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Making the young 'future ready' for a peaceful and sustainable world

Message by Prof. Anantha Duraiappah, Director Of UNESCO MGIEP

The future of our world lies in the hands of the youth – with over three billion people below the age of thirty-four. For more peaceful and sustainable societies to foster, the bulge of this youth demographic will play a vital role in dealing with changing environments and the challenges of the 21 st  century.

To contend with issues such as exponential economic growth, increasing population, globalisation and rising inequalities, education systems will play a crucial part in equipping the youth with suitable skills to make them ‘future ready’. Education systems need to transform themselves to empower the young with socio-effective skills that will help them effectively and efficiently respond to these challenges.

A report released in 2015 by the World Economic Forum (WEF) titled ‘New Vision for Education – Unlocking the Potential of Technology’ highlighted that in a technology driven world, students must possess competencies such as critical thinking and collaboration and character qualities including curiosity and adaptability in addition to the language arts, mathematics and sciences. Subsequent studies and reports by the WEF re-enforced these results, identifying the need for education systems to impart socio-emotional skills to complement the ‘technical skills’.

In the sixth issue of the Blue Dot, we focus on the importance of the 21 st  century skills for the young.

Based on existing research in the neurosciences, UNESCO MGIEP has identified four competencies that it believes the youth need to be equipped with to effectively address the challenges of the 21 st  century – including critical inquiry, mindfulness, empathy and compassion, which form the new integrative curriculum of UNESCO MGIEP’s LIBRE programme.

In the sixth issue of the Blue Dot, we focus on the importance of these 21 st  century skills for the young. The issue includes a foreword by the Minister of Human Resource Development, Government of India on the importance of inculcating 21 st  century skills in education systems and our Cover Story, which introduces UNESCO MGIEP’s LIBRE programme that follows an ‘integrated brain’ approach to education. Additionally, we feature opinions by specialists from academia, research and the industry on the lacuna present in existing education systems and the opportunities available to address this gap by introducing socio-emotional skills and inquiry oriented learning into curricula. Amongst various experts, we hear from Ines Kudo and Joan Hartley from The World Bank on the importance of ‘Teaching empathy and compassion in schools’; Prof. K.P. Mohanan on ‘Critical Inquiry and Inquiry oriented education’ and Dr. Marilee Bresciani Ludvik on how mindfulness forms the foundation for cultivating compassion.

Further, we present excerpts from a collection of ‘Ask me Anything’ sessions focused on socio-emotional skills, hosted on Knowledge Commons, UNESCO MGIEP’s knowledge sharing platform. We have been honoured to have the opportunity to host and learn from experts such as Dr. Richard Davidson, recognised as one of ‘The 100 most influential people in the world’ in 2006 by the Time Magazine and Chade-Meng Tan, currently the Chairman of Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute and Co-chair of One Billion Acts of Peace, which has been nominated eight times for the Nobel Peace Prize.

I hope you enjoy reading this issue of The Blue Dot and, as always, look forward to your feedback in order to improvise future editions of the magazine.

Anantha Kumar Duraiappah Director, UNESCO MGIEP

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Generations For Peace

The Power of Young People as Changemakers

Dec 11, 2018

the youth and our future essay

By Mercia Takavarasha, Senior Programmes Officer and Pioneer Facilitator at Generations For Peace

“The power of youth is the common wealth for the entire world. The faces of young people are the faces of our past, our present and our future. No segment in the society can match with the power, idealism, enthusiasm, and courage of the young people.” – Kailash Satyarthi

The headmaster at the first high school I taught at believed youth have rich perspectives and must be heard and heeded, and that teachers must listen, learn from them, and provide guidance. The motto was, ‘Forget tomorrow, let the young lead today!’

The school gave prefects, club committees, and sports captains the opportunities and freedom to exercise their duties with virtually no interference from the teachers, who would provide guidance and mentorship, only stepping in with solutions when requested or when absolutely necessary. As someone new to the teaching field, the idea of giving so much power to student leaders was foreign to me: I was concerned they were too young to take on that responsibility.

What an error – the younger ones cleared my doubt: they were instrumental in building a school culture envied across the province. Since then, I still believe and am confident that youth are not merely participants but changemakers that hold the key to building peace for current and future generations.


Young girls in Jordan engage in a GFP peacebuilding activity empowering them to be changemakers in their communities

I had the golden opportunity of working with resourceful, convergent thinkers, dependable prime movers and backers of school activities, innovative and driven model leaders. Some may say that youth leadership at the school-level is possible and expected, but when it comes to leading in socio-economic and political development, youth are too young to take that leap.

Youth and power have always been a difficult relationship. According to a recent Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) report , the leadership of younger people – though still low in official positions – is rising: 1.9% of the world’s Members of Parliament (MPs) are aged under 30 (up from 1.6% in 2014). Furthermore, 14.2% of the world’s MPs are aged under 40 (up from 12.9% in 2014).

Given these statistics, it is not surprising that I have repeatedly heard youth ask themselves, “What is this power we have? How can we experience ‘ execution of youth power ?’” While we are seeing younger leaders with political and economic titles, it would be a mistake to think that this is the only level at which they can wield influence and initiate needed change. Bringing about change does not require a badge or a title. Youth leave footprints of change in their communities.


