Education (Online), EdD

School of education.

To address the dramatically changing landscape of education in the 21st century, which includes new research on the science of learning, advances in technology, and the emergence of a for-profit education sector, the Johns Hopkins School of Education offers an innovative online Doctor of Education degree program. This EdD program is designed to prepare an exceptional corps of educational practitioner-scholars, both nationally and internationally, who can set a high standard for transformational leadership in education, apply evidence-based practices to improve educational outcomes, and meet the vast challenges associated with improving learning outcomes in both public and private educational environments.

Please note there are different program requirements for different cohorts. Those requirements can be found under the tabs labeled: Program Requirements 2023 & Forward, Program Requirements 2022 Cohort, Program Requirements 2021 Cohort, and Program Requirements 2013-2020 Cohorts.

For more information about the EdD program, please visit the  website . If you have any questions about the EdD program, please contact  [email protected] .

Admission Requirements

At minimum, applicants to the EdD program should hold a master’s degree from an accredited college or university. Previous degrees must document high academic achievement (a minimum GPA of 3.0) in an area of study closely associated with the objectives of the program. If the earned degree or credit is from an educational institution abroad, the candidate’s academic record must be evaluated by a credential evaluation agency before consideration for admission. Applicants must submit the online admission application form, application fee, official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended, a curriculum vitae (résumé), a Problem of Practice Statement, online (asynchronous) interview, and two letters of recommendation signed by each recommender. These letters should include the following:

  • A professor with whom the applicant worked in their master's program who can speak to the applicant's competency to conduct rigorous, applied scholarly work, and
  • A colleague/supervisor from the applicant’s professional context/industry who can attest to the applicant's qualifications to pursue a doctorate, and the applicant’s impact on the recommender’s  professional practice.

International students must fulfill the general requirements for admission and complete additional requirements—see International Students Admission . 

Note: This program is not eligible for student visa sponsorship .

Students who enter the program will be required to successfully complete a series of pre-orientation modules prior to enrollment in the program. All students are expected to show competence in the content areas of these modules.

Please note that for the online EdD program, an offer of admission is for the specific cohort to which an application is submitted. Students may accept or decline the admission offer only; deferring to a future cohort is not an option.

Program Requirements Cohort 2023 and Forward

Program structure and requirements.

Program requirements include a minimum of 90 graduate credits. Students must enter the program with a master’s degree with 36 graduate-level credits, which will be transferred into the EdD program. If a student does not have the required 36 master’s credits, the student will be admitted on a conditional basis and must complete the additional graduate-level credits at a regionally accredited college or university (or its equivalent) by the final semester before expected degree conferral. Students with  post-master’s graduate credit  in related education content completed prior to admission to the EdD program may petition to transfer in an additional six (6) credits of equivalent coursework with appropriate documentation and with the approval of the EdD program director. Thus, students must complete between 48 and 54 credits at the doctoral level at JHU. The program includes the following required coursework components*:

For a full listing of academic standards and policies, please visit the website .   

Course List
Code Title Credits
Foundations of Education 15 credit hours
Understanding Social Problems3
Critical Theory3
Disciplinary Approaches to Education3
Multiple Perspectives on Learning and Teaching3
Multicultural Education3
Applied Research & Evaluation 12 credit hours
Socially Responsible Research3
Research Methods and Systematic Inquiry I3
Evaluation of Education Policies and Programs3
Research Methods and Systematic Inquiry II3
Areas of Interest/Electives 15 credit hours
Mind, Brain, and Teaching
Mind, Brain Science and Learning3
Fundamentals of Cognitive Development3
Neurobiology of Learning Differences3
Cognitive Processes of Literacy & Numeracy3
Special Topics in Brain Sciences3
Entrepreneurial Leadership in Education
Entrepreneurship in Education3
Partnerships and Educational Organizations3
Data-Driven Decision Making3
Talent Management & Organizational Finance for Entrepreneurial Leaders3
Leadership in Educational Organizations3
Urban Leadership
Leadership in Educational Organizations3
Approaches to Urban Education3
Individuals in Urban Contexts3
Organizations and Institutions3
Partnerships and Community Organizing3
Digital Age Learning and Educational Technology
Technology Integration for the 21st Century Learner3
Leadership for School and Educational Organization Redesign3
Power, Politics, and Policy in Education3
Research on Effective Professional Development3
Technologies and Creative Learning3
Doctoral Dossier Research12 credit hours
Doctoral Dossier Research I3
Doctoral Dossier Research II4
Doctoral Dossier Research III4
ED.883.XXX Doctoral Dossier Research IV 4

In addition to successfully completing all coursework requirements,  students admitted in 2023 and thereafter  must also complete a Doctoral Dossier consisting of three faculty-mentored research projects.

Problems of Practice and Doctoral Dossier

Students examine a Problem of Practice (POP)—an area of concern they have observed within their professional context—that becomes the focus of the student's Doctoral Dossier, which consists of three main projects described below.

As part of our commitment to social justice, the EdD program does not privilege one form of communication over another. Thus, all components of the Doctoral Dossier can be communicated in a modality of the student’s choosing: video, oral, scholarly writing, or public-facing writing. Additionally, students can choose the type of scholarship project they will work on during years two and three of the program. Our Doctoral Dossier is based upon  Boyer’s Four Domains of Scholarship  (1990) and includes:

          RESEARCH PROJECT 1 :

Scholarship of Integration:  To begin their Doctoral Dossier process, all students will spend their first two semesters reviewing the research literature and using systems thinking to refine their Problem of Practice. The culmination of this process will be the Scholarship of Integration project, which is a synthesis of the literature reviewed that identifies and describes the underlying causes of and factors contributing to their chosen POP. This project is foundational to understanding the identified problem and determining what students choose to research in years two and three.

Example projects include :  A podcast, video series, manuscripts for publication in a professional or scholarly journal, lengthy presentation targeting policymakers. Within all project modalities, the factors contributing to the POP are discussed through a synthesis of the research literature.


Following completion of the Scholarship of Integration project, students will  choose one of the following two options  for Research Project 2 :

Scholarship of Application:   Demonstrate the application of the research to practice.  The purpose of this project is to a) consider how the research perpetuates and/or disrupts oppression, b) critique relevant systems, structures, and institutions, and c) determine avenues to effectively disseminate evidence to a wider audience and stakeholder group.

Example projects include :  historical analysis of a topic, curriculum creation, community organization, autoethnography, instructional pedagogy, and others.  

Scholarship of Teaching:   Development and improvement of pedagogical practices.  Students examine teaching processes and assessments to improve practice.

Example projects include : autoethnography of one’s teaching, innovative teaching materials, curricula, development of new courses, or development of a new pedagogical framework.  


Following successful completion of Research Project 2, students will choose one of the following projects and orally present a proposal for their third project to a panel of faculty:

The  scholarship option NOT chosen for Project 2 , or

Scholarship of Discovery:  Search for new knowledge. Students conduct evidence-based research that leads to knowledge creation.   

Example projects include :  investigating the effectiveness of a curriculum created during year 2 (Scholarship of Teaching), interviewing people related to a Problem of Practice whose voices are missing from the research literature; examining the perspective of LGBTQ+ teachers living in the southern United States using Photovoice, etc. This project may be provided in any modality to better reach the student’s intended audience.               


During the final year, students will complete Research Project 3, write an  Executive Summary  that ties their three projects together, and write a  final reflection  on their doctoral journey. The Doctoral Dossier will be presented and assessed during the final Doctoral Dossier course. Additionally, students may choose to present their Doctoral Dossier work at a school-wide student conference.

Students are expected to complete the program coursework and independent research concurrently. This program is cohort-based, thus if students require a leave of absence for any reason, they will return in the appropriate course sequence with the next cohort the following year.

The following table below provides an overview of the program requirements for cohorts admitted in 2023 and later:

SOE EDD Program
Cohort Course Requirements Comprehensive Exam Applied Research
2023 and later No

 *Courses and course sequences are subject to change.

Program Requirements 2022 Cohort

Program requirements include a minimum of 90 graduate credits. Students must enter the program with a master’s degree with a minimum of 36 graduate-level credits, which will be transferred into the EdD program. If a student does not have the required 36 master’s credits, the student will be admitted on a conditional basis and must complete the additional graduate-level credits at an accredited college or university by the final semester before expected degree conferral. Students with  post-master’s graduate credit  in related education content completed prior to admission to the EdD program may petition to transfer in an additional 6 credits of equivalent coursework with appropriate documentation and with the approval of the EdD program director. Thus, students must complete between 48 and 54 credits at the doctoral level at JHU. The program includes the following required coursework components (subject to change):

Course List
Code Title Credits
Foundations of Education 12 credit hours
Multicultural Education3
Multiple Perspectives on Learning and Teaching3
Contemporary Approaches to Educational Problems3
Disciplinary Approaches to Education3
Applied Research & Evaluation9 credit hours
Research Methods and Systematic Inquiry I3
Research Methods and Systematic Inquiry II3
Evaluation of Education Policies and Programs3
Specialization12 credit hours
Mind, Brain, and Teaching
Fundamentals of Cognitive Development3
Neurobiology of Learning Differences3
Cognitive Processes of Literacy & Numeracy3
Special Topics in Brain Sciences3
Entrepreneurial Leadership in Education
Entrepreneurship in Education3
Partnerships and Educational Organizations3
Data-Driven Decision Making3
Talent Management & Organizational Finance for Entrepreneurial Leaders3
Urban Leadership
Approaches to Urban Education3
Individuals in Urban Contexts3
Organizations and Institutions3
Partnerships and Community Organizing3
Instructional Design for Online Teaching and Learning
Instructional Theory in Online Teaching and Learning3
Trends and Issues in Instructional Design, Message Design, and Online Learning3
Research on Online and Blended Teaching and Learning3
Evaluation of Digital Age Learning Environments3
Electives 12 credit hours
Leadership for School and Educational Organization Redesign3
Mind, Brain Science and Learning3
Power, Politics, and Policy in Education3
Leadership in Educational Organizations3
Research on Effective Professional Development3
Technologies and Creative Learning3
Dissertation Research9 credit hours
Dissertation Research 1 - 9

Students who extend their program of study may be required to enroll in additional doctoral research credits.

Additionally, students admitted in 2022 must also pass an oral comprehensive examination, demonstrating attainment of competencies, and complete a Dossier Style Dissertation research project. 

Problems of Practice and Dossier Style Dissertation 

Students examine a Problem of Practice (POP)—an area of concern they have observed within their professional context. This POP becomes the focus of the student's Dossier Style Dissertation, which is embedded within the EdD program coursework. The Dossier Style Dissertation includes two pathways: 1) Applied Project or 2) Empirical Project Deeper Dive.

Applied Project:

Year 1 :  During the first year in the program, students synthesize research literature to understand factors relevant to the POP from a broader systems perspective.

Year 2 : Students conduct an empirical study examining their POP within their professional context. Students then defend their proposal for an applied project based on their findings as well as a brief literature review that supports their rationale and justification for their proposed applied project.

Year 3 : Students create and defend their final applied project to their Doctoral Committee.

Empirical Project Deep Dive:

Year 1 : During the first year in the program, students synthesize research literature to understand factors relevant to the POP from a broader systems perspective.

Year 2 : Students design a more robust empirical study to more deeply examine their POP within their professional context. Students orally present their proposed design to their Doctoral Committee.

Year 3 : Students analyze and write up their data and orally defend their findings to their Doctoral Committee.

Although somewhat different from a traditional dissertation in its completion and focus, students are nevertheless expected to demonstrate mastery of the relevant literature, to obtain extant and/or collect additional data, and to interpret the results in light of previous studies.

All students will also demonstrate mastery of first- and second-year competencies through an oral comprehensive assessment. 

Typically, we expect students to complete three years of coursework and independent research concurrently. Some students may need more than three years to complete their research, in which case they will be required to enroll in at least one credit hour per semester after completion of the required 90 credit hours.

The following table below provides an overview of the program requirements for the 2022 cohort:

SOE EDD Program
Cohort Course Requirements Comprehensive Exam Applied Research
1) Applied Project OR 2) Empirical Project Deep Dive

Program Requirements 2021 Cohort

 Additionally, students admitted in 2021 must also pass an oral comprehensive examination, demonstrating attainment of competencies, and complete either a Dossier Style Dissertation or Applied Dissertation research project. For information regarding the Applied Dissertation, please see the 2013-2020 Cohorts tab.  

The following table below provides an overview of the program requirements for the 2021 cohort:

SOE EDD Program
Cohort Course Requirements Comprehensive Exam Applied Research
2021 Yes (Summer of Year 2)
3) Applied Project, OR 4) Empirical Project Deep Dive

Program Requirements 2013-2020 Cohorts

 Additionally, students admitted in cohorts 2013-2021 must also pass an oral comprehensive examination, demonstrating attainment of competencies, and complete an Applied Dissertation or Dossier Style Dissertation research project. For information regarding the Dossier Style Dissertation requirements, please see the 2021 Cohort tab.  Information regarding the Applied Dissertation is provided below.

Problems of Practice and Applied Dissertation 

Students examine a Problem of Practice (POP)—an area of concern they have observed within their professional context. This POP becomes the focus of the student's Applied Dissertation research. The Applied Dissertation is embedded within the EdD program coursework, which provides students with a unique opportunity to examine an issue important to the organization in which they are employed.

During the first year in the program, students examine their articulated POP to identify underlying causes and associated factors. During the second year of the program, students develop a potential solution, such as an intervention or policy change, and a plan to study the implementation of this intervention as well as proximal outcomes. Students will demonstrate mastery of first- and second-year competencies through written and oral comprehensive assessments, which will serve as indicators of readiness for conducting their applied research. Students will then evaluate the effectiveness of this solution as their Applied Dissertation (Year 3).

Although somewhat different from a traditional dissertation in its completion and focus, students are nevertheless expected to demonstrate mastery of the relevant literature, to obtain extant and/or collect additional data, and to interpret the results in light of previous studies. The dissertation will be presented at a final oral defense before the student’s Dissertation Advisory Committee.

Typically, students will complete three years of coursework and independent research concurrently. It is possible that some students may need more than three years to complete their research, in which case they will be required to enroll in at least one credit hour per semester after completion of the required 90 credit hours.

The following table below provides an overview of the program requirements for the 2013-2020 cohorts:

SOE EDD Program
Cohort Course Requirements Comprehensive Exam Applied Research
2013-2020 Yes (Summer of Year 2)

Learning Outcomes

Program goals.

Upon successful completion of the EdD, we expect that graduates will:

  • Participate as a self-reflexive, social justice-oriented learner within diverse educational or learning communities.
  • Analyze and critique educational practice and research from a social justice and systems perspective.
  • Apply relevant methodologies to address critical challenges in education.
  • Demonstrate a curiosity for, and a systematic approach to, at least one major topic of study within education resulting in an emerging expertise.
  • Integrate research and practice-based knowledge to develop research-informed decisions and opinions about educational experiences, processes, policies, and institutions.
  • Communicate effectively to diverse audiences about educational research, experiences, processes, policies, and institutions.
  • Military & Veterans
  • Transfer Students
  • Education Partnerships
  • COVID-19 Info
  • 844-PURDUE-G
  • Student Login
  • Request Info
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Master of Science
  • Associate of Applied Science
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Master of Business Administration
  • ExcelTrack Master of Business Administration
  • ExcelTrack Bachelor of Science
  • Postbaccalaureate Certificate
  • Certificate
  • Associate of Applied Science (For Military Students)
  • Programs and Courses
  • Master of Public Administration
  • Doctor of Education
  • Postgraduate Certificate
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology
  • Master of Health Care Administration
  • Master of Health Informatics
  • Doctor of Health Science
  • Associate of Applied of Science (For Military Students)
  • Associate of Science (For Military Students)
  • Master of Public Health
  • Executive Juris Doctor
  • Juris Doctor
  • Dual Master's Degrees
  • ExcelTrack Master of Science
  • Master of Science (DNP Path)
  • Bachelor of Science (RN-to-BSN)
  • ExcelTrack Bachelor of Science (RN-to-BSN)
  • Associate of Science
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice
  • Master of Professional Studies

The average Purdue Global military student is awarded 54% of the credits needed for an associate's and 45% of the credits needed for a bachelor's.

