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How to List Projects on a Resume (with Examples)

10 min read · Updated on February 23, 2024

Marsha Hebert

Projects on your resume can prove you have what it takes to succeed

You've likely heard a few catchphrases related to resume writing. Things like “show, don't tell” and “be an achiever, not a doer.”  One of the most effective ways to put these principles into action is by including projects on your resume. But how exactly do you list projects on a resume, and why are they so important?

You've come to the right place. Here, you'll learn how to list projects on your resume in a way that catches the eye of hiring managers and helps you to stand out from the competition. 

It doesn't matter if you're fresh out of college or have a decade of experience under your belt; including projects on your resume can significantly enhance your chances of landing your dream job.

Your old resume may have been a list of work experiences, but your new resume will outshine the competition and win you the interviews you seek. 

Projects vs work experience

Depending on where you're at in your career, it can be tough to separate projects from actual work experience, especially if you're a freelancer or regularly tackle projects as a part of your job. While both are exceedingly valuable in telling your career story, you have to be a bit discerning to determine which is more important. 

Obviously, you gain experience from working at jobs and completing projects, but listing projects separately can help you to highlight specific skills that might get lost when you explain work you did in a previous job. 

The main differences can be summarized as: 

Projects are concise and specific

Work history provides a broader view of your career trajectory

At the end of the day, you must pick the things you want to include on your resume with the aim of balancing your knowledge and skills with what's being called for in the job description. Relevancy and tailoring your resume are critical, allowing prospective employers to see what you have to offer their team. 

Why listing projects can be good for you

When you're trying to prove to an employer that you're an achiever rather than a doer, having a project or two to back up your claims can do wonders for your candidacy. Not only do projects on your resume have the ability to demonstrate relevant skills, but they also allow you to showcase initiative and accomplishments. 

In the context of standing out from the crowd, projects on your resume can add depth to your experience to paint a more well-rounded and comprehensive picture of what you bring to the table for the new employer. One thing that a lot of people miss is that you can also use projects on your resume to fill in any experience gaps that may be present. 

Types of projects you can highlight on your resume

While the projects you list on your resume are as unique as you are, there are some common types. Knowing what type of project you're going to list on your resume will help you to determine if the project is relevant and can also guide you in knowing where on your resume to list it. 

There are four basic types.

This is any project you've done in your position with a company. It was probably part of your job description, but it could've also been something you were called on to do outside of your day-to-day role. Perhaps you led a team to launch a new product or created a new process for doing something that saved time and money. Work projects are good to have on your resume because they demonstrate that you're the type of person to go above and beyond to achieve an objective. 

2. Academic

These are projects that you complete in a classroom or educational setting. You'll definitely need to include academic projects if you're fresh out of college and have little to no work history or relevant professional experience. Academic projects for your resume can be anything from conducting a research study and writing a thesis or dissertation to developing a software application as part of a class project. Including academic projects on your resume gives you a chance to highlight relevant skills and prove to a future employer that you have a passion for learning and development. After all, continuous improvement is a highly sought-after skill. 

3. Personal

Sometimes, you get bored at home and decide you want to build a personal website or create a blog. There have even been folks who've created apps that work with their smart home devices to automate activities. It doesn't matter that these are personal projects, if you find that your resume is lacking particular skills or achievements you can use these projects on your resume to round out your candidacy. That said, adding a personal project to your resume should be a last resort. 

4. Freelance

'Tis the time we live in – a lot of people work as independent contractors or freelance. It's a great way to fill in employment gaps or have some income if you're on a sabbatical . The most common freelance projects center around things like graphic design, marketing, tech, and writing. These types of projects can be valuable additions to your resume. 

How to add projects to your resume

Since you want to keep your resume relevant to the job you're applying for, the first step is to create a list of projects from your history and compare them to what employers need. 

Analyze the job description to dissect out the keywords and phrases. Once you have that list, compare it to the skills and achievements you can talk about with each project. Beyond picking the right project to match the job, you also have to consider space.

Bear these guidelines in mind:

Pick projects for your resume that match the job description

Pick projects that allow you to keep your resume on the right number of pages

The final step is to properly format the project entries in their respective sections. 

Where to include projects on your resume

For the most part, you'll format a project listing the same way you would a work history listing. The only difference is that you may not have a company to list indicating where you did the project. If you can't list the client or location associated with the project, don't let that stop you from adding it. 

As you would expect, work projects would be listed in the Professional Experience section, academic projects are best suited in the Education section, and some projects may even merit having their own special section. 

What does all of that look like? Let's take a look.

Projects in their own section 

For the most part, your resume should have at least five sections:

Contact information

Profile (which contains your title and summary paragraph)

Work history

You can also add an entirely new section called “Projects,” “Selected Projects,” “Relevant Projects,” or “Academic Projects.” 

Depending on how hard you have to lean on those projects to wow a hiring manager will be the deciding factor on whether you place this new section above or below “Professional Experience.” If you really need them to make your candidacy, then put them above. If you want them on there just to give the hiring manager one more glimpse into what you can do, then put them below. 

Example of projects in their own section

You should create a title for the section and then list each project with relevant bullet points that call out things you achieved in working on that project. It's also appropriate to put the dates you were working on each project. 

Selected Projects

Post Evaluation Platinum LEED Office Building | 04/2022 - 10/2022

Used advanced knowledge of Occupant Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Survey benchmarks and performed literature review / precedent studies to present data-driven solutions regarding visual and thermal comfort. 

Authored and presented findings related to underfloor air distribution (UFAD) system analysis. 

Integrated Façade Simulator: Hybrid Reality Simulations for Assessing Human Façade Interaction | 09/2020 - 05/2021

Created a novel integrated hybrid system that simulated a multi-sensory environment and observed participants and the impact of environmental stimuli for sensation, perception of comfort, and energy consumption. 

Projects in the experience section

If you're one of those people who get chosen by a boss to work on a project or if you've spent a significant time as an independent contractor , then it's probably going to serve you best to include projects within the “Professional Experience” section of your resume. 

Example of projects in the experience section

Format it like you would any other position within your experience section, including the name of the company, the dates you were employed, your position title, and some achievement bullets. Then, beneath those achievement bullets for your job, add “Noted Projects” and talk about the project as separate from what you accomplished as an employee. 


XYZ Company | Location 05/2015 to Present

Senior Biologist

Achievement bullet #1

Achievement bullet #2

Achievement bullet #3

Noted Projects:

Major Development Plan and Infrastructure Project – 03/2019 - 06/2021

Monitored site conditions to ensure the protection of sensitive species, including California gnatcatcher, cactus wren, least Bell's vireo, arroyo chub, arroyo toad, and general nesting birds.

Oversaw end-to-end project management processes, including scoping, planning, timelines, delivery, execution, and status reporting. 

Subdivision Development Project – 04/2013 - 01/2017

Directed biological resource protection initiatives for a 180-acre development project, resulting in approximately 475 acres of preserved, restored, and enhanced habitats. 

Conducted protocol and non-protocol environmental impact surveys for 3 years, in the wake of a widespread wildfire, to assess gnatcatcher habitat, population density, and movement. 

Projects in the education section

It can be hard to craft a resume when you've just graduated college and have no real experience to show future employers. Fortunately, you can lean on things you did at school to inject experiences, achievements, and skills into your resume. You just write an expanded education section. 

Relate reading: How to List Education on Your Resume (with Examples)

Example of projects in the education section

Whether you're listing your GPA or relevant coursework, you can always add some college projects to your resume education section if you need to prove your salt to a new company. 


Bachelor of Finance, | State University – Location (Expected May 2024)

Coursework : Current Economic Problems, Macroeconomics, Accounting Principles, Money and Capital Markets, Business Statistics, Spreadsheet Modeling in Finance, Global Financial Markets

Academic projects

Secured funding for a non-fungible token (NFT) from State University's Board of Trustees and generated a 100% return on investment (ROI). 

Placed in the top 10% of a financial modeling competition. Analyzed comparative values over time to predict future performance and identified a portfolio of stocks that were graded and ranked in terms of profit and loss and accuracy of predictions. 

Projects on your resume win interviews

Remember that the main goal of your resume is to win interviews. Adding projects can be just the thing that makes you stand out from the crowd of job seekers. Use projects wisely, though. Leverage them to boost your skills, enhance your achievements, and inject necessary keywords into your resume that align with what the job description asks for in a new employee. 

Once you get all of that written, we'll give it a once-over for you with a free resume review . After all, it's always good to get expert, objective feedback on your resume. 

Recommended reading:

Guide to Writing a Great Resume with No Work Experience

Ask Amanda: How Do I List Self-Employment & Freelance Work On My Resume?

47 Accomplishment Examples for Your Resume: Expert Picks

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How To Put Projects On A Resume (With Examples)

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Summary. To put projects on your traditional chronological resume , include a separate projects section beneath the education or work experience section. In a project based resume, rename the work experience section to be named “projects” and you can avoid the standard chronological resume format and instead focus on your most relevant projects and professional skills.

No matter where you are in your career journey, adding projects to your resume can highlight your key qualifications and help your application make more of an impression.

In this article, you’ll learn how to add projects to your resume and when it’s a good idea to take this route.

Key Takeaways

You can work projects into your work history section, organize your resume around your projects, or create a separate section for your projects.

You should list your most relevant projects first and leave off any irrelevant projects.

Freelancers, entry-level job candidates, and people who are changing career paths could benefit most from project-based resumes.

How to Put Projects on a Resume

How to List Projects on a Resume

Examples of ways to list projects on a resume, tips for listing projects on a resume, why should you put projects on a resume, what is a project-based resume, who should use project-based resumes, putting projects on a resume faq, final thoughts.

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To list projects on a traditional chronological resume , you should include a separate projects section beneath the education or work experience portion of your professional resume. This can be easily accomplished by including a “key projects” section below the bullets detailing your previous job responsibilities and accomplishments.

Listing projects on a traditional date-ordered resume can be a great option for professionals who want to showcase their project management expertise while also detailing their prior work titles and chronological job experience.

If you’re looking to ditch your traditional chronological resume altogether, a project-based resume is a great way of showcasing your most desirable professional skills outside of the tight confines of a standard cookie-cutter resume that lists your work experience in reverse chronological order.

By renaming the “work experience” section of your resume to “projects,” you can easily avoid the standard chronological resume format and instead focus on your most relevant projects and professional skills. This unique structure focuses more on practical, hands-on experience and less on how long you held a certain job title.

To list projects on a resume:

Contextualize the project’s details. You don’t want each project to take up too much space, but you do need to describe the key who, what, where, when, and why of the story. Most importantly, bring in numbers as often as possible.

Highlight your accomplishments. “Ideally, your resume is a list of achievements,” says resume expert Don Pippin . When describing your projects, be sure that the direct impact that you had on the end result is apparent.

Tailor your resume for each job. Again, this applies to all resumes, not just project-based ones. In the context of projects, though, be sure to think about how each entry relates to the specific job you’re applying for.

Provide examples. If you’re emailing your resume, including some hyperlinks to documents relating to past projects can be really impactful. Not only can the hiring manager see the results of your work, but also how you and your team approached projects in general.

Below are three examples of ways you can list projects on your professional resume or CV . Using these examples as a template when writing your job-specific resume can help you advance in the hiring process and land the job of your dreams.

Listing Projects in the Education Section of Your Chronological Resume Example:

Education Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Cambridge, Massachusetts B.S. in Mechanical Engineering , May 2020 | GPA: 3.8 Key Projects: Led a team of three engineering students to execute blueprints and coordinate the production of state-of-the-art air filtration systems for the university hospital. Production and installation came in 12% under budget and were completed 2 weeks ahead of schedule.

Listing Projects Below Previous Job Responsibilities and Work Descriptions in Your Chronological Resume Example:

Work Experience Sales Associate Baker Technologies | March 2019-present Drove revenue by 13% year-over-year by initiating increased customer engagement policy Oversaw a team of five cashiers, who collectively processed average credit card and cash payments of over $20,000 daily Key Projects: Worked with a software developer to redesign and launch Baker Technologies’ online marketplace, resulting in a $2 million increase in profits for 2019.

Listing Projects in a Projects Section of Your Project-Based Resume Example:

Professional Project Highlights App Development Camping With Oliver , July 2020-November 2020 Developed and coded a complex app, compatible with iPhone and Android devices, designed to help hikers locate free campsites in their area. Increased digital revenue stream by 55% following launch Private Web Design Bobbi’s Bakery , January 2021-March 2021 Built a multifunctional website with a complex ordering system using HTLM 5, CSS, and bug-free code Managed all custom graphics, page composition, and branding for this client, leading to a 30% Q/Q jump in sales

If it’s your first time listing projects on a resume or ditching your traditional chronological resume or project-based one, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to craft an effective resume and impress hiring managers.

By following these five tips, you’ll be able to perfectly listing projects on your professional resume and allow your key skills and job qualifications to shine.

Lead with the most relevant projects. One of the biggest advantages of a project-based resume is having the ability to list your work experiences and skills in order of the most relevant projects, instead of arranging them chronologically.

Highlight leadership and job-specific skills. If you’re listing projects on your resume, it’s important to be deliberate and meticulous in the projects you include. Your project list should be presentable, professional, and perfectly convey your leadership and job-specific skills.

Show how you achieve results and meet company goals. Another substantial perk of listing projects on your resume is the ability to clearly illustrate and verify how you are results-driven and ready to meet company goals.

Illustrate how your experiences align with company values. Not only is it important to showcase the skills and qualifications required for a job opening, but it’s also essential to illustrate how your work style and professional goals align with the values a company prides itself on.

Keep project descriptions short. To emphasize your strongest skills and professional abilities, it’s important to keep project descriptions short, concise, and to the point. Providing only the essential details to demonstrate your skills, achievements, and experience will allow hiring managers to easily read and review your resume.

Listing projects on your resume will help you get a leg up over other qualified competing applicants.

A project-based resume, similar to a functional resume , is highly effective in conveying your unique qualifications, work style, field of specialization, and areas of expertise.

Project-based resumes are great tools for illustrating hands-on experience and your decision-making and conflict resolution skills. Describing projects you’ve been involved with can give hiring managers a glimpse into how you operate as an employee.

Submitting a project-based resume with your job applications can allow you to position yourself as the best candidate for the role by highlighting and describing projects that closely align with the job description included in the advertisement.

Including a list of projects on your resume will allow your job application to shine and illustrate your work capabilities and well-rounded personality; to hiring managers and job recruiters.

A project-based resume is a professional resume that focuses on accomplishments rather than chronological job titles and previous work responsibilities.

Where a traditional resume lists work experience and academic degrees in date order, a project-based resume instead does one of two things.

It either lists a job seeker’s relevant academic, work, and personal projects in order of most to least compelling or includes specific projects beneath the education or work experience sections of a resume.

Project-based resumes effectively provide hiring managers and prospective employers with verifiable proof of a job applicant’s industry expertise, achievements, and experience.

Anyone can use project-based resumes, but the following groups might find additional benefit:

Freelancers. Project-based resumes can be an especially worthwhile option for freelancers , as it allows you to ditch the traditional chronological resume and instead focus on projects you have worked on that are most relevant to the position you’re applying to.

Entry-level candidates. Not only is a project-based resume a great alternative for freelance workers, but it can also be equally as enticing for traditional employees or recent graduates since projects can be easily listed beneath education and work experience sections, as you would normally list accomplishments, skills, and previous job responsibilities.

Career changers. Writing a project-based resume can be a great option for people looking for their first job, changing careers, coming off a long sabbatical or personal leave, or searching for a full-time job after a series of freelance gigs.

Should I put my projects on my resume?

Yes, you should put your projects on your resume. Listing a few of your most impressive professional projects on your resume can help hiring managers see what you’re capable of.

What kind of projects should I put on my resume?

You should put successful, professional projects that relate to the job you’re applying for on your resume. Think of a few of the projects that demonstrate the skills that are listed on the job description you’re applying for and put them on your resume.

Do personal projects count as experience?

No, personal projects don’t count as experience. They don’t usually count as formal work experience, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put some of them on your resume, especially if they demonstrate your professional skills.

is it OK to put project details in a resume?

Yes, It’s OK to put project details in a resume. Projects are a great addition to your resume when your experience section doesn’t already show that you have the background or experience for a job. Recent graduates or entry-level candidates are the ones who typically put projects on their resume.

Whether you’re a freelancer or a traditional employee, a recent graduate or a career changer, projects can make your resume pop.

By illustrating your hands-on work experience, verifying your skills and job qualifications, and marketing yourself as the best candidate for the role, you’ll have hiring managers who can’t wait to call you in for an interview to learn more.

Using the tips and templates included in this article can help you write a well-structured and effective project-based resume and make a great first impression on recruiters across industries.

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Elsie is an experienced writer, reporter, and content creator. As a leader in her field, Elsie is best known for her work as a Reporter for The Southampton Press, but she can also be credited with contributions to Long Island Pulse Magazine and Hamptons Online. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from Stony Brook University and currently resides in Franklin, Tennessee.

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How—and When—to Include Projects on Your Resume (Plus Examples!)

person at desk on laptop

If you’ve completed a project you’re especially proud of, it’s natural to want to show it off on your resume—and it might even help you land your next job. Projects that potentially belong on your resume can come from your past jobs, paid and unpaid side ventures, and—if you’re a recent grad—your academic coursework.

Read on to see why, when, and how you should put projects on your resume.

Why You Should List Projects on a Resume

Like everything else on your resume, projects can help highlight experiences that qualify you for your next job. You may have used skills— hard or soft —in a certain project that are key for the role you want. And including a successful project is a great way to tie those skills directly to results, which employers want to see on every resume.

When You Should List Projects on Your Resume

Adding projects to your resume “can be a great way to highlight experience outside of your daily role, enhance a recent grad resume, or bridge the gap from what you’re doing to what you want to do” if you’re looking to change or pivot careers, says Muse career coach Tara Goodfellow , owner of Athena Consultants .

Projects are an especially helpful addition to your resume when your experience section doesn’t already show that you have the background you need to get the job you want next, which is most common for two groups of job seekers:

  • Recent graduates : Entry-level candidates by definition lack professional experience. But if you just finished college, a big project—whether you did it for a class, an honors or capstone program, an internship, or your own research—can show that you have a lot of valuable workplace skills such as leadership, collaboration, presentation, and public speaking, Goodfellow says. After your first-full time role, Goodfellow recommends removing school projects from your resume.
  • Career changers or pivoters: When you’re looking to switch or pivot your career, you want to show any experience you have that relates to the role, field, or industry you want to go into. This might mean highlighting projects you did within a current or past job or adding a volunteer, side, or freelance project to your resume. What matters is that your project helps prove to employers you have relevant experience for the job you’re hoping to land.

Which Projects You Should Include

When you’re deciding which projects to add to your resume, “you want to be strategic,” Goodfellow says. “Don’t just dump every project you've been part of hoping something will catch the hiring manager’s attention.” Instead, carefully go over the job description for any role you’re interested in. Highlight any skills or qualifications the company is looking for that you have, as well as any job duties they list for the role that you’ve performed in the past. Then note any that can only be proven by including a certain project on your resume. If a project doesn’t meet this threshold, it probably doesn’t need to be called out.

Even if you’re in a more project-based field, like engineering, IT, or consulting, consider whether all or any of your projects can emphasize your accomplishments in a way that general bullet points under each job entry can’t. With too many projects crowding your resume, recruiters might not find the most important details. For example, if you generally do consulting for larger clients, but once worked with a small business and got great results, listing details for that one project might help you land a job at a consultancy with a small-business focus. But if most of your clients are small businesses, mentioning a slew of individual projects rather than overall achievements will take up valuable resume space without necessarily adding to your qualifications.

How to List Projects (Plus Examples)

List your projects wherever they’re most relevant, Goodfellow says. For recent grads, this often means your education section. If the project was part of a past job, freelance work, or volunteer work, it likely belongs under that specific entry in your experience section . If you’re thinking of a personal or side project or you have multiple projects that you want to include on your resume, you might consider adding a dedicated “Related Projects” or similarly titled section.

Regardless of where you list your project, you should follow these general tips:

  • Include important details. You should add enough information about each project that it can be easily understood by anyone who reads your resume. Depending on the specific project, consider listing a project title, a project description, and project dates, as well as who you did the project for and with, what your role was, and what the results and impact were.
  • Focus on your achievements. Whether your project description is contained to one bullet point or has several bullet points underneath it, employers want to see what results you’ve gotten with your skills so they can see how you might drive results for them. Use achievement-oriented , quantified bullet points to really put your accomplishments front and center.
  • Tailor your project description for every job application. You should only include projects that are relevant to the specific job you’re applying for and, even more than that, you should make sure your description of a project highlights the pieces of it that are most relevant. So if a company is looking for someone with website design experience, focus on the design aspect of your side project, not how you attracted customers to your site. And try to use the same language and keywords as the job description.
  • Include links to your work when possible. Almost everyone who reads your resume will do so for the first time on a computer, so links to work that’s live online are fair game. Just make sure you hyperlink an unimportant word like “Project” or even “Link” to avoid any applicant tracking system (ATS) issues.

What does this all look like in practice? Here are a few examples based on where you’re listing a project.

In an Education Section

This is how an entry-level applicant looking to emphasize their research, writing, and presentation skills might include a project on their resume.

Bachelor of Arts in English | Colgate University | Hamilton, NY Expected Graduation: Spring 2021 Capstone Project: “Voices Missing From the 19th-Century Literary Canon”

  • Wrote a 40-page dissertation on three minority writers who are not commonly taught in U.S. K-12 schools or colleges, exploring literary devices and techniques used before other writers who are commonly taught
  • Presented research findings at Nineteenth-Century Studies Association 2021 Conference as one of five undergrads selected to give a 10-minute talk
  • Researched writers’ lives and work by analyzing newspaper archives (via LexisNexis), conducting interviews with literary scholars who focus on the 19th century, and traveling to review old correspondence and writings not widely reproduced
  • Analyzed 12 total texts to compare literary devices and techniques between focal writers and their contemporaries

Within Your Experience Section

Here’s how a marketer looking to pivot into project management might include a project under a past job immediately after the bullet points describing their overall duties and accomplishments.

Key Project

  • Led $200k digital marketing campaign from conception to launch, resulting in 120% of target signups in first two months of campaign
  • Managed cross-functional team of seven marketing coordinators and analysts, content creators, and designers through market research, content creation, campaign launch, and analysis of results, setting deadlines, adjusting to changes in schedule, and resolving conflicts and miscommunications among teams

Within a Dedicated Section

Here’s how an aspiring software engineer might describe a project they did in their free time to show off their coding chops to prospective employers.

RELEVANT PROJECTS | March 2020–September 2020 | Link

  • Designed and coded a website (using CSS, Python, and JavaScript) where players of popular video games could arrange trades for virtual items, receiving an average of 1000 hits monthly
  • Responded to user feedback and issues to improve site functionality and build additional features including a search function

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Projects on Your Resume: Listing Work and Academic Projects

projects in resume sample

Including projects on your resume is a great way to highlight your skills and experience. This section will discuss the importance of highlighting projects and skills, the positive impact projects can have on job applications, and how to highlight individual work and team collaboration.

Importance of Highlighting Projects and Skills

When you include your project work on your resume, you are showcasing your ability to take initiative, work independently or collaboratively, and contribute to meaningful projects. Projects completed both in a work or academic setting can demonstrate your ability to solve problems, create solutions, and demonstrate your subject matter expertise.

Employers are looking for candidates who can make a positive impact on the organization, and projects provide evidence of your ability to do so. By highlighting projects and skills, you can show potential employers that you have a track record of delivering quality work and generating meaningful insights.

How Projects Can Positively Impact Job Applications

Including projects on your resume can help you stand out from other applicants. In particular, if you have completed projects that are relevant to the job you are applying for, you can demonstrate that you have the specific experience and knowledge needed to excel in that role.

Additionally, projects can also indicate your work ethic, attention to detail, and willingness to take on new challenges. All of these attributes are highly valued by employers, and highlighting them on your resume can make you a stronger candidate in the hiring process.

Highlighting Individual Work and Team Collaboration

When highlighting projects on your resume, it is important to provide details about your individual contributions as well as your team collaboration. This can involve listing specific tasks you completed, detailing any challenges you faced and how you overcame them, and highlighting any specific skills you developed as a result of the project.

projects in resume sample

You should also describe how you worked with others on the project, providing examples of how you contributed to the overall success of the team. This can include detailing your team leadership skills, your ability to collaborate effectively, and your willingness to take on additional responsibilities to ensure the project’s success.

Listing your projects on your resume can add significant value to your job applications. By showcasing your skills, experience, and ability to work both independently and as part of a team, you can demonstrate to potential employers that you are a strong candidate for the role.

Identifying Relevant Projects

When it comes to crafting a winning resume, including the right projects can make all the difference. But how do you know which ones deserve a spot on your CV? Here are some tips for identifying the most relevant projects to showcase your skills and impress potential employers.

Identifying the Right Projects for Inclusion in Your Resume

First things first, it’s important to know which projects to include on your resume. Not every project you’ve worked on may be relevant to the position you’re applying for. To determine which projects to include, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does this project align with the requirements of the job I’m applying for?
  • Did I contribute significantly to the project’s success?
  • Does this project showcase skills that are relevant to the job?

By answering these questions, you can narrow down the projects that are most relevant to the position and highlight your strengths.

Differentiating Between Work and Academic Projects

It’s also important to understand the differences between work and academic projects. Work projects typically involve real-world problems, specific goals, and deadlines, while academic projects focus on theoretical concepts and often have more open-ended outcomes.

When including academic projects on your resume, focus on the skills and knowledge gained rather than the project itself. For example, if you worked on a research project, emphasize the research skills and analytical abilities you gained rather than the particulars of the project.

Identifying the Most Impressive Projects

Finally, once you’ve narrowed down your project list, it’s time to identify the most impressive ones. These are the projects that demonstrate your expertise, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. To identify these projects, consider the following:

  • Projects with notable outcomes or achievements
  • Projects that required innovative solutions or unique approaches
  • Projects with clear metrics that demonstrate success

By highlighting these impressive projects on your resume, you’ll be able to stand out from the competition and showcase your potential as an employee.

Identifying the most relevant projects to include on your resume requires careful consideration of the position, your skills, and the projects themselves. By following these tips, you’ll be able to craft a winning resume that showcases your achievements and makes you a top candidate for the job.

Types of Projects to Include on Resume

When listing projects on your resume, it’s important to understand the different types of projects that can be included. These include academic projects, work-related projects, and personal projects. In this section, we’ll discuss each type and how to select the most relevant projects for your career.

Understanding Different Types of Projects

Academic projects refer to projects completed during your studies. These can be individual or group projects and can include research papers, case studies, presentations, or capstone projects. Academic projects demonstrate your ability to apply the knowledge and skills you’ve gained in your studies to real-world problems.

projects in resume sample

Work-related projects include any projects completed during your employment, such as product launches, marketing campaigns, process improvements, or software development projects. Work-related projects demonstrate your ability to work in a team and deliver results in a professional setting.

Personal projects refer to projects you complete outside of work or school, such as volunteer work, blog writing, or creating a website. These projects demonstrate your personal interests and skills.

Selecting the Most Relevant Projects for Your Career

When selecting projects to include on your resume, it’s important to choose projects that are relevant to your career goals. For example, if you are applying for a job as a software developer, you should list work-related or academic projects related to software development or computer science.

It’s also important to choose projects that demonstrate your unique skills and strengths. For example, if you are an excellent communicator, you could include a project that required strong communication skills or involved leading a team.

Using Examples to Showcase Projects Effectively

When listing projects on your resume, make sure to provide specific examples of your accomplishments and contributions. For example, instead of simply stating that you worked on a team project, provide details on your role in the project and the results achieved.

Additionally, make sure to quantify your achievements whenever possible. For example, you could mention how the project you worked on resulted in increased sales, improved customer satisfaction, or cost savings for your company.

By understanding the different types of projects and selecting the most relevant ones for your career, you can effectively showcase your skills and accomplishments on your resume.

How to List Projects on Resume

When it comes to listing projects on your resume, proper formatting and clear organization are crucial. A well-structured project section can showcase the depth of your experience and expertise and help you stand out from other applicants. In this section, we will discuss the different sections to include and how to give enough details to showcase the depth of the project.

Proper Formatting and Organization

The first step in listing projects on your resume is to ensure proper formatting and organization. This includes using bullet points to make your information easy to read, using clear headings and sections to highlight different projects, and ensuring consistency in font and formatting.

When listing your projects, consider breaking them down into sub-headings, such as Work Projects, Academic Projects, or Volunteer Projects. This can help to give context to the reader and make it clear what type of experience you have in each area.

Explanation of the Different Sections to Include

The following sections should be included in your project section:

Project Title: This should be the name of the project you worked on.

Description: In a few sentences, describe the project, your role, and your contributions. Be sure to highlight the skills you used and the results you achieved.

Date: Include the month and year of your involvement in the project.

Skill Keywords: Include keywords that are relevant to the skills you utilized in the project. This can include technical skills, such as programming languages, or soft skills, such as communication or leadership.

Results and Achievements: Where possible, include specific results or achievements from the project. This could be a successful launch, a positive feedback from superiors or increased engagement numbers.

Giving Enough Details to Showcase the Depth of the Project

When listing your projects, be sure to give enough details to showcase the depth of your experience. This can include the size of the team you worked with, the budget of the project, and any challenges you faced and overcame. Additionally, highlighting the specific skills you utilized and the results you achieved can help to demonstrate your expertise.

However, be careful not to insert too much detail. As a rule of thumb, your project descriptions should be no more than 3-4 bullet points. Keep your information clear, concise, and relevant.

When listing projects on your resume, proper formatting and organization are key. Include the project title, description, date, skill keywords, and achievements. Be specific in the details provided, but avoid overloading with unnecessary information. With these tips, you can create a clear and concise project section that showcases your expertise and experience to potential employers.

Tips for Describing Projects on Resume

When it comes to showcasing your work and academic projects on your resume, clear and concise descriptions are key. Here are some tips to help you effectively describe your projects:

Writing Clear Descriptions

Make sure your descriptions are easy to understand and free of technical jargon. Use simple language to explain what the project entailed and what you achieved. Consider including the problem you solved, the approach you took, and the outcome of the project.

Defining Your Role within the Project

It’s important to clearly define your role within the project. Did you lead the project or were you a team member? What were your specific responsibilities? This will give potential employers a better understanding of your skills and expertise.

Showcasing the Size and Scope of a Project

Use numbers and data to showcase the size and scope of the project. This could include things like the budget, the number of people involved, or the timeline of the project. Also, consider including any awards or notable recognitions the project received.

When describing your projects on your resume, be sure to focus on the impact and results you achieved. By outlining your specific contributions and showcasing the size and scope of the project, you can make a strong case for your experience and expertise.

Example: Listing Work Projects

When it comes to showcasing your experience on a resume, listing your work projects can be an effective way to demonstrate your skills, responsibilities, and accomplishments. This section will provide examples of project descriptions that can help you tailor your own resume to highlight your unique experience.

Each example project description should focus on the core skills you utilized during the project, the responsibilities you had, and any achievements or accomplishments that resulted from your work. By demonstrating your value through these descriptions, you can effectively communicate your potential to future employers.

Including relevant work projects on your resume can also help you stand out from other candidates. In today’s competitive job market, it’s important to show that you have real-world experience and have successfully tackled complex tasks related to your job or industry. Listing specific projects shows that you have a deep understanding of your current role and the skills necessary to excel in it.

When selecting which projects to include on your resume, consider the significance of each project. Did it have a measurable impact on your company, industry, or community? Did you play a key role in the project’s success? If so, be sure to highlight your contribution and the results of your efforts.

Including work projects on your resume can give you a significant edge over other candidates. By showcasing your skills, responsibilities, and accomplishments, you demonstrate that you are a valuable asset to any organization. So, take the time to carefully select and highlight your most important projects and watch as potential employers take notice of your experience and potential.

Example: Listing Academic Projects

This section is dedicated to showcasing examples of academic project descriptions that effectively highlight skills, knowledge, and academic accomplishments.

When it comes to crafting a compelling resume, it’s important to include relevant projects that showcase your abilities and achievements. Academic projects offer a unique opportunity to showcase your expertise in a particular area and demonstrate your commitment to your field of study.

