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Understanding The New SPM (2021) English 1119 Paper Format

This outline & those of other SPM language papers were made .

1. Very Similar to PT3-2019

As you can see, there are many similarities between SPM2021 & PT3-2019.

2. 4 Papers Rather Than Previous 2

3. grades for each skill & an overall grade, 4. only 1 out of 4 papers will be assessed by lpm, 5. kssm = less emphasis on reading & writing, 6. possible changes to the marking criteria for spm writing.

Curriculum Target Levels taken from the DSKP KSSM Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 4 .
Common European Framework of Reference - Global Scale (2018) .

7. Expect Changes Over Time

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How to Write a Report: A Guide to Report Format and Best Practice

Matt Ellis

A report is a nonfiction account that presents and/or summarizes the facts about a particular event, topic, or issue. The idea is that people who are unfamiliar with the subject can find everything they need to know from a good report. 

Reports make it easy to catch someone up to speed on a subject, but actually writing a report is anything but easy. So to help you understand what to do, below we present a little report of our own, all about report writing and report format best practices. 

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Table of contents

What is a report?

Types of report formats

What is the structure of a report, what should be included in a report, how to write a report in 7 steps, what is a report .

In technical terms, the definition of a report is pretty vague: any account, spoken or written, of the matters concerning a particular topic. This could refer to anything from a courtroom testimony to a grade schooler’s book report . 

Really, when people talk about “reports,” they’re usually referring to official documents outlining the facts of a topic, typically written by an expert on the subject or someone assigned to investigate it. There are different types of reports, explained in the next section, but they mostly fit this description. 

What kind of information is shared in reports? Although all facts are welcome, reports, in particular, tend to feature these types of content: 

  • Details of an event or situation
  • The consequences or ongoing effect of an event or situation
  • Evaluation of statistical data or analytics
  • Interpretations from the information in the report
  • Predictions or recommendations based on the information in the report
  • How the information relates to other events or reports

Reports are closely related to essay writing , although there are some clear distinctions. While both rely on facts, essays add the personal opinions and arguments of the authors. Reports typically stick only to the facts, although they may include some of the author’s interpretation of these facts, most likely in the conclusion. 

Moreover, reports are heavily organized, commonly with tables of contents and copious headings and subheadings. This makes it easier for readers to scan reports for the information they’re looking for. Essays, on the other hand, are meant to be read start to finish, not browsed for specific insights. 

There are a few different types of reports, depending on the purpose and to whom you present your report. Here’s a quick list of the common types of reports:

  • Academic report: Tests a student’s comprehension of the subject matter, such as book reports, reports on historical events, and biographies 
  • Business reports: Identifies information useful in business strategy, such as marketing reports, internal memos, SWOT analysis, and feasibility reports
  • Scientific reports: Shares research findings, such as research papers and case studies, typically in science journals

Reports can be further divided into categories based on how they are written. For example, a report could be formal or informal, short or long, and internal or external. In business, a vertical report shares information with people on different levels of the hierarchy (i.e., people who work above you and below you), while a lateral report is for people on the author’s same level, but in different departments. 

There are as many types of reports as there are writing styles, but in this guide, we focus on academic reports, which tend to be formal and informational. 

>>Read More: What Is Academic Writing?

The report format depends on the type of report and the requirements of the assignment. While reports can use their own unique structure, most follow this basic template:

  • Executive summary: Just like an abstract in an academic paper, an executive summary is a standalone section that summarizes the findings in your report so readers know what to expect. These are mostly for official reports and less so for school reports. 
  • Introduction: Setting up the body of the report, your introduction explains the overall topic that you’re about to discuss, with your thesis statement and any need-to-know background information before you get into your own findings. 
  • Body: The body of the report explains all your major discoveries, broken up into headings and subheadings. The body makes up the majority of the entire report; whereas the introduction and conclusion are just a few paragraphs each, the body can go on for pages. 
  • Conclusion: The conclusion is where you bring together all the information in your report and come to a definitive interpretation or judgment. This is usually where the author inputs their own personal opinions or inferences.  

If you’re familiar with how to write a research paper , you’ll notice that report writing follows the same introduction-body-conclusion structure, sometimes adding an executive summary. Reports usually have their own additional requirements as well, such as title pages and tables of content, which we explain in the next section. 

There are no firm requirements for what’s included in a report. Every school, company, laboratory, task manager, and teacher can make their own format, depending on their unique needs. In general, though, be on the lookout for these particular requirements—they tend to crop up a lot: 

  • Title page: Official reports often use a title page to keep things organized; if a person has to read multiple reports, title pages make them easier to keep track of. 
  • Table of contents: Just like in books, the table of contents helps readers go directly to the section they’re interested in, allowing for faster browsing. 
  • Page numbering: A common courtesy if you’re writing a longer report, page numbering makes sure the pages are in order in the case of mix-ups or misprints.
  • Headings and subheadings: Reports are typically broken up into sections, divided by headings and subheadings, to facilitate browsing and scanning. 
  • Citations: If you’re citing information from another source, the citations guidelines tell you the recommended format.
  • Works cited page: A bibliography at the end of the report lists credits and the legal information for the other sources you got information from. 

As always, refer to the assignment for the specific guidelines on each of these. The people who read the report should tell you which style guides or formatting they require. 

Now let’s get into the specifics of how to write a report. Follow the seven steps on report writing below to take you from an idea to a completed paper. 

1 Choose a topic based on the assignment

Before you start writing, you need to pick the topic of your report. Often, the topic is assigned for you, as with most business reports, or predetermined by the nature of your work, as with scientific reports. If that’s the case, you can ignore this step and move on. 

If you’re in charge of choosing your own topic, as with a lot of academic reports, then this is one of the most important steps in the whole writing process. Try to pick a topic that fits these two criteria: 

  • There’s adequate information: Choose a topic that’s not too general but not too specific, with enough information to fill your report without padding, but not too much that you can’t cover everything. 
  • It’s something you’re interested in: Although this isn’t a strict requirement, it does help the quality of a report if you’re engaged by the subject matter. 

Of course, don’t forget the instructions of the assignment, including length, so keep those in the back of your head when deciding. 

2 Conduct research

With business and scientific reports, the research is usually your own or provided by the company—although there’s still plenty of digging for external sources in both. 

For academic papers, you’re largely on your own for research, unless you’re required to use class materials. That’s one of the reasons why choosing the right topic is so crucial; you won’t go far if the topic you picked doesn’t have enough available research. 

The key is to search only for reputable sources: official documents, other reports, research papers, case studies, books from respected authors, etc. Feel free to use research cited in other similar reports. You can often find a lot of information online through search engines, but a quick trip to the library can also help in a pinch. 

3 Write a thesis statement

Before you go any further, write a thesis statement to help you conceptualize the main theme of your report. Just like the topic sentence of a paragraph, the thesis statement summarizes the main point of your writing, in this case, the report. 

Once you’ve collected enough research, you should notice some trends and patterns in the information. If these patterns all infer or lead up to a bigger, overarching point, that’s your thesis statement. 

For example, if you were writing a report on the wages of fast-food employees, your thesis might be something like, “Although wages used to be commensurate with living expenses, after years of stagnation they are no longer adequate.” From there, the rest of your report will elaborate on that thesis, with ample evidence and supporting arguments. 

It’s good to include your thesis statement in both the executive summary and introduction of your report, but you still want to figure it out early so you know which direction to go when you work on your outline next. 

4 Prepare an outline

Writing an outline is recommended for all kinds of writing, but it’s especially useful for reports given their emphasis on organization. Because reports are often separated by headings and subheadings, a solid outline makes sure you stay on track while writing without missing anything. 

