Assignment Biography: Student Criteria and Rubric for Writing

Researching an Individual Aligned to Common Core Writing Standards

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  • M.A., English, Western Connecticut State University
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The genre of  biography can also be categorized in the sub-genre of  narrative nonfiction/historical nonfiction. When a teacher assigns a biography as a writing assignment, the purpose is to have a student utilize multiple research tools to gather and to synthesize information that may be used as evidence in a written report about an individual. The evidence gained from research can include a person’s words, actions, journals, reactions, related books, interviews with friends, relatives, associates, and enemies. The historical context is equally important. Since there are people who have influenced every academic discipline, assigning a biography can be a cross-disciplinary or inter-disciplinary writing assignment. 

Middle and high school teachers should allow students to have a choice in selecting the subject for a biography. Providing student choice, particularly for students in grades 7-12, increases their engagement and their motivation especially if students select individuals they care about. Students would find it difficult to write about a person they do not like. Such an attitude compromises the process of researching and writing the biography.

According to by Judith L. Irvin, Julie Meltzer and Melinda S. Dukes in their book  Taking Action on Adolescent Literacy:

"As humans, we are motivated to engage when we are interested or have real purpose for doing so. So motivation to engage [students] is the first step on the road to improving literacy habits and skills" (Chapter 1).

Students should find at least three different sources (if possible) to make sure the biography is accurate. A good biography is well-balanced and objective. That means if there is disagreement between sources, the student can use the evidence to state that there is a conflict.  Students should know that a good biography is more than a timeline of events in a person's life.

The context of a person's life is important. Students should include information about the historical time period in which a subject lived and did her/his work. 

In addition, the student should have a purpose for researching another person's life. For example, the purpose for a student to research and write a biography can be in a response to the prompt:

"How does this writing this biography help me to understand the influence of this person on history, and quite possibly, this person's impact on me?"

The following standards-based criteria and scoring rubrics can be used to grade a student-selected biography. Both criteria and rubrics should be given to students before they begin their work. 

Criteria for a Student Biography aligned to Common Core State Standards

A General Outline for Biography Details

  • Birthdate /Birthplace
  • Death (if applicable).
  • Family Members.
  • Miscellaneous (religion, titles, etc).


  • Schooling.Training.
  • Work Experiences.
  • Contemporaries/Relationships.

Accomplishments/  Significance

  • Evidence of major accomplishments.
  • Evidence of minor accomplishments (if relevant).
  • The analysis that supports why the individual was worthy of note in their field of expertise during his or her life.
  • Analysis why this individual is worthy of note in their field of expertise today.


  • Statements made.
  • Works published.

Biography Organization using the CCSS Anchor Writing Standards 

  • Transitions are effective in assisting the reader to understand shifts.
  • Ideas within each paragraph are fully developed.
  • Each point is supported by evidence.
  • All evidence is relevant.  
  • Important terms are explained to the reader.
  • Purpose of each paragraph (introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion) is clear.  
  • Clear relationship between topic sentence(s) and paragraph(s) that came before is evident.

Grading Rubric: Holistic Standards with Letter Grade Conversions

(based on extended response Smarter Balanced Assessment writing rubric)

Score: 4 or Letter Grade: A

Student response is a thorough elaboration of the support/evidence on the topic (individual) including the effective use of source material. The response clearly and effectively develops ideas, using precise language:

  • Comprehensive evidence (facts and details) from source materials are integrated.
  • Relevant, and specific clear citations or attribution to source materials.
  • Effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques.
  • Vocabulary is clearly appropriate for the audience and purpose. 
  • Effective, appropriate style enhances content.

Score: 3  Letter Grade: B

Student response is an adequate elaboration of the support/evidence in the biography that includes the use of source materials. The student response adequately develops ideas, employing a mix of precise and more general language:  

  • Adequate evidence (facts and details) from the source materials is integrated and relevant, yet the evidence and explanation may be general.
  • Adequate use of citations or attribution to the source material.  
  • Adequate use of some elaborative techniques.
  • Vocabulary is generally appropriate for the audience and purpose.
  • The style is generally appropriate for the audience and purpose.

Score: 2 Letter Grade: C

Student response is uneven with a cursory elaboration of the support/evidence in the biography that includes the uneven or limited use of source material. The student response develops ideas unevenly, using simplistic language:

  • Some evidence (facts and details) from the source materials may be weakly integrated, imprecise, repetitive, vague, and/or copied.
  • Weak use of citations or attribution to source materials.
  • Weak or uneven use of elaborative techniques.
  • Development may consist primarily of source summaries.
  • Vocabulary use is uneven or somewhat ineffective for the audience and purpose.
  • Inconsistent or weak attempt to create the appropriate style.

Score: 1 Letter Grade: D

Student response provides a minimal elaboration of the support/evidence in the biography that includes little or no use of source material. The student response is vague, lacks clarity, or is confusing:

  • Evidence (facts and details) from the source material is minimal, irrelevant, absent, incorrectly used. 
  • Insufficient use of citations or attribution to the source material.
  • Minimal, if any, use of elaborative techniques.
  • Vocabulary is limited or ineffective for the audience and purpose.
  • Little or no evidence of appropriate style.
  • Insufficient or plagiarized (copied without credit) text.
  • Off-topic. 
  • Off-purpose.
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grade 6 biography assignment

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grade 6 biography assignment

How to Write a Biography: Upper Elementary to Middle School

Writing a biography can be a daunting task. When students hear the assignment of writing a biography, they may have thoughts of long, boring essays or a tedious 10-page book report. There are various ways to tackle writing a biography, and they can even be fun in the process! Let’s look at some less intimidating ways to get your kiddos to write a biography, whether in elementary or middle school.

How to Write a Biography: Upper Elementary to Middle School

Step 1: Read a Biography

The first step for students before writing a biography is to read one. They need to see a real-life example before tackling their own biography assignment. Elementary students can read biography picture books or Who Was? biography novels. Biography picture books are especially interesting to students as the splendid pictures bring the person to life. 

Here are some picture books we recommend for younger students: 

I Am Rosa Parks by Brad Meltzer

The Girl Who Thought in Pictures by Julia Finley Mosca

On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein by Jennifer Berne

Upper elementary students love the Who Was? novel series. These books are more challenging, contain some pictures, and are age-appropriate. We recommend:

Who Was? Anne Frank  by Anne Abramson

Who Were? The Tuskegee Airmen by Sherri L. Smith

Who Was? Selena  by Max Bisantz

Middle school-aged students can read a variety of biographies from sixth graders reading Who Was? to advanced readers conquering even adult biographies. Some biographies or autobiographies my middle school students have read and loved are: 

I Am Malala by Malala Youfsazai

Gifted Hands The Ben Carson Story by Gregg Lewis

Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina by Misty Copeland

Step 2: Research a Person

Once students have read a biography to gain an understanding of what one looks like and how it is organized, as well as more about the person they are learning about, they can complete research from the biography or autobiography. A simple graphic organizer to help students organize crucial information would suffice. Important information that the student should gather from their book includes: 

  • Birthdate and Birthplace
  • Death Date and Place If Deceased
  • Childhood/Family
  • Adult Family
  • Major Accomplishments
  • Major Obstacles
  • Lessons we can learn from this person’s life

Step 3: How to Write a Biography Tips

As a teacher, you can provide choices for students or provide a project students can tackle. Some biography projects require students to write a biography in a different format than a typical essay.

Paper Bag Biography

For elementary grades, a paper bag biography book report is an interesting way to create a biography. Once students have read their biography or autobiography, they color the front of the paper bag with a picture of the person as well as display the person’s name. On the back of the paper bag is written the major accomplishments, obstacles, and a lesson learned from this person’s life.

On one side of the bag is written fun facts and on the other side is written basic information such as birthdate, birthplace, family, death date, etc. Inside the paper bag, students place varying objects that symbolize the life of the person and explain or write about them. 

Cereal Box Biography

This same concept can be completed with a cereal box. Students would utilize construction paper and glue over the cereal box instead. They can create a cute name for their cereal that coincides with the person they’re learning about as well. For instance, a biography about Sugar Ray Leonard, a professional boxer, could become Sugar Rays on a cereal box biography report. 

Pizza Box Biography

Speaking of food, a pizza box biography report is something I have utilized for years in the classroom. It combines creativity, art, and writing to display a biography. A simple Google search can give you tons of templates, instructions, and student sample pictures to choose from. I’m not certain of the original creator of this project, but it is amazing!

Students decorate the outside and inside cover of a pizza box with pictures and facts of their person. Next, they create a pizza out of construction paper and each slice displays important information. They can use their creativity to decorate each slice with toppings. Some students create a flap that goes over their slice of information and on the flap are toppings they’ve drawn such as mushrooms, pepperoni, and peppers. I am always impressed with how students use their creativity to design elaborate pizzas!

Here is the link to a FREE pizza box biography book report guideline I have used for years. 

grade 6 biography assignment

Biography in a Can

Keeping with the theme of biography projects centered around food containers, have your students grab a clean chip or coffee can (with a lid). After reading a biography, students will decorate their can based on whom they’re learning about. We recommend the Who Is? , Who Was? and I Am books for this.

Next, students will use a graphic organizer to gather information from their book and then turn that research into an index card biography report. The various index cards are then stored inside the can for easy access for presentations. This project promotes independent student research, incorporates art, and is plain fun. It is definitely engaging for students.

