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bachelor thesis uu

Molecular & Biophysical Life Sciences

Bachelor thesis.

The Bachelor Thesis Project ( MBLS-399 ) is considered to be the capstone project of your study where you will put all acquired academic skills to the test. Most students do their Bachelor Thesis Project at the end of their programme, but you are allowed to start in any other period as soon as you have obtained 120 ECs, and have passed all MBLS mandatory courses.

What is asked of you:

  • You will be embedded in the research environment of your first examiner to execute your bachelor thesis project.
  • You collect and critically read scientific literature on a specific topic, conduct experiments to answer a research question, interpret experimental data, draw conclusions, propose new experiments, and communicate your findings to others.
  • You will experience how it is to do research and to be part of a research group.

1) Find your own Bachelor Thesis Project

You as a student are responsible to find a Bachelor Thesis Project by contacting group leaders from research groups to inquire about the internship possibilities.

To find the bachelor thesis project of your liking we suggest you ask yourself these questions: 

  • Which topic in modern-day Life Sciences inspires me the most? 
  • Which course and researcher/teacher inspired me? 
  • Which research and research environments fits best with one of the four MBLS profile I like the most?  
  • Which Master’s programme would I like to pursue and/or which career perspective do I ambition?
  • Visit the U.L.S.V. Amino sessions to get informed about the research labs and internship positions.
  • What did my tutor advise me? Remember that your tutor is your personal coach. Make use of this!

It also helps to browse websites of our own research institutes and labs closely linked to MBLS, but also other research facilities on our Utrecht Science Park , and research labs elsewhere in the Netherlands, or even abroad. Below we provide several links which can help in your search. 

Research facilities on the Utrecht Science Park closely linked to MBLS:

  • Science 4 Life  
  • Institute of Biodynamics & Biocomplexity  
  • Bijvoet Centre for Biomolecular Research
  • Institute of Environmental Biology
  • Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences  
  • Experimental (bio)physics groups within the Debye Institute for Nanomaterials
  • Research groups in the Life Sciences at the University Medical Center Utrecht  

2) Look at the format MBLS Bachelor Thesis Project

An mbls thesis project is 15 ec (10 wks, full-time) and should include:.

  • The project should lie within the scope of Molecular Life Sciences.
  • The Bachelor Thesis Project can be done at the Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, or Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ( internal project ), but also outside the UU at another university in the Netherlands or abroad or even in a Biotech / pharmaceutical company ( external project ).
  • You conduct the bachelor thesis project individually*
  • 5-7 weeks of practical research work, which can be done in a laboratory, but also in the bioinformatics / data sciences.
  • 3-5 weeks of reading/writing/(literature) analysis
  • A single report formatted as a research paper. A literature study can be part of the thesis project (this is the standard at biology). If this is the case, it should address a question that is closely related to the research topic and be integrated into the text of the report ( e.g as extended introduction)
  • A final presentation in the research group of about 15-20 min including discussion.
  • Your grades are determined by your first examiner / supervisor, and the second examiner (only the writing part), who will be appointed by the MBLS BachelorThesis Coordinator.
  • The final grade is the weighted average of the practical work (50%), report (40%), and presentation (10%). In order to pass all partial grades should be ≥ 5.5.

*Depending on the capacity of certain research groups within the Biology Department or when you apply for a project within a Research Hub (Biotechnology Hub and/or Biomedical Research Project) it may be that you work together in a small groups of students on a similar project (max 3, preferably 2), but are still guided by one supervisor. However, each individual student addresses an individual research question and delivers an written report and/or literature thesis.

3) Apply for a bachelor research project

Once you have found an internship, you start the application procedure. The group leader, who is a faculty staff member ( Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor ) will be your first examiner and supervisor . Make sure to inform them about the MBLS Thesis format (see below), which is also on the cover page of the application form.

Follow these steps:

  • Download the application form [Word file] and together with the first examiner fill in all required fields.
  • You as a student send the application form as a word file to [email protected] .
  • The MBLS thesis coordinator reviews the application form and the topic that will be investigated for final approval.
  • Once the application is approved, the MBLS thesis coordinator assigns a second examiner, adds this second examiner to the application form, and initiates the signing procedure for all parties using the Valid Sign app.
  • Once the application form is signed, the MBLS thesis coordinator informs all parties by email and requests the MBLS student desk to register the student for the MBLS-399 course (Bachelor Thesis Project) in Osiris.

4) Finalize and assess the Bachelor Thesis project

Once your first examiner agreed with the final version of your report, the assessment procedure (see steps below) starts.

  • After approval from  your first examiner, send the final version of your report in one email to first examiner and second examiner (check your application form), and include Bachelor Thesis coordinator [email protected] in cc.
  • Make sure your first examiner has all the necessary forms to finalise the bachelor thesis project; assessment form first-examiner [Word file]; rubrics to provide feedback [pdf]; and if needed instructions for the plagiarism check in Urkund .
  • The first examiner and second examiner need to send their assessment form to the bachelor thesis coordinator [email protected] .
  • The Bachelor thesis coordinator will coordinate the signing of the final assessment (by the first and second examiner), will inform all parties (student, first and second examiner, student desk) about the completion of the bachelor thesis, and will add the final grade in Osiris.
  • To graduate during the remainder of the year, student desk performs graduation checks every month around the 15 th . When your bachelor thesis grade (or from another course) is registered in Osiris before the 15 th , you will officially graduate by the end of that month.  
  • The upcoming MBLS graduation ceremonies are on Thursday 26 th September 2024, and Thursday 13 th March 2025

Download the Rubrics

It is recommended to download the Rubrics [pdf] of the Bachelor Thesis Project at the start of your project to learn what is expected from you. We also recommend to organise an informal midterm meeting with your first examiner about your progress and your functioning. You can use the Rubrics as a guideline for this meeting. During the project make sure you adhere to the timelines and deadlines you agreed upon with your first supervisor.

Remember, your bachelor thesis project is in principle 15 EC,  so the 10 weeks include the research, the report writing, and your final presentation.

