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This how-to video will walk you through everything you need to know to get started using the translation features of PowerPoint.  For more information on using Translator with Microsoft PowerPoint, .

1,743 questions taken from the 38 chapters in Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills (3rd Edition).   In all, we ve got 96 online exams.  Persons interested can receive the entire collection in MS Word and Adobe PDF format for a small donation to the U. S. Mine Rescue Association.   .

Here's a photo illustrated, step-by-step instruction guide for the inspection and maintenance of fire extinguishers.

This is a PowerPoint Presentation from Summit Training Source, Inc. on fire safety.

General fire hazards and safety precautions highlight this presentation.

The objective of this presentation is to provide you with a basic understanding of safety issues with fire and electricity related to the hospital setting and what your role is.

Pay special attention to the smoke safety instructions since smoke inhalation causes more fatalities than fire itself.

Every year more than 5000 people die in fires and over 25,000 are injured.

Includes subjects to incorporate in establishing fire brigades.

fire training powerpoint presentation

fire training powerpoint presentation

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fire training powerpoint presentation

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More information delving into OSHA's Subpart E - Part 1910 Subpart L.

Subpart E of OSHA s 1910 standard concerns safe and efficient means of leaving a building or facility in an emergency.

Lenthy but excellent resource about the history of fire safety and municipal codes to prevent disaster.

Fire Safety for industries will come under OSHA regulations.

Basic home fire safety tips.

Extensive coverage of 29 CFR 1910 Subparts E and L; and 29 CFR 1926 Subpart F.

This presentation offer an extensive review of OSHA's Subpart E.

General review of what elements make up your fire safety plan.

Fire is the third leading cause of accidental death in the home; at least 80 percent of all fire deaths occur in residences.

This presentation will provide you with information regarding extinguisher responsibilities, inspections, recharging, and use.  Also general fire safety and procedures.

Discusses types of fires and fire extinguishers and how to properly use them.

To give you an understanding of : the nature of fire, fire hazards and risk, fire prevention at work, local fire procedures, and how to select and use a portable fire extinguisher safely.

fire training powerpoint presentation

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Firefighter i - powerpoint® slides.

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OSHA Education Center Fire Prevention Plans

Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, And Fire Prevention Plans Of Portable Fire Extinguishers Provided For The Use Of Employees; Training And Education.

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Fire Extinguisher Training

Understand Fire Extinguisher Types, Operating Procedures. Understand Basic Firefighting Concepts: R.a.c.e.. P.a.s.s.. Fire Safety & Fire Extinguisher Use.

Essentials of Fire Fighting ,

5 th Edition

Chapter 14 — Fire Streams

Firefighter I

Chapter 14 Lesson Goal

  • After completing this lesson, the student shall be able to effectively operate a solid stream nozzle, fog stream nozzle, and broken stream nozzle following the policies and procedures set forth by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ).

Specific Objectives

1. List methods that are used with fire streams to reduce the heat from a fire and provide protection to firefighters and exposures.

2. Discuss the extinguishing properties of water.


3. Describe friction loss.

4. Define water hammer.

5. Distinguish among characteristics of fire stream sizes.

6. Discuss types of streams and nozzles.

7. Discuss handling handline nozzles.

8. Describe types of nozzle control valves.

9. List checks that should be included in nozzle inspections.

10. Operate a solid-stream nozzle. (Skill Sheet 14-I-1)

11. Operate a fog-stream nozzle. (Skill Sheet 14-I-2)

12. Operate a broken-stream nozzle. (Skill Sheet 14-I-3)

Methods to Reduce Heat and Provide Protection

  • Applying water or foam directly onto burning material to reduce its temperature
  • Applying water or foam over an open fire to reduce the temperature so firefighters can advance handlines
  • Reducing high atmospheric temperature
  • Dispersing hot smoke and fire gases from a heated area
  • Creating a water curtain to protect firefighters and property from heat
  • Creating a barrier between a fuel and a fire by covering the fuel with a foam blanket

