APA Style 7th Edition: Citing Your Sources

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Standard Format

Formatting rules, various examples.

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Presenter, A. A. & Presenter, B. B.


 (year, Month date range).

[Type of contribution].


Conference Name, Location.





Author, A. A. & Author, B. B.


 (year, Month date range).

Title of contribution: Use sentence case.

In C. C.  Chairperson (Chair), [Symposium].  Conference Name, Location.




Adapted from American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed).  https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000

  • Date should match the date(s) of the full conference
  • Conference Proceedings published in journal or book should follow the same format for a journal or edited book chapter

Paper from published conference proceedings available online

Dahal, G.  (2016).    Paper presented at the 3 Teaching and Education Conference, Barcelona Spain.  Retrieved from http://www.iises.net/proceedings/3rd-teaching-education-conference-barcelona/table-of-content/detail?article=education-policy-and-its-contribution-to-socioeconomic-development-of-nepal-with-reference-to-some-selected-as

Paper from published conference proceedings available in print

Arem, G. L. (2006). The effects of teaching and playing experience on ability to diagnose a motor skill. In P. Brewer & Firmin, M. (Eds.), (pp.1-20). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.

Paper presentation

Zhang, H. & Llebot, C.  (2019, April).  [Paper presentation]. Association of College and Research Libraries meeting, Cleveland, OH.

See Ch. 10 pp. 313-352 of APA Manual for more examples and formatting rules

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APA Citation Guide (7th Edition): Presentations and Class Notes

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  • In-Text Citation
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  • Citation Software

In-Text Citation or Reference List?

Handouts distributed in class and presentation slides such as PowerPoint should be cited both in-text and on the Reference list.

Your own notes from lectures are considered personal communications in APA style. They are cited within the text of your assignment, but do not get an entry on the Reference list.

Presentation Slides from a Website

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Date). Title of presentation  [Lecture notes, PowerPoint Slides, etc.]. Publisher. URL

Kunka, J. L. (n.d.). Conquering the comma [PowerPoint presentation]. Purdue Online Writing Lab. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/workshops/pp/index.html#presentations

Presentation Slides from WebCampus (Canvas)

Instructor, I. I. (Year Presentation Was Created).  Title of presentation  [PowerPoint presentation]. WebCampus. URL

Graham, J. (2013).  Introduction: Jean Watson  [PowerPoint presentation]. WebCampus. https://unr.instructure.com/login/canvas

Note : The first letter of the word Watson is capitalized as it is part of a person's name.

Class Handouts from WebCampus (Canvas)

Instructor, I. I. (Year Handout Was Created if known).  Title of handout  [Class handout]. WebCampus. URL

Magowan , A. (2013).  Career resources at the library   [Class handout]. WebCampus. https://unr.instructure.com/login/canvas

Class Handout in Print

Instructor, I. I. (Year Handout Was Created if known).  Title of handout  [Class handout]. University Name, Course code.

Wood, D. (2013).  Laboratory safety overview  [Class handout]. University of Nevada, Reno,  BIO173.

Class Lectures (Notes from)

Note : Your own notes from a lecture are considered personal communications in APA style. They are cited within the text of your assignment, but do not get an entry on the Reference list. Put the citation right after a quote or paraphrased content from the class lecture.

(I. I. Instructor who gave lecture, personal communication, Month Day, Year lecture took place)

"Infections are often contracted while patients are recovering in the hospital" (J. D. Black, personal communication, May 30, 2012).

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APA Style & Citation 7th edition

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  • Annotated Bibliography
  • PowerPoint and APA
  • Citations: References
  • Citations: In-Text
  • Library Databases
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  • Other types of sources
  • Numbers, Capitalization, Italics
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APA and Presentations

APA has a lot of rules for formatting and citing papers. They don't really have rules for when you are creating a presentation or infographic. What we recommend is a blending of the rules APA has set out for papers and best practices for creating presentations and infographics.

In other words, you are going to bend the rules of APA to what looks best in your presentation. For example, the initial slide of your PowerPoint should contain the same information as your title page. The formatting will probably be different as 10-12 point font (as required by papers) is probably too small to be easily read during a presentation. You also probably don't want full paragraphs on your slides. People end up reading the slide, rather than listening to you, and it is visually unappealing.

You still need to cite ! Yes, that includes images. Unless they are stock or clip art images from within the program you are using, you will need an in-text citation and corresponding reference. Visit the other sections of this guide for examples on how to cite.

If your instructor has provided any guidelines, follow them.

This video provides a great example on how to create a PowerPoint incorporating APA guidelines. A few things to clarify:

  • Use an in-text citation with figures and images. A corresponding reference should be on your References slide.
  • Do not lump in-text citations together, each line that has a quote or paraphrase needs an in-text citation.

  • Research Template This is a Powerpoint template created for use in the Research Exhibition
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APA PowerPoint Slide Presentation

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Note:  This page reflects the latest version of the APA Publication Manual (i.e., APA 7), which released in October 2019. The equivalent resource for the older APA 6 style  can be found here .

Media File: APA PowerPoint Slide Presentation

This resource is enhanced by a PowerPoint file. If you have a Microsoft Account, you can view this file with   PowerPoint Online .

Select the APA PowerPoint Presentation link above to download slides that provide a detailed review of the APA citation style.

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APA 7th Edition Citation Guide Conference Presentations and Publications

Conference presentation.

For conference presentations, include the presenters' names, the dates of the entire conference, the title of the presentation, a description of the presentation, the name of the conference, the location of the conference, and a link if it is available.

The description of the presentation is flexible and should be included in square brackets after the title: e.g. [Conference presentation], [Poster session], [Keynote address], [Paper presentation], etc.

Reference Page Format:

Presenter, P. P. (Year, Month Days). Title of the presentation [Description of the presentation]. Title of Conference. City, State, and Country where the conference took place. Hyperlink.

Reference Page Example:

Sanentz, S. N., & Lesk, M. (2015, November 6-10). Toward a semantic stability index (SSI) via a preliminary exploration of translation looping [Poster session]. 78th ASIS&T Annual Meeting: Information Science with Impact: Research in and for the Community, St. Louis, MO, United States. https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2857143

In-text Citation Examples:

Sanentz and Lesk (2015) shared that ... ...( Sanentz & Lesk,  2015 ).

Conference Publication

Conference publications can vary in how they are formatted, generally being published in the form of journal articles, whole books, or book chapters. Determine which option best fits the source you found and cite it as you would a journal article , book , or book chapter . 

Below is an example of a conference publication formatted similarly to a chapter in a book.

Author, A. A. (Year of Publication). Title of article.  In A. A. Editor, Title of conference proceeding. Publisher.  DOI or URL
Erdelez, S., Howarth, L. C., & Gibson, T. (2015). How can information science contribute to Alzheimer's disease research? In  Proceedings of the 78th ASIS&T Annual Meeting: Information science with impact: Research in and for the communit y .  Association of Information Science and Technology. https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2857076
Erdelez et al. (2015) shared that ... ...( Erdelez et al.,  2015).
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how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

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APA 7th Referencing Style Guide

Powerpoint slides.

  • Referencing & APA style
  • In-text citation
  • Elements of a reference
  • Format & examples of a reference list
  • Conferences
  • Reports & grey literature
  • Figures (graphs and images)
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  • Personal communications
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  • Specific health examples
  • Standards & patents
  • Websites & webpages
  • Footnotes and appendices
  • Frequently asked questions

Reference format for PowerPoint slides available online

Author, A. A. (Year). [PowerPoint slides].

Platform e.g. SlideShare.

  • AUT Library recommends adding the paper code and title to the reference

PowerPoint slides online

Vanderbauwhede, W. (2020). [PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare. 