Grab the whole project, including graphic organizers , index card templates , a pre-design sheet , and a rubric below. 

grade 6 biography assignment

Grab your Biography Research Project today.

Our Biography Research Project will guide your students through Biography Research with ease. In addition, this unique research project helps them to learn more about important figures, as well as write and create some awesome biographies.

Bonus: Our Biography Research Project is a great way to display your students’ work for the admiration of parents, admin, and fellow students. Your class will be the envy of your school.

MLA Biography Essa y

As students move into seventh and eighth grade, there is a huge focus on learning to write an MLA essay. Because of this, I require students to write a biography essay or book report. Using a detailed template, students write their biographies. Each paragraph is thoroughly explained and chunked to display the life of the person they’re investigating. Here is a simple template of how I have seventh-grade students organize their biography essays:  

1st paragraph contains:

Title of your biography and the author’s name. The book is a biography of __________, who was born on (Date) ______________ in (Birthplace) ____________________. Why did you choose to read this book? Write a brief summary of their well-known accomplishments.

2nd, 3rd, 4th Paragraph contains:

A summary of their life. Make sure their life is in sequence. Tell of major life accomplishments, major disappointments, and major obstacles they faced. Tell of their childhood, adulthood, etc.

5th Paragraph contains:

What is the most interesting fact about this person? Explain why. How would you describe this person? If you could meet your person, what questions would you ask him or her? Why? Would you recommend this biography to a friend? Why or why not?

6th Paragraph: Conclusion Paragraph

What are the major life lessons a reader can learn from this person’s life? 

Step 4: Publish through Technology

Students can create biography presentations by using Google Slides , all the while utilizing pictures, quotes, and thematic decor to make their project come to life. is an amazing template resource in which students can make their presentations fit a theme and be a bit more aesthetically pleasing and exciting. 

Furthermore, Canva has a plethora of resources students can use to create biographies, from a standard presentation to infographics to creating an eBook . Canva is an awesome resource. It contains varying fonts, pre-loaded graphics, and the ability to upload pictures online. Canva has become a favorite tool of our students here lately!

Writing a biography can be challenging but in a great way! Reading biographies such as picture books to novels, this readily prepares students to conquer biography writing. By presenting options such as activities or a detailed template for an essay, students can feel interested and ready to tackle the world of biographies.

grade 6 biography assignment

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Literacy Ideas

How to Write a Biography

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Biographies are big business. Whether in book form or Hollywood biopics, the lives of the famous and sometimes not-so-famous fascinate us.

While it’s true that most biographies are about people who are in the public eye, sometimes the subject is less well-known. Primarily, though, famous or not, the person who is written about has led an incredible life.

In this article, we will explain biography writing in detail for teachers and students so they can create their own.

While your students will most likely have a basic understanding of a biography, it’s worth taking a little time before they put pen to paper to tease out a crystal-clear definition of one.

Visual Writing

What Is a Biography?

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A biography is an account of someone’s life written by someone else . While there is a genre known as a fictional biography, for the most part, biographies are, by definition, nonfiction.

Generally speaking, biographies provide an account of the subject’s life from the earliest days of childhood to the present day or, if the subject is deceased, their death.

The job of a biography is more than just to outline the bare facts of a person’s life.

Rather than just listing the basic details of their upbringing, hobbies, education, work, relationships, and death, a well-written biography should also paint a picture of the subject’s personality and experience of life.

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Full Biographies

Teaching unit.

Teach your students everything they need to know about writing an AUTOBIOGRAPHY and a BIOGRAPHY.

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Features of a Biography

Before students begin writing a biography, they’ll need to have a firm grasp of the main features of a Biography. An excellent way to determine how well they understand these essential elements is to ask them to compile a checklist like the one-blow

Their checklists should contain the items below at a minimum. Be sure to help them fill in any gaps before moving on to the writing process.

The purpose of a biography is to provide an account of someone’s life.

Biography structure.

ORIENTATION (BEGINNING) Open your biography with a strong hook to grab the reader’s attention

SEQUENCING: In most cases, biographies are written in chronological order unless you are a very competent writer consciously trying to break from this trend.

COVER: childhood, upbringing, education, influences, accomplishments, relationships, etc. – everything that helps the reader to understand the person.

CONCLUSION: Wrap your biography up with some details about what the subject is doing now if they are still alive. If they have passed away, make mention of what impact they have made and what their legacy is or will be.


LANGUAGE Use descriptive and figurative language that will paint images inside your audience’s minds as they read. Use time connectives to link events.

PERSPECTIVE Biographies are written from the third person’s perspective.

DETAILS: Give specific details about people, places, events, times, dates, etc. Reflect on how events shaped the subject. You might want to include some relevant photographs with captions. A timeline may also be of use depending upon your subject and what you are trying to convey to your audience.

TENSE Written in the past tense (though ending may shift to the present/future tense)


Like any form of writing, you will find it simple if you have a plan and follow it through. These steps will ensure you cover the essential bases of writing a biography essay.

Firstly, select a subject that inspires you. Someone whose life story resonates with you and whose contribution to society intrigues you. The next step is to conduct thorough research. Engage in extensive reading, explore various sources, watch documentaries, and glean all available information to provide a comprehensive account of the person’s life.

Creating an outline is essential to organize your thoughts and information. The outline should include the person’s early life, education, career, achievements, and any other significant events or contributions. It serves as a map for the writing process, ensuring that all vital information is included.

Your biography should have an engaging introduction that captivates the reader’s attention and provides background information on the person you’re writing about. It should include a thesis statement summarising the biography’s main points.

Writing a biography in chronological order is crucial . You should begin with the person’s early life and move through their career and achievements. This approach clarifies how the person’s life unfolded and how they accomplished their goals.

A biography should be written in a narrative style , capturing the essence of the person’s life through vivid descriptions, anecdotes, and quotes. Avoid dry, factual writing and focus on creating a compelling narrative that engages the reader.

Adding personal insights and opinions can enhance the biography’s overall impact, providing a unique perspective on the person’s achievements, legacy, and impact on society.

Editing and proofreading are vital elements of the writing process. Thoroughly reviewing your biography ensures that the writing is clear, concise, and error-free. You can even request feedback from someone else to ensure that it is engaging and well-written.

Finally, including a bibliography at the end of your biography is essential. It gives credit to the sources that were used during research, such as books, articles, interviews, and websites.

Tips for Writing a Brilliant Biography

Biography writing tip #1: choose your subject wisely.

There are several points for students to reflect on when deciding on a subject for their biography. Let’s take a look at the most essential points to consider when deciding on the subject for a biography:

Interest: To produce a biography will require sustained writing from the student. That’s why students must choose their subject well. After all, a biography is an account of someone’s entire life to date. Students must ensure they choose a subject that will sustain their interest throughout the research, writing, and editing processes.

Merit: Closely related to the previous point, students must consider whether the subject merits the reader’s interest. Aside from pure labors of love, writing should be undertaken with the reader in mind. While producing a biography demands sustained writing from the author, it also demands sustained reading from the reader.

Therefore, students should ask themselves if their chosen subject has had a life worthy of the reader’s interest and the time they’d need to invest in reading their biography.

Information: Is there enough information available on the subject to fuel the writing of an entire biography? While it might be a tempting idea to write about a great-great-grandfather’s experience in the war. There would be enough interest there to sustain the author’s and the reader’s interest, but do you have enough access to information about their early childhood to do the subject justice in the form of a biography?

Biography Writing Tip #2: R esearch ! Research! Research!

While the chances are good that the student already knows quite a bit about the subject they’ve chosen. Chances are 100% that they’ll still need to undertake considerable research to write their biography.

As with many types of writing , research is an essential part of the planning process that shouldn’t be overlooked. If students wish to give as complete an account of their subject’s life as possible, they’ll need to put in the time at the research stage.

An effective way to approach the research process is to:

1. Compile a chronological timeline of the central facts, dates, and events of the subject’s life

2. Compile detailed descriptions of the following personal traits:

  •      Physical looks
  •      Character traits
  •      Values and beliefs

3. Compile some research questions based on different topics to provide a focus for the research:

  • Childhood : Where and when were they born? Who were their parents? Who were the other family members? What education did they receive?
  • Obstacles: What challenges did they have to overcome? How did these challenges shape them as individuals?
  • Legacy: What impact did this person have on the world and/or the people around them?
  • Dialogue & Quotes: Dialogue and quotations by and about the subject are a great way to bring color and life to a biography. Students should keep an eagle eye out for the gems that hide amid their sources.

As the student gets deeper into their research, new questions will arise that can further fuel the research process and help to shape the direction the biography will ultimately go in.

Likewise, during the research, themes will often begin to suggest themselves. Exploring these themes is essential to bring depth to biography, but we’ll discuss this later in this article.

Research Skills:

Researching for biography writing is an excellent way for students to hone their research skills in general. Developing good research skills is essential for future academic success. Students will have opportunities to learn how to:

  • Gather relevant information
  • Evaluate different information sources
  • Select suitable information
  • Organize information into a text.

Students will have access to print and online information sources, and, in some cases, they may also have access to people who knew or know the subject (e.g. biography of a family member).

These days, much of the research will likely take place online. It’s crucial, therefore, to provide your students with guidance on how to use the internet safely and evaluate online sources for reliability. This is the era of ‘ fake news ’ and misinformation after all!


