Ralph Waldo Emerson

Master the Art of Gift-Giving and Receiving: Timeless Wisdom from Ralph Waldo Emerson

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How to be a Proper Gift Giver & Gift Receiver

Photo: pexels.com

Gifts of one who loved me, — 'T was high time they came; When he ceased to love me, Time they stopped for shame.

In his essay "Gifts," Ralph Waldo Emerson delves into the intricacies of giving and receiving presents, emphasizing the importance of thoughtfulness, sincerity, and simplicity. He underscores that the true value of a gift lies not in its material worth but in the genuine expression of love, friendship, or gratitude it represents. For Emerson, the most meaningful gifts reflect the giver's understanding and appreciation of the recipient's character, needs, and desires, transcending the mere transactional nature of gift-giving.

Emerson also explores gift-receiving etiquette, stating that gracious acceptance is as crucial as giving. He encourages recipients to recognize the giver's intentions and appreciate the emotional significance behind the gift rather than focusing solely on its material aspects. By cultivating mindfulness and humility in giving and receiving, Emerson believes that individuals can strengthen their relationships and foster a more profound connection with one another.

I t is said that the world is in a state of bankruptcy, that the world owes the world more than the world can pay, and ought to go into chancery, and be sold. I do not think this general insolvency, which involves in some sort all the population, to be the reason of the difficulty experienced at Christmas and New Year, and other times, in bestowing gifts; since it is always so pleasant to be generous, though very vexatious to pay debts. But the impediment lies in the choosing. If, at any time, it comes into my head, that a present is due from me to somebody, I am puzzled what to give, until the opportunity is gone. Flowers and fruits are always fit presents; flowers, because they are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world. These gay natures contrast with the somewhat stern countenance of ordinary nature: they are like music heard out of a work-house. Nature does not cocker us: we are children, not pets: she is not fond: everything is dealt to us without fear or favor, after severe universal laws. Yet these delicate flowers look like the frolic and interference of love and beauty. Men use to tell us that we love flattery, even though we are not deceived by it, because it shows that we are of importance enough to be courted. Something like that pleasure, the flowers give us: what am I to whom these sweet hints are addressed? Fruits are acceptable gifts, because they are the flower of commodities, and admit of fantastic values being attached to them. If a man should send to me to come a hundred miles to visit him, and should set before me a basket of fine summerfruit, I should think there was some proportion between the labor and the reward.

For common gifts, necessity makes pertinences and beauty every day, and one is glad when an imperative leaves him no option, since if the man at the door have no shoes, you have not to consider whether you could procure him a paint-box. And as it is always pleasing to see a man eat bread, or drink water, in the house or out of doors, so it is always a great satisfaction to supply these first wants. Necessity does everything well. In our condition of universal dependence, it seems heroic to let the petitioner be the judge of his necessity, and to give all that is asked, though at great inconvenience. If it be a fantastic desire, it is better to leave to others the office of punishing him. I can think of many parts I should prefer playing to that of the Furies. Next to things of necessity, the rule for a gift, which one of my friends prescribed, is, that we might convey to some person that which properly belonged to his character, and was easily associated with him in thought. But our tokens of compliment and love are for the most part barbarous. Rings and other jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only gift is a portion of thyself. Thou must bleed for me. Therefore the poet brings his poem; the shepherd, his lamb; the farmer, corn; the miner, a gem; the sailor, coral and shells; the painter, his picture; the girl, a handkerchief of her own sewing. This is right and pleasing, for it restores society in so far to its primary basis, when a man's biography is conveyed in his gift, and every man's wealth is an index of his merit. But it is a cold, lifeless business when you go to the shops to buy me something, which does not represent your life and talent, but a goldsmith's. This is fit for kings, and rich men who represent kings, and a false state of property, to make presents of gold and silver stuffs, as a kind of symbolical sin-offering, or payment of black-mail.

The law of benefits is a difficult channel, which requires careful sailing, or rude boats. It is not the office of a man to receive gifts. How dare you give them? We wish to be self-sustained. We do not quite forgive a giver. The hand that feeds us is in some danger of being bitten. We can receive anything from love, for that is a way of receiving it from ourselves; but not from any one who assumes to bestow. We sometimes hate the meat which we eat, because there seems something of degrading dependence in living by it.

"Brother, if Jove to thee a present make, Take heed that from his hands thou nothing take."

We ask the whole. Nothing less will content us. We arraign society, if it do not give us besides earth, and fire, and water, opportunity, love, reverence, and objects of veneration.

He is a good man, who can receive a gift well. We are either glad or sorry at a gift, and both emotions are unbecoming. Some violence, I think, is done, some degradation borne, when I rejoice or grieve at a gift. I am sorry when my independence is invaded, or when a gift comes from such as do not know my spirit, and so the act is not supported; and if the gift pleases me overmuch, then I should be ashamed that the donor should read my heart, and see that I love his commodity, and not him. The gift, to be true, must be the flowing of the giver unto me, correspondent to my flowing unto him. When the waters are at level, then my goods pass to him, and his to me. All his are mine, all mine his. I say to him, How can you give me this pot of oil, or this flagon of wine, when all your oil and wine is mine, which belief of mine this gift seems to deny? Hence the fitness of beautiful, not useful things for gifts. This giving is flat usurpation, and therefore when the beneficiary is ungrateful, as all beneficiaries hate all Timons, not at all considering the value of the gift, but looking back to the greater store it was taken from, I rather sympathize with the beneficiary, than with the anger of my lord Timon. For, the expectation of gratitude is mean, and is continually punished by the total insensibility of the obliged person. It is a great happiness to get off without injury and heart-burning, from one who has had the ill luck to be served by you. It is a very onerous business, this of being served, and the debtor naturally wishes to give you a slap. A golden text for these gentlemen is that which I so admire in the Buddhist, who never thanks, and who says, "Do not flatter your benefactors."