PowerPoint slides come from a learning management system (e.g. Canvas)

Mpofu, C. (2019). [PowerPoint slides]. Blackboard.

  • If your audience are able to access to the resource, provide the name of the site and its URL
  • If the slides are not available to be accessed by your reader, you may treat them as personal communication cited in text. Reference entry is not needed. See the personal communications page
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APA 7th referencing style

  • About APA 7th
  • Printing this guide
  • In-text references
  • Direct quotations
  • Reference list
  • Author information
  • Additional referencing information
  • Using headings
  • Book chapter
  • Brochure and pamphlets
  • ChatGPT and other generative AI tools
  • Conferences
  • Dictionary or encyclopaedia
  • Government legislation
  • Journal article

Lecture notes and slides eg. Powerpoint - Blackboard

Lecture notes and slides eg. powerpoint - online.

  • Legal sources
  • Newspaper or magazine article
  • Other web sources
  • Patents and standards
  • Personal communication
  • Press (media) release
  • Secondary source (indirect citation)
  • Social media
  • Software and mobile apps
  • Specialised health information
  • Television program
  • Works in non-English languages
  • Works in non-English scripts, such as Arabic or Chinese
Elements of the reference

Author(s) - use & for multiple authors. (Year, Month Day). [PowerPoint slides]. Site name. Web address

In-text reference

(Johnson, 2008)

Johnson (2008) stated that...

Reference list

Johnson, A. (2008). [PowerPoint slides]. Learn.UQ. https://learn.uq.edu.au/

EndNote reference type

Online multimedia

Add PowerPoint slides to Type of Work field

Add Site name to Distributor field

Elements of the reference

Name of author(s) or the institution responsible, use & for multiple authors. (Year).  [Type of format]. Site information eg. SlideShare. Web address

In-text reference

(Surden, 2017)

Surden (2017)

Reference list

Surden, H. (2017).  [PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare. https://www.slideshare.net/HarrySurden/harry-surden-artificial-intelligence-and-law-overview

EndNote reference type

Online multimedia

Add Type of format to Type of Work field

Add Site information to Distributor field

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  • Last Updated: Aug 5, 2024 4:04 PM
  • URL: https://guides.library.uq.edu.au/referencing/apa7

APA 7th Edition Citation Examples

  • Volume and Issue Numbers
  • Page Numbers
  • Undated Sources
  • Citing a Source Within a Source
  • In-Text Citations
  • Academic Journals
  • Encyclopedia Articles
  • Book, Film, and Product Reviews
  • Online Classroom Materials
  • Conference Papers
  • Technical + Research Reports
  • Court Decisions
  • Treaties and Other International Agreements
  • Federal Regulations: I. The Code of Federal Regulations
  • Federal Regulations: II. The Federal Register
  • Executive Orders
  • Charter of the United Nations
  • Federal Statutes
  • Dissertations and Theses
  • Interviews, E-mail Messages + Other Personal Communications
  • Social Media
  • Business Sources

Format for PowerPoint presentations

How to format your powerpoint in apa style.

  • AI: ChatGPT, etc.

Author last name, first initial. (Date). Title of the PowerPoint  [PowerPoint slides]. Host site. URL

Thomes, C. (n.d.). UMGC Library APA citation basics [PowerPoint slides]. University of Maryland Global Campus. https://libguides.umgc.edu/ld.php?content_id=68264148

In-text citation:

(Thomes, n.d.)

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  • Last Updated: Mar 18, 2024 12:55 PM
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APA Formatting and Style (7th ed.)

  • What's New in the 7th ed.?
  • Principles of Plagiarism: An Overview
  • Basic Paper Formatting
  • Basic Paper Elements
  • Punctuation, Capitalization, Abbreviations, Apostrophes, Numbers, Plurals
  • Tables and Figures
  • Powerpoint Presentations
  • Reference Page Format
  • Periodicals (Journals, Magazines, Newspapers)
  • Books and Reference Works
  • Webpage on a Website
  • Discussion Post
  • Company Information & SWOT Analyses
  • Dissertations or Theses
  • ChatGPT and other AI Large Language Models
  • Online Images
  • Online Video
  • Computer Software and Mobile Apps
  • Missing Information
  • Two Authors
  • Three or More Authors
  • Group Authors
  • Missing Author
  • Chat GPT and other AI Large Language Models
  • Secondary Sources
  • Block Quotations
  • Fillable Template and Sample Paper
  • Government Documents and Legal Materials
  • APA Style 7th ed. Tutorials
  • Additional APA 7th Resources
  • Grammarly - your writing assistant
  • Writing Center - Writing Skills This link opens in a new window
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Formatting a Powerpoint Presentation in APA 7th Style

The apa 7th manual and the apa website do not provide any specific rules about using apa format or citation in powerpoint slides. , here are some recommended guidelines:, 1. always follow any specific instructions given by your instructor., 2. you will need in-text citations on a powerpoint slide where you are quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing someone else's ideas. , 3. you also will include a reference list as your powerpoint's last slide (or slides). , this youtube video from smart student shows you how to create apa7th in-text citations and a reference list: .

  • Citing and Referencing in Powerpoint Presentations | APA 7th Edition This video will show you how to create APA 7th in-text citations and a Reference page for your PowerPoint presentation.
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  • Last Updated: Aug 9, 2024 11:50 AM
  • URL: https://national.libguides.com/apa_7th


APA Citation Guide (7th edition) : Class Handouts, Presentations, and Readings

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  • Personal Communication (Interviews, Emails)
  • Social Media
  • Videos & DVDs
  • Paraphrasing
  • Works Cited in Another Source
  • No Author, No Date etc.
  • Sample Paper, Reference List & Annotated Bibliography
  • Powerpoint Presentations

On This Page

Presentation slides from moodle, presentation slides from cams, powerpoint presentation slides from a website, class handouts from moodle, class handouts from cams, class handout in print, class lectures (notes from).

Note : All citations should be double spaced and have a hanging indent in a Reference List.

A "hanging indent" means that each subsequent line after the first line of your citation should be indented by 0.5 inches.

In-Text Citation or References List

Handouts distributed in class and presentation slides such as Powerpoint should be cited both in-text and on the References list.

Your own notes from lectures are considered personal communications in APA style. They are cited within the text of your assignment, but do not get an entry on the References list, since they are not a published source.

Instructor's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if given. (Year Presentation Was Created). Title of presentation: Subtitle if any [PowerPoint presentation]. Moodle. URL of Moodle login page


Graham, J. (2013). [PowerPoint presentation]. Moodle. https://moodle.columbiacollege.bc.ca/login/index.php

: The first letter of the word Watson is capitalized as it is part of a person's name.

In-Text Paraphrase

(Instructor's Last Name, Year)

Example: (Graham, 2013)

In-Text Quote

(Instuctor's Last Name, Year, slide slide number)

Example (Graham, 2013, slide 6)

: APA does not provide specific rules for direct quoting of PowerPoint slides. We recommend giving the slide number.

Instructor's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if given. (Year Presentation Was Created). Title of presentation: Subtitle if any [PowerPoint presentation]. CAMS. URL


Graham, J. (2013). [PowerPoint presentation]. CAMS. https://fictionalcamslink.ca

: The first letter of the word Watson is capitalized as it is part of a person's name.

In-Text Paraphrase

(Instructor's Last Name, Year)

Example: (Graham, 2013)

In-Text Quote

(Instuctor's Last Name, Year, slide slide number)

Example (Graham, 2013, slide 6)

: APA does not provide specific rules for direct quoting of PowerPoint slides. We recommend giving the slide number.

Author's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if given. (Year Presentation Was Created). Title of presentation: Subtitle if any [PowerPoint presentation]. Name of Website if given. URL

Note about h yperlinks:

It is acceptable for hyperlinks to be blue and underlined (live) or black without underlining.

