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​​​​​​   Philosophy of the Programme

The programme will prepare learners already grounded in the social sciences to deal creatively and effectively with developmental problems. This programme is expected to respond to these challenges in varied ways. First, leveraging its research output to inform development policy and other conversations at the local, regional and global arenas. Secondly, preparing PhD students who have the requisite knowledge, skills and the attitude to advance development agenda in different sectors and levels of the society. The programme with its diversity in background and experience prepares graduates with the cutting edge theoretical and methodological approaches besides rich network with various epistemic communities across the globe. It seeks to empower learners to address the challenges of development by promoting dialogue among research findings, societal needs, and what is being taught. This curriculum takes into account the emerging issues that have implications for development.

Rationale for the Programme

Apart from building on the already existing Masters of Development Programme, introduction of the taught PhD programme in Development studies has been informed by the following factors. A good number of applicants going by previous experiences do not have back ground neither in development studies nor social sciences hence the need for conceptual/theoretical and methodological grounding. It is also envisaged that a taught programme will enable students who have taken some time out from active academic work since their completion of masters programme opportunity to reconnect with the theoretical and conceptual issues besides advancing them in the light of emerging issues.

Overall, the PhD programme in development studies is expected to achieve the following objectives

  • Equip students with conceptual, theoretical and analytical grounding in development studies
  • Equip students with advanced and cutting edge methodologies in development research.
  • Impart students with skills to communicate development knowledge/ research findings to varied audiences.

The main objectives of the programme are to:

  • Apply modern economic theory, using analytical and evaluative skills, to understand and solve a variety of economic problems and to make policy evaluations, recommendations, and decisions.
  • Possess the analytical, mathematical, and econometric skills needed to engage in and conduct original research. This will include the ability to use modern, extensive, economic datasets. In doing so, students will be able to understand and replicate contemporary findings within economics research.
  • Produce and publish original economic research; this includes their dissertations as well as the production of research papers appropriate for peer-reviewed academic journals and submission to economic research conferences.
  • Communicate and disseminate knowledge of economics effectively in careers within and outside academia
  • Schedule of Intakes

Department of Economics and Development Studies, University of Nairobi has ONE intake in a year.

  • September Intake (Every Year)

For any assistance and clarification please contact any of the following:

Academic Revenue Office

Tel:+254 20 491 3138

(For all courses) 020 491 0000

Email:[email protected]

More information may also be obtained from the Admissions Office, Main Campus, Administration Block, 1 st floor, room 116, Room A112 or email: [email protected]

6.9 Mode of Delivery

The programme shall adopt blended learning through the use of  face-to-face and online modes. The face-to-face learning will take place within the classroom setting at the Main Campus. Currently, learning is through  online delivery. The online classes are conducted over video conferencing platforms such as Mtihani, Zoom and Google Meet, among others.

The classes are conducted in the evening, Monday to Friday. Time 5.30pm – 8.30pm. 

Students who successfully finish the coursework shall, in the second half of the second year, select their dissertation topics and prepare their thesis proposals, which have to be presented in a proposal seminar in the Department. On approval, the proposal will be forwarded to the Board of Postgraduate Studies for thesis registration.

During the third year, students will be involved with thesis research, fieldwork, and data gathering and analysis under the guidance of their supervisors.  This process will end with a post-fieldwork seminar, where students will present preliminary analyses of their research.  The fourth and final year will be devoted to final thesis write-up and defense.  There will be two distinct parts to this period.  The draft thesis will be prepared during the first half of the year and presented at a thesis seminar in the department.  The draft thesis will be finalized during the second half of the year and defended in accordance with established procedures.

In the first year of study students will take a total of 6 (six) compulsory course units in the core areas of microeconomics, macroeconomics and quantitative methods, two from each area. In each of the two semesters of the first year, candidates shall be required to take THREE (3) compulsory courses.

Semester 1:

  • CEC8101 – Microeconomics I
  • CEC8103 – Macroeconomics I
  • CEC8105 – Quantitative Methods I

Semester 2:

  • CEC8102 – Microeconomics II
  • CEC8104 – Macroeconomics II
  • CEC8106 – Quantitative Methods II

In the first half of the second year, students will continue with further coursework by taking FOUR (4) elective course units selected from the list of electives on offer.  Students shall take the course units from two elective fields only, e.g. Agricultural Economics and Monetary Economics.  In the second half of the second year, students would then prepare for and take comprehensive examinations.

Semester 3:

  • XEA826 – Labour Economics I
  • XEA827 – Labour Economics II
  • XEA846 – Public Sector Economics I
  • XEA847 – Public Sector Economics II
  • XEA851 – International Economics I
  • XEA852 – International Economics II
  • XEA856 – Development Economics I
  • XEA857 – Development Economics II
  • XEA861 – Econometrics I

Comprehensive Examination

  • XET901 – Comprehensive Examination in Microeconomics
  • XET902 – Comprehensive Examination in Macroeconomics
  • XEA905 – Comprehensive Examination in Labour Economics
  • XEA909 – Comprehensive Examination in Public Sector Economics
  • XEA910 – Comprehensive Examination in International Economics
  • XEA911 – Comprehensive Examination in Development Economics
  • XEA912 – Comprehensive Examination in Econometrics

During the third year, students will be involved with thesis research, fieldwork, and data gathering and analysis under the guidance of their supervisors.  This process will end with a post-fieldwork seminar, where students will present preliminary analyses of their research.  The fourth and final year will be devoted to final thesis write-up and defense.  There will be two distinct parts to this period.  The draft thesis will be prepared during the first half of the year and presented at a thesis seminar in the Department.  The draft thesis will be finalized during the second half of the year and defended in accordance with established procedures.

Written Examinations - Core and Electives

  • All candidates shall be required to take and pass examinations in the core courses before proceeding to the second year.
  • All candidates shall be required to take and pass examinations in the four electives during the second year of study.
  • Continuous assessment shall consist of timed tests, assignments, class presentations and seminar papers.
  • Each course shall be examined through a three hour written examination at the end of the semester during which the course was offered.
  • The final examination shall account for sixty percent (60%) of the total marks in each course while the continuous assessment shall account for the remaining 40 per cent.
  • The pass mark shall be fifty percent (50%).
  • The pass mark for the supplementary examinations shall be fifty percent (50%), which is also the maximum attainable mark.
  • A candidate who fails not more than 50% of the units in any academic year will be allowed to sit for supplementary examinations in the failed units when next offered.
  • A candidate who fails more than 50% of the units in any one academic year shall, at the recommendation of the School Board of Examiners and approval by Senate, be discontinued.
  • A candidate who fails in two consecutive supplementary examinations of any one unit shall, at the recommendation of the School Board of Examiners and approval by Senate, be discontinued.