A young Lebanese Volunteer leads local children in an activity to encourage them to grow into leaders of change and peace in their communities

The world has long associated youth with risk-taking and recklessness. They have been lumped into the created and accepted stereotypes of an inherently bad generation – troubled and troublesome with the news awash with negative portrayal.

Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” Young people are neither problems to be solved nor merely just part of the solution: as changemakers, they can influence outcomes and achieve real change! All we have to do is encourage and mentor them, then give them the space to do it.

A range of UN resolutions recognise this need to view youth as changemakers. Unanimously adopting Resolution 2419 (2018), the UN Security Council called on all relevant actors to consider ways to increase the representation of young people when negotiating and implementing peace agreements, recognising that their marginalisation is detrimental to building sustainable peace and countering violent extremism. Meanwhile, UNSCR 2250  (which was passed three years ago yesterday) recognises not only that “today’s generation of youth is the largest the world has ever known,” but also that “youth should actively be engaged in shaping lasting peace and contributing to justice and reconciliation, and that a large youth population presents a distinctive demographic bonus contributing to lasting peace and economic prosperity if inclusive policies are in place.”

Over the past eleven years, Generations For Peace has demonstrated the power of youth by engaging thousands of young people in communities around the globe. Changing the world does not start with the world, but with individuals!


Youth in the Republic of Macedonia engaging in Arts For Peace activity in their local community.

As a GFP Pioneer Facilitator, we train young people, encouraging and mentoring them to build the world they want to live in. My facilitation assignments brought me closer to this young generation, and I realised the enormous contributions they have made in the challenging and changing social, cultural, and political landscape.

The youth I have interacted with during trainings exhibit the passion and drive to bring about the change they desire. In Kaduna, Nigeria, I was captivated by the young volunteer leaders selected to lead the GFP “ Youth Advocacy to Prevent Violent Movements in Northern Nigeria ” Programme supported by Robert Bosch Stiftung. These young people are capable of identifying what is wrong in their communities and leading the change they need because they have creative minds focused more on the present and moving forward, whereas older generations have often come to accept societal ills and anomalies as norms.

These thirty ethnically diverse youth were passionate about and committed to commencing their small actions to achieve a giant step toward change within Kaduna State. And they did this with astounding success ! As they say, “Be the change that you want to see.”

My philosophy is that everyone has strengths, passions, capacities, and abilities, meaning the focus should never be on what is wrong with youth, but instead on how to use their relatively untapped reservoir of possibility, creativity, invention, and endless reams of energy to change the world.


Mercia leads a group of Volunteers as a Pioneer Facilitator during GFP Advanced Training

My experience as a teacher taught me that if you expect the worst from young people, you will get just that. My experience as a GFP Pioneer Facilitator has enabled me experience first-hand how diverse groups of youth from conflict divides take responsibility for the change they want in their communities and put in the effort needed to achieve that change. Though it takes time, patience, and grit, youth are proving that they are up to the task in playing their part to build more peaceful communities and societies.

The insight displayed, the enthusiasm harnessed, and creativity invested by these youth leaders as they identify issues of conflict, collectively agreeing on the kind of interventions they would like to carry out and the communities they want to engage, gives me hope that the world can be better if we recognise, equip, and mentor youth for the journey toward peace they decide to embark on.

If you want to learn more about the power of youth as changemakers, you can find stories of youth making a difference in their communities here.

Sign up for our  e-newsletter  to learn more about the impact of GFP on local communities around the globe and  donate here  to support our programmes in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe.


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the youth and our future essay

The social impact of youth

Seyedmohammadmahan Mir Nasiri

As the  youth  grows more aware of the world’s crisis, it is leading to a shift in the holistic perspective of our society. Increasingly, teenagers are becoming proactive about making an environmental difference wherever they can by choosing eco-friendly products and activities. This has resulted in an exponential rise in youth involvement with socio-environmental changes.

Teenagers are now more vocal than ever before, taking a stand on issues that matter and striving to ensure a healthier future for generations to come. It is safe to say that the power of the younger generations is helping foster fundamental changes in attitudes toward humanity and nature. In conclusion, it is clear that there is a great social impact associated with giving the right direction to teenagers who have both the potential and vision to make a difference today.

Today’s youth are being called upon to rise up and make a difference in the world. As our planet faces an uncertain future, it’s more important than ever for the next generation of young people to do their part in preserving our planet’s ecology.

As members of the most tech-savvy generation yet, teenagers are increasingly aware of the negative impact that human activities have had on the environment. From driving eco-friendly cars to promoting green initiatives, there is a growing sense among this age group that they can make a positive social and environmental impact.

The youth’s enthusiasm and energy should be utilized as an impetus for more environmentally friendly practices throughout society. With their creativity and optimistic outlook, young people can make a genuine difference in countering climate change and protecting our planet from rising temperatures, melting glaciers, and other dangerous consequences of global warming.

In today’s world, the social impact of youth is undeniable. Teenagers and young adults are some of the most influential people in our society and they can play a major role in making positive changes when it comes to eco-friendly initiatives and other environment-related issues.

