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Chemistry writing guide, introduction, writing assignments, discipline-specific strategies, watch out for..., professor's comments and websites.

Writing in chemistry is similar to writing in other disciplines in that your paper must have a clear purpose that explains why you are writing, a thesis statement or main idea that defines the problem to be addressed, and background information wherever necessary. In addition, you should include evidence in the form of figures, graphs, and tables to support your argument.

You will be asked to write an abstract -- a single-spaced paragraph summary that briefly states the purpose of the experiment, important results (and how the results were obtained), and conclusions. Ideally, the abstract can be thought of as one or two sentences from each section of the paper that form a cohesive paragraph that summarizes the entire paper. The abstract should be single spaced unless you receive other instructions from your professor.

When writing an abstract, you should avoid too much experimental detail (e.g. concentration of stock solutions used) or preliminary results (i.e. "raw" data). In addition, make certain that the purpose of the experiment is stated clearly and early in the abstract. Ideally, it should be stated in the first or second sentence.

Lab Reports

There are six main sections in a chemistry paper: introduction, experimental section, results section, discussion section, conclusion, and list of references. As with most disciplines, the introduction should include your background knowledge of the experiment, including theory and past research, the relevance of your research, and the thesis statement. You may also state in your introduction any general conclusions you discovered, but try to avoid making your introduction longer than a page. The purpose of the introduction in a chemical journal is to provide (1) a literature review of what has been published on the subject to justify the importance of your research, (2) an explanation of any unusual experimental approaches, and (3) any background information or explanations that will help the reader understand your experiment and your results. Ultimately, the introduction should explain how the experimental approach you chose allows you to find the numerical or qualitative results you are looking for. For example, if you're going to determine if the substance you synthesized is a particular compound by examining its UV-Vis spectrum, you should find in the literature or a reference book the maximum wavelength of the compound and present it in the introduction. The experimental section focuses on the details of the experiment. Be certain to include enough information so that the reader could repeat the experiment and obtain similar results within the limits of uncertainty. The following should be addressed in this section: treatment of data (e.g. calculations or computations used to generate graphs) and an identification of instruments and sources of materials used (e.g. synthesized within the lab or bought from Aldrich, Sigma, or Fluka). For commercially available equipment, the manufacturer and the model should be mentioned (e.g. JASCO UV-Vis Spectrophotometer). The results section should include any figures, graphs, and tables that summarize the data. The material in this section should be presented in the order that best defends the thesis and the order in which they will be addressed in the discussion section. The order in which the data was collected is rarely important. For example, just because the data for graph N was collected before that of graph M does not mean that M shouldn't be presented first if it makes the presentation of data more coherent. In the results section, graphs are usually listed as figures. Tables are numbered and given specific titles (must include concentrations, volumes, etc.), which are placed at the top of the table. Figures (graphs or any other visuals) are numbered and given a caption, not a title. The caption should be several sentences long and explain what the figure is, what result is found from the figure, and the importance of the result. Captions are placed below the figure. For a results section, the text, tables, and figures should mirror each other. That is, the text must include all of the important information given in the graphs and tables, but in written form. If a table or figure is included in the report, it must be specifically referenced in the text as at the end of this sentence (Table 1). It might also be worthwhile to note that figures and tables are usually submitted to a journal and also to a professor with the tables and figures attached to the end of the report, not interspersed throughout the text. Journals insert your figures and tables according to their page format. In the discussion section, you should explain your results and observations and illustrate how they support your thesis, discuss any possible sources of error, and suggest potential future research stemming from your results. You may also want to mention any past research in the field that may pertain to your experiment's results.

Something to think about: results and discussion sections are often combined in chemical journals. In that case, each result is presented and then its relevance is explained. If you are writing a results section alone, you should only present, not interpret, your results. For example, a statement like, "The UV-Vis spectrum of the complex showed a peak at 291 nm" is a statement of your numerical result and is appropriate for a results section. A statement like, "The peak at 291 nm indicates that the complex changed conformation" is interpretive and belongs in a discussion section. Your conclusion should contain a brief summary of the paper and must state important results (e.g. yield of product) and assess the research with respect to the purpose. This section may be combined with the discussion section; that is, the last paragraph of the discussion section may act as a conclusion. In the reference section you must list all non-original sources used in the paper in the order in which they appear with the appropriate number. Citations should be made according to the format of the journal to which you will submit your paper. For a Swarthmore class, the Journal of the American Chemical Society format is appropriate. Unlike other disciplines, citations in a chemistry paper are usually not in-text or parenthetical, but incorporated using superscripts as at the end of this sentence. 1 It is sometimes appropriate in a discussion section to refer to other researchers by name and end the sentence with a reference. For example, "Khmelnitksy, et al. found that trypsin denatures in 2-propanol." 2

  • Chemistry papers should be written in passive voice (unless you receive other instructions from your professor).
  • Abbreviations or acronyms must be explained the first time they are used.
  • Figures, graphs, and tables must be titled and referenced in the text.
  • References (including textbooks and lab manuals) must be cited and numbered consecutively with the superscript number corresponding to that reference in the reference section of the paper. The use of superscript suffices as the mode of reference because it eliminates the need for in-text citations and footnotes.

I. Organization: As for all lab reports, chemistry reports are very structured and must be highly organized in a logical way. Organization of results is especially important. Your results and discussion sections, as well as tables and figures, should be organized in a way that leads the reader to draw the same conclusion that you did based on your data. Don't just tack on a graph at the end of the paper or arbitrarily put your results into a table. Think about how you can use tables to make comparisons between your data and literature or reference values. Think about the format of your tables and the chronology of your results section. How can you present your results so that the reader is already convinced of your conclusion before you explicitly state it?

II. Repetition: If you've already said it once, or it's already been published somewhere else, don't say it again. You can refer to other parts of your paper instead of repeating explanations or facts. If you've already written an experimental methods section, you've already explained your procedure; there is no need to provide procedural details again when you talk about results. If the procedure you used came from a published article, provide a short summary, explain any alterations, and then give the citation. Also, if you explain someone else's experimental results in the introduction, it is acceptable to write statements like, "As discussed above, Khmelnitsky, et al. found contradictory results" in your results section. Journals have page limits. Repetitious or unnecessary words or figures are unwelcome.

III. Distraction: Remember that the whole point of writing a chemistry paper is to present results and prove your conclusion based on those results. There are a lot of numbers, facts, and procedure information that you can easily get bogged down by. Just remember that ultimately you have to convince the reader that your conclusion is accurate. If you feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you have to include, try making a flow chart that shows the logical progression of your procedure. Or create your figures and tables first, and then use them as an outline or guide to write your results section. Take a look at published articles to get a sense of how others organize papers and what kinds of phrases and sentence structure are useful and accepted.

Courses Taught: General Chemistry, Organic I and II laboratories

Particular stylistic issues you should keep in mind:

"Write as concisely as possible. Know the meanings of the words you use and choose the best word for your purpose."

Grammar/spelling and word choice pet peeves:

  • Using "this" and "that' as undefined pronouns
  • Using "so" without "that" or "as"
  • Misspelling of terms that are presented in the manual

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321 Interesting Chemistry Topics & Writing Tips

Chemistry studies matter and what it’s made of. It tells us how substances change and what properties they have. Chemistry seeks to answer questions such as: What is the Universe made of? How do elements react with each other?

Read our article to dive deeper into this intricate subject. What is more, we’ve prepared a list of 300 exciting chemistry-related topics. You can choose between organic, nuclear chemistry, biochemistry, and other branches. Our interesting topics in chemistry will make your studies more enjoyable!

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🔝 Top 10 Interesting Chemistry Topics

  • ✅ Branches of Chemistry
  • ✍️ Writing Tips

⭐ Top 10 Chemistry Essay Topics

  • 🔬 General Chemistry Topics
  • 🧑🥼 Chemistry Project Topics
  • 🤔 Advanced Chemistry
  • 🦠 Biochemistry
  • 🧬 Organic Chemistry
  • ♻️ Green Chemistry
  • ⚗️ Inorganic Chemistry
  • ⚛️ Nuclear Chemistry
  • 🧮 Analytical Chemistry
  • 🧪 Physical Chemistry

🔍 References

  • Biochemistry in nursing
  • Crystalloids vs. colloids
  • The purpose of dilutions
  • Principles of electrochemistry
  • Why is stoichiometry so difficult?
  • Are there alternative periodic tables?
  • The polarity of bonds classification
  • How is nuclear chemistry used?
  • The importance of Lewis electron dot structure
  • Endothermic reactions vs. exothermic reactions

✅ Main Branches of Chemistry

Chemistry is a broad subject that uses various methods of study. Because of this, scientists divide it into five main branches. These are organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, and biochemistry . Let’s investigate them:

  • Organic chemistry examines life. It seeks to understand the molecular structure and behavior of living beings.
  • Inorganic chemistry focuses on materials rather than living beings. Chemists of this field aim to advance technology.

Chemical elements.

  • Physical chemists examine the atomic level of matter. This branch uses physics to study the processes in chemical systems.
  • Analytical chemists investigate what matter consists of. They look for new analyzing procedures and ways to enhance existing ones.
  • Biochemistry studies the fundamental biological systems. It improves our understanding of essential medical issues.

Now that we’ve sorted out chemistry basics, we can examine how to write about it. Whether you’re in high school or already in college, the following guide will help you compose an excellent chemistry paper!

✍️ Tips on How to Write a Chemistry Paper

Each subject has its own rules when it comes to writing papers. In chemistry, the organization is the key. That’s why the first step is to have your lab notes in order. Keep your notebook neat and tidy, and you will see that writing becomes much more manageable.

On top of that, it’s good to have an idea of what an excellent paper should be like. There are three major points you should keep in mind: objectives, style, and structure.

  • Objectives. Your goal is to identify and convey valuable information. If you want to share it with others, it should be presented as credible scientific work.
  • Introduction. Say what your paper will be about.
  • Methods. Present the methods and materials you use.
  • Results. Describe what you observed during the experiment.
  • Discussion. Analyze the results and summarize the relevance of your study.
  • Style. Grammatically correct writing is a must. Your style should be formal, concise, and clear. Use the right tense: write your methods and results in the past. For general truths, you can switch to the present.

Finally, don’t forget that for any type of writing, the right topic is crucial. For inspiration, check out our excellent chemistry paper topics!

  • The history of neurochemistry
  • Astrochemistry vs. astrophysics
  • Is radiochemistry a dying field?
  • Pros and cons of being a biochemist
  • New concepts of chemical engineering
  • What makes quantum chemistry difficult?
  • The importance of agricultural chemistry
  • The impact of WW2 on computational chemistry
  • Ernest Rutherford’s contribution to nuclear chemistry
  • Computer chemistry vs. computational chemistry

🔬 General Chemistry Topics to Write About

Chemistry surrounds us in our everyday life. Have you ever seen moldy bread or boiling water? That’s chemistry in action. Have a look at these 30 easy topics for an introduction into chemistry:

  • What happens to your body when it lacks vitamins?
  • How does acid rain form?
  • Understanding pheromones: how do they affect humans?
  • Explain what atoms are made of.
  • Ionic and covalent compounds: a comparison.
  • How do you solve stoichiometry problems?
  • Give an overview of the states of matter.
  • A delicate balance: how do chemicals in our brains create moods?
  • Describe the noble gas configuration.
  • Marie Curie and her extraordinary legacy.
  • An introduction into acids and bases.
  • Write about hydrologic cycles.
  • What happens when a substance oxidizes?
  • Explain substitution reactions.
  • Compare the Bohr model with the plum-pudding and the Saturnian models.
  • How does a Geiger counter work?
  • Describe the significance of Rutherford’s gold foil experiment.
  • How Michael Faraday forever changed the scientific landscape.
  • What does Prout’s hypothesis state?
  • The history of european alchemy.
  • What are the periodic trends?
  • Explain how to analyze amino acids using protein hydrolysis.
  • What do catalysts do?
  • Everything about lab safety.
  • The radium craze of the early 20th century.
  • How does substance abuse impact your body?
  • Why is it essential to study chemistry in high school?
  • Reaction rates: how do we define them?
  • Before chemistry: ancient philosophy of things changing. 
  • Examine how radioactive decay occurs.

🧑🥼 Chemistry Projects Topics for Science Fair

Experiments are, without a doubt, the most fun part of chemistry. It’s exciting to watch colorful substances fizzle and bubble. If you need ideas for your next project, look no further. Just make sure to follow safety rules!

  • Discover what determines the color changes when iodine and starch react. 
  • Find out how to make photosynthesis visible.
  • Try to synthesize Aspirin.
  • Develop film and explain how you did it.
  • Fiddle a wire through an ice cube without drilling holes.
  • Assess the quality of water and find out what contaminates it.

Catalysts increase chemical reactions.

  • Extract plant oil and study its properties.
  • Observe what happens if you dye wool with different colors.
  • Learn how to make a solution change color.
  • Determine the amount of caffeine in various sorts of tea.
  • How do you produce biogas or liquid from organic waste?
  • Analyze the contents of your toothpaste. Can you find any health hazards?
  • Make a water filter from scratch.
  • Why does lemon juice stop apples from browning?
  • Make a safe smoke bomb.
  • Document the process of growing crystals.
  • Identify the pollutants in the air around you.
  • What makes a flame change color?
  • Biometric technologies: how do they work? 
  • Study invisible ink. What makes it disappear?
  • Wine: how do its chemical compounds relate to its taste?
  • Emulsions: how to make and break them.
  • Compare the effectiveness of different vegetable oils in biodiesel manufacturing.
  • Assess the residue of pesticides in vegetables from various markets.
  • Measure the density of soft drinks. How does sugar affect it?
  • Conductivity: what types of solutions are the best electrical conduits?
  • Food and science: how much energy do nuts and chips produce when burned?
  • Analyze your hair and check for nutrients.
  • Examine what soap needs to foam properly.
  • Change a penny’s color to gold.

