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How to Write an Effective Presentation Outline

How to Write an Effective Presentation Outline

Written by: Unenabasi Ekeruke

How to Write an Effective Presentation Outline

Creating a presentation can be nerve-wracking, especially when you're staring at a blank slate.

You’ve probably got tons of ideas bouncing around, but turning them into a slick, impressive presentation is proving a hard nut to crack.

News flash: You’re not alone.

About 80% of presentations fail to deliver their objectives due to poorly organized information, a lack of preparation and scruffy slide decks.

So, how do you avoid this disaster? It all boils down to having a solid presentation outline. Think of it as a roadmap that helps you organize and share your ideas in a clear and logical way.

With the right presentation outline, you can stay on track, keep your audience hooked and ultimately convey your message with clarity and impact.

So whether you're pitching to investors, partners or clients or preparing a presentation for a conference, this article has everything you need to know about writing an effective presentation outline.

Let’s get to it!

Table of Contents

What is the outline of a presentation, why is a presentation outline important, how to write a presentation outline, how to execute your presentation outline with visme.

  • A presentation outline will help you organize your thoughts to communicate with your audience clearly and easily. It clarifies the presenter’s primary ideas and organizes the flow of your presentation.
  • A presentation outline consists of critical components that are logically arranged for coherence. Utilize best practices, including formatting, audience analysis and visual cues, to deliver the message with impact.
  • Use interactive elements from Visme, such as hotspots, polls, animations and links, to add interactivity to your presentation outline.
  • Create a presentation outline by signing up for Visme's extensive online presentation tool without dealing with complicated tool setup or program installation issues.

A presentation outline refers to the barebones version of a talk or a speech that summarizes the main points and takes the general direction of the pitch. It allows presenters to structure the flow of information in a manner that is easy to understand.

Without an outline, your presentation can be a nightmare. You could end up shuffling slides around indefinitely and appearing confused. To avoid this situation, the outline clearly lists out everything you want your presentation to achieve.

Before creating your outline, consider the goal of your presentation, who will listen to it, and what interests them. This will help you organize your content to keep them engaged.

Here’s an excellent example of a presentation with an outline.

outline of the presentation should include

An outline for presentation is a valuable tool that can assist you in several ways:

  • You can ensure that your thoughts flow smoothly and that important points are highlighted and not overlooked.
  • Creating an outline for a presentation can help you generate ideas for your presentation and give you a clear notion of what to focus on.
  • A presentation outline acts as a foundation for your speaking notes, allowing you to rehearse and prepare effectively.
  • It helps you stay more confident because of your polished presentation.

Now that we know why we need to make a presentation outline, let’s dive deeper into how you can write a presentation outline.

1. Decide the Purpose of the Presentation

Decide on the goal of your presentation before you start writing any notes. It serves as a base for the remainder of your outline. Your presentation may have one of the following six objectives: to inform, convince, motivate, inspire action or entertain.

A business, for instance, might use presentations for various reasons. A sales presentation outline would try to convince potential customers to buy a product, while a training presentation might educate staff members on new techniques.

Once you determine this, answer the following questions to specify the purpose.

  • What is the main message you want to convey to your audience?
  • What problem are you trying to solve and how can your presentation help?
  • What is the desired outcome of your presentation and how will you measure its success?
  • What key takeaways do you want your audience to remember after your presentation?
  • What challenges or objections may your audience have and how can you address them in your presentation?

Upon answering them, write your purpose and summarize it into one or two sentences, then put that on your first slide.

2. Prepare a Structure

Making an excellent presentation starts with a great outline. But the structure is what amplifies the impact of your delivery.

An eye-catching introduction, a body and a conclusion emphasizing your primary ideas are the three essential components of a successful speech .

Here’s what you should include while creating the structure of your presentation .

  • An introduction

3. Flesh out Your Outline

Now that you know what to include in the structure, let’s break it down step by step about how to write the outline.

Gather Ideas

When brainstorming, consider the most important things you want to discuss. These could be key points, stories to share, or facts and numbers you want to tell your audience. Write them all down, even if they initially seem a bit random.

Organize your ideas and determine the main message

Armed with a bucket list of ideas, you must later organize and group them. Look for patterns, connections and relationships between your ideas.

Find the most important idea—the main thing you want to tell your audience. Make sure it's clear, short and something they'll find interesting. Recheck your ideas and remove anything that doesn't match your main message or the people you're talking to.

Create a Skeleton Outline

Now that you’ve gathered ideas, it's time to build the framework for your presentation.


Begin by introducing your topic and explaining why it's essential. Think of it as the curtain-raiser that gets your audience's attention. Also, clearly state the main point you'll discuss—your "thesis" or purpose for the presentation.

Create a skeleton outline of your presentation by breaking down this main message into smaller parts. Use bullet points or headings to organize these bits of information.

Think of the main points as the big chapters and the subpoints as the smaller sections within those chapters.

To make your presentation flow smoothly, add transitions between your points. These can be simple phrases like "Let's move on to the next point" or "Now, let's build on what we've just discussed." And when you're nearing the end, use a transition like "In conclusion."

Once you have your skeleton outline, add supporting evidence to each point. It could include statistics, case studies, quotes, images, or videos. Make sure whatever you add fits well and backs up your main message.

As you reach the end of the presentation, tie everything together with a solid conclusion. Start by recapping the main points you covered throughout your presentation. It helps reinforce what you've shared and ensure your message sticks.

Next, emphasize the key takeaways—those crucial nuggets of wisdom you want your audience to remember long after the presentation.

Now, consider including a call to action. It is where you invite your audience to do something based on what they've learned. It could be as simple as asking them to share their thoughts, sign up for more information or even take a specific action related to your topic.

If you're feeling creative, create a unique call to action that inspires your audience to engage further.

For instance, if you’re presenting a project presentation to a group of people, you might seek to win their support for your idea or get them involved in its execution. Your audience should know what they get from taking action.

If you need help generating ideas for your presentation, Visme AI writer can help. You can enhance your outline content with fresh angles, Call to Action (CTAs), examples and data points.

Remind the audience of your central point and express gratitude for their attention in the conclusion if the presentation doesn't require a call to action.

As your presentation winds down, open the floor to questions or discussion. It encourages interaction and lets your audience clarify any doubts they may have.

Lastly, list the sources you used in your presentation and acknowledge any individuals or organizations that contributed to your research or material development. It adds credibility and respect to your work.

Read our guide to learn more about how to close a presentation with style . Also, watch this video to learn how to create CTAs that make your audience do your bidding.

outline of the presentation should include

4. Add Visual Content

Consider adding visual content, as it has a higher recall rate than text based or video content. It can add meaning to your message, increase interest and invite the viewer to click and consume your content.

Here’s an example of a presentation outline with a colorful image that makes the slide pop.

outline of the presentation should include

Visuals can be anything from infographics, videos, photos, GIFs or memes, screenshots or illustrations. However, if you’re including statistics and research findings in your presentation outline slide, consider creating a visual representation of that data.

Visme’s data visualization tools make this easy. They take your data and turn it into beautiful and comprehensive visuals.

Whether you want to create bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs, area charts, histograms, or donut charts, Visme has a wide range of options.

Remember that you don’t need to include all of these visuals while creating the outline. Just mention where and on which slide you’d place the visual elements. It’ll help you organize your ideas as you dive into the body of the presentation.

outline of the presentation should include

5. Pay Attention to Color and Design

You must pay attention to the colors, design, layout and style to capture the audience's attention and interest. It must look consistent to give a neat look and feel.

When creating an outline, finalize what color combination and typography you'll use throughout your creative presentation .

outline of the presentation should include

Below are the tips you should consider when deciding on it Use color moderately

Everyone enjoys color; that is obvious. Nevertheless, using too many colors might result in chaotic, unattractive presentations.

Your audience's understanding and reaction to your presentation may depend on your color scheme. For instance, choosing dark and subdued colors when discussing a serious subject may be effective. Bright and bold colors may be preferable if your theme is engaging or imaginative.

You don't want the colors in your design to appear intimidating or overpowering to your audience since every color has both good and bad connotations. Hence, understanding marketing color psychology becomes essential.

Watch this video to learn more about color psychology and how to use it in your upcoming presentation design.

outline of the presentation should include

Make use of clear and consistent typography

Optimizing your typography can impact how people interpret your message. Therefore, ensure your presentation slide looks well-organized and polished and conveys the intended information.

Here's how you can accomplish that:

  • Use fonts that reflect your brand's essence.
  • Throughout your presentation, maintain consistency in your text styles. We advise you to use up to three typefaces.
  • Avoid using intricate fonts and small, difficult-to-read text. Use readable fonts like Arial, Times News Roman and Calibri for tiny and large screens.
  • For titles and at least the body content, use a font size of 34–36.

outline of the presentation should include

When putting out your presentation outline, using a tool like Visme can significantly improve your ability to create visually appealing and polished presentations quickly.

The templates from Visme are professionally designed to help you save hours and effort.

Hear what one of our customers has to say about our designs:

Matt Swiren

Manager of Partnership Marketing

Let’s get started on how you can make a presentation outline.

1. Log in to Visme & Choose a Template

Log in or Sign up free to Visme and then click the "Create New" button.

Select "Presentations" from the "Project" menu to browse through Visme's collection of presentation templates. Use a blank or pre-designed template to start from scratch with your presentation design.

Visme offers 500+ presentation templates split into 20+ topic categories, including pitch decks, interactive, business and more. So even if you have no prior knowledge of presentation design, you will likely find an excellent template to use as a starting point.

outline of the presentation should include

2. Find the Right Visuals and Design Assets

After you select the template, decide what visuals you will use in the presentation outline. The visuals you select will significantly impact the presentation's overall appearance and feel

Visme gives you access to thousands of high-quality, royalty-free photos and design assets To find your preferred image, browse and select using a particular keyword.

outline of the presentation should include

And still, if you don’t find the perfect image for your design needs, you can use Visme's AI image generator to generate professional-quality photos, graphics, art, drawings and paintings.

You simply need to input an accurate prompt that describes what you want. The wizard will automatically generate and present multiple options for you. Additionally, you may use the Visme AI image photo editor to transform your photos into a masterpiece.

3. Choose Legible fonts

Selecting the right brand fonts for your presentation outline holds the same importance as choosing your brand colors .

If the chosen typefaces are of high quality, i.e., easy to read, it can positively impact the audience's understanding of the presentation's context.

But a font that’s too small or hard to read can lead to waning interest and the oversight of essential information. To overcome this situation, we recommend you check out the list of 20 best fonts for presentations for your upcoming one!

outline of the presentation should include

Remember to limit the fonts you use to three: one for the title, one for the subheaders and one for the body of your text.

When creating a presentation outline, use your brand fonts to ensure the presentation better reflects your brand voice. This helps maintain consistency and uniformity.

outline of the presentation should include

You can easily create and save your branding elements with the brand kit. Or use paste your website URL into Visme's brand wizard to automatically extract your brand assets (fonts, color and logo).

Moreover, to ensure that your key brand information is accurate across all slides while doing the outline, simply create new dynamic fields or edit existing ones. You can assign values and your data will update in real time, speeding up your editing process.

4. Make your Presentation Interactive

One of the most challenging tasks for a presenter is keeping their audience intrigued and engaged. Adding interactivity to your presentation can help attract and hold your audience's attention throughout the presentation.

The best part is that it doesn’t have to be a tough task. If you’re looking to create an immersive experience for your audience and increase engagement, Visme offers interactivity and animation features such as hotspots, hover effects and clickable menus.

You don't need to do everything while making your presentation outline; just remember where to place interactive elements to create an engaging experience for your audience.

5. Revise the Outline Flow

Once you have finished creating the outline, review your slides again to ensure each section flows into the next without disruption. This step is crucial for creating a smooth presentation overview and maintaining audience engagement.

Additionally, if you want to inform viewers about a new idea between portions, use visual cues. For instance, use an eye-catching design element or an inverted color scheme for every transitional slide.

outline of the presentation should include

Employee feedback across the company is often needed while creating a presentation outline. The marketing team may want to highlight your growing customer base, while the finance team may add some income and spending numbers.

After the review, feel free to eliminate any redundant or unnecessary information.

You can collaborate with your team and improve your project with Visme’s collaboration tools . Collaborators can access the document and pin, circle, annotate, highlight, add comments and more. This way, you can see your team members' feedback and resolve the comments in real-time.

6. Share It With the Team

We understand the frustration of investing hours of hard work into crafting a presentation only to have it rejected by our superiors or boss.

Sharing and showcasing your work can be beneficial for getting feedback on your presentation outline. You can easily share and publish your presentation online using Visme. It opens the door for simple access and review by enabling you to distribute it quickly using a generated URL or simply embed it on your website.

Watch this video to learn how to collaborate using Visme.

Presentation Outline FAQs

Q. what are the 5 steps to outlining a presentation.

Creating well-structured presentation outlines is essential for successful presentations. Here are the 5 steps:

  • Define Your Presentation Goal: What do you want your audience to learn or do after your presentation?
  • Brainstorm Ideas: Generate a list of main points and supporting ideas related to your goal.
  • Organize Your Thoughts: Arrange your ideas in a logical flow, considering what information builds upon the previous.
  • Create a Clear Structure: Craft a compelling introduction, a well-organized body with your main points, and a concise conclusion that reinforces your message.
  • Refine and Polish: Review and revise your outline to ensure clarity, conciseness and a smooth transition between sections.

Q. What Are the Three Basic Parts of a Presentation Outline?

A presentation outline typically consists of three main parts:

  • Introduction: Hook your audience, introduce your topic, establish your credibility and clearly state your main message or thesis.
  • Body: This is the heart of your presentation, where you present your main points and supporting evidence. Use clear transitions between points and maintain a logical flow to keep your audience engaged.
  • Conclusion: Briefly summarize your key points, repeat your main message for reinforcement and end with a strong call to action or a memorable takeaway for your audience.

Q. What is a Presentation Script Outline?

A presentation script outline is a detailed, word-for-word plan for your presentation. It includes everything you'll say, from opening to closing remarks. This outline helps ensure you deliver your message smoothly and stay on track, especially if you feel nervous or working on complex information.

Q. What Is the Difference Between a Presentation Outline and a Speaking Outline?

A presentation outline is your presentation's comprehensive blueprint, covering all the main points and supporting details. A speaking outline, or speaker note, is a shorter version used as a reference while presenting. It typically includes key phrases, cues and transitions to guide you through your talk.

Level Up Your Presentations with Visme

As we have explored the ins and outs of making a presentation outline, it's clear that this process goes beyond just putting bullet points in order.

By organizing each part of your outline, arranging sub-points and adding visuals, you're crafting an immersive experience for your audience. This experience grabs attention, helps them understand and keeps them engaged.

With Visme, you can create an impressive presentation outline with an intuitive editor and advanced features. Additionally, if you want your audience to watch your presentation at their convenience, you can use Visme's presentation recording software .

Visme offers a wide selection of templates to take your presentation outline to the next level. There are millions of pixel-perfect graphics, icons and design elements to make your presentation come to life.

Sign-up today and make your presentation shine.

Create beautiful and engaging presentations with Visme

outline of the presentation should include

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outline of the presentation should include

About the Author

Unenabasi is a content expert with many years of experience in digital marketing, business development, and strategy. He loves to help brands tell stories that drive engagement, growth, and competitive advantage. He’s adept at creating compelling content on lifestyle, marketing, business, e-commerce, and technology. When he’s not taking the content world by storm, Unenabasi enjoys playing or watching soccer.

outline of the presentation should include

How to Create a Presentation Outline: A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

Master presentation outlines with our easy, step-by-step guide, complete with practical examples.

Why Should You Write a Presentation Outline?

  • Enhanced Focus: It helps keep you focused and prevents you from straying off topic.
  • Time Efficiency: You save time when creating the actual presentation because you have a clear plan to follow.
  • Audience Engagement: A well-organized flow helps maintain the audience's interest throughout the presentation.
  • Stress Reduction: Having a structured plan in place can significantly lower anxiety by making you feel prepared.

Method 1: Create Your Outline from Scratch

  • Identify Main Points: Begin by determining the three to five central messages you wish to convey. These should form the backbone of your presentation.
  • Support with Details: For each main point, include supporting sub-points or data. This might consist of statistics, case studies, or other relevant information that reinforces your primary arguments.
  • Introduction and Conclusion: Craft an engaging introduction that captures your audience's attention right from the start. You might use a striking statistic or a pertinent quote to do this. Conclude with a strong summary of the key takeaways and a compelling call to action.
  • Introduction: Begin with a surprising statistic or a relevant quote to grab attention.
  • Main Point 1: The importance of digital literacy.
  • Sub-point: Provide current statistics on global digital literacy rates.
  • Sub-point: Discuss a case study on successful digital education programs.
  • Main Point 2: The benefits of improving digital literacy.
  • Sub-point: Highlight economic benefits.
  • Sub-point: Discuss social implications.

Method 2: Use an AI Presentation Maker

  • Provide a Prompt: Enter a brief description of your presentation topic into the AI tool.
  • Customize the Output: Examine the generated outline. You may need to modify the titles of the slides and their order to better suit your needs.
  • Generate Presentation: Utilize the tool to transform the outline into a preliminary draft of your presentation.
  • Introduction to Renewable Energy
  • Benefits of Renewable Energy
  • Challenges and Solutions
  • Case Studies
  • Conclusion and Future Outlook

Method 3: The Mind Mapping Technique

  • Central Idea: Begin by placing the central topic of your discussion at the center of your map.
  • Branch Out: Extend branches from the central idea to outline each primary point or theme.
  • Sub-branches: Append sub-branches to these main branches to include supporting details, examples, and data.
  • Visual Elements: Incorporate colors, symbols, and images to highlight and distinguish various ideas.
  • Importance of Sustainability
  • Strategies for Implementation
  • Future Trends
  • Green Energy
  • Waste Management
  • Sustainable Supply Chains

Method 4: The Storyboard Approach

  • Sketch Scenes: Draw or describe each slide or section of your presentation as a panel in a storyboard.
  • Narrative Flow: Arrange the panels to ensure a logical progression of ideas.
  • Detailing: Add notes for key points, transitions, and how you plan to engage the audience.
  • Feedback: Review and rearrange the panels as needed to improve storytelling and impact.
  • Panels: Introduction, Definition of Key Terms, Benefits, Challenges, Solutions, Case Study, Conclusion
  • Details for 'Benefits' Panel: List of major benefits, supporting statistics, visual graph

Method 5: The Reverse Engineering Method

  • Define Objective: Clearly state what you want your audience to learn or do after your presentation.
  • Outcome-based Sections: Create sections that directly contribute to achieving the objective.
  • Supporting Information: Add information that reinforces each section.
  • Logical Sequence: Arrange sections in a way that naturally leads to your conclusion.
  • Objective: Convince stakeholders to invest in renewable energy.
  • Sections: Introduction, Benefits of Renewable Energy, Investment Opportunities, Success Stories, Call to Action

Method 6: The Comparative Layout

  • Identify Topics: List the topics or elements you will compare.
  • Comparison Criteria: Define the criteria or parameters for comparison.
  • Matrix Setup: Set up a matrix or table in your outline to systematically compare each element.
  • Conclusions: Summarize insights or recommendations based on the comparison.
  • Topics: Traditional Marketing vs. Digital Marketing
  • Criteria: Cost, Reach, Engagement, ROI, Adaptability
  • Matrix: Create a table with criteria as rows and marketing types as columns, filling in details for each.

How to create a Presentation from an Outline?

How to use ai to create presentations from outline.

  • Install MagicSlides Extension: Start by installing the MagicSlides extension from the Google Workspace Marketplace.
  • Open Google Slides: Launch Google Slides where you’ll create your presentation.
  • Activate the Extension: Open the MagicSlides extension within Google Slides.
  • Enter Presentation Details: Input the topic of your presentation and specify the number of slides you need. This helps MagicSlides understand the scope of your presentation.
  • Customize Your Content: You can also input specific text you wish to include on your slides. This step is optional but helps in personalizing the slides to better fit your presentation's theme and content.

Tips for Great Presentations

  • Visual Appeal: Use high-quality images and consistent fonts.
  • Conciseness: Keep slides concise; aim for no more than six words per bullet point.
  • Engagement: Incorporate stories or questions to engage the audience.
  • Practice: Rehearse your presentation multiple times to ensure smooth delivery.

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How to Write an Effective Presentation Outline

  • By Herwin Jose
  • April 17, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • A presentation outline is a structured plan that helps you organize and deliver a well-structured presentation.
  • Creating an outline is important for organizing your ideas, ensuring clarity, and engaging your audience.
  • Identify your objective, gather content, organize ideas, add supporting details, create an introduction, develop the body, and summarize with a conclusion.
  • Tips for creating a compelling outline include keeping it concise, using bullet points, visualizing with headings and subheadings, including engaging elements, and practicing and revising.

What Is a Presentation Outline

A presentation outline is a structured plan that helps you organize and deliver a well-structured and engaging presentation. It serves as a roadmap, guiding you through the content, flow, and key points of your presentation. By creating an outline, you can ensure that your ideas are organized, your message is clear, and your audience remains engaged.

Importance of Presentation Outline

Importance of Presentation Outline

A presentation outline plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of your presentation. Here are some key reasons why having a well-crafted outline is important:

  • Organization: A presentation outline will help you structure your thoughts and ideas in a logical and coherent way. It ensures that your presentation flows smoothly and that your main points are effectively conveyed to the audience.
  • Clarity: By outlining the main ideas and supporting details of your presentation, you can clarify your message and avoid confusion. It helps you stay focused and deliver a clear and concise presentation.
  • Engagement: An outline allows you to plan engaging and interactive elements , such as visual aids, examples, and audience participation. It helps you maintain your audience’s interest throughout the presentation.
Without an outline, your presentation may lack coherence and direction, leaving your audience confused and disengaged. By creating an outline, you can strategically plan the flow of information, ensuring that each point builds upon the previous one.

Elements of an Effective Presentation Outline

A well-crafted presentation outline consists of several key elements. In this section, we will discuss the essential components that make up an effective outline, including the introduction, body, and conclusion. Discover how to structure your outline to create a cohesive and impactful presentation.

  • Introduction: The introduction sets the stage for your presentation and grabs the attention of your audience. It should include a compelling opening statement, an overview of what will be covered, and a clear thesis statement that highlights the main purpose of your presentation. By crafting a strong introduction, you can captivate your audience from the start.
  • Body: The body of your presentation outline is where you will present your main ideas, supporting evidence, and arguments. Break down your content into logical sections or subsections, making it easy for your audience to follow along. Each point should be clearly articulated and supported by relevant examples or data. Use headings and subheadings to create a structured flow of information.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion is your opportunity to wrap up your presentation and leave a lasting impression on your audience. Summarize the main points discussed in the body of your presentation and reiterate your key message. If writing a brief yet information-rich conclusion seems hectic to you, then simply go for an AI conclusion generator to get the job done. It will promptly summarize all the key points of your presentation and write a concise conclusion. Additionally, you can provide a call to action or offer a thought-provoking question that encourages further reflection or engagement. A strong conclusion ensures that your presentation ends on a high note.

