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  • Importance of Tree Plantation Essay


Essay on Tree Plantation

Tree planting is recognised as one of the most engaging, environmentally-friendly activities that people can participate in to help the planet when done properly. Trees provide numerous long-term and short-term benefits. They not only look nice, but they also remove and store carbon from the atmosphere, slow heavy rain and thus reduce the risk of flooding, improve air quality, and reduce the urban heat island effect by reflecting sunlight and providing shade. Let us take a look at the long and short essay on tree plantation.

Long Tree Plantation Essay in English

When you plant a tree, you are not only planting a sapling but also hoping for the best. We have learned the hard way that trees are critical to our survival. We began by deforesting the earth to make room for more buildings. Later, when we saw the environment deteriorating, we were introduced to “afforestation,” a simple process of planting more trees for a better future.

Trees are essentially human and other living organisms' livestock. They have unconditionally provided us with food, oxygen, and a variety of other necessities for human survival, such as shelter, medicines, tools, and so on.

Despite their rich values and importance, trees are still not properly cared for. They are cut down, eradicating all forms of life in the surrounding area.

However, the relevance and importance of planting trees have only grown with each passing day. More trees must be planted as a collective effort by all of humanity to save our ailing planet.

As a result, we have our global Tree Plantation Day, which is observed on March 21st all over the world. The purpose of observing the said day is to make people aware of the importance of planting trees and to assist them in doing so. Planting saplings to invest in the future is a common practice on tree plantation days.

Deforestation has resulted in devastating floods and landslides. The significance of "tree plantation" can also be emphasised for forest conservation and wildlife protection. Wild animals are facing a scarcity of inhabitable forest areas as lands are cleared for farming and industrial purposes.

Because urban areas lack trees, they suffer from severe problems such as smog and polluted air. The “Tree Plantation” becomes a long-term solution to such problems. Vehicle exhaust, wood and coal combustion, factories and industries all emit hazardous pollutants and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

The Indian government is allocating funds through the Compensatory afforestation fund management and planning account (CAMPA) to carry out such massive “tree plantation” campaigns in both urban and rural areas. State governments are also taking extensive measures to improve forest and tree coverage. The Maharashtra government entered the coveted Limca Book of Records by conducting a massive "tree plantation" with the help of citizens and various Non-Governmental Organizations, planting 2.82 crore trees in a single day.

Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) in India are taking proactive steps to encourage ordinary people to participate in “tree plantation” programmes and to raise awareness about the importance of tree plantation in combating climate change. Green Yatra, a Maharashtra-based organisation founded by Mr Pradeep Tripathi, has launched a programme called ‘Go Green Kids,' which provides free saplings to schools in both rural and urban areas of the state.

The Sankalp Taru organisation established a programme in a school in Barmer, Thar Desert, in 2013 to educate students and surrounding communities about the importance of "tree plantation." The organisation makes routine visits to ensure the health of the trees and provides irrigation and water to underserved areas. SayTrees is a Bengaluru-based organisation founded by individuals dedicated to preserving nature's ecological balance.

Our planet's ecological system is a shared responsibility of all citizens. The “importance of tree plantation” is becoming more apparent as we observe the deterioration of the forests and the ecosystem. The Indian government and various non-governmental organisations are working to raise awareness about climate change and other environmental issues. Massive “tree plantation” programmes must be implemented to address the current ecological issues.

Short Importance of Plantation Essay

Tree plantation is significant because it is linked to our basic need for good food to eat and clean air to breathe. Aside from these necessities, they preserve biodiversity, conserve water, preserve soil, and control climate, among other things.

Tree plantation is important because it provides fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other foods for the survival of life on Earth. They are the producers and the source of food energy for all living things to survive, as they are at the bottom of the food chain. Aside from this basic need, tree plantation is important for humans to meet their medicinal needs, fodder for domestic animals, household tools, fuel, and so on.

Trees provide clean air for living beings to breathe and generate energy. The importance of plantations for a healthy life free of suffocation and pollution cannot be overstated, particularly in urban areas.

The importance of tree plantation in preserving biodiversity and balancing the ecosystem cannot be overstated. Trees provide a natural habitat for many different species. A diverse and healthy ecosystem revitalises the land and life on Earth.

Trees are also known for their ability to hold soil and prevent erosion. 

The topsoil of the earth is washed away by water during rain and floods. The roots of the trees play an important role in preventing erosion of the topsoil.

Because trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, tree plantation is the most effective organic method for reversing global warming and preventing climate change. In recent years, particularly since the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the importance of tree plantation has grown significantly in many countries.

Benefits of Tree Plantation

They are so valuable and significant that their applications have only grown to meet the demands of our modern lifestyles. Initially, the tree’s wood was used as fuel, and the fruits were devoured by people. The shade was utilized to keep cool in the summer and the fire was used to keep warm in the winter.

Here are some of the benefits that a tree plantation can provide: 

1. Importance in terms of ecology and environment

Trees provide a significant contribution to their surroundings by giving oxygen, sustaining species, improving air quality, saving water, maintaining soil and reducing climate change. It provides more than it gets by concentrating on its principal job of photosynthesis. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and create oxygen for the surrounding living, breathing species. According to one research, one acre of forest may create up to 4 tons of oxygen while absorbing up to 6 tons of carbon dioxide, enough to feed about 20 people for a year.

This procedure involves not just trees, but also bushes and grass. Pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulphur dioxide are absorbed by them, purifying the air. The contaminants are washed away by the rain once they come into touch with the trees. The air in the atmosphere is managed and preserved as a result of this process, owing to the trees. One of the most important tasks of trees is to manage and modify the climate. To keep the climate under control, they mitigate the impacts of the sun, rain, and wind. The sun's rays are absorbed and filtered by the leaves, which assist to maintain a cool temperature surrounding it.

The most significant role of trees is to keep greenhouse gases at bay by lowering air temperature, maintaining low carbon dioxide levels, and thereby minimizing the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. Aside from that, they keep the heat in by acting as a screen against strong winds, heavy rain, sleet, and hail. As a result, trees may control and affect wind speed and direction to maintain a balanced environment.

Trees serve an important part in the ecosystems in which they reside, whether above or below ground. The trees' extensive roots assist in keeping the soil in place and preventing erosion. The reason for this is that soil erosion is not a regular occurrence. They absorb and retain rainwater, reducing runoff and sediment deposits during big storms.

The herbivorous creatures can only survive on the leaves and fruits that the trees give. Elephants, koalas, and giraffes are just a few of the creatures that eat leaves. The blooms attract monkeys, while the delicious nectar attracts birds, bats, and other insects. Animals, like ourselves, ingest the fruits, which results in another process in which seeds are distributed across large distances.

Many creatures, birds, and squirrels live in them and prefer to keep hidden among the leaves to avoid predators. Trees are a crucial aspect of our environment and every living organism on the planet has a place in them. Many animals call trees home, and they live peacefully in them.

2. Contribution to the Community

Trees are an important component of every community and it takes a lot of effort to keep them that way. You may have noticed that trees border your streets, parks, playgrounds, and backyards because of their medicinal and life-giving powers. Trees provide a serene and tranquil environment, therefore human settlements are incomplete without them. The number of trees surrounding you can impact the quality of your life.

Trees provide natural aspects and wildlife habitats into urban areas, making them more desirable places to live. We all take advantage of the shade given by trees during the day for family picnics and afternoon outdoor activities. The relevance of planting trees and the quality of life in a community may both be enhanced by the presence of trees. Many ancient trees serve as historic markers and act as a source of pride for the community. Commercial buildings and pavements produce heat island effects in the atmosphere, while trees may deflect sunlight and significantly diminish the heat island impact.

3. Personal Well Being

Planting trees may also help people become better versions of themselves since it gives them a sense of accomplishment while also helping to safeguard the environment.

As they grow and develop with you and your family, trees play an important part in the development of one's youth and chronicle the family's history. People have an emotional connection with the trees they plant and form an immediate link with them. Because of our close relationships with trees, there are numerous organizations all over the globe dedicated to safeguarding and saving huge and historic trees from the dangers of contemporary development.

Trees have spiritual and religious significance in certain nations since they are regarded as equal to gods and are worshipped on special occasions. As a result, trees play an important role in forming our environment.

We recognise that one of the most serious issues in the current state is the devaluation of trees. To make our world greener and better, we must pay more attention to tree planting in the future. Individual contributions should be made first. We should also put a stop to tree cutting and remember that without trees, there will be no life.

The tree is very important in our lives. Everyone should be aware of the importance of tree planting and should motivate and encourage others to do the same.


FAQs on Importance of Tree Plantation Essay

1. What Do You Mean By Tree Plantations?

Plantation forests are a type of managed forest in which trees are planted (rather than naturally regenerated), of the same age, and generally of the same species, in order to maximise wood fibre production.

2. What is the Best Time For a Tree Plantation?

The best time to plant is in early spring, just as the ground thaws. Fall may be too late because trees will not be able to withstand freezing temperatures, which can damage roots and prevent moisture from reaching the tree.

3. How do trees nurture different animals?

Food, shelter, and reproductive sites are all found in trees. Trees are also used by many animals for resting, nesting, and hunting or capturing prey. A variety of birds and tiny animals, such as squirrels and beavers, find refuge and food in trees. Trees increase growth variety by creating an environment that permits the development of plants that would not otherwise flourish. Many diverse species use flowers, fruits, leaves, buds, and woody sections of trees.

4. What do plants teach children?

Watering plants, making sure they get enough sunshine, and even trimming may be done with their assistance. This also aids kids in developing a healthy relationship with the Earth and all of its inhabitants. Plants can even be used to teach the concept of respecting limits. I tell my friends that while we can gently touch the plants, they would also like some privacy. In addition, the tree-planting process teaches youngsters faith, confidence, patience, commitment, independence, and contentment.

5. How can trees help to keep our atmosphere clean?

By trapping particles on their leaves and bark, trees absorb smells and pollution gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulphur dioxide, and ozone) and filter them out of the air. By lessening the power of rain as it falls to the ground and storing water, trees assist to prevent runoff and ground erosion. They also absorb carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and purify the environment by absorbing and storing the carbon while releasing oxygen back into the air.

Essay on Tree Plantation 500+ Words

Tree plantation, the act of deliberately planting and nurturing trees, is a vital practice for our planet’s well-being. In this essay, we will explore the significance of tree plantation, supported by evidence, examples, and expert opinions, demonstrating how planting trees benefits the environment, human health, and the future of our planet.

The Environmental Impact of Tree Plantation

Tree plantations play a crucial role in preserving our environment. Trees act as natural air filters, absorbing harmful carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen, which is essential for all living beings. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, one tree can absorb up to 48 pounds of CO2 per year.

Combating Climate Change

The fight against climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. Tree plantations is a powerful weapon in this battle. Trees not only absorb CO2 but also help cool the planet by providing shade and reducing the “urban heat island” effect in cities.

Supporting Biodiversity

Forests, created through tree plantations, are home to countless species of plants and animals. The preservation of biodiversity is essential for maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Trees provide habitat and food for a wide variety of creatures, from insects to birds and mammals.

Preventing Soil Erosion

Tree roots anchor soil, preventing erosion caused by wind and water. Trees also help filter out pollutants, ensuring that clean water is available for communities downstream. Soil conservation through tree plantation is vital for sustainable agriculture.

Improving Air Quality

In urban areas, tree plantations can significantly improve air quality. Trees act as natural air purifiers, trapping pollutants and particulate matter. Cleaner air means better health for communities and reduced respiratory illnesses.

Economic Benefits

Tree plantations can also bring economic benefits. Timber from trees is a valuable resource used in construction and manufacturing. Moreover, tree planting initiatives create jobs in forestry, horticulture, and landscaping.

Human Health and Well-being

Trees provide mental and physical health benefits. Exposure to green spaces and nature has been linked to reduced stress, improved mental health, and increased physical activity. Urban tree planting enhances the quality of life in cities.

Water Conservation

Tree roots help recharge groundwater by allowing rainwater to seep into the soil. This contributes to water conservation and ensures a sustainable supply of freshwater for communities.

Expert Opinions

Experts in environmental science and forestry emphasize the importance of tree plantation. Dr. Jane Goodall, a renowned conservationist, has spoken about the critical role of trees in mitigating climate change and preserving biodiversity. Forestry experts highlight the need for reforestation and afforestation to combat deforestation’s harmful effects.

Our Responsibility

As stewards of the Earth, it is our responsibility to engage in tree plantation efforts. Individuals, communities, and governments can all contribute by planting trees in their neighborhoods, organizing tree-planting events, and supporting reforestation initiatives.

Conclusion of Essay on Tree Plantation

In conclusion, tree plantation is not just a noble endeavor; it is a necessity for the survival of our planet. Trees are Earth’s natural heroes, silently working to combat climate change, support biodiversity, and improve the quality of life for all living beings. As we reflect on the importance of tree plantation, we must recognize that it is an act that benefits not only the environment but also human health, economies, and future generations. Each tree planted is a step towards a greener, healthier world. It is our collective responsibility to embrace tree plantation and ensure a sustainable and thriving planet for generations to come.

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Essay on Tree Plantation

Students are often asked to write an essay on Tree Plantation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look

100 Words Essay on Tree Plantation


Tree plantation refers to the practice of planting trees. It’s a critical activity that contributes to the environment’s health and beauty.

Importance of Tree Plantation

Trees are vital for life. They provide oxygen, store carbon, and support biodiversity. They also offer shade and beautify our surroundings.

Tree Plantation and Environment

Tree plantation helps in combating climate change. Trees absorb harmful CO2, reducing the greenhouse effect.

Everyone should participate in tree plantation. It’s a simple act with profound impacts, ensuring a healthier planet for future generations.

250 Words Essay on Tree Plantation

Trees are the lungs of the earth, absorbing carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen, making life possible for all creatures. Tree plantation is a critical activity that contributes to environmental health, biodiversity, and climate change mitigation.

Tree plantation plays a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance. It helps in conserving water, preventing soil erosion, providing habitats for wildlife, and contributing to the health and wellbeing of communities. Trees also act as natural air filters, removing harmful pollutants and releasing oxygen.

Tree Plantation and Climate Change

With increasing global warming, tree plantation has become more crucial than ever. Trees sequester carbon, reducing the overall concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Therefore, large-scale tree plantation can significantly mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Role of Community in Tree Plantation

Community participation is vital in tree plantation initiatives. It not only ensures the survival of planted trees but also fosters a sense of environmental stewardship among individuals. Educational institutions can play a pivotal role in promoting tree plantation, instilling a deep respect for nature in young minds.

In conclusion, tree plantation is an urgent necessity for our planet’s survival. It is a collective responsibility that requires active participation from all sectors of society. As we move forward, let’s embrace tree plantation as a way of life, contributing to a greener, healthier, and more sustainable future.

500 Words Essay on Tree Plantation

The significance of tree plantation.

Tree plantation is the process of transplanting tree seedlings, typically for forestry, land reclamation, or landscaping purposes. It serves several critical functions. Firstly, trees act as a natural filter for air, absorbing harmful pollutants and releasing oxygen. This process is vital in mitigating the effects of climate change, primarily caused by the excessive release of greenhouse gases.

Secondly, trees serve as habitats for various species, promoting biodiversity. They offer shelter, food, and protection to numerous forms of life, from birds and mammals to insects and fungi. The loss of trees can result in the loss of species, disrupting ecosystems and potentially causing a ripple effect that can harm other species, including humans.

The Socio-Economic Impact of Tree Plantation

Tree plantation also has socio-economic benefits. It provides employment opportunities in rural areas where job options might be limited. The forestry industry, including timber and non-timber products, contributes significantly to the economies of many countries.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Trees — Tree Planting: Benefits, Process, Challenges, and Organizations


Tree Planting: Benefits, Process, Challenges, and Organizations

  • Categories: Plant Trees

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Words: 520 |

Published: Feb 7, 2024

Words: 520 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, benefits of tree planting, process of tree planting, challenges of tree planting, organizations promoting tree planting.

Image of Alex Wood

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Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation

List of essays on importance of tree plantation, essay on importance of tree plantation – short essay for children (essay 1 – 150 words), essay on importance of tree plantation (essay 2 – 250 words), essay on importance of tree plantation – role of trees, impact of cutting trees and sensitizing people (essay 3 – 300 words), essay on importance of tree plantation – for school students (class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 standard) (essay 4 – 400 words), essay on importance of tree plantation – written in english (essay 5 – 500 words), essay on the importance of tree plantation (essay 6 – 600 words), essay on the importance of tree plantation – for college and university students (essay 7 – 750 words), essay on the importance of tree plantation – long essay (essay 8 – 1000 words).

These essays will also guide you to learn about the role of trees, impact of cutting trees, sensitizing people about tree plantation, significance of tree plantation, measures taken by Indian government and contribution of NGO in tree plantation.

