Free tools to make your students better writers and readers ., a non-profit, provides free literacy activities that build reading comprehension, writing, and language skills for elementary, middle, and high school students.

Writing Across the Curriculum: Quill's nonprofit mission is to now build both ďťżreading and writing skills through free, OER content across the curriculum. Over the coming years, we will be building a library of free ELA, social studies, and science activities that engage students in deeper thinking through writing prompts that provide immediate feedback.

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Literacy Ideas

10 Fun Classroom Writing Games to Improve Literacy Skills

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The best writing games to engage students

A colleague of mine recently shared these ten great writing game ideas to improve literacy skills in the classroom.  They are simple to play and can be applied to nearly all year levels. 

These are some of the best writing games that require minimal or no setup time and are an excellent option for substitute teachers looking to quickly break the ice with students or English teachers just seeking fresh ideas to brighten up their lessons. Enjoy.


Remember that if you are looking for more excellent free resources and structured guides to teaching all aspects of English, especially writing, be sure to visit .

Sentence Stretching

Start with a short sentence or group of words.  Pass it around to about 6 people, with the rule that each person must add (a word or a group of words) or change ONE word ( to another word or a group of words) to make the sentence more specific and more enjoyable.

Rebus writing

Students write sentences or longer texts and substitute drawings for nouns.

Fun Writing Tasks

25 Fun Daily Writing Tasks

Quick Write and JOURNAL Activities for ALL TEXT TYPES in DIGITAL & PDF PRINT to engage RELUCTANT WRITERS .

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ( 18 reviews )

It’s in the bag

Place an object in a bag- ensure the students don’t see it. Students feel the object in the bag and use words to describe how it feels. They take it out and add /alter their adjectives.

Touch and tell

An object is passed around a group of students. Each student suggests an adjective to describe it.


Students provide an adjectival phrase or clause to describe the object

Students randomly select from a box a picture of an animal, person or object that moves. They brainstorm action verbs for the chosen object.

The students can supply verbs and adverbs

They can supply adjectives or adjectival groups

Read a text ( this case narrative ), and at a particular point, stop and ask students to select a character and suggest, for example:

  • What the character is doing, thinking, and feeling ( focus on processes)

Change the meaning- change one word

Students locate and change one word that will alter the sentence’s meaning.

They share their alterations and discuss which part of speech was the most important in changing the meaning .

Locate and classify

Read a text and ask students to write nouns on cards ( red), adjectives (blue), and articles in orange. Rearrange words to create different noun groups. Students can also locate verbs ( green card) and adverbs (yellow). Rearrange all the words to create new sentences.

Students can locate adjectival phrases, clauses, or adverbial phrases and write these on other coloured cards.

Grammar toss- Sentence making

Players must throw a 1 before they can begin. The winner is the first person to make a sentence that includes all of the following:

  • A group of words that tell what or who ( singular)
  • A group of words that tell when
  • A verb in the past tense
  • An adverb telling how
  • A group of words telling where

They can then rearrange the sentence parts to see how many ways they can make another meaningful sentence. 

Other parts of speech can be used for each number thrown.

Toss and write

Before the activity, a cube is prepared. Upon each face of the cube, a task is written that requires specific grammar knowledge. For example:

Make a sentence

Make a question

Provide two adjectives

Provide two verbs

Create a noun group (e.g. article, adjective/s noun)

Provide a noun and an adverb

Students select a subject ( noun) from a tin. They throw the cube, and whichever side of the cube faces up is the task they must attempt.


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7 Fun Writing Sub Plans for Substitute Teachers

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  • Mini English Lessons

5 Enjoyable English Writing Games That Turn Practise Into Playtime

english students playing writing games

Step into a world of fun while improving your English writing skills. Fun writing games let you practise and learn at your own pace, making studying an enjoyable experience. In this article, discover 5 English writing games that are suitable for all learning levels, so you can improve your English writing skills while having a blast !

How games can help you learn English

Games for learning English are a fun and effective way to improve your language skills. English creative writing games can help learners like you explore different writing styles and experiment with language, ultimately helping to build your confidence.

Games are a great way to help you remember what you learn in English. They are enjoyable, and when you have fun, it’s easier to remember things for a long time.

Game #1: Story Starters

Story Starters is an English creative writing game that works best with a group of players. This game involves taking turns to write a story with each player adding a sentence within a set time limit.

How to play

To play Story Starters, gather a group of friends, some paper, pens, and a timer.

You will start with a pre-written sentence (if you Google “Story Starter sentences” you can find plenty). You must add a sentence to this story within 2 minutes set on the timer. Once you have written your sentence, pass the paper to the next person and let them repeat the process by adding a new sentence of their own.

This is a great game for letting your imagination run wild and getting your creative juices flowing !

Game #2: Scategories

Scategories is a quick and creative game where you think of words that start with a given letter and that fit into specific categories to earn points for answers that are unique.

A group of players is given a list of prompts such as “things babies need”. Then, a letter from the alphabet is picked at random (using a lettered die or an online letter generator). Once the letter has been chosen, the timer is set, and each player must quickly come up with a word starting with the chosen letter to answer each of the prompts.

To make things a bit trickier, you only get a point for your answer if nobody else has put the same answer. Playing this game challenges you to think fast to find the most creative and unique answers.

Game #3: Picture Prompts

Picture Prompts is a fun writing game that involves using pictures to create imaginative stories or descriptions. This game can be played by yourself or with a group of people.

Each player is given a picture or an image. Next, a timer is set for a specific amount of time – 5 to 10 minutes usually works well. The players must then write a creative story or description based on their picture. The goal is to be as imaginative as possible. Once the time is up, players take turns reading their descriptions or stories to the rest of the group.

