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She does homework every day vs She does her homework every day vs She does the homework every day

Can I use the first example?

She does homework every day She does her homework every day She does the homework every day

Or is the object her required?

  • determiners

Mari-Lou A's user avatar

  • 1 This is actually a good question (+1) though it seems pretty simple. As I think many examples, the pronouns before the word seem to be quite natural (and so mandatory?). –  Maulik V Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 11:21
  • Something to think about (I think these examples may help you to think of your example sentences differently because you may have acquired homework when you were younger and may conceptualize it more or less the way you conceptualize it in your first language, which may be the cause of your confusion): I drink water every day. I drink my water every day. I think the water every day. –  Damkerng T. Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 13:50

5 Answers 5

All your examples are grammatically correct.

I haven't collected statistics but I'd guess "her homework" is most commonly used. You could certainly say that "her" is not required, as the reader is unlikely to suppose that she does someone else's homework.

I have an intuitive feel that "she does homework every day" sounds like it's saying that she has a lot of homework, that the emphasis is on the idea that she's doing it every day. But "she does her homework every day" sounds more like it's emphasizing that she is living up to her responsibilities. But I'd be hard-pressed to give a logical argument for that interpretation. Maybe "her" makes it more personal, she's doing the homework assigned to her? While simply "homework" puts the emphasis on the work itself?

"The homework" would indicate that it is some specific homework. You wouldn't use it to refer to homework in general. Like you mean say, "She does the homework from her biology class". Or, "Did you do the homework the teacher assigned yesterday?" But you wouldn't say, "She does the homework every day" to refer to doing homework in general.

Jay's user avatar

  • Thank you. But what if the sentences are in Present Continuous so it wouldn't be general. What if mum asks a child, for example: Mary, what are you doing? Mary: I'm doing homework. Mary: I'm doing my homework. Mary: I'm doing the homework. Are all sentences correct? –  masterkomp Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 14:12
  • 10 @masterkomp The first two would be correct and mean pretty much the same thing. "The homework" would be very unlikely, unless some specific homework had previously ben discussed. –  Jay Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 14:46
  • I think this answer completely nailed it. –  shawnt00 Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 19:26
  • I respectfully disagree about “the homework”; it makes sense if she's in a class that assigns a predictable dose of homework every day. –  Anton Sherwood Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 10:02
  • @AntonSherwood But then you'd be talking about specific homework and not general homework, the homework for that one class. –  Jay Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 13:18
or is the object her required?

I wouldn't call her an object, but rather a pronoun that modifies the object homework . It's not required for grammatical correctness, but in practice the version with the pronoun has a connotation of all of the subject's homework, while the version without is more indefinite.

She does homework every day.

At least in American usage, one would generally take this to mean that she spends time working on homework, but doesn't necessarily complete all the work.

She does her homework every day.

This generally means that she does all the homework assigned to her, or at least everything she needs to have done for the next day. The possessive pronoun "her" specifies which homework you're talking about, and the implication is that you mean all of it. If your mother asks you if you've done your homework and you say "yes," you'll be in trouble if she finds out later that you only completed half of it.

She does the homework every day.

The article the here makes this version relate to some specific homework, like that for a specific class. For example: She succeeds in math class because she does the homework every day.

It's worth pointing out that doing your homework often relates to being prepared even for people who aren't students, and in that case you generally mean that the subject is (or isn't) fully prepared, so the possessive pronoun is often used, or an adjective is used to clarify the meaning. Some examples:

To avoid losing money, do your homework before investing in a new company.

She knew he was lying because she did her homework before the deposition.

Do some homework before buying a house: check prices of recent sales, school quality, etc.

Caleb's user avatar

They have different meanings.

This means that every day she does at least some homework. It neither says nor implies that she completes her homework (because it doesn't specify what homework it's talking about). It's also perfectly consistent with her doing other people's homework. (For example, she might be a nanny who, among other tasks, helps with homework every day.)

This means she does the homework that has been assigned to her, as opposed to doing other people's homework or helping others with their homework. It also strongly implies that she completes her assignments, and doesn't just work on them for a bit. (Because "does" implies completing and "her homework" implies all of her homework.)

This means there's some homework that both the speaker and listener are referring to, and she does that particular homework. For example, "Mary is assigned math homework regularly. She does the homework every day." Which would mean she does that math homework. It would be confusing to use this when the listener would not know what homework you are talking about.

David Schwartz's user avatar

They are all correct but can create slightly different implications. Some examples:

She does homework every day, can't the teacher give them a break?

She does her homework every day, she's such a great student.

She does the homework every day while her sister writes the book reports.

DTRT's user avatar

  • What if mum asks a child, for example: Mary, what are you doing? Mary: I'm doing homework. Mary: I'm doing my homework. Mary: I'm doing the homework. Are all sentences correct? –  masterkomp Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 13:47
  • Sure, Mary's answer is fine. –  DTRT Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 13:48
  • Are all sentences correct? Is there any difference between these sentences, especially between two first sentences? I mean Mary's sentences. –  masterkomp Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 13:50
  • Sorry, I don't understand the question. My answer is about the differences. –  DTRT Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 13:51
  • I'm asking about my sentences about Mary :) –  masterkomp Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 13:53

Both sentences are correct, I personally like more the first one "She does homework everyday" - the shorter the better. Nonetheless if what you are looking for is to be more precise, the second one would be more detailed but in any case both are clear.

Cristian's user avatar

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my sister (do) her homework every day

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Chapter 3: Simple Present

Daily Habits & Routines

alarm clock and coffee cup

Learning Goals

At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

  • Add -s for the third person singular verb
  • Write yes/no questions and short answers
  • Write information questions using wh- question words
  • Add the plural marker -s ,-es, and -ies to verbs and nouns

Recognize and use

  • the simple present in the affirmative and negative
  • adverbs of frequency

Yellow cup of coffee and funny pages from newspaper

Activity 3.1: Conversation

Directions: Ask your partner or group the following questions about your morning routines. A “routine” is a habit you usually do or a series of actions you do regularly.

  • What do you do before school?
  • Do you ever wake up late? Do you usually wake up early?
  • Do you drink coffee or tea in the morning?
  • Do you do your homework in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, or at night?
  • How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?
  • How long does it take you to get to campus? Do you live close or far from campus?
  • How do you get to campus? Drive? Bike? Bus? Walk? Carpool? Dropped-off?

Icon for Read-chapter story

Directions: Read this story out loud with a partner. One person reads a paragraph, then the other person reads the next paragraph. When you are finished, read the story again. This time, read the paragraphs, you did not read.

Yuri & Palani

       Hi! My name is Yuri. I am from Ukraine. I am a student at Clackamas Community College. I have a roommate. His name is Palani. He is from Laos. We live together, but we are very different.

       I wake up early at 6:00 am. Palani pushes the snooze button on his alarm clock many times, so he wakes up very late. He gets up at 7:30 am. I take a shower in the morning, but Palani takes a shower at night. I take a shower at 6:15 am. He takes a shower at 9:00 pm. I eat breakfast at home, but Palani doesn’t eat breakfast. I make coffee, and I eat cereal for breakfast. I bike to school, but Palani drives to school. I am never late. I leave at 7:30 am.  Palani leaves at 7:50 am. I arrive at school early, but Palani arrives late. I arrive at school at 7:45 am. Palani arrives at 8:05 am. Palani sometimes arrives late because he can’t find parking. We are friends, so I always save him a seat next to me. We sit with Jacques and Ana. They arrive early too. Class begins at 8:00 am.

       How often do you arrive late to class? Are you similar to me, or are you more similar to Palani?

Activity 3.2: Comprehension

Directions: Please write the answers to the questions in complete sentences.

1. What is the name of the man who is talking?


2. What is the name of his roommate?

3. What is Yuri comparing?

4. Who wakes up early? Who wakes up late?

5. What time does class begin?

6. Who arrives late? Who arrives on time?

7. How about you? Are you an early riser or a late riser?

8. What time does Yuri wake up? What time does Palani wake up?

Activity 3.3: Noticing

Part 1 Directions: Look at the story about Yuri and Palani. Choose (by underlining or otherwise markin g)  the verbs you find. Don’t choose the BE verb. We are not studying that verb in this chapter.

Part 2 Directions: Complete the table with the verb forms that agree with each subject.

Verb Subject Form
1. wake up I
2. take I
3. leave I
4. arrive I

Activity 3.4: Try It Out!

Directions: Write the correct simple present tense form of the verb (in parentheses) on the line.

1. I (wake up)_________________________ at 6:00 am.

2. He (wake up)_________________________ at 7:30 am.

3. You (eat)_________________________ breakfast on the bus.

4. They (take)_________________________ a shower before bed.

5. He (take)_________________________ a shower in the morning.

6. We (go) _________________________ to a restaurant for lunch.

7. She (have)_________________________ cereal for breakfast.

8. His class at Oregon City (begin)_________________________ at 9:00 am.

9. My classes at Harmony (begin)_________________________ at 6:00 pm.

10. She (wash) _________________________ the dishes in the morning.

man and woman sharing breakfast while sitting on the floor

Uses of the Simple Present

The simple present is used for talking about routines, habits, and repeated activities in the present time. We use the simple present to talk about facts, which are always true. Time expressions (e.g., every day, in the summer ) and adverbs of frequency (e.g., never, sometimes, always ) signal the simple present tense.

line graph showing a habit/routine happening consistently over time

What is a routine? Something you do every morning, every week, every year.