Tips for Creating a Compelling Presentation Outline

Tips for Creating a Compelling Presentation Outline

Crafting a presentation outline requires careful consideration of various elements. To enhance your outline and ensure a compelling presentation, it’s important to organize your ideas effectively, incorporate visual content strategically, and engage your audience from start to finish. Here are some practical tips and techniques to help you create an outline that captivates your audience:

Outline Organization

Start by identifying your main points and structuring your presentation in a logical order. Use headings and subheadings to create a clear hierarchy of ideas. This will help your audience follow along and comprehend the flow of your presentation.

Structure your Content

With your main ideas and supporting evidence in hand, it’s important to structure your content in a logical and coherent manner. This can be done by organizing your ideas into sections or segments that flow smoothly from one to the next.

“A well-structured presentation will capture the attention of your audience and keep them engaged throughout.” – John Smith, Speaker and Presentation Expert

Incorporate Visual Content

Visuals can significantly enhance the impact of your presentation. Consider using images, graphs, charts, and videos to support your key points. Visual content not only adds interest but also helps reinforce your message and make it more memorable.

Engage Your Audience

A successful presentation is interactive and engages the audience throughout. Incorporate interactive elements such as polls, Q&A sessions, or group activities to encourage participation. This will not only keep your audience engaged but also make your presentation more memorable and impactful.

“A well-structured presentation outline acts as a roadmap to guide both the presenter and the audience. It helps maintain a logical flow of ideas and ensures that key messages are effectively communicated.” – Jane Smith, Presentation Expert

Learn from Presentation Outline Examples

Take inspiration from real-life examples of effective presentation outlines. Analyze how others have organized their content, used visuals, and engaged their audience. By studying successful presentation outlines, you can gain valuable insights and ideas to enhance your own.

Pay Attention to Color and Design

Creating a presentation outline is crucial when it comes to making a good presentation. Start by brainstorming ideas on color and design that will create an impact. Using a presentation outline template helps in organizing your thoughts and structuring the main body of your presentation. When creating your outline, make sure to include a slide for each point you want your audience to take away. Consider the font and design of your presentation slides to ensure your audience stays engaged.

Including a Call to Action

To ensure your presentation design is on point, you should make a presentation outline that includes a call to action. When you have created your presentation outline, you can use presentation templates to help you make a presentation that is both visually appealing and engaging for your audience.

When writing a presentation outline for a new product, it’s a good idea to answer these questions:

What should be included in your outline to make a creative presentation? How can you make a presentation that leaves a lasting impact on your audience? By including a call to action as a part of your outline, you can create an effective presentation that encourages your audience to take action after the presentation is over.

Review, Revise, and Refine

Once you have created your initial outline, review it carefully. Ensure that it aligns with your presentation goals, effectively communicates your message, and maintains a logical flow. Revise and refine as needed, keeping your audience’s perspective in mind.

Example Presentation Outline Key Takeaways
Introduction – Grab audience’s attention with a captivating opening
– Clearly state the purpose of the presentation
Body – Present main points in a logical order
– Support key points with relevant examples or evidence
– Use visuals to enhance understanding
Conclusion – Summarize key points
– Reiterate the main message or call to action
– Leave a lasting impression on the audience

Step-by-Step Guide to Create an Effective Presentation Outline

Steps to Create an Effective Presentation Outline

Creating a presentation outline is an essential step in delivering a successful and impactful presentation. A well-structured outline helps you organize your thoughts, maintain a logical flow, and ensure that you cover all the key points you want to communicate to your audience.

Brainstorm and Define Your Objectives:

Start by brainstorming ideas and determining the main objectives of your presentation. Consider what information you want to convey, the key messages you want to deliver, and the desired outcomes you want to achieve.

Identify Your Main Points:

From your brainstorming session, identify the main points you want to address in your presentation. These should be the key ideas or concepts that support your objectives and help you effectively convey your message to the audience.

Organize Your Thoughts:

Once you have identified your main points, organize them in a logical sequence that flows naturally. Consider using headings and subheadings to create a hierarchical structure that guides your audience through the presentation.

Add Supporting Content:

Think about the supporting content that you need to include for each main point. This can be facts, statistics, examples, case studies, or visuals that help reinforce your message and provide additional context to your presentation.

Summarize Key Takeaways:

At the end of each main point or section, summarize the key takeaways or messages you want your audience to remember. These should be concise and impactful statements that leave a lasting impression.

Review and Refine:

Once you have created a draft of your presentation outline, take the time to review and refine it. Ensure that the structure is clear, the content is well-organized, and the flow is logical. Make any necessary adjustments or additions to improve the overall effectiveness of your outline.

1. What is a presentation outline?

A presentation outline is a roadmap or blueprint that helps you organize your ideas and content for a presentation. It outlines the structure, flow, and key points of your presentation, ensuring a logical and cohesive delivery.

2. How can I engage my audience throughout my Business presentation?

To engage your audience throughout your presentation, consider using storytelling techniques , interactive elements, or thought-provoking questions. Encourage audience participation through activities, discussions, or Q&A sessions. Use visual aids, such as images, videos, or graphs, to enhance understanding and maintain interest. Finally, deliver your content with enthusiasm, clarity, and confidence.

3. What are the three basic parts of a presentation outline?

When creating a presentation outline, it is crucial to include three essential components. The first part is the introduction, which sets the stage for the presentation and provides background information. Following the introduction is the body, where the main points and supporting details are discussed in depth. Finally, the outline should include a conclusion that summarizes the key points and reinforces the main message.

4. What are the 5 pieces of presentation Outline? The 5 key pieces of an outline include the introduction, main points, supporting information, visuals, and conclusion. Each section plays a vital role in delivering a clear and impactful message to the audience.

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Visual Communication: Benefits, Importance, and Examples

7 public speaking tips for enhancing your public speaking abilities, 7 best practices to design slides for a scientific presentation.

How to Outline a Presentation: A Complete Guide From a Pro

How to Outline a Presentation: A Complete Guide From a Pro

  • Filed under: Public speaking articles , Speaking tips , Speech preparation

When you’re writing an important speech, you must start with a clear outline. However, I find that many speakers are uncertain of how to write a good outline for their presentation. This is why I decided to write a guide for you, in hopes that learning to perfect your outlines will help you give better presentations in the future.

How do you outline a presentation? Always start with your introduction and end with your powerful closing. Flesh out the body by listing topics in the order that you want to cover them in. Never skimp on the important details of your speech. Remember that an outline is only a draft.

I know at this point that you still have questions, and that you still be confused at how to write the best outline for your speech. But writing a good outline for your presentation does not have to be stressful! This is my complete guide from a pro for you, in hopes that you can take the stress out of this important step.

Table of Contents

How to Outline a Presentation

Outlining a presentation can be done with a regular piece of paper, or on a word processing program on your computer. If you are hosting a PowerPoint presentation, you may prefer to do the entire thing from the comfort of your computer. But if you do decide to write your outline on a piece of paper, make sure you use a pencil and eraser so that you can make changes as you go along.

The very first step in creating an outline is to ask yourself what the purpose of your presentation is.

Write your main message or a one-sentence summary of your thesis at the top of your outline when you get started. This may help you stay on task, and it will keep the purpose of your speech right in your eye’s sight. After all, you don’t want to stray too far off the main topic of your presentation !

Remember, a quality outline is meant to enhance the purpose of your presentation. If you do not write a proper outline, you may risk not properly conveying the right message to your audience.

Or you may even forget to cover essential points that you wanted to talk about. A thorough outline is especially important if you are planning to speak without notes.

You should remember to properly summarize what you want to say with every sentence of your outline. After all, this is not a full script, so a summary is all you really need. Remember to rehearse and practice with your outline, so that you can remember what you have written.

Start With a Strong Beginning

Your introduction is where you start strong by grabbing your audience’s attention from the very beginning. But if that makes you feel stressed out, just remember to stay calm! Creating a great first impression from the beginning of your speech is not as difficult as you might be worrying.

When you create a strong beginning, you should try some of the following:

  • Start with an attention-grabbing statement that captures your audience from the start. If you have a few ideas but are not sure what to use, try running your ideas by a trusted friend or mentor.
  • Give a strong signal that you are beginning your speech. You don’t want your audience unsure of whether you’ve actually begun or not.
  • Give the main thesis statement about the purpose of your presentation.
  • You could start by giving a brief preview of all of the things that you are going to talk about in the body of your speech.
  • Talk about your credentials at the beginning. However, you should make sure to find a way to do it that is entertaining. You don’t want to risk boring your audience from the very beginning of your speech!
  • Thank your audience from the very beginning! This is not only a good way to begin your speech, but a good way to end it, as well.
  • If there are any current events or famous historical events that relate to the purpose of your presentation, you can start by talking about these. However, pick only one so that you do not draw your introduction out too long.
  • Ask your audience a question at the beginning. You could draw out their interest by answering this question at a later point in your speech.
  • Whenever possible, make sure you begin your speech on a positive note . This sets a good tone for the rest of the presentation.
  • Start by telling a story that relates to your presentation. A good reason to start with a story is that it helps you form a strong connection with your audience from the beginning. Write some of the main details of your story in your outline so that you remember them.

Be reminded thought, that sometimes it is wise to write your introduction last as only you know what you’ll be introducing. This way, you’ll also avoid including something in your introduction that you won’t be actually talking about.

Once you have written out your introduction, you have completed the first step in creating an excellent outline for your presentation.

Create a Powerful Ending

In my experience, it can be easier to create ending before you flesh out the body of your presentation. However, it is up to you if you prefer to create your outline in a different order.

If you are a regular reader, you might have realized that I already posted an in-depth article here about how to end a presentation in a powerful way . Right now we are going to talk about the same thing in somewhat less detail.

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Just like with your beginning, make sure that you’ve made it obvious you are ending. After all, few things are more awkward than your audience sitting there long after you’ve finished, feeling confused about whether they should leave or not.

If the point of your speech is to motivate your audience to do something, you might consider ending your speech with a call to action . A call to action is simply an instruction that you give your audience about something you want them to do.

You could also potentially end your presentation with a powerful quote or an entertaining story . And if you have a unique tagline that exists to help promote your personal brand, consider ending with it.

But if you are planning to have a question and answer period at all, make sure you are not directly ending with one. Plan to wrap up your question and answer period before delivering your speech’s closing at the end.

This is because ending with a question and answer period is not only not memorable, but a negative question from an audience member can leave a bad taste in everyone’s mouth . This is not the last thing you want your audience members to remember as they’re leaving!

And as always, you should thank your audience at the end of your speech. This will make them feel valued, and impressed with your gratefulness.

Flesh Out the Body of Your Presentation

So, you’ve got your beginning and ending all figured out, but now what else do you do with your outline? This is the stage where you work on the body of your speech. That is, you will want to think about what you want to say in between your beginning and end. Here are some speech writing tips I have written about previously.

Write the main points of your outline in order

It may be easier for you to write bullet points or even a numbered list. List your main points in order of what you want to talk about. If at first glance the topics don’t seem to flow, it is okay to re-arrange them.

You can also decide at this point if there is anything you want to add or subtract. If you feel like you’ve made a mistake, don’t worry! It is okay to make any changes along the way.

Add sub-points and transitions to your topics

Add sub-points to your main points in order to further flesh out your outline. Even if you want to keep it simple, sub-points may help you to stay on track and remember what you were going to say.

You can also add to the ideas that your main points present. Make sure that the transitions from one point to another flow smoothly from one thing to the next.

Don’t forget the essential details!

Are there any special details that you need to remember for your presentation? Put these in your outline so that you don’t forget them. This can include important names, dates, and locations that you need to remember.

Write down how long will it take

If your speech is supposed to cover a certain amount of time, try listing times for each of your main points. This may help you not go over or under your time.

Also, take a look at these articles:

  • 11 Great Tips How to Write a Great Persuasive Speech
  • How to Deliver a Perfect Elevator Speech

How to Outline a PowerPoint Presentation?

You may be thinking that you don’t need an outline for your PowerPoint presentation. However, don’t rely on your slides alone ; you need a proper outline, too. An outline for a PowerPoint presentation should also include images that you intend to use for your slides.

Fortunately, the PowerPoint program itself also allows you to view an outline of your slides. This can help give you a visual of your overall presentation.

Remember, This is Only a Draft!

If your outline isn’t the way you want it to be, remember that it is only your very first rough draft. Your outline doesn’t have to be perfect, because it is not your final product. While you should work hard to make your outline as good as possible, you don’t need to stress about it.

And remember that if you finish your outline, and you are not satisfied with how it looks? It is okay for you to scrap it and start all over again. There is no reason that you should stick with an outline that you don’t feel confident about.

An outline is a great place to start whether you intend to read from a full script, read from cue cards, or speak without notes. If you are an avid reader of Speak and Conquer, you’ll remember that I recommend creating an outline in many of my articles.

Get Feedback From Others About Your Outline

There is no reason that you have to go any of this by yourself. If you have a friend or mentor who is experienced with public speaking , why not ask them to take a look at your outline for you? They may see something that needs to be changed that never even occurred to you.

You could also give a practice round of your speech in front of a friend, family member, or mentor. Give them a chance to make suggestions about whether or not there’s anything that you should change. After all, it’s better for you to realize if something needs to be done differently before the actual day of the presentation.

If you don’t have someone who you can rehearse in front of in person, try recording your presentation in front of a video camera . Show it to someone you trust via email or social media. If they have any suggestions for change, you can alter your outline accordingly.

Why is a Presentation Outline so Important, Anyway?

While reading this article, you may be wondering why you even need an outline for your presentation. This may be especially puzzling to you if you are planning to give a speech without notes . But I find that an outline can be incredibly useful no matter what kind of presentation you are planning to give to your audience.

Like I said before, the main point of an outline is to enhance the main purpose of your speech further. But I’m also going to give you a list of some more reasons why I believe an outline is absolutely essential.

Some other good reasons for creating an outline for your presentation are:

  • You will have an easy visual to look at the order of the topics you are talking about. This way, you can see if anything looks out of place.
  • The proper outline will help to keep your speech organized.
  • You will be able to look at the connections between your ideas . This may even help you realize you need to add or subtract certain things from your speech.
  • A good outline will help you remember to t ouch on every important point that you need to cover in your presentation.
  • Outlining helps you see whether or not your main points and sub-points flow smoothly . If you create your outline and realize that some of your points do not flow, you can easily re-write key parts.
  • Using an outline instead of a full script will give you more freedom to improvise during your presentation. This is why creating an outline is a great first strategy if you are speaking without notes, or trying to memorize a speech in a short period of time.
  • If you’re not sure where to start preparing for your speech, then writing a loose outline is a good first step to help you out.
  • Practicing with an outline will help enhance your memory about the main points and sub-points of your presentation.

No matter what kind of presentation you are planning to give, a solid outline with help you be prepared and ready to go.

Conclusion: How do you make an outline for a talk?

Today, I have compiled a thorough guide about writing a quality outline. We discussed creating a good beginning, ending, and body of your presentation. We have even talked about why a good outline is important, too. If you have any other tips to share about creating an outline for your presentation, make sure to share them in the comments section.

If you are looking to improve your public speaking and presentation skills, check out the rest of my articles on Speak and Conquer. The purpose of my site is to help you succeed in becoming a better public speaker. For example, I have covered popular topics such as how to memorize a speech in less than an hour , and how to use hand gestures effectively during a presentation .

Related Questions

What software should I use to outline my speech? Preferably, you should have a program that allows you to use bullet points or numbered lists. Bullet points and lists are a good place to start when you are outlining. Microsoft Word, Word Processor, or Notepad are acceptable for basic outlines.

How do I decide what the purpose of my speech is? Decide if you are there to inform, educate, motivate, or entertain your audience. When you have narrowed it down to just one of those, you will be able to decide the main idea of your speech. You should preferably speak about a topic that you are well-educated about.  

How do I write a speech? Start with a purpose, and then create a detailed outline. Flesh out the points and sub-points from your outline. Decide very early on if you want to give your speech with or without notes. Revise your drafts as much as possible until you have created a full speech. If you are going to speak with notes, write some of the information from your outline onto cue cards.

Useful reading

  • 16 secret ways how to speak to a bored audience
  • How to Use Your Voice Effectively in a Presentation?
  • 13 Effective Ways How to Make Speech Pauses

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My name is Janek Tuttar , and I am the founder and author of Speak and Conquer website.

I have been teaching public speaking at Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences

Here, I am sharing the wisdom of how to cope in different public speaking situations.

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outline of the presentation should include

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Janek Tuttar

Hi! My name is Janek Tuttar, and I am the founder and author of SpeakAndConquer.com.

I have been teaching and blogging about public speaking since spring 2007. Here, I am sharing the wisdom of how to cope in different public speaking situations.

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August 13, 2024

How to create a presentation outline (with examples)

Four methods to create a presentation outline and example outlines for inspiration

Co-founder, CEO

Like it or not, if you work in an office or go to school, you'll probably have to make a presentation sooner or later. But creating a great presentation can be challenging, especially if you're short on time or suffering from writer's block.

Luckily, there are many ways to get a head start on your presentation outline. In this article we'll walk through four options for creating a presentation outline and show you several examples of great presentation outlines.

Why should I write a presentation outline?

An outline helps you organize your ideas in a clear and logical way . Instead of getting bogged down on details like formatting or word choice, an outline presents the overarching story of your presentation with just a few main points. This helps to make sure you have a cohesive narrative before you dive into the nitty gritty work of wordsmithing individual bullet points or selecting the perfect slide theme.

If this sounds like a lot of work, it often is! But spending time writing a great outline will save you time and effort down the road because it will be easier to organize your work and create each slide when you understand how it fits in to the broader presentation.

Here are four ways you can get a start on creating your next presentation outline.

Method 1: Create your outline from scratch

Creating an outline from scratch may sound intimidating if you have never written a presentation outline before, but this is the most straightforward way to get started.

Start by jotting down the three main points you want to make in your presentation. Once you have your main ideas in order, write down a few supporting details and examples for each point.

Then, add an introduction (find an interesting image, quote, or question to help grab the audience's audience) and a conclusion (decide on the best way to summarize the takeaways from your presentation) to the outline, and you are ready to go.

This method is great for those who prefer to have complete control over their presentation and want to create a custom outline that works best for their needs.

Method 2: Create a presentation outline using an AI presentation maker

If you're short on time or looking for a quick way to get a first draft of a presentation outline that you can then refine, using an AI presentation maker is a great option.

Plus AI lets you type a short prompt like "Create a presentation that provides an overview of the Norwegian oil industry," and it will automatically generate an outline of a presentation for you. After Plus creates the outline, you can change the titles of slides, rearrange slides, and remove any pieces of the outline that are not necessary.

outline of the presentation should include

From there, once your outline is created, you can click the "Generate presentation" button, choose a template, and let the AI create the first draft of your entire presentation.

This method is a good option for those who want to create a polished presentation without getting stuck with a blank piece of paper. Instead, it frees you up to take a first draft presentation and customize it for your needs.

Method 3: Create a presentation outline using ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that can help with a wide variety of tasks - everything from acting as a therapist, to sharing recipes, to helping you come up with presentation ideas and creating content for a presentation .

To have ChatGPT help you generate a presentation, you can take two different approaches:

  • Use a custom GPT that has been trained to help people create presentations or
  • Ask the general ChatGPT interface to "Create a presentation outline for me on the topic of [XYZ]."

Both approaches will yield similar results, but a custom GPT like Plus AI presentation maker will be more fine-tuned to helping people create presentations. It will also provide additional functionality like providing a visual preview of the slides and feedback on how to improve your presentation.

Method 4: Create a presentation outline using a template

Last but not least, using a template is a good way to speed up the process of creating a new presentation outline. Similar to using an AI presentation maker, a template can give you a first draft of an outline that is easier to edit and refine than starting from scratch.

Presentation templates often come pre-designed with example text and images, so all you have to do is fill in your own content. For example, this TED Talk presentation template provides some instructions on how to create an outline for a TED Talk-style slide deck.

The secret to using this method is to find the closest template to the type of presentation you want to create. You should use detailed search terms to and look across multiple sites and resources to find one that matches the content and style that you would like.

Once you have your template, start by reviewing the overall outline or structure and tweak it to meet your needs. Then, you can fill in the specific content (e.g., text and images) with your materials to make it your own to quickly make a beautiful presentation.

Presentation outline examples

Basic presentation outline example.

Let's take a look at a presentation outline and accompanying notes for a persuasive presentation on encouraging people to meditate every day:

I. Introduction

  • Hook - find a striking image and tell a story
  • Thesis statement - everyone should meditate for 10 min per day

II. Main point 1 - Meditation is one of the easiest ways to improve your health

  • Physical health
  • Mental health

III. Main point 2 - Meditation is backed up by thousands of years of practice and research

  • One anecdote from antiquity
  • One anecdote from recent research

IV. Main point 3 - You can get started with meditation today

  • Basic technique
  • Tips for newcomers

V. Conclusion

  • Summarize key points
  • Call to action

As you can see, this is a relatively lightweight plan for the presentation, but it provides an easy-to-understand framework that we can fill in with slides.

There are rough notes on specific content for the different points in the presentation, but we don't need to write out everything in fine detail, just the broad strokes.

Pitch deck outline example

Now let's review an outline for a pitch deck that someone might use to present their startup idea to prospective investors. This is for a startup that uses autonomous food trucks to deliver meals to people's homes and workplaces.

I. Problem statement - "Food delivery sucks, and here's why"

  • Hook - pictures of typical food delivery headaches (e.g., late/no show, bad selection, etc)

II. Value prop - "FoodDrive revolutionizes the food delivery model"

  • Compare value chain of FoodDrive to traditional restaurant and delivery service
  • Show how $50 order gets allocated to different people

III. The product - "Customers love our trucks"

  • Picture of food truck and menu
  • Customer quotes and reviews

IV. Why now? - "Our self-driving technology is ready for prime-time"

V. Business model - "Each truck can generate $2-3M of revenue per year with a 60% gross margin"

  • Show high-level financial forecasts on unit basis

VI. Competitive landscape - "FoodDrive's closest competitors don't come close"

  • Comparison table with delivery services, in-house delivery, eating out-of-home, etc.

VII. Go to market strategy - "We've tested FoodDrive in 2 markets so far. Here's how we win in new markets"

  • Overview of social media strategy
  • Case study on new market launch

VIII. Team - "Our team has experience in autonomous vehicles, food delivery, and quick service restaurants"

IX. Traction - "We generate $5M of revenue per year with our 2 trucks, and we can ramp up new trucks immediately"

  • Show revenue growth chart with focus on time to ramp new trucks to productivity

X. Fundraising goal - "We are raising $50M to expand FoodDrive to 10 more markets"

  • Highlight key milestones we aim to reach with additional funding

Even though a pitch deck is a specialized type of presentation that often requires specific content, it's helpful to start with an outline to build out the 'story' behind the content. That way, you have a cohesive story rather than a set of disparate slides.

How can I create a presentation from an outline?

Once you have your presentation outline written, it's time to start writing your slides. Since you already know the main points you are trying to make in your presentation, the main decisions here are

  • What type of visual style you want to follow
  • How many slides you want in your presentation
  • How you will present or share the slides

To get a head start on creating a first draft of your presentation, you could enter your outline into an AI presentation maker.

