Essay Papers Writing Online

Step-by-step guide on how to write a well-structured and informative essay to grab readers’ attention and convey your message clearly and effectively.

How to write a informative essay

Have you ever found yourself struggling to convey a complex concept in a clear and concise manner? Crafting an informative essay requires finesse and meticulous attention to detail. This ultimate guide will equip you with valuable tips and tricks to enhance your essay writing skills, ensuring your ideas are effectively communicated to your readers.

One of the key aspects of writing an informative essay is the ability to present information in a logical and coherent manner. By employing a structured approach, you can guide your readers through your essay, building connections and facilitating understanding. Additionally, using appropriate vocabulary and terminology will enhance the clarity of your writing, making it more accessible to a wider audience.

While it is essential to provide factual information, it is equally important to engage your readers and maintain their interest throughout your essay. Utilizing captivating anecdotes, thought-provoking questions, or impactful statistics can grab your readers’ attention and make your essay more compelling. Remember, the goal is not only to inform but also to engage and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Tips for Choosing a Topic for Your Informative Essay

When it comes to selecting a subject for your informative essay, it is crucial to consider a few key factors that can guide your decision-making process. By carefully choosing a topic that aligns with your interests and expertise, you can create a compelling and engaging essay that will captivate your readers.

First and foremost, think about your own passions and areas of knowledge. What subjects do you find most fascinating? Which topics are you well-versed in? By selecting a topic that resonates with you, you will be more motivated to conduct thorough research and present the information in an enthusiastic and knowledgeable manner.

Next, consider the target audience for your essay. Are you writing for a specific group of people, such as students, professionals, or a general audience? Tailoring your topic to suit the interests and needs of your readers can greatly enhance the impact of your essay.

Additionally, think about the current trends and issues in society. Is there a particular topic that is generating a lot of discussion and debate? Choosing a topic that is relevant and timely can make your essay more compelling and thought-provoking.

Furthermore, it is essential to ensure that your chosen topic is informative and can be thoroughly explored within the scope of your essay. Avoid topics that are too broad or vague, as this can result in a lack of focus and depth. Instead, narrow down your topic to a specific aspect or angle that you can delve into and analyze in detail.

Lastly, consider the availability of credible and reliable sources for your chosen topic. Conduct a preliminary search to determine if there is a sufficient amount of information available to support your essay. Having access to reputable sources will strengthen the credibility and validity of your arguments.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can choose a topic for your informative essay that will not only capture the interest of your readers but also allow you to showcase your expertise and passion for the subject matter.

Consider your audience and their interests

When writing an informative essay, it is important to take into consideration your audience and their interests. Understanding who will be reading your essay can help you tailor your content to better engage and inform your readers. By considering your audience, you can ensure that the information you provide is relevant and valuable to them.

One way to understand your audience is to consider their demographics and characteristics. This includes factors such as age, education level, and background knowledge on the topic. For example, if you are writing an informative essay on climate change for a college-level audience, you can assume that they have a certain level of understanding on the topic and can dive into more complex details.

Another important factor to consider is your audience’s interests and motivations. What topics are they passionate about? What issues do they care about? By addressing these interests and motivations in your essay, you can capture and maintain your readers’ attention. For instance, if your audience is environmentally conscious, focusing on the impact of climate change on the environment and potential solutions can be engaging and informative.

Furthermore, it is essential to use language that is appropriate for your audience. The tone and style of your writing should resonate with your readers, making the information more accessible and relatable. Consider using examples, analogies, and real-life stories to illustrate your points and make the content more engaging.

Lastly, it is imperative to keep in mind any potential biases or preconceptions your audience may have. Providing a balanced and objective view of the topic will help build trust and credibility with your readers. By addressing potential counterarguments or presenting different perspectives, you can present a well-rounded and informative essay.

In conclusion, considering your audience and their interests is crucial when writing an informative essay. By tailoring your content to their needs, you can effectively engage and inform your readers. Keep in mind their demographics, interests, and potential biases to deliver a well-rounded and impactful essay.

Brainstorm potential topics based on your knowledge and expertise

Coming up with a topic for your informative essay can sometimes feel like a daunting task. However, you can make the process easier by tapping into your own knowledge and expertise. By brainstorming potential topics that you are knowledgeable about, you can ensure that you have a solid foundation to build your essay upon.

Start by reflecting on your areas of expertise and interests. Consider the subjects that you have studied or have experience in. Think about the topics that you are passionate about or have a deep understanding of. These could be anything from history, science, literature, or even personal hobbies and experiences.

Once you have identified your areas of expertise, try narrowing down your potential topics by considering the relevance and importance of each subject. Ask yourself what information or insights you can provide that would be valuable to your readers. Look for topics that are not only interesting to you, but also have potential to educate and engage your audience.

Furthermore, don’t be afraid to think outside the box and explore unique angles or lesser-known aspects of a topic. Your expertise and knowledge might allow you to shed new light on a subject, making it more interesting and informative for your readers.

Remember, the key is to choose a topic that you are knowledgeable and passionate about, as this will make the writing process more enjoyable and you will be able to provide valuable insights through your essay.

Research the availability of credible sources on each topic

Research the availability of credible sources on each topic

Before diving into writing an informative essay, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and ensure the availability of credible sources on each chosen topic. A well-researched essay relies on the quality of sources used, as they help provide accurate and reliable information to support your arguments and claims.

Begin by brainstorming potential topics and narrowing down your choices. Once you have decided on a particular topic, take the time to evaluate the availability of credible sources. This includes searching for scholarly articles, academic journals, books, and reputable websites related to the subject matter.

When assessing the credibility of a source, consider factors such as the author’s qualifications and expertise in the field, the publication date, the reputation of the publishing source, and whether the information is backed by evidence and supported by other reliable sources. It is important to avoid using biased or unreliable sources, as they can weaken the credibility of your essay.

Make use of online databases and libraries to access a wide range of sources. These platforms provide access to scholarly research, academic articles, and other reliable resources. Additionally, consider reaching out to experts in the field or conducting interviews to gather first-hand information and insights that can enhance the credibility of your essay.

Remember, the research process is an essential step in writing an informative essay. Invest time and effort in finding credible sources to ensure that your essay is well-supported and backed by reliable information.

Choose a topic that is both interesting and relevant

Choose a topic that is both interesting and relevant

When it comes to writing an informative essay, one of the most important decisions you’ll need to make is choosing a topic. It’s essential to select a subject that is both interesting and relevant to your audience. By doing so, you’ll not only capture your readers’ attention, but you’ll also provide them with valuable information that they can apply or learn from.

Choosing an interesting topic is crucial because it sets the tone for your entire essay. If you select a topic that is dull or uninteresting, your readers may lose interest before they even finish reading the first paragraph. On the other hand, if you choose a topic that is exciting and engaging, you’ll captivate your audience from the start.

However, it’s not enough for a topic to be interesting; it also needs to be relevant. Select a subject that is timely and offers information that your audience can benefit from. It should provide insights, answer questions, or shed light on a current issue or trend. By choosing a relevant topic, you’ll demonstrate that you have done your research and are well-informed on the subject matter.

When brainstorming for potential topics, consider your target audience and their interests. Think about the type of information they would find valuable or the questions they might have. Additionally, stay up to date with current events and the latest trends to identify relevant topics that are of interest to your readers.

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, choose a topic that aligns with your own interests and expertise. Writing about something you are passionate about will not only make the writing process more enjoyable, but it will also allow you to bring a unique perspective to the topic.

In conclusion, choosing a topic that is both interesting and relevant is crucial when writing an informative essay. By selecting a subject that captivates your readers and provides them with valuable information, you’ll be able to engage your audience and make your essay more impactful.

Narrow down your topic to a specific aspect or angle

When it comes to writing an informative essay, it is crucial to choose a topic that is focused and specific. By narrowing down your topic to a specific aspect or angle, you are able to provide more in-depth information and analysis to your readers.

Consider your initial topic and think about the different angles or perspectives that can be explored. This could be a particular time period, a specific geographic location, a certain demographic group, or an aspect that hasn’t been extensively discussed.

For example, if your initial topic is “climate change,” you could narrow it down by focusing on the impact of climate change on a specific region or the role of government policies in addressing climate change. By choosing a specific aspect, you can delve deeper into the subject matter and provide a more comprehensive analysis.

Additionally, narrowing down your topic allows you to avoid overwhelming your readers with too much information. It helps you stay focused and ensures that your essay remains informative and concise.

In order to narrow down your topic effectively, it is important to conduct thorough research and gather relevant information. This will help you identify the specific aspect or angle that interests you the most and aligns with your essay’s purpose.

Benefits of narrowing down your topic
1. Allows for a more in-depth analysis
2. Helps to avoid overwhelming the reader
3. Provides a focused and concise essay
4. Enables you to showcase your expertise on a specific aspect

In conclusion, narrowing down your topic to a specific aspect or angle is crucial for writing an informative essay. It allows for a more focused and comprehensive analysis, avoids overwhelming the reader, and helps you showcase your expertise on a particular subject. Take the time to choose a specific aspect that interests you and conduct thorough research to gather relevant information.

Avoid controversial or sensitive topics that may be difficult to handle objectively

When writing an informative essay, it is crucial to choose a topic that allows for objective analysis and discussion. It is important to avoid picking controversial or sensitive subjects that can lead to emotional responses and biased opinions. By selecting a topic that is neutral and has a solid factual foundation, you ensure that your essay remains informative and credible.

Controversial topics often involve heated debates and strong opinions. They tend to polarize people and make it challenging to present information in an unbiased manner. When faced with sensitive subjects, emotions can cloud judgment, and it becomes difficult to separate fact from opinion. To maintain the credibility of your essay, it is best to steer clear of topics that may trigger emotional responses or arguments.

Additionally, choosing a neutral topic ensures that you can provide comprehensive and balanced information. By focusing on an objective subject, you can gather a variety of sources and perspectives to present a well-rounded view. This approach allows readers to form their own opinions based on the facts presented and encourages critical thinking.

It is also important to consider the potential impact of your topic on your audience. Sensitive subjects may touch on personal beliefs and experiences, causing discomfort or distress for some readers. By selecting a topic that is less likely to offend or trigger negative emotions, you create a safer and more inclusive environment for your audience.

Ultimately, by avoiding controversial or sensitive topics, you ensure that your informative essay remains focused on providing objective information. Choose a neutral subject that allows for thorough research, balanced analysis, and respectful discussion to create a compelling and informative piece of writing.

Seek feedback from peers or teachers to help finalize your topic choice

Getting input from others can be a valuable step in the process of choosing a topic for your informative essay. It’s always helpful to have an outside perspective, as it can offer new ideas and insights that you may not have considered on your own. By seeking feedback from peers or teachers, you can gather different viewpoints and opinions that will help you make a more informed decision.

When asking for feedback, it’s important to be open to criticism and constructive suggestions. Your peers or teachers may have valuable input that can help you refine your topic choice and make it more focused and interesting. They might recommend specific angles or aspects to explore, or suggest alternative topics that you haven’t thought of yet. Embrace their insights and consider their suggestions carefully.

Additionally, seeking feedback from peers or teachers can help you gauge the level of interest and relevance of your chosen topic. They can provide valuable insights into whether the topic is engaging and has the potential to captivate your audience. If multiple people express enthusiasm or curiosity about your topic, it can serve as a confirmation that you’re on the right track.

Feedback can also be a useful tool for identifying any potential weaknesses or shortcomings in your chosen topic. Peers or teachers may point out areas that need further research or clarification, helping you to address any gaps in your knowledge or understanding. By seeking feedback, you have the opportunity to strengthen your essay by addressing any criticisms or concerns early on.

In conclusion, seeking feedback from peers or teachers is an essential step in finalizing your topic choice for an informative essay. Their perspectives can provide valuable insights and help you make a more informed decision. Embrace their feedback, consider their suggestions, and use it to refine and strengthen your chosen topic. With their input, you can ensure that your essay is engaging, relevant, and well-rounded.

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Mar 20, 2023

How to Write an Informative Essay | Outlines and Examples

Discover the Art of Informative Essays: Engage, Learn, and Be Inspired by These Compelling Examples – Read on to Elevate Your Writing Skills!

An informative essay is written to disseminate knowledge about a specific subject. These writings will typically address one of the five W's (who, what, where, when, and why) in a given topic. Naturally, they can also respond with "how," suggesting a method.

Opinions and attempts to persuade readers to adopt your point of view have no place in informative writing. Only argumentative writing is allowed to play that part. If your instructive essay is particularly engaging, it may inspire your readers to pursue further research on the topic; however, they will have to make that decision independently.

To get you started, we've provided some informative essay samples as well as resources to help you select a subject and craft your paper.

What Is an Informative Essay?

An informative essay is a type of academic writing that explains about a particular topic or subject. The primary goal of an informative essay is to provide information on a topic, idea, or concept in a clear, concise, and organized manner. The purpose of the essay is to increase the reader's knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.

An informative essay is different from other types of essays, such as persuasive or argumentative essays. While persuasive essays aim to convince the audience to take a particular viewpoint or to take action, informative essays are written solely to provide information. This means that the essay should be unbiased, objective, and free from personal opinions or biases.

When writing an informative essay, it is essential to choose a topic that is interesting and relevant to the audience. It is also essential to conduct thorough research on the topic and to use credible sources, such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites. It is also essential to use a formal tone, clear language, and appropriate grammar and punctuation.

An informative essay is a type of academic writing that aims to provide information on a particular topic or subject in a clear, concise, and organized manner. The essay should be unbiased, objective, and free from personal opinions or biases.

The structure of an informative essay typically follows a basic format, including an introduction that provides background details and a distinct thesis statement, body paragraphs that outlines key arguments along with supporting proof, and a conclusion that offers a synopsis of the information presented. When writing an informative essay, it is essential to choose a topic that is interesting and relevant to the audience and to use credible sources and a formal tone.

How to Create an Informative Essay Outline?

Writing an informative essay outline is an essential step in the essay writing process. An outline provides a structure and a framework for the essay, allowing the writer to organize their thoughts and ideas before beginning to write. A good outline will help to ensure that the essay is clear, concise, and well-structured.

The outline for an informative essay typically includes the following sections: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each section has a specific purpose and should be structured in a particular way.

I. Introduction

The introduction of an informative essay should provide background information on the topic and introduce the thesis statement, which is the main idea of the essay. The introduction should also capture the reader's attention and motivate them to continue reading.

A. Hook: The hook is the opening sentence or two of the essay. It should be attention-grabbing and relevant to the topic.

B. Background information: The background information provides context for the topic and helps the reader understand why the topic is important.

C. Thesis statement: The thesis statement is the main idea of the essay. It should be clear, concise, and specific.

II. Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of an informative essay provide detailed information on the topic. Each paragraph should focus on a particular aspect of the topic and be organized in a logical and coherent manner.

A. Topic sentence: The topic sentence is the first sentence of each body paragraph. It should clearly state the main point of the paragraph.

B. Supporting details: The supporting details provide evidence and examples to support the topic sentence.

C. Transitions: Transitions help to connect the paragraphs and make the essay flow smoothly.

III. Conclusion

The conclusion of an informative essay summarizes the main points of the essay and restates the thesis statement in a new way. The conclusion should also leave a lasting impression on the reader.

A. Restate thesis statement: The thesis statement should be restated in a new way to remind the reader of the main idea of the essay.

B. Summarize main points: The main points of the essay should be summarized in a concise and clear manner.

C. Final thoughts: The conclusion should end with final thoughts that leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Crafting an outline for an informative essay is a crucial stage in the process of essay writing. The purpose of creating an outline for an informative essay is to establish the topics you aim to address and to structure ideas accordingly.

The outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, each with a specific purpose and structure. By following these guidelines, writers can create an informative essay that is clear, concise, and well-structured.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing an Informative Essay Format

Despite the fact that all essays have a similar structure, each type has its own distinctive features and peculiarities. It is a must to be aware of them in order to create a well-structured informative research paper outline. Structuring an informative essay outline can help you organize your thoughts and ideas and ensure that you cover all the necessary information.

Here are 7 steps to help you create a well-structured informative essay outline:

Choose a Topic

Select a topic that you are familiar with and that you find interesting. Ensure that the topic is suitable for an informative essay and that there is enough information available for you to research.

Conduct Research

Research your topic thoroughly using reputable sources such as academic journals, books, and websites. Gather information that will help you to support your arguments and make your essay more persuasive.

Create a Thesis Statement

Write a clear thesis statement that summarizes the main argument or purpose of your essay. Your thesis statement should be concise and focused, and it should provide a clear direction for your essay.

Create an Introduction

Begin your essay with an introduction that provides background information on your topic and introduces your thesis statement. Your introduction should be engaging and informative, and it should capture the reader's attention.

Create Body Paragraphs

The body of your essay should consist of several paragraphs, each of which should focus on a specific point or argument. Use clear and concise language to convey your ideas, and support your arguments with evidence such as examples, statistics, and other forms of evidence.

Create a Conclusion

Conclude your essay with a summary of your main points and a restatement of your thesis statement. Your conclusion should provide closure to your essay and leave a lasting impression on your reader.

Proofread and Edit

Edit and proofread your essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure that your essay is well-structured, easy to read, and well-supported with evidence.

Overall, following these seven steps will help you create a well-structured informative essay outline that will guide you in writing an effective and persuasive essay.

Comprehensive Analysis of All of the Outline's Subsections

Outlines for informative papers typically consist of the same five or six parts as those for other kinds of essays. This type of writing task usually requires a specific structure. Begin with a one-paragraph opening, then move on to the body—which should be at least three paragraphs long—and end with a closing. It's likely that this will appear recognizable to you.

Let's read more carefully through the parts of the research report. See to it that you have painted a distinct image of the content that each paragraph will address.


In the introduction of your informative essay structure, you should define your subject in simple terms. Rather than relying on your own assumptions, check that you are using the actual definitions provided by reputable sources. The so-called "prehistory" of the subject can be included, as it often contains fascinating tidbits that aren't common knowledge.

To back up the thesis assertion made at the outset of the paper, you should provide arguments in the body of your work. It is suggested to devote each paragraph to a single subject idea, so the number of body paragraphs will be determined by the number of arguments.

Controversial Arguments: 

Before responding to an opponent's claims, make sure you've done your homework and collected all the information you'll need to present a well-reasoned response. There will be more than one way to look at the heart of any given subject. It is for this reason that you must exercise caution when gathering evidence and showing your opponent's arguments.

Each line needs to not only make a case but also provide proof to back up that case. Include the identities of the scientists and scholars who created the relevant references in your citation. Paint a vivid image of the subject at hand. That's why it's up to you to clarify everything that's crucial.

The Conclusion: 

Many students make the mistake of thinking that the conclusion section of a summary must be a direct reiteration of the thesis statement. In the final section, you should restate the processed data and direct the reader's attention to the most important parts of the study.

The most important guideline to follow is to explain in the conclusion how the reader can profit from the study findings.

2 Informative Essay Examples

The Key Causes Resulting in Water Pollution

Water pollution is a serious environmental issue that poses a significant threat to human health and the ecosystem. It occurs when harmful substances are introduced into water bodies such as rivers, lakes, oceans, and groundwater, making them unsuitable for human consumption and other uses.

The causes of water pollution are diverse, ranging from industrial and agricultural practices to household activities. This essay examines the key causes of water pollution and their impacts on the environment and human health.