Young people have immense potential to make a difference by raising awareness, developing solutions, and educating others on their use. They are also instrumental in forming sustainable habits and encouraging future generations to act responsibly when it comes to preserving our planet. Moreover, their enthusiasm for unorthodox ways of promoting environmentalism can potentially lead to groundbreaking progress.

The social impact of youth is an important factor to consider in today’s society. As teenagers and young adults, we have the power to make a positive difference in our communities and the world. Our decisions can be impactful in many areas, from environmental sustainability to economic development. We can create eco-friendly initiatives that reduce waste and conserve energy. We can also use our voices to advocate for causes that are important to us, such as education reform or climate change action. By engaging with our peers, we can create meaningful dialogue about issues that matter to us and work together towards solutions. By being mindful of our actions and taking responsibility for them, we can be powerful agents of social change.

The social impact of youth is an important issue that needs to be addressed. Teenagers have a great potential to make a positive impact on our environment and society. They can use their energy, creativity, and enthusiasm to create meaningful change in the world around them.

Youth can play an important role in helping to create more eco-friendly communities by engaging in activities such as recycling, reducing waste, and participating in green initiatives. They can also use their voices to advocate for causes they care about and help spread awareness about important social issues. Additionally, teenagers can volunteer their time to help those less fortunate than them or participate in activities that will benefit their community as a whole.

Overall, the social impact of youth is immense and there are numerous ways they can be impactful both now and in the future.

As youths in modern society, it is important to understand our influence and how we could be impactful. We can use our platforms and our innate qualities to become agents of change. Through education on the environment and eco-friendly practices, teenagers can make a difference to their peers by providing them with more ways to be more sustainable. We have the power to create a better future for generations to come. We should also encourage youth to get involved in activities that will help shape their growth as individuals and inspire others around them. That way, young people could learn about civic engagement, and social justice issues, and be part of positive change in the world.

In today’s world, teenagers and young adults have become an important part of society. They come with innovative ideas, technological advancements, and a vision for the future. It is only fitting that we look at the impact that this age group can have on the social environment.

The youth plays an important role in shaping our society. They are the ones who provide much-needed insights about what works and what might not work for a particular community. As such, their ideas and words can influence peers, adults, and even policy decisions. So it becomes essential to gauge how they can be effective in creating an eco-friendly environment through action-oriented initiatives like reducing waste production or energy consumption.

This age group has a responsibility to create awareness among their peers, as well as take steps that are in line with environmental preservation practices. How they handle this responsibility will leave implications not just for themselves but also for the generations to follow them in time.

Today’s youth have the power to make a huge positive change in their environment. By making small sustainable lifestyle choices, they can have an impactful effect on reducing environmental impact and shaping their peers’ behavior for a brighter future. Taking eco-friendly initiatives like opting for public transport or commuting on a bike can be simple yet effective actions that can leave a lasting impact, which will benefit everyone involved. The collective social action of today’s teenagers is a testament to the fact that it is entirely possible to create lasting, meaningful changes by acting collectively.

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Essay contest for youth on the future they want

the youth and our future essay

 Over a year ago, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a pandemic. Since then, we have lived through lockdowns, curfews and a major disruption of our ‘normal’ lives. In India, a second wave proved to be far more challenging, also impacting the youth.  

Many researchers have found a two-fold increase in anxiety and depression amongst teenagers and youth during this time. The loss of jobs, uncertainty over the future and COVID-19 related triggers, like the fear of losing a loved one, present complicated challenges.   

As a platform for critical thinking and writing, Takhte and UNESCO are launching the third edition of the Pan India Online Essay Contest 2021,  called ‘ Year 2 AC - After Coronavirus: A Future Imagined by Youth ’. It focuses on children (aged 11–14 years) and youth (aged 15–24 years). The aim is for them to reflect on our current challenges and tell us how they envision a more resilient and better future for all.  

For this year’s edition, the contest will be  launched on 7 June 2021 and remain open for two months. As in the past, entries will be received on a rolling basis, and UNESCO and Takhte will each week select the best two entries from the different categories, which be published weekly on their websites and social media. Later in the year, the 100 winning essays will then be published as a book. 

 To learn more, to share your stories and to submit your essays, click here.  

So hurry up and send your submissions as soon as possible!

Be Creative! Stay Safe!  

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Youth are forging our shared future

Whitney devries.

the youth and our future essay

Photo by Johnny Vacar for the AFS Youth Assembly.

August 22, 2024

As the world faces the intersecting challenges of polycrisis, this year’s AFS Youth Assembly convened under the theme of “Forge Our Shared Future,” prioritizing solidarity and strong partnerships, writes Whitney DeVries.

the youth and our future essay

he United Nations’ Summit of the Future aims to accelerate international commitments and take steps to tackle global challenges. As it approaches, it is incumbent on us to remember this: young people are the future. In the weeks before the Summit, youth from around the world gathered at the 29th AFS Youth Assembly in New York City from August 16–18 to transform their vision for a better future through innovative action. This makes the Youth Assembly a key driver of progress for future generations—one that helps set the stage for the Summit of the Future. 

The world faces a polycrisis of intersecting challenges such as faltering trust in our institutions and each other, climate change, and rapid technological advancement. Against this backdrop, this year’s Youth Assembly convened under the theme of “Forge Our Shared Future,” prioritizing solidarity and strong partnerships. 

