Writers In Paradise


The conference.

January 18 – 25, 2025

Located on the beautiful waterfront campus of  Eckerd College  in St. Petersburg, Florida, this writers’ conference features professional writers at the top of their form spending quality time with motivated and talented participants seeking an intimate, unhurried climate for learning…in paradise.


Supernatural/suspense/horror with michael koryta (full week) $950.

This workshop is open to writers working on a suspense novel, particularly one with a supernatural or paranormal element — think Shirley Jackson, Ira Levin, Stephen King, Megan Abbott, and Joe Hill. Our focus will be on the handling of core issues such as character, structure, scene building, and how supernatural suspense is built through grounded stories with emotional realism.

Crime Fiction with Laura Lippman (full week)  $950

Looking for the formula for writing great crime fiction?  Alas, it doesn’t exist.  But this workshop can help writers with novels in which a crime is the engine that moves the story forward.  Counter-intuitively, the emphasis will be on character, not plotting.  Crime novels work best when characters are true to themselves. Then again, per Raymond Chandler, it never hurts to send a man through the door with a gun.

Memoir with Andre Dubus III (full week)  $950

If I teach nothing else in my writing classes, I teach this:  do not outline your novel or novella or short story or essay. Do not think out the plot, the narrative arc, the protagonist’s journey, whatever you want to call it. Instead, try to find the story through an honest excavation of the characters’ total experience of the situation in which they find themselves. Do that, and I promise the story will begin to write itself with little need for the controlling hand of the godly, intelligent, well-read, and ambitious author. But how, precisely, does one go about this “excavation”?  And how, technically speaking, can we ignite a story into “writing itself”?  Come to this workshop, and I will seek to demystify those writerly tools and skills that time and time again, if they are sharp enough, and if the writer can summon enough daily faith and nerve, can penetrate the mystery of story itself.

Nonfiction with Luis Alberto Urrea (full week)  $950

Paradise writing non-fiction.

A teacher I like calls our genre “Verity.” So, welcome to our Verity workshop. We will not only share our work, but we will also explore techniques that can make nonfiction as hypnotic as a juicy novel. Guess what:  the really good stuff is often hidden to readers. It’s a Jedi mind-trick.

In short—your writing is not only what is on the page, but also what lurks beneath the page – that shadow realm that can make your readers dream.

I’m going to show you the big river of story…even if your story is humble, closely observed. It doesn’t have to be a world-war. It can be about a grandmother’s hands. We will learn to love and trust what lies beneath. Expect great handouts, examples, and maybe some gifts.

Bring your best light. Bring your best shadow.

Don’t be shy. Do not fear.  We won’t let you fall.

Short Story with Stewart O’Nan (full week) $950

The class will be primarily a workshop. Students will read one another’s stories, interrogating character, action, language, ideas, and setting with an eye toward revision.

Novel with Ann Hood (full week) $950

“The page is still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible,” Nabokov said of writing a novel. That’s our goal in this workshop—to bring that miracle of words that tells a story to the page. We will discuss the architecture of novels, the best ways to begin, the muddle of the middle, rising tension, character development, situation versus story, making characters breathe on the page, where to end, and more. Through examples from published novels and close reads of your own work, we will investigate, explore, and celebrate writing your novel.

Graphic Novel with Alex Segura (full week) $950

This workshop will introduce interested writers to the nuts and bolts of the graphic novel medium, from pacing and script format to various genres within the form, an all-purpose tour of a beloved medium that touches on many aspects of the craft.   Artistic capability is not a prerequisite.  The focus will be on the story elements, the crafting of a high concept, and a loose breakdown of plot.  This is primarily a generative workshop, though applicants with experience in the genre will find much to gain.   (Submit either a completed short story; the first chapter of a novel, with a synopsis of the remainder; or a sample of work in the genre—25 pages, maximum.  Exact guidelines can be found on Submittable starting in August with the opening of our application period.)

3-Day Poetry Workshop with Didi Jackson (January 19-21)  $495

In our time together, we will hone down each workshopped poem to its essential strengths. What image, metaphor, simile, etc. … makes a lasting imprint on the mind’s eye? What part of the poem could be let go?  Where is the best place to begin or end? Is the poem missing something crucial?  Does the poem provide a moment of critical vulnerability? We will focus our attention on the avoidance of cliché and how to spy the extraordinary in the everyday. With support, kindness, and respect, we will all commit to help make each poem a better version of itself.

3-Day Poetry Workshop with Major Jackson (January 23-25)  $495

In this revision workshop, we will discuss poems and offer feedback with an eye on aesthetic risk-taking. Please arrive to the conference with three poems, preferably 1-2 pages (exact submission guidelines on Submittable starting in August). We will discuss strategies to push our drafts to next-level thinking and exploration. Students will enter a community of writers whose collective aim is to contemplate growth by way of radical experimentation.