How Water Extinguishes Fire

  • Primary way is cooling
  • Smothering by diluting or excluding oxygen

Heat Absorption

  • When heated to boiling point, water absorbs heat
  • Visible form of steam is called condensed steam
  • Components of heat absorption
  • Specific heat
  • Latent heat of vaporization
  • Expansion capability
  • Effective extinguishment with water generally requires steam production
  • Water absorbs more heat when converted to steam than when heated to boiling point

Characteristics of Water Valuable for Fire Extinguishment

  • Readily available, relatively inexpensive
  • Has greater heat-absorbing capacity than most other common agents
  • Water changing to steam requires large amount of heat
  • Can be applied in variety of ways

Friction Loss

  • That part of total pressure lost while forcing water through pipes, fittings, fire hose, and adapters
  • When water flows through hose, couplings, appliances, its molecules rub against insides, producing friction
  • Slows water flow, reduces its pressure
  • Loss of pressure in hoseline between pumper and nozzle is most common example
  • Measuring friction loss
  • Affected by velocity of water and characteristics of hose layouts
  • Generally, the smaller the hose diameter and longer the hose lay, the higher the friction loss at a given pressure, flow volume

Factors Increasing Friction Loss

  • Rough linings in fire hose
  • Damaged hose couplings
  • Kinks/sharp bends in hose
  • More adapters than necessary
  • Hoselines longer than necessary
  • Hose diameter too small for volume needed

Elevation Loss/Gain

Elevation — Position of nozzle above or below pumping apparatus

Elevation pressure — Gain/loss in hoseline pressure caused by gravity when there is difference in elevation

  • Pressure loss — When nozzle is above fire pump
  • Pressure gain — When nozzle is below pump

Water Hammer

  • When flow of water through fire hose or pipe is suddenly stopped, shock wave produced when moving water reaches end of hose and bounces back
  • Pressure surge referred to as water hammer
  • Sudden change in direction creates excessive pressures that can cause damage to water mains, plumbing, fire hose, hydrants, fire pumps
  • Can often be heard as distinct clank
  • To prevent when water flowing, close components slowly

Identifying Fire Streams

  • By size and type
  • Size = Volume of flowing per minute
  • Type = specific pattern/shape of water
  • Rate of discharge measured in gallons per minute (gpm) or liters per minute (L/min)

Fire Stream Classifications

  • Low-volume stream
  • Handline stream
  • Master stream

Fire Stream Considerations

  • Volume discharged determined by design of nozzle, pressure at nozzle
  • To be effective, stream must deliver volume of water sufficient to absorb heat faster than it is being generated
  • Type of fire stream indicates specific pattern/shape of water stream
  • Requirements of effective streams
  • Requirements of all streams

Solid Stream

  • Produced from fixed �orifice, solid-bore �nozzle
  • Has ability to reach �areas others might not; reach affected by several factors
  • Design capabilities
  • Velocity of stream a result of nozzle pressure
  • Nozzle pressure, size of discharge opening determine flow
  • Characteristics of effective fire streams

Advantages of Solid Streams

  • May maintain better interior visibility than others
  • May have greater reach than others
  • Operate at reduced nozzle pressures per gallon (liter) than others
  • May be easier to maneuver
  • Have greater penetration power
  • Less likely to disturb normal thermal layering of heat, gases during interior structural attacks
  • Less prone to clogging with debris
  • Produce less steam conversion than fog nozzles
  • Can be used to apply compressed-air foam

Disadvantages of Solid Streams

  • Do not allow for different stream pattern selections
  • Provide less heat absorption per gallon (liter) delivered than others
  • Hoselines more easily kinked at corners, obstructions
  • Fine spray composed of tiny water droplets
  • Design of most fog nozzles permits adjustment of tip to produce different stream patterns
  • Water droplets formed to expose maximum water surface for heat absorption
  • Desired performance of fog stream nozzles judged by amount of heat that fog stream absorbs and rate by which the water is converted into steam/vapor
  • Nozzles permit settings of straight stream, narrow-angle fog, and wide-angle fog
  • Nozzles should be operated at designed nozzle pressure
  • Several factors affect reach of fog stream
  • Interaction of these factors on fog stream results in fire stream with less reach than that of straight or solid stream
  • Shorter reach makes fog streams less useful for outside, defensive fire fighting operations
  • Well suited for fighting interior fires

