The Business Presentation Skills Course


Primary Benefits

  • Add to intellectual capital with up to  14 new presenters per course
  • Add value to your audiences
  • Enhance individual self-esteem
  • Build inter-group communication

Developing dynamic business-meeting presenters is an investment in your organisation’s intellectual capital.

The Business Presentation Skills Courses  provide you with up to 14 professional-level presenters from each course.

Because audiences are expensive to assemble, developing high-quality speakers and presenters is essential. Confident, expertly skilled presenters convert audiences into valuable company assets.

The Value/Cost equations of your existing presenters: Skilled presenters  x  audience size =  Intensified value. Poorly skilled presenters x  audience size =  Intensified loss.

Speak•NZ present their conference workshop, ‘PowerPoint for Professionals’.

Becoming a confidently effective presenter is magic for anyone’s self-esteem. That’s partly why most of our clients offer the course to everyone.

Can you identify your organisation’s presentation-benchmark? Do your average meeting leaders’ presentation skills reach excellent? No? Speak to us about resetting your quality-‘tipping point’.

Interaction, collaboration and trust are at the heart of the course. Clients routinely observe how much they value the lasting professional cross-department relationships this establishes.

Course Guarantee

All courses & participants.

Speak•NZ guarantees against your fee, that …

you and other participants who fully participate in their course; who subsequently reasonably implement its precepts, will be widely regarded as noticeably accomplished presenters and communicators.

A typical Speak•NZ course group

Call to discuss your expectations. 021 778 184

Speak•NZ has conducted up to 10 courses (30 workshops) for us throughout New Zealand each year since 2011. They adapted to our culture perfectly from the outset and continue to return excellent participant performance and feedback.

B.L. Group General Manager • Datacom -->

Course Format

Why 3 (or 4) half – day workshops, a week apart (8-14 participants.).

Half days are more effective, more efficient instruments than 2 day back-to-back courses for this intense style of learning.  The gap-week between each workshop encourages quality preparation for the formal presentations participants will deliver. They appreciate having that time to reflect and to collaborate with colleagues.

It’s easier for staff to organise 4 disruption-free   hours per week than having to stop work for 2 full days.

The course format is based on cognitive psychology principles, our extensive teaching and speaking experience and collaboration with clients and partners.

Each group works in a fine-tuned coaching environment, alive with authentic experiences and vivid examples . There’s little background academic theory and zero voice or breathing exercises. We don’t submit people to tedious small group role-plays. 

More on the course format ..

L.C. Learning & Development Co-Ordinator • BECA -->

Peter J Donoghue Director

021 778 184 [email protected]


Choose a training option to suit you - join a public course, group training, one on one or a customised course for your team.

Presentation Skills Training courses with Effective Speaking

Your choice of coaching, individual or team training

Join a public workshop, or we can customise a course for your next team event, hui, or away day

The Effective Speaker

Effective Speaking - The Effective speaker course

Our most popular course, over 2 days our Effective Speaker presentation skills workshop will take you from competent communicator to compelling leader. Run regularly in Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington.

Painless Presenting

Effective Speaking - Group Learning

A fun and practical introduction to business presenting that will set the foundations for you to become a credible and confident business presenter.

Presentation Masterclass

Effective Speaking - Painless Presenting

An advanced presentation skills workshop focused on your individual communication needs.

Bespoke Group Courses

presentation skills training nz

For your next Team Hui, Away Day or Leadership Workshop, we can run a practical, fun and useful session on presentation skills that the whole team will find valuable.

One on One Speaker Coaching

One on One Speaker Coaching with Jane at Effective Speaking

If you have an upcoming speaking engagement, or just want to improve your communication skills, join Jane for individual speaker training over a video call or in person.

Effective Speaking - Online Training Courses

Train at your own pace

Coming Early 2024 – Learn our proven system and techniques to make you a more effective, confident and compelling speaker, through our online course offerings.

Learn at your own pace, with support from our trainers, through videos, exercises and an interactive workbook. 

Get in touch to be put on our mailing list.

Frequently Asked Questions

For public workshops:, for group training:, for public workshops:.

  • Your course fee covers all materials and include refreshments and lunch.
  • You need to pay in full before you can attend the course.
  • Cancellation/change fees apply.
  • We reserve the right to cancel the course for any reason.
  • Should the course be cancelled your fee will be promptly repaid in full.
  • This will be the limit of Effective Speaking’s liability.

For Group training bookings:

  • Pre-course on-line training needs analysis for each participant – this enables us to fine-tune the course according to participants needs.
  • 70 page presentation skills workbook – “How to design and deliver a presentation with confidence” in both hard copy and digital format.
  • On-going free access to advice and personal follow-up from Effective Speaking trainers via phone and email.
  • On-line post-course evaluation – consolidated report to be provided to you.
  • Post-course “Presentation Tips” email course.

NOTE: Group Training Course fee does not include:

  • Venue hire where necessary.
  • Catering and refreshments.
  • Pricing does not include NZ GST.
  • Trainer Travel and accommodation expenses if booked outside of the Greater Wellington region.

Download our Course Comparison PDF

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Read our Privacy Policy here .

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How can we help?

Thank you for your enquiry, we will be in touch.

  • A group or a team
  • Another person
  • Public Courses
  • Virtual communication skills online course
  • Presentation & Public Speaking Skills
  • Business Storytelling Courses
  • Influence & Persuasion Training
  • Something else

Presentation & Public Speaking Skills

The spotlight, the fundamentals of business presenting.

  • 1 or 2 days (bespoke options available)
  • In–house or virtual
  • Up to 10 participants
  • Junior – Senior

Our highly popular flagship programme covers all the fundamentals of delivering compelling and persuasive presentations, updates, stand-ups and briefings. This programme has helped thousands of people become better presenters by learning then practising techniques to authentically sell their ideas, inspire confidence, and motivate their audience to action. Content includes: mastering non-verbal communication, presenting with confidence, reducing anxiety, structuring for impact, enhancing vocal variety, story-telling for business, interpersonal effectiveness and creating powerful visual aids.