🤔 Advanced Chemistry Topics for an Essay

Once you’ve mastered chemistry’s fundamental concepts, you’re ready for the advanced part. Here, you will explore topics such as kinetics, equilibrium, and thermodynamics. Consult our list for 30 interesting advanced chemistry topics:

  • Polymers: what do we use them for?
  • How do spectroscopes work?
  • What chemical information can we find in meteorites?
  • Spectroscopy and its many applications.
  • Schrödinger’s Cat: what did it reveal about radioactive decay?
  • Examine the properties of imino-disaccharides.
  • The importance of carbohydrate-protein interactions in immunology.
  • CRISPR: how does it work?
  • Compare the types of noncovalent bonding.
  • Investigate how molecular recognition can be produced synthetically.
  • Describe the impact of nanotechnology.
  • How does nanoscience change our lives?
  • What does Le Châtelier’s principle state?
  • CBD: what advantages does it have?
  • What causes a chemical process to result in equilibrium?
  • Compare the types of equilibrium.
  • BPA : how toxic is it?
  • Behavior of ideal vs. non-ideal gases.
  • Magnetism and coordination compounds.
  • The principles of molecular orbital theory.
  • Why do certain compounds not exist?
  • How does water recycling work?
  • Cloud seeding: when is it useful?
  • What causes the weather to change?
  • Why do some plants rely on photosynthesis more than others?
  • Describe the properties of hydrogen.
  • Explain the connection between collision theory and concentration.
  • How do the ab initio methods work?
  • Chemistry and the brain: impact of neurotransmitters. 
  • Examine the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia.

🦠 Biochemistry Topics to Research

Have you ever wondered what chemical processes happen inside living organisms? Here’s an example: when we breathe, we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Biochemistry combines biology and chemistry to find out how life works on a molecular level. It’s a life science that deals with the cells, proteins, and lipids that form the core of every being. Clinical research highly benefits from biochemical knowledge.

  • Explain enzyme inhibitors and their mechanisms.
  • What are the benefits of epigenetics?
  • Enzyme activity: how can you regulate it?

Peter Atkins quote.

  • Understanding the role of lipase in pathophysiological processes.
  • The chemical processes behind metabolism.
  • Amino acids: industrial applications.
  • Consequences of a protein deficiency.
  • Dietary supplements: help or hazard?
  • How does the Citric Acid Cycle work?
  • Glycolysis : how does it convert glucose?
  • How do solutes move through biological membranes?
  • Explain the sodium-potassium pump.
  • Describe networks and alliances of the biotechnology industry.
  • How does the body react to chlorine exposure?
  • Cells gone rogue: the origins of cancer. 
  • Investigate the functions of hormones.
  • How can we develop new vaccines?
  • Discuss the ethics of stem cell research.
  • The legacy of Dolly the sheep.
  • SCNT: process and applications.
  • What are the chemical compounds of blood? 
  • How do you treat hemophilia?
  • The development of prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes.
  • Discuss the cloning of a DNA fragment and Southern blotting.
  • How does oxidative phosphorylation synthesize ATP?
  • Compare the three types of crystallography.
  • Copying DNA: the principles of PCR.
  • How does recombination repair work?
  • What causes redoximorphic features in various soils?
  • Obtaining protein structures with x-ray crystallography.

🧬 Organic Chemistry Topics for Papers

Organic chemistry serves as the foundation for biochemistry. It is centered on carbon, which is essential to life. Carbon often bonds with other elements as well as itself. That’s what makes it the basis for all organic structures.

  • Describe the properties of a chiral molecule.
  • Atmospheric chemistry: methods and observations.
  • Write about antioxidant potency of polyphenol-rich beverages.
  • Enantiomers and the Fischer projection practice.
  • Investigate possible relationships between stereoisomers.
  • What are the benefits of chemoenzymatic synthesis?
  • Explore the history of vitalism.
  • The production of chemicals using carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions.
  • Hydrocarbon: types and reactions.
  • Examine the four essential types of organic compounds.
  • How do free-radical reactions work?
  • Pathogens: infection cycle and disinfection methods.
  • Give examples of esters in everyday life.
  • How do you turn alcohols into alkyl halides?
  • Mechanisms of aerosol formation.
  • Recent discoveries in molecular tuning.
  • Chemical warfare: the dark side of organic chemistry.
  • What makes a plant poisonous?
  • What makes aromatic compounds unreactive?
  • Phosgene: what makes it toxic?
  • Explain the mechanism of the Diels-Alder Reaction.
  • Alpha carbon reactions: when do aldol condensations occur?
  • How do you identify organic compounds using infrared spectroscopy?
  • Bonds as springs: the mechanical molecular model.
  • Antibiotic resistance: causes and effects.
  • Identify factors that influence proton chemical shifts.
  • What does the electron dot structure show?
  • The properties and reactions of functional groups.
  • What defines a compound as aromatic?
  • How do you name amines?

♻️ Green Chemistry Topics to Write About

If you’re concerned with sustainability, green chemistry is your area of choice. It finds ways to make chemical products less harmful to the environment. Research is done at every stage, from the product’s design to its disposal.

  • How do you prevent pollution?
  • What do you do with toxic waste?
  • Discuss the twelve principles of green chemistry.
  • Source reduction: what are the most effective ways?
  • Biomimicry: is it the best way to sustainability?
  • Eco-friendly packaging and its issues.
  • Compare the effectiveness of various materials used in solar cells.
  • What are the advantages of molar efficiency?
  • Ionic liquids: are they the future of eco-friendly reagents?
  • The U.S. acid rain program: pros and cons. 
  • How can the toxicity of paint be reduced?
  • Innovative ways to avoid pesticides in agriculture.
  • What are the types of bio-based renewable feedstocks?
  • Are bioplastics beneficial for the environment?
  • How do metathesis reactions help reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
  • Computer chips: how do we make them more sustainable?
  • Alternative energies: making fuel from chicken feathers.
  • Is carbon capture effective?
  • Will cultivated meat become a green alternative to traditional farming?
  • How does the Plantrose process work?
  • Discuss the petroleum products problem in the U.S.
  • What are efficient ways to extract and use critical elements more
  • How efficient is artificial photosynthesis?
  • What are the best ways to remove carbon pollution?
  • Electrocatalysis as a way to generate and consume fuels.
  • Discuss the most pressing issues in green chemistry today.
  • How does LCA work?
  • What are efficient ways to extract and use critical elements more sustainably?
  • Recycling and recovery of plastic. 
  • Describe the advantages of Levulinc Acid use.
  • How can we make nuclear energy more viable?

⚗️ Inorganic Chemistry Topics for a Paper

Metals and minerals are parts of inorganic chemistry. Scientists in this field want to understand the behavior and properties of inorganic compounds. Practical uses include the manufacturing of fertilizers, adhesives, and coatings.

Inorganic Chemistry.

  • What are the types of nucleosynthesis?
  • In which ways are chemicals able to bond?
  • How does molecular symmetry predict the chemical properties of a molecule?
  • Vibrational spectroscopy: what is it used for?
  • Discuss the importance of inorganic compounds in biochemistry.
  • The history of atomic theory: an overview.
  • Hematite: matter and mineral. 
  • The peculiarities of hydrogen bonds and polarity.
  • What are the uses of point groups in inorganic chemistry?
  • Determine the factors that impact Brønsted-Lowry acidity.
  • How does HSAB explain reaction mechanisms?
  • What is lattice energy, and how can you measure it?
  • How do you use coordination compounds as catalysts?
  • Red Ferrosols: soil management issues. 
  • Examine the drawbacks of the crystal field theory.
  • Define the selection rules for vibrational transitions.
  • What is the most effective way to grow synthetic diamonds?
  • How do you use the angular overlap model?
  • Explain ligand effects.
  • The magnetic properties of transition metal oxides.
  • Gold: how does it serve medicine?
  • The use of chemistry in jewelry manufacturing.
  • How does the chemical structure of a gemstone determine its color?
  • Alexandrite: what makes it so unique?
  • How do ligand substitution reactions work?
  • Determine the properties of the light types.
  • What are the fundamental laws of photochemistry?
  • What causes phosphorescence?
  • Alloys: what are their benefits?
  • The history of brass and its usage.

⚛️ Nuclear Chemistry Topics for an Essay

You’ve probably been x-rayed before. It means you’ve been exposed to radiation. Nuclear chemistry seeks to understand radioactivity-related processes. One of atomic science’s most critical problems is the disposal of radioactive waste.

  • How do you calculate an element’s half-life?
  • Compare the three different types of radiation.
  • What are the common uses of radioactive elements?
  • How do we know that a nucleus is stable?
  • Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters: a comparison. 
  • How do elements transmute in the process of nuclear fission?
  • Cold fusion: will it ever be possible?
  • Radiation: how does it harm biological systems?
  • Describe the types of decay.
  • Nuclear waste: reprocessing, disposal, and transportation. 
  • How is nuclear chemistry used in medicine?
  • Ways to destroy toxic organic compounds using irradiation.
  • Interactions between water and radioactive elements.
  • How are chemosensors used in radiation chemistry?
  • What are the biological applications of radiochemistry?
  • The nuclear fuel cycle: managing the disposal of nuclear fuel.
  • Discuss reactive hazards in the chemical industry.
  • Compare the efficiency of different extraction methods.
  • Fission products and surfaces: what happens when 9TcO2 gets in contact with steel?
  • Isotopic chemistry: what distinguishes it from nuclear chemistry?
  • Explore the history of NMR.
  • Henri Becquerel and the discovery of radioactivity.
  • The relevance of hydrogen in nuclear fusion.
  • What causes radioactivity?
  • The adverse effects of ionizing vs. non-ionizing radiation.
  • Why are some people skeptical about the term “nuclear?”
  • The Big Bang: how did it create the Universe as we know it?
  • Discuss the unsuccessful efforts in nuclear arms control. 
  • How does radiocarbon dating work?
  • Mass spectrometry: ionization techniques.

🧮 Analytical Chemistry Topics for Essays

The matter comes in all forms and shapes. It can be a compound or a single element. If you want to know how matter is structured, analytical chemistry has the answer. Scientists of this branch ensure that our food and other products are safe to consume.

  • How does activation analysis work?
  • Why is analytical chemistry important for the environment?
  • How do you find iron in a mixture of metals?
  • What are the ways to measure the amount of a specific substance in a compound?


  • Identifying hazardous substances in cheese.
  • A simple way to separate chemical compounds: gas chromatography.
  • Aspirin vs. Ibuprofen: comparing the chemical mechanisms of pain relievers.
  • Genetically modified foods and their impact on human health.
  • Food allergies: where do they come from?
  • The best techniques for quantitative chemical analysis.
  • What are the standard techniques to measure the endpoint of a titration?
  • Mass-based analysis: gravimetric analysis.
  • How do you neutralize WVO?
  • Drug safety approach in administration and nursing. 
  • Describe the three types of electroanalytical methods.
  • How do you measure temperature using a calorimeter?
  • Understanding thermodynamics: the Carnot cycle.
  • The process of analyzing salt.
  • How do you identify the shelf life of a medicine?
  • Ways to find adulterants in drugs.
  • Compare the healthiness of bottled water based on its chemical compounds.
  • How can you test cholesterol in blood samples?
  • Examine how analytical chemistry is used in forensic science.
  • What are the advantages of spectrochemical methods?
  • How do you detect pesticides using immunoassays?
  • Miniaturization: how does it advance analytical chemistry?
  • Capillary Liquid Chromatography: an overview.
  • Immunochemistry: applications in environmental analysis.
  • The development of analytical technology in the past 20 years.
  • Explain how to determine PAH sources in soil.

🧪 Physical Chemistry Topics for Papers

Is chemistry not enough for you? Try combining it with physics! For physical chemists, it is crucial to understand how molecules and atoms act. They use various models to study the structure and behavior of these tiny particles.

  • Explain how to determine an atom’s electron configuration.
  • Describe the structure of an atom.
  • Isotopes: why do they exist?
  • What is the Time-of-Flight principle?
  • How do you calculate the mass of an atom?
  • Define successive ionization energies.
  • What are the gas laws?
  • Equation of state: ideal vs. real gases.
  • Explain why the Earth is considered a closed thermodynamic system.
  • What is the Avogadro constant?
  • The difference between empirical and molecular formulae.
  • Calculating percentage yields: balanced equations.
  • How do intermolecular forces affect the melting point of a substance?
  • What are the four types of crystal structures?
  • Define the types of forces that exist between molecules.
  • Explain how to relate the melting point and conductivity of a substance to their type of structure.
  • What is fire in terms of chemistry and thermodynamics?
  • Reasons why molecules with polar bonds might not have a permanent dipole.
  • How do internal combustion engines work?
  • Endothermic or exothermic? Determining enthalpy change.
  • What are the applications of Hess’s law?
  • Explain the use of mean bond enthalpy.
  • When does a collision not cause a reaction?
  • How does temperature affect the reaction rate?
  • How do catalysts work?
  • Describe what Born-Haber cycles are used for.
  • Explore the history of thermochemistry.
  • Give examples of quasi-static processes.
  • The study of chaos: calculating entropy.
  • When is a reaction reversible?

We hope that you found a topic you like. Now good luck with your essay!

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  • Organic Chemistry: Khan Academy
  • Basics of Green Chemistry: US EPA
  • Exploring the Role of Green Chemistry at a Research University: Harvard
  • Inorganic Chemistry: American Chemical Society
  • Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Syllabus: Westfield State University
  • Nuclear Chemistry: University of Pennsylvania
  • Analytical Chemistry: American Chemical Society
  • Physical Chemistry: AQA
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A guide to writing up your chemical science thesis

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This guide aims to give you guidance on how to write your thesis so that your research is showcased at its best. It includes suggestions on how to prepare for writing up and things to consider during the final stages. 

  • Higher-order thinking and metacognition
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  • Manipulating data
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School Guidelines for Academic Writing and Presentation of Assessed Written Work

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Chemistry Essay for everyone – topics, samples and guade how to write

16 February, 2022

34 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

If you’re a science department student, you will likely have no questions about what a Chemistry essay is. You’re probably well-versed with a variety of academic papers on this subject. But even if you’re new to this field, here we familiarize students with the basics of Chemistry writing and explain the fundamentals of planning and […]

chemistry essay

If you’re a science department student, you will likely have no questions about what a Chemistry essay is. You’re probably well-versed with a variety of academic papers on this subject. But even if you’re new to this field, here we familiarize students with the basics of Chemistry writing and explain the fundamentals of planning and completing an essay. Stay tuned, and you will learn all ins and outs of professional, competent essay composition.

First, let’s clarify what this assignment means. When you receive a task to write on some Chemistry-related topic, it’s most often a task meant to check your comprehension of a scientific principle, topic, or area. So, you’re expected to conduct thorough research, check what other people say on that issue, what positions they argue, and which of those positions or assumptions is closer to you. Once you pick a standpoint, you can write your own academic piece arguing that point and supporting your views with reliable evidence.

If you’ve received such a task and don’t know how to approach it, you may turn to our experts’ help with this subject. You’re guaranteed an individual approach to any assignment entrusted to our experts and top-notch content produced on any Chemistry theme.

