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Business plan Hôtel : Modèle rédigé gratuit

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modele de business plan hotel

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Business plan hôtel : Résumé opérationnel

Le résumé opérationnel est l’une des parties les plus importantes d’un business plan pour un hôtel. Il décrit les aspects clés de l’entreprise, tels que les produits et services offerts, la taille de l’hôtel, le marché cible, les concurrents et les avantages compétitifs. Le but de cette section est de donner une vue d’ensemble de l’entreprise et de convaincre les investisseurs et les prêteurs potentiels que l’hôtel est viable et qu’il peut générer des profits.

Pour commencer, l’hôtel HLS est une entreprise qui propose des hébergements de qualité pour les voyageurs et les touristes. Notre entreprise est située dans une zone touristique de la ville et dispose d’une capacité de 50 chambres pour l’instant. Notre stratégie commerciale consiste à offrir une expérience d’hébergement exceptionnelle à nos clients grâce à un service de qualité, des chambres confortables et une expérience culinaire unique.

Nous ciblons les voyageurs d’affaires et les touristes locaux et internationaux qui cherchent un hébergement de qualité et un service personnalisé. Nos concurrents directs sont les autres hôtels de la région, mais nous sommes convaincus que notre offre unique nous permettra de nous démarquer de la concurrence.

Notre avantage concurrentiel réside dans notre approche centrée sur le client. Nous nous engageons à offrir à nos clients une expérience personnalisée, qui leur permettra de se sentir comme chez eux. Notre restaurant propose une cuisine locale de qualité, élaborée avec des ingrédients frais et locaux, ce qui nous permettra de nous différencier des autres restaurants de la région.

Nous avons également développé une stratégie de marketing et de vente efficace pour attirer des clients potentiels. Nous avons créé un site web moderne et fonctionnel qui offre une expérience utilisateur conviviale et qui permet aux clients de réserver facilement une chambre en ligne. Nous utilisons également les réseaux sociaux pour attirer des clients potentiels et augmenter notre notoriété.

Enfin, nous avons constitué une équipe qualifiée et expérimentée pour gérer notre entreprise. Nous sommes convaincus que cette équipe est capable de fournir un service de qualité à nos clients et de maintenir la rentabilité de notre entreprise.

En conclusion, le résumé opérationnel de notre business plan démontre que notre entreprise, Hôtel HLS, est bien positionnée pour réussir sur le marché de l’hôtellerie. Nous avons développé une stratégie commerciale solide, un avantage concurrentiel fort et une équipe compétente. Nous sommes convaincus que nous sommes en mesure de fournir un service de qualité à nos clients tout en générant des profits pour nos investisseurs

Business plan Hôtel : analyse de marché

L’analyse de marché est une partie essentielle du business plan d’un hôtel. Elle permet de comprendre le marché, les tendances actuelles et les perspectives d’avenir, ainsi que les besoins des clients. Cette section est particulièrement importante pour convaincre les investisseurs et les prêteurs potentiels de la viabilité de l’entreprise. Dans cette section, nous allons examiner le marché de l’hôtellerie, les tendances actuelles et les opportunités de croissance pour Hôtel HLS.

Le marché de l’hôtellerie est un marché dynamique et compétitif, avec une forte demande pour les hébergements de qualité. Selon les données du rapport de l’Organisation Mondiale du Tourisme (OMT), le nombre de touristes internationaux a augmenté de 4% en 2019, atteignant un nouveau record de 1,5 milliard de personnes. Cela représente une énorme opportunité pour les hôtels, car le tourisme international génère une forte demande pour les hébergements de qualité.

En ce qui concerne les tendances actuelles, les voyageurs sont de plus en plus à la recherche d’une expérience de voyage personnalisée et authentique. Les voyageurs veulent vivre des expériences uniques qui leur permettent de découvrir la culture locale et de se connecter avec les habitants. Les hôtels qui offrent une expérience authentique et personnalisée ont un avantage compétitif sur le marché.

Dans le cas de Hôtel HLS, nous sommes bien positionnés pour répondre à cette tendance grâce à notre offre de cuisine locale et notre approche centrée sur le client. Nous sommes convaincus que ces éléments nous permettront de nous différencier des autres hôtels de la région et d’attirer des clients à la recherche d’une expérience de voyage unique.

En ce qui concerne les opportunités de croissance, nous avons identifié plusieurs segments de marché qui présentent un fort potentiel de croissance pour Hôtel HLS. Tout d’abord, nous ciblons les voyageurs d’affaires qui cherchent un hébergement de qualité et un service personnalisé. Nous sommes convaincus que ce segment de marché est en croissance et qu’il représente une opportunité importante pour notre entreprise.

De plus, nous avons identifié une demande croissante pour les voyages de luxe et les expériences haut de gamme. Nous prévoyons d’élargir notre offre pour répondre à cette demande en proposant des chambres de luxe et des services supplémentaires tels que des massages, des soins de beauté et des activités de loisirs.

Enfin, nous avons également identifié une demande croissante pour les voyages éco-responsables. Nous prévoyons d’adapter notre entreprise pour répondre à cette tendance en mettant en place des pratiques éco-responsables telles que le recyclage, l’utilisation de produits locaux et durables, et l’utilisation d’énergies renouvelables.

En conclusion, l’analyse de marché démontre que le marché de l’hôtellerie est en croissance et présente des opportunités importantes pour Hôtel HLS. Nous avons identifié plusieurs segments de marché en croissance et nous sommes convaincus que notre offre unique nous permettra de nous démarquer de la concurrence

Business plan Hôtel : stratégie commerciale

La stratégie commerciale est l’une des parties les plus importantes d’un business plan pour un hôtel. Elle définit la manière dont l’entreprise va générer des revenus, acquérir des clients et se différencier de la concurrence. Cette section doit démontrer la viabilité de l’entreprise et convaincre les investisseurs et les prêteurs potentiels de la capacité de l’entreprise à générer des profits. Dans cette section, nous allons examiner la stratégie commerciale de Hôtel HLS, y compris nos produits et services, notre marché cible, notre plan de vente et de marketing, ainsi que nos avantages concurrentiels.

Nos produits et services sont axés sur l’offre d’une expérience exceptionnelle à nos clients. Nous proposons des chambres confortables, une expérience culinaire unique, ainsi que des services supplémentaires tels que des massages, des soins de beauté et des activités de loisirs. Nous nous engageons à offrir à nos clients une expérience personnalisée qui leur permettra de se sentir comme chez eux.

Notre marché cible est composé de voyageurs d’affaires et de touristes locaux et internationaux qui cherchent un hébergement de qualité et un service personnalisé. Nous avons identifié plusieurs segments de marché, tels que les voyageurs d’affaires, les couples en lune de miel, les voyageurs haut de gamme et les voyageurs éco-responsables. Nous avons développé des offres adaptées à ces segments de marché pour répondre à leurs besoins spécifiques.

Notre plan de vente et de marketing consiste à utiliser une approche multi-canal pour atteindre nos clients potentiels. Nous avons créé un site web moderne et fonctionnel qui offre une expérience utilisateur conviviale et qui permet aux clients de réserver facilement une chambre en ligne. Nous utilisons également les réseaux sociaux pour attirer des clients potentiels et augmenter notre notoriété.

Nous avons également établi des partenariats avec des entreprises locales et des organisations de tourisme pour attirer des clients potentiels. Nous prévoyons également d’organiser des événements locaux tels que des dégustations de vins et des concerts pour attirer des clients potentiels et augmenter notre notoriété.

En ce qui concerne nos avantages concurrentiels, nous avons identifié plusieurs éléments qui nous permettent de nous différencier de la concurrence. Tout d’abord, nous proposons une expérience culinaire unique qui utilise des ingrédients frais et locaux. De plus, nous offrons des services supplémentaires tels que des massages, des soins de beauté et des activités de loisirs, qui nous permettent de nous démarquer des autres hôtels de la région.

Enfin, nous sommes convaincus que notre approche centrée sur le client et notre équipe qualifiée et expérimentée nous permettront de fournir un service de qualité à nos clients et de maintenir la rentabilité de notre entreprise.

En conclusion, la stratégie commerciale de Hôtel HLS est basée sur l’offre d’une expérience exceptionnelle à nos clients, l’utilisation d’une approche multi-canal pour atteindre nos clients potentiels, ainsi que la mise en place d’avantages concurrentiels solides

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Business plan hôtel : stratégie de communication.

La stratégie de communication est un élément clé du business plan pour un hôtel. Elle définit la manière dont l’entreprise va communiquer avec ses clients potentiels, les médias et les partenaires. Cette section est particulièrement importante pour convaincre les investisseurs et les prêteurs potentiels que l’entreprise peut atteindre ses objectifs de vente et de marketing. Dans cette section, nous allons examiner la stratégie de communication de Hôtel HLS, y compris notre plan de relations publiques, notre plan de publicité, notre plan de communication numérique et notre stratégie de gestion de la réputation en ligne.

Notre plan de relations publiques consiste à nouer des relations solides avec les médias locaux et les blogueurs de voyage. Nous prévoyons d’organiser des visites de presse et des événements pour attirer l’attention sur notre entreprise et nos services. Nous allons également utiliser les réseaux sociaux pour partager nos actualités et nos offres spéciales et pour interagir avec les clients potentiels.

En ce qui concerne notre plan de publicité, nous allons utiliser une approche multi-canal pour atteindre nos clients potentiels. Nous allons utiliser des publicités en ligne ciblées pour attirer des clients potentiels sur notre site web. Nous prévoyons également d’utiliser des publicités imprimées dans les magazines de voyage et les journaux locaux pour atteindre une audience plus large.

Notre plan de communication numérique consiste à utiliser les réseaux sociaux pour interagir avec les clients potentiels et augmenter notre notoriété. Nous allons utiliser Facebook, Instagram et Twitter pour partager nos actualités, nos offres spéciales et nos photos. Nous allons également utiliser les plateformes de réservation en ligne pour augmenter notre visibilité et atteindre des clients potentiels à la recherche d’un hébergement de qualité.

Enfin, notre stratégie de gestion de la réputation en ligne consiste à surveiller régulièrement les commentaires et les avis en ligne et à y répondre de manière professionnelle et courtoise. Nous allons également utiliser des outils de suivi des médias sociaux pour surveiller les mentions de notre entreprise et répondre rapidement à toute plainte ou tout commentaire négatif.

En conclusion, la stratégie de communication de Hôtel HLS est basée sur l’utilisation d’une approche multi-canal pour atteindre nos clients potentiels, la création de relations solides avec les médias locaux et les blogueurs de voyage, ainsi que la gestion professionnelle de notre réputation en ligne. Nous sommes convaincus que cette stratégie nous permettra d’augmenter notre notoriété et d’attirer des clients potentiels à la recherche d’un hébergement de qualité

Business plan Hôtel : ressources humaines

La section des ressources humaines est un élément essentiel du business plan pour un hôtel. Elle décrit les rôles et les responsabilités des membres de l’équipe, les coûts associés à la gestion des ressources humaines et la manière dont l’entreprise va attirer et retenir des talents. Cette section est particulièrement importante pour convaincre les investisseurs et les prêteurs potentiels que l’entreprise est capable de gérer efficacement son personnel et de maintenir sa rentabilité. Dans cette section, nous allons examiner la stratégie de ressources humaines de Hôtel HLS, y compris notre équipe, notre plan de formation et de développement, ainsi que nos coûts de main-d’œuvre.

Notre équipe est composée de professionnels qualifiés et expérimentés dans le secteur de l’hôtellerie. Nous avons recruté des chefs cuisiniers talentueux, des employés de service compétents et des employés administratifs qualifiés pour gérer efficacement notre entreprise. Nous nous engageons à fournir une formation continue à notre personnel pour maintenir un niveau élevé de service à la clientèle.

Notre plan de formation et de développement consiste à offrir une formation régulière à notre personnel pour améliorer leur niveau de service et leurs compétences professionnelles. Nous offrons également des opportunités de développement de carrière pour motiver notre personnel à rester à long terme avec notre entreprise. Nous prévoyons de développer un programme de mentorat pour aider notre personnel à acquérir des compétences supplémentaires et à progresser dans leur carrière.

En ce qui concerne nos coûts de main-d’œuvre, nous sommes conscients que la gestion des ressources humaines est un élément clé de notre rentabilité. Nous prévoyons de maintenir une rémunération compétitive pour notre personnel tout en maintenant un niveau de productivité élevé. Nous avons également prévu des budgets pour les avantages sociaux, les primes de performance et les programmes de récompenses pour motiver notre personnel.

Nous avons également élaboré une stratégie de recrutement efficace pour attirer et retenir les meilleurs talents. Nous prévoyons d’utiliser les réseaux sociaux pour attirer des candidats potentiels et de travailler avec des agences de recrutement pour trouver des candidats qualifiés. Nous avons également prévu de développer une culture d’entreprise positive pour attirer des candidats à la recherche d’un environnement de travail stimulant et positif.

Enfin, nous avons mis en place des politiques efficaces pour assurer la sécurité et la santé de notre personnel. Nous nous engageons à fournir un environnement de travail sûr et sain pour notre personnel en respectant les normes de sécurité et de santé au travail. Nous prévoyons également de fournir une assurance maladie et une couverture d’invalidité pour protéger notre personnel contre les risques professionnels.

En conclusion, la stratégie de ressources humaines de Hôtel HLS est basée sur la création d’une équipe qualifiée et expérimentée, l’offre d’une formation et d’un développement continu à notre personnel, la gestion efficace de nos coûts de main-d’œuvre et la mise en place de politiques pour assurer la sécurité et la santé de notre personnel

Business plan Hôtel : Prévisionnel financier et comptable

La section du prévisionnel financier est l’une des parties les plus importantes du business plan pour un hôtel. Elle présente les prévisions financières de l’entreprise pour les années à venir, y compris les revenus, les coûts et les bénéfices. Cette section est particulièrement importante pour convaincre les investisseurs et les prêteurs potentiels que l’entreprise est capable de générer des profits et de maintenir sa rentabilité à long terme. Dans cette section, nous allons examiner les prévisions financières de Hôtel HLS, y compris nos projections de revenus, de coûts et de bénéfices.

Nos projections de revenus sont basées sur notre stratégie commerciale et notre analyse de marché. Nous prévoyons que nos chambres confortables et notre offre de cuisine locale attireront un grand nombre de clients potentiels. Nous avons également prévu de proposer des services supplémentaires tels que des massages, des soins de beauté et des activités de loisirs pour générer des revenus supplémentaires. Nous prévoyons que nos revenus augmenteront progressivement au fil des années à mesure que notre entreprise se développe et que nous attirons un nombre croissant de clients.

Nos projections de coûts sont basées sur notre plan opérationnel et notre stratégie de ressources humaines. Nous avons prévu des coûts de main-d’œuvre compétitifs pour attirer et retenir les meilleurs talents. Nous avons également prévu des coûts pour la nourriture et les boissons, les fournitures de bureau, l’entretien et les réparations, ainsi que les coûts de marketing et de publicité. Nous avons pris en compte les coûts variables et les coûts fixes pour établir nos projections de coûts.

En ce qui concerne nos projections de bénéfices, nous sommes convaincus que notre entreprise sera rentable à long terme. Nous prévoyons que nos revenus augmenteront progressivement au fil des années, tandis que nos coûts resteront stables. Nous prévoyons que notre rentabilité augmentera au fil du temps à mesure que nous attirons un nombre croissant de clients et que nous développons notre entreprise.

Nous avons également prévu des budgets pour les investissements à court et à long terme pour assurer la croissance de notre entreprise. Nous prévoyons d’investir dans des équipements de cuisine modernes, des rénovations de nos chambres et des améliorations de nos installations de loisirs. Nous avons également prévu des investissements pour nos activités de marketing et de publicité afin d’attirer des clients potentiels et d’augmenter notre notoriété.

Enfin, nous avons prévu une analyse de sensibilité pour évaluer les risques et les opportunités pour notre entreprise. Nous avons pris en compte les facteurs économiques, les changements de la demande du marché et les facteurs externes tels que la concurrence pour évaluer les risques potentiels pour notre entreprise.

En conclusion, les prévisions financières de Hôtel HLS sont basées sur notre stratégie commerciale, notre plan opérationnel et notre stratégie de ressources humaines. Nous sommes convaincus que nos projections de revenus, de coûts et de bénéfices sont réalistes et que notre entreprise sera rentable à long terme

Un prévisionnel financier et comptable pour un hôtel est un outil essentiel pour planifier et anticiper la performance financière de l’établissement sur une période donnée, généralement un, trois, ou cinq ans. Il comprend plusieurs éléments clés qui permettent de projeter les revenus, les dépenses, et la rentabilité de l’hôtel. Voici les principales composantes d’un prévisionnel financier et comptable pour un hôtel :

1. Hypothèses de base

  • Taux d’occupation : Estimation du pourcentage moyen d’occupation des chambres sur la période.
  • Prix moyen par chambre (ADR – Average Daily Rate) : Montant moyen facturé par chambre par nuitée.
  • RevPAR (Revenue per Available Room) : Revenu par chambre disponible, qui combine le taux d’occupation et le prix moyen par chambre.
  • Autres revenus : Estimations des revenus provenant de services supplémentaires tels que le restaurant, le bar, le spa, les salles de réunion, etc.
  • Saisonnalité : Variations prévues en fonction des saisons, événements locaux, ou tendances touristiques.

2. Prévision des revenus

  • Revenus d’hébergement : Basé sur le taux d’occupation, le prix moyen des chambres, et le nombre de chambres.
  • Revenus des services supplémentaires : Revenus issus de la restauration, du spa, des activités annexes, etc.
  • Revenus accessoires : Revenu provenant d’autres services comme le Wi-Fi payant, les parkings, les commissions sur les ventes de billets d’événements, etc.

3. Prévision des dépenses

  • Coûts fixes : Charges récurrentes indépendantes du niveau d’activité, telles que le loyer, les assurances, les salaires des employés permanents, etc.
  • Coûts variables : Dépenses qui varient en fonction du niveau d’activité, comme les coûts de blanchisserie, les fournitures de chambres, les coûts alimentaires pour la restauration, etc.
  • Coûts d’entretien et de réparation : Budget dédié à l’entretien régulier des installations.
  • Frais marketing et commerciaux : Investissements prévus pour la publicité, la promotion, les commissions aux agences de voyage en ligne, etc.

4. État des résultats prévisionnels (Compte de résultat)

  • Revenus totaux : Somme des revenus d’hébergement et des autres services.
  • Coût des ventes : Comprend le coût direct des services offerts (par exemple, coût de la nourriture dans un restaurant d’hôtel).
  • Marge brute : Revenus totaux moins le coût des ventes.
  • Dépenses d’exploitation : Toutes les autres dépenses opérationnelles.
  • Résultat d’exploitation (EBITDA) : Marge brute moins les dépenses d’exploitation.
  • Résultat net : EBITDA moins les amortissements, les intérêts, et les impôts.

5. Tableau de trésorerie prévisionnel

  • Entrées de trésorerie : Prévues à partir des revenus de l’hôtel.
  • Sorties de trésorerie : Incluent les paiements de fournisseurs, salaires, coûts d’exploitation, remboursements de dettes, etc.
  • Solde de trésorerie : Projection de la trésorerie disponible à la fin de chaque période.

6. Bilan prévisionnel

  • Actifs : Comprennent les immobilisations (terrain, bâtiment, équipement), les actifs circulants (liquidités, créances), etc.
  • Passifs : Comprennent les dettes à court terme (fournisseurs, salaires) et à long terme (emprunts).
  • Capitaux propres : Incluent le capital social, les réserves, et les résultats accumulés.

7. Analyse des écarts

  • Écart entre prévisions et réalisations : Comparaison entre les résultats réels et les prévisions, identification des écarts, et analyse des causes.
  • Actions correctives : Mesures à prendre pour ajuster les prévisions futures ou les opérations afin de minimiser les écarts négatifs.

8. Indicateurs de performance clés (KPI)

  • GOPPAR (Gross Operating Profit Per Available Room) : Bénéfice d’exploitation brut par chambre disponible.
  • TRevPAR (Total Revenue Per Available Room) : Revenu total par chambre disponible, y compris tous les services.
  • Occupancy Index : Comparaison du taux d’occupation avec les hôtels concurrents.
  • ADR Index : Comparaison du prix moyen par chambre avec les hôtels concurrents.

Ce prévisionnel sert à prendre des décisions éclairées, ajuster les stratégies opérationnelles, et convaincre les investisseurs ou les partenaires financiers de la viabilité du projet hôtelier.

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  • Auto-Entrepreneur
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  • Changement de Président SAS SASU
  • Changement de gérant SARL EURL
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  • Cession des parts SARL EURL
  • Cession d’actions SAS SASU
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Business Plan Hôtel

Hotel business plan by xotels. Step by step guide on how to write a hotel business plan.

Félicitations, vous avez décidé de réaliser votre rêve et d’ouvrir votre propre hôtel . Vous avez imaginé un concept innovant assorti d’un service client de qualité. La prochaine étape consiste à rédiger un business plan d’hôtel. C’est comme une feuille de route jusqu’à l’ouverture. Toutefois, en tant que société de gestion  hôtelière , expérimentée, nous avons constaté que c’est là que la plupart des entrepreneurs sont en difficulté.

Pourquoi ? Beaucoup n’ont pas le temps, ne savent pas quoi écrire ou comment établir des données comptables. Mais tant que vous n’aurez pas terminé votre business plan hôtellerie, vous ne pourrez pas non plus obtenir de financement. Vous vous retrouvez donc avec des idées dans votre tête sans possibilité de les rendrent concrètes.

Il n’est pas si difficile de faire un bon business plan d’hôtel. Il s’agit simplement d’un résumé structuré de votre idée. La plupart des personnes incluent tout ce qui concerne leur concept d’hôtel dans le business plan. Mais cela est inutile de se retrouver avec un roman indigeste plutôt qu’un plan bien établi.

La solution est de savoir ce qu’il faut intégrer et ce qu’il ne faut pas inclure dans votre business plan hotellerie. Créez une feuille de route claire pour réussir. Suscitez l’intérêt pour les investisseurs plutôt que de les fatiguer comme le font la plupart des business plan remplis d’informations redondantes. Et vous devez guider les lecteurs sur le chemin exact que vous convoitez.

L’un des principaux challenges, par exemple, est qu’après avoir lu la première page de la plupart des entreprises, je ne comprends souvent pas entièrement ce qu’est l’hôtel. Pour les investisseurs et les prêteurs, il est essentiel qu’ils puissent comprendre rapidement votre plan, sans lire le document dans son intégralité.

hotel business plan 2

Hôtels 101: Les Bases de la Planification Financière

Nous avons mis au point un modèle de business plan hôtelier pour vous aider dans votre démarche. Voici notre approche basée sur 10 étapes critiques, à savoir :

  • Analyse de l’entreprise
  • Analyse de l’industrie
  • Analyse client
  • Analyse compétitive
  • Plan stratégique
  • Plan d’opérations
  • Équipe de direction
  •   Plan financier
  •   Principaux jalons

Étapes de votre plan d’affaires hôtelier

Étudions la liste de contrôle étape par étape de ce à quoi devrait ressembler le business plan de votre hôtel.

Voici les étapes de l'élaboration d'un plan d'affaires pour un hôtel. Voyez quelles sont les étapes à suivre pour rédiger votre propre plan d'affaires hôtelier.

Infographie par Xotels

Cette première partie doit être composée de deux parties principales, à savoir :

  •  Intitulé de mission (introduction): une description d’entreprise d’une ligne uniquement l’essentiel de votre hôtel (pas 2 lignes ou un paragraphe). Il explique pourquoi vous êtes en activité ou quel besoin majeur vous répondez, qui n’est pas actuellement satisfait. Par exemple, dans le cas de Qbic Hôtels, «Transférer des hôtels modulaires vers des immeubles sous-utilisés pour réduire les coûts et le temps de construction.»  
  • Objectifs : Qu’espérez-vous obtenir (c.-à-d. « Atteindre un taux d’occupation annuel de 90%. »).

 2. Analyse de l’entreprise

Des informations plus détaillées sur les USPs (arguments de vente uniques) de votre concept d’hôtel.

hotel business plan 3

3. Analyse de l’industrie

Informations sur les tendances actuelles du secteur et l’état actuel du marché et son impact sur votre hôtel. Des informations essentielles car les investisseurs veulent être certain que vous comprenez vraiment le secteur hôtelier. Il s’agit de la base sur laquelle reposeront les décisions telles que les tendances et les développements à suivre.

4. Analyse des clients

Réalisez des informations détaillées sur votre marché cible, y compris des détails de segmentation géographique, démographique, socio-économique, psycho-graphique et comportementale. Quels sont les types de clients qui séjourneront le plus souvent dans votre hôtel ? Expliquez quelles caractéristiques répondront aux besoins et aux désirs de ces principaux segments lorsque vous pensez à:

  • Emplacement

En synthèse, comment les consommateurs répondront-ils à cette question « Pourquoi choisir cet hôtel? »

Tâchez à décomposer cette analyse en arguments simples (sans que cela soit complexe). Pensez aux exemples suivants:

  • Psychographie: intérêts, modes de vie, personnalité, valeurs, opinions et attitudes
  • Segmentation comportementale : comportement d’achat, niveau d’engagement, fidélité client
  • Démographie : sexe, âge, état matrimonial et éducation
  • Géographie : emplacement (pays, état, région, ville)
  • Socio-économie

Tous les exemples ci-dessus de segmentation d’hôtels peuvent, s’ils sont bien rédigés, être d’une grande utilité pour votre business plan hôtel. Par exemple pour un hôtel situé dans une station balnéaire, où vous devriez être en mesure de décrire en quoi la démographie et la psychographie diffèrent d’une heure d’été à l’autre. D’autant plus qu’avec cet exemple, il est généralement connu pour que la demande soit plus faible en hiver, ce que vous pourriez compenser avec la bonne stratégie marketing.

5. Analyse compétitive

Une étude de votre concurrence locale ou de vos concurrents de concept global, avec chacun de leurs forces, faiblesses, taux d’occupation et part de marché ( analyse SWOT ). Et n’oubliez pas la partie la plus importante ; ce qui vous différencie d’eux. Qu’est-ce qui vous distingue?

Posez-vous la question : «puis-je apporter de la valeur à une zone spécifique», en particulier lorsqu’il s’agit de zones à forte densité hôtelière comme les centres-villes des principales destinations.

Can you add value to the market. When writing your business plan, think about if the market is not too crowded with competitors such as seen in this example.

6. Plan stratégique

Il est structuré en 3 parties:

  • Le marketing : Comment allez-vous faire pour attirer les clients ? Comment allez-vous vous positionner ? Quel sera votre message aux différents acteurs de votre secteur d’activité ? Comment fonctionnera votre marketing direct ? Quel sera le plan pour le site Web de votre hôtel, le référencement, le SEM et le SMM ? Ferez-vous de la publicité hors ligne ? En bref, votre stratégie de marketing hôtelier doit couvrir tout ce qu’il y a à savoir sur la stratégie de marketing de votre  hôtel.
  • Distribution : quels canaux tiers utiliserez-vous et comment allez-vous gérer la disponibilité? De quelle technologie auriez-vous besoin?
  • Gestion des revenus : quelles techniques de tarification et de rendement utiliserez-vous ? Quelles seront vos politiques de paiement et d’annulation ? Quels types de chambres vendez-vous et comment seront-ils commercialisés individuellement ? Combien de scénarios de revenus vais-je créer ? Où puis-je compenser les flux de revenus / demande si nécessaire?

Assurez-vous de disposer des capacités nécessaires pour planifier une stratégie solide de marketing, de distribution et de gestion des revenus.

Les difficultés se multiplient rapidement et le choix de l’ externalisation de la gestion hôtelière et de la gestion des revenues est un facteur stratégique important lors de la phase de planification et de l’exécution de vos business plans.

7. Plan d’Opérations

Comment gérerez-vous votre hôtel ? Pensez aux éléments suivants:

  • De combien de personnel et de superviseurs aurez-vous besoin?
  • Quelles sont leurs descriptions de poste / responsabilités?
  • Quels antécédents et quelles expériences devraient-ils avoir?
  • Quand devraient-ils commencer?
  • Quelles sont vos normes de service?
  • Allez-vous élaborer des notices d’utilisation?
  • Quel fournisseur allez-vous utiliser?
  • Comment allez-vous gérer les stocks?

8. Équipe de Direction

Mentionnez les CV de votre équipe. Insistez sur ce qui vous distingue et vous prédispose à faire de votre hôtel un grand succès. Une bonne équipe est la clef du succès , et les partenaires seront convaincus par une explication détaillée de la valeur ajoutée que chacun apportera à l’hôtel.

9. Plan Financier

Fournissez les coûts de démarrage de l’hôtel (investissement en capital), les coûts commerciaux permanents, les dépenses opérationnelles et les projections de revenus pour les cinq prochaines années. Mentionnez les indicateurs clés de performance (KPI) tels que le taux d’occupation prévu, le taux journalier moyen (ADR) et le revenu par chambre disponible (REVPAR).

Si vous souhaitez lever des fonds , indiquez le montant du financement nécessaire et la date à laquelle il devra être octroyé. Expliquez comment vous allez générer un retour sur investissement pour les investisseurs, ou quand les prêteurs seront remboursés.

10. Principaux jalons

Ce sont les principales étapes qui, une fois terminées, augmenteront les chances de succès de votre hôtel. Faites le point:

  • Choix de l’emplacement
  • Permis et licences
  • Aménagement / Construction de l’hôtel
  • Recrutement et formation
  • Seuil de rentabilité GOP
  • Point mort NOI

Chaque fois qu’une des étapes clés est franchie, le risque des prêteurs ou des investisseurs diminue . Et une fois que votre dernière étape clé est atteinte, les chances de réussite sont plus ou moins garanties.

Fournissez ici toute autre information pertinente. N’encombrez pas les principales sections de votre business plan d’hôtel avec trop de détails. Appuyez-les plutôt avec des annexes dans cette partie.

hotel business plan 4

Mettre votre plan en action

De nombreuses personnes ont d’excellentes idées commerciales. Mais cela n’a vraiment pas d’importance. La différence entre les rêveurs et les entrepreneurs se trouve dans l’état d’esprit d’action. Êtes-vous prêt à lancer votre idée sur le marché ?

La première étape consiste à mettre vos idées sur papier. J’espère que cet exemple de business plan hôtel gratuit vous a convaincu. Sachez-le, aucun investisseur ou prêteur ne sera intéressé si vous ne pouvez pas présenter un plan clair.

Suivez vos rêves et foncez !

Rationalise les opérations de ton hôtel

Nous guidons les hôtels et les resorts vers un succès inégalé, en les positionnant en tant que leaders du marché.

modele de business plan hotel

Besoin d’aide pour rédiger un business plan ?

XOTELS, en tant que compagnie de gestion hôtelière a accompagné des centaines d’hôtels dans le développement et l’optimisation de leurs activités grâce à ses services de conseil hôtelier et de gestion des revenus .

Grâce à des réalisations efficaces et à des pratiques optimales élaborées au fil des ans, le succès de votre entreprise hôtelière est garanti.

Nous espérons que ce modèle de business plan d’hôtel vous a inspiré et vous a aidé à lancer votre  propre entreprise  hôtelière .

Bonne chance dans vos projets !

Patrick Landman

PS. Vous avez besoin d’aide pour rédiger ou développer vos business plan hotel ? Contactez-nous dès maintenant pour bénéficier de nos services de rédaction de business plan hôtelier afin de vous aider à débuter!

Maximise les revenus de ton hôtel

Découvre le potentiel de revenus cachés de ton hôtel ou de ton resort.

modele de business plan hotel

Xotels est une nouvelle génération d’hôteliers, créateur d’hôtels très performants. Voulez-vous avoir de meilleurs résultats? Faites Appel aux Experts! Nous contacter À Propos de Xotels

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About the author:, related posts, comment ouvrir un hôtel , analyse et étude du marché de l’hôtellerie, 10 idées astucieuses de contrôle des coûts dans les hôtels pour économiser de l’argent, 10 solutions aux défis de l’industrie hôtelière en 2024.

modele de business plan hotel


De l'envie à la réalité

exemple business plan hotel

  • juin 7, 2022
  • #business plan #stratégie
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Vous êtes à la recherche d'un exemple de business plan hôtel ? C'est ici que vous allez le trouver !

Effectivement, nous allons vous le transmettre et nous allons même faire mieux que cela pour vous ! Car, nous allons vous donner, en cadeau, la relecture de votre dossier !

Ce qu’un exemple de business plan hôtel peut vous apporter :

Quand on cherche un modèle business plan pour ouvrir un hôtel, c’est généralement la preuve qu’ on est très motivé pour créer son entreprise. Mais on a, aussi, besoin d’aide pour présenter son dossier à des sociétés de financement. ( banque, plateforme d’initiatives locales…)  et se rassurer sur la solidité du projet ! 

Avec un exemple de business plan sectoriel ciblé dans le domaine de l’hôtellerie, vous allez :  

  • Avoir le sentiment de gagner du temps  
  • Se sentir rassuré sur votre capacité à présenter un dossier correct  
  • Visualiser rapidement le seuil de rentabilité d’une affaire dans ce secteur afin de finalement confirmer votre désir de vous lancer ou pas
  • Obtenir des idées auxquelles vous n’auriez peut-être pas pensé seul sur le projet, la clientèle, les produits, les stratégies de communication…
  • Etre alerté sur des points de vigilance auxquels vous n’aviez pas songé  
  • Déterminer une idée plus précise de certaines dépenses à comptabiliser  
  • Etre au clair sur les documents à réunir pour présenter votre dossierouvrir

Ce qu’un modèle de business plan hôtel ne peut pas vous apporter 

Malheureusement, un modèle de business plan pour ouvrir un hôtel ne résoudra pas toutes vos préoccupations. Vous ne pourrez pas  ,  grâce à ce document, avoir :  

  • compris toutes les finesses de votre secteur d’activité ! Pour cause, ce document reste une analyse faite par un tiers…. C’est à vous de juger des points importants dans votre secteur, car c’est vous qui avez un enjeu de carrière et un enjeu financier.  
  • appréhendé les particularités de votre zone géographique  
  • développé les compétences suffisantes pour mettre à jour tout le document avec sérieux  
  • développé des compétences solides d’entrepreneur : savoir mettre en place une veille de la concurrence , savoir réagir face aux évolutions de la demande des clients, savoir communiquer en vrai et sur internet, savoir comment créer un logo d’entreprise facilement et rapidement , savoir négocier, savoir vendre, savoir gérer un planning, savoir piloter votre marge, savoir rédiger ou négocier un contrat, savoir analyser votre bilan ou celui d’un concurrent, etc.  
  • validé que ce projet est véritablement le plus en adéquation avec vos qualités, vos forces, vos intérêts, vos motivations, votre vision d’une vie idéale, vos contraintes économiques, organisationnelles, etc. C’est tout de même fondamental pour mettre toutes les chances de votre côté !  
  • des réponses aux 10 000 autres questions que vous allez vous poser à la fois pendant cette phase de montage du projet et pendant les 24 prochains mois 

Comment obtenir ce qu’il vous manque malgré cet exemple business plan hôtel

Le travail de compréhension du business plan.

Pour bien comprendre les finesses de votre secteur d’activité et secteur géographique, il vous faut apprendre à mener une étude de marché solide. Quand on n’a jamais fait cela, c’est un nouvel exercice déroutant et difficile : autant que d’apprendre à marcher, parler ou lire !  

Pour développer vos compétences d’entrepreneur sur les champs où vous avez besoin, il faut déjà clairement comprendre les compétences dont vous avez besoin. Mais pour cela, il faut connaître les 6 étapes clés pour entreprendre en sécurité !

Voici leur présentation dans la vidéo ci-dessous :

Dans cette courte vidéo, je vous explique ce que vous devez cerner rapidement.

Le travail de préparation de l’entrepreneur à la réalisation du business plan

Ensuite, vous pourrez, selon vos besoins, vous orienter vers une formation à la Création d’Entreprise . Ainsi, vous multiplierez vos chances de réussite par 3 en choisissant une formation complète et adaptée à votre besoin.

Enfin pour répondre à toutes vos questions et être sûr que ce projet est le bon pour vous, rien ne vaut un accompagnement à la création d’entreprise avec des experts de l’entrepreneuriat. Ici vous n’avez pas de temps à perdre avec des conseillers qui ne sont pas eux-même des entrepreneurs, ou des coachs juniors. Car, plus votre enjeu de vie est important ( famille, carrière, reconversion, économie…) plus vous devez sécuriser votre projet en vous entourant des bons coachs experts entrepreneurs.

Chez macreationdentreprise.fr nous avons réuni pour vous une équipe de choc ! Et cerise sur le gâteau, toutes nos  formations comprennent systématiquement un accompagnement qui va bien au delà d’une semaine ou d’un mois de formation . Donc, vous pouvez nous joindre à n’importe quel moment de la vie de votre projet !

Le résumé de tous les points clés à savoir pour ouvrir un hôtel afin de vous faire gagner un temps fou

Ouvrir un hôtel vous tente ? Et, vous désirez concrétiser votre projet, mais vous avez besoin d’obtenir plus d’informations ? Je vous donne les points clés qui vous permettront de gagner du temps et ainsi vous lancer plus sereinement en tant que professionnel du tourisme.

La réglementation pour ouvrir un hôtel

Pour prétendre ouvrir un hôtel et le faire prospérer, plusieurs conditions doivent être réunies. En effet, l’ouverture ou la reprise vous confère le statut de commerçant, ce qui implique le respect de certaines obligations et formalités.

Les formalités d’ouverture et autres démarches juridiques

D’abord, l’hôtelier doit faire une déclaration d’ouverture auprès du préfet du département ou à la préfecture de police. Et pour certaines communes, une déclaration sanitaire peut vous être demandée. Ensuite, si vous prévoyez de construire ou effectuer des travaux, une demande d’autorisation est indispensable. Enfin, pour la vente de boissons alcoolisées, il faudra vous assurer d’obtenir toutes les licences et autorisations nécessaires. Regardez notre dossier sur le  permis d’exploitation.

Le respect des normes de sécurité et d’accessibilité

Tout d’abord, ouvrir un établissement de ce type vous oblige à respecter les normes de sécurité des ERP. En effet, celui-ci doit répondre à un certain nombre de règles de sécurité contre par exemple celles relatives aux risques d’incendie comme celles relatives à l’évacuation des locaux.

D’autre part, ne négligez pas non plus les règles sanitaires départementales ainsi que la loi du 11 février 2005 qui impose des règles d’accessibilités pour tous les hôteliers. À cet effet, je vous invite à prendre connaissance de toutes les normes applicables à votre secteur d’activité avant de vous lancer.

Les normes de classement des établissements

Pour commencer, n’oubliez pas de prendre connaissance des nouvelles procédures de classement, si vous souhaitez faire évaluer votre établissement. En effet, pour obtenir le classement de celui-ci (de 1 à 5 étoiles), il convient de s’adresser à un organisme évaluateur accrédité. Une fois déterminé, le classement est valable pour 5 ans.

Les obligations administratives

L’affichage des prix reste obligatoire même si les prix peuvent être librement déterminés. Par ailleurs, le respect des normes concernant la publicité hôtelière tout comme les modalités ou les informations sur les prestations proposées est indispensable. De plus, pour les clients étrangers, une fiche de police doit être préalablement remplie, l’hôtelier doit tenir un registre de police contenant les informations sur l’identité de ses clients.

La souscription à certaines assurances spécifiques

Plusieurs assurances sont obligatoires comme la responsabilité dépositaire, la responsabilité civile ou encore les assurances incendie, dégâts des eaux, . L’assurance perte d’exploitation est souvent recommandé.

Le respect des règles écologiques

Bien sûr, respecter les règles en matière d’énergies renouvelables et recyclage (développement durable) s’impose. Avoir un établissement respectant les dernières réglementations sur le plan énergétique est un plus indéniable.

Ouvrir un hôtel : tendances à suivre

Prenez conscience que d’autres types de logements séduisent de plus en plus. Airbnb, par exemple, concurrence nettement l’hôtellerie. Donc, le secteur se doit d’innover et de faire preuve de créativité ; c’est d’autant plus vrai avec les différentes crises que nous venons de traverser. C’est pourquoi, affirmer son identité lorsqu’on ouvre un hôtel est devenu nécessaire pour se démarquer. Pour s’adapter au nouveau marché, certaines tendances intéressantes peuvent vous inspirer :

L’utilisation de nouvelles technologies. Les clients sont de plus en plus connectés. Les check-in/check-out autonomes sont de plus en plus appréciés par les clients.

La présence de nouvelles méthodes et canaux de communication. Ex. : l’utilisation des réseaux sociaux, la création de sites internet ou encore l’utilisation de centrales de réservation. Attention aux dessous des cartes : par exemple l’algorythme de Booking favorise les établissements qui décident de spontanément reverser plus à la centrale que les autres : en laissant le taux à 17%, votre place sera bien loin derrière d’autres hôtels moins bien équipés, placés, notés mais ayant augmenté leur reversement à 30, 40 ou 50%. C’est un peu du racket autorisé soyons clair.

La création de structures éco-responsables (conception architecturale, aménagement de manière plus durable). C’est pour cela que c e virage écologique ne peut plus être négligé.

L’apparition d’hébergements de plus en plus innovants : les hôtels coworking, les hôtels à thème, les cabanes & autres boutiques hôtels.

La personnalisation des services et des prestations.

Le développement et la modernisation des auberges de jeunesse pour le regroupement d’une population particulière. 

Investissements à prévoir pour ouvrir un hôtel

Premièrement, il faut savoir que le retour sur investissement n’intervient généralement que 10 ans après le début d’activité. Le poids de l’endettement peut être conséquent et les exigences pour acceptation d’un dossier auprès des banques sont grandes. À titre d’exemple, il est demandé un apport personnel de 30 % à 50 % en cas de reprise d’établissement.

Deuxièmement, prendre connaissance des charges principales annuelles est important car des frais de structure et des frais d’activité conséquents sont à prévoir. En voici le détail.

Les frais d’activité :

les dépenses en énergie (241 kWh/m2/an en électricité en moyenne, à voir selon la qualité de votre installation) ;

les dépenses de maintenance et d’entretien (entre 60 € à 90 €/an et par chambre) ;

blanchissage (450 € à 1400 €/an et par chambre, montant dégressif en fonction du nombre de chambres et selon vos pratiques : vous pouvez encourager vos clients à ne pas changer de serviette chaque jour par exemple) ;

produit d’entretien, petit outillage et autres fournitures ;

services bancaires ;

commissions d’agence et plateforme de réservation : 17 à 50% des ventes 

fournitures administratives.

Les frais de structure :  

les dépenses en communication (de l’ordre de 1 % à 2 % du CA et autour de 4 % la première année rien que pour la publicité) ;

les dépenses administratives (loyer, redevance télévision, redevance pour la musique auprès de la SACEM commissions des plateformes de réservation, les assurances, impôts, etc.) ;

le coût de construction, d’aménagement et d’entretien (chambres, espaces communs, réception, restaurant) ;

les honoraires divers ;

les dépenses de personnel qui sont importantes ! 

Les points de vigilance de l’activité hôtelière

Pendant et après l’ouverture de votre établissement, voici les points les plus importants vous permettant de mettre toutes les chances de votre côté et d’assurer son bon fonctionnement :

choisir un emplacement stratégique ;

étudier la concurrence et faire une étude de marché ;

créer un site internet et communiquer sur les réseaux sociaux ;

analyser la performance financière ;

étudier les prestations à offrir en analysant votre clientèle et la concurrence ;

porter une attention particulière aux besoins du personnel.

