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52 Effective Parent Survey Questions For Meaningful Feedback

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Each family survey question, when carefully crafted, can be a powerful tool to leverage when you need information from your staff, families, or students. Asking what families need, when they are best able to attend events, and what they are thinking about is a major step toward building relationships with parents and increasing their engagement. As we know, family engagement is a critical lever to boost student outcomes . 

You may want to ask about communication, academic support, a recent event, or more. Getting this feedback can be scary – but you can win at parent engagement ! 

What should be included in a parent survey?

When deciding on the questions you want to ask your families, first, you will want to consider what decisions you need to make with the information, and how specifically you will use the answers. Some schools use annual surveys that take parents 15-20 minutes to complete, and include dozens of questions. At Possip, we offer this through our Long Form or Strategic Surveys. Questions may include everything from impressions about school climate, reflections on school-sponsored events, thoughts on academic preparation, barriers, and needs, and ideas and questions.

We’ve found that simply asking if parents are happy with their child’s school, what ideas or feedback they have, and one additional custom question (we call it a Bonus Question) can yield incredible data. We call these Pulse Checks®. With short and simple surveys, parents are more likely to respond and even more likely to complete the entire survey. They also get used to the cadence (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc), and if they know the school is responsive to their feedback , parents will consistently use the quick survey to voice their opinions. Short and simple surveys are easier to translate into more languages accurately, helping you engage with and include more of your families.

What is an example of a good survey question?

One key decision you’ll want to make is whether to ask an open-ended question or a closed-ended one, where you provide the answer choices.  When deciding between an open-ended or closed-ended question, it can be helpful to think about what you want to learn and the nuances of each question type:

Do you want to explore a topic and generate a list of ideas or praise? If so, using an open-ended question will give you a lot of feedback and ideas.

  • Open-ended questions allow you to explore, and you may learn more than you expected. People may share feedback or ideas that you didn’t anticipate. This can be beneficial in helping you learn more about a topic. 
  • To be effective with open-ended questions, you’ll want to ensure your question wording is very clear so that the answers provided serve your needs. 

Do you need input on specific options or choices? Are there only certain answers that are feasible or relevant to your decision? In this case, a close-ended question that includes predefined answer options is best. 

  • Since close-ended questions ask people to select from a list of predefined responses, you won’t end up with answers that you weren’t expecting. Responses will be consistent and relevant to the question.
  • Do you want a quantitative analysis? Closed-ended questions with a list of options or Yes/No answers are the most appropriate for a quick and clear analysis–a graph of your results at both a school and district level. 

In some cases, Possip can help you get a quantitative analysis, even from an open-ended question. Possip Partners, reach out to your Possip Relationship Manager or our Possip Support Team to explore this option if you need to quantify open-ended input. For more guidance on writing great questions, check out this article .

We’ve compiled a list of effective parent survey questions to consider and sorted them for you by topic!

Example Parent Survey Questions

Parent survey questions for the beginning of the year.

Sample questions to ask in the first month of school:

  • Do you have the materials and resources you need for your student to succeed in school this year: Yes or No? If No, please tell us more about your needs.
  • Do you feel you received enough school communication to start the school year? Yes, Mostly, or No
  • Please share one thing your student’s teacher did to make them feel excited to start the year.
  • Please share something specific that had a positive impact on your student during the first few weeks of school. (i.e. extracurriculars, academics, registration, teacher, etc.)
  • How do you prefer to receive communication from the school? Please reply with the number of your choice below: 1) Text 2) Email 3) Social Media 4) Newsletter 5) Robocall
  • We’re planning family and parent events for the school year. Please reply with the number of the one event you’re most interested in. (List your potential events here, i.e. 1) Back to School BBQ 2) Turkey Bingo, etc.)

Parent Survey Questions for Academics: Curriculum & Support

Sample questions to ask about curriculum, grades, and academic support:

  • What types of academic support would you like to see at school this year? Please respond with the number of all supports you would like to see provided. 1) Tutoring; 2) Advanced work; 3) Small group support; 4) Homework help;  5) Other
  • What academic support does your student need at this time?
  • What academic goals do you have for your student this year?
  • Are you able to clearly understand your student’s academic performance and progress (e.g. assignments, grades, attendance) using our school’s online tools? Please reply: Yes, Mostly, or No
  • Do you contact your student’s teachers when you have concerns about their academic progress? Please reply: Yes, Sometimes, or No.
  • Do you feel informed about your student’s academic progress? Please reply: Yes, Mostly, or No.
  • Do you feel our school supports your student successfully in terms of their academic needs?
  • What resources do you need to support your student’s learning at home? Please reply with your top choice: 1) Tips for learning at home; 2) Tutoring; 3) Tools for standardized test preparation; 4) 504 support; 5) Tools for emotional and social learning 6) Other, please explain 7) None
  • Are you satisfied with the amount and quality of homework your student receives? Please reply: Yes, Mostly, or No.
  • How do you feel about how much your student uses technology at school?  Please reply: 1) Too much 2) Too little  3) Just enough

Parent Survey Questions for Attendance

Sample questions to learn more about barriers to student attendance:

  • Attendance every day is critical. Do you have any barriers that prevent your student from attending school?
  • Are you concerned about your child’s school attendance? Please reply: Yes or No. If yes, let us know why and please share your name so we can help.
  • Do you have any barriers to getting your students to school each day? Please reply: Yes or No.  If yes, please reply with your top barrier. 1) Health 2) Transportation 3) Suspension 4) Language barriers 5) Other
  • Would any of the following help encourage your student to attend school every day? Please reply with all that apply: 1) Transportation assistance 2) Language assistance 3) School breakfast 4) More extracurricular activities 5) Emotional-support centers in school 6) A support person, like a mentor
  • What motivates your child to attend school? Please reply with all that apply. 1) Getting to be with friends; 2) Teachers/Staff Members; 3) Course choices; 4) Becoming college ready; 5) In-school activities; 6) After-school activities; 7) Other (please explain what else motivates your child to attend)

Parent Survey Questions for Carline and Bus Transportation

Sample questions about the family experience with the school carline and bus transportation:

  • Are you currently satisfied with school bus transportation this year? Please reply: Yes or No.  If no, please share why.
  • Is our carline running safely and efficiently? Please reply: Yes or No. If no, please share any suggestions you have for improving the carline.
  • Have you seen improvement in the carline since the start of the year? Please reply: Yes or No, and tell us why.

Parent Survey Questions for Registration and Enrollment

Sample questions to ask to assist with registration, enrollment, and re-enrollment:

  • Will you be enrolling your student for the next school year? Please reply: Yes, Maybe, No or Graduating
  • How would you rate your experience with the 20xx-20xx school year registration process? 1) Very easy 2) Somewhat easy 3) Somewhat hard 4) Very hard  5) Other – please specify

Parent Survey Questions to Gather Praise

  • What is one specific way your student has grown academically or socially since being at [school name]? 1) Organizational skills, 2) Study skills, 3) Academic progress, 4) Improved time management, 5) Other, please explain
  • What is one specific way your child has felt celebrated this year? 1)Teacher email, 2) Award Ceremony, 3) Certificate of recognition, 4) Honors List, 5) Awards breakfast/lunch
  • What is something specific that had positive impact on your student during the first few weeks of school? [timeline can be changed i.e. month, quarter, semester] 1) Teacher, 2) Support Staff (Guidance, Social Worker, Dean), 3) Extracurricular Activity, 4) Classroom Environment, 5) Peer interactions
  • As we prepare for the end of the semester, we want to recognize the positive impact our teachers and staff have had on your students. Please share where you’ve seen or heard our staff support your child, and Select all that apply. 1) Offered extra academic support, 2) Created a positive learning environment, 3) Encouraged classroom engagement, 4) Collaborated with support services, 5) Demonstrated empathy and understanding, 6) Celebrated student progress 7) Other, please explain

Parent Survey Questions for Teacher Appreciation

  • What do you like most about [school name]? 1) Sense of community 2) Academic opportunities 3) Opportunity for social/emotional development 3) Teachers and staff 4) Strong sense of school spirit 4) Extracurricular offerings 5) Level of support offered to my child 6) Other, please share
  • Does your student have a teacher that does a great job engaging them in class? Please respond: Yes, Mostly, or No.  If Yes, what does that teacher do?
  • Are there specific school programs that you believe have been beneficial for your student this [insert time frame]? (Option to include list of programs offered)
  • What has made you feel welcomed at your student’s school this year? 
  • Please share the name of a teacher or team member at your child’s school who has made positive impact on your child this year. What did they do?
  • In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, is there a teacher or staff member you’d like to recognize with praise? Reply with a comment for us to share with them.

