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Environmental Degradation

Environmental degradation is a pressing issue that continues to threaten the health of our planet and all living beings. It refers to the deterioration of the environment through the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and the destruction of ecosystems. This degradation is primarily caused by human activities such as deforestation, industrialization, and the burning of fossil fuels. As a result, the delicate balance of the Earth's ecosystems is disrupted, leading to a wide range of negative consequences.

One of the most significant impacts of environmental degradation is climate change. The burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which trap heat and lead to global warming. This, in turn, causes extreme weather events such as hurricanes, droughts, and heatwaves. The melting of polar ice caps and glaciers also contributes to rising sea levels, threatening coastal communities and ecosystems. Additionally, deforestation and land degradation reduce the Earth's ability to absorb carbon dioxide, further exacerbating the problem.

Another consequence of environmental degradation is the loss of biodiversity. As habitats are destroyed and species are driven to extinction, the delicate web of life on Earth is disrupted. This loss of biodiversity not only affects ecosystems but also has implications for human health and well-being. Many medicines and resources are derived from plants and animals, and the loss of biodiversity could have far-reaching consequences for medical research and food security.

In order to address environmental degradation, it is essential that we take immediate action to reduce our impact on the planet. This includes transitioning to renewable energy sources, protecting and restoring ecosystems, and promoting sustainable practices in agriculture and industry. Individuals can also make a difference by reducing their carbon footprint, conserving water, and supporting conservation efforts. By working together to protect the environment, we can ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Environmental Administration, And Environmental Management

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Environmental Factors And Environmental Challenges In Ghana

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Environmental Conservation Essay: Environmental Protection And Nature Conservation

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Environmental And Environmental Issues During The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution marked a profound shift in human history, characterized by the transition from agrarian and rural societies to industrialized urban centers. This period, spanning from the late 18th to the early 19th century, brought about significant advancements in technology, production, and economic growth. However, along with these advancements came a host of environmental challenges that continue to impact the planet today. One of the most notable environmental issues during the Industrial Revolution was air pollution. The widespread adoption of coal as a primary source of energy for factories and transportation led to the release of harmful pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and particulate matter into the atmosphere. These pollutants not only contributed to poor air quality but also had detrimental effects on human health, leading to respiratory problems and increased mortality rates in industrialized regions. Another significant environmental issue was water pollution. Industrial processes such as textile manufacturing and mining resulted in the discharge of untreated wastewater containing toxic chemicals and heavy metals into rivers and streams. This pollution not only contaminated drinking water sources but also had devastating effects on aquatic ecosystems, causing declines in fish populations and biodiversity loss. Deforestation was also a prominent environmental issue during this time. The demand for timber to fuel industrial activities, build infrastructure, and clear land for agriculture led to extensive forest loss in many parts of the world. Deforestation not only contributed to habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity but also disrupted local ecosystems and contributed to soil erosion and climate change. Furthermore, the Industrial Revolution saw the emergence of unsustainable consumption patterns and resource depletion. The rapid expansion of industry and urbanization led to increased demand for natural resources such as coal, iron ore, and timber, leading to overexploitation and depletion of these finite resources. Additionally, the production of goods on a mass scale led to the generation of vast amounts of waste and pollution, further exacerbating environmental degradation. In conclusion, while the Industrial Revolution brought about unprecedented economic growth and technological progress, it also gave rise to significant environmental challenges that continue to pose threats to our planet today. Addressing these issues requires concerted efforts to transition to more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in industry, transportation, and energy production. Only by recognizing the legacy of the Industrial Revolution and its impact on the environment can we hope to build a more sustainable future for generations to come....

Environmental Factors And Causes Of Climate Change In Kenya

Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, with far-reaching consequences for the environment, human health, and global economies. While natural factors such as volcanic eruptions and solar radiation have historically influenced climate patterns, human activities have become the dominant drivers of climate change in recent centuries. Understanding the environmental factors and causes of climate change is essential for developing effective strategies to mitigate its impacts and safeguard the planet for future generations. One of the primary environmental factors contributing to climate change is the emission of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). These gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. While some greenhouse gases occur naturally, human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes have significantly increased their concentrations in the atmosphere. This enhanced greenhouse effect is the primary driver of global warming and the associated changes in climate patterns observed around the world. Deforestation is another critical environmental factor that exacerbates climate change. Trees play a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate by absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis. However, widespread deforestation, primarily for agriculture, urbanization, and timber production, has reduced the planet's forest cover, leading to increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. Additionally, deforestation disrupts local and regional climate patterns, alters precipitation levels, and contributes to habitat loss and biodiversity decline, further exacerbating the impacts of climate change. The expansion of industrial activities and the burning of fossil fuels are major contributors to air pollution and climate change. The combustion of fossil fuels releases large quantities of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, intensifying the greenhouse effect and driving global warming. In addition to CO2 emissions, industrial processes also release pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter, which can have detrimental effects on air quality, human health, and ecosystems. The resulting air pollution further exacerbates climate change by contributing to the formation of smog, acid rain, and ozone depletion, amplifying the impacts on the environment and public health. In conclusion, environmental factors such as greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and industrial activities are major contributors to climate change. Addressing these root causes requires concerted efforts at the global, national, and local levels to transition to renewable energy sources, conserve forests and other natural ecosystems, and adopt sustainable practices in agriculture, transportation, and industry. By addressing the environmental factors driving climate change, we can mitigate its impacts, protect vulnerable communities and ecosystems, and build a more sustainable and resilient future for all....

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Environmental Degradation Essay


Have you ever thought about what keeps us living in this world? Is it the air, water, food, land, plants or animals? All these living and nonliving things in the environment are what make life possible in the world. We should be grateful for many things in the environment that enable us to lead a happy life. If you are wondering how the environment balances everything perfectly, you must understand the significance of the environment and the need to control its degradation.

The environmental degradation essay in English will be helpful for students to develop an awareness of environmental degradation. Although environmental degradation is not a recent phenomenon, the continuous exploitation of nature has posed serious threats to the environment. Hence, it is necessary to be aware of the issues and implement effective ways to reduce environmental degradation.

Environmental Degradation Essay

Related essay: Essay on Environment Day

Causes of Environmental Degradation

The human population is growing at an unexpected rate, along with their needs. As human needs are mostly met by the environment, all the natural resources are getting impaired and wasted. Even though most of these resources are said to be renewable, the rising demands of humans lead to their increased use, which eventually results in the depletion of natural resources. So, overpopulation is the main cause of environmental degradation, which is discussed in this environmental degradation essay.

To make our lives comfortable, we highly depend on the environment for food, clothes and shelter. As a result, we cut down several trees to build homes and living spaces. This further affects the environment as it will lead to deforestation. As the forest area is cleared for human purposes, there will be a rise in carbon dioxide levels, which makes the environment unfit for living beings.

Pollution is yet another cause that is detailed in this environmental degradation essay in English. Pollution can happen through air, water or land. There are many industries and factories that emit pollutants into the air, water and land, thus contaminating these natural resources. Some of these pollutants are harmful to us and may cause serious health problems in the long run. By throwing away waste materials like plastics and other chemicals, we are contributing to soil pollution and threatening our lives.

Ways to Solve Environmental Degradation

As we have seen the main factors that contribute to environmental degradation, let us be familiar with how to solve them through this environmental degradation essay in English. We can save our environment if we firmly believe that future generations also need to live here. One of the most important ways to reduce environmental degradation is through reforestation. As we relentlessly cut down trees, let us pledge to plant more trees and bring back the forests. In this way, we can control the level of carbon dioxide in the air. We must also implement the 3 Rs in our lives by reducing, recycling and reusing materials. Along with taking several innovative measures to control pollution, we can address the issue of environmental degradation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main effects of environmental degradation.

Any adverse change in the environment would affect humans. As toxic gases and pollutants are inhaled by humans, it impacts their health by causing many respiratory issues. Besides, the ozone layer depletes due to the presence of these pollutants, which emits harmful radiation to the Earth. It could also lead to climate change.

What leads to environmental degradation?

Overpopulation and urbanisation are the major factors that contribute to environmental degradation. Humans tend to exploit the environment for their selfish needs. Due to pollution and deforestation, harmful gases get accumulate in the environment, which leads to its degradation.

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Essay on World Environment Day: 100, 200, and 300 words

environmental degradation essay 300 words

  • Updated on  
  • Nov 15, 2023

Essay on world environment day

As we observe World Environment Day on 5th June each year, it is a reminder of the deteriorating environment and the urgent need to take effective measures. As inhabitants of the planet Earth, it is our responsibility to use resources wisely and take measures to reduce waste. In addition, it is our duty to plant trees and shift to non-renewable resources to reduce pollution and avoid natural calamities. Moreover, the day also reminds us to foster environmental consciousness and create a sustainable world for all. Thus, to put these thoughts into words, we have provided 3 samples for an essay on World Environment Day for your reference. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on World Environment Day: 100 words
  • 2 Essay on World Environment Day: 200 words
  • 3 Essay on World Environment Day: 300 words

Also Read: Essay on Environmental Pollution

Essay on World Environment Day: 100 words

Let us look at a 100-word essay on World Environment Day:

World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5th of June each year. It is a global initiative to create awareness about environmental degradation. Also, it aims to encourage actions to reduce ecological destruction around us. This day reminds us of our responsibility to protect our planet and work towards a sustainable environment. We can help in achieving this goal by planting trees, reducing waste, and conserving water. Also, learning about renewable and non-renewable resources, pollution, population, and sustainable use of resources will help us preserve the environment. 
Therefore, on World Environment Day let us unite in the commitment to create a sustainable future and appreciate the beauty of nature that surrounds us.

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Essay on World Environment Day: 200 words

Further, we have a 200-word essay on World Environment Day for you:

World Environment Day is observed on 5th June annually. It was first celebrated in 1973 after the establishment of this day at the Stockholm Conference in 1972. This day is dedicated to environmental preservation and a sustainable future. On this day, the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) raises awareness about , , deforestation, pollution, ozone layer depletion and other environmental issue. In addition, this global organization encourages organizations, communities, and individuals to work toward environmental preservation. 
As students, we can participate in this global initiative by learning about biodiversity, pollution and its types, and climate change. To help us acquire this essential knowledge we have Environmental Science (EVS) in our curriculum. In addition, schools also organize tree-planting drives, clean-up campaigns, seminars, plays, lectures, and eco-friendly projects for students. After gaining the knowledge, we can help create a greener and cleaner world. Also, we can share our knowledge with our parents and friends and request them to use eco-friendly products. 
Therefore, World Environment Day acts as a catalyst for a collective effort to address environmental issues. With this effort, this day acts as a platform to ensure the preservation of air, water, and soil for future generations. 

Also Read: Scope and Importance of Environmental Science in School

Essay on World Environment Day: 300 words

Finally, let us view a 300-word essay on World Environment Day:

World Environment Day was instituted in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to mark the first day of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. UNGA allocated 5th June to be celebrated as a day to generate awareness about environmental and ecological issues and inspire global action. The establishment of World Environment Day was a response to the surging need to address global environmental issues like global warming, ozone layer depletion, melting of glaciers, etc. 

The first World Environment Day was observed on 5th June 1973. In this year, the theme was “Only One Earth”. Keeping up with this practice, each year a specific theme is attached to this day. The themes revolve around global attention to pressing environmental issues. In addition, the themes encourage national and international organizations, corporations, NGOs, and individuals to take meaningful action. 

Thus, to observe World Environment Day we must organize and participate in plantation drives, awareness-raising programs, seminars, and clean-up campaigns. Also, we can pledge to use eco-friendly products. In addition, we can promote the use of green products by preparing skits and plays. In addition, we can minimize our carbon footprint and make sustainable use of resources by reading our Environmental Science (EVS) books. Besides, we can get EVS books from our libraries and learn techniques to work towards sustainability. 

Therefore, acquiring knowledge through books and informative websites will help us challenge climate change, global warming, deforestation, extinction, pollution, etc. We can impart this knowledge to the people around us and ask them to rally for new and innovative ideas to reduce ecological problems. This network of an aware community will help us become global citizens. 
Therefore, we can save our planet Earth by engaging in knowledge sharing on World Environment Day. Let us all come together to transform knowledge into action to create a sustainable future. 

Also Read: How to Prepare for UPSC in 6 Months?

Ans: 5th June of each year is observed as the World or Global Environment Day.

Ans: The first Global Environment Day was celebrated on 5th June 1973.

Ans: It was instituted in 1972. 

Ans: This day was instituted by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment.

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Ankita Singh

Ankita is a history enthusiast with a few years of experience in academic writing. Her love for literature and history helps her curate engaging and informative content for education blog. When not writing, she finds peace in analysing historical and political anectodes.

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Essay on Environmental Degradation

Students are often asked to write an essay on Environmental Degradation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Environmental Degradation


Environmental degradation is a global issue. It refers to the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources, pollution, and other harmful processes.

The main causes include industrialization, deforestation, and pollution. These activities harm our environment, leading to problems like climate change and species extinction.

The effects are severe, affecting all forms of life. It leads to health problems, loss of biodiversity, and changes in ecosystems, which can disrupt life on Earth.

To combat environmental degradation, we need sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and education about the environment. Everyone has a role to play in protecting our planet.

250 Words Essay on Environmental Degradation

Introduction to environmental degradation.

Environmental degradation is a global concern, posing significant threats to human survival and ecosystem stability. It refers to the deterioration of the environment through the depletion of natural resources and the destruction of ecosystems.

Causes of Environmental Degradation

The primary cause of environmental degradation is human activity. Industrialization, deforestation, overpopulation, and pollution are all man-made factors contributing to environmental damage. Uncontrolled industrial activities release harmful substances, while deforestation leads to loss of habitat and biodiversity.

Impacts of Environmental Degradation

The impacts of environmental degradation are far-reaching. Beyond the obvious loss of biodiversity, it also affects climate patterns, leading to extreme weather events. It can cause health problems in humans, from respiratory issues due to air pollution to waterborne diseases from polluted water sources.