Fog Stream: Waterflow Adjustment

  • Two types of nozzles control rate of water flow through fog nozzle
  • Manually adjustable nozzles
  • Automatic nozzles

Fog Stream: Nozzle Pressure

  • Combination nozzles designed to operate at different pressures
  • Designated operating pressure for most combination nozzles is 100 psi (700 kPa)
  • Nozzles with other designated operating pressures available
  • Setbacks of nozzles with lower operating pressures

Advantages of Fog Streams

  • Discharge pattern can be adjusted for situation
  • Can aid ventilation
  • Reduce heat by exposing maximum water surface for heat absorption
  • Wide fog pattern provides protection to firefighters

Disadvantages of Fog Streams

  • Do not have as much reach/penetrating power as solid streams
  • More affected by wind than solid streams
  • May disturb thermal layering
  • May push air into fire area, intensifying the fire

Broken Stream

  • One that has been broken into coarsely divided drops
  • While solid stream may become broken stream past point of breakover, true broken stream takes on that form as it leaves nozzle
  • Cellar nozzle is an example

Advantages of Broken Streams

  • Absorb more heat per gallon (liter) than solid stream
  • Have greater reach, penetration than fog stream
  • Can be effective on fires in confined spaces

Disadvantages of Broken Streams

  • May have sufficient continuity to conduct electricity
  • Stream may not reach some fires

Handline Nozzles

  • Differing designs cause each one to handle somewhat differently when operated at recommended pressure
  • Those with variable patterns may handle differently in different settings
  • The water pattern produced by nozzle may affect ease of operation
  • Nozzles not always easy to control at/above standard operating pressures

Solid-Stream Nozzles

  • When water flows from nozzle, reaction equally strong in opposite direction, thus a force pushes back on person handling hoseline
  • Reaction caused by velocity, flow rate, discharge pattern of stream
  • Reaction can make nozzle difficult to handle
  • Increasing nozzle discharge pressure, flow rate increases nozzle reaction

Fog Stream Nozzles

  • When water is discharged at angles from center line of nozzle, reaction forces may counterbalance each other, reduce nozzle reaction
  • Balancing of forces is why a nozzle set on wide-angle fog handles more easily than straight-stream pattern
  • Enable operator to start, stop, or reduce flow of water while maintaining effective control of nozzle
  • Allow nozzles to open slowly so operator can adjust as nozzle reaction increases

Nozzle Control Valves

  • Also allow nozzles to be closed slowly to prevent water hammer
  • Three main types
  • Most common
  • Provides effective control during nozzle operation with minimum effort
  • Ball, perforated by smooth waterway, is suspended from both sides of nozzle body and seals against seat
  • Ball can be rotated up to 90 degrees by moving valve handle backward to open and forward to close
  • Nozzle will operate in any position between fully closed, fully open
  • Operating nozzle with valve in fully open position gives maximum flow, performance

Slide Valve

  • Cylindrical slide valve control seats movable cylinder against shaped cone to turn off flow of water
  • Flow increases/decreases as shutoff handle is moved to change position of sliding cylinder relative to cone
  • Stainless steel slide valve controls flow of water through nozzle without creating turbulence
  • Pressure control compensates for increase/decrease in flow by moving baffle to develop proper tip size, pressure

Rotary Control Valve

  • Found only on rotary fog nozzles
  • Consists of exterior barrel guided by screw that moves it forward/backward, rotating around interior barrel
  • Major difference between rotary control and other valves is they also control discharge pattern of stream

Nozzle Inspections

  • Swivel gasket for damage or wear; replace worn or missing gaskets
  • External damage to the nozzle
  • Internal damage and debris
  • Ease of operation of the nozzle parts
  • Pistol grip (if applicable) is secured to the nozzle
  • To fight fires safely and effectively, firefighters must know the capabilities and limitations of all the various nozzles and extinguishing agents available in their departments.
  • They must understand the effects that wind, gravity, velocity, and friction have on a fire stream once it leaves the nozzle.
  • Firefighters must know what operating pressure their nozzles require and how the nozzles can be adjusted during operation.