Really, you should start thinking about your outline during the research phase, when you start to notice patterns and trends. If you’re stuck, try making a list of all the key points, details, and evidence you want to mention. See if you can fit them into general and specific categories, which you can turn into headings and subheadings respectively. 

5 Write a rough draft

Actually writing the rough draft , or first draft, is usually the most time-consuming step. Here’s where you take all the information from your research and put it into words. To avoid getting overwhelmed, simply follow your outline step by step to make sure you don’t accidentally leave out anything. 

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; that’s the number one rule for writing a rough draft. Expecting your first draft to be perfect adds a lot of pressure. Instead, write in a natural and relaxed way, and worry about the specific details like word choice and correcting mistakes later. That’s what the last two steps are for, anyway. 

6 Revise and edit your report

Once your rough draft is finished, it’s time to go back and start fixing the mistakes you ignored the first time around. (Before you dive right back in, though, it helps to sleep on it to start editing fresh, or at least take a small break to unwind from writing the rough draft.) 

We recommend first rereading your report for any major issues, such as cutting or moving around entire sentences and paragraphs. Sometimes you’ll find your data doesn’t line up, or that you misinterpreted a key piece of evidence. This is the right time to fix the “big picture” mistakes and rewrite any longer sections as needed. 

If you’re unfamiliar with what to look for when editing, you can read our previous guide with some more advanced self-editing tips . 

7 Proofread and check for mistakes

Last, it pays to go over your report one final time, just to optimize your wording and check for grammatical or spelling mistakes. In the previous step you checked for “big picture” mistakes, but here you’re looking for specific, even nitpicky problems. 

A writing assistant like Grammarly flags those issues for you. Grammarly’s free version points out any spelling and grammatical mistakes while you write, with suggestions to improve your writing that you can apply with just one click. The Premium version offers even more advanced features, such as tone adjustments and word choice recommendations for taking your writing to the next level. 

report format essay pt3

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PART 2: MODEL QUESTION 1 (Theme: Science & Technology) Your class has been discussing the pros and cons of gadgets for students. Your English language teacher has asked you to write an essay about the advantage and disadvantages of mobile phones. Your essay must be written in 125 -150 words. In your essay, you should write about: PROS AND CONS OF MOBILE PHONES ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES • Keep up to date with current issues • Students become passive • Learn many new skills online • Neglecting their duties • Source of entertainment • Tendencies to commit crime is high Mobile phones is so popular today that now it becomes a necessity for everyone. Mobile phone is indeed a wonderful invention of man. It does not only help people to communicate but also to entertain. However, there are advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones for students. The first advantage is we can keep ourselves up to date using mobile phones. It keeps us informed of all current issues happening around the world. Information is shared throughout various platform such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and Youtube where we can read news and watch video online. Secondly, we can learn many new skills using our mobile phone. There are many language teaching programs, baking and decoration classes online. We do not have to travel far to learn new skills. We can use Zoom, Google Meet or Skype to join a class and study. Thirdly, mobile phone is a source of entertainment. We can watch movies, drama, music videos, songs or play games after a hard day’s at school. We can relax at home and watch movies that we like without having to go to the cinema. Nevertheless, there are disadvantages of mobile phone for students. First, students gradually become passive in their action. It may prevent us from socializing with other people in real life. Students might prefer playing games or watching videos online rather than spending quality time with family and friends. Secondly, students have the tendencies to be neglecting their duties. They neglect their homework or revision because they are so keen on using their mobile phones. They also tend to refuse helping with house chores because they do not want to miss watching their favourite drama. Thirdly, the bad influence of mobile phones on the young generation is inevitable. It encourages them to commit crimes. Violence, nudity, and irrelevance trends can be accessed easily online. This can lead to robbery, theft, cyberbullying, spreading fake news and murder. In a nutshell, mobile phone is very useful in today’s world. However, as a student, we must know how to use mobile phone wisely. Be extra careful not to overindulge in it and use it sensibly. 9

PART 2: MODEL QUESTION 2 (Theme: Health & Environment) You watched a television program about animals and learnt about animal extinction. Write an essay expressing your opinion and feelings in the increase number of endangered species. Your essay must be written in 125 -150 words. CAUSES CONTRIBUTING TO ANIMAL EXTINCTION • POACHING – illegal international trade, increase in demand for exotic animal parts (trophies, fashion accessories), sale of live animals • LOSS OF HABITAT – less water and food sources • OVERHARVESTING MARINE LIFE – environmental issues Write the essay using all the notes and give your opinions and feelings on animal extinction. Man is in danger of destroying his own species and that of Mother Nature. A prevalent problem is the growing extinction of animal species. Animal lovers are unhappy that certain animal species are becoming extinct. Extinction occurs when species are diminished because of environmental forces or because of evolutionary changes in their members. There are several causes contributing to this issue. First and foremost, one of the causes which lead to animal extinction is the act of poaching. Many studies have also documented large declines in wildlife populations due to overhunting and poaching. For instance, the Blue Whale was almost plunged into extinction, losing 99% of its numbers as a result of poaching. The illegal international animal trade has prompted poaching and sale of exotic animal parts to make trophies and fashion accessories like crocodile skin bags, rhino talismans and medicinal concoctions. Some examples of illegal wildlife trade are well known, such as poaching of elephants for ivory and tigers for their skins and bones. Even captured live animals become exotic human pets. Secondly, forests are cleared for economic development resulting in loss of habitats and tree cover. Wild animals are bereft of food and water sources. When a habitat is destroyed, the carrying capacity for indigenous plants, animals, and other organisms is reduced so that populations decline, sometimes up to the level of extinction. Habitat loss is perhaps the greatest threat to organisms and biodiversity. A large number of animals would have problem surviving due to the loss of habitat. Moreover, marine life is also threatened by overharvesting marine resources. Overharvesting, or overfishing in the case of fish and marine invertebrates, depletes some species to very low numbers and drives others to extinction. In practical terms, it reduces valuable living resources to such low levels that their exploitation is no longer sustainable. The most-familiar cases involve whales and fisheries. Apart from that, some oceans and seas are environmentally polluted by both industrial and human waste which could threaten the lives of marines living in the sea or ocean. To sum up, I am afraid the global eco-system and the drastic climate change would be unable to meet the food and water demands for both human and animal survival. I fear for the end of human race. 10

PART 2: MODEL QUESTION 3 (Theme: Consumerism and Financial Awareness) You watched a documentary about the evolution of online shopping in Malaysia. Write an essay expressing your opinion on the benefits of online shopping. Your essay must be written in 125 -150 words. Write the essay using all the notes and give your opinions on the benefits of online shopping. CONVENIENT • SHOP AT ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE • BUY ITEMS FROM DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD VARIETY OF OPTIONS • ABLE TO VISIT NUMEROUS SHOPS AT THE SAME TIME • CHOICES OF DIFFERENT STYLES, COLOUR AND SIZES EXCITING OFFERS • GET DISCOUNT AND VOUCHER • COMPARE PRICES BEFORE BUYING FOR GREAT DEALS With the development of technology, human in today world can easily buy almost anything just by a few clicks. It is becoming a popular trend for purchasing in present time. Shopping online has many benefits. First, online shopping is beneficial as it makes shopping more convenient than ever. We can shop at anytime and anywhere. Customers do not have to drive a long way to shop or spend hours queuing up just to buy things that they need. They can also buy items that they want from different parts of the world. Some products are not available locally therefore online shopping is the best way to make the purchase. Secondly, online shopping offers variety of options. Customers are able to visit numerous shops at the same time to search for the same products. Online shops offers many choices of different styles, colour and sizes. Customers can just browse through the catalogue and make their purchase once they find product that suits their requirement. Lastly, online stores tend to have exciting offers for their products. Customers can get discounts and voucher which are very appealing. Buying items online also enables customers to compare prices before buying for great deals. Online shopping is gaining popularity as more people make use of computers, mobile phones and the internet. I believe that online shopping has many benefits. It is convenient, offers greater variety, and enables the customer to get the best price for the products. 11