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  • Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine (Closed down 1985-12-31)
  • Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Pharmacy (Closed down 1985-12-31)
  • Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science (Closed down 1985-12-31)
  • Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Social Sciences (Closed down 1985-12-31)
  • Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations in medicine (Closed down 1970-12-31)
  • Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations in science (Closed down 1970-12-31)
  • Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations in social sciences (Closed down 1970-12-31)
  • Acta Academiae Regiae Gustavi Adolphi
  • Acta Bibliothecae R. Universitatis Upsaliensis
  • Acta Instituti Upsaliensis iurisprudentiae comparativae
  • Acta phytogeographica Suecica
  • Acta Societatis linguisticae Upsaliensis (Closed down 1992-12-31)
  • Acta Societatis theologicae Upsaliensis. Nova series (Closed down 1963-12-31)
  • Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis
  • Aesthetica Upsaliensia
  • Annual Reports - Department of Medical Cell Biology
  • Arbetsrapporter / Kulturgeografiska institutionen
  • Arbetsrapporter / Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för Östeuropastudier
  • Arbetsrapport - Institutet för bostads- och urbanforskning, Uppsala universitet
  • Arcus sacri
  • Ars Suetica: skrifter
  • Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift
  • Boreas. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations
  • Bulletin of the geological institutions of the University of Uppsala (Closed down 1992-12-31)
  • Cefo Publication Series
  • Centrum för energieffektivisering i kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader
  • CIND research paper
  • CIRCUS Interdisciplinary Insights
  • Coast to coast-books
  • Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Arts
  • Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine (Closed down 2008-09-02)
  • Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Pharmacy (Closed down 2008-09-02)
  • Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science (Closed down 1993-12-31)
  • Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology (Closed down 2008-09-02)
  • Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Social Sciences (Closed down 2008-09-02)
  • Degree Project in Sustainable Destination Development
  • De lege: årsbok / Juridiska fakulteten i Uppsala
  • Diakonivetenskapliga institutets skriftserie
  • Digitala skrifter från Hugo Valentin-centrum
  • Digitala skrifter från Nordiska språk
  • Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Educational Sciences
  • Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine
  • Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology
  • Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Dissertations and documents in cultural anthropology : DICA
  • Dissertations in cultural anthropology: DICA (Closed down 2005-01-01)
  • Doctoral thesis / Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet
  • Economic studies
  • Endangered languages and cultures
  • Examensarbete i logopedi (Closed down 2016-03-30)
  • Examensarbete vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper
  • Examensarbete vid Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningssociologi
  • Examensarbete vid Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningsstudier (Closed down 2023-12-31)
  • Figura: Uppsala studies in the history of art
  • Folia historica Upsaliensia (Closed down 1970-12-31)
  • Forskning om funktionshinder pågår
  • Forskningsrapport : Research report / Institutet för bostadsforskning, Uppsala universitet
  • FoSam Rapport - Forum för samverkan, Uppsala universitet
  • FREIA Report
  • FUMS rapport: Arbetsrapporter om modern svenska
  • Futhark: International Journal of Runic Studies
  • Geografiska regionstudier (Closed down 2013-04-10)
  • Geographica
  • Global Migration: Consequences and Responses - RESPOND Working Paper Series
  • Gotland University Press
  • Handikappforskning pågår: aktuellt om forskning på handikappområdet
  • Hereditas et Exercitia
  • Historia litterarum
  • Historia religionum
  • Introductory research essay / Department of Animal Ecology, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University
  • IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology
  • kritisk etnografi: Swedish Journal of Anthropology
  • Laokoon: Swedish studies in aesthetics (Closed down 1969-12-31)
  • Licentiate theses / Faculty of Pharmacy, Uppsala University
  • Licentiate thesis / Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet
  • Litteratur och samhälle: meddelande från Avd. för litteratursociologi vid Litteraturhistoriska institutionen, Uppsala
  • Magisterarbete i logopedi
  • Master's Theses in Sociology of Education
  • Masterarbete i logopedi
  • Masteruppsaster i Etnologi och Folkloristik
  • Masteruppsatser i kulturantropologi
  • MATVET Additiv
  • MATVET Energiteknik
  • MATVET Materialteknik
  • Meddelanden / Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen, Uppsala universitet
  • Meddelanden från Institutionen för ABM vid Uppsala universitet
  • Meddelanden från Uppsala universitets geografiska institutioner. Ser. A (Closed down 1987-12-31)
  • Minor Field Study
  • Multiethnica: journal of the Hugo Valentin Centre
  • Musikvetenskapliga serien i Uppsala (MSU)
  • Namn och Samhälle
  • Nomina Germanica: arkiv för germansk namnforskning
  • Nordiska texter och undersökningar
  • Nova acta Regiae Societatis scientiarum Upsaliensis. A, Astronomy and mathematical sciences
  • Nova acta Regiae Societatis scientiarum Upsaliensis. C, Botany, general geology, physical geography, paleontology and zoology
  • Nova acta Regiae Societatis scientiarum Upsaliensis. Ser. 5, volumen extra ordinem editum
  • Occasional paper / Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet
  • Occasional papers / Institutionen för allmän och jämförande etnografi vid Uppsala universitet
  • Occasional papers in archaeology
  • Opuscula historica Upsaliensia
  • Opuscula Uralica
  • Orientalia Suecana
  • Ortnamnssällskapets i Uppsala årsskrift
  • Outlook on Civil Society
  • Pedagogisk forskning i Uppsala
  • Psychologia et sociologia religionum
  • Psychologia religionum (Closed down 1984-12-31)
  • RAAS. Reports on Asian and African studies
  • Rapport / Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning
  • Rapporter från forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi
  • Rapportserie / Kvalitet och utvärdering
  • Rapportserie från avdelningen för kvalitetsutveckling
  • Rapportserie från Avdelningen för universitetspedagogisk utveckling
  • Rapportserie från Enheten för utveckling av pedagogik och interaktivt lärande
  • Religionshistoriska forskningsrapporter från Uppsala: Uppsala research reports in the history of religions
  • Report / Department of Peace and Conflict Research
  • Research report / Uppsala University, Department of Information Science
  • Runrön: runologiska bidrag
  • Scripta Islandica: Isländska sällskapets årsbok
  • Scripta minora Bibliothecae regiae Universitatis Upsaliensis
  • Självständigt arbete i informationsteknologi
  • Skeptronhäften
  • Skrifter / Institutionen för idé- och lärdomshistoria, Uppsala universitet
  • Skrifter / utgivna av Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Uppsala universitet
  • Skrifter från Centrum för genusvetenskap / Crossroads of knowledge
  • Skrifter från Juridiska fakulteten i Uppsala
  • Skrifter rörande Uppsala universitet. B, Inbjudningar
  • Skrifter rörande Uppsala universitet. C, Organisation och historia
  • Skrifter utgivna av Avdelningen för litteratursociologi vid Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen i Uppsala
  • Skrifter utgivna av Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Uppsala universitet
  • Skrifter utgivna av Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen vid Uppsala universitet
  • Skrifter utgivna av Språk- och folkminnesinstitutet, Dialektavdelningen. A
  • Skrifter utgivna av Statsvetenskapliga föreningen i Uppsala
  • Skrifter utgivna vid institutionen för ABM vid Uppsala universitet
  • Slovo: Journal of Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures
  • Slovo: Journal of Slavic Languages and Literatures (Closed down 2014-01-01)
  • South Asian Studies
  • Språk och stil: Tidskrift för svensk språkforskning
  • Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia
  • Studia biblica Upsaliensia
  • Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia
  • Studia Celtica Upsaliensia
  • Studia cibi nutritionisque Upsaliensia
  • Studia didactica Upsaliensia
  • Studia doctrinae Christianae Upsaliensia (Closed down 1991-12-31)
  • Studia ethnologica Upsaliensia
  • Studia Germanistica Upsaliensia
  • Studia Graeca Upsaliensia
  • Studia Historica Upsaliensia
  • Studia historico-ecclesiastica Upsaliensia
  • Studia Indoeuropaea Upsaliensia
  • Studia Iranica Upsaliensia
  • Studia iuridica Upsaliensia (Closed down 1977-12-31)
  • Studia Latina Upsaliensia
  • Studia Linguistica Upsaliensia
  • Studia Missionalia Svecana
  • Studia Missionalia Upsaliensia (Closed down 2000-12-31)
  • Studia multiethnica Upsaliensia
  • Studia musicologica Upsaliensia
  • Studia numismatica Upsaliensia
  • Studia oeconomiae negotiorum
  • Studia oeconomica Upsaliensia
  • Studia philologiae Scandinavicae Upsaliensia
  • Studia philosophica Upsaliensia
  • Studia psychologica clinica Upsaliensia
  • Studia psychologica Upsaliensia
  • Studia Rhetorica Upsaliensia
  • Studia Romanica Upsaliensia
  • Studia Semitica Upsaliensia
  • Studia Slavica Upsaliensia
  • Studia Sociologica Upsaliensia
  • Studia statistica Upsaliensia
  • Studia textilia
  • Studia Turcica Upsaliensia
  • Studia Uralica et Altaica Upsaliensia (Closed down 1989-12-31)
  • Studia Uralica Upsaliensia
  • Studier i idé- och lärdomshistoria (Closed down 1988-12-31)
  • Studier i utbildnings- och kultursociologi
  • Studier till en svensk ortnamnsatlas
  • Studies in African Archaeology
  • Studies in Bioethics and Research Ethics
  • Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy: Research Reports
  • Studies in Global Archaeology
  • Studies in Global Migration: Societal Challenges
  • Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology
  • Studies in Religion and Society
  • Studies in Social Work
  • Svenska i utveckling
  • Svenska Linnésällskapets årsskrift
  • Svenska växtsociologiska sällskapets handlingar (Closed down 1926-12-31)
  • Svensk botanisk tidskrift
  • Symbolae botanicae Upsalienses
  • Symposia Universitatis Upsaliensis annum quingentesimum celebrantis (Closed down 1980-12-31)
  • Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University
  • The Cefo Interdisciplinary Working Paper Series (Cefo-IWPS)
  • Theses within Digital Humanities
  • The VIEWS Risk Monitor
  • TVE-E (Closed down 2020-01-01)
  • TVE-F (Closed down 2020-01-01)
  • TVE-K (Closed down 2020-01-01)
  • TVE-LKF (Closed down 2020-01-01)
  • TVE-MFE (Closed down 2020-01-01)
  • TVE-MILI (Closed down 2020-01-01)
  • TVE-Q (Closed down 2020-01-01)
  • TVE-STS (Closed down 2020-01-01)
  • U.U.D.M. HPM project reports
  • U.U.D.M. project report
  • U.U.D.M. report / Uppsala University, Department of Mathematics
  • UCDP Papers
  • UNGI rapport (Closed down 1995-12-31)
  • Universen: en tidning för Uppsala universitets medarbetare
  • Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine
  • Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science (Closed down 1993-12-31)
  • Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology
  • Uppsala Dissertations in Mathematics
  • Uppsala Faculty of Law Working Paper
  • Uppsala Housing and Urban Studies
  • Uppsala Interdisciplinary Gender Studies
  • Uppsala Jewish Studies
  • Uppsala multiethnic papers
  • Uppsala North American Studies Series
  • Uppsala Papers in Africa Studies
  • Uppsala papers in economic history. Basic reading
  • Uppsala papers in economic history. Research report
  • Uppsala papers in economic history. Working paper
  • Uppsala Papers in Economic History (UPEH)
  • Uppsala papers in financial and business history
  • Uppsala papers in financial history
  • Uppsala Philosophical Studies / Uppsala University, Department of Philosophy
  • Uppsala Prints and Preprints in Philosophy
  • Uppsala Studies in Conservation
  • Uppsala Studies in Cultural Anthropology
  • Uppsala Studies in Economic History
  • Uppsala Studies in Education
  • Uppsala Studies in Egyptology
  • Uppsala Studies in Faiths and Ideologies
  • Uppsala Studies in History of Ideas
  • Uppsala studies in history of science
  • Uppsala Studies in Human-Computer Interaction
  • Uppsala Studies in Media and Communication
  • Uppsala Studies in Philosophy of Religion
  • Uppsala Studies in Social Ethics
  • Uppsala Studies in Systematic Theology and Worldviews
  • Uppsala Studies on Eastern Europe
  • Uppsala studies on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (Closed down 1988-12-31)
  • Uppsala theses in computing science
  • Uppsala universitets årsskrift (Closed down 1960-12-31)
  • Uppsala universitetsbiblioteks utställningskataloger
  • Uppsala University Coin Cabinet Working Papers
  • Uppsala University Holocaust and Genocide Studies Publications
  • Uppsala Women's Studies. A, Women in Religion
  • Uppsala Women's Studies. B, Women in the Humanities
  • Uppsatser inom arkivvetenskap
  • Uppsatser inom biblioteks- & informationsvetenskap
  • Uppsatser inom musei- & kulturarvsvetenskap
  • Uppsatser Kulturgeografiska institutionen
  • Utbildningshistoriska meddelanden
  • UURIE / Uppsala universitet, Institutitionen för teknikvetenskaper
  • VIEWS Working Paper Series
  • Vilda växter
  • Working paper / Department of Economics, Uppsala University (Online)
  • Working paper / Department of Economics, Uppsala University (Print) (Closed down 2009-04-17)
  • Working paper / Department of Government, Uppsala University
  • Working paper / Department of Statistics, Uppsala University
  • Working paper / Företagsekonomiska institutionen vid Uppsala universitet
  • Working paper / Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies, Uppsala University
  • Working paper / Uppsala Center for Labor Studies, Uppsala University
  • Working Paper Series / Juridiska institutionen
  • Working paper series / Sociologiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet
  • Working Papers in Geography
  • Working papers in transport and communication history
  • Zoon. Suppl. (Closed down 1976-12-31)
