ्च वागुरिक याहि कुरु प्रसादम् । अद्यापि शष्पकवलग्रहणानभिज्ञः मद्वर्त्मचञ्चलदृशः शिशवो मदीयाः ।।

Hindi Translation:- हे शिकारी! तुम मेरे शरीर के प्रत्येक भाग को काटकर अलग कर दो। लेकिन,बस मेरे दो स्तनों को छोड़ दो। क्योंकि, मेरा छोटा बच्चा जिसने अभी घास खाना शुरू नहीं किया है। वे बड़ी आकुलता से मेरी प्रतीक्षा कर रहा होगा। अगर मैं उसे दूध नहीं पिलाऊँगी तो वह निश्चित रूप से मर जाएगा । तो कृपया मेरे स्तनों को छोड़ दो।

English Translation:- Hey hunter! You cut and separate each part of my body. But, just leave my two breasts. Because, my little kid who has not started eating grass yet. They must have been waiting for me very eagerly. If I don’t feed him, he will definitely die. So please leave my breasts.

sanskrit shlok on mother

न मातु: परदैवतम्।

Hindi Translation:- मां से बढ़कर कोई देव नहीं है।

English Translation:- There is no god better than mother.

माता पर संस्कृत श्लोक

सर्वतीर्थमयी  माता  सर्वदेवमयः  पिता  मातरं पितरं तस्मात्  सर्वयत्नेन पूजयेत् 

Hindi Translation:- मनुष्य के लिये उसकी माता सभी तीर्थों के समान तथा पिता सभी देवताओं के समान पूजनीय होते है। अतः उसका यह परम् कर्तव्य है कि वह् उनका अच्छे से आदर और सेवा करे।

English Translation:- To a person his mother is an object of veneration and his  father is like all the Gods combined. It is, therefore, his sacred duty that he should revere and serve both of them with utmost care and attention.

sanskrit shlok on mother

जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी

Hindi Translation:- माँ और मातृभूमि स्वर्ग से भी बढ़कर हैं।

English Translation:- Mother and Motherland are more than heaven.

आपदामापन्तीनां हितोऽप्यायाति हेतुताम् । मातृजङ्घा हि वत्सस्य स्तम्भीभवति बन्धने ॥

Hindi Translation:- जब विपत्तियां आने को होती हैं, तो हितकारी भी उनमें कारण बन जाता है। बछड़े को बांधने मे माँ की जांघ ही खम्भे का काम करती है।

English Translation:- When calamities befall, even a wellwisher becomes a cause of them. It is the leg of the mother that serves as the pillar for tying the calf.

happy mothers day sanskrit

नास्ति मातृसमा छाया नास्ति मातृसमा गतिः। नास्ति मातृसमं त्राणं नास्ति मातृसमा प्रपा॥

Hindi Translation:- माता के समान कोई छाया नहीं, कोई आश्रय नहीं, कोई सुरक्षा नहीं। माता के समान इस विश्व में कोई जीवनदाता नहीं॥

English Translation:- There is no shade like a mother, no resort-like a mother, no security like a mother, no other ever-giving fountain of life!

राजपत्नी गुरोः पत्नी मित्रपत्नी तथैव च। पत्नीमाता स्वमाता च पञ्चैता मातरः स्मृता॥

Hindi Translation:- राजा की पत्नी, गुरु की पत्नी, मित्र की पत्नी, तथा पत्नी की माता और अपनी माता, इन पाँच को माताएँ माना जाता है।

English Translation:- The queen, the teacher’s wife, friend’s wife, mother-in-law, and one’s own mother – these five are to be considered mothers.

कुपुत्रो जायेत क्वचिदपि कुमाता न भवति ॥
आदौ माता गुरोः पत्नी ब्राह्मणी  राजपत्निका  | धेनुर्धात्री तथा पृथ्वी सप्तैताः मातरः स्मृताः  ||

Hindi Translation:- सर्व प्रथम स्वयं अपनी माता,  तत्पश्चात् गुरु पत्नी, ब्राह्मणी (एक ब्राह्मण की पत्नी) , रानी , गाय, धाय (बचपन में लालन पालन करने वाली स्त्री या बीमारी में सेवा सुश्रूषा करने वाली स्त्री) तथा यह पृथ्वी (जिस देश में हंम निवास करते है ), ये सातों माता के समान सम्मानित की जाती हैं।

English Translation:- At first one’s own mother and thereafter the wife of a teacher, a queen, a cow, a foster mother (nanny) or a nurse, and the Earth (the country in which we live),  all these seven are revered and remembered as a Mother.

