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Psychology Graduate Program

  • Psychology Department

The dissertation prospectus is a proposal for the PhD student’s dissertation work. The purpose of the prospectus process is to help the student formulate and refine the contents of the dissertation. The faculty aim is to be constructive in considering the scope, viability, and details of the students’ planned research. An approved dissertation prospectus signifies that there is a shared understanding between the student and the committee of the scope of work that (assuming it is completed to a high quality) would result in the successful completion of a PhD.

This guide describes the components of the dissertation prospectus, and the steps that need to be completed during the prospectus process. We will also comment on the timeline of the dissertation prospectus, although there is substantial variability across students in exactly when these steps are completed.  

I. Establish Dissertation Advisory Committee (DAC).  S tudents will identify a committee of at least three faculty members to comprise their Dissertation Advisory Committee (DAC). The DAC participates in both the prospectus and dissertation processes. Additional member(s) of the DAC can be added before or after the prospectus is complete.  

The GSAS DAC guidelines can be found here . In considering committee members, the student’s primary faculty mentor is always included and will serve as the DAC Chair. At least two committee members, including the Chair, must be ladder faculty at Harvard. The third committee member may also be a non-Harvard faculty of equivalent appointment rank to Harvard ladder faculty, or a non-ladder faculty member at Harvard (such as Senior Lecturer). DACs must be approved by the DGS.   

Action item : Students should invite potential committee members to join your dissertation committee, following consultation with your primary mentor. When inviting faculty members, note that their agreement entails a) evaluating your dissertation prospectus, b) reading your dissertation and taking part in your eventual dissertation defense, and c) being available for guidance/input on your dissertation work. Please note that faculty members are not required to say yes. There are valid reasons a particular faculty member might not be available for your committee (e.g., an impending leave). If any student is having difficulty finding committee members, please consult with the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS).

Students should submit your planned committees for DGS review using this form at least two weeks before the prospectus meeting. Students will need to submit a CV for any requested non-Harvard committee members. After submitting the form, students will receive confirmation of approval or other follow-up from the DGS before the prospectus meeting. If students choose to change or add committee members post-prospectus, you should complete the form again to revise your committee composition.  

Timeline : Students must submit their planned committees for approval at least two weeks before the prospectus meeting.

II. Prepare and submit written dissertation prospectus. The prospectus itself should be in as polished form as possible, using APA journal article style. The goal of the prospectus is to provide the committee a full plan of the scope of research activities the student plans to complete as their dissertation. Students should discuss the scope of research that should comprise a dissertation with their mentor. A typical prospectus will not exceed 30 pages (excluding appendices), but the length should be sufficient to cover the steps detailed below.

  • Describe the general context. How does the area of study fit into broader issues, and why are they significant? The review of literature starts here. 
  • Describe the particular area in detail. This section should state the need for research in the area. 
  • Pose the specific research question and hypothesize the results that will be found. 
  • Describe the proposed methodology, including all important details: what needs to be controlled for, what kind of data analysis will be used, etc. Give information on the characteristics of subjects to be recruited. Any pilot data should be included here. The proposals in the methods section should be specific, rather than options; it is recognized that many changes may happen in the prospectus meeting, but committee members need to be given the student's best ideas rather than several avenues that could be taken. Include as an appendix copies of any measures planned.
  • Predicted results and theoretical interpretation

Action item : Students should write a dissertation prospectus and disseminate it to their committee and to the Graduate Program. Students are welcome to seek feedback on drafts of the proposal and engage in discussions with their mentor and/or committee members (or others) as they are preparing the proposal.

Timeline : Students should submit the written proposal to their advising committee at least two weeks before their scheduled prospectus meeting (see Item III).

III. Hold prospectus meeting. Students should hold a prospectus meeting attended by their advising committee (remote attendance such as via Zoom is allowable, especially for out-of-town committee members or during COVID surges). This meeting is an opportunity for students to receive feedback from their committee about the content, quality, and scope of their dissertation. The meeting is also intended for faculty to evaluate whether the dissertation, as proposed, is well-suited for attainment of a PhD or whether it needs to be revised. Faculty will have read the written proposal before the meeting (having received it two weeks before the meeting).