Written Examinations - Comprehensives

  • All candidates who have fulfilled 6.1 and 6.2 above shall prepare and sit for comprehensive examinations in three subject areas, which shall include Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and another subject area of their choice.
  • The Comprehensive Examinations shall be graded out of one hundred percent (100%).
  • The pass mark for each Comprehensive Examination shall be fifty percent (50%)
  • A candidate who fails a Comprehensive Examination in any one unit shall take a supplementary examination the next time offered.
  • A candidate who fails more than 2 Comprehensive Examinations shall, at the recommendation of the School Board of Examiners and approval by Senate, be discontinued.
  • A candidate who fails in two consecutive supplementary comprehensive examinations in a particular subject area shall, at the recommendation of the School Board of Examiners and approval by Senate, be discontinued.
  • A candidate who successfully finishes the coursework and the Comprehensive Examinations shall proceed to prepare and present a thesis proposal.
  • Candidates will be allocated at least two supervisors, one of whom shall be a member of the academic staff in the School.
  • Each supervisor shall be required to compile and submit at least one progress report of the candidate’s work each semester.  The report shall be submitted to the Director, School of Economics with a copy to the Director, Board of Postgraduate Studies for appropriate action.
  • Candidates shall be required to present one seminar paper each semester.
  • The candidate shall write and submit for examination a Thesis compiled from the research work carried out under the direction of not less than two supervisors.
  • The format of the Thesis shall be as prescribed in the common regulations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in all Faculties of the University.
  • The thesis is equivalent to 12 core units or 2 academic years of coursework.

The common regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in all the faculties of the University of Nairobi shall apply.

The following shall be eligible for admission:

  • Holders of a Master's degree in economics from the University of Nairobi.
  • Holders of a Master's degree in economics from an institution recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate as of comparable academic status.
  • Holders of qualifications deemed by the Senate of the University of Nairobi to be equivalent to (a) and (b) above 

Application Information

Step 1: Visit the application website http://application.uonbi.ac.ke

Step 2: Registration and creation of User Account - To register, you need an email address and phone number that will be validated during registration. Every applicant must create their own personal user account .

Step 3: Profile Management - Key-in your personal details and upload scanned copies of academic certificates and a passport size photograph. Only when your profile is complete can you apply for the programme you wish to undertake.

Step 4: Programme Selection - Select and apply for the course you are interested in. You will be issued with a REFERENCE NUMBER and directed to pay the prescribed application fee through the following Available Payment options:

  • Credit/Debit Card
  • M-Pesa Pay Bill
  • Direct Cash Deposit at any Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) branch

Upon payment, you will receive a confirmation of the payment on the email address and phone number registered in step 2.

Step 5: Application Tracking - Track the status of your application online through the system.  Alerts will be sent to your registered email address and phone number

Attachment Opportunities

Students may apply for attachment opportunities during the long holidays (May-August) every year. They get the opportunities to expand their economic knowledge and gain professional experience. There are many different types of economics attachments based on various types of work. The key areas: Mathematics and statistics; Research; Communication; Data analysis; Technology; and Business. The attachments opportunities are available in private and public sectors of the economy.

Economics Career paths

Career Prospects                                                                   Prospective Employers

1)      Professional Economists                                                         Private Sector

2)      Planning Officers                                                                    Public Sector

3)      Economic Attachee                                                                 Parastatals

4)      Statisticians/Econometrician                                                   NGOs

5)      Multilateral/bilateral Trade Negotiators                                 International Institutions

Research Institutions

During their study period, Development Studies students are actively engaged as research assistants in research projects. This gives them a chance to build their development research skills.  Also, as the projects are implemented collaboratively with industry partners, students get opportunities to build contacts with potential future employers.

Our graduates go on to work in the private sector, civil society organisations and public sectors in Kenya and beyond. They are working to address emerging issues that have implications for development in various capacities including:

1.      Monitoring & Evaluation Experts

2.      Development Analysts

3.      Project Managers

4.      Business Development Experts

5.      Community Development Experts

6.      Development Researchers/Consultants

7.      Academic Professions

8.      Programme Officers in Development Projects.

Further information be obtained from;

Department of Economics and Development Studies

            University of Nairobi            

Tel. 0204913206/3238

Email: [email protected]

Website: economics.uonbi.ac.ke




PHD In Economics-X80


YEAR 1 - 6units


TUITION @57600

































YEAR 2 - 4units



































YEAR 3 - proposal and thesis





























YEAR 4 - proposal and thesis
































Grand total

























































© University of Nairobi 2024.  All rights Reserved.


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business Administration

Doctoral studies provide an opportunity for candidates with an outstanding academic background to engage in an advanced study in a specialized field of research. Candidates are expected to have intellectual curiosity, self-discipline and a high level of motivation to carry out research.

The programme provides for a wide variety of specializations in management. To prepare Doctor of  Philosophy (Ph.D.) candidates for advanced research, teaching and writing skills in their chosen area of specialization, candidates shall be required to take supporting coursework comprising six course units and lasting at least two semesters.

The Ph.D. programme seeks to orient candidates to the informed and critical application of knowledge to problems and issues concerning management disciplines and professions. The doctoral programme is intended to enhance individuals' capacity and skills for positions involving teaching, and research, in local and international institutions.

The objectives of the programme are: a) to enhance skills in the various areas of specialization; b) to provide an opportunity to the candidate to carry out and present scholarly work; and c) to carry out research in the chosen area of study and submit a Ph.D. thesis.


 Full-time and part-time programme

The teaching of the degree programme shall extend over a minimum of 8 semesters and a maximum period of 16 semesters.

   Each semester shall consist of 15 weeks inclusive of teaching and examinations

     Each course unit in the programme has a loading of a minimum of 45 hours

 Open, Distance and e-Learning

   This Module is offered off-campus using multimedia approach in distance education.

   The main media of instruction will be print and electronic study materials.

  • The study materials shall be self-instructional.
  • There will be use of limited face-to-face contact during the residential sessions.

Face-to-face delivery mode shall not exceed one third of the instructional time.

  • Counseling and guidance shall be provided using multi-media approach.
  • The module will run for a minimum of eight semesters of 24 weeks each and a maximum of 24 semesters from the date of registration.
  • The minimum semester load shall be two course units and the maximum shall be six course units.
  • Each course unit in the programme has a loading of a minimum of 45 hours.

The doctoral programme shall last for a minimum period of seven (7) semesters and a maximum of fifteen (15) semesters.

Course outline

Candidates will be required to take three (3) core and three (3) specialization courses as indicated below.

