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Spiral: Imperial College Digital Repository

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Welcome to Spiral, the Digital Repository for research output of Imperial College. Spiral primarily contains full text peer-reviewed versions of journal articles and conference papers produced by academic staff of Imperial College London, as well as PhD theses by students of Imperial College London.

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This is a generic LaTeX template for dissertations (layout according to Imperial College London).


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This template aims at students of any degree (Bachelor, Master, PhD) who start writing up their thesis in LaTeX.

The overall layout is pleasant, stylish yet classic and fulfills the layout regulations at Imperial College London. It is quite generic, thus it is useful for dissertations at any University with minor adjustments to the layout to conform with your University's layout regulations.

Knowledge of how to use LaTeX is a prerequisite, while knowledge of Makefiles is optional.

Table of contents

The makefile, file structure.

  • Supports PDFLaTeX, LuaLaTeX
  • Customised Page layouts , Header and Footer styles
  • A Nomenclature with subgroups
  • Examples of fancy figures (using Ti k Z/PGFPlots) and tables (using PGFPlotsTable), as well as support for very large tables that need to be rotated to fit on a page.
  • File structure to separate files of different chapters
  • A Bash script automatically includes all your .bib files in one file references/references.tex , that way you can organise and split your references across several .bib files without keeping track of them (without manually updating \bibliography{...} in your .tex file)
  • creating your thesis as a pdf,
  • automatically detecting changes in references and automatically re-running LaTeX on your document again (only if required), until all references (in bibliography or to floating objects) are resolved.
  • automatically detecting changes in the nomenclature (if present) and building/updating the nomenclature if and only if changes were found , in order to ensure minimal compile time .
  • creating separate image files (e.g. with Ti k Z/PGFPlots) stored in subdirectories (in order to separate compilation of document from result plots done in PGFPlots; depending on the complexity of your result plots, this has the potential to drastically reduce the compile time of your document/thesis),
  • the structure of directories/Makefiles allows you to simply create more Ti k Z/PGFPlots graphics by placing their corresponding standalone LaTeX source files in the images subdirectories of the chapter directories, the Makefile hierachy in place automatically finds and compiles those for you,
  • print out warnings from LaTeX output files,
  • spellcheck your .tex files,
  • search a pattern in all your .tex files (in all subdirectories) to quickly find a certain pattern,
  • perform a word count on your document,
  • clean your directory (and subdirectories) from output files

How to use it

  • Use a Linux/Mac OS X system (Windows works, but the Makefiles/bash script won't work there)
  • Make sure you have a LaTeX distribution installed on your system, e.g. TeXLive
  • Download the repository from GitHub
  • In the main directory, execute make fullthesis on the command-line (for Linux/Mac OS X users, Windows users are required to compile the files manually, sorry). fullthesis will not only compile your document, but will also compile some standalone Ti k Z graphics that are then included in your document/thesis.
  • Open thesis.pdf with a PDF reader of your choice, e.g. evince .
  • Now go in and edit and add files, start with ./preamble/myinformation.tex and ./thesis.tex , e.g. set your name, university, title etc.
  • With the first few changes in the text, execute make (or make thesis ) on the command-line. This will not compile the aforementioned graphics in subdirectories, but will only recompile your main document/thesis thesis.tex .
  • If you need to adjust some layout settings: you can find/adjust these in ./preamble/preamble.tex , below the definition of the documentclass .

As mentioned above, one of the main features of this template is the comprehensive use of recursive Makefiles.

Each target is executed on the command-line with make <target-name> .

The most frequently used - and the ones you should definitely know about - targets are:

  • thesis : this target compiles your main document thesis.tex , it also runs through BibTeX to sort out your bibliography. Moreover, it automatically detects changes in references/labels/citations and recompiles your target if required in order to resolve those changes. It does expect all images included in the document to be present (see target imagedirs below). Finally, it automatically detects a nomenclature, and if so, it also detects if changes were made to it. If both criteria are satisfied, the document is automatically updated to reflect the changes in the nomenclature.
  • fullthesis : in case of you separating the compilation of some plots/graphics from your main document (in order to save compile time), those Ti k Z graphics/PGFPlots need to be compiled ( before you run make thesis and obviously every time you make changes to those graphics/plots. fullthesis invokes another target called imagedirs that takes care of thos graphics/plots. It compiles all standalone texfiles resulting in .pdf files in subdirectories images . Those pdf files can then be included in the main document. After that step, fullthesis invokes thesis to compile the main document.