3-Day Generative Short Story with Ana Menéndez (January 19-21)  $495

From anecdote to story in three days.

That image you can’t get out of your mind. That anecdote you’ve been telling for the last 10 years. That thing that happened in 2003 that changed everything – all these can be the beginning of a moving and well-crafted work of fiction. This fully generative workshop will take you from telling a personal anecdote to crafting a working draft for a short story. We’ll discuss the difference between anecdote and short story, learn the most basic of story structures, and discuss motif, binary constructions, and other details that will help you deepen subsequent drafts. You’ll leave the three days with at least a rough draft and some basic tools that will allow you to continue shaping the story long after you return home.

3-Day Mythic Structure with Les Standiford (January 23-25)  $495

This workshop will focus on the structure of book-length projects–novel, memoir, or general interest non-fiction, either completed or in progress. Discussion will be guided by the principles of mythic structure and archetype, and will center on the clarity and substance of a summary of the project and the efficacy of the 25 pages that open the work.  Recommended reading:  Christopher Vogler, THE WRITER’S JOURNEY .  Joseph Campbell, HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES .

MANUSCRIPT CONSULTATIONS with Sterling Watson ($450)

During our meeting, the participant and I will discuss the manuscript including my thoughts on what I think works and doesn’t work.  I will give the participant a brief report on the manuscript, which will be the basis for my spoken comments.  Additionally, I will provide the participant with a line-edited copy of the manuscript (participants may decline line-edits if they wish to).  Finally, we will address any questions that the participant prepares for the meeting.

by application only via  Submittable  from August 1 – November 1 novels in progress, up to 35pp plus synopsis one-hour consult may be combined with a 3-day workshop or stand-alone only may not be combined with a full week workshop due to scheduling conflict accepted manuscript consultees will be considered full participants and thus be eligible to attend all conference events (except workshops) meeting must take place during the conference week (Jan 18-25) participant will work directly with Sterling Watson to arrange meeting time and location

NEW FOR 2025

Keynote speaker, karen russell , pulitzer-prize finalist, guggenheim and macarthur fellow, nyt best-selling author.

Karen Russell will open the 2025 conference with a reading on Saturday 1/18 at 8pm, followed by a Q&A with Conference Director, Les Standiford, and ending with book sales and signings.

Closing Speaker, three-time National Book Award finalist and NYT best-selling author, Lauren Groff

Rounding out a full week of workshops, lectures and gatherings, we welcome Lauren Groff to close out the week.  Her reading will take place on Saturday 1/25 at 8pm, followed by a Q&A with Conference Director, Les Standiford, and ending with book sales and signings.

Food writer, author, and three-time James Beard Award recipient, Michael Ruhlman

For accepted participants interested in learning the ins-and-outs of food writing, chef and author, Michael Ruhlman, will lead a 2-part craft talk describing and discussing how best to bring the savory and sweet to life in writing.  The second part of the talk will include writing and workshopping.

Graphic Novel

Writers in Paradise is thrilled to welcome Alex Segura , award-winning graphic novelist, as first-time faculty, to teach our very first workshop in Graphic Novel.  For writers who’ve been curious and are ready to give this exciting genre a try, we’ve heard you!

Generative Workshops

For the first time, Writers in Paradise will offer generative workshops! Fully-generative Short Story (with Ana Menéndez ) and a partially-generative workshop in Graphic Novel (with Alex Segura ) will give aspiring writers the chance to explore, learn, and create drafts while in workshop.  Descriptions of both workshops appear above and exact submission guidelines will be available on Submittable beginning in August with the start of our application period.

Supporting Writers in Paradise

We at WIP have learned throughout the years that we are part of the best community of writers!  For those of you who would like to support our conference, we’ve created a donation page to make the process easy.  If you have any questions or prefer supporting in other ways, please contact the conference coordinator.

Applications Deadline

Our applications period runs from August 1 to November 1 (11:59 p.m. Eastern Time). Apply starting August 1 on Submittable .

View more about workshop selection, deadlines and conference costs .

Les Standiford

Dennis lehane.

Co-founded by  Dennis Lehane  and  Sterling Watson , and co-directed by  Les Standiford , Writers in Paradise offers an intensive eight-day experience of workshop classes, roundtables, panel discussions, Q&As, readings, book signings, and receptions with our award winning-faculty and guest speakers.

The tranquil seaside landscape sets the tone for this informal gathering of writers, teachers, editors, and literary agents. The size and secluded location of the  Eckerd College Writers’ Conference  allows you the time and opportunity to share your manuscripts, critique one another’s work, and discuss the craft of writing with experts and peers who can help guide you to the next level.