The importance of tree plantation is quite significant, as it is associated with our basic need for good food to eat and fresh air to breathe. Apart from these basic necessities, they maintain biodiversity, conserve water, preserve soil, control climate etc.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for children, school students (Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Standard) and college students.


Importance of tree plantation is insisted upon right from our school days because planting trees is not only good for us but for the entire universe.

Benefits of Tree Plantation:

Tree plantation is given so much importance because of its varied benefits.

Some of the significant benefits are listed below:

i. Trees inhale Carbon dioxide and various other harmful gases and exhale Oxygen which is needed for human beings to survive.

ii. Trees act as the source of food and shelter for birds, animals and also human beings.

iii. Trees help in preventing soil erosion, thereby improving the fertility of soil.

Ways to Emphasize the Importance of Tree Plantation:

Today many schools, colleges and even business organizations are allocating few days of the year exclusively for planting trees. This is a good initiative and must be encouraged in order to make people aware about the importance of tree plantation. Even politicians and celebrities plant saplings and act as a role model for the future generation.


It is high time that we the residents of this planet, appreciate the importance of tree plantation and start contributing for a greener planet.

Importance of tree plantation should be discussed to save our earth from destruction and the lives surviving on it. In this growing industrial and technological era, pollution has become a major problem. Many animals and birds are facing the threat of extinction due to the lack of their natural habitat.

Lifesaver Trees:

Green trees and plants are life savers as they inhale all the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and exhale oxygen when they prepare their food using photosynthesis. This process has actually kept the balance of different gas compositions in our atmosphere so that nothing will exceed its natural rate.

Increased use of technologies and combustion fuels have considerably increased the carbon content of our surrounding air. But the lack of green trees, who absorbs such carbon gas has caused a massive problem of increased carbon rate in the air. This increase has also negatively affected the oxygen rate we breathe that is exhaled by the tree as well.

Natural Habitat and Biodiversity:

Trees and forest are the home for many bird and animal species, and cutting down them means, their habitat is being destroyed. Many birds have already been extinct due to the same reason and animals too.

By planting more trees and building new forests we are saving many species that are dependent on such lifestyles that include tree as a home and their fruits, leaves, etc., as their food. This will maintain the biodiversity in our world and the harmony of life.

Cutting down trees for unavoidable reasons should be compensated by planting more ones in suitable places and taking care of them.

There is a significant importance of tree plantation as the number of trees on the earth is declining at a very rapid rate. We all know the importance of trees and plants for our survival and welfare.

Role of Trees:

The plants and trees play a very vital role in sustaining life and ecosystem on earth and, therefore, the importance of tree plantation must be understood. They inhale carbon dioxide and exhale the life-giving oxygen. Plants and trees also provide food, fuel, wood, flowers and many other important items. They are also natural source of food and habitat for birds and wildlife and play a significant role in ecosystem. Trees also absorb other harmful gases from the atmosphere, thus, making the air pure and fresh.

Why cutting of trees is required?

The growing demand of wood, rubber and various products obtained from trees and plants, is leading to cutting of more and more trees. Also more land is required for buildings, roads, and industries, which in turn reduces the agriculture or forest land and cutting of trees. While this cannot be avoided for growth and progress, however, by understanding the importance of tree plantation, the loss of trees must be replenished by tree plantation.

Impact of Cutting Trees:

The importance of tree plantation must be understood by all as cutting of trees affects our lives drastically. The cutting of trees is increasing the cost of tree based products and depriving birds and animals of their food and habitat, and impacting ecosystem. Trees also help in perpetuating the water cycle by returning water vapour to the atmosphere. Cutting of trees is creating imbalance resulting in increase in pollution, global warming and erratic rains.

Sensitizing People:

Everyone should be sensitized about trees and made aware of the importance of tree plantation and shall be motivated to plant and protect the trees.

Provides Food:

Tree plantation is important as they provide fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts etc., for the sustenance of life on earth. Placed at the bottom of the food chain, they are the producers and the source of food energy for all living things to survive. Apart from this basic need, the importance of tree plantation holds good for human beings to meet their medicinal needs, fodder for domestic animals, household tools, fuel etc.

Trees provide with clean air for living beings to respire and produce energy. For a healthy life, free from suffocation and pollution, the importance of tree plantation cannot be underestimated, especially in urban areas.

Maintains Biodiversity:

Importance of tree plantation is tremendous to maintain the biodiversity and balance the ecosystem. Trees provide a natural habitat for a variety of species. A rich biodiversity and healthy ecosystem revitalizes the land and life on planet earth.

Conserves Water:

Trees give out water during photosynthesis, which contributes to the formation of rain clouds. Thus, they maintain the earth’s water cycle. Moreover, they also maintain the water table beneath the earth, by receiving and holding the rainwater. Therefore, the importance of tree plantation in living areas is significant, as they prevent drinking water from reaching the sea quickly.

Preserves Soil:

Trees are also known to hold the soil and prevent erosion. During rain and flood, the top soil of the earth tend to be washed away by water. The roots of the trees play an important part in holding the top soil from erosion. So, in areas known for landslides, the importance of tree plantation is quite relevant.

Controls Climate:

Since trees inhale Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, tree plantation is the best organic method that could be efficiently applied to reverse global warming and prevent climate change. In the recent days, especially after the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, importance of tree plantation has gained significant ground in many countries.

Since human beings have excessively exploited trees in the last two centuries after lifestyle inventions, the importance of tree plantation has become top priority in the present time. Tree plantation helps to sustain nature and maintain the dignity of human life on earth.

The importance of tree plantation must never be overlooked. Tree plantation has now become a necessity these days with the exponential growth rate of pollution in our environment. The process of tree plantation has to do with the transplanting of the seedlings of trees to spread the green scenery around and grow forests.

There are a lot of reasons why engaging in tree plantation is very important for our environment. There are a lot of benefits that tree plantation brings to our environment and mankind. We should endeavour to do our best individually and collectively to ensure we maintain our environment and also keeping the planet healthy knowing that just a little effort from us can go a long way in achieving this.

Tree plantation has a lot of benefits and a few of them will be discussed here just to remind us of how important tree plantation is:

1. The Economy Grows with Tree Plantation:

Trees are very important raw materials that can be used in the production of a variety of goods. We can get rubber, wood and so many more form trees that can be turned utensils, furniture, decorative items, paper and almost anything. Wood from trees is also a major element in the construction of houses and other structures. Trees produce fruits that can be consumed directly or processed into different foods. A lot of the goods that are produced from trees help to build the local economy and serve as a means of export thus, boosting the economy as a whole.

2. Trees Serve as Homes or Habitat to Various Species of Bird and Wildlife:

Trees are a home to birds and a host of other animals. Animals that have trees as their habitat include tree frog, tree kangaroo, flying lemur, spider monkey, koala and the python of the green tree. All of these animals live around or on the trees and their food are gotten from the trees. The leaves of the trees and the fruits of the trees are some of the parts of the trees that the animals eat. There some other wild animals that have the forests (a group of trees) as their own habitat.

Deforestation and the constant cutting down of trees has made quite a number of these wild animals extinct while some others are very close to extinction. If trees are not there for these animals to thrive, they would surely die. Tree plantation has a big role to place in helping these animals which is importance for the maintenance of biodiversity in our environment. Therefore, Biodiversity is very important for the maintenance of the balance of ecology in our environment.

3. Tree Plantation Helps Battle Deforestation:

Tree plantation goes a long way in the battling of deforestation. Due to urbanisation and modernisation, the amount of trees that we cut down is not commensurate with the amount of trees that we plant. We need to plant more trees to ensure that our forests are not totally deforested.

The fresh air we breathe, the beauty of nature that we enjoy shows us the importance of tree plantation. The trees provide us our life’s two basic need i.e., food and oxygen. During photosynthesis, trees generate enough oxygen that helps both humans and animals to survive. They provide us with food, wood, fresh air and they also provide shelter to animals and birds. As a result, our basic needs are fulfilled by the trees and we are totally dependent on them and this dependence helps us realize the importance of tree plantation. As we have more trees, we will rich to fulfill our needs.

Another role of trees in our eco-system is that the trees work like a filter in our eco-system. They absorb harmful gases produced by the activities humans, cause rainfall and maintains our nature. Our ecosystem is functioning well due to trees only.

Trees do this by cooling the environment through their leaves, absorbing sunlight and cooling our atmosphere and also saving us from the heavy air blow or storms. Trees lower the temperature by regulating the intensity of the heat through absorbing carbon dioxide and keeping the environment cool by releasing water vapor to our environment.

Planting of trees saves water and brings rainfall. There are much more reasons that makes us realize the importance of tree plantation and also thousands of reasons about how can we recover our environment through tree plantation.

Importance of Tree Plantation in our Social Life:

Tree plantation is the only way through which we can recover from our mistakes which have been done by deforestation. And, it also fulfills our basic needs and making Earth a better place to live. People around the world are now aware about this and understanding about what they have lost and how to get them back again through tree plantation. It is the only fastest way to make the Earth green like before and save our earth from the upcoming natural disasters.

Steps taken by Government to promote the “Importance of Tree Plantation”:

Chipko Moment was one such initiative to make people aware about the importance of tree plantation. While all around the world, NGOs, Volunteers and public are aware about the importance of tree plantation but still not much has been done. Government has started issuing funds, required equipments for tree plantation and has also made it a target to plant more trees in those areas which needs this the most.

A rapid growth is also seen through the increasing number of campaigns which educate people about the importance of tree plantation and compels them to contribute towards saving the Earth. Still much more plantation can be done. There are a lot of areas which is suffering from early fall. This can only be done by the local people.

We realize that one of the serious issues in the present condition is the devaluation of trees. Henceforth the attention to planting trees must be broadly spread in order to make our world’s condition greener and better. One should start contributing at an individual level. We additionally ought to stop the cutting down of trees and remember that if there will be no tree, there will be no life.

The tree play a major role in our life. Each and everyone must be aware about the importance of tree plantation and also motivate and encourage others to plant more tree. It is not just the present generation but also the future generation that will enjoy the benefits of having trees around.

Trees are the constant source of oxygen, which is the source of life on our planet. The survival of the ecosystem on earth is majorly dependent on number trees and forests. As industrialization and urbanization are under prolific growth the forests in India are facing a major threat. Therefore the importance of “tree plantation” is increasing with every passing day. “Tree plantation” can be carried out by sowing seeds and planting saplings in urban areas, on roadsides, on barren and utilized lands, school and college premises and many such places.

Significance of Tree Plantation:

“Tree plantation” is majorly significant in India as there is rapid deforestation in many areas where new industries and urbanization is developing. The Western Ghats in India are famous for the lush green mountains, beautiful rice fields, waterfalls and blooming ecological system. These mountain valleys are constantly getting eroded due to the factories and heavy construction work.

Extensive deforestation has resulted in catastrophic floods and landslides. The importance of “tree plantation” can also be quoted for conservation of forest for safeguarding the wildlife. The wild animals are facing a dearth of inhabitable forest regions and the lands are getting cleared for farming and industrial purposes.

The urban areas are devoid of trees and therefore face intense problems like smog and polluted air. “Tree Plantation” becomes a long time solution for such issues. Hazardous pollutants and greenhouse gases are released into the air from vehicle exhaust, burning of wood and coal, factories and industries. “Tree Plantation” must be rapidly exercised in maintaining the quality of air in the Indian metros and cities.

Measures taken by Indian Government:

Currently the forests and trees cover only 24.39 percent of the geographical area of India. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change of the Indian Government has undertaken a number of measures to increase the forest and tree coverage. The National Mission for a Green India is launched under the National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC). By undertaking “tree plantation” on a massive scale, it aims to escalate forest cover in India by 5 million hectares and also to restore degraded forest by 5 million hectares.

The Indian Government is allocating funds through the Compensatory afforestation fund management and planning account (CAMPA) to undertake such massive campaigns for “tree plantation” in both urban and rural areas. The state governments are also exercising extensive measures to enhance the forest and tree coverage. The government of Maharashtra recorded its entry in the coveted Limca Book of Records by conducting a massive “tree plantation” by planting 2.82 crore trees on a single day with the help of the citizens and various Non-Government Organizations.

Contribution of NGO:

The Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) in India are taking proactive actions on encouraging common people to participate in “tree plantation” programs and creating awareness on importance of tree plantation climate change. The organization named Green Yatra founded by Mr. Pradeep Tripathi in Maharashtra has undertaken a program called ‘Go Green Kids,’ and provide free saplings to schools, in rural and urban parts of the state.

The students then look after the saplings which enhances the spirit of “tree plantation” throughout the community. The Green Yatra organization is planning to expand its operations to schools across India. They have planted 30000 trees across Maharashtra schools. The Project Green Hand founded by the Isha Foundation in Tamil Nadu gives the school kids 2000 seeds for “tree plantation”, educates them through peer-to-peer education and students cultivate mini forest in the school premises.

In 2013 the Sankalp Taru organization founded a program in the school in Barmer, Thar Desert to educate students and nearby communities on the importance of “tree plantation”. The organization conducts routine visits to ensure that the trees are healthy, and provide irrigation and water to the deprived areas. SayTrees is a Bengaluru based organization formed by committed individuals to protecting the ecological balance of nature.

The “tree plantation” by SayTrees is done by a unique method known as the Miyawaki technique. This technique allows various varieties of the plants to grow faster. The “tree plantation” program by SayTress is done by planting only native plant saplings like peepal, banyan, and mango.

The ecological system of our planet is a shared responsibility of all the citizens. The “importance of tree plantation” is emerging as we see the deteriorating condition of the forests and the ecosystem. The Indian Government and various NGOs are striving to bring awareness on climate change and various environmental problems. Massive “tree plantation” programs must be undertaken to mitigate the current ecological problems.

Importance of tree plantation has been advocated by all ever since the ancient civilizations learnt to settle in one place. Trees give us oxygen and are an important condition for the sustenance of life on life. But, do we really give them the respect they deserve? Is it not that for our personal needs we have uprooted numerous trees and paved way for urbanisation? All this has not just affected the environment, but it has affected us the most as we have disturbed the balance of nature which was essential for our own survival. Hence, it is the need of the day to understand the importance of tree plantation.

The Importance of Tree Plantation:

It is not only the oxygen for which the trees are important to us. There are numerous other things as well. In fact, it would not be wrong to say that it is not possible for us to survive on earth without the trees being around.

Social Importance of Tree Plantation:

Importance of tree plantation lies in the fact that they are visually appealing. Having trees around us is a boost to our eyes. An area full of trees looks so visually appealing that it helps you beat your stress levels and the fresh air around the trees energises you. Also, the importance of tree plantation is that children love to play around them and it gives a boost the outdoor activities of children, giving them a healthy life. One of the most talked about importance of tree plantation is that they protect you from the sun and provide the elders with a sitting ground for them to relax under their shade.

Economic Importance of Tree Plantation:

There is economic importance of tree plantation as well. The foremost is that the produce from trees is used for commercial purposes and even exported to other nations. This helps in the economy of the country. The economic importance of tree plantation includes that they give livelihood to the people as cultivating trees and selling their produce helps them earn their living. Moreover, the beautification of the landscape also results in higher property rates, thereby benefitting the economy and the people.

Environmental Importance of Tree Plantation:

Most importantly, there is environmental importance of tree plantation. One of the foremost is that we get plenty of oxygen for our own survival. Moreover, other importance of tree plantation includes that trees help in reducing pollution levels and give us a healthy environment to live. Additionally, the importance of tree plantation is that they help in stopping the clouds and cause rainfall. Also, they bind the soil together and prevent soil erosion. Furthermore, there are many species of animals and birds which are dependent on trees for their survival. Trees, in fact, are essential for all living beings.

Both above and deep below the surface of the Earth, trees are fundamental to the eco-frameworks in which they live. Sweeping roots hold soil set up and fight disintegration. Trees assimilate and store water which decreases overflow and increases the water table of the Earth. This is used by us to satisfy our needs of water in the absence of rainfall. Moreover, this enables the ground to water supply revive, keeps the water moving into streams and averts flooding. Fallen leaves make amazing manure that improves the quality of the soil. This is important for the sustenance of agricultural practices as well.

Importance of Trees as Food for Other Species:

Numerous creatures, including elephants, koalas and giraffes eat leaves as food for survival. Blooms are eaten by monkeys, and nectar is a most loved of winged creatures, bats and numerous creepy animals. Different species additionally eat a significant part of a similar natural product that is produced by trees. This allows the seed to scatter over different areas.

New plants grow from these seeds and give rise to the trees in a region. Obviously, several living animals consider trees their home. Leaf-secured branches protect a number of animals, for example, flying creatures and squirrels, out of the span of predators. Hence the importance of tree plantation is not just for the human race but for the other species on the Earth as well.

