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  • Unemployment Speech


Long and Short Speeches on Unemployment

Any individual who is deprived of earning a living and faces difficulty in getting a paid job is known as unemployed and the condition is termed as unemployment. With India being a highly populated country, unemployment has always been a major problem in our country. And this problem has been increasing at a major rate.

Here, we have provided a long speech as well as a short unemployment speech in English for the students of all categories. Students can easily refer to our speech on unemployment for any exam preparation and can also gather information on this topic to prepare their own speech.

There is also a 10 Lines Speech provided by us especially for the students of Class 1 and Class 2.

Long Speech on Unemployment

This long speech on unemployment has been provided as a reference for the students of Class 7 To Class 12 for their exam preparation. 

Warm greetings to everyone! I firstly appreciate everyone who has gathered here to discuss the problem of unemployment. I am thankful enough for providing me with an opportunity to deliver a speech on unemployment.

Unemployment has become a major concern among the people of India today. With the increasing population, the job sectors fail to provide a full-time job to all the people. This, as a result, has increased the rate of unemployment in our country. Thus, unemployment can be defined as the condition where an individual is deprived of a paid job or self-employment and is unable to find a suitable job for employment. 

The fear of unemployment has caused a level of depression and mental stress on the youth today. In spite of getting a degree and having the highest qualifications, they still have to go through the process of unemployment. Many individuals, being the sole bread earner of the family, struggle day and night to earn a living. Unemployment not only refers to being jobless, but it also refers to the state where an individual is being underpaid as per their experience and qualifications. Several individuals are unsatisfied with the jobs they are in and are sticking to their jobs due to unemployment problems. 

Implementation of various government programs to improve the practical skills of the students must be done in every school and college. Although the government of India has introduced several employment schemes to offer jobs to the unemployed, many more steps must be taken to reduce the unemployment rate in our country. People must be made aware of self-employment and proper fundings for these government programs and projects must be implemented by the government.

Lastly, I would like to thank all of you for your patience and for coming here to discuss this issue. 

Short Speech on Unemployment in English

Given below is a short unemployment speech in English for the students of Class 3 to Class 6. 

Greetings everyone! Today I am here to deliver a speech on the topic of unemployment.

With the fast-growing industries and economic system, our country India still lags behind in the field of employment. In spite of having a higher degree and qualification, many people have to suffer through the process of unemployment. The main reason behind this major issue is the growing population and demand for a full-time job. Many citizens of the country are still deprived of paid jobs and are struggling to earn a living. This has also eventually led to mental pressures and depression among the youth. Although there has been an increase in the literacy rate of the people that has also increased the demand for new jobs. 

It is high time that the government should take up initiatives to provide employment to the people. There are several government programs and schemes that have been introduced by the Prime Minister to help the unemployed to get a paid job. New training programs should be introduced in schools and colleges for the better development of the students. People should be made familiar with the self-employment scheme and initiatives must be implemented by the government for funding these programs.

Lastly, I would like to end my speech by saying that unemployment has become a major problem in India today and necessary steps must be taken to reduce the unemployment rate. 

10 Lines Speech on Unemployment

Here is a 2-minute long speech on unemployment for the students of Class 1 and Class 2.

Good morning everyone! Today I am here to deliver a speech on unemployment.

Unemployment is a serious problem faced by many people in our country.

The increasing population and higher demands for jobs give rise to unemployment.

India being a populated country faces a higher unemployment rate due to limited job sectors.

There are several people who do not have a paid job and are surviving unemployment.

Unemployment also counts those individuals who are being underpaid in their jobs and are working outside their area of interest.

Even people having higher degrees and qualifications have to go through the process of unemployment.

This causes a high level of mental pressure and depression to the individuals as they struggle day and night to earn a living.

Due to slow economic growth and small job sectors, this problem has given rise to many unemployed people.

Lastly, I would like to say that unemployment is becoming a major concern of the youth of our country and if not solved in time, it will also bring down the economic rate of our country.


FAQs on Unemployment Speech

1. How can you include initiatives taken by the government to curb unemployment in your speech?

This problem is taken very seriously by the government, and a number of schemes are being implemented to reduce unemployment. Among these schemes are IRDP (Integrated Rural Development Programme), DPAP (Drought Prone Area Programme), Jawahar Rozgar Yojana, Training for self-employment, PMIUPEP (Prime Minister's Integrated Urban Poverty Eradication Program), employment exchange, Employment Guarantee Scheme, development of organized sector, small and cottage industries, employment in forging countries, and others.

2. What are the reasons for unemployment that I can include in my unemployment speech?

There are numerous reasons for a large section of the population of our country to be facing the problem of unemployment. Some of these reasons are population growth, slow economic growth, seasonal occupations, slow economic growth and a decrease in the cost of living in our country. Additionally, the large population of the country adds to the unemployment problem in India. The country's population demands a huge number of jobs and occupations every year, which the government is unable to supply.

3. What are the types of unemployment?

All of us today are aware of what unemployment is. However, it does not just mean that any person is unemployed. Likewise, unemployment also refers to people working in areas that are outside of their expertise or mastery. Some of the various types of unemployment include disguised unemployment, seasonal unemployment, open unemployment, technological unemployment, and structural unemployment. Other types of unemployment include cyclical unemployment, educated but unemployed, underemployment, frictional unemployment, chronic unemployment and casual unemployment. Presently, in India, among the most prevalent types of unemployment are seasonal unemployment, underemployment, and disguised unemployment.

4. What type of unemployment can be found in developed countries?

Mostly in developed countries, cyclical and frictional unemployment exist. The period of cyclical unemployment is the period in which the unemployment rate rises and falls according to cycles of economic ups and downs. It is vital to minimize cyclical unemployment during recessions. In an economy, frictional unemployment arises from voluntary job transitions. Frictional unemployment is a fact of life, even in a growing, stable economy.  The frictional unemployment that occurs when workers leave their current jobs in search of new jobs and when workers enter the workforce for the first time does not include those workers who remain in their current job until they find a new one, since they are never unemployed.

5. How to define different types of unemployment in india?

Open or Structural Unemployment- The phenomenon of open or structural unemployment occurs when a number of people desire to work but are unable to find jobs for themselves. It is a result of a growing population and people migrating to larger cities.

Disguised Unemployment - Under this type of unemployment, people seem employed, yet their productivity is zero and they do not receive any assistance to increase their output.

Seasonal Unemployment - During some seasons in India, farming is not practiced year-round, which results in farmers being jobless for a few months. Seasonal unemployment is also observed in the sugarcane industry, cold drinks industry, and crackers industry.


Speech on Unemployment In India

Unemployment in India is a serious issue affecting many lives. It’s when people who can work don’t have jobs. In the second-largest population in the world, this problem is quite big. Let’s understand more about it.

1-minute Speech on Unemployment In India

Good day, everyone!

Today, I am going to talk about a serious issue that our country, India, is facing – Unemployment. Unemployment means not having a job. Imagine, you are all grown up, educated, ready to work, but there are no jobs available. Sounds scary, right? That’s what many people in India are experiencing.

Firstly, let’s talk about the causes. Our education system is one of the main reasons. We are taught to remember things, not to understand and apply them. This means even after getting degrees, many people lack the skills needed for jobs. Also, our population is growing faster than the jobs being created. So, there are too many people and too few jobs.

Secondly, let’s discuss the effects. Unemployment leads to poverty because when people don’t have jobs, they don’t earn money. Without money, they can’t buy food, clothes or pay for a place to live. It’s a tough situation. Moreover, it can also lead to sadness and frustration, affecting people’s wellbeing.

Lastly, let’s talk solutions. We need to change our education system to focus more on skills, not just marks. We should encourage entrepreneurship, which means people starting their own businesses. The government should also create more job opportunities.

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2-minute Speech on Unemployment In India

Dear Friends,

Today, I want to talk about a problem that affects millions of people in our country – Unemployment. In simple words, unemployment is when people who can work and want to work are not able to find jobs. This is a big problem in India.

Third, let’s think about what we can do to solve this problem. One solution is to invest more in education and training. This will help people learn the skills they need to find good jobs. We also need to encourage more businesses to start and grow in India. This will create more jobs for everyone.

Finally, I want to talk about why it’s important for all of us to care about this issue. Unemployment is not just a problem for the people who can’t find jobs. It’s a problem for all of us. When people are unemployed, they can’t buy things, and businesses can’t sell things. This slows down the economy and makes life harder for everyone.

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Speech on Unemployment | The Human Cost of Joblessness | Short and Long | 100, 150, 200, 300 & 500 + Words

The rising unemployment rates and feeling helpless in finding a solution has become a tradition. In this speech on unemployment, we will dive into the root causes of this issue, explore potential solutions, and discover ways that each and every one of us can contribute to reducing joblessness in our communities.

Speech on Unemployment – 100 Words (Approximately 1 Minute Speech)

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, today I stand before you to talk and shed light on a pressing issue that affects countless lives: unemployment. Unemployment occurs when people are without jobs and actively seeking work. It brings a number of challenges, from financial struggles to low self-esteem. It makes life tough for them and their families. When people don’t have jobs, they can’t buy things or have fun. I would like to state that tough time comes in everyone’s life. It’s important to stay positive and believe in ourselves. We can learn new skills, or ask for help from others in their work. Remember, hard work and determination can lead to success. Let’s support one another and never give up. Together, let’s build a future where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and contribute meaningfully to society. Thank you. Thank again you for listening patiently.

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Speech on Unemployment for Students – 150 Words (Approximately 1. 25 Minutes Speech)

Distinguished teachers , esteemed principal, beloved fellow students, and honoured school authorities, I stand before you today with great enthusiasm to discuss a matter that affects not only adults but also young people, Unemployment. It is a well-known fact that unemployment is one of the major problems of the present time. It is prevalent all over the world. The situation is even more alarming when we talk about educated youth who are unable to find suitable jobs. Despite having the required qualifications, they are jobless. The problem of unemployment has led to a lot of social problems like an increase in the crime rate, a deteriorating law and order situation, and a rise in the number of beggars on the streets. Unemployment has also resulted in a brain drain. Talented youngsters are forced to leave the country in search of better opportunities. In such a scenario, it is important for students to be aware of the causes of unemployment and its effects on society. People should also be familiar with government schemes and initiatives that are aimed at providing employment to educated youth. By being informed about these things, students can play a role in solving the problem of unemployment in our country. Thank you for listening and let us all make a positive difference in the world!

causes of unemployment

Speech on Unemployment for Students – 200 Words (Approximately 1.5 Minutes Speech)

Respected teachers , esteemed principals, beloved fellow students, and honoured school authorities, with utmost delight and gratitude, I humbly stand before this esteemed gathering today to speak on a big problem that affects many people and our society – unemployment. Unemployment is a big problem that affects everyone, including students like us. It means that people who want to work can’t find a job. we should know why it happens. Some reasons are when the economy is not doing well, When new technology takes away jobs, or when people don’t have enough education or training. We can also talk about what we can do to solve this problem. For example, as students, we can think creatively and suggest some new ideas instead of wasting time on mobile reels. Another thing we can do is to train uneducated people by finding some additional time. We need to do research and understand the topic well. By talking about the causes and possible solutions, we can raise awareness and encourage action to help people who are unemployed. It is really a big problem. Some people are affected more than others because of their background or where they live. So it is each one’s responsibility to think and suggest. I hope my words are able to change your mindset and transform the world.

