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Essay On Kindness Of Holy Prophet: 200-500 Words (Eng/Urdu)

Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is a paragon of kindness, whose life serves as an exemplary model for humankind. His merciful and compassionate nature transcended all barriers of race, religion, and social status, reflecting the true essence of Islam.

Essay On Kindness Of Holy Prophet – 200 Words

Throughout his life, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) demonstrated unparalleled empathy and love for others, even in the face of adversity. His treatment of the poor and needy, as well as his concern for the welfare of animals, illustrates his deep-rooted kindness. One such example is when he (PBUH) mended a broken bird’s wing and cared for it until it could fly again.

The Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) magnanimous approach to his enemies is another testament to his benevolence. He consistently forgave those who sought to harm him, teaching his followers to embrace forgiveness and let go of grudges. This gracious behavior is exemplified in the Conquest of Mecca, where he forgave the people of the city despite their years of hostility.

His kind-heartedness also extended to the domestic sphere, where he upheld the rights of women and advocated for their dignity and respect. He emphasized the importance of treating one’s spouse with love and affection, a lesson still relevant today.

In conclusion, the life of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) epitomizes kindness and compassion, providing a timeless example for all humanity. His unwavering empathy, forgiveness, and concern for the well-being of others, irrespective of their backgrounds, are lessons that we must strive to incorporate into our own lives. By emulating his virtues, we can foster a world where love, tolerance, and understanding prevail.

Essay On Kindness Of Holy Prophet – 500 Words

Kindness is a universal virtue, transcending cultures, religions, and time. It is often considered as one of the pillars of a harmonious society. Among the numerous exemplary personalities in history, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) stands out as a shining beacon of kindness and compassion. This essay delves into the life of the Holy Prophet, highlighting instances that illustrate his unparalleled kindness and its enduring legacy on humanity.

Early Life And Character Of The Holy Prophet

Born in the year 570 CE in Mecca, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was an orphan, raised by his grandfather and uncle. Despite the hardships he faced in his early life, he was known for his impeccable character and noble qualities. He was often referred to as “ Al-Amin ” (the trustworthy) and “Al-Sadiq” (the truthful). Even before his prophethood, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) displayed exceptional kindness, which was evident in his dealings with people, animals, and the environment.

Kindness To Family And Friends

The Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) kindness was evident in his interactions with his family and friends. He was a loving husband, a caring father, and a gentle friend. He would assist with household chores, engage in playful activities with children, and help his friends in times of need. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was known to visit the sick, console the bereaved, and attend funerals, reflecting his deep sense of empathy and concern for others.

Kindness To Enemies And Critics

Perhaps one of the most striking examples of the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) kindness was his treatment of his enemies and critics. Despite the persecution and hostility he faced, he chose to respond with patience, forgiveness, and compassion. A famous example of this is when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) visited the house of a woman who used to throw garbage at him. When she fell ill, he went to inquire about her health, which left her astounded by his kindness and eventually led her to embrace Islam.

Another notable incident occurred after the conquest of Mecca when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) forgave his enemies who had caused immense suffering to him and his followers. Instead of seeking revenge, he granted them amnesty, exemplifying his magnanimity and commitment to peace.

Kindness To Animals And The Environment

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) demonstrated immense kindness towards animals and the environment. He urged his followers to treat animals with compassion and avoid overburdening them. He also advocated for the conservation of natural resources, emphasizing the importance of planting trees and preserving water.

The story of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) freeing a camel that was overburdened and mistreated by its owner illustrates his concern for animal welfare. Upon seeing the animal’s suffering, he admonished the owner and stressed the importance of treating animals with kindness and care.

Enduring Legacy And Lessons

The Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) life serves as an eternal reminder of the power of kindness and its potential to transform lives. His legacy of compassion continues to inspire millions of people around the world, transcending religious, cultural, and geographical boundaries. Some key lessons that we can glean from his life include:

  • Treat everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of their social status, beliefs, or background.
  • Forgive and let go of grudges, as this can pave the way for inner peace and spiritual growth.
  • Show empathy and understanding to those who are suffering, as this can alleviate their pain and foster a sense of solidarity.