PART 2: MODEL QUESTION 4 (Theme: People & Culture) Your class has been discussing on activities to do during holidays. Some of you plan to go on a vacation. Your English language teacher has asked you to suggest the best place to go during the holiday. Your essay must be written in 125 -150 words. In your essay, you should write about: • NAME OF THE PLACE/LOCATION – Redang Island - one of the largest islands off the east cost of Peninsular Malaysia - 45 kilometers from the coast of the city of Kuala Terengganu - known as Terengganu Marine Park • TRANSPORTATION TO GET THERE - accessed from Merang Jetty in Kuala Terengganu - flights from Kuala Lumpur to Redang Island • ACCOMODATION AND PRICES - 5-star luxurious resorts - stay in the tent at a campsite - RM200 to RM400 – travel package • INTERESTING ACTIVITIES – scuba diving, snorkeling, jungle trekking, visit Redang Marine Center, watch sunset, enjoy local delicacies Holidays are the most awaited time of the year. Imagine you are sitting on the beach, hypnotized by the repeated chants of the waves and tropical sea breezes against your skin. That is what you will experienced at Redang Island. Whenever it is school holiday, I will always go here to visit my grandparents. Redang Island is one of the largest islands off the east cost of Peninsular Malaysia. Redang lies within protected marine waters, also known as Terengganu Marine Park. It is located about 45 kilometers from the coast of the city of Kuala Terengganu. The island can be accessed from Merang Jetty in Kuala Terengganu. The boats to Redang Island are operated by the resorts there. Redang Island has its own airport too. For those who wish to save time, you can skip the long and tiresome journey and book flights from Kuala Lumpur to Redang Island. There are several accommodations to choose from at Redang Island. You can choose to stay at 5-star luxurious resorts or stay in the tent at a campsite. The price ranging from RM200 to RM400 depends on the travel package that you choose. Even though the package is quite expensive, it comes with attractive deals. Some package offers scuba diving and snorkeling activities. You can also go for nature walks or jungle trekking, enjoying the nature. Redang Marine Center is also a must-visit as it is the best place to see marine life. Other than that, you can just relax by the beach enjoying local delicacies and watch the sunset. In my opinion, Redang Island is a beautiful part of the world. I highly recommend it if you love stunning holidays with lots of natural attractions where it is simple to keep things easy and inactive or you can choose to be adventurous. 12

PART 2: MODEL QUESTION 5 (Theme: Health & Environment) Your class has been involved in “Save the Earth Campaign” held by Environmental Club in your school. Your English language teacher has asked you to write an essay about how to practice 3R (Recycle, Reuse and Reduce) in our daily lives. Your essay must be written in 125 -150 words. Write the essay using all the notes and give your opinions on 3R initiative. HOW TO PRACTICE 3R • Recycle recyclable items – gather systematically - saves natural sources • Reduce waste – bring own plastic/bottle/container – avoid using disposables • Reuse items – donate items – reuse items more than once The 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) is an initiative to help cut down on the amount of waste we throw away. This waste hierarchy is the guidance suggested for creating a sustainable life. It calls for an increase in the ratio of recyclable materials, further reusing raw materials and manufacturing wastes, and overall reduction in resources and energy used. A small change in our daily routine can actually help conserve our environment. First, we can start by recycling recyclable items. For example, papers, aluminum, plastic and glass are commonly used in schools, houses and offices. These recyclables need to be gathered systematically and separated from the rest of the trash to be sent to the recycling center. The second step is to reduce waste. A lot of our waste comes from items that are considered to be “disposable”. We have to avoid using disposable items such as paper cup, napkins, spoons and plates. We can bring our own plastic bag, water bottles, cutlery and food container in place of disposables. Lastly, we can start practicing 3R by reusing items. Instead of throwing unwanted items, you can start by donating them to a worthy cause. You can also reuse items for the same purpose or reuse products in different ways. For example, you can repair broken furniture instead of buying new ones or reuse old jars or pots as flowerpots. I believe 3R initiative helps to lessen the amount of waste going into landfills. We can contribute towards a greener lifestyle and community by changing the way we handle waste daily. This will help to create cleaner, safer means of waste disposal while reducing the impact on the environment and all habitats. 13

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 1 Your teacher has asked you to write a story for a school magazine. The story must have the title: Kindness Your story should include: • background information about the characters • how kindness is shown Write your story in 200- 250 words in an appropriate style. Kindness By Aminah Ahmad My name is Syafiq. I am a clerk. I have a neighbour named Puan Ramlah. Now, I would like to tell a story about me and and Puan Ramlah that had taken place 10 years ago. My neighbour is a very kind person. She lives alone. She likes to help other people. Everybody likes her. She is a retired English teacher. When I was 17 years old, I became a bad person. I took drugs and I stole other people’s things. I was a thief. All I knew was stealing. I stole money. I stole motorcycles and even chickens. One day, I was caught stealing a motorcycle. But, I was lucky because my neighbour Puan Ramlah helped to settle my problem. She asked the police to let me free and she would take care of me. She promised the police that she would make sure I behaved. If I was caught again, then the police could arrest me. The police agreed. I thanked my neighbour and promised to change my life. Starting from that day, I became a better person. I went to school to finish my studies. After school, I would help Puan Ramlah with her house chores because she was not well and old. I cleaned her house. I cooked for her and did/bought her groceries. I also cleaned her room. Since she was a teacher, she taught me English and other subjects. I took my SPM examination and I passed. Then, I became a clerk in Seremban. I would never steal again. I wanted to help teenagers like me. All these happened because of her – my best friend, my good neighbour. Now, I am a volunteer at Seremban Youth centre. I help teenagers to go through life. I do not want them to be criminals. I learnt a lot about myself by helping Puan Ramlah. 16

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 2 Your teacher has asked you to write an essay for a school magazine. The story must begin with the following words: His hands trembled as he placed the receiver. Your story must include: • a description of the incident • how the incident affected the character/ characters Write your story. The Terrible Truth By Abraham Wong His hands trembled as he placed the receiver. He could not believe what he had just heard. This could not be true. His wife, Susan, had been hospitalised and he could not be by her side. He was attending a seminar in Scotland when he got word that Susan was involved in an accident. His family beseeched him home. Home. Jason knew that he should be heading home. Susan would need him to be there. There was nothing he wanted more than to be with Susan, comforting her, nursing her and most of all ensuring the well-being of their unborn child. It hurt him not being there. All that was left to do at that moment was to fervently hope that both mother and child were not in a critical condition. He hastened and caught the next flight home. When he reached the airport terminal, his heart was beating very fast. He felt so nervous. He received a message from his sister-in-law that his wife was in coma. There obviously were some difficulties related to his unborn child forming bleak possibilities that Jason did not dare to put in too much hope. He jumped into a taxi urging the driver to drive as fast as he could. Alas they were caught in a traffic jam. Undaunted Jason urged the driver to hasten as he needed to be with Susan. She needed him. The taxi went fast in and out of traffic, zigzagging on the busy road. Suddenly a big lorry loomed into their path from the opposite direction. The taxi driver was going too fast that he failed to avoid collision. Everything happened at high speed. There was nothing much that could be done. Jason was sent to the hospital by passers-by. He was critically injured and there was no way to inform his relatives and family members. They tried to reach him not knowing of his predicament and to no avail. By this time Susan had regained consciousness. Though she was relieved to still be alive somehow she could not shake the feeling that something was amiss. Susan could not really patch the pieces. However doctors had to perform a C-section in order to save both Susan and her baby. She could not help smiling looking at the bundle of joy and yet that tugging uneasiness was still there cowering at the far corner of her heart. Her thoughts were definitely of Jason. 17