For those who want to know more, and might want to make some changes to the Makefile , here is a more detailled and technical description of all targets:

  • ref : executes the target references in ./references/Makefile , which in turn executes the bash script ./references/create_bib_list.sh which collects the names of all .bib files in ./references/ and includes them in a newly created file ./references/references.tex . This can be included in your main LaTeX file (here: thesis.tex ); example: imagine you have A.bib , B.bib , C.bib in the directory ./references/ , make ref creates ./references/references.tex which has the following LaTeX command in it: \bibliography{references/A,references/B,references/C} . Note: Do not manually edit references/references.tex as it is automatically overwritten by the script every time you compile your thesis.
  • run : runs LaTeX (by default: pdflatex ) on thesis.tex ; all required files, such as image files are required/expected to be in place, otherwise this operation will fail.
  • bib : first executes ref , then: if thesis.aux does not exist, it executes run , followed by BibTeX ( bibtex thesis )
  • index : executes makeindex ${THESIS}.nlo -s nomencl.ist -o ${THESIS}.nls , required for building a nomenclature.
  • thesis : first it executes run , bib and nomtest in that order; then the logfile thesis.log is scanned for references of missing/changed citations, multiple/changed labels, and rerun suggestions, and executes run at each check of the logfile; finally, after having finished the checks and reruns, it prints out the warnings LaTeX provides in its logfile by executing make warnings (see below)
  • imagedirs : executes the target all in each subdirectory defined in IMAGEDIRS (this variable is defined in this Makefile); this is useful if some images are done with Ti k Z/PGFPlots, thus you can create standalone pdf files (which are vector graphics) of your Ti k Z/PGFPlots graphics that you then include in your main LaTeX document. This target imagedirs allows you to compile all of these graphics to be compiled on the fly. Note: This step is beneficial if you are using PGFPlots to read in lots of data points from data files to create a beautiful plot of your results. This process can take some time, hence you do not want this to be processed every time you change the text in your thesis. As the standalone .pdf graphic is a vector graphic, you do not loose quality.
  • fullthesis : executes allclean , imagedirs , ref , thesis in that order; basically it removes all previous output files (in this and subdirectories) and builds your thesis from scratch (including graphics, e.g. Ti k Z/PGFPlots graphics as explained above)
  • nomtest : checking if there were changes made on the nomenclature the last time the main document was compiled. If so, it executes make nomupdate . Note : this target ensures a minimal number of LaTeX compilation neccessary to build/update the nomenclature.
  • nomupdate : executes index and run in that order. Gets triggered when nomtest found changes in the nomenclature and makes sure the changes are updated in the document.
  • warnings : scans the LaTeX logfile thesis.log for warnings and prints out the warnings on the command-line, certain keywords are printed in red for better visibility.
  • spellcheck : uses the command-line tool Gnu Aspell ( aspell ) to spellcheck all .tex files in the subdirectories defined in TEXDIRS (this variable is defined in this Makefile); just make sure you keep TEXDIRS up to date when you add more subdirectories with .tex files, and it will find them; by default, the language is set to English (GB), if you need to adjust this, find the option in the file ./common.mk
  • texcount : uses the command-line tool TeXcount ( texcount ) as well as ps2ascii ( ps2ascii ) followed by a simple wc -w to determine the word count in your document. Note: both are not very accurate.
  • search : searches for a user defined pattern in all .tex files in all subdirectories defined in TEXDIRS (this variable is defined in this Makefile); usage: make search SEARCH=<pattern> .
  • clean : removes all output files from the main directory (except for .pdf file(s))
  • allclean : first executes clean , then: removes all output files (also .pdf files) from all subdirectories defined in IMAGEDIRS (this variable is defined in this Makefile);

See a list and short description of directories and files in this repository to understand how the files are organised and where to find what.