All hyperlinks must include https://


Kunka, J. L. (n.d.). [PowerPoint presentation]. Purdue University Writing Lab Website. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/workshops/pp/index.html#presentations

In-Text Paraphrase

(Author's Last Name, Year)

Example: (Kunka, n.d.)

: When no date is given, use the initials "n.d." where you'd normally put the date.

In-Text Quote

(Author's Last Name, Year, slide slide number)

Example: (Kunka, n.d., slide 10)

: When no date is given, use the initials "n.d." where you'd normally put the date.

: APA does not provide specific rules for direct quoting of PowerPoint slides. We recommend giving the slide number.

Instructor's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if given. (Year Handout Was Created if known). Title of handout: Subtitle if any [Class handout]. Moodle. URL of Moodle login page

Note: To cite other readings , follow the model for that type of document: eg a chapter from a book with an editor, an article from a library database, etc.. You do not need to identify Moodle as the source. If the instructor has not provided details that are necessary to to cite the reading, contact them to ask for these.


Magowan, A. (2013). [Class handout]. Moodle. https://moodle.columbiacollege.bc.ca/ login/index.php

In-Text Paraphrase

(Instructor's Last Name, Year)

Example: (Magowan, 2013)

In-Text Quote

(Instructor's Last Name, Year, p. Page Number)

Example: (Magowan, 2013, p. 2)

Instructor's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if given. (Year Handout Was Created if known). Title of handout: Subtitle if any [Class handout]. CAMS. URL


Magowan, A. (2013). [Class handout]. CAMS. https://fictionalcamslink.ca

In-Text Paraphrase

(Instructor's Last Name, Year)

Example: (Magowan, 2013)

In-Text Quote

(Instructor's Last Name, Year, p. Page Number)

Example: (Magowan, 2013, p. 2)

Instructor's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if given. (Year Handout Was Created if known). Title of handout: Subtitle if any [Class handout]. Columbia College, Course code.


Wood, D. (2013). [Class handout]. Columbia College, BIO173.

In-Text Paraphrase

(Instructor's Last Name, Year)

Example: (Wood, 2013)

In-Text Quote

(Instructor's Last Name, Year, p. Page Number)

Example: (Wood, 2013, p. 1)

Note : Your own notes from a lecture are considered personal communications in APA style. They are cited within the text of your assignment, but do not get an entry on the References list. Put the citation right after a quote or paraphrased content from the class lecture.

(First Initial of Faculty Who Gave Lecture. Second Initial if known. Last Name, personal communication, Month Day, Year lecture took place)


"Infections are often contracted while patients are recovering in the hospital" (J. D. Black, personal communication, May 30, 2012)


: If the name of the person who was interviewed is mentioned in the sentence leading into the quote or paraphrased content, you do not need to repeat it in the in-text citation.

J. D. Black explained that "infections are often contracted while patients are recovering in the hospital" (personal communication, May 30, 2012).

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  • Last Updated: Aug 29, 2024 4:58 PM
  • URL: https://columbiacollege-ca.libguides.com/apa

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How to Cite a PowerPoint in Apa 7th Edition

A powerpoint presentation with an apa 7th edition citation on the bottom

Citation plays a crucial role in academic writing as it adds credibility to the research work. It provides the readers with the information they need to locate the sources used in a project. In this article, we will discuss how to cite a PowerPoint presentation in APA 7th edition.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Importance of Citation in Academic Writing

Before discussing how to cite a PowerPoint presentation in APA 7th edition, it is essential to understand why citation is crucial in academic writing. Citation provides proper credit to the original authors and helps avoid plagiarism. It also helps the readers to locate the sources and verify the information provided in the research work. Proper citation enhances the overall credibility of the research paper.

Moreover, citation is a way of acknowledging the intellectual contributions of other researchers and scholars in the field. It shows that the writer has conducted thorough research and has built upon the existing knowledge in the field. Citation also helps to establish the writer’s credibility and authority in the subject matter. In academic writing, citation is not just a requirement, but it is also a way of demonstrating academic integrity and ethical conduct.

Overview of APA 7th Edition Citation Style

APA (American Psychological Association) style is widely used in social sciences to cite sources. The latest edition, APA 7th edition, was released in 2020. The APA 7th edition citation style provides guidelines for citing different types of sources, including books, journal articles, websites, and presentations.

One of the major changes in the APA 7th edition citation style is the inclusion of the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or URL for all references. This helps readers to easily access the sources cited in the text. Additionally, the new edition also includes guidelines for citing social media posts, podcasts, and videos.

Another important feature of the APA 7th edition citation style is the use of et al. for in-text citations of sources with three or more authors. This helps to simplify the citation process and make it easier for readers to understand the sources being cited. Overall, the APA 7th edition citation style is a comprehensive and user-friendly guide for citing sources in social science research.

What is a PowerPoint and How to Cite it in APA 7th Edition

A PowerPoint presentation is a visual aid that uses a series of slides to present information. To cite a PowerPoint presentation in APA 7th edition, you need to include the following information: Author, Year, Title of presentation, Type of presentation, and URL (if applicable).

PowerPoint presentations are commonly used in academic and professional settings to convey complex information in a clear and concise manner. They can include text, images, graphs, and multimedia elements to enhance the audience’s understanding of the topic. When creating a PowerPoint presentation, it is important to consider the audience and the purpose of the presentation to ensure that the content is engaging and informative.

Different Ways to Cite a PowerPoint Presentation in APA 7th Edition

There are different ways to cite a PowerPoint presentation in APA 7th edition. You can cite it either as a stand-alone document or as part of a collection. In case the PowerPoint presentation is part of a conference paper or proceedings, you can cite it as a conference paper or proceedings.

Another way to cite a PowerPoint presentation in APA 7th edition is to treat it as a lecture or speech. This is appropriate if the presentation was given in a classroom or conference setting. In this case, you would include the presenter’s name, the date of the presentation, the title of the presentation, and the location where it was given.

It’s important to note that when citing a PowerPoint presentation, you should include as much information as possible to help your readers locate the source. This may include the name of the author, the date of creation, the title of the presentation, the name of the conference or event where it was presented, and any relevant page numbers or URLs.

Step-by-Step Guide on Citing a PowerPoint Presentation in APA 7th Edition

The following is a step-by-step guide on how to cite a PowerPoint presentation in APA 7th edition:

  • Start the citation with the author’s name.
  • Provide the year of the presentation in parentheses.
  • Follow it with the title of the presentation in italics.
  • Indicate the type of presentation in square brackets.
  • Provide additional information such as the name of the event, if applicable.
  • Include the URL of the presentation if it is available.

It is important to note that if the PowerPoint presentation was accessed through a database or online platform, the name of the database or platform should be included in the citation. Additionally, if the presentation was presented as part of a larger conference or symposium, the name and location of the conference should also be included in the citation.

Tips for Formatting Your Citation Correctly

When formatting your citation, ensure that you follow the guidelines provided in the APA 7th edition publication manual. Additionally, ensure that you use the appropriate punctuation and italicize the title of the presentation.

It is also important to include all necessary information in your citation, such as the name of the presenter, the date of the presentation, and the location where it took place. If you are citing a presentation that you attended in person, you should include the name of the event and the location. If you are citing a presentation that you viewed online, you should include the URL or DOI. By including all relevant information, you can ensure that your citation is accurate and complete.

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Citing a PowerPoint Presentation in APA 7th Edition

Some common mistakes to avoid while citing a PowerPoint presentation in APA 7th edition include using the wrong format, providing incomplete information, and failing to italicize the presentation’s title. It is essential to double-check your citation to ensure that all required information is provided and properly formatted.