  • I brush my teeth two times a day.
  • You go to the gym three times a week.
  • He makes breakfast for my children every morning.
  • She starts work at 7:00 am.
  • They do laundry every Saturday.

What is a habit? Something you do regularly.

  • My husband reads in bed before he goes to sleep.
  • My cat wakes me up on Saturdays because he is hungry.

What is a repeated action? Action that we do more than once.

  • I shop at Winco (not every week, but I like to go there).
  • She wears shorts in the summer.

What is a fact? Something that is always true.

  • The moon revolves around the earth.
  • She has two children.
  • Vegetables are healthy.
  • Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

Forms of the Simple Present

Affirmative statements in the simple present.

You must add an -s to the verb with the subjects he , she , and it .

subject + verb

Subject Verb

Activity 3.5: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Write the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

1. Yuri (wake up)______________ at 6:00 am.

2. Palani (drive)______________ to school.

Man shaving

4. Yuri (make)______________ coffee.

5. I (cook)______________ breakfast.

6. She (eat)______________ cereal.

7. Palani (take)______________ a shower in the evening.

8. They (carpool)______________ together.

9. She (ask)______________ for a pencil.

10. Yuri and Palani (attend) ______________ Clackamas Community College.

11. We (attend) ______________ Clackamas Community College.

12. I (take)______________ a shower in the morning.

13. He (make)______________ and (drink)______________ coffee every morning.

14. She never (arrive)______________ late.

15. Class (begin)______________ at 11:30 am.

16. He usually (find)______________ parking easily.

17. Palani (live)______________ with Yuri.

18. They (brush) ______________ their hair in the morning.

19. We (brush)______________ our teeth twice a day.

20. My cats (sleep)______________ all day.

Activity 3.6: Listening

Directions: Read the paragraph. Then, listen to your instructor read the paragraph. Listen for the verbs and write them on the line. Listen closely for the correct form of the verb.

Ana and Pedro’s Morning Routine

        Ana and Pedro (1)__________ at 6:00 am. Ana (2)__________ coffee. Her brother, Pedro, (3)__________breakfast. She (4)__________a shower at 6:30 am. Her brother (5)__________ a shower at 7:00 am. They (6)__________ and (7)__________ their teeth. Ana (8)__________ the cat. Ana (9)__________ her hair and (10)__________ makeup. Pedro (11)__________ his hair. Ana’s book bag (12)__________ready. Pedro (13)__________ his books in his backpack. Ana (14)__________lunches. Class (15)__________ at 9:00 am. Ana and Pedro (16)__________ the house at 8:30 am. They (17)__________ at school at 8:45 am. Ana (18)__________ out books from the college library before class. She always (19)__________ good books to read. Ana and Pedro (20)__________ to class at 8:55 am. Their first class (21)__________ at 10:50 am.

Activity 3.7: Interview

Part 1 Directions: Interview your partner.

1. Where do you live?

2. What time do you wake up?

3. When do you eat breakfast?

4. What do you eat for breakfast?

5. How do you get to school (walk, bus, car, etc.)?

6. What time do you go to school?

7. What time do you get home?

8. When do you go to bed?

Part 2 Directions: Write 8 sentences about your own daily routine using the same questions.

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________________________

Part 3 Directions: Share and compare your daily activities. Read your sentences to your partner. Your partner reads to you. See if you have the same (or different) daily activities.

Part 4 Directions: Your instructor will give you a Venn Diagram to complete. Write sentences about yourself where it says You. Write sentences about your partner where it says Partner. If you and your partner have any activities that are the same, write them where it says both.

graphic organizer-venn diagram

Adverbs of Frequency with the Simple Present

Adverbs of frequency (AoF) let us talk about how often we do something.

How often do you come to class?      I always come to class!

How often do you shop at Fred’s?     I often shop at Fred’s.

Study the chart below to learn the meanings of the following adverbs.

Adverb Frequency
always 100%
usually 70-90%
often 50-60%
sometimes 30-40%
seldom/rarely 10-20%
never 0%

Adverbs of Frequency (AoF) with the BE Verb 

With the BE verb, the AoFs are added between BE and the rest of the sentence. You will see in the next section that this is different with other verbs.

subject + BE + AoF + rest of sentence

Subject BE AoF Rest of Sentence
I am never late.
is always on time.
are sometimes early.

Activity 3.8: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Put the correct form of the BE verb followed by the AoF on the line.

1. I (be/always) _____________________________________ late.

2. He (be/never) _____________________________________ on time.

3. She (be/often) _____________________________________ busy on Saturday.

4. It (be/never) _____________________________________ cold in August.

5. You (be/usually) _____________________________________ cold in the morning.

6. We (be/never) _____________________________________ hungry in the morning.

7. They (be/seldom) _____________________________________ tired at 9:00  pm.

8. You (be/rarely) _____________________________________ late for school.

9. He (be/sometimes) _____________________________________ tired after work.

10. It (be/usually) _____________________________________ sunny in Los Angeles.

Activity 3.9: Fill-in-the-Blank

1. Class (usually)___________________________ interesting.

2. They (often)___________________________ busy.

3. I (always)___________________________ friendly.

4. You (never)___________________________ hungry after lunch.

5. She (always)___________________________ hungry at 3:00 pm.

6. He (rarely)___________________________ on time for class.

7. They (sometimes)___________________________ confused in class.

8. You (often)___________________________ sleepy.

Adverbs of Frequency with Other Verbs

Man thinking

But, what if we want to say how often we do some activity? In that case, we don’t use the BE verb. We use another verb, like eat, sleep, cook, drive, or talk.

Instead of adding the AoF after the verb, like we did with the BE verb, we add it before the verb. We do this because we are saying how often the activity of the verb happens.

subject + AoF + verb + rest of sentence

Subject AoF Verb Rest of Sentence
I always eat breakfast.
usually does his own laundry.
never walk to school.

We use the AoF to talk about how often or how frequently something happens.

How often do you eat breakfast? I always eat breakfast.

In the sentence above, we are saying how often we eat breakfast (always).

How often does he cook dinner? He usually cooks dinner.

In the sentence above, we are saying how often he cooks dinner. (usually).

How often do they walk to school? They never walk to school.

In the sentence above, we are saying how often they walk to school (never).

Activity 3.10: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Write the Adverb of frequency (AoF) and the verb in the correct form on the line.

When we use any verb except the BE verb, the AoF goes before the verb.

1. I (never/eat) ___________________ breakfast.

2. You (often/do) ___________________ laundry on Saturdays.

3. He (usually/swim) ___________________ on weekends.

4. She (never/sing) ___________________ karaoke.

5. It (rarely/rain) ___________________ in July.

6. They (seldom/watch) ___________________ movies.

7. We (always/do) ___________________ our homework.

8. She (sometimes/make)___________________ the bed.

Activity 3.11: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Put the AoF and the verb in the correct order.

Ana and Pedro (wake up) _______________________________ at 6:00 am.

Our class (start) _________________________________________ at 6:00 pm.

The college (cancel) ________________________ classes because of snow.

The teacher (give) ____________________________________ us homework.

Vegetarians (eat) ________________________________________ vegetables.

The students (sleep) ____________________________________ during class.

7. sometimes

Ana (make) _________________________________________ lunch for Pedro.

Students (speak) ____________________________________ English in class.

Activity 3.12: Classmate Interview

How often do you… always usually often sometimes seldom / rarely never
wake up before 7:00 am?
eat breakfast?
fall asleep before 11:00 pm?
drive to work?
do laundry
on the weekend?
eat dinner before
6:00 pm?
sleep in on Sundays?
go grocery shopping
on the weekdays?
come to class on time?
do your homework
before class?

Part 2 Directions: Choose 5 of the questions (and answers) from Part 1. On your own lined paper, use the answers to write sentences about your classmate’s activities. Remember to use adverbs of frequency. Turn this in to your teacher. Write your name, the date, and Activity 3.12 on the top of your paper.

Activity 3.13: Game

Directions: The purpose of this game is to practice using adverbs of frequency. Your teacher will give you some AoF game cards (often, sometimes, never).

  • Stand up and find a partner.
  • Ask your partner a question. Begin the sentence “How often…”
  • The partner answers the question using an AoF.
  • If your partner answers your question using the AoF that you have in your hand, give your partner the card.
  • If your partner answers using an AoF that you don’t have, then change to another student and try again.
  • You can only ask two questions before you need to change partners.
  • You can only talk to the same person after you have talked with all your other classmates.
  • Talk to as many partners as you can. When you have no more cards, sit down.

The goal of the game is to give away all of your cards.

Student 1: How often do you eat french fries for breakfast?

Student 2: I never eat french fries for breakfast.

(Student 1 gives the card saying “never” to Student 2)

Student 1: How often do you do your homework?

Student 2: I usually do my homework.

(Student 1 doesn’t have a ”usually” card. Student 1 changes partners and tries again.)

Ideas for Questions: How often do you…

wash your hair?

eat at a restaurant?

call your brother?

walk to school?

Pronunciation and Spelling: Adding -s and -es

We add -s and -es for two reasons:

1. The word is a noun, and we are making it plural.

2. The word is a verb, and it agrees with the subject (he, she, or it–3rd person singular)


In English the same letters can have different sounds. For example, the letter “c” can sound like /k/ in cat , but it can also sound like /s/ in ice .