نبیؐ رحمت کی رحمت کے پہلو

اللہ تعالی نے اپنے پیارے محبوب حضرت محمد مصطفی صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کو بے حد نرم دل اور شفیق و مہربان بنایا ہے، وہ اپنی امت کے لئے سراپا رحمت و کرم ہیں، اس کی تکلیف، کسی بھی قسم کی سختی اور شدت انہیں ناگوار گزرتی ہے۔ قرآن پاک میں ارشاد ہے: ترجمہ:”یہ اللہ پاک کی خاص رحمت ہے کہ آپ ان کے لئے نرم دل ہیں“۔(آل عمران: 159) دوسرے مقام پر ارشاد فرمایا: ترجمہ:”بے شک تمہارے پاس تم ہی میں سے، عظیم الشان رسول تشریف لائے، جو چیز تمہیں مشقت میں ڈالے، وہ انہیں بہت ناگوار گزرتی ہے تمہاری بھلائی کے بہت ہی متمنی ہیں۔ مومنوں پر بہت ہی مہربان و رحیم ہیں“۔(التوب: 128) حضور نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے قلب اطہر میں پیدا کردہ اسی شفقت و رحمت کا اثر تھا کہ صرف نیک اور پرہیزگار لوگ ہی آپ کے پیش نظر نہ تھے، بلکہ گناہ گاروں پر بھی نظر کرم تھی تاکہ وہ رحمت و مغفرت سے محروم نہ رہیں اور فرمانبرداروں کے ساتھ وہ بھی رحمت میں سے حصہ حاصل کر لیں۔ چنانچہ ایک دفعہ آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے ارشاد فرمایا: ترجمہ:”مجھے شفاعت اور نصف امت جنت میں داخل کرنے کے درمیان اختیار دیا گیا، (کہ چاہے تو آدھی امت بخشوا لیں، چاہے شفاعت کا اختیار لے لیں) میں نے شفاعت کو اختیار کرلیا ہے۔ (اے میرے غلامو!) کیا تم سمجھتے ہو کہ یہ صرف متقی لوگوں کے لئے ہے؟ نہیں، یہ گناہوں اور خطاؤں کی گندگی میں لتھڑے ہوئے لوگوں کے لئے ہے“۔(ابن ماجہ حضورنبی اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کو ساری امت پیاری ہے، خواہ وہ گناہ گار ہی ہو، اسی لئے شفاعت کو اختیار فرمایا تاکہ انہیں بھی بخشوایا جا سکے۔ اگر آدھی امت کو بخشوا لیتے تو باقی آدھی امت کدھر جاتی، اس لئے آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے اسے بے یار و مددگار چھوڑنا پسند نہیں فرمایا۔ حضرت ابوہریرہ رضی اللہ عنہ روایت کرتے ہیں کہ حضور نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے فرمایا: (مسلم شریف، 2: 248) ترجمہ:”میری اور میری امت کی مثال ایسی ہے، جیسے کسی شخص نے آگ جلائی، تو پروانے اور پتنگے آ کر اس میں گرنے لگے۔ میں تمہیں کمر سے پکڑ پکڑ کر کھینچتا ہوں اور تم اس میں چھوٹ چھوٹ کر گرتے ہو“۔ آج ضرورت اس امر کی ہے کہ آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی امت پر شفقت ورحمت اور بلند مرتبہ ومقام کے پیش نظر دل وجان سے آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی تعظیم وتکریم بجالائی جائے اور آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم سے گہری عقیدت ومحبت رکھی جائے اور آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی سیرت وکردار کو اپنایا جائے۔جس طرح آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے دنیا میں تشریف لانے سے لے کر قیامت کے دن تک کے تمام مراحل میں امت کو نہ صرف یاد رکھا بلکہ ان کی مغفرت وبخشش کیلئے اللہ تعالی کے حضور شفاعت وسفارش کی۔لہٰذا وفا کا تقاضا ہے کہ ہم بھی نگر نگر،قریہ قریہ،شہر شہر آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے ذکر کے چرچے کریں اور آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی ولادت باسعادت کے جشن منائیں جیسا کہ اعلی حضرت امام احمد رضا خان بریلوی نے فرمایا: جو نہ بھولا ہم غریبوں کو رضا یاد اس کی اپنی عادت کیجئے لہٰذا ایمان کی بقا اور کمال کے لئے آقا علیہ السلام کے ساتھ محبت اور ادب کے تعلق کو اس قدراستوار کیا جائے کہ آقا علیہ السلام کے ادب، اطاعت اور محبت میں فنا ہو جائیں۔ ساری خیر حضور صلیٰ اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی نسبت میں ہے اور سارا شر حضور علیہ السلام سے کٹ جانے میں ہے۔ اْمت جب تک حضور علیہ السلام سے جڑی رہی، وہ خیر کے چشموں سے سیراب ہوتی رہی۔ جب سے ہم ادب مصطفی صلیٰ اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم، محبت مصطفی صلیٰ اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم، اتباع مصطفی صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم اور سیرت مصطفی صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم سے کٹ گئے تو خیر سے محروم ہوتے ہوئے اور شر کے اندھیروں میں چلے گئے۔ حضور نبی اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کا پیغام محبت کا پیغام ہے۔ یہ پیغام انسانیت کو جوڑنے، امن، بقا، فلاح، بہبود، خیر اور انسانیت کی خدمت، دْکھی لوگوں کے دلوں کا سہارا بننے، پریشان حال لوگوں کے چہروں پر مسکراہٹ دینے اور لوگوں کو اْن کی ضروریات بہم پہنچانے اور خوشیاں دینے کا نام ہے۔ یہ تمام صفات میرے آقا علیہ السلام کا اْسوہ و سیرت ہے۔ لہٰذا ہمیں چاہئے کہ حضور صلیٰ اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم سے محبت بھی کریں اور آپ صلیٰ اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے اْسوہ اور سیرت کی اتباع بھی کریں۔ قرآن مجید، حدیث رسول، سنت مصطفی صلیٰ اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم اور سیرت مصطفی صلیٰ اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی تعلیمات کا فروغ اور انہیں اپنے کردار میں ڈھالنے میں ہی نجات ہے۔ دنیا آج بھی نبی رحمۃ اللعامین کے عظیم اسوہ کی محتاج ہے اور اگر دنیا امن قائم کرنا چاہتی ہے تو اسے بالآخر اسی طرف آنا پڑے گا،انہیں رسول کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے احسن طریق پر عمل کرنا ہوگا۔آج دنیا میں جہاں امن ہے وہاں انہی رہنما اصولوں پر عمل کیا جاتا ہے۔معاشرے میں بسنے والے ہر ذی روح پر رحم اور شفقت کا سلوک کرنا چاہیے۔آنحضرت صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے ماننے والوں کو اس پیاری تعلیم پر عمل کرتے ہوئے غریبوں،محتاجوں،یتیموں اور مسکینوں سے حسن سلوک کرنا چاہئے۔عورتوں سے رحم اور شفقت کا برتاؤ ہونا چاہئے اور اسی طرح جانوروں پر ظلم نہیں کرنا،سب کے حقوق ادا کرنے چاہئیں۔تبھی ہمارے اس معاشرہ میں امن قائم ہو سکتا ہے اور ہمارا یہ ماحول جو بد امنی،خوف،ناانصافی اور حق تلفی کا شکار ہے اس میں کچھ بہتری آسکتی ہے۔ضرورت صرف اس بات کی ہے کہ ہم پْر عزم ہوں اور نیک نیت ہو کر دینی تعلیم اور اسوہ رسول صلی

اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم پر عمل کریں۔

ازقلم:ڈاکٹر محمد ظفر اقبال جلالی

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essay on kindness in urdu

Sana Mursleen is a student studying English Literature at Lahore Garrison University (LGU). With her love for writing and humor, she writes essays for Top Study World. Sana is an avid reader and has a passion for history, politics, and social issues.

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essay on kindness in urdu

The Kindness of Prophet Muhammad (s)

essay on kindness in urdu

The Prophet Muhammad taught love, kindness and compassion to his people, and was seen to be the most loving, kind, and compassionate of all of them. The Quran mentions his kind and gentle behavior in these words: "O Messenger of Allah! It is a great Mercy of God that you are gentle and kind towards them; for, had you been harsh and hard-hearted, they would all have broken away from you" (Quran 3:159 ).

There are many instances that show his kindness and gentleness, especially to the weak and the poor. Anas, who was his helper, said: "I served Allah's Messenger for ten years and he never said to me, 'Shame' or 'Why did you do such-and-such a thing?' or 'Why did you not do such-and-such a thing?'" (Bukhari, 2038).

Once he said to his wife: "0 'A'ishah! Never turn away any needy man from your door empty-handed. 0 'A'ishah! Love the poor; bring them near to you and God will bring you near to Him on the Day of Resurrection". He also went much further on to say: "Seek me among your weak ones, for you are given provision, or you are given help only by reason of the presence of your weak ones". (Rahman, Encyclopedia of Seerah, VOL. VIII, p. 151) God Almighty is Kind, and the Prophet imitated Allah's example in its perfection by showing kindness to his servants and all creatures without any regard for their beliefs, color or nationality. The Prophet said: "God is kind and likes kindness in all things" (Bukhari, 6601).

His heart ached within him at the corrupt state of his fellow-Meccans and their rejection of One God. The Holy Quran testifies to it in these words: "0 Muhammad, you will, perhaps, consume yourself with grief because the people do not believe" (Quran 26:3 ) . In Surah Kahf, we read: "Well, 0 Muhammad, it may be that you will kill yourself for their sake out of sorrow if they do not believe in this Message." (Quran 18:6 ) . And Surah Fatir says: " So let not your life be consumed in grief for their sake." (Quran 35:8 ). 