Parent Survey Questions for Teacher and Grade Communication

Sample questions about communication with and by teachers or about grades:

  • Are you happy with the communication you get from your student’s teachers? Please reply: Yes, Mostly. or No.
  • Did you attend the recent parent-teacher conferences? Please reply: Yes or No, and if no, please let us know why: 1)Transportation 2) Language differences 3) Scheduling conflict 4) Did not receive an invitation 5) Other, please explain
  • Did our Parent Teacher Conferences help you better understand your student’s progress? Please reply: Yes, Mostly, or No.
  • How useful was your recent Parent Teacher Conference in understanding your student’s experience at our school?  Please respond 1) Very useful 2) Useful 3) Somewhat useful 4) Not useful
  • Do you find it easy to contact your student’s teacher when you need to? Please reply Yes, Mostly, or No.
  • Have you heard from all of your student’s teachers? Please reply: Yes, Mostly, or No.
  • Do you need additional support with any of the following? Please select all that apply: 1) Knowing how to access your student’s grades 2) Contacting your student’s teacher 3) Understanding assignments
  • State testing begins next month (insert dates). What resources would be most helpful as we think about testing? Please select all that apply.1)Tips on how to support your student on test-taking days 2) Support in understanding your student’s scores 3) A calendar with specific dates and content area tested each day 4) A list of what students needs to bring 5) Info on any schedule changes 6) Other – please share!
  • Do you feel confident that {{School Name}} is preparing your child to succeed academically? Please reply Yes, Mostly, or No.

Parent Survey Questions for Family Engagement

Sample questions to ask about family events and experiences in your school community:

  • Do you feel a part of the community in our school? Please reply: Yes, Maybe, or No, and share why
  • What kind of family information sessions or family activities would you like to see at school?
  • What feedback do you have for our recent _____ event?
  • Are you coming to the event “___________” on “_________(date)”? Please reply: Yes, Maybe, or No. Learn more about the event here: ADD LINK WITH INFO
  • Did you attend the recent parent-teacher conferences? Please reply: Yes or No, and if no, please let us know why: 1) Transportation 2) Language differences 3) Scheduling conflict 4) Did not receive an invitation 5) Other, please explain
  • Are there any barriers that prevent you from attending our family events? Please select all that apply: 1) Transportation 2) Language 3) Work 4) Time conflict 5) Childcare Challenges (Options can be customized) 

In addition, check out how Better Questions to Increase Family Turnout .

The Possip team is ready to help you ask effective parent survey questions. We have examples that cover additional topics like school safety and AI. Then, we’ll do the heavy lifting of analyzing the results for you so you can focus on how you’re going to use this valuable information!

parent engagement ideas

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  • 55 Amazing parent survey questions for your next questionnaire

55 Amazing parent survey questions for your next questionnaire

Defne Çobanoğlu

A parent survey is a valuable tool for schools and other educational organizations to get to know the parents of their students. They gather clear information by gathering feedback and asking appropriate questions on specific topics . The results obtained by these parent surveys help identify concerns, improve communication, monitor progress, and make more inclusive decisions that benefit students and their families.

The easiest way to create parent surveys and distribute them among them is to do it online with the help of an online survey maker. When online surveys are made and sent, parents can answer the questions on the surveys anywhere, anytime.

  • What is a parent survey?

A parent survey is a tool used by schools, teachers, and other educational organizations to gather feedback and information from the parents or guardians of students . These surveys may include questions about the school's teaching methods, communication practices, and overall satisfaction with the school. The information gathered through the surveys can be used to improve the educational experience and to identify areas where the school can improve.

The definition of parent survey

The definition of parent survey

  • Top 55 parent survey question examples to include in your questionnaire

Using a parent survey surely helps gather information. You can use general questions as it is a feedback form or focus on one or multiple subjects you need to get information on. For example, you can focus on parent survey questions for childcare and use questions on that.

Parent survey questions to learn parenting styles

These questions are a great way for researchers or educators to collect information on how parents approach raising their children. They may be about specific parenting practices and beliefs, such as discipline techniques or attitudes toward education.

1  - On a scale of 1-5, how often do you use physical discipline when dealing with your child's misbehavior? 

2  - How do you handle when your child expresses negative emotions or stress?

3  - How do you communicate with your child about their behavior and actions?

4  - How do you handle when your child misbehaves in public? 

5  - How do you show affection and positive reinforcement to your child?

6  - How do you prioritize your child's needs and wants in relation to your own?

7  - How do you involve your child in decision-making and problem-solving in your household?

8  - How do you balance setting boundaries for your child with allowing them to make their own choices?

9  - How do you involve your child in household chores and responsibilities?

parent homework survey

Parent survey questions for self-assessment

Self-assessment questions help parents identify their strengths and build around them while showing them areas where they may need to make changes or seek support. Self-assessment can be a useful tool for parents who want to reflect on their parenting style and make changes to improve themselves.

10  - How well do you feel you understand your child's educational progress?

11  - How often do you communicate with your child's teacher(s)?

12  - How satisfied are you with the communication you receive from your child's school?

13  - How involved do you feel in your child's education?

14  - How often do you think you need to be involved in your child’s education for them to succeed? 

15  - Are you satisfied with the support provided by the school for your child's unique needs?

16  - Are you satisfied with the academic progress of your child?

17  - How satisfied are you with the extracurricular activities offered by the school?

18  - On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do you agree that you are capable of dealing with your child’s emotions appropriately?

19  - Do you think that you constantly need to support your child’s learning at home?

parent homework survey

Parent survey questions for schools

Basically, these are the questions that are related to the school, such as the quality of education, communication with teachers and staff, and overall satisfaction with the school’s performance. These parent survey questions for school improvement could be in the category for parent survey questions for teachers or special education parent survey questions too.

20  - How satisfied are you with the overall academic performance of the school?

21  - How satisfied are you with the quality of the school's teachers?

22  - On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do you think that the school's curriculum is adequate?

23  - How satisfied are you with the school's extracurricular activities and programs?

24  - How satisfied are you with the school's support for students with special needs?

25  - How satisfied are you with the school's support for student's mental health and well-being?

26  - How satisfied are you with the school's support for families?

27  - How satisfied are you with the school's support for parent engagement?

28  - Are there any specific areas that you feel the school needs to improve?

29  - Are there any specific suggestions you have for how the school can better support your child's education?

30  - How satisfied are you with the communication and updates provided by the school regarding your child's progress and performance?

31  - How satisfied are you with the level of support provided by the school for your child's academic and emotional needs?

32  - How satisfied are you with the availability and quality of resources and materials provided by the school?

33  - How satisfied are you with the level of safety and security provided by the school?

34  - How satisfied are you with the level of diversity and inclusion within the school community?

parent homework survey

Parent survey questions about academic stress

Academic stress is a big problem that needs to be addressed. If it goes undetected by the teachers and parents it could damage the child’s mental well being. That’s why it is crucial to ask about this subject as well.

35  - How often does your child express feelings of stress or anxiety related to their academic performance or schoolwork?

36  - In your opinion, what are the main sources of stress or pressure that your child experiences in relation to their schoolwork or academic performance?

37  - How does your child typically cope with stress or pressure related to their academic performance or schoolwork?

38  - Have you noticed any changes in your child's behavior or mood that you believe may be related to academic stress or pressure?

39  - How do you feel about the level of homework and academic demands placed on your child?

40  - In your opinion, how do your child's school and teachers handle academic stress and pressure on students?

41  - How do you communicate with your child's school or teachers about issues related to academic stress or pressure?

42  - Do you have any suggestions for ways that the school or teachers can better support your child in managing academic stress or pressure?

43  - How do you, as a parent, help your child balance their academic workload with other activities and responsibilities?

44  - Can you give me an instance when your child felt overwhelmed by academic pressure and how did you handle it?

parent homework survey

Parent survey questions for after-school activities

Sometimes after-school activities matter as much as educational activities for the student. It help their mental and physical health. You can ask about what kind of activities parents wish for their children and some details.

45  - How important are after-school activities to your child's overall development?

46  - What types of after-school activities is your child currently involved in?

47  - How often does your child participate in after-school activities?

48  - How do you feel about the cost of after-school activities and their financial impact on your family?

49  - How does your child balance after-school activities with their academic and homework responsibilities?

50  - How do you communicate with your child's after-school activity leaders or coaches?

51  - How do you feel about the level of supervision and safety provided during after-school activities?

52  - How do you determine which after-school activities are appropriate for your child?

53  - How does your child's participation in after-school activities affect their social life and relationships with peers?

54  - What kind of after-school activities would you like your child to participate in?

55  - Do you think after-school activities hinder your child’s studying?

parent homework survey

  • How to create your own parent survey

There are different tools for creating an online parent survey, and a great one of them is a survey maker called forms.app! forms.app is a smart online tool that offers over a thousand free-to-use templates and many useful features . Now, let us go through how to create your survey in a matter of minutes. here is how to create your survey with some examples of parent surveys for schools.