  • General Education Mobile (GEM) Program
  • AAS in Health Science
  • AS in Health Science
  • BS in Organizational Management
  • BS in Professional Studies
  • AAS in Criminal Justice
  • AAS in Small Group Management
  • AAS Small Group Management
  • Master's Degrees
  • Bachelor's Degrees
  • Associate's Degrees
  • Certificate Programs
  • Continuous Learning Courses
  • Tuition and Financial Aid Overview
  • Financial Aid Process
  • Financial Aid Awards
  • Financial Aid Resources
  • Financial Aid Frequently Asked Questions
  • Financial Aid Information Guide
  • Tuition and Savings
  • Aviation Degree Tuition and Fees
  • Professional Studies Tuition and Fees
  • Single Courses and Micro-Credentials
  • Time and Tuition Calculator
  • Net Price Calculator
  • Military Benefits and Tuition Assistance
  • Military Educational Resources
  • Military Tuition Reductions
  • Military Spouses
  • Student Loans
  • Student Grants
  • Outside Scholarships
  • Loan Management
  • Financial Literacy Tools
  • Academic Calendar
  • General Requirements
  • Technology Requirements
  • Returning Students
  • Work and Life Experience Credit
  • DREAMers Education Initiative
  • Student Identity
  • Student Experience
  • Online Experience
  • Student Life
  • Alumni Engagement
  • International Students
  • Academic Support
  • Career Services
  • COVID-19 FAQs
  • Faculty Highlights
  • Student Accessibility Services
  • Student Resources
  • Transcript Request
  • About Purdue Global
  • Accreditation
  • Approach to Learning

Career Opportunities

  • Diversity Initiatives
  • Purdue Global Commitment
  • Cybersecurity Center
  • Chancellor's Corner
  • Purdue Global Moves
  • Leadership and Board
  • Facts and Statistics
  • Researcher Request Intake Form

Most Commonly Searched:

  • All Degree Programs
  • Communication
  • Criminal Justice
  • Fire Science
  • Health Sciences
  • Human Services
  • Information Technology
  • Legal Studies
  • Professional Studies
  • Psychology and ABA
  • Public Policy
  • Military and Veterans
  • Tuition and Fee Finder
  • Financial Aid FAQs
  • Military Benefits and Aid
  • Admissions Overview
  • Student Experience Overview
  • Academic Support Overview
  • Degree Programs
  • Doctor Education Leadership Innovation

Online Doctor of Education (EdD) in Leadership and Innovation

Admissions requirements.

  • Ways to Save on Tuition
  • Career Outcomes

Doctor of Education in Leadership and Innovation Overview

It’s time to take your education career even further. Become a change agent ready to make a difference in your workplace. Earn an EdD degree online in leadership and innovation.

  • Prepare for leadership roles within all areas of education, including postsecondary, government, corporate, and nonprofit institutions.
  • Take doctoral courses 100% online and complete a research project you can apply to your workplace, community, or area of expertise.
  • Get the credit you deserve. Save up to $12,600 (or 33%) on tuition and graduate in 2 years by transferring up to 30 credits from your master’s.
  • Find resources and support every step of the way, including a Faculty Advisor and Consultant, access to a comprehensive online library, writing support, and more.
  • Gain leadership, diversity and inclusion, and research skills to create innovative and transformative learning environments.

Review College Scorecard data for this program .

See Notes and Conditions below for important information.

Purdue Global Is Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission

The HLC ( ) is an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

Calculate Your Time and Cost

Estimate how much your prior learning credits can reduce your tuition and time to graduation.

What Courses Will I Take?

The 100% online courses for the EdD degree build your skills in leadership and innovation, with diversity, equity, and inclusion principles integrated throughout. Topics include diversity, equity, and inclusion; transformative learning; ethics and accountability; and more. Your studies culminate in an applied research project, which you can complete at your workplace or in your community.

Sample Courses

  • Trends, Patterns, and Ethical Issues That Impact Education
  • Research in Responsive Curriculum Design and Development Learning and Professional Practice
  • Transformative Learning Environments
  • Creativity, Innovation, and Intrapreneurship in Education

Program Requirements

1 semester credit hour = 1.5 quarter credit hours

A master’s degree in a related field is required to enroll in a postgraduate program. You will need to provide an official transcript that shows completion of your master’s degree from an accredited institution, though an unofficial copy may be provided during the application process. Refer to the University Catalog or speak to an Advisor to learn more.

Upcoming Start Dates

We offer multiple start dates to give you flexibility in your education, life, and work schedules.

Develop with Faculty Expertise and Support

Our faculty are pioneers and leaders in online higher education and are dedicated to supporting you on your educational journey. You will be assigned a faculty member who will guide you. A Faculty Advisor will review your master’s degree and discuss your career goals to ensure alignment of your EdD cognate electives.

During your final four applied research courses, a Faculty Consultant will be there to assist you in choosing a research project that focuses on a practical application in your field of expertise. The Consultant will help you with completing the Institutional Review Board process, choosing a methodology, collecting and analyzing data, and defending your research project.

Ways to Save on Time and Tuition

Purdue Global works with students to find ways to reduce costs and make education more accessible. Contact us to learn about opportunities to save on your educational costs.

Earn credit for prior coursework completed at eligible institutions.

Learn about federal financial aid programs available for many of our degree programs.

Learn about federal and state grants and loan programs that may be available.

Employees of Purdue Global partner organizations may be eligible for special tuition reductions.

Graduate tuition savings for military include a 17–30% reduction per credit for current servicemembers and, 14% per credit for veterans for graduate programs.

Earn credit for your military training. We offer credit for ACE-evaluated training and CLEP and DANTES examinations.

View the total cost of attendance for your program.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for administrators in postsecondary education is expected to grow through 2032. Opportunities for training and development specialists and instructional coordinators are also expected to grow during this timeframe. The online doctorate in education at Purdue Global equips you with the skills and knowledge to lead education-related organizations in a fast-changing landscape.

Average Salary

In Your State

General labor market and salary data are provided by Lightcast and may not represent the outcomes experienced by Purdue Global graduates in these programs. Purdue Global graduates in these programs may earn salaries substantially different or less than the amounts listed above. Salary and employment outcomes vary by geographic area, previous work experience, education, and opportunities for employment that are outside of Purdue Global's control.

Purdue Global does not guarantee employment placement, salary level, or career advancement.

Get to Know Our Faculty

Purdue Global faculty members are real-world practitioners who bring knowledge gained through the powerful combination of higher learning and industry experience.

Faculty members who have advanced degrees

Faculty members who hold a doctorate

Faculty publications in 2022–2023

Professional development hours logged by faculty in 2022–2023

Statistics include all Purdue Global faculty members and are not school- or program-specific calculations. Source: Purdue Global Office of Reporting and Analysis, July 2023. 2022–2023 academic year.

Join an Extensive Alumni Network

Upon graduation, you’ll become part of the Purdue Alumni Association, a vast and prestigious network of professionals. You’ll be able to make connections and access alumni benefits.

Download the Program Brochure

Download our brochure to learn more about the Online Doctor of Education in Leadership and Innovation and the benefits of earning your degree at Purdue Global. Prepare yourself for success with a doctoral degree in education.

Your Path to Success Begins Here

Connect with an Advisor to explore program requirements, curriculum, credit for prior learning process, and financial aid options.

* Estimated Graduation Date and Average Completion: Estimated graduation date is based on the assumption that you will enroll in time to begin classes on the next upcoming start date, will remain enrolled for each consecutive term, and will maintain satisfactory academic standing in each term to progress toward completion of your program. Completion time is based on a full-time schedule. Programs will take longer for part-time students to complete.

Credit for Prior Learning: Estimate based on maximum cognate open elective credits available in degree plan. The EdD program is a new offering and thus historic data on credit for prior learning are not available. Exact transfer amount may vary. All credits must be validated on official transcript(s) to be eligible for transfer. Purdue Global does not guarantee transferability of credit. See the University Catalog for the Prior Learning policy.

Employment and Career Advancement: Purdue Global does not guarantee employment placement or career advancement. Actual outcomes vary by geographic area, previous work experience and opportunities for employment.

Postsecondary Education Administrator Job Growth and Openings: Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Postsecondary Education Administrators, . National long-term projections may not reflect local and/or short-term economic or job conditions and do not guarantee actual job growth.

Training and Development Specialists and Instructional Coordinators Job Openings: Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Training and Development Specialists, ; Instructional Coordinators, . National long-term projections may not reflect local and/or short-term economic or job conditions and do not guarantee actual job growth.

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Online Ed.D. in Education Administration | OU Online

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Online Doctor of Education in Education Administration

Become a changemaker for education., make informed decisions in complex settings.

The OU Online Doctor of Education in Education Administration is a 100% online, 54-credit-hour program that takes 36 months to complete. Led by renowned educational leaders and scholars from OU’s Jeanine Rainbolt College of Education, the program emphasizes relationship-building in a cohort model through community groups, networking events, and collaborative projects. The program, accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), culminates with a problem of practice dissertation completed during coursework in the program's third year.

*The summer and fall cohorts for this program are currently at capacity. 

Choose from the following tracks:

Pk-12 educational leadership.

Learn cutting-edge research and leadership skills to help advance your career in PK-12 school district-level education, including assistant, associate, and superintendent positions and human resources administration.

Higher Education Leadership

Apply current scholarship and research skills to advance your career in colleges, universities, and nonprofit organizations. You’ll be prepared for positions in student affairs, student support services, institutional research, and higher-level positions like dean or provost.

Request Information

Admission deadline.

Rolling admissions (applications due 14 days before the intended start date).

Program Start Terms

Fall, Summer

Academic Calendar

Stay up to date with OU holiday closings, deadlines, and more.

View Calendar

Benefits of the Education  Administration Doctoral Degree

Meet today’s growing demand.

As today’s educational landscape grows increasingly complex, there is a growing need for quality leaders who can meet these new challenges. Become equipped with the advanced knowledge and skills others lack and become an educational change agent in your organization.

Strong Career Growth

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of postsecondary administrators is projected to grow 4 percent by 2032. An estimated 15,300 job openings are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of these openings will result in the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or retire.

Flexible Format

Learn in a flexible, online program designed for working professionals. You’ll engage in discussion with professors and fellow students with opportunities to work together and collaborate.

OU Online graduates find employment within six months after graduation*

OU Online graduates report earning an annual salary of $75,000 or more*

OU Online students say the skills they gained in their program made them more competitive in their career field*

*Source: OU Online Graduate Outcomes Survey, 2023

row of several students with laptops in a lecture hall

Pursue Your  Education  Administration Doctoral Degree

Take the next step in your career with a degree from the University of Oklahoma. Applications are reviewed year-round for fall, spring, and summer sessions. Choose your program, choose your start, and apply today.

Program Breakdown

OU Online’s Doctor of Education in Education Administration program is structured to prepare students for job advancement and leadership by cultivating a deeper understanding of challenges in today’s educational settings. Students will learn how to lead change in their careers and gain the tools necessary to make positive and lasting changes in the organizations and educational settings in which they interact.

The program hosts monthly coffee chats each Friday where students can network with faculty and industry leaders. After completing year two, students will have the option to attend an immersion experience on campus.

This program offers two tracks – PK-12 Educational Leadership or Higher Education Leadership. Students can begin their curriculum in summer or fall terms. Courses will contain both asynchronous and synchronous components. Synchronous sessions are optional and will be recorded for playback.

PK-12 Educational Leadership Track

  • Applied Quantitative
  • Theoretical Paradigms in Education
  • Visionary Leadership
  • Qualitative Inquiry for Practitioners
  • Program Evaluation
  • Instructional Leadership in Educational Administration
  • Dissertation Development & Advisory
  • Educational & Community Relations
  • Strategic & Financial Planning in Education
  • Special Education Law
  • Prospectus Development
  • Advanced Inquiry
  • Readings for Prospectus
  • Policy Planning and Development

Higher Education Leadership Track

  • Administration of Adult & Higher Ed
  • Educational Technology Leadership
  • Critical Literature in Adult & Higher Ed
  • Diversity Issues in Higher Ed

How to Apply

Admissions to the online Doctor of Education in Education Administration are selective. To be considered, you must have a conferred master’s degree from an accredited institution.

To apply, students must:

  • Complete the online application at
  • Submit a current resume
  • Provide official college transcripts from all institutions for both undergraduate and graduate degrees
  • Background on the setting (e.g., school district, higher education institution, or non-profit organization)
  • Description of the problem of the practice
  • Importance of your problem of practice
  • It is understood that the dissertation topic/interests may change, so you are not locked into this proposal if you are accepted into the program.  
  • International students must demonstrate English proficiency.

The admissions committee operates under a rolling admissions process, and admissions may continue until two weeks before classes start. The program strives to respond to applicants within one week of submitting a completed application.

For more information about the admissions process, please complete the contact form below, and an admissions counselor will be in touch shortly.

If you would like to compare the estimated cost of your program with a typical financial aid package, use the  cost calculator  on our OU Online financial aid page. 

Graduate tuition waivers cannot be applied to OU Online programs. OU Online programs qualify for the OU Faculty/Staff Tuition Waiver & Fee Exemption, and we encourage you to check your eligibility.  

Tuition waiver and fee exemption package application

If you have questions regarding financial aid for your online program, please get in touch with the Online Aid office by emailing  [email protected]  or calling 405-325-2929.

education administrator in a library

Same Academic Excellence

Like every OU Online program, the Ed.D. in Education Administration is built on the foundation of world-class University of Oklahoma faculty mixed with professors of practice providing valuable instruction. By linking industry experts with our online programs, we offer the most advanced curriculum and prepare students for future career success.

An Investment in Your Future

Earning a Doctor of Education in Education Administration from OU Online gives you the advanced knowledge necessary to make informed and effective decisions in complex educational settings. You’ll learn to develop and implement strategic plans that drive positive change and innovation in educational organizations, gaining an expanded professional network as part of the global OU alumni community.

Tuition and fees for the program are $29,700 ($550 per credit hour). Books and additional materials are not included.

Tuition Calculator

Our tuition calculator can help you estimate your tuition and financial aid for your program of interest.


Why OU Online?

We are a top-tier public institution offering high-quality, affordable, professional undergraduate and graduate programs committed to maintaining academic excellence online.

Our Online Programs

Every OU Online program is built on the foundation of world-class faculty mixed with professors of practice providing valuable instruction. By linking industry experts with our online programs, we offer the most advanced curriculum and prepare students for future career success.

Our OU Family

When you graduate from an OU Online program, you’ll join the network of 250,000 OU alumni and be forever part of the OU family. Become part of the tradition of excellence that OU has established in its 130-year history.


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Northeastern University Graduate Programs

College of Professional Studies

Northeastern University’s online Doctor of Education program provides experienced adult learners, working professionals, and scholar-practitioners from diverse backgrounds and perspectives with the practical knowledge and experience they need to transform the learning landscape. Students gain innovative approaches to create authentic change in their communities. The program was selected as the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate's Program of the Year for 2022-2023.

The Doctor of Education program is designed to be completed in three to four years of study—following a fast-paced quarter system in lieu of a traditional semester format. Students choose from five concentrations to create a curriculum that matches personal and professional interests. The program's dissertation in practice process will begin at the onset of your coursework as you identify your problem of practice and develop an action plan—incorporating cycles of data collection and analysis, collaboration, change work, and reflection—culminating in the dissemination of your action research findings. Our students come from diverse disciplines and professions, seeking more than just a degree. You'll gain a practical education that translates to your everyday working environment.

While all EdD courses can be completed online (except for hybrid courses in Seattle and Charlotte), annual in-person two-day residencies are held on campus. Residencies focus on networking and tools for career success and allow you to connect with faculty and fellow scholars to share knowledge and experience. You'll attend residencies* in your first and second years of the program at one of our campuses in Boston, Charlotte, or Seattle.

The Northeastern Doctor of Education degree is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) and was selected as Program of the Year by the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate Program for 2022-2023.

*Please note: International students enrolling in the online EdD program will be provided with an option to complete the residency through online participation in interactive sessions with fellow scholars offered during the residency period.

More Details

Unique features.

  • You will choose one of five concentrations—higher education administration, innovative teaching and learning, transformative school leadership, workplace learning, and integrative studies—to focus your studies and further customize your curriculum.
  • You'll begin dissertation in practice work at the onset of your program. You'll select a compelling educational/organizational challenge and will be assigned a faculty advisor to support your research throughout the program.
  • All coursework is online—providing flexibility for working professionals. Your residencies will be fulfilled in person*, at one of our campuses in Boston, Charlotte, or Seattle.
  • You'll learn alongside faculty practitioners—engaging with respected leaders who contribute to the field as authors, journal editors, school board members, bloggers, and podcasters.

