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30 presentation feedback examples

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You're doing great

You should think of improving

Tips to improve

3 things to look for when providing presentation feedback

3 tips for giving effective feedback.

We’re all learning as we go. 

And that’s perfectly OK — that’s part of being human. On my own personal growth journey, I know I need to get better at public speaking and presenting. It’s one of those things that doesn’t necessarily come naturally to me. 

And I know there are plenty of people in my shoes. So when it comes to presenting in the workplace, it can be intimidating. But there’s one thing that can help people continue to get better at presentations: feedback . 

The following examples not only relate to presentations. They can also be helpful for public speaking and captivating your audience. 

You’re doing great 

  • You really have the natural ability to hand out presentation material in a very organized way! Good job!
  • Your presentations are often compelling and visually stunning. You really know how to effectively captivate the audience. Well done!
  • You often allow your colleagues to make presentations on your behalf. This is a great learning opportunity for them and they often thrive at the challenge.
  • Keeping presentations focused on key agenda items can be tough, but you’re really good at it. You effectively outline exactly what it is that you will be discussing and you make sure you keep to it. Well done!!
  • You created downloadable visual presentations and bound them for the client. Excellent way to portray the company! Well done!
  • Your content was relevant and your format was visually appealing and easy to follow and understand. Great job! You’re a real designer at heart!
  • You always remain consistent with the way you present and often your presentations have the same style and layout. This is great for continuity. Well done!
  • You always remain consistent with every presentation, whether it be one on ones, small group chats, with peers, direct reports, and the company bosses. You have no problem presenting in any one of these situations. Well done!
  • You are an effective presenter both to employees and to potential clients. When controversial topics come up, you deal with them in a timely manner and you make sure these topics are fully dealt with before moving on. Well done!
  • You effectively command attention and you have no problem managing groups during the presentation.


You should think of improving 

  • You’re a great presenter in certain situations, but you struggle to present in others. Try to be more consistent when presenting so that you get one single-minded message across. This will also help you broaden your presentation skills by being able to portray one single idea or message.
  • You tend to be a little shy when making presentations. You have the self-confidence in one-on-one conversations , so you definitely have the ability to make compelling presentations. Come on! You can do it!
  • During presentations, there seems to be quite a lack of focus . I know it can be difficult to stick to the subject matter, however you need to in order for people to understand what the presentation is about and what is trying to be achieved.
  • To engage with your audience and make them attentively listen to what you have to say, you need to be able to use your voice in an effective manner to achieve this. Try to focus on certain words that require extra attention and emphasis these words during your presentation.
  • Knowing your audience is critical to the success of any presentation. Learn to pick up on their body language and social cues to gauge your style and tone. Listen to what your audience has to say and adjust your presentation accordingly.


  • During presentations, it’s expected that there will be tough questions . Try to prepare at least a couple of days before the time so that you can handle these questions in an effective manner.
  • To be an effective presenter you need to be able to adjust to varying audiences and circumstances. Try learning about who will be in the room at the time of the presentation and adjust accordingly.
  • Remember not to take debate as a personal attack. You tend to lose your cool a little too often, which hinders the discussion and people feel alienated. You can disagree without conflict .
  • The only way you are going to get better at public speaking is by practicing, practicing, practicing. Learn your speech by heart, practice in the mirror, practice in front of the mirror. Eventually, you’ll become a natural and you won't be afraid of public speaking any longer.
  • Your presentations are beautiful and I have no doubt you have strong presentation software skills. However, your content tends to be a bit weak and often you lack the substance. Without important content, the presentation is empty.

Tips to improve 

  • Remember it’s always good to present about the things you are passionate about . When you speak to people about your passions they can sense it. The same goes for presentations. Identify what it is that excites you and somehow bring it into every presentation. it’ll make it easier to present and your audience will feel the energy you portray.
  • Sometimes it can be easier to plan with the end result in mind. Try visualizing what it is you are exactly expecting your audience to come away with and develop your presentation around that.
  • Simplicity is a beautiful thing. Try to keep your presentations as simple as possible. Make it visually appealing with the least amount of words possible. Try interactive pictures and videos to fully immerse your audience in the presentation.
  • It’s a fine balance between winging the presentation and memorizing the presentation. If you wing it too much it may come across as if you didn't prepare. If you memorize it, the presentation may come off a bit robotic. Try to find the sweet spot, if you can.
  • When presenting, try to present in a way that is cause for curiosity . Make people interested in what you have to say to really captivate them. Have a look at some TED talks to get some tips on how you can go about doing this.
  • Remember presentations should be about quality, not quantity. Presentations that are text-heavy and go on for longer than they should bore your audience and people are less likely to remember them.
  • Try to arrive at every staff meeting on time and always be well prepared. This will ensure that meetings will go smoothly in the future.
  • Remember to respect other people's time by always arriving on time or five minutes before the presentation.
  • Remember to ask the others in the meeting for their point of view if there are individuals during presentations.
  • If you notice presentations are deviating off-topic, try to steer it back to the important topic being discussed.

Presentation feedback can be intimidating. It’s likely the presenter has spent a good deal of time and energy on creating the presentation.

As an audience member, you can hone in on a few aspects of the presentation to help frame your feedback. If it's an oral presentation, you should consider also audience attention and visual aids.

It’s important to keep in mind three key aspects of the presentation when giving feedback. 



  • Were the key messages clear? 
  • Was the speaker clear and concise in their language?
  • Did the presenter clearly communicate the key objectives? 
  • Did the presenter give the audience clear takeaways? 
  • How well did the presenter’s voice carry in the presentation space? 


  • Was the presentation engaging? 
  • How well did the presenter capture their audience? 
  • Did the presenter engage employees in fun or innovative ways? 
  • How interactive was the presentation? 
  • How approachable did the presenter appear? 
  • Was the presentation accessible to all? 

Body language and presence 

  • How did the presenter carry themselves? 
  • Did the presenter make eye contact with the audience? 
  • How confident did the presenter appear based on nonverbal communication? 
  • Were there any nonverbal distractions to the presentation? (i.e. too many hand gestures, facial expressions, etc.)  

There are plenty of benefits of feedback . But giving effective feedback isn’t an easy task. Here are some tips for giving effective feedback. 

1. Prepare what you’d like to say 

I’m willing to bet we’ve all felt like we’ve put our foot in our mouth at one point or another. Knee-jerk, emotional reactions are rarely helpful. In fact, they can do quite the opposite of help. 

Make sure you prepare thoughtfully. Think through what feedback would be most impactful and helpful for the recipient. How will you word certain phrases? What’s most important to communicate? What feedback isn’t helpful to the recipient? 

You can always do practice runs with your coach. Your coach will serve as a guide and consultant. You can practice how you’ll give feedback and get feedback … on your feedback. Sounds like a big loop, but it can be immensely helpful. 

2. Be direct and clear (but lead with empathy) 

Have you ever received feedback from someone where you’re not quite sure what they’re trying to say? Me, too. 

I’ve been in roundabout conversations where I walk away even more confused than I was before. This is where clear, direct, and concise communication comes into play. 

Be clear and direct in your message. But still, lead with empathy and kindness . Feedback doesn’t need to be harsh or cruel. If it’s coming from a place of care, the recipient should feel that care from you. 

3. Create dialogue (and listen carefully) 

Feedback is never a one-way street. Without the opportunity for dialogue, you’re already shutting down and not listening to the other person. Make sure you’re creating space for dialogue and active listening . Invite questions — or, even better, feedback. You should make the person feel safe, secure, and trusted . You should also make sure the person feels heard and valued. 

Your point of view is just that: it's one perspective. Invite team members to share their perspectives, including positive feedback . 

You might also offer the recipient the opportunity for self-evaluation . By doing a self-evaluation, you can reflect on things like communication skills and confidence. They might come to some of the same important points you did — all on their own.

Now, let’s go practice that feedback 

We're all learners in life.

It's OK to not be perfect . In fact, we shouldn't be. We're perfectly imperfect human beings, constantly learning , evolving, and bettering ourselves. 

The same goes for tough things like presentations. You might be working on perfecting your students' presentation. Or you might want to get better at capturing your audience's attention. No matter what, feedback is critical to that learning journey . 

Even a good presentation has the opportunity for improvement . Don't forget the role a coach can play in your feedback journey.

Your coach will be able to provide a unique point of view to help you better communicate key points. Your coach can also help with things like performance reviews , presentation evaluations, and even how to communicate with others.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Madeline Miles

Madeline is a writer, communicator, and storyteller who is passionate about using words to help drive positive change. She holds a bachelor's in English Creative Writing and Communication Studies and lives in Denver, Colorado. In her spare time, she's usually somewhere outside (preferably in the mountains) — and enjoys poetry and fiction.

How to not be nervous for a presentation — 13 tips that work (really!)

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How to Give Feedback on Presentation (Step by Step Guide)

feedback on oral presentation

Presentations can be a powerful tool to inform, persuade, or inspire. But let's be honest, they can also be nerve-wracking experiences. You pour your heart and soul into crafting the content, but the real test lies in how it resonates with your audience.

Did your message land? Were you able to communicate key points effectively? The answer often hinges on one crucial element: presentation feedback.

Here's the thing: Feedback isn't just about pointing out flaws. It's a double-edged sword that can elevate your presentation skills and drive you towards becoming a confident and impactful presenter. 

Constructive feedback provides valuable insights that can help you refine your delivery, strengthen your content, and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Presentation feedback acts as a mirror, reflecting our strengths and weaknesses and empowering us to continuously hone our craft.

But how do you ensure you're giving and receiving feedback that's truly helpful? This blog will equip you with the tools to navigate the feedback process effectively. 

Characteristics of Effective Feedback

Not all feedback is created equal. Effective feedback is a carefully crafted message that provides clear direction for improvement while fostering a positive learning environment.

Here are the key characteristics that define effective feedback on presentations:

(1) Specific

Ditch vague comments like "good job" or "it needs work" . Instead, pinpoint specific aspects of the presentation that were strong and areas where improvement is possible.

For example, "Instead of saying 'your slides were a bit crowded,' you could offer: 'The information on slide 5 seems overwhelming. Consider breaking it down into two slides or using bullet points to improve readability.'"

Another example of effective feedback might be: "The data you presented on target audience demographics was clear and well-organized (positive note).

However, consider briefly explaining how this data will be used to tailor the campaign message for different audience segments (actionable suggestion)."

(2) Actionable

Good feedback goes beyond simply identifying issues. It provides concrete suggestions for improvement.

Instead of saying, "Your body language seemed stiff," offer actionable advice like "Focusing on maintaining eye contact with different audience members can help project confidence and connect with the audience on a more personal level."

(3) Respectful

Remember, the goal is to provide constructive criticism, not tear someone down. Maintain a respectful and encouraging tone.

Phrase your feedback in a way that focuses on the presentation itself, not the presenter's personality.

(4) Future-Oriented

Effective feedback should be focused on something other than past mistakes. Frame your suggestions in a way that guides the presenter towards future presentations.

(5) Balanced

While constructive criticism is important, don't neglect to acknowledge the presenter's strengths.

A positive note at the beginning or end of your feedback can create a more receptive environment and reinforce positive behaviors.

Giving Feedback Like a Pro: A Step-By-Step Guide

So, you're ready to provide effective feedback on a presentation, but where do you begin? 

This step-by-step guide will equip you with the tools to deliver clear, actionable feedback that is ultimately well-received.

Step 1: Preparation

Before diving headfirst into feedback, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the context of the presentation. Review the presentation material beforehand, focusing on the topic, objectives, and key messages the presenter aimed to convey.

Understanding the presenter's goals allows you to tailor your feedback for maximum impact.