Industrial activities:

Industrial activities are a significant cause of water pollution, especially in developed countries. Industries such as mining, manufacturing, and oil drilling often release harmful chemicals and waste into water bodies, contaminating them with toxic substances.

For instance, the discharge of untreated wastewater from factories and refineries leads to high levels of pollutants in water bodies. These pollutants can cause waterborne diseases, kill aquatic plants and animals, and render water unsafe for human consumption.

Agricultural practices:

Agricultural activities are another significant cause of water pollution. The use of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides in farming has led to the contamination of water bodies. When these chemicals are washed away by rain or irrigation, they end up in rivers and lakes, causing water pollution. Excessive use of fertilizers, in particular, has been linked to the eutrophication of water bodies.

Eutrophication is a process in which excessive nutrients in water promote the growth of algae, which reduces the amount of oxygen available for other aquatic organisms, leading to the death of fish and other aquatic life.

Household activities:

Household activities are also responsible for water pollution. These activities include the disposal of household waste, cooking oils, and detergents into water bodies. Septic systems and faulty sewer lines also contribute to water pollution. When households dispose of their waste improperly, it ends up in water bodies, contaminating them with harmful substances.

Detergents contain phosphates, which can cause eutrophication when they enter water bodies. Moreover, septic systems and faulty sewer lines can cause water contamination when they leak or overflow.

Mining activities:

Mining activities, particularly those involving open-pit mines, can cause significant water pollution. Open-pit mines generate large amounts of waste, which is often dumped into nearby water bodies. This waste contains toxic substances such as heavy metals, which can contaminate water and cause severe health problems.

The use of chemicals such as cyanide and mercury in mining operations also contributes to water pollution. These chemicals are used to extract gold and other minerals from ores, but they can contaminate water bodies if not handled properly.

Oil spills:

Oil spills are one of the most devastating causes of water pollution. When oil spills occur, they can have catastrophic effects on the environment and the economy. Oil spills can result from accidents involving oil tankers, pipeline leaks, and offshore drilling.

The spilt oil can spread over large areas, contaminating water bodies and killing aquatic plants and animals. The toxic substances in the oil can also pose a significant health risk to humans who come into contact with them.

Impacts of water pollution:

Water pollution has severe impacts on the environment and human health. For instance, water pollution can lead to the death of fish and other aquatic organisms, reducing biodiversity. Water pollution can also make water unsafe for human consumption, leading to waterborne diseases such as cholera and typhoid fever.

Furthermore, water pollution can lead to the destruction of ecosystems, reducing the ability of natural systems to provide essential services such as water purification, flood control, and erosion prevention.

In conclusion, water pollution is a significant environmental problem that can have severe consequences for aquatic life and humans. The causes of water pollution are diverse and can come from industrial and agricultural practices, household activities, mining activities, and oil spills.

To prevent water pollution, it is crucial to implement measures that reduce the release of pollutants into water bodies, such as improved industrial processes, sustainable agriculture practices, proper disposal of household hazardous waste, responsible mining practices, and oil spill prevention measures.

By working together to address water pollution, we can protect our water resources and ensure a healthier future for ourselves and the environment.

The Importance of Education in the 21st Century

Education is a fundamental pillar of society, and it plays a crucial role in the development of individuals and nations. In the 21st century, education has become more critical than ever before, given the rapid pace of technological advancements and globalization. This essay discusses the importance of education in the 21st century and how it impacts individuals and society as a whole.

Globalisation and Technological Advancements:

The 21st century is marked by a new era of globalization, characterized by the integration of economies, cultures, and societies across the world. Technological advancements, such as the internet and social media, have made it easier for people to communicate and access information, breaking down traditional barriers and boundaries.

In this context, education is essential for individuals to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate this new world successfully. Education enables individuals to communicate, think critically, and adapt to changes in the environment, including technological advancements.


In the 21st century, the job market is highly competitive, and employers demand a skilled and knowledgeable workforce. Education plays a crucial role in ensuring that individuals are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to meet the demands of the job market.

Education enables individuals to acquire specialized knowledge and skills in their fields of interest, making them more competitive in the job market. Additionally, education fosters the development of soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, which are highly valued by employers.

Personal Development:

Education is not just about acquiring knowledge and skills; it is also about personal development. Education enables individuals to develop a sense of identity, values, and beliefs, shaping their character and worldview. Education also promotes personal growth by exposing individuals to new ideas, perspectives, and cultures, broadening their horizons and promoting tolerance and diversity.

Social Development:

Education is critical for social development, promoting social mobility and reducing inequalities. Education enables individuals from different backgrounds and social classes to access the same opportunities and pursue their dreams, irrespective of their socioeconomic status.

Education also promotes social cohesion and community building by fostering a sense of civic responsibility and promoting active participation in society.

Environmental Sustainability:

In the 21st century, environmental sustainability is a crucial global issue that requires urgent action. Education plays a crucial role in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability. Education enables individuals to understand the impact of human activities on the environment and develop strategies to mitigate these impacts.

Education also promotes a culture of environmental stewardship, encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their actions and work towards a sustainable future.

Innovation and Creativity:

Innovation and creativity are critical drivers of economic growth and social progress in the 21st century. Education plays a crucial role in promoting innovation and creativity by fostering a culture of experimentation and risk-taking. Education enables individuals to develop critical thinking skills, think outside the box, and come up with creative solutions to complex problems.


In conclusion, education is critical for the development of individuals and society in the 21st century. It enables individuals to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate a rapidly changing world, compete in the job market, and pursue personal and social goals. Education also promotes environmental sustainability, innovation, and creativity, promoting economic growth and social progress.

As such, investing in education is essential for building a better future for individuals and society as a whole.

In conclusion, writing an informative essay can be a rewarding experience, as it allows you to share your knowledge on a particular topic with others. By following the steps outlined in this article and utilizing the examples provided, you can create a well-structured and informative essay that will captivate your audience. Remember to thoroughly research your topic, organize your ideas, and use clear and concise language to convey your message. If you're looking for additional support in creating high-quality essays, sign up for ! Our AI-powered writing assistant can help you generate ideas, structure your essay, and even provide autocompletion suggestions to help you write faster. With, you can create engaging and informative essays with ease. Don't hesitate, click the button below to sign up for today and start writing your best essays yet!

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Informative Essay — Purpose, Structure, and Examples

What is informative writing.

Informative writing educates the reader about a certain topic. An informative essay may explain new information, describe a process, or clarify a concept. The provided information is objective, meaning the writing focuses on presentation of fact and should not contain personal opinion or bias.

Informative writing includes description, process, cause and effect, comparison, and problems and possible solutions:

Describes a person, place, thing, or event using descriptive language that appeals to readers’ senses

Explains the process to do something or how something was created

Discusses the relationship between two things, determining how one ( cause ) leads to the other ( effect ); the effect needs to be based on fact and not an assumption

Identifies the similarities and differences between two things; does not indicate that one is better than the other

Details a problem and presents various possible solutions ; the writer does not suggest one solution is more effective than the others

What is informative writing?

Purpose of informative writing

The purpose of an informative essay depends upon the writer’s motivation, but may be to share new information, describe a process, clarify a concept, explain why or how, or detail a topic’s intricacies.

Informative essays may introduce readers to new information .

Summarizing a scientific/technological study

Outlining the various aspects of a religion

Providing information on a historical period

Describe a process or give step-by-step details of a procedure.

How to write an informational essay

How to construct an argument

How to apply for a job

Clarify a concept and offer details about complex ideas.

Purpose of informative essays

Explain why or how something works the way that it does.

Describe how the stock market impacts the economy

Illustrate why there are high and low tides

Detail how the heart functions

Offer information on the smaller aspects or intricacies of a larger topic.

Identify the importance of the individual bones in the body

Outlining the Dust Bowl in the context of the Great Depression

Explaining how bees impact the environment

How to write an informative essay

Regardless of the type of information, the informative essay structure typically consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion.


Background information

Explanation of evidence

Restated thesis

Review of main ideas

Closing statement

Informative essay structure

Informative essay introduction

When composing the introductory paragraph(s) of an informative paper, include a hook, introduce the topic, provide background information, and develop a good thesis statement.

If the hook or introduction creates interest in the first paragraph, it will draw the readers’ attention and make them more receptive to the essay writer's ideas. Some of the most common techniques to accomplish this include the following:

Emphasize the topic’s importance by explaining the current interest in the topic or by indicating that the subject is influential.

Use pertinent statistics to give the paper an air of authority.

A surprising statement can be shocking; sometimes it is disgusting; sometimes it is joyful; sometimes it is surprising because of who said it.

An interesting incident or anecdote can act as a teaser to lure the reader into the remainder of the essay. Be sure that the device is appropriate for the informative essay topic and focus on what is to follow.

Informative essay hooks

Directly introduce the topic of the essay.

Provide the reader with the background information necessary to understand the topic. Don’t repeat this information in the body of the essay; it should help the reader understand what follows.

Identify the overall purpose of the essay with the thesis (purpose statement). Writers can also include their support directly in the thesis, which outlines the structure of the essay for the reader.

Informative essay body paragraphs

Each body paragraph should contain a topic sentence, evidence, explanation of evidence, and a transition sentence.

Informative essay body paragraphs

A good topic sentence should identify what information the reader should expect in the paragraph and how it connects to the main purpose identified in the thesis.

Provide evidence that details the main point of the paragraph. This includes paraphrasing, summarizing, and directly quoting facts, statistics, and statements.

Explain how the evidence connects to the main purpose of the essay.

Place transitions at the end of each body paragraph, except the last. There is no need to transition from the last support to the conclusion. A transition should accomplish three goals:

Tell the reader where you were (current support)

Tell the reader where you are going (next support)

Relate the paper’s purpose

Informative essay conclusion

Incorporate a rephrased thesis, summary, and closing statement into the conclusion of an informative essay.

Rephrase the purpose of the essay. Do not just repeat the purpose statement from the thesis.

Summarize the main idea found in each body paragraph by rephrasing each topic sentence.

End with a clincher or closing statement that helps readers answer the question “so what?” What should the reader take away from the information provided in the essay? Why should they care about the topic?

Informative essay example

The following example illustrates a good informative essay format:

Informative essay format

in writing an informative essay the writer has to be

Writing an Informative Essay

Informative essays engage readers with new, interesting, and often surprising facts and details about a subject. Informative essays are educational; readers expect to learn something new from them. In fact, much of the reading and writing done in college and the workplace is informative. From textbooks to reports to tutorials like this one, informative writing imparts important and useful information about a topic.

This tutorial refers to the sample informative outline and final essay written by fictional student Paige Turner.

Reasons to Write Informatively

Your purpose for writing and the audience for whom you are writing will impact the depth and breadth of information you provide, but all informative writing aims to present a subject without opinions or bias. Some common reasons to write informatively are to

  • report findings that an audience would find interesting,
  • present facts that an audience would find useful, and
  • communicate information about a person, place, event, issue, or change that would improve an audience’s understanding.

Characteristics of Informative Essays

Informative essays present factual information and do not attempt to sway readers’ opinions about it. Other types of academic and workplace writing do try to influence readers’ opinions:

  • Expository essays aim to expose a truth about an issue in order to influence how readers view the issue.
  • Persuasive essays aim to influence readers’ opinions, so they will adopt a particular position or take a certain course of action.

Expository and persuasive essays make “arguments.” The only argument an informative essay makes is that something exists, did exist, is happening, or has happened, and the point of the essay is not to convince readers of this but to tell them about it.

  • Informative essays seek to enlighten and educate readers, so they can make their own educated opinions and decisions about what to think and how to act.

Strategies for Writing Informatively

Informative essays provide useful information such as facts, examples, and evidence from research in order to help readers understand a topic or see it more clearly. While informative writing does not aim to appeal emotionally to readers in order to change their opinions or behaviors, informative writing should still be engaging to read. Factual information is not necessarily dry or boring. Sometimes facts can be more alarming than fiction!

Writers use various strategies to engage and educate readers. Some strategies include

  • introducing the topic with an alarming fact or arresting image;
  • asserting what is true or so about the subject in a clear thesis statement;
  • organizing the paragraphs logically by grouping related information;
  • unifying each paragraph with a topic sentence and controlling idea;
  • developing cohesive paragraphs with transition sentences;
  • using precise language and terminology appropriate for the topic, purpose, and audience; and
  • concluding with a final idea or example that captures the essay’s purpose and leaves a lasting impression.

Five Steps for Getting Started

1. Brainstorm and choose a topic.

  • Sample topic : The opioid epidemic in the United States.
  • The opiod epidemic or even opiod addiction would would be considered too broad for a single essay, so the next steps aim to narrow this topic down.

2. Next, write a question about the topic that you would like to answer through research.

  • Sample question : What major events caused the opioid crisis in the United States?
  • This question aims to narrow the topic down to causes of the epidemic in the US.

3. Now go to the Purdue Global Library to find the answers to your research question.

As you begin reading and collecting sources, write down the themes that emerge as common answers. Later, in step four, use the most common answers (or the ones you are most interested in writing and discussing) to construct a thesis statement.

  • Sample answers: aggressive marketing, loopholes in prescription drug provider programs, and economic downturn.

4. Next, provide purpose to your paper by creating a thesis statement.

The thesis attempts to frame your research question. The sample thesis below incorporates three of the more common answers for the research question from step two: What caused the opioid crisis in the United States?

  • Thesis Statement : Aggressive marketing, loopholes in prescription drug provider programs, and economic downturn contributed to the current opioid crisis in the United States.
  • Writing Tip : For additional help with thesis statements, please visit our Writing a Thesis Statement article. For help with writing in 3rd person, see our article on Formal Vs. Informal Writing .

5. Now follow each numbered step in the “Suggested Outline Format and Sample” below.

Sample answers have been provided for “I. Introduction” and “II. First Cause.” A complete sample outline can be seen here. A complete sample informative essay can be seen here.

Suggested Outline Format and Sample


A. First provide a topic sentence that introduces the main topic: Sample topic sentence : There is a current prescription pain medication addiction and abuse epidemic possibly caused by an excessive over prescription of these medications.

B. Now provide a couple sentences with evidence to support the main topic: Sample sentence one with evidence to support the main topic : According to Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), in testimony before the 115th Congress, “In 2016, over 11 million Americans misused prescription opioids … and 2.1 million had an opioid use disorder due to prescription opioids” (Federal Efforts to Combat the Opioid Crisis, 2017, p. 2).

C. Sample sentence two with evidence to support the main topic : Volkow indicated “more than 300,000 Americans have died of an opioid overdose” since 2013 (Federal Efforts to Combat the Opioid Crisis, 2017, p.2).

D. Sample sentence three with evidence to support the main topic : According to Perez-Pena (2017), the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported more than 25,000 people in the United States died in 2015 from overdosing on opioids Fentanyl, Oxycodone, and Hydrocodone.

E. Toward the end of the introduction, include your thesis statement written in the 3rd-person point-of-view: Sample thesis statement : Potential solutions to the growing opioid epidemic may be illuminated by examining how opioid addiction is triggered through aggressive pharmaceutical marketing, how opioid addiction manifests among prescribed patients, and how economic downturns play a role in the increase of opioid addiction.

F. Write down the library sources you can use in this introductory paragraph to help support the main topic.

  • Federal Efforts to Combat the Opioid Crisis, 2017
  • Perez-Pena, 2017
  • Writing Tip : For more help writing an introduction, please refer to this article on introductions and conclusions .


A. First provide a topic sentence that introduces the first cause of the opioid epidemic: Sample topic sentence that introduces the first cause : One issue that helped contribute to the opioid epidemic is aggressive marketing by pharmaceutical manufacturers.

B. Now provide sentences with evidence to support the first cause: Sample sentence one with evidence that supports the first cause : Perez-Pena (2017) concluded that while the healthcare industry was attempting to effectively and efficiently treat patients with chronic pain, pharmaceutical companies were providing funding to prominent doctors, medical societies, and patient advocacy groups in order to win support for a particular drug’s adoption and usage.

C. Sample sentence two with evidence to support the first cause : In fact, pharmaceutical companies continue to spend millions on promotional activities and materials that deny or trivialize any risks of opioid use while at the same time overstating each drug’s benefit (Perez-Pina, 2017).

D. Next, add more information or provide concluding or transitional sentences that foreshadows the upcoming second cause: Sample concluding and transitional sentence that foreshadow the second cause : Although aggressive marketing by pharmaceutical companies played a large role in opioid addiction, patients are to blame too, as many take advantage of holes in the healthcare provider system in order to remedy their addiction.

E. Write down the library sources you can use in this body paragraph to help support the first cause:

  • Writing Tip : For more assistance working with sources, please visit the Using Sources page here.


A. First provide a topic sentence that introduces the second cause.

B. Now provide sentences with evidence to support the second cause.

C. Next, add more information or provide concluding or transitional sentences that foreshadows the upcoming third cause.

D. Write down the library sources you can use in this body paragraph to help support the second cause:

  • Writing Tip : Listen to Writing Powerful Sentences for information and features of effective writing.


A. First provide a topic sentence that introduces the third cause.

B. Now provide sentences with evidence to support the third cause.

C. Next, add more information or provide a concluding sentence or two.

D. Write down the library sources you can use in this body paragraph to help support the third cause:

V. CONCLUSION: Summary of key points and evidence discussed.

  • Writing Tip : For more help writing a conclusion, refer to this podcast on endings .
  • Writing Tip : Have a question? Leave a comment below or Purdue Global students, click here to access the Purdue Global Writing Center tutoring platform and available staff.
  • Writing Tip : Ready to have someone look at your paper? Purdue Global students, click here to submit your assignment for feedback through our video paper review service.

See a Sample Informative Essay Outline here .

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dang bro i got an A

Having faith with all this mentioned, that i will pass my english class at a college. Thank you for posting.

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How to Write an Informative Essay: Everything You Need to Know

in writing an informative essay the writer has to be

Informative essays are often assigned in schools and universities. Here’s how to write them effectively:

  • Choose the Topic and Length : Pick a relevant topic and decide how long your essay will be.
  • Determine Your Audience : Identify who your readers are and understand their needs.
  • Research : Collect accurate information from reliable sources.
  • Choose the Main Points : Select the key points you want to cover.
  • Write the Introduction : Introduce the topic and provide a clear thesis statement.
  • Write the Body : Develop each main point in separate paragraphs.
  • Write the Conclusion : Summarize the main points and restate the thesis in a new way.

After writing, make sure your essay is clear, balanced, and informative. Invest time in planning, thorough research, and effective organization. For more details on how to write an informative essay, our essay writer has got some expert tips up their sleeve! So, let's keep on reading this article.

What is an Informative Essay

What is an Informative Essay

Informative essays aim to educate the reader about a specific topic. They present facts, explanations, and insights in a clear and straightforward manner without trying to persuade or argue a particular point of view. The main goal is to increase the reader’s understanding of the subject by providing well-researched and organized information.

For example, an informative essay is often needed in an educational setting, such as when a student is assigned to explain the process of photosynthesis in a biology class. In this case, the student must consider the audience’s level of knowledge, ensuring the explanation is neither too basic nor too complex. The essay should include key details like the roles of sunlight, chlorophyll, and carbon dioxide, and it should be organized logically with clear transitions between points to help readers follow the explanation easily.