  • Adult and Working Life Education, Advanced Course C
  • Aramaic/Syriac
  • Archaeology
  • Archaeology (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Archival Science
  • Art, Education and Media
  • Art History
  • Art History (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Assyriology
  • Bachelor’s thesis in Energy Technology
  • Biblical Exegesis
  • Biology (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Biomedical Laboratory Science, Degree Project, 30 credits
  • Building Conservation (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Business Administration (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Business Studies
  • Caring Sciences
  • Child and Youth Studies
  • Church History (Closed down 2021-01-01)
  • Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
  • Commercial Law
  • Comparative Indo-European Linguistics
  • Computer Communication (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Computer Systems Sciences
  • Cultural Anthropology
  • Cultural Heritage Preservation
  • Cultural Heritage Preservation (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Development Studies
  • Digital humanities
  • Digital Media
  • Drug Development
  • Drug Management
  • Earth science
  • Ecclesiology (Closed down 2021-01-01)
  • Economic History
  • Education, Advanced Course C
  • Educational Perspectives on Language and Mathematics in Primary School
  • Educational Sciences
  • Energy Technology (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • English (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Environmental Quality Management (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Ethnology (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Euroculture
  • Expression in Converging Media (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Extended Project Work in Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology
  • Finsk-ugriska språk
  • Food, nutrition and dietetics
  • Game Design
  • Game Design (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Gender research
  • Genetic counselling
  • Geography (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Geophysical Science (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Global Environmental History
  • History (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • History of Religion and Social Sciences of Religion
  • History of Religions (Closed down 2021-01-01)
  • History of Science and Ideas
  • Home Economics
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Human geography
  • Human Geography (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Human Rights
  • ICT and Media
  • Independent Project in Engineering Physics
  • Independent Project in Sociotechnical Systems Engineering - IT Systems
  • In-depth Course in Religious Studies
  • Industrial Design (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Informatics (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Information Systems
  • International Humanitarian Action
  • Iranian Languages
  • Language Technology
  • Law (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Leadership and Organizations (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Library and Information Science
  • Linguistics
  • Master's Degree Project in Radiography
  • Master's Thesis in Biomedical Laboratory Science, 15 credits
  • Master's Thesis in Implementation Science, Transformational Learning and Sustainability
  • Material Engineering (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Mathematics (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Media and Communication Studies
  • Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology
  • Meteorology
  • Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies
  • New Testament Exegesis
  • Old Testament Exegesis
  • Osteology (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Peace and Conflict Studies
  • Pedagogiskt ledarskap
  • Pedagogy (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Pharmaceutical Biochemistry
  • Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics
  • Pharmaceutical Biosciences
  • Pharmaceutical Pharmacology
  • Pharmacokinetics
  • Pharmacotherapy
  • Philosophy of Religion (Closed down 2021-01-01)
  • Physical Education and Health
  • Physical Geography
  • Physiotherapy
  • Political Science
  • Practical Philosophy
  • Professional Swedish
  • Project Work in Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology
  • Psychology of religion (Closed down 2021-01-01)
  • Public Health
  • Public Health C, Degree Project
  • Quality Technology (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Religion in Peace and Conflict
  • Religious Science (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Renaissance Studies (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Research Training in Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology
  • Russian (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Samhällsgeografi
  • Scandinavian Studies
  • Science of Tourism (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Semitic Languages
  • Serbiska, kroatiska, bosniska
  • Social and Political Studies
  • Social Work
  • Sociology of Education
  • Sociology of Religion (Closed down 2021-01-01)
  • Software Engineering (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Specialpedagogik
  • Speech and Language Pathology
  • Statistics (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Studies in Church and Mission
  • Studies in Systematic Theology, Ethics and Philosophy of Religion
  • Sustainable Destination Development
  • Sustainable development
  • Svenska som andraspråk för lärare i gymnasiet
  • Swedish/Scandinavian Languages
  • Swedish as a Second Language
  • Systematic Theology and Studies in World Views (Closed down 2021-01-01)
  • Textile craft
  • Textile Studies
  • The land surveying programme with a legal orientation, degree project
  • Theoretical Philosophy
  • The Social Sciences of Religion (Closed down 2021-01-01)
  • The Study of Religion
  • Wind Power - Bachelor's Thesis in Wind Power Project Management
  • World Christianity and Interreligious Studies (Closed down 2021-01-01)
  • Bachelor's Programme in Archaeology and Ancient History
  • Bachelor's Programme in Archaeology and Osteology
  • Bachelor's Programme in Biomedical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Programme in Culture, Society and Ethnography
  • Bachelor's Programme in Digital Business Development
  • Bachelor's Programme in Energy Transition - Sustainability and Leadership
  • Bachelor's Programme in Game Design
  • Bachelor's Programme in Game Design and Graphics
  • Bachelor's Programme in Game Design and Programming
  • Bachelor's Programme in Game Design and Project Management
  • Bachelor's Programme in Media, Communication and Journalism Studies
  • Bachelor's Programme in Religious Studies
  • Bachelor's Programme in Sociology
  • Bachelor's Programme in Sustainable Development in Industrial Engineering
  • Bachelor's Programme in Theology
  • Bachelor of Science Programme in Pharmacy
  • Bachelor Programme in Behavioural Sciences
  • Bachelor Programme in Biology / Molecular Biology
  • Bachelor Programme in Business and Economics
  • Bachelor Programme in Business Studies
  • Bachelor Programme in Chemistry
  • Bachelor Programme in Computer Science
  • Bachelor Programme in Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor Programme in Cultural Entrepreneurship
  • Bachelor Programme in Earth Science
  • Bachelor Programme in Electrical Engineering
  • Bachelor Programme in Environmental Science
  • Bachelor Programme in Foodservice and Nutrition
  • Bachelor Programme in Historical Sciences
  • Bachelor Programme in Human Resource Management and Working Life
  • Bachelor programme in Information Systems
  • Bachelor Programme in Language Technology
  • Bachelor Programme in Leadership - Quality Management - Improvement
  • Bachelor Programme in Liberal Arts
  • Bachelor Programme in Mathematics
  • Bachelor Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor Programme in Musicology
  • Bachelor Programme in Nuclear Engineering
  • Bachelor Programme in Oriental Studies
  • Bachelor Programme in Peace and Development Studies
  • Bachelor Programme in Physics
  • Bachelor Programme in Political Science
  • Bachelor Programme in Quality Engineering and Management
  • Bachelor Programme in Rhetorical and Literary Communication
  • Bachelor Programme in Social Sciences
  • Bachelor Programme in Theology and Religious Studies
  • Bachelor Programme in Urban and Regional Planning
  • Biomedical Laboratory Science Programme
  • Biomedicine Programme
  • Building Conservation Program
  • Building Conservation Program (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Business Administration and Leadership for Sustainable Development (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Business Aministration and Economics Programme
  • Computer and Systems Science Program
  • Computer Graphics and Animation (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Degree of Master of Science in Speech and Language Pathology
  • Distributed Systems and Components (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Ecology Programme (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Filmisk gestaltning, 3D-grafik och animation, 180 hp (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Freestanding course
  • Game Design and Graphics (Closed down 2018-12-31)
  • Game Design and Graphics (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Game Design and Programming (Closed down 2018-12-31)
  • Game Design and Programming (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Industrial design and construction (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • International Archaeology Programme (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • International Archaeology Programme with osteological orientation (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • International Master's Programme in Innovative Medicine
  • Lärarutbildning (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Law Programme
  • Leadership – Quality Technology - Improvement (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Magisterprogram i revision
  • Master's Programme in Accounting and Financial Management
  • Master's Programme in Additive Manufacturing
  • Master's Programme in All-Electric Propulsion Systems
  • Master's Programme in Battery Technology and Energy Storage
  • Master's Programme in Biopharmaceuticals
  • Master's Programme in Biophysics
  • Master's Programme in Data Science
  • Master's Programme in Digital Humanities
  • Master's Programme in Early Modern History
  • Master's Programme in Game Design, one year
  • Master's Programme in Game Design, two years
  • Master's Programme in Holocaust and Genocide Studies
  • Master's Programme in Image Analysis and Machine Learning
  • Master's Programme in Industrial Analytics
  • Master's Programme in Industrial Engineering and Management
  • Master's Programme in International and European Law and Business
  • Master's Programme in Materials Engineering
  • Master's Programme in Materials Science
  • Master's Programme in Modern History
  • Master's Programme in Musicology
  • Master's Programme in Paleobiology - PANGEA
  • Master's Programme in Pharmaceutical Modelling
  • Master's Programme in Psychology
  • Master's Programme in Quantum Technology
  • Master's Programme in Russian and Eurasian Studies
  • Master's Programme in Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management - SINReM
  • Master's programme in the humanities - Cultural Heritage and Sustainability
  • Master's Programme in Theology and Religious Studies
  • Master's Programme in Water Engineering
  • Master's Programme in Wind Power Project Management
  • Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering
  • Master of Science Programme in Pharmacy
  • Master Program in International Management (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Master Program in Wind Power Project Management, 60 hp (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Master Programme in Accounting, Auditing and Analysis
  • Master Programme in Advanced Medical Imaging
  • Master Programme in ALM
  • Master Programme in Applied Biotechnology
  • Master Programme in Art History
  • Master programme in art history (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Master Programme in Bioinformatics
  • Master Programme in Biology
  • Master Programme in Biology (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Master Programme in Biomedicine
  • Master Programme in Business and Management
  • Master Programme in Chemical Engineering
  • Master Programme in Chemistry
  • Master Programme in Clinical Pharmacy
  • Master Programme in Computational Science
  • Master Programme in Computer and Systems Sciences
  • Master Programme in Computer Science
  • Master Programme in Conservation
  • Master Programme in Digital Art History
  • Master Programme in Drug Discovery and Development
  • Master Programme in Drug Management
  • Master Programme in Earth Science
  • Master Programme in Economics
  • Master Programme in Education
  • Master Programme in Educational Management
  • Master Programme in Educational Sciences
  • Master Programme in Electrical Engineering
  • Master Programme in Electrical Engineering (Closed down 2012-08-01)
  • Master Programme in Energy Systems Engineering
  • Master Programme in Energy Technology
  • Master Programme in Engineering Physics
  • Master Programme in Entrepreneurship
  • Master Programme in Environmental and Water Engineering
  • Master Programme in Euroculture
  • Master Programme in Geography
  • Master Programme in Global Environmental History
  • Master Programme in Global health
  • Master Programme in Human-Computer Interaction
  • Master Programme in Humanitarian Action and Conflict
  • Master Programme in Human Rights
  • Master Programme in Industrial Management and Innovation
  • Master Programme in Infection Biology
  • Master programme in Information Systems
  • Master Programme in Intellectual Property Law
  • Master programme in International Financial Management
  • Master Programme in International Health
  • Master Programme in International Humanitarian Action
  • Master Programme in International Tax Law and EU Tax Law
  • Master Programme in Investment Treaty Arbitration
  • Master Programme in Languages
  • Master Programme in Language Technology
  • Master Programme in Leadership
  • Master Programme in Management, Communication and IT
  • Master Programme in Materials Engineering