He took a great interest in the welfare of all people and had great compassion for people in trouble. The Prophet Muhammad imitated the attributes of God par excellence and translated them into practice in the highest form possible for man. Kindness is an attribute of Allah, which has no limits. It is extensive and encompasses all things and all beings without discrimination. Likewise was the kindness of the Prophet. He extended it to all beings, both animate and inanimate and benefited all without measure. The Quranic words for the Prophet's kindness, ra'ufun rahirn (Quran 9:128 ) are very intensive and comprehensive in meaning and convey the true nature and extent of the Prophet's kindness to people. The Prophet said: "One of the finest acts of kindness is for a man to treat his fathers' friends in a kindly way after he has departed" (Abu dawud, 5123)

The issue of treating friends well was also extended to include relations: "He who wishes to have his provision enlarged and his term of life prolonged should treat his relatives well" (Bukhari, 5985). He emphasized on this matter because he deeply held the view that "Only kindness prolongs life, and a person is deprived of provisions for the faults he commits" (Ibn Majah). Bahz b. Hakim, on his father's authority, said that his grandfather told him that he had asked Allah's Messenger to whom he should show kindness and that the Prophet had replied: "Your mother." He asked who came next and he replied: "Your mother." He asked who came next and he replied for the third time: "Your mother." He again asked who came next and he replied: "Your father, then your relatives in order of relationship" (Abu dawud, 5120). He dwelled on the issue of treating orphans humanely as he stated that "The best house among the Muslims is one which contains an orphan who is well treated, and the worst house among the Muslims is one which contains an orphan who is badly treated" (Ibn Majah, 3679). This means that the Prophet cautioned his followers against general maltreatment of anyone regardless of his status. By extending good treatment from friends to relatives and now to neighbors, Prophet Muhammad was intent in making all humans interdependent as he emphasized in the following words: "All creatures are Allah's dependants, and those dearest to God are the ones who treat His dependants kindly" (Rahman, VOL VIII, p. 154). He emphasized the kind treatment of women again and again in his speeches:

Treat women kindly, since they are your helpers; . . . you have your rights upon your wives and they have their rights upon you. Your right is that they shall not allow anyone you dislike to enter your bed or your home, and their right is that you should treat them well. (from the Farewell Sermon of the Prophet)

Once a number of women complained to the Prophet's wives about their ill-treatment by their husbands. On hearing of this, the Prophet said: "Such persons among you are not good persons." (Abu Dawud, 1834). This condemnation by the Prophet himself was an indication that no one will be accepted before God who, while on earth, decided to be unkind to women. Another person said to the Prophet: "0 Messenger of Allah! My relatives are such that although I cooperate with them, they cut me off; I am kind to them but they ill treat me." The Prophet said this in reply: "So long as you continue as you are, God will always help you and He will protect you against their mischief" (Muslim, 4640). This was not only a way of bringing comfort to the mind of the worried person but one of the communicative techniques of the Prophet to assure who ever found himself in that situation to look up to God to be consoled and protected. So it was pointless to preach vengeance to this kind of people suffering from this similar fate. Indeed, Prophet Muhammad was nothing short of a competent counselor.

He was always counseling people to be goodhearted regardless of their sex, age or gender. Once Asma bint Abu Bakr's mother, who was still an unbeliever, came to see her in Madinah. She told this to the Prophet and said: "My mother has come to see me and she is expecting something from me. May I oblige her?" The Prophet said: "Yes, be kind to your mother" (Muslim, 2195). This attitude of the Prophet was equally extended to Zainab as-Saqafia, the wife of Abdullah ibn Mas'ud and an Ansari woman. She went to see the Prophet and to inquire whether it would be a charity if they spent something on their husbands and on the orphans under their care. The Prophet said: "They will get a two-fold reward, one for kindness towards their relatives and the other for charity" (Bukhari, 1466).

There are many Ahadith concerning his kindness to animals, birds and insects: "God prescribed kindness towards everything; so when you slaughter any animal, slaughter it well; when you sacrifice, make your sacrifice good. And let everyone sharpen his weapon and make it easy for his sacrificed animal" (Muslim, 5055). He made this kind of statement to demonstrate his love for both humans and animals. In essence, Prophet Muhammad was equally showing his followers that he too is feels pain.

Source: Prophet Muhammad Leadership

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Kindness of Beloved Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ

March 01,2018 - Published 6 years ago

Kindness of Beloved Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ

Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ sent the beloved Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ full of mercy and kindness for all the worlds. As He عَزَّ وَجَلَّ says in Quran:

وَ مَاۤ اَرْسَلْنٰكَ اِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعٰلَمِیْنَ( ۱۰۷)

“And We did not send you (O beloved Prophet) but as a mercy for all the worlds.”

 (Al ambiaa, 107)

Therefore all the creation is having benefit of his mercy and kindness.

Kindness for the Believers

Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ describes the greatness of his prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ and his kindness for his followers in these words :

لَقَدْ جَآءَكُمْ رَسُوْلٌ مِّنْ اَنْفُسِكُمْ عَزِیْزٌ عَلَیْهِ مَا عَنِتُّمْ حَرِیْصٌ عَلَیْكُمْ بِالْمُؤْمِنِیْنَ رَءُوْفٌ رَّحِیْمٌ( ۱۲۸)

“Indeed there has come to you a Messenger from among yourselves, heavy upon him is your suffering, most concerned is he about your wellbeing, for the Muslims (he is) most kind, most merciful.”

 (Al tauba, 128)

Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ describes that the sufferings of ummah were heavy upon the prophet and he صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ used to do Dua for his ummah to come on righteous path during day and night.  The kindness for ummah can be easily noted by studying following Ahadith:

'Ata' b. Abi Rabah reported that he heard 'Aisha, the wife of the beloved Rasool of Allah, as saying: On any day when there was windstorm or dark cloud (its effects) could be read on the face of the Messenger of Allah صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ and he moved forward and backward (in a state of anxiety); and when it rained, he was delighted and it (the state of restlessness) disappeared. 'A'isha said: I asked him the reason of this anxiety and he said: “I was afraid that it might be a calamity that might fall upon my Ummah, and when he saw rainfall he said: It is the mercy (of Allah).”

It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ say I would not stay behind (when) an expedition (for Jihad was being mobilized) if it were going to be too hard upon the believers.

Narrated Aisha رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہَا : Once in the middle of th e night Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ went out and prayed in the mosque and some men prayed with him. The next morning the people spoke about it and so more people gathered and prayed with him (in the second night). They circulated the news in the morning, and so, on the third night the number of people increased greatly. Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ came out and they prayed behind him. On the fourth night the mosque was overwhelmed by the people till it could not accommodate them. Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ came out only for the Fajr prayer and when he finished the prayer, he faced the people and recited "Tashah-hud" (I testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is His Rasool), and then said, "Amma ba'du. Verily your presence (in the mosque at night) was not hidden from me, but I was afraid that this prayer might be made compulsory and you might not be able to carry it out." Similarly there are many other deeds which he did not do continuously only for the fear that these may not become obligatory for his followers. Such as use of Miswak before every prayer and such other good deeds.

Narrated `Aisha رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ : Whenever Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was given the choice of one of two matters he would choose the easier of the two as long as it was not sinful to do so, but if it was sinful, he would not approach it. Allah's Rasool never took revenge over anybody for his own sake but (he did) only when Allah's legal bindings were outraged, in which case he would take revenge for Allah's sake." Jabir bin. Abdullah رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ reported Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ as saying: My example and your example is that of a person who lit the fire and insects and moths began to fall in it and he would be making efforts to take them out, and I am going to hold you back from fire, but you are slipping from my hand.