Addressing Environmental Degradation

Addressing environmental degradation requires a multifaceted approach. Sustainable practices must be adopted on a global scale, including renewable energy sources, sustainable agriculture, and responsible consumption. Legislation and international cooperation are also crucial in managing and mitigating environmental degradation.

Environmental degradation, a consequence of human activity, poses a grave threat to our planet. It’s not just about preserving the environment for its own sake, but also about ensuring a sustainable future for the generations to come. As we move forward, it’s crucial to adopt sustainable practices and policies that protect and restore our environment.

500 Words Essay on Environmental Degradation

Environmental degradation is a global issue that poses a significant threat to the sustainability of ecosystems and the wellbeing of humanity. It refers to the deterioration of the environment through the depletion of natural resources, such as air, water, and soil, the destruction of ecosystems, and the extinction of wildlife.

The Causes of Environmental Degradation

The primary cause of environmental degradation is human activities. Industrialization, urbanization, and deforestation are among the chief contributors. Industries release a large amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases into the atmosphere, leading to air pollution. Urbanization, on the other hand, results in land degradation and a significant increase in waste production.

Furthermore, deforestation for agricultural purposes or logging leads to a loss of biodiversity and contributes to climate change. The excessive use of natural resources, driven by population growth and consumerism, further accelerates environmental degradation.

The Effects of Environmental Degradation

The effects of environmental degradation are far-reaching and devastating. It leads to a loss of biodiversity, which disrupts ecological balance and threatens species survival. The degradation of soil fertility due to overuse and pollution affects agricultural productivity, leading to food insecurity.

Addressing environmental degradation requires concerted global efforts. Policymakers need to enforce stricter regulations on industries to control pollution and promote sustainable practices. There is a pressing need for sustainable urban planning that incorporates green spaces and waste management systems.

Reforestation initiatives and the protection of natural habitats can help restore biodiversity. Additionally, promoting renewable energy sources can significantly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, thereby reducing carbon emissions.

The urgency of the situation calls for immediate action. As the custodians of the planet, it is our responsibility to safeguard it for future generations. The time to act is now, for a delay could mean irreversible damage to our only home.

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Essay on Environmental Degradation

Narayan Bista

Introduction to Environmental Degradation

Environmental degradation, the gradual deterioration of the Earth’s natural resources and ecosystems, poses a grave threat to the planet’s well-being and the survival of all life forms. From deforestation to pollution and climate change, human activities have triggered a cascade of environmental challenges with far-reaching consequences. For instance, the Amazon Rainforest, often dubbed the “lungs of the Earth,” is rapidly disappearing due to deforestation, jeopardizing biodiversity and indigenous cultures. This essay examines the causes, consequences, and solutions to environmental degradation, emphasizing the need for collective action to preserve our planet for future generations.

Essay on Environmental Degradation

Importance of Addressing Environmental Degradation

It is crucial to address environmental degradation since it directly affects the welfare of current and future generations. Here are some key reasons why addressing environmental degradation is crucial:

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  • Ecological Balance: Due to the interconnectivity of ecosystems, disturbances can have a cascading effect on ecological balance and biodiversity. Addressing degradation helps maintain these delicate balances.
  • Human Health: Environmental deterioration, such as air and water pollution , directly impacts human health, leading to respiratory disorders, waterborne infections, and other health problems.
  • Climate Stability: Environmental degradation contributes to climate change, which has wide-ranging effects on weather patterns, sea levels, and the frequency of natural disasters.
  • Economic Impact: Degradation can harm industries like agriculture, fisheries, and tourism, affecting livelihoods and economic stability.
  • Resource Availability: Overexploitation of resources leads to scarcity, impacting food and water security, among other things.
  • Cultural Preservation: Many cultures are deeply connected to their environment. Preserving natural habitats helps protect indigenous cultures and their way of life.
  • Future Generations: By tackling deterioration, we ensure that future generations inherit a planet that can support life and meet their needs.

Causes of Environmental Degradation

Environmental deterioration is a result of numerous human activities as well as natural processes. Here are some of the primary causes:

  • Deforestation: The destruction of forests for agriculture, logging, and urbanization results in the loss of habitats, reduction in biodiversity, and contributes to climate change.
  • Pollution: Pollution, including air pollution from industrial emissions and vehicle exhaust, water pollution from untreated sewage and industrial waste, and soil pollution from agricultural chemicals, negatively impacts the environment and human health.
  • Overpopulation : The growing global population pressures natural resources, leading to overexploitation, habitat destruction, and environmental degradation.
  • Overexploitation of Resources: The unsustainable use of natural resources, such as overfishing, overhunting, and overharvesting of forests, depletes ecosystems and leads to environmental degradation.
  • Urbanization: The rapid urbanization of cities is associated with deforestation, habitat loss, air and water pollution, and heightened resource consumption, all of which contribute to environmental degradation.
  • Industrialization: Industrial activities, such as manufacturing, mining, and construction, produce pollution and waste that degrade the environment and harm ecosystems.
  • Agricultural Practices: Soil deterioration, water pollution, and biodiversity loss are all potential outcomes of intensive agriculture, which also includes the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers as well as monoculture farming.

Consequences of Environmental Degradation

Environmental degradation has many consequences, affecting ecosystems, human health, economies, and societies. Some of the key consequences include:

  • Loss of Biodiversity: Environmental degradation, such as deforestation, pollution , and habitat destruction, leads to biodiversity loss. This can have long-term effects on ecosystems, reducing their resilience and ability to adapt to change.
  • Climate Change: Through the atmospheric release of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane, environmental degradation plays a role in climate change . This leads to rising global temperatures, changes in weather patterns, and other climate-related impacts.
  • Water Scarcity: Water scarcity can result from pollution and overexploitation of water resources, impacting ecosystems, agriculture, and human populations. This may impact food security and lead to disputes over water resources.
  • Air Pollution: Transportation, industry, and the combustion of fossil fuels are the three main causes of air pollution , which can lead to respiratory disorders, heart problems, and other health concerns in both people and animals.
  • Soil Degradation: Pollution, deforestation, and inefficient farming methods can all contribute to soil degradation , which lowers the soil’s fertility and capacity to sustain plant life. This can lead to reduced crop yields, food insecurity, and desertification.
  • Disruption of Ecosystem Services: Healthy ecosystems and human well-being depend on ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, pollination, and water purification, all of which can suffer negative impacts from environmental deterioration.
  • Impact on Human Health: Environmental degradation can directly impact human health through exposure to pollutants, contaminated water and food, and environmental changes promoting disease spread.
  • Economic Losses: Degradation of the environment can cause economic losses by harming infrastructure, taking away ecosystem services, and affecting sectors like tourism, agriculture, and fisheries.

Consequences for Human Society

Environmental degradation has significant consequences for human society, affecting various aspects of life, including health, the economy, food security, and social well-being. Here are some key consequences for human society:

  • Health Impacts: Environmental deterioration, such as pollution of the air and water, can cause a number of health concerns, such as malignancies, heart problems, and respiratory disorders. Poor sanitation and contaminated water sources can also cause diseases like cholera and typhoid.
  • Food Security: Degraded ecosystems and soil can reduce agricultural productivity, leading to food shortages and malnutrition. Climate change, a result of environmental degradation, can also impact crop yields and food availability.
  • Water Scarcity: Environmental degradation can lead to water scarcity, affecting access to clean water for drinking, sanitation, and agriculture. Health and hygiene may be affected, resulting in disputes over water resources.
  • Displacement and Migration: Environmental degradation, such as deforestation and desertification, can force communities to migrate for food, water, and shelter. This can lead to social disruptions and conflicts.
  • Economic Impacts: Environmental degradation can have significant economic impacts, including loss of livelihoods in sectors dependent on natural resources, increased healthcare costs due to environmental pollution, and damage to infrastructure from natural disasters.
  • Social Inequality: Environmental degradation often disproportionately affects marginalized communities and exacerbates existing social inequalities. These populations might be more susceptible to the effects of environmental degradation and have less access to resources.
  • Conflict and Security: Environmental degradation can contribute to conflicts over natural resources, such as water and land, leading to social unrest and instability. In some cases, it can also contribute to forced migration and refugee crises.
  • Cultural Loss: Environmental degradation can lead to the loss of cultural heritage and traditional knowledge associated with ecosystems and natural resources. This can profoundly impact the identity and well-being of indigenous and local communities.

Case Studies: Illustrating the Real-World Effects

Here are a few case studies that illustrate the real-world effects of environmental degradation:

  • Amazon Rainforest Deforestation: With millions of different kinds of plants, animals, and insects, the Amazon rainforest is one of the planet’s most biodiverse areas. Deforestation, primarily for agriculture , logging, and mining, has significantly lost habitat and biodiversity. Indigenous communities relying on forests for survival and cultural heritage have been significantly affected. Deforestation also contributes to climate change, as the Amazon acts as a carbon sink, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The loss of this vital ecosystem has global implications for climate stability and biodiversity conservation.
  • Plastic Pollution in Oceans: Plastic pollution in the oceans is a growing environmental problem that affects marine life and ecosystems. Every year, the ocean receives millions of tons of plastic waste, which threatens marine life as it can entangle and harm them. This pollution also impacts human health, as microplastics can enter the food chain through seafood consumption. One of the most noticeable signs of environmental degradation is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an immense accumulation of plastic waste in the North Pacific Ocean. Addressing plastic pollution requires concerted efforts to reduce plastic use, improve waste management , and promote recycling and circular economy practices.
  • Air Pollution in Urban Centers: Air pollution in urban centers is a significant health concern, particularly in developing countries where industrial activities and vehicle emissions are significant contributors. Cardiovascular issues, respiratory ailments, and early mortality are all linked to poor air quality. Cities like Delhi, India, and Beijing, China, have experienced severe air pollution episodes, prompting government actions to reduce emissions and improve air quality. Implementing cleaner technologies, promoting public transportation, and enforcing stricter emissions standards are essential for mitigating the impacts of air pollution on human health and the environment.

Mitigation and Solutions

Mitigating environmental degradation requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses the root causes of environmental problems and promotes sustainable practices. The following are some important solutions and mitigation strategies:

  • Conservation and Sustainable Use: Protecting natural habitats and promoting sustainable use of resources can help prevent environmental degradation. This includes sustainable agriculture practices, responsible forestry, and marine conservation efforts.
  • Policy Interventions: Involving local populations in conservation activities can increase the success of environmental initiatives. This includes implementing and enforcing environmental laws, setting emissions standards, and promoting renewable energy sources.
  • Technological Innovations: Advancements in technology can help mitigate environmental degradation. This includes developing clean energy technologies, improving waste management practices, and enhancing agricultural techniques to reduce environmental impact.
  • Education and Awareness: Educating the public about environmental issues and promoting awareness can help foster a culture of environmental stewardship. This includes teaching sustainable practices in schools, raising awareness about recycling and conservation, and encouraging responsible consumption.
  • International Cooperation: Addressing global environmental issues like climate change and biodiversity loss requires international cooperation. This includes participating in global agreements and treaties like the Paris Agreement and collaborating on research and conservation efforts.
  • Corporate Responsibility: Businesses can contribute to mitigating environmental degradation by adopting sustainable practices and reducing their environmental footprint. This includes implementing green technologies, reducing waste, and promoting corporate social responsibility.
  • Community Involvement: Involving local populations in conservation activities can increase the success of environmental initiatives. This includes involving communities in decision-making processes, providing education and training, and empowering local stakeholders to take action.
  • Individual Actions: Individuals can contribute to mitigating environmental degradation by taking simple actions like reducing waste, conserving water and energy, and endorsing sustainable products and practices.

The Role of Global Cooperation

Global cooperation is crucial in addressing environmental degradation, as many environmental issues transcend national borders and require collective action. Here are some key aspects of the role of global cooperation:

  • Climate Change: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for the effects of climate change are global challenges that call for concerted action. The Paris Agreement, adopted in 2015, is an example of global cooperation to limit global warming and its effects.
  • Biodiversity Conservation: Protecting biodiversity requires international cooperation to preserve ecosystems and endangered species. Programs like the Convention on Biological Diversity aim to encourage biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.
  • Transboundary Pollution: Pollution knows no borders, and addressing issues like air and water pollution requires cooperation among countries to regulate emissions and protect shared water bodies.
  • Resource Management: Managing natural resources sustainably, such as fisheries and forests, requires international agreements and cooperation to prevent overexploitation and ensure equitable access.
  • Disaster Response and Preparedness: Natural disasters, exacerbated by environmental degradation, often require international assistance and cooperation for effective response and recovery efforts.
  • Technology Transfer: Developing countries often need more access to clean technologies and resources needed for sustainable development. Global cooperation can facilitate technology transfer and capacity building to address environmental challenges.
  • Financial Support: Developing countries may require financial assistance to implement environmental initiatives and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Global cooperation can provide funding and support through mechanisms like the Green Climate Fund.
  • Scientific Research and Data Sharing: Collaboration in scientific research and data sharing can enhance understanding of environmental issues and inform decision-making at the global level.

Environmental degradation threatens the planet’s ecosystems, biodiversity, and well-being. Addressing this complex issue requires collective action at all levels, from individual choices to global cooperation. By implementing sustainable practices, conserving natural resources, and adopting green technologies, we can mitigate the impacts of environmental degradation and create a more sustainable future. Governments, businesses, and individuals must cooperate to protect the environment, preserve biodiversity, and ensure a healthy planet for future generations. The time to act is now, and our collective efforts can make a difference in safeguarding the planet for the future.


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environmental degradation essay 300 words

Essay on Environment

essay on environment

Here we have shared the Essay on Environment in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Environment in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

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Essay on Environment in 150-200 words

Essay on environment in 250-300 words, essay on environment in 500-1000 words.

The environment is our natural surroundings, encompassing air, water, land, and diverse ecosystems. It sustains life on Earth, providing essential resources and habitats for all living beings. However, human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change are posing significant threats to the environment and its delicate balance.