Thematic Areas of Specialization

Accounting • Banking • Finance • Global Management • Human Resources Management • Strategic Information Systems

• Marketing • Operations Management • Organizational Theory and Behaviour • Strategic Management • Entrepreneurship and Small business Development

The following shall be eligible for admission:

A holder of a Master of Business Administration(MBA) from the UoN or any other recognized university

A holder of Masters degree from the UoN in areas of specialization relevant to the disciplines in faculty of commerce or any other institution recognized by senate.

a) A holder of a Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree from the University of Nairobi or any other institution recognized by the senate. b) A holder of a Masters degree from the University of Nairobi in areas of specialization relevant to the disciplines in the School of Business or any other institutions recognized by Senate.

Registration as a Doctoral student

a)For the purposes of eligibility for registration in the programme, an applicant who qualifies for admission into the course work phase shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirement spelt out in paragraph 4 of the common regulations for the degree of doctor of philosophy.

(b) A successful applicant shall register as a doctoral studentand take the required coursework. This student registration shall be for a minimum of three semesters and a maximum of seven semesters. The student shall be required to complete the coursework phase and develop an acceptable Research Proposal before being  enrolled as a doctoral candidate.

Enrolment as a Doctoral Candidate

A student shall enroll as a doctoral candidate after fulfilling the following requirements in his/her respective departments of specialization: (a) successful completion of all the common and specialization courses. (b) presentation of an acceptable Thesis Research Proposal.

Thesis Research A candidate shall carry out supervised Thesis Research in his/her chosen area of study, for a minimum period of four semesters,culminating in a Doctoral Thesis.

Extension of Registration An extension of the registration period may be granted by Senate subject to satisfactory reasons being presented by the candidate.

TUITION                                                                       72,000.00

EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                           1,000.00

LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                                                5,000.00

MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                                       6,500.00

ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                                    7,000.00

REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)               2,250.00

CAUTION - (ONCE)                                                    5,000.00

ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                                              1,000.00

ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                                             2,000.00

THESIS EXAMINATION                                             50,000.00

Tuition/Supervision fees after course work p.a.     288,000.00

total units=6

1 unit                                      101,750.00

 2 units                                   174,750.00

 3 units                                   247,750.00

 Semester totals 

1  unit                                      75,250.00

 2 units                                   148,250.00

 3 units                                   221,250.00

1 unit                                      96,750.00

 2 units                                   169,750.00

 3 units                                   242,750.00


Bank Account to Deposit:

ABSA Bank of Kenya

Branch-ABSA Towers

A/C Name: UON Module II  Fee Collection Account

A/C. No.:     2032771362

For more information visit faculty site  here  or

Apply now prompt

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Fees charged

  • PhD Course Application Fees - Ksh. 4,000
  • Fellowship Course Application Fees - Ksh. 3,000
  • Masters Degree Course Application Fees - Ksh. 3,000
  • Posgraduate Diploma Degree Course Application Fees - Ksh. 3,000
  • Bachelors Degree Course Application Fees - Ksh. 3,000
  • Diploma Course Application Fees - Ksh.3,000
  • Certificate Course Application Fees - Ksh. 1,000
  • Undergraduate and Postgraduate Inter-Faculty Transfer Fees - Ksh. 1,000
  • Postgraduate Extension Fees per Year - Ksh. 10,000
  • Postgraduate Temporary Withdrawal per Semester - Ksh. 2,250

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Philosophy of the program

The pogramme has been prepared collaboratively between the University of Nairobi and four other Universities in Africa namely, Ibadan, Botswana, Pretoria, and Ghana in partnership with Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR). 

Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy programme is expected to innovatively enhance interdisciplinary grounding in the practice of public policy and to deepen research competencies in the discipline. The programme also imparts knowledge and skills in communication and scholarly publishing as well as leadership in pedagogical practice for next generation academics, researchers and policy practitioners to enable them contribute to national, regional and global development.

Rationale of the program

There is great need for adequately prepared cadre of faculty and research leaders with competencies in research and public policy across various disciplines to contribute to the formulation of policies that catalyse economic development and social transformation.

A doctoral degree in public policy will facilitate the development of cross cutting competencies that enhance the capacity of graduates to address development challenges through the formulation, implementation and analysis of public policies.



Admission Requirements 

  • The Common regulations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in all the faculties of the University of Nairobi shall apply.
  • The following shall be eligible for admission
  • A holder of a Masters degree in any academic discipline from the University of Nairobi or any other institution recognized by the University of Nairobi  senate.
  • In either case, the applicant must be able to produce evidence, to the satisfaction of Senate, of his/her relevant disciplinary background and capacity to carry out original research (concept paper).
  • In addition to producing evidence of eligibility for registration, applicants for the Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy degree shall be required to appear for interview by the department to determine their suitability and ranking for scholarship.

Schedule of intake: September (annually)

Duration : 3 years

Mode of Delivery: Evening - Blended (Virtual & physical)

Contact of support person: [email protected] &  020-491-8224

Attachment opportunities : Both Private and Public sectors

Career prospects/opportunities : Both Private and Public sectors

Notable alumni :

  • Prof. Peter Anyang Nyong’o
  • Prof. Peter Wanyande
  • Prof. Philip Nying’uro
  • Ms. Charles Owino Maj.
  • General Martin Kizito Ong’oyi
  • Dr. Solomon Owuoche
  • Prof. Fred Jonyo
  • Prof. Adams Oloo
  • Dr. Henry Amadi
  • Mr. Benson Ogutu
  • Mr. John Mutega
  • Dr. Jonathan Londomponi
  • Mr. Davis Chelogoi
  • Ms. Dorris Chepkoech
TUITION 80,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @4000) 4,000.00
CAUTION - (ONCE) 10,000.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR) 1,000.00
Thesis/tuition per year 240,000.00
Year 1 - 7 units  
Tuition fees 588,000.00
other charges 37,000.00
Totals 625,000.00
Year 2 - Thesis  
Thesis/tuition 240,000.00
Others charges 27,000.00
Totals 267,000.00
Year 3 - Thesis  
Thesis/tuition 240,000.00
Others charges 27,000.00
Thesis examinations 50,000.00
Totals 317,000.00
Grand totals 1,209,000.00
Additional charges  
Seminars & workshop/ year (optional) 200,000/yr
1 public policy summer school 2 & 3 years( optional) 300,000/yr
1 international public policy conference 2 & 3( optional) 600,000/yr

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PhD in Project Planning and Management

Rationale for the programme:

The Doctoral Studies Programme aims to provide an opportunity to candidates with outstanding academic background to engage in advanced research studies in the field of project planning and management. Candidates are expected to have intellectual curiosity, self- discipline and a high level of motivation to be able to carry out research in their various areas of specialization and make a significant contribution to knowledge.