Another common mistake to avoid while citing a PowerPoint presentation in APA 7th edition is failing to include the name of the author or presenter. It is important to include the presenter’s name, as well as their credentials, if available. Additionally, if the presentation was retrieved from an online source, such as a website or database, it is important to include the URL or DOI in the citation. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your citation is accurate and complete.

Examples of Citing a PowerPoint Presentation in APA 7th Edition

Here are some examples of citing a PowerPoint presentation in APA 7th edition:

  • Stand-alone PowerPoint presentation:

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of presentation [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from URL.

  • PowerPoint presentation as part of a collection:

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of presentation [PowerPoint slides]. In B. B. Editor (Ed.), Title of collection (pp. xx-xx). Publisher. DOI or URL.

It is important to note that when citing a PowerPoint presentation, you should include the author’s name, the year the presentation was created, and the title of the presentation. Additionally, if the presentation was retrieved from an online source, you should include the URL or DOI.

Furthermore, if the PowerPoint presentation was part of a conference or lecture, you should include the name of the event, the location, and the date. This information can be included in the citation after the title of the presentation.

How to Cite a Specific Slide or Image from a PowerPoint Presentation in APA 7th Edition

If you want to cite a specific slide or image from a PowerPoint presentation, you need to include the slide number or the image’s filename. The citation should be included in the figure caption or in-text citation.

It is important to note that if the PowerPoint presentation is publicly available online, you should also include the URL or DOI in the reference list citation. Additionally, if the presentation was given at a conference or event, you should include the name and location of the conference or event in the reference list citation.

How to Cite Online or Electronic Versions of a PowerPoint Presentation in APA 7th Edition

To cite an online or electronic version of a PowerPoint presentation in APA 7th edition, you need to follow the same guidelines as for citing a stand-alone or part of a collection PowerPoint presentation. Additionally, you need to include the date you accessed the presentation and the URL of the website hosting it.

It is important to note that if the presentation is available on a password-protected website or database, you should include the name of the database or website in italics, along with the DOI or permanent link, instead of the URL. This is because the URL may not be accessible to everyone and may require a login or subscription.

Furthermore, if the presentation includes a DOI (digital object identifier), you should include it in the citation instead of the URL. The DOI is a unique alphanumeric string that provides a persistent link to the content, making it easier for readers to access the presentation. If the presentation does not have a DOI, you can use the URL instead, but make sure to include the date you accessed it.

How to Handle Missing Information While Citing a PowerPoint Presentation in APA 7th Edition

If some of the required information for citing a PowerPoint presentation is missing, you can use the term “n.d.” (no date) or “n.p.” (no place) in place of the missing information. However, it is recommended to try and obtain the missing information to ensure the accuracy of the citation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Citing a PowerPoint Presentation in APA 7th Edition

Here are some commonly asked questions about citing a PowerPoint presentation in APA 7th edition:

  • Q. Should I include the presenter’s name in the citation?

A. No, only the author’s name needs to be included in the citation.

  • Q. Do I need to provide the type of presentation in all cases?

A. No, the type of presentation only needs to be provided in cases where it is not clear from the context, such as a conference paper or proceedings.

  • Q. How do I cite a PowerPoint presentation in a reference list?

A. The citation should be included in the reference list in alphabetical order by the author’s last name.

Conclusion: The Importance of Proper Citation and the Role of APA 7th Edition Style Guide

Citing sources properly is an essential aspect of academic writing as it adds credibility to the research work. APA 7th edition citation style provides clear guidelines on how to cite different types of sources, including PowerPoint presentations. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this article, you can ensure that your citations are accurate and properly formatted. Always remember to double-check your citation to avoid common mistakes and make use of online citation generators to simplify the process.

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How to Cite in APA Format (7th edition) | Guide & Generator

APA 7th edition publication manual

This citation guide outlines the most important citation guidelines from the 7th edition APA Publication Manual (2020). Scribbr also offers free guides for the older APA 6th edition , MLA Style , and Chicago Style .

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Table of contents

Apa in-text citations, apa references, formatting the apa reference page, free lecture slides, frequently asked questions.

In-text citations are brief references in the running text that direct readers to the reference entry at the end of the paper. You include them every time you quote or paraphrase someone else’s ideas or words to avoid plagiarism .

An APA in-text citation consists of the author’s last name and the year of publication (also known as the author-date system). If you’re citing a specific part of a source, you should also include a locator such as a page number or timestamp. For example: (Smith, 2020, p. 170) .

Parenthetical vs. narrative citation

The in-text citation can take two forms: parenthetical and narrative. Both types are generated automatically when citing a source with Scribbr’s APA Citation Generator.

  • Parenthetical citation: According to new research … (Smith, 2020) .
  • Narrative citation: Smith (2020) notes that …

Multiple authors and corporate authors

The in-text citation changes slightly when a source has multiple authors or an organization as an author. Pay attention to punctuation and the use of the ampersand (&) symbol.

Author type Parenthetical citation Narrative citation
One author (Smith, 2020) Smith (2020)
Two authors (Smith & Jones, 2020) Smith and Jones (2020)
Three or more authors (Smith et al., 2020) Smith et al. (2020)
Organization (Scribbr, 2020) Scribbr (2020)

Missing information

When the author, publication date or locator is unknown, take the steps outlined below.

Missing element What to do Parenthetical citation
Author Use the source title.* ( , 2020)
Date Write “n.d.” for “no date”. (Smith, n.d.)
Page number Either use an or
omit the page number.
(Smith, 2020, Chapter 3) or
(Smith, 2020)

Scribbr Citation Checker New

The AI-powered Citation Checker helps you avoid common mistakes such as:

  • Missing commas and periods
  • Incorrect usage of “et al.”
  • Ampersands (&) in narrative citations
  • Missing reference entries

how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

APA references generally include information about the author , publication date , title , and source . Depending on the type of source, you may have to include extra information that helps your reader locate the source.

Reference examples

Citing a source starts with choosing the correct reference format. Use Scribbr’s Citation Example Generator to learn more about the format for the most common source types. Pay close attention to punctuation, capitalization, and italicization.

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It is not uncommon for certain information to be unknown or missing, especially with sources found online. In these cases, the reference is slightly adjusted.

Missing element What to do Reference format
Author Start the reference entry with the source title. Title. (Date). Source.
Date Write “n.d.” for “no date”. Author. (n.d.). Title. Source.
Title Describe the work in square brackets. Author. (Date). [Description]. Source.

APA Reference Page (7th edition)

On the first line of the page, write the section label “References” (in bold and centered). On the second line, start listing your references in alphabetical order .

Apply these formatting guidelines to the APA reference page:

  • Double spacing (within and between references)
  • Hanging indent of ½ inch
  • Legible font (e.g. Times New Roman 12 or Arial 11)
  • Page number in the top right header

Which sources to include

On the reference page, you only include sources that you have cited in the text (with an in-text citation ). You should not include references to personal communications that your reader can’t access (e.g. emails, phone conversations or private online material).

Are you a teacher or professor looking to introduce your students to APA Style? Download our free introductory lecture slides, available for Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint.

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When no individual author name is listed, but the source can clearly be attributed to a specific organization—e.g., a press release by a charity, a report by an agency, or a page from a company’s website—use the organization’s name as the author in the reference entry and APA in-text citations .

When no author at all can be determined—e.g. a collaboratively edited wiki or an online article published anonymously—use the title in place of the author. In the in-text citation, put the title in quotation marks if it appears in plain text in the reference list, and in italics if it appears in italics in the reference list. Shorten it if necessary.

When you quote or paraphrase a specific passage from a source, you need to indicate the location of the passage in your APA in-text citation . If there are no page numbers (e.g. when citing a website ) but the text is long, you can instead use section headings, paragraph numbers, or a combination of the two:

(Caulfield, 2019, Linking section, para. 1).