Step 2: Active Observation

Shift your mindset from passive observer to active listener. Pay close attention to the presenter's delivery, both verbal and nonverbal.

This includes:

  • Content:  Is the information clear, concise, and well-organized? Does it effectively support the  key points ?
  • Delivery:  Is the pace appropriate? Does the presenter use vocal variety to keep the audience engaged?
  • Visual Aids:  Are the slides visually appealing and easy to understand? Do they complement the spoken content or create distractions?
  • Body Language:  Does the presenter maintain good posture and eye contact with the audience? Does their body language convey confidence and enthusiasm?

Step 3: The Feedback Framework

Now for the heart of the matter: delivering your feedback!

Here's a framework to ensure your message is clear and constructive:

(1) Set the Stage

Briefly acknowledge the topic and  objectives  of the presentation. This helps the presenter understand the context within which you're providing feedback.

(2) Specificity is Crucial

Avoid vague comments. Instead, highlight specific aspects of the presentation that were effective and areas for improvement.

For example, "The opening story did a great job of grabbing the audience's attention (positive note). However, some of the technical terminology on the following slides might have been confusing for a non-specialist audience (actionable suggestion)."

(3) The Positive Sandwich

Frame your feedback with a positive note. Compliment the presenter on something they did well before offering constructive criticism. This creates a more receptive environment for feedback.

(4) Open-Ended Questions

Don't just tell; prompt discussion. Use open-ended questions to encourage the presenter to reflect on their delivery and explore potential improvements.

For example, "How did you feel the audience responded to that particular statistic?"

(5) Focus on the Future

Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, frame your feedback in a way that guides the presenter towards future presentations.

For example, "Consider adding a real-world example to illustrate that point for your next audience."

(6) Delivery Matters

Remember, even the most valuable feedback can fall flat if delivered poorly. Maintain a respectful and encouraging tone, and avoid accusatory language.

Focus on providing helpful suggestions for improvement.

(7) Consider the Audience

Tailoring your feedback to the audience can also be beneficial. If you're providing feedback to a colleague for a client presentation, your focus might be on the clarity and persuasiveness of the message.

For internal presentations, you might emphasize the organization and flow of the content.

Receiving Feedback Gracefully: A Practical Guide

So you've just delivered a presentation, and now comes the feedback.

While constructive criticism can feel daunting, it's actually a gift – a valuable opportunity to identify areas for improvement and elevate your presentation skills. But how do you ensure you receive feedback with grace and a growth mindset?

Here are some practical tips to help you navigate the process effectively:

(1) Maintain a Positive Attitude

It's natural to feel defensive when receiving feedback, especially if it's critical. However, resist the urge to get discouraged.

Remember, the goal is to learn and grow. Approach the feedback session with an open mind and a willingness to listen. Thank the person for their time and effort, and express your genuine interest in their insights.

(2) Active Listening is Key

Don't just hear the feedback; actively listen. Pay close attention to the specific points being raised. Ask clarifying questions if needed to ensure you fully understand the feedback.

Taking notes can also be helpful to remember key points for later reflection. If taking notes manually feels distracting and difficult, consider utilizing AI note-taking assistants like  Wudpecker .

Wudpecker's AI features automatically transcribe meetings and generate summaries, capturing key points and decisions. This will free you from the burden of note-taking, allowing you to fully engage in the discussion. 

(3) Separate Feedback from Emotion

It's easy to take feedback personally. However, try to separate the feedback from your own emotions.

Focus on the content of the message, not the delivery. Remember, the feedback is about the presentation, not you as a person.

(4) Identify Actionable Items

As you listen to the feedback, identify specific, actionable items you can work on to improve your future presentations.

This might involve refining your content structure, incorporating new visual aids, or practicing your delivery techniques.

(5) Don't Try to Defend Yourself

The urge to defend your choices is understandable but resist it. Instead, acknowledge the feedback and take time to process it later.

You can always ask follow-up questions for clarification, but avoid getting into a defensive debate.

(6) Express Gratitude

Thank the person for their feedback, regardless of whether it's positive or critical. Their willingness to share their insights is a valuable asset to your growth as a presenter.

(7) Reflect and Refine

Once you've received the feedback, take some time to reflect on it. Consider which points resonate most and identify areas where you can make improvements.

Develop a plan to incorporate the actionable items into your presentation skills development strategy.

Enhancing Presentation Skills Through Feedback

We've established that presentation feedback is a powerful tool for improvement. But how exactly can you leverage this feedback to enhance your presentation skills and become a more confident and impactful communicator? 

Here are some ways to turn feedback into action:

Self-Evaluation and Targeted Feedback

Seeking feedback doesn't have to be a one-time event. Develop a habit of self-evaluation after each presentation. Consider areas where you felt strong and areas where you could improve.

Based on your self-assessment, identify specific aspects you'd like to get targeted feedback on from colleagues or mentors. This targeted approach allows you to delve deeper into specific skills and receive focused insights.

Embrace Diverse Feedback Sources

Don't limit yourself to feedback from just one or two people. Seek feedback from a diverse audience whenever possible.

This could include colleagues, managers, clients, or even friends and family who witnessed your presentation.

Each person will have a unique perspective, offering valuable insights into how your message resonated with different audience members.

Leverage Technology

Technology can be a powerful tool for gathering feedback. Consider using online feedback forms or survey tools to collect anonymous feedback from a wider audience.

You can also record your presentations and watch them back to identify areas for improvement in areas like pacing, body language, and vocal variety.

Practice Makes Progress

Once you've identified areas for improvement based on feedback, it's time to put that knowledge into action!

Practice your delivery with a focus on the specific skills you're working on.

Role-play with a colleague, record yourself practicing, or join a public speaking group to gain experience and refine your presentation style.

Consistency Is Key

Remember, presentation skills don't develop overnight. The key to becoming a confident and impactful presenter lies in consistent effort and dedication.

Integrate feedback into your ongoing development plan, actively seek opportunities to present, and continuously strive to refine your craft.

Presentations can be powerful tools for informing, persuading, and inspiring, but mastering the art of delivery takes dedication and continuous improvement.

This blog has equipped you with the knowledge to harness the power of presentation feedback. You've learned how to provide clear, actionable feedback that empowers presenters, and you've explored strategies for receiving feedback with grace and a growth mindset.

Remember, the journey to becoming a captivating presenter is an ongoing process. Embrace the power of feedback, actively seek opportunities to practice, and never stop refining your skills.

By consistently seeking improvement, you'll transform those nervous presentation jitters into the confidence and clarity needed to deliver truly impactful presentations that resonate with any audience.

What Is an Example of Feedback on a Presentation?

Scenario:  You listened to a presentation on the benefits of switching to a new project management software. 

Here's how you could provide constructive feedback:

Positive Aspects:

  • Clear Introduction:  "The introduction did a great job of grabbing the audience's attention by highlighting the common pain points associated with traditional project management methods. It effectively set the stage for the presentation."

Areas for Improvement:

  • Visual Aids:  "The slides felt a bit text-heavy at times. Consider incorporating more visuals like charts, graphs, or even screenshots to illustrate the features and benefits of the new software."
  • Content Depth:  "While you covered the key features of the software, it might be beneficial to delve deeper into how it addresses specific challenges faced by different user groups within the company (e.g., project managers vs. team members)."

Actionable Suggestions:

  • "For your next presentation, you could try including a short demo of the software in action to showcase its user-friendliness."
  • "Consider adding a slide that compares the new software to existing options, highlighting its unique advantages."

How Do You Comment on a Good Presentation?

Here are some ways to comment on a good presentation:

Highlight Specific Strengths:

  • Content:  "The information you presented was clear, concise, and well-organized. It was easy to follow and understand." (focuses on clarity and structure)
  • Oral Presentation:  "You delivered the presentation with great enthusiasm and confidence. Your use of vocal variety kept the audience engaged." (highlights delivery skills)
  • Visual Aids:  "The slides were visually appealing and effectively complemented your spoken points. They were easy to read and understand." (focuses on visuals)
  • Structure:  "The flow of the presentation was logical and well-paced. You transitioned smoothly between topics and kept the audience engaged throughout." (highlights structure and audience engagement)

Focus on Impact:

  • "Your presentation was very informative and insightful. I learned a lot about [topic]."
  • "You did a great job capturing the audience's attention and keeping them engaged throughout the presentation."
  • "Your presentation was well-organized and easy to follow. I felt like I had a clear understanding of the key points."
  • "I particularly enjoyed [specific aspect of the presentation, e.g., the real-world example you used, the humor you incorporated]."

Positive and Encouraging Tone:

  • "Overall, it was a very impressive presentation. Well done!"
  • "I can tell you put a lot of effort into this presentation, and it showed. Great job!"
  • "Thank you for sharing your insights with us. It was a very informative presentation."
  • "I look forward to seeing more presentations from you in the future."
  • Be genuine and specific in your compliments. Make sure you are giving constructive feedback.
  • Tailor your comments to the presenter and the presentation content.
  • Focus on both the delivery and the content itself.
  • End with a positive feedback and encouraging note.

How Do You Give Peer Feedback to a Presentation?

Here are some things to keep in mind when giving peer feedback on presentation:

Before the Feedback:

  • Preparation:  Review the presentation topic and objectives beforehand (if available) to understand the presenter's goals.
  • Mindset: Approach the feedback with a positive and helpful attitude.

Delivering the Feedback:

  • Start Positive:  Start by acknowledging the presenter's effort and highlighting your observed strength.
  • Specificity is Key:  Focus on specific aspects of the presentation, both positive and areas for improvement. Avoid vague comments.
  • Actionable Suggestions:  Don't just point out problems; offer suggestions for improvement. Use "I" statements to frame your feedback (e.g., "I found the opening story engaging. Perhaps adding a visual element could enhance it further").
  • Respectful Tone:  Maintain a respectful and encouraging tone throughout the feedback session.
  • Focus on the Future:  Frame your suggestions in a way that guides the presenter towards future presentations.
  • Open-Ended Questions:  Consider asking open-ended questions to encourage discussion and reflection (e.g., "How did you feel the audience responded to that statistic?").

Here’s an Example of How You Might Structure Your Feedback:

"Thanks for the presentation, [presenter's name]. I really enjoyed the way you [positive aspect, e.g., explained the technical details clearly and concisely]. I noticed that [area for improvement, e.g., some of the slides seemed text-heavy]. Perhaps you could consider [actionable suggestion, e.g., using bullet points or visuals to break up the text]."

Additional Tips for Constructive Feedback:

  • Tailor Your Feedback:  Consider the audience and purpose of the presentation when providing feedback.
  • Be Mindful of Time:  Keep your feedback concise and focused on the most important points.
  • Offer to Help:  If you have specific skills or resources that could benefit the presenter, offer your help.
  • Welcome Questions:  Encourage the presenter to ask clarifying questions or seek further feedback.


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feedback on oral presentation


Effective Presentation Feedback: Examples, Importance, and Tips

  • By Judhajit Sen
  • August 7, 2024

Learning how to give a good presentation isn’t a talent; it’s a skill that requires time and presentation practice. The same goes for giving feedback. If you’re a manager or leader, your feedback can significantly improve a speaker’s performance and boost their confidence.

Continuous improvement starts with consistent feedback. Providing feedback, positive or otherwise, is crucial for ongoing growth. Everyone is on a journey of personal and professional development, and asking presentation feedback questions is a key part of that process.

Many people find public speaking and presenting intimidating, but feedback can help them get better. It highlights areas for improvement and reinforces strengths. Without feedback, growth is slow, and bad habits can become ingrained.