Protecting the environment is crucial for our well-being and the planet’s sustainability. It requires collective action and individual responsibility. We must adopt sustainable practices, reduce pollution and waste, conserve resources, and support conservation efforts. By valuing and preserving the environment, we ensure a healthier and more prosperous future.

Governments, businesses, and individuals must work together to address these environmental challenges. Promoting renewable energy, implementing effective policies, and raising awareness about the importance of environmental conservation are key steps to protect our planet.

Preserving the environment is not just an obligation but also an opportunity to enhance our quality of life and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. Let us embrace this responsibility and work towards creating a harmonious relationship with nature, respecting its intrinsic value and preserving its abundance for future generations.

The environment is the natural world around us, comprising the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we live on, and the diverse ecosystems that support life. It encompasses everything from the smallest microorganisms to the largest forests and oceans. This essay briefly discusses the importance of the environment and the need for its protection.

The environment plays a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth. It provides us with essential resources, such as clean air, water, and food, and offers habitats for countless species. It regulates the climate, supports biodiversity, and contributes to the overall well-being of human beings and the planet.

Unfortunately, human activities have had a detrimental impact on the environment. Deforestation, pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change pose significant threats to ecosystems and biodiversity. These activities have resulted in the loss of species, degradation of ecosystems, and disruption of natural cycles.

To ensure a sustainable future, it is imperative that we take collective action to protect and preserve the environment. This includes adopting sustainable practices, reducing pollution and waste, conserving natural resources, promoting renewable energy sources, and supporting conservation efforts.

Individual actions, such as reducing carbon emissions, recycling, and conserving water, can make a significant difference. Additionally, governments, businesses, and organizations must implement policies and initiatives that promote environmental sustainability.

By valuing and protecting the environment, we not only safeguard the well-being of future generations but also enhance our own quality of life. Preserving the environment is essential for maintaining the balance of ecosystems, combating climate change, and ensuring a healthy planet for all living beings.

In conclusion, the environment is of utmost importance for the well-being of both humans and the planet. It provides essential resources, supports biodiversity, and regulates the climate. Protecting the environment is a shared responsibility that requires individual and collective action. By adopting sustainable practices and supporting conservation efforts, we can contribute to the preservation of our environment and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

Title: Environmental Conservation – Protecting Our Planet for Future Generations

Introduction :

The environment is the foundation of life on Earth, encompassing the air, water, land, and ecosystems that support all living beings. It provides us with vital resources, regulates the climate, and sustains biodiversity. This essay explores the significance of environmental conservation, the threats it faces, and the urgent need for collective action to protect our planet.

Importance of Environmental Conservation

The environment is vital for our well-being and the sustainability of the planet. It provides us with clean air to breathe, safe water to drink, and nutritious food to eat. Ecosystems support biodiversity and provide habitats for countless species, contributing to the overall health of our planet. The environment also plays a crucial role in regulating the climate, preserving natural cycles, and mitigating the impacts of natural disasters.

Environmental Threats

Human activities have led to various environmental threats that endanger ecosystems and biodiversity. Deforestation for agriculture, logging, and urbanization destroys habitats and contributes to climate change. Pollution from industrial activities, transportation, and improper waste disposal contaminates air, water, and soil. Climate change, primarily caused by the excessive release of greenhouse gases, results in rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events. These threats have far-reaching consequences for both the environment and human societies.

Conservation Strategies

To protect the environment, proactive conservation strategies are necessary. Sustainable practices, such as reducing waste, conserving resources, and promoting renewable energy sources, are key to mitigating environmental impacts. Reforestation and afforestation efforts are crucial for restoring habitats and combating climate change. Conservation initiatives, including protected areas, wildlife sanctuaries, and marine reserves, help preserve biodiversity and ensure the long-term sustainability of ecosystems.

Individual and Collective Responsibility

Environmental conservation is a shared responsibility that requires both individual and collective action. Individuals can contribute by adopting sustainable lifestyles, reducing their carbon footprint, and supporting eco-friendly initiatives. Governments play a vital role in implementing policies and regulations that promote environmental protection, investing in renewable energy infrastructure, and fostering sustainable practices in industries. International cooperation is essential to address global environmental challenges and promote knowledge-sharing and technology transfer.

Benefits of Environmental Conservation

Environmental conservation yields numerous benefits. Preserving ecosystems and biodiversity supports the health of our planet and ensures the availability of vital resources for future generations. Conservation efforts contribute to climate change mitigation, reducing the risks of extreme weather events and preserving natural carbon sinks. Protecting natural areas enhances opportunities for eco-tourism, generating economic benefits for local communities. Conservation also fosters a sense of connection to nature and promotes physical and mental well-being.

Conclusion :

Environmental conservation is crucial for the well-being of both humans and the planet. It is our responsibility to protect the environment, mitigating threats such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change. By adopting sustainable practices, supporting conservation initiatives, and advocating for effective policies, we can ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for all. Environmental conservation is not just an obligation; it is an opportunity to preserve the beauty and abundance of our planet for future generations. Let us strive to live in harmony with nature, valuing and protecting the environment that sustains us. Together, we can create a better, more sustainable world for ourselves and for future generations.

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Essay on Environmental Pollution for Students - 100, 200 and 500 Words

Pollution is the presence and inclusion of unwanted items in the environment. The state of the environment is altered when it has become contaminated with potentially dangerous compounds as a result of human activity. Water, air, and land are dangerously affected by the pollution. Here are a few sample essays on environmental pollution:

100 Words Essay on Environmental Pollution

200 words essay on environmental pollution, 500 words essay on environmental pollution.

Essay on Environmental Pollution for Students - 100, 200 and 500 Words

When it comes to protecting the environment, awareness is the key. As more and more people become aware of the causes, types, and impacts of environmental pollution, they are more likely to take steps to prevent it. Air pollution is created as a result of burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Water pollution results from industrial activities, such as the dumping of chemicals into rivers and lakes, as well as from agricultural runoff. Land pollution is caused by the misuse of land and improper disposal of waste. The causes of environmental pollution are numerous and varied. Some of the main culprits are industrial activities, burning of fossil fuels, use of pesticides, and deforestation.

Awareness and taking necessary resolving steps is essential when it comes to protecting the environment from the impacts of environmental pollution. By teaching people the importance of taking steps to prevent environmental pollution, we can ensure a brighter future for our planet. We must understand the causes of environmental pollution, the types of pollution, the impact it has on the environment, and how we can prevent it.

Causes | Environmental pollution is the contamination of the environment through the emissions of pollutants including harmful gases, chemicals, and particulate matter. It is caused by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial pollution. These activities have caused global warming, acid rain, and water and air pollution, leading to global environmental degradation.

Types | There are different types of environmental pollution. The most common type is air pollution, which is caused by the burning of fuels and other industrial activities. Water pollution is another common type of pollution that is caused by sewage and industrial waste. Soil pollution is caused by overuse of pesticides and other chemicals. Noise pollution is caused by traffic, construction activities, and industrial noise. Light pollution is caused by the emission of artificial light.

Impact | The impact of environmental pollution is far-reaching and devastating. Air pollution can lead to respiratory diseases, while water pollution can contaminate drinking water and cause health issues. Land pollution causes a reduction in soil fertility and even destruction of natural habitats for animals. In addition, it can lead to the destruction of ecosystems, which in turn leads to a decrease in biodiversity.

Environmental pollution has serious impacts on both humans and the environment. It affects air quality, water quality, soil fertility, and public health. Poor air quality affects the respiratory system, leading to respiratory illnesses like asthma and bronchitis. Water pollution can lead to the spread of diseases like cholera, typhoid, and dysentery. Soil pollution can reduce crop yields, leading to food insecurity.

Types of Environmental Pollution

Air | Air pollution is the introduction of dangerous compounds into the atmosphere, which has a negative influence on the environment and humanity. Air pollution simply makes the air impure or contaminated. It happens when noxious gases, scents, dust, or fumes are discharged into the air in concentrations that endanger human and animal comfort or health or even kill plant life.

Water | The act of contaminating water bodies, such as rivers, oceans, lakes, streams, aquifers, and groundwater, is known as water pollution. It happens when foreign, dangerous substances—such as chemicals, garbage, or polluted materials are released into bodies of water, either directly or indirectly.

Land | When the quality of the earth's land surfaces in terms of use, landscape, and capacity to support life forms is compromised or destroyed, this is referred to as land pollution. It is frequently brought on by human activity and the misuse of land resources, both directly and indirectly.

Soil | Chemical pollutants can pollute soil or cause it to degrade through activities like mining, clearing vegetation, or topsoil erosion. Typically, it occurs when human activities bring harmful chemicals, substances, or items into the soil.

Noise | Noise pollution is an unpleasant sound or a sound that causes excruciating ear pain. Noise pollution is described as unpleasant and unwanted sound levels that cause significant distress to all living beings. It is measured in decibels (dB).

Factors Responsible For Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution has a variety of causes. One of the most prominent is the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas by power plants, factories and automobiles. This produces large amounts of carbon dioxide, which is a major contributor to global climate change. Other sources of environmental pollution include agricultural practices, such as over-fertilization and the use of pesticides, and industrial processes, such as mining, manufacturing and waste disposal.

What Can We Do

To prevent environmental pollution, we must reduce the emissions of various pollutants. We can do this by switching to renewable sources of energy like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. We should reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and use more efficient transportation methods. We should also reduce the emissions of harmful industrial chemicals and practise sustainable agriculture. Additionally, we should increase public awareness of environmental pollution and its impacts, and promote eco-friendly lifestyles.

By understanding the causes and effects of environmental pollution, we can work towards preventing it and ensuring a cleaner, healthier environment for all. Awareness and knowledge are essential in this regard, as it helps us to become more conscious and informed citizens. It helps us understand the importance of protecting and preserving the environment and makes us more responsible citizens.

The world is facing an ever-growing threat from pollution, which if left unchecked will have catastrophic consequences. Education and taking a conscious action plan can play a key role in helping to reduce environmental pollution.

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Environment Essay In English For School Students

Everything that lives and exists on Earth is considered part of the environment, whether it resides on land or in water. Explore more about it with the environment essay provided here.

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November 19, 2023

Environment Essay

Table of Contents

Environment Essay: Ever think about how everything around us, like the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the trees and animals, all work together to make life awesome? Well, sometimes, we’re not taking very good care of our planet, and that’s causing problems like pollution and climate change. So, these essays are like cool guides to help us understand what’s going on. We’ll talk about things like planting trees, using less energy, and why it’s super important for all of us to take care of our planet together. Let’s learn, have fun, and make our world a better place.

Long and Short Environment Essay in English

A Clean environment is essential for a peaceful and healthful life. Unfortunately, our surroundings are progressively becoming polluted due to human negligence. This is a matter that everyone, especially our children, should be aware of. The ensuing essays on the environment are crafted with simple language to assist kids and children in completing their school projects or essay writing competitions. The goal is to make the content easily understandable, fostering awareness and understanding of environmental issues among children.

Environment Essay in 100 words

The surroundings we inhabit encompass everything, from living organisms to non-living elements. This environment, vital for sustaining life on Earth, furnishes the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we consume. It is also a nurturing ground for a rich variety of plant and animal species. Unfortunately, human actions have caused environmental deterioration, marked by issues such as pollution and deforestation. Taking on the responsibility to foster a sustainable environment is imperative for the well-being of our planet and the prosperity of generations to come. It is to honour, adopt and integrate sustainable practices into our daily lives. 

Environment Essay 150 words

Below is an Environment Essay in 150 words.

The environment includes the backdrop of our living space, comprising the air, water, soil, plants, and animals. It is a complex web of interconnected ecosystems that support life on Earth. Unfortunately, human activities such as industrialization, deforestation, and pollution have taken a toll on the environment. The increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere contribute to climate change, affecting weather patterns and causing global warming.

Conserving the environment is crucial for the well-being of present and future generations. We must promote sustainable practices, reduce our carbon footprint, and protect biodiversity. Planting trees, reducing waste, and using renewable energy sources are simple steps we can take to contribute to a healthier environment.We should all contribute to the well-being of the planet by making decisions that promote its health.We can do this by using things that don’t harm the environment and by being mindful of how we live each day. 

Environment Essay 200 words

The environment is a delicate balance of various elements that sustain life on Earth. It includes the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. These components work together to create a suitable habitat for a diverse range of organisms. However, human activities have disrupted this balance, leading to environmental problems such as pollution, deforestation, and climate change.

Pollution is a major threat to the environment. Air pollution, caused by the release of harmful gases and particles into the atmosphere, affects the quality of the air we breathe. Water pollution, resulting from the discharge of pollutants into water bodies, poses a threat to aquatic life and human health. Soil pollution, caused by the accumulation of toxic substances in the soil, affects plant growth and can contaminate the food we eat.

Deforestation, the clearing of forests for agriculture and urbanization, contributes to habitat loss and the decline of biodiversity. Climate change, driven by the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, leads to rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and disruptions in ecosystems.

To address these challenges, it is essential for individuals and communities to adopt sustainable practices. This includes reducing the use of fossil fuels, conserving water, practicing responsible waste management, and supporting conservation efforts.

Environment Essay 250 words

Below is an Environment Essay in 250 words.

The environment is a complex and interconnected system that sustains life on Earth. It encompasses the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. Each of these components plays a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance that allows diverse forms of life to thrive.

The atmosphere, composed of gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, creates a protective layer around the Earth. However, human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, release large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This leads to the enhanced greenhouse effect, trapping heat and causing a rise in global temperatures. The consequences of climate change include melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and more frequent and severe weather events.

The hydrosphere includes all water bodies on Earth, from oceans and rivers to lakes and groundwater. Water pollution, primarily caused by industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, and improper waste disposal, threatens the health of aquatic ecosystems and the availability of clean water for human consumption.

The lithosphere, or the Earth’s solid outer layer, is essential for supporting plant and animal life. Deforestation, driven by the expansion of agriculture and urban areas, results in habitat loss and the depletion of biodiversity. Soil erosion, caused by unsustainable farming practices, further degrades the quality of the land.