Speech on Unemployment for Students – 300 Words (Approximately 2 minutes Speech)

Good morning/afternoon/evening, respected teachers and my dear friends, Today, I stand before you to shed light on a pressing issue that affects people of all ages. And has a significant impact on our society – unemployment Unemployment is a growing concern among students today. With the ever-increasing competition in the job market, it has become a challenge for fresh graduates to secure employment immediately after graduation. It is very important for students to understand how serious this problem of unemployment is and to try their best to find solutions for it. Education and skill development play crucial roles in reducing unemployment rates. Students need to be encouraged to pursue courses that are relevant and equip them with skills that are in demand. Government initiatives such as job creation schemes and entrepreneurship programs can also help alleviate this issue As students, we must actively participate in such programs or even initiate them. Ultimately, addressing unemployment requires collective efforts from all – individuals, educational institutions, government bodies, employers, etc. Working together can create more opportunities and foster economic growth. Moreover, we must adapt ourselves to the changing job market trends by learning new technologies. Being open-minded towards unconventional career paths. By doing so, we can create more job opportunities for ourselves and others. Besides the economic effects, unemployment can also have an impact on mental health. It can make people feel more stressed and hopeless when they are trying hard to manage their expenses. Students need to understand how they can contribute to shaping our economy’s future. They can start by exploring opportunities like internships or volunteering, which not only enhance their resumes but also provide valuable skills required in today’s job market. In conclusion, let’s work towards becoming versatile individuals with a variety of skills that will make us valuable in any job, rather than just focusing on basic qualifications.

current state of unemployment

Long Speech on Unemployment for Students (Approximately 6 minutes Speech)

Distinguished faculty members, esteemed guests, and my fellow students, Good [morning/afternoon/evening]! It is with immense pleasure and gratitude that I stand before you today to address a critical issue that affects individuals, families, and societies worldwide: unemployment. It is a pressing concern that demands our immediate attention and concerted efforts.


Unemployment is a problem that affects millions of people worldwide, Regardless of age, gender or education level. It’s a frustrating experience for anyone who has to go through it. With the current state of the world economy, unemployment rates are on the rise in many countries. Students graduating from universities are finding it harder than ever to secure employment in their field of study.

The current state of unemployment

Based on a 48-hour work week, the International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that 8.8% of the global working hours will be lost by 2025, equivalent to the number of hours worked in one year by 255 million full-time workers. A quarter of those jobs were lost due to reduced hours of those who remained employed, while the other half were lost due to the elimination of those jobs. Had the pandemic not occurred, the economy would have created approximately 30 million new jobs. By the close of 2021, most high-income countries had seen employment numbers reach pre-crisis levels or surpass them. Unfortunately, this upward trend was not shared with many low and middle-income countries. According to an ILO report, global labour income rose by 0.9 percent last year, primarily due to strength in high-income countries and China; however, five out of every three workers still resided in nations where labour incomes had yet to make up for the crisis. As the world had begun to progress, the Russian incursion into Ukraine and high inflation rates around the world in the last year hindered that advancement. The ILO has predicted that during the third quarter of 2022, hours worked worldwide will have dropped 1.5% from pre-Covid levels equating to 40 million lost full-time positions for that period. Moreover, by looking over all yearly data once it has been compiled and analyzed, there is expected to be an overall decrease in global employment growth compared to 2021. Disappointingly, 2023 looks like it won’t hold brighter prospects either; as per the “World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2023” report by the ILO, global work growth is only estimated at 1.0%, significantly less than the previous year.

Moving ahead I will share 5 most alarming impacts of unemployment

The first one includes Economic Consequences. Unemployment has significant effects on the economy. When people don’t have jobs, they can’t earn money to support themselves and their families. This leads to reduced spending on goods and services, which in turn affects businesses and slows down economic growth. Secondly, there are Social Challenges. Unemployment brings forth various social challenges. It can lead to an increase in crime rates as people may resort to illegal activities out of desperation. Moreover, the overall law and order situation can deteriorate, affecting the safety and well-being of communities. Unemployment can also contribute to a rise in the number of individuals resorting to begging to meet their basic needs. Thirdly there are Personal and Psychological Impacts. Being unemployed can have a profound personal and psychological impact on individuals. It can erode their self-confidence and self-esteem, leading to feelings of worthlessness and despair. The financial stress and uncertainty that come with unemployment can strain relationships and cause mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Fourthly Brain Drain and Talent Loss is the other dire impact of Unemployment. It can result in a phenomenon known as “brain drain.” Talented and educated individuals may choose to leave their home countries in search of better employment opportunities elsewhere. This talent loss can have long-term negative consequences for a nation’s growth and development. It hampers innovation and reduces the pool of skilled professionals available to contribute to various industries. Fifth is a strain on Government and Social Services- When unemployment rates are high, governments face increased pressure to provide assistance to those without jobs. Unemployment benefits and social welfare programs come under strain, as the number of recipients rises. This places a burden on public finances and may require adjustments in budget allocations, potentially affecting other areas such as education and healthcare.

Let’s move towards the causes of unemployment

There are various reasons that lead to unemployment. Some of the major causes of unemployment are: –

Lack of education and skills: One of the major causes of unemployment is lack of education and required skills. In today’s fast-paced world, employers are looking for candidates who have the right mix of qualifications and skills. Unfortunately, many job seekers do not have the necessary education or skills required for the jobs they are applying for. This mismatch between job seekers and employers leads to high levels of unemployment.

Structural changes in the economy: Another important cause of unemployment is structural changes in the economy. Structural changes refer to changes in the overall structure of an economy, such as shifts from agriculture to manufacturing or from manufacturing to service industries. These types of changes can lead to large numbers of workers becoming unemployed because their skills are no longer in demand.

Recession: A recession is a period of economic decline during which employment levels usually fall as well. Recessions can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a decrease in consumer spending, an increase in interest rates, or a stock market crash. During a recession, businesses often cut back on production and hiring, which can lead to widespread unemployment.

Technology: Technology has also played a role in causing unemployment. As technology advances, certain jobs become obsolete as machines and computers can do them more efficiently. For example, automated teller machines (ATMs) have replaced bank

If we all tighten our belts we can combat this issue collectively. There are multiple solutions to unemployment.

Enhance Skills Training: Invest in vocational training and skill development programs to bridge the gap between job requirements and individuals’ abilities.

Foster Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborate between government, private sector, and non-profit organizations for initiatives like job fairs and subsidized employment schemes.

Support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Provide incentives, streamlined regulations, and access to capital to stimulate job creation by SMEs.

Encourage Investment and Economic Growth: Implement business-friendly policies, reduce bureaucracy, and maintain a stable economic climate to attract investment and spur job creation.

Embrace Technological Advancements: Adapt education and training to equip individuals with digital skills for jobs in emerging fields like AI and renewable energy.

Strengthen Social Safety Nets: Provide temporary support through unemployment benefits and active labour market policies for retraining and job assistance.

Promote Sustainable Development: Invest in green sectors such as renewable energy and sustainable agriculture to generate employment while addressing environmental challenges.

Unemployment is a serious issue that affects individuals and society as a whole. It creates financial instability for families and can lead to increased crime rates and social unrest. The causes of unemployment are complex, ranging from economic downturns to technological advancements. However, there are solutions available to combat this problem. Governments can implement policies that promote job creation and provide training programs for those who need new skills in emerging industries. Businesses can also play their part by investing in research and development to create new jobs. As students, it’s essential to be aware of the impact that unemployment has on our lives and communities. We must strive towards acquiring skills that make us competitive in the job market while advocating for policies that prioritize employment opportunities. Let us all work together towards building an inclusive economy where everyone has access to decent work opportunities!

1.Why doesn’t PM Narendra Modi talk about unemployment in any speech? It is possible that PM Modi may choose not to address the topic of unemployment in certain speeches for various reasons. These reasons could include focusing on other aspects of governance, prioritizing different issues, or delivering speeches that align with specific objectives or themes.

2. Why didn’t Modi speak about the unemployment issue at the Independence Day 2020 speech? Modi did not address the unemployment issue during the Independence Day 2020 speech due to a variety of reasons, such as time constraints, focusing on other priorities, or addressing different topics deemed more significant.

3. Why does Modi & his administration keep ignoring the declining manufacturing jobs in India? It is possible that Modi and his administration have their own reasons for the way they approach the issue of declining manufacturing jobs in India. These reasons could include focusing on other sectors of the economy, implementing different strategies to address unemployment, or having priorities that are influenced by various factors.

4. Why does Mr Modi not seem worried about massive unemployment in India? He seems more interested in taking selfies and giving useless speeches about useless things. When it comes to Mr Modi’s perspective on unemployment in India, it is possible that Mr Modi has his own reasons for the way he prioritizes his actions and speeches. These reasons could include addressing a wide range of issues, focusing on long-term strategies for economic growth, or aiming to inspire and engage the public through various means.

5. Can students on OPT apply for unemployment? students on Optional Practical Training (OPT) in the United States may be eligible to apply for unemployment benefits under certain circumstances. The eligibility criteria and specific regulations surrounding this issue can vary, so it’s recommended for students to consult with the relevant authorities, such as the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the state’s unemployment agency, to get accurate and up-to-date information regarding their specific situation

6. Can college students apply for unemployment? college students may be eligible to apply for unemployment benefits under certain circumstances. Eligibility criteria can vary depending on factors such as the student’s location, employment history, and local regulations. It is advisable for college students to check with the relevant authorities or their state’s unemployment agency to get accurate information about their specific situation and the requirements for applying for unemployment benefits.

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Speech on Unemployment in India

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Good evening, esteemed guests, organizers, and fellow citizens.

It is both an honor and a profound responsibility to stand before you today to address a pressing issue that affects millions across our nation – Unemployment in India.

The Current Landscape of Unemployment in India

India, a land of vibrant diversity and immense potential, is grappling with the challenge of unemployment. This issue is not just a statistic; it represents the aspirations and struggles of our youth, the backbone of our nation. The figures are more than mere numbers; they are a reflection of unfulfilled dreams and untapped potential.

Factors Contributing to Unemployment

Several factors contribute to this complex issue:

  • Economic Transition: As India shifts from agriculture to industry and services, there is a mismatch between available jobs and skills.
  • Population Growth: With one of the largest youth populations in the world, the sheer number of individuals entering the job market outpaces job creation.
  • Educational System: There is a gap between our education system and industry requirements. Many graduates, despite their degrees, lack the skills demanded by the modern workforce.
  • Technological Advancements: Automation and AI are transforming industries, making some traditional jobs obsolete.

The Impact of Unemployment

The repercussions of unemployment are profound and multifaceted:

  • Economic: It leads to a waste of valuable human resources and a decrease in consumer spending, impacting economic growth.
  • Social: Unemployment contributes to social unrest and increases the vulnerability of people to issues like depression and substance abuse.
  • Political: It affects the social fabric and stability, influencing political narratives and policies.

Towards Solutions

Addressing unemployment requires a multi-pronged approach:

  • Skill Development: Aligning education with industry needs and focusing on vocational training.
  • Encouraging Entrepreneurship: Making policies and funding more accessible for start-ups.
  • Investment in Technology and Infrastructure: Creating new job opportunities in emerging sectors.
  • Inclusive Growth Policies: Ensuring that economic growth translates into employment generation.

The Role of Each Citizen

This issue is not just for policymakers and businesses; it requires the collective effort of all. We can contribute by:

  • Promoting Local Businesses: Supporting local entrepreneurs creates more job opportunities.
  • Mentorship and Training: Professionals can help in skilling the youth.
  • Community Engagement: Participating in community-based projects that aim at job creation.

In conclusion, the issue of unemployment in India is a challenge that we can turn into an opportunity. By collectively working towards innovative solutions, skill development, and encouraging entrepreneurship, we can pave the way for a brighter future. A future where every Indian has the opportunity to contribute to our nation’s growth and realize their dreams.

Thank you for your attention, and let us all commit to being part of the solution to build a stronger and more prosperous India.


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Speech on Unemployment in English for School Students

speech on employment in india

  • Updated on  
  • Apr 1, 2024

Speech on Unemployment

Speech On Unemployment: Unemployment refers to the condition where a skilled individual is not able to get a decent job. Unemployment is a major problem, hampering the growth of the individual and society as a whole.

As per the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), the unemployment rate for individuals aged 15 years and above in India has reduced to 6.2 per cent in the first quarter of 2023 from 8.2 per cent in the same quarter in 2022. Although it seemed to be a good sign, the unemployment rate in the country dropped to 8.11% in March 2023, as per the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) data. Thus, we can say that India is currently facing a major employment crisis. 

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2 Minute Speech on Unemployment in English

‘A warm greeting to everyone! Today, I would like to present my speech on unemployment. What is the first thing that strikes your mind when you hear the word ‘ Unemployment ‘? Is it a jobless person looking for a job? Or an unskilled labour waiting for someone to pick him so that he can earn minimum wages?