The programme has four areas of specialization namely: Project Design, Planning and Implementation; Project Monitoring and Evaluation; Project Management Information Systems and Project Financing. Candidates shall be required to take supporting coursework comprising six units.

To prepare Doctor of philosophy (PhD) candidates for advanced research and writing skills in their chosen area of specialization, candidates shall be required to take supporting coursework comprising seven course units to be done in a minimum of three semesters and a maximum of seven semesters

The PhD programme seeks to orient candidates to the informed and critical application of knowledge to problems and issues concerning project planning and management as a discipline and profession. The Doctoral programme is intended to enhance individual’s capacity and skills for positions involving teaching, consultancy and research in local and international institutions.


  • The school has been offering a Postgraduate Diploma and a Masters in Project Planning and Management. The PhD programme, therefore, will provide an opportunity to graduates who wish to obtain a higher degree in the same field.
  • Presently, the School has graduated three cohorts at the Masters level, many of whom are demanding for the PhD programme.
  • The PhD programme is expected to provide positive growth to the school in line with the University mission of being a leading center of learning, scholarship, and professional development, extending frontiers of knowledge through research and creative works
  • The School has gradually expanded in terms of capacity and currently the school has 15 Lecturers with PhD degrees who are actively involved in the implementation of the School’s programmes.    

Objectives of the Programme

The objectives of the programme are to:

  • Enhance skills in the various areas of specialization in project management;
  • Provide an opportunity to candidates to carry out and present scholarly work;
  • Carry out research in the chosen area of study and submit a PhD thesis
  • Encourage application of creativity and critical thinking toward problem solving.
  • To inculcate desirable values for responsible citizenship and good corporate management

2. Regulations:

   Common Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the University of

   Nairobi shall be applicable.

This programme is offered by the School of Continuing and Distance Education on evening and ODeL mode

September, May and January every year


  • Log on to the University of Nairobi Website application link www.application.uonbi.ac.ke .
  • Type and enter or click on the slot written REGISTER to register your email with the University online application system and proceed.
  • Select  the School  as School of Open &Distance Learning   and the  mode of study as ‘ distance learning’

           Application Fee

  • Application fee is Ksh. 3,000/- and is non-refundable .  Its payable at the last step of the online application  vie  Mpesa Paybill number or deposit to KCB account or credit card or

Semester 1: 2 units; 1 Core and one Specialization 

Semester 2: 2 units; 1 Core and one Specialization 

Semester 3: 2 units; 1 Core and one Specialization 

Year 2 & 3

Areas of specializations:

1. Project monitoring and evaluations

2. Project Finance

3. Project Planning Design and Implementation

4. Project Management Information system

Total Number of units - 6 and a thesis

  •  A holder of Master of Arts Degree in Project Planning and Management from the University of Nairobi or any other institution recognized by the Senate.
  • A holder of a Master of Business Administration from any institution recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate in areas of specialization relevant to the discipline in the programme.
  • A holder of a Master Degree from the University of Nairobi or any other institution recognized by University of Nairobi Senate in areas of specialization relevant to the programme.

Project Design,

Planning and Implementation;

Project Monitoring and Evaluation;

Project Management Information Systems and

Project Financing

   SEM 1 - 2units   SEM 2-2units   SEM 3 - 2units   Year 2 - thesis   Year 3 - thesis   TOTALS 
TUITION              108,000.00                108,000.00             108,000.00               324,000.00              324,000.00                   972,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                   2,000.00                     2,000.00                  2,000.00                                 -                                  -                          6,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                   5,000.00                                 -                      5,000.00 5000                     15,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                   6,500.00                                 -                      6,500.00                   6,500.00                     19,500.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                   7,000.00                                 -                      7,000.00                   7,000.00                     21,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)                   2,250.00                     2,250.00                  2,250.00                    4,500.00                   4,500.00                     15,750.00
CAUTION - (ONCE)                   5,000.00                                     -                                  -                          5,000.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                   1,000.00                                 -                      1,000.00                   1,000.00                        3,000.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                   2,000.00                                 -                      2,000.00                   2,000.00                        6,000.00
THESIS EXAMINATION                                -                                   -                                   -                  50,000.00                     50,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)                   1,000.00                                 -                      1,000.00                   1,000.00                        3,000.00
Grand totals   139,750.00     112,250.00   112,250.00    351,000.00   401,000.00   1,116,250.00

Examination Regulations:

1. All Doctoral students shall be required to take examinations in three (3) common courses and three (3) specialization courses and pass all the six papers before they are allowed to proceed to the second part of the programme.

2.  Continuous assessment shall consist of class presentations, seminar papers, assignments and tests.

3.  A student shall be required to do course work and sit for end of semester examinations.

4. Each taught course shall be examined through a 3 hour written examination paper at the end of the semester in which it is taken.

5.  The pass mark for each course shall be fifty percent (50%).

6.  The final examination shall account for fifty percent  (  50% ) of the marks in each course, while continuous assessment shall account for the remaining fifty percent   (50%) ​​​​​​​

7. A student who fails in any course shall be allowed up to a maximum of two re-sits taken at the semester examinations.

​​​​​​​8.  A student who fails to satisfy the examiners in the second re-sit in any courses shall, on the recommendation of the School Board of Examiners and approval by Senate may be discontinued.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration (PhD)

Doctoral studies provide an opportunity for candidates with an outstanding academic background to engage in an advanced study in a specialized field of research. Candidates are expected to have intellectual curiosity, self-discipline and a high level of motivation to carry out research.

The programme provides for a wide variety of specializations in management. To prepare Doctor of  Philosophy (Ph.D.) candidates for advanced research, teaching and writing skills in their chosen area of specialization, candidates shall be required to take supporting coursework comprising six course units and lasting at least two semesters.

The Ph.D. programme seeks to orient candidates to the informed and critical application of knowledge to problems and issues concerning management disciplines and professions. The doctoral programme is intended to enhance individuals' capacity and skills for positions involving teaching, and research, in local and international institutions.

The objectives of the programme are: a) to enhance skills in the various areas of specialization; b) to provide an opportunity to the candidate to carry out and present scholarly work; and c) to carry out research in the chosen area of study and submit a Ph.D. thesis.

The doctoral programme shall last for a minimum period of seven (7) semesters and a maximum of fifteen (15) semesters.

The following shall be eligible for admission:

A holder of a Master of Business Administration(MBA) from the UoN or any other recognized university

A holder of Masters degree from the UoN in areas of specialization relevant to the disciplines in faculty of commerce or any other institution recognized by senate.

a) A holder of a Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree from the University of Nairobi or any other institution recognized by the senate. b) A holder of a Masters degree from the University of Nairobi in areas of specialization relevant to the disciplines in the School of Business or any other institutions recognized by Senate.