Following consultation with global youth leaders, four areas were identified for this year’s program where challenges and potential for action exist: 

  • Global Shocks: Tackling Humanitarian Crises
  • Future of Education: Leveraging Technology & Innovation
  • Transform Our Future: Unite for Climate Action
  • Food Security: Strengthen Global Food Systems 

Through discussions, workshops, networking, and ideation challenges, hundreds of youths from over 80 countries pursued the objectives to connect and engage, learn and develop skills, and take action and create impact around these areas.

The Youth Assembly demonstrates how youth are stepping up and creating innovative solutions to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For example, Diego Enrique Fernandez Irrazabal of Paraguay won the AFS Award for Young Global Citizens for his project Mbaretics, which brings potable and safe water to the community of Chaco by using a small solar-powered desalination device. Other finalists included a project that equips drones with specialized algorithms to operate in war zones and disaster areas, an app that helps bridge the technological gap faced by CSOs in India, and a program that designs precision agriculture solutions through web and mobile applications. These are just a few of the many activities that demonstrate the impact youth are creating across technology, education, and more. 

Youth came together at the event, showcasing one of the most important factors to achieving the SDGs—solidarity. This accompanies the launch of the Youth Assembly Alumni Impact Network Community by AFS to strengthen connections regionally and globally. Additionally, it underscores the key goal of the Summit of the Future to enhance cooperation . At a time when the deadline to achieve the SDGs fast approaches, youth are forging our shared future. One only needs to look to the Youth Assembly to see it in action.

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How Youth Are The Future of a Nation

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Published: Mar 14, 2019

Words: 758 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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the youth and our future essay

Youth Issues and Adult Society Essay

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The youth comprise a significant proportion of every society. Youth can be defined as a group of young people who are in the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood and are considered to be the most energetic. It is a stage during which the young people try to define their identity and prepare them for citizenship and adulthood (Shamsie, 2006). However, it has not been easy to fix the definition of youth in chronological terms. In most countries, the age of the youth is drawn at the time when an individual is treated equally under the law, normally referred to as the age of majority. Many countries place it at age 18 and beyond this age, one is considered an adult. It is therefore important to note that the definition of the term youth depends greatly on the socio-cultural, political, institutional, and economic factors of a given country. The working chronological age for the purposes of this essay is between the ages 15 and 29, which is used mainly by most National Youth Councils. This essay will discuss some problems facing the youth and why this crisis appears to be a major concern for adult society.

There are a number of problems encountered by the youth of today all over the world. Unemployment is one of the major problems facing today’s young generation (Shamsie, 2006). Every young person must be prepared to overcome the challenges of adolescence and adulthood. This means that he or she must engage in progressive experiences and activities which will, in turn, enable him or her to become socially, emotionally, morally, economically, physically, as well as cognitively competent. As one approaches the mid-20s, he or she starts experiencing the transition from schooling to work. Many young people at this age would be expected to secure a job and earn instead of the continued reliance on the parents or guardians. This trend in most instances is hampered by the lack of job opportunities for a large number of young people in society.

Difficulty in securing a place of work implies that the youth can hardly get a stable source of income for personal use and even for the other dependents like the parents or siblings. This is despite the fact that a lot of resources are injected towards educating them. The fact that many young people lack a stable source of income and yet they are the most energetic members of society is ridiculous. A number of youth resort to other alternative ways of survival like theft, forceful robbery, carjacking, and other illegal deals that will enable them to get the money that they desperately need. This is one concern that threatens the fabric of society especially the adult members of the society. The problem is worsened by the fact that there are many young people who are faced with the same problem and hence adding to the magnitude of illegal incidences. In most countries, therefore, the problem of unemployment among the youth has become a major concern of the adult society especially the governments (White, 1999).

Furthermore, unemployment can become the genesis of all other sorts of problems that face the youth. Young people who fail to prosper in society may end up despairing in life and may start smoking, using alcohol, and the use of other drugs. This is common among the youth who leave schooling at an early age and hence can get no meaningful employment. The use of drugs among the youth results in a less productive generation of young people who should otherwise be the building stones for a more stable society. Any adult society, therefore, ought to be concerned about this major problem that faces the youth since they are expected to be the society’s tomorrow.

For the female youth, difficult times at this particular stage may force them to engage in promiscuous activities like sex for pay, and these results in unwanted pregnancies and the contraction of sexually transmitted diseases. The general loss of morality among the young people can plunge the whole generation into enormous problems like increased psychological distress and other mental problems, HIV/AIDS prevalence among the youth, and criminal activities that may ruin a whole generation (White, 1999). These youth problems in many countries appear to be of major concern for adult society.

It is therefore paramount for every society to rise up and address the plight of the young people if it is to prosper to greater heights. This will call for the creation of job opportunities in society and empowering the youth through training on entrepreneurial skills. This will go a long way in ensuring that the society gets proper continuity through its youth.

Shamsie, S. J. (2006). Youth: Problems and solutions. Lea & Febiger.

White, R. (1999). The Australian youth subcultures: in the Mainstream and on the margins. Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies.

