BrightLink Prep

500 Word Personal Statement Examples

500 word essay on why i want the job

by Talha Omer, M.Eng., Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by word limits.

Writing a 500-word personal statement can be more challenging than writing a 1000-word statement because of the need for brevity without missing out on important information . You have to carefully select and condense your thoughts, experiences, and aspirations into a limited space.

Every word has to count.

It requires focusing on the most essential details relevant to your field of interest , and removing any superfluous information that have no direct relation to your field , which can be a difficult task. It demands a higher level of clarity, conciseness, and focus compared to a longer statement, where you have more freedom to elaborate on your ideas and experiences.

In this article, I will be providing  two samples of 500-word personal statements . These samples werewritten by applicants who were admitted to top schools in the US and Canada.

These examples aim to show how prospective applicants like you can seamlessly weave your passion, skills, and relevant experiences into a compelling narrative that is no more than 500 words long.

In writing these essays, the applicants have drawn upon key insights from a number of my previous writings on personal statements. You are also welcome to use my previous writings to help you write your personal statement.

In those posts I’ve discussed the  art of constructing a captivating personal statement for grad school , and I’ve highlighted the  pitfalls to avoid  to ensure your statement leaves a positive impression.

I’ve also shared valuable tips on  structuring your personal statement  for clarity and readability, not to mention  how to create a powerful opening  that grabs attention from the start. And let’s not forget about maintaining brevity while effectively telling your story, as well as offering a vast range of  personal statement examples  from different fields for reference.

And yes, do not forget to explore my  8-point framework  that anyone can use to self-evaluate their personal statement. Complementing this, I’ve also created a  7-point guide  to help you steer clear of potential traps and missteps in your personal statement.

I encourage you to explore these topics in depth, as they will be useful while we explore the 500-word sample personal statements.

In this Article

What Should Be Included in a 500 Word Personal Statement?

My feedback on example 1, my in-depth feedback on example 1, my feedback on example 2, my in-depth feedback on example 2, is 500 words enough for a personal statement, how long does it take to write a 500 word personal statement.

A 500-word personal statement should include a compelling introduction to hook the reader’s attention, followed by a clear explanation of your interest in the field and relevant experiences , skills, and achievements. Avoid including irrelevant information, excessive detail, clichés, negative tone, and repetition. In short, f ocus on pertinent, clear, and genuine experiences that relate directly to your program of interest .

Here’s a guide on what to include:

  • Introduction: A strong introduction not only catches the reader’s attention but also sets the tone for the rest of the personal statement. A personal anecdote could be a specific moment or event that sparked your interest in the field you’re pursuing.

A surprising fact could be a unique perspective or understanding that you’ve developed about your field. A statement that outlines your motivation could succinctly express what drives you towards this field or opportunity. The introduction should create curiosity and interest in the reader’s mind to know more about your story.

  • Why You’re Interested: Here, you want to establish a clear connection between your interests and the opportunity you’re applying for. This could involve discussing the specific aspects of the opportunity that align with your passion or goals.

For example, if you’re applying for a business program because you’re interested in entrepreneurship, you might discuss specific courses, professors, or opportunities for hands-on learning within the program that excite you.

  • Your Qualifications: This section should detail the experiences and skills that make you a strong candidate. For an academic program, you might discuss relevant coursework, projects, or research experience. For a job, you might talk about past roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments.

The key here is to not just list experiences, but to demonstrate how these experiences have equipped you with skills or insights that make you a strong fit for the opportunity.

  • Personal Growth: Reflect on the lessons learned from your experiences. For instance, managing a challenging project might have improved your problem-solving skills, or working in a team might have honed your collaboration and communication skills.

This reflection demonstrates your ability to learn from experience and your readiness for future challenges. It also shows self-awareness, which is an attractive trait in any candidate.

  • Your Goals and Aspirations: Show the reader that you have a vision for your future, and that the opportunity you’re applying for aligns with this vision. For example, if you aspire to become a software engineer, discuss how a computer science program would equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge. If you hope to work in a specific industry, discuss how the opportunity would provide you with relevant experience or connections.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion is your final chance to leave an impression. Summarize your key points—your interest in the opportunity, your qualifications, your personal growth, and your future goals. Restate your excitement about the opportunity, and leave the reader with a sense of your passion, commitment, and suitability for the opportunity.

While writing a 500-word personal statement, it’s important to maximize the impact of every word. Certain things should generally be avoided

Here’s a guide on what NOT to include:

  • Irrelevant Information: Do not include experiences or skills that aren’t relevant to the application. It’s crucial to stay focused and pertinent.

For example, i f you’re applying for a Computer Science program, talking at length about your prowess in playing the trombone, without tying it back to skills or experiences relevant to computer science, may not be very helpful.

  • Excessive Detail: You have limited space, so avoid overly detailed descriptions of events or experiences. Stick to what’s crucial for your story and purpose. Instead of detailing every single task and responsibility in a previous job, focus on the key responsibilities and achievements that showcase your skills and experiences.
  • Clichés and Generalizations: Avoid clichés and general statements. Be specific and personal in your experiences and aspirations to stand out.

Phrases like “I want to save the world” or “I’m a people person” are very generic and don’t tell anything specific about you. Instead, use concrete examples to illustrate these traits.

  • Negative Tone: While it’s important to be honest, avoid focusing excessively on negative experiences or failures. If you mention a setback, always connect it to a learning experience or growth.

Rather than dwelling on a low grade in a class, you could discuss how it motivated you to seek extra help, develop better study habits, or explore different learning strategies.

  • Repetition: Avoid repeating the same ideas or experiences. It wastes valuable space and might bore the reader. If you’ve already mentioned that you were a leader of a club in college, you don’t need to repeat this fact later in your statement. Each point should contribute something new.
  • Excuses: While it’s acceptable to explain extenuating circumstances, avoid making excuses for any shortcomings. Instead, focus on what you’ve learned or how you’ve grown from challenging situations.

Instead of saying “My grades suffered because my professor was terrible,” you could say, “I faced some academic challenges but sought out resources to improve my understanding and raised my grades by the end of the semester.”

  • Overly Complex Language: Don’t use unnecessarily complex language or jargon in an attempt to impress. Clarity and genuine expression are most important.

Don’t say, “My magniloquent and erudite nature facilitates my academic pursuits,” when you can simply say, “My love for learning and strong communication skills support my academic success.”

In short, r emember to:

  • Stay focused and specific. With only 500 words, every word counts.
  • Show, don’t tell. Instead of saying you’re passionate about something, demonstrate it through your actions and experiences.
  • Be genuine and authentic. The personal statement is your chance to show who you are beyond your grades or resume.

500 Word Personal Statement Example 1

Two years ago, I saw a massive opportunity in the e-commerce market of Norway. After dedicating months of sleepless nights, I launched an online clothing retail brand. Despite an institutional infrastructure and a development team of young professionals, I failed to sustain growth and was forced to shut down after a few months. I was only 22 years old at that time and lacked the experience to conduct market research, and gauge consumer behavior.

I am a great concept developer, but I lack business acumen. This failure was crucial in helping me carve out my career aspiration and convince me to pursue a degree in business and management with a focus on retail fashion.

After my startup’s failure, I joined Capgemini, where I slowly started to take on managerial responsibilities. As a product manager, I have managed the complete product development cycle of launching new products – from design to branding to customer experience. This versatile experience has enabled me to understand the market dynamics at the grass root level.

The graduate management program at Brock is a perfect fit. The extensive alumni network and emphasis on leadership have made it my natural choice. In addition, Brock’s great collaborative vibe makes you feel part of the community. The program will provide me with the opportunity to combine quantitative experience with sound business and managerial skills. In line with my career goals, my research interest is the global e-commerce fashion industry. I would like to have an in-depth knowledge of how the industry behaves in different countries. I will focus my research on the designer wear industry and its market trends. I am confident that the knowledge and skills I learned through working on a research project on E-Health Marketing and studying Research Methodology at my undergrad institution will also assist me in applying the research skills while working on my thesis.

My multidisciplinary background, and ability to understand an industry’s scientific realms will be imperative to my learning. The collaborative nature of the cohort will challenge me every day. The diverse people from around the world, the work hard play hard attitude, and the faculty will all converge to something outstanding.

After graduating, my immediate goal is to work in Canada for a few years, preferably in the fashion industry. This will allow me to apply my knowledge and taste the flavor of the global professional world. I would aim to serve numerous facets of work by combining my undergraduate and graduate education, ideally in the retail marketing department of a company. Eventually, I aim to return to Norway and fulfil my ambition of setting up a world-class online retail fashion marketplace and make it a success by leveraging the skills I would have developed at Brock through courses such as Consumer Behavior, B2B Marketing, and Services Marketing.

Your personal statement is thoughtful and provides a compelling narrative of your experiences and aspirations. Let’s break it down based on the criteria I provided:

  • Introduction (4.5/5): Your intro is intriguing as you directly share your experience of trying to start an online clothing retail brand in Norway. It sets the tone for the rest of the essay.
  • Why You’re Interested (4.5/5): You’ve done a good job of explaining why you want to pursue a degree in business and management, focusing on your startup experience.
  • Your Qualifications (4/5): Your work experience at Capgemini is detailed and relevant. However, you might want to provide more specifics about your achievements or any impact you made in this role.
  • Personal Growth (4.5/5): The reflection on your failed startup and how it shaped your career aspirations is very effective. It shows your ability to learn from failures and to turn them into opportunities.
  • Your Goals and Aspirations (4.5/5): Your plans for the future, both in the short and long term, are clear and directly tied to the program you’re applying for.
  • Conclusion (4.5/5): The connection between your past experiences, current pursuits, and future goals is well drawn, leaving a strong concluding impression.

Additional points:

  • Your reasons for choosing Brock’s graduate management program are well-articulated. The reference to specific courses shows that you’ve done your research.
  • The paragraph about your research interests adds depth to your statement, though it might be beneficial to tie this more explicitly to your career goals.
  • Some sentences could be tightened or made more concise to keep your statement within the 500-word limit, without losing important content.

Overall, your personal statement is quite strong. It’s clear, engaging, and effectively demonstrates your motivation, experiences, and goals. It shows resilience, ambition, and a clear desire to learn and grow.

  • Introduction: The opening is strong. It succinctly introduces your entrepreneurial experience, along with a setback that has clearly shaped your professional aspirations. There is, however, room for added color or detail to make the story more engaging. For example, what was unique about the clothing brand you launched? Did a specific incident or experience lead to its conception?
  • Why You’re Interested: You do a good job of outlining your interest in business and management with a focus on retail fashion. The link between your failed startup and your decision to pursue further education in this field is well-made, showing an ability to learn from failures and pivot.
  • Your Qualifications: Your experiences at Capgemini sound impressive, but more specifics would enhance this section. For example, were there any significant achievements or impacts from your product management role? Can you quantify the success of the products you launched or share some measurable outcomes of your work?
  • Personal Growth: You highlight your self-awareness and willingness to learn. You’re demonstrating an understanding of your strengths and areas for improvement, which shows maturity and self-reflection.
  • Why this Program: You show good research into Brock’s graduate management program. Mentioning the alumni network, the emphasis on leadership, and the collaborative environment helps to illustrate why the program is a good fit for you. It might be beneficial to connect these program features more explicitly with your own goals and how they will help you achieve them.
  • Your Goals and Aspirations: Your career aspirations are well-articulated and link well with your proposed studies and experiences. It’s great that you’re focusing on a specific industry (e-commerce fashion) and you’ve clearly outlined your future plans. However, you could make it even clearer how exactly the Brock program and its specific courses will help you achieve these specific goals.
  • Conclusion: Your conclusion effectively ties together your past experiences, current interests, and future goals. The mention of a “work hard play hard attitude” is a bit unclear, though, and might be better replaced with a more specific statement about your work ethic or approach.

If you want me to review, critique, and give detailed feedback on your personal statement, then please share your email with us   [email protected]

500 Word Personal Statement Example 2

I have taken all my blessings for granted for most of my life. In a favourable comparison, I realized I was better off than most of my peers. For example, my father had a successful restaurant business in France; I was studying at the best college in Dubai, and most importantly, I was one of the very few who afforded an international education, which I completed in 2021 when I did my Master’s in Supply Chain and Logistics Management (SCLM) from Warwick University.

It wasn’t until after I graduated from SCLM that I realized how much of an advantage I had over my peers. From day one, I had access to a business – an opportunity the majority didn’t have. In this business, I worked with many experts, from food experts to suppliers to clients to app designers. My role was more of a consulting one, which included massive collection and analyses of information. It also included formulating and testing hypotheses and developing and communicating recommendations across all aspects of the restaurant’s supply chain. Unfortunately, however, due to unavoidable personal reasons, I had to move back to Dubai, where I joined Nestle.

While working at Nestle, I observed that many people worked their whole lives to climb the corporate ladder so that they could work on company-wide strategic problems. At the same time, external consultants to Nestle (such as IBM, Accenture, Mckinsey etc.) skip the years of executing day-to-day duties and jump straight to working on and solving these problems. At Nestle, we only work as mediators between the company and the consultants. However, the consultants do the actual chunk of quality work. The quickest way to get into the consulting industry is via a formal degree in Business Consulting. Therefore, the need for this education is of utmost importance to me.

During my interaction with one of Warwick’s graduates, who also happens to work in consulting, I found that IBM and Deloitte Consulting visit Warwick and help students develop consulting skills. Also, I am excited about joining professional networks at Warwick. These will allow me to learn from industry leaders and collaborate with my peers to explore the latest industry practices. I can share my experience of taking bold steps, which reduced food waste by over 70% at the restaurant. Classes in Quantitative Methods and Consulting module will allow me to develop Consulting Expertise and apply quantitative techniques to solving complex problems. Courses such as Leading and Managing Change will hone my soft skills.

I want to make it into strategy consulting by utilizing Warwick’s presence in consulting. Ideally, I want to start a career where I can advise on strategic analysis and commercial negotiations. In the past, I have taken decisions which led to revolutionizing the food waste industry in France. By using the Warwick platform, backed up by a strong alum network, I can fulfil my career goal of becoming a resuscitator of the ailing industries of Dubai.

Your personal statement provides a strong sense of your experiences and ambitions. Here’s a more detailed breakdown based on the criteria:

  • Introduction (4.5/5) : Your introduction captures the reader’s attention by creating a contrast between your earlier attitude and your current perspective. This successfully sets the stage for the rest of the personal statement.
  • Why You’re Interested (4/5) :: Your interest in business consulting stems from your experiences working in your family’s restaurant and later at Nestle. This context makes your motivations clear and credible. However, you could further elaborate on why business consulting specifically attracts you compared to other professions.
  • Your Qualifications (4/5) :: You provide concrete examples of your involvement in your family’s business and your role at Nestle. The anecdote about reducing food waste by 70% at the restaurant is particularly effective. It might be beneficial to give more specific examples of your achievements at Nestle as well.
  • Personal Growth (4.5/5) :: The realization of the opportunities and advantages you’ve had in comparison to your peers is a critical turning point. This shows introspection and a willingness to leverage your advantages for the greater good.
  • Your Goals and Aspirations (4/5) :: Your goal to work in strategy consulting and make a difference in Dubai’s industries is clear. It would be even more impactful if you could elaborate on why this is important to you. Is there a particular industry or issue you’re passionate about addressing?
  • Conclusion (4.5/5) :: You effectively connect your past experiences, current education pursuit, and future goals, leaving a strong concluding impression.
  • Your reasons for choosing Warwick are clear and well-researched. Your reference to specific modules and networks demonstrates a deep understanding of what the program can offer.
  • There are some lengthy sentences that could be broken down for clarity and readability.
  • The last part of your statement could benefit from a summary or a concluding sentence that reinforces your main points.
  • Introduction: Your introduction immediately acknowledges the privileged position you’ve had throughout life, creating a contrast to many personal narratives. You offer context by providing details about your father’s business and your international education. However, an engaging anecdote or more personal insights could further draw in the reader.
  • Why You’re Interested: You do well to connect your interest in business consulting with your unique experiences in your father’s business and the realization of your advantage. Providing specifics about the tasks and challenges you undertook in the family business could further strengthen this section.
  • Your Qualifications: Your work at Nestle and the consulting tasks you performed are compelling. It’s clear you’ve gained experience in the field. However, specific accomplishments or experiences during your time at Nestle would further demonstrate your qualifications and enhance this part.
  • Personal Growth: Your experience of observing the different roles and hierarchies within Nestle provides insight into your growth and understanding of the industry. But highlighting what you learned about yourself in these roles, perhaps in terms of skills, attitudes or perspectives, would enhance the demonstration of personal growth.
  • Why this Program: Your reasons for choosing the program at Warwick are well-articulated. You’ve done your research and understand how the program’s features align with your career objectives. Including how these features will address your specific needs or fill your skills gap could add depth to this section.
  • Your Goals and Aspirations: You articulate your career aspirations clearly, highlighting your desire to enter strategic consulting and your specific interest in commercial negotiations. However, connecting these goals more directly to your past experiences or explaining why these particular goals attract you could make this section more impactful.
  • Conclusion: Your conclusion ties your experiences, the program at Warwick, and your career goals together effectively. It leaves a strong impression and demonstrates that you have a clear direction for your future.

The length of a personal statement can vary greatly depending on the requirements of the specific application or organization.

Generally, 500 words is sufficient for a personal statement. It can force you to focus on the most crucial aspects of your story, qualifications, and aspirations, leading to a more precise and compelling narrative.

Admissions committees often review hundreds of personal statements, and their time for each one is limited. On average, they may only spend about three minutes per essay. It is therefore imperative that you respect their time and keep your statement concise and impactful. Avoid long-winded narratives that do not contribute significant value to your application.

Remember, the objective is to deliver as much meaningful information as possible in a condensed form. Extraneous details that do not directly support your candidacy can detract from the effectiveness of your statement. Equally important is to engage the reader; a monotonous, unexciting statement could be easily forgotten amidst a sea of applications. Strive to make your personal statement not only informative but also compelling, to stand out in the minds of the committee members.

The amount of time it takes to write a 500-word personal statement can vary greatly depending on several factors: your familiarity with the subject, your writing skills, the amount of planning you’ve done, and the number of revisions you intend to make.

On average, writing a 500-word personal statement takes 15-20 hours of focused time and effort.

The process of writing a personal statement can be divided into several stages, each requiring a portion of the total time. Here’s a possible breakdown of the 15-20 hours:

  • Brainstorming and Planning (3-4 hours): During this stage, you’ll think about your experiences, skills, and goals, and how they align with the opportunity you’re applying for.
  • Drafting (4-5 hours): Once you have a clear plan, you can start writing your statement. This stage involves translating your ideas into a coherent narrative.
  • Revising (6-8 hours): This is usually the most time-consuming stage. You’ll need to review your statement, making changes to improve its content, structure, clarity, and style. It’s a good idea to have others review your statement and provide feedback during this stage.
  • Proofreading and Finalizing (2-3 hours): Finally, you’ll proofread your statement carefully to catch any errors and make final adjustments.

It’s advisable to start early to give yourself plenty of time to revise and polish your statement. Remember, a strong personal statement can be a key component of your application, so it’s worth investing the time to make it as good as it can be.


  • 100+ Outstanding Examples of Personal Statements
  • The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Winning Personal Statement
  • Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Your Personal Statement
  • Writing a Killer Opening Paragraph for Your Personal Statement
  • Ideal Length for a Graduate School Personal Statement
  • 100 Inspiring Quotes to Jumpstart Your Personal Statement

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How To Answer Why Are You Interested In This Position? (Sample Answers Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

why are you interested in this position

By Mike Simpson

Updated 6/21/2022.

When you’re applying for a job, you likely have a few reasons why you’ve decided to pursue the opportunity. However, that doesn’t mean you always know how to answer “Why are you interested in this position?” when the hiring manager asks.

In some cases, it’s because your motivations aren’t something you should discuss, like wanting a steady paycheck. Sometimes, it’s because you didn’t spend time really figuring out what “why.” Instead, it just seemed like a good idea at the time.

Fortunately, no matter your motivations, it’s possible to talk about what interests you about this position in a way that’ll impress. Here’s how.

Why Are You Interested in This Position vs. Why Do You Want to Work Here?

Alright, before we dig into how to answer this question – and ones like “What interests you about this position?” or “Why are you interested in this job?” – let’s take a step back. It’s critical to understand how this question stands apart from another you might be asked: Why do you want to work here?

We’ve covered “ Why do you want to work here ?” in-depth before. When you answer that question, your goal is to explain what about the organization stands out to you. Maybe it’s the company’s culture, mission, or values that really resonate. Perhaps the products or services the business offers mean something special to you.

With “Why do you want to work here?” it’s all about the organization. It’s a big picture kind of question, and you need to treat it that way.

Alright, you’re probably wondering, “Then, what about ‘Why are you interested in this position?’”