  • Video used extensively to enhance feedback.
  • Proven strategies to reduce anxiety and inspire confidence.
  • User-friendly presentation prep tools.
  • Tailorable programme content.

The Board Room

Advanced presentation skills.

  • 1-day (bespoke options available)
  • Intermediate – Senior

Our advanced presentation skills programme is designed for those who may be relatively experienced but need to take their presenting impact to the next level. Managers and leaders presenting to high-stakes or high-status audiences, such as boards or senior leadership teams, will find particular value in this programme. Participants practise creating persuasive content by mastering more sophisticated techniques of audience analysis, framing, anchoring and storytelling. Advanced delivery techniques are introduced to enhance leadership presence and authenticity while communicating.

  • Strategies explored to enhance interpersonal influence and persuasion.
  • Advanced audience analysis and presentation prep tools.
  • Customisable programme content.

Communication mastery programme for senior leaders

  • 4 x 1/2 day workshops
  • Plus 1-2-1 coaching
  • In-house or virtual
  • Senior – C-suite

This innovative spoken communication mastery programme is the most comprehensive of its kind in Australasia. It is designed to truly transform the communication impact of a senior team, creating sustainable, longterm change. Four 1/2 day group sessions delivered over six to eight weeks introduce core concepts and create a common vocabulary around presenting and communication excellence. In addition, four 1-2-1 coaching sessions give each participant the opportunity to work closely with Russell Pickering to hone their individual craft, minimise ineffective presenting habits and develop their unique communication style.

  • Advanced narrative strategies to engage and inspire.
  • Individual coaching for each participant.
  • Fully customisable.

As with all our programmes, a thorough consultation process enables the exact content to be co-designed in collaboration with your learning strategy and tailored to meet the participant’s unique learning needs.

Step into the Spotlight

1-2-1 coaching for high-stakes presentations or pitches.

  • Delivered live online via your preferred virtual platform
  • In–house at your company
  • Hourly rate
  • 1–2 participants/presenting teams
  • Senior – C-suite 

If you or your team have a major presentation or pitch approaching and you need to smash it out of the park, then this 1-2-1 coaching programme is for you. We begin by helping you assess your audience and define a clear, concise objective. From there we support you in creating persuasive and engaging content that connects with the hearts and minds of your audience and drives action. If needed, we can then arrange for our design lab partner to create dynamic visual aids to reinforce your message. Finally, we will coach you in your delivery to ensure you own the room with confidence and clarity.

• Video used extensively to enhance feedback.

• Advanced narrative strategies to engage and inspire.

• Visual aid support if required.

• Fully customisable.

The Virtual Spotlight - New Online Course!

The fundamentals of remote business presenting.

  • Up to four participants - with individual video coaching
  • Ongoing virtual support

With workplaces all over the world turning fast to virtual communication, we know many teams will find themselves in the uncomfortable and unfamiliar position of not being able to communicate in person. Don't worry - we've got you covered.

Read more about this course

What our Clients Say

Dozens of programmes delivered across New Zealand and Australia…A transformational experience for participants - for some, life-changing…The difference between The Pickering Group and a typical supplier is that they have an ability to really understand a company – it’s purpose, values, culture, and current environment – at a deeper level than most. They get it. They adapt. They make an enormous difference.” Victoria Goulden Learning and Design Manager Pernod Ricard Australasia

presentation skills training nz

“When I needed Presentation Skills and Storytelling training for 60+ of our regional sales manager - delivered in just one impactful day - Russell and The Pickering Group totally nailed it!!” Annaliese Atina General Manager Field Sales & NCC Coca-Cola Amatil NZ

presentation skills training nz

“The ‘Leading with Stories’ programme empowered our senior leaders to continue telling the stories of our transformation – to lift our strategy out of the spreadsheets and PowerPoints and into the hearts of our people.” Wayne McNee Chief Executive. Livestock Improvement Corporation

presentation skills training nz

“Russell Pickering is STELLAR at his craft, absolutely the best in New Zealand. He exemplifies presence and connection. My clients rate him as a top notch presenter and executive coach. If you need to ramp up your impact as a leader, Russell is the man to call.” Harold Hillman, Ph.D. Managing Director, Sigmoid Curve Consulting Group
"Hugely popular courses – with immediate, tangible results. Well over a hundred of our people are now more impactful, confident speakers because of The Pickering Group’s programmes" Kerry Dewar Leadership & Capability Manager Mercury

presentation skills training nz

"The ability to communicate your ideas with clarity, to inspire your audience to action, to share stories that bring your business strategy to life – these are all essential qualities for leaders in the modern business world. Nobody helps you do that better than Russell and his team at The Pickering Group.” Joanna Simon Chief Operating Officer DLA Piper

presentation skills training nz

“When we were looking to embed the crucial leadership capability of storytelling across the Agency, The Pickering Group provided a tailored programme that was engaging, practical and fun – but most importantly – that worked. Our people come away from the programme absolutely buzzing and eager to utilise their new-found storytelling skills.” Trent Maulder Senior Organisation Development Consultant NZ Transport Agency

presentation skills training nz

“Russell takes you out of your comfort zone and into a growth zone related to the art of presenting and personal persuasion.  He is masterful at his craft; a true sensei in every regard.  Step Into the Spotlight is an incredible gift of wisdom, insights and practical ways to influence others with maximum impact.” Harold Hillman Ph. D, leadership coach Author of The Impostor Syndrome and EM-PA-THY
  • Presentation & Public Speaking Skills

Business Storytelling

  • Influence & Persuasion

Other Courses

Business Storytelling Courses - Pickering Group

Influence & Persuasion Training

Influence & Persuasion Training Courses

Keep up to date with the latest tips and resources by joining our mailing list.

Russell's new book is available now Find out more .

Corporate Training Courses in Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington, Hamilton, Tauranga, New Zealand Logo

Presentation Skills Training Courses in New Zealand

Presentation skills training courses in new zealand  .

Embarking on a journey to enhance presentation skills is a pivotal step towards professional growth and effective communication. In New Zealand, a rich array of Presentation Skills Training Courses awaits, offering participants the opportunity to master the art of delivering impactful and engaging presentations. These courses, available in both online and face-to-face formats, cater to individuals at various skill levels, from beginners seeking fundamental techniques to seasoned presenters aiming to refine their delivery.  