  • Makefile (main Makefile which targets are explained below)
  • common.mk (some variable definitions that are used in Makefiles)
  • thesis.tex (main .tex file of your document that you run through pdflatex / lualatex , this file consists mainly of \input{<filename>} commands to include the content of your thesis).
  • preamble.tex (contains documentclass, usepackage commands)
  • layout.tex (defines overall page/text layout, chapter title layout)
  • fancyheaders.tex (defines custom header/footer styles using fancyhdr )
  • loadlistings.tex (some definitions for printing code)
  • myinformation.tex (commands for your name, title, university, etc)
  • mycommands.tex (defining custom commands, e.g. mathematical notation)
  • nomenclature.tex (defining entries/groups of the nomenclature)
  • logo_placeholder.png (placeholder logo)
  • titlepage_wo_logo.tex (titlepage without a logo, this is the default)
  • titlepage.tex (titlepage with a logo)
  • copyright.tex (copyright declaration)
  • declaration.tex (declaration of your work)
  • abstract.tex (abstract of your thesis)
  • acknowledgements.tex (thanking your supervisors, parents, etc)
  • quote.tex (optional: include a quote of your choice)
  • create_bib_list.sh (bash script: automatically generates a .tex file that includes all present .bib files, just put all your .bib files in this directory, rest is done automatically)
  • futuristic_and_mystical.bib
  • introduction.tex (your introduction)
  • main.tex (text for this chapter)
  • fem_basis_function_linear_cg.tex (example of a (standalone) simple Ti k Z graphic)
  • fem_basis_function_constant_dg.tex (example of a (standalone) simple Ti k Z graphic)
  • rotation_example.tex (example of a (standalone) fancy Ti k Z graphic)
  • scientists.csv (example data file)
  • example_code.py (python code that is printed as it is)
  • 2d_flow_past_cylinder_test_combinations.tex (example of a (standalone) fancy Ti k Z graphic)
  • domain_3d_flow_past_sphere.tex (example of a (standalone) fancy Ti k Z graphic)
  • velocity-x_interp_0-01.tex (example of a (standalone) PGFPlots plot)
  • velocity-x_interp_0-001.tex (example of a (standalone) PGFPlots plot)
  • bounded_interp_0-01.csv (example data file)
  • bounded_x_0-1_interp_0-0001.csv (example data file)
  • boundeddg_interp_0-01.csv (example data file)
  • boundeddg_x_0-1_interp_0-0001.csv (example data file)
  • void_interp_0-01.csv (example data file)
  • voiddg_interp_0-01.csv (example data file)
  • parallel_efficiency_table.tex ( .tex file that includes a PGFPlotsTable, file is called by main.tex )
  • pgfplot_texfile_parallel_efficiency.tex (example of a (standalone) PGFPlots plot)
  • parallel_efficiency_data.pgfdat (example data file)
  • pgftablesettings_parallel_efficiency_table.tex (example file for PGFPlotsTable settings)
  • summary.tex (text for your summary)
  • conclusion.tex (text for your conclusion)
  • future_work.tex (text for future work)
  • appendix.tex (text for your appendix)

Feel free to ask if you have questions. Other than that, good luck!

  • Makefile 9.1%

Imperial College London Master Thesis (MRES individual project)

MRES individual project

Imperial College London Master Thesis (MRES individual project)

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  1. Master's dissertations

    The deposit of Master's dissertations is managed by departments and is not mandatory. Administrators in each department are responsible for collating all dissertations as PDF files and for creating their bibliographic data. ICT then upload the files and data to Spiral. If your department would like to do this, please note: your departmental ...

  2. Thesis Submission & Vivas

    Candidates must submit their thesis electronically via the Postgraduate Research Milestones tile in My Imperial.. Please refer to the College's Thesis Submission Checklist for further information on thesis submission procedures and requirements: Submission checklist for Imperial College degrees‌ ‌ Candidates must submit their thesis by the given submission deadline displayed in My Imperial ...

  3. Administration and support services

    The Library has a full set of Imperial PhD theses. The majority of Imperial PhD theses are available on open access, while some are restricted to 'Imperial users only', in Spiral. We also provide access, to Imperial students and staff, to some Imperial Master's dissertations and online theses from other universities in the UK and worldwide.

  4. PDF Theses for Imperial College Research Degrees

    statement from the College on the impact of Covid-19 on research degrees. A copy of this statement is available here. 1.7. If at any stage you are uncertain what to do, please contact the Registry Assessment Records Team ([email protected]) 2. Thesis Submission Guidance 2.1. The decision to submit a thesis rests with the ...

  5. Writing a thesis

    Here is some general advice: Think through the "narrative" of your dissertation before you start writing. Always take care to make the aims/goals/themes of the work clear. Before starting to write up, read a previous dissertation from your course from front to back. This will give you an indication of the level of quality you are expected ...

  6. Master's dissertations

    Preparing your thesis ; Master's dissertations; ... The deposit of Master's dissertations is managed by departments and is not mandatory. ... Imperial College London. Address. Imperial College London South Kensington Campus London SW7 2AZ, UK tel: +44 (0)20 7589 5111.