Game #4: Consequences

In the game of Consequences, players take turns writing words or phrases on a piece of paper, then hiding what they have written to collaboratively create a funny and often silly story.

Each player takes a turn writing a word or phrase on a piece of paper, then folding the paper after each turn to hide what they’ve written. Then, it’s passed on to the next player, who adds their part before folding the paper and passing it on again. This continues until all players have contributed. Finally, unfold the paper and read out the funny story you created together.

Game #5: Rewrite The Ending

In this English writing game, players are encouraged to choose a favourite film or book and then rewrite the ending.

Rewrite The Ending is a game that does what it says on the tin . Quite simply, you get to rewrite the ending of your favourite book or film. You can change the story, add new characters, or create exciting twists. It’s a creative way to practise writing and using your imagination while having fun with stories that are already familiar to you.

Ready to take your English writing skills to the next level?

While games offer a fun and interactive way to practise and improve your writing skills, combining them with structured learning is even more powerful.

If you’re serious about mastering English, check out our English Online courses. Choose between group classes or private, one-to-one tutoring and experience expert-led learning and personalised guidance to help you perfect your English writing skills in no time at all.

Explore English Online >

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Creative Tech Teacher

10-Minute Writing Games to Play with Your Students

Jen Schneider Blog , Writing writing 1

Want some quick games to share with your students during transitions or as attention-getters. Play these fun games independently or with groups! Here are a few of my favorites 10-minute writing games to play with your students. This post uses some affiliate links. Purchases from these links result in a small commission to help sustain this site.

sticky notes for writing games for students

Word Association Game

Word association games are perfect for 10-minute writing games! Start by giving students a random word and ask them to write down the first word that comes to their mind when they hear it. Then, have them pass their paper to the person next to them and repeat the process with the new word. Set a timer for 10 minutes and see how far around the circle they can go, building off of each other’s words. This game is a blast for generating vocabulary words or words to use in future writing prompts or stories.

Writing Roulette

My students beg to play writing roulette! I give each student five different colored sticky notes (or use this FREE Jamboard template ).

Writing Roulette game for writing prompts using sticky notes

Each sticky note has a different topic. For example, here are the literary elements I use for my students. You can change these up depending on your grade level.

  • Yellow: character
  • Blue: quotation
  • Pink: setting
  • Green: conflict
  • Orange: theme

Have your students each generate one of the literary elements on each colored sticky note. Make sure they write only one idea per note. Mix up the sticky notes, then give the students five sticky notes (one on each topic) to generate their own story. We LOVE sharing these with the class. As a bonus, expand on the quick stories and create a published, polished piece.

Literary Jenga

Literally playing a game when writing is so much fun! Write creative writing prompts on the sides of Jenga blocks (such as “Write a story in which the main character is an animal” or “Describe a place you’ve never been”) and stack them up. Students take turns pulling a block and then writing for 2-3 minutes based on the prompt they see. The game continues until the tower falls, and then students can read aloud what they’ve written.

Finish the Story Writing Game

This game is also called story or paper pass. I remember playing this writing game in school. I loved it then as much as I love it as a teacher! First, give students the first line of a story and have them write for 2-3 minutes. Then, have them pass their paper to the person next to them and that person continues the story for 2-3 minutes. Continue this process until everyone has contributed, and see how the story turned out in the end.

Random Word Stories

Use this random word generator to pick a fun, unique word. Have your students write a story using that word as a focus. You can have each student select their own word or use a class word.

Descriptive Writing Game

Many ELA curriculums have descriptive writing as an assessment. Why not teach descriptive writing skills with a 10-minute writing game! First, ask students to close their eyes and imagine a scene you describe to them, such as a beach or a forest. Give them 10 minutes to write a detailed description of what they see in their mind’s eye. Encourage them to use sensory language and descriptive adjectives to really paint a picture with their words. Share the stories, and as a bonus, have students illustrate their writing. You can also adapt this and share a picture as a writing prompt starter. Show students a picture or image and give them 10 minutes to write a story or poem based on what they see. Encourage them to be creative and use their imagination to build a story around the picture.

Character Creation Game

Students love creating their own characters! Have students brainstorm a character by answering questions about them, such as their name, age, occupation, likes and dislikes, fears, etc. Then, set a timer for 10 minutes and have them write a short story or scene featuring that character. You can add to the fun by having two characters team up together to create a new story or have a conversation with one another based on their characters’ backgrounds.

Six-Word Stories

Challenge students to write a complete story in just six words, such as “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” Set a timer for 10 minutes and see how many six-word stories they can create.

Mad Libs Game

The old Mad Libs games are so much fun! I remember having paper Mad Libs books that my siblings and I giggled over with delight. Online Mad Libs games let students work independently to create funny stories. I love using Mad Libs online !

Fan Fiction

My students absolutely love writing fan fiction. This gives them a chance to explore stories on a deeper level, and change the outcomes to what they really wanted to happen in the book! Have students choose a favorite book or movie character and write a short story featuring that character in a new adventure or scenario. Set a timer for 10 minutes and see how well they can capture the voice and personality of the character in their writing.

Story Cubes

Use storytelling dice or story cubes with pictures on each side, and have students roll the dice to create a story. Set a timer for 10 minutes and challenge students to create a story that includes all of the pictures they rolled. Share the stories in small groups or with the full class.

Writing Prompts

Using writing prompts in the classroom is an effective way to encourage a love for writing in students. Here are five ways to inspire and engage middle school students:

Daily writing prompts

Start the day with a short 10-minute writing exercise that covers various genres and themes. Use this list of 25 daily prompts to get started.