The landscape of modern presentations demands not only clarity and confidence but also creativity and audience engagement. Presentation Skills Training Courses in New Zealand are designed to equip participants with a comprehensive toolkit, encompassing everything from structuring compelling narratives to leveraging visual aids and mastering effective delivery techniques. Whether it’s captivating a boardroom audience or engaging a virtual audience through digital platforms, these courses empower individuals to leave a lasting impression and convey their message with clarity and conviction.   

Lists of Presentation Skills Training Courses in New Zealand:   

  • Structuring Engaging Presentations Training Course in New Zealand Learn techniques for structuring presentations to capture audience attention and convey key messages effectively.
  • Visual Design for Presentations Training Course in New Zealand Explore design principles and tools for creating visually appealing and impactful presentation slides.
  • Public Speaking Confidence Training Course in New Zealand Build confidence in public speaking through practical exercises and strategies for managing nerves.
  • Storytelling Techniques Training Course in New Zealand Master the art of storytelling to make presentations more engaging, memorable, and persuasive.
  • Audience Analysis and Adaptation Training Course in New Zealand Understand audience demographics and preferences to tailor presentations for maximum impact.
  • Vocal Modulation and Delivery Training Course in New Zealand Develop vocal modulation and delivery techniques to enhance clarity, expressiveness, and engagement.
  • Body Language and Nonverbal Communication Training Course in New Zealand Learn how to use body language and nonverbal cues effectively to convey confidence and credibility.
  • Presentation Rehearsal and Preparation Training Course in New Zealand Gain insights into effective rehearsal and preparation techniques to deliver polished and professional presentations.
  • Handling Q&A Sessions Training Course in New Zealand Learn strategies for managing question and answer sessions confidently and effectively.
  • Visual Aids Integration Training Course in New Zealand Explore best practices for integrating visual aids such as slides, videos, and props into presentations seamlessly.
  • Persuasive Communication Skills Training Course in New Zealand Develop skills in persuasive communication to influence and persuade audiences effectively.
  • Engaging Virtual Presentations Training Course in New Zealand Master techniques for delivering engaging and interactive presentations in virtual settings.
  • Presentation Impact and Effectiveness Training Course in New Zealand Analyse presentation impact and effectiveness metrics to make data-driven improvements.
  • Time Management in Presentations Training Course in New Zealand Learn time management strategies to deliver concise and impactful presentations within designated timeframes.
  • Audience Engagement Techniques Training Course in New Zealand Explore interactive techniques and activities to engage and involve audiences throughout presentations.
  • Presentation Style and Personality Training Course in New Zealand Discover how to infuse your unique style and personality into presentations while maintaining professionalism.
  • Humour and Storytelling in Presentations Training Course in New Zealand Incorporate humour and storytelling techniques to create memorable and entertaining presentations.
  • Presentation Delivery Platforms Training Course in New Zealand Gain proficiency in using various presentation delivery platforms and technologies for seamless presentations.
  • Handling Difficult Audience Situations Training Course in New Zealand Learn strategies for managing challenging audience behaviours and situations during presentations.
  • Visual Storyboarding for Presentations Training Course in New Zealand Use visual storyboarding techniques to plan and structure presentations for maximum impact.
  • Presentation Feedback and Improvement Training Course in New Zealand Solicit feedback and implement continuous improvement strategies to enhance presentation skills.
  • Cross-cultural Communication in Presentations Training Course in New Zealand Understand cultural nuances and adapt communication styles for diverse audience groups.
  • Presentation Confidence Building Exercises Training Course in New Zealand Participate in confidence-building exercises and simulations to overcome presentation anxiety.
  • Persuasive Visual Design Training Course in New Zealand Learn design principles specific to creating persuasive and impactful visual presentations.
  • Audience Interaction Strategies Training Course in New Zealand Explore techniques for fostering audience interaction and participation during presentations.
  • Crisis Communication and Presentation Training Course in New Zealand Develop skills in delivering presentations during crisis situations with clarity and composure.
  • Presentation Ethics and Professionalism Training Course in New Zealand Understand ethical considerations and professional standards in presentation content and delivery.
  • Presentation Skills for Sales Professionals Training Course in New Zealand Tailor presentation skills specifically for sales professionals, including pitching, objection handling, and closing techniques.
  • Digital Presentation Tools Mastery Training Course in New Zealand Master the use of digital presentation tools and software to create dynamic and engaging presentations.
  • Presentation Skills for Leadership Training Course in New Zealand Develop advanced presentation skills for leadership roles, including strategic messaging and executive presence.

In conclusion, the extensive array of top-notch Presentation Skills Training Courses available in New Zealand underscores the importance placed on effective communication and professional development. These courses, offered both online and in-person, cater to individuals at all levels, from beginners looking to master basic presentation techniques to seasoned professionals aiming to refine their delivery and impact. By investing in these courses, participants not only enhance their presentation skills but also gain invaluable tools and strategies to succeed in diverse professional settings.  

The diversity of topics covered in Presentation Skills Training Courses, including storytelling, visual design, audience engagement, and digital presentation mastery, reflects the multifaceted nature of modern presentations. Participants learn not just how to deliver information but also how to captivate audiences, convey messages persuasively, and make lasting impressions. Moreover, the emphasis on continuous improvement and adapting to evolving presentation trends ensures that participants stay ahead of the curve and remain effective communicators in today’s dynamic business environment.  