Chemistry Essay Format

Completing Chemistry homework is a bit different from writing a Human Resources management essay or a Human Resources school essay. Here, you cannot experiment that much with arguments and theories; you need to stick to the objective facts, formulas, and evidence from your textbook. The Chemistry format typically includes the following parts.


This element of your Chemistry paper should introduce the topic to the readers and communicate what you’re planning to examine. Once you provide those details to your audience, you can rest assured that even laypersons will capture the significance of your subject. Besides, you clarify your stand on the issue, thus helping your readers evaluate the strength and persuasiveness of your arguments. 

The body of your paper typically takes 80-90% of the entire paper’s volume, so you need to include several meaningful paragraphs into it. Dedicate one paragraph to every idea you’re using to argue your stand, and your readers will follow the line of argumentation much easier this way.

This is the last part of your essay, but don’t underestimate its significance for your assignment’s value and correctness. Here, you need to show what you’ve achieved and learned in the process of academic inquiry, thus showing your progress and restating the study’s significance.

Write Chemistry Essay in 5 Steps

Now let’s proceed to the mechanics of writing a paper on Chemistry. It’s pretty simple to compose a great work if you have a tried and tested algorithm at hand and can complete a good-looking, professional paper.

  • Find examples of similar assignments to use their structure and approach. Obviously, you can take a look at some Human Resources school essay examples available online, but keep in mind that a Chemistry report is not a typical Human Resources plan essay. It should be focused on a specific topic, such as, for instance, organic chemistry, acid reactions, etc., and follow a predetermined format.
  • Pick a topic that you know well. It’s easier to compose a paper on Chemistry if you know what you’re talking about and are genuinely interested in learning the subject in more depth.
  • Follow the prompt that your Chemistry professor gave to you. It’s even better if you have a Chemistry example and can reproduce it step by step (though without copy-pasting).
  • Draft the paper and include all evidence you’ve found in the research process. Distribute the evidence and arguments evenly by dedicating one paragraph to every single idea. In this way, the paper will be coherent and readable.
  • Reread your draft to identify typos or flow inconsistencies. By correcting these minor issues, you polish the paper to perfection and prepare it for the final submission.

As you can see, completing such an assignment is not hard at all. Follow these tips and steps to finalize the essay quickly, and you will save lots of time for other priorities and tasks.

Chemistry Topics

Are you unsure about the Chemistry topics to examine? Here is a list of evergreen suggestions that are sure to incite the interest of your readers and win you a high grade.

  • The chemical fundamentals of healthy, correct nutrition.
  • The exciting chemistry of fireworks.
  • The innovative scientific field of computational chemistry.
  • Synthesis and transformation of organic substances.
  • Chemical synthesis of oligonucleotides.
  • The fundamentals of heterocyclic chemistry.
  • Stellar evolution and the spectral classes of stars.
  • How can one predict new chemical elements and compounds?
  • Atomic and physical properties of hydrogen. 
  • Are atomic weights precisely known or still uncertain?
  • Protonic acids and bases.
  • Introduction to the hydrogen bond. 
  • Discovery and isolation of chemical elements.
  • The ionic-bond model.
  • Availability and distribution of chemical elements on the Earth.
  • Availability of rare chemical elements in space.
  • The introduction to hydroxides.
  • The chemical properties of alkali metals.
  • Introduction to the property of chemical reactivity.
  • Oxoacid salts: properties and practical use.
  • Isolation and purification of boron.
  • Bonding and topology of aluminum compounds.
  • Allotropic forms of carbon.
  • Practical application of graphite intercalation compounds.
  • Atomic and physical properties of silicon.
  • Production and uses of germanium.
  • Nitrous acid and nitrites.
  • The industrial use of phosphorus-nitrogen compounds.
  • Chemical reactivity and group trends of arsenic.
  • Physiological activity of arsenicals.
  • Chemical properties of O2.
  • Aqua complexes and solid hydrates: water types.
  • Different methods for classifying oxides.

All of these are argumentative Chemistry topics, which means that you will have enough space and freedom to pick a position and argue it with the help of reliable evidence. Choose any of the recommended themes, and you are guaranteed an excellent grade.

How to Start a Chemistry Essay

Starting a Chemistry paper may turn into a challenge for those new to such types of assignments. But don’t fall into despair. Here are some pro tips to simplify the process:

  • Study the prompt carefully to see what the professor wants to see in the assignment’s text.

Many students make the mistake of hasting to write something as soon as possible. As a result, they end up with off-topic assignments that they cannot submit to the professor. Don’t commit that error; always study the instructions and proceed to research and writing only after you’re 100% sure about the expected essay outcome.

  • Focus on the topic that you already know.

Don’t start something anew if you’re short of time and want to complete an essay quickly. It’s always easier to expand your knowledge on the topic you already know well, thus writing a good-looking essay hassle-free.

  • Use only argumentative topics if you’re given the freedom of choice.

It’s much simpler to compose something interesting and thought-provoking on an argumentative subject than just review what people know about a specific chemical substance or reaction. Today, chemistry is a trendy science, so you may find numerous exciting ideas and suggestions for its practical value for humanity.

We have a large writer team specializing in all kinds of essay writing, Human Resources to Chemistry to Programming to Literature. Thus, you will always have a realm of talented authors at your service, available 24/7 to deliver top-notch papers on demand.

You can always find a capable Chemistry writer in our company, thus entrusting your assignment to professionals and not worrying about the outcomes.

Determination of Potassium and the reactions of Li, Na and K

Introduction and theory.

Chemists are frequently charged with the responsibility of performing assays on different compounds. An assay is defined by two parameters: quality and quantity of a certain substance. In this case, we are provided with KB(Ph)4 to analyze. In the first part, we are to determine the quantity of potassium (K) in his compound and in the second part we are to test various group 1 salts to see their specific reactions. During gravimetric determination of potassium, sodium tetraphenylboron acts as a precipitator for the potassium ions. A definite volume of sodium ions is added to the sample solution and used in determining the concentration. Alkali metals react with many chemical substances and hence have many physical and chemical properties. Their properties differ with the individual elements. For example, lithium burns with a red flame, sodium with a yellow-orange one while potassium burns with a purple one. Their reactivity increases from lithium to potassium and this greatly defines the difference in their reaction patterns.

25cm3 of the K solution was pipetted in a 250cm3 beaker and a few drops of dilute NaOH and bromothymol blue indicator added to it. Any precipate formed at that point was then filtered off. 5% ethanoic acid was added until the colour of the solution changed to yellow. The solution was then diluted to 100 cm3 with H2O and heated to 65ºC. 15 cm3 of 2% sodium tetraphenylboron solution was then added to the heated solution while stirring. The solution was then cooled to room temperature; it took 10 minutes to do so. The solution was then filtered through a pre-weighed No. 4 sintered glass crucible into a clean Buchner flask. The filtrate was then tested for complete precipitation with a few drops of the reagent. On further precipitation, the filtrate was transferred into a beaker, a further 10cm3 added and the solution re-filtered. The precipitate was washed with 5% ethanoic acid and dried between 110 ºC to 120 ºC for 30 minutes. The precipitate was then cooled and weighed as KB(Ph)4 and used to get the concentration f the original solution.

Dilute solutions of Li+, Na+ and K+ were treated as follows: 1. By flame test 2. Addition of excess ammonical ammonium fluoride 3. Addition of dilute ethanoic acid followed by sodium cobaltinitrate (aq) 4. Addition, dropwise and carefully of potassium perchlorate The above processes were carried out in a test tube and observations recorded. Method 2 A mixture of LiCl and KCl (about 0.3g) was shaken with 6 cm3 of absolute ethanol in a closed tube. The residual solid was separated by filtration and the residue washed with 3 1cm3 portions of ethanol. The filtrate and the washings were then combined and evaporated to dryness. The resultant solid was then dissolved in 2cm3 of H2O. Icm3 portions were tested for lithium a) With ammonium fluoride 1cm3 4 mol dm-3 and conc. Ammonia (dropwise). b) Potassium with a solution of sodium cobaltinitrate 1cm3, 0.2 mol dm-3) The original residual solid was separated by filtration and dissolved in 2cm3 H2O and portions tested for lithium and potassium in the same manner.

Weight for empty sample = 39.419g Weight of dry sample =39.930g Difference in weight (Amount of potassium) = 0.511g

test Li Na K 1 Red flame Orange flame Purple flame 2 No observable change No observable change No observable change 3 No observable change No observable change No observable change 4 No observable change No observable change No observable change

In the first part of formation of KB(Ph)4 the reaction is as described by this equation: K+ + NaB(Ph)4 = KB(Ph)4 + Na+ The colour change to yellow is due to excess acid after the achieved end point. For the flame test, all alkali metals burn in presence of oxygen to form oxides and sometimes form peroxides in excess oxygen. They burn with different characteristic colours. 4Li + O2 = 2Li2O Red flame 4Na + O2 = 2Na2O Yellow-orange flame 4K + O2 = 2K2O Purple flame For the ammonical ammonium fluoride, alkali metals displace ammonium ions from their anions to form soluble salts. The reactions are as follows: Li+ + NH4F = LiF + NH4+ K+ + NH4F = KF + NH4+ Na+ + NH4F = NaF + NH4+ Ethanoic acid then sodium cobaltinitrate, displacement reactions occur between the alkali metal ions to form soluble products. The reactions are as follows: CH3COOH + Li = CH3COOLi CH3COOLi+ Na3Co(NO2)6 = CH3COONa + Li3Co(NO2)6 CH3COOH + Na = CH3COONa CH3COONa + Na3Co(NO2)6 = no reaction CH3COOH + K = CH3COOK CH3COOK+ Na3Co(NO2)6 = CH3COONa + K3Co(NO2)6 With potassium perchlorate, displacement reactions occur between the alkali metal ions to form soluble products. The reactions are as follows: CH3COOLi + KClO4 =CH3COOK + Li CLO4 CH3COONa+ KClO4 =CH3COOK + NaCLO4

Lithium, sodium and potassium burn with red, orange and purple flames respectively. Most of the group 1 elements form soluble salts.

Belcher, R. & Wilson, C. L. New methods in analytical chemistry. Chapman and Hall, 1955. Chemical Society, Chemical Society (Great Britain). Inorganic chemistry of the main-group elements. Chemical Society, 1971.


(Author’s name) (Institutional Affiliation)

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is becoming a powerful techniques used to determine the molecular structure of organic and inorganic compounds. Its acceptability is mainly due to the several advantages is has such as reproducibility, accuracy and the ability to have mathematical equations (Maniara et al. 1998). A study done to determine the purity of glyphosate using an Uncertainty Budget, by Quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (QNMR) confirms these qualities of NMR. The finding from the study was that, a big part in the uncertainties of the methods used, that is 1H and 31P, was the standard deviation of the replicate. The study concluded that an alternative organic phosphate, with similar nOe, may therefore be preferred as a calibrator (Tareq et al. 2004).

NMR, technique, molecular structure, glyphosphate

The discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), as a qualitative technique, has made possible the identification and elucidation of chemical structures in organic and inorganic compounds. According to Maniara et al (1998), quantitative NMR (QNMR) has gained acceptance since it is accurate, precise, no calibrator is needed for the analyte. It can also be described by mathematical equations which can be used at the highest metrological level (Janke, 1998). Advantages of NMR Janke (1998) concluded that NMR is a cost effective analytical method since it not only shows all present soluble substances but also identifies impurities with similar structures. It is a non destructive technique with minimal sample preparations for analytes that contain 19F, 13C, 1H and 31P (Lee et al., 2001). Marina (1998) was able to show that QNMR was reproducible using 1H and 31P. Henderson (1996), using several agricultural weedicide, was able to show that by using coaxial inserts, it would be possible to eliminate sources of error in conventional quantification NMR spectroscopy.

Research on NMR

A study done to determine the purity of glyphosate using an Uncertainty Budget, by Quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (QNMR) using 1H and 31P, is an example of the reproducibility of a type A uncertainty combined by other type B effects. Reagents used included Analytes such as glyphosate, certified reference material e.g dimethylsulfone, deuterated NMR Solvents like deuterium oxide D. The results supported all the qualities that are mentioned above about QNMR (Tareq et al. 2004). Another finding from the study was that, a big part in the uncertainties of the methods used, that is 1H and 31P, was the standard deviation of the replicate. A bottom up analysis was attempted to estimate the effects that contributed to this term was able to identify half of the standard deviation measured. Effects from the operator while weighing had the greatest effects. About 0.23% of the remaining uncertainty was assigned to heterogeneity of the contaminations in the sub samples. Since impurities in the solid samples do not distribute homogeneously, no effort was made to grind and mix the samples prior to the analysis (Tareq et al. 2004). The contributions of the uncertainty budget in the standard deviations of the results were standard deviations of the means. The calculated purity from the replicated data was related to the combined standard uncertainty from each determination. The calculation for the uncertainty was 0.82% for 31P NMR and 0.66% for 1H NMR. Despite trisodium phosphate being excellent in purity, water soluble, and chemically stable, its use as a calibrator for 31P NMR can lead to a bias with concomitant uncertainty. This is due to the absence of protons in its electron configuration and so cannot exhibit nOe. The study concluded that an alternative organic phosphate may therefore be preferred as a calibrator (Tareq et al. 2004).


Janke, H. 1998. CCQM/98 98: 1 – 12. Maniara, G., Rajamoorthi, K., Rajan, S. and Stockton, G. W. (1998). Quantitative NMR Spectroscopy Anal. Chem. 70, 4921- 4928. Tareq Saed Al-Deen, D. Brynn, Hibbert, James. M. Hook and Robert J. W. (2004). An uncertainty budget for the determination of the purity of glyphosate by quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance (QNMR) spectroscopy. Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9, 55-63.