Structured writing prompts

Use prompts as a starting point for more structured writing assignments such as essays or research papers. This encourages students to think critically and provides specific guidelines for the writing task. Use this list of 10 structured prompts to get started.

Group brainstorming

Encourage students to work together in small groups to generate their own writing prompts. This fosters collaboration and creativity.

Writing prompt dares

Students can create their own writing prompt dares or use these 15 writing prompt dare examples to get started. These are great for group brainstorming prompts.

Try out this 52 writing prompt workbook . You even get an editable Canva link to add your own unique prompts!

Creative Writing Prompts 52 on TpT

Get ready for 10-minute writing games to use in your classroom! These games can be scaffolded and differentiated for all grade levels. What writing games do you use in your classroom!


Creative writing games: A great way to unleash your creative side @

[…] technique of creative writing involves the creation of tales. The exploration of worlds, and the creation of people and situations that come to […]

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The best online games and puzzles you can play daily in 2024

Challenge yourself and have fun each day with these games that are not all simply wordle clones..

It's hard to believe that it was only in late 2021 that Wordle blew up. The social aspect of sharing results and stickiness of the one-round-per-day format proved to be a winning formula. So it's little surprise that many other daily games have found success by going down this route. Some are as fun or even more enjoyable than Wordle . Others are actually educational, even helping you learn about the makeup of a country's exports. Yet more will have you scratching your head as you try desperately to remember the title of a movie based on some stills. In any case, there are many, many daily online games out there. Since most are free to play, we're here to help you figure out which of the best online games and puzzles are worth your time.


Box office game, coffee golf, nyt mini crossword, pile-up poker, the best online games and puzzles for 2024.

One of The New York Times' more recent online word games, Connections   was an instant hit when it first launched. The game presents you with a grid of 16 cards. Each usually has a word written on it but this can also be a single letter, a number or, in the case of an April 1 game, emoji.

The aim is to find out how to categorize the cards into four groups. There's only one correct answer, and the groups tend to be of varying difficulty, ranging from the yellow group (for instance, metal elements or types of flowers) to the purple (homophones for names of philosophers or what the letter "O" might mean).

There's no timer, but you can only make three incorrect guesses before you lose and the answer is revealed. I've played every single day since the game debuted and while it's always nice to get a perfect game with no mistakes, having a long winning streak is very satisfying. My best so far is 32 victories in a row. — Kris Holt, Contributing Reporter

Framed   is one of the earliest and best Wordle clones. It's a simple enough concept: You'll see up to six stills from a movie ranging from obscure to more obvious, and your task is to figure out which film they're from. You get one guess per still.

The answer field has a helpful autocomplete function, so if you don't know the full name of the movie you can still win. A built-in stat tracker is handy too. Framed is a way for film buffs to show off their knowledge, or perhaps get egg on their face when they somehow fail to recognize one of the most popular movies of all time. It's good fun either way, especially for the Letterboxd fanatics out there. — K.H.

Box Office Game tasks you with guessing the five highest-grossing movies from a given weekend. You see each film’s distributor and gross revenue by default, but you can spend from a points bank to unveil additional clues, such as its lead actors, director, tagline and the like. The goal is to guess each flick with as little info as possible — though, really, this isn’t the kind of thing where “winning” is the point. (At least, that’s what I tell myself.)

Instead, for film freaks and people who spend too much time on Letterboxd , the fun is in discovering just how deep your well of movie memories stretches. Much of the time, it won’t be far at all. Other days, you might be amazed at just how readily you can recall Gone in 60 Seconds despite only seeing it once 20 years ago. If nothing else, all of this is a good way to brainstorm ideas for your next movie night. — Jeff Dunn, Senior Reporter

Costcodle is like a cross between Wordle and The Price is Right . Each day it gives you a different product from Costco’s enormous food database , and you get six attempts to guess its price. You can usually finish it in a matter of seconds, so it’s mostly empty calories, but it’s a fun way to check just how much information you’re retaining while combing the aisles of your grocery store. You wouldn’t think it’d be possible to enjoy guessing how much four bags of organic brussel sprouts cost, but such is the power of killing time on the internet. — J.D.

Here's something very different from the other entries on this list. Coffee Golf is actually a video game (free on iOS and Android ). As the name suggests, you can finish your daily run while sipping a hot morning beverage. Every day, there's a new five-hole course set on an open landscape for you to play. You can complete it in any order, but the aim is to score as few strokes as possible, so planning your route is as important as nailing your shots.

I enjoy playing Coffee Golf early in my day because it gets my brain starting to work in different ways than if I only played the word-based games on this list. I have to look around the course and strategize a bit before starting my round. It's been a fun addition to my daily routine, and it certainly beats doomscrolling while having my first cup of joe. — K.H.

While it might not help you become entirely fluent in a language by itself, Duolingo is a very useful way to learn handy phrases just by checking in and taking a two-minute lesson every day. The more you practice, the better, obviously. I imagine my French would be at a much higher standard if I did more than one lesson a day, but there's not much I can do about that if I run out of hearts, which happens often. (I could pay for the premium plan, but eh.)

The gamification of Duolingo helps make it sticky enough to return to on a daily basis — the many, many emails and notifications you'll get if you don't turn those off will push you toward checking in as well. Those have all helped me maintain a streak of over 600 days, with maybe only a dozen streak freezes used in that time. (Hot tip: if you miss a lesson, you can change the date on your phone or computer to back to the previous day and help maintain your streak.)

Duolingo can't really compete with more intense language learning methods like full immersion or taking a class a couple of times a week. But as a way to help you grok some of the basics before taking a trip to Paris or Quebec, or to refresh your memory on all the Spanish you may have forgotten since high school, it's a decent option that doesn't require a hefty time investment. And, hey, it can be pretty fun too, especially when the app lets you play a mini-game instead of basic text translation. — K.H.