यह भी पढ़ें

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माता पर संस्कृत निबंध। Essay on Mother in Sanskrit

माता पर संस्कृत निबंध। Essay on Mother in Sanskrit : अस्मिन् संसारे माता एव परम दैवतमस्ति। मातु: स्थान गृहणा तु कोऽपि न समर्थः। सर्वोत्कृष्ट स्थानं मातुरेव। सा तु स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी वर्तते। मातरधिक किमपि पूज्यं नास्ति। वेदेषु पुराणग्रंथेषु अपि मातुः महात्म्य वर्णितम्। पितुः आचार्यादपि माता श्रेष्ठा अस्ति। अत: सर्वप्रथमो अयमुपदेशः ‘मातृदेवो भव’ इति। पितदेवो भव, आचार्य देवो भव इत्यादिकाः उपदेशाः पश्चादागच्छन्ति। सन्ततिपालने माता किं किं न करोति। सा अनेकानि कष्टानि सहते। शैशवे पुत्रस्य कारणे रात्रौ अपि जागरणं करोति। स्वयं दु:खं सहते, किन्तु पुत्राय सर्वं सुखं यच्छति। माता अतीव पुत्रवत्सला अस्ति। सा एव बालकस्य प्रथम: गुरु: अपि भवति। विद्यालयगमनात् प्रागेव सा बालकं स्नेहेन शिक्षयति। महाभारते महर्षिणा व्यासेनापि उक्तं, 'नास्ति मातृसमो गुरुः।‘

Essay on Mother in Sanskrit

can i get its translation...i can not undersatand every word plz publish it with a meaning/ transtation

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Looking beyond Sanskrit Premium

While sanskrit deserves its place in india’s linguistic landscape, it is imperative that other languages also receive recognition and support.

Updated - September 10, 2024 10:58 am IST

Image for representation.

Image for representation. | Photo Credit: The Hindu

I ndia commemorated Sanskrit Day on August 19 to highlight and promote the richness and antiquity of Sanskrit. At the same time, recognising the contributions of the nation’s other languages is equally important. While Sanskrit has played a significant role in our cultural, religious, and intellectual history, focusing solely on this ancient language may overlook the rich literary traditions of other Indian tongues.

Sanskrit, one of the oldest languages in the world, holds a prestigious place in the liturgical and scholarly traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Its vast corpus of literature, including the Vedas, Upanishads, epics such as the Mahabharata and Ramayana, and numerous classical texts on philosophy, science, and arts, cements its importance in Indian culture. Historically, Sanskrit received patronage from religious institutions, royal dynasties such as the Guptas and Cholas, and colonial-era European scholars such as William Jones and Max Müller. Post-independence, efforts to promote Sanskrit have been seen as a means to reconnect with India’s ancient heritage.

Rich literary traditions

However, India’s linguistic landscape is incredibly diverse, encompassing numerous ancient languages with rich literary traditions, including Tamil, Pali, Prakrit, Kannada, Telugu, and Malayalam. These languages have extensive literary, religious, and cultural histories. Tamil, for instance, boasts classical Sangam literature and ancient origins, with archaeological findings and epigraphic evidence supporting its antiquity. The discovery of Tamil-Brahmi script inscriptions from the 2nd century BCE in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka challenges the notion that Sanskrit predates Tamil. Scholars such as Kamil Zvelebil have highlighted the richness and antiquity of Tamil literary tradition, arguing that it is one of the oldest living languages with an unbroken literary history.