In the simplest terms, “Why are you interested in this position?” is all about the job, not the company. It’s a question designed to help the hiring manager figure out why you want to take on the associated duties and responsibilities, and to make sure that you actually understand what the job entails.

The same goes for variants like “What interests you about this position?” and “Why do you want this job?” These are narrow questions. They are all about the role, and you need to make sure your answer is, too.

Why Does the Hiring Manager Ask This Question?

While why you are interested in this job may seem obvious to you, it isn’t always clear to the hiring manager. Candidate motivations can vary dramatically. Some job seekers might focus on income, while others may see a position as a skill-building opportunity. A candidate might use a job to get their foot in the door at an employer of choice, while others apply purely to satisfy the conditions of unemployment, as many states make actively seeking out work a requirement. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Hiring managers ask this question because they need to know which boat you’re in. By asking this question, they can find out.

Additionally, this question lets them find out how much you know about the job. If you can talk about specific duties, skills, or responsibilities, it shows you did your due diligence.

In the eyes of a hiring manager, that makes you look like a stronger candidate, as only passionate job seekers will go that extra mile. Hiring managers want to find candidates who actually find the role enticing. As Work It Daily puts it, “You can teach someone almost anything except enthusiasm.” That’s another reason why they ask this question.

Common Mistakes When Answering This Question

There are certain mistakes that candidates make over and over when answering. Luckily, they are easy to avoid. Let’s take a look at them.

First, whatever you do, don’t reply by saying, “I need a job.” One, that’s obvious. If you didn’t need a job, you wouldn’t have applied.

Two, it makes it seem like there’s nothing about this role that excites you. The hiring manager is going to assume that you’re just trying to land anything you can possibly find instead of focusing on opportunities that align with your skills and ignite your passion. That’s a great way to get sent right to the discard pile.

Another huge misstep is not getting specific. If you want to stand out to the hiring manager, you need to explain which duties and responsibilities really caught your eye. And, just like when you answer, “Why are you a good fit for this position?” you need to explain how your skills make you the perfect candidate. If you give general reasons, it makes it seem like you don’t understand what the job really involves, and that’s no good.

Also, don’t mention anything about money. While compensation is the most important factor for 63 percent of candidates, talking about money here isn’t a smart move. If you mention that the salary is what stood out, it makes it seem like you’re only about the money. That won’t endear you to the hiring manager.

Just remember, this is just one question the hiring manager could ask you in your interview! That’s why we created an amazing free cheat sheet that will give you word-for-word answers for some of the toughest interview questions you are going to face in your upcoming interview.

Click below to get your free PDF now:

Get Our Job Interview Questions & Answers Cheat Sheet!

FREE BONUS PDF CHEAT SHEET: Get our " Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet " that gives you " word-word sample answers to the most common job interview questions you'll face at your next interview .


What Interests You About This Position? How To Form Your Answer Step-By-Step

So, let’s talk about how to create a standout answer for questions like “What interests you about this role?” and “Why are you interested in this job?” Luckily, it’s pretty easy to get headed in the right direction if you use the proper strategy.

Here’s a quick step-by-step process for answering, “Why are you interested in this position?”

1. Get to Know the Job

With questions like that and its alternatives – like “Why do you want this job?” – your focus needs to be on the nuances of the role. This is a nitty-gritty question. You really want to dig in and get specific.

Spend time reviewing the duties and responsibilities listed in the job description. Also, go over the must-have skills list several times. Learn as much as you can about what this job is about, and make a list of aspects that really pique your interest. That’ll become your starting point.

2. Research the Company

Next, you want to spend a little time getting to know the company. However, this isn’t about finding reasons to be impressed with the organization. Instead, you want to focus on how the company culture impacts the role and the employee experience, as those will can also become part of your answer.

Usually, you’ll want to start with the company website. After that, head to its social media profiles for additional details.

3. See What Others Are Saying

Once you’ve done some initial research into the company, it’s time to get some other perspectives. Look for media coverage discussing the organization. Also, see what current and former employees have to say.

If a member of your network either currently or formerly worked for the company, see if they’ll participate in an informational interview. That way, you can get insights from someone you know and trust, too.

4. Consider Your Career Trajectory

Taking a moment to reflect on your career trajectory might not seem necessary for this question, but that isn’t the case. If you can see how this job fits into your broader plan, you can share that with the hiring manager, making it easier to answer this question.

5. Gather Some Specifics

As you get ready to start forming your own answer, you’ll need to gather together some details. A few specifics help make your response more compelling, so find things you can directly reference or quote whenever possible.

6. Bring It All Together

Now that you have all of that information, it’s time to come up with an excellent response. You’ll focus on areas of alignment between your capabilities, what the job offers, and how it aligns with your goals. By doing that, you’ll nail this question with ease.

Sample Answers

1. entry-level – software developer.

My main goal as I look to put my newly-earned degree to work is to land a position with long-term growth potential where I can also put my Python skills to work. Based on the job description, I see that Python programming is a significant part of the role. Additionally, this team has a reputation for being highly skilled and collaborative, which facilitates learning. Couple that with the company’s reputation for supporting the development of its workforce, and it seems like the perfect fit.

2. Entry-Level – Machine Operator

After completing the machining and manufacturing technology program at the local community college, I knew I wanted to put my skills to work with an employer of choice. ABC Company is known not just for being at the cutting edge of the industry – as marked by its recent award – it’s also widely recognized for going the extra mile for its workforce. As a result, I think this job isn’t just the foundation for a great career but a chance to learn, grow, and advance with a company that’s a hallmark in the industry.

3. Mid-Career Individual Contributor – Marketing

Currently, I’m looking to take the next step in my career. In my past role as a marketing assistant, I had the opportunity to provide support during the development of exciting campaigns for a few leading beverage brands. While that experience has been incredibly valuable, I know it’s time to move forward. In this job, I wouldn’t just put my wealth of knowledge to work, based on the job description, I’d have a chance to spearhead a project within the first 30 days, something that I greatly look forward to doing.

4. Middle Management – Human Resources

Over the past ten years, I’ve honed my skills in the field of human resources. Along with acquiring knowledge and skills relating to training, recruitment, and onboarding, I’ve had a chance to coach others entering the field and support large projects where I oversaw teams of skilled professionals. Based on that, I feel it’s time to make a transition into management. That’s why this job is particularly appealing. Along with the company’s solid reputation and its dedication to diversity and inclusion, I’d be overseeing a skilled team, giving me a chance to coach others toward success while I worked to ensure the company’s larger goals are met.

3. Executive – Finance

During my career in finance, I’ve worked for companies of all sizes. While there is some appeal to large enterprises, I’ve found that mid-size organizations are the ideal option. My experience with strategic planning can make a significant difference, but the company is still small enough to maintain that family feel. Leaders get to not just make a difference but see their impact first-hand in the growth of their teams and departments. That really speaks to my desire to not just steer a company toward success but to support every employee in my area. That’s why this job felt like such as strong match, as it brings together my goal of building talented teams with my expertise in forwarding grander financial missions.

Putting It All Together

Ultimately, answering, “Why are you interested in this position?” doesn’t have to be a challenge. Use the tips above, and you’ll be able to craft a standout answer that’ll increase your odds of landing the job.

FREE : Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet!

Download our " Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet " that gives you word-for-word sample answers to some of the most common interview questions including:

  • What Is Your Greatest Weakness?
  • What Is Your Greatest Strength?
  • Tell Me About Yourself
  • Why Should We Hire You?

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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Interview questions answered: Why are you interested in this position?

We apply for jobs for a variety of reasons. More often than not, we simply need a job –any decent position, to pay our bills , keep our head above water, and enjoy some little pleasures during the weekends. As you can likely imagine though, this is not exactly what the hiring managers want to hear from you. They want to hear some excitement , enthusiasm for what’s ahead. They want to hear some words of praise on their company and their job offer. And they also hope to hear about your strengths, personality, and preferences, that happens to be a good match for the position in question. That’s why they inquire why you are interested in the job, role, vacancy, position, or whatever they name it.

Let’s have a look at 7 sample answers to the question. I tried to include different examples on my list, for different jobs and interview scenarios . You will find also a few unconventional choices on the list, such a being brutally honest with the interviewers, or looking at the question rather philosophically. Go through the answers, consider each one, find a best match to your attitude , and adjust it to the job you are applying for. Then you can read also my notes below the answers, for additional hints and explanations.

7 sample answers to “Why are you interested in this position?” interview question

  • I just find it an excellent match to my strengths and preferences . I’ve always enjoyed interactions with other people, and home improvement is my great hobby. I know the tools, materials, brands. In my opinion, it is always easier to sell products you like , and know something about, because you can give good recommendations to the customers, and share with them your personal experience with the product . That’s why I am interesting in the position in your retail store, and not in some other sales job in retail.
  • I just see it as a next logical step in my professional career . I’ve been working as a financial analyst for five years now, acquired a lot of experience, and learned the ins and outs of cash flow in the business. I feel that with everything I’ve done and know, I am ready to work as a financial manager , and make something big happen for the company. Obviously the salary is also better , and the benefits, so I see no reason why I would not be interested in the position you advertise.
  • I just need a change . Without a doubt I may look overqualified for the role in a small cafe at the edge of the city center. But I’m interested in this position, because I’ve experienced a burnout, and cannot imagine working in the corporate world any longer. I am looking for a job with low stress levels , and little screen time. A position in which I’ll have real sincere interactions with people , and will be able to express myself. Money is secondary for me really at this point of my career. I hope you will give me a chance to prove my motivation and skills.
  • Who would not want to work for Amazon ? I’ve always dreamed of working for one of the four biggest tech companies, participating on innovation, working on solutions and products billions of people use daily . I think that everyone dreams of having some impact in their life. And this is the impact I would like to have. What is more, I feel that with my engineering experience, and the programming languages I know, I am an excellent fit for the position . Really I see it as a win-win situation for everyone, and hope you will come to the same conclusion by the end of this interview.
  • Being honest, I just need a job to survive . It’s a tough economy out there. You borrow money once, twice, some things do not work out, you have some unexpected expenses , and soon enough debt collectors and executors come to knock on your door. This is my situation at the moment. That’s why I am interested in the vacancy you advertise, though I know it is hard work , long hours, and the pay isn’t that good. But with my situation I cannot really afford to play a waiting game , trying my chances in interviews for jobs I likely won’t get. I need a job now, I am ready to work hard, and that’s why I am interested in this position.
  • Speaking honestly, I’m not interested in this position in a long run . I would like to work in your PR department, because I find it an excellent fit for my personality and expectations. And I also admire the work of your PR director. However, you are not advertising any jobs in PR now, and so I simply want to get my foot into the door , start working for your amazing company, prove my communication and diplomatic skills , and eventually get promoted or relocated to the PR department. Having said that, I do not consider the sales position I am interviewing for right now just as a means to an end . I know that I can learn a lot here, and generate some interesting sales volume each month, contributing to your success. You can definitely benefit from having me onboard. But when everything is said and done, it is your PR department I have my sights on .
  • I am interested in this role for a couple of reasons . First of all, I see a meaningful purpose in social work. And I do not want to work only to make money. I actually want to come home each day, knowing that I did my best to help someone to cope with a difficult life situation. Secondly, I really like your organization , the training program you have in place, the values you try to promote, your marketing activities, and basically everything about your brand. And last but not least, I consider myself a good fit for the job , in terms of education, experience, personality, and expectations…

* You can also download the list of TOP 5 answers to this tricky interview question in a simple, one page long PDF , and return to it anytime later, when preparing for your interview:

500 word essay on why i want the job

Do not forget on your non-verbal communication

Doesn’t matter how much you praise their brand, working conditions, salary offer, or anything else that caught your eye on their job offer. Unless they hear enthusiasm in your voice , and unless you look at least somehow “pumped up” in an interview , they won’t trust your words.

Keep it on your mind, and make sure that you tell them the right things both with your tongue and your body . Not it doesn’t mean that you have to jump from your chair after every question. But you should look excited, give them a firm handshake, react positively, ask questions, and so on…

* Special Tip : This isn’t by far the most difficult question you will face while interviewing for any decent job. You will face questions about prioritization, dealing with pressure, dealing with ambiguity , and other tricky scenarios that happen in the workplace. If you want to make sure that you stand out with your answers and outclass your competitors, have a look at our Interview Success Package . Up to 10 premium answers to 31 tricky scenario based questions (+ more) will make your life much easier in the interviews. Thank you for checking it out!

500 word essay on why i want the job

The more specific you are, the better

Try to mention some details and numbers in your answers. I mean, it is fine saying that you are interested in the position because “it is a good job”. But that won’t satisfy most hiring managers, unless  you explain why you consider the job good .

You can talk about anything from salary and working conditions, to a meaningful purpose and affinity to their brand. As long as your words make sense (saying that you like the salary offer in a place that offers minimum wage would not make much sense), they will be satisfied with your answer. What’s more, they will see that you did your research, prepared for the interviews , and the offer actually means something to you.

Being honest can be your best bet, not only in the interviews

At the end of the day, most of us apply for jobs because we have to. World revolves around money, and unless you have money you quickly end up on the fringe of society, struggling to meet your basic needs. Nobody dreams of such a destiny.

If you struggle, however, or find yourself just one paycheck away from living on the street , you should not be ashamed of your situation. You didn’t have it easy in life, typically it isn’t your mistake, and the money-driven world we currently live in is ruthless, and cruel to those less fortunate…

If you apply for a position not many people are interested in , for some difficult job with low payment, such as working on a construction site, honesty is your best bet. You can say that with your current situation you don’t really have any choice, and will accept any job, as long as they pay you and you have money to pay the bills.

Now it doesn’t mean that you should play a victim , or sound desperate in your meeting with the hiring managers. You keep your head up high, but are aware of your situation , see things as they are at the moment, and simply try all you can to keep your head above the water, and reach better tomorrows…

Ready to answer this one? I hope so! Do not forget to check also 7 sample answers to other tricky interview questions:

  • Why do you know about our company?
  • Why marketing?
  • Why do you want to work in healthcare?
  • Recent Posts

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How to answer “ why do you want to work here ” (examples included).

“Why do you want to work here” is a tough question.

Acing a job interview isn’t something that can happen without any preparation. Think about it.

  • You must search for jobs to find the ones you are qualified for, tailor your resume to match the job description, and then complete the application before waiting for the call saying you’ve been selected for an interview.

You probably put at least a few hours work into your resume along with some additional TLC to perfectly craft it for each job you apply to.

  • You should do that same when preparing for an interview .

Sure, you might have a stellar resume that scores several job interviews, but having cookie-cutter answers to important questions won’t get you hired.

  • Your resume sells your skill set, but you still need to sell yourself as someone who will contribute to the company.

There are some common questions that you’re practically guaranteed to be asked in an interview. “Why do you want to work here?” is one of them.

Sure, the question seems pretty straightforward, but the answer is not so simple. Let’s dive right in!

What are they REALLY asking?

You won’t be doing yourself a favor if you don’t fully understand the additional questions that are being asked in this single question.

Of course, you want to mention why you want to work there. Additionally, they’re also analyzing your answer for why they should hire you.

Here are some hidden questions within the question:

  • What do you know about us?
  • How will you contribute to our organization?
  • Do your values align with ours?
  • How do you see yourself with us in the long term?
  • What does your future look like here?
  • Why should we hire you?

That’s a lot more than you probably imagined. This simple-yet-complex question has the potential to make or break your interview.

Before Crafting Your Answer: Research and Reflection

If you think that you can provide the same answer to this question in every job interview you have, you are so wrong.

However, here’s an idea of what you don’t want as your answer:

I want to work here because it seems like a good company. I have all the skills you are looking for, and it pays pretty well.

Every company is different, so your reasoning for wanting to work at each should be different, too.

There are several points you can cover when responding to this question. These points require research and reflection.

Get personalized advice!

Research the company.

Maybe you have a friend or family member that works there, and they told you they love the company. That’s great!

But why do YOU love the company?

To answer this question, you’ll want to dig in and take a look at the following things.

Mission Statement

Nearly every company has a mission statement .

  • It gives you an idea of what the objective and values are for that organization.

If you don’t align with them, do you really want to work there?

  • Do you identify with a company’s philanthropy, ethos, or reason why it was founded?

If the company works toward an idealistic vision of the future, political goal, or societal solution, read up on it. If you support the vision or end goal, be sure to mention this during your interview.

Companies want to hire team members who are motivated to achieve something greater than themselves.


Every company provides a product or service , so you should be familiar with what they are.

  • You might not be applying for a position in the sales department, but knowing what the company is offering to clients is important.

If you don’t agree with what the company is selling, why would you help them sell it?

Moreover, if you love the product and want to improve it, the company’s hiring manager will look favorably on your job application.

People who are passionate about specific products are more likely to think of ways on how to improve them. This adds to the company’s bottom line and helps everyone on the team succeed.

Employee stories

There are so many ways to learn more about a company’s culture. Having friends or family members that work for the company is the easiest way to get first-hand information.

  • Ask for a tour or shadow experience for a day to formulate your own opinion of the culture.
  • Additionally, Glassdoor is a wonderful resource for finding employee testimonies.

You can even reach out to current employees on sites like and ask them questions about their work life.

  • Perhaps you heard great things about the company – share these anecdotes and stories with the hiring manager.
  • Then, connect the themes of these stories with your desire to work there.

Maybe you enjoy lax work environments where personal well-being is prioritized. If you heard a story that motivated you to apply to the company, let the hiring manager know why the story appeals to you.

Motivated employees are the best. They are always looking to improve the workspace and help the company win.

Press Releases

By reading recent press releases, you’ll be up-to-date on company news.

  • This is a great strategy to prove you know about the company.

It will also help you form a deeper opinion on how you can contribute if you were hired.

After performing research, part of your response could include:

“I would love to be a part of the PPG team because it values integrity, innovation, and sustainability, which are three things I also value. As a hockey fan, I think it’s great that PPG is the company that developed a coating to improve the game. I want to be part of a company that can bring those improvements to life. After speaking to current and former employees and touring the facility, I can see myself really enjoying working here. Your company values of integrity and customer service align directly with my own. I want to work for a company that truly puts the customer first.”

Your Future

You also want to determine the value this job could bring your future.

Unless you’re in a position where you simply need a job to make ends meet, you should pick jobs based on how they can help your career ambitions.

Here are some thoughts to consider when crafting this portion of your answer.

Professional Development

Getting a job at any company doesn’t mean you have to work there your entire career, but it should offer ways for you to develop professionally.

  • Look at trainings that are offered to employees and how they support their staff.

If you feel like you might just be a paper-pusher without getting any additional tools or support, you might not want to apply.

  • On the other hand, if you have ambitions, be sure to let the hiring manager know how this opportunity will help you achieve your goals.

Ambitious employees have a reason to bring their A game. They want to do their best, climb the professional ladder, and achieve success.

That’s why they’ll contribute to the team, do anything to gain experience, and grow the company’s bottom line.

Organization Structure

When you look at how the company operates, is it a structure that you can move up in?

If a company is known for putting their employees in the best position to succeed, you can make this a part of your pitch.

  • Hiring managers want team members who want to grow.
  • Employees who grow within an organization will help the company defeat its obstacles and shortcomings.

These types of team members become star employees. They become leaders within the company structure.

Promotion Potential

Most people don’t plan to stay in entry-level positions their entire career, so understanding your potential for promotions is important.

  • Similar to the organizational structure, you’ll want to know if that potential exists for you.

Are you planning to go through more schooling or training to work your way up through the company?

Do you need additional degrees to join management or the c-suite?

Here’s what you could provide in the next part of your answer:

“AT PPG, I love that they provide on-site training to their employees and have leadership opportunities available for top performers. One of my goals is to manage people, and I believe my integrity makes me a valuable asset that puts me on a management career path. For now, I really believe I can do this job well with the skills I have and knowing that PPG will ensure I can do it to the best of my ability with any training I need. I’ve also read that your company encourages employee development, which is something I envision doing. My goal is to learn additional management skills, along with database training and client relations. I want to work for a company that invests in its people.”

This might seem a little strange to consider, but it can mean a lot to the interviewers, especially if you’re applying from another area.

  • This is one area that you could leave out of your answer, but it could boost you above the competition if you can prove you already see yourself living nearby.

Do some research on the nearby area to see if it incorporates any of your hobbies and interests.

You can also take a look at what type of commuting options are available based on your potential residence.

If you choose to mention the location in your answer, it might go something like this:

“After doing some research about Pittsburgh, I found that this area has a lot for me if I’m offered a position at PPG. I love that the office is located downtown so I can walk or ride my bike to work. It would be so cool to go to hockey games after work when I can, and it’s a short walk away from the office. Also, I saw that Chipotle, one of my favorite lunch places, is only two minutes away.”

What Not to Include

When answering this question, there are some points that you should steer away from.

These can turn off the interviewing team and make them second-guess your real motives.