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IvyPanda. (2022, March 9). Youth Issues and Adult Society. https://ivypanda.com/essays/youth-and-society/

"Youth Issues and Adult Society." IvyPanda , 9 Mar. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/youth-and-society/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Youth Issues and Adult Society'. 9 March.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Youth Issues and Adult Society." March 9, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/youth-and-society/.

1. IvyPanda . "Youth Issues and Adult Society." March 9, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/youth-and-society/.


IvyPanda . "Youth Issues and Adult Society." March 9, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/youth-and-society/.

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Essay on the Role of Youth in Nation-Building

the youth and our future essay

  • Updated on  
  • Apr 8, 2024

Essay on the Role of Youth in Nation Building

Essay on the Role of Youth in Nation-Building: A country’s future depends on its youth. They represent the nation at all levels and are its future. In every aspect of a county’s development, its youth play a major role. To put it another way, the nation will succeed because of its intelligence and the hard work of its youth. The youth bear the same responsibility as every other citizen. They serve as a national foundation. 

Quick Read: How to Write an Essay in English?

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Understanding the Role of Youth
  • 1.2 Methods for Helping the Youth
  • 1.3 Conclusion
  • 2 Paragraph on Nation Building in India

Essay on the Role of Youth in Nation-Building in 500 Words

In every country, young people are seen as a valuable resource. At every level, they represent their nation and are the representatives of future generations. Youth may play a crucial and frequently undervalued role in the development of a nation. The intelligence and efforts of the youth have made the country successful. The youth are the backbone of the nation’s advancement and development, and as such, they have responsibility. 

Did You Know: Mahatma Gandhi wanted the youth to engage in constructive work, educate the villagers and imbibe morally superior values.

Understanding the Role of Youth

Young people are crucial because they will shape our future. Even though they are currently our partners, they might eventually assume leadership positions. The youth are incredibly enthusiastic and full of energy. They can adapt to their environment and learn new skills. In a similar vein, they are prepared to pick up knowledge and apply it to further their objectives. 

Our youth have the power to transform society and bring about social reform. We cannot survive without a nation’s youth. In addition, their involvement is needed for the country to move forward and accomplish its objectives.

Similarly, we observe that youth involvement is essential to any nation’s development. Youth is necessary in all fields, whether we want to advance in the technical or sporting domains. It is up to us to assist the young people in carrying out this role appropriately. All young people need to be made aware of their potential and their part in fostering a stronger nation.

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Methods for Helping the Youth

There are numerous ways that we can support our nation’s youth in realising their full potential. To ensure that they can flourish without interference, the government must implement programmes that will aid in combating problems like unemployment, subpar educational institutions, and more. 

In a similar vein, it is the responsibility of citizens to push our children to excel in all areas. Our favourite people will lose their spark if we don’t believe in them and discourage them all the time. We should ensure that they have the wind beneath their wings to soar far, rather than pulling them down by guarding the links to their wings. 

Quick Read: World Health Day Speech: 07 April

Regardless of a person’s gender, caste, religion, colour, or any other attribute, they must all be granted equal opportunity. The nation’s true talent is being eroded by several nepotistic and favouritism problems. This needs to be eliminated right away. Every young person needs to have the opportunity to demonstrate their worth, and that opportunity needs to be extended equally to all of them. 

In other words, we have to give our youth the chance to build our country. They possess a perspective that the older generations do not, as they are the future. Their enthusiasm and passion need to be directed in the right direction to guarantee that a nation grows and prospers.

One cannot overstate the significance of youth in the process of building a nation. They actively promote change and advancement in addition to being the recipients of development benefits. Understanding the potential of youth can contribute to the growth of more creative, prosperous, cohesive societies. Governments, corporations, and communities must all make major investments in youth empowerment. They also need to create an atmosphere that supports their involvement by providing them with leadership, jobs, and educational opportunities. The only way for nations to prosper in the twenty-first century is to harness the energy, creativity, and idealism of youth.

Paragraph on Nation Building in India

In India, nation-building is an ongoing process that aims to support the unity, progress, and development of our nation. It entails advancing economic success, ensuring fairness for all, and cultivating social peace. Education is essential for empowering people and developing a skilled labour force. Embracing cultural diversity while fostering national unity through shared festivals, languages, and symbols is also important. Infrastructure and development include things like bettering the quality of life, and connectivity, including roads, energy, and sanitation. In addition, the implementation of sustainable development techniques is vital to protecting our environment and guaranteeing resources for upcoming generations. 

Ans: They are an important resource that can help a country progress socially, economically, and musically. Young people are frequently the most engaged members of society and have the power to promote positive change through vocally opposing social injustice.

Ans: Innovation, employment, and income development are all driven by the need to innovate. The youth of India not only seek employment but also generate it.

Ans: To eliminate inequality, people must question outmoded behaviours, adopt new perspectives, and speak out against injustices (such as gender-based violence). 

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the youth and our future essay

Youth defining the future

Your excellency Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi , President of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Your excellency M ostafa Kamal Madbouly , Prime Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Your excellency Sameh Shoukry, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt,

Ministers, ambassadors, ladies and gentlemen

My thanks for the invitation to speak to you at the World Youth Forum.

We start the year, as we often do when the calendar turns, by looking forward. To how we can be better. Be stronger. Create a better future for ourselves and those we love. This year, it is ever more important that we stay positive and find new solutions to the challenges facing our planet and peoples.