Academic projects can range from research papers and case studies to group projects and presentations. When listing these projects on your resume, it’s important to highlight the skills and knowledge that you gained while completing them. This could include things like critical thinking, problem-solving, research, writing, presentation, and teamwork skills.

Including academic projects on your resume can also demonstrate your commitment to your field of study and your desire to continue learning and growing in your profession. It can show potential employers that you are dedicated to your craft and that you have a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Including academic projects on your resume can help you stand out from other candidates and demonstrate your skills, knowledge, and commitment to your field. When listing your academic projects, be sure to focus on the skills and knowledge that you gained from them and explain how they are relevant to the position or field that you’re applying to.

Including Non-Project Experience

When it comes to listing projects on your resume, it’s important to understand how to balance non-project experience with project experience. Non-project experience can include part-time jobs, internships, volunteer work, extracurricular activities, and personal projects.

While project experience can demonstrate your skills in a specific field, non-project experience can showcase your transferable skills, such as communication, leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork.

To highlight your transferable skills, it’s essential to provide a brief description of your non-project experience on your resume. For example, instead of simply writing “Cashier at ABC Store,” you could write “Provided excellent customer service, handled cash and credit card transactions, and trained new employees.” This way, you’re not just listing your job title, you’re demonstrating the skills you gained from the job.

Another way to use non-project experience on your resume is to support your project descriptions. For example, if you completed a project that required you to work with a team, you could mention your experience as a team captain in your college club. Or, if you developed a website for a project, you could mention your experience in freelance web design.

Including non-project experience on your resume can be advantageous in showcasing your transferable skills and supporting your project descriptions. Remember to balance your non-project and project experience appropriately and demonstrate the skills you gained from each experience.

Common Resume Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to your resume, showcasing your projects can be a great way to highlight your skills and experience. However, there are some common mistakes to avoid when listing your projects. Here are some tips to help you avoid pitfalls and strengthen your project descriptions:

Discussion of common mistakes when listing projects

Failing to provide context: When listing your projects, it’s important to provide context for each one. This includes explaining your role in the project, the goals and objectives, and the outcomes achieved. Without this information, your project descriptions may be unclear and unimpressive.

Being too vague: Don’t be afraid to get into the details of your projects. Give concrete examples of the work you did and the impact it had. Vague project descriptions can be a turn-off for potential employers.

Focusing only on technical skills: While technical skills are important, remember that your projects also demonstrate your teamwork, communication, and problem-solving abilities. Make sure your descriptions highlight these important soft skills as well.

Avoiding common traps and pitfalls

Listing irrelevant projects: When deciding which projects to include on your resume, make sure they are relevant to the job you are applying for. Listing too many or irrelevant projects can be overwhelming for the reader and detract from your more important experiences.

Only including completed projects: If you have projects that are still in progress, don’t be afraid to list them. Showcasing your ability to manage ongoing projects can be an impressive quality to potential employers.

Not showcasing your unique contributions: Make sure your project descriptions highlight your specific contributions and achievements. This can help differentiate you from other candidates with similar project experience.

Pointers for strengthening your project descriptions

Use action verbs: Start your project descriptions with strong action verbs to emphasize your accomplishments. Words like “managed,” “developed,” and “implemented” can convey a sense of leadership and accomplishment.

Quantify your results: Whenever possible, include specific metrics to quantify the results of your projects. This can help demonstrate the impact of your work in a concrete way.

Keep it concise: While it’s important to provide details about your projects, make sure your descriptions are still concise and easy to read. Stick to the most important information and avoid rambling or unnecessary details.

By avoiding common resume mistakes and strengthening your project descriptions, you can make your resume an impressive representation of your experience and skills. Use these tips to showcase your project work and stand out from other candidates.

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People are more likely to believe in your potential when you’ve already demonstrated it in the past.

And recruiters are no different. If you want to make your resume all the more compelling and impressive, listing projects on your resume is the way to go.

Although you can’t exactly demonstrate your projects in action while applying for jobs, you can allow your resume to speak for it and give a chance to the recruiters to see your true potential.

Listing projects on resumes is especially helpful for job seekers who are fresh graduates lacking in professional experience and also for people who are switching their career trajectory.

Read on to get clarity on the following FAQs about listing projects on resumes:

  • Why should you list projects on resumes?
  • When should you list projects on resume?
  • What type of projects should you list on a resume?

Importance of Listing Projects on Resumes

The primary idea behind listing projects on resumes is to put yourself forward as the best candidate for the position.

  • By listing projects on your resume, you let employers see your skills, experience, achievements, and capability of executing tasks efficiently.

And of course, if you’ve been a part of or led a key project in your past roles, why wouldn’t you want to show it off and benefit from your efforts by showcasing it in your resume?

In fact, the same set of skills that you used to complete a past project may be the exact skill set that your next employer may be looking for.

Therefore, when the recruiters see these projects in your resume, it automatically doubles up your chances of getting shortlisted for interviews.

Also, listing projects on resumes serve as a proven track record of your efficiency, teamwork, leadership skills, and project management skills.

Also read: How to build an impressive IT project manager resume

When Should You List Projects on Resume?

Although listing projects on resumes can prove beneficial for any type of candidate, it is especially essential for the following groups of applicants:


Since most of the work done by IT freelancers is project-based, highlighting projects in your resume becomes crucial.

Given the fact students and fresh graduates don't have professional work experience to include in their resumes, including academic projects can be a game-changer.

List the volunteer projects that you may have been a part of or any of your academic projects.

Career Switchers

If you are making a career switch to the IT industry but don't have professional experience, listing independent projects in your resume will increase your chances of impressing the recruiters.

You can list the GitHub or Kaggle projects that you've worked independently on, in your resume.

How to Include Projects on Resumes?

Now that you see the importance of listing projects on resumes, the question that stands is, how to describe projects on resumes?

First things first, it’s important to ensure that you are listing the projects under the right section of your resume.

Meaning, if you are a fresher or a recent college graduate, the college projects on your resume can go under the education section or the volunteer section.

As for professionals with experience, projects can be listed in the professional experience section of your resume.

Regardless of the project placement, here are some guidelines you can follow to list projects on resumes:

Identify the Skills You Need to Highlight

Now, the relevance of the projects you include in your resume is crucial.

Throughout your career, you may have been a part of various projects. However, you need to identify the most suitable ones and the ones which fit well with the role you’re applying for.

The projects you choose to list in your resume must showcase the exact skills the employer is looking for. After all, isn’t that the whole point of listing projects on resumes?

You can understand the requirements of the recruiters by going through the job listing.

Ensure that you tailor the choice of your projects according to the job description of the different companies you are applying to.

Also read: What skills to put on a resume

Focus on Your Achievements and Use Figures

While you are listing projects on resumes, it is important to focus on your achievements and use figures to talk about the same.

For instance, if you led a team of software developers and testers to work on an application upgrade to increase the user base, ensure to mention the exact number or percentage increase in the user base that you achieved with the upgrade.

This way, employers can envision you as a valuable addition to their company workforce.

Call Attention to Key Details

Since the length of an ideal resume is only a page long, you can’t possibly include the entire how, when, and why details about the project in your resume.

Thus, you must only include details that are pivotal to exhibit the skills which the particular employer requires.

The key details of a project can include the strength of the team you led, the budget, scope, revenue generated, cost saved, clients increased, and so on.

For example, you can write:

“Led a team of 20+ software developers to design and implement OAuth2 based functionality as part of ensuring 100% data security for users.”

Link Your Online Portfolio

What better way than to let your projects speak for themselves right?

Linking your online portfolio while listing projects on resumes will allow recruiters to get a deeper insight into your skills and experience.

Providing proof and examples of your work will add weight to your resume and impress the recruiters even more.

Just ensure that your online portfolio is up-to-date and polished.

Also read: How to highlight GitHub projects on resume

Choose the Correct Section

As stated earlier, you can list projects on resumes under different sections (professional experience or education section) depending on whether you are a fresher or a professional with past experience.

Also, if you belong to the IT industry, you might have quite a number of projects under your belt.

Therefore candidates who have multiple key projects relevant to the job description can list their project under a separate project section in their resumes.

Also read: What are the best programming projects to put on resume?

Types of Projects on Resumes

You can add a variety of projects to your resume as long as they stand relevant to the description of the job you’re applying to.

Given below are 3 types of projects you can add to your resume:

Work Projects on Resumes

As the name suggests, work projects are projects that you undertake professionally while working for clients and companies.

Therefore these types of projects go under the professional experience section of your resume.

Here are some examples of listing work projects on resumes:

  • Coordinated with IT team to develop a mobile and web-based data tracking application and closed $1.2 worth of deal
  • Designed 10+ mock apps for collecting feedback from selected users as part of improving user experience
  • Created 20+ cross-platform apps by utilizing C# in Xamarin Studio as per clients' requirements
  • Formulated UI testing procedures to identify malfunctions and debugged apps before launch to optimize performance
  • Developed 5+ android applications in an agile environment by deploying JavaScript and C++

Academic Projects on Resumes

If you are a recent grad, it makes sense to add academic projects that showcase the skills related to the role you’re targeting in your resume.

These academic projects can go under the education section or volunteer section of your resume and demonstrate the targeted soft skills, if not technical skills relevant to the job description.

Take a look at these examples of projects on resumes:

  • Assisted in creating a group chat application using Java Platform SE 7 with additional functionalities for a group project
  • Published a research paper on data modeling with a focus on its use for analyzing data requirements for the business processes
  • Led the software department’s student exchange program to facilitate student-faculty coordination for departmental initiatives

Personal Projects on Resumes

Personal projects can also be a great addition to your resumes. Provided it is relevant to the job description.

Personal projects can be listed under the volunteer section or a stand-alone section titled “personal projects”, and is ideal for candidates who lack professional experience.

  • Conducted door-to-door surveys while spearheading an awareness campaign for volunteer work
  • Rendered assistance in the software testing phases for a college group project
Also read: How to draft a job winning project engineer resume

Concluding Points

  • If you want to make your resume all the more compelling and impressive, listing projects on your resume is the ideal way to achieve the same.
  • Listing projects on resumes serve as a proven track record of your efficiency, teamwork, leadership skills, and project management skills.
  • List projects on resumes in suitable sections and ensure that it demonstrates the skills that the employer requires.
  • Consider adding a link to your online portfolio and highlighting your achievements by using figures.
  • You can add work, academic and personal projects to your resume, provided it stands relevant to the role you are applying for.

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Projects on Resume: Boost Your CV by Showing What You Worked On IRL

  • Klara Cervenanska , 
  • Updated October 20, 2023 9 min read

Including projects on a resume isn't a common practice. Yet, it's a game-changer that can set you apart from the crowd. Why?

It showcases your real-life expertise , offering tangible proof of your skills and capabilities.

But, what are projects on a resume? Projects on a resume is a separate section in your resume where you list any kind of projects you've worked on. These can be academic, personal, work-related, freelance projects, etc.

Including these on a CV highlights your initiative and expertise and gives recruiters a glimpse into your hands-on experience, allowing them to see your capabilities in action, not just as words on paper.

In this article, we go over:

What are projects on a resume?

  • What projects to put on a resume?
  • How to list projects on a resume?

Plus, we show you examples of a 'projects' resume section ready for you to copy and paste into your own CV.

Table of Contents

Click on a section to skip

Types of projects to show on your resume

How to list projects on a resume, projects on resume examples, formatting tips for a projects resume section, key takeaways: projects on resume.

Projects on a resume is basically like your standard sections on resumes: Education , Work Experience , or Skills . This section acts like a visual portfolio embedded in your CV, detailing the diverse projects you've engaged in.

So, how does this section look? Well, it includes a concise description of each project, outlining your role, the skills applied, and, importantly, a link for the recruiter to see the actual work or results.

Imagine a recruiter clicking through to see your coding project on GitHub or a marketing campaign you designed—impressive, right?

Why include a projects section in your resume?

A projects section on your resume offers insight into your hands-on experience and drive.

Here's why adding a projects section to your resume can benefit you:

  • Stand out from the crowd . Not many candidates utilize this section. Including it can differentiate your resume from the stack, making it more memorable and engaging.
  • Shows hands-on experience. It’s one thing to list your skills; another thing to show them in action. This section lets your work speak for itself, providing tangible evidence of your capabilities.
  • Demonstrates initiative . Listing projects, especially personal or voluntary ones, showcases your motivation, dedication, and proactive nature. It tells employers you don’t just wait for assignments—you seek opportunities to learn and grow.
  • Diversifies your profile: Regardless of whether you’re a fresh graduate or a seasoned professional, projects can show a range of skills and experiences, making your profile richer and more versatile.

In essence, a projects resume section serves as proof of your skills and experiences, allowing recruiters a glimpse into your practical expertise. Plus, it adds something a little extra to your resume.

Alternatively, if you already have a great LinkedIn profile with your projects included your can try the easy LinkedIn to resume converter and you'll have your resume ready in no time.

The projects section of your resume can be as diverse as your experiences. The key is to pick projects that best represent your skills, dedication, and expertise in a potential job role.

Here, we dissect some of the most impactful types of projects you might consider including:

1. Personal projects on resume

Personal projects can be incredibly telling. They often arise from passion, self-motivation, and a genuine desire to learn or create.

These projects can be an excellent indicator of your ambition, dedication, and self-learning capabilities.

Personal projects can include (but aren't limited to):

  • Personal blog talking about industry trends
  • DIY crafts website you started
  • App developed during weekends
  • Photography portfolio capturing unique perspectives
  • E-commerce site you set up and handled

2. Academic projects on resume

For those fresh out of school or even industry professionals, academic projects can show both theoretical understanding and its practical application.

They show your ability to apply classroom learning to real-world scenarios, cooperating with peers, and see an assignment through to completion.

Here are examples of academic projects you can include on your resume:

  • Research paper on a critical industry challenge
  • Science fair project with a novel idea
  • Community initiative led by your university
  • Multidisciplinary capstone project
  • Simulation model showcasing problem-solving

3. Python projects for resume

With the increasing prominence of Python in diverse fields, showcasing Python projects can be a game-changer for both tech-centric roles and those that lean less technical.

It highlights your proficiency with one of the world's most versatile programming languages and your ability to solve problems using tech.

And, using platforms like GitHub can be an excellent way to provide tangible proof of your code and your commitment to collaborative coding.

Steps to list Python projects on resume:

  • Highlight the problem: State the challenge.
  • Elaborate on the tools: Mention Python tools or frameworks.
  • Use GitHub: Share a link to the repository to showcase the code.
  • Impact and results: Summarize the outcomes.

Below are examples of what types of Python projects you can include:

  • Data analysis tool using Pandas and Matplotlib.
  • Automation script streamlining tasks.
  • Web scraper for market insights.
  • Customer service chatbot .
  • Game using Python's Pygame library.

4. Freelance projects on resume

Freelance work showcases adaptability, entrepreneurship, and the ability to manage client needs.

  • A brand strategy crafted for a startup.
  • Website design for local businesses.
  • Social media campaigns executed for multiple clients.
  • Content creation for diverse industries.
  • A consulting stint to optimize business processes.

5. Volunteering projects on resume

Volunteering reflects dedication, empathy, and often, leadership and teamwork.

  • Organizing community clean-up drives.
  • Fundraising campaigns for a local charity.
  • Teaching initiatives in underprivileged areas.
  • Disaster relief work in affected regions.
  • Setting up and running awareness campaigns on social issues.

Remember, the aim is to provide a glimpse into your diverse skill set. Tailor your “Projects” section to resonate with the job you’re applying for, ensuring it’s a testament to your fit for the role.

When it comes to listing projects, there's a choice to make:

A. Do you create a separate section? Or B. Weave them into existing sections? A good rule of thumb? If you have three or more projects , consider creating a separate section.

Both integrating projects into existing sections and creating a separate section have their merits.

Steps to list projects in a separate projects section:

  • Choose the right title. Opt for titles like "Projects," "Independent projects," or "Freelance projects" based on your projects' nature.
  • Include details. Mention your specific role, the outcomes achieved, and any technologies or tools you've used.
  • Quantify. Using numbers like "boosted website traffic by 20%," often means more to recruiters.
  • Include URLs. Add a direct link to your project. You can use a hyperlink or provide the full URL. However, be mindful with hyperlinks. Some Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) might strip the hyperlink, leaving only plain text.

Steps to list projects within an existing resume section:

  • Integration. Incorporate project details into your Work experience or other relevant sections (e.g., Education).
  • Use action verbs . Begin with verbs like "developed," "initiated," or "spearheaded" for added vigor.
  • Include URLs. If available online, share links to your project, ensuring potential employers can view your work directly.
  • Consistency. Ensure your formatting matches the rest of your resume for a unified look.

Whichever method you opt for, ensure your projects are presented to best highlight your experience and accomplishments.

Sometimes, it's easier to show rather than tell. To provide a clearer outlook, we provide a few examples to get you started with including projects on your resume.

Below is an example of how a separate projects section on a resume might look for someone in the marketing field :

Sometimes, blending projects into your work experience offers a better view of your contributions to a particular role.

Here's an example of how you can seamlessly integrate a significant project within the "Work Experience" section:

Note:  The following resume examples were created using Kickresume's  resume builder .

In the world of resumes, presentation matters as much as content.

A well-formatted projects section can elevate your resume, making it more digestible and engaging for recruiters.

Here are some formatting tips to ensure your projects section shines:

  • Use bullet points. Bullet points break up text, making your achievements easier to skim and digest. It also looks tidier and more organized.
  • Consistency in formatting. Whether it's the font, size, or layout, ensure it matches the rest of your resume. Consistency signals professionalism.
  • Positioning the projects section. If your projects are highly relevant to the job you're applying for, place this section near the top of your resume. But, if they're more extra, position them towards the end.
  • Prioritize your projects. Always lead with your most relevant projects. If you developed a game-changing marketing strategy, it should come before that small side project you did 3 years ago.
  • Including URLs. When adding URLs to showcase your work, make sure they're neat. You can use hyperlinks, but be careful. Some ATS may strip out hyperlinks, leaving plain text. Always ensure the plain text URL is understandable and doesn't break when the hyperlink is removed.

Remember, the goal is to make your projects section as readable and impressive as possible, guiding the recruiter's eye to your most noteworthy accomplishments.

The job market is as competitive as ever, and standing out is paramount.

One sure way to make your resume stand out is to include projects you've worked on in your CV. It adds a little something extra to your resume and provides a real-life look into your skills.

Create a separate projects section if you have more than 3 relevant projects to showcase. If not, you can include the projects in other resume sections, like the work experience.

Don't forget to give the project a clear name , mention what your role was, what the outcome was, and include a URL .

A projects section can be the x-factor that propels your resume to the top of the pile. It paints a fuller picture of who you are as a professional, not just what you've done, but how you've approached and executed real-world challenges.

FAQ: Projects on resume

A dedicated space on your resume where you showcase the hands-on work you've undertaken. It's not just about what you say you can do; it's about what you've actually achieved.

There's versatility here. From personal passions to academic assignments and from freelance gigs to tech endeavors like Python tasks — each project type tells a story of your dedication and skill.

There are two main paths. Either as a separate section or integrated within existing sections like work experience. A standalone projects section could be the way to go if you've got a hefty list, say three or more substantial projects.

1. It differentiates you from a sea of similar resumes. 2. Offers tangible evidence of your skills in action. 3. Demonstrates initiative and proactiveness. 4. Adds depth and versatility to your professional story.

Klara graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she began writing full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. Her pieces were featured in multiple CNBC articles. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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Jobscan > Resume Examples > Project Management Resume Examples, Skills, and Keywords

Project Management Resume Examples, Skills, and Keywords

Whether you’re applying for a job as a project manager, scrum master, or project coordinator, you can use the project management resume examples below to build a resume that gets results.

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Project management resume samples

Project management is the art of keeping a team coordinated and on-task in pursuit of a specific goal. Project managers need a unique skill set, including both managerial experience and hands-on industry knowledge. Time management and interpersonal skills are essential to this field, too. A project management resume should emphasize those abilities.

Suppose you’re interested in a career as a project management professional . In that case, you can create an eye-catching resume by explaining your relevant skills and accomplishments . ‌Of course, like any other industry, you should tailor your resume to the specific position for which you’re applying .

The most effective way to tailor your resume is to use an online tool like Jobscan’s resume scanner . It compares your resume to the job description and tell you which keywords are the most important. The scanner also provides you with a resume score – the higher the score the better your chances of getting a job interview.

With that in mind, below are the seven most common types of project management positions, with sample resumes that work.

Project manager resume example

Project managers are responsible for guaranteeing the successful completion of projects and initiatives in a wide variety of fields. During the course of everyday activities, a project manager will help generate the project, organize its execution, and oversee employee productivity. A product manager resume should highlight skills like time management, interpersonal communication, bookkeeping, and industry-specific knowledge.

Project manager resume example

IT project manager resume example

An IT project manager specifically handles projects related to information technology. Typical IT project manager duties include identifying potential new projects, coordinating production releases, presenting on the project’s progress, and assigning tasks to the appropriate employees. Resumes for these positions should focus on experience in IT, relevant technology skills, and managerial ability.

IT project manager resume example

Project coordinator resume example

A project coordinator reports to a project manager and helps with the administration of the project. They may handle tasks like evaluating proposals for problems, supervising employees, handling paperwork regarding the project, and managing correspondence and deadlines. A project coordinator resume may focus on administrative skills, interpersonal abilities, and industry experience.

Project coordinator resume example

Scrum master resume example

A scrum master is a type of project manager who uses Agile techniques to quickly and effectively achieve their goals. Agile is an approach that focuses on an iterative process to attain important goals. Scrum masters focus on guiding short, two-week work periods with frequent check-ins among the team and determining immediate goals. A scrum master resume will focus on previous experience in Agile workspaces and previous successful projects.

Scrum master resume example

Construction project manager resume example

Also called commercial construction project managers, people in these positions are responsible for building and completing construction projects. Elements that they oversee include acquiring permits, communicating with the client, following local and federal building codes, and staying within budget. A construction project manager’s resume will consist of experience in the construction industry and certifications and education on the specific type of structure.

Construction project manager resume example

Senior project manager resume example

Senior project managers are responsible for their projects throughout the process, from planning to hiring, budgeting, and completion. A senior project manager will oversee a management team, set deadlines, facilitate communication, source suppliers, and provide high-level feedback. Seniors project management resumes highlight previous project management experience and successes, along with general managerial skills and industry knowledge.

Senior project manager resume example

Agile project manager resume example

Agile project managers use Agile philosophies to guide projects, much like scrum masters. While a scrum master focuses on an individual team, an Agile project manager is responsible for the larger project and coordination between smaller groups. Agile project managers manage multiple concurrent problems that are all running through the Agile iterative process simultaneously. Their resumes should list experience and success as a scrum master, along with interpersonal and time management skills.

Agile project manager resume example

Hiring managers don’t have time to read every resume individually. Instead, they use tools that scan your resume for resume skills their company needs, like “negotiation” or “budget management.” Including more project management resume keywords in your application, like the ones listed below, can help you get spotted by the people behind the process:

Top project manager keywords

  • Verbal communication
  • Time management
  • Team management
  • Organization
  • Negotiation
  • Research skills
  • Technical writing
  • Budget management
  • Conflict management
  • Reporting skills
  • Policy knowledge
  • Risk management
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Active listening
  • Stress tolerance
  • Project management software
  • Prioritization
  • Critical thinking
  • Detail-oriented
  • Strategic planning

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Having the skills to keep a project on track makes you a valuable addition to many companies. If you can guide a major project and keep everyone organized, you’ll be well-compensated for your work. Here are the median salaries for five popular project management roles in the U.S.:

Salary expectations for popular project management roles

There are two ways to get into project management:

  • Some people enter the field after getting experience as a general manager in the industry for which they want to manage projects. They demonstrate their management skills and industry knowledge and get promoted into a project manager role.
  • The other path is to get a bachelor’s or master’s degree in project management. These degrees offer dedicated classes on the details of managing large tasks. A project management degree may focus on projects in specific industries, or it may focus on the subject in general.

‌ Whether or not you have a degree in project management, you will likely need a bachelor’s degree to enter the field. You can also refine your knowledge by getting certifications and continuing education credits in project management.

For example, the Project Management Institute offers the Project Management Professional credential you can add to your resume. Suppose you want to enter the field—but you don’t yet have experience. In that case, this is a more accessible alternative to getting a new degree.

person in sofa with computer

17 Project Manager Resume Examples for Your 2024 Job Search

Project managers have a knack for organization and a drive to help achieve goals. Your resume, like a successful project, should be well-executed, on-time, and backed by objective data. To help you truly stand out in 2023, we’ll talk through 16 project manager resumes and dissect the pieces that make them successful.

project manager resume

Resume Examples

Resume guidance.

  • High Level Resume Tips
  • Must-Have Information
  • Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important
  • Writing an Exceptional Resume Summary
  • How to Impress with Your Work Experience
  • Top Skills & Keywords
  • Go Above & Beyond with a Cover Letter
  • Resume FAQs
  • Related Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Project Manager Resumes:

  • Develop a comprehensive project plan, outlining task timelines and resource allocations.
  • Manage project risks, issues and changes, ensuring stakeholder satisfaction and successful project completion.
  • Build cross-functional teams and assign tasks, monitoring team member performance.
  • Establish clear lines of communication between stakeholders and ensure all stakeholders are informed of project status.
  • Develop and drive project governance, to ensure project is consistent with organizational direction.
  • Create project budgets and track project costs; monitor spending and provide financial recommendations.
  • Utilise project management tools and techniques to ensure objectives are met in a timely and cost effective manner.
  • Oversee resources and material procurement processes, staying current on relevant industry trends and regulations.
  • Manage client relationships and engage key stakeholders, both externally and internally.
  • Generate project reports and communicate progress updates to stakeholders and team members.

You can use the examples above as a starting point to help you brainstorm tasks, accomplishments for your work experience section.

Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Led and managed multiple projects simultaneously, resulting in a 15% increase in project completion rates.
  • Developed and maintained project timelines and budgets, resulting in an average project cost savings of 20%.
  • Implemented project management methodologies such as Scrum and Agile to ensure timely delivery and successful completion of projects.
  • Coordinated and managed projects involving cross-functional teams, resulting in a 10% increase in team efficiency
  • Developed and maintained project plans, timelines, and budgets to ensure successful delivery within scope, schedule and budget
  • Communicated project progress and identified risks to stakeholders and upper management
  • Assisted senior project managers in project planning and execution, including creating project timelines and budgets
  • Communicated with team members to gather information and update project plans and status reports
  • Assisted in the coordination of project-related activities such as meetings and team building activities
  • Agile/Scrum Methodologies
  • Project Planning & Execution
  • Project Management
  • Budget Management
  • Risk Management
  • Cross-Functional Team Coordination
  • Time Management
  • Communication & Stakeholder Management
  • Team Building & Motivation
  • Documentation & Status Reports
  • Business Administration

Agile Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Managed the migration of 7 enterprise-level applications to Scrum methodology, boosting team productivity by 25%.
  • Collaborated with product owners, stakeholders, and users to ensure requirements were met while resolving conflicts and removing blockers.
  • Delivered successful product demos to executive 4 times.
  • Created and implemented Agile-Enabling tools, such as JIRA, Confluence, Trello, and Slack, in order to streamline development process and improve team communication.
  • Conducted sprint reviews
  • Monitored progress
  • Tracked KPIs to verify quality and deliverables.
  • Developed processes, risk management strategies and controls ensuring cost, quality, scope, and delivery goals are met
  • Facilitated team communication and collaboration, leading stand-ups, retrospectives and other Agile ceremonies
  • Trained and mentored teams to become more agile, leading to increased job satisfaction and a decrease in development time by 33%
  • Agile/Scrum Methodology Expertise
  • Scrum Framework Knowledge
  • JIRA Proficiency
  • Confluence Expertise
  • Risk Management & Mitigation
  • Product Owner Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Management
  • User Requirement Gathering
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Project & KPI Tracking
  • Cost, Quality, Scope & Delivery Goal Attainment
  • Stand-up Facilitation
  • Cost Management Strategy
  • Team Mentoring & Training
  • Process Development & Improvement
  • Enhancing Team Communication & Collaboration
  • Product Demos to Executives
  • Problem Solving & Troubleshooting
  • Productivity Improvement & Decision Making
  • Agile-Enabling Tool Implementation
  • Agile Performance Monitoring & Reporting
  • Agile Project Management
  • Entrepreneurship

Blockchain Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented annual marketing plans to drive sales growth and reach organization goals, resulting in a 15% year-over-year growth in sales.
  • Established a comprehensive search engine optimization strategy to increase brand visibility and recognition, leading to a 50% increase in site visits.
  • Leveraged segmentation research and analytics insights to design and manage highly targeted email campaigns, boosting open rates by 20%.
  • Spearheaded a content strategy for website pages and blog posts to increase traffic and re-engagement of existing customers, resulting in a 25% increase in web conversions
  • Created, tested, and optimized paid search campaigns across various channels and conducted logistical preparation for successful promotional events
  • Analyzed feedback from customers and surveyed data to inform medium- and long-term strategies, leading to a 10% improvement in long-term retention rates
  • Designed and managed strategic partnerships to increase recognition of the brand and research emerging trends in the market
  • Developed and implemented lead-focused marketing initiatives to drive revenue growth and increase customer acquisition, leading to a 10% increase in revenue
  • Monitored, measured, and reported on performance of all marketing campaigns, enabling the team to shift budget and resources according to performance and maximize ROI
  • Blockchain Project Management
  • Strategic Planning and Execution
  • Advertising and Marketing Campaigns
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Web Development and Management
  • Content Creation
  • Paid Search and Digital Advertising
  • Analytics & Insights
  • Budget Management & Forecasting
  • Data-Driven Decision Making
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Business Development & Negotiation
  • Risk & Issue Management
  • Quality Assurance & Control
  • Data Science

Assistant Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Improved project completion rate by 20% in 6 months via introduction of project tracking analytics that better monitored resources and timelines.
  • Developed a streamlined process for creating project budgets and setting cost baselines to prevent overspending.
  • Introduced a tracking system for documenting changes that improved communication and collaboration with stakeholders.
  • Spearheaded development of new project operational strategy that reduced overall execution time by 16%
  • Implemented project risk management practices that prevented budget and timeline constraints for multiple projects
  • Trained and mentored junior team members to ensure project scope and deadlines were met
  • Significantly reduced project errors by conducting bi-weekly quality assurance reviews and updates
  • Monitored project performance regularly to provide accurate and timely actionable insights
  • Developed high-level reporting of project outcomes, including cost analysis, time-tracking and performance metrics
  • Effective Project Management
  • Budget and Resource Management
  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation
  • Scheduling and Timeline Planning
  • Team Leadership and Mentorship
  • Quality Assurance and Testing
  • Stakeholder Communication and Collaboration
  • Project Documentation and Reporting
  • Change Management Strategies
  • Cost Analysis and Review

Associate Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Led a cross-functional team of 10 members to develop a project plan that was completed 6 weeks ahead of schedule and budget, resulting in an 11% cost savings.
  • Streamlined project risk management by creating a new process that increased visibility, monitoring, and reporting for stakeholders.
  • Developed and implemented a project performance metrics dashboard to enable real-time monitoring of project milestones, allowing for quick identification and correction of risks.
  • Led successful project execution via creation and maintenance of project management documents such as requirements, schedule, and timelines
  • Established and implemented best practices, processes, and procedures that improved efficiency and outcomes
  • Successfully delegated tasks and responsibilities while tracking and reporting on project progress, budget, and timeline
  • Collaborated with senior project managers to develop and implement a project budget, resource allocations, and timeline that were completed with a 15% cost savings
  • Facilitated communications between teams to mitigate conflicts and ensure successful project conclusion
  • Produced and delivered presentations and status reports to a variety of stakeholders, providing the team with the resources to exceed performance expectations
  • Cross-functional Team Leadership
  • Process Improvement
  • Problem Solving
  • Resource Allocation
  • Quality Control
  • Stakeholder Communications
  • Presentation Skills
  • Documentation & Reporting
  • Supply Chain Management