  • Master Programme in Mathematics
  • Master Programme in Medical Research
  • Master Programme in Molecular Biotechnology
  • Master Programme in Peace and Conflict Studies
  • Master Programme in Physics
  • Master Programme in Political Science
  • Master Programme in Politics and International Studies
  • Master Programme in Public Health
  • Master Programme in Religion in Peace and Conflict
  • Master Programme in Renewable Electricity Production
  • Master Programme in Scandinavian Studies
  • Master Programme in Social Sciences
  • Master Programme in Sociology of Education
  • Master Programme in Statistics
  • Master Programme in Sustainable Destination Development (120 credits)
  • Master Programme in Sustainable Destination Development (60 credits)
  • Master Programme in Sustainable Development
  • Master Programme in Sustainable Management
  • Master Programme in Swedish
  • Master Programme in the Humanities - Art History
  • Master Programme in the Humanities - Cultural Anthropology
  • Master Programme in the Humanities - Ethnology
  • Master Programme in the Humanities - Gender Studies
  • Master Programme in the Humanities – History of Science and Ideas
  • Master Programme in the Humanities - Literature
  • Master Programme in the Humanities - Musicology (Closed down 2023-07-01)
  • Master Programme in the Humanities - Rhetoric
  • Master Programme in Theology and Religious Studies
  • Master Programme in Translation
  • Master Programme in Wind Power Project Management
  • Masters Programme in Embedded Systems
  • Master’s Programme in the Humanities – Archaeology
  • Master’s Programme in the Humanities – Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
  • Master’s Programme in the Humanities – Egyptology
  • Mathematics and Natural Sciences Programme (Closed down 2001-08-31)
  • Medicine Programme
  • Midwifery programme
  • Molecular Biotechnology Engineering Programme
  • Objects Antiquarian Programme
  • Objects Antiquarian Programme (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • One-year master in archaeology (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Open Bachelor's Programme in the Humanities
  • Physics Programme (Closed down 1990-08-31)
  • Physiotherapy programme
  • Pre-school Teacher Education Programme
  • Primary School Teacher Education Programme
  • Programme for Clinical Dietetitians
  • Programme in Computer Science
  • Programme of Graduate Business Administration (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Psychotherapy Programme
  • Psykologprogrammet
  • Radiography Programme
  • Registered Nurse Programme
  • Script and Concept Development for Film (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Server-Side Web Programming (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Sjukgymnastprogrammet
  • Social Work Programme
  • Social Work Programme Campus Gotland
  • Socionomutbildning, 180 hp (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Software Design and Modelling (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Specialist Nursing Programme Cardiac Care
  • Specialist Nursing Programme Diabetes Care
  • Specialist Nursing Programme Emergency Care
  • Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot ambulanssjukvård
  • Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot anestesisjukvård
  • Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot distriktssköterska
  • Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot hälso- och sjukvård för barn och ungdomar
  • Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot intensivvård
  • Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot kirurgisk vård
  • Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot onkologisk vård
  • Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot operationssjukvård
  • Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot psykiatrisk vård
  • Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot vård av äldre
  • Special Needs Teacher Education Programme
  • Studies in Society and Culture (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Systems Development and Programming (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Systems in Technology and Society Programme
  • Teacher Education Programme (Closed down 2016-06-30)
  • The Uppsala Culture and Society Programme
  • Tourism and experience management (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
  • Upper Secondary School Teacher Education Programme
  • Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma)
  • Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)
  • Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree)
  • Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))
  • Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years))
  • Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree)
  • Student paper first term
  • Student paper second term
  • Student paper other
  • Independent thesis Basic level (Higher Education Diploma (Fine Arts))
  • Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts)
  • Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (One Year))
  • Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (Two Years))
  • Artistic works only
  • Exclude artistic work
  • External cooperation only
  • Exclude external cooperation
  • Center for Integrated Research on Culture and Society (CIRCUS)
  • Centre for Gender Research
  • Centre for Digital Humanities
  • African and Comparative Archaeology
  • Classical archaeology and ancient history
  • Conservation
  • Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology
  • Department of Game Design
  • Department of History of Science and Ideas
  • The Hugo Valentin Centre
  • Sociology of Literature
  • Department of Musicology
  • Ethics and Social Philosophy
  • Logic and Metaphysics
  • Centre for Professional Development and Internationalisation in Schools
  • Celtic Section
  • The Swedish Institute for North American Studies
  • Department of Linguistics and Philology
  • Finno-Ugric Languages
  • Romance Languages
  • Slavic Languages
  • Department of Scandinavian Languages
  • Center for Police Research
  • Department of Law
  • Real Estate Research Institute
  • Department of Business Studies
  • Science and Technology Studies Center
  • Uppsala Centre for Business History
  • Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies
  • Uppsala Center for Labor Studies (UCLS)
  • Department of Food Studies, Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Department of Government
  • Department of Human Geography
  • The Swedish IT-User Centre
  • Department of Peace and Conflict Research
  • Department of Psychology
  • Department of Social Work
  • Department of Sociology
  • Department of Statistics
  • Institute for Housing and Urban Research
  • Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies
  • Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society (CRS Uppsala)
  • Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism
  • Church History and Mission History
  • Empirical-Practical Studies of Religion and Theology
  • Ethics and Philosophy of Religion
  • History of Religions and World Christianity
  • Old and New Testament Exegesis
  • Social Sciences of Religion and Practical Theology
  • Systematic Theology
  • Center for Clinical Research Dalarna
  • Centre for Clinical Research Sörmland
  • Centre for Clinical Research, County of Västmanland
  • Centre for Disability Research
  • Centre for Reproductive Biology in Uppsala (CRU)
  • Centre for Research and Development, Gävleborg
  • National Centre for Disaster Psychiatry
  • Uppsala Antibiotic Center
  • Uppsala Clinical Research Center (UCR)
  • Cancer Immunotherapy
  • Cancer precision medicine
  • Genomics and Neurobiology
  • Molecular Tools and Functional Genomics
  • Neurooncology and neurodegeneration
  • Vascular Biology
  • Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology
  • Integrative Physiology
  • Research group Dan Larhammar
  • Research Group Karin Nordström
  • Research group Markus Sjöblom/Olof Nylander
  • Research group Mia Lindskog
  • Research group Svante Winberg
  • Acquired brain injury
  • Autoimmunity
  • Biochemical endocrinology
  • Cancer Pharmacology and Computational Medicine
  • Cardiology-Arrhythmia
  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Clinical Chemistry
  • Clinical diabetology and metabolism
  • Clinical Epidemiology
  • Clinical Microbiology
  • Clinical Neurophysiology
  • Clinical pharmacogenomics and osteoporosis
  • Clinical Physiology
  • Coagulation and inflammation science
  • Dermatology and Venereology
  • Endocrine Oncology
  • Endocrine Tumor Biology
  • Endocrinology and mineral metabolism
  • Experimental neurology
  • Gastroenterology/Hepatology
  • Haematology
  • Health Economics
  • Infection medicine
  • Lung- allergy- and sleep research
  • Molecular epidemiology
  • Molecular Precision Medicine
  • Neurosurgery
  • Occupational and Environmental Medicine
  • Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Renal Medicine
  • Rheumatology
  • Transplantation and regenerative medicine
  • Centre for Research Ethics and Bioethics
  • Clinical geriatrics
  • Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
  • Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine
  • Health Services Research
  • Molecular Geriatrics
  • Public health, working life and rehabilitation
  • Research in Disability and Habilitation
  • Social medicine/CHAP
  • Speech-Language Pathology
  • Hedenstierna laboratory
  • Endocrine Surgery
  • Experimental Surgery
  • Forensic Medicine
  • Functional Pharmacology and Neuroscience
  • Medical epidemiology
  • Molecular imaging and medical physics
  • Neuroradiologi
  • Nursing Research
  • Odontology & Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Ophthalmic Biophsics
  • Orthopaedics and Handsurgery
  • Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Thoracic Surgery
  • Transplantation Surgery
  • Upper Abdominal Surgery
  • Vascular Surgery
  • Clinical Obstetrics
  • Healthcare Sciences and e-Health
  • International Child Health and Nutrition
  • International Maternal and Reproductive Health and Migration
  • Neuropsychopharmacology
  • Obstetrics and Reproductive Health Research
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Paediatric Inflammation, Metabolism and Child Health Research
  • Participatory eHealth and Health Data Research Group
  • Pediatric oncological and neurological research
  • Pediatric oncology research with a special focus on side effects
  • Pediatric Surgery
  • Perinatal, Neonatal and Pediatric Cardiology Research
  • Physiotherapy and behavioral medicine
  • Reproductive biology
  • Reproductive Health
  • SWEDESD - Sustainability Learning and Research Centre
  • Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Chemical Biology for Biomarker Discovery
  • Drug Design and Discovery
  • Farmakognosi
  • Preclinical PET-MRI Platform
  • Preparative Medicinal Chemistry
  • Theranostics
  • Translational PET Imaging
  • Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
  • Department of Pharmacy
  • Klubban Biological Station
  • Swedish Centre for School Biology and Biotechnology
  • Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
  • Microbiology and Immunology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Molecular biophysics
  • Molecular Evolution
  • Molecular Systems Biology
  • Structural Biology
  • Animal ecology
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Plant Ecology and Evolution
  • Evolution and Developmental Biology
  • Human Evolution
  • Physiology and Environmental Toxicology
  • Systematic Biology
  • Swedish Biodiversity Centre
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Macromolecular Chemistry
  • Molecular Biomimetics
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Structural Chemistry
  • Synthetic Molecular Chemistry
  • Mineralogy Petrology and Tectonics
  • Baltic University Programme
  • CEMUS Research Forum, CEFO
  • Palaeobiology
  • Uppsala University Sustainability Initiatives (UUSI)
  • Wind Energy
  • Faculty of Science and Technology
  • International Science Programme (ISP)
  • Tandem Laboratory
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Automatic control
  • Computational Science
  • Computer Architecture and Computer Communication
  • Computer Systems
  • Computerized Image Analysis and Human-Computer Interaction
  • Computing Education Research
  • Computing Science
  • Division of Computer Systems
  • Division of Computing Science
  • Division of Scientific Computing
  • Division of Systems and Control
  • Division Vi3
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Algebra, Logic and Representation Theory
  • Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
  • Dynamical Systems and Number Theory
  • Geometri and Physics
  • Probability Theory and Combinatorics
  • Statistics, AI and Data Science
  • Applied Nuclear Physics
  • Chemical and Bio-Molecular Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics of Energy Materials
  • High Energy Physics
  • Instrumentation and Accelerators
  • Materials Physics
  • Materials Theory
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Observational Astronomy
  • Physics Didactics
  • Quantum Matter Theory
  • Space Plasma Physics
  • The Svedberg Laboratory
  • Theoretical Astrophysics
  • Theoretical Physics
  • Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala Division
  • Civil Engineering and Built Environment
  • Industrial Engineering and Management
  • Electricity
  • Networked Embedded Systems
  • Signals and Systems
  • Solid-State Electronics
  • Applied Material Science
  • Applied Mechanics
  • Ångström Space Technology Centre (ÅSTC)
  • Nanotechnology and Functional Materials
  • Solar Cell Technology
  • Solid State Physics
  • Museum of Evolution
  • Botanical Garden
  • The Art Collections of the University
  • Uppsala University Coin Cabinet
  • National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women
  • Science for Life Laboratory, SciLifeLab
  • Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS)
  • The Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU)
  • Buildings Division
  • Communications Division
  • Division for International Coordination
  • Division for Quality Enhancement
  • Division of Contract Education
  • Faculty Offices
  • Financial Administration Division
  • Human Resources Division
  • International coordinator
  • IT Division
  • Legal Affairs Division
  • Music and Museums
  • Planning Division
  • Security and safety division
  • Student Affairs and Academic Registry Division