Pour finir, posez-vous aussi la question : dans votre cas, la reprise d’établissement n’est-elle pas plus intéressante financièrement ? Est-ce que la présence d’un restaurant est intéressante pour augmenter votre chiffre d’affaire ? En ville, la plupart du temps les clients préfèrent manger à l’extérieur alors qu’en campagne les restaurants se font plus rares, ce qui rend la présence d’un restaurant plus attractif pour la clientèle.

Comment mettre du sens dans votre nouvelle vie d'hôtellier ?

Mettre du sens dans sa vie est un moteur fondamental dans la vie de beaucoup d’entrepreneur. C’est bien normal : entreprendre demande des efforts et des sacrifices. On attend donc fort justement de vivre mieux grâce à cette aventure. 

On pourrait imaginer qu’en ouvrant un hôtel on puisse mettre du sens dans sa vie en : 

  • offrant vos services uniquement à une certaine typologie de clients que vous aimez particulièrement. Par exemple : intervenir uniquement auprès des séniors ou des familles, ou encore se spécialiser dans les travailleurs nomades ! 
  • créant une communauté qui partagent des valeurs fortes autour d’un thème, d’un désir…
  • en créant des séminaires qui ne ressemble pas à des séminaires. Et si on transformait vos salles de réunions en un espace de jeux fantastiques que toutes les entreprises s’arrachent ?
  • couplant les services hôteliers avec des services de thalassothérapie brèves, spa, psy, séjours spéciaux burn out… 
  • créant un espace végétal hors du commun, propice à des rencontres différentes ? avec des ateliers sur tous les sujet de développement durable et développement de la personne au menu.
  • en respectant ses salariés, ses clients avec un discours cohérent sans faux semblant. Des valeurs sûres pour le monde de demain qui n’en peut plus des méthodes marketing agressives … 

La trame général d’un business plan hôtel

Un business plan reprend toujours ses différentes sections : 

  • Fiche de présentation du projet
  • Le créateur, ses soutiens et le profil/projet
  • En quoi le profil du créateur est cohérent avec le projet de création ?
  • Présentation des soutiens
  • Le marché et de son environnement
  • Etude de la réglementation
  • Etude de la concurrence
  • Étude de la zone de chalandise
  • Étude de la clientèle
  • Etude des fournisseurs principaux
  • Etude des prescripteurs
  • L’analyse stratégique type SWOT
  • L’offre de produits et/ou de services
  • La stratégie commerciale
  • L’étude économique du projet
  • Le statut juridique, fiscal et social
  • Le dossier financier
  • Le plan d’action

C’est d’ailleurs ce qu’on voit en détail dans ces dossiers complets : 

  • Télécharger votre modèle business plan et son prévisionnel gratuitement
  • Vous êtes sur le point de recevoir un modèle de business plan et son tutoriel vidéo gratuitement ! 
  • Envie de se lancer dans l’hôtellerie? ce business plan est faites pour vous

Exemple de business plan hôtel avec annotations

Nous voici arrivé au bout de ce dossier 😉 

Vous avez de la chance ! Nous n’avons pas encore analysé de modèle de business plan pour ouvrir un hôtel. Cela veut dire que nous allons pouvoir analyser le vôtre et vous offrir un retour sur mesure. Nous allons annoté tout ce qui demande à être amélioré. Vous bénéficierez d’une vidéo complète avec nos réactions à chaud et sans filtre ! 

Ceci est un service qui vous est offert gratuitement. Oui vous ne rêvez pas ! 

En échange de quoi, vous nous autorisez à partager votre dossier avec la communauté toute entière ! Nous rendrons votre dossier anonyme évidemment ! 

Pour vous c’est important et pour nous ça l’est aussi : nous voulons construire la plus grosse bibliothèque gratuite de modèle de business plan sectoriel.  

Si vous n’avez pas encore commencer à écrire, vous pouvez le faire à l’aide de notre trame de business plan qui est ici. Vous y trouverez également un tutoriel qui va vous aider à remplir chaque paragraphe. 

Pour aller plus loin, ces articles peuvent vous intéresser :

  • Impôt sur les dividendes et le système du quotient
  • Voici un exemple business plan pâtisserie
  • Voici un exemple de prévisionnel commenté pas à pas
  • Modèle de business plan hôtel sur Macreationdentreprise.fr : une ressource précieuse pour votre projet
  • Découvrir le meilleur exemple de business plan food truck
  • Connaître le coût pour la création d’une entreprise
  • Voici un exemple business plan boulangerie
  • Vous voulez un exemple de business plan agence de voyage ?

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Picture of Antonella

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Étude de marché, modèle de business plan gratuit, prévisionnel et bien d’autres encore ! 

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Comment faire un business plan ? Modèle gratuit !

Téléchargez notre modèle vierge de business plan et suivez nos conseils pour bien le remplir !

modele de business plan hotel

Vous êtes sur le point de lancer votre projet et cherchez comment faire un business plan ? Découvrez ce qu’est un business plan, pourquoi il est important d’en faire un et notre modèle de business plan gratuit à télécharger (modèle vierge). Suivez nos conseils et exemples pour bien le remplir !

Qu’est-ce qu’un business plan ?

Le business plan (plan d’affaires, en français) est un dossier synthétique qui présente un projet de création ou de reprise d’entreprise, en définissant sa stratégie commerciale et financière. Vous pouvez en quelque sorte le considérer comme un CV ou un “book” destiné à structurer et à vendre votre projet.

La création d’un business plan intervient après les recherches documentaires, la prospection, les études et des démarches que vous avez pu mener en amont comme : 

  • Le choix d’une forme juridique pour votre entreprise
  • La réalisation d’une étude de marché (ou d’un sondage en ligne )
  • L’évaluation de vos ressources et de votre business model (modèle économique)

Pour le réaliser, vous aurez plusieurs choix que nous vous présenterons par la suite, mais vous pouvez aussi utiliser notre modèle de business plan gratuit.

Pourquoi faire un business plan ?

Un business plan vous sert d’abord à vous-même : il permet de structurer votre projet de création d’entreprise et de mettre à plat vos idées. Il n’est pas obligatoire. Vous n’êtes donc pas contraint de vous coller à sa conception, assez chronophage.

Dans certains cas de figure, le business plan ne présente pas vraiment d’intérêt. Par exemple, si vous venez de créer votre micro-entreprise et vendez une prestation de  services depuis votre domicile, un business plan se révélera sûrement inutile. À l’inverse, ce document nous paraît incontournable si vous souhaitez créer une boutique en ligne , par exemple ou bien ouvrir un restaurant.

Rappelez-vous : il s’agit aussi d’un outil de communication. Voici quelques exemples concrets pour lesquels on risque fort de vous demander un business plan : 

  • lorsque vous désirez ouvrir un compte ou obtenir un prêt bancaire ou un autre financement ;
  • lorsque vous recherchez des fournisseurs ;
  • lorsque vous comptez vous associer et/ou trouver des partenaires ;
  • lorsque vous souhaitez lever des fonds.

Concernant ce dernier point, on peut penser à une start-up qui se lance, souhaite financer son développement et/ou accélérer sa croissance. Faire un business plan doit permettre à l’investisseur de savoir s’il peut s’engager avec elle. Va-t-il y trouver son compte ? Est-ce un projet rentable ? Quels risques prend-il en investissant avec cette startup ?  Un business plan est là pour le séduire et le convaincre. Mais c’est également un outil qui doit inspirer confiance et rassurer sur l’équilibre financier de votre projet, mais aussi et surtout sur les perspectives de bénéfices.

Le business plan a aussi une utilité en interne. Grâce à lui, votre entreprise peut contrôler le pilotage de certaines opérations, tester différentes hypothèses, et réajuster au besoin en le mettant à jour, puisqu’il fournit un cadre de comparaison (ce dont vous manquez cruellement à votre lancement).

Enfin, si vous souhaitez reprendre un commerce ou une entreprise, vous pouvez aussi mettre sur pied un business plan. La trame de base est la même que pour un projet de création d’entreprise, sauf que vous devez aussi intégrer des éléments spécifiques sur l’entreprise que vous allez racheter (ex : historique, clientèle, produits, bilan financier etc.).

Modèle de business plan gratuit et conseils pour le remplir

Les modèles de business plan télécharger.

Vous êtes ici pour ça, donc ne faisons pas durer le suspense. Vous trouverez ci-dessous un modèle de business plan vierge à télécharger gratuitement. Nous l’avons décliné sous plusieurs formats, en fonction de vos besoins :

  • Modèle de business plan gratuit word téléchargeable ici
  • Modèle de business plan gratuit powerpoint (en cours de création)

Le format Word est idéal pour réaliser un business plan simplifié. Il vous suffira de remplir les différentes parties en suivants nos conseils et en l’adaptant au business d’un food-truck.

Nous vous fournissons uniquement le modèle Word, mais sachez que certains acteurs comme par exemple Créer-mon-business-plan fournissent des modèles beaucoup plus complets pour quelques dizaines d’euros qui vous permettront de recevoir à la fois un modèle Word et un outil Excel pour simuler les projections financières de votre projet de food-truck, ainsi que de l’aide pour le remplir.

Enfin, certains cherchent un modèle de business plan en PDF. Aucun intérêt à notre avis, il sera beaucoup plus facile de le modifier sous Word et d’en télécharger ensuite une version finalisée en PDF.

Exemple de trame du business plan

Le modèle de business plan que nous vous fournissons gratuitement intègre la trame suivante :

Présenter les points clés votre business plan
Raconter l’origine du projet
Décrire le produit ou service et l’avancement du projet
Présenter l’étude de marché et la concurrence
Détailler la stratégie commerciale et marketing
Préciser la forme et le montage juridique du projet

C’est un bon exemple de business plan simple et une trame relativement classique, que vous pouvez adapter développer certaines catégories ou au contraire en passer certaines sous silence, selon votre projet.

Nos conseils pour un business plan simple et efficace

Maintenant que vous avez en tête la structure et les éléments incontournables du business plan, il est temps de vous livrer quelques conseils pour concevoir un business plan simple et efficace. Ces conseils valent que vous utilisiez notre modèle ou non.

  • Misez sur la clarté et la simplicité. N’en faites pas trop, en particulier si vous présentez un projet avec beaucoup de jargon technique. Mettez-vous toujours à la place de votre lecteur et n’entrez pas trop dans les détails. Adressez-vous à lui avec ses mots.
  • Pensez à faire concis et synthétique . Il n’y a pas de règle préétablie sur le sujet, mais on estime qu’un business plan ne devrait pas contenir de 20 à 25 pages. 
  • Aérez votre texte en faisant des paragraphes et organisez vos idées avec des parties et des sous-parties regroupées au sein d’un sommaire.
  • Ajoutez des visuels lorsque c’est pertinent (ex : diagrammes, graphiques, images)
  • Faites-vous relire . Il n’y a rien de pire que de se retrouver à parcourir un document truffé de fautes d’orthographes. Soyez vigilant là-dessus !
  • Pensez aussi aux annexes . Elles vous permettent de joindre des documents complémentaires sans alourdir le coeur de votre business plan.
  • Etayez votre propos en citant vos sources . Expliquez tous vos calculs et tableaux de chiffres. Justifiez tout ce que vous avancez, en particulier vos projections financières. 

Rappelez-vous, l’objectif du business plan est de convaincre votre interlocuteur, alors produisez un document sérieux et béton, qui ne laisse aucune place au doute. 

4 erreurs à ne pas commettre dans votre business plan

Que vous utilisiez notre modèle de business plan ou non, voici les 4 principales erreurs à éviter lors de la rédaction de votre plan d’affaires :

  • Bâcler la forme du business plan
  • Mal présenter l’équipe
  • Ne pas être exhaustif dans l’étude de marché et de la concurrence
  • Négliger le modèle économique et la stratégie commerciale

Comment faire un business plan ?

Les différentes parties.

Chaque business plan est propre à chaque projet. Si sa structure et sa présentation peuvent varier, il doit néanmoins comporter des éléments essentiels que l’on a regroupés en 2 grands domaines (+ 1 bonus) :

  • La présentation de votre projet et de votre entreprise : c’est le modèle de business plan que nous vous avons fourni
  • Les projections financières : en général un fichier excel

La présentation de votre projet et de votre entreprise 

Dans cette partie du modèle de business plan, vous allez notamment expliquer les modalités opérationnelles de votre business plan en suivant une trame : 

  • Le statut de votre entreprise : date de création, forme juridique, nombre d’actionnaires, composition du capital etc.
  • Qui vous êtes, les membres de votre équipe et vos associés : parcours, compétences, expérience. Expliquez qui fait quoi au sein de l’entreprise, tout en démontrant que vous disposez de l’ensemble des compétences nécessaires à la réussite de l’activité.
  • Une synthèse de votre étude de marché . Elle contient la présentation du produit ou du service que vous souhaitez vendre, votre politique de prix, vos concurrents, le marché que vous souhaitez attaquer, vos avantages concurrentiels etc.
  • Une présentation de votre business model .
  • Votre stratégie et plan d’action . En premier lieu, on pense à la stratégie commerciale, qui doit présenter vos objectifs en termes de chiffre d’affaires et de croissance. Mais aussi au marketing, à la communication, à la distribution, ou encore à la gestion des ressources humaines.

Tous ces éléments sont bien évidemment inclus dans le business plan gratuit que nous vous avons fourni.

Les projections financières

C’est grâce à toutes ces projections financières que vous allez pouvoir démontrer à vos interlocuteurs la faisabilité et la solidité économique de votre projet. Votre business plan doit notamment contenir les éléments suivants : 

  • Le compte de résultat prévisionnel . Il s’agit d’un des éléments-clés de votre plan d’affaires. Ce compte de résultat se présente sous la forme d’un tableau financier. Il doit déterminer le degré de rentabilité de votre entreprise, en démontrant que votre chiffre d’affaires à venir couvrira vos dépenses (charges). Les projections se font souvent sur les trois premières années d’existence de l’entreprise.
  • Le seuil de rentabilité : il s’agit du chiffre d’affaires minimum à partir duquel l’activité d’une entreprise devient rentable.
  • Le tableau ou plan de trésorerie : établi mensuellement, il présente les encaissements et les décaissements prévus au cours de la première année d’activité de l’entreprise.
  • La capacité de financement , c’est-à-dire tous les capitaux et les sources de financement qui permettent de lancer le projet (ex : fonds propres, aides etc.).
  • Le plan de financement à trois ans : il détaille vos besoins en financement sur les trois premières années d’activité. Il permet de vérifier que votre entreprise sera pérenne dans le temps.
  • Le besoin en fonds de roulement (BFR) . Le BFR correspond aux sommes d’argent dépensées par l’entreprise au lancement de son activité et qu’elle ne pourra récupérer qu’après l’encaissement du paiement de ses premières factures.

Si la partie présentation de l’entreprise est assez facile à remplir, comme vous pouvez le voir dans l’exemple de business plan que nous vous avons fourni gratuitement, la partie financière est plus complexe. Pour cette partie, nous vous recommandons de vous faire accompagner.

Bonus : l’executive summary

L’executive summary – résumé opérationnel, en français – est un teaser d’une à deux pages qui doit donner envie de lire la suite de votre business plan et de découvrir votre projet. Il se place au début d’un plan d’affaires et doit mettre en avant de façon synthétique les informations les plus importantes :

  • Votre projet et les problèmes qu’il résout
  • Votre stratégie
  • Votre offre avec votre avantage concurrentiel
  • Votre business model
  • Votre marché etc.

Vous disposerez ainsi d’une vision globale de tous les éléments à mettre en avant, ce qui vous facilitera la tâche.

Faire un business plan : quelles sont vos options ?

Plusieurs options s’offrent à vous pour réaliser un business plan : le faire vous-même sans aide tierce, utiliser un logiciel en ligne, ou faire appel aux services d’un professionnel. Chaque solution présente des avantages et des inconvénients.

Gratuit +++

Option n°1 : faire votre business plan gratuitement (mais vous-même)

Première possibilité pour faire votre business plan : vous y coller seul, sans l’aide d’un logiciel ou d’un professionnel. Pour cela, vous pouvez partir de notre modèle de business plan gratuit et vierge, ou bien d’un modèle de business plan déjà pré-rempli pour certains secteurs. En fonction de vos besoins, utilisez le format Excel, PDF et PowerPoint. 

Créer son business plan en partant de zéro présente d’abord un avantage financier. Vous n’avez aucun frais à prévoir si vous choisissez un modèle de business plan gratuit. Cette solution est idéale pour les entreprises aux budgets serrés, mais elle présente un autre avantage non négligeable : cela vous force à réfléchir en profondeur sur votre projet de création d’entreprise. Par contre, préparez-vous à y passer du temps. La conception d’un business plan est chronophage et peut se révéler fastidieuse, surtout lorsque l’on attaque les prévisions financières.

Notez enfin que certains acteurs (comme Créer-mon-business-plan par exemple), proposent à la fois des modèles de business plan payants à télécharger et la possibilité de le réaliser en ligne. Comptez quelques dizaines d’euros pour un modèle de business plan thématisé (c’est à dire adapté à votre secteur), ce qui à notre avis peut valoir le coup pour éviter de repartir de notre modèle de business plan vierge :

  • Choix parmi des dizaines de modèles de business plan
  • Business plan au format Word de 10 à 20 pages
  • Exemples de textes fournis tout à long du modèle
  • Volet financier au formt Excel.

C’est donc un bon compromis entre le business plan gratuit et l’accompagnement (en ligne ou par un professionnel).

Option n°2 : faire son business plan en ligne

La deuxième option consiste à se faire accompagner un peu plus en réalisant son business plan en ligne , à l’aide d’un logiciel dédié. De nombreux sites sont en concurrence sur le marché.

Voici les avantages à utiliser un outil en ligne : 

  • Vous disposez de modèles de business plans payants prêts à l’emploi, adaptés à différents corps de métiers.
  • Tous les modèles sont centralisés sur la même interface : vous gagnez du temps dans le processus de création. On vous aide à mettre en forme le document, à créer le prévisionnel financier etc.
  • Pas besoin d’avoir de connaissances en comptabilité.
  • Vous pouvez bénéficier de ressources complémentaires pour concevoir votre plan d’affaires, comme un accompagnement en ligne avec un conseiller.
  • Certains logiciels de business plan sont gratuits.

En ce qui concerne les inconvénients, ces modèles de business plan ne sont pas gratuits (mais ils sont complets). Ensuite, en fonction du logiciel que vous choisirez, vous n’aurez pas le droit à du conseil et vous ne pourrez pas déléguer la partie rédactionnelle. Il faudra quand même consacrer du temps pour l’écriture et avoir un minimum de bases pour élaborer votre business plan. Ceci-dit, ces logiciels fournissent de nombreux conseils et des exemples de business plan pour vous aider à remplir le vôtre de manière efficace.

Option n°3 : passer par un professionnel

Si vous cherchez de l’aide pour faire votre plan d’affaires personnalisé sans utiliser un modèle de business plan, rien ne vous empêche de vous attacher les services d’un professionnel. On pense notamment aux professionnels suivants :

  • L’expert-comptable local
  • L’expert-comptable en ligne
  • Les experts et consultants en business plan (ex : les spécialistes de la fiscalité, les avocats d’affaire).

Grâce à un professionnel du business plan, vous vous assurez de gagner du temps et disposez des conseils et du savoir-faire d’un expert. On le recommande en particulier aux projets complexes qui font appel à de nombreuses donnés financières.

Par contre, ce genre de service implique un coût financier plus important qu’avec un logiciel en ligne. Sans compter que vous risquez quand même de devoir collaborer à la partie descriptive du document. Un expert saura parfaitement jouer avec les chiffres, mais il aura besoin de vous pour comprendre la genèse de votre projet ainsi que tous les tenants et aboutissants.

Au cours de vos recherches, pensez aussi à vous rapprocher des structures d’accompagnement de créateurs, de certaines legaltech , des Chambres de commerce et d’industrie ( CCI ), ou encore des Chambres de métiers et de l’artisanat ( CMA ).  Ces différents organismes professionnels proposent souvent des formations et ateliers autour du business plan et pourront vous accompagner dans la construction de votre plan d’affaires.

Au final, quelle que soit la méthode choisie, gardez bien cela en tête : comme le dit l’expression, “on n’a qu’une seule chance de faire bonne impression.” Alors appliquez-vous, et utilisez nos conseils pour réaliser un business plan solide !

Combien coûte un business plan ?

Le coût d’une business plan dépend de l’option que vous allez choisir. Si vous vous utilisez notre business plan gratuit, vous n’y passerez que du temps. Si vous choisissez un modèle payant, vous en aurez pour entre 50 et 100€ environ. Si vous optez pour un logiciel de business plan en ligne , les prix varient d’une solution à l’autre.

La solution la moins économique consiste à passer par un professionnel. Les tarifs dépendent de la complexité et de la technicité du projet. Pour vous donner un ordre d’idées, on a recensé des tarifs partant de 300€ et pouvant aller jusqu’à 4 000€.

Un business plan gratuit, c’est possible ?

Faire un business plan gratuitement, oui, c’est possible en utilisant un modèle de business plan et en y passant du temps, ou bien via certains organismes comme la CCI.

Les personnes ayant téléchargé le modèle de Business plan ont également été intéressés par :

Business plan Excel

Business plan hôtel : exemple Excel gratuit – le modèle idéal

Business plan hôtel : exemple Excel gratuit. Voici un modèle budget prévisionnel adapté pour un projet hôtelier, facile à adapter. Ce document inédit est à télécharger sans inscription.

Vous comptez créer ou reprendre un petit hôtel, avec ou sans restaurant, en zone touristique, en ville ou en périphérie ? Vous vous posez la question du montage et de la rentabilité ? Vous cherchez un exemple de prévisionnel financier spécifique pour un hôtel ? Le modèle de business plan hôtel Excel que nous avons conçu pourra parfaitement vous convenir.

Posséder et exploiter un hôtel peut être potentiellement très rentable . Mais l’activité nécessite beaucoup de personnel et d’entretien. Les hôtels vieillissent vite il est important de les mettre à niveau régulièrement en rénovant les salles de bains, la literie et la décoration.

La qualité de l’accueil aura aussi son importance pour satisfaire et fidéliser la clientèle, laquelle sera alors encline à laisser de bons avis . Enfin, la concurrence est rude et le marché de la réservation a tendance à se concentrer sur quelques plateformes en ligne, qui prendront jusqu’à 25% de commission…

Le modèle de business plan hôtel que nous vous proposons est valable pour la reprise d’un petit hôtel indépendant d’un peu plus de 10 chambres, à dynamiser, avec de légers rafraichissements à prévoir. L’hôtel ne comporte pas de restaurant. Les murs sont achetés à titre personnel et l’entreprise reverse un loyer à son propriétaire, ce qui permet une optimisation fiscale. Le prix du seul fonds de commerce est fixé à 100 000 €.

Le statut juridique choisi est celui de la SAS (voir aussi cette aide aux choix du statut jurdique ). Les frais de personnel suivent l’augmentation du chiffre d’affaires. Le taux de remplissage est de 50% et l’établissement est fermé deux mois de l’année. Les réservations se font en direct, ce qui permet d’avoir peu de commissions à reverser.

Voici donc un business plan hôtel exemple Excel gratuit à télécharger.

Voir aussi notre modèle de livret d’accueil pour hôtes, gratuit.

Business plan hôtel exemple Excel : comment ça marche ?

Le modèle que nous vous proposons est très simple à utiliser. Il vous suffira de saisir vos données dans les cellules bleues du premier onglet afin que le plan financier se mette à jour dans le deuxième onglet, cela de manière automatique.

Le document reprend la présentation type voulue par les banques, avec plusieurs tableaux incontournables tels le compte de résultats prévisionnel sur 3 ans, les soldes intermédiaires de gestion ou encore le budget prévisionnel de trésorerie.

Remplir ce document vous permettra de simuler votre rentabilité , de tester vos hypothèses et d’affiner vos chiffres. Bien sûr, si vous reprenez un établissement existant, vous pourrez prendre les chiffres des années précédentes comme base.

Business plan hôtel : les données à compléter

Parmi les données à compléter ou modifier, prêtez attention aux suivantes :

  • données d’entête : remplissez bien le nombre de chambres de votre établissement car cela aura une importance pour la suite,
  • les besoins de démarrage : listez tous les frais et dépenses à réaliser avant même de commencer l’activité, y compris les frais de dossier, les frais de notaire, l’achat du fonds de commerce, les travaux, les aménagements, etc, sans oublier de garder une trésorerie de démarrage (argent laissé en compte pour aborder l’exploitation),
  • le financement des besoins : listez vos sources de financement, de manière à couvrir exactement les besoins de démarrage listés dans le tableau précédent,
  • les charges fixes : il s’agit des dépenses récurrentes, hors achat des marchandises destinées à être revendues (petit déjeuner, restauration, mini bar). Tentez de ne rien oublier !
  • le chiffre d’affaires : il y a deux tableaux à remplir, celui de gauche pour les consommations du type restaurant ou petit déjeuner, et celui de droite pour la location des chambres. Estimez un taux de remplissage par mois et un montant facturé à la nuitée, et les calculs se feront automatiquement. Estimez aussi un pourcentage de progression du chiffre d’affaires d’une année sur l’autre,
  • les charges variables : estimez le coût de revient des produits servis (petit déjeuner, restauration, mini bar) en pourcentage du montant des ventes,
  • salaires des employés et rémunération du chef d’entreprise : saisissez des montants nets, les charges sociales se calculant automatiquement.

Prêt à télécharger votre business plan hôtel exemple Excel ?

Business plan hôtel exemple Excel : téléchargez-le sans attendre

Cliquez ci-après pour obtenir votre business plan hôtel exemple Excel, c’est totalement gratuit :

Image de l’onglet de remplissage :

business plan hôtel excel gratuit

Un outil de facturation et de réservation pour un petit hôtel

Pour vous aider dans la gestion de votre établissement, nous avons conçu un logiciel hôtel Excel qui vous permettra de saisir vos réservations, de consulter le calendrier, et d’éditer vos factures. L’outil vous fournira aussi quelques statistiques concernant vos performances commerciales.

Voir aussi notre modèle de suivi de trésorerie.

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Coover ❯ Modèles ❯ Comment construire son Business plan ?

Comment construire son Business plan ?

Réaliser un Business plan (aussi appelé plan d'affaires), consiste à établir un dossier solide présentant votre projet de création d'entreprise. Cette présentation a pour objectif de séduire les investisseurs potentiels. Grâce à votre Business plan, ces derniers vont déterminer s'ils vont financer votre projet ou non. Comment établir un Business plan efficace ? Quelles sont les informations essentielles à inclure dans votre présentation ? Coover répond à vos questions dans cet article et vous propose des modèles à télécharger gratuitement.

Nos modèles de Business plan à télécharger gratuitement

Coover met à disposition des modèles gratuits de business plan (en format Excel) selon différentes activités qui pourront être utilisés directement ou modifiés si besoin.

N'hésitez pas à nous solliciter si vous rencontrez un problème lors de l'utilisation d'un de nos modèles. Notre équipe vous répondra dans les plus brefs délais.

  • Business plan e-commerce : notre modèle gratuit
  • Business plan chambre d'hôtes : notre modèle gratuit
  • Business plan food truck : notre modèle gratuit
  • Business plan salon de coiffure : notre modèle gratuit
  • Business plan boulangerie : notre modèle gratuit
  • Business plan salle de sport : notre modèle gratuit
  • Business plan restaurant : notre modèle gratuit
  • Business plan tourisme : notre modèle gratuit
  • Business plan : notre modèle gratuit
  • Business plan bar : notre modèle gratuit
  • Business plan immobilier : notre modèle gratuit

Quelles sont les caractéristiques d’un Business plan ?

Votre Business plan doit être clair et efficace. En effet, son but est de comprendre rapidement les tenants et les aboutissants de votre projet et du produit que vous proposez ; de connaître son histoire, les motivations, les objectifs et les forces de votre projet ; et d'évaluer la valeur de votre future entreprise.

Un Business plan est réalisé après une étude de marché et après avoir décidé de la forme juridique de l'entreprise.

Un business plan doit comporter plusieurs éléments clés pour être efficace. Voici les caractéristiques importantes d'un bon business plan :

  • Le business plan doit être précis, concis et facile à comprendre et à suivre . Les idées et les informations doivent être présentées de manière claire et concise afin de faciliter la lecture et la compréhension.
  • Le business plan doit être complet , c'est-à-dire, couvrir tous les aspects importants de l'entreprise, comme la description de l'entreprise, l'analyse de marché, la stratégie de marketing et de ventes, l'analyse financière et les projections financières.
  • Le business plan doit être axé sur les résultats : il doit être axé sur les résultats. Il doit présenter les objectifs de l'entreprise, les stratégies pour atteindre ces objectifs, les mesures de performance et les projections financières.
  • Le business plan doit aussi se fonder sur des données : il doit être basé sur des données concrètes et fiables. Les recherches de marché, les données financières et les informations sur l'entreprise doivent être clairement documentées et appuyées par des sources crédibles.
  • Il doit être personnalisé en fonction de l'entreprise en question. Il doit refléter les objectifs, la stratégie et les besoins spécifiques de l'entreprise.
  • Le business plan doit être convaincant pour les investisseurs, les partenaires commerciaux ou les prêteurs. Il doit présenter l'entreprise de manière attrayante et convaincante, montrer pourquoi elle est unique et pourquoi elle réussira.
  • Le plan d'affaires doit être révisable et adaptable aux changements. Les entreprises doivent régulièrement revoir et mettre à jour leur plan d'affaires pour refléter les changements dans l'environnement commercial et les résultats de l'entreprise.

Il est essentiel que votre dossier de Business plan soit soigné, concis, complet, clair, bien structuré, accrocheur et si possible bien illustré.

Quelles sont les étapes principales d’un Business plan ?

Pour réaliser un Business plan efficace, il est essentiel d'articuler votre dossier en incluent les étapes suivantes :

  • La présentation de votre projet de création d'entreprise, du marché et de la stratégie adoptée. Votre business plan doit décrire comment l'entreprise prévoit de réaliser ses objectifs , en mettant en avant les ressources nécessaires, les processus opérationnels et les stratégies de gestion.
  • La présentation du porteur de projet, de son équipe et de sa structure : cette section doit fournir une description détaillée de l'entreprise, de son histoire, de sa mission, de ses valeurs et de sa structure organisationnelle. Il doit aussi inclure des informations sur les propriétaires, les fondateurs, les employés et les partenaires potentiels.
  • Vous devrez également proposer une stratégie de marketing et de ventes : il est essentiel d'expliquer comment l'entreprise prévoit de commercialiser et de vendre ses produits ou services . Le business plan décrit les informations sur les canaux de distribution, la tarification, la promotion et les stratégies de vente.
  • Les prévisions financières : elles doivent inclure des informations sur les coûts, les revenus et les flux de trésorerie prévus pour l'entreprise. Votre business plan doit aussi présenter des projections financières sur trois à cinq ans, y compris des états financiers tels que le bilan, le compte de résultat et le tableau des flux de trésorerie.
  • Votre business plan doit aussi mettre en avant les risques et les opportunités potentiels pour l'entreprise, ainsi que les plans d'atténuation des risques.

Le succès d'un business plan peut être évalué grâce à la comparaison des projections financières avec les résultats réels de l'entreprise. Il est aussi important de surveiller les indicateurs clés de performance (KPI) et d'adapter la stratégie de l'entreprise en fonction des résultats obtenus.

Un business plan essentiel pour aider les entrepreneurs à clarifier leurs idées, à identifier les obstacles potentiels et à élaborer une stratégie pour réussir. Il peut aussi être utilisé pour attirer des investisseurs et des partenaires commerciaux.

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2 commentaires à "comment construire son business plan ", nénéla, le 29 août 2021.

Bonjour, auriez vous un modele de business plan pour un commerce type épicerie, supermarché

Pierre Fruchard, le 30 août 2021

Bonjour, Pas encore mais nous allons tacher de l'obtenir

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Business Plan Hôtel - Restaurant

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Présentation du Business Plan Hôtel Restaurant

Si la rédaction de votre business plan vous semble difficile ou si vous ne savez pas par où commencer, notre modèle de business plan vous permettra de gagner un temps précieux et de produire un document de qualité professionnelle.

Notre modèle contient un business plan complet pour présenter votre hôtel - restaurant.

  • Le résumé opérationnel
  • Les origines du projet
  • Le produit ou service
  • Le marché cible
  • La stratégie marketing
  • Le montage juridique
  • Le prévisionnel financier

Le contenu du business plan hôtel - restaurant

Notre modèle de business plan est au format Word et Excel et fait 14 pages pour la partie textuelle et 8 pages pour les tableaux financiers . Notre exemple de plan d'affaires est découpé en 7 chapitres de base (la présenatation du projet, l'équipe, la description de l'offre, l' étude de marché du secteur de l'hôtellerie, la stratégie commerciale et la partie juridique). Il s'agit des points essentiels nécessaires pour présenter efficacement votre projet à votre banquier. Chacun des sous-chapitres est entièrement pré-complété afin de vous faire gagner du temps et pour vous aider à comprendre ce qu'attendent les financeurs. Les tableaux financiers sont calculés automatiquement par le logiciel. Il ne vous restera plus qu'à personnaliser notre exemple de business plan d'un hôtel restaurant pour le rendre unique et propre à votre projet !

Business Plan hôtel - restaurant : Le résumé opérationnel

1. Le résumé opérationnel

Notre business plan débute par un executive summary, une étape importante pour convaincre votre banquier et donner à vos lecteurs l'envie de découvrir d'avantage votre projet d'hôtel restaurant. Nos experts ont rédigé ce dernier dans le but de permettre aux financeurs potentiels de se faire une idée du futur hôtel restaurant, de son concept et de ses membres sans dévoiler trop d'informations. Le rôle du résumé opérationnel est d'accrocher les investisseurs sans pour autant rentrer dans les détails du contenu. Vous trouverez alors dans cette première partie les ambitions de votre hôtel restaurant, l'histoire de la création, le concept, les fonctions de chacun au sein du projet et enfin quelques aspects juridiques de votre entreprise.

Business Plan hôtel - restaurant : Les origines du projet

2. Les origines du projet

Cette partie contient l'origine du projet et le parcours des membres fondateurs . Elle permet de présenter l'entrepreneur et les autres membres de l'équipe grâce à leur parcours professionnel, leurs expériences, leur histoire pour démontrer la complémentarité des profils et l'expérience de l'équipe. Il a pour objectif de démontrer la cohérence entre les porteurs de projet et la future activité de votre entreprise.

Business Plan hôtel - restaurant : L'offre de l'hôtel

3. L'offre de l'hôtel

Dans cette partie vous trouverez la description complète des chambres et des services de votre hôtel restaurant. Vous aurez aussi accès au type de propriété intellectuelle, les brevets, les marques et les licences. Ensuite vous trouverez le stade d'avancement et les idées pour lancer le projet d'hôtel restaurant avec un planning préétablit des étapes de la réalisation. Extrait : Nous mettons à disposition de la clientèle un hôtel fidèle à l'architecture traditionnelle limousine, équipé de chambres entièrement rénovées, dans un cadre chargé d'histoire. L'hôtel se situe en effet à quelques mètres d'un parc naturel et à 5 minutes d'un château datant de l'époque médiévale.

Business Plan hôtel - restaurant : Le marché ciblé par l'hôtel

4. Le marché ciblé par l'hôtel

Dans cette partie vous trouverez une étude de marché du secteur du tourisme et des hôtels restaurants en France, avec la nature, la tendance, les principaux acteurs, les chiffres clés, la clientèle ciblée et une analyse de la consommation des entreprises. Elle est indispensable pour déterminer sa clientèle. Elle contient également l'analyse de la concurrence direct et indirect et une présentation du positionnement de votre futur hôtel restaurant. Extrait : Le secteur de l'hôtellerie réalise un chiffre d'affaires annuel de plus de 16 milliards euros. Après un net recul en 2009, l'activité connait une reprise ces 3 dernières années. De fait, la crise a eu un impact limité sur les hôtels français. Le marché s'organise autour de 3 principaux acteurs. Sur les 17 000 établissements recensés par le Ministère du tourisme, 59% sont des hôtels indépendants, 17% appartiennent à des chaînes intégrées et sont directement exploités par un groupe hôtelier (Mercure, Ibis, Campanile, ...), 24 % adhèrent volontairement à ces chaînes.

Faites votre étude de marché en fonction de votre ville

Pour vous aider à faire votre étude de marché, nous mettons cet outil à votre disposition. Inscrivez le nom de votre ville et découvrez vos futurs concurrents qui partagent votre code Naf.

Business Plan hôtel - restaurant : La stratégie marketing de l'hôtel

5. La stratégie marketing de l'hôtel

Cette partie contient la plan marketing complet de votre hôtel restaurant : la politique prix (avec la justification de la tarification des produits), la politique de la communication (comment et quand lancer une campagne de communication dans le secteur du tourisme, pour quels coûts), la politique de distribution (le choix de l'emplacement, les horaires d'ouverture, l'équipe opérationnelle , les fonctions de chacun dans l'hôtel restaurant , les compétences recherchées et le coût de chaque post), la politique fournisseurs (le choix des fournisseurs, les conditions de paiement, les délais de livraison), les installations et équipements (tout le nécessaire pour ouvrir un hôtel restaurant et les coûts). Extrait : Malgré quelques disparités selon les régions, le prix moyen d'une nuitée en hôtel-restaurant d'entrée de gamme est de 70 euros. Nous avons fixé nos tarifs en prenant en compte les prix affichés chez nos concurrents. Pour rester compétitifs, nous intégrerons des services complémentaires dans l'offre de base. Les tarifs seront dégressifs en fonction du nombre de nuitées réservées.

Business Plan hôtel - restaurant : Le montage juridique

6. Le montage juridique

Cette partie comporte la forme juridique à choisir pour ouvrir un hôtel restaurant et la justification de ce choix, la répartition du capital avec les membres associés. Extrait : L'entreprise est une SARL au capital de 20 000 euros. Ce statut nous a paru le plus adapté compte tenu des investissements que nous devons effectuer. Nous comptons évoluer dans ce cadre juridique qui nous permet un fonctionnement souple tout en garantissant une sécurité minimum aux associés. De plus, cela nous permet d'avoir l'assise nécessaire pour obtenir la confiance des banques.

Business Plan hôtel - restaurant : Tableaux Financiers Page 2

7. Le sommaire du Prévisionnel Financier - Plan financier

1. les produits.

Quels sont les services que votre hôtel restaurant proposera, leur prix, leur coût unitaire, leur nombre de ventes pendant les trois premières années d'activités, etc. Vous obtiendrez également un graphique dynamique de l'évolution des ventes et du chiffre d'affaires de votre hôtel restaurant.

2. Les frais de fonctionnement

Indispensable pour éviter les dépenses surprises qui peuvent mettre en danger votre activité les premières années. On retrouve ici l'ensemble des charges fixes et des charges varialbes comme l'energie, les abonnements, les dépenses publicitaires, le comptable, etc.

3. Le personnel

Vous devez renseigner le nombre d'employés de votre hôtel restaurant et leur salaire afin de budgéter la masse salariale que vous devrez financer.

4. Les investissements

Au lancement de votre entreprise, de nombreux investissements (meubles, décorations, literies, télévisions, site internet, décoration, etc...) plus ou moins lourds devront être réalisés. Nos tableaux d'amortissements vous aideront à bien évaluer leurs impacts sur vos prévisionnels. Par exemple l'achat du fonds de commerce devra être intégré si il s'agit d'un rachat d'entreprise.

5. Les ressources externes

Vous devez renseigner le capital de votre hôtel, les fonds propres , les subventions auxquelles vous pouvez prétendre et les emprunts . Encore une fois notre outil vous permet de voir le détail de chaque emprunt (mensualités, durée, coût total, etc...).

6. Les tableaux finaux

Une fois ces différents tableaux complétés, notre logiciel calculera automatiquement et sur 3 ans les trois tableaux clés pour compléter votre business plan. Ce sont eux qui détermineront la viabilité et la rentabilité de votre projet : le compte de résultat , le plan de financement et le prévisionnel de trésorerie . Vous aurez ainsi une estimation du seuil de rentabilité de votre projet.

Les ratios financiers du secteur

Les chiffres clés présentés ci-dessous sont donnés à titre indicatif. Il s'agit de moyennes obtenues sur la base des données économiques transmises par un panel de 21 275 entreprises ayant le code NAF 5510Z. De grandes disparités peuvent exister entre les différents établissements. Par exemple, certains sont rentables d'autres pas.

Ratio Valeur
Effectif 7 ETP
Chiffre d'affaires HT 957 509 €
Valeur Ajoutée 458 378 €
Frais de personnel 306 651 €
Excédent Brut d'Exploitation 120 893 €
Capacité d'Auto-Financement 91 328 €
Résultat courant avant impôts -1 598 €
Résultat Net -423 €

Nos articles pour vous aider à écrire votre Business Plan Hôtel Restaurant

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/ 13 600 avis sur Google

Super outil et modèle assez pratique pour s'inspirer. Très facile d'utilisation.

N'dri Ange

Merci vous nous aidez grandement.

Yves Digbe

Simple d´utilisation, précis quant aux questions qui clarifie le chemin pour atteindre la vision.

Magali Vezzaro

Super service !

Séverine VITRY

Impeccable, ce site m'a donné tous les ficelles pour réussir.

Gerald Desesquelle

Tout est parfait simple a comprendre. Comme si je me retrouvais a la fac. Merci infiniment a l'équipe.

Lydie Latttoh

Ce modèle de business plan m'a aidé pour débuter la rédaction de mon plan d'affaires sereinement. J'ai également pu grâce au logiciel financier convaincre mon banquier de la viabilité financière de mon futur hôtel.

Charles, Nancy

Voici le début du Business Plan Hôtel - Restaurant

1. executive summary.

Business Plan Hôtel Restaurant

Notre société a pour ambition d’être la référence des hôtels-restaurants en Limousin. Riche d’une expérience de plusieurs années en tant que directrice d’hôtel, Mme A s’est associée avec M. B pour créer cette entreprise. Le secteur hôtelier enregistre une hausse de fréquentation ces dernières années, malgré la crise économique.

Dans ce contexte, l’entreprise pourra se faire une place en proposant un service différenciant, axé notamment sur le développement local et la valorisation du territoire. L’offre s’adresse aux vacanciers ou visiteurs français en priorité, mais aussi à une clientèle étrangère de passage, en période estivale comme en basse saison.

Le projet est porté par Mme A et M. B. La première assurera la fonction de responsable de l’établissement. Elle s’occupera de la partie administrative et commerciale. Le second sera responsable adjoint. Il gérera notamment la partie restauration. L’entreprise est une SARL au capital de 20 000 euros. Nous sommes 3 associés :

  • Les deux porteurs de projet participent chacun à hauteur de 49% soit un apport individuel de 9 800 euros.
  • Mme C, un tiers de confiance, participe au capital à hauteur de 2%, soit 400 euros.

Nous disposons donc de 60 000 euros en apport personnel et sollicitons un prêt bancaire d’un montant de 100 000 euros pour financer nos investissements. Aujourd’hui nous disposons d’un apport personnel mais nous sollicitons un prêt bancaire pour compléter le financement nécessaire au lancement de notre future activité. Pour appuyer cette demande nous vous présentons ce projet en 3 parties : notre offre, notre business model et les stratégies que nous allons mettre en place pour garantir le succès et la viabilité de notre entreprise.