Despite this rich diversity, there is a perception, which is not entirely unfounded, that the Indian government privileges Sanskrit and Hindi over other languages. As per the 2011 Census, only 24,821 people reported Sanskrit as their mother tongue. While more individuals may study or use Sanskrit in religious or academic contexts, its status as a spoken language remains limited. Yet, the government spent ₹643.84 crore for promoting Sanskrit between 2017 and 2020 compared to just about ₹23 crore on Tamil. This disparity highlights an imbalance in funding that can affect the development of other regional languages, impacting research, publication, educational programmes, and cultural preservation efforts. In fact, neglecting these languages can lead to their endangerment, especially those spoken by smaller communities. Hence, ensuring the survival and vitality of these languages requires balanced support and promotion.

Language supremacy

Antonio Gramsci’s theory of cultural hegemony helps explain how language supremacy is established through cultural and ideological means. In India, privileging Sanskrit and Hindi can be seen as a form of cultural hegemony, where these languages are positioned as superior, influencing the cultural and social framework. Despite their rich histories and literature, this dominance marginalises other languages. Promoting specific languages over others can be traced back to colonial and postcolonial state-building processes that aimed to unify and standardise the nation, often disregarding linguistic diversity. Robert Phillipson’s concept of linguistic imperialism also applies here. Privileging Sanskrit and Hindi in educational institutions, governmental functions, and media reinforces their dominance. This could erode linguistic diversity and marginalise speakers of other languages. Pierre Bourdieu’s idea of cultural capital suggests that privileging certain languages provides social and economic advantages to their speakers, further marginalising other languages.

Addressing this biased approach requires comprehensive policy reforms, educational initiatives, cultural promotion, community engagement, and technological support. The government must implement policies promoting all languages equally, ensuring representation in educational curricula, governmental proceedings, and public media. The National Education Policy’s focus on mother tongues is a step in the right direction. Cultural events and literary programmes celebrating linguistic diversity should be encouraged, and adequate support for publishing and disseminating literary works in all languages must be provided. Involving local communities in preserving and promoting their languages, creating platforms for speakers of marginalised languages to share their stories and cultural practices, and utilising technology to develop language learning tools and digital content in local languages are crucial steps. Equitable distribution of resources for promoting all Indian languages is essential. Language policies should promote inclusivity and accessibility, ensuring all communities can learn and use their native languages alongside Sanskrit. Educational reforms should emphasise multilingualism.

Language is not simply a tool for communication; it is a core part of one’s identity. In a country as diverse as India, privileging specific languages over others can create significant cultural and political issues. By promoting linguistic diversity, India can celebrate its rich linguistic heritage while ensuring the development of all its languages.

John J. Kennedy is Professor and Dean, Christ University, Bengaluru.

Published - September 10, 2024 12:48 am IST

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10 Lines on My Mother for Students and Children in English

March 4, 2023 by Prasanna

10 Lines on My Mother in English: A famous saying that exits states there is no other bond stronger than the bond of the womb. And it is our mother who loves us unconditionally like no one else ever could or can. We are a living part of our parents, and our entire existence is because of them, hence whatever we do to repay them will be much less in comparison to what they have done for us. All we can be is grateful for their presence in our life and keep loving, respecting, and caring for them as long as they live. Our mothers are the living example of God in our life, and it is our mother who strives to keep us safe.

You can read more  10 Lines  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Set 1 – 10 Lines On My Mother Essay for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  • My mother takes care of everyone in the house.
  • Every day my mother prepares tasty meals for my father and me.
  • My mother scolds me often but later calmly corrects my mistakes.
  • My mother is also very hardworking because she keeps the house in order and has to work in her office too.
  • My mother is the best bedtime storyteller as she comes up with these amazing original plots.
  • I tell all my secrets to my mother.
  • On our way home from school, I tell my mother about all the things that happened while I was in school and she listens happily.
  • My favorite sweater is the bright yellow one that my mother knitted.
  • My mother supports all my dreams about what I want to do and what I want to be in the future.
  • My mother compliments me every now and supports me in whatever I do.