Feedback targets key aspects of performance, helping individuals focus on specific skills in an organized manner. It drives personal and professional growth by providing clear guidance and structure. Continuous feedback ensures that improvement is ongoing, making the learning process more effective.

Key Takeaways

  • Feedback Drives Improvement: Providing consistent feedback helps speakers refine their skills, boost confidence, and address both strengths and weaknesses.
  • Engage Your Audience: Collect feedback through presentation feedback sheets and forms or direct interaction to gauge engagement and improve future presentations.
  • Balance Positive and Negative Feedback: Use specific PowerPoint presentation feedback examples to highlight what went well and offer practical advice for areas needing improvement.
  • Receive Feedback Openly: Listen carefully, avoid taking feedback personally, and reflect on it to make meaningful changes in your presentation skills.

Importance of Presentation Feedback

Evaluation for a presentation is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it serves as a gauge for audience engagement . While we might think our presentations are perfect, there’s always room for improvement. Feedback, whether positive or negative, helps us grow. If you complete a presentation and receive no feedback, it might not be a sign of perfection but rather an indication that the audience was disengaged. Without their attention, they can’t provide feedback.

To avoid this, make it easier for your audience to engage and provide feedback on a presentation example. Consider using feedback forms to collect responses. These tools allow your audience to share their thoughts conveniently. Additionally, direct interaction can be beneficial. If there’s an opportunity to chat with attendees after the presentation, don’t hesitate to ask for their feedback. Most people are willing to help.

Secondly, feedback directly contributes to improving your public speaking skills. When people provide feedback, they often comment on your delivery or slides. You might hear things like, “You command attention well,” or “Your slides could be more visually appealing.” Candid criticism, such as, “Your facial expressions were distracting,” is also valuable. 

It’s crucial to actively seek, receive, and act on this feedback. By addressing the comments and suggestions, you can enhance both your presentation skills and the quality of your slides. Continuous improvement through feedback leads to better presentations and a more engaged audience.

Presentation Feedback Examples

Presentation Feedback Examples

Positive Feedback

Positive feedback in presentations highlights the strengths of the speaker and their effective delivery. It should:

Acknowledge Strengths: Point out what the speaker did well.

Provide Specific Examples: Mention moments that exceeded expectations.

Having good things to say about a presentation is about recognizing the speaker’s efforts beyond basic expectations. Instead of generic praise like “Good job!” specify how:

– The presentation flowed logically, enhancing audience understanding.

– Detailed research strengthened the presentation’s credibility.

– Inclusion of relevant slides demonstrated audience awareness.

– Engaging icebreakers established authority and captured attention.

– Complex topics were simplified for better audience comprehension.

– Real-life examples made the topic relatable and significant.

– Visual aids effectively supported key points, maintaining audience focus.

– Interactive elements encouraged audience engagement and clarity.

– Professional yet passionate delivery sustained audience interest.

– Conclusion effectively summarized key points while encouraging further exploration.

– Attention to detail in slides and delivery enhanced overall impact.

– Confident body language underscored authority and engagement.

– Additional resources provided enriched learning opportunities for all audience members.

Recognizing these specific strengths helps speakers refine their skills and deliver even stronger presentations in the future.

Constructive Feedback

Constructive feedback focuses on areas that need help while offering guidance on how to address those issues in future presentations. The goal is to build up the speaker, not tear them down, by highlighting specific weaknesses and providing practical advice.

When giving candid feedback, it’s important to focus on the presentation, not the presenter. If you notice a recurring problem, provide a few examples instead of pointing out every instance. Asking the speaker about their thought process before critiquing their slides or speech can help identify knowledge gaps.

Here are some examples of constructive feedback for a presentation:

Engage the Audience: Start with a thought-provoking question or an interesting statistic to grab the audience’s attention right away.

Eye Contact: Making eye contact helps connect with the audience and boosts your confidence.

Clarity and Pace: Speak with clarity and at a slower pace. Recording yourself and listening back can help you improve.

Interactive Elements: Include time for audience questions to make the presentation more engaging.

Audience Knowledge: Tailor your content to the audience’s knowledge level. Remove unnecessary parts and focus on what’s relevant.

Presentation Structure: Organize your presentation from general to specific to make it easier to follow.

Real-World Examples: Use real-world examples to make your points more relatable and understandable.

Visuals: Balance text and visuals on your slides to maintain audience interest.

Humor and Media: Use humor and GIFs sparingly to enhance transitions, not distract from the content.

Confidence and Preparation: Practice regularly and consider a script or outline to keep on track and improve pacing.

Additionally, understand your audience’s body language and social cues to adjust your presentation style and tone. Preparing for tough questions and remaining calm during debates can help maintain a positive discussion. Practicing consistently will build your confidence and improve your overall presentation skills.

Candid feedback on how to perform a presentation is about continuous improvement, helping speakers refine their skills and deliver more impactful presentations in the future.

Things to Look for When Providing Presentation Feedback

What Is Presentation Feedback

Giving feedback on a presentation can seem daunting, but breaking it down into specific areas can make the process easier and more effective. Here are key aspects to consider:

Understanding: Did the speakers know who their audience was?

Context: Was the amount of context provided suitable for the audience’s knowledge level?

Engagement: Did the speaker allow time for audience questions?

Tone: Was the presentation’s tone appropriate for the audience?

Body Language and Presence

Approachability: Did the speaker appear approachable and confident?

Clarity: Was the speaker speaking clearly and at a good pace?

Eye Contact: Did the presenter make eye contact with the audience?

Nonverbal Cues: Were the presenter’s nonverbal cues appropriate and not distracting?

Clarity: Was the information clear, specific, and easy to understand?

Relevance: Was the material relevant to the topic and audience?

Examples: Did the presenter include real-world examples to illustrate points?

Relevance: Were the visuals relevant to the content?

Clarity: Were the visuals easy to see and understand?

Balance: Was there a good balance between text and visuals?

Professionalism: Did the slides look professional and well-designed?


Key Messages: Were the key messages clear and concise?

Objectives: Did the presenter clearly communicate the objectives of the presentation?

Takeaways: Did the presenter provide clear takeaways for the audience?

Voice: How well did the presenter’s voice carry in the presentation space?

Engagement: Was the presentation engaging and interactive?

Capturing Attention: How well did the presenter capture and maintain audience attention?

Accessibility: Was the presentation accessible to all audience members?

Using a checklist based on these categories can help you provide structured and transparent feedback on the quality of a presentation, highlighting both strengths and areas for improvement.

Tips to Give Effective Presentation Feedback

Effective Presentation Feedback

Giving effective feedback on presentations is a skill that takes practice to master. Here are some tips to help you provide constructive and positive feedback to presenters:

Prepare What You’d Like to Say  

Before giving feedback, think carefully about what you want to communicate. Prepare your thoughts to avoid knee-jerk reactions that can be unhelpful. Practice your feedback with a coach if possible to ensure clarity and effectiveness.

Use the Feedback Sandwich

Start with something positive, then offer candid feedback, and end with another positive comment. This method helps balance your feedback and shows the presenter what they did well.

Be Specific and Concrete  

Use specific examples from the presentation when giving feedback. Avoid vague comments like “ improve your communication skills .” Instead, say, “I suggest adding a slide with key agenda items to help the audience follow along.”

Focus on Behavior, Not Personality  

Address actions and behaviors rather than personal traits. For example, instead of saying, “You seemed nervous,” say, “I noticed that you were fidgeting, which can be distracting.”

Use “I” Statements  

Frame your feedback with “I” statements to make it clear that you’re sharing your perspective. For instance, say, “I felt the presentation could benefit from more examples.”

Give feedback as soon as possible after the presentation. This ensures that the details are fresh in your mind and provides more accurate and helpful feedback.

Offer Solutions or Suggestions

When pointing out areas for improvement, offer actionable advice. For example, “I recommend practicing with a friend to improve your pacing.”

Create Dialogue

Encourage a two-way conversation by asking the presenter for their thoughts on their performance. This helps them reflect on their strengths and areas for improvement.

Lead with Empathy

Be clear and direct, but also kind. Feedback should come from a place of care and support, making the recipient feel valued.

Check in with the presenter after some time to see how they are progressing. Offer continued support and share any positive changes you’ve noticed.

Choose the Right Setting

Provide feedback in a private and comfortable setting where the presenter feels safe to receive and discuss it.

End on a Positive Note  

Finish with a sincere compliment to reinforce positive behaviors and encourage growth. For example, “I was really impressed with your opening—it grabbed everyone’s attention.”

By following these tips, you can give feedback that is constructive, supportive, and effective, helping presenters improve their skills and confidence.

Tips to Constructively Receive Presentation Feedback

Once you’ve learned how to give good feedback, it’s time to focus on receiving it. Here’s how to make the most of feedback after your presentation:

Pay Close Attention

When you ask for feedback, stop talking and listen. Avoid justifying your actions or steering the conversation. Simply listen to what the person has to say.

Don’t Take it Personally

Pay attention to how you respond to feedback, including your body language and facial expressions. Don’t take feedback personally, as this might make the person giving it feel like they’re hurting your feelings. This can lead to less honest feedback, which isn’t helpful. Create an environment that allows honest and constructive dialogue.

Be Open-minded

To grow, be open to all feedback you receive. Closing yourself off from feedback hinders your progress and development. Embrace feedback as a chance to improve.

Understand the Message

Before making any changes based on feedback, ensure you fully understand the message. Avoid changing something that’s working well. Confirm that you’re addressing the right issues before taking action.

Reflect & Process

After receiving feedback, take time to reflect and process it. Compare the feedback with your own self-evaluation. Look for differences between your perspective and the feedback you received. Remember, no presentation is perfect, and it’s challenging to meet everyone’s expectations.

Always follow up after receiving feedback. This shows you value the input and are committed to improvement. It also demonstrates that you’ve taken action based on their advice.

Wrap-up: Presentation Feedback

Presentation feedback is crucial for improvement and confidence building. It involves both positive and constructive elements that help speakers refine their skills. Positive feedback highlights what went well, offering specific praise to reinforce strengths and encourage continued success. Constructive feedback, on the other hand, focuses on areas for growth, providing actionable advice to address weaknesses. This balanced approach ensures ongoing development and enhances presentation quality.

Effective feedback should be specific, timely, and empathetic, aiming to support rather than criticize. By actively seeking and integrating feedback, presenters can enhance their delivery, engage their audience better, and continuously improve their skills. Embracing feedback as a tool for growth helps transform challenges into opportunities for learning and achievement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is feedback important for presentations?  

Feedback helps improve presentation skills by highlighting strengths and areas needing improvement. It boosts confidence and ensures ongoing growth, making presentations more effective and engaging.

2. How can you provide effective feedback to a speaker?  

Focus on specific behaviors and provide actionable advice. Use examples from the presentation, offer solutions, and maintain a supportive tone to help the speaker improve without discouraging them.

3. What is the best way to receive feedback?  

Listen carefully without getting defensive. Be open-minded, understand the feedback fully, and reflect on it before making changes. Following up shows you value the input and are committed to improvement.

4. How can I make feedback easier for my audience to give?  

Use feedback forms or engage directly with your audience after the presentation. This makes it convenient for them to share their thoughts and ensures you get valuable insights for improvement.

Elevate Your Presentation Skills with Expert Feedback

At Prezentium, we understand that effective presentation feedback is essential for growth and improvement. Whether you’re refining your skills or seeking to make a lasting impression, our AI-powered services can make a difference. Our Overnight Presentations service ensures you receive expertly designed, visually compelling presentations. For ongoing improvement, our Accelerators team transforms your ideas and notes into polished presentations and custom templates. And with Zenith Learning , we offer interactive workshops that combine structured problem-solving with visual storytelling to enhance your communication skills.