Section headings can be shortened if necessary. Kindle location numbers should not be used in ebook citations , as they are unreliable.

If you are referring to the source as a whole, it’s not necessary to include a page number or other marker.

The abbreviation “ et al. ” (meaning “and others”) is used to shorten APA in-text citations with three or more authors . Here’s how it works:

Only include the first author’s last name, followed by “et al.”, a comma and the year of publication, for example (Taylor et al., 2018).

APA Style usually does not require an access date. You never need to include one when citing journal articles , e-books , or other stable online sources.

However, if you are citing a website or online article that’s designed to change over time, it’s a good idea to include an access date. In this case, write it in the following format at the end of the reference: Retrieved October 19, 2020, from https://www.uva.nl/en/about-the-uva/about-the-university/about-the-university.html

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APA Style, 7th Edition

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APA for PowerPoint Presentations

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Using PowerPoint for Beginners

The APA manual does not have a section on how to format a PowerPoint presentation, but y ou can follow APA style guidelines within your PowerPoint . For example:

  • Include the same information on your title slide that you would have on a title page. 
  • Include in-text citations for any quote, paraphrase, image, graph, table, data, audio or video file that you use within your presentation. Please note that photographs are considered figures in APA style. 
  • The last slide will be your References List. 
  • “No citation, permission, or copyright attribution is necessary for clip art from programs like Microsoft Word or PowerPoint” (American Psychological Association [APA], 2020, p. 346).
  • Do not reproduce images without permission from the creator or owner of the image. See section 12.15 of the APA manual for more information about this.

Resource: Goodwin University Library. 2019. How to format a PowerPoint presentation in APA Style. Goodwin University.   https://goodwin.libguides.com/apastyle   

  • Citing Business Sources in APA Style Brock University's guide to citing business information sources according the the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition. Includes citing sources in presentations

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how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

APA Style Formatting in PowerPoint

APA Style (7th Edition) Formatting in PowerPoint

In this video, Purdue Global Learning and Development Specialist, Chrissine Cairns, demonstrates how to format a PowerPoint applying APA Style (7th Edition) to a title slide; body slides using bullet points, figures, tables, and copyright statements; and a reference list with hanging indentations.

Presentation Times for Video Sections

  • Title Slide 00:00:00 – 00:03:45
  • Bulleted Points 00:04:16 – 00:07:13
  • Figures and Tables and Copyrights 00:07:14 – 00:13:36
  • Reference List 00:13:32 – 00:15:37

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APA Citation Style, 7th edition: Conferences

  • General Style Guidelines
  • One Author or Editor
  • Two Authors or Editors
  • Three to Five Authors or Editors
  • Article or Chapter in an Edited Book
  • Article in a Reference Book
  • Edition other than the First
  • Translation
  • Government Publication
  • Journal Article with 1 Author
  • Journal Article with 2 Authors
  • Journal Article with 3–20 Authors
  • Journal Article 21 or more Authors
  • Magazine Article
  • Newspaper Article
  • Basic Web Page
  • Web page from a University site
  • Web Page with No Author
  • Entry in a Reference Work
  • Government Document
  • Film and Television
  • Youtube Video
  • Audio Podcast
  • Electronic Image
  • Twitter/Instagram
  • Lecture/PPT
  • Conferences
  • Secondary Sources
  • Citation Support
  • Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Formatting Your Paper

About Citing Sources

For each type of source in this guide, both the general form and an example will be provided.

The following format will be used:

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase) - entry that appears in the body of your paper when you express the ideas of a researcher or author using your own words.  For more tips on paraphrasing check out The OWL at Purdue .

In-Text Citation (Quotation) - entry that appears in the body of your paper after a direct quote.

References - entry that appears at the end of your paper.

Information on citing and several of the examples were drawn from the APA Manual (7th ed.) .

Conference Sessions, Papers, and Posters

Note: Conference sessions, papers, and posters all follow the same citation style. The only change is in the brackets following the title of the contribution, denoting the format. Use the description provided by the conference, e.g. [Poster presentation], [Key-note address], [Conference session], etc.

General Format

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase):

(Presenter Surname, Year)

In-Text Citation (Quotation):


Presenter Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year, Month Day-Day). Presentation title [Format]. Conference Name, Location. DOI or URL of website.

Tip: Include the full run of the conference in the date section, not just the day of the presentation.

(Pearson, 2018)

Pearson, J. (2018, September 27-30). Fat talk and its effects on state-based body image in women [Poster presentation]. Australian Psychological Society Congress, Sydney, NSW, Australia. http://bit.ly/2XGSThP 

Subject Guide

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APA Citation Style, 7th Edition: Posters & Conference Sessions

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  • Journal Article with Two Authors
  • Journal Article with Three or more Authors
  • Help?! I can't find the DOI
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  • Two Authors/Editors
  • Chapter in a Book
  • Electronic Books
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  • Government Websites & Publications, & Gray Literature
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  • StatPearls, UpToDate, DynaMedex
  • YouTube or other streaming video
  • Citing the use of AI
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  • Photographs, Tables, & PDF's
  • In-Text Citations & Paraphrasing
  • References Page
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Citing Conference sessions, Poster abstracts, and Poster presentations

How to Create an APA 7th edition Reference for Conference sessions, Poster abstracts, & Poster presentations
Author Date Title (SOURCE) Conference Name, City, State, Country (SOURCE) URL
Author, A. A. & Author, B. B.

(2020, December 14-16).

(Full date range of Conference)

[Conference session, Poster abstract, or Poster presentation]. Conference Name, City, State Abbreviation, Country.


Conference sessions, poster abstracts, and poster presentations follow a significantly different format than other types of APA references.

  • The author of the work is always listed first.
  • Next, the FULL date of the conference is listed in the date area, so if a conference is held over several days, you need to list the date the conference starts, through the date the conference ends.
  • Next add the title of the work and put it in italics, then add (in square brackets), whether it's a [Poster session], a [Poster abstract], or a [Conference session] and then add a period.
  • In the source area share 1) the name of the conference or organization - or both (comma), 2) the name of the city or town the conference was held (comma), 3) the abbreviation of the state or the region (depending on the country) (comma), 4) the country the conference was held.
  • Lastly share the URL of the WORK (not the conference in general) as a live hyperlink. 


Conference session : .

Hinck, J., Brewington, J., & Harding, K. (2018, September 12-14). Nurse educators - Making a difference in self and others to strengthen networks and partnerships [Conference session]. National League for Nursing, Chicago, IL, United States.  https://tinyurl.com/37bx7uku  

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase):

(Hinck, et al., 2018). 

Poster Abstract :

Jackson, C., McCalmont, J., Ward, J. Solanki, E., Seguin, R., & Perry, C. K. (2017, October 10). Mujeres fuertes y corazones saludables: Adaptation of the Strong Women - Healthy Hearts (SWHH) program for rural Latinas using an intervention mapping approach [Poster Abstract]. 2017 Oregon Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, United States.  https://tinyurl.com/y2panrdm  

(Jackson, et al., 2017). 

Poster Presentation :

NOTE: Because the poster presentations of this conference were presented in a journal, there are actually two ways you could cite this particular poster abstract, either way is acceptable in APA .  

Option 1 - Referencing ONLY the poster abstract itself : 

Leckenby, S., & Acklaghi, H. (2017, November 19-23). Is point-of-care troponin enough in decision making process in emergency departments [Poster Presentation]. ACEM ASM 2017 "Impossible is Just a Perspective" Darling Harbour, Sydney, Austalia.   https://tinyurl.com/cpkjbsu5

(Leckenby & Acklaghi, 2017). 

