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9 Types of Presentations You Should Know (With Examples)

9 Types of Presentations for Different Objectives

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Mastering the art of crafting and delivering presentations is vital across diverse contexts and industries. In a world where effective communication often determines success or failure, understanding the various types of presentations is key. Each presentation type fulfills a distinct role, which we will understand in this article. So, let’s get going!

Why is it Important to Understand Different Types of Presentations?

Different presentations serve distinct purposes, each tailored to achieve specific goals and connect with audiences uniquely.  Imagine trying to motivate a team using the same approach you would use to deliver a technical report – it just would not work. 

Whether aiming to inform, persuade, train, or inspire, understanding and utilizing various presentation styles ensures you communicate your message properly and engage your audience on the right level. Each presentation type, from informative to persuasive, is like a tool in a toolkit designed for specific tasks to help you achieve your objectives.

Moreover, adapting to different styles keeps your communication fresh and dynamic. A one-size-fits-all approach can lead to disengagement, whereas using the right style for the proper context maintains interest and maximizes impact. 

Types of Presentations

1. informative presentation.

Informative presentations are designed to educate the audience on a specific topic. They provide clear, factual, and comprehensive information that enhances understanding. These presentations are commonly used in academic settings, corporate training sessions, and public awareness campaigns. 

For instance, a professor might deliver an informative presentation on the impacts of global warming, outlining the scientific principles, current data, and potential future scenarios. 

To make such presentations more effective, focus on organization and clarity. Commence with an introduction that sets the context and outlines the main points you will cover. Break down each section to address a specific aspect of the topic, providing detailed explanations supported by evidence and examples. Make sure to harness the power of visuals and charts to explain complicated data in simple terms.

2. Persuasive Presentation

Persuasive presentations convince the audience to adopt a particular viewpoint or take specific actions. These presentations are essential in various contexts, such as marketing, sales, and advocacy. 

The best way to increase their impact is by proactively addressing potential objections and counter-arguments. This approach demonstrates thorough understanding and preparation, which strengthens your credibility. 

Incorporate testimonials, case studies, and real-life examples to enhance persuasion by providing tangible proof of your claims. Deliver a clear and compelling call to action at the end of the presentation to encourage the audience to take the desired step, whether supporting a cause or changing a behavior. 

For example, this style can be used by non-profit leaders to advocate for a cause, such as raising funds for calamities, creating awareness, etc.

3. Demonstrative Presentation

How-to-do or demonstrative presentations focus on showing the audience how to do something through detailed, step-by-step instructions. They are particularly effective in educational settings, workshops, and training sessions where practical knowledge and hands-on experience are essential. 

For example, a project manager conducting a training session might give a demonstrative presentation on using a new project management software. The manager would guide the team through each stage of the software, from setting up a new project to tracking progress and generating reports, ensuring that participants understand and can replicate the steps independently.

Interactive elements, such as allowing the audience to follow along or ask questions in real-time, can further enhance understanding and retention. 

4. Sales Presentation

Have you ever found it challenging to convince customers to buy a product or service? Here sales presentations can help you navigate the challenge. These presentations showcase your unique value propositions, address the pains of your audience, and convey how your products can improve their situation.

For example, a sales representative for a new software solution might present its advanced features, user-friendly interface, and how it can streamline the client’s workflow, ultimately saving time and increasing productivity.

To make a sales presentation effective, you must understand the audience’s needs and tailor your content accordingly. Highlight the product’s core competencies, such as its superior performance, cost-effectiveness, or innovative features. Close your presentation and encourage the audience to take the next step, whether scheduling a follow-up meeting, requesting a demo, or making a purchase. 

5. Motivational Presentation

A motivational presentation aims to inspire and energize the audience, encouraging them to achieve their goals or make positive life changes. Such presentations often appeal to emotions, using powerful stories, personal experiences, and uplifting messages to connect with the audience on a deeper level. 

For instance, a keynote speaker at a corporate event might share their journey from overcoming significant challenges to achieving success, emphasizing resilience and perseverance as keys to personal and professional growth.

You can curate an engaging narrative that resonates deeply with the audience’s aspirations and struggles and engage them with relatable anecdotes and success stories that forge an emotional connection. Use inspirational quotes, vivid imagery, and energetic delivery to boost the motivational effect, encouraging listeners to visualize their own success and fully believe in their potential.

Offer practical advice, set achievable challenges, or provide valuable resources to support their journey. By leaving the audience with a strong sense of empowerment and clear direction, you can drive meaningful change and ignite a proactive mindset that propels them toward success.

6. Status or Progress Presentation

A status or progress presentation provides an update on the current state of a project, initiative, or objective. This type of presentation is essential for keeping stakeholders informed about progress, identifying issues, and aligning team efforts with overall goals. 

For instance, a project manager might deliver a status presentation to the executive team, highlighting key milestones achieved, current challenges, and any adjustments needed to stay on track. The presentation typically includes an overview of completed tasks, upcoming deadlines, and a review of budget and resources.

To make a status presentation impactful, focus on clarity and transparency. Organize the content to cover major areas such as progress made, key metrics, and any deviations from the original plan. Further, highlight both successes and setbacks to build trust and ensure that stakeholders have a clear understanding of where things stand.

7. Pitch Presentation

Pitch presentation is a critical tool for making a compelling case, whether an entrepreneur seeking venture capital, a startup aiming to attract customers, or a non-profit organization looking for funding.

In a highly competitive environment, a well-crafted pitch can differentiate you from others by clearly articulating what makes your offering unique and how it addresses a specific need or problem. 

By highlighting key aspects such as market demand, competitive advantages, and potential returns, a pitch presentation can capture the interest of investors, customers, or supporters, making it easier to secure the necessary support or resources. 

Pitch presentations are a critical opportunity to make a solid first impression and establish credibility. They provide a platform to showcase your expertise, vision, and commitment, which can build trust and confidence among your audience. A compelling pitch persuades stakeholders to take action and lays the foundation for future relationships and opportunities. 

8. Instructive Presentations

Instructive presentations are designed to instruct, educate, and inform an audience about a particular topic or skill. They are often used in academic settings, corporate sessions, workshops, and seminars. 

They incorporate examples, case studies, and practical applications to present key points and make the content more relatable and engaging. One key element of an instructive presentation is clarity. Presenters must ensure that their explanations are straightforward and avoid jargon unless the audience is already familiar with the topic. 

For example, a digital marketing expert can deliver an instructional presentation for small business owners who are new to online marketing.

9. Decision-Making Presentation

A decision-making presentation is designed to assist an audience in evaluating various options and making informed choices based on the information presented. 

These presentations are commonly used in business meetings, strategic planning sessions, and project evaluations. The goal is to present data, analyses, and recommendations in a way that highlights the pros and cons of different alternatives, ultimately guiding the audience toward a well-considered decision. 

Effective decision-making presentations often include visual aids such as comparison charts, decision matrices, and risk assessments. By providing a structured approach and clear criteria for evaluation, these presentations help the audience weigh their options methodically.

A Detailed Guide to Help You Choose the Right Presentation Type

Choosing the right presentation type is crucial for effectively communicating your message. The kind of presentation you select can significantly impact your audience’s engagement, understanding, and retention of the information. 

Here are some key tips to consider when deciding on the most suitable presentation type for your needs.

(i). Communication Objectives

Before selecting a presentation type, it is essential to define your goals clearly. Do you wish to inform, persuade, or motivate your audience? Understanding your key goals will guide the structure and style of your presentation. 

For instance, informative presentations are ideal for delivering factual information or educating an audience about a particular topic. These presentations should be clear, concise, and well-organized. On the other hand, if you wish to motivate your viewers, inspirational presentations are the way to go.

(ii). Audience Diversity

Knowing your audience’s demographics, background, and preferences is essential for choosing the right presentation type. Consider factors such as age, gender, education level, and cultural background to tailor your presentation style. Additionally, assess the audience’s familiarity with the topic. 

For example, for a knowledgeable audience, you can delve into more complex details, while for a general audience, it is better to keep the information accessible and straightforward. Understanding your audience’s interests and preferences can also help you choose a presentation type that will keep them engaged.

(iii). Context and Setting

The context and setting of your presentation can significantly influence your choice of presentation type. Evaluate the environment where your presentation will take place. Is it in a large auditorium, a small conference room, or online? Each setting has different requirements for presentation types and delivery methods. 

Also, consider the formality of the event. Formal settings may require a more structured and professional approach, while informal settings allow for a relaxed and conversational style. The audience size is another critical factor; larger audiences may need more structured and visually engaging presentations, while smaller groups can allow for more interaction and discussion.

(iv). Content Complexity

The complexity of your content should guide the presentation type you choose. For straightforward information, use clear and concise slides, infographics, or bullet points to avoid overwhelming the audience with too much information at once. 

Consider using detailed visuals, charts, diagrams, and multimedia elements for more intricate topics. Breaking the content into manageable sections and providing summaries can help reinforce key points and ensure the audience comprehends complex information.

For example, for detailed topics like financial performance, you can opt for informative presentations, while for simple subjects such as project progress, a status presentation would be more appropriate.

(v). Personal Style

Your personal presentation style plays a significant role in the effectiveness of your delivery. Choose a presentation type that aligns with your strengths and comfort level. If you are confident in storytelling, consider a narrative-driven presentation, whereas if you are more comfortable with data, focus on data-driven presentations. 

Utilize your preferred methods for engaging the audience, whether it’s through humor, interactive elements, or compelling visuals. Leveraging your strengths can enhance your presentation’s impact and make it more engaging for your audience.

Suppose your strength lies in convincing and negotiating with people. Here, you can leverage your skills to deliver a compelling persuasive presentation and convince the audience to take a desired action.

(vi). Time Constraints

The time available for your presentation will affect how much content you can cover and the depth of detail you can provide. For brief time slots, focus on key points and ensure clarity and conciseness, using impactful visuals and avoiding overloading the audience with information. 

With more extended presentations, you can delve deeper into the topic, include interactive elements, and engage in discussions with the audience. Plan for breaks and ensure a logical flow of information to keep the audience intrigued throughout.

Tips to Ace All Types of Presentations

1. use visuals.

Use professional PowerPoint templates to create presentations and give your slides a professional look. You can add visuals such as charts, graphs, images, and even videos to make your presentation look stunning. Ensure that your visual resonates with the topic and does not distract the audience from the main theme of the presentation.

2. Structure It Correctly

The structure of your presentation is crucial as it acts as an anchor for the audience. Start by introducing your topic, followed by details such as pros and cons, metrics, data, etc., and then summarize with a strong conclusion.

3. Incorporate Stories

Stories wire human beings into listening and have a great impact on engagement as well. By using stories in your presentation, you can communicate your message in a much better manner and make it more impactful.

4. Make It Interactive

Encourage interaction through questions, discussions, or activities. Engaging with your audience keeps them interested and makes your presentation more dynamic.

5. Deliver it Right

Consider various aspects of delivery to maximize the effectiveness of your presentation.

  • Body Language and Gesture

Utilize gestures and movement to emphasize points and convey enthusiasm. Positive body language enhances your credibility and engages your audience.

  • Maintain Eye Contact

Make eye contact to convey confidence and build rapport with your audience.

  • Pay Attention to Pace and Tone

Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. Modify your tone to emphasize essential points and maintain audience interest. Avoid speaking too fast or monotonously.

  • Be Authentic

Be yourself and let your personality shine through. Authenticity helps build credibility with your audience, making your message more relatable and memorable.

6. Wrap Your Presentation on Time

Respect your audience’s time by staying focused on your key messages. Avoid unnecessary details and keep your presentation concise and to the point. 

7. Practice

Rehearse your presentation often to refine your delivery, timing, and transitions. Practicing helps build confidence and allows you to handle unexpected issues smoothly. Anticipate potential questions and prepare concise, thoughtful responses. Handling questions confidently demonstrates your expertise and readiness. You should also be prepared for technical difficulties and have a backup plan in place. Stay calm and composed, and use any issues to demonstrate problem-solving skills.

Understanding and effectively utilizing different presentations can significantly enhance your ability to communicate and achieve your objectives. By selecting the appropriate presentation style and applying best practices, you can ensure that your communication is impactful, persuasive, and aligned with your goals. 

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10 Types of Presentations (With The Best Tips) You Need to Know in 2024

Leah Nguyen • 04 July, 2024 • 13 min read

Benjamin Franklin has a famous quote that 'nothing can be said to be certain except for death and taxes'. Well, there's another thing we'd like to throw in...

Death by PowerPoint...

Presentations seem to follow us along in life. From children in school to suited salary people, we're expected to use different types of presentations to make presentations that delight our audiences.

Executing a well-rounded presentation is by no means an easy task. There are many things to consider, but before we head to finer details, you must know what type of presentation you should deliver to your audience so that they get the message just right .

In this article, we will explore the most common types of presentations you’ll come across in your life, plus a few helpful tips to create them.

Let’s jump in 💪

Table of Contents

  • Business Presentations
  • Product Presentation
  • Marketing Presentation
  • Data Presentation
  • 5-minute Presentation
  • 10-minute Presentation
  • Webinar Platforms
  • The 10 20 30 Rule
  • The 5/5/5 Rule
  • The 7x7 Rule
How long should I prepare for a presentation?1 prepare hour per 1 minute presenting
What is the 10-minute rule in the presentation?Must change pace after at least 10 minutes

Business Presentation s - Types of Presentation

In the business world, you’ll undoubtedly need presentations for anything, from product launching and strategy planning , to company trend reports and many more.

Let’s take a glance at the different types of presentations you might encounter in the business world 👇

Check out our guide on 'How to Nail A Presentation Like Apple' , or tips to host a business presentation successfully.

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product presentation

In different presentation styles, a product presentation is a great opportunity to show off your newly built or renovated product features to the world.

Unlike other types of business presentations, the main purpose of this presentation is either to build hype around your product with users or to outline the idea of your product to your own team and shareholders.

Tips for delivering a product presentation

  • Demonstrate it live . How does the audience know what you’re talking about when all you’ve given them is some vague speech about the product? For a product presentation to reach its full potential, it’s best to demonstrate the features visually so the audience can truly believe in them.
  • Present with passion . When it comes to types of presentations in business, this is not the time to instruct or educate your audience about something. You want to introduce a new thing that no one has heard about, penetrate a new segment/market and either get people to incorporate your product into their lives or convince stakeholders that it’s worth a punt. The best way to do that? Make as much noise as possible. 
  • Offer a bonus at the end . Give the audience something to walk away with for a powerful ending; this can be an incentive for ordering the new product early or a bit of fun trivia to excite the crowd.

Hosting a product presentation can be big pressure. Our all-rounded guide with real-life examples can help.

Marketing Presentation - Types of Presentation

marketing presentation

No matter how solid your product or service is, you’ll have to come up with a proper plan to make it known and sell it to your intended audience.

This is where marketing presentations come into play. They introduce how, when and where you plan to sell your product to the board of directors or other shareholders. They will decide if those strategies are good to go.

Tips for delivering a marketing presentation

  • Match your theme with the audience . There’s nothing wrong with being business-boring, but if your company is selling toys for children, your audience won’t understand the fun, bubbly spirit you’re trying to convey. Try to centre the slide designs and the attitude around the target audience.
  • Show real-life data . No matter what style of presentation you choose, back up your bold statements with facts. Don’t rely on a hunch or people will doubt what you’re claiming.

You’re just one step away from creating an awesome marketing presentation. Nail the talk by checking our guide .

Methods of Data Presentation - Types of Presentation

Methods of data presentation

In a world where every business relies on data analysis to make a difference, turning hard digits into meaningful and understandable insights is the role of a data presentation .

Make informed decisions, see the gap, and take the risky leap; all are possible if you have the ability to make sense of your data through various visualisation methods like bar charts, line graphs, histograms, and such.

Tips for delivering a data presentation

  • Communicate the numbers clearly . You’ll have to stop assuming that everyone, including your boss, knows what you’re talking about. More often than not, they don’t, and it’s not their job to dig below the surface. Explain to them what the numbers mean and why this is important before presenting any data; the audience will surely appreciate that.
  • Avoid presenting too many different things on one slide . We’ve seen people tackling four to five different types of charts on a single slide and it’s not nice. It’s overwhelming to process all of the data across all the different formats, so next time, go through one thing at a time to give the audience a chance to understand and remember it.

We’ve got these 10 methods of data presentation to make your numbers as clear as day. Examples and great tips included!

Timed Presentation - Types of Presentation

Do you know that the most impactful presentations in the world never exceed 20 minutes?

Real-life cases have proven that a lengthy one-hour talk is not as effective or memorable as a shorter one. That's why more presenters are shifting to timed presentations where they are compelled to deliver concise content within a specific time block.

The most common time presentations that you often meet in business or education settings are 5-minute presentations and 10-minute presentations . They are short, and will push you to make the most out of them.

5-minute Presentation - Types of Presentation

this is a feature image for the article describing how to make a 5 minute presentation

A 5-minute presentation is made for busy people who don’t want to waste half an hour listening to someone ramble. However, this type of presentation is one of the most difficult forms of presentation to master, because being concise but also informative is harder than you think.

Tips for delivering a 5-minute presentation

  • Plan the timing . There’s not much room for procrastination when you’ve only got 5 minutes, so divide what you’re going to say into different time blocks. For example, make an introduction no longer than 1 minute, then dedicate the most time to explaining the main points.
  • Remember that less is more . As you have such a short timeframe, don’t cram too much information like you’re stuffing a turkey; be selective with the content you choose...Try the 5-5-5 rule if you have trouble turning your back from a maximalist lifestyle. 
  • Practice flowing . If you’re stuttering or giving out spaces of prolonged silence, you’re already losing so much precious time. Set the timer, practice speaking at a normal speed and see if there are any parts in which you should speed up, consider cutting or say in another way.

Check out our comprehensive guide on how to hold a 5-minute presentation , including free topics to get you started.

10-minute Presentation - Types of Presentation

A woman presenting in front of a clock on an orange background

When you want to introduce a new topic, perspective, or study to your audience, a 10-minute presentation is enough to bring all the new, exciting information to the table without exhausting them.

Even though they are longer than 5-minute presentations, one can still fumble at fitting the material during the 10 minutes. However, you can get over the fear of going overtime with our tips:

Tips for delivering a 10-minute presentation

  • Know your structure . Typically a 10-minute presentation format includes an introduction (1 slide) - a body (3 slides) and a conclusion (1 slide). Your presentation should contain no more than three ideas as that’s the optimal number for the audience to remember. 
  • Start with a bang . In the first few seconds the audience can already decide if your presentation is worth listening to, so use any means necessary to grab their attention. It can be a provocative statement, a “what if” scenario, or a hard-hitting question that you plan to address during the talk.
  • Get interactive . A 10-minute presentation exceeds the average attention span of humans, which is 7 minutes . Counter that by adding interactive activities that actively engage the audience in the talk like a fun poll, word cloud , or live Q&A session.

You can’t turn your presentation into gold without a proper topic. Check out our 50 unique topics for a 10-minute presentation .

Webinar Platforms - Types of Presentation

webinar presentation

A webinar is an online event hosted by an individual or an organisation. The keynote speaker will give a presentation and interact with the audience entirely online.

With the shift to remote working, training and learning, webinar platforms have become a popular choice for many organisations due to their convenience. You can join virtually anytime, anywhere in just a few clicks. 

No need for costly set-up, all you need is a video conferencing platform plus the type of presentation software that ensures you get all the interaction you need.

Tips for delivering a webinar presentation

  • Test out the equipment beforehand . “ Wait, I don’t know why it’s like this”; “Please wait a few minutes since we’re having minor issues” - these are phrases that turn the audience off immediately after they join. Recheck everything and have a backup plan whenever a technical issue arises.
  • Define a plan to create engagement . The biggest problem with having a webinar is the audience won’t be able to engage as much as they can in a physical space. Try having an ice-breaker game as the base, with quizzes , word clouds, or open-ended questions as the icing on the cake, and wrap up with a sentiment poll or a Q&A as the cherry on top for a robust and dynamic webinar.

Check out 10 best practices for a webinar presentation that’s sure to keep people coming back for more.

The Golden Rules of Presentation - Types of Presentation

Are we implying that a successful presentation has a holy grail formula to follow? - Yes, we are!

If you are still learning the ropes of storytelling and presentation design, and have always fantasised about delivering an impeccable presentation, then these simple, easy-to-follow rules should keep you nicely on track.

The 10 20 30 rule - Types of Presentation

A girl standing in front of a bar chart with images to represent the 10 20 30 rule in action

This may sound like a collection of gibberish numbers, but honestly, they make total sense.

The 10 20 30 rule states that your presentation should…

  • Contain a maximum of 10 slides
  • Be a maximum length of 20 minutes
  • Have a minimum font size of 30 points

With the 10-20-30 rule, you can say goodbye to hour-long presentations that have everyone mentally checked out.

Tips for delivering a 10 20 30 rule presentation

  • Follow the guide wholeheartedly . Don’t just sneakily sneak a couple more slides into the 10 presentation slides you have already; the science says that people can't process more than 10 concepts in a presentation. Go over that and the chances of you losing the crowd drastically increase.
  • Mind the idea . No presentation rule in reality is going to save you if your idea is terrible. Focus on researching what piques the audience’s interest, reach out to them beforehand if necessary and let them know how you can address their big questions.

Here’s the full guide: The 10 20 30 Rule: What it is and 3 Reasons to Use it .

The 5/5/5 rule - Types of Presentation

the 5/5/5 rule, one of many different types of presentation

A 5/5/5 rule is one of the types of presentation that:

  • Contains no more than 5 words per line of text
  • Has 5 lines of text per slide
  • Has no more than 5 text-heavy slides in a row

The 5/5/5 rule is incredibly effective for people who are struggling with measuring how much text is enough. You can focus on your main points with ease and end up with more professional-looking presentations (aka make use of negative space and emphasise what really matters).

Tips for delivering a 5/5/5 rule presentation

  • Use data and images to tell the story . With just a chart or line graph you can draw out so many key points and takeaways from it. Replace texts with visuals if possible since it’s a more powerful way to communicate. 
  • Make use of headings, short phrases, and common abbreviations . For example, instead of writing The website’s overall click-through rate increased by 10% compared to last year , you can rephrase it to The website’s CTR ↑10% YOY (CTR: click-through rate, YOY: year-over-year, which are common abbreviations in business). You can elaborate more on the numbers in the talk, so don’t throw everything on the slide.

Here’s the full guide:​​ The 5/5/5 Rule: How and Why to Use It (With Examples) .

The 7x7 rule - Types of Presentation

The 7x7 rule is a presentation design guideline that suggests no more than 7 lines of text per slide. This can include bullet points or short phrases and no more than 7 words per line.

Why the 7x7 Rule?

  • Focus:  It forces you to present the most essential information, making your slides less overwhelming for the audience.
  • Clarity:  Concise text improves readability and helps your audience quickly grasp your key points.
  • Memory:  People can better process and remember short bursts of information.
  • Visual appeal:  Slides with less text create more space, making them cleaner and more visually engaging.

Tips for delivering a 7x7 rule presentation

  • Focus on the big picture: Since you'll be limited with text, prioritise communicating the core concepts of your presentation. Use your spoken words to expand on the key points on your slides.
  • Needing more tips? Here's a more detailed guide for the 7x7 rule presentation .

The Takeaway

Presentations come in all shapes and sizes, and the key to creating an outstanding experience for your audience is matching them with the right type of presentation. Once you’ve got it right, you’ve established yourself on a solid platform that can launch your successful speech🚀

The best type of presentation engages the audience and makes it memorable. Try AhaSlides today.

presentation 2 types

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are presentation styles important.

Presentation style is important because it helps with communication effectiveness, enhances audience engagement, shows professionalism and credibility

What is the most important in a presentation?

A presentation should deliver a message with clarity to the audience. They should know what it is about, and the actions to take after the presentation.

What are the 4 key elements of a powerful presentation?

The 4 keys of a powerful presentation are content, structure, delivery and visual aids.

Leah Nguyen

Leah Nguyen

Words that convert, stories that stick. I turn complex ideas into engaging narratives - helping audiences learn, remember, and take action.

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The 8 Types of Presentation Styles: Which Category Do You Fall Into?

Meg Prater (she/her)

Updated: December 16, 2020

Published: September 24, 2018

Types of Presentations

  • Visual Style
  • Freeform Style
  • Instructor Style
  • Coach Style
  • Storytelling Style
  • Connector Style
  • Lessig Style
  • Takahashi Style

Everyone on the internet has an opinion on how to give the “perfect” presentation.


One group champions visual aids, another thinks visual aids are a threat to society as we know it. One expert preaches the benefits of speaking loudly, while another believes the softer you speak the more your audience pays attention. And don’t even try to find coordinating opinions on whether you should start your presentation with a story, quote, statistic, or question.

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But what if there wasn’t just one “right” way to give a presentation? What if there were several? Below, I’ve outlined eight types of presentation styles. They’re used by famous speakers like Steve Jobs and Al Gore -- and none of them are wrong.

Check out each one and decide which will be most effective for you.

presentation 2 types

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Types of Presentation Styles

1. visual style.

What it is: If you’re a firm believer slides simply exist to complement your talking points, this style is for you. With this speaking style, you might need to work a little harder to get your audience engaged, but the dividends can be huge for strong public speakers, visionaries, and storytellers.

When to use it: This style is helpful when speaking to a large audience with broad interests. It’s also great for when you need to throw together slides quickly.

Visual style presenter: Steve Jobs

2. Freeform Style

What it is: This impromptu style of presenting doesn’t require slides. Instead, the speaker relies on strong stories to illustrate each point. This style works best for those who have a short presentation time and are extremely familiar with their talking points.

When to use it: Elevator pitches, networking events, and impromptu meetings are all scenarios in which to use a freeform style of speaking. You’ll appear less rehearsed and more conversational than if you were to pause in the middle of a happy hour to pull up your presentation on a tablet.

Freeform style presenter: Sir Ken Robinson

3. Instructor Style

What it is: This presentation style allows you to deliver complex messages using figures of speech, metaphors, and lots of content -- just like your teachers and professors of old. Your decks should be built in logical order to aid your presentation, and you should use high-impact visuals to support your ideas and keep the audience engaged.

When to use it: If you’re not a comfortable presenter or are unfamiliar with your subject matter (i.e., your product was recently updated and you’re not familiar with the finer points), try instructor-style presenting.

Instructor style presenter: Al Gore

4. Coach Style

What it is: Energetic and charismatic speakers gravitate towards this style of presenting. It allows them to connect and engage with their audience using role play and listener interaction.

When to use it: Use this presentation style when you’re speaking at a conference or presenting to an audience who needs to be put at ease. For example, this style would work well if you were speaking to a group of executives who need to be sold on the idea of what your company does rather than the details of how you do it.