The biosphere comprises all living organisms, from microscopic bacteria to towering trees and majestic animals. Biodiversity, the variety of life on Earth, is essential for the stability and resilience of ecosystems. However, human activities, including overexploitation, habitat destruction, and pollution, have led to a significant loss of biodiversity.

Environment Essay in 300 words

The environment is a precious gift that sustains life on Earth. It encompasses the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil that nourishes plants, and the diverse ecosystems that support a variety of species. However, the rapid pace of industrialization, urbanization, and modern lifestyles has taken a toll on our environment, leading to various environmental issues.

Air pollution is a pressing concern, with emissions from vehicles, industrial facilities, and other sources releasing pollutants into the atmosphere. These pollutants, including carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter, have detrimental effects on air quality and human health. Respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and other health issues are linked to prolonged exposure to air pollution.

Water pollution is another critical issue affecting our environment. Industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, and improper waste disposal contaminate water bodies, posing a threat to aquatic life and endangering the availability of clean water for human consumption. The pollution of rivers, lakes, and oceans has far-reaching consequences, impacting ecosystems and the livelihoods of communities dependent on water resources.

Deforestation, driven by the expansion of agriculture and logging, leads to the loss of vital forest ecosystems. Forests play a crucial role in regulating climate, providing habitat for countless species, and maintaining biodiversity. The destruction of forests contributes to habitat loss, soil erosion, and an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate change is a global phenomenon resulting from the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes contribute to the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The consequences of climate change include rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and more frequent and severe weather events.

To address these environmental challenges, there is an urgent need for collective action at local, national, and global levels. Individuals can contribute by adopting sustainable practices in their daily lives, such as reducing energy consumption, conserving water, and minimizing waste. 

Environment Essay in 400 words

The environment, comprising the air, water, soil, and ecosystems, is the foundation of life on Earth. However, human activities have placed immense pressure on this delicate balance, leading to widespread environmental degradation. It is imperative that we recognize the severity of the issues at hand and make concerted efforts to mitigate the impacts for the sake of our planet and future generations.

Air pollution, a consequence of industrialization and the burning of fossil fuels, poses a severe threat to both the environment and human health. The release of pollutants such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere leads to the formation of smog and acid rain. This not only degrades air quality but also harms plant life and contributes to respiratory diseases in humans.

Water pollution is another critical concern that demands immediate attention. The discharge of industrial effluents, agricultural runoff containing pesticides and fertilizers, and improper waste disposal contaminate rivers, lakes, and oceans. This pollution not only endangers aquatic ecosystems but also compromises the availability of clean water for human consumption. The impact of water pollution extends beyond immediate health concerns, affecting the livelihoods of communities dependent on water resources for agriculture and other activities.

Deforestation, driven by the clearing of forests for agriculture, logging, and urbanization, has far-reaching consequences. Forests are vital for maintaining biodiversity, regulating climate, and providing habitat for countless species. The loss of forests contributes to habitat destruction, soil erosion, and a decline in biodiversity. Moreover, the reduction of forested areas exacerbates the effects of climate change, as trees play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.

Climate change, fueled by the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, is perhaps the most significant environmental challenge we face today. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing a rise in global temperatures. This leads to melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and more frequent and intense weather events. The consequences of climate change are far-reaching, affecting ecosystems, agriculture, and the livelihoods of communities around the world.

To address these environmental challenges, a multifaceted approach is required. Individuals must embrace sustainable practices in their daily lives, such as reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste, and supporting eco-friendly initiatives. Governments play a pivotal role in enacting and enforcing environmental policies that promote sustainable development, regulate pollution, and protect natural habitats.

The environment is a precious and interconnected system that sustains life on Earth. The challenges we face, including air and water pollution, deforestation, and climate change, require urgent and coordinated efforts. By adopting sustainable practices, promoting environmental awareness, and implementing effective policies, we can work towards creating a healthier and more sustainable future for our planet and all its inhabitants. The responsibility to protect and preserve the environment lies with each one of us, and together, we can make a significant impact on the well-being of our planet.

Environment Essay FAQs

The environment includes everything around us, both living and non-living, such as air, water, soil, plants, and animals.

The environment is vital as it provides us with essential resources like air, water, and food, supporting life on Earth.

Environmental threats include pollution (air, water, soil), deforestation, climate change, and loss of biodiversity.

Activities like industrialization, deforestation, and pollution from various sources contribute to harming the environment.

Individuals can protect the environment by adopting sustainable practices, reducing waste, conserving energy, and supporting conservation efforts.


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Essay on Pollution In English For Students

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Environmental Degradation Essays (Examples)

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environmental degradation essay 300 words

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mla Reference List Ahmad, F. (2012). India's economic development: Nexus between poverty and environmental degradation. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 1(5), 61-66. Retrieved from   http://www.ijstr.org/final-print/june2012/Indias-Economic-Development-Nexus-Between-Poverty-And-Environmental-Degradation.pdf  Beck, M.W., Shepard, C.C, Birkmann, J., Rhyner, J., Welle, T., Witting, M., Wolfertz, J., Martens, J., Maurer, K., Mucke, P., & Radtke, K. (2012). WorldRiskReport 2012. Berlin: Alliance Development Works, ISBN 978-3-9814495-0-3. Duraiappah, A. (1996). Poverty and environmental degradation: A literature review and analysis. CREED Working Paper Series No 8. Amsterdam: Institute for Environmental Studies. Retrieved from   http://pubs.iied.org/pdfs/8127IIED.pdf  Malthus, T. (1998). An essay on the principle of population (Electronic ed.). Electronic Scholarly Publishing Project. Retrieved from   http://www.esp.org/books/malthus/population/malthus.pdf

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mla Sources Bretherton, C. & Vogler, J., the European Union as a Global Actor (Routledge, 1999), Chapter 3. Dalby, S. Security, Modernity, Ecology: The Dilemmas of Post-Cold War Security Discourse Alternatives, 17:1 (1992), pp.95-134. Dannreuther, Roland (ed.) European Union Foreign and Security Policy (Routledge, 2004) Chapter 11 Deudney, D. The case against linking environmental degradation and national security, Millennium, 19:3 (1990), pp.461-76.

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The 1980s (the period when onald eagan was the U.S. President) witnessed a series of government measures targeting environmental regulations. This resulted in public outrage against the anti-environmental policies of the government leading to a renewed interest in nature clubs and groups and the formation of radical groups who led strong movements to protect the environment. (vii) the post- eagan resurgence (1990s onwards) - President Bush and President Clinton did not take the radical stance of their predecessor. However, President George W. Bush has taken many measures which have weakened the environmental movement instead of strengthening it. This includes opposing curbs on greenhouse emissions via the Kyoto Protocol, supporting oil drilling in the ANW or Arctic National Wildlife ange, weakening clean air standards and lifting the ban on logging in forests. 3) How does economics determine the public's opinion regarding environmental issues? Discuss the values of the dominant social paradigm…...

mla References Bocking, Stephen. Nature's Experts: Science, Politics, and the Environment. Rutgers University Press. 2004. Palmer, Mike. Pathways of Nutrients in the Ecosystem - Pathways of elements in ecosystem.   http://www.okstate.edu/artsci/botany/bisc3034/lnotes/nutrient.htm  Redclift, M. R; Woodgate, Graham. The International Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2000. Schmidtz, David; Willott, Elizabeth. Environmental Ethics: What Really Matters, what Really Works. Oxford University Press U.S., 2002.

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mla References Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Republic of South Africa, (2012). Stepping up Enforcement Against Environmental Crimes. Retrieved April 4, 2012 from   http://www.environment.gov.za/Services/booklets/Environmental/EnviroCrimesEMI.pdf  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (1998). Final Guidance for Incorporating Environmental Justice Concerns in EPA's NEPA Compliance Analyses Retrieved April 4, 2012 from   http://www.epa.gov/compliance/ej/resources/policy/ej_guidance_nepa_epa0498.pdf .

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mla References Barclays, 2013. Citizenship Report 2013. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 December 2016] Crowther, D. and Aras, G., 2008. Corporate social responsibility. New York: Ventus Publishing. Flammer, C., 2013. Does corporate social responsibility lead to superior performance? A regression discontinuity approach. Management Science, 61(11), 1-27. Foote, J., Gaffney, N. and Evans, J., 2010. Corporate social responsibility: implications for performance excellence. Total Quality Management, 21(8), 799-812.

Does the United States Government Have Environmental Ethics

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mla Work Cited American Farmland Trust. (2012). "History of the Farm Bill." Retrieved from,   http://www.farmland.org/programs/farm-bill/history/usfarmsubsidies.asp . The Encyclopedia of Earth. (2008). "Roosevelt, Franklin D. And his Environmental Policies." Retrieved from,   http://www.eoearth.org/article/Roosevelt,_Franklin_D .. The Environmental Protection Agency. (2012). "About Us." Retrieved from,   http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/ . BBC News. (2011). "What is the Kyoto Treaty?." Retrieved from,   http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/2233897.stm .

Environmental Ethical Issue Sociology Environmental

Current events of the environmental ethics Some of the major current events concerning the environmental ethics are the issue of global warming. One of the leading researchers (in the causes and effects of climate change; and in the field of allergies) in Europe has discovered that the burning of the fossil fuel that has increased over the recent past has resulted into the increase of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide facilitates the growth of the ragweed- an invasive plant- moreover; the hay fever is triggered of by this plant's pollen grains. Both early and long seasons of allergy are caused by the bloom of the birch trees as a result of the warmer temperatures (White, 1967). Non-environmentally friendly behaviors currently such as the increased acts of war has not only affected the environment by impoverishing the natural resources but has also caused stress in the livelihood…...

mla References Carson, R. (1962). Silent Spring. California: Houghton Mifflin. Van, W., & Peter C. (1997). Primitives in the Wilderness: Deep Ecology and the Missing Human Subject. New York: SUNY Press. Varner, G. (1998). In Nature's Interests? Interests, Animal Rights, and Environmental

Environmental Policies and Problems in

" (2007) Recommendations of this report include those as follows: China should learn from the successes and failure of the U.S. And other developed countries in reducing the influence of energy use on air quality; Continued dialogue and information exchange among U.S. And Chinese scientists and policy-makers should be promoted through professional organization, government support programs, and the National Academies in both countries to promote joint development of energy and pollution control strategies." (Committee on Energy Futures and Air Pollution in Urban China and the United State, Policy and Global Affairs, 2007) Other findings of this report include the fact that "an important lesson learned is that air pollution damage imposes major economic costs, through premature mortality, increased sickness and lost productivity, as well as in decreased crops yields and economic impacts." (Committee on Energy Futures and Air Pollution in Urban China and the United State, Policy and Global Affairs, 2007) Studies conducted…...

mla Bibliography Energy Futures and Urban Air Pollution: Challenges for China and the United States (2007) Development, Security, and Cooperation (DSC) Committee on Energy Futures and Air Pollution in Urban China and the United States - Development, Security and Corporation: Policy and Global Affairs. National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council of the National Academies and the Chinese Academy of Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences. Online Pre-publication Release available at   http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12001&page=R2  Holder, Kevin (2007) Chinese Air Pollution deadliest in World - National Geographic News 9 July 2007. Online available at   http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/07/070709-china-pollution.html  Kim, Juli S. (2007)Transboundary Air Pollution - Will China Choke On Its Success? - A China Environmental Health Project Fact Sheet. 2 Feb. 2007. China Environment Forum in partnership with Western Kentucky University on the U.S. AID-supported China Environmental Health Project (CEHP) Wang, Alex (nd) The Downside of Growth: Law, Policy and China's Environmental Crisis. Perspectives Vol. 2 No. 2. Online available at http://www.oycf.org/Perspectives/8_103100/downside_of_growth.htm

Environmental Themes

Environmental Themes in Grapes of rath This essay reviews environmental themes from the following five books: Dust Bowl by Donald orster, The Grapes of rath by John Steinbeck, Everglades: River of Grass by Marjory Stoneman Douglas, Killing Mr. atson by Peter Matthiessen, and River of Lakes by Bill Belleville. This paper discusses the role that culture has played in environmental issues during the past century. Five sources used. MLA format. Environmental Themes Humans from the very beginning of their existence have had an impact, for better or worse, on the environment. Man has for the most part tried to control the environment to suit his needs or tastes of the era. Over-grazing, over hunting, ignoring the importance crop rotations, dam building, and toxic dumping, are but a few of the ways man tries to control. Few societies have ever considered any of the above when it comes to the environment. There are a…...

mla Works Cited Belleville, Bill. River of Lakes. University of Georgia Press. 2001. Douglas, Marjory Stoneman. The Everglades River of Grass. Pineapple Press. 50th Anniversary Edition. 1997.

Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineers of

hough the methods for solving environmental problems might be new, the skills necessary to develop and implement these solutions are not. Along with the desire and ability to take in a wide array of information and make complex decisions based on this information, environmental engineers must have the ability to plan ahead using the possible developments in this information. Long-term planning abilities, as well as the ability to communicate environmental issues and their solutions to non-engineers, are both essential skills that environmental engineers must possess (Lindner & Nyberg 1973). Without these abilities, the work of environmental engineers would not be effectively developed or implemented; they must be practically applied in the long-term in order to be useful. he role of the environmental engineer developed essentially as a response to an ethical issue -- namely the degradation of the environment -- and thus every aspect of en environmental engineer's job can be…...

mla Though the methods for solving environmental problems might be new, the skills necessary to develop and implement these solutions are not. Along with the desire and ability to take in a wide array of information and make complex decisions based on this information, environmental engineers must have the ability to plan ahead using the possible developments in this information. Long-term planning abilities, as well as the ability to communicate environmental issues and their solutions to non-engineers, are both essential skills that environmental engineers must possess (Lindner & Nyberg 1973). Without these abilities, the work of environmental engineers would not be effectively developed or implemented; they must be practically applied in the long-term in order to be useful. The role of the environmental engineer developed essentially as a response to an ethical issue -- namely the degradation of the environment -- and thus every aspect of en environmental engineer's job can be seen as in dialogue with certain ethical issues. This is directly and explicitly observable in the Institution of Engineers of Australia Code of Ethics (2000), which lists working "in conformity with accepted engineering and environmental standards" as a basic ethical tenet of all engineering, and as the primary goal of environmental engineering is to create and uphold these environmental standards it can be seen that environmental engineers necessarily hold up their ethical duties when they perform their jobs successfully. There may, of course, be certain dilemmas that arise in the course of environmental engineer's cuties; pressures to downplay environmental effects from corporate interests, or to divert problems and cut corners, could be very high in this type of work. Truly adhering to the engineering principles of the work however, also mandates adherence to the roper ethical behaviors and standards of the job. Of all of the areas of engineering, environmental engineering is one of the most rapidly expanding and diversifying fields. There is a great amount of good that can be done in the field, as well as a great deal of interesting and innovating work that would be personally and intellectually fulfilling for the right candidate. From both a personal and a global perspective, then, environmental engineering is an exciting and increasingly relevant new field.

Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Global

Some trades are much more environmentally difficult than others, and the WTO should consider upholding sanctions that are justified by the MEAs that have already been put into place (Singh, 2009). If the WTO refuses to work with governments to ensure that MEAs are also taken seriously, it would be difficult to determine whether the MEAs have any place or any relevance at all. If there is no strength behind them and they are not taken seriously, what value do they have? What purpose do they serve? Originally, they were designed to protect the environment. However, if they are being overruled by the WTO at nearly every turn, they are no longer able to do what they were designed to do when it comes to making sure the environment is not sustaining lasting damage because of the way goods are being produced or the ways in which they are being…...

mla References Eckersley, R. (2004). The big chill: The WTO and multilateral environmental agreements. Global Environmental Politics, 4: 2 Krist, W. (2002). The WTO and MEAs -- Time for a good neighbor policy. A Policy Brief from the Trade and Environment Forum. Woodrow Wilson International for Scholars Mushkat, R. (2003). Potential impacts of China's WTO accession on its approach to the trade-environment balancing act. Chinese JIL O'Neill, M. (2002). Agriculture, the EC and the TWO: A legal critical analysis of the concepts of sustainability and multifunctionality. Environmental Law Review, 4: 144-155.

Edf Social Change the Environmental

Another area of change brought on by the assistance of the EDF is that which now more explicitly connects environmental degradation with certain social and demographic factors. The creation of its Scorecard ebsite in 2001 would bring a new dimension to the social discourse on environmental issues. According to Dooley (2001), with this new scorecard in place, "on the main Environmental Justice page, entering a ZIP code generates a report of the varying degrees of environmental burden within that area for different racial, ethnic, and income groups. The burdens include releases of toxic chemicals, cancer risk from hazardous air pollutants, and facilities emitting criteria air pollutants." (Dooley, p. 367) Other recent decisions also reflect the degree of success that the EDF has had in moving governments forward on specific issues. So is this reflected in the text by Zimmerman (1995), which reports on a decision in the case of City…...

mla Works Cited: Dooley, E.E. (2001). Environmental Defense Scorecard: Environmental Justice. Environmental Health Perspectives, 109(8). Environmental Defense Fund. (2011). Our Mission and History. EDF.org. F.B. (1979). Spectrum. Environment, 21(2). Zimmerman, J.F. (1995). High Court Action To Elevate Costs Of Solid Waste Disposal. National Civic Review, 84(1).

Water Legislation Origins of Environmental

The Leblanc alkali production processes were especially pernicious, but they followed along the lines of previous industrial processes. In other words, the first British environmental legislation was a response not so much to a qualitative change in industrial processes and their environmental impact but more to a quantitative increase in sources of pollution that had up to that point been (if only barely) tolerable. Legislation Arising From Public Anger At the center of the first British environmental legislation was the Leblanc process, an industrial process that produced of soda ash (which is chemically sodium carbonate) that came into use in the first decades of the 19th century. Named after its inventor, Nicolas Leblanc, it replaced an older process in which soda ash had been produced from wood ash. However, as the availability of wood ash declined (because of deforestation, a process that was occuring both in Great Britain and across Europe…...

mla Resources Act (WRA) of 1991. This act "establishes the duties of the Environment Agency (EA) on flood defence and other areas relating to water management and quality." "The EA has discretionary powers to improve and maintain river conditions. This means that the EA is not obliged to construct or maintain such works. In practice, the EA will only proceed with schemes that are not only beneficial but cost-effective. "The Act also grants the EA powers to issue flood warnings and regulate what can be discharged into rivers, estuaries, coastal waters, lakes and groundwaters." Canadian law on flooding is similarly divided between common law and statutory law. First Nations

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Environmental Degradation

Updated 21 April 2023

Subject Biology ,  Lifestyle ,  Nature

Downloads 50

Category Environment ,  Life ,  Science

Topic Human ,  Survival ,  Water

Humans rely on the environment to ensure their survival on Earth. The environment is made up of all the living and non-living things that surround a person. The biotic component of the environment includes all living organisms, whereas the abiotic component includes all non-living things. The environment can also be classified as either natural or man-made. The natural environment includes all of the items found naturally on the globe, whereas the artificial environment includes things that man has developed that are not found naturally. Air, water, soil, and live beings are the primary components of the environment.The benefits that human beings freely enjoy from the environment and from ecosystems that are functioning properly are referred to as ecosystem services. The services include provisioning services which include material or energy outputs from the ecosystem, for example, things like food, raw materials, fresh water or medicinal resources. Services that an ecosystem provides by acting as a regulator are referred to as regulatory services. They include carbon sequestration, treatment of wastewater, pollination, biological control, etc. the other services that are provided by an ecosystem include cultural services, this are benefits that are non-material that people obtain from the environment. They include services like to cultural existence and aesthetic inspiration. It is therefore clear that human beings receive a lot of benefits from the environment, one would, therefore, think that they would work to ensure that the environment would be well maintained and conserved. However, this is not the case. Human beings have put their greed ahead instead of working towards conserving nature. The battle between conservation and the need for environmental conservation has led to development always emerging as the winner. Causes of Environmental Degradation Environmental degradation has been one of the main problems that face the environment today. The environment continues to deteriorate through the depletion of resources such as water, soil and air, ecosystem and habitat destruction, wildlife extinction and pollution. Many factors lead to environmental degradation; they include urbanization where people shift from rural to urban areas in search of better living standards. The shift leads to congestion in urban areas eventually leading to the strain on resources, and the result is urbanization. Population increase is also another factor that leads to degradation. An increase in population leads to a state where the available resources are not able to cater to the rising population. People look for other ingenious ways to get resources which ends up leading to environmental degradation. Economic growth, intensification of agriculture and increase in energy use all lead to the degradation of the environment. As a result of environmental degradation the environment cannot be able to supply the ecosystem services that it usually provides. Mother Nature also has a way of reacting to human action through things such as global warming, the melting of snow caps desertification and other problems that man faces today in the modern world. Pollution One of the leading causes of environmental degradation is pollution. Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances of any form into the environment. The major types of pollution include air, water, and land pollution. There are also other types of pollution that are affecting the environment today, and they include plastic pollution Pollution can be caused by natural disasters such as active volcanoes and forest fires, but the main types of causes are anthropogenic meaning that they are created by human beings. In the past pollution was not a serious problem because of the availability of space. With the establishment of permanent settlements by a great number of people, pollution went on to become a problem. Littering is among one of the many forms of land pollution. People end up filling the environment with harmful substances. The trash that is disposed of into the public can either be biodegradable or non-biodegradable. Biodegradable consists of substances which can decompose. This substance upon release into the environment does not take long to decompose therefore they do not stay in the environment for long. Non-biodegradable substances consist of substances which upon release into the environment do not decompose, or they take a longer period to be able to decompose. One such example of a non-biodegradable substance is plastic. Plastic is one of the leading causes of pollution in the world today. This is attributed to the fact that it takes a long period to decompose and therefore it stays very long in the environment. Some pieces of plastic end up getting into the oceans and the seas. While in water, aquatic species end up thinking that they are pieces of food and eat which leads to the death of aquatic animals. Recycling A solution, therefore, needs to be sought after to reduce the menace of pollution. Not only will it be good for us but it will also ensure that future generations can enjoy the resources. Recycling is one of the solutions that can be used to prevent environmental degradation. Upon the completion of use of a substance, what if instead of it being disposed of into the environment it can be recycled? Recycling is the process in which waste materials are converted into new objects. It is one of the best alternatives that save materials helping in the reduction of greenhouse gases into the environment. Certain benefits are incurred upon recycling waste materials. Recycling waste materials enables the reduction of the amount of waste that is sent to landfills and combustion facilities. Waste sent to landfills reduces the aesthetic value of a place, it also leads to the formation of methane gas that is a greenhouse gas which leads to global warming. The combustion of waste materials also leads to the use of a lot of energy in the burning of the substances and harmful gases are also released into the environment. Therefore recycling is seen as one of the best waste reduction solution. Recycling also leads to pollution prevention through the reduction of a number of raw materials that need to be extracted from the source. It leads to the availability of resources and hence ensuring that there is an equilibrium in the amount of resources being produced and the extraction rates of those resources. Recycling also saves energy. Using materials that are recycled in a manufacturing process uses less amount of energy than the amount of energy that will be required to produce new products from raw materials. Less energy is also used when you factor in the energy that is used in extraction, refinement, and transportation and processing of the raw materials. It also reduces the number of greenhouse gases that are released into the environment. Recycling is also important as it ensures that there is sustainable development. Sustainable development is the type of development that ensures needs of the current generation are met without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. Recycling does this because it ensures that it avails raw materials that can be used in the production of materials. Materials that can be recycled include things that are made out of aluminum, for example, aluminum cans. They are 100% recyclable, and they can be recycled over and over again. Plastic materials can also be recycled; the environment is composed of a lot of plastic materials therefore through recycling we can be able to reduce them. Other things that can be recycled include glass, steel, and newspapers among others. Waste materials that are decomposable can be used in energy production. Waste that is generated through the kitchen of homes, hotels, schools, manure municipal waste and other sources of organic waste will be converted to produce biogas. The waste is broken down in the absence of oxygen this process occurs when in a closed system anaerobic organisms are introduced into the organic waste which then digests the waste releasing methane gas as a waste material. The methane gas can then be channeled to be able to provide energy that can be used for cooking. This process is a very sustainable way of energy production because apart from the initial setting up costs a person does not incur any cost apart from the addition of waste which is easily available. My business idea aims at recycling. It entails looking for the less fortunate members of the society among us, those who are homeless and barely have money to get their basic needs. After acquiring a group of this people, I will mobilize them to start collecting garbage. A lot of emphases will, however, be based on collecting plastic materials. It will involve partnering up with people in their homes and estates and also with hotels along the beach. In this areas, a garbage can that has been labeled and divided into sections that are composed of organic and non-organic waste will be availed. People are supposed to use this litter bins to dispose of their waste according to how it has been indicated. The people chosen will be able to collect waste materials that are found in the environment after the collection of the materials from the homes and the streets, the waste will be sorted. Sorting of waste entails the further separation of the waste materials and sorting them according to their types for example plastics will be separated and put together, glass waste will also be sorted out, etc. After the non-organic waste has been sorted, it will be crushed into smaller pieces. After crushing the waste will be made available to local industries that can be able to sell them, the industries will recycle the waste and produce new substances. The waste will be sold to the industries based on its weight. The organic waste will also be converted into biogas. Education awareness will be carried out to people in their homes and the hotels so that they can able to start biogas production. Emphasis will be made on hotels that are along the beach because of the symbiotic relationship that will arise. People will be collecting waste materials along the beach, and in doing so it will help in maintaining the aesthetics of the beach for tourists and the hotels will benefit, the hotels will, in turn, be providing waste materials that they produce. This business idea will help in solving many issues. First, it will reduce the unemployment rates by employing the less fortunate members of the society. This will help in increasing their standards of living. It will also reduce the amount of waste in the environment by recycling which will be very beneficial to the environment. Recycling will ensure sustainability because the needs of the current environment will be met and ensuring the future generations will also be able to meet their own needs. Man needs to ensure that they carry out sustainable development to be able to protect the environment. Attempts should be made towards protecting and conserving the environment. If we do not do this Mother Nature will react to our actions towards the environment, and when she does, we are the ones who will be at loss. References Shahbaz, M., Sbia, R., Hamdi, H., & Ozturk, I. (2014). Economic growth, electricity consumption, urbanization and environmental degradation relationship in United Arab Emirates. Ecological Indicators, 45, 622-631. Unger, N., Beigl, P., Höggerl, G., & Salhofer, S. (2017). The greenhouse gas benefit of recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment above the legal minimum requirement: An Austrian LCA case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 164, 1635-1644. Unger, N., Beigl, P., Höggerl, G., & Salhofer, S. (2017). The greenhouse gas benefit of recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment above the legal minimum requirement: An Austrian LCA case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 164, 1635-1644. Wang, J., & Xu, Z. (2015). Disposing and recycling waste printed circuit boards: Disconnecting, resource recovery, and pollution control. Environmental science & technology, 49(2), 721-733.

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  • Environmental Issue Essay


Essay on Environmental Issue

Environment is the surrounding of an Organism. This Environment in which an Organism lives is made up of various components like Air, Water, Land, etc. These components are found in fixed proportions to create a Harmonious Balance in the Environment for the Organism to live in. Any kind of undesirable and wanted change in the proportions of these components can be termed as Pollution. This Issue is increasing with every passing year. It is an Issue that troubles Economically, Physically and Socially. The Environmental problem that is worsening with each day needs to be addressed so that its harmful effects on Humans as well as the planet can be redressed. 