Why You Should Attend

After eight days of workshopping and engagement with peers and professionals in your field, you will leave with a refreshed understanding of your craft and solid ideas about how to find an agent and get published.  At the heart of the conference are six days of workshops led by master faculty in various genres where techniques are discussed and participant manuscripts are closely examined.

2025 Faculty & Guests

Writers in Paradise offers a wide array of  Fellowships and Scholarships.

Additional Information

The 21st edition of Writers in Paradise will take place in January 18-25, 2025.  Esteemed faculty and selected participants workshop for three hours in the morning, attend panels and craft talks in the afternoon, and attend evening readings and events. Participants are actively engaged with our faculty and guests from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

For more information about Writers in Paradise, please  visit our FAQ  or contact Conference Coordinator, Marina Pruna, at  [email protected] .

Young poet smiles as he stands at a podium that reads "Eckerd College"

If you’d like to be added to our email list to receive news about the conference including deadline reminders, please sign up here.

center for creative writing

Writers in Paradise at Eckerd College 4200 54th Avenue South St. Petersburg, FL 33711

The Eckerd College Writers’ Conference: Writers in Paradise is organized by Marina Pruna, conference coordinator, and by Les Standiford, conference co-director.

727.241.2802 [email protected]

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Creative Writing

Hone your craft with the pros, start a lifelong apprenticeship in the literary arts.

The creative writing program that nurtured Dennis Lehane ’88, best-selling author and HBO writer/producer, is now accepting applications to earn B.A. and BFA degrees. But you don’t have to be gunning for a Hollywood contract to enroll. Our liberal arts graduates also go on to MFA programs and careers in journalism, media, PR, editing and publishing, counseling and software design.


Writers in paradise.

Spend 8 days in workshops with writers like Andre Dubus III, Anne Hood, Laura Lippman, Lori Roy, Stewart O’Nan, David Yoo and Laura Williams McCaffrey. This writer’s conference is held on our Florida campus every January.

Facetime with famous authors

You’ll also have the chance to meet and talk with other celebrated writers including Stephen King, Carl Hiaasen, Julianna Baggott and Mark Bowden. These and other literary lights give talks here throughout the year.

Get help paying for college

Need help with finances? In addition to the academic scholarships we hand out upon application, you can apply for the Artistic Achievement Award .

In Their Own Words

Without my mentors through the creative writing department, I wouldn’t be in graduate school studying for my MFA with the opportunities ahead of me to teach and write. With their support, I was able to study travel writing in Paris and London, which was instrumental in my growth as a writer and a person. The creative writing department at Eckerd College is a hidden gem—once you find it, you must hold onto it! —Olivia Jacobson ’22

Beyond the Classroom


Creative Writing majors have interned on campus with our student newspaper, The Current , and our literary magazine, Eckerd Review . Another recent student was an editing intern at I Love the Burg , a creative agency in downtown St. Petersburg.

Pay it forward by tutoring with Journeys in Journalism . This community program teaches local elementary, middle and high school students how to be reporters, photographers, editors and page designers for their school newspapers.

Spend a term living at our London Study Centre and studying the literature of Great Britain. Includes a week of travel and tickets to epic museums and theatre productions. Or choose from one of 300+ other destinations we offer every year.

Eckerd is just a stone’s throw from some of America’s hottest literary landmarks and events. Check it out:

  • The Earnest Hemingway Home
  • The Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings historic site
  • Miami Book Fair (November)
  • Zora Neale Hurston Festival (January)

Popular classes

Craft of writing.

This course reviews poetic and narrative language and introduces the concept of literary texture. Present what you write in class at public readings held on campus once a semester.

Writing Workshop: The Personal Essay

Learn about literary essays by reading masters like Harry Crews, Eudora Welty and Joan Didion. This class explores how to use imagination to shape format, technique and your own personal style.

What can I do with a Creative Writing degree?

  • Business Manager
  • Educational Assessor
  • Media and Newspaper Reporter
  • Software Designer of Interactive Fiction
  • Technical Writer

Where our Creative Writing majors go to graduate school

  • Chapman University
  • Emerson College
  • Florida International University
  • George Mason University
  • Hollins College
  • Indiana University
  • Stanford University
  • The Johns Hopkins University
  • The University of Miami
  • The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • University of Alabama
  • University of Iowa Writers Workshop

Where our Creative Writing majors go to work

  • Bluewater Books & Charts
  • Dupont Registry
  • Novelist & Poet
  • St. Petersburg College
  • Time Magazine

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Your Support

Your generosity funds scholarships and free programs, allowing more teen and adult writers to participate in creative writing workshops at our new center in the Seaport, in neighborhoods around Boston, and online.