Salary and Benefits

It’s possible you might be asked about salary in another question, but this is most definitely NOT the response you’ll want to bring up money.

  • Focus on selling your skill set and how you see yourself filling the position rather than filling your pockets.

Even if the benefits package is stellar, this should not be mentioned when explaining why you want to work there.

  • Companies want employees that will contribute to their service and mission, not one that is worried more about the benefits that come with the job.

Yeah, it might be really cool that you could have your next degree paid for, but that shouldn’t be the sole reason you want to work for a company.

Time-Off Policy

Some companies are moving toward more flexible time-off policies. As cool as they are, it shouldn’t be the focus of your reason for wanting to work somewhere.

If an interview panel senses that you might abuse that policy or any policy, that might deter them from offering you the job.

Negative Things About Past Employers

If you’re hoping to move out of your existing position at another company, you may be tempted to compare your past employer with your potential new one.

  • Speaking ill of your previous employer might leave a sour taste in their mouth. Instead of speaking negatively, focus on the positives of the company you’re interviewing with.

Make sure you don’t catch yourself saying anything like this during your interview:

“At my last job, I wasn’t making enough money to pay my bills, so I had to cancel my cable. With this job, I could finally get that back and use the actual skills I learned in college. Also, my manager never gave me the time off I needed when I wanted to travel to visit my family in California, and this job seems like I’ll be able to have that time and money to see them more.”

These things might be true, but there is a better way to phrase the same concepts more professionally and appropriately.

“I’ve learned to cut back and prioritize what’s really important in my life. This job would fulfill me more, especially because I’ll be utilizing the skills I learned when studying manufacturing engineering . Prioritizing my career is important to me at this point in my life. I want to work doing what I enjoy. While I haven’t had many opportunities in the past to do so, I know this is all a part of being a consummate professional. Now is the time. I’ve built my skills in the industry and see myself taking my performance to the next level. Here, now, I’m looking for the opportunity that takes my contributions to the next level.”

How to Prepare

Now that you have all the information to craft a beautiful answer to this question, you’ll want to practice before the interview day.

Before you take a seat in front of the interviewer, do the following to really wow them.

  • Make a list. As you do your research, make sure you’re tracking all the positive information you come across. Creating a list is the easiest way to keep all the information in one place without worrying about finding it again.
  • Write out your response. Physically writing out your response will help solidify the reasons you want to work for that company. If it feels unnatural or forced to write, that could mean you’re not being truthful. It can also mean you haven’t reflected deeply enough.
  • Say the words out loud to determine if they sound natural. You might tweak some wording or realize another word fits better to convey your. As you practice, you can go off script a bit to make your response so more authentic. Don’t sound like a robot during your interview.
  • Get feedback. Reciting your response to a friend or family member is a great way to get feedback. If the person knows you well, they might question whether you’re being truthful and challenge why you really want to work somewhere.

Advice from Professionals and Experts

We asked a few professionals what they had to say about answering this interview questions.

They bring years of expertise to the table. This is what they had to say.

From Salina Hoque, director of human resources and community engagement at Sweet Briar College:

Many hiring managers may ask this question to help figure out how you would fit in with the culture of the workplace or to understand your motivations in applying for the job and whether you’re likely to stay in the role for a while. By asking this question, hiring managers can learn about your career goals and how this position fits into your plan. The question is used to make sure that you are sincerely interested in the job and will be motivated to perform if hired. And ultimately, to understand your priorities and preferences — which aspects of the workplace and/or job are appealing to you and why? Your answer to the question of “why do you want to work here” should emphasize your interest in working hard and developing on the job.

From Nate Masterson, the HR Manager of Maple Holistics :

Before you walk into the interview, you should already have an answer to this question. When asked why you want to work somewhere, you actually need to address two questions instead of one. You first need to say why you want to be a part of the company and then you can say why you want the specific position. Addressing both the company and position will make you more appealing to your interviewer. You should not say “I want to work here because I need a job and this one pays well.” They already know you’re looking for a job, no need to state the obvious. A perfect answer should include something you appreciate or respect about the company paired with why your skills meet with the job requirements. Answers will vary based on company and position, but as long as you stick to these guidelines, you’ll be one step closer to getting the gig.

From Laurie Richards, president of LR&A :

Candidates want to avoid self-serving answers such as “So I can pay my bills and support my family.” This suggests that you can be easily enticed by the highest bidder. That means the employer will have to invest time, money, and energy to get you trained only to lose you to the highest bidder. Then the employer will be back on the talent search to replace you. Another answer to avoid is: “I’d do anything to work for COMPANY X.” This positions you as a person who lacks integrity, has low self-esteem and does not demand enough from others. If you’re willing to do anything, the employer is likely to offer you as little as possible, and that employer may be concerned that you will “do anything” to keep your job, too — cut corners, hide mistakes, even break the law. Some think the “Everyone wants to work with COMPANY X” will cinch the job. This type of answer positions you as a commodity. You just became one of a million instead of one in a million. And avoid the dreaded, “I’m just trying to get a job.” This suggests you’re simply putting in your time and punching a clock. You can be replaced by anyone with skills and motivation beyond a paycheck. Instead, craft answers that represent talent, skills and/or motivation. Plan responses that highlight a benefit to the company and its customers as well. “I love problem-solving, and [your customers] are constantly looking for new ways to solve their problems. I’d enjoy putting my skills to work knowing I’m helping [customers] [get more done/make more money/have better lives] by creating [company product/services]” “[Product/Service] has always intrigued me. So working with [customers/team members] to find the next level of [product/service] would be a challenge I’d like to take on.” “In my current position, [skill/talent/knowledge] is one of my greatest strengths. It sounds like I could really make a difference here for the [company/customers].” “[Company] is positioned for [company mission], and that goal is something I want to be a part of so I can use my [knowledge/skills/talent] to be a part of the team to get there.” Craft an answer that articulates an advantage for you, the company, and the customer.

From Matt Edstrom, the CMO of GoodLife Home Loans :

Tip #1: Make it personal What about the company that you’re interviewing for resonates with you? Is important that you find somewhere to work where you can maintain your integrity? Or is it important for you to be employed with a company where there is room for growth? It’s important for employers and interviewers to know that your values and the company’s value are synonymous. Find out what you have in common with the interviewers or the company and find out what about those commonalities is personal to you. This will guarantee that your answer is not only unique but also sincere. Tip #2: Being good at something feels good No one wants to do work that they don’t have the skill set for. It will be a constant struggle to succeed and your work will continually fall short. What can you bring to the table that will make you successful for the role you’re applying for? What about the job will you enjoy doing? What about the job do you think you will do well? These will all be questions you can ask yourself to deliver the best answer on why you want to work where you’re interviewing. When taking this approach, make sure to focus on what you have to offer the company you’re interviewing for. Tip #3: Do your research The best way to answer this question regardless of the approach you take is to do your homework. Find out what the company is trying to accomplish, what you have to offer that the company needs, find what roadblocks the company may be facing. This will demonstrate that you were proactive about being prepared for your interview but will also demonstrate your ability to think critically and resolve problems. Taking the approach of what the company needs and how you can offer a solution, will set you apart from all the other candidates.

Conclusion: How to Answer “Why Do You Want to Work Here?”

This is a quintessential interview question. It’s quite open-ended, so it’s your job to prepare without rambling on.

Remember to perform your research and custom-tailor your response to the company. Don’t forget to include company values and how you can fit within its culture.

Last, write down your responses and adjust them as necessary. Seek feedback, and try your best to drive home your vision.

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‘Why do you want this job’ - Best answer examples

‘Why do you want this job’ - Best answer examples

A common interview question that can leave some candidates lost for words is ‘why do you want this job?’. It might initially sound like a simple question to answer, but it can be easy to slip up. So, it’s essential you can effectively communicate why you are interested in the role and why you chose to apply in the first place.  

Here are some key considerations when answering that all important question of ‘why do you want this job?’ with great examples ready for your upcoming interview.  

What does the interviewer  really  want to know? 

When a hiring manager asks this question, what they really want to know is how much you know about their company, how this role fits into your ongoing career plan, how it will help you develop and challenge you and why the company appeals to you.  

When preparing your answer for this question, keep in mind that the hiring manager is looking for someone who will provide value to their team and someone who wants to grow and progress with the company and feed this into your answer.  

How do I prepare for this question?  

Interview prep  is key to landing any job. As well as doing overall research on the company, the role itself and the wider team structure, we recommend prepping for  common interview questions  as well. The points below will help guide you in the right direction when preparing your answer to ‘why do you want this job?’ and a few of the key things you want to think about prior to your interview.  

  • Take a note of the company's values and mission statement and think about whether it is something you are or could be passionate about. When asked why you want the job, you can then talk about how you want to help them on their mission to achieve certain goals or that you are aligned with some of their core company values.  
  • If you have any industry specific knowledge that applies to this role, that can be a plus, but it’s not a deal breaker. Think about any previous job roles or projects you have worked on that can still be related to this new role. Talk about specific examples of how you can help this company achieve their goals and highlight any relevant transferrable skills that will make you stand out as the right candidate.  
  • Write down any recent achievements you can talk about or any challenges you've faced recently that might be related to this new job. Think about how this will add value to the role, the team and the company that you’re applying for.  
  • What made you want to send in your CV and application in the first place? This can be a great starting point for you if you are asked why you want the job. Think back to what initially excited you about the job description and how you felt when reading it for the first time. 

‘Why do you want this job’ best answer examples:   

There are a few different ways to start answering the ‘why do you want this job?’ interview question. Here are some of the best ones to use to help get you started:  

Show your enthusiasm  

  • 'This opportunity is really exciting as I will be able to learn/develop/progress in an exciting environment/industry that I am passionate about.' 
  • ‘The first thing that caught my eye when I saw the job spec for this role was...’  

These are great answer openers because they demonstrate you are passionate about the role and that you are excited to become part of the team. It’s also clear that you have thought about how this role will impact your personal career goals and how they are aligned with the job role itself. Spend some time researching the company and select a few key factors to incorporate into your answer to demonstrate that you are a good fit.  

Focus on the job at hand 

  • 'I want this job because I have clear skills that will help me achieve...' 
  • ‘This role will give me the opportunity to combine both my skills in [skill 1] and [skill 2] to achieve...’  
  • ‘I love [job role specific task] and my last job took me away from that. So now, I’m looking to find a role that will let me get back to working on projects I really enjoy and after looking at the job spec I think this role would be perfect with that.’ 

With these answers, you want to make sure you are matching specific skills you have obtained to parts of the job role. This shows you have done your research and are confident you can get the job done to a high standard if employed. Try to keep it short as there will be plenty of other opportunities in an interview to talk about how your skills and to go through your CV in more detail.  

You also want to show the hiring manager that you put some time into researching the position and how it relates with your career goals and specialties.  

‘Why do you want this job’ bad answer examples:   

Now we have gone through some of the best answers, we should also mention what not to say when faced with this question in an interview. Here are a few things to avoid:  

  • “I just really need a job”  Although sometimes honesty is the best policy, that rule does not apply here. This type of answer shows the employer that you do not have any interest beyond your monthly wage slips. 
  • “The pay increase appealed massively”   Although salary and benefits are key things to consider when looking for a new job role, they should not be the sole reason for you to want a job. You always want to prove your value and enthusiasm in a job interview and answering the question like this does not show either.  
  • “I feel like this will be a good step towards my next career move”   This is a big red flag to a hiring manager if you are already indicating that you want to move on from the role before you have even got it. You can talk about how it would be a good step towards your overall career goals, but don’t mention moving on from that company in an interview.
  • “Because I’m qualified”    Although this answer may be correct, it won’t make you stand out to a hiring manager. All applicants that come through will more than likely have the correct qualifications, but you want to highlight what makes you so special. Highlight what you can add to the team beyond your CV.  

What's next?

Unlock more  career advice  to help you reach your full potential right here at Michael Page. We have covered everything from  how to write the perfect CV  to top tips on  negotiating your salary , so, make sure you browse our extensive range of helpful articles today.  

Want to land more interviews with exciting companies across the UK? Stay in the know about any upcoming job roles in your field by setting up email job alerts from our  job search page  or submit your CV today. 

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10 Best Answers to “Why Should We Hire You?” Interview Question

500 word essay on why i want the job

During a job interview, you know some common interview questions will pop up no matter the position you’re applying for or the field you’re working in.

One of these inquiries revolves around why you’d be a candidate for the job, and giving your best answer during the interview process is paramount, or the perfect opportunity may escape you. The interviewer may outright ask you why they should hire you, why you are a good match, or be a bit sneaky about it with something like “what sets you apart from other candidates?” or “what can you bring to the table?”. So far, your job search has consisted of buttoning up your resume and applying to the job posting, but now, interview preparation is key to showing you’re the ideal candidate and best fit for the company.

Today, we’re discussing the ten best answers to “why should we hire you?”, tips to prepare the ideal answer, and the mistakes job seekers should avoid in their responses.

Top 10 Best Example Answers When a Hiring Manager Asks “Why Should We Hire You?”

To help you learn from the examples we’ll showcase in this section, approach each one with the intended goal so you understand the message you’re conveying with each type of response. Qualified candidates that do thorough company research and review the job description closely before practicing the examples below can make the most of a great opportunity.

Answer Example #1: Show you did your homework and reference qualifications from the job description

The goal here is to demonstrate how well you researched the company or business requirements before the interview, then tie your findings with impressive results you achieved in similar settings.

Say you’re applying for a position in sales or marketing management; your answer should be along the lines of:

“Based on my research, I know you need people with strong leadership, communication, and time management skills as you’re quickly expanding in the industry. I believe I can deliver what you’re looking for thanks to my experience managing sales teams and motivating them to fulfill and even go beyond our quarterly goals, which also brought me great pride.”

Other examples may include specific technical skills , your leadership experience, construction project management experience, or the introduction of new products.

Answer Example #2: Highlight your years of work experience from your current and previous job

The goal here is to give the interviewer an idea about how experienced you are to assure them you’re the best person for the role. Your answer has a more profound effect the longer your years of experience. Don’t forget to mention some of your significant achievements as a subtle indication that you can do the same for their company.

Say you’re applying for a position in accounting or finance management; here’s what your answer should look like:

“I believe my extensive experience in the field can be a valuable asset for this company. I was directly responsible for teams of over a dozen employees for seven years, so I’ve developed team-building and analytical skills. I developed innovative financing strategies that got me awarded manager of the year three times. If you hire me, I’ll spare no effort to bring these abilities to your organization and improve them for better gain.”

Answer Example #3: Prove you’ve been listening to the interviewer

Interviewers love it when you’re paying attention to what they’re saying and often like to check that this is the case by giving you information that you could use in your answers throughout the interview. Sometimes they’ll even ask specific questions that they’ve already asked just to see if you’ve picked up on it.

Here, the goal is to show you’re sharp and prove you’ve been listening closely to the interviewer. Here, your response should be similar to the following:

“Well, you mentioned earlier that you’re trying a new hiring approach to focus on recruiting younger talents. I believe I can provide a fresh outlook to the position, especially since I’m also passionate about keeping up with modern strategies. I like to always stay up to date and help my teammates get on board with current directions as quickly as possible while incorporating guidance from senior calibers.”

Answer Example #4: Establish your eagerness to evolve

Another thing that any interviewer would be glad to hear is how you look forward to improvement and how dedicated you can be to prove yourself and learning new roles. When you show determination for development, you’re telling the company you won’t just settle for your current skill level but rather constantly work on achieving better results.

Remember, the goal here is to establish your eagerness for more knowledge and show you deserve to be where you are, even if you’re new to the game. Here’s what your answer should entail:

“I’m always looking for ways to establish and improve my skills, so working for a renowned company such as this one is a tremendous opportunity for me to do both. You’ll provide me with a platform where I can show how well I can work, and I’ll contribute my full potential to the growth and success of this organization”.

how to answer why should we hire you

Answer Example #5: Express confidence

Confidence is an attractive trait to demonstrate when getting into something new, such as meeting new people or applying for a new job. Providing a confident answer doesn’t just give the interviewer the impression that you know what you’re doing but vouches for your leadership, communication, and persuasion skills.

It’s important to note that you don’t want to be overconfident to avoid coming across as smug — that’s a huge no-no. You should simply stick to the facts about why you are the best candidate and the right person for the job. More importantly, you should keep your tone proactive and your voice clear as you say something along the lines of:

“I believe I possess all the necessary experience and skills you’ve mentioned you need for this position. I’m positive that I’m one of the best candidates you’ve interviewed, and I aspire to be the best worker if hired. Multiple previous bosses have praised my people skills and self-motivation, so you can rest assured I’ll meet your expectations and aim to exceed them. My past projects gave me a lot of experience related to the position, but I’m also a fast learner who loves overcoming challenges. I’m determined, resourceful, and analytical, which are all qualities I’m sure will benefit this great brand.”

Answer Example #6: Appeal to the deadline culture

Deadlines will likely be a crucial part of the position you’re applying for, so interviewers tend to respond well to candidates addressing the concept.

Meeting a deadline could be the difference between the success or failure of a project. It could make the difference between receiving all your agreed-upon earnings or losing a chunk of it, especially in the home building and construction sector.

Moreover, meeting or failing to meet deadlines heavily affects the company’s reputation and how much business it attracts.

For all this, telling the interviewer how committed you are to getting the job done in time can give you an edge. Here’s an example of this:

“I’ve experienced first-hand the time-demanding nature of the job, so I know how important it is for you to find employees who understand what’s at stake. Over my five years of work in sales and marketing, I’ve sharpened my organizational and time-planning skills to always be ahead of schedule. I’ve also developed valuable analytical and communication skills to be able to overcome unexpected setbacks. It’s always been my priority to deliver effective and timely results, so I’d like the opportunity to use my approach to benefit this company.”

Answer Example #7: Stand out from the crowd

Presenting unique aspects of your skills helps show the interviewer that you have something extra to offer the company and can add more value to the job than others. So, don’t be shy about highlighting qualities or skills that you think will help you stand out from other candidates.

You could take additional courses in your free time, speak more languages than required or approach projects with a newly emerging technique. Let’s take a look at a way to portray this:

“I always aim to bring something extra and different to my work, which I believe to be crucial for an established company looking to expand like this one. In addition to my 3-year experience in marketing, I’ve completed two university-grade courses on digital marketing and dabbled in web design to get better insight into the creative side of the job . You’ve mentioned you needed someone fluent in English and Spanish; I’m also fluent in French.”

Answer Example #8: Speak with passion

Sometimes letting your passion for the job and company shine through is the best way to make a memorable impression on the interviewer, especially if you’re short on years of experience.

The critical thing to remember here is not to sell yourself short . You can express your admiration for the company and your eagerness to join it and mention that you’d be an asset.

Remember, you don’t want to sound desperate , so watch the steadiness of your tone and keep your voice clear. Let’s have a look at an example:

“Honestly, I’ve always aimed to work for the best in the business, so I’ve been following this company closely as I admire the quality of work you do here and the level of professionalism. I believe you could benefit from my punctuality, determination, and quick thinking. I’m also a driven and fast learner, so I have no doubt I can make up for my relatively short time in the field.”

Answer Example #9: Get the interviewer to engage and discuss the needs of the company

In this approach, your goal is to establish a positive connection with the interviewer from the beginning of your answer. You want them to feel that you’re not just reciting a few phrases you practiced, but you’re responding with genuine wit, gratitude, and curiosity.

This approach also gives you a chance to get a clearer idea of the type of skills and qualities the interviewer is looking for. It establishes you as a candidate who got what the position demands by confirmation of the interviewer. Here’s an example:

“That’s an excellent question! I’m, of course, still learning about the company while you already know what sort of employee you want to work for you, which gives you a bit of a lead. Based on what I’ve understood so far, you need someone who can quickly and effectively resolve distribution and supply issues and deal directly with partners. Would you say that’s accurate?”

We’ll assume the interviewer says ‘Yes’. Hence, you continue: “Well, in that case, I believe to be the perfect match since I was responsible for managing my company’s external affairs and successfully expanded its supply chain by applying a series of modern strategies.”

Answer Example #10: Keep it general

Last but not least, you can always opt for the general approach, which can give an advantage depending on the position you’re applying for. Here’s one way you can put this to words:

“I believe I’m the right fit for the job because I possess all the skills and qualifications you require. Thanks to my solid background and work in previous projects, I’m confident, but I have certain analytical and people skills that’ll prove beneficial in tackling any task you throw at me. I’m a strong team player and a self-motivated one-person unit, and I’m a fast learner and always eager to improve.

Tips to Improve Your Answer to “Why Should We Hire You?”

  • Respond with clarity and confidence that you’re a great fit
  • Never undermine your lack of experience
  • Always show what you feel makes you unique
  • Incorporate examples from previous jobs and how they relate to the key qualifications
  • Don’t be afraid to discuss soft skills that are also important
  • Try to be specific about the job requirements

What Not to Say or Do When Answering “Why Should We Hire You?”

