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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Civil War Questions

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  • South Carolina
  • Missouri Compromise
  • Kansas Nebraska Act
  • Compromise of 1850
  • Grand Compromise
  • Fire-Eaters
  • Copperheads
  • Barnburners
  • Carpetbaggers
  • Fredricksburg
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  • The Missouri Compromise
  • The Compromise of 1850
  • The Great Compromise
  • The Compromise of 1820
  • The Battle of Vicksburg
  • The Emancipation Proclamation
  • The Battle of Bull Run
  • The Fugitive Slave Act
  • Clara Barton
  • Dorothea Dix
  • Rose Greenhow
  • Julia Ward Howe
  • Fredericksburg
  • Chancellorsville
  • Fort Sumter
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Frederick Douglass

Civil war compromises, 11th -  12th  , missouri compromise, 8th -  12th  , causes of the civil war, dred scott and the slavery debate, civil war and reconstruction.


Unit 8 Causes of the Civil War

8th - 12th grade.

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As part of the Missouri Compromise, Congress banned slavery, except in Missouri, south of an imaginary line through

the nation.

the area west of the Appalachians.

the Mexican Cession.

the Louisiana Purchase.

What was an effect of the Compromise of 1850?

California became a state.

Slavery was abolished in the U.S.

Missouri became a state.

The North started growing cotton.

The importance of Uncle Tom's Cabin lies in how

fictional it was.

well-written it was.

brutal it was.

influential it was.

What was the purpose of the Compromise of 1850?

to end the forced return of runaway enslaved African Americans

to allow California to enter the Union as a free state

to expand the slave trade in Washington, D.C.

to ban the slave trade entirely

Who was required to help catch runaway slaves under the Fugitive Slave Act?

Only northern citizens

Only southern citizens

All northern and southern citizens

Only government officials

What invention made the cultivation of cotton profitable and led to the need for larger plantations with more slave laborers?

printing press

Northerners and Southerners worked together to help slaves escape. They created a series of stations that led to freedom in the North. What was this series of stations known as?

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Underground Metro

Underground Railroad

Freedman's Trail

Why did cotton planters begin to move west?

Cotton was in such demand that they needed to expand for more land.

The soil in the Atlantic South was not suited for growing cotton.

The climate was better for growing cotton in the West.

There were more enslaved African Americans in the West.

The main reason slave owners prohibited enslaved African Americans from learning to read was that

learning to read might make them feel equal to a white person.

reading might promote dissatisfaction with slave life.

education took time away from working the plantations.

knowing how to read could make escaping slavery easier.

What was an effect of the Industrial Revolution in the North?

People moved out of the cities and onto farms.

People moved off of farms and into cities.

The North developed an agricultural economy.

Americans immigrated to Ireland for better opportunities.

Why did the Abolitionist Movement lead to the Women's movement?

Both movements fought for equality.

Both movements fought for inequality.

Both movements wanted women to stay at home.

Both movements fought against immigration.

Who opposed slavery?


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Printable worksheets can be valuable tools for students learning about the American Civil War. They provide structured activities and exercises that enhance comprehension, critical thinking, and retention of historical information. Here are some ways in which our free printable worksheets can benefit students studying the Civil War.

: Our worksheets help reinforce key concepts, facts, and events related to the Civil War. They provide opportunities for students to review and practice what they've learned in class or through readings.

: These free printable worksheets often include questions or prompts that assess students' understanding of the material. They can help educators gauge whether students have grasped important historical details.

: Many of our free Civil War worksheets include critical thinking exercises, such as analyzing primary sources, evaluating the significance of events, or making connections between cause and effect. These activities encourage students to think deeply about historical contexts and consequences.

: Our Civil War worksheets feature excerpts from primary source documents, such as letters, diaries, speeches, and photographs from the Civil War era. Analyzing these sources allows students to gain insights into the perspectives of people living during that time.

: These printable Civil War worksheets often incorporate maps, which can help students understand the geographic aspects of the conflict. They may be asked to identify important battlefields, regions, or military strategies on maps.

: Timelines are commonly used in our Civil War worksheets to help students sequence and visualize the chronological order of events. This aids in understanding the progression of the war.

: Some worksheets include research-based assignments, such as asking students to investigate specific Civil War topics or figures in more depth. These projects promote independent research skills.

: Numerous worksheets include writing prompts that encourage students to express their thoughts and ideas about Civil War-related topics. This helps develop writing skills and fosters reflection.

: Our free U.S. Civil War worksheets can serve as discussion starters in the classroom. Teachers can use completed worksheets as a basis for group discussions or debates about the Civil War and its impact.

: Educators can use our worksheets as formative or summative assessments to evaluate students' knowledge and progress. Worksheets with clear objectives help align assessment with learning goals.

: Our free printable United States Civil War worksheets can be adapted to meet the needs of diverse learners. Educators can modify or provide alternative worksheets for students with varying levels of proficiency.

: These American Civil War printables can be sent home as homework assignments, allowing students to continue their learning beyond the classroom. They also provide a resource for parents to support their children's education.

: Worksheets often incorporate visuals, such as images, charts, and diagrams, which can aid visual learners in understanding historical concepts and data.

: Our well-designed worksheets can engage students by presenting information in a structured and interactive format. This can make learning about the Civil War more enjoyable and accessible.

Incorporating a variety of worksheets into the study of the American Civil War can enhance the overall learning experience. They offer students the opportunity to engage with historical content in different ways, promoting a deeper understanding of this critical period in American history.
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Unit 8 Part 2: Civil War

Quiz   by katherine osborne.

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  • Q 1 / 25 Score 0 Union fort in Charleston, SC 29 Fort Sumter

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  • Q 1 Union fort in Charleston, SC Fort Sumter 30 s
  • Q 2 Three-part Union strategy to win the Civil War Anaconda Plan 30 s
  • Q 3 First battle of the War, proved it would a long, hard war Bull Run 30 s
  • Q 4 Confederate general Stonewall Jackson 30 s
  • Q 5 Union General, later fired by Lincoln George McClellan 30 s
  • Q 6 Union General. Later president Ulysses S. Grant 30 s
  • Q 7 Union victory Shiloh 30 s
  • Q 8 Union Ironclad ship Montior 30 s
  • Q 9 Confederate Ironclad ship Merrimack 30 s
  • Q 10 leader of the Confederate army Robert E. Lee 30 s
  • Q 11 Bloodiest 24 hour battle Antietam 30 s
  • Q 12 order issued by Lincoln freeing slaves in the Confederacy and allowing black males to join Union army Emancipation Proclamation 30 s
  • Q 13 cannot be convicted of a crime without evidence and a trial Habeas Corpus 30 s
  • Q 14 being drafted into the military Conscription 30 s
  • Q 15 site of a Confederate massacre of more than 200 African American war prisoners Fort Pillow 30 s

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  2. Quiz 2: civil war Flashcards

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