  • Uppsala University Innovation (UU Innovation)
  • University Board and Chief Officers
  • Equal Opportunity Committee
  • University Library
  • Uppsala University Innovation Partnership Office
  • WoMHeR (Centre for Women’s Mental Health during the Reproductive Lifespan)
  • Genetics and Breeding in Agricultural Sciences
  • Plant Biotechnology
  • Agricultural Science
  • Fish and Aquacultural Science
  • Food Science
  • Forest Science
  • Horticulture
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Soil Science
  • Wood Science
  • Animal and Dairy Science
  • Agricultural Occupational Health and Safety
  • Environmental Sciences related to Agriculture and Land-use
  • Fish and Wildlife Management
  • Other Agricultural Sciences not elsewhere specified
  • Renewable Bioenergy Research
  • Clinical Science
  • Medical Bioscience
  • Other Veterinary Science
  • Pathobiology
  • Chemical Process Engineering
  • Corrosion Engineering
  • Other Chemical Engineering
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Polymer Technologies
  • Architectural Engineering
  • Building Technologies
  • Construction Management
  • Environmental Analysis and Construction Information Technology
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Infrastructure Engineering
  • Other Civil Engineering
  • Transport Systems and Logistics
  • Water Engineering
  • Communication Systems
  • Control Engineering
  • Embedded Systems
  • Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
  • Signal Processing
  • Telecommunications
  • Bioremediation
  • Diagnostic Biotechnology
  • Other Environmental Biotechnology
  • Water Treatment
  • Energy Systems
  • Environmental Management
  • Geophysical Engineering
  • Marine Engineering
  • Mineral and Mine Engineering
  • Ocean and River Engineering
  • Other Environmental Engineering
  • Remote Sensing
  • Bio Materials
  • Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology
  • Biochemicals
  • Bioengineering Equipment
  • Bioprocess Technology
  • Medical Biotechnology
  • Other Industrial Biotechnology
  • Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  • Composite Science and Engineering
  • Manufacturing, Surface and Joining Technology
  • Metallurgy and Metallic Materials
  • Other Materials Engineering
  • Paper, Pulp and Fiber Technology
  • Textile, Rubber and Polymeric Materials
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Energy Engineering
  • Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics
  • Other Mechanical Engineering
  • Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
  • Reliability and Maintenance
  • Tribology (Interacting Surfaces including Friction, Lubrication and Wear)
  • Vehicle Engineering
  • Medical Equipment Engineering
  • Medical Ergonomics
  • Medical Image Processing
  • Medical Laboratory and Measurements Technologies
  • Medical Materials
  • Other Medical Engineering
  • Nano Technology
  • Food Engineering
  • Interaction Technologies
  • Media Engineering
  • Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified
  • Architecture
  • Literary Composition
  • Performing Art Studies
  • Performing Arts
  • Studies on Film
  • Visual Arts
  • History of Technology
  • General Language Studies and Linguistics
  • General Literature Studies
  • Specific Languages
  • Specific Literatures
  • Cultural Studies
  • Other Humanities not elsewhere specified
  • History of Ideas
  • History of Religions
  • Religious Studies
  • Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Immunology in the medical area
  • Medical Genetics
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Microbiology in the medical area
  • Neurosciences
  • Other Basic Medicine
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • Social and Clinical Pharmacy
  • Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
  • Cancer and Oncology
  • Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems
  • Clinical Laboratory Medicine
  • Dermatology and Venereal Diseases
  • Endocrinology and Diabetes
  • Gastroenterology and Hepatology
  • General Practice
  • Infectious Medicine
  • Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopaedics
  • Other Clinical Medicine
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging
  • Respiratory Medicine and Allergy
  • Rheumatology and Autoimmunity
  • Urology and Nephrology
  • Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy
  • Medical Ethics
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Occupational Health and Environmental Health
  • Other Health Sciences
  • Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology
  • Sport and Fitness Sciences
  • Substance Abuse
  • Biomaterials Science
  • Biomedical Laboratory Science/Technology
  • Medical Biotechnology (with a focus on Cell Biology (including Stem Cell Biology), Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry or Biopharmacy)
  • Other Medical Biotechnology
  • Forensic Science
  • Gerontology, specialising in Medical and Health Sciences
  • Other Medical Sciences not elsewhere specified
  • Behavioral Sciences Biology
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
  • Biological Systematics
  • Cell Biology
  • Developmental Biology
  • Microbiology
  • Other Biological Topics
  • Materials Chemistry
  • Other Chemistry Topics
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Theoretical Chemistry
  • Bioinformatics (Computational Biology)
  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Sciences
  • Computer Vision and Robotics (Autonomous Systems)
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Language Technology (Computational Linguistics)
  • Media and Communication Technology
  • Other Computer and Information Science
  • Software Engineering
  • Climate Research
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Geochemistry
  • Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
  • Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources
  • Other Earth and Related Environmental Sciences
  • Algebra and Logic
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Other Mathematics
  • Probability Theory and Statistics
  • Other Natural Sciences
  • Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation
  • Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology
  • Atom and Molecular Physics and Optics
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Fusion, Plasma and Space Physics
  • Other Physics Topics
  • Subatomic Physics
  • Business Administration
  • Pedagogical Work
  • Law (excluding Law and Society)
  • Law and Society
  • Communication Studies
  • Human Aspects of ICT
  • Information Studies
  • Information Systems, Social aspects
  • Media Studies
  • Gender Studies
  • International Migration and Ethnic Relations
  • Other Social Sciences not elsewhere specified
  • Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
  • Work Sciences
  • Globalisation Studies
  • Political Science (excluding Public Administration Studies and Globalisation Studies)
  • Public Administration Studies
  • Applied Psychology
  • Psychology (excluding Applied Psychology)
  • Economic Geography
  • Human Geography
  • Social Anthropology
  • Social Psychology
  • Sociology (excluding Social Work, Social Psychology and Social Anthropology)
  • Administrative Law
  • Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
  • Applied Mathematics and Statistics
  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Astronomy with specialization in Astrophysics
  • Biochemical Pharmacology
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biological Research on Drug Dependence
  • Biology with Specialisation in Human Evolution and Genetics
  • Biology with specialization in Animal Conservation
  • Biology with specialization in Animal Development
  • Biology with specialization in Animal Ecology
  • Biology with specialization in Comparative Physiology
  • Biology with specialization in Ecological Botany
  • Biology with specialization in Environmental Toxicology
  • Biology with specialization in Evolutionary Functional Genomics
  • Biology with specialization in Evolutionary Genetics
  • Biology with specialization in Evolutionary Organismal Biology
  • Biology with specialization in Limnology
  • Biology with specialization in Microbiology
  • Biology with specialization in Molecular Biotechnology
  • Biology with specialization in Molecular Evolution
  • Biology with specialization in Population Biology
  • Biology with specialization in Structural Biology
  • Biology with specialization in Systematics
  • Biomedical Laboratory Science
  • Biomedical Radiation Science
  • Biopharmaceutics
  • Byzantine Studies
  • Celtic Languages
  • Chemistry with Specialisation in Theoretical Chemistry
  • Chemistry with specialization in Analytical Chemistry
  • Chemistry with specialization in Bioorganic Chemistry
  • Chemistry with specialization in Inorganic Chemistry
  • Chemistry with specialization in Macromolecular Chemistry
  • Chemistry with specialization in Materials Chemistry
  • Chemistry with specialization in Microbial Chemistry
  • Chemistry with specialization in Molecular Biomimetics
  • Chemistry with specialization in Organic Chemistry
  • Chemistry with specialization in Physical Chemistry
  • Chemistry with specialization in Polymer Chemistry
  • Chemistry with specialization in Quantum Chemistry
  • Chemistry with specialization in Surface Biotechnology
  • Child and Youth Psychiatry
  • Church History
  • Civil and Structural Engineering with specialization in Soil Mechanics
  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Clinical Bacteriology
  • Clinical Genetics
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  • Comparative Indo-European Linguistics and Philology
  • Computational Linguistics
  • Computer Science with specialization in Computer Communication
  • Computer Science with specialization in Computer Science Education Research
  • Computer Science with specialization in Database Technology
  • Computer Science with specialization in Embedded Systems
  • Computer Science with specialization in Human-Computer Interaction
  • Computer Science with specialization in Real Time Systems
  • Computer Science
  • Computerized Image Processing
  • Constitutional Law
  • Corporate Law
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  • Curriculum Studies
  • Domestic Sciences
  • Drug Metabolism
  • Earth Science with specialization in Environmental Analysis
  • Earth Science with specialization in Historical Geology and Palaeontology
  • Earth Science with specialization in Mineral Chemistry, Petrology and Tectonics
  • Earth Science with specialization in Physical Geography
  • Earth Science with specialization in Quaternary Geology
  • Ecclesiology
  • Electrical Engineering with Specialisation in Networked Embedded Systems
  • Electrical Engineering with specialization in Automatic Control
  • Electrical Engineering with specialization in Signal Processing
  • Electrical Engineering with specialization in Systems Analysis
  • Endocrinology and Diabetology
  • Engineering science with specialization in Applied Mechanics
  • Engineering Science with specialization in Atmospheric Discharges
  • Engineering Science with specialization in Biomedical Engineering
  • Engineering Science with specialization in Civil Engineering and Built Environment
  • Engineering Science with specialization in Electronics
  • Engineering Science with specialization in industrial engineering and management
  • Engineering Science with specialization in Materials Analysis
  • Engineering Science with specialization in Materials Science
  • Engineering Science with specialization in Microsystems Technology
  • Engineering Science with specialization in Microwave Technology
  • Engineering Science with specialization in Nanotechnology and Functional Materials
  • Engineering Science with specialization in Science of Electricity
  • Engineering Science with specialization in Solid Mechanics
  • Engineering Science with specialization in Solid State Physics
  • Engineering Science with specialization in the Science of Global Energy Resources
  • Engineering Science with specialization in Tribo Materials
  • Engineering Science
  • Environmental Law
  • Epidemiology
  • European (Integration) Law
  • Experimental Pathology
  • Family Medicine
  • Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Geophysics with specialization in Seismology
  • Geophysics with specialization in Solid Earth Physics
  • Health Care Research
  • History of Art
  • History of Sciences and Ideas
  • Human Anatomy
  • Indology/South Asian Studies
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Internal Medicine
  • International Health
  • Jurisprudence
  • Legal History and Sociology of Law
  • Lung Medicine
  • Machine learning
  • Mathematical Logic
  • Mathematical Statistics
  • Mathematics with specialization in Applied Mathematics
  • Mathematics
  • Medical Biochemistry
  • Medical Cell Biology
  • Medical Informatics
  • Medical Law
  • Medical Radiophysics
  • Medical Science
  • Medical Virology
  • Molecular Cellbiology
  • Molecular Genetics
  • Molecular Life Sciences
  • Molecular Medicine
  • Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Ophtalmology
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
  • Peace and Conflict Research
  • Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry
  • Pharmaceutical Science
  • Pharmaceutics
  • Pharmacoepidemiology
  • Pharmacognosy
  • Pharmacokinetics and Drug Therapy
  • Pharmacology
  • Philosophy of Religion
  • Philosophy, with specialization in history of philosophy
  • Physics and Astronomy specializing in Theoretical Physics
  • Physics with spec. in Atomic, Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics
  • Physics with specialization in Applied Nuclear Physics
  • Physics with specialization in Astrophysics
  • Physics with specialization in Global Energy Resources
  • Physics with specialization in Physics Education
  • Physics with specialization in Quantum Chemistry
  • Physics with specialization in Space and Plasma Physics
  • Private International Law
  • Procedural Law
  • Psychology of Religion
  • Public International Law
  • Scandinavian Languages
  • Scientific Computing with specialization in Numerical Analysis
  • Scientific Computing
  • Social and Economic Geography
  • Social Medicine
  • Social Pharmacy
  • Sociology of Religion
  • Studies In Faiths and Ideologies
  • Studies of Churches and Denominations
  • Studies of Missions
  • Systematic Theology and Studies in Worldviews
  • Thorax Surgery
  • Transfusion Medicine
  • Turkic languages