Review Questions

1. What are the ways that water can extinguish fire?

2. Define friction loss, elevation loss/gain, and water hammer.

3. What factors can increase friction loss in fire hose?

4. What are the three size classifications of fire streams?

5. What is the difference between a solid stream and a fog stream?

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A Guide To Fire Classes And Safety Equipment Training Ppt

The PPT Training Deck on A Guide to Fire Classes and Safety Equipment takes a comprehensive look at the different classes of fire, from Class A to Class F, each having unique properties and requiring specific types of fire extinguishers. It also provides an in-depth analysis of the different techniques to Extinguish a Fire, such as Cooling, Smothering, Starving, or interrupting the Combustion Process. However, knowledge without action is futile. So the PowerPoint Module walks through how to use a fire extinguisher properly with PASS Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep Approach. Plus, it contains Tips for the safe use of Fire Extinguishers, Fire Blankets, and Critical Knowledge of what NOT to do when using a Fire Extinguisher. Further, the PowerPoint Module contains a section about common Fire Protection Equipment in Workplaces Fire Hydrants, Sprinklers, Dry Risers, CO2 Flooding Systems, Drenchers, Hose Reels, and Fire Doors. It has Key Takeaways and Discussion Questions related to the topic to make the training session more interactive. The Deck also contains PPT slides on About Us, Vision, Mission, Goal, 30-60-90 Days Plan, Timeline, Roadmap, Training Completion Certificate, Energizer Activities, Client Proposal, and Assessment Form.

A Guide To Fire Classes And Safety Equipment Training Ppt

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

This slide lists classes of fire. A fire can be categorized into classes based on the type of material and fuel for combustion. These are A, B, C (AU/EU)/ B (US), D, E (AU)/ C (US), and F (EU/AU)/ K (US).

This slide talks about Class A fires that consist of ordinary combustibles. Most of us are familiar with Class A fires as they are the most common type. These are solid combustible substances like plastic, trash, paper, cloth, or wood.

This slide talks about Class B fires that consist of flammable liquid. These fires follow the same fundamental fire tetrahedron as regular combustible fires (heat, fuel, oxygen, chemical reaction), except that the fuel in question is a flammable liquid like gasoline or natural gas

This slide talks about Class C (EU/AU)/Class B (US) fires that consist of flammable gases. These fires are difficult to put out because the fuel is gaseous. The best ways to put out a combustible gas fire are to either displace the oxygen or stop the fuel flow (by shutting off any gas taps or valves)

Instructor’s Notes:  In the European/Australian system, fires involving flammable or combustible fuel are categorized as "Class C"; however, in the US system, flammable liquids and gases together are categorized as "Class B" fires

This slide talks about Class D fires that consist of metal. Combustible metals, particularly alkali metals like lithium and potassium, alkaline earth metals like magnesium, and Group 4 elements like titanium and zirconium, are involved in Class D fires

Instructor’s Notes:  Metal fires are typically dangerous when metal is present as sawdust, machine shavings, or other metal "fines," which ignite more quickly than bigger blocks due to their higher surface area

This slide talks about Class E (AU)/ Class C (US) fires that involve electricity. Overloaded electrical wires or short-circuiting machinery are two potential causes of this kind of fire.

Instructor’s Notes:  Firefighters who use water or other conductive materials to put out these fires risk serious injury because electricity can travel through the water to the firefighter's body and subsequently to the earth

This slide talks about Class F (EU/AU)/ Class K (US) fires that consist of cooking oils and fats. Although these fires are essentially a subclass of flammable liquid/gas fires, their unique characteristics, particularly their higher flash point, are considered significant enough for these to be categorized as a separate class.

This slide highlights types of fire extinguishers. These are water, foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder, wet chemical, and a fire blanket.