Oxford Dictionary says unemployment is the state where a skilled person is not able to find a decent job to meet his needs. Individuals who are not currently working but are actively seeking employment are called unemployed. Unemployment is caused by a lack of job opportunities, financial crises, a mismatch of skills, global recession, and overpopulation. 

Out of the listed problems, overpopulation is the one that contributes most to unemployment. It creates a larger supply of labour than the available jobs. An increased number of people seeking employment when exceeds the number of job opportunities can lead to increased competition for jobs, lower wages, and higher levels of unemployment. 

Another reason for unemployment in India is the gap between the specialization and the skills possessed by the job seekers and the skills demanded by industries. The country’s outdated education systems and limited hands-on experience programs are the primary reasons that are failing to align with the rapidly changing needs of industries. Furthermore, emphasis on soft skills, which is important for workplace success, is also sometimes overlooked by educational institutions. 

Now, here comes the question, how can we address and curb the problem of unemployment in India?

The government should prioritize the enhancement of expertise and abilities with the help of targeted educational reforms. Encouragement should be given to vocational education as well as training to the youth of India. Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana for Technical Institutes (PMKVY-TI), Leadership Development Programs, National Employability Enhancement Mission (NEEM), Employability Enhancement Training Programme (EETP), Skill Assessment Matrix for Vocational Advancement of Youth (SAMVAY), AICTE-Startup Policy, and likewise should get updated as per the latest job requirements and trends of the industries with competence to more formal learning. 

Also, for the problem of the rapidly growing population, implementation of effective family planning programs and promoting awareness about the consequences of overpopulation can help in controlling the growth rate of the population. The awareness and implementation of planning programs will thereby help in reducing the surplus of labour.  

Apart from the solution to the problem of overpopulation and working on proficiency and applied experience, strategic partnerships between industries and educational institutions can help bring opportunities for students into the job market. The government should focus on encouraging entrepreneurship, supporting small-scale industries, and attracting different modes of investments that can help generate employment opportunities that will help bring possibilities for the skilled youth. 

In conclusion, collective efforts are required from educational institutions, students and the Government to reduce the unemployment rate in India. By aligning education as per the industry needs, raising awareness and implementing effective government policies we can make a way for a brighter future for the youth regarding employment opportunities.

Thank you.’

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10 Lines Speech on Unemployment

Let us discuss a speech on unemployment with 10 short lines. 

1. Unemployment is a state where one cannot find suitable job opportunities despite education.

2. Vocational education plays an important role in preparing students for future employment by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge.

3. Economic factors and job market conditions, such as recession and inflation are also some of the major reasons for unemployment among people.

4. Government initiatives and skills development programs are important in addressing and reducing the unemployment rates. 

5. A business-friendly environment encourages the growth of job creation. 

6. Contributing excellence in studies and acquiring skills can help in contributing to studies that will make them valuable additions to the workforce. 

7. Entrepreneurship and innovation also play an important role in the generation of jobs.

8. Encouraging mentorship programs and networking opportunities helps students by providing valuable connections for future job opportunities. 

9. Involvement of society and support helps in creating a sense of unity among the individuals to overcome the problem of unemployment. 

10. Let us strive for a world where none of the individuals should remain without a job, regardless of age or background and contribute to the job market with skills and expertise. 

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Ans. To understand unemployment in easy words, let´s say that when people are willing to work but cannot find work to do is unemployment.

Ans. The five major reasons for unemployment are recession or economic downturns, changes in technology, lack of required skills or education, discrimination in the job market, shifting in industry or outsourcing of jobs to other countries.

Ans. Unemployment can be reduced by investing in education and skills development programs, and by creating a business-friendly environment for the encouragement of growth of jobs and support of entrepreneurship and innovation. 

Ans. Some of the effects of unemployment include financial difficulties for individuals and families, mental and emotional stress, strain on social services and government resources and negative impact on the overall economy.

Ans. By promoting education and skill development, supporting policies that encourage job creation and collaborating with public and private sectors, we can find sustainable solutions to the problem of unemployment. 

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Unemployment Essay

500+ words essay on unemployment.

Unemployment is a serious problem among young people. There are thousands of people who do not have any work to do and cannot find work for themselves. Unemployment refers to the situation where a person wants to work but cannot find employment in the labour market. One of the major reasons that contribute to unemployment is the large population of India and the limited availability of resources. In this essay on unemployment, we will discuss all these issues responsible for unemployment in India and how we can overcome this problem. Students must go through this unemployment essay to get ideas on how to write an effective essay on the topic related to unemployment. Also, they can practice more CBSE essays on different topics to boost their writing skills.

Unemployment is measured by the unemployment rate, defined as the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force. The unemployment rate for the year 2013-14 in rural India was 4.7%, whereas it was 5.5% for urban India. In the short term, unemployment significantly reduces a person’s income and, in the long term, it reduces their ability to save for retirement and other goals. Unemployment is a loss of valuable productive resources to the economy. The impact of job loss in rural and regional areas flows through the local community, damaging businesses.

Reason for Unemployment

An unemployed person is one who is an active member of the labour force and is seeking work but is unable to find any work for himself. There are multiple reasons behind the unemployment of a person. One of them is the slow economic growth, due to which jobs in adequate numbers are not created. Excessive dependence on agriculture and slow growth of non-farm activities also limit employment generation. Unemployment in urban areas is mainly the result of substantial rural migration to urban areas. This has also resulted in a labour workforce in cities. The lack of technology and proper machinery has also contributed to unemployment.

The present educational system is based on theoretical knowledge instead of practical work. Thus, it lacks the development of aptitude and technical qualifications required for various types of work among job seekers. This has created a mismatch between the need and availability of relevant skills and training. This results in unemployment, especially among the youth and educated people with high degrees and qualifications. Apart from it, the lack of investment and infrastructure has led to inadequate employment opportunities in different sectors.

Steps to Eliminate Unemployment

Various strategies and proposals have been implemented to generate employment. Many Employment programmes and policies have been introduced and undertaken to boost self-employment and help unemployed people engage in public works. The Government of India has taken several policy measures to fight the problem of unemployment. Some of the measures are the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), National Skill Development Mission, Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY), Regional Rural Banks (RRBs).

Despite the measures taken by the government, India remains a country experiencing severe unemployment problems. It can be resolved by imparting education in such a way that youth get the necessary skills so as to get employment easily. Setting up various vocational training and vocational courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students will help in finding employment for youth. The government needs to emphasise these courses at the primary level and make them a compulsory part of the curriculum to make students proficient in their early stages of life. Career counselling should be provided within schools and colleges so that students can choose a better career option based on their interests and ability. Government should create more job opportunities for the youth and graduates.

India is a fast-growing economy. There is an enormous scope for improvement in the unemployment sector. The various measures and steps taken by the government to increase the employment rate have succeeded to a great extent. The widespread skill development programmes have gained popularity across the nation. With better enforcement of the strategies, the employment level can be significantly improved. Although, we have to go a long way before we can say that all the people in India will get employment.

We hope this essay on unemployment must have helped students in boosting their essay-writing skills. Keep learning and visiting the BYJU’S website for more study material.

Frequently Asked Questions on Unemployment Essay

Is unemployment still an existing problem in india.

Yes, unemployment is still a serious issue in our country. Steps need to be taken by the government and also by the youngsters in India to improve this situation.

Is it necessary for schoolchildren to be informed about unemployment?

Students at this young age should definitely be informed about this topic as it will motivate them to study and aim for higher scores in exams.

What points are to be added to an essay topic on Unemployment?

Add details about different age groups of people suffering from this state of employment. You can focus on the fact that poverty is an indirect reason for unemployment and vice-versa. Then, suggest steps that can be taken to bring about an improvement in education and increase the percentage of literacy.

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Unemployment Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on unemployment.

Unemployment is a very serious issue not only in India but in the whole world. There are hundreds and thousands of people out there who do not have employment . Besides, the problems of unemployment are very severe in India because of the growing population and demand for jobs. Moreover, if we neglect this problem then it will be going to become the reason for the doom of the nation.

Unemployment Essay

What is Unemployment?

Unemployment refers to a situation in which a skilled and talented people wanted to do a job. But cannot find a proper job due to several reasons.

Types of Unemployment

Now we know what is unemployment but unemployment does not only mean that the person does not have a job. Likewise, unemployment also includes people working in areas out of their expertise.

The various types of unemployment include disguised unemployment, seasonal unemployment, open unemployment, technological unemployment, structural unemployment. Besides, some other unemployment is cyclic unemployment, educated unemployment, underemployment, frictional unemployment, chronic unemployment, and casual unemployment.

Above all, seasonal unemployment, under unemployment, and disguised unemployment are the most common unemployment that is found in India.

Reasons for Unemployment

In a country like India, there is much reason for a large section of the population for being unemployed. Some of these factors are population growth, slow economic growth , seasonal occupation, slow growth of the economic sector, and fall in the cottage industry.

Moreover, these are the major reason for unemployment in India. Also, the situation has become so drastic that highly educated people are ready to do the job of a sweeper. Besides, the government is not doing his work seriously.

Apart from all these, a large portion of the population is engaged in the agricultural sector and the sector only provides employment in harvest or plantation time.

In addition, the biggest reason of unemployment in India is its vast population which demands a large number of jobs every year which the government and authorities are unable to provide.

Consequences of Unemployment

If things will go on like the current scenario then unemployment will become a major issue. Apart from this, the following things happen in an economy which is an increase in poverty, an increase in crime rate, exploitation of labor, political instability, mental health, and loss of skills. As a result, all this will eventually lead to the demise of the nation.

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Initiative by Government

The government has taken the problem very seriously and have taken measures to slowly reduce unemployment. Some of these schemes includes IRDP (Integrated Rural Development Programme), DPAP (Drought Prone Area Programme), Jawahar Rozgar Yojana, Employment Assurance Scheme, NRY (Nehru Rozgar Yojana), Training for self-Employment, PMIUPEP (Prime Minister’s Integrated Urban Poverty Eradication Program), employment exchange, Employment Guarantee Scheme, development of organized sector, small and cottage industries, employment in forging countries, and Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana and few more.

Besides, these schemes the government also make some rules flexible, so that employment can be created in the private sector also.

To conclude, we can say that the problem of unemployment in India has reached a critical stage. But, now the government and local authorities have taken the problem seriously and working on it to reduce unemployment. Also, to completely solve the issue of unemployment we have to tackle the main issue of unemployment that is the vast population of India.

FAQs about Unemployment

Q.1 Why there is a problem of unemployment in India? A.1 Due to overpopulation and lack of proper skills there is a problem of unemployment in India.

Q.2 Define Disguised unemployment? A.2 Disguised unemployment refers to a form of employment in which more than the required numbers of people work in industry or factory. And removing some employee will not affect productivity.

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On Unemployment In India

Good morning to everyone in this room. I would like to thank the principal, the teachers, and my dear friends for allowing me to speak to you today about unemployment in India. India’s high unemployment rate is a big growth barrier. Performance issues, a lack of career opportunities, and a lack of education are a few factors that contribute to unemployment in India.

Increased population, poor economic growth, seasonal employment, sluggish industrial sector expansion, and decline in cottage industries are the contributing factors to unemployment in India.

The Indian government should take action to manage the nation’s population, enhance the educational system, promote the industrial sector, encourage international businesses to set offices there, and provide seasonal workers in rural regions with employment prospects.

India has suffered from unemployment for a very long time. Despite the government’s efforts, not enough employment has been created despite the launch of several programs. Residents and officials should work together on creating marketable skills and more employment, and more jobs should be produced. Thank you. 

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Unemployment Speech | Speech on Unemployment Speech for Students and Children in English

April 10, 2023 by Prasanna

Unemployment Speech:  Unemployment is a severe issue restrained to any particular country but faced by all countries of the world during a period of recession. However, the type of unemployment may vary from one country to another, like India’s case; it is chronic unemployment, which has made it a significant problem in India.

Unemployment can be defined as the unavailability of jobs for people who are willing to work. Among many reasons, high population and consequently increase in demand has led to the unemployment problem in India. However, in some other countries, unemployment may occur due to the recession period of the business cycle.