  • Go to forms.app and log into your account .
  • Go to the templates section and choose the appropriate one. You can start with one and customize it as much as you want. E.g., adding/deleting questions, customizing the design, etc.
  • You can also create your survey from scratch easily.
  • Finalize the survey and check the end result by clicking the eye icon on the top right corner.
  • Finish your survey and send it to the parents you want to know more about.

parent homework survey

Having a parent survey is a great way to make sure parents are involved in their child’s education or at least aware of it. A different number of parent/school surveys can be used according to the data one wants to collect. And the easiest way to start your own survey is with the help of forms.app. It is a powerful survey creator with many survey templates and useful form fields. Go through this list of questions for parents and have your survey ready in no time!

Defne is a content writer at forms.app. She is also a translator specializing in literary translation. Defne loves reading, writing, and translating professionally and as a hobby. Her expertise lies in survey research, research methodologies, content writing, and translation.

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50+ Parent Survey Questions for Schools + Free Parenting Questionnaire

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Last Updated: 16 August 2024

50+ Parent Survey Questions for Schools + Free Parenting Questionnaire

Table Of Contents

Why Parent Surveys?

  • What's In This Article?
  • How to Create a Parent Questionnaire Using SurveySparrow
  • Free Parenting Questionnaire
  • 50+ Parent Survey Questions
  • On Self-Assessment
  • On School Feedback
  • On Academic Stress
  • On Child Behaviour & Well-Being
  • On Child Support Provided by the School
  • On Parent-Teacher Communication
  • On School Culture & Environment
  • On Overall Satisfaction

Remember the days when report cards were all that mattered? Well, times have changed. Now, as teachers and school administrators, you must have realized that grades are not the only factor in evaluating a child.

The goal as educators today is to nurture well-rounded students holistically and academically so that they can thrive in a better environment that enhances their overall well-being.

In creating a better space for students, who is better to partner with than parents ?

And how to do it better? Parent surveys !

Parent surveys are the compass in this evolving educational landscape, guiding the educational system to merge insights from home with our strategies at school. 

They help educators sculpt an environment where every student doesn’t just learn but does more than a lot to shape their actual characters in the growing years.

Take, for instance, the study conducted by the Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation with the "Tell Them from Me" surveys.(TTFM)

Since 2013, schools have used these surveys to collect feedback from students, teachers, and parents on various aspects of school life. By implementing this practice, educational institutions can better align their teaching methods with the well-being of their students.

A path-breaking discovery was made by a simple parent survey conducted by schools, which found out what children need beyond textbooks and good grades. This transformative approach has led many schools to become flourishing community hubs rather than mere repositories for homework and exams.

What’s in this article?

In this article, you’ll find a complete list of parent survey questions based on different questions and a free parent survey questionnaire that you can use by SurveySparrow , a trusted online survey partner in the educational business.

Parent Survey Questions on Self-Assessment

Parent survey questions on school feedback, parent survey questions on academic stress, parent survey questions on child behaviour & well-being, parent survey questions on child support provided by school, parent survey questions on parent-teacher communication.

  • Parents Survey Questions on School Culture & Environment

Parent Survey Questions on Overall Satisfaction

Please find your step-by-step guide to create a parent feedback survey from scratch:

How to Create a Parenting Questionnaire Using SurveySparrow

Here’s a free parenting survey template that you can use. Start now :

Parent Satisfaction Survey Template

Preview Template

Parent Satisfaction Survey Template

50+ Parent Survey Questions for Schools

  • How satisfied are you with your involvement in child education?
  • What’s your approach towards your child’s academics and well-being?
  • How well do you understand the academic needs of your child?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how good of a listener are you?
  • Do you regularly communicate with your teacher?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you in your ability to help your child with their schoolwork?
  • Does your child share instances from school after they reach home?
  • Are you a good listener?
  • How well do you encourage your child to follow their dreams?
  • What strategies do you use to soothe your child when they complain about school?
  • How do you respond to your child when they say they are bullied in school?
  • What necessary precautions do you take if you know your child is facing bullying in school?
  • How would you rate the overall quality of education provided by the school?
  • What are the strengths of the school that you consider appreciable?
  • Which are the areas that you think school needs improvement with and why?
  • Do you feel that school fosters students’ general well-being apart from academics?
  • On a scale of 1-10, rate your overall satisfaction with the school activities and academics.
  • Does the school make practical changes to the curriculum with the changing academic environment?
  • Please provide any additional feedback or suggestions for the school.
  • Do you feel welcome and valued as a parent at the school?
  • What, according to you, is considered the cause of academic stress in your child?
  • Do you believe your child’s homework and tasks workload is excessive?
  • How would you rate your child’s overall stress level related to academics?
  • Does your child often express concerns or anxiety about their academic performance?
  • How often does your child seem overwhelmed or exhausted due to schoolwork? What strategies or support systems have you implemented to help your child manage academic stress?
  • How would you rate the overall emotional well-being of your child?
  • How often do you find your child anxious and overwhelmed?
  • Have you noticed any concerning changes in your child’s behavior or mood lately? If so, please describe.
  • Which of the following best describes your child’s social interactions with peers?
  • How confident can your child speak if they have any concerns rising?
  • Do you think the school offers adequate learning facilities and resources for kids with special needs?
  • What extra support services and activities should the school offer to meet your child’s needs better?
  • What is your opinion of the school’s academic support and other activities on a scale of 1-10?
  • How satisfied are you with the school’s efforts to assist your child’s social, academic, and emotional development?
  • Do you believe the school promotes a positive and inclusive student environment?
  • How comfortable are you approaching your child’s teacher with questions or concerns?
  • How would you rate the quality of communication you’ve had with the child’s teacher/instructor?
  • Which method(s) of communication do you prefer for receiving updates from the teacher? (e.g., email, phone calls, online portal, etc.)
  • How frequently does the teacher communicate with you about your child’s academic and personal growth?
  • How satisfied are you with the level of detail and feedback you receive from the teacher regarding your child’s academic progress?

Parents’ Survey Questions on School Culture & Environment

  • How would you rate the overall school culture and environment?
  • Is there a positive and respectful relationship between the students and staff at the school?
  • How would you rate the school’s efforts to promote student health and wellness?
  • In your opinion, does the school foster a sense of belonging among students and families?
  • Describe any concerns or suggestions regarding the school’s culture and environment.
  • On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you choosing our school for your child?
  • What, in your opinion, is the best thing that you have seen at our school?
  • Do you think the school respectfully values the parent’s feedback and input?
  • How likely are you to recommend our school to others?
  • What is your overall impression of the school’s leadership and administration?
  • What areas can the school work on, in your opinion?
  • Please share any additional comments or suggestions for improving parent satisfaction.

I know what exactly you are looking for! A sample Parent Survey Questionnaire , which is why I have curated a parenting questionnaire right here! I made this with SurveySparrow's AI form builder , which helped save time on question creation. 

parent survey questions - survey template

Create Parent Surveys Right Away

Would you like to create a parenting questionnaire from scratch? I’ve got a solution for that as well. Trust me, it’s much easier than you think.

Using SurveySparrow , creating a neat and effective parent survey questionnaire is simple. I’ll walk you through a step-by-step guide to building a parent satisfaction survey in just a few minutes.

1. Create a free account in SurveySparrow. 

SurveySparrow homepage

2. Sign in to your SurveySparrow account. Click on the 'Create Survey' button.

Create a new survey - SurveySparrow

3. To create a new survey, you can select 'Start Blank' or 'Wing it with AI'. To create AI-powered surveys, click on the second option, give the prompt, and you’re all set!

Choose a blank template or ask AI for help

4. Share your survey through your preferred channels. You can track all of your survey shares under the 'Shares' section with details like name, date created, responses, and status.

sharing-your-parent-survey (1).png

6 . Collect responses in real-time for data analysis.

7. You can also choose from 1,000+ survey templates or build your own survey. 

Here's how you can create parent surveys from a template.

To create surveys from scratch:

  • Choose the suitable template from the template gallery
  • Click on Add Questions and choose your questions, such as multiple-choice, rating scale, open-ended questions, etc.
  • Personalize your survey with the appropriate school branding by adding logos, colors, and themes.
  • Adjust your preferences using skip logic, branching logic, etc…
  • Preview your survey , make necessary changes, and distribute it through various channels - such as emails, web links, and social media, or embed it on your school’s website.
  • Once the surveys are completed , responses will be collected, and the overall feedback will be analyzed.

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Wrapping Up!

I hope you found what you came looking for! Happy surveying.

Anything regarding surveys, I’m happy to help. But if you need a personalized demo, get in touch with our team .

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Free Parent Questionnaire for Teachers to Understand Students Better

parent questionnaire for elementary teachers.

Establishing a strong connection with your students and their families is a great way to start a successful school year. One effective way to build this connection is by sending home a parent questionnaire at the beginning of the school year. 

This getting to know your child parent questionnaire is valuable for understanding each student’s unique needs, strengths, and backgrounds. It also helps to gather essential student information to create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment .

parent questionnaire for elementary teachers.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of using a parent questionnaire, how to design an effective student information sheet, and provide a comprehensive list of questions to include. We’ve also included a FREE Parent Questionnaire that you can download and use in your classroom.  Keep reading to download it!

Why Use a Parent Questionnaire?