Don’t let feedback intimidate you—let it be a tool for excellence. Partner with Prezentium to receive the insights and support you need to shine. Contact us today to see how we can help you deliver outstanding presentations and continuously improve your skills.

Why wait? Avail a complimentary 1-on-1 session with our presentation expert. See how other enterprise leaders are creating impactful presentations with us.

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How to Give Effective Presentation Feedback

A conversation with sam j. lubner, md, facp.

Giving an effective scientific presentation, like all public speaking, is an acquired skill that takes practice to perfect. When delivered successfully, an oral presentation can be an invaluable opportunity to showcase your latest research results among your colleagues and peers. It can also promote attendee engagement and help audience members retain the information being presented, enhancing the educational benefit of your talk, according to Sam J. ­Lubner, MD, FACP , Associate Professor of Medicine and Program Director, Hematology-Oncology Fellowship, at the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center, and a member of ASCO’s Education Council.

Sam J. ­Lubner, MD, FACP

Sam J. ­Lubner, MD, FACP

In 2019, the Education Council launched a pilot program to provide a group of selected speakers at the ASCO Annual Meeting with feedback on their presentations. Although some of the reviewers, which included members of the Education Council and Education Scholars Program, as well as ASCO’s program directors, conveyed information to the presenters that was goal-referenced, tangible, transparent, actionable, specific, and personalized—the hallmarks of effective feedback—others provided comments that were too vague to improve the speaker’s performance, said Dr. Lubner. For example, they offered comments such as “Great session” or “Your slides were too complicated,” without being specific about what made the session “great” or the slides “too complicated.”

“Giving a presentation at a scientific meeting is different from what we were trained to do. We’re trained to take care of patients, and while we do have some training in presentation, it usually centers around how to deliver clinical information,” said Dr. Lubner. “What we are trying to do with the Education Council’s presentation feedback project is to apply evidence-based methods for giving effective feedback to make presentations at ASCO’s Annual Meeting, international meetings, symposia, and conferences more clinically relevant and educationally beneficial.”


The ASCO Post talked with Dr. Lubner about how to give effective feedback and how to become a more effective presenter.

Defining Effective Feedback

Feedback is often confused with giving advice, praise, and evaluation, but none of these descriptions are exactly accurate. What constitutes effective feedback?

When I was looking over the literature on feedback to prepare myself on how to give effective feedback to the medical students and residents I oversee, I was amazed to find the information is largely outdated. For example, recommendations in the 1980s and 1990s called for employing the “sandwich” feedback method, which involves saying something positive, then saying what needs to be improved, and then making another positive remark. But that method is time-intensive, and it feels disingenuous to me.

What constitutes helpful feedback to me is information that is goal-referenced, actionable, specific, and has immediate impact. It should be constructive, descriptive, and nonjudgmental. After I give feedback to a student or resident, my next comments often start with a self-reflective question, “How did that go?” and that opens the door to further discussion. The mnemonic I use to provide better feedback and achieve learning goals is SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely, as described here:

  • Specific: Avoid using ambiguous language, for example, “Your presentation was great.” Be specific about what made the presentation “great,” such as, “Starting your presentation off with a provocative question grabbed my attention.”
  • Measurable: Suggest quantifiable objectives to meet so there is no uncertainty about what the goals are. For example, “Next time, try a summary slide with one or two take-home points for the audience.”
  • Achievable: The goal of the presentation should be attainable. For example, “Trim your slides to no more than six lines per slide and no more than six words per line; otherwise, you are just reading your slides.”
  • Realistic: The feedback you give should relate to the goal the presenter is trying to achieve. For example, “Relating the research results back to an initial case presentation will solidify the take-home point that for cancer x, treatment y is the best choice.”
  • Timely: Feedback given directly after completion of the presentation is more effective than feedback provided at a later date.

The ultimate goal of effective feedback is to help the presenter become more adept at relaying his or her research in an engaging and concise way, to maintain the audience’s attention and ensure that they retain the information presented.

“Giving a presentation at a scientific meeting is different from what we were trained to do.” — Sam J. Lubner, MD, FACP Tweet this quote

Honing Your Communication Skills

What are some specific tips on how to give effective feedback?

There are five tips that immediately come to mind: (1) focus on description rather than judgment; (2) focus on observation rather than inference; (3) focus on observable behaviors; (4) share both positive and constructive specific points of feedback with the presenter; and (5) focus on the most important points to improve future ­presentations.

Becoming a Proficient Presenter

How can ASCO faculty become more proficient at delivering their research at the Annual Meeting and at ASCO’s thematic meetings?

ASCO has published faculty guidelines and best practices to help speakers immediately involve an audience in their presentation and hold their attention throughout the talk. They include the following recommendations:

  • Be engaging. Include content that will grab the audience’s attention early. For example, interesting facts, images, or a short video to hold the audience’s focus.
  • Be cohesive and concise. When preparing slides, make sure the presentation has a clear and logical flow to it, from the introduction to its conclusion. Establish key points and clearly define their importance and impact in a concise, digestible manner.
  • Include take-home points. Speakers should briefly summarize key findings from their research and ensure that their conclusion is fully supported by the data in their presentation. If possible, they should provide recommendations or actions to help solidify their message. Thinking about and answering this question—if the audience remembers one thing from my presentation, what do I want it to be?—will help speakers focus their presentation.
  • When it comes to slide design, remember, less is more. It’s imperative to keep slides simple to make an impact on the audience.

Another method to keep the audience engaged and enhance the educational benefit of the talk is to use the Think-Pair ( ± Share) strategy, by which the speaker asks attendees to think through questions using two to three steps. They include:

  • Think independently about the question that has been posed, forming ideas.
  • Pair to discuss thoughts, allowing learners to articulate their ideas and to consider those of others.
  • Share (as a pair) the ideas with the larger group.

The value of this exercise is that it helps participants retain the information presented, encourages individual participation, and refines ideas and knowledge through collaboration.


  • Have a single point per line.
  • Use < 6 words per line.
  • Use < 6 lines per slide.
  • Use < 30 characters per slide.
  • Use simple words.
  • When using tables, maintain a maximum of 6 rows and 6 columns.
  • Avoid busy graphics or tables. If you find yourself apologizing to the audience because your slide is too busy, it’s a bad slide and should not be included in the presentation.
  • Use cues, not full thoughts, to make your point.
  • Keep to one slide per minute as a guide to the length of the presentation.
  • Include summary/take-home points per concept. We are all physicians who care about our patients and believe in adhering to good science. Highlight the information you want the audience to take away from your presentation and how that information applies to excellent patient care.

Speakers should also avoid using shorthand communication or dehumanizing language when describing research results. For example, do not refer to patients as a disease: “The study included 250 EGFR mutants.” Say instead, “The study included 250 patients with EGFR -mutant tumors.” And do not use language that appears to blame patients when their cancer progresses after treatment, such as, “Six patients failed to respond to [study drug].” Instead say, “Six patients had tumors that did not respond to [study drug].”

We all have respect for our patients, families, and colleagues, but sometimes our language doesn’t reflect that level of respect, and we need to be more careful and precise in the language we use when talking with our patients and our colleagues.

ASCO has developed a document titled “The Language of Respect” to provide guidance on appropriate respectful language to use when talking with patients, family members, or other health-care providers and when giving presentations at the Annual Meeting and other ASCO symposia. Presenters should keep these critical points in mind and put them into practice when delivering research data at these meetings. ■

DISCLOSURE: Dr. Lubner has been employed by Farcast Biosciences and has held a leadership role at Farcast Biosciences.

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Presentation Skills: 40 Useful Performance Feedback Phrases

Presentation Skills: Use these sample phrases to craft meaningful performance evaluations, drive change and motivate your workforce.

Presentation Skills are useful in getting your message or opinion out there in many aspects of life and work, though they are mostly used in businesses, sales, teaching, lecturing, and training.

Presentation Skills: Exceeds Expectations Phrases

  • Always prepares well before making any form of presentation whether formal or non-formal.
  • Gives a clear and well-structured delivery when making a presentation.
  • Exhibits excellent skill when it comes to expressing ideas and opinions with clarity.
  • Knows the audience well enough to use proper language and terms.
  • Engages well with audiences before, during and after delivering a presentation.
  • Gives the audiences ample and appropriate time to ask questions.
  • Creates a very lively and positive outlook when delivering a presentation.
  • Adjusts very well to the new surrounding and exudes a great aura of confidence.
  • Knows how to get and maintain the attention of the audience.
  • Responds well to questions and issues raised by the audience.

Presentation Skills: Meets Expectations Phrases

  • Organizes a good, balanced and dynamic presentation with high impact results.
  • Demonstrates good ability to use visual aids most appropriately during presentations.
  • Speaks in a good speech rate not so fast and at the same time not too slow.
  • Explains each point to the fullest and only tries to emphasize the key points.
  • Demonstrates a good logical order when presenting ideas not to confuse the audience.
  • Uses non-verbal forms of communication such as facial expressions in a good way.
  • Does proper research on the topic to be presented to gather all updated facts and figures.
  • Delivers short and powerful presentations that create interest and excitement.
  • Knows how to use true stories in between the presentation to pass across a point or to grab the audience's attention.
  • Makes good eye contact with the audience from the start of the presentation to the end.

Presentation Skills: Needs Improvement Phrases

  • Does not make good and consistent eye contact with the audience.
  • Has minimal movement on stage and does not walk around the presentation room.
  • Does not talk in a very engaging and positive way something that creates a dull presentation.
  • Does not exude confidence and poise when delivering a presentation.
  • Uses old facts and figures when presenting as a result of not doing enough research.
  • Gives long presentations and does little to get the attention of the audience.
  • Does not use the visual aids to help deliver a powerful conversation.
  • Does not know the audience well and uses hard words that they do not understand.
  • Does not give audiences ample time to raise questions and to seek clarification if need be.
  • Presents ideas in a non-logical manner that creates confusion to the audience.

Presentation Skills: Self Evaluation Questions

  • Have you ever gone for presentation without preparing well? How did the presentation go?
  • How frequently do you engage your audience during any presentation?
  • What was the highest score or reviews you received for any presentation that you have made so far?
  • Give an instance your presentation backfired and what was your backup plan?
  • How do you normally conclude your presentations and how can you rate it?
  • How well do you deal with questions and issues raised by the audience?
  • When it comes to nervousness, how do you manage or deal with it before hand?
  • How can you rate your experience level when it comes to giving presentations?
  • What do you like or dislike most about giving presentations?
  • What presentation method do you like and why do you like it?

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feedback on oral presentation

How to give feedback on a presentation

Knowing how to give feedback on a presentation helps people become better presenters, sharpens their message, and gauges audience engagement ahead of time.

December 7, 2022

How many times have you been asked to give feedback on a presentation, and, while trying to organize your thoughts after hearing the presentation in real-time, found it hard to muster anything more than, "It's good"?

Or, you've taken the time to give thoughtful, nuanced advice on how a colleague can improve their presentation, only to find that you don't know exactly how to communicate it, or they don't know exactly how to implement it?

Any kind of creative feedback is difficult to conceptualize without the proper context, and that's doubly true for presentations, where you're often asked to listen to the presentation, absorb the information it's conveying, process your thoughts, and deliver a critique — all in real time. No one can give good feedback that way, but it's not the presenter's fault (or yours!). You just need a better feedback process.

Giving better presentation feedback requires examining two things:

  • The feedback itself
  • How it's being given (and received)

Ready to learn how to improve them both? Let's get started.

Why it's important to give feedback on a presentation

Giving feedback on a presentation comes with several key benefits.