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How to Write an Informative Essay

Writing an informative essay involves several clear steps that help you present your topic effectively. By following these steps, you can ensure your essay is well-organized, thoroughly researched, and engaging for your readers. Here’s a detailed guide from our admission essay writing service on how to start an informative essay and help you continue the process.

Start an Informative Essay

Step 1. Choose a Topic

When writing an informative essay, you start by choosing a topic. This can set the tone for your entire essay, so it's important to pick something both interesting and relevant. Think about subjects that intrigue you or issues that are currently trending and have ample information available. The topic should be specific enough to be covered thoroughly in the length of your essay but broad enough to find plenty of sources.

Some informative writing topics include:

  • How new technologies and practices shape how we eat.
  • Discuss the benefits of kindness and how to spread it.
  • How is VR changing various fields?
  • Explain the importance of sleep for health and well-being.
  • Discuss the history, science, and benefits of fermented foods and drinks.

Step 2. Research

Research will build a strong case for your topic. Jot down everything including facts, questions, even random ideas. When you find something interesting, note the source and look at its references. Try to go beyond textbooks - look for documentaries, news articles, interviews, or even blog posts by experts. You can also explore offline by visiting your local library and browsing relevant sections. 

Take notes in your own words, summarizing key points and paraphrases. This helps you understand better and write smoothly. As you read, think critically - consider the author's perspective, evidence, and potential bias to add analysis to your essay.

Track your sources for later, but don't get hung up on strict formats during initial research. Focus on gathering strong material. By approaching your research thoughtfully and actively, you'll create a solid foundation for your essay.

Step 3. Create an Informative Essay Outline

The purpose of an outline for an informative essay is to organize your thoughts and ensure your essay has a logical flow. By outlining, you can spot any gaps in your research and ensure all necessary points are covered. It’s best to create an outline after you’ve completed your research but before you start writing. This way, you have all the information you need and can arrange it in a coherent order.

  • Introduction : Start your outline with an informative essay introduction. Here you’ll introduce the topic and provide your thesis statement, which outlines the main points you will cover.
  • Body Paragraphs : Break down the body of your essay into several main points or sections. The topic of each body paragraph of an informative essay should be supported with facts and examples. Include sub-points or bullet points that highlight the key information you will discuss.
  • Conclusion: End your outline with the informative essay conclusion. Summarize the main points and restate the thesis in a new way. Include any final thoughts or reflections that provide closure to your essay - this is key to knowing how to write a conclusion for an informative essay.

For example, if your essay topic is "The Impact of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life," your outline might look something like this:

Introduction 📚
Introduce the topic of plastic pollution.
Present the thesis statement
Body Paragraphs 🐟
Explain how marine animals mistake plastic for food.
Discuss the impact on their health and survival.
Describe how animals get entangled in plastic debris.
Highlight the physical harm and risk of death.
Explore how plastics release harmful chemicals into the ocean.
Discuss the long-term effects on marine ecosystems.
Conclusion 📝
Summarize the key points
Restate the thesis
Provide a final thought on the importance of addressing this issue.

Step 4. Start Writing an Informative Essay

Now that you have an outline and know how to start an essay , you’re ready to start writing your informative essay. This step involves turning your organized thoughts and detailed notes into a coherent and engaging piece of writing.

Your first sentence should grab the reader’s attention—consider starting with a surprising fact, a quote, or a brief anecdote related to your topic. After this hook, provide some background information to set the context for your essay. Finish your introduction with a clear thesis statement that outlines the main points you will cover.

Next, move on to the body paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of your topic, as outlined earlier. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that states the main idea, followed by supporting sentences that include facts, examples, and explanations. 

After the body paragraphs, write your conclusion where you reinforce your main message. Throughout your writing, keep your language clear and concise. Avoid jargon unless you’re sure your audience will understand it, and explain any complex terms. Be sure to write in a neutral tone, focusing on informing rather than persuading. This will help ensure your essay is both informative and accessible to your readers.

Note : If you’re a computer science major, you’ll find our guide on IEEE format very helpful!

Step 5: Edit and Proofread

Once you have completed your informative essay, focus on proofreading for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Read your essay slowly and aloud to catch any mistakes that might have slipped through. Pay attention to how your sentences are constructed—make sure they are clear and contribute to the overall meaning of your essay.

Double-check the accuracy of any facts, statistics, or quotes you've included. Also check that each sentence and paragraph directly contribute to informing your reader about the topic without unnecessary distractions.

Lastly, consider sharing your essay with someone you trust, like a friend or teacher, for their input. You can also use our term paper writing services to make your essay even stronger. Remember, fresh eyes can often catch mistakes or suggest improvements. 

Informative Essay Examples

Essay examples show how theoretical ideas can be applied effectively and engagingly. So, let's check them out for good structure, organization, and presentation techniques.

Additionally, you can also explore essay writing apps that offer convenience and flexibility, allowing you to work on assignments wherever you are.

7 Tips for Writing an Informative Essay

Here are some helpful tips on how to write an informative essay that combines strong mechanics with engaging delivery and leaves your readers feeling more informed.

  • Employ the Inverted Pyramid Structure: Start with the most important information first, gradually providing more details as you move through your essay. 
  • Vary Your Verbs : Go beyond the simple "is" and "was." Strong action verbs add life and clarity to your writing.
  • Credible Sources Only: Steer clear of Wikipedia and non-academic websites. Prioritize scholarly articles, reputable news outlets, and government publications.
  • Vary Sentence Openings: Don't always start with the subject. Use introductory phrases, questions, or even quotes to grab the reader's attention and add variety.
  • Balance Objectivity and Subjectivity : While presenting facts, maintain a neutral tone and avoid personal bias unless specified otherwise.
  • Consider Your Audience : Tailor your language and examples to the knowledge level and interests of your intended readers.
  • Stay Focused : Stick to the main topic and avoid going off on tangents that do not contribute to the central theme of your essay.

Final Remarks

Now that you have these tips, you're ready to write a strong informative essay. This guide has given you key ideas, like how to pick a good topic, how to plan your essay, and how to write each part. It also offered helpful advice to improve your writing overall. By using these tips, you'll have a successful and informative writing experience, allowing you to share interesting information about a topic you care about! And if you struggle with getting started on your writing assignments, you can always order essay from our experts.

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What are the 5 Parts of an Informative Essay?

How to write an informative article, what is an informative essay.

Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

in writing an informative essay the writer has to be

  • Added FAQs, two essay samples
  • Updated writing steps, tips and definitions
  • How to Write an Informative Five Paragraph Essay | Terrebonne Parish Library System . (n.d.).  
  • ‌ Purpose in Informative Writing . (n.d.).  

AP English Literature and Composition

Informative Essay

Nova A.

What is an Informative Essay and How to Write One?

11 min read

Published on: Aug 11, 2021

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

Informative Essay

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Good Informative Essay Topics for All Academic Levels

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Have you been assigned an informative essay but don’t know where to start? This guide has got you covered! 

An informative essay is a common assignment for school or college students. The goal is to provide detailed information to the readers about the specific topic. 

Read on to find simple step-by-step instructions for writing an interesting and engaging informative essay. You’ll also get to read helpful examples and tips you can follow to make your essay even better! 

Let’s dive in!

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Informative Essay Definition 

The informative essay can be simply defined as,

"A form of essay writing that aims to educate and inform the reader about a specific topic."

Informative essays can cover a variety of topics. It could be written about a particular thing, event, or natural phenomenon, etc. 

This type of essay highlights the objective facts and evidence without reflecting the writer's subjective point-of-view about the topic. 

What is the Purpose of an Informative Essay?

An informative essay presents objective and verifiable information about a topic. It relies on factual evidence and reliable sources. 

The main goal of writing an informative essay is to;

  • Inform the reader about something.
  • Explain a particular subject.
  • Transmit verified knowledge clearly and concisely.

Types of Informative Essay

There are several types of informative essays, and each type has its own purpose and style. Here are some of the informative essay types that you need to know.

  • Descriptive Essay 

A descriptive essay is an essay that describes something about an event, person, place, or idea in detail. The descriptive essay aims to provide enough information to the readers to visualize or imagine the matter described.

Want to know more about descriptive essays? Check out this descriptive essay writing blog to learn more.

  • Cause and Effect Essay 

The cause and effect essay describes the cause of an event or idea and then explains its effects on today’s world and people. Also, this type of essay is a common form of organization in academic writing.    

However, the cause-and-effect essay requires strong research skills. Without them, your essay will not become a successful piece of writing. 

  • Compare and Contrast Essay 

In a compare and contrast essay, the writer discusses the similarities and differences between two or more things. This type of essay also requires strong critical thinking skills. 

Therefore, when you start writing the compare and contrast essay , you should identify and analyze the subject from all angles and characteristics.

  • Process Essay 

The process essay is also known as the "How-To" essay. This essay provides information about how a process occurs or about the process of doing something.

  • Problem-Solution Essay 

A problem-solution essay is another common type of informative essay in which you describe a problem and then propose its solution. Its main purpose is to educate the readers on the problem and its significance.  

Looking for more information? Visit our problem-solution essay guide and learn to write perfect problem solution essays.

  • Expository Essay 

The expository essay explains, illustrates, or interprets something in a way that becomes easy for the readers. This essay provides a fair analysis of the subject based on facts without the writer’s opinions.  

Here is a simple video that explains informative writing:

How to Start an Informative Essay?   

Before you can start writing, you have to do some "rewriting." Here are the steps involved in prewriting: 

  • Brainstorm Ideas 

Brainstorming is the first step in writing any type of essay. Here, you brainstorm several topic ideas and generate a list of potential topics. 

So think about all the possible ideas that are related to your interest and subject. This will help you choose an interesting topic for your essay.  

  • Choose a Topic 

Choosing the right topic is essential for writing a great essay. A good topic will not only make your writing process easy but also make the research phase interesting. 

So choose a topic you can easily write about and support it with facts, evidence, and statistics. In short, the topic should be interesting and easy to research.

  • Know Your Target Audience 

Your audience determines the style and tone of your essay. Consider who will be reading your essay and what their background, knowledge, and interests might be.

For instance, if you are writing for school children, your language should be simple, easy, and interesting. Meanwhile, writing for a professional audience requires you to use technical terminology and jargon. 

So always think about who you are writing for and determine your audience before proceeding.

  • Do the Research 

You have to do some research to gather information for your essay. Make sure the information that you collect is reliable and accurate. 

Use a variety of sources for research, including research articles, books, documentaries, etc. You should also take detailed and organized notes to keep track of the information you find, so you can use it later.

  • Create an Outline 

An essay outline helps the writer keep their focus strong and narrow. With the help of an outline, you will easily organize your thoughts and ideas. 

So create an outline of your essay to lay out a structure. 

Don't know how to make an informative essay outline? Don’t worry, read on to find out.

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Informative Essay Outline 

Crafting a well-structured essay involves planning what points to include and how it all ties together. Creating an outline is the best way to ensure that your work is well-structured. 

An informative essay outline is outlined in the following way:

Let’s discuss these outline parts in detail.


  • Start with a captivating hook that grabs the reader's attention. It could be an intriguing fact, a relevant quote, or a thought-provoking question.
  • State your thesis statement . It is the last part of the introduction that clearly presents the main idea or argument of your essay. It should reflect the informative nature of your essay and guide the reader on what to expect.
  • Divide the body of your essay into several paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on one specific aspect or subtopic related to your main thesis.
  • Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of that paragraph.
  • Analyze and discuss your supporting evidence. They could be examples, facts, or statistics that provide informative content.


  • Summarize the main points covered in your essay.
  • End with a thought-provoking statement, a call to action, or a suggestion for further exploration of the topic.

Here is an example outline template that you can use to write your informative essay outline

Informative Essay Outline Template

Creating an outline is necessary for writing any type of essay. Check out our 10+ essay outline templates and make excellent outlines with ease!

How to Write an Informative Essay?  

Once you have done the prewriting, you have got everything you need to start. Following the steps below will help you write a great informative essay.  

How to Write an Informative Essay Introduction? 

The introduction of an essay sets the tone of the essay and provides an overview of the topic. Here are some key elements you need to include when writing an informative essay introduction:

  • Attention-Grabber / Hook:

The hook is the first line of the essay that aims to pique the readers’ interest. This can be: 

  • An interesting fact,
  • A thought-provoking question,
  • Or a compelling anecdote related to your topic, etc.

The hook should be related to your topic and should be engaging enough to grab the reader's attention.

Struggling to come up with a good hook? These 200+ hook examples will help you craft an excellent hook!

  • Background Information:

After grabbing the reader’s attention, you have to them to your topic. Discuss some background details on the topic to provide context. 

Also, discuss the relevance or importance of the subject matter. This helps the reader understand the significance of the information you're about to present. Moreover, use clear and concise language to provide essential and interesting details to make the reader want to continue reading. 

  • Thesis Statement:

The thesis statement presents the main topic or idea of the essay in a concise and clear way. It provides an overview of what will be covered.

The thesis statement is the last part of the introduction. It should be specific, focused, and encompass the main ideas you'll be discussing in the body of the essay.

How to Write an Informative Essay Body Paragraphs? 

The body paragraphs are the major chunk of your essay. They provide all the information about your chosen topic. There should be at least three body paragraphs in your essay, although there can be more depending on your topic. 

Here are the key elements of the informative essay body paragraphs:

  • Topic Sentence

Begin each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main point you will be discussing in that paragraph. It is the first sentence of the paragraph and should be clearly related to the thesis.

  • Provide Information and Evidence

In an informative essay, information and evidence should be presented clearly and logically. So present the facts, examples, statistics, or quotations that inform the reader about the topic. This information should come from reliable and credible sources.

  • Discuss and Elaborate

After presenting the evidence, explain and discuss them to ensure a thorough understanding of the information. Clarify any complex terms, concepts, or ideas that may require explanation for understanding the topic effectively.

  • Use Transitional Phrases:

Use transitional phrases or sentences to connect paragraphs and ideas. This helps maintain a cohesive flow of information throughout the essay. 

For instance, transitional words such as "moreover," "furthermore," "on the other hand," or "in addition to" can be used to link ideas logically.

Having a difficult time with smooth transitions? Here’s a list of transition words for essays to help you out!

How to Write an Informative Essay Conclusion?

In an essay conclusion , you wrap up the essay and provide a sense of closure. Writing the informative essay conclusion includes the following steps:

  • Summarize the Main Points:

Revisit the main points covered in your essay's body paragraphs and provide a concise summary of the information presented. Do not introduce any new information or arguments in the conclusion.

  • Restate your Thesis Statement

Begin your conclusion by restating your thesis statement in a slightly different way. This helps remind the reader of the main objective of your essay. 

  • Provide a Thought-Provoking Statement:

End your conclusion with a thought-provoking statement, reflection, or question that leaves a strong impression on the reader. This can help inspire them to continue exploring the topic beyond your essay. 

Edit and Proofread the Essay

Once you are done with your first draft, take some time to proofread and revise you essay. Check for grammar and spelling, format, logical coherence, and clarity. Remove any repetitive statements or unnecessary details. 

Revising your essay will make it even better and more interesting to read.

Informative Essay Examples

Reading some good examples will make writing an informative essay easier for you. Here are a few short informative essay examples that demonstrate how it looks like. Be sure to read them out.

Informative Essay about Stress

Informative Essay on Diabetes

Informative Essay on Netflix

Informative Essay on Tree in Winter

Informative Essay Topics

A good essay topic is a key to a successful essay. Here are a few ideas that will get you inspired:

  • The Benefits of Regular Exercise
  • The Importance of Recycling
  • The Process of Photosynthesis
  • What was the Big Bang?
  • The History of the Internet
  • How did the Dinosaurs go extinct?
  • The Benefits of Meditation
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Ecosystems
  • The Role of Technology in Education

Stuck on choosing your topic? Don’t worry! Check out our list 200 informative essay topics to get inspiration!

To Sum Up, 

This guide introduced everything you needed to start writing an informative essay. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently embark on your informative writing journey.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What should be included in an informative essay.

Here are some points that should be included in an informative essay. 

  • Thesis statement 
  • Strong evidence 
  • Examples 

What is the main topic of an informative essay?

The main topic of an informative essay is to educate the readers on a specific topic.

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in writing an informative essay the writer has to be

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How to Write an Informative Essay

Last Updated: February 14, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Megan Morgan, PhD . Megan Morgan is a Graduate Program Academic Advisor in the School of Public & International Affairs at the University of Georgia. She earned her PhD in English from the University of Georgia in 2015. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 245,726 times.

An informative essay educates the reader about a topic. You'll need to know a good deal about your subject and convey information in a clear, organized fashion. If it seems overwhelming at first, remember to take it step by step. Working methodically can help you write a successful paper, and you may even enjoy the process!

Selecting and Researching Your Topic

Step 1 Understand your assignment.

  • Be sure you know how your teacher wants you to cite your sources so you can keep track of what you research. Some schools provide reference software like EndNote or RefWorks, which can make collecting and keeping track of research sources easier.
  • Be aware of any formatting requirements. The essay prompt will often tell you things such as whether the essay needs to be handwritten or typed, and what font type and size to use. If it doesn't stipulate, the safe choice is a standard, readable 12-pt font such as Times New Roman or Arial. Avoid using "cute" or "quirky" fonts in an academic paper unless given specific permission to do so.
  • Know the due date! Get started early so that you have plenty of time to complete the essay.

Step 2 Choose a topic.

  • The topic should not be too broad or too narrow. See Write an Essay for more information. There should be enough information about the topic to write about, but not so much that you can't present clear, concise information. For example, writing on "the history of animal shelters" is probably much too broad, while "the history of Sunny Days Animal Shelter in X County" is probably too narrow. A happy medium might be "the history of breed-specific animal shelters in America."
  • The topic should be appropriate and interesting to your audience. Think in advance about who might be reading your essay. Obviously, if this is for school, your teacher is your primary audience, but you should always have a target audience in mind. What will they want to know? What do they probably not know already that your essay will provide?
  • Ideally, the topic should be one that interests you. This will make the writing process that much easier, and you can pass your enthusiasm on to your reader.

Step 3 Conduct good research.

  • For best results, try to find online sources from reputable organizations, government agencies, and universities. Google Scholar can be a good place to start.

Step 4 Take notes as you research.

  • For your informative essay, you will need an introduction, at least three main points, and a conclusion. You may want to make these sections and write notes down under the section where you expect it to go.

Step 5 Keep track of your sources.

  • Make an ideas map. Put your topic in a circle at the center of a piece of paper, then write down the most important pieces of information or ideas related to it in circles surrounding the topic. Make lines connecting each idea to the topic. Next, add details around each idea, circling them and making lines to show connections. There may be lines connecting ideas to each other, as well, or between supporting details.
  • Make a list. If you prefer the linear format of a list, write down your topic at the top and then below it any ideas you have. Under the ideas, add extra details that support them. Don't worry about putting them in specific order - that comes next.
  • Free write. Free writing can help you generate ideas, even if it usually doesn't provide polished prose you'll use in your final draft. Set a short time limit, such as 15 minutes, and then write whatever comes to mind about your topic. Don't stop to edit or change spelling, and keep writing even if you aren't sure you have anything to say. The important thing is to write for all 15 minutes.

Making an Outline

Step 1 Plan an introduction with a hook.