  • Never attempt to memorize the sample answers word by word. Make notes to get the general gist and build from there so you sound as genuine as possible.
  • Don’t stray from the point when answering a tough question
  • Learn the difference between sounding confident and cocky
  • It’s not enough to say you’re a hard worker; discuss the unique perspective you have
  • Incorporate things that aren’t already on your resume or related to your background

More Ways to Answer Why Should We Hire You, and What Can You Bring to Our Company?

1: I believe I am the best candidate for this role because I possess the required skills, experience, and knowledge to excel in this position. Furthermore, I am passionate about this field and motivated to contribute to the success of your organization. For example, in my previous job, I consistently exceeded my sales targets and received positive feedback from my clients and colleagues. 2: You should hire me because I am a dedicated, hardworking individual eager to learn and grow within your organization. Additionally, I have a proven track record of delivering results and working collaboratively with others. For instance, in my last job, I was able to streamline our customer service process, resulting in a 20% reduction in customer complaints.

You should hire me because I have the qualifications, experience, and attitude to contribute to your company. I am a quick learner, adaptable, and possess excellent communication and problem-solving skills. Furthermore, I am passionate about this field and eager to contribute to your team's success. For example, I implemented a new marketing strategy in my previous job that increased our customer engagement by 30%.

Although I may not have direct experience in this field, I am a fast learner and possess transferable skills that make me an ideal candidate for this role. For example, I have excellent communication skills, am a team player, and am eager to learn and grow within your organization. Additionally, I have taken relevant courses and completed internships to understand the industry better.

I am applying for this job because I am passionate about this field and eager to contribute my skills and experience to your organization. Furthermore, I believe this role aligns with my career goals, and I am excited about the opportunity to learn and grow within your company. As an example, I have always been interested in the technology industry, and this position would allow me to work with cutting-edge technology and positively impact your business.

I can bring unique skills, experience, and knowledge to your company. For instance, I have a strong work ethic, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work collaboratively with others. Additionally, I have experience in project management, data analysis, and customer service, which would be valuable assets to your organization. I am committed to positively impacting your business and contributing to your team's success.

My biggest strength is adapting to new situations and learning quickly. I am unafraid to take on new challenges and enjoy learning new skills. Additionally, I am a strong communicator and work well with others, which allows me to collaborate effectively with colleagues and clients. For example, I quickly adapted to a new project management tool in my previous job and trained my team on its use, improving efficiency and productivity.

Summary of How To Answer “Why Should We Hire You?” in a Job Interview

There you have it, the ten best answers to “Why should we hire you?”. There’s no one right way to respond to this question and others, such as “ What areas need improvement? ” The next time you’re asked this somewhat challenging question, try one of these strategies. If nothing else, you can leave a lasting impression on how positively you answered the question. That alone can make you stand out.

Remember that most companies expect their new hires to be experienced at critical requirements but not all of them and that past experience, high-quality work, and the completion of successful projects are very important. As you can tell, it depends not only on the industry you work in and the position you’re applying for but also on the approach you’re most comfortable trying.

No matter, remember always to stay confident and articulate. Keep your tone steady, your voice clear, and your eyes on the interviewer.

500 word essay on why i want the job

About Mark Matyanowski

As the founder of MatchBuilt, with over 18 years of recruiting and coaching experience and 8+ years in executive roles at a leading Fortune 100 company, I am deeply committed to guiding professionals in their career paths.

Our team at MatchBuilt offers expert support in enhancing resumes, optimizing LinkedIn profiles, and preparing for interviews. Our blog, drawing on our rich experience and industry insights, is a valuable resource for job seekers.

We take pride in successfully guiding job candidates to top-tier company roles while empowering individuals to achieve their career ambitions, irrespective of their background or educational level.

500 word essay on why i want the job

How to Write an Essay about Why You Deserve a Job

500 word essay on why i want the job

If you’re preparing for a job application or interview, knowing how to express why you deserve a role is essential. This tutorial will guide you in crafting an effective essay to convey this message.

Writing about why you deserve a job allows you to spotlight your skills, experiences, and alignment with the company’s mission. I will walk you through the process in five straightforward steps, incorporating a sample essay for clearer understanding.

Step 1. Plan the word count for your essay’s paragraphs.

Proper planning simplifies your writing process. Decide the word count for each paragraph – the introduction, three body paragraphs, and the conclusion.

So, if you want to write a 300-word essay, you can distribute 300 words across five paragraphs thus:

500 word essay on why i want the job

That’s all you need for your essay — five short paragraphs.

Step 2. Select your main idea and supporting points.

Start by identifying a central idea to serve as your essay’s framework. To do this, consider why you believe you’re the right fit for the job. Reflect on your unique skill set, experiences, and how your values align with the company’s mission.

In our sample essay, the main idea could be: “My technical skills, leadership experience, and passion for innovation make me the ideal candidate for the software engineering position.”

Let’s use the Power of Three to break one big idea into three smaller points. The Power of Three is a three-part structure that helps you come up with your body paragraphs.

500 word essay on why i want the job

Let’s employ the Power of Three to divide this main idea into three supporting points:

  • My technical skills align with the job requirements.
  • My leadership experience allows me to manage projects effectively.
  • My passion for innovation drives me to constantly learn and grow.

With our main idea and supporting points, we can start crafting our essay!

Step 3. Write the introductory paragraph.

To write an introductory paragraph , follow the diagram below:

500 word essay on why i want the job

Begin with an engaging opening that sets the context for your essay. Include your thesis and the three supporting points.

Introductory Paragraph:

“In the ever-evolving field of software engineering, technical aptitude, leadership, and a constant drive for innovation are critical. I believe my skill set, experience, and passion align perfectly with the role. My technical abilities meet the job’s requirements, my leadership experience equips me to manage projects, and my passion for innovation motivates my professional development.”

Step 4. Write the body paragraphs.

Our essay will have three body paragraphs – each devoted to a supporting point.

500 word essay on why i want the job

Each body paragraph should expand on a supporting point. Begin with a topic sentence summarizing the paragraph, then elaborate with examples.

Paragraph 1:

“My technical skills, honed over years of study and practice, make me a strong fit for the software engineering role. I have a strong grasp of multiple programming languages and am adept at problem-solving, often developing efficient solutions to complex coding issues.”

Paragraph 2:

“Leadership is not just about directing; it’s about supporting a team to achieve common goals. My experience leading a software development team has honed my ability to coordinate projects, handle conflicts, and facilitate collaboration.”

Paragraph 3:

“Passion for innovation is the lifeblood of a successful software engineer. I’ve always been eager to learn new technologies and methodologies to improve efficiency and stay ahead of the curve. This mindset has led to several successful projects and recognition within my previous roles.”

Step 5. Write the concluding paragraph.

To wrap up, paraphrase your points from the introduction. Don’t copy it word for word – use different language to express the same ideas.


“Software engineering requires technical skills, leadership abilities, and a constant quest for innovation – all of which I possess. My technical expertise aligns with the job’s requirements, my leadership background ensures effective project management, and my passion for innovation fuels continuous learning and professional growth.”

And there you have it! A structured essay that effectively communicates why you deserve the job. I hope you find this tutorial helpful in your writing journey. Good luck!

Tutor Phil is an e-learning professional who helps adult learners finish their degrees by teaching them academic writing skills.

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What to Say When Your Interviewer Asks “Why Do You Want This Job?”

group of people talking and laughing in an office

I once had a conversation with a recruiter where she shared what she called “the kiss of death” for interviews: candidates answering, “Why are you interested in this position?” with something about being passionate about programming, writing, or some other skill with no mention at all of the company they applied to. To her, it’s an immediate red flag.

So this seemingly innocuous question can be a surprisingly tricky one—especially if you try to answer it without thinking about who your audience is and what they really want to know.

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Like the expected “ Tell me about yourself ” opener, “Why do you want this job?” is likely to come up in most job interviews. And even if your interviewer doesn’t explicitly ask you why you’re interested in the position, you should still know your answer and get that sentiment across while responding to other interview questions .

So what do interviewers want to know when they ask “Why are you interested in this position”?

Basically, your answer to this question says a lot about all of the most important things an interviewer is evaluating: what skills you have, how interested you are in this job (and why ), and what you’ll bring to this team or company .

And they want specifics. With “Why do you want this job?” interviewers aren’t asking, “Why do you want to be an accountant?” they’re asking, “Why do you want this accounting position at this organization?” They want to know what motivated you to apply and why this position makes sense for you (and, of course, why you make sense for the company).

3 steps to answer “Why do you want this job?”

Luckily, there’s actually a pretty simple way to go about answering this question effectively.

Step 1: Show off what you know and why you’re excited about the company

You can talk all day about how excited you’d be to join the team, but it will only sound genuine if you actually know a thing or two about the company . So spend some time homing in on a few key factors to incorporate into your pitch for why you’re interested in this job.

It’s always impressive when a candidate has done their homework, but especially with smaller companies. And the best thing about this is you rarely have to go beyond reviewing the company website or having a quick conversation with a current or past employee to learn enough to sound like you’ve been following the company for a while.

Step 2: Connect your skills and experiences to the job description

Next, you want to sell why, exactly, you’re right for the role. There are two ways you can do this: You can either focus more on your experiences (what you’ve done before that brings you to this point) or your skills (which is especially helpful if you’re pivoting positions or industries).

Try to pinpoint what the job is all about, plus a couple of the “required skills” from the job posting , and make sure you speak to that. Keep it short—you’ll have plenty of opportunities to talk about how you got your skills and share relevant stories throughout the interview. For this question, just focus on highlighting a couple key relevant abilities or experiences for the position.

Step 3: Talk about where this role sits on your career path

Finally, you want to show that the position makes sense for where you’re going in your career. Ideally, you won’t give the impression that you’re just using the position as a stepping stone. Your interviewer will feel more comfortable investing in you if they think you’ll be around for the long haul. Of course, you don’t have to state specifically that you see yourself in the position for a long time. Just show that you’ve given some thought to how the job makes sense for you right now and how it will continue to make sense for the foreseeable future.

4 mistakes you might make when answering “Why do you want this job?”

Here are four common mistakes you should avoid:

  • Not talking about the company: Think about it this way: You can bring your skills anywhere. The trick is explaining why you want to use them for this particular company.
  • Only saying what’s in it for you: Maybe this job would give you the chance to learn a lot about marketing, or it’s an opportunity to grow your quantitative analysis skills—that’s great, but your interviewer wants to know what’s in it for the company, too. So align your interests with and express enthusiasm for using your skills to contribute to the company’s greater goals.
  • Bringing up points that aren’t relevant: In the heat of an interview, it can be really tempting to mention that the office is actually quite close to your daughter’s school or that the company’s flexible hours policy would make it easier to carpool with your roommate, but don’t give in. These are nice perks, but (hopefully) they’re not the only reasons you find this position exciting.
  • Answering the wrong question: Have you ever gone on a date with someone who wouldn’t stop talking about their ex? Well, turns out this happens during job interviews, too. Don’t be that person who can’t shut up about why you need to leave your old job, stat. Even if the reason you’re job searching is directly related to your previous position, focus on the future.

What would some example answers sound like?

Say you’re interviewing for an investment analyst job at a small quantitative asset management company. Your answer might sound something like this:

“The first thing that caught my eye when I saw the position posted was definitely that it was at EFG Advisers. I know that you build a lot of your tools in-house, that the team is small, and that you employ a variety of long- and short-term strategies in the U.S. equities markets focusing on quantitative approaches. But the part that really spoke to me was the chance to combine the programming skills I gained from being a senior software engineer and my knack for quantitative analysis in a position that lets me engage with my growing interest in investing and portfolio management. I’ve been interested in switching to finance for a while now and have been actively managing my own personal portfolio for a few years. Joining a quant shop like yours makes sense to me because I think it’s one of the few places where I’ll still be able to use my technical skills and also spend my day thinking about finance. I’m really excited to learn more and see how I’ll be able to contribute to the firm.”

Or if you’re interviewing for a social media position at a gaming company you might say:

“I’ve always been a fan of X Co’s products and I’ve spent countless hours playing your games. I know that your focus on unique stories is what drew me and other fans into your games initially and keeps us coming back for more. I’ve followed X Co on social media for a while, and I’ve always loved how you have people in different departments using the accounts to interact with users. So I was psyched when I came across this posting for a social media manager with TikTok experience. At my last job, I was responsible for launching our TikTok account and growing it to 10,000 followers in six months. Between that experience, my love of gaming, and my deep knowledge of your games and fanbase, I know I could make this TikTok account something special and exciting.”

If you’re looking to transition into a role at a nonprofit from a role in the private sector, your answer might sound like this:

“Ever since my brother was diagnosed with a heart condition, I’ve been training and running with him in your annual Heart Run to raise money for your organization and help support patients with expenses not covered by insurance. Each time, I’ve been struck by how truly dedicated and happy to be there your employees have been. So when I saw this posting for a fundraising role, it felt like it was meant to be. For the last 10 years of my career I’ve been an account executive for various SaaS companies, and I’ve really honed my skills when it comes to convincing organizations to make regular payments for something over the long-term. But I’ve been looking for a position in fundraising where I can use these skills to really help people and I’m highly motivated to do that with your organization.”

500 word essay on why i want the job

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How to write a letter to explaining why you want a job.

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To ensure you are the right fit for a job, an employer may ask you to include a cover letter with your application explaining why you want the job. All of your reasons should go in your letter, which should also reveal your qualifications for the position. If your reasons and qualifications coincide with the employer’s needs, the hiring manager may move you to the next step of the hiring process.

Confirm Your Decision

Before you begin the letter, thoroughly read the job description and research the company. Consider factors that contribute to your interest in the position, such as job duties and opportunities for advancement. Also take into account the company’s mission statement, culture, reputation and geographic location. Then, confirm that you want the job. You must be satisfied with what the position offers to be able to explain effectively why you want the job.

Apply Enthusiasm

Start the letter with a compelling sentence that reveals your enthusiasm. You could say, for example, “It is with great interest that I’m applying for the billing specialist position with ABC Company.” Let the employer know how you discovered the position, and connect it to your reason for applying. You might say, “After reading the job description for the position in The Daily News Journal, I feel I am the perfect fit for this role.”

Explain Your Qualifications

Approach the letter from the employer’s perspective. In the body of the letter, let the employer know what you can do for the company instead of what you stand to gain. For example, you could mention how you consistently helped improve company revenue in your previous position.

Emphasize Your Accomplishments

You might create another paragraph in the body of the text to give one or two specific examples of your accomplishments. The examples should relate to the position for which you are applying. For instance, mention that in an effort to keep departmental budget on track, you devised a record-keeping concept that saved the company approximately $1,500 per month.

Work Around Having No Experience

If you do not have any experience for the job in question, include related past experiences that you can think of. This might include volunteer activities, involvement in membership organizations, academic or sports achievements, or odd jobs. Link these experiences to the employer’s interests and objectives. For a sales or advertising position, for instance, you might mention a sports achievement since you need a healthy competitive spirit for the job.

Close the Letter

The end of your letter should reiterate why you want the job, what you want to happen next and the steps you will take. Politely state that you would like the opportunity to be interviewed so you can discuss the position and your qualifications some more. Inform the employer that if you do not receive a response by a specific date, you will call to try to schedule an interview. Be sure to enclose your resume. Thank the employer for her time and consideration, and mention that you look forward to speaking with her.

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Essay Sample on Why I Want to Be A Nurse

Nursing is a rewarding and challenging career that has the power to make a real difference in people’s lives. Whether your motivation is to help others, attain financial freedom, or both, writing a “Why I Want To Be A Nurse” essay is an excellent opportunity to express your passion and commitment to the field.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why you might want to become a nurse and provide you with helpful tips and inspiration for writing a powerful and persuasive essay .

Why I Want to Be A Nurse (Free Essay Sample)

Nursing is a career that offers a unique combination of hands-on care and emotional support to those in need. There are many reasons why someone might choose to become a nurse, including:

The Empathy and Altruism of Nursing

I have a strong desire to help people and hope to become a nurse. I think nursing is the best way for me to make a difference in other people’s lives because it combines my natural empathy and desire to help people. Nursing gives me a chance to positively touch people’s lives, which has always attracted me to the thought of doing so.

I saw the beneficial effects that nurses may have on people’s life as a child. I have always been moved by the kindness and concern they have for their patients. The small gestures of kindness, like holding a patient’s hand or speaking encouraging words, have always touched me. I think nurses have a special power to change people’s lives and leave a lasting impression, and I want to contribute to that.

Additionally, I think that becoming a nurse is a great and selfless job. To provide for their patients and ensure they are secure and comfortable, nurses put their own needs on hold. I absolutely respect this kind of dedication to helping others, and I aim to exhibit it in my own nursing career.

The Economic Benefits of Nursing

The financial stability that comes with being a nurse is one of the reasons I wish to pursue this career. Nursing is a field that is in high demand, which translates to a wealth of job opportunities and competitive salaries.  This profession offers the chance for a stable income, which makes it a good choice for people who want to secure their financial future.

Nursing not only gives economic freedom but also a flexible work schedule that promotes a healthy work-life balance. Many nurses can choose to work part-time or in a variety of places, such as clinics, hospitals, and schools..

A Love for the Science and Art of Nursing

To succeed in the unique field of nursing, one must have both artistic talent and scientific knowledge. This mix is what initially drew me to the thought of becoming a nurse. The human body and its mechanisms have always captivated me, and I enjoy learning about the science that underpins healthcare. But nursing requires more than just a scientific knowledge of the body. It also requires an artistic understanding of the patient and their needs.. Nursing is a demanding and fulfilling job since it combines science and art, which is why I’m drawn to it.

I saw as a child the effect nurses had on patients and their families. Their compassion and understanding have motivated me to seek a profession in nursing because they frequently offer comfort and help in the hardest of situations. My enthusiasm for the science and art of nursing will undoubtedly help me to have a good influence on other people’s lives. I want to work as a nurse and improve the lives of the people I take care of, whether it be by giving medication, educating patients, or just being a reassuring presence.

Continuous Professional Development in Nursing

I think the nursing industry is dynamic and always changing, which gives people a lot of chances to learn and grow. I would have the chance to continuously advance my knowledge and abilities in this sector if I choose to become a nurse. In turn, this would enable me to better care for my patients and stay abreast of professional developments.

There are several different nursing specialties available as well. There are many options, including critical care, pediatrics, gerontology, and surgical nursing. Because of the variety of disciplines available, nurses have the chance to develop their interests and find their niche. 

I am certain that a career in nursing will provide me the chance to pursue my passion for healthcare while also allowing me to grow professionally.

Nursing is a fulfilling and noble career that offers a mix of hands-on care, emotional support, and professional growth. I am inspired by the positive impact nurses have on patients and their families and aim to offer my own empathy and compassion. The nursing industry is constantly changing, providing ample opportunities for growth and job prospects with financial stability. The ultimate reward in a nursing career is the satisfaction of making a difference in people’s lives.

Tips for Writing A Compelling Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay

Now that you understand the reasons why someone might want to become a nurse, it’s time to learn how to write a compelling essay. Here are some tips and strategies to help you get started:

Create an Outline

Before you start writing, it’s important to identify the main points you’ll discuss in your essay. This will help you stay organized and make your essay easier to read.

Start with an Attention-grabbing Introduction

Your introduction is your chance to make a good first impression and engage the reader. Start with a hook that captures the reader’s attention, such as a surprising statistic or personal story .

Be Specific and Personal

Rather than making general statements about why you want to become a nurse, be specific and personal. Share your own experiences, motivations, and passions, and explain why nursing is the right career choice for you.

Highlight your Skills and Qualifications

Nursing is a demanding and complex profession that requires a wide range of skills and qualifications. Be sure to highlight your relevant skills, such as compassion, communication, and problem-solving, and explain how they make you a good fit for the nursing field.

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500 word essay on why i want the job

9 Smart Answers to “Why Are You Applying for This Position?”

By Editorial Team on June 22, 2023 — 14 minutes to read

During a job interview, employers often ask, “Why are you applying for this position?” to understand your motivation for seeking the job. Your answer can showcase your enthusiasm, reveal how well you’ve researched the company, and express your compatibility with the role. Since this is a common interview question, it’s essential to be prepared with a well-thought-out response that effectively communicates your suitability for the job.

Employer’s Perspective

When interviewers ask this question, they want to make sure you have a clear idea of why the position interests you and your understanding of the job responsibilities. They also want to assess if you’ll be a good fit for the company culture and if you’re genuinely interested in working with them. Employers often invest substantial time, money, and effort into training new employees, so they want to ensure you’re not only qualified but also motivated to excel in the role.