The New York Times Mini crossword turned 10 years old in 2024. While many fans of the newspaper's classic main crossword turn their nose up at the Mini, the itty bitty puzzle has endured for those passionate about word games online. It has a die-hard community of fans, many of whom try to race through it as quickly as possible.

The Mini has a five-by-five grid most days with between three and five clues in each direction. Puzzles on Saturdays and occasionally other days are larger, usually with a seven-by-seven grid. It's a crossword, at the end of the day, so it doesn't require much explaining. Thankfully, it's rare to see a rebus (which allows the constructor to include a word or several letters in a single square) in the Mini.

I try to beat the standard puzzle in less than a minute. There aren't many better feelings in playing daily games than when you figure out all of the Across clues in the first pass. My personal Mini record stands at 14 seconds. How about yours? — K.H.

Tradle   belongs to the third- or fourth-order clones which bear so little relation to Wordle as to make the similar naming convention essentially false advertising. For this and other reasons, I love it. It only hints at a relationship to Wordle in so far as both involve guessing things and then receiving abstruse feedback on the accuracy of the guess.

Tradle — a game which was briefly addictive to myself and sent several members of my friends' Discord server — provides only a gross domestic product, and a colorful visualization of what types of products account for that GDP (it sort of resembles hard drive disc space analyzers .) Where guesses in Wordle are rewarded by confirming the presence and potential position of letters, Tradle gives the distance to, and approximate direction of, the correct country from the incorrectly guessed one.

Occasionally the solutions are complete bullshit: I mean, sincerely, who besides the estimated 2,100 people living there has ever heard of Norfolk Island? But even failing the puzzle results in learning something cool — for instance, the existence of the self-governing Australian territory of Norfolk Island. — Avery Ellis, Deputy Editor

Now for something a little different to add to your rotation. Pile-Up Poker is a relatively new kid on the block, but it's already the most-played game on the Puzzmo ( Really Bad Chess, SpellTower ) platform on a daily basis.

The aim is to place as many high-scoring poker hands as you can on a four-by-four grid. In each of the four draws you get per game, you get five cards and you can place four of them anywhere on the grid. The remaining card goes to a discard pile. Each row and column counts as a hand, as do the four corners. If all nine of those are valid, the discard pile is counted as a hand too. The more valid hands you play, the more your multiplier stacks up to boost your total score, which is given as a dollar value. You can play up to five games (or deals) a day.

You can compete to earn a top spot on the leaderboards, but there's a neat community aspect to Pile-Up Poker too. The Puzzmo team has been unveiling some fun extras as the players collectively hit shared poker pot milestones. The next target is a whopping $1 trillion in total winnings. — K.H.

The true titan of online daily games, players made 4.8 billion attempts to solve Wordle   in 2023. The game, which you can play on The New York Times website and Games app for free, follows a simple format. You have six chances to guess a five-letter word. Gray letters aren't in the word. If a letter is yellow, it's in the word but you have it in the wrong spot. Green letters are right where they're supposed to be.

Making it easy to share an emoji-friendly colored grid of these guesses in group chats and on social media helped Wordle become incredibly popular. A tidal wave of clones quickly showed up, many of which appear on this list, but Wordle is   still a fun way to give your brain a quick workout every day. — K.H.

Check out our entire Best Games series including the best Nintendo Switch games , the best PS5 games , the best Xbox games , the best PC games and the best free games you can play today.

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online games simple essay

Online Gaming Essay | Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Gaming

Online gaming is the most talked about fun topic among the teenagers of the 21st century. At the same time, it is the most talked about serious topic among the parents and teachers. Everyone has their own reasons to discuss online gaming. Our reason today is to help you write an Essay on Online Gaming so that you are exposed to the unseen side of online gaming addiction.

Long Essay on Online Gaming Addiction in 500 words | Argumentative Essay on Online Games Good or Bad

How online gaming started.

The Internet has changed the way we live, we eat, we dress, we work and we play. It has become a preferred and comfortable mode which has made our lives way too easy. Today almost everything is available at the click of a button. You ask for a thing and it reaches your doorstep within days. Amidst these gratifying moments, when we are saved from the daily hustle-bustle, another trend of online gaming has emerged. 

Advantages of Online Games

Online gaming is a huge platform today. A platform that has broken all barriers and boundaries amidst countries around the world. In online gaming, you can connect to anyone anywhere in the world and play. Sometimes you don’t even know with whom you are playing and this mystery makes the experience even more thrilling. It also gives the player an opportunity to make new friends from other countries and get a chance to showcase their talent worldwide.

Nowadays, many online gaming championships are organized where gamers get a platform to compete with the best of the best and enhance their skills. It has gained much popularity over the years because one can play an online game on even a basic smartphone. What one requires is a consistent internet connection. Developing, designing and marketing online games has turned into a full-fledged profession and many are earning their bread and butter through it. 

Disadvantages of Online Gaming

But then there is always the other side of a coin which is often dark and dingy. The other side of online gaming is not only dark but dreadful too. Many tend to become addicted to online gaming and it takes away all of their productive time. When money gets involved in it through betting, families are ruined. It pulls an individual into isolation as mostly online gamers play alone. Their social interaction becomes nil which leads to depression and loneliness.

Online harassment through many gaming sites is not a new thing. Children can easily be trapped in this way. Long hours spent in front of the computer can harm their posture and eyes too. These games, through their catchy visuals, entice young children and they become addicted to them to such an extent that they forget to eat or sleep and prefer to sit in front of the screen all the time. Such addiction not only harms the individual but the whole family suffers due to it. Besides social effects, there are many psychological symptoms like anxiety, irritability and uncontrollable mood swings which take a toll on the health of an individual due to addiction.  