10 Lines On My Mother Essay for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines On My Mother Essay for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  • My mother is the living example of an angel as she guides me along my life path.
  • A mother doesn’t see any of her children indifferent to the other as she loves all of them equally.
  • The only person that I can trust with my eyes closed is my beloved mother.
  • A woman becomes a mother as soon as she decides on taking the responsibility of a child.
  • The sense of motherhood is present in almost all animal mammals.
  • The ninth day of May month of every year is celebrated as mother’s day.
  • I save my pocket money to buy gifts for my mother on her birthday and mother’s day, but she appreciated my handmade card among them the most.
  • On my stressful days, my mother also has a worrisome look on her face which only expresses how much she cares and thinks about me.
  • My mother had to face many hardships in her life, but she tries hard that I don’t have to face any of them.
  • Never have I seen my mother take a day off from her duties that she does so gladly with pleasure.

Students can also know how to write My Mother Essay from here.

Set 3 – 10 Lines On Mother Essay for Higher School Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  • The place of a mother is irreplaceable in a child’s life, and her contributions are immeasurable.
  • It takes minimal effort to make my mother proud of me because she doesn’t ask much for me other than growing up as a good human being.
  • Even when my mother is under a lot of pain, she doesn’t let any one of the family know so quickly about it.
  • I often feel sorry for my mother’s all day long tireless and unconditional effort in nurturing this family.
  • My mother’s contribution to my daily life only motivates me for working hard and giving her a better future.
  • An ideal mother is who provides a safe and healthy environment for a child’s growth.
  • The only person who is concerned about my health and daily care is my mother.
  • As children, we are not perfect and sometimes worry about our mothers more than we should.
  • In the family, the one that keeps everyone tied together by nurturing them day and night is a mother.
  • There is no greater glory than serving mothers when they grow old for it is our responsibility as children.

10 Lines On My Mother Essay for Higher School Class Students

FAQ’s On 10 Lines on My Mother

Question 1. What do mothers symbolize?

Answer: There is no secret that a mother symbolizes characteristics like patience, kindness, forgiveness, sincerity, and a particular unconditional type of love that is parallel to no other.

Question 2. Mention a famous quote on mothers?

Answer: A famous quote by Napoleon was when he claimed that good mothers make a nation great.

Question 3. Why did Vivekananda say that the education of women is necessary for the development of society?

Answer: Swami Vivekananda was one of the few who understood the importance of women education in the earlier Indian society because a child irrespective of gender will always be influenced by their mother for it is the mothers who nurture them. Hence, for easily making a society to be educated and advanced, one had to start with proper education of girl child.

Question 4. Can children have two mothers?

Answer: Yes, some children do have more than one mother because their parents might be same-sex parents. Or there can be some other complicated situations where we are taking into consideration of step-mothers.

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Essay on Myself in Sanskrit

This post is an essay on Myself in Sanskrit.

मेरा परिचय पर संस्कृत में निबंध।

मम परिचयः इति विषये संस्कृतभाषायां निबन्धः।

Translation is given in Hindi and English for better understanding.

This essay can be referenced by school students and interested Sanskrit learners.

Sanskrit Essay on Myself - 10 Lines

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मम नाम _____ अस्ति। अहं _____ वर्षीयः/वर्षीया अस्मि। अहं _____ नगरे वसामि। मम माता _____ (व्यवसायः, यथा – शिक्षिका) अस्ति। मम पिता _____ (व्यवसायः, यथा – अभियन्ता) अस्ति। मम विद्यालयस्य नाम _____ इति अस्ति। अहं _____ कक्षायां पठामि। मम प्रियभाषा संस्कृतभाषा अस्ति। _____ क्रीडा मम प्रिया क्रीडा अस्ति। भविष्यत्काले अहं _____ भवितुम् इच्छामि।

mama paricayaḥ iti viṣaye saṃskṛtabhāṣāyāṃ nibandhaḥ।

mama nāma _____ asti। ahaṃ _____ varṣīyaḥ/varṣīyā asmi। ahaṃ _____ nagare vasāmi। mama mātā _____ (vyavasāyaḥ, yathā – śikṣikā) asti। mama pitā _____ (vyavasāyaḥ, yathā – abhiyantā) asti। mama vidyālayasya nāma _____ iti asti। ahaṃ _____ kakṣāyāṃ paṭhāmi। mama priyabhāṣā saṃskṛtabhāṣā asti। _____ krīḍā mama priyā krīḍā asti। bhaviṣyatkāle ahaṃ _____ bhavitum icchāmi।

Essay On My School

My name is _____. I am _____ years old. I live in _____ city. My mother is a _____ (occupation, like teacher). My father is a _____ (occupation, like engineer). The name of my school is _____. I study in _____ grade. Sanskrit is my favourite language. _____ is my favourite sport. I want to become a/an _____ when I grow up.