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⭐How to correctly ask questions to search engines on all devices.

⭐ How to filter and refine your results to find exactly what you want every time.

⭐ Essential Research and critical thinking skills for students.

⭐ Plagiarism, Citing and acknowledging other people’s work.

⭐ How to query, synthesize and record your findings logically.

BIOGRAPHY WRITING Tip #3: Find Your Themes In Biography Writing

Though predominantly a nonfiction genre, the story still plays a significant role in good biography writing. The skills of characterization and plot structuring are transferable here. And, just like in fiction, exploring themes in a biographical work helps connect the personal to the universal. Of course, these shouldn’t be forced; this will make the work seem contrived, and the reader may lose faith in the truthfulness of the account. A biographer needs to gain and maintain the trust of the reader.

Fortunately, themes shouldn’t need to be forced. A life well-lived is full of meaning, and the themes the student writer is looking for will emerge effortlessly from the actions and events of the subject’s life. It’s just a case of learning how to spot them.

One way to identify the themes in a life is to look for recurring events or situations in a person’s life. These should be apparent from the research completed previously. The students should seek to identify these patterns that emerge in the subject’s life. For example, perhaps they’ve had to overcome various obstacles throughout different periods of their life. In that case, the theme of overcoming adversity is present and has been identified.

Usually, a biography has several themes running throughout, so be sure your students work to identify more than one theme in their subject’s life.

BIOGRAPHY WRITING Tip: #4 Put Something of Yourself into the Writing

While the defining feature of a biography is that it gives an account of a person’s life, students must understand that this is not all a biography does. Relating the facts and details of a subject’s life is not enough. The student biographer should not be afraid to share their thoughts and feelings with the reader throughout their account of their subject’s life.

The student can weave some of their personality into the fabric of the text by providing commentary and opinion as they relate the events of the person’s life and the wider social context at the time. Unlike the detached and objective approach we’d expect to find in a history textbook, in a biography, student-writers should communicate their enthusiasm for their subject in their writing.

This makes for a more intimate experience for the reader, as they get a sense of getting to know the author and the subject they are writing about.

Biography Examples For Students

  • Year 5 Example
  • Year 7 Example
  • Year 9 Example

“The Rock ‘n’ Roll King: Elvis Presley”

Elvis Aaron Presley, born on January 8, 1935, was an amazing singer and actor known as the “King of Rock ‘n’ Roll.” Even though he’s been dead for nearly 50 years, I can’t help but be fascinated by his incredible life!

Elvis grew up in Tupelo, Mississippi, in a tiny house with his parents and twin brother. His family didn’t have much money, but they shared a love for music. Little did they know Elvis would become a music legend!

When he was only 11 years old, Elvis got his first guitar. He taught himself to play and loved singing gospel songs. As he got older, he started combining different music styles like country, blues, and gospel to create a whole new sound – that’s Rock ‘n’ Roll!

In 1954, at the age of 19, Elvis recorded his first song, “That’s All Right.” People couldn’t believe how unique and exciting his music was. His famous hip-swinging dance moves also made him a sensation!

Elvis didn’t just rock the music scene; he also starred in movies like “Love Me Tender” and “Jailhouse Rock.” But fame came with challenges. Despite facing ups and downs, Elvis kept spreading happiness through his music.

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Tragically, Elvis passed away in 1977, but his music and charisma live on. Even today, people worldwide still enjoy his songs like “Hound Dog” and “Can’t Help Falling in Love.” Elvis Presley’s legacy as the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll will live forever.

Long Live the King: I wish I’d seen him.

Elvis Presley, the Rock ‘n’ Roll legend born on January 8, 1935, is a captivating figure that even a modern-day teen like me can’t help but admire. As I delve into his life, I wish I could have experienced the magic of his live performances.

Growing up in Tupelo, Mississippi, Elvis faced challenges but found solace in music. At 11, he got his first guitar, a symbol of his journey into the world of sound. His fusion of gospel, country, and blues into Rock ‘n’ Roll became a cultural phenomenon.

The thought of being in the audience during his early performances, especially when he recorded “That’s All Right” at 19, sends shivers down my spine. Imagining the crowd’s uproar and feeling the revolutionary energy of that moment is a dream I wish I could have lived.

Elvis wasn’t just a musical prodigy; he was a dynamic performer. His dance moves, the embodiment of rebellion, and his roles in films like “Love Me Tender” and “Jailhouse Rock” made him a true icon.

After watching him on YouTube, I can’t help but feel a little sad that I’ll never witness the King’s live performances. The idea of swaying to “Hound Dog” or being enchanted by “Can’t Help Falling in Love” in person is a missed opportunity. Elvis may have left us in 1977, but he was the king of rock n’ roll. Long live the King!

Elvis Presley: A Teen’s Take on the Rock ‘n’ Roll Icon”

Elvis Presley, born January 8, 1935, was a revolutionary force in the music world, earning his title as the “King of Rock ‘n’ Roll.” Exploring his life, even as a 16-year-old today, I’m captivated by the impact he made.

Hailing from Tupelo, Mississippi, Elvis grew up in humble beginnings, surrounded by the love of his parents and twin brother. It’s inspiring to think that, despite financial challenges, this young man would redefine the music scene.

At 11, Elvis got his first guitar, sparking a self-taught journey into music. His early gospel influences evolved into a unique fusion of country, blues, and gospel, creating the electrifying genre of Rock ‘n’ Roll. In 1954, at only 19, he recorded “That’s All Right,” marking the birth of a musical legend.

Elvis wasn’t just a musical innovator; he was a cultural phenomenon. His rebellious dance moves and magnetic stage presence challenged the norms. He transitioned seamlessly into acting, starring in iconic films like “Love Me Tender” and “Jailhouse Rock.”

how to write a biography | Elvis Presley promoting Jailhouse Rock | How to Write a Biography |

However, fame came at a cost, and Elvis faced personal struggles. Despite the challenges, his music continued to resonate. Even now, classics like “Hound Dog” and “Can’t Help Falling in Love” transcend generations.

Elvis Presley’s impact on music and culture is undeniable. He was known for his unique voice, charismatic persona, and electrifying performances. He sold over one billion records worldwide, making him one of the best-selling solo artists in history. He received numerous awards throughout his career, including three Grammy Awards and the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.

Elvis’s influence can still be seen in today’s music. Many contemporary artists, such as Bruno Mars, Lady Gaga, and Justin Timberlake, have cited Elvis as an inspiration. His music continues to be featured in movies, TV shows, and commercials.

Elvis left us in 1977, but his legacy lives on. I appreciate his breaking barriers and fearlessly embracing his artistic vision. Elvis Presley’s impact on music and culture is timeless, a testament to the enduring power of his artistry. His music has inspired generations and will continue to do so for many years to come.

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Teaching Resources

Use our resources and tools to improve your student’s writing skills through proven teaching strategies.


We have compiled a sequence of biography-related lessons or teaching ideas that you can follow as you please. They are straightforward enough for most students to follow without further instruction.


This session aims to give students a broader understanding of what makes a good biography.

Once your students have compiled a comprehensive checklist of the main features of a biography, allow them to use it to assess some biographies from your school library or on the internet using the feature checklist.

When students have assessed a selection of biographies, take some time as a class to discuss them. You can base the discussion around the following prompts:

  • Which biographies covered all the criteria from their checklist?
  • Which biographies didn’t?
  • Which biography was the most readable in terms of structure?
  • Which biography do you think was the least well-structured? How would you improve this?

Looking at how other writers have interpreted the form will help students internalize the necessary criteria before attempting to produce a biography. Once students have a clear understanding of the main features of the biography, they’re ready to begin work on writing a biography.

When the time does come to put pen to paper, be sure they’re armed with the following top tips to help ensure they’re as well prepared as possible.


This session aims to guide students through the process of selecting the perfect biography subject.

Instruct students to draw up a shortlist of three potential subjects for the biography they’ll write.

Using the three criteria mentioned in the writing guide (Interest, Merit, and Information), students award each potential subject a mark out of 5 for each of the criteria. In this manner, students can select the most suitable subject for their biography.


This session aims to get students into the researching phase, then prioritise and organise events chronologically.

Students begin by making a timeline of their subject’s life, starting with their birth and ending with their death or the present day. If the student has yet to make a final decision on the subject of their biography, a family member will often serve well for this exercise as a practice exercise.

Students should research and gather the key events of the person’s life, covering each period of their life from when they were a baby, through childhood and adolescence, right up to adulthood and old age. They should then organize these onto a timeline. Students can include photographs with captions if they have them.

They can present these to the class when they have finished their timelines.


Instruct students to look over their timeline, notes, and other research. Challenge them to identify three patterns that repeat throughout the subject’s life and sort all the related events and incidents into specific categories.

Students should then label each category with a single word. This is the thematic concept or the broad general underlying idea. After that, students should write a sentence or two expressing what the subject’s life ‘says’ about that concept.

This is known as the thematic statement . With the thematic concepts and thematic statements identified, the student now has some substantial ideas to explore that will help bring more profound meaning and wider resonance to their biography.


Instruct students to write a short objective account of an event in their own life. They can write about anyone from their past. It needn’t be more than a couple of paragraphs, but the writing should be strictly factual, focusing only on the objective details of what happened.