Just then her sister, Susie, came into the room. Susan lit up at the sight of her sister though it was quite the opposite on Susie. “Where’s Jason? I can’t wait to show him our boy. He has Jason’s eyes and my smile. I’m sure he would be glad to see our son.” Susan enthusiastically blurted to Susie. She however stopped when she realised the joy was only on her part. Susie was downcast and when she did look up tears could be seen welling up in her eyes. Susan was dumbfounded when Susie broke the news. Everything seemed bleak now that she knew Jason would no longer be there for her. She felt guilty knowing she was the reason he had rushed to his death. Tears just could not stop flowing but she had to embrace herself. She had to think of their son. He might not have a father but he would not be deprived of the love Jason had had for his son. She would do the loving for both of them. She would ensure that he grows up knowing love has no boundaries and it exudes Death. 18

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 3 Your teacher has asked you to write a story. The story must have the title: A Dishonest Boy Your story must include: • a description of the boy • the outcome of the dishonest act Write your story. A Dishonest Boy By S. Vagesh The night was dark and humid. Murphy tossed and turned in his bed, squirming uncomfortably. He remembered vividly Regina cynical expression when she finally had to return the silk gown that he promised to buy her, after the cashier told him that his credit card had reached its limit. Murphy jumped off his bed. He crinkled his bushy eyebrows and started to think on how to win back Regina. Being jobless, Murphy knew there was no way that he could have dated her, but the fact that he was the son of the former mayor had given him the chance Murphy tilted his head. It is then that the idea came to him. He smiled handsomely to the sight of his framed business administration diploma, which he acquired a little time ago. However, he did not bother to find a job with it, since his late father had left him and his mother with a lot of money and a lot of other properties. Murphy now knew exactly what to do, and his eyes was glimmering with hope. Only then he was able to sleep soundly. The next morning, while having breakfast with his mother, Murphy told her his made up story. There was excitement in his eyes as he spin a yarn, telling his mother his ‘plan’ to start a business. In order to start his business, he needed a hefty amount of money. At first, his mother did not believe him. But after he sweet talked her, she finally gave away. After all, Murphy was the only son of her, so she thought of giving him a chance. Murphy was so convincing that she thought he had turned over a new leaf and gave him the 10 thousand pound he asked for. His mother agreed to transact the money that afternoon. Murphy’s heart jumped with glee seeing his plan started to work. He immediately called Regina, asking her out for dinner, promising that this time she would be getting the specially designed silk gown. Regina agreed. Things were going smooth for Murphy. Little that he knew his plans were about to be shattered into pieces. It was 7 o’clock in the evening. Murphy checked his style from head to toe. He was looking dashing and cool, all ready to date Regina. He slid into his late father’s car, telling his mother he needed to settle several things before starting his business. It was a lie, of course. Murphy’s first stop was the bank. He needed to draw some money so that he would be able to buy Regina the silk gown. He smiled by himself as he walked back to his car, 10 thousand pound richer. Out of nowhere, two men attacked him. Realizing his predicament, Murphy tried to put up a fight, but was beaten black and blue, before the two men fled away with his money. 19

Murphy mustered all of his strength and made way into his car. In there, he thought of his next action. He finally found himself driving to Regina’s place. Upon reaching, he was told by Regina’s housemate that she had gone out with another man just 10 minutes ago, after Murphy had failed to show up. Murphy’s heart sank. All of his lies to his mother had taken toll on him. He was robbed, and Regina had dumped him. Murphy learnt his lessons the hard way. He now realized that honesty is the best policy. 20

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 4 Your teacher has asked you to write a story for a school magazine. The story must have the title: A Dream Comes True Your story should include: • a description of the dream • how the dream is achieved Write your story in 200- 250 words in an appropriate style. A Dream Comes True By Susanna Lee “Not so fast Lewis!” My immature ten-year-old voice yelled out at the fast disappearing figure before me. I knew the additional two wheels of my glittering silver-tinted bicycle had given me a disadvantage rather the advantage I thought I would have. I pedalled with all the force my undeveloped leg muscles could generate, but it only proved to be futile. I could not win this race. I had never beaten my brother, Lewis, in any bicycle race after that. He always seemed to be one step ahead of me, no matter how hard I tried. Lewis was a caring and understanding brother, but equally so was he competitive and determined. He was my role model and the person I respected most, but he was also my main rival. Our parents too supported our healthy competition. Races with Lewis were never short of passion and excitement, and soon I found myself getting more into cycling, determined to beat Lewis at our favourite sport. The years had gradually passed, and the both of us had found a new love, motorcycle racing. We had worked hard to make our mark in the sport, and both of us had succeeded thus far, winning respective races in different parts of the world. Yet, he had won many more titles than me. I could never surpass him, it seemed. Our rivalry was a race and it had become my dream to defeat him in one. Now, it was time for us to compete once more. Both of us had entered the widely- acclaimed “Moto GP” competition, and a showdown would be inevitable. We had not raced together for many years, leaving this race down to the tremendous amounts of hard work we had put in. The press had written countless articles about our coming race, and it was finally time for the big clash. I turned my head towards him, and I could see his eyes through the visors of our helmets. Eyes filled with a colourful mixture of nostalgia, happiness and determination. Then, the horn blared. We raced, neck to neck from the start. It stayed that way for the next seventeen laps, before the final lap. He sped in front of me, stretching his engine to the limit. It would be extremely difficult to attempt to rival his pace, and I tried my very best to reduce the gap as much as I could. As I saw him riding in front of me, I was gripped by a sense of déjà vu. “Not so fast Lewis!” I mouthed, for the sake of reliving our very first race. Only this time, I would not let history repeat itself. I flicked my wrist back, accelerating my vehicle. I 21

concentrated on the figure in front of me. I could feel the effect of pushing my engine to its limits. My gloved hands were feeling the heat from the overheating engine. We approached the last hundred metres. I was only half a motorcycle’s length behind him. With a final flick, we crossed the finish line. We looked up at the giant screen. A camera replay was being shown. It was too close to call a winner. “And the winner is Will!” the commentator boomed through the sound system. I felt immense relief and a massive sense of achievement. I had finally done it. I had won the cup. I had won a race against my brother. I had won the race to surpass my brother. It was truly a dream came true! 22

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 5 Your teacher has asked you to write a story for a school magazine. The story must have the title: An Unforgettable Moment in My Life Your story should include: • a description of the moment • why is the moment unforgettable Write your story in 200- 250 words in an appropriate style. An Unforgettable Experience in My life By Suriyati Samad The alarm clock rang at 6.00a.m. but it was meaningless for I had not slept a wink all night for fear of what I would be facing that day. The sudden burst of sunlight which cast shadows on the ground saw me dragging myself unwillingly out of bed. Having showered and breakfasted, I head out the front door which I made sure to lock before I left. The thought that I would be receiving my SPM results alone was anything but comforting. The walk to school that morning was the longest one I had ever endured. The sight of the school building made my heart pounded more wildly. I quickly made my way to the school hall, scanned the crowd for my friends, and hurriedly made my way towards them. Looking around the hall, I saw my peers, each dealing with their nerves in their own way. There were those who rocked back and forth on their chairs and there were those who sat, chewing on their fingernails. A sudden slamming of the door startled me and brought all our attention to the rear of the hall where we saw our headmaster, with a thick stack of envelopes in his right hand. The silence that enveloped us was so dense that I could have drowned in it. When he brought the microphone to his lips, I shut my eyes and held my breath, hoping, praying for the best. What I heard were the most beautiful words in my life. I had passed with flying colours! The world became temporarily mute to me as fireworks of joy and celebration went off in my head. I was ecstatic. The wave of happiness and relief that washed over me was as comforting and as satisfying as a hot bath on a cold day. I was in a proper state as I made my way home. My dancing, singing and skipping attracted curious, amused and even sympathetic stares from pedestrians, but I did not care. I could not wait to get home so that I could ring up my mother and break the great news to her. Her reaction would be the greatest gift of all. Unable to contain my excitement any longer, I broke into a run. As soon as I reached home, I hastily opened the front door and was greeted by my mother. I was so surprised to see her. She hugged me tightly and told me that on her way home that morning, my class teacher Madam Habsah had called and told her about my excellent result. I looked at her and she had tears in her eyes. She then smiled at me and told me that she’s very proud of me. To be able to hear those words from her had really made those busy 23

days and my sleepless nights worth it. That moment had become an unforgettable moment for me as I realised that I had made my mother truly happy. 24