Registration as a Doctoral student

a)For the purposes of eligibility for registration in the programme, an applicant who qualifies for admission into the course work phase shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirement spelt out in paragraph 4 of the common regulations for the degree of doctor of philosophy.

(b) A successful applicant shall register as a doctoral studentand take the required coursework. This student registration shall be for a minimum of three semesters and a maximum of seven semesters. The student shall be required to complete the coursework phase and develop an acceptable Research Proposal before being  enrolled as a doctoral candidate.

Enrolment as a Doctoral Candidate

A student shall enroll as a doctoral candidate after fulfilling the following requirements in his/her respective departments of specialization: (a) successful completion of all the common and specialization courses. (b) presentation of an acceptable Thesis Research Proposal.

Thesis Research A candidate shall carry out supervised Thesis Research in his/her chosen area of study, for a minimum period of four semesters,culminating in a Doctoral Thesis.

Extension of Registration An extension of the registration period may be granted by Senate subject to satisfactory reasons being presented by the candidate.

Course outline

Candidates will be required to take three (3) core and three (3) specialization courses as indicated below.

Thematic Areas of Specialization

Accounting • Banking • Finance • Global Management • Human Resources Management • Strategic Information Systems

• Marketing • Operations Management • Organizational Theory and Behaviour • Strategic Management • Entrepreneurship and Small business Development

TUITION                                                                       72,000.00

EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                           1,000.00

LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                                                5,000.00

MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                                       6,500.00

ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                                    7,000.00

REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)               2,250.00

CAUTION - (ONCE)                                                    5,000.00

ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                                              1,000.00

ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                                             2,000.00

THESIS EXAMINATION                                             50,000.00

Tuition/Supervision fees after course work p.a.     288,000.00

total units=6

1 unit                                       101,750.00

 2 units                                    174,750.00

 3 units                                    247,750.00

 Semester totals 

1  unit                                       75,250.00

 2 units                                    148,250.00

 3 units                                    221,250.00

1 unit                                       96,750.00

 2 units                                    169,750.00

 3 units                                    242,750.00


Bank Account to Deposit:

ABSA Bank of Kenya

Branch-ABSA Towers

A/C Name: UON Module II  Fee Collection Account

A/C. No.:    2032771362

Examinations Regulations

Written Examinations

All candidates shall be required to take examinations in the three common courses and three specialization courses and pass all the six papers before they are allowed to proceed to the second part of the programme.

 Continuous assessment shall consist of class presentations, seminar papers, assignments and tests.

 Each taught course except independent study paper shall be examined through a 3X hour written examination paper at the end of the semester in which it is taken. Independent study paper shall be marked out of 100%. There shall be no coursework component.

The pass mark for each course shall be fifty percent (50%)

The final examination shall account for fifty percent (50%) of the marks in each course, while continuous assessment shall account for the remaining fifty percent (50%).

 A candidate who fails in any course shall be allowed upto a maximum of two resits taken at the next semester examinations.

 A candidate who fails to satisfy the examiners in the second resit in any courses shall, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Examiners and approval by Senate, be discontinued.

Rules Governing the Research Programme

A candidate shall be allowed to present for approval, a research proposal in a Faculty seminar only after successfully completing all the six courses in the programme.

A candidate shall be required to present a seminar(s) of their research work.

 A candidate shall write and submit for examination a thesis compiled from the research work carried out under supervision as prescribed in the common regulations for the degree of the Doctor of Philosophy in all Faculties.

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Pursue your doctorate degree at a flexible pace. The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences offers a variety of high quality PhD programmes taught by experienced faculty.

From the list of departments below, you can choose a doctoral program that’s well designed to promote your professional excellence.


Doctor of Philosophy in Gender and Development Studies

Doctor of Philosophy in African Women Studies  

Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology

Economics and Development Studies

Doctor of Philosophy in Economics

Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies

J ournalism and M ass C ommunication

Ph.D in Communication and Information Science

Sociology, Social work and African Women Studies 

 PhD in African Women Studies

Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology 

Library And Information Science

Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science


Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics and Languages

Doctor of Philosophy in Translation

Doctor of Philosophy in Interpretation

Doctor of Philosophy in Literature

Doctor of Philosophy in Kiswahili Studies


Doctor of Philosophy in History


Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies

Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy


Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science and Public Administration

Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy


Doctor of Philosophy International Studies

Requirements for Applications

Phd by course work, examination and thesis .

  • KCSE/0-Level Certificate
  • Certified copies of undergraduate degree certificate and transcripts
  • Applicants with KCSE C (plain) to attach certified copy of diploma from KNEC in addition to those stated in 1 & 2
  • Applicants with KCSE C- (minus) to attach certified copies of a certificate and a diploma from KNEC in addition to those stated in 1 & 2
  • Certified copies of masters degree certificate and transcripts

PHD by Thesis Only

  • PhD Proposal

To apply please CLICK HERE

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The fees you will pay for your postgraduate study at the college depends on the type of degree you're studying for and whether you are a Kenyan citizen or international student.

Application Fees

Applications fees is Kshs 3000 or US$ 50 for foreign students. For Application procedures and bank accounts please Click here  

Detailed Fees Structure

For a detailed fees structure for all courses Click Here

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               U NDERGRADUATE                                          MASTERS                                                        PhD

Fees & Funding

Students must take note of the following when making payments:

  •  All fees and other charges are payable before the commencement of the semester/year as per the respective fees structure.
  •  No student shall be allowed into lectures, examinations rooms or participate in any activities where the fee for the semester/ year is not fully paid.

The revenue accounts:



UON Module 1 Collection Account





UON Module 11 Collection Account













Please note: The University of Nairobi does not accept personal cheques or cash payments.


Bank Title:  

Account Number:  


Bank branch: 

M-Pesa Pay Bill;

 (  for new student)

When paying fees at the bank new students   quote “Our Ref. number” on the offer letter and continuing students   quote the registration number.