Once they have completed this, it’s time to rewrite the paragraph, but they should include some opinion and personal commentary this time.

The student here aims to inject some color and personality into their writing, to transform a detached, factual account into a warm, engaging story.


how to write a biography | biography and autobiography writing unit 1 | How to Write a Biography |


  • Understand the purpose of both forms of biography.
  • Explore the language and perspective of both.
  • Prompts and Challenges to engage students in writing a biography.
  • Dedicated lessons for both forms of biography.
  • Biographical Projects can expand students’ understanding of reading and writing a biography.

Biography Graphic Organizer

FREE Biography Writing Graphic Organizer

Use this valuable tool in the research and writing phases to keep your students on track and engaged.


writing checklists

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To Conclude

By this stage, your students should have an excellent technical overview of a biography’s essential elements.

They should be able to choose their subject in light of how interesting and worthy they are, as well as give consideration to the availability of information out there. They should be able to research effectively and identify emerging themes in their research notes. And finally, they should be able to bring some of their personality and uniqueness into their retelling of the life of another.

Remember that writing a biography is not only a great way to develop a student’s writing skills; it can be used in almost all curriculum areas. For example, to find out more about a historical figure in History, to investigate scientific contributions to Science, or to celebrate a hero from everyday life.

Biography is an excellent genre for students to develop their writing skills and to find inspiration in the lives of others in the world around them.


how to write a biography | YOUTUBE 1280 x 720 11 | How to Write a Biography |


how to write a biography | how to start an autobiography 2 1 | How to write an Autobiography |

How to write an Autobiography

how to write a biography | historical recount writing | How to Write a Historical Recount Text |

How to Write a Historical Recount Text

how to write a biography | download | 15 Awesome Recount & Personal Narrative Topics |

15 Awesome Recount & Personal Narrative Topics

how to write a biography | how to write a personal narrative | Personal Narrative Writing Guide |

Personal Narrative Writing Guide

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How to Write a Biography

Last Updated: May 28, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA . Stephanie Wong Ken is a writer based in Canada. Stephanie's writing has appeared in Joyland, Catapult, Pithead Chapel, Cosmonaut's Avenue, and other publications. She holds an MFA in Fiction and Creative Writing from Portland State University. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,878,360 times.

Writing a biography can be a fun challenge, where you are sharing the story of someone’s life with readers. You may need to write a biography for a class or decide to write one as a personal project. Once you have identified the subject of the biography, do your research so you know as much about them as possible. Then, dive into the writing of the biography and revising it until it is at its finest.

Researching Your Subject

Step 1 Ask the subject for permission to write the biography.

  • If the subject does not give you permission to write the biography, you may want to choose a different subject. If you decide to publish the biography without the subject’s permission, you may be susceptible to legal action by the subject.
  • If the subject is no longer alive, you obviously do not need to ask permission to write about them.

Step 2 Look for primary sources about the subject.

  • You may create research questions to help focus your research of the subject, such as, What do I find interesting about the subject? Why is this subject important to readers? What can I say that is new about the subject? What would I like to learn more about?

Step 3 Conduct interviews with the subject and those close to them.

  • For in person interviews, record them with a tape recorder or a voice recorder on your computer or phone.
  • You may need to interview the subject and others several times to get the material you need.

Step 4 Visit locations that are important to the subject.

  • You may also want to visit areas where the subject made a major decision or breakthrough in their life. Being physically in the area can give you a sense of how the subject might have felt and help you write their experiences more effectively.

Step 5 Study the time and place of the subject’s life.

  • When researching the time period ask yourself: What were the social norms of that time? What was going on economically and politically? How did the social and political climate affect the subject?

Step 6 Make a timeline...

  • You may also include historical events or moments that affected the subject on the timeline. For example, maybe there was a conflict or civil war that happened during the person’s life that affected their life.

Writing the Biography

Step 1 Go for a chronological structure.

  • You may end up focusing on particular areas of the person’s life. If you do this, work through a particular period in the person’s life chronologically.

Step 2 Create a thesis for the biography.

  • For example, you may have a thesis statement about focusing on how the person impacted the civil rights movement in America in the 1970s. You can then make sure all your content relates back to this thesis.

Step 3 Use flashbacks....

  • Flashbacks should feel as detailed and real as present day scenes. Use your research notes and interviews with the subject to get a good sense of their past for the flashbacks.
  • For example, you may jump from the person’s death in the present to a flashback to their favorite childhood memory.

Step 4 Focus on major events and milestones.

  • For example, you may focus on the person’s accomplishments in the civil rights movement. You may write a whole section about their contributions and participation in major civil rights marches in their hometown.

Step 5 Identify a major theme or pattern in the person’s life.

  • For example, you may notice that the person’s life is patterned with moments of adversity, where the person worked hard and fought against larger forces. You can then use the theme of overcoming adversity in the biography.

Step 6 Include your own opinions and thoughts about the person.

  • For example, you may note how you see parallels in the person’s life during the civil rights movement with your own interests in social justice. You may also commend the person for their hard work and positive impact on society.

Polishing the Biography

Step 1 Show the biography to others for feedback.

  • Revise the biography based on feedback from others. Do not be afraid to cut or edit down the biography to suit the needs of your readers.

Step 2 Proofread the biography.

  • Having a biography riddled with spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors can turn off your readers and result in a poor grade if you are handing in the text for a class.

Step 3 Cite all sources...

  • If the biography is for a class, use MLA , APA , or Chicago Style citations based on the preferences of your instructor.

Biography Help

grade 6 biography assignment

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Be careful when publishing private or embarrassing information, especially if the person is not a celebrity. You may violate their "Right of Privacy" or equivalent. Thanks Helpful 31 Not Helpful 5
  • Have the sources to back up your statements about the subject's life. Untruthful written statements can lead to litigation. If it is your opinion, be clear that it is such and not fact (although you can support your opinion with facts). Thanks Helpful 16 Not Helpful 15

grade 6 biography assignment

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About This Article

Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA

Before you write a biography, gather as much information about the subject that you can from sources like newspaper articles, interviews, photos, existing biographies, and anything else you can find. Write the story of that person’s life, including as much supporting detail as you can, including information about the place and time where the person lived. Focus on major events and milestones in their life, including historical events, marriage, children, and events which would shape their path later in life. For tips from our reviewer on proofreading the biography and citing your sources, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Planning a biography research project

In terms of bang for your buck, a biography research report packs a punch. It covers a wide range of standards-based skills, and it’s a meaningful student-centered project. Each step of the biographical writing process is outlined below, allowing you to make the most of every minute of instructional time.   


Kick off the assignment by breaking down the term biography. Lead students in a discussion about the word parts bio and graph. You can also take a moment to focus on the differences between a biography and an autobiography by discussing the meaning of the word part auto.  Click here to read more about adding roots, prefixes, and suffixes to your curriculum.

Mentor Text

Start the biographical writing process by examining a mentor text. Mentor texts are pieces of writing that students can return to and reread for different purposes. They are texts that can be studied and imitated. To make sure you don’t overwhelm your students or bombard them with unnecessary information, select a short biographical excerpt (I use the John Muir chapter from Home of the Brave: An American History Book for Kids: 15 Immigrants Who Shaped US History ). After reading through the biographical excerpt together as a class, analyze the major components of a biography using discussion questions that you have prepared ahead of time. Focus your mentor text questions on content, structure, and connection. Three example questions are provided below. 

Text Content: What details does the author provide to begin the biography?

Text Structure: How is the information in the text organized? 

Text Connection: Which elements from this text would you like to include in your biography?

Biography Research Guide

Completing a biography research guide will help your students remain focused and on task. The format and structure of the research guide is based on the needs of your students. Hopefully, the items listed below will point you in the right direction.  

Cover Page : It’s important to review the meaning of the term biography and require students to think critically about who they will research and why. Giving students room to pick the person they will research and write about is what makes this assignment student-centered. Even picking from a list of figures provides students with a sense of choice, helping them take ownership of their learning.  

Things To Keep In Mind : Include a page that reviews important details and things to keep in mind during the research and writing process. You may also want to  include space for students to record due dates.

Bibliography : A bibliography template with space to record source information is helpful for students to utilize while researching.

Research Template : Guide students through the research process with a comprehensive research template.  In order to assist students in crafting a successful biography, include specific criteria for  students to fill in while researching. 

After completing the research portion of the project, your students will be prepared to start writing their biographies. Providing your students with a structured step-by-step outline will ensure that each paragraph of their biography is organized and focused.  

Essay Template

An essay template is nice to have on hand for students that might be struggling with the writing process. It can also be used as a whole-class activity before independent writing begins. Modeling the writing process for students will ease the feelings of stress and provide your students with a roadmap for success. Observing others plays a vital role in how we acquire new knowledge and skills. When applied to this particular project, analyzing the mentor text and modeling the writing process are two ways in which observational learning can be applied.  

“Observing others plays a vital role in how we acquire new knowledge and skills.”  Albert Bandura, Social Learning Theory   

Editing Checklist

An editing checklist is extremely helpful for peer or independent editing. Ideally, the checklist will include the assessment of essay content, structure, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. The revising process is something that students will develop over time. Providing students with an editing checklist is a helpful learning scaffold until students feel comfortable revising their work independently. 