2. Naissance du projet

2.1 origines du projet.

La conjoncture économique actuelle et la baisse du pouvoir d’achat des ménages poussent les consommateurs à faire des économies et à développer de nouveaux modes de consommation. Le secteur du tourisme n’échappe pas à cette règle. Notre projet repose sur le constat d’une réelle demande en termes d’hébergement de caractère sur Limoges et les grandes villes à proximité en période de congés annuels et scolaires. Notre région regorge de sites uniques et originaux pouvant aisément répondre à leurs attentes, tant sur le plan culturel que sportif.

Par ailleurs, le tourisme d’affaires qui a subi une profonde mutation ces dernières années, constitue désormais un segment de marché en nette progression et aux perspectives favorables. En effet, 30% des voyageurs d’affaires séjournent occasionnellement en hôtel de tourisme. 67% n’y viennent jamais mais seraient prêts à choisir ce mode d’hébergement s’il remplissait mieux certains critères.

2.2 Parcours des membres fondateurs

M. A a été pendant plus de 10 ans cuisinier dans un restaurant gastronomique de renom. Il a ainsi parfait son savoir-faire en production culinaire et mis en pratique les techniques d’approvisionnement et de gestion des stocks. Il est titulaire d’un CAP cuisine et d’un BTS diététique.
Mme B a été pendant plus de 15 ans responsable hôtelière dans plusieurs établissements de la région. Elle a ainsi développé des compétences en gestion et en relation clients. Elle est titulaire d’un CAP services hôteliers. Elle a complété sa formation initiale en effectuant un stage d’initiation à la création d’entreprise à la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Limoges.

3. Le produit ou le service

3.1 description du produit – service.

Nous mettons à disposition de la clientèle un hôtel fidèle à l’architecture traditionnelle limousine, équipé de chambres entièrement rénovées, dans un cadre chargé d’histoire. L’hôtel se situe en effet à quelques mètres d’un parc naturel et à 5 minutes d’un château datant de l’époque médiévale.

5 conseils pour réussir le business plan d’un hôtel

Nous vous proposons 5 conseils essentiels afin de mieux réaliser votre business plan pour l’ouverture de votre hôtel-restaurant.

1. Réaliser une bonne estimation du besoin en financement

L’élaboration d’un business plan pour un hôtel – restaurant sera incontournable si vous souhaitez devenir entrepreneur, cela n’empêche que l’ouverture de votre établissement peut se faire de différentes manières.

  • Effectuer la transformation d’un bien immobilier dont vous êtes déjà propriétaire.
  • S’installer dans un nouveau bien immobilier par le biais d’une acquisition ou d’une location

2. Réaliser une étude de marché approfondie

Avant de vous lancer dans l’ouverture et la conception de votre hôtel-restaurant il est indispensable de réaliser une étude de marché . Elle vous permettra de cerner les tendances et les variations du marché existant. A l’aide de cette analyse de l’offre et de la demande vous pourrez mieux comprendre les attentes des consommateurs, mais aussi l’étendue de la concurrence. De plus, cette étude de marché vous aidera dans l’élaboration de votre stratégie pour qu’elle soit adaptée au maximum à votre projet. C’est pourquoi nous mettons à votre disposition un guide reprenant les étapes à suivre pour réaliser une étude de marché. Au sein de cette étude, il sera nécessaire de bien approfondir les deux éléments ci-dessous qui vous permettront d’optimiser l’évolution de votre projet d’hôtel-restaurant.

  • La récolte d’informations sur internet en rapport avec le marché de la restauration vous permettra d’analyser les tendances actuelles du marché, mais aussi de connaître les différentes opportunités de développement. L’ensemble de ces données vous permettront également de convaincre votre banquier.
  • Récolter des informations sur le terrain , à l’aide d’une analyse démographique prenant en compte les différentes problématiques rencontrées, mais aussi vos axes de développement. Suite à cette étude vous pourrez alors dresser un profil type de clientèle ce qui vous permettra d’élaborer la stratégie adéquat à votre hôtel-restaurant.
  • Le positionnement (haut de gamme, familiale, thématique, etc.)
  • La politique de prix
  • La politique de communication
  • Les habitudes d’achats du marché
  • L’avantage concurrentiel

3. N’attendez pas de finaliser la rédaction de votre business plan pour agir

Votre plan d’affaire vous servira avant tout d’appui vis-à-vis de votre investisseur afin de lui exposer le sérieux adonné à votre projet, mais aussi son stade d’avancement. Il sera nécessaire de lui exprimer que votre envie n’est pas passagère, mais que c’est un réel projet de vie. C’est donc pour toutes ces raisons que nous mettons à votre disposition une liste des tâches que vous pouvez réaliser en parallèle de votre business plan.

  • Rechercher une franchise ( Ibis , Campanille, Novotel, etc.)
  • Créer votre questionnaire pour l’analyse démographique
  • Chiffrer l’achat immobilier ou les travaux que vous souhaitez réaliser
  • Créer votre société et son immatriculation au RCS
  • Réaliser votre site internet
  • Mettre en place des projets de partenariats (boulangeries, cavistes, bouchers, etc.)

4. Préparer une campagne de communication 2.0

Il est important de savoir qu’une entreprise peut fonctionner sans publicité, mais pas sans communication. La mise en place d’une campagne de communication vous permettra de transmettre les valeurs de votre marque, mais aussi de communiquer sur la qualité et la performance de vos prestations dans le but de séduire un maximum de clients. A l’aide des nouveaux moyens de communication, il est possible de créer des campagnes totalement personnalisées et adaptées à votre stratégie. L’apparition de celle-ci au sein de votre business plan sera un atout supplémentaire à exposer à votre banquier. Un des premiers moyens de communication à ne pas négliger sera le site internet . Que ce soit un site vitrine, permettant de faire une présentation de votre établissement, ou un site marchand, au sein duquel il sera possible d’effectuer des réservations, ce dernier vous permettra de mettre en avant le charme de votre concept. Vous pouvez également y inclure les prestations annexes que vous proposez. Les réseaux sociaux sont un autre moyen de communication très efficace à l’heure actuelle, et peu coûteux, qui vous permettront d’avoir une réelle visibilité en partageant tout type de contenus comme les vidéos, photos, sondages, directs, etc. Vous pourrez également faire apparaitre les prestations annexes que vous proposez, mais aussi les différentes offres promotionnelles que vous seriez susceptible de mettre en place. Important : Pour atteindre la totalité de votre cible, il ne faut pas mettre de côté les méthodes de communication plus traditionnelles comme les affiches publicitaires, les flyers, les magazines spécialisés, etc.

5. Démontrez que votre business model permet la rentabilité de votre hôtel restaurant

Suite à l’ouverture de votre restaurant, votre objectif premier sera de générer des bénéfices. C’est pourquoi il est nécessaire de faire apparaître au sein de son business plan votre stratégie qui vous permettra de rentabiliser vos dépenses initiales. En effet, votre banquier validera votre projet uniquement s’il semble rentable. Exposez de quelle manière vous allez gérer vos dépenses afin de gagner des parts de marché. Pour obtenir la confiance de votre banquier, il faudra avant tout que votre projet soit en capacité d’atteindre un seuil de rentabilité (montant de chiffre d’affaires nécessaire pour couvrir l’ensemble des dépenses liées à votre activité).

Le conseil d’expert

Devenir entrepreneur correspond souvent à l’engagement d’une vie, c’est pourquoi il ne faut pas avoir peur de la charge de travail que cela représente. Il n’y a pas de place pour le hasard, il ne faudra pas hésiter à s’adonner totalement à votre projet, car toutes les informations que vous serez susceptible de collecter pourront vous être utiles par la suite. Si vous manquez d’inspiration vous pouvez retrouver sur notre site en ligne un guide reprenant les étapes à suivre pour ouvrir votre hôtel-restaurant .


Ça vous a plu ? Vous avez une question ?

Dans un soucis de transparence avec nos utilisateurs, et pour ne pas qu'il n'y ait de surprise, nous mettons à votre disposition un maximum d'informations sur le contenu de nos modèles. Mais si vous toutefois, il vous reste une question, n'hésitez pas à nous la poser.

Evaluez gratuitement le Business Plan de votre hôtel - restaurant

Vous avez besoin d’être rassuré sur la solidité de votre projet ? Répondez en 5 minutes à ce questionnaire. Il évaluera les points forts et les points faibles de votre projet. Il vous donnera également les pistes d’amélioration à prendre en compte dans votre business plan.

Les résultats de votre évaluation sont prêts. Merci de compléter le formulaire ci-dessous. Un mail vous sera envoyé afin de les récupérer.

Voici d'autres business plan qui pourraient vous plaire

Business Plan Hôtel - Restaurant


Téléchargez le business plan pour un complexe hôtelier 🏨

Un document complet et modifiable, avec le support de notre équipe.

Réussir le business plan d'un complexe hôtelier (avec un exemple)

Cet article a été écrit par un expert qui a étudié l’industrie et a confectionné le business plan pour un complexe hôtelier

modele de business plan hotel

Notre business plan pour un complexe hôtelier vous aidera à réussir votre projet.

Ça y est, vos rêves d'entrepreneuriat ont pris forme et vous avez décidé d'ouvrir votre propre complexe hôtelier ? Toutes nos félicitations !

Que ce soit pour structurer la stratégie de votre projet ou pour obtenir des financements, il vous faudra un business plan .

Mais, qu'est-ce qu'un business plan exactement ? Combien de temps cela prend-il pour le réaliser ? Que faut-il inclure pour mettre en valeur mon projet de complexe hôtelier ? En quoi le business plan d’un complexe hôtelier diffère-t-il de celui d’un restaurant ou d’un centre de loisirs ? Est-ce difficile ?

Nous avons les réponses à toutes ces questions.

Chaque semestre, l'équipe de ModelesdeBusinessPlan mène une veille sur le marché des complexes hôteliers et nous mettons à jour business plan pour un complexe hôtelier .

Dans cet article, nous allons vous donner les clefs pour réussir le vôtre.

modele de business plan hotel

Ça ressemble à quoi, exactement, un business plan pour un complexe hôtelier ?

Lorsqu'on évoque le mot "business plan", certains imaginent un tableau financier, d'autres une étude de marché et il y a aussi ceux qui le confondent avec "business model". Attention.

Qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Un business plan pour un complexe hôtelier est un document essentiel qui détaille comment vous envisagez de créer et gérer votre complexe hôtelier de manière rentable .

Il comprend notamment:

  • les objectifs de votre établissement
  • les services que vous proposerez (comme les chambres, restaurants, spa, salles de conférence, etc.)
  • une analyse de marché pour identifier vos clients potentiels et concurrents
  • une stratégie marketing pour attirer ces clients

Notez bien: le business plan inclut aussi des prévisions financières , telles que les coûts initiaux, les revenus attendus et les bénéfices, ainsi qu'un plan opérationnel décrivant la localisation, les heures d'ouverture, et les besoins en personnel.

définition business plan

On retient donc ici qu’un business plan est en réalité composé de deux documents : une présentation rédigée de votre projet et des prévisions financières.

À quoi ça sert ?

Un business plan pour un complexe hôtelier sert à :

  • Clarifier les objectifs de votre complexe hôtelier (type de clientèle visée, ambiance souhaitée, etc.).
  • Planifier les étapes nécessaires à l'ouverture et au développement de votre complexe hôtelier.
  • Évaluer la viabilité financière du complexe hôtelier (coûts de construction, aménagement, personnel).
  • Convaincre les investisseurs et les banques de financer l'ouverture de votre complexe hôtelier.
  • Identifier vos clients cibles (touristes, voyageurs d'affaires, familles) et analyser la concurrence.
  • Définir votre stratégie marketing (offres spéciales, partenariats avec des agences de voyage).
  • Organiser la gestion opérationnelle (horaires, gestion des réservations, recrutement).
  • Anticiper les défis potentiels (saisonnalité, changements de réglementation) et préparer des solutions.

Quel format et quelle longueur ?

Le business plan pour votre complexe hôtelier doit compter entre 20 et 40 pages (partie financière incluse).

S'il est trop court, il ne sera pas pris au sérieux et vous ne pourrez pas expliquer chaque point de manière suffisamment détaillée.

S'il est trop long, personne n'aura envie de le lire, et il contiendra probablement des répétitions ou des détails inutiles.

En termes de format, vous pouvez utiliser Word (ou Google Docs) ou PowerPoint (ou Google Slides) .

Nous préférons PowerPoint, que nous avons utilisé pour notre business plan pour un complexe hôtelier , car c'est le format idéal pour une présentation, permettant d'insérer des graphiques, schémas et visuels. Cela facilite la lecture et augmente vos chances d'obtenir un financement auprès de la banque.

Pour créer la partie financière (qui contient beaucoup de calculs), vous aurez cependant besoin d’un logiciel comme Excel (ou Google Sheets) , que nous avons aussi utilisé pour notre prévisionnel financier pour un complexe hôtelier.

modele de business plan hotel

Est-ce que la partie financière est nécessaire ?

Bien sûr, la partie financière de votre business plan est cruciale , surtout pour un projet comme un complexe hôtelier.

C’est cette section qui va permettre de démontrer comment vous envisagez de générer des revenus, que ce soit à travers la location des chambres, les services de restauration, les événements, ou encore les activités de loisirs proposées.

Vous y préciserez également les différentes dépenses à prévoir : construction ou rénovation des bâtiments, achat de mobilier, salaires du personnel, coûts de maintenance, et autres frais liés à la gestion quotidienne de l'hôtel.

Les investisseurs ou les banques auront besoin de ces informations pour comprendre si votre projet présente un potentiel de rentabilité.

Sans cette partie financière, votre business plan serait incomplet et ne refléterait pas pleinement le sérieux de votre démarche.

Que faut-il savoir d’autre ?

Nos entrepreneurs confondent souvent les termes suivants, peut-être vous aussi. Clarifions cela ensemble.

L'étude de marché analyse le marché et la concurrence, tandis que le business plan intègre cette analyse dans une stratégie globale de l'entreprise.

L'executive summary est un résumé du business plan, destiné à donner une vue d'ensemble rapide et accrocheuse.

Le business model décrit comment l'entreprise génère des revenus, tandis que le business plan explique en détail la mise en œuvre de ce modèle.

Le business model canvas est un outil visuel pour structurer les éléments clés du modèle d'affaires, alors que le business plan développe ces éléments en profondeur.

Un pitch deck est une présentation visuelle succincte utilisée pour attirer les investisseurs, souvent une version abrégée et graphique du business plan.

Où trouver un exemple de business plan pour un complexe hôtelier ?

Nous avons rédigé un exemple concis et gratuit de business plan pour un complexe hôtelier afin de donner au lecteur une meilleure idée de ce à quoi cela pourrait ressembler.

Cependant, cet exemple est loin d'être parfait : il est trop court, la partie financière n'est pas suffisamment développée, et surtout, il manque complètement d'aspects visuels, qui sont pourtant essentiels.

C'est donc une base pour se faire une idée, mais il faudra que le vôtre soit plus complet.

Cependant, si vous partez de notre business plan pour un complexe hôtelier et que vous le complétez avec vos informations, vous obtiendrez un business plan complet, sérieux et professionnel .

Notre business plan pour un complexe hôtelier est très esthétique et visuel, ce qui est un point à ne pas négliger lorsqu'on veut convaincre une banque.

Comment procéder pour faire le business plan de mon complexe hôtelier ?

Dois-je faire le business plan moi-même .

Vous pouvez tout à fait rédiger votre business plan vous-même, ce qui vous permet d'économiser de l'argent et de bien comprendre tous les aspects de votre projet.

Cependant, cela comporte aussi des inconvénients majeurs : cela demande des compétences spécifiques, prend beaucoup de temps (au minimum 50 heures, si vous le faites correctement) , et vous risquez de négliger des éléments cruciaux.

Si vous avez beaucoup de temps devant vous, de solides compétences en stratégie d’entreprise et en modélisation financière (ce qui est assez rare chez les gérants de complexes hôteliers, cependant), faites-le vous-même (cela permet aussi de bien s’approprier son projet).

Sinon, faites-vous aider.

Si je décide de me faire aider, quelles sont mes options ?

Il y en a beaucoup, laissez-nous vous éclairer avec ce petit tableau.

Avantages Inconvénients Prix & Délai Estimés
Business plan de qualité, professionnel, adapté à votre projet, support 24/7, travail minime restant Il vous reste un petit peu de travail pour compléter le modèle 49.9 €
Vous êtes autonomes Besoin de connaissances préalables, abonnement récurrent, bug de logiciel, manque de flexibilité, support limité 50 - 300 € par mois
Immédiat à 1 semaine
Acquisition de compétences, approche autonome Long, demande un investissement personnel, encadrement parfois peu professionnel 200 - 1 000 €
4 à 8 semaines
Coût faible, idées fraîches Qualité variable, supervision nécessaire, mauvaises surprises 800 - 3 000 €
4 à 8 semaines
Accès à un réseau et à des ressources variées Peut être sélectif, qualité incertaine, demande du temps personnel, engagement parfois requis 500 - 2 000 €
5 à 8 semaines
Connaissance financière approfondie Pas de flexibilité, ne s’occupe pas de la partie rédigée, aucun conseil, ne connaît peut-être pas votre industrie 1 000 - 3 000 €
2 à 3 semaines
Expertise pointue, business plan (parfois) de qualité professionnelle Coût élevé, communication, ne connaît peut être pas votre industrie 1 500 - 5 000 €
2 à 4 semaines
Accompagnement complet, large gamme de services Très onéreux, approche souvent standardisée 3 000 - 10 000 €
3 à 6 semaines

Comment bien réussir le business plan de son complexe hôtelier ?

Quelles sont les étapes à suivre .

Si vous optez pour notre business plan adapté à un complexe hôtelier , alors vous n’avez qu’à le télécharger puis le compléter. Notre équipe reste en support si besoin.

Si vous choisissez de faire le business plan de votre complexe hôtelier par vous-même, alors voici comment procéder.

Analysez le marché hôtelier dans la région : identifiez les types d'hébergements les plus populaires, étudiez la demande pour des séjours de luxe ou économiques, et examinez les réglementations locales et les licences nécessaires.

Rassemblez les données sur les coûts d’ouverture, comme l’achat du terrain, la construction ou la rénovation des bâtiments, et le mobilier. Identifiez les concurrents, fournisseurs et partenaires potentiels, et comprenez les préférences de votre clientèle cible.

Détaillez le concept de votre complexe hôtelier : types de chambres, services proposés (spa, restaurant, activités), ambiance souhaitée, proposition de valeur et stratégie pour offrir une expérience client unique.

Faites les calculs financiers en tenant compte des marges sur les services offerts, des coûts de maintenance ainsi que des revenus attendus des réservations et événements spéciaux. Établissez un budget prévisionnel pour le complexe hôtelier , incluant les coûts récurrents.

Présentez votre plan en utilisant des visuels attractifs, des graphiques sur les tendances du tourisme, et des tableaux financiers spécifiques à l'hôtellerie. Assurez-vous que la mise en page reflète l’élégance et le confort de votre concept.

Relisez pour vérifier l'exactitude des informations. Faites relire le document par un expert en stratégie d’entreprise et assurez-vous qu'il est prêt pour les investisseurs, y compris ceux spécialisés dans le secteur hôtelier.

complexe hôtelier business plan gratuit

Quelle est la bonne structure pour un business plan de complexe hôtelier ?

Comme vu précédemment, un business plan se compose d'une partie rédigée (où vous présentez votre projet) et d'une partie financière.

Partie rédigée

Voici une structure bien adaptée pour un business plan de complexe hôtelier.

Section Contenu à Présenter / Rédiger
Présentation Générale du Marché Fournissez des données récentes sur le marché de l'hôtellerie (taux d'occupation, revenus moyens par chambre, parts de marché). Mentionnez les tendances actuelles (hôtels écologiques, séjours prolongés, technologies récentes). Identifiez les facteurs clés de succès pour un complexe hôtelier (emplacement, services offerts, qualité du service client).
Présentation du Complexe Hôtelier Décrivez l'hôtel : taille, design, ambiance. Expliquez le concept unique (spa de luxe, restaurants gastronomiques, activités de loisirs).
Proposition de Valeur Expliquez ce qui rend votre complexe hôtelier unique : services exclusifs, tarifs compétitifs, expérience client exceptionnelle.
Analyse des Segments de Marché Cible et SWOT Identifiez vos cibles (familles, voyageurs d'affaires, touristes) et réalisez une analyse SWOT pour votre complexe hôtelier (forces, faiblesses, opportunités et menaces).
Analyse Concurrentielle Comparez votre complexe hôtelier avec les concurrents locaux, en soulignant vos avantages (qualité des services, localisation, offres spéciales).
Stratégie de Développement Présentez les étapes de développement sur trois ans : ouverture, fidélisation des clients, expansion des services.
Modèle Économique Décrivez votre modèle économique : partenaires, activités principales, coûts, sources de revenus.
Stratégie Marketing Exposez votre stratégie marketing : réseaux sociaux, SEO, publicités, partenariats, événements.
Gestion des Risques Identifiez les risques principaux et les stratégies pour les gérer (ex. : fonds de réserve, adaptation).
Prévisions Financières Présentez les prévisions financières sur trois ans : compte de résultat, bilan, budget de trésorerie.
Conclusion Résumez les points forts du projet et pourquoi il est viable, avec des arguments pour les investisseurs.

Partie financière

Voici les éléments qui doivent figurer dans la partie financière du business plan pour votre complexe hôtelier .

Avec notre prévisionnel financier pour un complexe hôtelier , vous obtiendrez automatiquement tous ces tableaux, sans avoir à faire de calculs.

Section Contenu à Présenter / Rédiger
Compte de Résultat Prévisionnel Présentez les projections de revenus provenant des réservations de chambres, des services de restauration, des événements, et des autres services offerts par l'hôtel. Incluez les charges d'exploitation spécifiques comme les salaires du personnel, les coûts de maintenance, et les frais généraux. Incluez les résultats d'exploitation et le résultat net pour les trois premières années.
Bilan Prévisionnel Détaillez les actifs liés à l'achat de mobilier, d'équipements, et d'immobilisations comme les bâtiments et les terrains. Incluez les passifs, y compris les capitaux propres et les dettes liées au financement des investissements et des travaux d'aménagement, sur les trois premières années.
Budget de Trésorerie Prévisionnel Décrivez les flux de trésorerie prévus : encaissements provenant des réservations de chambres, des services de restauration, et des événements, ainsi que les décaissements pour les salaires, les coûts de maintenance, les loyers, et autres coûts d'exploitation. Assurez une projection des liquidités sur trois ans.
Indicateurs de Performance Présentez les indicateurs de performance tels que le taux d'occupation des chambres, le revenu par chambre disponible (RevPAR), et l'excédent brut d'exploitation (EBE). Ces indicateurs permettront d'évaluer la rentabilité de votre complexe hôtelier sur les trois premières années.
Calcul et Analyse du Besoin en Fonds de Roulement (BFR) Calculez le BFR en tenant compte des créances clients (réservations en attente de paiement), des dettes fournisseurs, et des stocks (produits de restauration, fournitures de chambre). Analysez l'évolution du BFR pour anticiper les besoins de financement à court terme pour maintenir un service de qualité.
Plan de Financement Présentez le plan de financement en détaillant les besoins liés à l'achat de terrains, la construction ou la rénovation des bâtiments, et l'achat de mobilier et d'équipements. Identifiez les ressources, y compris les apports personnels, les emprunts, et les éventuelles subventions ou financements externes.
Investissements de Départ Détaillez les investissements nécessaires pour ouvrir le complexe hôtelier : achat de terrains ou bâtiments, travaux de construction ou de rénovation, achat de mobilier, équipements de cuisine et de restauration, systèmes de gestion hôtelière, et frais d'ouverture. Précisez les montants TTC.

Quels sont des chiffres intéressants à mettre dans le business plan de son complexe hôtelier ?

Notre équipe possède une solide expérience dans le secteur hôtelier. Voici des chiffres issus de nos estimations basées sur les nombreux business plans que nous avons réalisés pour des ouvertures de complexes hôteliers .

Le chiffre d'affaires annuel d’un complexe hôtelier est estimé entre 500 000 € et 5 000 000 € , selon l'emplacement, la taille de l'établissement, et le taux d'occupation. Un complexe situé dans une zone touristique prisée peut atteindre la fourchette haute, tandis qu'un établissement plus modeste ou dans une zone moins fréquentée pourrait se situer dans la fourchette basse.

Le prix moyen par nuitée dans un complexe hôtelier varie généralement entre 100 € et 500 € , en fonction du niveau de confort et des services proposés. Un complexe de luxe avec des prestations haut de gamme aura un prix moyen plus élevé.

La marge brute d’un complexe hôtelier se situe généralement entre 60% et 80% . Elle dépend des coûts d'exploitation et des tarifs pratiqués. Un complexe qui optimise ses coûts et propose des tarifs élevés peut atteindre une marge brute plus élevée.

La marge nette d’un complexe hôtelier oscille entre 10% et 25% , après déduction de toutes les charges, y compris les frais fixes comme le loyer, les salaires, et les impôts. Une gestion rigoureuse des coûts et une forte marge brute contribuent à une meilleure marge nette.

Le coût des marchandises vendues (notamment les services) d’un complexe hôtelier représente entre 20% et 30% du chiffre d'affaires . Ce pourcentage varie en fonction de la qualité des services proposés et de la capacité du complexe à obtenir des prix compétitifs auprès des fournisseurs.

Le coût de la main-d'œuvre d’un complexe hôtelier représente généralement 30% à 40% du chiffre d'affaires . Cette variation dépend de la taille de l'équipe, du niveau de service proposé, et des salaires pratiqués dans la région. Un complexe avec un service haut de gamme ou une équipe plus nombreuse aura des coûts de main-d'œuvre plus élevés.

Le taux d'occupation d’un complexe hôtelier est souvent compris entre 60% et 90% . Il dépend de la taille de l'établissement, de son attractivité, de la saisonnalité, et de la fidélisation de la clientèle. Les complexes situés dans des destinations populaires ou disposant d'une forte réputation auront des taux d'occupation plus élevés.

Le revenu moyen par chambre disponible (RevPAR) varie entre 50 € et 300 € , en fonction de la gamme de l'hôtel et de son taux d'occupation. Les complexes de luxe ou ceux situés dans des zones très touristiques atteindront la fourchette supérieure.

Le coût des matières premières autres que les services (comme la nourriture et les boissons) représente environ 15% à 25% du chiffre d'affaires d’un complexe hôtelier. Cette proportion varie en fonction du menu proposé et de l'importance de la vente de ces produits dans le modèle économique du complexe.

Le budget marketing annuel d’un complexe hôtelier est généralement compris entre 10 000 € et 100 000 € , en fonction des stratégies de promotion adoptées. Un complexe qui investit fortement dans la publicité en ligne, les événements, et les collaborations avec des influenceurs pourrait se situer dans la fourchette supérieure.

Le taux de fidélisation client d’un complexe hôtelier se situe entre 40% et 60% , selon la qualité de l'expérience client et des relations établies avec la clientèle. Un complexe offrant une expérience unique et un service personnalisé pourra maintenir un taux de fidélisation élevé.

Le retour sur investissement (ROI) est estimé entre 3 et 7 ans, selon l'investissement initial, la rentabilité du complexe, et la gestion des coûts. Un complexe qui parvient à se démarquer rapidement et à attirer une clientèle régulière pourra atteindre la rentabilité plus tôt.

complexe hôtelieranalyse SWOT

Vous retrouverez une analyse SWOT complète, modifiable et sans copyright dans notre modèle de business plan

Comment faire la SWOT, le Business Model Canvas, etc. pour un complexe hôtelier ?

La swot d’un complexe hôtelier.

Voici comment réaliser une analyse SWOT pour un complexe hôtelier , étape par étape :

  • Listez les points forts que votre complexe hôtelier pourra offrir, tels qu'une localisation privilégiée, des installations de luxe, ou un service client exceptionnel.
  • Identifiez les faiblesses potentielles, comme des coûts de construction élevés ou une faible notoriété au démarrage.
  • Analysez les opportunités externes, par exemple l'augmentation du tourisme dans la région ou des partenariats avec des agences de voyage.
  • Évaluez les menaces qui pourraient affecter votre complexe hôtelier, comme la concurrence locale ou les fluctuations économiques.
  • Rassemblez des informations auprès d'experts, de futurs clients potentiels, ou par des études de marché pour enrichir chaque catégorie.
  • Organisez ces informations dans une matrice SWOT, en plaçant les informations dans les quadrants appropriés.

Le Business Model Canvas d’un complexe hôtelier

Voici comment procéder pour élaborer un Business Model Canvas pour un complexe hôtelier :

  • Définissez vos segments de clientèle en identifiant les différents types de clients que votre complexe hôtelier servira, comme les familles, les couples en lune de miel, ou les voyageurs d'affaires.
  • Établissez votre proposition de valeur en précisant ce qui rendra votre complexe hôtelier unique, comme des suites luxueuses, des activités de loisirs variées, ou un spa de renommée mondiale.
  • Déterminez vos canaux de distribution, c'est-à-dire les moyens par lesquels vous allez atteindre et servir vos clients, tels que des réservations en ligne, des partenariats avec des agences de voyage, ou des promotions sur les réseaux sociaux.
  • Identifiez vos relations client en spécifiant comment vous allez interagir avec vos clients, que ce soit par un service personnalisé, des offres spéciales pour les clients réguliers, ou des événements exclusifs.
  • Listez vos sources de revenus, en détaillant les différentes manières par lesquelles votre complexe hôtelier générera de l'argent, comme les réservations de chambres, les services de restauration, ou les activités de loisirs.
  • Définissez les ressources clés nécessaires pour opérer votre complexe hôtelier, comme un emplacement stratégique, des installations de qualité, ou un personnel qualifié.
  • Identifiez les activités clés que vous devrez réaliser, comme la gestion des réservations, l'entretien des installations, ou l'organisation d'événements.
  • Listez vos partenariats clés, par exemple avec des fournisseurs de produits de luxe, des agences de voyage, ou des organisateurs d'événements.
  • Calculez la structure des coûts, en identifiant les principales dépenses nécessaires pour faire fonctionner votre complexe hôtelier, telles que le loyer, les salaires, et les coûts d'entretien.
  • Placez toutes ces informations dans un schéma de Business Model Canvas.

complexe hôtelier business model canvas

Vous retrouverez un Business Model Canvas complet, modifiable et sans copyright dans notre modèle de business plan

L’analyse PESTEL d'un complexe hôtelier

Voici comment procéder pour réaliser une analyse PESTEL pour un complexe hôtelier :

  • Examinez les facteurs politiques, en tenant compte des réglementations locales sur l'hôtellerie, les permis nécessaires, et les politiques gouvernementales qui pourraient affecter votre établissement.
  • Étudiez les facteurs économiques, en évaluant la situation économique générale, le pouvoir d'achat de votre clientèle cible, et les tendances du marché touristique.
  • Considérez les facteurs socioculturels, en réfléchissant aux préférences des voyageurs, à l'intérêt croissant pour les séjours écologiques, et aux habitudes de voyage dans votre région.
  • Évaluez les facteurs technologiques, en explorant comment la technologie peut vous aider, comme l'utilisation des plateformes de réservation en ligne ou des systèmes de gestion hôtelière.
  • Examinez les facteurs environnementaux, en prenant en compte l'importance croissante des pratiques durables, l'utilisation de produits écologiques, et l'impact environnemental de vos opérations.
  • Étudiez les facteurs légaux, en vérifiant les lois spécifiques à l'hôtellerie, les restrictions d'ouverture, et les exigences en matière de santé et de sécurité.
  • Synthétisez toutes ces informations dans une matrice PESTEL.

Comment notre business plan pour un complexe hôtelier peut-il vous aider ?

Voici ce dont vous pouvez bénéficier en utilisant notre modèle pour réaliser le business plan de votre complexe hôtelier :

  • Vous gagnez du temps avec un document prêt à être personnalisé en moins d'une heure.
  • Vous augmentez vos chances de financement avec un business plan complet et conforme.
  • Vous bénéficiez de 80 heures de recherche et d'analyse sectorielle.
  • Vous obtenez un accompagnement personnalisé de nos experts.
  • Vous anticipez les risques grâce à des analyses financières précises.
  • Vous démarrez avec une stratégie solide pour maximiser vos revenus.
  • Vous recevez des mises à jour gratuites pour garder votre business plan pertinent.

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modele de business plan hotel

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Modelesdebusinessplan.com a été créé pour aider les entrepreneurs qui n’ont pas forcément les compétences requises pour élaborer un business plan, des prévisions financières ou une étude de marché.

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7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings


  • SAT BootCamp
  • SAT MasterClass
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  • Academic Subjects
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  • Free Resources
  • 14 Best College Essay Services for 2024 (40 Services Reviewed)

Research conducted by Emily Kierkegaard , PhD, and expert-reviewed by Kevin Wong, PrepMaven Co-founder

Not sure which college application essay coaching and editing service is the best? We compared the top 40 services, created in-depth reviews for 14 of them, and narrowed it down to the 4 best that will help guide you through the process of writing amazing college application essays.

What is the Best College Essay Service?

  • PrepMaven  – best college application essay service overall
  • College Essay Mentor  – best for individual consultants
  • The College Essay Guy  – best for unlimited essay assistance
  • College Vine  – best of the big platforms

The best of the rest:

Individual essay consultants:

  • College Essay Editor  – small editing team
  • Allison Karpf  – former English teacher helping students
  • Your College Vision  – former journalist with more affordable rates
  • The College Guru  – good on paper but unresponsive
  • Sofia Zapiola – budget-friendly application assistance

Mid-size teams:

  • Lotus Learning  – focus on health sciences

Large platforms:

  • Study Point  – larger platform with mystery editors
  • Ivy Select  – larger platform with mystery editors
  • Empowerly  – larger platform with mystery editors
  • BeMo  – expensive and aggressive with wrong expertise

starting to write college essay

Schedule a college essay consultation

Best College Application Essay Services in 2024

#1 – prepmaven.

Our Verdict — Best College Essay Assistance Overall Price: $79–349/hour (minimum $510 package) PrepMaven’s one-on-one college essay assistance is the best option overall. Founded by brothers and Princeton grads Greg and Kevin, almost all of PrepMaven’s essay coaches have Ivy-League experience, primarily from Princeton and Harvard. All essay coaches also undergo a thorough training program in PrepMaven’s methods, developed by professional writers with deep understanding of the college admissions process, for helping students to discover the most compelling stories for their essays. Unlike other services, PrepMaven offers college essay assistance at several different price points. At the most accessible rate, students can work with current Ivy-League undergraduates who specialize in writing and have recently aced the college application process. At higher rates, students can work with coaches who are both Ivy-League grads and professional writers (screenwriters, journalists, editors) with many years of experience helping students to craft compelling essays. Interested students can even work directly with founders Greg and Kevin, who have over 15 years of experience helping students through the entire essay-writing process. PrepMaven’s services combine many of the best features of other good options into one, and it’s hard to beat their experience.

Sign up for PrepMaven’s college essay help now

Any student wanting college essay help, at any point in the process, with a range of budgets.

At a glance:

  • Cost: $79–349/hour (minimum $510 package)
  • Writing coach qualifications: Princeton graduates and professional writers (or current Princeton students); all trained

What we like:

  • Ivy League experience —most of their writing coaches are Princeton grads or current students, with some from Harvard and other Ivies
  • Different pricing options to meet different families’ circumstances
  • More flexible and greater capacity to take on new students compared to individual consultants

Sign up for PrepMaven’s college essay help

Princeton University

#2 – College Essay Mentor

Our Verdict — Best of the Individual Consultants Price: unknown but high Some college essay consulting services consist of just one expert. Of these individual essay consultants, Chris Hunt at College Essay Mentor is our favorite. He combines writing experience as a journalist for the Economist and the Wall Street Journal with personal experience as a graduate of Dartmouth. However, he only works with a small number of students each year, and students need to apply to work with him — he only accepts students with top grades and test scores who are already strong applicants for top schools. Chris offers the option for one-time written feedback, but this only gives big-picture generalizations. (And written-only feedback is always limited.) In order for help with the essay process, students need to purchase a complete essay package.

Students with top grades and test scores who want to work with a one-person business, who have a sizable budget, and who are ready to get started early.

  • Cost: $210 for a one-time written essay feedback (big picture only), then $110 per draft feedback; pricing for essay process packages unknown
  • Essay coach qualifications: professional journalist, Dartmouth grad
  • Professional writing experience as a journalist
  • Extensive experience working with college applicants
  • Partners with Debra Felix, former Director of Admissions at Columbia, for full application review

What we don’t like:

  • One-on-one work is limited to very high-achieving students, who need to apply with a resume : “I limit my one-on-one work to students who I believe will be strong applicants to elite universities. As a rule, this means having high grades in challenging classes, a test score of ACT 34+ or SAT 1500+, and substantial activities outside of the classroom.”
  • Works with a limited number of students (60 per year), so often no availability
  • All-or-nothing packages don’t allow students to work with Chris for just a few hours or for part of the essay-writing process
  • Secretive about pricing (he’ll only give pricing details once he’s reviewed the student’s resume and agreed to work with them), but we expect the minimum cost of working one-on-one to be several thousand dollars

#3 – The College Essay Guy

Our Verdict — Best for Unlimited Essay Assistance Price: $4900 for application to 3 schools, $8050 for application for 10 schools We’re fans of Ethan Sawyer, the original “college essay guy”— his book, College Essay Essentials , is a great guide to the essay-writing process. Ethan doesn’t work directly with many students these days, but he now has a team of consultants who help students follow his principles. Their assistance is really all-or-nothing — they prefer to work with students from the very beginning of the process, and their minimum package is $4900, which includes assistance with essays for three schools. If students are applying to ten schools (a more realistic number for students aiming at competitive colleges), the fee is a hefty $7400.

Students who want unlimited help through the entire process, who have a sizable budget.

  • Cost: $4900 (supplemental essays for 3 schools) – $7400 (supplemental essays for 10 schools)
  • Essay coach qualifications: mix of Ivy grads and former teachers, some writers/screenwriters; all trained
  • Great free resources about the essay-writing process
  • Their Matchlighters Scholars Program gives back to the community by providing admissions consulting for select qualifying students
  • All-or-nothing packages have a high minimum fee and don’t work for students who want just a few hours of feedback or help with just part of the process

#4 – College Vine

Our Verdict — Best of the Big Platforms Price: $140–180/hour There are plenty of large platforms with large stables of part-time tutors and coaches available to work with students. Of these big platforms, we think CollegeVine has the best offerings. Compared to other large companies, CollegeVine provides more information about their tutors, and students can pick individual tutors to work with from their roster. However, this model is really just a way of finding individual tutors to hire. Tutors don’t receive any training and don’t share a common approach, so it’s a mixed bag. Their rates are fairly high for part-time tutors who don’t have specific expertise and training in college essay consulting. Because CollegeVine is really just a marketplace where individual tutors can find students, the quality and price will vary widely.

Students who want to work with a big company, or those who want a quick session or two to go over their essays.

  • Cost: Typically $140–180/hour
  • Essay coach qualifications: no specific qualifications, but a few are Ivy League graduates
  • Possible to select individual editors to work with from their roster.
  • Easy to schedule ad-hoc sessions with a tutor through the website.
  • No training or common approach for tutors
  • Editors are part-time , with no option to work with full-time college admissions experts
  • Relatively expensive for this level of expertise

College Essay Editing Alternatives (that Didn’t Make the Cut)

Individual essay consultants, #5 – college essay editor.

Our Verdict — Small Editing Team Price: Roughly $5,950 for applications to 10 schools College Essay Editor comprises two graduates of Stanford. This means that they have personal experience applying to highly competitive schools. One member of the team also has a college counseling certification, which is a good background for college essays. Based on their website, they appear to focus on the editing and proofreading phase of the essay-writing process. This can be helpful to students, but we recommend working with a service who can help students to uncover their values and brainstorm really great material that allows them to really shine—and if this doesn’t happen at the beginning of the process, it’s much harder to add in later on.

  • Cost: $195/1000 words for proofreading, $495/1000 words for 3 rounds of editing and proofreading, or $595/1000 words for unlimited rounds of editing and proofreading; for the purposes of comparison, complete applications to 10 competitive colleges would be around 9,650 words, or $5950.
  • Writing coach qualifications: Stanford graduates, one of whom has college counseling certification
  • Editors are graduates of Stanford University , and one is a member of NACAC, the national association of college counselors
  • They focus on editing and proofreading only , not on the crucial earlier steps of brainstorming and strategy
  • Small team with very limited availability
  • All asynchronous editing so you won’t be able to cultivate a real relationship with your essay coach.

#6 – Allison Karpf

Our Verdict — Former English Teacher Helping Students Price: $385/hour or $3850 package for application to one school Another option for students looking to hire an individual consultant is Allison Karpf. Allison is a former high school English teacher and a graduate of UC Berkeley who also holds a Masters of Education from Stanford. Her rates are definitely on the higher side, especially for someone who doesn’t have a professional writing background, but she does have extensive experience working with students to craft their essays.

  • Cost:  $385/hour or $3850 unlimited counseling (includes supplemental essays for one college)
  • Essay coach qualifications: former high school English teacher; Berkeley grad, Stanford MEd
  • Lots of experience helping students improve their college essays
  • Very quick to respond to client requests
  • No professional writing experience or Ivy-Plus undergraduate experience
  • High rates relative to other options
  • Limited availability , since she works alone

#7 – Your College Vision

Our Verdict: Former Journalist with More Affordable Rates Price: $180/hour, or packages starting from $3500 Laurie Lande is another individual consultant who helps students through the essay-writing process. She comes recommended by other consultants like Chris from College Essay Mentor . Laurie did not herself attend a highly competitive school, so she doesn’t have that personal experience of going through the selective admissions process, but she does have a professional writing background as a journalist for the Wall Street Journal in Hong Kong.

  • Cost: $180/hour or packages starting at $3500
  • Essay coach qualifications: journalism background
  • Affordable pricing , relative to other options
  • Not a graduate of a highly selective school

#8 – The College Guru

Our Verdict — Good on Paper but Unresponsive Price: unknown Yet another individual essay consultant is Geanine Thompson from The College Guru. Geanine attended Dartmouth as an undergraduate and also holds an MBA from Duke. She also has a professional writing background as an assistant book editor at Berkley Publishing Group. Like Greg and Kevin at PrepMaven , she combines experience in the business world and at Wall Street firms with experience in education.

  • Cost: unknown
  • Essay coach qualifications: former assistant book editor; Dartmouth grad, Duke MBA
  • Dartmouth graduate and former book editor
  • Not responsive to emails and client requests

#9 – Sofia Zapiola

Our Verdict — A budget-friendly, personal essay editor. Price: $80/hour Yet another individual essay consultant is Sofia Zapiola, who offers a mix of essay editing and college application counseling services.

  • Cost: $80/hour
  • Essay coach qualifications: M.A. from Harvard; certificate in College Counseling from UC San Diego.
  • Individual approach, budget-friendly rates, commitment to working within families’ budgets.
  • Very few testimonials, so it’s difficult to evaluate how effective she is.

student writing college essay on laptop

Mid-size Teams

#10 – lotus learning.