International students  paying in United States Dollars(USD) shall make  payment in the following account details electronically or direct deposit:


Bank Name: 

Account Number: 

Bank branch: 

Bank code: 

Branch code:

Swift code: 


  • All cash deposits to our bank account will reflect on the students’ fees statements after 48 hours of deposit done. The updated students’ fees statement will be viewed by the students on the students’ portal online portal ( http://smis.uonbi.ac.ke/ ).
  • For any payment that shall not reflect within 48hrs, scan the banking slip or  the Mpesa message and send  to  [email protected]  or  [email protected][email protected][email protected]  for further action.
  • Payments by electronic transfers should be supported by credit advice from the remitting bank. The credit advice should be emailed to  [email protected]  or  [email protected][email protected][email protected]  for verification and facilitate receipting.
  • New students shall get their Students Registration number allocated upon payment of Semester fees as per the respective fee structure by logging into the students’ online portal ( http://smis.uonbi.ac.ke/ ) and entering the Application Ref. number as it appears in the offer letter on the bottom of the portal home page as advised.
  • Ensure that the correct amount is paid for the courses/units you intend to register during the semester. No student shall be able to confirm courses/units not paid for. Any credit balance accruing during the semester/year of study shall be carried forward.
  • Funds from sponsors such as Higher Education loans Board (HELB, National Government constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF), County Government Bursaries and others, shall  be updated to the student account upon the receipt of the payment and beneficiaries schedules.
  • For any further information or queries regarding fees payments contact the Students Finance Office on  020-491-3180 ,  020-491-3174 ,  020-491-3134 , or by email through  [email protected]  or  [email protected][email protected][email protected]  .

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University of Nairobi (UON) masters fee structure for 2024/2025

The University of Nairobi (UON) is a leading institution of higher learning in Kenya. It is a research-intensive university with a reputation for excellence and a strong and vibrant research culture. The institution offers over a hundred master's programmes. Find out the UON master's fee structure today.

The UON logo and members of staff in academic dresses


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Many prospective students want to find details of the latest UON master's fee structure. The institution is famed for offering high-quality education, and many international and local students wish to pursue their postgraduate courses at UON. Find out more details now.

UON master's fee structure: all you need to know

The UON fee structure for the master's level of learning is not standard for all courses . The university offers over a hundred master-level programmes with different fee structures.

This means that the fee for a Master of Science in Dentistry is different from that of a Master of Business Administration. For most courses, the fee ranges from KES 279,000 to KES 2,755,000.

university of nairobi phd fees structure

UK School Invites MSc Students to Apply KSh 5.5m Scholarship: "KSh 500k for Flight"

If you look at Nairobi University master's courses and fees, you will realise the institution charges fees per unit.

Prospective master-level students are advised to go through the UON website and open the details attached to their course of interest. This way, they will be able to get an overview of the semester or annual fee they should anticipate to pay.

UON master's programmes

Master-level courses at the university are offered by different faculties, as explored below.

  • Master of Science in Animal Nutrition and Feed Science
  • Master of Science in Animal Genetics and Breeding
  • Master of Science in Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Diagnosis
  • Master of Science in Comparative Animal Physiology
  • Master of Science in Livestock Production Systems
  • Master of Science in Natural Products and Bioprospecting
  • Master of Science in Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • Master of Science in One Health and Emergency Research Ethics
  • Master of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics
  • Master of Veterinary Medicine
  • Master of Veterinary Public Health
  • Master of Veterinary Surgery (MvetSURG)
  • Master of Veterinary Theriogenology (MvetTHERIO)
  • Master of Science in Veterinary Anatomy and Cell Biology
  • Master of Science in Veterinary Pathology, Microbiology and Parasitology
  • Master of Science in Wildlife Health and Management

university of nairobi phd fees structure

Italy fines Amazon over 'recurring' purchase option

A woman in a white sweater is using a laptop at home, next to a book

  • Master of Science in Chemistry
  • Master of Science in Industrial Chemistry
  • Master of Science in Environmental Chemistry
  • Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry
  • Master of Science in Physics
  • Masters of Science in Biological Sciences
  • Master of Science in Mathematics
  • Master of Science in Actuarial Science
  • Master of Science in Information Systems
  • Master of Science in Computer Science
  • Master of Science in Biochemistry
  • Master of Science in Biotechnology
  • Master of Science in Bioinformatics
  • Master of Arts In Geography And Environmental Studies
  • Master of Science in Environmental Governance
  • Master of Science in Climate Change
  • Master of Science in Geology
  • Master of Science in Meteorology
  • Master of Science in Geography And Environmental Studies
  • Master of Arts in Translation
  • Master of Arts in Literature
  • Master of Arts in Linguistics
  • Master of Arts in Kiswahili Studies
  • Master of Arts in Interpretation
  • Master of Arts in German Studies
  • Master of Arts in Armed Conflict And Peace Studies
  • Master of Arts in History
  • Master of Arts in Philosophy
  • Master of Arts in Religious Studies
  • Master of Arts in Human Rights
  • Master of Arts Population
  • Master of Development Studies
  • Master of Science in Population Studies
  • Master of Arts in Monitoring and Evaluation of Population and Development Programmes
  • Master of Science in Health Economics and Policy
  • Master of Arts in Economic Policy Management
  • Master of Library and Information Science

university of nairobi phd fees structure

Malaysian airline mogul Fernandes delays retirement

  • Master of Laws
  • Master of Arts in Environmental Law
  • Master of Arts in Environmental Policy
  • Master of Science in Agricultural Information and Communication Management
  • Master of Science in Agronomy
  • Master of Science in Applied Human Nutrition
  • Master of Science in Crop Protection
  • Master of Science in Horticulture
  • Master of Science in Food Safety and Quality
  • Master of Science in Food Science and Technology
  • Master of Science in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology
  • Master of Science in Plant Pathology
  • Master of Science in Land and Water Management
  • Master of Science in Range Management
  • Master of Science (Agricultural and Applied Economics)

A serious man in a purple outfit is using a laptop by the window

  • Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Science in Finance and Accounting
  • Master of Science in Human Resource Management
  • Master of Science in Marketing
  • Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Innovations Management
  • Master of Arts in Project Planning and Management
  • Master of Arts in Economics
  • Master of Science in Supply Chain Management
  • Master of Science in Operations and Technology Management

university of nairobi phd fees structure

French police union threatens to disrupt Olympics relay

  • Master of Education
  • Master in Distance Education
  • Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering
  • Master of Science in Nuclear Science and Technology
  • Master of Science in Geographic Information Systems
  • Master of Science in Energy Management
  • Master of Science in Environmental and Biosystems Engineering
  • Master of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Master of Science in Civil Engineering
  • Master of Architecture
  • Master of Urban Management
  • Master of Arts Construction Management
  • Master of Arts in Valuation and Property Management
  • Masters of Arts in Planning
  • Master of Medicine in Neurosurgery
  • Master of Medicine in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
  • Master of Medicine in Paediatric Surgery
  • Master of Medicine in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Master of Medicine in Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery
  • Master of Medicine in Urology
  • Master of Medicine in General Surgery
  • Master of Medicine in Ophthalmology
  • Master of Medicine in Anaesthesia
  • Master of Medicine in Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Master of Public Health
  • Master of Science in Nursing
  • Master of Pharmacy in Pharmaceutical Analysis
  • Master of Pharmacy in Industrial Pharmacy
  • Master of Pharmacy in Clinical Pharmacy
  • Master of Pharmacy in Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance
  • Master of Science in Molecular Pharmacology

university of nairobi phd fees structure

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A man in a blue sweater is browsing on the laptop during a class

Applicants for master-level programmes should meet the entry requirements listed below.

