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Healthy Eating Habits

Introduction, nutrition and healthy eating, healthy living strategies, works cited.

Proper nutrition and physical activity are important aspects of healthy livings as their contribution to reducing the rates of chronic diseases is a well-established fact. On the other hand, unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical exercise lead to diseases such as diabetes, obesity, stroke, heart diseases, and osteoporosis, which can sometimes be fatal.

The findings of a study conducted in 1990 established that 14% of all deaths in the U.S. could be attributed to poor eating habits and physical inactivity with sedentary lifestyles, a contributor to 23% of disease-related deaths[1]. Healthy eating habits involve the inclusion of fruits, vegetables, and important minerals in the diet and the reduction of saturated fat intake.

Regular physical activity is essential for healthy living as it reduces the chances of developing coronary heart disease. The reduced physical activity and the changes in eating and dieting habits have long-lasting health consequences on the general health of the public, particularly the children and adolescents.

Developing good eating habits for children and adolescents is important for their long-term nutritional well-being. Proper nutrition, together with regular physical activity, enhances proper physical growth, promotes positive self-esteem, and promotes the children’s capacity to learn. In addition, good nutrition and physical activity also prevent diseases such as obesity.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there has been a rapid increase in the rate of children becoming overweight over the past twenty years, attributed to poor nutrition and exercise habits[2]. Proper nutrition and physical exercise habits are important in maintaining a healthy living, and this can be started at an early age.

The parents eating habits influence the children’s feeding practices, and therefore, teaching children healthy eating habits in schools would make them practice healthy behaviors throughout their lives[3]. Increased consumption of vegetables and fruits with a reduction in fat intake coupled with physical activity are among the healthy habits to curb the overweight problems in children.

The consequences of physical inactivity and poor dietary habits in children and adults alike are obesity, which is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of more than 30k/m2.

The prevalence of obesity increased among the population between 1991 and 2000, affecting all the segments of the population in the U.S[4]. Obesity is the major cause of health complications, including diabetes (type II), hypertension, heart diseases, stroke, osteoarthritis, respiratory complications, and some cancers.

The socio-economic consequences of obesity, now an epidemic, are overwhelming. The intervention strategies usually focus on promoting good eating habits, including a reduction in calorie intake and helping people increase their physical activity. In children, breastfeeding prevents excessive weight gain and obesity in early childhood and adolescence and, thus, a good strategy of reducing childhood obesity[5].

For adults and young people, poor dietary habits and lack of physical activity increase the risk of developing health-related complications. These segments of the population have an increased risk for chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels.

By establishing healthier eating habits combined with physical activity, the onset of these diseases would be prevented[6]. Additionally, active lifestyles and healthy eating behaviors help people with chronic diseases to cope with or control the effects of the diseases and prevent deterioration of their physical condition.

In order to promote healthy living and prevent complications arising from poor eating habits such as obesity, various healthy living strategies involving behavior change are important[7]. To reduce health-related complications in the elderly, regular physical exercises and sporting, including jogging and regular visits to the gym, can be very helpful.

Given the immense benefits of physical exercises, social support is one way of motivating people to remain physically fit and live healthy lifestyles. This can be achieved by providing programs that help people incorporate exercises into their daily routines.

Furthermore, increasing community-based programs and facilities would encourage people to exercise and in the process, live healthy lifestyles. Increased consumption of vegetables and fruits with lower calorie intake lowers the incidences of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and some cancers[8].

Excessive intake of saturated fats is the major cause of cardiovascular diseases and cancers[9]. Therefore, to achieve healthy living, the diet should constitute plenty of fruits and vegetables and less saturated fat. Daily consumption of at least two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables is recommended for healthy living; however, less than 25% of the U.S. population consumes this[10].

For young children and adolescents, school-based physical education (PE) enables students to engage in physical activities to promote their physical well-being and learning. Prolonged television watching among children and adolescents increases overweight incidences among children[11].

This may be because television watching leads to a decline in calorie-burning physical activity and reduces the children’s metabolic rate. Furthermore, television watching may influence the children’s eating habits contributing to an increased risk of obesity.