Coach style presenter: Linda Edgecombe

5. Storytelling Style

What it is: In this style, the speaker relies on anecdotes and examples to connect with their audience. Stories bring your learning points to life, and the TED’s Commandments never let you down: Let your emotions out and tell your story in an honest way.

When to use it: Avoid this style if you’re in the discovery phase of the sales process. You want to keep the conversation about your prospect instead of circling every point or question back to you or a similar client. This style is great for conference speaking, networking events, and sales presentations where you have adequate time to tell your stories without taking minutes away from questions.

Storytelling style presenter: Jill Bolte Taylor

6. Connector Style

What it is: In this style, presenters connect with their audience by showing how they’re similar to their listeners. Connectors usually enjoy freeform Q&A and use gestures when they speak. They also highly encourage audience reaction and feedback to what they’re saying.

When to use it: Use this style of presenting early in the sales process as you’re learning about your prospect’s pain points, challenges, and goals. This type of speaking sets your listener at ease, elicits feedback on how you’re doing in real time, and is more of a dialogue than a one-sided presentation

Connector style presenter: Connie Dieken

7. Lessig Style

What it is: The Lessig Style was created by Lawrence Lessig , a professor of law and leadership at Harvard Law School. This presentation style requires the presenter to pass through each slide within 15 seconds. When text is used in a slide, it’s typically synchronized with the presenter’s spoken words.

When to use it: This method of presentation is great for large crowds -- and it allows the speaker to use a balance of text and image to convey their message. The rapid pace and rhythm of the slide progression keeps audiences focused, engaged, and less likely to snooze.

Lessig style presenter: Lawrence Lessig

8. Takahashi Style

What it is: This method features large, bold text on minimal slides. It was devised by Masayoshi Takahashi , who found himself creating slides without access to a presentation design tool or PowerPoint. The main word is the focal point of the slide, and phrases, used sparingly, are short and concise.

When to use it: If you find yourself in Takahashi’s shoes -- without presentation design software -- this method is for you. This style works well for short presentations that pack a memorable punch.

Takahashi style presenter: Masayoshi Takahashi

Slides from one of Takahashi’s presentations:

Whether you’re speaking on a conference stage or giving a sales presentation , you can find a method that works best for you and your audience. With the right style, you’ll capture attention, engage listeners, and effectively share your message. You can even ask an AI presentation maker tool to create presentations for you in your preferred style

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8 Types of Presentation with Examples and Tips

8 Types of Presentation with Examples and Tips

Table of Contents

Every presentation is different, reflecting your unique business and the information you share. But, some common presentation types are used across various fields and teams. Before diving into specific slides or organization, consider the type that best suits your audience.

Here are some questions to get you started: Is your goal to inform or entertain? Who will you be speaking to: colleagues, investors, or potential customers? By thinking about these questions, you can choose the presentation format that best supports your message.

SlidesAI can help you simplify this process even further by providing descriptions of different presentation types.

Why Do We Need Different Types of Presentations?

Presentations are a great way to share ideas and information in different situations, depending on who you’re talking to. What you want to achieve with your presentation can change who it’s for and how you present it. For instance, if you’re trying to sell something, you might want a presentation that convinces people and is visually interesting. On the other hand, teaching something might require a more step-by-step approach with lots of details.

The best type of presentation depends on a few things, like what you’re trying to accomplish, the audience’s interests, and what you’re good at as a presenter. By choosing the right kind of presentation, you can get your message across clearly and achieve what you set out to do.

team members discussing on annual stats

What are Different Types of Presentations?

1. educational presentations.

Educational presentations are a great way to introduce a new topic to people who aren’t familiar with it. They can be especially helpful when you want to explain something complex, like a process, or share important facts in a clear way. Whether you’re a teacher in a classroom or a trainer at a company, educational presentations can be a powerful tool for learning.

These presentations often use visuals like pictures or diagrams to make things easier to understand. They might also include step-by-step instructions to guide the audience through a process. Companies use them a lot to teach new employees about how things work at the company. The length of the presentation can be short or long, depending on what you’re trying to teach.

class presentation

2. Instructional Presentations

Instructional presentations help people learn more about a topic and sometimes even guide them on what to do next. They’re similar to presentations used for education, but they might include some extra details or specific steps for the audience to follow.

Think of webinars or training sessions – these are examples of instructional presentations. They give people new information and help them develop new skills. For instance, if you’re in HR, you might create one to explain how employees can sign up for the new insurance plan.

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3. Persuasive Presentations

Many presentations aim to convince the audience of something, like a new idea, product, or way of doing things. They often address a specific issue and use facts and figures to explain why their solution is the best. Business proposals and sales talks are common examples.

For instance, a new company seeking funding might create a presentation to convince investors to support their idea. This presentation could explain a problem they see in the market, how their company solves it, and how they plan to make money. A similar presentation could also be used to secure additional funding for growth and future plans.

4. Motivational Presentation

Motivational presentations aim to lift up the audience’s spirits and help them deal with challenges. They spark interest in a subject and share a particular perspective or message. These presentations can be useful when you want to inspire a group of people. Sometimes, they might even use a personal story to connect with the topic.

Leaders in organizations often use motivational presentations to boost employee morale and encourage them to work harder. Recruiters might also use them to showcase employee success stories and get potential hires excited about joining the company.

stage presentation

5. Problem-solution Presentation

Have you ever needed to present an idea to help people make a decision? Problem-solution presentations are a great way to do that. They focus on explaining a challenge or issue and then offering potential solutions for the audience to consider. While similar to persuasive presentations, the main goal here is to discuss the problem clearly and share research so decision-makers can weigh the options and choose the best path forward. These presentations can include details about the problem and a few possible solutions. They’re a handy tool for many business meetings and discussions within organizations.

6. Project Presentations

Progress presentations are a way to share how a project, campaign, or initiative is moving along. They’re similar to progress reports, but in a presentation format.

These presentations typically cover a few key points:

  • Important measurements : This could include numbers or data that show how the project is doing.
  • Current status : An update on where things stand at the moment.
  • Potential roadblocks : Any challenges that might come up down the line.
  • Tasks still to do : What needs to be completed next.

Project teams often use progress presentations to share updates on their work. This allows clients, colleagues, or other interested parties to stay informed and ask questions if needed.

7. Storytelling Presentations

Presentations that use a story format can be a great way to connect with your audience and share information in a more engaging way. This approach can be useful in many settings, from classrooms to company meetings. It can be especially helpful when you want to grab the attention of a specific group of people and make them feel involved.

Storytelling presentations might include personal stories or examples that relate directly to the main topic. For instance, if you’re in marketing, you could use a story format to present a case study to your colleagues about a competitor’s product and its success.

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8. Visual Presentations

Presentations come in many forms, but some rely mostly on pictures, charts, and other visuals instead of text. These are called visual presentations. They’re a good choice when you have limited time or your topic is easy to understand with pictures.

The goal of a visual presentation is to help people grasp the information quickly and keep them engaged. Businesses often use them to show what their products or services can do. For instance, a company selling shampoo might use before-and-after pictures to show the results.

Tips for Delivering an Effective Presentation

  • Taking Notes: To help remember what to say during your presentation, jot down some brief notes. Keep them simple and focused on keywords or short directions. This will allow you to connect with your audience and avoid missing any important points.
  • Knowing Your Audience: A little research about your audience before your presentation goes a long way. Understanding who they are and what they might be interested in helps you tailor your presentation to better address their needs and expectations.
  • Planning for Interaction: Think about how much audience interaction you want based on the length, purpose, and type of information in your presentation. This may involve allocating more time for questions and discussion.
  • Know yourself: Think about how comfortable you feel speaking in front of a group, especially if you don’t know everyone. Consider your strengths and weaknesses as a presenter and how you can play to your strengths and improve on your weaknesses.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Practicing your presentation beforehand, regardless of your experience level, can boost your confidence and help you identify areas for improvement. Go through each slide while talking to solidify the flow. Recording yourself can also be helpful.
  • Be Prepared: Technical problems can happen, so having a plan can help you avoid delays. If it’s an in-person presentation, arriving early allows you to check the venue and ensure the equipment works properly.

How Does Slides AI Help with Presentations?

As you’ve explored, presentations come in various forms, each serving a distinct purpose and requiring a tailored approach. But regardless of the type, creating an impactful presentation can be time-consuming. This is where Slides AI steps in to streamline the process.

By leveraging SlidesAI’s functionalities – from generating outlines and suggesting designs to offering content recommendations – you can significantly reduce the time and effort invested in crafting your presentation. This frees you to focus on the finer details, like refining your message and practicing your delivery.

A well-organized and visually appealing presentation can really grab your audience’s attention and help them understand your message better. SlidesAI can help you achieve that, turning you from someone who just puts slides together into someone who can communicate confidently and leave a lasting impression.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can i grab attention at the beginning of my presentation.

There are several ways to hook your audience from the start. Try opening with a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, or even a short, interesting story related to your topic.

How long should my presentation be?

Ideally, aim for a presentation between 10-20 minutes. This timeframe allows you to cover the important points without losing your audience’s attention.

What are the 5 keys to a successful presentation?

Here are 5 keys to delivering a pitch-perfect presentation:

  • Know your audience
  • Master your material
  • Make it a conversation
  • Be adaptable
  • Show empathy

Which presentation software should I use?

Several popular options are available, including Microsoft PowerPoint, and Google Slides . The best choice depends on your specific needs and comfort level. Additionally, SlidesAI.io is a helpful tool for creating visually engaging presentations. Consider your needs and choose the software that best suits you.

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Presentation Types and Styles Explained

Avatar for Jana Pavlovic

Table of Contents

From high school, then all through college, and now in the workplace — presentations have been a pillar of passing down knowledge to various audiences. 

But, what are presentations? 

They are a tool used to inform and educate audiences in a fun and informative way. 

Well, that is the simple way of explaining their purpose and meaning. 

We want to dig in deeper, and that is what this article will bring to you — a deeper understanding of different types and styles of presentation, so you never get overwhelmed or confused when you need to make a presentation. 

We will discuss: 

  • Different types and styles of presentations,
  • The purpose of using presentations in the workplace, and 
  • How to utilize and recognize types and styles of presentations.

We will also show you: 

  • Famous presenters for each style, 
  • How you can use each presentation style, and
  • A quote for each style to work as a useful reminder if you ever get confused.

Let’s dive in, shall we?

Presentation types and styles - cover

What are the purposes of presentations?

Sometimes, when a term is widely used, to the point where we subconsciously know the meaning and its purpose, it’s hard to pinpoint the true definition from memory. 

So, let’s start with the basics — what is the definition of presentations? 

Presentation is a manner of passing down knowledge from the speaker to the audience. A presentation can be a: 

  • Demonstration,
  • Lecture, or 
  • Speech. 

The purpose of a presentation is whatever goal you set up to achieve. Those goals can be:

  • To educate, 
  • To persuade, and/or 
  • To entertain.

According to LinkedIn’s article 4 goals for any speech, pitch or presentation , when you combine the goals we mentioned, your presentation will become powerful, meaningful, and impactful. The goals mentioned above are general and can be applied to any situation. Different types and styles of presentation can lead to different results. With the right type and style, you can: 

  • Better your work and image with clients,
  • Be more effective when presenting new ideas or solutions, and
  • Ensure more progressive career growth.

These are only some of the business goals you can achieve with the right presentation type and presenting style. The more types and styles you try out, the more skillful you become, which helps you achieve your goals more efficiently.

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What are the different presentation types?

Presentation types illustrate the way you structure your presentation . 

We’ve mentioned the 4 purposes of presentations — every goal or purpose corresponds to a certain type. Before you can choose a structure, you need to answer the question “ What is the purpose of this presentation? ” 

And methods and techniques, which we’ll talk about later, help you maintain that structure.

Once you know what you want to achieve with your presentation, you can choose its type. 

Here’s what you need to know about each presentation type:

Type #1: Informative presentations 

Informative presentations are analytical and, as the name states, informative. With this type of presentation, your end goal is to inform and educate . 

Your audience only has to listen and soak up all the knowledge that is given by you. 

With this type of presentation, you can report on new findings and new data or deliver a lecture. 

Since the goal is to educate, your presentation must be precise and correct. Make sure that the information you are communicating has real value. When presenting, try to engage your audience with visuals of your data to help them understand.

Type #2: Persuasive presentations

To use persuasive presentations, you must answer the question “ What do I want my audience to do after listening to me ?”

The point of this type of presentation is to persuade your audience, change their minds, or offer a new point of view, so that they take action .

Persuasive presentation comes in handy if you are presenting a new product or a service and you want your audience to feel the urge to buy said product.

When you use this presentation type you must exude confidence, since you are your audience’s only source of information for your product. 

Type #3: Motivational presentations

You’ve probably heard of motivational speakers, and if you haven’t, here’s a quick crash course. Motivational presentations have a purpose to inspire and change people’s minds . 

Most people who use this type of presentation have a story to tell. These people use their own experiences as key points in their presentations to help the audience to relate to them. 

Since the goal is to inspire and change people’s minds, you have to have a powerful topic to discuss. 

Remember to cater to your audience and adjust your presentation to them and their level.

Type #4: Instructive presentations

Instructive presentation is technical, precise, and often longer than other types we mentioned. This type is here to offer instructions to an audience. 

So, if your goal is to explain step by step how to achieve a goal or do a task— an instructive presentation should be your choice. 

When you are delivering this type of presentation you need to make sure that every instruction is clear, understandable, and easy to follow.  

How to determine which presentation type you should use?

To choose the correct type for your presentation, you must determine your goal. Once you have your goals clear, it will be easy to see which type works best with your presentation. 

Here are some helpful questions that will help you to narrow it down to one type: 

  • What do I want the audience to take away from my presentation?’
  • What am I trying to give the audience? Is it information, a lecture, or a look into a new product/feature?
  • What obstacles are keeping me from delivering my presentation effectively?

Determining the correct type for your presentation is a trial-and-error process. You will find that some types are more your speed, while others might give you trouble. But, keep in mind that the end goal should always be to give your audience what they came for. 

No matter which type you prefer, they all exist for a reason. Give them all a chance, and remember that practice makes perfect.

Presentation methods and techniques

When you define the type of your presentation, it’s time to get into methods and techniques for delivering a presentation. 

There are a lot of ways you can deliver your presentation, and here is our take on it. 

Presentation methods

A method is how you approach your problem . 

When it comes to presentation methods, we linked them with public speaking. Methods cover:

  • How you choose to deliver your presentation and 
  • How you structure your speech. 

Here are the 4 main methods:

Method #1: Impromptu or unscripted 

The impromptu method applies to speeches that are: 

  • Not prepared , 
  • Emotionally charged, and 
  • ‘Given on the spot’. 

This method of speaking is purely done by improvising, so there are no written rules on how it should be done. 

Improvising and making up your speech as you go is not a wrong way to deliver your presentation. Still, instead of basing your entire speech on your ability to ramble on, incorporate this method in segments where you see fit or feel inspired to do so. 

Method #2: Memorizing 

The memorizing method implies that the speaker needs to know their speech word for word. 

It is mostly used in oratory contests for high school and college students. This method is difficult, and you would need to spend a lot of time reading and memorizing your text.

But, this method is the easiest when it comes to performance anxiety. Since the text is perfectly constructed and your only job is to memorize and relay it to the audience, it’s less nerve-racking. 

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If you struggle with anxiety before a presentation, we have an article to help you with that: 

  • How not to be nervous for a presentation

The memorizing method, while being challenging at its core, can be freeing once the speaker is on stage. With this method, you can practice your body language to go with the text. And since the text is scripted and perfected, the speaker can move around the stage as they see fit.

Method #3: Extemporaneous

Extemporaneous is a synonym for impromptu and unscripted — so why is a synonym to a method we’ve already covered, now a completely new method? 

Well, that is because when it comes to the extemporaneous method, we think of a speaker that allows help during their performance . 

The extemporaneous method is a combination of the first two methods we mentioned. This method allows the speaker to prepare their speech and use notes and key points as an aid to keep on course. However, they will not learn their presentation by heart, but use their own words and speak in a conversational manner.

Method #4: Scripting 

The scripting method used to require a written speech from which the orator reads to the audience. Nowadays, we can see this method used by news outlets, with a teleprompter. 

So, to make use of this method, you need to write down your speech and read it proficiently to your audience. 

When it comes to in-person presentations and public speaking, this method is not the go-to. 

You shouldn’t spend the whole presentation just reading off of papers. When we present, we need to maintain eye contact and overall connection with the audience — and holding a piece of paper in front of the audience will get in the way of that connection.

Presentation techniques 

Presentation techniques are what you use before and during the presentation to make it compelling, informative, and easier to understand . 

Here are some of the techniques that we find quite useful: 

Technique #1: Practice

As a presenter, you want to make sure that everything goes smoothly — and for that to happen, you need to practice. The key to giving the best presentation is to practice relentlessly. 

Some useful tips to help you make the most of your practice are to: 

  • Practice in front of a friend. — Practicing in front of a friend will not only help you with performance anxiety, but a friend might also have some useful tips on how to perform better. 
  • Film yourself practicing. — When you film yourself giving your presentation aloud, it will help you to get used to cameras and the spotlight. Also, the camera will capture every mistake you make, and from there you can see what needs to be worked on.
  • Practice in the auditorium. — It will do you good if you can practice giving your presentation in a meeting room or the auditorium. If you practice in the place you will be presenting, you will get used to the space, and it will be familiar to you on the day of your presentation.

Technique #2: Use visuals 

There is no need to overwhelm your audience with endless blocks of text. Think about how you can transform the data or information into a simple visual . 

The important thing to remember is that your audience might not be on the same level of knowledge as you. So, use visuals to help them follow your point. 

Technique #3: Incorporate stories 

No matter how informative and to the point your presentation is, including a story that is illustrating your point can be very helpful to your audience. 

Not only is storytelling a great way to engage and entertain your audience, but it is also a great way to show how your information is relevant to real-world events.

If you are curious to see what more you can do to prepare for your presentation, check out our article: 

  • How to prepare for a presentation: Your 9-step guide to a successful presentation

Technique #4: Incorporate appropriate style 

Your presentation style is how you choose to deliver your presentation as a speaker. Style builds on the methods we have mentioned earlier, and it comes down to how you choose to speak to your audience. You can be a storyteller or a coach to your audience, and with each style comes a different influence. 

Methods and techniques are a great starting point when you are approaching your presentation structure and topic. 

But, there are different styles of presentation that you also should consider before walking up to that stage. Let’s learn more about them.

What is a presentation style?

A style is your preferred way of doing things, and when it comes to presentations, a style is how you choose to deliver your speech . Everything from your vocabulary to your tone defines your presenting style. 

If you are not sure what your personal presentation style is, you can always pick and choose from the already-established styles. Those include: 

  • Storyteller, 
  • Instructor, 
  • Closer, 
  • Connector, 
  • Coach, 
  • Lessig style, and
  • Visual style.

Let’s get into more detail about each one of them.

Style #1: The Storyteller

The storytelling style consists of a (usually personal) story or anecdote. 

This style is used when the presentation doesn’t have any data or numbers that need to be explained. 

You can use this style to emphasize your point and to easily relay your goal to the audience. 

The storytelling style is great for the beginning of the presentation, as it is there to capture the audience’s attention. 

Formality level for the Storyteller style: Low

Since this style uses the speaker’s personal experiences and anecdotes to help the audience relate to the topic easily, the language used is conversational. There is no need for any excessive formality , and the speaker can address the audience in a friendly and familiar tone.

The Storyteller style characteristics

What characteristics should you be aware of when you want to utilize this style? 

The vocabulary that storytellers use is simple and conversational. Think about how you tell a story to your friends, colleagues, or family. Once you have that in mind, becoming a storyteller on stage won’t be a problem. 

Since the formality level is low, there is no need to overcomplicate things or to use synonyms for words that already have simpler and more known versions. 

Your story should have an introduction, where you will introduce the problem. Then, you can move into the main plot point that explains your topic. And finally, you should have a conclusion where you can circle back to the beginning and where you will untangle the web you cast and leave your audience with a final thought.

The pros of the Storyteller style 

Now let’s look at some of the pros of this style: 

  • It’s easy to follow. 
  • It illustrates your problem and solution in a creative way.
  • It’s relatable and, therefore, more influential to the audience.

The cons of the Storyteller style 

Here are the cons of being the storyteller type: 

  • A story that’s too long or not interesting enough can leave your audience bored. 
  • Getting too caught up in the story can make your presentation longer than it should be.

Who is the Storyteller style best suitable for?

This style is great if you want to truly connect with your audience and have them feel as if you speak to them, rather than at them. Many people don’t like to be lectured, and if you are trying to make a point or a message stick out, try out the storytelling style.

Famous presenter with the Storyteller style

The storytelling style is preferred among TED talk speakers. 

But, when we think of storytelling, one particular speaker comes to mind — Nick Vujicic. He overcame great obstacles and has learned how to take what’s best from life. So now, when he tries to spread his message of endurance, he puts his trust into the storytelling style and lets his emotions and experiences speak to his audience. 

Quote by Nik Vujicic that embodies the Storyteller style

“ What really matters are the lives you touch along the way and how you finish your journey .” ― Nick Vujicic

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Style #2: The Instructor

The instructing style of presenting shares some traits of the storytelling style. It still uses the power of metaphors to get the message across to the audience. 

But, the difference is that the instructing style has more of a commanding voice . The instructor can carefully align the story and the data in a logical and compelling manner, leaving the audience convinced and educated.

Formality level for the Instructor style: Medium

A lot of politicians use the Instructor style when they are trying to influence a larger crowd. Since this style has a higher formality level than the storytelling one, it allows the speaker to use more serious vocabulary and address the audience as superior. 

The Instructor style characteristics:

The Instructor’s style is characterized by logic and command. As we mentioned, the speaker who is fond of the Instructor’s style needs to be able to handle the facts and connect with the audience. 

So, the main characteristics of this style would be: 

  • More formal use of language, 
  • Commanding voice, and  
  • Persuasive nature.

The pros of the Instructor style 

Let’s take a look at some of the pros of this style: 

  • It helps get a complicated message across. 
  • It’s persuasive. 
  • It’s fairly easy to use. 

The cons of the Instructor style 

Here are some of the cons to be aware of: 

  • The speaker could be deemed distant or cold. 
  • The audience can lose interest if the presentation is too focused on pure data. 

Who is the Instructor style best suitable for?

This style is great if the speaker has a complicated topic to discuss with a less knowledgeable audience. This style is used mainly for lectures and political speeches. 

Famous presenter with the Instructor style

A famous presenter with the Instructor style is none other than the former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore. He uses metaphors, data, his own personal experience, and even visuals to bring complex issues closer to a wide audience.

Quote by Al Gore that embodies the Instructor style

“ When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, holler. ” — Al Gore

Style #3: The Closer style

The Closer style of presenting is a style that demands action from the audience . Presenters who opt for this style want their audience to not only learn something new but to get up from their seats with a newfound urge to make a change. 

This style is a personification of a call to action. The presentations made in this style are short, since the speaker has a goal in mind. They then use this style to convincingly reach said goal.

Formality level for the Closer style: Medium

This style is a great tool to connect with the audience. So, to make a connection between the speaker and the audience, the formality level drops. But instead of treating the audience as friends, the speaker simply talks to them. 

The Closer style characteristics

The Closer style is persuasive and somewhat commanding. People who are fond of the Closer style cut right to the chase and make their audience get to a decision. With this presentation style, there are no boring statistics or data. The key points are clear and delivered with a short and clear explanation.

The pros of the Closer style 

Here are some of the pros of the Closer style: 

  • The presentation is short.
  • The Closer is confident and knows how to deliver a point.
  • The audience rarely gets bored with this style.

The cons of the Closer style 

Take a look at some of the cons of this style: 

  • Some audiences aren’t ready to make a quick decision.
  • Some audiences might feel that this style is too harsh or rash.

Who is the Closer style best suitable for? 

The Closer style is best to use when you need your audience to make a decision or to give them the urge to make things happen. 

This style is mainly used by CEOs and salesmen.

Famous presenter with the Closer style

Many presenters use this style, but the one that stands out the most is the philosopher Ruth Chang. She has delivered great presentations on how to make hard decisions. She keeps her presentations short, sweet, and straight to the point. 

Quote by Ruth Chang that embodies the Closer style

“A world full of only easy choices would enslave us to reasons.” — Ruth Chang

Style #4: The Connector style

The Connector style speaker is most comfortable engaging with the audience . Some could say that the storytelling style is very similar to the Connector in that sense. Both styles base their presentations on the connection with the audience. The difference here is that the Connector is both a presenter and a member of the audience — and they are comfortable in both roles. 

This style of presentation (as the name suggests) allows the speaker to connect to the audience, and therefore deliver the materials easier. One way that this style connects the speaker and the audience is through Q&A.

Formality level for the Connector: Low 

Since this style’s main purpose is to connect the speaker to the audience, the formality level is low. The speaker appears as one of the audience, even though they are on stage. To keep the audience engaged and get them to ask questions, the Connector treats the audience as friends and acquaintances. 

The Connector style characteristics

The user of this style needs to appear as if they are one of the members of the audience, but they just happen to be on the stage instead in a seat. One of the main characteristics that stand out for this style is the eagerness of the speaker to engage with the audience. When a speaker is a Connector, they will constantly ask questions and listen to the audience’s opinions.

The pros of the Connector style

Let’s take a look at the pros of this style: 

  • The audience is engaged and encouraged to participate.
  • The presentation flows at a relaxed pace.
  • The audience feels connected to the subject.

The cons of the Connector style

  • Audience might not be comfortable with asking questions.
  • The presentation might be longer than planned. 
  • Too many opinions will derail the presentation.

Who is the Connector style best suitable for?

The great thing about the Connector style is that it can be used in any presentation and any setting. Since the main goal of this style is to connect the speaker and the topic with the audience, there are no rules or limits as to where it can and where cannot be used.

Famous presenter with the Connector style

Padraig Hyland is a TED Talk speaker and a specialist in audience engagement, so it is only natural that he uses the Connector style. He has delivered countless speeches on how to be a great presenter and how to connect with any audience.

Quote by Padraig Hyland that embodies the Connector style

“ To successfully navigate the current disruption, organizations need to nourish their authentic leadership voice and create a new story that engages their people on the journey .” — Padraig Hyland

Style #5: The Coach style

What is a coach? In every sense of the word, a coach is a person who guides you, teaches you, and helps you achieve your goals. 

It is the same with the coaching style. The person who uses this style guides their audience with their own enthusiasm for the subject. The Coach style is mainly used in motivational speeches, as it allows the coaches to interact with the audience and share knowledge on a topic they feel passionate about.

Formality level for the Coach style: Medium

The Coach style serves as a guide . It gives the speaker freedom to use their knowledge and personal experience to drive the audience to feel the same passion about the subject as the speaker does. To achieve that level of familiarity with the audience, the formality level drops, and the speaker talks to the audience as a teacher and, well, as a coach would.