This will provide a first draft of the slides so that you can focus on making sure they tell a cohesive story or tweaking individual slides to leave a memorable impression.

Other tips and tricks for great presentations

Here are some resources to help you create great presentations:

  • Make slides look good - Here are six tips for making visually appealing slides.
  • Number of slides - Here is a calculator that can help you calculate how many slides you need for a presentation depending on how long you need to present.
  • Unique presentation ideas - Here are 250 ideas for presentation topics that will help you create a great presentation.

Creating a presentation outline can be one of the most time-consuming parts of the creative process for making a new slide deck. Luckily, there are many tools and templates that can help you kickstart this process.

With these four methods, you can choose the one that works best for your needs and get started on your presentation outline today.

And once you have your outline, make sure to try out a tool like Plus AI presentation maker to quickly get your slides as well!

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Practical Presentation Outline Examples For Success (+ 8 Must Have Elements)

Jane Ng • 05 April, 2024 • 6 min read

Looking for Presentation Outline Examples ? Do you want to take your presentations from mediocre to magnificent? The secret weapon in achieving that transformation is a well-crafted presentation outline. A clear and organized outline not only guides you through your content but also ensures your audience stays captivated throughout your talk.

In this blog post, we're going to share practical presentation outline examples and 8 key elements for constructing your own outlines that will leave a lasting impression.

Table Of Contents 

What is presentation outline, why is presentation outline important, 8 key elements of presentation outline , presentation outline examples, key takeaways , faqs about presentation outline examples.

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What is a presentation outline?A structure that highlights the main points, ideas, and key elements in your presentation.
How many basic parts should be in the presentation outline?3 main parts, including the introduction, body, and conclusion.

outline of the presentation should include

A presentation outline is a plan or structure that helps you organize and deliver a presentation or speech. It's like a map that guides you through your talk. 

  • It outlines the main points, ideas, and key elements you intend to cover during your presentation in a logical and organized sequence.
  • It ensures that your presentation is clear, logical, and easy for your audience to follow. 

In essence, it's a tool that helps you stay on track and communicate your message effectively.

A presentation outline is a valuable tool that enhances both the organization and delivery of your presentation. 

  • It benefits you as a presenter by reducing stress and improving focus, while also benefiting your audience by making your message more accessible and engaging. 
  • If you're using visual aids like slides, an outline helps you synchronize your content with your visuals, ensuring they support your message effectively.
  • If you need to make last-minute changes or adapt your presentation, having an outline makes it easier to identify and adjust specific sections without overhauling the entire presentation.

Whether you're giving a business presentation, a school lecture, or a public speech, an outline is a key element in ensuring your presentation's success.

outline of the presentation should include

A well-structured presentation outline should include the following key elements:

1/ Title or Topic: 

Begin your outline with a clear and concise title or topic that represents the subject of your presentation.

2/ Introduction:

  • Hook or Attention-Grabber: Start with a compelling opening statement or question to engage your audience.
  • Purpose or Objective: Clearly state the purpose of your presentation and what you aim to achieve.
  • Main Points or Sections : Identify the major topics or sections that you will cover in your presentation. These are the core ideas that support your thesis statement.

3/ Subpoints or Supporting Details: 

Under each main point, list the specific details, examples, statistics, anecdotes, or evidence that support and elaborate on that main point.

4/ Transition Statements: 

Include transition phrases or sentences between each main point and subpoint to guide the flow of your presentation smoothly. Transitions help your audience follow your logic and connect the dots between ideas.

5/ Visual Aids: 

If your presentation includes slides or other visual aids, indicate when and where you plan to use them to enhance your points.

6/ Conclusion:

  • Summary: Recap the main points you've discussed during your presentation.
  • Include any final thoughts, a call to action, or a closing statement that leaves a lasting impression.

7/ Q&A or Discussion: 

If applicable, mention when you'll open the floor for questions and discussion. Be sure to allocate time for this if it's part of your presentation.

8/ References or Sources: 

If you're presenting information that requires citations or sources, include them in your outline. This ensures you give credit where it's due and can reference them during your presentation if needed.

Here are some additional tips for creating a Presentation Outline

  • Time Allocation: Estimate how much time you intend to spend on each section of your presentation. This helps you manage your time effectively during the actual presentation.
  • Notes or Reminders: Add any reminders, cues, or notes to yourself that will help you deliver your presentation effectively. These can include tips on delivery, body language, or specific points to emphasize.

outline of the presentation should include

Here are a few presentation outline examples for different types of presentations:

Example 1: Sales Pitch Presentation - Presentation Outline Examples

Title: Introducing Our New Product: XYZ Tech Gadgets


  • Hook: Begin with a relatable customer problem.
  • Purpose: Explain the presentation's goal.
  • Thesis: "Today, I'm excited to introduce our innovative XYZ Tech Gadgets designed to simplify your life."

Main Points

A. Product Features

  • Subpoints: Highlight key features and benefits.

B. Target Audience

  • Subpoints: Identify potential customers.

C. Pricing and Packages

  • Subpoints: Offer options and discounts.

Transition: "I'm glad you're interested in our product. Let's talk about the different ways you can purchase it."

Purchase and Support

  • a. Ordering Process
  • b. Customer Support
  • Recap product highlights and benefits.
  • Call to action: "Visit our website or contact our sales team to get your XYZ Tech Gadgets today."

Q&A Session.

outline of the presentation should include

Example 2: The Evolution of Jazz Music - Presentation Outline Examples

Title: The Evolution of Jazz Music

  • Hook: Begin with a famous jazz quote or a snippet of iconic jazz music.
  • Purpose: Explain the goal of the presentation.
  • Thesis: "Today, we'll take a journey through time to explore the fascinating evolution of jazz music."

A. Early Origins of Jazz

  • Subpoints: African roots, New Orleans as a melting pot.

B. The Jazz Age (1920s)

  • Subpoints: Swing music, jazz legends like Louis Armstrong.

C. Bebop and Modern Jazz (1940s-1960s)

  • Subpoints: Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, experimental jazz.

Transition : "Let's now turn our attention to the diversity of jazz styles, which is as vast and complex as the history of the music itself."

Different Styles of Jazz

  • a. Cool Jazz
  • b. Fusion Jazz
  • c. Latin Jazz
  • d. Contemporary Jazz

Influence of Jazz on Popular Music

  • Subpoints: Jazz's impact on rock, hip-hop, and other genres.
  • Summary of the evolution of jazz music.
  • Call to action: "Explore the world of jazz, attend live performances, or even pick up an instrument to contribute to this ever-evolving art form."

Presentation outlines are indispensable tools that can elevate your presentations from good to great. They provide structure, organization, and clarity, ensuring that your message reaches your audience effectively. No matter if you're delivering an educational presentation, a convincing sales pitch, or an interesting speech, these presentation outline examples aim to offer you valuable information.

To take your presentations to the next level, leverage AhaSlides. With AhaSlides , you can seamlessly integrate interactive features into your presentation, such as spinner wheel , live polls , surveys , quizzes , and audience feedback features.

These interactive features not only enhance audience engagement but also provide valuable insights and real-time interaction, making your presentations more dynamic and memorable.

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📌 Tips: Asking open-ended questions help you to create an outline for presentation easier!

What should a presentation outline include?

Title, Introduction, Key points, subpoints, transitions, visuals, conclusion, Q&A , and time allocation.

What are the 5 parts of a presentation?

Introduction, main points, visuals, conclusion, and Q&A.

How do you outline a project presentation?

Define objectives, list key topics, organize content logically, and allocate time.

Do you need an outline for a presentation?

Yes, an outline helps structure and guide your presentation effectively.

Ref: Indeed | EdrawMind

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How to make a presentation outline: a step-by-step guide

Georgina Guthrie

Georgina Guthrie

May 24, 2024

Whether you’re building a house, baking a cake, or creating a killer presentation — having a plan in place before you begin work will make the task much easier. Planning saves time and enhances the quality of your work. This is especially true for business presentations, which is why you should always start with a presentation outline.

A presentation outline is a streamlined version of your talk, capturing the general direction and key points. Its purpose is to shape your thinking, organize your thoughts, and ensure your material is presented logically.

In this article, we’ll explore what a presentation outline is, how storytelling can engage your audience, and how to create a flawless outline. Let’s dive in.

Defining your presentation’s goal

What are you trying to achieve with your presentation? A good starting point is to think about the overall purpose.

Types of presentation goals

There are six main types of presentation goals:

  • Inspire action
  • Inspire or motivate

In a business setting, ‘to inform’ is most common, but it’s usually coupled with at least one other. For example, if you’re there to talk about quarterly results, then you’ll want to inform and motivate. However, if you’re a business coach, your goals will likely be to inspire, motivate, and entertain.

Once you’ve defined your goal, you’ll want to understand the impact you hope to have on your audience. To answer this, ask these questions:

  • What do I want people to take away from my presentation?
  • How will what I talk about help others in the room?
  • What do I want people to do after my meeting?

From here, you should be able to create a summary of your presentation’s goals and purpose in one or two sentences. Put that on your first slide for easy reference.

Understanding your presentation’s audience

Knowing your audience is crucial for crafting a presentation that resonates. Consider their knowledge level, interests, and what they hope to gain from your presentation. Tailoring your content to meet their expectations will make your presentation more engaging and effective.

Questions to understand your audience

  • What is the demographic makeup of your audience (age, gender, profession)?
  • What are their roles in the organization or industry?
  • How familiar are they with the topic you will be presenting?
  • Do they have any preconceived notions or misconceptions about the topic?
  • What are their primary interests related to the topic?
  • Why are they attending your presentation? What do they hope to gain?
  • What are their current pain points or challenges related to the topic?
  • How can your presentation address these challenges?
  • Do they prefer visual aids, interactive sessions, or straightforward lectures?
  • Are they more inclined towards data-driven insights or anecdotal evidence?

Choosing your story structure

How Story Telling Affects the Brain

Stories are powerful tools for bringing people and ideas together. Great stories persuade and inform; the best stories inspire and stay with us. But we don’t often see this happening enough in the boardroom.

Stats and numbers are important for supporting claims, but if you want to inspire your audience, you need to weave those stats into a story. T he truth is, most stories are formulaic, so once you’ve chosen your formula, filling in the blanks is pretty easy.

Let’s look at a few popular story structure formulas below.

1. Fact and story

Mixing storytelling with facts works in a kind of mutually supportive cycle. Facts add substance to the story; the story adds interest to the facts.

In this structure, you weave the two together and move back and forth between the two.

  • Start with a ‘what if’ question. For example, if you were pitching a vacuum cleaner, your initial sales pitch might be ‘what if you didn’t have to lose suction?’
  • Add facts that illustrate the current state of things. To continue with our example, it might be current stats on traditional vacuums losing suction. Keep alternating facts with fiction throughout the body of your presentation.
  • End on a high note that makes the listeners feel like they learned something and want to move to action because of it. For example, to invest in your new product, or to sponsor your new app .

2. The hero’s journey

From Odysseus to Chihiro , adventure stories typically feature a hero who goes on a journey fraught with peril and learns a vital lesson at the end of it. It’s a formula employed by thousands of writers — and you can draw from it to add some drama to your presentation.

This structure works really well for inspirational personal stories, or tales about a company from its humble beginnings to the success it is today.

  • Begin somewhere neutral. The situation is neither ideal nor unbearable.
  • Introduce a challenge — one that needs to be solved.
  • Present a worsening situation. The problem is being addressed, but things are still getting worse.
  • Define rock bottom. The situation seems impossible; there is apparently no way forward and all seems lost. Until…
  • Introduce a new discovery that offers hope.
  • Show your work. Armed with your new abilities, you tackle the issue head-on.
  • Resolve the problem, but instead of returning to the way things were before, the hero (you) discovers an even better way of living.
  • Finish with a lesson, which you can share to inspire your audience.

3. The pitch

The ‘pitch’ style of presentation is commonly used by salespeople. The goal is to show how a product or idea can help an individual overcome a hurdle toward a positive outcome. The story should be relatable, so the audience can picture themselves in the situation and, therefore, benefitting from the solution.

  • Start with a summary of the way things are in simple terms.
  • Introduce the problem or hurdle that needs solving. Make it relatable to help your audience put themselves in the situation.
  • Introduce a solution: give your audience a glimpse into a possible solution.
  • Create a fork in the road: Give your audience a couple of options for solving the problem. Offer an average option first, then follow up with a better one.
  • Close: Choose the better option and explain why that’s the best one (and only real suitable choice).
  • Finish up by telling the audience exactly how to solve the problem , step by step.
  • Talk about extra benefits that extend beyond simply solving the problem. Finish on an uplifting high.

4. The explanation

This presentation format is for when you want to teach your audience something — whether that’s a process, a new skill, or a way to overcome a problem. It has similarities with the fact and story structure, insomuch as facts should weave into the story.

  • Explain how things are at the moment , what the goal looks like, and how you plan to get there. You can even start with a story to add emotional interest from the get-go.
  • Take your first step on the journey toward the final destination.
  • Add more steps that build on this.
  • Take a moment to recap the points you’ve covered so far while tying them to the main point. This will help your audience visualize the ground you’ve covered and see where you’re heading.
  • Add the finishing pieces to the puzzle and lead your audience to the end.
  • End your journey so your audience feels as though they’ve learned something new.

5. The opportunity

A close relative of the pitch, this three-part structure swaps a hurdle for an opportunity. Here, you want to show your audience that a problem they thought they had actually had an easy fix.

  • Start with the situation as it is now.
  • Next, add a ‘but’ — this could be a small hiccup that stops things from being as good as they could be. For example, our chocolate pudding company is doing really well. But we could be doing better if we changed supplier.
  • Talk about the opportunity, with as many facts and stats as possible to make it feel achievable and real.
  • Add a conclusion.
  • Explain why the product or service meets the challenges raised. Add more stats and facts to support your point.

Storyboarding your presentation outline

Now you’ve worked out your structure, it’s time to start building your presentation. Storyboarding is the best way to do this. In the same way that directors use storyboards to map out their films scene-by-scene, you’re going to use it to map out your presentation slide-by-slide.

Toy Story Storyboard

(Don’t worry, you can do stick people and squiggles if drawing isn’t your strong point.) Image Source

The trick here is to avoid adding too much detail too quckly. Ideally, have one or two sentences on each slide summarizing what each one will address. Stick to one main point per slide and no more than 3 subpoints.

You can do this with pen and paper, but since you’ll likely end up going digital eventually, you might as well start there. It looks far neater, and it means that if you need to change something, it’s as simple as deleting or editing a cell or slide rather than starting over.

If you don’t want to start from scratch, a business presentation template is a great place to start. You can storyboard directly on the template, and then flesh out each of the slides in more detail once you’re ready.

Once you’ve got your storyboard mostly ready, all that’s left is to fill in the details! And of course: make it look great.

Formatting your presentation

Proper formatting is crucial to ensuring your presentation is visually appealing and easy to follow. Effective formatting helps to highlight key points, maintain audience engagement, and enhance overall comprehension. Here are some guidelines and best practices for formatting your presentation:

Choose a consistent theme

  • Use a professional and clean template that aligns with your topic and brand.
  • Ensure the template is consistent throughout the presentation to maintain a cohesive look.
  • Choose a color scheme that is visually appealing and easy on the eyes.
  • Stick to 2-3 primary colors to avoid visual clutter.

Organize your slides

  • Include a title slide with the presentation topic, your name, and date.
  • Add a relevant image or graphic to set the tone.
  • Provide an agenda or outline slide to give the audience an overview of what to expect.
  • Use section divider slides to clearly separate different parts of your presentation.
  • Include a brief title for each section.

Keep text clear and concise

  • Use easy-to-read fonts such as Arial, Helvetica, or Calibri.
  • Avoid overly decorative fonts that can be hard to read.
  • Ensure the font size is large enough to be readable from a distance.
  • Titles should be at least 24-30 points, and body text should be 18-24 points.
  • Use bullet points to break down information into digestible chunks.
  • Keep each bullet point concise, ideally one line each.

Visual elements

  • Include high-quality images, charts, and infographics to illustrate key points.
  • Ensure visuals are relevant and add value to the content.
  • Maintain consistency in the style and size of images and graphics.
  • Align visuals properly to avoid a cluttered appearance.
  • Use white space effectively to prevent slides from looking overcrowded.
  • White space helps to highlight key elements and improves readability.

Multimedia and animation

  • Embed short videos to demonstrate concepts or provide visual examples.
  • Ensure videos are of high quality and relevant to the content.
  • Use animations sparingly to emphasize important points without distracting the audience.
  • Stick to simple transitions and avoid overly complex animations.

Data presentation

  • Use charts and graphs to present data clearly and concisely.
  • Label axes and include legends for clarity.
  • Avoid overwhelming the audience with too much data.
  • Highlight key data points and trends.

Final touches

  • Review the presentation for spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Rehearse your presentation multiple times to ensure smooth delivery.
  • Check the flow of slides and the timing of animations and transitions.

By following these formatting guidelines, you can create a presentation that is not only visually appealing but also effective in communicating your message. Proper formatting helps to keep the audience engaged and ensures that your key points are clearly conveyed.

Presentation tools

For those looking for an intuitive and efficient way to create professional presentations, consider using Cacoo , our online diagramming tool. Cacoo allows you to collaborate in real time, offering a variety of templates and design tools that make planning, designing, and presenting a breeze. Whether you’re working solo or with a team, Cacoo helps you streamline the presentation creation process, ensuring that your final product is polished and impactful.

Ready to take your presentations to the next level? Try Cacoo for free today and experience the difference it can make in your workflow.

This post was originally published on April 07, 2021, and updated most recently on May 24, 2024.

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Effective Presentation Outline

outline of the presentation should include

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Whether you are solving a puzzle, cooking a meal, or writing an article – the tasks can be significantly easier if all the pieces are present before you start. A presentation outline is a tool that will help a presenter arrange the ideas and make the conversation flow logically to give an efficient and effective presentation.

It may feel like wasting time planning the presentation when you could get started directly. But the facts and experience of great presenters in history give premises for the opposite. Planning saves time, and the same applies to business presentations or writing a speech. Start with planning; start with the presentation outline.

In this article, we’re going to understand the presentation outline, discuss its significance, provide a step-by-step guide on how to create one, and provide some expert advice.

What is a Presentation Outline?

A presentation outline is a simplified summary of your speech. Its purpose is to help you shape your thinking, make your presentation presented in the most logical manner, and organize the material in the most efficient way. It should follow the basic structure of your presentation and include concise summaries of your major points.

Why create a Presentation Outline?

A presentation outline can guide you in preparing for your presentation or speech. It provides you with a simplified version of the synopsis of your thoughts and a direct route for moving your audience from where they are now to where you desire them to be. Some of the key advantages of the presentation outline are:

·         Helps the speaker review the content’s scope and check the applicability of supportive arguments

·         Helps organize a message that the audience can understand by creating a visual aid showing the balance and proportion of a speech

·         Saves time by helping you brainstorm the presentation

·         Assisting with what ideas to keep in the presentation

·         Gives general direction to your presentation

How to Create a Presentation Outline

“A person without a plan is lost before they start.” – Lewis K Bendele

Here is a step-by-step guide to creating the outline for your presentation:

1. Know the Purpose of Your Presentation

The essential part of creating a presentation outline is to determine the goal of your presentation. To find this, consider what you want your audience to learn or support following your talk. For example, a non-profit organization that takes care of street dogs may give a presentation to persuade listeners to take care of street dogs by giving them some food. The goal for the presentation should be very concise and measurable so you can have a particular point of focus for your presentation. The most common goals for presentations include:

·         Motivating

·         Educating

·         Inciting an action

·         Informing

·         Entertaining

·         Persuading users to do something specific

2. Build a Structure

To build a great skyscraper, make sure the structure is right! The same goes for building an efficient presentation outline. While building the structure of your presentation outline, consider in which direction each of your discussion points is going in your talk and what premises you can use to support those points. The most popular way to organize the structure is by writing each point on sticky notes so that they can move around and see how each point contributes to the purpose of the presentation. To make better use of the audience’s time, you can also write how much time each segment of the presentation takes. The three major segments into which a presentation is divided are:

·         Introduction

·         Body

·         Conclusion

3. Outline the Start of Your Presentation

Have you wondered why great presenters always start their presentations with a rhetorical question, or share a relatable story, or use a quote? The answer to this is they create a backstage for their presentation and engage their audience early on by setting the tone they want for the rest of their presentation. These are the ways they grab the attention of the audience, which leads to better engagement and response.

When you plan your presentation outline, always plan how you want to start the presentation, as it will set the tone and backstage of your presentation.

4. Use Visual Aids

We’ve all been there; those long lectures and corporate meetings, where you give it all to stay attentive to the data being shown and slowly being read off of a boring spreadsheet.

Don’t make that same mistake in your presentation. Incorporate your data in a visual and engaging way. Take a thought about adding pictures, videos, or other content to your presentation. The style and color scheme you choose for the text on your slides should be taken into account as additional visual material. You can communicate some emotions through color; for example, the color red portrays passion.

While outlining your presentation, mention which visual aids you want to use, where, and how you want to use them.

5. Include a Call-to-Action

Add a call-to-action for your audience to get a better outcome from your presentation. For example, a businessman in a presentation to the audience will try to persuade them to buy his company’s product. Call-to-action brings the audience to the desired place that you want them to. Make your audience aware of the benefits they will get by coming to your desired place.

Clearly mention in your presentation outline which CTA you will be using.

A presentation outline is a tool that can be used for creating a presentation in the most logical manner. It helps improve the presentation on an all-rounder basis. Moreover, it gives your audience a visual representation of what you will be talking about and supports in capturing their interest.

It takes meticulous planning, close attention to content details, and a keen eye for design to produce an effective presentation outline. If not properly outlined, even the best presentations can be disastrous.  

“Practice makes a man perfect,” as they said. “Practice can make your presentation perfect,” we implied.

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Create Effective Presentation Outlines: A Step-by-Step Guide with Tips & Examples

Create Effective Presentation Outlines: A Step-by-Step Guide with Tips & Examples

Table of Contents

What is a presentation outline.

A presentation outline is like a roadmap for organizing your thoughts and delivering your message smoothly during a presentation. It helps you structure your content logically, ensuring that your audience can follow along easily. By providing a clear framework, an outline enhances the clarity and effectiveness of your presentation.

Importance of Presentation Outline  

1. Clarity and Focus

Using an outline keeps your presentation organized and focused, preventing you from going off track. It ensures that your presentation has a clear purpose and that all the information you share is relevant to your main points.

2. Logical Structure

A well-crafted outline ensures that your presentation flows logically, guiding your audience smoothly from one point to the next. This helps your audience follow your train of thought and understand your message more easily.

3. Enhanced Delivery

Having a clear outline can boost your confidence and make your delivery smoother. With a structured plan, you’re less likely to forget important points or ramble on, resulting in a more professional presentation.

4. Time Management

An outline helps you manage your time better by estimating how long each part of your presentation will take. This ensures that you stay within the allotted timeframe, keeping your presentation on track and engaging for your audience.