#3 Uncertainty Estimates

Name Institution Lecturer Course Date

Summary of the Article

The article, “Is My Uncertainty Estimate Realistic”, by Analytical Method Committee (2003), is about the realism of uncertainty estimates. The author poses and explicates the issue that uncertainty estimates often quoted by analysts in their results are somewhat low. According to the author, it is practically impossible to incorporate all the factors contributing to uncertainty estimate when determining the standard deviation from repeated results that have been obtained from repeatability conditions. There are various factors that contribute to uncertainty estimate including the difference in the way analysts interpret method protocol in different laboratories, difference in runs for the same method and numerous, systematic errors, such as calibration differences and difference in permitted variations. However, it is quite difficult to avoid such factors that contribute towards method, laboratory and run bias. Therefore, it is paramount to check that the uncertainty estimates used or quoted are realistic to apply the effective corrective measure to unrealistic uncertainty estimates that have been found. The author gives different ways of checking for uncertainty estimates. These include, checking standard uncertainty estimate against collaborative trial statistics, comparing the indicated uncertainty with reproducibility standard deviation that has been estimated from available repeatability precision statistics and examining the proficiency test results. Once uncertainty estimates have been found, the author gives different ways through which such estimates can be corrected. An analyst can eliminate identified causative factors or apply an appropriate correction to the identified causative factor. Other strategies include basing uncertainty estimate on interlaboratory study, increase expansion factor or add an arbitrary term to the uncertainty budget. 1. What is the paper about? The paper is about the realism of uncertainty estimate. It describes uncertainty estimates in laboratory tests, how to check if uncertainty estimates are realistic and how to correct uncertainty estimates that are unrealistic. 2. What are the issues raised? The author indicates that, in many instances, the uncertainty estimates cited by analysts are somewhat low and, therefore, unrealistic. The author clarifies this problem by indicating that if interlaboratory studies results are observed, such as proficiency tests and collaborative trials, one will find that the uncertainty estimates used are unrealistic. The problem of unrealistic uncertainty is so because it is often impractical to avoid and confirm the absence of all errors arising from method, laboratory and run bias. There are various sources of errors that contribute to results dispersion and many analysts often do not take them into account when determining their uncertainty budgets. Accordingly, it is crucial to check if the uncertainty estimates are realistic to apply corrective measures to any unrealistic uncertainty estimate. 3. Does the paper agree with Professor Hibbert’s book? Yes, the paper agrees with the book especially on checking and correcting unrealistic uncertainty estimate. Hibbert, in his book outlines the steps necessary to check and correct uncertainty estimates, which include:

  • Specifying the measurand;
  • Identifying the main sources of uncertainty;
  • Determining the magnitude of the various uncertainty components;
  • Combining the various significant uncertainty components that have been identified;
  • Reviewing the estimates and reporting the measurement uncertainty.

The Analytical Method Committee (2003) has given the same procedure of identifying and correcting uncertainty estimates. Particularly, the article, like in Gilbertt’s book, eliminating uncertainty estimates involves identifying and correcting the main components of uncertainty estimates. 4. How does the topic fit in the overall problem of quality in the laboratory? The topic is extremely helpful in improving quality in laboratory tests, especially in analytical chemistry. Knowing that it is often impossible to avoid and confirm the absence of all errors arising from method, laboratory and run bias, the knowledge on how to check and correct uncertainty estimates helps in improving the quality of laboratory results. For instance, the article has suggested various methods of determining unrealistic uncertainties and correcting them. Therefore, analysts will be able to indicate realistic uncertainties in their results, which will help in improving laboratory results through increased validity and reliability. 5. Are there any other papers or published material on this topic (post a bibliography)? There are other papers and published material on the topic as described in the bibliography. a. A Method to Estimate the Uncertainty of Measurements in a Conglomerate of Instruments/Laboratories by Kallner, Khorovskaya and Pettersson (2005) This is a research article in which the authors address the issues of repeatability and reproducibility of laboratory tests. The authors conclude that variations often arise regarding laboratory results, which may pose a serious threat depending on the application of the test results. Accordingly, the authors provide an applicable approach for measuring and correcting uncertainty estimates in measurements. b. The Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty from Method Validation Studies by Barwick, Ellison, Rafferty and Gill (2000). This is a research paper in which the authors develop a protocol for measuring uncertainty estimates. Calculation of uncertainty estimates is crucial in deciding a corrective measure to ensure that laboratory results are valid and reliable.

Analytical Method Committee (AMC). 2003. AMC Technical Brief: Is my Uncertainty Estimate Realistic? Royal Society of Chemistry. Barwick, V.J, Ellison, L.R, Rafferty, J.Q & Gill, R.S. 2000. “The Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty from Method Validation Studies. Part 2: The Practical Application of a Laboratory Protocol”. Accred Qual Assur, vol 5, pp. 104-113. Kallner, A, Khorovskaya, L, & Pettersson, T. 2005. “A Method to Estimate the Uncertainty of Measurements in a Conglomerate of Instruments/Laboratories”. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation, Vol 65, pp. 551-558.

#4 Competence in Measurement

Article 1: What is the paper about? The paper is about accreditation and its ability to ensure competence in measurement. The paper describes accreditation, shows the need for ensuring competence through common understanding of the measurement concepts and how to ensure common understanding of the concepts (Bievre 2008). What are the issues raised? The author posits that accreditation, against an ISO Standard, is a must for measurement laboratories based on the notion that accredited laboratories are competent. However, the author wonders if such accreditation results to real and demonstrated competence, which is crucial in laboratory measurement. Real and demonstrated competence would be possible if assessors were able to understand and explain the key concepts forming the basis of the assessment and accreditation. Therefore, there is a dire need for the assessors and measurement laboratories to understand the various measurement concepts for accreditation to ensure competence in measurements. Professional bodies tasked with ensuring common understanding of the measurement concepts, including IUPAC and ISO, have come up with strategies to ensure common understanding of the concepts. Such strategies include, for example, the International Vocabulary of Metrology-Basic and General Concepts and Associated Terms developed and provided by ISO. Does the paper agree with Professor Hibbert’s book? Yes, the paper agrees with Professor Hibbert’s book especially on the importance of a common understanding of the measurement concepts, such as the measurand, in ensuring competence in laboratory measurements. Bievre (2008) has stressed on the same issue, indicating that common understanding of the concepts will ensure consistency of answers when accrediting against international standards. How does the topic fit in the overall problem of quality in the laboratory? The topic contributes towards ensuring quality in the laboratory through competence resulting from accreditation. In other words, accreditation will work towards ensuring competence and eventually quality improvement in the laboratory. If analysts and assessors have a common understanding of the measurement concepts and the terminologies arising from them, accreditation will be meaningful, and it will ensure competence is measurement. Article 2: What is the article about? The article is about the need for competent assessors especially in understanding what they are assessing and performing measurement uncertainty (Bievre 2011). What are the issues raised? Bievre (2011) begins by indicating the need for specifying measurement uncertainty during accreditation considering that measurements have uncertainties (measurement results vary with procedures). Accordingly, the author posits that assessors should not consider measurement methods to have constant measurement uncertainty because measurement uncertainty vary with various parameters, the most crucial being the level of skill, competence, professionalism and accuracy an analyst shows when carrying out measurement procedures. Therefore, an assessor should evaluate the measurement procedure when evaluating and accrediting. In doing so, assessors are able to evaluate the consistency between declared measurement uncertainty and the analyst’s skills and competence. Therefore, assessors should have a clear understanding of what analysts are measuring to assess them effectively. Consequently, assessors should be knowledgeable on establishing metrological traceability and measurement procedures to ensure competence in measurement when assessing and accrediting measurement laboratories. Does the paper agree with Professor Hibbert’s book? Yes, the paper agrees with the book especially on uncertainty. The article outlines the various sources of variance in measurement results including the level of competence and accuracy during measurement, which call for the need for measurement uncertainty in accreditation. Similarly, Professor Hibbert talks about measurement uncertainty, the need to measure and consider it. How does the topic fit in the overall problem of quality in the laboratory? The paper is particularly helpful in improving the quality in laboratory measurements by ensuring that accreditation of laboratory measurements ensure competence in measurement. Competent and knowledgeable assessors will ensure competence in laboratory measurements by assessing the skills and competence of the analysts, which will ensure quality, competence and professionalism in laboratories. In other words, accreditation will help in ensuring competence in laboratories.

Bievre, P. 2008. ‘Does Accreditation Ensure Competence in Measurement?’ Accred Qual Assur, vol. 16, pp. 1-2. Bievre, P. 2011. ‘Does Accreditation Ensure Competence in Measurement?’ Accred Qual Assur, vol. 13, pp. 1-2.

What is supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC)? Compare supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) with other column chromatographic methods. Supercritical fluid chromatography is a chemical separation method that uses supercritical forms of gases. The term supercritical is used for highly compressed chemical gases such that they possess both the characteristics of a gas and characteristics of a liquid .In other words, a substance is referred as a supercritical fluid when both its pressures and its temperatures are above its critical pressure and temperature. While a critical temperature is the temperature of a substance above which the liquid phase will not exist, critical pressure is the vapor pressure at the critical temperature of a substance. Density, refractive index, and viscosity are some of the properties of supercritical fluid. These however vary with temperature and pressure. SFH is similar to other column chromatographic methods like HPLC given that they utilize the similar principle. One of the variations is the fact that SFC typically utilizes CO2 as the mobile phase thus the need to pressurize the entire chromatographic flow path. In SFH just like in HPLC, separation is affected by variation of the mobile phase composition. For supercritical fluid chromatography, unlike other column chromatographic methods can be used within a wide range of sensitive detectors. IN GC and HPLC, the type of detector to be used is dominated by the mobile phase whereas SFC utilizes mobile phase, which can either be liquid like or gas like. List some of the advantageous properties of supercritical CO2 as a mobile phase for chromatographic separations. How analytes are usually recovered after an SFC? Often, supercritical CO2 is used in the mobile phase of supercritical fluid chromatography. CO2 remains one of the most useful in this case due to its ready availability .Other advantages of CO2 include low cost, low interference with chromatographic detectors, nontoxicity, low critical temperature ,inflammability and that it can permit aflame ionization detector to be used, with all the benefits in terms of ease of use, linearity and sensitivity. How do instruments for supercritical fluid chromatography differ from those for (a) HPLC and (b) GC? The major difference between the instruments used in supercritical fluid chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography is the number of analytical columns used. In the former, two types of analytical columns areused, that is, Capillary columns of fused silica coated with cross-linked chemically bonded stationary phases and packed columns that are meant for high-performance liquid chromatography .The high-performance liquid chromatography only uses packed analytical columns .Similarly, the gas chromatography method only uses capillary columns of fused silica coat. The columns in all cases are made of stainless steel. List some advantages and important applications of SFC technique Advantages of supercritical fluid chromatography include: 1. It does not require a concentrating procedure or a cleanup procedure before analysis. 2. It is applied for various compounds from different matrixes, including caffeine extraction, tocopherolenrichment, flavors extraction and analysis of pesticide residues 3. SFC is available to use for non-volatile or thermally unstable compounds when combined with FID 4. SFC is advantageous given that supercritical fluids have low viscosity therefore fast in analysis and the use of open tubular columns is feasible. 5. Another advantage of SFC is that it can be used with a wide range of sensitive detectors. 6. With SFC, it is possible to analyse solutes of much higher molecular weight. 7. It is also possible to analyse thermally labile compounds with SFC. Applications of supercritical fluid chromatography; 1. Hypertensive patients’ diagnosis of the kidney fluids. 2. The method is used in the analysis of an aqueous solution of prostaglandins. 3. It has been used in analysis of fossil fuels and hydrocarbons in industries.

List of References

Graves, S.W. & Markides, K.E. 2000. Application of supercritical fluid chromatography to characterize a labile digitalis-like factor. Hypertension 36, pp.1059–1064. King, J.W. & Hill, H.H. 1993. Analytical Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and Extraction. Peoria, Illnois: National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research. pp.2-41. Mansoori, G.A. 2001. Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and Gel Permeation Chromatography for Characterization of Macromolecules. Chicago: University of Illnois, Department of Chemical Engineering. pp.2-30.

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Writing in Chemistry (Part 1)

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In this article, we state the rules about the format and content of an academic paper in the field of chemistry and describe the scientific conventions used in chemistry papers.

Format and Content of Chemistry Articles

You need to remember that the readers expect two things when reading your paper:

  • to understand the information presented
  • to know that the findings are legitimate

How Do You Meet These Goals?

Introduction, methods and materials.

This format may slightly differ depending on the journal, e.g., some ask you to include an abstract or separate section for the hypothesis. Overall, however, this represents a textual version of the scientific method.

Choose terms that are as specific as the text permits

Avoid: A magnetic alloy

Use:  A vanandium–iron alloy

  • Refrain from using phrases such as “on the,” “a study of,” “research on,” and “regarding.”
  • Refrain from using non-quantitative, meaningless words such as “rapid” and “new.”

A good abstract clearly identifies the purpose of the experiment and the important results.

Avoid pedagogical comments such as,

This experiment helped us learn about the nature of chemical reactions.

The goal of this experiment was to learn about dyes.

Avoid starting with “ The purpose of this experiment was… ” Such background information belongs in the Introduction section.

Avoid referencing. Be specific about what was done.

Avoid vague statements such as “ …a metal complex was prepared and the percent yield was calculated.”

Instead use , “… hexaammine cobalt (III) chloride was prepared from cobalt (II), chloride, and hydrogen peroxide. The yield was 8.45 g.”

When writing a full report, write the Abstract last.

Go step-wise!

  • Start by explaining the larger area of the research
  • Provide examples of progress in the field
  • A clear statement of the research problem
  • Approach being addressed in the current report

Avoid: This experiment intends to investigate upon any measurable amounts of Nickel in the surrounding mud area and within barnacles living on the pilings.

Use: The purpose of this study is to determine the nickel content in the surrounding mud area and in the barnacles living on the pilings.

Include a description of your experimental procedure and names of instruments used. Don’t rewrite the lab manual or protocol.

Avoid: Next, prepare copper solution. Weigh 0.1821 g of copper nitrate and dilute it in 10 mL of tap water.

Use: A solution was prepared by dissolving copper nitrate (0.1821 g) in tap water (10 mL).

Further subdivide into:

  • Materials—sources and purity of reagents used
  • Preparation of compounds—with procedure and summary of characterization by NMR, IR, etc.
  • Instrumentation—manufacturer, description of any adaptation, or sample preparation

A good materials and methods section should allow the reader to completely reproduce what you did in the lab using what you have written.

Include a summary of your raw data, preferably supported by tables and figures, and important observations.

Don’t include long tables of raw data, instead simply present the results of your calculations.

Avoid: The following standard concentrations were used to follow X law for the absorbances at the corresponding wavelength (Table).

Use: The standard concentrations were measured at the corresponding wavelengths and the data provided in Table 1.

Figures, Tables, Equations

Explain the purpose of every figure, schemes, equation, and table in the Results section. When referring to a figure, table, or equation, use its number in the text.

A plateau was observed at reduced pressures >0.1, as indicated in Table 1.

Indicate every figure, table, and equation with a number. Figures and tables require a number and a descriptive title and equations normally have a number placed in parentheses at the right margin.

Figure 1. Mass Uptake vs. Reduced Pressure for A

Table 1. Powder Diffraction Data Obtained for A

A = B 2                                                                             (1)

“Figure” is much preferred presently compared to the labels “chart” and “graph.”