Students need to start with the end in mind. Reviewing the rubric before starting the research and writing process gives students a clear understanding of the project expectations.

In addition to reinforcing research and writing skills, the biography project will provide your students with an opportunity to think critically about an influential figure and how they might apply some of the lessons learned to their own lives.  

Are you ready to incorporate a biography research report into your curriculum, but don’t have the time to create all of the necessary components? Click here to download everything you need from Literacy in Focus on TpT.  Printable and digital formats are included! 

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How To Structure A Successful Biography Research Project

Biographies: Creating Timelines of a Life

Biographies: Creating Timelines of a Life

  • Resources & Preparation
  • Instructional Plan
  • Related Resources

Studying the lives of others and reading biographies is of interest and value to young learners. In this lesson, students explore multiple sources to create a timeline about the life of a person of their choosing. The experience requires students to work together and to research and resolve potentially conflicting pieces of information about the life they research. Extension activities include developing essays from the original research.

Featured Resources

Interactive Timeline : Use this online tool to help students record events in a selected person's life.

From Theory to Practice

In order to fill the void in her students' knowledge of people with "admirable qualities," Michele Keating introduced them to the genre of biography. She states: "My objective was to expose students to the many people, past and present, who are worthy of admiration and to explore together the dedication, creativity, and achievements of these people." (66) In the end, the biographical study "broadened their view of people worth admiring." (69)

Biographies can expose our students to a whole world of people who can inspire and motivate them. In this lesson students select their own person of interest and consult multiple sources to get to know them.

This lesson was originally developed with Maggie Chase and Bess Berghoff, Indiana University 1990.

Further Reading

Common Core Standards

This resource has been aligned to the Common Core State Standards for states in which they have been adopted. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, CCSS alignments are forthcoming.

State Standards

This lesson has been aligned to standards in the following states. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, standard alignments are not currently available for that state.

NCTE/IRA National Standards for the English Language Arts

  • 1. Students read a wide range of print and nonprint texts to build an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works.
  • 3. Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions with other readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their word identification strategies, and their understanding of textual features (e.g., sound-letter correspondence, sentence structure, context, graphics).
  • 5. Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.
  • 7. Students conduct research on issues and interests by generating ideas and questions, and by posing problems. They gather, evaluate, and synthesize data from a variety of sources (e.g., print and nonprint texts, artifacts, people) to communicate their discoveries in ways that suit their purpose and audience.

Materials and Technology

  • Biography text sets, created using the provided Websites
  • Information on your personality of choice
  • Strips of paper for timeline note taking (half a sheet of legal paper, 4.25"x14"), pens or pencils) optional instead of online Interactive Timeline)
  • Internet access

Biography Selection & Rationale


  • Review the written lesson and suggested links. Gather sufficient materials to introduce the lesson—ideally 3-4 information resources for up to six personalities, to include 1) biographies written at the 2nd-5th grade level, preferably including numerous pictures and charts, 2) video tapes, and 3) Web resources. Potential personalities include famous presidents [Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy], inventors [Franklin, George Washington Carver, Madame C.J. Walker], scientists [Marie Curie, Edwin Hubble, Samuel Lee Kountz, Jr.], space explorers [Neil Armstrong, Sally Ride, John Glenn], or athletes [Jim Thorpe, Ichiro Suzuki, Lance Armstrong]. This initial selection must often be limited to personalities for whom you can locate multiple resources, but should include a range of ages, gender, cultures, occupations, and historical and modern day figures.
  • Review use of the Interactive Timeline .
  • Conduct a short inquiry of your own on a personality of interest as a means of introducing the lesson. Amelia Earhart is one personality for whom you are likely to find disparate information and various hypotheses regarding her disappearance. See The Last Flight Website for information and additional Web sources.

Student Objectives

Students will

  • negotiate with peers to select persons of interest for their study.
  • use a variety of information resources to synthesize, create, and communicate what they've learned on a timeline.
  • negotiate with peers to select key events.
  • research further to resolve conflicting information.

Session One: Introducing the Lesson

  • Share your interest in the chosen personality and your quest for more information about that person. Leaf through a magazine article or book, sharing key events, show short clips from a video, and/or share several pieces of information on a Website.
  • Highlight instances when the authors of the resources emphasize different aspects of the personality's life or when you run across conflicting dates or information. Share that resolving such conflicts is always a challenge for researchers, and generate with students an initial list of ways they might resolve conflicting source information.
  • Introduce the initial set of resources, and invite groups of students to select and support with rationale two personalities worthy of the group's study among the collected resources, as well as two additional personalities (browsing the  Resources section is one source for additional names). Students can make their selections on loose sheets of paper, in a bound notebook, or on the included Biography Selection & Rationale .
  • Ask students to work in small groups to make the selections and generate the rationale. If there is time, ask a spokesperson to share how different group members made their selections.
  • Create a whole group list of preferred choices, dividing into those for whom resources are already gathered and those that will require a search and gathering of sources.
  • Ask students to make an initial choice by adding their initials after the listed name of their choice. Indicate a deadline when resources must be collected for newly generated names—over the weekend is a workable timeframe—and join the students' search for those resources. The personality from the initial set of resources can serve as a "default" choice if resources can't be located, yet note that the quality of the research is enhanced by student commitment to a personality of interest so it can be well worth the effort to help students gather resources.

Session Two: Small Group Research

  • Students are seated in groups of 3-5 with sufficient resources so that each student has his or her own text on the same personality (book, magazine article, CD-ROM, Website, video).
  • Ask students to browse their texts quietly, mapping the key events on their timeline paper strip. Encourage sufficient flexibility for students to invent their own ways of taking notes on the timeline. Advise that including page numbers, URLs and counter information will aid them in revisiting information if necessary.
  • All begin working quietly. Circulate to encourage those who are reading page-by-page to browse key subtitles, charts or photograph annotations. The independent work period should be limited to no more than 30-40 minutes.
  • As the small groups begin to finish browsing their texts, encourage them to share the gathered information among themselves. What have they found? What information is new? of interest? a surprise?
  • Ask the group to agree on 6-10 key events in the life of their personality. If computer access is limited and the online timeline tool must be shared, create a schedule so each group has the opportunity to enter the key events. Note that entering data and printing out the timeline must be accomplished in one sitting.

Session Three: Debriefing the Initial Research

  • Conduct a full group discussion of the groups' work: What went well, what was a challenge? Which texts were helpful? Which were less helpful? How did the group decide on key events? How will they further explore conflicting information?
  • Revisit the initial list of strategies to resolve conflicting information. Add strategies as necessary. Try the strategies out on one or two key conflicts as applicable.
  • Post the class-generated strategies in the school library for on-going reference.
  • Schedule additional small group work time to resolve conflicting information.
  • Help teams develop short bibliographies of their resource text set, sharing the protocols for citation of the various sources.
  • Create individual online timelines on figures of interest related to another course of study, i.e. world leaders, scientists, women explorers.
  • Create autobiographical timelines.
  • Recreate paper timelines, using colored pencils or fine tip markers to add illustrations.
  • Use timelines as "notes" to write a fuller biography essay. One potential online tool that helps students manage their ideas and writing can be found at The Biography Maker Website .
  • Begin another round of biography research, challenging students to research alone or in pairs, using the strategies developed in these introductory lessons.
  • Categorize the attributes of the famous people you have studied. See the Images of Greatness Website as one example by a 4th/5th grade class.

Student Assessment / Reflections

  • Group conversation
  • Calendar Activities
  • Student Interactives
  • Strategy Guides

Students generate descriptive timelines and can include images in the description.

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Teaching How to Write a Biography: Lesson PLan

  • Trent Lorcher
  • Categories : English lesson plans for middle school
  • Tags : Teaching middle school grades 6 8

Teaching How to Write a Biography: Lesson PLan

Assignment Ideas

Use biography writing assignments in conjunction with current events, a literature unit, a research paper, or a history project. Use the following ideas to get you started:

  • Short Story Unit: Write a magazine article describing a meeting with a character from any story you’ve read this semester. Be sure your article portrays the character consistently with the character in the story. Create a name for the magazine and a title for the article. The audience should be the type of person who would read the magazine you created.
  • Novel Unit: Do the above assignment. Choose a character from the novel to write the article on.
  • History Class: Write a magazine article chronicling an encounter with any famous historical figure. Identify whether or not the person became famous before or after the meeting. Create a name for the magazine and a title for the article. The audience should be the type of person who would read the magazine you created.
  • Research Paper: Write a biography on a famous writer. Research biographical information and his or her works.
  • Current Events: Follow the same steps as the short story unit biography. Instead of a literary character, make a person in the news the subject of your article.

How to Procedures

The following procedures involve writing about a fictional character. Simply change a few words to adapt it to any of the above assignments.

  • Prewriting - Review short stories. Brainstorm characters who attracted your attention. Choose the one you feel would make the most interesting biography.
  • Prewriting - Visualize the character. Much of what you write will come from the author’s description. You can, however, fill in missing information.
  • Prewriting - List character traits. Remember traits aren’t always directly shown by the author. You may have to make inferences .
  • Prewriting - Set up a believable situation in which you meet the character.
  • Drafting - Explain the circumstances of your meeting, how you met the person, and what you talked about.
  • Drafting - Keep the character consistent.
  • Revising - Add details to make the encounter and the character more realistic. Make sure you focus on your audience as you revise.
  • Revising - Use peer evaluation . Exchange papers with a partner and comment on the article’s strengths and weaknesses.