On the day of judgment people will go to the Prophets for their intercession and all the Prophets will say go to any other. When people will go to the last Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ , he will do intercession of people before Allah Almighty. He will make Dua to Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ for the forgiveness of his ummah repeatedly.

Kindness for Disbelievers

The kindness of beloved Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ is described in the Holy Quran in these words:

وَ مَا كَانَ اللّٰهُ لِیُعَذِّبَهُمْ وَ اَنْتَ فِیْهِمْؕ-وَ مَا كَانَ اللّٰهُ مُعَذِّبَهُمْ وَ هُمْ یَسْتَغْفِرُوْنَ( ۳۳)

And it is not befitting to Allah to punish them while you O beloved Prophet (Mohammed) are in their midst; and Allah is not going to punish them while they are seeking forgiveness.

 (Al anfaal, 33)

The disbelievers of the ummah of other Prophets were punished and ruined in this world but it is the kindness and mercy of our beloved Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ on disbelievers of his ummah that they will not be punished in this world even till the Day of Judgment. The Holy Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was most kind and he bore the hardships given by disbelievers with patience. The companions asked him to imprecate for disbelievers but he did pray for them as narrated Abu Huraira رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ :

Tufail bin `Amr رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ came to the Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ and said, "The Daus (nation) have perished as they disobeyed and refused to accept Islam. So invoke to Allah against them." But the Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said: "O Allah! Give guidance to the Daus (tribe) and bring them (to Islam)!" Narrated Asma' bint Abu Bakr: My mother came to me during the apparent lifetime of Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ and she was a pagan. I said to Allah's Rasool (seeking his verdict), "My mother has come to me and she desires to receive a reward from me, shall I keep good relations with her?" The Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said, "Yes, keep good relation with her."

Kindness for Women

Before Islam, the women were most humiliated and they were bearing the extreme cruelty of men. The women were like non-living or like animals and they were traded like other material things. The men kept women like their property and they were not given the rights like human being. But on the advent of Islam this behavior was changed. Women are given their proper rights equal to men and they are honored with respect. The beloved Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was most kind with women as he صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said. It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbas رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ that:

The Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said: "The best of you is the one who is best to his wife, and I am the best of you to my wives."

He صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ advised his companions to treat them kindly in these words:

Narrated Abu Huraira رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ : Allah’s Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said, "Treat women nicely, for a women is created from a rib, and the most curved portion of the rib is its upper portion, so, if you should try to straighten it, it will break, but if you leave it as it is, it will remain crooked. So treat women nicely." The kindness of Holy Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ for women can be understood by the following Hadith

Narrated `Abdullah bin 'Abi Qatada رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ : My father said, "The Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said, “When I stand for prayer, I intend to prolong it but on hearing the cries of a child, I cut it short, as I dislike troubling the child's mother.”

Kindness for Orphans, Poor and Widows

Holy Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was most kind for orphans and poor. He صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was kind with orphans and widows and also ordered others to be kind with them. Anas رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ narrated that the Messenger of Allah صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said: O 'Aisha! Do not turn away the needy even if with a piece of date. O 'Aisha! Love the needy and be near them, for indeed Allah will make you near on the Day of Judgment."

Kindness for Kids

Beloved Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was very kind to the children. People brought their children for Duas to him and he صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ took them into his blessed lap. Narrated Um Qais bint Mihsin رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ : I brought my young son, who had not started eating (ordinary food) to Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ who took him and made him sit in his lap. The child urinated on the garment of the Prophet, so he asked for water and poured it over the soiled (area) and did not wash it. The Holy Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ loves children as narrated `Aisha رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہَا : A person came to the Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ and said, "You (people) kiss the boys! We don't kiss them." The Prophet said, "I cannot put mercy in your heart after Allah has taken it away from it."

Narrated Abu Huraira رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہُ : Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ kissed Al-Hasan bin `Ali while Al-Aqra' bin H`Abis at-Tamim was sitting beside him. Al-Aqra said, "I have ten children and I have never kissed anyone of them," Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ cast a look at him and said;

"Whoever is not merciful to others will not be treated mercifully."

Holy Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ gave the new fruits of season firstly to children and also played with them. His rule of battle include that no children, old man or woman will be killed.

Kindness for Slaves

Holy Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ told that to free a slave is a reason for the escape from jahhanam. Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہُ : A man came to the Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ and asked: Messenger of Allah! How often shall I forgive a servant? He gave no reply, so the man repeated what he had said, but he still kept silence. When he asked a third time, he replied: “Forgive him seventy times daily.” Respected scholars say here the word “seventy” means too many times so in other words always forgive them. He صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was most kind with his slaves.

Kindness for Animals

The kindness of beloved Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was also for animals. It has been narrated by Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said: “ When you travel (through a land) where there is plenty of vegetation, you should (go slow and) give the camels a chance to enjoy the benefit of the earth. When you travel (through a land) where there is scarcity of vegetation, you should hasten with them (so that you may be able to cross that land while your animals are still in a good condition of health). When you make a halt for the night, avoid (doing so on) the road, for the tracks are the pathways of wild beasts or the abode of noxious little animals.”

Kindness for Birds

The kindness of beloved Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was also for the birds and insects. He صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ ordered his companions not to injure or harm the birds or insects. These are the few examples of his great mercy. The life of beloved Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ is full of mercy he was so kind to the people even the slaves used to call him for their help and he صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ would go to help them.

Dear Islamic brothers if you wanted to learn more about this topic please visit our website and read the book “Seerat e Mustafa” and “Seerat e Rasool e Arabi”. May Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ enable us to follow the Sunnah of the beloved Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ !

essay on kindness in urdu

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Essay on Kindness

500 words essay on kindness.

The world we live in today has been through a lot of things from world wars to epidemics, but one thing which remained constant throughout was resilience and kindness. Moreover, it was the spirit to fight back and help out each other. Kindness must be an essential and universal quality to make the world a better place. Through an essay on kindness, we will go through it in detail.

essay on kindness

Importance of Kindness

Kindness towards nature, animals and other people has the ability to transform the world and make it a beautiful place for living. But, it is also important to remember that kindness towards you is also essential for personal growth.

Kindness is basically being polite, compassionate and thoughtful. Every religion and faith teaches its followers to be kind. Most importantly, kindness must not limit to humans but also to every living creature.

Even nature has its own way of showing kindness. For instance, the trees grow fruits for us and provide us with shade. One must not see kindness as a core value but as a fundamental behavioural element. When you are kind to your loved ones, you create a stable base.

As people are becoming more self-centred today, we must learn kindness. We must try to integrate it into ourselves. You might not know how a small act of kindness can bring about a change in someone’s life. So, be kind always.

Kindness Always Wins

There is no doubt that kindness always wins and it has been proven time and again by people. Sid is a greedy man who does not share his wealth with anyone, not even his family members.

He also does not pay his workers well. One day, he loses his bag of gold coins and loses his temper. Everyone helps him out to search for it but no one finds it. Finally, his worker’s little son finds the bag.

Upon checking the bag, he sees all the coins are there. But, his greed makes him play a trick on the poor worker. He claims that there were more coins in the bag and the worker stole them.