A parent survey offers several key advantages:

  • Personalized Learning: Understanding a child’s interests, strengths, and challenges allows teachers to tailor their teaching strategies to meet individual needs.
  • Stronger Home-School Connection: When parents provide insights about their child, it fosters a collaborative relationship between home and school, enhancing communication and trust.
  • Efficient Information Gathering: A well-structured parent contact form ensures that teachers have all the necessary details, from emergency contacts to medical information, at their fingertips.

Designing an Effective Parent Questionnaire

When creating a parent questionnaire, it’s important to include various questions covering different aspects of the child’s life. 

  • Basic Information: Gather essential details such as the child’s name, date of birth, parent/guardian names, preferred contact method, and the primary language spoken at home. This section ensures that you have the necessary contact information and a basic understanding of the child’s background.
  • Academic Background: Learn about the child’s strengths and challenges in school, their favorite subjects, and any educational goals the parents have for them. This information helps tailor your teaching strategies to support the child’s academic growth.
  • Social and Emotional Development: Understand how the child interacts with peers, their preferences for group or individual work, and how they handle frustration. This section provides insights into the child’s social skills and emotional well-being, allowing you to create a supportive classroom environment.
  • Physical Health and Wellness: Collect information on any allergies, medical conditions, medications, and dietary restrictions. Knowing how the child reacts to new environments or changes in routine is crucial for ensuring their safety and well-being at school.
  • Family and Home Environment: Learn about the child’s home life, including who lives with them, any cultural or religious practices, and their responsibilities at home. This section helps you understand the child’s background and any factors that might influence their behavior and learning.
  • Learning Preferences: Discover the types of school activities the child enjoys, any specific educational needs or accommodations, and how they best process new information. This information allows you to adapt your teaching methods to suit the child’s learning style.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Find out about the child’s hobbies, activities outside of school, and any skills or activities they are interested in exploring. This section helps you connect with the child and incorporate their interests into the classroom.
  • Communication and Support: Determine the parents’ preferred method of receiving updates and gather any additional information they believe is important for you. This section ensures open lines of communication and allows you to provide the best support for the child.

parent questionnaire for elementary teachers.

Top Questions to Include in Your Parent Questionnaire

Here’s a comprehensive list of questions organized by topic or theme to help you get started:

Basic Information

  • Child’s Full Name:
  • Date of Birth:
  • Parent/Guardian Names:
  • Preferred Contact Method (phone, email, etc.):
  • Primary Language Spoken at Home:

Academic Background

  • What are your child’s strengths in school?
  • What subjects or areas does your child find challenging?
  • Does your child have any favorite subjects or topics?
  • Are there any specific goals you have for your child’s education this year?

Social and Emotional Development

  • How does your child generally interact with peers?
  • Does your child prefer to work alone or in groups?
  • How does your child handle frustration or challenges?
  • What activities does your child enjoy during free time?
  • Are there any social or emotional concerns you would like to share?

Health and Wellness

  • Does your child have any allergies or medical conditions?
  • Are there any medications your child takes regularly?
  • Does your child have any dietary restrictions?
  • How does your child typically react to new environments or changes in routine?

Family and Home Environment

  • Who lives at home with your child?
  • Are there any cultural or religious practices you would like us to be aware of?
  • What are your child’s responsibilities or chores at home?
  • Does your child have a regular bedtime routine?

Learning Preferences

  • What type of learning activities does your child enjoy the most? (e.g., hands-on activities, reading, outdoor play, etc.)
  • Does your child have any specific learning needs or accommodations?
  • How does your child best receive and process new information? (e.g., visually, auditorily, kinesthetically)

Extracurricular Activities

  • What hobbies or activities does your child participate in?
  • Is there a particular skill or activity your child is interested in exploring this year?
  • Are there any after-school programs your child attends?

Communication and Support

  • How would you like to receive updates about your child’s progress and classroom activities?
  • Is there any additional information you believe is important for us to know about your child?
  • How can we best support your child in their learning journey this year?

FREE Parent Questionnaire to Get to Know Your Students

Would you like a free parent survey for your parents and students this year? Here is one you can download and use this year!

A well-designed student information sheet is an invaluable tool for teachers . It not only provides crucial information about each student but also helps in building a strong home-school connection. 

Understanding our students better can create a more personalized and effective learning environment. As you prepare for the new year, consider implementing a parent questionnaire to ensure you have all the information you need to support your student’s success.

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Parent Survey Questions: 25 Sample Questions to Help Boost Engagement & Revenue

Early childhood education isn’t just an occupation— it’s a community . 👨‍👩‍👦

From the teacher who’s been at the same preschool for four decades, to the new parents leaving their child for the first time, there’s a whole lotta love that goes into early learning—and as a leader, it’s up to you to utilize that love to create the best experiences possible.

And it starts by listening to your extended ECE family to build a community that works for everyone. ✅

What we’ll cover

Why should we collect parent feedback.

  • How to collect parent feedback in a way parents will love
  • 25 powerful parent survey questions for your preschool parent survey
  • Use parent feedback to boost engagement and revenue

What are parent survey questions?

Parent surveys are the process of collecting feedback from families to understand how they feel about:

  • Your center's staff and operations
  • Curriculum & teaching practices
  • The amount of communication and engagement
  • Which areas need improvement

Studies show that parental involvement   can improve a student's academic achievement . And it’s not just the kids who benefit. Asking for parent feedback on your entire child care center operations can also help boost overall enrollment and increase revenue. What’s not to love? 😍

But collecting parent feedback is more complex than it used to be. Gone are the days of impromptu chats at pickup. These days, parent feedback is done almost entirely online. And while this new tech-reliant approach to collecting parent feedback certainly has its drawbacks, the upside is that your preschool can benefit from insightful analytics that has a real impact on your center’s success.

So, what does the best practice for preschool parent survey questions? How can your systems adapt to this new way of collecting data? And what are the most impactful childcare parent survey questions to ask?

In this clear-cut guide (with 25 free parent survey questions ), we’ll share the best ways to drill down on parent feedback, simultaneously showcase your brand, and   bring your ECE community closer together. 

Want to download your FREE 25+ parent survey questions template now ? Click the button below.👇

Download My Free Template

Parent feedback can influence decision-making, so your business actually   works   for the people it serves.

Here’s why it’s worth the effort:

  • Boost service quality : When your face is so close to the mirror, it can be hard to see what’s happening right in front of you. Asking for parent survey feedback brings new, objective insights and can have a huge impact on the quality of your service as an ECE provider.
  • Higher parent interaction : The more you offer opportunities for parents to get involved, the more they’ll reciprocate. And engaged parents mean happier kids and higher re-enrollment rates.
  • Easy data analysis : Parent feedback can create new insights into how you work. Just remember to choose a childcare management system with   smart reporting features   so you can visualize your parent engagement results in a way that makes sense for your entire team.

Gigi Schweikert, CEO at ECE forerunner Lightbridge Academy explains how they use parent feedback to influence their services: “At Lightbridge, we use an NPS or Net Promoter Score, which is really about gauging loyalty versus satisfaction. We also do customer surveys which are more about satisfaction, but the NPS score is about loyalty.”

In other words, marrying parent feedback with regular ‘how are we doing?’ check-ins is a great way to keep your family with you. Parent feedback surveys help you gauge how your center's doing. 👍🏻

Increase family participation by reading this ultimate guide to Family Engagement (+ free tips and best practices)!

Family on phone_email

Parents with child

Up-level your preschool survey questions for parents: How to send parent survey questions in a way families will love!

Parent feedback forms come in all shapes and sizes.

From traditional paper printouts to Typeform questionnaires, there are samples of a parent survey type for every center. Your results will depend on the length, ease, and interface of your surveys.

Whatever parent feedback method you choose, make sure to consider this first:

  • Focus on brand awareness : From parent surveys to hiring, strong ECE businesses know   every process should reflect your brand. That means making sure your survey tools are simple, streamlined, and customizable. Pushing parent feedback surveys through your child care management tool is a great way to weave feedback collection into your central brand story.
  • Choose an option parents will love : Print-outs may have done the job a few years back, but these days   parents expect tech at every turn . There are a ton of benefits to using digital survey tools, like higher parent interaction and simple data analysis options, so take parent experience into consideration before settling on your survey methods. Your preschool parent survey should be easy to fill out! Boost engagement by asking the right daycare survey questions for parents.

Michael Miller, Executive Chairman at   Kiddie Academy   believes tech is the way forward. He told   BizJournals.com , “Twenty years ago, the brand experience was about a parent coming in and touring an academy and getting a feel that way. That’s all changed now. Today the brand experience happens on mobile devices, the internet, and online reviews. That’s where parents become comfortable with your brand.”

25 powerful preschool parent survey question examples

Preschool parent survey questions.

  • Are you satisfied with the amount of information you get about your child’s progress?
  • Do you feel your thoughts, opinions, and suggestions are well-valued by [Preschool Name]?
  • What other information would you like to know about your child’s school day?
  • Do you find our parent communication channels easy to use?
  • Do you feel you have a good relationship with your child’s teacher?