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 1 You see this notice on the board outside the school office. Articles wanted! Famous Tourist Attraction in Malaysia • Where is it situated? • What attracts visitors to the place? • What is your impression of the place? Write us an article answering these questions. The articles will be displayed in the school magazine. Write your article. Unique Kota Tinggi Written by: Amisah Nordin If you are tired of the hustle and bustle of the city, well, you do not need to go far. Only a 40-minute drive from busy Johor Bahru, the weekend is always a good time for a trip to Kota Tinggi. This peaceful town is one of many popular tourist destinations in Malaysia. Kota Tinggi is a small town in Johor, situated on the road to Mersing. It is known as a historical town, where the Sultanate of Johor was established. There are many historical tombs of historical figures here, such as Sultan Mahmud II who died in 1699. If one is more of an outdoor person, one may go to Kota Tinggi Waterfalls at Lombong, which is located at the base of Muntahak mountain. The waterfall area is a great place to have picnics. However, gets crowded on weekends. The beautiful water cascading down and the view of the Muntahak mountain at a distance prove to be an attraction for outdoor and photography enthusiasts. To get to the waterfall, one needs to walk for about a half-an-hour. There are many food stalls in the area and barbeque pits are also available for those who want to barbeque. When I first went there, I found the area unbelievably beautiful. The picturesque scenery at the waterfalls is certainly the perfect spot for a quick getaway. There are adequate facilities there. However, the natural beauty of some parts was adulterated by concrete development and artificial landscaping. In conclusion, Kota Tinggi is a famous and highly recommended tourist attraction, bringing in both locals and foreign tourists alike. 27

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 2 You see this notice on the board outside the school office. Articles required for Lifestyle Section! Leisure Activities • What can you do to spend your leisure time? • What are the benefits of performing each activity? • Which leisure activity appeals most to you? Write us an article answering these questions. The best article will be displayed in the school magazine. Write your article. Leisure Activities Written by: Natalie Wong Leisure time is a time set aside for relaxation, where we can get away from studying or doing chores at home. While this is a fun time, teenagers should spend their leisure time wisely instead of involving themselves in dangerous pursuits such as illegal racing, loitering outside shopping malls, or taking drugs, to name a few. Reading books during leisure time is one activity which highly beneficial. Examples of books to read are such as science fiction, horror, mystery, romance, and magazine. Choose a reading material which you are interested in. Reading relaxes the mind, helps improve grammar and vocabulary, as well as keeps one up-to-date with current issues. One can download e-books from the internet which is very convenient. One can also join a reading club to share about the books one read and make new friends. Other than that, one may engage in physical activities in their free time. For example, jogging, brisk walking, and swimming. Taking part in physical activities can help control weight and prevent illnesses, improves one’s mood to make one feel happy, as well as to relieve stress. If one is adventurous and fit enough, one may take part in extreme sports such as bungee jumping, mountain climbing, or rock climbing. Besides that, one may also do charity work in one’s free time. Going to orphanages or old folks’ homes to help them there brings about a two-fold benefit, that is it benefits the receivers as well as the giver. The receivers will feel happy that they are being cared by the society, whereas the giver will benefit by learning to be grateful. Other than homes, one can also help in soup kitchens which distribute food to the homeless and less-fortunate. In conclusion, leisure time need to be spent correctly to not waste precious time. In my case, I enjoy reading during my leisure time as I love to imagine things as I read. 28

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 3 You see this notice on the board outside the school hall. Write your article. Articles required! Keeping Our Homes Safe • What measure can be taken to keep our homes safe? • When neighbours can help you? • How will a security system help to secure a home? Write us an article answering these questions. The best article will be displayed in the school magazine. Keeping Our Homes Safe Written by: Nardash Dani Lately there have been an increase in burglaries around residential areas in Malaysia. Certain measures need to be taken to reduce or prevent such incidents from taking place. First, never open the door to strangers. Keep gates and doors always locked. When a visitor arrives, identify them through a door viewer or through the CCTV before opening the door to them. If it is only for a quick visit, ensure that the metal gate is secured so that no one can enter and burglarise the house. At night, ensure that lights are switched on so that activities outside the house can be seen clearly. Second, neighbours come in handy when it comes to keeping watch for us when we are away from home. When we are away for a long period of time, it is important to ask their help to keep an eye on things. Other than that, they can also help to water the plants, take in the mail, as well as to draw the curtain to make the house look occupied. They can also help to contact the police should they see any suspicious characters around the house. Third, invest in a security system. Such an investment can keep our house safe even if it may cost a lot. We should buy it from a reputable security company as the system needs to be installed professionally to ensure that it works properly and effectively. With the use of the CCTV, one will have a peace of mind knowing that the house is constantly being watched and will be able to see suspicious characters around the house. In conclusion, the house is our very own investment. It is important find ways to keep our home safe from burglary. 29

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 4 You recently saw this notice in a travel blog. Write your article. Articles wanted! Why Every Child Should Experience Farming • What is the natural beauty children can experience? • What can children learn on a farm? • How can their experience affect future perceptions of their career? Write us an article answering these questions. The best article will be published in this blog What A Farm Can Teach A Child Written by: Yong Yi Farms can teach a child many invaluable lessons and values. It offers much, especially with the natural curiosity and wonder that a child has. The beauty of the farms around our country is legendary. There are the rolling hills of green grass, or the array of wildflowers displayed in all their glory. The meandering streams where cattle roam, and the delightful sounds of farm animals, all testaments to the rich life on a farm. Farms need to be more than an extract idea. A visit to the farm offers children hands-on experience. The farm provides children with hands-on experience of life, food production, and sustainable environmental practices. For instance, children benefit in life when they know where their food is coming from, how it is raised, and the amazing process of bringing food from the farm to their plate. Spending a day or a week on a farm will teach the children to have a greater appreciation for their food. Children who grow their own food are more likely to waste less and eat a greater variety of food. Besides, children can touch, smell, and taste the things they are learning about. The lessons from a farm field trip can run the gamut from alternative energy to vegetables, paddy fields, cows, chickens, and much more. The child will learn about farm practices, daily chores, animals, plants, the farm lifestyle, farm products, and agricultural economics. The classroom comes to life on the farm as they learn about history, math, science, art, music, and health topics relevant to their classroom curriculum. Children will learn about the people that run a farm and how much sacrifice and energy they put into producing food, milk, and meat for people. Children always think about wanting to be doctors and lawyers, but not often want to be farmers. Visits to the farm may change their minds. The experience on a farm is invaluable to the children’s educational growth and the future of farming as a profession. 30