Spiritual and Religious Importance of Tree Plantation:

There is spiritual importance of tree plantation as well. Many trees are considered sacred in different religions. Planting such trees in the neighbourhood gives positivity to the residents of that area. Therefore, it is not only for their oxygen-producing capacity that we should understand the importance of tree plantation.

The Movement to Emphasise Importance of Tree Plantation:

The importance of tree plantation was demonstrated during the Chipko movement. In the 1970s, a movement known as the Chipko movement was organised in order to stop the increase in deforestation in India. The name of the development originates from the word ‘grasp’, as the villagers embraced the trees, and did not allow the workers to cut the trees.

This movement began around 260 years back in the early piece of the eighteenth century in Rajasthan. An extensive group of people from 84 towns driven by a woman called Amrita Devi set out their lives with an end goal to shield the trees from being felled on the requests of the Maharaja of Jodhpur. The movement was eventually successful as the Maharaja agrees to stop the felling of the trees.

Trees are important for us all, be it humans, animals or birds. But, we have somehow not protected them and perhaps that is why as on today we have been affected by global warming, severe pollution levels and other ill effects of deforestation. But it is still not so late. We must all understand the importance of tree plantation and encourage others as well to plant more and more trees.

It is for the own betterment and the sooner we understand this the better it is for us. Individuals are considered as the smartest animal on the earth, so we ought to comprehend our duty towards nature and understand the importance of trees for the benefit of all flora and fauna on the earth. Let our planet remain as beautiful as it was created millions of years ago.

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Tree Plantation Essay | Essay on Tree Planation for Students and Children

February 22, 2023 by Prasanna

Tree Plantation Essay: Trees are an essential and indisputable part of our life. They perform a variety of functions, such as provide us with oxygen, food, wood, and many more. They are a vital part of our environment and are essential to maintain the balance in the ecology. However, in recent times, the practice of deforestation is on the rise.

Tree plantation is a critical process. It refers to the planting of seedlings that not only is for increasing the forest cover but for ensuring that our ecosystem is intact. There are many benefits of tree plantation, such as increasing greenery, pure oxygen, climate change, etc.

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Long and Short Essay on Tree Plantation in English for Students and Children

Below we have provided one long essay on tree plantation of 400-500 words and one short essay on tree plantation of 200 words.

Long Essay on Tree Plantation in English 500 words

The long tree plantation essay is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9, 10, and competitive exam aspirants.

Trees are vital to the environment. They provide us with fresh air to breathe, a shelter for birds and animals. They also provide us with wood for various purposes, along with many medicinal and spiritual properties. However, deforestation has been its main enemy. This problem needs to be curtailed to ensure that the ecological balance is maintained.

Tree plantation is the process of planting seedlings into the ground. This process is in a planned manner. Tree plantation depends upon the geography and the topology of the region. Usually, planting trees that grow quickly are preferred. Many trees are indigenous and are encouraged by many to be grown to maintain natural heritage. It mainly occurs in the monsoon season in India, between June and September. Tree plantation is vital to make up for the losses due to deforestation, of which we are now suffering consequences.

Tree plantation is not only beneficial to the environment but is also crucial in the growing worries of climate change. Trees are the natural purifiers of the Earth; they take in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. This oxygen is required for every living being on the planet. The reason they are called natural purifiers because they take in the toxins and give out pure air for us to breathe. Trees are essential for the soil as they prevent erosion. They ensure that there is reduced erosion when it rains and keeps the soil-bound. Their roots hold the soil together, and they even draw the rain towards the ground. Another benefit of tree plantation here is that when leaves fall onto the ground, it decays in the soil and enriches it.

Tree plantation is vital to increase the green cover. Trees provide us with fruits and vegetables that are required by all living beings. Tree plantation is vital to ensure that birds and many animals such as koala bears, sloths, orangutans, and tree frogs, etc. that live on trees have a home. Trees control the changes in climate. Without planting trees, lands would turn into deserts. They regulate the temperature by keeping it cooler and maintain humidity.

Tree plantation is required for economic reasons as well. They provide us with timber, wood, and rubber, which help in the construction of homes, furniture, paper, and products sold in the market. They produce fruits that are used to make juices, jams, and other eatables as well. They also look lovely and scenic.

The need for tree plantation has been recognized all over the world. Governments ensure the protection of forests. There are many NGOs today that looks to spread awareness and encourage tree plantation. They try to get communities to participate as well as spread their messages through live performances, interactions, and social media. Schools also stress the importance of tree plantation and try to teach their significance among students. They teach students abuts the various benefits and do tree plantations on the school campus. Many people plant trees on world environment day. Tree plantation day in India is referred to as Van Mahotsav, which is celebrated every year throughout the first week of July.

Short Essay on Tree Plantation in English for Kids 200 words

Tree plantation essay is suitable for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Tree plantation refers to planting seedlings in the soil. It is done during the monsoon season, from July to September in India. Seedlings are planted in the Earth, and the types grown are based on soil and climate of the region.

Tree plantation is significant in the current age of climate change and global warming. Trees take in the carbon dioxide as well as many toxics and give out clean oxygen for all living things to breathe. Trees prevent the soil from getting eroded and danged during rains. They hold the soil together with its roots. Tree plantation is necessary because it is the home to birds and many animals like koala bears and tree frogs. Trees help to control the temperature of the Earth, making it cooler. Trees also provide us with fruits and vegetables. They give us wood to build houses, furniture and make paper.

It is essential to conserve the greenery around us. Many schools teach students about the importance of tree plantation and students plant trees in schools. Tree plantation is practiced all over the world. Tree plantation day in India is celebrated as Van Mahotsav in the first week of July.

10 Lines on Tree Plantation Essay in English

This is suitable for competitive exam aspirants as well as while making speeches.

  • Tree plantation is the process of planting seedlings into the ground. This process is done in a planned manner.
  • Tree plantation depends on the topology, geography and climate of the region.
  • Tree plantation is in the monsoon season. In India, it is done between June and September.
  • It has become important in times of climate change and deforestation.
  • Trees take in carbon dioxide and other harmful toxins. They give out clean oxygen which is essential for all living beings.
  • They prevent soil erosion during the rains. Their roots bind the soil together. Their leaves all enrich the soil.
  • They help to bring in rains and control the temperatures. They help to keep it cool and if they are cut down the climate and land become similar to a desert.
  • Tree plantation is required as trees are home to birds and many animals such as koala bears, orangutans, tree frogs, etc. They provide us with essential fruits and vegetables.
  • Trees provide us with timber to build shelters, furniture, make paper, etc which can be sold in markets.
  • The importance of tree plantation is recognized all over the world. Tree plantation day in India is referred to as Van Mahotsav every year throughout the first week of July.

FAQ’s on Tree Plantation Essay

Question 1. What is tree plantation?

Answer: Tree plantation is the process of planting seedlings into the ground. This process is done in a planned manner.

Question 2. Why is tree plantation required?

Answer: Tree plantation is required to sustain life on Earth. Trees give out oxygen, provide shelter for animals, provide food, and regulate climate.

Question 3. How is tree plantation economical?

Answer: They provide us with timber, wood, and rubber, which help in the construction of homes, furniture, paper, and products sold in the market. They produce fruits used for juices, jams, and other eatables as well.

Question 4. When is tree plantation day in India?

Answer: Tree plantation day in India is referred to as Van Mahotsav, which is celebrated every year throughout the first week of July.

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Essay on The Importance of Tree Plantation in English for Students Exams

February 7, 2024 entranciology Full Essays and Articles For All Competitive Exams 0

Tree plantation is a vital practice that involves planting trees in various locations, including forests, parks, urban areas, and degraded lands. This essay explores the importance of tree plantation in maintaining ecological balance, preserving biodiversity, mitigating climate change, and promoting sustainable development.

Ecological Balance

Oxygen Production: Trees play a crucial role in producing oxygen through photosynthesis, a process by which they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. Oxygen is essential for the survival of all living organisms, including humans, and trees are one of the primary sources of oxygen in the atmosphere.

Carbon Sequestration: Trees act as carbon sinks by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in their biomass. This helps mitigate the effects of climate change by reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, thereby slowing down global warming and its associated impacts.

Soil Conservation: Tree roots help stabilize soil and prevent erosion by binding soil particles together and reducing surface runoff. Trees also improve soil fertility by enhancing nutrient cycling and organic matter decomposition, thereby promoting healthy soil ecosystems.

Preserving Biodiversity

Habitat for Wildlife: Trees provide habitat and shelter for a wide variety of wildlife species, including birds, mammals, insects, and microorganisms. Forests, in particular, are biodiverse ecosystems that support countless species and contribute to the overall health and resilience of ecosystems.

Food and Resources: Trees provide food and resources for wildlife, including fruits, nuts, seeds, and shelter. Many animals rely on trees for nesting, roosting, and foraging, making them indispensable components of ecosystems and food webs.

Mitigating Climate Change

Carbon Sequestration: As mentioned earlier, trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. By planting trees and restoring forest ecosystems, we can help offset carbon emissions and reduce the impacts of climate change.

Cooling Effect: Trees provide shade and evaporative cooling, which helps reduce surface temperatures and mitigate the urban heat island effect in cities and urban areas. This helps improve air quality, reduce energy consumption for cooling, and enhance overall urban livability.

Promoting Sustainable Development

Economic Benefits: Tree plantation generates economic benefits through the production of timber, fruits, nuts, and other forest products. Additionally, eco-tourism and recreation opportunities associated with forests and green spaces contribute to local economies and livelihoods.

Social Benefits: Trees provide numerous social benefits, including improved mental health and well-being, enhanced community cohesion, and increased aesthetic value. Green spaces and urban forests also provide opportunities for recreation, relaxation, and physical activity.

In conclusion, tree plantation is a vital practice that contributes to the well-being of people, wildlife, and the environment. By planting trees and restoring forest ecosystems, we can maintain ecological balance, preserve biodiversity, mitigate climate change, and promote sustainable development. It is essential for individuals, communities, governments, and organizations to prioritize tree plantation efforts and work together to create a greener, healthier, and more sustainable future for generations to come.

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Tree plantation paragraph | 250, 300 words | SSC, HSC| Unique & Easy |

essay tree plantation

Table of Contents

Questions to note:

(a) What does a tree do for us? (b) What happens if there are no trees? (c) What is the effect of the loss of trees? (d) How can we make the earth greener, cleaner and safer? (e) What part do people play in protecting trees and increasing forests?

Tree plantation paragraph 150 words

essay tree plantation

Systematic planting of trees on a large scale is called tree plantation. Trees are very important to our daily lives in many ways. Trees meet our nutritional needs by providing fruits and vitamins. The wood used to make daily necessities including furniture is obtained from trees. Trees prevent soil erosion. A variety of medicines are prepared from the leaves, roots and bark of the tree. We need oxygen for breathing and this oxygen is provided by trees. Plants keep our environment healthy by absorbing toxic carbon-dioxide gas. Trees play a huge role in maintaining our ecological balance. Ecological balance is a healthy and harmonious relationship between living and inanimate matter in the environment. Plants help us maintain this balance by providing shelter and oxygen to animals and plants. Without plants, our life would not exist. It is said that a country needs to have 25% forest cover to maintain ecological balance. A country without trees becomes a desert and no living animal can live there. So planting trees is vital for us. They can be planted along roadsides, around educational institutions and in any open space. For our own sake we should plant more trees.

Tree plantation paragraph for class 8 (250 words)

Tree plantation refers to planting more trees across the country. A happy and peaceful life is not possible without trees. Some people are recklessly cutting down trees everywhere. They do not think that the destruction of trees destroys the ecosystem. As a result, our country is going to become a whole desert. In this we may face problems like flood, land erosion, lack of rain etc. It poses a great threat to our ecosystem. Trees play a significant role in our day to day life. We need oxygen to survive. Trees give us this oxygen. They give us food and fruits. They also shelter us. From trees we get wood and without wood we cannot make household furniture, boats, launches, ships etc. If trees are planted along the banks of rivers and seas, erosion can be prevented. It also prevents air pollution. Trees protect the country from harmful greenhouse effect. The higher lands of the river valleys are suitable for growth and development of afforestation. Beaches, lowlands and wastelands can be brought under afforestation with specific types of trees suitable for the soil. June-July is the best time for planting. We should plant more trees to save the environment. Plantation programs should be extended to remote areas of the country. Officials concerned with this program should take proper steps and necessary measures to make it successful. Government should take necessary steps to encourage people to plant trees. The necessity and importance of trees can never be ignored. So it is our duty to plant more trees and take care of them for our own well-being and existence.

Tree plantation paragraph for class 9-10 (SSC) 300 words

The life of every animal on earth including humans is directly or indirectly related to trees. Trees have made this land habitable, providing essential food for animals and above all maintaining the earth’s ecological and climatic balance. And so there is no alternative to planting trees to preserve the natural balance. It is desirable for any country to have at least 25 percent forest cover on its mainland. But compared to that, the amount of forest land in Bangladesh is only 16 percent of the total area. Even in such a situation, we are often killing trees indiscriminately from all around for no reason. In this we are moving towards an inevitable end. The environment of Bangladesh has become a victim of pollution today. As a result, there is excessive rain or no rain. Every year Bangladesh is devastated by flash floods, landslides and cyclones. The climate of this country is gradually moving towards extremes. Maybe in the future Bangladesh will turn into a desert. And in the absence of trees, it is not possible to stop the greenhouse effect. Ozone layer depletion and global warming may lead to submergence of Bangladesh’s coastal areas if sea level rises. Plantation or development of tree resources is therefore linked to our existence. For effective implementation of the goals and objectives of forest expansion and forest conservation, public and private efforts are required. However, some of the duties to be performed in this regard are – prevention of free and arbitrary clearing of forests, planting of new saplings and their necessary maintenance, enforcement of laws to prevent the cutting of immature trees, establishment of social forestry in new areas, organization of tree fairs, etc. Only if the tree plantation campaign can be carried out with the concerted efforts of all these, our land including Bangladesh will become habitable again.

Tree plantation paragraph for class 12 (HSC) 350 words

Initiating campaign in order to conquer green world and to secure the life on earth, planting trees as much as possible refers to tree plantation. Ours is an overpopulated country which doesn’t contain a significant value of land. Though we have secured 17% of our land fulfil with trees, it’s not ideal. Apart from this, greedy society is cutting down trees on their sweet will to earn money. Trees are an integral part of nature and the ecosystem. Therefore, the existence of life on earth without trees is unimaginable. Indiscriminate deforestation is endangering nature. Biodiversity and environment are under threat. According to the decision of environmental scientists, the reason for the deterioration of the world environment is the deforestation of the world. The relationship between life and environment is inextricable. To keep life alive, the balance of the environment must be maintained. Trees increase the amount of water in the soil by making rain fall by producing water vapor. Moreover, by preventing soil erosion, it protects the land from river erosion and increases soil fertility. It also plays a unique role in protecting the earth from natural disasters. Trees take the carbon dioxide released by animals from nature’s bosom and return life-giving oxygen to nature. The dire consequences of deforestation are evident worldwide today. As a result of this, the melting of the ice in the polar region will increase the height of the sea water and the rate of floods, cyclones and floods will increase a lot. Again, as a result of the depletion of the ozone layer due to green house gases, the sun’s ultraviolet rays will enter the earth, causing various diseases to humans and animals. As a result, to protect the balance of the environment, planting sufficient number of trees for a livable environment has become an imperative today. Tree planting is essential to bring back the coolness of tree shade in rough urban areas. Tree plantation programs and maintenance should be undertaken under well-planned government and private assistance. People should be encouraged to plant trees wherever there is vacant land. The general public will feel the urge to plant trees only when they are made aware of the horrors of environmental imbalance.

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Planting trees is not only about protecting the environment; This is a strong declaration of our commitment to a sustainable future. Trees are the unsung heroes of our planet, quietly working to clean the air, provide habitat for countless species and combat the growing threat of climate change. When we plant trees, we plant seeds of hope for generations to come. Each plant represents an opportunity to revitalize our ecosystem and strengthen biodiversity. As we carefully dig up the earth and place these young plants in the ground, we are essentially providing a green sanctuary for birds, insects and animals, encouraging a harmonious coexistence with nature. The act of planting a tree goes beyond physical activity; It is a symbolic gesture of unity. It unites communities, schools and organizations in a shared mission to heal the planet It is a classroom without walls, teaching us about endurance, growth and the interconnectedness of all living things. Moreover, trees play an important role in mitigating the climate crisis. They absorb carbon dioxide, act as the Earth’s lungs, and release life-giving oxygen. Deforestation threatens our world, planting trees is our antidote, our defense against the encroaching menace of global warming. In a world facing environmental challenges, plantations are our beacon of hope. It’s a testament to our ability to affect positive change, reminding us that every tree we plant is a step toward a healthier, greener tomorrow. So, let’s pick up our shovels, roll up our sleeves and plant the seeds of change, because in the shade of this tree our future generations will find respite and inspiration.