The Coach style characteristics

The Coach style allows the speaker to guide their audience from point A to point Z, through knowledge and passion, which makes the presentation interactive and informative. 

This style of presentation can be seen in motivational speeches, lectures, and speeches delivered by sports coaches. The main characteristic that follows this style is that it is delivered by enthusiastic speakers.

The pros of the Coach style 

Here are some of the pros of this style to look into: 

  • It allows the speaker to connect to the audience through enthusiasm. 
  • Presentations in this style are interactive and engaging. 
  • It gives the audience step-by-step instructions on the topic.

The cons of the Coach style 

Let’s examine some of the cons: 

  • The speaker’s passion can be overwhelming to the audience.
  • The speaker can forget to ask for feedback . 

Who is the Coach style best suitable for?

The Coach style, since it serves as a guide, is commonly used by motivational speakers and in self-help presentations. 

They tend to choose this presentation style because it allows them to connect with the audience while still delivering a detailed step-by-step on the topic they are discussing.

Famous presenter with this style

There are a lot of motivational speakers today that are a fan of the Coach style, but the one that caught our attention is Mel Robbins. She is a lawyer and a motivational speaker that helps her audience to form healthy habits and attain discipline to achieve their goals.

Quote by Mel Robbins that embodies the Coach style

“ You have been assigned this mountain so you can show others that it can be moved .” — Mel Robbins

Style #6: The Lessig style

If you are in a time crunch, but you have a lot of material to cover, then the Lessig style is the perfect style for you. 

The Lessig style was invented by Lawrence Lessig, and it states that a speaker should spend only 15 seconds on each slide or point during a presentation . This style usually agrees very well with the visual style. 

Since not all presentations have slides, this style cannot be used with any type of presentation. However, if you have too many slides and too many points to make, then the Lessig style can help you use your time slot well.

Formality level for the Lessig style: Depends

The Lessig style is not a style of speaking per se, but a style for presentation time management . So, the formality of the language you use will be up to you and your topic. You can decrease or increase the formality level and the Lessig style would still be the same.

The Lessig style characteristics

The main characteristic of this style is that it includes slides or at least some visual aid. 

This style is also the one that is not concerned with your verbal cues and style of speaking. If you choose to try out this style you can combine it with any of the styles we previously mentioned.

The pros of the Lessig style 

Here are the pros of this style: 

  • It’s easy to use. 
  • It helps you keep track. 
  • It saves time.

The cons of the Lessig style

Here are some of the cons of this style: 

  • It is not applicable to presentations without slides. 
  • Sometimes the suggested 15-second rule isn’t enough. 
  • The presentation may feel rushed or unfinished.

Who is the Lessig style best suitable for?

The Lessig style bases its rules on slides and visual aids, so it’s best suitable for presentations that consist of slides. The topics for this style are endless, and it is up to the speaker to see where this style works best in their presentation.

The most logical choice is, of course, the founder of this style — Lawrence Lessig, a lawyer and a political activist. 

Quote by Lawrence Lessig that embodies the Lessig style

“ Technology means you can now do amazing things easily .” — Lawrence Lessig

Style #7: The Visual style

Presentations can be all about the slides, data, or videos, and there are also powerful presentations that are delivered with only the speaker on the stage. But, technology is not something to shy away from . There are great advantages to using technology and feeding your audience with visuals that will support your claims. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. 

Formality level for the Visual style: Depends

The formality of this style doesn’t depend on the visuals used, but on the speaker and the topic. The great thing about the visual style is that it can be used with almost any topic and type of data. So, when using this style of presentation, you can choose the level of formality you feel comfortable with.

The Visual style characteristics

The Visual presentation style’s main characteristics are the visuals, as the name suggests. The visuals can be anything from a picture, video, or creatively shown data and statistics. 

This style can be used together with any other style that we mentioned, as long as you add some pictures or other visual elements.

The pros of the Visual style 

Here are the pros of the Visual style: 

  • Visuals help the audience understand the presentation better — sometimes, they can illustrate your point better than your own words. 
  • Visuals can help you move your presentation forward. 

The cons of the Visual style 

Here are some of the cons of the Visual style: 

  • Overusing visuals in your presentation can take focus away from you. 
  • Visuals can be redundant. 

Who is the Visual style best suitable for?

If you are creative enough or confident enough to not let the glamor of visuals take over your spotlight, you can incorporate visuals into any workplace presentation. Visuals can be helpful almost everywhere, and they can aid your audience if the topic is too complicated for them to follow.

Famous presenter with the Visual style

One of the best visual presenters is Steve Jobs. He was one of the founders of Apple, and every year he used to give a great visual presentation or a rundown of Apple’s new product releases.

Quote by Steve Jobs that embodies the Visual style

“ For you to sleep well at night, the aesthetic, the quality, has to be carried all the way through .” — Steve Jobs

How to determine which presentation style to use?

If you are wondering which style to use, first you need to ask yourself what kind of audience will be attending your presentation . Once you have an idea of who you will be talking to, you can start to think about your presentation style. 

Also, you need to know what is the purpose of your presentation and what you wish to achieve. 

Beyond that, try out different styles until you find the one you are comfortable with.

Collaborate easily with Pumble — Even when creating presentations

If you’re working on a presentation with your colleagues — no matter what type of a presentation it might be — you’ll probably find yourself in need of an efficient communication tool. 

Luckily, Pumble, a team communication app , makes your collaboration more simple and efficient, while keeping communication lines open at all times. 

Here are all the ways Pumble can help you create various types of presentations:

  • Thanks to the voice call feature, you can stay connected to your colleagues while you work together on the presentation. 
  • If there is a problem you have to address , you can always give them a quick video call and share your screen with them so you can brainstorm or problem-solve together. 
  • If you need a second (or third, fourth, etc.) opinion , you can always ask for it on some of the Pumble channels . 
  • If you have to provide further explanations or continue the discussion without cramming the channel space, you can continue your conversation in threads or reach out to particular colleagues via direct messages .   

Finally, one of the best things about Pumble is that you can never lose important information or shared files because it has unlimited history . 


Jana Pavlovic is a communication author and researcher. She enjoys educating herself and others on various team collaboration and technology topics. She found that working from home in a hybrid-type company is her perfect combination for work-life balance, and she’s eager to share her new-found knowledge with you.

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Types of Presentations

presentation 2 types

Presentations can be called ideal objects for visualizing ideas. Slides allow you to focus on important things in more detail or discuss complex things. There are usually some types of visuals for presentations that are extremely effective in illustrating the relationships between things and processes. You can use images, text, drawings, graphs, charts, and screenshots when creating slides. But how to design a presentation? What are the nuances you need to know before crafting slides? For starters, you should know the difference between presentation types.

Why Do You Need to Craft Slides?

There is a simple rule of storytelling: if you can't tell something, you have to show it! That is why people of different professions and fields of activity should use presentations. A set of slides greatly simplifies the visualization and systematization of various information nuances. In addition, presentations are a great addition to public speaking, reporting, or academic debates.

Presentations: Types of Slides and Their Purpose

Any presentation is not just a set of slides. Instead, your goal is to keep important aspects related to the general topic, goals, and ideas. But how to design a presentation? And where to start in the first place? To begin with, you should pay attention to the types of presentations and their purpose. Such knowledge will give you the key to further action.

Presentations for Business

Your presentation graphic design will be very different from standard slides. Much of the difference will come from the goals of your presentation. For example, a business needs clear statistics, direct answers, and slide control. Here are the types of presentations you should know.

As a rule, pitch deck presentations help young entrepreneurs get funding by showing business prospects. Such slides allow you to list your company's benefits, the number of new customers, or revenue growth over a certain period. In other words, each slide is a demonstration of your attractiveness in a commercial sense.

In addition, pitch deck presentations allow you to present to investors the project team, new talented employees, or growth paths that will become real by investing in your project. In some way, such a presentation is analogous to a shop window where representatives of business structures can see the most important things.

Sales Presentation

Imagine that your company has been successful for a certain period. Surely you need details to report to investors or the project team. That is why you need a sales presentation because it can show how profitable and effective the period of the company's activity was through such a presentation. For example, you can show the gross income, operating profit, the growth rate of your product, and other information.

Sometimes such a sales presentation aims to promote new teams within the company based on the statistics of the goods or services provided. You can also add selling propositions, pricing information, testimonials, and other things that will show the positive growth dynamics of your company.

Marketing Presentations

Most marketing presentations consist of slides designed to promote products and services. Your goal as a presentation creator is to find effective ways to promote your sales pitch. For example, you must show how profitable cooperation with you is or how good your products or services are.

As a rule, marketing presentations contain graphic elements designed to create a solid image and reputation of a good company worth trusting. That is why you should choose bright facts that allow you to gather a loyal audience. Also, such slides may include future business plans or goals that can be implemented through certain actions.

30-60-90 Day Plan

Many people who want a good position in any company should create a 30-60-90 day plan. So this is a strategic action plan for thirty, sixty, and ninety days. In other words, you must show what you intend to do in a new position to justify your trust.

In a way, your 30-60-90 day plan is a manifesto and a demonstration of your ambitions. Showing the action plan on slides demonstrates the steps you are ready to take and the tools you use to implement all the ideas. In addition, such a presentation aims to achieve loyalty among the company owners or top managers.

Business Plan

And here is the most important type of presentation for startups. Your business plan is a step forward to attract investors and show the prospects of your ideas and the possibilities of their implementation. Moreover, you are selling an idea that will become a reality if someone gives you money.

In addition, a business plan is a type of presentation that should show the niche you want to occupy. Perhaps you should also point out your competitors and the ways you are using to leave them far behind. As a rule, such presentations should be concise and provide the final audience with a summary of the prospects for your business.

Budget Presentations

Most startups and companies need budget presentations, as they allow you to determine the appropriateness of certain financial flows. In addition, slides with data are needed to visualize spending on payroll projects and purchasing goods and services. In other words, most financial processes can be visualized through the presentation.

Let's say the company's management wants to optimize the costs of managing subsidiaries and decides to hold a meeting. With detailed budget presentations, they can quickly consolidate their focus on those transactions that can be reduced in number.

Slides for Teachers

Presentation graphic design can be especially amazing if you are a teacher. Your task is to prepare for classes and create a comfortable springboard for students ready to gain knowledge. That is why every slide must be polished. Here are examples to help you learn more.

Lecture Presentation

Many teachers must create slides to visualize information and a springboard for academic activities. For example, a good lecture presentation allows you to focus on certain facts, terms, or research results. In other words, slides are vital for visualizing important lecture facts. The lecture presentation has a classical academic structure, graphs, images, tables, and diagrams.

Course Presentation

Each course presentation is a set of slides vital to condense a piece of learning content in a structured and interactive format. All slides are based on information relevant to the main topic. In addition, the course presentation should contain key ideas, goals, and tools to achieve them. In general, these are academic slides that make it extremely easy to visualize the tasks of your course.

Lessons Plan Presentation

Teachers must craft lessons plan presentation weekly to interact more effectively with students. As a rule, such a set of slides allows young people to learn more about what information they will receive during the lesson. In addition, the lessons plan presentation is a springboard for teachers who do not want to forget important details while explaining new topics.

Research Presentation

Typically, the average research presentation includes a short intro, your hypotheses, a brief description of the methods, and graphs related to your findings. Here you will interpret the data and be able to show how valuable your finds turned out to be. As a rule, any research presentation is a springboard that helps students understand exactly how students should approach the visualization of the results of their work.

Interactive Planner

Sometimes your main goal may be to create a so-called interactive planner. So this is a presentation, the purpose of which is to create a systematic approach to the company's development. It is all about the visualization of goals that can be changed in the future. In other words, your interactive planner is a set of slides aimed at systematically analyzing a business or individual goals in the context of a common (global) idea.

Case Presentation

As a rule, any case presentation is a way of interaction between the professor and the audience. Such a set of slides allows you to organize the most important information related to the academic or medical process. In other words, your case presentation is a way to tailor complex terms and key data to the needs of a specific audience.

For Students

Every student should know how to design presentation slides right. But your slides' type and visual style depend on your academic assignment. Here are the most popular presentation types you should know about.

Thesis Presentation

As a rule, creating a solid thesis presentation can take time. The fact is that such a set of slides should describe in detail the goals, research methods, and results of your work. Each thesis presentation slide is a brick that forms a solid wall of information relevant to your topic. Here you can add graphs, charts, images, and tables to visualize in detail the work you have done.

Dissertation Defense Presentations

While writing your dissertation, you must prepare data to defend your position and research. Typically, you will need to create data comparison slides, research graphs, and visual patterns to help build a base for your judgments. So this is why dissertation defense presentations are so important. They should become a mix of your ideas and an auxiliary source for your speech. Try to sort your slides according to the order of your paragraphs. And do not forget about the data you will use during your performance. That is why dissertation defense presentations should copy the general paper structure.

Research Paper Presentation

Imagine that you have to write a research paper and craft a dozen slides to support your idea. Usually, a research paper presentation is a basis that is needed to emphasize certain parts of your paper. As a rule, students must craft 10-15 slides with background information, key ideas, results, and data interpretation. In other words, your research paper presentation is important for you and your professor, who will probably analyze the results of your work.

Admission Presentation

As a rule, each first-year student must create an admission presentation as an addition to the essay. This work is part of the admission process to show that the future student is worthy of becoming part of the academic community. Usually, the average admission presentation is a set of slides that contain key ideas, goals, ambitions, and sources of your inspiration. Plus, colleges and universities don't have strict formatting and style requirements, so you can craft your slides to suit your inspiration.

Presentation Design Tips: Everything You Need to Know About Slides

Surely you want to craft your slides well and stick to certain rules. That is why you should check out these design tips for presentations. Read each tip carefully, and you will surely be able to create a good presentation.

1. Stay Away From Bullet Points

The bullet points aren't necessary. Moreover, they can turn an original presentation into a trivial PowerPoint template. Instead, list important aspects of your presentation using the paragraph form. Such a presentation graphic design idea will allow you to stick to the original approach and say no to the boring enumeration of dozens of parameters. Try to keep your slides lighter regarding the amount of content on the page.

2. Insert a Single Animation Style

The animation style is important for storytelling because your audience should not be distracted from key information. In addition, different animation styles when switching slides can confuse your audience. Try to choose only animations that work and look natural. Surely you are not interested in visual effects that will lead to total design presentation failure.

3. Highlight Key Points

Try to use shapes, bright fonts, or characters pointing to put a visual emphasis on some piece of information. This strategy is extremely effective as it allows you to focus your audience's attention on the things that matter most. In addition, highlighting key data using graphic elements helps to prioritize zones and makes it easier to perceive any information.

4. Incorporate Data Visualization

Data visualization is what you need to make your presentation look solid. Use pie charts, bar charts, graphs, and other types of content that allow your audience to understand certain nuances quickly. For example, you can add a percentage pie chart describing the percentage of people who do not subscribe to streaming services. Visualization is the key to simplicity and elegance.

5. Keep Your Slide Design Consistent

You may love variety and vibrant color combinations, but your presentation needs to be solid. Keep your slide design consistent, and you'll see how much better your visual style will get. Use the same fonts, color elements, and data visualization types. This approach is extremely important for those who want to achieve effective presentations.

6. Break Up Sections

One of the key secrets is to break up sections. This strategy allows you to separate important information blocks and prepare your audience for new slides. For example, use blank slides with pictures, large print for subtitles, or even short videos. Your visual content should create a clear transition that will help the audience prepare for a new block of slides ahead of time.

7. Limit A Single Takeaway Per Slide

Some people like to create 3-5 slide presentations and add a few paragraphs to each page. But such a strategy is not profitable in advance since it will be difficult for your audience to focus on important things. So instead, center all your text and visuals around one takeaway or idea. First, this strategy will allow you to make each slide lighter and more visually appealing. Secondly, each page will be like one of the chain links that look monolithic.

Final Words

As you can see, there are quite a few types of presentations depending on the goals you are pursuing. Knowing a clear differentiation and approach to create each slide will help you stand out from the crowd and craft something special. And don't forget about tips to help you avoid common mistakes. Many ideas are simple enough that you won't have to analyze them for long.

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Keynote vs Powerpoint

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Presentation design techniques

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Types of presentations

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Useful Types Of Presentations You Might Need

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There are many types of presentations, each one with a specific purpose.

In our busy world, knowing all about types of presentations can help us share ideas better. It doesn't matter if it's in a classroom, an office, at a conference, or in a Zoom meeting. Being familiar with different presentation types can change the game. This article is going to take you through the world of presentations. You'll see why it's important to know the different types, and how each one fits its own special needs.

Ever thought about how a simple slide deck is different from a whole presentation? Or why the way a presentation looks is so important? We've got you covered in this article. We're going to show you five key ways presentations and slide decks are not the same. Plus, we'll go over all the smaller types in each presentation category. This will be your go-to guide to pick the best style for your next important talk. So, get ready to up your presentation game and learn how to share your thoughts in the best way with this fun and informative read. Let's start by learning the differences between presentations and slide decks.


Presentations vs. Slide Decks

Even though presentations and slide decks might have similar content, they're not the same. So, it's important to know what sets them apart. This knowledge also helps you pick the best type of presentation for what you need. Here are five key differences:

1. Purpose and Use

A presentation is a complete package. Told like a story, it has a beginning, middle, and end, designed to engage and inform an audience. It often includes a speaker who adds value with their voice and personality. On the other hand, a slide deck is just a part of this story. It's a set of slides that support the main presentation. Slide decks are usually less detailed and rely on the presenter to fill in the gaps.

2. Interactivity and Engagement

The type of presentation is best when it encourages interaction. Presentations allow the presenter to connect with the audience, ask questions, and respond to feedback. This engagement makes the message more memorable. Slide decks, however, are typically less interactive. They are more about showing information in a structured format, without much room for audience participation.

3. Content and Detail

Presentations often have rich content. They combine spoken words, visuals, and sometimes even demonstrations or activities. This variety keeps the audience interested. Slide decks are more focused on visuals and brief points. They provide an outline or a summary rather than detailed explanations.

4. Flexibility and Adaptation

A great presentation adapts to the audience's reactions. The presenter can change their pace, emphasize certain points, or even skip parts based on the audience's response. Slide decks lack this flexibility. They are usually a fixed sequence of slides, making it harder to adjust on the fly.

5. Tools and Technology

Different purposes call for different tools. Presentation designers typically use a variety of tools to create presentations. Keeping slides as the base, they insert videos, physical props, or interactive software. On the other hand, if they need to create a slide deck, they'll use software like PowerPoint or Google Slides, focusing mainly on visual elements.

Knowing the differences between presentations and slide decks is necessary. Especially when it comes to different types of presentations. It's not only about what you say, but how you say it. Being aware of these differences helps you share your ideas in a way that's both clear and fun. This way, you can pick the best type of presentation for your audience and purpose.

Exploring Different Types of Presentations

When we share ideas and information, it's crucial to pick the right kind of presentation. Each type has its special way of catching the audience's attention. Let's jump into six popular types of presentations and what makes each one special.

1. Informative Presentations

Imagine you need to share facts and information clearly and concisely. That's what informative presentations are for. They're used in business meetings, in academics, and to share financial reports and other relevant information. The main goal is to make sure the audience gets and remembers the without trying to persuade or entertain them. 

2. Persuasive Presentations

Used often in sales or marketing, persuasive presentations aim to convince the audience to adopt a certain viewpoint or take action. Sub-types include sales pitches and motivational speeches. The key is to create an emotional connection, using compelling arguments and persuasive language to influence the audience's thoughts and actions.

3. Motivational Presentations

These are the kinds of talks that get people pumped up and ready to take on the world. They're full of stories about overcoming challenges or achieving big dreams. You've probably seen TED Talks or big speeches at events – those are perfect examples. The speaker's job is to leave everyone feeling super motivated.

4. Instructional Presentations

Here's where you teach or show your audience something specific. Think about training sessions at work, workshops, or classroom lessons. They're all about giving clear, step-by-step help so people can learn a new skill or understand a new idea.

5. Demonstrative Presentations

These are fun and hands-on. They're all about showing how to do something. Like when you watch a cooking show, see a tech demo, or go to a craft class. They're interactive and keep everyone involved by walking through the steps right in front of you.

6. Interactive Presentations

These types of presentations are all about getting the audience to join in. They have things like Q&A time, group talks, or workshops where everyone gets to participate. It's important to know who's in your audience and get them involved. They work great in schools, for team-building, or when you're brainstorming ideas.

Other Types of Presentations

In the world of presentations, each type serves a unique purpose, tailored to different audiences and objectives. Let's explore some common types of presentations, understanding their distinct roles and how they can be used effectively.

Pitch Deck (Investor Pitch Deck)

A pitch deck is crucial for startups seeking investment. It's a brief, persuasive presentation, usually combining visuals and narratives, to give potential investors a snapshot of your business. The goal is to excite investors about your vision, show the potential of your product or service, and outline your business model and growth plans.

Sales Deck or Sales Presentations

This type of presentation is used by sales professionals to pitch a product or service to potential customers. It's tailored to showcase the benefits and features of what's being sold, addressing the needs and concerns of the prospective buyer. A good sales presentation creates a connection with the audience, often leading to a call to action.

Product Launch Deck or Product Launch Presentations

When introducing a new product to the market, a product launch deck is used. This presentation highlights the product's features, benefits, and competitive advantages. It’s designed to generate excitement and interest among potential customers, partners, or the media.

Financial Report Presentations

In business settings, financial report presentations are essential for sharing the financial health and performance of a company with stakeholders. These presentations typically include data and statistics about revenue, expenses, profits, and financial forecasts.

NGO Deck or NGO Presentations

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) use this type of presentation to share their mission, activities, and impact. It’s an effective tool for raising awareness, soliciting donations, or reporting to stakeholders. These presentations often focus on storytelling to emotionally connect with the audience.

Corporate Presentations

A corporate presentation is a broader type of presentation used within a company. It can cover various topics like company updates, training, and general information sharing. It’s a tool for internal communication, often reflecting the company's values, culture, and goals.

Company Profile PPT

A Company Profile PPT provides an overview of a company's history, vision, products or services, achievements, and market position. It’s often used in business meetings with potential clients, partners, or investors to establish credibility and professionalism.

Induction Presentation

Used in the onboarding process of new employees, an induction presentation introduces newcomers to the company. It covers essential information like company policies, culture, organizational structure, and job roles. It’s a vital tool for helping new team members acclimatize to their new work environment.

Understanding these types of presentations is key to delivering an effective presentation, whether it’s to persuade investors, sell a product, or onboard new employees. Each presentation type has its specific approach and audience, and mastering them can lead to successful outcomes in various professional scenarios.

Importance of Knowing the Different Types

Knowing about the different types of presentations is necessary. Especially since each one fits a certain need. When you get the hang of all the presentation types, you can pick just the right one for what you need to do. This way, your presentation will hit the mark. Let's look at why it's so important to know your way around these presentation types.

Effective Communication: Each type of presentation has a specific purpose. Once you know what you want to say, you can pick the best one to effectively get your message across. Audience Engagement: Keeping your audience interested is important. Especially when you have specific information to share. If you know the different presentation styles, you can make sure your talk is perfect for your audience. Flexibility: Knowing lots of presentation types makes you like a presentation ninja! You can switch up your style to fit anything from a super serious business meeting to a fun workshop. Professionalism and Credibility: When you use the right type of presentation for the job, people see you as someone who knows their stuff. It shows you're prepared and understand what your audience needs. Persuasion and Influence: Sometimes, you might need to persuade your audience to agree with you or to buy something. Knowing how to create presentations that can convince people makes it more likely for you to succeed. So, understanding the types of presentations is a big deal. It helps you talk better, connect with people, switch things up as needed, look professional, and get your ideas out there.

Deck Sherpa Designs All Types of Presentations

As you've journeyed through the diverse world of presentations, you've seen how each type plays a unique role in effectively conveying a message. Whether it's to inform, persuade, motivate, or engage, the right type of presentation makes all the difference. Deck Sherpa, known as the best presentation design agency in India, has mastered the art of crafting presentations for every need. Our team of expert designers uses a range of tools, techniques, and the latest trends to create bespoke presentations for organizations of all kinds.

At Deck Sherpa, we don't just design presentations; we bring your ideas to life. Whether it's a pitch deck to captivate investors, a sales presentation to win over customers, or an interactive session for educational purposes, our team tailors each project to meet your specific goals. Our experience across various types of presentations ensures that your message not only reaches but also resonates with your audience.

Ready to elevate your presentation game? Let Deck Sherpa guide you. With our expertise and your vision, we can create presentations that leave lasting impressions. Reach out to us for your next project, and let's make your ideas shine! Call on 1800 121 5955 (India), WhatsApp message , or email us at [email protected] to connect with the team.

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Different types of presentations

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Meghan Ryan July 29, 2022

Before you start building a presentation, you need a good structure. Ask yourself the purpose of your presentation – why are you getting in front of your audience? Are you trying to convince them to care about an issue and take action? Who are you speaking to – colleagues, customers, or investors? Asking yourself these questions will help you start to determine the type of presentation and structure it accordingly. Read on to discover different types of presentations and how to structure them.

Persuasive presentations

What is a persuasive presentation.

A persuasive presentation is one that tries to convince the audience to accept a certain position and to take action. It uses facts, logic, and emotion to help the audience understand the impact of a certain situation and see it from a different perspective.

How to make a persuasive presentation

  • Start your presentation off strong and make the first 30 seconds of your presentation count. This presentation type needs a good hook that draws the audience in and starts getting them invested in the topic.
  • Introduce the problem that needs to be solved and compare it with your solution.
  • Build a narrative around your solution. Use evidence, back up your ideas with statistics and findings, and use emotion to pull your audience through the narrative. You should be building to a strong conclusion at this point.
  • End with a summary of your points and relate them back to the actions that your audience takes.

This type of presentation requires confidence. Show that you feel passionate about your topic and believe in your solution to your audience. They need to feel trust in you to follow your ideas. Rehearse your presentation, but not to the point that you have every single line memorized. You want to sound authentic, not as though you’re rattling off facts and figures.

Persuasive presentation examples

Some of the most common types of persuasive presentations are product or business pitches, but there are so many more out there. Seeing how someone persuades their audience might give you some inspiration, so here we’ve compiled a few of our favorite examples of this type of presentation.

Watch this product pitch by Thriftplan, a workspace-saving solution helping companies retain their talent and employees manage their long-term savings.

This presentation on deforestation shows the effects that deforestation has had on the planet and introduces ways to become a “tree hugger” and combat it:

Learn more about what goes into an effective persuasive speech by reading our article on the topic.

Informative presentations

What is an informative presentation.