The meeting starts with a short presentation by the student describing the proposed research and including any "fine tuning" that the student has done since the written prospectus was submitted. The presentation should be considered semi-formal, and students may find slides helpful. Students often bring discussion about specific questions or challenges associated with the project for committee input. Committee members often bring questions they had when reading the proposal for clarification or open discussion. Note that there is some variability in this meeting’s length and format, so students should consult their mentors on specific expectations.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the committee will judge whether the project is satisfactory for a dissertation, and what kinds of revisions the student should consider to their research plan. Since the purpose of the prospectus meeting is to help students do as high-quality research as possible, it is likely that at least some modifications will be made. In some cases, the modifications will be so extensive that the committee needs to reconvene for another meeting with the student, but it is expected that only in extreme cases will the student have to "go back to the drawing board." The committee will complete and sign a Prospectus Approval Form , which will also list any required modifications. After the meeting, the student will draft a memo of understanding describing the results of the prospectus meeting and stating how they will incorporate the modifications and suggestions made by the committee. This memo will be reviewed and signed by the student's mentor.

If a student takes a leave of absence or withdraws from graduate study after getting the prospectus approved, they should consult with the CHD to make certain that the previously approved prospectus still stands. Action item s: a. Schedule meeting. Students are responsible for scheduling the meeting and providing confirmation of the meeting’s date, time, and location. If remote participation is needed, students should coordinate that as well. Note that coordinating faculty schedules can be challenging, and faculty often schedule meetings weeks in advance. Therefore, students should work to schedule this meeting several weeks before the target meeting date.

b. Prepare for meeting. Students should speak with their mentors about the expected format for their meeting and prepare accordingly. Students are expected to answer questions about all details of their proposed project, report on its progress to date, any roadblocks, and comment on a timeline for the project’s completion. Students should also expect to receive extensive feedback from their committee which often entails revisions to the dissertation prospectus.

c. Paperwork. Students should bring the Prospectus Approval Form to the meeting and should collect their advising committee’s signatures indicating whether they “sign off” on the proposal as-is or require revisions. This form should be returned to the Graduate Program Office.

Timeline : The timeline for prospectus completion depends on the student’s planned timeline for completing the program. Many students apply for the Dissertation Completion Fellowship (DCF) to fund their final year in the program. The DCF pays full year tuition and a 10-month living stipend, typically August - May. Students must obtain dissertation prospectus approval before they can apply for the DCF. As such, the timeline for DCF application often guides students’ prospectus timelines. Note that prospectus meetings often do result in same-day approval (with or without revisions), but some meetings result in approval pending the need for more extensive revisions that would need to be re-reviewed by the committee. Students should consider this possibility when setting their dissertation prospectus timeline and should appreciate the substantial risk involved with holding their committee meetings in very close proximity to the DCF application deadline.

The deadline to apply for the DCF is typically in February of the penultimate year of study in the program. For example, if a student wishes to obtain a DCF for the 2024-2025 year and graduate in 2025 (May or November), then students will need to apply for the DCF by February 9, 2024 . Students should consult the Graduate Program or the Harvard Griffin GSAS website for the specific DCF deadline as it varies from year to year.

VI. Committee evaluation. During the prospectus meeting, after the student presentation and discussion, the committee will ask the student to leave the room and discuss the work and level of student preparedness. They will use the Prospectus Approval Form to guide this discussion. The committee can decide among the following actions:

  • The prospectus is approved without required revisions.
  • The prospectus is approved with required revisions, as detailed on the form. The primary mentor will be responsible for overseeing these revisions. No subsequent meetings or committee-level reviews are necessary.
  • The prospectus has potential but is not approved yet as it requires major revisions, as detailed on the form. The committee will need to meet again once the revisions have been addressed by the student. At this subsequent meeting, the committee will judge the revisions and whether they have resulted in an approvable prospectus.
  • The prospectus is not approved and is not on track to be approvable even if revisions were made. In this case, the Prospectus Committee Chair will work with the CHD to determine the appropriate next-steps.

If students would like to make substantive changes to the content and/or format of the dissertation after prospectus approval, they must revise their prospectus and obtain approval of the revised version from all committee members. Another meeting of the prospectus committee may be required if the changes are substantial.