It promotes growth and builds better presentation skills

No one is born an effective presenter. It takes time, skill, and practice to build public speaking and communication skills to where you can knock a presentation out of the park — every time.

As the old adage goes, practice makes perfect. Giving practice presentations for feedback from trusted peers and colleagues gives you an opportunity to get more presenting time under your belt — with lower stakes.

And by giving effective, actionable feedback (more on that below) to a colleague, you help ensure their next presentation is even better, which can benefit your company or organization.

It helps sharpen the message

When it comes to getting the message exactly right in a presentation, self evaluation can really only go so far. Sometimes it takes another point of view (or several of them, from all across your organization) to collaborate and craft exactly what key points you want attendees to take away from a presentation. Giving feedback allows you to help refine and sharpen the message — and to work with others who are also giving feedback — until it's perfect.

It gauges audience engagement

One of the hardest things about giving a presentation is holding audience attention from the first slide until the last.

This is especially true for an oral presentation that doesn't have any audiovisual components. In this case, it's crucial to know if there are any points where audience members might be more prone to losing focus — like if your presentation gets a little too in the weeds.

Giving feedback allows you to put yourself in the audience's shoes. Try to see and hear the presentation from their perspective, and if there's any point where you feel your mind start to wander, make a note of it — that's a point where audience engagement may be at risk during the real thing.

All feedback is not created equal

It's important to note that not all feedback is good feedback.

Not all feedback provides a benefit to the person giving the presentation. It isn't all actionable. It isn't all relevant. It isn't all useful.

When feedback is bad, it's usually for one of two reasons.

The feedback itself is of poor quality

Even when you have the best of intentions, you might still give bad feedback.

Some examples of poor quality feedback include:

  • Feedback that's vague or unclear
  • Feedback that's overly personal or meant as an attack
  • Feedback that's dishonest, even if intended to spare the presenter's feelings

The feedback isn't communicated effectively

It's also possible to have useful feedback to give to a presenter, but to lack an effective system for communicating it. This can be especially challenging when there are multiple people trying to give feedback on one presentation at the same time. 

That's why bubbles is the best way to give feedback on a presentation. 

The presenter can record their speech, including a video of their screen to capture a Powerpoint presentation or any other visual aid they plan to use. Then, colleagues who are giving feedback can do so by leaving their comments at the exact, time-stamped moment where their feedback applies — and they can give their critique in text, audio, or video. Anyone can respond to a comment within a thread that captures (and preserves) all the context of the conversation so far. This makes it easier for a group to give feedback collaboratively, and makes it possible for the presenter to refer back to feedback at any time.

6 ways to give effective feedback on a presentation

Ready to give feedback that will turn a good presentation into a great one? The six tips below will help you give feedback that's effective and useful to the presenter, leaving them with clear takeaways they can use to level up their presentation. Let's get started.

Be specific

When giving feedback, try to be as specific as possible. Rather than saying something like, "I thought the presentation was effective," tell the presenter exactly what was effective. For example, a better piece of feedback is: "The key takeaway from the fifth slide was clear and really resonated with me." It tells the presenter exactly what you thought worked, rather than a vague, catch-all compliment.

If you're having trouble being more specific with your feedback (like if you aren't sure how to articulate your advice), sometimes an example can help! In your bubble comment, use a snippet of your own presentation (or even a Ted Talk or other professional speaking event) to more clearly illustrate what you're asking the presenter to do or change.

When you leave comments on the presenter's bubble, be sure to time-stamp them to the exact part of the presentation where the feedback applies. This can help ensure that the presenter gets the most value from your feedback, and can see what you mean in the proper context.

Be actionable

Even if your feedback is as specific as possible, it won't help the presenter if there's nothing they can do about it. That's why the next tip is to give feedback that's actionable — that is, don't just tell the presenter what they should change, but tell them what steps they can take to improve.

For example, don't just say someone needs to work on their body language while presenting. Tell them, as specifically as possible, how their body language could be improved; for example, if they should make more eye contact with audience members or gesture more with their hands while speaking.

You can even take this a step further and explain why you made this suggestion. For example, this feedback might be something like, "I would suggest making an effort to make eye contact with more members of the audience. This will engage more people and hold their attention, while helping your speech sound more natural."

Be constructive

In the same vein as giving actionable feedback is making sure you're giving constructive feedback — that is, that your feedback is about things the presenter can control and change.

Constructive criticism can be difficult to do well. It requires pointing out ways a presenter can improve — sometimes ways that can feel personal to them as they're on the receiving end of the feedback. But if the feedback is truly constructive, it's better to give it than to sugarcoat your critique to spare a presenter's feelings. And if hurting the presenter's feelings is the goal for the feedback, it's definitely not constructive.

Call out positives along with points of improvement

When giving feedback on a presentation, it can be easy to only focus on things you feel the presenter needs to improve. But it's just as important to give positive feedback that lets them know what they're doing well.

In fact, you might want to work even harder to find the positives than to point out places where the presenter can improve. In one study, conducted by academic Emily Heaphy and consultant Marcial Losada, team effectiveness was measured and compared with the ratio of positive and negative comments that team members made to one another. Heaphy and Losada found that in the most effective teams, the ratio was 5.6 — meaning those team members gave each other nearly six positive comments for every single negative one.

A study of team effectiveness and feedback found that high performing team membergave each other nearly six positive comments for every single negative one

Medium performing teams averaged 1.9 positive comments for each negative one. And low performing teams were more negative than positive, with a 0.36 ratio (nearly three negative comments for every positive one).

The research shows that, as tempting as it may be to only point out ways a presenter can improve, it may help them even more to find as many positives as possible to go along with your constructive criticism.

This is another tip where you have a balance to strike. You should give feedback to the presenter quickly, but not so quickly that you don't have time to absorb their presentation and process your thoughts, first.

Giving feedback in real-time (for example, in a review meeting) can seem effective, since it gives the presenter a way of receiving feedback instantly. However, giving instant feedback isn't always ideal for the colleagues who are critiquing the presentation, who might give more helpful feedback if they have more time to gather their thoughts.

When you use bubbles to give feedback on a presentation, it allows everyone on the team to give feedback at their own pace. It also allows people to watch the presentation more than once, or go back through certain sections they'd like to revisit before giving feedback.

It also eliminates the need to schedule a meeting to deliver presentation feedback. Even if the presenter and people giving feedback are separated by time zones , they can watch the presentation and deliver feedback at times that are convenient for them — and the presenter can access (and action) that feedback whenever they're back online.

Do a few rounds of feedback

As everyone gives their feedback, they can collaborate in comment threads in the bubble. This allows everyone to see what's been said already, including all the context and nuance of the discussion, keeping everyone on the same page. The presenter can follow up with comments, and those giving feedback can watch the presentation more than once to give a few rounds of feedback.

This helps ensure that feedback is as comprehensive as possible, and that the presenter and everyone critiquing their presentation is able to focus on any key messages that come out of the feedback rounds — what changes are most impactful? What will really take this presentation to the next level?

Make feedback more comprehensive and collaborative

Giving feedback on a presentation will be most effective when your entire team can work together, seamlessly, to give comprehensive feedback to the presenter. With bubbles, you can have that conversation together, with all the context necessary to craft the perfect presentation.

Get started today with bubbles' free Chrome extension and start working together, in context.

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Presentation Geeks

How To Give & Receive Constructive Presentation Feedback

Table of contents, why feedback is important.

We’ve heard it before, to never stop learning. To strive for continuous growth and personal improvement. As intuitive as it sounds, it can be harder than expected.

How do you know what to improve on or why to improve on certain key points? Our personal bias of performance and fear of failure blinds us from our weaknesses. You pinpoint what needs improvement based on feedback.

Feedback is important because it promotes personal and professional growth by targeting key aspects of one’s performance. With ongoing constructive feedback, an individual is able to hone in on individual skill sets in a very organized way.

Without feedback, the progression of growth is slowed. Bad habits are often overlooked and become permanent habits and giving up is more likely to occur as proper structure and guidance isn’t given.

At Presentation Geeks, we’ve completed multiple presentation designs for some of the world’s best speakers and companies . We’ve created downloadable visual presentations , sizzle reels , e-learning solutions and business forecasts reports. What we’re trying to say is we’ve seen it all. By seeing it all, we’ve also heard it all. Feedback is second nature to us and one of the foundational blocks in which our business is built upon. We know how important receiving and giving feedback is.

With that being said, we’ve outlined and gone into more detail on two reasons why feedback is important.

Gauges Audience Engagement

feedback on oral presentation

Feedback is important because it can be used as a gauge for audience engagement.

As perfect as we’d like to think we are, everyone has an opportunity to grow. Even a good presentation has at least a couple of things in which it can improve on. With opportunities to grow means feedback to be received. There will always be feedback to receive whether positive or negative.

If you have just completed a presentation and request feedback but receive none, you might think to yourself, “Excellent! There is absolutely nothing I need to improve on.” which unfortunately can mean quite the opposite.

Receiving no feedback could be an indication that you lost the audience’s attention. How can they provide feedback when they weren’t even listening to begin with?

Before jumping to the worst case scenario, there are a few things you can do to help weed out whether your presentation was not engaging .

First, try adding easier ways for the audience to engage with you and provide feedback. By having audience members sign-up online, you can get their email address and follow up with a feedback form such as SurveyMonkey .

Feedback forms are great because it allows the audience to easily provide feedback without needing to go out of their way to do it.

You might also take the approach of getting direct feedback. If there is an opportunity after the presentation to interact with the crowd and break off into small group chats, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. Most people are more than happy to provide feedback and want to!

Improves Presentation Skills

feedback on oral presentation

Asking for feedback will also help improve your presentation skills .

When people are asked to give feedback on a presentation, most of the feedback you will receive will be on your delivery or the slides.

You’ll receive feedback such as, “You effectively command attention.” or, “Your slides could be more visually appealing.” or, “You overdid it on the facial expressions and they became a bit distracting.”.

The feedback you’ll receive will be both positive and negative. Don’t forget, it’s up to you to ask for the feedback, receive the feedback and take action on it. By taking action on the feedback as it relates to your presentation skills or your presentation slides, you’ll ultimately improve on your presentation skills.

Now that we know why feedback is important, let’s go over how to give and receive feedback.

How To Give Constructive Presentation Feedback

feedback on oral presentation

People are always looking for feedback yet not enough people give honest, good, constructive feedback. The feedback received is rarely helpful.

Giving constructive presentation feedback is an art you should master. By being able to not only receive constructive criticism, but give it as well, you’ll get a better appreciation for other people’s presentation skills and reflect upon yours. It will make navigating your own feedback journey easier.

Below you’ll find ways on how to give constructive feedback next time you’re asked.

Focus On Behaviour, Not The Person

When giving feedback, make sure it’s on the skills a person can control and change such as their behaviour rather than themselves as a person.

When you give feedback which targets a person’s character rather than their behaviour, they’ll become defensive and the feedback comes across as harsh criticism rather than constructive feedback.

Be Actionable

When giving feedback, follow up with an actionable item the person can do to work towards improving.

For example, if you felt their presentation didn’t flow well and you were lost as an audience member, don’t just leave it at that. Expand upon your comment by suggesting they add a slide outlining key agenda items. Take it a step further and explain why you suggested this.

You may say, ” I would suggest adding a slide which outlines key objectives because it will give the audience clear takeaways as to what to expect throughout the presentation. This is something I felt was missing.”

This is an actionable item someone can take away and implement and you’ve backed it up with a strong reason as to why they should do it.

Be Specific

Make sure the feedback you’re providing is specific.

Don’t just say someone needs to improve their communication skills. Be specific!

You could frame the feedback in a way that targets different forms of communication. You could pinpoint to their body language or their oral presentation. Both are forms of communication skills and without being specific, they wouldn’t know what to improve upon.