This post is part of the series: Writing Assignments

Find different writing assignments to give your students.

  • Writing Lesson Plans: How to Write a Biography
  • Teach Your Students How to Write Science Fiction
  • Teaching Instructional Articles: How to Write Instructions
  • Lesson Plan: How to Write an Essay Introduction
  • Sophmores Assess Their High School Role While You Assess Their Writing

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grade 6 biography assignment

6 Steps to Teach Students How to Write a Biography

February 8, 2024 by Evan-Moor | 0 comments

grade 6 biography assignment

Biographies are a key genre in storytelling. We wouldn’t know as much about Albert Einstein, Maya Angelou, Abraham Lincoln, or Mother Teresa if it weren’t for biographies! Even in our day-to-day lives, we share biographies when talking about other people, famous or not. A biography gives important information about a person’s life and describes major events in the order in which they happened.

Informational Writing and Biographies

Reading biographies is a critical part of learning in all school subjects; however, learning how to write biographies is just as imperative. Biographies are a type of informational writing or writing that aims to explain a topic to a reader. An informational text is not always about a person like a biography; an informational text might be about animals, science experiments, or historical events. Learning how to do informational writing is special, as kids can then effectively communicate what they learn to others. When studying informational writing, children learn skills such as research, note-taking, and organizing facts. More specifically, writing biographies teaches children how to recount history, think chronologically, identify major events, synthesize information, and retell stories creatively.

Steps to Teaching Biographies

Introduce a biography and read it together..

The first step in teaching how to write a biography is explaining what a biography is by providing an example of one.

This free Evan-Moor “Writing A Biography” lesson from Nonfiction Writing grade two includes guided instruction and practice activities to help students understand the important elements in a biography.

Download this “Writing a Biography” unit here .

grade 6 biography assignment

While reading the biography that you selected to share with the children, ask questions such as:

  • What is the purpose of the biography?
  • Why is this a good biography?
  • Does the first sentence say who it is about and why they are important?
  • Does the biography provide interesting facts about the person’s life?
  • Are the events told in the order in which they occurred?

Integrate biographies into students reading and have them read biographies to classmates to get familiar with the genre.

Find important information.

Remind your students that a biography gives important information about someone. To practice identifying important information, read a biography and ask the questions:

  • Who is the biography about?
  • When and where was this person born?
  • What is this person known for?

grade 6 biography assignment

This nonfiction reading unit from Reading Comprehension: Nonfiction tells the story of Benjamin Banneker and how his scientific accomplishments helped to change attitudes about African Americans. It includes close reading activities to guide students in identifying important information. 

Download these free printables here . 

grade 6 biography assignment

Choose good details.

Not all information about a person is needed in a biography. Some facts are more important than others, which is why children should learn to choose only the necessary details. One way to teach children how to choose good details is to check in with them when reading a biography and ask:

  • Are these details important?
  • Which details are not important?

Write a good beginning.

A good beginning of a biography includes who the biography is about and why the person is important. This should appear in the very first sentence of the biography. Have students practice writing first sentences of biographies with two pieces of information: a name and why the person is important.

Organize a biography.

Biographies are organized chronologically. For the children to practice identifying events in the order in which they happened, have the kids numerically order a list of events and then turn the events into full sentences. You can even encourage the children to draw out a timeline.

Review and edit a biography.

The final step in teaching children to write a biography is to have them review a biography, pinpointing what was done well or what could be improved. After reading a biography together, review it by asking the questions:

  • Why is the person important?
  • Does the very first sentence tell us who the person is and why they are important?
  • Are the details in chronological order?
  • What details are not important in the biography and can be excluded?

Introduce young minds to a wide range of remarkable people who have shaped our world. This close reading and research process not only helps young learners discover the lives of historical figures but also nurtures their reading, research, and critical thinking skills.

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3 Ideas for Student Biography Research Projects Upper Elementary

3 Ideas for Student Biography Research Projects

When the second half of the school year comes around, it is officially biography season in my classroom!

That is because when the second half of the year comes we shift our focus during reading and writing to nonfiction and informative text . The engagement is instant as kids just love to read nonfiction. After we get our feet with reading a wide range of informative texts, we begin to closely study biographies.

Students LOVE to read about real people and the impact that they have had on the world . Every year students are always so motivated during our biography research project time. Our biography project is the first research project of the year, so it is important to me that I support them every step of the way.

Over the years I have found that by breaking down the process step by step for our biography reports students are not only successful when writing their first research essay of the year, but they are able to take the skills that they learned throughout the unit and apply it to future research projects that we do, like studying endangered animals and National Parks . 

Continue to read to find out how I approach teaching BEFORE I expect students to research and write an expository research essay .

1. Break Down Biographies

Biography Anchor Chart for Upper Elementary

  • are one person's telling about another person's life
  • can be about people who have died or are still living
  • include basic facts about the person of focus
  • include information about the person's education and childhood
  • usually tell about problems or struggles that they faced
  • describe their major life achievements

Once we have gone over the characteristics found in biographies we get reading so that students can find these characteristics in action.

I start by reading a few short biographies like the ones found in anthologies like this one, Herstory written by Katherine Halligan:

Biography Reading Mentor Text Upper Elementary

We stop and discuss the elements that we listed on our anchor chart.  I have students find examples of struggles, accomplishments, and facts.

Once students have listened to a few biographies, I send them off to annotate a   biography article . 

Annotating a Biography for Upper Elementary Students

Students take highlighters and sticky notes and mark up the text , citing where they found elements of biographies. This activity works well in partnerships so that the students can discuss each element with a peer.

At the close of this first lesson on biographies, I send students off with the task to think about a person that they would like to research . While I do like to encourage students to pick someone they are interested in, I do also guide them on who they select.

I tell my students to pick someone who has had an impact on the world and someone who is not a movie/TV/YouTube star. You can make any rules you want to help guide students or set no rules. I have found that spending a few minutes brainstorming appropriate people to research sets the tone for the whole project. That is why before we wrap up the lesson we brainstorm ten people who would be great to research. This brainstorming is just to get students excited and thinking. They do not have to pick from the brainstormed list.

The next day, after students have had time to think, and discuss it with their families, which I like to have them do, they submit their research request . They simply write their name on a piece of paper and the name of who they want to research and why. This is a great way to get students to pick someone intentionally and reduces repeat research projects. I never allow more than two people to pick the same person.

Grab the FREE form I have students use to request a focus person and guide right here.

2. Bring it Through the Writing Process

Writing Process Activities for Biography Research Elementary Kids

Once students have a good grasp on how to collect information, they are ready to work independently. I assign one topic for research each day. This helps the students stay focused on the daily task and make a research project manageable for upper elementary students. The breakdown I use for each day's research looks like thi s:

  • Day 1: Family Life and Early Childhood
  • Day 2: Young Adult Life
  • Day 3: Adult Life
  • Day 4: Accomplishments
  • Day 5: Other Important and Interesting Information

Sometimes days are combined based on what resources students are using to collect information. Once students have collected information for their report, we pause our research and return to the writing process.

Students know that we use the writing process for all of our writing. However, mini-lessons in certain areas specific to informative writing are necessary to help students write their first research project. Mini-lessons I teach before students write that are specific to informative writing include :

  • hooking your reader
  • paragraph organization
  • citing sources
  • strong closure to wrap up your writing

Teaching students how to take notes and what to do with their notes helps them successfully write their first research project.

3. Get Student Creative Juices Flowing

Creative Biography Project Ideas for Kids

  • design a PPT presentation
  • create a tri-fold handout to teach others
  • create a puppet of the person
  • design a poster
  • prepare a speech as if they were the focus person
  • allow students to come up with an idea for their presentation. I have to approve their idea based on the resources and materials we have available in the classroom.

When biography season comes around in your classroom, be sure to follow these tips for success! By breaking down biographies, using what students already know about the writing process , and allowing creative choice when it comes to project displays your students will be engaged, motivated, and write the best biography research projects you have ever seen.

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Looking for more high impact writing resources click the  here ..

Writing Posters and Anchor Chart Bulletin Board Display Elementary

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Biography Project Ideas, Tips, Templates, Lessons Upper Elementary

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Biography Writing Teaching Resources

A collection of resources to use when teaching your students about the biography text type. Resources include planning templates, checklists, writing scaffolds, sequencing activities, posters, and word wall vocabulary. You can download PowerPoints to introduce the biography text type.

  • Teaching Resource 24
  • English Language Arts  22
  • Writing  21
  • Types of Writing  19
  • Expository Writing  18
  • Inquiry and Research  8
  • Social Studies  5
  • US History  4
  • Reading Comprehension  3
  • Historical Figures  3
  • Special Areas  2
  • Reading Response Skills  2
  • Women's Rights Movement  2
  • Text Structures  2
  • Report Writing  2
  • Physical Education  1
  • English Language Arts and Reading  1
  • World History  1
  • Interact with Text  1
  • Westward Expansion  1
  • 1st Grade 1
  • 2nd Grade 6
  • 3rd Grade 19
  • 4th Grade 22
  • 5th Grade 23
  • 6th Grade 18

resource types

  • Templates 16
  • Worksheets 5
  • Interactive Games 2
  • Checklist Templates 2
  • Flipbooks 2
  • Writing Templates 2
  • Word Walls 2
  • Writing Checklist 2
  • Task Cards 1
  • Classroom Decor 1
  • Brochure Templates 1
  • Classroom Posters 1
  • Graphic Organizers 1
  • Cut and Paste Worksheets 1
  • Inquiry Based Learning Activities 1
  • Teaching Slides 1


File formats.