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  • Required Courses
  • First Year Project
  • Second Year Project
  • Master's in Passing
  • Dissertation & Defense
  • Graduating & Commencement

Program finder image

Undergraduate Program

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind, and as such, we investigate the minds of humans and other species. Through gaining a fundamental understanding of the human mind, other goals will also be achieved: the skill to critically assess quantitative evidence from experimental and correlational data, to learn to take difficult and previously unstudied problems of mind and society and bring them under experimental scrutiny, to learn to speak and write about questions of theoretical and social importance that involve the mind.

The Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree is designed for industry professionals with years of work experience who wish to complete their degrees part time, both on campus and online, without disruption to their employment. Our typical student is over 30, has previously completed one or two years of college, and works full time.

Graduate study in the Department of Psychology is organized into four areas: clinical science, developmental, social psychology, and cognition, brain, and behavior. These areas consist of faculty members whose combined interests span a coherent program of advanced study and research in some subfield of psychology. Students enrolled in the Ph.D. program may follow one of two tracks. The first is the Common Curriculum, which embraces social psychology, cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, and perception. The second track is Clinical Science. Students may only be considered for Clinical Science during the graduate school application process.

Students enrolled in the Master of Liberal Arts program in Psychology will examine the science of psychology and gain an understanding of human behavior. Students explore core theories and the latest research, gaining insights into how human beings think, feel, behave, and navigate their social world.

PhD Program Requirements

  • Introduction

Harvard Griffin GSAS strives to provide students with timely, accurate, and clear information. If you need help understanding a specific policy, please contact the office that administers that policy.

  • Application for Degree
  • Credit for Completed Graduate Work
  • Ad Hoc Degree Programs
  • Dissertations
  • English Language Proficiency
  • African and African American Studies
  • American Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning
  • Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
  • Biological Sciences in Public Health
  • Biostatistics
  • Business Administration
  • Business Economics
  • Byzantine Studies
  • Celtic Languages and Literatures
  • Chemical Biology
  • Chemical Physics
  • Chemistry and Chemical Biology
  • Comparative Literature
  • Division of Medical Sciences
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • Engineering and Applied Sciences
  • Film and Visual Studies
  • Germanic Languages and Literatures
  • Health Policy
  • History of Art and Architecture
  • History of Science
  • Human Evolutionary Biology
  • Inner Asian and Altaic Studies
  • Linguistics
  • Mathematics
  • Middle Eastern Studies
  • Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Political Economy and Government
  • Population Health Sciences
  • Public Policy
  • Quantum Science and Engineering
  • Religion, The Study of
  • Romance Languages and Literatures
  • Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • Social Policy
  • South Asian Studies
  • Systems, Synthetic, and Quantitative Biology
  • Secondary Fields
  • Year of Graduate Study (G-Year)
  • Master's Degrees
  • Grade and Examination Requirements
  • Conduct and Safety
  • Financial Aid
  • Non-Resident Students
  • Registration
  • Residence Halls
  • Student Groups

In addition to the common degree requirements expected of Harvard Griffin GSAS students, students must meet additional requirements specified by their department or program. This section provides additional degree requirements by academic program.


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Psychology Master’s Degree Program

Deepen your understanding of human behavior. Advance your career.

Online Courses

11 out of 12 total courses

On-Campus Experience

2 weekends or a 3-week summer course

$3,340 per course

Next Start Term: Fall 2024

Registration open through August 29

Program Overview

Psychology is an in-demand field, and a master’s degree in psychology provides a solid foundation for a variety of different career paths. Job opportunities in this field are expected to grow. And with many companies putting a greater emphasis on their employees’ mental wellbeing, professionals who have advanced psychology degrees are in greater demand.

In the Psychology Master’s Degree Program, you’ll explore a range of topics in psychology, cognitive science, and human development. Under the guidance of renowned faculty from Harvard and peer institutions, you’ll:

  • Develop a greater understanding of the biological, behavioral, and psychosocial determinants of human behavior, including explorations of social, emotional, and cognitive functioning.
  • Learn how research is carried out in psychology and cognitive science.
  • Build a foundation in the statistics and other methods used in the field.
  • Explore various topics to understand how the mind works: development, emotion, social psychology, cognitive neuroscience, positive psychology, and abnormal psychology.