*In-person participation in the residency is also available for international students.


  • Higher Education Administration: The higher education administration concentration provides an opportunity for experienced higher education professionals to expand their previous understanding of practices within all sectors of postsecondary education—and also advance their professional practice by developing and deepening their understanding of the roles of colleges and universities in our society. Sectors examined include community colleges, four-year colleges, for-profit institutions, and research universities.
  • Innovative Teaching and Learning: The innovative teaching and learning concentration focuses on transforming education through innovation, justice, and policy, by providing engaging opportunities for current and aspiring teaching and learning specialists working in various education spaces. The concentration focuses on teaching and learning both inside and outside the bounds of P-20 schools and focuses on developing and leading innovative curricula as well as professional development.
  • Transformative School Leadership: The transformative school leadership concentration provides innovative opportunities for experienced education professionals who are current and aspiring leaders of early childhood centers, public or private schools, or school districts. The concentration prepares students to lead and transform educational spaces and be equipped to shape the needs of education in K-12, higher education, organizational contexts, and beyond.
  • Workplace Learning: The workplace learning concentration helps professionals gain a deeper understanding of, recognize, and influence real-life social inequalities faced by marginalized populations in the workplace. Courses allow students to advance their professional practice by developing and deepening their knowledge of workplace learning, organizational dynamics, learning strategy, and ethics.
  • Integrative Studies: The integrative studies concentration provides an opportunity for students to design a program of study that fits their own professional goals and includes the required foundation and research courses, concentration courses from any EdD concentration, and electives from the Doctor of Education or Doctor of Law and Policy programs.

Program Objectives

Northeastern's Doctor of Education program is designed for experienced professionals interested in deepening their understanding of education, organizational development, and leadership. Throughout the program, students examine various approaches to critical, practice-based issues, learn research methods, and conduct a doctoral research study that investigates a compelling educational or organizational challenge.

2022-2023 Doctor of Education Program of the Year

The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate selected Northeastern's EdD program as the 2022-2023 Program of the Year, noting the “redesigned Dissertation in Practice Curriculum and the adoption of action research as its guiding methodology …” The committee praised “the program’s efforts to move beyond the typical five-chapter dissertation and engage scholarly practitioners in the acquisition of skills to realize meaningful change in their local contexts, emphasizing social justice.”


– sara ewell, phd, assistant dean, graduate school of education, – frawn morgan, current student, doctor of education, – aaron b., program graduate, looking for something different.

A graduate degree or certificate from Northeastern—a top-ranked university—can accelerate your career through rigorous academic coursework and hands-on professional experience in the area of your interest. Apply now—and take your career to the next level.

Program Costs

Finance Your Education We offer a variety of resources, including scholarships and assistantships.

How to Apply Learn more about the application process and requirements.


  • Online application
  • The Foreign Credential Evaluation (FCE) is a required assessment of all transcripts and documents from non-U.S. accredited post-secondary education institutions. (Review the FCE requirements by country.)
  • Admissions statement: Please provide a personal statement that describes a significant issue or topic within an educational or learning context that you are interested in investigating. Why are these topics important to address? How have your previous work, life, or research experiences prepared you for investigating this topic or issue in the Northeastern doctoral program? (~1500 words)
  • Minimum work experience: Three years in a related field
  • Professional resumé: Must summarize work and education history, include an outline of your educational/academic skills with examples such as research and teaching experience, affiliations, publications, certifications, presentations, and other professional skills.
  • Faculty recommendation: Must be from a faculty member in your previous graduate program who can attest to your readiness for doctoral work. If you are no longer acquainted with a faculty member, please choose a professional who can speak of your academic capabilities to engage in doctoral-level research and writing. Recommendations should be presented as a letter attached to the general recommendation form.
  • Two professional recommendations: Must be from individuals who have either academic or professional knowledge of your capabilities, a supervisor, mentor, or colleague. It is preferred that one letter of recommendation come from your current employer and/or supervisor. Recommendations should be presented as a letter attached to the general recommendation form.
  • Proof of English language proficiency: ONLY for students for whom English is not their primary language.

Are You an International Student? Find out what additional documents are required to apply.

Admissions Details Learn more about the College of Professional Studies admissions process, policies, and required materials.

Admissions Dates

Our admissions process operates on a rolling basis; however, we do recommend the application guidelines below to ensure you can begin during your desired start term:

Domestic Application Guidelines

International Application Guidelines *

*International deadlines are only applicable if the program is F1 compliant.

Industry-aligned courses for in-demand careers.

For 100+ years, we’ve designed our programs with one thing in mind—your success. Explore the current program requirements and course descriptions, all designed to meet today’s industry needs and must-have skills.

View curriculum

The core of the mission of the program is to allow educators to remain in the places they work, focus on a problem of practice, and through experiential learning and site-specific research opportunities in the program, make an immediate impact in their professional environments. The program explicitly integrates research and practice for professionals so they develop the requisite skills for conceiving, designing, conducting, and producing original site-based research in order to effect ethical change related to real-life problems of practice.

Our Faculty

Northeastern University faculty represents a broad cross-section of professional practices and fields, including finance, education, biomedical science, management, and the U.S. military. They serve as mentors and advisors and collaborate alongside you to solve the most pressing global challenges facing established and emerging markets.

Joseph McNabb, PhD

Joseph McNabb, PhD

Cherese Childers-McKee, PhD

Cherese Childers-McKee, PhD

By enrolling in Northeastern, you’ll be connected to students at our 13 campuses, as well as 300,000-plus alumni and more than 3,500 employer partners around the world. Our global university system provides you with unique opportunities to think locally and act globally and serves as a platform for scaling ideas, talent, and solutions.

Below is a look at where our Education & Learning alumni work, the positions they hold, and the skills they bring to their organization.

Where They Work

  • Boston Public Schools
  • Chicago Public Schools
  • NYC Department of Education
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Veterans Affairs
  • Johns Hopkins
  • Columbia University

What They Do

  • Media Consultant
  • College President
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Instructional Designer
  • Diversity Officer
  • Founder-CEO
  • VP of Student Services
  • Community Services Director

What They're Skilled At

  • Experiential Learning
  • Team Building
  • International Education
  • Change Agency
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Urban Education
  • Strategic Management
  • Student Engagement

Learn more about Northeastern Alumni on  Linkedin .

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EdD in Learning and Organizational Change | Online

Become a Changemaker

The key skill that all leaders share? The ability to inspire positive change. Grounded in the principles of teaching and learning, our proven  EdD in Learning & Organizational Change  online doctoral program empowers students to lead change in many organizations, from schools to businesses to non-profits and beyond.

Our Award-Winning Program

Give yourself the best opportunity to solve difficult challenges and usher systemic change into your workplace with our nationally recognized, award-winning program.

The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) Program of the Year Award 2022

Our online EdD received the Carnegie Project (CPED) Program of the Year Award, recognizing our innovation, diversity of faculty and students, and appeal to students across a breadth of industries beyond traditional fields of education.

The Princeton Review Best Online Doctor of Education Programs 2024

The Princeton Review listed the online EdD in Learning and Organizational Change as a Featured Program for the Best Online Doctor of Education Programs for 2024 for our dedication to flexible, affordable, and rigorous online learning.

We are the only program in the country offering a program-specific Research and Writing Development Center that provides doctoral students guidance while preparing dissertations, publications, and grant applications.

Designed with Intention

Every aspect of our program was thoughtfully created to help you succeed professionally and personally. Whether you're leading organizational change at a government agency, non-profit organization, private corporation, or K-12 education institution, you'll carry Baylor values with every decision you make.

  • We WELCOME you into the Baylor family
  • We CONNECT you with a caring support system
  • We INVITE you to embrace our program's values
  • We PREPARE you with real-world skills
  • We EMPOWER you to drive change in your workplace

The curriculum consists of:

  • Learning Foundations Courses
  • Organizational Change Courses
  • Research Methods Courses
  • Problem of Practice Dissertation

Program Details

Our 54-credit program can be completed in as few as 36 months - or on a flexible schedule based on your professional schedule or personal preference.

We admit three cohorts per year: Spring, Summer, and Fall.  Students typically register for two courses (six credit hours) per trimester for nine trimesters.  Cohorts have a limited amount of space, so applying early is recommended.

Our holistic admissions process values professional experience and takes your life beyond the classroom into consideration. Application takes just a few minutes and any questions you may have can be answered by our Graduate Enrollment Management team.

Meet our Enrollment Team

Applicants need:

An Accredited Master's Degree (3.0 GPA preferred) Two Years of Professional Experience No GRE Required No Application Fee

Our Fall 2024 Cohort Application Deadlines:

Priority Application Deadline: June 24, 2024 Regular Application Deadline: July 8, 2024 Final Application Deadline: August 15, 2024 

Admissions Info

Tuition is $1,785 per credit hour, with an additional $100 administrative fee per term.  Tuition and fees are subject to change and may rise each year.

Your Graduate Enrollment Manager can answer any questions and talk to you about financial aid opportunities.

In addition, our One Stop Student Services office is here to answer all of your financial aid, billing, and payment questions.

One Stop Student Financial Services

What to Expect from our EdD Online Experience:

Apart from the virtual nature of our classes, there are few - if any - differences between our online and in-person learning experiences.  You will gain expert knowledge from faculty who encourage insightful discussions and learn alongside a diverse group of peer who can broaden perspectives and challenge conventional thinking. 

During two immersion experiences held on Baylor University's campus in Waco, Texas, you will meet your EdD faculty, staff, and peers in person. the immersions are packed with invaluable experiences and opportunities to collaborate on research and coursework, preparing you for the next steps in your educational journey.

The Problem of Practice Dissertation gives you the opportunity to investigate problems in your own profession, research and propose solutions, and lead change efforts in your local organizations and industries.  Additionally, it helps your develop the skills that drive measurable outcomes and report data-driven results to both practitioner and academic audiences.

A Baylor EdD stands as a beacon of transformation leadership, blending rigorous research with a passionate commitment to effecting tangible change in communities, organizations, and industries.  What sets this program apart is its unwavering focus on real-world impact, where theory meets practice, and innovation thrives, evidenced by both student and faculty publishing extensively.

Careers to Consider

With a Baylor EdD in hand, you will thrive in industries within and outside of academic environments, including government, private corporations, nonprofit and community organizations, or university systems.

  • Policy analyst
  • Chief Learning Officer
  • Education Administrator
  • Training and Development Manager
  • Non-profit Director
  • Corporate Trainer
  • Director of Development
  • Human Resources Director
  • Education Consultant

Success Starts with Support

We are with you every step of the way, from enrollment to program completion.

Our Graduate Enrollment Management team-affectionately known as GEMs - is available to guide you every step of the way through the application process.

We provide dedicated Graduate Academic Advisors to support you, whether you have questions about course registration or are struggleing to balance your academic, professional, and personal responsibilities.

We offer an in-program writing center dedicated to supporting our EdD students as they develop their dissertations, presentations, publications, and grant applications.

As a student in the EdD in Learning and Organizational Change program, you will embark on a transformative journey where rigorous academics and meaningful connections propel you toward unparalleled scholarly achievement."   

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Our caring, award-winning faculty and staff are ready to empower you to become the leader you were born to be.

Meet Our Faculty   Meet Our Team

Feeling inspired? Join our next cohort.

Get started by filling out our form for more information. If you're ready to apply, our Graduate Enrollment Managers are ready to guide you through the enrollment process.

Online Programs

  • School of Education

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Online Doctor of Education (EdD) Programs Empowering Leaders in Education through Advanced Research and Practice

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Degree Options

View Degree Options

100% online, 8-week courses

Transfer in up to 50% of the degree total

Become a Leader of Distinction in Education with One of Our Online Doctoral Programs in Education

Reach the pinnacle of your profession and impact the field of education with Liberty University’s online Doctor of Education (EdD) degree. In our online EdD programs, you’ll study education administration, curriculum development, learning theory, and the latest research to gain the advanced knowledge you need to positively influence the world of education. Check out our available online EdD programs .

Additionally, you’ll conduct your own research in order to provide practical solutions to challenges in the field of education with a capstone project. Liberty’s online doctorate in education is a model of high academic standards and leadership in education. With a degree like this, you can become better equipped to become an effective educational administrator, university faculty member, senior-level educational leader, or educational policymaker.

  • By pursuing your doctorate at Liberty, you can better prepare for careers or career advancement in various school and administrative settings within the field of education.
  • As you continue your studies with Liberty’s School of Education, you can be confident that you are receiving a quality education based on the principles of God’s Word.
  • You can learn to be a positive influence in the lives of young people in your school and community and make an impact for Christ!

Military Friendly School

What is the Difference Between an EdD and a PhD in Education?

The biggest difference between an EdD and a PhD in education is the scope of the degree itself. While a PhD is primarily concerned with producing original research in the form of a dissertation, our EdD is designed so that you can complete exemplary research in the education field. As more of a practitioner’s degree, the EdD blends praxis and scholarship so that you can be better prepared to impact the field of education wherever you go. If you are more interested in producing original research to further the field of education, you may be interested in our  PhD in Education .

What Will You Study in a Doctorate in Education ?

The core content of our online EdD programs is designed to enhance your understanding of essential educational concepts while giving you practical classroom management tools. The online doctorate in education can help advance your skills in quantitative and qualitative methods of research, advanced learning theory, research skills, and provide many other essential competencies for advanced educators like yourself.

While completing a Liberty University doctoral program, you can choose specialized tracks to further equip you for an administrative role. We offer tracks in leadership, higher education, and curriculum and instruction, so you can pick the degree that gives you the right tools to achieve teaching excellence.

Degree Information

  • This program falls under the  School of Education .
  • View the  Graduate Education Course Guides  (login required).
  • View the  Doctoral Advising Guide .

Niche Best Colleges

Ranked in the Top 10% of’s Best Online Schools in America

  • What Sets Us Apart?
  • Private Nonprofit University
  • 600+ Online Degrees
  • No Standardized Testing for Admission
  • Transfer in up to 75% of an Undergrad Degree
  • Transfer in up to 50% of a Grad/Doctoral Degree

Potential Careers for Liberty’s EdD Doctoral Programs

  • Curriculum specialist
  • Elementary educator
  • Gifted-student instructor
  • Instructional supervisor
  • Middle school educator
  • School administrator
  • Secondary school educator
  • Special education instructor
  • University professor

Degree Options for Our Online EdD Programs

We know that you have specific goals. With a wide offering of EdD programs, you can be confident in partnering with Liberty as you continue your educational journey.

Administration and Supervision – Educational Leadership

Liberty University’s online  Doctor of Education in Administration and Supervision – Educational Leadership  degree is designed to provide studies and training in the management of education organizations to help prepare you for licensed school administration.

Liberty maintains strict compliance with all licensure requirements for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Not a Virginia resident? We want to help find the best program for you! To view educational requirements and whether a specific program aligns with the licensure requirements for your state, please review our licensure/certification requirements webpage .

View the  Degree Completion Plan .

Curriculum and Instruction

Liberty University’s online  Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction  degree can help you build on your foundational knowledge and further master all aspects of education. This education doctorate gives you the flexibility and freedom to mix and match elective courses so you can create a personalized degree program that fits your passions and interests.

Curriculum and Instruction – Educational Psychology

Liberty University’s online  Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction – Educational Psychology  degree covers theories of physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development across the lifespan – enabling you to meet your students right where they are and provide the support they need to thrive. Through this program, you can become equipped to improve teaching and learning processes in your school using a fundamental understanding of how people learn and retain information.

Curriculum and Instruction – Elementary Education

Liberty University’s online  Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction – Elementary Education  degree is designed to equip you for a variety of teaching roles – including general education and community classroom settings. You will study various theories, models, and strategies as a practical guide to solve problems. In addition, you will explore research and instructional approaches for managing student behaviors effectively with an emphasis on individualized, classroom, and school-wide behavior support.

Curriculum and Instruction – Instructional Design and Technology

Liberty University’s online  Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction – Instructional Design and Technology  degree is designed to equip you for the modern classroom. By incorporating new technology and methods of instruction into the classroom, you can engage students in new and exciting ways. Your experience can also be valuable in settings outside of the classroom including corporate training, curriculum design, and as a leader in the educational technology field.

Curriculum and Instruction – Middle Grades Education

Liberty University’s online  Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction – Middle Grades Education  degree is designed to strengthen your teaching ability through individualized and collaborative professional development opportunities. You will study curriculum development, usage, and evaluation. Additionally, you will apply considerations of preadolescent physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development to various school processes and teacher interaction with middle school students and families.