Ultimately, enrolling in Presentation Skills Training Courses in New Zealand is a strategic investment in personal and professional growth. It equips individuals with the skills, confidence, and versatility needed to excel in presentations, influence stakeholders, and achieve their career goals. As communication continues to be a cornerstone of success in various industries, honing presentation skills through these courses is a step towards becoming a more impactful and influential communicator in the workplace and beyond. Presentation Skills Training Courses in New Zealand. New Zealand Best Presentation Skills Training Courses. Presentation Skills Training Courses New Zealand. Presentation Skills Training Courses in New Zealand by Knowles Training Institute. 2019 & 2020 Presentation Skills Training Courses in New Zealand.

presentation skills training nz

Terms and Conditions: 1. Valid for 30 Days Only, 2. 1 Person Only, 3. Selected Courses Only, 4. General Terms and Conditions Applied*

Penny Harrison

Communication skills are universal and mandatory to business and career success

Most communication skills can be developed effectively in a group environment. we provide a broad range of in-house communication programmes especially designed for this purpose. they are highly interactive, based on proven techniques and they utilise international communications research..

"In an information-based economy, a company's most important asset is not its people, but the richness of the connections between its people" Dr Reuben McDaniel

Penny 027 281 9502

Janine 0274 898 888

Home > In-house training programmes > Presentation Skills


Public speaking is a popular fear.  This programme shows you how to manage your nerves and use your strengths to engage an audience. Video feedback enables the training to be pitched at each person's skill level.  The programme provides you with an easy checklist to help you prepare for presentations.

Presentation skills:

Effective presentation skills.

The ability to communicate to groups is a powerful business skill to have. A compelling presentation can stimulate, motivate and open doors for you – all of which have obvious benefits. Video feedback enables this programme to provide very useful development for experienced presenters as well as novices.

Add power to your professional image

  • Confident presenting creates influence
  • Find your unique speaking style and learn how to really use it

Strengthen your delivery skills

  • How to look confident and professional, even when you don't feel it!
  • The six keys to effective delivery of a presentation
  • Handling nervousness
  • Projecting your voice
  • Video feedback and work on strengthening your personal speaking style

Maximise the effectiveness of your preparation

  • Learn to analyse your audience - the single most important factor
  • Focusing on your purpose
  • Keeping the audience engaged
  • Managing technical detail and data
  • How to handle humour
  • Video feedback

Access the power of the visual message

  • Keys to the professional use of visuals
  • Simple rules for creating good visuals

Handling questions from an audience

  • Five steps that will stimulate questions from your audience
  • How to think on your feet
  • Reducing negativity and resistance in a group

Course List

  • Difficult conversations/Conflict resolution
  • Presentation Skills
  • Customer Service
  • Individual communication style: the DiSC Behavioural style inventory
  • Negotiation
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Relationship management
  • Managing pressure
  • Leading effective meetings, plus how to participate more effectively

Need More Help?

If you can't find the right solution here, click here to see our solutions menu or email us below and we will contact you. We are happy to talk with you on a no obligation basis. If we can't provide a solution, we usually know who can.

Contact Us >

Success Story

"Participants on our courses have always rated Communicate Consultants very highly for the relevance of the content of their sessions and the professional way in which they carry out their work. Their sessions are lively and effective and a highlight of our programs."


Training Courses

  • Conference Speakers

In-House Workshops

Virtual workshops, one on one coaching.

In person workshops are great for bringing people together and creating opportunities to learn and excel professionally.

Sometimes teams are geographically dispersed so virtual training may be a better option for you.

Sometimes you don’t need to train a whole team.

Want some e-learning options created or some refresher learning? We can help with that.

Skillset is a training and consultancy company based in Wellington and Christchurch.

Our clients tend to be large and medium-sized businesses and organisations throughout NZ and beyond.

It’s true that we have a range of generic workshops we have designed over many years but we can also work with you to identify learning gaps and provide personal and professional development training for your people.

Our aim is to make people more effective at work. They’ll enjoy their jobs more and you’ll create a better culture for your organisation.

Skillset has been in business for over 30 years and we are amongst the most experienced and sought after trainers in New Zealand.

Our trainers are knowledgeable, talented and passionate people. We’ve lived what we teach – and have the war stories to prove it.

Our experience, combined with your in-house expertise, sound research, international practice and good psychology, will create engaging learning experiences for your people.

World-class training designed for your organisation

  • Create great leaders

presentation skills training nz

  • Management Skills
  • Leadership Skills
  • Team Building
  • First Leader’s Toolkit
  • Effective Meetings
  • Managing Time and Pressure
  • Ethics at Work
  • Creating Fun at Work
  • Developing Great Culture
  • Build professional capability
  • Coaching Others
  • Presentation Skills for Beginners
  • Presentation Skills for Managers
  • Effective Business Writing
  • Train the Trainer
  • Creative Thinking

Negotiate Great Outcomes

  • Negotiate great outcomes
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Effective Conflict Resolution
  • Mediation & Conflict Resolution Skills

Communicate With Humans

  • Communicate with humans
  • Assertiveness Skills
  • Customer Service
  • Communication and People skills
  • Dealing with Difficult & Challenging Behaviours

Managing Aggressive Behaviour

  • Motivational Interviewing skills

Effective Interviews & Investigations

  • Investigative Interviewing Skills
  • Investigative Skills
  • Intelligence Capability
  • Regulatory Practice
  • Reports and Reviews

Foster Wellbeing At Work

  • Foster wellbeing at work
  • Building Resilience
  • Developing Emotional Intelligence

presentation skills training nz

Thank you for the professional manner in which Skillset has supported our mahi building our regulatory practice.

It has been such a positive experience working with Skillset. I really enjoyed our time together.

The warmth, passion and inclusivity Skillset brings is always inspiring. It’s been a privilege to work with you over the years.

Excellent. Really interesting and helpful content that we can take into our work. The Trainer gave lots of interesting examples to explain the material.

Very interesting and useful. Our trainer was very personable – open to questions and was always able to answer our questions.

I thought it was great! You showed us new, great methods we can apply that added to our skillset.

Met our needs 100%. Very informative, and well structured. Thank you for sharing the knowledge.

Recognising, responding, and reporting aggressive behaviours in the workplace – supporting health and safety systems Training with actors. These workshops take

Tactical communications and situational awareness

Tactical Communications and situational awareness workshop Safety for people on the front line – a health and safety basic. Safety

Communication Skills: Professional Sports

Do you coach a team of professional sports people? Do you need your team members to communicate more effectively with

Time Management

Time Management Workshop Get more done with less stress and better results It’s for staff as well as leaders. Strictly

Training and learning: How to achieve more

I remember him well. He was a law lecturer who became a professor and law commissioner. He knew the value

Employee engagement: Just going through the motions?