  • Analyze your results
  • Comment on the purpose of the experiment
  • Explain what the results indicate
  • What are sources of error (experimental uncertainty/precision) and limitations?
  • What additional experiments could help address any dangling ends?
  • Do the results agree with what others have found?
  • Do the results support a model or hypothesis?

Avoid: If, for example, we could have used a red and green apple to determine the components, we could have averaged the data and obtained more accurate results.

Use: For example, if data were obtained from both a red and a green apple, the averaged results could provide more representative values.

Summarize your results and discussion with a short conclusion , phrasing it in terms of the broader questions addressed in the Introduction .

When testing a hypothesis, you may want to say that the hypothesis was “ proved ” or “ disproved ” or was “ correct ” or “ incorrect .”

Remember, you’re testing a theory with a procedure that lasts only a few hours and relies on only a few trials, which severely compromises your ability to be sure about the “truth” you see.

Therefore, words like “supported,” “indicated,” and “suggested” are more acceptable ways to evaluate your hypothesis .

In the  next article , we will discuss the scientific conventions and styles used in Chemistry articles.

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How does science communication affect undergraduate pedagogy? “We have evidence that students learn more when they write,” says Ginger Shultz , assistant professor of chemistry. “We can’t escape writing and there are many layers of value to doing this.”

Shultz and Anne Gere , the director of the Sweetland Center for Writing, share a common goal: implement writing into chemistry courses to help students enhance both their understanding of the underlying concepts and their communication skills. They developed M-Write , a program that provides support to faculty who wish to incorporate writing assignments into their curricula.

Shultz explains how writing is incorporated into a class: “We specify an audience; we specify a role. The students have to translate the jargon and things they learn in class. Explaining in your own words is part of the mechanism of learning.”

These assignments are posed as real-world problems to be solved, such as a doctor asking a pharmacist for advice about a drug for a patient. The students are then required to take the principles they have learned in class and apply them to arrive at a solution that is framed in a way that suits a particular audience and situation.

M-Write Writing Fellows key to making it work

To help with this task, the instructors hire writing fellows: undergraduate students that have participated in the course during a previous semester. They provide guidance and structure to new students and help them streamline their writing assignments.

While the students in the classroom benefit from this approach, the undergraduate writing fellows employed to give students more one-on-one help for these assignments are learning first-hand how essential science communication is in their respective fields.

“Being able to communicate science effectively to people outside of the sciences and to other academics is incredibly important especially since science is by nature and by necessity very collaborative, “ says writing fellow Maiya Yu, an undergraduate majoring in Biochemistry and Mathematics who plans to become a professor. “It’s important to not lose accuracy and not lose the audience.”

Rachele Willard, a junior in Anthropology, writing fellow, and future doctor, also values the importance of science communication: “Communicating is not just in talking and expressing your own opinions, but being able to pick up on what people might be feeling or thinking.”

Writing fellow Sohini Pandit points out that,“Communicating is the way we get things done.

"Being able to articulate yourself establishes your knowledge and makes people feel more comfortable with what they have to do,” adds Pandit, a Biopsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience major who plans to become a trauma surgeon.

Shultz agrees that the M-Write program is prompting the fellows to grow as communicators, especially since communicating knowledge to others is part of the “learning-by-doing” method. “The fellows’ learning is really improving and their thinking about how to write,” says Shultz.

Explaining in your own words is part of the mechanism of learning.

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Provost's Teaching Innovation Prize Winner

M-write: writing to learn in large introductory courses across campus.

Although writing-to-learn pedagogies — where students write about key course concepts — have been shown to foster student engagement and deepen learning, many faculty members do not employ these activities because of logistics, the time required to respond to student writing, and doubts about their ability to teach writing.

To address these concerns, Gere and Shultz developed M-Write, a program that includes an automated peer review system and trains undergraduates to become writing fellows, who provide formative feedback on student writing.

M-Write also partners with faculty to design and conduct writing-to-learn assignments and to ensure writing-to-learn is implemented in a sustainable way.

Over the last seven years, M-Write has been used in several of the largest courses on campus affecting more than 12,000 students. M-Write has been implemented in a variety of courses, including biology, chemistry, economics, materials science engineering, physics, statistics and mechanical engineering.

Anne Ruggles Gere ,  Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Gertrude Buck Collegiate Professor of Education ; professor of English language and literature and director of the Sweetland Center for Writing Ginger Shultz ,  assistant professor of chemistry

--From: University Record, April 26, 2019

Chemistry is not the only department implementing the write-to-learn approach to teaching. Through M-Write, Shultz and her colleagues help faculty tailor writing assignments to their classes with the hope of seeing similar pedagogical initiatives take root across the university. This can help faculty advisers, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students master the art of communicating with their students and with each other.

Shultz stresses that, just like science communication, learning is multi-faceted. “It’s not a one-size-fits-all. Every classroom is different. Every subject is different. This strategy of adapting to context has been working well with M-Write because we provide practical solutions. We try to meet faculty where they are and partner with them instead of coming in and saying, ‘You should do this.’ Wherever you are as an instructor, you’ve got to make it work in your context.”

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 M-Write Fellows Program Develops Skill in Science Communication Beyond the Lab

Science communication has become a very popular and creative avenue for scientists to convey their research to the general public.  Learning to write lab reports and present data to a technical audience familiar with that specific field are valuable skills. However, being able to converse with and relate to a non-scientist who is interested in current scientific issues requires more than knowing the science. At the University of Michigan, MiSciWriters , RELATE , and outreach events such as ComSciConMI-18 aim to help graduate students and postdoctoral fellows learn to explain current hot topics in scientific research to a lay audience in engaging ways. Undergraduates at the University of Michigan are gaining experience through the  M-Write Fellows Program .

Some other Science Communication Efforts

  • AsapScience –began in June of 2012 and has since created almost 200 educational videos on topics such as “The Science of Motivation,” “What Happens When You Freeze to Death,” and “Are You Capable of Murder?”
  • Dr. Raychelle Burks , a former crime lab analyst who is currently a professor of chemistry at St. Edward’s University, created SciPop Talks! and has been featured on the Science Channel’s Outrageous Acts of Science .

Analysis of student writing as means of learning chemistry has been published by the Shultz group in  Chemical Education Research and Practice ,  Journal of Chemical Education ,  CBE – Life Sciences Education , and  Science Education .

Ginger Shultz

Sweetland Center for Writing



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Chemistry Worksheets and Handouts

This is a collection of free chemistry worksheets and handouts to print. Most of the printables are PDF files, although some are available as JPG or PNG files. All of these worksheets print cleanly on normal printer paper, plus you can resize them to fit your needs.

Here is a list of worksheets. This site also has articles explaining these topics in detail.

  • Label Parts of the Atom [ Google Apps worksheet ][ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]
  • Acid formulas [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Balancing equations Worksheet #1 [ PDF ][ Answers ] Worksheet #2 [ PDF ][ Answers ] Worksheet #3 [ PDF ][ Answers ] Worksheet #4 [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Chemical and Physical Changes [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Chemistry scavenger hunt [ PDF clues ][ Answers ]
  • Element names crossword [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Element symbols – Symbols that make words [ PDF worksheet ][ Answers ]
  • Element symbols – Countries of the world [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • More element symbol worksheets
  • Homogeneous or Heterogeneous Mixtures [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Intensive and Extensive Properties [ Worksheet ][ Answer Key ]
  • Intrinsic and Extrinsic Properties [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Ionic and Covalent Compounds (Names and Identification) [ PDF Worksheet ][ Answer Key ]
  • Ionic Compound Names and Formulas [ PDF Worksheet ][ Answer Key ]
  • Metric to English Unit Conversions [ PDF Worksheet ][ Answer Key ]
  • Mixtures [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Periodic table scavenger hunt [ PDF clues ][ Answers ]
  • Reading a meniscus [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Reading periodic table element information Worksheet #1 [ PDF ][ Answers ] Worksheet #2 [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Scientific Notation [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Significant digits Rules [ PDF ][ Answers ] Addition and subtraction [ PDF ][ Answers ] Multiplication and division [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Types of Chemical Reactions [ Worksheet ][ Answers ]

In addition to these chemistry worksheets, there is a collection of word search puzzles .

Chemistry Handouts

These chemistry handouts illustrate chemistry concepts and offer examples.

  • Amino acid side chains [ PDF ]
  • Antimatter examples [ PNG ]
  • Atom facts [ PNG ]
  • Chemical properties [ JPG ]
  • Colligative properties [ JPG ]
  • Electron configurations [ PDF ]
  • Element electronegativities [ PDF ]
  • 118 Element Flash Cards [ PDF ]
  • Element list [ PDF ]
  • Endothermic reactions [ PNG ]
  • Error calculations [ JPG ]
  • Exothermic reactions [ JPG ]
  • Heterogeneous mixtures [ JPG ]
  • Hydrocarbon prefixes [ JPG ]
  • Ionic compound properties [ PNG ]
  • Genetic codons [ PDF ]
  • Lewis structures [ JPG ]
  • Litmus test [ PNG ]
  • Magnetic vs non-magnetic metals [ JPG ]
  • Mole ratio [ JPG ]
  • Organic vs inorganic [ JPG ]
  • Oxidation numbers [ JPG ]
  • Periodic table Bingo game [ PDF ]
  • pH indicators [ PNG ]
  • Physical change [ JPG ]
  • Physical properties [JPG ]
  • Noble metals [ JPG ]
  • Reactants and products [ JPG ]
  • RNA vs DNA [ JPG ]
  • States of matter [ JPG ]
  • Visible spectrum [ JPG ]

Periodic Tables

There’s a printable periodic table for just about any purpose, but some of the most popular are listed here.

Vibrant Periodic Table With 118 Elements

  • 118 element vibrant periodic table [ PNG ]
  • Actinides [ JPG ]
  • Blank periodic table [ PDF ]
  • Element charges [ JPG ]
  • Element density [ PDF ]
  • Element electrical conductivity [ PDF ]
  • Element state of matter [ PDF ]
  • Muted color 118 element periodic table [ PDF ]
  • Native elements [ JPG ]
  • Valence [ JPG ]

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Biology Worksheets and Handouts

Is biology more your thing? We’ve got similar resources for the life sciences, including biology, biochemistry, cell biology, and anatomy.

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Writing a Chemistry Essay

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Student Guide to Writing a Chemistry Essay

Everything around us consists of specific materials and substances. Even people consist of particular substances that originate, evolve, and disappear in the eternal cycle of life. The science dealing with these transformations and examining the composition of everything in the world is chemistry.

That’s why chemistry is one of the fundamental sciences that enjoys unending popularity among thousands of enthusiastic students. Some of them want to work in the medical sphere, creating new medications and saving humanity from chronic illnesses. Others want to develop new cosmetics to help women preserve their beauty and vitality. The food industry, automotive industry, aerospace companies – nobody can do without chemistry. Thus, learners studying this subject need to master many rules, formulas, and chemical processes to give value through their knowledge and skills.

Obviously, Chemistry is not everyone’s cup of tea. By looking at Human Resources school essay examples, for instance, you might get a false impression that writing an essay is simple and manageable. Still, Chemistry is an exact science that doesn’t stand guesswork and creativity. Thus, you should keep specific rules, theories, and formulas in mind when writing it.

If you feel confused and unsure about how your Chemistry assignment should be written, it’s not wise to submit a mediocre or off-topic paper to your professor. Your grades are too important to leave them to chance and risk your GPA.

So, you can always get in touch with an experienced Chemistry writer to get a top-notch assignment completed in hours. We have a large team of such experts on standby 24/7, ready to give a helping hand to all students seeking academic support from pros.

Chemistry Essay Format

Overall, the Chemistry format doesn’t differ that much from that of essays on any other subject. The critical point you need to remember is that exact sciences differ from the humanities. Thus, you cannot take a Human Resources school essay or Human Resources management essay and use them as templates for writing about Chemistry.

This subject has its specific requirements, while the structure is still pretty universal. Every essay should include the following parts.

An Introduction

This part of an essay traditionally explains the overall context of the research and gives the readers an initial idea of what the student wants to examine. It poses the research question or challenges the readers with a specific research problem, thus focusing their attention on the pursuit of solutions.

The body of a chemistry paper should introduce the readers to all relevant terminology and provide solid argumentation from the author’s standpoint. It should dedicate one paragraph to one argument, thus giving a clear, logical flow to enhance the readers’ comprehension.

A Conclusion

The final section of a Chemistry paper should be dedicated to a brief summary of the content and a broader inference to the study’s significance for the broader chemistry area.

Thus, by following this format, you can quickly complete any Chemistry work the way your professor wants it to be done.

Write Chemistry Essay in 5 Steps

Creating any assignment should follow a set of specific steps, so we recap each of them to give you a solid basis for your essay’s creation.

#1 Topic Choice

Once you get an assignment on Chemistry, the first step is choosing a topic that relates to your current course materials and at the same time represents interest to you. Otherwise, you may find the writing process too dull and time-consuming.

#2 Research

Now it’s time to study what people say on your topic and how they approach your subject. It’s much easier to build an argument with a couple of reliable, reputable sources at hand.

#3 Outlining

Create a roadmap for your writing process; in this way, you won’t waste time on additional checks of the prompt, having clear guidance in front of your eyes.

This part of your Chemistry homework won’t take too much time if you complete all the previous steps correctly. Please focus on the structure we’ve discussed above, and your paper will evolve hassle-free.

Now it’s time to revisit the essay and look at the parts requiring improvement. Polish it in terms of grammar, style, and syntax, and your professor will surely give you a high grade.

Chemistry Topics

Topic selection is one of the critical bottlenecks that students face at the very beginning of their work on home tasks. The academic area is so broad and diverse that one can hardly narrow down the scope of research and focus on something specific. But we have a great set of Chemistry topics fitting any occasion. Feel free to choose from this list, and you’re sure to get a high grade for the paper you’ll prepare.

  • The chemical causes of food allergy.
  • The impact of pheromones on human beings.
  • The role of plastic packaging in the global warming processes.
  • The chemical composition of acid rains.
  • What causes human teeth to decay?
  • The difference in composition of branded drugs versus generic drugs.
  • The hidden mechanisms of avitaminosis.
  • The chemical basis of mood alteration in the human brain.
  • The legacy of women in chemistry studies and discoveries.
  • The composition of atoms.
  • The role of catalysts in chemical reactions.
  • How did humans perceive the composition of things before the advent of chemistry as a science?
  • Skills and knowledge required from a professional chemist.
  • The principles and processes behind radioactive decay.
  • The mechanism of photosynthesis.
  • Organic waste processing methods.
  • How can a layperson create a safe smoke bomb?
  • The chemical basis of burning fire.
  • How are the consumed nutrients reflected in the person’s hair composition?
  • Chemical compounds of drugs.
  • Chemical compounds causing the intoxicating effect of alcohol.
  • How does the soap create foam?
  • What are the chemical principles behind the conductivity of materials?
  • The principle of spectroscopy.
  • The contribution of nanoscience to advancements in chemistry.