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 5 You see this notice on the noticeboard outside the school library. Articles wanted! Cyberbullying • What are the forms of cyberbullying? • Why should cyberbullying be stopped? • How can we deal with the problem? Write us an article answering these questions. The best article will be published on the school Youth Club magazine Write your article. Cyberbullying: What Is It and How to Stop It Written by: Josh Carrot Cyberbullying is the act of using technology, such as text messages, emails, and social networking sites with the intent of hurting a person or a group. There are various types of cyberbullying. It includes sending or posting rude and hurtful comments, spreading lies and rumours about someone, sharing someone’s secret or embarrassing photo online, sending threatening emails or text messages. Cyberbullying should be stopped because it is a severe form of psychological abuse. It can cause both short-term and long-term damage to the victims. Victims of cyberbullying can suffer from a range of issues, including low self-esteem, depression, fear, anger, frustrations, and feeling ashamed of oneself. In addition, a bullied student will often avoid school, have lower grades, poor concentration, and become socially isolated. There have been numerous reports which show that cyberbullying has led to suicide in teens and children. In certain cases, students who struggle with depression, anxiety, and loneliness, will continue to live in this condition when they become adults. There are many ways to prevent cyberbullying. Firstly, you should stop talking to the person who is cyberbullying you. Secondly, block emails or messages from the bully. Do not respond to them. Thirdly, tell someone whom you trust like your parents, teachers, or friends about the matter. Finally, save the messages or emails that you receive from the cyberbully and keep the screenshots of any comments or images that have been posted online as all this can be used as evidence. 31

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 1 As Secretary of the English Language Society, you are required to write a report on an English Camp held in school during the school holidays. Your report should include: • The activities held during the English Camp • What members learned from te camp Write your report. English Camp 2021 During the last school holidays, the English Language Society had organised an English Camp at the school hall on the 4 to 5 December 2021from 8am to 5pm. Thirty members of the English Language Society participated in this English Camp under the supervision of two teachers. All the members of the English Language Society gathered in the school hall at 8am on Saturday. The teacher-in-charge gave a brief speech. Then, the committee members divided the participants into groups and conducted language games such as Charade, Guess the Word, Taboo Words and Letter Scramble. After lunch, there was a Treasure Hunt where members need to solve riddles to look for clues. On Sunday, participants were assigned to their new groups and each group worked together to produce a short drama script. After that, the members practised and performed their drama on stage with imaginary props. After lunch, we watched a movie and had a discussion on topics based on the movie. Before we went home, each member was given the opportunity to present a two-minutes speech on their feelings and opinions regarding the English Camp. Throughout the two days, members have improved their vocabulary by learning a lot of new words. They had a lot of practice on their speaking skills too and were more confident in speaking English with their friends. The English Camp has enabled them to learn language the fun way. The camp was a huge success and it is hoped that similar camps would be organised in the future. It would benefit the members greatly. Reported by, Xin Er (YONG XIN ER) Secretary, English Language Society 34

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 2 You are the Head Prefect of your school. You have been asked to write a report to the principal on the students’ complaints about the canteen. Your report should include: • Reasons for these complaints • Your recommendations on how to solve the problem. Write your report. Complaints about the canteen The students of this school are very unhappy with the food sold in the canteen and the rude behaviour of the canteen operators. Thus, the students have stopped buying food from the canteen. Firstly, there are no variety of food sold and the staple food here is curry noodles. The students have found the curry to be cold and the noodles were not blanched in hot water. Secondly, the food preparation is unhygienic. In fact, a student found a cockroach in the soup! When the student demanded for another bowl, the canteen operator hurled foul words at the student. Luckily, some teachers controlled the situation. Thirdly, the canteen operators are rude and shout at the students. They even short-change the students and said that they were lying. Thus, the students have decided to boycott the canteen and bring food from home. As the situation has accelerated, I would recommend that the canteen operator should be changed so that we have a new canteen operator. The students will not buy food from the current operator. I would also suggest that we have a group of teachers to oversee the preparation of food to ensure its hygiene and of high quality. Teachers should be around to ensure that the operators do not short-change the students. It is hoped that you would consider these complaints seriously and prompt actions should be taken. Reported by, Marina Muhammad (MARINAMUHAMMAD) Head Prefect, SMK Tun Teja 35

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 3 A quarrel had occurred in the library. As a prefect, you have been asked by the school principal to write a report on the incident. Your report should include: • How the quarrel started • The action taken by the discipline teacher Write your report. A Quarrel in the School Library On 16 October 2021, a quarrel between two students happened at the library. On that day, it was quiet as usual. The librarians were arranging books on the shelves while a group of students were reading at the tables. There was a queue of four students at the counter waiting for their turns to borrow books. A librarian was attending to them patiently. Suddenly, two boys from Form 4 Bestari started shouting at each other. They were Shankar Kumar and Kenny Chua. They were in the queue too. One of the boys accused the other of cutting the queue. They began to shout angrily at each other. However, the accused insisted that he did not cut the queue. The heated argument between the two soon escalated and they started shoving at each other. I was walking along the corridor when I heard the commotion. I ran into the library and tried to stop them. Meanwhile, the librarian, Zakiah binti Bakri, ran to call the disciplinary teacher, Mr Thirusamy who came in and intervened. He noted the boys’ names and the class they came from. Mr Thirusamy instructed me to accompany the boys back to his room as he wanted to interrogate them. Before leaving, Mr Thirusamy asked the other students if they had seen what caused the quarrel. The students told him what had happened and he instructed the librarians to monitor the queue carefully next time. Reported by, Hon Yong (LOK HON YONG) Prefect SMK Seri Serdang 36

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 4 Getting to school on time is very important but many students in your school often arrive late. The Principal has asked you to carry out a survey to find out why they arrive late. Based on your findings, write a report to the Principal. Your report should include: • Details of the survey • Reasons given by students • Ways to solve the problem Report on the Findings of a Survey Getting to school on time is very important but many students in our school often arrive late. To curb this problem, the Prefectorial Board of SMK Bandar Tun Hussein Onn had carried out a survey to find out why students arrive late to school. Arriving school on time is important so that students will not miss any updates given by the teacher on duty in the morning assembly. The survey was carried out on 7th May 2017. A total of 100 students were involved in the survey. Based on the outcome of the survey, majority of the correspondents cited waking up time as the main cause for students to arrive late to school. Many students stay up late at night doing revision or playing online games, thus, unable to wake up on time. Some students highlighted the issue of transport to school. Many of our students depend on school buses to come to school. The school buses are often late as the drivers have to go to many routes to pick students from different schools as well as to drop them all at their respective schools. Our school is usually their last stop as it is located the farthest from the residential areas. Another reason given by the respondents is the distance from their homes to the school. As their houses are miles away from the school, they have to face the heavy traffic jam every morning before reaching school. Besides, some of the students gave reasons that the parents need to go to send their younger siblings to the primary school first before heading to our school. To overcome this problem from further affecting our school’s image, the school can conduct an awareness campaign among students to bring in awareness on the importance of being on time. At the same time, the school should hold a discussion with the parents of the students who are often late. This can be alarming to the students too when parents meet their teachers. On the other hand, students themselves can take measures to manage this issue. Students should use alarm clocks to set their waking up time. Besides, they can ask their parents to wake them up every morning so that they can reach school on time. To summarise, the issue of students arriving late to school can be reduced gradually if both the school and students work hand in hand. The cooperation of parents, teachers and the students is crucial to ensure the success of our goal. 37

Reported by, Tharshadevi (THARSHADEVI) Head Prefect, SMK Bandar Tun Hussein Onn 38