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Essay on Tree Plantation for Students in 1000 Words

In this article, we have published an Essay on Tree Plantation for Students in 1000 Words. Here, you will understand the importance of trees in life.

Table of Contents

Introduction (Essay on Tree Plantation – 1000 Words)

India had immense forest wealth over hundreds of years ago. But due to industrialization and urbanization, villages are changing in cities. The trees are being harvested indiscriminately.

Importance of plantation

1. for greenery.

They provide asylum to creatures and birds. Monkeys, langurs, squirrels, snakes, birds, etc., live on trees very comfortably. They offer a pleasant shade to the passengers. Humans and animals rest in their cool shade and rejoice.

2. For Fruits

3. for oxygen & science studies.

They release harmful oxygen by exploiting harmful carbon dioxide from the air. Oxygen is life and organisms survive by taking it. Therefore, it is imperative to have a sufficient number of trees on earth.

4. For Raining

5. for balanced environment.

One day of the month should be devoted to the plantation. Students should be made partners in this work. Trees should be planted in suburbs, on roadsides, on hilly sites, in residential areas and wherever there is little free space.

Benefits of trees

The final words.

Forest wealth must be protected because if trees are cut down, then India will become dull. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the trees. It is a matter of pleasure that the Government of India is paying attention to this.

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Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation for Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation: Importance of tree plantation has been stressed upon time and again. The need for tree plantation has become even greater these days because of the growing pollution in the environment. Tree plantation involves transplanting tree seedlings to grow forests and spread greenery around. There are a number of reasons why the process of tree plantation is important for the environment.

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Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation in English

Here are essays on importance of tree plantation of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can choose any importance of tree plantation essay as per your need:

Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 1 (200 words)

Tree plantation is good for the environment. Everyone knows that trees are the source of oxygen. They inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen without which the survival of living beings is not possible on earth.

Apart from inhaling carbon dioxide trees also absorb various harmful gases including sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide and also filter harmful pollutants from the atmosphere thereby providing us fresher and cleaner air to breath. The growing amount of air pollution caused by the smoke emitted by vehicles and factories can be controlled only if we plant more and more trees. However, this is not the only reason why tree plantation is important. It offers several other benefits. Some of the top advantages of growing trees include:

  • Providing fruits and leaves that serve as food for birds, animals as well as human beings.
  • Maintaining bio diversity.
  • Providing wood, rubber and other raw materials that are used for manufacturing various goods such as furniture, doors, windows, utensils, stationary items and decorative items.
  • Conservation of water.
  • Habitat for birds and animals.
  • Climate Control.
  • Preservation of soil.

Even though trees offer so many benefits and are extremely important for maintaining the ecological balance, we are cutting these ruthlessly. Tree plantation is essential to compensate for this loss.

Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 2 (300 words)


There are numerous reasons why tree plantation is important. One of the main reasons among these is that trees exhale the life-giving oxygen without which the existence of mankind is impossible.

Trees Exhale the Life Giving Oxygen

A famous quote reads, “Imagine if trees gave off Wifi signals we’d be planting so many trees, we’d probably save the planet. Too bad they only produce oxygen we breathe”. It is sad how we have grown so accustomed to technology that we overlook the harmful impact it is having on our environment. Not only is the use of technology destroying nature but it is also separating us from the same.

More and more trees must be planted if we really want to survive and lead a good life. Besides exhaling oxygen and inhaling carbon dioxide, trees also absorb other harmful gases from the environment thus making the air purer and fresher. The greener the tree the more oxygen it shall produce and the more toxic gases it will absorb.

The pollution level these days is rising high. The only way to fight it is by growing more and more trees. The areas that are surrounded by trees, for instance, villages and forests boast of a cleaner environment. This is because these are less impacted by the pollution. On the other hand, the urban residential and industrial areas have poor air quality due to the growing pollution and lesser number of trees around.

Even when the importance of tree plantation is so evident, there are only a handful of people who actually take it as their responsibility to indulge in this activity. The rest are so engrossed in their lives that they do not understand that without enough trees around we wouldn’t be able to live long. It is time we must recognize the importance of tree plantation and contribute our bit towards the same.

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Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 3 (400 words)

Plantation of trees and plants aids in making the environment better. It purifies the air, conserves water, helps in climate control, preserves soil and benefits the overall environment in several other ways.

NGOs Involved in Tree Plantation

On the one hand there are industrialists and ministers who are blinded by money. All they want is to expand their business and earn money. They don’t mind cutting trees, deforesting the Earth and raising the pollution levels.

On the other hand there are those who care about the environment and are working towards improving its condition selflessly.They are involved in planting trees, cleaning the water bodies and other activities to make the environment clean and green. Many non-profit organizations have been formed across the globe by the joint efforts of such people. Some of these include Green Yatra, Grow Trees, Sankalp Taru, Green Life, Say Trees, Save Green, Kudumban, Being Green and Go Sakthi.

The Department of Environment extends its support to these NGOs from time to time. Besides being involved in the process of tree plantation and other such activities many of these NGOs also promote the cause by performing street side plays, updating their social pages and visiting schools and colleges to spread the word.

Importance of Tree Plantation to be Sensitized at School Level

Students are given brief knowledge about the importance of tree plantation and keeping the environment clean in their environmental science class. They learn the lesson for their exam and forget about it later. This is not how it should be. Special classes must be conducted to sensitize them about the importance of growing trees and plants.

Teachers must stress upon the importance of tree plantation in these sessions and make the students understand how they can help in changing the environment for good. It is a good idea for the schools and colleges to collaborate with some NGOs and take the students out for cleanliness drives as well as for tree plantation every month. Practical experience always has a far greater impact compared to theoretical knowledge. This will generate their interest in this field and encourage them to make an effort in this direction.

Besides, if each student from each school and college in the country takes part in tree plantation campaign every month, we will be growing so many trees.

We must plant more and more trees and also encourage those around us to do so. It is best to join a nearby NGO working for this cause to work efficiently in this direction.

Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 4 (500 words)

Tree Plantation offers numerous benefits to the mankind and we all are well aware about these. We also know that a little effort made by each one of us can make a huge difference to the overall environment on Earth.

Tree Plantation Aids in Building Economy

We are dependent upon trees for the production of various goods. Trees provide raw material such as wood, rubber, etc that is turned into furniture, utensils, papers, decorative items and what not. It is also used in building houses. Trees also bear fruits that are raw or are processed and used in manufacturing jams, jellies, juices, sauces and what not. Many of the items produced with the raw material extracted by trees are exported to other countries to boast businesses and the overall economy of the country. So, the greater number of trees we plant the greater number of such goods we can produce.

Trees Are a Boon for the Birds and Wild Life

Trees serve as a habitat for birds as well as a number of animals. Some of these animals include tree kangaroo, tree frog, spider monkey, flying lemur, green tree python and koala. They live on and around the trees and also get food from them. Some of these relish the fruits they bear while others love having the green leaves they are full of.

Besides, forests are a natural habitat for the wild animals. This is where they dwell. Deforestation has led to the extinction of various species of birds and animals. Many others are on the verge of extinction. It is natural for the animals and birds to die if we snatch their sources of food and ruin their places of habitat.

Tree plantation can help them survive and live peacefully. It is thus important for maintaining biodiversity in the environment. Biodiversity is extremely essential for maintaining the ecological balance in the environment.

Tree Plantation vs Deforestation

While we must stop deforestation and save trees however with the growing demand of wood, rubber and various products made from trees it can only be restricted to some extent. We cannot avoid it completely. Besides the high demand of goods, the need for urbanisation has also increased. Forests are being cut to construct residential areas in the cities to accommodate more and more people here.

The land is also being used to set up industries. In this age of growing technology, this is the need of the hour. While we cannot avoid all this however we can replenish the loss by way of tree plantation. It is not the sole responsibility of the government to plant trees to make the city green. We must also work for this cause.

We all know how important trees and plants are for our survival and well being. But how many of us are actually involved in planting tree regularly? If you are not doing it, it is time you must take this up seriously and put in whatever little efforts you can to improve the environment.

Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 5 (600 words)

Tree plantation is basically the procedure of moving tree seedlings from their original place and planting them elsewhere for different purposes. The reason behind tree plantation is mostly forestry, landscaping and land reclamation. Each of these purposes of tree plantation is important for its own unique reason.

Importance of Tree Plantation for Forestry

One of the most common purposes of tree plantation is forestry. Forests are extremely important for maintaining ecological balance on earth. A major part of our planet is covered with forests. However, these are being cut at a rapid pace ever since the beginning of the industrial era. Although forests grow naturally however in order to replenish the loss occurring due to deforestation it is essential for us to contribute our bit towards growing forests. Tree plantation is done for this purpose. With the help of tree plantation, forests can be grown faster.

Importance of Tree Plantation for Landscaping

Tree plantation is also done for landscaping purpose. The urban areas these days are mostly devoid of trees and plants. Landscaping of such areas is done to make these places worth living as well as to render a feel good factor to them. Tree plantation is the best and easiest way to beautify the surroundings. These are often planted on the roadside, in societies, in the parks as well as other places in the town for the purpose of landscaping. This does not only make the place look beautiful but also helps in beating the heat and offers various other benefits.

NGOs Volunteer for the Cause

Tree plantation is one of the easiest and quickest ways to spread greenery. People around the globe have volunteered to contribute towards the environment from time to time. Many of them have set up non-profit organizations with joint efforts and are working towards making earth a better place to live.

These organizations do not only indulge in tree plantation activities and other activities to spread greenery but also engage in motivating others to work for this cause. They organize skits explaining the importance of tree plantation and propagate the same among their neighbours, friends and colleagues. With the advent of social media and internet it has become easier to spread knowledge about the importance of tree plantation and encourage people to participate in the same.

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Government Support Required for Tree Plantation

While the NGOs are doing their bit towards making the environment cleaner and green, they often fall short. The propagation of their cause must be done on wide scale in order to involve more and more people to work towards this drive. Since these are all non-profit organizations, they do not have enough funds to do so.

The government must support them whole heartedly to further their cause. After all, these organizations are working towards building a better nation. With the financial help provided by the government, these organizations can take up bigger projects and encourage other people by way of advertisements in television, newspapers as well as big roadside hoardings.

People must be sensitized about it so that they participate in large numbers. A big change in this direction is only possible if each one of us takes it as a responsibility to plant trees. Even if we do not have time to join an NGO and go with them on the drives regularly, we can make our contribution towards the cause by simply planting trees in our surrounding areas.

It is time people must recognize the importance of tree plantation and contribute towards the same. The government must take this issue seriously and work towards involving more and more people to further the cause.

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Essay on Tree Plantation – 200, 500, 1000 Words

November 25, 2020

tree plantation

There are numerous reasons why the entire process of plantation is crucial for the environment. Essays on the importance of planting tress of different lengths are detailed here for your convenience. Please feel free to use these essays on tree plantation for your academic or social purposes.

Importance of Tree Plantation – 200 Words Essay on Tree Plantation

“A tree is the best friend of man on earth.” When we use trees respectfully and economically, we have one of the greatest resources on earth. Trees are rightfully called the ‘lungs of the earth.’ Life on earth would cease to exist in the absence of trees. Trees are responsible for sustaining the environment in several ways.

Trees release life-supporting oxygen and absorb harmful gases like carbon dioxide during the process of photosynthesis. They act as sponges by taking in toxic emissions and other pollutants, released into the atmosphere by industries and vehicles. The roots of trees bind the soil together thereby preventing erosion. The blatant and increased rate of deforestation is the primary cause of landslides. In addition to being the bearers of delicious fruits, trees are the natural habitat of several species of animals, birds, and insects. Thus, the destruction of a tree implies the destruction of an entire ecosystem.

We have inherited this planet with its many resources, from our ancestors. The onus rests on us to protect the earth’s fragile ecosystem, so that future generations have a place they can call home. It is indeed ironic that despite being at the top of the food chain Homo Sapiens are intent on destroying the very things that guarantee their survival. However, there is a silver lining. The situation can be remedied by restoring the earth’s green cover and taking concrete measures to reduce carbon emissions. Let’s all take a vow to go green and save the earth from destruction.

The Important Role of Trees in the Environment – 200 Words Essay on Tree Plantation

Trees are the most benevolent givers in nature. They play an extremely important role in giving life and sustaining it, as a whole, as well as maintaining a balance in the eco-system. This makes it crucial for us to understand how significant trees are to our life on earth and what we can do to counter the problem of their depleting numbers and all the additional challenges that come with it.

Trees play an extremely important part in regulating the temperature and making the weather conditions conducive to rainfall. They take in carbon dioxide from the air, thereby purifying it, and release oxygen, which is essential to the sustenance of life. Moreover, they also provide us with wood, food, fuel, paper, etc, which are an important part of our daily lives. Furthermore, they are home to all kinds of animals and birds as well.

Deforestation is a major reason behind the climate change crisis that we are facing today. Not only has it led to the occurrence of numerous natural calamities, but it has also resulted in the severe depletion and extinction of many species of flora and fauna.

It is high time that we took the responsibility for our actions. We need to give back to the earth and take care of her the same way she has been taking care of us for so long. We need to plant as many trees as possible to make our earth beautiful and green again.

Why Tree Plantation is Important – 500 Words Essay on Tree Plantation

“Plant a tree today for a better tomorrow.” The significance of forest cover and tree plantation cannot be stressed upon enough, and their importance has only increased in the present scenario, with global warming and climate change being very real threats to our planet and all its inhabitants.

Tree plantation refers to the transplantation of saplings or sowing of seeds in order to facilitate green cover and promote afforestation. Tree plantation can be a very fulfilling and fruitful activity! Not only is it good for the environment and the earth, but it is also a way in which you can help in making the world a better and cleaner place to live in, as trees help to bring down the levels of pollution.

The advantages of planting trees are manifold, such as:

1. Trees are Home to All Manner of Flora and Fauna

The earth is home to not just us but trees as well, and trees, in turn, are home to a variety of birds and animals such as monkeys, koalas, owls, tree frogs, pythons, etc. So, by erasing trees from the face of the earth and destroying green cover, we are destroying the homes of all these creatures as well. Moreover, trees also provide these creatures with food in the form of leaves and fruits, which is even more reason to preserve them.

Cutting these trees is results in the destruction of the natural habitat of these animals, leading to consequences as dire and disastrous as the diminishing of their populations or in the worst-case scenario, even the extinction of all these beautiful creatures. This is why it is imperative that we plant trees to maintain the ecological balance and ensure harmony in our biodiversity.

2. Growth of Forest Cover Leads to Growth in Economy

Trees are an indispensable part of our lives because they provide us with so many things that are essential for us. Everything, right from rubber, wood and paper to fruits and vegetables is provided to us by trees. Without trees, we would not have houses and other buildings, paper to write on, or even food. All these products that we obtain from trees are bought and sold and play a major role in the domestic as well as the international economy. Therefore, it is important to note that promoting afforestation will promote and boost the economy as well.

3. Planting trees can Help Combat the Negative Impact of Deforestation

All relationships are about giving and taking, even our relationship with the earth. It is only fair that we plant more trees to make up for the ones we cut, so as to maintain the ecological balance and natural harmony. Planting trees is the only way to make sure that our planet’s green cover is not wiped out completely.

Trees give us life. It is time that we gave back to nature. It is time that we nurture the earth now and tree plantation would be a great leap forward in this endeavor.

The Significance of Tree Plantation – 500 Words Essay on Tree Plantation

Trees are the embodiment of life itself. Not only do they give life, but they also sustain it as well by proving us and all other living creatures with two things that are essential for the sustenance of life, which are oxygen and food. Moreover, they also provide shelter and food to birds and animals and give us wood, paper, etc., that are an integral part of our daily lives.

What’s more? Did you know that trees also work as air-purifiers? They play the role of filters in our ecosystem by absorbing harmful gases from the air and bringing down the levels of pollution. In addition to all this, they help in maintaining the balance in our ecological system and make conditions conducive to rainfall, thereby ensuring that life flourishes. They take in the carbon dioxide present in the air, thereby regulating the temperature and making it cooler and more pleasant.

Unfortunately, however, despite the fact that trees are probably the most benign beings on the planet and do nothing but give of themselves to everyone and everything around them, we have shown them no mercy. Deforestation is a huge environmental concern now, and a big reason behind the climate change crisis we are facing today. However, with environmental activists passionately fighting for the cause, awareness about the negative impact of deforestation has increased. That being said, it is only fair that we give back to the earth now by planting trees to right the wrongs committed by us. It is the only way to restore the earth to her earlier green glory and save ourselves from any natural disasters in the future.