Instructor’s Notes: 

  • Water:  Water fire extinguishers are labelled red and are used for extinguishing Class A fires. They effectively put out fires caused by solid combustibles like wood, paper, and textiles
  • Foam:  Foam fire extinguishers come with a cream label and are highly effective in extinguishing Class A and Class B fires
  • Carbon Dioxide:  Carbon Dioxide fire extinguishers have a black label and were designed to extinguish flammable liquid fires; hence they have a Class B fire rating. They can also be used to put out electrical fires, as carbon dioxide is not a conductor, and these do not leave any toxic residue
  • Dry Powder:  Dry Powder fire extinguishers come with a blue label and can be used to extinguish Class A, B, C, and electrical fires
  • Wet Chemical:  Wet chemical fire extinguishers come with a yellow label and are designed specifically for extinguishing fires involving combustible cooking material such as burning oil and fat
  • Fire Blanket:  A fire blanket is a safety tool designed to put out incipient or developing fires. It consists of a sheet made of fire-resistant material that can be placed over a fire to smother it. In addition to being frequently used for chip pan and toaster fires, they can also be found in laboratories and waste bins

This slide depicts a fire classification and extinguisher table. It highlights types of fire extinguishers that can be used for putting out types of fires. 

This slide talks about the methods that can be used to extinguish a fire. According to the fire tetrahedron, the four necessary elements for igniting a fire are heat, fuel, oxygen, and chemical chain reaction. One or more of these factors must be removed to put out a fire effectively. Fire extinguishing techniques can be categorized based on the removal of these factors.

This slide discusses the cooling technique to extinguish a fire. Removing heat is one of the best methods for putting out a fire. Water is the most widely used fire extinguishing agent as it can absorb the heat that the fire produces.

This slide talks about the smothering technique to extinguish a fire. Smothering is a fire extinguishing technique where oxygen is removed from the fire tetrahedron. This can be done by smothering a pan with a fire blanket, introducing carbon dioxide or an inert gas within the immediate vicinity of the fire.

This slide discusses the starving technique to extinguish a fire. There are many ways to do this, including restricting the flow of liquid or gaseous fuel, eliminating solid fuel from the fire's path, or letting the fire burn until all of the fuel is consumed.

This slide talks about interrupting the combustion process as a technique to extinguish a fire. You can use specific fire extinguishing tools such as dry powder, bromochlorodifluoromethane (BCF), and other halon extinguishers.

This slide depicts the PASS approach for using a fire extinguisher. P stands for pull the pin, A for aim at the base of fire, S for squeeze the lever, and S for sweep side to side.

Instructor’s Notes:

  • P:  The first step of using a fire extinguisher is pulling the pin on its handle
  • A:  In the next step, the nozzle of the fire extinguisher must be aimed at the fire’s base
  • S:  In this step, the lever below the handle should be squeezed. By doing this, the extinguishing agent is discharged, and releasing the lever stops it. Some extinguishers may have a button that can be pressed for the same
  • S:  Finally, the extinguisher should be swept from side to side, aiming at the fire’s base until the flames appear to be out. This process should be repeated if the fire appears to re-ignite

This slide talks about some tips for the safe use of a fire extinguisher. Some of these include reading the instruction manual carefully before using it, checking the rating and classification of the extinguisher, following the PASS approach.

This slide highlights the things that shouldn’t be done while extinguishing a fire with an extinguisher. Some of these not trying to use the wrong type of extinguisher to put out a fire, ignoring the instructions printed on the fire extinguisher.

This slide shows us how to use a fire blanket in case of a substance in flames and for a person in flames. 

This slide lists types of fire protection equipment that can be used at workplaces. These are fire hydrants, sprinklers, dry risers, CO 2 flooding system, drenchers, hose reels, and fire doors.

This slide tells us about fire hydrants that can be used at workplaces as fire protection equipment. A fire hydrant, also known as a water plug, is a connection point through which firefighters can access a water supply. It is an active fire protection component.

This slide talks about sprinklers that can be used at workplaces as fire protection equipment. A fire sprinkler or sprinkler head is an element of a fire sprinkler system that releases water whenever the effects of a fire are identified, such as exceeding a specified fixed temperature.