Unemployment should not be ignored in a country as it can become the reason for its doom if not taken into account.

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Long And Short Speeches On Unemployment for Kids And Students in English

In this article, we provide a long speech for students and children on the Unemployment problem with about 500 words and another short speech with 150 words approximately on the same topic.

These speeches can help anyone who is looking forward to presenting a speech on the topic, as mentioned above, be it students, teachers, or any other research person.

Furthermore, we have also included ten Lines on the topic and some FAQs to make the content clearer to our readers.

A Long Speech on Unemployment is helpful for students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech on Unemployment is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Unemployment 500 Words In English

Good morning/afternoon/ evening to everyone present here, I am obliged to welcome each of you to discuss a severe and emerging problem of the world, unemployment.

Before getting into the topic, I would like to give a small gist of how and why a country is faced with unemployment. Some of the most common and primary reasons could be population growth, slow economic growth, slow growth of service and economic sectors, seasonal unemployment and decrease of small scale industries, etc.

These being some of the most common reasons for unemployment in India, the situation has worsened so much that people with high degrees are on the verge of unemployment either due to no jobs or due to a low pay scale. Apart from these, there is a significant population in India that is linked to the agricultural sector.

In the agricultural sector as well we get disguised unemployment, without people even being aware of it. Another problem of the agricultural sector is that many crops or plantations only provide employment during the harvesting month or when the crop is finally ready to be sold; the remaining time proves to be jobless for many farmers. This gives rise to seasonal unemployment.

Unemployment is a tragedy for the individual who feels he/ she is incapable of earning a living and for their families who have to go through a hard time. Moreover, it is a tragedy for the country and cannot cater to the rising talent among its youth, and misses out on the untapped talent.

The youth of the country or the young generation is hard-working, and they are ambitious. They have great talent, but it becomes difficult to even for the Government to cater to huge demand, and this has given more condition to the idea of “the best one wins.”

The population of educated people is increasing by each passing day, and the Government is unable to employ them at workplaces. The literate youth is not satisfied with the inconsistent salary offered to them, and the danger of unemployment makes the situation worse.

Since most youths do not have the technical knowledge or practical expertise, they are also offered clerical jobs with not enough to accommodate their satisfactional needs.

Those who have technical knowledge even face more disappointment as they cannot get a decent job as per their qualifications due to the long lists of applicants available.

Though it was perfect that people are becoming more aware of the situation now and most of them are getting educated to secure a better future, one should have technical skills and knowledge of their studies that can help them in the long run. The change of curriculum by the Government will also help to improve this problem.

Thus, we have to overcome the situation of unemployment as a country, and each of us need to work on ourselves to make a better future. The Government should also take further steps to cater to the increasing yet talented demand.

Lastly, I would like to thank you, the audience, for having patience and turning up today for this noble cause.

Short Speech On Unemployment 150 Words In English 

Short Speech On Unemployment 150 Words In English

A very good morning/ evening to one and all present here, I appreciate your efforts to gather here to discuss the problem of unemployment in today’s world.

Unemployment is a significant problem in almost all countries of the world, be it developing or developed. However, the incidence of unemployment is different in both cases.

In the first case, the problem is chronic and affects the economy and wellbeing of the people. However, in developed countries, unemployment instead occurs due to the recession in the business cycle and temporary. It can also be voluntary unemployment, which does not affect the wellbeing of individuals.

India being a developing country, is no exception.

Here we have chronic unemployment, which has resulted in the brain drain of our country and many potent problems faced by our youth. Though the IT sectors have developed over the years, the underdevelopment of other sectors aggravates the problem.

Thus, government initiatives are required in this regard for a better future of the coming generation.

10 Lines On Unemployment Speech In English

  • The young generation is three times more likely to remain unemployed than the older generation.
  • It is estimated that 23% of the youth are currently unemployed in the world.
  • Seventy-five million people are trained each year but have no job.
  • In the year 2013, there were about 157.1 unemployed people throughout the world’s developing countries.
  • Among all regions, east India has the highest rate of unemployment.
  • However, 4.5% of East Asia’s unemployment rate, which is quite low.
  • Among other developing regions of the world, sub-Saharan Africa has the second most jobless people, followed by South Asia.
  • Around 600 million young people aged between 15-24 years are not into education, employment, or training.
  • The International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimates that the global youth unemployment rate is expected to reach 13.1% in 2016 and remained throughout 2017.
  • Almost 90% of young people live in developing countries in the world.

10 Lines On Unemployment Speech In English 

FAQs On Unemployment Speech

Question 1. What are unemployment insurance benefits?

Answer: Unemployment benefits refer to partial replacement of regular earnings and help one to meet expenses while one looks for another job. They are not based on financial needs.

Question 2. How do I stop claiming unemployment benefits?

Answer: The simple way to stop one’s claim is t stop filling your weekly claims. One may stop claiming at any time they wish to during the benefit year.

Question 3. In which type of employment, marginal productivity is zero?

Answer: In disguised unemployment, marginal productivity is zero because many workers are involved in the agricultural sector, whereas their contribution to the total output is zero.

Question 4. What type of unemployment is found in developed countries?

Answer: Voluntary unemployment is the most common type of unemployment found in developed countries.

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Unemployment Speech

We all know that India as a nation is dealing with the problem of unemployment and our government is trying to implement some effective measures to grant employment to the people of its country. The youth of the nation is suffering due to no or incompatible job opportunities. Since it’s such a pertinent issue for all of us, everyone is seen addressing this issue either publicly or at school, colleges, etc in order to educate the masses. Therefore, at times one needs to prepare a brief speech on unemployment. And if you are looking to prepare one in order to impress your teacher or leave an impact on your audience, then you may refer to our both short and long speech on unemployment and complete your task without any hassles.

Speech on Unemployment

Unemployment speech – 1.

Respected Managers and Dear Colleagues!

As the increasing threat of recession is looming over our heads, it has become necessary to talk about it at least amongst our fraternity. We all know that our co-employees are being laid off due to the scarcity of work and the dwindling financial condition of our organization. It’s a time that needs to be handled with utmost patience and ingenuity.

We never know that one day while walking through the office, any of us may be told by our manager, “Sorry, but it’s your last day in the office today”. Now you all must have started contemplating what you will do then, how you will make money and run your family. So let’s face this situation with dexterity and smartness. However, before we engage in a conversation or discussion, please allow me to deliver a concise speech on unemployment so that you have an insight into the things and thereafter are able to evaluate your own circumstances with the situation of the masses. Trust me; it will give you a lot of encouragement to brave the situation boldly.

There are mainly three forms of unemployment – labor class, who is illiterate, educated people without being technically qualified and lastly technical people, such as engineers. Let us know about them one by one.

With labor class, the situation is such that they have to constantly look for employment opportunities as they earn wages on a daily basis; hence they club themselves at a particular place to be able to obtain regular employment somewhere. In this precarious situation, sometimes they are able to find employment and sometimes not. But they have habituated themselves to survive in the latter condition even though it is frustrating at times for them too when they are unable to meet their basic requirements of food and clothing. Situation is quite similar for the city laborers also as they manage to get seasonal employment in some big farm or field, which help them to survive.

As the population of literate people is growing day by day, the government is unable to accommodate them at the workplaces. Already our educated youth is discontented with the incompetent wages given to them and the threat of unemployment leaves them even more frustrated. It is quite unfortunate that they are made to meander through the dark roads. Since they don’t possess any practical experience or technical expertise, they only end up looking for clerical jobs, which are not enough to accommodate the growing number of literate people.

Then those who possess technical qualification get even more frustrated because they are unable to find a good job at par with their academic qualification. Since the number of people acquiring technical expertise is increasing day by day, therefore even they get caught in the trap of unemployment. It’s good that more and more people are educating themselves and are also going for higher educational levels too; but sadly the government is proving inefficient to offer them good employment opportunities. Hence, the growing anger and frustration in our youth has become so evident these days.

But instead of increasing our frustration, we should think of combating this situation, may be through generating self-employment opportunities and channelizing our energy in that direction. In this manner, the grave problem of unemployment can be tackled to a great extent. That’s all I have to say.

Unemployment Speech – 2

Dear Employees!

It’s a rare occasion that I get to interact with all my employees under one roof the way that I am doing today. There is nothing special in the present day and behind our coming here; however as a director of the company I realized that there ought to be no communication gap between me and my employees. Secondly, if there is any concern or issue with any one of you then please feel free to put it across the table. The management would certainly try to resolve it or would bring the necessary changes in the organization.

Amidst the growing recession period, I would request everybody to join hands together and work unanimously towards the betterment of our company. In fact, we should consider ourselves fortunate that we have a job at hand and good growth prospects. Look at those who are not fairly employed or are unemployed despite a good educational background.

Do you know that the count of people, who are without a job, is increasing day by day in our country? According to experts, this is mainly owing to the economic slowdown as well as sluggish expansion in business activities that have brought the doom of employment generation.

Ideally, it’s the government that should expedite its growth measures in order to facilitate skill-based training activities so that the gap between demand and supply of work skills can be filled and necessary qualification can be given. This can also help resolve the long-term issue of unemployment.

Though there are people who remain unemployed by choice and are not willing to work, this will not be termed as unemployment. Unemployment is that situation when a person wishes to work, but is not able to find for himself/herself a qualified job. There is no doubt that our nation is grappling with this grave issue of unemployment. Unfortunately, many engineers, doctors, graduates or even post graduates are either unemployed or underemployed. Due to rising unemployment, the nation is merely wasting its human resource or is not able to unleash its benefits entirely.

In India, the rate of unemployment is depicting a growing trend since 2011 when it was 3.5 percent. Gradually, it increased to 3.6% in the year 2012 and further rose to 3.7% in the year 2013. Since then, the percentage is never seeing its decline. In fact, it has also been observed that at every stage of education, particularly at the higher levels, rate of female unemployment has always surpassed male employment.

The most important step that our government should take is to enforce strict population control measures and encourage its people to have small families. Then, some scrupulous measures should be taken to improve the quality of Indian education system. Our education system should be more focused on developing skills or providing practical training rather than confining itself to theoretical knowledge.

Then, new possibilities of employment should be created by setting-up small-scale and cottage industries. When people will be self-employed, they will not run after for jobs and would rather be able to employ others in their start-ups.

Now, may I invite the opinions of my employees on this issue of unemployment and also some concrete suggestions to combat it.

Unemployment Speech – 3

Good Morning Honorable Principal, Honorable Teachers and My Dear Friends!

As I begin, I would like to ask all the senior students a question that how many of you know that what you are going to do in your future? Nobody knows! Today, I am here to deliver a speech on unemployment that is directly related to my question and our future because it could be the worst problem that we all are going to face in our life after our education completion. As we all know that India is a huge country with 1.32 billion of population and thus it became a difficult task for our government to provide jobs to all the job seekers in the country. India has approximately 356 million youth population and probably all of them want to earn money but it is not an easy task for the government to provide all of them a job.

There are many reasons behind the rise of this problem. First of all, our education system is not appropriate. Our education should be job oriented but unfortunately it is been fixed up to the bookish knowledge. Students spend their whole time at school in reading books and writing but they also need some practical or job oriented knowledge. Second problem is our country’s huge population. This is because of the lack of knowledge among people about the values and benefits of a small family. Due to the lack of education and knowledge, our country has the second highest population around the world that creates a shortage of jobs for people living in the country.

There are some schemes and programs that are launched by our Indian government for solving the problem of unemployment in the country. First, in 2005, the government had launched Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act that guarantee a 100 day employment for an unemployed person in a year. In 200 of the district it has been implemented and will be expanded to 600 districts further. Under this scheme, a person is paid 150 Rs per day. Another scheme that was also launched by the Ministry of Labour and Employment of India called National Career Service Portal (a web portal) ( By the help of this portal, a person who is seeking for a job could avail the information about job updates and vacancies. In this portal, private vacancies and contractual jobs that are available in government sector are available in this portal.