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How to Build Strong Presentation Outline s?

1. Purpose of Presentation

Understanding why you’re giving your presentation is crucial for planning its structure. Identifying your goal means thinking about what you want your audience to get out of it. This clarity forms the basis of your whole presentation. There are six potential reasons you might be presenting:

  • Sharing information
  • Teaching something new
  • Making it enjoyable
  • Inspiring action
  • Convincing people of something
  • Motivating them

Thinking about your goal will help you make a presentation that really grabs attention. Answering these questions can help you figure out what your goal is:

  • What do I want people to learn or understand from my presentation?
  • How will my presentation make a difference to those listening?
  • What do I want people to do after my presentation?

Once you have the answers, you’ll have a good idea of what your presentation should cover and where to start.

2. Consider Color and Design

How you present your pitch matters just as much as what you say. Take a moment to think about the fonts and colors you’ll use on your slides. Research suggests that red can convey excitement and grab your audience’s attention, while white gives off a sense of simplicity and clarity.

3. Establishing Structure: Arrange Your Ideas in a Logical Order

When crafting your presentation, it’s important to structure your ideas in a clear and logical sequence. Start with an introduction to set the stage, followed by the main body where you delve into your key points, and wrap it up with a conclusion to summarize your main ideas.

4. Engaging Your Audience

When you’re getting ready for your presentation, think about how you can start off in a way that grabs everyone’s attention. You could ask a thought-provoking question, share an interesting story, or begin with a meaningful quote. The main thing is to get your audience interested right from the beginning and set the tone for the rest of your talk.

5. Adding Visuals

Give some thought to whether you want to include pictures, videos, or other visual stuff in your presentation. Even if your outline doesn’t mention exactly what visuals to use, you can suggest where they might fit in to help explain your ideas.

6. Encouraging Action

Come up with a clear and compelling message to encourage your audience to take action. Whether it’s encouraging customers to try out a new product or inviting people to join a demo, make sure they understand what’s in it for them. And if your presentation doesn’t really need a specific call to action, just wrap up by summarizing your main points and saying thanks for listening.

Alternatively, you can skip the hassle of crafting a presentation outline manually – try SlidesAI for seamless assistance .

women presenting in frint of business leaders

Strategies for Crafting an Engaging Presentation

1. Understanding Your Audience

Take some time to know your audience by researching beforehand. This helps you adjust your presentation to connect with them better.

2. Enhance with Quotes, Testimonials, or Data

Make your presentation more interesting by adding extra info like quotes, testimonials, or data. It can make your audience more engaged and reinforce your message.

3. Visualize Your Concepts

How you show your ideas matters a lot. Tools like SlidesAI can help you express your concepts clearly and effectively.

4. Highlight Key Takeaways

Figure out the most important points you want your audience to remember. This makes it easier for them to recall and understand your message.

5. Seek Feedback

Ask for feedback to improve your presentation. It’s a good way to make sure it connects better with your audience.

Presentation Outline Example

Topic: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Target Audience: College students

Time Limit: 15 minutes

I. Introduction (2 minutes)

Attention Grabber : Briefly discuss a real-life example of how social media can negatively impact mental health (e.g., cyberbullying, unrealistic beauty standards).

Introduce the topic : Clearly state the topic and its significance (e.g., “Today, I’ll be talking about the increasing impact of social media on mental health, particularly among young adults like yourselves”).

Preview : Briefly outline the key points that will be covered (e.g., “We’ll explore the positive and negative aspects of social media use, discuss common mental health concerns associated with it, and offer some tips for healthy social media habits”).

II. Main Body (10 minutes)

Positive aspects of social media:

Connection and community : Highlight how social media can help people connect with friends and family, build communities based on shared interests, and combat feelings of loneliness.

Information and self-expression : Discuss how social media can be a source of information, news, and inspiration, and provide a platform for self-expression and creativity.

Negative aspects of social media:

Social comparison and envy : Explain how constant exposure to curated online profiles can lead to social comparison, feelings of inadequacy, and envy.

Cyberbullying and harassment : Discuss the prevalence of cyberbullying and online harassment, their potential to significantly impact mental health, and the importance of online safety.

Addiction and anxiety : Explain how excessive social media use can lead to addiction, anxiety, and sleep disturbances.

III. Conclusion (3 minutes)

Summary : Briefly recap the key takeaways discussed in the presentation.

Call to action : Encourage the audience to be mindful of their social media usage and offer practical tips for developing healthy habits, such as setting time limits, curating their feed, and prioritizing real-life interactions.

Question and Answer : Allocate time for audience questions and address them thoughtfully.

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This is just a sample outline, and you can adapt and modify it based on your specific topic, audience, and time constraints. Remember, a well-structured and engaging presentation will effectively communicate your message and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can ai help you create a presentation outline .

With the assistance of AI tools like ChatGPT and Gemini, crafting outlines becomes a breeze. Furthermore, you can utilize user-friendly online AI presentation tools such as SlidesAI to effortlessly generate your presentations.

Why is putting your outline on a slide a good idea?

Using a presentation outline can be helpful. It makes things clearer, boosts the speaker’s confidence, and helps manage information better. It also keeps the audience more engaged. But, if your presentation is fast-paced, casual, or focused on a specific area of expertise, you might want to keep the outline short and sweet. Just pick what works best for your situation and audience.

What is the format of the presentation outline?

There are various formats, but a common approach is using bullet points, numbered lists , or headings and subheadings. Choose the format that best suits your content and visualizes your information.

How can I adapt my presentation outline for different audiences?

Adapt your presentation outline by tailoring:

  • Content : Depth, complexity, and examples based on audience expertise.
  • Language : Formality, jargon, and storytelling to match audience and occasion.
  • Visuals : Complexity and style to suit audience understanding.
  • Delivery : Pace, volume, and even body language to audience energy.
  • Focus : Highlight information most relevant to specific interests.

How long should a presentation outline be?

There’s no set rule; it depends on the complexity of your topic and presentation length.

Can I use a mind map to create a presentation outline?

Yes, mind maps can be a good way to visually brainstorm and organize presentation ideas.

What tools can I use to create a presentation outline?

You can use pen and paper, a word processing software like Microsoft Word, or dedicated outlining tools. Presentation software like PowerPoint also offers built-in outlining features.

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Every presentation is different, reflecting your unique business and the information you share. But, some common presentation types are used across various fields and teams. Before diving into specific slides or organization, consider the type that best suits your audience.

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How to Create a Table of Contents for PPT: Step-by-step Guide

Have you ever encountered a lengthy PowerPoint presentation where finding specific information felt like a challenge? Tables of contents (TOCs) are a common feature in various writing formats, helping users navigate content easily. Similar to Microsoft Word’s TOC functionality, PowerPoint offers methods for creating your own TOC. This guide will explore these methods, enabling you […]

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How to Write an Effective Presentation Outline

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A well-structured presentation is the key to delivering your message clearly and persuasively. An effective presentation outline not only organizes your content but also ensures a smooth flow that keeps your audience engaged from start to finish. Whether you’re preparing for a sales pitch, a board meeting, or a conference talk, having a strong outline is essential.  

Here’s a guide on how to create a presentation outline, along with tips for each section and examples for different presentation scenarios.

1. Start with a Strong Opening: Grab Attention and Set the Tone

Your opening is your first impression, so it needs to grab your audience’s attention and set the stage for what’s to come. The introduction should clearly state your topic, establish your credibility, and give a preview of what the presentation will cover.

Key Components:

  • Attention-Grabbing Hook: Start with a compelling story, a surprising statistic, or a thought-provoking question.
  • Introduction of Topic and Purpose: Clearly define what you’ll be discussing and why it matters to your audience.
  • Agenda Preview: Briefly outline the key points or sections of your presentation to give your audience a roadmap.

Example for a Sales Pitch:

  • Hook: “What if I told you there’s a way to increase your sales by 30% in the next quarter with just one strategy?”
  • Topic Introduction: “Today, I’m going to share how implementing targeted automation can help your sales team close more deals.”
  • Agenda: “We’ll cover three main areas: why automation is critical, how to implement it effectively, and the results you can expect.”

2. Establish Context and Background: Provide Essential Information

Before diving into your main content, it’s important to set the stage by providing context or background information. This section helps your audience understand the significance of your topic and why it’s relevant.

  • Background Information: Offer any necessary context, history, or definitions that your audience needs to follow your presentation.
  • Problem or Opportunity Statement: Clearly identify the issue you’re addressing or the opportunity you’re highlighting.
  • Audience Relevance: Explain why this issue matters to your audience and how it impacts them.

Example for a Board Meeting:

  • Background: “As you know, our company has been focusing on expanding our digital presence over the last year.”
  • Problem Statement: “However, recent data shows a decline in website traffic and conversion rates.”
  • Audience Relevance: “This trend poses a risk to our growth targets and requires immediate action.”

3. Dive into the Main Content: Present Your Key Points Clearly

The body of your presentation is where you’ll dive into the details of your topic. Organize your content into clear, logical sections, each focused on a specific aspect of your topic. Make sure each point builds upon the last to create a cohesive narrative.

  • Clear Sections: Break your content into 2-4 main sections, each with a clear headline.
  • Supporting Evidence: Use data, examples, stories, or visuals to support each key point.
  • Transitions: Smoothly transition between sections to maintain the flow of your presentation.

Example for a Product Launch Presentation:

  • Section 1: “Market Trends: Why the Timing is Right for This Product”
  • Section 2: “Product Features and Benefits: What Sets Us Apart”
  • Section 3: “Go-to-Market Strategy: How We Plan to Capture Market Share”

4. Add Interactive Elements: Keep Your Audience Engaged

Audience engagement is key to retaining attention and making your presentation memorable. Incorporating interactive elements like Q&A sessions, polls, or short activities can make your presentation more dynamic and participatory.

  • Questions: Pose thought-provoking questions to encourage audience participation.
  • Activities or Demos: If relevant, include a quick demo or hands-on activity to illustrate your point.
  • Check-ins: Periodically ask for feedback or input to ensure the audience is following along.

Example for a Training Session:

  • Poll: “How many of you have already implemented this strategy? Let’s see where everyone stands.”
  • Demo: “Now, I’ll walk you through a live example of how to set this up in your software.”
  • Check-in: “Does everyone feel comfortable with these steps? Any questions before we move on?”

5. Address Potential Questions and Concerns: Preempt Common Objections

Anticipating and addressing potential questions or objections before the Q&A session can help reinforce your credibility and make your presentation more persuasive. This section can be woven into your content or addressed in a separate segment.

  • Identify Common Questions: Think about concerns or doubts your audience might have and address them head-on.
  • Provide Evidence: Use data, testimonials, or case studies to back up your points.
  • Clarify Misconceptions: Address any potential misunderstandings or myths related to your topic.

Example for a Funding Pitch:

  • Objection: “Some might wonder if our market is already saturated.”
  • Response: “However, our research shows that demand is actually increasing, and our unique approach allows us to tap into an underserved segment.”
  • Supporting Evidence: “In fact, similar companies in adjacent markets have seen a 20% growth in the past year.”

6. Conclude with Impact: Summarize and Issue a Clear Call to Action

Your conclusion should reinforce your main points, tie everything together, and leave your audience with a strong final impression. Whether you’re aiming to persuade, inform, or inspire, end with a clear call to action or key takeaway.

  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main ideas or solutions you’ve presented.
  • Call to Action: Clearly state what you want your audience to do next.
  • Memorable Closing Statement: End with a powerful quote, a thought-provoking statement, or a compelling vision.

Example for a Motivational Talk:

  • Summary: “We’ve covered three principles that can transform your mindset and drive you toward success.”
  • Call to Action: “Starting today, commit to implementing at least one of these strategies in your daily routine.”
  • Closing Statement: “Remember, success is not just about reaching goals—it’s about embracing the journey.”

7. Prepare for the Q&A Session: Handle Questions Confidently

If your presentation includes a Q&A session, plan how you’ll manage it. Anticipate tough questions, and be prepared to handle them confidently while staying on topic.

  • Encourage Questions: Invite your audience to ask questions and clarify any doubts.
  • Stay Composed: Listen carefully to each question, and take a moment to formulate your response if needed.
  • Be Honest: If you don’t know the answer, it’s better to admit it than to guess. Offer to follow up later.

Example for a Conference Presentation:

  • Encouragement: “I’m happy to answer any questions you have about implementing these strategies.”
  • Response Strategy: “That’s a great question—let’s dive deeper into that aspect.”
  • Honesty: “I don’t have the exact figure on hand, but I can provide it to you after the session.”

A well-crafted presentation outline serves as the backbone of a successful presentation. By carefully structuring your content and considering each key section, you can guide your audience smoothly from the introduction to the conclusion while keeping them engaged and interested. Whether you’re preparing for a pitch, a seminar, or an internal meeting, following this outline template will help you deliver your message clearly, effectively, and with confidence.

Table of contents

Presentation Outline Example and Template

Image showing a a desktop with a computer, a chair and a paint in the background wall

How to create a presentation Outline

A presentation outline is a roadmap to a more successful business pitch — a general plan that summarizes what you want to say to prospective customers, clients or investors. It lets you organize your thoughts, group ideas into main points and present your material logically. But what should you include in your slides?

We've compiled 11 tips for more effective pitch prep.

If you came here looking for presentation templates , here's an a couople of examples from of our most popular ones. If not, just carry on.

outline of the presentation should include


What is a presentation outline.

An outline for a presentation is a helpful tool that organizes the main points and flow of the presentation. It acts as a guide for the presenter, outlining the order in which information will be presented and the main ideas that will be covered. A good outline should include headings and subheadings that outline the main topics and supporting details, ensuring a clear and logical arrangement of information. Creating a presentation outline helps the presenter stay organized and focused, and makes it easier for the audience to follow the content and understand the main concepts of the presentation.

11 tips to create more effective presentations

1. decide on a goal.

Image contains a person writing on a paper

Before you brainstorm, and before you scribble down any notes, come up with a goal for your presentation. What do you want your pitch deck to say to your audience? What message do you want to convey? What do you want it to achieve?

Perhaps you want your pitch to raise seed funds. Maybe you want to introduce a new product or service to customers. Whatever the reason for creating your pitch, decide on a specific, measurable goal. This will guide the rest of your preparation.

2. Create a Structure for Your Presentation

Every good presentation includes an introduction, main body, and conclusion. These three components form the "skeleton" of your presentation — the bare bones of your pitch. You don't need to think about all the small details at this stage — you can flesh out your presentation slides at a later date.

Your introduction is probably the most important part of your pitch. After all, you only have seven seconds to make a good first impression, according to research. Use your intro to introduce your brand, greet your audience and give a taster of what's to come.

The body of your presentation includes your main ideas and any supporting ideas. Use it to feature testimonials, financials and fundraising info, traction and milestones, and, of course, your marketing plan.

Finally, your conclusion summarizes all your points in a few slides. This should leave your audience wanting more.

3. Think About Visual Content

Image contains a phone over a laptop on the table

Visual content is an essential ingredient. The human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than regular text, so including images in your pitch is a great idea. Don't forget about videos, either. Consumers are 64 percent more likely to purchase a product after watching an online video, making visual content a good choice if you want to generate leads and boost sign-ups.

The most successful pitch decks incorporate striking visuals. Others have fancy fonts and graphics. All of this visual content demands attention from your audience and creates a cool aesthetic that will help you outrank your rivals.

At this early stage of pitch deck preparation, you don't have to finalize the images you are going to include in your pitch. However, we think it's a good idea to point out where you are going to use images in your presentation. This way, you can organize your ideas and make sure everything flows properly.

4. Understand What Makes a Good Presentation — and a Bad One

No two presentations are the same. The most successful pitch decks, however, certainly have a lot in common. When creating your outline, discover what makes a brilliant pitch. The University of Hawaii says great presentations rarely cover more than five points. The University of Cambridge in England says there should be four key points in every 45-minute presentation.

Here at Slidebean, we think one idea per slide, good design, lots of images, and quotes all make presentations so much more interesting. We're not fans of the 'thank you' slide, though — the one that recognizes your audience for sitting through your presentation. It's completely unnecessary.

5. Include a Call-to-Action

A call-to-action is much better than a 'thank you' slide. This encourages your audience to take action after your presentation. When creating your outline, think of a short, snappy call-to-action that prompts a response. A call-to-action is your final chance to engage with your audience during your presentation. You might want to encourage people to sign up to your mailing list, for example. Alternatively, you can include a link to your website so people can download a trial version of your product.

"No matter what form your CTA takes, the most important aspect is the copy," says growth marketing expert Sujan Patel and Voila Norbert co-founder, writing for Forbes magazine . "You’re telling the visitor what you want them to do, so it needs to be persuasive. Remember, your audience is looking for an answer or a solution to a problem. Connect with them by telling them exactly what they’re going to get if they take action."

6. Identify a Solution to a Problem

Every day, more than 30 million presentations are created on PowerPoint alone. Then there are the hundreds of thousands of pitches designed in Keynote, Prezi, and Slidebean. With so many presentations out there, how do you inspire people to invest in your services? One way to create a successful pitch is to identify a solution to a problem that your audience might have.

Slidebean recently reviewed some of the best presentation examples from successful startups. Most of them provide solutions to common problems early on in their respective pitches. Customer messaging platform Intercom, for example, says analytics, customer base browsing, and customer research is the answer for businesses who find it hard to engage with customers. They include these solutions near the beginning of their pitch deck.

If you want to have a more successful presentation, think about solving problems in your niche when creating your outline.

7. Use Quotes, Testimonials and Statistics

Image contains a market share graphic

Quotes from senior management help you convey abstract ideas and make your presentation more engaging. You should obtain any quotes you want to use in your presentation during the planning stage. Testimonials from customers and clients also prove popular. Research shows that positive reviews influence purchasing decisions and increase trust.

Finally, statistics add some depth to your presentation. Industry facts and figures back up any claims you make and increase engagement. Discover relevant statistics when creating your outline. You don't need to include any actual quotes, testimonials or statistics yet. Just jot down where you want to place them in your presentation.

8. Think About Color and Design

The way you present information in your pitch is just as important as the information itself. Now is the time to start thinking about the font/s you want to use or the color of your slides. Research shows that red conveys passion and excitement and catches the attention of your audience. White, on the other hand, conveys simplicity and purity.

Slidebean has a range of color palettes that transform the look of your slides. You can choose up to three color sets and play around with different text, backgrounds, and highlights.

9. Plan the Order of Your Slides

Think of your presentation outline template as a very rough first draft. Decide on what types of slides you want to use, and decide on a final running order. You might feature quotes early on in your presentation, for example, and leave testimonials until the end. Don't forget to include a slide with your contact details — website, phone number, address, etc. — and your brand values.

Your presentation outline should be a group effort, too. Ask your colleagues for input.

10. Identify Key Takeaways From Your Presentation

Your outline should include enough information so you can visualize what your final presentation will look like. Once you have finished your outline, read it back and identify the key takeaways from the document. Is the structure of your presentation clear, for example? Does it convey your brand message? Will it engage your audience?

Every slide in your presentation should achieve the goal you created at the beginning of your outline. If something isn't working, make changes. You might want to switch slides around or remove unnecessary information, for example.

11. Use a Presentation Template

Once you have completed your outline, it's time to start putting everything together. Yes, you could create a PowerPoint pitch deck from scratch, but this is often time-consuming and complicated. Instead, use a template, which provides you with all the presentation slides you need.

Here at Slidebean, we have presentation templates for business of all sizes, including startups and scaleups. You can create a professional pitch deck in just a few minutes by following the on-screen prompts. Everything's included — bullet points, graphics, headers, footers, and more. Take the time to plan your pitch to produce a powerful sales document that helps you communicate with your audience.

Once you have created your presentation outline template, sign up to Slidebean and design a pitch that provides you with a huge return on your investment.

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How to creating an effective presentation outline

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  • June 12, 2022

how to make a presentation outline

Ineffective communication and a well-structured presentation can be a game-changer. It has the potential to inform, persuade, inspire, and captivate your audience. However, the road to a successful presentation is not paved with improvisation and haphazardly organized content. Instead, it begins with a solid presentation outline—a roadmap that guides you through your topic, ensuring clarity, coherence, and impact. In this article, we will explore how to make a presentation outline, from its fundamental components to the reasons why it is an indispensable tool for presenters across various Presentation design services .

Table of Contents

Understanding the Presentation Outline

A presentation outline is like the skeleton of your presentation. It serves as a blueprint that defines the structure and flow of your content. While the exact format may vary depending on the nature of your presentation and personal preferences, a typical outline consists of key components that help you organize your thoughts and ideas logically. Here’s a breakdown of these components:

Title and Introduction:

Your title previews what the audience should anticipate during your presentation. The introduction, often including a hook or attention-grabbing statement, engages your audience and establishes the context of your topic.

Main Points or Sections:

These are the core sections of your presentation, each addressing a distinct aspect of your topic. Each main point should be clear, concise, and supported by evidence, examples, or data.

Subpoints and Details:

Subpoints elaborate on the main points, offering additional information, explanations, or examples. They provide depth and context to your presentation.


Transitions are bridges that connect one point to the next, ensuring a smooth flow of ideas. They guide your audience through your presentation and make it easier to follow.

Supporting Material:

This section includes any visuals, multimedia elements, or references you plan to incorporate into your presentation to enhance understanding and engagement.

focus on Conclusion:

The conclusion summarizes your key points, reinforces your main message, and leaves a memorable impression on your audience.

What is outline?

An outline is a tool used to organize your thoughts and ideas before writing a paper or presentation. It helps you to determine the main points of your talk and organize them in a way that will be easy for your audience to understand. There are many different ways to create an outline, but there are some common elements that should be included in all outlines.

The first step in creating an outline is to decide on the main points you want to include in your presentation. These points should be related to the overall topic of your talk and should be arranged in a logical order. Once you have determined the main points, you can start to fill in the details.

When creating an outline, it is important to be as specific as possible. Include all of the details you will need to make your presentation successful. For each main point, list the evidence or supporting information you will use to illustrate that point. Be sure to include any visual aids you will use, such as charts or graphs.

Once you have created your outline, you can use it as a guide when creating your presentation. Be sure to refer to your outline often, especially when you are first starting out. As you become more comfortable with the material, you may find that you do not need to refer to it as often.

Creating an outline is a helpful way to make sure your presentation is well-organized and informative. By including all of the necessary information in your outline, you can be sure that your presentation will be a success.

Why we need a presentation outline?

A presentation outline is a valuable tool that can help you plan and organize your thoughts before creating a presentation. By including all of the necessary information in your outline, you can be sure that your presentation will be a success. An outline can also help you to determine the main points of your talk and to organize them in a way that will be easy for your audience to understand.

The Importance of a Presentation Outline

Now that we have a clear understanding of what a presentation outline entails let’s explore why it is such a vital component of any successful presentation:

Organization and Clarity: Having good outlines help you write your ideas in a logical manner. By doing so, it allows the flow of the presentation thus simplifying the understanding of the message by the audience.

Time Management: Having an outline ensures that one distributes their time effectively between sections of a presentation. This helps you not run out of time, and avoid wasting a lot of time on the same topic, therefore ensures that you are on target.