  • Don't worry about getting your thesis just right at this point - that comes later. If you don't feel ready to write the thesis out, jot down some notes in the introductory part of your outline. At the very least, you need some idea of what you want to say in your essay.
  • While it may seem odd to summarize your essay before you've begun, writing your thesis at the beginning of your outline will help you organize your ideas and select the most important details that you want to present.

Step 2 Use one major supporting detail per paragraph in the body of your essay.

  • The number of details you use depends on the paper length: if you're writing a five-paragraph essay, then you have three paragraphs for the body, so you'll need three main ideas.
  • Make sure you choose the most important details, and that they are all distinct from one another.
  • Details used to support your thesis are also called "evidence."

Step 3 Add in supporting details for each paragraph in the body.

  • Make sure you have enough supporting details for each paragraph. If you don't have enough to say about the paragraph's main topic, consider changing the topic or combining it with another paragraph. Alternatively, you can research a bit more to find additional supporting details for the paragraph.

Step 4 Restate your thesis in your conclusion.

Writing Your Essay

Step 1 Write a rough draft.

  • Do not worry about spelling errors or mistakes. Remember that this is just a rough draft, not your final copy. Just focus on writing it down, and later you can fix mistakes.
  • Write your rough draft by hand or type it - whichever is easier for you.

Step 2 Give each paragraph a topic sentence.

  • For example, a topic/transition sentence might look like this: "While some factories allow union labor, others, such as those in X, argue that unionizing harms the workplace." This sentence gives a clear direction for the paragraph (some factories argue against unionizing) and links it to the paragraph before it (which was probably about pro-union factories).
  • Remember: each paragraph needs unity (a single central idea), clear relation to the thesis , coherence (logical relationship of ideas within the paragraph), and development (ideas are clearly explained and supported). [11] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source

Step 3 Structure your essay in parts.

  • Make sure you're clear about what the idea of each paragraph is. To keep yourself on track, refer to your outline as you write.

Step 4 Edit your rough draft.

  • Have you told the reader everything you need to about your topic?
  • Do you have a clear thesis statement, expressed in two to three sentences?
  • Do all your paragraphs relate to the thesis?
  • Does each paragraph have one main idea, supported by accurate, objective details?
  • Does your conclusion summarize your thoughts on the topic without adding new information or opinions?
  • How does the paper flow? Are there clear, logical transitions between paragraphs?
  • Have you used clear, concise prose and avoided flowery language?
  • Did the reader learn something new from the essay? Is it presented in an interesting way?
  • Have you cited sources as instructed by your teacher?

Step 5 Write your final draft.

  • As you write your final draft, keep track of coherence in particular. Rough drafts often have all of their ideas jumbled up without a clear, logical progression. A key difference between a rough draft and a final draft is that the final draft should offer its information in a smooth, clear, easy-to-read fashion that builds on previous points as it goes along. Keeping an eye out to make sure you've followed the C-E-E- formula will help you.

Step 6 Finalize your language.

  • Also keep an eye out for word echoes, or words that show up many times within the space of a few sentences or paragraphs. If you use the word discusses multiple times in the same paragraph, it will make your writing seem clunky and unpolished.

Step 7 Proofread your final draft.

  • Sometimes our eyes "fix" mistakes for us as we read, so it's hard to catch mistakes reading silently. Reading aloud helps you find mistakes your eye might not.

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About This Article

Megan Morgan, PhD

To write an informative essay, start with an introduction that presents a thesis statement articulating your argument in 2-3 concise sentences. For the body of the essay, focus on one main idea per paragraph and start each paragraph with a topic sentence that establishes that main idea. Then, follow the topic sentence with cited evidence and explanatory detail. Finish up with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and restates your thesis. Don't forget to proofread carefully before turning in your essay! For helpful tips on researching and using good sources, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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in writing an informative essay the writer has to be

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How to write an informative essay

Published September 27, 2020. Updated June 5, 2022.

Informative essay definition

The primary purpose of an informative essay is to educate the reader without injecting the writer’s ideas and opinions.

Overview of an informative essay

The first step is to choose a topic for the informative essay. Pick a topic that interests you, as this will help you stay motivated. When writing an informative essay, explain a topic as objectively as possible, unless otherwise directed by a professor. An informative essay helps readers to understand the facts without adding bias. The next step is to research the topic for the informative essay. An informative essay is based on facts and not opinions; therefore, it is important to choose proper sources when researching the topic. The next step of the essay is to create an outline. The outline is important because it helps to keep the thoughts and ideas organized. An informative essay outline generally consists of an introduction, three or more body paragraphs, and a conclusion. After the draft is written, it should be read as many times as possible to search for grammar mistakes. The language should be more coherent and flowing. Enough evidence should be used and cite the sources correctly.

  • You will usually be writing for your instructor and a general academic audience.
  • Common examples of informative essays include “how-to” guides, definitions of subjects, and data analyses.
  • These examples serve only to inform the reader about a specific subject .
  • The style of informative writing is utilitarian and concise. Typically, the reader isn’t interested in opinions—they just want to learn about the topic.

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How is an informative essay different from other essays?

When writing an informative essay, explain a topic as objectively as possible, unless otherwise directed by your professor. The clue is in the name—an informative essay delivers information and not much else.

  • Journalism is informative in nature, as the facts are presumably presented without bias. The audience gets to decide for themselves what they think about these facts.
  • Remember that true objectivity is difficult, if not impossible, to obtain.

In contrast, an explanatory essay explores viewpoints surrounding an issue. Moreover, it may suggest why one opinion is superior to another. Because it serves only to educate, there is less emphasis on supporting arguments with evidence.

  • There are also many similarities between an informative essay and an explanatory essay.
  • Writers of both essays are trying to help the reader understand something new.
  • The only real difference is that an informative essay helps readers understand a new set of facts, while an explanatory essay explains why certain opinions have resulted from those facts.

Why is an informative essay important?

Informative essays help readers understand the facts without adding bias. These types of essays teach students how to impart information without trying to influence people to think in one way or another.

Informative essays test your ability to

  • write objectively
  • conduct credible research

Planning your informative essay

Choose a topic.

The first step is to choose a topic for your informative essay. Pick a topic that interests you, as this will help you stay motivated.

  • Choose a topic that appeals to a wider audience, especially if your instructor requires you to give an accompanying presentation with your essay.
  • It’s easier to educate your audience if they’re learning about something they are interested in.
  • Avoid essays about a very esoteric topic that few would know about; always avoid specific jargon that a general academic audience would not understand.

Finally, it’s a good idea to choose a topic that you already know about. If you have a solid understanding of a subject’s background, you will probably find it easier to research the topic and quickly find important facts. With that said, your instructor may choose your topic, or you may enjoy the challenge of writing about something totally new.

Conduct research

The next step is to research the topic for your informative essay. Because an informative essay is based on facts and not opinions, it’s important to choose proper sources when researching your topic. Keep the following in mind:

  • Look for sources with well-established facts.
  • Use primary sources when possible.
  •  For example, if you are writing about a famous speech or text, use the original or “primary” document rather than a “secondary” commentary about the speech or otherwise altered source.
  • Secondary sources can still be helpful if they are unbiased and academic in nature.
  • The best sources for an informative essay help you clearly define your subject.

Research tips:

  • Using a variety of sources will give you more credibility.
  • Remember to check the reliability of each source you choose and make sure that “the facts” are widely accepted by subject matter experts.
  • Take notes and bookmark sources that you want to use.
  • Save all publication data for correct documentation in your Works Cited, Bibliography, or References section.
  • Make sure you understand the format your instructor requires, usually MLA, APA, or Chicago style.
  • Write down important quotes or statistics.

Create an outline

Next, create an outline. The outline is important because it helps you keep your thoughts and ideas organized. With a clear structure in place, you’ll find that the writing process is much easier once you begin the essay itself. Many instructors require this; some don’t. If it isn’t required and you don’t find outlines useful, skip this step.

If the outline is required, be sure to use the format you are writing the essay in. Refer to MLA or APA guides and model your outline after the examples you find in the guide’s index. Some require roman numerals; other styles require alphabetical notation.

You can outline in your own formal style if the assignment doesn’t require this step.

An informative essay outline generally consists of the following:

  • introduction
  • three or more body paragraphs

Writing your informative essay

Write the introduction.

Start with a sentence that grabs the reader’s attention. Your goal is to educate the reader, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get them interested in the subject they will learn about. Once you have the reader hooked, provide a generous amount of background information for the subject with a few sentences. Finish the introduction with a thesis statement.

Normally, a thesis statement would communicate an argument or point of view, but opinions do not belong in informative essays. Because of this, your thesis statement should essentially be a one-sentence clarification of the subject you’re focusing on. The thesis statement should also make the reader want to continue reading. During the introduction, you might want to touch on the where , who , why , what , how , and when of the topic.

Write the body paragraphs

The body paragraphs of an informative essay go into detail and explore important aspects of the subject you’re writing about. Each body paragraph should cover a different aspect of the topic, leaving readers with a more complete understanding of the subject.

  • Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence introducing what you’ll be discussing.
  • Once you’ve introduced the sub-topic, go into detail and support various facts with the evidence you discovered during your research.
  • Try to use a variety of paraphrases, short direct quotes, and your own logical analysis.
  • Be careful to avoid accidental plagiarism when paraphrasing or using quotes from outside sources.
  • Any outside information must be cited correctly and/or attributed in your essay and reflected in the works cited or references at the end so your teacher can easily see where the information came from (and find it if they want to).

Remember, you can’t just throw your evidence out there and expect your reader to connect the dots on their own. Explain how this evidence relates to the subject and why it’s important.

To conclude each of your body paragraphs, write a single sentence summarizing what you’ve just discussed and how it relates to the main topic. If you can, try to transition into the next body paragraph in a smooth, flowing manner.

Write the conclusion

Once you’ve finished your body paragraphs, it’s time to wrap your informative essay up with a strong conclusion. Start your conclusion by restating your thesis. Remind the reader about the topic, but use different language compared to the thesis in your introduction.

Next, mention why the information you’ve just delivered is relevant.

  • How can the reader use this information in the future?
  • What is its impact?
  • Why is this information valuable for the average person?
  • Can you think of examples of how they might make use of this information in the future?

Finish your conclusion (and your entire essay) with a sentence that leaves a strong impact on the reader.

Hammer home the importance of the subject you’ve just explored in a new way that you haven’t already used in your essay.

A tried-and-true method is to use a powerful quote related to your subject—something that sums up what your subject truly means.

You might even end with an open-ended question that leaves the reader with larger ideas to connect.

Editing your informative essay

After you’ve finished the draft, read it over as many times as you can in order to search for grammar mistakes.

Try to make the language more coherent and flowing. Ensure that you’re using evidence and citing your sources in the correct manner.

Once you’re sure that you’ve found even the smallest errors, find a classmate or peer willing to read over your essay and give you advice. In return, you can also edit their essay.

  • Some teachers are happy to review your draft and offer suggestions before you turn in the final draft.
  • If you are a college student, check to see if there is a writing lab you can visit for some suggestions on improvement.

Example informative essay

Before you turn in that paper, don’t forget to cite your sources in APA format , MLA format , or a style of your choice.

Additional tips for writing an informative essay

  • Be careful to leave out bias: write as objectively as possible.
  • Use a variety of credible sources.
  • Transition between ideas and paragraphs to help the essay flow.
  • Avoid redundancy, wordiness, and unnecessary repetition.
  • Stay on topic: avoid going on long tangents.
  • Use the correct academic reference/citation style based on your instructor and discipline.
  • Be aware of your audience and write accordingly.

By Andrew Block. Andrew received his BA in English from the University of South Carolina and his MA from the University of New Mexico. After more than a decade as a faculty member in a community college, he has worked in client success for an educational technology company since 2018.

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How to Write an Informative Essay?

09 May, 2020

15 minutes read

Author:  Tomas White

The bad news is that if you're anything like the majority of students, you're overwhelmed with all kinds of essays your teachers ask you to create. It feels as if they multiply day on day. However, the good news is that here, at HandMade Writing blog, you can find all the answers on how to craft a decent informative essay in no time. So, without further ado, let's dive into the essence of the issue together!

Informative Essay

What is an Informative Essay?

An informative essay is a piece of writing that seeks to inform or explain a subject or topic to educate the reader. When writing an informative essay consider the audience and correspond to their level. Do not over-explain to experts where knowledge can be assumed or under-explain to novices that lack basic understating.

There are in four main categories:

  • To define a term
  • To compare and contrast a subject
  • To analyze data
  • To provide a how-to guide on a subject

An informative paper should be written in an objective tone and avoid the use of the first person.

You may order an informative essay written from scratch at our professional essay writing service – our essay writers are available 24/7.

What is the Purpose of an Informative Essay?

The purpose of an informative essay is to educate the reader by giving them in-depth information and a clear explanation of a subject.  Informative writing should bombard the reader with information and facts that surround an issue. If your reader comes away feeling educated and full of facts about a subject than you have succeeded.

Examples of informative writing are pamphlets, leaflets, brochures, and textbooks. Primarily texts that are used to inform in a neutral manner.

What is the Difference Between an Informative Essay and Expository Essay?

An expository essay and an informative essay are incredibly similar and often confused. A lot of writers class them as the same type of essay. The difference between them is often hazy and contradictory depending on the author’s definition.

In both essays, your purpose is to explain and educate. An expository essay is here to define a single side of an argument or the issue. It’s the first step to writing an argumentative essay through taking the argument on the next level. Informative essays are less complicated. They are just about the information. Such essays generally require less research on a topic, but it all depends on the assignment level and subject. The difference between the two essay types is so subtle that they are almost interchangeable.

How to Plan an Informative Essay Outline

Informative essay outline

Your plan for an informative essay outline should include:

  • Choosing a topic
  • Conducting research
  • Building a thesis statement
  • Planning the structure of introduction
  • Choosing the topic of a body paragraph
  • Forming a satisfying conclusion

By following the list above, you will have a great outline for your informational writing.

Related Post: How to write an Essay outline 

How to Choose an Informative Essay Topic

One of the most difficult tasks when writing is coming up with a topic. Here is some general advice when you are choosing a topic for your essay:

  • Choose a topic that you are interested in. Your interest in writing on the subject will make the essay more engaging.
  • Choose a theme that you know a little about. This way you will be able to find sources and fact easier.
  • Choose a topic that can explain something new or in a different way.
  • Choose a topic that you can support with facts, statistics, and
  • Choose a topic that is relevant to the subject.
  • Remember the four types of categories information essays cover.

Inspiration and Research for Your Ultimate Topic

Your perfect informative essay title can come from numerous sources. Here is where you can potentially seek for relevant topics:

Informative essay topic sources

Not only will they inspire you, but they will also provide with some of the research you need.

Researching an Informative Essay

The best sources should be objective. Some excellent sources for an informative essay include:

Sources for informative essay research

Always remember to check if the source of information will have a bias. For example, a newspaper journalist may have a political leaning, and their article might reflect that. A charities site for motor neuron disease may also come as biased. Analyze the source for the writer’s agenda.

Informational research should answer the five W’s (who, what, where, why and how), and these will form the majority of your essay’s plan. So, if I were writing about the different types of pollution I’d research what kinds of pollution there are, who and how they affect, why they happen, and where they are most likely to occur.

Collating and organizing this information will form your thesis statement and paragraph layout.

Still struggling to find a topic for your informational writing? Then, here are some ideas to that might inspire you.

Examples of Informative Essay Topics for College Students

  • How to avoid stress
  • What ecological problems are we faced with today?
  • What are the effects of obesity?
  • What is cyberbullying?
  • How has the internet changed the world?
  • How to adjust to college life
  • Where to find the best part-time jobs
  • How to get along with your room-mate
  • Guidance on how to write a college application
  • How caffeine affects studying

Examples of Informative Essay Topics for High School

  • How to start your own vegetable garden
  • The reason for and effects of childhood obesity
  • Outline the consequences of texting and driving
  • How to make your favorite food
  • What is climate change? And what are its effects?
  • The different types of pollution
  • The history of the Titanic.
  • An essay on the Great Depression
  • The life and times of Ernst Hemmingway
  • How to have a great vacation
Related Posts: Argumentative essay topics | Research paper topics

Informative Essay Example

When you have finished planning and research, you have to start writing. But, how do you start an informative essay? The simple answer is to just go with it. Do not get overly critical. Just pour out all the information you have. You can shape it up later.

Important points to consider are: never use first person pronouns and keep the topic objective not subjective . Remember, your purpose is to educate the reader in the most thorough way possible by explaining a topic with statistics and facts.

how to write an informative essay

As usual, the essay should include an introduction, main body, and conclusion. All information should be presented in a clear and easy to understand manner. The flow of information should be signposted. We will delve into these areas in more detail now.

Related Post: How to Write a Narrative essay

How to Write an Introduction for an Informative Essay?

An introductory paragraph of an informative essay should comprise of the following things:

A Hook to Ensnare the Reader

An introductory paragraph for informative writing should start with a hook. A hook needs to be in the first sentence and something that will ‘wow’ the reader and impel them to read on. Alarming statistics on the subject/topic make up great hooks for informative essays. For example, if you were writing an essay on cyber-bullying, citing the number of children who have considered suicide due to cyberbullying could be a powerful opening message.

A Thesis Statements for Direction

All introductions should include a thesis statement. The best practice is to place it at the end of the introductory paragraph to summarize your argument.  However, you do not want to form an argument or state a position. It is best to use the thesis statement to clarify what subject you are discussing.

Related Post: What is a thesis statement

It may also be better to place the statement after the hook, as it will clarify the issue that you are discussing.

For example, ‘Research conducted by Bob the Scientist indicates that the majority of issues caused by cyberbullying can be overcome through the informative literature on the subject to educate bullies about the consequences of their actions.’

How to Write the Body of an Informative Essay

Informative essay body paragraphs

When writing the body of an informative paper, it is best to break the paragraph down into four distinct steps.

 The Claim or Statement

The claim or statement is a single, simple sentence that introduces the main topic of the paragraph. It can be narrow or broad depending on the level and depth of the essay. Think of this as the ‘what’ aspect. For example, the claim for a high-school informative paper would be broader than a claim written at the university level. This is the first step to signposting your essay. It provides a logical and easy way to follow a discussion.

The Supporting Evidence

After making a claim you want to back it up with supporting evidence. Supporting evidence could be findings from a survey, the results of an experiment, documented casual effects or a quote. Anything that lends support to the claim or statement in the first sentence would work. This is the ‘why’ aspect of your research. By using supporting evidence like this, you are defining why the statement is essential to the topic.


After you state the supporting evidence, you want to explain ‘how’ this finding is important to the subject at hand. That usually unpacks the supporting evidence and makes it easier for the reader to understand. So, an explanation is to explain how this claim and the supporting research affects your thesis statement.

Concluding Sentence

You should always finish a body paragraph with a concluding sentence that ties up the paragraph nicely and prompts the reader on to the next stage. This is a signpost that the topic and the paragraph are wrapped up.

How to Write the Conclusion of an Informative Essay

Writing a conclusion to an informative paper can be hard as there is no argument to conclude – there is only information to summarize. A good conclusion for these types of essays should support the information provided on the subject. It should also explain why these topics are important.