  • A minimum of upper second class honours degree in the relevant discipline from the University of Nairobi or equivalent qualification from institutions recognised by senate.
  • Persons with lower qualifications but with postgraduate diplomas after Bachelors' degrees are also considered for admission.
  • KCSE/O-Level certificate.
  • Certified copies of undergraduate degree certificate and transcripts.
  • Applicants with KCSE C (plain) to attach certified copy of diploma from KNEC
  • Applicants with KCSE C- (minus) to attach certified copies of a certificate and a diploma.

The University of Nairobi uses an online application system for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Follow the steps below to make your application .

  • Visit the University of Nairobi's online application portal .
  • If you are applying for the first time, create a personal profile by clicking Register .
  • Proceed to fill out all the required information. All details marked with a red asterisk are mandatory.
  • An email will be sent to you. Login into your email account and activate your account together with your username and password.
  • Once activated log into your account using your registered email and password and proceed with the application process.
  • Complete all the six steps from primary information to programme application.
  • Click Next to head to the payment page.
  • Pay the required application fee. The system supports online payment using Master and Visa cards, M-Pesa, and payments through the bank.
  • Once done submit your application.

university of nairobi phd fees structure

New US home sales pick up in March

NB: The application fees is KES 3,000 for locals and $50 for foreigners.

Every year, the university offers scholarships to deserving applicants. If you are interested in securing a scholarship, you are encouraged to visit the UON website frequently for related announcements.

The cost of pursuing master-level education in the country varies depending on the institution and the course you wish to pursue.

The University of Nairobi was ranked in the 1201-1500 category by Times Higher Education's World University Ranking 2024.

Tuition fees at UON are equal for locals and foreigners and start from about $1,105 per year.

Prospective students looking for UON master's fee structure should visit the institution's website. The university offers multiple master's programmes in various fields.

university of nairobi phd fees structure

Malaysia to build massive chip design park: PM

Tuko.co.ke recently published a list of all Kibabii University College courses , the fee structure, and application details. Kibabii University College aims to be a global institution of excellence in innovation, technology, and science .

The institution focuses on providing quality teaching, research, outreach, and training programs. Since its inception as a teachers' training college, the institution has operated under the motto Knowledge for Development .

Source: TUKO.co.ke

Ryan Mutuku (Lifestyle writer) Ryan Mutuku is an editor with over 4 years of working in digital media for Tuko.co.ke, Yen.com.gh, and iWriter. He is an alumnus of the Faculty of Media and Communications at Multimedia University (2019). Ryan mostly focuses on the entertainment and technology niches. He won the Best Writer award in 2022 (Tuko.co.ke). In 2023, Ryan finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. Email: [email protected]

Cyprine Apindi (Lifestyle writer) Cyprine Apindi is a content creator and educator with over 4 years of experience. She holds a Diploma in Mass Communication and a Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Kenyatta University. Cyprine joined Tuko.co.ke in mid-2021, covering multiple topics, including finance, entertainment, sports, and lifestyle. In 2023, Cyprine finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. Email: [email protected]

Faculty of Agriculture

  • Agricultural Economics
  • Food Science, Nutrition & Technology
  • Land Resource Management & Agricultural Technology
  • Plant Science & Crop Protection

Faculty of Built Environment

  • Art and Design
  • Architecture
  • Real Estate, Construction Management & Quantity Surveying
  • Urban and Regional Planning


  • Business Administration
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Management Science and Project Planning


  • Educational Management, Policy and Curriculum Studies
  • Educational Communication and Pedagogical Studies
  • Physical Education and Sport
  • Educational Foundations
  • Educational and Distance Studies


  • Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Civil and Construction Engineering
  • Electrical and Information Engineering
  • Environmental and Biosystems Engineering
  • Geospatial and Space Technology.


  • Anthropology, Gender and African Studies
  • Diplomacy and International Studies
  • Economics and Development Studies
  • Geography, Population and Environmental Studies
  • History and Archaeology
  • Journalism and Mass Communication
  • Library and Information Science
  • Linguistics and Languages
  • Philosophy and Religious Studies
  • Political Science and Public Administration
  • Sociology, Social Work and African Women Studies


  • Dental sciences
  • Nursing Sciences
  • Public and Global Health
  • Human Anatomy & Physiology
  • Clinical Medicine & Therapeutics
  • Paediatrics and Child Health
  • Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Human Pathology
  • Diagnostic Imaging & Radiation Medicine
  • Medical Microbiology and Immunology
  • Ophthalmology


  • Computing and Informatics
  • Mathematics
  • Earth & Climate Science
  • Biochemistry


  • Public Health,Pharmacology & Toxicology
  • Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology
  • Animal Production
  • Clinical Studies
  • Veterinary Pathology, Microbiology & Parasitology


  • Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies
  • Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology
  • The Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation
  • Kenya Aids Vaccine Institute
  • Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies
  • Institute of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies
  • Institute of Tropical & Infectious Diseases
  • East African Kidney Institute
  • Population Studies and Research Institute
  • Institute for Development Studies
  • Confucius institute


  • African Women's Studies Centre
  • Center for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis (CEMA)
  • Centre For Biotechnology & Bioinformatics
  • Centre for Advanced Studies in Environmental Law & Policy
  • Centre for Translation and Interpretation
  • Virtual Tour
  • Data Privacy


Academic (Tuition) Fees

This is fees that the student pays to be taught. The charges are specific to academic programmes. They items paid for include:

  • Tuition Fees
  • Project/Thesis Supervision
  • Clinical teaching
  • Teaching Practice
  •  Industrial Visits/Supervision
  •  Workshops and Projects Design, Project for Engineering students and any other instructional activities approved by Senate



  1. Fees for Higher Doctorate Degrees

    Contact. Higher Doctorate Degrees are done by publication and thesis, are not supervised and the applicant does NOT receive any tuition. Consequently it does NOT attract academic fees. Charges for Higher Doctorate Degrees SN ITEM AMOUNT (KES) Registration 5,000 ICT Services 15,000 Identity Card 1,000 Library Resources 10,000 Examination Fees ...

  2. PDF University of Nairobi

    i uon, fees payment :\~ university of nairobi handbook of fees payment (policy, schedules, guidelines & procedures) ... h805-phd in clinical 756,000 clinical psychology ii. dentistry-pre-dental sciences 3. v91-phd in dental surgery 756,000 clinical and clinical iii.