An informative presentation is a type of presentation that is just there to provide information. Unlike a persuasive presentation, you’re not necessarily delivering it to get your audience to take action or change their minds. This type of presentation is often analytical. It may just “report the facts,” but you might also want to include some analysis of the information.

How to make an informative presentation

  • This type of presentation needs to be about a specific topic, so research your topic thoroughly. Whether that means gathering data from your team or colleagues, or going to the library or interviewing experts, you’ll want to take every step you can in order to seem like an expert in front of your audience.
  • Consider your crowd and write this presentation type for them. If your audience knows a lot about your topic, you can skip some of the background information, like when you deliver a report to your team. A teacher will want to go into much more detail if they’re preparing a lesson plan, though.
  • Write a thesis statement and organize the presentation around that. This will help you structure all the data and information that you’re discussing, rather than just doing a data dump.
  • End on a call to action. This type of presentation is of course different from a persuasive presentation, but it’s good practice to give your audience something to do with the information you just presented.

Informative presentation examples

You have likely come across this type of presentation often throughout your workday. Here’s one by Devin Banerjee describing parental leave policies in the financial sector.

Motivational presentations

What is a motivational presentation.

Motivational speaking might be one of the most enviable types of presentations for people. Motivational presentations can turn a mere story into an inspiring tale. Very similar to a persuasive presentation, a good motivational presentation will convince you to do something, rather than just waiting for it to happen. It has a clear purpose, often pulling from a personal story written for a specific audience, and inspires the audience to make a change in their lives.

How to make a motivational presentation

  • Know your purpose. This is important for any type of presentation, but none more so than for this presentation type. You need to know the purpose of your presentation and build upon a singular message.
  • Understand your audience and write your content for them.
  • Start your presentation with a strong hook, like a question, a personal story, or a compelling statistic.
  • Include a personal narrative or a story that your audience can closely relate to. This helps them understand the core message of your presentation and feel more compelled to take action at the end.
  • Conclude your presentation with a call to action. Your audience is motivated to make a change, so they need an outlet to do so.

Motivational presentation examples

There are so many motivational presentations out there, and many of them live here on Prezi. Look at this presentation on climate change, which compels you to take action and combat climate change on your own.

Instructive presentations

What is an instructive presentation.

An instructive presentation provides specific directions to accomplish a task. It might be a little longer than most types of presentations because you’ll need to discuss it step by step. In the end, your audience should walk away from this type of presentation more informed and with a new skill.

How to make an instructive presentation

  • Determine exactly what you want your audience to learn at the end of your presentation. This type of presentation goes beyond just sharing facts. People want to learn how to do something, so make sure you have a clear idea of what that is.
  • Map out the steps. Be clear about all ideas and information that is packed into your presentation.
  • Have an understanding of your audience’s level of knowledge. Are they an informed audience or fresh to the topic you’re presenting? This type of presentation will be different depending on the audience you’re with.
  • Use visuals and examples throughout your presentation so people new to the topic can more easily follow along.

Instructive presentation examples

Teacher Nucleo Vega teaches how to play and understand eighth-note subdivisions in his instructional video:

For even more examples of instructional presentations, read our article on the best instructional videos on Prezi.

Training presentation

What is a training presentation .

A training presentation is like a lesson that uses pictures and talking to teach something. People use it to help others learn about a specific topic or how to follow a certain process. It’s like a teacher’s tool to share information, show examples, and make sure everyone understands. You might see these types of presentations in school, at work, or in workshops to help people get better at something or understand new subjects. 

How to make a training presentation

  • Start by clarifying the main goal of your presentation. Are you teaching a new skill, explaining a process, or sharing important information? Understanding your purpose will help you structure your content effectively.
  • Consider who your audience is and what they already know about the topic. Tailor your presentation to their knowledge level, interests, and needs. This will make your training more relevant and engaging.
  • Structure your presentation logically with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Use headings, subheadings, or an outline to create a coherent flow of information. Make sure your key points are easy to follow.
  • Use visuals like images, charts, and diagrams to complement your text. Visuals help explain concepts and make your presentation more visually appealing. However, keep visuals simple and uncluttered to avoid overwhelming your audience.

Discover more insights and tips on online training and Prezi’s impact.

Training presentation examples

This Prezi on effective onboarding for PMs is a great example of a training presentation. It goes into detail about onboarding methods. This would be useful training material for product managers or their supervisors looking to provide instructional advice when taking on a new role. 

Status update presentation

What is a status update presentation .

A status update presentation typically includes information about what has been done, what is currently being worked on, and any challenges or issues that need attention. It’s a way for a team or organization to communicate openly about the state of their projects and ensure everyone is on the same page. These types of presentations are often given in meetings to keep stakeholders informed and make decisions based on the project’s progress.

How to make a status update presentation

  • Clearly communicate the specific timeframe covered in your status update, whether it’s a weekly, monthly, or project milestone report. This ensures your audience understands the context and timeline of the information presented.
  • Identify and focus on the most relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your project, such as completion rates, milestone achievements, or budget status. These metrics should succinctly convey the essential aspects of your project’s progress.
  • Employ charts, graphs, or visuals to illustrate progress effectively. Visual representations, like Gantt charts depicting project timelines and task dependencies, aid in conveying complex information clearly and concisely.
  • Proactively address potential risks or challenges that may impact the project’s timeline or goals. Clearly communicate any issues and provide mitigation strategies to demonstrate transparency and preparedness in managing project uncertainties.
  • Clearly outline the next steps for the project and assign responsibilities. Summarize key action items, including upcoming milestones, tasks, and deadlines, to make it easy for your audience to understand what requires attention or action in the upcoming period.

Example of a status update presentation

The structure of this Prezi provides a comprehensive year plan. It includes dynamic segments that offer a creative outlet for setting goals. The presentation covers setting goals, tracking progress, and getting started with your plans, which also makes a great base structure for a well-rounded status update presentation.

Pitch presentation

What’s a pitch presentation .

A pitch presentation is like a quick talk where someone explains their business idea, product, or service to persuade others to get on board. It shows why the idea is good, who it helps, and how it can succeed. People often use these types of presentations when they want support, financial investments, or to team up with others. They share key details about the problem their idea solves, who it’s for, and why it’s a great opportunity. The goal is to grab the audience’s interest and convince them it’s worth backing or investing in. You often see these types of presentations in startups or when someone is trying to get support for a new project.

How to make a pitch presentation

  • Start with a strong intro to grab attention. Clearly state the problem your idea solves, keeping it brief and impactful.
  • Explain the problem your idea tackles and introduce your solution. Keep it straightforward, emphasizing how your idea provides a solution.
  • Present info about the market opportunity, including target audience, market size, and relevant trends. Use data to show that there’s a real need for your solution.
  • Highlight your idea’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Clearly state the benefits your solution offers, focusing on what makes it stand out.
  • End with a clear call to action. Summarize key points and provide a way for your audience to follow up or get involved.

Remember, keep it simple, engaging, and tailored to your audience’s interests and needs. Discover more tips on how to create a successful pitch presentation and investor pitch deck .

Pitch presentation examples

The Elevator Pitch Prezi is a good example of a pitch presentation. The presentation starts by stating the problem and then providing a solution, ending with a call to action – which is great for persuading potential investors. Discover more good sales pitch examples in this article.

Crisis communication presentation 

What’s a crisis communication presentation .

A crisis communication presentation is like a talk that happens when there’s a serious issue or emergency. It’s a way to share important information and updates with people who need to know—like employees, stakeholders, or the public. In these types of presentations, you’d cover what the crisis is, what steps are being taken to deal with it, and what the next moves are. It’s about keeping everyone informed and on the same page during challenging times. The goal is to be transparent, provide clarity on the situation, and let people know what’s being done to handle the crisis. It’s a crucial tool in managing and addressing unexpected and difficult situations.

How to create a crisis communication presentation

  • Identify the nature of the crisis and tailor your message to the concerns of your specific audience.
  • Your presentation should address what happened, its impact, ongoing resolution efforts, and preventive measures for the future. Keep the language simple and direct.
  • Demonstrate understanding and empathy for those affected. Maintain transparency about the situation, including uncertainties, and commit to providing updates.
  • Anticipate and prepare for potential questions, including difficult ones, to maintain control of the message.
  • Support your message with helpful visuals like charts or timelines. Practice delivering your presentation confidently, with attention to non-verbal cues like body language.

By combining these elements, you can create a sense of trust with your audience and convince them you’re handling the situation effectively. Remember, honesty is key when it comes to these types of presentations. 

Prezi for all types of presentations

Prezi is a presentation platform that stands out for its dynamic features, making it ideal for various presentations. Its unique zooming user interface allows presenters to create visually engaging presentations, moving easily between ideas and topics.

The versatility of Prezi enables presenters to convey various moods and emotions effectively. Whether you’re delivering a corporate report, an educational lesson, or a personal story, Prezi’s array of templates and design options can be tailored to fit lots of different types of presentations. This flexibility means that your presentation aligns perfectly with your content, from serious and formal to playful and informal.

Moreover, different types of presentations require different presentation styles. Learn about presentation styles and explore what suits best for you and your presentation type by watching the following video.

Prezi Video

Prezi Video adds another layer of engagement by allowing you to present live alongside your content virtually. This feature is particularly useful in today’s hybrid work environments, as it fosters a more personal connection with your audience. With Prezi Video, you can interact with your visuals in real-time, creating a more immersive experience across all types of presentations. This blend of visual storytelling and live presentation helps to keep the audience engaged and improves the overall impact of your message.

Prezi Video

Prezi’s AI text editing tool

Creating Prezi presentations just got even easier! With Prezi’s AI text editing tool , you can easily create all types of presentations in less time. This feature helps you shorten, expand, highlight, and summarize content to help you communicate your ideas better. It simplifies the process by offering relevant suggestions, making it easier to create cohesive presentations. 

Prezi with all its accessible features makes it easy to create content for any industry, from different types of business presentations to classroom and learning environments, Prezi’s versatility makes it a great platform for all. 

Final thoughts on different types of presentations

There are a lot of types of presentations out there, but they’re only effective if you understand the structure of each and utilize the structure to your advantage. Find more examples of presentations in our presentation gallery , or check out Prezi to start creating your own presentation today.

presentation 2 types

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11 Critical Types of Business Presentations (+ Templates)

Learn about the different types of business presentations with examples that drive results. Discover how to choose the right type of presentation for your use case.

presentation 2 types

Dominika Krukowska

8 minute read

Types of presentation

Short answer

What are the main types of business presentations?

There are 11 main types of business presentations:

  • Pitch deck presentations
  • Sales deck presentations
  • Product marketing presentations
  • White papers
  • Case studies
  • Report presentations
  • Education & academic presentations
  • Business proposal presentations
  • Sports sponsorship proposals
  • Business plan presentations

You need the right collateral for every aspect of your business in order to succeed.

In today's business world, delivering a compelling presentation isn't just a nice skill - it's a vital one. But if you're not familiar with all the types of presentations your business might need, it's like trying to build a house without all the necessary tools.

Some parts of your business might not get the support they need to stand strong. This can lead to unclear messages, disengaged audiences, and missed opportunities.

That's where this post comes in. Consider it your blueprint for building a solid presentation foundation. You'll learn about all the different types of business presentations, when to use them, and how to make them work wonders for you. In just a few minutes, you'll be ready to turn every presentation into a sturdy pillar for your business success.

Let’s get started!

What are the main business presentation types?

Business presentations come in various forms, each serving a unique purpose and fitting into a specific stage of the sales funnel.

There is a basic set of presentations that no business can flourish without. You should become familiar with these critical presentation types.

11 essential types of business presentations:

1. Pitch deck presentations

Pitch deck presentations are designed to showcase a product, startup, or idea to potential investors. They are typically used during fundraising rounds and are crucial for securing the necessary capital for your business.

Here’s an example of a pitch deck presentation:

Cannasoft - Investment pitch deck

Cannasoft - Investment pitch deck

A hard-hitting investment deck of a publicly traded tech company dedicated to medical cannabis manufacturers.

If you want to learn more about pitch decks and how to create one, check out our guides:

What Is a Pitch Deck? A Beginner's Guide to Greatness

What to Include in a Pitch Deck (Slides 99% of Investors Want)

Create a Winning Pitch Deck Investors Love (Examples & Tips)

2. Sales deck presentations

Sales deck presentations are aimed at convincing prospects to buy your product or service. They highlight the unique selling points and benefits of your offering, and explain why you’re the perfect solution provider for your prospects’ specific pain points.

Here’s an example of a sales deck presentation:

Orbiit - Visually narrated sales deck

Orbiit - Visually narrated sales deck

Visually narrated sales deck of a virtual networking platform telling AND showing readers what's in it for them.

To find out more, read our article on how to make a sales pitch deck that turns ‘Maybe’ to ‘Yes!’ .

3. Product marketing presentations

Product marketing presentations are used in the awareness stage to introduce a new product or feature to the market. They focus on the benefits of the product and how it meets the needs of the target audience.

Here’s an example of a product marketing presentation:

Mayku - Physical product deck

Mayku - Physical product deck

A welcoming physical product deck for immersive introduction to a revolutionary vacuum-forming solution.

4. White papers

A white paper is an in-depth analysis of a problem and its solution. It's a way to establish your expertise and thought leadership in a particular area. White papers are often used in the consideration stage of the funnel to educate potential customers about a complex issue related to your industry or product.

Here’s an example of a white paper:

Drive - Automotive research white-paper

Drive - Automotive research white-paper

A white-paper showing high-level research on electric vehicle charging wrapped in a stunning interactive experience.

5. Case studies

Case studies showcase a customer success story or outcome. They provide real-world examples of how your product or service has helped a customer, making them a powerful tool for building trust and credibility.

Here’s an example of a case study:

Boom25 - Interactive case study deck

Boom25 - Interactive case study deck

Fun, engaging, and interactive case study of a UK cashback service: mixing business with entertainment.

If you want to learn more, check out our guides:

What Is a Case Study & Customer Success Story?

5 Steps for Writing a Case Study for Business (+Templates)

12 Steps to Create a Business Case Study That Converts

Case Study Format Types: Match Format with Business Goals

6. Report presentations

Report presentations are used to share data-driven insights and findings in the consideration stage. They make complex data accessible and engaging, helping your audience understand and remember the information.

Here’s an example of a report presentation:

Meta - Interactive corporate report

Meta - Interactive corporate report

Insights and trends from Israel's thriving consumer-facing industry. A comprehensive review of the B2C ecosystem's performance and future prospects.

7. One-pagers

A one-pager is a brief, informative overview of your solution sent to potential customers in the awareness stage. It's a quick way to communicate the key features and benefits of your product or service, meant to pique the prospects’ curiosity enough to move them down the sales funnel.

Here’s an example of a one-pager presentation:

Octopai - Outbound sales one-pager

Octopai - Outbound sales one-pager

An outbound one-pager identifying a problem in modern-day analytics and offering an easy-to-grasp solution.

To find out more about one-pagers, read these guides:

What Is a One-Pager: Types, Benefits & Main Use Cases

Make One-Pagers That Grab Attention, Engage & Convert

Create a Sales One-Pager (Examples, Writing Tips, Templates)

Create a Business Plan One-Pager (+ Proven Templates)

How to Create a Startup One-Pager That Wows Investors

How to Create a Product One-Pager (That Gets People Excited)

8. Education and academic presentations

Education and academic presentations are used for teaching or presenting research findings. They are designed to simplify complex concepts and foster deep understanding.

Here’s an example of an academic presentation:

Research proposal example

Research proposal

This school research presentation template is perfect for students who need to present their findings from a research project. The template includes space for a title, introduction, main body, conclusion, and bibliography.

If you need more guidance, we have a blog post on how to write a research proposal , including tips and templates.

9. Business proposal presentations

Business proposal presentations are used to close deals at the end of a sales cycle. They summarize your offering and why it's the best choice for the prospect.

Here’s an example of a business proposal presentation:

RFKeeper - Retail proposal deck

RFKeeper - Retail proposal deck

A dynamic, highly visual proposal deck for a retail software provider, designed to grab and keep attention.

For tips on how to create your own, check out our posts:

How to Write a Business Proposal (Examples & Templates)

Make a Winning Business Proposal Presentation in 12 Steps

10. Sports sponsorship proposals

Sports sponsorship proposals are used to secure funding and support for a sports team. They highlight the benefits that the sponsor will receive in return for their investment.

Here’s an example of a sports sponsorship proposal presentation:

Football sponsorship proposal example

Football sponsorship proposal

This bright and energetic template reflects the dynamic nature of sports. With a combination of text-based and interactive slides, you'll easily convey the history of your organization, as well as the team's main drivers and objectives, to make sponsors instantly realize the value for their money.

11. Business plan presentations

Business plan presentations detail a company's strategy and objectives. They are often used to secure funding from investors or to align team members around a common vision and plan.

Here’s an example of a business plan presentation:

General business plan example

General Business Plan

This template has everything you need to create a visual summary of your business idea. Thanks to a range of interactive slides, you'll be able to convey your vision in a way that impresses investors and gets you the necessary buy-in.

If you want to see real-life examples of each presentation type, check out our master post containing 52 perfect presentation examples to set you apart .

What are the main types of presentation use cases?

Presentations are a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of scenarios, both within and outside an organization. Here are some of the key use cases for presentations:

External use cases

Sales: Persuading potential customers to purchase your product or service through compelling storytelling and showcasing benefits.

Funding : Convincing investors to provide capital for your business by demonstrating potential for growth and profitability.

Thought leadership: Establishing your expertise and authority in a specific field by sharing unique insights and perspectives.

Investor relations: Communicating important company information to investors to maintain trust and transparency.

Donor communication: Engaging and updating donors on the impact of their contributions to maintain their support and involvement.

Conference or event presentations: Sharing insights or research findings at a public event to engage the audience and build your reputation.

Partnership presentations: Proposing a collaboration or partnership to another business by highlighting mutual benefits.

Product launch presentations: Introducing a new product to the market with a compelling narrative that highlights its unique features.

Client presentations: Updating clients on progress or delivering project results to maintain their satisfaction and trust.

Training and education presentations: Teaching a new skill or concept to an external audience to enhance their knowledge and skills.

Public relations presentations: Managing the public image of your company by addressing public concerns and highlighting positive actions.

Government or regulatory presentations: Communicating with government agencies or regulatory bodies to ensure compliance and maintain good relations.

Social responsibility presentations: Showcasing your company's efforts to give back to the community to enhance your company's reputation and public image.

Internal use cases

Team meetings: Discussing project updates or new initiatives with your team to ensure everyone is aligned and informed.

Training and onboarding: Introducing new employees to company policies and procedures through employee onboarding software to ensure they are well-equipped to perform their roles.

Strategic planning: Outlining your company's strategic goals and plans to ensure all employees are working toward the same objectives.

Performance reviews: Providing feedback on an employee's performance to help them improve and grow in their role.

Internal reporting: Sharing company performance data with internal stakeholders to keep them informed and make data-driven decisions.

Town hall meetings: Addressing the entire company on key updates or changes to ensure transparency and maintain employee trust.

Change management: Guiding employees through a period of significant change to ensure smooth transition and maintain morale.

Employee engagement and recognition: Celebrating employee achievements and fostering a positive company culture to boost morale and productivity.

Training workshops and seminars: Providing in-depth training on specific topics to employees to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Internal marketing and branding: Promoting company values and culture to employees to foster a sense of belonging and commitment.

How do I choose the right type of presentation for my business?

Choosing the right type of presentation for your business is like picking the right tool for a job. It's all about understanding your needs and resources.

Here's a simple guide to help you make the right choice:

1) Presentation objectives

Start by defining what you want to achieve. Are you aiming to educate, persuade, or inspire? Your objective will shape the type of presentation you need. For instance, if you're looking to secure funding, a compelling pitch deck is your ticket.

2) Target audience

Your audience is your compass. Their needs and expectations will guide your presentation's content and style. For example, a sales deck might resonate with potential customers, while a thought leadership white paper could be more suitable for industry peers.

3) The message

What key message do you want to convey? Ensure your presentation type allows for this message to be communicated effectively. For example, if you're eager to share your company's green thumb, a social responsibility white paper can beautifully showcase your eco-friendly initiatives and their positive effects.

4) Resources

Finally, always take stock of your resources. Time constraints and available data can influence your choice. A one-pager could be more practical than an extensive sales deck when you’re short on time or manpower.

What are the best types of tools to create and improve my presentation?

Creating a compelling presentation is not just about the content, but also about the delivery.

Here are some tools that can help you elevate your presentation game:

Storydoc: This tool allows you to transform static slides into highly-engaging and converting interactive web presentations. It's perfect for creating memorable narratives that captivate your audience from start to finish and gets them to take action.

Think-Cell: If your presentation involves data, Think-Cell is a must-have. It simplifies the creation of complex charts and enhances data visualization, making your insights more digestible and impactful.

VideoScribe: Want to add a touch of animation to your presentation? VideoScribe allows you to create high-quality whiteboard-style animation videos, adding a dynamic element to your content.

Mentimeter: This gamified presentation software allows you to engage your audience with live polls, quizzes, and Q&A sessions, making your presentation a two-way conversation.

Pitcherific: Pitcherific helps you create and practice your pitch speech, making it a great tool for preparing investor presentations.

Create your presentation from a template

Your digital presentation is your passport to powerful communication. Why settle for static, lifeless slides when you can turn your presentation into a dynamic, interactive adventure?

Think of your key messages as stepping stones on an exciting journey, one that keeps your audience engaged from the opening slide to the grand finale. Interactive presentation templates are the perfect vehicle for this journey.

Each template is a canvas waiting for your unique touch.

Grab a template and use it to create your best presentation yet.


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10+ Types of Effective Presentation Styles (Top Methods for 2024)

Sarah Joy

Do you need to make a presentation but aren't sure where to start? A good place to start is to choose your presentation style. 

Agio Presentation Template

After you've chosen your presentation style, choosing the template that you want to use will be easier.

In this article, you'll learn all about different kinds of presentations. You'll also discover when to use each type of presentation as well as some of the pros and cons of each.

Plus, we'll examine some professionally designed templates that work well with some types of presentations . And we'll sure some extra resources to help you learn more about presentation methods.

Let's get started!

What Is Presentation Style?

Informative Presentation image from Envato Elements

Are you asking what is presentation style? If you're planning a presentation, don't forget to consider presentation techniques and methods as part of your preparation.

Presentation style is how you give your presentation orally. When delivering public speeches or public presentations there are many different styles or ways in which you can give your presentation. 

In this article I'll cover over ten different presentation formats. I'll also give you the pros and cons of each style to help you choose which one's best for you.

But first, let's look at some great professionally designed template options that'll complement any presentation style.

Find Great PowerPoint Presentation Templates on Envato Elements

You may wonder why use a template? Making a PowerPoint presentation can take a lot of time. And it doesn’t always turn out looking how you want it to. Using a template in your presentation saves you time and ensures that your presentation turns out looking professional.

 Professionally designed templates already have presentation layout choices included. All you've got to do is add your information into the presentation layout and you're done. Templates can be easily edited to customize for your needs.

Envato Elements has hundreds of PowerPoint Presentation Templates.

With a professionally designed template, you save time because the details are already taken care of. Designs that might take you hours to create (and wouldn't look half as good) are already there.

To find good templates, go to Envato Elements. You'll pay a low monthly fee to get unlimited access to download PowerPoint templates, graphics, images, fonts and much more.

5 Great PowerPoint Presentation Templates from Envato Elements

Here's a hand-picked list of great PowerPoint presentation templates from Envato Elements. They'll help you with many different types of business presentations:

1.  Minimalism Clean PowerPoint

Minimalism Clean PowerPoint

Minimalism Clean PowerPoint has over 50 unique slides. Easily edit this template to suit your needs. This template is a multipurpose template. Use it for many different presentation purposes.

2.  PRESTIGE - Multipurpose PowerPoint V126

PRESTIGE - Multipurpose PowerPoint V126

Prestige comes with 150 total slides and 30 unique slides. This template also comes with five color schemes to choose from. Easily add an image to the template by dragging and dropping the image into the image placeholder.



NextZone is a versatile PowerPoint template. This template comes with five premade color schemes. NextZone has a nice modern design that's professional looking.

4.  Strom PowerPoint Template

 Strom PowerPoint Template

The Strom PowerPoint Template comes 30 modern slides. This template includes infographics and a picture placeholder. Strom PowerPoint Template comes with five color schemes to choose from.

5.  Koba PowerPoint Presentation

Koba PowerPoint Presentation

Koba PowerPoint Presentation template comes with over 100 unique slides. Icons, infographics and mockup devices are included with this template package. The Koba PowerPoint Presentation is a flexible template. Use it for many different presentation purposes.

Now, let's dive into our look at effective presentation styles.

10+ Different Types of Effective Presentation Styles

Here are more than ten common different effective presentation styles:

1. Visual Presentation Style

The visual style is great for anyone who wants to use your presentation to complement the main points of your speech. This visual presentation technique is perfect for people who have many important talking points. 

Visual Presentation Style

To use this technique, include a visual of what you are talking about in your presentation. You can also put graphs and charts in your presentation. 

Steve Jobs often used the visual presentation style. You can see an example of this in the YouTube video below:

Notice the visuals on the giant screen behind Jobs.

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Here are some pros and cons of the visual presentation method:

Pros : The visual presentation technique is helpful if you've got a large audience. The visuals will let the audience see what you're discussing in your presentation. This style is great if you're discussing a product or something similar.

Cons : The visual presentation technique isn't for someone who doesn’t need visuals to explain what they're talking about. 

2. Coach Presentation Style

The coach presentation style is for energetic and charismatic speakers. This presentation style is a great style to use with an audience who needs to be sold on an idea. This presentation style works best if the presenter doesn't need to get into details.

Pros : The coach style allows you to connect with your audience using role-play and listener interaction. Use this style to sell an idea or sell a product. The coach-style is a great style to use in a conference type setting.

Cons : The coach-style of presentation isn't suitable if you're a naturally quiet person. In this style you don't go into details, instead, you're communicating the big picture. If you need to get into the details of what you're presenting, you might want to explore other styles.

3. Instructor Presentation Style

The Matrix

The instructor presentation method is great to use when you've got a complex subject to discuss. With this form of presentation high impact visuals help you get your point across to the audience. 

This presentation style is appropriate for anyone who is great at presenting and is comfortable with their subject. Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore often used this presentation method. If you want to use this presentation method, be sure to consider:

Pros : The instructor type of presentation is great if you like to use metaphors and figures of speech to help you make a point. This style is also appropriate for people who want to use impactful visuals to further your points.

Cons : The instructor type of presentation isn't meant for short presentations. A lot of preparation time will go into making or finding high impact visuals.

4. Freeform Presentation Style

The freeform presentation method doesn't use slides. This style of speaking is very impromptu. This presentation style is great for a presenter who has a short speech and knows their presentation points well. 