Physical inactivity and poor eating habits cause health-related complications such as obesity and heart diseases. The intervention methods usually focus on promoting physical exercises and healthier eating habits. Given the current increase in health-related diseases, it is evident that reduced physical activity and unhealthy eating habits have adverse impacts on the general health of the public, more especially the young people.

CDC. Healthy Youth! Childhood Overweight , 2006.

DHHS. Healthy People 2010 . Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. 2000.

McGinnis, John, and Foege, Wrights. “Actual causes of death in the United States.”  JAMA 37.2 (1993): 2207-12.

Ness, Amie, and Powles, Jacobs. “Fruit and vegetables and cardiovascular disease: a Review”. Int. J Epidemiol 26.4 (1997): 7-13.

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Essay on Healthy Lifestyle for Students and Children

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500+ Words Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

It is said that it is easy to learn and maintain bad habits but it is very difficult to switch them back. The issue of a healthy lifestyle is very serious but the people take it very lightly. Often, it is seen that the people take steps to improve their lifestyle but due to lack of determination quits in the midway.

Moreover, for a healthy lifestyle is it important that you take small and one-step at a time. Also, do not go overboard with it. Besides, this healthy lifestyle will help you in life in a lot of ways.

Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

Habits That Keeps You Healthy

For keeping your body and mind healthy you have to follow certain rules that will help you achieve your goal. Besides, there are certain measures that will help you to stay healthy.

First of all, for being healthy you have to plan and follow a strict diet. This diet should contain all the essential minerals and vitamins required by the body. Also, eat only healthy food and avoid junk and heavily carbohydrate and fatty food.

In addition, wake up early in the morning because first of all, it’s a healthy habit. Secondly, waking up early means you can get ready for your work early, spend some quality time with your family. Besides, this decides time for your sleep and sleep early because it de-stresses body.

Doing exercise regularly makes your body more active and it also releases the pent-up stress from the muscles.

Avoid the mobile- the biggest drawback of this generation is that they are obsessed with their mobile phones. Moreover, these phones cause many physical and mental problem for them. So, to avoid the negative effects of mobile the usage volume of them should be reduced.

Connecting with positive minds because the more you indulge with these people then less you will go to the negative side.

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The things that should be avoided for a healthy lifestyle

We knew that there are several bad habits that affect our healthy lifestyle. These habits can cause much harm to not only to the body but to the society too. In addition, these habits are also the cause of many evils of society. The major healthy lifestyle destroying habits are smoking, drinking, junk food, addiction , meal skipping, and overuse of pills.

All these activities severely damage body parts and organs which cannot be replaced easily. Besides, they not only cause physical damage but mental damage too.

Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle has many benefits not only for the body but for the mind too. Also, if you follow a healthy lifestyle then you can reduce the risk of having cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and osteoporosis.

To sum it up, we can say that there are various benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. Also, a healthy lifestyle has many benefits to your social as well as personal life. Besides, it improves the relationships in the family. Most importantly, the person who lives a healthy lifestyle lives longer as compared to those who do not.

FAQs on Healthy Lifestyle

Q.1 Give some tips to live a healthy lifestyle. A.1 Some tips for staying healthy are eating a balanced diet, maintain weight, having enough sleep, sleep early and wake up early, use mobile lesser, etc.

Q.2 What is good health? A.2 Good health means freedom from sickness and diseases. It is a costly gift of nature to us for living a purposeful life. Also, good health means that we can do more work than our capacity without getting tired.

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Healthy Food Essay (100, 150 and 500 words Essay)

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Healthy food is essential for humans to nourish their bodies with proper nutrients. Educating students about healthy eating is vital and essays are a great way to learn about it. Here are 100, 150, 200, and 500-word essays that educate students about the importance of healthy eating habits.

100-word Healthy Food Essay

Healthy food is necessary to sustain life. The terms health and food go hand in hand because healthy food can contribute to both mental well-being and physical well-being. From childhood, we have been told to maintain a properly balanced diet that includes all components of food in adequate proportion.