Environmental Issue

Our green world is now in Jeopardy. Humans depleted Natural Resources by polluting Water, Soil, and Air. We must tackle the challenges we have created by opening our eyes. The Environment has been profoundly impacted by Industrial Growth. People emit more Pollution for more convenience. Human actions have an impact on the Environment, both directly and indirectly. As a result, there is a symbiotic link between a creature and its surroundings. Let’s discuss some major Issues our Environment Issues which our Environment is facing nowadays:

Global Warming:

Foremost symptom of natural imbalance is Global Warming. When Greenhouse Gasses accumulate and cause the temperature to rise, we see the Greenhouse effect. It has an impact on the rising of the World Ocean level and the melting of Arctic ice. According to specialists, coastal countries and certain islands could be overwhelmed by water over several decades.

Increasing Population:

People require greater space and resources as their population grows, in order to meet all of their food and housing needs. To make room for pastures and agricultural fields, people began cutting down trees. Forests serve as the Earth's main lungs and the primary habitat for a wide range of animals, birds, and insects. Deforestation and Human activities have put a lot of forest species in Jeopardy.

Ozone Layer Depletion:

Depletion of the Ozone layer is a complex Issue that Humanity is grappling with. The Ozone layer absorbs UV radiation, which is damaging to Humans. Increased Ozone hole numbers result in more intense solar radiation and a rise in skin cancer.


Plants and trees are essential components of Human life. Everyone benefits from trees because they give air, food, and medicines. Forests are being cut down to meet rising demand. During the summer, natural wildfires are common. To maximize profit, people take down trees in an unethical manner.

Climate change is occurring at a faster rate than it was a century ago. The weather change has an impact on industrial advancement. Climate change has resulted in disastrous hurricanes, floods, and droughts. In recent years, many countries have been hit by a slew of natural disasters.

Polluted Environments can cause a variety of illnesses. Many species of flora and wildlife that are important to flora are threatened with extinction. Nature preserves balance, and all Organisms' feeding habits are linked in a food chain, as we all know. In areas with petroleum refineries, chemicals, iron and steel, non-metal products, pulp and paper manufacturers, and textile industries, the problem of industrial Pollution is often severe.

Causes of Environmental Issue

With the rise of the industries and the migration of people from villages to cities in search of employment, there has been a regular increase in the problem of proper housing and unhygienic conditions of living. These reasons have given rise in factors for Pollution. Environmental Pollution is of five basic types namely; Air, Water, Soil and Noise Pollution.

Air Pollution:  

Air Pollution is a major Issue in today’s world. The smoke pouring out of factory chimneys and automobiles pollute the air that we breathe in. Gasses like Carbon dioxide, Carbon Monoxide and Sulphur Dioxide are emitted which mix with air and cause great harm to the Human body, Flora and Fauna. The dry farm waste, dry grass, leaves and coal used as domestic fuels in our villages also produce harmful Gasses. Acid rain occurs due to excess Sulphur Dioxide in the Air. 

Water Pollution:  

Water Pollution is one of the most serious Environmental Issues. The waste products from the growing industries and sewage water are not treated properly before disposing into rivers and other water bodies, thus creating Pollution. Agricultural processes with excess fertilizers and pesticides also pollute the water bodies.

Soil or Land Pollution:  

The next source of Environmental Pollution is soil. Waste materials such as plastics, polythene, bottles, etc. cause land Pollution and render soil infertile. Moreover, dumping of dead bodies of men and animals, washing of clothes and utensils add to this Issue. It is a very dangerous aspect of Environment since it affects the fertility and food production of the area and the country.

Noise Pollution:  

This Issue is a very subtle form of Pollution. All Human activities contribute to noise Pollution to a large extent. Horns of the vehicles, loud speakers, music system, industrial activities contribute towards this Issue.

Problems like Ozone depletion, Global Warming, Greenhouse effect, change in climatic and weather conditions, melting of glaciers etc. are some more Issues in the Environment.

How to Minimize Environmental Issues?

To minimize this Issue, preventive measures need to be taken.

Principle of 3R’s:  

To save the Environment, use the principle of 3 R’s; Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. 

Reuse products again and again. Instead of throwing away things after one use, find a way to use them again.  Reduce the amount of waste products generated. 


Paper, plastics, glass and electronic items can be processed into new products while using fewer natural resources and lesser energy.

To prevent and control measures of air Pollution including better-designed equipment and smokeless fuels should be used in homes and industries. 

More and more trees should be planted to balance the ecosystem and control Greenhouse effects.

Noise Pollution can be minimized by better designing and proper maintenance of vehicles. Industrial noise can be reduced by sound proofing equipment like generators, etc. 

To control soil Pollution, usage of plastic bags must be stopped. Sewage should be treated properly before using it as fertilizers and as landfills.  

Several measures can be adopted to control water Pollution. Some of them are that the water requirement can be minimized by altering the techniques involved. Water should be reused with treatment. The quantity of water waste discharged should be reduced. 

People, unfortunately, forget that we are a part of nature. We must live in harmony with nature and take care of it. We need to rethink how we consume natural resources. People must be aware that the natural world is on the verge of collapse. People must recognise that they are not the primary users of the Environment and construct Environmentally suitable homes. We must consider future generations and what will be left behind after we are gone. People come up with remedies to Environmental Issues. We recycle trash, develop electric automobiles, reduce air, water, and soil Pollution, and restore land erosion by planting new trees. But it is not enough; people must drastically alter their lifestyles until nature takes the last drastic measures.

Saving our planet from these Environmental Issues is the responsibility of every individual. If preventive measures are not taken then our future generation will have to face major repercussions. Government is also taking steps to create public awareness. Every individual should be involved in helping to reduce and control Pollution.


FAQs on Environmental Issue Essay

1. What are the Major Environmental Issues?

The major environmental issues are environmental degradation, climate change, global warming, and greenhouse effects.

2. What is the Best Way to Control Greenhouse Effect?

Afforestation is the best way to control greenhouse effect.

3. What is the Principle of 3Rs?

The principle of 3Rs is Reuse, Reduce and Recycle.

4. How do you Minimize Soil Pollution?

Stopping the use of plastics can minimize soil Pollution.


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Over 300,000 people migrated to California during the California Gold Rush. One way that these migrants contributed to Westward Expansion was that they boosted the economy in California. Many small cities in California that had previously consisted of a few hundred citizens soon had tens of thousands of residents. Another way that the 49ers contributed to Westward Expansion was their impact on the Native Americans. As the mining industry in California grew, the Native’s sources for food were killed and contaminated by chemicals and silt.

26.18 Social Studies Research Paper: The California Gold Rush

The cost of living at the beginning of the Gold Rush, was dramatically increasing as more people traveled to California in search of gold. In the article “The Gold Rush,” it states “In 1849, San Francisco’s population skyrocketed from 812 to 20,000 people. The cost of land soared – the same plot of land which had cost $16 in 1847, sold for $45,000 just eighteen months later. Prices of goods and commodities also rose. Fresh produce was in high demand, with apples selling for $5 each and a dozen eggs for $50”.

How Did The California Gold Rush And Middle-Class Culture

People who migrated to California were unsuccessful in the places they were and they looked for a new job and gold was the answers to their prayers. A big question being asked is who's really being paid the big bucks from the rush. In primary source “History of California before 1900” explains in who colonized olden and now new day California. California was a colony of Spain, but in 1821 Mexico had fought and the Spanish claimed California as one of its new and justified northern provinces. Twenty-five years later, the Mexican-American War became a factor and the United States won this battle and won California.

How Did The California Gold Rush Of 1849

prospectors came from all over the world from far away as europe. The gold rush of 1849 set the foundation for california’s future success. Through the increase of entrepreneur, the gold rush made america more socially diverse by drawing many cultures from around the world. The California

Views On Taming The Wild West California Gold Rush

Being an area already used by Native Americans; new California settlers such as the Spanish, Russians, John Sutter, American Pioneers, and international groups had different

Manifest Destiny In The 1840s

Native Californians were not able to told that their owned land and some of the Californians drifted away from the

How The California Gold Rush Shaped The State

California was never viewed as a land of opportunity before the Gold Rush, this event created a state that was now viewed very different. This discovery had many different effects on people’s lives in the United

The California Gold Rush: A Positive Impact On American History

Americans were able to make thousands of dollars off of gold and immagrants and foreigners from all over the world came to California. Citizens became richer and all different cultures learned to

California Gold Rush Essay

Before the Gold Rush, California was hugely underpopulated. The only people that lived there were Native Americans, Mexicans, and a few American immigrants. The towns were small and nearly abandoned. When the Gold Rush started that completely change. The small cities grew and the Bay Area became closer to what it is today and an economic boom occurred.

Essay On Environmental Injustice

The concept of environmental justice was first introduced in South Africa at the Earthlife 1992 conference (Cock 2004, p.6). Defined as the ‘fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies’ (U.S Environment Protection Agency, 2012), environmental justice aims to shift the world towards environmentally friendly development and eradicate exploitation of natural resources and indigenous communities. Most importantly, it deals mainly with the environmental injustices of these relationships, and the ways and means of rectifying these wrongs and/or avoiding them in the future

Cause Of Environmental Degradation

Nowadays, environmental degradation has become an important issue. This is because environmental degradation is one of the largest threats that is being looked at in the world today. This is because of the depletion of important resources such as air, water, and soil; the destruction of ecosystems; habitat destruction; the extinction of wildlife; and pollution. To limit the impact of these situations, it is important to know the possible side-effects of environmental degradation. Therefore, there are several causes and negative effects of environmental degradation provided in this essay with some recommendations to prevent it.

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Essay on Environment for Students and Children

500+ words essay on environment.

Essay on Environment – All living things that live on this earth comes under the environment. Whether they live on land or water they are part of the environment. The environment also includes air, water, sunlight, plants, animals, etc.

Moreover, the earth is considered the only planet in the universe that supports life. The environment can be understood as a blanket that keeps life on the planet sage and sound.

Essay on Environment

Importance of Environment

We truly cannot understand the real worth of the environment. But we can estimate some of its importance that can help us understand its importance. It plays a vital role in keeping living things healthy in the environment.

Likewise, it maintains the ecological balance that will keep check of life on earth. It provides food, shelter, air, and fulfills all the human needs whether big or small.

Moreover, the entire life support of humans depends wholly on the environmental factors. In addition, it also helps in maintaining various life cycles on earth.

Most importantly, our environment is the source of natural beauty and is necessary for maintaining physical and mental health.

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Benefits of the Environment

The environment gives us countless benefits that we can’t repay our entire life. As they are connected with the forest, trees, animals, water, and air. The forest and trees filter the air and absorb harmful gases. Plants purify water, reduce the chances of flood maintain natural balance and many others.

Moreover, the environment keeps a close check on the environment and its functioning, It regulates the vital systems that are essential for the ecosystem. Besides, it maintains the culture and quality of life on earth.

The environment regulates various natural cycles that happen daily. These cycles help in maintaining the natural balance between living things and the environment. Disturbance of these things can ultimately affect the life cycle of humans and other living beings.

The environment has helped us and other living beings to flourish and grow from thousands of years. The environment provides us fertile land, water, air, livestock and many essential things for survival.

Cause of Environmental Degradation

Human activities are the major cause of environmental degradation because most of the activities humans do harm the environment in some way. The activities of humans that causes environmental degradation is pollution, defective environmental policies, chemicals, greenhouse gases, global warming, ozone depletion, etc.

All these affect the environment badly. Besides, these the overuse of natural resources will create a situation in the future there will be no resources for consumption. And the most basic necessity of living air will get so polluted that humans have to use bottled oxygen for breathing.

environmental degradation essay 300 words

Above all, increasing human activity is exerting more pressure on the surface of the earth which is causing many disasters in an unnatural form. Also, we are using the natural resources at a pace that within a few years they will vanish from the earth. To conclude, we can say that it is the environment that is keeping us alive. Without the blanket of environment, we won’t be able to survive.

Moreover, the environment’s contribution to life cannot be repaid. Besides, still what the environment has done for us, in return we only have damaged and degraded it.

FAQs about Essay on Environment

Q.1 What is the true meaning of the environment?

A.1 The ecosystem that includes all the plants, animals, birds, reptiles, insects, water bodies, fishes, human beings, trees, microorganisms and many more are part of the environment. Besides, all these constitute the environment.

Q.2 What is the three types of the environment?

A.2 The three types of environment includes the physical, social, and cultural environment. Besides, various scientists have defined different types and numbers of environment.

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Essay on Environmental Pollution for Children, Students and Others

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Essay on Environmental Pollution: Environment pollution is a global concern since it affects the environment and people’s health. Environmental pollution refers to the introduction of harmful pollutants into the environment. These pollutants contaminates the environment. It has a hazardous effect on the natural world and on the activities of living beings. Environmental pollution is one of the most important global problems. It means adding impurity to environment. The environment consists of earth , water , air , plants and animals . If we pollute them, then the existence of man and nature will be hampered.

Short and Long Essays on Environmental Pollution

We have provided below short and long essay on environmental pollution in English for your information and knowledge. All the essays have been written in simple yet effective English language so that it would be easy for you to remember it and present it when required. After going through these environmental pollution essay, you will know the definition of environmental pollution; facts of pollution for kids; types of environmental pollution and their causes; ways to prevent environmental pollution etc. These environmental pollution essays will prove extremely helpful in your school/college assignments and competitions like debate, essay writing and speech giving. Types of Polluiton

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Environmental Pollution Essay 100 words – Sample 1

Environmental pollution refers to the introduction of undesirable polluting substances into the environment. These substances are produced mainly due to human activities like transportation, industrialization and urbanization among others. There are even some natural factors that cause environmental pollution like volcanic eruption, storms etc., but their impact on the environment is temporary as well as negligible as compared to the human induced pollution.

Pollution poses a serious threat to the environment and also to the life and heath of humans, plants and animals. Any living species could only survive if the environment remains clean and pure, otherwise life on the planet would be really difficult and impossible to imagine.

Environmental Pollution Essay 150 words – Sample 2

Very often we hear the term environmental pollution while talking about harm human’s quest for progress is doing to the environment and what impacts it has on the health of humans and other species as well.

Pollution of the environment happens when our natural environment is disturbed by the introduction of unwanted and harmful substances known as pollutants. Many human activities like use of fossil fuels in the vehicles, dumping of industrial waste, cutting down trees and forests for urban settlements and large use of plastic are some of the main human induced causes of environmental pollution.