Here are some pros and cons of this technique:

Pros : The freeform presentation style is great for an impromptu meeting where you don’t have much time to prepare. This presentation style can also be used at networking events.

Cons : With this presentation technique if you don't know your subject matter very well it can make you seem unorganized. Freeform presentation style is better if you've got a short presentation time.

5. Storytelling Presentation Style

The storytelling type of presentation relies on stories and examples to make points in their presentation. This style is suitable if you've got a lot of time to present your topic. 

This type of presentation style is also appropriate for networking events and conferences. This presentation technique often has a question and answer session at the end of the presentation. A speaker who uses this presentation technique is neuroanatomist and author, Jill Bolte Taylor.

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As you listen to the presentation, take note of the various stories that the speaker uses. By telling stories from her own life, Taylor captures the audience's attention. Here are the pros and cons of the storytelling presentation style:

Pros: The storytelling style allows you to connect with your audience through stories. With this style of presenting, it's okay to get emotional. The emotion helps you connect with your audience better.

Cons: The storytelling style is not for you if you don’t have anecdotes to tell. You also need to leave time for a question and answer session. If you don’t have time for a question and answer session, then explore other styles.

6. Connector Presentation Style

In this type of presentation, audience feedback is highly encouraged. The speaker will try to connect to the audience through their similarities. This presentation technique applies to sales presentations.

Some of the pros and cons of the connector presentation style include:

Pros : This style is great if you want immediate feedback on your presentation. The connector form of presentation typically includes a question and answer session with the audience.

Cons : In the connector form of presentation, the speaker must have similarities with their audience. If they don’t have similarities with the audience, then they're not connecting with them. This style also isn't for you if you don’t want immediate feedback on your presentation.

7. Persuasive Presentation Style

Sales Pitch

The persuasive form of presentation is where the presenter is trying to persuade the audience to their point of view. A sales pitch presentation is an example of a persuasive form of presentation. 

In a persuasive speech connecting with the audience through a similar experience or through emotion helps the audience relate to the speaker. If you're planning to use a persuasive presentation style, consider:

Pros : The persuasive presentation style is great if you use your hands a lot while speaking. This style is also great if you're selling a product.

Cons : If you don't need to persuade the audience of something, then you'll want to look into other styles. This presentation style is for people who are more experienced in presenting sales pitches or presentations.

8. Interactive Presentation Style

The interactive presentation method requires the speaker to interact with the audience in some way. The presenter can connect with the audience by passing out speaker notes or an outline before the presentation. 

The speaker could also interact with the audience by using a whiteboard or host a webinar. This style helps keep the audience engaged with what the speaker is saying. 

Here are the pros and cons and this presentation technique:

Pros : The interactive style of presentation lets the speaker pass out copies of their slides beforehand. This allows the audience to follow along with the presentation and fully absorb the information. It also gives the audience a place to jot down a few notes or questions.

Cons : The interactive presentation style is better with complicated subjects. If your subject matter is too simple the audience may not have anything to discuss.

9. Lessig Presentation Style

The Lessig presentation style was created by Lawrence Lessig, a professor of law and leadership at Harvard Law School. This presentation method requires that the presenter only spends fifteen seconds on each slide. If there's text on the slide it's the speaker’s exact words. 

This style of presentation is great if you've got to present to a large audience. The rapid pace of this presentation style can keep the audience focused and engaged.

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As Lessig speaks, you'll see how quickly he moves through the various slides. Also, notice the slides that contain what he says, word-for-word.

Pros : The Lessig style of presentation is great for a presentation where you've got a lot of talking points to get through in a short period of time. 

Cons : The Lessig style is for experienced presenters. If you don't have a lot of experience presenting you may want to try a different style. This style is also not for you if your presentation requires charts and graphics.

10. Educational Presentation Style

Educational Presentation Style

The educational type of presentation is for a speaker who is teaching the audience. Use this style if you're demonstrating a new product. You can teach the audience about the new product you're selling or offering.

Pros : The educational presentation style is fitting if you've got videos and other visuals to show your audience. You also can put extra information on the slides that you may not verbally discuss.

Cons : It may take a while for the audience to listen to you. If you've got more than one subject to discuss it can be too confusing for the audience.

11. Data Scientist Presentation Style

The data scientist presentation style relies on facts, data, analysis, and statistical information to backup and explain their main talking points. This type of presentation is perfect when you need to pitch the idea and back it up with factual claims. It works really well in a business setting when your audience is more interested in hard data rather than storytelling.

Pros: The data scientist's presentation style helps prove a point and persuade your audience. It also helps break down complex data into a more visually appealing presentation formats.  

Cons: Be sure to include other types of slides in your presentation too. Otherwise, your presentation can come off as dry if it has nothing but data.

5 Quick Tips To Help You Choose Your Presentation Style

So now that you know different presentation formats, it’s time to settle on one. But which presentation style should you choose? Here are five quick tips that'll help you decide which presentation style would be best for your presentation: 

1. Consider the Topic of Your Presentation

First, consider the topic of your presentation. Are you presenting a body of work or are you trying to educate your audience?

This can be the single most important factor in helping you decide which presentation style to use. 

Be PowerPoint Presentation Template works well with different topics.

Be PowerPoint Presentation Template

2. Consider Your Audience

You also need to consider your audience. Are you presenting a brand new group of people or does your audience consist of people who already know you?

If you’re presenting to a brand new audience, it’s a good idea to opt for the interactive or connector presentation styles. This ensures your audience remains engaged throughout the entire presentation. 

3. Decide On Your Call To Action

Your call to action or the purpose of your presentation is another important element to keep in mind. If you’re trying to raise brand awareness a coach or storytelling presentation would work well. But if you’re trying to secure funding or get your audience to buy your product, educational, persuasive or data scientist presentation styles might work better. 

The B2B Marketing And Sales PowerPoint Template has several effective slides that can be used for call to action slides.

B2B Marketing And Sales PowerPoint Template

4. Combine Different Styles for a More Effective Presentation

All the presentation styles above are highly effective when you’re giving a very targeted presentation. But you can also make your presentation more effective by combining different presentation styles. 

5. Save Time With a Template

No matter which presentation style you choose, start with a professional template. Not only will most of the work be done for you when it comes to design and content type, but your presentation will also look polished and unique.

Ciri PowerPoint template has a professional and clean look suitable for all kinds of presentations.

Ciri PowerPoint template

Learn More About Different Types of Presentations

Are you still wondering about presentation methods and effective presentations styles? We've got a wealth of resources on presentations and presentation methods. Here are a few tutorials you may want to review:

presentation 2 types

You may also want to download a copy of our free eBook that explains how to make a business presentation:

presentation 2 types

Download a Premium PowerPoint Presentation Template Today!

In this article, you read about different presentation techniques . So, you should be ready to start your presentation. Choose one of the presentation techniques that's best for you. Then, download a PowerPoint presentation template today to save time and ensure a professional presentation .

Editorial Note: This post has been updated with contributions from Brenda Barron . Brenda is a freelance instructor for Envato Tuts+.

Sarah Joy

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Blog Beginner Guides How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

Written by: Krystle Wong Jul 20, 2023

How to make a good presentation

A top-notch presentation possesses the power to drive action. From winning stakeholders over and conveying a powerful message to securing funding — your secret weapon lies within the realm of creating an effective presentation .  

Being an excellent presenter isn’t confined to the boardroom. Whether you’re delivering a presentation at work, pursuing an academic career, involved in a non-profit organization or even a student, nailing the presentation game is a game-changer.

In this article, I’ll cover the top qualities of compelling presentations and walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to give a good presentation. Here’s a little tip to kick things off: for a headstart, check out Venngage’s collection of free presentation templates . They are fully customizable, and the best part is you don’t need professional design skills to make them shine!

These valuable presentation tips cater to individuals from diverse professional backgrounds, encompassing business professionals, sales and marketing teams, educators, trainers, students, researchers, non-profit organizations, public speakers and presenters. 

No matter your field or role, these tips for presenting will equip you with the skills to deliver effective presentations that leave a lasting impression on any audience.

Click to jump ahead:

What are the 10 qualities of a good presentation?

Step-by-step guide on how to prepare an effective presentation, 9 effective techniques to deliver a memorable presentation, faqs on making a good presentation, how to create a presentation with venngage in 5 steps.

When it comes to giving an engaging presentation that leaves a lasting impression, it’s not just about the content — it’s also about how you deliver it. Wondering what makes a good presentation? Well, the best presentations I’ve seen consistently exhibit these 10 qualities:

1. Clear structure

No one likes to get lost in a maze of information. Organize your thoughts into a logical flow, complete with an introduction, main points and a solid conclusion. A structured presentation helps your audience follow along effortlessly, leaving them with a sense of satisfaction at the end.

Regardless of your presentation style , a quality presentation starts with a clear roadmap. Browse through Venngage’s template library and select a presentation template that aligns with your content and presentation goals. Here’s a good presentation example template with a logical layout that includes sections for the introduction, main points, supporting information and a conclusion: 

presentation 2 types

2. Engaging opening

Hook your audience right from the start with an attention-grabbing statement, a fascinating question or maybe even a captivating anecdote. Set the stage for a killer presentation!

The opening moments of your presentation hold immense power – check out these 15 ways to start a presentation to set the stage and captivate your audience.

3. Relevant content

Make sure your content aligns with their interests and needs. Your audience is there for a reason, and that’s to get valuable insights. Avoid fluff and get straight to the point, your audience will be genuinely excited.

4. Effective visual aids

Picture this: a slide with walls of text and tiny charts, yawn! Visual aids should be just that—aiding your presentation. Opt for clear and visually appealing slides, engaging images and informative charts that add value and help reinforce your message.

With Venngage, visualizing data takes no effort at all. You can import data from CSV or Google Sheets seamlessly and create stunning charts, graphs and icon stories effortlessly to showcase your data in a captivating and impactful way.

presentation 2 types

5. Clear and concise communication

Keep your language simple, and avoid jargon or complicated terms. Communicate your ideas clearly, so your audience can easily grasp and retain the information being conveyed. This can prevent confusion and enhance the overall effectiveness of the message. 

6. Engaging delivery

Spice up your presentation with a sprinkle of enthusiasm! Maintain eye contact, use expressive gestures and vary your tone of voice to keep your audience glued to the edge of their seats. A touch of charisma goes a long way!

7. Interaction and audience engagement

Turn your presentation into an interactive experience — encourage questions, foster discussions and maybe even throw in a fun activity. Engaged audiences are more likely to remember and embrace your message.

Transform your slides into an interactive presentation with Venngage’s dynamic features like pop-ups, clickable icons and animated elements. Engage your audience with interactive content that lets them explore and interact with your presentation for a truly immersive experience.

presentation 2 types

8. Effective storytelling

Who doesn’t love a good story? Weaving relevant anecdotes, case studies or even a personal story into your presentation can captivate your audience and create a lasting impact. Stories build connections and make your message memorable.

A great presentation background is also essential as it sets the tone, creates visual interest and reinforces your message. Enhance the overall aesthetics of your presentation with these 15 presentation background examples and captivate your audience’s attention.

9. Well-timed pacing

Pace your presentation thoughtfully with well-designed presentation slides, neither rushing through nor dragging it out. Respect your audience’s time and ensure you cover all the essential points without losing their interest.

10. Strong conclusion

Last impressions linger! Summarize your main points and leave your audience with a clear takeaway. End your presentation with a bang , a call to action or an inspiring thought that resonates long after the conclusion.

In-person presentations aside, acing a virtual presentation is of paramount importance in today’s digital world. Check out this guide to learn how you can adapt your in-person presentations into virtual presentations . 

Peloton Pitch Deck - Conclusion

Preparing an effective presentation starts with laying a strong foundation that goes beyond just creating slides and notes. One of the quickest and best ways to make a presentation would be with the help of a good presentation software . 

Otherwise, let me walk you to how to prepare for a presentation step by step and unlock the secrets of crafting a professional presentation that sets you apart.

1. Understand the audience and their needs

Before you dive into preparing your masterpiece, take a moment to get to know your target audience. Tailor your presentation to meet their needs and expectations , and you’ll have them hooked from the start!

2. Conduct thorough research on the topic

Time to hit the books (or the internet)! Don’t skimp on the research with your presentation materials — dive deep into the subject matter and gather valuable insights . The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel in delivering your presentation.

3. Organize the content with a clear structure

No one wants to stumble through a chaotic mess of information. Outline your presentation with a clear and logical flow. Start with a captivating introduction, follow up with main points that build on each other and wrap it up with a powerful conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.

Delivering an effective business presentation hinges on captivating your audience, and Venngage’s professionally designed business presentation templates are tailor-made for this purpose. With thoughtfully structured layouts, these templates enhance your message’s clarity and coherence, ensuring a memorable and engaging experience for your audience members.

Don’t want to build your presentation layout from scratch? pick from these 5 foolproof presentation layout ideas that won’t go wrong. 

presentation 2 types

4. Develop visually appealing and supportive visual aids

Spice up your presentation with eye-catching visuals! Create slides that complement your message, not overshadow it. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, but that doesn’t mean you need to overload your slides with text.

Well-chosen designs create a cohesive and professional look, capturing your audience’s attention and enhancing the overall effectiveness of your message. Here’s a list of carefully curated PowerPoint presentation templates and great background graphics that will significantly influence the visual appeal and engagement of your presentation.

5. Practice, practice and practice

Practice makes perfect — rehearse your presentation and arrive early to your presentation to help overcome stage fright. Familiarity with your material will boost your presentation skills and help you handle curveballs with ease.

6. Seek feedback and make necessary adjustments

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and seek feedback from friends and colleagues. Constructive criticism can help you identify blind spots and fine-tune your presentation to perfection.

With Venngage’s real-time collaboration feature , receiving feedback and editing your presentation is a seamless process. Group members can access and work on the presentation simultaneously and edit content side by side in real-time. Changes will be reflected immediately to the entire team, promoting seamless teamwork.

Venngage Real Time Collaboration

7. Prepare for potential technical or logistical issues

Prepare for the unexpected by checking your equipment, internet connection and any other potential hiccups. If you’re worried that you’ll miss out on any important points, you could always have note cards prepared. Remember to remain focused and rehearse potential answers to anticipated questions.

8. Fine-tune and polish your presentation

As the big day approaches, give your presentation one last shine. Review your talking points, practice how to present a presentation and make any final tweaks. Deep breaths — you’re on the brink of delivering a successful presentation!

In competitive environments, persuasive presentations set individuals and organizations apart. To brush up on your presentation skills, read these guides on how to make a persuasive presentation and tips to presenting effectively . 

presentation 2 types

Whether you’re an experienced presenter or a novice, the right techniques will let your presentation skills soar to new heights!

From public speaking hacks to interactive elements and storytelling prowess, these 9 effective presentation techniques will empower you to leave a lasting impression on your audience and make your presentations unforgettable.

1. Confidence and positive body language

Positive body language instantly captivates your audience, making them believe in your message as much as you do. Strengthen your stage presence and own that stage like it’s your second home! Stand tall, shoulders back and exude confidence. 

2. Eye contact with the audience

Break down that invisible barrier and connect with your audience through their eyes. Maintaining eye contact when giving a presentation builds trust and shows that you’re present and engaged with them.

3. Effective use of hand gestures and movement

A little movement goes a long way! Emphasize key points with purposeful gestures and don’t be afraid to walk around the stage. Your energy will be contagious!

4. Utilize storytelling techniques

Weave the magic of storytelling into your presentation. Share relatable anecdotes, inspiring success stories or even personal experiences that tug at the heartstrings of your audience. Adjust your pitch, pace and volume to match the emotions and intensity of the story. Varying your speaking voice adds depth and enhances your stage presence.

presentation 2 types

5. Incorporate multimedia elements

Spice up your presentation with a dash of visual pizzazz! Use slides, images and video clips to add depth and clarity to your message. Just remember, less is more—don’t overwhelm them with information overload. 

Turn your presentations into an interactive party! Involve your audience with questions, polls or group activities. When they actively participate, they become invested in your presentation’s success. Bring your design to life with animated elements. Venngage allows you to apply animations to icons, images and text to create dynamic and engaging visual content.

6. Utilize humor strategically

Laughter is the best medicine—and a fantastic presentation enhancer! A well-placed joke or lighthearted moment can break the ice and create a warm atmosphere , making your audience more receptive to your message.

7. Practice active listening and respond to feedback

Be attentive to your audience’s reactions and feedback. If they have questions or concerns, address them with genuine interest and respect. Your responsiveness builds rapport and shows that you genuinely care about their experience.

presentation 2 types

8. Apply the 10-20-30 rule

Apply the 10-20-30 presentation rule and keep it short, sweet and impactful! Stick to ten slides, deliver your presentation within 20 minutes and use a 30-point font to ensure clarity and focus. Less is more, and your audience will thank you for it!

9. Implement the 5-5-5 rule

Simplicity is key. Limit each slide to five bullet points, with only five words per bullet point and allow each slide to remain visible for about five seconds. This rule keeps your presentation concise and prevents information overload.

Simple presentations are more engaging because they are easier to follow. Summarize your presentations and keep them simple with Venngage’s gallery of simple presentation templates and ensure that your message is delivered effectively across your audience.

presentation 2 types

1. How to start a presentation?

To kick off your presentation effectively, begin with an attention-grabbing statement or a powerful quote. Introduce yourself, establish credibility and clearly state the purpose and relevance of your presentation.

2. How to end a presentation?

For a strong conclusion, summarize your talking points and key takeaways. End with a compelling call to action or a thought-provoking question and remember to thank your audience and invite any final questions or interactions.

3. How to make a presentation interactive?

To make your presentation interactive, encourage questions and discussion throughout your talk. Utilize multimedia elements like videos or images and consider including polls, quizzes or group activities to actively involve your audience.

In need of inspiration for your next presentation? I’ve got your back! Pick from these 120+ presentation ideas, topics and examples to get started. 

Creating a stunning presentation with Venngage is a breeze with our user-friendly drag-and-drop editor and professionally designed templates for all your communication needs. 

Here’s how to make a presentation in just 5 simple steps with the help of Venngage:

Step 1: Sign up for Venngage for free using your email, Gmail or Facebook account or simply log in to access your account. 

Step 2: Pick a design from our selection of free presentation templates (they’re all created by our expert in-house designers).

Step 3: Make the template your own by customizing it to fit your content and branding. With Venngage’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor, you can easily modify text, change colors and adjust the layout to create a unique and eye-catching design.

Step 4: Elevate your presentation by incorporating captivating visuals. You can upload your images or choose from Venngage’s vast library of high-quality photos, icons and illustrations. 

Step 5: Upgrade to a premium or business account to export your presentation in PDF and print it for in-person presentations or share it digitally for free!

By following these five simple steps, you’ll have a professionally designed and visually engaging presentation ready in no time. With Venngage’s user-friendly platform, your presentation is sure to make a lasting impression. So, let your creativity flow and get ready to shine in your next presentation!

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8 Types of Presentations and Examples of When You Can Use Them

8 Types of Presentations and Examples of When You Can Use Them

Presentations help you communicate ideas in a simple way that sticks with your target audience. here’s what you need to know to have success with all types of presentations..

For your presentation to be effective, you need to choose the right format and recognize the nuances of each one. Here’s a look at eight types of presentations you can use to share your knowledge.

8 Types of Presentations

Successful businesswoman on stage giving a presentation

1. Providing Information

The primary purpose of any type of presentation is to provide information to an audience. The difference between this method and others is that there are many elements you have to consider in order to be effective. That includes slide design , talking points, and usually, a time limit.

2. Teaching

When you’re educating, use several examples to illustrate your points. If your audience doesn’t understand something you’re talking about, give them specific examples so they can see for themselves what you mean.

Repetition is key when you teach a new concept. It’s important to include a variety examples throughout your slide deck to reinforce your information. This helps combat your audience getting bored or tired from hearing the same thing over and over again.

3. Reporting

You can use presentations when reporting by showing research findings and conclusions. The most important thing to remember is that you need to design your slides to highlight your most critical data. That way, your audience will walk away understanding its high points.

It’s important to know your audience before you jump into your presentation and start selling. Research must be the first step of the process, so you can design a presentation that speaks to your people.

Also, be sure to not overwhelm yourself or others by packing too much information into one slide.

5. Problem-Solving

While it’s a less common use case, you can also use presentations to sort out problems. This is especially useful when you’re working with a team. It acts as a simple way to get everyone on the same page before making a decision.

6. Decision Making

Once you come to an agreement that something is an issue and discover some ways to solve it, there are still choices you need to make. You can use presentations to explore and explain different options before you finalize your next step forward.

7. Entertaining

Creating a presentation with entertainment in mind is a nice way to break up any potential monotony and deliver important information, at the same time.

The entertainment factor doesn’t necessarily have to be goofy or fun, but it should be compelling for the audience and capture their attention. Visuals are particularly important here.

8. Motivational

Stories are good tools for bringing any message home. Use personal anecdotes and examples that illustrate points. This will help people remember your message when they need it most, and it also makes it easier for the audience to connect with you.

3 Presentation Use Cases

Presentation showing on laptop and desktop

Want to take your information and put it in presentation format for your audience? Before you start, use these examples to gain inspiration.

1. Business Presentation Examples

Business presentations don’t have to be boring. Take these tips to wow your colleagues and your audience. 


There are many different companies and ideas competing for attention at conferences. Use storytelling and bold design choices to stand out.

Raising Awareness

Getting a new initiative going in an organization is no easy feat. Use a presentation to fill in stakeholders on what you want to do and get their approval.

Sales Decks

Selling has a direct impact on revenue goals, so it’s critical for your presentation to support that. Include questions, pain points, and supporting data to let your potential customers know you “get” them.

2. Presentation Ideas for Kids and Students

Education requires a lot of listening and absorbing information. Help kids and students show what they know with these presentation formats.

All About Them

For younger or new students, this is an easy presentation idea. They can create slides that explain details about themselves to learn the art of public speaking. It also helps their peers get to know them better.

Charts and Graphics

Facts and data play a key role in understanding a concept. However, keeping track of them all can be intimidating. Take them through the process of communicating complex ideas visually, with this presentation idea for students.


Stories are an important part of early learning but, eventually, we all learn there’s a place for stories outside of a book. Students and kids can create presentations that focus on this skill.

3. Virtual Presentation Ideas

Virtual presentations are more prevalent than ever, but engaging an audience when you aren’t in the same room isn’t easy.

If you’re sharing ideas with a group, make it interactive by giving a workshop-style presentation. Be sure to leave room to ask and answer questions, as well as save space for group discussions.

Ask Me Anything

The question and answer format is a popular presentation type, but you can add even more interest with slides. Use images, fonts , and colors that are on brand and increase engagement. 

Information and Gamification

Gamification results in 14% higher scores on skill-based assessments. To amplify people’s understanding of the concepts you present, use gamification throughout your slide deck.

How to Put Together Presentation Ideas without PowerPoint

Vector of female speaker pointing at presentation on whiteboard

If you’re looking for creative presentation ideas without PowerPoint , Shutterstock Create’s slideshow presentation maker is easy to use. Our designer-crafted templates are super-simple to customize and make your own in just a few clicks. 

We have thousands of graphics in a multitude of styles, shapes, and sizes you can use to create designs that others will notice. We also offer gorgeous stock photos to help you communicate exactly what you need to with each visual. Everyone has something to teach, now it’s your turn. Use these ideas to create all types of presentations and communicate effectively.

Need some more presentation inspo? We’ve got you covered:

  • How to Make a Professional Video Presentation
  • 10 Fun “Presentation Night” Ideas
  • Google Slides vs. PowerPoint: Which Is Best to Make a Slideshow?

License this cover image via AlexandrWell .

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Home / Design / 11 Different Types of Presentation Styles

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11 different types of presentation styles.

11 Different Types of Presentation Styles

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Presentations have several use cases. Designing an effective presentation is a skill and a task. Since different situations call for various types of presentations, it can be confusing to choose a specific presentation style.

Let’s explore eleven different types of presentations and where to use them. From informative to persuasive, motivational to instructional, we’ll cover each type in detail, providing tips and strategies to help you deliver powerful and engaging presentations that leave a lasting impact on your audience.

Bonus:  AI Presentation Maker – The Effortless Way to Generate Presentations

So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets to mastering the art of presentation!

Purpose of a Presentation

Purpose of a Presentation

Source: Unsplash

  • Informing:  The primary purpose of a presentation is to provide information to the audience. It can include updates on the progress of a project, sharing research findings, or presenting data and statistics.
  • Persuading:  Another purpose of a presentation is to persuade the audience to take a specific action or to change their thinking about a topic. It can include presenting a proposal, making a sales pitch, or advocating for a particular cause.
  • Educating:  Presentations can educate the audience on a particular topic, such as teaching a new skill, demonstrating how to use a product, or sharing insights on a subject.
  • Entertaining:  In some cases, the purpose of a presentation can be to entertain the audience. It can include delivering a keynote speech at a conference or event, performing a stand-up comedy routine, or using humor and storytelling to engage and captivate the audience.

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11 Different Presentation Styles

To ensure that the presentation resonates with your audience, it’s crucial to understand the type of presentation. Let’s take a closer look at different presentation styles:

1. Educational

An educational presentation aims to teach or inform the audience about a specific subject or topic. It is usually structured around a clear learning objective or outcomes. It facilitates understanding, retention, and engagement with the presentation material.

You can include a range of visual aids like charts, graphs, images, or videos to illustrate and reinforce key concepts. This presentation style includes interactive elements like quizzes, activities, or group discussions to enable deeper learning.

Examples of educational presentations are lectures, workshops, training sessions, webinars, and e-learning modules.


2. Instructional 

An instructional presentation provides step-by-step guidance on how to perform a particular task or activity. The goal is to help the audience understand and follow instructions or procedures that will enable them to accomplish a goal or objective.

Instructional presentations typically involve clear and concise explanations of each step in the process, with visual aids such as diagrams, illustrations, or videos to help demonstrate the steps visually. You may also use props or other tools to help illustrate key concepts.

Instructional presentations include tutorials, how-to guides, product demonstrations, and training sessions for specific skills or processes.

Bonus: 10 Ideas For Impactful Presentation Openings

3. Motivational 

A motivational presentation inspires and energizes the audience, encouraging them to take action or adopt a particular mindset. The goal is to create excitement, enthusiasm, and empowerment in the audience, motivating them to strive for personal or professional success.

It features powerful storytelling, personal anecdotes, or quotes that convey a positive message or reinforce key themes. Visual aids such as slides, videos, or props can illustrate key points or create an emotional connection with the audience.

Keynote speeches, team-building events, and personal development workshops are examples of motivational presentations.


4. Persuasive 

A persuasive presentation convinces the audience to adopt a specific viewpoint. The goal is to persuade with a particular idea, product, or service. To create a persuasive presentation, identify and understand the needs and desires of the audience and tailor the content accordingly.