Now, this is not to say that people haven’t made attempts to right their wrongs in the past. In fact, the Chipko Movement was a great example of people coming together to save trees and encourage people to plant trees, and by extension save the earth. With the rising awareness about the importance of planting trees and the positive impact it will have on the environment, the Govt. has taken the initiative and issued funds and equipment for tree plantation, while also carrying out projects to plant trees in areas that are devoid of green cover.

In conclusion, it would not be wrong to say that the reason we are facing the climate change problem today is that we could not and did not realize the value of trees and appreciate them for everything they do, yesterday. But it is never too late to make amends. We can make things better by planting more trees and facilitating afforestation. We have done nothing but take from nature for so long. It is high time we gave back to the earth and there is no time like the present to do a good deed and make the earth a clean, green, and beautiful place to live in once again. After all, the future generations must inherit the earth in the same condition it was left to us, if not better. We owe it to them to make the world a healthy, happy, and safe place to live in.

The Importance of Planting Trees – 1000 Words Essay on Tree Plantation

The importance of promoting tree plantation cannot be stressed enough. It has been aptly stated that “People who will not sustain trees will soon live in a world that will not sustain people”. A world without trees is akin to a barren desert with no life. All forms of life on earth are interdependent and one cannot hope to exist without the other. Preservation of all-natural resources is imperative for the balance of our ecosystem. Hence the need to promote tree plantation on a war footing.

Trees benefit us in numerous ways. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen during the process of photosynthesis. This helps in combating climate change. Studies have shown that an acre of trees can absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide produced by a car that has been driven for twenty-six thousand miles. Strong healthy trees act as carbon sinks, absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide and reducing the effects of climate change. Also, in a year an acre of mature trees can provide oxygen for eighteen people. By absorbing pollutants like sulfur dioxide, ammonia, and nitrogen oxide, trees play a huge part in purifying the air. Tree canopies act as physical filters by trapping dust and absorbing pollutants from the air.

Trees help cool the environment, thereby conserving energy by reducing the need for air conditioning. Streets and cities with a larger green cover are significantly cooler as compared to those without. Ultraviolet rays are known to be the leading cause of skin cancer. Trees shield against UV rays by 50%.

Trees play an important part in conserving water. The shade from trees slows down the rate of water evaporation from lawns, gardens, etc. Trees also help in preventing water pollution. They reduce runoff by breaking rainfall, thus allowing water to flow into the earth. They act like sponges that filter rainwater and recharge the groundwater table. Moreover, trees play an important part in the water cycle and control the moisture level of the ecosystem. Tree plantation has a major role to play in preventing soil erosion. The roots of trees bind the soil, thus preventing it from getting washed away during rains.

Trees are a source of food and wood, both of which help promote the economy of the region. The forest industry provides ample job opportunities. Additionally, sustainable tree farming provides timber to build homes and wood for cooking and heating. Trees are also a habitat and sanctuary for many species of birds, animals, and insects. When young, they provide shelter to birds, insects, lichen, and fungi. The trunks of ancient trees can host owls, bats, and beetles, to name a few tree-dwelling species. Thus, trees are unique hosts of complex microhabitats.

The power to heal is inherent in nature. Research has shown that exposure to nature improves concentration and reduces mental fatigue. Children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder have been found to show improvement when they have access to nature. Studies have also shown that within minutes of being surrounded by trees and green spaces, BP drops, heart rate slows and stress levels reduce.

Unfortunately, in our bid to modernize and progress we have been systematically destroying forests and depleting the earth’s resources. The history of deforestation dates back centuries. During earlier times, it was balanced through a natural growth process as tree cutting was done for personal or community use only. But with the expansion of agriculture, forest lands started being cleared. Destruction increased after the industrial revolution and the urbanization and commercial exploitation that began during the colonial period was the main cause of deforestation. The consequences of all that mindless destruction are now there, for all to see- global warming, erratic weather patterns, increase in the frequency and volume of, floods, melting of glaciers, desertification of once fertile area, loss of soil productivity, extinction of several species, imbalance in the ecosystem and nonavailability of forest products. Franklin D.Roosevelt very rightly said, “A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people”. It is essential to remember this truth if we are to prevent more species including ourselves from becoming extinct.

Many countries across the world are beginning to realize the importance of afforestation. Several local bodies, private citizens and non-governmental organizations are working tirelessly to mitigate the damage inflicted over the years. In India, tree planting is usually carried out during the monsoons, which is from June to September. Van Mahotsav or Tree Plantation Day is celebrated during the first week of July every year. There are a number of steps that can be taken to conserve forests. Cutting down of trees can be regulated using methods like clear-cutting, selective cutting, and shelter cutting. Large scale commercial deforestation should be avoided. Forest fires can destroy large tracts of green cover. Measures should be taken to avoid forest fires. These include making fire lanes, clearing dry leaves and trees, and spreading chemicals to control fires. Also, better farming practices can be adopted. It is necessary to avoid slash and burn farming, overgrazing by cattle, and shifting agriculture. The concept of national parks and game sanctuaries have become popular over the past years. This method of developing forests as tourist centers can not only protect forests but also earn foreign exchange. Several countries have developed their forests as tourist centers.

Before embarking on a plantation drive it is important to keep a few things in mind. The type of trees to be planted depends on the topography and climate of the area. It is preferable to plant indigenous species as they are better suited to the local habitat. Also, this helps preserve traditional flora.

This is the ideal time when people must realise the significance of plantation and contribute to it. The government must take this issue seriously and more and more individuals must work to pursue this essential objective.

We hope these tree plantation essays prove to be useful for you or your child. If you have any questions, feel free to call us!

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Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation

Importance of tree plantation has been stressed upon time and again. The need for tree plantation has become even greater these days because of the growing pollution in the environment. Tree plantation involves transplanting tree seedlings to grow forests and spread greenery around. There are a number of reasons why the process of tree plantation is important for the environment.

Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation in English

Here are essays on importance of tree plantation of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can choose any importance of tree plantation essay as per your need:

Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 1 (200 words)

Tree plantation is good for the environment. Everyone knows that trees are the source of oxygen. They inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen without which the survival of living beings is not possible on earth.

Apart from inhaling carbon dioxide trees also absorb various harmful gases including sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide and also filter harmful pollutants from the atmosphere thereby providing us fresher and cleaner air to breath. The growing amount of air pollution caused by the smoke emitted by vehicles and factories can be controlled only if we plant more and more trees. However, this is not the only reason why tree plantation is important. It offers several other benefits. Some of the top advantages of growing trees include:

  • Providing fruits and leaves that serve as food for birds, animals as well as human beings.
  • Maintaining bio diversity.
  • Providing wood, rubber and other raw materials that are used for manufacturing various goods such as furniture, doors, windows, utensils, stationary items and decorative items.
  • Conservation of water.
  • Habitat for birds and animals.
  • Climate Control.
  • Preservation of soil.

Even though trees offer so many benefits and are extremely important for maintaining the ecological balance, we are cutting these ruthlessly. Tree plantation is essential to compensate for this loss.

Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 2 (300 words)


There are numerous reasons why tree plantation is important. One of the main reasons among these is that trees exhale the life-giving oxygen without which the existence of mankind is impossible.

Trees Exhale the Life Giving Oxygen

A famous quote reads, “Imagine if trees gave off Wifi signals we’d be planting so many trees, we’d probably save the planet. Too bad they only produce oxygen we breathe”. It is sad how we have grown so accustomed to technology that we overlook the harmful impact it is having on our environment. Not only is the use of technology destroying nature but it is also separating us from the same.

More and more trees must be planted if we really want to survive and lead a good life. Besides exhaling oxygen and inhaling carbon dioxide, trees also absorb other harmful gases from the environment thus making the air purer and fresher. The greener the tree the more oxygen it shall produce and the more toxic gases it will absorb.

The pollution level these days is rising high. The only way to fight it is by growing more and more trees. The areas that are surrounded by trees, for instance, villages and forests boast of a cleaner environment. This is because these are less impacted by the pollution. On the other hand, the urban residential and industrial areas have poor air quality due to the growing pollution and lesser number of trees around.

Even when the importance of tree plantation is so evident, there are only a handful of people who actually take it as their responsibility to indulge in this activity. The rest are so engrossed in their lives that they do not understand that without enough trees around we wouldn’t be able to live long. It is time we must recognize the importance of tree plantation and contribute our bit towards the same.

Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 3 (400 words)

Plantation of trees and plants aids in making the environment better. It purifies the air, conserves water, helps in climate control, preserves soil and benefits the overall environment in several other ways.

NGOs Involved in Tree Plantation

On the one hand there are industrialists and ministers who are blinded by money. All they want is to expand their business and earn money. They don’t mind cutting trees, deforesting the Earth and raising the pollution levels.

On the other hand there are those who care about the environment and are working towards improving its condition selflessly.They are involved in planting trees, cleaning the water bodies and other activities to make the environment clean and green. Many non-profit organizations have been formed across the globe by the joint efforts of such people. Some of these include Green Yatra, Grow Trees, Sankalp Taru, Green Life, Say Trees, Save Green, Kudumban, Being Green and Go Sakthi.

The Department of Environment extends its support to these NGOs from time to time. Besides being involved in the process of tree plantation and other such activities many of these NGOs also promote the cause by performing street side plays, updating their social pages and visiting schools and colleges to spread the word.

Importance of Tree Plantation to be Sensitized at School Level

Students are given brief knowledge about the importance of tree plantation and keeping the environment clean in their environmental science class. They learn the lesson for their exam and forget about it later. This is not how it should be. Special classes must be conducted to sensitize them about the importance of growing trees and plants.

Teachers must stress upon the importance of tree plantation in these sessions and make the students understand how they can help in changing the environment for good. It is a good idea for the schools and colleges to collaborate with some NGOs and take the students out for cleanliness drives as well as for tree plantation every month. Practical experience always has a far greater impact compared to theoretical knowledge. This will generate their interest in this field and encourage them to make an effort in this direction.

Besides, if each student from each school and college in the country takes part in tree plantation campaign every month, we will be growing so many trees.

We must plant more and more trees and also encourage those around us to do so. It is best to join a nearby NGO working for this cause to work efficiently in this direction.

Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 4 (500 words)

Tree Plantation offers numerous benefits to the mankind and we all are well aware about these. We also know that a little effort made by each one of us can make a huge difference to the overall environment on Earth.

Tree Plantation Aids in Building Economy

We are dependent upon trees for the production of various goods. Trees provide raw material such as wood, rubber, etc that is turned into furniture, utensils, papers, decorative items and what not. It is also used in building houses. Trees also bear fruits that are raw or are processed and used in manufacturing jams, jellies, juices, sauces and what not. Many of the items produced with the raw material extracted by trees are exported to other countries to boast businesses and the overall economy of the country. So, the greater number of trees we plant the greater number of such goods we can produce.

Trees Are a Boon for the Birds and Wild Life

Trees serve as a habitat for birds as well as a number of animals. Some of these animals include tree kangaroo, tree frog, spider monkey, flying lemur, green tree python and koala. They live on and around the trees and also get food from them. Some of these relish the fruits they bear while others love having the green leaves they are full of.

Besides, forests are a natural habitat for the wild animals. This is where they dwell. Deforestation has led to the extinction of various species of birds and animals. Many others are on the verge of extinction. It is natural for the animals and birds to die if we snatch their sources of food and ruin their places of habitat.

Tree plantation can help them survive and live peacefully. It is thus important for maintaining biodiversity in the environment. Biodiversity is extremely essential for maintaining the ecological balance in the environment.

Tree Plantation vs Deforestation

While we must stop deforestation and save trees however with the growing demand of wood, rubber and various products made from trees it can only be restricted to some extent. We cannot avoid it completely. Besides the high demand of goods, the need for urbanisation has also increased. Forests are being cut to construct residential areas in the cities to accommodate more and more people here.

The land is also being used to set up industries. In this age of growing technology, this is the need of the hour. While we cannot avoid all this however we can replenish the loss by way of tree plantation. It is not the sole responsibility of the government to plant trees to make the city green. We must also work for this cause.

We all know how important trees and plants are for our survival and well being. But how many of us are actually involved in planting tree regularly? If you are not doing it, it is time you must take this up seriously and put in whatever little efforts you can to improve the environment.

Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 5 (600 words)

Tree plantation is basically the procedure of moving tree seedlings from their original place and planting them elsewhere for different purposes. The reason behind tree plantation is mostly forestry, landscaping and land reclamation. Each of these purposes of tree plantation is important for its own unique reason.

Importance of Tree Plantation for Forestry

One of the most common purposes of tree plantation is forestry. Forests are extremely important for maintaining ecological balance on earth. A major part of our planet is covered with forests. However, these are being cut at a rapid pace ever since the beginning of the industrial era. Although forests grow naturally however in order to replenish the loss occurring due to deforestation it is essential for us to contribute our bit towards growing forests. Tree plantation is done for this purpose. With the help of tree plantation, forests can be grown faster.

Importance of Tree Plantation for Landscaping

Tree plantation is also done for landscaping purpose. The urban areas these days are mostly devoid of trees and plants. Landscaping of such areas is done to make these places worth living as well as to render a feel good factor to them. Tree plantation is the best and easiest way to beautify the surroundings. These are often planted on the roadside, in societies, in the parks as well as other places in the town for the purpose of landscaping. This does not only make the place look beautiful but also helps in beating the heat and offers various other benefits.

NGOs Volunteer for the Cause

Tree plantation is one of the easiest and quickest ways to spread greenery. People around the globe have volunteered to contribute towards the environment from time to time. Many of them have set up non-profit organizations with joint efforts and are working towards making earth a better place to live.

These organizations do not only indulge in tree plantation activities and other activities to spread greenery but also engage in motivating others to work for this cause. They organize skits explaining the importance of tree plantation and propagate the same among their neighbours, friends and colleagues. With the advent of social media and internet it has become easier to spread knowledge about the importance of tree plantation and encourage people to participate in the same.

Government Support Required for Tree Plantation

While the NGOs are doing their bit towards making the environment cleaner and green, they often fall short. The propagation of their cause must be done on wide scale in order to involve more and more people to work towards this drive. Since these are all non-profit organizations, they do not have enough funds to do so.

The government must support them whole heartedly to further their cause. After all, these organizations are working towards building a better nation. With the financial help provided by the government, these organizations can take up bigger projects and encourage other people by way of advertisements in television, newspapers as well as big roadside hoardings.

People must be sensitized about it so that they participate in large numbers. A big change in this direction is only possible if each one of us takes it as a responsibility to plant trees. Even if we do not have time to join an NGO and go with them on the drives regularly, we can make our contribution towards the cause by simply planting trees in our surrounding areas.

It is time people must recognize the importance of tree plantation and contribute towards the same. The government must take this issue seriously and work towards involving more and more people to further the cause.

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Tree Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on tree.

Tree Essay- Trees are our best friends because they clean the air we breathe. Likewise, they also clean the water and soil and ultimately make the earth a better place. It is also a fact that people who live near trees are healthier, fit, and happier than people who do not.

Moreover, it is our responsibility to look after our friends who serve us in many ways. Most importantly by saving plants, we are not doing any favor to plants but to ourselves only. Because trees and plants life does not depend on us but our lives depend on them.

Tree Essay

Importance of Trees

Trees are important to us in a lot of ways and we cannot ignore their importance. They are important because they give us fresh air to breathe , food to eat and shelter/shade from sunlight and rainfall . Besides this, there are many medicines in the market that are made up of trees extracts. Apart from this, there are plants and trees that have medicinal value.

They bring peacefulness; create a pleasing and relaxing environment. Also, they help in reflecting the harmful rays of the sun and maintaining a balanced temperature . Besides, they also help in water conservation and preventing soil erosion . They also manage the ecosystem and from ancient times several varieties of plants are worshipped.

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Benefits of Trees

Trees provide us many benefits some of which we can’t see but they make a huge difference. They help in fighting back the climate changes by absorbing greenhouse gases which are the main cause of climate change.

Moreover, they replenish groundwater and filter the air from harmful pollutants and odors. Besides, they are a great source of food and the king of fruits ‘Mango’ also grow on trees.

essay tree plantation

Moreover, they are the cause of rainfall as they attract clouds towards the surface and make them rain. They can be teachers, playmates and a great example of unity in diversity.

Above all, they are a good source of reducing air, water, and noise pollution.

Value of Trees

When a seed of a plant or tree grow it makes the area around it greener. Also, it supports many life forms. Birds make their nests, many reptiles and animals live on it or near it.

Besides, all these many beautiful flowers, food growing on it. Moreover, many parts of trees such as roots, leaves , stem, flower , seeds , are also edible. Most importantly they never ask anything in return for their services and the gifts they give. Trees also keep the balance in the ecosystem and ecology.