Here are some Tips on writing informative essay conclusions:

Rephrase Your Thesis Statement

It is vital that you rephrase the thesis and not copy it word for word. That will allow you restate the theme or key point of your essay in a new way. You will simultaneously tie your conclusion back to the introduction of your essay. Echoing your introduction will bring the essay full circle.

Read Through Your Body Paragraphs

Read through the body paragraphs of your essay and ask if a brief overview of the main points of the essay would form a good conclusion for the essay. Generally, it is best to restate the main points of the essay in a conclusion using different words.

Finish the Conclusion With a Clincher

A clincher gives your concluding paragraph a powerful finish. It is a sentence that leaves the reader thinking about your essay long after they have put it down.

Some excellent examples of clinchers are:

  • A statement of truth
  • A thought-provoking quote relevant to the subject and thesis statement
  • A lingering question that none of the research has answered or puts the research into a new light
  • Whether it provides an answer to a common question
  • Challenge your reader with a quote from an expert that forces them to think about or change their own behavior
  • Something that shifts the focus onto the future and the long-time implications of your research

Context and Significance of the Information

A conclusion should always try to frame why the topic was important, and in what context it was important. By doing this your research matters.

Remember: A concluding paragraph should never include new information.

Informative Essay Sample

Be sure to check the sample essay, completed by our writers. Use it as an example to write your own informative paper. Link:  Tesla motors

Tips for Writing an Excellent Informative Essay

Here are a few tips for writing an informative paper

  • When writing the main body paragraph, concentrate on explaining information only once. Avoid repeating the same information in the next section.
  • Focus on the subject. Make sure all the information that you include is relevant to the topic you are describing. Do not include information that “goes off.”
  • Write in a logical way that is signposted. Writing like this will make an essay flow and mean it is easier to understand.
  • Always revise the essay at least three times. This way, you will find where to expand ideas in the paragraph, where to trim back ideas until everything has the right balance.
  • Be familiar with the academic reference style you are writing in
  • Write to your audience. Make sure you know who you are writing it for.

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How to Write an Informative Essay: A Proven Formula to Successful Writing

informative essay

What Is an Informative Essay?

An informative essay serves as a comprehensive exploration of a topic, offering explanations in various formats. It can delve into the workings of a system, analyze data, summarize an event, compare subjects, or provide a step-by-step walkthrough of a process. 

In stark contrast to reaction, reflective, and narrative essays, informative essays maintain a strictly objective tone. The level of readers' engagement with a didactic essay should gain factual insights without encountering the author's personal opinions or perspectives.

Why Students Have to Write an Informative Essay?

Writing an informative essay is often required from students for several reasons, each serving distinct educational objectives:

Developing research skills: Essays demand thorough research to gather accurate and relevant information. This process helps students hone their research skills, an essential aspect of academic and real-world endeavors.

Enhancing writing proficiency: Crafting an informative essay requires clear and concise content. Students must communicate complex ideas in a straightforward manner, thereby improving their overall academic proficiency.

Promoting critical thinking: The process of selecting and organizing information for an essay encourages students to think critically. They must assess the significance of various details and present a coherent narrative.

Building communication skills: Informative essays teach students how to communicate effectively. By presenting facts in a structured and logical manner, students enhance their ability to convey information clearly and persuasively.

Preparing for academic challenges: Preparing essays prepares students for more advanced academic tasks. It serves as a foundational exercise, laying the groundwork for future assignments that demand analytical thinking, research, and effective communication.

Fostering lifelong learning: Informative essays often require exploring new topics. This fosters a love for learning and encourages students to engage with a variety of subjects, contributing to their overall education.

Meeting curriculum requirements: Essays are commonly included in academic curricula to fulfill specific learning objectives. They provide a structured way to assess students' comprehension of subject matter and their ability to convey information.

Real-world application: The skills developed through composing informative essays are transferable to real-world scenarios. Effective research, critical thinking, and communication are valuable in various professional settings. Should you need help with this assignment, our essay writers are there for you 24/7.

in writing an informative essay the writer has to be

Informative Essay Structure

informative essay writing


An informative essay introduction always starts with an introductory paragraph. This should feature your thesis statement – a concise overview of your paper’s focus. Unlike persuasive essays, where the thesis supports the author’s position, an essay's thesis is a sentence outlining what the document will cover. Alongside the thesis, introduce the key points of your body paragraphs. Capture your reader’s interest with a compelling statistic, a surprising fact, or an engaging anecdote.

The body paragraphs constitute the core content of your paper. Here, present facts, statistics, and relevant details to support your thesis. Writing an informative essay has to guide the reader through a process. Body paragraphs elucidate each step. Dedicate each body paragraph to a specific topic – summarize events thoroughly for comparisons or explain individual steps for task-oriented compositions.

The conclusion is among the key informative essay requirements. Conclude your piece with a succinct summary of its key points. Consider this a recap of the arguments presented in the body paragraphs. Within this summary, reiterate your thesis statement. While it doesn’t need to be restated verbatim, remind the reader of your primary focus, offering a cohesive conclusion to your written piece.

Informative Essay Outline

Recognizing the often overlooked significance of an outline, students can leverage this tool for efficient research direction and organization. By dedicating a little extra time to crafting a well-thought-out outline, you can substantially streamline the subsequent writing process. Or simply buy essays as many as you need across a wide variety of disciplines on our website. 

I. Introduction

  • Start with a compelling hook or attention-grabbing statement.
  • Provide background information on the chosen topic.
  • Present a clear and concise thesis statement outlining the main focus of the article.

II. Body Paragraphs

A. Main Idea 1

  • Introduce supporting evidence or facts related to Main Idea 1.
  • Provide a detailed explanation or analysis of the supporting evidence.
  • Use a transition sentence to segue into the next paragraph.

B. Main Idea 2

  • Introduce supporting evidence or facts related to Main Idea 2.
  • Offer a comprehensive explanation or analysis of the presented evidence.
  • Use a transition sentence to smoothly transition to the next paragraph.

C. Main Idea 3

  • Introduce supporting evidence or facts related to Main Idea 3.
  • Provide a thorough explanation or analysis of the supporting evidence.
  • Use a transition sentence to guide the reader to the next paragraph.

III. Conclusion

  • Reiterate the thesis statement using a different wording.
  • Summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Conclude with closing thoughts or final remarks to leave a lasting impression.

IV. Optional: Additional Sections

  • Counter Arguments and refutations (if deemed necessary).
  • Suggest further research or recommend additional reading.
  • Include personal reflections or real-life examples, if applicable.

How to Write an Informative Essay: 7 Essential Steps

topic for informative essay

Choose a Great Topic

If you're not assigned a topic, it's time to choose your own. Opt for a subject that can be adequately explained in approximately five paragraphs. Once you've settled on a general topic, narrow it down to the specific subject you'll delve into, utilizing the brainstorming process, which often involves some preliminary research.

Do Topic Research

Thoroughly delve into your chosen topic during this phase. Select credible sources that can be cited in your work.

Draw up an Outline

Post-research, construct an outline. This skeletal framework briefly mentions what each paragraph will discuss.

Commence Writing

Follow the structure of your outline and get your thoughts on paper. At this stage, focus on substance over perfect tone or flawless paragraph transitions. Keep your tone objective, educational, and devoid of literary devices.

Edit Vigorously

Once your first draft is complete, take a break before revisiting it, ideally a day later. Assess the effectiveness of your sources, the flow between paragraphs, and the overall topic explanation. Strengthen any weak sections through rewriting, resulting in your second draft.

Proofread Until Perfection

Read through your revised work to catch spelling or grammatical errors. Double-check the accuracy of the facts you cite.

Cite Sources

Complete the process of writing an informative essay by creating a citations page. As this type of essay relies on objective data, credit the sources for statistics and facts consulted. Format your citations page according to the style guide – MLA, APA, or Chicago – used for your paper.

Informative Essay Example

We’d like to present a tangible example that encapsulates the process of selecting a topic, conducting thorough research, crafting a well-structured outline, and ultimately producing a coherent and compelling essay. Study this practical illustration to gain insights into presenting objective information with clarity and precision. If you want to get your own writings of the same quality, pay for essay online right now!

in writing an informative essay the writer has to be

What is the Main Purpose in Writing an Informative Essay?

How to start an informative essay, how to write a thesis statement for an informative essay, how to write a conclusion for an informative essay.

Ryan Acton is an essay-writing expert with a Ph.D. in Sociology, specializing in sociological research and historical analysis. By partnering with EssayHub, he provides comprehensive support to students, helping them craft well-informed essays across a variety of topics.

in writing an informative essay the writer has to be

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Ultimate Guide to Writing an Informative Essay

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An informative essay is a piece of writing that teaches the reader about a certain subject. It is a common assignment in schools and colleges, and it requires the writer to present information about a topic in a clear and concise way. An informative essay can be a research paper, a report, or an essay that explains something.

Informative essays are important because they teach people about a topic and can be used to change people’s minds and actions. These essays are often used in school to teach students about a certain topic, but they can also be used at work to tell coworkers or clients about a subject.

The goal of this guide is to show you how to write an informative essay in a complete way. This guide will give you the tools and information you need to write high-quality, informative content, whether you are a student, a professional, or just someone who wants to learn how to write informative essays. By the end of this guide, you’ll know what an informative essay is, how to choose a topic, how to do research on your topic , how to structure your essay, and how to write a good conclusion.

What You'll Learn

Types of Informative Essays

There are several types of informative essays, each with its own unique purpose and structure. Some of the most common types of informative essays include:

1. Descriptive essays: These essays aim to provide a detailed description of a person, place, or thing. The writer uses sensory language and vivid imagery to help the reader visualize the subject.

2. Process essays: These essays explain how to do something or how something works. The writer breaks down a complex process into simple steps and provides clear instructions.

3. Compare and contrast essays: These essays analyze and evaluate the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. The writer uses evidence and examples to support their analysis .

4. Cause and effect essays: These essays explore the relationship between an event and its results. The writer analyzes the causes and effects of a particular phenomenon or event.

Elements of an Informative Essay

No matter what type of informative essay you are writing, there are several key elements that every informative essay should include:

1. Introduction: The introduction sets the tone for the essay and provides background information on the topic. It should grab the reader’s attention and provide a clear thesis statement .

2. Thesis statement: The thesis statement is the main idea of the essay . It should be clear and concise, and it should provide a roadmap for the rest of the essay.

3. Body paragraphs: The body paragraphs provide the meat of the essay . Each paragraph should focus on a single idea and provideevidence and examples to support the thesis statement . It is important to organize the body paragraphs in a logical order and use transitions to connect the ideas.

4. Evidence and examples: The evidence and examples used in an informative essay should be reliable and relevant to the topic. They should support the thesis statement and help the reader understand the topic better.

5. Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the main points of the essay and restates the thesis statement in a fresh way. It should leave the reader with a clear understanding of the topic and its importance.

By including these elements in your informative essay, you can ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and effective. With the right structure and approach, you can create an informative essay that engages your readers and provides them with valuable knowledge on your chosen topic.

How to Choose a Topic for an Informative Essay

Choosing the right topic is crucial for a successful informative essay. Here are some steps you can take to choose a topic that is both interesting and informative:

1. Brainstorming techniques: Start by brainstorming a list of potential topics. You can use techniques such as mind mapping, freewriting, or listing to generate ideas.

2. Researching potential topics: Once you have a list of potential topics, research each one to determine if there is enough information available to write a comprehensive essay. You can use online sources, books, and academic journals to gather information.

3. Narrowing down the topic: Once you have a list of potential topics, narrow them down by considering factors such as your personal interests, the target audience, and the scope of the essay. Choose a topic that you are passionate about and that will be interesting to your readers.

Writing an Informative Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you have chosen a topic , it’s time to start writing your informative essay. Follow these steps to create a well-structured and informative essay:

1. Choosing a topic: Choose a topic that you are interested in and that will be interesting to your readers.

2. Creating an outline: Create an outline that includes the main points you want to cover in your essay . This will help you stay organized and focused as you write.

3. Writing the introduction: The introduction should grab the reader’s attentionand provide background information on the topic. It should also include a clear thesis statement that outlines the main points you will cover in the essay .

4. Developing the body paragraphs: The body paragraphs should focus on one main point each and provide evidence and examples to support your thesis statement. Use transitional words and phrases to connect the paragraphs and create a logical flow.

5. Concluding the essay: The conclusion should summarize the main points of your essay and restate the thesis statement in a fresh way. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion.

6. Editing and revising: Once you have completed your essay, take time to edit and revise it. Check for grammar and spelling errors, and ensure that your ideas are clear and concise. Ask someone else to read your essay and provide feedback .

By following these steps, you can create a well-structured and informative essay that will engage your readers and provide them with valuable knowledge on your chosen topic. Remember to choose a topic that you are passionate about and to stay focused on your thesis statement throughout the writing process. With practice, you can become a skilled writer of informative essays.

Informative Essay Examples

One of the best ways to learn how to write an informative essay is to read examples of successful essays. Here are some sample informative essays to read and analyze:

1. The Effects of Climate Change on the Arctic” by National Geographic: This essay provides a comprehensive overview of the impact of climate change on the Arctic. It uses clear language and provides a wealth of evidence and examples to support its claims .

2. The Benefits of Meditation” by Healthline: This essay explores the benefits of meditation for mental and physical health . It uses a clear and concise writing style and provides scientific evidence to support its claims.

3. The History of the Internet” by History: This essay provides a detailed history of the internet from its inception to present day. It uses varied sentence structure and provides a wealth of information in an engaging way.

When analyzing these essays , pay attention to the structure, writing style, and use of evidence and examples. What makes these essays effective ? How do they grab the reader’s attention and keep them engaged?

Tips for Writing an Effective Informative Essay

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing an informative essay:

1. Use clear and concise language: Avoid using jargon or technical language that may be difficult for your readers to understand. Use simple, clear language to convey your ideas.

2. Provide credible sources: Use reliable sources to support your claims. Academic journals, books, and reputable websites are good sourcesof information to use in your essay .

3. Use varied sentence structure: Varying the length and structure of your sentences can help keep your writing interesting and engaging. Use short, simple sentences for emphasis and longer, more complex sentences to provide detail and context.

4. Revise and edit your essay: Once you have completed your essay, take time to revise and edit it. Check for errors in grammar and spelling, and ensure that your ideas are clear and well-supported. Ask someone else to read your essay and provide feedback.

By following these tips, you can create an informative essay that is clear, concise, and engaging. Remember to choose a topic that you are passionate about and to use credible sources to support your claims. With practice, you can become a skilled writer of informative essays.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Informative Essays

While writing an informative essay, there are some common mistakes that you should avoid. Here are some of the most common mistakes:

1. Lack of focus: Ensure that your essay has a clear focus and that each paragraph supports the main idea.

2. Overuse of opinions: While it’s important to provide your perspective on the topic, an informative essay should be based on facts and evidence rather than opinions.

3. Plagiarism: Always cite your sources and avoid copying content from other sources without proper attribution.

4. Poor grammar and spelling: Proofread your essay carefully to avoid errors in grammar and spelling.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about informative essays:

1. What is an informative essay?

An informative essay is a type of writing that aims to educate readers on a particular topic. It presents information on a subject in a clear and concise manner and can take many forms, such as a research paper , a report, or an explanatory essay.

2. What are the elements of an informative essay?

The elements of an informative essay include an introduction, a thesis statement, body paragraphs, evidence and examples, and a conclusion.

3. How do I choose a topic for an informative essay?

To choose a topic for an informative essay, start by brainstorming potential topics, research each one to determine if there is enough information available, and narrow down the topic by considering your personal interests, the targetaudience, and the scope of the essay.

In conclusion , writing an effective informative essay requires careful planning, research, and a clear understanding of the topic. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a well-structured essay that provides valuable knowledge to your readers. Remember to choose a topic that you are passionate about, use credible sources, and edit and revise your essay carefully . Avoid common mistakes such as lack of focus, overuse of opinions, plagiarism, and poor grammar and spelling.

Writing informative essays can be challenging, but with practice, you can become a skilled writer. So, go ahead and start writing informative essays that engage your readers and provide them with valuable knowledge on a variety of topics.

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Informative Essay Guide

Informative Essay Writing

Last updated on: Jun 20, 2023

Informative Essay Writing - Expert Guide & Examples

By: Jared P.

Reviewed By: Chris H.

Published on: May 25, 2021

Informative essay

Have you been given an informative essay to write? Don't worry; it’s not as difficult as one might think. The following blog will provide complete information about how to write it like professional writers.

Informative essay

On this Page

What is an Informative Essay?

An informative essay does just what the name suggests. It informs the readers about a certain person, place, event, or anything about the essay’s main topic.

While writing an informative essay, the objective is to inform the reader with facts without persuading their opinion towards your point of view.

Because of its descriptive and detailed nature, many college students feel that it is like the descriptive and narrative types of academic essays, however, do not be confused. It is different than those and has its own method and research material.

Because an informative essay is more on the informative side, you will have to be fully aware of the topic and know it inside out. Therefore, when writing this essay, your main aim is to describe the topic in detail and convey the information clearly and organized way.

These essays are generally written at the high school and college level when students work on their creative writing skills, learning to describe objects in detail. Students must also learn how to brainstorm ideas before they can present researched information creatively.

Informative Essay Format

When writing an essay, you must follow the correct format. Most of the time, your teacher will specify the format that you must use. A basic informative essay format has the following elements:

  • Times New Roman 12 pt.
  • Font.Double spacing.
  • Your institution's name is centered and top.
  • Essay title, centered. A subtitle underneath it.
  • Your name, course name, number, your instructor’s name, and the date of submission.

To learn more about the essay format , head on to this blog.

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How to Start an Informative Essay?

Writing an informative essay is just like writing any other type of essay regarding how the essay is divided. The sections and length are the same, while the topics differ due to the nature of the paper. However, before you start writing, make sure that you have ample time and information to present in your paper.

Following are the steps involved in writing an informative essay.

1. Brainstorming

Brainstorming is key for a successful essay and paper. Strong writing, especially an academic assignment, needs strong and relevant data arranged and presented in a well-structured way. Think about your subject, the person, place or thing, that you would like to write your essay about. Write everything down in a notebook and make important notes about how you will present this information.

2. Choosing the Right Topic

Choosing the right topic is as important as writing the entire paper. The right chosen topic will steer your essay in the right direction and keep you focused. Most of the time, the teachers assign the topics themselves, but you may get to choose the topics yourself.

When choosing a topic for your academic paper, you should make sure that the topic has good scope. It should not be too narrow or broad. It should be interesting and engaging for your readers. Besides, you must also take care that you are presenting the facts in an appropriate design.

3. Create an Informative Essay Outline

Creating an outline is the most important step of any writing process. It is important because it directs the entire essay and keeps your focus narrow and strong. An outline for an informative essay should include everything that you want to discuss. And you should decide what you will discuss in your essay beforehand.

How to Write an Informative Essay?

Here are some steps for your help in writing a great essay.

1. Write the Introduction

An introduction is the first section of your essay. It is where the reader will know what the essay is all about. However, the introduction should not have any main ideas in it. Instead, it should present some background of the main topic and guides the reader to the thesis statement.

The thesis statement is a brief one or two-liner that summarizes the entire essay and briefly presents the main ideas. Some students think that they can add all the details here, which is wrong. Summarizing the essence of the entire topic is important to write a strong thesis statement. Keep your informative essay thesis short and to the point, as it is a brief paper presentation.