Creative Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Led a successful project execution via creation and maintenance of project management documents such as requirements, schedule, and timelines
  • Project Planning & Scope Definition
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Problem Solving & Decision Making
  • Written & Verbal Communication
  • Collaboration & Teamwork
  • Process Improvement & Documentation
  • Data Analysis & Reporting
  • Change Management
  • Coaching & Mentoring
  • Resource Allocation & Development
  • Time Management & Multi-tasking
  • Quality Assurance
  • Advertising and Marketing
  • Graphic Design

Director of Project Management Resume Example:

  • Spearheaded the development and implementation of a portfolio of projects to ensure strong alignment with organizational goals, resulting in a 10% increase in operational efficiency and a 15% reduction in project delivery time, year over year.
  • Led end-to-end project planning, organizing and execution of initiatives in a timely basis, ensuring project KPIs and milestones were met.
  • Orchestrated resources and managed stakeholders to develop, support and deploy multiple projects, leveraging best practices, industry standards, and quality assurance protocols.
  • Developed effective teams, set expectations and monitored team performance to ensure maximum productivity on all assigned projects
  • Crafted and managed project budgets of a highly complex nature, mitigating financial risks and enabling program success
  • Established and maintained regular communication with cross-functional business leaders throughout the project management process, leveraging data-driven insights to inform decision-making
  • Monitored and analyzed risks associated with projects and determined potential implications should they manifest
  • Utilized project management methodologies to refine project plans, define best practices and quality control standards, and accurately estimate project costs
  • Provided guidance to program initiates and managed the closure of projects, programs and initiatives in a timely and efficient manner
  • Strategic Planning & Project Execution
  • Stakeholder Engagement & Management
  • Risk Management & Quality Assurance
  • Team Building & Resource Allocation
  • Cost & Budget Management
  • Communications & Data Analysis
  • Project Management Methodologies
  • Problem-Solving & Time Management
  • Technical Expertise & Process Improvement
  • Operations Management

Digital Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Streamlined budgeting and resource management processes to facilitate the successful completion of 10 digital marketing campaigns within a 3-month period.
  • Increased collaboration among different stakeholders, resulting in enhanced project output and efficiency by 30%.
  • Effectively managed risks associated with projects at every stage, enabling projects to remain on track and on budget.
  • Led the development of comprehensive project plans for large-scale web projects and applications, including timeline and budget tracking
  • Spearheaded the usability and design of 30 web applications, reducing average user response time by 20%
  • Implemented Agile methodology to manage software development life cycle, ensuring on-time delivery of projects and meeting quality standards
  • Established monitoring dashboard to track and report on project performance, resulting in a more informed decision-making process
  • Developed and automated processes for workflows and reporting, resulting in a 60% reduction of administrative tasks
  • Forged and maintained long-term relationships with stakeholders, vendors, and external partners to ensure successful project completion
  • Budget & Cost Management
  • Web Usability & Design
  • Agile Methodology
  • Software Development Life Cycle Management
  • Dashboard Monitoring
  • Automation Of Workflows & Reporting
  • Team & Relationship Building
  • Creative Problem-Solving
  • Verbal & Written Communication
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Attention To Detail
  • Problem Identification
  • Negotiation
  • Human-Computer Interaction

Engineering Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Created and implemented Agile-Enabling tools, such as JIRA, Confluence, Trello, and Slack, in order to streamline development process and improve team communication
  • Tracked KPIs to verify quality and deliverables
  • Agile/Scrum Methodology
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Process Development
  • Product Demonstration
  • Team Collaboration
  • Agile Tools (JIRA, Confluence, Trello, Slack, etc.)
  • KPI Monitoring
  • Sprint Reviews
  • Problem-Solving
  • Mentoring/Training
  • Product Road-mapping
  • Stakeholder Communication/Engagement
  • Technical Leadership
  • User Story Writing

Entry Level Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Spearheaded timeline development of design project to track progress and ensure on-time delivery - resulting in a 4 week reduction in project timeline and 10% sooner completion.
  • Collaborated with stakeholders to define project scope and gain consensus on deliverables - enabling a successful product launch with no customer ballooning or scope creep issues.
  • Applied risk management protocols to design project initiatives - reducing overspending of project budget by 30%.
  • Led and facilitated weekly project meetings to ensure open communication and document project outcomes, resulting in an increased customer satisfaction rate by 22%
  • Coordinated customer escalations and provided immediate resolution to high priority customer issues, resulting in a customer loyalty increase of 14%
  • Gathered and analyzed customer feedback, creating reports and providing feedback to team members, increasing customer satisfaction by 15%
  • Developed a quality assurance framework for the project and tracked performance, resulting in a 42% decrease in errors and improved quality of deliverables
  • Monitored and managed project risks, developing plans to mitigate any issues that arise, resulting in a 45% decrease in project risks
  • Implemented new customer support programs, onboarding and training procedures, increasing customer retention by 17%
  • Strategic planning and project management
  • Risk management and mitigation
  • Team building and facilitation
  • Budgeting and cost control
  • Project timeline development
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to meet deadlines and keep projects on track
  • Quality assurance protocols and procedures
  • Proactive problem solving and issue resolution
  • Analytical and research capabilities
  • Onboarding and training programs
  • Commercial awareness
  • Customer feedback analysis and reporting
  • Stakeholder management
  • Escalation management
  • Business Management

IT Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and managed an IT project management process for an organization that resulted in a 15% increase in customer satisfaction ratings
  • Negotiated and engaged several external vendors and suppliers to ensure successful completion of projects on time and with minimal risk to the organization
  • Leveraged a combination of agile and traditional methods to resolve product and project conflicts, which helped reduce associated costs by 30%
  • Unified project management efforts across teams and departments by implementing a project tracking system for stakeholders to monitor project updates daily
  • Managed project resources and budget efficiently, witnessed projects completed within the budget and on-time, resulting in 40% decrease in overall spend
  • Authorized, approved and oversaw the transition to commercially available software systems that improved the efficiency of the organization by 34%
  • Established a project framework with specific objectives, deliverables and a timeline that drove the successful delivery of IT projects
  • Implemented risk management strategies to address and mitigate any potential risks and issues related to external partners and suppliers
  • Collaborated with stakeholders to monitor the performance and progress of IT projects, resulting in 10% improvement on organizational KPIs and goals
  • Project Tracking Systems
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Software System Transition
  • Scheduling and Planning
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Project Analysis
  • Team Leadership
  • Product Knowledge
  • Documentation and Reporting
  • Budget Forecasting
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Issue Resolution

Junior Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Led a cross-functional team in developing project plans and timelines with stakeholders, increasing overall project efficiency
  • Monitored the project schedule, budget and resources to ensure successful completion within agreed-upon timelines
  • Trained and mentored two new team members, optimizing team performance and increasing team morale
  • Established and enforced project standards and best practices, increasing operational effectiveness and resource utilization
  • Automated resource tracking and project updates with custom-built reporting tools, resulting in a 30% decrease in operational costs
  • Led project meetings, provided direction to staff, and tracked the progress on tasks, resulting in a successful project completion on schedule and within budget
  • Coordinated with stakeholders to identify process improvements, making a direct impact on company's KPIs and performance
  • Generated project reports and presentations for senior leadership, resulting in higher rate of acceptance of proposed projects
  • Implemented an agile methodology for project execution, enabling team to set tasks and milestones more efficiently
  • Project planning and organization
  • Risk management
  • Agile methodology
  • Resource management
  • Scheduling and timeline management
  • Budgeting and cost management
  • Team training and mentorship
  • Stakeholder communication and coordination
  • Process improvement
  • Reporting and presentation preparation
  • Project delivery and execution
  • Quality control
  • Client engagement
  • Adaptability
  • Decision making
  • Problem solving
  • Analytical thinking
  • Interpersonal communication
  • Technical literacy
  • Communication

Marketing Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Spearheaded the development of detailed project plans and timelines that guaranteed on-time completion of activities, resulting in project successes
  • Implemented marketing strategies, tactics and measurement plans that were designed to meet organizational objectives and make a lasting impact on stakeholders
  • Discovered and communicated possible areas of improvement to optimize the project life-cycle, resulting in greater efficiency and ROI
  • Constructed and distributed project-related reports that gave clients and stakeholders a clearer understanding of the project's progress and outcome
  • Researched and analyzed market trends and competitive information to inform project decisions and assess the performance of initiatives
  • Created successful internal communication plans that increased engagement and resulted in more fulfilled customer feedback
  • Oversaw projects from inception to completion, ensuring all tasks, budgeting, and resources adhered to established policies and procedures
  • Utilized state-of-the-art project delivery methods to measure, evaluate and assess the success of projects
  • Produced and communicated measurable impacts on key performance indicators from the implementation of new processes and methodologies
  • Ability to analyze market trends and competitive intelligence
  • Knowledge of project delivery methods and tools
  • Facilitation and mediation of negotiations
  • Outstanding written and verbal communication
  • Organizational and time management skills
  • Creative problem solving and decision-making
  • Team building and leadership
  • Ability to manage multiple competing stakeholders
  • Proficient in budgeting and resource allocating
  • Proven track record in creating successful campaign initiatives
  • Investigating and data analysis skills
  • Thorough understanding of marketing concepts, principles and theory
  • Expertise in tracking key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Attention to detail and accuracy
  • Results-focused approach to projects
  • Technical aptitude in various software applications
  • Digital Marketing
  • Product Management

Project Management Intern Resume Example:

  • Developed project plans and procedure documents with a stakeholder-approved timeframe to ensure projects were completed on schedule
  • Prepared project budget and assisted in the tracking of progress for budget management throughout the project life cycle
  • Constructed reports, including earned value analysis and qualitative feedback, to present to stakeholders for review & evolution of the project
  • Oversaw multiple projects and coordinated with stakeholders to ensure best practices and deliverables were met
  • Developed and implemented a project management infrastructure to strengthen project performance and lead projects towards successful outcomes
  • Researched industry trends and best practices related to project management and documented findings, compiling solutions into the organization’s knowledge base
  • Assisted in the implementation of processes and procedures to anticipate & manage change management activities
  • Generated and maintained up-to-date status reports to inform stakeholders of project progression
  • Provided administrative support to project teams
  • Developed tools and resources to streamline project management activities
  • Project Planning & Scheduling
  • Project Budgeting
  • Earned Value Analysis
  • Reporting & Documentation
  • Process & Procedure Design
  • Team Coordination & Management
  • Resource Allocation & Optimization
  • Project Status Tracking
  • Agile & Waterfall Methodologies
  • Scrum Mastery
  • Training & Development
  • Communication & Presentation
  • Creative Thinking

Senior DevOps Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Spearheaded implementation of cloud-hosting solutions, deploying automated CI/CD processes for a regional bank's customer-facing web, increasing response time by 30% and scalability by 40%
  • Coordinated containerization, container orchestration and virtualization efforts, reducing development timeframes by 40%
  • Developed and maintained process, procedure and architecture documents, offering clear direction in distributed teams
  • Improved reliability and scalability of multiple test and production environments, meeting stringent SLAs and preventing downtime by 85%
  • Migrated hardware infrastructure to an automated DevOps model, improving efficiency and organization of resource allocation
  • Led root cause analyses and issue resolution, training and guiding other members of the DevOps team along the way
  • Led the evaluation and onboarding of new technologies, assessing their suitability for the company’s operations
  • Supervised the verification and enforcement of system development protocols, optimal evaluation of the production environment
  • Mentored junior DevOps professionals, providing guidance and support throughout a range of critical projects
  • Cloud Hosting Solutions
  • CI/CD Management
  • Automated Deployment
  • Containerization & Orchestration
  • Virtualization
  • Process & Procedure Creation
  • Architecture Design
  • Reliability & Scalability
  • Efficiency Auditing
  • Technology Evaluation
  • Protocol Verification
  • System Monitoring
  • Troubleshooting & Root Cause Analysis
  • Team Management
  • Mentoring & Training
  • Performance Tuning
  • Security & Compliance
  • Technical Documentation

Senior Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Acted as a key liaison in developing client relationships, often representing the project team during status meetings and leading the development of project milestones and objectives
  • Spearheaded a scrum methodology strategy that increased product releases by an average of 10% and delivered 34% cost savings
  • Created and implemented a project agility framework that reduced project timelines by 28% without sacrificing product quality
  • Developed and facilitated the adoption of a risk management strategy, which eliminated $50K in potential losses due to unforeseen project roadblocks
  • Created and implemented a budget tracking system that produced cost savings of 19%, reducing resource waste by $32K
  • Pioneered 3 successful projects in the six months since joining the current organization, garnering each departure project a 5-star rating from the stakeholders
  • Designed a communication strategy that fostered collaboration between team members and other stakeholders, resulting in project deliverables that exceeded customer expectations
  • Automated 11 processes and monitored 12 KPIs to ensure project adherence to quality and deadlines, resulting in 34% fewer issues
  • Proactively identified 4 risks that needed monitoring, effectively mitigating their impact on the overall project success and delivery of objectives to 94% satisfaction
  • Strategic planning
  • Risk identification and mitigation
  • Budget and time management
  • Product development
  • Communication and collaboration
  • Quality assurance
  • Project governance
  • Accountability
  • Team leadership
  • Client relations
  • Change management
  • Reporting and analytics
  • KPI tracking
  • Vendor management
  • System automation

Global Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and executed a global project plan for a new product launch, resulting in a 25% increase in revenue and a 15% increase in market share within the first year.
  • Managed a team of 20 personnel across multiple countries, ensuring effective communication and collaboration, and achieving project completion three months ahead of schedule.
  • Implemented project management best practices, resulting in a 20% reduction in project costs and a 30% increase in project success rate.
  • Managed a $5M project to implement a new ERP system across multiple regions, resulting in a 40% increase in operational efficiency and a 25% reduction in errors.
  • Developed and maintained relationships with stakeholders and vendors, resulting in a 15% reduction in project costs and a 20% increase in project quality.
  • Identified and resolved project issues and risks, resulting in a 30% reduction in project delays and a 25% increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Led a global team of 15 personnel to develop and implement a new supply chain management system, resulting in a 20% reduction in inventory costs and a 15% increase in on-time delivery.
  • Developed and implemented project quality assurance processes, resulting in a 25% reduction in defects and a 20% increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Prepared and presented project status reports to stakeholders, resulting in a 10% increase in project funding and a 15% increase in project success rate.
  • Global project management
  • Cross-functional team leadership
  • Strategic planning and execution
  • Stakeholder engagement and management
  • Budgeting and financial management
  • Quality assurance and control
  • Process improvement and optimization
  • ERP system implementation
  • Supply chain management
  • Time management and prioritization
  • Problem-solving and critical thinking
  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Cultural awareness and sensitivity
  • Presentation and reporting skills
  • Customer satisfaction and relationship management
  • Conflict resolution and negotiation

Implementation Manager Resume Example:

  • -Orchestrated the seamless implementation of a company-wide CRM system, resulting in a 30% improvement in customer relationship management and a 25% increase in sales productivity within the first year.
  • -Managed a cross-departmental team to align system functionalities with diverse business needs, ensuring 100% user adoption rate across the organization within three months post-launch.
  • -Developed a comprehensive risk mitigation strategy that decreased potential implementation delays by 40%, ensuring project completion 20% under budget.
  • -Led a complex ERP system upgrade for a manufacturing firm, achieving a 50% reduction in process cycle time and a 20% decrease in inventory costs within six months of go-live.
  • -Coordinated with international vendors and internal IT teams to customize the ERP system, which directly supported a 15% increase in operational efficiency across global facilities.
  • -Implemented a rigorous quality assurance protocol during the ERP upgrade, which resulted in a 90% first-pass yield in system testing and a significant reduction in post-deployment issues.
  • -Directed the end-to-end implementation of a new SaaS platform for a financial services company, leading to a 35% reduction in time-to-market for new product offerings.
  • -Facilitated the transition of over 1,000 users to the new system with minimal disruption, through the design and delivery of targeted training programs that increased user competency by 80%.
  • -Negotiated with service providers to incorporate critical system features, which enhanced compliance reporting capabilities and led to a 100% adherence to new regulatory standards.
  • CRM and ERP Systems Expertise
  • Cross-Functional Team Leadership
  • Risk Management and Mitigation
  • Business Process Improvement
  • Vendor and IT Coordination
  • Training Program Development
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Resource Allocation and Budget Management
  • System Customization and Integration
  • User Adoption Strategies
  • Data Analysis and Reporting
  • Technical Troubleshooting
  • Strategic Planning
  • Communication Skills
  • Problem-Solving Abilities

Project Designer Resume Example:

  • Advanced proficiency in BIM (Building Information Modeling) software
  • Sustainable design and green building practices
  • 3D visualization and rendering techniques
  • Project management and leadership
  • Design innovation and creativity
  • Historic preservation and cultural sensitivity
  • Collaborative design and stakeholder engagement
  • Quality control and assurance protocols
  • Knowledge of smart home technology integration
  • Efficient resource and material management
  • Ability to work with cross-functional teams
  • Time management and ability to meet deadlines
  • Client relationship building and communication
  • Adaptability to new technologies and trends
  • Financial management and budgeting for design projects

Project Lead Resume Example:

  • Directed a high-stakes project to consolidate multiple software platforms into a unified system, achieving a 40% improvement in process efficiency and a 25% cost reduction in annual IT spending.
  • Implemented a robust risk management framework that decreased project delays by 50%, ensuring timely delivery for 95% of the projects under my leadership.
  • Enhanced team performance through a tailored project management training program, resulting in a 20% increase in project delivery speed and a 10% rise in stakeholder satisfaction.
  • Orchestrated the launch of a new product line which exceeded market penetration goals by 30% and generated $5M in revenue within the first year post-launch.
  • Utilized advanced project tracking tools to monitor progress, leading to a 15% reduction in resource waste and a 10% improvement in budget adherence across all projects.
  • Cultivated a culture of continuous improvement, leading to the successful re-negotiation of vendor contracts that saved the company $2M annually.
  • Managed a cross-departmental team in a complex ERP system implementation, completing the project 2 months ahead of schedule and realizing a 20% increase in operational efficiency.
  • Championed a company-wide shift to Agile project management methodologies, resulting in a 35% acceleration in project turnaround times and a 50% reduction in critical bugs.
  • Developed and executed a strategic plan for resource allocation that optimized utilization rates, leading to a 15% decrease in overtime costs and a more balanced workload distribution.
  • Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Agile & Scrum Methodologies
  • Team Leadership & Development
  • Performance Metrics Analysis
  • Vendor Management
  • Strategic Planning & Execution
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration
  • Financial Acumen
  • Process Optimization
  • Data Analysis & Reporting

High Level Resume Tips for Project Managers:

As a Project Manager, your resume should showcase your experience managing complex projects and delivering results. Here are some tips to help you focus on what matters most: Highlight your achievements:

Showcase your strongest achievements and the results of your projects using concrete numbers and metrics wherever possible. ‍

Emphasize your leadership skills:

Showcase your experience leading teams, delegating tasks, and managing stakeholders. ‍

Focus on project management methodologies:

Showcase your experience in project management methodologies such as Agile, Waterfall, or PMI, and your ability to adapt to different project environments. ‍

Tailor your resume to the job and company:

Customize your resume to each job you apply for, emphasizing the skills and experiences that make you a strong fit for the specific role and company.

Must-Have Information for a Project Manager Resume:

Here are the essential sections that should exist in a project manager resume:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Headline
  • Resume Summary or Objective
  • Work Experience & Achievements
  • Skills & Competencies

Additionally, if you're eager to make an impression and gain an edge over other project manager candidates, you may want to consider adding in these sections:

  • Certifications/Training

Let's start with resume headlines.

Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important for Project Managers:

Project manager resume headline examples:, strong headlines.

Results-Driven Project Manager Experienced in Meeting Goal-Focused Deadlines

Certified Project Manager Offering 4+ Years of Experience

Good headlines specifically highlight professional qualities and accomplishments relevant to the position of Project Manager, such as the applicant's certification, years of experience, and track record of achieving goals and meeting deadlines. By having a clear promotional angle, the resume headline draws the reader in and highlights the applicant's best qualities right away.

Weak Headlines

Recent Graduate Eager to Put Skills to Work

Experienced Project Manager Seeking New Challenges

Bad headlines don't contain any promotion of the applicant's skills, or sound generic without any tangible skills they could offer as a Project Manager.

These types of headlines don't stand out, don't capture any attention, and add no value to the resume.

Writing an Exceptional Project Manager Resume Summary:

A resume summary is a crucial part of a Project Manager's resume, providing a brief yet comprehensive overview of their skills, experience, and accomplishments in the field. As a Project Manager, your summary should emphasize your expertise in project planning, execution, and delivery, as well as your ability to lead cross-functional teams and manage stakeholders.

Here are a few tips for writing an effective summary for a Project Manager:

  • Tailor the summary to the specific job you are applying for by highlighting the most relevant skills and experiences.
  • Include quantifiable achievements, such as delivering projects within budget and on schedule, improving project efficiency, or managing complex projects.
  • Use relevant industry terms and keywords to showcase your proficiency in the field and to make your resume stand out to both humans and applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Keep the summary concise and to-the-point, around 4 sentences or less.
  • Avoid generic statements and cliches, focusing on

Project Manager Resume Summary Examples:

Strong summaries.

  • Experienced Project Manager with 4+ years of experience in planning and executing projects within budget and on time. Skilled in risk management, resource allocation, and change management to ensure successful project completion.
  • Detail-oriented Project Manager with 4+ years of experience in developing project plans and managing teams to deliver successful projects. Adept at utilizing various project management tools and techniques to ensure quality and efficiency.

Why these are strong:

  • Both summaries are concise, feature the required experience, and provide specific examples of skills and expertise. This provides the reader with a clear understanding of the Project Manager's abilities and experience.

Weak Summaries

  • Experienced Project Manager with 4+ years of experience. Proficient in risk management, resource allocation, and change management.
  • Project Manager with 4+ years of experience. Skilled in planning and executing projects.

Why these are weak:

Resume Objective Examples for Project Managers:

Strong objectives.

To secure a Project Manager position in a fast-paced, results-oriented environment where I can utilize my strong organizational and leadership skills to deliver projects on time and within budget, while exceeding client expectations.

As a recent graduate with a degree in Business Administration and 1 year of experience in project management, I am seeking a Project Manager role that challenges me to learn and grow while delivering high-quality projects that meet client needs.

  • They are specific and tailored to the job description and the company's values and goals. They clearly highlight the applicant's relevant skills, experiences, and achievements.
  • They demonstrate enthusiasm and a proactive approach to the role and the company.
  • They emphasize the importance of delivering projects on time and within budget while exceeding client expectations

Weak Objectives

To obtain a Project Manager job in a company where I can gain experience.

Looking for a Project Manager role in a dynamic organization.

  • They are too general and do not provide any specific details or goals.
  • They do not differentiate the applicant from other candidates and do not highlight their unique strengths.
  • They do not demonstrate any initiative or enthusiasm for the role or the company.
  • They do not emphasize the importance of delivering projects on time and within budget while exceeding client expectations.

Write a More Targeted Resume with AI

Speed up your resume creation process with the resume builder. generate tailored resume summaries in seconds., how to impress with your project manager work experience:, best practices for your work experience section:.

  • Ensure your work experience is organized chronologically and easy to read, clearly listing job titles, company names, and dates of employment.
  • Highlight your biggest accomplishments within each role to show the impact you made.
  • Provide details and use quantifiable results and metrics wherever possible to demonstrate an impact.
  • Be sure to list any transferable skills, such as leadership, communication, technical, problem solving, and relationship building skills.
  • Make sure to showcase all of the important responsibilities and projects you managed, as well as any relevant technical skills.
  • List any relevant coursework or trainings taken.
  • Include any awards or recognition that demonstrate your expertise in the field.
  • Showcase any project or process improvements you spearheaded.
  • Highlight any project methodology you have experience using.
  • Mention any relevant certifications, industry memberships, publications, or conferences you attend or present at.

Example Work Experiences for Project Managers:

Strong experiences.

  • Successfully managed and delivered 15 complex IT projects on time and within budget, resulting in a 15% increase in company revenue.
  • Implemented a project management framework that improved project efficiency by 25% and reduced project risks by 50%.
  • Developed strong relationships with stakeholders and team members, resulting in high customer satisfaction scores and low employee turnover.
  • Both of these experiences demonstrate strong project management skills, including the ability to deliver projects on time and within budget, improve project efficiency and reduce risks, and maintain positive relationships with stakeholders and team members. The achievements are quantified with specific metrics, such as increased revenue, improved efficiency, reduced costs, and increased customer satisfaction scores. This helps to demonstrate the individual's impact on their organizations.

Weak Experiences

  • Managed projects and ensured they were completed on time.
  • Communicated with team members and stakeholders.
  • Developed project plans and tracked project progress.
  • These experiences lack concrete, quantifiable achievements or impact. They simply list responsibilities, which do not provide any insight into the individual's performance in their roles. They do not demonstrate specific skills or achievements that would set the individual apart from other candidates and show the value they can bring to a new organization.

Top Skills & Keywords for Project Manager Resumes:

Top hard & soft skills for project managers, hard skills.

  • Project planning and scheduling
  • Resource allocation
  • Quality management
  • Scope management
  • Time management
  • Leadership and team management
  • Problem-solving and decision-making
  • Knowledge of project management software and tools

Soft Skills

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Detail-oriented
  • Analytical skills
  • Problem-solving
  • Resourcefulness
  • Organizational skills

Go Above & Beyond with a Project Manager Cover Letter

Project manager cover letter example: (based on resume).

Dear Hiring Manager at [Company Name], I am excited to apply for the Project Manager position at [Company Name]. With over 5 years of experience in managing multiple projects and implementing project management methodologies, I am confident in my ability to deliver successful projects within scope, schedule, and budget. In my previous role, I led and managed multiple projects simultaneously, resulting in a 15% increase in project completion rates. I developed and maintained project timelines and budgets, resulting in an average project cost savings of 20%. I also implemented project management methodologies such as Scrum and Agile to ensure timely delivery and successful completion of projects. One of my greatest strengths is coordinating and managing projects involving cross-functional teams, resulting in a 10% increase in team efficiency. I am skilled in developing and maintaining project plans, timelines, and budgets to ensure successful delivery. I also excel in communicating project progress and identifying risks to stakeholders and upper management. In addition, I have experience assisting senior project managers in project planning and execution, including creating project timelines and budgets. I am also skilled in communicating with team members to gather information and update project plans and status reports. My strong coordination skills have helped in the successful execution of project-related activities such as meetings and team building activities. I am a driven and proactive team player who is committed to delivering successful projects while maintaining effective communication with stakeholders and team members. I believe my experience and skills make me a strong fit for the Project Manager position at [Company Name].

‍ Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications with you. Sincerely, [Your Name]

A cover letter is a valuable tool for any job seeker, and this is especially true for project managers. Project management is a highly competitive field, and a cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants. It can showcase your communication skills, highlight your relevant experience, and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position.

While a resume provides a summary of your skills and experience, a cover letter allows you to personalize your application and connect with the hiring manager on a deeper level. It's an opportunity to tell your story, explain why you're passionate about project management, and show how you can add value to the organization.

Here are some of the key reasons for pairing your project manager resume with a cover letter:

  • It demonstrates your communication skills: As a project manager, communication is key. Your cover letter provides an opportunity to showcase your ability to write clearly and concisely, and to convey your ideas effectively.
  • It shows your enthusiasm for the position: A well-written cover letter can demonstrate your passion for the role and the organization. This can make a big difference in the hiring manager's decision-making process.
  • It highlights your relevant experience: Your cover letter allows you to explain how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the job. This can help the hiring manager understand why you're a good fit for the role.
  • It sets you apart from other applicants: A well-crafted cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants who may have similar experience and qualifications.

We understand that writing a cover letter may seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Remember that the cover letter is an extension of your resume, so you can use the same format and content as your resume. It's also a chance to address any gaps or questions that the hiring manager may have after reading your resume.

Tips for aligning your cover letter with your resume:

  • Use the same header as your resume: This will help the hiring manager identify your application as a complete package.
  • Align the content of your cover letter with the requirements of the job: Use the job description as a guide to highlight your relevant skills and experience.
  • Use keywords from the job posting: Incorporate relevant keywords from the job posting to help your application get past applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Keep your cover letter concise and focused: Aim for one page and avoid repeating information from your resume.
  • Proofread carefully: Errors in your cover letter can undermine your credibility, so make sure to proofread carefully before submitting your application.

Resume FAQs for Project Managers:

How long should i make my project manager resume.

When crafting a resume for Project Managers, it's important to take into account the details of their experience. A resume should be tailored to the individual and include only relevant information. As a general rule, we recommend keeping Project Manager resumes to one to two pages, depending on seniority and experience. For those with less than five years of experience, one page is recommended. However, experienced Project Managers with more than five years in the field should use two pages to include all of their important accomplishments.

What is the best way to format a Project Manager resume?

When formatting a Project Manager resume, it is important to focus on showcasing your skills and experiences that are most relevant to this field. Highlight roles where you have managed projects and tangible results achieved, such as successful partnerships, budget management, and delivering projects on time and within scope. Always use a simple, easy-to-read font that is recruiter friendly. Additionally, remember to include the right keywords to showcase your technical abilities and industry-specific terminology that potential recruiters may be searching for.

Which Project Manager skills are most important to highlight in a resume?

When including hard skills on a resume as a Project Manager, it is important to highlight skills in leadership, data analysis, budgeting, risk management, communication, negotiation, and resource management. Leadership skills involve the ability to effectively manage a team, delegate tasks appropriately, ensure that deadlines are met, and handle conflicts. Data analysis skills involve the ability to interpret data related to functions like planning and scheduling, prepare reports and visuals, and analyze the efficacy of project plans. Budgeting skills involve the ability to set and manage the budget and costs for projects, accurately estimate incoming and outgoing funds, and identify cost-saving strategies. Risk management skills involve the ability to identify potential risks, prepare for and respond to risks, and help the team to shift towards more effective strategies. Communication skills involve the ability to communicate instructions and expectations, clearly and accurately, to facilitate effective collaboration and team morale. Negotiation skills involve the ability to negotiate contracts, establish mutually beneficial agreements, and resolve disputes, among all stakeholders. Resource management skills involve the ability to manage resources like personnel, equipment, and materials, to ensure that projects are completed effectively, efficiently, and on time.

How should you write a resume if you have no experience as a Project Manager?

1. Focus on transferable skills from other positions and relatable positions. Your resume should provide examples of leadership and management skills that you have picked up over the years. Highlight your problem solving and communication abilities and provide examples that showcase your proficiency in these skills. 2. Include any key accomplishments you have had in prior roles that relate to project management, even if they aren't official project manager roles. 3. Mention any training or certifications you may have that could show proficiency in project management skills. 4. Make sure to showcase your technical strengths. Any software programs or technical skills that you may have acquired that relate to project management in any way should be included. 5. Highlight any organizations, non-profits, teams, etc that you have been a part of and showcase how your leadership, communication and problem-solving skills benefited them. They can be indicators of your project management prowess.

Compare Your Project Manager Resume to a Job Description:

See how your Project Manager resume compares to the job description of the role you're applying for. Our free Resume and Job Description Match tool will analyze and score your resume based on how well it aligns with the position. Here's how you can use the comparison tool to improve your Project Manager resume, and increase your chances of landing the interview:

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Project Manager job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Project Managers:

Agile project manager resume example, assistant project manager resume example, associate project manager resume example, blockchain project manager resume example, creative project manager resume example, digital project manager resume example, director of project management resume example, engineering project manager resume example, entry level project manager resume example, it project manager resume example, junior project manager resume example, marketing project manager resume example, project management intern resume example, senior devops project manager resume example, senior project manager resume example, project manager resume example, global project manager resume example, more resume guidance:.

Program Manager

Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

  • Resume Examples
  • Manager Resumes

23 Project Manager Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Your resume can make or break your search for a project manager position. we’ve got five resume templates here with the key qualities that project manager recruiters are looking for in 2023 (google docs and pdfs attached)..