  7. Request a thesis

    If you wish to visit the Abdus Salam Library to consult a thesis, complete the form below prior to your visit. You may request a maximum of 4 items from the store at any one time. The Store Service operates Monday - Friday only. Requests are collected at 15.00 and will usually be available by 16.00. Requests can only be collected during staffed ...

  8. Thesis Submission

    To be able to submit your thesis, you need to complete your examination entry on MyImperial no later than 44 months after the initial date of your registration and at least four months before you submit your thesis. This allows the College to appoint your nominated examiners as well as confirming you have completed all your markers and ...

  9. Preparing your Dissertation (Online Course)

    Course Level: Level 1 Duration: Approximately 3 hours Format: Self-paced online Blackboard course. This course provides you with some strategies to support the planning, preparation and production of your dissertation. It includes advice from supervisors at Imperial College London; shares and analyses successful dissertations as examples of ...

  10. Thesis Submission

    Thesis Submission The culmination of your hard work is when you get the opportunity to present the novel findings of your research in the form of a thesis and then defend them at a viva. They highlight all that you have learned and how you have developed intellectually during the course of your study.

  11. Project and thesis

    Project and thesis. The MSc project is a substantial component of the programme, occupying around 4 months. It is a piece of original work undertaken by the students under the supervision of an academic researcher and, in most cases, also with an external supervisor. Most projects are carried out in association with a bank, hedge fund ...

  12. Publishing material from your thesis

    In principle, you may reproduce, or give others permission to reproduce, parts or the whole of your thesis but you must consider: Discuss any of the above issues with your supervisor. Publishing in a journal. Journals generally accept papers based on work already written up in a thesis. Individual journal polices on what a journal considers to ...

  13. Theses

    The Library has a full set of Imperial PhD theses.

  14. Choosing your project

    Choosing your project topic is a significant part of your Master's degree. Your research project is an invaluable part of your Master's degree, and provides a real opportunity to gain experience of research approaches and techniques. To get the most out of this, it is vital that you select a project that matches your interests and skills, as ...

  15. Preparing your thesis

    How to prepare your thesis for submission. Your PhD, MPhil, MD (Res) or EngD thesis will be deposited in Spiral, Imperial's open access repository, and made available to the public. It is important that you follow the guidance below when preparing your thesis for submission. For further information please see Research Degrees.

  16. Thesis

    There are no further sessions taking place this academic year. Course dates for 2024-25 will be available to book from late September. The thesis communicates results and shows the contribution of a research project to its field. This blended course will support you in the preparation of your thesis following the Imperial College regulations.

  17. Preparing your research degree thesis for submission to Spiral

    Imperial's Regulations for the award of the MPhil and the PhD state 'A series of papers, whether published or otherwise, is not acceptable for submission as a thesis'.. However, research work 'already published, or submitted for publication, at the time of submission of the thesis, either by the candidate alone or jointly with others,' may be included in the body thesis if it is ...

  18. Spiral: Imperial College Digital Repository

    Welcome to Spiral, the Digital Repository for research output of Imperial College. Spiral primarily contains full text peer-reviewed versions of journal articles and conference papers produced by academic staff of Imperial College London, as well as PhD theses by students of Imperial College London.

  19. Postgraduate taught

    We have over 200 postgraduate taught courses to choose from in science, engineering, medicine and business. Each course has different entry requirements. We have over 200 postgraduate taught courses to choose from in science, engineering, medicine and business. Each course has different entry ...

  20. PDF Imperial College MSc in Petroleum Engineering 2010-2011 London

    Thesis title: Integrated analysis and synthesis of the dynamic behaviour of a carbonate field Student name: Ke WANG Imperial College supervisor: Olivier GOSSELIN Company supervisor / Company: Luc PAUGET / TOTAL France Abstract This project was carried out in chronological order of the field development from exploration to production phase. The

  21. fmilthaler/Thesis-LaTeX-Template

    This template aims at students of any degree (Bachelor, Master, PhD) who start writing up their thesis in LaTeX. The overall layout is pleasant, stylish yet classic and fulfills the layout regulations at Imperial College London.

  22. Master Thesis Imperial College London

    Master Thesis Imperial College London - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  23. Imperial College London Master Thesis (MRES individual project)

    LaTeX in 30 minutes. Templates. Webinars. Tutorials. How to insert images. How to create tables. Plans & pricing. Premium features. For individuals & groups.