You can also have a look at this informative essay introduction sample to understand it better.

2. Write Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs have all the main ideas and interesting facts about the main topic. Usually, the body paragraphs are three in number, but the paragraphs could be increased based on the essays’ scope and requirements. All the paragraphs should begin with a topic sentence and present one whole idea.

All the information should be formatted and presented to help the reader understand what the essay is about. In addition, the information should be cohesive and directed to the target audience in an easy-to-understand language and way.

3. Write Conclusion

The conclusion is probably the most important step in the writing process. Unfortunately, many students think that a conclusion does not matter. They are wrong. A conclusion is as important as an introduction.

Pay attention to the main points of the essay and restate the thesis statement. Do not present any new ideas and thoughts here because you are closing your essay, not presenting new ideas here. Be brief and to the point.

Have a look at this informative essay conclusion sample to understand how to conclude an essay effectively.

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4. Editing and Proofreading

Editing and proofreading is the final and the most important step before the final submission. When writing something, it is possible that we overlook some minor mistakes. These minor mistakes lower the score. Therefore, after you are done writing, go through the entire paper thoroughly.

Check it for grammatical and spelling errors and plagiarism before you hand it over to your teacher.

This step is important, and you must not overlook it. If possible, have your friend or sibling read it for you and point out any errors. It is easier for a fresh mind to spot mistakes that you might have overlooked.

Informative Essay Examples



Informative Essay Topics

To help you get started with the writing process, we have added some informative paper ideas here. You can choose a topic that best fits your interests.

  • Reasons to be concerned about global warming.
  • Cybercrime and its effects.
  • Is going to college necessary to be successful in life?
  • Domestic violence in your society.
  • Why do students procrastinate?
  • How to write an expository essay and persuasive essay?
  • Do uniforms in schools help bring students together?
  • Understand the essay parts and a couple of sentences.
  • How to improve gun laws for a safer environment?
  • How to write an essay step by step with a proper word count?

Informative Essay Writing Tips

The following is a list of important essay writing tips that will help you express your thoughts more clearly and effectively.

  • Brainstorm ideas and choose something that you are more interested in writing about. Think of a topic that you can easily search for and provide information on.
  • It is important to back up the information you provide no matter what type of academic paper you are writing. For that, research and include information from credible and reliable sources.
  • It is important to ensure the sources you use in your paper are acceptable in your academe. For example, books and articles are a good choice to consider. is a professional essay writing service that specializes in providing high-quality and affordable help to students. We want to help you get good grades without compromising on your lifestyle and other activities.

We aim to help you with all your academic writing needs, and with our do my essay paper service, you can easily get good grades.

Place your order now to get a high-quality paper within your deadline.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 5 parts of an informative essay.

The five parts of an informative essay are:

  • Introduction
  • Background information
  • Thesis statement
  • Main body paragraphs

How many paragraphs should an informative essay have?

An informative essay is the most basic type of essay. They follow a specific format with four to five paragraphs, including an introduction, two or three supporting sections that elaborate on the topic at hand, and a conclusion.

Jared P.

Masters Essay, Literature

Jared P. is a renowned author and writing service provider with over fifteen years of experience in the publishing industry. He has a Ph.D. degree in English Literature and has spent his entire career helping students achieve their academic goals by providing expert writing assistance.

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How to Write an Informative Essay

[Post information was updated in April, 2024]

The modern education system is ruthless. Every year, educational institutions pose more and more complex tasks for students, and only a few of these tasks have immediate practical value in a person’s future. One of the most difficult and, at the same time, practical assignments is writing thematic essays. Essays may differ depending on structure, content, or topic.

Our experts at EssayShark can handle any essay, regardless of subject matter and complexity. Still, this guide is primarily intended for those who want to understand the nuances of essay writing on their own. If you are tired of typing in search engines such queries as “how to write an informative essay” or “how to write an informational essay,” then you are in luck – here you will find expert help.

What is an informative essay

An informative essay is a short paper or essay covering a particular topic for a specific audience. It provides the reader with information about a specific topic. To write an informative essay, you need to understand what this type of essay is, as well as its features and main components.

An informative essay is a typical assignment in school and college. The essay writer needs to create an exciting and captivating article that will grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read through the whole paper. The word count usually limits an informative essay, so the audience will get all necessary information without wasting time on extensive reading.

Essays can include many different pieces of information. Still, most informative essays are focused on one particular aspect of a topic, and they use several different types of details to make their point. The word “informative” in this type of essay refers to the point of view of the person receiving the information.

How to start an informative essay

Writing an informative essay can be a bit challenging, as you need to be informative and give your opinion on the material. The most important advice to remember while dealing with this type of essay is that the introduction should be solid, and the first paragraph, in particular, should have the strongest thesis statement. The first paragraph should contain an example of the topic you will cover in your essay.

You need to provide some information on the topic, where you got it, who said it, and so on. However, keep in mind that the core objective of your essay is not to include material but to analyze it providing a lot of comments and support from your ideas and experiences. Therefore, make sure that your first paragraph does not look like just a collection of facts about the topic but your response to it.

Starting your essay on a topic you know a lot about is much easier. The first step is to choose a topic. The goal here is to develop your thesis statement. If you select a topic that allows for the thesis to cover areas you are knowledgeable in, the essay should be simple enough to complete.

Informative essay structure

Informative essay structure is necessary to follow while writing an informative essay. If a writer ignores the essay’s proper format, it will not be considered an excellent informative essay. All the points should be well-organized and included in the structure systematically.

There are six steps or stages to writing an informative essay. They are: choosing a topic, researching for an informative essay, constructing an outline of your informative essay, writing and concluding, finalizing, and revising the project. Following these steps will help students write an informative essay correctly.

informative essay writing

Therefore, this structure is essential to make your informative essay effective and impressive. An excellent essay is characterized by a logical series of statements that lead to an inevitable logical conclusion.

The type of information may vary from common topics such as science and social studies to more detailed information such as literary criticism, ethics, and philosophical analysis. It usually contains factual data, examples of events, and evidence that supports the central idea.

A five-paragraph essay is the most common type of informative essay. It comprises five paragraphs, each with its topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding statement. The general structure of this type of essay implies that the first paragraph should begin with an introduction that should be followed by three body paragraphs accompanied by a brief final statement in the fifth paragraph.

The first paragraph of an informative essay introduces the topic and briefly describes why it is worth discussing. If you still have any doubts about informative essay writing, you can always explore our informative essay samples . One of those samples you can find in the following paragraph of this guide.

Informative essay outline

An informative essay is a form of non-fiction that gives information about a topic to the audience. It is also referred to as an expository essay. An informative essay must follow a clear and logical structure to ensure that the information it gives is understandable and memorable.

An informative essay is a piece of writing aimed at informing the reader about a particular topic or subject. It may be centered around a person, place, or event, or a critical issue review. Whatever your case, you can take steps to make sure that your informative essay is both informative and well-received. Before you even begin writing, you will need to have a solid outline in place.

Explain what the essay is about: examples of persuasive essays and other forms of essays are usually mentioned in this section. Do not go into too much detail about the information you will write about. It is just a short overview for the reader to summarize what your main points are going to be.

Informative essay topics

General Topics

  • College stress
  • Worldwide poverty
  • Domestic violence
  • Procrastination
  • Homelessness
  • Pregnancy in college
  • Cybersecurity
  • Bullying in college
  • Violence in video games
  • Organic food tendency
  • Harming impact of fast food
  • College scholarships

Advanced Topics

  • Millennial generation’s role in economic transformation
  • Overgeneralization of generations
  • Global extreme poverty
  • World poverty clock
  • Secrets of successful academic performance
  • My life-changing event
  • My favorite time
  • My biggest loss

Informative essay example

 Artificial Intelligence Privacy Breaches

Artificial Intelligence involves developing computer programs with the objective of mimicking and performing customized tasks similar to human behavior such as visual perception, language translation, and speech translation. Though it has made man’s life easier in some ways, it is worth noting how it can contravene the right to privacy of its users. A goal of artificial intelligence is to do what humans can do (and in the future, with greater precision), but in an effort to achieve this, AI usually utilizes the past activities of the user, such as voice recognition, Google searches, and artificial intelligence in the medical sector.

The medical sector stands out as a major beneficiary of AI. but of greater note is the challenge to patients’ data. Medical institutions have exposed the data of their patients through the utilization of AI. Private entities own the AI deployed in the sector; thus, the patients’ information is in these companies’ hands (Murdoch, 2021). This contravenes the client privilege guaranteeing non-disclosure of self-data. Even though this contract binds the patient with the health institution, it might not hold with the private entity owning the AI, as non-breaching of privacy is between them and the institution that turned over its patients’ information. Legally the patient might be tied as their personal data is then sold by the private entity that gathered it through the aid of information gathered with the aid of AI. Matters such as access, use, and control of data collected are in the hands of the private entity leaving the patients compromised. The patient would thus receive a customized set of eerily personalized remedies sold to them by, for example, the health sector.

Voice recognition is another aspect of artificial intelligence that, to a huge degree, compromises the privacy of the user. Individuals have voices unique to themselves, which are often used for identity verification. But if AI can mimic voices or fail to accurately recognize voices, this can threaten user safety and consumer trust (Manheim, & Kaplan, 2019). An instance where breach of privacy can lead to property loss and physical safety issues is the use of voice recognition in homes. Voice recognition may be used to unlock the house. An individual’s voice, however, can be cloned. This can lead to break-ins.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence has led to serious privacy breaches through its utilization in the medical sector and in voice recognition. Consumer privacy is further compromised by device functionality opacity, predictive algorithms, internet connectivity, and ubiquitous data collection (Manheim, & Kaplan, 2019). Predictive algorithms, for instance, can lead to companies knowing too much about individual users – this information could be used to manipulate not only consumer spending, but also political actions. Private entities that are legally contracted to provide these services are, to the highest degree, responsible for privacy breaches. This is becoming more common with medical institutions and has led to backlash from patients. Similarly, voice recognition has led to the cloning of people’s voices, leading to property endangerment and even the undermining of people’s physical safety.

Murdoch, B. (2021). Privacy and artificial intelligence: Challenges for protecting health information in a new era. BMC Medical Ethics , 22(1). Manheim, K., & Kaplan, L. (2019). Artificial intelligence: Risks to privacy and democracy. Yale JL & Tech. , 21, 106.

Informative essay FAQ

What is an informative essay sample.

Informative essays are common writing assignments that include a particular structure and require using all kinds of writing techniques. If you are assigned to write an informative essay, all you need to do is stick to the requirements and the peculiarities of this type of writing. To compose an informative essay, a student should know how to form an abstract and body, which means keeping in mind some peculiarities of each part of the assignment.

What Is an Informative Essay?

An informative essay is an academic essay used for explaining a specific topic in more detail. Such compositions are used primarily in college and university. The writing aims to describe rather than analyze the essay’s topic. Usually, it is not very difficult to write an essay, but sometimes the student may have some difficulties. One of the main things to consider is the topic of the essay and its structure.

What Is Informative Writing?

Informative writing gives your reader an idea about a topic. Informative writing provides facts, explains procedures, or describes how something works. It can also describe historical events. It can also be about a person or place, including personal experiences. The purpose of informative writing is to inform, not to persuade. The writer tries to convince the reader to accept an idea or take a specific action, but that’s not true in the case of informative writing.

Informative essay writing assistance

Every paper ranges from an individual experience or point of view to the criticism of a social issue or a scientific phenomenon. An essay that aims to inform its reader about something specific belongs to the latter type – informative essays. Information is a form of knowledge acquired through personal experience and research. Thus, an informative essay must contain both of these elements.

This guide is intended to help you write an informative essay yourself or understand the issue sufficiently. Nevertheless, in the modern world, a person often has to deal with various thematic essays, each of which has its nuances. You can explore our guides on writing other essays or ask our experts for help.

Professional writers with academic education in the field are ready to help you write an essay in any season and nearly twenty-four hours a day. We guarantee the fulfillment of obligations on time and the quality of the material. If you want to write a genuinely quality essay, then EssayShark is your choice. We are ready to help. Not only with writing. You can also request do my math homework help from us, and get qualified assistance.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema from Unsplash

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informative essay guide

Informative Essay Guide: Topics, Outline, Examples, Tips

in writing an informative essay the writer has to be

When writing an informative essay, you must understand what source of argumentation it stems from. Additionally, you must follow an informative essay format, which has its own peculiarities. You may be familiar with expository essays where the author must investigate and evaluate various evidence. Moreover, the author must provide the argumentation for the stated idea as well.

What Is an Informative Essay?

An informative essay is an academic paper written by high school and college students. This kind of informative writing aims to inform the target audience about a particular object, person, situation, or phenomenon. The purpose is to respond to the main question by explaining the topic in detail. When writing in an informational essay format, imagine the readers do not know anything about the topic in front of them. If possible, use professional terms to explain the topic, but remember to provide meaningful explanations. The definition of informative writing is as follows: The piece must be informative and based on facts. It is not supposed to sway the reader into changing their beliefs or give an opinion.

informative essay guide

Informative writing:

  • based on cold facts, statistics, and scientific evidence;
  • not supposed to give the author’s opinion. ‍
‍ Example: When writing an informative essay about marketing for the audience of students who have no idea of startups and business, try to express the main idea with the help of special words. Great words to use are brainstorming, A/B testing, target audience, customer research, copywriting, etc. Give professional definitions. In some cases, use specific examples to explain the meaning of words.

in writing an informative essay the writer has to be

Informative Essay Outline

If you don’t know how to write an informative essay outline, don’t worry. It looks much like most of the academic papers. There are three parts in it: an introduction, the body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Also, do not forget to include a list of references at the end of the work. The number of body paragraphs may vary based on your topic, so choose it carefully. In the conclusion of your informational essay, remind the reader of the main idea. Instead of providing a thesis statement in the shape of an argument, you can stress the importance of the issue under consideration. The purpose of an outline for an informative essay is to determine what you are going to talk about and organize your thoughts.

start informative essay

Example: Imagine that the topic of the informative essay is “ The effectiveness of exercising on coping with stress. ”

Your informative essay outline should look like this:

  • Origin of the problem. This is the main idea of the essay, focusing on the ways exercising helps dealing with stress. Feel free to go into the history of the problem, and in this case, it is especially important to have a thorough introduction. This will let the reader know what is going on and help understand the information you will provide later in the body of the essay.
  • Process. Write about the ways researchers detect what type of exercises help and why. Describe how exactly does it work.
  • Benefits. Describe the advantages of regular exercise using examples from real life.

outline informative essay

Informative Essay Introduction

In this part of the essay, take the time to introduce the problem you are going to discuss. The introduction should not be very long; however, in some cases, there are exceptions, especially if the problem you are discussing is complex and not well known to the general public. The main objective of this section is to provide a background of the topic, write your thesis, and let the essay smoothly transition into the next part, the body.

Informative Essay Body

Use the body part to inform the target audience about the peculiarities of the topic. You have got three paragraphs that you can use to share some interesting facts with your audience. Go into the little known details, or reflect on common knowledge in a new light to intrigue readers. The three integral elements of each body paragraph you must absolutely have are the claim, supporting evidence, and explanation. The principle here is simple, state something and explain why it is so by backing it up with evidence. Be as detailed in your explanation as you can and remember to stay on point.

Informative Essay Thesis Statement

Decide on the clear message your essay will have. Address reasons why the specific problem is important and how to let your audience know about the issue’s significance. Professionals from different writing services agree that a good informative essay thesis should contain a clear message that you can later prove with evidence. Make it in such a way that you can later easily support it. An example of a good thesis is: “Smoking causes three health problems that lead to gradual health deterioration by the age of 40”. To support this thesis, you will have to list the three health disorders and provide information on how each one of them harms people’s health.

Informative Essay Conclusion

As a rule, in conclusion for informative essay, just like for a descriptive essay , you should summarize everything that was mentioned in the text. Sum up all information in the essay and give a short rundown of what you have talked about. This will help the reader to solidify what they have just read in their mind and link all the pieces of your essay together.

writing conclusion

Make sure your conclusion is not far-fetched and does not come “out of nowhere”. Finish your essay by providing a summary of the main points listed in the body of your informative essay. Avoid adding any new information and questions; this may steer your essay off the topic and confuse the reader. Besides, you should have provided all the needed information in the body section of the essay. End your essay in a way that maintains the reader’s interest in the topic you discussed and encourages its further exploration.

Informative Essay Topics

You can find good informative essay examples online on various platforms. In turn, we want to offer you a list of informative essay ideas and topics you can choose from compiled by the writers from our paper writing service .

Social Issues Topics

Here are some topic ideas on social issues:

  • The negative effects of gambling on one’s personal and social life.
  • What are the main triggers of eating disorders in humans?
  • The issue of censorship in modern society, arts, and media.
  • The key causes resulting in water pollution.
  • What effects did the global pandemic have on the world and economy?
  • The importance of education in the 21st century.
  • The problem of bullying in today’s schools.
  • Is there a way to prevent and minimize child abuse?
  • The effects of the environmental degradation.
  • The main causes and effects of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Educational Topics

Find below ten great topic ideas for inspiration for writing your own informative essay on education:

  • Higher education in the world’s top universities.
  • The effects of excessive video game use on students’ academic performances.
  • Sports as an integral part of an effective educational program.
  • The role of books in academic research in the 21st century.
  • The key skills that affect a student’s academic progress.
  • How does standardized testing negatively affect a student’s overall performance?
  • Homework during summer vacation.
  • The role of leadership in the classroom.
  • The standard grading system should be eliminated.
  • Summer classes are not as productive as the autumn ones.

Historical Topics

Here are some engaging historical topics for an A-level informative essay:

  • Discuss the concepts of ethics in terms of the Vietnam War.
  • The history and roots of slavery in the United States of America.
  • The key causes of the Civil War.
  • What cultural impact did native Americans have on our society?
  • Analysis of the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863.
  • How did the Declaration of Independence change the course of US history?
  • The effects of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The key controversial points in the 21st-century US foreign policy.
  • Analysis of the interwar period.
  • The influence of industrialization on American social movements.

Business Topics

To craft a compelling informative essay on business, feel free to consider the following relevant topic ideas:

  • The role of consumerism in modern business.
  • Marketing and branding as the key triggers for sales.
  • How did e-commerce influence business development in the 21st century?
  • The effects of demonetization.
  • What is the role of human resources in today’s business landscape?
  • Data as the main asset for decision making in business.
  • Is there such a thing as socio-economic inequality?
  • Key methods used in economics today.
  • The influence of COVID-19 on the economic crisis of 2020.
  • The role of industrial corridors in economy and business.

Religion Topics

Here are a few great ideas for an essay on religion:

  • What is religion and what role does it play in society?
  • Common religion dogmas in the modern world.
  • How do technology and religion coexist in the 21st century?
  • The influence of religion and church on our personalities.
  • History and roots of Christianity.
  • New movements in religion that can be observed today.
  • What is the role of religion in the political field?
  • Is there still a place for any ​​confrontation between science and religion?
  • The role of religion in the workplace.
  • How did religion and church affect the evolution of humanity?