Whether you’re preparing for a career pivot, advancement in your current role, or a doctoral program, you’ll build foundational knowledge in psychology to make a greater impact.

Program Benefits

Customizable path, stackable certificates, & experiential learning

Instructors who are academics and professionals at the top of their fields

Personalized academic advising

Faculty research and internship opportunities

A faculty-supported thesis or applied research project

Harvard Alumni Association membership upon graduation

Customizable Course Curriculum

Our curriculum is flexible in pace and customizable by design. You can study part time, choosing courses that fit your schedule and align with your career goals. You’ll experience the convenience of online learning and the immersive benefits of learning in person.

As you work your way toward your master’s degree, you can take courses that also count — or “stack” — toward the Topics in Human Behavior Graduate Certificate .

11 Online Courses

Synchronous and asynchronous options are available year-round.

Sample Courses:

  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Neurobiology
  • Mindfulness, Meaning, and Resilience
  • Sleep and Mental Health
  • The Opioid Epidemic

Join faculty and peers in person for Engaging in Scholarly Conversation, which you can take in either:

  • 2 weekends (1 in fall and 1 in spring)
  • A 3-week summer session

Read our course spotlight .

Capstone or Thesis Track

Choose the track that fits your goals:

  • Thesis: features a 9-month independent research project with a faculty advisor
  • Capstone: includes exploring a topic and completing a project in a classroom community

The path to your degree begins before you apply to the program. First, you’ll register for and complete 3 required courses, earning at least a B in each. These foundational courses are investments in your studies and count toward your degree, helping ensure success in the program.

Enroll for your first admission course this fall. Course registration is open July 22–August 29.

To get started, explore degree requirements, confirm your initial eligibility, and learn more about our unique “earn your way in” admissions process.

Earning a Stackable Certificate

As you work your way toward your master’s degree, you can take courses that also count — or “stack” — toward a graduate certificate. It’s a cost-effective, time-saving opportunity to build specialized skills and earn a second professional credential.

For each certificate, you can choose courses that best fit your goals.

Stackable graduate certificates include:

  • Topics in Human Behavior

A Faculty of Psychology Experts

You’ll learn from Harvard faculty and industry leaders who will help you gain real-world perspectives. Our instructors are renowned experts in clinical psychology, neurobiology, psychopathology, and more. They bring a genuine passion for teaching, with students giving our faculty an average rating of 4.6 out of 5.

Shelley Carson

Associate of the Psychology Department, Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Bobbi Wegner

Adjunct Lecturer on Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Adrienne Tierney

Lecturer, MIT Writing and Communication Center

Our Community at a Glance

Many of our students in the Psychology Master’s Degree Program are established professionals looking to make a career change. Others are earning the degree for career advancement or as preparation for further advanced study.

Download: Psychology Master's Degree Fact Sheet

Average Age

Courses Taken Each Semester

Work Full Time

Would Recommend the Program

Professional Experience in the Field

Pursued for Career Change

Career Opportunities & Alumni Outcomes

Graduates of our Psychology Master’s Program work in the fields of mental health, research, healthcare, human resources, and education. Some alumni continue their educational journeys and work toward a PhD, including at Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, or Harvard School of Public Health. They have also pursued further studies in other nationally ranked degree programs, including those at Johns Hopkins University, Columbia University, and Brown University.

Our alumni have gone on to work in a variety of roles, including:

  • Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Guidance Counselor
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Academic Coordinator
  • Research Program Manager
  • Clinical Supervisor
  • HR Consultant

Career Advising and Mentorship

Whatever your career goals, we’re here to support you. Harvard’s Mignone Center for Career Success offers career advising, online tools, employment opportunities, career fairs — including the Ivy+ Just in Time Virtual Career Fair — and connections to Harvard alumni mentors.

Your Harvard University Degree

Upon successful completion of the required curriculum, you will earn your Harvard University degree — the Master of Liberal Arts (ALM) in Extension Studies, Field: Psychology.

Expand Your Connections: the Harvard Alumni Network

As a graduate of the master’s degree program in the psychology field, you’ll become a member of the worldwide Harvard Alumni Association (400,000+ members) and Harvard Extension Alumni Association (29,000+ members).

As an international student, I could not have imagined that it’s possible that there would be this kind of community.