Curriculum and Instruction – Online Teaching and Learning

Liberty University’s online  Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction – Online Teaching and Learning  degree covers a variety of advanced educational topics, specifically those that can prepare you for roles in online programs. In this degree, you will study trends in learning technologies and curriculum and instruction. You will also study curriculum theory, applied research methods, and much more!

Curriculum and Instruction – Secondary Education

Liberty University’s online  Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction – Secondary Education  degree addresses curriculum function, development, and evaluation. Our program is designed to provide you with a detailed overview of technology usage in the classroom as it relates to student learning, the effectiveness of administrative processes, and service to students and parents. You will also study various theories, models, and strategies as a practical guide to solving problems.

Curriculum and Instruction – Special Education

Liberty University’s online  Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction – Special Education  degree is designed to help you analyze processes for assessing students with special needs. Additionally, you will develop ways of effectively using various technology for communication and collaboration as you improve classroom instruction. You can learn to use different theories, models, and strategies as a practical guide to solving problems.

Educational Leadership

Liberty University’s online  Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership  degree is designed to train you on best practices in education and technology to help you enhance student learning, become a competent administrator, and best serve your students and their parents. This program focuses on translating classroom theory into real-world application and is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to effectively lead and manage in an educational environment.

Higher Education Administration – Assessment and Evaluation

Liberty University’s online  Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration – Assessment and Evaluation  degree covers research-based approaches to analyzing student learning, curricula, academic programs, student services, and institutional structures. In this program, you’ll explore how to help colleges and universities maintain high standards of quality and accreditation so that their students receive the best education possible.

Higher Education Administration – Educational Leadership

Liberty University’s online  Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration – Educational Leadership  degree can help you strengthen your leadership skills and advance your career in postsecondary education administration. You will analyze the major challenges facing today’s educational leaders and explore methods for helping colleges and universities thrive.

Higher Education Administration – Organizational Leadership

Liberty University’s online  Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration – Organizational Leadership  degree is designed to provide training in university administration and advanced business topics. You can develop essential skills in business management and use your business knowledge to help your college or education-related organization thrive.

Higher Education Administration – Student Affairs

Liberty University’s online  Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration – Student Affairs  degree can help you learn how to support college students’ personal, professional, and academic development. That way, you can help them develop essential skills for navigating challenges in school – and in life.

Instructional Design and Technology

Liberty University’s online Doctor of Education in  Instructional Design and Technology  investigates the intersection of education, technology, and creativity. You can gain the necessary knowledge and skills to become a leader in designing and implementing effective educational strategies using cutting-edge technology.

Special Education

Liberty University’s online  Doctor of Education in Special Education  degree can help you learn how to manage and construct educational programs geared for those students with additional educational needs. You can have a profound impact on the lives of your students with the concepts you can master in this program.

Top 1% For Online Programs

Not sure what to choose?

Speak to one of our admissions specialists to help you choose the program that best fits your needs.

Tuition & Aid

Your success is our success, which is why we are committed to providing quality academics at an affordable tuition rate. While other colleges are increasing their tuition, we have frozen tuition rates for the majority of our undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs for the past 9 years – and counting.

EdS and EdD Full Time
EdS and EdD Part Time
Military EdS and EdD

All Tuition & Fees

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Financial Aid Forms & Eligibility

Scholarship Opportunities

Admission Information for Liberty’s Online Doctoral Programs in Education

Admission requirements.

  • A non-refundable, non-transferable $50 application fee will be posted on the current application upon enrollment (waived for qualifying service members, veterans, and military spouses – documentation verifying military status is required) .
  • Send official college transcripts (mailed as sealed, unopened copies or sent via a direct electronic transcript system). A regionally or nationally accredited master’s degree with at least a 3.0 GPA is required for admission in good standing.
  • Applicants must submit a copy of their current initial state teaching or school counseling license to  [email protected] .
  • Applicants whose native language is other than English must submit official scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or an approved alternative assessment. For information on alternative assessments or TOEFL waivers, please call Admissions or view the official International Admissions policy .

Preliminary Acceptance

If you are sending in a preliminary transcript for acceptance, you must:

  • Be in your final term and planning to start your doctoral degree after the last day of class for your master’s degree.
  • Complete a Master’s Self-Certification Form confirming your completion date. You may download the form from the Forms and Downloads page or contact an admissions counselor to submit the form on your behalf.
  • Submit an official transcript to confirm that you are in your final term. The preliminary transcript must show that you are within 6 credit hours of completion for a 30-48 credit hour master’s degree or within 9 credit hours of completion for a 49+ credit hour master’s degree.
  • Send in an additional, final official transcript with a conferral date on it by the end of your first semester of enrollment in the new doctoral degree.

Transcript Policies

Official college transcript policy.

An acceptable official college transcript is one that has been issued directly from the institution and is in a sealed envelope. If you have one in your possession, it must meet the same requirements. If your previous institution offers electronic official transcript processing, they can send the document directly to [email protected] .

Admissions Office Contact Information

(800) 424-9596

(888) 301-3577

Email for Questions

[email protected]

Email for Documents

[email protected]

Liberty University Online Admissions Verification

1971 University Blvd.

Lynchburg, VA 24515

Liberty University is dedicated to providing world-class educational experiences to military students across the globe.

Who May Qualify?

  • Active Duty
  • Reserve/National Guard
  • Veterans/Retirees
  • Spouses of Service Members and Veterans/Retirees
  • Current Department of Defense Employees

Available Benefits:

  • Tuition discounts – $275 per credit hour for EdS and EdD courses
  • Additional discount for veterans who service in a civilian capacity as a First Responder (less than $625 per course)
  • 8-week courses, 8 different start dates each year, and no set login times (may exclude certain courses such as practicums, internships, or field experiences)

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you get a doctorate in education.

Through Liberty University’s online EdD programs, you will have the opportunity to engage with knowledgeable education professionals who want to mentor and help you to become an advanced educator, administrator, and researcher. Our doctorate in education offers a robust, theoretical framework that can advance your teaching methods and theories to a higher order of application, allowing you to evaluate and address teaching challenges in K-12 institutions and at the university level.

Is a Doctorate in Education worth it?

Yes – we think so! You can be better prepared to pursue a career as a leader in education

  • Throughout the program, you can network with your peers and professors while developing your writing and research for the final capstone project phase.
  • Completing an online EdD gives you a terminal educational credential that shows employers you have reached the pinnacle of your field’s achievement.

What can Liberty’s doctoral programs do for you?

Liberty University’s doctoral programs can offer you advanced academic training and practical skills that align with your professional aspirations and personal values. These programs are designed to enhance your expertise in a specific field, such as education, business, or divinity, enabling you to contribute to academic knowledge, apply practical solutions in real-world settings, and ascend to higher positions in your career.

You can benefit from flexible learning options, including online courses that allow you to balance your studies with personal and professional responsibilities. Liberty’s commitment to integrating ethical and faith-based principles into its curriculum can also provide you with a unique perspective that is valued in many professional settings. Additionally, you’ll have opportunities to engage with experienced faculty and like-minded peers, expanding your professional network and gaining support that can be crucial for both academic and career advancement.

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Doctor of Education

Program summary.

Prepare for a leadership role to shape the future of education. Customize this online doctoral program by selecting courses from multiple disciplines to prepare for a career within educational institutions, private organizations, or all levels of government.

Learn Online

Complete your Penn State course work online at your own pace.

Application deadline

Credits and costs, become a transformational leader in education.

Lead small- and large-scale change and innovation with knowledge, tools, and a strategic mindset.

Advocate for equitable learning outcomes for children, youths, families, and adults.

Advance a culture of educational excellence by supporting lifelong learning within and across educational sectors.

Address problems of practice with an interdisciplinary focus to identify, develop, and implement practicable solutions.

Customize Your Online Course List

This doctorate-level education degree program draws from several disciplines and affords you the opportunity to customize your curriculum by picking from a range of emphasis areas, including adult education; organization development and change; higher education; learning, design, and technology; educational leadership; and special education.

Completion of a research capstone experience addressing problems of practice is required for graduation from the program. This experience should extend beyond course work and be part of an extended online community.

Prescribed Courses (25 credits)

Provides a survey of major trends in the field of comparative and international education in the last half of the 20th century.

Provides an overview of the skills necessary to design, implement, and assess research studies.

Gives an overview of the fundamentals of reading, evaluating, and conducting evaluations of programs in educational settings.

Through this course, students become more comfortable with analyzing quantitative data sets. Topics include teacher-directed review, modeled analyses, and guided practice. Participants will practice analyses and interpretation with data sets.

Through course readings and the engagement of qualitative research techniques, students will situate and assess qualitative research studies within a broader research context, develop the ability to articulate a coherent research design, gain experience in foundational qualitative methods and analysis, be able to discern what questions are appropriate to qualitative research, and synthesize and write up results of data analysis.

This course studies various education research theories including include Post-Positivism, Interpretivism, the Critical Tradition, Post-Structuralism, and Pragmatism.

Students will research and critically analyze a topic aligned with their career interests. The course covers all phases of the research process from identifying problems of practice to reviewing literature, identifying study methods and analytical techniques, and scholarly writing of research papers.

Students will meet for an intellectually stimulating five-day, in-person summer summit at the University Park campus. As part of the residency requirement, the summer summit includes members from all doctoral cohorts and provides a series of workshops and professional development opportunities to enhance the online learning experience with face-to-face conversations, mentorship, and research skill development. Each student will complete a minimum of one in-person summit, and students are able to attend more than one summer summit. Costs for travel, lodging, and meals are at the expense of the student.

Electives (12 credits)

Electives will be chosen by students in consultation with their faculty adviser. Students can personalize their degree based on their research interests and career goals (like in these specialized path examples ) by selecting their electives from more than 170 online graduate courses offered by the Penn State College of Education within the following areas of emphasis:

  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Educational Leadership
  • Higher Education
  • Learning, Design, and Technology
  • Lifelong Learning and Adult Education
  • Organization Development and Change
  • Special Education

Start or Advance Your Career

Hiring manager reviewing a resume or CV with a job candidate

This degree program is based on a flexible, research-intensive, and practical model of study that can prepare students for rewarding professions in the education, counseling, and human services fields.

Job Titles Related to This Degree

At every level, from kindergarten through post-graduate studies, education is in a state of rapid evolution. The advancement of education for future generations relies on passionate and skilled leaders with years of experience in the field who have chosen to pursue the highest level of education degree available from a renowned program.

The knowledge you can gain in this program can be immediately applied in your current role and lead to promotion or career expansion in the private sector or government.

The following roles are often held by people with this type of degree:

  • Academic Affairs Director
  • Career Development Counselor
  • Enrollment Management Vice President
  • Higher Education Administrator
  • Instructional Technology Director
  • Learning Development Specialist

Employment Outlook for Occupational Fields Related to This Degree

Estimates of employment growth and total employment are provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and are subject to change. While these occupations are often pursued by graduates with this degree, individual outcomes may vary depending on a variety of factors. Penn State World Campus cannot guarantee employment in a given occupation.

Educational, Guidance, and Career Counselors and Advisors

Education administrators, postsecondary, instructional coordinators, education administrators, kindergarten through secondary, education teachers, postsecondary, education administrators, all other, career services to set you up for success.

Student having a virtual meeting on a laptop with a career counselor

From the day you're accepted as a student, you can access resources and tools provided by Penn State World Campus Career Services to further your career. These resources are beneficial whether you're searching for a job or advancing in an established career.

  • Opportunities to connect with employers
  • Career counselor/coach support
  • Occupation and salary information
  • Internships
  • Graduate school resources  

Ready to Learn More?

Get the resources you need to make informed decisions about your education. Request information on this program and other programs of interest by completing this form.

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Learn more about this program

Ready to take the next step toward your penn state doctorate, costs and financial aid.

Learn about this program's tuition, fees, scholarship opportunities, grants, payment options, and military benefits.

Graduate Tuition

Graduate tuition is calculated based on the number of credits for which you register. Tuition is due shortly after each semester begins and rates are assessed every semester of enrollment.

2024–25 Academic Year Rates

Tuition rates for the fall 2024, spring 2025, and summer 2025 semesters.
How many credits do you plan to take per semester?
11 or fewer$1,027 per credit
12 or more$12,325 per semester

Financial Aid and Military Benefits

Some students may qualify for financial aid. Take the time to research financial aid, scholarships, and payment options as you prepare to apply. Military service members, veterans, and their spouses or dependents should explore these potential military education benefits and financial aid opportunities , as well.

To view the detailed list of cost of attendance elements, select “World Campus” as the location on the  tuition site .

Be Part of a Highly Competitive Education Program

This academically rigorous online Doctor of Education program chooses a select group of the most qualified candidates to study with Penn State’s highly regarded and experienced faculty.

If accepted into the program, you will have the opportunity to gain a deep and nuanced understanding of how to apply critical thinking, research, and data to solve problems and make decisions facing educators, counselors, and organizational leaders. 

Penn State awards graduates of this program a D.Ed., recognized as a Doctor of Education degree and equivalent to an Ed.D. Unlike other programs, it is neither cohort-based nor specific to a single discipline, being offered across the entire College of Education.

Shape the Future of Education and Drive Student Success

Prepare yourself for an influential role by earning the highest level of education degree available. Learn to apply research and data to solve the problems and guide the decisions facing educators, counselors, school administrators, and organizational leaders with this terminal degree.

The program is centered on developing knowledge pertinent to problems of practice, as well as the inquiry skills and disciplinary practices to develop, understand, and apply research in new situations.

Specialization Elective Example Paths

The four elective courses that you choose are intended to expand your knowledge base to an area beyond the focus of your existing master’s degree.

You will choose your electives in consultation with your program and faculty advisers to coalesce with the focus of your ensuing doctoral capstone project. Some examples of elective selections based on student interests are shown below to help you envision possible areas of specialization:

Teachers or trainers working with adults in educational or corporate settings may benefit from electives from our lifelong learning and adult education program or organization development and change program:

  • ADTED 505: The Teaching of Adults
  • ADTED 581: Social Theory and Lifelong Learning
  • WFED 865: Implementing Training as an Organization Development Intervention
  • WFED 880: Facilitating Groups and Teams

Teachers, administrators, and other education professionals looking to expand their knowledge or advance into leadership positions in educational settings may be interested in electives from our educational leadership program or curriculum and instruction program:

  • C-S 562: Methods of Classroom Supervision and Coaching
  • C-S 563: Designing Staff Development Programs
  • EDLDR 841: Data-Informed Leadership
  • EDLDR 861: Principles of Instructional Leadership

Instructional and learning designers, trainers, or educational technology specialists working in traditional education settings, cyber schools, remote/virtual environments, or business training programs may benefit from courses within the learning, design, and technology program; the lifelong learning and adult education program; or the organization development and change program:

  • ADTED 533: Global Online and Distance Education
  • LDT 843: Learning Technologies for Good and Evil
  • SPLED 802: Design and Delivery of Evidence-Based Instruction for Learners with Special Needs
  • WFED 876: Facilitating Organization Development and Change through Technology

Those involved in diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts within their organization could find elective courses from our educational leadership program or special education program:

  • EDLDR 831: Leadership for Equity and Diversity
  • EDLDR 859: Planned Change for School Improvement
  • SPLED 525: Teaching Learners with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings
  • SPLED 811: Ethical Considerations for Special Education Populations

Student service professionals, institutional researchers, and others working within higher education may be interested in electives from our higher education program, such as:

  • HIED 545: Foundations in Higher Education and Student Affairs
  • HIED 801: Foundations of Institutional Research
  • HIED 807: Foundations of Academic Advising
  • HIED 860: Enrollment Management

With more than 170 total courses to choose from, you can work with your faculty adviser to select the electives that best fit your career aspirations. Your specialization area will not appear on your diploma.

Who Should Apply?

The D.Ed. program is designed for people who want leadership roles that shape the future of education. Our students are often working professionals from a variety of fields, including early childhood, elementary, and secondary education; government agencies; or postsecondary education.

Set Your Own Pace

Adult student doing course work online while a child plays nearby

Penn State World Campus can help you achieve your education goals as you navigate your personal and professional schedules. In the online doctoral program, many students take one or two courses per semester and the typical student is expected to complete the program in three to four years.

Students are required to complete the program within 8 years of completion of the qualifying exam.

There is a suggested sequence of courses. Students will take 6 to 7 credits during fall and spring semesters and 3 to 4 credits during the summer. Online courses typically follow a 12- to 15-week semester cycle, and there are 3 semesters per year (spring, summer, and fall).