Option 2 - Referencing the poster abstract within the actual journal & supplement that printed the conference abstract : 

Leckenby, S., & Acklaghi, H. (2018). Is point-of-care troponin enough in decision making process in emergency departments [Poster Presentation]. Emergency Medicine Australasia, 30 (S1), 43-44.  https://doi.org/10.1111/1742-6723.12962  

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Page References

Citation information has been adapted from the APA Manual (7th Edition). Please refer to page 332-333 of the APA Manual (7th Edition) for more information.

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Whether you're new to APA or have been using it for some time, these resources will set you on track for becoming more comfortable writing in this style.

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Accessing the APA 7th Edition

Any class you take from the UCCS College of Education will require APA style citation which is the official format for the American Psychological Association. The most recent edition is the APA 7th edition.

Cover Art

The Library has the print version of the APA publication manual and you can also find it online at:

  • APA Style American Psychological Association's website on APA style. Includes much of the content found in the print version.

Mendeley Reference Manager

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Mendeley is the citation management tool the Library supports. It is a free tool that works with a variety of citation styles, including APA.

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  • Create a Mendeley Account Sign up with your UCCS email address and create your own password. DO NOT select the “sign in via your institution” option.
  • Mendeley Plug-in for Microsoft Word As a UCCS student or faculty, you have access to the Microsoft suite, including Word. This plug-in allows your Mendeley account to directly connect with Word so you can insert in-text citations and automatically create your references section.
  • Mendeley Web Importer A web browser extension that is the easiest way to get citations into Mendeley.
  • Getting Starting with Mendeley Help Guide A great text-based guide on using Mendeley.

Using Mendeley

  • Mendeley Login Once you have an account created, you can login to your Mendeley account and start sending it citations that can be formatted into references.

Getting Help with Mendeley

  • Mendeley Help Guides A series of helpful, text-based guides on how to use the different Mendeley features.

You can also message your librarian or contact our Research Assistance service. We're happy to help!

APA Citations in Subject Specific Databases

Most library databases have built-in features to automatically create APA citations of the journal articles and other research you find in them.

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how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

How to Cite in APA Format (7th edition): Citation Style Guide

cite in APA format

Table of Contents

What is APA 7th Edition ?    

The American Psychological Association (APA) introduced the latest edition of the APA Style Manual (i.e., APA 7 th edition ) in 2019. APA Style has its origins in 1929 , when a group of academics and professionals decided to develop a set of guidelines that would standardize scientific writing. The earliest form was a seven-page guide published in the Psychological Bulletin . The first formal edition of the APA Publication Manual was published in 1952, with subsequent editions appearing in 1974, 1983, 1994, 2001, 2009, and most recently, in 2019.  

Over the years, the APA style guide has evolved considerably to meet the changing needs of a wide range of disciplines, from social and behavioral sciences to health care, natural sciences, and humanities. APA Style is widely used by academic journals and books.  

As APA 7 th edition is the current and most updated version, students and researchers should familiarize themselves with the style guidelines, including the reference and citation styles.  

Who Should Use APA 7th Edition ?    

The aim of style guides such as the APA Style Guide is to simplify the work of editors and make it easier for readers to understand a text by ensuring a uniform format for a given publication. For example, the APA Style Guide will contain guidelines that lay down the APA reference format and APA style citation for authors to follow.  

The APA Style Guide can be a valuable reference when writing and formatting academic papers, irrespective of discipline. However, this style is primarily used by professionals, researchers, and students in the social sciences (e.g., sociology, psychology, anthropology), behavioral sciences, education, business, and nursing.  

If you are a student, you may consult with an instructor to check what style your discipline uses before using APA Style in your work. Most importantly, be sure to check the guidelines of your university or the journal you plan to publish in to ensure APA 7 th edition is the correct style to use.   

APA In-text Citations    

Researchers rely on citations and references to give credit to original sources, support their arguments, and guide readers to additional information for further study. Let us now look at how to cite sources in APA format. The formatting requirements of APA 7th edition citation for referring to secondary sources in your text are as follows.  

The APA citation format includes the author’s last name and the year of publication. When referring to a particular part of a source, the page number may be included, e.g., “(Rawat et al., 2018, p. 115).”  

APA style citation in the text may be parenthetical or narrative.  

In parenthetical citation, the author’s name and the year of publication are placed in parentheses within the text. This style is used at the end of a sentence. See below for an example:  

  • Gender, age, education, and income determine a person’s risk and adaptive capacities (Birkmann et al., 2022).  

In narrative citation, the author’s name appears as a part of the sentence, followed by the publication year in parentheses. See below for an example:  

  • Birkman et al. (2022) note that gender, age, education, and income determine a person’s risk and adaptive capacities.

how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

Table 1: How to cite sources in APA format when there are multiple authors and organizations as authors  



(Sinha, 2022)  Sinha (2022) 


(Latimer & Schulz, 1999)  Latimer and Schulz (1999) 


(Khatri et al., 2023)  Khatri et al. (2023) 
Organization as an author*  (WHO, 2016) 


WHO (2016) 

*First time with an abbreviation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2016); all subsequent citations: (WHO, 2016)  

Table 2: How to cite sources in APA format when some information is missing  

Author  Use the title of the source in title case 


(FAQs, 2004)  FAQs. (2004) Crazy Camp Chronicles. http://www.crazycamps/faq 


Use “n.d.” (for no date)  (Kalanithi, n.d.)  Kalanithi, O. (n.d.). The curious case of the coughing cloud. Merriweather Publishing. 
Page number 


Use an alternative locator  (Williams, 1988, Chapter 14) 

(Bush, 2021, para. 2) 



Describe the source   (Gupta, 2023) 


Gupta, G. (2023). [Collection of patient feedback for a new therapy]. Unpublished raw data. 

  APA Reference Format    

After APA citations , let us now look at the APA reference format. As an academic, you might use a wide array of source types. According to the APA style guide , each type is formatted in a certain manner. The most commonly used sources are journal articles, books, and dissertations. However, you occasionally might need to cite webpages, podcasts, and news article. How would all these appear in an APA 7 reference page ? You will find your answers in Table 3!  

Table 3: How to format various sources in the APA reference list  

  Author, A. A. (Year of Publication). Title of the article. (issue number), pages. https://doi.org/xx.xxx/yyyy  Singh, C., Solomon, D., & Rao, N. (2021). How does climate change adaptation policy in India consider gender? An analysis of 28 state action plans. (7), 958-975  


  Author, A. A. (Year of Publication). (editors, translators, editions, etc.). Publisher.  


Angelou, M. (1970). Random House. 


  Author, A. A. (Year). Chapter title. In Initial. Last name (Eds.), (ed., pages of chapter). Publisher. DOI of chapter   Saxena, R. K., Saxena, K. B., & Varshney, R. K. (2019). Pigeonpea ( L. Millsp.): an ideal crop for sustainable agriculture. In J. M. Al-Khayri, S. M. Jain, D. V. Johnson (Eds.), , Springer, Cham.  


  Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). . Website name. URL  Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE). (n.d.). Johns Hopkins University. Retrieved July 13, 2022, from  


  Author, A. A. (Year of Publication). [Master’s thesis/Doctoral dissertation, Name of institution]. URL or database name  Srinidhi, A. (2024). . [internal PhD, WU, Wageningen University]. Wageningen University. https://doi.org/10.18174/654556 
  Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of the article. . URL  Das, S. (2024, August 20). Auto companies Tata Motors, Ashok Leyland board the fully built bus boom. .   