Teaching practices questions

  • Do you believe your child gets enough attention from their teachers?
  • How well does [Preschool Name] consider the individual needs of students?
  • How well does [Preschool Name] support your child’s development?
  • How fairly do you believe teachers treat the students?
  • How appropriate are behavior and discipline practices at [Preschool Name]?

Distance learning questions

  • How well do you feel the school has adapted to online learning?
  • From 1 to 10, how easy to use is our distance learning platform?
  • Do you feel you get enough information about distance learning activities?
  • How easy is it to follow distance learning instructions?
  • How well does [Preschool Name] consider the needs of your child when planning distance learning activities?

Operational questions

  • Do classes at [Preschool Name] START too early, too late, or at the right time?
  • Do classes at [Preschool Name] END too early, too late, or at the right time?
  • From 1 to 10, how easy to use is our payment system?
  • Do you find it easy to communicate with [Preschool Name] employees?
  • Do you feel you have a good understanding of [Preschool Name]’s policies?

General parent survey questions

  • What are the strengths of [Preschool Name]?
  • What are the weaknesses of [Preschool Name]?
  • Do you have any suggestions for improvement?
  • Are you satisfied with the quality of service at [Preschool Name]?
  • Do you have any concerns you would like to address?

How to Measure Parent Survey Questions

Once you collect these family responses - what's left to do?

The best way to measure parent survey questions will depend on the specific questions you are asking. For example, if you are asking parents to rate their satisfaction with the school, a Likert scale would be a good option. If you are asking parents about their thoughts on a specific issue, a multiple-choice question would be a good option. And if you are asking parents for their general thoughts on the school, an open-ended question would be a good option.

Once you have collected your survey responses, you will need to analyze them. This can be done by hand or by using software. When analyzing your survey responses, it is important to look at the overall trends. You should also look at the responses from different groups of parents, such as parents of different ages, parents of different income levels, and parents of different ethnicities.

Easily measure family engagement and parent feedback with an all-in-one childcare solution . See a status bar of how often families are being communicated with. Boost family retention by building strong relationships with families. 

Use these parent survey sample questions for childcare to boost engagement and revenue

Communities grow stronger when everyone has their voice heard—and parent survey questions are the best way to let parents have their say.

Investing in parent feedback also helps to improve family engagement and customer loyalty for   your unique childcare brand —making it that much easier to keep your revenue consistent.

But there’s one stand-out rule to remember:   Always act on parent feedback .

If you ask parents to take the time to fill out a survey, you’ve got to follow up. Even if that just means explaining why you’re   not   going to act on it. Transparency goes a long way in building trust with today’s parents, so use your parent feedback surveys as a way to strengthen that relationship.

As long as you always act, use a tool your   parents and staff are guaranteed to love , and weave feedback collection into your wider brand strategies, you’ll end up with powerful data that leads to better business choices.

Want to learn how LineLeader can save you and your staff countless hours of work? Watch our handy explainer video under 'video resources,' (or - better yet - click the button below to  schedule a demo )! ⬇️

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Additional Content Resources

  • Answer your burning question: what is family engagement ?
  • Check out why the right early education software is a must for your business.
  • Learn about the importance of an easy-to-use daycare parent portal .
  • Take a glance at the ultimate preschool classroom management best practices and tips. 

Video Resources for Parent Survey Questions 

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School Survey Questions for Parents + Sample Questionnaire Template

Conducting a parent feedback survey in K-12 education institutions is crucial for making data-driven decisions that improve the learning experience for students. By gathering input from parents, educators can gain valuable insights into areas of strength and areas for improvement in their schools. As a K-12 educational institution, it is important to continuously strive for improvement and find ways to serve your students and their families better. One effective way to do this is by conducting a parent feedback survey. This survey provides a platform for parents to share their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions about their child's education. It gives educators valuable insights into areas of strength and areas for improvement. By collecting and analyzing this feedback, schools can make data-driven decisions that enhance the learning experience for students and foster a positive school culture. There are many benefits to conducting a parent feedback survey, and it is a crucial step in ensuring that K-12 education institutions meet the needs of their students and families. Whether you are looking to identify areas for improvement, engage with the community, improve communication, or foster a positive school culture, a parent feedback survey can provide valuable insights and help drive decision-making.

  • Desktop Created with Sketch.
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experience with the school, how likely would you be to recommend us to a friend or colleague?0 Very Unlikely to 10 Very Likely
Very dissatisfied Not satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied Not satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied Not satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied Not satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied Not satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied Not satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied Not satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied Not satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied Not satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied Not satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied Not satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied Not satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied Not satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

Top 5 Reasons For Using This School Survey Questions For Parents Survey Template

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Parent survey for K – 12 schools

SurveyMonkey and the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s collaboration to help schools improve parental involvement

For over a decade, tens of thousands of schools have used SurveyMonkey to listen to their parent communities.

But many of those surveys have missed key aspects of the relationship between parents, schools and students. To make sure parental involvement has an impact on education, we’ve teamed up with Dr. Hunter Gehlbach of Harvard Graduate School of Education to help K-12 schools ask the right questions. The result is an expert survey template that makes it easier to get reliable results and improve outcomes.

Use the K-12 parent survey template

Create surveys, send them out, and get powerful tools for analyzing survey responses. From parental involvement to fundraising to course evaluations, we make it easy. Get started for free.

Why parents matter

Parent involvement in schools helps students earn higher grades, boost test scores, improve social skills, and graduate, according to the 2002 paper titled A New Wave of Evidence, The Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections on Student Achievement , authored by Harvard Graduate School of Education Lecturer, Dr. Karen Mapp .

Findings from Dr. Mapp’s work and follow-up studies from the Harvard Family Research Project have been incorporated into a growing number of educational reform initiatives and funding opportunities, including the US Department of Education Race to the Top Fund .

Now, more than ever, principals, superintendents, and school boards need to understand their schools’ effectiveness in building parental capacity. But how should educators begin this daunting process?

Ask the right questions

Our partner, Dr. Gehlbach, and his team used a rigorous process to create survey questions to assess key areas of family/school relationships. Drawing from academic literature, parent interviews, focus groups , expert panels, and survey design best practices, the team developed questions that addressed the following key areas:

Parental support

How much help are students getting at home?

Child behaviors

What habits have students developed that shape their success?

Parent engagement

How engaged are parents in their child’s schooling, and what potential barriers exist?

Parent self-efficacy

How confident are parents in supporting their child’s schooling?

School climate

How do parents view their school regarding academic and social standards?

School program fit

How well do a school’s academic program, social climate, and organizational structure match a student’s needs?

Parent roles and responsibilities

How do parents view their roles as well as teachers’ roles in different aspects of their child’s schooling?

What makes this survey different?

The typical survey design process relies on extensive research and expert analysis to come up with questions. But the survey designer must take care not to neglect respondents’ interpretations of questions.

Dr. Gehlbach used interviews, focus groups, and pre-testing techniques with potential respondents to focus on how parents of K-12 children understood what they were being asked. This helped the survey designers understand how ambiguity in language might impact respondents’ interpretations across key areas. For instance, do parents see “academic achievement” to mean solely test scores and grades, or do they feel that it covers reading proficiency and critical thinking skills? Is “improved school performance” viewed through the lens of traditional outcomes across subjects, or does it include social and psychological aspects of well-being? Nuances such as these were critical in creating questions that could effectively help schools assess parental involvement.

Who should use this survey?

Principals, district staff, school boards, or parent/teacher organizations from any K-12 school — public, private, independent, charter, urban, or rural — should use this survey to understand how they’re doing with parents.

It can also be helpful to get context from your survey results by comparing them to results from other schools or organizations. Finding a benchmark to compare your parent engagement data can help you make actionable goals and better understand your strengths when it comes to school-parent interaction.

Learn more about our parent engagement benchmark data

How should my school use this survey?

In the survey template embedded below, there are several groups of questions such as Parent Engagement, School Climate, etc. When creating your survey, choose groups of questions that make sense for your school. But we urge you to include every question in the groups that make sense. This will minimize errors in your response data and help you gather the best results.

In addition to the template’s questions, add any other questions that might help you gain insights from your parents that are unique to your school. Our Question Bank’s Education category has many pre-written questions to choose from. And if you’d like to write your own, refer to Dr. Phil Garland’s tips for writing great survey questions .

To use the template, sign up for a SurveyMonkey account, click on “Create Survey,” then select “Use an expert survey template,” and choose “K-12 Parent Survey.”

Have more questions?

We have a list of common questions from schools answered in our help center. If your school or district is interested in using the survey and has further questions, please get in touch with us.

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Homework Survey

A homework survey is a questionnaire used by teachers to find out how students are doing on homework assignments.