Tips on Writing an Informative Essay

The most frequent mistake that students make is attempting to write right away, without the proper research and a lack of an informative essay structure plan. Such an attitude is especially unproductive when writing an informative essay since it needs a lot of effort put into the synthesis of information. Therefore, it is best to have a structured plan that you can follow. Having a blueprint of your essay speeds up the writing process. Make sure to follow the plan and deliver the information in the best possible way you can. The audience must learn something new by the end of the piece. 

Here is a basic plan you can follow when writing your informative essay:


  • Introduction
  • Body-paragraphs

First of all, you must understand that the topic you choose for your informative essay cannot be too vast or too specific. A good student will always write about an area they have yet to explore. Think of it as an exercise, you are expanding your pool of knowledge, and try to stick to something you care about. Visualize the route you will take with your paper; you may refer to the list of provided topics and see if anything tickles your curiosity.

The most important part is the research. Familiarize yourself with several sources, and save them for later. You will need to refer to them, and perhaps even cite them if your educator wants you to do so. Archiving knowledge will improve the retention of that material and will help during the writing process. Do not limit yourself to only primary sources. Evaluate the secondary ones as well and make sure they are legible and relevant.

How to Write an Informative Essay?

Before you start working on your informative essay outline, remember that the most common way of writing an informative essay is a five-paragraph format. You start off with an introduction, follow with three body paragraphs, and finish with a conclusion. Your intro serves to present the main idea of your article. The three body paragraphs of your article will mainly expand on the thesis statement you have created in your intro. Your conclusion will sum everything up and present the significance of your topic.

How to Write an Informative Essay Introduction?

The introduction to your informative essay should be something that will grab your reader's attention. Include an essay hook, a thesis statement, and a transition sentence (usually the same sentence) to make sure everything moves smoothly.

Let’s take one of our topics as an example - showcasing art on a factual basis. The critical thing is to avoid sentiment. Suppose your theme is based on the context behind the album “Kid A” by Radiohead. To explain it, you would have to delve into the band’s prior history and experience and explain why Kid A turned out the way it did base on interviews and reviews.

An example of an attention grabber: The tunes on the radio head in a different direction nowadays.

An example like that is a bit ridiculous, but it is an extreme example of the job that an essay hook needs to perform. Hopefully, a play on words will make the reader grin in this case.

An example of a thesis statement: To what extent has Kid A’s deviation from the norm been influenced by the band’s prior experiences?

before writing an informative paper

How to Write an Informative Essay Body?

The goal of the body paragraphs is to support the thesis statement with evidence or examples. Continuing with our example:

1st body paragraph  - Kid A’s deviance in style

  • Kid A’s deviance in style
  • Exhausting touring schedule

2d body paragraph - Exhausting Touring Schedule after “OK Computer” album

  • Heavy Themes in Artwork
  • Themes in Music (and why)

3d body paragraph - Lyrical Meaning

  • Use of sarcasm, irony
  • Threatening messages delivered very softly

How to Write Informative Essay Conclusion?

The goal of the conclusion is, to sum up, everything that was stated in body paragraphs. Implement your thesis and provide significance. Explain why the topic you chose is valuable, giving it importance in the real world. This step can be very subjective, so that is entirely up to you.

how to finish an inormative essay

Informative Essay Examples

Is traditional education better than remote learning?

Just a couple of years ago, could you think that you will have to deal with remote learning? In fact, the outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted in some dramatic changes in the field of education. Although countries across the globe faced different infection rates, one of the primary anti-COVID measures integrated by global governments was a switch to the remote learning model of education. According to stats, over 1.2 billion children across 186 countries ended up being out of the classroom at the peak of the pandemic. This fact led to a significant rise in e-learning. As a result, billions of students and teachers across the world have experienced remote education. And, according to specialists, the new model of learning has demonstrated a significant improvement in learning outcomes, suggesting that the changes caused by COVID-19 might be here to stay. So, is traditional education still better than remote learning?

Unlike traditional education that implies face-to-face interaction between students and teachers, remote (or distance) learning is a different educational model that implies acquiring knowledge without going to school. At the heart of such learning lies technology. And, while the outbreak of COVID-19 has forced many children to experience this form of education, there are still doubts on whether it can replace traditional schooling.

On the one hand, remote learning saves time and energy for both students and teachers. This schooling method eliminates the necessity to rush from one class to another and enables students to study in a comfortable environment. Therefore, this model is associated with less anxiety and stress.

On the other hand, traditional education offers more motivation. It implies physical interaction of students with their peers, as well as teachers, which results in higher levels of engagement and motivation in the classroom. Whereas remote learning can’t offer that.

Another point for remote learning is flexibility. In this model of schooling, students typically can study at their own pace, without the necessity to stick to a strict schedule. This enables them to fit in time for other things rather than studying. But, while this will offer plenty of benefits for certain groups of students, such as those with health restrictions or part-time students, it can have an opposite effect for the rest. Namely, such flexibility can result in students falling behind the program.

Another advantage of traditional education over remote learning is the lack of technical challenges. Online education brings along a wide range of issues. And while this may not be a problem for most students, who are technology natives, it can imply multiple challenges for teachers and families. To confirm this, the stats indicate that at least one-third of teachers struggle with technology, and only 90% of families in the US have access to the Internet. That is, e-learning is not accessible for everyone.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that studies show that the overall efficiency of traditional and remote schooling is about the same. Thus, in terms of academic outcomes, both educational models can offer benefits. Nevertheless, remote learning does imply more challenges, especially tech-related. What is more, it doesn’t help students develop vital oral and social skills, as it rules out face-to-face interactions. And, since education is not only about gaining knowledge but also about developing social skills, there are quite a few reasons to say that traditional learning is more beneficial. Nevertheless, both methods have positive and negative aspects. Thus, we can conclude that each model can be right or wrong based on specific students’ situations and needs.

Informative writing is assessed on the specific criteria that show the writer’s ability to implement them in their essay. The following is a foundation you need to base the piece on. Run through these questions to make sure that your essay is the best it can be: Does the thesis statement adequately unify all subtopics presented in the essay? Does the introduction engage the reader, and does it explain the forthcoming content? Are there enough details for the reader to understand the subject matter fully? Does the concluding paragraph effectively unify the essay? Does it make a point of the importance of the stated idea?

Informative essays are very tedious by definition. The amount of research that goes into them can seem a little too much to handle. If you feel like you have difficulties completing such a task yourself, we have a team of essay writers at your disposal to help you accomplish it. You can hire a writer to proofread your writing and help you make it perfect or pay for an essay on our website. You can also order a custom essay written from scratch or based on your outline for a very affordable price. Don’t hesitate to ask for essay help and improve your grades now!

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Gun Control Argumentative Essay

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  • The four main types of essay | Quick guide with examples

The Four Main Types of Essay | Quick Guide with Examples

Published on September 4, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An essay is a focused piece of writing designed to inform or persuade. There are many different types of essay, but they are often defined in four categories: argumentative, expository, narrative, and descriptive essays.

Argumentative and expository essays are focused on conveying information and making clear points, while narrative and descriptive essays are about exercising creativity and writing in an interesting way. At university level, argumentative essays are the most common type. 

Essay type Skills tested Example prompt
Has the rise of the internet had a positive or negative impact on education?
Explain how the invention of the printing press changed European society in the 15th century.
Write about an experience where you learned something about yourself.
Describe an object that has sentimental value for you.

In high school and college, you will also often have to write textual analysis essays, which test your skills in close reading and interpretation.

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Table of contents

Argumentative essays, expository essays, narrative essays, descriptive essays, textual analysis essays, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about types of essays.

An argumentative essay presents an extended, evidence-based argument. It requires a strong thesis statement —a clearly defined stance on your topic. Your aim is to convince the reader of your thesis using evidence (such as quotations ) and analysis.

Argumentative essays test your ability to research and present your own position on a topic. This is the most common type of essay at college level—most papers you write will involve some kind of argumentation.

The essay is divided into an introduction, body, and conclusion:

  • The introduction provides your topic and thesis statement
  • The body presents your evidence and arguments
  • The conclusion summarizes your argument and emphasizes its importance

The example below is a paragraph from the body of an argumentative essay about the effects of the internet on education. Mouse over it to learn more.

A common frustration for teachers is students’ use of Wikipedia as a source in their writing. Its prevalence among students is not exaggerated; a survey found that the vast majority of the students surveyed used Wikipedia (Head & Eisenberg, 2010). An article in The Guardian stresses a common objection to its use: “a reliance on Wikipedia can discourage students from engaging with genuine academic writing” (Coomer, 2013). Teachers are clearly not mistaken in viewing Wikipedia usage as ubiquitous among their students; but the claim that it discourages engagement with academic sources requires further investigation. This point is treated as self-evident by many teachers, but Wikipedia itself explicitly encourages students to look into other sources. Its articles often provide references to academic publications and include warning notes where citations are missing; the site’s own guidelines for research make clear that it should be used as a starting point, emphasizing that users should always “read the references and check whether they really do support what the article says” (“Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia,” 2020). Indeed, for many students, Wikipedia is their first encounter with the concepts of citation and referencing. The use of Wikipedia therefore has a positive side that merits deeper consideration than it often receives.

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An expository essay provides a clear, focused explanation of a topic. It doesn’t require an original argument, just a balanced and well-organized view of the topic.

Expository essays test your familiarity with a topic and your ability to organize and convey information. They are commonly assigned at high school or in exam questions at college level.

The introduction of an expository essay states your topic and provides some general background, the body presents the details, and the conclusion summarizes the information presented.

A typical body paragraph from an expository essay about the invention of the printing press is shown below. Mouse over it to learn more.

The invention of the printing press in 1440 changed this situation dramatically. Johannes Gutenberg, who had worked as a goldsmith, used his knowledge of metals in the design of the press. He made his type from an alloy of lead, tin, and antimony, whose durability allowed for the reliable production of high-quality books. This new technology allowed texts to be reproduced and disseminated on a much larger scale than was previously possible. The Gutenberg Bible appeared in the 1450s, and a large number of printing presses sprang up across the continent in the following decades. Gutenberg’s invention rapidly transformed cultural production in Europe; among other things, it would lead to the Protestant Reformation.

A narrative essay is one that tells a story. This is usually a story about a personal experience you had, but it may also be an imaginative exploration of something you have not experienced.

Narrative essays test your ability to build up a narrative in an engaging, well-structured way. They are much more personal and creative than other kinds of academic writing . Writing a personal statement for an application requires the same skills as a narrative essay.

A narrative essay isn’t strictly divided into introduction, body, and conclusion, but it should still begin by setting up the narrative and finish by expressing the point of the story—what you learned from your experience, or why it made an impression on you.

Mouse over the example below, a short narrative essay responding to the prompt “Write about an experience where you learned something about yourself,” to explore its structure.

Since elementary school, I have always favored subjects like science and math over the humanities. My instinct was always to think of these subjects as more solid and serious than classes like English. If there was no right answer, I thought, why bother? But recently I had an experience that taught me my academic interests are more flexible than I had thought: I took my first philosophy class.

Before I entered the classroom, I was skeptical. I waited outside with the other students and wondered what exactly philosophy would involve—I really had no idea. I imagined something pretty abstract: long, stilted conversations pondering the meaning of life. But what I got was something quite different.

A young man in jeans, Mr. Jones—“but you can call me Rob”—was far from the white-haired, buttoned-up old man I had half-expected. And rather than pulling us into pedantic arguments about obscure philosophical points, Rob engaged us on our level. To talk free will, we looked at our own choices. To talk ethics, we looked at dilemmas we had faced ourselves. By the end of class, I’d discovered that questions with no right answer can turn out to be the most interesting ones.

The experience has taught me to look at things a little more “philosophically”—and not just because it was a philosophy class! I learned that if I let go of my preconceptions, I can actually get a lot out of subjects I was previously dismissive of. The class taught me—in more ways than one—to look at things with an open mind.

A descriptive essay provides a detailed sensory description of something. Like narrative essays, they allow you to be more creative than most academic writing, but they are more tightly focused than narrative essays. You might describe a specific place or object, rather than telling a whole story.

Descriptive essays test your ability to use language creatively, making striking word choices to convey a memorable picture of what you’re describing.

A descriptive essay can be quite loosely structured, though it should usually begin by introducing the object of your description and end by drawing an overall picture of it. The important thing is to use careful word choices and figurative language to create an original description of your object.

Mouse over the example below, a response to the prompt “Describe a place you love to spend time in,” to learn more about descriptive essays.

On Sunday afternoons I like to spend my time in the garden behind my house. The garden is narrow but long, a corridor of green extending from the back of the house, and I sit on a lawn chair at the far end to read and relax. I am in my small peaceful paradise: the shade of the tree, the feel of the grass on my feet, the gentle activity of the fish in the pond beside me.

My cat crosses the garden nimbly and leaps onto the fence to survey it from above. From his perch he can watch over his little kingdom and keep an eye on the neighbours. He does this until the barking of next door’s dog scares him from his post and he bolts for the cat flap to govern from the safety of the kitchen.

With that, I am left alone with the fish, whose whole world is the pond by my feet. The fish explore the pond every day as if for the first time, prodding and inspecting every stone. I sometimes feel the same about sitting here in the garden; I know the place better than anyone, but whenever I return I still feel compelled to pay attention to all its details and novelties—a new bird perched in the tree, the growth of the grass, and the movement of the insects it shelters…

Sitting out in the garden, I feel serene. I feel at home. And yet I always feel there is more to discover. The bounds of my garden may be small, but there is a whole world contained within it, and it is one I will never get tired of inhabiting.

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Though every essay type tests your writing skills, some essays also test your ability to read carefully and critically. In a textual analysis essay, you don’t just present information on a topic, but closely analyze a text to explain how it achieves certain effects.

Rhetorical analysis

A rhetorical analysis looks at a persuasive text (e.g. a speech, an essay, a political cartoon) in terms of the rhetorical devices it uses, and evaluates their effectiveness.

The goal is not to state whether you agree with the author’s argument but to look at how they have constructed it.

The introduction of a rhetorical analysis presents the text, some background information, and your thesis statement; the body comprises the analysis itself; and the conclusion wraps up your analysis of the text, emphasizing its relevance to broader concerns.

The example below is from a rhetorical analysis of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech . Mouse over it to learn more.

King’s speech is infused with prophetic language throughout. Even before the famous “dream” part of the speech, King’s language consistently strikes a prophetic tone. He refers to the Lincoln Memorial as a “hallowed spot” and speaks of rising “from the dark and desolate valley of segregation” to “make justice a reality for all of God’s children.” The assumption of this prophetic voice constitutes the text’s strongest ethical appeal; after linking himself with political figures like Lincoln and the Founding Fathers, King’s ethos adopts a distinctly religious tone, recalling Biblical prophets and preachers of change from across history. This adds significant force to his words; standing before an audience of hundreds of thousands, he states not just what the future should be, but what it will be: “The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.” This warning is almost apocalyptic in tone, though it concludes with the positive image of the “bright day of justice.” The power of King’s rhetoric thus stems not only from the pathos of his vision of a brighter future, but from the ethos of the prophetic voice he adopts in expressing this vision.

Literary analysis

A literary analysis essay presents a close reading of a work of literature—e.g. a poem or novel—to explore the choices made by the author and how they help to convey the text’s theme. It is not simply a book report or a review, but an in-depth interpretation of the text.

Literary analysis looks at things like setting, characters, themes, and figurative language. The goal is to closely analyze what the author conveys and how.

The introduction of a literary analysis essay presents the text and background, and provides your thesis statement; the body consists of close readings of the text with quotations and analysis in support of your argument; and the conclusion emphasizes what your approach tells us about the text.

Mouse over the example below, the introduction to a literary analysis essay on Frankenstein , to learn more.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is often read as a crude cautionary tale about the dangers of scientific advancement unrestrained by ethical considerations. In this reading, protagonist Victor Frankenstein is a stable representation of the callous ambition of modern science throughout the novel. This essay, however, argues that far from providing a stable image of the character, Shelley uses shifting narrative perspectives to portray Frankenstein in an increasingly negative light as the novel goes on. While he initially appears to be a naive but sympathetic idealist, after the creature’s narrative Frankenstein begins to resemble—even in his own telling—the thoughtlessly cruel figure the creature represents him as. This essay begins by exploring the positive portrayal of Frankenstein in the first volume, then moves on to the creature’s perception of him, and finally discusses the third volume’s narrative shift toward viewing Frankenstein as the creature views him.

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At high school and in composition classes at university, you’ll often be told to write a specific type of essay , but you might also just be given prompts.

Look for keywords in these prompts that suggest a certain approach: The word “explain” suggests you should write an expository essay , while the word “describe” implies a descriptive essay . An argumentative essay might be prompted with the word “assess” or “argue.”

The vast majority of essays written at university are some sort of argumentative essay . Almost all academic writing involves building up an argument, though other types of essay might be assigned in composition classes.

Essays can present arguments about all kinds of different topics. For example:

  • In a literary analysis essay, you might make an argument for a specific interpretation of a text
  • In a history essay, you might present an argument for the importance of a particular event
  • In a politics essay, you might argue for the validity of a certain political theory

An argumentative essay tends to be a longer essay involving independent research, and aims to make an original argument about a topic. Its thesis statement makes a contentious claim that must be supported in an objective, evidence-based way.

An expository essay also aims to be objective, but it doesn’t have to make an original argument. Rather, it aims to explain something (e.g., a process or idea) in a clear, concise way. Expository essays are often shorter assignments and rely less on research.

The key difference is that a narrative essay is designed to tell a complete story, while a descriptive essay is meant to convey an intense description of a particular place, object, or concept.

Narrative and descriptive essays both allow you to write more personally and creatively than other kinds of essays , and similar writing skills can apply to both.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). The Four Main Types of Essay | Quick Guide with Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 12, 2024, from

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Why A.I. Isn’t Going to Make Art

In 1953, Roald Dahl published “ The Great Automatic Grammatizator ,” a short story about an electrical engineer who secretly desires to be a writer. One day, after completing construction of the world’s fastest calculating machine, the engineer realizes that “English grammar is governed by rules that are almost mathematical in their strictness.” He constructs a fiction-writing machine that can produce a five-thousand-word short story in thirty seconds; a novel takes fifteen minutes and requires the operator to manipulate handles and foot pedals, as if he were driving a car or playing an organ, to regulate the levels of humor and pathos. The resulting novels are so popular that, within a year, half the fiction published in English is a product of the engineer’s invention.

Is there anything about art that makes us think it can’t be created by pushing a button, as in Dahl’s imagination? Right now, the fiction generated by large language models like ChatGPT is terrible, but one can imagine that such programs might improve in the future. How good could they get? Could they get better than humans at writing fiction—or making paintings or movies—in the same way that calculators are better at addition and subtraction?

Art is notoriously hard to define, and so are the differences between good art and bad art. But let me offer a generalization: art is something that results from making a lot of choices. This might be easiest to explain if we use fiction writing as an example. When you are writing fiction, you are—consciously or unconsciously—making a choice about almost every word you type; to oversimplify, we can imagine that a ten-thousand-word short story requires something on the order of ten thousand choices. When you give a generative-A.I. program a prompt, you are making very few choices; if you supply a hundred-word prompt, you have made on the order of a hundred choices.