Our Verdict — Expensive for Tutor Background Price: $165/hour Founded by a Harvard grad who is a former teacher and veteran of the publishing industry, Lotus learning offers college essay help in the Boston area. They have a small team of tutors, mostly recent grads from good but not Ivy-Plus colleges, and mostly with focus in health sciences.

  • Cost: $165/hour (minimum 8 hours)
  • Essay coach qualifications: tutors are recent grads, but not Ivy-Plus schools
  • Reasonable pricing with flexible packages
  • Essay editors aren’t graduates of Ivy-Plus schools and don’t have professional writing experience

Large platforms

#11 – study point.

Our Verdict — Larger Platform with Mystery Editors Price: Rates Between $60 and $120/hr Study Point is a larger essay editing service. They claim to have several decades of experience helping students to craft their college essays, but they do not give information about who their essay coaches are and what qualifications they might have.

  • Cost: $60-120/hr, depending on tutor experience
  • Essay coach qualifications: unknown
  • Larger company with several decades of experience
  • Unclear who the essay coaches are
  • Lack of statistics about their results

#12 – Ivy Select

Our Verdict — Larger Platform with Mystery Editors Price: unknown Ivy Select makes a lot of big promises on their website about having the best college essay consultants in the business, but they offer no information on who these consultants are, or on their backgrounds. They also brag that each consultant “only” works 20 students in one application cycle, but in our experience, that’s quite high.

  • Long list of impressive (but anonymous) testimonials
  • Only work with “top students”
  • No information on their website about who the editors are
  • Each essay coach works with up to 20 students at one time

#13 – Empowerly

Our Verdict — Larger Platform with Mystery Editors Price: High, from $6000/year Empowerly has over 60 college counselors who each work with an average of 5 students per year, in order to have more time to devote to each student. Their counselors come from “different educational backgrounds,” and while they do not provide specific biographical details we can assume that most of their essay coaches did not attend highly selective schools.

  • Cost: typically from $6000/year
  • Essay coach qualifications: college counselors
  • Counselors work with just a few students per year
  • You have to upgrade to “Empowerly Elite” to guarantee a counselor with a more selective educational background
  • No professional writing experience

#14 – Prepory

Our Verdict — Expensive but with Good Expertise Price: $325/hr Prepory is a college application and career counseling service that offers a comprehensive program for college applications at any stage of the process (including as early as 9th grade). They make a lot of impressive claims about the expertise of their coaches, but it’s quite difficult to actual find much information about their essay coach qualifications.

  • Cost: $325/hr
  • They have a comprehensive college application program that begins as early as 9th grade.
  • Limited information about essay coaches
  • High prices

Top 40 College Essay Services Considered

  • College Essay Editor
  • The College Essay Guy
  • College Vine
  • College Essay Mentor
  • Study Point
  • Allison Karpf
  • The College Guru
  • Lotus Learning
  • Summit Prep
  • Sofia Zapiola
  • Ivy Global / New Summits
  • College Essay Solutions
  • Your College Vision
  • Essay Edge*
  • ServicEscape*
  • PapersForge*
  • QuickWriter*
  • JustEditMyEssay*
  • JustDoMyEsssay*
  • ExpertWriting*
  • SpeedyPaper*
  • GradeMiners*

* A number of services will edit essays directly for students, or even write portions of the essay for students. We do not condone this. Admissions officers can tell when essays have been written or edited by adults and this can have severe consequences. We have excluded these services from our reviews.

student writing college essay

Why are college application essays important?

Can a great college essay alone get you into Harvard?

No. You’ll need your grades, test scores, and extracurricular activities (as well as letters of recommendation and interview) to be outstanding.

But can a mediocre essay be the reason you didn’t get into Harvard?

Yes. There are thousands of amazingly-qualified students who graduate from high school each year. Great grades and test scores might be a prerequisite for admission to a competitive college, but they alone aren’t enough.

Harvard University

College essays are a key component of a student’s application . When done well, they transform a collection of numbers—GPA, class rank, SAT or ACT scores , number of AP classes taken, AP scores—into a glimpse of a real, individual person.

Essays do many things. Good college essays can highlight extracurricular achievements which otherwise would be overlooked in a sterile list. Strong essays often indicate the student’s future plans —how they plan to leave a mark on their college campus and on the world. They can shine a light on unique challenges that a student may have had to face on their journey.

College admissions officers only have a few minutes to spend on each application. College essays need to be original, interesting, and memorable . They need to grab the attention of the admissions officer and persuade them that this is the student out of hundreds or thousands of other similarly-qualified applicants who should be admitted.

College admissions essays are usually unlike any other kind of writing that students have done before. They’re a combination of memoir and marketing pitch, and they need to be creative but also highly strategic. That’s a tough assignment!

What’s more, students are left to figure this assignment out on their own. A thoughtful and generous high school English teacher may provide guidance or offer to read essays and give feedback, but these teachers are responsible for many students, and they’re (usually) not experts in admissions strategies.

There’s another reason college essays are especially important from 2024 on. After the recent Supreme Court decision, the application essay has become one of the main ways that you can communicate how your racial identity has affected your life.

In fact, the New York Times published an article about how important it can be for students to discuss race in their college application essays!

Princeton University

Why work with a college essay service?

You may want to consider a college essay service if:

  • You have no idea where to start in order to write your college application essays
  • You feel overwhelmed by all of the different ideas you have and don’t know what would be the most strategic for college admissions—and what topics to definitely avoid for college essays
  • You don’t know how to craft a compelling stor y
  • You’re not sure how to edit and refine what you’ve written
  • You have a hard time keeping yourself on track and want an external structure to hold you accountable
  • You’re tired of conflict between students and parents about college essays
  • You’re aiming at a competitive college (not just the Ivy League!) and know that you need your essays to be outstanding
  • Your grades, test scores, and extracurriculars aren’t exceptional, so you need your essay to make your essay stand out from the pack
  • You’re unfamiliar with the US college admissions process (a common situation for international students and first-generation families in the US)

Any of these are strong reasons to consider working with a college essay service!

It’s also worth remembering that a lot of the free advice on college’s website isn’t always very clear. For example, NYU’s admissions Senior Assistant Director of Admissions says that “There is no right or wrong way to answer as long as your answer is genuine to you.”

While that’s true, that doesn’t offer much guidance on how to actually write the essay!

Though many college applicants might not mention it, more and more students are using professional college application consultants. Research at the University of Chicago has shown that over a quarter of high-achieving seniors employed private specialists to help with the college application process.

In fact, according to NPR , some companies are even offering college admissions counseling to their top employees as an incentive–that’s just how important professional help can be in the current landscape of college admissions.

It’s important to note that a good college essay service will not write your college application essays for you . This is unethical and illegal. That’s not just coming from us: take it from a school like Princeton, whose website insists on the importance of writing your own application essays.

A good college essay service will guide you through each step of the process , teaching you how to self-reflect and write well while sharing insider insight about admissions strategy .

Yale University

What makes a good college essay service?

We strongly believe that students need to write their own college essays , and we do not condone plagiarism or “buying” a college essay.

However, writing college application essays requires a completely new set of skills that is rarely taught in high school!

Writing a personal essay is much more creative than simply writing a good paper for English class. It requires a compelling narrative and a great deal of writing craft . A good essay service will teach how to do this kind of writing.

There are many college essay services that will provide only written feedback to students, usually in the form of comments added to an essay draft. (Remember, it’s important that students write their own essays, so avoid any college essay service that will make edits directly to an essay document .)

Written comments can be an effective component of good essay coaching. However, writing college essays is a deeply personal process , and it’s incredibly difficult to guide a student through the process of self-reflection, brainstorming, and planning purely through written comments.

In addition, a great college essay coach will teach students how to do this entire process of brainstorming, planning, outlining, writing, and revising . It’s difficult to learn why an essay coach is advising certain changes through written comments alone.

For these reasons, look for a college essay service with live, one-on-one services , not just written feedback. These days, it’s easy to work with the best college essay consultants in the country over Zoom!

college essay coaching service online

Students need to reflect on their goals, their passions, and what drives them to be the person they are. This requires a great deal of self-awareness and self-analysis . An experienced college essay coach can help draw these ideas out of students through tested introspection techniques and brainstorming exercises .

On top of all of that, students need to be cognizant of which traits and accomplishments will be most appealing to colleges , and which stories will be cliche and boring. Personal statements and supplementary essays need to fit together to tell a cohesive story, and they need to work together with the rest of the student’s application (extracurriculars, grades, and other accomplishments).

In other words, there’s a great deal of strategy here! An experienced college essay service can help students decide how to present themselves in the best possible light .

Furthermore, most students don’t know how to edit effectively . A really top-notch college essay service will also teach students how to edit their own writing —how to reorder sections for better flow, cut unnecessary words to meet a word count, eliminate passive verbs, and make their writing vivid and exciting. Our students are routinely amazed by how transformative this step can be, and how much they learn by doing it together with the essay coach.

Finally, the best college essay services can also help students to make a writing plan and keep them on track , so that parents don’t have to be involved directly.

Ready to work on your college essays? Schedule a free 15- to 30-minute consultation with Jessica or one of our founders.

Best overall: PrepMaven’s tutors offer the highest quality at the best price. With three tiers of tutors, they make it easy to work with an Ivy League undergraduate for as little as $79/hr. Or, families can work with education professionals or Ivy League graduates from $150/hr. PrepMaven’s track record means that you can be sure every hour is being spent productively, so that you can expect real results from the work.

Best for individual consultants: College Essay Mentor. In theory, College Essay Mentor would offer an unparalleled level of individual attention and guidance: his website boasts of some very impressive results. You might find it hard to actually schedule with him, however, since he’s very selective about his clients.

Best for unlimited essay assistance: The College Essay Guy might not offer that personalized attention you get from live, face to face essay coaching, but they do offer unlimited essay editing for up to 10 schools (if you’re comfortable paying a hefty package price).

Best of the big platforms: College Vine will always be a bit of a gamble. Because it’s a tutor marketplace, your results (and costs) will really depend on how lucky you get with your consultant. From our research, however, many of their essay coaches look to have solid track records.

Ready to work on college essays with one of our experienced writing coaches? Schedule a free test prep consultation with Jessica (Director of Tutoring) or one of our founders to see what would be the best fit for your family.

It’s always best to start early and not wait until the last minute to write your college essays! Remember that essays can be used to earn scholarships as well as college admission, so a few months of writing now can pay off with up to $300,000 in tuition saved later. 

We work with students at all stages of the writing process, from I-have-no-idea-what-to-write to final edits. To start working with an Ivy-League writing coach today, set up a quick free consultation with our team.

Schedule a free college essay consultation

Ivy League schools

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7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

Emily graduated  summa cum laude  from Princeton University and holds an MA from the University of Notre Dame. She was a National Merit Scholar and has won numerous academic prizes and fellowships. A veteran of the publishing industry, she has helped professors at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton revise their books and articles. Over the last decade, Emily has successfully mentored hundreds of students in all aspects of the college admissions process, including the SAT, ACT, and college application essay. 


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7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

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7 best college essay writing services: Reviews & rankings

Using an essay writing service may sound like the simplest way to get help with any college assignment, but many students have had terrible experiences because they chose a bad writing service. So how can you identify a trusted essay writing service?

Stressays conducted a survey of over 23,000 college students in the U.S. and came up with the list of the most popular writing services available online in 2021. These academic writing companies were ranked based on their popularity among American college students, as well as their pricing and quality of papers they produce.

Papernelp.com is definitely one of the best college paper writing services out there. The company is well-known for its quick delivery time and top-notch quality. You can order your college paper and have it delivered 3 hours after placing the order and providing all the details they need from you.

PaperHelp is also one of the few online writing services you can try with a wide variety of projects and expect the best result. They have more than 2,000 specialists who can handle more than 25 different types of paperwork.

Another thing that makes PaperHelp one of the very best essay writing sites online is the fact that the company selects its writers carefully. According to their policy, all writers pass through three-step verification. So you can rest assured that your writing project will be handled by a qualified essay writer.

Why Students Choose Papernelp.com

You can order various types of writing services and know that the writers will do justice to them.

It is very simple to place your order and receive your work, thanks to the excellent website with a user-friendly interface.

It is one of the fastest easy writing services online.

100% plagiarism-free papers.


ExpertWriting is another popular college writing service that helps students get high-quality essays when they can’t write their assignment or don’t have the time to complete it. As the name of the company suggests, it has a good number of expert writers who are serious about their crafts and always willing to help students out. You can order an essay, research paper, term paper, thesis, or dissertation here.

One of the first things you will notice about Expert-Writings.com is that the company has an impressive website. The site looks modern and convenient. It is also user-friendly. You will find that placing an order is as simple as ABC.

From what we have seen, ExpertWriting customers are mostly impressed by the quality of the papers they get. Most are also impressed by the time it takes the writers to produce such quality papers.

Why Students Choose Expert-Writings.com

You can get top-quality papers in as little as 3 hours.

The company seems to have experts in different aspects of writing, so you can hire wonderful writers for different types of writing projects.

The works are delivered with plagiarism reports, assuring you that they are 100% original.

Professional essay writers.

Excellent customer support.

The pricing becomes really high if you choose a tight deadline


ESSAYPR0.com is another college essay writing service that offers real value for your money. EssayPro is a unique writing service that gives the student or customer the full freedom to determine who will ultimately write his/her assignment.

ESSAYPR0 has a pretty large team of experienced writers who are eager to work on your project. Ordering for an assignment here works like using a freelance marketplace. In fact, ESSAYPR0 is like a freelance marketplace – you can choose writers for your project based on their skill level or rates.

As stated earlier, this company has a large team of writers, and they are all experienced in their various niches. You will surely find a good, highly-rated writer who will take on any type of assignment you have for a price that is okay with your budget.

Why Students Choose ESSAYPR0.com

It gives students/customers better control over who they trust with their assignments and projects.

It is possible to find a college writer who will consider your budget and do a great job for you at an incredibly affordable price.

Writers and tutors at ESSAYPR0 provide one-to-one college essay help.

You can find writers who can submit your assignment in as little as six hours.

Cheap writers may deliver low-quality work.

There is no phone support


If you need college essay writing help of any complexity, SpeedyPaper is one of the best options. This is a company you can trust when you need a professionally written essay, and you need it pretty fast. The company promises an individual approach to every client, and they live up to that promise.

As the name suggests, this is one of the most reliable platforms to order an essay if speed is the most important thing to you. Regardless of that, the writers will always deliver high-quality and plagiarism-free essays that will match whatever academic standards you are looking for.

In addition to writing high school essays and college assignments, many of the professional writers and editors who are SpeedyPaperz.com can handle complex writing assignments. Depending on the nature of your project, SpeedyPaper will assign a suitably qualified writer to do justice to it.

Why Students Choose SpeedyPaper

SpeedyPaper has zero-tolerance for plagiarism and will conduct multiple plagiarism checks before delivering your order. You can be certain that you have original content.

SpeedyPaper is also serious with punctuality, so you can be sure of getting your work delivered on time.

The company offers 24/7 support, and the support team has knowledgeable members who can help students in many ways.

The only thing that appears as a downside with SpeedyPaperz.com is that the company engages in aggressive advertising and upselling.


GradeMiners is regarded by some people as the very best essay writing service in the USA. There are good reasons for this, and we can start by stating that most of its users are happy with the services they get from the company. The number of wonderful reviews is a good indication that the company delivers what it promises.

GradeMiners happen to be one of the old-timers in the game. It is safe to say the company has perfected its system to deliver the best experience to their repeat customers, and it will be impossible to convince such customers to even try alternative services.

The process of getting your assignment done by the best essay writer available is pretty straightforward. You just need to provide the details of what you need, and the online calculator will do the maths and tell you how much you have to pay. Pricing is fairly competitive.

Why Students Choose GradeMiners

Consistency in delivering top-quality papers that will really earn you high grades. The company truly has expert writers (both ESL & ENL).

100% money-back guarantee on any order.

Every order is delivered after the content is checked for plagiarism with the latest software. You can be sure that it is 100% original.

Customers can communicate directly with writers through live chat, email, or phone.

GradeMiners offer 24/7 customer support.

The only thing that can be an issue here is pricing.


There are several controversial paper writing companies, and it is not uncommon to find websites that will easily call another one a scam. There may be conflicting reviews about JustDoMyEssay.com, but we believe it deserves a place in our top essay writing services list for 2021 and years to come.

DoMyEssay has been around for a while and has certainly helped several students to get quality assignments just when they need it. The company has quality writers who are not afraid to accept any project and tackle it till the student/customer is happy.

JustDoMyEssay has native English speakers, as when as ESL writers. The company promises that you can get your work back in as little as four hours, but you may find that there is no expert or native speaker at the moment who handles the project.

Why Students Choose JustDoMyEssay

You can get your assignment done at an affordable price.

It is possible to get your essay delivered just four hours after ordering and submitting your details.

The company offers a list of additional services.

Professional college essay writers.

There are lots of ESL writers, and that can always be a problem.

The support team is unavailable on Sundays.

It is almost impossible to find a list of the best writing services online that do not feature 99Papers. The company is a pretty popular writing service with so many satisfied clients. We strongly believe most students love this service because of its competitive pricing, but there are several other wonderful reasons to use it over and over again.

One of the most wonderful things about 99Papers is that it allows users to contact writers directly. This enhances collaborative efforts that will see the writer do a great job that will not require any revision. Even if you don’t make a meaningful contribution, you can be certain that the professional writers will do a great job with each new project.

99Papers is also known to be serious about on-time delivery. They claim to deliver 100% of the papers on time. While this may seem too good to be true, the fact that they have many positive reviews shows that most customers are satisfied with their experience using the service.

Why Students Choose 99Papers

Prices can be as low as $8.97, making it one of the most affordable services.

You can get your work as quickly as three hours after placing your order and providing all assignment details.

You can message your writer directly, meaning you can discuss the assignment in detail and get feedback easily.

The 24/7 customer support is incredible.

You may have to pay more if you strictly want native English-speaking writers to handle your project.

New writing companies are popping up all over the place, and you might be starting to get curious. Maybe by now, you have visited a few sites. Wherever you are in the essay writing discovery process, if you are reading this your mind is still not made up and you still have some questions. Let’s go over a few of the most commonly frequently asked questions to give you a little more information.

Are college essay writing services legal?

If plagiarism crosses your mind when you think of the question of if essay writer services are legal, then the answer is yes, they are legal. If you don’t know what plagiarism is, it is when you take another person’s ideas or words and use them as your own. When writing an essay, you can use other people’s words and ideas as long as you give them credit by citing it correctly. A freelance writer may or may not provide proof there is no plagiarism.

There are websites and apps that can be used to run an essay through, and it will make sure nothing is plagiarized and generate a report. Most sites offer either a free plagiarism report or once is available for purchase fairly cheap. If you are going to turn your essay into a school or other establishment where it could be critiqued, having a plagiarism-free paper is critical. If you have other questions on legality, the answer is this. These sites are marketed to give you an example of what a good paper should be.

You give them a topic, they write a plagiarism-free, original paper, and then leave you to do whatever you want with it. Do you use it as a guideline, or do you turn it in as your own? That is up to you and brings us to the next common question. Hiring an essay writing company is basically hiring a ghostwriter, which is certainly legal and often done even by famous novelists.

Are essay writing services ethical?

This is a grey area. Schools certainly want you to turn in your own work so that you can show what you have learned. If your school does not specifically say you cannot use a paper writing service, then you would technically not be breaking the rules.

Sometimes we just need a little help. Sometimes life gets in the way and we don’t have the time to gather information and write a paper that would receive a passing grade. At times the ever-so-dreaded writer’s block occurs. Sometimes we can write, but we are horrible at formatting, editing, citations, and proofreading.

Essay writing companies off these things too, and that is certainly ethical. There are topics that you probably can’t stand or some that trigger bad memories. If you have to write a paper about a hard topic such as war, human trafficking or abuse and you have been a victim of that, writing about it could be devastating. You may not want to tell your teacher or feel comfortable exposing your victim status and that would be your right.

In that case, most empathetic humans would say in that instance having someone write your paper so you don’t have to look at it would be reasonable and understandable, especially if the teacher has already stated no topic changes will be allowed. Is it your own work? No. Does it show what you have learned? No. Would using an academic writing company for every single paper you need to turn in ethical? Not so much. Is using it once in a while when life gets to be too much part of the gray area? We believe so, and so do many others.

Are essay writing services reliable?

Most essay writing websites offer a money-back guarantee. It is in your best interest to find one of these services that offer a guarantee so you can protect your investment. A good money-back guarantee should cover if the paper is not returned to you in time (which rarely happens) or if you are just not happy with it.

Before you start the process and hire someone for your essay, make sure you understand the money-back guarantee offered and what all is covered in it, as it can vary from person to person or site to site. This is about the best proof of reliability there is. If it is horrible quality or not done to standard or time, you get your money back. Needless to say, it is also a good idea to read essay writing service reviews and conduct an investigation about a company of your choice.

Most of the sites also offer a certain number of revisions, so if you are not happy the first time, the writer can go back over it and revise it. Some of the top-rated essay writing services have been around for a number of years and have thousands to millions of happy customers. The writers are professionals, they know what they are doing and how to make deadlines.

Are there any legit essay writing services?

ExpertWriting is one of the most legit essay writing services because it has hundreds of positive reviews from American, British and Canadian students. If you’re looking for a high-quality college paper, this company is your best bet. ExpertWriting delivers plagiarism-free papers on time, and the average grade for papers this company produces is 85%. Available academic levels are High School, College, University, Master’s, Ph.D.

Can I hire someone to write my college essay?

Students can hire academic writing services like EssayPro to write their papers for them. In fact, hiring a professional writer is quick and easy. After you sign up with this site, you will be offered to submit your order details and choose a writer based on their skill level, experience, and expertise. Writing companies usually have hundreds of writers to choose from, so you will be able to find the right professional for your task regardless of the complexity of your task.

If you found yourself typing “write my college paper” into Google, you will certainly find what you were looking for. You can hire a writer for any discipline (IT & computer science, law, engineering, business & management, nursing, economics, architecture, arts & design, accounting & finance, and more).

Are essay writing services worth it?

Writing services usually provide students with professionally written academic papers, because they hire writers who have excellent writing skills. Using college essay services is absolutely worth it if you have an important paper due and the deadline is looming around the corner.

As we covered above, the ability to avoid a bad topic is worth it. Not pouring hours of research into an already busy schedule is worth it. Not having to worry about plagiarism is worth it.

You can always go on Reddit and read essay service reviews to get real people’s thoughts on if using an essay writing service was worth it. It is pretty rare you find someone that does not feel it was worth it, and often those are the people who went with a private individual instead of a reputable site with a money-back guarantee.

Does it cost money? Yes, and that is the downfall. Nothing comes for free, and you need to decide what is more valuable to you, money or time and a well-written paper?

Now that you have the answers to some common questions, you can decide if you want to move forward and investigate some sites, check pricing, and find the best one for your needs.

This article 7 best college essay writing services: Reviews & rankings appeared first on BreezyScroll .

Read more on BreezyScroll .

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We handpick your college essay editor on several criteria, including field of study.

Janice Scribbr essay coach

Janice holds a PhD in German studies from Duke University. As a former professor, she has helped many students refine their application essays for competitive degree programs and study-abroad programs. Today, she helps students improve their writing skills at Scribbr. In her spare time, when she's not writing or editing, she enjoys working on the small family farm that she owns and operates.

Alexandra Scribbr essay coach

Alexandra earned an Erasmus Mundus MA in cultural narratives and a BA in English from Emory University. As a teacher, editor, and writing coach, she has spent nearly a decade helping students find their voice and express their ideas.

Amy Scribbr essay coach

Originally from Maryland, Amy headed west to attend Scripps College in California, where she earned a bachelor's degree in music and gender studies. In 2009, she began working for the admissions office of her alma mater, where she focused on reviewing applications and interviewing prospective students.

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How it works

Get quality feedback in 4 easy steps, upload your college essay.

Upload your college essay , and tell us a little about yourself. We’ll match you with a certified college essay coach.

Sit back and relax

Your coach will edit your essay and share in-depth advice to help you strengthen your structure, content, and narrative.

Receive your feedback

We’ll send back your fully edited essay. Applying to college is nerve-racking, but at Scribbr you never have to wait for long.

Revise and submit your essay

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Your questions, answered.

We know that waiting for feedback can be nerve-racking. If you select our faster deadline option, you’ll hear from your personal statement editor in 12 hours or less – including on weekends and holidays. 

We never engage in rewriting or adding text at Scribbr. Our personal statement editors will make grammatical corrections and leave suggestions using Word’s track changes and commenting feature. However, we always make sure that your perspective and voice remain front and center in your essay.

We know that waiting for feedback can be nerve-racking. If you select our faster deadline option, you’ll hear from your college essay coach in 12 hours or less – including on weekends and holidays.

Yes. All our college essay coaches are subject-matter experts and can help you make decisions regarding the content of your essay. Your coach will help you make a strong case for your admission.

Our essay coaches will provide feedback on…

  • Whether your topic is appropriate and how to strengthen it
  • Whether your essay demonstrates positive traits and authenticity
  • Whether the narrative flows smoothly and grabs the reader’s attention
  • How to dig deeper and show self-reflection and insight
  • What content is missing and should be added
  • What content is weak and should be removed
  • How to shorten your essay to meet a word count limit

However, we will never…

  • Write or rewrite content for you
  • Research or fact-check your essay’s content

If you have any questions, feel free to email [email protected] .

When you submit your essay to our College Essay Editing & Coaching service, you’ll be asked to indicate what type of content feedback you would like to receive. You can choose from three options:

Dig deep and challenge me

Give me the standard treatment

Tread lightly

Whichever option you choose, you’ll receive in-depth content feedback from your essay coach. However, the type of feedback your essay coach provides may differ, and the option you should choose depends on what outcome you want from the review. You can always elaborate on what type of feedback you want in your note to your essay coach.

Learn more about the three options below.

Choose from three options

If you choose this option, we’ll challenge you to write the best possible essay – no content suggestions are off-limits, including reorienting your topic or reframing your story. Students who choose this option aren’t afraid to go back to the drawing board if it’ll increase their chances of getting accepted. You may have to roll up your sleeves and do some more work on your essay, but your essay will be much stronger because of it.

Select this option if your priority is to have the best possible essay, even if it requires some extra work on your side.

We’ll strike a balance between “dig deep and challenge me” and “tread lightly.” We may suggest changes to your structure and narrative, including removing weak content, elaborating on certain sections, and adding content to strengthen your arguments. You may have to rework sentences and paragraphs, but we won’t suggest major content changes.

With this option, we’ll focus on improving your essay in a way that requires little additional work from you. We’ll provide you with targeted suggestions for how to refine your essay’s structure and narrative, but we will work within your current structure and topic. While you may have to make a few tweaks here and there, we’ll aim to return you a polished draft that’s ready to be submitted to your chosen colleges.

Select this option if you are fairly satisfied with your essay and don’t want to make major changes or if you have limited time to revise.

At Scribbr, we promise to make every customer 100% happy with the service we offer. Our philosophy: Your complaint is always justified – no denial, no doubts.

Our customer support team is here to find the solution that helps you the most, whether that’s a free new edit or a refund for the service.

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20 Most Legitimate Essay Writing Services

Sometimes essay writing is like visiting a dentist – painful, but inevitable. Nobody is interested in student’s personal circumstances. Who cares if you have time and energy for doing that essay juggling work, study and private life? Is your heart broken? Or, maybe, have you spent several sleepless nights? In the eyes of your professors, these are weak excuses for not doing homework. Do it or die.

‘No extensions, no excuses’ – most professors are pitiless. This indifference has given rise to the development of essay writing services. Finally, in the desert of teachers’ insensitivity, students can rest in the oasis of expert writing help. Online writers are skillful and understanding at the same time. If you are lucky enough to find a good essay writing service, not a mirage, your life will become easier.

This list of top 20 best essay writing services is here to help you choose the best writing companies without trial and error method. Welcome to the oasis of writing help – understanding and helpful certified writers are waiting for your order right now.

1. 3HoursEssay.com

This writing service is the first one in our list of the best writing companies. The company offers not only academic writing help, but also editing and proofreading services. Professional writers promise on-time delivery and premium quality of research materials. Students can use money back guarantee if they are occasionally unsatisfied with the quality of their projects. Clients can urgently request a draft of their paper in any moment to track the writing process.


Pricing : Pricing depends upon deadline and study level and ranges from $10 per page (undergraduate level, 14 days) to $197 per page ( admission help , 3 hours).

Customer Reviews :

“Whenever I want to submit a paper, I use this company as they never disappoint me. They have writers who have knowledge for every field and they always deliver the best in the stipulated time. Scoring on papers was never so easy.” – Amelie
“I needed someone to write my essay for me and I was skeptical about who I should go with. A friend of mine recommended 3HoursEssay, so I thought why not. The website is easy to use and they have very affordable prices. My essay was ready in three hours! I would recommend this site to anyone who needs help with their writing.” – Calum

2. EssayOneDay.com

As it is clear from its name, this website specializes in urgent projects. Importantly, doing their best to provide papers ASAP, they never sacrifice quality of materials. One of the most important advantages of this service is its affordability. While the prices start at $7.50 per page (it is pretty close to the industry minimum), most writers employed by this company are native English speakers. The service offers unlimited free revisions and 24/7 instant support. The company can help with a wide range of academic tasks, including book reviews, proposals, dissertations etc. Numerous special offers and discounts make this company even more attractive.


Pricing : Pricing is a huge advantage of this website. Students can get a high school essay at only $7.5 per page, while a PhD level of writing with a 24 hour deadline costs $83 per page.

“I love most of my college writing assignments, except for book reviews. It takes so much time – first you read, then you summarize and write the reviews. I can’t find any creativity in these, so I use EssayOneDay to do my boring assignments like book reviews. They always do it perfectly!” – Alex S.
“There is no magic bullet for finishing a coursework, especially when it comes about History… Thinking back to my own experience as a burned-out wanting to be a graduate student, I might have balked at the idea of spending additional time on a course to help me get “unstuck”. However, Essayoneday’s systematic approach has made my dream come true. I was sent the work in parts and was able to communicate with my writer which was great. Whilst my work was in progress I was able to maintain the physical and mental health (was struggling before to be honest), I also began my job search, and much more. I have no idea what I would have done without the help of Essayoneday. Thank god they exist.” – Vanessa Racksoufberg

3. EssayPro.com

Delegating your MBA essay to amateurs can be dangerous. In that regard, students may feel safe with this online writing service, which employs only professionals with certificates and years of experience. The company can deliver various kinds of essays, and other assignment types, including reports, case studies etc. Students are free to choose their writers, looking through their profiles and ratings.


Pricing : The minimum price is $10.8 per page and it will rise, depending upon task complexity and order urgency.

“Very helpful service. I received an excellent essay! The writer was great and kept in touch so I was informed about the progress all the time.” – Samantha H.
“I have to admit I was hesitant at first, never ever have I ordered a paper before, always written everything myself. But now the circumstances have forced me to use online assistance, and I am just thanking God that I have settled for EssayPro.com. I love the product I got, and I received an A grade for it too, which cannot be a better proof of the hard work that this writer has done for me. My friend, however, used some other company, and the experience was horrible. He got his paper late, there were so many grammar mistakes as if it was written by some illiterate immigrant who barely speaks English. So yes, I paid a little more than he did, but I got so much for it that it’s totally worth the money! Thank you guys!” – Terrence W.

4. The-Essays.com

This company emphasizes their affordable prices along with professional writing service. Experienced writers can meet any reasonable deadlines. Of course, completing a thesis within a couple of hours is impossible. However, doing a 2 page essay within a couple of hours is possible though it would be more expensive than a project ordered beforehand. Student-friendly customer service is another important advantage of this website.


Pricing : The prices start at $9.36 and depend upon academic level and urgency. At the same time, a PhD thesis, delivered within 6 hours, may cost $46.95 per page.

“I have given them my accounting, statistics and many research homework. They completed all in time with A+ quality. Their customer service is very active and always ready to help.” – Sandra Warner
“The-Essays is one of the best places to get essays. They are prompt, affordable, and you always get your work back with no errors. I will continue using their service!” – Jayden H.

5. OvernightEssay.com

This service guarantees on-time delivery even if you want it to be done overnight. The company promises confidentiality, on-time delivery and original academic content. The tight deadlines are possible and even welcome with this service. Whenever a student feels that 3 a.m. is either too early or too late to start an essay, they can delegate their task to this service and go to bed. Their essays can be handled by expert writers overnight.


Pricing : Like with most other services, pricing depends upon deadline and academic level, starting from $11 per page.

“Great work with my college essay. Thank you so much. As I am unskilful in writing I will definitely use your custom writing services again.” – Maris
“I don’t know why you would want to spend your time and money anywhere else. OvernightEssay is perfect for high school and college students who need help doing research, editing, and proofreading assignments.” – Salma M.

6. CollegeEssay.org

This is an essay writing service that helps students write essays for their college applications. They have a team of professional writers who are highly qualified and efficient. Experienced writers know what they are doing, but avoid cliches or prewritten templates. All materials provided by this website are original and meeting students’ individual requirements. Focusing on clients’ needs, this company provides high quality service and plagiarism free papers.


Pricing : The prices are based upon assignment type (writing from scratch or editing), deadline and study level. Thus, a high school essay with a deadline of 8 days costs $15 per page, while urgent mba essay help costs $42.75 per page.

“I have used different online essay writing services a several time in year and often found many mistakes in texts. But when I found CollegeEssay.org, quality of my essays significantly increased. Great writers, support and property. I was really excited, when I get my paper!” – Rena M.

7. EssayVikings.com

This service fulfills a dream of all students – to pay for a writing service only when you are satisfied. Unlike most other websites offering repaid writing services, this company allows paying after a paper is completed. In this way, you can be certain that the quality of your paper is perfect. Along with superior quality and students’ absolute comfort, this company guarantees confidentiality and expert writers. Importantly, there would be no hidden charges on any stage of the writing process.


Pricing : Pricing is not set, as writers who know how to handle your project will bid on it and the bids depend upon their personal requirements.

“I researched a lot before finally chosing Vikings. They were very helpful. My essay was written in a few hours and the content was really good. I might say it was the love from the first sight.” – Phil N.
“I’m studying at college and one day got an assignment paper. I didn’t have much time to write it by myself. Been busy at work, so I had to order an essay to save some time. Yep, it’s not fair, but I didn’t have choice. Anyway, I got my essay really quickly.” – Kate Holt

8. EssayShark.com

Despite the ‘shark’ part in the website name, the company has one of the friendliest support teams in the industry. One of the biggest advantages offered by Essay Shark is the opportunity to pay only after the paper is approved. Thus, students may feel safe, as they are eligible for free unlimited revisions. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by this service. There are no hidden charges or any other unpleasant surprises. An urgent paper can be completed in one hour.


Pricing : The service has a bidding system. Prices depend upon deadline, assignment type and writer’s hour rate.

“I have always been a responsible student and all of the academic works were done by myself. But afterwards I decided to find a job at the same time with my studying. And as you can imagine, I hadn’t enough time for doing homework. I am a bit embarrassed, but I used the service called EssayShark from time to time. Usually I dont write such reviews, especially about this kind of services, but honestly, I would like to let you know about this company that helps you in critical moments of your life. I confirm that EssayShark provides high-quality and unique texts. They did it the way that Id have written. Their academic writers are true professionals and always online when I needed some revision of my paper.” – Elsa B.

9. UKEssays.com

The service has been in the niche since 2003, and it is one of the oldest companies in the industry. As it is obvious from the website name, it employs writers from the UK who can help English-speaking students from all over the world. It means that you will never have any language or grammar issues with their papers. On the other hand, it is possible to request a writer residing in Canada or Australia, for instance. Be sure to provide detailed instructions when placing your order.


Pricing : Students are welcome to place a $25 deposit to clarify the price of their particular orders later.

“Just had my Master’s thesis proofread – the researcher took time to ensure that my work was perfect. It has saved me a fortune in time. Thank you for your hardwork; without you I would not be passing with a distinction.” – Chris C.

10. BestEssays.com

This reputed service has been providing essay help since 1997, which makes it one of the industry dinosaurs. Currently, the company employs over 900 professional writers who can boast of numerous certificates and gratitude of thousands of students. Clients’ satisfaction and superior quality of writing are a good tradition with this service. Unlike other companies, this service employs researchers who collect resources, writers who write papers and editors who eliminate typos and occasional errors. In this way, you receive a paper of impeccable quality.


Pricing : The prices start at $21.99, but taking into account the quality of the received materials and number of professionals involved, it is totally worth it.

“They showed a great eye for every detail on my argumentative essay. The whole process went easy and the paper itself was of good quality in some 24hrs – looks professional. I`m going to use them again whenever I need that.” – Char C.
“This essay writing service is the best one I’ve used so far. The custom essays are not cheap to buy all the time but if you are short on time it is definitely worth it. The quality of the essay writing is top notch so I would imagine that a term paper, research paper or any other course work would be equally as good.” – James P.

11. EssayTigers.com

Cooperation with this service looks like an easy way to optimize your homework routine. The joke on the main page says that the service employs predators (‘Tigers’) who feed on academic assignments. Anyway, this energy is promising and it gives hope for proper quality of writing. The individual approach and customer satisfaction are prioritized by the service.


Pricing : The prices range between $10 per page and $197 per page, depending upon urgency and assignment type.

“EssayTigers do good essays as for the formatting style and information included. I paid $25 only for my bachelor’s work with 2 day deadline, saved a lot of time and remained satisfied with the result I saw. No revisions were needed.” – Emily B.

12. EssayLab.org

This company has everything students can dream of – professional writers, support team working around the clock and financial guarantees. The company can handle any assignment types in numerous, even rarest disciplines. If you cannot find your subject in the list, place a request and the company will try to find a writer for you. Full confidentiality and quick delivery are the top reasons why students choose this service.


Pricing : The prices on essay writing services start at $16.50, while editing prices start at $10.55.

“Essay writing is just marvelous and without doubts the best of all. The writer completely understood what I wanted to see in the essay. Thank you so much for the help. Please continue the same efforts in the future as well.” – Harry Louis

13. Samedayessay.org

In the previous 10 years that the company has been in the industry, the service has helped thousands of students. Confidentiality of users and originality of content are the two main principles of the website. Rush essays are among their best services. Along with custom writing, the company offers editing and proofreading services. Every paper passes several stages of professional quality control before a student receives it.


Pricing : The prices depend upon urgency, number of pages, academic level and assignment type and start at $17.10.

“Followed instructions carefully, to the point and displayed indepth analysis and critical reasoning with the necessary effort and skills to deserve the 5/5stars grade! Well done!” – Tonya E.

14. KingEssays.com

As it is clear from the website name, the service promises superior quality of academic content. The two main advantages offered by the company include urgent deadlines and low prices. The combination is every student’s dream that can come true with KingEssays. The site has sample papers, which allow you to evaluate the quality of the provided services.


Pricing : The prices range from $10 per page to $29 per page, depending upon academic level and assignment type.

“My English knowledge is not good, since I am an international student and I placed my order on KingEssays. The easy interface helped me to register and place the order without any problems. My writer made my assignment with simple words, because I asked him to. In the end, my order was made according to my directions.”- Mr. Gonzalez

15. EssayRoo.com

The company provides a wide range of writing services, including essays, reports, research papers, presentations and even math problems. Professional researchers and writers can cover any topic in-depth. High quality writing is a good tradition with this online service. Whenever a student places an order on this website, a client can expect prompt answer and expert writing help. Students are eligible for free unlimited amendments until they are fully satisfied with their papers.


Pricing : The prices are interrelated with a deadline and academic level and start at $17.09 per page.

“My friend suggested me to use this service, he told he bought a couple of essays and research papers there. In the beginning I was a little nervous using the essay writing service, but after completing the order I was surprised with the paper I got. The quality of writing is amazing! And just to say I received an A+ for this one. Thanks Essay Roo!” – Jenna Z.

16. BuyEssayClub.com

Affordable prices and qualified writing help are the core reasons explaining popularity of this service. Professionalism and individual approach to every order allow satisfying needs of the most demanding students. Instant Support is available 24/7. Money back guarantee demonstrates the company confidence in their product. Affordable prices and friendly team make cooperation with this online service unforgettable.


Pricing : Prices range from $10 per page to $29 per page, depending upon the requested academic level and order urgency.

“I had some very nice experience with Buyessayclub.com, to be honest. They managed to write exactly what I was looking for (My professor actually:)). I would recommend you to contact the support team as soon as you come to the website. I only used the chat option in the right bottom corner for my communication and never spoke to them, but it was enough for me. I couldn’t find any review of Buyessayclub online so just gambled and decided to try them out. Now I want to share my experience and say that it is a nice and legitimate service! Don’t be afraid to order your essays from them. (I also think they write almost everything, not only essays).” – Ross S.

17. CoolEssay.net

CoolEssay makes college students feel cooler, boosting their academic performance and saving their valuable time. This experienced company with professional writers can help students solve various homework problems. This essay writing service guarantees students’ satisfaction. Even if a client has some doubts, free revisions are unlimited and can help resolve all kinds of questions.


Pricing : A high school essay with a two-week deadline can cost $10 per page, while an urgent doctoral project can cost up to $49 per page.

“I have used many companies during the past 2 years, but I found the website called CoolEssay.net, and first of all I was impressed with prices! This company is pretty cheap comparing to other companies, so i decided to give a try. I absolutely loved the service, since they could even complete my IT project which quite complicated. I bet they can complete any paper or project of any complexity..definitely worth to try! I will recommend them to my friends.” – Sarah P.

18. CheapestEssay.com

The website name is self-explanatory, as the main emphasis is put on cheap price of the provided services. Fortunately, students do not need to compromise quality of writing services. The company offers 100% refund to students who are to certain extent unhappy with their papers. Original papers written from scratch follow every client’s individual instructions. The website revision policy allows polishing papers to make sure they are error free and close to perfection.


Pricing : The prices are unprecedentedly low (the cheapest ones in the industry) – $4 per page for a high school essay with a reasonable deadline.

“I hope you will have more free features with your orders because it is not enough, some services offer more. But, your quality is the highest and you several times saved my life, and I will soon graduate from college. Thank you for my future!” – Marilyn W.

19. NinjaEssays.com

Just like true ninjas, essay writers from this service remain invisible but do their best to help you. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed. Therefore, nobody will ever know that your essay is based on research materials from an expert ninja writer. This service is professional and affordable at the same time. Furthermore, a flexible discount system can make your cooperation with this company even more pleasant.


Pricing : Prices are calculated, taking into account assignment type and deadline. The minimum price is $19.99 per page.

“Being a good student myself I just couldn’t crack the essay one professor assigned me, so I decided to buy essay from NinjaEssays. They delivered great essay fast and cheap. Good job.” – Bobby V.
“Usually all school paperworks I do myself. But once it happened that I had to use the services of this company. I was really impressed with quality and style. They do their job professionally.” – Carmen Allison

20. EssayBox.org

This reliable and legitimate essay writing service employs only native English speaking writers from the different corners of the world. The company offers a money back guarantee and 24/7 online support. With this company, students can be certain that third parties are never involved. Their personal info will never be shared with anyone, and their essays will never be resold in the future.


Pricing : Pricing ranges from $16 per page to $65 per page, depending upon academic level and deadline.