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Katherine Yeh's photo

Instructor Spotlight

Katherine Yeh Katherine is the instructor for GrubStreet's Fall Novel Generator program.

Jacob Took's photo

  • [email protected]

About Jacob

Jacob Took (he/him/his) is an Operations Assistant at GrubStreet. He has a background in local journalism, and previously supported communications at a transportation planning agency in Baltimore. He is a big reader, especially of speculative, fantasy and horror, and writes fiction. He lives in Cambridge with his husband and their perfect tuxedo cat.

The Shapiro Center at Wesleyan

Shaprio Center

Shapiro Center for Creative Writing and Criticism

Welcome to the Shapiro Center for Creative Writing and Criticism!  The Center's classes, events, projects, and internships teach students at Wesleyan how the pursuit of knowledge and artistic practice can co-exist, both in the university and beyond it. We aim to help readers, writers, and artists from all backgrounds take pleasure in the verbal arts, ranging from translated fiction to graphic novels to audiobooks. Here you will find some of the world's most distinguished novelists, poets, translators, illustrators, and critics.

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Professor Merve Emre

Featured Event

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5 PM, Tuesday, September 17th McKelvey Room, Reid House, Office of Admissions

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Writers in Residence

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Kratz Center for Creative Writing

at Goucher College

Fall Book Launch Event with Maria Melendez Kelson

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The Kratz Center for Creative Writing at Goucher College is one of the Middle Atlantic states' premier centers for the academic study and presentation of creative writing. View all posts by kratz

The Muse Writers Center

Mondays, Sep 30 - Dec 9 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

  • Open to Adults
  • Professional
  • Weekday Evening

Members save on classes!

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The Fiction Studio (Monday Evenings)

The Fiction Studio continues with returning members and new members with professional fiction workshop experience. We will actively write and revise original short stories and chapters of novels as well as consider various aspects of the creative and professional life of the fiction writer. All members of the group will have the opportunity to submit material for the workshop, with at least two to three opportunities to be critiqued during the session. New members must receive pre-approval to register from the teacher.

Please note: This class or event is hybrid. Some attendees will be in-person and some will attend online. T here may be a limited number of in-person seats available. If you are participating online (using Zoom or a similar live platform), students or attendees should have a stable internet connection. Class participants: you should have a computer or device with a webcam and microphone; and your Zoom link will be automatically sent to you after you register. Check your spam box if you don't see it.

  • September 30
  • November 11
  • November 25

The Muse

Classes That Might Interest You

Writing “The Thing”

Writing “The Thing”

Cover Versions: Poetry and Inspiration

Cover Versions: Poetry and Inspiration

The Fiction Studio (Monday Evenings)

Fall Daily Writing Prompts BUNDLE for Centers/ Bell Work

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Products in this Bundle (3)

Also included in.

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Are you looking for writing activities for your centers, extensions, morning work, bell work, etc.? Look no further! This Fall bundle would be the perfect addition to your writing center, morning work, extensions, or any way that will fit into your writing activities for your students. This bundle includes three months (September, October, and November) of engaging and creative prompts that your students are sure to enjoy writing about!

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American Psychological Association

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Available now! The Mastering APA Style Student Workbook

The Mastering APA Style Student Workbook is an online and interactive workbook for teaching and learning seventh edition APA Style. Explore the workbook to learn more, register for a webinar, watch a demo video, try a sample workbook, and purchase your copy. Adopt the workbook for your course or workshop to use it to teach APA Style and scholarly writing.

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Mastering APA Style Student Workbook

An online and interactive workbook designed for teaching and learning seventh edition APA Style

Concise Guide to APA Style, Seventh Edition

Concise Guide, Seventh Edition

An easy-to-use guide for students writing their papers in seventh edition APA Style

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition

Publication Manual, Seventh Edition

The official source for seventh edition APA Style that guides users through the scholarly writing process

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Creative Commons and Public Domain

Creative Commons (CC) is an organization that provides free licenses for creators to use when making their work available to the public. These licenses allow the creator to determine how their work can or can not be used by others - granting copyright permissions for creative and academic works; ensure proper attribution; and allow others to copy or remix or distribute.

For any work that will be published and seen outside of classroom environment, it is important to follow the Creative Commons license for use of the work, or that permission to use the work is obtained from the author/creator. See the Creative Commons and Fair Use Guide.

Look for a license stamp like one these below - this stamp determines if and how the work is to be used and how it should be attributed to the original author or not.

CC Licenses - see definitions here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/


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The problem with this is that citation for these images can be difficult to find.

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Smithsonian Open Access

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First search for an image using a key word - then sort the results to only show a specific usage license.