However, there is some flexibility in the number of credits each semester, and some students may take fewer or more as their schedule permits. It is recommended that core courses be taken as early as possible. Core courses will be offered on a set schedule as the program expands.

Convenient Online Format

This program's convenient online format gives you the flexibility you need to study around your busy schedule. You can skip the lengthy commute without sacrificing the quality of your education and prepare yourself for more rewarding career opportunities without leaving your home.

Watch How Online Learning Works: What to Expect in Your Courses on YouTube.

A Trusted Leader in Online Education

Penn State students wearing caps and gowns at their commencement ceremony

Penn State has a history of more than 100 years of distance education, and World Campus has been a leader in online learning for more than two decades. Our online learning environment offers the same quality education that our students experience on campus.

How to Apply to Penn State

A new student holding a sign that reads, We Are Penn State and #PennStateBound

Apply by September 15 to start January 13

Application Instructions

Deadlines and important dates.

Complete your application and submit all required materials by the appropriate deadline. Your deadline will depend on the semester you plan to start your courses.

Spring Deadline

Fall deadline, steps to apply, 1. review the admission requirements..

For admission to the J. Jeffrey and Ann Marie Fox Graduate School, an applicant must hold either (1) a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution or (2) a tertiary (postsecondary) degree that is deemed comparable to a four-year bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution. This degree must be from an officially recognized degree-granting institution in the country in which it operates.

Applicants to the D.Ed. program must also have a completed master’s degree or equivalent (30 credits minimum) in education or an associated field. Admitted students may be required to take additional course work as recommended by the academic program at the time of admission.

2. Gather your required materials.

You will need to upload the following items as part of your application:

Official transcripts from each institution attended , regardless of the number of credits or semesters completed. Transcripts not in English must be accompanied by a certified translation. Penn State alumni do not need to request transcripts for credits earned at Penn State but must list Penn State as part of your academic history. If you are admitted, you will be asked to send an additional official transcript. You will receive instructions at that time.

Test Scores — GRE or GMAT scores are not required.

English Proficiency — The language of instruction at Penn State is English. With some exceptions, international applicants must take and submit scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Minimum test scores and exceptions are found in the English Proficiency section on the Fox Graduate School's "Requirements for Graduate Admission" page . Visit the TOEFL website for testing information. Penn State's institutional code is 2660.

References (3) — you will need to initiate the process through the online application by entering names and email addresses of three references. Upon submission of your application, an email will be sent to each reference requesting they complete a brief online recommendation regarding your commitment for success in an online program. Please inform all recommenders they must submit the form in order for your application to be complete.

Program-Specific Questions/Materials

Writing Sample  — Provide a published or unpublished paper, thesis, or another scholarly writing sample. This sample must be in English.

Résumé or Vitae  — Upload your résumé or vitae to the online application.

Personal Statement and Career Goals  — A written essay discussing your professional goals and how the Doctor of Education program will bring you closer to the realization of those goals. While not required, applicants may emphasize any affiliations or interest in particular faculty or programs in the College of Education.

3. Create a Penn State login account.

To begin the online application, you will need a Penn State account.

Create a New Penn State Account

If you have any problems during this process, contact an admissions counselor at [email protected] .

Please note: Former Penn State students may not need to complete the admissions application or create a new Penn State account. Please visit our Returning Students page for instructions.

4. Read the application instructions.

You can begin your online application at any time. Your progress within the online application system will be saved as you go, allowing you to return at any point as you gather additional information and required materials.

  • Choose Enrollment Type: "Degree Admission"
  • Choose "WORLD CAMPUS" as the campus

Checking Your Status  You can  check the status of your application  by using the same login information established for the online application form. 

Technical Requirements   Review the technical requirements  for this degree program. 

5. Complete the application.

Admissions help.

If you have questions about the admissions process, contact an admissions counselor at [email protected] .

Customer service representative wearing a headset

Have questions or want more information? We're happy to talk.

To learn more about the Doctor of Education program, please contact:

Dr. Joseph Polizzi Director of the World Campus Online Doctor of Education Program [email protected]

Learn from the Best

This degree program is offered by the Penn State College of Education. Our goal is to help shape tomorrow’s leaders in the dynamic fields of education, counseling, and human services. Through the program, you’ll have the unique opportunity to learn from our renowned faculty in a collaborative environment.

A group of people stand in front of a white outdoor tent.

Explore Other Academic Programs

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  • Resident tuition
  • Non-Resident tuition

Your tuition estimate

Graduate key:

9+ credits for full-time

6 credits for part-time or working students

Drag the slider to see the tuition breakdown by credit hour

Tuition breakdown**

Academic Year Total

*This is not a bill. This is only an estimate. Special class fees are dependent on specific class enrollment and are not included here.

For additional cost estimates, view our standard cost of attendance .

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Arizona State University

Online Doctor of Education (EdD) in Leadership and Innovation

Arizona State University’s online Doctor of Education in leadership and innovation is designed for practicing educator-leaders looking to transform their practice and create better learning opportunities for all students. Delivered in a collaborative, cohort model, this program incorporates academic and personal support through leader-scholar community groups made up of your peers and a faculty member.

Quick facts

Next start date: 01/13/2025

Total classes: 20

Weeks per class: 7.5–15

Total credit hours: 90

Degree questions, answered

Have questions about the Leadership and Innovation (EdD) ? Fill out this form and we’ll get in touch!

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Transform education and learning opportunities for students of all ages

  • Higher education change leadership.
  • Pre-K–grade 12 change leadership.
  • Systems, professional and reimagined change leadership.

Collaborate with faculty and fellow students

Who’s a good candidate for this online edd, will my diploma say ‘online’.

No, Arizona State University’s diplomas don’t specify whether you earn your degree online or in person. All diplomas and transcripts simply say “Arizona State University.”

Online EdD in leadership and innovation courses

This program features a curriculum that encourages both self-reflection and collaboration with your leader-scholar community group. In your courses, you’ll build competencies in continually evaluating your professional practice, making informed decisions and understanding the implications of educational innovation. The program culminates in completing and defending your dissertation.

The jobs this Doctor of Education prepares you for

As a graduate, you can put your action-research experience into practice in your workplace and contribute to positive outcomes for learners. You’ll also be equipped to excel in advanced education leadership roles in settings ranging from pre-K–grade 12 to higher education. Potential career paths include, but aren’t limited to:

Today’s educators supporting tomorrow’s change leaders

The Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College faculty draws from a range of academic disciplines including cognitive science, psychology and economics. They seek to answer questions about the process of learning, teaching practices and effects of education policy. Our faculty is also committed to connecting research to schools and other learning environments. They ensure teacher and leadership preparation programs combine scholarly rigor with practical application.

Online doctorate in education leadership admission requirements

Applicants to the Doctor of Education in leadership and innovation program must fulfill the requirements of both the Graduate College and the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College.

This program has a highly competitive admission process.

Application requirements

Applicants must currently hold a position related to education that will allow them to implement change in their workplace.

All applicants must show proof of a completed master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution.

Applicants must have a minimum of a 3.00 cumulative GPA in the last 60 hours of their bachelor's program. Additionally, applicants must have a minimum of a 3.00 cumulative GPA in an applicable master’s degree program.

All applicants must submit:

  • Graduate admission application and application fee.
  • Official transcripts.
  • Letters of recommendation.
  • Personal statement.
  • Up-to-date curriculum vitae or resume.
  • Writing sample.

Application review criteria

The online program admits students two times a year in the spring and fall semesters. Your application will be rated and ranked based on the following:

  • What interests you about this particular doctoral program, given your current or prior professional experiences?
  • The extent to which your local problem of practice is unique, important and worthy of investigation as part of your action research projects and dissertation.
  • How you envision the program helping you address your identified problem of practice and achieving your professional goals.
  • How you see the program improving your commitment and ability to engage with issues of diversity and inclusion.
  • Your overall fit, given the goals and objectives of the program.
  • The overall quality of your writing.

Personal statement

For the committee to gain a better understanding of your fit for the program, you must submit a three-page, double-spaced (1" margins and 12-point font) personal statement that answers the following three topics:

  • In approximately 250 words, explain why you’re interested in pursuing an EdD in MLFTC’s leadership and innovation program. Describe how your professional goals intersect with the values and action research methodologies of the program.
  • In approximately 200 words, describe a local problem of practice in your current professional work. Focus on why this problem is significant to you and others, and the change you hope to see. This is explored more deeply in your writing sample — here you should focus on how this problem captured your attention and what motivates your interest or passion for addressing it.
  • In approximately 300 words, share how your background and experiences demonstrate your commitment to and exemplify the ASU Charter, which states: “ASU is a comprehensive public research university, measured not by whom it excludes, but by whom it includes and how they succeed; advancing research and discovery of public value; and assuming fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural and overall health of the communities it serves.” Discuss how those commitments might be reflected in your research should you join our program.

The admission committee pays particular attention to the quality of writing and clarity demonstrated in your answers to these questions.

Guided writing sample

To allow the admissions committee to best evaluate your qualifications for entrance into the EdD program, please submit a 3–5-page essay to address the following question:

What is action research and how can it be used to address problems of practice?

Your essay should be between 800 and 1,200 words (not including references). The writing sample must be double-spaced, use 1" margins and written in 12-point font.

We have made three articles available to you to read and consider when formulating your response (see below). We encourage you to refer to these resources and other literature in your essay. You must ensure all literature is appropriately cited and referenced following APA 7th edition style guidelines.

Please email [email protected] if you have any questions or need assistance.

Provided research literature:

  • Rasmussen, H. T. (2018) . Getting to maybe: Improving the education doctorate in an era of uncertainty. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 3 (2), 24-29.
  • Hammond, M. (2013) . The contribution of pragmatism to understanding educational action research: value and consequences. Educational Action Research, 21 (4), 603-618.
  • Buss, R. R. (2018) . Using Action Research as a Signature Pedagogy to Develop EdD Students’ Inquiry as Practice Abilities. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 3 (1).


For a complete application, you’ll need three professional references. The admission committee prefers to review a reference from each of the following categories:

  • Your current supervisor or someone in a supervisory position with whom you’ve worked.
  • Someone in an academic position with whom you’ve studied or worked, such as a professor or someone who can write about your ability to undertake graduate studies.
  • A person of your choice, such as someone who you know professionally and who can write about your qualities that will contribute to your success in a practice-focused doctoral program.

Your recommenders will receive a form that asks them to explain your qualities and fit for the program with respect to the following desired professional attributes:

  • Collaboration with others.
  • Dedication to equity access and inclusiveness.
  • Initiative.
  • Overall potential for graduate studies.
  • Perseverance.
  • Potential for leadership.
  • Professionalism.
  • Receiving and using feedback.
  • Research aptitude.
  • Writing ability.

Please provide the recommenders’ names, current places of business, and email addresses when submitting your application. Recommenders will receive a form to complete and provide their feedback.

Additional admission information

An applicant whose native language is not English (regardless of current residency) must provide proof of English proficiency.

Join one of the best colleges of education in the nation

Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College brings people and ideas together to increase the capabilities of educators and the performance of education systems. According to U.S. News & World Report, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College is the only U.S. college of education to rank in the top 15 for both on-campus and online graduate education degrees.

best online master’s in educational administration programs.

best online master’s in curriculum and instruction programs.

best online master’s in educational/instructional media programs.

best online master's in education programs.

Tuition calculator

Use our calculator to estimate your full-time or part-time tuition fees for this program prior to any financial aid. Keep in mind that most of our students receive financial aid, which can reduce out-of-pocket costs. Learn more.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Education

The Johns Hopkins School of Education’s full-time PhD program offers an individually tailored learning experience based on a student’s interest in finding solutions to pressing education problems. Select applicants receive full tuition and a stipend.

The School of Education will pause admission to the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PhD) program for the 2025-26 academic year while we add several programmatic improvements. The next intake for admission to the PhD program will be for students who want to matriculate in the Fall 2026 semester. The online application will open in August 2025 to begin accepting submissions, and the application completion deadline will be December 16, 2025. Please complete our Request for Information Form to receive updates and announcements for the next admission period.

The program provides rigorous interdisciplinary training that develops students’ abilities to conduct evidence-based research on real-world educational challenges. Instruction and mentorship emphasizes the development and evaluation of policies and practices that address real-world educational problems.

Students benefit from a one-to-one apprenticeship model that pairs exceptional interdisciplinary candidates with nationally acclaimed faculty mentors, along with engaging coursework, sophisticated methodological training, and cohort-based learning.

Questions? Please reach out and we’ll be in touch soon.

Learn about our PhD students.

Upcoming Admissions Events

Have questions about our degree programs, the application, or financial aid and costs? Join us for an inside look at a graduate experience defined by innovation and driven by evidence-based research. Learn more about your area of interest or career path, meet some of our faculty, and connect to the Johns Hopkins School of Education community. Check out our admissions events and register for a virtual information session today.

International Teaching & Global Leadership Cohort Info Session

Education Policy Info Session

Doctor of Education Info Session

Core Faculty

Jennifer adams, phd.

Associate Professor Director, International Teaching and Global Leadership


Innovative Teaching & Leadership

International Teaching & Global Leadership

Robert Balfanz, PhD

Professor Co-Director, Center for Social Organization of Schools

Center for Social Organization of Schools, SOE Leadership

Education Policy & Politics, Research, Evaluation & Assessment, Social Context of Education

Ashley Rogers Berner, PhD

Associate Professor Director, Johns Hopkins Institute for Education Policy

Institute for Education Policy, SOE Leadership

Curriculum Studies, Education Policy & Politics, Research, Evaluation & Assessment

Rebecca Cruz, PhD

Assistant Professor

Center for Safe and Healthy Schools, Innovative Teaching & Leadership

Education Policy & Politics, Social Context of Education, Special Education

Marcia Davis, PhD

Associate Professor (Research) Co-Director, Center for Social Organization of Schools Director of Research, Baltimore Education Research Consortium

Learning & Instruction, Research, Evaluation & Assessment

Norma L. Day-Vines, PhD

Professor Associate Dean for Diversity and Faculty Development

SOE Leadership

Counseling & Human Development

Hunter Gehlbach, PhD

Professor Faculty Lead, PhD Program

Advanced Studies in Education

Learning & Instruction, Measurement & Research Methodologies

Odis Johnson, Jr., PhD

Bloomberg Distinguished Professor Executive Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Safe and Healthy Schools Director, Institute in Critical Quantitative, Computational, and Mixed Methodologies

Center for Safe and Healthy Schools, SOE Leadership

Education Policy & Politics, Measurement & Research Methodologies, Social Context of Education

Richard Lofton, PhD

Center for Safe and Healthy Schools

Education Policy & Politics, Social Context of Education

Douglas J. Mac Iver, PhD

Center for Social Organization of Schools

Curriculum Studies, Research, Evaluation & Assessment

Martha Abele Mac Iver, PhD

Associate Professor Associate Dean of Research

Research, Evaluation & Assessment

Olivia Marcucci, PhD

Advanced Studies in Education, Center for Safe and Healthy Schools

Social Context of Education

Ebony McGee, PhD

Counseling & Human Development, Postsecondary Education, Social Context of Education, Urban Education

Stephen Morgan, PhD

Bloomberg Distinguished Professor

Measurement & Research Methodologies, Social Context of Education

Jonathan Plucker, PhD

Research Professor Faculty Lead, Master of Science in Education Policy

Counseling & Educational Studies

Education Policy & Politics, Gifted Education, Learning & Instruction

Eric Rice, PhD

Social Context of Education, Urban Education

Joshua C. Schuschke, PhD

Educational Technology

Alexandra Shelton, PhD

Learning & Instruction, Special Education

Angela R. Watson, PhD

Assistant Research Professor

Institute for Education Policy

Education Policy & Politics

Program Overview

With its goal of pursuing big ideas and sharing knowledge to address real-world challenges, Johns Hopkins University takes pride in its founding mission as the U.S.’s first research university. The full-time Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education at the Johns Hopkins School of Education embraces that tradition. We offer a world-class, research-focused program that prepares exceptional scholars to investigate and develop policies and practices that improve educational outcomes from pre-K through secondary school and beyond.

Students draw insights from different disciplines (e.g., educational psychology, learning sciences, sociology of education), synthesizing their knowledge to craft multidisciplinary, evidence-based approaches to address educational policies and practices — particularly those that can improve outcomes for historically underserved populations. Immersion in modern research methods — advanced statistical techniques, open science approaches, and data science — facilitates students’ capacities to argue for research-based educational reforms.