Reduced Anxiety: Knowing you have a well-thought-out roadmap reduces anxiety and boosts your confidence as a presenter. You’ll feel more prepared and in control.

Audience Engagement: An organized presentation is more engaging for your audience. It keeps their attention and makes them more likely to absorb and retain the information you share.

Adaptability: A presentation outline is not set in stone. It provides flexibility, allowing you to adapt to changes or unexpected developments during your presentation while still maintaining a coherent structure.

Enhanced Credibility: An organized and structured presentation reflects professionalism and competence. It enhances your credibility as a presenter and instills trust in your audience.

Creating an Effective Presentation Outline

Crafting a compelling presentation outline is a step-by-step process that begins with understanding your audience and your message. Here’s how you can create an effective presentation outline:

Choose a topic

In order to make your presentation as effective and engaging for the audience, it is important that you choose a topic with which they can connect. From there on out depends on how much time will be allocated towards entertaining or educating them – so think carefully!

Come up with a catchy title

Come up with a catchy title that accurately reflects the content of your talk!

Make a list of the main points

This is a crucial point – the more concise your list, the better! Your audience will thank you for it later.

Decide on the order of your points

One of the most important decisions you make when giving a presentation, especially one with many points or details to cover in order from start to end, is how they will be structured. Will your audience get their attention drawn out by starting off slow and building up? Or do what feels right for them – whether that means going into depth on some topics before moving on to others matter more immediately at hand In any case, though there isn’t necessarily a “right” answer here as every situation calls for something different.

Create a rough outline of your talk

Outline your talk so you can be prepared and confident. Outlines are a great way to organize thoughts, especially when it’s time for public speaking! From this outline, you’ll know what points need more attention than others or which order works best with the audience – all without having spent hours wasted on preparation because there was no plan beforehand.”

Polish up your outline until it’s perfect

Your outline should be as perfect and concise for this type of audience. If you’re giving a presentation, make sure there are no mistakes in your speech before it’s delivered so that the grading criteria will reflect positively on you!

Practice makes perfect! The more you do it, the better your performance will become. You’ll know exactly what to say and how much time each section should last without any hesitation at all because every detail has been planned out beforehand – this is one skill that can’t be learned through natural talent alone; practice works wonders on these kinds of things too (in addition with other skills such as research).

How to make a presentation outline?

To make a presentation outline, start by deciding on the main points you want to include in your talk. These points should be related to the overall topic of your presentation and should be arranged in a logical order. Once you have determined the main points, you can start to fill in the details. When creating an outline, be as specific as possible. Include all of the evidence or supporting information you will use to illustrate each point. Be sure to also include any visual aids you will use, such as charts or graphs. Once you have created your outline, you can use it as a guide when creating your presentation. Refer to your outline often, especially when you are first starting out. As you become more comfortable with the material, you may find that you do not need to refer to it as often. Creating an outline is a helpful way to make sure your presentation is well-organized and informative. By including all of the necessary information in your outline, you can be sure that your presentation will be a success.

But if you want these things in 8 steps you can also use these steps:

  • Decide on the overall topic of your presentation.
  • Brainstorm the main points you want to include in your talk.
  • Arrange your main points in a logical order.
  • Begin filling in the details for each main point.
  • Include evidence or supporting information for each main point.
  • Plan any visual aids you will use to illustrate your points.
  • Write a conclusion for your presentation.
  • Refer to your outline often as you create your presentation.

Tips for creating a more effective presentation outline:

  • Start by deciding on the overall purpose or goal of your presentation. What do you want your audience to remember or take away from your talk?
  • Next, brainstorm the main points you want to include in your presentation. These should be related to the overall purpose of your talk and should be arranged in a logical order.
  • Once you have determined the main points, begin to fill in the details. Include all of the supporting information and evidence you will need to make your points effectively.
  • Be sure to include any visual aids you will use, such as charts or graphs. These can be a helpful way to illustrate your points and make them easier for your audience to understand.
  • As you create your outline, be as specific as possible. This will help you to stay on track when creating your presentation.
  • Once you have created your outline, refer to it often as you begin to create your presentation. This will help you to stay focused and on track.
  • As you become more comfortable with the material, you may find that you do not need to refer to your outline as often.
  • Remember that your outline is just a tool to help you create a successful presentation. By including all of the necessary information in your outline, you can be sure that your presentation will be a success.

Here are some extra tips for creating an effective presentation outline:

  • Keep it short and sweet. Outlines should be brief and to the point.
  • Include only the most important points. Don’t try to cram too much information into your presentation.
  • Be clear and concise. Outlines should be easy to understand and follow.
  • Use keywords and key phrases. This will help you remember what you want to say, and make it easier for your audience to follow along.
  • Organize your thoughts. Outlines should be organized in a logical manner so that your ideas flow smoothly from one point to the next.
  • By following these tips, you can create an effective presentation outline that will help ensure your presentation is a success!

Ineffective communication, a presentation outline is your North Star. This hand guide takes readers through the dynamics of the topic; it makes certain that the intended message has been clearly put across and leaves the audience interested. Whether you are a business professional, an educator, or even a presenter, making a good presentation outline is a skill that will add on to your communication skills. Therefore, take it into consideration that in case of the upcoming presentations the map or an outline which will guide you to the point of understanding, inspiration, and persuasion, is an essential tool for success because it will lead both you and your audience on a fruitful journey towards desired goals.

How do you structure an outline for a presentation?

Like other forms of academic writing, a presentation can be divided into three parts: an introduction detailing the purpose and structure of the talk, a body covering the main points, and a conclusion summarizing and highlighting the significance of your talk.

How do you outline slides in a presentation?

In a new PowerPoint presentation file, click the first slide. Or, in an existing presentation file, click the slide that you want the Outline to appear after. Click the arrow next to New Slide on the Home tab, then click Outline.

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presentation outline

An effective presentation starts with an effective presentation outline

Reading time: about 7 min

A presentation outline is an organizational tool that will help you organize your thoughts and summarize what you want to share in your presentation. A well-written outline can help you create a logical flow for the information you present and keep you on track as you present. This can also help you make your message more clear and keep your audience interested in what you have to say.   

Chances are that at some point in your career, you will be asked to give a presentation to your team, department, or senior management. And that’s a good thing because presentations are a great way to share your ideas and communicate important information in a compelling, visual format.

An essential but sometimes overlooked part of an effective presentation is an effective presentation outline. A well-crafted outline can help you to:

  • Organize your thoughts.
  • Determine how information will flow.
  • Keep your overall message clear and easy to understand.

Ultimately, an effective outline will help you create an effective presentation that will get the support you need from your intended audience.

What is a presentation outline?

Before a director shoots a frame of a movie, they first create a storyboard that outlines the sequence and flow of the movie’s story. In a similar way, you can create a presentation outline as a blueprint for the story you want to tell your audience. A presentation outline can help you to stay on message during your presentation, keep your audience engaged, and make the information you share easier to understand.

Why is it important to create a presentation outline?

Some people don’t like to create outlines because they think of them as time-consuming and tedious, but taking the time to create a well-structured presentation outline is important. An outline can help you:

  • Brainstorm ideas : Quickly gather and prioritize ideas that you want to share with your audience. 
  • Organize content : Create a sequential flow that helps you to clearly present your ideas in a logical order. 
  • Manage time: Estimate how long your presentation will last during the outlining phase. You might want to assign a specific amount of time to each section. This can help you spend enough time on more important or complex ideas while not spending too much time on easy-to-understand concepts.
  • Engage your audience : A good presentation outline helps you create a good presentation, which is more likely to keep your audience engaged.

How to write an outline for a presentation

The following steps can help you to create a presentation that will keep your audience engaged and informed.

Step 1: Define the purpose and the audience

It’s hard to create an outline for a presentation if you don’t understand why you are making the presentation, what it’s about, or who your audience is. To understand the presentation’s purpose and its audience, answer these questions:

  • What is the main message you want to convey?
  • What is your goal for this presentation? This is the outcome you expect, which can include entertaining, educating, informing, persuading, motivating, or inspiring an action.
  • Who is your target audience? Knowing your target audience is critical to shaping the tone of your presentation. For example, a presentation to executives might have a more formal tone than a presentation to your team. Consider what your audience is interested in, their level of expertise, and their expectations. 

Step 2: Choose a structure

A structure helps you determine how and where to present your key points. There are several different structures you can use in your presentation, including:

  • Chronological : Information is presented in chronological order. This structure is good for presenting historical information and for listing step-by-step processes.
  • Topical : Your information is organized by topic or theme. This is good for presenting different topics that are related to each other.
  • Problem/solution : This structure lets you present and describe a problem followed by possible solutions. This structure can be helpful if your purpose is to persuade your audience to adopt specific solutions.
  • Compare and contrast : Used to compare and contrast ideas, products, concepts, etc. This is good for discussions about the pros and cons of various items.
  • Cause and effect : This structure helps you to explore the cause and effect of various events. It can help you to explain the impact that decisions or actions might have on the solutions you choose.   

Choose the structure that works for your needs. You can also mix and match structures to customize your outline. It doesn’t matter which structure you choose. Just understand that the structure needs to include an introduction, main body, and conclusion.

Step 3: Use an attention grabber

This is where you consider how you want to start your presentation. Grabbing your audience’s attention will help them to engage early and remain interested in your presentation. For example, you can ask questions that lead into your subject, share a related story, or tell an amusing anecdote. Your opening can help to set the tone for the presentation.

Step 4: Use visuals 

Step 5: include a call to action.

The goal of a call to action is to motivate the audience to take a particular action when your presentation is completed. 

For example, if your presentation is about the importance of writing weekly progress reports, your call to action should motivate your audience to make the process of writing progress reports a standard procedure in their work week. The presentation itself should illustrate why you need their reports and help them understand what’s in it for them if they write their reports.

Step 6: Leave time for questions and answers

In a perfect world, your audience will understand everything in your presentation and there will be enthusiastic applause when you finish. But in case that doesn’t happen, make sure you include in your outline some time to address any questions your audience might have.

Step 7: Review and refine

After you’ve created your presentation outline, you might want to review it with other people to see if they catch something you missed. 

Tips for creating an effective presentation 

When your outline is completed, it’s time to create your presentation. Here are a few tips that can help you to make your presentation more effective.

  • Incorporate storytelling elements : Telling a relevant story has the potential to connect with your audience on an emotional level. Indicate in your outline where you will tell stories that can make information more relatable and memorable.
  • Practice, review, and refine : Practice your presentation, pay attention to its timing and flow, and identify areas that need to be refined. Get feedback from trusted co-workers or mentors who can help you to identify problem areas.
  • Keep your outline separate from your presentation : The outline provides the structure of your presentation, but it is not the presentation itself. You should keep it separate from the presentation so you can refer to it as needed during the presentation.
  • Be flexible : Expect the unexpected. Audience reactions and questions could lead your presentation down an unexpected path. Be adaptable and flexible to keep your presentation relevant. 

Using a presentation outline template

Templates are a great starting point for creating documents like a presentation outline. You can create your own template or use an existing template. A basic presentation outline example is:

[Presentation Title]

  • Attention grabber
  • Purpose of presentation
  • Subtopic 1.1
  • Subtopic 1.2
  • Subtopic 2.1
  • Subtopic 2.2
  • Summary to recap main points
  • Question and answer session
  • Call to action

Presentation outline template

Want to create even more engaging presentations? Lucid should be your go-to app rather than PowerPoint.  

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Lucidspark, a cloud-based virtual whiteboard, is a core component of Lucid Software's Visual Collaboration Suite. This cutting-edge digital canvas brings teams together to brainstorm, collaborate, and consolidate collective thinking into actionable next steps—all in real time. Lucid is proud to serve top businesses around the world, including customers such as Google, GE, and NBC Universal, and 99% of the Fortune 500. Lucid partners with industry leaders, including Google, Atlassian, and Microsoft. Since its founding, Lucid has received numerous awards for its products, business, and workplace culture. For more information, visit lucidspark.com.

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How to Write Powerful PowerPoint Presentations Fast With Outlines

Andrew Childress

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to write a PowerPoint outline for a presentation . You'll see a presentation outline example that shows how beneficial the process can be. It might seem like an extra step while building a presentation. But creating a presentation outline saves you time in the long run.

Blueprint for presentation

Presentation outlines are a great way to save time. So are advanced PowerPoint templates. You'll see examples of professional PowerPoint templates from Envato Elements (unlimited downloads)  in this tutorial while you learn how to write a presentation outline.

Why Should You Write a PowerPoint Presentation Outline?

You might think that learning how to write a presentation outline is an  extra  step. Writing a presentation outline takes time. But you might be surprised by how much time it ultimately saves in later steps.

It's important to see writing a presentation outline as a helpful step instead of extra work. Investing time in creating a PowerPoint outline helps you avoid rewriting and reworking your presentation.

PowerPoint presentation outline road map

When I was a rookie presenter, I made a lot of mistakes while writing a presentation. I'd open PowerPoint, spend too much time picking a theme, and then start writing my content. I jumped back and forth between slides adding points.

In short: this created an unfocused presentation. You could tell that there was a scatterbrained approach to writing content. When I started using outlines, the presentation felt more cohesive, and every point fell naturally into place.

But don't think that a PowerPoint presentation outline will be tossed in the trash when your presentation is finished. With a bit of creativity, PowerPoint presentation outlines can serve multiple purposes:

  • Use an outline as a slide of its own  to give your audience a sneak peek of the presentation's path.
  • Send your outline as a pre-read  with critical details to build anticipation for your presentation.
  • Print your outline  and keep it nearby to help you stay on topic while presenting.

Think of writing a presentation as a series of steps. Writing a presentation outline is the first step that saves time on all future steps. Learn how to do a presentation outline and more in our tutorial below:

outline of the presentation should include

Now, let's dive into our tutorial on PowerPoint presentation outlines.

How to Write a PowerPoint Presentation Outline

Once you've committed to writing a PowerPoint presentation outline, you might be wondering what the process looks like. Let's learn the keys to writing a presentation outline. Then, you'll learn how to incorporate that presentation outline into your PowerPoint.

The PowerPoint screenshots that you'll see in this section use a template called Brusher from Envato Elements . 

PowerPoint Template for Outlines

Now let's look at how to create PowerPoint outlines:

1. Close PowerPoint (If It's Already Open)

If PowerPoint is open, close the application! If it's not open, don't even think about heading for the Start menu to launch it.

That's right. The most important part of writing a PowerPoint presentation outline is to leave out the app for the time being. If you don't do this, you risk spinning your wheels and redoing parts of your presentation over and over. 

PowerPoint slide sorter selection

You might be surprised at how much focus a presentation outline brings to the process of learning how to write a presentation outline.

How many tutorials tell you to close the app while learning how to make a presentation outline? Well, this one just did, and it's crucial to the process of writing a presentation outline.

2. Set a Presentation Goal

It's vital that every presentation has a single, unifying goal. A PowerPoint presentation is a series of slides with supporting points that all tie back to that goal.

This goal is the guiding principle for everything you write. Setting the presentation's goal is the  first  step for writing your PowerPoint outline. 

As you set your presentation's goal, it's also crucial to think about the  type of presentation that you're giving. I divide presentation purposes into three key types, each with their nuances when it comes to writing. Here are the three types of presentation goals:

  • To  educate  the audience on ideas and topics.
  • To  update  colleagues on the latest status of a critical project or event (think of a meeting at work where you share a project update, for example).
  • To  persuade  the audience to agree with and embrace your idea or position on an idea.

Before you start filling in the presentation outline, make sure that you've set this singular goal. Otherwise, you risk your presentation diverging into many ideas that don't support a common cause.

Singular goal for the PowerPoint presentation outline

In summary, your first outline step is to  write your presentation's goal . It's that singular measuring stick that you use as you add more content. Every time you add a new slide or supporting point, ask yourself, " does this content support my presentation's goal? "

Supporting points help reiterate the presentation's goal. But you can't support the key goal if you don't define the goal! Learning how to do a presentation outline comes back to setting a goal.

3. Add Headers for the Key Sections

Now that you've set your presentation's " north star ," you can begin to block in the critical sections that support the goal. Each section should give a new angle but play a part in reinforcing the central goal.

I tend to aim for three or four key sections per presentation. Each of those sections might include multiple PowerPoint slides.

This is commonly called the " body " of the presentation. It's the meat and bones of the presentation with the content that helps you drive your key point home. Fill in a goal as you see in the presentation outline example below:

PowerPoint Key Sections of Presentation

Let's walk through an example. Let's say that I'm attempting to inspire my audience to learn Power Query, a popular Excel data tool. The goal is to encourage them to action. I'll use three key sections that support the goal:

  • What's Power Query?  It's best not to assume that your audience already knows. 
  • Why should you use Power Query?  In a section like this, show the  benefit  of taking action. In this case, I'd show the audience how much faster data imports and transformations are when you use Power Query. This potential will inspire action.
  • How to learn Power Query.  Once I've given the audience a taste of the power of the tool at hand, it's essential to provide them with a " next step " as well. A few primary resources of tutorials can serve as a launching pad.

No two presentations are the same. The way that you support your points will vary based on the presentation's goal. Remember: Y ou're the presenter. It's your story to tell.

Now, start filling in the details for each supporting section. Just as we expanded on the goal with crucial sections, each  section  should have supporting points.

In your medium of choice, write several supporting sentences for each of your key sections. This gives you several points that support your idea. Use these support points to create individual slides.

See the screenshot below for a sample presentation outline in progress:

How to make a presentation outline example

Learn more about the writing process in this tutorial:

outline of the presentation should include

4. Write the Supporting Points

"You can't boil the entire ocean... The best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time... Divide and conquer the task at hand..." 

All these phrases mean the same thing: the best way to tackle a project is to divide it into parts. When you're creating a PowerPoint, writing a  presentation outline first is the best way to break the project into easy-to-conquer tasks.

5. Open PowerPoint and Add Your Outline

Once you've finished writing your PowerPoint presentation outline, it's time to jump back to the app finally. You've laid the groundwork for writing a presentation rapidly. Now, it's time to drop it into PowerPoint.

There are many ways to approach this task. For me, I paste the entire outline on the first slide. Then, I'll start carving that outline up, pasting the sections, and supporting points out to their slides. I use this PowerPoint outline slide to plan my presentation.

Paste outline in PowerPoint presentation

Now, start pasting those sections to their own sections. Using Outline view in PowerPoint or another tool, gradually pull your outline apart into unique sections. Instead of typing them one-by-one, just paste the sections onto new slides.

You don't have to stick with the exact text you wrote. Instead, paste the sections out and use them as the inspiration for content. By doing this, your presentation stays true to the original outline and on topic!

Brusher PowerPoint outline

PowerPoint even has a helpful feature to focus on outlines in the app. Learn more about Outline view in PowerPoint in the tutorial below:

outline of the presentation should include

It might seem odd that we saved this step for last, but this approach helps you stay focused. Instead of jumping around inside PowerPoint while writing a presentation outline, consider using a separate tool.

5 More Powerful Presentation Writing Tips

Before writing your presentation outline think consider the following:

1. Have One Idea Per Slide

The minimal design in the Grey PowerPoint template make it easy to keep text minimal on your slide.

Your slides should just have your main points. If there's too much on your slide, it can be overwhelming for your audience. It can also be distracting. Instead of listening to you, your audience might be reading the text on the slide.

2. Simplify Your Sentences

Instead of having complete sentences on your slide, you can reduce text by having simple sentences.

For example, instead of saying, " When you study before a test, you will remember the material, raise your grade and be knowledgeable about the subject. " You can simplify the statement to look like this:

Benefits of Studying

  • Remember Material
  • Raise Your Grade

Simplifying your sentences, as shown above, makes it easier to follow the rules on minimizing text on your slides.

3. Have Powerful Visuals

 The Livy PowerPoint Template comes with picture placeholders on the slide, making adding images simple.

Visuals engage your audience, especially when they're eye-catching. They can also show what you’re discussing in the presentation.

If you want to add an emotional element to your presentation, a high-quality image is a great way to do that. If the image is low-quality or irrelevant, it can distract the audience. It’s best to think carefully about your visuals and what you want to add to the presentation.

4. Remember Your Audience

While writing your outline, remember who you’re writing for. One of the things you need to know about your audience is their knowledge of the subject you’re discussing. Are you speaking to a group of professionals who understand the terminology and the subject well? Or are you talking to a group of students who don’t know much about the subject?

You must also keep your audience in mind if you’re adding humor to your presentation. If you offend your audience, even accidentally, they'll stop listening to you.

5. Don’t Use Your Slides as Notes

The Compact PowerPoint Template is a multipurpose business presentation.

Don’t read off your slides. This is a common mistake that people can make. The audience can read your slides, so it can be boring to hear you repeat what’s written on the slide.

It’s more effective when you give the audience new information. If you want to have notes, you can use the speaker notes tool in PowerPoint. This tool lets you add notes that the audience won’t see.

The Best Source for PowerPoint Presentation Templates (With Unlimited Downloads)

Before we dive into how to write presentations quickly, let's take a look at another timesaver: presentation templates . PowerPoint templates already have most of the design work done for you.

On Envato Elements, you can source unlimited  PowerPoint templates  for a flat rate. The singular subscription gives you everything you need to create a presentation—fast! Many of these options include PowerPoint outline templates already built.

Explore PowerPoint Templates

Envato Elements PowerPoint template library

Not only will you unlock unlimited PowerPoint templates, but you'll also gain access to many other creative assets. That includes stock photos, graphics, illustrations, and more!

Top Envato Elements Presentation Templates

As you finish up your PowerPoint outline, why not pair it with a presentation outline template to rapidly craft your presentation? Here are three of our favorites in the Envato Elements library, all included as a part of the subscription!

1.  Outline - PowerPoint Template

PowerPoint presentation outline

The name might be a coincidence, but this PowerPoint presentation titled Outline is a perfect choice for many purposes. You've got 30 slides across five color schemes that are ready for practically any topic.

Flexible PowerPoint templates like this make it easy to adapt your presentation outline easily thanks to their well-designed structure.

2.  Business Strategy Two PowerPoint Template

Business Strategy PowerPoint Presentation outline

The strategy is the unifying direction for a business or project plan. They work well with PowerPoint outlines thanks to the focused approach. This template captures many of the most popular strategy deliverables like:

  • triple bottom line analyses
  • and so much more

3.  Creativeplus - Agency PowerPoint Template

Creativeplus PowerPoint outline presentation

Are you running a creative agency? This PowerPoint template is sure to be a hit. It's useful for pitching projects or showing off your design chops. It's easy to update and has a fresh design that's certainly on-trend.

If you're still looking for presentation outline templates that save you time, Envato Elements might be right for you. Grab a template and design it rapidly!

More PowerPoint Presentation Templates

We've just scratched the surface of what's possible with templates for PowerPoint. Templates are the best way to save many hours of design work. Here are several articles with the best selection of PowerPoint templates:

outline of the presentation should include

More Powerful PowerPoint Resources

Learning how to write a presentation outline is just one of the many skills you need to become a confident presenter. Think of your learning journey in PowerPoint as a series of building blocks. Each skill gives you a steadier foundation.