If an A.I. generates a ten-thousand-word story based on your prompt, it has to fill in for all of the choices that you are not making. There are various ways it can do this. One is to take an average of the choices that other writers have made, as represented by text found on the Internet; that average is equivalent to the least interesting choices possible, which is why A.I.-generated text is often really bland. Another is to instruct the program to engage in style mimicry, emulating the choices made by a specific writer, which produces a highly derivative story. In neither case is it creating interesting art.

I think the same underlying principle applies to visual art, although it’s harder to quantify the choices that a painter might make. Real paintings bear the mark of an enormous number of decisions. By comparison, a person using a text-to-image program like DALL-E enters a prompt such as “A knight in a suit of armor fights a fire-breathing dragon,” and lets the program do the rest. (The newest version of DALL-E accepts prompts of up to four thousand characters—hundreds of words, but not enough to describe every detail of a scene.) Most of the choices in the resulting image have to be borrowed from similar paintings found online; the image might be exquisitely rendered, but the person entering the prompt can’t claim credit for that.

Some commentators imagine that image generators will affect visual culture as much as the advent of photography once did. Although this might seem superficially plausible, the idea that photography is similar to generative A.I. deserves closer examination. When photography was first developed, I suspect it didn’t seem like an artistic medium because it wasn’t apparent that there were a lot of choices to be made; you just set up the camera and start the exposure. But over time people realized that there were a vast number of things you could do with cameras, and the artistry lies in the many choices that a photographer makes. It might not always be easy to articulate what the choices are, but when you compare an amateur’s photos to a professional’s, you can see the difference. So then the question becomes: Is there a similar opportunity to make a vast number of choices using a text-to-image generator? I think the answer is no. An artist—whether working digitally or with paint—implicitly makes far more decisions during the process of making a painting than would fit into a text prompt of a few hundred words.

We can imagine a text-to-image generator that, over the course of many sessions, lets you enter tens of thousands of words into its text box to enable extremely fine-grained control over the image you’re producing; this would be something analogous to Photoshop with a purely textual interface. I’d say that a person could use such a program and still deserve to be called an artist. The film director Bennett Miller has used DALL-E 2 to generate some very striking images that have been exhibited at the Gagosian gallery; to create them, he crafted detailed text prompts and then instructed DALL-E to revise and manipulate the generated images again and again. He generated more than a hundred thousand images to arrive at the twenty images in the exhibit. But he has said that he hasn’t been able to obtain comparable results on later releases of DALL-E . I suspect this might be because Miller was using DALL-E for something it’s not intended to do; it’s as if he hacked Microsoft Paint to make it behave like Photoshop, but as soon as a new version of Paint was released, his hacks stopped working. OpenAI probably isn’t trying to build a product to serve users like Miller, because a product that requires a user to work for months to create an image isn’t appealing to a wide audience. The company wants to offer a product that generates images with little effort.

It’s harder to imagine a program that, over many sessions, helps you write a good novel. This hypothetical writing program might require you to enter a hundred thousand words of prompts in order for it to generate an entirely different hundred thousand words that make up the novel you’re envisioning. It’s not clear to me what such a program would look like. Theoretically, if such a program existed, the user could perhaps deserve to be called the author. But, again, I don’t think companies like OpenAI want to create versions of ChatGPT that require just as much effort from users as writing a novel from scratch. The selling point of generative A.I. is that these programs generate vastly more than you put into them, and that is precisely what prevents them from being effective tools for artists.

The companies promoting generative-A.I. programs claim that they will unleash creativity. In essence, they are saying that art can be all inspiration and no perspiration—but these things cannot be easily separated. I’m not saying that art has to involve tedium. What I’m saying is that art requires making choices at every scale; the countless small-scale choices made during implementation are just as important to the final product as the few large-scale choices made during the conception. It is a mistake to equate “large-scale” with “important” when it comes to the choices made when creating art; the interrelationship between the large scale and the small scale is where the artistry lies.

Believing that inspiration outweighs everything else is, I suspect, a sign that someone is unfamiliar with the medium. I contend that this is true even if one’s goal is to create entertainment rather than high art. People often underestimate the effort required to entertain; a thriller novel may not live up to Kafka’s ideal of a book—an “axe for the frozen sea within us”—but it can still be as finely crafted as a Swiss watch. And an effective thriller is more than its premise or its plot. I doubt you could replace every sentence in a thriller with one that is semantically equivalent and have the resulting novel be as entertaining. This means that its sentences—and the small-scale choices they represent—help to determine the thriller’s effectiveness.

Many novelists have had the experience of being approached by someone convinced that they have a great idea for a novel, which they are willing to share in exchange for a fifty-fifty split of the proceeds. Such a person inadvertently reveals that they think formulating sentences is a nuisance rather than a fundamental part of storytelling in prose. Generative A.I. appeals to people who think they can express themselves in a medium without actually working in that medium. But the creators of traditional novels, paintings, and films are drawn to those art forms because they see the unique expressive potential that each medium affords. It is their eagerness to take full advantage of those potentialities that makes their work satisfying, whether as entertainment or as art.

Of course, most pieces of writing, whether articles or reports or e-mails, do not come with the expectation that they embody thousands of choices. In such cases, is there any harm in automating the task? Let me offer another generalization: any writing that deserves your attention as a reader is the result of effort expended by the person who wrote it. Effort during the writing process doesn’t guarantee the end product is worth reading, but worthwhile work cannot be made without it. The type of attention you pay when reading a personal e-mail is different from the type you pay when reading a business report, but in both cases it is only warranted when the writer put some thought into it.

Recently, Google aired a commercial during the Paris Olympics for Gemini, its competitor to OpenAI’s GPT-4 . The ad shows a father using Gemini to compose a fan letter, which his daughter will send to an Olympic athlete who inspires her. Google pulled the commercial after widespread backlash from viewers; a media professor called it “one of the most disturbing commercials I’ve ever seen.” It’s notable that people reacted this way, even though artistic creativity wasn’t the attribute being supplanted. No one expects a child’s fan letter to an athlete to be extraordinary; if the young girl had written the letter herself, it would likely have been indistinguishable from countless others. The significance of a child’s fan letter—both to the child who writes it and to the athlete who receives it—comes from its being heartfelt rather than from its being eloquent.

Many of us have sent store-bought greeting cards, knowing that it will be clear to the recipient that we didn’t compose the words ourselves. We don’t copy the words from a Hallmark card in our own handwriting, because that would feel dishonest. The programmer Simon Willison has described the training for large language models as “money laundering for copyrighted data,” which I find a useful way to think about the appeal of generative-A.I. programs: they let you engage in something like plagiarism, but there’s no guilt associated with it because it’s not clear even to you that you’re copying.

Some have claimed that large language models are not laundering the texts they’re trained on but, rather, learning from them, in the same way that human writers learn from the books they’ve read. But a large language model is not a writer; it’s not even a user of language. Language is, by definition, a system of communication, and it requires an intention to communicate. Your phone’s auto-complete may offer good suggestions or bad ones, but in neither case is it trying to say anything to you or the person you’re texting. The fact that ChatGPT can generate coherent sentences invites us to imagine that it understands language in a way that your phone’s auto-complete does not, but it has no more intention to communicate.

It is very easy to get ChatGPT to emit a series of words such as “I am happy to see you.” There are many things we don’t understand about how large language models work, but one thing we can be sure of is that ChatGPT is not happy to see you. A dog can communicate that it is happy to see you, and so can a prelinguistic child, even though both lack the capability to use words. ChatGPT feels nothing and desires nothing, and this lack of intention is why ChatGPT is not actually using language. What makes the words “I’m happy to see you” a linguistic utterance is not that the sequence of text tokens that it is made up of are well formed; what makes it a linguistic utterance is the intention to communicate something.

Because language comes so easily to us, it’s easy to forget that it lies on top of these other experiences of subjective feeling and of wanting to communicate that feeling. We’re tempted to project those experiences onto a large language model when it emits coherent sentences, but to do so is to fall prey to mimicry; it’s the same phenomenon as when butterflies evolve large dark spots on their wings that can fool birds into thinking they’re predators with big eyes. There is a context in which the dark spots are sufficient; birds are less likely to eat a butterfly that has them, and the butterfly doesn’t really care why it’s not being eaten, as long as it gets to live. But there is a big difference between a butterfly and a predator that poses a threat to a bird.

A person using generative A.I. to help them write might claim that they are drawing inspiration from the texts the model was trained on, but I would again argue that this differs from what we usually mean when we say one writer draws inspiration from another. Consider a college student who turns in a paper that consists solely of a five-page quotation from a book, stating that this quotation conveys exactly what she wanted to say, better than she could say it herself. Even if the student is completely candid with the instructor about what she’s done, it’s not accurate to say that she is drawing inspiration from the book she’s citing. The fact that a large language model can reword the quotation enough that the source is unidentifiable doesn’t change the fundamental nature of what’s going on.

As the linguist Emily M. Bender has noted, teachers don’t ask students to write essays because the world needs more student essays. The point of writing essays is to strengthen students’ critical-thinking skills; in the same way that lifting weights is useful no matter what sport an athlete plays, writing essays develops skills necessary for whatever job a college student will eventually get. Using ChatGPT to complete assignments is like bringing a forklift into the weight room; you will never improve your cognitive fitness that way.

Not all writing needs to be creative, or heartfelt, or even particularly good; sometimes it simply needs to exist. Such writing might support other goals, such as attracting views for advertising or satisfying bureaucratic requirements. When people are required to produce such text, we can hardly blame them for using whatever tools are available to accelerate the process. But is the world better off with more documents that have had minimal effort expended on them? It would be unrealistic to claim that if we refuse to use large language models, then the requirements to create low-quality text will disappear. However, I think it is inevitable that the more we use large language models to fulfill those requirements, the greater those requirements will eventually become. We are entering an era where someone might use a large language model to generate a document out of a bulleted list, and send it to a person who will use a large language model to condense that document into a bulleted list. Can anyone seriously argue that this is an improvement?

It’s not impossible that one day we will have computer programs that can do anything a human being can do, but, contrary to the claims of the companies promoting A.I., that is not something we’ll see in the next few years. Even in domains that have absolutely nothing to do with creativity, current A.I. programs have profound limitations that give us legitimate reasons to question whether they deserve to be called intelligent at all.

The computer scientist François Chollet has proposed the following distinction: skill is how well you perform at a task, while intelligence is how efficiently you gain new skills. I think this reflects our intuitions about human beings pretty well. Most people can learn a new skill given sufficient practice, but the faster the person picks up the skill, the more intelligent we think the person is. What’s interesting about this definition is that—unlike I.Q. tests—it’s also applicable to nonhuman entities; when a dog learns a new trick quickly, we consider that a sign of intelligence.

In 2019, researchers conducted an experiment in which they taught rats how to drive. They put the rats in little plastic containers with three copper-wire bars; when the mice put their paws on one of these bars, the container would either go forward, or turn left or turn right. The rats could see a plate of food on the other side of the room and tried to get their vehicles to go toward it. The researchers trained the rats for five minutes at a time, and after twenty-four practice sessions, the rats had become proficient at driving. Twenty-four trials were enough to master a task that no rat had likely ever encountered before in the evolutionary history of the species. I think that’s a good demonstration of intelligence.

Now consider the current A.I. programs that are widely acclaimed for their performance. AlphaZero, a program developed by Google’s DeepMind, plays chess better than any human player, but during its training it played forty-four million games, far more than any human can play in a lifetime. For it to master a new game, it will have to undergo a similarly enormous amount of training. By Chollet’s definition, programs like AlphaZero are highly skilled, but they aren’t particularly intelligent, because they aren’t efficient at gaining new skills. It is currently impossible to write a computer program capable of learning even a simple task in only twenty-four trials, if the programmer is not given information about the task beforehand.

Self-driving cars trained on millions of miles of driving can still crash into an overturned trailer truck, because such things are not commonly found in their training data, whereas humans taking their first driving class will know to stop. More than our ability to solve algebraic equations, our ability to cope with unfamiliar situations is a fundamental part of why we consider humans intelligent. Computers will not be able to replace humans until they acquire that type of competence, and that is still a long way off; for the time being, we’re just looking for jobs that can be done with turbocharged auto-complete.

Despite years of hype, the ability of generative A.I. to dramatically increase economic productivity remains theoretical. (Earlier this year, Goldman Sachs released a report titled “Gen AI: Too Much Spend, Too Little Benefit?”) The task that generative A.I. has been most successful at is lowering our expectations, both of the things we read and of ourselves when we write anything for others to read. It is a fundamentally dehumanizing technology because it treats us as less than what we are: creators and apprehenders of meaning. It reduces the amount of intention in the world.

Some individuals have defended large language models by saying that most of what human beings say or write isn’t particularly original. That is true, but it’s also irrelevant. When someone says “I’m sorry” to you, it doesn’t matter that other people have said sorry in the past; it doesn’t matter that “I’m sorry” is a string of text that is statistically unremarkable. If someone is being sincere, their apology is valuable and meaningful, even though apologies have previously been uttered. Likewise, when you tell someone that you’re happy to see them, you are saying something meaningful, even if it lacks novelty.

Something similar holds true for art. Whether you are creating a novel or a painting or a film, you are engaged in an act of communication between you and your audience. What you create doesn’t have to be utterly unlike every prior piece of art in human history to be valuable; the fact that you’re the one who is saying it, the fact that it derives from your unique life experience and arrives at a particular moment in the life of whoever is seeing your work, is what makes it new. We are all products of what has come before us, but it’s by living our lives in interaction with others that we bring meaning into the world. That is something that an auto-complete algorithm can never do, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. ♦

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  1. Tips for Writing an Informative Essay

    1. Allows for a more in-depth analysis. 2. Helps to avoid overwhelming the reader. 3. Provides a focused and concise essay. 4. Enables you to showcase your expertise on a specific aspect. In conclusion, narrowing down your topic to a specific aspect or angle is crucial for writing an informative essay.

  2. How to Write an Informative Essay in 7 Steps

    1 Select topic. If you aren't assigned a topic, you'll need to choose your own. Choose a topic you can sufficiently explain in approximately five paragraphs. Once you've chosen a general topic, narrow it down to the specific subject you'll cover in your essay.

  3. How to Write an Informative Essay

    Here are 7 steps to help you create a well-structured informative essay outline: Choose a Topic. Select a topic that you are familiar with and that you find interesting. Ensure that the topic is suitable for an informative essay and that there is enough information available for you to research. Conduct Research.

  4. How to Write an Informative Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

    Informative Essay: Maintains a neutral and impartial tone. The language is formal and straightforward, focusing on clarity and accuracy, and is not given to hyperbole and exaggeration, emotion or pathos. Persuasive Essay: Often employs a more passionate and convincing tone. The language may be emotive and rhetorical.

  5. How to Write an Informative Essay: A Friendly and Detailed Guide

    An informative essay is a paper that educates an audience on a given subject matter unbiasedly. The subject could be an object, person, event, or phenomenon. The goal is to answer a prompt question in detail and with facts compellingly and concisely. You will not be giving your opinion or analysis; instead, your essay should remain objective ...

  6. Informative Essay

    Purpose of informative writing. The purpose of an informative essay depends upon the writer's motivation, but may be to share new information, describe a process, clarify a concept, explain why or how, or detail a topic's intricacies. Informative essays may introduce readers to new information. Summarizing a scientific/technological study.

  7. Writing an Informative Essay

    Like most essays, informative essays begin with an introduction. Informative essay introduction shares highlights of a researched topic with the reader. In these introductions, the writer will ...

  8. Writing an Informative Essay

    Informal Writing. 5. Now follow each numbered step in the "Suggested Outline Format and Sample" below. Sample answers have been provided for "I. Introduction" and "II. First Cause.". A complete sample outline can be seen here. A complete sample informative essay can be seen here.

  9. Informative Essay: Expert Writing Tips

    Write the Introduction: Introduce the topic and provide a clear thesis statement. Write the Body: Develop each main point in separate paragraphs. Write the Conclusion: Summarize the main points and restate the thesis in a new way. After writing, make sure your essay is clear, balanced, and informative.

  10. Informative Essay

    Informative Essay Definition. The informative essay can be simply defined as, "A form of essay writing that aims to educate and inform the reader about a specific topic." Informative essays can cover a variety of topics. It could be written about a particular thing, event, or natural phenomenon, etc.

  11. How to Write an Informative Essay (with Pictures)

    For your informative essay, you will need an introduction, at least three main points, and a conclusion. You may want to make these sections and write notes down under the section where you expect it to go. 5. Keep track of your sources. You should know in advance what information you'll need when citing sources.

  12. How to write an informative essay

    Additional tips for writing an informative essay. Be careful to leave out bias: write as objectively as possible. Use a variety of credible sources. Transition between ideas and paragraphs to help the essay flow. Avoid redundancy, wordiness, and unnecessary repetition. Stay on topic: avoid going on long tangents.

  13. How to Write an Informative Essay?

    Writing like this will make an essay flow and mean it is easier to understand. Always revise the essay at least three times. This way, you will find where to expand ideas in the paragraph, where to trim back ideas until everything has the right balance. Be familiar with the academic reference style you are writing in.

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    When a writer decides to write an informative essay, they generally have a few different types of essays to choose from. The following are the main types of informative essays and an example of ...

  15. How to Write an Informative Essay?

    The body paragraphs constitute the core content of your paper. Here, present facts, statistics, and relevant details to support your thesis. Writing an informative essay has to guide the reader through a process. Body paragraphs elucidate each step. Dedicate each body paragraph to a specific topic - summarize events thoroughly for comparisons ...

  16. Ultimate Guide To Writing An Informative Essay

    An informative essay is a piece of writing that teaches the reader about a certain subject. It is a common assignment in schools and colleges, and it requires the writer to present information about a topic in a clear and concise way.

  17. Easy Guide to Learn How to Write an Informative Essay

    Following are the steps involved in writing an informative essay. 1. Brainstorming. Brainstorming is key for a successful essay and paper. Strong writing, especially an academic assignment, needs strong and relevant data arranged and presented in a well-structured way. Think about your subject, the person, place or thing, that you would like to ...

  18. How to Write an Informative Essay

    Informative essay structure is necessary to follow while writing an informative essay. If a writer ignores the essay's proper format, it will not be considered an excellent informative essay. All the points should be well-organized and included in the structure systematically. There are six steps or stages to writing an informative essay.

  19. How to Write an Informative Essay: Topics, Outline, Examples, Tips

    Informative writing: based on cold facts, statistics, and scientific evidence; not supposed to give the author's opinion.‍ ‍Example: When writing an informative essay about marketing for the audience of students who have no idea of startups and business, try to express the main idea with the help of special words. Great words to use are brainstorming, A/B testing, target audience ...

  20. 5.1: Introduction to Informative Writing

    Overview. By Amy Minervini. Overview. Exposition is writing that explains, informs, or describes. This type of writing is also known as the informative mode in that the main objective is not to narrate a story or persuade readers of something but rather to convey factual information, including observations and personal/others' experiences.However, when writing an expository essay, you can ...

  21. The Four Main Types of Essay

    An essay is a focused piece of writing designed to inform or persuade. There are many different types of essay, but they are often defined in four categories: argumentative, expository, narrative, and descriptive essays. Argumentative and expository essays are focused on conveying information and making clear points, while narrative and ...

  22. Why A.I. Isn't Going to Make Art

    As the linguist Emily M. Bender has noted, teachers don't ask students to write essays because the world needs more student essays. The point of writing essays is to strengthen students ...