Hiring Manager for Project Manager Roles

Project managers are versatile, multi-talented professionals who play an essential role in the success of a business. Among other things, project managers oversee projects from start to finish, ensuring that the entire process runs smoothly while working closely with their team, communicating with clients, resolving conflicts, and staying within set budgets. Career prospects for project managers are expanding exponentially -- according to some estimates, by 2027, around 87.7 million workers will be employed in project management-related jobs. In some respects, there’s never been a better time to become a project manager. However, like many other fields, project management is quite competitive, and if you want to land a position as a project manager, you’ll need a strong resume and a diverse skill set to show potential employers that you’re the right fit for the job. So, what should a project manager resume look like in 2023? First, let’s take a look at some templates of successful resumes. Next, we’ll discuss some of the essential skills for project managers as well as tips for creating a knockout resume. Finally, we’ll cover some of the best action verbs to use in your resume bullet points.

Project Manager Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Project Manager
  • Entry Level Project Manager
  • Senior Project Manager
  • Technical Project Manager
  • Marketing Project Manager
  • Construction Project Manager
  • Agile Project Manager
  • Engineering Project Manager
  • Assistant Project Manager
  • Healthcare Project Manager
  • Junior Project Manager
  • IT Project Manager
  • Project Management Office (PMO) Director
  • Process Manager
  • Process Operator
  • Software Project Manager

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Project Manager Resumes

Project Manager Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Bullet Points on Project Manager Resumes
  • Related Manager Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 23: Project Manager Resume Example

Project managers oversee the planning, executing, and monitoring of an organization’s projects and initiatives. Project managers can work in many different industries, and the job responsibilities may vary based on the industry. In any case, the project manager is responsible for overseeing each step of a project, ensuring timelines are being met, ensuring the project is staying within budget and collaborating with key stakeholders to ensure all expectations are met. To become a project manager, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in a related field such as business intelligence, applied statistics, or business management. Hiring managers may look for candidates with additional project management certifications. In addition, hiring managers will be looking for someone with several years of experience in relevant roles, such as prior experience as a business analyst, operations associate, or project estimator. Ideal candidates for this role will have superb organizational skills and an understanding of budgets and business operations.

A seasoned Project Manager resume highlighting expertise in leading cross-functional teams, defining project objectives, and successfully delivering projects on-time and within budget, while ensuring project quality and alignment with company goals.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Project Manager resume in 2024

   obtain project management certifications.

Since no specific degree is required for a project management role, gaining project manager certifications can help you specialize your knowledge and stand out when applying for these roles. There are several certifications you can obtain, such as the PMP (project management professional) or CSM (certified scrum master) credentials.

Obtain project management certifications - Project Manager Resume

   Apply to roles in industries you have experience in

Project managers are needed in a variety of industries, including education, construction, IT, healthcare, technology, and many more. Having experience in the industry you want to be a project manager for will help strengthen your resume. For example, if you have experience working in IT, applying for a project manager role at an IT company is wise.

Apply to roles in industries you have experience in - Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Project Manager resume

Template 2 of 23: project manager resume example.

When applying for a project manager role, you need to demonstrate that you have the right skills for the job. Your work history and skills section should show evidence of your abilities in areas such as time management, planning, and communication. If you have experience with specific project management software or methodologies, make sure to mention those in your resume as well.

Project manager resume template with bullet points, relevant skills, and strong action verbs.

   Skills section and bullet points

Skills sections in resumes are most effective when they succinctly list the relevant skills for the job you’re applying for. This template shows only specific project management-related skills, and there are bullet points under the work experiences that exemplify some of the more abstract skills (e.g. strategic planning).

Skills section and bullet points - Project Manager Resume

   Strong action verbs

The bullet points in this template begin with strong action verbs such as “developed”, “spearheaded”, and “managed”. We always suggest framing your past successes with verbs like these to emphasize the role you played in your accomplishments.

Strong action verbs - Project Manager Resume

Template 3 of 23: Entry Level Project Manager Resume Example

As an entry level project manager, you're just beginning your journey in overseeing projects from start to finish. One of the key aspects of this role is understanding and adapting to the ever-evolving industry trends and company expectations. When crafting your resume, emphasize your project management skills in areas like planning, execution, and risk management. Also, stay updated with industry-specific certifications and showcase your ability to learn and grow in the role. Companies hiring entry-level project managers often look for those who can adapt quickly and bring fresh perspectives to the table. Therefore, it's crucial to highlight your innovative thinking, problem-solving skills, and willingness to collaborate with diverse project teams. Demonstrating these qualities on your resume will help you stand out as a potential candidate.

Resume screenshot highlighting project management skills and relevant certifications for an entry-level role.

Tips to help you write your Entry Level Project Manager resume in 2024

   focus on relevant coursework and certifications.

As an entry-level applicant, you may have limited work experience. Make sure to highlight relevant coursework and certifications such as PMP, CAPM, or Agile methodologies that showcase your knowledge in project management principles and practices.

Focus on relevant coursework and certifications - Entry Level Project Manager Resume

   Emphasize your team collaboration experience

Employers value candidates who can work effectively with others. Use your resume to showcase experiences where you successfully collaborated on class projects, internships, or volunteer work, highlighting your ability to communicate and contribute in a team setting.

Emphasize your team collaboration experience - Entry Level Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Entry Level Project Manager resume

Template 4 of 23: entry level project manager resume example.

At first, it might seem intimidating to apply for project manager jobs with little to no prior experience in this line of work. But if you have a strong academic history and the skills to succeed as a project manager, you can break into this field. Use your resume to highlight projects you worked on in school, extracurricular activities, and any other experiences where you had to use skills such as problem solving and organization.

Entry level project manager resume template with education, volunteer work, and activities

   Education and academic background

On an entry-level resume, leading with your educational history can put your strengths in the forefront - especially if you excelled in school. If you had a high GPA or academic honors, it’s great to mention those here, as well as any coursework or projects you did that could be relevant for project management.

Education and academic background - Entry Level Project Manager Resume

   Volunteering and internships

Even if you don’t have an extensive work history, you’ve likely done internships, community service, and other projects that show who you are and where your strengths lie. Extracurricular activities can also tell recruiters that you’re driven, ambitious, and actively involved in your community.

Volunteering and internships - Entry Level Project Manager Resume

Template 5 of 23: Senior Project Manager Resume Example

As a Senior Project Manager, you're the orchestra conductor of your organization. You're the bridge between various teams, clients, stakeholders, and upper management, making sure everything and everyone moves in harmony. You're the one who pulls together all the disparate threads into a cohesive, successful project. Because of the central role you hold, you should focus on showcasing multidimensional skills on your resume, from technical knowledge to team leadership. Moreover, due to the recent remote work trend, companies are seeking project managers who can effectively spearhead virtual teams. So, an understanding of online collaboration tools and strategies is now crucial.

Resume screenshot of a Senior Project Manager emphasizing leadership and industry expertise.

Tips to help you write your Senior Project Manager resume in 2024

   highlight leadership skills.

In your resume, emphasize your ability in leading teams, resolving conflicts, and fostering collaboration. These are indicators of a strong Senior Project Manager who can keep everyone aligned with the project goals. Also, provide examples of your leadership skills in action, especially in highly complex projects.

Highlight Leadership Skills - Senior Project Manager Resume

   Showcase Technical and Industry Knowledge

As a Senior Project Manager, you should demonstrate deep knowledge of project management methodologies and tools. Illustrate your expertise in industry-related software and highlight any project management certifications you hold. Also, relate your knowledge of the industry, trends, and regulations, which shows that you understand the business context of projects.

Showcase Technical and Industry Knowledge - Senior Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Senior Project Manager resume

Template 6 of 23: senior project manager resume example.

As a senior project manager, you won’t only be managing projects; you’ll likely also be managing other members of your team. To get this kind of job, you’ll need to show that you have leadership capabilities along with the experience and expertise of a senior-level professional. Your work history should highlight any management or leadership roles you’ve held in the past, in addition to any previous achievements managing projects.

Senior project manager resume showing work experience, promotions, and accomplishments

   Emphasis on work experience

If you’ve been working in project management for many years, you’ll have a lot of work history to show for it. Leading with this section places the emphasis on your experience and all that you’ve learned from it.

Emphasis on work experience - Senior Project Manager Resume

   Promotions at previous jobs

Being promoted shows that you achieved a high level of excellence and that you’ve been regarded as a top performer with past employers. This resume includes an example of a promotion, which demonstrates leadership and professional growth.

Promotions at previous jobs - Senior Project Manager Resume

Template 7 of 23: Technical Project Manager Resume Example

As a Technical Project Manager, you're the key person responsible for bridging the gap between technical teams and stakeholders, ensuring projects are completed efficiently and on time. The tech industry is always evolving, so staying up-to-date with the latest trends and methodologies is crucial. When writing your resume, make sure to emphasize your technical expertise and proven experience in managing complex projects. Additionally, showcase your ability to adapt and learn fast, as this is highly regarded in this role. In recent years, there's been a shift towards agile project management methodologies, which require Technical Project Managers to be more flexible and responsive. This means that when crafting your resume, it's essential to highlight any agile or Scrum experience you have, as well as your capability to work within a fast-paced environment.

Technical Project Manager resume sample screenshot

Tips to help you write your Technical Project Manager resume in 2024

   emphasize technical skills and certifications.

As a Technical Project Manager, your technical skills and certifications are a huge selling point. Make sure to list all relevant skills, as well as any formal training or certifications you hold, such as PMP, Agile, or Scrum Master, to demonstrate your expertise in the field.

Emphasize technical skills and certifications - Technical Project Manager Resume

   Highlight successful project outcomes

Technical Project Managers are responsible for delivering projects on time and within budget. Make sure to include specific examples of your past project success, including quantifiable outcomes like time, budget, and scope management. This will show prospective employers your ability to drive results.

Highlight successful project outcomes - Technical Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Technical Project Manager resume

Template 8 of 23: technical project manager resume example.

Technical project management jobs often require you to have a background in IT, engineering, or another tech-related field. If you’re pursuing one of these positions, you’ll want to use your resume to highlight your technical expertise as well as your project management experience. This resume template will show you how to do just that.

Technical project manager resume with relevant work history, detailed bullet points, and measurable accomplishments

   Tailored to the specific position

This resume effectively showcases prior work history with examples of both project management and technical experience. A work history like this one clearly demonstrates that you have the right blend of skills to succeed in a technical project manager role.

Tailored to the specific position - Technical Project Manager Resume

   Detailed bullet points with measurable results

As much as possible, when talking about your accomplishments, you should mention the specific results that you achieved through your actions. This resume template is filled with quantifiable results (e.g. increased ROI and reduced onboarding time for new hires) that show the impact you had at your previous workplace.

Detailed bullet points with measurable results - Technical Project Manager Resume

Template 9 of 23: Marketing Project Manager Resume Example

A marketing project manager is someone who oversees a company’s marketing campaigns and initiatives. Marketing project managers are typically responsible for overseeing high-priority projects from start to end, such as the execution of a commercial. The marketing project manager is responsible for working with other senior-level marketing professionals to establish the vision for the marketing strategy. Then, they must execute this vision from beginning to end. To become a marketing project manager, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in marketing or business administration. Hiring managers will be looking for someone with several years of experience in marketing, sales, management, and/or public relations. It’s important that candidates for this role have experience executing large scale projects. Marketing project managers must have excellent organizational skills, great leadership abilities, and critical thinking skills.

A Marketing Project Manager resume highlighting experience in managing marketing projects, working with cross-functional teams, and delivering projects on time and within budget

Tips to help you write your Marketing Project Manager resume in 2024

   show your previous experience planning and executing projects.

Even if you don’t have project management specific experience, you probably have experiences that relate to the key responsibilities of being a project manager. If you have any experience planning events, coordinating or leading staff, or launching new products, you should note this on your resume.

Show your previous experience planning and executing projects -  Marketing Project Manager Resume

   Demonstrate your experience developing marketing campaigns

The marketing project manager does not just oversee the granular aspects of a project, they also help develop the marketing campaigns themselves. So, it’s important to note your professional marketing experience, including any marketing campaigns you have successfully developed.

Demonstrate your experience developing marketing campaigns -  Marketing Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Marketing Project Manager resume

Template 10 of 23: marketing project manager resume example.

Marketing project managers collaborate closely with the marketing department of a business. If you’re seeking a job as a marketing project manager, use a resume similar to this template to highlight your skills and experience in fields such as marketing, journalism, or communication.

Marketing project manager resume with bullet points, action verbs, skills, education, and projects

   Great action verbs in bullet points

Describing your accomplishments with strong verbs like “led”, “coached” and “designed” shows that you have taken an active role in your success - something any potential employer will be glad to see.

Great action verbs in bullet points - Marketing Project Manager Resume

   Use of skills, education, and projects sections

In this resume template, the skills and education sections complement the work experience. Mentioning personal projects and achievements outside of work can also help you come across as a well-rounded individual.

Use of skills, education, and projects sections - Marketing Project Manager Resume

Template 11 of 23: Construction Project Manager Resume Example

A construction project manager does more or less similar work as a construction manager. This professional ensures all the processes in a construction project run according to the project schedule. These include planning, implementation, controlling, monitoring, and closure. Think of a construction project manager as the overall head of a project. As a project's overall head, a construction project manager has a wide range of skills and knowledge. So, their resumes primarily focus on showing their in-depth understanding of the industry. It also highlights their top talents and the certifications they have received in their career.

A Construction Project Manager resume template showing the applicant's expertise in project management.

Tips to help you write your Construction Project Manager resume in 2024

   highlight the recognitions you've received as a construction project manager.

There is no better way to tell the recruiter that you're a top professional in construction project management than listing the awards you've won in your career. If you've been a construction project manager for a long time, including any recognition you may have received will elevate your profile.

Highlight the recognitions you've received as a Construction Project Manager - Construction Project Manager Resume

   Focus on your ability to manage construction projects remotely

Thanks to the recent COVID-19 incident, recruiters are on the lookout for construction project managers who have demonstrable ability to work and manage teams remotely. Show that you are conversant with video-conferencing platforms and other tools that support virtual communication.

Focus on your ability to manage construction projects remotely - Construction Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Construction Project Manager resume

Template 12 of 23: construction project manager resume example.

Construction project managers are project managers that are specifically focused on the construction projects. This includes consulting with architects, managing stakeholders and deadlines, and overseeing day-to-day work at sites. Remember to focus on your construction or real estate experience when applying for construction project management jobs.

projects in resume sample

   Emphasize transferrable project management skills like leadership

Core project management soft skills include leadership, communication and teamwork. Recruiters want to see evidence of these skills on your resume, so highlight them in your bullet points.

Emphasize transferrable project management skills like leadership - Construction Project Manager Resume

   Strong action verbs highlight experiences

Use action verbs like "Supervised" and "Coordinated" to show your leadership and teamwork experiences. Every bullet point on your resume needs to start with an action verb to show recruiters your role in each accomplishment.

Strong action verbs highlight experiences - Construction Project Manager Resume

Template 13 of 23: Construction Project Manager Resume Example

projects in resume sample

Template 14 of 23: Agile Project Manager Resume Example

An Agile project manager leads differently. APMs use the Agile framework, created in the 90s, to create and manage teams. As an APM you will be less concerned with hierarchy and top-down leadership. Your leadership will be based on 4 main values; being team-focused over tools-focused, using working software over extensive documentation, collaborating with customers over impersonal contract negotiations, and being agile and flexible in the face of change. Outside of certification as a project manager, a recruiter will need to see Agile certification. So ensure all your Agile qualifications are clearly listed.

An Agile project manager resume sample that highlights the applicant's Agile experience and certification.

Tips to help you write your Agile Project Manager resume in 2024

   use people/team-centered language..

The Agile philosophy is deeply rooted in concentrating on the team and personalizing their experience to ensure success. So you will want your resume’s language to reflect Agile’s philosophy. So keep your experience focused on what the team has accomplished and how your work as a project manager has improved the way your team works.

Use people/team-centered language. - Agile Project Manager Resume

   Use Agile keywords.

To help you get through recruiters’ ATS (Applicant Tracking System) filters, ensure your resume is filled with Agile keywords and language. This applicant uses Agile language including ‘Agile Scrum’, ‘Kanban principles’, ‘scrum master’, etc.

Use Agile keywords. - Agile Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Agile Project Manager resume

Template 15 of 23: engineering project manager resume example.

An engineering project manager focuses on engineering projects. They ensure these projects are created and completed within budget, on time, and to a high standard. Your everyday tasks will include the management of schedules, material sourcing, cost management, and procurement of all necessary permits and documentation. While it is not absolutely necessary for you to have an educational history in engineering, it is generally expected that you will have at least a bachelor’s degree in engineering; especially the type of engineering you will be interacting with as a project manager. Take a look at this successful engineering project manager resume.

An engineering project manager resume sample that highlights the applicant's engineering background and knowledge.

Tips to help you write your Engineering Project Manager resume in 2024

   have a balanced engineering and management skill set..

An engineering project manager needs to be knowledgeable about engineering as well as project management. Make sure your skill set reflects these two areas. So list both engineering and project management tools like this applicant has done.

Have a balanced engineering and management skill set. - Engineering Project Manager Resume

   Use engineering language.

You want recruiters to feel confident that not only are you a good project manager but that you are a good engineering project manager. So include engineering language and terms to show recruiters that you are knowledgeable in the field.

Use engineering language. - Engineering Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Engineering Project Manager resume

Template 16 of 23: assistant project manager resume example.

As the name suggests, an assistant project manager is there to support a project manager in whatever way they can. You will not be the decision maker but you may be delegated tasks to manage. You will also most likely do a lot of the administrative and coordination tasks. In essence, you will do the project managers ‘grunt work’. To succeed in this role you must have very strong interpersonal, communication, and collaboration skills. The ability to multitask will also be important for your success. Educationally, any degree or certification in project management would be highly beneficial. This applicant has three listed project management certifications.

An assistant project management resume sample that highlights the applicant's leadership/managerial ability and success

Tips to help you write your Assistant Project Manager resume in 2024

   show off your experience with tools useful for project management..

Prove to project managers that you will be able to adequately support them by listing the tools you are experienced with that would make their lives and work easier. This applicant includes tools like Trello and Microsoft Project which are both great for making project management organized.

Show off your experience with tools useful for project management. - Assistant Project Manager Resume

   Demonstrate your organizational skills and success.

An easy way to convince a project manager that you would be an asset as their assistant is to list the successes you have had organizing projects. E.g. this applicant mentioned that they ‘supported in developing a project schedule for 15 projects’. This shows employers your capacity and capability to handle projects and delegated tasks.

Demonstrate your organizational skills and success. - Assistant Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Assistant Project Manager resume

Template 17 of 23: healthcare project manager resume example.

A healthcare project manager will manage a variety of projects in the field. These projects could range from building and opening a new wing at a hospital, to hiring new nurses, to reducing patient waiting times by a certain percentage. Because of the variety of tasks, you need to be well versed in the healthcare industry and have a clear idea of the needs of both the healthcare providers and also the patients. While a degree in healthcare is not absolutely necessary, having certification in healthcare would be a huge plus for recruiters. This applicant has 2 healthcare-related certifications.

A healthcare project management resume sample that highlights the applicant's healthcare knowledge and experience.

Tips to help you write your Healthcare Project Manager resume in 2024

   show growth in your healthcare project management promotions..

Show recruiters your dedication to the healthcare field by showing consistent growth and promotion in the field. Apart from dedication, it will also indicate to recruiters that you excel in every position you are put in and that you are an exemplary employee who employers wanted to reward with promotions.

Show growth in your healthcare project management promotions. - Healthcare Project Manager Resume

   Ensure your skills section includes healthcare industry-standard skills.

There are certain systems and skills that are commonplace in healthcare. E.g. You need to know regulations on patient safety and also know how to handle medical records. The healthcare industry has a ton of regulations so an industry-specific skills list will help recruiters feel confident that you are knowledgeable on how one needs to operate in the industry.

Ensure your skills section includes healthcare industry-standard skills. - Healthcare Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Healthcare Project Manager resume

Template 18 of 23: junior project manager resume example.

Junior project managers are much like assistants and will assist project managers with their more mundane tasks or with whatever tasks they get assigned. They will generally focus on administrative, oversight, and management tasks. A bachelor’s degree in business administration, management, or a similar field, would be highly beneficial. If you have any certification in project management be sure to highlight that as well.

A junior project manager resume sample that highlights the applicant's long and successful experience history.

Tips to help you write your Junior Project Manager resume in 2024

   include previous administration experience..

Because this is an entry-level position, you may not have a ton of project-management-specific experience. If however, you have administrative experience, be sure to include that in your resume. Junior project managers will help with a lot of administrative tasks, so any administrative experience will be relevant to this position.

Include previous administration experience. - Junior Project Manager Resume

   Use manager and leader keywords.

You will want to show project managers that they can delegate tasks to you that you will manage as effectively as they would. To do this, use leadership and managerial keywords to show them that you too possess those traits and that you can handle significant projects and tasks without much oversight.

Use manager and leader keywords. - Junior Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Junior Project Manager resume

Template 19 of 23: it project manager resume example.

As the name dictates, an IT project manager must be experienced and qualified in IT. Recruiters will therefore be looking for an educational background in IT, IT-related certification, and IT-related previous experience. As a project manager, you will also need your resume to highlight your management and coordination skills. This applicant has the necessary educational background and a strong extensive IT-related experience history.

IT project manager resume sample that highlights the applicant’s IT background and impressive metrics.

Tips to help you write your IT Project Manager resume in 2024

   use it-related keywords..

Show recruiters that you are well versed in the IT sector by using IT keywords. This applicant uses words like ‘Software Development Lifecycle’ and ‘virtualization’ to prove their competence as an IT project manager.

Use IT-related keywords. - IT Project Manager Resume

   Use metrics to impress.

Make your resume easier to digest by using metrics to show recruiters your workload capacity, the size of the teams you have managed, and the measurable success of your efforts.

Use metrics to impress. - IT Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your IT Project Manager resume

Template 20 of 23: project management office (pmo) director resume example.

This is a high executive-level position. In this position, you may be leading the entire project management department or a whole project-based company. As an executive your responsibilities are broad and the people under you are many. You may find yourself developing strategy and planning projects, overseeing the execution of projects, speaking to clients or other stakeholders, etc. Recruiters will almost always expect at least a bachelor’s degree in project management or a related field, and at least 5 years of experience as a project manager. Take a look at this strong PMO director's resume.

A project management officer director resume sample that highlights the applicant’s value addition to the bottom line and experience.

Tips to help you write your Project Management Office (PMO) Director resume in 2024

   get certification to increase your credibility..

Stand out from the crowd by gaining one of the many project management certifications you can get. It shows dedication to the profession and also improves your credibility.

Get certification to increase your credibility. - Project Management Office (PMO) Director Resume

   Show your impact on the bottom line.

Show recruiters that you can efficiently lead the execution of successful projects by including metrics of success in your resume. Include figures that reflect how much money you saved clients or how much money you made for clients.

Show your impact on the bottom line. - Project Management Office (PMO) Director Resume

Skills you can include on your Project Management Office (PMO) Director resume

Template 21 of 23: process manager resume example.

As a Process Manager, your resume has to showcase your ability to optimize business operations. This role requires a mix of technical and management skills, and your resume should reflect your proficiency in these areas. You need to be aware of the current emphasis on digital transformation in businesses, as the drive towards efficiency and accuracy is pushing companies to automate processes. Hence, your familiarity with these technologies is a critical asset. As you draft your resume, remember that hiring managers want to understand your achievements. They're looking for specific examples of how you've improved processes and delivered measurable benefits. So, don’t shy away from including concrete figures and results in your achievements.

Screenshot of a Process Manager's resume showcasing process improvement knowledge and digital transformation expertise.

Tips to help you write your Process Manager resume in 2024

   demonstrate knowledge of process improvement methodologies.

When writing about your previous experience, you should detail your knowledge of methodologies like Six Sigma or Lean, as these are often used in process management. Show the impact you made using these methods with quantifiable results.

Demonstrate knowledge of process improvement methodologies - Process Manager Resume

   Show expertise in relevant technologies

Since the role of a Process Manager now often involves digital transformation, it's essential to detail your proficiency in technologies like Robotic Process Automation (RPA) or AI-based systems on your resume. This could be in the form of the specific projects you’ve led or certifications you've earned.

Show expertise in relevant technologies - Process Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Process Manager resume

Template 22 of 23: process operator resume example.

The role of a Process Operator often involves managing and maintaining the equipment that produces products in various industries. It's a job that requires both technical knowledge and operational efficiency. With the recent shift towards automation and remote work, many operators now need to be comfortable using and troubleshooting digital interfaces. Furthermore, the ability to adapt rapidly to new processes or technologies is becoming progressively valued. When creating your resume, it's important to go beyond simply listing past job duties. Instead, provide clear examples of how you've used your skills to increase efficiency, maintain safety protocols, or enhance product quality.

A Process Operator's resume displaying technical skills and problem-solving achievements.

Tips to help you write your Process Operator resume in 2024

   showcasing technical skills.

As a Process Operator, you're expected to be well-versed with the equipment and technology used in your industry. It's crucial that your resume reflects your facility with these tools. Mention any specific machinery or software you've worked with, and don't forget to include any certifications or formal training.

Showcasing technical skills - Process Operator Resume

   Emphasizing problem-solving abilities

Process Operators often have to troubleshoot on the fly and keep things running smoothly. You should include specific instances where you've used your problem-solving skills to prevent or manage issues, whether they were mechanical failures or process inefficiencies.

Emphasizing problem-solving abilities - Process Operator Resume

Skills you can include on your Process Operator resume

Template 23 of 23: software project manager resume example.

As a Software Project Manager, you're not just a tech enthusiast. You're the thread that holds the chaos in check, driving the rhythm of a shared heartbeat amongst coders, testers, designers, and stakeholders. It's a balancing act between understanding technical specifics and team management. Recent trends show an emphasis on Agile and Scrum methodologies, coupled with a stronger focus on 'ship fast, iterate faster' strategies. In crafting your resume, remember, it's not about being a master of everything, but a maestro in orchestrating the symphony of software creation. In recent years, there's been a surge in remote and distributed teams. Therefore, your resume should reflect not just your ability to manage projects, but also your proficiency in handling teams scattered across different time zones. Demonstrate your ability to handle the unique challenges that come with managing remote teams, and keep an eye out for the latest project management tools and platforms trending in the industry.

A polished resume for a Software Project Manager role.

Tips to help you write your Software Project Manager resume in 2024

   demonstrate proficiency in project management methodologies.

Agile, Scrum, and Kanban methodologies have become a mainstay in the software development process. In your resume, discuss projects where you've successfully applied these methodologies. You should elucidate how you have adapted and applied them to drive project success.

Demonstrate proficiency in project management methodologies - Software Project Manager Resume

   Exhibit capabilities in managing distributed teams

Show your potential employers that you can handle the challenges of managing remote teams. Elucidate instances where you've effectively navigated through issues of communication, time-zones and cultural obstacles to achieve project goals.

Exhibit capabilities in managing distributed teams - Software Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Software Project Manager resume

As a career coach and hiring manager who has worked with top companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, I have seen countless project manager resumes. In this article, I will share insider tips on what makes a project manager resume stand out and increase your chances of landing an interview. These tips are based on real feedback from hiring managers and successful job seekers in the field.

   Highlight your leadership experience

Employers want to see that you have experience leading projects and teams. Instead of simply listing your responsibilities, focus on the impact of your leadership:

  • Led a team of 12 developers and designers to deliver a $500K project on time and under budget
  • Managed stakeholder expectations and communicated project status to executive leadership

Quantify your achievements whenever possible to show the scope and impact of your leadership.

Bullet Point Samples for Project Manager

   Showcase your technical skills

While project managers are not expected to be technical experts, it's important to show that you have a solid understanding of the technologies and methodologies used in your projects. Some examples:

  • Proficient in Agile methodologies including Scrum and Kanban
  • Experience with project management tools such as JIRA, Trello, and Asana
  • Familiarity with software development lifecycle and DevOps practices

Avoid simply listing buzzwords or acronyms without context. Instead, explain how you used these skills to deliver successful projects.

   Tailor your resume to the job description

One mistake I often see in project manager resumes is a generic list of skills and experiences that are not relevant to the specific job. Instead, take the time to customize your resume for each application. Here's an example of what not to do:

  • Experienced project manager with 5+ years of experience
  • Strong communication and leadership skills

Instead, focus on the specific requirements and priorities mentioned in the job description:

  • 5+ years of experience managing software development projects in an Agile environment
  • Proven track record of communicating with technical and non-technical stakeholders

   Highlight your certifications and training

Project management certifications such as PMP or Scrum Master can set you apart from other candidates and show your commitment to professional development. However, simply listing the acronyms is not enough. Provide context on how you applied the knowledge and skills gained from these certifications in your work:

PMP-certified project manager with experience applying PMBOK best practices to deliver complex IT projects. Completed Scrum Master training and successfully implemented Scrum methodology in Agile development teams.

   Show your ability to manage budgets and resources

Project managers are often responsible for managing budgets, resources, and vendor relationships. Highlight your experience in these areas with specific examples:

  • Managed project budgets ranging from $100K to $1M, consistently delivering on time and within budget
  • Negotiated contracts with vendors and managed relationships to ensure timely delivery of key project components
  • Optimized resource allocation across multiple projects to maximize team productivity and minimize downtime

Use numbers and metrics to quantify your impact whenever possible.

   Emphasize your problem-solving skills

Projects rarely go according to plan, and employers want to see that you have the ability to adapt and solve problems under pressure. Instead of simply saying you have 'strong problem-solving skills', provide concrete examples:

  • Identified and mitigated risks early in the project lifecycle, resulting in a 20% reduction in project delays
  • Developed contingency plans and worked with the team to quickly resolve issues when faced with unexpected roadblocks

Showcase your ability to think critically, make tough decisions, and lead your team through challenges.

The best project managers have the ability to wear numerous hats. They are usually team players who are exceptionally organized, highly strategic, adaptable, and great at communicating with a variety of people. When you’re applying for a project management role, use your resume to show that you have the right skill set and personality for the job. With that in mind, here are some tips for creating a project manager resume that will help you stand out from the crowd.

   Be specific about your accomplishments.

On any resume, you should specify what you’ve accomplished in your previous work. However, when you’re applying to become a project manager, your accomplishments should include specific projects you’ve worked on at past jobs. While you want to keep your resume fairly succinct, don’t be afraid to go into a bit of detail about what projects you did, what your role was, how you ensured the project’s success, and what the end results were.

   Showcase relevant skills for project management.

If your resume has a skills section, use it to highlight several relevant skills for project management. Even better, for any skills that you list, include bullet points about achievements at your previous jobs where you used those skills. Showing hiring managers evidence of your problem solving abilities is always better than simply saying that you have a “solution mindset”. What skills should you emphasize? Project managers need soft skills like organization, planning, management, and coordination. However, soft skills are only part of the equation; many project managers also need to be versed in workspace tools, platforms, and software. Different companies will use different frameworks, but if you can show that you have experience with using some of these tools, you’ll have a definite leg up on the competition.

   Create an ATS-friendly resume.

Whenever you’re applying for a new job, it’s always good practice to optimize your resume for ATS software. Even if you don’t know for sure that the company filters incoming resumes, you should err on the side of caution and assume that they do. Getting past an automated resume filter may sound daunting at first -- but if you follow a few basic strategies, you can get your resume through ATS and in front of a live (human) recruiter. First, make sure that your document is easily readable and that it’s in a standard format such as Word or Google Docs. Keep your text free of images, diagrams, tables, and unusual fonts. Next, you’ll want to include relevant keywords from the job description, but be careful not to overdo it or make your language sound unnatural -- after all, the goal is to eventually get your resume read by a live person!

   Use strong, measurable achievements.

Our last word of advice is to include strong, measurable achievements in your resume -- talk about what you accomplished, not simply what you were responsible for at your old jobs. And, of course, make sure that your LinkedIn and other social media profiles are up-to-date to leave the best possible impression on the recruiter.

Writing Your Project Manager Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. highlight your project management certification.

If you have a relevant certification like PMP, PRINCE2, or Scrum Master, make sure to include it after your name in your header. This instantly communicates your expertise and commitment to the field.

Here's an example of how to format your name and certification:

  • John Smith, PMP
  • Sarah Johnson, PRINCE2 Practitioner

Avoid simply listing 'Project Manager' as your title, as it doesn't add much value:

  • John Smith, Project Manager
  • Sarah Johnson, Project Manager

2. Include your location, phone, and email

Hiring managers want to quickly see if you're a local candidate or if you would need to relocate for the role. Including your city and state is sufficient - no need to list your full address.