The issue goes to the court and the judge confirms from Sid whether his bag had more coins to which he agrees. So, the judge rules out that as Sid’s bag had more coins , the bag which the worker’s son found is not his.

Therefore, the bag gets handed to the worker as no one else claims it. Consequently, you see how the worker’s son act of kindness won and paid him well. On the other hand, how Sid’s greediness resulted in his loss only.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Kindness

It is essential for all of us to understand the value of kindness. Always remember, it does not cost anything to be kind. It may be a little compliment or it can be a grand gesture, no matter how big or small, kindness always matters. Therefore, try your best to be kind to everyone around you.

FAQ of Essay on Kindness

Question 1: Why is it important to be kind?

Answer 1: It is important to be kind because it makes one feel good about oneself. When you do things for other people and help them with anything, it makes you feel warm and that you have accomplished something. Moreover, you also get respect in return.

Question 2: Why is kindness so powerful?

Answer 2: Kindness has a lot of benefits which includes increased happiness and a healthy heart . It slows down the ageing process and also enhances relationships and connections, which will indirectly boost your health.

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Kindness never goes unrewarded Story

A short story on kindness for students.

A short story about kindness and generosity

I like it I too have a book named kindness never goes unrewarded

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9th class English unit 1.18, Essay on Kindness of Rasool, رسول کی رحمدلی

9th class English unit 1.18, Essay on Kindness of Rasool, رسول کی رحمدلی

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Essay On Kindness – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Children


Key Points To Note: Essay On Kindness For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on kindness for kids, a paragraph on kindness, short essay on ‘importance of kindness’ in english for children, long essay on kindness for kids, what will your child learn from the kindness essay.

Children should possess the virtue of kindness from an early age. Therefore, an essay on kindness in English for classes 1, 2 & 3 is prominent in their coursework. Parents and teachers strive to teach young kids the value of being kind in numerous ways. Kind kids are polite, considerate, compassionate, generous, and loved by all. They make people around them happy through their actions, thoughts, and words. Kind people are admired and appreciated by everyone around them. However, not all kids have this virtue in-built in them. For most, it needs to be taught and shown for understanding. So, an essay on kindness is the best way to teach kids the importance of this great asset of life.

Lower primary kids may wonder how to write an essay on kindness. Here are some key points they can remember when writing an essay on kindness to help them:

  • Explain what kindness is.
  • Write why it is important to be kind.
  • Write a few points on how to be kind.
  • Briefly conclude with why everyone should be kind.

Essay writing on subjects like kindness enhances the understanding of the topic and teaches sentence structure formation to kids. Here are a few lines on kindness for kids. This will be helpful for class 1 and 2 kids to write an essay on kindness:

  • Kindness is an admirable virtue.
  • To be kind, we must be good to people around us.
  • Very few people have this quality, but it can be attained with the right guidance.
  • Kind people are caring, polite, and generous.
  • They always help other people with their problems.
  • Kind people offer support and are always there for each other.
  • Not only to just other people, but we should also be kind to animals.
  • Kind people never hurt anyone.
  • To be kind, one needs to be caring and good at heart.
  • Kindness motivates people and makes them happy.

The virtue of kindness can be best taught through an essay to young kids. Writing short paragraphs will also help them in short sentence construction. Here is a short paragraph on kindness for their reference:

Kind people are always thought of as good people. Being kind means a person is caring, polite, and good to people around them. Many people in this world lack this virtue and want to hurt each other. Kindness should be the first base of character building in any person. Kind people don’t hurt others. They understand and value each other’s feelings and emotions. Providing support and helping people in their troubles are some highlights of kind people. One needs to be caring, supportive, compassionate, and helpful to be kind. Kindness makes people happy and the world a better place. Everyone admires compassionate and kind people.

Essay On Kindness - 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay For Children

Writing a kindness essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 students is a great way to teach them about being kind. Here is a short essay on the importance of kindness for children:

Kindness, in simple words, means to be good and compassionate to people around us. We can be kind by speaking politely, being supportive, helping people, and motivating them. Kind words or actions are enough to make someone happy. When someone goes through a problem, just words of kindness can make them hopeful. No big gesture is required. Kind deeds not only help others but also make us happy. When we help others, care for them or be good to them, we too feel happy. We also feel nice when others talk to us politely or care for us. To be human is to be kind. However, kind people are rare. However, the world is full of bad people and bad things. To make the world a better place, we all need to care about other people, animals, and nature.

Students of class 3 can be asked to write a long essay on various topics as it helps them broaden their thought process and long sentence construction ability. Here is a long essay on kindness for class 3 students, and this will explain to them the meaning and the importance of being kind.

We are taught from childhood to be good to others. Our parents and teachers all talk about how good things happen to good people. They tell us everyone loves a good person, and they also emphasise that the most important quality of a good person is kindness. Kindness is the basic characteristic of being human. Let us understand in detail what kindness is and its importance in our lives.

What Is Kindness?

Kindness can be simply described as being caring, compassionate, polite, and thoughtful. Being kind means having love, concern, tenderness, and respect for others. Kind people support other when they have a problem and don’t hurt anyone, whether a person, animal, or plant. Kindness means being a good person who respects and cares for everyone.

Importance Of Kindness

Kindness is an important virtue. To be a good human, we have to be a kind person first. One cannot be a good person without being kind. Kindness is important to make this world and our society better. Even for our growth, kindness is important. We help each other because we care for each other. It is our kindness that makes us compassionate towards our family, friends, and strangers too. Being kind is important to nurture our environment too. We can care for nature and animals only when we are kind. In this fast-paced world, most people only think about their well-being. That makes them selfish or bad towards others. Therefore, kindness is crucial to ensure the world retains its humanity. When we do a kind deed for someone, say some encouraging words or care for them, they feel good. Then when they see someone in trouble, they do the same for them. Thus, a chain of good deeds is formed. This brings a positive change to people and the world. So, kindness is important to make the world a better place for us and our coming generations.

How Can You Be Kind To Others?

We all are kind to our families as we love them. But for others, we find it difficult to be kind. To be kind to others, we don’t have to do much. We just need to be genuinely good to them. Kindness doesn’t require us to spend money on others. We just need to be caring, polite, and compassionate. Saying a few encouraging words, caring for them in trouble, helping them, and not hurting others are essential traits of a kind person.

Kindness is a fundamental quality that maintains the balance in the world and makes it a beautiful place to live.

Children learn things better when they are involved in them. So, to teach kindness and its importance to kids, reading and writing essays is a great method. When they read or write essays on kindness, they understand what kindness is and what is needed to be kind. Kids learn the value of being empathetic and polite to be good humans. This exercise will also help kids’ behavioural development and make them understand the importance of having good conduct in society. Kindness is not just being good to our near ones but also towards plants and animals. Kids learn to be polite, caring, and respectful towards everyone through the kindness essay.

Some FAQs on kindness:

What’s The Difference Between Kind And Nice?

Kids often get confused between being kind and nice. Being kind means being caring, polite, respectful, and compassionate. Whereas being nice means one is polite in their speaking or is pleasing. They may or may not be caring and compassionate.

Kids should be taught to be kind from their early years. Essays on kindness are a great way to teach them the significance of being kind.