Ways to Control Online Gaming Addiction

Self-control, time management and focus can serve as the three pillars for fighting the addiction to online gaming. The external prohibitions from the government in the form of laws, certain regulations and even a ban on a few of them are not going to solve the problem. Good parenting, positive family time and socializing with friends can prove to be helpful.  In some severe cases, guidance from a counsellor could become necessary. Positive reinforcement & support from loved ones is required for an individual to come out of this addiction. 

‘Nothing can be more exciting and thrilling than a victory in real life’. So, let’s look forward to a win in real life than online.

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Essay on Online Games Addiction

Students are often asked to write an essay on Online Games Addiction in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Online Games Addiction

Understanding online games addiction.

Online games addiction means playing games on the internet too much. This happens when someone spends more time playing games than doing other important things. This can cause problems like poor grades in school, less time with friends and family, and even health issues.

Reasons for Addiction

There are many reasons why people get addicted to online games. Some people play to escape from real-world problems. Others find the games exciting and challenging. Some people even play to feel a sense of achievement.

Effects of Addiction

Playing games too much can cause many problems. It can lead to poor performance in school or at work. It can also cause health problems like eye strain and lack of sleep. It can even hurt relationships with friends and family.

Overcoming Addiction

Overcoming online games addiction can be tough, but it’s possible. It’s important to set limits on how much time you spend playing games. It can also help to find other hobbies or activities to do instead of playing games. It might also be helpful to talk to a counselor or therapist.

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250 Words Essay on Online Games Addiction

What is online games addiction.

Online games addiction is when a person cannot stop playing games on the internet. They spend too much time playing these games and ignore other important things in life. This can harm their studies, health, and relationships.

Why Do People Get Addicted?

People get addicted to online games for many reasons. Some find these games fun and exciting. They enjoy the challenges and rewards that these games offer. Others use these games to escape from stress or problems in real life.

Effects of Online Games Addiction

Online games addiction can have many bad effects. It can cause poor grades in school because students spend too much time playing games instead of studying. It can also lead to health problems like eye strain and lack of sleep. Moreover, it can harm relationships with family and friends because the person is always busy with the games.

How to Overcome Online Games Addiction

Overcoming online games addiction is not easy, but it is possible. One way is to set a limit on how much time you can spend on games each day. Another way is to find other fun activities to do, like playing sports or reading books. It can also help to talk to a trusted adult about the problem.

500 Words Essay on Online Games Addiction

Online games addiction is when a person spends too much time playing games on the internet and finds it hard to stop. This can lead to problems in other parts of life like school, work, or relationships. It’s a bit like when someone can’t stop eating sweets, even though they know it’s bad for them. They might want to stop, but they find it very hard to do so.

There are many reasons why people get addicted to online games. Some people play games to escape from real-life problems or to feel good about themselves. Games can make people feel like they’re winning or achieving something, which can be very satisfying. Other people might get addicted because the games are so much fun and they lose track of time. Sometimes, people get addicted because they’re trying to be the best at the game and can’t stop until they are.

The Impact of Online Games Addiction

Secondly, addiction can harm relationships. If a person spends too much time playing games, they might not spend enough time with their friends and family. This can make people feel lonely and isolated.

Lastly, spending too much time playing games can also be bad for health. It can lead to problems like poor posture, eye strain, and lack of physical activity.

How to Prevent and Overcome Online Games Addiction

If someone is already addicted to online games, it might be hard for them to stop on their own. In this case, it can be helpful to seek help from a professional, like a counselor or a psychologist. They can provide guidance and support to help the person overcome their addiction.

In conclusion, online games addiction is a serious problem that can affect a person’s school, work, relationships, and health. It’s important to balance time spent on gaming with other activities and seek professional help if needed. Remember, games are meant to be fun, not something that takes over your life.

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Video Games Essay | Essay on Video Games for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Video Games Essay:  Video games are electronic games that requires a user interface, input device (it can be joysticks, controllers, motion-sensing devices, keyboard, etc.) that generates visual feedback for the player or players, an output device that is either a two or three-dimensional display device (like TV monitor, touchscreen, VR headset, etc.).

Video games also are augmented with audio feedback using either headphones or speakers. Other types of augmented feedback systems of video games include haptic technology.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Video Games for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with a long essay sample of 500 words and a short essay sample of 150 words on the topic Video Games in English for reference.

Long Essay on Video Games 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Video Games is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Video games have undeniably become an imperative part of most of our life, either as a form of entertainment and even hobby. Video games came into existence through the invention of the Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device by Thomas T Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann in 1947. And in 1948 they got the patent for their invented device with knobs and buttons used for stimulating airborne enemies. It was not until the 1970s, and 1980s those video games reached the mainstream popularity.

One of the biggest technological evolution examples is that of what is seen in video games. Over the years there had been massive changes and several creations since the first released video game. Before the age of Playstation, Xbox, or even computer games, people used to be engrossed in playing video arcade games and later the 8-bit video games using consoles, joysticks, and other controllers. Now we have video games with much higher graphics, better storyline, and even more options. This makes the gaming experience more thrilling and enjoyable; however, it does not change the fact that video games have turned almost an entire generation into couch potatoes.

It is no news that video games are fascinating and because of the graphics along with sound effects gives the player a real-like experience. The video game industry has also started experimenting with virtual reality resulting in even more realistic games which give the player the sensation of truly witnessing the activities of the game. Bur we all know that technology is both a good and a bad effect. The condition is not much different when it comes to video games as well. There are several benefits of playing video games; similarly, there are also adverse effects of the same.