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bachelor thesis uu

Economics and Business Economics

Study programme.

Economics and Business Economics is a three-year English-language programme. Each academic year is divided into four ten-week teaching periods. The programme consists of two parts: the major and the optional course profile. For the first year and a half you focus on the core courses (the major). Later in the programme, you can tailor your studies to suit your interests. You can do this by taking specific electives, taking more economics courses, a dedicated minor, do an internship or study abroad.

What does the study programme look like?

Below you will find an overview of the Economics and Business Economics study programme. Each year consists of four periods of ten weeks, in which you take eight subjects in total.

Introduction to Economics and Business Economics

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the various economic fields by investigating these fields in their historical and methodological context. This course introduces you to the linkages between these different fields and to other social sciences. In this way, this overview will provide a reflection of the bachelor’s curriculum – the way it is built up and how the several courses are connected.

More information about  Introduction to Economics and Business Economics .

Introduction to Finance and Accounting

This course covers the basics of finance and accounting. Students will be introduced to concepts such as the time value of money, discounting and the relationship between risk and return. Students are encouraged to analyze financial statements of real world companies to gain practical insight into the fields of finance and accounting.

More information about  Introduction to Finance and Accounting .

Microeconomics, Institutions and Welfare

Students commence this course by performing a supply and demand analysis. Supply and demand are then substantiated through consumer theory and the theory of business. The subject of perfect and imperfect competition is also discussed.

More information about  Microeconomics, Institutions and Welfare .

Mathematics for Economists

As an economist you will need mathematics to examine the interaction between various quantities. The optimisation of functions takes centre stage. This involves differentiation, solving equations and simplification.

More information about  Mathematics for Economists .

Macroeconomics: European Perspective

You will study economic phenomena on a national or global scale. You will analyse GNP, unemployment and inflation in the short and long term based on theory and data.

More information about  Macroeconomics: European Perspective .

Statistics offers us the opportunity to test relationships between variables applying statistical methods. You will be familiar with this if you studied Mathematics A at secondary school.

More information about  Statistics .