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  • Behold Searches a selection of Flickr images with open licenses.

Wikimedia Commons

All images on Wikimedia Commons are reusable but each image may have different requirements for crediting a photographer/artist. Look at the Creative Commons licenses to determine if/how the image should be cited.


Credo Reference

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All images and charts on CREDO Reference can be used - you just need to include a citation.  The citations for all images and charts are conveniently provided at the bottom of each article. 


Statista provides data and statistics charts that can be easily imported into ppt slides, or downloaded as image files. Citations for each chart are available on the page and embedded within the imported image or download.

More Open Access Images

  • NYPL Digital Gallery Open access to over 800,000 digital images from the new York Public Library's collections.
  • Wellcome Images Providing access to the visual collections of the Wellcome Library, which documents "2000 years of human culture" with a focus on biomedical imagery. Most images are open access, with others available for paid licensing.
  • Getty: Open Content Images Search over 10,000 images from Getty Museum and Research Institute collections made available for download.
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  • Last Updated: Aug 16, 2024 10:05 PM
  • URL: https://library.keene.edu/research-writing

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How might students be using generative AI?

Understanding the various ways students might be using generative AI is critical for instructors. Students might use generative AI for various academic tasks, which can be both beneficial and potentially problematic depending on the context and extent of use. This knowledge can help in designing assignments that deter misuse, encouraging constructive uses, and maintaining academic integrity.

Some possible student uses of generative AI include the following:

Academic writing and essays

Sample uses

  • Students may use AI to write entire essays or substantial portions of them, inputting prompts related to their assignment topics.
  • AI can assist students in drafting essays , offering suggestions for improving clarity, coherence, and grammar.
  • AI can summarize lengthy academic papers , helping students grasp key points quickly without reading the entire document.


  • Risk: Students might submit entire or portions of AI-generated essays as their own, which constitutes academic dishonesty.
  • Benefit: AI can help with brainstorming and refining ideas, improving the overall quality of student writing when used appropriately.

Research and information gathering

  • Students can use AI to generate lists of research topics or questions based on initial keywords or subject areas.
  • AI can condense complex articles, papers, and textbooks into concise summaries , making it easier for students to understand and engage with the material.
  • AI can provide ideas for hypotheses or avenues to investigate.
  • Risk: Over-reliance on AI summaries may lead students to a superficial understanding and reduced critical engagement with source materials.
  • Benefit: AI can enhance the efficiency and breadth of research, allowing students to cover more ground in less time.

Study assistance and exam preparation

  • AI can generate flashcards , quizzes , and practice questions tailored to specific subjects and topics.
  • AI can create study guides summarizing key concepts and information for exam preparation.
  • AI-powered tutors can provide personalized explanations and answer questions , helping students understand difficult concepts.
  • Risk: Students might become dependent on AI, reducing their ability to study and learn independently.
  • Benefit: AI can enhance study efficiency and effectiveness, providing additional support and resources for exam preparation.

Coding and problem solving

  • AI tools like GitHub Copilot can write code snippets or complete coding assignments based on given specifications.
  • AI can help identify and fix bugs in code, providing explanations and solutions.
  • Students can use AI to generate and optimize algorithms for specific tasks.
  • Risk: Students may submit AI-generated code without understanding it, undermining the learning process and academic integrity.
  • Benefit: AI can act as a tutor, guiding students through complex coding challenges and helping them learn new programming techniques.

Creative projects

  • AI can generate artwork , designs , and visual content based on student inputs, aiding in art and design courses.
  • Students can use AI to write poems , stories , and scripts , providing inspiration and content ideas.
  • AI can compose music, helping students create original pieces for music courses.
  • Risk: Students might claim AI-generated creative work as their own, raising issues of originality and authenticity.
  • Benefit: AI can serve as a creative partner, expanding the creative horizons of students and providing new avenues for artistic expression.

Language learning and translation

  • AI chatbots can simulate conversations in foreign languages , helping students practice speaking and listening skills.
  • AI translation tools can translate text between languages , assisting students in language assignments and learning.
  • AI can provide instant feedback on grammar and vocabulary usage , helping students improve their language skills.
  • Risk: Over-reliance on AI for translations and corrections may hinder the development of independent language skills.
  • Benefit: AI can provide valuable practice and feedback, complementing traditional language learning methods.

Generative AI offers powerful tools that can significantly enhance the learning experience when used ethically and responsibly. However, it also poses risks to academic integrity if misused. By understanding how students might use these technologies, instructors can design assignments that encourage productive use, foster deep learning, and uphold the values of academic honesty.

This content was developed with the assistance of Open AI’s ChatGPT.