  Host, A. A. (Host). (Year, Month Day). Title (episode number if known) [Audio podcast episode]. In Publisher. URL  Huberman, A. (Host). (2022, April 17). Using light (sunlight, blue light & red light) to optimize health [Audio podcast episode]. In . Andrew Huberman.   


how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

Formatting the APA Paper    

Papers formatted according to APA 7th edition typically contain the following elements:  

Title page with the title (bold, centered), running head and page number in the header, author names and affiliations, and author notes (ORCID ID, conflicts of interest, etc.); see below:  

how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

Next comes the abstract . It should be double spaced and use consistent font. The keywords appear below the abstract, with an indent.  

how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

For the main text, margins are 1 inch on all four side s. T he text is double spaced . T he font used should be consistent . H eadings are used to separate sections , and d etails on heading levels are as follows:  

how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

Source: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/paper-format/headings

Finally, the APA 7 reference page contains the references to all sources used in the paper. References are double-spaced and use hanging indents :  

how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

Style guides in academic writing serve to standardize formatting, citations, and language use across scholarly works. They provide readers with cues they can use to follow the text more efficiently and to locate information of interest to them. In other words, it avoids distraction of unfamiliar or non-uniform formatting.  

In this piece about APA 7th edition , we have explained in detail the nuances of APA citations , including how to cite in APA format and how to format the APA 7 reference page . A brief primer on formatting a manuscript in line with APA 7th edition is also provided.  

how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

Frequently Asked Questions    

  • What are the major changes from APA 6th to APA 7th Edition ?  

The updates from APA 6th to APA 7th Edition reflect a commitment to improving clarity, inclusivity, and usability in scholarly writing. The salient differences from APA 6 th edition are as follows:  

  • Title page format: The title page has been updated for professionals. The author note includes information such as ORCID IDs and conflict of interest disclosures.
  • Running head: The running head format has been simplified for professional authors.
  • Font flexibility : There is greater flexibility in font specifications to enhance accessibility.
  • Bias-free language guidelines: The guidelines for bias-free language have been updated to promote inclusivity and respect when writing about various identities.  
  • Reference formatting: In APA 7th edition , the number of authors included in a reference entry has changed to allow up to 20 authors before using an ellipsis. The presentation of DOIs and URLs has been standardized.  
  • In-text citations: In-text citations for works with three or more authors have been simplified to include only the first author’s name followed by “et al.”
  • Accessibility: APA 7th edition emphasizes accessibility for users with disabilities, ensuring that guidelines support various modalities, including screen readers.  
  • How do I cite a journal article in APA 7th Edition ?  

According to APA 7 th edition , a reference would appear as below:  

Author, A. A. (Year of Publication). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, volume number (issue number), pages. https://doi.org/xx.xxx/yyyy .  

The in-text citation would include the author name(s) and year of publication, e.g., (Andriolatou, 2007).   

  • How should multiple authors be cited in APA 7th Edition?  

APA 7 citation style would vary depending on the number of authors and whether you are citing the source parenthetically or narratively:  

Single author, parenthetical: (Bik, 2020)  

Single author, narrative: Bik (2020) reported that…  

Two authors, parenthetical: (Bik & Urs, 2019)  

Two authors, narrative: As demonstrated by Bik and Urs (2019), …  

Three or more authors, parenthetical: (Bik et al., 2023)  

Three or more authors, narrative: Bik et al. (2023) have published…  

  • How do I format in-text citations for a direct quote?  

When someone else’s words are copied verbatim in your paper, it refers to a direct quote.   

For APA 7 citation of short direct quotes (<40 words), use quotation marks around the quote and cite the author, year, and page number:  

Another way to look at it is how people “get a broader range of experience than they would on a feature” (Catmull, 2014, p. 209).  

For APA 7 citation of longer quotes, or block quotes, the sentence preceding the quote ends in a colon and is followed by the quoted text. No quotation marks are used. The quote is indented and cited without a period at the end (see the figure below).   

how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

Figure: How to cite block quotes in APA citations

To conclude  

Over the years, the APA style guide has evolved significantly. The current version, APA 7th edition , has expanded in both scope and size to accommodate the needs of wide-ranging fields and to address changing times. Despite these changes, the core intention—to provide clear, consistent guidelines for effective communication—remains at the heart of APA Style .   

For busy researchers, not only is it difficult to remember the different elements of citations and references and the subtle differences in formatting, but it also a tedious task to manually format in-text citations and reference lists and ensure consistency between them. In addition, you might need to format (and even re-format) your manuscript according to different journals, which might follow styles different from APA 7th edition (MLA, Chicago, AMA, etc.)! But there is no need to worry…help is at hand!

Citation generators are online tools that format references in different styles. There are a number of citation generators available, and Paperpal has launched its new citation generator , which stands out from the others in many ways. As a part of Paperpal’s writing workflow, you can easily find and cite sources accurately in a matter of seconds.

This free citation generator supports the updated recent versions of 10,000+ styles, including APA 7th edition . Therefore, it can serve as an APA 7th edition citation generator if you need one! What’s more, you don’t need to switch between multiple tools to search, save, or format your citations. You can rely Paperpal’s citation generation feature for help with citing sources accurately and consistently in your writing. Explore Paperpal for free now!  

Paperpal is a comprehensive AI writing toolkit that helps students and researchers achieve 2x the writing in half the time. It leverages 21+ years of STM experience and insights from millions of research articles to provide in-depth academic writing, language editing, and submission readiness support to help you write better, faster.  

Get accurate academic translations, rewriting support, grammar checks, vocabulary suggestions, and generative AI assistance that delivers human precision at machine speed.  Try for free or  upgrade to Paperpal Prime  starting at US$19 a month  to access premium features, including consistency, plagiarism, and 30+ submission readiness checks to help you succeed.  

Experience the future of academic writing –  Sign up to Paperpal and start writing for free!  

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American Psychological Association

References provide the information necessary for readers to identify and retrieve each work cited in the text .

Check each reference carefully against the original publication to ensure information is accurate and complete. Accurately prepared references help establish your credibility as a careful researcher and writer.

Consistency in reference formatting allows readers to focus on the content of your reference list, discerning both the types of works you consulted and the important reference elements (who, when, what, and where) with ease. When you present each reference in a consistent fashion, readers do not need to spend time determining how you organized the information. And when searching the literature yourself, you also save time and effort when reading reference lists in the works of others that are written in APA Style.

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Academic Writer ®

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Teaching APA Style? Become a course adopter of the 7th edition Publication Manual

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Instructional Aids

Guides, checklists, webinars, tutorials, and sample papers for anyone looking to improve their knowledge of APA Style


  1. How to Cite a PowerPoint Presentation in APA 7?

    how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

  2. Citing and Referencing in PowerPoint Presentations

    how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

  3. how to cite a powerpoint in apa

    how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

  4. apa citation how to cite a powerpoint presentation

    how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

  5. How to Cite a PowerPoint Presentation in APA

    how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition

  6. How-to Guide: Cite a PowerPoint in APA Format

    how do you cite a presentation in apa 7th edition


  1. How do you cite in APA 7th edition?

  2. How do you cite the owl Purdue in APA 7th edition?

  3. How do you cite a website in APA 7 with no author?

  4. Where do you cite in-text APA PowerPoint?

  5. How do you cite APA 7 in a sentence?

  6. How do you cite in APA format?


  1. How to Cite a PowerPoint in APA Style

    Revised on December 27, 2023. To reference a PowerPoint presentation in APA Style, include the name of the author (whoever presented the PowerPoint), the date it was presented, the title (italicized), "PowerPoint slides" in square brackets, the name of the department and university, and the URL where the PowerPoint can be found.

  2. APA Citation Style, 7th edition: Lecture/PPT

    Lecture. Important Note: This format would be used if you were citing a set of notes and/or documents from a lecture (e.g. PDF, Excel, Word document, or PowerPoint slides provided by your instructor). Tip: Cite information from your own personal notes from a lecture as personal communication and refer to it only in the body of your essay.