How to Start a Chemistry Essay

Starting a Chemistry assignment is always a challenge, especially if you’re new to the topic or have some doubts about the content it should include. Unlike a Human Resources plan essay, it should be based on a specific chemical topic and feature some predetermined chemical reactions or properties of the examined substances. Thus, it’s impossible to treat this task light-heartedly, focusing on cold hard facts and formulas instead of subjective thoughts and ideas.

Our tips for Chemistry students are as follows:

  • Try to find argumentative Chemistry topics so that the content may be composed with your individual tone and style, reflecting your personality.
  • Research the subject extensively to find reliable evidence and avoid confusing the readers and the professor.
  • Check more than one Chemistry example online to see how other students have approached this subject before you. They have already passed this test, so their takeaways – both right and wrong things – can serve as valuable educational material for you.

Once you follow these tips, Chemistry writing shouldn’t be much of a challenge to you. But anyway, if you experience issues with essay writing, Human Resources or Chemistry (or any other subject), you can get prompt and professional assistance from our experts.

Don’t hesitate to contact them in case of any academic trouble, and they will do an exemplary job researching, writing, and editing your assignments on any subject.

Example #1: Nickel manufacture, recycle and its Environmental Impacts

Nickel occurs naturally as oxides, silicates and sulphides. It is strong, lustrous and silvery white in color. Nickel sulfide processing is mainly used for treating nickel ores which involves concentration, smelting and refining (Environment Australia, 1999). First, Nickel from sulphide ore is separated using froth flotation and magnetic process. The product obtained is further processed using sherritـGordon process. The sulphide ore can also be treated with hydrogen where they are volatized in the kiln. It is then reacted with carbon monoxide at a temperature of about 60° C forming Nickel Carbonyl gas which decomposes on the surface of the Nickel pellet until they reach the desired size (Gold ore crusher, n.d.). Approximately four tonnes of nickel scraps are collected yearly and recycled. The scrap is stainless steel scrap from machinery, equipment and consumer goods. Most of the recycled Nickel is in the form of steel scrap, batteries, bronzes, chemical leachates, liquor, dust, catalyst and coinage. These scraps are separated from other parts, for example, assembled nickel which is then processed to materials of similar composition, therefore, used as new products. Nickel is released into the environment by waste incinerator and power plants. It can also penetrate into the surface water as part of waste water. When nickel compounds are released in the environment they are adsorbed to sediments thus becoming immobile. In acidic soil nickel is more mobile, therefore, it rinse out the ground water. High concentration of nickel in sandy soil damages plants and diminishes the growth rate of algae on surface water. It can also cause cancer in animal when it exceeds the set standard concentration. Therefore, there is need to regulate nickel uses, according to its physical and chemical characteristics. There should be regulations in order to protect workers and other members of the public on the possible effect on their health. Moreover, the environment should be protected by the introduction of the emission levels (Environment Australia, 1999).

What i learnt is Nickel has become very important recently, due to increasing industrial and commercial importance. Moreover, due to its excellent properties including strength at higher temperatures, ductility and corrosion resistance, it is used as a raw material to make products. This information was very important because I learned that nickel can be reused again, therefore, I should always preserve the old batteries and other nickel containing scraps for recycling. However, Nickel may cause environmental effect including health and safety effects. Therefore, I should take precautions when handling nickel product due to its toxicity. The problem encountered while working in a group was that there was argument about how the task would be performed. It took a lot of time to decide on how to perform the task. There were different ideas whether the members should perform the assignment together or individually. When we finally formalised the meeting, each member was assigned a task to perform. Hine (2000) suggests that sharing discussion helps in transforming how a person reflects. Group work helped us to have broader ideas since tasks were shared and also good leadership leads to excellent results. Being in team work facilitated learning and enhanced my understanding on the topic. In addition team work experience helped me to understand my strengths and weakness in a team.

Reference List

Environment Australia, 1999, Emission estimation technique manual for nickel concentrating, smelting, and refining: National Pollutant Inventory, 65 p. (Accessed May 20, 2014.) Hine, A. (2000). Mirroring effective education though mentoring, metacognition and self reflection. Paper presented to Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Sydney. (Retrieved May 21, 2014) How is nickel ore processed in Perth, Australia. (n.d.). – Gold Ore Crusher. (Retrieved May 21, 2014.)

Example #2: Microwave Organic Synthesis

Name: Institution: Microwave Organic Synthesis Abstract

For the past few decades, Electromagnetic microwave radiation has been widely used to provide heat for the synthesis of organics. The technology uses two main basic mechanisms; conduction and dipolar polarization. The technique provides a simple, fast, efficient and the most economical way of synthesizing organic molecules, which has seen chemists shift from the traditional heating methods. This article focuses on the generation of a microwave, as well as its importance in organic synthesis.


A microwave is a form of electromagnetic energy. The use of microwave assisted organic synthesis technique has made the building of small molecules fast, making it a valuable tool that accelerates the discovery and development of drugs. Unlike other forms of radiation such as gamma and X-rays, microwave energy does not alter the compound’s molecular structure because of its non-ionizing thermal activation. The heating effect is as a result of dielectric polarization of the molecules. When the molecules are irradiated with microwaves, they get aligned with the applied electric field. The electric field keeps on changing rapidly, forcing the particles to realign constantly with the changing field, and in the process, energy is absorbed. The dielectric constant determines the ability of a compound to convert the microwave energy into heat energy. The higher the dielectric constant, the rapid the heating process (E.Karthikeyan, 2011).

Microwave Heating

Microwave heating uses the electromagnetic transformation ability of some solids and liquids that transform the radiation into heat that drives the chemical reactions. This technique is important for reactions that are not suitable for the conventional heating. Advantages of Microwave heating over the traditional heating:

  • Increased speed
  • High efficiency
  • Reduced side reactions
  • High purity in the final product
  • Improved reproducibility
  • Reduced heat loss to the environment
  • Reduced wastage of the reaction vessel
  • Green Technologies

Solvents that are used in chemical synthesis are environmentally unfriendly when they are disposed. The microwave irradiation technology has overcome this problem since the technique enables performing of reactions without the use of solvents. In conjunction with mineral-supported catalyzed reactions, the microwave irradiation has provided a clean chemical process with several advantages.

Dry media Reactions

There has been increased campaign for use of environmentally friendly reagents and procedures. The microwave heating completes various reactions under solvent-free conditions on solid supports.

Microwave Synthesis

Microwave heating of organic compounds ha s eliminated the use fire in synthetic chemistry that has led to ‘dry media’ reactions. The technology has also been exploited other related fields such as synthesis of polymers, biochemical processes, nanotechnology and material science.

Microwave Synthesis on Solid Supports

Microwave heating is used in carrying out ‘dry media’ reactions on solid supports. This is demonstrated in transformations such as condensation, protection, de-protection, oxidation and reduction reactions. A variety of industrial compounds and intermediates are prepared by this clean, solvent-free approach. The organic compounds in these reactions absorb microwaves, and the solid support restricts their transmission (E.Karthikeyan, 2011).

Other Applications

Industrial applications of microwave heating process include; drying of pharmaceutical powders, pasteurization of foods, preparation of hydrogen cyanide and chlorination plants. Other exploitations of the of microwave heating include creation of improved crystallinity in intercalation compounds, production of organometallic compounds and polymer curing (E.Karthikeyan, 2011).

Example #3: Summary of the Article “Preparation and Characterization of Ceria Nanospheres by Microwave-Hydrothermal Method”

Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation

Summary of the Article “Preparation and Characterization of Ceria Nanospheres by Microwave-Hydrothermal Method”

In their experimental research “Preparation and characterization of ceria nanospheres by microwave-hydrothermal method,” Santos and his colleagues (Santos et al., 2008) outline the microwave-hydrothermal method that enables the synthesis of cerium compounds at faster rates and at reduced temperatures. According to the authors, a nanocrystalline CeO2 powder is used as nanomaterial in catalysts, optical devices, polishing materials, and oxygen sensors, among other applications (Santos et al., 2008). In addition, they assert other methods have been developed for the synthesis of the ultra-fine CeO2 powder, and they include co-precipitation, organometallic decomposition, conventional hydrothermal, flow method, and their newly developed microwave-hydrothermal methods. In their method, they have used ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH), (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6, and a surfactant (PEG) to synthesize ultra-fine CeO2. CeO2 powder produced by microwave-hydrothermal method has narrow size distribution with a uniform spherical morphology.


In this method, they dissolved (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 and PEG in water, then added NH4OH until a pH 9 was obtained. The resultant solution transferred into an autoclave and heated in a domestic microwave at 130oC for 20 minutes. The CeO2 powder obtained was washed with deionized water and subsequently dried at 80oC. The dried powder was further treated by calcination at 500oC at different periods of 1, 2, and 4h. The fully treated particles were analyzed by X-ray powder for its characteristics. They used Scherrer equation (d=kλ/βcosθ) to determine the crystallite size of CeO2. The morphology of CeO2 particles was characterized by field-emission gun (FEG/STEM mode). A Netzsch-409 STA was used to analyze TG-DTA. They further used a Bruker Equinox-55 instrument to record the FT-IR spectra. In addition, Roman spectra were recorded with Bruker RFS-100/S Raman spectrometer. They also used YAG laser as to provide excitation for the experiment with its power maintains at 150 mW.

Results and discussions

The curves in Fig.1 show the TG-DTA analyses of ceria powder. TG curves show a weight loss of about 11 %, which shows hydration has taken place. The mass loss is as a result of decomposition of Ce(OH)3 (9.95%) or Ce(OH)4/CeO2.2H2O (17.3%), which leads to partial hydration of ceria phases. Only 90% of weight loss occurs at 500oC. However, 650oC may be needed for a complete dehydration. In addition, DTA curve indicates an endothermic weight loss at 86oC. The endothermic weight loss is because of water absorbed by ceria powder. An exothermic peak between 270-350oC correlates to weight loss due to the crystallization of an amorphous phase. Fig.2 shows the characteristics of calcined ceria powder. The patterns were uniform across all conditions in the experiment. The peaks in the figure are a pure cubicflourite structure of CeO2. Moreover, the intensive diffraction peak is at 2θ=28.660° originating from [111] lattice plane of fcc CeO2. The ceria powders are of smaller sizes as indicated by the broadening of the peaks. After the calcination, XRD peaks became sharper with time while FWHM reduced; an indication the calcination process accelerates the crystallinity of CeO2. According to them, the calcination temperature further affects crystalline sizes of ceria powder. The authors agreed that when all conditions for synthesis of CeO2 are met, particle agglomeration due to van der Waal’s forces leads to the formation of ultra-fine CeO2 particles.

Fig.4 provides Raman and FTIR spectral characteristics of CeO2 powder sample. According to the authors, the high intense band observed in the sample corresponds to the oxygen-hydrogen and hydrogen bonds in the water molecules within the crystals. The presence of residual water and the hydroxyl group do not depend on the synthesis method. As a result, they are present in any ceria powder and eliminated by heat treatment. Furthermore, the formation of hydrated ceria powder (CeO2.nH2O) involves the formation of complexes through the hydroxylation and deprotonation of metal ions.


In conclusions, the authors report a simple microwave-hydrothermal method to synthesize a pure CeO2 at 130oC for 20 minutes. They also concluded that the methods not only save time and apply low temperature, but it also enables the control of morphological and structural properties. They also confirmed the material can be used as nanomaterial in several fields such as catalyst and electrical materials.

Santos, M.L.D. et al. (2008). Preparation and characterization of ceria nanospheres by microwave-hydrothermal method. Materials Letters, 60, 4509-4511. doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2008.08.011

Example #4: Summary, Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles for microwave-induced rapid catalytic decplorization of congo red dye.

Zuas, O. , Budiman H. and Hamin , N. originally published in Advanced Material Letters 2013 ( 4 (0) pp 662-667

This article is concerned with the problem of finding methods of rapidly removing dye from waste water on an industrial scale.

The article begins by describing the experiment set up by researchers in the Indonesian Institute of Science when seeking a solution to this global problem among industrialised nations, and in particular among companies who use dyes such as congo red in their industrial processes and who then need to remove this dye in the most suitable way possible, and taking into account that this needs to be done before the dye is released into the nearby water sources, where its presence is so harmful.

At the time of this experiment the removal of industrial dye from waste water was already possible using catalytic oxidation methods, as these researchers concede, citing six instances where this had been attempted. The thinking behind this particular research was that it seemed likely that by combining methods already in use with microwave technology the results could be improved.

An experiment was designed and then set up by these researchers in which the synthesis of nanoparticles was achieved using co-precipitation and then calcining for 4 hours at 500C. Resulting data showed well-formed crystals with a high degree of purity. The crystals were then tested for decolorization of the dye by using microwave irradiation. After a short contact time the results were that in 90.63 rate of efficiency the dye was decolorised under particular conditions as specified in the article .The researchers were concerned with the primary concentration of the particular dye, the amount of contact time and the dosage of the catalysts. It was felt by the researchers that because the catalytic effect was obvious it must be that when the ZnO nanoparticles met the microwave technology this produced a synergistic effect in decolorizing the dye with a high degradation rate achieved quite rapidly. This would mean that such technology is usable as an alternative method when trying to remove industrial dyes from waste water, and so dealing with relative ease with a world-wide problem, in that water is being polluted by the use of dyes in industry. This isn’t just about the coloring of water, but the fact that when these dyes are present this has a negative effect upon aquatic ecosystems, as well as the human populations which rely upon them. There is therefore a need to alleviate this problem, preferably in a way that is easy to set up, and which is both effective and cost efficient. There is also the fact that the industrial companies involved have a responsibility to the wider world , and in this case in particular to those who utilise the water into which their used dye materials are dispersed, whether as who rely on the water, but also to the many forms of life within the water which might be adversely affected if dyes are present in quantity.