Causes of Polluiton

Environmental pollution leads to a series of undesirable outcomes like global warming, acid rain, species depletion, flood and famines among several other severe consequences. If we want the planet to be green and inhabited for millions of more years then it is very necessary that we should take all the necessary steps to prevent environmental pollution.

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Environmental Pollution Essay 200 words – Sample 3

Environmental pollution is described as the introduction of external pollutants into the environment. Our natural environment consists of the air, forests, rivers, streams, land, soil, vegetation etc. If anything unwanted generated due to human activities enter this otherwise pristine environment, this phenomenon is termed as environmental pollution.

Some of the major human activities causing environmental pollution are industrialization, deforestation, urbanization, nuclear spills etc. Often the production industries are set up near the natural water sources as water is a major resource for several kinds of industrial works.

Water used as coolant and also used for purposes like cleaning, washing etc. But also the waste produced by industries dumped into the water bodies resulting in their pollution.

Water a precious natural resource and though, almost 70% of earth’s surface is covered with water, only 1% of it is actually fresh water and suitable for consumption. Industrial waste pollutes that 1% of extremely rare reserve of fresh water, which has actually taken hundreds of years to be build.

It is very necessary therefore to prevent any damage to the environment and natural resources caused by the human activities. Environmental pollution is a global threat and it must be prevented by making new laws and implementing them with full diligence.

Environmental Pollution Essay 250 words- Sample 3

The term environmental pollution used to describe the contamination of environment by external substances called pollutants. These pollutants generated due to human activities and could be in gaseous, solid or liquid state, depending on their respective process of generation.

Gaseous pollutants include gases like Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Sulphur Dioxide (SO 2 ) generated due to the combustion of fossil fuels. These gases are toxic in nature and harmful to breathe in, when present in the atmosphere in large quantities.

Solid pollutants include industrial waste and waste from human settlements. They consists of all types of solid compounds like plastic, metal, wood, leaves, etc. Solid pollutants not only cause land and soil pollution but also reach our water bodies and pollute them.

Liquid pollutants on the other hand consist of oil and other petroleum products, chemicals, acids etc. The main source of liquid pollutants is petroleum and fuel production industries.

Environmental pollution has an adverse effect on the vital resources like air, water and plants as well as on the health and life of humans. Air pollutions causes respiratory ailments while the pollution of water bodies leads to water borne diseases. Soil pollution also causes contamination of soil affecting the crop production in that particular area.

There is an urgent need to control the environmental pollution by effectively controlling the production of pollutants by adopting more environment friendly policies. Use of more eco friendly fuel sources and proper collection and disposal of waste are some of the methods that could adopted to control environmental pollution.

Environmental Pollution Essay 300 words- Sample 4


When an unwanted toxic substance enters our otherwise pure environment, it is termed as pollution. Environmental pollution is serious threat to the environment and its resources. Ironically, almost all of the causes of environment pollution human induced. Below we have presented some important pollution facts for kids, to improve their knowledge.

Pollution Facts for Kids

Below we have provided bulleted point wise narration of environmental pollution facts for kids.

  • Pollution is a serious health concern for people around the world, including the children and adults. Nearly 10 million people worldwide are suffering due to pollution related issues and it is also responsible for the death of more than 2 million children under the age of 5.
  • Water pollution in developed countries is chiefly due to industrial waste. Around 70% of industrial waste in developed countries dumped into water, making the lakes and rivers too polluted for any activity.
  • Pollution of fresh drinking water is one of the main causes of loss of life throughout the world. Every year at least 250 million cases of water borne diseases reported, which subsequently causes 2 to 10 million deaths.
  • A normal human being breathes in around 11,000 liters of air per day. Therefore, breathing polluted air causes severe lung diseases and people living in places with poor air quality are more susceptible to it.
  • Motor vehicles are the main source of air pollution than anything else. An average car produces at least half a ton of carbon dioxide.

Though, the pollution affects the environment and the health of flora and fauna; it is the children who are more susceptible to it health hazards. We must take necessary steps to curb pollution in order to safeguard the health and future of our children.

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Environmental Pollution Essay 350 words- Sample 5

Environmental Pollution refers to the introduction of external pollutants into the environment. These pollutants primarily generated from several human activities like transportation, industrialization etc. Environmental pollution has many effects on the environment. Some of the major effects of environmental pollution described below.

Major Effects of Pollution

  • Global Warming

Global warming refers to the rise in average surface temperature of earth. The main reason of global warming is the greenhouse effect which in turn caused due to a large concentration of green house gases into the atmosphere. Gases like Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), Water vapor (H 2 O), Methane (CH 4 ) and Nitrous Oxide (N 2 O) are green house gases and emitted mainly due to the fossil fuel combustion. Greenhouse gases help retain the sun’s heat into the atmosphere, consequently resulting in a rise in earth’s surface temperature.

Acid rain is another environmental degrading effect of pollution. It refers to a rain or a kind of precipitation that is acidic in nature with more concentration of Hydrogen ions, in other words the pH level of Acid Rain is low. It is very harmful to the plants, aquatic species and buildings also. The main human induced causes of acid rain are nitrogen and sulfur compounds generated due to activities like generation of electricity, meat production industries and transportation.

  • Species Depletion

One of the most serious effects of environmental pollution is species depletion both on land and in water. Water pollution severely impacts the quality of water, making it toxic and harmful to live in for the aquatic animals like fishes and tortoise etc. They are highly sensitive to the pollution and often succumb to it. Land pollution and air pollution also causes the depletion of the species of flora and fauna respectively. Air pollution causes some serious respiratory ailments in humans as well as animals.

Pollution not only effects the environment, but it also threatens the very existence of life on earth. It has a large degrading effect on the environment and we must take necessary remedial measures for its prevention if we want our planet to stay healthy and green.

Environmental Pollution Essay 400 words Sample 6

Environmental pollution refers to the inclusion of unwanted toxic pollutants into the environment. These pollutants mainly generated due to several human activities and causes environment degradation. Different types of pollutants lead to different types of environmental pollution which we will discuss below.

Types of Environmental Pollution

Water Pollution

Water Pollution occurs when toxic substances like chemicals, plastic and other waste enters our water resources. The pollutants could include chemicals from agricultural runoff, industrial waste, urban sewage, oil spills by boats etc. Fresh water is very precious natural resource and must kept clean at any cost. As per an estimate provided by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA), 64% of lakes are not suitably clean for activities like fishing and swimming.

  • Air Pollution

Air Pollution occurs when particles and other harmful gases generated due to human activities get mixed with the environmental air and causes its degradation. A main cause of the air pollution is the production and use of fossil fuels. The fossil fuel production industry produces harmful gases like SO 2 (Sulphur dioxide), CO 2 (Carbon dioxide) etc. These gases are toxic in nature and cause other serious complications like greenhouse effects and acid rain.

  • Land/Soil Pollution

The main cause of land/soil pollution is urban waste and agricultural runoff. Urban waste consists of all type of degradable, and non degradable waste likes vegetables, waste food, plastic, hospital waste etc. In the absence of a proper waste collection and disposal mechanism, these wastes get disposed on land resulting in land pollution. Moreover, the use of chemical fertilizers in the agricultural industry causes the chemical pollutants to get absorbed in the soil, causing soil pollution.

  • Noise Pollution

Noise pollution also known as sound pollution and caused when the noise level into the environment reaches up to dangerously high level so as to interfere with normal activities of humans and animals. Transportation vehicles, heavy machineries, aircrafts are the main sources of noise pollution. Noise level is measured in Decibel (dB) and the permissible limit of noise as described by the World Health Organization (WHO) is 50 dB. Though, in the areas of dense population, urban settlement and traffic it often reaches up to 98 dB, which is very harmful to the humans and animals.

There many types of pollution depending on the activities they generated from; nevertheless, the ability to deal with all of them lies only with humans. It required that we take immediate responsibility of our environment and also take necessary steps towards preventing its pollution.

Environmental Pollution Essay 500 words – Sample 7

Everything that surrounds us constitutes the environment. It is the condition in which humans, plants, animals and other creatures live and operate. Environmental Pollution on the other hand is the introduction of unwanted and often toxic substances in to the environment. These substances termed as pollutants and mainly produced due to human activities. In the following essay we will go through causes, effects and control of environmental pollution.

Causes of Environmental Pollution

Many causes of environmental pollution including oil spills, burning of fossil fuels, industrial waste, use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, use of plastic etc. for instance, transportation industry relies on fuel like petrol and diesel that has derived formed due to anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms. The main pollutant gas emitted when fossil fuel burned in a transport vehicle are CO 2 (Carbon dioxide) and CO (Carbon Monoxide). Former is a potent greenhouse gas while the latter is toxic in nature.

Industrial waste generated in industries throughout world carelessly dumped in to environment due to lack of proper planning. It pollutes our water bodies, land and is also harmful to the health of human and other living species.

Effects of Environmental Pollution

Effects of Environmental Pollution are on number of factors including human health as well as survival and health of other living organisms, animals and plants.

Air pollution causes severe respiratory ailments in humans and animals alike. Water pollution renders water toxic and natural water resource unusable. It also causes depletion of aquatic species and flora and fauna that depends on it.

Above mentioned effects of environmental pollution, some more severe effects like global warming, floods and acid rain. Global warming caused due excess environmental concentration of gases like CO 2 (Carbon dioxide), CH 4 (Methane), N 2 O (Nitrous Oxide) and O 3 (Ozone). These gases primarily released due to human activities like transportation, industrialization etc.

Environmental Pollution Control

Pollution control refers to the controlling of emissions from human activities, into the environment. The waste products that generated by transportation, industrialization, and several other similar activities; leads to the degradation of the environment.

Pollution caused by these waste products could controlled by adapting to new environmental friendly norms for industries. And by allowing recycling or proper disposal of waste.

Methods like dust collection system and electrostatic precipitation can used to control air pollution; sewage treatment like sedimentation can used for treating industrial and urban waste.

Environmental pollution is one of the greatest threats to health of the planet. Ever growing human needs and man’s quest for progress is consistently degrading the atmosphere and its elements. An urgent need to take necessary action for controlling environment pollution caused due to human activities by taking remedial measures.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Environmental Pollution

What are the environmental issues faced today.

Today, critical environmental issues include global warming, deforestation, air and water pollution, and biodiversity loss. These problems affect our health, resources, and entire ecosystems.

What is the government action on pollution?

Governments tackle pollution by enforcing regulations to limit emissions, implementing green initiatives, and promoting renewable energy sources. These actions aim to improve air and water quality and protect citizen health.

What causes environmental problems?

Environmental problems stem from human activities such as industrialization, deforestation, and irresponsible waste disposal, leading to climate change, resource depletion, and habitat destruction among others.

Who is responsible for environmental pollution?

Everyone contributes to environmental pollution, but industrial entities, transportation, and agricultural sectors majorly impact through emissions and chemical runoffs. However, collective human activities across the globe are the overarching contributors.

Why is it important to prevent environmental pollution?

Preventing environmental pollution is crucial to maintain healthy living spaces, protect wildlife, conserve natural resources, and ensure the well-being of future generations. It helps sustain our life-support systems on the planet.

Why is environmental protection important?

Environmental protection is vital to preserve the Earth's ecological balance. It safeguards biodiversity, prevents resource depletion, and helps in mitigating natural disasters, ensuring a healthier and sustainable planet.

What is the importance of the environment?

The environment is essential as it provides us with air, water, food, and shelter - the fundamental aspects of our survival. It supports biodiversity, drives climate patterns, and allows the continuation of life on Earth.

What is environmental pollution?

Environmental pollution refers to the contamination of our surroundings, including the air, water, and land, caused by harmful substances. It adversely affects the natural world and human health, leading to a compromised ecosystem.

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IELTS Essay: Environmental Damage

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 0 Comment

IELTS Essay: Environmental Damage

This is my IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of the value of environmental damage from the real exam.

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Environmental damage is a problem in most countries.

What is the cause of this damage?

What should be done about this problem?

Environmental damage has become a pressing issue in numerous countries worldwide. The main causes of this problem relate to human expansion and industry and must therefore be tackled by relevant authorities and corporations.

The factors contributing to environmental damage stem from human activity. Firstly, industrial activities and the burning of fossil fuels release harmful emissions, such as carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere, leading to climate change. For instance, the excessive use of coal and oil in power generation contributes significantly to rising temperatures and poor air quality. Secondly, deforestation, driven by logging and agricultural expansion, destroys crucial ecosystems and disrupts the delicate balance of the planet. The loss of forests not only reduces carbon absorption but also leads to soil erosion and the endangerment and potential extinction of numerous plant and animal species.

To address the problem of environmental damage requires a multifaceted approach from governing bodies. Governments should prioritize the implementation of stringent environmental regulations and promote sustainable practices across industries. For example, imposing strict emission standards on factories and incentivizing the use of renewable energy sources can significantly reduce air pollution and combat climate change. Relatedly, funding sustainable land management practices, such as reforestation and afforestation programs, can help restore vital ecosystems and preserve biodiversity. Governments can apply these solutions together with companies that are heavily involved in environmental degradation.

Environmental damage poses a significant threat to the planet, but large organizations must work collectively to mitigate this issue. Implementing sustainable practices, enforcing environmental regulations, and encouraging corporate involvement are key steps toward preserving our environment for future generations.

1. Environmental damage has become a pressing issue in numerous countries worldwide. 2. The main causes of this problem relate to human expansion and industry and must therefore be tackled by relevant authorities and corporations.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. The factors contributing to environmental damage stem from human activity. 2. Firstly, industrial activities and the burning of fossil fuels release harmful emissions, such as carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere, leading to climate change. 3. For instance, the excessive use of coal and oil in power generation contributes significantly to rising temperatures and poor air quality. 4. Secondly, deforestation, driven by logging and agricultural expansion, destroys crucial ecosystems and disrupts the delicate balance of the planet. 5. The loss of forests not only reduces carbon absorption but also leads to soil erosion and the endangerment and potential extinction of numerous plant and animal species.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.
  • Add in as much detail as possible.