Why does your team exist? When I ask people in workshops to discuss that question and craft a simple answer,

Jeremy Nelson

Jeremy Nelson

Roydon Gibbs

Roydon Gibbs

Fingal Pollock

Fingal Pollock

Alana Billingham

Alana Billingham

Contact skillset.

We’ll design the training to match your needs and priorities. Talk with one of our specialist trainers about what you want to achieve. (There will be no pressure, that’s not our style.) All our training is designed for clients.

presentation skills training nz

  • Privacy Policy
  • Effective Interviews & Investigations

Christchurch: (03) 365 3164

Wellington: (04) 234 6992

International: (64 3) 365 3164

© 2024 Skillset New Zealand Limited

Designed by Electric Escape Web Design

Audience Alive NZ

Presentation Skills Training

We teach the art of presenting – online or in-person.

Interesting, engaging, funny, interactive. Heaps of tips and tricks to takeaway!

John Quinn… such an engaging presenter, had my attention right from the start. I will never use a bullet point again!

Great ideas and help thinking about how I can DISRUPT at my events!

Presentation training is crucial

If you’ve got confidence in yourself, and your communication skills then this will allow you to better communicate with others in public settings and sell your message. Having, or not having, these skills can be the difference between a great presentation and one that bomb’s. But not many are just born ‘great presenters’. It takes knowledge, time and practice to become an exceptional presenter but not to worry, Audience Alive’s presentation skills training helps guide you onto the path of presenter greatness.

presentation skills training

Learn presenting skills

 When you learn presenting skills with Audience Alive you won’t miss out on using PowerPoint. We don’t ban PowerPoint, instead you’ll learn how to present effectively WITH it. Get ready to learn to present WITHOUT 100’s of slides and 1000’s of bullet points. Be willing to try something new and get out of your comfort zone because the rewards you’ll get from a unique presentation delivered with confidence are endless.

presentation training

Years of experience

Students trained, increase in sales using better techniques, increase in client engagement, out with the old, in with the new.

Death-by-PowerPoint, Bullet-Points, Reading slides; these are just some of the mistakes today’s presenters make when trying to communicate effectively. We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again. These are boring, sleep-inducing techniques. Instead our presentation course focuses on the new skills, designs and artistry for your presentations and how to effectively use the latest interactive and multimedia technologies to light your presentation on fire! Trust us when we say that interactive presentations with interesting and slick visuals, graphics, videos and audio play like a work of art that captures your audience’s attention and brings the engagement level from 2 to 10 in minutes.

Looking to train your kids?

Our presentation skills training courses are designed to work for you.

We know that one size doesn’t fit all so we customize our public presentation training depending on your needs: Have a fear of presenting? No worries, we’ll focus on developing your communication skills so you’ve got confidence and presence when speaking. Want a kickass presentation template designed and then rolled out to your salespeople? No drama, we’ll teach the fundamentals of effective presentations and how to use creative design tools to help push your message. 

Be trained in presenting with the professionals at Audience Alive. We’ve been around since 2001 and would love to use our experience, industry know-how and presentation expertise to help you become the ultimate presenter.

Topics covered in our courses:

Our courses have been developed to help increase knowledge about the fundamentals of effective presentations, learn new skills and techniques on putting presentations together, and become acquainted with the latest the world of multimedia technology has to offer us. Below are the main areas our courses cover:

Writing a script

Filter and condense

Start with the end in mind

Keep it simple

The art of story telling

Examples of great speeches

Lessons from Steve Jobs

Acquiring confidence

Show your passion

Start strong

Keep it short

Virtual presenting

Make good eye contact

Voice – tone, pitch, projection

Limit bullet points & text

Limit transitions & builds

Where to find great images

Use appropriate charts

Using video effectively

Learn amazing animations

Prezi , Keynote

Voting Apps

Electronic Voting systems

Augmented Reality

Registration Systems

I’ve been on three of AudienceAlive’s workshops on Presentation Skills and each time I come out with a WOW experience. at first, I thought it was just me being an enthusiast for great presentations and using presentation software, but after I got AudienceAlive in to do a custom-course for the team, the vote was unanimous – it was a resounding WOW without exception from everyone in the audience. and just to put this into context – the audience were people who were ‘presenting’ for years. The greatest thing about the workshops that Audience Alive conducts that its contents are upto date, and you know that’s true because you’ve not even heard or seen these functions on PowerPoint yet (or just missed them completely the whole time). Then there’s John himself, who is a wealth of knowledge on the topic and has all the evidence to show that it works and YOU can do it as well – albeit with practice. Finally, the add-on’s – you get a ton of stuff for free, as though the knowledge and skills JQ has passed on wasn’t enough. A highly recommended workshop for anyone who is presenting to an audience. Go to AudienceAlive now, it’s never too late.

VP and Head Career Management and Succession Planning , Riyad Bank

If you've enjoyed this information then please signup for our next  free online training session:

Join us for a one hour training session on creating impactful presentations both online and in-person. Find out how to successfully incorporate:

  • Tips on how to present yourself and slides when presenting online
  • How to make your slides not look "powerpointy"
  • Examples of data visualization using icons and infographics
  • New tools in PowerPoint such as; picture background remover, icon library, summary zoom, live captioning and more

What's in it for me?