Research Assistant, Graphic Design & Communications

Research Assistant, Graphic Design & Communications

New research assistant opportunity.

About the Communications Research Assistant Team: Are you passionate about communications and graphic design? The BKC communications team is seeking one or more creative, highly motivated candidates to work on a range of writing, project management, and digital media tasks that help tell the Berkman Klein story to the public and target audiences. You may be asked to help with any aspect of BKC’s communications activities, including graphic design, writing and editing website and social media content, promoting events, taking photos and videos, and developing creative ways to share and amplify research, education, programs, and other activities of the Center. The right candidate is sharp, flexible, and reliable; has excellent organizational skills to juggle multiple tasks, people, and projects; is a strong collaborator with the emotional intelligence to work well with different personalities and work styles; has an excellent understanding of social media; and has experience completing graphic design projects.

About the Graphic Design Position:

This position is currently scoped to work on a range of communications projects, but will focus on graphic design and social media.

  • Lead graphic design projects for the Berkman Klein website, newsletter, and social media using software including InDesign, Photoshop, Canva, other Adobe Suite products.
  • Produce, film, photograph, and edit videos and/or multimedia assets using iPhone, Zoom, PremierePro, and Adobe Express.
  • Ensure all visual assets adhere to brand standards and appropriate dimensions, exhibiting extraordinary attention to detail and consistency.
  • Support file management of all digital media assets to ensure accessibility and consistent storage practices and standardized file naming conventions.
  • Conceptualize and execute new design concepts for research releases—including reports, supplementary materials, web and social media assets,
  • Work with stakeholders on and off campus, including staff, faculty, visiting scholars, fellows, students, and other subject matter experts.
  • Manage print production as needed.

Eligibility/Other Information: This position is currently hybrid. To be eligible for this position, you must be a currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate student at Harvard University. 

  • In-person attendance at certain events will be required.
  • The time commitment would range between 7-14 hours per week.
  • The ideal start date for this position is as soon as possible.
  • Unless otherwise noted, the hourly wage for this position is $21 per hour.
  • No other benefits are provided.
  • We do not have the ability to provide authorization to work in the U.S.

To Apply: Applications will be collected through this application form . The form will be closed when applications are no longer being accepted.

Required Materials for All Applicants Include:

  • A current resume or CV.
  • A brief cover letter describing your skills, interests, and what brought you to Berkman Klein Center.
  • A portfolio of 3-5 examples of your graphic design work , including at least 3 samples produced for social media. If you have never done this before, just give it a try! We are all learning.

All materials will be collected as sharable links via the application form linked above.

Commitment to Diversity: The work and well-being of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society are profoundly strengthened by the diversity of our network and our differences in background, culture, experience, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, ability, and more. We actively seek and welcome applications from people of color including members of Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latinx, and other communities; women, members of the LGBTQIA+ community; people with disabilities; and people at the intersections of these identities, from across the spectrum of disciplines and methods. For more information about accessibility at Harvard for applying to this or other positions, we encourage you to look for more resources online.

About the Berkman Klein Center: Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society is a University-wide research center and one of the largest and most influential conveners and accelerators of scholars, technologists, activists and makers working on cyberspace and related law and public policy matters in the public interest.


center for creative writing

Writing Retreats

Come write with us—from home..

The Center for Creative Writing offers annual writing retreats on multiple topics and genres for writers who seek an immersive experience.

Our writing retreats for the foreseeable future will be supportive, community-building, intensive…and 100% virtual. We adapted some of our in-person offerings to provide an incredible retreat experience you can enjoy from the safety and comfort of home. 

Center writing retreats are nurturing:

  • We connect you with a passionate teacher for expert guidance;
  • We help you build a tiny but mighty community of other writers; and
  • We offer private, luxury accommodations in beautiful, vacation-worthy places around the U.S.

Center writing retreats are accessible:

  • Our long-weekend intensive format provides an escape for even the most time-challenged writers, for whom a week or two away from jobs, families, and responsibilities is simply not feasible;
  • Our teachers work with retreat registrants to optimize sessions and content for their individual goals and projects, no matter their level of experience; and
  • We strive to choose locations that accommodate a range of special needs and requests, so your time spent writing is as comfortable as possible.

Center writing retreats are transformative:

  • You will be (re)energized in group sessions with people as dedicated to writing as you are and want to be;
  • You will remember why you write in productive solitary sessions; and
  • You will carry a renewed sense of wonder and inspiration home with you to fuel your creativity long after the retreat concludes.