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 5 During the last school holidays, your school hosted a week-long visit for international students. As one of the students involved in organizing the visit, you have been asked to write a report to the Teacher Advisor. In your report, include the following: • Reasons for the visit • Activities during the visit • Opinions from international students International Students Visit During last school holidays, our school hosted a week-long visit for the international students from 12th to 18th December 2020. 30 students from various parts of the world participated in the visit. They were from Japan, China, India, England, Australia and Scotland. Their age group was between 16 to 17 years old. The main reason for the visit was good for international relations. It was also aimed to expose our school students to different cultures in the world. The organizing team had arranged three beach-side bungalows to accommodate the international students. A number of activities were carried out during the visit. We had cooking lessons with the participants. A demonstration for making ‘roti canai’, a popular Indian cuisine, took place in which many international students excitedly joined in the trial lessons. Next, we had traditional games session. The foreign students learnt ‘congkak’ and kite-flying. To add excitement to the programme, a traditional dance show was held. The participants were put into groups with our local students to perform various traditional dances in Malaysia like ‘Joget’, ‘Zapin’ and ‘Ngajat’. All the activities were fun and filled with loud laughter. Majority of the international students commented on our beautiful beaches. Throughout the stay, they witnessed the beautiful sunset from their homestay. Many of them also expressed their admiration on our multiracial society living in harmony. The present organizing team would like to recommend a visit to Sabah for the future international visits. It would be a great place to observe the diversity of Malaysia closely. Reported by, Dev (DEV THARM) Secretary, The Arts and Cultural Club 39

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 1 (Book Review) You see this notice in a community magazine. Reviews required! Have you recently read a good book? With the holidays fast approaching, helpful reviews of books to read are welcome. Let us know what book you are reviewing. Provide a brief synopsis and let us know why you enjoyed the book and who would enjoy reading the book. Briefly explain where you obtained a copy of the book, so future readers know where to get a copy of it. The Holiday Book Review By Jacob Chiang The book I am reviewing is titled ‘The Holiday’ by Justine Haggard. The book is available at the most bookshops. I purchased my copy at The Popular bookstore. It is the perfect plan for the upcoming holidays, where one looks for activities to fill up the time. A good book is worth carving out time for. Three friends from university gather with their families for once-in-a-lifetime holiday. Unfortunately, events lead a crime writer, Lessa, into uncovering her husband’s secret activities. Lessa is not sure who to trust as her marriage and lifelong friendships unravel. Little does she know that the stakes are higher that she has ever imagined. Everyone, it seems, has a secret. The twists are fast and furious towards the end. It is a plot-driven book that will be sure to entertain readers who enjoy domestic thrillers. Lessa narrates most of the book. Her analytical point of view simultaneously helps her search for the truth about her husband and her secrets. She dissects each person’s actions and comments. While she slowly processes her thoughts and observations, the tension builds up a breaking point between the guests. What I enjoyed most about the story, besides the dreamy location, Mauritius, was the author’s ability to keep me guessing. To masterfully convey that ever so slight edge that had me second-guessing everyone. The book is accessible to all ages and has a precise but straightforward language that seamlessly makes the characters and events come alive. The print is easy to read, and even delightful cover keeps reader guessing. I highly recommend readers to pick up this book for the holidays. 42

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 2 (Place Review) You recently saw this notice in a Time Out magazine. Write your review. Review required! • Have you visited any nice cafés in your state lately? Send us your review. • Say what you enjoyed most about the café. • Would you recommend this café to your mates? Why? The best review will be published in the Time Out magazine (Not Just) Another Cup Café: Good Coffee, Delectable Dishes and Good Vibes By Hunter Hitzrald Those who are new to (Not Just) Another Cup café, welcome. A simple space furnished with dark wooden furniture further accentuated by the soft yellow hues. The cosiness brought by the surrounding enchanting drapery greens and potted plants is a pleasant touch to the café. For most city dwellers looking to sip good coffee, (Not Just) Another Cup café is definitely a must-visit. Joining the bustling Jalan Hang Jebat terrain, (Not Just) Another Cup is a café that is known for not only coffee but a wide variety of brunch fare. Do not forget to order the Iced Espresso Latte as it will undoubtedly make a good post on your Instagram. This café also deserves a shout-out when it comes to the coffee they serve. Did you know that the baristas here have won several awards? (Not Just) Another Cup café’s menu is a reflective of a contemporary Melbourne café with some delicious local influence. The kitchen team always takes no shortcuts, insisting on making everything they possibly can in-house and from scratch. My favourite dish is avocado smash. Homemade guacamole, feta cheese, roasted cherry tomatoes, and two perfectly poached eggs topped on a sourdough toast. A smear of cider beetroot puree completes the dish. The toping is rich and creamy with a burst of tanginess when bite into the cherry tomatoes. The cider beetroot puree provides a mild acidic note to enhance the overall flavours. Besides, I like the Superbowl before I have even tried it. It has got all of my favourite ingredients in one dish: quinoa salad, sweet potato, grilled sweet corn, dehydrated kale, four-angled beans, hummus, pistachio, Greek yoghurt, and basil oil. Superb! The team at (Not Just) Another Cup café is serious about their coffee, and I dare say they are among the best quality cups in the city. The contemporary food menu us indeed flavourful but gently so, allowing both food and beverage shine. Sincere café hoppers should add (Not Just) Another Cup café to their route. This quaint café makes it right, from smoothie bowls to pancakes, sandwiches and pastas. Drop by (Not Just) Another Cup café, enjoy your cup of coffee, and unwind in their beautiful setting. Highly recommended! 43

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 3 (Product Review) You recently saw this notice in a magazine. Reviews required! Have you heard about any writing app that helps you write more and write better lately? We are really curious about it. Send us your app review. Say what the app is all about. How does it help students and how does it help them write better? The best review will be published in our newsletter . Write your review in 200- 250 words in an appropriate style Start Write App Review By Selvan a/l Rajaratnam A teacher created the Start Write App. It is designed with students in mind and is very easy to navigate, even on smartphone. The layout is clean and bright. The animation is tasteful and helps with student’s engagement. Start Write app consists of hundreds of prompts and images that are appropriate for students of different writing levels. The prompt increase with difficulty as each student progresses, from one writing level to the next. Another exciting feature of the app is that students can create new prompt using their own images and ideas. Individual writing pieces are composed and saved within the app. Students can also share their writing with others using email. The prompts help students think creatively and they can practise responding critically using arguments and details. As they write, the app provides check-in questions to keep students engaged and help them keep track of their progress. For many students, just starting to write is the most challenging part; the more they practise, the better they will become. Start Write app is excellent at getting students to start writing. Furthermore, students can even search for writing prompts and images based on a keyword or category, or they could let the app randomly make the selection for them. The only thing I find lacking is that there is no autocorrect for simple writing errors such as spelling. It would be wonderful to have a sound-recording option for students with disabilities. Currently, the free version is good enough for the average writer. The app developer is releasing a paid version that allows for partner writing and group work, and tracking edits and progress. 44

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 4 (Movie Review) A local magazine is looking for individuals to send in their movie reviews. Write a review on a movie that you have watched recently. Movie Review • Name of the movie and its synopsis • Analysis of the movie (themes, characters that you like, storyline, moral values etc) • What is your opinion about the movie? Will you recommend this movie? Send your review to us and stand a chance to be featured in our magazine! Hidden Figures Movie Review By Tesvor Ram The movie, Hidden Figures (2016), not only serves as an item of good entertainment, but is also admirable in depicting the scientific changes in the USA in the 1960s, the social life issues of that era, and differences that existed in the country, especially among African- Americans. The movie centers around the lives of three women: Katherine Johnson, who is played by movie star Taraji P. Henson; Mary Jackson, who is played by Janelle Monáe; and finally, Dorothy Vaughan, as the mathematician portrayed by Octavia Spencer. In the movie, these three characters of African-American backgrounds play vital roles in society through their contributions while working at NASA towards the successful launch of a spaceship into orbit. As an informative movie, it shows the condition of African-Americans among the wider USA community and some of the issues they faced. These include gender imbalances, as well as racial discriminations. From a historical perspective, the film shows a depiction of the Jim Crow rule, which created ideologies of segregation where some buildings and facility spaces are separated to ensure that races were kept apart. The impact of such a rule is seen when Mary Jackson in facing opposition due to her taking a course in physics at the graduate-level. There is also a depiction of racial discrimination where there are separate toilets for white people and for colored people. Additionally, the film depicts differences in the social treatment of community members among various ethnic groups. 45