  • Tips on how to present for optimum delivery and audience retention
  • Advice from a Presentologist who’s created over 5000 presentations
  • A live demo of how to access these tools within PowerPoint

Please choose from our other courses below:

presentation skills training nz

Audience Engagement

presentation skills training nz

Data Visualization

presentation skills training nz

Master PowerPoint

presentation skills training nz

Advanced Public Speaking

presentation skills training nz

Presentation skills for kids

presentation skills training nz

  • Onsite training

3,000,000+ delegates

15,000+ clients

1,000+ locations

  • KnowledgePass
  • Log a ticket

+64 98874342 Available 24/7

presentation skills training nz

Presentation Skills | Presentation Skills Training in Auckland

accredited by


  • Articulate your ideas and messages effectively with this Presentation Skills Training
  • Learn about presentation styles and visual aids to give compelling presentations
  • Gain the confidence to present to diverse audiences

Course information

  • Course syllabus
  • Who it’s for
  • What’s included
  • Why choose this course

Presentation Skills Training Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Presentation Skills

  • Fundamentals of Presenting
  • Become an Effective Speaker
  • Your Field of Communication
  • Most Common Mistakes
  • How to Present with Confidence?
  • Planning and Structuring a Presentation
  • Transitions
  • Organising Presentation Material to Suit Your Audience

Module 2: Using Relevant Presentation Methods

  • Presentation Styles
  • Preparing for the Occasion
  • Preparing for Your Audience
  • Using What, Why, and How to Write Your Presentation

Module 3: Bringing Your Presentation to Life

  • How to Make a Good Impression from the Start?
  • Getting Your Point Across
  • Authentic Communication
  • Finding Your Own Voice

Module 4: Activity

  • Using Visual Aids
  • How to Prepare and Present Data?
  • How and When to Engage with the Audience?
  • Reading Audience Reactions
  • Grabbing the Attention of Your Audience
  • Asking Questions
  • Inspire and Motivate
  • Body Language
  • Eye Contact
  • Using Emotional Intelligence
  • Successfully Closing a Presentation
  • Receiving Feedback

Module 5: Dealing with Unforeseen Circumstances

  • Improvising and Thinking on Your Feet
  • Room Layouts
  • Beating Last Minute Nerves
  • Staying Calm When There are Delays in Starting or Technology Failures
  • Dealing with Difficult Audiences
  • Dealing with Questions

Who should attend this Presentation Skills Training Course?

The Presentation Skills Course is ideally suited for individuals across various professional backgrounds who wish to enhance their ability to deliver impactful and engaging presentations. This Presentation Skills Course can benefit a wide range of professionals, including: 

  • Executives and Managers
  • Sales and Marketing Professionals
  • Project Managers
  • Public Relations Professionals
  • Public Speakers
  • Entrepreneurs

Prerequisites of the Presentation Skills Training Course

There are no formal prerequisites for this Presentation Skills Training Course.

Presentation Skills Training Course Overview

The ability to convey ideas, information, and goals effectively is paramount for professional success. A skilled presenter can captivate an audience, persuade stakeholders, and propel careers forward. In today's competitive landscape, mastering Presentation Skills is key to achieving professional growth and influence.

The Presentation Skills Course offered by The Knowledge Academy is designed to equip delegates with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver impactful presentations, enhance confidence, and engage audiences effectively. The course is tailored for professionals, educators, and anyone keen on refining their presentation abilities, empowering them to excel in their respective roles.

This intensive 1-day Presentation Skills Training Course by The Knowledge Academy equips delegates with a robust toolkit for crafting compelling presentations. Delegates explore proven techniques to structure content logically, enhance delivery style, and handle Q&A sessions adeptly. Through engaging Presentation Skills Training Course sessions and real-time feedback, delegates gain invaluable insights.

Course Objectives

  • To master the art of structuring presentations for maximum impact
  • To develop effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills
  • To create visually engaging and informative slides
  • To learn techniques for managing nervousness and stage fright
  • To gain strategies for handling questions and discussions
  • To enhance audience engagement and participation
  • To understand the psychology of persuasion in presentations
  • To practice and receive constructive feedback on presentation delivery

After completing the Presentation Skills Course, delegates will possess a powerful skill set to excel in their professional roles. They will have the confidence to deliver compelling presentations that captivate and persuade audiences. Whether pitching ideas, leading meetings, or delivering training sessions, delegates will stand out as effective communicators.

What’s included in this Presentation Skills Training Course?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors 
  • Presentation Skills Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

Why choose us

Our auckland venue.

To make sure you’re always connected we offer completely free and easy to access wi-fi.

Air conditioned

To keep you comfortable during your course we offer a fully air conditioned environment.

Full IT support

IT support is on hand to sort out any unforseen issues that may arise.

Video equipment

This location has full video conferencing equipment.

Auckland is located in the North Island of New Zealand and is the largest area in the country. The population in Auckland is around 1,414,000 which makes up 31% of the entire countries population. Auckland was ranked 9 th in the ‘World’s Most Liveable Places’ study in 2015. Auckland’s urban area has around 340 primary schools, 80 secondary schools and 29 combined schools catering for nearly 250,000 people. Auckland is also home to Rangitoto College which is the largest school in New Zealand housing over 3065 students. Auckland is home to some of the largest Universities in New Zealand and is renowned for its overseas language education, with a huge amount of foreign students choosing to study there. Some of the most acclaimed Universities in Auckland are: University of Auckland, Auckland University of Technology, Massey University, Manukau Institute of Technology and Unitec New Zealand. The University of Auckland is the largest and highest ranked university in the country. The University of Auckland was founded in 1883 and is made up of over 8 faculties and houses more than 40,000 students. The University of Auckland offers students various areas of study, such as Faculty of Arts, Business School, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. Massey University is another university situated in Auckland, Massey University houses over 35,000 students with 17,000 of those being distance learning students. Massey University is the only university in New Zealand that offers degrees in nanoscience, veterinary medicine and aviation. Massey University was established in 1927 and has links with the USA, Australia, Canada and Britain. The Unitec Institute of Technology is the largest institute of technology in Auckland and has over 16,000 students. The Institute was established in 1976. The Institute offers students degree programs in arts, business and technical subjects at bachelors, masters and doctoral level. The Manukau Institute of Technology was established in 1970 and houses over 25,000 students. The Manakau Institute of Technology offers students areas of study such as; Hospitality, Computing & IT, English Language, Engineering and Sport. The Manakau Institute of Technology has close connections with other institutes such as; University of Auckland, Te Wananga o Aotearoa and the Unitec Institute of Technology. 