You should also include your phone number and a professional email address. Make sure your email handle is straightforward and professional, like [email protected] .

  • John Smith, PMP San Francisco, CA | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected]

Avoid using casual email handles that you created years ago:

3. Add your LinkedIn profile URL

In today's digital age, hiring managers often look up candidates on LinkedIn. Make it easy for them by including your LinkedIn profile URL in your header.

Ideally, your URL should be customized with your name rather than a string of random numbers. Here's how:

  • John Smith, PMP San Francisco, CA | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected]

Avoid using the default LinkedIn URL format:

  • John Smith, PMP San Francisco, CA | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected]


A resume summary, also known as a professional summary or career summary, is an optional section that appears at the top of your resume. It provides a brief overview of your professional experience, skills, and achievements that are most relevant to the position you're applying for. While a summary is not required, it can be a valuable addition to your resume, especially if you have extensive experience or are making a career change.

When writing a summary for a project manager position, focus on highlighting your most impressive accomplishments, leadership skills, and industry expertise. Tailor your summary to the specific requirements of the job posting and the company's needs. Keep it concise and impactful, ideally no more than 3-4 sentences.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Project Manager resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Project Manager resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Project Manager Resume Summary Examples , or Project Manager Resume Objective Examples .

1. Showcase your project management expertise

Highlight your experience and skills that are directly relevant to project management. Mention the types of projects you've managed, the industries you've worked in, and any notable achievements.

For example, a good summary might look like this:

Experienced project manager with 5+ years of experience leading cross-functional teams in the software development industry. Proven track record of delivering complex projects on time and under budget, resulting in an average of 20% cost savings per project. Skilled in Agile methodologies and proficient in project management tools such as JIRA and Asana.

2. Quantify your achievements

Whenever possible, use numbers and metrics to quantify your accomplishments. This helps hiring managers understand the impact you've made in your previous roles.

Avoid vague statements like:

  • Managed multiple projects successfully
  • Improved team efficiency

Instead, provide specific details and figures:

  • Led a team of 12 in delivering a $500K project 2 weeks ahead of schedule
  • Implemented process improvements that increased team productivity by 30%

3. Tailor your summary to the job

Customize your summary to align with the requirements and preferences outlined in the job posting. Highlight the skills, experience, and achievements that are most relevant to the specific project manager position you're targeting.

For example, if the job emphasizes experience with a particular project management methodology, such as Scrum, make sure to mention your expertise in that area:

Certified Scrum Master with 7+ years of experience leading Agile software development projects. Skilled in facilitating sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and retrospectives to ensure timely delivery of high-quality products. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement Scrum best practices, resulting in a 25% increase in team velocity.


The work experience section is the most important part of your project manager resume. It's where you show hiring managers how you've applied your skills in the real world to deliver results. In this section, we'll walk through how to write an effective work experience section step-by-step, with examples of what to include and avoid.

1. Use reverse-chronological order

Start with your most recent or current role at the top, then work backwards. This puts your most relevant experience first. For each role, include:

  • Company name and location
  • Dates of employment (month and year)
  • 3-5 bullet points detailing your accomplishments

Bad example:

Project coordinator, 2018-2019 Junior project manager, 2019-2020 Project manager, ACME Co, New York, 2020-present

Good example:

Project Manager , ACME Co, New York, NY, 2020 to present Junior Project Manager , XYZ Inc, Boston, MA, 2019 to 2020 Project Coordinator , 123 Agency, Chicago, IL, 2018 to 2019

Tip: Bold your job titles to make your career progression stand out at a glance. Try our Targeted Resume tool to see if you've included the right keywords and skills for each role.

2. Focus on achievements, not duties

Don't just list your day-to-day responsibilities. Hiring managers want to see the impact you made in each role. Ask yourself:

  • Did you deliver projects on time and under budget?
  • Did you improve any processes or implement new methodologies?
  • Did you mentor or train other team members?

Quantify your accomplishments with metrics where possible. Bad example:

  • Responsible for managing project timelines and budgets
  • Coordinated project tasks and deliverables
  • Communicated with stakeholders
  • Managed 5+ projects simultaneously with budgets up to $500K
  • Implemented Agile methodology which reduced average project time by 20%
  • Mentored and trained 3 junior project managers

After drafting your bullets, run your resume through our free Score My Resume tool. It checks your resume on 30+ key criteria hiring managers look for and gives you instant, actionable feedback to improve.

3. Tailor your experience to the job

Hiring managers want to see experience that's relevant to their open role and company. Carefully review the job description and mirror the language it uses, where applicable. If a posting mentions specific project management tools, methodologies, or domains, call those out in your work experience.

Let's say a job description lists Jira, Trello and Scrum. You'd want to include examples like:

  • Managed Scrum ceremonies including daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and retrospectives
  • Tracked and assigned tasks to team members using Jira and Trello

If it mentions healthcare experience, you could say:

Managed a $1.2M telehealth implementation project in collaboration with clinicians, IT, and operations teams

Tip: Include relevant certifications like PMP, CSM or ITIL in your title or a "Certifications" section to further show your expertise in specific project management areas.


Your education section is a key part of your project manager resume. It shows employers you have the knowledge and training to succeed in their role. It also provides context for your work experience. Here are some tips for writing a strong education section on your project manager resume.

How To Write An Education Section - Project Manager Roles

1. Put your education section in the right location

Where you place your education section depends on your level of experience:

  • If you are a recent graduate or have limited work experience, put your education section above your work experience. This highlights your relevant training first.
  • If you have several years of project management experience, put your education below your work history. Your professional experience is more important to employers at this stage.

2. Only include relevant degrees and coursework

As a project manager, include your bachelor's degree and any advanced degrees. However, don't include your associate or high school diploma. For example:

  • MBA, Stanford University, 2018
  • B.S. Business Administration, NYU, 2014

If you are a recent graduate, consider listing relevant coursework too:

  • Relevant coursework: Project Management, Operations Management, Leadership
  • Irrelevant coursework
  • Online certificates (put these in a separate section)
  • High school diploma

3. Keep your education section concise

Experienced project managers should keep their education section brief. Employers are more interested in your work accomplishments than your degrees at this stage. For example:

M.S. Project Management, Columbia University B.A. Business Administration, University of Florida

However, recent graduates can go into more detail to highlight their qualifications:

B.S. in Industrial Engineering, UCLA, 2022 GPA: 3.8 Relevant Coursework: Project Management, Supply Chain Management, Statistical Quality Control Honors: Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa

4. Use consistent formatting

No matter how much detail you include, keep your formatting consistent. For example:

Master of Business Administration, Harvard University, 2019 Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Stanford University, 2014
MBA, Harvard University, 2019 BSE, Stanford University, 2014

Avoid inconsistent formatting like:

Master of Business Administration (MBA), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2019 B.S.E., Stanford University, 2014

Consistent punctuation, abbreviation, and order make your education section easier to scan.

Action Verbs For Project Manager Resumes

The best project manager resumes discuss specific accomplishments using strong action verbs. Strong verbs convey your role in your achievements; in any resume bullet point, we recommend pairing an action verb with the quantifiable result you achieved to show the impact of what you did. Project managers may have a diverse set of skills to draw upon, and there are a huge number of verbs you could choose to describe what you’re good at. We have an entire article devoted to action verbs to use in resumes -- in particular, project managers may want to pursue the ones in the accomplishment-driven, communication, management-related, leadership, and problem-solving sections.

Action Verbs for Project Manager

  • Facilitated
  • Accelerated
  • Spearheaded

For more related action verbs, visit Leadership Action Verbs .

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Project Manager Resumes

Skills for project manager resumes.

To craft an outstanding project manager resume, you’ll want to show that you have the most crucial skills for the job. Recruiters will want to see that you are adept at managing, leading, planning, and strategizing -- use your skills section and bullet points within your work history to illustrate your abilities in these areas. In addition to highlighting essential project management skills , you should also re-read the job posting to look for specific skills that your potential employer is seeking. If they mention any skills, be sure to mention those (and include supporting examples) within your resume. Finally, many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) or other technology to sort through and analyze the high volume of resumes they receive. You can optimize your resume to get past the automated filtering process and give yourself a better chance of getting noticed. We’ll go into ATS in more detail below.

  • Copy Protection
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Project Planning
  • Integration
  • Project Management
  • Software Project Management
  • Business Analysis
  • Business Process Improvement
  • Program Management
  • Microsoft Project
  • Agile Project Management
  • Agile & Waterfall Methodologies
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Enterprise Software
  • Change Management
  • Vendor Management
  • Project Coordination

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Project Manager Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Project Manager Roles

Skills Word Cloud For Project Manager Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Project Manager job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Project Manager Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Resume bullet points from project manager resumes.

You should use bullet points to describe your achievements in your Project Manager resume. Here are sample bullet points to help you get started:

Implemented a system upgrade for an American bank just 8 weeks before deadline; resulted in securing additional business worth $5 MM

Developed an Excel macro and standardized reporting templates, resulting in efficient data collection and a 35% reduction in turnaround time

Managed a 10-member cross-functional (engineering, product, sales, support) team and coordinated with five business partners towards the successful launch of an e-commerce website

Enforced Kanban principles as a scrum master that reduced cycle time by 25% and increased the team's throughput in less than 9 weeks.

Reduced new user acquisition costs by 20% through implementing social sharing features and streamlining user adoption; shortened development cycles by 25% and increased release date accuracy by 20%

For more sample bullet points and details on how to write effective bullet points, see our articles on resume bullet points , how to quantify your resume and resume accomplishments .

Other Manager Resumes


Architect resume showcasing software proficiency and sustainable design experience.

Project Administrator

A construction project administrator resume template that accentuates technical skills.

Special Projects

A director of special projects resume template that emphasizes work experience.

  • C-Level and Executive Resume Guide
  • Program Manager Resume Guide

Project Manager Resume Guide

  • Product Manager Resume Guide
  • Operations Manager Resume Guide
  • Social Media Manager Resume Guide
  • Creative Director Resume Guide
  • Product Owner Resume Guide
  • IT Manager Resume Guide
  • Office Manager Resume Guide
  • Production Manager Resume Guide
  • Project Coordinator Resume Guide
  • Brand Manager Resume Guide
  • Construction Manager Resume Guide
  • Chief of Staff Resume Guide
  • Vice President of Operations Resume Guide
  • Chief Digital Officer Resume Guide
  • Project Leader Resume Guide
  • Technology Director Resume Guide
  • Director of Information Technology Resume Guide
  • Director of Operations Resume Guide
  • Director of Engineering Resume Guide
  • Project Manager Resume Example
  • Entry Level Project Manager Resume Example
  • Senior Project Manager Resume Example
  • Technical Project Manager Resume Example
  • Marketing Project Manager Resume Example
  • Construction Project Manager Resume Example
  • Agile Project Manager Resume Example
  • Engineering Project Manager Resume Example
  • Assistant Project Manager Resume Example
  • Healthcare Project Manager Resume Example
  • Junior Project Manager Resume Example
  • IT Project Manager Resume Example
  • Project Management Office (PMO) Director Resume Example
  • Process Manager Resume Example
  • Process Operator Resume Example
  • Software Project Manager Resume Example
  • Tips for Project Manager Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • Sample Bullet Points from Top Resumes
  • All Resume Examples
  • Project Manager CV Examples
  • Project Manager Cover Letter
  • Project Manager Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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32 Project Manager Resume Examples for the Job in 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Project Manager Resumes by Experience
  • Project Manager Resumes by Role

Writing Your Project Manager Resume

According to the  Project Management Institute (PMI) , the demand for project managers is expected to grow a whopping 33 percent through 2027.

The need for project managers and the  increase in pay transparency laws  means it’s an excellent time to pursue a project management job.

But that’s easier said than done. 

Whether an entry-level or senior project manager, you must  build a resume  showcasing your ability to plan, manage budgets, produce reports, and ensure projects are on schedule.

We’ve handcrafted 32 project manager resume samples that  have helped candidates get jobs at great companies like Lyft and Atlassian.  Plus, our writing guide can help you navigate the  resume writing process  to help you land that first-round interview. You’ve got this!

Assistant Project Manager Resume Example

or download as PDF

Assistant project manager resume example with internship experience

Why this resume works

  • A resume objective is for candidates with less than two years in the field. It demonstrates your eagerness for the role, your relevant skills, and your goals for the future. It’s a lot to ask in two to three sentences, so you’ll likely need to take a few whacks at it before you’ve cut it down to the proper size. We believe in you!
  • Including relevant courses or awards is a great way to show hiring managers that you’ve learned the skills necessary for the job. Only include the courses or awards that are most relevant to increase your credibility immediately.

Entry-Level Project Manager Resume

Entry-level project manager resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Our top tip? Make sure your  entry-level project manager resume  is easy to read.
  • Make your body font size relatively big, include section headers, and leave white space (especially in the margins).
  • Always customize your experience to match the  project manager job description  as much as you can. If you lack technical skills, highlight transferable skills like communication, collaboration, and time management.
  • If you don’t have any experience relevant to project management, that’s okay, too. Employers know you’re just starting, so include any job experience you have, including projects, internships, or even volunteer work.

Associate Project Manager Resume

Associate project manager resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Including a Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), for example, on your associate project manager resume will immediately tell recruiters you know the principles and best practices required.

Project Management Intern Resume

Project management intern resume example with customer service experience

  • For instance, in project planning, you must’ve picked up on leadership, time management, and technical expertise—all transferrable to project management.

Junior Project Marketing Manager Resume

Junior project marketing manager resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Your cover letter and resume should form one cohesive whole without being complete copies of each other.
  • The goal is to expand on your achievements in your cover letter while still covering most of the abilities mentioned in your resume. So, once you’ve finished building your resume, a free AI cover letter generator can make sure the two documents share similar keywords and achievements.
  • If you have more experience in the field, you can consider getting a PCDM or becoming a PCM.
  • If you’re newer to the role, try getting entry-level certifications like those offered by Hubspot or Google Ads.

Experienced Project Manager Resume

Experienced project manager resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Go above and beyond with your bullet points for this one. Leave the “on-time project completion” for past roles. Write how you’ve made significant impacts like expediting KPI report generation, lowering failed strategy incidents, and managing internal disputes in your latest job to prove your worth as a team leader.

Senior Project Manager Resume

Senior project manager resume example with 5+ years of experience

  • Employers expect more from senior employees, so they’ll pay extra attention to minor details like punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
  • Always  check your resume  multiple times before you submit your application. We’d recommend having several friends look it over, too, just to make sure you didn’t miss anything.
  • Always list your highest level of education, whether a college degree or a high school diploma.
  • Unless you’re an entry-level candidate, don’t worry about adding your GPA, any awards, or relevant courses. Those are all secondary to work experience.

Senior DevOps Project Manager Resume

Senior devops project manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Say, you’ve worked extensively as a product manager in finance and insurance. Including this info in your career objective makes you a notably more eligible prospect for another organization in a similar industry.

Telecom Project Manager Resume

Telecom project manager resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Choose the Elegant template from our library to provide enough breathing room to your resume while also fitting all your education, skills, and best work experiences under one page.

Implementation Project Manager Resume

Implementation project manager resume example with business data analyst experience

  • For instance, in his resume, Jacob leaps right into the work history section with his outstanding accomplishments as an implementation project manager at Cognizant. You’ve probably noticed he strategically sprinkles in powerful action words like “spearheaded” and “led,” painting the image of a team captain who gets the job done.

Salesforce Project Manager Resume

Salesforce project manager resume example with 8 years of experience

  • For a compelling sales project manager resume that strikes the right chord, let the skills section be the spotlight for your expertise in programs or tools specific to the role. Worthy mentions include Salesforce Chatter, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Salesforce Agile Accelerator, Smartsheet, and Jira.

Real Estate Project Manager Resume

Real estate project manager resume example with 9 years of experience

  • In each work history section, add four bullet lists encapsulating your most impressive feats in the real estate industry, all tailored to the job ad and prospective employer’s needs. Optimizing asset management strategies and increasing portfolio by $3.2M makes for an excellent example of a customization level likely to blow away recruiters.

Software Project Manager Resume

Software project manager resume example with 8 years of experience

  • A software project manager resume with proof of operating below budgets and optimizing savings will be a favorite among hiring managers. Therefore, including achievements such as saving an estimated $51.2k annually would get you closer to winning the job.

Project Management Professional Resume

Project management professional resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Your soft and hard skills have a place here to set you apart from any other average project manager. Go on a full display mode to highlight your competencies in RiskWatch, Zapier, Harvest, and so on, and show how you’ve used them to optimize project budgets and timelines.

SAP Project Manager Resume

SAP project manager resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Numbers matter most here so quantify all past project achievements, success rates, etc. Have a habit of submitting work before deadlines are even close? Mention it! Clearly state how many SAP projects you’ve delivered on time. Adding a project management certificate has also never harmed any candidate!

HR Project Manager Resume

HR project manager resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Make sure your HR project manager resume consists of tools like these in the skills section . Further, write down any instances of you helping a company retain or acquire the top talent for a position while lowering extra costs such as overtime wages.

Project Manager Scrum Master Resume

Project manager Scrum Master resume example with 10 years of experience

  • Accordingly, align your entire project manager Scrum Master resume around the description and mention how you’ve tackled mishaps, boosted efficiency, and improved a team’s overall productivity. Throwing in a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) certificate will greatly help if you’re still an intermediate in this field!

Digital Project Manager Resume

Digital project manager resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Therefore, your digital project manager resume must embed metrics in every client satisfaction rating, early delivery time, cost reduction, and proper team management strategies.

Clinical Project Manager Resume

Clinical project manager resume example with 3 years of experience

  • In your clinical project manager resume, you should therefore highlight your project management metrics, including and not limited to cost reduction, timely completions, team collaborations, and resource prioritization to meet preset goals.

Risk Management Project Manager Resume

Risk management project manager  resume example with 5+ years of experience

  • You’ll likely need a master’s degree for this advanced role, and be sure to use your job experience bullet points to highlight specific and successful stories on your risk management project manager resume.

Agile Project Manager Resume

Agile project manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Even if you lack direct work experience, you can emphasize other relevant achievements or projects that align with you’re desired role. For example, a candidate with experience in Scrum and finance will be well-equipped to tackle the challenges of an Agile project manager position at Goldman Sachs.

Healthcare Project Manager Resume

Healthcare project manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • If you don’t have adequate paid experience to add to your healthcare project manager resume , a globally recognized certificate like the Project Management Professional (PMP) can help prove you’re a leader and have the relevant expertise to be successful.

Creative Project Manager Resume

Creative project manager resume example with 9+ years of experience

  • For example, the responsibilities of a project manager at a magazine will share many similarities with that of a creative project manager at an advertising agency. Try to think of similar projects you can use to highlight your competency to come across as a well-rounded candidate.

Marketing Project Manager Resume

Marketing project manager resume example with 8+ years of experience

  • Adding measurable results to your marketing project manager resume is a fantastic way to spotlight the magnitude of your achievements. It also showcases the potential you bring to your next employer.

Engineering Project Manager Resume

Engineering project manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • For example, you can really boost your chances of being hired by including your knowledge in management tools like Trello and Confluence, not to mention expertise in engineering software like AutoCAD and ANSYS.

Technical Project Manager Resume

Technical project manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • In your skills section, use primarily hard skills like “SQL,” “Agile Development,” and “Google Analytics,” to show off your training. You can add a few soft skills, but most of the list should be learned, technical abilities that you can demonstrate if needed.
  • LinkedIn and GitHub are excellent links to add since they show employers you’ve got the connections and the skills to succeed.

IT Project Manager Resume

It project manager resume example with 9+ years of experience

  • Stuck on how to alter your resume? Start by highlighting keywords and phrases in the  project manager job description . Then find a way to incorporate a few of those highlighted phrases in your work experience bullet points and skills.
  • You can start by ensuring you have colored section headers in different fonts than your body text. Then play around with the layout, margins, and font size until you hit the sweet spot.

Integrated Project Manager Resume

Integrated project manager resume example with 5+ years of experience

  • Consider using a  resume template  to make your resume aesthetically pleasing and easier to read. It also allows you to let your personality show; pick a template that speaks to you! 
  • For project managers, try to include metrics relating to the number of projects you’ve managed or the number of teams you led. Any percentages relating to relevant KPIs are also a good idea, but if you’re just starting, don’t worry about it. That can come later!

Architectural Project Manager Resume

Architectural project manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Of course, don’t make your skills section a complete copy-paste of the employer’s requirements! Simply use it to tailor your skills section and add a few keywords from the job description in your work experience and skills section.
  • As a rule of thumb, highlight six to eight up-to-date and in-demand skills in your  resume skills section .

Electrical Project Manager Resume

Electrical project manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Reverse-chronological is the best format for managers since it shows your career progression. Plus, it’s easier for employers (and ATS!) to scan at a glance. It’s a win-win!
  • Start by nailing your technical abilities as an electrical engineer. We’d recommend making each work experience bullet point focused on a different skill (such as communicating with vendors, coordinating schedules, or maintaining equipment).
  • Then add your project manager skills into the mix, again using each work experience bullet point to highlight one skill.

ERP Project Manager Resume

ERP project manager resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Let tools like Asana, Microsoft Azure, SAP ERP, MuleSoft, and Slack steal the spotlight in your EPR project manager resume’s skills section. But don’t just list them—take it up a notch by illustrating how you’ve used these tools to move the needle at work; trust us, recruiters will be more than impressed.

ServiceNow Project Manager Resume

ServiceNow project manager resume example with 6 years of experience

  • You can count on phrases such as “Led eight stakeholder meetings and project briefings, securing buy-in worth $600K” and “Tracked project budgets and resource allocations using Pipedrive, slashing project expenses by 9%, equating to $64k in savings” to save the day here.

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  • Account Manager
  • Business Analyst
  • Product Manager
  • Construction Project Manager

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

Regarding the “skills” section, it can be tough to find the right balance between listing too many  skills on your resume  and including all areas of strength. It’s a push-and-pull for two reasons:

  • You need to include enough relevant skills to get past automated filters companies use (called an ATS) that grade resumes based on keyword matching.
  • The person reviewing your resume, either an HR professional or a project manager themselves, will be wary if you list more than 10 skills on your resume.

To strike the right balance, ask yourself if you’d be comfortable answering questions about a given skill in an interview.

For example, if you list “reporting” as one of your skills, you should be able to immediately answer the question “How do you know if a project is on track?” by pointing to specific metrics or reports on your resume or cover letter.

Another good litmus test to determine whether or not you should include a skill is if you can discuss using that skill in one of the projects you list on your resume. This accomplishes two things:

  • Reinforces that you’re only including strong skills.
  • Provides more context regarding how you deployed your skills in project management (making your resume and candidacy even better).

After all, what would be more convincing to you: a candidate listing a skill or discussing how they used it to achieve a specific outcome? When in doubt, put yourself in the hiring manager’s shoes and ask yourself what they would like to see on a project manager resume.

So, what are some common skills you should include on your project manager resume? Look no further than our list!

Skills to include on your project manager resume:

Hard skills.

  • Project Management Software (Jira, Trello)
  • Microsoft Office/ Google suite (Excel/Google Sheets, PowerPoint/Slides)
  • Project Management Frameworks and Methodologies (Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Kanban)
  • Programming Languages and Frameworks (JavaScript, Node.js, Python, Django)
  • Data Analysis
  • CRM Experience (HubSpot, Salesforce)
  • Digital Marketing

Soft skills

  • Public Speaking and Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Prioritization
  • Conflict Resolution

If you’re in a more senior role and have many of these skills, you should focus on the skills mentioned in the job description.

Yes, customizing your resume like this means more work. However, it’s worth it—our data suggests that this practice alone increases your chance of getting an interview by 11 percent.

As a practical example, look at this sample project manager job description. Look at the underlined skills—they’re what you might want to include if you applied for this position. Try to match the language in the job description as best you can.

Sample project management job description and skills:

  • Be accountable for the entire project lifecycle: develop scopes of work and associated project plans and own the day-to-day operations to ensure that projects remain on track and within budget
  • Lead internal and external status meetings: capture notes, assign action items to team members and own all necessary follow-up
  • Relay clear and specific expectations, timelines, priorities, challenges, and new developments in detail to key internal and external team members/parties
  • Own daily project plan components, including task estimation, resource allocations, and new work requests
  • Coordinate internal reviews and implementation-related quality assurance efforts
  • Come from a place of perpetual learning, always seeking to improve and optimize processes, develop new ones, and participate in the overall growth of the department and agency
  • Work with Jira, Smartsheet, or other project management tools
  • Eliminate scope creep by ensuring that projects remain within parameters identified in the scope of work
  • Communicate issues, bug reports, and change orders to leadership

projects in resume sample

Project manager resume summary or objective

Before we dive into the topic of resume objectives and summaries, let’s first set the stage with some definitions:

  • Resume summary: A short summary of your work history and accomplishments as a project manager. Recommended for professionals with 10+ years of experience in the industry.
  • Resume objective: A short statement expressing a few of your skills and what you’re looking for in your next project manager role. Recommended for entry-level candidates.

Although they might sound drastically different, they’re pretty similar in reality, so don’t get too hung up on specific definitions. The key is that you should only include a  resume objective  or summary if it adds real value to your resume.

Resume real estate is valuable since you’re limited to one page, so you can’t waste words. Hiring managers spend, on average, six seconds reviewing a given resume. Don’t divert attention from your work experience and skills if your objective or summary doesn’t provide anything of value.

Senior project managers should use a  resume summary  since it’s a high-level highlight reel showcasing your most significant accomplishments or goals in two to three sentences.

WRONG – generic resume summary

“Experienced project manager with a history of working across departments to achieve goals and positive outcomes on the projects I manage.”

RIGHT – specific project manager resume summary

“PMP certified project manager with 5+ years of experience owning all stages of the project lifecycle from inception through monitoring and closing to deliver projects that exceed expectations on time and under budget.”

The second resume summary works well because it leads with this PM’s certifications (we’ll touch on this more below) while also showcasing their experience delivering projects on time and within the allotted budget. The first example will take up space on the page.

On the other hand, an objective should be used by more junior project managers to talk about your skill set and what you’re looking for in your next role. It can also be used by PMs who are undergoing a career change or looking for something specific in their next role.

WRONG – vague resume objective

“I’m looking for an opportunity to work as a project manager at a growing organization where I can utilize my unique abilities to plan, scope, and deliver projects.”

RIGHT – resume objective tied to experience

“Project manager with experience building web apps as a software engineer and leading projects that have a meaningful impact on the company’s bottom line. I’m looking for a role where I can utilize my ability to communicate effectively with developers and executives alike.”

The second resume objective is a great way to call attention to the fact that this project manager has experience as both a software engineer and a project manager, which can manifest itself in more effective communication between those two groups.

projects in resume sample

Projects and work experience

When it comes time to talk about your work experience on your project manager resume, you must tell the story of the projects on which you worked. You’ll have more room to dive into this in your  project manager cover letter , so how do you keep it short and sweet in your resume? 

Rather than talking about one-off tasks you completed, focus on one to two of the biggest projects you led. The beauty of being a project manager is that the experience you should discuss is right in your job title.

Here are some questions you might want to answer about the projects you worked on when talking about them on your resume:

  • What was the scope or goal of the project?
  • How big was the budget, and what was the timeline? Was it a year-long project, or was it a short-term one?
  • How large was the team involved, and with what departments did you collaborate?
  • What kind of reporting or metrics did you use to determine success?
  • Did you encounter any major roadblocks? How did you remove them?
  • What kind of collaboration did you have with the executive team? Did you give a presentation upon project completion?
  • You can and should use quantifiable metrics here!

Remember that you should also mention some of the skills listed in your official “skills” section. For example, did you use Trello to ensure the project was on time? Did you build reporting to measure project success?

Let’s describe a specific example of how all of this might work when describing your work experience as a project manager.

WRONG – non-specific work experience

Feedzai August 2016 – May 2018, New York NY Project Manager

  • Managed several projects in collaboration with the executive team from inception through to closing
  • Regularly removed roadblocks to ensure projects were delivered on time
  • Presented the results of each project in a clear and efficient manner
  • Worked collaboratively with the engineering, product, marketing, and customer success teams

RIGHT – work experience detailing a specific project

  • Led the development of content prediction engine, which grew to $1.5M in annual revenue
  • Analyzed the scope of the project based on competitive analysis, interviews with customers, and customer feature requests
  • Set deadlines for incremental goals, allocated budget, and worked across software, marketing, and executive teams to ensure all teams were properly resourced
  • Communicated progress and roadblocks to stakeholders, including executive management, and made proactive recommendations to remove roadblocks leading to the on-time and on-budget delivery of the project

projects in resume sample

Specialization and industry experience

Since project managers are in such high demand, they can work in various industries and have a wide range of specializations.

So, if you’re looking for a more specialized PM role, you must highlight your experience in that specialization on your resume. If you’re looking for an I.T. project manager or technical project manager role, you should focus on your experience shepherding projects related to software.

Conversely, if you’re applying for a construction project manager role, your field experience will be more valuable. Focus your resume on the position you’re applying for, and pay particular attention to the  project manager job description .

projects in resume sample

Education and certifications

No matter what you went to school for, you should include your highest level of education on your resume. If you’re an entry-level project manager, you should include relevant classes you took in school that will convince the hiring manager you’ll make for an effective PM.

When you’re a senior PM, you should avoid listing relevant classes because you want the focus of your resume to be your work experience. Since you want to keep it to one page, you can’t afford to use that space for classes.

No matter where you are on the career ladder, certifications can help your candidacy as a project manager.

Top program manager certifications:

  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)
  • Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
  • Professional Scrum Master (PSM)
  • Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
  • Kanban Management Professional (KMP)

If you have one of these certifications, you should include it in your education section and your resume objective or summary, should you include one.

projects in resume sample

Finalizing your project manager resume

Don’t let “perfect” be the enemy of “great.” Building a project manager resume can be daunting, but the hardest part is getting started. Don’t worry about perfection just yet; instead, focus on making your resume great. No one-size-fits-all “perfect” resume exists because each person has different experiences and skills. Just do the best you can!

If you need a launching point, feel free to use our  free resume templates  or choose a  Google Docs resume template . Or you can try a  resume outline  to give you a relatively blank slate to build on. Add on to include your experience, skills, education, and contact information until it’s complete. Then, and only then, do you need to worry about the details (in which case, go back and reread this guide to make sure you’re hitting all the right notes). 

Feel free to edit any of the resumes above in our resume builder or download the project manager resumes as PDFs. Then as you write, follow the rules in this guide. You’ll be well on your way toward landing your next (or first) role as a project manager!

Here’s a quick summary of our  resume tips :

  • Only include skills you’d be comfortable being interviewed on in your resume. Include these keywords both in your skills section and in your work experience bullet points.
  • Make sure your resume objective or resume summary adds value to your candidacy. Avoid vague or generic statements.
  • When discussing your work experience, highlight the details of one to two major projects you worked on instead of focusing on one-off tasks you completed.
  • Be sure to include your highest level of education and any certifications you have in your resume objective or summary.

And that’s it! We wish you the best of luck in whatever role you hope to land!

Create my free resume now

Retail Project Manager Resume Samples

A Retail Project Manager oversees the planning, execution, and completion of various projects within a retail environment, ranging from store renovation to implementation of new systems and processes. Major tasks shouldered by the managers are listed on the Retail Project Manager Resume as – defining project objectives, developing detailed project plans, and allocating resources effectively to ensure timely and successful project delivery. The professionals coordinate with cross-functional teams, including store operations , merchandising, It, and vendors to facilitate collaboration and communication throughout the project lifecycle.

Strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously are crucial. The applicant should possess excellent communication skills, proficiency in project management tools, and software; and a customer-focused mindset. Typically, retail project managers hold a bachelor’s degree in business administration, project management , or a related field, although some employers may prefer candidates with additional certifications such as Project Management Professional (PMP) accreditation.

Retail Project Manager Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Retail Project Manager

Retail Project Manager Resume

Summary : As a Retail Project Manager, oversaw the planning, execution, and delivery of retail projects from conception to completion. Coordinated cross-functional teams to ensure projects meet strategic business goals, including store openings, renovations, and technology integrations. Developed and managed project budgets, timelines, and resources while ensuring compliance with retail standards and brand guidelines.