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Kindness Meaning In Urdu

Kindness Meaning in English to Urdu is نوازش, as written in Urdu and Nawazish, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Kindness which include Affection, Altruism, Amiability, Beneficence, Benevolence, Charity, Clemency, Consideration, Cordiality, Courtesy, Decency, Delicacy, Forbearance, Gentleness, Goodness, Grace, Graciousness, Heart, Helpfulness, Hospitality, Humanity, Indulgence, Kindliness, Magnanimity, Mildness, Patience, Philanthropy, Serviceability, Solicitude, Sweetness, Sympathy, Tact, Tenderness, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Understanding, Unselfishness, Good Will, Solicitousness, etc.


Definitions of Kindness

n . The state or quality of being kind, in any of its various senses; manifestation of kind feeling or disposition beneficence.

n . A kind act; an act of good will.

How To Spell Kindness [kahynd-nis]

Synonyms For Kindness , Similar to Kindness

Antonyms for kindness , opposite to kindness, more word meaning in urdu, free online dictionary, word of the day, sociocultural.

[soh-see-oh-kuhl-cher-uh L, Soh-shee-]

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Youm e Difa Essay in Urdu: Defense Day

Hello everyone! I hope you are feeling well. Today, I want to share a PDF of an essay in Urdu with you celebrating the significance of Defense Day “Youm e Difa”. Moreover, Defense Day is important because it works as a reminder of our nation’s security, unity, and the sacrifices made to safeguard our borders from enemies. Let’s dive into it and celebrate the significance of Defense Day together.

The Importance of Youm e Difa:

Youm e Difa is not just like another day on the calendar. It raises the spirit of courage, determination, and sacrifice for every Pakistani. It is a day when we come together to celebrate the unwavering love and respect we hold for our country.

Unity in Diversity:

On Youm e Difa, people from all walks of life, regardless of class, ethnicity, or religion, unite to commemorate our armed forces’ sacrifices and uphold their dignity.

Commemorative Events:

Across the country, different events such as speeches, seminars, and rallies are organized to ensure that the public recognizes and appreciates the sacrifices and hard work made by our soldiers. These events work as a reminder of the importance of national defense and unity.

A Call to Action:

Youm e Difa reminds us of our perpetual duty to remain vigilant and prepared to defend our homeland at all costs. It demands that we stand shoulder to shoulder with our armed forces and always be ready to help them and defend our nation.

Youm e Difa Essay in Urdu PDF:

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  • An excellent essay about the importance of Youm e Difa (Defense Day).

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Thanks for reading and contributing your time to read the article and PDF. I hope you enjoyed our article and PDF about the significance of Youm e Difa (Defense Day), and explored a lot of information about it. So, don’t forget to share it with your friends, family members, classmates, nearby, and everyone who wants to know about Defense Day.

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Let’s celebrate Youm e Difa (Defense Day) and appreciate the hard work of our soldiers and their sacrifices for our nation and country.

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Kindness Essay

Kindness essay is a reflection on the idea of kindness, which is an act of selflessness. Because kindness doesn’t come with the expectation of receiving anything in return, it is a great way to show your appreciation for what you have received in life.

Kindness is always an excellent choice to make in any situation. When someone feels bad or down, the kindness shown can make a person feel more supported and loved. It is an action that anyone can do.

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Importance of Kindness Essay

Kindness is a simple yet powerful gesture. It can positively impact someone’s life, and the ripple effect is just as powerful. In the academic community, kindness is thought to be an attitude that influences achievement among people.

Kindness is a form of love and compassion and one that needs to spread throughout the world. It allows people to see the best in others, encouraging them to be their best selves. Allowing kindness to exist for those around us is beneficial for them and ourselves.

It is our responsibility as human beings to be kind to other people. We can be considerate and compassionate towards other people to live in peace and love. Kindness is a virtue, and it is one of the essential things in life. It shows other people that you care about them and takes away some of the pain and suffering that they may be feeling. It can also help heal others, and everyone should always try to think about how their actions will affect others before taking them.

Kindness is vital in every single person’s life. It makes the world a better place and can make someone feel loved. With the help of kindness, you can start your good deeds to make the world a better place.

You can find more essays similar to the kindness essay on BYJU’S website. Also, explore a wide range of exciting kids’ learning resources on the website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is kindness.

Kindness is a simple gesture that can positively impact someone’s life. It also helps people be compassionate and considerate towards others.

Why is kindness important?

Kindness is important because it is our responsibility to be kind to others. This helps people to live in peace and love. As a virtue, kindness is one of the essential things in life. It helps us be empathetic towards people and extend our hands to support them.

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اسلام کے ظہور سے پہلے اہل عرب کی حالت بہت خستہ تھی۔لوگ جاھل اور وحشی تھے کہیں آگ کی پوجا ہوتی تھی تو کہیں ستاروں کی۔کسی کو تعویذ گنڈے پر اعتقاد تھا تو کسی کو رمل اور فال پر۔ہر قبیلہ اپنے اپنے بت کو خدا مانتا تھا۔ہر گھرانہ اپنے خدا کو چار دیواری میں قید رکھتا۔کعبہ مکرمہ میں، جو اب بیت اللہ یع‌ی خدا کا گھر ہے، 360 بت تھے۔لوگ درختوں کو سجدے کرتے تھے،قبروں پر ناک رگڑتے تھے،جابجا فتنہ و فساد بپا رہتا۔امن و سکون نام کو بھی نہ تھا ذرا ذرا سی بات پر سالو‌ں لڑائیاں چلتی رہتی تھی،نہ قانون تھا، نہ انصاف لوٹ مار کا بازار گرم رہتا تھا،جوا عام تھا، شراب کو ماں کے دودھ سے زیادہ سمجھا جاتا۔ننھی بچیوں کو زندہ زمین میں دفن کر دیا جاتا۔غرض سرزمین عرب میں چاروں طرف اندھیرا ہی اندھیرا تھا ایسے میں خداوند تعالیٰ کی ذات پاک نے اپنی رحمت کے دروازے کھولے۔ایمان کی راہ سے بھٹکے ہوئے لوگوں کی ہدایت کے لیے سرور کائنات حضرت محمدﷺ کو اس دنیا میں بھیجا۔آپ مکہ معظمہ کے نہایت ممتاز خاندان قریش حضرت عبداللہ بن عبدالمطلب کے گھر 570ء میں پیدا ہوئے۔آپ کی ولادت سے دو ماہ پہلے ہی آپ کے والد کا انتقال ہوچکا تھا۔چھ برس کی عمر میں آپ کی والدہ ماجدہ بی بی آمنہ بھی وفات پا گئیں۔چناچہ آپ کی پرورش آپ کے دادا عبدالمطلب کے ذمہ آئی۔لیکن دو سال بعد دادا کا سایہ بھی سر سے اٹھ گیا۔اس پر حضورﷺ کے چچا ابوطالب آپ کے سرپرست بنے۔