Decoding the Language

To properly address the question, you should first break it down into smaller components. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Why are you interested in the position? Explain what draws you to the role. Be specific about the aspects of the job that inspire or excite you. For example, you could be attracted by the opportunity to apply your skills, face new challenges, or work within a specific industry.
  • Why did you apply to this company? Research the company and find out what makes it stand out from its competitors. Consider the company’s values, goals, culture, product line, or industry reputation. When discussing your interest, align your values and ambitions with the company’s.
  • What makes you a good fit for the role? Mention your professional skills, experiences, and accomplishments that uniquely qualify you for the position. Provide examples of how you’ve applied similar skill sets in the past and had success, explaining how your expertise can be beneficial to the company.

Remember to keep your response focused and relevant, highlighting how your qualifications and background align with the job description and the company’s values. Preparing a well-crafted answer demonstrates your confidence, knowledge, and commitment, which can resonate with your interviewer and increase your chances of success in the job interview.

Preparation for the Answer

Research the company.

Dive deep into the company you’re applying to by visiting their website, reading news articles, or exploring their social media presence to better understand their mission, values, and overall organization. This knowledge will allow you to speak passionately about why you want to work there and tailor your answer to perfectly match the company’s vision and goals.

Align with Company Values

Learn about the company culture and their core values. You can then confidently discuss how your own personal values align with theirs, demonstrating that you’re a great fit for the team and company culture. Draw on specific examples that embody these values, such as working collaboratively or a commitment to excellence.

Match Skills and Experience

Take time to thoroughly review the job description and identify the required skills and experience. When preparing your answer, think about how your own skills and experience match the role. Consider mentioning specific projects or work experiences that demonstrate your expertise and knowledge in the field.

Know the Industry

Finally, get familiar with the industry that the company operates in to understand key trends, challenges, and market dynamics. This will enable you to discuss how your experience is relevant and your understanding of the industry, providing additional context to why you are applying for the position. Use this research to display your enthusiasm for the industry, making a strong case for why you’re an ideal candidate for the job.

Constructing Your Answer

Show passion for the role.

When crafting your answer, emphasize your passion for the role. Explain what excites you about it, and how it aligns with your interests. For example, if you love working with numbers and solving financial puzzles, a position as a financial analyst would fuel your passion.

Demonstrate Professional Goals

It’s essential to illustrate how the position fits into your overall career goals. Explain how this job will help you achieve both short-term and long-term objectives. For instance, if you’re a recent marketing graduate looking to gain experience in digital marketing, joining a marketing team that’s known for their online presence can help you grow in that particular field. By connecting the role to your long-term aspirations, you show the employer that you’re serious about your career journey.

Connect Personal Reasons

Personal reasons can also be a strong motivator for why you’re applying for a position. Maybe you’ve admired the company’s culture, or you’re fond of the positive impact their products have on the world. Connecting your personal values to the organization demonstrates that you’re a great fit and share their values. Just be sure to keep it professional and focused on the role.

Explain Motivation for Position

Lastly, it’s important to explain your motivation for the position itself, beyond passion and career goals. You might be drawn to it because of a unique challenge it presents or the opportunities for growth and success it offers. Maybe you’ve researched the company and found that they have a history of promoting from within or providing excellent employee training. By highlighting the motivating factors for the role, you’ll show that you have a clear understanding of what the position entails and are committed to long-term success.

Sample Answers in Different Industries

Tech industry.

Before answering this question in the tech industry, think about the specific company and role you’re applying for. You could say:

“I’m excited by emerging technologies and innovative ways companies like yours are using them. I think my experience in software development and my ability to adapt quickly to new languages make me an ideal candidate for this position.”

Sales Industry

In the sales industry, you should highlight your ambition and focus on targets:

“I’ve always been a competitive person, and I see the sales industry as the perfect place to challenge myself. I’m impressed by your company’s growth and commitment to excellent customer service, and I want to contribute my energy and skills to help maintain and improve your reputation.”

Creative Industries

When applying in the creative industries, you can emphasize your passion and creative vision:

“I’ve always been drawn to the world of design, and I’m impressed by your agency’s diverse portfolio. I believe my unique style and experience in collaboration will make a positive impact on your team and clients.”

Hospitality Industry

In the hospitality industry, service quality is a top priority. A potential answer could be:

“I’ve always had a passion for providing outstanding customer experiences. I think my previous experience in the restaurant business and my friendly, people-oriented personality make me a perfect fit for this hotel front desk position.”

Healthcare Industry

Highlight your dedication to patient care when applying for healthcare positions. You might say:

“I want to work in the healthcare industry because I care deeply about helping others and making a difference in their lives. I was inspired by the level of patient care your facility offers, and I believe my skills as a nurse will align with the high standards you maintain.”

Tailoring Answers to Specific Roles

Let’s explore some common types of roles and how to adjust your reply accordingly:

Management Positions

For management positions, you’ll want to emphasize your ability to lead teams, manage resources, and drive overall performance. Speak to your past experiences in managing others and highlight any successes you’ve had. For example:

“As a manager, I’ve successfully led a team of 12 in increasing sales by 25% year-over-year. I’m applying for this position because I believe my skillset aligns well with the job description and your company’s values.”

Leadership Roles

When applying for leadership roles, focus on your vision, strategic thinking, and ability to inspire and motivate others. Showcase examples of your past accomplishments and how you’ve positively influenced others. You could say:

“I have a passion for leading and inspiring others towards a common goal. In my previous role, I played a key part in developing a new marketing strategy that increased brand awareness by 40%. I am excited about the potential growth opportunities within this organization and believe my strengths align well.”

Individual Contributor Roles

For individual contributor roles, the focus should be on your expertise and specialized skills. Show the interviewer that you understand the technical requirements of the position and how you can contribute to the team’s overall success:

“I’m very excited about this role as it aligns with my past experience working in data analytics and my passion for helping businesses make data-driven decisions. In my previous role, I collaborated closely with cross-functional teams, providing insights that helped improve operational efficiency.”

Customer Service Positions

In customer service positions, demonstrate your commitment to excellent service and your ability to create positive experiences for clients or customers. Be sure to mention your patience, active listening skills, and ability to resolve issues effectively. You might say:

“I’m applying for this customer service role because I strive to ensure every customer leaves satisfied, and I believe my communication skills and dedication to problem-solving are a great fit for this position. My experience working in retail has honed my ability to handle difficult situations in a professional and empathetic manner.”

Emphasizing Your Value and Fit

Showcasing relevant skills.

When answering the “Why are you applying for this position?” job interview question, make sure to emphasize your relevant skills. Think about the specific abilities the hiring manager is looking for and how your skills align with their needs. For example, if the job requires strong communication and leadership abilities, explain how your experience in team projects or leading a group demonstrates these qualities. Be sure to offer concrete examples, such as accomplishments or recognition you have received, to support your claims.

Highlighting Previous Experience

Discussing your previous experience is a great way to demonstrate your value and fit for the position. Start by mentioning any past roles or projects that align with the job you’re applying for. Then, focus on the successes and lessons you gained from those experiences. This can help the hiring manager understand the depth of your background and your potential to excel in the role. When possible, quantify your achievements with data or metrics to make a stronger impression.

Mention Benefits You Bring

Remember that your goal is to convince the hiring manager that you are the best candidate for the position. One way to do this is by highlighting the unique benefits you bring. Think about what sets you apart from other candidates, such as specialized knowledge, a unique perspective, or a commitment to the company’s values. Be confident in your ability to contribute positively to the team and company, and explain how your strengths will help the organization achieve its goals. By focusing on the value you can provide, you will make a compelling argument for your suitability for the position.

Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Unfamiliar with the company.

Not knowing much about the company can be a challenge when answering the “Why are you applying for this position?” question. To overcome this, do thorough research on the company before your interview. Look into their mission, values, products, services, and recent news. This knowledge will help you tailor your response to show how you align with the company’s culture and goals.

For example, mention specific aspects of the company’s mission that resonate with you and highlight how your skills and experience can contribute to achieving their objectives.

Changing Industries

Switching industries can present difficulties when explaining why you are applying for a particular position. To tackle this challenge, focus on the skills and experiences that are transferable between industries. Emphasize how your previous experiences have prepared you for this new role, even if it’s in a different industry.

For example, if you previously worked in sales and are now applying for a marketing position, discuss how your ability to build relationships, understand customer needs, and communicate effectively can strengthen their marketing efforts.

First Job or a Career Change

Entering the workforce for the first time or making a significant career change can be intimidating. When asked why you are applying for the position, concentrate on your passion for the field, willingness to learn, and any relevant skills or experiences that have led you down this career path.

For example, if you are a recent graduate pursuing a job in graphic design, talk about your passion for design, how your coursework has prepared you, and any internships or freelance projects you have completed. Even if you lack extensive professional experience, showing enthusiasm and eagerness to grow can make a positive impression.

After you’ve answered the “Why are you applying for this position?” question during your job interview, it’s a great opportunity to ask questions about the role and company. This demonstrates your genuine interest in the position and your eagerness to learn more.

For example, you might ask about the day-to-day responsibilities of the role and how it connects to the organization’s overall objectives. You could also ask about upcoming projects or initiatives that the role will be involved in, to show your enthusiasm for contributing to the company’s goals. Or, you can bring up questions related to career growth, such as opportunities for professional development or how the role might evolve over time. This shows that you’re considering a long-term commitment to the company and are interested in growing as a professional within their organization.

Follow-Up with a Thank You Note

Don’t forget to send a thank-you note after your job interview. This simple gesture can leave a lasting impression on the interviewer and could potentially make the difference between getting the job or being passed over for another candidate.

Your thank-you note should be brief but thoughtful. It should express your gratitude for the opportunity to interview and reinforce your interest in the position. Make sure to mention specific points from the interview, such as a particular aspect of the role that really excites you or a topic that you enjoyed discussing with the interviewer. Learn more: How to Write a Perfect Thank You Email After an Interview

10 Best Examples & Templates of An Interview Thank You Email

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some examples of a strong response.

A strong response to “Why are you applying for this position?” should highlight your skills and experience related to the job, showcase your genuine interest in the company and role, and demonstrate your motivation to grow and succeed. For example: “I am applying for this position because I have five years of experience in managing marketing campaigns, and I am confident in my ability to help your company reach its sales goals. I am particularly drawn to your mission of promoting sustainable practices and products. This aligns well with my personal values, and I am excited to contribute to the success of your team while working on something I am passionate about.”

How can I emphasize my skills for this position?

To emphasize your skills, identify the key requirements mentioned in the job description, and then use specific examples to show how you meet those requirements. For example: “In my previous role as a project manager, I successfully oversaw a team of 20 people where we completed several projects within tight deadlines and under budget. This experience has given me excellent organizational and leadership skills, which I believe are essential for this position as a team lead. Additionally, I have strong communication abilities that have been invaluable in fostering collaboration and resolving conflicts.”

What points should I avoid when answering this question?

Here are some points to avoid when answering this question:

  • Giving a generic response or universal statement
  • Focusing too much on job perks or personal gains like salary, benefits, or work-life balance
  • Talking negatively about a previous employer or experience

How to tailor my answer to the company and job?

Research the company’s values, culture, and mission, and highlight aspects of the role or company that truly excite or resonate with you. Link your skills and experiences to specific requirements of the job and how they will benefit the company. For example: “While researching your company, I discovered that workplace diversity and inclusion are vital to your culture. I have been an active participant in my previous organizations’ diversity initiatives and am excited to continue contributing to this important work. Plus, I am proficient in the use of the software tools listed in the job description for this role, which will allow me to get up to speed quickly and add value to your team.”

What ways can I showcase genuine interest in this position?

To showcase genuine interest in the position, be enthusiastic, and demonstrate knowledge about the company, its industry, and the specific role. Mention any personal experiences that have led you to be drawn to the opening. For example: “My personal passion for sustainable living aligns perfectly with your company’s mission. I have been a customer of your products for years and was excited when I discovered this opportunity to join your team. With my experience in marketing, I am eager to contribute to growing your brand and promoting sustainable practices within the industry.”

How to convey my motivation and enthusiasm effectively?

To convey your motivation and enthusiasm effectively, use positive language and share relevant experiences that showcase your passion for the field, company, or role. Be authentic and sincere in your expressions, highlighting how the opportunity will enable both personal growth and contributions to the company’s success. For example: “Working on a team that’s at the forefront of innovation in the healthtech industry is truly exciting for me. I believe that your company is an ideal environment for me to grow as a software engineer while contributing to the development of cutting-edge solutions that can have a considerable positive impact on people’s lives.”

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Essay Writing Guide

500 Word Essay

Last updated on: Jun 28, 2024

Writing a 500 Word Essay - Easy Guide

By: Nova A.

Reviewed By: Chris H.

Published on: Jan 8, 2019

500 Word Essay

Are you staring at a blank page, trying to write a 500-word essay? Don't worry, you're not alone! 

Many students face this challenge when tasked with writing a concise yet impactful piece. A 500-word essay is a common task often assigned to high school and college students. 

Writing a 500-word essay can be quite difficult as you have to cover all the important points in a few words. However, this is where you can show all your potential. 

Read on to learn how to write a perfect 500-word essay with this step by step guide. You will also get to read some good example essays to help you out. 

Let’s dive into it!

500 Word Essay

On this Page

500 Word Essay Definition

A 500-word essay is a short length academic essay. It provides a writer’s perspective on a particular topic. It is usually assigned to high school and college students to teach them necessary essay writing skills.

Every type of essay can follow the 500-word essay format, including:

  • Persuasive essay
  • Descriptive essay
  • Argumentative essay
  • Expository essay
  • Narrative essay

This means that you can write any type of essay in the 500-word format.

How to Write a 500 Word Essay

A 500-word essay is an opportunity to show and improve your writing skills. Here are the steps you need to follow to write your essay:

Make an Essay Outline

An outline is a roadmap that guides you through the different sections of your essay. It is important to make an outline before you start writing. This ensures a well-structured and coherent piece. 

A 500-word essay is usually composed of five paragraphs. Here’s what you need to create an outline:

  • The main topic of the essay
  • The central thesis statement
  • The main point or topic sentence for each body paragraph
  • Supporting points for body paragraphs

This is what your outline will look like:

Write a Good Introduction

An introduction plays an important role in making an impression on the reader’s mind. The readers decide on the basis of the introduction, whether they want to read the rest of the essay or not. 

Here is how you can compose the introduction paragraph:

  • It should start with a strong hook that grabs the reader’s attention immediately.
  • Provide a little background information that helps the reader understand the topic
  • Conclude the intro with a compelling thesis statement that you will support in the body.

Here is an example:

With its potential to revolutionize industries, reshape our daily lives, and challenge traditional notions of human capabilities, AI has become a topic of immense significance and intrigue. From self-driving cars and virtual assistants to deep learning algorithms and autonomous robots, AI has permeated nearly every aspect of our modern world, promising a future that was once confined to the realms of science fiction. 

As we stand at the precipice of this transformative era,

Compose the Body Paragraphs

The body section is intended to provide a detailed description of the topic. It gives complete information about the essay topic and presents the writer’s point of view in detail. Following are the elements of the body section:.

  • Topic sentence

The first sentence of the body paragraph. It presents the main point that will be discussed in the paragraph.

  • Supporting evidence

It could be any points or evidence that support your main thesis.

  • Transition statement

This statement relates the body paragraph back to the thesis, and also connects it with the subsequent paragraph.

One of the most visible manifestations of AI's progress is in the domain of autonomous vehicles. 

Companies such as Tesla, Waymo, and Uber have made significant strides in developing self-driving cars, harnessing AI technologies to navigate complex roadways, interpret real-time data, and make split-second decisions. These advancements promise not only enhanced safety and efficiency on the roads but also a paradigm shift in our transportation systems. Similarly, AI-powered virtual assistants like Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa, and Google Assistant have become ubiquitous in our homes, providing personalized recommendations, answering queries, and performing various tasks with natural language processing and machine learning capabilities. 

These examples underscore the increasing integration of AI into our everyday lives, blurring the line between human and machine interaction.

Draft a Compelling Conclusion

The conclusion paragraph summarizes the whole essay and presents the final thoughts on the topic. It is as important as the introduction paragraph. Below are the things you include in the conclusion paragraphs:

  • Restate the thesis statement
  • Summarize the essay
  • Provide final thoughts or a call to action

In conclusion, 

the rise of artificial intelligence presents a watershed moment in human history, with its far-reaching implications extending into every aspect of our lives.

While AI holds immense promise in revolutionizing industries, improving efficiency, and enhancing our daily experiences, it also brings forth complex ethical, societal, and economic challenges that must be carefully navigated. As we forge ahead into this AI-driven future, it is crucial to embrace interdisciplinary collaboration, establish robust ethical guidelines, and foster transparent governance to ensure that the benefits of AI are shared equitably while mitigating its potential risks. By approaching AI with a balanced and informed perspective, we can harness its transformative potential while safeguarding the values and aspirations of humanity.

Want to become a master at writing essays? Check out our essay writing guide to become an excellent writer who can craft all types of essays!

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500 Word Essay Format

Here is how you format a 500 word essay in general:

  • A common font style like Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman
  • 1” margins on both sides
  • Line spacing: double-spaced
  • Alignment: Left 

Remember, these are general guidelines. Always follow the specific page formatting guidelines provided by your instructor. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Writing a 500 Word Essay

Many things come up in your mind when you get to write a 500-word essay. You might want to know the length, outline, time required to write the essay, and many more things.

Below are some common questions that you may ask yourself while writing a short essay.

How Long is a 500 Word Essay?

“How many pages is a 500-word essay?”

An essay length of a 500-word essay is usually 1 to 2 pages. If it is single-spaced, it covers just 1-page. When double-spaced, it covers 2 pages. 

When it comes to spacing, stick to the instructions given by your professor.

How Many Paragraphs is a 500 Word Essay?

The standard 500-word essay template has 5 paragraphs. It has one introduction, three body paragraphs, and one conclusion paragraph. 

The word count is divided into 5 paragraphs evenly. The introduction and conclusion are 100 words long each. While the body paragraphs need to be 300 words long.

How Long Does it Take to Write a 500 Word Essay?

It would take no more than an hour or two to write a complete 500-word essay. Especially if you have enough information about the topic, you can easily write your essay within an hour. 

What is the difference between 500 words essay vs 250 words essay

The word count of an essay plays a significant role in shaping its structure, content, and depth of analysis. A 500-word essay is a bit more detailed and longer than a 250-word essay. A 250-word essay is composed of three paragraphs maximum. Meanwhile a 500-word essay should contain at least five paragraphs.

What is the difference between 500 words essay vs 1000 words essay

Here is a major difference between 500-word essay and a 1000-word essay: 

With a 500-word essay, you have a limited word count, which necessitates a concise and focused approach. You must carefully select your arguments, provide succinct evidence, and present a coherent analysis. 

On the other hand, a 1000-word essay allows for a more extensive exploration of the topic. It provides the opportunity to delve into multiple subtopics and offer more supporting evidence. 

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500 Word Essay Topics

Below are some interesting topics to help you get started on your essay.

  • Should gun ownership be restricted
  • My Favorite Place
  • Should healthcare be free? 
  • The benefits of volunteering in the local community
  • Is hunting for food moral? 
  • The importance of personal responsibility
  • How I spent my summer vacation
  • Describe an ideal personality
  • What is Climate Change?
  • The importance of sports for teenagers

Need more ideas? We’ve got you covered! Check out 100+ amazing essay topics to help you out!

500 Word Essay Example

Now you have a guide for writing a 500-word essay, have a look at the following example to have a more clear understanding.



500 Words Essay on Why I Deserve a Scholarship






With the help of this step by step guide and essay examples, you can easily craft a perfect essay. However, if you need more help, you can contact us anytime. is a legitimate paper writing service that you can rely on to do my essay for me . We offer academic writing help for each category, i.e. research paper, scholarship essay, or any type of academic paper.

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Nova A.

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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79 Best Answers for Why Do You Want to Work Here?

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Your job interview is going great.

You’ve made a good impression, the hiring manager seems to like you, and you’re feeling confident.

But then, you hear the question: Why do you want to work here?

It’s such a direct question, you’re caught off guard. You’re not sure where to start or what angle your answer should take.

Relax - you’re not the only person who finds this interview question challenging. But we’re here to help!

In this article, we’re going to cover:

Why Do Interviewers Ask This Interview Question?

How to answer “why do you want to work here” during an interview.

  • 79 Sample Answers for Different Professions and Levels of Experience

Let’s begin.

Before you can answer, “Why do you want to work here?” you need to understand what the point behind it is.

And while you may be thinking the answer is obvious – you need a job and you like this one – how you answer it tells interviewers a lot more about whether they should hire you . 

Some of the things interviewers learn about you depending on your answer include:

  • How much you know about the position, the company, or the industry as a whole
  • Whether you’re interested in this particular job or just looking to get any job
  • If your career goals are aligned with the position and if you’re likely to stick around

Imagine you’re an interviewer and you have two equally-qualified candidates. When you ask this question, this is what they answer:

“I want to work here because I recently relocated to NY with my family and I need a new company to practice my profession and make a living.”