  • Printable PDF 21
  • Google Slides 11
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx) 2
  • Microsoft Word (.docx) 2
  • Adobe Reader (.pdf) 1
  • Teach Starter Publishing 24

Go to Biography Timeline Template teaching resource

Biography Timeline Template

Use this multipurpose timeline template for a variety of assignments, projects, and more!

Go to Character Development – Fakebook Page Worksheet teaching resource

Character Development – Fakebook Page Worksheet

Use research and creative writing skills to design a social media profile for fiction or nonfiction persons.

Go to Biography Cube teaching resource

Biography Cube

Research and create an interactive biography for a historical figure.

Go to Biography Writing Checklist teaching resource

Biography Writing Checklist

Now your students can make sure that they have everything they need in their biography.

Go to Let's Research! Digital and Print Poster Project Templates teaching resource

Let's Research! Digital and Print Poster Project Templates

Conduct, organize, and display research about books, people, planets, animals, states, and countries with a versatile set of printable and digital poster templates.

Go to My Research Project - Pennant Banner teaching resource

My Research Project - Pennant Banner

Create a pennant banner for students to record and display their biography research.

Go to Biography Brochure Template teaching resource

Biography Brochure Template

Help your students organize their thoughts about their biography subject.

Go to Informative Writing Word Wall teaching resource

Informative Writing Word Wall

Display key vocabulary related to informative writing with a set of 48 word wall cards.

Go to Biography Word Wall teaching resource

Biography Word Wall

A set of 30 vocabulary words related to biography writing.

Go to Who is Amanda Gorman? Biography Research Template teaching resource

Who is Amanda Gorman? Biography Research Template

Conduct and organize Amanda Gorman facts and research with a printable or digital flipbook activity.

Go to Dr. Mae Jemison – Biography Structure Sorting Task teaching resource

Dr. Mae Jemison – Biography Structure Sorting Task

Read and sort to help students learn about the structure of a biography with our cut and paste biography worksheet.

Go to Jane Addams Biography - Worksheet teaching resource

Jane Addams Biography - Worksheet

Use this biographical constructed response worksheet to teach your students about Jane Addams.

Go to The Lewis and Clark Expedition - Interactive Research Templates teaching resource

The Lewis and Clark Expedition - Interactive Research Templates

Use these three templates to record notes or research project content on the life and contributions of Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and Sacagawea

Go to Writing a Biography Project teaching resource

Writing a Biography Project

Use this PowerPoint template for students to author a researched-based biography on a historical figure.

Go to Assessment Rubric – Biographical Texts teaching resource

Assessment Rubric – Biographical Texts

An assessment rubric designed to help teachers to assess students’ biography writing.

Go to Elements of a Biography Poster teaching resource

Elements of a Biography Poster

Use this biographical writing poster with annotations to help your students understand how to write an engaging biography.

Go to Writing Biographical Texts PowerPoint teaching resource

Writing Biographical Texts PowerPoint

A 29-slide, editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching older students about the structure and language features of biographical texts.

Go to Biography Research Template teaching resource

Biography Research Template

A research template for older students to use when writing a biography.

Go to Biography Writing Checklist – Structure, Language, and Features teaching resource

Biography Writing Checklist – Structure, Language, and Features

A checklist for students to use when proofreading and editing their biography writing.

Go to Human Histories: Amazing Artists – Comprehension Worksheet teaching resource

Human Histories: Amazing Artists – Comprehension Worksheet

A comprehension worksheet paired with a magazine article about four amazing artists.

Go to Biography Flipbook Template teaching resource

Biography Flipbook Template

Create a flipbook that clearly illustrates the most significant aspects of a biography subject.

Go to Biography Writing Template teaching resource

Biography Writing Template

Guide students through the structure and elements included in biography writing.

Go to Biography Sentence Starters teaching resource

Biography Sentence Starters

Give students a jumpstart on writing about people with 24 sentence starters.

Go to Athlete Profile Template teaching resource

Athlete Profile Template

A worksheet to use in the classroom when writing athlete profiles.

  • Biography Writing Templates
  • Biography Writing Worksheets
  • Biography Writing Interactive Activities
  • Biography Writing Checklists
  • Biography Writing Flipbooks
  • Biography Writing Writing Templates
  • Biography Writing Word Walls
  • Biography Writing Games
  • Biography Writing Writing Checklist
  • Biography Writing Task Cards
  • Biography Writing Labels Signs Decorations
  • Biography Writing Brochure Templates
  • Biography Writing Posters
  • Biography Writing Graphic Organizers
  • Biography Writing Cut and Paste Worksheets
  • Biography Writing Projects
  • Biography Writing Instructional Slide Decks
  • Biography Writing for 1st Grade
  • Biography Writing for 2nd Grade
  • Biography Writing for 3rd Grade
  • Biography Writing for 4th Grade
  • Biography Writing for 5th Grade
  • Biography Writing for 6th Grade


Biography Themed Teaching Resources

Our biographies on famous and historical figures will enhance your lessons and students will enjoy studying them. Included are reading warm-ups, poems, discussion guides, and more. These resources are appropriate for a variety of grade levels, from kindergarten through high school.

Printables for Grades K-5

  • Nelson Mandela Biography: A Reading Warm-Up

Helen Keller Biography: A Reading Warm-Up

  • Walt Disney Biography: A Nonfiction Reading Warm-Up
  • Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad

Helen Keller

Getting to Know Me

Learn About Susan B. Anthony

  • More Popular Biography Printables for Grades K-5

Printables for Grades 6-12

  • We Beat the Street Discussion Guide
  • Albert Einstein Biography: A Reading Warm-Up
  • Albert Einstein, Physicist
  • The Peanuts Gang: Charles Schulz
  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Fastest Woman in the World: Wilma Rudolph
  • More Biography Printables for Grades 6-12

Lesson Plans for Grades K-12

An Autobiographical Poem

  • Sunflowers, Van Gogh, and You
  • Rachel Carson: The Coming of a Silent Spring
  • Martin Luther King Jr, Civil Rights Leader
  • Marie Curie's Discovery
  • Jackie Robinson and Civil Rights
  • The Era of Thomas Jefferson
  • More Biography Lesson Plans

Biography Teaching Guides

  • Red Scarf Girl Teacher's Guide
  • Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Teacher's Guide
  • A Long Way Gone Teacher's Guide
  • The Henry Books: A Teacher's Guide
  • Up Close: Jane Goodall Discussion Guide
  • Listening Is an Act of Love Teacher's Guide
  • Balloons Over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppeteer of the Macy's Day Parade Educator's Guide
  • More Biography Teaching Guides

Social Studies Activities

Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl Discussion Guide

  • Chronology of Conscription in the U.S. -- Colonial Era to 1999
  • Benjamin Franklin Little Book
  • Abraham Lincoln Biography & Mini-Book
  • Ryan White, My Own Story
  • Betsy Ross Little Book
  • More Biography Activities for Social Studies

Reading & Language Arts Activities

  • Babe Ruth Reading Warm-Up: Biography
  • Henry Ford Biography: A Reading Warm-Up
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Greg Heffley's Journal

Learning About Famous People

  • More Biography Activities for Reading & Language Arts

Science Activities

  • Learn About Johnny Appleseed
  • Science and Social Studies: Benjamin Franklin
  • Bio of a Famous Scientist
  • Jane Goodall, Ethologist
  • The First Man in Space
  • Early Astronomers
  • More Biography Activities for Science Class

Holidays & Seasonal Resources

  • "I Have a Dream" Little Book
  • Jackie Robinson Coloring Page
  • Rosa Parks Coloring Page
  • Learn About Pocahontas
  • Nonfiction Reading Warm-Up: Sacagawea Biography
  • More Biography Resources for the Holidays

Art & Music Activities

  • My Book About Abraham Lincoln
  • My Book About George Washington
  • George Washington Carver Coloring Page
  • My Book About Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Claude Monet Biography: A Reading Warm-Up

I Have a Dream: Drawing Activity

  • More Biography Activities for Art & Music

Biographies & Physical Education Connected

  • Past Olympic Athletes: Profiles, Biographies, and Activities

Michelle Kwan Reading Warm-Up

  • Jesse Owens: Olympic Champion
  • Jackie Robinson Mini-Biography
  • Jim Thorpe Reading Warm-Up
  • Althea Gibson
  • More Physical Education Biographies
  • Overview of the Presidents: Basic Facts & Figures
  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s Life
  • Assassinations and Attempts in U.S. Since 1865
  • Just Where Was Columbus?
  • President Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Biography
  • President George Washington Biography
  • President James Monroe Biography
  • More Popular Biography References
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Quiz
  • Notable African-American Women Quiz
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Printable Book (Grades 4-8)
  • Popular Presidents' Day Printables

Recommended Biographies Resources

Getting to Know Me

Albert Einstein Biography: A Reading Warm-Up (Grades 5 & 6)

Timeline: Conscription in the United States, 1620-Present

Learn about Susan B. Anthony by creating a mini-book

Sense and Sensibility


Clara Barton Reading Warm-Up

Dr. Seuss Reading Warm-Up

Theodor Seuss Geisel Biography

Influencing Others in Our World

Spoonerisms Activity


Birthday Buddies

The Life and Accomplishments of Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Life and Accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr.