بچپن کے مصائب آنحضرتﷺ کے حوصلوں کو ڈھا نہ سکے۔دراصل حکم الٰہی نے آپ کی تقدیر میں قوم کی چوپانی لکھ رکھی تھی۔چناچہ بعد میں وہ بنی نوع انسان کے ہادی اعظم بنے۔جوان ہوئے تو آپ نے ایک امیر بیوہ خدیجہ کی ملازمت اختیار کی۔آپ نے اپنے فرائض اس خوس اسلوبی کے ساتھ انجام دیے کہ حضرت خدیجہ نے آپکو شادی کا پیغام بھیجا۔آپ نے اس پیغام کو قبول کرلیا اور 25 سال کی عمر میں ان سے شادی کر لی۔اس وقت بی بی خدیجہ کی عمر 40 سال کی تھی۔

آنحضرتﷺ کے اخلاق و اطوار شروع سے ہی نہایت شستہ تھے۔آپ زبان کے میٹھے اور دل کے ساتھ تھے۔کبھی جھوٹ نہ بولتے تھے،اسی وجہ سے آپ کو صادق اور امین کا لقب ملا۔ان کے مزاج میں تحمل کوٹ کوٹ کربھرا تھا۔دشمن کے ساتھ بھی نرمی اور خوش اسلوبی کے ساتھ پیش آتے تھے۔رحم وکرم کے پتلے تھے۔ کسی سے کبھی انتقام نہ لیا نہ کسی کے لئے بد دعا کی۔فقیر اور درویشی کی زندگی بسر کرتے۔راحت و آسائش سے کوسوں دور رہتے۔سارے عرب کے تاجدار تھے مگر بوریئے پر سوتے اور کھجوریں کھا کر گزارا کرتے تھے۔عبادت کا یہ حال تھا کہ ساری ساری رات یاد الٰہی میں گزار دیتے۔بت پرستی سے آپ کو سخت نفرت تھی۔

شہر سے باہر غار حرا میں عبادت میں زیادہ وقت گزارتے تھے۔اسی غار میں آپ پر وحی نازل ہوئی۔حضرت جبرائیل علیہ السلام نے بشارت دی کہ خدا نے آپ کو دنیا کی ہدایت کے لیے چن لیا ہے اور اپنا پیغمبر بنایا ہے۔اسی وجہ سے آپکو محمد مصطفیٰ کہتے ہیں۔اس بشارت کے وقت آپ کی عمر 40 سال کی تھی۔آپ نے اپنے نبی ہونے کا اعلان کیا اور اپنی قوم میں اسلام کی تبلیغ شروع کردی۔آپ کی تعلیم یہ تھی کہ خدا کی ذات واحد و لاشریک ہے،وہی سب کو پیدا کرنے والا اور رزق پہنچانے والا ہے،اس کے نزدیک سب انسان برابر ہیں۔امیر غریب بندہ وصاحب، عربی و عجمی، گورے اور کالے میں کوئی تمیز نہیں۔وہ ازل سے موجود ہے اور ابد تک قائم رہے گا۔ہر انسان پر اسکی عبادت کرنی چاہیے۔محبت و مساوات انسانیت کی دلیل ہیں۔پڑوسی کو ستانا بدی ہے، بدی اور ظلم کا انجام دوزخ کی آگ اور نیکی اور محبت کا پھل جنت ہے۔ذات پات اور اونچ نیچ کے جھگڑے شیطان نے پیدا کیے ہیں۔خدا کی ذات کے ساتھ کسی اور وجود کو ساجی یا شریک بنانا کفر ہے۔بت پرستی، دروغ گوئی، دختر کشی اور شراب نوشی گناہ عظیم ہیں۔راہ مولا میں روپیہ پیسہ تقسیم کرنا ہر صاحب ایمان پر فرض ہے۔

کافر اور جاھل لوگ آپ کی تعلیم سے چڑ گئے۔آپ کی مخالفت اس قدر بڑھ گئی کہ آپ کو مجبوراً مکہ مکرمہ سے مدینہ شریف کی طرف ہجرت کرنا پڑی۔یہ واقعہ 622ء کا ہے۔ اسلامی کلینڈر یعنی سال ہجری اسی سن سے شروع ہوتا ہے۔مدینہ میں لوگوں نے آپ کو سر آنکھوں پر بٹھایا۔آہستہ آہستہ لوگ آپ پر ایمان لانے لگے۔آپ کی تعلیم صداقت اور سادگی پر مبنی تھی۔اس لیے اسلام بہت جلد پھیلنے لگا۔632 عیسوی میں آپ کی وفات کے وقت مسلمان سارے عرب پر چھا چکے تھے۔آج دنیا میں کوئی گوشہ ایسا نہیں جہاں مومن نہ بستے ہوں۔اہل اسلام کا عقیدہ ہے کہ حضرت محمدﷺ کے بعد دنیا میں کوئی پیغمبر نہیں آئے گا۔اس لیے آپ کو خاتم المرسلین یا خاتم الانبیاء کہتے ہیں،یعنی آپ دنیا کے آخری نبی ہیں۔

حضرت محمدﷺ پر ایک تقریر پڑھنے کے لئے یہاں کلک کریں !

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As a Teenager in Europe, I Went to Nudist Beaches All the Time. 30 Years Later, Would the Experience Be the Same?

Image may contain Princess Antonia of Luxembourg Sandro Botticelli Art Painting Adult Person and Wedding

In July 2017, I wrote an article about toplessness for Vogue Italia. The director, actor, and political activist Lina Esco had emerged from the world of show business to question public nudity laws in the United States with 2014’s Free the Nipple . Her film took on a life of its own and, thanks to the endorsement from the likes of Miley Cyrus, Cara Delevingne, and Willow Smith, eventually developed into a whole political movement, particularly on social media where the hashtag #FreeTheNipple spread at lightning speed. The same year as that piece, actor Alyssa Milano tweeted “me too” and encouraged others who had been sexually assaulted to do the same, building on the movement activist Tarana Burke had created more than a decade earlier. The rest is history.

In that Vogue article, I chatted with designer Alessandro Michele about a shared memory of our favorite topless beaches of our youth. Anywhere in Italy where water appeared—be it the hard-partying Riviera Romagnola, the traditionally chic Amalfi coast and Sorrento peninsula, the vertiginous cliffs and inlets of Italy’s continuation of the French Côte d’Azur or the towering volcanic rocks of Sicily’s mythological Riviera dei Ciclopi—one was bound to find bodies of all shapes and forms, naturally topless.

In the ’90s, growing up in Italy, naked breasts were everywhere and nobody thought anything about it. “When we look at our childhood photos we recognize those imperfect breasts and those bodies, each with their own story. I think of the ‘un-beauty’ of that time and feel it is actually the ultimate beauty,” Michele told me.

Indeed, I felt the same way. My relationship with toplessness was part of a very democratic cultural status quo. If every woman on the beaches of the Mediterranean—from the sexy girls tanning on the shoreline to the grandmothers eating spaghetti al pomodoro out of Tupperware containers under sun umbrellas—bore equally naked body parts, then somehow we were all on the same team. No hierarchies were established. In general, there was very little naked breast censorship. Free nipples appeared on magazine covers at newsstands, whether tabloids or art and fashion magazines. Breasts were so naturally part of the national conversation and aesthetic that Ilona Staller (also known as Cicciolina) and Moana Pozzi, two porn stars, cofounded a political party called the Love Party. I have a clear memory of my neighbor hanging their party’s banner out his window, featuring a topless Cicciolina winking.