“Actually, your ad campaigns are what got me into advertising in the first place! Your creativity and out-of-the-box approach to advertising really inspired me as a professional, which is why I applied for this position as soon as I saw the job opening!”

Chances are, you'll be inclined to hire the second candidate.

Here’s why the second answer is so effective:

  • It shows off extensive knowledge of the company and its values
  • It highlights the candidate’s passion for the field
  • It does a better job convincing the interviewer that the candidate will stick around for the long run

So, as you can see, how you answer “Why do you want to work here?” can actually make or break your interview.

How to Never Answer “Why Do You Want to Work Here?”

Before we continue, let’s take the time to talk about how you should never answer this question.

Some topics are strictly off-limits during job interviews, so you don’t want to mention them when answering this question either.

So, never tell the interviewer that:

  • You’re in it for the hefty salary that comes with the job
  • You’re in it for the benefits and perks the company offers
  • You couldn’t land a job at another company, so you’re settling for this one
  • You want to work remotely, no matter what the job is
  • You’re desperate to get hired anywhere, and you took a chance

And yes, that includes any jokes about how you’re passionate about not starving. The interviewer won’t find you witty, just unprofessional.

For a more comprehensive list of things not to do during the interview, check out our article about major interview mistakes !

Now that you know what this interview question is all about, what is the best way to answer it?

Let’s break it down into parts. Your answer should be:

  • Brief. The hiring manager doesn’t need to hear a story about why you chose this job. A few brief sentences about what sparked your interest are more than enough.
  • Tailored. Make sure your answer is tailored to the job you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a job as a Java developer , you don’t want to talk about how you actually prefer working with Python.
  • Honest. Your answer should be something that actually applies to you and how you feel about the job, not a feel-good attempt at charming the hiring manager.

Here’s what a great answer looks like for an esthetician :

“I actually followed your salon’s Instagram account a few months ago because it appeared on my feed. I loved the new skin treatments you were pioneering, so I kept track of your work, and that’s how I found out you were hiring. I like the atmosphere and attention to detail I see in your work, and I’m a bit of a perfectionist, so I want to join a team that delivers high-quality services.”

8 Steps for Answering “Why Do You Want to Work Here?” During an Interview

You know the basics of answering this common interview question , so now we’re going to give a step-by-step guide to help you ace it during your job interview.

For starters:

#1. Research Before the Interview

Preparation is the key to answering this question as best as possible.

If you already know the employer well, you can skip this step. Just take note of everything you know and like about them, and incorporate that into your answer to explain why you want to work there. 

If you don't know the employer well, don’t fret. That’s where researching the company comes in. Look into them before the interview to figure out what they do, what their core values are, what the company’s mission is, and any other information you find useful or interesting. 

Keep in mind that there’s not always going to be a lot to find out about every employer who interviews you.

For example, smaller companies might not have a lot of information about them online, or they may not have core values and mission statements to guide them like big organizations do.

In cases like this, you can focus on things like the company’s industry or the job description of the role you’re after to explain why you want to work there

#2. Reference the Job Description

Thoroughly read up on the job description and responsibilities for the role you’re applying for.

Look up the expected daily tasks, what qualifications they’re looking for, and the skills you’re going to need. If there’s something unfamiliar the company uses, such as a software program you’ve never heard of, make sure to research it.

Then, during the interview, you can directly reference details from the job description to illustrate why you want the job. For example, if the role includes developing marketing campaigns and analyzing customer data, you can mention how you’re familiar with those responsibilities and think you would thrive in the environment.

Understanding the day-to-day tasks involved in the role shows your enthusiasm and tells the interviewer that you really know what you’re applying for.

Always reference the job description when creating your resume . Learn how in our detailed guide!

#3. Reflect On Your Values

Before you can give an authentic answer about why you want to work somewhere, you need to do some self-reflection. Understand what's truly important to you and what type of work environment really motivates you.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • What kind of culture, values, and mission do you appreciate in a workplace? Do you prefer a collaborative or more independent work environment?
  • What drives you and gives you a sense of purpose? For example, things like recognition, mentorship opportunities, or a work-life balance .
  • What kind of skills do you want to develop and improve? Does this role relate to them?
  • What are your future goals, and what do you need to achieve them?

When you know what your priorities, needs, and career objectives are, you can easily find out whether a potential employer is someone you genuinely want to work for or not.

Of course, usually, when applying for a job, the employer won’t be perfect or meet all your needs. In that case, you might have to compromise and only focus on the positives and the things you genuinely like about them during your job interview.

#4. Mention Your Skills and Work Experience

If an employer hires you, it’s because they think that you can meet the needs of the role and help the company achieve some of its future goals, one way or another. 

So, mentioning how you can see yourself excelling at the job based on your most important skills and work experience is a great way to explain why you want to work there.

Career growth is something that both you and your employer are interested in. You want a successful career, and they want a productive employee, so this is a win-win answer for everyone involved.

You can use phrases like:

  • “Thanks to my experience doing X, I can see myself succeeding at...”
  • “I look forward to applying the skills I’ve acquired so far to…,”
  • “I think I will be able to contribute by…” 

Let’s look at a practical example:

“The reason why I want to work here is that I can see myself growing professionally in this position. You probably noticed from my resume that every job I’ve had since graduating has been related to writing, be it in journalism, marketing, or advertising. I believe I can apply all the skills I’ve acquired so far to the role of Communications Assistant for an organization of your size.”

#5. Explain Why You Would Enjoy the Job

Mark Twain once said, “Find a job you enjoy doing and you will never have to work a day in your life.” 

It’s proven that employees who find enjoyment in their work perform better and stay with the company for longer. Needless to say, employers love candidates who sound like they’ll be productive and long-term employees.

So, your answer should make a clear connection between the job and how much you’d love doing it.

That said, by “clear connection” we don’t mean saying something generic like how you really enjoy what you do or love your job. If you want to strike gold with your answer, focus on explaining exactly why you love the industry or how working in that position will bring you joy. 

Here’s an example for an elementary teacher :

“Helping kids learn new things and expand their knowledge has always been my passion. I was actually a tutor long before I got my Master’s in Education, all the way back in high school, and I’ve been a babysitter on and off since then. Teaching kids is almost second nature to me, and I can’t really think of a better position than this one to practice what I love doing professionally.”

#6. Demonstrate Your Knowledge of the Company

Generally speaking, employers always prefer candidates who are passionate about their work, be it a service, a product, or a mission. 

As such, pointing out that you’re not just applying to get hired but because you’re actually knowledgeable and passionate about what the specific company does is a great way to answer this question. 

Now, we know that being super passionate about every company you apply to isn’t realistic. Sometimes, you’ll simply apply for jobs that you’re professionally qualified for because, well, you need a job. 

But this is where the research you did on the company can come in handy. Talking about the company’s products, services, or mission shows the manager that you prepared for the interview and that you’re not just some random candidate who’ll accept whatever job comes your way. 

If you’ve used the app the company developed or bought one of their products, talk about it during your interview. Better yet, if you’re applying for a job at a company or organization that you already know well and whose work you admire, make sure to highlight that in your answer.

Let’s look at a real-life example: 

“I’ve always believed that everyone should have equal opportunities, regardless of their social background. This is why I deeply admire your work with vulnerable communities and all the projects you’ve undertaken to provide everyone equal access to education and employment. That’s why I’d be more than honored to apply all my years of experience as a project manager to an organization as impactful as yours!”

#7. Provide Specific Examples

When interviewers ask you “Why do you want to work here?” keep in mind they don’t want to hear a generic answer.

Always be specific and back up everything you say with concrete examples, quantifiable data, impressive achievements , and anything else you think is relevant.

After all, anyone can claim they’re passionate about a line of work or that they’re skilled at what they do. But hiring managers will always be inclined to believe candidates who can actually back up their claims.

And the best way to do that is through cold, hard data.

See for yourself how this plays out in the two answers below.

“I want to work here because you’re an awesome company and everyone knows it!”

“I want to work here because I really love your company and all the products you’ve launched in the last decade! I’ve been using Pineapple since I can remember and I think your tech is the most user-friendly in the market. I’d really love to contribute everything I know about tech to work on such intuitive smartphones!”

The first candidate didn’t really say anything they liked about the company, but the second one confidently backs everything up with facts.

Here’s another pair:

“I think I’d be a great candidate for this position because I’ve done this type of work before and I’ve been successful.”

“I want to work here because I can see myself succeeding in this position and making the most out of pay-per-click advertising. Just to give you an example, at my last job, I managed to improve return on ad spend by 18% within 4 months of taking over the account.”

See what we mean?

When applying for a job, a great way to convince the hiring manager you have what it takes is by writing an effective cover letter . Learn how in this article!

#8. Be Honest

As with any other question the interviewer may throw at you, from asking what your strengths and weaknesses are to asking you to talk about yourself , honesty is always the best policy.

Never, ever lie about your qualifications.

If you get hired because of a lie, you’re eventually going to get caught, and your professional reputation and career are going to suffer for it. You’re just going to waste a lot of time and resources for both yourself and the employer, and you’ll end up needing another job anyway.

Beyond that, any insincere or exaggerated reasons for wanting to join the company aren’t going to fly with most interviewers. You might seriously hurt your chances of landing the job if you’re too focused on flattering the interviewer and the company instead of telling the truth.

So, always be honest!

Don’t forget that you should apply for a job you actually like. If you go for a job that's not really what you want and you can’t think of a single thing you like about it or the company, you're probably going to be unhappy down the road and maybe even quit.

But by being honest about why you actually want to work there, you’re increasing your chances of landing a job that genuinely aligns with your goals. That way, both you and the company get an employee who’s excited to be there and contribute.

79+ Convincing Sample Answers For Different Professions and Levels of Experience

Looking for inspiration on how to explain why you want to work there? No worries!

We’ve curated a list of 79 sample answers for different professions and levels of experience to help.

Sales and Customer Service Sample Answers

#1. sales associate sample answer.

“I'm eager to join your team because I admire the customer-first approach your retail brand is known for. Having worked in retail for over three years, I’ve developed a knack for connecting with customers and driving sales through genuine interactions. I see this role as a perfect fit to further hone my sales skills while contributing to a brand I truly believe in.”

Read a full sales associate resume example here.

#2. Account Manager Sample Answer

"In my previous role as a sales coordinator, I managed over 30 client accounts, consistently exceeding our quarterly targets by at least 15%. My ability to build strong relationships and understand client needs makes me confident I can bring the same success as an account manager here."

#3. Software Support Specialist Sample Answer

"I’m excited about this role because it focuses on troubleshooting software issues and helping users maximize their software use, which is something I’ve done extensively in my current job. I find it rewarding to solve problems and ensure customers get the most out of their tech—it’s like solving a puzzle with each customer interaction."

#4. Customer Service Representative Sample Answer

"I’ve been following your company’s growth for the past year and have been especially impressed by your dedication to customer satisfaction and community outreach. These values resonate deeply with me, as I’ve always believed that the heart of good service is not just solving problems but really connecting with people."

Read a full customer service resume example here.

#5. Cashier Sample Answer

"I'm interested in the retail industry because it's dynamic and it gives me a chance to work directly with people. As a cashier, I can help ensure customers have a great experience from the moment they check out. I thrive in fast-paced environments, and I'm excited about the opportunity to be a part of your team."

Read a full cashier resume example here.

#6. Retail Manager Sample Answer

"In my last role as an assistant store manager, I led a team of 15 employees and implemented strategies that increased our store's annual sales by 20%. My experience in team leadership and sales management makes me well-suited to oversee your store and drive similar positive outcomes here."

Read a full retail manager resume example here.

#7. Barista Sample Answer

"I've always been passionate about coffee—from brewing to serving—and the cafe culture that brings people together. Working as a barista is exciting because I get to be part of someone’s daily routine and make it better with a perfect cup of coffee."

Read a full barista resume example here.

#8. Server Sample Answer

"I am excited about the server position because it involves both customer interaction and the fast-paced environment of the dining room, which I thrive in. I've always enjoyed the dynamic nature of restaurant work, from presenting dishes to ensuring guests have a wonderful dining experience.”

Read a full server resume example here.

#9. Waiter Sample Answer

"I've dined at your restaurant several times and always admired the level of attention and care the staff gives to each guest. Your commitment to quality service and the friendly atmosphere are why I want to work here as a waiter. I’m keen to contribute to and learn from a team that values hospitality so highly."

Read a full waiter resume example here.

#10. Front Desk Agent Sample Answer

"I am particularly interested in this front desk agent position because it allows me to leverage my strong organizational skills and my ability to handle customer inquiries efficiently. I've successfully managed guest relations in my previous job and am excited to bring that same warm, efficient service to your hotel’s front desk."

#11. Housekeeper Sample Answer

"I appreciate the importance of a well-kept environment in creating a welcoming atmosphere for guests. I’m drawn to the hospitality industry because it plays a crucial role in making people's stays enjoyable, and as a housekeeper, I know I have a direct impact on that positive experience."

#12. Line Cook Sample Answer

"At my last job, I worked as a line cook where I was responsible for the grill station, consistently delivering high-quality dishes under pressure. I streamlined our preparation process, reducing food waste by 15% while maintaining our high standards. I'm eager to bring my culinary skills and efficiency to your kitchen team."

#13. Restaurant Manager Sample Answer

"I’ve been following your restaurant's journey and am really impressed with how you've managed to integrate locally sourced ingredients while providing top-notch dining experiences. Your innovative approach to menu design and sustainability is inspiring, and I would love to contribute my management skills to continue elevating your reputation."

#14. Bar Manager Sample Answer

"I am excited about the bar manager position because it taps directly into my experience crafting cocktail menus and managing beverage inventory efficiently. I thrive in environments where creativity and customer interaction converge, and I'm keen to elevate your bar’s atmosphere and offerings."

Read a full bar manager resume example here.

Administrative and HR Sample Answers

#15. receptionist sample answer.

"Having worked as a receptionist for over three years, I’ve honed my ability to manage multiple tasks efficiently—from handling calls to greeting visitors with a smile. I've improved office organization significantly in my previous job, and I'm eager to bring my polished front-desk skills to your team."

Read a full receptionist resume example here.

#16. Recruiter Sample Answer

"I am drawn to the recruiter position because it involves identifying and engaging top talent, something I've successfully done in my previous HR roles. I enjoy the challenge of matching the right people with the right jobs and creating a dynamic team that drives company growth."

Read a full recruiter resume example here.

#17. Human Resources Specialist Sample Answer

"In my previous role as an HR coordinator, I implemented a new employee onboarding program that improved employee retention rates by 30% within the first year. My experience in developing HR policies and my passion for employee development make me a great fit for your HR specialist position."

Read a full human resources resume example here.

#18. Office Manager Sample Answer

"I'm interested in the role of office manager because I thrive in office environments and am passionate about ensuring everything runs smoothly. This industry allows me to leverage my organizational skills and attention to detail in a way that directly impacts office efficiency and productivity."

Read a full office manager resume example here.

#19. Secretary Sample Answer

"I've always admired how your company supports continuous education and professional development. Your commitment to employee growth and your innovative approach to industry challenges are what draw me to this secretary position. I'm excited about the prospect of supporting a team that values progress and education."

#20. Executive Assistant Sample Answer

"Your company’s leadership in the tech industry is truly impressive, especially your recent innovations in AI and machine learning. The culture of pushing boundaries and continuous improvement you've cultivated is exactly where I see myself thriving. I am eager to contribute to such a forward-thinking team as an executive assistant, supporting leaders who aren’t afraid to innovate."

Read a full executive assistant resume example here.

#21. Administrative Assistant Sample Answer

"The administrative assistant role is appealing to me because it involves supporting project management and maintaining internal communications, which are areas I've excelled in throughout my career. I’m looking forward to using my organizational skills to keep your office running smoothly and efficiently."

Read a full administrative assistant resume example here.

#22. Data Entry Clerk Sample Answer

"I am keen on the data entry clerk position because I value the role that accurate and efficient data management plays in a company’s success. My quick typing skills and attention to detail help ensure that all data is processed correctly, supporting the broader team's ability to make informed decisions."

Read a full data entry resume example here.

Finance Sample Answers

#23. accountant sample answer.

"I'm particularly excited about the accountant position because it involves managing financial statements and overseeing budget compliance—areas where I've gained substantial experience. At my previous job, I enjoyed the challenge of finding cost-saving opportunities within budgets, which I managed to reduce spending by 10% annually without compromising on quality."

Read a full accountant resume example here.

#24. Financial Analyst Sample Answer

"I’m impressed with your firm’s reputation for making strategic investment decisions and your innovative approach to financial analysis. The way your team integrates data analytics and market insights to guide client investments is something I deeply admire and am eager to contribute to."

Read a full financial analyst resume example here.

#25. Bank Teller Sample Answer

"I am interested in the banking industry because it plays a crucial role in people's everyday lives by managing their money safely and helping them achieve their financial goals. As a bank teller, I look forward to being part of a team that builds trust and fosters strong customer relationships through excellent service."

Read a full bank teller resume example here.

#26. Banker Sample Answer

"In my previous role as a loan officer, I successfully managed a portfolio of over $5 million, focusing on tailoring financial solutions for diverse client needs. This experience sharpened my financial analysis skills and my ability to provide clients with personalized advice, which I think makes me a strong candidate for a position at your bank."

Read a full banker resume example here.

Business Sample Answers

#27. business analyst sample answer.

"I absolutely love diving into data and translating it into actionable insights, which is what drew me to the business analyst role. My background in analyzing market trends and optimizing processes has not only been rewarding but has also sparked my creativity in solving complex problems. I'm really excited about the idea of bringing these skills to your team and tackling new challenges together."

Read a full business analyst resume example here.

#28. Business Development Manager Sample Answer

"I’m truly inspired by how your company has expanded into new markets while maintaining a strong, values-driven approach to business. The idea of being part of such a dynamic team, where I can use my background in strategic partnerships to further our market reach, really excites me. I’m eager to contribute to and grow with a company that prioritizes both innovation and ethical business practices."

Read a full business development manager resume example here.

#29. Project Manager Sample Answer

"I thrive in project-driven environments and am particularly drawn to this project manager role because it focuses on overseeing diverse teams and delivering results. The opportunity to lead projects that align with my passion for sustainability and efficiency is something I look forward to every day. I'm excited about the prospect of bringing my energy and project management skills to your team to help drive successful outcomes."

Read a full project manager resume example here.

Marketing and Advertising Sample Answers

#30. marketing executive sample answer.

"Having worked in marketing for several years, I find it incredibly rewarding to develop campaigns that not only meet but exceed business objectives. I love the challenge of using creative and strategic methods to boost brand awareness and engagement. I'm eager to bring my passion and experience to your team, where I can continue to grow and contribute to your company’s success."

Read a full marketing executive resume example here.

#31. Marketing Manager Sample Answer

"I'm very impressed by your company's approach to integrated marketing strategies and how you manage to stay ahead of industry trends. It's inspiring to see a team that is so committed to innovation and excellence. I'm excited about the prospect of contributing to a company whose mission aligns so closely with my professional values and aspirations."

Read a full marketing manager resume example here.

#32. Social Media Marketing Manager Sample Answer

"Social media is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, and nothing excites me more than crafting stories that resonate with different audiences. With my experience growing follower bases and increasing engagement rates, I'm thrilled at the opportunity to bring my creativity and strategic thinking to your social media team and help propel your brand to new heights."

#33. Content Marketer Sample Answer

"I'm drawn to the content marketer role because it allows me to merge my writing skills with my keen interest in consumer psychology. Creating content that not only informs but also engages and converts is something I find truly satisfying. I'm looking forward to producing compelling and impactful content with a team that values high-quality and innovative approaches."

#34. SEO Specialist Sample Answer

"I am passionate about the SEO industry because it combines the technical with the creative in ways that directly impact a business’s online presence. I love the challenge of optimizing webpages and content to rank well on search engines and drive organic traffic. I'm excited to work in an industry that's so pivotal to modern digital marketing strategies."

Read a full digital marketing resume here.

#35. PPC Specialist Sample Answer

"I am enthusiastic about the PPC specialist position because it involves managing and optimizing ad campaigns that can make a real difference in a company's visibility and sales. I enjoy analyzing data to refine ad strategies and achieve better ROI, and I'm looking forward to applying my skills to your innovative campaigns and contributing to your team's success."

IT and Software Development Sample Answers

#36. it specialist sample answer.

"I'm excited about the IT specialist position because it involves troubleshooting and resolving hardware and software issues, which I really enjoy. There's something incredibly rewarding about finding a solution that restores functionality and helps users get back to their work seamlessly. I look forward to bringing my problem-solving skills to your team and ensuring smooth technological operations."

Read a full IT resume example here.