This slide tells us about dry risers that can be used at workplaces as fire protection equipment. A dry riser is typically an empty pipe that firefighters can connect externally to a pressurized water source.

This slide talks about CO 2  Flooding System that can be used at workplaces as fire protection equipment. A CO 2 Gas Flooding System spreads a layer of heavy gas that reduces the oxygen content in the atmosphere to a level where combustion is no longer feasible

This slide tells us about drenchers that can be used at workplaces as fire protection equipment. A drencher system consists of water heads that are used for fire protection. As opposed to sprinklers found internally, drenchers are typically installed on the exterior of a structure to protect against fire from a surrounding building.

This slide provinces information about hose reels that can be used at workplaces as fire protection equipment. A hose reel is used to suppress fires by carrying water or other fire retardants like foam at high pressure.

This slide tells us about fire doors that can be used at workplaces as fire protection equipment. A fire door has a fire-resistance rating that makes it an important way to protect from a fire.

Slide 51 to 66

These slides contain energizer activities to engage the audience of the training session.

Slide 67 to 94

These slides contain a training proposal covering what the company providing corporate training can accomplish for the client.

Slide 95 to 97

These slides include a training evaluation form for instructor, content and course assessment.

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Who trains the bravest people in the world? That might be you! Sometimes, it's necessary to teach some theory before putting everything into practice, and if we're talking about firefighters, that also applies to them! Get this dark colored template and use it to create a presentation for a workshop! The smoke is spreading throughout the slides, but there are illustrations of firefighters to combat it! The backgrounds come with textures, and the editable graphs, tables and timelines come with a "warmer" color palette.

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Home » Training Powerpoints » Fire Safety Training Powerpoints

November 18, 2013

Fire Safety Training Powerpoints

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fire training powerpoint presentation

Fire Safety by Rhodes University

Fire Prevention and Protection by CareerSafe

Fire Safety at Work by Warwickshire & West Mercia

Fire Safety by ICL

fire safety training powerpoints

It starts off with steps to follow in the event of fire and the proper evacuation process. It discusses the sources of ignition, flammable liquids and gases, and it covers the subject of fire safety pretty well through the utilization of 23 slides.

Ideally, everyone should be able to operate a fire extinguisher in the event of a fire. Fires are so spontaneous and can occur even when there is no foreseeable fire hazard. Knowing how to operate a fire extinguisher, knowing fire safety and prevention, and having an escape plan will keep you and others around you safe during the event of a fire.

These fire safety training PowerPoints will help you spot fire hazards and will help you take action should you ever need to.

DISCLAIMER: All free PowerPoints provided on this website have been created by third parties. The copyright owners of these powerpoint presentations have no affiliation with Atlantic Training. If you wish to have an item removed or have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at [email protected]

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fire training powerpoint presentation

fire safety training


Oct 23, 2019

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  • fire extinguisher
  • fire drills
  • nfpa requires
  • fire evacuation plan
  • state fire marshal osfm


Presentation Transcript




FIRE SCIENCE What elements are needed to start a fire?


FIRE SCIENCE FUEL CAN BE • LIQUID: Grease, Oil, Fuel; • SOLID: Wood, Paper, Metal; • GAS: Natural Gas, Propane, Acetylene.

CLASS “A” FIRES - Ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, cloth.

CLASS “B” FIRES - Flammable liquids such as oil, grease

CLASS “C” FIRES - Energized electrical equipment

CLASS “D” FIRES - Flammable Metals

FIRE SCIENCE What is smoke?