Mariam in an entrepreneur who launched her startup through the Harvard Innovation Labs.

Tuition & Financial Aid

Affordability is core to our mission. When compared to our continuing education peers, it’s a fraction of the cost.

Our Tuition (2024–25 rate) $3,340 per course
Average Tuition of Peer Institutions $4,330 per course
Average Total Cost $40,080

After admission, you may qualify for financial aid . Typically, eligible students receive grant funds to cover a portion of tuition costs each term, in addition to federal financial aid options.

Learn more about the cost of attendance .

Coffee Chat: All About Liberal Arts Programs at HES

Are you interested in learning more about liberal arts graduate degree programs at Harvard Extension School? Attendees joined us for an informational webinar where they had the opportunity to connect with program directors, academic advisors, and alumni.

How long does it take to complete the psychology graduate program?

Program length is ordinarily anywhere between 2 and 5 years. It depends on your preferred pace and the number of courses you want to take each semester.

For an accelerated journey, we offer year round study, where you can take courses in fall, January, spring, and summer.

While we don’t require you to register for a certain number of courses each semester, you cannot take longer than 5 years to complete the degree.

What can you do with a master’s degree in psychology?

A master’s degree in psychology can open doors to a range of psychology-related careers, such as a behavioral counselor, career advisor, or drug and alcohol specialist.

This type of degree can also enhance non-psychology careers, like those in the fields of advertising, human resources, and retail sales.

Understanding human behavior is an invaluable skill that spans industries and careers.

What is the difference between a master’s degree in psychology and clinical psychology?

Both types of master’s degrees provide a detailed look into human behavior.

However, a psychology master’s degree can be broader in scope and more widely applicable to a variety of careers, while a clinical psychology masters is more specialized for analyzing and treating a range of mental health disorders.

What skills do you need prior to applying for the psychology master’s degree program?

Harvard Extension School does not require any specific skills prior to applying, but in general, it’s helpful to have solid communication, critical thinking, and active listening skills if you are considering a psychology master’s degree.

Initial eligibility requirements can be found on our psychology degree requirements page .

Harvard Division of Continuing Education

The Division of Continuing Education (DCE) at Harvard University is dedicated to bringing rigorous academics and innovative teaching capabilities to those seeking to improve their lives through education. We make Harvard education accessible to lifelong learners from high school to retirement.

Harvard Division of Continuing Education Logo

When to Apply

Deadlines for each degree program appear below. Notification timelines will appear here when they are announced:

October 15, 2024: Occupational and Environmental Residency Program (OEMR)

December 1, 2024: MHCM priority deadline,   MPH, MPH-Epidemiology (online/on-campus) , SM , DrPH , PhD in Biological Sciences , PhD in Biostatistics ,    PhD in Population Health Sciences, PhD in Health Policy

January 15, 2025: Joint JD/MPH Program with Harvard Law School

(Harvard Law School 1L students applying after December 1, 2024 should contact the admissions office: [email protected].)

February 1, 2025:   Global Health Delivery Intensive , Program in Clinical Effectiveness priority non-degree deadline

February 15, 2025: MHCM final deadline

March 1, 2025: Global Infectious Diseases Summer Program,   Summer Session for Public Health Studies , and Program in Clinical Effectiveness final non-degree deadline

Applicants interested in applying for entry in the 2026-2027 Academic Year will be able to access the application for admission in September 2025.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) applicants apply via Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences . All other programs are offered on the SOPHAS application.

Planning Timeline

To help with your application planning, we provide the following recommended schedule, which is specifically oriented to those applying for the MPH, SM, MHCM, MPH-Epidemiology, DrPH, and dual degree programs. Consult the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences  admissions website for PhD programs timelines.

January to April

  • Explore available degree programs and departments at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and eligibility requirements.
  • Review eligibility requirements .
  • Begin researching scholarships, fellowships, and external financial aid through the  Office of Financial Aid .
  • Schedule GRE General Test to be taken no later than October for paper-based exams and November for computer-based exams to allow time for the official score reports to arrive. Check current School policy by clicking here .
  • If required, schedule the TOEFL, IELTS Academic , or Duolingo English Test to be taken no later than October for paper-based exams and November for computer-based and/or Internet-based exams to allow time for the official score reports to arrive.