#37. Software Engineer Sample Answer

"I've been following your company's innovative software solutions and the way you use technology to improve user experience. It’s thrilling to see a team that pushes the boundaries of what's possible with software, and I'm eager to contribute to such a cutting-edge environment where I can also grow my skills.”

Read a full software engineer resume example here.

#38. Cyber Security Sample Answer

"I was really drawn to this job because it involves both threat assessment and response—things I'm passionate about. In my last IT job, I loved the challenge of patching vulnerabilities and responding to incidents. It's rewarding to know my work makes a real difference in keeping our systems secure."

#39. Web Developer Sample Answer

"Building responsive and user-friendly websites is something I've been passionate about for years. I love the entire process—from drafting initial designs to coding and finally seeing a live functioning site. I'm excited about the opportunity to bring my front-end and back-end skills to your team and collaborate on exciting new projects."

Read a full web developer resume example here.

#40. Computer Scientist Sample Answer

"Your company's commitment to pioneering research in computing and its applications to real-world problems deeply resonates with me. The thought of working alongside thought leaders and innovators in the field is incredibly motivating. I’m eager to contribute to groundbreaking projects that are set to redefine technology."

Read a full computer scientist resume example here.

#41. Data Scientist Sample Answer

"The role of a data scientist here is particularly appealing because it involves analyzing large datasets to uncover trends that can genuinely transform business strategies. This is precisely the kind of work I thrive in—using data to solve complex problems and make informed decisions. I'm excited about the prospect of joining your team and driving impactful insights."

Read a full data scientist resume example here.

#42. Data Analyst Sample Answer

"I am drawn to the data analysis field because it's at the heart of informed decision-making in any business. Extracting meaningful insights from raw data is not just a task for me; it's a passion. I am eager to apply this passion in a dynamic environment like yours and help shape business strategies through data-driven insights."

Read a full data analyst resume example here.

#43. DevOps Engineer Sample Answer

"I thrive in roles where I can bridge the gap between development and operations, and being a DevOps engineer has allowed me to excel in this. I love the challenge of automating and optimizing software processes to make them more efficient. I'm looking forward to bringing my skills in continuous integration and delivery to your tech team and helping accelerate development cycles."

Read a full DevOps engineer resume example here.

#44. AI Engineer Sample Answer

"I'm fascinated by the role of an AI engineer because it merges the challenges of coding with the thrill of creating intelligent systems that can think and learn. Developing algorithms that can change how industries operate is exhilarating. I'm keen to contribute to your projects that are paving the way for future innovations in AI."

Read a full AI engineer resume example here.

#45. Java Developer Sample Answer

"The software development industry is continuously evolving, and Java has been at the core of my development work. I enjoy coding in Java because it allows for building robust, high-performance applications. I'm enthusiastic about the opportunity to develop cutting-edge solutions and further hone my skills with a leader in the industry like your company."

Read a full Java developer resume example here.

Health and Medicine Sample Answers

#46. nurse sample answer.

"Ever since I decided to pursue nursing, I've been motivated by the chance to make a real difference in people’s lives. The healthcare industry is where I can apply my skills to help others directly, providing care and support when they need it most. As a recent graduate, I'm eager to start my career and join a team that shares my passion for patient care."

Read a full nurse resume example here.

#47. Medical Assistant Sample Answer

"I'm particularly excited about the medical assistant position because it offers the opportunity to support both patients and healthcare professionals directly. I thrive in environments where I can use my organizational and clinical skills to ensure that the medical office runs smoothly and patients receive the best care possible. I look forward to being a part of your team and making a positive impact in the lives of each patient."

Read a full medical assistant resume example here.

#48. Dental Assistant Sample Answer

"Graduating from dental school has equipped me with the latest in dental care practices, and I admire how your clinic emphasizes both innovative treatments and patient comfort. Your dedication to providing exceptional care and educating patients about dental health is inspiring, and I am excited to contribute to a team that values high standards and community outreach."

#49. Dentist Sample Answer

"Throughout my career, I've been dedicated to improving oral health by applying a blend of technical dental skills and personalized patient care. I love being able to transform a patient’s health and self-confidence through effective dental treatments. Joining your clinic would allow me to further my skills in a supportive and innovative environment that prioritizes patient care and community health."

Read a full dentist resume example here.

#50. Pharmacist Sample Answer

"I am drawn to the position because it's at the intersection of healthcare and patient education—both things I love. Providing critical information about medications and helping patients manage their health are responsibilities I find deeply rewarding. I'm enthusiastic about the opportunity to make a tangible difference in community health by ensuring safe and effective use of medications at your pharmacy."

Read a full pharmacist resume example here.

Creative Sample Answers

#51. graphic designer sample answer.

"I'm drawn to the graphic designer position here because of your firm's reputation for pushing creative boundaries and producing award-winning campaigns. The opportunity to contribute to such innovative projects and collaborate with some of the best talents in the industry is incredibly exciting for me."

Read a full graphic designer resume example here.

#52. UI/UX Designer Sample Answer

"I'm passionate about creating interfaces that not only look good but also provide an intuitive user experience, which is why I'm thrilled at the opportunity to work with a leader in digital design like your company. Your cutting-edge approach to UX and commitment to user-centered design principles are exactly what I admire and want to be a part of."

#53. Product Designer Sample Answer

"Your company's innovative products have always set a benchmark in the industry, and as a product designer, I am eager to contribute my expertise in product development and user research to continue this tradition of excellence. I've always been impressed by your dedication to sustainability and user-focused design, which perfectly aligns with my professional values and skills."

#54. Creative Director Sample Answer

"I have long admired your company's bold and visionary approach to branding and product marketing. The work you do is not only visually stunning but also emotionally resonant, and it makes the brands come alive in ways that truly connect with audiences. I am excited about the prospect of leading your creative team and pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve together."

#55. Game Designer Sample Answer

"Being part of a company that is renowned for its innovative and engaging game designs is a dream come true for any game designer. I am particularly excited about this position because it allows me to apply my skills in narrative development and gameplay mechanics to create memorable gaming experiences."

Read a full game designer resume example here.

#56. Animator Sample Answer

"I'm passionate about animation because it brings stories to life in ways that no other medium can. Your studio’s reputation for pioneering cutting-edge animation techniques and producing critically acclaimed films is incredibly inspiring to me, and I am eager to contribute my animation skills to your team."

Read a full animator resume example here.

#57. Illustrator Sample Answer

"I've followed your publication's unique aesthetic and innovative layouts for years, and I’m impressed by your commitment to supporting distinctive artistic voices. My background in creating expressive and engaging illustrations aligns perfectly with your visual direction, and I am excited to bring my artistic skills to a company that values originality and creativity."

Read a full illustrator resume example here.

#58. Photographer Sample Answer

"I am enthusiastic about joining your team as a photographer, especially because of your company’s reputation for visually stunning and impactful photojournalism. Capturing moments that tell powerful stories is what I excel at and am passionate about. I'm eager to contribute to your mission of telling stories through photography that engages and informs the public."

Read a full photographer resume example here.

#59. Actor Sample Answer

"I have always been moved by your theatre’s dedication to innovative and thought-provoking productions. The opportunity to work in a place that challenges the norms of traditional theatre and pushes artistic boundaries is incredibly exciting to me as an actor."

Read a full actor resume example here.

#60. Writer Sample Answer

"Your publishing house's commitment to uncovering new voices and nurturing diverse narratives deeply resonates with me. As a writer, I am impressed by your track record of critically acclaimed works and your dedication to literary excellence. I am eager to contribute my own stories to a house that values depth, diversity, and innovation."

Read a full writer resume here.

#61. Editor Sample Answer

"I admire your magazine’s impact in shaping public opinion and your dedication to journalistic integrity. My experience as an editor, coupled with my commitment to meticulous research and truth-telling, aligns perfectly with your mission. I'm thrilled at the chance to be part of a team that upholds such high standards in journalism."

Read a full editor resume example here.

Education Sample Answers

#62. professor sample answer.

"I have spent years cultivating a deep knowledge base in my field, and I am particularly impressed with how your university encourages interdisciplinary studies and innovative research. The prospect of contributing to such a vibrant academic community, where my research and teaching can intersect with various disciplines, truly excites me."

Read a full academic CV example here.

#63. Teacher Sample Answer

"I have always admired the Montessori method for its focus on independent learning and respect for a child’s natural psychological development. Your school's commitment to these principles and its well-known community of supportive and innovative educators is exactly why I am excited to start my teaching career here. I look forward to contributing to and growing in such an enriching environment."

Read a full teacher resume example here.

#64. Tutor Sample Answer

"I'm excited about the tutor position because it allows me to work one-on-one with students, tailoring the learning experience to fit their unique needs and goals. This role perfectly matches my passion for helping students overcome their challenges and succeed academically. I can't wait to start making a positive impact on their educational journeys."

#65. Recent Graduate Sample Answer

"Despite being new to the teaching profession, I am eager to apply my recent educational achievements and enthusiasm for learning to a teaching role. I believe that starting my career in a nurturing and supportive environment will allow me to develop my teaching skills and positively influence my students from day one."

Read a full recent graduate resume example here.

#66. College Student Sample Answer

"As a business administration major, I am truly impressed by your company's industry-leading approach to corporate innovation and ethical business practices. Your commitment to sustainability and transparency aligns perfectly with my academic focus and personal values. I am excited about the opportunity to intern with your team and gain firsthand experience in such a dynamic setting."

Read a full college freshman resume example here.

#67. High School Student Sample Answer

"I'm really looking forward to the pizza delivery job because it's a great way to earn some money while I'm still in school, and it seems like a fun way to meet new people. I'm good with directions and enjoy driving, so it feels like the perfect fit for my current skills and interests. Plus, who doesn’t love being the person who delivers happiness in the form of pizza?"

Read a full high school resume example here.

Other Sample Answers

#68. architect sample answer.

"For a long time, I’ve been admiring your architectural firm's innovative approach to sustainable design and your commitment to integrating green spaces into urban environments. Your projects not only showcase aesthetic excellence but also demonstrate a commitment to environmental stewardship. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to a team that leads with innovation and cares deeply about the future of our cities."

Read a full architect resume example here.

#69. Electrical Engineer Resume Sample Answer

"I am excited about the electrical engineer position because it focuses on developing cutting-edge electrical systems for smart buildings. I thrive in environments where I can apply my technical skills to solve complex problems and innovate solutions that improve energy efficiency and functionality."

Read a full electrical engineer resume example here.

#70. Interior Designer Sample Answer

"Having worked in both residential and commercial interior design, I am thrilled at the opportunity to bring my expertise in creating aesthetically pleasing and functional spaces to your renowned design firm. I have always admired your bold approach to design and am eager to contribute to projects that set industry standards."

Read a full interior designer resume example here.

#71. Construction Project Manager Sample Answer

"I've followed your construction company's growth and am impressed by your portfolio of challenging projects, especially in high-rise development. Your commitment to safety and quality in bringing ambitious projects to completion resonates with my own professional ethos. I'm excited to potentially lead projects where I can apply my robust project management skills and drive successful outcomes."

Read a full construction project manager resume example here.

#72. Operations Manager Sample Answer

"I am drawn to the operations management field because it's pivotal in optimizing business processes and ensuring efficiency. I'm particularly excited to join your team because I admire your commitment to innovation and excellence in operations. This role is a perfect match for my skills and ambitions to streamline processes and enhance productivity."

Read a full operations manager resume example here.

#73. Event Planner Sample Answer

"Organizing large-scale corporate events and weddings has equipped me with a unique blend of creativity and strategic planning skills. I'm excited about the chance to bring my passion for creating memorable and seamless events to your company, known for its exquisite events and impeccable planning services."

Read a full event planner resume example here.

#74. Warehouse Worker Sample Answer

"I am enthusiastic about the warehouse worker position because it involves managing inventory and fulfilling orders, tasks I am familiar with and enjoy. The fast-paced environment is where I excel, and I look forward to contributing to your team's efficiency and success in meeting demand."

Read a full warehouse worker resume example here.

#75. Welder Sample Answer

"I've always been fascinated by the craft of welding and its critical role in various industries from construction to automotive. I am eager to work with a company that leads in technological advancements in welding. This role is a perfect fit for me to apply my skills and continue to grow in my craft."

Read a full welder resume example here.

#76. Real Estate Agent Sample Answer

"I greatly admire your real estate agency's innovative approach to the market, particularly your use of technology to enhance the buying and selling experience. Your commitment to integrity and customer service aligns with my own values, and I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to a team that is redefining the industry."

Read a full real estate agent resume example here.

#77. Flight Attendant Sample Answer

"My years of experience in customer service and hospitality make me excited to apply for the flight attendant role at your airline, known for its excellent customer care and employee training programs. I am eager to bring my skills to ensure passenger comfort and safety, and enhance their flying experience with your prestigious airline."

Read a full flight attendant resume example here.

#78. Paralegal Sample Answer

"I am drawn to the paralegal position because it combines my strengths in research and legal documentation with my interest in law. Working in your firm, known for its dedication to justice and client success, would allow me to grow my skills in a supportive and challenging environment."

Read a full paralegal resume example here.

#79. Social Worker Sample Answer

"With extensive experience in child welfare and community outreach, I am passionate about supporting vulnerable populations and advocating for their needs. Your organization's focus on community-based solutions and preventative measures is inspiring, and I am excited to contribute my skills to help further your mission of creating positive change in the community."

Read a full social worker resume example here.

Key Takeaways

You’ve made it to the end of our article!

Now you know how to answer, “why do you want to work here?” and you’re ready to rock that next job interview.

But before we go, let’s quickly recap the key points we covered in our article:

  • This is an important interview question because it tells hiring managers what motivates you and whether they can rely on you in the long run.
  • You shouldn’t take this question lightly because it can determine your job interview.
  • Make sure your answer is brief, tailored to the job, and actually reflects how you feel.
  • Do research on the company and industry before your interview. Find something you actually like about the company, and mention it when you’re asked, “Why do you want to work here?”
  • Connect your skills and experience to the job and how it would fit you. Make sure the interviewer knows that this job is aligned with your career goals and plans for the future.

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Career Sidekick

Interview Questions

Comprehensive Interview Guide: 60+ Professions Explored in Detail

Answers to “Why Are You the Best Candidate for This Position?”

By Biron Clark

Published: December 5, 2023

When the interviewer asks, “Why are you the best candidate for this position?” they’re looking for a couple of things: They want a direct, confident answer. And they want to see evidence that you understand their job and have relevant skills that will help you succeed in the role.

In this article, I’m going to share how to respond to this question – including what to say, what NOT to say, and word-for-word example answers so that you’ll be confident and ready to answer in your next job interview.

Let’s get started…

How to Answer “Why Are You the Best Person for the Position?”

1. know the job and company.

First, you can’t possibly give a good answer without knowing what their job involves, and what their company does. So study the job description. What are the top skills they require or want? What are the top tasks/activities you’ll be doing in this role? That’s what they care about most, and what you need to be ready to show you’re ready for. Next, research a bit about the company online. How do they make money? Who are their users/customers? What’s their general goal/mission?

That’s going to set you up to give a much better answer to questions like, “Why are you the best candidate for the job?”

And in case you’re still not convinced about how important this step is, it’s also going to help you answer a variety of other questions, including:

  • Why should we hire you?
  • What do you know about our company?
  • Why do you think you’ll perform well in this job?

So never skip this step!

2. Highlight the unique ways that you’ll be able to contribute to the role

Next, try to find the overlaps between your background and their needs. Look at your recent work, your education, and everything else you bring to the table. Think of everything from their point of view. What would  they find most useful or helpful, based on their company and job posting? This is what you should draw their attention to when they ask why you’re the best candidate in the interview.

3. Keep your answer to 60 seconds or less

It’s best to pick one or two key areas in which you think you’ll be able to contribute most in this role. So be strategic in your answer and choose what you think is most compelling to talk about. The best way to decide this is based on their job description. What did they mention first? What did they mention most often? That’s what they care most about, and what they need help with. So if you can address one or two of those top areas, you’ll have a great answer to this question.

4. Practice your answer at home

To help you sound confident and avoid mistakes, you should practice your answer at home before the interview. You don’t need to rehearse an answer word-for-word, in fact, I recommend you don’t. You’ll sound more natural if you don’t memorize word-for-word. However, you should run through your answer a few times to make sure you’re hitting the key ideas you want to talk about when they ask, “why are you the best person for this job?” Make sure your answer is clear, direct, and concise (I recommend 60 seconds or less).  My favorite way to practice: Record yourself talking into your smartphone (every smartphone should have a voice recorder app). Then, listen to how you sound and make adjustments.

5. End with a question of your own

To stand out even further, you can end your response with a question directed back at them. For example, you could end by saying, “What did you see in my background that made you invite me to interview? Was my analysis correct in terms of what you’re looking for in this role?” Or, you could say, “Am I right in thinking that your priorities for this role are  ___ and ____? That’s the impression I gathered from the job description.”

You’ll see this tactic used in the full sample answers coming up in the next section.

This isn’t 100% required, but it’s a great way to turn the interview into a back-and-forth conversation and set yourself apart from most job seekers, who just answer each question and then wait for the next one (that’s not the most impressive approach).

Sample Answers for Why You’re the Best Candidate for the Job

Next, let’s look at two sample answers for how you could answer questions about why you’re the best person for the job.

Example answer #1:

“I noticed the job description emphasizes the need for someone who can work under pressure and manage many accounts at the same time. It sounds like organization and multi-tasking are vital. In my last role, I managed an average of 20 accounts each month, which involved responding to 10-50 emails and voicemails per day, so I’m very comfortable handling a high-volume, high-pressure role like this. What did you see in my background that made you invite me for the interview? Was my analysis correct in terms of what you’re looking for in this role?”

Example answer #2:

“I believe I am the best candidate for this position because I have direct experience in many areas mentioned in the job description, including customer service and project leadership. Also, I’m passionate about the software industry. It’s been an industry that I’ve wanted to get into since I began my career, so I’m also highly motivated and excited to do this work for your firm. Am I right in thinking that your priorities for this role are to find someone who can help your customer service team and also manage some projects for your customers and clients? That’s the impression I gathered from the job description.”

You Could Also Put Some Personality in Your Answer

Here’s another example response. Imagine you’re interviewing for a position at Starbucks (whether it’s an in-store position or a corporate/office role). When they ask you why you’re the best person to hire, you could give a response like this:

“I practically live off of Starbucks and haven’t gone a day without it in two years. So along with bringing the hard skills that you’re looking for in the job description – like customer service experience and the ability to supervise a team – you won’t find someone as excited and passionate about the brand as I am.”

That sample answer shows a lot more personality and tells a bit about yourself outside of work. In some cases, that’s fine.

But if you don’t have a specific passion and excitement for the employer’s brand or industry, don’t fake it. Just use one of the more “standard” answer formats in the examples from the previous section.

“Why are you the best person for the position?” isn’t a trick question – but it is an interview question that trips a lot of people up. While you don’t know what other job seekers bring to the table, you can stand out by showing that you’ve researched the job and company, and by highlighting the specific skills/experiences in your background that will help you step into their job and succeed.

Finally, end your answer with a question directed back at them and you can turn the interview into a back-and-forth conversation to show confidence and make them view you more like a colleague (and therefore someone they should hire!)

Related resources:

  • Unique interview questions to ask an employer
  • How to pass an interview – tips and strategies
  • Thank you emails for after the interview
  • Signs your interview went well (or badly)

Biron Clark

About the Author

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Why I Want To Be A Nurse — 500 Words on Why I Want to Be a Nurse


500 Words on Why I Want to Be a Nurse

  • Categories: Career Goals Nurse Why I Want To Be A Nurse

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Words: 517 |

Updated: 21 November, 2023

Words: 517 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

This essay explores the deeply personal and professional reasons behind one individual’s decision to pursue a career in nursing. It reflects on the intrinsic desire to help and care for others, inspired by firsthand experiences with nurse’s aides and family encounters with the healthcare system. The essay outlines the essential skills and educational requirements needed to succeed in nursing and passionately argues for the recognition of the hard work and dedication that nurses exhibit in their daily roles. If you are inspired by this narrative and considering a career in nursing, exploring a nursing essay writing service can provide further insights and professional guidance to enhance your journey in the field.