The presentation will often include a clear call to action with statistical data, case studies, testimonials, or other evidence to support the argument. Storytelling or personal anecdotes create an emotional connection with the audience and reinforce the key message.

A persuasive presentation can be for sales pitches, marketing presentations, and political speeches.

presentation 2 types

Bonus: Crafting Compelling Sales Pitches: A Step-by-Step Guide with Free Presentation Maker

5. Problem-Solving 

A problem-solving presentation identifies, analyzes, and solves a specific problem. It presents a clear and logical approach to solving a problem and gaining the audience’s buy-in and support for the proposed solution.

The content involves identifying and analyzing the root causes of a problem and proposing a viable solution. The presenter can use diagrams or flowcharts to illustrate the problem and proposed solution. It can also include a plan for implementing the solution and a timeline for achieving results.

Problem-solving presentations can be related to business proposals, project plans, and research reports.


Bonus:  5 Online Presentation Tools That Will Make Your Deck Stand Out

A visual presentation emphasizes the use of visual aids to convey information. It uses graphics, images, videos, or other visual elements to enhance the audience’s understanding and retention of the presented material.

Visual presentations can be in different forms – slideshows, videos, infographics, or posters. For those seeking to engage audiences with various design templates , leveraging such resources can significantly enrich your presentation’s visual storytelling. They communicate complex information quickly and clearly, or when you want to create a memorable and engaging experience.

You may use various techniques to create a visually appealing presentation, such as color schemes, typography, and layout design. You can use it for marketing campaigns, educational materials, and scientific presentations.

presentation 2 types

7.StoryTelling Presentation

Humans connect with stories. This presentation style weaves a narrative around your message, making it relatable and memorable. It captures the audience’s attention and makes complex concepts more relatable.

It’s a powerful presentation style for product launches, case studies, brand building, and social change initiatives.

StoryTelling Presentation

8. Data-Driven Presentation

Numbers speak volumes. This presentation style heavily relies on charts, graphs, and other data visualizations to present complex information clearly and compellingly. Market research presentations and financial reports often utilize this approach.

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9. Live Demonstration Presentation

Show, don’t tell! This presentation style showcases a product, service, or process in action, allowing the audience to experience its value firsthand. 

You can show how something works or how to perform a task step-by-step.

Product demos, software walkthroughs, and scientific experiments are examples of this type of presentation.

Live Demonstration Presentation

10. Interactive Presentation

Interactive presentations encourage audience participation and engagement through polls, quizzes, Q&A sessions, or group activities. They’re ideal for workshops, brainstorming sessions, or team-building events where collaboration and interactivity are essential.

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11. Status or Progress Report Presentation

Status and progress reports are vital tools for keeping stakeholders informed about project advancement, challenges, and next steps. But simply reciting data points won’t win over your audience. Crafting a compelling presentation is crucial to ensuring everyone stays invested and aligned.

Software development projects and marketing campaign needs this presentation style.

Status or Progress Report Presentation

Simplified: Your Only Needed Presentation Maker

The  AI presentation maker  from Simplified offers an effortless way to design stunning presentations that will impress any audience. It offers a library of thousands of photos and videos and lets you add gifs directly to your artboard. You don’t have to spend hours generating professional and on-brand decks.

Presentation Maker

Source: Simplified

The AI presentation maker enables you to create outstanding presentations in a few steps. Start by going to the Design Dashboard and clicking “Generate with AI.” Then, choose “AI Presentation,” input your presentation topic, and click “Generate.” The AI Presentation Maker will automatically create a visually appealing and customizable presentation in seconds.

AI presentation maker

Simplified indeed simplifies making presentations and is all you need to create a powerful and engaging presentation.

Simplified  is more than a Presentation Maker. It provides comprehensive solutions for all your content needs. You can plan,  write ,  design  posts,  edit videos ,  schedule ,  manage  multiple accounts from a single platform, publish content,  track metrics , and more. Simplified also has 1000s of built-in  graphic design templates  and  video templates  that make content creation a breeze. And the best part is all this is for free!

Present Like A Pro With Simplified

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11 Types Of Presentations To Engage Your Audience

  • By Judhajit Sen
  • April 28, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Presentations serve diverse purposes, from educating and persuading to motivating and problem-solving, and various styles are offered to engage audiences effectively.
  • Educational presentations foster understanding through structured learning objectives and interactive elements like quizzes, while persuasive style of PowerPoint presentations sway opinions with compelling narratives and strategic visuals.
  • Motivational style of presentations inspire action through personal stories and powerful messages, while progress report presentations track advancements transparently, aiding informed decision-making.
  • Demonstrations and instructional presentations guide audiences step-by-step, fostering interaction and skill acquisition, while sales presentations blend charm and persuasion to showcase solutions effectively. Storytelling presentations captivate with relatable narratives, fostering genuine connections, and problem-solution presentations tackle challenges strategically, proposing viable solutions.
  • Informative style of presentations empower audiences with valuable insights, simplifying complex topics with clear visuals and relatable examples, while visual presentations enhance understanding concisely, leveraging the power of images to engage effectively.
  • Mastering these engaging presentation styles unlocks the potential to inform and inspire, ensuring audience engagement and success in dynamic environments.

Presentations serve various purposes in the business world, catering to different needs and goals. They inform by sharing strategies and educating about organizational goals, instruct employees with directions and new skills, induce with emotion and logic to drive action, and aid decision-making by presenting crucial information.

The essential purposes of presentations lie in their ability to transfer knowledge from speaker to audience. They encompass demonstrations, lectures, or speeches aiming to inform, educate, or entertain. Combining these goals enhances a presentation’s power and impact, improving outcomes in various situations.

Informing involves updating on projects, sharing research, or presenting data. Persuading seeks to sway opinions or prompt specific actions, such as proposing ideas or making sales pitches. Educating aims to teach new skills, demonstrate product usage, or share insights. Entertaining captivates audiences through humor, storytelling, or engaging performances.

Different presentation types and styles lead to diverse results, improving work relationships with clients, effectiveness in proposing ideas, and career growth. Experimenting with various approaches enhances skills, enabling more efficient goal achievement. When wielded adeptly, different presentation styles become potent tools for success in the dynamic business landscape.

The following are 11 types of presentation styles that can be used to engage your audience.

Educational Presentations

Educational presentations introduce unfamiliar audiences to specific topics, making them invaluable for explaining complex processes and sharing crucial information. They are instrumental in teaching audiences about various subjects and fostering understanding and engagement.

Educational presentations are structured around clear learning objectives. They aim to facilitate comprehension and retention of the material being presented. They often incorporate detailed visuals and instructions, which is beneficial for teaching new employees company procedures and policies.

Aids like charts, graphs, images, and videos are commonly used to illustrate and reinforce key concepts, enhancing audience understanding. Additionally, interactive elements like quizzes, activities, or group discussions deepen learning and engagement.

Lectures, workshops, training sessions, webinars, and e-learning modules exemplify educational presentations. These versatile formats cater to diverse learning needs and preferences, providing interactive learning experiences and knowledge acquisition opportunities.

Persuasive Presentations

Persuasive Presentations

Persuasive presentations wield the power of conviction to sway audiences towards a particular viewpoint or action. These presentations function as verbal negotiations, employing compelling arguments, logical reasoning, and emotional appeals to win over listeners.

Understanding your audience’s motivations is vital to tailoring your message to their interests and concerns. Crafting a narrative with a strong opening, solid arguments, and a memorable close enhances persuasion. Strategic use of visuals reinforces key points, aiding in audience engagement .

Examples of this style of presentations abound, from pitches for environmental conservation to advocacy for policy change or addressing social issues. They aim to influence beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors, urging audiences towards specific actions or adopting new perspectives.

In business, these kinds of presentations are ubiquitous, whether pitching for funding, advocating for technology adoption, or pushing educational reform. They articulate problems and propose solutions backed by data to compel stakeholders towards desired outcomes.

These presentations demand confidence as they seek to prompt action, such as purchasing a product or embracing a new idea. Unlike informative type of presentations, persuasive ones inform and seek to change minds and inspire action. They utilize research findings, storytelling, and emotional connections to bolster their case.

Persuasive presentations are effective tools for sales pitches, marketing initiatives, or political speeches. They utilize rhetorical devices, metaphors, and aids to engage audiences, offering new perspectives while appealing to emotions and logic. Ultimately, they aim to influence decisions and drive desired outcomes, making them indispensable in various contexts.

Motivational Presentations

Motivational presentations inspire and uplift audiences, urging them to overcome challenges and embrace positive change. They employ personal stories and powerful messages to resonate with listeners and spark enthusiasm.

These inspirational presentations are effective tools for organizational leaders to motivate employees and boost morale. Recruiters also leverage motivational kind of presentations, sharing success stories to attract new candidates.

Utilizing personal experiences as focal points, motivational speakers captivate audiences and drive them to action. Adapting to the audience’s level of engagement is crucial for maximum impact.

These types of presentations foster excitement and empowerment through storytelling, encouraging individuals to pursue personal or professional growth. Aids like slides and videos enhance key points and emotional connections.

Keynote speeches, team-building events, and personal development workshops exemplify motivational style of presentations. While not as dramatic as TED Talks, company overview presentations serve to connect with audiences, boost morale, and inspire action.

In various fields, like sports and entertainment, these presentations stir emotions and inspire audiences to achieve excellence. Athletes share stories of resilience, while industry professionals discuss creative journeys and societal impacts.

Motivational style of presentations typically inspire confidence, encourage change, and uplift spirits by forming emotional connections and delivering clear calls to action, making them invaluable tools for personal and professional development.

Progress Report Presentations

Progress Report Presentation

Progress report presentations update stakeholders on the advancement of projects, campaigns, or initiatives, akin to progress reports. These presentations encompass vital metrics, status updates, potential hurdles, and pending tasks. They offer a platform for project teams to share their progress, inviting questions and contributions.

Consider a company implementing a marketing strategy. In such cases, progress presentations become essential. They offer insights into the campaign’s journey, including status updates, data collection, and task adjustments. Take, for instance, the team stand-up presentation, characterized by its structured agenda, updates, discussions, and Q&A sessions, ensuring alignment and focus.

Projects and businesses evolve continuously, like living organisms. Status presentations act as navigational aids, providing updates on achievements, challenges, and future plans, like a team GPS. Transparency reigns supreme, utilizing visuals like infographics and charts to simplify complex data, facilitating trend identification and informed decision-making. Visual representation enhances comprehension, aiding prediction and strategy formulation grounded in evidence.

Demonstration Presentations

Demonstration presentations, also known as How-To presentations, guide audiences through step-by-step processes or techniques, offering clear instructions for replication. They excel in teaching practical skills and hands-on procedures, commonly found in workshops, training sessions, and cooking classes. Creative slides enhance engagement and aid information retention.

Incorporating visuals, props, and live demonstrations, speakers break down complex tasks into manageable steps, fostering audience interaction and effectively addressing queries.

Demonstration presentations elucidate complex concepts using visuals and demonstrations. They cater to diverse audiences, from internal employees seeking software insights to potential investors exploring technological innovations.

Preparation is vital, involving extensive research to distill intricate topics into digestible sections. Aids like graphs and charts simplify complex information, ensuring accessibility for all audience members. This meticulous approach ensures comprehension and engagement across varied knowledge levels.

Instructional Presentations

Instructional presentations guide audiences through specific tasks or processes to enhance understanding and facilitate action. Similar to educational presentations but more focused on providing instructions, they offer step-by-step guidance on achieving goals or performing activities.

Webinars, workshops, and training sessions exemplify instructive presentations, which deliver new information and teach new skills. For instance, a human resources instructional presentation might detail how employees can enroll in a new insurance plan.

Technical and detailed, instructional presentations explain tasks systematically, ensuring clarity and ease of comprehension. Each instruction must be clear, understandable, and actionable, fostering successful implementation.

Presenters may use aids like diagrams and videos to elucidate each step, making complex processes accessible. Tutorials, product demonstrations, and how-to guides exemplify instructional presentations, empowering audiences to learn and apply new knowledge effectively.

In corporate settings, instructional presentations train employees on software usage or policy changes, fostering practical skills acquisition. Similarly, they break down complex concepts into manageable parts in educational contexts, encouraging engagement through interactive elements and practical demonstrations.

Whether guiding new employees through software usage or instructing chefs on culinary techniques, instructional presentations aim to transform novices into experts. By breaking down concepts, using real-life examples, and incorporating interactive elements, they maximize learning and practical application, ensuring audiences leave equipped with valuable skills and knowledge.

Sales Presentations

Sales presentations are the cornerstone for businesses seeking to win over potential clients or customers, blending charm and charisma to showcase products, services, or ideas. They prioritize a clear value proposition, engaging storytelling, confidence, and a compelling call to action. Emphasizing benefits over features, adept presenters preempt objections and employ storytelling to demonstrate solutions to audience-specific problems. Visual aids enhance memorability and impact.

In the sports industry, sales presentations often involve sponsorship proposals, leveraging demographic data, engagement statistics, and past successes to illustrate potential returns. Similarly, presentations pitch new projects or content distribution deals in the media and entertainment sector. For instance, production companies pitch series concepts to streaming platforms, highlighting creative aspects and market analysis to align with the platform’s brand and audience demographics.

Sales presentations infuse enthusiasm with persuasion, aiming to translate it into tangible business outcomes. They are versatile tools for promoting service offerings, product launches, or consultancy proposals, leveraging industry expertise and experience to captivate stakeholders and secure deals.

Storytelling Presentations

Storytelling Presentations

Storytelling presentations captivate audiences by weaving narratives to convey information effectively. This approach finds utility across academic and business domains, fostering engagement and resonance with specific audiences. Incorporating personal anecdotes or relevant examples enhances relevance and understanding.

This style revolves around personal stories or anecdotes, eschewing data-heavy content. Its conversational tone facilitates easy comprehension and audience connection. Storytellers employ simple, familiar language akin to casual conversation, ensuring accessibility and relatability.

Presenters structure their stories with an introduction that presents the problem, followed by the main plot point elucidating the topic, and concluding with a reflection that resonates with the audience. This approach fosters genuine connection and audience engagement, steering clear of a lecturing tone.

While effective for conference speaking and networking events, storytelling may not suit sales discovery phases, where the focus should remain on the prospect. However, it shines in settings, allowing ample time for storytelling without detracting from audience interaction.

Ultimately, storytelling presentations breathe life into learning points, adhering to principles like TED’s Commandments to evoke genuine emotions and honesty. This style fosters a profound connection with the audience, transcending mere dissemination of information.

Problem-Solution Presentations

Problem-Solution Presentations

Problem-solution presentations offer a strategic approach to tackling organizational or client-centric challenges. They begin by identifying and analyzing a problem before proposing one or more solutions, a format prevalent in the consulting and tech industries.

In consulting scenarios, presentations delve into operational inefficiencies backed by data analysis or market research, offering tailored solutions like new technologies or process enhancements. Similarly, tech companies pitch software solutions to address data management or security challenges.

Problem-solution presentations expedite internal decision processes by outlining problems, solution options, and potential outcomes. For instance, a company aiming to boost social media engagement explores strategies like giveaways or enhanced content creation, using marketing presentation templates to organize discussions and guide decisions.

These presentations follow a logical approach, identifying root causes, proposing solutions, and detailing implementation plans and timelines. They serve diverse purposes, from business proposals to project plans and research reports, aiding decision-making efforts by presenting problems and offering viable solutions for consideration.

Informative Presentations

Informative presentations serve as foundational tools in public speaking , aiming to educate and enlighten audiences on specific topics. Unlike presentations designed to entertain or inspire, the primary objective here is to share valuable information clearly and concisely.

These presentations rely on factual accuracy and clarity, often incorporating data and research to support the information presented. They follow a logical structure, starting with an introduction, explaining the primary information in the body, and concluding with a summary or conclusion.

Language in informative kind of presentations should be clear and straightforward, avoiding confusing jargon.  Visual aids like charts and graphs enhance  audience understanding.

Examples of informative type of presentations span various contexts, from academic lectures on scientific findings to business workshops explaining software features. In educational settings, professors impart knowledge on historical events or scientific discoveries. In business, financial analysts present market trends to inform strategic decisions.

The audience’s enhanced understanding and knowledge retention measure informative style of presentations’ success. They empower audiences with valuable insights, making complex topics accessible and relevant. Effective delivery involves simplifying content, providing relatable examples, and encouraging audience engagement through questions for clarity.

Visual Presentations

Visual presentations include infographics, images, charts, and other visual elements and offer concise and engaging ways to convey information. They are ideal for time-constrained topics or those needing minimal explanation. They aim to enhance audience understanding and attention and are often used by businesses to showcase product benefits, such as before-and-after images in a hair product presentation.

Technology complements visual presentations, offering advantages in supporting claims with compelling visuals. This style recognizes the adage that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Formality in this style hinges more on the speaker and topic than the visuals, providing flexibility in adapting to different contexts.

Key characteristics include the emphasis on visuals, ranging from images to creatively presented data, and the ability to adapt to various presentation styles. Visuals can supplement any presentation, aiding comprehension of complex topics.

Various forms, including slideshows, videos, infographics, or posters, serve as vehicles for visual presentations, facilitating quick comprehension and creating memorable experiences. Techniques like color schemes and layout design enhance visual appeal and are suitable for marketing campaigns, educational materials, and scientific presentations.

Mastering Different Types of Presentations: A Guide for Engaging Audiences

Presentations are versatile tools, offering a spectrum of styles to captivate audiences. Each approach serves a unique purpose, from educating and persuading to motivating and solving problems. 

Educational presentations foster understanding through structured learning objectives and interactive elements like quizzes. Persuasive presentations sway opinions with compelling narratives and strategic visuals. 

Motivational presentations inspire action through personal anecdotes and powerful messages. Progress report presentations track advancements transparently, aiding informed decision-making. 

Demonstration presentations guide audiences step-by-step, fostering interaction and comprehension. Instructional presentations offer practical guidance, empowering skill acquisition. 

Sales presentations blend charm and persuasion to showcase solutions effectively. Storytelling presentations captivate with relatable narratives, fostering genuine connections. Problem-solution presentations tackle challenges strategically, proposing viable solutions. 

Informative type of presentations empower audiences with valuable insights, simplifying complex topics with clear visuals and relatable examples. Visual presentations concisely enhance understanding, leveraging images’ power to engage effectively. 

Mastering these successful presentation styles unlocks the potential to inform and inspire, ensuring audience engagement and success in dynamic environments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are educational presentations, and why are they important?

Educational presentations introduce unfamiliar audiences to specific topics, aiming to explain complex processes and share crucial information. They are instrumental in teaching audiences various subjects, fostering understanding and engagement. Examples include lectures, workshops, training sessions, webinars, and e-learning modules. These presentations use structured learning objectives and interactive elements like quizzes to facilitate comprehension and retention.  

2. How do informative style of presentations differ from other types of presentations?

Informative type of presentations focus on sharing valuable information clearly and concisely. Unlike presentations designed to entertain or inspire, their primary objective is to educate and enlighten audiences on specific topics. They rely on factual accuracy and clarity, often incorporating data and research. Language should be clear and straightforward, avoiding confusing jargon.  Visual aids like charts and graphs enhance  audience understanding.

3. What are some examples of informative presentations, and where are they commonly used?

Examples of informative presentations span various contexts, from academic lectures on scientific findings to business workshops explaining software features. In academic settings, professors impart knowledge on historical events or scientific discoveries. In business, financial analysts present market trends to inform strategic decisions. The success of informative presentations is measured by the audience’s enhanced understanding and knowledge retention.

4. How can visual presentations enhance audience engagement?

Visual presentations rely primarily on infographics, images, charts, and other visual elements to offer concise and engaging ways to convey information. They aim to enhance audience understanding and attention, suitable for time-constrained topics or those needing minimal explanation. Visuals can supplement any presentation, aiding comprehension of complex issues. Techniques like color schemes and layout design enhance visual appeal and are suitable for marketing campaigns, educational materials, and scientific presentations.

Unlock the Power of Effective Presentations with Prezentium

Are you ready to captivate your audience and achieve your goals? Let Prezentium be your partner in mastering the best presentation styles tailored to your needs.

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Whether you’re educating, persuading, motivating, or solving problems, Prezentium has the expertise and tools to help you succeed. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your presentations. Contact us today!

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Types of presentations

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Types of presentations

Presentations are used in almost every sphere, be it business presentation, education, or even entertainment. Naturally, there’s no single solution for a presentation. In fact, there’s a lot of things to consider when you choose the types of presentation . While your presentation’s goal certainly matters, there’s also the visuals, the lengths, the type of presentation style and a lot of other features to consider. In other words, that’s a lot to choose from. How to figure out what suits you best among the types of PowerPoint presentation ? Let’s review some of the common ones and you’ll certainly get some fresh ideas!

Type 1: Elevator Pitch

One of the most common types of presentations in business , the elevator pitch is quick, informative, and incredibly versatile. It derives its name from the business world, where sometimes you only have time during the elevator ride to present your idea and persuade your potential investor. The initial type of presentation in business doesn’t actually require slides, since it is basically a speech lasting up to three minutes that explains your idea and its benefits. However, in a broader sense, it is a name used for short presentations up to 10 slides, describing the main points and having minimal visual support, mostly centered around simple infographics or graphs.

Type 2: Informative presentation

This type of presentation is usually a longer one, and naturally it contains a lot of information, since its goal is to inform the audience on a subject. This is probably the most common type of presentation style for college, but it is widely used in business as well, mainly for internal tasks, like explanation of the changes in company’s structure etc. This type of presentation usually features a lot of text and may also include rather complex visuals. So, there’s naturally a risk of being really boring. A good thing to do in this presentation type is to try to make it interactive – ask questions, add some videos and so on.

Type 3: Storytelling

Another great type of presentation in business (or actually any other sphere) is the storytelling presentation type. In essence, it is a presentation built like a story — where your points are illustrated by examples, either from your life or from life in general. This presentation type is usually heavy on text content, but using visuals in support can make for a much better experience. Even the most interesting story might be rather dull when it is too long. Using media may present a great distraction for your audience that would, however, still keep them on track.

Type 4: Visual presentation

This presentation is where the text part gives way to the visuals. Graphs, infographics, videos and pictures, visualization powerpoint — everything that can illustrate your point properly will fit. This type of PowerPoint presentation is probably the most captivating for the audience and certainly the most good looking. To succeed with this presentation, you’ll have to use visuals that would require minimum explanation. To a certain extent, such presentations can actually present themselves with little participation of a speaker. Your task as a presenter here is to guide the audience through your amazing visuals.

Type 5: Roadmap presentation

A rather innovative and mostly a type of presentation in business , the Roadmap is built to show how to get to the objective. For presentation design service an objective is usually presented at the beginning, and the whole presentation basically consists of the milestones that should be achieved on the way to said objective. Among the different types of presentation , this one is really heavy on infographics. What is more, there’s plenty of opportunities here to experiment with unusual slide layouts and the continuity of images on slides, since such presentations tend to follow the “road” structure and use the road imagery in the design.

Type 6: Problem solving presentation

As you have probably guessed, in this presentation your content would be built around a certain problem for which you then design a solving strategy. It is a pretty universal type of presentation since it can be used in pretty much every sphere. What is especially good about this presentation is that you can apply any of the problem-solving techniques to it, which makes you really flexible in terms of structure. What is more, the problem might (and actually should) resonate with the audience, increasing the involvement and interest in what you are talking about.

Type 7: Instructor presentation

This presentation type is quite similar to the informative presentation: there’s lots of content and a lot of text to deliver in your speech. It is a perfect type of presentation for really complex topics that require high levels of understanding from both the audience and the presenter. Instructor presentations usually feature quite a lot of visual support and are longer than the average presentations. While it may be hard to make the presentation as light as for example the elevator pitch or a visual presentation, it is better to reserve this style for the subjects in which both you and your audience are greatly interested. You can also use professional presentation services to help you with it.

Type 8: Text only presentation

At first glance it may seem like a really bad idea, but who said that text can’t look beautiful? Text only presentation allows you to throw away all the unnecessary elements and make the audience focus entirely on your content. Keep in mind that this presentation type doesn’t suggest that you should use walls of text and bore your audience to death. On the contrary, you can conveniently organize your text into bullet points and one-sentence statements that can be a great backbone to your speech.

In conclusion

There’s no shortage of presentation types and creative ideas. Depending on the type of your content and the message that you convey you can choose any of them. But what is more, you can combine them as well, creating a unique and engaging work that would really impress your audience!  We really hope that this article will give you some ideas of where to start with your presentation and what path to choose .

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  • Presenting techniques
  • 50 tips on how to improve PowerPoint presentations in 2022-2023 [Updated]
  • Present financial information visually in PowerPoint to drive results
  • How to present a research paper in PPT: best practices
  • Keynote VS PowerPoint

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How to create a business plan presentation?

Writing an outline: creating a presentation blueprint

Writing an outline: creating a presentation blueprint

Business case presentation: how to prepare, write, and present

Business case presentation: how to prepare, write, and present

presentation 2 types

10 Types of Presentations: From Elegant to Persuasive

Shahid shahmiri.

presentation 2 types

Presentations are a crucial part of any business, and understanding different types of presentations can significantly enhance how well your ideas are received, whether you’re presenting to colleagues or the board of directors.

Having a great presentation on hand doesn’t just help you do better work—it can also help you get more work. 

However, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to creating effective presentations . In this guide, we’ll cover some basic types of presentations and give some examples for each one so that you can create engaging content for the needs of your audience at any given moment.

Elegant Presentations

Elegant presentations are more than just a pretty picture. They’re visually appealing and aesthetically pleasing, but they also have substance. A good creative presentation will catch the eye, draw you in and compel you to learn more about what it has to offer.

Elegant presentations use design principles like simplicity (less is more), balance and harmony to create an overall aesthetic that feels clean and crisp yet still engaging. 

They integrate multimedia elements like video clips or soundtracks into their designs seamlessly so that these elements don’t distract from but rather enhance the overall experience of viewing them.

Learn more about the elegant presentations here: the elegant presentations here :

This should help our case

Persuasive Presentations

The art of persuasion is one of the most powerful tools you can have in your presentation toolkit.

The first step to persuading an audience is finding out what motivates them, and then appealing directly to those motivations. 

Persuasive presentations are designed to influence the audience’s beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors, often encouraging them to take a specific action or adopt a new perspective. Here are a few examples:

Community Project Funding: A community leader pitching to local authorities and stakeholders to secure funding for a neighborhood improvement project, using persuasive arguments about community benefits and long-term positive impacts.

Technology Adoption: An IT professional advocating for the adoption of new software within their company, explaining the vendor selection criteria and highlighting efficiency gains and competitive advantages to persuade management and colleagues.