VIRTUAL Write for Your Life retreat

Virtual Write for Your Life retreat (image of starry sky above pine trees)

Writing for Children long weekend intensive writing retreat

Lazy Pond Bed and Breakfast

Write for Your Life long weekend intensive writing retreat

Lake Raystown Resort and Lodge

Writing a Small-Scale Memoir long weekend intensive writing retreat

Lazy Pond Bed and Breakfast

Copyright 2020 ~ Center for Creative Writing


  1. Center for Creative Writing and Literary Studies

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  2. Write On! Creative Writing Center

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  3. Center for Creative Writing

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  4. 4 Activities to Support Creative Writing

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  5. GrubStreet Center For Creative Writing Previewed in BSA Openings Series

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  6. Creative Writing Center by Christina Spivey

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  1. Center for Creative Writing

    The Center blog is teeming with tips and inspiration for starting and maintaining your writing practice. Isabel Cañas is a Mexican American writer and author of Vampires of El Norte, a historical fantasy with a speculative take on vampires. "My goal was to express myself creatively. The Center for Creative Writing was EXACTLY what I was seeking.

  2. Center for Creative Writing: About

    Exploring craft, inspiring creativity, and fostering community so you can find your way with words. For 34 years, the Center for Creative Writing has been guiding aspiring writers toward a regular writing practice. Founded in 1990 by award-winning writer and former NYU workshop leader Elizabeth Ayres as a series of in-person gatherings in her home, the Center for Creative Writing went online ...

  3. Center for Creative Writing

    Center for Creative Writing. 1,070 likes · 3 talking about this. The Center for Creative Writing offers inspired, supportive online writing courses year-round, plus

  4. | Center for Creative Writing

    September 10 - October 24. Poetry Writing for Non-Poetry Writers. The Writer's Eye. Writing a Small-Scale Memoir. Writing for Children. Writing the Personal Essay. Writing the Wave. Writing through Trauma to Truth. Writing Toward Balance and Wholeness.

  5. Writers In Paradise

    The 21st edition of Writers in Paradise will take place in January 18-25, 2025. Esteemed faculty and selected participants workshop for three hours in the morning, attend panels and craft talks in the afternoon, and attend evening readings and events. Participants are actively engaged with our faculty and guests from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

  6. Center for Creative Writing

    The Center for Creative Writing provides space, activities, and resources for students, faculty, and community members engaged in the study and practice of creative writing. Read on to learn about the ways in which the center can support your journey. The CCW is housed in the MSU Denver Department of English, King Center Room 421.

  7. Creative Writing Degree

    The creative writing program that nurtured Dennis Lehane '88, best-selling author and HBO writer/producer, is now accepting applications to earn B.A. and BFA degrees. But you don't have to be gunning for a Hollywood contract to enroll. Our liberal arts graduates also go on to MFA programs and careers in journalism, media, PR, editing and publishing, counseling and software design.

  8. Online writing courses and writing retreats at the Center for Creative

    The Center for Creative Writing offers year-round online creative writing courses in six-week sessions designed to help you get to the page and thrive there. We believe writing is for anyone, and that teaching "how to write" is as much about helping you explore your unique creative writing process as it is about providing lessons on craft and ...

  9. Creative Thrift

    Do you have an art supply donation for our store? Stop by with your donation between 9-4 M-F. Please give us a call first if you need assistance with your donation, so we can plan for some helpers to greet and assist you! Our number is 727-825-0515. Creative Thrift was created after a feasibility study and business plan by the Tampa Connection ...

  10. GrubStreet

    The nation's leading and largest center for creative writing for over 25 years, GrubStreet offers classes and events for writers from all stages and… Special Note: —GrubStreet's phone line is currently down.

  11. Welcome, Shapiro Center

    Shapiro Center for Creative Writing and Criticism. Welcome to the Shapiro Center for Creative Writing and Criticism! The Center's classes, events, projects, and internships teach students at Wesleyan how the pursuit of knowledge and artistic practice can co-exist, both in the university and beyond it. We aim to help readers, writers, and artists from all backgrounds take pleasure in the verbal ...

  12. World-Building Through Language Creation

    Creative Writing Classes and Seminars at The Muse Writers Center in Norfolk, Virginia (Hampton Roads, VA) Skip to content. Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube. Login/Register; Contact; ... The Muse Writers Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We are located at: 2200 Colonial Ave., Suite #3 Ghent, Norfolk, VA 23517 (757) 818-9880 .

  13. Morgan's Creative Writing Services

    Morgan's Creative Writing Services, Saint Petersburg, Florida. 481 likes · 2 talking about this. Copywriting SEO Academic Writing Document Typing Resumes Graphic Design Proofreading/Editing

  14. Center for Creative Writing

    Center for Creative Writing. 1,148 likes. We have started a page for all creative people to post their work. Writers, Poets, Essayists are all

  15. Fall Book Launch Event with Maria Melendez Kelson

    The Kratz Center for Creative Writing at Goucher College is one of the Middle Atlantic states' premier centers for the academic study and presentation of creative writing. View all posts by kratz Posted on August 13, 2024 Author kratz Categories News Post navigation.