April to August

  • Visit our admissions events calendar online.
  • Initiate conversations with your recommenders.
  • Request unofficial transcripts from all U.S. colleges and universities attended for data-entry purposes.
  • If you are applying for the SM, MPH, MCHM, or DrPH degrees, create an account and begin your application through SOPHAS . Application opens mid-August.
  • Generate SOPHAS transcript request forms to be sent to all post-secondary institutions attended in the U.S. and English-language institutions in Canada. For any coursework from colleges or universities outside of the U.S., please submit credentials to World Education Services  for evaluation.

October and November

  • Submit application for admission and all supporting documents by mid-November. This will allow time for your application to be processed by SOPHAS and to be mailed to our office to meet our December 01 deadline. Even if you do not submit your application by mid-November, you can still submit your application to SOPHAS up until December 01 and this will allow you to meet our application deadline.
  • Be sure you have taken any required standardized tests (GRE, TOEFL, IELTS Academic, Duolingo English Test) no later than October for paper based exams and November for computer or internet based exams.
  • Application submission deadline for most programs is December 01.
  • Continue to monitor your SOPHAS portal to make sure that all required documents have been received and that your application has been mailed to the Harvard Chan School.
  • Begin applying for financial aid. Additional information will be sent by the  Office of Financial Aid .
  • Continue to monitor your SOPHAS portal to ensure that your application has been sent to the Harvard Chan School.

February and March

Most applicants will be notified of decisions via email.


  1. My Successful Harvard Application (Complete Common App + Supplement)

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  2. Harvard University

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  3. Harvard Psychology PhD acceptance rate

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  4. Harvard University Scholarship for Psychology Undergraduate Program

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  5. All About PhD at Harvard University

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  6. Positive Psychology 1504: Harvard's Groundbreaking Course

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  1. Admissions

    Interested students must contact the Office of Undergraduate Education for eligibility details before applying. Questions about the application or required materials should be directed to the Harvard Griffin GSAS Admissions Office at [email protected] or 617-496-6100. Harvard Griffin GSAS does not discriminate against applicants or ...

  2. Graduate Program

    The Department of Psychology offers a PhD program in four areas: Clinical Science, Social, Developmental, and Cognition, Brain, and Behavior (CBB). Admissions information, program requirements, funding and financial aid details, and other resources for the graduate program are detailed on the Psychology Graduate Program website and on the Harvard Griffin GSAS website.

  3. Psychology Graduate Program

    Psychology Graduate Office William James Hall 210 33 Kirkland Street Cambridge, MA 02138 617-495-3810 [email protected]

  4. Psychology

    The focus of the psychology program is on research. You can choose from four main areas depending on your interests or intended career path: experimental psychotherapy and clinical science; developmental psychology; social psychology; and cognitive, brain, and behavior. The clinical program is accredited by the American Psychological ...

  5. FAQ for Applicants

    The Harvard Griffin GSAS Admissions website includes information about how to apply, required application materials, test score requirements, deadlines, and FAQs. The application process is online. This link connects you to the Psychology Program of Study page on the GSAS Admissions website. You can refer to our PRO-TiP page to find faculty ...

  6. Resources for Applicants

    PPREP (Prospective Ph.D. & RA Event in Psychology) - an informational event for individuals interested in pursuing research positions and/or doctorates in psychology. PRO-TiP (PhD Resources and Online Tips Page) - provides insight into what constitutes a strong application and address questions that frequently come up each year.

  7. Clinical

    The purpose of the Clinical Psychology Handbook is to outline and describe the philosophy and structure of Harvard University's Clinical Psychology Program and to provide students with information about the courses, research, and clinical training required to earn a Ph.D. degree in clinical psychology.

  8. Clinical Psychology

    Clinical Psychology. The Clinical Psychology Program adheres to a clinical science model of training, and is a member of the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science. We are committed to training clinical psychologists whose research advances scientific knowledge of psychopathology and its treatment, and who are capable of applying evidence ...

  9. Program

    Program. Harvard Griffin GSAS Policies - information about registration, degree requirements, codes of conduct, financial aid, fellowships, leave of absence, withdrawal, and much more. Academic Calendar. My.Harvard - view your current and past course enrollment, grades, advisors, and degree progress (milestones), as well as the current academic ...