For these reasons a number of attempts, cited by these authors, have attempted to find viable solutions to this global problem of the industrial age. The authors describe in detail such things as the reagents used ; the synthesis of ZnO nano-particles; the characterization of the synthesized ZnO nan-particles and the catalytic evaluation of the synthesized ZnO nano-particles. The article described a number of other methods which have been tried to achieve similar results. These include catalytic wet oxidation using modified Y zeolite as a catalyst, as described by Kondru et al in 2009. Also mentioned is photo catalysis, as described by Erdemoglu et al in 2008 and sonocatalysis as described by Wang et al (2008), as well as methods such as the biological ones, using fungi to eliminate these dyes in waste water. ( Battacharya et al, 2011). If left alone the dyes undergo biological changes when in a watery environment and this includes using up oxygen dissolved in the water, so decreasing the levels of dissolved oxygen and depriving creatures which would use this oxygen, so cutting down on numbers and types of biodiversity in particular environments. The fact that so many other attempts have been made to come up with a viable solution to the problem of dye polluting the water supply after industrial usage suggests not only the wide spread problems caused to the water systems , but also that those methods already tried were none of them completely effective.

The results of their particular experiment using microwaves are described in great detail, including such things as the diffraction peaks of the crystals created; the evaluation of the microwaves of the synthesized ZnO nano-particles; the effect of the initial concentration of the congo red dye used and the effect of the ZnO dosages used followed by the effects of various contact times tried, so this was a very complex experiment, or rather a series of similar experiments with a number of possible variables and so a series of results. So they were comparing the decolorization under a number of different treatment processes.

The authors concluded, having carried out all these experiments and having carefully evaluated the results, that the experiments showed that the use of microwave technology was linked to a process whereby the use of synthesized ZnO nano-particles was enhanced when used in aqueous solutions to remove congo red dye. They see this as a potentially possible method to ease the pollution caused by the present practice of releasing industrial dyes into the water supply as contaminated waste water. It also gives one more choice of possible treatment available to environmentalists as they seek to combat the adverse results of industrialisation upon aquatic environments in a variety of situations around the world.

Battacharya, S. Das, A., Mangai, G., Vignesh, K. and Sangeetha,J.,( 2011) Micoremediation of Congo Red Dye by Filamentous Fungi, Brazilian Journal of Microbiology , 42 (4) p 1526 Erdemoglu, S., Asku, S., Sayilkan, S., Izbi, B., Astilturk, M., Sayilkan, H., Frimmel, F. and Gucer, S.,(2008), Journal of Hazardous Material 155 (3) page 469 Kondru , A., Kumar , P., Chand, S, ( 2009) Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of azo dye (Congo red) using modified Y zeolite as catalyst, Journal of Hazardous Material, 166 ( 1) 342 – 347 Wang, J., Jiang, Y., Zhang, Z., Zhao, S., Zhang .G., Ma, T. and Sun W., ( 2007) Investigation on the sonocatalytic degradation of congo red as catalysed by nanometer rutile TiO2 powder and various influencing factors, Desalination, 216 p 196- 208

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Chemistry Writing Help

Are you only a semester into college but already looking for chemistry paper writing help? We understand you! Chemistry has always been famous for its complex theories, formulas and experiments. But that's why you love this topic, isn't it? Even if you live and breathe chemistry, that doesn't mean there shouldn't be any problems. You will always have sleepless nights over complex equations, stress from lab work, and the constant pressure of looming deadlines.

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Why Do Students Choose Our Chemistry Paper Writing Help?

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What are the Most Common Types of Chemistry Papers?

It’s hard to imagine chemistry without its formulas and complex theories which presents challenges for students at every academic level. Writing a chemistry paper is challenging for undergraduates because it’s their first experience with scientific writing. It can be difficult to write about chemical equations and organic structures. Graduate students should write about more advanced topics. Their papers should be based on thorough research that demands a higher level of analysis. PhD students should be able to do original research and theories related tochemistry. 

We understand that everybody faces challanges during their academic life one way or another. That’s why a lot of students purchase chemistry paper which allows us to lighten their workloa.

What Chemistry Papers Can We Write for Undergraduate Students?

Even though chemistry is your major, it can be complex and hard to understand. As an undergraduate student, you have a vast syllabus covering everything from basic atomic structures to complex chemical reactions. The workload can quickly become overwhelming. So, it can be challange to find time for all the coursework, lab sessions, and personal responsibilities. Naturally, you’re starting to look for help and think, “Maybe, I can pay someone who can help and do my chemistry paper for me .”

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  • Organic Chemistry Papers
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  • Physical Chemistry Papers
  • Analytical Chemistry Papers
  • Biochemistry Papers
  • Environmental Chemistry Papers
  • Medicinal Chemistry Papers
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  • Industrial Chemistry Papers

What Can We Write for Graduate Students?

At the graduate level in chemistry experiment and theory becomes more complex. It’s like piecing together a giant puzzle, where every piece is a research project. Students shouldn’t just research existing theories. They should also do original research and add their voice to the scientific conversation. 

We totally get how it can be thrilling to research something new, on the one hand, and a bit overwhelming, on the other hand. That’s why we’re here to take some weight off your shoulders. Think of us as your friendly academic support . When you buy chemistry paper from us, we’ll help you with those hefty writing tasks so you can focus on what really sparks your passion in chemistry.

  • Advanced Organic Chemistry Papers
  • Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Papers
  • Advanced Physical Chemistry Papers
  • Advanced Analytical Chemistry Papers
  • Advanced Biochemistry Papers
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  • Polymer Chemistry Papers
  • Materials Chemistry Papers
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An What About Ph.D Candidates?

Chemistry is truly your passion if you’re fursuing a Ph.D. in this field. As a Ph.D. candidate, you’re expected to be involved in advanced studies and present your findings in scholarly papers. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to balance lab work, data analysis, and the pressure of publishing. And there is no shame in thinking, “Maybe, I should pay someone to write a chemistry paper for me .”

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These are the main types, but if you have some different type of chemistry assignment, it doesn’t mean we can’t do it. Just fill out the details of your task using our online order form and we will find a suitable writer for your task.

Get assistance from professional Chemistry paper writers

Yes, the world of atoms, molecules, reactions, and equations can sometimes be confusing. That’s where our team at Writing Metier steps! Our writers can write personalized papers of 14 different types. You can order chemistry paper, detailed lab reports, case studies, and comprehensive thesis papers. We cover different aspects of Chemistry, including Organic, Inorganic, Physical, and Biochemistry. Our goal is to simplify these complex subjects and help you reach academic success.

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  • Review papers summarize existing research on a particular topic. They provide an overview of the research already done in the field and suggest areas for improvement. Buy chemistry paper of this type if you are  interested in understanding the bigger picture of a specific chemistry topic.
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  • Theoretical papers deal with the abstract aspects of Chemistry.  Their purpose is to predict chemical behaviors and interactions through creating models or simulations. If you enjoy problem-solving, you should definitely buy chemistry paper of this type.
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  • Inorganic Chemistry papers can cover topics related to metals, minerals, crystal structures, and catalysis.
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  • Analytical Chemistry papers focus on the techniques that can separate matter. Those who have a passion for precision and accuracy will love this paper. 
  • Biochemistry papers discuss the chemical processes related to living organisms. They discuss topics like enzyme kinetics, metabolism, and molecular biology.
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At last, stumbled upon writers adept in the International Baccalaureate sphere who actually adhere to the guidelines. It's a rare gem, trust me, not a ton of services can nail this. I've had my share of not-so-great experiences in the past. If you're reading this, you probably get the gist. isn't flawless, but I've reached a point where I can confidently present their work to my teacher without a second thought. Kudos!

Our Chemistry Paper Writing Service: Order Now

Studying chemistry at university can be stress-free with our paper writing help. No more sleepless nights or worrying about complex theories and experiments. Our expert team is here to craft top-notch chemistry papers. Whether you're an undergraduate struggling with the basics or a PhD student doing advanced research, we can help all levels. Don't let academic pressures hold you back. Order now and experience the ease that our chemistry paper writing help can offer you.


Can I buy a chemistry paper?

Yes! Chemistry paper writing help is here to help you with all your chemistry writing needs. Are you dealing with complex chemical reactions or challenging laboratory reports? Our team of expert writers has got you covered! If you’re looking for reliable support in your chemistry studies, feel free to reach out to us!

How much should I pay for a chemistry paper?

The cost of a chemistry paper varies based on several factors:

  • Length of the paper: You can request papers from 1 to as many pages as your assignment requires.
  • Your academic level: We offer chemistry paper writing help for students at international baccalaureate, high school, undergraduate, graduate, master, and doctoral levels. 
  • Urgency of your deadline : The most urgent papers can be written within 5 hours. However, if your deadline isn’t close, we can deliver your paper within 30 days.

Depending on these factors, we offer competitive and fair pricing. To get a clear idea of the cost, you can use our online pricing tool.

Can I pay someone to write my chemistry paper?

Are you thinking, “Can I pay someone to write a chemistry paper for me ?” Indeed! Our chemistry paper writing help is designed to help students like you. We have a team of writers who specialize in various branches of chemistry. They can create a well-researched and thoroughly formatted paper for you. Is your paper about organic chemistry? Is it a complex analytical chemistry report ? Regardless of the topic, we are here to help.

Is it legit to buy a chemistry paper online?

Yes, it’s legal to buy chemistry paper online. Our company operates within the legal framework and provides academic support to students. We use proper references to the sources cited in the papers. Our copies are high-quality and personalized to help you understand complex chemistry concepts.

What are the main types of chemistry papers?

Chemistry papers come in 15 different types: Research Papers, Review Papers, Experimental Papers, Internal Assessments , Theoretical Papers, etc. Each type plays a crucial role in advancing the field. Some papers are based on new discoveries, the others summarize existing knowledge. Some  chemistry papers explore practical experiments, while others focus on theoretical explorations.

What are the key sections of a chemistry paper?

Chemistry papers have the following sections:

  • Introduction establishes the research question and background.
  • Methodology details the experimental or analytical approaches.
  • Results section presents the findings.
  • Discussion section interprets the results.
  • Conclusion summarizes the research.

These sections collectively form the structure of a well-organized chemistry paper.

What is the best way to write an effective chemistry paper?

Writing an effective chemistry paper involves a few key strategies. First, have a clear research question or hypothesis. When conducting experiments or research, document your methods and observations. Present your data clearly, using tables, graphs, or charts. Explain your findings, connect them to existing theories in chemistry. Be comprehensive in your writing, and always use precise terminology.

How long should a chemistry paper be?

The length of a chemistry paper depends on the depth of your topic. 

  • High school chemistry papers range from 3 to 5 pages and focus on easy experiments.
  • At the undergraduate level, papers usually span 5 to 10 pages and delve into more complex topics.
  • Graduate chemistry papers can extend to 10-20 pages. They require comprehensive research and advanced university-level methodologies.
  • Doctoral-level papers exceed 20 pages. They should include significant findings in the field of chemistry.

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Library Subject Guides

  • Subject Guides
  • Assignment Research

Chemistry: Assignment Research

  • Books and ebooks
  • Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Handbooks
  • Journal Articles and Databases
  • Journal Title Abbreviations
  • Data and Properties
  • Exam Papers (via AKO | LEARN)
  • Past Tests (via AKO | LEARN)
  • Products and Prices
  • Safety Data Sheets
  • Structure Drawing Tools and Nomenclature
  • Information Competencies for Chemistry Undergraduates (Wikibook)
  • Stages in the Research Process
  • Citation Styles and EndNote
  • Writing Guides
  • Web Lectures
  • Stay Current
  • For Academics
  • Library Navigator


This guide to basic assignment research outlines a simple but effective approach to finding information for your assignment. It is based on the resources described elsewhere in this subject guide and on the UC Library web site. Depending on your topic and your level of study, you may need to rearrange or review these steps where necessary

Check the rest of this subject guide carefully for additional subject resources and, where available, appropriate topic guides

1. Define your topic

chemistry writing assignment

Make sure you understand the topic. Identify the main concepts or keywords in your question to help you develop a search strategy.

2. Gather background information

Use dictionaries and encyclopedias to find definitions and background information. Articles from specialised subject encyclopedias are authoritative and often substantial


  • Dictionaries, Encyclopedias and Handbooks for Chemistry

3. Think about what information you need

chemistry writing assignment

  • How much information do you need? Lecturers often give guidelines on the number of sources you should use
  • Do you need current information or is older material relevant? Sometimes you might need both, as you might have to give both the historic background and the current situation of a topic
  • Do you need primary sources that give an original account of research, or secondary sources that are interpretations of someone else's work?

If you do not understand what you have to do for an assignment, ask your lecturer, your tutor or someone at the Academic Skills Centre

4. Find books

Search the library catalogue

  • Check for books on High Demand .
  • Use Title and Keyword anywhere searches to find additional material.
  • When you find a useful title, click its subject headings to find books on similar subjects.

Read more on:

  • Finding Chemistry Books and Ebooks

5. Find journal articles

6. Find information on the Internet

  • a government department (.gov or
  • an academic (.edu or or published in a reputable journal)
  • a business (what are they selling?)
  • or a random non-expert?

Use Google Scholar to find reliable journal articles, or the Advanced Search features of Google to restrict your search to results from more reputable sources.

  • Web searching

7. Evaluate your sources

  • Critically Analyzing Information Sources (Cornell University)
  • How to spot fake news .

8. Cite your sources

  • Citing your sources

9. Write your assignment

chemistry writing assignment

See our writing guides page for books that have useful hints for writing on technical subjects.

Visit the  Academic Skills Centre  for workshops and/or personal help.

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  • Next: Information Competencies for Chemistry Undergraduates (Wikibook) >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 14, 2024 11:38 AM
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"by faith noah… prepared an ark to the saving of his household…" hebrews 11:7.

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High School Chemistry

Enjoy Chapter 16…make a great study sheet…use it on your exam…and you’ll be finished with high school chemistry!

By the way, read the chapter until you get to the information regarding acids and bases.  You may stop there.

Test on Chapter 15 next week and review questions are due.  Ask me for the answers if you want them!

Read Chapter 15 and write your lab report.  Expect a short quiz on your reading.

Test next week, Chapter 13.  You’re welcome to ask me for the answers to the review questions.  Also, your lab report for the calorimetry lab (13.2?) is due.

Lord willing, I’ll see you next week!

Read and study Module 13, “The Heat is On”.  Especially work these problems — they’re not difficult, but they have lots of parts to them and you need to keep all of the info contained where it belongs!

Today’s date 3/14, which means it is “Pie Day.”  Just FYI.

Text next week on acids/bases.  Come early; Mr. Mealey will stop you at noon even if you’re not finished.

Review questions are due.  Ask me by Friday if you want the answers.

Write your lab report for the titration lab.

Our next chapter is about acids and bases.  Please read Chapter 11 and prepare for a quiz next time on general knowledge.

No labs are due, but we’ll do the big titration lab next time, so it will help for you to read it so that you have an idea of what you’re going to do.