For words that end in -s or -es, there are three different sounds: /s/, /z/, and /ɪz/. We can predict how the -s or -es ending will sound by the last sound of the word before we add the -s or -es ending.

If the word ends with these sounds: This is the sound made by adding -s or -es: Examples
/f/ /k/ /p/ /θ/ or /t/ → /s/ laughs, drinks, sleeps, births, writes, gets
/b/ /d/ /g/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ /r/ /v/ /ð/
and all vowel sounds
→ /z/ grabs, rides, hugs, comes, runs, sings, lives, sees, goes, plays, buys, studies
/ʤ/ /z/ /ks/ /s/ /tʃ/ or /ʃ/ → /ɪz/ changes, quizzes, fixes, kisses, uses, teaches, pushes

/θ/=th as in bath   /ð/=th as in that   /ʤ/=j as in judge    /tʃ/=ch as in church     /ʃ/=sh as in wash

Activity 3.14: Pronunciation

Target Word Ending Sound
(Circle your choice)
1. teaches /s/
2. teachers /s/
3. asks /s/
4. kicks /s/
5. does /s/
6. reads /s/
7. watches /s/
8. begins /s/
9. pushes /s/
10. listens /s/
11. She works at a hospital. /s/
12. He lives with his sister. /s/
13. He puts the book on the table. /s/
14. She goes to school four nights a week. /s/
15. He cooks for her in the evening. /s/
16. We need boxes to move house. /s/
17. The mom buys groceries after class. /s/
18. The mom buys groceries after class. /s/
19. I sweep up the leaves on the sidewalk. /s/
20. The boys play soccer in the park. /s/

Activity 3.15: Listening

Directions: Listen to the teacher say a list of words and then sentences. You will hear each word or sentence two times. Decide if the ending sound is  /s/, /z/, or /ɪz/ and choose (by circling or otherwise marking) your choice.

1.    /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

2.   /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

3.   /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

4.   /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

5.   /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

6.   /s/       /z/      /ɪz/

7.   /s/       /z/      /ɪz/

8.   /s/       /z/      /ɪz/

9.   /s/       /z/      /ɪz/

10. /s/       /z/      /ɪz/

11.  /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

12.  /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

13.  /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

14.  /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

15.  /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

Activity 3.16: Listening & Speaking

Part 1 Directions: Identify which of the three ending sounds (/s/, /z/, or /ɪz/) is at the end of each of the target words. Write the sound symbol on the line.

/s/                /z/              /ɪz/

1.  changes _____

2.  crabs _____

3.  dishes _____

4.  touches _____

5.  helps _____

6.  books _____

7.  pencils _____

8.  sleeps _____

9.  mixes _____

10. kisses _____

11.  The students eat breakfast. _____

12.  My sister walks her dog. _____

13.  The dogs eat peanut butter. _____

14.  The student catches the bus. _____

15.  I have three cats.     _____

16.  Most teachers have pets. _____

17.  She writes a book.     _____

18.  Natasha buys food.     _____

19.  Yuri wakes up on time. _____

20.  She sees her daughter. _____

Part 2 Directions: With a partner, say the word or sentence. Your partner will point to the sound they hear.

If a word ends in /s/,  /z/,  /ch/,  /sh/  or  /x/ sound    →    add -es

Only add -es for the he/she/it form of the verb (third person singular).

watch   →   watches

wash    →   washes

kiss      →    kisses

I pass out papers.    →    She passes out papers.

I wash the dishes.   →    He washes the dishes.

Activity 3.17: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses on the lines.

1. (watch) I __________ TV in the morning, but she ________ TV at night.

2. (wash) They ________ dishes together after dinner. He ________ dishes on  weekends.

3. (fix) My father and I _________ cars together. My husband ________ the bicycle.

4. (teach) They  ________ their daughter Ukrainian. Eva ________ her son Amharic.

5. (brush) I ________ my teeth twice a day. He _______ three times a day.

6. (kiss) She _______ her husband in the morning. I ________ my children before bed.

7. (stretch) I always ________ before exercise. Viktor ________ after exercise.

8. (guess) I never ________ the answer, but Tatiana often ________ the answer.

9. (mix) She ________ Spanish and English. They _______ English and Ukranian.

10. (splash) The kids ______ in the bathtub. My daughter always ________, too.

11. (cash) I ______ my check at the bank. He _________ his check too.

12. (latch) I ________ my screen door. She ________ her screen door.

13. (notice) I always ________ mistakes. She never ________ mistakes when she writes.

14. (touch) He ________ the door. We ________ the window.

15. (brush) They  ________ their hair once a day. He _________ his hair three times a day.

16. (pass) She ________ all her classes. They ________ their ESL classes.

17. (ask) I ________ for vegetarian food. Natasha ________ for Ukrainian food.

18. (ask) He ________ a question. We ________ to play a game.

19. (watch) She ________ Jackie Chan movies. They ________ Jet Li movies.

20. (dance) I ______ twice a week. He ________ once a week.

Activity 3.18: Listening

Directions: Read the story. Then listen to your teacher read the story. Listen for the missing words and write them on the line. Remember that the subject and the verb of a sentence have to agree. If they don’t agree, you should listen again. Some verbs end in -s and some verbs end in -es.

Viktor and Tatiana

        Viktor and Tatiana (1)_________ married. They (2)_________ English at Clackamas Community College. They (3)_________ from Ukraine. Tatiana sometimes (4)_________ angry with Viktor because he doesn’t help around the house. Tatiana (5)_________ dinner and Viktor (6)_________ TV. Tatiana (7)_________ the house, and Viktor (8)_________ English.

Then Tatiana remembers that Viktor (9)_________ the car while she (10)_________ books. In the grocery store, he always (11)_________ the shopping cart. He (12)_________ for her when she is sick. He also (13)_________ the socks when they (14)_________ movies at home. On school nights, Viktor (15)_________ the dishes after Tatiana cooks. He (16)_________ her every day when they leave the house, and he (17)_________ her every night before they (18)_________ asleep. Then Tatiana isn’t angry anymore.

If a word ends in a consonant plus -y, change -y to i and add -es. If the word ends in a vowel plus -y, just add -s.

Consonant + -y

Change -y to i and add -es

cry       →   cries

study   →   studies

pay      →   pays

buy      →   buys

Activity 3.19: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Write the correct form of the verb on the line in the sentences below.

1. (study) I ___________ in the morning, but he ___________ at night.

2. (worry) He ___________ about money. I ___________ about him.

3. (cry) The cat ___________ when I leave. The babies  ___________ all the time.

4. (play) She ___________ piano. We ___________ violin.

5. (pay) I ___________ for groceries with a credit card. Tatiana ___________ with cash.

6. (stay) He ___________ after class for help. They ___________ after class to talk.

7. (stay) She ___________ at a hotel. I ___________with my mom.

8. (worry) My husband ___________ about school. I ___________ about our health.

9. (enjoy) We ___________ playing board games. He ___________ online games.

10. (say) They ___________ they are busy Friday, but she ___________ Friday is ok.

11. (fly) A bird ___________ south in winter. Birds ___________ north for the summer.

12. (buy) They ___________ paper online. She ___________ supplies at the store..

13. (fly) He ___________ to Paris today. I ___________ to Denver tomorrow.

14. (study) We ___________ before vocabulary tests. She ___________ for grammar.

15. (pay) He ___________ for 2 classes. I ___________ for 3 classes.

16. (try)     I ___________ to study 3 times a week. She ___________ to study every day.

Activity 3.20: Listening

Using infinitives with like, want, & need.

Some verbs can be combined with an infinitive (to + verb) to express a different meaning or opinion about the activity.

Verb Meaning
like + to ski (Infinitive) This shows an activity that is pleasurable or fun.
Example: I like to ski.
want + to go (Infinitive) This shows an activity that I have a desire to do.
Example: I want to go to a movie.
need + to finish (Infinitive) This shows an activity that I have to do.
Example: I need to finish my homework.

Activity 3.21: Fill-in-the-Blank

Part 1 Directions: Complete the sentences by writing like, want, or need on the line.

1. I ___________ to pay my rent.

2. She ___________ to study for the test.

3. They  ___________ to buy a diamond necklace.

4. You ___________ to have an expensive new car.

5. I ___________ to read a book before bed to help me sleep.

6. You ___________ to do your homework.

7. We ___________ to eat dessert first.

8. I ___________ to sleep until 10:00 am, but I __________ to get up because work starts at 7:00 am.

Negative Statements in the Simple Present

Negatives with the be verb, activity 3.22: writing.

Directions: Make these sentences negative by adding not after the verb.

1. She is a hairdresser.

2. He is busy today.

3. They are from Colombia.

4. He is a contractor.

5. It is sunny.

6. They are students.

7. He is a teacher.

8. The dog is in the garden.

Negatives with All Other Verbs

Using auxiliary verbs.

There are three auxiliary verbs in English: BE, DO, and HAVE. We will learn about BE and DO in this class. We will learn about using HAVE as an auxiliary in the next level. You have already seen the first of our three auxiliary verbs, BE, in Chapter 2. We combine the BE verb with the -ing form of the verb to create the present progressive (an action happening now).

When we make negative sentences with other verbs, we use the auxiliary verb, DO. It has two forms: do and does . The negative not comes after do or does and is followed by the base form of the main verb.