Also, check our top-rated learning resource, How to Use PowerPoint (Ultimate Tutorial Guide.) It's a comprehensive source of the best learning materials to master PowerPoint.

You've already learned how to write an outline for a presentation. Keep learning with these three excellent tutorials:

outline of the presentation should include

Start Writing Your PowerPoint Presentation Outline Today

You learned how to make a PowerPoint outline for a presentation. Writing a PowerPoint outline is a surefire way to save time and improve your presentation. It brings a focus and consistency to the content.

Every presentation is different. That means that every PowerPoint outline will differ. This guide offers general guidelines to help you. But remember to be confident in your subject knowledge.

Before you start writing a presentation, remember that writing an outline first is the best way to do it. Set a goal, write a few key sections, and fill in your supporting details. Then, rapidly build the slides with your content.

Don't forget! PowerPoint presentation templates from Envato Elements are major time-savers too! Use them alongside your outline to write presentations quickly. 

Editorial Note : This post was originally published in February of 2020. It's been updated for accuracy with help from Sarah Joy .

Andrew Childress

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How to Outline a Presentation – A Complete Step By Step Guide

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It is inevitable that on certain occasions we would be asked to give a presentation. Some people may find this terrifying and become hesitant, especially when the topic assigned is unfamiliar to them. However, acing a presentation is possible if you would prepare properly. Mostly overlooked, and a step that many skips but this is the key to saving yourself from having self-doubt and anxiety caused by i nsufficient readiness. If you are wondering how to begin, then it’s best to start digging for information to draft your outline.   

A presentation outline is a blueprint or framework of your speech. It is a  textual arrangement that gives a picture of the entire speech you are preparing.  It is an important planning tool which guides you logically through all the aspects that you need to consider prior to writing the presentation itself. It helps you to think of the elements to include and how do they correspond to one another. It also allows you to analyze and test the order of arrangement of your ideas and makes identifying weak and unnecessary points in your speech easier. Thus the preparation outline helps in giving your speech a structure.

Outline Structure

Since outlines are used to arrange all the elements in a presentation, it has organizational hierarchy and a common format There are a variety of outline styles, however, they all generally follow the same pattern. Below is a sample of a generic speech outline that can support your core message and works for a wide range of speech topics.




: ________________________________________________________






(often written out in full)

     A. Interesting Opening (Technique to get the attention of the audience)

     B. Preview of the Speech (Establish topic and core message)


     A. First Main point

          1.Sub-point/ Supporting Argument

               a. Further subpoint or supporting material (details)

                    (1) Evidence, examples, etc.

                    (2) Evidence, examples, etc.

               b. Further subpoint or supporting material (details)

                    (1) Evidence, examples, etc.

                    (2) Evidence, examples, etc.

          2. Supporting Argument

          3. Supporting Argument

     B. Second Main Point

     C. Third Main Point


(usually written out in full)

     A. Summary of Major Ideas (recap main points; summary of the core message) 

     B. Significant Closing (prepares the audience for the end of the speech)

Outline Formatting Guidelines

As shown in the generic outline structure above, the following basic principles can be observed when organizing ideas and preparing your outline.

  • Depending on your preference, your speech details may be preceded by the title, topic, specific purpose statement, thesis statement plus additional information you may want to add. As you develop and organize your speech this will help you to be on track on the purpose and main theme of your speech.
  • When writing your outline follow the suggested simple formula for any presentation: (1) Tell them what you are going to tell them (2) Tell them (3) Then, tell them what you told them. In your presentation’s outline, this is your introduction , body , and conclusion . Dividing your presentation into main headings will ensure a logical and orderly development of the subjects 
  • In sequencing the ideas in your outline, observe the principles of unity, coherence, and emphasis. Try to avoid random order and focus instead on seeking and extracting meaningful relationships on the materials you gathered.  Arrange it according to their meaningfulness and usefulness in the speech.
  • Include only the essentials. If you have covered too much, narrow it down and sift out irrelevant materials to keep your focus on pertinent details. Distinguish clearly between important ideas and less important ones and rearrange your points if needed. If some of your main points are sufficiently supported while others are lacking, you may add or subtract supporting material to polish your presentation. 
  • The body of the speech contains the main ideas about your topic.  To help your listeners easily understand and remember your main points, group your facts into a few main topics. If possible, limit it to three then start with the strongest and most supportive argument. 
  • Under each main point, write down the supporting information. These subordinate ideas should develop the main points above them. Also, each division of the outline should contain only one idea. Make sure that the supporting details you are going to add are placed under the appropriate main point.
  • When preparing the outline, focus on the body of your speech first to make writing the introduction and closing easier. 
  • After carefully planning your body, identify how you would like to begin your presentation. Write an introduction that would arouse the attention of your audience then provide a  general view of the speech.
  • Pull together all your main points, subordinate points and supporting materials in your conclusion to give a final impact on your proposition
  • Use transitional statements between elements to hint your audience that you are moving from one point to another. Write it in parenthesis and place it between the main points
  • To indicate the main and subordinate ideas, use a consistent set of symbols and numbers. Also, make sure that your subordinate points are properly indented under its main idea. Indenting makes identifying your main points, sub-points, and examples easier. 
  • Write each heading or subheading in complete sentences using the active voice. It should contain the words of the actual speech that helps to somewhat complete the script of your entire speech. Writing your points in full-sentence will help you to remember the easy to forget significant points. 
  • At the end of the outline, include bibliographic information for any outside resources you will mention during your presentation. This will help you to easily find the sources you will use.

Some may be writing their presentation without an outline, however, having it saves time. The speech you are writing will almost develop itself by having an adequate and detailed outline, therefore allowing you to craft a coherent and more focussed presentation. Exceptional English presenters and public speakers understand the value of having an outline. They know that is an effective device to write and deliver a successful presentation. 

Special Bonus Tip: Writing a presentation outline is often perceived to be reserved for planning purposes only.  However, your outline can function both as a tool when organizing your points and as a reference when delivering your speech. The only difference is that with your preparation outline you utilize full sentences. If you decide to convert it as a speaking outline then you just have to tweak it and use words or short phrases instead of full sentences. 

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Writing an outline: creating a presentation blueprint

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Writing an outline: creating a presentation blueprint

What is a presentation outline? A presentation outline is an initial plan for your future presentation. It lets you understand which points to concentrate on and which structure to apply. A plan helps creating a presentation outline much easier and saves time and money. So, let’s dive straight into some useful tips!

Determine your presentation goal

  • What do you want to convey with the presentation?
  • Who will be in the audience?
  • What would make the presentation successful?
  • What would you like to achieve with the presentation?

Answering these questions will make you understand how to direct your future work and write a basic presentation outline. Deciding on your presentation’s goal is the outline foundation. Make sure your goal can be evaluated appropriately, and we can go right to the next step!

Mind the structure

Creating a structure is essential for an informative outline in a presentation. Usually, presentation services provide the foundation of your presentation the three main parts: introduction, main part, and conclusion. Your goal is to hook the audience in your introduction and make sure you have caught their attention. Then, you can elaborate on your ideas in the central part and finish with a summary of your points.

Get the right visuals

The next step in the outline for a presentation is good visuals. Here, you must decide what visual materials you would like to use on the slides. At this point of the presentation outline, you don’t need to decide on the exact visual materials, but rather what type you’d like to use and where: graphs, photos, infographics, etc.

Decide on evaluation criteria

It is a quality control step. Think of what makes a good presentation, and most importantly — how do you define a great presentation? There is no universal answer — some concentrate on the lengths, while others focus on design. Your goal here is to evaluate all the points that seem important to consider in the outline for the presentation. Studying other presentations may help!

Call to action

Now we’re getting to the content, starting from the end of your presentation . A call to action is a short phrase encouraging your audience to do something related to your presentation: buy a product you advertise, dive deeper into the field you’re researching, and so on. A call to action is much better than a simple “thank you” since it encourages interaction among your audience.

Provide a solution

Remember your presentation structure? The solution refers to the conclusion part and can be a highly effective way of summarizing your material. While the other parts of your, e.g., business presentation outline may be dedicated to a market problem you want to highlight, the solution, in conclusion, will be a logical ending satisfying to the audience.

Primary sources 

We’ve come to one of the most important parts of your PowerPoint presentation outline. Primary sources, like quotes and especially statistics, are the most persuasive arguments you can use to prove your point. Moreover, a good quote can also open your presentation, so think of several places to put them.

Make a design draft

Design is a feature that can’t be overlooked. In this part of the outline for a presentation, you can choose the theme for your slides, the color scheme, and the layout of the slides. Think of where the text and visuals would be and what background is the most fitting to your presentation type.

Decide on an order

No presentation outline can’t be complete without the slide order creation. This step is pretty easy — just place your slides logically, depending on what information they display and to which part of the presentation this information refers. Don’t forget the “technical” slides, such as the title or the slide with your contact info.

Check your outline

You can perform quality control once again at this point of your presentation outline — only this time, you check the outline itself. By this point, your outline should provide you with a functional presentation slab, with only some details to insert into it — basically, the content itself. You might want to make some changes here and there — and that’s the reason for quality control! Once satisfied with the outline, you can start working on a presentation and feeling all the missing parts.

To Conclude

As you can see, the outline creation is effortless. We hope this article will enrich your knowledge of “how to write a presentation outline”. The presentation will compose itself with a good outline, leaving you with only minor details to fill in.

If you still need help with a strong outline that includes all critical points, feel free to contact us .

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Present Like a Pro with a Well-Designed Presentation Outline

Whether you’re pitching a new idea to investors or putting together an inspiring talk for potential customers, you’ve got your hands full. Presenting is tricky. Like tightrope walking tricky.

First, you need to convey a huge amount of info to make an impact. And second, it’s too easy to lose your audience’s attention. One boring slide or organizational slip-up and your whole presentation might tumble to the ground.

But there is a way to balance informational depth with curiosity. If you plan ahead and start out with a clear, well-organized presentation outline, you can walk the presenter high wire. You’ll have a clear flow of ideas that carries your audience from start to end.

And the best part? No snoring. 😁 No one’s going to tune out when you have a captivating story to tell.

But just like creating your presentation design, making your presentation outline design is a process. It requires forethought, planning, and organization.

What It Takes to Design Visual Presentations with Impact

So what do you need to get started? Let’s look at what a presentation outline is, why it matters, and how you can create one.

What Is a Presentation Outline?

A presentation outline is the roadmap that guides your talk. It clarifies your main points, your structure, and the movement or flow of the underlying story. Critically, this is where you hone in on why this information matters to your audience and what you want them to take away from it.

Without a presentation outline, you might have the most compelling stats, facts, quotes, and illustrations in the world. But, no string to thread them all together.

This is why creating an outline – even a simple presentation outline design – should always be step one. 🤓 It’s a critical tool for marketing, sales professionals, motivational speakers, educators, entertainers, and anyone else who presents.

Whether you’re putting together an inspirational talk, a sales pitch, or internal training, an outline should always be your starting point. It’s the visual aid that will guide your talk and ensure your presentation resonates with your audience .

With a well-designed outline, there’s no way your presentation will go off track. That’s why so many brands and professionals turn to design services. Experienced designers know how to create a super-useful, easy-to-follow visual aid.

With a knockout outline design, you can say goodbye to pre-presentation jitters and hello to a captivated audience.

Want to present with confidence? Expert design services ensure your presentation is a success.

Why Create a Presentation Outline?

Okay, so I know what you’re thinking. Why should I create a full outline design? Won’t that take more time?

In the long run, no. Believe it or not, the better your outline design, the more time you’ll save. But there’s a bigger why behind creating an outline. Ultimately, it’s going to ensure your presentation is a hit.

Without it, you have something to share, but no guidelines to give your ideas and supporting points structure.

Here’s the thing: when you present – versus telling a story through written content or a video – you have to work harder to hold your audience’s attention. People are listening to your words .

You might have visual slides to accompany your talk. But if you lose them for even a moment , there’s no paragraph of text or video clip to fall back on. It’s just you, your slides, and them.

Also, everything happens in real-time. So there’s no assurance your audience is following you once you start talking.

That’s why you have to create your success guarantees beforehand. And the way to do this is with a simple, clear presentation outline.

Planning ahead with an outline helps you:

  • Establish your line of thinking. Your outline develops the form to hold your ideas in place and determines the shape of your thoughts.
  • Organize your points. You need to share your key points and details in a logical manner, and the outline empowers you to do this. Honestly, you can spend infinitely reshuffling your slides trying to figure out the best sequence to use without a premade outline.
  • Build the story. A good presentation has conflict, suspense, and resolution. The outline design is where you set up your story’s structure.
  • Increase confidence in your presentation. Planning ahead, you know your presentation has meaning: because you put in the hard yards to outline why your information matters. That lets you present with confidence.

How to Create a Presentation Outline in 7 Steps

There’s no one way to create an outline for a presentation. From visual-forward storyboards to descriptive text and everything in between, what works for you depends on the type of presentation and your personal preferences.

But no matter what direction you choose, there are a few key components you need. Let’s unpack what you should include in your outline.

1. Identify your purpose

The first part of your outline is the why. Why are you presenting this information?

To figure this out, name your goal. Here are some of the most common presentation goals:

  • Motivate an action
  • Inform or educate

Besides this overarching purpose, you need to get clear on your presentation’s underlying agenda. Here are some questions you can answer to help you dig further.

  • What do you want your audience to learn?
  • What are the key takeaways?
  • How will your presentation help them?
  • What action should they take or want to take when you’re done?

Once you answer these questions (the ones that are relevant to your presentation), distill your purpose into a one or two-sentence summary that you can fit on a single slide. This summary is the first part of your outline design.

2. Set up the structure

Okay, enough philosophizing about your purpose and goals. Time for the meat and bones of your presentation: the story structure. 😎

Storytelling is the best way to keep your audience hooked. Not just because your audience will relate to what you’re saying and form an emotional connection. A good narrative goes way further. It has the power to put you and your audience on the same wavelength .

That’s any presenter’s dream, but it’s real. A Princeton University research team found that the brain wave patterns of the listener and storyteller sync up during a story .

And the better your audience’s understanding, the closer the alignment, which is why it’s so critical to get your story structure right in your outline. The better you organize your structure, the easier it will be for your audience to follow along and absorb your main points.

So, how do you design an effective story structure? You follow a formula. Remember the plot formulas you learned in middle school English class? Hook and exposition, rising movement, climax, falling action, and resolution?

The formulas are slightly different, but the idea is the same. All you need to do is choose the best story formula for your presentation.

So, let’s dive in – here are the formulas you can use to create the story structure for your outline design:

a) The hero’s journey

The hero’s journey starts with the call to adventure and ends with the return. Along the way, there’s some sort of initiation through trials or challenges. When you create your presentation outline, your designer can make a storyboard or map out a chart of events showing how your hero moves through those stages, changes from the experience, and comes back with a solution or better say.

Let’s take a beverage company as an example for a presentation outline. They have a new, exciting product to introduce to the market – herbal coffee. 😮 It doesn’t have any caffeine but tastes like coffee. So it appeals to health-conscious consumers who are trying to limit their caffeine intake.

Now, the company has to convince its partners – the grocery stores and coffee shops that sell their products – to stock this new herbal coffee on their shelves.

So they need a compelling story that makes their new product out to be the next hot trend in the beverage world.

  • The company is the hero.
  • The call to adventure is the need to find a caffeine-free coffee alternative that people actually like to drink.
  • Next, the storyboard design shows all the obstacles they face on their quest – the search for the right ingredients and the challenges creating a product that tastes similar to coffee.
  • The company finally nails the perfect recipe. That’s the high point in the story arc.
  • Then, as they start selling it to customers, they realize it’s a bigger hit than expected. The storyboard might include slides of graphs or charts demonstrating these findings. Or maybe quotes from happy customers.
  • The outline ends with slides of content herbal coffee drinkers and projections for how popular this new drink will be. It’s positive, inspiring, and motivates the audience to contact a representative to learn more about getting this herbal coffee on their shelves.

When to use it

The hero’s journey is a good story structure when you’re talking about a company’s history, introducing a new product, or using a personal story in a motivational presentation.

b) The fact flow

This story structure uses a combination of hard facts and interesting story points.

In your presentation outline, you’ll flow back and forth between the two to keep the momentum going. It can go something like this:

📜 Story: What if you needed to cut back on coffee for health reasons, but you don’t want to give up on the comfort you get from your daily coffee ritual?

✅ Fact : 54% of coffee drinkers say that the caffeine in coffee makes them feel anxious, and 71% believe it impacts their sleep cycle.

📜 Story: NewX Drinks (our example company) traveled to France to find the best chicory, Finland for the most nutrient-rich chaga powder, and the mountains of China for naturally harvested cordyceps.

✅ Fact : Studies show that the ingredients in our herbal coffee can help raise energy levels without causing anxiety or dehydration.

Continue alternating facts and story points until your closing slides. Finish with a wrap-up of how noteworthy this new information is, and what your audience can do next to take action based on what they learned.

When to use it:

You can use this formula for almost any type of presentation. It’s a good fit when you have a lot of statistics, quotes, and other facts to weave into your presentation.

c) The how-to

When your presentation is educational, use the how-to story formula to organize your ideas.

The how-to is linear, which makes it perfect for when you are showing how to get from point A to point B.

The beginning of the outline design shows the current situation and your end goal. Then, your subsequent blocks or storyboard cells illustrate each step someone needs to take to get from that starting point to the endpoint, whether the objective is to learn a new skill or how to resolve a challenge.

For example, if you want to show your team how to protect their work devices from hackers, you can prepare a how-to style presentation to depict:

  • The current situation – existing cybersecurity threats
  • The end goal – a cyber-aware workforce
  • Steps to get there – different cybersecurity best practices, like multi-factor authentication and recognizing phishing emails, how to use them, and the impact taking these steps can have
  • Obstacles and challenges along the way – stats or case studies showing how sophisticated hackers are becoming and how complex the threat landscape is

Any time you want to demonstrate how to use a product, follow a process, or resolve a problem, you can use the how-to formula. It’s useful for employee training presentations and any scenario where you are teaching your audience how to do something.

d) The solution pitch

Want to make your solution seem irresistible to stakeholders? Use the solution-pitch formula to create a presentation they resonate with.

The goal here is to set up your storyboard so your audience can see themselves in the situation. They should walk away with a clear sense of the immense benefit they’re in for if they get on board with your idea or product.

Here’s how the formula works:

  • The first cell of your storyboard should lay out the initial environment and circumstances where the audience’s problem exists. You can use a fictional product user or a past client to set the scene.
  • Next, dig into the problem – why does your hero need to solve this problem? Why won’t it go away on its own, or what will they gain by overcoming it?
  • Build the story arc by hinting at a solution.
  • Create tension by offering different ways to solve the problem, presenting your idea or product as the best option.
  • Close with a deep dive into why this is the best choice, why that is, and how much better off your audience will be with this new product, investment, or idea in their court.

The solution pitch is a good fit for sales. But it’s not just useful when pitching to prospects. It’s also useful when trying to get investors or executive decision-makers on board with your great idea.

3. Expand with visual content

Visual content helps tell your story. Well-designed data visualizations, images, animations, and other visuals play several critical roles.

  • Holds the audience’s attention for longer
  • Creates emotional connections and makes your presentation more relatable
  • Further develops the points you make
  • Achieves a sense of consistency that makes it easier for your audience to follow along

So how do you pull all these benefits into your presentation?

You guessed it – by integrating your visual content into your outline design.

There are different ways to do this:

  • Include sketches or other starter visuals in your outline design. Then, your designers can create all of your visual content for your final presentation.
  • Show where you want your illustrations, photos, charts, and graphs to appear in your outline. Simply describe what you want and where they should go. With this approach, your designer can handle the visual aspects once you get your structure organized.
  • Start with professional-quality designs from the beginning and plug them into your outline. This approach lets you put all your images in their places when you’re still in the pre-planning phase so you can visualize how your elements will look side by side.

4. Establish your design guidelines

Another component to include in your outline is the design guidelines. Color palette, typography, font size, style – they should all be uniform throughout your presentation.

And they should match – or at least complement – your brand guidelines.

How to Create a Brand Style Guide that Supercharges Your Marketing Strategy

But don’t feel stuck with your brand parameters. Ultimately, you want the colors, fonts, and other elements to reflect the nature of your presentation’s content more than anything else. Then your brand guidelines can take a back seat through subtle details and the logo.

For example, if you’re presenting serious information and lots of data visuals – but your brand is bright and bubbly – you will probably want to tone down your presentation aesthetics.

You don’t want rainbows of colors and heavy fonts overwhelming the information you’re presenting. 🥴

Ready to create a presentation outline that puts your talk in the Presentation Hall of Fame? 😉 You handle the planning, we’ll do the design.

5. Weave in statistics, quotes, and testimonials

Hard facts will help to build trust. To beef up your presentation, be sure to weave these nuggets into your outline. Use statistics to back up your main points. Testimonials for validation. And quotes are perfect for slowing things down – they create space for pause and reflection.

Or as Turkish novelist and playwright Mehmet Murat Ildan says, “A very wise quote is a spectacular waterfall! When you see it, you feel its power!”

6. Time your talk

Even if you don’t have a time limit, your audience does have limited patience.

Decide how long your presentation will be – research says the perfect length is 20 minutes . Then, use your presentation outline to divvy up your main points so each one gets enough love.

If you find that you’re spending too much time on one point or another, lean more into your visual elements to tell your story. Design can get across more information in less time and with fewer words.

7. Finish with a call to action

And what about the end?

Your closing slides are not just a place to wrap things up and summarize your points. This is where you have your chance to lay out the next steps you want your audience to take.

Your call to action should clearly state what they can do next to get their hands on your product, benefit from your solution, join your cause, support your idea, or do whatever else you want them to do.

You also want to use emotion here. Whether you motivate with a sense of inspiration and excitement or compel with a sense of urgency, your audience should feel like they have to take your next step.

But they’re not going to feel motivated if you didn’t keep them interested along the way. This is why a well-organized, well-designed outline can make or break your presentation.

How to Pre-Plan Your Presentation

To pre-plan, prepare your outline. Then, perfect it, practice, and perfect some more. Let’s dive into the details:

First, put all your components together in your outline

There are three ways to build your outline format:

1. Text-only . Write out all your information and indicate where each slide starts and where you want your visuals to go. If your talk is short and doesn’t require a lot of supporting info, this can work.

The major downside with this presentation outline example is a lack of clarity. You can’t look at text notes and get a feel for how all your components flow or where you might have holes in your story arc.

2. Chart it . Put all your ideas, points, and visuals in bubbles, boxes, or other shapes. Give each content category – topic, key point, supporting info – a unique shape or color. That way, when you map out your presentation, you’ll see the structure clearly.

3. Storyboard . We recommend using a storyboard. You’ll be able to quickly see how your presentation unfolds. And, if you’re creating slides to show your audience, a storyboard lets you see how all your charts, visual design choices, and other elements will look together. Basically, a storyboard gives you the big picture.

Next up – perfecting

Once you have everything laid out, you can decide if you want to reorder your slides or refine any of your content.