The positive effects of video games include developing one’s skills, like strategic thinking, quick learning, cooperation, creativity, etc. Simulations which are based on the similar technology behind video games are used for training purposes (like shooting, golfing, driving, etc.). Simulations have helped in reducing the risk of accidents occurring during training by allowing the user to practice longer without the requirement of frequent maintenance.

However, there are also some very destructive negative effects of video games. Firstly, children and young adults often get very addicted to playing video games and end up wasting a lot of time and becoming socially isolated. Another aspect of video games which has affected the players immensely is the increase in the violence and aggressiveness in them while trying to imitate the competitive traits of the game.

As intelligent beings, we must use our wisdom and self-control to spend our time wisely and efficiently while avoiding things that have the potential of causing us harm. The gaming industry should monitor the type of games being manufactured and restricting the game for the age for only which it is suitable. Players too should understand the negative impacts of excessive video game playing and addiction. Hence, it can be concluded that the effect of video games depends a lot on the player.

Short Essay on Video Games 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Video Games is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

The electronic games that involve the user interface interacting with a human that results in generating feedback onto the video device are called video games. The platforms are the electronic devices used for playing various video games. The size of platforms or gaming units can range from large mainframe computers to even small handheld devices. The trend of playing video games became prominent from the late 1970s and has only increased over time with the advancement of technology. At present, the global value of the video game industry is stated to be USD 152 billion approximately.

The large scale engagement of youth and people of other age groups as well has turned video games into a trend factor. However, there has been a lot of debate on the matter of the positive and negative impact of games on people. Thus, both the industry and the user need to monitor the content of the games being made, and the amount of time being spent on it, respectively.

10 Lines on Video Games in English

  • There are several types of video games like arcade games, console video game, computer video games, and mobile games.
  • The evident increase in the commercial importance of the video gaming industry began from the 2010s.
  • The Asian market is the biggest contributor to the growth of the video gaming industry.
  • As of 2018, video games were the third-largest segment drawing revenue in the entertainment market of US, behind broadcast and cable TV.
  • Today, numerous people are involved behind creating video games like developers, publishers, distributors, retailers, third party manufacturers, etc.
  • Studies show that gaming addiction causes several physical and behavioural problems in people, especially in children.
  • There are also competitions held for video games in various stages (local, national and international) to find the best player among all.
  • The growth and expansion of the video gaming industry have opened up several job opportunities as well.
  • Parents should monitor the game playing type and time of their children so that it doesn’t turn into an addiction.
  • Lack of motion because of excessive video game playing can cause diseases like obesity and diabetes, along with muscle pain.

FAQ’s on Video Games Essay

Question 1. Mention some positive effects of playing video games.

Answer: Some positive effects of video game playing includes the following-

  • It improves IQ and reflexes of an individual.
  • It develops skills like decision making, attentiveness, multi-tasking, etc.
  • It improves motor skills of players.

Question 2. Which is the most iconic video game character of all time?

Answer:  Mario

Question 3. What is the first invented video game?

Answer:  Tennis for Two is the first video game, and it was created in 1958.

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Online Games Good or Bad Speech


  • Updated on  
  • Sep 15, 2022

Online Games Good or Bad Speech

Online Gaming is a new fad amongst all age groups today especially amongst teenagers which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Online Games Good or Bad Speech is among the ASL Topics and we have composed two sample speeches that can help you prepare for your English assessment.  

Online Game: Good Or Bad Speech Sample 1 [400-500 words]

Good morning everyone! I am ABC and today I stand before you to present an insightful and informative speech on whether Online games are good or bad? Online gaming is a double-edged sword that has its own share of merits and demerits. Post pandemic most of our life has become virtual and hence, being completely cut off from online gaming is impossible and even if possible, it will do more harm than good as children and teenagers will be deprived of leisure. Coming on to the bright side of online gaming, there are a plethora of benefits of online gaming as they hone our Analytical thinking, inculcate the importance of Goal-oriented Behaviour as a lot of online Games involve missions and levels which requires really good gaming skills, and online gaming makes teenagers more prudent and alert. India has witnessed a huge boom in the gaming market because the majority of our population is young, mobile phones are available at low cost, and easily available on the Internet. India is among the top 5 online mobile gaming industries and as per research which shows 30 percent of people believe playing online games enhances cognitive skills. Playing online games helps teenagers connect with their peers as most of the teenagers play online games and also if played within limits then it is a really good leisure activity. Now after exploring the merits, we will now understand the dark side of online Gaming. Playing excessive online games reduces our interest in other important activities like academics, outdoor sports. Moreover, all day of sitting and playing online games is detrimental for physical and mental health. Also at times, kids can download games from unsafe sources which may bring viruses to their mobile phone or PC. Also, these games are highly addictive in nature which not only distorts focus but also inhibits delayed gratification among children. Playing action games frequently makes children impulsive and aggressive. The research found that gaming addiction is correlated with low-self esteem, negative beliefs about one’s self, and poor social relationships. Be careful while playing online games, as the most attractive game can be the biggest distraction that can hinder you from achieving your goals and dreams. Now after taking both merits and demerits of online gaming into consideration it is safe to say that online games are beneficial as well as harmful depending completely on us whether we allow these games to overpower our willpower or not. Otherwise if played in limit playing games can be a rewarding experience as well.