Level 2, Regus Building, 6 Clayton Street

Ways to take this course

Online Instructor-led

Online Self-paced

Experience live, interactive learning from home with The Knowledge Academy's Online Instructor-led Presentation Skills | Presentation Skills Training in Auckland. Engage directly with expert instructors, mirroring the classroom schedule for a comprehensive learning journey. Enjoy the convenience of virtual learning without compromising on the quality of interaction.

  • See trainer’s screen
  • Recording & transcripts
  • Virtual whiteboard
  • Share documents
  • Works on all devices


Unlock your potential with The Knowledge Academy's Presentation Skills | Presentation Skills Training in Auckland, accessible anytime, anywhere on any device. Enjoy 90 days of online course access, extendable upon request, and benefit from the support of our expert trainers. Elevate your skills at your own pace with our Online Self-paced sessions.

  • Unlimited mock exam attempts --> Certificates provided online
  • Get immediate access on purchase


Experience the most sought-after learning style with The Knowledge Academy's Presentation Skills | Presentation Skills Training in Auckland. Available in 490+ locations across 190+ countries, our hand-picked Classroom venues offer an invaluable human touch. Immerse yourself in a comprehensive, interactive experience with our expert-led Presentation Skills | Presentation Skills Training in Auckland sessions.


Highly experienced trainers

Boost your skills with our expert trainers, boasting 10+ years of real-world experience, ensuring an engaging and informative training experience


State of the art training venues

We only use the highest standard of learning facilities to make sure your experience is as comfortable and distraction-free as possible


Small class sizes

Our Classroom courses with limited class sizes foster discussions and provide a personalised, interactive learning environment


Great value for money

Achieve certification without breaking the bank. Find a lower price elsewhere? We'll match it to guarantee you the best value

Streamline large-scale training requirements with The Knowledge Academy's In-house/Onsite at your business premises. Experience expert-led classroom learning from the comfort of your workplace and engage professional development.


Tailored learning experience

Leverage benefits offered from a certification that fits your unique business or project needs


Maximise your training budget

Cut unnecessary costs and focus your entire budget on what really matters, the training.


Team building opportunity

Our offers a unique chance for your team to bond and engage in discussions, enriching the learning experience beyond traditional classroom settings


Monitor employees progress

The course know-how will help you track and evaluate your employees' progression and performance with relative ease

Some of our worldclass trainers


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What our customers are saying

Very good, highly knowledgeable.

Manga Lavanuru

Saeed abdulla m a al-hajri.

Jimmy was very accommodating, engaging and actively made sure that everyone benefited from todays session.

Nosagie Edosa

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Best price in the industry

You won't find better value in the marketplace. If you do find a lower price, we will beat it.


Many delivery methods

Flexible delivery methods are available depending on your learning style.


High quality resources

Resources are included for a comprehensive learning experience.

barclays Logo

"Really good course and well organised. Trainer was great with a sense of humour - his experience allowed a free flowing course, structured to help you gain as much information & relevant experience whilst helping prepare you for the exam"

Joshua Davies, Thames Water

bmw Logo

"...the trainer for this course was excellent. I would definitely recommend (and already have) this course to others."

Diane Gray, Shell

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Team Leader Skills Package

Included courses:.

Presentation Skills Training NZD1995

Time Management Training NZD1995

Leadership Skills Training NZD1995

Effective Communication Skills NZD1995

Stress Management Course NZD1995

Presentation Skills Training

Total without package:  NZD9975

Package price:   NZD5995 (Save NZD3980)

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(78 remaining)

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Presentation Skills Training Course Schedule

To book, please click on your preferred date below

2-day course

Karstens, Tower 1, Level 4, 205 Queen Street Auckland NZ 1010


Filling fast Filling fast Filling fast Filling fast

2-day course

Lumify, 13 Stanley Street, Sydenham Christchurch NZ 8240


Filling fast Filling fast Filling fast Filling fast

2-day course

Lumify, JacksonStone House, , Level 8, 11 Hunter Street Wellington NZ 6141


Filling fast Filling fast Filling fast Filling fast

Live Online Schedule

Torque Presentation Skills Training

  • Business Presentation Skills
  • Public Courses
  • In-house Tailored Courses
  • Master Class
  • Testimonials
  • Trusted Trainers
  • Tips & Advice
  • Quotes For Presentations
  • Jokes For Presentations

Check out what do we offer! 

What do we offer.

TORQUE Ltd offers a range of services to organisations throughout New Zealand and the Pacific rim that empowers your people with confidence and competence that make a real difference and impact on your bottom line.

Specialising in Training, Guest Speaking and Master of Ceremonies, TORQUE Ltd have been involved with all industries imaginable.

Making a training investment in your people with TORQUE Ltd will return benefits for your company in many areas, these include:

  • Sales Presentations
  • Winning Tenders
  • Staff Announcements
  • Team Leading and Building
  • Health and Safety Issues
  • Quality Assurance Programs
  • Policy/Procedure Announcements
  • Product Launches and Training
  • Management and Leadership Roles
  • Board Room Presentations
  • Training (in house and external)
  • A more confident and dynamic team within the Company

presentation skills training nz

An enormous amount of time and money is invested in conferences, so why leave the most important areas to chance?

In David’s role as Master of Ceremonies, he quickly builds rapport with the audience using wit, humour and interaction so that they have a very positive and memorable experience. Add to that the fact that David will ensure that your sponsors are well catered for and the conference theme is promoted throughout and you have a very professional conference.

David’s professionalism, expertise and confidence will ensure your event runs smoothly and on time.

Do you need your team to undertake challenges they never thought possible?

Do you have a compelling message that needs to be imparted, embraced, and acted upon?

David has inspired many thousands of people to fulfil their ambitions. He has spoken internationally at conferences and has motivated people the length and breadth of New Zealand. His message is simple; “Dare to Dream, you just might wake up doing it” He empowers his audiences to cast off their fears and doubts and to take on change and challenges with enthusiasm.

David tailors his presentations to meet your conference theme and criteria. His style is humorous so that the message sticks and remains effective. Have your audience inspired by New Zealand’s first World Champion Speaker.

As well as conducting in-house training, TORQUE offers personalised coaching to individuals. The more dynamic the individual is in presenting on behalf of their company the more powerful the company becomes in the eyes of the audience.