This makes sure we get all vitamins, minerals, protein, and other nutrients from our daily meals. These nutrients nourish our bodies and keep our organs from malfunctioning. Junk foods satisfy our taste buds but are quite harmful in the long run as they fill our stomachs for a short period-and have little to no nutritional value.

150-word Healthy food essay

The proverb “Health is wealth” is indeed true because, without good health, our body won’t able to perform the simplest tasks. By choosing healthy foods, we can live a longer and more fulfilling lives. We learn about a properly balanced diet in schools that conveys the idea of getting adequate nutrition each day through our food for proper bodily function, which is quite important.

A balanced diet provides us with nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and more. These nutrients are necessary to sustain life and keep our organs healthy. If we consume junk foods constantly that are high in calories, sugar, salt, our organs are at a risk of malfunctioning. These foods contain the least amount of nutrition and are not good for one’s physical health. This is why eating healthy is important because healthy foods promote our physical well-being. Junk foods have become quite popular since they require lesser time to cook and are very delicious. But we cannot avoid how they harm our health. Junk foods have high amounts of fats and carbohydrates that can lead to weight gain and other chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, and many more.

On the other hand, eating healthy foods has a plethora of benefits. These foods contribute to not only a sound body, but also a sound mind. Nutrients like antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and protein nourish our bodies and also benefit our different organs. Fruits contain a variety of vitamins and antioxidants, plus they taste amazing. Green leafy vegetables are loaded with nutrients, while beans and lentils contain good amounts of protein.Dry fruits like almonds and walnuts are a great snacking option and are rich in the nutrient Omega-3. Also drinking water regularly helps in flushing out toxins from our body.

Hence for the overall human well-being, healthy foods play a crucial role. They can control weight gain, and make us more active and alert. They also protect us against various non-chronic and chronic diseases and adds more years to our lives by making us fit and healthy.

500-word Healthy Food Essay

Healthy food is a crucial building block for our health and overall well-being. Food is necessary to sustain life, just after water. And maintaining a healthy diet that provides us with proper nutrition is even more important.Eating is dependent on nutrition. We carry out our day-to-day activities because of the nutrition our food provides us.

It is necessary to be mindful of what we put into our bodies because food can easily make your break your overall health. In today’s busy lifestyle, junk foods have taken the upper hand because of their convenience and cheap prices. They are easy to grab on the go and are heaven for the taste buds. However, consuming them regularly can seriously harm our insides. Junk foods are notorious for containing almost no nutritional value, mostly just comprising a high amount of carbohydrates and calories. Even small portions of burgers, pizzas, and fries contain a big amount of calories. Drinks like cola contain high amounts of sugar which easily surpasses our daily instructed intake of sugar. Processed and packaged foods contain preservatives that can harm our precious health. People suffering from mental health issues also develop a habit of binge eating junk foods as a coping mechanism that goes on to severely harm their physical and mental health.

Indulging in these types of foods in limited amounts every once in a while is harmless, however, they should not become a part of our daily diet. We need to understand what kinds of foods provide us with the nutrition we need daily and inculcate them into our diet. Portion control is also very important when trying to maintain or lose weight. Also, one should avoid going on crash diets that are not sustainable in the longer run. A properly balanced meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is important to look and feel good inside out. Eating healthy also gives us a sense of achievement that we are taking care of our bodies. Eating nutrition-dense meals and drinking eight glasses of water a day can have a very positive effect not only on our body but also on our mental health.

In our life, if our health is not in good condition, we would slowly lose everything else. Therefore listening to our body and taking good care of it is vital. At first, most people can be unsure where to start. But there are dozens of recipes and health books online that could guide you towards a better lifestyle. Start with foods that contain high amounts of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals like meat, beans, lentils, poultry, and fermented foods. These nourish your body with necessary nutrients and keep you full for a longer amount of time. This is also beneficial to avoid mindless snacking.

Diet and exercise go hand in hand when one speaks of maintaining good health. This is why creating a proper workout routine along with eating healthy can have a significant effect on our overall health.

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Team Edudwar

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Eating Habits Essay Examples

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