The base form is the infinitive without the to . Instead of “to sing” (infinitive), the base form is sing . Do not add -s to the base verb. Let’s look at an example sentence.

subj      do/does    neg.     base verb     rest of sentence

He         does           not        sing               in the shower.

  • He is the subject
  • Does is the auxiliary verb. Do/Does agrees with the subject (3rd person singular: add -es).
  • Sing is the main verb in the base form. Do not add -s to the main verb.

subject + auxiliary DO + not + base form + rest of sentence

Subject Auxiliary DO Negative Base Form of Main Verb Rest of Sentence
do not drink coffee after 5:00 pm.

Negative Contractions

To make negative contractions, we contract the auxiliary verb and the negative.

Subject Auxiliary DO + not
do not = don’t
does not = doesn’t

Activity 3.23:  Choose the Correct Form

Directions: Choose the correct form, and then write the contraction on the line. Remember that the auxiliary DO (do/does) has to agree with the subject.

1. The teacher do not / does not eat meat.                                                 ___________________

2. I am a homemaker. I do not / does not work outside my home.    ___________________

3. She is a driver. She do not / does not work in an office.                     ___________________

4. He is a vegetarian. He do not / does not eat meat.                             ___________________

5. They do not / does not drink coffee in the evening.                            ___________________

6. Palani do not / does not like to wake up early.                                     ___________________

7. Yuri do not / does not want to come to school late.                            ___________________

8. Yuri do not / does not press snooze on his alarm clock.                    ___________________

9. They do not / does not have the same habits.                                     ___________________

10. It do not / does not  look like a good book.                                         ___________________

11. The students do not / does not do their homework.                        ___________________

12. He do not / does not get good grades on tests.                                ___________________

Activity 3.24: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Write the correct form of do or does on the line.

1. (do/sing)        She ___________ not ___________ in public.

2. (do/write)     They ___________ not ___________ on the wall.

3. (do/drive)     He ___________ not ___________ for a job.

4. (do/ask)        You ___________ not ___________ for a diamond ring.

5. (do/play)       We ___________ not ___________ guitar.

6. (do/like)        The dog ___________ not ___________ my cat.

7. (do/type)       She ___________ not ___________ fast.

8. (do/read)       He ___________ not ___________ online.

Activity 3.25: Writing

Directions: Make these sentences negative. Use full forms for numbers 1-5 and contractions for numbers 6-10.

1. I go to work at 3:00 pm.

2. She wants to eat Chinese food.

3. They have two children.

4. He has a dog and two cats.

5. You need to stand in line.

6. She finishes her homework.

7. I eat breakfast.

8. You drink coffee.

9. He drinks diet soda.

10. My car has red seats.

Activity 3.26: Interview

Part 1 Directions: Use the sentences below to interview your partner. Take notes on your own lined paper.

Student A: Tell me a food you don’t like.

Student B: I don’t like eggs.

kid holding his nose and sticking out his tongue

2. Tell me a movie you don’t like.

3. Tell me a place you don’t like.

4. Tell me a sport you don’t like.

5. Tell me a color you don’t like.

6. Tell me a singer or band you don’t like.

7. Tell me a type of music you don’t like.

8. Tell me a book you don’t like.

Part 2 Directions: Now, write 5 sentences about your partner. Use your notes to help you.  Write your partner’s answers in FULL sentences.

Yes/No Questions & Short Answers

Yes/No questions mean that the answer to the question is either yes or no . These questions don’t use wh- question words. Remember, when we use an auxiliary verb, the main verb is in the base form. The auxiliary verb goes before the subject and the main verb goes after the subject.

auxiliary DO + subject + base verb + rest of sentence

Auxiliary DO Subject Base Form of Main Verb Rest of Sentence
Do I
eat breakfast?
Does he

Short Answers

Short answers are quick answers to yes/no questions. Remember that if the question uses the BE verb, use the BE verb in your answer. If the auxiliary DO is used in the question, then use DO in the answer.

Do you have cats?    Yes, I do.

Are you a teacher?    Yes, I am.

Affirmative Negative
Yes, I
do. No, I
do not.
does. he
does not.

Do you drink coffee in the morning?      Yes, I do.

Does he drink coffee in the morning?    No, he doesn’t.

Activity 3.27: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Complete the questions with the missing auxiliary verb and subject.

A: Does she wake up early?

B: No, she doesn’t.

1. A:___________________ do her homework every day?

B: Yes, she does.

2. A:___________________ wash the dishes after dinner?

B: Yes, he does.

3. A:___________________ eat dinner together?

B: Yes, they do.

4. A:___________________ work late every day?

5. A:___________________ drive to school?

6. A:___________________ study vocabulary?

B: Yes, I do.

7. A:___________________ eat lunch at home?

B: No, we don’t.

8. A:___________________ ask questions?

9. A:___________________ practice English at the grocery store?

10. A:___________________ do laundry on Saturdays?

Activity 3.28: Game

Information questions in the simple present.

We have seen several lists of wh- question words in previous chapters. Here is a bigger list. You can practice making questions with the new words and review the ones you have seen in Chapters 1 and 2.

Wh- Question Word Asks about... Example Question
Who a person Who is your teacher?
What information What is your name?
Where location Where are you from?
What time
*(specific and general)
When is your birthday?
What time is your class?
Why a reason Why are you late?
How directions, process,
or means
How do you get home?
How many a number How many children
do you have?
How often frequency How often do you drink coffee?
How much an amount or money How much is our textbook?
What kind one from a group What kind of fruit
do you like?

* What time asks about specific time. When asks about general time.

What time does class start?     Class starts at 9:00 am.

When is your birthday?         My birthday is in August.

We form information questions (sometimes called wh- questions) the same as yes/no questions. Add the question word (who, what, where, when, what time, etcetera) to the beginning of the question.

wh- + auxiliary DO + subject + main verb

Wh- Question Word Auxiliary
Subject Base Form
Main Verb
What time
How many
How often
How much
do I




does he

Activity 3.29: Choose the Correct Form

Directions: Choose the correct question word.

1. Who/What is your teacher?                            My teacher is Susan.

2. Where/What is your address?                        My address is 19 Molalla Ave, Oregon City.

3. Where/When do you wake up?                      I wake up at 7:30 am.

4. Why/Who do you have an umbrella?           Because it’s raining.

5. How/Where do you take ESL?                         I take ESL classes at CCC.

6. When/What do you work?                               I work at 5:00 pm.

7. Why/How do you get to school?                     I take the bus.

8. What/How do you cook hotdogs?                 I boil them, but some people grill them.

9. How much/How often milk do you want?   I want 1 cup.

10. How many/Why cookies do you want?       I want 2 dozen.

Activity 3.30: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct question word.

1. A:___________ do you go to work?

B: I go to work at 5:00 am.

2. A:___________ is he wearing a sweater?

B: He’s cold.

3. A:___________ do you study vocabulary?

B: I use vocabulary cards.

4. A:___________ are they from?

B: They’re from Italy.

5. A:___________ are you doing?

B: I’m doing my homework.

6. A:___________ often do you sleep in?

B: I sleep in on Saturdays.

7. A:___________ time does class start?

B: Class starts at 6:00 pm.

8. A:___________ do you study?

B: I study at the library.

9. A:___________ is your favorite actor?

B: My favorite actor is Brad Pitt.

10. A:___________ many classes do you take?

B: I take three classes each term.

Activity 3.31: Interview

Directions: Your instructor will give you a worksheet that you can use to interview a classmate.

  • Match the wh- question word with the question. You can only use a word one time.
  • When you finish matching you will have 10 questions and 10 answers. Choose 5 questions to ask your classmate.
  • Write the answers to the 5 questions below.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________

Activity 3.32: Error Correction

Directions: There are 10 mistakes in the paragraph below. Find the mistakes with the simple present, adverbs of frequency, negative sentences, or -s / -es endings and correct them.

My name is Jacques. I lives next to Yuri and Palani. I am a student at CCC also. I arrive always early to class. My brother drive me to school. I do not drives. I eat lunch with my friends. We eat often at Ana and Pedro’s house. I doesn’t cook. After class, always I study in the library. I finishes my homework in the afternoon. I study with my friend. My friend Palani finish his homework at night. I live with my family. My mother cook dinner for the family. She wash the dishes after dinner. I dry them.

Man smiling with arms crossed

Activity 3.33: Writing

Directions: Rewrite these sentences to include the adverb of frequency (AoF) in parentheses.

1. (usually) We eat dinner outside in summer.

2. (always) I wear slippers in the house.

3. (never) My family wakes up early.

4. (sometimes) My friends and I watch movies on Fridays.

5. (rarely) We eat uncooked food.

6. (often) They are late to class.

7. (never) I finish my homework on the computer.

8. (seldom) She takes her dog to the dog park.

9. (usually) You are on time.

10. (rarely) She eats fast food.

11. (never) It snows in August.

12. (always) It rains in October.

13. (often) We have homework.

14. (never) They forget books at home.

Activity 3.34: Writing

Directions: Write the question on the line below. Use the answer for extra information. Some questions are wh-questions, and some are yes/no questions.

1. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: I wake up at 8:00 am.

2. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: Yes, I do (I have a dog.)

3. A:_______________________________________________________________

B: My birthday is in August.

4. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: No, I don’t. (I don’t do my homework in the morning.)

5. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: I take a shower in the morning.

6. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: I arrive early for class.

7. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: He drives to school.

8. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: He washes the dishes every day.

9. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: Yes, I do. (I exercise 3 times a week.)

10. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: I eat fast food once a month.

Directions: Write a paragraph comparing your daily schedule with a partner’s daily schedule. Use the simple present tense, adverbs of frequency, and time expressions.


  • Write 6 questions to ask your partner. Use 6 different wh-question words. There is a place to write each question in the chart that follows.
  • Answer the 6 questions for yourself.
  • Choose a partner, ask your questions, and then write down your partner’s answers.
Question My Answer Partner’s Answer
  • Use your own 8.5″ x 11″ lined paper. Do not use other paper sizes, please.
  • Heading: Put your full name, the due date, and Ch. 3 Writing Assignment at the top of your paper. Your instructor will tell you where the heading goes (left or right side).
  • Indent the first sentence, skip lines (double space), and leave a 1-inch margin on the sides and bottom.

Writing and Grammar:

  • First sentence: begin writing by using this topic sentence: [Partner’s name] and I are classmates, but we are very different.
  • In your sentences, write your answer and your partner’s answer.
  • Use 3 adverbs of frequency.
  • Write 2 negative sentences.
  • Use full forms; do not use contractions.
  • Use capital letters and punctuation correctly.
  • Use the rubric below to check your work.

Model Paragraph:

My partner and I are classmates, but we are very different. I get up very early at 5:00am. My partner doesn’t get up early. She often gets up at 9:00am. I usually drink coffee in the morning, but my partner doesn’t like coffee. She likes tea instead. I have two children, so I am busy with them. My partner is married, but she doesn’t have any children. I leave for school at 8:30am. My partners never goes straight to school. She goes to her parents house first. She always helps them because they are very old. My parents are still young at age 50 and 55.

Assignment Rubric:

Heading: Full Name, Due Date, Ch. 3 Writing Assignment 1 point
Format: Indent, double space, margins 1 point
Your paragraph has at least 10 sentences 1 point
Every sentence has a subject and verb, & they agree 1 point
There are 3 adverbs of frequency 3 points
There are 2 negative sentences 4 points
Correct use of spelling 1 point
Correct use of capital letters 1 point
Correct end punctuation 1 point
Total 14 points


These were our goals at the beginning of Chapter 3:

At the end of this chapter you will be able to:

  • Add -s , -es, and -ies to verbs and nouns

Directions: Choose yes if you think you achieved the goals or no in the table below if you think you did not achieve the goals. Then, write an example of the goal in the last column.

I can… I achieved this goal: My example:
add -s for 3rd person singular yes


He walks.
write an affirmative sentence
in the simple present


write a negative sentence in the simple present yes


write yes/no questions using the simple present yes


answer yes/no questions using short answers yes


make information questions using wh- question words yes


use AoF with the simple present yes


Explorations 1: Grammar for the Experienced Beginner Copyright © by Susan; Jen; and Kit is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Simple Present Third Person

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1. I ________ (go) shopping with my brother.

2. We sometimes ________ (use) a dictionary in class.

3. My friends ________ (study) Italian at their school.

4. School ________ (finish) at three o´clock.

5.You ________ (live) near me.

6. He ________(like) rap music.

7. She ________ (do) her homework before dinner.

8. We ________ (play) tennis in school on Wednesday afternoon.

9. I ________ (watch) TV in the evening.

10. My mother ________ (teach) art.

1. I go shopping with my brother.

2. We sometimes use a dictionary in class.

3. My friends study Italian at their school.

4. School finishes at three o´clock.

5.You live near me.

6. He likes rap music.

7. She does her homework before dinner.

8. We play tennis in school on Wednesday afternoon.

9. I watch TV in the evening.

10. My mother teaches art.

1. I study French._____________________________________________

2. School finishes at two o´clock.


3. You copy from other students.


4. We think English is easy.


5. My friends play volleyball.


6. I watch TV on Saturday morning.


7. She speaks Chinese.


8. The dog likes cats.


9. They listen to pop music.


10. I play with my hamster every day.


1. I don´t study French.

2. School doesn´t finish at two o´clock.

3. You copy from other students.

4. We don´t think English is easy.

5. My friends don´t play volleyball.

6. I don´t watch TV on Saturday morning.

7. She doesn´t speak Chinese.

8. The dog doesn´t like cats.

9. They don´t listen to pop music.

10. I don´t play with my hamster every day.

1. live / at / you / Do / school / ?


No, ___________________

2. in / students / Do / the canteen / ? / eat


Yes, ___________________

3. to school / your brother / on Saturday / ? / Does / go


No, ___________________

4. live / near / Do / your friends / you / ?


Yes, ___________________

5. at / school/ finish / Does / three o´clock / ?


No, ___________________

1. Do you live at school?

No, I don´t.

2. Do students eat in the canteen?

Yes, they do.

3. Does your brother go to school on Saturday?

No, he doesn´t.

4. Do your friends live near you?

Yes, they do.

5. Does school finish at three o´clock?

No, it doesn´t.

1. I _________ (play) tennis after school.

2. You _________ (start) school at nine o´clock.

3. We _________ (have) lunch at school.

4. They _________ (watch) TV after dinner.

5. She _________ (not get up) at seven o´clock.

6. We _________ (go) to bed at nine o´clock.

7. What time _________ I (get) up?

8. What _________ she _________ after school?

9. He _________ (play) football.

10. Susan _________ (go) to the cinema.

11. My mother _________ (start) work at half past seven.

12. What _________ they _________ (do) in the evening?

13. How _________ you _________ (spell) that in English?

14. Brian _________ (get) up at eight o´clock.

15. Where _________ John and Martin _________ (go ?

16. Serena _________ (not know) what to do.

17. Wendy _________ (not like) to do shopping.

18. My grandfather _________ (not live) in London.

19. My sisters _________ (walk) to school every day.

20. My best friend _________ (like) math.

21. My brother and I _________ (have) breakfast half past seven.

22. My cousin _________ (study) biology.

23. We _________ (go) to the cinema at the weekend.

24. When _________ Mary _________ (start) school?

25. Gill _________ (not work) in a supermarket.

1. I play tennis after school

2. You start school at nine o´clock.

3. We have lunch at school.

4. They watch TV after dinner.

5. She doesn´t get up at seven o´clock.

6. We go to bed at nine o´clock.

7. What time do I get up?

8. What does she do after school?

9. He plays football.

10. Susan goes to the cinema.

11. My mother starts work at half past seven.

12. What do they do in the evening?

13. How do you spell that in English?

14. Brian gets up at eight o´clock.

15. Where do John and Martin go ?

16. Serena doesn´t know what to do.

17. Wendy doesn´t like to do shopping.

18. My grandfather doesn´t live in London.

19. My sisters walks to school every day.

20. My best friend likes math.

21. My brother and I have breakfast half past seven.

22. My cousin studies biology.

23. We go to the cinema at the weekend.

24. When does Mary start school?

25. Gill doesn´t work in a supermarket.

1. Ana _________ (not watch) TV.

2. Peter _________ (not study) French.

3. Javi _________ (watch) TV.

4. Antonio _________ (play) computer games.

5. Luis Miguel _________ (not read) magazines.

6. _________ María _________ (listen) to music?

7. _________ Beatriz _________ (tidy) her room?

8. My parents _________ (read) the newspaper.

9. When _________ your brother _________ (surf) the internet?

10. Who _________ you _________ (play) football with?

11. What _________ your sister _________ (do) on Saturday?

12. Blanca _________ (go) to a sleepover.

13. Isabel _________ (not phone) a friend.

14. I _________ (eat) a hamburger every weekend.

15. My Mum _________ (like) classical music.

16. I _________ (not eat) pizza.

17. I _________ (drink) water.

18. Gonzalo _________ (help) his friends with their homework.

19. Carlos _________ (make) people laugh.

20. Alan _________ (not like) talking to new people.

21. Chris _________ (do) the housework for her parents.

22. I _________ (want) to join Daniel´s fan club.

23. Isabel and I _________ (see) each other every week.

24. Linda _________ (wear) new clothes.

25. Derek and Sam _________ (wear) striped T-shirts.

1. Ana doesn´t watch TV.

2. Peter doesn´t study French.

3. Javi watches TV.

4. Antonio plays computer games.

5. Luis Miguel doesn´t read magazines.

6. Does María listen to music?

7.Does Beatriz tidy her room?

8. My parents read the newspaper.

9. When does your brother surf the internet?

10. Who do you play football with?

11. What does your sister do on Saturday?

12. Blanca goes to a sleepover.

13. Isabel doesn´t phone a friend.

14. I eat a hamburger every weekend.

15. My Mum likes classical music.

16. I don´t eat pizza.

17. I drink water.

18. Gonzalo helps his friends with their homework.

19. Carlos makes people laugh.

20. Alan doesn´t like talking to new people.

21. Chris does the housework for her parents.

22. I want to join Daniel´s fan club.

23. Isabel and I see each other every week.

24. Linda wears new clothes.

25. Derek and Sam wear striped T-shirts.

1. Uncle Joe _________ (wear) glasses.

2. Ducks _________ (love) water.

3. The sun _________ (rise) in the east.

4. The children _________ (not go) to school by bus.

5. Juanma _________ (enjoy) singing.

6. Jesus _________ (not lend) me his bike.

7. Monkeys _________ (like) bananas.

8. Pepi _________ (not collect) stamps.

9. The earth _________ (go) around the sun.

10. It often _________ (snow) in winter.

11. We _________ (wash) our hands.

12. We _________ (eat) three meals a day.

13. _________ he _________ (type) very fast?