Students benefit from the mentorship of nationally acclaimed researchers in an apprenticeship model as well as collaborative learning opportunities from courses, research groups, and their cohort. Our graduates go on to careers in higher education as professors, policymakers, and influential scholars at research-intensive universities, institutes, and centers.

All PhD students at the School of Education are eligible for a fellowship for up to four years. The fellowship includes a yearly stipend and will cover tuition and fees. The fellowship also covers individual health, dental, and vision insurance. All PhD students must be registered full time and be in good academic standing every semester to continue to be eligible for their fellowship.

Through our PhD program, students acquire cutting-edge research skills that position them for tenure-track faculty positions in higher education, policymaking roles with state agencies or school systems, and leadership positions in educational research organizations.

  • Research and Post Secondary Teaching
  • University Professor
  • University Researcher
  • Policy Analyst
“ What set my experience apart was the chance to work with remarkable mentors who are not only impactful researchers in the field, but also genuinely care about me as a person.

Maryville University Online

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Home / Online Doctorate Degree Programs / Online Doctor of Education (EdD) — Higher Education Leadership

Maryville University’s Doctor of Education | Online Maryville University’s Doctor of Education | Online Maryville University’s Doctor of Education | Online

We are a tech-forward and future-focused university that has been disrupting higher education for over 150 years. Maryville University’s online Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership Program prepares students for positions that require high-level decision-making within education. We are a tech-forward and future-focused university that has been disrupting higher education for over 150 years. Maryville University’s online Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership Program prepares students for positions that require high-level decision-making within education. We are a tech-forward and future-focused university that has been disrupting higher education for over 150 years. Maryville University’s online Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership Program prepares students for positions that require high-level decision-making within education.

Take Your Next Brave Step

Receive information about the benefits of our programs, the courses you'll take, and what you need to apply.

  • Graduate in as few as 32 months – this degree can be completed in as little as 32 months.
  • Flexible Residency Options – Attend your residency on campus or virtually.
  • Personalized Support – Support every step of the way – from application to faculty mentorship to graduation.

Great leaders don’t accept the status quo. They accept a challenge.

How do you improve delivery and efficacy in higher learning? How can you better prepare students for the workforce? How can you adapt educational settings to emerging technology and modern faculty-administration dynamics? Answering today’s big questions in higher education takes reflective, future-focused leadership. Maryville University’s online Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership program can provide you with the leadership abilities and perspective to meet the challenges of today — and tomorrow .

Explore higher education-focused leadership theory and develop the expertise to apply it in real-world situations. Build a contemporary understanding of administrative relationships and the student experience. Gain actionable insight into higher-ed governance, policy and financing to help you effect institutional change. Pursue your online Doctor of Education at Maryville and learn to impact higher education on a sweeping scale in ways that matter most.

View our program guide for more information.

Receive information about the benefits of our programs, the courses you'll take, and what you need to apply.

phd of education online

Access coursework  100% online  with no campus visits required.

phd of education online

Attend residency  on campus or virtually .

phd of education online

Complete your  courses and dissertation simultaneously .

phd of education online

Receive  personal mentorship  from scholar-practitioner faculty.

phd of education online

Benefit from the added support of our  cohort learning model .

phd of education online

Graduate in as few as  32 months .

Why choose Maryville for your online EdD program?

Our online EdD program offers unique benefits.

Our dissertation is different

Most doctoral programs conclude with a dissertation, but we believe your dissertation should be more than just a paper. It should inform your research, drive your leadership focus and keep your writing and thinking sharp throughout the doctoral program. Our approach allows you to apply valuable knowledge as you learn it.

Our focus is different

The online EdD program is more than a doctorate in education — it’s an innovative program that will provide you with a doctorate in higher education leadership You’ll focus squarely on impacting higher education at the institutional level, helping institutions grow in the face of a fluctuating economy, changing technology, increased competition and an influx of degrees in the job market.

We’re cohort based

This means you benefit from smaller class sizes, collaboration and individual attention and mentorship from faculty members. You also get to continue coursework with the same cohort so you can develop your skills together.

We provide greater support

As you work on your assignments and dissertation, you’ll have complete access to the Maryville library and librarians. Additionally, your courses will include integrated writing tools, such as pre-submission proofreading with detailed feedback.

What can you do with an online Doctor of Education?

Our online Doctor of Education program is a leadership-focused degree that promotes strategic high-level decision making. Our online EdD graduates can teach, but the degree is most applicable outside of the classroom. Positions at the top levels of higher education can empower you to have a greater influence. They can also be financially rewarding. Earning your online doctorate in education is a great way to advance your career and increase your earning potential while shaping the future of higher education.

Career opportunities with an EdD in Higher Education Leadership

Professionals with a  Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership  possess the skills and knowledge to identify problems and opportunities in higher education and make improvements in the field.

Completing your online EdD in Higher Education Leadership at Maryville can qualify you for leadership roles such as:

  • Academic dean
  • Admissions director
  • Chief academic officer
  • College/university administrator
  • College/university president
  • Dean of students
  • Department chair
  • Education researcher and consultant

In settings such as:

  • Colleges and universities
  • Government agencies
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Private businesses

Learn more on  our careers page .

What is the typical Doctor of Education salary?

With your  online EdD in Higher Education Leadership , you can build a foundation to pursue careers with median salaries of leadership positions such as:

College/University President

College/University Administrator

Department Chair

Dean of Students

Admissions Director

Chief Academic Affairs Officer

Why earn an EdD instead of a PhD in Higher Education?

The value and utility of doctoral degree programs in higher education vary significantly. It is crucial to ensure that the skills acquired from your online education degree align with your aspirations. Let’s explore why pursuing an online Doctor of Education could be the best option for you.

Time icon

Time —  Our online Doctor of Education program is a 32-month, 48-credit program. Compared with a PhD in Higher Education, this credential could save you one to three years in completion time.

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Practice-Based Research  — In a PhD program, your primary goal is to master and extend the body of knowledge on a subject. However, your research isn’t necessarily applicable in a leadership role. With our Doctorate in Educational leadership online program , you can apply existing research methods to the critical issues affecting your institution and inform decision making directly.

Online student icon

Leadership —  An online Doctor of Education is all about leadership. PhD programs are typically designed for educational leaders in specific academic disciplines. With an online EdD degree , you have the potential to become a provost or president of a university.

Faculty insights

We asked  Jason Castles , director and assistant professor of higher education leadership, for his thoughts on the online Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership program. Here are his responses:

What are some of the trending areas of focus in the online Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership program?

We strive to stay current on trends and the future of higher education. Some recent areas of focus include the impact of the pandemic in higher ed (budgeting, enrollment, and mental health); diversity, equity and inclusion work; and demographic shifts (who is attending and how many students are attending). Additional trends impacting higher ed include data analytics; financial sustainability and affordability; changes to tenure systems; and the growing reliance on adjunct faculty members.

What advice would you give to someone studying higher education leadership?

  • Have a plan/create a schedule, as time management is crucial.
  • Consider the “cost” of attending, weighing factors such as being a full-time student, working full time and commitments to family and friends.
  • Try not to get “stuck” in one area and strive to broaden your perspective.
  • Have an open mind.
  • Enjoy the process — both classes and your dissertation.

What are the most important skills employers are looking for?

Employers value flexibility, data analysis skills and the ability to develop outcome assessment plans. They also look for candidates with cultural competence, empathy and active listening skills (especially during the pandemic).

Why should students choose to take this program at Maryville?

We offer a high level of student support and engagement from faculty and staff, providing students with constructive feedback and tools to learn to be successful in higher ed. We also offer a financially efficient 32-month, 48-credit program with a solid, rigorous curriculum.

Online EdD in Higher Education Leadership curriculum

The best higher education doctoral programs prepare you to address the critical issues that will shape the future of higher ed. That’s why we focus on topics such as quantitative and qualitative data analysis, future-focused governance and finance, contemporary student experiences, new and innovative technologies, and just about anything else you may face in an educational leadership role. We also let you explore your individual interests through professional practice courses based on current trends in higher education.

Our  online Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership  program is designed for completion with 48 credit hours and in as little as 32 months of year-round study. Find out more about our program on  our curriculum page .

Lead inside and outside of the classroom.  Our curriculum can help you develop the competencies to be a top educator in the classroom or apply your knowledge and skills toward outstanding research. Learn to solve the complicated challenges of classroom dynamics in courses such as Leadership in Higher Education and Leading in a Complex Environment, and hone your research skills with Research Residency I and II and Understanding Data and Analysis.

Experience a dynamic, future-focused education doctorate. Maryville University has been an innovator in education for nearly 150 years. When you earn your Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership with us, we can help you take that pioneering spirit with you. Through courses such as Strategic Change and Innovation, you can develop a progressive and change-oriented mindset, so wherever you go in your education career, you will go with confidence.

Discover that leadership starts with compassion. As an educator, your students are a primary focus. That’s why our curriculum includes courses such as The College Student Experience and Reflective Leadership Practice and Inquiry to help you understand your students and design your higher education strategies around their needs, concerns and abilities.

Online Doctor of Education admission requirements

  • A master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for master’s transcripts
  • At least three years of professional experience in higher education (exceptions considered for demonstrated professional leadership experience transferable to higher ed)
  • Both bachelor’s and master’s transcripts
  • Personal essay: 500–600 words

Learn more on  our admissions page .

Frequently asked questions

What can i do with an online doctor of education in higher education leadership degree.

Our online EdD in Higher Education Leadership prepares students for careers in educational leadership, growing their knowledge of advanced theories and practical skills so they can manage organizations, solve problems and promote positive change in higher education. Graduates of our online EdD program may advance to administrative roles, overseeing higher education institutions, programs or departments. They may work behind the scenes to assess, improve and create new curricula and instructional methods, train other educators or conduct research to advance higher education.

What is the typical salary for online EdD program graduates?

The median annual salary for professionals holding an EdD in Higher Education Leadership can vary significantly depending on factors such as industry, location, years of experience, specialization, and job role.

What does the future hold for the higher education industry?

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the employment of postsecondary education administrators to grow 4% from 2022 to 2032. 7 The need to replace professionals who change roles, switch careers or retire will drive most of this growth.

How long is the online EdD program?

Our online EdD program is a 32-month, 48-credit program. Compared with a PhD in Higher Education, this credential could save you one to three years in completion time.

What are the benefits of earning an online EdD degree?

Earning your online EdD can put you on a path for career advancement, higher earnings and administrator-level leadership positions. An EdD is practice based, meaning it allows you to research your areas of interest and also leverage the results of your research to influence the decision-making process of an institution or organization. Pursuing an EdD means you will focus on identifying problems and developing strategies to help solve those problems. An EdD program prepares you with skills in conducting qualitative research, collecting data, conducting interviews, making observations and participating in focus groups. If time to completion is important to you, consider that EdD students generally finish their programs faster than PhD students. On average, a PhD takes five to six years to complete, with some studies showing that students regularly take as many as eight years. On the other hand, earning an EdD generally takes between three and four years. Students can complete ours in as little as 32 months.

Apply to the online Doctor of Education degree program at Maryville University

Bring us your ambition and we’ll guide you along a personalized path to a quality education that’s designed to change your life.

  1 Top Executives. (2023). Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Retrieved February 9, 2024. arrow_upward Return to footnote reference

  2 Postsecondary Education Administrators. (2023). Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Retrieved February 9, 2024. arrow_upward Return to footnote reference

  3 Postsecondary Education Administrators. (2023). U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics . Retrieved February 9, 2024. arrow_upward Return to footnote referenceReturn to footnote reference

  4 Postsecondary Education Administrators. (2023). U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics . Retrieved February 9, 2024. arrow_upward Return to footnote referenceReturn to footnote reference

  5 Postsecondary Education Administrators. (2023). U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics . Retrieved February 9, 2024. arrow_upward Return to footnote referenceReturn to footnote reference

  6 Postsecondary Education Administrators. (2023). U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics . Retrieved February 9, 2024. arrow_upward Return to footnote referenceReturn to footnote reference

  7 Postsecondary Education Administrators. (2023). U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics . Retrieved February 9, 2024. arrow_upward Return to footnote referenceReturn to footnote reference

Earn Your NYU Doctorate in Leadership and Innovation.

Organizational change starts with an online doctorate in leadership and innovation from NYU. Leverage your knowledge and skills in transformational leadership roles to create new, sustainable solutions to systemic institutional challenges with your EdD.

The application for the January 2025 cohort is now open. Extended deadline is September 2.

Our online leadership and innovation doctorate at a glance

Blending academic theory and real-world practice, NYU Steinhardt’s EdD in Leadership and Innovation is more than an online degree. It’s a unique program that provides working professionals with the tools to harness transformative change in their organizations and beyond.

three-day immersive residency at a global NYU site

hours per week

Average time commitment, including classes, will vary

total credits at the doctoral level

per credit hour

Based on 2024–2025 tuition rates

Minimum time to degree completion 1

EdD program overview

NYU Steinhardt’s EdD in Leadership and Innovation is more than a doctorate program. It’s a cohort of professionals, faculty , and distinguished cross-sectoral leaders from spaces such as:

  • For-profit companies
  • Higher education
  • Nonprofit and philanthropic organizations
  • Public and governmental organizations

We examine the most important issues cross-sectoral leaders face today and discover solutions that make change possible for tomorrow. We apply an academic lens to myriad sectors so students graduate from the doctoral program with the core competencies for impactful director and executive-level career options.

The research, analysis, writing, and critical thinking involved in students’ strategic design and implementation of a change management project are assets that students will bring to current and future employers.

The Problem of Practice

While many doctoral programs require students to complete a dissertation, NYU Steinhardt challenges students to examine and create an academically informed solution to a persistent organizational problem throughout the EdD program. This unique project is called the Problem of Practice (POP) , and it enables students to create real value for their organizations.

“We want students to have a collaborative experience in which they ignite a transformation in education from across sectors.” DR. NOEL S. ANDERSON FOUNDING FACULTY

Explore the cohort model design

When students work together, they leverage their unique leadership skills and professional experiences to develop new ideas and effect sustainable change. That’s why the cohort model is a defining feature of NYU Steinhardt’s EdD in Leadership and Innovation program. Traveling the curriculum together, students develop a common problem-solving language and discover new solutions to old challenges. Best of all, since courses run continuously through Summer and January terms, students earn their degree in 24–28 months, a duration that’s among the shortest in the country relative to other education doctorates.

Great minds, thinking differently

Our program unites experienced professionals from diverse backgrounds who share their unique perspectives on real-world challenges. By giving them the space to question, explore, and take risks, we foster innovation, resulting in new solutions to persistent organizational problems.

A collaborative system of support

For the duration of the program, faculty serve as mentors, supporters, challengers, and advocates, bringing decades of leadership experience to their partnership with students.

Built for immediate action

Students can complete their degree in as few as 24 continuous months, preparing them to create sustainable and scalable change at their organizations in their leadership roles.

Who is this program for?

The NYU online Doctorate in Leadership and Innovation is different by design. More than an educational leadership program, it’s a global cohort of cross-sector professionals motivated to create real change in their fields. Diverse leaders from the worlds of business, government, nonprofits, healthcare, and education seek out our program to be challenged to think beyond their areas of expertise – and to create new solutions and catalyze change in their organizations.

Current and former students’ employers include:

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • The World Bank
  • NYC Department
of Education
  • The Millennium School – Dubai

Current and former students’ job titles include:

  • Chief executive officer
  • Chief learning officer
  • Senior director of global security
  • Head of diversity, equity & inclusion
  • Program manager, behavioral health
  • Military officer
  • Director, office of educational assessment
  • Adjunct faculty

Students represent a global cohort whose diverse voices are informed not only by the work they do, but from lived experiences around the world. 

The NYU EdD addresses the needs of full-time working professionals with a rigorous online Doctorate in Leadership and Innovation program that can be completed in as few as 24 months.

Three-day immersive residency

At the beginning of the program, your cohort will convene at NYU to meet, discuss your professional experiences, and examine the persistent challenges you face in your organizations. The residency will deepen students’ connections with peers and faculty and help serve as a foundation for the EdD curriculum.

Designed as a cohort model, our 42-credit curriculum includes 17 consecutive courses that can be completed in as few as 24 months. Students continue working while earning their degree, examining and solving a persistent challenge in their organization throughout the program.