1. To address the problem of environmental damage requires a multifaceted approach from governing bodies. 2. Governments should prioritize the implementation of stringent environmental regulations and promote sustainable practices across industries. 3. For example, imposing strict emission standards on factories and incentivizing the use of renewable energy sources can significantly reduce air pollution and combat climate change. 4. Relatedly, funding sustainable land management practices, such as reforestation and afforestation programs, can help restore vital ecosystems and preserve biodiversity. 5. Governments can apply these solutions together with companies that are heavily involved in environmental degradation.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Add as much information as you can and make sure it links logically.
  • Use really concrete examples.

1. Environmental damage poses a significant threat to the planet, but large organizations must work collectively to mitigate this issue. 2. Implementing sustainable practices, enforcing environmental regulations, and encouraging corporate involvement are key steps toward preserving our environment for future generations.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

Environmental damage has become a pressing issue in numerous countries worldwide . The main causes of this problem relate to human expansion and industry and must therefore be tackled by relevant authorities and corporations .

The factors contributing to environmental damage stem from human activity . Firstly, industrial activities and the burning of fossil fuels release harmful emissions , such as carbon dioxide , into the atmosphere , leading to climate change. For instance, the excessive use of coal and oil in power generation contributes significantly to rising temperatures and poor air quality . Secondly, deforestation , driven by logging and agricultural expansion , destroys crucial ecosystems and disrupts the delicate balance of the planet. The loss of forests not only reduces carbon absorption but also leads to soil erosion and the endangerment and potential extinction of numerous plant and animal species.

To address the problem of environmental damage requires a multifaceted approach from governing bodies . Governments should prioritize the implementation of stringent environmental regulations and promote sustainable practices across industries . For example, imposing strict emission standards on factories and incentivizing the use of renewable energy sources can significantly reduce air pollution and combat climate change . Relatedly , funding sustainable land management practices , such as reforestation and afforestation programs, can help restore vital ecosystems and preserve biodiversity . Governments can apply these solutions together with companies that are heavily involved in environmental degradation.

Environmental damage poses a significant threat to the planet, but large organizations must work collectively to mitigate this issue. Implementing sustainable practices , enforcing environmental regulations , and encouraging corporate involvement are key steps toward preserving our environment for future generations .

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

Environmental damage Ecological harm

pressing issue in Urgent concern in

worldwide Globally

The main causes of this problem relate to The primary factors behind this issue are

expansion Growth

therefore Consequently

tackled by relevant authorities Dealt with by relevant governing bodies

corporations Companies

The factors contributing to The aspects that are responsible for

stem from human activity Originate from human actions

burning of fossil fuels release harmful emissions Combusting fossil fuels releases noxious discharges

carbon dioxide CO2

atmosphere Air

excessive use of Overconsumption of

power generation contributes significantly to rising temperatures Energy production plays a substantial role in temperature increase

poor air quality Air pollution

deforestation Logging

driven by logging and agricultural expansion Motivated by logging and the expansion of agriculture

destroys crucial ecosystems Devastates vital habitats

disrupts the delicate balance of Upsets the fragile equilibrium of

loss Depletion

reduces carbon absorption Lowers carbon assimilation

soil erosion Soil degradation

endangerment Jeopardy

potential extinction Possible eradication

address Tackle

multifaceted approach from governing bodies Comprehensive strategy from authorities

prioritize Focus on

implementation Execution

stringent Strict

regulations Rules

promote sustainable practices across industries Advocate for sustainable practices in various sectors

imposing strict emission standards Enforcing stringent emission regulations

incentivizing Motivating

renewable energy sources Sustainable energy sources

s ignificantly reduce air pollution Substantially lower air pollution

combat climate change Battle global warming

Relatedly In a similar context

funding sustainable land management practices Financing sustainable land stewardship practices

reforestation Tree planting

afforestation Establishing forests

r estore vital ecosystems Revive essential habitats

preserve biodiversity Protect biological variety

apply Implement

heavily involved in Deeply engaged in

poses a significant threat to Represents a major danger to

large organizations Major corporations

collectively Together

mitigate Alleviate

Implementing sustainable practices Enforcing sustainable approaches

enforcing environmental regulations Imposing environmental rules

encouraging corporate involvement Stimulating corporate contribution

key steps toward preserving Crucial actions for safeguarding

for future generations For the coming generations


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ɪnˌvaɪrᵊnˈmɛntᵊl ˈdæmɪʤ   ˈprɛsɪŋ ˈɪʃuː ɪn   ˌwɜːldˈwaɪd . ðə meɪn ˈkɔːzɪz ɒv ðɪs ˈprɒbləm rɪˈleɪt tuː   ɪksˈpænʃᵊn   ˈðeəfɔː   ˈtækᵊld baɪ ˈrɛləvᵊnt ɔːˈθɒrətiz   ˌkɔːpᵊrˈeɪʃᵊnz   ðə ˈfæktəz kənˈtrɪbjuːtɪŋ tuː   stɛm frɒm ˈhjuːmən ækˈtɪvəti   ˈbɜːnɪŋ ɒv ˈfɒsᵊl ˈfjuːəlz rɪˈliːs ˈhɑːmfᵊl ɪˈmɪʃᵊnz   ˈkɑːbᵊn daɪˈɒksaɪd   ˈætməsfɪə   ɪkˈsɛsɪv juːz ɒv   ˈpaʊə ˌʤɛnəˈreɪʃᵊn kənˈtrɪbjuːts sɪɡˈnɪfɪkᵊntli tuː ˈraɪzɪŋ ˈtɛmprəʧəz   pɔːr eə ˈkwɒləti   dɪˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃᵊn   ˈdrɪvᵊn baɪ ˈlɒɡɪŋ ænd ˌæɡrɪˈkʌlʧᵊrᵊl ɪksˈpænʃᵊn   dɪˈstrɔɪz ˈkruːʃᵊl ˈiːkəʊˌsɪstəmz   dɪsˈrʌpts ðə ˈdɛlɪkət ˈbælᵊns ɒv   lɒs   rɪˈdjuːsɪz ˈkɑːbᵊn əbˈsɔːpʃᵊn   sɔɪl ɪˈrəʊʒᵊn   ɪnˈdeɪnʤəmənt   pəˈtɛnʃᵊl ɪksˈtɪŋkʃᵊn   əˈdrɛs   ˌmʌltɪˈfæsɪtɪd əˈprəʊʧ frɒm ˈɡʌvᵊnɪŋ ˈbɒdiz   praɪˈɒrɪˌtaɪz   ˌɪmplɪmɛnˈteɪʃᵊn   ˈstrɪnʤᵊnt   ˌrɛɡjəˈleɪʃᵊnz   prəˈməʊt səsˈteɪnəbᵊl ˈpræktɪsɪz əˈkrɒs ˈɪndəstriz   ɪmˈpəʊzɪŋ strɪkt ɪˈmɪʃᵊn ˈstændədz   incentivizing   rɪˈnjuːəbᵊl ˈɛnəʤi ˈsɔːsɪz   sɪɡˈnɪfɪkᵊntli rɪˈdjuːs eə pəˈluːʃᵊn   ˈkɒmbæt ˈklaɪmət ʧeɪnʤ   rɪˈleɪtɪdli   ˈfʌndɪŋ səsˈteɪnəbᵊl lænd ˈmænɪʤmənt ˈpræktɪsɪz   ˌriːˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃᵊn   æˌfɒrɪsˈteɪʃᵊn   rɪsˈtɔː ˈvaɪtᵊl ˈiːkəʊˌsɪstəmz   prɪˈzɜːv ˌbaɪəʊdaɪˈvɜːsəti   əˈplaɪ   ˈhɛvɪli ɪnˈvɒlvd ɪn   ˈpəʊzɪz ə sɪɡˈnɪfɪkᵊnt θrɛt tuː   lɑːʤ ˌɔːɡᵊnaɪˈzeɪʃᵊnz   kɒˈlɛktɪvli   ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt   ˈɪmplɪmɛntɪŋ səsˈteɪnəbᵊl ˈpræktɪsɪz   ɪnˈfɔːsɪŋ ɪnˌvaɪrᵊnˈmɛntᵊl ˌrɛɡjəˈleɪʃᵊnz   ɪnˈkʌrɪʤɪŋ ˈkɔːpᵊrət ɪnˈvɒlvmənt   kiː stɛps təˈwɔːd prɪˈzɜːvɪŋ   fɔː ˈfjuːʧə ˌʤɛnəˈreɪʃᵊnz

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

E______________________e has become a p________________n numerous countries w_________e . T__________________________________o human e___________n and industry and must t________e be t__________________________s and c_______________s .

T_________________________o environmental damage s___________________y . Firstly, industrial activities and the b_________________________________________s , such as c______________e , into the a_____________e , leading to climate change. For instance, the e_____________f coal and oil in p____________________________________________________ ________ s and p__________y . Secondly, d_______________n , d____________________________________________n , d___________________s and d____________________________f the planet. The l___s of forests not only r___________________________n but also leads to s_____________n and the e____________________t and p _____________________ n of numerous plant and animal species.

To a_________s the problem of environmental damage requires a m_______________________________________________s . Governments should p________e the i______________n of s__________t environmental r___________s and p_______________________________________s . For example, i __________________________________________ s on factories and i______________g the use of r______________________________s can s___________________________________n and c___________________________e . R___________y , f____________________________________s , such as r____________n and a___________n programs, can help r______________________________s and p_________________________y . Governments can a______y these solutions together with companies that are h___________________n environmental degradation.

Environmental damage p_________________________________o the planet, but l_________________s must work c__________y to m________e this issue. I__________________________________s , e _________________________________________ s , and e_________________________________t are k ___________________________ g our environment f___________________________s .

Listening Practice

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Reading Practice

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Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :


  • How are environmental problems dealt with in your country?
  • What can be done to make people recycle more often?
  • What is the most pressing environmental problem?
  • Is recycling a common practice in your country?
  • Are governments or individuals more responsible?

Writing Practice

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IELTS Topic: Environment

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Essay on Environment 1000+ Words

The environment is an intricate web of ecosystems, natural resources, and living organisms that sustains life on our planet. It encompasses the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we cultivate, and the diverse flora and fauna that inhabit our planet.

In today’s world, the environment faces unprecedented challenges, including pollution, climate change, habitat destruction, and the depletion of vital resources. This essay argues that preserving and safeguarding the environment is not just a moral imperative; it is an urgent necessity for the well-being of current and future generations.

The Precarious State of Our Environment

The state of our environment is a cause for concern. The effects of human activities on the environment are alarming. Deforestation, driven by agricultural expansion and logging, results in the loss of vital carbon sinks, disrupts ecosystems, and exacerbates climate change. Pollution, from industrial emissions to plastic waste in our oceans, threatens the health of our ecosystems and the creatures that inhabit them.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution alone causes an estimated seven million premature deaths worldwide every year. Furthermore, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that global temperatures are rising at an unprecedented rate, leading to more frequent and severe weather events, melting ice caps, and rising sea levels

The Impact on Biodiversity

One of the gravest consequences of environmental degradation is the loss of biodiversity. Human activities such as habitat destruction, overfishing, and pollution have led to a sharp decline in the number of species on Earth. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) reports that wildlife populations have declined by an average of 68% since 1970. This loss of biodiversity has far-reaching implications for ecosystems and human societies.

Biodiversity plays a crucial role in providing ecosystem services such as pollination, pest control, and the regulation of climate and water resources. Additionally, it offers a reservoir of genetic diversity essential for developing new medicines and crop varieties.

The Human Toll of Environmental Degradation

Environmental degradation is not an abstract problem; it has a direct impact on human health and well-being. Polluted air and water, contaminated soil, and exposure to hazardous chemicals can lead to a range of health issues, from respiratory diseases to cancer.

The poorest and most vulnerable communities often bear the brunt of these health risks. A study published in The Lancet found that environmental factors, such as air and water pollution, contribute to more than 25% of global deaths, with millions of lives lost each year due to diseases caused or exacerbated by environmental factors. Furthermore, water scarcity, driven by over-extraction and pollution, affects billions of people, leading to increased competition for resources and potential conflicts.

The Economic Imperative of Environmental Conservation

Protecting the environment is not just a moral obligation; it is also an economic imperative. Natural resources such as clean air, clean water, fertile soil, and biodiversity are the foundation of economies worldwide. Without them, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, and many other industries would collapse.

The World Bank estimates that environmental degradation costs the global economy trillions of dollars annually in lost productivity, healthcare costs, and damage to infrastructure. Conversely, investing in environmental conservation and sustainable practices can yield significant economic benefits. Renewable energy, for example, is not only environmentally friendly but also a source of job creation and economic growth.

The Urgency of Climate Change Mitigation

Climate change is one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. The overwhelming consensus among climate scientists is that human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, are driving the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, leading to global warming. The consequences of unchecked climate change are severe, including extreme weather events, food and water scarcity, and the displacement of millions of people.

To address climate change, countries around the world must take ambitious actions to reduce emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and adapt to the changing climate. The Paris Agreement, adopted in 2015, represents a global commitment to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. However, achieving these goals requires sustained international cooperation and individual efforts at every level of society.

Conclusion of Essay on Environment

The environment, being a precious and finite resource, sustains life on Earth, and its well-being is closely tied to our own. Moreover, environmental degradation, encompassing pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change, presents severe threats to our planet and the welfare of future generations. Therefore, the imperative to preserve and protect the environment extends beyond morality; it is an immediate necessity for the well-being of both present and forthcoming generations. It is an economic imperative, a public health imperative, and a moral imperative.

As stewards of this planet, we must commit to sustainable practices, reduce our environmental footprint, and advocate for policies and actions that prioritize the health and vitality of our environment. Only through concerted global efforts can we hope to secure a sustainable and prosperous future for ourselves and generations to come.

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Essay on Environmental Degradation

environmental degradation essay 300 words

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