Educational Reform: An educator or school administrator presenting to a school board or parent-teacher association, advocating for curriculum changes or new teaching methodologies, using success stories and research findings to persuade the audience of their effectiveness.

Read more on Persuasive Presentations

Sales Presentations

Businesspeople meeting

Sales presentations have a unique passion for persuasion, aiming to convert enthusiasm into tangible business outcomes. 

In the sports industry , a sales presentation might involve a sports marketing team presenting a sponsorship proposal to potential corporate partners. 

This type of presentation would typically showcase demographic data on fan bases, engagement statistics, and success stories of previous sponsorships, all aimed at illustrating the potential return on investment for the sponsor. 

In the media & entertainment sector, sales presentations often revolve around pitching new projects or content distribution deals. 

For example, a production company might present a new series concept to streaming platforms or networks. Such a presentation would highlight the project’s creative aspects, like the storyline and talent involved, and market analysis, projected viewership, and alignment with the platform’s brand and audience demographics.

Read more on effective sales presentation tips and ideas

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Informative presentations.

Informative presentations are foundational in public speaking, designed primarily to educate and enlighten the audience on a specific topic. 

These presentations are factual, clear, and often rely on data and research to accurately convey the information. The key is to present the material in an organized manner, typically following a logical structure that starts with an introduction, followed by the body where the main information is presented, and concludes with a summary or conclusion. 

Consulting with a language teacher can help ensure the language remains clear and accessible, avoiding jargon that could confuse the audience, and focus on the relevancy and applicability of the information presented.

Examples of informative presentations include a company’s annual report delivered to Employee tracking software , a lecture on recent scientific findings, or a workshop explaining new software features.

In each of these instances, the primary goal is to impart knowledge or share information rather than to persuade or inspire action. 

For instance, in an academic setting, a professor might give an informative presentation on the historical impacts of a significant event, focusing on presenting the facts and findings. 

In a business context, a financial analyst might deliver an informative presentation on market trends, providing detailed analysis and statistics to inform strategic decisions. 

The success of these presentations is measured not by the immediate action of the audience but by their enhanced understanding and knowledge of the topic. Some people might even ask you to send them the presentation so that they can explore it more, in which case you can share it with them through email. Just make sure to use an SPF generator when it comes to email communications to ensure high deliverability rates.

Read more on informative presentations :

Elegant smart businesswoman

Instructional Presentations

Instructional presentations are a cornerstone in educational and training settings, aimed at teaching or instructing the audience on a specific process, concept, or skill. 

The primary focus of these presentations is to facilitate learning and understanding. A successful instructional presentation breaks down complex information into digestible, manageable parts, often using a step-by-step approach. 

The presenter acts as a guide, leading the audience through the material with clarity and precision. It’s crucial to engage the audience, ensuring they are not just passive recipients of information but active participants in the learning process. 

This engagement can be achieved through interactive elements, practical demonstrations, and question-and-answer sessions.

For example, in a corporate training session, an expert might deliver an instructional presentation on using a new software tool, walking employees through each feature with live demonstrations and hands-on exercises. 

In an academic context, a professor might give an instructional presentation on a scientific method, using detailed slides, real-world examples, and interactive experiments to enhance understanding. 

Another example could be a fitness trainer conducting an instructional presentation on proper trampoline workout , incorporating demonstrations, and encouraging audience participation to ensure correct form and understanding. 

Each of these scenarios underscores the instructional presentation’s goal: not just to present information, but to foster learning and practical application.

Read more on the four states of Instructional Presentations

Inspirational Presentations

Inspirational presentations help motivate, uplift, and spark positive change in audiences. These presentations often hinge on the power of storytelling, using personal narratives, success stories, and emotional appeals to connect deeply with the audience. 

In sports, for instance, a motivational speech by a renowned athlete can be profoundly impactful. They might share their journey of overcoming adversity, setbacks, and injuries to achieve success, thereby inspiring budding athletes to persevere and strive for excellence. 

The narrative usually highlights themes of resilience, dedication, and the power of a positive mindset, resonating with individuals in both sports and other life areas.

In the media and entertainment industry, inspirational presentations often take the form of keynote speeches at award shows or industry conferences. 

A celebrated filmmaker or actor might share insights about their creative journey, discussing the challenges of the creative process and the importance of artistic integrity and innovation.

These speeches can inspire artists and professionals in the industry to pursue their passions relentlessly and think outside the box. Another example can be a TED Talk by a media mogul discussing the evolution of digital media and its power to enact social change, encouraging listeners to harness media platforms for advocacy and global connectivity. 

In both sports and entertainment, the crux of inspirational presentations lies in stirring emotional responses and motivating audiences toward personal and professional growth.

Read more on Inspirational Presentations:   Inspirational Presentations

Technical Presentations

A technical presentation is a “how-to” demonstration that uses visuals and demonstrations to explain how something works. 

It’s an effective way of communicating complex information to diverse audiences, from internal employees who need to understand how the company’s new Netsuite accounting software work, to potential investors who want details on your latest innovation in robotics technology. For instance, a technical presentation could include a step-by-step guide on how to convert PNG to JPG , which would be particularly useful in fields requiring frequent image format conversions.

Technical presentations often require significant preparation time because they require you to navigate the intricacies of your topic while making it understandable for others who may not have as much background knowledge as you do. 

A good approach is starting with research: identify key points in your topic area, then organize them into sections based on their relationship with one another (e.g., first we’ll talk about X; then we’ll move on to Y). 

Make sure each section includes some visual aids like graphs or charts if possible, these will help simplify complex information so everyone can follow along easily!

Read more on the technical presentations

Team and Stakeholder Presentations

A team or stakeholder presentation is a great way to share your ideas with colleagues who are working on similar projects, but it can be challenging to get people excited about new initiatives. 

When you’re presenting in front of your team members, it’s important to consider their interests and needs before diving into the details. 

If you want them on board with your plan, they must understand why this project matters for them, not just for the company as a whole.

Interactive Presentations

Rear side of Audiences

Interactive presentations have revolutionized the way information is shared and received, moving beyond traditional one-way communication to a more engaging, two-way dialogue. 

The essence of these presentations lies in their ability to actively involve the audience, turning passive listeners into active participants. 

This engagement is achieved through various means such as real-time polls, Q&A sessions, interactive quizzes, and even augmented reality experiences. 

For instance, in a corporate setting, a manager might use an interactive presentation during a team meeting to gather instant feedback on proposed initiatives using live polling. This not only gauges the team’s opinion but also fosters a sense of involvement and collaboration, while seamlessly integrating personalized learning into corporate training by tailoring content to individual needs and responses.

Learn more on interactive presentations

Problem-Solution Presentations

Problem-solution presentations are a strategic approach often used to address specific challenges or issues within an organization or in a client-focused setting. 

The structure of these presentations typically involves first identifying and analyzing a problem, and then proposing one or more solutions. 

This format is particularly effective in consulting scenarios, where a consultant might present to a client company facing operational inefficiencies. 

The presentation would detail the identified issues, perhaps through data analysis or market research, and then propose tailored solutions, such as new technologies or process improvements.

In the tech industry, problem-solving presentations are frequently used to pitch new software or tools. A tech company might present to a potential client the challenges of data management and security, and then introduce their software as a solution that enhances data security and efficiency. They can even give pro tips on using the best VPN extension for Chrome or how to identify security breaches and quickly resolve them.

Business training

Suggested tools and software for various presentation needs.

In the world of presentations, having the right tool can make all the difference. Whether you’re delivering a sales pitch, an educational lecture, or an inspirational talk, there’s a software solution that can elevate your presentation. 

Here are some of the top tools and software, each suited for different types of presentation needs:

CustomShow: CustomShow stands out for its business-centric approach, focusing on brand-specific presentation needs. It’s ideal for companies looking to maintain brand consistency across all presentations. With its rich multimedia integration and robust analytics, CustomShow is particularly for sales and marketing presentations that need to leave a lasting impact.

Check out the CustomShow Sample Presentation

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Prezi: Known for its non-linear presentation style, Prezi is great for creating dynamic presentation and visually engaging presentations. Its zooming user interface offers a unique way to capture your audience’s attention, making it suitable for persuasive and instructional presentations.

PowerPoint: A classic in the presentation software realm, Microsoft PowerPoint is versatile and user-friendly. It’s a reliable choice for almost any presentation type, from business and educational to inspirational talks, thanks to its wide range of templates and customization options.

Google Slides: For those who value collaboration, Google Slides is a go-to. Being cloud-based, it allows multiple users to work on a presentation simultaneously, making it perfect for team projects and presentations that require frequent updates.

Keynote: For Mac users, Apple’s Keynote is best for its sleek templates and smooth animations. It’s ideal for elegant presentations where design and aesthetics are key.

Read more on: What do you Need to Think About Before Designing the Presentation?

We hope that you now have a better understanding of the different types of presentations and the tools that are available to help you create them. Take a look at how CustomShow could help in your B2B sales situations .

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The 6 types of presentation (and why you need them)

Hrideep barot.

  • Presentation , Public Speaking

presentation 2 types

We all have been exposed to different types of presentations right from school years.

Group presentations, lectures by teachers and professors, seminars, webinars or online presentations, e-learning, e-conferences, etc., are all different types of presentations that we come across in our daily lives.

But each of them work for different settings.

In this article, we will take a look at 6 such types of presentations and when and why you need them.

1. Informative Presentations

This is the most common type of presentation, be it in an educational setting or business or corporate setting.

The aim of an informative presentation is to give detailed information about a product, concept, or idea to a specific kind of audience.

They are often analytical or require a rational analysis of the data presented.

Training sessions or one-day workshops are good examples where this kind of presentation is used.

Here is an example of an informative presentation on public speaking and presentations.

Now, there are different situations where you can use informative presentations.

a) Reporting

Learn from observing the reporters!

Although a report is a written explanation of an event, it can also be verbal.

A perfect place to use informative presentations is news reporting , as it requires the presenter to present information systematically.

b) Briefing

presentation 2 types

This involves explaining both positive and negative aspects of a particular topic in a few words.

It is providing information quickly and effectively about an issue to influence decisions or to come to solutions.

Hence, the decision-making bodies of an organization can make use of this kind of presentation to save time and effectively come to conclusions.

c) Research

Informative presentations are often used to present research findings to a specific audience , as it involves reporting the findings and briefing it to the audience.

Hence, almost everywhere where research takes place, be it in an educational context or occupational , can make use of this kind of presentation.

Tips for giving informative presentations

  • As there would be a lot of technical information and statistics, focus on the main points or agenda first and if you have more time, you can add them at the end
  • Keep your presentation simple and clear . Avoid complex sentence structures and graphics
  • Tell the outline of your presentation briefly in the introduction for a better flow
  • Make sure that your presentation does not stretch for too long. 10-15 minutes is what your audience can concentrate on
  • Restate your keyphrase at the end and briefly summarize all the important points of your presentation

Speech topics for an informative presentation

  • Cropping techniques
  • Organic Farming
  • Corporate Farming
  • Hydroponics
  • Sustainable Agriculture, etc
  • Climate change
  • Environmental issues
  • Eco-friendly ways of management
  • Eco-politics
  • Eco-feminism, etc
  • Gender studies
  • Gender and education
  • Religious studies
  • History of education
  • Philosophy of education, etc
  • Ethnic cultures
  • Indigenous cultures
  • Multiculturalism
  • Popular culture
  • Cultural trends, etc
  • Business administration
  • Business ethics
  • Business models
  • Promotion and marketing communications
  • Finance, etc

2. Persuasive presentations

Persuasion is the art of motivating or convincing someone to act or make a change in their actions or thoughts.

If you are planning to give a persuasive presentation, and are looking for how to give a persuasive speech, check out our article on A Comprehensive Guide to Writing a Persuasive Speech to gain in-depth knowledge about the art of giving persuasive presentations.

Persuasive presentations are also widely used form after informative presentations.

There are various circumstances where persuasive presentations can be used.

a) Policy-making

Avoid taking too much time when you want to persuade any decision!

Government bodies make use of persuasion almost every time, be it the legislative or decision-making bodies, executive bodies, or even courts.

Even election campaigns involve using persuasive presentations as an instrument of their pre-determined goals of swaying the citizens.

For that matter, any executive or management body of an organization can make use of these kinds of presentations.

b) Value judgment

Give personal examples if you want to persuade someone's viewpoints!

This kind involves answering the question “why” and supplementing it with possible benefits.

Most Ted talks and YouTube videos try to persuade the audience and fall into the persuasive presentation category.

Even religious heads use this as a means of persuading their believers to follow their belief system.

Deciding on a procedure or telling an audience the correct procedure of doing something is another situation.

An example of a persuasive presentation

Bailey parnell: is social media hurting your mental health.

This TED talk by Bailey Parnell is a good example of a persuasive presentation.

She starts strong by asking rhetorical questions that set the mood for her further points.

We can also see how the speaker is genuinely concerned regarding the issue, engaging the audience till the end.

Tips for giving a persuasive presentation

  • Start your presentation with a relevant quote or statistics about your topic to establish credibility
  • Tell personal anecdotes and examples wherever necessary to develop an emotional connection with your audience
  • Deliver your presentation with passion and genuine interest to motivate your audience to think
  • Answer the question “why” for better understanding and clarity in your presentation
  • State your viewpoint clearly and clarify doubts if your audience seems to have any

Speech topics for persuasive presentations

  • Is animal testing ethical?
  • Should cosmetic surgery be banned?
  • Can the death penalty be the only solution to the rising crime rates?
  • Should the legal age be 18?
  • Should immigration laws be revised?
  • Why you should never add your parents on Facebook
  • Guys are more interested in gossip than girls
  • It is your major duty to annoy your parents
  • You are not enjoying student life if you are not procrastinating
  • Endless memes can be made on my life, etc
  • Is taming wild and exotic animals ethical?
  • The importance of emotional support animals
  • Why are bunnies the perfect pet?
  • Why do animals make the best companions?
  • Why there is a need for patients to have emotional support animals, etc
  • How and why there is a need to do business analysis before opening your business?
  • Why small businesses are successful and more profitable?
  • Why do sales and customer service departments need to be paid more?
  • Why does the HR department need to be polite and understanding?
  • Why should you not do business with a family member?
  • How charity is a means of converting black money to white?
  • Why is detaining people on the suspicion of terrorism justified?
  • Should euthanasia be made legal?
  • Should violent crime offenders be sentenced to death?
  • Should foreigners be allowed to buy a property?

3. Demonstrative presentations

This involves demonstrating a process or the functioning of a product in a step-by-step fashion.

So, a master class on communication skills or making a product model is an example of a demonstrative presentation.

Usually, the audience is an active part of such presentations and these can work in any context where you want the audience to learn a new skill.

a) Instructions

Take it slow when instructing!

This involves giving guidelines or steps of a process or work .

Teaching how to make a car model step-by-step is a good example where you can use this kind of informative presentation to guide your audience.

Another instance can be at the workplace , to train the employees or introduce them to a new product at work.

This type also works with demonstrating recipes and cooking workshops.

An example of demonstrative presentation

The easy guide on making just about any smoothie.

In this recipe demonstration, he tells his audience how many ingredients are involved and briefs them about the outline of his presentation at the start of his speech.

He also shows all steps in real-time so that the audience have a better understanding of the process and keeps them engaged.

Tips to give a demonstrative presentation

  • Introduce your product and its function to your audience before telling them how to go about with the steps
  • Explain the steps with diagrams or show them in real-time along with the audience
  • Give equal time to every person in the audience for clearing doubts, if any
  • Keep your introduction short. Not more than 5 minutes
  • Discuss options or variations that the audience can try at the end of the presentation

Speech topics for demonstrative presentations

  • How to administer CPR
  • How to wrap a gift professionally
  • How to budget your monthly income
  • How to choose a car insurance
  • How to restore a piece of antique furniture

4. Inspirational presentations

As the name suggests, this type of presentation involves inspiring others!

The main aim of an inspirational presentation is to motivate or move your audience and is also known as a motivational presentation.

Using techniques like storytelling, narrating personal anecdotes , or even humor work wonders as your audience develops an emotional connection to the message.

This TED talk by Luvvie Ajayi Jones is humorous but a lot more inspirational. Check it out!

Tips for giving an inspirational presentation

  • Start with a question that will leave the audience thinking. Pause for some time and then begin with your presentation
  • Develop a sense of connection by narrating personal incidents and experiences to grow empathy
  • Have some main points that you want to emphasize on
  • Make use of humor ! It instantly builds a connection with the listener
  • Non-verbal elements like paralanguage, body language, speech modulations, tone, etc., makes a huge difference

Speech topics for an inspirational presentation

  • Importance of diversity and inclusion
  • Building mental resilience
  • Need for change management
  • Valuing small victories in life
  • How procrastinating is your enemy

5. Business presentations

In the corporate world, presentations are the go-to solution to do anything: planning or strategizing, articulating company goals, screening candidates, status reports , and many more.

Let us take a dive into the different types of business presentations.

a) Sales presentation

Make sure to practice before giving a sales presentation!

Also known as sales pitches , sales presentations involve providing information about a product or a service to sell it.

It has a pre-defined strategy of initiating and closing the sales deal.

This can be done in person or nowadays, on the phone, or via e-communication .

b) Training sessions

Make training sessions interesting by interacting with the audience!

Often employees have on-the-job training sessions that are aimed to increase the knowledge and skills of the employees.

This kind can also involve the audience to participate , like in demonstrative presentations.

c) Meetings

Take everyone's opinion before concluding a point!

Meetings can be called for for different reasons and can be of different forms as well.

Conferences ( both video and in-person), board meetings, informal team meetings, daily reporting, etc., are all various contexts of meeting in a business setting.

d) E- presentations

E- presentations existed before the COVID pandemic as well but were used seldom.

But, with the ongoing pandemic, e-presentations or remote presentations have replaced all other types of presentations and will be with us for a while longer.

However, on the brighter side, it is an eco-friendly alternative to normal face-to-face kind of a set-up, and it also saves transportation and other costs !

e) Seminars

Give ample time of breaks in a seminar to make it less tiring!

Seminars are widely used in the health sector , usually involving a panel of speakers on a topic. The audience is anywhere between 10 to 100.

It ends with a question and answers session , and the audience gets to take handouts with them.

f) One-on-one or 1:1

Pay attention to your body language, especially in an interview!

Interviews are usually one-on-one and involve presenting your achievements and capabilities to your prospective employer.

Apart from interviews, 1:1 meetings are also used in sales and marketing to crack a business deal.

Tips for giving business presentations

  • Include key phrases and other important details on your slides and make them bold
  • Avoid casual slangs and informal tone of speech
  • If you are giving a sales presentation, explain your product or service in simple and clear words , and list the reasons why it is beneficial for your potential clients
  • Make sure to be on time ! Delaying your audience will work against you and leave a bad impression on you and your company
  • Know your material or content thoroughly to answer the questions asked by your audience

Speech topics for business presentations

  • Implementing an Agile Project
  • Introduction to data modeling
  • Introduction to UML(Unified Modeling Language)
  • Social Media strategies for a successful business
  • Business writing for managers

6. Powerpoint presentations

PowerPoint presentations or PPTs are the most effective ones among all types of presentations simply because they are convenient and easy to understand .

They are available in different formats and are suitable to use in practically any type of presentation and context, be it business, educational, or for informal purposes.

There are various types of PowerPoint presentations that you can use depending on the context.

a) PPTs for general audience

Use inclusive language when addressing to a general audience.

  • For general audiences, avoid using jargon terms

If you feel that you need to use them, provide the audience some background information about the field or topic being covered

  • Avoid using more than 8 words per line, as anything more than that becomes difficult to remember
  • Use bullets or a numbered list for better retention
  • Try not to read from your PPT
  • Give handouts or record your presentation in case anyone wants it

b) PPTs for teaching

Include pictures when teaching through a ppt.

  • In this case, the PowerPoint is content-based
  • Make sure that the words on the slides are visible
  • Use bigger font and avoid fancy fonts
  • Add relevant pictures and graphics to keep your audience engaged
  • You can also add documentaries or relevant videos to aid in understanding

c) Repurpose PPTs

  • This involves reinventing an earlier ppt or combining 1 or more than 1 PowerPoints
  • Giving new touches to an earlier PPT or changing the format
  • You can take any slide of your PPT and upload it on social media for growing your brand or business
  • You can even convert your PPT into mp4 , i.e, video format
  • You can even add voice and save the mp4 format, and you have a good marketing plan!

d) PechaKucha

Chat for only 6 minutes and 40 seconds!

  • This type of PowerPoint presentation comes from the Japanese word PechaKucha meaning sound of a conversation or chit-chat
  • This involves changing slides every 20 seconds
  • There can be a maximum of 20 slides , which means your presentation lasts for only 6 minutes and 40 seconds
  • The PPT mostly has graphics and fewer words
  • This type of presentation is best suited for telling a story or a personal anecdote

e) Multimedia presentations

Make full use of the multimedia ppt!

  • This is the best kind of PPT to engage your audience
  • It contains texts along with pictures, videos, infographics, music, illustrations, GIFs , and many more
  • Add higher resolution images and videos , or even a 360-degree snapshot if you are in the sales and marketing industry
  • Adding infographics such as charts and graphs makes the process of understanding easier and saves time
  • Music in a PPT helps your audience to be relaxed, at the same time making them alert and engaged

Types of slides in a presentation

PowerPoint presentation slides are broadly classified into 3 categories: Text, Visual, and Mixed slides.

1. Text slides

As the name suggests, this category of slides involve words or texts.

You can format the text as plain sentences or pointers.

You may even arrange them all in a single slide or one line per slide.

The slide seen below is an example where every point is mentioned in a single slide.

Archived Material (Presentations): Not too much text

2. Visual slides

This type of slide has visual elements such as images or videos , and are better known as conceptual slides since they are a better option than text slide to explain a particular concept.

You can use them at the start of the presentation to better visualize and grasp the meaning of the presentation.

The slide right below is a good example of a visual slide.

Illustration 1 exercise: Visual Metaphor | David Howcroft's OCA Art Journey

3. Mixed slides

Mixed slides combine the texts and visuals to give a comprehensive understanding of any concept or a speech.

Graphs and charts are the best examples of mixed slides.

Mixed slides have an advantage over the other slides; they keep your audience engaged, listening and participating more actively!

Presentation Design: A Visual Guide to Creating Beautiful Slides [Free  E-Book]

Types of Oral presentations

So far we came across 6 types of presentations, and they all share one common feature. They are all one of the types of oral presentations.

Oral presentations involve the use of verbal and non-verbal elements to deliver a speech to a particular or general audience.

All the types we discussed fall into these 4 broad categories:

1. Extemporaneous presentations

This type of presentation involves making short pointers or key phrases to aid while speaking.

You do not memorize, but organize the points and structure the speech way in advance.

Hence, on the day of your presentation, by just looking at the key points , you expand on them and move to the next point.

2. Impromptu presentations

Impromptu presentations are spoken without any preparation . It can be nerve-wracking for many, and hence not many are in favor of it.

There is a valid reason for their fear, as you have to make your speech as you say it!

However, those who are experts in their fields and are called upon to share a few words can easily give this type of presentation.

3. Manuscript presentations

The other extreme of the spectrum is manuscript presentations.

Here you have a script and you speak from it, word by word.

News anchors and show announcers usually engage in this type, since there are a lot of specific details that cannot be said wrong, and also, time constraints.

Usually, a prompter is used, from which the speaker speaks to their audience.

Nowadays, there are teleprompters , that are heavily used in the entertainment and media industry.

It is a digital screen that displays the contents, and the speaker speaks from it.

4. Memorized presentations

This type does not have any notes or cues , but you memorize or rote learn the whole speech.

School and some presentations at the workplace involve using this kind of presentation.

In most cases, we recommend not to memorise your speech in most cases. We’ve made a video on the same and how it could lead to you potentially blanking out on stage. Highly recommend you view this quick vid before choosing memorisation as a presentation path:

But, if you do choose it for whatever reason, since you are free from notes, you are free to focus on other aspects, such as body language and gestures.

Types of presentation styles

There are various presenting styles, but they do not work for all types of presentations.

Let us get familiar with them, and know which style works with which type.

a) The storyteller

There's a reason why we all love to hear stories!

This style of presentation involves the speaker narrating stories and engaging the audience emotionally .

This technique works best with persuasive and inspirational types of presentation.

So, how to tell a story in a presentation?

  • Understand and know your audience : Knowing your audience will help you with how you will frame your story, at the same time gauging the relevance of your narrative
  • Know your message : Be clear with what you want to convey through your story or how you are connecting the story with your actual presentation
  • Try narrative a real-life story : Inspiring presenters often take their own stories or the stories of people whom they know as a supplement to their presentation. When the audience listens to your real-life examples, they become genuinely interested in your story
  • Add visual aids : Using visual aids such as pictures, videos, multimedia, etc., increases the memory retention and engagement of your audience
  • Use the “you” attitude : Tell the story keeping your audience in mind because ultimately they are going to be the receivers and hence, the story should be relevant and should include their point of view as well

Want more storytelling tactics? Mystery, characterisation and the final takeaway are some more key elements of a good story for your next presentation. We’ve gone deeper into this topic in this video if you would like to know more:

b) The Visual style

Make use of the visual aids to keep your audience engaged.

Most of us are visual learners, making visual information easy to understand and retain.

Visual aids like graphics, images, diagrams, key pointers or phrases , etc., are very useful when giving any type of presentation.

Some tips of presenting with visual style:

  • Include only important pointers in your PowerPoint presentation and highlight or bold them
  • Try including visuals that complement what you are saying and use them as a supplementary tool to aid in understanding your audience
  • If you are giving a business presentation and want to include visuals, instead of plain texts, include graphics and charts to make information simpler to present and understand
  • Avoid overly complex visuals as it will confuse the audience more
  • Avoid using more than 6 lines per slide

c) Analytic style

Provide examples to support your data findings!

If you have data records or statistical information to be presented, an analytic style will be more helpful.

It works best for Informative and Business types of presentations.

Tips to deliver in analytic style:

  • Give handouts so that the audience is on track with your presentation and the information will be easier to comprehend
  • Focus and speak on selected data as too much data statistics can be overwhelming for the audience
  • You can make use of humor and personal anecdotes to keep the presentation interesting and engaging
  • If you have too much data and are worried that you will not be able to explain it in the time frame given, avoid writing content of more than 2000 words

Quick tip: In case you have a PDF to present and want to edit the data points, there are multiple software programs that you can use to allow you to easily do this. Check out this list of the Best Free Recording Software Programs to know more.

d) The Connector

Make an impactful presentation by simply connecting with your audience!

The connector style of presentation involves the speaker establishing a connection with the audience by pointing out similarities between them and the listeners.

This style works well with Sales and marketing presentations.

How to give a presentation using connector style?