14. Lucía _________ (work) at the court.

15. Everyone _________ (make) mistakes.

16. Winter _________ (not come) after spring.

17. _________ you _________ (like) my new bike?

18. _________ she _________ (walk) to school?

19. Pedro _________ (speak) English very well.

20. My dog _________ (bark) very loudly.

21. _________ Sara _________ (read) in bed?

22. _________ babies _________ (sleep) during the day?

23. Eva _________ (try) not to disturb.

24. Eagles _________ (fly) high in the sky.

25. My sister _________ (cook) all our meals.

1. Uncle Joe wears glasses.

2. Ducks love water.

3. The sun rises in the east.

4. The children don´t go to school by bus.

5. Juanma enjoys singing.

6. Jesus doesn´t lend me his bike.

7. Monkeys like bananas.

8. Pepi doesn´t collect stamps.

9. The earth goes around the sun.

10. It often snows in winter.

11. We wash our hands.

12. We eat three meals a day.

13. Does he type very fast?

14. Lucía works at the court.

15. Everyone makes mistakes.

16. Winter doesn´t come after spring.

17. Do you like my new bike?

18. Does she walk to school?

19. Pedro speaks English very well.

20. My dog barks very loudly.

21. Does Sara read in bed?

22. Do babies sleep during the day?

23. Eva tries not to disturb.

24. Eagles fly high in the sky.

25. My sister cooks all our meals.

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How to Help Your Sibling with Homework

Last Updated: April 15, 2024

This article was co-authored by Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed. . Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University. This article has been viewed 38,896 times.

We've all been there—a younger (or older) sibling is struggling with a school assignment and asks for help with their homework. While it can be flattering to be asked for help, and often fun to work on an assignment together with your sibling, sometimes it's tough to know how best to help them with their homework. Finding the time to work together with your sibling can be difficult, but also rewarding. You can help your sibling with their homework by monitoring their efforts and helping them when they struggle, and also by making sure they stay focused and take breaks when needed.

Preparing to Help with Your Sibling's Homework

Step 1 Find out what the exact assignment is.

  • Which subject is your sibling working on? Are they writing an essay, or solving multiple-choice questions?
  • Look over a hard copy of your sibling's assignment. If they're confused, read over the assignment with them.

Step 2 Ask your sibling what is causing them to struggle.

  • “What don't you understand about the assignment?”
  • “What methods did the teacher ask you to use when you work on this homework?”
  • It may be the case that your sibling misunderstands a small point, and once you explain this to them, they will excel on the rest of their homework.

Step 3 Help your sibling put together a homework schedule.

  • Have your sibling schedule their homework for a single block of time, before dinner, and without TV or other distractions.
  • Don't wear yourself out with helping your sibling. Try to avoid helping with their homework every day; limit yourself to two or three days a week.

Step 4 Ask your sibling where they prefer to work.

  • For example, your sibling may prefer to work in the relative quiet of a bedroom or study room.
  • Alternately, they may prefer to work in the busy and stimulating atmosphere of a kitchen or dining room.
  • If your sibling is in high school or college, you could take them to a coffee shop or café and help them work there.

Working with Your Sibling on Homework

Step 1 Help your sibling when they struggle.

  • Show your sibling the error they have made, and ask if they have ideas about how to fix it.
  • If your sibling does not understand a core concept of the assignment, explain it to them, but do not complete the homework for them.
  • Come up with a model or example of a problem similar to the one your sibling is struggling with, then ask them to think through the example you created and solve it. You may be able to find such models and examples online, as well as tutorials that walk you through the process, which can be a helpful learning tool.

Step 2 Ask your sibling to try again if they've made a mistake.

  • While you're working with your sibling, say things to encourage their work, such as, “You're doing a great job; this is a tough subject to work on,” or, “I'm proud of how much progress you've made so far.”

Step 3 Create drawings and...

  • Explain the topic to your sibling and ask them to create a drawing about the term described. This is especially useful in fields like math or science.

Step 4 Show your sibling online instructional videos.

  • Youtube has a wealth of instructional videos. Start here, and branch out into other sites if Youtube does not have what you're looking for.
  • This will work for siblings at any level—there are many useful instructional videos for high-school (or even college-) age students.

Step 5 Explain the reasoning behind an answer.

  • Rather than simply handing out answers, explain the concept underlying your sibling's homework, and see if they can work out for themselves how the problem should be solved.

Step 6 Take a break when your sibling starts to show fatigue.

  • Suppose your sibling has 1 hour of homework. Break for a maximum of 10 minutes after half an hour.
  • Eat a healthy snack. You may have fruits, juice, milk, or crackers in your break time. Have a light snack and start with your assignments again.

Letting Your Sibling Learn for Themselves

Step 1 Encourage your sibling to learn.

  • Ask your sibling to explain the answer of a problem. This will test if they understand the problem for themselves, or are just parroting your answer back to you.

Step 2 Do not complete the assignment for your sibling.

  • For example, if there are three similar math problems, you could show your sibling how to solve the first one, and let them solve the second and third problems on their own. Note if the subsequent problems get more difficult and make sure your sibling understands how to complete the additional steps, if applicable.

Step 3 Encourage your sibling's work.

  • A local public library. This will have books and reference materials that can help your sibling learn more about any subject.
  • Useful websites. Aim to find academic reference sites that your sibling can refer to. Focus on sites that end in .edu, .org, or .gov as .com sites are commercially based and may provide biased information.
  • For younger children, show them where they can find school supplies such as pencil, paper, crayons, and markers in the home.

Expert Q&A

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

  • Finish with the difficult assignments first. Ask your sibling to do the easier work later on. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Do not ask your sibling to finish their homework right after they get home from school. Let them take a few minutes to rest, have a snack, etc.—then start the homework. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Make sure to leave yourself enough time to complete your own homework, if you're still in school. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

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Grammar Quiz

My sister  __________ her homework now. (to do)

A. has done

B. has been doing

C. is doing

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Covid is a relaively modern _________

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Simple Present Tense (do-does) – With Usage, Pictures and Example Sentences

simple present tense

Simple present tense (present simple tense) is a verb tense that describes the events and situations that do not change over time. We use simple present tense for the actions that happen regualarly, and that is why we use some frequency adverbs to express these repititive actions. “ Do ” and “ does ” are the auxiliary verbs of present simple tense. However, “ do ” and “ does ” are not used in positive sentences. They are used only in negative and question sentences. The auxiliary verb “ does ” is used for third person singular ( He, She, It ). In other subjects ( I, You, We, They ), the auxiliary verb “ do ” is used. The following animated sentences are examples of present simple tense:

simple present tense - grammar timeline

Examples with Pictures Dialogue exercise Sentence scramble game Translation exercise

⬤ Formation of simple present tense

For affirmative sentences we use the infinite form of the verb, but for negative sentences we use “ not ” after the auxiliary “do” and “does”. For questions we put “do/does” before the subject.

⬤ Which auxiliary (helping verb) to use for simple present tense?

The auxiliary verbs in simple present tense are “ do / does “. However we use “ am, is, are ” to talk about a general state or condition. Examples:

  • I work in the office.
  • I don’t work in the office.
  • Do you work in the office?
  • I am in the office.
  • Are you in the office?

SIMILAR PAGES: ❯❯ Learn verb to be here ❯❯ Learn present continuous tense here ❯❯ Learn future simple tense (will) here ❯❯ Learn be going to future tense here ❯❯ Learn simple past tense here ❯❯ Learn past continuous tense here ❯❯ Learn present perfect tense here

⬤ Positive (Affirmative) sentences

For the formation of positive sentences in simple present tense we do not use “do” or “does” in front of the verb. This may sound strange. Because we know that the auxiliary verbs that precede the verbs help us understand the tense of the sentence. However, the verb is alone here. In addition, for the subjects “He, She, It”, the suffix “ -s ” is added at the end of the verb.

  • I like pizza.
  • We go abroad every summer.
  • She speak s three languages.
  • Lions eat meat.
  • Oliver walk s to school.
  • They play computer games.
  • Maria prefer s action movies.

✎ NOTE: The verb “ have ” changes into “ has ” when it gets “-s” at the end.

  • She has breakfast.
  • She doesn’t have breakfast.
  • Does she have breakfast?

✎ NOTE : In positive sentences, when the subject is “He, She, It”, we change “ -s ” into “ -es ” or “ -ies “. The reason is as follows:

  • For the verbs ending with “ -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o ” we add “ -es ” at the end of the verb. brush es , kiss es , catch es , fix es , go es , do es etc.
  • If the verb has “ -y ” at the end and it precedes with a consonant letter, we drop the “-y” and add “ -ies ” try> tr ies , fly> fl ies , carry> carr ies etc.

⬤ Negative sentences

For the formation of negative sentences in simple present tense we use “ not ” together with “ do / does “. The short forms are “ don’t / doesn’t ”

  • I don’t like cigarette.
  • Sarah doesn’t need help.
  • He doesn’t forget names.
  • They don’t go out alone.

⬤ Interrogative sentences (questions)

For the formation of question sentences (interrogative) in simple present tense we put “ do / does ” before the subject. This also applies to the “ Wh- questions” which we call “information questions” as well.

  • Do you like lemonade?
  • Does she keep secret?
  • Where do you live?
  • Why does Molly wear pink dresses?