  • Education Forms
  • School Surveys

A homework survey is a questionnaire used by teachers to find out how students are doing on homework assignments. Whether you teach at a kindergarten, middle school, high school, college, or university, use this free Homework Survey to collect feedback from your students online! Just customize the forms to match the way you teach, embed the form on your website, or share it with a link, and start collecting responses instantly. It’s ideal for remote classrooms — helping you collect the feedback you need, fast.

Make this Homework Survey template your own by adding or updating questions, changing fonts and colors, or adding widgets to collect information in different ways. If you’d like to send responses to your other accounts — such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, or Google Sheets — do it automatically with Jotform’s 100+ free integrations. You can even analyze survey results with Jotform Tables or Jotform Report Builder! Collect the feedback you need and make the most of it with Jotform’s free online Homework Survey.

Class Poll Form Template

A class poll is a survey used by teachers to quickly collect feedback from students in their class. Collect the data you need while looking good!

Teacher Observation Form Template

Teacher Observation Form

Use this Teacher Observation form template for rating your faculty members in their teaching practices. Just copy this form into your Jotform account for free and modify it by dragging and dropping fields to your form. It's easy!

Parent Satisfaction Survey Form Template

Parent Satisfaction Survey

A Parent Satisfaction Survey is a form template designed to assess the quality of educational programs and measure parent satisfaction

Teacher Satisfaction Survey Form Template

Teacher Satisfaction Survey

Make the teachers happy by attending to their needs and listening to their feedback by using this Teacher Satisfaction Survey. This form template contains all the required questions when building a survey.

Student Daily Feedback Form Template

Student Daily Feedback Form

A student daily feedback form is a form used by teachers to get daily feedback from the student.

Multiple Intelligence Survey Form Template

Multiple Intelligence Survey

Determine the intelligence type of students, clients, or patients. Collect survey responses securely online. Easy to customize, share, and embed in your site.

School, Education and Teaching Surveys

Student Survey Form Template

Student Survey

Find out what students think about topics like curriculum, materials, and facilities with Student Survey.

Teachers Assessment Form Template

Teachers Assessment Form

Set your institutional standards using this Teacher Assessment Form Template. Get their strengths and weaknesses and help them improve their teaching practice. Get this template free form Jotform!

Classroom Observation Survey Form Template

Classroom Observation Survey

Does your school accommodate external reviews by conducting class observations? Once the reviewer is done, observation survey forms would surely help in letting them share their feedback. This classroom observation template will ask the panel the teachers/classes they observed, the grade level, how the environment was throughout the session, and the overall knowledge, skills, behavior, class management, and the overall impression of the class. Use this observation survey template to improve your teachers and students alike.

Student Interest Survey Form Template

Student Interest Survey

Encourage the students to enjoy the school year by making them interested in the school activities and class lessons. In order to identify their expectations, have them fill up this Student Interest Survey form.

Student Stress Survey Form Template

Student Stress Survey

A student stress survey is a student-administered tool used to examine stress levels in students. Use this free Student Stress Survey to find out how your students are coping with the demands of schoolwork and other activities.

Student Peer Evaluation Form Template

Student Peer Evaluation Form

A student peer evaluation form is a tool used by teachers to collect feedback about students from their peers. No coding!

Class Feedback Survey Form Template

Class Feedback Survey

A class feedback survey is a form template designed to collect feedback about the course from their students.

Student Satisfaction Survey Form Template

Student Satisfaction Survey

Collect feedback from your students online. Great for remote learning. Customize in a few clicks. Easy to share or embed in your site. Analyze results with Jotform.

Reopening School Survey Form Template

Reopening School Survey

Get parent input about whether to send their children to school. Free survey for school administrators. Easy to customize and embed. Works on any device.

School Survey For Parents Form Template

School Survey For Parents

Whether you’re teaching young students in-person or online, it’s important to understand how their parents are involved with their education. Find out how involved parents are with their children’s schooling with our free School Survey for Parents.

Student Motivation Survey Form Template

Student Motivation Survey

A student motivation survey is a questionnaire that helps the school counselor in assessing the strengths, weaknesses, and needs of the students.

Career Choice Survey Form Template

Career Choice Survey

A Career Choice survey is a survey that helps college students find the right career path. Whether you’re a student or a faculty member, you can use this survey to find out what majors and careers are popular on your campus.

School Withdrawal Survey Form Template

School Withdrawal Survey

This school withdrawal survey form is designed to collect feedback from its current students who are not returning the following year. Their thoughts and impressions of the school's program are valuable, so collect them with ease through this school withdrawal form. This elementary school withdrawal form template asks the students about their personal info, who filled out the student withdrawal form, grade, their thoughts, and disappointments. To find out why are they leaving and get to know their reasons, use this school withdrawal survey form template now!

Parent Roles And Responsibilities Survey Form Template

Parent Roles And Responsibilities Survey

A Parent Roles and Responsibilities Survey is used by teachers to assess the skills and knowledge of a student’s parents. No coding.

Sex Education Survey Form Template

Sex Education Survey

A sex education survey is a questionnaire used by teachers, parents, health professionals, and counselors to obtain feedback from students on their sex education. No coding!

Preschool Parent Survey Form Template

Preschool Parent Survey Form

Would you like to know how satisfied parents are with your school with the Preschool Parent Survey Form? If yes, let's get you here. By the way, no code required!

Course Evaluation Survey Form Template

Course Evaluation Survey

Bullying Survey Form Template

Bullying Survey

Learn about bullying at your school with an anonymous online Bullying Survey template. Easy to customize, share, and embed. Great for remote classrooms.

About School, Education and Teaching Surveys

Whether you’re looking to collect feedback from students, parents, or staff, do it more efficiently with Jotform’s free online School Surveys! Choose a template below that most closely matches your needs, then customize it in just a few clicks with our drag-and-drop Form Builder. Once you’ve shared your survey or embedded it in your website, you’ll be able to collect responses and view them on any device. All submissions are stored securely in your Jotform account and protected with GDPR and CCPA friendly features, a 256-bit SSL connection, and optional HIPAA features for medical information.

Be sure to ask the right questions by customizing your chosen School Survey template. Just drag and drop to add new form fields, change fonts and colors, upload images and logos, include e-signature and appointment fields, and more. Sync submissions to 100+ apps — including Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box — to automatically store survey feedback in your other accounts. You can even convert survey data into reports using Jotform Report Builder, to gain new insights and better analyze your data! Efficiently collect feedback for your classroom with Jotform’s free online School Surveys.

If you need to start from scratch, get started with your own online survey now! In just a few minutes, you can build the best survey you need.

Challenge Success

Family Survey

Designed to gather perspectives from parents and caretakers to provide schools and the broader community with a rich understanding of their students. .



The family survey.

The Challenge Success Family Survey is a 20-minute online survey for parents and caretakers of middle and high school students that helps schools understand parents’/caretakers’ perceptions of their students’ experience. Along with our Student Survey and Staff Survey, it provides data and insights that lead to actionable changes designed to improve student well-being and engagement with learning. 

Topics covered in survey

  • Student stress & worry
  • Student sleep
  • Homework load & habits
  • College process
  • Parent/caretaker expectations
  • Family time

parent homework survey

What’s included

  • SURVEY : Support administering one online survey
  • DASHBOARD : Interactive, online dashboard of results with executive summary
  • DEBRIEF CALL : Video call with members of our Research or Program teams to debrief results and recommend next steps
  • RESEARCH TEAM OFFICE HOURS : Access to a member of the Research team on Thursdays at 12pm PT for follow-up questions.

Many schools have accessed state, local, and community funding to support this work. Learn more about potential sources of funding  here . Challenge Success strives to offer need-based financial assistance in an effort to support schools and organizations with limited resources. We believe that cost should not be a deterrent to accessing quality programs. To apply, please complete this form . All requests will be reviewed by our Executive Director.

parent homework survey

Interested in bringing a Family Survey to your school? We’d love to hear from you! Tell us more about your school, the challenges you’re facing, and the goals you’re trying to achieve using the form below.

What schools are saying.

“The survey made me aware that I don’t really know what my son’s feelings and expectations are about college, and now I want to find out.” PARENT
“The data we collected really helped us understand better the stresses our students faced and what levers we could pull to help students get beyond ‘doing school’ and become more curious and engaged in their learning.” MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR


Below you’ll find a selection of sample questions from several sections of our Family Survey.

  • On a typical weekday, approximately how much school-assigned homework does your child do after school?
  • How would you rate the amount of homework your child has on a nightly basis?
  • Which of the following norms/rules about homework does your family have? (Please select all that apply.)
  • How many hours of sleep does your child usually get each school night?
  • If your child has a smartphone, how often does your child typically use the phone as an alarm clock on school days to wake up?

Family Rules and Norms

  • Which of the following norms/rules about homework does your family have?
  • From Monday through Friday, how often does your family eat a meal together?
  • Do you or your partner/spouse enforce maintaining a high GPA/getting high grades?
  • How often do you spend time together as a family when all family members who currently live in the home are together?