“I have been using EssayBox off and on for a couple years now, and I have yet to be disappointed. All of their writers are very professional and produce outstanding work. What ever you are wanting or needing, EssayBox will be able to get it done.” – Sloan B.
“60 pages of Masters in Thesis was excellent. Writer followed directives carefully and was very courteous, knowledgeable and reliable!” – Kyle Walden

Professional writing services do not work miracles, but they can make a whole world of difference for your academic career and even private life. To maximize effects of expert writing help, try to choose an effective and reputable writing company. In that regard, this list of top 20 legit essay writing services is enough for you to make an informed choice.

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Christina Walker

A professional freelance web copywriter with several years’ experience in web marketing and SEO copywriting.

Other posts by Christina Walker

Comments (4)

Hel Stone

Okay, that was a good review of those services. However, you forgot something very important, I’m afraid. This site https://essayoneday.com/ possesses a lot of value to many students seeking professional academic writing help. Make sure to include it to your list as well.

Christina Walker

Thanks for your offer, we have researched this site and added it to list of top 20 essay writing services. It is a really good service.

Zoe Wilson

If you are searching for best essay writing services so do not forget to check Essay Pro services which is the best leading academic assistance in USA.

Peter Jhonson

If you’re searching for the best college essay writing service, you might want to consider the options provided by 12HoursEssay. Their reputation for delivering quality essays is well-established, making them a solid choice for students looking for reliable help. The best college essay writing service by 12HoursEssay.com consistently meets high standards, ensuring your essay stands out.

Essay review

Work with an independent reviewer to improve your college essays. Essay experts go beyond editing for grammar and language. They know what colleges are really looking for, and can help your teen write essays that actually resonate with admissions officers. They can help you develop the right topics, avoid clichés, and showcase yourself with the right narrative.

Reviewer: Great use of details—it shows that you’re interested in THIS program! Consider another transition to your conclusion here; be more clear!

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The Write Stuff: 4 College Admissions Essay Editing Services Reviewed

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Looking for good news about the college admissions process these days? You won't find much of it. Not only has the cost of attending college doubled on average since the 1980s, but also it's gotten considerably harder to get in. The majority of colleges in America have witnessed a plummeting acceptance rate as the number of student applications has exploded. Fifty years ago you had a 20 percent shot at getting into Harvard (all things equal, of course). Now the Crimson's acceptance rate is about 5 percent. In the last 10 years alone, the acceptance rate at many major universities has been cut in half . It's almost enough to make a kid consider trying out for the rowing team .

As if applicants didn't have enough to stress about, colleges have been making it more onerous to apply—requiring additional interviews, recommendations, and SAT Subject Tests. But the most burdensome of them all is an old standby: the application essay.

Essay requirements vary widely from school to school. The 150-plus members of the Coalition for College (which includes Harvard and Vanderbilt) requires a single 500-word essay selected from prompts such as "Describe a time when you made a meaningful contribution to others in which the greater good was your focus. Discuss the challenges and rewards of making your contribution." Those with eyes on the University of California system must write a whopping four essays, with prompts such as "Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced."

Students can reuse essays with other colleges if the prompts are similar enough—or if the schools happen to be members of the same application partnership—but you'd be surprised how seldom this occurs. My daughter found that out the hard way, when she learned that she'd have to write 12 separate essays to cover just five schools.

What's a kid to do who doesn't have parents who both work full-time as writers and editors? Just run their essay through Microsoft grammar check and hope for the best? Good luck. The acceptance rate at the University of Chicago has dropped 81 percent in the last 12 years. It doesn't take a Rhodes scholar to know that if you don't put your best foot forward, you may as well not even bother.

All of this led me to the curious world of online editing services. While you can hire a consultant to help guide your child through this overwhelming maze, these consultants are expensive and much of their work involves managing the complex application process, figuring out which colleges are a good fit, and brainstorming essay topics. If you just need help whipping an already written essay into better shape, an online editor might be a better (and much cheaper) fit.

To be sure, some of these services are exorbitantly expensive. Services like EssayEdge and TopAdmit can run you close to $200 for editing a single essay of fewer than 400 words. I've seen prices as high as $379 after various upsells. Word for word, that's more than what my editor at WIRED makes. (Hi, Mike!)

The good news is there are plenty of more affordable options available. I tested four of them, all reasonably priced and seemingly legitimate. Most of these services charge based on a combination of the word count of the original essay and the turnaround time required. I used the same raw essay from my daughter as a test piece for each of the four services, and requested the slowest turnaround time each of them offered to minimize the cost. I submitted her 383-word raw essay at the same time to each of the services, on a Wednesday afternoon. I gave all the services minimal guidance with my submission, noting only (when prompted) that this was a college application essay. All four of the services allow you to upload a Microsoft Word document and receive a red-lined and comment-filled Word document in return.

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When I received the revised essays, I reviewed them along with my wife (also a professional writer) and my daughter, the author. The reviews were done blind, without indicating the source of any of the edits, and we all rated each essay on a 1 to 10 scale. I also threw in a copy that I roughly edited. For the sake of comparison, the raw essay scored an average of 4.8, while my edit garnered a 6.9.

Here's what the various services cost, and how well they performed.

Note: When you buy something using the retail links in our stories, we may earn a small affiliate commission. Read more about how this works.

Total price: $13.91, 48-hour turnaround promised. Edit received within 24 hours.

Scribendi offers seven different turnaround time tiers, but its 72-hour and one-week turnarounds were the same price as the 48-hour turnaround. A four-hour turnaround was quoted at $28.53. Scribendi returned both a changes-tracked version of the document and a "clean" version with all edits accepted. Scribendi's edit was not just the fastest, it was incredibly thorough—almost nitpicky—with 16 comments or prompts to the writer suggesting avenues for additional content or revisions that were beyond the scope of a simple edit. Oddly, the final edit didn't resonate with readers, who largely felt it was somewhat awkward and clunky in its overall flow. That said, the editor's notes and the service's overall speed were a big plusses.

Readers' rating: 5.0

Total price: $13.90, three-day turnaround promised. Edit received after two days.

Elite Editing has an Advanced Editing service for $40, but the $13.90 plan I chose offers only "basic editing," which doesn't include "suggested rewrites to eliminate awkward phrasing, repetition, passive voice, etc." and "taking into account your original assignment." Three days is the standard turnaround; one-day turnaround for the Basic Editing plan would have cost $19.90. The site crashed when I checked out, but my payment and submission both went through successfully. As promised, Elite's edit was indeed basic. Its editor made the fewest changes of any of the services and left only three comments, one of which was about whether the use of indentations and double-spacing was appropriate. While Elite's edits were correct, they weren't terribly deep—although that was enough to propel it to a second-place finish from the readers.

Readers' rating: 5.7

Total price: $15.32, five-day turnaround promised. Edit received after four days.

Wordvice has eight different pricing tiers, with rates as low as 4 cents per word for a seven-day turnaround, though that tier was limited to materials longer than 3,000 words. The five-day turnaround tier was only marginally more expensive. When I received Wordvice's edited document, I was offered an upsell for a "second look" (basically another edit) for 30 percent off. Wordvice's embedded commentary was nearly as thorough as Scribendi's, though Wordvice was less obsessive over grammar and more focused on overall clarity. Turns out that was the right move: Wordvice's edit was the overall favorite of the quartet, and the finished draft reads cleanly and clearly.

Readers' rating: 6.3

Total price: $31.33, seven-day turnaround promised. Edit received after four days.

Scribbr initially quoted a price of $25.36, but I shelled out an extra $6 for both the "structure check" and "clarity check" options, despite not really understanding what those were. Prices include a 2 percent surcharge for using a credit card. For those in a hurry, 24-hour turnaround doubles the price. Scribbr seems more focused on editing academic coursework essays than admissions essays, with a relatively formal structure applied to its edits (removing contractions completely, for example). Editor's commentary was sparse, though on target. This draft was the most divisive of the services, earning high marks from my wife but very low marks from my daughter, who thought it stripped the writing of her voice.

Readers' rating: 5.3

Any good college essay has to end with a conclusion, so here are a few takeaways. First, all of the services sent back essays that were, on average, felt to be an improvement over the original draft, with all of them catching numerous spelling and grammatical errors—so students with no professional editing help may do well to consider them, especially given how affordable these services are. That said, also remember that when you engage with an editing service, you're really engaging with a single (anonymous) editor who you won't ever meet or be able to interact with. That editor won't have any level of understanding of the writer's personality beyond what's on the page, and quality will necessarily vary from one editor to another, even within a given editing service.

Further still, remember that editing quality is always going to be subjective, just like any piece of writing. Except for this story, of course. It's amazing.

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7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

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Best Essay Writing Service Reviews: Top 15

Nayeli Ellen

Quick Overview

Our current pick for the best website that writes essays for you is Customwritings.com . It’s a service that delivers great work that is recognized by best colleges. Choosing this site for essay writing is a wise decision.

AHelp's Choice Our verdict AHelp score 🔥 September 2023
Best quality papers 86.75/100
Best value for money 85.5/100
Best free and additional services 83.6/100
Best customer support 81.95/100
Best contact with writers 80.8/100

Best essay writing service reviews according to the A*Help score (2024)

An infographic that shows a list of 5 best essay writing services with the A*Help score assigned to each

With hectic schedules and millions of things on your to-do list, it is extremely easy to get bogged down in daily routines without any chance to find a spare moment for your academic assignments. This is when custom writing services step in to throw a lifeline with their professional writers at your disposal to cover all possible topics and tasks – from essays to dissertations. But having to choose a reliable provider of essay writing services is another challenge due to scarcity of information and obvious lack of transparency and genuine reviews.

We have compiled a list of the best essay writing services that just get the job done for you, when you have a lot going on . You can also browse though our buying guide . For the sake of being clear and consistent with our judgment and assessment, we have introduced our own rating framework, called A*Help score. See How We Test Essay Writing Services for more details about our testing approach.

Our approach to essay writing service reviews

Our experts conduct mystery shopping by placing online orders with essay writing companies and analyze all vital aspects of the customer journey. We scrutinize how smoothly the ordering process unfolds and how customer support deals with inquiries and requests. We order papers from services – here you can read more about our testing scenario . Received writings are sent to US professors for evaluation through the same standards and criteria as those applied in US colleges and universities to ensure that the outcome can be projected on a real-life situation.

Three pillars supporting the A*Help score are Value for Money, Overall Experience and Paper Quality. In our opinion, they incorporate all important aspects of custom writing services to meet the needs of students and solve their problems. This is the first attempt in the essay writing niche to introduce a customer-first approach to choosing the best writing platforms.

TOP essay service reviews

According to our Mystery Shopping Reviews (2024) we can recommend the following legit writing services:

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7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

One of the old-timers of the industry with more than 15-year experience in essay writing business. CustomWritings.com has earned an excellent reputation over the years and turned into a household name when it comes to writing essays and fulfilling academic assignments. This service should be given praise for consistency in its efforts to make quality and customer satisfaction their top priorities from top to bottom throughout all their processes. 

We audited CustomWritings.com with two college assignments, and they did really well across all reviewed aspects. Our US-based professor graded their paper with the highest score 92.6 out of 100 pts, pointing out flawless integrity (100%), spelling (97%), grammar (100%), punctuation (97%), clarity (100%) and objectivity (98%). Generally speaking, the platform produced excellent papers, reaching the second-highest result in our rating in this category. 

Our mystery shoppers were delighted with the level of communication with assigned writers about orders. The writers took time to find out our preferences and personal details to incorporate the data into their texts so that they align with potential customer writing style and personality.  

Minimum price per page starts at $10, but we would put this service into a somewhat pricey category since our average paper price was $81, which is above the industry medium level. But everything comes with a price and you get what you pay for, you know. With high quality papers, positive overall experience and value for money ratio, this website deserved the top position according to the A*Help score. They just get the job done and save a ton of students’ time. 

  • High-quality papers
  • Customer-oriented communication
  • Lots of additional services
  • No loyalty program
  • Limited discounts

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A screenshot of the SpeedyPaper homepage from the list of best essay services

SpeedyPaper is another established provider of essay writing services with 8+ years in this field. It’s a great outlet to meet your writing needs. 

Our assessment of the service is torn between two conflicting issues. The paper quality score in our rating (85.9) was high as both documents were well-composed by the writers, but there were minor flaws with word choice (77%), grammar (89%), and clarity (74%). On the other hand, we didn’t enjoy sufficient communication with their writers and were limited with payment options. Interaction with the author was low, which left us wondering whether the final result would comply with our personal preferences and traits to be incorporated into the essay. This furnishes room for improvement. Food for thought for SpeedyPaper.   

Other than that, the company is definitely to be recommended. They fall into a medium price segment, with the average price at $60.66. Minimum price starts from $9. Our orders were delivered ahead of deadline and customer support was helpful and responsive. 

We can say for sure that, according to Speedy Paper reviews, this platform puts customers first, and their writers are determined to produce the best results with their services. At the end of the day, the main goal of the essay writing company is to provide decent and plagiarism-free papers, which SpeedyPaper did quite well.

  • Quality papers
  • Responsive customer support
  • Wide range of free and additional services 
  • Limited payment options
  • Low customer-writer communication

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7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

MyAssignmentHelp.com was set up in 2009, and they are one more seasoned and reputable provider of online assignment help with affordable pricing. They claim to be budget-friendly, and it turned out to be 100% true.

Our online orders were both quoted at $40, which keeps their average price at a lucrative $40-level, the second lowest price in our rating. Low-priced segment always raises questions about integrity and paper quality. Can they deliver what they promise and advertise? Unfortunately, our experience with MyAssignmentHelp.com did prove the point that lower price comes with potential issues with results.

Our personal narrative essay by MyAssignmentHelp.com received 80.9/100 pts and our memo to the CEO was graded at 58.6. The latter score means that the article failed to meet the assessment minimum acceptance limit of 60 pts according to the US college grading methodology. Our assessor criticized the document formatting, labeling it “fair”, and pointed out issues with grammar (75%), word choice (51%), reference formatting and text efficiency (51%).     

In terms of service and overall experience, MyAssignmentHelp.com is a well-oiled machine and well-rounded business. They provide a vast array of free and additional services, users can largely benefit from discounts and their loyalty program, and their support is above all helpful. 

We will track MyAssignmentHelp.com and collect more data to support our rating and essay writing services reviews to back up our arguments with even more actual paper scores based on their delivered papers. 

  • Affordable prices
  • Fast order completion
  • Great price-service ratio
  • Not suitable for complex assignments
  • Difficult-to-grasp pricing strategy

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The next place in our TOP-10 rating belongs to EssayShark.com. This website is built around a bidding model when writers compete to get hired for orders. EssayShark was established in 2011. Sure thing, they belong to the top cohort of the legit essay writing companies. 

Our review of EssayShark showed that they perform very well in every department. Their papers are in the medium+ price segment. The charging policy is consistent regardless of the paper type. We paid $83 and $86 for our papers, which came to an average of $84.5. 

Speaking of the work’s quality, there isn’t a significant disparity between their evaluations either. The first essay (88.2/100) received high marks on nearly all fronts. However, efficiency (51%) and word choice (75%) were the only performance elements that left room for improvement.

On the other hand, the second paper (79/100) had its weak spots in citation formatting and references. In contrast, all other aspects were rated highly. This indicates a consistent level of quality across different assignments, with specific areas identified for enhancement.

All in all, EssayShark is a reliable provider that can be trusted to fulfill different academic assignments. Customers can be sure to receive their orders in a timely and due manner.   

  • Meeting deadlines
  • Robust refund policy
  • High level of communication with writers
  • No additional services

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PaperHelp.org was registered in 2008 and their major focus is on developing custom academic papers. This is the most expensive website in our rating, with the highest price quoted for the paper in our shopping experience. We were charged a stunning amount of $108.29 for a 4-page memo to the CEO with a comfortable 7-day deadline. Our 6-hour paper request cost us $74.4, taking the average price to $91.35. 

We have pointed out that pricing of PaperHelp.org is the top-tier category. And many paperhelp.org reviews from students prompt them to expect great paper quality due to such high prices. With this in mind, let’s look at the scores received by their articles to see how the price and value compare. Both essays beat the expected grading minimum of 60 pts and came with high scores of 79.8/100 pts (personal narrative story) and 71.9/100 pts (Memo to the CEO). This leaves us wondering – are high prices justified in this case? To be frank, the highest price doesn’t guarantee the highest score, just bear this in mind, when you select any custom writing service. 

The site offers few basic payment options, but they have robust discounts and an interesting referral program. On top of that, customers can enjoy a wide selection of free and additional services and justified value for money traits. And, to answer the question “is Paper Help legit?” we will say that they do provide great essays which you can rely on.   

  • A wide range of additional features
  • Appealing discounts and loyalty programs
  • Few payment methods
  • Medium communication with the writer

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A screenshot of the CheapestEssay homepage

CheapestEssay.com came online in 2014. They position themselves as an out-of-the-box essay writing service with affordable prices. We have audited both statements. 

First of all, our main verdict is that CheapestEssay.com stands out as one of the best services in the low-budget category, although not “the cheapest”, but still affordable. The average paper price for our orders turned out to be $44.07 ($40.72 and $47.42 respectively), which is a good start. 

Second of all, their submissions were graded with mostly positive scores, nothing remarkable but well-rounded and elaborate. The personal narrative essay was a tiny bit short and the papers showed lackluster results in terms of the text efficiency (51%), clarity and objectivity.  

Our experts were picky about the overall experience, citing the low communication with the writer and laid-back attitude of support not rushing to solve our customer problems. 

CheapestEssay.com provides great value for money, offering diverse free services, affordable prices and above-average writing standards. It’s a solid and versatile provider of essay writing services.    

  • Affordable pricing
  • Wide selection of free and paid extras
  • Fine quality of work
  • Timely delivery
  • Poor customer service
  • PayPal inaccessibility

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With their bluebird brand mascot resembling a distant relative of another famous tweeting bird, EduBirdie.com has been trusted by students since 2015. Medium prices, acceptable quality of papers and generally positive overall experience make this website almost as good as they describe themselves. But for small and recommended tweaks in all our reviews categories.

The average article price was $72.55, which is far from being the cheapest, but still acceptable. There was a slight difference with quoted prices for our orders – $65 and $80.1.   

Essay quality score received 74.3 pts with the papers varying in terms of assessment from the very good document formatting of the personal narrative essay (83.9/100 pts) and the lacking document formatting of the memo to the CEO (64.7/100 pts). Paper aspects such as text efficiency (51%), word choice (52%) and grammar (67%) left room for improvement.  

Value for money could be boosted by introducing more additional services and payment methods. The writer’s communication within our orders was medium, as almost everything with EduBirdie.com. If we express our opinion in sports terms, this website is a strong and balanced team in the middle of the table that is never relegated to lower divisions, but always has good chances of getting one step closer to the top of the league through hard work and a bit of luck.

  • Active support team
  • Variety of free services
  • Quick paper completion
  • Lack of payment methods
  • Above-average results across all categories

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EssayPro.com is the absolute winner in terms of paper prices. The site beats its peers with the bottom-low average price of $35.63. Scandalous prices of $32.49 and $38.76 could make you ask questions like “is Essaypro legit?”. Or, on the other hand, they could easily make you forget about all other aspects – shut up and take my money!   

We, of course, take a more balanced approach, scrutinizing EssayPro.com and its writers from all possible angles. 

This website came out of the blue for many industry veterans, disrupting the traditional way of doing business with its low-budget pricing and aggressive marketing approaches. Let’s look at what’s going on under the hood of EssayPro.com.

Their biggest bet is the low price – do they manage to make it work as a sustainable business model? Can they ensure excellence of their papers? We would say that it can be a gamble. We got one of our essays, the personal essay, written very well and received 89.7/100 pts from the US professor. It drove us to believe that EssayPro.com may have found some magic formula or well-trained AI-algorithm to compile fine writings with low prices. But the harsh reality struck us with the second order, which failed to reach the grading limit of 60 pts scoring 58.7/100 pts. The main drawbacks included formatting (31%) with missing elements, low attention to details, punctuation (51%), and text efficiency (51%). Students’ time is too precious, and few have enough of it to spare for improving what they’ve paid for. With the overall paper score of 74.2 pts EssayPro.com tanked down our charts.      

We had a really great overall experience with this website since they have helpful and responsive support, various payment options and high communication with the writer. Almost perfect overall experience, we would say.

EssayPro.com doesn’t offer any additional solutions, but you can count on a discount provided upon registration. If it hadn’t been for the lapse with the quality of one of our papers, we would have called EssayPro.com the best and most valuable essay writing service. We hope they will earn this title through our future mystery shopping efforts.

  • Early paper completion
  • Moderate paper quality
  • Lacking discount and loyalty programs

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Interesting service claiming to operate the AI-powered platform, quickly connecting customers with hundreds of their freelance writers. But, since it uses artificial intelligence, is Gonerdify legit at all? The website utilizes a social-first approach taking their business interaction to messengers instead of traditional channels. Their “nerdy” positioning and a so-called AI-approach which in reality is supported by human operators comes at a pricey $88.2 on average ($82.8 for the personal essay and $93.6 for the memo to the CEO). Generous discounts and referral options serve as sweeteners to attract new customers.    

Using messengers for user interaction implies responsive support and convenient payment scenarios. Although the communication with the writer could have been better. 

When it comes to our favorite point of paper quality, “the Nerds” provided us with good, but not the best works. The memo to the CEO hardly made it to 64.1/100 pts, beating the grading limit by a thin margin, and the personal narrative essay did much better with 79.2/100 pts. In total, paper quality stood at 71.65 pts which is somewhere in the middle of our desired range. Nothing to complain and nothing to brag about – issues included punctuation (51%), fair formatting and text acuity (59%).

Those who prefer text messengers for their speed and convenience could benefit from ordering essay writing services from GoNerdify.com.

  • A wide range of free and extra services
  • Varied payment methods
  • Poor writer-customer communication

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7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

This company has been in the market of academic writing services for over 15 years, having accumulated a vast pool of professional authors and a community of satisfied customers during this time. The service distinguishes itself from others with exceptionally quick turnaround time and a risk-free pay-on-delivery work model.

What’s the price tag for these benefits? The cost for a personal essay stood at $54.40, while a CEO memo was priced slightly higher at just $3 more, averaging an industry standard of $56. The narrow price difference between the two distinct papers underlines the affordability of this pricing, making it a cost-effective option for those seeking quality writing services.

The first paper (63.1/100) nearly aced all mechanical aspects, spanning from spelling to word choice. However, it fell significantly short in the area of reference formatting. The scholarly references provided didn’t measure up, and it lacked a reference list altogether. Additionally, the absence of in-text citations was a notable drawback that impacted the final score.

Conversely, the memo to the CEO (79.7) exhibited better structuring, with only minor formatting glitches and errors in the reference section header. The subpar quality of academic references was flagged as well. Regarding the general mechanics of the paper, it’s hard to find fault – every aspect scored above 90%, showcasing a high level of proficiency. 

CheapWritingService excels in delivering high-quality customer support, offering additional options to lower the final cost of the order, and presenting various payment options. These features embody what one would anticipate from a reputable company, catering to its clientele’s diverse needs and preferences.

  • Helpful support
  • Many free and paid services
  • No loyalty programs
  • Quality may vary

Final thoughts on college paper writing service reviews  

We are committed to providing unbiased opinion and essay writing services reviews without prejudice and unfair treatment. Our mission is to provide true reviews that can be used as guidance for informed customer decisions to hire the best providers that put quality at the top of their business agenda. We do hope that the A*Help score can serve as the North Star showing the way for travelers in the land of academic assignments.

Best essay writing services – May 2023 Update

As life never remains still, rapid transformations are inevitable in all sectors, including the academic services industry. As newer and better offerings continue to emerge, A*Help stays in sync with these changes to provide students with more options to choose from. Thus, we’re excited to introduce new, superior-quality companies that have earned a spot on our 2023 list of the best in the field .

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99Papers is an excellent essay-writing platform that collaborates with professional independent authors. The company affirms that all its staff members are meticulously chosen and their academic credentials are verified.

Our study showed that the 99Papers consistently excels across all evaluation criteria we used. The service is clearly user-oriented and provides an expansive array of free and paid offers. The flexibility in payment options, including credit cards and PayPal, will likely appeal to numerous users. We paid $55.08 for the essay and $63.26 for the memo. This indicates that the company reasonably charges clients.  

The work’s quality did not let us down either. On the contrary, it exceeded our expectations. Both documents were rated quite highly. The personal essay earned a score of 95.3, while the memo received 78.9, which is considered high for technical writing based on our experience and observations. The personal essay nearly hit perfection in all its elements, scoring between 90-100% for each. The only aspect that slightly faltered was objectivity, standing at 79%. Regarding the memo, despite some notable issues in formatting and the references section (80%), the rest of the components performed as well as they did in the essay. 

The A*Help score of 85.5/100 effectively sums up our collaboration. 99Papers stands as an excellent choice for anyone in search of a dependable partner for all sorts of writing needs.

  • High quality of papers
  • Plenty of free and paid services
  • Nice loyalty and referral programs
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Missing Google Pay and Apple Pay
  • Poor communication with writers

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Academized represents another writing platform that offers a comprehensive suite of academic writing solutions, catering to everything from minor homework tasks to major projects such as dissertations. The company assures swift delivery of completed works, along with student discounts.

The service truly offers fine value for money. Customers can select their preferred writer from multiple available choices and academic levels, and numerous supplemental features can be added to enhance their paper. The average cost for our orders was $69.97 ($63.73 for essays and $76.20 for memos), which aligns with the standard market rate. 

Academized performed impressively on both assignments we ordered. The essay received a score of 94.3, and the memo to the CEO – 80.2. The average grade for the two papers stands at 87.25. The areas of improvement include issues with formatting, vertical and horizontal spacing in particular, and certain inconsistencies in citation formatting.

Nonetheless, some aspects of the company’s operation disappointed us as users. The standard customer support is a little limited and of average effectiveness, while personalized help comes at an extra cost. 

Although some drawbacks, such as the demanding registration process, subpar quality of basic customer support, and limited payment choices, were discovered, Academized is a dependable writing service. It consistently delivers well-written essays within the specified timeline.

  • Variety of free features
  • Extensive discount program
  • No communication with writers

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Affordable Papers

A screenshot of the Affordable Papers homepage

When an online business has managed to sustain and grow for nearly two decades, it clearly indicates its excellence and the trust it has garnered from users. Affordable Papers is precisely such a company, promising to carry out your work perfectly, and as its name implies, it offers everything at a reasonable cost.

The two assignments we ordered cost $51 and $64, placing the platform in the medium price range with an average cost of around $58 per order. It is indeed very affordable, as the name declares. Furthermore, customers are given the option to split their payment, paying 50% upfront and the remaining 50% after the paper completion. 

The quality of work delivered by AffordablePapers was impressive, with a personal essay scoring 91.8/100 and a memo to the CEO – 72.9/100. Both assignments scored highly for technical aspects like length, grammar, punctuation, and reasoning. However, they also experienced formatting issues relating to spacing, margin control, and citation formatting. Despite these minor defects, the overall writing level was very good. 

AffordablePapers’ customer support was responsive and helpful, accessible through various platforms, including a 24/7 chat. Our interactions with the assigned writers also went well; they clarified task requirements and communicated about adjustments made. 

Overall, our experience with Affordablepapers.com was largely positive, but with more diverse payment options, the service could potentially rank even higher.

  • Variety of extra services
  • Helpful customer support
  • Good paper quality
  • No variety of payment options
  • Limited options for free extras

Service logo

“Do my essay” is the request this company seeks to hear from its clientele. It assures that the team of writing professionals consisting of native speakers and university professors, will take care of all sorts of academic writing assignments. 

What primarily catches the users’ attention are the incredibly low prices. We were charged around $36.60 on average for our essay ($34.20) and memo ($38.40). While discounts are minimal, we still managed to receive 5% off our first order. 

Domyessay demonstrated remarkable quality in our papers. The personal narrative scored an impressive 93.5 out of 100 points, while the business memo received 78.1 points. The final grades were primarily taken down by issues with formatting in the essay and poorly organized citations and references in the memo (51%). Despite these problems, both papers were well-structured and followed instructions, with excellent grammar and spelling (100%), suggesting that Domyessay’s writers are competent and dedicated.

The intuitive interface and effective customer support immediately create a positive experience. Among the most felt shortcomings is the difficulty establishing communication with the writers, which is often critical for personalized tasks. Overall, Domyessay provides a satisfactory experience, though certain areas can be improved.

  • Free plagiarism report
  • Limited payment methods

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Grademiners is ahead of many in providing value for money, with customer satisfaction levels that surpass many industry veterans.

The prices are reasonably set in the lower-middle range, with our essay costing $53 and the business memo a dollar less. Though the minimum price per page is $14.59, the extensive array of free services should compensate for this. The company provides enticing discounts, such as a 15% on your first order and a referral program that offers $50 rewards. We were also impressed by their adherence to deadlines, with our orders arriving well before the due time. 

As for the quality, the results of the personal narrative essay and business memo were 78.6/100 and 65.1/100, respectively. Both papers showcase excellent grammar, spelling, and punctuation, with the essay standing out for its word choice. Yet, their reasoning and logic failed, particularly in the personal essay. Both documents struggled with formatting, especially the memo, as it has more specific requirements for structuring. Despite exceeding the minimum acceptable score of 60 pts, it’s essential to consider these factors when opting for Grademiners as an academic writing service.

Grademiners’ overall user experience leaves a lasting impression. Their customer support is exemplary, with prompt and professional representatives ready to assist with all sorts of inquiries. Although our contact with the writer was minimal, the possibility to engage in more extensive communication is there, further facilitated by the supportive customer service. 

Summing up, it is a solid essay-writing provider. Good value for money, reasonable prices, and an assortment of free and paid services are among its merits. Users should also expect to receive well-written assignments. 

  • Rich choice of free and paid additional services
  • Responsive and helpful customer support
  • Google Pay, PayPal not available
  • May be pricey without discounts

Our methodology and testing scenario

Here is what we asked to write:

 Paper ⭐ Personal Essay (2 pages) 💼 Business Memo (4 pages)
🎓 Academic level Undergrad. (yrs. 1-2) Undergrad. (yrs. 3-4)
✅ Paper format MLA Chicago / Turabian
 Deadline 6 hours 7 days
👉 Paper instructions For this assignment, you will be writing a personal narrative–a story–illustrating an event or experience exemplifying gratitude. In other words, share a colorful story about an experience or event for which–either during or after the event– you feel or felt thankful. An example might be writing about your experience as a senior in high school and the teacher who helped you to achieve your goal of graduating and attending college. Another example might be writing a story about your experience growing up in a rural community, acknowledging that it was this small, but mighty, community that made you who you are today, and for this, you are thankful. This assignment should be at least 550 words. Underline your descriptive thesis statement or the point of your story. No outside/secondary sources are needed. See Appendix C – Formatting and Submitting Your Work See Formatting your Essay: MLA 8th Edition You are the Government Relations Director at a Canadian business. You have been asked to write a memo to your CEO about COVID-related government impacts on your business, comparing two provinces in which you operate. Your assignment is to write & submit this memo Your Task:
1. Choose a specific business you work in (Air Canada, Loblaws, 3M Canada, etc).
2. Choose two provinces to compare for your memo.
3. Research both provinces – what restrictions were in place in both provinces that affect your business? What supports are in place?
4. Write a memo in three parts: (1) how COVID is impacting our business, (2) a comparison of two provinces, (3)reflections on Canadian federalism and any recommendations for the CEO on how to work with governments to lead your business through the crisis

Paying Attention to the Right Features: Buying Advice for Essay Writing Services

Reading reviews is a good way to learn which writing services are better than the others. But what if there are a few good ones? How do you decide between seemingly similar platforms? There are some specific features that you can pay attention to so that you won’t miss a gem.

Versatility of Services

If you decide to work with an essay writing platform, look to get as broad of assistance as you can. Notice which features the website offers to give you for free. Do they offer revisions? Is there any quality assurance? Can you add something like references or a title page? You should also pay attention to additional features. The more there are, the less you will have to worry about bringing your assignment to the ideal format.

Prices can vary, as well as your budget, but getting a few % off your order will always be a huge plus when it comes to assignment help websites. Look at the platform’s first-order coupons, loyalty programs, and referral opportunities. They will help you find a service that cares for its customers and doesn’t skimp on discounts. 

Customer Support

Sometimes, the ordering process can get confusing. Or you are getting anxious about not finding the right writer. All you need to solve these problems is to turn to customer support. It should be convenient to talk to, that’s why a 24/7 on-site chat or a social media contact is always a huge advantage. The agents should be responsive and quick to answer, in case you need something arranged immediately. A good client support system is always a sign of a highly-functional organization.

Paper Quality

Of course, you can’t know how good of a paper you will receive without making at least one order. As it is a very important aspect of an essay writing service, it’s a good idea to scroll through review websites like Reddit, Sitejabber, Trust Pilot, and Reviews.io to find what previous customers have to say. And if you don’t want to go through all that trouble, you can just read through the A*Help reviews. They always include paper quality in their analysis. 

You need to be able to revise your work at least a few times without paying additional costs. It’s your right as a customer to get your work to the result you want. So, don’t forget to look through the website’s revision policies or inquire in the support chat regarding the specifics. 

Why academichelp.net is a credible source of information:

Stay curious with us. Academichelp.net has been a reliable educational resource since 2011, providing students with the latest news, assignment samples, and other valuable materials. Even with the extensive information we process, our quality remains consistent. Each team member has experience in education, allowing us to evaluate new sector offerings critically. Our reviews are up-to-date and relevant, with impartiality ensured by the A*Help score methodology from mystery shopping. We aren’t affiliated with any listed service providers. Our focus remains on providing our audience with reliable and unbiased data.

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top essay writing services

Top Essay Writing Services

May 27, 2024 Gloria Kopp Essay Writing Services Reviews 2

Last Updated: May 27, 2024

This updated guide for 2024 provides you with the latest insights into the best essay writing services. I tested hundreds of companies to find the most reliable ones that offer consistent quality, transparent policies, fair pricing, and professional, friendly support.

Best Essay Writing Services

Logo Company Rating More
- #1 in AU 9.51
- #1 in UK 9.36

Why Does This Problem Exist?

Their main problem is finding a safe, plagiarism-free and trustworthy paper writing service.

There are many websites available, promising best writing help, saying that they are the best website to write your essay. What they offer are all types of papers on any academic level – High School, Bachelor, Masters, Doctoral (PhD) or MBA.

However, students often have trouble determining whether a service is reliable and safe or not. Some of the services that have marketed themselves as good in the past have proven to be a scam and that has an effect on all of those good and valuable services that still want to give students the best service  they can.

This is why students are confused by a great number of services that they are presented with. They don’t know how to shop and still be safe that they won’t be scammed.

Why You Can Trust This Guide

I have done a lot of research on the road of providing guidance for those students, and I have come up with some information that they will find valuable. All services have been personally tested by myself once a year for last 5 years . Here is our top ten list of writing services, an answer to the question of how to find the best and a brief shopping guide.

Top Essay Writing Services Reviewed

Here is our top ten list of best assignment writing services out there.

  • Boom Essays : This service offers great writing, qualified writers and an awesome customer support. Their website is professional and they make sure that what they give you is of top quality. There is even a ‘review my essay’ option here, so all your needs will be satisfied.
  • Academized : Academized is a favorite among students across the globe. They are reliable, fast and extremely easy to work with. Prices are reasonable and their writers will amaze you with their writing skills and efficiency.
  • Paper Fellows : Good essay writing services like this one are hard to find. This is why you should pay attention to what they offer: a plethora of subjects, types of papers, delivery times, best essay writers etc. Their prices are low and customer support kind.
  • Grade On Fire : Grade on Fire earned its place on this list by being extremely reliable and cheap. Students love working with it and they have a great number of good reviews online. Students have also reported their grades going up after working with this service.
  • X-Essays : X-Essays is a good example of a reliable writing service online. Customer support will guide you through the entire process, you’ll be able to use a lot of discounts and promo codes and you’ll definitely be able to find what you need with them.
  • Essay Have : This writing service has been working for a long time and they love what they do. Writers that work for them are experts and native English speakers who are aware what each university requires so they’ll be able to give you an amazing result.
  • Edu Birdie : Edu Birdie has a fun concept and a great website. Pick your writers and tutors, talk to them and get your essay for low prices. They are easy to reach and fun to work with.
  • Go Nerdify : Go Nerdify is a website that you’ll want to work with – they are reliable, fast and understanding. Students have reported good experiences after working with them and a lot of them return to work with them again.
  • Grade Miners : This company has earned its place on this list for the good writers that they feature, great customer support and overall effectiveness.
  • Essay Shark : This service is famous for its essays among students. They promote good relationships with students and they have cheap prices.

How To Determine If A Service Is Good For You

The answer to the question of how to find the best writing service isn’t an easy one. First, you need to look at the characteristics of the writing service at hand.

One of the most important things that you need to look at are the subjects that they have available. Some of them only offer services in a small number of subjects and that’s not good for you since you are unlikely to find what you need there.

These are just some of the basic subjects a service can offer essays on – there are many more that some services offer and the phrase ‘the more the merrier’ is true in this case. One sign of a legit service is the number of subjects.

Next thing that you should look at when reviewing an assignment service are the types of papers. There should be many of them available – just like the subjects. Here is a list of types of papers that should be available:

  • Any type of essay(argumentative, descriptive, expository, narrative and others)
  • College application essay(admission) and Scholarship essay
  • Research and term paper
  • Reflective paper
  • Capstone project
  • Thesis statement
  • Dissertation(full, or parts like literature review)
  • White paper
  • Reports(lab report, book report, movie report)
  • Annotated bibliography
  • Presentation or speech
  • Research proposal

These are just some of the types of assignments that the best writing service should have. There could be more. When looking for a good company, take a look at what they have to offer first and pay attention to whether that suits your needs.

As a student, it’s also important to you that there is a proper citation format in a writing service. A wrong citation format could cost you your grade. Check with your school and then compare that to what the service has to offer. Here are some of the standard citation formats:

  • APA 6 and APA 7
  • MLA(including 9th edition(
  • Chicago/Turabian

Time is of importance to you as a student. Maybe you have just now realized you are about to miss a deadline and you need your essay ASAP or you have weeks ahead of you but you would like to get your paper today – no matter what the case is, best paper writing service should offer many different deadlines and it should be fast. It starts from 3 hours for the basic assignment and up to 2 or 3 months for the full dissertation.

If you feel like the paper writing service is not ready to give you your essay on time, don’t work with that provider. Find the one that can deliver professional service on time.

Another important element of any writing service is volume of work they offer. They probably charge per stated volume, so you should look for a good ration between volume and price that you have to pay. Often, services offer volumes of 500 words, 1000 words or 3 paragraphs. This should work well for your needs.

Now you have a pretty good image of what a real, A-level writing service should offer. However if you still need some shopping guidance, take a look at some of the other things you should pay attention to.


Here is a list of elements I look at when chose the best paper writing service:

  • Writers and samples: Good essay writing services offer a lot of information on their writers. You should make sure that your chosen website has native English speaking writers that are experts on your subject. They should also offer samples of their work so you can see it and find out if the service works for you.
  • Range of services: As mentioned above, a qualified paper writing site should have a wide range of services. This is important because you are more likely to find what you need and an expert for your subject, academic level and all other needs.
  • Prices, discounts and coupons: Always take a look at their prices. If they are secretive about it, this means that there is something wrong. Also, find coupons, promo codes, or discounts that could lower the price that you have to pay. Best writing services often offer these.
  • Customer support: Best assignment writing services often feature a good customer support. There should be plenty of ways to reach them – a phone number, email, live chat and social media in some cases. You need a good customer support in case you need something urgently. A chat bot is desirable too, in case that you need to find information and you can’t.
  • Feedbacks and reviews: Before working with a service, look at some of their reviews online, articles about them, forum discussions, feedback etc. This will give you a good image of how good a service is.
  • Year of establishment: Young paper writing services may not be as good as some of the older ones. Keep this in mind when buying your essay.

Essay Writing Services FAQ

How to find the best essay writing service in 2024.

The best way to find the best essay writing service is to take a look at some of the websites that review essay writing services, look at their ratings online and follow our shopping guide.

Who can write my essay if I’m in a hurry?

Plenty of writing services can write good essays and you should definitely work with them. Take a look at some of the best writing services in our top ten list – they hire only the most educated experts and professionals from all niches.

Where to buy an essay safely and with 100% anonymity?

You can buy your essay safely at most paper writing websites. Our top ten list provides guidance to some of the best assignment writing companies and they are all safe and trustworthy.

How to choose top essay writer from the huge list?

To choose a top essay writer, you could see our suggestions of paper writing services. Many of them offer a preview of their writers. Look at the rating and available samples before you start working with them.

Are order from essay writing services ethical?

Essay writing services are very similar to tutoring and resume assistance. Employing a paper writing service doesn’t mean you are cheating because all services ask their customers to use final papers just as an example. And this is what plays an important role in your grade.

How do I choose reliable writing service?

Reliable services are not easy to find but they exist. Look at some of the services from our top ten list – they are all reliable and safe. Other than that, you could take a look at reviews provided online or reviews or essay writing services on our reviews website.

Best essay services are not easy to find. However, if you pay attention to the tips I’ve shared and follow the guide to buying an essay, you should be on your way to a successful collaboration with a service. You can use some of the tried-and-tested services from our top ten list or venture out to find a different one. Whatever the case, our guides and tips will help you.

In conclusion, my findings from the original review remain up-to-date in 2024. I have retested the essay writing services to ensure they still meet the high standards of quality, transparency, and reliability that I initially identified. You can trust these services to deliver consistent and professional support.

2 Comments Posted

Perfect and detailed article with a list of top providers!

A useful information for a regular student in hard times.

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7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

Best Essay Writing Service Reviews

Find the best essay writing service according to your writing needs by reading our deep-dive, unbiased reviews. We’ve tested dozens of essay writing companies and collected 500+ students’ reviews to keep you away from scams.

The ever-growing number of untrustworthy writing services makes it harder to find a legitimate writing company. If you want to be on the safe side while purchasing essays online, you have to be able to make informed decisions. BetterWritingServices.com is your reliable source of best essay writing service reviews, rankings and insights.

We’ve put together a number of informative guides, essay writing tips and advice to keep you informed and up-to-date on any changes in the industry. Read our reviews, write your own, help other students make better choices!

The Top 8 Popular Essay Writing Companies

1. paperhelp review — most versatile.

PaperHelp is one of the pioneers among essay writing services. It has been incorporated in early 2008 and has a proven track record of writing academic papers of any difficulty for students from all around the world.

7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

  • Price from: $10 per page
  • Deadline: 3 hours
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Free Revisions

Paper Help is your best bet if you are looking for a proficient and reliable online paper writing company. It guarantees 100% anonymity, plagiarism-free papers, and a timely delivery period of just 3 hours. Seasoned writers ensure an individualized writing approach to all your papers and essays.

Also, they have a money-back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with the quality of delivery. However, this is rarely the case as over 105,000 students use the writing service and report to be happy. This is a legit company that is well worth to reside at first position of our rating.

Read our full PaperHelp review to learn more.

2. EssayPro Review — Best Choice of Writers

EssayPro is a unique writing platform that allows you to browse hundreds of writers’ profiles, view their track record, academic qualifications, and reviews. Choosing a suitable freelance writer for your task is fast and convenient.

7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

  • Price from: $11 per page
  • Deadline: 6 hours

EssayPro lets you communicate with an essay writer of your choice and negotiate a price for your order. The customer support is always ready to come in handy anytime you need their help. With free previews and revisions that allow you to select a writer with a writing style that suits you, this affordable writing service will enable you to pay when you have approved received parts of your paper.