Online Game: Good Or Bad Speech Sample 2 [200-300 Words]

Good morning everyone! I am ABC and today I stand before you to present an insightful and informative speech on Online games: good or bad? Just like a coin, online gaming has two sides that must be understood comprehensively. First, we will explore the bright side of online gaming and some of the benefits of online gaming can’t be ignored as it helps us in improving our critical thinking skills as games with tough missions and levels require us to think critically, encourage out of the box and solution-oriented manner of thinking as some missions in a particular game may require spontaneity and smartness in order to crack those missions. Also if played within limits, online gaming, especially with friends, can be a rewarding experience indeed after a tiresome and hectic day at work or College and it improves the presence of mind and alertness. Now further, let’s explore the dark side of online gaming. Some of its demerits are that it takes up a lot of our time, if we get addicted to it and it also deviates us from our main goals and work. Playing violent and action games can definitely instill violence and aggression in our behavior. Thus, we must be cautious of online gaming and play these games within the limit as playing them excessively can hinder our social relationships and affect our health. After taking both the pros and cons of online gaming into account, it is advisable to play online games but only within a limit so that it does not overpower our willpower.

Apart from Online Gaming Good Or Bad Speech, here are some more popular speech samples for you:

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Essays on Video Games

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Games

Risk factors of video games addiction, timeline of video games development, how video games can shape our brains and behavior, pros and cons of video games, benefits of video games for children, influence of video games on health, the social impact of video games on children, effect of video games on people's moods, influence of violence in video games, psychological effects of video games on children and young adults, stop blaming video games, benefits and detriments of playing video games, discussion on whether video games are bad or good for us, statement that video games cause violence is a misconception, the panic over video games violence in today's society, negative effects of video games on health, investigation of whether video games cause violence in children, the effects of excessive time playing video games on children, interacting with media: how video games have influenced storytelling.

Video games are interactive electronic entertainment forms that involve player participation through the use of digital interfaces, such as gaming consoles, computers, or mobile devices. They encompass a wide range of virtual experiences that combine elements of storytelling, competition, and problem-solving. Video games often feature dynamic visuals, immersive audio, and engaging gameplay mechanics, allowing players to control and navigate virtual environments, characters, or objects.

The origin of video games can be traced back to the mid-20th century when scientists and engineers began exploring the possibilities of interactive electronic entertainment. One of the earliest examples is "Tennis for Two," created by physicist William Higinbotham in 1958, which simulated a game of tennis on an oscilloscope. However, it was in the 1970s and 1980s that video games gained significant popularity and commercial success. The release of the arcade game "Pong" in 1972 by Atari marked a turning point in the history of video games. It sparked the arcade gaming phenomenon and laid the foundation for the industry's growth. The subsequent release of home consoles like the Atari 2600 and the introduction of personal computers further expanded the accessibility and reach of video games. The 1980s and 1990s witnessed the emergence of iconic video game franchises such as Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and Sonic the Hedgehog. Rapid advancements in technology led to improved graphics, sound, and gameplay mechanics. The introduction of CDs and CD-ROMs in the 1990s allowed for more complex and immersive gaming experiences. In recent years, video games have become an integral part of mainstream culture and a booming industry, surpassing the film and music industries in terms of revenue.

Shigeru Miyamoto: Known as the "Father of Modern Video Games," Miyamoto is the creator of iconic franchises such as Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and Donkey Kong. Gabe Newell: As the co-founder of Valve Corporation and creator of the Steam platform, Newell has played a significant role in the digital distribution of games. Steam revolutionized the way games are purchased, downloaded, and played, greatly influencing the PC gaming market. Markus Persson (Notch): Persson is the creator of Minecraft, one of the best-selling video games of all time. Minecraft's sandbox-style gameplay and open-ended world have captured the imagination of millions of players worldwide.

Action (Fighting, Platform, Shooter, Survival, Battle royale), Action-adventure (Stealth, Survival horror), Adventure (Interactive fiction, Interactive movie, Visual novel), Gacha, Horror, Masocore, Massively multiplayer online, Role-playing (Action role-playing, Tactical role-playing), Simulation (Construction and management, Life simulation, Sports, Vehicle), Strategy (4X, Auto battler, Multiplayer online battle arena, Real-time strategy, etc.).

Arcade video game, Console game, Electronic game, Online game, Mobile game, PC game, Virtual reality game.

Minecraft, Dark Souls, The Witcher, Grand Theft Auto, World of Warcraft, Super Mario, The Sims, Fortnite, Call of Duty, Assassin’s Creed, Pacman, Tetris, Sonic the HedgeHog, Angry Birds, Skyrim, etc.

Public opinion on video games is diverse and multifaceted. While video games enjoy immense popularity and have a dedicated fan base, opinions about them vary among different segments of society. Some people view video games as a form of entertainment that offers immersive experiences, interactive storytelling, and social interaction. They appreciate the creativity, artistry, and technological advancements within the industry. Supporters argue that video games can enhance cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and even have therapeutic benefits. On the other hand, there are concerns raised by critics regarding the potential negative effects of video games. Some individuals argue that excessive gaming can lead to addiction, social isolation, and a sedentary lifestyle. Others raise concerns about the violent content in certain games and its potential impact on aggression or desensitization. Public opinion is often influenced by media coverage, personal experiences, and cultural biases. As the medium continues to evolve, ongoing discussions and debates surrounding video games will shape public perception and understanding of their impact on individuals and society as a whole.

1. Cognitive development 2. Entertainment and escapism 3. Social interaction 4. Educational value 5. Technological advancement

1. Addiction and excessive screen time 2. Violence and aggression 3. Health risks 4. Social isolation 5. Distraction and academic performance

1. The video game industry is a multibillion-dollar industry, with revenues surpassing those of the film and music industries combined. In 2021, the global video game market generated over $175 billion in revenue, highlighting the immense popularity and economic impact of video games. 2. According to a study published in the journal Pediatrics, video games can have a positive effect on surgical skills. Surgeons who played video games for at least three hours per week were found to perform laparoscopic surgery faster and with fewer errors compared to non-gaming counterparts. 3. In recent years, the rise of esports (competitive video gaming) has gained significant momentum. Esports tournaments and leagues attract millions of viewers worldwide, and professional esports players have become celebrities with lucrative sponsorships and endorsement deals. The esports industry is projected to reach a value of $3 billion by 2025, further cementing the cultural significance and growth potential of competitive gaming.