To conclude, we can say that trees are very important and beneficial for every life form on earth. Without them, the survival of life on earth will become difficult and after some time every species starts to die because of lack of oxygen on the planet. So, to save our lives and to survive we have to learn the importance of trees and also have to teach our children the importance of trees.

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Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation

Short Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation

Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation: Tree plantation is crucial for maintaining a healthy environment and combating climate change. In this essay, we will explore the importance of tree plantation and its impact on our ecosystem. Trees play a vital role in purifying the air, providing shelter and food for wildlife, and preventing soil erosion. By planting more trees, we can contribute to a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come. Let’s delve deeper into the significance of tree plantation in preserving our planet.

Table of Contents

Importance of Tree Plantation Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing the topic of tree plantation and its importance. You can mention how trees play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance and providing various benefits to humans and the environment.

2. Importance of Trees: Discuss the various benefits of trees, such as providing oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide, reducing air pollution, providing habitat for wildlife, preventing soil erosion, and enhancing the beauty of the surroundings. You can also mention how trees help in combating climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide.

3. Environmental Benefits: Explain how tree plantation helps in improving air quality, reducing noise pollution, conserving water, and mitigating the effects of climate change. Trees act as natural air filters, absorbing harmful pollutants and releasing clean oxygen into the atmosphere.

4. Social Benefits: Discuss how tree plantation contributes to the overall well-being of society by providing shade, reducing stress, and creating a sense of community. Trees also play a significant role in enhancing the aesthetic appeal of neighborhoods and increasing property values.

5. Economic Benefits: Highlight the economic benefits of tree plantation, such as providing timber, fruits, and other forest products. Trees also contribute to the tourism industry by attracting visitors to parks and natural reserves.

6. Health Benefits: Explain how trees have a positive impact on human health by reducing stress, improving mental well-being, and lowering the risk of respiratory diseases. Trees also provide a natural source of medicine and contribute to a healthier environment.

7. Conservation of Biodiversity: Discuss how tree plantation helps in preserving biodiversity by providing habitat for a variety of plant and animal species. Trees play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and supporting the survival of diverse wildlife.

8. Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your essay and emphasize the importance of tree plantation for the environment, society, and economy. Encourage readers to actively participate in tree planting initiatives and promote the conservation of forests for future generations.

By following these writing tips and structuring your essay in a logical and organized manner, you can effectively convey the significance of tree plantation and inspire others to take action in preserving our natural resources.

Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Trees help in reducing air pollution by absorbing harmful gases and releasing oxygen. 2. Tree plantation helps in maintaining the ecological balance by providing habitat for various species of animals and birds. 3. Trees play a crucial role in preventing soil erosion and maintaining soil fertility. 4. Planting trees helps in combating climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 5. Trees provide shade and help in reducing the urban heat island effect in cities. 6. Tree plantation contributes to the overall well-being of society by providing fruits, nuts, and medicinal products. 7. Trees act as natural sound barriers and help in reducing noise pollution in urban areas. 8. Planting trees can help in conserving water resources by reducing runoff and improving groundwater recharge. 9. Trees enhance the aesthetic value of the surroundings and create a sense of tranquility and peace. 10. Tree plantation is essential for sustainable development and ensuring a healthy environment for future generations.

Sample Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation in 100-180 Words

Tree plantation is crucial for maintaining a healthy environment and sustaining life on Earth. Trees play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. They release oxygen into the atmosphere, which is essential for all living beings. Trees also help in reducing air pollution by trapping harmful pollutants and releasing clean air.

Furthermore, trees provide habitat and food for various species of animals and birds. They also help in preventing soil erosion and maintaining the fertility of the soil. Tree plantation is essential for conserving biodiversity and preserving natural ecosystems.

In addition, trees offer shade, which helps in reducing the temperature in urban areas and providing a cool and refreshing environment. They also act as a sound barrier, reducing noise pollution in cities.

Overall, tree plantation is crucial for maintaining ecological balance, combating climate change, and ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come. It is our responsibility to plant and care for trees to protect our planet and create a healthier environment for all living beings.

Short Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation in 200-500 Words

Tree plantation is a crucial activity that has a significant impact on the environment and the well-being of all living beings on the planet. Trees play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. They also provide habitat and food for various species of animals and birds, help in preventing soil erosion, and contribute to the overall aesthetic beauty of the environment.

One of the most important reasons for tree plantation is the role of trees in combating climate change. Trees act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in their biomass. This helps in reducing the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which in turn helps in mitigating the effects of global warming and climate change. By planting more trees, we can increase the carbon sequestration capacity of the planet and contribute to the fight against climate change.

Another crucial benefit of tree plantation is the conservation of biodiversity. Trees provide habitat and food for a wide variety of species, including insects, birds, and mammals. By planting trees, we can create new habitats for these species and help in preserving the biodiversity of our planet. This is essential for maintaining the balance of ecosystems and ensuring the survival of all living beings on Earth.

Tree plantation also plays a vital role in preventing soil erosion and maintaining soil fertility. The roots of trees help in binding the soil particles together, preventing them from being washed away by water or blown away by the wind. This helps in preventing soil erosion and maintaining the fertility of the soil. Trees also contribute to the enrichment of the soil by adding organic matter through their fallen leaves and branches, which helps in improving soil structure and fertility.

In addition to these environmental benefits, tree plantation also has numerous social and economic benefits. Trees provide shade and shelter, which helps in creating a more comfortable and pleasant environment for humans. They also help in reducing air pollution by absorbing pollutants from the atmosphere. Furthermore, trees can provide a valuable source of income through the production of timber, fruits, and other forest products. This can help in creating employment opportunities and improving the economic well-being of communities.

In conclusion, tree plantation is a crucial activity that has numerous benefits for the environment, society, and economy. By planting more trees, we can help in combating climate change, preserving biodiversity, preventing soil erosion, and improving the quality of life for all living beings on the planet. It is essential for all of us to recognize the importance of tree plantation and take action to plant more trees and protect the existing ones. Only by working together can we ensure a sustainable future for our planet and all its inhabitants.

Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation in 1000-1500 Words

Tree plantation is the process of planting trees in a particular area for various purposes such as environmental conservation, beautification, and economic benefits. It is a crucial practice that helps in maintaining the ecological balance and improving the quality of the environment. Trees play a vital role in our lives, and their significance cannot be overstated. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of tree plantation and why it is essential for the well-being of our planet.

First and foremost, tree plantation is crucial for environmental conservation. Trees are known as the lungs of the earth as they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. This helps in reducing the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which in turn helps in combating climate change. Trees also act as natural air purifiers by filtering out pollutants and particulate matter from the air, thus improving air quality. In addition, trees help in reducing soil erosion by holding the soil together with their roots, preventing it from being washed away by rainwater. They also help in maintaining the water cycle by absorbing and releasing water into the atmosphere through transpiration.

Furthermore, tree plantation is essential for biodiversity conservation. Trees provide habitat and food for a wide variety of plant and animal species, thus promoting biodiversity. They also help in creating microhabitats for insects, birds, and other wildlife, which play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. By planting trees, we can help in preserving the natural habitats of many endangered species and prevent the loss of biodiversity.

In addition to environmental benefits, tree plantation also has numerous social and economic benefits. Trees provide a source of livelihood for many people by providing timber, fruits, nuts, and other forest products. They also help in creating green spaces in urban areas, which can improve the quality of life for residents by providing shade, reducing noise pollution, and creating a sense of well-being. Trees also have a positive impact on property values, as homes with mature trees are often more desirable and can command higher prices in the real estate market.

Moreover, tree plantation plays a crucial role in mitigating the effects of climate change. Trees act as carbon sinks by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in their biomass. This helps in reducing the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which is essential for combating global warming. By planting trees, we can help in offsetting our carbon footprint and reducing our impact on the environment.

In conclusion, tree plantation is a vital practice that has numerous benefits for the environment, society, and economy. It helps in maintaining the ecological balance, preserving biodiversity, and mitigating the effects of climate change. By planting trees, we can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable planet for future generations. It is essential for everyone to recognize the importance of tree plantation and take action to plant trees in their communities. Together, we can make a positive impact on the environment and create a greener and more sustainable world for all.

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Essay On Tree Plantation – 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words

Tree plantation is a crucial practice that plays a significant role in preserving and protecting the environment. Planting trees not only enhances the beauty of our surroundings but also contributes to the well-being of our planet by generating oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide, and providing a habitat for various species of wildlife. As the alarming rate of deforestation and environmental degradation continues to pose a threat to our ecosystem, tree plantation has become more important than ever before.

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of tree plantation and its various benefits for the environment and society. We will delve into the impact of planting trees on reducing air pollution, improving soil quality, conserving water, and mitigating the effects of climate change. Through a series of essays, we will discuss different perspectives on tree plantation, including its role in sustainable development, biodiversity conservation, and community engagement.

Join us on this journey to discover the significance of tree plantation and learn how each one of us can contribute towards a greener and healthier planet. Let’s come together to nurture the earth and create a sustainable future for generations to come.

100 words Essay On Tree Plantation

Tree plantation is a vital practice in India due to its numerous benefits. It helps in maintaining ecological balance by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, thereby combating air pollution. Additionally, trees provide shade, food, and habitat for various species of birds and animals, contributing to biodiversity. They also prevent soil erosion, conserve water, and enhance the beauty of our surroundings. Tree plantations also offer employment opportunities to many people, especially in rural areas. It is essential for individuals, communities, and the government to come together to promote and participate in tree plantation drives to ensure a greener and healthier future for our nation.

150 words Essay On Tree Plantation

Tree plantation is a vital activity that is essential for maintaining ecological balance and sustainable development in India. Trees play a crucial role in providing oxygen, reducing air pollution, conserving soil, supporting wildlife, and beautifying the surroundings.

In India, tree plantation drives are organized by various governmental and non-governmental organizations to encourage people to plant more trees. The government has also implemented programs like Van Mahotsav to increase the forest cover in the country.

Additionally, tree plantation is also a part of many social initiatives like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Clean Ganga Mission to promote environmental awareness among the masses. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on planting native species to restore biodiversity and combat climate change.

Therefore, it is imperative for every individual to contribute towards tree plantation to ensure a greener and healthier future for the coming generations.

200 words Essay On Tree Plantation

Tree plantation in India is a crucial initiative to tackle various environmental issues such as deforestation, air pollution, and climate change. It plays a significant role in enhancing the ecosystem, preventing soil erosion, conserving water, and providing habitats for various wildlife species.

In India, tree plantation drives are conducted on various occasions such as World Environment Day, Van Mahotsav, and other national campaigns to increase the green cover. Government organizations, NGOs, and individuals participate in these initiatives to plant saplings in parks, schools, highways, and barren lands. Additionally, government schemes like the Green India Mission, National Afforestation Programme, and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme promote tree plantation to improve the environment and livelihood of rural communities.

Tree plantation not only benefits the environment but also the economy by providing employment opportunities in the forestry sector and producing raw materials for industries. Through tree plantation, India aims to achieve its goal of increasing forest cover by reforesting degraded lands, promoting agroforestry, and implementing sustainable forest management practices.

In conclusion, tree plantation in India is essential for creating a greener and healthier environment for current and future generations. It is a collective responsibility to plant trees and protect them to ensure a sustainable future for all.

250 words Essay On Tree Plantation

Tree plantation is a crucial activity that holds significant importance in India as it plays a vital role in preserving the environment and ecology. Trees are considered the lungs of the earth as they produce oxygen and filter harmful pollutants from the air. In order to combat the adverse effects of deforestation and urbanization, tree plantation drives are organized across the country.

One of the most well-known tree plantation drives in India is the Van Mahotsav, which was initiated in 1950 to promote afforestation and conservation of forests. During this time, millions of saplings are planted by citizens, schools, and government officials to increase the green cover in the country.

Tree plantation also contributes to maintaining a balanced ecosystem by providing habitat for various species of birds, insects, and animals. Trees help in reducing soil erosion, conserving water, and maintaining the fertility of the soil. In rural areas, tree plantation is also beneficial for providing livelihood opportunities through activities like farming, agroforestry, and apiculture.

Moreover, the government of India has launched various tree plantation initiatives like the Green India Mission and National Afforestation Programme to increase the forest cover in the country. It is essential for individuals to actively participate in tree plantation drives and take care of the saplings to ensure their survival and growth.

In conclusion, tree plantation is an essential activity that contributes to environmental sustainability, biodiversity conservation, and the overall well-being of society. By planting trees, we can create a greener and healthier environment for future generations.

300 words Essay On Tree Plantation

Tree plantation is a crucial activity that plays a significant role in the preservation of the environment and the overall well-being of society. In India, tree plantation has always been a traditional practice and is considered important for various reasons.

One of the primary reasons for tree plantation in India is to combat climate change. With the increasing levels of air pollution and global warming, planting trees helps in reducing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and purifying the air. Trees act as natural carbon sinks and help in maintaining the ecological balance.

In addition to climate change mitigation, tree plantation also helps in conserving biodiversity. India is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, and planting trees helps in providing a suitable habitat for various species of plants and animals. Trees also help in preventing soil erosion and maintaining the fertility of the soil.

Tree plantation also has various socio-economic benefits for the communities in India. Planting trees provides employment opportunities for local communities and helps in upliftment of the rural economy. Trees also provide a source of food, fuel, and raw materials for various industries, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of the country.

Furthermore, tree plantation has a positive impact on human health. Trees help in reducing air pollution and providing a cleaner and healthier environment for people to live in. They also provide shade and act as natural cooling agents, thereby mitigating the effects of extreme temperatures.

In conclusion, tree plantation is a vital activity that should be encouraged and promoted in India. It not only helps in combating climate change and conserving biodiversity but also provides various socio-economic and health benefits. It is important for individuals, communities, and the government to come together and actively participate in tree plantation activities to ensure a greener and sustainable future for India.

500 words Essay On Tree Plantation

Tree plantation is a crucial activity that can have a significant impact on the environment and the overall well-being of the planet. In India, tree plantation has always been considered a key component of environmental conservation efforts. With the increasing threats of deforestation, climate change, and pollution, the importance of tree plantation has become more prominent than ever before.

Tree plantation is not just about planting trees; it is about creating sustainable ecosystems, preserving biodiversity, and ensuring a healthy environment for future generations. Trees play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance by producing oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide, providing shade, and improving air quality. They also help in reducing soil erosion, regulating temperature, and providing habitat for various wildlife species.

In India, tree plantation drives are often conducted on a large scale to raise awareness about the importance of trees and encourage people to actively participate in the process. Government organizations, non-governmental organizations, schools, and communities come together to organize tree plantation campaigns and events to engage the public in planting trees and nurturing them.

One of the most popular tree plantation drives in India is the Van Mahotsav, an annual tree-planting festival that was initiated in 1950 by the then Union Minister for Agriculture, K. M. Munshi. The week-long festival is celebrated in the first week of July every year, during which millions of trees are planted across the country. The aim of Van Mahotsav is to create awareness about the importance of trees and forests and to encourage people to plant trees in their surroundings.

Apart from government-led initiatives, there are several non-governmental organizations in India that are actively involved in tree plantation activities. These organizations work at the grassroots level to promote tree plantation, conservation of forests, and sustainable forest management practices. They conduct awareness programs, workshops, and training sessions to educate people about the benefits of trees and motivate them to plant more trees.

One of the key challenges facing tree plantation efforts in India is the rapid urbanization and industrialization, which has led to the indiscriminate cutting down of trees for infrastructure development. To counter this, the government has implemented various policies and regulations to protect forests and promote afforestation. The Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, 2016, is one such initiative that aims to ensure that for every forest area that is diverted for non-forest purposes, an equivalent area of degraded or non-forest land is afforested.

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on promoting agroforestry and social forestry initiatives in India. Agroforestry involves integrating trees with agricultural crops, which not only helps in enhancing crop productivity but also contributes to soil conservation and climate change mitigation. Social forestry, on the other hand, involves planting trees on community lands, road margins, and wastelands to meet the fuel, fodder, and timber needs of local communities.

In conclusion, tree plantation is a vital practice that has immense benefits for the environment, society, and economy. In India, tree plantation efforts are gaining momentum, with various stakeholders coming together to promote afforestation, conservation of forests, and sustainable land management practices. It is essential for everyone to realize the significance of trees and actively participate in planting and nurturing them for a greener and healthier future.

Final Words

In conclusion, tree plantation is a crucial activity that has a profound impact on the environment and our overall well-being. By planting trees, we can contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, provide habitat for wildlife, prevent soil erosion, and enhance the beauty of our surroundings. It is a simple yet effective way to combat climate change, conserve biodiversity, and promote sustainability.