It offers a free plagiarism report to ensure that your document is completely original. You’ll surely want to try out this essay & research paper writing service if you desire to make college life more comfortable.

Read our full EssayPro review to learn more.

3. SpeedyPaper Review — Best Reputation

SpeedyPaper is known for its spotless reputation and strong online presence. Thousands of students report that the service delivers high-quality papers on time at a reasonable price.

7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

  • Price from: $9 per page

SpeedyPaper is one of the best paper writing services available online, with writers sourced from experts who offer a wide range of writing services from well thought out essays to academic research papers and exceptional dissertations. Everything you write is also wholly confidential as originality and uniqueness are ensured for all its projects.

Not to mention that they offer their writing services at affordable prices depending on the nature of work demanded, and also provide a free 10-day period to request edits after the contract date. 89% of clients have claimed significantly improved grades after using this writing service.

Read our full SpeedyPaper review to learn more.

4. ExpertWriting Review — Good Value

ExpertWriting is among best college essay writing services in terms of the value you get for money. By hiring a writer on ExpertWriting to write your essay, you get a person who is directly qualified in a subject of your paper.

7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

With excellent writing, fast turnaround, and top-notch customer service, ExpertWriting ranks above most essay writing websites as the students’ favorite. With highly skilled and trained experts, this affordable writing service ensures high-quality custom essays even with minimal time requirements.

Not only do seasoned experts look at your essays and research papers, but they also have trained editors who review every project to ensure that all experts deliver consistent results. They give room for you to share your feedback and always keep you in charge.

Read our full ExpertWriting review to learn more.

5. GradeMiners Review — Best For Urgent Essays

GradeMiners is one of the fastest essay writing services on the market. Here you can have your essay written in as short as one or three hours at any time of day or night. Tight deadlines are not a challenge for this company.

7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

  • Price from: $14 per page
  • Deadline: 1 hour

With over 3,500 seasoned experts and 10-year experience in the writing business, GradeMiners.com is among the top writing services if you need any writing help with your essays or research papers. From math and chemistry to English literature and almost any academic discipline, you can be sure that there is an expert that can take care of your needs.

Also, 97% of assignments are delivered on schedule, and there is also a money-back guarantee if you are sure that an essay writer did not follow your order details. About 9 out of 10 clients who use this service report higher grades.

Read our full GradeMiners review to learn more.

6. EssayBox Review — Best Customer Service

EssayBox is a reputable writing service that writes papers across more than 50 academic disciplines at any academic level, be it a a high school essay or a master’s thesis.

7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

  • Price from: $12 per page

Students who use this college paper writing service attest to it being among the best writing services available with zero cases of complaints or dissatisfaction. They deliver expert level custom essays of the highest quality, and you can always expect to have your essays delivered on time.

High-quality papers are available at affordable prices. There is also a strict confidentiality policy, meaning that all private information and payment details are kept secure. With this research paper writing service, you effectively save time, which you could use for other productive activities.

Read our full EssayBox review to learn more.

7. JustDoMyEssay Review — Best For Complex Assignments

JustDoMyEssay is a great option if you have a very important paper due. The company is known for their writers’ exemplary diligence and excellence in completing all types of academic papers.

7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

  • Price from: $17,5 per page

With a thorough and extensive selection process for its experts and group of writers, JustDoMyEssay.com guarantees high-quality custom orders sure to meet your needs and improve your grades.

Among the top-ranked writing services, JustDoMyEssay.com provides the following guarantees to its clients: safety and confidentiality of orders and payment details, quality of orders, timeliness of deliveries, and reliability. This research paper service also provides you with a sample of past works for free to measure their top authors’ expertise before deciding.

Read our full JustDoMyEssay review to learn more.

8. WiseEssays Review — Most Customer-Centric

WiseEssays is generous when it comes to discounts. The company provides wide range of writing services and deals with most writing tasks a student can have. This is a good option if you’re on a tight budget and not looking for an urgent service.

7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

For fair prices and significant discounts, WiseEssays.com recruits highly trained and seasoned professionals and experts to guarantee high-quality essays delivered on time. They also boast secure payment methods, money-back guarantees, and a qualified support crew that will leave you utterly satisfied. Authorship is guaranteed as the work becomes your exclusive property as the owner, and you reserve the discretion to use it however you wish.

According to stats from 2017, about 91% of clients who have used this college essay writing service have come back to place orders, so you can be sure that you will be getting papers of the highest possible standards.

Read our full WiseEssays review to learn more.

So Which Essay Writing Service Is the Best?

There are many reliable writing services out there, and it’s really difficult to select the single best company. All custom writing services have their pros and cons, so naming the best writing service will inevitably reflect somebody’s subjective opinion.

You have to read reviews, compare, and choose what is best for you. It doesn’t mean, however, that certain companies don’t deserve a highlight when talking about the most professional writing services. We have analyzed and reviewed dozens of writing companies to create a list of top 8 ones that deserve your attention.

Some services are great in terms of quality but quite expensive, so it’s difficult to recommend them to everybody. There are also services that offer affordable prices but hire low-skilled writers and provide subpar essays. You can find reviews of different academic writing services on our website.

But if we had to single out the single best writing service, it would be PaperHelp . This company manages to provide well-written essays at average prices, and the papers are always delivered on time. It has a great reputation online and is backed by years of experience.

Are Essay Writing Services Safe?

Yes, using an essay writing website is completely safe, as long as you are using a legit company to do your work. However, you should be aware of some risks associated with hiring a writing service. There are many scammers and services that provide low-quality papers, so you shouldn’t use any writing services without doing some research first. Students always share their reviews online, and we recommend that you read them before making a choice.

If you don’t read essay writing service reviews first, you may:

  • buy a resold paper that someone has already handed in;
  • end up wasting your money on a useless paper written by an unprofessional writer;
  • get a well-written, yet plagiarized essay and face disciplinary action;
  • be denied a refund and even blackmailed if you demand your money back and decide to complain .

You should only use reliable websites that work with writers who are actually familiar with their subject. In this case, you won’t risk anything when ordering your papers online. There are a lot of companies that write high-quality essays and do their best to exceed their customers’ expectations.

What Criteria Do the Best Writing Services Meet?

The writing services of exceptional quality can be recognized by particular features of excellence and credibility. Below you can find some key characteristics of a reliable service.

✅ Strong Online Presence

The credibility of a company is largely defined by reviews. Needless to say, top essay writing services have lots of reviews and constructive feedback for their services from independent reviewers. A well-deserved reputation on the web adds value to the trustworthiness of a service. If you can’t find any reviews about the website online, it’s better to avoid it.

✅ Transparent Terms & Conditions

Legitimate essay writing services have transparent terms and conditions. This is one of the first things we look at when writing an essay writing service review. Reliable companies provide easy access to the policies on their website. Terms and conditions must be detailed, clear, and easy to read. If you can’t find policies on the web, it’s not recommended to use the service.

Note that the company cannot be responsible for something that was not officially guaranteed. Hence, it’s important to find some time and go through the policy if it’s available on the website. You should invest a little time to check the regulations in order to learn about your rights as a user. 

✅ Ease of Use

The website of a decent writing service must be user-friendly. Proper platforms run fast and look reliable. The ordering process can’t be interrupted by a website’s crash, so all its features work smoothly. One of the main indicators of a good writing service is a secure connection.

✅ Reliable Customer Support

Responsive customer support is a key characteristic of an outstanding writing service. In case something goes wrong, there must be someone who can help out a client. In the best-case scenario, customer support is available 24/7 via instant live chat and phone. What’s more, the assistance is delivered by a real customer support agent, not a bot. A trustworthy company can provide continuous help to users.

✅ Fair Price

Credible agencies offer services for affordable but not too cheap prices. Reasonable prices for a high-quality paper written by professionals start from around $10 (ESL writers) and $20 for ENL writers. Regular customers can get discounts for multiple orders, so it motivates them to come back. 

✅ Sample Papers

While this is not mandatory, it is nice to have an option to check some writing samples before placing an order. Top writing services typically offer paper samples. Essay examples allow website visitors to see the level of writing completed by a company. Once a potential customer knows what work quality to expect from a writer, they can decide whether it suits them or not. 

✅ Error-Free Website Copy

While this may seem obvious, some students usually overlook this thing or put a blind eye on it. Any type of writing mistakes is unacceptable for essay services. If there is something like grammar errors or typos inside of the text published on the website, it means that the agency lacks a good editing team. Reliable companies always offer excellent web content on their website.

These are the most important features that must be considered before choosing an essay writing company. It’s essential to check the points described above before making an order at a writing agency.

How Do We Choose the Best Essay Writing Services for our Users?

As we’ve mentioned above, not all writing services are reliable. Therefore, we do the necessary research before writing an essay writing service review and recommending a writing company to our readers.

Not only do we make sure that the services presented on our website are legit, but we also evaluate all the companies based on several important factors. When we select writing services, we make sure that they meet the following criteria:

  • Good writing services ensure effective communication between writers and customers;
  • Reliable writing services write papers based on in-depth research;
  • When dealing with reliable websites, you can edit and proofread your drafts;
  • Credible paper writing companies provide papers formatted according to the necessary citation styles;
  • These companies also provide structurally and grammatically correct papers;
  • The papers are 100% original, with no plagiarism or unattributed content;
  • Reliable services also provide 24/7 customer support and do their best to resolve any issues.

What Factors do We Take Into Account When Reviewing Essay Writing Companies?

We pay attention to existing essay writing service reviews, fact-check their policies, evaluate the ease of ordering process, check for discounts, examine paper quality and customer service. Let’s consider each of these factors in detail.

🔍 Online Reputation

This is one of the most important factors that we consider when evaluating essay writing companies. The first thing we do is check a company’s online reputation to determine whether or not students consider it reliable. If a company has been around for a while, the chances are that there’s a lot of customer feedback available online. At the same time, it’s important to keep in mind that some writing services publish fake positive reviews in an attempt to save their reputation.

Best essay writing service reviews are unbiased, that’s why we only consider reviews from well-known and reliable review platforms like TrustPilot, SiteJabber and BBB (Better Business Bureau). Why? Because we want to be a reliable review source for you.

We analyze different independent review platforms because we know that the reviews companies publish on their websites cannot be trusted. Most often, such reviews are fake. For instance, many websites have reviews with photos and names of customers, while students always want to remain anonymous when buying their papers, for obvious reasons.

It’s also easy to spot fake writing service reviews because they all are positive. Companies that don’t receive positive feedback on third-party review platforms often decide to display positive feedback on their websites. However, even the best companies have some unsatisfied customers. Therefore, if all the feedback that you see is positive, it’s probably fake.

🔍 Revision and Money Back Policy

Another important factor that we consider when evaluating writing services is the guarantees they offer. Most companies offer free revisions and a money-back guarantee. However, both revision and money-back policies can be quite sketchy and complicated. When you make an order on some website for the first time, you should know the details of their revision policy and money-back guarantee because getting your money back might be not as easy as it seems.

For instance, you may not be able to get a 100% refund so you will only receive partial compensation. Some companies don’t even have a clear set of rules that would determine in what cases customers are eligible for a refund.

For example, each particular case can be considered by the quality assurance team so they will decide whether or not you can get your money back. Sometimes, customers may also be unable to get a refund if they’ve already requested a revision. Therefore, we analyze all the rules and make sure to inform our readers about the possible pitfalls.

🔍 Ordering Process

When evaluating writing services, it’s also important to take into account the ordering process: how simple it is, how quickly customers can place an order, and what the whole process looks like. Best paper writing services have all the necessary information and provide quick customer support so that the ordering process is intuitive and fast. Customers may also be able to get notifications while their papers are being written. We also make sure to check the payment options available on the website.

🔍 Pricing and Discounts

We provide information about writing services’ pricing policies with screenshots from websites. However, we recommend that you also check the websites because the prices might change. We also find information about available discounts and coupons. Quite often, writing services offer discounts for new customers. Some companies may also bombard you with discounts and promo codes if you try to close the website.

🔍 Paper Quality

Paper quality is something that most essay writing service reviews never mention. But obviously, this is one of the most important factors when it comes to choosing writing services. Therefore, we test the quality of writing by placing a simple order and analyzing the result. First of all, we check the overall structure of the paper and make sure that the writer created a proper introduction, body, and conclusion. We also assess the research basis of the paper and check whether all the arguments are supported by evidence or not.

Some services hire native English speakers, while others work with ESL writers. Sometimes, you can also request an ENL writer for an additional fee. At the same time, if papers are written by an ENL writer, it’s also important to make sure that they actually know their subjects.

🔍 Customer Support

Sometimes, good customer support service can make a big difference even when dealing with unreliable services. If you’re unsatisfied with the quality of papers, timely help from support representatives might enable you to get a revision, choose another writer, or even get your money back. Good writing services usually have a live chat on the website so that customers can contact the support service 24/7 and get the necessary assistance.

How to Find Genuine Essay Writing Service Reviews?

There are quite a few red flags that may indicate that the reviews you read are either fake or paid. These tips will help you filter out some genuine reviews from the fake ones.

❗ Check the Date

A surge in the total number of reviews during a very short time frame may be a sign of fraud. If a lot of reviews appear in a few weeks or days and then there’s nothing else for months, the chances are that they are all fake. However, there might be some exceptions. For example, during finals, or on Black Friday when people make more purchases.

❗ Don’t Rely on One-Sided Opinions

If a review offers only positive or negative judgments, be careful with it. Take a closer look at what it says because it might not be true. Make your own research on ‘balanced’ reviews. Consumers must always find both pros and cons in any product, so one-sided reviews filled with nothing but extreme admiration or total hatred look quite suspicious.

It might be better to sort out the reviews with an average rate as they are typically more objective than others. Usually, such reviews are more honest and insightful because they show both positive and negative aspects of the services provided. It is easier to notice real trends by comparing positive and negative feedback.

❗ Stay Away From Brandjacking

Probably you’ve seen the comments like ‘I’ve tried this thing, absolutely hated it, and decided to buy the [linking to the competitor’s product] and I just loved it! Purchase it here now with a 30% discount!”. Hopefully, nobody falls for this kind of reviews. Such reviews are a part of a link-building strategy because people usually leave them with a URL to their own website. Unfortunately, reviewers don’t realize that this horrible tactic leads to instant credibility loss and doesn’t drive sales. 

❗ Take Glowing Reviews With a Grain of Salt

If a review looks too good to be true, you should turn to a healthy skepticism. This is the best weapon against fake comments that might help you avoid poor-quality services. Note, that if a particular company has an extraordinarily high number of reviews compared to others in that category, it might mean that those essay writing service reviews are fake. Especially, if they are overwhelmingly positive. 

❗ Seek For Real Experience

The most helpful writing service reviews are those that are based on real experience. Try to find those comments that are likely to be written by people who regularly resort to essay writing help. Although it might be difficult because students are not always eager to share their opinions, it would be better to do this work and be sure that the service you are going to use is highly reliable. 

If you want to know the real truth about an essay writing company, you shouldn’t count only on comments. Instead, search for professional reviews written by people who order papers from different agencies and compare their quality. However, you shouldn’t blindly trust such review websites either. Please be aware that some essay writing companies create fake review platforms to trash their competitors and improve reputation of their own brands.

How To Spot a Fake Review Platform?

Writing services are aware of the fact that students check out essay writing service reviews when they want to buy papers online. Therefore, there’s no surprise that unreliable services try to mislead students by publishing fake positive reviews.

Sometimes, such companies create fake review platforms where affiliated writing services have the best ratings. Such review platforms may also spread misinformation about trusted writing services in an attempt to damage their reputation. Therefore, you should keep in mind that not all review platforms can be trusted.

Fake review platforms usually share some common features that might help you spot scammers. First of all, they usually don’t provide enough information about themselves. Their reviews are generic, with no specific details about particular orders. Besides, all the services except the affiliated ones have a very low rating. Quite often, all the reviews are posted from fake accounts that only have one review each.

How to Avoid Scammers?

It’s difficult to withstand the temptation to use a cheap writing service that promises to deliver the best papers on time. However, not everyone who makes sweet promises actually keeps them. If you want to find a nice writing service that will be safe to use, we recommend that you carefully consider the following details. This way, you’ll be able to avoid scammers. Here are the things you should look for when choosing a custom writing service.

  • Look for affordable prices within a reasonable range. If prices are too low, the chances are that you won’t be able to purchase nice papers on such a website.
  • Choose companies that have at least two years of experience in helping students with academic papers.
  • Use companies that offer 24/7 support so that you can get all the necessary assistance.
  • Choose services with a 3.5-star or higher rating. You should only consider reliable review platforms.
  • Choose companies with clear revision and money-back policies.

Fortunately, if you’re reading this, it means that you’ve already found a reliable review source. We are always ready to help you choose a good service and avoid scammers.

  • Free Essay Websites
  • Best Homework Help Websites
  • Essay Writing
  • Essay Samples
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  • Writing Tools
  • Compare Services

The Best Essay Writing Service Reviews: Explore Academic Market

Reading the best essay writing service reviews is the smartest decision for students who want to hire professional writers. Homework might get overwhelming quickly, and you need to know where to find a company capable of doing your assignment. We don’t want to leave you hanging! Try the list we developed and meet the best providers. Each of them has experience with academic writing, and they offer top quality for good prices!

Updated: 21.02.2023

Prices $12.99

Prices $11.99

Prices $14.99

All ratings, opinions, and reviews you see on this site do not necessarily reflect the official position of any other company, educational establishment, or employer. These reviews are always subject to revision and change. Please do not hold us to them — visit actual websites to make any decision.

To decide what score each company deserves, we compare our team’s grades, academics’ ratings, and individual reviews. Opinions of LetsGradeIt.com team is worth 30% of the total grade. Academics’ ratings comprise 35%, and individual grades account for 35%. In cases when there are no individual reviews posted about a firm, academics have a say by 60%, while our team gets 40%.

The Latest Update: Check Top 10 Essay Writing Services

  • a good collection of free essay samples
  • customer support
  • helpful blog for college students
  • reliable payment methods and privacy rules
  • you cannot choose your writer
  • Discounts 13% and various 10% and 5%, depending on your customer history
  • Minimum Deadline 6 hours
  • Payment Methods VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
  • Guarantees Money-Back Guarantee, 24/7 Support, No Plagiarism, Confidentiality
  • Types of Papers Essays, Research papers, Term paper, Thesis, Dissertation, Coursework, Book report, Book review, Research summary, Case Study, Lab report, PowerPoint presentation, Article, Article critique, Reaction paper, Admission essay, Personal statement, Proofreading, Editing, Rewriting
  • Lowest Price Starting at $11.99 per page
  • Number of Samples 100k+
  • Number of Categories 4k+
  • Access Free
  • Originality Almost Original
  • Samples Accuracy & Categorization Accurate
  • Quality of Samples High
  • Website Navigation Simple
  • Excellent blog with helpful articles, writing guides, topic lists, and other valuable information for college students and educators

It is one of the best choices for essay and research writing work, according to our reviews. This company provides good grammar quality and follows all formatting and grading rubric rules. Timely delivery and free revisions work as advertised. Their selection of free samples seems to be curated by the company’s specialists since they are mostly good. What makes them even better is their customer support service, which is available immediately and provides custom help with order placement, payment procedure, and revisions. If you want to choose something that is affordable and customized to your needs, this service is the safest bet.

A company that boasts of having a decade-long experience, TopEssayWriting has a right to be called the best custom paper writing service. It has a great reputation, evident in all positive online reviews it received. Its design is neutral and could use more originality, but useful content compensates for it. You could find answers to all your questions there or drop a line to customer support. These guys spend days and nights online, and they reply to all messages momentarily. Services are diverse, and they cost starting with $12.99 per page. This is a great offer. If you add discounts to it, you’ll like it even more.

Like the best college essay writing service it is, TopEssayWriting provides an impressive collection of free samples. They are diverse and easily accessible. Our paper was fantastic: it met all academic standards and insightfully explored our topic. Its complete fluency meant that we didn’t find anything worth asking for a revision. You’ll find them here if you need talented writers who ask for affordable sums.

  • Excellent writing quality
  • Access to free essay samples
  • Cheap prices for papers
  • Loyal support team
  • Satisfying level of service diversity
  • Samples aren’t edited properly
  • best customer support
  • fast delivery
  • cool design
  • new website
  • Minimum Deadline: 3 hours
  • Lowest Price: $11.99
  • Discounts: 10%
  • Payment Methods: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
  • Guarantees: 24/7 Support, Confidentiality, Customer Satisfaction, Money Back, Native Writers, No Hidden Charges, No Plagiarism, On-time Delivery, Proofreading, Quality, Revision
  • Types of papers:  Essay, Research, Term paper, Thesis, Dissertation, Coursework, Capstone project, Book report, Outline, Book review, Movie review, Research summary, Report, Case Study, Lab report, PowerPoint presentation, Article, Article critique, Annotated bibliography, Reaction paper, Project
  • Number of Categories 5k+
  • Originality of Samples Almost all Original

Paraphrasing tool, conclusion generator

This WritingUniverse review was born after we got numerous requests to investigate it. Our team quickly did preliminary research, and we realized why students showed interest in it. WritingUniverse is mysterious in several ways at once: we have no idea when it was established and reviews on its website don’t have any dates mentioned. It’s very in tune with its logo of an alien with a UFO. The company offers writing-related services; it asks for adequate prices and works with the shortest deadlines. Even a 3-hour timeframe is accepted. Few reviews from customers we saw are mostly positive, but they aren’t informative enough to draw conclusions. So, we launched our own investigation.

WritingUniverse invests much effort into becoming the best essay service for students, and it succeeds repeatedly. It provides different academic services that range from standard writing to help with dissertations, lab projects, and proofreading. Clients leave positive feedback, and unsurprisingly, they all appreciate prices. WritingUniverse charges about $11.99 per page, less than you’ll find in most other agencies. It chose a unique design for its site that we loved. The UFO theme reflects the often-mysterious world of academic tasks that students have to navigate through.

The company has multiple paper samples that it offers for free. A lot of them need editing, so they aren’t the best examples of work these writers could do. On the other hand, writing guides and academic tools could definitely please you because they are efficient, and you could access them without paying or creating an account. Operators are nice and loyal, and writers do their best to produce top papers. Our Philosophy project impressed us with its depth and insights. It had perfect APA formatting and addressed five big questions we assigned. Are there any problems? Apart from badly edited samples, we disliked that WritingUniverse offers no background story. It’s important to know when and how a company appeared. Apart from this, it’s spectacular.

  • Cheap essay prices
  • Plenty of free samples
  • Brilliant quality level
  • Helpful operators
  • Samples need more editing
  • No background information
  • no plagiarism
  • excellent free essay samples
  • timely delivery
  • variety of different help and subjects on offer
  • excellent blog
  • things may get pricey if you have an urgent order or request services like resume writing
  • Lowest Price $14.99
  • Minimum Deadline 3 hours
  • Discounts 15%
  • Payment Methods VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover.
  • Guarantees 24/7 Support, Confidentiality, Customer Satisfaction, Money Back, No Plagiarism, On-time Delivery, Proofreading, Quality, Revision
  • Types of Papers Rewriting, Proofreading, Editing, Admission essay, Dissertation, Resume/CV, Essays, Research papers, Term paper, Coursework, Capstone project, Book report, Outline, Book review, Movie review, Research summary,  Report, Case Study, Lab report, PowerPoint presentation, Article, Article critique,  Annotated bibliography, Reaction paper, Project.
  • Number of Samples 1k+
  • Number of Categories 30+
  • Originality of Samples Only Original
  • Types : Free conclusion generator, paraphrasing tool, essay maker, and a good blog with dissertation topics and various writing style guides.

This company offers a plethora of popular writing services and those types of academic writing help that are not so common like resume writing and business report assistance. They have a good pricing scheme that instantly shows you the price. Additionally, you may request drafts, plagiarism reports, proofreading by an editor, and urgent writer’s selection. They offer excellent quality, a good collection of free essay samples, a good blog that will help many students learn about writing styles and find inspiration, and the majority of payment methods. They are a reliable service that is safe to consider for most tasks. Just remember that things may get a bit pricey, yet it is always paid off as our review experts have found out.

Some things never change, and we’re happy to say that GrabMyEssay remains one of the best academic writing services even now. Its experience speaks for itself: a decade in the academic market taught this agency how to treat its clients and how to produce the most amazing papers. Its website has a cool, though somewhat outdated design; content is fluent and relevant, and a dedicated support team is around 24/7. Students don’t need to overpay for their homework since one page costs just $14.99. If you doubt quality, you could always try free samples first. They cover different topics and demonstrate skills of the writers who work for GrabMyEssay. Other helpful features like a paraphrasing tool and academic guides also come in handy, and they’re free.

As a client, you could choose between an endless pick of writing services. Ask for any deadline, even if it is 6 hours — this company is going to help. Its deliveries are timely, and quality is consistently high. This time, we ordered Engineering research, and the paper we got amazed us. It followed every requirement and was formatted ideally. We had zero reasons for complaining, so we recommend GrabMyEssay to the world.

  • Top academic quality
  • Free educational tools
  • Big collection with essay samples
  • Affordable writing costs
  • Strong support network
  • Website design could be more creative
  •   high quality
  • friendly support team
  • many services present
  • free samples
  • small online presence
  • generic website
  • Discounts 5-15 %
  • Minimum Deadline  6 hours
  • Payment Methods VISA, MasterCard, Wire Transfer, American Express, Discover
  • Types of Papers Research essays, Dissertations, Expository papers, Term papers, Dashboard discussions, Movie review, Book review, Play analysis, Annotated bibliography, Argumentative essays, Summary, Descriptive paper, Admission essay, PowerPoint presentation, Lab work
  • Lowest Price  $12.99
  • Guarantees Free revisions & refunds, Operators available 24/7, Perfect confidentiality
  • Discounts Not Applicable
  • Number of Categories 10+
  • Quality of Samples A verage-to-High
  • Access Free and don’t require you to create an account
  • Samples Originality Almost all original

ProEssayService is a company that specializes in the provision of academic services. It has been operating for a couple of years. It has low prices, good discounts, friendly operators, and a solid range of writing options. Placing an order is easy, and though there are some issues with its online presence and reviews, quality is great.

This best agency has multiple essay writer reviews that praise its services. We were curious to see how true this was. ProEssayService can help students with professional writing, thorough proofreading, narrations, applications, dissertations, plus many other projects. Its prices equal $12.99 for one page of content, which is pleasantly low, a 15% discount makes this offer even friendlier. The website is outdated, but this is a small problem. The important element is that visitors can find valuable information without any hassle.

Clients could request revision or refund in case they aren’t satisfied, but practice shows that this agency knows what it’s doing. Our paper was thoughtful, and our writer followed instructions 100%. The only issue was that we didn’t see whether hiring this same expert for other tasks was possible. ProEssayService doesn’t seem to cater to this wish. Samples plus blog articles are available for every visitor — this could be great news, but unfortunately, they cover topics that few students will find important. Still, these issues are tiny in comparison to amazing quality of essay writing, meaning that we wholeheartedly recommend this company to you.

  • Great prices for your paper
  • Samples are present
  • Solid discounts available
  • Essay quality is amazing
  • Samples should be more relevant
  • Difficult to hire a writer you worked with before
  • discounts for students
  • affordable prices
  • privacy policy
  • free revisions
  • very outdated blog
  • Lowest Price $12.99
  • Payment Methods Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Wire Transfer
  • Discounts 5-16%
  • Guarantees Refunds, Free revisions, Support 24/7, Direct contact with the writer, Confidentiality
  • Types of Papers  research & term papers, discussions, annotated bibliographies, critique, dissertations, argumentative essays, descriptive essays, comparison & contrast, reviews, summaries, reaction paper, lab work.
  • Number of Samples 200
  • Number of Categories 20+
  • Access Free essays samples
  • Quality of Samples  Medium

Smart Custom Writing has been working for 6+ years. It’s a big company specializing in the provision of academic and other kinds of writing. SmartCustomWriting.com prices are affordable; it also has good discounts and friendly policies. Some of its operators don’t respect the clients’ boundaries, but everyone works hard to help each customer get the best possible experience. If you need help with your essay, they are one of top reliable choices.

SmartCustomWriting has the best essay help providers who have been assisting their clients since 2008. Their help costs $12.99 per page, though, in most companies, it might increase depending on your deadline or essay size. In any case, it’s affordable, and if students doubt the expertise of these writers, they could read samples to see what they should expect. Operators are immensely helpful, but there is a drawback: it takes ages for them to respond. They might greet you instantly, but once you ask a question, you’ll be waiting for ten minutes until they find an answer. It looks like they don’t know the rules of their company well. From better news, writers work quickly, and you can order a paper even with a 3-hour deadline.

If you need tools like an efficient plagiarism checker, you won’t find them here. This website is limited, along with its design. But writing services include numerous options and cover all subjects. They have a high level of quality. We ordered a Math project, and it arrived just on time. Our experts did everything correctly, and when we clarified some aspects, they explained them comprehensively. They are worth your attention, no doubts here!

  • Prices are low for all services
  • Free samples available
  • Experience and service diversity
  • No educational tools
  • Customer support appears clueless
  • free easy samples
  • excellent blog posts on several topics
  • on-time delivery before deadline
  • high cost for personal writings and urgent requests
  • Minimum Deadline 24 hours
  • Discounts 20%
  • Payment Methods VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Wire Transfer
  • Guarantees Customer Satisfaction, Money Back, Native Writers, No Plagiarism, Proofreading, Quality, Revision
  • Types of Papers  Essays, Research papers, Term paper, Rewriting, Proofreading, Editing, Admission essay, Dissertation, Resume/CV, Coursework, Book report, Book review, Movie review, Research summary, Case Study, Lab report, PowerPoint presentation, Article, Article critique, Annotated bibliography, Reaction paper
  • Number of Samples 327
  • Number of Categories 13

A lot of our audience come to our site to determine if a professional essay writing website is safe enough to trust, which is why we prepared this Essay Republic review. In this article, we are going to review EssayRepublic and give a verdict on its service. This service claims to offer high-quality essay writing services to clients using native English speakers as writers. Additionally, it claims to offer this service at an affordable price. To test this claim, we sent out an assignment to them. They provided a good essay within the agreed time. Plus, all online EssayRepublic Reviews point to their service as reliable. However, it gets expensive when you are in a hurry or looking for services like resume writing.

This service offers its customers access to free samples. It has 327 samples across 13 categories including, math, physics, economics, and much more. These samples closely reflect the quality of work we got from our assignment. Although it can be expensive, you are sure of getting quality services as this Review of EssayRepublic will show. Plus, you can request a writer using through the writer’s page.

Every professional essay writers review we create is based on personal experience, and EssayRepublic wasn’t an exception. We studied its every feature, from prices to policies, and placed an order for a Sociology paper. One page costs $12.99, which is an affordable amount. The shortest acceptable deadline is 3 hours, another great aspect we appreciate as clients. Students could order whatever service they wanted, from a college essay to a CV or lab report. Operators are nice and helpful. They give answers quickly, and they always know how to show support.

The major issue we noticed in our paper writing services review was the absence of any academic tools. Another problem was writer assigning process. Our order was simple and had a long deadline, but three days passed before a writer finally accepted it. We are skeptical as to how this platform can manage urgent deadlines when it cannot find an expert for orders with lengthy submission dates. But quality impressed us. Our paper was excellent, and it met our needs. You might experience some difficulties during the hiring process, but ultimately, you’ll be satisfied with these services.

  • Cheap costs for academic help
  • Essays have the best quality
  • Writers don’t accept orders quickly
  • No academic tools are on offer
  • reliable writing services
  • good delivery time frame
  • excellent blog with helpful posts
  • expensive prices
  • Minimum Deadline  The shortest deadline the company can handle is 3 hours
  • Discounts  EssayThinker.com discounts include a 15% off for first-timers.
  • Payment Methods  VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
  • Guarantees  24/7 Support, Confidentiality, Customer Satisfaction, Money Back, No Plagiarism, On-time Delivery, Proofreading, Quality, Revision
  • Types of papers  Essays, Research papers, Term paper, Thesis, Dissertation, Coursework, Capstone project, Book report, Outline, Book review, Movie review, Research summary, Report, Case Study, Lab report, PowerPoint presentation, Article, Article critique, Annotated bibliography, Reaction paper, Project, Admission essay, Scholarship essay, Personal statement, Proofreading, Editing, Rewriting, Resume/CV
  • Number of Samples  200+
  • Number of Categories  13
  • Access  Free
  • Originality of Samples  Mostly All Original
  • Quality of Samples  Medium

EssayThinker is becoming more and more popular among students, and our EssayThinker review will take a look at how effective it is as a writing service provider as well as its customer service capability. With so many essay writing services flourishing in recent years, we hope that this Essay Thinker review will help you to make the right call.

EssayThinker is another one of the best essay writing companies with positive online reputation and a myriad of services it offers to clients. Its rates are low since they begin at $12.99 per page; deadlines of 3 hours are supported, and the website is mostly fluent. Students have access to numerous samples on various academic topics: they don’t need to pay anything for them, which is a definite advantage. The blog, on the other hand, is problematic. It centers on irrelevant topics and doesn’t have an appropriate academic style. It felt like these guys bought random articles for their website without bothering to read them.

Operators show willingness to help even in stressful situations. There are good essay writers present here since they fulfilled our order perfectly. We had a complex Nursing topic, and they meticulously addressed every point from instructions. Unfortunately, they made a distressing number of language mistakes. They were smallish and didn’t damage readability, but their presence was still annoying. EssayThinker needs better proofreading if it wants to remain on top.

  • Best prices for writing help
  • Essay samples present for free
  • Great research involved in each order
  • Serious problems with proofreading
  • Blog is mostly irrelevant
  • decent blog posts on multiple topics
  • on-time delivery
  • expensive for urgent requests
  • Minimum Deadline  3 hours
  • Lowest Price  $1.99
  • Discounts  5-15%
  • Payment methods  Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Maestro, Wire Transfer.
  • Guarantees  24/7 Support, Confidentiality, Customer Satisfaction, No Plagiarism, On-time Delivery, Proofreading, Quality, Revision
  • Types of Papers  Academic paper writing, Rewriting, Several fields, Proofreading, Editing, Copywriting, Admission Services, Dissertation services, Resume/CV service, Multiple Choice Questions.
  • Payment Options  Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Maestro, Wire Transfer.
  • Number of Categories  5
  • Accuracy of Samples  Accurate
  • Quality of Samples  High
  • Q&A : Yes
  • Tutoring : No
  • Online Courses : No
  • Access : Paid Homework Help.
  • Payment Methods : Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Maestro, Wire Transfer.
  • Discounts : EssayState.com discounts vary between 5-15%.
  • Quality of Help : High
  • Subjects : All Subjects
  • Types of Services Offered : Essay, Case Study, Research Summary, articles.
  • Mobile App : No

Thousands of readers come to our site looking for honest advice about professional writing agencies. Therefore, we always try to give our customers our opinion about all writing platforms. With this article, we are going to provide you with an honest EssayState review. We conducted an independent assessment of services offered by EssayState. We also looked at Reviews of Essay State online. In general, this platform provides quality assistance. Just like most writing services, you will pay a lot for resume writing.

EssayState is among the best essay writing websites that has experience and motivation to keep improving. It doesn’t charge much. Its clients pay starting at $12.99 per page, a pleasant price that will please the majority of students. Like in other top agencies we described, it deals with urgent deadlines of no longer than three hours if needed. Its services range from paper writing to in-depth research or editing, and its website outlines policies in a comprehensive manner. Revisions and refunds are guarantees that are set in stone. Operators do a good job, too — we appreciated their assistance.

Everything seems more or less perfect, but what differentiates EssayState from other top writing services is its failure actually to respect deadlines. We are a good example of this practice. Our order had to be submitted in 14 days, but the writer failed to deliver it. They cited emergency and family problems — these are weak excuses to which no reliable company should resort. While their essay looked good, even a short delay is a red flag. Another nuance we disliked was how there were no helpful materials like tools or high-quality samples. The few articles we saw had low quality. EssayState listens to its clients, though, and since it provides the best writing quality, we expect it to improve in other aspects, too.

  • The best papers for all subjects
  • Low costs for help
  • Friendly operators
  • Possible essay delays
  • No academic materials present
  • service can be expensive
  • Discounts 16%
  • Guarantees Confidentiality, Customer Satisfaction, No Plagiarism, On-time Delivery, Proofreading, Quality, Revision, Money back guaranteed, Support
  • Types of Papers Academic paper writing, Rewriting, Several fields, Proofreading, Editing, Copywriting, Admission Services, Dissertation services, Resume/CV service, Multiple Choice Questions
  • Number of Samples 10
  • Number of Categories 7
  • Access Free Subscription
  • Quality of Samples Medium

As a platform, we pride ourselves on providing a review of professional writing agencies. We always try to create high-quality reviews that provide customers with necessary information to make an informed decision. In line with our mission, we are looking to write a PoweredEssays review. To create an objective review, we went ahead to order writing service. In addition, we went online looking for Powered Essays reviews, to add value and enhance this article. After evaluating all aspects of this platform, we were able to conclude that PoweredEssay provides good assistance to clients. However, just like with other writing services, you will have to pay a lot of money to have a personalized CV or an urgent order.

You might have noticed a trend with the best online writing services we recommend: they all charge affordable prices. PoweredEssays does the exact same thing. Clients pay around $12.99 for a page as well as apply great discounts. They can choose between numerous services, and in case they have questions, they can contact the customer support team. We loved it, and we valued their help highly: whatever question we had, they provided an answer. Samples are available for everyone. They are educational and could give students relevant ideas.

Placing orders is easy as the website is compact, but our paper writing service review showed that some writers aren’t professional. We asked them to write a college-level paper on English, but while the essay arrived on time, it looked bad. Grammar mistakes, content issues, non-academic style – it’s easier to describe what wasn’t wrong with it. We had to ask for revision which slowly transformed into reassignment since the first writer refused to work on our order again. Five more days passed after our deadline before another expert finally delivered the project. This time, it looked perfect. Flawless grammar, insightful ideas, proper academic style — this is what we expected from the start. This company can definitely show the best results.

  • Best essay prices
  • Top experts present
  • Free paper samples
  • Not all writers are qualified
  • Slow revisions
  • free essay samples
  • deliver before the deadline
  • choose preferred writer
  • some requests can be expensive
  • there is no blog
  • Discounts 5-15%
  • Payment methods Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Wire Transfer.
  • Guarantees Support, Confidentiality, Customer Satisfaction, No Plagiarism, On-time Delivery, Quality, Revision, Money back guarantee.
  • Types of Papers Academic paper writing, Rewriting, Writing with calculations, other subjects, Proofreading, Editing, Copywriting, Admission Services, Dissertation services, Resume/CV service, Multiple Choice Questions.
  • Number of Samples 17
  • Number of Categories 10

Classy Essays has a section that is specific for free samples available to general public. In this section, there are 17 of them, all cut across 10 categories, including Science, Management, Politics, History, Nursing, and much more. Additionally, all example essays on ClassyEssays are really good. However, our order was better than any such examples they showcase for free. Therefore, this ClassyEssay.com review will give you a taste of what to expect when you opt for their aid.

While all the best writing services online ensure a high quality of writing, they might have problems. ClassyEssay seems experienced since many of its clients left their opinions about it on various online platforms. Most of them are positive. A page is worth $12.99 here, but unlike most agencies, this one deals with deadlines of 6 hours only. We liked this approach since it feels realistic and honest.

The first problem we encountered was with operators. They replied slowly, showed reluctance, and some of them were rude, such as when we wanted a revision. We felt unwelcome. Our impression improved after we studied samples: they were diverse and had good quality, but it wavered again when we realized that our paper had serious mistakes. They concerned grammar, content, and execution. Our writer wasn’t a native speaker, this was immediately obvious, and they didn’t understand their subject. We demanded a revision, but a week passed before we saw any results — we are certain that a new expert took on our order. It looked perfect, like the best writer in the world created it. ClassyEssay has the right to be viewed as a professional company, but it also needs serious improvements.

  • Affordable writing rates
  • Samples are instantly available
  • Some of the best experts present
  • Unprofessional and unwelcoming operators
  • Amateur writers might accept your order
  • Revisions take ages

How Reviews from Clients Can Help Find Top Essay Writing Services

Some students don’t believe finding the best writing essay services quickly and without placing an order is possible. But reading reviews can bring you closer to making the right choice. The Internet is a large space where people freely exchange their opinions about the services they ordered. You could find comments from fellow students, seeing what they liked or disliked and how satisfied they were in general. Another option is looking at professional reviews like ours. We not only place an order with different agencies but also examine every aspect of their service, from interface to policies. When reading other clients’ opinions, you can:

  • Find the best companies for narrowing down your search
  • Hire the most professional writers
  • Stop worrying about academic pressure
  • Gain a guarantee that the company you contact is legit
  • Receive papers of top quality
  • Enjoy assignments with no trace of plagiarism
  • Save your time by getting experts to do your homework
  • Get access to a base of free samples and tools
  • Stop concerning yourself with deadlines you can’t keep

Stages of Our Standard Review Process

We review the list with criteria we’re going to use for assessing a company. Each member of the team needs to understand what they should pay attention to.

We read requests we got from our visitors in search of the company we’ll be testing this time.

After each member performs standard analysis, we place the same order with writers.

Once an essay arrives, we study it individually and then discuss it collectively, comparing our lists with impressions. After lengthy discussions, we decide on the best rating.

Features We Analyze as We Work on the Best Essay Writing Services Reviews

Now that you know what we do during the review process, we’d like you to see the specifics. Every review entails hard work and hours of research. See what features we explore, how we approach them, and what we focus on. This will demonstrate how thorough our work is, making it clear why you can trust our reviews.

  • Close background analysis. Like other potential clients, we explore everything about a company in the online space to form initial impressions. We start with reading the best paper writing services reviews on Reddit, SiteJabber as well as TrustPilot, three most common review platforms. This tells us what we should expect.
  • Price analysis. It is essential to see how much companies charge for their services. Students worry about this most since finances are their weak spot, and they have no desire to overpay for academic help even if they need it urgently. But this process is tricky. This is concerning when agencies charge too much since they rip their clients off. When they charge too little, this is also a troubling sign. Professional help cannot be cheap, experts won’t agree to work for anything. A balance is needed, and that’s what we are looking for.
  • 24/7 chat. The best essay writer websites must offer 24/7 communication to their clients. A chat with customer support is the usual solution, but many aspects are involved. Operators need to be welcoming, sociable, and knowledgeable. They should respond in less than a minute and provide real answers to visitors’ requests. We test them by contacting them at different points with various questions, analyzing how they respond. Operators are a lifeline for clients, and they should show the best performance.
  • Extra features. Another aspect we describe in our best college paper writing service reviews is special features. Top agencies with experience should offer free samples in addition to various academic tools, such as conclusion generators, plagiarism checkers, essay makers, and others. The more options are present, the higher we value a company.
  • Quality analysis. There is no point in recommending a company unless it provides stellar writing services. It might have the best customer support, prices, and policies, but bad quality nullifies it. That’s why we approach this aspect with 100% attentiveness. Upon receiving an essay, we study whether it arrived on time, how good its grammar is, if it met our instructions, and how the writer followed academic norms. Agencies that show the best results receive a higher number of points.
  • Studying policies. To be qualified as the best online essay writing services, companies must ensure the safety of their clients. They should provide them with refunds and revisions in case of bad quality claims; privacy must be ensured, too. A student should know that the company won’t share its data with any random party. Our team inspects every policy carefully, looking for hidden meanings and possible flaws.