Skills : Project Management, Budgeting, Team Leadership, Vendor Management, Retail Operations, Inventory Management

Retail Project Manager Resume Format

Description :

  • Managed project timelines and ensured all deadlines were consistently met.
  • Coordinated with suppliers to secure materials and streamline supply chains.
  • Led cross-functional teams to implement retail store design projects efficiently.
  • Developed detailed project plans and budgets to control expenses effectively.
  • Conducted market research to identify trends and enhance project strategies.
  • Oversaw construction and renovation processes to adhere to retail standards.
  • Created and maintained comprehensive project documentation for tracking progress.

Summary : As a Retail Project Manager, led initiatives to expand retail operations, including new store openings and market entry strategies. Managed site selection, construction, and merchandising activities while liaising with real estate agents, contractors, and store design teams. Ensured projects are completed on time and within budget, driving growth and enhancing brand presence.

Skills : Team Leadership, Strategic Planning, Inventory Management, Customer Service Excellence, Strategic Planning

Retail Project Manager Resume Example

  • Managed inventory and procurement processes to avoid project delays.
  • Reviewed and approved project designs to meet brand standards.
  • Conducted site inspections to verify quality and adherence to plans.
  • Streamlined communication between design, construction, and retail teams effectively.
  • Monitored project expenditures to ensure alignment with budget constraints.
  • Resolved issues and conflicts to maintain project timelines and quality.
  • Evaluated vendor performance and provided feedback for continuous improvement.

Objective : As a Retail Project Manager, directed the implementation of new technology systems and tools across retail locations. Coordinated with IT teams, vendors, and store staff to ensure smooth integration of point-of-sale systems, inventory management software, and other digital solutions. Focused on enhancing operational efficiency and customer experience through technological advancements.

Skills : Risk Management, Vendor Negotiation, Retail Operations, Inventory Management, Customer Service Excellence

Retail Project Manager Resume Format

  • Conducted post-project reviews to identify lessons learned and improvements.
  • Collaborated with marketing teams to align store openings with promotions.
  • Managed external contractors and ensured their work met project specifications.
  • Implemented changes and adjustments to project plans as needed.
  • Provided support and guidance to team members during project execution.
  • Developed risk assessments and contingency plans for potential project issues.
  • Evaluated project outcomes and provided recommendations for future improvements.

Objective : As a Retail Project Manager, managed the design and renovation of retail spaces to align with brand aesthetics and operational needs. Collaborated with architects, interior designers, and contractors to develop store layouts, visual merchandising plans, and fixture installations. Ensured that all design projects meet quality standards and contribute to an engaging shopping environment.

Skills : Time Management, Process Optimization

Retail Project Manager Resume Template

  • Ensured project deliverables were met according to specified requirements.
  • Monitored and evaluated project progress to identify and address issues.
  • Developed strategies to manage and resolve project-related conflicts.
  • Provided training and support to team members on project processes.
  • Implemented project management tools to enhance team productivity.
  • Collaborated with IT teams to integrate technology into store projects.
  • Developed and managed project budgets to ensure financial stability.

Summary : As a Retail Project Manager, drove improvements in retail operations through targeted projects aimed at optimizing store performance. Analyzed current processes, identify inefficiencies, and implement solutions to enhance inventory management, staffing, and customer service.

Skills : Data Analysis, Communication, Visual Merchandising, Training and Development

Retail Project Manager Resume Example

  • Created detailed project schedules to track progress and milestones.
  • Ensured projects adhered to company branding and marketing strategies.
  • Provided recommendations for optimizing store layouts and designs.
  • Coordinated with human resources for hiring project staff and contractors.
  • Oversaw project quality control to ensure high standards were maintained.
  • Reviewed and approved project-related invoices for payment processing.
  • Implemented feedback mechanisms to continuously improve project management practices.

Summary : As a Retail Project Manager, oversaw projects related to supply chain optimization and logistics for retail operations. Managed the integration of new supply chain technologies, streamline distribution processes, and improve inventory accuracy. Collaborated with suppliers, logistics partners, and internal teams to ensure timely delivery and cost efficiency.

Skills : Problem-Solving, Change Management, Process Improvement, Marketing Strategy, Training and Development

Retail Project Manager Resume Format

  • Implemented strategies to improve store functionality and customer experience.
  • Provided project leadership to ensure alignment with overall business goals.
  • Managed project-related communications with external stakeholders and partners.
  • Developed and maintained relationships with key industry contacts and vendors.
  • Coordinated with local authorities to secure necessary permits and approvals.
  • Reviewed and approved design concepts to meet retail standards and goals.
  • Implemented change management processes to handle project modifications effectively.

Objective : As a Retail Project Manager, led projects focused on retail marketing and promotional activities. Developed and executed marketing campaigns, product launches, and in-store events that drive traffic and sales. Worked closely with marketing teams, creative agencies, and store managers to ensure alignment with brand objectives and customer engagement strategies.

Skills : Stakeholder Engagement, Store Design, Marketing Strategy, Training and Development, Quality Assurance

Retail Project Manager Resume Sample

  • Developed and maintained a project risk register to track potential issues.
  • Provided guidance and mentorship to junior project team members.
  • Coordinated with suppliers to ensure timely delivery of project materials.
  • Reviewed contractor performance and provided feedback for improvement.
  • Ensured adherence to project specifications and quality standards.
  • Developed strategies for optimizing store space and layout efficiency.
  • Provided leadership in resolving complex project-related challenges and issues.

Summary : As a Retail Project Manager, focused on enhancing the customer experience through targeted projects aimed at improving service quality and store ambiance. Implemented new service protocols, customer feedback systems, and training programs for staff. Analyzed customer satisfaction metrics and adjust initiatives to ensure a positive shopping experience.

Skills : Supply Chain Management, Technology Integration, Data Analysis, Sales Forecasting, Visual Merchandising

Retail Project Manager Resume Template

  • Developed and executed project plans to meet business objectives.
  • Coordinated with logistics teams to manage project-related transportation needs.
  • Analyzed project metrics to measure success and identify areas for improvement.
  • Provided feedback to vendors and contractors to enhance project outcomes.
  • Developed and maintained a project timeline to track key milestones.
  • Ensured projects adhered to budget constraints and financial targets.
  • Coordinated with marketing teams to plan promotional activities for openings.

Summary : As a Retail Project Manager, ensured that retail operations adhere to regulatory requirements and company policies through comprehensive compliance projects. Monitored changes in legislation, develop compliance training programs, and conduct audits to ensure all retail locations are up-to-date with health, safety, and operational standards.

Skills : Marketing Strategies, Compliance, Visual Merchandising, Change Management, Training and Development, Market Research

Retail Project Manager Resume Model

  • Reviewed financial projections to ensure project profitability and cost control.
  • Provided support for project-related decisions and problem-solving efforts.
  • Coordinated with legal teams to review and approve contracts and agreements.
  • Ensured all project phases were completed in accordance with project plans.
  • Developed training programs for store staff to support project implementation.
  • Implemented and monitored quality assurance processes throughout the project.
  • Managed project scope changes and ensured they were documented appropriately.

Summary : As a Retail Project Manager, led initiatives aimed at integrating sustainability practices within retail operations. Developed and implemented projects focused on reducing environmental impact, such as energy-efficient store designs, waste reduction programs, and sustainable sourcing strategies. Collaborated with suppliers, store managers, and stakeholders to promote eco-friendly practices and achieve corporate sustainability goals.

Skills : Customer Experience Enhancement, Sustainability Practices, Cross-Functional Collaboration, Market Research, Training and Development, Process Improvement, Change Management

Retail Project Manager Resume Model

  • Developed project communication plans to keep stakeholders informed.
  • Monitored and evaluated project risks to ensure timely mitigation.
  • Coordinated with project teams to resolve issues and maintain momentum.
  • Provided project updates and reports to senior executives and stakeholders.
  • Managed project budgets and ensured financial compliance with company policies.
  • Developed strategies for effective store layout and design implementation.
  • Coordinated with construction teams to manage project timelines and resources.

Table of Contents

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Creative Project Manager Resume Example for 2024

Create a standout creative project manager resume with our online platform. browse professional templates for all levels and specialties. land your dream role today.

Creative Project Manager Resume Example

Meet our accomplished Creative Project Manager with a proven track record of successfully leading and delivering innovative projects. With a strong blend of creative and project management skills, our expert has the ability to turn ideas into reality. Their experience in leading cross-functional teams and managing budgets will ensure the success of any project. Check out our Creative Project Manager resume example to see how they can bring creativity and efficiency to your team.

We will cover:

  • How to write a resume , no matter your industry or job title.
  • What to put on a resume to stand out.
  • The top skills employers from every industry want to see.
  • How to build a resume fast with our professional Resume Builder .
  • Why you should use a resume template

What does a Creative Project Manager do?

  • Develop and oversee project plans
  • Manage project budgets and timelines
  • Collaborate with creatives and other team members
  • Ensure project objectives and deliverables are met
  • Communicate with clients and stakeholders
  • Identify and resolve project issues
  • Provide creative direction and feedback
  • Coordinate project resources and workflows
  • Track project progress and report on milestones
  • Stay updated on industry trends and best practices
  • Photo Retoucher Resume Sample
  • Video Editor Resume Sample
  • Junior Copywriter Resume Sample
  • Experienced Journalist Resume Sample
  • Actor Resume Sample
  • Technical Editor Resume Sample
  • News Anchor Resume Sample
  • Flight Coordinator Resume Sample
  • Field Producer Resume Sample
  • Lighting Designer Resume Sample
  • Art Director Resume Sample
  • DJ Resume Sample
  • Digital Designer Resume Sample
  • Quality Analyst Resume Sample
  • Media Planner Resume Sample
  • Public Information Officer Resume Sample
  • Compositor Resume Sample
  • Character Artist Resume Sample
  • Experienced Content Writer Resume Sample
  • Graphics Designer Resume Sample

What are some responsibilities of a Creative Project Manager?

  • Develop project plans and timelines
  • Coordinate and oversee creative teams and resources
  • Ensure projects are completed on time and within budget
  • Provide creative direction and feedback to team members
  • Troubleshoot and problem solve as issues arise
  • Track project progress and report on key metrics

Sample Creative Project Manager Resume for Inspiration

Personal Details:

  • Name: John Doe
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: (123) 456-7890
  • Address: 123 Main Street, City, State

John Doe is a highly motivated and organized Creative Project Manager with over 8 years of experience in leading diverse teams and delivering successful projects. He is skilled in managing timelines, budgets, and resources to ensure the timely and high-quality completion of creative initiatives. John is adept at fostering a collaborative and creative work environment to drive innovation and exceed client expectations.

Work Experience:

Creative Project Manager ABC Marketing Agency, City, State January 2015 - Present

  • Lead a team of designers, copywriters, and other creative professionals to deliver marketing and branding campaigns for diverse clients.
  • Managed project timelines, budgets, and resources to ensure on-time and within budget delivery of projects.
  • Collaborated with clients to understand their needs and provided strategic recommendations to achieve their business goals through creative initiatives.
  • Implemented project management tools and systems to streamline processes and improve team efficiency.

Bachelor of Arts in Marketing XYZ University, City, State September 2010 - May 2014

  • Project management
  • Team leadership
  • Strategic planning
  • Budget management
  • Client relations
  • Creative problem-solving
  • Communication skills


  • Certified Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • Scrum Master (CSM)
  • English (native)
  • Spanish (proficient)

Resume tips for Creative Project Manager

Creating a perfect, career-launching resume is no easy task. Following general writing rules can help, but it is also smart to get advice tailored to your specific job search. When you’re new to the employment world, you need Creative Project Manager resume tips. We collected the best tips from seasoned Creative Project Manager - Check out their advice to not only make your writing process easier but also increase your chances of creating a resume that piques the interest of prospective employers.

  • Highlight your experience in project management and leading creative teams
  • Showcase your ability to develop and execute creative strategies and concepts
  • Include specific examples of successful projects you have managed from start to finish
  • Demonstrate your strong communication and collaboration skills with cross-functional teams
  • Emphasize your expertise in budget management and resource allocation for creative projects

Creative Project Manager Resume Summary Examples

A creative project manager resume summary or objective can help a candidate stand out by highlighting their unique skills, experiences, and career goals. This can grab the attention of hiring managers and showcase how the candidate is a strong fit for the position. It provides a concise overview of the candidate's qualifications and sets the tone for the rest of the resume, making it easier for the employer to see the value the candidate can bring to the role. For Example:

  • Highly skilled and organized Creative Project Manager with 8 years of experience in leading and delivering creative projects within budget and timeline constraints.
  • Proven track record of successfully managing cross-functional creative teams to produce high-quality deliverables.
  • Extensive experience in developing and implementing project plans, timelines, and budgets for complex creative projects.
  • Demonstrated ability to collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to define project requirements and deliverables.
  • Strong communication and leadership skills, with a passion for driving creative project success and cultivating a collaborative team environment.

Build a Strong Experience Section for Your Creative Project Manager Resume

Building a strong experience section for a creative project manager resume is crucial in showcasing a candidate's relevant skills, accomplishments, and expertise in leading and delivering successful creative projects. It not only helps to demonstrate their ability to handle complex projects and teams, but also highlights their creative thinking, problem-solving, and organizational skills. A well-crafted experience section will make a candidate stand out as a strong and qualified candidate for creative project management roles. For Example:

  • Managed and coordinated multiple creative projects simultaneously
  • Produced detailed project plans and timelines, ensuring on-time delivery
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to execute successful marketing campaigns
  • Oversaw the design and production of various digital and print materials
  • Implemented project management tools to streamline workflow and communication
  • Conducted regular project status meetings to track progress and address any issues
  • Identified and resolved potential bottlenecks and risks to project delivery
  • Managed project budgets and allocated resources effectively
  • Communicated with stakeholders to gather project requirements and feedback
  • Provided creative direction and guidance to the project team

Creative Project Manager resume education example

A Creative Project Manager typically needs a bachelor's degree in a related field such as marketing, business, communications, or design. Some employers may also prefer candidates with a master's degree or certification in project management. Additionally, relevant coursework or training in creative disciplines such as art, design, or multimedia can be beneficial for this role. Experience in project management and leadership skills are also important. Here is an example of an experience listing suitable for a Creative Project Manager resume:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design, XYZ University, 2010
  • Master of Fine Arts in Creative Project Management, ABC Institute, 2014
  • Certification in Project Management Professional (PMP), Project Management Institute, 2017

Creative Project Manager Skills for a Resume

It is important to add skills for a Creative Project Manager Resume because it demonstrates the ability to effectively manage and execute creative projects. These skills showcase capabilities such as project management, communication, leadership, problem-solving, and creativity that are essential for success in the role. Additionally, having a diverse skill set makes candidates more competitive and attractive to potential employers. Soft Skills: ```html

  • Effective communication
  • Team collaboration
  • Problem solving
  • Adaptability
  • Time management
  • Critical thinking
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Attention to detail
  • Creative thinking
  • Project planning
  • Timeline tracking
  • Resource allocation
  • Risk analysis
  • Quality control
  • Vendor management
  • Procurement
  • Stakeholder communication
  • Report writing

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Creative Project Manager Resume

In this competitive job market, employers receive an average of 180 applications for each open position. To process these resumes, companies often rely on automated applicant tracking systems, which can sift through resumes and eliminate the least qualified applicants. If your resume is among the few that make it past these bots, it must still impress the recruiter or hiring manager. With so many applications coming in, recruiters typically give each resume only 5 seconds of their attention before deciding whether to discard it. Considering this, it's best to avoid including any distracting information on your application that could cause it to be thrown away. To help make sure your resume stands out, review the list below of what you should not include on your job application.

  • Not including a cover letter. A cover letter is a great way to explain why you are the best candidate for the job and why you want the position.
  • Using too much jargon. Hiring managers do not want to read a resume full of technical terms that they do not understand.
  • Omitting important details. Make sure to include your contact information, educational background, job history, and any relevant skills and experiences.
  • Using a generic template. Take the time to customize your resume to the job you are applying for. This will show the employer that you are serious about the position.
  • Spelling and grammar errors. Always double-check your resume for typos, spelling mistakes, and grammar errors.
  • Focusing too much on duties. Make sure to include accomplishments and successes to show the employer that you are a great candidate.
  • Including personal information. Avoid including any personal information such as age, marital status, or religious beliefs.

Key takeaways for a Creative Project Manager resume

  • Extensive project management experience
  • Demonstrated ability to lead creative teams
  • Strong time management and organizational skills
  • Experience in budgeting and resource allocation
  • Proven ability to meet project goals and deadlines
  • Proficient in project management software and tools
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills
  • Experience in client management and stakeholder engagement
  • Strong problem-solving and decision-making abilities
  • Ability to adapt to changing project requirements and priorities

Create CV

Highlighting research skills on your resume

Research skills are important in a variety of job roles because they demonstrate your ability to analyze data and use it to solve problems and contribute valuable insights. Learn how to incorporate these skills on your resume to strengthen your candidacy and ensure that your passion for continual learning stands out.

The importance of research skills on your resume

According to global consulting giant McKinsey & Company, seeking relevant information, synthesizing messages, and maintaining the ability to learn new things are three crucial skills that employees will need in the future world of work. (1) It’s important to realize that all of these abilities fall under the same umbrella: research skills.

Knowing when, where, and how to find information is crucial for making more informed decisions, solving problems, and driving innovation across the organization. Companies have an easier time staying ahead of the curve when employees are able to learn new information. It also helps them beat out competitors and expand their market share.

Research competencies are worth investing in because they are highly transferable skills that can help you in any profession, including: 

  • Manufacturing

When you can demonstrate robust research skills, the resumes you submit will have a better chance of making the right impression and helping you land an interview.

Which research skills should you highlight?

Just like many other skill sets, the term “research skills” encompasses a few specific abilities that employers are looking for. Tweaking your resume and cover letter templates to include these sought-after research skills can help you demonstrate your value as a candidate.

Data analysis

Data analysis involves collecting relevant info and looking at it from a variety of angles to find patterns and trends. When you’re able to extract meaningful insights from raw data or information, you can use those insights to make data-driven decisions that improve the workplace.

Research methodologies

Just knowing how to find information isn’t enough, though. You must also understand how to find reliable data and evaluate the information you come up with. This is where knowing research methodologies comes in handy. This skill ensures you make decisions based on sound and credible information instead of erroneous data.

Technical skills

Technical skills enhance your ability to find, evaluate, and analyze information by ensuring you have the know-how to use special software or online platforms that may be required during the process. 

For example, a lawyer may need to know how to search case law databases as part of their preparation for trial. Having this skill makes research much quicker, easier, and more thorough.

Critical thinking

Critical thinking is integral to so many kinds of expertise, from management skills to academic writing and beyond. Your ability to think critically helps you evaluate sources in depth and synthesize the information you learn. It also enables you to identify biases and consider multiple perspectives, leading to more accurate and robust conclusions.

  • Project management

Research helps project managers overcome obstacles to completion, ensuring they have the information they need to solve complex issues. Effective research can also help you find ways to reduce project budgets and timelines, which is beneficial for the client.

How to list research skills on your resume

You can display your research skills in several places on your resume . The first is a dedicated skills section. Try incorporating more descriptive words than simply “research skills,” too, such as “information synthesis.” When conveying clinical research skills, resumes should be even more specific, using terms like “data analysis” or “research protocols.”

Keep in mind as well that some research competencies are technical (such as software skills ), while others are considered soft skills (such as critical thinking or problem-solving). If you plan to separate your skills into categories on your resume, research skills should be placed in the right sections.

A special projects section can further showcase your research skills. In this section, you will list the notable projects you have worked on in previous roles. Then, you’ll tell the hiring manager how your research skills positively impacted the outcome of each project.

Finally, a recruiter or hiring manager might also expect to see your research skills demonstrated in your job descriptions. These are usually found in your work history section. 

Similar to the “special projects” section, you can highlight research skills in your job descriptions by using bullet points. That method allows you to show how insights gained from your research led to professional accomplishments and positive business outcomes.

When writing about your research skills, resume or cover letter descriptions should use action verbs like “analyzed,” “established,” or “examined.” Doing so ensures that your language makes a powerful impression on the reader. 

Additionally, consider quantifying your achievements, such as by mentioning how much money your research saved a client on a recent project. This can make your abilities stand out as highly valuable to the target company.

Expert tip:

To decide which skills to list on your resume, take a look at the job description. If you possess any of the specific research skills listed there, make sure you put them in your resume. This can help you pass electronic applicant tracking systems and give you a higher chance of having your resume read.

Examples of research skills on resumes

When it comes to incorporating research skills, resumes should be formatted in a way that is polished and professional. Here is a resume template you can use for each section where you might highlight this expertise.

Skills section example

In this section, you should list your technical and soft skills, including the research capabilities that apply to each.

Technical Skills:

  • Quantitative analysis
  • Academic writing

Soft Skills:

  • Analytical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability

Be aware that you don’t have to use separate sections for your technical and soft skills if you would prefer to combine them into one list.

Projects section example

In your projects section, you should include the name and dates of the project and your role in it. Then, describe the research skills you used.

Search Engine Optimization for Rocket Pizza, January - June 2021 Paid Advertising Campaign Manager

  • Conducted keyword research to determine high-volume, low-competition search terms to use for advertising campaign
  • Achieved a 5:1 revenue-to-ad ratio by analyzing dwell time and bounce rate to optimize paid campaign performance

Make sure to stick to only relevant projects and examples. Including less relevant details can give the impression that your resume lacks clear direction.

Job description example

Your job description section should highlight the research skills you used in each position and how they positively impacted outcomes. 

Project Manager Cooper Consulting | Detroit,  MI | October 2022 - Present

  • Reduced budgets on high-profile projects by 20% by analyzing analogous projects and forecasting costs based on aggregate data
  • Evaluated and improved client satisfaction rating by 12% by conducting post-project surveys on team performance

Similar to all of your resume sections, make sure to keep your examples relevant and use action words to make an impact with your descriptions.

Tips and mistakes to avoid

Here are some best practices you should adhere to when considering research skills for resumes you will submit with your job applications:

  • Avoid generic language like “research skills” and instead list the specific skill you possess, such as critical thinking or quantitative analysis
  • Comb the job description for any mention of research skills that should be included on your resume
  • Use numbers and action verbs to paint a clear and vivid picture of your skills and the positive business impact they can have
  • List and demonstrate your research skills throughout your resume, including in the dedicated skills, projects, and job description sections
  • Keep any mention of your research skills to relevant examples only, as including irrelevant information can confuse recruiters and hiring managers

Additionally, remember to use resume examples that help you format your project and job descriptions using the X-Y-Z method : Accomplished (X) as measured by (Y) by doing (Z)” (2) These tips can help you avoid common pitfalls and build a concise and professional resume. 

"Research skills are worth investing in because they hold value in just about every industry. These include academia, healthcare, marketing, technology, manufacturing, education, and more."

Presenting your research skills the right way can help you make the right impression

Research skills are highly sought after among today’s employees. They can help you solve problems, make informed decisions, and come up with new and innovative ideas to stand out in competitive markets. 

However, it’s important that you present these skills in the right way. You can do this by using specific language, quantifying your achievements, including action verbs, and mentioning your research skills in the right place on your resume.

Starting with resume or cover letter examples can help you get the formatting right. It also ensures that your document comes across as professional. 

However, no matter what method you decide to use to create your resume, leveraging your ability to research and analyze information to solve problems in the workplace is important. Doing so can enhance your job application and make an undeniable impression in the hiring process.

(1) McKinsey & Company: Defining the skills citizens will need in the future world of work

(2) Inc. Magazine: Google Recruiters Say Using the X-Y-Z Formula on Your Resume Will Improve Your Odds of Getting Hired at Google

Get ahead of the competition

Make your job applications stand-out from other candidates.

Hard Skills: Definition & Examples for Resumes

Hard Skills: Definition & Examples for Resumes

What Not To Put on a Resume

What Not To Put on a Resume

Soft Skills: Definition & Examples for Resumes

Soft Skills: Definition & Examples for Resumes

Resume Profile Examples and How To Write in 5 Steps

Carolyn Kleiman

Understanding Resume Profiles

Types of resume profiles, how to write an effective resume profile, tips for writing a resume profile, mistakes to avoid in resume profiles, resume profile examples, industry-specific resume profiles, profile ideas for resume customization, frequently asked questions about resume profiles.

Serving as a professional introduction, a resume profile for your resume helps employers who are scanning hundreds of resumes. A profile for your resume is key in quickly distinguishing yourself as a strong applicant. This article offers profile ideas for your resume and show you how to write one. It will also provide 20+ industry-specific examples and strategies for enhancing and customizing your resume profile.

What is a resume profile?

A resume profile is a concise statement located at the top of your resume, summarizing your experience, skills, and career goals. This section is critical because it provides hiring managers with a quick snapshot of your qualifications, making it easy for them to gauge if you’re a strong fit for the role.

Unlike an objective statement, which focuses more on the role you’re seeking, a resume profile presents your professional identity and what you bring to the table.

Job profile is often used interchangeably with a resume profile, though “job profile” may sometimes refer more specifically to the type of job you’re targeting rather than your experience and skills.

A resume profile is your opportunity to grab the hiring manager’s attention within the first few seconds of reviewing your resume. It highlights your strengths, achievements, and your value proposition to a potential employer.

Importance of a resume profile

A profile for your resume provides a first impression to employers. It summarizes your key qualifications and career goals, allowing the reader to quickly assess whether to continue reviewing.

There are three types of resume profiles: summary, objective, and qualifications summary.

The resume summary is best for mid-career or experienced professionals who can concisely explain their background and achievements while relating them to a career goal.

Client-centric hospitality professional with five years experience in guest services, event management, client and vendor relations, and office administration. Proven track record of implementing process improvements and fiercely negotiating contracts to reduce expenses.

A resume objective is a short, targeted statement identifying the role you are applying for. It is best suited for entry-level candidates.

High achieving civil engineer with experience in AutoCAD, blueprint reading, and construction pursuing junior project management roles.

The qualifications summary works well for experienced and highly skilled professionals. It is similar to a summary, but it is typically presented in a bulleted format and focuses on quantifiable achievements.

Intuitive, adaptable solution-finder with 15 years of emergency management experience.

  • Immersed in front-line response team as a former military paramedic
  • Held roles that required rapid assessment and decisive action to save lives
  • Coordinated and executed a city-wide emergency evacuation drill, reducing response times by 30% and increasing overall preparedness by 25% as measured by post-drill evaluations and feedback from participating agencies

One of the challenges many job seekers face is customizing their resume profile for different roles. While some profiles can be broad, the most effective ones are tailored to each job. Here are some profile ideas for resume customization:

  • Generalist vs. specialist profiles: A generalist might highlight broad skills like communication and problem-solving, whereas a specialist would focus on niche skills relevant to the industry.
  • Industry-specific adjustments: For example, a marketing professional applying for a digital marketing role may emphasize SEO skills, while for a brand management role, they would emphasize campaign development and leadership.
  • Entry-level vs. experienced professional profiles: Entry-level candidates should focus on education, internships, and transferable skills. Meanwhile, experienced professionals should include accomplishments, metrics, and leadership experience.

Step-by-step guide

1. State the number of years of experience you have in your field.

Technology recruiter with eight years of experience.

2. Highlight your specialty or area of knowledge.

Technology recruiter with eight years of experience, specializing in software engineers and network administrators for Fortune 500 clients.

3. Showcase relevant technical and transferable skills that directly relate to the job. Use keywords from the job description as a guide.

Highly skilled in Salesforce, LinkedIn, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), and cold-calling.

4. Mention any significant achievements, especially those with measurable outcomes.

Achievements include successful referral of over 125 candidates within the past two years.

5. State your career goal and how it aligns with the position.

Ready to bring expertise in talent recruitment and management to XYZ company.

Writing an effective resume profile is similar to creating a movie trailer: it should give a concise, impactful overview that captures attention quickly. Your resume profile serves as the first impression for hiring managers, so it’s essential to make every word count. When crafting this section, avoid clichés like “hard-working,” “seasoned,” or “team player,” as these terms are vague and do not differentiate you from other candidates. Instead, focus on showcasing your unique qualifications, experience, and measurable achievements.

A strong job profile in your resume will not only convey your strengths and goals but will also be strategically optimized for applicant tracking systems (ATS) . ATS scan resumes for specific keywords before passing them to hiring managers. Here are some essential tips for writing a standout profile and ensuring it is optimized for both human readers and ATS.

1. Use keywords from the job description

When creating a profile for your resume, it’s essential to include keywords relevant to the job you’re applying for. Scan job descriptions thoroughly to identify commonly used terms, especially those that describe key skills, responsibilities, and qualifications. For example, if a job posting mentions “project management,” “cross-functional leadership,” or “data analysis,” you should incorporate these into your resume profile.

“Marketing professional with over seven years of experience in SEO strategies, content marketing, and project management. Proven ability to lead cross-functional teams and drive revenue growth through data-driven marketing initiatives.”

By aligning your resume profile with the specific language used in job postings, you increase the chances of your resume passing through ATS filters and catching the attention of hiring managers.

2. Showcase achievements using metrics

Your job profile should not just list responsibilities but highlight measurable achievements. Including metrics—such as percentages, dollar amounts, or numbers—helps quantify your success and makes your job profile more impactful. For instance, rather than saying “improved team efficiency,” say “increased team efficiency by 25% through process improvements.”

“Experienced sales manager with over 10 years of expertise in strategic planning and team leadership. Successfully grew sales revenue by 40% in competitive markets and reduced customer acquisition costs by 15%.”

3. Customize for each job application

One common mistake is using the same resume profile for every job application. Instead, customize your profile each time to reflect the specific requirements of the role. While you don’t need to rewrite the entire section, tweaking certain phrases or keywords can make a significant difference. Customization is key to ensuring that your profile resonates with each hiring manager and aligns with the company’s specific needs.

If applying for a project management role at a tech company, you could modify your profile to say:

“Project manager with eight years of experience in software development and Agile methodologies. Proven success in managing large-scale projects, optimizing workflows, and leading cross-functional teams.”

For a similar role in healthcare, the profile could change to:

“Project manager with eight years of experience in the healthcare sector. Expertise in managing cross-functional teams, implementing HIPAA-compliant processes, and improving patient care through streamlined operations.”

4. Avoid jargon and clichés

Hiring managers and ATS alike tend to ignore overused terms and jargon. Words like “team player” or “hard-working” are vague and don’t add value to your resume profile. Instead, focus on providing concrete examples of your skills and achievements. Let your experience speak for itself, and be specific about what makes you an ideal candidate for the role.

Instead of:

“Hard-working marketing manager with a proven track record of success,”

“Results-driven marketing manager with seven years of experience in executing digital campaigns that increased brand visibility by 35%.”

5. Keep it concise but comprehensive

Your resume profile should strike a balance between being concise and providing enough detail to give a clear picture of your qualifications. Aim for two to three sentences that summarize your career, key skills, and achievements. Avoid lengthy paragraphs that can overwhelm the reader, but also steer clear of overly brief statements that don’t fully capture your expertise.

“Certified IT professional with 10 years of experience in network security and cloud infrastructure management. Adept at identifying and mitigating security threats, reducing downtime by 20%, and managing cloud-based solutions for Fortune 500 companies.”

6. Proofread and get feedback

Once you’ve written your resume profile, it’s essential to have someone else review it for clarity, grammar, and impact. Even small errors can make a bad impression, so getting feedback from a trusted colleague or mentor is crucial. They can help identify any areas that need improvement and ensure your profile is as strong as possible.

Crafting a compelling resume profile can be the difference between standing out or getting overlooked in a competitive job market. While writing a resume profile may seem straightforward, many job seekers make common mistakes that can reduce the effectiveness of this crucial section. Here are some key mistakes to avoid, along with actionable solutions to enhance your job profile:

1. Being too vague

One of the biggest pitfalls in writing a resume profile is using vague language. Descriptions such as “hard-working team player” or “dedicated professional” do not provide the hiring manager with any concrete information about your skills or accomplishments. These phrases are overused and generic and fail to differentiate you from other applicants.

Why it’s a problem :

Vague terms don’t tell the employer what you’ve actually accomplished or what specific value you bring. Hiring managers scan resumes quickly, and if your profile lacks detail, they may move on to the next candidate.