We expected much of the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow. We got some of what we were looking for. Promises were made on reducing coal use and ending fossil fuel subsidies. More climate finance to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Support for vulnerable countries that have suffered climate damage. Ending deforestation. Reducing methane emissions.

But when we add everything up, the world is still on a path to a temperature rise well above 2 degrees Celsius. This will mean more of the climate impacts we are already seeing. Storms. Floods. Wildfires. Displacement. Damage to human health, economies and businesses. It will mean the warnings outlined in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s recent assessment report will come true.

To avoid this bleak future, the world must almost halve greenhouse gas emissions over the next eight years. This is what we need to have a shot at holding temperature rise to below 1.5 degrees Celsius. And we must not forget that the climate crisis is one prong of an interconnected triple planetary crisis that also includes nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste. We need to change our entire systems to be green, sustainable and in harmony with the planet. 

Friends, we can still change.

We can still – with the determination, activism, ideas and energy of youth at the forefront – build a greener, more prosperous future. Now, I mention youth at the forefront not to let other generations abscond from their responsibility. I mention youth to encourage the continued brave and powerful voices of young people around the world, to reverberate in social, economic, political, and environmental spheres.

Youth leadership will be the difference between success and failure across the triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste. Youth leadership will also be essential to translate into action, the recent decision by the UN Human Rights Council to recognize the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.

This work starts now. UNEP is shifting into emergency gear – including through major events that seek to create new momentum and bring people together in this fight. We have the resumed fifth United Nations Environment Assembly this year. This is the world’s highest decision-making body on the environment. Important resolutions are being put forward to safeguard our natural world.

We have UNEP@50 in March, then Stockholm+50 and World Environment Day in June, all of which will mark fifty years since the global environmental movement was born. Only One Earth is the tagline for World Environment Day this year. It was also the slogan for the 1972 Stockholm Conference . Fifty years on, this truth still holds – planet Earth is our only home. Humanity must work together to safeguard Earth’s finite resources and urgently protect and restore the natural world on which our societies and economies depend. 

We do not have another 50 years to solve our environmental challenges. We do not even have five. We need global engagement, and indeed global youth engagement, at and beyond these events – such as through the Youth Task Force for Stockholm+50, launched at the Glasgow climate summit in November.

We have seen the energy and righteous anger of youth, most recently on the streets of Glasgow. You are right to be angry. Previous generations have failed you. Now you can channel that energy into showing the world how it should be done. Now you can join the changemakers.

There are many ways that you can channel this energy. Many ways to be the changemakers. Become the brave voices inside corporates to force them to move beyond lip service to sustainability. Use your vote to put in place the leaders who will do the right thing by the planet, and your future. Push for your schools, faith groups and organizations to move their finances and pension funds into initiatives that back solutions and environmental sustainability. Start your own green business to displace old companies that will not change. Mobilize and organize in your community, your city or your neighborhood. Bring your ideas and innovations to the table – because we need new technologies and new ways of living to replace our outdated and harmful practices.

But also consider your own footprint. And re-evaluate the type of life choices that you make daily. Individual lifestyle choices do make a difference. It’s important to choose greener forms of transport, swap the protein in your diet, and repair, reuse and recycle. But when we move from individual actions to collective action, this is when we make big leaps.

We clearly have work to do. We must all play our part. Egypt has shown leadership by holding the presidency of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s 14th Conference of the Parties. The nation will also lead on the next Conference of the Parties on climate change, to take place in Sharm El-Sheikh later this year. We need more such leadership. Together, working across generations, fired up by the energy of youth, we can change the world. Youth are not willing to settle into the same groove that has worn deep wounds into our planet. You are not willing to just be part of the future. You can, and must, define the future. For it is yours.

Allow me to close in the words of Archbishop Desmond Tutu whose passing we mourn this month. “Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

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Further Resources

  • Emissions Gap Report 2021
  • UNEP's new Medium Term Strategy
  • Climate Change 2021: the Physical Science Basis, the Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report

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Essay on Youth Is The Hope Of Our Nation

Students are often asked to write an essay on Youth Is The Hope Of Our Nation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Youth Is The Hope Of Our Nation

Youth: the future leaders.

Young people are like seeds that grow into strong trees. They are full of energy, ideas, and dreams. Just like a captain leads a ship, young people can lead our country to a bright future. They learn fast and can use new technology easily, which is very important today.

Education Shapes Youth

Schools and colleges are not just buildings. They are places where young minds get ready to take on the world. Good education teaches them not just about books, but also about right and wrong. This helps them make our country a better place.

Young People and Change

Young people always want to try new things and make things better. They don’t like unfairness and want everyone to be treated equally. This desire for change can make our society more kind and fair for everyone.

250 Words Essay on Youth Is The Hope Of Our Nation

Youth: the driving force behind a nation’s progress.

The youth of a nation are its most valuable asset, brimming with energy, innovation, and potential. They are the torchbearers who carry the hopes and aspirations of the entire country on their shoulders.

Education: The Foundation of a Strong Youth

Engagement: fostering a sense of ownership.