Want to see more sample questions? Get in touch with our team to discuss survey solutions for your school.

parent homework survey

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Reach out to our team directly for more information: [email protected]

parent homework survey

About the Survey

The survey measures parents’ perceptions of their children’s experiences in areas such as academic stress, homework, sleep, technology use, and family rules and norms.

The Challenge Success Parent Survey was developed in 2018 by Stanford researchers. It was carefully designed to align with the Challenge Success Student Survey that has been used by schools since 2007. Questions for parents primarily focus on issues about which they can be reliable observers and over which they have the control to change.

Survey findings can help schools make data-driven policy and practice decisions that improve student well-being and engagement with learning.  For instance, some schools have used survey results to revise homework policies, change bell schedules, provide student and parent workshops on sleep and physical health, and revise their honor codes. Schools know that parents have concerns, need their voices heard, and want to be a part of the solution for their students. Parent Survey results can be especially powerful when combined with data collected from the Student Survey and can help drive parent education and outreach efforts.  

Administering the Survey

Challenge Success will provide you with an online survey link that you can send to parents.  We recommend pushing the link out to your parent community in multiple ways for the greatest response rate, including in a stand-alone email, your school newsletter, and posting it on your website. Parents can take the survey on a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

We recommend administering the survey during a time that is typical for students and families at your school. Parents should not be asked to take the survey right before or after student exams, breaks, summer vacation, or during the first or last few weeks of school. If you are also administering the Challenge Success Student Survey, we recommend doing both surveys at a similar time in the school year.

We recommend that schools keep the survey open for a 1-3 week time period.  The Challenge Success research team can tell you how many parents have taken the survey at any given point and work with you to decide how long to keep the survey open.

We aim for a response rate of at least 50% and, ideally, a 70% or higher response rate so that the results adequately represent your parent community.

The Parent Survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and has about 65 questions.

Yes, just as with the Challenge Success Student Survey, parents have to take the survey in one sitting.  The survey will not allow participants to resume where they left off at a later date.  

We ask parents to focus on one child when they take the survey.  If they wish, however, parents are encouraged to take the survey multiple times for each child they have enrolled at your school.  

Yes, the survey is applicable to parents/caretakers of students in grades 6-12.

Survey Results

Survey results are kept strictly confidential. Participants are not asked to provide any identifying information other than their children’s grade level and age, and can opt out of answering any questions.

It takes our team approximately 2-4 weeks to process your survey data and prepare an online dashboard of the results. Explore  this example  of the dashboard. Once complete, we will set up an hour-long video call with representatives from your school to debrief the results. During this call, you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions about the data, consider ways to build upon your school’s strengths, and discuss areas of need or concern.

Additional reports with survey data may be provided for a fee. 

Parent/carer survey pack

Find everything you need to create your survey – a statement bank covering everything from sen to safeguarding, a survey template, and a letter to parents and carers. plus, see examples from schools., download our survey pack, examples of parent/carer surveys .

  • More support with engaging parents and carers

Before you start, read our step-by-step guide to conducting an effective survey .

Whether you're using an online survey tool or sending out paper copies, you can save time with our statement bank. 

Simply copy the statements you'd like to use and paste them into your survey – there's also a template if you need it, plus a letter to parents/carers.

Our statement bank covers a range of topics:

  • Safeguarding
  • Behaviour and attitudes
  • Personal development
  • SEN provision
  • Pupil premium
  • Leadership and management
  • Parental engagement

Primary schools

  • Grangetown Primary School , a community school in Sunderland
  • St. Barnabas Church of England Primary Academy , in Blackburn with Darwen

Secondary schools

  • Jubilee High School , an academy in Surrey
  • Barking Abbey School , a community school in Essex

Special school

  • Castle Hill High School , a community special school in Stockport

See our guidance on engaging with parents and carers,

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  • Staff survey pack
  • Parental engagement: guidance and examples
  • Information and guidance for parents
  • Parent View: questionnaire content and next steps

Also in " Pupil and parent surveys "

  • How to conduct an effective survey
  • Online safety: pupil questionnaires
  • Pupil voice questions: teaching and learning
  • Wellbeing: pupil voice

Survey Finds Half of Parents Struggle With Their Children’s Homework

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A new survey finds nearly 50 percent of parents making an almost taboo admission: They struggle to help their children with their homework. And many parents—46.5 percent—simply don’t understand the subject matter.

The National Center for Family Literacy partnered with Google to survey parents with students in grades 1 through 12 last month about their ability to help with their children’s homework. The online poll which was released Tuesday includes the responses of roughly 300 parents from two surveys.

Almost a third of parents said their homework frustrations were because “my child doesn’t want my help.” Another 21.9 percent admitted that they were “too busy” to spend time reviewing homework.

“The most alienating and scary moments in any parent’s life come when we feel powerless to give our kids what they need,” Emily Kirkpatrick, vice president of the NCFL, said in a release.

The Louisville, Ky.,-based group is offering parents some guidance to help mitigate their homework frustrations.

The center’s Wonderopolis.org offers information about the Common Core State Standards as well as science, technology, engineering, and math topics. Parents can find educational apps that students can use during downtime, like commuting. And lastly, the NCFL encourages parents to talk with teachers about how learning can be reinforced at home.

Update: While the NCFL didn’t survey parents about the amount of homework their children bring home, The Atlantic’s Karl Taro Greenfeld writes an interesting piece exploring his harrowing homework experiment. Greenfeld deserves a gold star for committing to completing his 13-year-old’s homework for a week for “My Daughter’s Homework is Killing Me.” (Don’t worry, she had to do it too.) While he’s a whiz at math, instead of completing his reading, he finds himself snoozing.

In the end, Greenfeld is concerned that the emphasis on so much homework doesn’t yield enough positive results and he cites plenty of research to back his conclusion. Some Education Week readers are wondering if parents spend too much time hovering over their children while they do their homework.

Me? I just look forward to the summer when there’s no homework for anyone.

See our full coverage of parent empowerment issues.

parent homework survey

A version of this news article first appeared in the K-12 Parents and the Public blog.

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Always know what  parents   think about your school

Our software automatically surveys a portion of your parents every week , so you have a web-based dashboard with fresh, actionable data year-round..


Plan confidently

Build strategies based on real-time, actionable data, increase retention, discover troubling trends  before  families leave, quiet gossip, directly engage parents and break up the "parking lot mafia", parents are customers. their feedback is vital. but, standard parent survey  solutions are broken..

☒  Annual parent surveys only show a single "snapshot" in time  

☒  Constructing meaningful, unbiased questions is challenging  

☒  Response rates are typically very low  

☒  Third-party vendors often charge thousands of dollars for a one-time custom survey

There's a better way to hear your people

Introducing the survey tool built just for private and independent s chools.


Launch automated surveys

No more one-time surveys. We survey a portion of your parents  every week so you have feedback year-round. And, every parent is surveyed multiple times per year so you can measure attitudinal changes more rapidly.

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Tap into our experts

Chose from our library of 50 questions (covering everything from school culture to student well-being), all written by seasoned educators and tuned by a data scientist. 


Generate positive reviews

Our system automatically prompts your top promoters to leave reviews on sites like Facebook, Niche, Great Schools and Private Schools Review.

Screen Shot 2021-06-14 at 8.49.47 AM.png

Know if you're on target

Since we work exclusively with private & independent schools, we benchmark results from thousands of surveys to help you know how your school stacks up.


Engage in real-time

ParentPulse is not just a survey tool, but an engagement tool. Reply directly to any comments – even those from anonymous parents!

Know so you can grow.


Three easy steps to better know your people

Screen Shot 2021-06-14 at 1.12.23 PM.png

1. Import your contacts

Securely import your parent, student and/or employee database – we keep your data safe and it will never be used for anything other than your surveys..

Screen Shot 2021-06-14 at 1.14.24 PM.png

2. Build the recurring survey

Track net promoter score, select from our library of questions (developed by school administrators and tuned by a data scientist) and even add some of your own..

Screen Shot 2021-06-14 at 1.15.13 PM.png

3. Revel in the “Aha” moments

Our software will automatically survey a portion of your people each week via e-mail and text. watch the feedback update in real time on our dashboard and let the insights begin.


$4/student per year

+ $999 annual technology fee.

Student and staff add-on survey modules are $499 each/year

Value-based, simple pricing

Every school gets every feature.

✓  Make sense of your data – see benchmarks for other s chools ✓  Build your custom survey from an extensive question library developed by school administrators and tuned by a data scientist  ✓  Measure Net Promoter Score ✓   Survey invitations sent automatically every week – by e-mail AND text ✓  Word Cloud integration to better contextualize  your respondents' comments

✓  Access to individual surveys – see how any parent responded ✓  Intuitive dashboard, with filters to drill down on your data

✓  White glove support by phone or e-mail

Partnering with more than 130 private and independent schools...

parent homework survey

“In my 15 years of doing this, I’ve never used a tool that has so dramatically changed the way I view retention strategy."

Rudi Gesch , Director of Marketing and Enrollment

Sheboygan Christian School

Guided by experts

Meet our advisory team.