As seen in the movie, at the Langley Campus at NASA, even if African-Americans and white citizens work within the same vicinity, they are segregated. The African-Americans are shown using separate dining facilities and bathrooms. This can be seen when Katherine Johnson is seen running from her office just to visit the washrooms, sometimes even in the rain. The movie, Hidden Figures, also shows the social differences between men and women in American history. There is a sense of prejudice and workplace bias towards women from their fellow men counterparts. One scene from the movie depicts the character, Katherine Johnson, who is skilled in computing and at explaining information to the board, yet sidelined and prevented from being among the men by Paul Stanford, a lead engineer on the project. Rather, she is forced to relinquish her presentation files to men, as opposed to making the presentation herself. However, with changes and acceptance, Katherine is finally allowed to present, especially with the support of Al Harrison. The movie also shows the importance and impact that the three women played in shaping the subsequent events at NASA, and in shaping the whole community. Through power and determination, the women act as motivators for other women, especially African- American women. In the film, Dorothy works with other white women and commanding several computers, however she is bypassed for upcoming promotions within the company for the role of supervisor. Fellow co-workers and her boss also treat Dorothy maliciously. However, with perseverance, she encourages fellow African-American women to take up programming lessons as a way of preparing themselves for the changes in computing. I think the movie does an excellent job in portraying past issues faced by African- Americans, explaining scientific changes in USA, and in creating a vivid picture of the social differences in gender in the 1960s. I highly recommend this movie because there are so many things that we can learn from the dramatic prejudice and issues undertaken by these three women. 46

PART 3: MODEL QUESTION 5 (Game Review) You recently saw this notice in a STAR magazine. Review required! • Choose a favourite game of yours! • Write a review about the game – what is the game about? • How you feel about the game? • What you like and dislike about the game? The best review will be published in the STAR magazine. Shadow of Wars By Gordon Yeam My favourite game of the year is ‘Shadows of War’. ‘Shadows of War’ revolves around sieges. Mordor now comprises five regions: Cirith Ungol, Nurnen, Seregost, Gorgoroth, and one of the Gondorian cities–naming it would be a spoiler, I guess. Four of them are guarded by a stronghold governed by up to six war chiefs, and an overlord. Your goal is basically to conquer all the fortresses, using the whole lot of tools developers grant you with. The siege itself is represented by well-known “capture-and-hold” mechanics: your forces must break through the walls and gain control over several strategic points heavily defended by enemy captains and war chiefs. To do this, you must overcome numerous obstacles: poisoned traps and fire mines; enemy catapults wiping out your grunt orcs; beasts and archers defending the city within the walls; boiling oil or poison flowing on the heads of your troops as they try to climb the walls; and so on. As soon as you capture all the points, you will need to confront the overlord himself–and I must say, it can be a challenging task even for an experienced player. Regarding the game itself, I could just describe it in one word: fantastic. Flexible, versatile, engaging, and adapting to your pace as a player. I could not stop playing it: in about a week after I bought “Shadows of War,” my Steam statistics showed over 60 hours spent in the game. Capturing fortresses, fighting war chiefs, infiltrating strongholds, recruiting orc captains, flying fire-breathing drakes, collecting legendary gear sets–this is just a tiny bit of what you will need to do. I love the game so much because of the several reasons. I liked the online part of the game. Traditional vendetta missions, when you must avenge another player killed by an orc captain, are now complemented with sieges. In this mode, you must attack a fortress in another player’s world. You do not fight players, though–just their orc war chiefs and captains. Still, it is fun, as every user builds his or her own defenses, and the orcs possess different traits. Also, it is a nice way to find and capture (or kill) high-level, legendary orcs, which is awesome. Apart from that, the Nemesis system in the game is capable of creating them on the fly, and I think this is fantastic. The skill tree has become much more diverse. 47

All of your talents fall into several categories: Combat, Predator, Ranged, Wraith, Beasts, and Story. Each skill in each of these categories has two or three alternatives. Overall, it gives Talion incredible flexibility, allowing you to create any playstyle you wish. Like to stealthily infiltrate fortresses during the night and take out enemy captains one by one? Here you go. How about roasting everyone with flames while flying a drake? Mind-controlling archers and ordering them to fire at will? Terrorize your enemies so they flee in horror? You can play “Shadow of War” in whatever way you like. However, there are several aspects of the game that I disliked, though. The first and foremost one is the camera. It is awful. If you are in the middle of combat with multiple grunts and captains surrounding you, and plan to use your deadly execution to hit precisely–forget about it. Better use an area-of-effect ability, because you will never make the camera aim at the enemy you want to hit. Not in a large battle, at least. If you run past a wall you do not plan climbing on, be sure Talion will grab it and start climbing. I am using Steam Gamepad, but I never noticed such problems in other games. The other aspect I would like to rant about is the graphics. My computer runs this game at 60 FPS on ultra settings. Nevertheless, the graphics look blurry. Sometimes textures look like they have not loaded completely. Anti-aliasing does not completely eliminate pixel “ladders”–this can be easily seen when you fly towards your fort and look at it from the distance. This, as well as some bugs (I found myself stuck in textures several times) can somewhat spoil your impression. Overall, “Middle-Earth: Shadow of War” is a game that can catch your attention for a long time. The gameplay is extremely immersive and versatile, and the Nemesis system responsible for player-environment relationships works amazingly. After more than 60 hours of playing the game, I have still got things left to do in Middle-Earth, and gameplay mechanics to explore. I strongly recommend this game to everyone, really. 48


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PT3 Oral Test Example Question Sheet


Thanks for these essays! They are very useful.. Hope to see more from this blog

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Very helpful for me

i want to request an essay on Recount

Coming soon!

Nothing change even after 4 years. Lol

The optional schools Dubai urges understudies to take an interest in the extracurricular exercises. thesis writing services

Hai akak, thanks for these essays. Very useful! I am going read it for my next exam.

Good to know! You're welcome ☺️

Thank youu!! This is very useful


i like this essay, i hope ponpon can product more essay ;w;

This essay very good

thank you for your sharing, it's really helpful.

these essays are very good. thank you for sharing <3

thank you so much, all these help me for my upcoming exam since my exam is around the corner 😭🤍 so lucky to visit you blog...

very helpful thank you

Really helpful thx

For teachers and students, how to write an informal letter.

report format essay pt3

No body writes informal letter anymore. Yes, that may be true. But, you might need this one day when the internet breaks down during the zombie apocalypse era.  Who knows?

Here are some simple steps to help you and your learners to produce a simple piece of writing.

STEP 1: Write the address and the date.

Step 2: dear ___________,, step 3: start with greetings..

  • If you want to make things simple, hop over to check out our   How to Start and End 3(j)   article. You could literally use the same sentences in any informal letter writing.
  • Before you move to your first point, you need to state the reason  you write the letter. (you can find from the question)

STEP 4: Build your content

I recommend you to have 1 paragraph for 1 point.

For a start, I recommend you to go with these steps – CPEE

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STEP 5: Pen off

Like any letter, you will have to say goodbye.

STEP 6: Sign off.


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    STEP 3: Start with Greetings. If you want to make things simple, hop over to check out our How to Start and End 3 (j) article. You could literally use the same sentences in any informal letter writing. Before you move to your first point, you need to state the reason you write the letter. (you can find from the question)