⬤ Sentence forms in simple present tense

 I speak  I speak   you speak?
 You speak  You speak   you speak?
 He speak  He speak   he speak?
 She speak  She speak   she speak?
 It speak  It speak   it speak?
 We speak  We speak   we speak?
 They speak  They speak   they speak?

⬤ Example Sentences

  • (+) They like basketball.
  • (-) They don’t like basketball.
  • (?) Do they like basketball?
  • (?) What do they like?
  • (+) He likes basketball.
  • (-) He doesn’t like basketball.
  • (?) Does he like basketball?
  • (?) What does he like?

⬤ Explanations and usages of simple present tense

Lets go on with the explanations, usages and time adverbs of simple present tense

⬤ 1- Facts or generalizations.

It is used for events and situations that never change. Examples:

  • People need food in this village.
  • The wind blows a lot here.
  • Trains carry many passengers.
  • Smart phones cause some health problems.
  • Water boils at 100C degrees.
  • The earth revolves around the Sun.
  • Lions don’t eat grass.
  • Plants give us oxygen.
  • Pandas live in China.

⬤ 2- Habits, routines or repeated actions.

We use simple present tense to talk about habits and routines. Examples:

  • I get up at 8 o’clock every day.
  • Do you drink coffee every day?
  • She always brushes her teeth.
  • Leo plays his guitar in his room.

⬤ 3- Likes and dislikes

We can also use simple present tense to talk about likes and dislikes. Some commonly used verbs are as follows: “like”,”love”, “hate”, “dislike”, “enjoy” etc. Examples:

  • I love ice-cream.
  • Do you like playing chess?
  • She hates lies.
  • Sandra doesn’t like tea with sugar.
  • We like to swim.
  • I dislike cold weather.

⬤ 4- Scheduled events in near future

  • The train arrives at 9 AM.
  • The bus arrives at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
  • When do we board the plane?
  • When does the wedding ceremony start?
  • The films starts at 8.30
  • The bus arrives at 6PM.
  • The English lesson starts at 10.30.

⬤ 5- With non-progressive verbs

Some verbs in English doesn’t have continuous forms. These verbs are called non-progressive or non-continuous verbs. We use simple present tense with these verbs. Some non-progressive verbs are: believe, know, remember, understand, need, hate, like, love, prefer, want, feel, mean etc. Examples:

  • I know the answer. – CORRECT I am knowing the answer. – INCORRECT
  • I want some sugar. – CORRECT I am wanting some sugar. – INCORRECT
  • Brian feels cold. – CORRECT Brian isn’t feeling cold. – INCORRECT
  • I don’t remember her name. – CORRECT I am not remembering her name. – INCORRECT
  • Do you understand? – CORRECT Are you understanding? – INCORRECT

⬤ 6- Narrating events

Example: The man opens the door and goes out slowly. He looks around carefully. Then he sees a little cat under the tree. He grabs it and says “Oh. Are you hungry?”

⬤ Adverbs of Frequency

What are Adverbs of frequency? Simple present tense indicates repetitive actions, so it is good to say the frequency of these actions. In this case, we use some words called “Frequency adverbs”. These words are used just before the verb. This list of frequency adverbs is as follows:

⬤ List of frequency adverbs

  • occasionally
  • hardly ever

➔ Examples of frequency adverbs

Read the example sentences with the frequency adverbs and try to make similar sentences. Examples:

  • I often eat eggs for the breakfast.
  • I never smoke.
  • Lisa always walks to school.
  • Do you usually get up early?
  • You hardly ever say “Thanks”.
  • They don’t normally go out for dinner.
  • My father often forgets my birthday.
  • I generally have breakfast before I go out.

⬤ Memory cards to learn the adverbs of frequency

The cards below have adverbs of frequency. Click on them and try to say the meaning of them in your native language.


⬤ Time adverbs to use in simple present tense.

every ….

  • I play football ever weekend.
  • We go holiday ever summer.
  • She gets up late every day.

once, twice, three times, ten times etc.

  • I go to cinema once a month.
  • She goes out with her friends twice a week.
  • I call my son at least 3 times a day.

on Mondays, at the weekends, in the mornings

  • I call my grandparents on Saturdays.
  • In the evenings I take a taxi to go back home.

⬤ Verb to be (am, is, are)

We use am, is, are when we talk about a state rather than an action.

  • ⬤ I work in London. (Action verb)
  • ⬤ I am in London. (State verb)

➔ Action verbs examples (do, does)

  • Frank works at the hospital.
  • Frank doesn’t work at the hospital.
  • Does Frank work at the hospital?
  • Where does Frank work?

➔ Verb to be examples (am,is,are)

  • Frank is at the hospital.
  • Frank isn’t at the hospital.
  • Is Frank at the hospital?
  • Where is Frank?

⬤ Images and example sentences

Look at the images below and read the simple present tense sentences. Then try to understand the usage.

⬤ A dialogue example

Here is a dialogue to learn simple present tense. Read and try to make similar dialogues.

Do you go holiday every summer?

I like summer holidays very much.

Where do you go for holiday?

In fact, I don’t go to seaside.

I like camping in the mountains.

Where do you go for camping?

It is up to us.

We usually decide before we go.

If you want, you can join us.

⬤ Translate the sentences about simple present tense.

You will see some examples of simple present tense below. Translate them into your native language.

⬤ Sentence scramble game

You will see scrambled words of simple present tense sentences. Click on the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.

⬤ Example sentences to learn simple present tense

Here are examples of simple present tense in context below. Some are affirmative some sentences are negative and some are interrogative.

➔ 10 example sentences :

  • I always get up early.
  • I don’t like hot weather.
  • Mr. Anderson usually forgets to lock the door.
  • She keeps secrets.
  • Cats don’t like swimming.
  • She rarely writes emails.
  • Steven looks happy.
  • I like reading poems a lot.
  • The children brush their teeth every day.
  • When I buy something, I read the instructions.

⬤ Questions and answers

You will see 10 questions with their answers below. Try to understand the formation of the sentences.

➔ 10 questions and answers

  • How do you go to school? I go to school by bus.
  • Do you like ice-cream? Yes, I like ice-cream.
  • Why do you always wear sunglasses? Because I have a problem with my eyes.
  • Does your father help your mother at home? Yes, he does.
  • What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at about 11 PM.
  • Do you make noise in the classroom? No, I don’t.
  • Where are you from? I am from Canada.
  • How often do you watch TV? I sometimes watch TV.
  • Do you agree with me? No, I don’t agree with you.
  • Are you OK? Yes, I am OK.

⬤ Reading passage – Daily routine

My daily routine My name is Lydia Collins. I live in a flat. My day daily routine starts very early. Every morning I wake up at six o’clock and wear my school uniform. Then I have breakfast with my father and mother. My little brother doesn’t have breakfast with us. Because it is too early for him. After breakfast I go out and wait for the school bus. At about 7 AM I get on the bus. I come back home at 3 PM. I feel tired when I come back. I have a rest and play with Dody, our cat. Then I start doing my homework. I try to finish it before 7 PM. So that I can go out and play with my friends. We have dinner at 8 PM. We often have chicken for dinner but I hate chicken. I eat it because mum gets angry. After dinner I watch TV for an hour. I go to bed early because I’m always very tired at the end of the day.

External resources: You can also visit Wikibooks page to learn simple present tense , or watch a video for example sentences .

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An exercise by montse morales for the english learning website ..

Show all questions

  •   ?     finish
  •   ?     finishes
  •   ?     do
  •   ?     does
  •   ?     go
  •   ?     goes
  •   ?     leave
  •   ?     leaves
  •   ?     play
  •   ?     plays
  •   ?     start
  •   ?     starts
  •   ?     watch
  •   ?     watches
  •   ?     live
  •   ?     lives
  •   ?     get up
  •   ?     gets up

Simple Past or Present Perfect Simple

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

  • I (just / finish) my homework.
  • Mary (already / write) five letters.
  • Tom (move) to this town in 1994.
  • My friend (be) in Canada two years ago.
  • I (not / be) to Canada so far.
  • But I (already / travel) to London a couple of times.
  • Last week, Mary and Paul (go) to the cinema.
  • I can't take any pictures because I (not / buy) a new film yet.
  • (they / spend) their holiday in New Zealand last summer?
  • (you / ever / see) a whale?

  • Tìm kiếm thành viên Tìm kiếm thành viên và những người bạn đang theo dõi
  • Tìm kiếm câu trả lời Tìm kiếm câu trả lời cho câu hỏi của bạn
  • Giáo dục công dân
  • Tiếng anh thí điểm
  • Tự nhiên và xã hội
  • Lịch sử và Địa lý
  • Khoa học tự nhiên
  • Hoạt động trải nghiệm
  • Hoạt động trải nghiệm, hướng nghiệp
  • Giáo dục kinh tế và pháp luật

Chủ đề / Chương

Luyện tập tổng hợp

  • Trắc nghiệm
  • Giải bài tập SGK

Minh Hiếu

11. My sister ……………………. her homework every day.

A. does B. is C. are D. do

12.There is an intersection ahead. We……………………. .

A. must not slow down. B. must slow down.

C. must go fast. D. cannot go straight.

13. Does Mrs. Van ……..…….. one kilo of sugar.

A. need B. needs C. to need D. needing

14. There is a ……………………..behind my classroom.

A. big flower garden B. flower big garden

C. garden big flower D. big garden flower

15. Mexico City is .................. city in the world.

A. biger B. big C. bigger D. the biggest

16.......................... trash over there.