Be Realistic

Learning and growing is an ongoing progression. We can’t go from 0 – 100 overnight. We need to set realistic boundaries with the feedback we provide.

You want to be realistic when you communicate key points someone can improve on to ensure they don’t get discouraged and quit.

If requested to give feedback, be sure to do it in a timely manner.

Providing feedback in a timely manner will not only benefit the one asking, but you as well as you’re able to provide more accurate feedback.

As time goes on, you’ll begin to forget the small details that made up the entire presentation. By giving feedback in a timely manner, you’ll be able to provide more accurate and effective feedback.

Offer Continuing Support

Continuing support will take your ability to provide feedback to the next level and is immensely helpful.

Offer continuing support will allow you to establish a long-lasting rapport with people. These same people will most likely be providing you with feedback in the future.

Giving ongoing support will also allow you to become a master of your craft. The best way of fully understanding a topic is by teaching it. To become a master of presenting, you also need to be open to giving feedback. It will help you remain consistent.

End On A Positive Note

Lastly, end all feedback on a positive note.

The best growth and learning stems from positive reinforcement which can be as simple as ending things off with a positive note. Be mindful and honest with what positive note you want to end on.

A sincere compliment is far more effective than one that feels forced.

How To Receive Constructive Presentation Feedback

feedback on oral presentation

Once you’re able to effectively give good constructive feedback, we can now focus on receiving feedback.

What good is asking and receiving feedback if you don’t know what to do with the information. Instead of squandering golden nuggets of information, here is what you should do when asking for feedback after your own presentation.

Listen Carefully

Once you’ve asked for feedback, stop talking and listen.

Don’t try to justify your reasoning, don’t try and steer the conversation in a direction which favours your actions, just listen.

Be Aware Of Your Responses

Be aware of your responses to feedback. This includes body language, facial expressions and social cues.

You don’t want to come across as if you’re taking the feedback too personally. This will make the person providing the feedback feel like they’re hurting your feelings and they should stop or begin sugarcoating the feedback.

This will only result in inauthentic feedback which is not constructive. You want to be creating a space which can create dialogue surrounding helpful feedback.

You’ll receive a bunch of feedback over your life and the only way to grow is to be completely open with all the feedback you’ll receive.

The moment you start to close yourself off from feedback, is the moment you hinder your progression and growth.

Understand The Message

Before you leave with the feedback, make sure you fully understand what the person was trying to say.

The worst thing you can do is change something that isn’t broken. Before you walk away to start changing things, always make sure you know what you’re about to change is correct.

Reflect & Process

After you received the feedback, take time to reflect and process. This is a perfect time to conduct a self-evaluation on how you believe you did with your presentation.

Does the other person feel the same way? What are the differences they saw in my presentation that I didn’t see?

Don’t forget, we are perfectly imperfect human beings. You will never have a perfect presentation. With varying audiences all interested in something unique, you will have a hard time crafting presentation material with key messages that is compelling to everyone.

Always follow up.

Following up allows you to take action and measure your success to see if you’ve changed for the better.

Following up also makes sure the other person feels heard. What is the point of giving feedback if the person you give it to does nothing with it?

By following up, it shows you’ve taken their feedback to heart and you’re taking action.

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Author:  Ryan

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3 helpful ways to give feedback on a presentation

When you discuss these 3 things, you help someone else take their presentation to the next level.

3 helpful ways to give feedback on a presentation

[Photo: Miguel Henriques /Unsplash]

BY  Anett Grant 3 minute read

How many times has your coworker, your boss, or your friend asked you, “How was my presentation?”

Chances are, if you thought the presentation was boring, you said, “great job” with a flat tone. If you thought it was actually great, you said, “great job!” with an enthusiastic tone. After all, giving someone feedback about their presentation is a delicate act. You don’t want to provide feedback that upsets them, but you know that flattery isn’t going to turn them into a better speaker. So how can you give feedback that makes a difference without risking hurt feelings?

Here are three ways you can give your teammate feedback about their presentation that inspires improvement, whether it’s from okay to good, or from very good to excellent.

1) Discuss what was memorable

Begin your feedback by telling your presenter what you found memorable about his or her presentation. This takes your feedback to big-picture level, which is much more effective than providing granular comments. Your presenter probably has no memories of  their behavior at any particular moment, so feedback on details won’t get them very far. For example, in our Ted Talk Tips, we direct you to look at a particular moment in the talker’s presentation. Unless the talker was a highly trained orator or had meticulously rehearsed their presentation, they would have no conscious memory of exactly how they moved. They wouldn’t know what foot they were standing on, or the precise moment that they made that gesture.

Rather than giving feedback about particular moments or habits, you should describe what was most memorable to you. This way, you’re providing feedback at a level that helps the presenter understand their dominant message. If you tell them that what you remember the most was their passion, their conviction, or their idea, you’re helping your speaker focus on the big takeaway. You’ll inspire creative behavior, not obsessional adjustment.

2) Discuss the key message

If you tell your speaker, “I thought your key message was X,” you’re opening up the door to the most critical part of the presentation–what the message was, and not what the data, graphs, or charts were. In business today, presentations are not just PowerPoint parades . It doesn’t matter if you’re presenting to high-level executives or a group of interns, your talk needs to have meaning. It has to show how you think and how you synergize data into meaningful messages that have relevance and impact on the business.

By giving your presenter feedback about their key message, you are helping your presenter position their ideas at the right level, for the right audience. You’re not telling them what to do in a robotic way–you’re challenging them to align their thinking to their situation. You want to help them increase their impact, not wordsmith their speaking notes.

3) Share when you started to tune out?

No matter how much good intention you have, you’ll inevitably tune out, occasionally at best, frequently at worst. Of course, you could blame yourself or feel ashamed, but that’s a dead end. A more productive route would be to think about why you tuned out at that particular moment. Were there too many details? Was i too monotone? Too irrelevant?

When you pinpoint and share the moment that you disengaged, you identify a problem you had. You’re inviting your speaker to think about solutions to the problem–you’re not telling them what to do. Even better, you’re focusing your teammate’s attention on connecting with their audience versus getting through the material.

So, next time your colleague asks you, “What did you think about my presentation?” don’t just bite your tongue and say “great!” When you discuss the things set out in this article, you’re help your coworker become a better speaker. Who knows, you might even learn a thing or two about how to improve your own presentation.

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Anett Grant is the CEO of Executive Speaking, Inc. and the author of multiple e-books on speaking. Read her latest e-book here   More

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Feedback in Oral Communication

Ai generator.

feedback on oral presentation

Feedback in Oral Communication is an indispensable tool in enhancing dialogue and understanding. It bridges the gap between speaker and listener, enabling clearer, more effective exchanges. This guide delves into the nuances of providing constructive feedback, a skill pivotal in personal and professional growth. Whether in a boardroom or a casual conversation, mastering feedback techniques enriches your communication repertoire, fostering stronger connections and heightened clarity.

What is Feedback in Oral Communication?

What is Feedback in Oral Communication

Feedback in oral communication refers to the responses and reactions given during a conversation. It’s an integral part of effective communication, serving as a mirror to the speaker, reflecting how their message is perceived and understood. Effective feedback ensures that the communication loop is complete, fostering understanding, and encouraging growth. It’s not just about what is said, but how it is expressed—through tone, body language, and choice of words.

What is the Best Example of Feedback in Oral Communication?

What is the Best Example of Feedback in Oral Communication

A prime example of feedback in oral communication occurs in a team meeting. When a team member presents an idea, effective feedback might be, “Your proposal on digital marketing strategies is innovative. However, considering our budget constraints, let’s explore cost-effective options as well.” This response is constructive, addressing both strengths and areas for improvement. It demonstrates active listening, understanding of the subject matter, and a collaborative approach, essential in any communicative exchange.

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Feedback in oral communication is a pivotal component in the exchange of ideas and information. It involves providing a responsive, constructive, and often evaluative reply to a speaker’s message. Effective feedback can strengthen understanding in communication, fostering growth, improvement, and clarity. It’s not just about what is said but also how it’s conveyed, with an emphasis on active listening and respectful delivery. This process is integral in personal, educational, and professional settings, enhancing both the speaker’s and the listener’s communication skills.

30 Examples of Feedback in Oral Communication

1. “Your presentation was very informative, but adding more visual aids could enhance understanding.”

This feedback compliments the content while suggesting improvement in delivery for clearer communication.

2. “I appreciate your enthusiasm, but let’s focus on being more concise in our discussions.”

Encourages enthusiasm while advising on clarity and brevity in communication.

3. “Your report was well-researched; however, consider a more structured format next time.” Acknowledges the effort and suggests improvements in organization.

4. “You articulated your ideas clearly, but let’s work on including more evidence to support your arguments.”

Praises clear articulation while recommending more substantial backing for arguments.

5. “Your approach to the problem was creative, though a bit more focus on practicality would be beneficial.”

Commends creativity while guiding towards a more pragmatic approach.

6. “I value your input; could you elaborate on your last point for further clarity?”

Shows appreciation and requests elaboration for better understanding.

7. “Your enthusiasm is contagious, but remember to allow others to contribute their ideas as well.” Compliments enthusiasm while reminding of the importance of inclusive discussion.

8. “It’s great how you handled the topic with confidence, yet a softer tone might be more effective in this context.”

Applauds confidence while suggesting a tone adjustment for effectiveness.

9. “I admire your detailed explanation; a summary at the end would help in reinforcing the key points.”

Recognizes thoroughness and suggests a summary for emphasis.

10. “You’ve shown great improvement in your speaking skills; continuing to work on eye contact will enhance your impact further.”

Acknowledges improvement and advises on enhancing nonverbal communication.

11. “Your argument was strong, but incorporating different perspectives could strengthen it even more.”

Commends the argument’s strength and suggests adding diverse viewpoints.

12. “Your questions were thought-provoking, yet some were too complex for the audience.”

Appreciates the depth of questions while advising on audience appropriateness.

13. “I appreciate your punctuality in responding, but more detailed answers would provide greater insight.”

Values promptness while encouraging more detailed responses.

14. “Your presentation pace was excellent, although pausing at key points could aid in audience comprehension.”

Compliments the pace and recommends pauses for better comprehension.

15. “You’re very articulate, but using simpler language would make your message more accessible to everyone.”

Praises articulation while advising on language simplicity for broader reach.

16. “Your enthusiasm for the subject is evident, but balancing it with factual data would enhance credibility.”

Commends passion and suggests adding data for credibility.

17. “I enjoyed your storytelling approach, though a clearer connection to the main topic would be beneficial.”

Acknowledges storytelling skill while guiding towards topic relevance.

18. “Your feedback to others is always constructive; try to incorporate more specific examples next time.”

Appreciates constructive nature and advises on including specific examples.

19. “Your project update was comprehensive; a more engaging tone could make it even more captivating.”

Recognizes comprehensiveness and suggests tonal adjustments for engagement.

20. “Your negotiation skills are impressive; maintaining an open mind to alternative solutions could yield even better results.”

Lauds negotiation skills while recommending openness to alternative solutions.

21. “You express your ideas well; further aligning them with the team’s objectives would enhance collaboration.”

Praises expression and advises on alignment with team goals.

22. “Your analytical skills are noteworthy, yet incorporating more collaborative discussions could bring additional insights.”

Commends analytical skills and encourages collaborative discussions.

23. “You handled the difficult topic sensitively, but more factual backing would strengthen your position.”

Appreciates sensitive handling and suggests adding factual support.

24. “Your public speaking has improved; continuing to work on removing fillers will polish your delivery further.”

Notes improvement in public speaking and advises on eliminating fillers.