Should I Trust All Reviews?

As we stated, reading custom essay writing service reviews is a smart choice, but you need to stay careful. Not all of them deserve your trust. Companies understand how relevant client feedback is, and some try to boost their reputation artificially. They hire people to write fake positive reviews. You need to learn how to differentiate between the two and how to see which comments are real. Luckily, we have great strategies that will help!

Tips for Locating Real Clients’ Reviews of Companies

We prepared six strategies for recognizing real comments. If you follow them, your chances of falling for fakes will fall down to zero. Experience is everything, too, so if you noticed artificial reviews once, you’d do it even sooner next time.

  • Choose independent platforms. Once you type “[Your conpany’s name] reviews,” check the best essay writing website first. This tends to be SiteJabber. Trustpilot and Reddit follow closely behind. They host a large collection of client feedback, cover most companies, and platforms themselves try to flag suspicious comments. Still, do your own checking because even such websites can make mistakes.
  • See the size of reviews. Most real positive reviews on academic writing agencies are average in size. Negative comments can get very long — this is normal since dissatisfied clients have a lot to say. If you see stuff like “The best firm!” “Great essay!” and as such, disregard them. They are probably fake since they require no effort.
  • Look at reviewer’s mood. Does a comment sound authentic, or is it full of empty praise? This is an important aspect. Don’t trust comments that make it look like the company is the best thing to ever exist in the world — while positive experience brings relief and gratitude, people still won’t be exploding with eagerness and incoherent excitement. Ask yourself, would you write something like this? If not, ignore the review.
  • Watch out for links. If a comment has a link to the top essay writing service it recommends, there is a 99.9% chance that it’s fake. Don’t trust it. No real client is going to bother looking for links and putting them into their comment, no matter how much they love a company.
  • Examine commenters’ profiles. Most sites allow seeing what comments a person made in the past. Check if they have a photo, what their name and posting history is. This could say a lot about their authenticity.
  • Check feedback. Do companies respond to reviews from clients? Check their replies. If they address only negative comments, then positive ones are suspicious. The best writing service will pay attention to each review, good or bad.

Are Reviews That Companies Post on Their Websites Real?

The authentic best essay writing sites post all reviews from their clients. This includes criticism and negativity. Unfortunately, this is an exception — most agencies choose not to post anything because they don’t want to appear bad in any way. But there is the third kind of company that publishes 100% positive comments and nothing else. This is a big warning sign: they don’t mind misleading their customers. We guarantee that even the absolute best service won’t have only positive reviews, so it’s better to focus on other platforms for learning opinions.

Why Our Reviews Are Trustworthy

Our team leaders.

Most people who read the best paper writing service reviews have only a vague idea of how much work goes into them. Two of our biggest brain centers and sources of inspiration are Melony Hart and Christian Duke, experts who oversee every process to achieve top results.

Melony Hart is a chief editor who analyzes changes in academic market, studies requests from students, and gives recommendations to teams of experts. She personally examines each professional essay writing review before it goes live. Her thorough approach ensures that our company produces relevant content that students enjoy and find helpful.

Christian Duke is the head reviewer who creates a friendly and mutually inspiring atmosphere within our teams. He encourages those who feel down, instructs those who struggle with something, and relentlessly motivates everyone to be top-performing reviewers.

Christian and Melony keep our team strong. They promote constant education and the refining of everyone’s skills. Together, we seek to explore the existing market of academic services to the maximum, finding the best options for our readers.

Analyzing Each Top Essay Writing Service: A Study in Numbers

While we listed the factors that affect our reviews, we haven’t covered the numbers. Every opinion has its weight. This is how we come up with ratings for companies we review:

  • Reviewers’ opinions. Opinions of our reviewers account for 30% of the rating. Their value is essential, but they contribute to assessment results only partly because even though they have a profound experience, their views remain subjective.
  • Educators’ input. These people are specifically hired to provide opinions on essay writing because they are employed in the educational sector and know academic standards like no other. Since the quality of a paper is the most influential factor, we give their words 35% of the weight. Educators help us decide whether we find top paper writing services or if we need to keep looking further.
  • Comments from customers. Your opinion matters greatly to us, which is why we assign 35% of our importance to it. We read reviews from clients on TrustPilot, SiteJabber, Reddit, plus other platforms, select those that sound real, and make conclusions on this basis.

What All Best Writing Companies Must Offer

All writing companies must follow two main principles regardless of what other benefits or drawbacks they have. The first one is top writers. All experts must have Master’s or Ph.D. degrees, and HR teams must verify this before hiring them. The second rule concerns plagiarism. Even 1% is too much, so companies should scan each paper automatically before sending them to clients.

Summing Up Our List: What Is the Best Essay Writing Service in the US?

Most students open reviews because they want answers to this specific question. After all the research and debates, which writing agency showed the best results? We can suggest three top options. GrabMyEssay comes first: it has the ideal combination of good prices, excellent writing, useful samples and tools, and support team. TopEssayWriting and WritingUniverse come a close second. Each of these agencies is remarkable in its own way. Note that these results are only applicable in 2023, though. We’ll be doing new testing eventually to see whether these leaders remain the best.

Ways of Taking Maximum Advantage of the Company You Hire

Knowing that you hire the best essay writers online is not enough. If you want to make your experience 100% effective, show initiative. Work on the text of your instructions to make it informative yet readable. Clients often submit pages of text without breaks: most writers ignore such orders. Avoid this by presenting clear guidelines. Stay in touch with your expert and answer their questions rapidly. Learn about discounts and apply them to make your price lower!

How Much Should I Pay for Professional Writing Services?

As you probably noticed, the companies we recommended had the best charge from $10.99 to $14.99. We didn’t pick them randomly — this is the optimal price for writing services. If a company asks for more, it’s too much. If the price is lower than $10, beware. This is likely a scammer. Professional writers won’t agree to work for such a meager sum.

Why You Should Read Reviews: A Final Reminder

Remind yourself of one simple rule when you feel reluctant to spend your time on reviews. If you decide, “I want the best website to write my essay for me,” the next step is reading online comments. This is not negotiable — if you don’t want to risk your money, you need to know which companies are reliable. This is only possible by checking what other customers think.

Frequently Asked Questions About Writing Services

We pick companies based solely on recommendations from students. We don’t have personal ties with any of them, so our opinions are unbiased and rooted in genuine insights.

Sure. Your identity and subject don’t matter: the best companies provide both academic and general writing services. They’ll help you with anything since they have writers in every sphere.

If you pick the best company, then you have nothing to worry about. Credible companies protect clients’ data and keep it confidential.

The best website that writes essays for you is going to offer samples. This is a legal form of tutoring. Technically, you shouldn’t submit such essays as your own, but this is up to you.

If you’re interested in the cheapest best college essay writing service the lowest sum is around $11. Less qualified services might charge $3 per page, but the end quality will be abysmal.

Every client risks getting their paper late and/or receiving bad quality. Sadly, this is possible even with the best custom essay writing service. That’s why revisions and refunds exist.

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Top 7 Essay Writing Services: Boost Grades and Build Confidence

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Essay writing services provide essential help to students in need, elevating their grades and boosting their confidence.

It should come as no surprise that students often find themselves at the mercy of overwhelming academic writing tasks. Balancing coursework, exams, and personal commitments can be a formidable challenge. This is where essay writing services come into play, offering students peace of mind and a lifeline in their academic journeys.

This blog will address the writing services that have a proven track record of delivering exceptional results to students. We’ll discuss how these services can be of benefit to students and alleviate their academic stress.

Let’s head over to the top essay writing services that help students gain confidence and boost their grades!

Meet the Top 7 Essay Writing Services

Essay Writing Service Service Type

To introduce the top 7 essay writing services, we’ll briefly cover their expertise one by one.



With a reputation for reliability and excellence, this essay writing service is known for its commitment to delivering top-quality work. The writing experts at CollegeEssay.org specialize in a diverse range of essay types and academic levels.



This professional essay writing service is synonymous with user-friendliness. They have a brilliant record of excellent user testimonials. With experienced writers covering a wide range of writing topics, students can avail of their services in a hassle-free manner.



5StarEssays.com stands out for its versatility, offering ‘ write my essay for me ’ assistance not only with essays but also with research papers, dissertations, and more. Their writing experts cover a broad spectrum of subjects.



If someone is looking for an affordable essay writing service without compromising on quality, TheEssayWritingService.com should be at the top of their list. They maintain high standards of writing at pocket-friendly rates.



Known for their dedication to customer satisfaction, WriteMyEssay.help offers 24/7 support. Their goal is to fulfill the students’ ‘ write my essay ’ demands along with customer service that responds promptly.

PerfectEssayWriter.ai Essay Writing Service

PerfectEssayWriter.ai Essay Writing Service

Driven by a commitment to quality, confidentiality, and customer satisfaction, this AI essay writer service delivers work that speaks volumes of their professional standards. They employ US-based writers, ensuring unprecedented customer satisfaction at attractive rates.

MyEssayWriter.ai Essay Writing Service

MyEssayWriter.ai Essay Writing Service

Offering a wide range of writing services, MyEssayWriter.ai caters to all academic levels. Having friendly customer service, dedicated essay writer for each task, and offering online order tracking for the best user experience, this service prioritizes client satisfaction at the front.

Without further ado, let’s now explore how students can make the most of these services!

Eliminate Academic Woes With The Top Essay Writing Services

For students, embarking upon challenging situations in their academic lives is quite common. It becomes tricky to keep up with writing assignment deadlines, and exams while balancing their personal lives.

Along with the journey, stress becomes a constant companion, which further adds to the mental toll one may have on their mind.

Not to worry as there are professional essay writing services willing to help students. Have a sigh of relief. The services we chose have proven themselves as the pioneers in essay writing.

Now, let’s take a look at how the aforementioned essay writing services can help students achieve better grades!

Better Grades: How These Writing Services Can Help

Essay writing services are a pathway to academic excellence. With the help of dedicated and skilled essay writers, students can push their grades to the top!

High-Quality Papers

These essay services have deployed professional writers who excel in a diverse pool of subjects. The delivered essays will surely impress the instructors, resulting in grades that top the charts!

Tailored Essays for Specific Needs

Each and every single assignment is tailored to meet the client’s requirements. The writers make sure to incorporate every client requirement in the essay, so the paper aligns with the academic level that was provided by the users.

In-Depth Research

All essays are crafted after conducting thorough research on the topic. Expert writers incorporate evidence and sources in their essays effectively. A well-researched essay displays your commitment to the assignment, hence resulting in better grades.

Time for Revisions

It is a rare occurrence, but if students are not satisfied with the essay delivered, they can always ask for revisions. Professional writers are always willing to revise the work if needed. This extra attention to detail can greatly impact the quality of your assignments and your grades.

Read further to know how students can use these essay writing services to improve their confidence.

Build Confidence with Quality Writing

One of the key benefits these online essay writing services provide is to boost the confidence of students who have problems writing their own academic papers.

Expertly Crafted Essays

These services provide students with essays written by professionals, ensuring high-quality content. Instructors will surely be impressed by the submissions, resulting in raising the student’s confidence.

Improved Writing Skills

Exposure to professionally written essays helps students strengthen their writing skills. As a result, students are better able to enhance their ability to jot down their thoughts effectively.

Enhanced Critical Thinking

Engaging with high-quality content encourages critical thinking. This promotes intellectual growth and pushes the student’s analytical skills to new heights.

Exemplary Models

Students receive well-written papers that serve as frameworks for future work, assisting them in understanding and emulating the standards of excellence.

Read on to see how students can minimize stressful times with the help of dedicated essay-writing services.

Stress and Time Management

The demands of academia often carry with them a bulk load of stress that students find hard to deal with effectively. However, writing services can be beneficial in tackling these challenges.

Stress Alleviation

Academic stress can be overwhelming, potentially leading to anxiety and depression for some students. Essay writing services can help solve these critical issues. By handing over some of their tasks to experts, students can have a sigh of relief.

Better and Balanced Schedules

Students can dedicate ample amounts of hours to studying while professionals are working on their writing assignments. This allows students to organize their schedules in a better way and take care of their other priorities.

Enhanced Productivity

By delegating essays to dedicated professionals, students free up time to excel in their studies. They can pursue extracurricular activities, and explore personal interests, creating a more balanced academic life.

No More Procrastination!

A lot of students rely on procrastination and often fail to deliver acceptable results. Essay writing services are a perfect solution to this problem. They discourage procrastination and, with timely delivery, allow students to get rid of last-minute rushes.

See how students can bid farewell to deadline worries with the use of essay writing services.

Say Goodbye To Deadlines

Assignment deadlines are one of the most challenging aspects of academic life. It is common knowledge that students suffer from stress when deadlines are around the corner.

Urgent essay writing services give prime importance to timely deliveries. Students can get rid of deadline woes after assigning their essay writing tasks to expert writers. With a commitment to punctuality, these services ensure students do not receive any sort of grade reduction in their submissions.

Take a look at customer testimonials of the top essay writing services we have listed!

Success Stories of Students Who’ve Used These Services

Here are the actual success stories of students who chose to get help from these best essay-writing services.

Hear from a happy customer of CollegeEssay.org.

“The experienced writers at college essay not only saved my grades but also my sanity during a particularly hectic semester. I received expertly written papers that helped me grasp complex concepts. The result? Improved grades and the confidence to tackle future challenges head-on.”

The following is another satisfied customer of MyPerfectWords.com.

“Meeting tight deadlines was a constant struggle for me. Thanks to experts at my perfect words, I not only submitted all my assignments on time but also received praise for the quality of my work. It’s been a game-changer for my academic journey.”

See what a loyal customer of TheEssayWritingService.com has to say!

“I was passionate about literature, but often struggled to articulate my thoughts effectively. With the guidance of skilled writers at the essay service, I not only improved my writing but also deepened my understanding of literary analysis. My grades soared, and I found renewed enthusiasm for my studies. Now I have been regularly using their services for my university assignments.”

Another content customer of 5StarEssays.com said:

“As a science major, I frequently found myself struggling to balance lab work, lectures, and research papers. 5StarEssays has played a pivotal role in my academic journey by providing meticulously researched papers. This not only boosted my grades but also allowed me to focus on groundbreaking research projects, ultimately leading to my published research paper.”

Hear another tale from a satisfied customer of WriteMyEssay.help:

“History has always been my passion, but crafting historical essays that truly reflected my knowledge was a challenge. Professionals at write my essay helped me bridge the gap between passion and performance. The expertly written essays not only earned me top grades but also inspired me to pursue a career in historical research.”

PerfectEssayWriter.ai is no stranger to having positive customer testimonials. A loyal customer wrote:

“I was drowning in assignments, feeling overwhelmed. Then, I stumbled upon a game-changer. Their writers are like academic wizards, delivering top-notch essays that boosted my confidence and grades. They’ve got my back for success!”

Here is one of many customer reviews that reflect upon the integrity of MyEssayWriter.ai:

“I was in literal shock after receiving my personal statement way before the promised date. The writer gave me the result I was looking for and met every single one of my demands, and requirements. And guess what? I got admitted to the college I dreamt of! All thanks to the expert and credible writer from the team at my essay writer. I’m so thankful guys!”

In addition to the customer testimonials, various credible news sites and industry experts like The Entrepreneur , Hindustan Times , Washington Independent , and Insider Paper , have spoken about the credibility of these services.

These reviews further reflect upon the proficiency and dedication of the writing services we mentioned. They clearly show how these services positively impacted students’ academic experiences, allowing them to excel in their respective fields of study.

Academic Integrity: How These Services Maintain Ethical Approaches

Essay writing services acknowledge the paramount value of upholding academic integrity in the work they provide. Here’s how these services maintain ethical approaches in essay writing.

Services that Guarantee Originality

The writing services we listed are devoted to delivering original, and plagiarism-free content. The content they provide is unique and is designed to meet the client’s needs.

Strictly Following Guidelines

These services prioritize sticking to academic guidelines and instructions. Expert writers carefully follow formatting styles, citation requirements, and specific subject-related instructions. Rest assured that every paper meets the highest academic standards.

Confidentiality Ensured

Privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance. Essay writing services operate with strict confidentiality policies. Prime importance is given to safeguarding the identity and personal information of their clients.

Wrapping it up, the top essay writing services we have handpicked have proven track records of helping students achieve academic excellence. Students can leverage these services to boost grades and push their confidence to new heights.

Every service we listed has its own benefits over the others and vice versa. But they all aim for the same purpose, helping students score better grades, alleviating stress, and meeting their deadlines effectively.

Through the experiences of satisfied students, we’ve seen how these services can transform academic challenges into stepping stones for success. That being said, these services uphold academic integrity by showing commitment to originality and confidentiality.

If you’re a student, don’t waste time hesitating to reach out to the top 7 essay writing services. Your academic success story starts now!

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4 Best Custom Essay Writing Services: Reviews & Rankings

7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

Custom essay writing services became increasingly popular among students in recent years. They offer high-quality and affordable support in writing essays and other papers to provide examples and help manage time efficiently. Today people can find a custom essay writing service and order a unique essay as easy as ordering a pizza.

However, the question of finding a trustworthy and reliable service when there are hundreds of them on the market remains open. This review will give exhaustive answers to the above questions about essay writing services and help to evaluate the best essay writing service for one’s specific needs. The core of this article is the review of the 4 best essay writing services based on the up-to-date experts’ and students’ rankings:

Many essay writing services out there are claiming to offer cheap essays, however, at the same time, only a few can guarantee no compromise on the quality. 99Papers.com is an example of a balanced service that does not sacrifice quality in exchange for affordability. Isn’t it an ideal option for people, who cannot afford to spend much. So, it’s safe to say that a demanding, but price-concerned student seems to be a primary customer of 99Papers.com .

Besides a focus on cheap services, these guys also emphasize simplicity in all aspects of their work – from taking a customer’s order and all the way up to the delivery of a refined product. The latter is carried out based on the client’s preference: either to a direct email address, or safely delivered to the in-house customer account page.

Speaking of their website, the first thing that immediately comes to mind when seeing it – even a newcomer who has never used a custom essay service before, will easily find their way around the website pages. Basically, all the key information is available on the front page and orders can be conveniently placed without ever leaving it.  

Why Students Choose 99Papers.com

College essay writing can be really challenging. Besides various advanced essay types, such as compare and contrast essays, argumentative essays, expository and persuasive essays, a college student may get an assignment to write an essay in a great variety of graduate and post-graduate disciplines. For example, an essay in philosophy, essay in Darwinian studies, history of arts, foreign policy analysis, etc. Where can one find a good expert in all those disciplines?

The answer is, most likely, EssayBox.org . This service is known for its extensive pool of professional writers. The first thing worth knowing is how thoroughly they select their experts: implementing some of the most rigorous selection processes where only 4% of the applicants get hired.

However, writers constantly have to prove their qualifications by going through regular evaluation processes followed by training and development activities. Such an investment pays off by customer loyalty and high rankings in a variety of national and international expert reviews.

Besides covering a huge range of academic disciplines, EssayBox.org also maintains affordable basic essay prices and offers some appealing discounts for the new customers. On a permanent basis, one can enjoy many free-of-charge extras, such as a title page and bibliography page, as well as, virtually unlimited number of revisions.

Why Students Choose EssayBox.org


A winner in the category of the most trustworthy and reliable essay writing service is BookwormLab.com . They have delivered their first order in 2008 and ever since have become the symbol of reliability for thousands of students in the US and worldwide. It takes years to build a  strong reputation, so it is not likely they are going to jeopardize it by underperforming or failing to deliver according to the highest customer expectations.

Quality is what they always put first. This includes the way they handle all interactions with their customers and the quality of the final product. BookwormLab.com provides a money-back guarantee and ensures utmost security of customers’ personal information and transactions.

Demanding customers can enjoy a double-expert order handling system when an important essay gets reviewed and refined by a proofreader  only for a modest increase from the basic cost.

BookwormLab.com offers a gratis online database of essay samples, where some of the finest essays written by the company’s writers are conveniently sorted by discipline. One can also use this option to find the best writer for his particular academic paper task.

Why Students Choose BookwormLab.com


This company in our list stands out in terms of geography – they cater to the UK audience. Why does it have to be a unique feature in our age of globalization and transparent borders? The answer is simple – EssayFactory.uk specializes in custom essay writing services on the UK market, providing services for students of British colleges and universities.

It’s well known that many top-ranking colleges are based in the UK, including Oxford, Cambridge, London School of Economics and Political Science, etc. However, it’s also known that British English, which colleges use in the UK, has subtle, yet distinctive linguistic differences from American English, including spelling, vocabulary and grammar.

Whether you are just an applicant to one of the British colleges or already a student there, you must possess a professional mastery of British English.

EssayFactory.uk has hired academic writers and offers exemplary essay writing services with, what they claim, a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Apart from geography, this is overall a very good quality custom essay writing service. They offer a wide range of academic disciplines and provide editing and proofreading services in addition.

Their customer support works 24/7 and they are ready to take orders and answer any questions. After a typical order is placed, one is given an option to chat with the writer directly to provide feedback and clarify any points if needed.  

Why Students Choose EssayFactory.uk

Frequently asked questions about essay writing services.

Are College Essay Writing Services Legal?

There are many college essay writing services readily available online with no legal prohibitions to using them whatsoever. Students under no circumstances can be penalized for using any of the custom essay writing services either, when the goal is to better their skills and knowledge. The companies mentioned in our review have all been operating legally for years. They have a lot of loyal customers and  employ hundreds of professional academic writers who in parallel are highly active in their educational institutions. Hence, you can say, one can use custom essay writing services without any fear of being accused of doing something wrong.

Are Essay Writing Services Ethical?

The question of ethics in custom essay writing services is not a simple one. Some have a certain bias towards using essay services, while others consider it to be perfectly OK to be using such services, even on a regular basis.

Modern reality is quickly changing the attitude of the biased audience though. Our lives have become increasingly fast and dynamic, we are now all surrounded by interactive communications and new IT technologies are transforming the way we do business, play, and learn new knowledge, however, the conservative system of education still resembles a mammoth. It is slow and passive, saturated with written take-home assignments with deadlines common for all, irrespective of the individual circumstances. Ethics of using custom essay writing services under these conditions is more of a question of diversity of options available for an individual during their educational journey.    

Are Essay Writing Services Reliable?

All the four custom essay writing services reviewed in this article are proven to be reliable. They have been tested by thousands of people and academic experts worldwide, confirming that they are legit and trustworthy. Be advised, though, that not every essay writing company is like that – a lot of online services may only appear reliable “on the surface”, on their front pages and even (usually false) user reviews.

However, in reality, they underperform and do not live up to what they promise. Unfortunately, services like that undermine the whole approach to essay writing services as such. It is advised that one should look for services that worked on the essay market for at least 5 years and are well known amongst the community.

Are There Any Legit Essay Writing Services?

The question of the legit essay writing services is similar to the one with the legal and reliable services. Not every service we come across online is legit, despite them actively proclaiming legitimacy and reliability. It takes a lot of experience, sometimes even trials and errors to find a truly legit essay writing service. On top of that, legitimacy is often a subjective matter, when the same service is viewed as legit and not by different students. The four custom essay writing services mentioned in this article are proven to be legit though.

Can I Hire Someone to Write My College Essay?

No one has to struggle with the essay alone. There are plenty of opportunities to hire a professional essay writer, editor or a proofreader online to have the work done in the best way. One may try and go ahead with the four custom essay writing services mentioned in this review, asd these are the services, which students like to trust for their quality, reliability and delivery speed, while the cost is not overly high at all.

Are Essay Writing Services Worth it?

Custom essay writing services help to save students’ time and nerves while helping them gain new knowledge and skills. It’s quite clear that not everyone has a talent for writing, but even those who do may often find themselves in the situation of multiple overlapping deadlines of take-home assignments in various subjects. Are sleepless nights and bad health consequences worth it? Professors rarely care about students’ other duties and responsibilities, their physical (and objective) inability to deliver some results of their studies on time. Alas.  

Some may say that finding a reliable essay writing service can be costly, time-consuming and even risky. The bad experience of a few unsuccessful attempts to hire an unscrupulous service may scare away from such services in general and lead to biased conclusions.

It looks like the best-case scenario is when there is someone with an authoritative point of view who can advise on a trustworthy service, based on their experience. In all other instances, it is worth studying user reviews and getting expert opinions. They take into account multiple objective parameters and personal experiences when making a conclusion on a particular service.

This is a Contributor Post. Opinions expressed here are opinions of the Contributor. Influencive does not endorse or review brands mentioned; does not and cannot investigate relationships with brands, products, and people mentioned and is up to the Contributor to disclose. Contributors, amongst other accounts and articles may be professional fee-based.

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Review of Leading Writing Services for College and University Students

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Searching for a dependable custom writing service can be a crucial for students struggling with challenging assignments. The market is saturated with what seems like an endless array of writing companies to consider.

Personal Experience with Online Paper Writing Companies

As seasoned reviewers with extensive personal experience ordering from academic writing sites, we’ve come across both the outstanding and the terrible. Through trial and error, we’ve learned how to identify the hallmarks of exceptional writing services as well as the warning signs of unstable, questionable businesses.

Top 3 University and College Writing Services

Academized.com – The best overall writing service covering papers in every subject.

BoomEssays.com – Specializes in superior essay writing across all topics.

DoMyPaper.com – Tailored for common college paper needs.

Selecting the Best Writing Services from the Rest

In this guide, we cut through the noise to recommend the top 3 academic writing services currently available to college and university students. After years of personally ordering a diverse range of papers from each, we can confidently vouch for their talented writers, stellar customer service, reasonable pricing, and consistent delivery of flawless, plagiarism-free work. Whether you need a basic lab report or lengthy senior thesis, these top-tier companies have the skills and reliability to surpass your academic needs.

Academized.com – The Best All-Around Writing Service

Started as project for professional academic writers only, Academized has rightfully earned its reputation as the best overall writing service for college and university students. With an incredibly versatile team of degreed writers, they are equipped to handle any paper or assignment.

Key Features:

  • Wide range of services including essays, term papers, research papers, dissertations, admission essays, and more
  • Writers are experts in every academic field and topic imaginable
  • Plagiarism-free guarantee on all orders
  • On-time delivery with rapid turnaround options available
  • User-friendly order process and supportive customer service team
  • Affordable pricing starting at only $12.99 per page
  • First-time discount of 15% off with code ACADEMIZED15

Our Experience

As frequent customers of Academized, we’ve been consistently impressed with their work. Recently, we ordered a complex statistics research paper from them on a tight deadline. Despite the short turnaround, they delivered a flawless paper that demonstrated deep knowledge of the subject. It was clear a statistics expert had written it. The 24/7 customer service team also eased all our worries during the ordering process. Based on this and many other positive experiences, Academized earns our highest recommendation. They offer unbeatable quality and reliability for all academic needs.

Summary of Academized Review

Academized stands out as the best overall writing service for students based on our extensive experience. Their versatile team of writers, affordable pricing, and commitment to quality give them an edge over competitors. We highly recommend Academized for any student who needs a dependable writing service to help with their assignments. They are capable of handling papers in every subject and always deliver original, high-scoring work, even on tight deadlines. We confidently name Academized as the #1 academic writing service for college and university students.

BoomEssays.com – The Top Service for Essays

Founded more than a decade ago, Boom Essays has become the a top-choice essay writing service for students who need help with essays. Their team of degreed writers are true essay experts with years of experience crafting stellar essays on any topic.

  • Specialized in every essay type – personal essays, admissions essays, persuasive essays, analytical essays, etc.
  • Writers hold Master’s and PhD degrees with expertise in a wide range of subjects
  • Guaranteed to be delivered by your deadline
  • Clear pricing starting at $12.99 per page
  • First-order discount of 15% with code BOOM15
  • Round-the-clock customer support

As essay writing is a frequent need for students, we’ve used BoomEssays’ services numerous times over the years. Their writers always demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the essay requirements and topic. Recently, we ordered a psychology essay from them on positive psychology theories. The complex essay they delivered went above and beyond in analyzing the nuances of the topic. The writing was clear, organized, and insightful. Boom Essays is undoubtedly the go-to for superior essay help.

Summary of Boom Essays Review

In summary, Boom Essays is the leading essay writing service for good reason. Their experienced writers produce original, insightful essays on any topic, no matter how complex. We recommend them wholeheartedly to any student struggling with essay assignments.

DoMyPaper.com – Reliable College Paper Writing Service

DoMyPaper is a rather fresh company that has become a leading college paper writing service, assisting students with all types of academic assignments. Their experienced writers are fully capable of crafting top-quality papers across every subject and topic.

  • Specialized in crafting essays, research papers, term papers, lab reports, and other common college assignments
  • All writers have advanced degrees with extensive expertise writing college-level papers
  • Guarantees every paper will be delivered on time
  • Clear pricing starting at just $12.99 per page
  • Use code DOMY15 to save 15% on your first order
  • Available 24/7 to answer any questions

As frequent users of college paper writing services , DoMyPaper always delivers exactly what we need. We recently ordered a biology lab report from them with a pressing deadline. Despite the short timeline, they provided an in-depth, excellently written lab report that clearly demonstrated knowledge of the intricate assignment requirements. Their writers have consistently impressed us with their grasp of complex college-level topics and ability to craft papers that earn high marks.

Summary of DoMyPaper Review

DoMyPaper is a premier paper writing service that consistently provides outstanding work. Their experienced writers can handle any assignment a college student may need. We highly recommend them as a reliable writing service for all academic needs.

Based on our thorough testing and reviews over the years, we can confidently recommend all three services. Academized excels as the best overall service covering papers in every subject. Boom Essays specializes in superior essay writing. And DoMyPaper is tailored specifically to common college paper needs.

What is an online writing service? 

An online writing service is a company that provides academic writing assistance to students of all levels. They have teams of degreed writers who can complete assignments based on requirements.

How to find the best writing service? 

Look for best essay services with positive reviews confirming quality work and reliability. Also ensure they have writers specializing in your needed subject/topic.

How was your review of best writing services conducted? 

We personally placed orders from the top companies while assessing factors like quality, pricing, customer service and timely delivery. Our rankings come from direct experience as customers.

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Top 7 legit essay writing services in the u.s..

If you need a legit essay writing service to order your essays and other academic papers, we are here to help you. We’ve collected more than 70 essay writing service reviews, analyzed over a thousand reviews from real customers, and selected seven top essay writing services that are reliable and trustworthy.

Table of Contents

1. Top 7 Legitimate Writing Companies in 2024 2. How To Find The Best Essay Writing Service 3. Seven Tips To Use Writing Services Safely 4. Are Essay Writing Services Legal? Is It Safe To Use Them? 5. Why Rely on Our Essay Writing Service Reviews? 6. Summing Up: Are Essay Writing Services Legit?

The custom writing market quickly grows, with new essay writing websites appearing here and there all the time. On the one hand, students get more options to choose from. On the other hand, the wide range of sites that offer academic writing services makes it difficult for students to find companies that are actually reliable.

Many companies in this business hire inexperienced writers in order to cut operating costs, and you should know what companies to avoid.

If you choose an unreliable paper writing service, you may regret such a decision because you may get a plagiarized or poorly written paper. Some writers may fail deadlines, and some companies may even resell papers written for somebody else. Therefore, you should always choose service providers carefully.

We want everyone to be able to receive high-quality academic assistance, and this is the reason why we created this website. We rank assignment writing services based on many important factors, such as their pricing policies, main features, and delivery time.

On our website, you can choose a writing service by reading reviews from real customers. Thanks to their comments, you can select the best company that is capable of delivering top-notch papers on time, and at affordable prices. Now let’s take a closer look at the top-ranking essay services!

7 Best & Legit Essay Writing Service Providers:

RankServicePrice Per PageDistinction
1. $15.00Best overall
2. $12.00Best affordable service
3. $13.00Best reputation in the U.S.
4. $13.11Best delivery speed
5. $17.55Best essay writers
6. $17.00Best customer service
7. $11.40Best freelance writing platform

#1. PaperHelp — The Most Popular Service

PaperHelp is extremely popular among students for a good reason: it offers affordable prices, fast delivery, and great-quality writing. You definitely should try PaperHelp if you’re looking for a reliable writing service.

This company cares about every customer and sticks with a personal approach. Their papers meet all academic standards, and this company has thousands of loyal customers who order all of their papers here. This website also has a convenient payment system, and it’s safe in terms of privacy.

  • Price from: $15
  • Writers: ESL & ENL

Distinctive feature: PaperHelp has been in this business since 2008, and it has a great reputation as a service with professional essay writers who know their job and deliver well-written papers on different topics. In fact, this service has one of the biggest teams of writers so you can use this website to order all kinds of academic writing, from the simplest essays to lab reports and term papers.

To learn more, read our complete PaperHelp review .

#2. ExpertWriting — The Best Affordable Service

Without a doubt, ExpertWriting is one of the most legit essay writing services available on the market. This is one of the best websites to order assignments and papers for school & university from.

All tasks are done from scratch by professional writers and real academics. This company doesn’t tolerate plagiarism, and it guarantees free revisions. Here, you can order custom writing from scratch, and you can also order editing or proofreading of your essays to improve them.

  • Price from: $12

Distinctive feature: When making an order on this website, you can ask your writer to imitate your writing style so that your paper can look more authentic and pass an authorship investigation. Writers can mimic your word choice, overall tone, and grammar so that your professor won’t get suspicious.

For more information about this service, check out our full ExpertWriting review .

#3. SpeedyPaper — The Best Reputation

This is another legit writing service that actually keeps its promises and delivers academic assignments of any kind. Here you can order even the longest papers, including dissertations.

This service has a reasonable pricing policy, and it also has a great team of professional writers. If you’re not satisfied with the quality of your paper, you can request a refund.

  • Price from: $13

Distinctive feature: This company has earned students’ trust thanks to its personal approach. All orders are written according to customers’ instructions and meet all the necessary requirements. Not only does this company help students with their papers, but it also offers grading services. This feature is very useful if you’re looking for an expert evaluation of a complex paper.

For more details about this service, check out our complete SpeedyPaper review .

#4. GradeMiners — The Fastest Writing

This college essay writing service has a great experience in helping students with assignments of any kind because this company has been around for more than 10 years. This is a reliable service that delivers good papers, and the only reason why it’s ranked fourth on our list is that GradeMiners has relatively high prices.

Even though it’s not the cheapest service out there, it’s definitely a great option for everyone who is looking for high-quality papers written by professionals.

  • Price from: $13. 11

Distinctive feature: Here you can order even the most urgent papers. In fact, this company’s writers work so quickly that you can order simple short essays delivered in just one hour. Of course, writers need more time for any serious papers that require proper research, but if you have urgent orders, you can count on this team.

Please check out the complete GradeMiners review for more details.

#5. JustDoMyEssay — The Best Writers

This company offers a vast variety of services, and customers visit this website to order not only essays and complex academic papers for high school or college but also business writing. When making an order on JustDoMyEssay, you can be sure that the best essay writer will follow all your instructions and deliver exactly what you’re looking for.

These writers can work on papers from different academic areas, and they can not only write papers from scratch but also edit and proofread your drafts. While your writer works on an order, you can stay up to date about the writing process.

  • Price from: $17. 55
  • Writers: ENL

Distinctive feature: When it comes to quality, this company has very strict standards. The main secret of JustDoMyEssays’ success is its team of carefully selected and professional writers. To get a job at this company, writers have to pass challenging tests and prove their writing skills.

If the professional level of writers is your main priority, you might appreciate this service. Writers with diplomas in their areas can help you even with the most difficult subjects.

#6. EssayBox — The Best Customer Support

No matter what kind of paper you need, what it’s about, or how it should be formatted, EssayBox will help you. This is one of the affordable legit essay writing services that care about their reputation and make sure to deliver good papers on time. Here, you can order essays, research papers, presentations, theses, and dissertations.

Just like other companies, EssayBox lets you choose a desired academic level to receive an essay that matches your education level. This company delivers papers written from scratch, and it also has a professional support team.

  • Price from: $17

Distinctive feature: This company has a 100% money-back guarantee, which makes it stand out from many other companies that rarely enable customers to get all of their money back. If you receive your paper too late or if your writer fails to follow your instructions, you can get a full refund.

To learn more about this company, read our full EssayBox review .

#7. EssayPro — The Best Freelance Platform

Given the number of positive reviews and its popularity, EssayPro is easily the best essay writing service in the US that helps college students from all over the globe.

Regular customers claim that this company is an ideal choice if you're on a tight budget and want to get extra reassurance that an academic writer of your choice is knowledgeable in your field of study. All papers are written from scratch and tailored to the customer’s specific requirements.

  • Price from: $11. 40
  • Writers: ESL

Distinctive feature: Unlike most companies, EssayPro gives you the freedom to choose a professional writer for your task based on their qualifications, track record, and experience.

EssayPro is a bidding platform, so you will be able to post your essay question and expect writers to place their bids to complete your work. This way, you'll be able to select a suitable writer according to your personal budget.

To learn more about this company, read our full EssayPro review .

How To Find The Best Essay Writing Service?

To understand whether or not you’re dealing with a trusted essay writing service, follow this guide.

👉🏼 Read Other Students’ Reviews

Before you decide to make an order, make sure to check out customer feedback on different platforms. There are many review websites, and students also often leave reviews on social media. Read reviews carefully and make sure that these reviews are real.

Keep in mind that even the best paper writing services always have some unsatisfied customers and one-star reviews. Therefore, if you see that certain service has five-star reviews only, the chances are that these reviews are fake. Some unreliable companies may post fake reviews from fake accounts in an attempt to improve their reputation.

👉🏼 Beware of Fake Review Platforms

When you google essay service reviews, you can see many results, but are these review platforms trustworthy? We’ve already mentioned that unreliable companies often post fake positive reviews online. Some companies go even further and create entire fake review platforms to promote affiliated writing sites. Obviously, the only purpose of such websites is to mislead customers.

On fake review platforms, essay writing sites owned by the same company receive great reviews and high rankings. Most dishonest companies, however, go even further and also publish fake negative feedback on their competitors. As a result, when visiting such websites, you may ignore the best essay writing sites that actually deliver great papers and choose an unreliable service instead.

To determine whether or not a certain review platform is trustworthy, check out the top-ranked websites and find what they have in common.

The thing is that companies that create fake review websites often own multiple custom writing websites. This is another dirty practice that enables such companies to stand out and get more orders. However, such websites usually have the same order forms because they belong to the same company, and the orders are written by the same team of writers.

Besides, such websites often have the same terms and conditions, revision, and money-back policies. These services may also have the same contact information and customer support widgets.

👉🏼 Only Use Services With a Money-Back Guarantee

Make sure to check out refund policies before making any orders online. All reputable essay writing services have clear money-back policies so you can get a refund if you’re not satisfied with their work. These services offer a money-back guarantee because they know that their experienced writers are capable of delivering high-quality papers on time. If a company doesn’t have a refund policy, you’re probably dealing with scammers.

Another problem, however, is that if you see that a refund policy is mentioned on the main page, it doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to actually get your money back. Many paper writing services have sophisticated money-back policies so if you don’t read the documentation carefully before making an order, you may find out that you’re not eligible for a refund.

For example, many services won’t issue a refund if you’ve already ordered a revision. Besides, there might be specific rules regarding the amount of a refund in each particular situation. Therefore, we suggest that you always read the terms and conditions and refund policy before making an order so that you can avoid any pitfalls.

👉🏼 Choose Companies That Provide a Plagiarism Report

Many academic writing companies deliver a plagiarism report for free with each order. However, some companies may charge you an additional price for a report.

If you need to pay more for a plagiarism report, it doesn’t mean that you should avoid such companies. They use such an approach to maximize their profits, and they often do it because they have affordable pricing policies.

Everybody knows that the originality of papers is a crucial factor for students so any legitimate writing service always pays particular attention to originality and provides plagiarism reports.

Custom essay writing is an extremely competitive niche so companies need to care about the quality and originality of their papers. They want their customers to come back to make more orders in the future.

They want you to recommend their services to others so providing plagiarism-free, well-written papers are in their best interest. Companies that care about their reputation always offer plagiarism reports so this factor will also help you choose a reliable writing service for your papers.

👉🏼 Choose Companies With Many Years of Experience

The best solution is to choose legitimate essay writing services with many years of experience. This way, you can be sure that your writer will know their job and that you’ll receive a well-written paper. Some websites may not be honest about their year of creation.

Fortunately, you can always check when a certain website was created by using Whois. In this database, you can find information on any domain name. Just search for a writing service’s website, and you will learn when it was created, as well as who the owner is.

You can also use the Wayback Machine. If you see that the company says that it has been in business for more than ten years, this is not necessarily true because sometimes, companies lie about their age to appear more trustworthy. Websites like Wayback Machine and Whois can help you find the necessary information to understand whether or not a certain essay writing company is honest with its potential customers.

We’ve already mentioned that custom essay writing is a very competitive niche. The strong competition is definitely good for students because companies that fail to provide professional writing help and high-quality papers on time lose their reputation. Customers often share their reviews online so other students can see what companies they should avoid.

Moreover, many students choose writing services based on their friends’ recommendations. Therefore, if you see that an academic writing company managed to survive in this business for many years, the chances are that this company is reliable.

👉🏼 Choose Companies That Provide Quick Support

High-quality customer support is one of the main things that make the difference between mediocre and good writing service. Moreover, websites that don’t have a live chat with a support team or at least its phone number are usually owned by scammers. A good solution is to contact the support team before making an order. Some companies may promise great customer support but not all of them keep their promises, and you don’t want to wait for days until somebody responds.

Reliable sites usually offer instant support so that their customers can get the necessary assistance at any moment. Timely writing help is especially important when dealing with urgent orders because, in this case, a lot depends on whether or not you can solve any problems quickly.

Besides, the quality of customer support says a lot about the company’s reliability, in general. Therefore, customer support is another important factor that you should take into account when choosing companies that write essays for you.

How To Use Essay Writing Services Safely?

Now that you know that not all websites that provide such services are equally good, let’s take a look at some tips that will help you minimize the risks. Not only should you avoid scammers, but you should also make sure that you won’t get caught cheating. These tips will help you avoid some common mistakes.

📌 Don’t Use the Cheapest Services

You can find both affordable and expensive legit essay writing services. Usually, their prices vary from $10 to $20 per page. Papers that cost $10 are usually written by ESL writers, and if you need a native speaker, the price can grow twice.

If you see a service that offers to write your papers for less than $10 per page, the chances are that you’re dealing with either scammers or poorly qualified writers with poor writing skills. Therefore, choosing the cheapest option is always a bad solution.

Some cheap writing sites may not be scammers, but you must keep in mind that quality always has its price, and experienced writers with good experience in their niche won’t write your paper for cheap. When purchasing cheap essays, you may deal with different issues, including grammar errors, wrong structuring, weak argumentation, and a lack of research.

📌 Don’t Submit Essays That Look Much Better Than Your Previous Work

If you don’t want to get caught, you must be careful. If you submit an essay that looks much better than the essays you’ve submitted before, your professor may get suspicious and compare this essay to your previous work.

Professors may even use software that analyzes the writing style and highlights content that looks different from examples. For instance, Turnitin not only enables professors to check papers for originality and detect any plagiarized elements but also offers its Authorship Investigate feature.

Of course, if you’re unable to produce good academic papers, this might be the very reason why you’re looking for the best assignment writing service in the first place. In this case, you can approach this problem creatively and add some mistakes and typos intentionally.

Some writing services also enable you to ask writers to copy your writing style. You can just attach an example of your writing when making an order, and the professional writer will make the paper look like it was written by you.