Engaging the youth in decision-making processes and encouraging their participation in community activities instills a sense of ownership and responsibility. By giving them a platform to voice their opinions and contribute their ideas, we create a sense of belonging and foster a spirit of collaboration.

Leadership: Nurturing Future Leaders

The youth are the future leaders who will shape the destiny of our nation. Identifying and nurturing young leaders who possess the vision, integrity, and determination to make a positive impact is vital. Providing them with opportunities to develop their leadership skills prepares them for the challenges and responsibilities that lie ahead.

Role Models: Inspiring the Next Generation

The youth are greatly influenced by the actions and values of those they admire. Positive role models, whether they be successful professionals, athletes, artists, or activists, can inspire the youth to dream big and strive for excellence. By showcasing the power of perseverance, integrity, and compassion, role models can ignite a spark of inspiration that sets the youth on a path to greatness.

The youth are the hope of our nation, and investing in their development is an investment in the future. By providing them with quality education, engaging them in decision-making processes, nurturing their leadership skills, and inspiring them through positive role models, we create a generation of young people who are equipped to lead our nation towards progress and prosperity.

500 Words Essay on Youth Is The Hope Of Our Nation

Youth – the cornerstone of our nation’s future.

In the tapestry of a nation’s progress, the youth are the vibrant threads that weave together hope, innovation, and transformation. They are the architects of tomorrow, the torchbearers of dreams yet unrealized. Just as a sapling, with its tender branches and deep roots, holds the promise of a mighty tree, so too does the younger generation embody the potential for greatness.

Youth – A Source of Unbounded Energy and Creativity

Youth – a catalyst for change and progress.

Throughout history, the youth have been at the forefront of change, leading movements that have reshaped societies and transformed nations. From the civil rights movement to the environmental movement, young people have played a pivotal role in fighting for justice, equality, and a more sustainable future. Their idealism and passion inspire others to join their cause, creating a ripple effect that spreads far and wide. They are the agents of progress, unafraid to challenge the status quo and to push for a better world.

Youth – A Bridge to the Future

The youth are the bridge between the past and the future. They inherit the wisdom and experiences of their elders, while also embracing the advancements and technologies of the modern world. They are uniquely positioned to blend the best of both worlds, creating a synthesis that propels society forward. As they grow and mature, they carry with them the values and lessons learned from their youth, shaping the decisions they make and the impact they have on the world.

Youth – A Hopeful Beacon in Uncertain Times

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Coming of Age in 2024: Explore Your Political Identity and Values

What can you show or tell us to help explain what it’s like to grow up in this political moment? Submit in words, images, audio or video, from Oct. 2 to Nov. 4.

A painting of teenagers, faces blurred, huddled around a bonfire on a beach. The background is dark.

By Katherine Schulten

Every fall since 2020, we have extended an open-ended invitation to teenagers to document, reflect on or express any aspect, big or small, of what it means to be growing up right now.

In 2020 , 2021 and 2022 , this “coming of age” contest focused chiefly on the Covid-19 pandemic and its myriad effects on young people. In 2023 , to celebrate our 25th anniversary as a site, we asked our audience of teachers and students to give us an inside view into high school today.

In this year of pivotal elections around the world , we are asking how young people are developing their political and civic identities. But far from being narrowly about, say, the presidential candidates in the U.S. election, the challenge asks teenagers to think bigger — about their experiences, values, beliefs, hopes and concerns, their roles as citizens, and their understanding of how the world works (or ought to work).

We are also connecting this contest to a series of informal Student Conversation Forums on the same questions. We hope that students across the globe will first talk with one another about these essential questions and then create entries for our contest in response.

As always, students may work alone or with others, and they may compose in the medium that expresses their thoughts best. For some, that’s an essay, poem or journal entry. For others, it’s a comic, collage, drawing or song — or a video, podcast or infographic. What might it be for you?

Everything you need to get started is listed below. But if you have additional questions, please post a comment here or write to us directly at [email protected]. You might also consider hanging this one-page announcement on your class bulletin board.

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Aspen Institute Science & Society Program Youth Initiative “Our Future Is Science” Named Winner in Global Science Engagement Competition

August 22, 2024  • Aaron F. Mertz, Ph.D. , Sejal Goud & Science & Society

The Aspen Institute Science & Society Program ’s Our Future Is Science (OFIS) initiative has been selected as one of 20 global Winners in the annual Falling Walls Foundation competition to identify scientific breakthroughs of the year.

Through a competitive process adjudicated by an Advisory Board, OFIS was judged out of 136 applications from 54 countries in the Science Engagement category . The Foundation defines the category as “activities, events, or interactions bridging the gap between science and society to generate mutual learning and benefits across the spectrum of public engagement and interactive science communication” and “a two-way process aimed at shaping and co-creating scientific processes, and promoting active community involvement in scientific knowledge production.” This year’s Science Engagement category has a special focus on climate change and adaptation.