25. “Your points were relevant, but integrating audience feedback into your talk could make it more interactive.”

Recognizes relevance and recommends incorporating audience feedback.

26. “You’ve made great strides in speaking confidently; integrating pauses for emphasis could enhance your presentations.”

Acknowledges progress in confidence and suggests using pauses for emphasis.

27. “Your approach is always well-thought-out; a bit more flexibility could open up new possibilities.” Compliments thorough planning and advises on being more flexible.

28. “You’re quick to grasp concepts; sharing your understanding could help others catch up.”

Recognizes quick comprehension and suggests sharing insights with others.

29. “Your team leadership is commendable; involving team members in decision-making could foster greater unity.”

Praises leadership skills and advises on inclusive decision-making.

30. “Your presentations are always well-prepared; a more conversational style might engage the audience more effectively.”

Acknowledges preparation and recommends a conversational style for engagement.

Examples of Feedback in Oral Communication at Workplace

Feedback in the workplace through oral communication is crucial for employee development and organizational growth. It involves constructive criticism, praise, and suggestions delivered clearly and empathetically. Effective feedback can boost morale, enhance skills, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

1. Constructive Criticism : “Your report was well-researched, but including more data analysis could enhance its impact.” This feedback acknowledges the effort while suggesting improvement.

2. Positive Reinforcement : “Great job on the presentation! Your confidence and detailed knowledge were evident.” Praise like this boosts confidence and motivation.

3. Encouraging Continuous Learning : “You’ve made progress, but there’s room for growth in client interactions.” This encourages the employee to develop further.

4. Balancing Feedback : “Your teamwork is excellent, though focusing more on deadlines will improve project flow.” It highlights strengths while addressing areas of improvement.

5. Future-Oriented Feedback : “For future projects, a more proactive approach in the initial stages will be beneficial.” This guides the employee for upcoming tasks.

6. Specific Feedback : “In the last meeting, your ability to explain complex concepts simply was impressive.” Specificity makes feedback more actionable.

7. Immediate Feedback : “In today’s meeting, your input was crucial in steering the discussion.” Immediate feedback reinforces positive behaviors on the spot.

8. Goal-Oriented Feedback : “To reach your next career milestone, enhancing your leadership skills will be key.” Aligns feedback with the employee’s career goals.

9. Feedback Seeking : “How do you feel about your current project’s progress?” Encourages dialogue and self-assessment.

10. Feedback on Communication Skills : “Your active listening in meetings is excellent; it helps in understanding various perspectives.” Acknowledges a key communication skill.

Examples of Feedback in Oral Communication in Business

In the business context, feedback through oral communication plays a pivotal role in strategy refinement, relationship management, and performance enhancement. It should be clear, constructive, and focused on business objectives, ensuring alignment with company goals.

1. Strategy Feedback : “Your marketing strategy aligns well with our brand vision, but let’s explore more digital avenues.” Points out alignment and areas for expansion.

2. Client Interaction Feedback : “Your engagement with clients is commendable, but being more concise can save time.” Balances praise with a suggestion for efficiency.

3. Team Management Feedback : “Leading your team with assertiveness is great, but remember to foster open communication.” Advises on balancing leadership styles.

4. Sales Pitch Feedback : “Your pitch was compelling; however, emphasizing our unique selling points can make it more persuasive.” Suggests refinement for effectiveness.

5. Project Debrief Feedback : “The project was a success; let’s discuss what we can replicate in future ventures.” Focuses on learning from successes.

6. Efficiency Feedback : “Streamlining the workflow as you suggested significantly boosted productivity.” Acknowledges a beneficial change.

7. Innovation Feedback : “Your innovative approach is valuable; incorporating more data can further validate your ideas.” Encourages data-driven innovation.

8. Performance Review : “Your overall performance is strong, yet enhancing your public speaking skills will aid in leadership roles.” Tailors feedback to individual growth.

9. Business Development Feedback : “Expanding into new markets is a good idea; let’s also consider potential risks and mitigation strategies.” Balances opportunity with caution.

10. Operational Feedback : “Your operational improvements have reduced costs, though maintaining quality is equally important.” Emphasizes balancing cost and quality.

Why Feedback is Important in Oral Communication?

Feedback is vital in oral communication as it serves multiple functions:

  • Enhances Understanding : Feedback helps clarify misunderstandings and provides additional information.
  • Promotes Learning and Growth : It offers insights into how a message is received and how to improve.
  • Builds Relationships : Constructive feedback can strengthen trust and rapport between communicators.
  • Encourages Engagement : When people feel heard and understood, they are more likely to engage actively.
  • Facilitates Change and Improvement : Regular feedback leads to continuous improvement in communication skills.
  • Boosts Confidence : Positive feedback can increase self-assurance in communication abilities.
  • Cultivates a Supportive Environment : A culture of giving and receiving feedback fosters mutual support.
  • Improves Decision Making : Feedback provides diverse perspectives essential for informed decision-making.

What is Effective Feedback in Oral Communication?

Effective feedback in oral communication is a critical component that can significantly enhance the quality of interactions in various settings, from professional environments to personal relationships. It involves providing constructive and honest responses to someone’s verbal expressions, aiming to improve mutual understanding and performance. Here are eight detailed points explaining the nature of effective feedback in oral communication:

  • Clarity and Specificity : Effective feedback should be clear and specific. Instead of making vague comments, it’s important to provide precise information about what was well-received and what could be improved. For example, instead of saying “Your presentation was good,” a clearer feedback would be, “Your concise explanation of the project’s objectives was particularly effective.”
  • Timeliness : The timing of feedback is crucial. Providing feedback soon after the communication has occurred makes it more relevant and easier for the recipient to remember and act upon. For instance, giving feedback immediately after a team meeting makes it more impactful.
  • Balanced Approach : A balance between positive reinforcement and constructive criticism is essential in feedback. This approach helps maintain the receiver’s morale and motivation. For example, complimenting an employee’s active listening in Oral Communication and then suggesting ways to improve their public speaking skills.
  • Empathy and Sensitivity : Being empathetic and sensitive to the feelings of the receiver is key. Feedback should be given in a manner that does not demean or demoralize. For instance, acknowledging the effort put into a project before suggesting improvements.
  • Focused on Behavior, Not the Person : Feedback should be directed towards the behavior or the performance, not the person. This distinction helps in avoiding personal offense. For example, “The way you managed the meeting showed great regulation control communication skills ,” instead of critiquing the person’s character.
  • Encouraging Two-Way Dialogue : Effective feedback is not a one-way street; it should encourage a dialogue. The receiver should feel comfortable to ask questions and seek clarifications. For example, after giving feedback, asking, “How do you feel about this feedback? Do you have any thoughts?”
  • Goal-Oriented : Feedback should be aligned with predefined goals or objectives. This helps in keeping the feedback constructive and purposeful. For instance, if the goal is to enhance team communication, feedback should focus on how individual contributions are aligning with this aim.
  • Follow-up : Providing a follow-up plan or seeking follow-up discussions can be effective in ensuring that feedback leads to positive changes. This could involve setting specific targets or scheduling future meetings to discuss progress.

Types of Feedback in Oral Communication?

There are several types of feedback in oral communication, each serving a unique purpose:

  • Positive Feedback : Encourages and reinforces effective communication behaviors.
  • Constructive Feedback : Offers suggestions for improvement without demeaning the individual.
  • Negative Feedback : Highlights areas of concern, requiring careful delivery to avoid demotivation.
  • Formative Feedback : Provided during the communication process, focusing on development and growth.
  • Summative Feedback : Given at the end of a communication event, summarizing overall performance.
  • Immediate Feedback : Delivered right after the communication, aiding in quick adjustments.
  • Delayed Feedback : Offered after some time, allowing for reflection and in-depth analysis.
  • Peer Feedback : Comes from colleagues or equals, fostering a collaborative environment.

How Offering Feedback in Communications Impacts Employee Engagement

Offering feedback in communications significantly impacts employee engagement in several ways:

  • Promotes a Sense of Value : Employees feel valued when their input is sought and their feedback is acknowledged.
  • Enhances Skill Development : Regular feedback helps employees improve their communication skills, including active listening in Oral Communication and effectively speaking confidently in Oral Communication .
  • Increases Job Satisfaction : Constructive feedback contributes to a fulfilling work environment, where growth and improvement are encouraged.
  • Fosters a Culture of Openness : An environment where feedback is regularly exchanged promotes transparency and openness.
  • Encourages Innovation : Feedback can inspire new ideas and approaches, leading to innovation and creativity.
  • Improves Team Dynamics : Effective feedback helps in resolving conflicts and enhancing team communication.
  • Boosts Morale : Positive feedback can uplift employees’ morale and motivate them to perform better.
  • Aligns Goals and Expectations : Feedback helps align individual goals with organizational objectives, enhancing overall performance.

In conclusion, feedback in oral communication is a multifaceted tool that not only enhances dialogue but also fosters a deeper understanding and connection between the speaker and the listener. By integrating constructive feedback into everyday interactions, individuals and professionals alike can significantly improve their communication skills. This improvement goes beyond mere speech; it encompasses active listening, empathetic engagement, and respectful delivery. The ability to provide and receive feedback effectively is a cornerstone of personal and professional development, contributing to clearer, more meaningful interactions across various contexts.

For those interested in exploring further, the Harvard Business Review offers insightful articles on effective communication strategies, including the nuances of feedback in professional settings Harvard Business Review. Additionally, the American Psychological Association provides valuable resources on interpersonal communication and the psychology behind it, which can be found here American Psychological Association . These external links are from reputable and authoritative sources, ensuring high-quality, relevant information that adds significant value to the topic of feedback in oral communication.


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Frantically Speaking

6 Ways You Can Evaluate Your Own Presentation

Hrideep barot.

  • Body Language & Delivery , Presentation , Public Speaking

feedback on oral presentation

Naturally, giving a presentation is a skill that falls on the professional side of the spectrum. It involves a lot of formality along with practice to get good at it. 

But how do you decide what exactly it is that you need to work on? Read on to find out about six ways to evaluate your presentation skills.

Evaluating your presentation requires the ability to analyze your performance based on some very specific criteria related to delivery and content. More importantly, you must do it in an objective sense, without letting your self-bias come in the way.

Importance and benefits of evaluating your presentations yourself

Public speaking requires skills that are developed over time. Whether you’re a pro at it or a beginner, there is always room to grow because people have a varying set of abilities. 

Presentations are all about influence. You aim to create a dynamic with your audience so they buy into whatever it is that you’re trying to convey. 

And if you keep innovating your techniques and find your strength (which all comes with self-evaluating), you’ll essentially be enhancing your power to influence. 

In addition to that, it makes you a better presenter. The lack of being told what to do by someone else gives you a sense of self-confidence and patience. 

Additionally, you being a good presenter would mean more successful meetings, which in turn means you’d profit your business.

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Basically, the better your presentation, the more likely are your chances to successfully fulfill your agenda. So grab a paper and a pen and embark upon your journey of getting better!

What criteria do I need to follow for evaluation?

Let’s address the skills we need for pulling off a good presentation.

Quality of content

  • Engagement with audience
  • Visual aids
  • Focusing on strengths. 

Based on these categories, you need to form criteria to test yourself. Think of it like setting a frame of reference for yourself, placing yourself on a scale ranging between good and bad would help you track your progress. 

Following are the pointers you need to keep in mind while evaluating your presentation skills-

The two most things to keep in mind about structure is that you need to have a very intriguing start to your presentation, something that hooks the audience. (an anecdote, perhaps)

Secondly, make sure your ending is clear and in alignment with the purpose of the presentation. And include a call to action. For example, if your presentation is about mental health awareness, make sure one of your end slides has a comprehensive contact list of psychologists/therapists. 