One more facility that government has provided is a weekly newspaper titled Employment News that can be available in every Saturday evening. It contains all the detailed information regarding government jobs and vacancies available in India. It also contains notifications regarding government exams and recruitment procedure for government jobs. Besides these schemes, there is also a choice of self-employing through business etc. If a person starts a company then it provides jobs for many unemployed people and it is a good solution for this problem.

On this note I would like to conclude my speech and I hope that my speech would be useful for your future.

Thank you and I wish you all a great day ahead!

Unemployment Speech – 4

Good Morning Respected Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Students!

Today, this seminar has been organized for the discussion over a very important aspect from which mostly every person could go through and that is unemployment and as a teacher, I have got this opportunity to host this seminar. First of all let me tell you about unemployment. It is a state when a person who is qualified and is eligible for job but does not find any. The problem of unemployment has continued from many years and is still a major issue for every person who willing to find a job. In a country like India, it becomes such a difficult task for a government to provide jobs to every job seeker. There are many reasons for the lack of employment in India. One of the reasons for unemployment is that India is a developing country and hence the country is getting modernized, it is lacking in jobs because of the excess use of technological machines. Industries started using heavy machines in the place of many workers and thus the workers are getting laid off and unemployed. Especially, old people who live alone are facing a lot of problems due to modernization and use of technology.

There are many other reasons such as our country’s education system which focuses only on the bookish knowledge and much less on practical knowledge. This kind of education system is called as degree oriented system but we actually need a system which is career oriented. If a person has completed many years in school and colleges and is still not ready for a job then what is the outcome of those years and study. There is a need of change in our education system. There should be some vocational studies that will help in enhancing the skills of the students. Another reason could be the thinking of people. Everybody wants to have a government job and that is quite impossible. Students should get praised and provoked for starting their own business. Mainly parents or teachers create a fear in a mind of student that there is a huge risk of failure in business or self-employment. This is also one of the reasons of lack of jobs because if a person starts a business then it provide jobs to many job seekers.

One of the main reasons of the lack of job opportunity in India is its population. We get to see thousands of people who compete for one position. India is a second most populated country around the world. It is quite difficult to provide millions of people a job in government sector. There is a need for encouraging the interest of students and showing them the correct path through which they could defeat this problem. As a teacher, I would like to advise you to choose your own interest as a career option.

On this note I would like to conclude my speech and extend special thanks to our honorable principal ma’am for giving me this opportunity.

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Unemployment in India Essay- बेरोजगारी पर निबंध -_0.1

  • Unemployment in India Essay- बेरोजगारी पर निबंध

Unemployment in India Essay describe some ways to get over a serious issue. Lack of education, lack of opportunity are some of the factors of Unemployment in India. Read Unemployment in India Essay.


Table of Contents

The issue of unemployment has taken a disastrous form in India. In India, unemployment is still a serious and complicated problem that presents enormous obstacles for people as well as the country’s economy. India’s difficulty creating jobs and providing work opportunities has wide-ranging effects due to its large and diversified population. Students are asked to write on the topic of unemployment in India so that they can be made aware of the alarming situation. The Unemployment in India essay helps students to understand the basic causes and remedies of the unemployment issue. In this article, we will provide you with sample essays on this topic along with essays in different words and formats.

Unemployment in India

Unemployment in India : Unemployment in India is a significant barrier to growth. Some of the causes of unemployment in India include a lack of education, a lack of employment prospects, and performance problems. To solve this issue, the Indian government must act decisively. The unemployment in India rate is one of the key issues that emerging nations deal with. It has a number of other detrimental effects on both the person and society at large, making it one of the main barriers to the nation’s economic growth. India’s unemployment problem is complex and calls for a sophisticated understanding. India’s unemployment problem is complex, requiring the government, business community, and civil society to work together in a coordinated manner. The issue is complicated, but it is not unsolvable.

Unemployment in India Essay

Short and long English essays on unemployment are provided below for your understanding and enlightenment. These writings were written in clear, and simple language for students and small kids.

Essay on Unemployment in India in (100- 200 words)

Unemployed people are those who are willing to work and are actively seeking employment but are unable to do so. People who choose not to work or who are unable to look for work due to a medical or mental health issue are not included.

The issue of unemployment in the nation is a result of numerous reasons. These consist of:

  • Slow Industrial Development
  • Rapid Population Growth
  • Education with a theoretical emphasis
  • Cottage industries in the fall
  • lack of alternatives for farm labourers to find employment
  • Technological Progress

Not only does unemployment affect people, but it also hinders national development. It has a detrimental effect on the nation’s social and economic development. Here are a few negative effects of unemployment:

  • An increase in crime
  • low level of living
  • loss of expertise
  • Political turbulence
  • difficulties with mental health
  • slow economic expansion

Unsurprisingly, unemployment is one of the most disregarded problems in India, despite the detrimental effects it has on society. Although the government has attempted to control the issue, its efforts have not been sufficiently successful. The government should not only start programmes to deal with this issue, but also monitor their success and make necessary revisions.

Unemployment Essay in English


For society, unemployment is a big issue. It affects society as a whole in addition to the individuals. Unemployment is caused by a variety of circumstances. Here is a closer look at these contributing aspects as well as some potential remedies for this issue.

Factors leading to unemployment in India

  • Increasing Population The rapid increase in the population of the country is one of the leading causes of unemployment.
  • Slow Economic Growth Slow economic growth of the country results in lesser employment opportunities for people, thereby leading to unemployment.
  • Seasonal Occupation Large part of the country’s population is engaged in the agricultural sector. With this being a seasonal occupation, it provides work opportunity only for a certain part of the year.
  • Slow Growth of the Industrial Sector The growth of the industrial sector in the country is slow. Thus, the employment opportunities in this sector are limited.
  • Fall in Cottage Industry The production in the cottage industry has fallen drastically and this has left several artisans unemployed.

Possible Solutions to prevent Unemployment

  • Population Control It is high time the government of India should take stern steps to control the population of the country.
  • Education System The education system in India focuses majorly on the theoretical aspects rather than skill development. The system must be improved to generate skilled manpower.
  • Industrialization The government must take steps to boost the industrial sector to create greater opportunities for people.
  • Overseas Companies The government must encourage foreign companies to open their units in the country to generate more employment opportunities.
  • Employment Opportunities Employment opportunities must be created in rural areas for seasonally unemployed people.

India has long struggled with unemployment. Although the government has started a number of programmes to create jobs, the desired progress has not been made. More jobs should be created, and residents and policymakers should work together to develop employable skills and more jobs.

Unemployment in India Essay in 500- 600 words

What is unemployment?

Unemployment is when someone is actively looking for work and is considered to be employable, they are said to be unemployed. People in the workforce who are employed but do not have suitable jobs are included in this group. Unemployment is one of the key indicators of a nation’s economic health and is typically expressed as the unemployment rate, which is calculated by dividing the number of jobless persons by the number of people in the labour force.

Types of Unemployment

Now that we are aware of what unemployment is, we can see that it encompasses more than just a lack of employment. People who work in fields outside of their competence are also included in the unemployment rate.

Included among the numerous forms of unemployment are structural unemployment, open unemployment, technological unemployment, and disguised unemployment. In addition, there are several different types of unemployment, including cyclical unemployment, educated unemployment, underemployment, frictional unemployment, chronic unemployment, and casual unemployment.

The most prevalent types of unemployment in India include underemployment, disguised unemployment, and seasonal unemployment.

Reasons of Unemployment

There are many reasons why a sizable portion of the population is unemployed in a nation like India. Among these are reasons like population growth, sluggish economic expansion, seasonal employment, sluggish economic sector growth, and a decline in cottage industries.

These are also the main causes of unemployment in India. Additionally, the situation has gotten so bad that even highly educated people are willing to work as sweepers. In addition, the government is not seriously performing his duties.

In addition to all of these, a significant majority of the population works in the agricultural sector, which only offers jobs during the harvest or plantation seasons.

India’s huge population, which needs a lot of work every year but which the government and authorities are unable to supply, is another major factor in the country’s high unemployment rate.

Consequences of Unemployment

If things continue as they are, unemployment will become a serious problem. Aside from this, an economy also results in an increase in poverty, a rise in crime, labour exploitation, political instability, mental health issues, and skill erosion. All of this will ultimately end in the collapse of the country.

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Government Initiative to Control Unemployment in 800-1000 words Essay

The administration has launched a number of programmes to address the unemployment issue facing the economy. The following are the policies to lower unemployment:

  • TRYSEM, the government’s initiative to train rural youth for self-employment, was established in 1979. This program’s goal was to assist rural youngsters who were unemployed and between the ages of 18 and 35 in developing the skills necessary for self-employment. The SC/ST category’s women and youth were given preference under this programme.
  • In order to provide chances for full employment in rural areas, the government established the Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) in 1980.
  • In 1982, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Educational Trust, Canara Bank, and Syndicate Bank jointly tried out a novel programme called RSETI/RUDSETI. RUDSETI, which stands for Rural Development and Self Employment Training Institute, was founded with the intention of addressing the youth unemployment issue. RSETIs (Rural Self Employment Training Institutes) are currently run by banks with the state and federal governments’ active participation.
  • The National Rural Employment Program (NREP) and the Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Program (RLEGP) were combined into the Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY) in April 1989 on the basis of an 80:20 cost-sharing arrangement between the state and the federal government.
  • The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, introduced in 2005, gives people the freedom to labour. A MNREGA employment programme sought to provide social security by ensuring a minimum of 100 days of paid employment annually to all families with adult members who choose unskilled labour-intensive work. Check out the provided link for more information on MNREGA.
  • Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, or PMKVY, was introduced in 2015. The goal of PMKVY was to make it possible for the nation’s youth to enrol in industry-relevant skill training in order to secure a better standard of living. Visit the provided website for further information about the Pradhan Mantri Kushal Vikas Yojana.
  • In 2016, the government introduced the Start-Up India Scheme. The purpose of the Startup India initiatives was to create an environment that supports and encourages entrepreneurship throughout the country. Visit the above website for further information on the Startup India Scheme.
  • The Stand Up India Scheme, which was also introduced in 2016, aims to make bank loans between Rs. 10 lakh and Rs. 1 crore available to women and SC/ST borrowers for starting new businesses. On the linked page, Stand-Up India details are provided.
  • The National Skill Development Mission was established in November 2014 to lead the “Skill India” agenda in “Mission Mode” and to combine speed and scale with quality and quantity of skilling activities. Take a close look at the National Skill Development Mission.

बेरोजगारी पर निबंध

बेरोजगारी क्या है?- बेरोजगारी तब होती है जब कोई सक्रिय रूप से काम की तलाश में होता है और उसे रोजगार योग्य माना जाता है, उसे बेरोजगार कहा जाता है। कार्यबल में वे लोग जो कार्यरत हैं लेकिन उनके पास उपयुक्त नौकरी नहीं है, इस समूह में शामिल हैं। बेरोजगारी एक देश के आर्थिक स्वास्थ्य के प्रमुख संकेतकों में से एक है और इसे आमतौर पर बेरोजगारी दर के रूप में व्यक्त किया जाता है, जिसकी गणना बेरोजगार व्यक्तियों की संख्या को श्रम बल में लोगों की संख्या से विभाजित करके की जाती है।

बेरोजगारी के प्रकार- अब जब हम जानते हैं कि बेरोजगारी क्या है, तो हम देख सकते हैं कि इसमें रोजगार की कमी के अलावा और भी बहुत कुछ शामिल है। जो लोग अपनी क्षमता से बाहर के क्षेत्रों में काम करते हैं वे भी बेरोजगारी दर में शामिल हैं।

बेरोजगारी के कई रूपों में संरचनात्मक बेरोजगारी, खुली बेरोजगारी, तकनीकी बेरोजगारी और प्रच्छन्न बेरोजगारी शामिल हैं। इसके अलावा, कई अलग-अलग प्रकार की बेरोजगारी हैं, जिनमें चक्रीय बेरोजगारी, शिक्षित बेरोजगारी, अल्परोजगार, घर्षण बेरोजगारी, पुरानी बेरोजगारी और आकस्मिक बेरोजगारी शामिल हैं।

भारत में सबसे प्रचलित प्रकार की बेरोजगारी में अल्प-रोजगार, प्रच्छन्न बेरोजगारी और मौसमी बेरोजगारी शामिल हैं।

बेरोजगारी के कारण- भारत जैसे देश में आबादी का एक बड़ा हिस्सा बेरोजगार होने के कई कारण हैं। इनमें जनसंख्या वृद्धि, सुस्त आर्थिक विस्तार, मौसमी रोजगार, सुस्त आर्थिक क्षेत्र की वृद्धि और कुटीर उद्योगों में गिरावट जैसे कारण हैं।

ये भी भारत में बेरोजगारी के प्रमुख कारण हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त, स्थिति इतनी खराब हो गई है कि उच्च शिक्षित लोग भी सफाईकर्मी के रूप में काम करने को तैयार हैं। साथ ही सरकार अपने कर्तव्यों का गंभीरता से पालन नहीं कर रही है।

इन सब के अलावा, आबादी का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा कृषि क्षेत्र में काम करता है, जो केवल फसल या वृक्षारोपण के मौसम के दौरान ही रोजगार प्रदान करता है।

भारत की विशाल आबादी, जिसे हर साल बहुत अधिक काम की आवश्यकता होती है, लेकिन सरकार और अधिकारी आपूर्ति करने में असमर्थ हैं, देश की उच्च बेरोजगारी दर का एक और प्रमुख कारक है।

बेरोजगारी के परिणाम- अगर हालात ऐसे ही रहे, तो बेरोजगारी एक गंभीर समस्या बन जाएगी। इसके अलावा, एक अर्थव्यवस्था का परिणाम गरीबी में वृद्धि, अपराध में वृद्धि, श्रम शोषण, राजनीतिक अस्थिरता, मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के मुद्दों और कौशल क्षरण में भी होता है। यह सब अंततः देश के पतन में समाप्त होगा।

Related Essays Articles:

Here we are providing you with a list of some common essay topics

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Q. What is unemployment?