  16. The Fiction Studio (Monday Evenings)

    Creative Writing Classes and Seminars at The Muse Writers Center in Norfolk, Virginia (Hampton Roads, VA) Skip to content. Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube. Login/Register; Contact; ... The Muse Writers Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We are located at: 2200 Colonial Ave., Suite #3 Ghent, Norfolk, VA 23517 (757) 818-9880 .

  17. Online writing course: Writing the Wave

    Writing the Wave consists of four six-week parts you can take in any order, at any time. Part One: Work with breakthrough concepts such as imaginative layering (the basic building block of all creative writing) and explore your unique voice with burgeoning confidence. Part Two: Learn how to write more effectively using a unique cluster of left ...

  18. Fall Daily Writing Prompts BUNDLE for Centers/ Bell Work

    Look no further! This Fall bundle would be the perfect addition to your writing center, morning work, extensions, or any way that will fit into your writing activities for your students. This bundle includes three months (September, October, and November) of engaging and creative prompts that your students are sure to enjoy writing about!

  19. APA Style

    The authority on APA Style and the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual. Find tutorials, the APA Style Blog, how to format papers in APA Style, and other resources to help you improve your writing, master APA Style, and learn the conventions of scholarly publishing.

  20. Searching for Images

    Contact or Connect with the Center for Research & Writing Text: (603) 967- 4441 Email: [email protected] Call the Center: (603) 358-2412 Chat via the Help & Chat button FAQ Read our frequently asked questions. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook

  21. Center for Creative Writing: Email list community

    Bonus: join our email-list community and receive a FREE download of Writing 'Well': A Year's Worth of Weekly Wellness-Themed Writing Prompts. Compiled by all Center teachers, this PDF is packed to the margins with new, thought-provoking writing prompts, one for every week in a year. Yep, a whole year's worth of inspired writing guidance.

  22. Local Veterans Compete For A Chance To Attend National Veterans

    New York , NY — Artwork by local Veterans will be on display to the public at the Margaret Cochran Corbin VA Medical Center in Manhattan on Friday, September 20th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Art from over twenty categories, including painting, creative writing, dance, drama, and music, will be exhibited.

  23. How Might Students be Using Generative AI?

    Understanding the various ways students might be using generative AI is critical for instructors. Students might use generative AI for various academic tasks, which can be both beneficial and potentially problematic depending on the context and extent of use. This knowledge can help in designing ...

  24. Research Assistant, Graphic Design & Communications

    You may be asked to help with any aspect of BKC's communications activities, including graphic design, writing and editing website and social media content, promoting events, taking photos and videos, and developing creative ways to share and amplify research, education, programs, and other activities of the Center.

  25. Online Writing Courses and Retreats for Aspiring Writers

    Join a writing community that nourishes your creative spirit. Want to take the first step on your journey to write more and better? Join our community to receive advice for aspiring and practicing writers, conversations about how to make and maintain a writing life, access to our monthly photo writing prompt contest, exclusive discounts on Center offerings, and more in your inbox every Sunday ...

  26. | Center for Creative Writing

    Center teachers are passionate professionals with a combined 75 years of experience teaching writing and 35 published books in various genres. Meet them:

  27. Online writing course: Writing for Children

    Upcoming Schedule. September 10- October 24. Registration. Registration for Writing for Children part 1: $310. Teacher. Helena Clare Pittman. Helena Clare Pittman is a writer, painter, teacher, and author of 18 books for children. Her children's classic, A Grain of Rice, has sold more than 280,000 copies and recently entered its second edition.

  28. | Center for Creative Writing

    Nonfiction: Helena Writes #67--On the sounds that anchor memories. Helena Clare Pittman, one of the Center's most dedicated teachers, has written, painted, and taught her entire life. In her monthly Helena Writes series, she shares a lifetime of wisdom, one pearl at a time. In her 67th post, Helena recalls some of the sounds of the old ...

  29. Online writing course: Private writing guidance

    Once we become acquainted, we'll collaborate on a service package that best meets your needs and budget. All private writing guidance service begins with a complimentary 30-minute consultation with your writing guide, during which you will collaborate to set goals and a schedule for exchanging work and feedback. You have written.

  30. Writing retreats at the Center for Creative Writing

    The Center for Creative Writing offers annual writing retreats on multiple topics and genres for writers who seek an immersive experience. Our writing retreats for the foreseeable future will be supportive, community-building, intensive…and 100% virtual. We adapted some of our in-person offerings to provide an incredible retreat experience ...