A lot has changed since those days, but also since that initial 2017 piece. There’s been a feminist revolution, a transformation of women’s fashion and gender politics, the absurd overturning of Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 rape conviction in New York, the intensely disturbing overturning of Roe v Wade and the current political battle over reproductive rights radiating from America and far beyond. One way or another, the female body is very much the site of political battles as much as it is of style and fashion tastes. And maybe for this reason naked breasts seem to populate runways and street style a lot more than they do beaches—it’s likely that being naked at a dinner party leaves more of a permanent mark than being naked on a glamorous shore. Naked “dressing” seems to be much more popular than naked “being.” It’s no coincidence that this year Saint Laurent, Chloé, Ferragamo, Tom Ford, Gucci, Ludovic de Saint Sernin, and Valentino all paid homage to sheer dressing in their collections, with lacy dresses, see-through tops, sheer silk hosiery fabric, and close-fitting silk dresses. The majority of Anthony Vaccarello’s fall 2024 collection was mostly transparent. And even off the runway, guests at the Saint Laurent show matched the mood. Olivia Wilde appeared in a stunning see-through dark bodysuit, Georgia May Jagger wore a sheer black halter top, Ebony Riley wore a breathtaking V-neck, and Elsa Hosk went for translucent polka dots.

In some strange way, it feels as if the trends of the ’90s have swapped seats with those of today. When, in 1993, a 19-year-old Kate Moss wore her (now iconic) transparent, bronze-hued Liza Bruce lamé slip dress to Elite Model Agency’s Look of the Year Awards in London, I remember seeing her picture everywhere and feeling in awe of her daring and grace. I loved her simple sexy style, with her otherworldly smile, the hair tied back in a bun. That very slip has remained in the collective unconscious for decades, populating thousands of internet pages, but in remembering that night Moss admitted that the nude look was totally unintentional: “I had no idea why everyone was so excited—in the darkness of Corinne [Day’s] Soho flat, the dress was not see-through!” That’s to say that nude dressing was usually mostly casual and not intellectualized in the context of a larger movement.

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But today nudity feels loaded in different ways. In April, actor and author Julia Fox appeared in Los Angeles in a flesh-colored bra that featured hairy hyper-realist prints of breasts and nipples, and matching panties with a print of a sewn-up vagina and the words “closed” on it, as a form of feminist performance art. Breasts , an exhibition curated by Carolina Pasti, recently opened as part of the 60th Venice Biennale at Palazzo Franchetti and showcases works that span from painting and sculpture to photography and film, reflecting on themes of motherhood, empowerment, sexuality, body image, and illness. The show features work by Cindy Sherman, Robert Mapplethorpe, Louise Bourgeois, and an incredible painting by Bernardino Del Signoraccio of Madonna dell’Umiltà, circa 1460-1540. “It was fundamental for me to include a Madonna Lactans from a historical perspective. In this intimate representation, the Virgin reveals one breast while nurturing the child, the organic gesture emphasizing the profound bond between mother and child,” Pasti said when we spoke.

Through her portrayal of breasts, she delves into the delicate balance of strength and vulnerability within the female form. I spoke to Pasti about my recent musings on naked breasts, which she shared in a deep way. I asked her whether she too noticed a disparity between nudity on beaches as opposed to the one on streets and runways, and she agreed. Her main concern today is around censorship. To Pasti, social media is still far too rigid around breast exposure and she plans to discuss this issue through a podcast that she will be launching in September, together with other topics such as motherhood, breastfeeding, sexuality, and breast cancer awareness.

With summer at the door, it was my turn to see just how much of the new reread on transparency would apply to beach life. In the last few years, I noticed those beaches Michele and I reminisced about have grown more conservative and, despite being the daughter of unrepentant nudists and having a long track record of militant topless bathing, I myself have felt a bit more shy lately. Perhaps a woman in her 40s with two children is simply less prone to taking her top off, but my memories of youth are populated by visions of bare-chested mothers surveilling the coasts and shouting after their kids in the water. So when did we stop? And why? When did Michele’s era of “un-beauty” end?

In order to get back in touch with my own naked breasts I decided to revisit the nudist beaches of my youth to see what had changed. On a warm day in May, I researched some local topless beaches around Rome and asked a friend to come with me. Two moms, plus our four children, two girls and two boys of the same ages. “Let’s make an experiment of this and see what happens,” I proposed.

The kids all yawned, but my friend was up for it. These days to go topless, especially on urban beaches, you must visit properties that have an unspoken nudist tradition. One of these in Rome is the natural reserve beach at Capocotta, south of Ostia, but I felt a bit unsure revisiting those sands. In my memory, the Roman nudist beaches often equated to encounters with promiscuous strangers behind the dunes. I didn’t want to expose the kids, so, being that I am now a wise adult, I went ahead and picked a compromise. I found a nude-friendly beach on the banks of the Farfa River, in the rolling Sabina hills.

We piled into my friend’s car and drove out. The kids were all whining about the experiment. “We don’t want to see naked mums!” they complained. “Can’t you just lie and say you went to a nudist beach?”

We parked the car and walked across the medieval fairy-tale woods until we reached the path that ran along the river. All around us were huge trees and gigantic leaves. It had rained a lot recently and the vegetation had grown incredibly. We walked past the remains of a Roman road. The colors all around were bright green, the sky almost fluorescent blue. The kids got sidetracked by the presence of frogs. According to the indications, the beach was about a mile up the river. Halfway down the path, we bumped into a couple of young guys in fanny packs. I scanned them for signs of quintessential nudist attitude, but realized I actually had no idea what that was. I asked if we were headed in the right direction to go to “the beach”. They nodded and gave us a sly smile, which I immediately interpreted as a judgment about us as mothers, and more generally about our age, but I was ready to vindicate bare breasts against ageism.

We reached a small pebbled beach, secluded and bordered by a huge trunk that separated it from the path. A group of girls was there, sharing headphones and listening to music. To my dismay they were all wearing the tops and bottoms of their bikinis. One of them was in a full-piece bathing suit and shorts. “See, they are all wearing bathing suits. Please don’t be the weird mums who don’t.”

At this point, it was a matter of principle. My friend and I decided to take our bathing suits off completely, if only for a moment, and jumped into the river. The boys stayed on the beach with full clothes and shoes on, horrified. The girls went in behind us with their bathing suits. “Are you happy now? my son asked. “Did you prove your point?”

I didn’t really know what my point actually was. I think a part of me wanted to feel entitled to those long-gone decades of naturalism. Whether this was an instinct, or as Pasti said, “an act that was simply tied to the individual freedom of each woman”, it was hard to tell. At this point in history, the two things didn’t seem to cancel each other out—in fact, the opposite. Taking off a bathing suit, at least for my generation who never had to fight for it, had unexpectedly turned into a radical move and maybe I wanted to be part of the new discourse. Also, the chances of me going out in a fully sheer top were slim these days, but on the beach it was different. I would always fight for an authentic topless experience.

After our picnic on the river, we left determined to make our way—and without children—to the beaches of Capocotta. In truth, no part of me actually felt very subversive doing something I had been doing my whole life, but it still felt good. Once a free breast, always a free breast.

This article was originally published on British Vogue .

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