FIRE SCIENCE WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMBUSTIBLE AND FLAMMABLE MATERIAL? Combustible material has a flashpoint of 100 For above Flammable material has a flashpoint below 100 F [Ref. NFPA 96]




Locked or blocked exits (common hazard) Trash or debris Electrical hazards Cooking hazards Chemical, Gas Cylinders/ System, and Labs Smoking Areas Exit Signs Blocked exits/isles/hallways Fire extinguisher hazards Emergency lighting hazards Emergency stairway doors blocked or propped open EXAMPLES


FIRE SAFETY INSPECTIONS REMEMBER The best way to fight fire is to prevent it


EVACUATION PLAN • COMPONENTS OF AN EVACUATION PLAN • Emergency Control Committee - develops plan • Emergency Crews - administer plan • Escape routes - primary & secondary • Maps - posted indicating escape routes, first aid kits and extinguishers


FIRE EVACUATION PLAN WHAT TO DO IF YOU SHOULD BECOME TRAPPED IN A BUILDING • Don’t panic • Try to find a secondary exit • Feel doors for heat with your hand • If the door is hot, don’t open it! • If you can’t find another exit, stay where you are

FIRE EVACUATION PLAN • Seal doors and vents to prevent smoke penetration. • If possible call “911” and report your exact location. • Stay low to avoid smoke and heat.

EVACUATION PLAN The plan should be reviewed and, if possible, approved by • Fire officials (either State or Local officials) • Office of State Buildings.

EVACUATION PLAN FIRE DRILLS… …are conducted at least once each year, but some agencies may require them more frequently.

EVACUATION PLAN FIRE DRILLS… cont. Remember to DOCUMENT: • Date & time • Employees & visitors present • Outside meeting location • Headcount • Time of entire drill



FIRE EXTINGUISHERS INSPECTIONS • The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) defines an inspection as a “quick check” that the extinguisher is available and will function • NFPA requires extinguishers be inspected monthly, or more frequently if circumstances require it


FIRE EXTINGUISHERS INSPECTION PROCEDURES • Extinguisher located in designated place? • Obstructions to access or visibility? • Operating Instructions on nameplate legible & facing outward? • Seals & tamper indicators in place & intact?

FIRE EXTINGUISHERS • Determine fullness by weight or by “hefting.” Invert & shake it will help ensure “caking” or hardening of powder has not occurred. • Visually examine for obvious physical damage, corrosion, leakage, or a clogged nozzle. • Check to see if the pressure gauge is in operable range.


FIRE EXTINGUISHERS MAINTENANCE NFPA defines maintenance as a “thorough check”of the extinguisher.

FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTOR CONTRACTOR In Louisiana, must be licensed & certified by the Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) to perform such work.

FIRE EXTINGUISHERS HOW OFTEN SHOULD MAINTENANCE BE PERFORMED The NFPA says that maintenance should be performed at least annually

FIRE EXTINGUISHERS MAINTENANCE RECORDKEEPING • NFPA requires that a tag be attached to the extinguisher indicating: • The month & year the maintenance was performed, and • Identification of the person & the company performing the work.


FIRE EXTINGUISHERSExtinguisher Rating System



FIRE EXTINGUISHERS TYPES OF EXTINGUISHERS: Clean agent type extinguishers (Halon)

FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SIZES: Minimum size is 2A:10BC. The number indicates the number of square feet & the letter indicates the type of fire.

FIRE EXTINGUISHERS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER Ensure that each area has the proper type fire extinguisher!





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PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts for Free

Fire Fighting PowerPoint Templates

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Fire Fighting PowerPoint Templates: It includes 48 slides

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  • Our templates can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. But all images and graphics (shapes) in this template are produced by allppt.com. Redistribution of the template or the extraction graphics is completely prohibited .


This is amazing, thank you very much,


Thank you. We’ll make a better template. Jose ?


Hello Jose, thats awesome and thanks.

Thank you. We’ll make a better template. Varma ?


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Karthik Kumar

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Thank you. We’ll make a better template. Karthik Kumar ?

Artha Providensia Gulo

thanks, God bless 🙂

Thank you. Artha Providensia Gulo ?


very useful, thank you very much

Thank you. We’ll make a better template. Dez ?


Thank you very much

Thank you. yasmin ?

sandeep Kumatr

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Thank you. It’s rewarding to be useful to you. sandeep Kumatr ?


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Thank you. We’ll make a better template. wilbur ?


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Thank you. We’ll make a better template. zilaya 🙂


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Thank you. We’ll make a better template. Yoman 🙂

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Thank you. We’ll make a better template. Mo. F 🙂

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