Hook Examples for Nursing Essay

  • Hook: Imagine a profession where compassion is your daily tool, where your actions can save lives, and where the reward is more profound than any paycheck. Nursing is not just a job; it’s a calling, a passion that drives individuals to dedicate their lives to caring for others.
  • Hook: Have you ever wondered what makes an extraordinary nurse? It’s more than just medical knowledge; it’s the ability to understand, comfort, and advocate for patients in their most vulnerable moments. Inspired by the exceptional nurses who cared for my family, I am driven to become one of these compassionate caregivers.
  • Hook: Nursing is not just a career choice; it’s a way of life. The qualities required to be a nurse extend far beyond textbooks and training. It’s about empathy, kindness, and the unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others.
  • Hook: While some may see nursing as just a profession, I see it as a profound vocation. It’s a path that leads to healing, comfort, and hope. The journey to becoming a nurse is not easy, but the difference you make in the lives of patients is immeasurable.
  • Hook: In the world of healthcare, nurses are the unsung heroes. They work tirelessly, often underappreciated, to provide care, comfort, and compassion to those in need. It’s a noble calling that requires dedication, resilience, and a heart full of empathy.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Nursing is a career that is essential to society, nurses on a whole are people that looks out for the wellbeing of others than themselves. They possess qualities that are second to none and for me they are an asset to the health [...]

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500 word essay on why i want the job

How to Write a 500 Word Essay: Structure, Format, and Tips


Table of contents

  • 1 What is a 500 Word Essay?
  • 2.1 How Many Paragraphs is a 500 Word Essay?
  • 2.2 How Many Pages Is A 500-word Essay?
  • 3.1 Create An Outline
  • 3.2 Write A Strong Introduction
  • 3.3 Composing The Body Paragraphs
  • 3.4 Write An Impressive Conclusion
  • 4 500-Word Essay Examples
  • 5 500-Word Essay Topics
  • 6 Tips for Writing a Great 500-Word Essay

We can say that a 500-word essay length is the best of both worlds. It is longer than a 250-word essay, so you have more space to express yourself, but it is shorter than 1000 words essay, so you don't have to provide tons of details and research. On the other hand, writing 500 words is not as simple or easy as you may believe. You still need to know all about the 500-word essay format, important guidelines, use of proper details, and so much more.

In general, this is an important and even essential piece of writing. Hence you need to know all the basics and even less-known facts in order to produce a paper that will get you the grade you deserve. Add the fact you will probably have to write one on a regular basis, and you can see why this page is just perfect for you. Papers Owl is here to explain all the things you need to know about these papers and also add all the facts you need to incorporate into your next paper.

What is a 500 Word Essay?

It is precise, as the name suggests. This is 500 words essay. As we have mentioned, it is the most appealing type because it can be relatively easy to complete, and it is not too long, so you have to invest countless hours into research and writing. How easy or hard you will write a paper of this kind depends on your abilities and the topic.

As always, choosing the best topic should be the mandatory first step, and you need to choose one that you like. If you are left with the one you don't like, or you find repelling, you can always use " write my essay " help and get the paper delivered to you within hours! This has been one thing many students have been using for a long time, and many more will use it due to obvious reasons.

You can write 500 words essay that you like and not all of the assigned ones. Writing 500 content will depend on many factors. One of the first things to know is that there are several types of these papers . A 500-word essay example can help you understand this issue more.

Depending on the goal of your writing, you may have to write:

  • Argumentative 500-word essay
  • Critical word paper
  • Analytical essay
  • Reflective paper
  • Narrative words paper

In most cases, you will have to explain a specific idea or a topic that is assigned to you. You have 500 characters to use, but you can go a few words more. It is important to add that you cannot write 1000 words in this case scenario. This is a different type of paper, and it is reserved for a different purpose. We also have 250-word (sort) essays that are much shorter but can be problematic. You usually don't have enough room to cover the topic you want. Hence you are left with generic and not very interesting content.

Teachers love these essays, and they consider them extremely important. The main reason for that is the fact these papers can be written in the class, and a teacher can check your writing capabilities and the details. These contents are essential because they can check your critical thinking, your opinion, and most commonly, how well you have understood a specific topic.

For example, you may have to write a 500 character essay related to the book you had to read for the class. This will depend on numerous factors, but usually, you have to write detailed and focused content. There is no room here to write about countless things and elements. You need to focus on one and stick to it.


How to Format a 500-Word Essay?

One of the main steps and one of the essential pieces of guideline here is to format the paper. The structure is not something you can affect significantly and something you can change at any given moment. Yes, you need to complete five hundred words, but you need to know how to divide these. This is a well-known fact and something a quick essay writer can do with his eyes closed.

Now we will teach you how to do it as well. Pay close attention to details here. There are a lot of simple things that are mandatory, so don't skip them and don't try to be better than the professor. Use your own structure or something similar.

How Many Paragraphs is a 500 Word Essay?

The main thing here is to remember that these papers always have 5 paragraphs. One of them is the introduction, and it goes first. Then you have 3 body paragraphs and the conclusion paragraph . It is also important to divide the word count. The introduction part of an essay must be 100 words. Each paragraph must be 100 characters as well.

Lastly, we can see that conclusion is 100 characters as well. Of course, it doesn't have to be precisely 100 characters! Better said, the range should be between 90 and 110 characters per paragraph. Don't try to add too many sentences, or you will have problems and you won't write a well-structured paper.

How Many Pages Is A 500-word Essay?

In order to format a 500 word essay, you need to pay close attention to the pages as well. If you use single spaces, you will have 1 page of content. If you use double spacing, something that some students prefer, you will have 1.5 pages.

Try to remember that your academic writing should use 12-size font and also Times New Roman or Arial font style. These are the most common, and usually, professors will tell you to use them. Every single time when you are writing 500 words, you will have to use these elements. They are important and even mandatory.

How to Write a 500 Word Essay?

How easy you can complete this assignment will depend on your writing skills. However, you can use this small guide to get the help you need and complete the paper in less time and get 500 characters ideally organized and suitable for your purpose. Examples or better said, samples are very beneficial here and important due to so many reasons. Anyway, here we will reveal how to write a narrative essay like a professional and always be ready to impress the readers. Keep in mind that readers are professors, your colleagues, and many others.

Create An Outline

The first step is actually to start with the outline . The outline is the plan you will use for writing. It has to start with a thesis statement , which is a summary of your idea and the goal. Then, you need to make the plan. Use bullet points to make all of this organized and simple. Any essay example will have this before it was written!

The outline will contain points for the introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion. Each one will contain several points in which you should explain what you want to say or what you will say in the paper. Once you are done, you can continue to the next step or, better said to the actual writing.

Write A Strong Introduction

Once you have the thesis statement and the outline, you will have to start writing. The introduction is the first thing you will have to write. Always start with the string intro that has the main idea you want to reveal in the paper, and you want to share. This should be the point of view you have and what you want to present.

In addition, this section must be strong, to the point, and should intrigue the reader. You need to reveal just enough so he will want to read the whole paper. You can see the example later on and get a better idea about what you need to do.

Composing The Body Paragraphs

The definition here is simple. Each body paragraph needs to present one idea . Each idea must be accurate, simple, and detailed. You will have to make a clear and simple transition between paragraphs and make a reader want to continue reading. The samples below will help you more. This is also the hardest part of the content.

You can always pay for essay writing if you want to get the content in no time and professionally completed. All your ideas should be backed by the actual facts that must be accurate and detailed as you can imagine. In addition, never present opposite or strange facts in the sections. It will confuse the reader.

Write An Impressive Conclusion

The last thing you will have to do is to complete the conclusion. It must be strong and must reexamine the beginning and tell one point to the readers. In a nutshell, this is a very important section, and it can make a massive difference. You can get a better grade or a lower one if you make a mistake. There are complete guides related to this section only, so you can imagine how important it is. The conclusion should be completely focused on the main idea of your content.

500-Word Essay Examples

Here you can see a sample 500 characters that will help you understand the topic in detail and, at the same time, get the job done in less time and with better accuracy. Each 500 word essay example is written by an expert, so you can be positive that you will learn from the best.

  • Roosevelt, The Great Depression, And The Economics Of Recovery
  • Globalization in Business
  • LGBD Community in the United States
  • An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind
  • “Snow” by Julia Alvarez: Unveiling Symbolism and Resilience

Each one is detailed and has been approved by actual college professors. Many of them are written by college professors, so once again, you can see the appeal. These are ideal for all beginners, students who are not proficient in this task, and who need help.

500 words essay example

500-Word Essay Topics

Here are 10 topics that are very common and very appealing. You will probably want to choose one or two. Keep in mind that you should always choose the one you like and you are interested in writing on. Don't try to complete one that you don't like or you don't want to learn about.

This is a simple secret that has a huge role overall.

  • Your best journey explained
  • Explain honesty
  • Explain racism
  • Can you make money on the internet?
  • Define the main objective of your life
  • Can you and how avoid problems while at college?
  • Challenges people with disabilities encounter every single day
  • What is punctuality?
  • Which effect does art has on people?
  • Explain the best day in this year that happened to you

Tips for Writing a Great 500-Word Essay

Now when you have your sample 500, and you have all the details that you are going to need, we can reveal one section more. Here we will explain the tips you need to use in order to complete this assignment in less time and with better success. Keep your mind focused and try to use all of these tips just so you can expect the best grade. These may sound ordinary or obvious, but they do affect your content and your presentation.

  • Have two days to complete the task All native English professional writers know that this process takes time. In general, you will use the first day to draft the whole content. On the second day, you will read it and make needed changes, edit and proofread it. This is mandatory. You will look at the content with fresh eyes, and you can easily see any mistakes or make changes that have a huge effect.
  • Get help if possible Seeking assistance to help you with your work is a great way to ensure that your content is accurate and of the highest quality. You can get help from your professor, friend, or even a cheap essay writing service . The goal here is to be aware of any mistakes or get any insights into your content. Knowing the details of your work will make it easier to make changes, and you can get these from other readers. With their help, you can make sure that your work looks better and is of the highest quality.
  • Don't worry about the word count Just start and enjoy. Don't worry about the characters or anything like that. You can always make the content longer or shorter if you have to. If you worry about the length, you will be limited, and you can't end up with an excellent copy.
  • Proofread several times It is mandatory and the most obvious fact here. All the things you write will have to be proofread, and there is no other way. You can even hire a professional, or you can ask your friend. This is of huge importance.
  • Consider who will read your content Try to adjust the content for your reader. Think of what they want to see and want to know. Then, focus on these things most of the time and try to optimize your content as much as you can. The results are amazing, and you can see that all writers have been doing this for ages.

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500 word essay on why i want the job

How to Write the “Why this Major” College Essay + Examples

What’s covered:.

  • What is the “Why This Major” Essay?
  • Examples of “Why This Major?” Essay Prompts
  • Tips for Writing the “Why This Major?” Essay
  • “Why This Major?” Essay Examples

What to Do If You’re Undecided

The “Why This Major?” essay is a common prompt that nearly every college applicant will have to answer at least once. In this post, we’ll go over the purpose of this essay, examples of real prompts, sample responses, and expert tips for writing your own essay. If one of the colleges on your list asks you to respond to this prompt, you’ll be well-prepared after reading this post. 

What is the “Why This Major” Essay? 

In the college admissions process, you’ll need to submit two main types of essays: the personal statement and supplemental essays. The personal statement is your main application essay that goes to every school you apply to. The goal of this essay is to share more about who you are and your development. 

On the other hand, supplemental essays only go to specific schools, and each school requests their own essays. The goal of these essays is to showcase your fit with the school. Common prompts include “ Why This College? ”, “ Describe an Extracurricular ,” and “Why This Major?” 

The “Why This Major?” prompt in particular asks you, unsurprisingly, to explain your interest in your intended major. Colleges want to understand where you’re coming from academically, what your intellectual passions are, and what you plan to do professionally (at least roughly). If you aren’t 100% sure about what you want to study, that’s totally fine, but you do want to show that you’re an overall curious, engaged student.

It’s also meant to gauge your academic fit with the college, so you should be sure to cover school-specific resources related to your intended major that will help you achieve your goals. In other words, this prompt should actually be considered “Why This Major at This School?” 

Examples of “Why This Major?” Essay Prompts 

Before we dive in, let’s first take a look at some real-life examples of these prompts. 

For example, Yale requests that students write a 200-word supplemental essay based on the following prompt: 

Similarly, Purdue asks applicants to write 250 words in response to the below statement:

Carnegie Mellon , another top college, requires students to discuss the evolution of their proposed field of study, in 300 words or less: 

Finally, the University of Michigan asks students to craft a slightly longer essay, up to 500 words, about the qualities that attracted them to the college or school they’re applying to and how the curriculum will support their interests.

Tips for Writing the “Why This Major?” Essay 

Answering the “Why This Major?” prompt may seem like a difficult task. However, there are tips to help simplify the process and ensure your response addresses the question fully and effectively. Here are three steps for writing a standout essay about your major of choice: 

1. Share how your academic interest developed.  

The first step in crafting an effective “Why This Major?” essay is explaining your emotional resonance with the subject, and your background in it. While you might be tempted to write about your passion for the subject in flowery language, it’s better to share specific experiences that show how your interest developed. You should cover both the coursework that you’ve done in the field and any relevant extracurricular experiences. If you have space, you can also add in the specific subtopics that interest you within the major (i.e. analyzing gender relations or racism within the broader topic of sociology). 

You might also consider sharing a short anecdote related to your interest in the major. This strategy is especially effective at the beginning of the essay, as telling a story will both draw in the reader and provide context for your academic interest. For example, if you’re interested in studying English at Yale, you could start your essay by describing a childhood ritual in which you and your dad went to the library every Saturday.  

However, while anecdotes are crucial components of a college essay, students should choose what details to include with care. The most impactful essays tell a story, so you should refrain from listing all of your extracurricular activities that relate to your chosen major. This is not a resume! Instead, find ways of connecting your initial anecdote with your desire to pursue your major. For example, perhaps your early experiences at the library led you to get a job at a local bookstore and organize author readings for the community.

2. Detail your reasoning and goals.  

It’s not enough to express your passion for a particular subject. You also want to describe your goals and explain how majoring in your chosen field will help you achieve them. Perhaps your early experiences with authors inspired you to start a novel. You can further explain how majoring in English will enable you to study the great works of literature, thereby providing you with the background and foundation needed to find success as a writer.  

3. Explain your school choice.  

Finally, a “Why This Major?” essay should reveal how the college in question will help you achieve your goals. Your reasons should extend beyond “the college is highly ranked for this major,” as no matter how excellent the school’s reputation is, there are assuredly other colleges out there that are also strong in this department. Instead, dive into the curriculum, teaching methodology, specific classes, professors who are doing work in your area of interest, or other resources that can be found only at that school. 

For example, if you’re passionate about becoming a writer one day, take time to explain how Yale’s English program will set you on the road to success. Perhaps you’re interested in studying British greats through the famed Yale in London study abroad program. Or, maybe you plan on pursuing the Creative Writing Concentration as a senior to further refine your abilities to craft engaging narratives with compelling characters. 

You could also mention a desire to take a particular course, study with a certain professor, or work on the school newspaper. Just be careful not to “name-drop” professors⁠—only mention a specific faculty member if their work is highly relevant to your interests. Otherwise, your interest will look disingenuous.

“Why This Major?” Essay Examples 

To give you a better idea of what these essays should look like, below are a few example responses to the “Why This Major?” prompt.

One Christmas morning, when I was nine, I opened a snap circuit set from my grandmother. Although I had always loved math and science, I didn’t realize my passion for engineering until I spent the rest of winter break creating different circuits to power various lights, alarms, and sensors. Even after I outgrew the toy, I kept the set in my bedroom at home and knew I wanted to study engineering. Later, in a high school biology class, I learned that engineering didn’t only apply to circuits, but also to medical devices that could improve people’s quality of life. Biomedical engineering allows me to pursue my academic passions and help people at the same time.

Just as biology and engineering interact in biomedical engineering, I am fascinated by interdisciplinary research in my chosen career path. Duke offers unmatched resources, such as DUhatch and The Foundry, that will enrich my engineering education and help me practice creative problem-solving skills. The emphasis on entrepreneurship within these resources will also help me to make a helpful product. Duke’s Bass Connections program also interests me; I firmly believe that the most creative and necessary problem-solving comes by bringing people together from different backgrounds. Through this program, I can use my engineering education to solve complicated societal problems such as creating sustainable surgical tools for low-income countries. Along the way, I can learn alongside experts in the field. Duke’s openness and collaborative culture span across its academic disciplines, making Duke the best place for me to grow both as an engineer and as a social advocate. 

This student does a great job of sharing how their interest in biomedical engineering developed. They begin the essay with an anecdote, which is more engaging and personal than simply stating “I want to study X major because…” and then smoothly take us into the present, and show how their understanding of the field has become more sophisticated over time. It’s also clear this student has done their research on how Duke specifically can help them achieve their goal of being an engineer and social advocate, as they’re able to name several relevant resources at Duke, such as DUhatch, The Foundry, and the Bass Connections program. 

I woke up. The curtains filtered the sun’s rays, hitting my face directly. I got up, looked from the bathroom to the kitchen, but my dad wasn’t there. I plopped on the couch, then the door opened. My dad walked in, clutching a brown paper bag with ninety-nine cent breakfast tacos. After eating, we drove to a customer’s house. He sat me in a chair, lifted the floorboard, and crawled under the house to fix the pipes. As he emerged, he talked, but my mind drifted to the weight of the eleven-millimeter hex wrench in my hand. My interest in mechanical engineering originates from my dad, who was a plumber. When I was fifteen, my dad passed away from cancer that constricted his throat. Holding his calloused hand on his deathbed, I wanted to prevent the suffering of others from cancer. Two years later, when I was given a topic of choice for my chemistry research paper, I stumbled upon an article about gold nanoparticles used for HIV treatment. I decided to steer the topic of gold nanoparticles used for cancer treatment instead, entering the field of nanotechnology. After reading numerous articles and watching college lectures on YouTube, I was utterly captivated by topics like using minuscule devices to induce hyperthermia as a safe method of cancer treatment. Nanotechnology is multi-disciplinary, reinforcing my interest in pursuing mechanical engineering as a gateway to participate in nanoscience and nanotechnology research at the University of Texas at Austin. I have learned that nanotechnology is not limited to stories like mine, but to other issues such as sustainable energy and water development that I hope to work towards. It is important for me to continue helping others without forfeiting my interest in nanotechnology, working in collaboration with both engineering and the medical field.

The narrative style of this essay engages readers and keeps us eager to know what’s going to happen next. In terms of content, the student does a great job of sharing personal and specific details about themselves, the roots of their academic interests, and their motivation to pursue them in college. While this essay is very strong overall, it is missing the “Why nanotechnology at UT Austin?” element of this kind of prompt, and would be even more successful if the student mentioned a particular professor at UT Austin doing research in their area of interest, or a lab dedicated to work in the field of nanotechnology.

I held my breath and hit RUN. Yes! A plump white cat jumped out and began to catch the falling pizzas. Although my Fat Cat project seems simple now, it was the beginning of an enthusiastic passion for computer science. Four years and thousands of hours of programming later, that passion has grown into an intense desire to explore how computer science can serve society. Every day, surrounded by technology that can recognize my face and recommend scarily-specific ads, I’m reminded of Uncle Ben’s advice to a young Spiderman: “With great power comes great responsibility”. Likewise, the need to ensure digital equality has skyrocketed with AI’s far-reaching presence in society; and I believe that digital fairness starts with equality in education. 

The unique use of threads at the College of Computing perfectly matches my interests in AI and its potential use in education; the path of combined threads on Intelligence and People gives me the rare opportunity to delve deep into both areas. I’m particularly intrigued by the rich sets of both knowledge-based and data-driven intelligence courses, as I believe AI should not only show correlation of events, but also provide insight into why they occur. 

In my four years as an enthusiastic online English tutor, I’ve worked hard to help students overcome both financial and technological obstacles in hopes of bringing quality education to people from diverse backgrounds. For this reason, I’m extremely excited by the many courses in the People thread that focus on education and human-centered technology. I’d love to explore how to integrate AI technology into the teaching process to make education more available, affordable, and effective for people everywhere. And with the innumerable opportunities that Georgia Tech has to offer, I know that I will be able to go further here than anywhere else.

This essay has a great hook—it captures the reader’s attention and draws them into the story right away. Through this anecdote, the student shows their personality and interests, and then deftly transitions into talking about why Georgia Tech’s computer science program is the right match for them. The student explains how the College of Computing at Georgia Tech fits into their future by referencing “threads,” which are unique to the College of Computing’s curriculum and allow students to apply their CS coursework to particular areas. 

Just because you haven’t decided on a concentration doesn’t mean you’re out of luck when it comes to writing the “Why This Major?” essay. Ultimately, schools care less about knowing that you have your whole academic career planned out, and more about seeing that you are a genuinely curious, engaged student who does have intellectual passions, even if you’re still figuring out which one you want to pursue as a major. 

If you’re still undecided, you can opt to write about 1-3 potential majors (depending on the word count), while detailing how the school can help you choose one, as well as meet your broader academic goals. For best results, include personal anecdotes about a few academic subjects or courses that have inspired you, and share some potential career paths stemming from them. For more tips, see our post on how to write the “Why this major?” essay if you’re undecided . 

Where to Get Your “Why This Major?” Essay Edited 

Do you want feedback on your “Why This Major?” essay? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays.  

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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