Strategy and Organisation

This course provides a general introduction to organisation theory and business strategy problems and topics. You will look at the pros and cons of the various strategies and will learn how large companies behave and why they behave in that manner.

More information about  Strategy and Organisation .

Dedicated minor course 1 or context course (elective)

In the first year you can choose to combine economics with a second field of study in a dedicated minor. You will have your first minor course in period 4. If you decide not to, you can choose one of the following courses: (1)  Economics, Governance and Business Ethics  or (2)  Contemporary Economics in Historical Perspective .

Intermediate Microeconomics, Games and Behaviour

This course investigates consumer and producer behaviour more in-depth. Next to this it includes the analysis of situations where uncertainty, strategically interacting actors (game theory) and asymmetric information play a role.

More information about  Intermediate Micro-Economics, Games and Behaviour .

Corporate Finance and Behaviour

In this course there will be plenary lectures and plenary review sessions. The main focus of the lectures is on knowledge transfer and creating an understanding for the subject.

More information about  Corporate Finance and Behaviour .


This course builds upon Mathematics and Statistics in the first year. You will learn how to translate a simple economic theory in to a hypothesis.

More information about  Econometrics .

Major-related elective

Here you can choose one of the following two courses, which follow the first-year course Macroeconomics: (1) Intermediate Macroeconomics: Growth and Sustainability or (2) Intermediate Macroeconomics: Business Cycles and International Money .

Here you can choose one of the following four courses: (1) Management Accounting and Corporate Decision Making , (2) Trade and Multinationals , (3) Market Failures, Institutions & Economic Policy , or (4) Economics of Entrepreneurship .

Dedicated minor course 2 or optional course profile (elective)

You follow the second course of your dedicated minor or decide to give a different interpretation to your optional course profile. For your optional course profile you choose subjects that suit your interest and ambition, such as a dedicated minor, extra economics subjects based on a study route or a course offered by other bachelor programmes at Utrecht University. Or you may opt to study abroad or do an internship.

Here you can choose one of the following four courses: (1) Marketing , (2) Sustainable Finance (research course), (3) Economics of the Public Sector , or (4) Game Theory .

Dedicated minor course 3 or optional course profile (elective)

You follow the third course of your dedicated minor or decide to give a different interpretation to your optional course profile. For your optional course profile you choose subjects that suit your interest and ambition, such as a dedicated minor, extra economics subjects based on a study route or a course offered by other bachelor programmes at Utrecht University. Or you may opt to study abroad or do an internship.

You can choose a course from the list of elective courses: (1)  Financial Markets and Institutions , (2) Public Choice & Welfare (research course), (3) Labour Economics , or (4) Business Research Methods  (research course).

Dedicated minor course 4 or optional course profile (elective)

You follow the fourth course of your dedicated minor or decide to give a different interpretation to your optional course profile. For your optional course profile you choose subjects that suit your interest and ambition, such as a dedicated minor, extra economics subjects based on a study route or a course offered by other bachelor programmes at Utrecht University. Or you may opt to study abroad or do an internship.

You can choose a course from the list of elective courses: International Investment Management , (2)  Strategy and Management , (3) Philosophy, Politics and Economics or (4) Causes and Consequences of Inequality (research course).

Dedicated minor course 5 or optional course profile (elective)

You follow the fifth course of your dedicated minor or decide to give a different interpretation to your optional course profile. For your optional course profile you choose subjects that suit your interest and ambition, such as an dedicated minor, extra economics subjects based on a study route or a course offered by other bachelor programmes at Utrecht University. Or you may opt to study abroad or do an internship.

You can choose a course from the list of elective courses: (1) Development and Growth , (2) International Financial Management , (3) Organisation Dynamics , (4) Innovation Management , or (5) Advanced Mathematics .

Dedicated minor course 6 or optional course profile (elective)

You follow the sixth course of your dedicated minor or decide to give a different interpretation to your optional course profile. For your optional course profile you choose subjects that suit your interest and ambition, such as a dedicated minor, extra economics subjects based on a study route or a course offered by other bachelor programmes at Utrecht University. Or you may opt to study abroad or do an internship.

Applied Economics Research Course

The Applied Economics Research Course is the concluding third-year full-time course that builds on the knowledge and skills acquired during the economics study. You will write a thesis based on your own research project. Students who follow a dedicated minor do a research project in which two disciplines are combined: economics and the minor of the student's choice. You will finish the bachelor's degree by writing a thesis on your chosen topic.

More information about  Applied Economics Research Course .

Teaching methods

During the programme you attend both lectures and tutorials. In a lecture, the tutor discusses a subject with a large group of students explaining its broad outlines. In a tutorial, you discuss a specific topic in a group of up to 30 students. You attend classes for about 12-18 hours a week in the first year and you also carry out assignments. Including preparation and private study, the programme takes up 30-40 hours of your time per week.

Study routes

In the programme you can choose from a broad range of Economics courses enabling you to specialise in topics and perspectives. To help you select those courses that best fit your interests, we have developed different study routes . 

Dedicated minor 

You may opt to combine Economics with a second field of study: a dedicated minor. This is a package of six subjects designed especially for Economics students. You have the choice of a dedicated minor Law, Geography, Social Sciences or Applied Data Science for Economists. In this case, your thesis is at the interface of Economics and your chosen dedicated minor. Your tutor or study adviser will assist you in making the right choice for you.

Internship or study abroad

It is possible to do an internship in your optional course profile. You can opt to undertake  an internship in the Netherlands or abroad. You may also opt to study at a university abroad. Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E.) has  several partner universities  abroad. Economics and Business Economics also offers a special exchange programme which enables you to study for a full year at the Italian business school Luiss in Rome:  the Luiss Programme . Read more about the  experiences of our Luiss students .


To test your knowledge and skills, you sit examinations, write essays, hold presentations or undertake group assignments. Each period is followed by an examination week. You complete the programme by writing your bachelor thesis.

Grading system

The grading system in the Netherlands might differ significantly from the grading system you are used to. See  here  for more information.

Advising and counselling

When starting the Economics and Business Economics programme you will be assigned an academic mentor for the first year of your study. Your mentor monitors, progresses and signals possible obstacles and can answer any question you may have about the programme. Your is also your tutorial teacher for one of the first courses at U.S.E. In addition to the mentor, U.S.E. has three study advisors. You can approach them for more personal matters.

Binding Study Advice (BSA)

At the end of the first year, you are issued with a  Binding Study Advice  (BSA). To qualify for a positive BSA, you must obtain a minimum of 45 study credits (of the 60 study credits in total) during your first year. If you fail to do so, you must leave the programme. This means that you must pass 6 out of 8 courses.

Utrecht University Heidelberglaan 8 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)30 253 35 50

bachelor thesis uu

Presentations and dates

The information on this page is no longer up to date.

(1DT340 = Bachelor thesis in computer science, 1DT540 = Master thesis in computer science, 1DT960 = Master thesis in computer and information engineering, 1TD808 Master thesis in Computational Science, 1DT068 Master thesis in Embedded System, 1MD038 Master thesis in Image Analysis and Machine Learning, 1DL510 Master thesis in Data Science)

Bachelor's Thesis

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 2FE407

General provisions

The course is offered within, e.g., the Bachelor's Programme in Business and Economics and as freestanding course, as part of Business Studies C.

Entry requirements

Completed 30 credits from basic courses (A-level) in business studies, and attended 30 credits intermediate courses (B-level) in business studies and at least 15 credits from intermediate courses (C-level). Exemption: For students admitted to the entire C-level of 30 credits the requirements are: Completed 30 credits from Basic Courses (A-level) in business studies, and attended 30 credits Intermediate Courses (B-level) in business studies of which at least 15 credits must be completed.

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to develop the ability to conduct and report scientific investigations by integrated and advanced independent work. The ability to make scientific investigations includes the ability to discover possibilities, identify problems, collect relevant information, formulate problems, and solve them with the aid of scientific methods. To do this, many skills are required, such as methodological knowledge, the ability to think in terms of models - making conscious and explicit simplifications - and the ability to recognise and treat problems from different perspectives. The ability to report scientific work means being able to write lucid and interesting reports, as well as making oral presentations.

After completion of the course the student should be able to:

  • understand different science-theoretical and methodological starting points in Business Studies
  • independently and critically examine different theoretical and empirical phenomena
  • discover and handle problems and alternatives considering different perspectives and methodological frames of reference
  • execute, in practice, scientifically based surveys and investigations
  • present arguments orally and in writing in an objective, interesting, and convincing manner.

The course consists of lectures and seminars as well as supervision that aims for the participants, within given conditions and time frames, to try and independently choose ways to identify, delimit and investigate problems, and present analysis results. The work includes problematization, discussions about method and model choices, information gathering, analysis of data, as well as ongoing oral and written presentations of the work in various stages up to the final seminar, where the whole is presented and discussed.


The course is taught in Swedish. The major part of the course consists of independent work in teams. Teaching includes seminars, lectures and tutorials. The independent project is normally carried out in groups of two students.

The student will get one single grade, equivalent to 15 credits.

The course is examined primarily by assessing the final version of the thesis and seminar activities in the form of presentation and defence of the thesis, critically scrutinizing and commenting on the work of other participants, and active participation in discussions. In addition, a mandatory quiz on cheating and plagiarism is carried out. Grading criteria are presented in the study guide that applies to the course section. The following grades will be used: VG (pass with distinction), G (pass) and U (fail). The right to supervision ends at the final seminar.