David has coached a wide range of individuals including CEO’s, teams pitching for multi-million dollar contracts, individuals representing their organisation, conference speakers, TV and sport personalities and anyone who needs to present themselves in public.

If you have a big presentation to make and you need to make it dynamic then have David Nottage as your coach and get your message across the way it needs to be delivered.


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    SpeakNZ offers half-day workshops to develop confident and skilled presenters for your organisation. Learn from New Zealand's most experienced specialist presentations training course provider and guarantee your investment with a course guarantee.

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    Torque Business offers public and tailored courses to help you improve your business presentation skills and confidence. Learn from a world champion speaker and work with Paralympic athletes as keynote speakers.

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    See what they say, in their own words, about our Presentation Skills Training Courses here. ... Presentation Skills Training Courses in New Zealand and Globally. 191 Thorndon Quay, Pipitea, Wellington 6011, NEW ZEALAND. email us: [email protected]. call us: +64 21 903490. Get free tips & resources direct to your inbox.

  5. Public Speaking Courses

    1 or 2 days (bespoke options available) In-house or virtual. Up to 10 participants. Junior - Senior. Our highly popular flagship programme covers all the fundamentals of delivering compelling and persuasive presentations, updates, stand-ups and briefings. This programme has helped thousands of people become better presenters by learning ...

  6. Presentation Skills Training Course

    Presentation skills training courses delivered New Zealand wide by presentation skills training specialists. ... Level 4, 205 Queen Street Auckland NZ 1010. $1500.00. 22 October Enrol Now Filling fast. 23 January Enrol Now Filling fast. 13 March Enrol Now Filling fast. 9 July Enrol Now Filling fast. Christchurch. 2-day course. Lumify, 13 ...

  7. Presentation Skills Training & Courses

    Master Presentation Skills Training Courses New Zealand. Learn effective audience interaction and confident delivery techniques. Join now! +64 98874342 - Available 24/7. Courses . Resources; ... The training fees for Presentation Skills in New Zealand starts from NZD1995. Show more. Why we're the go to training provider for you.

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    Onsite. Experience live, interactive learning from home with The Knowledge Academy's Online Instructor-led Presentation Skills Training. Engage directly with expert instructors, mirroring the classroom schedule for a comprehensive learning journey. Enjoy the convenience of virtual learning without compromising on the quality of interaction.

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    Presentation. Public speaking is a popular fear. This programme shows you how to manage your nerves and use your strengths to engage an audience. Video feedback enables the training to be pitched at each person's skill level. The programme provides you with an easy checklist to help you prepare for presentations. Presentation skills:

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    Our Business Presentation Skills course is a two day course designed to allow you to stand up and deliver your message with Confidence and Competence. You will be in a comfortable environment with a handful of other people (maximum of eight) seeking similar outcomes. We offer a range of presentation skills training courses for groups ...

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    The PD Training Accelerated Presentation Skills Training Course provides you with this in-depth knowledge and skill building in the planning, preparation and delivery of truly engaging presentations. ... This practical and engaging training course is available now throughout New Zealand. Please click the "Group Booking Quote" button to receive ...

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    Email: [email protected] PRESENTATION SKILLS TRAINING Generate a group quote today OR Register now for the next public course date COURSE LENGTH: 2.0 DAYS The PD Training Presentation Skills Training Course provides you with in-depth knowledge and skill building in the planning, preparation and delivery of truly engaging presentations.

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    Interested in training in presentation skills? We can help your presenters engage their audiences - whether they are speaking at major conferences, presenting to the community or colleagues, or speaking up at a meeting. ... Skillset New Zealand. P O Box 58024 Wellington. Tel: +64 (04) 234 6992. Unit 9, 41 Sir William Pickering Drive Christchurch.

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    Presentation Skills Training - Audience Alive Professional Public Speaking & Presentation Skills Training for Adults and Children - New Zealand & Australia. +64 2102944734 [email protected] 0 Items


    Enrol for our 1-day presentation skills masterclass to hone your professional public speaking skills. Our world-class trainers offer a 1-day presentation skills workshop to showcase the strength which helps to influence the gathering. ... energy, professionalism and humour to yesterday's training course. The feedback from the blokes was so ...

  18. Presentation Skills Training Course in Auckland

    Enhance your confidence & impact with our Presentation Skills Training. Learn useful techniques, build confidence, & deliver impactful presentations every time!. Regus Building, 6 Clayton Street ... Auckland is located in the North Island of New Zealand and is the largest area in the country. The population in Auckland is around 1,414,000 which ...

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    This 1-day Public Speaking training course in New Zealand will prepare you for delivering live presentations by teaching skills like how to overcome nervousness, how to boost your confidence, how to read your audience, using icebreakers, how to best interact with questions or interruptions and much more. The PD Training Public Speaking course ...

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    Skillset is a training and consultancy company based in Wellington and Christchurch. Our clients tend to be large and medium-sized businesses and organisations throughout NZ and beyond. It's true that we have a range of generic workshops we have designed over many years but we can also work with you to identify learning gaps and provide ...

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    Public Course - Fees. Two-Days Presentation Skills Public Course Workshop. NZ$1,500.00. NZ$225.00 (tax) Total: NZ$1,725.00. Buy Now. Discover your core strengths through our public speaking workshops & presentation skills training. Torque Business is a pioneer in providing 1-2 day Public Speaking Training courses. Enquire now!

  22. Presentation Skills Training

    Presentation skills training courses delivered New Zealand wide by presentation skills training specialists. ... Level 4, 205 Queen Street Auckland NZ 1010. $1500.00. 22 October Book Now Filling fast. 23 January Book Now Filling fast. 13 March Book Now Filling fast. 9 July Book Now Filling fast. Christchurch. 2-day course. Lumify, 13 Stanley ...

  23. Services

    Specialising in Training, Guest Speaking and Master of Ceremonies, TORQUE Ltd have been involved with all industries imaginable. Making a training investment in your people with TORQUE Ltd will return benefits for your company in many areas, these include: Sales Presentations. Winning Tenders. Staff Announcements.