Problem of Practice (POP)

Rather than completing a traditional dissertation, you will identify a persistent problem in your organization and examine it through an academic lens throughout the program, emerging with a thoroughly researched, actionable solution that creates real value for your organization.

Frequently asked questions

Finding the right EdD program to expand and leverage your leadership skills is essential to your success. To aid in this decision-making process, we’ve compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions about eligibility, tuition, courses, and more.

Admission requirements

To be eligible for the EdD in Leadership and Innovation program, you must hold both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. You must also have seven years of work experience in a leadership role. The GRE is not required for admission.

Learn how to solve institutional challenges with NYU’s EdD

1 Total time to complete the program may vary based on the number of credits taken each semester.

Tell us about yourself.

Sharing some details will help us customize your experience.

2024-2025 Catalog

Doctoral degrees.

The University of Idaho awards the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in recognition of high achievement in scholarly and research activity. The degree of Doctor of Education is granted for high scholarly attainment and in recognition of the completion of academic preparation for professional practice. See the "Ph.D. and Ed.D. Procedures" tab for more details. The Doctor of Athletic Training is offered through the College of Education and the Department of Movement Sciences (see the "DAT Procedures" tab for more details).

The major professor and program offering a particular doctoral program indicate the general philosophy of the degree program, the objectives of courses and seminars, the research specialties available, and requirements unique to the department. Admission to the doctoral program is granted only to those who have a recognized potential for completing the degree.

Requirements for Doctoral Degrees

Credit requirements.

For the Ph.D. and Ed.D., a minimum of 78 credits beyond the bachelor's degree is required.; At least 52 credits must be at the 500 level or above and at least 33 of the 78 credits must be in courses other than 600 (Doctoral Research and Dissertation). A maximum of 45 research credits in 600 (Doctoral Research and Dissertation) including 6 credits of 599 (Non-thesis Research) or 500 (Master's Research and Thesis) may be in the 45 research credits used toward the degree. For the D.A.T., a minimum of 66 credits is required and follows a prescribed set of courses set by the program.

Courses numbered below 300 may not be used to fulfill the requirements for a doctoral degree; courses numbered 300-399 may be used only in supporting areas and are not to be used to make up deficiencies. Individual programs may require additional course work. Applicants having a doctoral degree may obtain a second doctoral degree subject to the approval of the Graduate Council. The Graduate Council will establish the requirements for the second degree.

Credit Limitations for Transfer, Correspondence Study, and Non-degree

For the Ph.D. and Ed.D. degrees, a student must complete at least 39 of the 78 required credits at the University of Idaho (U of I) while matriculated in the College of Graduate Studies. Credits can be transferred to U of I with the consent of the student's major professor, the committee (if required by the program), the program's administrator, and the dean of the College of Graduate Studies. Credits can be transferred only if the institution from which the credits are being transferred has a graduate program in the course's discipline. All credits used toward graduate degrees must be from regionally accredited American institutions or from non-US institutions recognized by the appropriate authorities in their respective countries. Transfer credits are subject to all other College of Graduate Studies rules and regulations. Correspondence study courses may be applied to the degree only with the prior written approval of the College of Graduate Studies. Courses used toward an undergraduate degree, professional development courses, and courses on a professional development transcript are not available to be used toward a doctoral degree.

Time Limits

Of the credits submitted to satisfy the requirements for a Ph.D. or Ed.D. degree, a maximum of 30 may be more than eight years old when the degree is conferred, provided the student's committee and program administrator determine that the student has kept current in the subjects concerned. Graduation must occur no later than five years after the date on which the candidate passed their preliminary or general examination. These time limitations can be extended only on recommendation of the committee and approval by the Graduate Council.

Awarding Doctoral Degrees to Members of the Faculty

Regulations are outlined in Section 4920 of the Faculty-Staff Handbook.

Particular Requirements for the Ed.D. Degree

A period of professional practice is required for the Doctor of Education degree; the period involved is determined by the student's supervisory committee. While the Ed.D. is a College of Education degree, you should consult with the departments in the College of Education to learn of specific emphasis requirements.

Procedures for Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education Degrees

Appointment of major professor and committee.

Refer to " Appointment of Major Professor and Committee for All Degree Seeking Graduate Students " in the preceding General Graduate Regulations section. In addition, a doctoral supervisory committee consists of at least four people: the major professor as chair and at least one additional UI faculty member from the program, the balance of the committee may be made up of faculty members from a minor or supporting area, and faculty members from a discipline outside the major. If the committee has a co-chair, the minimum number of committee members is five.

Qualifying Examination

The qualifying examination is a program option and serves to assess the background of the student in both the major and supporting fields and to provide partially the basis for preparation of the student's study program. A particular program may or may not require a master's degree as a prerequisite for the qualifying evaluation. As soon as the program's qualifications are met, a supervisory committee is appointed.

Preparation of Study Plan

Refer to " Preparation and Submission of Study Plan " in the preceding General Graduate Regulations section.

Preliminary Examination for Ph.D. Degree

The preliminary examination should be scheduled only after the student has completed the majority of the courses on their study plan. The student is required to be registered during the semester the preliminary examination is taken. The student's committee certifies to the College of Graduate Studies the results of the preliminary examination and if passed, the student is advanced to candidacy. Graduation must occur no later than five years after the date on which the candidate passed their examination. If the preliminary examination is failed, it may be repeated only once; the repeat examination must be taken within a period of not less than three months or more than one year following the first attempt. If a student fails the preliminary examination a second time, or the program does not allow the student to repeat the examination after the first failure or the student does not retake the examination within one year, the student is automatically moved to unclassified enrollment status and is no longer in the degree program.

General Examination for Ed.D . Degree

When the student approaches the end of their course work, has completed the professional experience requirement, and has outlined the dissertation subject in detail, the supervisory committee approves the holding of the general examination. The student is required to be registered during the semester the general examination is taken. The examination is both written and oral and is intended to assess progress toward degree objectives. The student's committee certifies to the College of Graduate Studies the results of the general examination and if passed, the student is advanced to candidacy. Graduation must occur no later than five years after the date on which the candidate passed their examination. If the general examination is failed, it may be repeated only once; the repeat examination must be taken within a period of not less than three months or more than one year following the first attempt. If a student fails the general examination a second time, or the program does not allow the student to repeat the examination after the first failure or the student does not retake the examination within one year, the student is automatically moved to unclassified status and is no longer in the degree program.

See the General Graduate Regulations section regarding application for advanced degree, registration requirements, final defense and dissertation requirements.

Procedures for Doctor of Athletic Training

The culminating clinical project.

Students enrolled in the Doctor of Athletic Training (D.A.T.) will engage in research projects during the curricular phase of the program. These project(s) will lead to at least two publication ready manuscripts, and all students must meet professional authorship requirements (regardless of order). See the  Department of Movement Sciences and Doctor of Athletic Training webpages for more information.

The Team (Committee)

All D.A.T. project team committees will have at least four committee members: two members of the athletic training faculty (all with graduate faculty status), the student's attending clinician (who is the student's on-site mentor during the student's residency), and an expert in the student's chosen area of clinical research. The athletic training faculty members will always chair the CCP, provide research guidance, and serve as the experts in the development of advanced practice in Athletic Training. A situation may arise in which one or both of the members of the committee that are outside of the AT program faculty may have a degree less than that of which the student is seeking; however, the intent of the third and fourth D.A.T. committee membership is to provide outside validation of the student's progress toward advanced practice and clinical utility of action research studies.

Culminating Clinical Project Hours

These dissertation hours may be used in instances when the CCP has not been successfully completed and the curricular phase of program has been completed.

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Evangel University

Apply to EU’s Graduate Education Programs

  • Admitted Students Next Steps
  • Evangel Student Portal

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Admissions Standards

Master’s degree programs, doctoral degree program, international students.

For master’s and doctoral students to qualify for admission, international students whose first language is not English must earn a TOEFL score of 550 on the paper-based exam, 213 on the computer-based or 79-80 on the Internet-based exam. Information on the TOEFL exam can be found at .

Application Steps

  • Apply Online
  • When possible, we prefer to receive transcripts electronically from services such as Parchment (Naviance), SCOIR, or through the National Clearinghouse.
  • Transcripts can be emailed from your school counselor or administrator to [email protected] .
  • Connect with your admissions counselor when requesting graduate course transfer credit.
  • Transcripts can be mailed to: Evangel University
 Admissions, Online & Graduate Student Services 1111 N. Glenstone Ave. Springfield, MO 65802
  • When taking the GRE, please send your test scores to Evangel University. For information on the GRE, visit Educational Testing Service (ETS) at .
  • Send your final official transcripts. Final official transcripts are required before beginning classes. All offers of admission are conditional until final official transcripts are received.

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Application Deadline

Meeting priority deadlines provide you the best opportunity to secure a seat in the program. Meeting the standard deadline will allow you ample time to complete all necessary pre-enrollment steps including course registration, financial aid, and flexible payment options. After the standard deadline, applicants are considered as space is available. When admitted, our team will work with you to help you complete all necessary steps to enroll.

Priority Deadline: March 1 Standard Deadline: May 1 Final Deadline: August 1

Spring Start

Priority Deadline: October 1 Standard Deadline: November 15 Final Deadline: December 1

Summer Start

Priority Deadline: March 1 Final Deadline: April 5

phd of education online

After Admissions

  • Upon admission, you will receive an email with instructions on how to sign into your student portal . All pre-enrollment steps can be completed online through your student portal. You can also click here for instructions on setting up your student portal . Questions? Connect with your admissions counselor for assistance.
  • When planning to utilize federal financial aid, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) using Evangel’s code 002463 as soon as possible after it becomes available.
  • Review your financial aid offer and respond promptly to financial aid requests for additional information and/or paperwork.
  • Finalize financial aid and payment prior to beginning class.

phd of education online

Education Department

College of Online Learning

Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction Leadership (Online)

Highly skilled educators shape today’s students while anticipating and preparing for the needs of tomorrow. Our Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction equips you with the latest instruction and curriculum design techniques so you can become an innovative teacher-leader who effectively meets the learning challenges of an ever-changing world.

Master of Education in Educational Leadership (Online)

If you’re a big-picture thinker with a desire to impact students across all grade levels, consider becoming a principal with the help of our Master of Education in Educational Leadership degree.

Master of Education in Literacy (Online)

Teachers with a deep understanding of literacy can offer students a future filled with possibilities. Our Master of Education in Literacy prepares you to become a certified reading specialist equipped to work in classrooms, Title I schools, and in interventionist and administrative roles.

Special Education Director add-on Certificate

Doctor of education in educational leadership, curriculum and instruction.

Educators with a deep understanding of curriculum and technology provide leadership to shape the future of education. Our Doctor of Education Leadership in Curriculum and Instruction equips you to be an effective leader who leaves a lasting impact on the field of education.

Recognized Excellence

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An aerial view of University of Idaho's Moscow campus.

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College of Education, Health and Human Sciences

Photo of woman running down a dirt road.

Run for Your Life

A Different Way to Keep Score

Photo of woman on a baseball field.

Outside the Lines

Finding Sports Careers Off the Field

Instructor sitting on desk while students are working on projects.

IMPACTing Idaho

Addressing special education teacher shortage

A person running across a bridge.

Finding Joy in Sports

Is it possible to learn to love running?

Four basketball players in black shirts in front of Vandal hoop.

Home Court Advantage

Grad creates overseas basketball camps

Deanna Bakken standing in front of CEHHS building.

Making the Grade

New Graduate Masters Balancing Work and School

Woman tennis player preparing to serve ball.

Ready to Serve

Former Tennis Captain Teaches Life Lesson

Drone photo of group standing on the ground holding a banner.

Learning to Fly

Middle School Students Discover Higher Learning

Pilates instructor assist another person

Become a Pilates Instructor

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Coeur d'Alene

Mailing Address: University of Idaho CDA Center 1031 N. Academic Way, Suite 242 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814

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Higher Education - Ph.D.

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Degree Information

phd of education online

Start your future with Tennessee Tech!

Degree details.

The online Ph.D. in Higher Education is designed for professionals in the field who are interested in using data science to best prepare students and confront challenges facing higher education. The program will provide preparation to be adapted to any post-secondary role with a focus to improve college access, student success, and persistence to completion. Driven by data science, program candidates will apply actionable approaches to face challenges confronting higher education. Graduates will use their data science knowledge and skills to guide colleges and universities, state higher education agencies, foundations, and related associations.

Admissions Requirements

Students seeking admission to the Higher Education Ph.D. program are required to have:

  • Degree:  a Master’s degree from an accredited institution
  • GPA:  at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • Professional Curriculum Vitae (CV) / Resume
  • Letters of Recommendation:  Two letters of recommendation that speak to the individual’s scholarly aptitude and capability, particularly with respect to graduate-level work
  • Statement of Intent: that speak to the individual’s scholarly aptitude and capability, particularly with respect to graduate-level work
  • Academic Writing Sample: a sample that demonstrates excellent scholarly writing ability (applicant must be sole author)
  • Interview:  must interview at the discretion of the Higher Education Ph.D. application review committee.

International students are required to demonstrate competency in spoken and written English by taking appropriate standardized tests. See accepted standardized tests and minimum required scores »

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Doctor of Nursing Education

A graduate from Ohio State's online Doctor of Nursing Education program teaches a classroom of nursing students.

As a student of this flexible yet rigorous program, you will take courses in clinical instruction, assessment, and evaluation, as well as instructional design for nursing education. The program culminates in a hands-on final project demonstrating the achievement of doctoral-level outcomes.

Choose between the Academic Nursing Education specialization or the Nursing Professional Development specialization to customize your program to match your career goals. Whether you want to become an expert nurse educator in academia or healthcare, this program will prepare you to plan, implement, and evaluate the best evidence for nursing-specific instruction.

A Doctor of Nursing Education student completes her degree from home online.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should i choose the doctor of nursing education program.

The Doctor of Nursing Education (DNE) is a professional nursing doctoral degree aimed at preparing nursing educators with doctoral-level training in teaching skills to prepare future nurses to meet healthcare workforce needs. In this online nursing doctorate, you will translate evidence-based teaching principles into innovative nursing education. The program emphasizes leadership in developing practice models, policies, and ethical principles, and applies translational science methodologies to enhance educational scholarship. You will collaborate with cross-funtional professional teams to implement strategies that promote critical thinking and clinical decision-making and will prepare you to teach in either higher education or healthcare professional development.

How is this nursing doctorate program different from the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree at Ohio State?

The Doctor of Nursing Education (DNE) program is designed to prepare you to be an expert nursing educator dedicated to teaching clinical skills to prepare the next generation of nurses. This online nurse education degree is distinct from the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree which is a professional nursing program that focuses on preparing nurses for the highest level of patient care or healthcare leadership.

Which nurse educator track is right for me?

There are two specialization tracks within the Doctor of Nursing Education program: Academic Nursing Education and Nursing Professional Development, each with track-specific coursework within the core DNE curriculum. The Academic Nursing Education track is developed for nurses with earned master’s degrees who seek to teach in college or university-level academic nursing programs to prepare nurses for clinical practice at all levels. The Nursing Professional Development track is targeted to master’s-level nursing professional development practitioners (NPDs) who seek doctoral preparation to educate nurses in healthcare settings to enhance healthcare outcomes.

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Man with DNP degree in a white coat and red tie stands proudly amongst peers.

Post-Master Doctor of Nursing Practice in Clinical Expert

Female woman with her DNP degree stands proudly in a white coat.

BSN to Doctor of Nursing Practice in Family Nurse Practitioner

Nurse practitioner in a white coat works in office as a nurse executive

Post-Master Doctor of Nursing Practice in Nurse Executive

Academic calendar.

The Doctor of Nursing Education program admits students once-per-year for the Autumn semester. Students may take classes during each Autumn, Spring, and Summer semester once enrolled. This online nursing education degree typically requires five semesters (2 years) of full-time study or eight semesters (3 years) of part-time study to complete.

Autumn 2025

Application Deadline March 1, 2025

Term Start Date August 26, 2025

Autumn 2026

Application Deadline March 1, 2026

Term Start Date August 25, 2026

Admission Criteria

Program Requirements

  • Applicants may have a Master of Science in nursing from a nursing education program accredited through the CCNE, ACEN, or CNEA. An applicant’s master’s degree must be from an accredited graduate program. Applicants may apply to the DNE program while their master’s degree is still in-progress but must receive the degree by August 1 prior to beginning enrollment.
  • Applicants must have an active, unencumbered license as a registered nurse in the state where they practice. Applicants may apply before receiving their RN license, but must be in possession of a current, unencumbered RN license by August 1.
  • If an applicant is also certified as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), their national certification must also be active.
  • GPAs are reviewed by Ohio State’s Graduate and Professional Admissions Office. Applicants whose GPAs fall below 3.0 may still apply and be considered for admission.
  • This minimum experience requirement equates to approximately two years of full-time employment. This experience must have occurred within the past five years. Applicants must answer questions about their work experience in the online application, as well as include information about their employment history on their resume/CV.
  • Applicants who may not meet this requirement may still apply and be considered for admission.