Harriet Tubman Writing Activity

Carleton Kendrick Ed.M., LCSW

Learning About Famous People Biography Activity

Homesick: My Own Story

The Anne Frank and Miep Gies Connection

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grade 6 biography assignment

The BEST Elementary Biography Project

Looking for a fun, new research and writing project for your elementary kiddos? This living wax museum is a great way to tie together reading, writing, social studies and speaking and listening skills all in one fun project. I have done this project with second through fourth graders and they have all loved it.

grade 6 biography assignment

Start this project off by having your students select what famous figure they want to research, or by assigning them a famous figure. My ABSOLUTE favorite books for us to conduct our research are the “Who Was” Series by Jim Gigliotti. They are perfect for on-level/higher second graders, and are most appropriate for third and fourth grade students.

Typically, I will introduce the project, show the students my example, and then briefly introduce all of the famous figures that they can pick from. I then let them go one by one and pick which person they want to research.

grade 6 biography assignment

For my second graders, I always have one group (my lower level readers) that work together to collect our research all on the same person, but then I release them to each write their own reports.

We spend about one week reading our books and researching our influential figure. While they work, they take notes on important aspects of that person’s life. There are also a ton of great books on Epic ! that students can use for additional research and ideas.

grade 6 biography assignment

After our notes are compiled, students begin writing their drafts for their research reports. I have students write 6 total paragraphs about their famous figures. We do an introduction, a paragraph about their early life, a paragraph about why they are famous, fun facts, a paragraph about a character trait that best describes them and why, and then a closing.

We spend about 1-1 & 1/2 weeks working on our writing. We write about a paragraph or 2 per day, then take our writing through the revising/editing/publishing process. I then give students a good 2-3 days to spend a TON of time publishing their work to the best of their capability, using their best handwriting and best pictures that they can.

grade 6 biography assignment

Wax Museum: Speaking & Listening

We end this project by inviting parents and other classes to come watch us present our reports. This is a fun time where the students get to dress up like their famous person, bring in props and practice speaking in front of an audience. We always get amazing feedback from the parents and from other classroom teachers. This component is totally optional, but completely worth it!

I always send home a student letter at the beginning of the project so that parents have ample time to help students gather materials for their costumes and to help them get a good understanding of who their influential figure is.

grade 6 biography assignment

Distance Learning / Digital Learning :

Is your school closed for an extended period of time due to this crazy virus? This project is a GREAT way for students to continue learning at home. Simply send the PDF to parents to print at home (or print at school if you still have access), and send students to Epic or your local online library to find biographies on the person of their choice. Then, add a digital component by having students upload their videos to Google Classroom, SeeSaw or the digital platform of your choice. This is a great way to provide a few weeks of reading/writing plans to parents, while incorporating choice in student learning still.

Recommended Resources :

Snag everything you need for the biography research and writing reports in this Biography Writing Resource .

grade 6 biography assignment

Click here for a compilation of all of my favorite “Who Was” characters to research for this project. These books are the perfect level for 2nd-4th graders, and are really affordable (between $2-4 each by following my Amazon affiliate link.)

grade 6 biography assignment

Emily - The Mountain Teacher

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  4. Biography Writing Assignment Printable Booklet by Tiger's Den

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  6. Biography Writing Rubric by Ms Loves Resources

    grade 6 biography assignment



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  1. Assignment Biography: Student Criteria and Rubric for Writing

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  3. How to Write a Biography: Upper Elementary to Middle School

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  4. Biography Project: Research and Class Presentation

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  5. 40 Biography Questions to Ask When Writing Biography Reports

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  6. How to Write a Biography

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  7. Biography Writing Teaching Resources for 6th Grade

    Use this multipurpose timeline template for a variety of assignments, projects, and more! PDF ... Biography Writing for 3rd Grade Biography Writing for 4th Grade Biography Writing for 5th Grade About Us. About Us; One Million Trees Project; Testimonials & Reviews Careers; More. Plans & Pricing

  8. Writing a Biography Project

    Writing a Biography Project. Updated: 27 Jan 2022. PowerPoint, Google Slides. 28 Pages. 3 - 6. Available on the Plus Plan. Use this PowerPoint template for students to author a researched-based biography on a historical figure. Biographies are an essential genre of literature. These immersive texts allow readers to dive deeper into the ...

  9. 7 Quick Tips for Student Biography Projects

    1. Review the Definitions. Take a moment to review the definition of a biography. You can also use this time to focus on the differences and similarities between a biography and an autobiography. This leads nicely into a short discussion about word parts (auto, bio, and graph). 2. Start with a Mentor Text or Example.

  10. How to Write a Biography: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

    1. Go for a chronological structure. Start chronologically from the subject's birth to their death or later life. Use the timeline of the person's life to structure the biography. Start with birth and childhood. Then, go into young adulthood and adulthood.

  11. PDF Biography Research Project Ela/Sixth Grade Flanagan Who Have You Chosen

    ring sources, for your research. You must have at least two books for. your research. Remember, the book need not be about your famous person specifically. If your person was involved in civil rights. issues or in aviation, books about the subject matter. may reference your individual.The instructions and timeline for the project.

  12. How To Structure A Successful Biography Research Project

    Completing a biography research guide will help your students remain focused and on task. The format and structure of the research guide is based on the needs of your students. Hopefully, the items listed below will point you in the right direction. Cover Page: It's important to review the meaning of the term biography and require students to ...

  13. How to Write a Biography: Lesson for Kids

    Writing the Biography. A paragraph will often begin with a topic sentence that signals the main idea to your readers. You don't have to begin with a topic sentence, but you'll need to make sure ...

  14. Biographies: Creating Timelines of a Life

    Create individual online timelines on figures of interest related to another course of study, i.e. world leaders, scientists, women explorers. Create autobiographical timelines. Recreate paper timelines, using colored pencils or fine tip markers to add illustrations. Use timelines as "notes" to write a fuller biography essay.

  15. Teaching How to Write a Biography: Lesson PLan

    Assignment Ideas. Use biography writing assignments in conjunction with current events, a literature unit, a research paper, or a history project. ... Esl lesson plans for all grade levels (161) Esl teaching tips strategies for any grade level (137) French lesson plans for secondary grades 6 12 (49) Fun activities ...

  16. Common Core Worksheets

    A biography poem, also called a bio poem, is a short poem which describes a person or thing. This printable Thanksgiving Activity guides students through creating a bio poem about Pilgrims. ... 4th and 5th Grade, 6th - 8th Grade CCSS Code(s): W.4.4, W.5.4, W.6.4, W.7.4 Diamante Poem: Synonyms. A diamante poem takes its name from the shape it ...

  17. 6 Steps to Teach Students How to Write a Biography

    Write a good beginning. A good beginning of a biography includes who the biography is about and why the person is important. This should appear in the very first sentence of the biography. Have students practice writing first sentences of biographies with two pieces of information: a name and why the person is important. Organize a biography.

  18. 3 Ideas for Student Biography Research Projects Upper Elementary

    This helps the students stay focused on the daily task and make a research project manageable for upper elementary students. The breakdown I use for each day's research looks like thi s: Day 1: Family Life and Early Childhood. Day 2: Young Adult Life. Day 3: Adult Life. Day 4: Accomplishments. Day 5: Other Important and Interesting Information.

  19. Biography Writing Teaching Resources

    Use this multipurpose timeline template for a variety of assignments, projects, and more! PDF ... Biography Writing for 1st Grade Biography Writing for 2nd Grade Biography Writing for 3rd Grade Biography Writing for 4th Grade Biography Writing for 5th Grade Biography Writing for 6th Grade About Us.

  20. Biography Themed Teaching Resources

    Printables for Grades 6-12. Use these printables to expand your students' learning about well-known people. Activities include warm-ups, reading passages, fun-fact printables, and much more. We Beat the Street Discussion Guide. Albert Einstein Biography: A Reading Warm-Up. Albert Einstein, Physicist. Gandhi. The Peanuts Gang: Charles Schulz.

  21. Biographies for Middle School (Grades 6-8)

    eBook. Nelson Mandela: "No Easy Walk to Freedom". Misty Copeland: First African American Principal Ballerina for the American Ballet Theatre. Lincoln's Spymaster: Allan Pinkerton, America's First Private Eye. eAudiobook. Child of the Dream: A Memoir of 1963. When Stars Are Scattered. eBook.

  22. The BEST Elementary Biography Project

    This project is a GREAT way for students to continue learning at home. Simply send the PDF to parents to print at home (or print at school if you still have access), and send students to Epic or your local online library to find biographies on the person of their choice. Then, add a digital component by having students upload their videos to ...

  23. Grade 6 Biographies

    Biographies. Biographies. Grade 6 Biographies A. A. Milne Abigail Adams Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Agatha Christie Agnes Moorehead Aksel Lund Svindal Alan Turing Alaskan Maverick Sarah Palin Alice Roosevelt Longworth Amelia Jenks Bloomer: Fashion Trend Setter Andre Agassi Andres Segovia Andy Griffith Anna Julia Haywood Cooper Anne Frank ...