  3. Higher Doctorate Degrees

    To date, the University of Nairobi has awarded 5 Higher Doctorate Degrees. Friday, December 20, 2019. Prof. Annie Patricia Kameri- Mbote. Doctor of Laws Thesis of the University of Nairobi. September 14, 2018. Prof. Julius A Ogeng'o BSc, MBCHB, PhD, MD, Degree Of Doctor Of Science of the University Of Nairobi. September 4, 2015.


    Department of Economics and Development Studies, University of Nairobi has ONE intake in a year. September Intake (Every Year) For any assistance and clarification please contact any of the following: Academic Revenue Office. Tel:+254 20 491 3138. (For all courses) 020 491 0000. Email:[email protected].

  5. Post Graduate Fees and Funding

    63rd Graduation Ceremony. 65th Graduation Ceremony. A-Z Index. The fees you will pay for your postgraduate study at the Faculty depends on the type of degree you're studying for and whether you are a Kenyan citizen or international student.

  6. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business Administration

    Directorate of University Advancement and Institutional Development. Office of the Vice Chancellor. University of Nairobi Towers, 14th Floor. University of Nairobi. P.O. BOX 30197 - 00100, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: +254 (0) 20 491 3041 +254 (0) 20 491 3611. Email: [email protected]

  7. Fees charged

    PhD Course Application Fees - Ksh. 4,000 Fellowship Course Application Fees ... University of Nairobi, Towers 16th Floor Telephone: 020 - 4913008, 020 - 4913009. Registrar Academics Email: [email protected] University of Nairobi, Towers 13th Floor Telephone: 020 - 4913015, 020 - 4913065


    UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI GRADUATE SCHOOL Telephone: 318262 Ext. 28267 P.O. Box 30197, 00100 ... NAIROBI, KENYA E-mail: [email protected] KENYAN FEE A. COMPOSITE FEE Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 (KSHS) Registration Fee ID/Card Tuition Fees: Supervision Exam: (Written) Computer Fee


    A holder of a Masters degree in any academic discipline from the University of Nairobi or any other institution recognized by the University of Nairobi senate. ... PHD IN PUBLIC POLICY - CPA82 ... MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR) 6,500.00: ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR) 7,000.00: CAUTION - (ONCE) 10,000.00: LIBRARY (PER YEAR) 5,000.00: ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR ...

  10. PhD in Project Planning and Management

    The school has been offering a Postgraduate Diploma and a Masters in Project Planning and Management. The PhD programme, therefore, will provide an opportunity to graduates who wish to obtain a higher degree in the same field. Presently, the School has graduated three cohorts at the Masters level, many of whom are demanding for the PhD programme.

  11. Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration

    Support Staff: [email protected] | Tel: 254-20-318262 EXT. 28056. The doctoral programme shall last for a minimum period of seven (7) semesters and a maximum of fifteen (15) semesters. The following shall be eligible for admission: A holder of a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the UoN or any other recognized university.

  12. Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration (PhD)

    The doctoral programme is. intended to enhance individuals' capacity and skills for positions involving teaching, and research, in local and international institutions. thesis. The doctoral programme shall last for a minimum period of seven (7) semesters and a maximum of fifteen (15) semesters.


    Total fees for Master of Pharmacy in Clinical Pharmacy - Kshs 450,000.00 Total fees for Master of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Analysis - Kshs 450,000.00. Total fees for M.Sc in Pharmacognosy and Complementary Medicine - Kshs 450,000.00 Foreign students pay 25% more. Ph.D degrees are offered in the above disciplines.

  14. PhD Programs

    Pursue your doctorate degree at a flexible pace. The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences offers a variety of high quality PhD programmes taught by experienced faculty. From the list of departments below, you can choose a doctoral program that's well designed to promote your professional excellence.

  15. Phd

    Office of the Dean, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences. P.O.BOX 30197 -00100 NAIROBI. Tel: 0204919006 / 0204919007. Email Address : [email protected] Faculty Registrar


    UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI. TITLE: DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN LAW. COURSE DURATION: Three (3) years. SCHEDULE OF INTAKE : (Once a year) SEPTEMBER. PHILOSOPHY. This programme seeks to prepare students with the analytical and conceptual skills needed to understand the law in its social, economic, and political context.

  17. Post Graduate Fees and Funding

    The fees you will pay for your postgraduate study at the college depends on the type of degree you're studying for and whether you are a Kenyan citizen or international student. Application Fees. Applications fees is Kshs 3000 or US$ 50 for foreign students. For Application procedures and bank accounts please Click here Detailed Fees Structure

  18. PDF University of Nairobi

    The academic fees are consistent and in accordance with the University of Nairobi Statutes, 2013 [XXX; XXXII]; University Financial Regulations, 2016 (1.1 a, 7.0, 7.1; 8.0-8.5); and University of Nairobi Policy on Fees Collection, 2017 (Amended, 2021). The fees charged are aligned to the need to ensure quality and sustainability of the programmes.

  19. Fees & Funding

    Fees & Funding. Students must take note of the following when making payments: All fees and other charges are payable before the commencement of the semester/year as per the respective fees structure. No student shall be allowed into lectures, examinations rooms or participate in any activities where the fee for the semester/ year is not fully ...

  20. Fees

    The University of Nairobi has a non-discriminatory fees policy. International students are charged the same fees as Kenyan students. Fees are payable in US Dollars. Such fees are levied according to the programme, as shown on the respective Faculty Websites. For example, here is the fee structure for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

  21. Phd

    P. O. Box 30197 - 00100 , GPO Nairobi . Physics Department Chiromo Campus University of Nairobi Telegram : VARSITY NAIROBI Email: [email protected] Department of Physics Map

  22. University of Nairobi (UON) masters fee structure for 2024/2025

    The University of Nairobi was ranked in the 1201-1500 category by Times Higher Education's World University Ranking 2024. How much does the University of Nairobi cost for international students? Tuition fees at UON are equal for locals and foreigners and start from about $1,105 per year. Prospective students looking for UON master's fee ...

  23. Payment and fees structure for government sponsored students

    28,500.00. 26,000.00. Students must take note of the following while making payments: All fees and other charges are payable before the commencement of the academic year as per the respective fees structure. No student shall be allowed into lectures, examinations rooms or participate in any activities where fees for the year is not fully paid.

  24. Academic (Tuition) Fees

    Contact. This is fees that the student pays to be taught. The charges are specific to academic programmes. They items paid for include: Tuition Fees Laboratory Fieldwork Project/Thesis Supervision Clinical teaching Teaching Practice Practicum Industrial Visits/Supervision Workshops and Projects Design, Project for Engineering students and any ...