The topic of video games is important to write an essay about due to its widespread influence on modern society. Exploring this subject allows for an examination of its impact on various aspects of life, including culture, technology, psychology, and social interactions. Writing an essay about video games provides an opportunity to delve into their historical evolution, from the early days of arcade machines to the immersive and sophisticated gaming experiences of today. It allows for an analysis of the technological advancements that have propelled the industry forward and shaped the way we play and interact with games. Furthermore, studying video games enables an exploration of their cultural significance. Games have become a major form of storytelling, tackling complex themes and issues. They have also sparked discussions about representation, diversity, and ethics within the industry. Understanding the cultural context and impact of video games can shed light on their role as a powerful medium for self-expression and communication. Moreover, video games have been a subject of debate and scrutiny. Addressing topics such as violence, addiction, and their effects on mental health and social behavior can contribute to a nuanced understanding of the potential benefits and drawbacks of gaming.

1. Anderson, C. A., Gentile, D. A., & Buckley, K. E. (2007). Violent video game effects on children and adolescents: Theory, research, and public policy. Oxford University Press. 2. Ferguson, C. J. (2015). Do angry birds make for angry children? A meta-analysis of video game influences on children's and adolescents' aggression, mental health, prosocial behavior, and academic performance. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10(5), 646-666. 3. Gee, J. P. (2003). What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy. Computers in Entertainment (CIE), 1(1), 20-20. 4. Griffiths, M. D., & Nuyens, F. (2017). An overview of structural characteristics in problematic video game playing. Current Addiction Reports, 4(3), 272-283. 5. Juul, J. (2010). A casual revolution: Reinventing video games and their players. MIT Press. 6. Kapp, K. M. (2012). The gamification of learning and instruction: Game-based methods and strategies for training and education. John Wiley & Sons. 7. Prensky, M. (2001). Digital game-based learning. McGraw-Hill. 8. Ryan, R. M., Rigby, C. S., & Przybylski, A. (2006). The motivational pull of video games: A self-determination theory approach. Motivation and Emotion, 30(4), 344-360. 9. Sherry, J. L. (2001). The effects of violent video games on aggression: A meta-analysis. Human Communication Research, 27(3), 409-431. 10. Yee, N. (2006). Motivations for play in online games. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 9(6), 772-775.

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online games simple essay

Essay on Games

Games are an essential part of everyone’s childhood. Games are a fun way to keep kids entertained. They provide an interactive and engaging way to learn something new while considering themselves and others. They give children a break from daily study routines. Playing games improves kids’ immunity and helps them stay strong. BYJU’S essay on games allows the little ones to understand the difference between indoor and outdoor games and the importance of playing games.

Essay on Games

Table of Contents

Indoor games, outdoor games, importance of playing games.

The essay on games is an article that explains why playing indoor games is vital for the development of kids in their early years. Indoor games are essential for kids who spend a lot of time indoors. There are many benefits to playing these games, like improving a child’s vision and developing memory skills. These skills help them in academics. While playing indoor games, kids can have a friendly competition.

The importance of indoor games is something that many people have probably not thought about. Indoor games can teach children how to move a coin, improve coordination, and use their imaginations. Examples of indoor games are carrom board, table tennis, chess, scrabble, charades, paper games, ludo, etc.

Outdoor games are essential to children’s health and development. Children who play outdoors experience nature, which is good for their physical, social, and mental health. Outdoor games are a fun way to get out of the house, meet new people, and take an opportunity to bond with new friends.

The little ones need to engage in physical activities to stay healthy. They help children develop problem-solving, teamwork, communication, cooperation, flexibility, and physical activity skills. Outdoor activities can be more beneficial than indoor activities because they provide more exposure to sunlight. Examples of outdoor games are kabaddi, cricket, football, kho kho , etc.

Playing games is an excellent way for kids to learn about the world and make new friends. Games improve kids’ learning experience and interest in studies, which helps them score better grades. Experts say playing games has cognitive benefits and can help increase social skills.

When playing games, kids’ brains grow stronger and wiser. Games teach children how to interact with others and think strategically while they are still young and learning new things. They also provide a safe place for kids to learn and explore without fear of judgement. You can also use games to teach your child how to communicate using a game board or cards.

To conclude, games are an essential part of early childhood, and an essay on games helps children understand the value of playing games. When kids soak in the sun while playing, they become strong, improving their vitamin D levels. In addition, playing games keep the kids engaged and entertained. For more kid-friendly activities, stories , GK questions and other games visit, BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Games

What are the benefits of playing indoor games.

Indoor games provide kids with a way to exercise their minds while playing. Solving puzzles or educational games help children learn new skills, strengthen maths skills and improve memory. Research is also being conducted to see how playing indoor board games can improve children’s literacy skills.

Why are outdoor games important for children?

Parents should encourage their children to participate in outdoor games to teach them the importance of teamwork and cooperation. Games like kabaddi, cricket, and hockey are fun ways for children to stay active during the summer. They also help children build their physical strength.

Why is BYJU’S essay on games vital for kids?

BYJU’S essay on games is essential for children because it explains the significance of playing and how games allow them to release stress, have fun, and learn valuable skills.

online games simple essay

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