February 28

Test next week on Chapter 10.  Be sure you know all of the gas equations from memory, and the value for “R”.

Since I can only allow you one hour of class time for the exam, you are welcome to arrive anytime after 10 a.m. to have extra time to finish.

Your lab report is due…I think it’s 10.4?

February 21

Begin learning about gasses in Chapter 10.  You’ll need to memorize equations, of course, and they will likely be on your QUIZ NEXT WEEK.

February 15 (for the 14th)

Sorry for the late post, in case any of you were wondering!  No power means no posting…so here we go today.

Test next week on Chapter 9, Solutions.  I will collect the review questions and your lab reports — two of them.  I think they are 9.1 and 9.2, but if I’m mistaken, I trust you know which to do.

We began Chapter 9 today, which is titled “Solutions.”  Please read it and begin to learn the concepts and the equations.

You finished lab 9.2, so I’d like to have that report next time.

Your exam for Chapter 8, Still More on Stoichiometry, is next week.  Please answer Review Questions 1-4, 7, 10, 11, 17, 18.

When you study, pay particular attention to the polyatomic ions and the molecules they form; also determining empirical formulas of metal oxides (we did one in class today – see Example 8.3 on page 236).

Please write your lab report for Lab 8.1.

Finally, you are always welcome to show up early and have more time to take the exam.

Read Chapter 8 this week, “Still More on Stoichiometry.”

Memorize the list of polyatomic ions (just the ones in  bold type ).

Quiz next week.

Eventually, stoichiometry will come (more) easily to you than it does now (which is kinda like saying that eventually you’ll have a college degree, three kids and a hamster).  Ahem.

Test next week, and it will be difficult.  You must be able to solve the two types of stoichiometry problems we’ve seen here — how many moles? and how many grams?

Study, practice, and practice some more.  Remember that an effective method of understanding how to solve problems is to work them, check your answers, throw your paper away, and then do the same process again the next day.

Complete the review questions at the end of the chapter.  Email me if you’d like the answers.

As for your lab reports, you are welcome to take an extra week on those if you need more time on problem solving…but i will also accept them next week.

Lastly, please understand that when solving a stoichiometry problem, you really must write down all of your steps and label them properly.  We will deduct points for not showing your work.

Lastly lastly, you’re welcome to start the test early next week.  Show up any time after 10:30 a.m. and have an extra hour or so.

Stoichiometry is a doozy of a concept, and I know it will take you a few weeks of reading and practice to understand how to solve the equations.

Best way to learn this chapter is to read it and study the example problems as you read.  When you practice the equations, notice the steps you will always take —

  • Always write down “what you have” and make it a fraction FIRST.
  • You will almost always have to determine the amu of the element and/or molecule before you do any algebra.
  • Check your answers as you go.  Even if you “don’t understand what you’re doing”, you can learn the process of how to solve these problems, and they’ll get easier as you go.

Read Chapter 7 this week, and also write your lab report for Lab 7.1

November 15

Next week you’ll take the test for Chapter 6, Physical and Chemical Changes.  The big deals here are —

  • Balancing equations
  • Recognizing the different types of equations and being able to write them correctly (formation, decomposition, complete combustion, incomplete combustion, single displacement, double displacement)

And, please write your lab report for Lab 6.1.

Answers to review questions are due for homework.

Also, your only job next week is to take the exam.  I’ll excuse you afterwards; expect to be “free” by noon.  Yay!

Focus your energies on prepping for the Chapter 5 test.  I will ask you to list the homonuclear diatomic molecules by writing them correctly, and I will also ask you to name the five geometric shapes of covalent molecules, along with their bond angles.

Otherwise, study the review questions, which are due.

We’ll come right back to balancing equations next week, after the test.

Chapter 5, “Covalent Molecules and Molecular Geometry” is our chapter these next two weeks.

Read the chapter, answer the CC questions as you go, practice drawing Lewis structures for covalent molecules, and memorize the homonuclear diatomic molecules.

Write a lab report for Lab 5.1, “Bending Water.”

Prepare for a quiz next week on general information presented in this chapter.

Study for your Chapter 4 test, making sure you can write electron configurations and also write formulas for ionic compounds.

The review questions are due; contact me if you would like me to send the answers to you.

We began the next chapter this week, Chapter 4 on the “Modern View of Atoms and their Chemistry.”  Please read the chapter and begin to absorb it.

Your quiz next week will involve writing electron configurations and Lewis structures.

We finished Chapter 3, “Making Sense of Atoms and Elements” today, which means that you have acquired sense of them?  Eh?

Reread the chapter, answer the review questions for homework, and study so that you can do well on your Chapter 3 exam next week.

Also, please write the lab report for the flame test lab.

Today we tested on Chapter 2 and started Chapter 3.  Our new chapter is all about “Making Sense of Atoms and Elements”, which means you will be establishing foundational knowledge of the Periodic Table of Elements, the information contained in each element’s “box”, and (oddly) the relationship between wavelength, frequency, and speed of light.

Please read Chapter 3 and expect a quiz on information in the CC questions next week.

It is always a good idea to answer those CC questions as you read, and also to work the example problems on your own (those are in the yellow/orange boxes within the chapter).

Next week we shall conduct Experiment 3.2.  Please read it so that you know what to expect, although I may conduct it a bit differently than our book does.

September 26

Usually I’m more wordy than I’m about to be, but here’s a quick list —

  • Test next week. Study the review questions.
  • Answer the Review Questions and turn them in for credit.
  • You’re welcome to email me and ask for the answers to the review questions.  I’ll be out of town from Friday morning until Sunday late afternoon, so keep that in mind.
  • Write lab reports for Experiments 2.2 and 2.3.

September 20

Nice work on your Chapter 1 test today, everybody.  As we progress through the course, you will learn to be more careful with those little details — sig figs, attaching units, etc. — because they will become second nature.

Read Chapter 2 this week and answer the CC questions as you go.  You do NOT need to turn those in, but next week’s quiz will be based on them.

Please write a lab report for Lab 2.1.  Since water takes such a long time to boil on top of an alcohol burner…you are welcome to “assume” it all boiled away and you were left with salt in the beaker.  Mention this in the “discussion” section of your lab report.

Thank you!  I will be emailing your grade report so that you can see the letter grade for the test.

September 13, 2023

We’ve finished Chapter 1, so we’ll test on it next week.  Do this —

  • Study.  Reread Chapter 1, making sure you understand the concepts.
  • Complete the Study Guide questions at the end of the chapter.  Turn these in to me next week.  Your book does not contain the answers to the study guide, but I am happy to provide them to you.  Email me and ask if you want them.
  • Write your lab report for Lab 1.3

That’s it!  Thank you.

September 6, 2023

Please read Chapter 1, Measurement.   Key concepts of this chapter include significant figures, using scientific notation, density, and how to measure correctly.

Answer the Comprehension Check questions as you go.  Those will help you prepare for the QUIZ next week.

So, to be clear, there is no homework to turn in next time, but you need to read the chapter and prepare for a quiz.

August 28, 2023

Hello High School Chemistry Students,

This page is yours.  Here I will post homework assignments and you will look at them to know what’s due.

Unlike last year, we no longer have an LMS (Learning Management System, aka “Schoology”) so here we are.  I post assignments, you bring them to me in class. Just like that.

Your first assignment is to bring me your signed MIRACLE RANCH WAIVER FORM.  If you’ve already turned this in — I have most of you also in English on Tuesdays — you’re good. It counts for each class as a homework grade.

Otherwise, bring your textbook, a binder with paper, pen/pencil, AND A CALCULATOR, and I’ll see you on Wednesday, September 6, promptly at 11:00 a.m.

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  1. Chemistry Writing Guide

    Writing Associates Program. Writing in chemistry is similar to writing in other disciplines in that your paper must have a clear purpose that explains why you are writing, a thesis statement or main idea that defines the problem to be addressed, and background information wherever necessary. In addition, you should include evidence in the form ...

  2. Guide for Writing in Chemistry

    It is also important to note that operations are not performed on a reaction. Instead, "reaction mixtures" are "concentrated," "heated," "filtered," etc. 7) Contractions: They are never appropriate in formal writing. 8) Imprecise sentence subjects: "This" should not be used as the subject of the sentence.

  3. 321 Interesting Chemistry Topics & Writing Tips

    Style. Grammatically correct writing is a must. Your style should be formal, concise, and clear. Use the right tense: write your methods and results in the past. For general truths, you can switch to the present. Finally, don't forget that for any type of writing, the right topic is crucial.

  4. Learning to write in chemistry

    In chemistry education, a lot of writing effort is directed at laboratory reports, where students mimic a research article by providing an introduction, procedure, data obtained and an analysis of what that data means. ... A significant consideration in planning writing assignments is the time available for assessment and feedback. While there ...

  5. Your chemical science thesis: an introductory guide to writing up your

    This guide aims to give you guidance on how to write your thesis so. that your research is showcased at its best. It includes suggestions on how to prepare for writing up and things to consider during the final stages. Whether you're researching a new synthetic route to a natural product or applying computational methods to a chemical problem ...

  6. A guide to writing up your chemical science thesis

    A guide to writing up your chemical science thesis. Bookmark. This guide aims to give you guidance on how to write your thesis so that your research is showcased at its best. It includes suggestions on how to prepare for writing up and things to consider during the final stages.

  7. PDF Undergraduate's Guide to Writing Chemistry Papers

    aph must be titled (equations do not have a title). The goal of a title is to tell enough information about the table/ gure such that, in the context of your report, an out. ide reader can understand what the gure is showing. An example of a Table title might be: `Table 1. 1: Volume of 1.0 g of H2O at Various.

  8. Critical-thinking writing assignments in general chemistry

    Application, evaluation, and examples of brief chemistry writing assignments to help students develop good communication and thinking skills. KEYWORDS (Audience): High School / Introductory Chemistry; KEYWORDS (Pedagogy): Communication / Writing; Cited By. This article is cited by 15 publications.

  9. Writing Assignments

    ISBN: 0230220029. Publication Date: 2009-07-30. Packed with top tips on grammar, structure and style, this handy guide provides succinct and practical guidance on students' most common writing concerns. Writing for University by Jeanne Godfrey; Kate Williams (Series edited by) ISBN: 9781350933675. Publication Date: 2022-06-02.

  10. All the information you need to write an chemistry essay

    Completing Chemistry homework is a bit different from writing a Human Resources management essay or a Human Resources school essay. Here, you cannot experiment that much with arguments and theories; you need to stick to the objective facts, formulas, and evidence from your textbook. The Chemistry format typically includes the following parts.

  11. Writing in Chemistry (Part 1)

    In this article, we state the rules about the format and content of an academic paper in the field of chemistry and describe the scientific conventions used in chemistry papers. Format and Content of Chemistry Articles. You need to remember that the readers expect two things when reading your paper: to understand the information presented

  12. Chemistry Writing: More Than Just Lab Reports

    They developed M-Write, a program that provides support to faculty who wish to incorporate writing assignments into their curricula. Shultz explains how writing is incorporated into a class: "We specify an audience; we specify a role. The students have to translate the jargon and things they learn in class. Explaining in your own words is ...

  13. Chemistry Worksheets and Handouts (PDF for Printing)

    Print free chemistry worksheets and handouts to enhance student learning. This is a collection of free chemistry worksheets and handouts to print. Most of the printables are PDF files, although some are available as JPG or PNG files. All of these worksheets print cleanly on normal printer paper, plus you can resize them to fit your needs.

  14. Student Guide to Writing a Chemistry Essay

    Still, Chemistry is an exact science that doesn't stand guesswork and creativity. Thus, you should keep specific rules, theories, and formulas in mind when writing it. If you feel confused and unsure about how your Chemistry assignment should be written, it's not wise to submit a mediocre or off-topic paper to your professor.

  15. Chemistry writing assignment 9 n

    Chemistry writing assignment 9 n. writing assignment 10. Course. General Chemistry I with Labs (CHE-121) 24 Documents. Students shared 24 documents in this course. University Thomas Edison State University. Academic year: 2018/2019. Uploaded by: Fedor Mikaelov. Thomas Edison State University. 0 followers. 5 Uploads.

  16. Writing Assignments

    Since 2002, I have used CPR in my classes. In Fall, 2004 I made my chemistry classes "writing intensive" with a total of 25% of the grade directly attributable to writing assignments in both lecture and lab, almost half of these points comes from the best 3 of 4 CPR assignments given during the semester.

  17. Professional Chemistry Writing Service for Students

    Writing a chemistry paper is challenging for undergraduates because it's their first experience with scientific writing. It can be difficult to write about chemical equations and organic structures. ... These are the main types, but if you have some different type of chemistry assignment, it doesn't mean we can't do it. Just fill out the ...

  18. How a Chemist Writes

    You have to go back and cut it down. What distinguishes scientific writing is being very clear. When you can summarize a big idea in very few words, it's like saying "E=mc2.". You have all of that information packed into a tiny little package. It makes it seem very powerful. —Leslie Briggs '17, M.A. '18.

  19. Assignment Research

    Introduction. This guide to basic assignment research outlines a simple but effective approach to finding information for your assignment. It is based on the resources described elsewhere in this subject guide and on the UC Library web site. Depending on your topic and your level of study, you may need to rearrange or review these steps where ...

  20. Written Assignments in Organic Chemistry: Critical Reading and Creative

    A pair of writing assignments are described that challenge students to gain a deeper understanding of underlying concepts in organic chemistry and to read their textbook critically, deciphering the types of knowledge related by the text. In the first type of assignment, the student defines a concept in four different ways: definition, elaboration, example, and allegory.

  21. Incorporating a Substantial Writing Assignment into Organic Chemistry

    A substantial writing assignment in an organic chemistry course provides a means of allowing students to direct their own learning about a specific application of organic chemistry. The use of peer review provided additional benefits: students learned organic chemistry from reading each others' papers and learned more about how classmates write about chemistry. Recommendations about how best ...

  22. Organic Chemistry YouTube Writing Assignment for Large Lecture Classes

    This work describes efforts to incorporate and evaluate the use of a YouTube writing assignment in large lecture classes to personalize learning and improve conceptual understanding of chemistry through peer- and self-explanation strategies. Although writing assignments can be a method to incorporate peer- and self-explanation strategies, this method is not often incorporated in large lecture ...

  23. High School Chemistry

    Hello High School Chemistry Students, This page is yours. Here I will post homework assignments and you will look at them to know what's due. Unlike last year, we no longer have an LMS (Learning Management System, aka "Schoology") so here we are. I post assignments, you bring them to me in class. Just like that.