📌 Always Check Essays for Plagiarism

We’ve already mentioned that reliable websites usually offer plagiarism reports with their papers. However, if such a report can increase the price of your order, you may want to save some money. In this case, you should check your paper for plagiarism.

Moreover, we recommend that you always double-check your papers for plagiarism using reliable tools. You may even consider using paid services like Copyscape. Plagiarism can be unintentional, but even in this case, it can lead to a low grade and other problems.

📌 Protect Your Privacy

Given that purchasing academic papers online is risky, we recommend that you think about your privacy and protect your personal data. For instance, we suggest that you don’t order papers when using your school’s WiFi network. Administrators of networks can see all your browsing history.

Therefore, if you don’t want anyone to know about you ordering papers on the internet, avoid your school’s network. Besides, you shouldn’t use your college email when registering on custom writing websites. If you don’t use any other emails, create a new one for this specific purpose.

📌 Read Your Essays Before Submitting Them

Even if you only use the best college paper writing services, nobody can understand the content of your papers for you. If you don’t want your professor to think that you cheated, you must be familiar with your paper’s key points and general context.

We recommend that you read your essay a few times before submitting it so that you’ll be able to answer any questions. As long as your paper is plagiarism free and you know its content, nobody will be able to prove that you didn’t write it.

Are Professional Essay Writing Services Legal? Is It Safe To Use Them?

When students ask whether or not these services are legit, they often want to know whether or not such services are legal and safe to use. In short, most of the paper writing services you can find online are absolutely legitimate and trustworthy.

They are legal in most countries, including the U.S., the U.K., and Canada. Australia is an exception since the authorities banned the so-called ‘essay mills' in this country.

Reliable writing services are officially registered companies, and they work according to local and federal laws. The U.S. websites that provide an academic writing service follow all the necessary regulations so you can buy an essay legally. However, you must make sure to read the terms of service first because you agree with them automatically when making your order.

Most websites also have disclaimers to let customers know how they should use their papers. Given that presenting someone else’s work as your own is considered academic dishonesty, writing services don’t want to be accused of helping students to cheat.

Therefore, these companies clearly indicate that their papers are intended for research purposes only and that students should simply use them as examples.

Why Rely On Our Best Essay Writing Service Reviews?

We recommend our top rated essay writing services based on the analysis of dozens of reviews, and we are always unbiased in our evaluation because we are not affiliated with any companies.

This website was created by students, and our team consists of students who want to help their peers. There are many fake review websites available online, and we believe that you deserve to choose an essay service based on independent evaluation.

All websites from our list belong to different companies, and we don’t share any business interests with them.

How We Rank Each Paper Writing Service

  • We select the most popular writing services. We’ve already evaluated more than 70 popular services.
  • After this, we make orders to evaluate the quality.
  • Then, we check guarantees and policies and make sure that companies don’t lie on their websites.
  • We select the best writing services based on the quality of papers they produce, their prices, and the overall customer service.

When searching for reviews, most of the websites that you find belong to companies that also own essay writing websites. The only purpose of these fake review websites is to promote certain sites with fake reviews.

Dishonest companies even create hundreds of websites that look different but have the same order forms and the same teams of writers. We want to help students avoid scammers and choose trustworthy services, and this is the only reason why our review website exists.

Avoid Dishonest Advertising

We can recommend some good writing services but we also know many more companies that are neither reliable nor trustworthy. All of these companies promise to deliver good papers, but not all of them actually do it.

Some companies hire unprofessional writers from India, Ukraine, and Kenya who can write papers for cheap, even though the quality of such papers is far from perfect. Although there are many talented ESL writers, not all companies put enough effort into quality control.

If some service offers dissertation writing at an extremely low price or is ready to write a complex research paper in a couple of hours, you should understand that the quality of such papers might be awful.

If something seems too good to be true, the chances are that you’re dealing with scammers. When you ask somebody, ‘write my essay for me,' you deserve to get exactly what you’re looking for. Our reviews will help you avoid unreliable services.

Summing Up: Are Any Writing Services Legit?

Yes, there are dozens of legitimate essay writing companies that have earned a great reputation among students. Such companies are legit and safe because they hire qualified writers with degrees and ensure that every essay they write is original, logically organized, well-researched, reads smoothly, and has enough supporting evidence.

If you spend some time reading paper writing service reviews on Google or on Reddit , you will easily find a few best essay writing services online to suit your writing needs.

However, students often don’t bother reading reviews. They end up using the first company they come across and regret it later. Keep in mind that there are some risks associated with paying for a college essay writing service without doing any prior research. You can end up overpaying, getting a low-quality essay, or even worse, getting caught.

But don’t worry, as long as you’re using a legit writing company to write your essays, you’re absolutely safe and don’t risk anything. By reading our reviews, you will find reliable writing companies that you can entrust with your most important assignments without any fear of being fooled or left with a poor grade. The websites we recommend to you provide essay help on any subject and within any deadline.

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BBQPapers.com is great as well, you might consider adding it to the list. It’s somewhat expensive but it’s worth it, I’ve used it multiple times.

IMO it’s way too overpriced, Paperhelp is a solid alternative. It’s cheaper

I ordered a 10-page literature analysis, and the level of detail in the essay was astounding. The writer clearly understood the nuances of the text and presented a compelling argument. The essay was well-structured, and each point was articulated clearly, making it easy to follow. What impressed me most was their adherence to my deadline. I received the essay with a day to spare, allowing me ample time to review it. I can’t say the same about PaperHelp, though. The quality I’ve experienced was nowhere near that of BBQPapers.

BBQ were quite consistent in quality until my recent order. I needed a critical essay with a very tight deadline, and despite their assurances, BBQ Papers failed to deliver on time. The quality was ok, but the lack of punctuality put me in a difficult position. Not sure if I’m gonna continue using them.

EssayNoDelay might be also worth a shot. When I needed an essay in a pinch, EssayNoDelay delivered. Their quick essay writing service is perfect for tight deadlines. I ordered a 5-page sociology essay, and they managed to provide a well-written and researched paper in under 48 hours.

The quality was surprisingly good for such a quick turnaround. The essay was coherent, concise, and adhered to the academic standards required for my course.

The sales team is quite annoying, though. Ever since I signed up for their newsletter, I’ve been constantly bombarded with spammy offers. The service isn’t cheap either, especially if you place an urgent order.

Is TopEdge Writers legitimate?

The site is riddled with grammar errors, confusing language, and has zero reviews. I’d avoid it, this is most definitely just another scam.

Hi, Can anyone provide review about gradebees.com? I am willing to use their service…

I have a 10 page research paper on global warming due in five days and I can’t seem to decide between Speedypaper and Expertwriting. They are priced the same and both have favourable reviews. Which one is the best in your opinion?

Hi Rick! I’m sure that both companies are capable of writing an effective research paper for you, so you can go with either of them. With SpeedyPaper, however, you can get a 1-page draft of your research paper within the first 30% of your paper’s deadline. This way you’ll be able to evaluate the competency of an assigned writer before your paper is completed.

Hey Adam, do you have any idea if 99papers is legit?

Hi. Yes, this site is owned by the same company that owns EssayBox. Both sites are reliable and safe to use.

I thought I’d just throw in my two cents’ worth by saying that a higher price always corresponds to a higher quality. If you want to get a somewhat decent paper, it will cost you.

I wouldn’t say that. There are a lot of companies that offer custom papers at ridiculously high prices. Maybe I’m just unlucky, but I noticed no substantial difference in quality between an essay that I bought for $100 and another one that I bought for $230 from a company with higher prices.

Indeed! I’ve seen dozens of writing sites, and all of them promise to deliver the best papers. What I learned from my experience is that the work of real professionals has its price. Many cheap companies hire ESL writers or people who don’t know much about their subject. At the same time, if you’re dealing with an expensive writing site, it doesn’t mean that you will be impressed by the results.

Yes you are correct!

I would place Speedy Paper on top of the list as this site provides best value for money. I had three essays written by this company and all three were of great quality. Perfect website for last minute papers.

It’s a shame that JustDoMyEssay ranks #10 on this list, it deserves to be in top 3 for sure. This company helped me finish my PhD thesis on Microbiology on time, and I couldn’t be happier with the quality!

I’d been working on it from sun up to sun down every day, and after an entire month I’d only managed to come up with half of the first chapter! I bought four remaining chapters from JustDoMyEssay and it was totally worth every single penny. The whole process of writing my thesis was extremely stressful and not fun at all. I’m so happy that this hell has come to end.

We have updated our list and placed JustDoMyEssay on position number five. It is indeed a great service!

Don’t trust Ninjaessay Their writers directly copied and pasted work obtained from one website without citing down the source.

Just got my Philosophy paper from ExpertWriting and it is absolutely worth the money I paid. The price is much lower when compared to other websites, but the quality is still high.

Even though the paper I got from this company was somewhat good, the customer support representatives were rude AF. They should learn how to respect their customers!

You’re not the first one to say that. They should really improve their customer service. I mostly get canned responses whenever I talk to them via chat or email. It makes you feel like you’re talking to a robot.

I bought an essay from PaperHelp after hearing the praise from you guys here. The grammar is on point, the body part reads well and paragraph order makes sense. Thanks for the suggestion!

it’s annoying that you have to pay extra for an abstract page and a plagiarism report, though. some companies provide these for free

7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

Essays causing you a lot of stress ? Choose the best essay writing service, based on more than 1,500 student reviews, and get rid of all your stressays once and for all!

people holding stars

You Can Rely On Us

Honest Reviews

Our mission is to keep you away from scams by keeping all reviews on this website unbiased, comprehensive, and up-to-date.

Over 1,500 Reviews Collected

Any student can rate a company on our site and influence the rating, as long as they had a genuine experience with it.

Thorough Research

We test popular essay writing services ourselves and investigate every single review we receive to keep the ratings true to life.

Struggling to choose an essay writing service from dozens of different options? With so much competition, you'd think that choosing the best one would be impossible. However, we did just that. We have spent months testing different essay writing services and collecting students' reviews and rankings to determine which companies deserve students' attention.

What we've learned along the way is that a lot of essay writing companies manipulate customer reviews and run fake review websites to influence students to order their services. So, the main purpose of this site is to help you make safe decisions and keep you away from fraudulent companies.

We used more than 50 different essay writing services and gained a  lot of knowledge and insight about the industry that we would like to  share with you. As a result, we have compiled the list of the top 10  essay writing services in the U.S. and then compared them with each  other to help you make an informed choice.

Here are the most important factors of popular essay writing services that we compared:

Cost and quality

Delivery speed

Policy adherence

Usability and support

We have a rigorous review process that we use to figure out the legitimacy of each service we test. Other than that, we encourage our readers to share their reviews and rankings to keep this list relevant and unbiased.

What’s the Best Essay Writing Service of 2022?

These ratings are formed from the most popular paper writing companies, and they are based on more than 1,500 customer reviews. They are constantly updated, so the rankings may change over time.

Last Updated: April 2022

Rated 4.8/5

popular choice

#1. PaperHelp

PaperHelp is an old, reputable company that was incorporated back in 2008. It proudly resides at the first position in our ranking as it offers the best value at an affordable price.

This is one of the top writing services you will find when it comes to the quality of service they offer and the value they deliver to clients. Most reviewers of the site are pleased with the quality of the writing and the commitment to professionalism. Some are also impressed by the turnaround time and friendly customer support.

You can place an order at any time, as PaperHelp works round-the-clock. This is especially helpful if you have a last-minute paper that you need written as soon as possible. Thanks to the large team of writers and their professionalism, most papers can be written within hours.

90% Postive Reviews

Price from $10 per page, 3-hour deadline, writers with phd degrees, 24/7 support (email, phone and live chat).

Professional & Reliable

#2. GetEssayToday

GetEssayToday writes high-quality essays, research papers and dissertations. All of the writers are Americans who hold PhDs and MA degrees in their respective fields.

This is a company that offers a variety of writing and editing services for students. While they can write for you from scratch, they will also welcome written work for proofreading or editing. They handle most types of projects: essays, research papers, critiques, reports, term papers, and more. Most users are impressed by the quality of the services that they receive.

The services here are reasonably priced. Depending on the type of paper you need (and how fast you need it), the prices will vary. You may have to wait for 15+ days to get your paper at $17.55 per page. If you need it earlier, you will have to pay more.

90% Positive Reviews

Price from $18 per page, writers with phd degrees, complete confidentiality.

Rated 4.7/5

Best Value For Money

#3. ExpertWriting

ExpertWriting is one of the best essay writing services out there. They offer a decent quality at a reasonable price, and superb customer support as well.

This is one of the most recommended online writing services, with most verified users giving them excellent reviews. You will be impressed with ExpertWriting.org from the moment you land on their website. The site is modern, convenient, and user-friendly. You will also find out after some time that the writers are wonderful. The quality of work they deliver is always excellent, and they are often able to beat deadlines.

So if you're looking for the best online essay writing service, this is your best bet. The writing services at ExpertWriting are reasonably priced. Urgency may influence how you will be charged. You may need to pay more for a faster turnaround time, which is fair. Irrespective of the type of paper you want, you will find the right deal.

85% Positive Reviews

Price from $9 per page.

  Rated 4.7/5

#4. SpeedyPaper

SpeedyPaper started out back in 2014 and has gained massive popularity since then, all thanks to scrupulous attentiveness to detail, great quality, and timely delivery.

This is another top-rated writing service provider. The company has many writers who understand the game and deliver high-quality essays (and other types of papers) on time. The website is super clean and easy to navigate. Placing orders is also straightforward, and the customer support is where the magic truly lies. They understand the hurdles that an average student faces, and they are always ready to help.

Another interesting thing about SpeedyPaper is that they offer a liberal pricing structure. Depending on factors such as the level of writing required and the deadline, pricing can range from $9 to $49 per page. The site has an impressive consumer rating of 4.7 stars.

80% Positive Reviews

6-hour deadline, partial payments.

Rated 4.5/5

#5. GradeMiners

GradeMiners is a reputable company that writes papers across a multitude of subjects and offers extremely fast turnaround times. Thanks to a huge team of writers, this company is capable of handling even the most tedious tasks.

They are a very reliable online essay writing service provider, and also one of the oldest players in the game. This site is home to top-notch academic writers who are committed to turning in the best papers for students at different levels of education. In addition to writing, the company offers proofreading and editing services.

Looking at customers’ reviews of the services offered by this site, it is clear why many keep coming back. They are highly rated for quality of work and customer service. The company has a customer rating of 4.5 stars. Pricing is reasonable, and they offer discounts sometimes.

Price from $14 per page

1-hour deadline.

Rated 4.3/5

#6. 99Papers

Known to hire highly qualified writers, you will be impressed by the original writing and timely delivery of 99Papers. Plus, if you are not satisfied with the quality of your order, you can ask for a refund and claim your money back.

Having years of experience, this service has long become students’ favourite. Scrupulous when it comes to anything: assigning the author, dealing with the writing process, or assuring on-time delivery. It is safe to say that 99Papers offers one of the best essay writing services in the USA, as they mostly employ American writers.

You can get help with assignments of any style, page number, and difficulty, as there’s a team of over 590 experts with excellent writing skills. Moreover, the rates are quite fair, and the quality speaks for itself. This is truly a service one can count on in times of rigid deadlines and assignment overload.

70% Positive Reviews

Rated 4.1/5

#7. CustomWritings

Essay writing is not a problem for CustomWritings. With more than 10 years in the writing business, this company writes academic papers for reasonable prices, and scores 70% in customer satisfaction.

The company is client-oriented, and always does its best to satisfy all the students' requirements as quickly as possible. The average response time is 30 seconds, so the experts will get down to your assignment very quickly.

What is more, you will find sample papers on the website to familiarize yourself with the knowledge level of the papers they craft. So if you are looking for a high-quality essay writing service, without spending a lot, then CustomWritings is a good option.

4-Hour Deadline

Rated 3.8/5

#8. TopEssayWriting

TopEssayWriting ranks #8 and is rated 3.8 out of 5 stars — mostly because it delivers papers of average quality for above-average prices.

In case you’re in dire need of a short essay, multiple choice task, or some kind of problem-solving, your crisis is likely to be solved. The service lives up to the reputation of being a reliable and quality custom writing company. From free revisions, 24/7 support, and money-back guarantee, to strict privacy policy — this service has it all.

While most reviews are favorable, some students who used this service have complained about writers who don't follow paper instructions and fail to deliver original writing.

60% Positive Reviews

Price from $13 per page.

Rated 3.7/5

#9. EssayShark

EssayShark is an academic aid platform that connects students with freelance writers from all over the world. The company uses a bidding system, so the prices are negotiable.

After placing an order with EssayShark, it becomes visible to all registered writers who are currently available for the job. The interested ones will start sending in their offers, so you will be able to go through their profiles, check their educational backgrounds and experience, and pick your preferred one.

While EssayShark gives the freedom to choose a suitable writing professional for your task, we've been receiving a lot of mixed reviews about this company. Students claim that writers at EssayShark don't put much effort into writing the papers, as they frequently ignore order instructions.

Mixed Reviews

Price from $16 per page (bidding system).

Rated 3.5/5

#10. BestEssays

Having been launched back in 1997, BestEssays is now one of the oldest companies on the market. The company has about 400 daily active writers who are eager to help you with your tasks.

The BestEssays company writes academic papers across all levels of study and popular disciplines. The prices are above average, and start at $19 per page. All papers can be written in American, British, or Australian English.

Even though this company is older and somewhat reputable, there have been customers who were not too pleased with BestEssays. Some have felt that the quality of papers is not impressive. The others were disappointed that the organization does not refund your money if you are unhappy with what they have done.

Price from $19 per page

About The Author

Editor, Researcher

Alan Walker is the founder of Stressays, a journalism graduate and essay writing industry insider. Alan has a strong passion for data science, truth and storytelling.

FAQ About Essay Writing Services

Will i get caught if i buy an essay.

You’re safe as long as you use reliable and trustworthy essay writing services. Legitimate companies always provide their clients with 100% unique content crafted from scratch by professional writers with matching degrees. By choosing a reputable essay company, you can be sure that you will get an assignment that is written according to your specific instructions. It will not be copied or resold to any other party. Moreover, these days all the best college essay writing services can help you bypass even the latest writing style detection software, such as Turnitin.

As institutions have been investing money to detect plagiarism, the essay companies have been working on perfecting their services, as well. According to research conducted by Turnitin, as high as 67% of instructors have insufficient evidence in case of suspicion that someone is using an essay writing service. If you're being extra cautious, you can send a few papers to your assigned writer, and they will mimic your style. As a result, no authorship verification software will be able to detect that the paper wasn’t written by you.

There certainly are. Needless to say, these days one can come across tons of low-quality services with bad reputation and ESL writers with poor command of the English language from India, Pakistan, or Kenya. Such services don’t check their writers' degrees, and provide assignments of inconsistent quality.

However, you can find lots of reliable services that have been proven to craft impeccable papers. The competition at such companies is rough, and only the best among equals get the job. That is why if you turn to a respectable writing company, you can be sure that your paper will be done by an expert with excellent academic credentials and significant experience in the field.

Furthermore, you won’t need to worry that an essay on politics, for instance, will be written by someone who knows nothing about it, as such services assign authors in accordance with the expertise needed to complete the order.

What is the best website to buy essays?

These days, there are three top essay writing companies that have long gained reputation among students worldwide. They include PaperHelp , GetEssayToday , and ExpertWriting . These essay services have considerable years of experience helping students with academic assignments. They take pride in their teams of professional writers, ready to tackle any challenge 24/7. Plus, one can enjoy lots of benefits working with these companies, like fast delivery, affordable rates, and top-notch quality papers — not to mention their client-oriented approach, making customer satisfaction a priority.

Are essay writing services legal?

The question has remained a moral dilemma for years. Let’s get it straight. Ordering a paper online isn’t illegal. However, cheating at exams, or not writing your paper yourself isn’t welcomed by institutions, either. So if you order your essay from the writing company, turn it in, and claim it as your own, it’s definitely cheating, and is not allowed. If your professor or your institution finds out about it, you may fail your course or even drop out because of plagiarism.

Nevertheless, if no one finds out that the paper was crafted by a composing company, you won’t get in trouble. That is it’s essential to turn to a trusted service that provides clients with high quality assignments, is scrupulous about 100% unique content, and works with experienced writers.

Is buying essays online safe?

Once again, it depends on where you buy your papers. In case you’re entrusting your assignment to a poor-quality service offering the lowest rates, don’t get your hopes too high, as you’ll probably get a badly written, or worse, plagiarised work that won’t do you any good.

However, by asking trustworthy companies for academic assistance, you may feel safe. Respectable essay composing companies care about their reputation a lot. Thus, they are strict and scrupulous when it comes to privacy and plagiarism policies. In other words, all your actions at the company will be safe and anonymous, and your assignment will be crafted from scratch.

What is more, top essay services are really client oriented, trying to do everything to meet their clients' requirements. You can even ask the assigned author to copy your writing style, so that no one will detect that the paper wasn’t done by you.

How do I submit my review?

Just click the “Submit Review” button in the header menu of our website and complete all the required fields. Please mind that we verify every single review we receive. That is why you may be asked to provide a proof of payment and/or some additional materials that prove the fact that you had a genuine experience with the company of your choice. We provide best essay writing service reviews and do our best to keep our review site unbiased and independent. No fake reviews will be accepted.

Are all essay writing service reviews real?

Unfortunately, no. There are many essay writing services that drive traffic by forging positive reviews. Even the respectable companies sometimes succumb to such temptation. Still, there’s a way to protect yourself from falling for fake reviews. You should remain critical, analytical, and a bit skeptical.

Don’t trust everything you read on the Internet. Moreover, you can easily detect feedback that sounds artificial; you’ll just feel it. Such reviews look alike, and usually have similar sentence structure. Finally, the best idea would be to ask a writing company to provide you with a draft of your assignment, or sample works, so that you’ll see everything yourself.

How to find genuine essay writing service reviews?

The honest and genuine reviews are often quite thorough and detailed. A client will specify exactly what they ordered (essay, research paper, thesis, or anything else), and will likely mention what they liked and disliked about it. They can even include the writer’s name or the name of customer support representative who helped them through the ordering process. However, if there are tons of positive unspecified reviews, such as “Good service, thanks,” they’re most likely to be paid and fake.

It’s not surprising that a company wants to boost its reputation by adding positive feedback. However, no matter how good the service is, there will always be someone who won’t be completely satisfied. So if you detect that there is no negative feedback, feel free to get a bit suspicious, as it’s impossible to meet the demands of everybody. Plus, these days it’s not the positive reviews that make one turn to a company, but rather the way company deals with those clients who were somehow dissatisfied.

Do essay writing services really work?

They do. Thousands of students turn to academic assistance when they’re unable to juggle work and education successfully, or meet all their rigid deadlines. Authors who work at trusted writing services are professionals in particular disciplines, possessing a BA, MA, MSc, or even PhD. That is why, when entrusting your assignment to such a writer, one is sure to get a well-written paper that will result in a good grade.

There’s a possibility of running into some scams that claim only to help students with academic papers. For this reason, you should be careful and analytical when choosing which companies to trust. However, once you’ve found a good company, it will truly help you with your studies in times of trouble. It’s not just about ordering a paper from scratch — you can also ask for proofreading and grading services. To put it simply, you can ask professional editors to examine your assignment and help you polish it to perfection.

Our mission

We are committed to providing honest reviews about essay writing services to protect your privacy and keep you away from scams.

7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

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Essay Papers Writing Online

The ultimate guide to essay writing services.

Essay writing services

Looking for the best essay writing services? Our team of expert writers has carefully reviewed and rated the top essay writing services to help you find the perfect one for your needs. Whether you need help with academic essays, research papers, or any other type of writing assignment, our reviews will guide you to the most reliable and reputable services available.

Don’t settle for subpar writing services – trust our reviews to steer you towards excellence!

Why Choose Top Essay Writing Services?

When it comes to academic writing, quality and reliability are paramount. Top Essay Writing Services offers you a team of expert writers who are dedicated to delivering top-notch essays that meet your requirements and exceed your expectations.

  • Expert Writers: Our writers are professionals with years of experience in academic writing. They are knowledgeable in a wide range of subjects and can handle any topic with precision and expertise.
  • Customized Approach: We understand that every assignment is unique, and we tailor our writing to meet your specific needs. You can expect personalized assistance and original content that is tailored to your requirements.
  • Plagiarism-Free Guarantee: We take plagiarism seriously and ensure that all essays are 100% original. Our writers conduct thorough research and cite sources properly to deliver plagiarism-free content.
  • Timely Delivery: Deadlines are crucial in academic writing, and we guarantee timely delivery of your essays. You can trust us to meet your deadlines and deliver high-quality work on time.
  • 24/7 Customer Support: Our customer support team is available round the clock to address any questions or concerns you may have. We are here to assist you at every step of the writing process.

Choose Top Essay Writing Services for superior writing assistance and reliable support. Let our expert writers help you achieve academic success with top-quality essays tailored to your needs.

Service Overview

Welcome to our top essay writing services! We provide expert reviews and ratings of the best writing services available to help you choose the right one for your needs. Our team of experienced writers thoroughly examines each service to ensure quality and reliability.

Whether you need help with academic essays, research papers, or any other type of writing assignment, we have you covered. With our detailed reviews, you can easily compare the key features, pricing, and customer feedback of different writing services to make an informed decision.

Save time and avoid scams by relying on our expert recommendations. Trust us to guide you to the best essay writing service that meets your requirements and delivers top-notch results every time.

Types of Writing Assistance Offered

Our top essay writing services provide a wide range of writing assistance to meet your academic needs. Whether you need help with essays, research papers, term papers, or any other type of academic writing assignment, our expert writers are here to help.

1. Essay Writing: Our team of professional writers can help you craft outstanding essays on any topic or subject. From persuasive essays to analytical essays, we have the expertise to deliver high-quality work.

2. Research Papers: Need assistance with a research paper? Our writers are skilled at conducting research, analyzing data, and writing comprehensive research papers that meet the highest academic standards.

3. Term Papers: Struggling with a term paper? Our experts can help you with term paper writing, editing, and proofreading. We ensure that your term papers are well-researched and structured to perfection.

4. Thesis and Dissertation Writing: For graduate students, we offer thesis and dissertation writing services. Our writers have expertise in various disciplines and can assist you in creating original and well-researched thesis and dissertation papers.

5. Editing and Proofreading: If you have already written your paper but need a professional touch, our editing and proofreading services can help. Our editors will ensure that your paper is error-free and meets all the necessary academic standards.

Whatever your writing needs are, our top essay writing services have you covered. Trust our expert writers to deliver high-quality, custom-written papers that will help you succeed academically.

Expert Writers

Our top essay writing services feature a team of highly qualified writers with expertise in various academic fields. Our writers undergo a rigorous selection process to ensure they possess the necessary skills and experience to deliver high-quality essays.

Expertise Qualifications
English Literature Advanced degrees in English Literature and years of writing experience
Science and Technology Background in STEM fields and a proven track record of writing technical papers
Business and Management MBA holders with practical experience in business writing

Our expert writers are committed to delivering original, well-researched, and plagiarism-free essays that meet the highest academic standards. Trust our team to help you achieve academic success.

Qualifications and Experience

Qualifications and Experience

Our top essay writing services only work with expert writers who have the qualifications and experience to deliver exceptional results. All our writers have advanced degrees in various fields, ensuring that they have the knowledge and expertise needed to handle any topic or subject matter.

Many of our writers have years of experience in academic writing and have a proven track record of delivering high-quality essays and papers that meet the highest standards. They are well-versed in different citation styles, formatting guidelines, and research methods, ensuring that your paper is well-structured and impeccably researched.

Advanced degrees in their respective fields
Experience in academic writing
Years of writing experience
Proven track record of delivering high-quality papers

When you choose our essay writing services, you can trust that your paper will be written by a qualified and experienced writer who will deliver a top-notch paper that meets your requirements and exceeds your expectations.

Customer Reviews

Read what our customers have to say about our top essay writing services:

John D. : “I was impressed by the quality of the essay I received. The writer followed all my instructions and the result was excellent.”

Emily S. : “I needed help with a complex research paper, and the writer assigned to me did an outstanding job. The paper was well-researched and professionally written.”

David L. : “I’ve used several essay writing services in the past, but this one is definitely the best. The prices are fair and the writers are true professionals.”

These are just a few examples of the many positive reviews we receive from satisfied customers. Choose our top essay writing services and experience the quality for yourself!

Candid Feedback and Ratings

When it comes to choosing the best essay writing service, feedback and ratings from real customers play a crucial role. At Top Essay Writing Services, we provide expert reviews and ratings that are based on candid feedback from students who have used these services.

Transparent Reviews: Our platform aims to offer transparent and unbiased reviews of top essay writing services. We highlight the pros and cons of each service based on feedback received from actual users.

Authentic Ratings: The ratings you see on our platform are authentic and reflect the overall satisfaction level of customers with a particular essay writing service. You can trust our ratings to guide you in making an informed decision.

By leveraging candid feedback and ratings, you can select the best essay writing service that meets your requirements and exceeds your expectations. Trust Top Essay Writing Services to provide you with reliable information to help you make the right choice.

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7 best college essay writing services reviews and rankings

In conclusion, finding the perfect essay writing service requires careful consideration of various factors. By evaluating factors such as quality, reliability, affordability, and additional features, you can find a service that caters to your academic needs, ensuring that you receive the best possible assistance for your essays, assignments, and academic projects.

4. SpeedyPaper. If you need college essay writing help of any complexity, SpeedyPaper is one of the best options. This is a company you can trust when you need a professionally-written essay, and ...

Our Verdict — Best College Essay Assistance Overall. Price: $79-349/hour (minimum $510 package) PrepMaven's one-on-one college essay assistance is the best option overall. Founded by brothers and Princeton grads Greg and Kevin, almost all of PrepMaven's essay coaches have Ivy-League experience, primarily from Princeton and Harvard.

Using an essay writing service may sound like the simplest way to get help with any college assignment, but many students have had terrible experiences because they chose a bad writing service. So how can you identify a trusted essay writing service? Stressays conducted a survey of over 23,000 college students in the U.S. and […] This article 7 best college essay writing services: Reviews ...

At Scribbr, you can rest assured that only the best editors will work on your college essay. All our 800+ editors have passed the challenging Scribbr Academy, which has a passing rate of only 2%. We handpick your college essay editor on several criteria, including field of study. Janice. Janice holds a PhD in German studies from Duke University.

11. EssayTigers.com. Cooperation with this service looks like an easy way to optimize your homework routine. The joke on the main page says that the service employs predators ('Tigers') who feed on academic assignments. Anyway, this energy is promising and it gives hope for proper quality of writing.

Olga Ivleva. 4.9. 7 years of experience. Columbia University, Columbia College 2021. Review starting at $50. Return time. Standard delivery up to 48 hours. Also offers 24 hour return time. 24 hour return available.

The Write Stuff: 4 College Admissions Essay Editing Services Reviewed College applicants seeking an edge can turn to online services which, for as little as $14, will spruce up their admissions ...

16/25. Overall experience. 42.95/50. Paper quality. 81.95. SpeedyPaper is another established provider of essay writing services with 8+ years in this field. It's a great outlet to meet your writing needs. Our assessment of the service is torn between two conflicting issues.

Academized: Academized is a favorite among students across the globe. They are reliable, fast and extremely easy to work with. Prices are reasonable and their writers will amaze you with their writing skills and efficiency. Paper Fellows: Good essay writing services like this one are hard to find.

4. ExpertWriting Review — Good Value. ExpertWriting is among best college essay writing services in terms of the value you get for money. By hiring a writer on ExpertWriting to write your essay, you get a person who is directly qualified in a subject of your paper. Price from: $9 per page.

Add to compare. Read Review. EssayThinker is another one of the best essay writing companies with positive online reputation and a myriad of services it offers to clients. Its rates are low since they begin at $12.99 per page; deadlines of 3 hours are supported, and the website is mostly fluent.

WriteMyEssay.help. On-time delivery and 24/7 customer support. PerfectEssayWriter.ai Writing Service. US-based essay writers at friendly rates. MyEssayWriter.ai Writing Service. Top-notch papers with unlimited revisions. To introduce the top 7 essay writing services, we'll briefly cover their expertise one by one.

Pricing. EssayPro prices start at: $11.4 per page for essays, reviews, and case studies. $12.35 per page for research papers and term papers. $13.35 per page for lab reports and admission essays. These prices can change depending on the time you give them to write your paper and the academic level of your assignment.

2. PaperHelp: PaperHelp is a reliable writing service that provides top-notch essays at affordable prices. They have a team of experienced writers who can handle any topic or subject. 3. Grademiners: Grademiners is a popular choice for students looking for reliable essay writers.

That's where our expert evaluation and comparison of the top essay writers come in. We have carefully researched and analyzed a variety of essay writing services to bring you an in-depth review of the most reputable and reliable options. Our team of experienced writers and editors have personally tested each service to assess their quality ...

The core of this article is the review of the 4 best essay writing services based on the up-to-date experts' and students' rankings: 99Papers - probably the most affordable essay service on the market, with no compromise on quality; EssayBox - a highly versatile writing service offering essays and other papers in a variety of academic ...

Top 3 University and College Writing Services. Academized.com - The best overall writing service covering papers in every subject. BoomEssays.com - Specializes in superior essay writing across ...

On our website, you can choose a writing service by reading reviews from real customers. Thanks to their comments, you can select the best company that is capable of delivering top-notch papers on time, and at affordable prices. Now let's take a closer look at the top-ranking essay services! 7 Best & Legit Essay Writing Service Providers:

ExpertWriting. ExpertWriting is one of the best essay writing services out there. They offer a decent quality at a reasonable price, and superb customer support as well. Visit Website. This is one of the most recommended online writing services, with most verified users giving them excellent reviews.

The most common advice for writing good essays from admissions counselors, high school teachers, to websites that help make the transition to college is to be honest and personal. Choose wisely: Do not be like the antagonist professor in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade who chose poorly.

These academic writing companies were ranked based on their popularity among American college students, as well as their pricing and quality of papers they produce. 1. PaperHelp. PaperHelp is definitely one of the best college paper writing services out there. The company is well-known for its quick delivery time and top-notch quality.

Our top essay writing services provide a wide range of writing assistance to meet your academic needs. Whether you need help with essays, research papers, term papers, or any other type of academic writing assignment, our expert writers are here to help. 1. Essay Writing: Our team of professional writers can help you craft outstanding essays on ...

ibis Nizhny Novgorod 3 stars

ibis Nizhny Novgorod - Image 1

38 38 photos

36 36 photos


ibis Nizhny Novgorod

Vibrant economy hotel, open to everyone

Ibis Nizhny Novgorod is located 2 km from the historic centre, Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street and the Kremlin. Also 4 minutes from the hotel there is a metro station "Gorkovskaya" and a green, well-groomed Kulibin park with a children's playground, where you can jog or stroll with comfort. In the courtyard there is a small paid parking for 12 cars (book in advance).

Each room has a WIFI and a satellite TV. For business travellers there are 6 conference halls. Ibis Kitchen restaurant offers European cuisine. The hotel has a small paid parking (book in advance).

I warmly invite you to a hospitable town well-known to Maxim Gorky. Welcome to the modern town, that will still allow you to feel the history and traditions of Nizhny Novgorod.

Hotel extras

Located in the historic and business center of the city

5 minutes on foot to Gorkovskaya metro station

6 conference halls

Buffet breakfast from 06:30 a.m.

Our accommodation(s)

Page out of

Standard room with 1 double size bed

modele de business plan hotel

  • 3 pers. max
  • 17 m² / 182 sq ft
  • Bedding 1 x Queen size bed(s)

From NaN RUB NaN RUB Note  *

Fees and taxes included

1 night | 1 adult

Standard room with 2 single size beds

modele de business plan hotel

  • 2 pers. max
  • Bedding 1 x Twin bed(s)

Standard room with 3 single size beds

modele de business plan hotel

  • Bedding 3 x Single bed(s)

Superior Room with 1 double bed

modele de business plan hotel

  • 18 m² / 193 sq ft
  • Bedding 1 x Double bed(s)

Deluxe Family Room with 1 double bed and sofa

modele de business plan hotel

  • 30 m² / 322 sq ft
  • Bedding 1 x Single sofa bed(s) and 1 x Double bed(s)

Superior Room with 1 double bed and sofa

modele de business plan hotel

  • 25 m² / 269 sq ft

Hotel location

modele de business plan hotel

Maxima Gorkogo Street 115, Volga District 603006  NIZHNY NOVGOROD Russia

GPS : 56.315037, 44.001403

Contact email [email protected]

Click to copy the email address

Access and transport


Railway station

Access: 5 km  /  3.11 mi     1 hrs walk  /  20 min drive


Entertainment/theatre district

Access: 200 m  /  0.12 mi     5 min walk  /  5 min drive


Felichita Club

Access: 4 km  /  2.49 mi     55 min walk  /  10 min drive

Young Spectators' Theatre


Tourist attraction

Hotel services

Check-in from 03:00 PM - Check out up to 12:00 PM

  • Air conditioning
  • Meeting rooms
  • 100% Non Smoking Property


modele de business plan hotel

European, Russian and Chinese cuisine. Also there is a child's menu.

Ibis kitchen

modele de business plan hotel

24/7 Bar in the lounge zone with drinks, desserts & snacks.

modele de business plan hotel

Web-users rating

Other web-users rate our hotel

  • 852 reviews 7.1/10 Location
  • 1,505 reviews 5.9/10 Room
  • 866 reviews 7.8/10 Service
  • 17 reviews 4.9/10 WiFi
  • 776 reviews 7.9/10 Breakfast
  • 755 reviews 4.3/10 Comfort
  • 622 reviews 7.5/10 Cleanliness
  • 277 reviews 3.6/10 Value
  • 93 reviews 6.5/10 Location
  • 142 reviews 5.1/10 Room
  • 89 reviews 7.4/10 Service
  • 79 reviews 8.1/10 Breakfast
  • 73 reviews 3.7/10 Comfort
  • 64 reviews 7/10 Cleanliness
  • 24 reviews 3.6/10 Value
  • 47 reviews 7.2/10 Location
  • 102 reviews 6.3/10 Room
  • 66 reviews 8/10 Service
  • 42 reviews 7.6/10 Cleanliness
  • 38 reviews 8/10 Breakfast
  • 13 reviews 3.3/10 Value
  • 7 reviews 3.3/10 Amenities
  • 33 reviews 7.1/10 Location
  • 78 reviews 4.9/10 Room
  • 37 reviews 7.7/10 Service
  • 40 reviews 7.3/10 Breakfast
  • 30 reviews 4.4/10 Comfort
  • 25 reviews 6.8/10 Cleanliness
  • 13 reviews 3.6/10 Value
  • 9 reviews 3.5/10 Vibe
  • 26 reviews 7.4/10 Location
  • 49 reviews 6.1/10 Room
  • 32 reviews 7.9/10 Service
  • 17 reviews 7.5/10 Cleanliness
  • 15 reviews 8.1/10 Breakfast
  • 7 reviews 3.8/10 Amenities


Free: become a member

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Our other establishments nearby

Mercure Nizhny Novgorod Center 4 stars

modele de business plan hotel

Price from: 1 night for 1 person in the room category identified within the same price range, excluding additional services and breakfast. This refers to the lowest public price, including all taxes ( VAT and tourist tax included) for the accommodation concerned, found on https://all.accor.com/ site today, for a one-night stay in the next 20 days . Varies according to period and availability. The price is only guaranteed at the time of booking. All bookings (foreign) are payable in the local currency where the hotel is situated. Only the amount confirmed during the booking in the hotels local currency is guaranteed. An estimated conversion in your local currency may be given for reference but is not part of the contract. Your bank may charge you bank fees and/or exchange fees at the time of payment.

Log House

View prices for your travel dates

  • Excellent 10
  • Very Good 3
  • All languages ( 24 )
  • Russian ( 23 )
  • English ( 1 )


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    Un exemple de business plan pour un hôtel. Nous proposons ici un exemple succinct et illustratif de business plan pour un hôtel de luxe avec vue sur la mer. Cet exemple vise à offrir un aperçu des composants essentiels d'un business plan. Il convient de noter que cette version est uniquement résumée. En l'état, ce business plan n'est pas ...

  3. Exemple gratuit de business plan pour un hôtel-restaurant

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  5. Business Plan Hôtel

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  6. Ce qu'un exemple de business plan hôtel peut vous apporter

    Quand on cherche un modèle business plan pour ouvrir un hôtel, c'est généralement la preuve qu'on est très motivé pour créer son entreprise. Mais on a, aussi, besoin d'aide pour présenter son dossier à des sociétés de financement. ( banque, plateforme d'initiatives locales…) et se rassurer sur la solidité du projet ! Avec un exemple de business plan sectoriel ciblé dans ...

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    C'est celui que vous présenterez à un investisseur ou une banque.En résumé : le business model, c'est le concept ; le canvas, c'est un outil de synthèse ; et le business plan, c'est votre feuille de route complète.Des exemples de Business Model Canvas complétés pour des hôtelsUn Business Model Canvas pour un hôtel écologique 💼 ...

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  15. Les particularités du business plan d'un hôtel de luxe

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  16. Télécharger le Business Plan Hôtel

    Le contenu du business plan hôtel - restaurant . Notre modèle de business plan est au format Word et Excel et fait 14 pages pour la partie textuelle et 8 pages pour les tableaux financiers.Notre exemple de plan d'affaires est découpé en 7 chapitres de base (la présenatation du projet, l'équipe, la description de l'offre, l'étude de marché du secteur de l'hôtellerie, la stratégie ...

  17. Réussir le business plan d'un hôtel-restaurant (exemple)

    Faites les calculs financiers en tenant compte des marges sur les services de restauration, des coûts de maintenance des chambres ainsi que des revenus attendus des événements spéciaux. Établissez un budget prévisionnel pour l'hôtel-restaurant, incluant les coûts récurrents. 5. Mise en forme du business plan :

  18. Réussir le business plan d'un complexe hôtelier (exemple)

    Partie rédigée. Voici une structure bien adaptée pour un business plan de complexe hôtelier. Fournissez des données récentes sur le marché de l'hôtellerie (taux d'occupation, revenus moyens par chambre, parts de marché). Mentionnez les tendances actuelles (hôtels écologiques, séjours prolongés, technologies récentes).

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  20. modèle de business plan

    Ou le business plan complet regroupant les 4 modèles ci-dessus. Si vous ouvrez un hôtel restaurant, il existe des modèles spécifiques : Un business plan d'hôtel restaurant. Un prévisionnel financier d'hôtel restaurant. Le site https://modelesdebusinessplan.com est un site dédié au modèle de business plan, quelque soit votre secteur d ...

  21. exemple de business plan d'un hotel

    Macreationdentreprise.fr. De l'envie à la réalité. juin 7, 2022; #business plan #stratégie; Laissez le premier commentaire ! Vous êtes à la recherche d'un exemple de busines

  22. Hotel in Nizhny Novgorod at affordable prices near the Kremlin

    Also 4 minutes from the hotel there is a metro station "Gorkovskaya" and a green, well-groomed Kulibin park with a children's playground, where you can jog or stroll with comfort. In the courtyard there is a small paid parking for 12 cars (book in advance). Each room has a WIFI and a satellite TV. For business travellers there are 6 conference ...


    Log House, Nizhny Novgorod: See 24 traveler reviews, 46 candid photos, and great deals for Log House, ranked #40 of 83 B&Bs / inns in Nizhny Novgorod and rated 3 of 5 at Tripadvisor.