A. Don’t throw B. Not throw C. Throw D. Can’t throw

17. Nam lives ________ a market

A. near B. on C. between D. at

18. Do you like pop music ?

A. I would B. Yes, a lot C. No, I like it D. Yes, we are

19. I’m playing table tennis. like table tennis ?

A. Have B .Is C. Are D. Do

20. The students have got ..................... news about their exams .

A. many B. some C. a D. a few

21 . The boy looks a little thin, ................... he is strong.

A. and B. for C. or D. but

22. Mary and ................... would like to join the English Club speaking.

A. me B. my C. mine D. I

23. How...........apples are there ?

A. much B. more C. may D. many

24. There aren’ on the wall.

A. any B. some C. a D. an

25. How much rice .......your mother...............?

A. do - need B. does - needs C. do - needs D. does - need




  • cherrylovejk_2407

1 . - South-East Asia has many tourist ________.

A. landmarks

B. places

C. spots

D. attractions

2 . You had a party last night, _________?

A. had not you

B. didn’t you

C. had you

D. did you

3. He never likes durians and ________.

A. I do too

B. I didn’t either

C. so do I

D. neither do I

4 . In a game of singles, two players play ________ each other.

A. for B. against C. opposite D. with

5 . I have to write a ________ composition every other week.

A. two-thousands-word B. two-thousands-words

C. two-thousand-words D. two-thousand-word

6 . The weather in the far north is not ________ it is near the Equator.

A. like humid as B. more humid as C. so humid as D. so humid that

7 . There will be plenty of food for everybody ________ nobody takes more than his share.

A. except that B. provided that C. despite that D. even if

8 . I’ve looked ________ some new words in the dictionary.

A. at B. for C. up D. on

9 . - “What would you like for dinner?” - “________ we’re both so tired, why don’t we order a pizza.”

A. However B. Since C. Moreover D. Although

10 . A friend of ________ is going to visit me next week.

A. my B. I C. mine D. me

11 . There is a ________ behind my house.

A. big beautiful flower garden B. garden flower big beautiful

C. beautiful big flower garden D. big beautiful garden flower

12 . What ________ awful weather! It’s so cold and wet.

A. a B. an C. the D. không có

Nguyễn Địch Nhât MInh

  • Nguyễn Địch Nhât MInh

Choose the best answer

1. All they have to do now…………… listen to their teacher.

a. are b. is c. be d. will

2. My mother ………………she’s very busy.

a. says b. speaks c. talks d. tells

3. How many people …………………in your group ?

a. have got b. there are c. are there d. have

4. His mother buys him a new shirt ……………….his birthday.

a. for b. to c. in d. at

5.Thick clothes keep ……………….

A,. us warmly b. us warm c. warm for us d. we warm

6. Ken is a ………….driver.

a. care b. careless c. carelessly d. carelessness

7. ……….Jonh nor his friends like Literature.

a. Both b. Either c. All d. Neither.

8. Please tell me what ………………

a. do b. to do c. doing d. did

9. There is …………….in front of my house.

a. flower garden b. flowers garden c. a flower garden d. a garden flower

10. The house is …………… the bookstore.

a. near b. next c. behind d. opposite

8. Because we don't have a washing machine in my house, my mother has to ______ all the laundry by herself.

9. The International _______ Station is the biggest object which has ever flown in space

Nguyễn Ngân Hiền

  • Nguyễn Ngân Hiền

Ruby Pearl

3 Choose the correct asnwers:

1 We live .......150 Ba Trieu Street

A in B at C on D near

2 We are listening...........our taecher

A to B ON C in D at

3 My favourite drinks..........milk and coffee

A are B is C do D does

4 there aren't the packet

A milk B coffee C water D tomatoes

5 How juice does your sister drink a day?

A much B many C old D far

6 ..............i help you?-thanks

A do B does C MUST D can

7 My sister ..........two bananas to make cake

A need B needs C not needs D do need

8 She eats ............banana and a glass of milk every morning

A a B an C some D any

9 How ...............lemons do you buy?-One kilo

A MUCH B many C cost D old

10 Do they have...............interesting books to read?

A many B any C a D an


  • duongthihuonglan

1.Ms. Jones isn’t as nice …….. Ms. Smith. A. as B. for C. like D. to 2. The rooms in Graduate Towers are……….. Patterson Hall. A. larger than B. larger than that of C. larger than those in D. larger than in 3. Although she is very popular, she is not……her sister. A. pretty as B. as pretty C. prettier than D. most pretty than 4. Tuition at an American university runs……. Six thousand dollars a semester. A. so high as B. as high to C. as high as D. as high than 5. Everyone looks much………. today than they did yesterday. A. happy B. happily C. more happily D. happier 6. Mr. Brown receives a …….. salary than anyone else in the company. A. big B. more bigger C. bigger D. the bigger 7. The Boeing 747 is twice…….. the Boeing 707. A. bigger than B. as bigger as C. as big as D. more bigger than 8. “Do you know that beautiful lady over there?” “ Yes, that’s Wanida. She’s…………. in her group.” A. more beautiful than any girl B. more beautiful than any other girl C. so beautiful as other girl D. beautiful more than another girl 9. My young brother grew very quickly and soon he was…… mother. A. more big than B. so big than C. as big as D. too big than 10.He is not……. tall as his father. A. the B. as C. than D. more 11. John’s grade……. than his sister’s. A. higher B. more high C. more higher D. the highest 12. Diana is the……..of the three sisters. A. more short B. shorter C. shortest D. more short 13. She speaks English as……….as her friend does. A. good B. well C. better D. the best 14. Of three shirts, this one is the…………. A. prettier B. more prettiest C. prettiest D. most pretty 15. The baby’s illness is……….. than we thought at first. A. bad B. worst C. worse D. badly 16. Today is the……… day of the month. A. hot B. hotter C. hottest than D. hottest 17. He works more ………..than I. A. slow B. slowly C. most slowly D. slowest

18. My book is as……….as yours. A. good B. well C. better D. the best 19. I love you……….than I can say. A. much B. many C. more D. the most 20. It’s………….to go by bus than by car. A. cheaper B. cheapest C. more cheap D. more cheaper 21. That house is ………one on the street. A. oldest B. the oldest C. old D. older 22. This hotel must be………..than the small one next door. A. expensive B. more expensive C. the most expensive D. the more expensive 23. An orange is ……… than a plum. A. more large B. more larger C. larger D. the largest 24. What is the……….thing you have done ever done? A. more difficult B. most difficult C. difficulty D. difficult than 25. This river is……… than that river. A. narrow B. narrowest C. narrower D. most narrow 26. The test is not………difficult……….it was last month. A. as/ as B. so/ as C. more/ as D. A and B 27. Peter usually drives………..Mary. A. more fast B. more fast than C. faster than D. B and C 28. My brother sang….of all the pupils of the group. A. more beautifully B. the most beautifully C. less beautifully D. most beautifully 29. At 3,810 meters above sea level in Bolivia stands Lake Titica, ………in the world. A. the highest large lake B. largest high lake C. high largest D. the high largest lake 30. The hotel was…….any one we had stayed at before. A. more expensive than B. more expensive as C. most expensive than D. better expensive than

Akamagaji SOO

  • Akamagaji SOO

Chọn đáp án đúng:

1. _________ trash over there .

A. Don't throw B. Not throw C. Throw D. Can't throw

2. There is ______ oil in the bottle . We should buy some more .

A. little B. a little C. few D. a few

3. ________ fruit does your father produce ?

A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How often

4. What would you like to do at the weekend ?

A. I like to do a lot

B. I can't do it

C. I'd like to do

D. I don't like the weekend

5. What about ______a cup of coffee ?

A. have B. having C. you have D. do you have

6. Are there__________stores on your street ?

A. a B. an C. any D. the

7. My sister and I ____________ television in the living - room now .

A. am watching B. are watching watching D. watching

8. ________ do you go to school ? - I walk

A. How B. By what C. How many D. How by

9. " Does Nga play volleyball ? " - " No, _______ "

A. She not plays B. she don't C. she isn't D. she doesn't

10. How may floors ________ in your school ?

A. there are B. there has C. are there D. have there

Thuỳ Lingg

ex1: phát âm khác nhau

1.a, s pring b,vi s it c,pre s ent d,cou s in

2.a, th ose b, th ey c, th an d, th ank

3.a,s u nrise b,b u tter c,vol u nteer d, u nder

4.a,celebra tion b,collec tion c,educa tion d,ques tion

5.a,o f b, f oot c, f amily d,sa f e

ex2: điền vào chô trống

Ms.Mai's (1) ..... is in the countryside. It's not very far (2) ..... Ho Chi Minh City. her house is large and clean. there is a big garden with a lot of vegetables and some fruit trees. to the right of the house, there is a small flower graden with (3) ..... flowers. there is a living room, a bathroom, a kitchen and two bedrooms. the kitchen is large and it is also the (4) ..... .there's a wonderful view from her bedroom. she really (5) ..... her house.

1.a, school b, farm c, house d, office

2.a, from b,to c, on d, in

3.a,color b,colors c,colorfully d, coloful

4.a,living room b, bedroom c, dining room d, bathroom

5.a,love b,loves c,loving d,to love

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