Then, practice

Before designing the actual presentation, practice your talk. Find someone to present to and ask for their feedback. As you test-run your presentation while it’s in outline format, you might find that switching the sequence of a couple of slides, adding more supporting visuals, or even eliminating some content will elevate your presentation to super-star level.

And finally, pat yourself on the back. 😉 You’ve done an amazing job prepping. You’re ready to design an amazing presentation!

Need Help? Epiic Designers Make It Easy to Create Compelling Presentations

If you’re struggling to bring your ideas to life, we can help. So go ahead, crumple up your stick figure storyboard sketches and toss them in the bin. Say goodbye to stressful presentation planning, and get ready to deliver a talk that you feel 100% proud of!

With unlimited designs, you can get all the design work your heart desires – storyboarding, data visuals, presentation slides, and more. But your costs never change.

Sign up for a plan today and find out how much easier (and prettier!) your life can be with an epiic designer in your corner.

Apr 21, 2022

A content writer and editor for over 12 years, Brenna spends her days (and nights!) creating content to help brands better connect with their audience.

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How to Structure your Presentation, with Examples

August 3, 2018 - Dom Barnard

For many people the thought of delivering a presentation is a daunting task and brings about a  great deal of nerves . However, if you take some time to understand how effective presentations are structured and then apply this structure to your own presentation, you’ll appear much more confident and relaxed.

Here is our complete guide for structuring your presentation, with examples at the end of the article to demonstrate these points.

Why is structuring a presentation so important?

If you’ve ever sat through a great presentation, you’ll have left feeling either inspired or informed on a given topic. This isn’t because the speaker was the most knowledgeable or motivating person in the world. Instead, it’s because they know how to structure presentations – they have crafted their message in a logical and simple way that has allowed the audience can keep up with them and take away key messages.

Research has supported this, with studies showing that audiences retain structured information  40% more accurately  than unstructured information.

In fact, not only is structuring a presentation important for the benefit of the audience’s understanding, it’s also important for you as the speaker. A good structure helps you remain calm, stay on topic, and avoid any awkward silences.

What will affect your presentation structure?

Generally speaking, there is a natural flow that any decent presentation will follow which we will go into shortly. However, you should be aware that all presentation structures will be different in their own unique way and this will be due to a number of factors, including:

  • Whether you need to deliver any demonstrations
  • How  knowledgeable the audience  already is on the given subject
  • How much interaction you want from the audience
  • Any time constraints there are for your talk
  • What setting you are in
  • Your ability to use any kinds of visual assistance

Before choosing the presentation’s structure answer these questions first:

  • What is your presentation’s aim?
  • Who are the audience?
  • What are the main points your audience should remember afterwards?

When reading the points below, think critically about what things may cause your presentation structure to be slightly different. You can add in certain elements and add more focus to certain moments if that works better for your speech.

Good presentation structure is important for a presentation

What is the typical presentation structure?

This is the usual flow of a presentation, which covers all the vital sections and is a good starting point for yours. It allows your audience to easily follow along and sets out a solid structure you can add your content to.

1. Greet the audience and introduce yourself

Before you start delivering your talk, introduce yourself to the audience and clarify who you are and your relevant expertise. This does not need to be long or incredibly detailed, but will help build an immediate relationship between you and the audience. It gives you the chance to briefly clarify your expertise and why you are worth listening to. This will help establish your ethos so the audience will trust you more and think you’re credible.

Read our tips on  How to Start a Presentation Effectively

2. Introduction

In the introduction you need to explain the subject and purpose of your presentation whilst gaining the audience’s interest and confidence. It’s sometimes helpful to think of your introduction as funnel-shaped to help filter down your topic:

  • Introduce your general topic
  • Explain your topic area
  • State the issues/challenges in this area you will be exploring
  • State your presentation’s purpose – this is the basis of your presentation so ensure that you provide a statement explaining how the topic will be treated, for example, “I will argue that…” or maybe you will “compare”, “analyse”, “evaluate”, “describe” etc.
  • Provide a statement of what you’re hoping the outcome of the presentation will be, for example, “I’m hoping this will be provide you with…”
  • Show a preview of the organisation of your presentation

In this section also explain:

  • The length of the talk.
  • Signal whether you want audience interaction – some presenters prefer the audience to ask questions throughout whereas others allocate a specific section for this.
  • If it applies, inform the audience whether to take notes or whether you will be providing handouts.

The way you structure your introduction can depend on the amount of time you have been given to present: a  sales pitch  may consist of a quick presentation so you may begin with your conclusion and then provide the evidence. Conversely, a speaker presenting their idea for change in the world would be better suited to start with the evidence and then conclude what this means for the audience.

Keep in mind that the main aim of the introduction is to grab the audience’s attention and connect with them.

3. The main body of your talk

The main body of your talk needs to meet the promises you made in the introduction. Depending on the nature of your presentation, clearly segment the different topics you will be discussing, and then work your way through them one at a time – it’s important for everything to be organised logically for the audience to fully understand. There are many different ways to organise your main points, such as, by priority, theme, chronologically etc.

  • Main points should be addressed one by one with supporting evidence and examples.
  • Before moving on to the next point you should provide a mini-summary.
  • Links should be clearly stated between ideas and you must make it clear when you’re moving onto the next point.
  • Allow time for people to take relevant notes and stick to the topics you have prepared beforehand rather than straying too far off topic.

When planning your presentation write a list of main points you want to make and ask yourself “What I am telling the audience? What should they understand from this?” refining your answers this way will help you produce clear messages.

4. Conclusion

In presentations the conclusion is frequently underdeveloped and lacks purpose which is a shame as it’s the best place to reinforce your messages. Typically, your presentation has a specific goal – that could be to convert a number of the audience members into customers, lead to a certain number of enquiries to make people knowledgeable on specific key points, or to motivate them towards a shared goal.

Regardless of what that goal is, be sure to summarise your main points and their implications. This clarifies the overall purpose of your talk and reinforces your reason for being there.

Follow these steps:

  • Signal that it’s nearly the end of your presentation, for example, “As we wrap up/as we wind down the talk…”
  • Restate the topic and purpose of your presentation – “In this speech I wanted to compare…”
  • Summarise the main points, including their implications and conclusions
  • Indicate what is next/a call to action/a thought-provoking takeaway
  • Move on to the last section

5. Thank the audience and invite questions

Conclude your talk by thanking the audience for their time and invite them to  ask any questions  they may have. As mentioned earlier, personal circumstances will affect the structure of your presentation.

Many presenters prefer to make the Q&A session the key part of their talk and try to speed through the main body of the presentation. This is totally fine, but it is still best to focus on delivering some sort of initial presentation to set the tone and topics for discussion in the Q&A.

Questions being asked after a presentation

Other common presentation structures

The above was a description of a basic presentation, here are some more specific presentation layouts:


Use the demonstration structure when you have something useful to show. This is usually used when you want to show how a product works. Steve Jobs frequently used this technique in his presentations.

  • Explain why the product is valuable.
  • Describe why the product is necessary.
  • Explain what problems it can solve for the audience.
  • Demonstrate the product  to support what you’ve been saying.
  • Make suggestions of other things it can do to make the audience curious.


This structure is particularly useful in persuading the audience.

  • Briefly frame the issue.
  • Go into the issue in detail showing why it ‘s such a problem. Use logos and pathos for this – the logical and emotional appeals.
  • Provide the solution and explain why this would also help the audience.
  • Call to action – something you want the audience to do which is straightforward and pertinent to the solution.


As well as incorporating  stories in your presentation , you can organise your whole presentation as a story. There are lots of different type of story structures you can use – a popular choice is the monomyth – the hero’s journey. In a monomyth, a hero goes on a difficult journey or takes on a challenge – they move from the familiar into the unknown. After facing obstacles and ultimately succeeding the hero returns home, transformed and with newfound wisdom.

Storytelling for Business Success  webinar , where well-know storyteller Javier Bernad shares strategies for crafting compelling narratives.

Another popular choice for using a story to structure your presentation is in media ras (in the middle of thing). In this type of story you launch right into the action by providing a snippet/teaser of what’s happening and then you start explaining the events that led to that event. This is engaging because you’re starting your story at the most exciting part which will make the audience curious – they’ll want to know how you got there.

  • Great storytelling: Examples from Alibaba Founder, Jack Ma

Remaining method

The remaining method structure is good for situations where you’re presenting your perspective on a controversial topic which has split people’s opinions.

  • Go into the issue in detail showing why it’s such a problem – use logos and pathos.
  • Rebut your opponents’ solutions  – explain why their solutions could be useful because the audience will see this as fair and will therefore think you’re trustworthy, and then explain why you think these solutions are not valid.
  • After you’ve presented all the alternatives provide your solution, the remaining solution. This is very persuasive because it looks like the winning idea, especially with the audience believing that you’re fair and trustworthy.


When delivering presentations it’s important for your words and ideas to flow so your audience can understand how everything links together and why it’s all relevant. This can be done  using speech transitions  which are words and phrases that allow you to smoothly move from one point to another so that your speech flows and your presentation is unified.

Transitions can be one word, a phrase or a full sentence – there are many different forms, here are some examples:

Moving from the introduction to the first point

Signify to the audience that you will now begin discussing the first main point:

  • Now that you’re aware of the overview, let’s begin with…
  • First, let’s begin with…
  • I will first cover…
  • My first point covers…
  • To get started, let’s look at…

Shifting between similar points

Move from one point to a similar one:

  • In the same way…
  • Likewise…
  • Equally…
  • This is similar to…
  • Similarly…

Internal summaries

Internal summarising consists of summarising before moving on to the next point. You must inform the audience:

  • What part of the presentation you covered – “In the first part of this speech we’ve covered…”
  • What the key points were – “Precisely how…”
  • How this links in with the overall presentation – “So that’s the context…”
  • What you’re moving on to – “Now I’d like to move on to the second part of presentation which looks at…”

Physical movement

You can move your body and your standing location when you transition to another point. The audience find it easier to follow your presentation and movement will increase their interest.

A common technique for incorporating movement into your presentation is to:

  • Start your introduction by standing in the centre of the stage.
  • For your first point you stand on the left side of the stage.
  • You discuss your second point from the centre again.
  • You stand on the right side of the stage for your third point.
  • The conclusion occurs in the centre.

Key slides for your presentation

Slides are a useful tool for most presentations: they can greatly assist in the delivery of your message and help the audience follow along with what you are saying. Key slides include:

  • An intro slide outlining your ideas
  • A  summary slide  with core points to remember
  • High quality image slides to supplement what you are saying

There are some presenters who choose not to use slides at all, though this is more of a rarity. Slides can be a powerful tool if used properly, but the problem is that many fail to do just that. Here are some golden rules to follow when using slides in a presentation:

  • Don’t over fill them  – your slides are there to assist your speech, rather than be the focal point. They should have as little information as possible, to avoid distracting people from your talk.
  • A picture says a thousand words  – instead of filling a slide with text, instead, focus on one or two images or diagrams to help support and explain the point you are discussing at that time.
  • Make them readable  – depending on the size of your audience, some may not be able to see small text or images, so make everything large enough to fill the space.
  • Don’t rush through slides  – give the audience enough time to digest each slide.

Guy Kawasaki, an entrepreneur and author, suggests that slideshows should follow a  10-20-30 rule :

  • There should be a maximum of 10 slides – people rarely remember more than one concept afterwards so there’s no point overwhelming them with unnecessary information.
  • The presentation should last no longer than 20 minutes as this will leave time for questions and discussion.
  • The font size should be a minimum of 30pt because the audience reads faster than you talk so less information on the slides means that there is less chance of the audience being distracted.

Here are some additional resources for slide design:

  • 7 design tips for effective, beautiful PowerPoint presentations
  • 11 design tips for beautiful presentations
  • 10 tips on how to make slides that communicate your idea

Group Presentations

Group presentations are structured in the same way as presentations with one speaker but usually require more rehearsal and practices.  Clean transitioning between speakers  is very important in producing a presentation that flows well. One way of doing this consists of:

  • Briefly recap on what you covered in your section: “So that was a brief introduction on what health anxiety is and how it can affect somebody”
  • Introduce the next speaker in the team and explain what they will discuss: “Now Elnaz will talk about the prevalence of health anxiety.”
  • Then end by looking at the next speaker, gesturing towards them and saying their name: “Elnaz”.
  • The next speaker should acknowledge this with a quick: “Thank you Joe.”

From this example you can see how the different sections of the presentations link which makes it easier for the audience to follow and remain engaged.

Example of great presentation structure and delivery

Having examples of great presentations will help inspire your own structures, here are a few such examples, each unique and inspiring in their own way.

How Google Works – by Eric Schmidt

This presentation by ex-Google CEO  Eric Schmidt  demonstrates some of the most important lessons he and his team have learnt with regards to working with some of the most talented individuals they hired. The simplistic yet cohesive style of all of the slides is something to be appreciated. They are relatively straightforward, yet add power and clarity to the narrative of the presentation.

Start with why – by Simon Sinek

Since being released in 2009, this presentation has been viewed almost four million times all around the world. The message itself is very powerful, however, it’s not an idea that hasn’t been heard before. What makes this presentation so powerful is the simple message he is getting across, and the straightforward and understandable manner in which he delivers it. Also note that he doesn’t use any slides, just a whiteboard where he creates a simple diagram of his opinion.

The Wisdom of a Third Grade Dropout – by Rick Rigsby

Here’s an example of a presentation given by a relatively unknown individual looking to inspire the next generation of graduates. Rick’s presentation is unique in many ways compared to the two above. Notably, he uses no visual prompts and includes a great deal of humour.

However, what is similar is the structure he uses. He first introduces his message that the wisest man he knew was a third-grade dropout. He then proceeds to deliver his main body of argument, and in the end, concludes with his message. This powerful speech keeps the viewer engaged throughout, through a mixture of heart-warming sentiment, powerful life advice and engaging humour.

As you can see from the examples above, and as it has been expressed throughout, a great presentation structure means analysing the core message of your presentation. Decide on a key message you want to impart the audience with, and then craft an engaging way of delivering it.

By preparing a solid structure, and  practising your talk  beforehand, you can walk into the presentation with confidence and deliver a meaningful message to an interested audience.

It’s important for a presentation to be well-structured so it can have the most impact on your audience. An unstructured presentation can be difficult to follow and even frustrating to listen to. The heart of your speech are your main points supported by evidence and your transitions should assist the movement between points and clarify how everything is linked.

Research suggests that the audience remember the first and last things you say so your introduction and conclusion are vital for reinforcing your points. Essentially, ensure you spend the time structuring your presentation and addressing all of the sections.

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Blog Data Visualization 18 Presentation Design Tips For Success

18 Presentation Design Tips For Success

Written by: Midori Nediger May 15, 2023

presentation design

Bad presentations. We’ve all had to sit through them.  Heck, we’ve probably all given one or two. I know I have.

You know the type: twice as long as they need to be, slides chock-full of text, no visuals in sight. 

How can you ensure you don’t fall victim to these presentation faux-pas when designing your next presentation for your team, class, or clients?

In this blog, I’ll walk you through tips on how to design an impactful presentation along with presentation templates that can help you deliver it with style to leave a lasting impression.

Tips for designing and delivering an impactful presentation

What makes a presentation memorable?

It usually comes down to three things:

  • The main idea.
  • The presenter.
  • The visuals.

All three elements work together to create a successful presentation. Just like how different presentation styles serve different purposes, having a good presentation idea will give the audience a purpose for listening.

Here are some top tips to consider to help you design and deliver an impactful presentation:

  • Include less text and more visuals in your presentation design
  • Identify one core message to center your presentation design around
  • Eliminate any information that doesn’t immediately support the core message
  • Create a strong presentation outline to keep you focused
  • Use text to reinforce, not repeat, what you’re saying
  • Design your presentation with one major takeaway per slide
  • Use visuals to highlight the key message on each slide
  • Use scaffolding slides to orient your audience and keep them engaged
  • Use text size, weight, and color for emphasis
  • Apply design choices consistently to avoid distraction
  • Split a group presentation by topic
  • Use a variety of page layouts to maintain your audience’s interest
  • Use presentation templates to help you get started
  • Include examples of inspiring people
  • Dedicate slides to poignant questions
  • Find quotes that will inspire your audience
  • Emphasize key points with text and images
  • Label your slides to prompt your memory

1. Include less text and more visuals in your presentation design

According to David Paradi’s annual presentation survey , the 3 things that annoy audiences most about presentations are:

  • Speakers reading their slides
  • Slides that include full sentences of text
  • Text that is too small to read

The common thread that ties all of these presentation annoyances is text. Audiences are very picky about the text found in presentation slide decks .

In my experiences speaking at conferences and in webinars over the past few years, audiences respond much more positively to presentations that use visuals in place of text.

Audiences are more engaged, ask more questions, and find my talks more memorable when I include lots of visual examples in my slide decks. 

I’m not the only one who has found this. We recently surveyed nearly 400 conference speakers about their presentation designs and found that 84.3% create presentations that are highly visual.

A great example of a high visual presentation is the iconic AirBnB pitch deck design , which includes no more than 40 words per slide. Instead of repeating the speaker’s script on the slides, it makes an impact with keywords, large numbers, and icons:

outline of the presentation should include

Learn how to customize this presentation template:

To help you take your presentations to the next level, I’d like to share my process for creating a visually-focused presentation like the one above. I’ll give you my top presentation design tips that I’ve learned over years of presenting:

  • Class presentations
  • Online courses

You can then apply this process to our professional presentation templates  or pitch decks , creating unique presentation decks with ease! Our user-friendly editor tools make customizing these templates a breeze.

To leave a lasting impression on your audience, consider transforming your slides into an interactive presentation. Here are 15 interactive presentation ideas to enhance interactivity and engagement.

We’ll cover the most important steps for summarizing lengthy text into a presentation-friendly format. Then we’ll touch on some presentation design tips to help you get visual with your slide decks. Read on for the best creative presentation ideas .

2. Identify one core message to center your presentation design around

We know from David Paradi’s survey that audiences are easily overwhelmed with lots of text and data, especially when presentations are long.

confused woman meme

(You when you see a presentation with lots of text and data and it’s long)

So unlike in a white paper , report , or essay , you can’t expect to tackle many complex ideas within a single presentation.

That would be a recipe for disaster.

Instead, identify a single central message that you would like to communicate to your audience. Then build your presentation around that core message.

By identifying that core message, you can ensure that everything you include in your presentation supports the goal of the presentation .

As seen below, a great presentation tells you exactly what you’re going to learn (the core message), then gets right to the facts (the supporting information).

Nutrition Creative Presentation Template

To ensure you create an asset that’s clear, concise, impactful, and easy to follow, design your presentation around a single core message.

3. Create a strong presentation outline to keep you focused

Think of your outline as a roadmap for your presentation. The outline will shape the  presentation structure  and guide you through your content. Creating a strong presentation outline straight away helps make sure that you’re hitting all of the key points you need to cover to convey a persuasive presentation .

Take this presentation outline example:

  • Introduction and hellos
  • Vision and value proposition
  • Financial profit
  • Your investment
  • Thanks and questions

These are all things that we know we need to talk about within the presentation.

Creating a presentation outline makes it much easier to know what to say when it comes to creating the actual presentation slides.

Corporate pitch deck template

You could even include your presentation outline as a separate slide so that your audience knows what to expect:

Topics of discussion presentation outline example template

The opening moments of your presentation hold immense power – check out these 15 ways to start a presentation to set the stage and captivate your audience.

4. Eliminate any information that doesn’t support the core message

Next, use that core message to identify everything that doesn’t belong in the presentation.

Aim to eliminate everything that isn’t immediately relevant to the topic at hand, and anything remotely redundant. Cut any information that isn’t absolutely essential to understanding the core message.

By cutting these extra details, you can transform forgettable text-heavy slides:

Infographic Presentation Template

Into memorable slides with minimal text:

Infographic Presentation Template

Here’s a quick checklist to help you cut out any extra detail:

Get rid of:

  • Detailed descriptions
  • Background information
  • Redundant statements
  • Explanations of common knowledge
  • Persuasive facts and figures
  • Illustrative examples
  • Impactful quotes

presentation design

This step may seem obvious, but when you’re presenting on a topic that you’re passionate about, it’s easy to get carried away with extraneous detail. Use the recommendations above to keep your text in check.

Clarity is key, especially if you’re presenting virtually rather than in-person. However, Lisa Schneider (Chief Growth Officer at Merriam-Webster) has had plenty of experience making that adjustment. She recently shared her tips for adapting in-person presentations into virtual presentations on Venngage that you can check out. 

Watch: How to design a presentation [10 ESSENTIAL TIPS]

5. Use text to reinforce, not repeat, what you’re saying

According to presentation guru  Nancy Duarte , your audience should be able to discern the meaning of your slides in 6 seconds or less.

Since your audience will tend to read every word you place on each slide, you must keep your text to an absolute minimum. The text on your slides should provide support for what you’re saying without being distracting.

Never write out, word for word, what you’re going to be saying out loud. If you’re relying on text to remember certain points, resist the urge to cram them into your slides. Instead, use a tool like Venngage’s speaker notes to highlight particular talking points. These can be imported into PowerPoint — along with the rest of your presentation — and will only be viewable to you, not your audience.

Speaker notes by Venngage

For the actual slides, text should only be used to reinforce what you’re saying. Like in the presentation design below, paraphrase long paragraphs into short bulleted lists or statements by eliminating adjectives and articles (like “the” and “a”).

outline of the presentation should include

Pull out quotes and important numbers, and make them a focus of each slide.

outline of the presentation should include

6. Design your presentation with one major takeaway per slide

As I mentioned above, audiences struggle when too much information is presented on a single slide.

To make sure you don’t overwhelm your audiences with too much information, spread out your content to cover one major takeaway per slide.

By limiting each slide to a single simple statement, you focus your audience’s attention on the topic at hand.

My favorite way to do this is to pick out the core message of whatever I’m talking about and express it in a few keywords, as seen in this presentation slide below.

outline of the presentation should include

This helps ensure that the visuals remain the focus of the slide.

outline of the presentation should include

Using the text in this way, to simply state a single fact per slide, is a sure-fire way to make an impact in your presentation.

Alternatively, pull out a significant statistic that you want to stick in your audience’s minds and make it a visual focus of the slide, as seen in this popular presentation by Officevibe .

presentation design

This might mean you end up with a slide deck with a ton of slides. But that’s totally ok!

I’ve talked to many professionals who are pressured by their management teams to create presentations with a specific number of slides (usually as few as 10 or 15 slides for a 30-minute presentation).

If you ask me, this approach is completely flawed. In my mind, the longer I spend sitting on a single slide, the more likely I am to lose the interest of my audience.

How many slides should I use for a 10 minute presentation?

A good rule of thumb is to have at least as many slides as minutes in your presentation. So for a 10 minute presentation you should have at least 10 slides .

Use as many slides as you need, as long as you are presenting a single message on each slide, (as seen in the lengthy presentation template below). This is especially important if you’re presenting your business, or delivering a product presentation. You want to wow your audience, not bore them.

outline of the presentation should include

7. Use visuals to highlight the key message on each slide

As important as having one major takeaway per slide is having visuals that highlight the major takeaway on each slide.

Unique visuals will help make your message memorable.

Visuals are a great way to eliminate extra text, too.