  • Have a Q & A round with the audience at the end of your presentation for clarifying any doubts and avoiding miscommunication
  • Use audience polls at the start of your presentation to know your audience and tailor your speech accordingly
  • Make use of body language and gestures for delivering your presentation effectively. If you are confused or want to know more about the aspects of how to use body and gestures, check out our article on To walk or stand still: How should you present when on stage?
  • Ask questions to your audience at regular intervals for a better audience engagement
  • Make use of multimedia sources to keep your audience engaged and entertained

Which type of presentation is best?

Although all the presentation types have their own bonuses and are suitable for certain circumstances, some are universal and can be used with a little bit of modification almost everywhere!

These are persuasive presentations!

You can use them in various settings; from political, business to educational.

Just remember to choose the right topic for the right audience, and a style that you think is the most suitable and you are good to go!

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To conclude

We saw 6 types of presentation and understood it in detail.

We also gained some tips on how to make our presentation more engaging and also came across things to avoid as well.

We then explored the types of slides that you can use, and also the types of presenting orally.

We also gave you some tips and a few topic ideas that you can incorporate in your next speech!

Hrideep Barot

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Home Blog Design Exploring the 12 Different Types of Slides in PowerPoint

Exploring the 12 Different Types of Slides in PowerPoint

Cover for types of slides in PowerPoint presentations

Presentations are an important communication tool in professional and academic environments. Effective slide design is not merely about aesthetics; it’s about enhancing comprehension, engagement, and retention of information. Each type of slide serves a specific purpose and requires thoughtful consideration in its creation and application. This guide explores twelve common types of slides, explaining their purposes, typical usage scenarios, essential components, and strategies for maximum effectiveness.

Table of Contents

Title Slide

Picture slide, agenda slide, introduction slide, summary slide, thank you slide, quote slide, chart & diagram slide, table slide, animation & video slide, call-to-action slide, final words.

The title slide sets the tone and context for the presentation. It’s our main opportunity to make a strong first impression and establish the speaker’s credibility regarding aesthetics and professionalism.

Title slide type of slide

As the core point in how to start a presentation , the title slide gives a clear indication of the topic, the presenter’s identity, and relevant contextual data. A good presentation title serves two purposes: to be practical and creative. Let’s see which are the components of the title slide.

  • Main Title: This is the focal point of the slide. It should be concise yet descriptive enough to clearly explain the presentation’s focus. The font size should be large enough to be readable from the back of the room.
  • Subtitle: If necessary, provide additional clarification or a more detailed descriptor of the presentation’s scope.
  • Presenter’s Name and Details: Includes full name, job title, and affiliation. Positioned for easy visibility but without overshadowing the main title.
  • Date and Venue: These are important for context, especially if the presentation might be referenced later or is part of a larger conference or seminar.
  • Design Elements: The layout should reflect corporate or personal branding, using logos, specific color schemes, and fonts. It should also be clean and not cluttered, maintaining a professional appearance.

The title slide should be crafted around a concept that is valid for different types of slides: less is more. Maintain a high contrast between the text and the background, but don’t overdo it; otherwise, you will affect the readability of your slides . If you’re using a background image, ensure it does not distract the audience’s attention from your speech. Alternatively, we can add a fade-in or morph effect for the text to create neat transitions and grab the audience’s attention without being distracting.

For more information, read our tutorial on how to add title slides in PowerPoint .

We call a picture slide to those who use strong visual imagery to aid in storytelling presentations , making concepts tangible, providing an emotional impact, or those who serve to illustrate case studies .

Picture slides are mainly used to illustrate complex concepts , but they are also an element that can add dynamism to a presentation, making the overall presentation less “boring” than just sticking to data and tables. The components of picture slides are:

  • High-Quality Image: The image should dominate the slide and be directly relevant to the accompanying content. It should be sharp and have appropriate rights for use – meaning we cannot claim an image from a professional photographer as it is. Either work with royalty-free pictures or with your own images (or work your way around Midjourney to create AI-images).
  • Minimal Text: If text is necessary, it should not compete with the image. Placement should be thoughtful, ensuring that the image remains the focus. In some particular scenarios, text can be the image, as we see in portraits made out of words.
  • Caption: Optional, but can help provide context or cite the source of the image. Also, captions help people with auditory impairments to comprehend the reason why the image is being shown.

Aim to choose images that evoke the emotion you want to convey in your presentation. For an appropriate layout, you can use the rule of thirds for a balanced composition or half-and-half if you are presenting the image alongside relevant written data. Avoid oversaturated images or heavily dramatic black-and-white effects.

Picture slide ideal location for images according to the rule of thirds

We’re all used to text slides. That being said, good design practices regarding text slides don’t consider having huge walls of text with the sole excuse of “delivering information.” Layouts matter. Presenters should stick to a column layout where the information is summarized and arranged using presentation aids to break up the written format monotony and ensure audience engagement .

Text slide in the format of a project dashboard

Text slides can contain the following elements:

  • Headline: Clearly states the topic or point of the slide. It should be written in a distinctive type format than the rest of the body text.
  • Body Text: Should be organized in short, concise paragraphs. Limit the text to essential information to avoid overwhelming the audience. Take special care when selecting the font for the presentation to ensure legibility.
  • Visual References: Icons or tiny graphics can help illustrate points and break up text, enhancing readability and retention.

Always pay attention to legibility. Although bullet points can be helpful in organizing information, some viewers may find them reiterative, like everything is important—hence the reason why we shouldn’t abuse them. You can emphasize words or important phrases with bold, italics, or color changes. Ensure that the text-to-whitespace balance is accurate to prevent crowded slides.

After delivering the title slide, a good practice is to disclose the structure of the topics to be presented. This is where agenda slides are incredibly handy. They help the audience manage their expectations from the presentation and also structure the presentation’s logical flow. As a tool, they are useful in lengthy business presentations or academic presentations in which presenters review the concepts in the format of presentation handouts (or directly by checking the slide deck if it’s facilitated by the event’s organizers).

Agenda slide layout example

Agenda slides are usually built out of these components:

  • List of Topics: Clearly enumerated or bulleted, each representing a key section of the presentation. They can list or not the slide number in which they are shown.
  • Timings: Optional, but it can be helpful to indicate how long each section is expected to last.
  • Progress Indicator: Visual elements like checkmarks or arrows can show what has been covered and what remains to be done.

Using distinctive headings can keep the slide clean. If we use hyperlinks in PowerPoint for our agenda slide, we can mention them during the speech so there are no abrupt jumps between slides. 

The introduction slide is designed to provide a background or context for the topic presented, delivering the key concepts, theories, or frameworks required to understand the rest of the presentation.

Introduction slide layout

The introduction slide is placed right after the agenda slide. After the concepts of the introduction slide are delivered, a smooth transition can direct the presentation’s flow toward the core concepts of the presentation. In terms of the introduction slide’s components, we can count:

  • Key Concepts: Briefly introduce and define critical concepts or terms that will be recurrent throughout the presentation.
  • Context Setting: Provide any necessary historical, social, or academic context that frames the topic appropriately.
  • Objectives: Clearly outline what the presentation aims to achieve, helping to set the audience’s expectations about the takeaways.
  • Engaging Visuals: Relevant images, icons, or brief animations can help highlight important elements and make the slide more engaging.

In general lines, the introduction slide should have visual elements but not be overwhelming for the audience. The visuals must not distract, and we cannot use bold color combinations that take the focus away from the message. Using diagrams can also help to present key concepts effectively.

At the final stages of a presentation, we can use the summary slide to review all the key points discussed throughout the presentation. It’s typically placed before the closing remarks, “thank you” slide, or Q&A session. Summary slides help recap the information presented, making it easier to process the key takeaways.

Summary slide in a presentation

We can count these elements in a summary slide:

  • Key Points: Summarize the main points covered in a clear, easy-to-read format.
  • Visual Recap: Use simple graphics, charts, or callouts to represent significant data or conclusions visually.
  • Concluding Remark: A sentence or two that encapsulates the overarching message or conclusion of the presentation.

Use consistent styling with the earlier slides for a cohesive aesthetic. You can apply levels of hierarchy to the concepts summarized through color or size variations in text.

When preparing for how to end a presentation , the thank you slide is a formal conclusion format. It is always the last slide available in the presentation, and it offers a moment to express gratitude to the audience for their attention, time, and participation. Let’s review which elements make a successful thank you slide:

  • Thank You Note: A simple, clear expression of gratitude. It doesn’t require fancy graphics.
  • Presenter’s Contact Information: Include an email address, phone number, or social media handles for further communication.
  • Invitation for Questions: A prompt that encourages the audience to engage in discussion or ask questions about the presentation.

Thank You slide format

The transition between the thank you slide and the questions and answers session has to be smooth. Therefore, it’s vital to put an invitation to questions rather than just signaling the slide as the conclusion. A subtle background that follows the slide deck’s aesthetic is always a plus.

Quote slides integrate wisdom, authority, or inspiration from well-known or respected sources into your presentation. They can provide powerful support for your arguments or serve as a motivational element within your talk.

Quote slide example

This type of PowerPoint slide is ideal for emphasizing a point, sparking reflection, or inspiring the audience. Use them to underscore the relevance of an idea or introduce a shift in the presentation’s focus.

The components of the quote slide are:

  • The Quote: Clearly presented and attributed to the speaker or writer. The text should be legible with enough emphasis to stand out.
  • Author’s Name and Credentials: Provide context for the quote by including the author’s name and, if relevant, their credentials or why they are an authority on the topic.
  • Related Imagery or Background: An image or abstract design that complements the theme of the quote can enhance its impact.

Work with a quote PowerPoint template that effectively highlights the quote through a professional layout. For visibility, a strong contrast must be maintained between the text and the background; therefore, text boxes with backgrounds are commonly used. If using an image, select one that enhances rather than competes with the text.

Chart and diagram slides are essential for visually representing data, showing relationships, illustrating processes, and explaining complex systems. They transform numbers and abstract concepts into more digestible graphic formats that enhance audience understanding. We can choose between charts and graphs depending on the kind of data to represent, but diagrams often help to contextualize the raw data for simpler explanations.

Chart & Diagram slide layout in types of slides

Use these slides when discussing data trends, comparisons, workflow processes, or hierarchical structures. They are particularly helpful in business presentations, scientific discussions, and any scenario where visual simplification of complex data is beneficial.

The main components for any chart or diagram slide are:

  • Chart or Diagram: Select the appropriate type (e.g., bar chart , pie chart , flowchart , organizational chart ) based on the data or process you are illustrating.
  • Labels and Legends: Essential for clarity, they help the audience understand what each part of the chart or diagram represents.
  • Titles and Subtitles: They clearly indicate what the graphic explains or highlights.
  • Annotations or Callouts: Use these to emphasize key points or data within the chart or diagram.

Keep all text in graphs readable and clear. Animated effects can show a progression or illustrate relationships more dynamically. In terms of colors, use contrasting colors for data sets to aid in differentiation. 

For more information, check our collection of chart PowerPoint templates .

The other format for representing data in presentation slides is tables. Tables can structure data sets systematically and allow for the presentation of detailed data in a comparative and accessible format. For this reason, they are ideal for showing exact figures and relationships between items.

Table types of slide

These slides are especially useful in financial, research, or technical presentations where precise data needs to be compared or detailed specifications have to be presented side by side. We can identify the following elements in table slides:

  • Table: Clearly segmented into rows and columns. Headers should be distinct to guide the viewer through the data.
  • Row and Column Labels: These should describe the data they contain succinctly and clearly.
  • Highlighting: Use shading, bolding, or color-coding to emphasize important data points or trends within the table.
  • Footnotes or Source Citations: If the data comes from external sources or requires additional explanation, include this information in a discreet but readable manner.

In design terms, tables should be kept as neat as possible. All text must be legible, with sufficient spacing and an appropriate font size (no less than 11 pt). Colors can be used to differentiate between data sets, but avoid using too many colors, as they can lead to confusion. 

For more information, check our collection of PowerPoint table templates .

Sometimes, images aren’t enough. Video presentations and vector image animations are powerful tools, as they can be planned to enhance storytelling. The average duration depends on the total presentation length, but they shouldn’t take more than 30% of the total allotted time (as otherwise, the attendees are just streaming video rather than viewing a presentation). 

Animation slide in a presentation

When it comes to the components of this type of slide, we can find:

  • Embedded Video or Animation: This should be high quality (720p minimum) and directly relevant to the presented content.
  • Playback Controls: Clearly visible to allow easy control during the presentation.
  • Brief Descriptions or Introductions: Provide context or prepare the audience for what they will see.

As a presenter, your job is to ensure the video or animation is seamlessly integrated into the presentation, both technically and from a design perspective. This means testing the playback functionality multiple times prior to the presentation.

Also, check our collection of animated PowerPoint templates .

We conclude this list with a slide to persuade the audience to take specific action following the presentation. Call-to-action slides, or CTA slides, encourage the viewers to take action, such as further conversation, purchasing an item or service, or participating in a project.

Call-to-Action types of slide

It is typically placed at the end of the presentation, following the summary and thank you slide, to motivate immediate action. Its components are:

  • Clear Directive: The CTA itself should be straightforward and compelling, such as “Register Now,” “Join Us,” or “Visit Our Website.”
  • Reasons to Act: Briefly reiterate the benefits or importance of taking the action, enhancing the persuasive appeal.
  • Contact Information or Links: Provide all necessary links or contact details to make it easy for the audience to know how to act.

The CTA slide should feature a design that grabs attention. Use strong, action-oriented language and a large, readable text. 

As we’ve seen, harnessing the usage of these different types of slides helps us become better presenters, with our message being tailored to specific needs. Create your own slide decks by implementing the guidance listed in this article and customize the slides each time for a unique experience.

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9 Presentation Aids to Use to Make Your Presentation Stand Out

9 Presentation Aids to Use to Make Your Presentation Stand Out

Written by: Caleb Bruski

An illustration showcasing different presentation slides and presentation aids.

Looking for a way to make your presentation stand out from the crowd?

When it comes to presentations, your ultimate goal is to communicate clearly and effectively with your audience.

By adding visual aids to your presentations, your audience will more easily understand and connect with your ideas.

Throughout this article, we’re going to cover what presentation aids are, why you should consider using them plus nine different types of presentation aids to test.

Here’s a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below:

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Table of Contents

What are presentation aids, why use presentation aids, 9 types of presentation aids.

Presentation aids, or sensory aids, are any additional resources used to enhance your speech. 

On a very basic level, a presentation is a bunch of words used to convey ideas to an audience. Presentation aids are additional devices, techniques, resources or materials used to enhance the presentation. 

For example, this four-step process model can be a great presentation aid to showcase a step-by-step guide to your audience.

A process model slide that can be used as a presentation aid.

Rather than just talking about the process, a diagram like this actually details it out, making it easier for your audience to understand.

Visual aids help clarify and contextualize your points for your audience.

Whether you deliver your presentation in person or over the web, the goal is to clearly communicate with your audience. Presentation aids help achieve this goal.

Visual aids also help a presenter stay on a predefined train of thought while presenting. 

The entire experience of presenting can be rather nerve-wracking. Studies show that one of the greatest phobias throughout the world  is public speaking. 

When our words fail us, a clear presentation aid can help fill in the gaps and help us be understood. 

Take this slide example. It can be a great way to walk an audience through features. Each bullet can be clicked to take viewers to a video that provides even more information.

A presentation slide that can be turned into an interactive presentation aid.

Presentation aids help the presenter stay within an allotted set of time. 

For those of us who have a hard time sticking to the main points, visual presentation aids help us progress forward in our thought process and give a good presentation .

Here, we have a second illustration of a presentation aid — this time in the form of a timeline. Mapping out your content like this helps make it even more digestible and can help your audience learn and remember it.

A timeline slide that can be used as a presentation aid.

A sense of authority and trust can also be established when using visual aids.

By delivering hard facts and data in a simple way, trust is established with the audience. The authority and expertise of the presenter is also established. 

Visual aids should help your audience understand the data in your presentation.

When used correctly, presentation aids increase the chance of receiving a positive response when making a call to action. 

In summary, presentation aids are useful for the presenter, the audience and all other parties involved. Best of all, using them is easy and effective.

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Create a stunning presentation in less time

Ready to wow your audience with your next presentation? We’re here to help. In this list, you’ll find nine different types of presentation aids that you might consider using to help demonstrate your main points.

1. Charts and Graphs

Charts and graphs are a form of presentation aid used to visually compare statistics and figures. These are some of the most used forms of visual aids in the business world.

Listening to long strings of numbers can be a challenging task. Comparing long strings of numbers without reference can be near impossible. Overwhelmed with this type of data, most audience members will mentally check out.

Comparing simple shapes or lines is an easier task for most people. 

Consider adding a chart like the one below as a presentation aid for your audience.

A line graph that can be used as a presentation aid.

A simple chart or graph will drastically help your audience comprehend numbers in a way that is easier to understand.

It’s important to select a chart or graph that helps exemplify your point. Not all charts can communicate with clarity the same information. Learn more in our guide on how to create a chart .

2. Handouts

Handouts are physical objects given to the audience that contain information related to the presentation. 

The greatest advantage of using a handout is the physical interaction your audience has with your presentation.

Your audience has the freedom to interact with these handouts during the presentation — they can touch, smell, read, etc., giving them an edge in actually retaining the information.

The more senses your audience uses during a presentation, the better. 

A brochure template that can be used as a handout presentation aid.

A handout also lets your audience revisit parts of your presentation that were not clear. This helps everyone stay on the same page.

A bonus to using handouts is that these objects don’t just magically disappear. Long after the presentation is over, the handout will still be around. Your audience will remember your presentation every time they see your handout.

3. Demonstration

Demonstrations are actions performed to exhibit or illustrate a point. The goal of a demonstration is to take an abstract point and anchor it in reality, as well as to ensure your audience comprehends a speaking point.

Demonstrations aren’t limited to just physical demonstrations. Demonstrations may also include allegorical stories or proofs used to prove a point. Sharing personal stories or case studies could be categorized as a demonstration. 

Here’s an example of a presentation slide with a demo video embedded. If you don’t have the resources to perform a live demonstration, using a tactic like this can be a great alternative.

An interactive presentation slide with a video demo embedded.

To understand the full potential of demonstrations, think back to your old science teacher. A science teacher's job was to teach to a room filled with easily distracted children. 

Science is one of the most complex subjects to teach and the audience is a tough crowd. How did they do it?

With demonstrations! Or more specifically, with science experiments.

Physical demonstrations are some of the most memorable moments of an entire school year. 

The reason demonstrations are more memorable than a simple speech is because demonstrations invite more of your audience’s senses to take part in the demonstration. 

Not only do you hear the lesson, but you can see, touch, smell and sometimes even taste it as well. 

The audience is also involved when the demonstration is a personal story. When the audience hears the story, they imagine it. By recreating the scenario using their own imagination, the memory lasts longer.

A science trivia presentation template that can be used as a presentation aid.

Demonstrations are also powerful communication tools. They have the potential to make your presentation go from mediocre to  memorable. 

While powerful, demonstrations can work for or against you. Adding too many, too large or unrelated demonstrations can distract your audience from the actual topic. Ensure that your demonstrations are connected to and accentuate your main points.

4. Diagrams

A diagram is a visual graphic or sketch focused on presenting the inner workings or relations of a subject. A diagram is different from a basic sketch. While a sketch aims to accurately depict an object's shape, a diagram aims to explain and define its functions and relations. 

Diagrams give you the freedom to list, describe, explain and map out your subject matter in a way that is not limited to its physical form. 

A diagram template that can be used as a presentation aid.

While mixing a diagram and physical sketch together can be cool, it’s not necessary. Diagrams ought to be chosen based on their effectiveness in explaining the subject's construction and relation to other objects.

Diagrams help explain complex relations between objects without the need for physical properties. Diagrams are great to use when sketches, photographs and videos can not capture all the attributes of an object. 

Before settling on which diagram to use, it’s best to experiment with different types of diagrams. Your decision should rely upon which diagram will aid your audience the most.

A diagram template that can be used as a presentation aid.

Diagrams are also great for describing and defining things that do not have form. Instead of giving a long and complex definition that no one will remember, consider using a diagram. 

Diagrams can show how this new thing relates to something familiar to your audience. This will help your audience understand and remember complex portions of your presentation.

5. Video or Audio

Audio and video clips are presentation aids used to expand the dynamic range of input in your speech.

Your audience will find it easier to engage with your presentation when you diversify your method of delivery. 

An easy way to increase audiences’ sensory input is by transitioning from a simple speech into a video or audio clip.

Videos allow you to convey information in a fast and rehearsed manner. Professional camera work captures prearranged images, audio and speech. This means video is capable of conveying emotion and information more effectively than speech. 

For this reason, a short video clip may do a better job at summarizing the main points of a presentation than a speech alone. 

A screenshot showing video options available in Visme's editor.

While the benefits of  video are high, there are also some potential problems. The most common issue with video usage in presentations being technical compatibility issues.

A smooth transition between speech and video is necessary for your presentation. 

Rough or elongated transitions can be a major distraction for your audience. If this happens, your audience may find it difficult to reinvest in your presentation.

To ensure smooth transitions, your presentation software must be capable of integrating videos clips directly into your presentation. 

It is important to have dependable presentation software .  By doing so, you’ll be able to transition between video clips and other presentation aids.

A screenshot showing audio options available in Visme's editor.

The transitioning issue is most noticeable at the end of a presentation. Especially when a speaker attempts to transition from a slide-show into a video clip. 

Consequently, many presentations do not have a strong and official close. Lacking a strong close leaves your audience without a clear understanding of what to do next. Check out this article to ensure you know how to end your presentation on a strong and impressionable note.

Quotations are a type of presentation aid that appeal to outside authority and expertise. Quoting others helps establish a positive rapport with your audience.

Many people fear quoting others makes them appear unoriginal.

The opposite is actually true. Quoting outside sources tends to drastically improve the overall appeal of your presentation.

A quote template that can be used as a presentation aid.

Quoting others shows that you have listened to others on this subject. This makes the presenter appear as a well thought out and considerate listener. 

It’s recommended that you quote those who both agree and disagree with your conclusion. By doing so, you establish a sense of trust and expertise with your audience.

Quoting those who disagree with your conclusion shows that you have taken the time and effort to engage their thought process. 

Quoting those who agree with you shows your conclusion to be a recurring conclusion.

A quote template that can be used as a presentation aid.

However, always give credit where credit is due. Not only is plagiarism immoral and possibly illegal, it also damages your personal reputation. This may destroy any trust you established with your audience. Check out this guide about plagiarism to learn more.

Maps are visual representations, generally two-dimensional diagrams, that show the relative position and orientation of something. 

Maps are powerful presentation aids capable of showing valuable information beyond basic geography. 

Because maps are a form of diagram, they can deliver valuable relational information. This is especially true when used in combination with animations or graphical overlays.

A map template that can be used as a presentation aid.

Proper presentation software will allow you to update your dataset for your map. The changes should immediately update the output of your map without having to manually manipulate the image.

A screenshot of the map feature in Visme's editor.

Visme automatically generates these scalable maps and makes the process of customizing your map easy. With just a few clicks, you can generate and customize maps with your own datasets.

8. Photographs

Photographs are still images captured on a film or digital medium and are a powerful visual aid. When used correctly, photographs can add color and shape to the speech in your presentation.

The saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" is a true statement. A picture is priceless when it’s able to capture and accentuate a point relevant to your presentation.

Photographs are unique presentations aids that give you the power to make a window for your audience to look through. This allows your audience to see and experience particular aspects of your presentation.

A slideshow template showing how to use photographs as presentation aids.

While the color red can be described with many words, there’s an experiential gap. Once seen, you can experience the color red.

When a presentation is given, words can help describe an idea, but not experience the idea. Presentation images give you the possibility to close that visual experiential gap.

Even in a world that sells pocket-sized HD 4k 60fps video cameras, the photograph is still the visual aid of choice for most people.

While videos are powerful in their own right, photos give you the power to capture and highlight one particular moment. 

A pitch deck template showing how to use photographs as presentation aids.

Photos can be less distracting than videos. Videos may have background noises or other distractions. Photographs let you capture and present one image without any distractions.

When presenting, it’s important for your main speaking points to be aided, not hindered, by the presentation aid. 

While planning out your presentation, consider using photographs more frequently than video. This will help your audience experience your presentations without distractions.

Images are also much cheaper and easier to professionally edit than their video counterparts. Capturing and editing a high-quality video may take hours, days or even months. A professional-looking photo can be captured with ease and edited in a matter of minutes. 

Or, you can take advantage of a free stock photo library like you get with Visme. This way, you can ensure your presentation photos are copyright protected and free to use.

9. Volunteers

Volunteers are people selected from the general population to participate in a demonstration. 

Using volunteers in demonstrations is one of the most effective presentation aids available. Using this tactic efficiently comes with all the advantages of a classic demonstration, and so much more.

Human interaction is hardwired into us. We tend to remember faces, body shapes, expressions and emotions. A demonstration with volunteers lets you instantly change the dynamic of the speech.

Ready to create your own presentation in minutes?

  • Add your own text, images and more
  • Customize colors, fonts and everything else
  • Choose from hundreds of slide designs and templates
  • Add interactive buttons and animations

Demonstrations with volunteers encourage audience interaction with your subject matter. 

When the audience sees a volunteer interact with your presentation, the barrier to entry is lowered — plus, it gives your audience the chance to become a volunteer that’s doing the interaction themselves.

This makes your subject more approachable and your call to action more likely to succeed.

Be sure your interactions with the volunteer are somewhere between professional and semi-professional. Most people are already afraid to be on stage. An unprofessional or condescending demeanor will only make things even more uncomfortable.

Ensure that your volunteer’s role has a strong connection to your main point. Like all good demonstrations, make sure it is contributing to your presentation. If a particular portion of the presentation is not related to the main point, your audience's mind may begin to wander. 

At the end of the demonstration, be sure to thank and dismiss your volunteers when they are done contributing. There is nothing more distracting for the audience than having an extra person nervously lurking around on stage. 

If done correctly, your audience will remember the demonstration done with volunteers and recall the driving points of your presentation. The volunteer will likely also remember the event for a longer period of time and may even share parts of your presentation with others.

Try Presentation Aids in Your Next Presentation

Creating and utilizing presentation aids can help your presentation go from acceptable to phenomenal. With proper physical and mental preparation, your presentation is sure to impress.

The best way to mentally prepare yourself for your presentation is to be physically prepared. 

Visme makes presentation preparation easy and takes all the guesswork out of the design process. Visme has thousands of high-quality templates for you to customize and choose from. We are certain that with the right tools, you can make an awe-inspiring presentation.

Create a free account and see why Visme is one of the best and easiest ways to create a stunning and engaging presentation.

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

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About the Author

Caleb is a freelance writer, frontend web developer and photographer who is passionate about all things tech.

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