Apart from that, the transitions between your pointers have to be smooth. Try adding segues (which is basically building context for your next point) In the previous example, a personal anecdote involving someone with depression can be a good segue to talk about the importance of mental health. 

If you’re new to structuring content or making presentations, here’s an article of ours that might help- The Ultimate Guide to Structuring a Speech

Delivery is everything. From gestures to hand movements, your body language must emphasize CONVEYING something. 

When you say something especially important, there must be some emphasis on part of your delivery. Like slowing your speech, or knocking the table, or repetition of the point, etc. 

There should be some sort of continuity to your narrative, the ‘flow’ must come naturally. This can be done using the smooth transition technique mentioned above. 

Adding a story-like quality to your speech might help. (having proper segregation between the beginning, middle, and end)

You cannot be providing generic content. Always remember, in presentations, quality surpasses quantity. 

Rambling about your topic on and on would not only bore your audience but also hinder the aforementioned flow and transitions that are so important. 

You need to make sure you’re adding something of value that is unique to you, and not general. You may refer to our article that might help further with this- Should a Presentation Have an Agenda?

Engagement with the audience

Your content must always be altered according to your audience. Knowing your audience is a very crucial step. You cannot say the same things in front of an MNC board meeting members as you would in front of a bunch of college students.

Having a welcoming demeanour towards your audience

Knowing your audience helps you decide your content, flow, transition, practically everything. 

Also, engagement with the audience means the interaction that takes place between you and them. You need to appear approachable for them to talk to you. 

But at the same time, you need to prepare yourself in advance to be able to answer the questions that might come your way. A little prediction here and there can save you a lot of anxiety. 

Visual Aids

Visual aids during a presentation include everything from the design and arrangement of content in your presentation to your appearance. (But mostly the former)

Now when it comes to visual aids in a PPT, there is no better advice than the 5 by 5 rule.

The Powerpoint 5×5 slide rule states that-

a. Each of your slides should have no more than 5 lines.

b. Each of those lines should have no more than 5 words.

It ensures keeping your content crisp and to the point. A tip to apply this rule would be to not focus on including the main content in the ppt. Instead, write only pointers and elaborate on them yourself.

This way, you prevent your audience from getting too caught up in reading the slides hence getting distracted from you. 

How exactly do I evaluate my presentation?

Here are the six-pointers that will guide you through it step-by-step.

Identify patterns

Keeping in mind the above-mentioned pointers, start looking for what you’re doing wrong.

Is there something that you repetitively keep doing wrong? Maybe the topics you choose aren’t relevant, maybe you use too much text in slides, maybe you don’t captivate your audience by raising vocals, maybe you don’t move enough. 

There are always patterns. You need to develop attention to detail. 

Focus on the audience

Focusing on the audience's reactions as you speak.

Your audience engagement can make or break the deal. While you’re presenting, make sure you make eye contact with as many people as you can. And keep an eye out for people’s reactions. It helps you get real-time feedback. 

Now there’s a chance this might not work and you get distracted or disheartened. In which case, drop this tactic. Nothing is worth blowing your confidence down during the presentation. 

Take feedback

Part of the reward for good audience engagement is honest feedback. If people like your content but find your delivery a little off, if you engage well with them, they will be a little more open to bringing it to your attention.

Maybe to make it a little more certain, announce at the end that you’re open to constructive criticism. It also adds to the impression you make. People find people who are willing to admit their flaws, admirable. 

Make sure you maintain a record of your progress, right from making those criteria scales to your speeches through successive presentations. You could do it on paper or a device, whatever is more comfortable. 

Make notes about what you need to work on right after presentations, and tick them off when you do in the next ones. It brings along a sense of accomplishment. 

In reference to keeping track of practicing, you may check out our 13 Tips For Rehearsing A Presentation

Objective set of eyes

Ask a friend or a colleague to give you honest advice. Truth is, no matter what, your clients would always be skeptical of telling you what’s wrong. And there’s only so much you would criticize about yourself.

Asking someone you trust can help you get a fresh perspective on your progress since we get a little over in our heads sometimes. 

Use your strengths and weaknesses

After having acquainted yourself with this whole system of evaluation, it is no doubt you’d be very aware of your strong and weak points. It is a good thing. 

Honestly, there could always be some little things here and there that we cannot wrap our heads around, and that’s okay. Because we also have our strengths to cover up for them.

For example, you could be a little off with a smooth transition between subpoints, but if you drop a super-strong call to action, in the end, it gets compensated. 

And the best part is, only you can use them to your benefit since you’re the only one who knows about them!

Additionally, watching content related to your topic can be of massive help too. For example, if your speech is on mental health , then maybe watching a TEDTalk by a mental health professional can add on to the authenticity of your content.

To go that extra mile, you could also record yourself while giving the speech in front of a camera and review the recording to see where exactly you went wrong. Sometimes, watching your presentation from the audience’s perspective gives you a peak into what they see, and consequently, allows you to have a bigger impact on them.

Here’s a checklist to keep in mind while self-evaluating:

Print the checklist out for easy accessibility, mark yes or no after every presentation to keep track of your progress.

My speech has a well-segregated beginning, middle, and end
I have prepared anecdotes, jokes, and other segues for smooth transition between sub-topics
My speech flow has a story like quality to it
I have a strong conclusion summarising the points along with a call to action followed by it
I have rehearsed this speech at least thrice before presenting (either in front of a mirror or with a friend)
I know what my audience is looking forward to
I have taken into account the feedback from the previous presentation
I have made a bunch of notecards with sub-topics and pointers to help me remember my speech, just in case (backup)
My content is relevant to the purpose of this presentation
My presentation is rich with visual aids like pictures, videos, and gifs (optional)
I have a strong introduction to grip the audience from the get-go
My content is well-researched and not generic
Maintaining eye-contact and adequate facial expressions
Use of purposeful body movement
I move from one sub-topic to another with ease
I am appropriately dressed according to the place and audience of the presentation

Practical Tools to use for self-evaluation

Feedback forms.

Feedback from your audience is important, as stated before. However, you can’t store all of the verbal feedback in your brain, let alone use it for self-evaluation later. Moreover, sometimes the audience might be vague with how they respond and that is unhelpful.

What you can do, instead, is devise a feedback form enlisting specific questions, the answers to which would be relevant for your purpose. This not only lifts the burden of remembering all you heard after presenting, but also eliminates unnecessary jargon from the audience.


Self-reflection is the most important part of this process. Now, this does not only involve you going to the feedback forms but also reviewing specific areas that you need extra work on. You can make a categorized list or a scale of easily ‘fixable issues’ to issues that need relatively more practice and work.

If there is an issue that you don’t seem to be able to work around, another form of self-reflection you can do is record yourself. As mentioned before, use the camera and present as you would in the conference room. Looking at a tape of yourself after presenting(as opposed to while presenting in front of the mirror), can help you detect what’s wrong in a better way. Plus, it helps you check body language.

Presentation rubrics are one of the handiest tools you can use for evaluation. It is a specific set of criteria that sets qualitative standards for the things/skills you need to have in your presentation to qualify as a good one.

For example, For a college research paper, the categories of criteria would be creativity, research element, use of sources and references, innovative aspects, etc. These categories would then be assessed on a scale of good to excellent or 1 to 5 and be marked accordingly.

It provides a quantified version of assessment which helps tremendously to analyze where specifically, and how much do you need to work on.

Apart from this, if you’re a techno-savvy person who is not inclined to write with a journal to keep track or implicate any of the other tools, worry not! We happen to have just the thing to help you! In today’s technology and smart phone driven world where most things are online, we can do self-evaluation up there too!

Here is a detailed and comprehensive article about 34 Best Smartphone Apps for Presenters and Professional Speakers that will guide you through that process.

Well, with all these tools and techniques, you’re all set to begin your self-evaluation! Remember, different techniques work for different people. It’s all a matter of trial and error. Some patience and practice can take you a long way to become the presenter you aspire to be.

Hrideep Barot

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FREE 7+ Oral Presentation Evaluation Forms in PDF | MS Word

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Oral presentations can be used in both academic and professional fields. It can either be formal or informal, depending on the purpose of the oral presentation and the audience who are expected to listen to what will be presented. A presentation could be delivered in various ways, such as a lecture, an informative speech , a persuasive speech, or a demonstration. To identify whether a presentation or the presenter is effective, organizations can use an  Evaluation Form  to gather the comments of the audience.

Student Oral Presentation Evaluation Form

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Formal Oral Presentation Evaluation Form Example

formal oral presentation evaluation form example

Oral Presentation Evaluation Form

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Scoring Oral Presentation Evaluation Form

scoring oral presentation evaluation form

Size: 12 KB

Elements of an Oral Presentation

When you are asked to critique an Oral Presentation, it is imperative that you know and understand the different elements that constitute an effective and well-delivered oral presentation which are clearly defined below:

Delivering a speech in front of a lot of people can be an awkward and nerve-wrecking experience for some. One of the main challenges of presenting is to make your audience believe that you are not intimidated by them. Being able to present confidently in front is a sign that you know exactly what you are talking about and will convince your audience to believe in you.

Actions that illustrate confidence in a speaker include when he is able to maintain proper posture – head up or chin up – when he moves freely around the space given to him, when he is able to use an adequate amount of hand gestures, smiles, does not fidget, has an audible voice, makes eye contact, and speaks at a moderate pace.

Content is king, or so they say. The details embodied in a presentation are what make sense of the reasons why he is there to begin with. When creating a speech, an entity needs to make sure that the content of what will be delivered during a program or any other gathering is both informative and relevant. Details must be identified, specified, and further elaborated when necessary. More so, the details that will support the topic of the presentation should be strong and evident.

Aside from the content of the presentation, it is the clarity of the delivery that provides impact to the audience. It is important for a presenter to ensure that his/her delivery is smooth and understandable. Details should be mentioned in an organized manner and important information must be stressed out accordingly. All the key points to be presented must be stated in a moderate pace for retention of details be more possible.

If you are a teacher doing an evaluation  on a student’s oral performance, you can also use our  Student Evaluation Forms  to help save you time.

Oral Presentation Evaluation Form Rubric Sample

oral presentation evaluation form rubric sample

Group Oral Presentation Evaluation Form

group oral presentation evaluation form

Oral Presentation Evaluation Form High School

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Class Oral Presentation Evaluation Form Example

class oral presentation evaluation form example

The structure of a presentation is important to make sure that the audience is able to understand its main idea. Ideas and supporting details have to be clearly and properly outlined, and the speaker should be able to transition from one point to another with the use transitioning phrases such as “first of all,” “and,” “and then.” A speaker should also be able to come up with an attractive and interesting introduction, a perfectly outlined body, and a memorable conclusion.

Visual Aids

One way to make a presentation interesting and engaging is with the use of visual aids. Commonly used visual aids are PowerPoint slides. PowerPoint is a Microsoft application that uses slides to present an outline of a topic. Presenters can provide the key notes and the summary of their topic through these slides so that the presenter and audience will be on the same page. Remember that your visual aids should only contain a summary or an outline and not your whole speech; this defeats the purpose of your presentation. If you want to, you can provide your audience with handouts containing your presentation so they can follow through even more. This will also allow them to review about the presentation even after the program has already ended.

Make sure to identify the strengths and weaknesses of presentations through the use of evaluation forms. May it be in the field of marketing, research, or any other professional undertakings; it is best for you to be aware of what makes a presentation great and how it can be further improved.

You can view our  Presentation Evaluation Forms  to help you properly document your evaluations. Proper documentation allows you to provide clear and accurate feedback .

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