  10. PRO-TiP

    Welcome to Harvard Psychology's PhD Resources and Online Tips Page (PRO-TiP)! We created this page to provide easy and open access to resources that help demystify the process of applying to graduate programs in Psychology. Below, you will find a series of informational videos in which members of our faculty provide insight into the structure ...

  11. Prospectus

    For example, if a student wishes to obtain a DCF for the 2024-2025 year and graduate in 2025 (May or November), then students will need to apply for the DCF by February 9, 2024. Students should consult the Graduate Program or the Harvard Griffin GSAS website for the specific DCF deadline as it varies from year to year. VI. Committee evaluation.

  12. Department of Psychology

    The Graduate Program in Psychology currently has 74 graduate students who are trained in four major research programs: Cognition, Brain, & Behavior; Developmental Psychology; Social Psychology; and Clinical Science. Psychology is one of the most popular courses of study among undergraduates at Harvard. Click here for information about the ...

  13. Apply

    Get started with your application to the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Harvard Griffin GSAS) ... Harvard University. Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Campus Center. 1350 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 350. Cambridge, MA 02138-3654 ...

  14. Psychology

    PSY 1952, Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Psychology II. two out of the following three survey courses: PSY 2020, Cognition, Brain, and Behavior Proseminar; PSY 2500, Proseminar in Social Psychology; or PSY 2170, Developmental Proseminar. two elective courses from a list of courses approved by the Committee on Higher Degrees (CHD).

  15. Applying to Degree Programs

    Search Degree Programs Apply for Degree Programs. If you are interested in applying to a degree program, you will be considered for admittance based on your potential to make contributions through your scholarship to your chosen field, whether in academia or in a nonacademic career.The Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Harvard Griffin GSAS) welcomes applications ...

  16. Admissions

    We answer questions about the online application and work with graduate program admissions committees, who make acceptance decisions. ... Harvard University. Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Campus Center. 1350 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 350. Cambridge, MA 02138-3654. Contact. Tel: 617-495-5315.

  17. PPREP Program

    Our community of graduate students, research assistants, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty will hold a free weekend of informal panel discussions and application workshops. You will also be paired with a current member of our psychology department (i.e., faculty, post-doc, and/or graduate student) who will provide structured feedback on the materials you intend to use to apply to research ...

  18. Psychology

    Students enrolled in the Master of Liberal Arts program in Psychology will examine the science of psychology and gain an understanding of human behavior. Students explore core theories and the latest research, gaining insights into how human beings think, feel, behave, and navigate their social world. Harvard University is devoted to excellence ...

  19. PhD Program Requirements

    Psychology; Public Policy; Quantum Science and Engineering; Religion, The Study of ... The Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is a leading institution of graduate study, ... Harvard University. Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Campus Center. 1350 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 350.

  20. PDF CVs and Cover Letters

    Harvard University • Harvard College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 54 Dunster Street • Cambridge, MA 02138 Telephone: (617) 495-2595 • www.ocs.fas.harvard.edu ... Well before you apply for faculty positions, you will use your CV to apply for fellowships and grants, to accompany submissions for publications or conference papers ...

  21. Psychology Master's Degree Program

    Psychology Master's Degree Program. Deepen your understanding of human behavior. Advance your career. Online Courses. 11 out of 12 total courses. On-Campus Experience. 2 weekends or a 3-week summer course. Tuition. $3,340 per course.

  22. When to Apply

    Applicants interested in applying for entry in the 2026-2027 Academic Year will be able to access the application for admission in September 2025. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) applicants apply via Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. All other programs are offered on the SOPHAS application.

  23. Social Psychology

    Social Psychology. Students and faculty in Social Psychology seek to understand human experiences and behaviors in social settings. Our research and teaching span levels of analysis--from the neural and physiological underpinnings of social cognition, through individual and group behavior, to the social and cultural contexts within which people ...

  24. Doctor of Design Admissions

    Harvard University Health Services ... The admissions process for the DDes program is extremely competitive and requires that applicants hold a graduate level degree in a design related field such as a professional degree in architecture, landscape architecture, planning or urban design. ... At this time, the change to the GRE requirement is ...