For students who have completed the seminar series but who have not received a passing grade on the thesis, it is possible to submit a revised version of the thesis for re-assessment at later submission opportunities without re-registration. If the seminar series has not been completed within the course, including any complementary tasks in connection with this, the entire course (with all examination elements) must be redone, which can only be done by re-registering at subsequent course sections.

If there are special reasons for doing so, an examiner may make an exception from the method of assessment indicated and allow a student to be assessed by another method. An example of special reasons might be a certificate regarding special pedagogical support from the University's disability coordinator.

Uppsala University does not accept cheating or plagiarism. Suspected incidents of cheating or plagiarism are reported to the Vice-Chancellor, which may issue a formal warning to the student or suspend the student from studies for a certain period.

NOTE: Only completed courses can count toward a degree.

Other directives

The course substitutes/overlaps among others Bachelor's Thesis 2FE530, Thesis Project STS - Business Studies 2FE029 and partly Bachelor Course, Accounting Issues 2FE428, Bachelor Course, Marketing, Organisation and International Business 2FE429, Bachelor's Level Business Studies: Theory and Methodology 2FE979.

​The course is read partially integrated with each reading course, respectively, but the main part of the thesis work takes place during the second half of the semester.

Reading list

  • Reading list valid from Autumn 2024
  • Reading list valid from Autumn 2022
  • Reading list valid from Spring 2022
  • Reading list valid from Autumn 2021
  • Reading list valid from Spring 2021
  • Reading list valid from Autumn 2020
  • Reading list valid from Autumn 2019
  • Reading list valid from Autumn 2018
  • Reading list valid from Spring 2017
  • Reading list valid from Autumn 2016
  • Reading list valid from Spring 2016
  • Reading list valid from Spring 2014
  • Reading list valid from Spring 2011
  • Reading list valid from Spring 2010


  1. FREE 10+ Bachelor Thesis Proposal Samples in PDF

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  2. Bachelor Thesis

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  3. Bachelor Thesis

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  4. Bachelor's thesis

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  5. Bachelor Thesis Structure Example

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  6. Sample Bachelor Thesis Proposal

    bachelor thesis uu


  1. Master's Programme in English

    A Bachelor's degree, equivalent to a Swedish Kandidatexamen, from an internationally recognised university, with English (or an equivalent) as the main field of study. ... Students are selected based on an overall appraisal of previous university studies with emphasis on the quality of the Bachelor's thesis (or equivalent project work) and a ...

  2. Nominate your student for the Migration and ...

    The shortlisted candidates and the winner of the thesis award will be invited to present their theses during an event of the focus area and they will receive a monetary reward to celebrate their great academic achievement. To submit your thesis, or for any other questions regarding the master's thesis award you can send an email to [email protected].

  3. Florence (Flora) Hurley

    Flora Hurley is a MS student in the University of Michigan Medical School and Department of Learning Health Sciences pursuing her degree in Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS). She recently earned her bachelor's degree in Biology and Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. While there, she completed a senior thesis in the Department of Biochemistry

  4. Utrecht University Student Theses Repository Home

    The theses platform Utrecht University Student Theses Repository gives access to Open Access theses that have been published in the past fifteen years by students from Utrecht University and the University Medical Center Utrecht. The theses can also be found in international search engines such as WorldCat and Google (Scholar).

  5. Student theses

    Student theses. Theses written by Utrecht University students must be uploaded in OSIRIS. Master theses will be made publicly available by the university library. Bachelor theses will not be made publicly available. Utrecht University promotes open sharing of knowledge, that is why students may indicate when uploading their master thesis in ...

  6. UU Theses Repository

    UU Theses Repository; JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Some features of this site may not work without it. Browse. ... This thesis examines a collection of personal essays written by Joan Didion and Eve Babitz in and about Los Angeles throughout the 1960s and 70s. Through an analysis of these authors' works, this thesis critically ...

  7. Bachelor's thesis

    Bachelor's thesis 15EC: block 1-2, block 2-3 and block 3-4 . Handing in your thesis. ... Send an email to Pim Huijnen: [email protected]. Forms and procedures Bachelor's thesis. Your Bachelor's thesis will be assessed following specific evaluation procedures. You can prepare for this by reading the following documents and explanations prior to ...

  8. Bachelor Thesis

    All of UU Student Theses Repository By Issue Date Authors Titles Subjects This Collection By Issue Date Authors Titles Subjects. Bachelor Thesis. View/ Open. ... Bachelor Thesis. View/ Open. BA-Thesis final version 13-11.pdf (213.9Kb) Publication date 2015. Author. Busscher, L.G.M. Metadata

  9. Bachelor's thesis

    The Bachelor's thesis is a "proof of competence.". It is where you showcase your skills in your chosen area of English Language and Culture. The Bachelor's thesis allows you to share the competences and knowledge that you have acquired over the three years of your degree programme. In order to be able to start writing your thesis, you ...

  10. Thesis support

    Mail to [email protected] or call +3130 253 630. University Library Utrecht Science Park | Room 2.45. Heidelberglaan 3, 3584 CS Utrecht.


    Name: Mara-Ioana Radut. mber: 6484336Date and signature: 21 June 2021Mara-Ioana RadutSubmit this form to your supervisor when you begin. riting your Bachelor's final paper or your Master's thesis.Failure to submit or sign this form does not mean that no sanctions can be impose. Table of Contents.

  12. Bachelor's thesis

    News & events. Contact. Bachelor's thesis. The Bachelor's thesis is a "proof of competence". It is where you showcase your skills in the area of Media and Culture. The Bachelor's thesis allows you to share the competences and knowledge that you have acquired over the three years of the degree programme.

  13. Bachelor's thesis

    Bachelor's thesis. Your Bachelor's thesis is a "proof of competence" where you showcase your skills in your chosen area of Literary Studies. The Bachelor's thesis allows you to share the competences and knowledge that you have acquired over the three years of your degree programme. Your thesis is linked to a level 3 course and the paper ...

  14. Bachelor's thesis

    Bachelor's thesis. Your Bachelor's thesis is a "proof of competence.". It is where you showcase your skills in your chosen area of Linguistics. The Bachelor's thesis allows you to share the competences and knowledge that you have acquired over the three years of your degree programme.

  15. Bachelor Thesis

    Bachelor Thesis. The Bachelor thesis (research project) is considered to be the capstone project of your study where you will put all acquired academic skills to the test. Obviously, most students do their final Research project at the end of their programme, but you are allowed to start as soon as you obtained 120 ECs.

  16. PDF Utrecht University Faculty of Humanities

    Bachelor Thesis for the purpose of obtaining the degree: Bachelor of Science Politics, Philosophy and Economics Word Count (Excluding Appendix, Bibliography and Tableof Contents) : 13186 First Discipline Supervisor : Maanik Nath Second Discipline Supervisor : Merve Burnazoglu 1.

  17. PDF Universiteit Utrecht

    Universiteit Utrecht

  18. Study programme

    The Bachelor's thesis is the final assignment of the Bachelor's programme in Global Sustainability Science. In this individual research project, you apply the knowledge they have gained of sustainability challenges and solutions and of research methods and academic skills.

  19. Student theses

    Wind Power - Bachelor's Thesis in Wind Power Project Management; World Christianity and Interreligious Studies (Closed down 2021-01-01) And. Educational program ... (UU Innovation) University Board and Chief Officers. University Committees. Equal Opportunity Committee. University Library.

  20. Student Theses

    Roman Danser, July 2021, Bachelor thesis. Ray tracing simulation of optical coherence tomography to study subnanometre expansion of active neurons Sjoerd Seinhorst, June 2021, Bachelor thesis. Clogging of colloidal particles in a microchannel using an electro-osmotic micropump Thijs Karman, June 2021, Bachelor thesis. Optimizing nano-oscillators

  21. New access to student theses

    New access to student theses. 28 March 2022. In September 2021 Utrecht University Library switched over to a different theses publication system. After a transition period it is now possible to search for theses written by Utrecht University students from 2007 onwards via the Utrecht University Theses Repository. Students have given their ...

  22. Study programme

    You will write a thesis based on your own research project. Students who follow a dedicated minor do a research project in which two disciplines are combined: economics and the minor of the student's choice. You will finish the bachelor's degree by writing a thesis on your chosen topic. More information about Applied Economics Research Course.

  23. Theses and publications

    Theses and publications. Here we list the 100 most recent publications at Uppsala University - articles, books, theses and reports. Do a full search of the University's publication database Diva. The most recently published data sets from Uppsala University. Upcoming thesis defences can be found in the University event calendar.

  24. Presentations and dates

    (1DT340 = Bachelor thesis in computer science, 1DT540 = Master thesis in computer science, 1DT960 = Master thesis in computer and information engineering, 1TD808 Master thesis in Computational Science, 1DT068 Master thesis in Embedded System, 1MD038 Master thesis in Image Analysis and Machine Learning, 1DL510 Master thesis in Data Science)

  25. PDF Symbolically Solving Two-Strategy Evolutionary Games in Python

    Abstract This thesis presents a tool for symbolically solving two-strategy evolutionary games. Evolutionarygamesarerelevantinvariousapplicationfieldssuchasmathematicalon-

  26. Syllabus for Bachelor's Thesis

    The course substitutes/overlaps among others Bachelor's Thesis 2FE530, Thesis Project STS - Business Studies 2FE029 and partly Bachelor Course, Accounting Issues 2FE428, Bachelor Course, Marketing, Organisation and International Business 2FE429, Bachelor's Level Business Studies: Theory and Methodology 2FE979.