मेरा परिचय पर निबंध।

मेरा नाम _____ है। मैं _____ वर्षों का/की हूँ। मैं _____ नगर मैं रहता/रहती हूँ। मेरी माँ एक _____ हैं। (व्यवसाय​, जैसे – शिक्षिका) मेरे पिताजी एक _____ हैं। (व्यवसाय​, जैसे – अभियन्ता) मेरे विद्यालय का नाम _____ है। मैं _____ कक्षा मैं पढ़ता/पढ़ती हूँ। संस्कृत मेरी पसंदीदा भाषा है। _____ मेरा पसंदीदा खेल है। मैं बड़ा बनकर _____ बनना चाहता/चाहती हूँ।


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Importance of Art

Republic Day of India

Republic Day of India



Pandita Ramabai

Pandita Ramabai


Teachers Day


The Experience of Covid

Essay on Ganeshotsav

Essay on Ganeshotsav

My Family

Importance of Indian Festivals

Importance of Discipline

Importance of Discipline

Importance of Sports

Importance of Sports


Nutritious Diet


Books My Friend

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi

Lokmanya Tilak

Lokmanya Tilak


Importance of Knowledge

Makar Sankranti

Makar Sankranti


Indian National Flag

Importance of Cleanliness

Importance of Cleanliness

Importance of Exercise

Importance of Exercise


Importance of Water


Summer Season

Rainy Season

Rainy Season

My Home

My favourite Teacher


Indian Independence Day

Raksha Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan

International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day

World Environment Day

World Environment Day

River Ganga

River Ganga

Shri Rama

Abdul Kalam

Goddess Saraswati

Goddess Saraswati


Sanskrit Language


Festival of Holi

Shri Krishna

Shri Krishna

My Country

Shri Ganesha

Other interesting sections.

essay 10 lines on my mother in sanskrit

Learn about Sanskrit Axioms which is a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.

Sanskrit Proverbs

Learn about Sanskrit Proverbs which are a short, well-known saying, stating a general truth or piece of advice.

essay 10 lines on my mother in sanskrit

Learn about Shloka or shlokas in Sanskrit which consists of four padas of 8 syllables each, or of two half-verses of 16 syllables each.


  1. 10 lines mother in sanskrit language

    essay 10 lines on my mother in sanskrit

  2. write 10 sentences on my mother in Sanskrit language

    essay 10 lines on my mother in sanskrit

  3. निबंध:- मम् मातु: (मेरी माता) संस्कृत में हिंदी अनुवाद के साथ/ Essay on

    essay 10 lines on my mother in sanskrit

  4. Mere mata ji par nibandh sanskrit mein

    essay 10 lines on my mother in sanskrit

  5. 10 lines about mother in sanskrit language

    essay 10 lines on my mother in sanskrit

  6. “माता”

    essay 10 lines on my mother in sanskrit


  1. 10 lines on my mother eassy writing in English|my mother 10 lines essay writing|Sri Ganesh official

  2. ||Essay On Mother Day||10 line on mother day||Mother day||10 line on Mother day in english||

  3. 10 Lines On My Mother|Essay Writing In English|

  4. 10 lines on My Mother / My Mother Essay In English / my mother essay

  5. 10 Lines On My Mother Essay Writing in English/My Mother 10 Lines Essay Writing

  6. My mother essay|මගේ අම්මා රචනා -my mother essay sinhala|my mother english essay|


  1. My Mother

    This is an essay on My Mother in Sanskrit. मम माता इति विषये संस्कृते निबन्धः।. संस्कृत में मेरी माँ पर निबंध।. English and Hindi translation is also given for better understanding. This essay can be referenced by school students and ...

  2. My Mother

    Here, we have given 5 to 10 lines on My mother essay in Sanskrit! This essay can also be considered when you are asked to write about - My mother in Sanskrit.