You can add visuals by creating a timeline infographic to group and integrate information into visual frameworks like this:

outline of the presentation should include

Or create a flowchart  and funnels:

outline of the presentation should include

Or by representing simple concepts with icons, as seen in the modern presentation design below. Using the same color for every icon helps create a polished look.

Using visuals in this way is perfect for when you have to convey messages quickly to audiences that you aren’t familiar with – such as at conferences. This would also make the ideal interview presentation template.

outline of the presentation should include

You can alternatively use icons in different colors, like in the presentation templates below. Just make sure the colors are complimentary, and style is consistent throughout the presentation (i.e. don’t use sleek, modern icons on one slide and whimsically illustrated icons on another). In this example, presentation clipart style icons have been used.

outline of the presentation should include

Any time you have important stats or trends you want your audience to remember, consider using a chart or data visualization to drive your point home. Confident public speaking combined with strong visualizations can really make an impact, encouraging your audience to act upon your message.

One of my personal favorite presentations (created by a professional designer) takes this “key message plus a visual” concept to the extreme, resulting in a slide deck that’s downright irresistible.

presentation design

When applying this concept, don’t fall into the trap of using bad stock photos . Irrelevant or poorly chosen visuals can hurt you as much as they help you.

Below is an example of how to use stock photos effectively. They are more thematic than literal and are customized with fun, bright icons that set a playful tone.

outline of the presentation should include

The content and visual design of a presentation should be seamless.

It should never seem like your text and visuals are plopped onto a template. The format and design of the slides should contribute to and support the audience’s understanding of the content.

Impactful presenation templates

8. Use scaffolding slides to orient your audience and keep them engaged

It’s easy for audiences to get lost during long presentations, especially if you have lots of slides. And audiences zone out when they get lost.

To help reorient your audience every once in a while, you can use something I like to call scaffolding slides. Scaffolding slides appear throughout a presentation to denote the start and end of major sections.

The core scaffolding slide is the agenda slide, which should appear right after the introduction or title slide. It outlines the major sections of the presentation.

At the beginning of each section, you should show that agenda again but highlight the relevant section title, as seen below.

outline of the presentation should include

This gives audiences the sense that you’re making progress through the presentation and helps keep them anchored and engaged.

Alternatively, you can achieve a similar effect by numbering your sections and showing that number on every slide. Or use a progress bar at the bottom of each slide to indicate how far along you are in your presentation. Just make sure it doesn’t distract from the main content of the slides.

outline of the presentation should include

You can imagine using this “progress bar” idea for a research presentation, or any presentation where you have a lot of information to get through.

Leila Janah, founder of Sama Group, is great at this. Her  Innovation and Inspire  talk about Sama Group is an example of a presentation that is well organized and very easy to follow.

Her presentation follows a logical, steady stream of ideas. She seems comfortable talking in front of a crowd but doesn’t make any attempts to engage directly with them.

9. Use text size, weight and color for emphasis

Every slide should have a visual focal point. Something that immediately draws the eye at first glance.

That focal point should be whatever is most important on that slide, be it an important number, a keyword, or simply the slide title.

presentation design

We can create visual focal points by varying the size, weight, and color of each element on the slide. Larger, brighter, bolder elements will command our audience’s attention, while smaller, lighter elements will tend to fade into the background.

outline of the presentation should include

As seen in the presentation template above, this technique can be especially useful for drawing attention to important words within a long passage of text. Consider using this technique whenever you have more than 5 words on a slide.

And if you really want your audience to pay attention, pick a high-contrast color scheme like the one below.

presentation design

When picking fonts for your presentation, keep this technique in mind. Pick a font that has a noticeable difference between the “bold” font face and the “regular” font face. Source Sans Pro, Times New Roman, Montserrat, Arvo, Roboto, and Open Sans are all good options.

Presentation Fonts

The last thing to remember when using size, weight, and color to create emphasis on a slide: don’t try to emphasize too many things on one slide.

If everything is highlighted, nothing is highlighted.

10. Apply design choices consistently to avoid distraction

Audiences are quick to pick out, and focus on, any inconsistencies in your presentation design. As a result, messy, inconsistent slide decks lead to distracted, disengaged audiences.

Design choices (fonts and colors, especially), must be applied consistently across a slide deck. The last thing you want is for your audience to pay attention to your design choices before your content.

To keep your design in check, it can be helpful to create a color palette and type hierarchy before you start creating your deck, and outline it in a basic style guide like this one:

outline of the presentation should include

I know it can sometimes be tempting to fiddle around with text sizes to fit longer bits of text on a slide, but don’t do it! If the text is too long to fit on a slide, it should be split up onto multiple slides anyway.

And remember, a consistent design isn’t necessarily a boring one. This social media marketing presentation applies a bright color scheme to a variety of 3-column and 2-column layouts, remaining consistent but still using creative presentation ideas.

outline of the presentation should include

11. Split a group presentation by topic

When giving a group presentation it’s always difficult to find the right balance of who should present which part.

Splitting a group presentation by topic is the most natural way to give everybody the chance to attempt without it seeming disjointed.

outline of the presentation should include

When presenting this slide deck to investors or potential clients, the team can easily take one topic each. One person can discuss the business model slide, and somebody else can talk about the marketing strategy.

Top tips for group presentations:

  • Split your group presentation by topic
  • Introduce the next speaker at the end of your slide
  • Become an ‘expert’ in the slide that you are presenting
  • Rehearse your presentation in advance so that everybody knows their cue to start speaking

12. Use a variety of page layouts to maintain your audience’s interest

Page after page of the same layout can become repetitive and boring. Mix up the layout of your slides to keep your audience interested.

In this example, the designer has used a variety of combinations of images, text, and icons to create an interesting and varied style.

Yellow start up pitch deck presentation template

There are hundreds of different combinations of presentation layers and presentation styles that you can use to help create an engaging presentation . This style is great for when you need to present a variety of information and statistics, like if you were presenting to financial investors, or you were giving a research presentation.

Using a variety of layouts to keep an audience engaged is something that Elon Musk is an expert in. An engaged audience is a hyped audience. Check out this Elon Musk presentation revealing a new model Tesla for a masterclass on how to vary your slides in an interesting way:

13. Use presentation templates to help you get started

It can be overwhelming to build your own presentation from scratch. Fortunately, my team at Venngage has created hundreds of professional presentation templates , which make it easy to implement these design principles and ensure your audience isn’t deterred by text-heavy slides.

Using a presentation template is a quick and easy way to create professional-looking presentation skills, without any design experience. You can edit all of the text easily, as well as change the colors, fonts, or photos. Plus you can download your work in a PowerPoint or PDF Presentation format.

After your presentation, consider summarizing your presentation in an engaging manner to r each a wider audience through a LinkedIn presentation .

14. Include examples of inspiring people

People like having role models to look up to. If you want to motivate your audience, include examples of people who demonstrate the traits or achievements, or who have found success through the topic you are presenting.

15. Dedicate slides to poignant questions

While you might be tempted to fill your slides with decorative visuals and splashes of color, consider that sometimes simplicity is more effective than complexity. The simpler your slide is, the more you can focus on one thought-provoking idea.

outline of the presentation should include

16. Find quotes that will inspire your audience

A really good quote can stick in a person’s mind for weeks after your presentation. Ending your presentation with a quote can be a nice way to either begin or finish your presentation.

A great example of this is Tim Ferriss’ TED talk:

tim ferriss inspiration presentation example

Check out the full talk below.

17. Emphasize key points with text and images

When you pair concise text with an image, you’re presenting the information to your audience in two simultaneous ways. This can make the information easier to remember, and more memorable.

Use your images and text on slides to reinforce what you’re saying out loud.

Doing this achieves two things:

  • When the audience hears a point and simultaneously read it on the screen, it’s easier to retain.
  • Audience members can photograph/ screencap the slide and share it with their networks.

Don’t believe us? See this tip in action with a presentation our Chief Marketing Officer Nadya gave recently at Unbounce’s CTA Conference . The combination of text and images on screen leads to a memorable presentation.

Nadya Unbounce Presentation Example

18. Label your slides to prompt your memory

Often, presenters will write out an entire script for their presentation and read it off a teleprompter. The problem is, that can often make your presentation seem  too  rehearsed and wooden.

But even if you don’t write a complete script, you can still put key phrases on your slides to prompt jog your memory. The one thing you have to be wary of is looking back at your slides too much.

A good presentation gets things moving! Check out the top qualities of awesome presentations and learn all about how to make a good presentation to help you nail that captivating delivery.

Audiences don’t want to watch presentations with slide decks jam-packed with text. Too much text only hurts audience engagement and understanding. Your presentation design is as important as your presentation style. 

By summarizing our text and creating slides with a visual focus, we can give more exciting, memorable and impactful presentations.

Give it a try with one of our popular presentation templates:

presentation design

Discover popular designs

outline of the presentation should include

Infographic maker

outline of the presentation should include

Brochure maker

outline of the presentation should include

White paper online

outline of the presentation should include

Newsletter creator

outline of the presentation should include

Flyer maker

outline of the presentation should include

Timeline maker

outline of the presentation should include

Letterhead maker

outline of the presentation should include

Mind map maker

outline of the presentation should include

Ebook maker



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What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

  • Carmine Gallo

outline of the presentation should include

Five tips to set yourself apart.

Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or elevate your stature within your organization. But while there are plenty of good speakers in the world, you can set yourself apart out by being the person who can deliver something great over and over. Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired together are more memorable); don’t underestimate the power of your voice (raise and lower it for emphasis); give your audience something extra (unexpected moments will grab their attention); rehearse (the best speakers are the best because they practice — a lot).

I was sitting across the table from a Silicon Valley CEO who had pioneered a technology that touches many of our lives — the flash memory that stores data on smartphones, digital cameras, and computers. He was a frequent guest on CNBC and had been delivering business presentations for at least 20 years before we met. And yet, the CEO wanted to sharpen his public speaking skills.

outline of the presentation should include

  • Carmine Gallo is a Harvard University instructor, keynote speaker, and author of 10 books translated into 40 languages. Gallo is the author of The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World’s Greatest Salesman  (St. Martin’s Press).

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How to Make an Oral Presentation

  • How to Make an Oral Presentation
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Steps to Plan Your Presentation

Instructor teach a class full of students on How to Make an Oral Presentation

Delivering an effective oral presentation is an essential skill for sharing your research findings with an audience. Tailoring your presentation to your audience, preparing for technical issues, and engaging your listeners with clear, concise content are crucial for the success of your research project. This guide provides comprehensive advice on how to prepare, what to include, and common pitfalls to avoid, ensuring your presentation is impactful and memorable.

For further assistance, contact the Office of Undergraduate Research for individual consultations.

What You Need To Know


The purpose of an oral presentation is to share your research with an audience, typically through PowerPoint or Prezi. It is typically a synopsis of your research. If you've conducted a study, you will probably address the following topics:

  • Background research on your topic (with citations to past studies)
  • The rationale for your study (how does your study address a gap in the literature?)
  • Hypotheses/research questions
  • Methodology
  • Results (graphs are more interesting than tables or words)
  • Conclusions (for example, the implications or applications of your research, limitations, future research directions, a concise summary of your main findings, concluding thoughts)
  • References and Acknowledgements (such as grant support, a faculty advisor if he/she is not an author on the presentation, assistance from others who are not listed as authors)

If your scholarship is in a different form (e.g., a film analysis, a presentation of a creative work), the structure will likely be a little different, but in all cases, it should be clear to the audience what the main goals of your research are, why it's important to do this work, and what you found in your research.  


  • First, make sure you know how much time you have; it is common for oral presentations at conferences to exceed the time limit. Prepare a presentation that is a little shorter than the allotted time to allow for questions and other comments.
  • Think about your audience: Will they understand technical terms, jargon, and acronyms? Will they be mostly undergraduates or professors in the field? You should tailor your presentation to your expected audience.
  • Think carefully about your central message. What do you want the audience to know by the end of your presentation? Most people will only remember a few take-home points from your carefully constructed presentation (if that!). There's no point in getting bogged down in minutia that the audience can't really process anyway.
  • The most important parts are the beginning (to draw the audience in) and the ending (to wrap up, to inspire). Put some thought into how to make these parts of your presentation have impact.
  • Think about your speaking style; can you speak loudly and clearly? Can you modulate your voice appropriately, or do you tend to sound monotone when you give presentations? Consider working on your public speaking skills if it's needed; consider joining Legacy Owls Toastmasters Club  for this purpose and check out Toastmasters International public speaking tips .

 Plan for the Unexpected

  • Will the conference provide computers or do you bring your own laptop?
  • Will there be internet available?
  • How reliable is the internet?
  • Will there be speakers or a way to use audio (if necessary)?
  • Back up your presentation in at least two places (e.g., flash drive, Dropbox, email it to yourself).
  • When you prepare a presentation on a Mac and then use a PC (or vice versa), be aware that sometimes things look different.
  • Bring a printed copy in case the technology fails, or have a tablet/laptop with you.
  • Find the room early, and check out the technology so you’re familiar with it.

What to Avoid

It is usually not required that you use visuals for your presentation, but a PowerPoint or Prezi can often help the audience follow along with your research.

If you use PowerPoint or Prezi:

  • Avoid the temptation to put too much text on your slides; the audience can get bored or overwhelmed and might not be able to clearly see all the words if you've used a small font (less than 20-pt is considered "small"). 
  • Avoid font types that are hard to read or look unprofessional.
  • Avoid putting words on a busy powerpoint background that makes the words hard to read.
  • Avoid using font color that doesn't contrast with the background (in other words, your audience can't read gray text on a black background). 
  • Avoid tables and graphs that have too much information - you can recreate those tables and graphs with just the most important information instead.

Also, consider your verbal and physical presentation:

  • Avoid reading your slides to the audience.
  • Avoid reading from prepared notes; the audience will maintain interest better if you can speak extemporaneously directly to them. It's also hard to make eye contact with the audience if you are reading.
  • Avoid distracting behaviors or verbal tics (“um,” “like,” “uh”).
  • Dress appropriately for the occasion.
  • Consider your body language (e.g., arms crossed can come across as you not wanting to be there).

Ways to Stand Out

  • Embrace a "Presentation Zen" style: simple (not simplistic), clean, and powerful.
  • Have interesting, high-resolution images on your slides.
  • You could connect your research to recent events (perhaps asking the audience to summarize the recent event).
  • You could ask specific questions throughout the presentation.
  • You could poll the audience on a topic relevant to your presentation (perhaps even using a free resource such as Socrative or Poll Everywhere ).
  • You could insert a powerful quote into your presentation (perhaps at the beginning or end).
  • You can show a short video to illustrate something important about your topic.
  • The point is not to be gimmicky; the point is to keep your audience interested and engaged (especially when the audience has been listening to oral presentations all day and might be tired). Be aware, though, that different disciplines have different conventions regarding what is and is not appropriate for an oral presentation; be sure to ask your research advisor for advice first.
  • Showing enthusiasm for their work
  • Being energetic
  • Using emphasis on certain words
  • Using hand gestures to keep the audience engaged

Handling Audience Questions

  • Be sure to leave some time at the end.
  • If a questioner is soft-spoken, repeat the question so everyone hears.
  • Avoid long, meandering answers.
  • Don’t make something up if you don’t know an answer. Offer to look it up and get back to the person, and be open to someone in the audience knowing the answer.
  • Give positive reinforcement to questioners (smiling, nodding, “that’s a good question”).
  • If someone is attacking you or otherwise being rude, remember that this usually comes from someone who wants to show off or appear smart in front of everyone The other audience members will recognize the rudeness and be on your side! Stay calm, answer as best you can, and acknowledge it when he/she makes a good point (smiling and nodding can disarm an attacker).
  • People will often talk to you right afterwards; try to avoid running out right after your presentation if you can help it.
  • Audience members may email for a copy of your presentation or to ask further questions; be sure to follow up with them.


If you have been accepted to present your research at a conference, congratulations! This is a great honor, and you should be proud of this accomplishment. If you would like an individual consultation with someone from the Office of Undergraduate Research about your presentation, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] .

Other online resources to check out include:

  • Presentation Tips (Prepare, Design, Deliver)
  • 18 Tips for Killer Presentations

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  • Proposal outline

What is a project proposal outline? Steps and best practices

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Every significant project begins with a proposal. But before you learn how to write a project proposal , you must master how to build an effective outline. 

To create a project proposal outline, start by understanding the project goal and scope , its key stakeholders, their concerns, and the project's anticipated benefits. This will help provide a framework for the outline.

This article explores the importance and key components of a project proposal outline, highlights best practices for creating a solid outline, and explains how to write one. Write your project proposal outline in Confluence for free.

Understanding a project proposal outline

A project proposal outline aims to clearly explain a project in a way that convinces readers to support it. An effective project proposal outline is essential to strategic planning and influences your company’s decision-making process . 

To create an effective project proposal outline, you must understand the stakeholders' primary goals and concerns. Draft your proposal outline to align with and address what those stakeholders care about and can expect from your project. 

That effort begins with the outline’s title, which should persuade your audience to continue reading the outline. This approach will result in a project proposal outline that engages and persuades participants, stakeholders, and influencers to support your project.

Types of proposals

There are multiple types of project proposals, including academic proposals, business proposals, project proposals, and research proposals. 

  • Academic proposals intend to gain support for creating a specific dissertation, research paper, or thesis. 
  • Business proposals aim to secure funding from investors, persuade clients to sign a contract or gain support for a project. 
  • Research proposals aim to gain resources and support for a specific research project. 
  • Project proposals intend to garner support for a particular project from colleagues, decision-makers, and stakeholders. 

The structure and components of each project proposal outline may vary depending on the type of proposal involved. Most of your proposals will likely be project management proposals, which aim to address a specific operational business need or pursue a specific business opportunity.

Components of a proposal outline

Every project proposal outline should include several key components. Use this project proposal format to write an effective outline: 

  • Title : Give your outline a title that captures the critical focus of your project. Don’t try to summarize the entire project; instead, provide a few words of incentive for people to continue reading the outline.
  • Executive summary : This succinct project proposal overview focuses on its goals, objectives, and anticipated outcomes. This should be no more than one to two short paragraphs.
  • Introduction : This section should cover the same grounds as the executive summary and provide more details centered on the content of the proposal outline. It should be brief and encourage further reading.
  • Problem statement : Include a brief, clear statement of the business problem or opportunity the proposed project intends to address.
  • Objectives : Provide details of the specific goals of the proposed project. Focus on stakeholder and company-wide benefits.
  • Methodology : Briefly describe how the proposed project will achieve its objectives. Give information on which roles and teams will be active participants, and list all stakeholders.
  • Budget : Detail the money, people, and other resources needed to complete the proposed project successfully. Where appropriate, include information about the source or sources of budgeted resources.
  • Timeline : Detail the planned schedule for all stages of the proposed project. Highlight any anticipated decision or inflection points.
  • Evaluation : Describe how you’ll evaluate the results and outcomes of the proposed project and what the next steps will be.
  • Conclusion : Summarize the key points and include a call to action requesting feedback and questions from readers.
  • Appendices : Add any appropriate supporting documents and links to online resources. Label each appendix and include a brief description of why you included it.

Steps to create a project proposal outline

Now that you have a usable structure, you can start creating your outline. Here’s a summary of the critical steps.

Conduct preliminary research

Start by researching your audience, their primary goals and concerns, and how your proposed project can align most closely with these. Gather information through surveys, interviews, and informal conversations to shape the structure and content of your proposal outline.

Take good notes and record conversations where possible, which will help ensure you capture all the valuable information your research unearths.

Structure the outline

Structure your outline by using your primary research and the list of components above. Organize information logically and create headings and subheadings for each section to help enhance readability. Focus on presenting your project proposal outline clearly and concisely.

Write the proposal outline

Once you have a structure in place, start writing. Draft each section in clear and professional language while incorporating terms familiar to or essential to your primary audience wherever appropriate. 

Review and revise each outline section to achieve maximum accuracy and completeness. If time and circumstances permit, try to get at least one or two members of your primary audience to review and comment on your outline before developing and sharing your final version.

Best practices for creating proposal outlines

When creating a project proposal outline, it’s crucial to keep your work concise, focused, and aligned with your goals and objectives (and those of your primary audience). Use familiar, comfortable language and include credible supporting data within the body of your outline or as appendices. Use consistent formatting and fonts to prevent visual disruption and focus your readers’ experience on the content of your outline.

Create effective project proposal outlines with Confluence

The right software can ease and speed up your entire project proposal creation process, including collaborative review and editing. This is where Confluence shines.

Confluence brings everyone together in a connected workspace to move projects forward. Teams can create, edit, and share project plans so everyone is on the same page. Every project, proposal, and outline can include multiple types of information, including action items, assignees, dates, tables, and more.  Confluence offers a range of available templates, including a project proposal template , to help you start quickly and efficiently. Explore the project poster template in Confluence, and use Confluence to write your project proposal outline for free .

Proposal outline: Frequently asked questions

Why is a proposal outline important.

A project proposal outline helps you organize your thoughts and ensure that you cover all critical points. It also makes the writing process more efficient and enables you to clearly communicate the proposal's objectives and methodology to reviewers and stakeholders. A solid project proposal outline can benefit all of your project management phases , including project planning .

Can you use the same proposal outline for different types of proposals?

You can use the same basic proposal outline structure for different types of proposals. Tailor each outline to fit the specific context and goals of each proposal and the needs and expectations of your primary audience and stakeholders. Primary research can help you select the best proposal type and structure for your specific outline.

What common mistakes should you avoid when creating a proposal outline?

Some common mistakes to avoid when creating a proposal outline include overloading the outline with information, unclear directions, or a lack of precision. Others include ignoring your primary audience's needs and expectations, lack of cohesion, and poor information flow.

Sticking closely to a well-crafted structure such as the one outlined in this article can help you avoid these and other pitfalls. Soliciting reviews and comments from select audience members and stakeholders while crafting your outline can help ensure that your final version resonates with and positively persuades your audience.

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Project poster template.

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  9. A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Effective Presentation Outline

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  10. How to Create a Powerful Presentation Outline? 6 Key Tips

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  19. How to Create a Presentation Outline

    Once you answer these questions (the ones that are relevant to your presentation), distill your purpose into a one or two-sentence summary that you can fit on a single slide. This summary is the first part of your outline design. 2. Set up the structure. Okay, enough philosophizing about your purpose and goals.

  20. How to Structure your Presentation, with Examples

    This clarifies the overall purpose of your talk and reinforces your reason for being there. Follow these steps: Signal that it's nearly the end of your presentation, for example, "As we wrap up/as we wind down the talk…". Restate the topic and purpose of your presentation - "In this speech I wanted to compare…". 5.

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    The body of your presentation needs to contain your key points. You should present these in a logical order, so that your audience can follow them easily. Keep in mind that the body should comprise a limited number of ideas: the more you try to include, the fewer people will remember. A good guide is to cover three to five main points, but no more.

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    Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired ...

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    Introduction: This section should cover the same grounds as the executive summary and provide more details centered on the content of the proposal outline. It should be brief and encourage further reading. Problem statement: Include a brief, clear statement of the business problem or opportunity the proposed project intends to address.