The Winner designation comes with an opportunity to pitch the initiative in person at the Falling Walls Science Summit in Berlin, Germany, on November 7, 2024, in front of a distinguished jury and global audience. The jury will select one Science Breakthrough of the Year in Science Engagement awardee who will present on November 9 alongside the Breakthroughs of the Year in the Emerging Talents and Science Start-ups categories. The Falling Walls Science Summit coincides with the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

OFIS’s application to the competition was submitted by Hassan Farah, Ph.D. , who served as a Mentor in the inaugural OFIS cohort in 2021–2022 and now serves as Science & Social Justice Project Manager at the Aspen Institute. Farah completed his doctorate at Virginia Tech researching the biomechanics of balance and walking for children with hemiplegia cerebral palsy. Since his time as an undergraduate at the University of Arizona, Farah has developed and directed leadership training programs, organized large-scale demonstrations and negotiations as a student activist, and has always been committed to mentorship within and outside of university settings. He pulls from his experiences to foster stronger relationships between OFIS Mentors, Mentees, and Ambassadors.

OFIS Team posed for group photo.

The OFIS team gathered in summer 2024 for the initiative’s annual planning retreat. Left to right: Hassan Farah, Caroline Gelb, Aaron Mertz, Alexandra Montgomery, Ebony Tyler, Jylana Sheats / Photo property of the Aspen Institute Science & Society Program.

“I joined the Aspen Institute staff in 2023 after experiencing firsthand the impact that OFIS’s unique STEM–social justice curriculum has on young changemakers,” Farah said. “It is an honor to have grown alongside this program, from my role in 2021 as a Mentor in the inaugural cohort, to developing platforms and programs to support OFIS students, and now representing OFIS on the global stage in Berlin.”

Founded in 2021, OFIS is the flagship initiative of the Science & Society Program’s Science & Social Justice pillar . The initiative aims to position societally minded youth as leaders and innovators who will push science forward in the 21st century. OFIS prioritizes the participation of students who face inequities, are underserved, and/or are from historically marginalized groups often underrepresented in STEM education and careers. Through a competitive application process, OFIS identifies high-school Mentees and STEM-graduate-student Mentors across the United States to embark on an academic-year-long journey exploring how science and social justice intersect. In mentorship teams, students develop Capstone Projects centered on evidence-based science solutions to real-world challenges participants have observed in their respective communities. With three past cohorts of participants, OFIS has a robust alumni network of Ambassadors, who stay engaged with OFIS through programming that allows them to expand their ability to think critically about community issues, apply best practices for gathering and synthesizing information, co-create and prototype science-based solutions to community issues, and enhance public speaking and science communication skills.

Science & Society Executive Director Aaron Mertz and Associate Director Jylana Sheats first learned about the Falling Walls Science Summit in 2022 when they were invited participants in the annual Berlin Science Debate , a discussion platform for high-level representatives from science, politics and business. At the Summit, they met Carrie Boyce, Executive Director of RCIScience (Royal Canadian Institute for Science) , who won a Special Award for Inclusive Science Engagement in the Falling Walls Engage category for the Science is a Drag show she co-produces. The Science & Society Program and RCIScience went on to co-host a roundtable bringing together international scientists and advocates working to advance LGBTQ+ people in STEM careers. This roundtable led to a published report coinciding with Pride Month 2023.

“Three years after the initiative was founded, I’m thrilled to see OFIS recognized internationally in this way,” Mertz said. “We were named a Finalist in this competition in 2023, and our designation now as a Winner in 2024 gives us an outstanding global platform to share our innovative approach and to build connections with others enacting the most creative science engagement projects around the world.”

For news media:  To request an interview on this award with Aaron Mertz, Executive Director of the Science & Society Program, please contact Communications Coordinator Sejal Goud: [email protected] . View the press release online here .

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    Together, working across generations, fired up by the energy of youth, we can change the world. Youth are not willing to settle into the same groove that has worn deep wounds into our planet. You are not willing to just be part of the future. You can, and must, define the future. For it is yours.

  21. Role Of Youth In The Future Essay

    Role Of Youth In The Future Essay. 1000 Words4 Pages. "Youth" is when a person is neither a child nor an adult. The Singapore National Youth Council defines 'youth' as those persons between the ages of 15 and 35 years. Like Nelson Mandela said, "the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow". Someday, these youths will be the ones ...

  22. The Future of Youth in the Era of COVID-19

    Based on our findings, we approximate that the roughly 6.8 million young US labor market entrants looking for their first full-time job in 2020 might give up about $400 billion in earnings over the first 10 years of their working lives. That projection is based on a swift economic recovery in 2021.

  23. Essay on Youth Is The Hope Of Our Nation

    100 Words Essay on Youth Is The Hope Of Our Nation Youth: The Future Leaders. Young people are like seeds that grow into strong trees. They are full of energy, ideas, and dreams. Just like a captain leads a ship, young people can lead our country to a bright future. They learn fast and can use new technology easily, which is very important today.

  24. Coming of Age in 2024: Explore Your Political Identity and Values

    The related writing prompts in our student forums, and the mentor-text exercises in our coming step-by-step guide, can lead to narrative, persuasive or informative pieces that help teenagers tease ...

  25. Aspen Institute Science & Society Program Youth Initiative "Our Future

    The Aspen Institute Science & Society Program 's Our Future Is Science (OFIS) initiative has been selected as one of 20 global Winners in the annual Falling Walls Foundation competition to identify scientific breakthroughs of the year.. Through a competitive process adjudicated by an Advisory Board, OFIS was judged as the best North American project out of 136 applications from 54 countries ...