Ans. When someone actively seeks job but is unable to do so, this is referred to as being unemployed. One important indicator of the state of the economy is unemployment.

Q. Why there is a problem of unemployment in India?

Ans. Due to the increasing population and lack of proper skills there is a problem of unemployment in India.

Q. What Are the 3 Types of Unemployment?

Ans. Today's economists point to three main types of unemployment: frictional, structural, and cyclical.

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Education and Employment: The big push needed for India’s youth

Raghbendra Jha


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Speech On Unemployment [1-3 Minutes]

Speech On Unemployment : As living beings, we need oxygen to run our bodies effortlessly. Similarly, we also need employment to run our lives properly. When we don’t have employment to fulfil our basic needs, this condition is called unemployment.

Unemployment has always been a debatable topic for decades but in recent times this issue has become more acute around the globe. Likewise, underemployment and youth unemployment have also become a concerning issues for individuals, nations and the world.

3 Minute Speech on Unemployment

Welcome to all of you present here. Today, I am here in front of you to speak a few words on one of the greatest problems in the world- “Unemployment”. Before I head toward my speech, I want to thank you for having me this great opportunity.

Today, the entire world is facing some major issues such as water scarcity, climate change, public health, education etc. Unemployment also falls into this category. First of all, I want to define the term “unemployment”. It refers to the condition when an individual seeks a job but did not manage to get one.

Apart from this, when people work in an area outside of their expertise, it also comes under unemployment or sometimes called underemployment. This problem sometimes seems very complex to be solved due to some reasons.

These reasons include population growth, automation in industries, evolution in required skills, lack of employers etc. It is unfortunate to say that our education system is also a great contributor to this problem. It is because there is a huge gap between the skills we learn during education and what employers seek.

It is very shocking to know that employers usually did not get the talent they seek and end up poaching employees from their competitors. The education system is not only creating problems for the youth to get relevant jobs but it also builds problems for employers to find the right employee.

I have listened to a story of a guy aged 24 who pursued his graduation 2 years back and applied for more than 30 jobs but he did not get any response from employers. Some of them who responded rejected him for various reasons such as English skills, Communication Skills etc.

It is fully understandable that eradicating this problem fully is hard but we can do a lot of things to at least decrease its intensity. Now, it is clear that a gap lies between the education sector and the job market. We need to fill this gap. But how?

Employers need to interact with students and educators during their studies and offer them apprenticeships and internships. Apart from this, educational institutions can add some extra classes to help students understand real-world needs and skills.

Most noteworthy, One of the greatest reasons for unemployment is the ratio of producers and consumers in a country. A country with a huge number of consumers and a low number of producers will definitely face the problem of unemployment.

This creates a situation of more imports and fewer exports in the country. This scene can lead to poverty and other types of crises in the country. We need to produce more producers in the country that will help generate jobs and lessen the import.

At last, there is a lot to discuss but I would like to stop my speech here because of time management. Thank you. I hope you liked my words.

Also, Read- ✔ Speech on Child labour

3 Minute Speech on Unemployment

2 Minute Speech on Unemployment In India

Good morning and best wishes to all the people here. I would like to thank you for your precious presence. I am here today to deliver a speech on unemployment in front of you.

Unemployment  is a very serious problem prevalent across the world. When skilled and talented people did not find a relevant job, the condition is called unemployment.

There are many reasons that cause unemployment in a country such as growing population, slow economic growth, seasonal employment, lack of employers and industries etc.

Unemployment directly affects the lives of individuals in a country. It can lead to poverty in the country, a rise the criminal activities, exploitation of labour, child labour, unstable political grounds, worsen mental health and loss of skills.

First of all, we need to educate people about family planning. Second thing, education must be promoted as education can eradicate the problem of lack of opportunities. Third, The government must install industries and small businesses that supply a significant number of jobs to the people.

Thank you for listening to my words. I hope you liked my speech.

1 Minute Speech on Unemployment

Good Morning and best wishes. I am here to speak a few words on unemployment- a very concerning problem that the entire world is facing.

Unemployment refers to a condition when a skilled and qualified individual seeks a job but unfortunately, he did not manage to get one. This problem sometimes seems very complex to be solved due to some reasons.

These reasons include population growth, automation in industries, evolution in required skills, lack of employers etc. It is fully understandable that eradicating this problem fully is hard but we can do a lot of things to at least decrease its intensity.

Employers need to interact with students and educators during their studies and offer them apprenticeships and internships. Apart from this, We need to produce more producers in the country that will help generate jobs.

Thank you! I hope You might have liked my speech.

Speech on Unemployment- 1 Minute

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Public Speaking Jobs in India: Top Public Speaking Job Profiles, Job Profiles and Salary 2023

speech on employment in india

Collegedunia Team

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Public Speaking is one of the valuable skills that requires one to communicate with spectators by footing exactly in front of them and speaking about a specific subject matter. It is essential for numerous industries in the way for Business to Business, Business to Customer, or for providing different services. The ‘Public’ can range from a microscopic group of population to a massive onlooker.

When one anticipates Public Speaking , the priority that comes to intelligence is someone delivering a motivational, and inspirational, or educational articulation, TED-Talk methodology, but the precision isn’t actually as lean as that. Public speaking can be in the form of delivering a work presentation, tossing a proposal to an investor, leading a school gathering, or even going for an interview.

Students can pursue Public Speaking courses at Certificate , Diploma , UG and PG level of study. Some popular courses that students pursue for making a career in the Public Speaking field are BA in Public Relations, MA in Communication, MA in Public Relations, Diploma in Communication, etc.

The Public Speaking career is not only limited to a Motivator or Spokesperson, one can even work for various other job positions like Teacher, Lawyer, Corporate Trainer, Professor, Business Development Manager , Actor , etc.

A number of leading companies like Amazon, Reliance, TalPro, TED, ABC Consultants, ManPower Group, etc. look for employees for numerous job profiles relating to the field of Public Speaking. According to PayScale, the average salary of a Public Speaker is INR 4,00,000 per annum in India.

Public Speaking Jobs: Quick Facts

  • Public Speaking Jobs in India

2.1   Delhi

2.2   Mumbai

2.3   Banglore

Freelance Public Speaking Jobs

  • Top Public Speaking Job Profiles

Public Speaking Careers

5.1   How to start a Public Speaking Career?

  • Public Speaking Salary in India
  • Public Speaking Jobs: FAQs
  • Public speaking isn’t just a tool that can give you an extremity over others, but you can precisely have a public speaking career.
  • Today, there are adequate careers that necessitate speaking as the prime objective.
  • The average pay of a Public Speaker in India is around INR 4,00,000 per annum.
  • There are different unique and well-known jobs one can apply for in the sector of public speaking like Teacher, Politician, News Anchor, Spokesperson, TV Actor, etc.
  • There are many famous, well-known, and reputed companies that are known to offer the highest salaries for the jobs relating to public speaking. Some of the companies are Amazon, T & A Solutions, Reliance, etc.
  • The current trends in public speaking hiring and recruiting companies are- Increasingly informal presentations, webinars, Presentations, Group Technology, change and innovation, etc.

Public Speaking Jobs in India 

  • Many knowledgeable, brilliant, skillful, and proficient people frequently suffer in their careers due to the absence of this one pivotal skill.
  • Commonly, people with fairly less competence are advanced and promoted over others as of their potentiality to speak.
  • Soft skills are regularly overlooked in educational institutions as they aren’t appraised as essential for careers.
  • But the certainty is that public speaking is a trump card no matter what one’s career is.

Below we have categorized some job opportunities region-wise in public speaking.

Check: Certificate Course in Communicative English

Public Speaking Jobs in Delhi

Job Profile Company Name Average Annual Salary
Motivational Speaker Prism Manpower Services INR 3,00,000 to INR 5,00,000
Sr. Technical Program Manager Amazon INR 5,00,000 to INR 14,00,000
Business Development Executive Balj Service Pvt. Ltd INR 1,70,000 to INR 3,00,000

Public Speaking Jobs in Mumbai 

Job Profile Company Name Average Annual Salary
Public speaking, English & ESL Trainer Knowledge Planet (Gulf) INR 5,00,000 to INR 14,00,000
Head-Program Management TalPro INR 50,00,000 to INR 75,00,000
Associate/ Sr. Associate ABC Consultants Pvt. INR 35,00,000 to INR 1,00,00,000

Public Speaking Jobs in Bangalore 

Job Profile Company Name Average Annual Salary
Product/ Process/ Replicon Software (India) Pvt Ltd INR 50,00,000 to INR 70,00,000
Sr. Engineering Program manager TalPro INR 75,00,000 to INR 1,00,00,000
Team leader, ManpowerGroup Services India Private Limited INR 8,00,000 to INR 15,00,000

Check: Certificate in Spoken English Course

  • Freelance public speaking jobs mean that to work as an individual and independent company rather than being employed by anyone else.
  • These are self-employed and often termed independent contractors.
  • They are hired by other companies for a short period of time, maybe 30 days or even for 6 months duration, part-time, or short-time basis, but they do not receive the same remuneration as full-time employees receive or they do not have the same level of commitment to any company.
  • Their salary depends upon the policy of the company but in the beginning, they have a small amount of package they are paid on the basis of the work they do.
  • Some jobs which can be done in Freelance administration are Virtual assistant, Counsellor , etc.

Check: (BA) Public Relations

Job Profile Description Average Salary
PR Consultant The job of PR Consultant would be to shape and protect the company’s corporate image in ways that promote their business, values, and mission. They will be having the authority and responsibility of maintaining the media relation of the company and to collaborate in different promotional actions. They must have copywriting and pr INR 5,000 to INR 15,000 per month
Virtual Office Manager You need to complete projects that are anticipated to require approximately 15 hours per week or as asked. You need to be highly organized, highly motivated with great attention to detail, and get things done. INR 20,000 to INR 30,000 per month

Public Speaking Job Profiles

There are few jobs that require public speaking and it is a major job role. Let's go through a few of them.