The benefits of tree plantation are far-reaching and long-lasting. It is a small act that can make a big difference in the world. With the collective effort of individuals, communities, and governments, we can create a greener and healthier planet for future generations to enjoy.

So, let us all come together and make a commitment to plant more trees, nurture them, and watch them grow into towering symbols of hope and resilience. Together, we can make a positive impact on our environment and build a sustainable future for all.

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  • Down to Earth

The surprising downsides to planting trillions of trees

Large tree-planting initiatives often fail — and some have even fueled deforestation. There’s a better way.

by Benji Jones

A worker checks plants at a tree nursery in Karachi, Pakistan, part of the country’s massive tree-planting campaign.

On November 11, 2019, volunteers planted 11 million trees in Turkey as part of a government-backed initiative called Breath for the Future. In one northern city, the tree-planting campaign set the Guinness World Record for the most saplings planted in one hour in a single location: 303,150.

“By planting millions of young trees, the nation is working to foster a new, lush green Turkey,” Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, said when he kicked off the project in Ankara.

Less than three months later, up to 90 percent of the saplings were dead, the Guardian reported. The trees were planted at the wrong time and there wasn’t enough rainfall to support the saplings, the head of the country’s agriculture and forestry trade union told the paper.

Seedlings of the peroba rosa tree at a nursery in Aimorés, Brazil.

In the past two decades, mass tree-planting campaigns like this one have gained popularity as a salve for many of our modern woes, from climate change to the extinction crisis. Companies and billionaires love these kinds of initiatives. So do politicians . Really, what’s not to like about trees? They suck up carbon emissions naturally while providing resources for wildlife and humans — and they’re even nice to look at. It sounds like a win-win-win .

There’s just one problem: These campaigns often don’t work, and sometimes they can even fuel deforestation.

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In one recent study in the journal Nature , for example, researchers examined long-term restoration efforts in northern India, a country that has invested huge amounts of money into planting over the last 50 years. The authors found “no evidence” that planting offered substantial climate benefits or supported the livelihoods of local communities.

The study is among the most comprehensive analyses of restoration projects to date, but it’s just one example in a litany of failed campaigns that call into question the value of big tree-planting initiatives. Often, the allure of bold targets obscures the challenges involved in seeing them through, and the underlying forces that destroy ecosystems in the first place.

Instead of focusing on planting huge numbers of trees, experts told Vox, we should focus on growing trees for the long haul, protecting and restoring ecosystems beyond just forests, and empowering the local communities that are best positioned to care for them.

A tree nursery in Karachi, Pakistan.

The push to plant a trillion trees

In the past three decades, the number of tree-planting organizations has skyrocketed, growing nearly threefold in the tropics alone. So have global drives: Today, there are no fewer than three campaigns focused on planting 1 trillion trees, including the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) One Trillion Trees Initiative , which launched in 2020.

It is hard to identify the exact moment when we became obsessed with planting trees. Some scientists point to the 2011 Bonn Challenge, which set an initial goal of restoring 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested land globally by 2020 and 350 million hectares by 2030. Others highlight a highly controversial study that appeared in Science in 2019 and inspired the WEF’s trillion tree campaign.

The authors of the Science paper originally argued that restoring trees is “our most effective climate change solution to date” and said there’s “room” for 900 million hectares (2.2 billion acres) of new trees across the world. Almost 600 media outlets ( including Vox ) ran stories about the study in 2019, according to Carbon Brief .

While many scientists criticized the paper , the idea behind it — that we can plant our way out of climate change, while simultaneously solving other problems like biodiversity loss — has stuck around. It’s a charming notion that’s much easier for companies or countries to act on, compared with doing the hard work of slashing greenhouse emissions.

A view from above a tree nursery in Aimorés, Brazil.

Many tree-planting projects fail

Tree-planting campaigns are typically well-intentioned, but they often fall short of delivering the benefits they promise, from capturing carbon to providing refuge for rare species. “Large-scale tree planting programs have high failure rates,” the authors of one paper , led by environmental researcher Forrest Fleischman, wrote in 2020.

One of the most stunning examples of these failures comes from Fleischman’s research in northern India. If there’s a place where tree-planting projects might work, it’s in the state of Himachal Pradesh, said Fleischman, an associate professor at the University of Minnesota who led the recent Nature study. The state government has a strong track record of delivering services to the public, he said, and has been planting trees since at least 1980.

A farm in Himachal Pradesh, India.

An analysis of satellite imagery and interviews with hundreds of households, however, revealed that decades of planting by the government — amounting to hundreds of millions of seedlings — “had almost no impact on forest canopy cover,” Fleischman wrote on Twitter. The researchers also measured a shift in the type of trees within the ecosystem, away from species that locals prefer for firewood and animal fodder. In other words, residents of Himachal Pradesh actually had fewer useful forest resources.

What went wrong? Some of the trees may have died quickly because they were planted in poor-quality habitat, Fleischman suspects. Farm animals could have also destroyed the saplings if they were planted in former grazing lands, he said. “Well-resourced forest restoration programs can fail to achieve their goals,” he added. “We need to be more skeptical of big claims.”

In other parts of the world, tree-planting projects didn’t just fail, but also harmed existing ecosystems or ways of life.

In Mexico, a $3.4 billion tree-planting campaign launched by the government in 2018 actually caused deforestation, as Bloomberg News’ Max de Haldevang reported earlier this year . The program known as Sembrando Vida, or Sowing Life, pays farmers to plant trees on their land, but in some cases, they would clear a chunk of forest before putting seedlings in the ground. One analysis by the World Resources Institute, an environmental group, suggests that it caused almost 73,000 hectares of forest loss in 2019.

In Pakistan, researchers have linked a large, government-backed planting campaign that began in 2014 — known then as the Billion Tree Tsunami — to the erosion of culture and livelihoods of a nomadic group called the Gujjars. Traditionally, Gujjars rent winter pastures from landowners in parts of Pakistan to graze their animals. But through the tree-planting campaign, many of those landowners have replaced grazing land with tree plantations. “Many of the Gujjars have lost access to the private land on which they used to graze their animals in the winter,” Usman Ashraf, a researcher at the University of Helsinki, wrote in a 2018 paper .

Researchers have also blamed large tree-planting efforts in China and Brazil for degrading grassland ecosystems . As I’ve previously reported , grasslands store vast amounts of carbon — most of which is below ground — and provide homes for countless species. Yet these ecosystems are sometimes considered degraded and are targeted for forest restoration campaigns.

“We need to be looking at all of our ecosystems and not just put trees everywhere,” said Karen Holl, a professor of environmental studies and restoration expert at the University of California Santa Cruz.

How to restore forests for the long haul

Solving a problem as vast as climate change or biodiversity loss is never as straightforward as planting lots of trees. People often think, “We’ll just plant trees and call that a restoration project, and we’ll exonerate our carbon sins,” said Robin Chazdon, a forest researcher at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Usually, she said, “that fails.”

Buzzy tree-planting programs tend to obscure the fact that restoration requires a long-term commitment of resources and many years of monitoring. “We should just stop thinking about only tree-planting,” as climate scientist Lalisa Duguma has said . “It has to be tree-growing.” Even fast-growing trees take at least three years to mature, he added, while others can require eight years or more. “If our thinking of growing trees is downgraded to planting trees, we miss that big part of the investment that is required,” Duguma said.

Volunteers plant trees in southern China’s Hainan Province.

Holl, who has been involved in reviewing projects under the World Economic Forum’s trillion trees program, said she was “shocked” that many proposals called for two years or less of monitoring. “That’s not how long it takes for us to get the carbon or the biodiversity benefits that we want,” she said. (Companies with planting projects under the WEF program must report on progress each year for the duration of their projects, which the companies determine, a WEF spokesperson told Vox. Those reports typically include information on the projects’ social and ecological benefits, the spokesperson said.)

“The people who need nature are going to vote for nature” —Forrest Fleischman

A bigger problem still is that many large planting campaigns don’t account for the underlying social or economic conditions that fuel deforestation in the first place. People may cut down trees to collect firewood or carve out land for their animals. In those cases, putting seedlings in the ground won’t do much to end deforestation. “Planting trees might not be the intervention,” Fleischman said. “The intervention might be giving people a substitute for firewood.”

This problem played out in Brazil after the 2019 fires in the Amazon rainforest. The group of powerful countries known as the G7 responded by offering to pay for restoration — but this offer didn’t address “the core issues of enforcing laws, protecting lands of indigenous people, and providing incentives to landowners to maintain forest cover,” Holl and her co-author wrote in a perspective in Science . The following year, Amazon fires and deforestation both surged. “The simplistic assumption that tree planting can immediately compensate for clearing intact forest is not uncommon,” they wrote.

Ultimately, the only true global solution to restoring ecosystems is to support Indigenous and rural communities, Fleischman said. “Let’s look at places and think about how we can improve people’s lives,” he said. “The people who need nature are going to vote for nature.”

When planting trees works

To be clear, there are plenty of successful restoration programs — and they’re getting better, said Chazdon, who’s also an adviser for the WEF trillion trees campaign. “There is ample evidence that when restoration is done properly, it works,” she said.

A forest corridor in Pontal do Paranapanema, Brazil.

Consider the Pontal do Paranapanema, a region in southern Brazil home to vulnerable species like the rare black lion tamarin monkey. Over the last 35 years, a nonprofit called Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas has worked with local communities to plant some 2.7 million native trees, as Mongabay’s Liz Kimbrough reports . The trees provide useful products that locals want, such as fruit to eat and wood for building, and a new revenue stream from selling seedlings. At the same time, the new trees create a network of forest corridors that has helped populations of the tamarin recover. In this case, it really does seem to be a win-win-win.

At the center of successful tree-planting campaigns like this are people, said Chazdon, who is compiling examples of effective restoration projects for a new mapping platform called Restor . As it happens, the platform is led by Thomas Crowther, an author of the controversial 2019 study in Science, which helped fuel the forest restoration frenzy.

Even Crowther acknowledges that headlines stemming from the paper — namely, that we should plant a trillion trees — were too simplistic and even misleading. “We messed up the communications so badly,” Crowther told the Guardian earlier this month. “I hate that people keep asking me: where are you going to plant these trillion trees? I’ve never in my life said we should plant a trillion trees.” Crowther and his co-authors even revised the abstract of the Science paper to clarify their claim that tree restoration is “one of” the most effective solutions to fight climate change — not the most important one.

Forests are, of course, good for the planet. And they do absorb loads of greenhouse gases , making them an important bulwark against rising temperatures. But headline-grabbing campaigns focused solely on planting trees can harm both people and ecosystems by focusing more on the goal itself than on the purpose behind it — and distracting us from the hard work of reducing emissions. The tough reality, as Holl puts it, is that “we’re not going to plant our way out of climate change.”

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Developing a Tree Planting Plan for Your Community Project

Lewisburg Borough Tree Planting Plan  Credit: Amy Levan

Lewisburg Borough Tree Planting Plan Credit: Amy Levan

The difference between a successful tree planting with healthy trees and a line of dead and dying stems often comes down to the analysis of the sites and selection of appropriate tree species for the conditions that exist at each site. 

Spending the time examining each planting site, taking notes, and then (and only then) using that data and knowledge collected in the field to select several species that will survive and hopefully thrive on that site is critical to success.

In the context of developing community forestry planting projects, the majority of these projects involve planting trees along streets and roads, which adds some site stressors and site restrictions that need to be examined and understood. Other community forestry tree plantings might take place in parks, green spaces, stormwater bio-swales or rain gardens, and schools. Usually, those sites are less restrictive and have more room (above and below ground) to grow a large tree compared to a curbside setting in a community.

Finding Planting Sites for Trees in Your Community

It is good to start with a map of the community or utilize some satellite images on Google Earth or Google Maps before you start driving around town. Often the satellite images are up-to-date, and you can begin to see what room exists on certain streets, boulevards, and parks. If you have an inventory of your trees, or an urban tree canopy assessment, you should pull that out and begin to look for potential planting sites on public property through the community. In Pennsylvania, communities can utilize the TreeKeeper online platform provided by DCNR Bureau of Forestry. You can input any newly planted trees or inventory data for existing trees in your community into this GIS-based system.  

Another approach to finding tree planting sites in your community is to look at areas where trees have recently been removed. If your community has a shade tree commission or committee (and it should), you might have a list of tree removals from the past 2-3 years you can work with and prepare for replacement trees. If you don't have an active list, you can ask the public works director for areas that have lost trees over the years or drive around and look for stumps (although fresh stumps will add some work to site preparation). 

The last approach for finding community tree planting sites (especially street trees) is to ask residents if they would like a tree planted in front of their house (roadside, or within the right-of-way). Writing an article for the local newspaper or community newsletter, posting something on the community's social media accounts, or holding a public meeting are all good ways to involve the community and solicit requests for new tree plantings.

Getting public input and interest in newly planted trees is important for community buy-in and survival of the trees. Although state statutes allow a municipality to plant trees along their streets and roads, it is best to ask an adjacent property owner if they would like a tree. Alternatively, you could ask them if they have any objections to seeing the street planted with new trees. If you want the trees to survive and not disappear during the evening hours, it is best to communicate with the adjacent property owners. It might take some convincing and explaining that the tree you are proposing to plant will improve their property value and provide numerous benefits (including summer cooling, energy savings, stormwater and street flooding mitigation, and walkable safe streets, to name a few) and the newly planted trees should not cause future conflicts because you will be selecting an appropriate species for that location. You can even involve the residents in the species selection, but you might want to conduct the site analysis first and develop a short list of tree species that will work for that site before you open selection to a resident and soon find out you can’t find that tree species or should not plant that tree roadside.

Examining the Planting Locations

Once you have a list of addresses or park locations you think will work or could use some new trees, you should plan to take the time to drive around town and visit each location. This part can be time-consuming, but I don’t believe you can truly examine the site and understand the constraints or growing conditions by just looking at a map or aerial image. Over the years, I have seen too many landscape designers select species for a project and add them to a map or plan without physically visiting the site to see the soils are highly compacted or there are potential conflicts. A tree may grow too large for the site, growing up into overhead electrical lines or growing out and in the path of school busses or delivery trucks travel past or park in that area. 

When evaluating a planting site, it is important to ask the following questions, or utilize a site assessment checklist, like the one created by Dr. Nina Bassuk at the Cornell University Urban Horticulture Institute. Here are some of the questions you want to think about when on site:

  • What are the soils like? Are they compacted? Are they clayey, silty, or sandy in texture? Do the soils drain well or is their standing water after a rain event?
  • Is there heavy vehicle and truck traffic along the street? Or in a park setting, is there heavy foot traffic?
  • Are there overhead primary electric lines on poles? This can be a tough one because there are lots of lines on poles along our streets, including telephone, cable TV, and secondary lines feeding electricity to homes and businesses. We are most concerned with the lines at the top of the poles that connect to insulators and transformers. They are high-voltage, uninsulated electric lines that trees cannot make contact with and are pruned for clearance every few years (see image). It is best to plant a tree species that is compatible with the limited growing space and will not mature into the primary powerlines.
  • How much distance do we have between the curb and the sidewalk to grow a tree? Or what are the dimensions of the tree pit (growing space surrounded by concrete on all sides)? The more room we have between the curb and sidewalk, the less likely we will have issues with a tree lifting sidewalks or outgrowing its space, creating conflicts.
  • How close to the corner is the planting site? Is there a stop sign or light at the corner? It is typically best to avoid street intersections by about 40 feet to maintain lines of sight for both drivers and pedestrians, especially if there is a stop sign or other traffic controls that must remain visible for safety.
  • How close is the building or home to the planting site? If a building is close, we would want to select a more upright or columnar variety to fit that site.
  • Do cars park adjacent to the planting site or tree pit? If so, we would want to locate the new tree and parking space relative to each other to avoid car doors opening into the tree.
  • What species of trees are growing at the site or on the street? Examine the surrounding vegetation (trees) in the planting area and determine what tree species are doing well and which are declining or struggling to grow. You might be able to gather some information about soils, drainage, heat, or light levels just by looking at what is growing well on the site. Or you might find a species on the street that is not working well for various reasons. For example, salt damage to sugar maples (even young trees), or mite and lace bug damage to serviceberry that was misplaced in a hot, full sun location (serviceberry likes and needs some shade because they are an understory tree). 
  • Look for the presence of diseases or insects impacting existing trees. If you know oak wilt is in the immediate area, you may want to avoid or limit planting red oak group species. If fire blight has impacted crabapples or callery pears nearby, you should select disease-resistant varieties of crabapple or plant another species not susceptible to fire blight.
  • Are there shop signs present downtown or commercial area? If so, we would want to plant in between signage and businesses to try and avoid blocking business signage. We would also want to select an upright branching (or columnar) tree whose lower branches can be pruned for clearance (for sign visibility and pedestrian and vehicular traffic).
  • Will the planting site be heavily salted during the winter months? Is it a busy road that receives lots of deicing salts? Or a commercial district, hospital, or school where sidewalks will be salted heavily? Remember, every street tree will have to have some salt tolerance, but some sites tend to receive more than others and most trees struggle to survive in these areas. Only a handful of species can tolerate lots of deicing salts.  
  • Consider the use of the site. If you are planting in a park setting, think about whether the new trees will function as a shady grove for users or line a path or trail. Perhaps they will be in the way of an impromptu game of frisbee or touch football. If you are planting street trees, consider the amount of traffic, parking, commercial areas, bus or truck loading zones, etc.
  • If you are planting in a park or natural setting, consider focusing on native trees that will provide more benefits to wildlife, pollinators, or aquatic insects. Avoid planting anything invasive or could become invasive. If you are planting a street tree in a tough location, sometimes native trees cannot tolerate the conditions, so planting a non-native makes sense. You should always avoid planting known invasive species like callery pear and Norway maple. Non-native, but also non-invasive species like Ginkgo, London planetree, hybrid elms, hardy rubber tree, and Japanese tree lilac are selected to grow in various sites like downtown tree pits because they will survive some of the harshest conditions.