How to fix it :

Be specific about your achievements and the impact you made in previous roles. Use quantifiable results and focus on what makes you unique.

  • Avoid : “Hard-working team player with experience in project management.”
  • Use instead : “Collaborative team leader who managed a 10-person project team to deliver a $5M software development initiative ahead of schedule and under budget.”

This example is clear and specific, providing a tangible achievement that shows your impact in a measurable way.

2. Overloading with buzzwords

Another mistake to avoid is overusing industry buzzwords like “results-driven,” “self-motivated,” or “dynamic.” While these terms might sound impressive, they often lack substance if not backed up by specific examples or results. Simply adding buzzwords to your resume profile doesn’t make you stand out unless you can demonstrate how those qualities translate into real success.

Buzzwords alone don’t show value unless supported by achievements. ATS may flag buzzwords, but hiring managers need evidence that you truly embody these qualities. Without context or examples, you run the risk of coming across as insincere or unoriginal.

Instead of relying solely on buzzwords, provide context that shows how you’ve demonstrated those traits. For instance, if you claim to be “results-driven,” include specific metrics that show the results you achieved.

  • Avoid : “Results-driven marketing manager with a dynamic approach to digital strategies.”
  • Use instead : “Marketing manager with 7 years of experience driving a 30% increase in website traffic through innovative digital marketing strategies.”

This way, you still convey your results-driven approach but with concrete proof that adds credibility.

3. Failing to customize for the job

A common mistake is failing to tailor your profile to the specific job you’re applying for. Many job seekers create one generic profile and use it for every application. While this saves time, it significantly reduces the chances of catching the hiring manager’s attention. Every job has different requirements, and your profile needs to reflect how your experience aligns with those needs.

Using a one-size-fits-all resume profile can make it seem like you haven’t thoroughly read the job description or don’t understand the company’s unique needs. In addition, ATS systems are more likely to filter out resumes that don’t contain job-specific keywords.

Tailor your resume profile to each specific job by incorporating relevant keywords and highlighting the most pertinent experiences. Review the job posting carefully to understand what the employer is looking for and adjust your profile accordingly.

  • Avoid : “Project manager with experience in multiple industries.”
  • Use instead : “Project manager with 10+ years of experience managing software development projects, specializing in Agile methodologies and delivering scalable solutions for tech companies.”

This customized profile shows that you have relevant experience that aligns directly with the job description.

4. Using passive language

Another mistake many job seekers make is using passive language in their resume profile. Phrases like “responsible for” or “involved in” do not effectively communicate your role in an accomplishment. Passive language can make it seem like you were just part of the team, rather than leading initiatives or contributing significantly.

Passive language diminishes the strength of your accomplishments and doesn’t highlight your direct contributions. It’s important to take ownership of your achievements to present yourself as a proactive and results-oriented professional.

Use active language and strong action verbs to describe your role. Words like “led,” “developed,” “increased,” “improved,” and “executed” convey that you were a key player in the success of the project or task.

  • Avoid : “Responsible for leading the marketing team.”
  • Use instead : “Led a 10-person marketing team to launch a successful digital campaign that increased engagement by 40%.”

Active language emphasizes your leadership and contributions to the company’s success.

5. Including irrelevant information

Some job seekers make the mistake of including irrelevant information in their resume profile. While it’s important to provide a comprehensive overview of your skills and achievements, unrelated hobbies, personal interests, or experiences that don’t align with the role can distract from your qualifications. This is especially problematic in profiles for senior-level roles, where every word should reinforce your expertise.

Including irrelevant information wastes valuable space and dilutes the impact of your profile. Hiring managers are looking for candidates who are aligned with the role and its requirements. Off-topic details can make you seem unfocused or unprofessional.

Keep your resume profile tightly focused on relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. Before including any information, ask yourself whether it directly relates to the job you are applying for.

  • Avoid : “Sales professional with 8 years of experience. Passionate about hiking and outdoor adventure.”
  • Use instead : “Sales professional with 8 years of experience closing high-value deals and expanding client portfolios. Proven ability to grow sales by 25% in competitive markets.”

The latter focuses on the qualifications that matter to the employer rather than personal interests that are unrelated to the job.

6. Making it too long or complex

While it’s important to provide detail, some candidates make the mistake of writing overly long or complex resume profiles. A resume profile is meant to be a snapshot of your professional qualifications, not a full biography. Hiring managers should be able to quickly scan this section and get a clear understanding of your background.

If your profile is too long or contains overly complex sentences, you risk losing the reader’s attention. The purpose of a resume profile is to provide a quick, engaging summary that encourages the hiring manager to read further.

Keep your resume profile to two to three concise sentences that highlight your most relevant experience and accomplishments. Focus on clarity and brevity, and avoid technical jargon or unnecessary details.

  • Avoid : “Highly experienced marketing specialist with over 10+ years of comprehensive, in-depth expertise covering a wide range of digital marketing disciplines, encompassing, but not limited to, social media management across multiple platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.), advanced content marketing strategies involving both organic and paid approaches, development and execution of large-scale PPC advertising campaigns, as well as email marketing automation, influencer outreach and partnership programs, SEO optimization for on-page and off-page content, and detailed analytics reporting utilizing various tools (Google Analytics, HubSpot, SEMrush, etc.) to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) for both B2B and B2C markets, with a strong focus on maximizing return on investment (ROI) and achieving measurable business objectives through innovative digital strategies and cross-functional team collaboration.”
  • Use instead : “Marketing specialist with 10+ years of experience in digital marketing, specializing in social media and content strategy. Proven track record of increasing engagement and driving conversions.”

The latter example is easier to read and still conveys essential information about the candidate’s expertise.

7. Neglecting to include quantifiable results

Lastly, failing to include measurable achievements is a critical mistake in a resume profile. Numbers and metrics are powerful tools that can validate your claims and demonstrate your impact in previous roles.

Without concrete evidence, your profile may seem vague or unsupported. Metrics provide a clear picture of your capabilities and help hiring managers understand the value you can bring to their organization.

Always include measurable outcomes in your job profile. Whether it’s percentages, dollar amounts, or time saved, these numbers add credibility to your achievements.

  • Avoid : “Experienced project manager with a proven track record.”
  • Use Instead : “Experienced project manager who delivered a $1M project 20% under budget and reduced delivery time by 15%.”

Mid-level professional resume profile examples

A profile for your resume, if you are a mid-level professional, highlights the amount of experience and skills.

Java developer resume profile example

A senior software engineer with eight years of experience, specializing in front-end and back-end development, application design, and web development. A proven track record of designing scalable web frameworks to support enterprise customers.

Marketing manager resume profile example

A digital marketing manager with seven years of experience, specializing in brand messaging, Google Analytics, SEO marketing strategy, and cross-functional leadership. A proven track record of managing multi-million dollar budgets and executing digital campaigns to enhance user engagement and drive market penetration.

Registered nurse resume profile example

A certified medical surgical nurse with eight years of experience, specializing in surgical care, patient education, and telemetry. A strong background of collaborating with interdisciplinary healthcare teams to deliver patient-centered care within high-volume acute care environments.

Entry-level resume profile examples

For entry-level professionals, a profile for your resume emphasizes education and transferable skills.

Business administration recent graduate resume profile example

Business graduate with strong recent entrepreneurial and internship experience. Naturally curious and committed to gaining and applying new expertise. Bilingual: Fluent in English and Spanish.

Entry-level IT support resume profile example

An IT professional with three years of experience specializing in technical support, customer service, and system administration. Adept at communicating effectively with customers to identify ideal solutions to technical issues and ensure client satisfaction.

Junior graphic designer resume profile exampler

A creative graphic designer with entry-level experience specializing in web design, motion graphics, brand messaging, and illustration. Adept at developing engaging visual solutions to establish cohesive brand identities for clients.

Career change resume profile examples

These resume profiles focus on transferable skills or relevant previous experience for people changing careers.

Military-to-civilian resume profile example

A network security analyst with over eight years of experience identifying threats and identifying innovative solutions. A proven track record of mitigating cybersecurity threats and providing technical support to military personnel and civilians.

Stay-at-home parent resume profile example

A certified medical coder with seven years of progressive experience assigning ICD and CPT codes to patient medical records. A proven track record of coordinating with diverse teams and identifying opportunities to improve accuracy, production, and operational workflows.

Teacher transitioning to corporate trainer resume profile example

A corporate trainer with five years of experience specializing in program development, training curriculum, continuous improvement, and corporate communication. A proven track record of refining training programs to drive operational excellence. Adept at delivering virtual and in-classroom instruction to enhance staff development for businesses.

Creative industry resume profiles

Those with a creative background need to display their innovation, skills, and achievements.

Art director resume profile example

A creative director with eight years of experience specializing in brand messaging, marketing communications, and content strategy. A strong history of refining brand identity for client businesses to drive growth, product adoption, and market share.

Content writer resume profile example

A content strategist with six years of professional experience specializing in brand messaging, SEO marketing, digital marketing, and copywriting. A proven track record of collaborating with cross-functional teams to drive penetration across competitive marketing landscapes.

Education industry resume profiles

Educators need to showcase their teaching style, leadership, and education philosophy.

Elementary school teacher resume profile example

A dynamic elementary teacher with six years of experience specializing in differentiated instruction, curriculum development, and student-centered learning. Adept at building relationships with students to facilitate academic and personal growth.

Principal resume profile example

A principal with eight years of professional experience specializing in policy development, program management, educational leadership, and school administration. A proven track record of guiding the implementation of new education strategies to drive student-centered learning.

Finance industry resume profiles

This industry heavily emphasizes analytical and business acumen. Finance industry profiles should highlight these and success metrics.

Accountant resume profile example

Organized accounting professional with a record of success helping clients decrease costs, balance books, and reconcile accounts. Naturally curious and committed to gaining and applying new expertise. Bilingual: Fluent in English and Spanish.

Financial analyst resume profile example

A financial analyst with entry-level experience specializing in investment strategy, market analysis, financial analysis, and risk management. Adept at coordinating with investors to evaluate ROI potential and risks for acquisitions and investment opportunities.

Health care industry resume profiles

In the health care industry, there are various roles, from administrators to hands-on practitioners.

Health care administrator resume profile example

Forward-looking nurse manager with over eight years of experience. Offer advanced expertise in patient care, health care administration, and policy development and interpretation. Strong background managing cross-functional teams and guiding delivery of complex patient care services. Adept at building a highly collaborative, accountable work culture. Master of Science in Nursing from Columbia University. Bilingual: fluent in English and Spanish.

Physical therapist resume profile example

A dynamic physical therapist with five years of experience specializing in sports medicine, orthopedics, treatment planning, and strength training. A proven track record of delivering rehabilitative treatment and physical therapy services to diverse patient populations.

Sales and marketing resume profiles

These professionals will demonstrate analytical, interpersonal, and communication abilities in their sales and marketing resume profiles.

Digital marketing specialist resume profile example

A dynamic digital marketing specialist with five years of experience specializing in paid search, SEO, lead generation, and product marketing. A proven track record of developing innovative strategies to grow web presence and organic traffic for client websites. Expertise in leveraging analytics to refine data-driven decision-making for digital initiatives.

Sales manager resume profile example

A sales manager with over eight years of experience specializing in pipeline development, territory management, team building, and consultative selling. A proven track record of developing and coaching high-performance sales teams to exceed revenue goals. Adept at building lucrative relationships with high-value client accounts.

Tech industry resume profiles

In the technology industry resume profiles will showcase certifications and technical skills. Many more examples are available through Resume Builder tools . Here are a few to get you started.

Data scientist resume profile example

An SAS certified data scientist with eight years of experience using predictive analytics and classical modeling techniques to provide valuable data insights for the financial industry. A proven track record of managing data analytics to support financial management, operations, and reporting for enterprise clients.

User experience (UX) designer resume profile example

A senior UX designer with eight years of experience specializing in human-centered design, visual storytelling, interaction design, and usability testing. A strong history of developing innovative user interface designs for mobile applications. Adept at building and leading diverse technical and creative teams to unify all aspects of the user experience.

General tips for customizing your resume profile

It’s imperative to adapt your resume profile as you apply to different positions. Even when roles are similar, minor adjustments can make a big difference. For example, your profile may say, “Certified information technology analyst providing timely technical support in multi-faceted service-based organizations. Recognized for taking initiative, adopting best practices to improve metrics and maximize efficiency.”

You may need to adjust the wording to something similar for another role, such as “Certified information technology systems specialist providing timely remote technical support for Fortune 500 organizations. Recognized for delivering concierge level of support while handling support desk.” Resume profiles can be modified to showcase your ability and experience in working remotely, as well as providing freelance services.

It’s best not to be too general, stating things such as, “Information technology analyst seeks new opportunities leveraging troubleshooting skills.” Avoid including information that is not pertinent to the job.

Enhancing your resume profile

To make your resume profile more engaging, identify, and incorporate keywords from job descriptions. The best way to find keywords is to look for action words in the job responsibilities. Next, look for industry jargon, technical and transferable skills. Examples include “SEO optimization, pivot tables, and solution-finding.” Refer to the qualifications where education or certifications are listed. Lastly, read carefully, and observe repeated words.

Once you identify the keywords, you can craft your profile. Demonstrate your skills by providing an example of an accomplishment. “Created automated email appointment reminders, reducing administrative time by 20%.”

Make sure your resume is formatted properly to ensure readability by ATS. Do not use tables, text boxes, logos, graphics, or multiple columns. Instead, opt for a simple layout that uses bold, italics, underlining, color, or bullets to make items stand out and easy to read.

Additional resources and tools

  • Are Job Seekers Cheating When They Use ChatGPT To Craft Resumes and Cover Letters?
  • 72 Percent of People Surveyed Said They Lied on Their Résumés — Here Are the Most Common Fibs
  • There’s a Big Debate Over Whether it’s OK To Use AI in Your Job Search. Some Companies Say It’s ‘A Definite Dealbreaker.’
  • Resume Builder’s free resume templates

How would you describe the difference between an objective and a profile? -

A profile is a deeper description of who you are and what you do. It provides context around your qualifications. An objective focuses more on the role you are seeking but has limited or no information about your abilities.

What information should I not include on my resume profile? -

Irrelevant or outdated information should not be included. For example, you wouldn’t include an award received in high school, which you attended several years ago.

If I am willing to relocate, work remotely or freelance, should I include that? -

The type of work or location can be used to screen applicants. If you are willing and can remotely, freelance, or relocate, you can include this as part of your profile. For example, “Public relations specialist with three years experience in the sports industry. Recognized for rapid responses to media inquiries, averaging over 100 weekly. Willing to relocate and work remotely with diverse teams.”

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Carolyn Kleiman

Carolyn Kleiman

Professional Resume Writer

For the last 20 years, Carolyn Kleiman has helped individuals identify and achieve their career goals. Carolyn has held positions in recruiting and training and has helped countless numbers of job seekers craft high-quality resumes and cover letters, prepare for interviews, and eventually land their dream jobs! Carolyn is a Nationally Certified Counselor and a Certified Professional Resume Writer and is a member of the National Career Development Association and Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches.

data analyst

6 Media Producer Resume Examples for 2024

Creating a resume for a media producer role requires focus on skills, experience, and industry knowledge. In this article, we provide strong examples of resumes and advice on structure, content, and keywords. Learn how to highlight your production background, technical skills, and key projects to attract attention from hiring managers and gain the New Role.

Portrait of Liz Bowen

  • 23 Sep 2024 - 5 new sections, including 'Where to list your education', added
  • 23 Sep 2024 - 5 new resume templates, including Aspiring Media Producer with Transferrable Skills, added
  • 21 Sep 2024 - Article published

  Next update scheduled for 01 Oct 2024

Here's what we see in top media producer resumes.

Show Impact Using Metrics : Use numbers to show impact like increased viewership by 20% , cut production time by 15% , boosted engagement by 30% , reduced budget by 25% .

Include Relevant Skills : Include skills on your resume that you have and are mentioned on the job description. Some popular ones are Adobe Premiere , Final Cut Pro , scriptwriting , video editing , motion graphics . But don't include all of them, choose the ones you have.

Trends In Media Production : More resumes highlight experience with social media content and live streaming . These are key trends in media production today.

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Media Producer Resume Sample

Find out how good your resume is.

ummm here it is

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Want to know if your media production resume stands out? Our resume scoring tool gives you a clear picture of how your resume performs. It checks for key elements that hiring managers in the creative industry look for.

Upload your resume now. You'll get instant feedback on its strengths and areas for improvement. This unbiased assessment helps you create a resume that gets noticed in the competitive media production field.

Where to list your education

Place your education section on your resume based on your most relevant and recent experience as a media producer. In cases where you're actively working in the field, showcase work experience first. This directs the hiring manager's attention to your practical skills and track record in media production.

If you have recently graduated or completed specialized training relevant to media production, such as a film or multimedia course, position your education at the top. This highlights your up-to-date knowledge and any newly acquired technical skills. It is essential to list any degrees, certifications, or courses that are directly related to content creation, media technology, or production management — these are vital in this industry.

Junior Media Producer Resume Sample

Showcase your portfolio.

Include a direct link to your portfolio. This is key because employers want to see your work examples for media production roles.

Make sure your portfolio is up-to-date and includes diverse projects. This shows your range of skills and experience.

Senior Media Producer Resume Sample

Ideal resume length.

For a media producer, it's important to keep your resume concise. If you have less than 10 years of experience, aim for one page. This helps you focus on what matters most: your recent roles and key projects. Think about what a hiring manager must see to understand your skills and experience.

If you have more than 10 years of experience, two pages can work. Use this space to share your biggest achievements, but remember the first page is what gets the most attention. List your most impressive and relevant work there. Make the first page so strong that it makes readers want to turn to the second page.

Media Producer with Animation Specialization Resume Sample

Highlight tech skills.

Emphasize your technical skills in software used in media production like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro. These are often required for the job.

If you have certifications or strong online profiles like LinkedIn in these areas, include them for additional credibility.

Aspiring Media Producer with Transferrable Skills Resume Sample

  •   Producer Resume Examples
  •   Accounting Clerk Resume Examples
  •   Entry-Level Accountant Resume Examples
  •   Insurance Underwriter Resume Examples
  •   Customer Service Manager Resume Examples
  •   Clinical Data Manager Resume Examples
  •   Long-Term Substitute Teacher Resume Examples
  •   Administrative Coordinator Resume Examples

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Media producer, resume sample #1, resume sample #2, junior media producer, resume sample #3, senior media producer, resume sample #4, media producer with animation specialization, resume sample #5, aspiring media producer with transferrable skills, resume sample #6, additional resources, questions get in touch.

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Resume Examples

September 17, 2024

16 Volunteer Resume Examples

These priceless volunteer resume examples will help you land your next volunteer role quickly.

Resume Examples and Guide For

High School Student Volunteer Resume

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  • What's the Best Education for a Volunteer Resume?
  • What's the Best Professional Organization for a Volunteer Resume?

What Are the Best Awards for a Volunteer Resume?

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Volunteering is a noble pursuit that not only benefits communities but also enriches personal and professional growth. Whether you're looking to start your volunteering journey or showcase your extensive experience, a well-crafted resume is essential. This comprehensive guide offers diverse volunteer resume examples and expert advice to help you create a compelling document that highlights your dedication and skills.

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Entry-Level Volunteer Resume Examples

For high school students, volunteering is an excellent way to gain experience and demonstrate community engagement. This high school student volunteer resume example showcases how to present limited experience effectively.

[email protected] - (555) 123-4567 - Chicago, IL

Dedicated high school student seeking volunteer opportunities to contribute to the community while gaining valuable experience in social services and environmental conservation.

Food Sorter and Distributor

Local Food Bank

09/2022 - Present

Chicago, IL

  • Sort and organize donated food items for distribution
  • Assist in packing food boxes for families in need
  • Participate in food drives and community outreach events

Animal Care Assistant

Chicago Animal Shelter

06/2022 - 08/2022

  • Provided care and attention to shelter animals
  • Assisted with feeding, grooming, and exercise routines
  • Supported shelter staff during adoption events

Chicago High School

  • GPA: 3.8/4.0

Strong communication and interpersonal skills • Basic computer proficiency (Microsoft Office, Google Suite) • Fluent in English and Spanish

Why this resume is great

This high school volunteer resume is excellent because it clearly presents the student's volunteer experiences, highlighting specific responsibilities and achievements. The objective statement effectively communicates the student's goals, while the inclusion of relevant skills and extracurricular activities provides a well-rounded view of their capabilities and interests.

College students often have more diverse experiences to showcase. This college student volunteer resume example demonstrates how to balance academic achievements with volunteer work.

Diego Lopez

[email protected] - (555) 987-6543 - Houston, TX

Passionate college student majoring in Environmental Science with a strong commitment to community service and sustainability. Seeking volunteer opportunities to apply classroom knowledge in real-world environmental conservation efforts.

Environmental Conservation Volunteer

City Parks and Recreation Department

03/2023 - Present

Houston, TX

  • Participate in weekly park clean-up initiatives
  • Assist in planting and maintaining native species gardens
  • Educate park visitors on local flora and fauna

Construction Volunteer

Habitat for Humanity, College Town Chapter

09/2022 - 12/2022

  • Contributed 100+ hours to home-building projects for low-income families
  • Learned basic construction skills and safety procedures
  • Collaborated with diverse teams of volunteers and homeowners

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science - Environmental Science

Houston University

09/2021 - 04/2025

  • Relevant Coursework: Environmental Policy and Regulation, Ecosystem Management, Sustainable Development


First Aid and CPR Certified

Leave No Trace Outdoor Ethics Trainer

Data analysis and research • Project management • Public speaking • Bilingual (English and Spanish)

This college student volunteer resume excels by aligning the volunteer experiences with the student's academic focus. It effectively showcases relevant coursework, skills, and certifications that enhance their volunteer contributions. The resume also demonstrates leadership and commitment through campus involvement, presenting a well-rounded candidate for environmental volunteer roles.

Recent graduates can leverage their academic achievements and volunteer experiences to position themselves for meaningful opportunities. This recent graduate volunteer resume example shows how to present a mix of education and practical experience.

Maria Horvat

[email protected] - (555) 246-8102 - San Diego, CA

Recent graduate with a degree in Social Work and a passion for community development. Seeking volunteer opportunities to apply academic knowledge and gain hands-on experience in social services while making a positive impact on underserved communities.

Youth Mentoring Program

09/2021 - 05/2023

San Diego, CA

  • Provided one-on-one mentoring to at-risk youth
  • Developed and implemented goal-setting strategies with mentees
  • Collaborated with program coordinators to evaluate mentee progress

Intake Volunteer

Homeless Shelter

  • Assisted with client intake and needs assessment
  • Provided resource referrals and support to shelter residents
  • Participated in shelter maintenance and meal preparation

Bachelor of Social Work - Social Work

San Diego University

09/2019 - 04/2023

  • Dean's List (All Semesters)
  • Magna Cum Laude
  • Mental Health First Aid

Trauma-Informed Care Training

Case management • Crisis intervention • Grant writing • Fluent in English and Croatian

This recent graduate volunteer resume stands out by effectively combining academic achievements with practical volunteer experience. It highlights relevant coursework and skills directly applicable to social work, demonstrating the candidate's readiness for more challenging roles. The inclusion of professional memberships also shows commitment to the field and ongoing professional development.

Experienced Volunteer Resume Examples

Experienced volunteers in nonprofit organizations often have a wealth of skills and accomplishments to showcase. This nonprofit organization volunteer resume example demonstrates how to highlight leadership and impact in the nonprofit sector.

[email protected] - (555) 135-7920 - Dallas, TX

Dedicated nonprofit professional with 7+ years of volunteer experience in program development, fundraising, and community outreach. Seeking to leverage expertise in strategic planning and stakeholder engagement to drive meaningful change in mission-driven organizations.

Program Development Volunteer

Global Health Initiative

03/2018 - Present

  • Lead a team of 10 volunteers in designing and implementing health education programs in underserved communities
  • Secured $50,000 in grant funding for a mobile health clinic project
  • Developed partnerships with local healthcare providers to expand service reach by 30%

Fundraising and Events Coordinator

Hunger Relief Network

06/2016 - 02/2018

  • Organized annual gala event, raising over $100,000 for food security programs
  • Managed a database of 5,000+ donors and implemented targeted outreach campaigns
  • Trained and supervised a team of 25 event volunteers

Master of Public Administration

Dallas University

09/2014 - 04/2016

Bachelor of Arts - Sociology

Dallas College

09/2010 - 04/2014

Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP)

Project Management Professional (PMP)

Strategic planning • Grant writing and management • Volunteer coordination • Data analysis and reporting • Fluent in English and Mandarin Chinese

This nonprofit organization volunteer resume excels by showcasing the candidate's extensive experience and concrete achievements in the nonprofit sector. It effectively highlights leadership roles, quantifiable impacts, and relevant certifications. The resume also demonstrates a progression of responsibilities and a commitment to professional development, making it ideal for high-level volunteer or paid positions in nonprofit organizations.

Community service volunteers often have diverse experiences across various local initiatives. This community service volunteer resume example shows how to present a range of community-focused activities and skills.

[email protected] - (555) 024-6810 - Columbus, OH

Dedicated community servant with 5+ years of diverse volunteer experience. Committed to fostering positive change through active engagement in local initiatives and collaborative problem-solving.

Program Coordinator

Columbus Community Center

09/2020 - Present

Columbus, OH

  • Develop and manage after-school programs for underprivileged youth, serving 50+ children weekly
  • Recruit and train 15 volunteer tutors, improving student academic performance by 25%
  • Organize monthly community events, increasing resident participation by 40%

Logistics Volunteer

Columbus Food Bank

03/2019 - 08/2020

  • Coordinated food distribution to 200+ families weekly
  • Implemented inventory management system, reducing waste by 15%
  • Assisted in grant writing, securing $30,000 for new refrigeration equipment

Team Leader

City Beautification Project

05/2018 - 02/2019

  • Led a team of 20 volunteers in neighborhood clean-up and gardening initiatives
  • Collaborated with local businesses to sponsor community gardens, establishing 5 new green spaces
  • Organized educational workshops on sustainable urban living, attended by 300+ residents

Marketing Associate

Tech Solutions Inc.

06/2017 - Present

  • Manage social media campaigns and content creation
  • Analyze market trends and competitor strategies

Bachelor of Arts - Communications

Ohio University

09/2013 - 04/2017

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Certified

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace Certificate

Event planning and coordination • Public speaking and presentation • Grant writing • Social media management • Fluent in English and Arabic

This community service volunteer resume is outstanding because it effectively showcases a diverse range of volunteer experiences and achievements. It highlights leadership roles, quantifiable impacts, and specific skills relevant to community service. The resume also demonstrates how the candidate balances professional work with extensive volunteer commitments, presenting a well-rounded individual dedicated to community improvement.

Environmental volunteers often combine passion with practical skills. This environmental volunteer resume example demonstrates how to present environmental expertise and impactful conservation efforts.

Mason Gonzalez

[email protected] - (555) 369-2580 - Charlotte, NC

Passionate environmental advocate with 6+ years of volunteer experience in conservation and sustainability initiatives. Skilled in project management, environmental education, and community engagement, seeking to contribute to impactful environmental programs.

Conservation Project Leader

Charlotte Nature Conservancy

07/2019 - Present

Charlotte, NC

  • Manage habitat restoration projects, successfully rehabilitating 50 acres of wetlands
  • Lead team of 30 volunteers in invasive species removal and native plant reintroduction
  • Develop and conduct educational programs, reaching 1000+ community members annually

Climate Ambassador

Global Climate Action

03/2018 - 06/2019

  • Organized climate change awareness campaigns, engaging 5000+ local residents
  • Collaborated with local businesses to implement sustainable practices, reducing carbon emissions by an estimated 15% in participating companies
  • Represented the organization at regional environmental policy meetings

Volunteer Coordinator

City River Cleanup Initiative

05/2017 - 02/2018

  • Coordinated monthly river cleanup events, mobilizing 200+ volunteers
  • Implemented a data collection system to track pollution sources and types
  • Partnered with local schools to integrate river ecology into science curricula

Environmental Consultant

Green Solutions LLC

  • Conduct environmental impact assessments for corporate clients
  • Develop sustainability strategies and green business practices

Master of Science - Environmental Management

Charlotte University

05/2020 - 05/2020

Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science

05/2016 - 05/2016

Hometown, USA

LEED Green Associate

Certified Environmental Educator (CEE)

Project management • Environmental impact assessment • GIS mapping • Grant writing • Public speaking • Fluent in English and Spanish

This environmental volunteer resume excels by showcasing a strong combination of volunteer leadership, professional experience, and relevant education in the environmental field. It effectively highlights specific projects, quantifiable achievements, and a progression of responsibilities. The resume also demonstrates a commitment to ongoing learning through certifications and professional affiliations, making it ideal for high-impact environmental volunteer roles or transitioning into paid positions in the field.

Specialized Volunteer Resume Examples

Medical volunteers often bring specialized skills to their roles. This medical volunteer resume example shows how to highlight medical expertise in a volunteer context.

Camila Lopez

[email protected] - (555) 481-3690 - Fort Worth, TX

Dedicated medical professional with 5+ years of experience as a Registered Nurse, seeking volunteer opportunities to provide compassionate care in underserved communities and disaster relief situations.

Registered Nurse

Fort Worth General Hospital

06/2018 - Present

Fort Worth, TX

  • Provide direct patient care in the Emergency Department
  • Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to ensure comprehensive patient treatment
  • Mentor new nursing staff and students

Medical Volunteer

Doctors Without Borders

03/2020 - 09/2020

Various Locations

  • Provided emergency medical care in refugee camps
  • Conducted health education sessions on hygiene and disease prevention
  • Assisted in setting up mobile clinics in remote areas

Nurse Volunteer

Fort Worth Free Clinic

01/2019 - Present

  • Provide basic health screenings and vaccinations to uninsured patients
  • Assist in managing chronic conditions for regular patients
  • Contribute to community health education initiatives

Emergency Response Volunteer

Red Cross Disaster Response Team

09/2017 - Present

Fort Worth Chapter

  • Participate in disaster preparedness training and simulations
  • Respond to local emergencies, providing first aid and medical support
  • Assist in organizing blood drives and health fairs

Bachelor of Science - Nursing

Fort Worth University

Registered Nurse (RN) License

Basic Life Support (BLS)

Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)

Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC)

Emergency and trauma care • Multilingual patient communication (English, Spanish, Portuguese) • Electronic Health Records (EHR) proficiency • Triage and patient assessment • Cultural competence in healthcare

This medical volunteer resume shines by effectively blending professional nursing experience with diverse volunteer roles. It showcases a range of medical skills applicable in various settings, from local clinics to international missions. The resume demonstrates a strong commitment to community service and ongoing professional development, making it ideal for medical volunteer positions requiring both expertise and adaptability.

Education volunteers play a crucial role in supporting learning across various settings. This education volunteer resume example illustrates how to present teaching skills and impactful educational contributions.

Liam Martinez

[email protected] - (555) 792-4680 - Seattle, WA

Passionate educator with 4+ years of teaching experience and a strong track record of volunteer work in diverse educational settings. Committed to fostering inclusive learning environments and empowering students of all backgrounds.

High School English Teacher

Seattle Public School

08/2019 - Present

Seattle, WA

  • Develop and implement engaging curriculum for 9th and 10th grade English classes
  • Mentor students in extracurricular writing and debate clubs
  • Collaborate with colleagues to improve school-wide literacy initiatives

Literacy Tutor

Seattle Community Center

01/2020 - Present

  • Provide one-on-one tutoring to adult learners working towards GED completion
  • Develop personalized learning plans to address individual student needs
  • Assist in organizing community reading events and book drives

ESL Instructor

Refugee Resettlement Agency

06/2018 - 12/2019

  • Taught English as a Second Language classes to newly arrived refugees
  • Created culturally sensitive learning materials for diverse student groups
  • Assisted students with job application processes and interview preparation

Volunteer Coordinator and Instructor

Seattle Youth Center

06/2017 - 08/2019

  • Organized and led hands-on science experiments for children ages 8-12
  • Recruited and trained 15 volunteer instructors each summer
  • Developed partnerships with local tech companies for guest speaker series

Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction

Washington State University

09/2017 - 04/2019

Bachelor of Arts in English Literature - English Literature

Liberal Arts College

State Teaching License

TESOL Certificate

Curriculum development • Differentiated instruction • Classroom management • Educational technology integration • Fluent in English and Spanish

This education volunteer resume excels by showcasing a blend of professional teaching experience and diverse volunteer roles in education. It effectively highlights the candidate's ability to work with various age groups and in different educational contexts. The resume demonstrates a commitment to inclusive education and community engagement, making it ideal for volunteer positions in both traditional and non-traditional educational settings.