Job Profile Description Average Annual Salary
or This is an indispensable profession and I’m definite we’ve all met at the minimum one teacher in our lifespan. It is also a career that might not intervene in your mind while being thoughtful about public speaking careers. But the veracity to be told, teaching and public speaking cannot be split up, they’re like corresponding. Teachers are those who take on the authority of communicating knowledge to succeeding generations. It’s a job that needs a lot of public speaking because, without productive and constructive communication, teaching is not as effective. Being a teacher requires you to be able to convey your project, plan designs, and concepts evidently to your students with confidence. Teachers can also coach their students in soft skills, such as time management, listening, and hard skills, such as technological knowledge. Not only do you write and constructor or produce most of your own matter, but you also work for a tricky spectator: your words must draw even the somnolent college freshman. INR 3,00,000 to INR 18,00,000
Our catalog would be partial without a lawyer because if they don’t speak up and do well when required, someone can end up behind bars. Being a lawyer needs you to be eloquent and cogent with your turn of phrase, term, and words. As a lawyer, you have to state in the name of those who can’t speak for themselves. As a moderator, you will be able to make your spot in the lives of people who are casualties of unsound and malfunctioning law. Your scrutiny and investigation matter, but in the climax, it comes over to whether you can helm the acumen in the right supervision and direction with your words. INR 2,00,000 to INR 8,00,000
Motivational Speaker This profession accurately has the word speaker in its title. As a motivational presider, you're the one people look up to for answers and solutions. It is a communal speaking career like no other because as a speaker, you don’t just require to have the spectator’s head and attention, you also have the authority and responsibility of guiding them in an accurate direction. For this career path, you require to make certain that you connect with your spectators and stimulate them to make exchanges in their lives and interpret through your communication skills. The motivational speaker takes this as the conclusive, final, and ultimate crowd-pleasing career. Using your desire, vitality, and aura, you get up on juncture to motivate and inspire people to swap their lives-whether by finding fondness, completing their narrative, or simply converting their slant. In this role, you are the monarch of functioning a category so that each and every person feels like you are communicating INR 10,00,000
TV Personalities For someone in the television industry, public speaking is relatively what gives them their bread and butter. Millions of people feast their eyes on television as their daily origin and source of entertainment, information, and news. Consequently, for them, it’s essential and important for the speaker to be clear, articulate, and eloquent. It’s not just about what you say or convey on TV, it’s also all about how you express, convey and say it, your body gesture and language, your tone as well as pitch matter. For example, you can’t give the word of a lethal ailment or disease while beaming or smiling, instead, you’ll do it with a look of bother or concern. It’s a career that needs you to be conscious and aware but also has the capacity to extemporize whenever needed. Hence, a good call on public speaking is vital and imperative. INR 50,00,000 to INR 80,00,000 per annum
Entertainers or Hosts, humorists, actors, and even auditorium and theatre artists, each of their careers turnaround public speaking. Presentation skills and adroitness from a vital lump of public speaking and artists and entertainers do just that; they act for themselves in various ways. To be able to express, convey, and deliver words in a variety of surroundings, you need to have sway, power, and control over your words, your body gestures and language, your vocal quality, tone, and besides, you need to be able to do all that and more with trust, credence, and confidence. As an artist/actor, you need the spectators to be in the minute with you and be the part of the point, and the scene, you can only do that if you have control and command over yourself. As a comedian, you need to hold the spectator’s notice and amuse them at the same time, something only an expert public speaker can do. An actor/theatre artist is responsible for scanning and reading a screenplay and conveying their personality in front of a large audience who may include other actors, producers, directors, and many more. Their work narrates a story to the spectators and may take shape in a play, on a show, in a movie, or another medium. These are the people who are admired and loved by most of the population. INR 1,00,00,000
Spokesperson As a spokesperson, your work needs you to carry and convey messages and words distinctly from one party to another. You set out as the link between the spectator and a political figure, a celebrity, or an organization. Your job specifically depends on your plain, direct, and clear communication ability, and capabilities. Spokespersons interconnect with essential and crucial people like event plotters and media professionals on a regular basis. You’ll get a lot of time in front of cameras and audience and crowds. INR 48,00,000 to INR 50,00,000 per annum

An inquiry that one frequently puts through is how to be remunerative with public speaking, and to be genuine, there is no one way to go about it.

  • Public speaking professions are many and you can grasp your skill to gross in more ways than one.
  • So why not revolve your talent and gift of jabber into a full-grown public speaking career that pays the statements and bills. It’s unquestionably possible!
  • People in this line are chartered and their payment method is like the consultants, who can be tied up with several organizations at the same time.
  • On an average basis their earning can range anywhere in INR 50,000 to INR 5,00,000 per annum at the beginning.

Check: BSc Audiology and Speech Language Pathology

How to Start a Public Speaking Career? 

Tips and tricks to get hired for public speaking jobs are given below:

  • You must understand the Expectations and learn the details
  • Do not overload your slides of the presentation
  • Join a club or go to a workshop to improve your presentation and communication skills
  • Plan and structure your speech
  • Make eye contact while communicating with the audiences
  • Know your audience
  • Memorize your important lines and phrases
  • Get your technology and marketing materials in order
  • Keep confident body language
  • Take effective pauses
  • Make good diction
  • Be creative in your approach

Check: Communication Skills Courses

Public Speaking Salary in India 

Let’s discuss some salary trends in India for a few well-known public speaking-related jobs based on a couple of factors.

Job Profile Wise Salary

Job Profile Average Monthly Salary
Teacher or Professor INR 20,000 to INR 50,000
Corporate Communication Intern INR 18,000 to INR 30,000
Motivational Speaker INR 40,000 to INR 50,000
Lawyer INR 20,000 to INR 40,000
INR 16,000 to INR 41,000
Program Manager INR 20,000 to INR 45,000

Check: MA in Communication

Experience Wise Salary

Years of Experience Average Annual Salary
0 to 5 years INR 2,50,000 to INR 10,000,000
5 to 10 years INR 12,00,000 to INR 50,00,000
10+ years INR 20,00,000 to INR 1,00,00,000

Public Speaking Jobs FAQs

Ques. What are the best ways to obtain speaking arrangements?

Ques. What are some of the best career options for someone with good public speaking skills?

Ques. Is public speaking a real job?

Ques. How valuable are public speaking skills in software development jobs?

Ques. How can one apply for public speaking jobs?

Ques. How much can a person earn in public speaking at the start?


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Speech on Unemployment in Simple and Easy words

iit-jee, neet, foundation

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We all know that India as a nation is dealing with the problem of unemployment and our government is trying to implement some effective measures to grant employment to the people of its country. The youth of the nation is suffering due to no or incompatible job opportunities. Since it’s such a pertinent issue for all of us, everyone is seen addressing this issue either publicly or at school, colleges, etc., in order to educate the masses. Therefore, at times one needs to prepare a brief speech on unemployment. If you are looking to prepare one in order to impress your teacher or leave an impact on your audience, then you may refer to our both short and long speeches on unemployment and complete your task without any hassles.

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Speech on Unemployment

Unemployment speech – 1.

Respected Managers and Dear Colleagues!

As the increasing threat of recession is looming over our heads, it has become necessary to talk about it at least amongst our fraternity. We all know that our co-employees are being laid off due to the scarcity of work and the dwindling financial condition of our organization. It’s a time that needs to be handled with utmost patience and ingenuity.

We never know that one day while walking through the office, any of us may be told by our manager, “Sorry, but it’s your last day in the office today”. Now you all must have started contemplating what you will do then, how you will make money and run your family. So let’s face this situation with dexterity and smartness. However, before we engage in a conversation or discussion, please allow me to deliver a concise speech on unemployment so that you have an insight into the things and thereafter are able to evaluate your own circumstances with the situation of the masses. Trust me; it will give you a lot of encouragement to brave the situation boldly.

There are mainly three forms of unemployment – labor class, who is illiterate, educated people without being technically qualified and lastly technical people, such as engineers. Let us know about them one by one.

With labor class, the situation is such that they have to constantly look for employment opportunities as they earn wages on a daily basis; hence they club themselves at a particular place to be able to obtain regular employment somewhere. In this precarious situation, sometimes they are able to find employment and sometimes not. But they have habituated themselves to survive in the latter condition even though it is frustrating at times for them too when they are unable to meet their basic requirements of food and clothing. Situation is quite similar for the city laborers also as they manage to get seasonal employment in some big farm or field, which help them to survive.

As the population of literate people is growing day by day, the government is unable to accommodate them at the workplaces. Already our educated youth is discontented with the incompetent wages given to them and the threat of unemployment leaves them even more frustrated. It is quite unfortunate that they are made to meander through the dark roads. Since they don’t possess any practical experience or technical expertise, they only end up looking for clerical jobs, which are not enough to accommodate the growing number of literate people.

Then those who possess technical qualification get even more frustrated because they are unable to find a good job at par with their academic qualification. Since the number of people acquiring technical expertise is increasing day by day, therefore even they get caught in the trap of unemployment. It’s good that more and more people are educating themselves and are also going for higher educational levels too; but sadly the government is proving inefficient to offer them good employment opportunities. Hence, the growing anger and frustration in our youth has become so evident these days.

But instead of increasing our frustration, we should think of combating this situation, may be through generating self-employment opportunities and channelizing our energy in that direction. In this manner, the grave problem of unemployment can be tackled to a great extent. That’s all I have to say.

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Unemployment Speech – 2

Dear Employees!

It’s a rare occasion that I get to interact with all my employees under one roof the way that I am doing today. There is nothing special in the present day and behind our coming here; however as a director of the company I realized that there ought to be no communication gap between me and my employees. Secondly, if there is any concern or issue with any one of you then please feel free to put it across the table. The management would certainly try to resolve it or would bring the necessary changes in the organization.

Amidst the growing recession period, I would request everybody to join hands together and work unanimously towards the betterment of our company. In fact, we should consider ourselves fortunate that we have a job at hand and good growth prospects. Look at those who are not fairly employed or are unemployed despite a good educational background.

Do you know that the count of people, who are without a job, is increasing day by day in our country? According to experts, this is mainly owing to the economic slowdown as well as sluggish expansion in business activities that have brought the doom of employment generation.

Ideally, it’s the government that should expedite its growth measures in order to facilitate skill-based training activities so that the gap between demand and supply of work skills can be filled and necessary qualification can be given. This can also help resolve the long-term issue of unemployment.

Though there are people who remain unemployed by choice and are not willing to work, this will not be termed as unemployment. Unemployment is that situation when a person wishes to work, but is not able to find for himself/herself a qualified job. There is no doubt that our nation is grappling with this grave issue of unemployment. Unfortunately, many engineers, doctors, graduates or even post graduates are either unemployed or underemployed. Due to rising unemployment, the nation is merely wasting its human resource or is not able to unleash its benefits entirely.

In India, the rate of unemployment is depicting a growing trend since 2011 when it was 3.5 percent. Gradually, it increased to 3.6% in the year 2012 and further rose to 3.7% in the year 2013. Since then, the percentage is never seeing its decline. In fact, it has also been observed that at every stage of education, particularly at the higher levels, rate of female unemployment has always surpassed male employment.

The most important step that our government should take is to enforce strict population control measures and encourage its people to have small families. Then, some scrupulous measures should be taken to improve the quality of Indian education system. Our education system should be more focused on developing skills or providing practical training rather than confining itself to theoretical knowledge.

Then, new possibilities of employment should be created by setting-up small-scale and cottage industries. When people will be self-employed, they will not run after for jobs and would rather be able to employ others in their start-ups.

Now, may I invite the opinions of my employees on this issue of unemployment and also some concrete suggestions to combat it.

Unemployment Speech – 3

Good Morning Honorable Principal, Honorable Teachers and My Dear Friends!

As I begin, I would like to ask all the senior students a question that how many of you know that what you are going to do in your future? Nobody knows! Today, I am here to deliver a speech on unemployment that is directly related to my question and our future because it could be the worst problem that we all are going to face in our life after our education completion. As we all know that India is a huge country with 1.32 billion of population and thus it became a difficult task for our government to provide jobs to all the job seekers in the country. India has approximately 356 million youth population and probably all of them want to earn money but it is not an easy task for the government to provide all of them a job.

There are many reasons behind the rise of this problem. First of all, our education system is not appropriate. Our education should be job oriented but unfortunately it is been fixed up to the bookish knowledge. Students spend their whole time at school in reading books and writing but they also need some practical or job oriented knowledge. Second problem is our country’s huge population. This is because of the lack of knowledge among people about the values and benefits of a small family. Due to the lack of education and knowledge, our country has the second highest population around the world that creates a shortage of jobs for people living in the country.