Ryan Bredow, Ed.D.

Assistant Vice President,

K12 Educational Development Grand Canyon University

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Jack Preus, Ed.D.

National Director of People Development Open Sky Education


Brad Ermeling, Ed.D.

Author, Researcher & International Consultant Teaching Better Institute


Daniel Egeler, Ed.D.

Grand Canyon University & Former President,  ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International)

Screen Shot 2022-02-07 at 10.07_edited.j

Tom Carpenter, Ph.D.

Principal Data Analyst Microsoft


"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it."

-peter drucker.

Making strategic decisions without feedback and insights from your parents is kind of like playing darts with a blindfold on. You’re never truly sure where the target is.

We help you rip off the blindfold. Our automated, recurring survey process empowers you to measure your overall experience, better understand what your parents think and feel, and spot troubling trends before families leave.


Download our free guide!

Five out-of-the-box ways to capture parent feedback

Are you still relying on annual surveys or parking lot gossip to learn what your parents are thinking? Draw new insights with these creative feedback tools!

Thanks for submitting! Check your e-mail for a link to download the free guide!

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Homework Survey Shows Teacher-Parent Divide

Claudio Sanchez

Experts have called homework the most "haphazard educational practice in America's schools." Yet most teachers, parents and students seem to think it's absolutely necessary. If only they could agree on how to make homework less boring and more relevant. A new survey about homework offers insight into why it gets on everybody's nerves.

The survey, commissioned by the insurance giant MetLife, found a big disconnect between teachers and parents when it comes to homework. Veteran teachers said homework is crucial to students' academic success in school. Most assigned homework to help students build skills like reading comprehension or to help them prepare for tests. One out of four teachers rated the quality of their homework as "excellent."

But one-third of parents rated the quality of homework only "fair to poor." Parents also complained that there's too much homework — that it takes up way too much time and deprives their children of sleep.

Related NPR Stories

Teachers in berkeley refuse homework, morning edition, calif. teachers take action on homework, student takes homework to court.


  1. Parent Homework Satisfaction Survey

    parent homework survey

  2. Parent Teacher Conference Questionnaire (Homework for Parents)

    parent homework survey

  3. 20+ Parent Survey Templates in Google Docs

    parent homework survey

  4. Editable Parent Survey Form (teacher made)

    parent homework survey

  5. EDITABLE Parent Homework / Survey

    parent homework survey

  6. Homework for Parents

    parent homework survey


  1. 52 Effective Parent Survey Questions For Meaningful Feedback

    We're planning family and parent events for the school year. Please reply with the number of the one event you're most interested in. (List your potential events here, i.e. 1) Back to School BBQ 2) Turkey Bingo, etc.) Parent Survey Questions for Academics: Curriculum & Support. Sample questions to ask about curriculum, grades, and academic ...

  2. Top 50 Parent Survey Questions for Questionnaires

    Slightly confident. Somewhat confident. Quite confident. Extremely confident. The above questions can help parents to reassess their confidence and capabilities as a parent. Such questions can help the parent understand where they are lacking, and appropriate measures can be taken to modify their approaches. Create a free account.

  3. 30 Comprehensive Parent Survey Questions

    Example parent survey questions, covering school communication, quality of teaching, school facilities, pupil wellbeing, extracurricular activities, and more. Contact. Search. We're hiring. Login. Product. Product. ... Is the homework given to your child age-appropriate? 6. Do you feel teachers are accessible for discussing your child's progress?

  4. 55 Amazing parent survey questions for your next questionnaire

    Top 55 parent survey question examples to include in your questionnaire. Using a parent survey surely helps gather information. You can use general questions as it is a feedback form or focus on one or multiple subjects you need to get information on. For example, you can focus on parent survey questions for childcare and use questions on that.

  5. 50+ Parent Survey Questions for Schools

    1. Create a free account in SurveySparrow. 2. Sign in to your SurveySparrow account. Click on the 'Create Survey' button. 3. To create a new survey, you can select 'Start Blank' or 'Wing it with AI'. To create AI-powered surveys, click on the second option, give the prompt, and you're all set! 4.

  6. Top 80 Parent Survey Questions for Questionnaires

    Parent survey questions are survey questions asked to parents to understand their opinions, attitudes, perceptions, and points of view about topics that concern their children. Such questions are used by schools, psychiatrists, and the government to collect information that can be beneficial for the issues that affect young minds.

  7. FREE Back-to-School Parent Questionnaire for Teachers

    Designing an Effective Parent Questionnaire. When creating a parent questionnaire, it's important to include various questions covering different aspects of the child's life. Basic Information: Gather essential details such as the child's name, date of birth, parent/guardian names, preferred contact method, and the primary language spoken ...

  8. Parent Survey Questions for Childcare: 25 Sample Survey Examples

    She has extensive knowledge of the childcare system, effective marketing strategies, and copywriting. Hope serves as a Content Specialist for the Marketing team at LineLeader by ChildcareCRM. We share 25 examples of parent survey questions for childcare professionals regarding feedback on your brand, bringing your ECE community closer together.

  9. School Survey Questions for Parents + Sample Questionnaire Template

    Top 5 Reasons For Using This School Survey Questions For Parents Survey Template. Identify areas for improvement. By asking parents for their thoughts and concerns about their child's education, educators can get a clear picture of what is and isn't working in the classroom. Engage with the community. A parent feedback survey provides an ...

  10. Parent Surveys

    For even more ideas, see our longer list of 30 parent survey questions. Choose your plan and create your first survey now. Discover all the tools, templates and reports you need to capture honest and informative feedback from the parents and guardians of your school's pupils.

  11. Parent Survey: Improve Parental Involvement

    Parent survey for K - 12 schools. SurveyMonkey and the Harvard Graduate School of Education's collaboration to help schools improve parental involvement. For over a decade, tens of thousands of schools have used SurveyMonkey to listen to their parent communities. But many of those surveys have missed key aspects of the relationship between ...

  12. PDF Homework Survey

    Homework Survey - Parents In Fall 2017, all six schools in the Merrimack School District implemented the practice of NOT grading homework. Since district policy on homework neither requires nor prohibits the grading of homework, this change was intended to clarify expectations about our practice

  13. Homework Survey Form Template

    A homework survey is a questionnaire used by teachers to find out how students are doing on homework assignments. ... The parent satisfaction survey is a document or tool that can be given to parents if you wish to their feedback about the school program. This is normally given to a school or learning institution wherein the feedback from the ...

  14. PDF Holy Trinity CE Primary School Homework Questionnaire for Parents and

    Homework Questionnaire for Parents and Carers As promised we would like to hear more of your views on homework so that we have your feedback as we develop our new policy. We are planning to have a new policy by the end of the summer term which we will develop having

  15. Take a survey

    Survey findings can help schools make data-driven policy and practice decisions that improve student well-being and engagement with learning. For instance, some schools have used survey results to revise homework policies, change bell schedules, provide student and parent workshops on sleep and physical health, and revise their honor codes.

  16. Parent/carer survey pack

    Download our survey pack. Whether you're using an online survey tool or sending out paper copies, you can save time with our statement bank. Simply copy the statements you'd like to use and paste them into your survey - there's also a template if you need it, plus a letter to parents/carers. KeyDoc: parent/carer survey pack DOC, 224.5 KB.

  17. Survey Finds Half of Parents Struggle With Their Children's Homework

    UPDATED. A new survey finds nearly 50 percent of parents making an almost taboo admission: They struggle to help their children with their homework. And many parents—46.5 percent—simply don ...

  18. Surveys for Private and Independent Schools

    1. Import your contacts. Securely import your parent, student and/or employee database - we keep your data safe and it will never be used for anything other than your surveys. 2. Build the recurring survey. Track Net Promoter Score, select from our library of questions (developed by school administrators and tuned by a data scientist) and ...

  19. (PDF) Parental Involvement in Homework

    Parental involvement in student homework is thus associ-. ated with several student attitudes, skills, and behaviors im-. portant to school learning and achievement. Many of the. studies offer ...

  20. Homework Survey Shows Teacher-Parent Divide

    Email. A new survey found a big disconnect between teachers and parents when it comes to homework. One in four teachers rated the quality of their homework as "excellent." But one-third of parents ...

  21. PDF Parent Questionnaire

    Parent Questionnaire - Homework The school are looking to review our policy on Homework across all year groups. We would ask that you please complete a questionnaire on your experience of homework at King's Park Secondary school. The questionnaire is short and has only 21 questions.


    In 2021, the school's homework policy and practise was due for review by staff and Governors. As part of the process the views of parents and children was considered important. The parent body were asked to contribute to an online survey. The survey coincided with the end of a period of school closures and home learning and parents were asked ...


    A SURVEY OF STUDENTS, TEACHERS AND PARENTS Conducted for: MetLife, Inc. Survey Field Dates: Students: March 28, 2007 and May 31, 2007 Teachers: May 10, 2007 and May 16, 2007 ... parents, homework is an almost daily fact of life. Still, it can also be about preparation,