Sometimes taking notes about each planting site works well for small plantings or similar sites, but it might be best to develop a spreadsheet or checklist where you can either place coded notes about things like the presence of primary electric lines, size of the tree lawn, < and compacted soils conditions. Having a camera on our phones these days allows you to take some pictures of the planting sites you can review later and incorporate into the planting plan. Images are especially helpful if you are preparing a planting plan for a grant as they help the grant reviewers to better understand the plan for a site they may not be familiar with. Developing a written plan with pictures of the sites can also help sell the project to municipal officials, residents, or outside funders.

An example of good visual tree planting plan (with pictures of each site) is the Milford Borough Tree Planting Plan.

Tree planting spreadsheet for the town of Williamsport, PA

Maximizing Benefits and Tree Canopy

Once you determined what size trees will grow in the planting site, it is best to try to maximize the amount of canopy you can grow. Large canopy trees such as oaks, maples, and elms provide eight times the benefits or ecosystem services of small trees like flowering cherry, crabapple, or dogwood (USDA Forest Service Research). It seems like everyone these days wants a small tree, often because they are concerned larger trees will cause them problems, such as outgrowing the site or causing damage should they fail in a storm. In most cases, with proper maintenance, the trees we are planting should not become a problem in our lifetimes and we want to make sure the new trees are providing the maximum benefits to future generations.

Selecting Several Species that Might Work at the Site

It is usually best to first determine what type or size of tree will fit the size of the site. Next, use other site conditions (soils, drainage, salt, usage, reflected heat loads) to begin selecting several species and cultivars that might work well in that site. Why select more than one species, you might ask? Nursery availability of some species might impact your selections, so it is good to be flexible and have three or four trees that work and rank them. For example, if there are overhead primary (high voltage) electric lines running through the planting site, a small stature tree should be planted and the species options could include Japanese tree lilac, hedge maple, amur maple, crabapple (if I am not concerned about fruit dropping or sidewalks are not present), flowering cherry, or a cultivar of zelkova called 'Wireless.' If we are looking at a tree pit in a downtown streetscape setting, then we know the site will be hot, have limited rooting space, and de-icing salts will be spread heavily. In that location, we would be looking for a species (and cultivars) tolerant of salt, heat, and droughts. Avoiding the planting of some species like red and sugar maples would be a smart move if we want the trees to live long and provide numerous benefits.

Learning more about species tolerances to various site conditions takes time, research, reading, and familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of different species and cultivars. I would start with some online resources such as Cornell University's Urban Horticulture Institute’s Recommended Urban Trees: Site Assessment and Tree Selection for Stress Tolerance and the Woody Plant Database . Or consider Penn State Extension's – Landscape Tree Factsheets , which contains color images of over 200 urban tree species and cultivars, and contains an excellent six-page chart of species and their tolerances to site conditions such as soil drainage, salts, urban stresses, as well as mature size, hardiness, ease of transplant, and tolerance to diseases and insects. The book might have a few species that we no longer recommend planting due to their invasiveness, but information on urban species and color images, still makes this publication a "go-to" when selecting trees for urban planting sites.

Another useful short publication is the TreeVitalize Guide for Tree Selection, Planting, and Care , which can be downloaded for free.

A short video produced by Dr. Nina Bassuk at Cornell, Tough Trees for Tough Sites , covers site analysis.

essay tree plantation

Diversity in the Planting

When developing a planting plan for a streetscape or park, there are some design considerations to weigh against the need for plant diversity. Our history of overplanting just one or two tough urban tree species along our streets and in our landscapes has created unhealthy ecosystems impacted greatly when a new disease or insect appears. The result of this limited species diversity is the loss of thousands of trees over a short period of time, leaving behind clearcut streets and shock to the system. Dutch Elm Disease and Emerald Ash Borer come to mind as examples of those situations. It is best to build diversity to your plantings so we work towards an urban tree population that fits the 10-20-30 rule. In urban forests, we should strive towards having no more than 10% of the tree population be one particular species, no more than 20% be of any one genus, and no more than 30% of any single family of trees. It is not a perfect rule, and it can be a challenge to achieve, but it is a good goal to work towards when we consider the possible devastating impacts of the arrival of an insect like Asian Long-Horned Beetle if your community, as is quite common, has a high percentage (30-50%) of maple trees (these beetles like to borer into maple trees).

When designing a streetscape, a row or line (allée) of the same species of trees often looks appealing and uniform to the human eye. This can still be achieved without compromising the need for diversity. When designing a run of the same species down the street or park walking path, it is best to switch species when there is a natural break in the system such as a cross street or even driveways and buildings. An even better option to consider is alternating two or three species of similar size and form when planting the street. Should one species become impacted by insects or disease, hopefully the other species survives to continue to provide some canopy into the future compared to losing the entire population of trees on a given street.

Developing planting plans takes some time and knowledge of both the site conditions as well as the species attributes (size, form, color, flowers, etc.) and tolerances (salt, heat, soils, drainage, droughts, insects, diseases, and storm damage). Once the plan is developed and you have some species in mind, have an experienced urban forester, landscape architect, or ISA Certified Arborist take a look at the plan and provide comments. Don't be afraid to change species as needed, whether because the trees can't be found in the nursery, or the species selected might not survive the conditions of the site. Once planting plans are developed, they can be used to acquire a grant or funding source and help illustrate to others the need for trees in the community. As long as the site is not significantly changed, planting plans don't expire and can sit until your community is ready to plant or funding becomes available. Remember, a good plan developed by detailed site analysis and species selection can be the difference between healthy and beneficial future canopy cover in the community or rows of unhealthy, dying stems detracting from the community and not providing benefits.

Vincent Cotrone

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These 13 Historic Tennessee Plantations Will Send You Back in Time

Tennessee's preserved plantation homes offer a glimpse into the past with their stunning architecture and historical significance.

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One of the most endearing, pressing artifacts of the south happen to be quite livable - to an extent. Tennessee has preserved a number of plantation homes, boasting gorgeous architecture and dark, dark secrets. Chances are there's one not too far from you - take a look!

13. Ashwood Hall


Unfortunately, Ashwood Hall is no longer standing. The structure was so beautiful, however, the property of Colonel William Polk, that we simply had to include a photo of it before the home burnt to ash in 1874.

12. Belle Meade Plantation


A popular spot for weddings and now a functioning museum, Belle Meade Plantation makes it extremely easy for you to pay the past a visit.

11. Belmont Mansion


Located in the heart of Nashville, Belmont Mansion lies smack dab in the center of Belmont University.

10. Brabson's Ferry Plantation


Built in 1856, this Boyd's Creek home is located a bit northwest of Sevierville in East Tennessee.

9. Carnton Plantation


Home to the largest Confederate graveyard, Carnton Plantation gives Franklin, Tennessee a solid historical depth that stands tall and strong.

8. Isaac Franklin Plantation


Although no longer considered a historic landmark from the state, this Gallatin gem is sure to get you in a historic state of mind.

7. Northcutt Plantation


Built around 1840, this large house has been on the historic registrar since May 12, 1975.

6. Rattle and Snap


This Columbia mansion is known for its stunning Greek Revival design. Also - did you know that all the brick used for the home was created on the property? Interesting stuff!

5. Rippavilla Plantation


Now a historic museum, you can visit the stunning Rippavilla Plantation on your own to take a chunk out of Tennessee history.

4. The Hermitage


The former home of President Andrew Jackson is open for tours and is a popular tourist and field trip destination.

3. Travellers Rest


This Nashville stunner is absolutely perfect as a wedding venue or for any other kind of event, plus you get a sweet injection of history on the side.

2. Walnut Grove


This gorgeous Mt. Pleasant plantation may look foreboding, but it's truly a sight to behold.

1. Wheatlands


This Sevierville plantation is considered "the best example of a Federal-style building remaining in Sevier County." What a legacy!

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Here Are The Best Times And Places To View Tennessee’s Fall Foliage In 2024

When the summer heat starts to fade and the crisp air starts to roll in, there is always one question on everyone’s mind: when do leaves change color in Tennessee? We know it is inevitable, and soon the fiery array of fall colors will be seen all across our state, but navigating it can be tricky. Our good friends at the Smoky Mountains have set up a super helpful fall foliage map to pinpoint the perfect peak foliage in Tennessee to see your favorite overlooks or scenic drives.

Tennessee is a very interesting state when it comes to fall colors. We tend to experience fall later on in the season than most of our northern neighbors, and the change happens more gradually.


That being said, higher elevations will see the colors change first. Some spots near the Smokies might start seeing patchy foliage as early as mid-September. Near the early part of October is where eastern Tennessee should be seeing lots more change. One of the first places you should visit is up to Roan Mountain . Hike the balds for fantastic fall foliage views of what seems like an endless mountain range.

For 2024, the first three weeks of October are looking to be the perfect time to visit the Smokies.


This national park is always beautiful, but in the fall, the park transforms into the perfect picture of fall foliage. If you arrive early in October, then The Foothills Parkway is where you will want to take a scenic drive. The Parkway overlooks the mountains which should be producing some incredible scenery at that time of the month.

If you happen to be in the Smokies closer to the second or third week in October, Cades Cove would be your best bet to see fall colors.

Being in a valley, you will find that the leaves change a little later, but when that time finally comes, it's a ravishing spectacle to behold. This is also a great place to watch for wildlife, so keep your eyes peeled for bears, deer, and the myriad creatures that call this park home.

If you're in middle Tennessee, expect a peak in fall colors sometime near the end of October.

During this time, make your way to your favorite spot anywhere on the Cumberland Plateau for phenomenal views of the autumn leaves. Places like South Cumberland State Park or Savage Gulf State Park will offer sweeping views of the mountains with a fiery array of colors. Or hike through the woods and find a lovely waterfall to spend the day chasing. Finally, another great option is to take a day driving The Natchez Trace for a slower way to savor the season's splendor.

There are so many scenic places to enjoy the fall colors in Tennessee that it would be impossible to name them all.


West Tennessee will experience "peak" fall foliage last.

This is forecasted to happen between the first and second weeks of November. A great spot to see the leaves change in this region would be at Reelfoot Lake State Park . The leaves changing on the cypress trees are a sight like no other.

Now you know the answer to your burning question: When do leaves change color in Tennessee?

Planning a trip to take full advantage of the fall foliage? I highly suggest you do! It’s time to get outside and start seeing this amazing natural cycle happen right before your very eyes. So no matter where you call home in our wonderful state, make sure to check out the Smoky Mountains fall foliage predictions and plan for an epic autumn adventure.

Need a place to stay during your autumn travels? Check out these hotels for a cozy place to rest on your journey.

We Found This Magnificent Natural Wonder In Tennessee That’s Located Only .2 Miles From The Parking Lot

One beautiful summer day we did the Sewanee Natural Bridge hike and it was easy to see why many people have said this is a must-see natural wonder. The town itself was a charming little community and this hidden gem in Tennessee located in the forest was just the cherry on top. When you are looking for short and easy hikes in Tennessee this is a tough one to beat with very little work and a huge payoff.

We first started our journey by driving around town. Cruising up and down the streets of a small town can be a good indicator of the culture of the community. Sewanee residents are a proud group of folks who display their love for the college just about everywhere you look.


Sewanee’s University of the South was high on my list of places to see. The campus is filled with castle-like buildings and is honestly one of the prettiest colleges I have ever visited. I felt like I was stepping into a fantasy novel or walking the halls of Hogwarts. It was truly a magical place.

Just down the road from the beautiful spires of the college campus was the Sewanee Natural Bridge. We knew this hidden gem was waiting for us so we continued down the street. From the trailhead, you will walk down a set of stairs to this incredible arch.


My favorite part was that the trail leads directly to the top of the bridge! We were able to hike right over the thin section that spans 50 feet long and 25 feet above the ground.


I am pretty surefooted when it comes to large drop-offs and dare to approach ledges at death-defying heights... so I know I don’t speak for everyone when I say the narrow passageway over the arch was not scary. However, my wife -- who is much less comfortable with heights -- was cautiously optimistic and said it didn’t bother her either.

Once we were down below there were caves to explore carved out of the limestone and we had plenty of rocks to climb on. I just stood in awe of this massive structure while my kids jumped around the rocks.


It was a quick stop and we had plenty of other adventures planned that day but we took our time to fully soak in this glorious spot. Making time to slow down during an adventure day is a life-giving experience as we just listen to the birds chirping and the light blow of the breeze through the canopy above. This is the pace at which you notice little things like the sun peeking over the surface of the bridge or a brilliantly colored mushroom popping up throufh the rock crevices.


We were blessed to be able to stop at this location and is a very short hike I would highly recommend. This trail is technically located in the South Cumberland State Park and is the only natural bridge in South Cumberland State Park.


The Sewanee Natural Bridge hike was a blast for my family and me. With a short walk down the stairs, you can barely call this a "hike" -- and the pay-off is huge! Walking over the bridge was a big highlight for me and certainly is a memorable experience here in the Volunteer State. To see more about the trail to the Sewanee Natural Bridge make sure to download AllTrails for helpful and up-to-date user input. If you would like to see our full journey to this hidden natural wonder in Tennessee make sure to check out this Adventuring In The Moment video:

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    Introduction (Essay on Tree Plantation - 1000 Words) Forests have been serving the needs of humans since time immemorial. Trees have an essential place in our life. They provide grains, herbs, fruits, flowers, and fuel to humans and give wood to build houses. The biggest thing is that trees provide pure air to the animals, prevent pollution ...

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  14. Essay on Tree Plantation

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    Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 3 (400 words) Introduction. Plantation of trees and plants aids in making the environment better. It purifies the air, conserves water, helps in climate control, preserves soil and benefits the overall environment in several other ways. NGOs Involved in Tree Plantation.

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  17. Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation

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    100 words Essay On Tree Plantation. Tree plantation is a vital practice in India due to its numerous benefits. It helps in maintaining ecological balance by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, thereby combating air pollution. Additionally, trees provide shade, food, and habitat for various species of birds and animals, contributing ...

  19. The surprising downsides to planting trillions of trees

    Sep 22, 2021, 6:10 AM PDT. A worker checks plants at a tree nursery in Karachi, Pakistan, part of the country's massive tree-planting campaign. Asim Hafeez/Bloomberg via Getty Images. Benji ...

  20. Developing a Tree Planting Plan for Your Community Project

    Another approach to finding tree planting sites in your community is to look at areas where trees have recently been removed. If your community has a shade tree commission or committee (and it should), you might have a list of tree removals from the past 2-3 years you can work with and prepare for replacement trees.

  21. Homepage

    With the "Trees in Cities Challenge", Chisinau aims to reduce urban pollution and temperature; increase green cover for the benefit of the entire urban population; engage residents and increase their environmental awareness. Chisinau pledged to plant 100,000 trees and has planted half of them so far. In 2020, the city has planted 60 ...

  22. Essay on importance of tree plantation

    Essay on importance of tree plantationIf you like my video don't forget to like, share and subscribe Thankyou😊Essay on importance of tree plantation(30...

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    In practice, mindfulness impacts the personal and social behaviors of those struggling with mental health diagnoses, Because the writer examines the ways "mindfulness" has come to be known today. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Select the true statement about informative comparison/contrast essays., Select the ...

  24. These 13 Historic Tennessee Plantations Will Send You Back in Time

    10. Brabson's Ferry Plantation. Wikipedia. Built in 1856, this Boyd's Creek home is located a bit northwest of Sevierville in East Tennessee. 9. Carnton Plantation. Wikipedia. Home to the largest Confederate graveyard, Carnton Plantation gives Franklin, Tennessee a solid historical depth that stands tall and strong. 8.