There are some schemes and programs that are launched by our Indian government for solving the problem of unemployment in the country. First, in 2005, the government had launched Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act that guarantee a 100 day employment for an unemployed person in a year. In 200 of the district it has been implemented and will be expanded to 600 districts further. Under this scheme, a person is paid 150 Rs per day. Another scheme that was also launched by the Ministry of Labour and Employment of India called National Career Service Portal (a web portal) ( By the help of this portal, a person who is seeking for a job could avail the information about job updates and vacancies. In this portal, private vacancies and contractual jobs that are available in government sector are available in this portal.

One more facility that government has provided is a weekly newspaper titled Employment News that can be available in every Saturday evening. It contains all the detailed information regarding government jobs and vacancies available in India. It also contains notifications regarding government exams and recruitment procedure for government jobs. Besides these schemes, there is also a choice of self-employing through business etc. If a person starts a company then it provides jobs for many unemployed people and it is a good solution for this problem.

On this note I would like to conclude my speech and I hope that my speech would be useful for your future.

Thank you and I wish you all a great day ahead!

Also Read: Essay on Unemployment for Children and Students

Unemployment Speech – 4

Good Morning Respected Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Students!

Today, this seminar has been organized for the discussion over a very important aspect from which mostly every person could go through and that is unemployment and as a teacher, I have got this opportunity to host this seminar. First of all let me tell you about unemployment. It is a state when a person who is qualified and is eligible for job but does not find any. The problem of unemployment has continued from many years and is still a major issue for every person who willing to find a job. In a country like India, it becomes such a difficult task for a government to provide jobs to every job seeker. There are many reasons for the lack of employment in India. One of the reasons for unemployment is that India is a developing country and hence the country is getting modernized, it is lacking in jobs because of the excess use of technological machines. Industries started using heavy machines in the place of many workers and thus the workers are getting laid off and unemployed. Especially, old people who live alone are facing a lot of problems due to modernization and use of technology.

There are many other reasons such as our country’s education system which focuses only on the bookish knowledge and much less on practical knowledge. This kind of education system is called as degree oriented system but we actually need a system which is career oriented. If a person has completed many years in school and colleges and is still not ready for a job then what is the outcome of those years and study. There is a need of change in our education system. There should be some vocational studies that will help in enhancing the skills of the students. Another reason could be the thinking of people. Everybody wants to have a government job and that is quite impossible. Students should get praised and provoked for starting their own business. Mainly parents or teachers create a fear in a mind of student that there is a huge risk of failure in business or self-employment. This is also one of the reasons of lack of jobs because if a person starts a business then it provide jobs to many job seekers.

One of the main reasons of the lack of job opportunity in India is its population. We get to see thousands of people who compete for one position. India is a second most populated country around the world. It is quite difficult to provide millions of people a job in government sector. There is a need for encouraging the interest of students and showing them the correct path through which they could defeat this problem. As a teacher, I would like to advise you to choose your own interest as a career option.

On this note I would like to conclude my speech and extend special thanks to our honorable principal ma’am for giving me this opportunity.

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Flew too close to the Sun: The impact of abolishment of Angel Tax in India

27 August 2024

by Karanjot Singh Dewang Chauhan


On 23 July 2024, the Government presented its inaugural budget session following re-election. The tax proposals received presidential assent on 16 August 2024. In keeping with its annual tradition, a multitude of amendments have been made to the Income Tax Act. To the relief of the investors, the legislature finally heeded to the beseech of the investors and abolished the so-called angel tax with effect from Financial Year 2024-25. As per the Budget Speech, the amendment has been made to kindle a fresh cycle of investment and to foster employment avenues in India.

The provision concerning the taxation of share premiums received by closely held companies (colloquially referred to as ‘angel tax’) has been a subject of considerable controversy since its introduction in 2012. Many investors have considered this provision as an antithesis of Invest in India initiative.

As the curtains get drawn on the provision, it is an opportune time to look back at the original rationale behind its introduction, subsequent amendments and its application and the factors leading to a backlash from the investors and investee companies. It will also be interesting to discuss what the future holds after its repeal.

The Mischief

The angel tax provision was introduced to prevent laundering of unaccounted funds which were being projected as legitimate investments in closely held companies. Capital infusion was being exploited by promoters of corporate entities to launder unaccounted funds by issuing shares of their companies at extremely high prices. Thus, accounted monies held by name lenders or proxies were infused back into the companies with minimal dilution of the control.

Even in cases where taxmen were able to identify the mischief based on obnoxiously high valuations, the unaccounted money could not be taxed in the absence of any incriminating evidence. Thus, a need was felt to shift onus back to investee companies to justify valuations.

Introduction of Angel Tax

It was against this background that anti-abuse provisions were introduced in 2012 to tax share premium received by a closely held company from resident investors in excess of the fair market value (FMV) of its shares.

The FMV was to be determined with reference to the net asset value or the discounted cash flow valuation of the investee company. The latter valuation method was subjective and was largely dependent on the management’s projections of the future cash flow.

Since the provision was introduced as a deeming fiction, the tax officer was dispensed away with the requirement of examining the genuineness of the transaction. The provisions were objective in their application, though the valuation was a bit subjective.  

Impact on genuine start-ups

However noble the objects of this anti abuse provision could have been, when it came to its practical application, the budding start-up ecosystem in India became unintended casualties.

In the case of start-ups, the angel investors invest in the early stages of the company with the hope of making gains as the company grows. At this juncture, the company may be pre-revenue and asset light, often possessing nothing but an innovative business concept, which has the potential of being operationalized and scaled up in future with the help of funding. The valuation is usually pegged by the investor on intangible factors such as potential of business idea, credentials of the founders, competition, etc. As one can imagine, it may be difficult to assign a monetary value to these aspects and the FMV of shares based on traditional prescribed methods, such as net asset value and discounted cash flow method, may be negligible or even negative.

It is for this very reason that the founders of these start-ups found extremely difficult to justify the valuation of the company at which funds were infused by the resident angel investors. These collateral damages were being observed right around the time when the Government was exploring avenues of encouraging start-up ecosystem in India. To soften the blow on startups, a series of clarifications were issued and amendments were made.

Relief to eligible startups

In 2019, certain eligible startups were exempt from angel tax provisions subject to certain restrictive conditions like turnover not being in excess of INR 1 billion. In case of other start-ups and corporates, the provision continued to apply with full effect.

Non-resident investors

As a silver lining in the cloud, foreign investments from non-residents were kept outside the purview of the angel tax. As per the Foreign Exchange Control Regulations in India [1] , an Indian company cannot issue equity instruments at a price which is less than the FMV of the share and thus, the Indian companies were free to maximize their valuation while issuing shares to non-residents.

However, this liberty was severely impeded in 2024 when the dreaded angel tax was extended even to investments received from non-residents. This required the companies to walk a tightrope while issuing shares to non-residents, especially due to divergence in the valuation methodologies prescribed under foreign exchange regulations and income tax. Income tax rules were also amended to prescribe new valuation methods to align with internationally accepted methods and also to do away with valuation in certain cases. Inspite of this cushioning, the Government was largely unsuccessful in assuaging the fears of non-resident investors.

As a last resort, perhaps the Government decided to repeal the angel tax provisions altogether with effect from financial year 2024-25.

Can investors breathe a sigh of relief?

Repeal of angel tax provisions for all class of investors will go a long way to instill investor confidence. This will also enable Indian corporates to maximize their valuation without inviting tax bills.

However, it does not necessarily obliviate the need for valuation certificates. The valuation may still be relevant from exchange control regulations to justify the primary issue is not less than FMV. Moreover, issuance of share at a value less than the FMV may invite tax in the hands of investor [2] .

One must also not lose sight of the tax avoidance mechanism against which angel tax provisions were introduced. With the repeal of the provisions, the tax officers are likely to tax unexplained capital received as per other general and specific anti-avoidance provisions. For instance, it is possible that the tax officers may seek to classify these sums as unexplained cash credits [3] in which case, the sums received could be taxed at an exorbitant tax rate of 60% plus surcharge and penalties. Though usually meant for unexplained credit entries in its books of accounts, it could equally be invoked in high premium share issuance transactions, when the identity and credit worthiness of the investor is in doubt.

Thus, the investee companies may be asked to explain the ‘source of source’ of share capital received by them, which may prove to be a challenge, especially in case of non-resident investors not willing to share confidential financial details with Indian tax authorities like source of their investment, assets, etc. Now with the abolishment of angel tax provisions, it is possible that the tax officer may be tempted to tax the capital received as unexplained cash credit.

Abolition of angel tax is definitely a step in the right direction and will provide more avenues for Indian corporates to maximize their valuation. However, if the tax officers don’t show restraint in taxing the capital investment, the intended relief may not come and the tax bills may just increase due to high tax rates. To ensure that these extraordinary taxing powers are not invoked as a matter of routine, the Government may consider issuing guidelines to the tax officers and building appropriate guardrails in the legislation.

[The authors are Partner and Associate, respectively, in Direct Tax practice at Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan Attorneys]

[1] Rule 21 of Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) Rules, 2019

[2] Section 56(2)(x) and CBDT Circular No. 3/2019 dated 21 st January 2019

[3] Unexplained cash credits as provided in section 68 of the Income-tax Act

speech on employment in india

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    It is imperative for there to be a big push in the areas of education and employment in India. This is the most significant policy challenge facing the Indian economy. In 2012, India's population was 1.23 billion of which 65% was of working age. India already has a smaller ratio of old people to those of working age population than that of China.

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    Self-employment and unpaid family work has also increased, especially for women. Almost 82% of the workforce is engaged in the informal sector, and nearly 90% is informally employed, the report said. Self-employment remains the primary source of employment — 55.8% in 2022. Casual and regular employment accounted for 22.7% and 21.5% respectively.

  18. PDF Employment Situation in New India

    1 Union Finance Minister on her Budget Speech 2021-22. ... Hon'ble Prime Minister vision of transforming India into a country of job creators instead of job seekers.9 As of 14th January 2022, India is home to 83 unicorns with a total valuation of $ 277.77 Bn.10 The year 2019, ...

  19. 25 Audiologist Job Vacancies

    View all Listen Up India jobs - Noida, Uttar Pradesh jobs; Salary Search: Audiologist salaries in Noida, Uttar Pradesh; India Audiologist. Amplifon Group. Andhra Pradesh. ... Audiologist and Speech Therapist - job post. Arthrokinetic Rehab Care. Mumbai, Maharashtra ₹25,000 - ₹30,000 a month.

  20. Speech On Unemployment [1-3 Minutes]

    Apart from this, We need to produce more producers in the country that will help generate jobs. Thank you! I hope You might have liked my speech. other Speeches. Importance Of Time Management Speech [1,2,3 Minutes] Speech On Ethics And Etiquette [1,2,3 Minutes] Speech About Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti 2023; 1 Minute Speech On Health Is Wealth

  21. 1,000+ Speech jobs in India (165 new)

    Google. Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Actively Hiring. 2 months ago. Today's top 1,000+ Speech jobs in India. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Speech jobs added daily.

  22. Public Speaking Jobs in India: Top Public Speaking Job Profiles, Job

    A number of leading companies like Amazon, Reliance, TalPro, TED, ABC Consultants, ManPower Group, etc. look for employees for numerous job profiles relating to the field of Public Speaking. According to PayScale, the average salary of a Public Speaker is INR 4,00,000 per annum in India. Table of Contents.

  23. Speech on Unemployment for Students and Children

    Speech on Unemployment in Simple and Easy words. We all know that India as a nation is dealing with the problem of unemployment and our government is trying to implement some effective measures to grant employment to the people of its country. The youth of the nation is suffering due to no or incompatible job opportunities.

  24. Flew too close to the Sun: The impact of abolishment of Angel Tax in India

    As per the Budget Speech, the amendment has been made to kindle a fresh cycle of investment and to foster employment avenues in India. On 23 July 2024, the Government presented its inaugural budget session following re-election. The tax proposals received presidential assent on 16 August 2024. In keeping with its annual tradition, a multitude ...