  3. Sanskrit Essay on My Family

    Essay On My Family. My name is Sudha. There are six people in my family - me, my sister, mother, father, grandfather and grandmother . My mother is a teacher. My father is an engineer. My sister is older than me, and painting is her hobby. My grandmother likes music.

  4. माता पर संस्कृत निबंध। Essay on Mother in Sanskrit

    Essay on Mother in Sanskrit अस्मिन् संसारे माता एव परम दैवतमस्ति। मातु: स्थान गृहणा तु कोऽपि न समर्थः। सर्वोत्कृष्ट स्थानं मातुरेव। सा तु ...

  5. Essay on My Mother in Sanskrit| मेरी माँ पर ...

    Essay on My School in Sanskrit | विद्यालय का निबंध संस्कृत में | Vidyalay par nibandh Sanskrit mein

  6. 10 Lines on My Mother in Sanskrit

    @myguidepedia6423 These 10 lines on My Mother in Sanskrit | संस्कृते मम मातुः विषये १० पङ्क्तयः | are for students and children for ...

  7. मेरी मां पर निबंध संस्कृत में / meri maa per sanskrit nibandh/10 line

    #merimaapersanskritnibandh #10linesessayonmymotherinsanskrit #matradivasper sanskriti nibandh 10 lines essay on My Mother in Sanskrit | मेरी माँ पर ...

  8. My Mother

    2. On to forehead mine, my mom anoints a tilakam thus. 3. Then on to meal she brings a plate on which to feed. 4. Stories about crows she tells, next about dogs, which I fear. When moved to tears, thus sweet kisses from her, my mom! Perhaps, mother's love is just as unconditional as Divine love!

  9. My Mother

    Sanskrit Essay On My Mother This post is an Essay on My Mother in Sanskrit with translation in Hindi and English.

  10. "माता"

    Learn a very beautiful essay on "Mother" in Sanskrit#SanskritNibandh#EssayinSanskrit#sanskritnibandhlekhan#SanskritEssayOnMother

  11. Happy Mother's Day ( मातृ दिनस्य शुभेच्छा )

    Featuring many Sanskrit quotes on mother's day with great visuals along with their meaning in English and Hindi. Click to see our beautiful posts on Mothers day.

  12. Sanskrit Shlok On Mother

    Sanskrit Shlok on Mother निचे दिए गए संस्कृत श्लोक में कवि द्वारा अद्भुत श्लोक लिखा गया है जिसमें एक माँ ( हिरण ) शिकारी से प्रार्थना कर रही है:-

  13. माता पर संस्कृत निबंध। Essay on Mother in Sanskrit

    माता पर संस्कृत निबंध। Essay on Mother in Sanskrit : अस्मिन् संसारे माता एव परम दैवतमस्ति। मातु: स्थान गृहणा तु कोऽपि न समर्थः। सर्वोत्कृष्ट स्थानं ...

  14. || ESSAY ON मम माता (my mother) IN SANSKRIT

    #shorts ESSAY ON मम माता (my mother). Ten lines on my mother in Sanskrit.Now no need to search for Sanskrit tuition. LEARN SANSKRIT for free. Subscribe my c...

  15. My Family

    Essay on My Family in Sanskrit. This post is an essay on My Family in Sanskrit. मेरा परिवार पर संस्कृत निबंध।. मम परिवारः इति विषये संस्कृते निबन्धः।. English and Hindi translation is also given for better understanding. This ...

  16. Looking beyond Sanskrit

    As per the 2011 Census, only 24,821 people reported Sanskrit as their mother tongue. While more individuals may study or use Sanskrit in religious or academic contexts, its status as a spoken ...

  17. 10 Lines on My Mother for Students and Children in English

    Set 1 - 10 Lines On My Mother Essay for Kids Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  18. "मम माता" संस्कृत निबंध/लाईनें। My mother lines in Sanskrit. Aao Hindi

    मम माता संस्कृत निबंध/लाईनें। My mother lines in Sanskrit.

  19. Sanskrit Essay on Myself

    Sanskrit Essay on Myself - 10 Lines | मेरा परिचय पर संस्कृत में निबंध - १० पंक्तियाँ | मम परिचयः इति विषये संस्कृतभाषायां निबन्धः।