The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement, also known as  SARA , establishes uniform standards for distance education for all participating states and institutions. Ohio State joined SARA in 2015, which means Ohio State can offer most online and on-ground courses and programs in  SARA member states, districts and territories without seeking authorization in each state.

Career Outlook

The Doctor of Nursing Education program will broaden your knowledge base and teaching skills within healthcare education, preparing you to lead nursing education and training in many types of healthcare organizations. If you are looking for a career as a Postsecondary Nursing Instructor, Medical and Health Services Manager, Postsecondary Teacher, Health Education Specialist, or are looking to advance in healthcare education leadership, then this program can prepare you for that next step in your career.

Whether you’re looking to grow in your current career or make a career change altogether, Ohio State’s online programs can help you achieve your goals. Learn what the outlook is for your current or next career move using O*Net’s My Next Move tool.

Courses in the Doctor of Nursing Education program are 100% online with no on-campus requirements. Classes include a synchronous meeting component, meaning there are specific days and times each week when you can attend class and participate with your classmates. Classes are only once-a-week per class, on a weekday, and may be offered during the day ranging in time from 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. EST depending on the specific class.

DNE 8780 Evidence–based Practice in Nursing Education and Professional Development

You will learn evidence-based practice (EBP) and how to incorporate EBP in academic nursing education and nursing professional development (NPD). An emphasis on the steps of evidence-based practice will be utilized that is applicable to academic and practice settings. Students will select a topic in academic nursing education or NPD practice and build EBP synthesis tables. 

DNE 8115 Wellness and Resilience in Nursing Education and Professional Development

Includes an overview of the science of behavior change, dimensions of wellness, self-care, MINDSTRONG, MINDBODYSTRONG, resilience, and how you can integrate these concepts with healthcare professionals and organizations as a leader. Incorporates methods to evaluate and create strategies for teaching and leading wellness and resilience in nursing education. 

DNE 8480 Quality Improvement for the DNE-Prepared Nurse

Concepts and principles of nursing scholarship methods and measurement for DNE level nursing practice. This course will assist you in outlining the steps for the Doctor of Nursing Education Capstone project proposal. 

DNE 8781 Evidence-Based Teaching and Interprofessional Education in Nursing

You will learn and apply evidence-based teaching strategies for interprofessional education (IPE) and interprofessional continuing education (IPCE) for all academic and practice settings. 

DNE 8538 Curriculum Design for Nurse Educators

Students learn alignment of the organization and program’s vision, mission, values, and goals to inform, design, and implement a nursing curriculum. Curriculum design includes the incorporation of national standards and clinical considerations in the practice of nursing. 

DNE 8116 Personal and Professional Growth in Nursing Education

You will assess and evaluate leadership situations and persist in using concepts and strategies, such as collaboration, communication, politics, team-building, and emotional intelligence. Includes assessment and consideration of workplace culture and principles of strategic planning.

DNE 8537 Assessment and Evaluation in Nursing Education and Professional Development

Principles and processes involved in the assessment and evaluation of student learning, courses, curricula, program outcomes, and teaching practices. Also includes considerations of assessment and evaluation of registered nurses in the practice setting. 

DNE 8530 Instructional Strategies in Clinical Teaching

The primary focus of this course is the differentiation of best pedagogical practices for effective teaching in clinical settings.

DNE 8441 – Innovation in Nursing Practice and Education

This course will address the trends in healthcare initiatives as they pertain to best educational practices. You will learn how innovation and technology may be utilized to address these initiatives.

DNE 8462 – Publication and Grant Writing in Nursing Education

Provides an opportunity for socialization of students into doctoral work related to scholarly writing. This course will provide practical approaches for integrating and synthesizing theoretical content from previous or concurrent coursework in the area of nursing education or special interest for publication.

DNE 8536 – Principles of Instructional Design for Nurses

Theoretical and practical approaches to creation of learning experiences for nursing and health education with an emphasis on backward design and evidence-based instructional design strategies.

Understanding Online Course Types

As you research the right online program for you, you likely will come across the terms “asynchronous” and “synchronous.” Learn what these terms mean and how they’re important to consider when understanding how a program will fit into your life.

Diagram explaining the differences between synchronous and asynchronous online courses.

Program Faculty

Doctor of Nursing Education Headshot of Tara Spalla King PhD, RN. Doctor of Nursing Education Director, Associate Clinical Professor

Tara King PhD, RN

Dr. Tara Spalla King has 20 years of experience in acute care nursing practice and 13 years of experience as a nurse educator, the past seven in an administrative capacity. Most recently she was the Academic Dean at a private Catholic nursing college where she assembled a team to build online programming and mentored nurse educators in online pedagogy. Dr. King is an experienced onsite evaluator for the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and is a team leader. She is a peer reviewer of online courses for Quality Matters, secretary of the Epsilon Chapter of STTI, and is also a member of the MNRS Communications & Engagement Committee. She is responsible for assessment and evaluation activity for select training grants in the college.

Alice Teall MS, CRNP, FAANP

Doctor of Nursing Education Headshot of Alice Teall MS, CRNP, FAANP Instructor of Clinical Practice

Wendy Bowles, PhD, RN, APRN-CNP, CNE

Headshot of Wendy Bowles, online Nursing faculty


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Headshot of Jennifer Fogt, Ohio State Online Grad

"There have been days at work when I think to myself, ‘I just learned about that last night’. It’s really exciting when you can actually see that come to be a part of your work day."

Headshot of Darek Danek, MLT Grad

"Being able to apply everything I was working on for school immediately to my work was my favorite part of the program."

Headshot of Tomitha Zimmerman, MSW Grad

"I could not have faced so many obstacles without the support, strength and guidance from the faculty and staff. Even when times were tough, they believed in me, so I believed in me."

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Online Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum Engineering

The Online Doctor of Philosophy degree in the Department of Petroleum Engineering is a research degree awarded to students after the exhibition of significant and valuable contributions in a specific field of petroleum engineering. This degree is designed for professionals aiming to become leaders and innovators in the energy sector. Graduates will gain access to a prestigious network and the skills needed to tackle complex industry challenges and drive sustainable energy solutions.

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phd of education online

Why choose Engineering Online

Advance your career with our Engineering Online program! Backed by the university's esteemed reputation and national recognition in engineering education, you'll engage directly with industry leaders and a rigorous curriculum. Beyond graduation, tap into the extensive Aggie Alumni Network, offering invaluable connections to propel your career forward.

Engineering Online Benefits

Girl writes notes while reading slide on laptop computer.

Degree Details

  • The Online Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering is a 64-credit hour degree. Before beginning the program, students must have completed a Master of Science (MS) degree with a thesis. During the program, students must also complete a departmental qualifying exam, preliminary exam, proposal, and dissertation. The Qualifying Exam (QE) is required for all PhD students within the first year of study, and students may be required to take the exam on campus. The exam results let us know their suitability for conducting research and continuing their education in our program.

Course Information


  • The minimum course requirement for the Ph.D. degree is eight courses (24 credit hours) with at least four courses in petroleum engineering (PETE). 
  • Your graduate committee is in total charge of the courses on your degree plan. In general, you should take 1/3 course work and 2/3 research/seminar courses.
  • Include a minimum of two, but not more than four, courses from outside the petroleum department. 
  • Two credits for PETE 684 and PETE 692 courses are used for internships. 
  • Undergraduate courses are taken only with the pre-approval of your graduate advisor. 
  • Agree on at least four committee members, with a minimum of one from outside the petroleum department and a minimum of two petroleum faculty, including your chair. 
  • File a degree plan before the beginning of your third semester and no later than 90 days before your final oral examination. 
  • Take your Ph.D. qualifying examination within one year of entering the program. 
  • Submit the results of your preliminary examination to the Graduate and Professional School at least 14 weeks before your final examination date. 
  • Your preliminary exam should be both oral and written, unless your committee member chooses to waive the written part of the examination. 
  • You must have an average GPR of 3.0 for all courses on your degree plan before you take the final exam. 
  • Complete your dissertation and final exam. 
  • Complete all your degree requirements within 10 years 

Course Catalog

Graduate Application Requirements

Current a&m students - quick admit, application portal.

The Texas A&M University Petroleum Engineering program is a great choice for anyone interested in a career in the oil and gas industry. It provides a great education with countless opportunities.

Degree Highlights

Related degrees.

study group of three petroleum engineering students discussing course notes

International Petroleum Management Certificate

Oil platform over the water with the sunset in the background.

Online Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering

Engineering online resources, prospective students.

Interested in an online Master of Engineering degree in petroleum engineering? Here are a few things you need to know about our program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Discover answers to frequently asked questions tailored to assist you in making informed decisions regarding your education with Engineering Online.

Online Learning

We have delivered online education since 1995, so we have plenty of experience helping students complete our program successfully.

Tuition Calculator

To calculate cost, select the semester you’ll start, choose Engineering from the drop-down menu, and slide Hours to how many you’ll take each semester. Your total cost is Tuition and Required Fees + Engineering Program Fee (Remote).

Questions? Email [email protected] .

Purdue University


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    The online Doctor of Education from the Johns Hopkins School of Education is at the forefront of global doctoral programs. Learn more and apply by January 15.

  2. Education (Online), EdD

    Overview To address the dramatically changing landscape of education in the 21st century, which includes new research on the science of learning, advances in technology, and the emergence of a for-profit education sector, the Johns Hopkins School of Education offers an innovative online Doctor of Education degree program. This EdD program is designed to prepare an exceptional corps of ...

  3. 2024 Best Online PhD Programs for Education

    An online PhD in education is among the highest level degrees in the field of education. These online graduate programs are heavily research-focused and involve the study of advanced education theories, issues, and policies. PhDs in education are different than a doctorate in education, which explores real-world applications and encourages the development of leadership skills for teachers ...

  4. Online Doctor of Education (EdD) in Leadership and Innovation

    Earn an EdD degree online in leadership and innovation. Prepare for leadership roles within all areas of education, including postsecondary, government, corporate, and nonprofit institutions. Take doctoral courses 100% online and complete a research project you can apply to your workplace, community, or area of expertise.

  5. Online Ed.D. in Education Administration

    OU Online's Doctor of Education in Education Administration program is structured to prepare students for job advancement and leadership by cultivating a deeper understanding of challenges in today's educational settings.

  6. Doctor of Philosophy in Education

    Offered jointly by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Ph.D. in Education provides you with full access to the extraordinary resources of Harvard University and prepares you to assume meaningful roles as university faculty, researchers, senior-level education leaders, and policymakers.

  7. Doctor of Education (EdD)

    The Doctor of Education degree prepares experienced professionals for leadership in their educational communities. Explore curriculum & admissions process.

  8. Online Doctorate in Educational Leadership & Management (EdD)

    Earn an EdD in Education online at Drexel University. Learn more about career outlook and job opportunities, salary expectations, program features, and more. Request more information to start earning your Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership and Management and apply today!

  9. Online Programs

    Grounded in the principles of teaching and learning, our proven EdD in Learning & Organizational Change online doctoral program empowers students to lead change in many organizations, from schools to businesses to non-profits and beyond.

  10. Guide to Online Doctorate in Education 2024

    Find out what it's like to pursue a doctorate in education, from tuition costs and learning outcomes to career paths and earning potential.

  11. Doctor of Education (Online EdD)

    Liberty's online doctorate in education is a model of high academic standards and leadership in education.

  12. Online Doctor of Education (EdD) Program

    Choose from 11 online doctorate in education specializations to focus your learning in an area that matches your personal interests and career goals.

  13. Doctor of Education (D.Ed.) Online

    Prepare for a leadership role to shape the future of education. Customize this online doctoral program by selecting courses from multiple disciplines to prepare for a career within educational institutions, private organizations, or all levels of government.

  14. Online Doctor of Education (EdD) in Leadership and Innovation

    Online doctorate in education leadership admission requirements Applicants to the Doctor of Education in leadership and innovation program must fulfill the requirements of both the Graduate College and the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. This program has a highly competitive admission process.

  15. Doctor of Education Leadership

    The Ed.L.D Program — taught by faculty from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Harvard Business School, and the Harvard Kennedy School — will train you for system-level leadership positions in school systems, state and federal departments of education, and national nonprofit organizations. Ed.L.D. is a full-time, three-year program built on a cohort learning model. Cohorts ...

  16. Doctor of Philosophy in Education

    A full-time PhD program from the Johns Hopkins School of Education that offers a tailored learning experience based on your interests. Learn more. Apply today.

  17. Online Doctor of Education (EdD)

    Follow your ambitions toward leadership with an online Doctor of Education (EdD) in Higher Education Leadership degree from Maryville University. Apply today.

  18. Online Doctorate in Education Leadership and Innovation

    Our online leadership and innovation doctorate at a glance Blending academic theory and real-world practice, NYU Steinhardt's EdD in Leadership and Innovation is more than an online degree. It's a unique program that provides working professionals with the tools to harness transformative change in their organizations and beyond.

  19. Online PhD in Education Program

    Walden's online PhD in Education program can empower you to lead the change you want to see. As the Educator of Educators ®, we understand the needs of PhD students. That's why each step of the doctoral journey purposefully integrates tools, resources, and guidance to support your success. Join other scholar-practitioners who are as ...

  20. Doctoral Degrees < University of Idaho

    Doctoral Degrees. The University of Idaho awards the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in recognition of high achievement in scholarly and research activity. The degree of Doctor of Education is granted for high scholarly attainment and in recognition of the completion of academic preparation for professional practice.

  21. Doctoral Degrees-EHHS-University of Idaho

    Doctoral Degree Overview University of Idaho offers two advanced Education degree programs, the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). Differences between the two are explained below. The Doctoral Handbook will guide students through the steps necessary to be considered for admission to the doctoral program in the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences and ...

  22. Graduate Education

    College of Online Learning . Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction. Educators with a deep understanding of curriculum and technology provide leadership to shape the future of education. Our Doctor of Education Leadership in Curriculum and Instruction equips you to be an effective leader who leaves a lasting ...

  23. Online Master's and Doctoral Programs

    Online Master's and Doctoral Programs List The University of Idaho's online graduate degrees reflect our mission of making education accessible across the state and nation and responding to changing employment demands. Delivering the quality instruction expected of a research university, our online master's and doctoral programs are taught by our esteemed faculty members and build upon ...

  24. PhD in Literacy, Language and Culture

    Two professional and/or academic letters of reference from individuals who can speak to your potential for success in a graduate program. Professional writing sample (may be a paper written in a master's class) One to two page statement of professional experience and your goals in pursuing a doctoral degree in reading education

  25. College of Education, Health and Human Sciences-University of Idaho

    Promoting healthy active living through undergraduate, graduate and doctorate degrees. The College of Education, Health and Human Sciences is committed to innovation and research by providing undergraduate and graduate programs to meet the needs of aspiring students.

  26. Higher Education

    The online Ph.D. in Higher Education is designed for professionals in the field who are interested in using data science to best prepare students and confront challenges facing higher education. The program will provide preparation to be adapted to any post-secondary role with a focus to improve college access, student success, and persistence ...

  27. Master of Education in Language Arts and Literacy, M.Ed. Online

    Help advance student literacy with UMass Lowell's 10-course mostly online Masters in Language Arts and Literacy. This M.Ed. is for teachers working in Massachusetts schools with an initial teaching license in Elementary Education, English as a Second Language, Moderate Disabilities or Early Childhood Education.

  28. Doctor of Nursing Education

    The Doctor of Nursing Education (DNE) is a professional nursing doctoral degree aimed at preparing nursing educators with doctoral-level training in teaching skills to prepare future nurses to meet healthcare workforce needs. In this online nursing doctorate, you will translate evidence-based teaching principles into innovative nursing education.

  29. Online Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum Engineering

    The Qualifying Exam (QE) is required for all PhD students within the first year of study, and students may be required to take the exam on campus. The exam results let us know their suitability for conducting research and continuing their education in our program.

  30. Doctorates

    The Robert H. Buckman College of Engineering Online Education Program. Menu Home; About Us