Animal shelter volunteers combine compassion with practical skills. This animal shelter volunteer resume example shows how to present animal care experience and dedication to animal welfare.

Sophie White

[email protected] - (555) 903-5791 - Denver, CO

Dedicated animal lover with 3+ years of volunteer experience in animal shelters and rescue organizations. Skilled in animal care, behavior assessment, and adoption counseling. Seeking to contribute to animal welfare initiatives and support shelter operations.

Senior Volunteer

Denver Animal Rescue

04/2020 - Present

  • Assist in daily care for 50+ animals, including feeding, grooming, and exercise
  • Conduct behavioral assessments for incoming animals
  • Train new volunteers on shelter protocols and animal handling techniques
  • Participate in community outreach events and adoption fairs

Foster Coordinator

Denver Humane Society

09/2018 - 03/2020

  • Managed foster program for 100+ animals annually
  • Recruited and trained foster families, increasing program capacity by 30%
  • Coordinated medical care and supplies for animals in foster homes
  • Maintained detailed records of foster placements and outcomes

Wildlife Care Assistant

Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

Summer 2017 - Summer 2018

Nearby Nature Reserve

  • Assisted in the care and rehabilitation of injured and orphaned wildlife
  • Prepared specialized diets and administered medications under supervision
  • Maintained clean and safe environments for recovering animals

Veterinary Assistant

Denver Animal Hospital

01/2021 - Present

  • Support veterinarians in examinations and treatments
  • Monitor post-operative patients and administer medications
  • Educate pet owners on proper animal care and preventative measures

Associate of Science - Veterinary Technology

Denver Community College

05/2022 - 05/2024

Bachelor of Science - Biology

Denver University

09/2016 - 05/2020

Pet First Aid and CPR Certified

Fear Free Certified Professional

Animal handling and restraint • Basic veterinary care • Behavior assessment • Adoption counseling • Record keeping and database management

This animal shelter volunteer resume stands out by effectively combining volunteer experience with relevant professional work and education. It showcases a progression of responsibilities in animal care settings and highlights specific skills valuable in shelter environments. The resume also demonstrates a commitment to ongoing learning through certifications and involvement in various animal welfare initiatives, making it ideal for advanced volunteer roles or potential paid positions in animal shelters.

Disaster relief volunteers need to showcase their ability to work under pressure and adapt to challenging situations. This resume example demonstrates how to highlight these crucial skills and experiences.

Omar Abdullah

[email protected] - (555) 014-7925 - Boston, MA

Dedicated disaster relief volunteer with 5+ years of experience in emergency response and recovery operations. Skilled in crisis management, logistics coordination, and community outreach. Committed to providing compassionate support to affected communities during times of crisis.

Red Cross Disaster Action Team, Boston Chapter

  • Lead rapid response team for local disasters, providing immediate relief to affected families
  • Coordinate shelter operations during large-scale emergencies, managing resources for up to 200 individuals
  • Train new volunteers in disaster response protocols and psychological first aid
  • Participate in disaster preparedness education programs in schools and community centers

Team Member

FEMA Corps, National Service

08/2016 - 05/2018

  • Deployed to multiple disaster zones across the country, assisting in various recovery operations
  • Conducted damage assessments and helped survivors navigate federal assistance programs
  • Supported logistics for emergency supply distribution and temporary housing set-up
  • Collaborated with local government agencies and NGOs in coordinating relief efforts

International Rescue Committee, Various Locations

Summers 2014 - Summers 2015

  • Assisted in refugee camp operations, providing basic needs and support services
  • Participated in health and sanitation awareness campaigns in crisis-affected communities
  • Supported the distribution of emergency supplies and food rations

Emergency Management Specialist

Boston Office of Emergency Management

  • Develop and maintain city-wide emergency response plans
  • Coordinate inter-agency disaster preparedness drills and exercises
  • Manage public communication strategies for crisis situations

Master of Public Administration - Emergency Management Concentration

Boston University

09/2018 - 04/2016

09/2012 - 04/2016

Certified Emergency Manager (CEM)

ICS 100, 200, 700, 800

Wilderness First Responder

Crisis management and decision-making • Logistics coordination • Emergency shelter operations • Psychological first aid • Multilingual (English, Arabic, French)

This disaster relief volunteer resume excels by showcasing a robust combination of volunteer experiences, professional work, and relevant education in emergency management. It effectively highlights the candidate's progression from entry-level volunteer roles to leadership positions, demonstrating increasing responsibility and expertise. The resume also emphasizes crucial skills for disaster relief work, such as crisis management and multilingual communication, making it ideal for high-level volunteer positions or transitioning into professional emergency management roles.

International Volunteer Resume Examples

Peace Corps volunteers gain unique experiences that can be valuable in many career paths. This Peace Corps volunteer resume example shows how to present international service and cross-cultural skills effectively.

Amanda Khan

[email protected] - (555) 125-8036 - Portland, OR

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer with 2 years of service in community development and education in rural Senegal. Skilled in project management, cross-cultural communication, and sustainable development practices. Seeking opportunities to leverage international experience in nonprofit or social impact organizations.

Community Development Volunteer

Peace Corps Senegal

09/2020 - 09/2022

  • Designed and implemented a women's entrepreneurship program, training 50+ participants in business skills and microfinance management
  • Collaborated with local leaders to establish a community garden, improving food security for 200+ families
  • Taught English as a Second Language to 100+ students, ages 12-18, in the local secondary school
  • Facilitated health education workshops on malaria prevention and water sanitation, reaching 500+ community members
  • Wrote and managed a $5,000 USAID Small Project Assistance grant for a school library project

Global Outreach Nonprofit

10/2022 - Present

Portland, OR

  • Manage international youth exchange programs with partner organizations in 5 countries
  • Develop curriculum for cross-cultural communication workshops
  • Coordinate logistics for volunteer groups traveling abroad

Habitat for Humanity, Portland Chapter

06/2019 - 08/2019

  • Participated in home-building projects for low-income families
  • Assisted in organizing fundraising events, raising $10,000 for local projects

Bachelor of Arts - International Relations

Portland University

09/2016 - 04/2020

  • Minor in Sustainable Development Studies

TEFL/TESOL Certification

Project management • Grant writing and management • Cross-cultural communication • Community mobilization • Fluent in English, French, and Wolof

This Peace Corps volunteer resume excels by effectively showcasing the diverse skills and experiences gained during international service. It highlights specific projects and quantifiable achievements that demonstrate the candidate's ability to work in challenging environments and create sustainable impact. The resume also shows how Peace Corps experience translates into valuable professional skills, making it ideal for roles in international development, nonprofit management, or cross-cultural communication.

UN Volunteers often work on complex global issues. This UN volunteer resume example demonstrates how to present international experience and contributions to sustainable development goals.

Valentina Silva

[email protected] - (555) 236-9147 - Memphis, TN

Dedicated international development professional with 3 years of experience as a UN Volunteer, specializing in gender equality and women's empowerment programs. Skilled in project coordination, stakeholder engagement, and impact assessment. Committed to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals through collaborative and innovative approaches.

Gender Equality Program Officer

07/2020 - 07/2023

Nairobi, Kenya

  • Coordinated the implementation of women's economic empowerment projects in 5 counties, benefiting 2000+ women entrepreneurs
  • Developed monitoring and evaluation frameworks to assess project impacts and ensure alignment with SDG 5 (Gender Equality)
  • Facilitated partnerships between UN agencies, local NGOs, and government bodies to enhance program effectiveness
  • Organized capacity-building workshops for 100+ local staff on gender mainstreaming in development projects
  • Contributed to policy briefs and reports on gender-responsive budgeting and women's political participation

01/2020 - 06/2020

Memphis, TN

  • Assisted in research and data analysis for global education initiatives
  • Supported the organization of youth engagement events during the UN General Assembly

Summer 2019 - Summer 2019

Port-au-Prince, Haiti

  • Provided logistical support for mobile health clinics in underserved communities
  • Assisted in health education outreach programs focused on maternal and child health

Master of International Development

Memphis University

01/2018 - 12/2019

  • Thesis: "Empowering Women Through Microfinance: A Case Study in Rural Kenya"

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science - Political Science

09/2014 - 04/2018

  • Minor: Women's and Gender Studies

Results-Based Management (RBM) in UN System

Gender Responsive Budgeting - UN Women Training Centre

Project cycle management • Stakeholder coordination • Grant writing • Monitoring and evaluation • Policy analysis and advocacy • Fluent in English, Spanish, and Swahili

This UN Volunteer resume stands out by effectively showcasing the candidate's substantial experience in international development and gender equality initiatives. It highlights specific projects and quantifiable impacts, demonstrating the ability to work on complex global issues. The resume also shows a strong alignment with UN values and Sustainable Development Goals, making it ideal for continued work within the UN system or other international organizations focused on social impact and gender equality.

NGO volunteers often work on diverse projects across various sectors. This NGO volunteer resume example illustrates how to present a range of experiences and skills gained through NGO work.

[email protected] - (555) 347-2580 - Baltimore, MD

Dedicated NGO professional with 5+ years of diverse volunteer and work experience in sustainable development, human rights, and environmental conservation. Skilled in project management, community engagement, and cross-sector partnerships. Committed to driving positive social and environmental change through innovative and collaborative approaches.

EcoAction International

03/2021 - Present

Baltimore, MD

  • Manage climate resilience projects in 3 Southeast Asian countries, impacting 10,000+ community members
  • Develop and implement capacity-building workshops for local partners on sustainable agriculture techniques
  • Secure and manage $500,000 in grant funding for community-based adaptation projects
  • Lead monitoring and evaluation efforts, producing impact reports for donors and stakeholders

Human Rights Advocate

Amnesty International

09/2019 - 02/2021

  • Conducted research and contributed to reports on human rights violations in conflict zones
  • Organized awareness campaigns and petition drives, mobilizing 50,000+ supporters
  • Facilitated workshops on human rights education for youth groups and schools

Master of Science - Sustainable Development

Baltimore University

  • Thesis: "Integrating Indigenous Knowledge in Climate Adaptation Strategies"
  • Minor: Environmental Studies

Conservation Volunteer

Summer 2018 - Summer 2018

Assisted in biodiversity surveys and habitat mapping in remote areas. Participated in community outreach programs on sustainable resource management.

  • Assisted in biodiversity surveys and habitat mapping in remote areas
  • Participated in community outreach programs on sustainable resource management

Education Volunteer

08/2017 - 07/2018

Taught English and Mathematics to 100+ students in underresourced schools. Developed extracurricular programs focusing on environmental awareness and gender equality.

  • Taught English and Mathematics to 100+ students in underresourced schools
  • Developed extracurricular programs focusing on environmental awareness and gender equality

Project Management for Development Professionals (PMD Pro)

Human Rights Education Trainer

Project design and management • Fundraising and grant writing • Stakeholder engagement • Policy analysis and advocacy • Fluent in English, Korean, and Portuguese

This NGO volunteer resume excels by showcasing a rich tapestry of experiences across various sectors and international settings. It effectively demonstrates the candidate's versatility and ability to adapt to different cultural contexts. The resume highlights specific projects, quantifiable impacts, and a progression of responsibilities, making it ideal for senior roles in NGOs or international development organizations. The combination of volunteer and professional experiences, coupled with relevant education and skills, presents a well-rounded profile of a committed global changemaker.

Career Transition Volunteer Resume Examples

Transitioning from a corporate career to nonprofit work requires showcasing transferable skills. This corporate resume to nonprofit volunteer resume example demonstrates how to highlight relevant corporate experience for nonprofit roles.

Thomas Brown

[email protected] - (555) 458-3691 - Tucson, AZ

Results-driven professional with 10+ years of corporate marketing experience, transitioning to the nonprofit sector. Seeking to leverage expertise in strategic planning, data analysis, and team leadership to drive impactful social initiatives. Passionate about applying business acumen to solve community challenges and create sustainable change.

Senior Marketing Manager

TechGrowth Inc.

06/2013 - Present

  • Lead a team of 15 marketing professionals, driving campaigns that increased market share by 20%
  • Manage $5M annual budget, optimizing resource allocation for maximum ROI
  • Develop and implement data-driven marketing strategies, resulting in 35% growth in customer acquisition
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to align marketing initiatives with overall business objectives

Marketing Advisor

Tucson Food Bank

01/2022 - Present

  • Develop and implement social media strategy, increasing online engagement by 50%
  • Create targeted fundraising campaigns, raising $100,000 for new distribution center
  • Train staff and volunteers on digital marketing best practices

Board Member

Youth Empowerment Nonprofit

  • Provide strategic guidance on organizational growth and program development
  • Assist in grant writing and donor relations, securing $250,000 in new funding
  • Mentor youth participants in professional development and career planning

Master of Business Administration

Tucson University

09/2011 - 04/2013

Bachelor of Science - Marketing

09/2004 - 04/2008

Digital Marketing Specialist

Strategic planning • Data analysis and visualization • Project management • Team leadership • Budgeting and financial management • Public speaking and presentation

This career transition resume effectively bridges the gap between corporate experience and nonprofit aspirations. It showcases transferable skills such as leadership, strategic planning, and budget management, which are valuable in both sectors. The resume highlights recent volunteer experiences that demonstrate commitment to social causes and the ability to apply business skills in nonprofit contexts. The inclusion of nonprofit-specific professional development activities shows dedication to learning about the sector, making this resume ideal for nonprofit roles seeking candidates with strong business acumen and a passion for social impact.

Retirees bring a wealth of life and professional experience to volunteer roles. This retiree volunteer resume example shows how to present a lifetime of skills and knowledge for meaningful volunteer opportunities.

Krista Wilson

[email protected] - (555) 569-4702 - Fresno, CA

Retired educator with 35 years of experience in teaching and school administration, seeking meaningful volunteer opportunities to contribute to community development and youth empowerment. Offering a wealth of knowledge in curriculum development, mentoring, and program management.

Fresno High School

08/2005 - 06/2020

  • Led a staff of 100+ educators, implementing innovative teaching methodologies
  • Developed and managed annual budgets exceeding $5 million
  • Increased graduation rates by 15% through targeted intervention programs
  • Established partnerships with local businesses for internship and mentorship programs

English Teacher

Various Schools

09/1985 - 07/2005

  • Taught English Literature and Composition to grades 9-12
  • Served as Department Head for 10 years, mentoring new teachers
  • Developed curriculum for advanced placement courses

Master of Education in Educational Leadership - Educational Leadership

Fresno University

09/1998 - 04/2000

Bachelor of Arts - English Literature

Fresno College

09/1981 - 04/1985

National Board Certified Teacher

Adult Literacy Tutor Certification

Curriculum development • Program management • Mentoring and coaching • Public speaking • Grant writing • Conflict resolution

This retiree volunteer resume excellently showcases a lifetime of professional experience and skills that translate well into volunteer roles. It highlights the candidate's extensive leadership experience and demonstrates how those skills are being applied in current volunteer positions. The resume effectively balances past professional achievements with current community involvement, showing a seamless transition from career to volunteerism. The inclusion of recent volunteer experiences and ongoing professional affiliations demonstrates continued engagement and a commitment to lifelong learning, making this resume ideal for organizations seeking experienced volunteers for leadership, mentoring, or advisory roles.

Gap year volunteers often gain diverse experiences that can be valuable for future career paths. This gap year volunteer resume example illustrates how to present gap year activities and skills acquired during this time.

[email protected] - (555) 680-5813 - Mesa, AZ

Motivated and culturally aware recent high school graduate with diverse international volunteer experience gained during a gap year. Seeking opportunities to apply newly acquired skills in cross-cultural communication, community development, and sustainable practices in a professional setting.


  • Participated in reforestation projects, planting 1000+ native tree species
  • Assisted in sea turtle conservation efforts, protecting nesting sites and monitoring hatchlings
  • Conducted biodiversity surveys in rainforest ecosystems
  • Engaged in community outreach programs on sustainable tourism and waste management

Teaching Assistant

Rural Education Initiative

01/2023 - 04/2023

  • Taught English and basic computer skills to 50+ students aged 8-14 in underresourced schools
  • Developed interactive learning materials using locally available resources
  • Organized after-school activities focusing on environmental awareness and health education
  • Assisted in the construction of a community library, enhancing access to educational resources

Community Development Intern

Youth Empowerment NGO

05/2023 - 08/2023

  • Supported the implementation of microfinance programs for women entrepreneurs
  • Facilitated workshops on financial literacy and basic business skills for 100+ participants
  • Assisted in grant writing, helping to secure $10,000 for a local clean water project
  • Collaborated with local leaders to organize community health fairs and vaccination drives

Mesa High School

09/2021 - 06/2022

  • Provided academic support to fellow students in mathematics and science
  • Developed study guides and practice materials for standardized tests

High School Diploma

09/2018 - 06/2022

  • GPA: 3.9/4.0
  • Honors: National Honor Society, President's Volunteer Service Award

Wilderness First Aid

Cross-cultural communication • Basic project management • Environmental conservation techniques • Teaching and mentoring • Adaptability and problem-solving • Fluent in English and Arabic, Conversational Spanish

This gap year volunteer resume excellently showcases the diverse and valuable experiences gained during a year of international volunteerism. It effectively highlights the variety of skills acquired, from environmental conservation to teaching and community development. The resume demonstrates the candidate's ability to adapt to different cultural contexts and take on responsibilities in challenging environments. The inclusion of specific projects and quantifiable achievements adds credibility to the experiences. This resume is ideal for entry-level positions in nonprofits, environmental organizations, or international development, as it shows a strong foundation of practical skills and a global perspective gained through hands-on experiences.

How to Write a Volunteer Resume

A well-structured volunteer resume should include the following sections:

  • Contact Information
  • Professional Summary or Resume Objective
  • Volunteer Experience
  • Professional Experience (if applicable)
  • Resume Skills
  • Certifications (if applicable)
  • Awards and Recognition

Tailor this outline to your specific experiences and the volunteer position you're applying for.

For volunteer resumes, a combination or functional layout often works best. These formats allow you to highlight your relevant skills and experiences, which may come from various sources, not just paid work.

Your resume header should be clear and professional, providing essential contact information for potential organizations to reach you.

Emily Thompson 1414 Community Lane, Volunteer City, USA 57913 Phone: (555) 791-2468 | Email: [email protected] LinkedIn:

This example provides clear, professional contact information, while the bad example is too casual and lacks important details.

Your resume summary should concisely highlight your most relevant skills, experiences, and motivations for volunteering. It's your chance to make a strong first impression.

Dedicated environmental advocate with 3+ years of experience in conservation projects and community outreach. Skilled in habitat restoration, wildlife monitoring, and environmental education. Seeking to contribute to marine conservation efforts through hands-on volunteer work and public engagement initiatives.

The strong summary is specific, highlighting relevant skills and experience, while the weak one is vague and doesn't effectively showcase the candidate's potential value to the organization.

Volunteer responsibilities can vary widely depending on the organization and role, but some common ones include:

  • Community outreach and education
  • Fundraising and event planning
  • Administrative support
  • Direct service provision (e.g., tutoring, mentoring, care-giving)
  • Environmental conservation and cleanup
  • Data collection and research assistance

When describing your volunteer experience, focus on:

  • The organization's name and your role
  • Dates of service
  • Key responsibilities and tasks
  • Specific achievements or impacts
  • Skills developed or utilized

Habitat for Humanity, Volunteer City Chapter

06/2021 - Present

  • Contributed 200+ hours to home-building projects, assisting in the completion of 5 houses for low-income families
  • Learned and applied basic construction skills, including framing, roofing, and finishing work
  • Mentored new volunteers in safety procedures and construction techniques
  • Participated in community outreach events, educating the public about affordable housing issues

Why it works

This example effectively demonstrates the volunteer's contributions, skills gained, and impact made. It uses action verbs and quantifies achievements where possible.

If you're new to volunteering, focus on on these things for your resume without work experience :

  • Transferable skills from school, hobbies, or other activities
  • Relevant coursework or projects
  • Personal attributes that align with the organization's mission
  • Any community involvement, even if informal

Example for a resume without formal volunteer experience: Community Engagement: • Organized a neighborhood cleanup, mobilizing 20 residents to collect 50 bags of litter • Assisted elderly neighbors with yard work and grocery shopping during COVID-19 lockdowns • Participated in school fundraisers, helping to raise $2000 for new library resources

What's the Best Education for a Volunteer Resume?

Include your highest level of education, relevant coursework, and any training specific to the volunteer role you're seeking. Don't forget to mention ongoing education or professional development.

Bachelor of Science - Environmental Studies

Green University

09/2018 - 05/2022

Eco City, USA

  • Relevant Coursework: Conservation Biology, Environmental Policy, Sustainable Development

What's the Best Professional Organization for a Volunteer Resume?

Professional organizations can demonstrate your commitment to a cause or field. Some relevant organizations for volunteers might include:

  • Points of Light
  • National Association of Volunteer Programs in Local Government
  • Association for Leaders in Volunteer Engagement (AL!VE)
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • American Red Cross

Awards that showcase your dedication to service and community involvement can strengthen your volunteer resume. Some examples include:

  • President's Volunteer Service Award
  • Local community service awards
  • Recognition from specific organizations you've volunteered with
  • School or university service awards

Good volunteer opportunities depend on your interests and skills, but some widely recognized options include:

  • Local food banks or soup kitchens
  • Animal shelters
  • Environmental conservation projects
  • Tutoring or mentoring programs
  • Hospitals or healthcare facilities
  • Senior centers
  • Disaster relief organizations

Hard skills valuable for volunteer work often include:

  • Language proficiency
  • First aid and CPR certification
  • Data entry and database management
  • Grant writing
  • Social media management
  • Event planning
  • Specific software skills relevant to the role

Soft skills are crucial for volunteer work. Some of the most valuable include:

  • Communication
  • Adaptability
  • Time management
  • Problem-solving
  • Cultural sensitivity

Certifications can enhance your credibility as a volunteer. Some valuable certifications include:

  • Certified in Volunteer Administration (CVA)
  • Certificate in Volunteer Management
  • First Aid and CPR
  • TEFL/TESOL (for teaching English)
  • Nonprofit Management Certification

If you're looking to create your very own volunteer resume here are some tips to consider.

  • Tailor your resume to the specific volunteer opportunity
  • Quantify your achievements whenever possible
  • Use action verbs to describe your experiences
  • Highlight both your skills and your passion for the cause
  • Include relevant personal projects or initiatives
  • Proofread carefully to ensure professionalism

For most volunteer positions, a one-page resume is sufficient. If you have extensive relevant experience, a two-page resume may be appropriate. Always prioritize the most relevant information and be concise.

The focus of a volunteer resume should be on demonstrating your commitment to service, relevant skills, and alignment with the organization's mission. Emphasize experiences that show your ability to contribute effectively, your passion for the cause, and your understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the volunteer sector.

Crafting an effective volunteer resume is about showcasing your unique blend of skills, experiences, and passion for service. Whether you're a seasoned volunteer or just starting your journey in community engagement, your resume should reflect your commitment and potential value to the organization. Remember to tailor your resume for each opportunity, highlighting the most relevant aspects of your background. By following the guidance and examples provided in this comprehensive guide, you'll be well-equipped to create a compelling volunteer resume that opens doors to meaningful service opportunities. Your dedication to making a difference, combined with a well-crafted resume, will undoubtedly catch the attention of organizations looking for committed volunteers like you. To start building your volunteer resume, sign up for Huntr today .

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projects in resume sample


  1. Project Manager Resume & Full Guide

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  2. 11+ Information Technology (IT) Resume Examples for 2024

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  3. Project Management Resume Examples, Skills, and Keywords

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  4. 20 Project Manager Resumes & Full Guide

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  5. 23 Project Manager Resume Examples for 2024

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  6. Construction Project Manager Resume Sample

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  5. Resume Review for 2 years Experience

  6. 9 Best Web Development Project Ideas For Resume 2022 🔥


  1. How to List Projects on a Resume (With Examples)

    Here's how to list a work project on your resume: Below the work experience entry, include either a short paragraph or extra bullet point describing your duties and responsibilities for the project. Give the project a name, even something as simple as "Key Project" will work. If your project is still underway, add " (ongoing)" after ...

  2. How to List Projects on a Resume (with Examples)

    Knowing what type of project you're going to list on your resume will help you to determine if the project is relevant and can also guide you in knowing where on your resume to list it. There are four basic types. 1. Work. This is any project you've done in your position with a company.

  3. How To Put Projects On A Resume (With Examples)

    Summary. To put projects on your traditional chronological resume, include a separate projects section beneath the education or work experience section. In a project based resume, rename the work experience section to be named "projects" and you can avoid the standard chronological resume format and instead focus on your most relevant ...

  4. Guide to Listing Projects on a Resume (With Example)

    When listing projects on your resume, start by selecting the most relevant ones for the role to which you're applying. You may also consider where you're going to include them to help you best prioritize them. Here are the steps you can follow: 1. List the skills you want to highlight Before adding projects to your resume, think of the skills ...

  5. How to List Projects on a Resume + Examples for 2024

    Project 1, 2, 3, etc. Write a project name. Then include the company and your position. Next line, type "Duration:" and list how long you worked on the project—e.g. three months, six weeks etc. Third line, type "Technologies used:" and list the programming languages, etc. that you utilized.

  6. When and How to List Projects on Your Resume

    How to List Projects (Plus Examples) List your projects wherever they're most relevant, Goodfellow says. For recent grads, this often means your education section. If the project was part of a past job, freelance work, or volunteer work, it likely belongs under that specific entry in your experience section. If you're thinking of a personal ...

  7. How to List Projects on a Resume + Examples

    Provide a name for the project, i.e., "Creative Campaign & Copywriting Services.". Share the name of the client or organization you collaborated with. Dates of the project's duration. Bullet points describing the project scope, execution and measurable results. Here's an example: Projects. Marketing Campaign Launch.

  8. How to List Projects on Resumes in Six Steps

    Keep project descriptions brief. Keep your project descriptions concise but substantial. Provide just enough details to demonstrate your skills, experience, and successes relevant to the employer's requirements for the role you want. That way, you can sell yourself and keep the resume length short while also providing hiring managers an in ...

  9. Guide to Listing Projects in a Resume (With Examples)

    Identify the projects that align best with the job requirements. It is important to prioritise and highlight the projects that add the most value to your resume over those that may not. Once you have the list of the projects, describe the deliverables, tasks, skills and results to validate your expertise. 3.

  10. Projects on Your Resume: Listing Work and Academic Projects

    Work projects typically involve real-world problems, specific goals, and deadlines, while academic projects focus on theoretical concepts and often have more open-ended outcomes. When including academic projects on your resume, focus on the skills and knowledge gained rather than the project itself. For example, if you worked on a research ...

  11. How to List Projects on Resume: 2022 Guide with 10+ Examples

    Here are some examples of listing work projects on resumes: Coordinated with IT team to develop a mobile and web-based data tracking application and closed $1.2 worth of deal. Designed 10+ mock apps for collecting feedback from selected users as part of improving user experience.

  12. Projects In Resumes: Where Do They Belong? (And How to Make ...

    Listing Projects in Teal's "Project" section. Step 3: To list projects in Teal's "Project" section, scroll to "Projects." Step 4: From here, click "Add Project" to include the project name, organization, start and end date, and any important details. Click "Add Project" to include a "Project" section in your resume.

  13. How to List Projects on a Resume

    Title your section 'Additional Projects' or 'Other.'. If you're using a general 'Other' section including skills, etc. add a 'Projects' subheading. List each project briefly in 1-2 lines, including what you did and what the results were. (Optional) List the date of completion or duration of the project.

  14. How To Write a Project Resume (With Template and Example)

    Related: Top Resume Formats: Tips and Examples of 3 Common Resumes. 4. Briefly describe each project. Explain your contributions to each project on your resume. Describe your role, the actions you took and the positive impact they had on your employer's business. Try to keep your language clear and concise.

  15. Projects on Resume: Boost Your CV by Showing Your Work IRL

    Steps to list Python projects on resume: Highlight the problem: State the challenge. Elaborate on the tools: Mention Python tools or frameworks. Use GitHub: Share a link to the repository to showcase the code. Impact and results: Summarize the outcomes. Below are examples of what types of Python projects you can include:

  16. How to List Projects on a Resume (With Example and Tips)

    How to list your projects on a resume. Follow these four steps to learn how to showcase your projects on a resume: 1. Decide what skills you want to include. Considering the skills you want to highlight on your resume can help you choose projects to include that exemplify these skills. To do this, you may revisit the job postings of the ...

  17. 12 Project Manager Resume Examples & Top Keywords for 2024

    1. Start with a powerful resume summary. A resume summary is a 3-5 sentence summary of your most relevant skills and qualifications. Here's an example of an effective project management resume summary that highlights the candidate's relevant experience, credentials, and skills:

  18. Project Management Resume Examples, Skills, and Keywords

    Project management resume samples. Project management is the art of keeping a team coordinated and on-task in pursuit of a specific goal. Project managers need a unique skill set, including both managerial experience and hands-on industry knowledge. Time management and interpersonal skills are essential to this field, too.

  19. 20+ Project Manager Resume Examples [with Guidance]

    17 Project Manager Resume Examples for Your 2024 Job Search. Project managers have a knack for organization and a drive to help achieve goals. Your resume, like a successful project, should be well-executed, on-time, and backed by objective data. To help you truly stand out in 2023, we'll talk through 16 project manager resumes and dissect ...

  20. 23 Project Manager Resume Examples for 2024

    Template 17 of 23: Healthcare Project Manager Resume Example. A healthcare project manager will manage a variety of projects in the field. These projects could range from building and opening a new wing at a hospital, to hiring new nurses, to reducing patient waiting times by a certain percentage.

  21. 32 Project Manager Resume Examples for the Job in 2024

    Whether an entry-level or senior project manager, you must build a resume showcasing your ability to plan, manage budgets, produce reports, and ensure projects are on schedule. We've handcrafted 32 project manager resume samples that have helped candidates get jobs at great companies like Lyft and Atlassian.

  22. Retail Project Manager Resume Samples

    Retail Project Manager Resume. Objective : As a Retail Project Manager, directed the implementation of new technology systems and tools across retail locations.Coordinated with IT teams, vendors, and store staff to ensure smooth integration of point-of-sale systems, inventory management software, and other digital solutions.

  23. Creative Project Manager Resume Example for 2024

    Creative Project Manager Resume Summary Examples. A creative project manager resume summary or objective can help a candidate stand out by highlighting their unique skills, experiences, and career goals. This can grab the attention of hiring managers and showcase how the candidate is a strong fit for the position. It provides a concise overview ...

  24. Highlighting Research Skills On Your Resume

    Additionally, remember to use resume examples that help you format your project and job descriptions using the X-Y-Z method: Accomplished (X) as measured by (Y) by doing (Z)" (2) These tips can help you avoid common pitfalls and build a concise and professional resume.

  25. Resume Profile Examples and How To Write in 5 Steps

    "Project manager with eight years of experience in software development and Agile methodologies. Proven success in managing large-scale projects, optimizing workflows, and leading cross-functional teams." ... Mid-level professional resume profile examples. A profile for your resume, if you are a mid-level professional, highlights the amount ...

  26. 6 Media Producer Resume Examples for 2024

    Creating a resume for a media producer role requires focus on skills, experience, and industry knowledge. In this article, we provide strong examples of resumes and advice on structure, content, and keywords. Learn how to highlight your production background, technical skills, and key projects to attract attention from hiring managers and gain the New Role.

  27. 16 Volunteer Resume Examples

    The resume highlights specific projects, quantifiable impacts, and a progression of responsibilities, making it ideal for senior roles in NGOs or international development organizations. The combination of volunteer and professional experiences, coupled with relevant education and skills, presents a well-rounded profile of a committed global ...