  3. PowerPoint Slide or Lecture Note References

    This page contains reference examples for PowerPoint slides or lecture notes, including the following: Use these formats to cite information obtained directly from slides. If the slides contain citations to information published elsewhere, and you want to cite that information as well, then it is best to find, read, and cite the original source ...

  4. Conference presentation references

    To cite only the abstract of a conference presentation, include the word "abstract" as part of the bracketed description (e.g., "[Conference presentation abstract]"). Learn more Conference presentation references are covered in the seventh edition Publication Manual Section 10.5

  5. APA Style 7th Edition: Citing Your Sources

    Learn how to cite your conference presentations in APA Style 7th Edition with examples and tips from USC librarians.

  6. APA Citation Guide (7th Edition): Presentations and Class Notes

    Handouts distributed in class and presentation slides such as PowerPoint should be cited both in-text and on the Reference list. Your own notes from lectures are considered personal communications in APA style. They are cited within the text of your assignment, but do not get an entry on the Reference list.

  7. APA Citation Guide (7th edition) : Powerpoint Presentations

    Websites you create: For images, include a citation under each image using this format "From: XXXX" and then make the image a link back to the original image ( example - picture of little girl). Or list the citation at the bottom of the web page. For quotes or material from other sources, include an in-text citation that links back to the ...

  8. APA Style & Citation 7th edition

    This video provides a great example on how to create a PowerPoint incorporating APA guidelines. A few things to clarify: Use an in-text citation with figures and images. A corresponding reference should be on your References slide. Do not lump in-text citations together, each line that has a quote or paraphrase needs an in-text citation.

  9. APA PowerPoint Slide Presentation

    Cite your source automatically in APA. Media File: APA PowerPoint Slide Presentation. This resource is enhanced by a PowerPoint file. If you have a Microsoft Account, you can view this file with PowerPoint Online. Select the APA PowerPoint Presentation link above to download slides that provide a detailed review of the APA citation style.

  10. Conference Presentations and Publications

    APA 7th Edition Citation Guide Conference Presentations and Publications. Conference Presentation. For conference presentations, include the presenters' names, the dates of the entire conference, the title of the presentation, a description of the presentation, the name of the conference, the location of the conference, and a link if it is ...

  11. PowerPoint slides

    APA 7th Referencing Style Guide. Referencing & APA style; In-text citation; Reference list. Elements of a reference ; Format & examples of a reference list ; Articles; Books; ... If the slides are not available to be accessed by your reader, you may treat them as personal communication cited in text. Reference entry is not needed.

  12. Lecture notes and slides

    Elements of the reference: Author(s) - use & for multiple authors. (Year, Month Day). Title of slides or lecture topic - italicised [PowerPoint slides]. Site name. Web address

  13. UMGC Library: APA 7th Edition Citation Examples: PowerPoints

    APA 7th Edition Citation Examples. UMGC; UMGC Library; Website; APA 7th Edition Citation Examples ... Format for PowerPoint presentations; How to format your PowerPoint in APA style; AI: ChatGPT, etc. ... Thomes, C. (n.d.). UMGC Library APA citation basics [PowerPoint slides]. University of Maryland Global Campus. https://libguides.umgc.edu/ld ...

  14. Powerpoint Presentations

    The APA 7th Manual and the APA website do not provide any specific rules about using APA format or citation in PowerPoint slides. Here are some recommended guidelines: 1. Always follow any specific instructions given by your instructor. 2.

  15. Citing a Conference Paper in APA Style

    To cite a paper that has been presented at a conference but not published, include the author's name, the date of the conference, the title of the paper (italicized), "Paper presentation" in square brackets, the name and location of the conference, and a URL or DOI if available. Author name, Initials.

  16. APA Citation Guide (7th edition) : Class Handouts, Presentations, and

    Note: To cite other readings, follow the model for that type of document: eg a chapter from a book with an editor, an article from a library database, etc.. You do not need to identify Moodle as the source. If the instructor has not provided details that are necessary to to cite the reading, contact them to ask for these.

  17. How to Cite a PowerPoint in Apa 7th Edition

    The following is a step-by-step guide on how to cite a PowerPoint presentation in APA 7th edition: Start the citation with the author's name. Provide the year of the presentation in parentheses. Follow it with the title of the presentation in italics. Indicate the type of presentation in square brackets.

  18. How to Cite in APA Format (7th edition)

    APA in-text citations The basics. In-text citations are brief references in the running text that direct readers to the reference entry at the end of the paper. You include them every time you quote or paraphrase someone else's ideas or words to avoid plagiarism.. An APA in-text citation consists of the author's last name and the year of publication (also known as the author-date system).

  19. APA for PowerPoint Presentations

    The APA manual does not have a section on how to format a PowerPoint presentation, but you can follow APA style guidelines within your PowerPoint. For example: Include the same information on your title slide that you would have on a title page. Include in-text citations for any quote, paraphrase, image, graph, table, data, audio or video file ...

  20. APA Style Formatting in PowerPoint

    Watch on. In this video, Purdue Global Learning and Development Specialist, Chrissine Cairns, demonstrates how to format a PowerPoint applying APA Style (7th Edition) to a title slide; body slides using bullet points, figures, tables, and copyright statements; and a reference list with hanging indentations.

  21. APA Citation Style, 7th edition: Conferences

    Conference Sessions, Papers, and Posters. Note: Conference sessions, papers, and posters all follow the same citation style. The only change is in the brackets following the title of the contribution, denoting the format. Use the description provided by the conference, e.g. [Poster presentation], [Key-note address], [Conference session], etc.

  22. Conference proceeding references

    Parenthetical citation: (Duckworth et al., 2019) Narrative citation: ... Conference proceeding references are covered in seventh edition Publication Manual Section 10.5. This guidance has been revised from the 6th edition. Date created: February 2020 ... Connect with APA Style: ...

  23. APA Citation Style, 7th Edition: Posters & Conference Sessions

    In-Text Citation (Paraphrase): (Jackson, et al., 2017). Poster Presentation: NOTE: Because the poster presentations of this conference were presented in a journal, there are actually two ways you could cite this particular poster abstract, either way is acceptable in APA. Option 1 - Referencing ONLY the poster abstract itself: Reference:

  24. APA 7th Edition

    This Academic Writer Tutorial will walk you through the basics of APA 7th edition. From paper elements to citations and references, it has all you need to get you on your way to feeling confident about APA. ... Tags: APA, APA Toolkit, citation, citing, Paper sample, paper template in Word, Toolkit. Departments. Academic Affairs; Faculty ...

  25. Research Guides: Teaching & Learning Research: Citing in APA

    Citing in APA; APA Style Assistance. You can message your librarian if have questions about Mendeley or using library resources to create APA citations. ... The most recent edition is the APA 7th edition. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association : the official guide to APA style by American Psychological Association.

  26. In-text citations

    APA Style provides guidelines to help writers determine the appropriate level of citation and how to avoid plagiarism and self-plagiarism. We also provide specific guidance for in-text citation, including formats for interviews, classroom and intranet sources, and personal communications; in-text citations in general; and paraphrases and direct quotations.

  27. How to Cite in APA Format (7th edition): Citation Style Guide

    What is APA 7th Edition?. The American Psychological Association (APA) introduced the latest edition of the APA Style Manual (i.e., APA 7 th edition) in 2019.APA Style has its origins in 1929, when a group of academics and professionals decided to develop a set of guidelines that would standardize scientific writing.The earliest form was a seven-page guide published in the Psychological Bulletin.

  28. References

    References provide the information necessary for readers to identify and retrieve each work cited in the text. Consistency in reference formatting allows readers to focus on the content of your reference list, discerning both the types of works you consulted and the important reference elements with ease.