The reason of these discords I conceive to be, that there is no commensurability between a man and any gift. You cannot give anything to a magnanimous person. After you have served him, he at once puts you in debt by his magnanimity. The service a man renders his friend is trivial and selfish, compared with the service he knows his friend stood in readiness to yield him, alike before he had begun to serve his friend, and now also. Compared with that good-will I bear my friend, the benefit it is in my power to render him seems small. Besides, our action on each other, good as well as evil, is so incidental and at random, that we can seldom hear the acknowledgments of any person who would thank us for a benefit, without some shame and humiliation. We can rarely strike a direct stroke, but must be content with an oblique one; we seldom have the satisfaction of yielding a direct benefit, which is directly received. But rectitude scatters favors on every side without knowing it, and receives with wonder the thanks of all people.

I fear to breathe any treason against the majesty of love, which is the genius and god of gifts, and to whom we must not affect to prescribe. Let him give kingdoms or flower-leaves indifferently. There are persons, from whom we always expect fairy tokens; let us not cease to expect them. This is prerogative, and not to be limited by our municipal rules. For the rest, I like to see that we cannot be bought and sold. The best of hospitality and of generosity is also not in the will, but in fate. I find that I am not much to you; you do not need me; you do not feel me; then am I thrust out of doors, though you proffer me house and lands. No services are of any value, but only likeness. When I have attempted to join myself to others by services, it proved an intellectual trick, — no more. They eat your service like apples, and leave you out. But love them, and they feel you, and delight in you all the time.

What did Emerson say about the gift giver and the gift receiver?

In his essay "Gifts," Ralph Waldo Emerson discusses the roles of both the gift giver and receiver, emphasizing the importance of thoughtfulness, sincerity, and understanding. According to Emerson, the true value of a gift lies in the expression of love, friendship, or gratitude it represents rather than its material worth.

For the gift giver, Emerson believes the most meaningful gifts reflect a deep understanding and appreciation of the recipient's character, needs, and desires. A thoughtful and sincere gift transcends the mere transactional nature of gift-giving and creates a meaningful connection between the giver and the receiver.

As for the gift receiver, Emerson stresses the importance of gracious acceptance. He encourages recipients to appreciate the emotional significance and intentions behind the gift rather than focusing solely on its material aspects. By doing so, the receiver acknowledges the giver's thoughtfulness and effort, cultivating mindfulness and humility.

In summary, Emerson's views on gift-giving and receiving revolve around the ideas of thoughtfulness, sincerity, and fostering deeper connections between individuals. He believes that both the giver and receiver have essential roles in making the exchange of gifts a meaningful and enriching experience.

What are the Rules of Gifts according to Emerson?

Ralph Waldo Emerson doesn't necessarily lay out specific "rules" for gift-giving in his essay "Gifts." Still, he does convey several important principles that can guide giving and receiving gifts. Some of these principles include:

Thoughtfulness: The most valuable gifts demonstrate a deep understanding of the recipient's character, needs, and desires. The gift should be chosen with care, reflecting the giver's genuine affection and appreciation for the recipient.

Sincerity: A gift should be an honest expression of love, friendship, or gratitude. It should come from the heart and not be given out of obligation or as a mere formality.

Simplicity: Emerson suggests simplicity is often the key to a significant gift. Extravagant or expensive gifts may not necessarily be more meaningful than simpler ones, especially if they lack a personal connection or thoughtfulness.

The gift's intrinsic value: The true worth of a gift lies not in its material value but in its emotional significance and the connection it creates between the giver and receiver.

Gracious acceptance: As a gift receiver, it is important to be mindful and humble, focusing on the emotional significance and intentions behind the gift rather than its material aspects.

Reciprocity: Emerson touches on the idea that gift-giving is often reciprocal but also emphasizes that it should not be a tit-for-tat exchange. The focus should remain on expressing genuine feelings and fostering a deeper connection between individuals.

In conclusion, while Emerson does not lay out specific rules for gift-giving and receiving, he emphasizes the importance of thoughtfulness, sincerity, simplicity, and graciousness in the process. The giver and receiver can create a more meaningful and enriching experience by following these principles.

Why do we find it difficult to receive gifts?

Receiving gifts can be difficult for some people due to various reasons, including the following:

Feelings of unworthiness: Some individuals may feel undeserving of gifts or attention, leading to discomfort when receiving presents. This could be rooted in low self-esteem, past experiences, or cultural beliefs.

Fear of obligation: Receiving a gift may create a sense of indebtedness, making the recipient feel as though they are now obligated to reciprocate the gesture. This pressure to give back can be uncomfortable and may cause some people to feel uneasy about accepting gifts.

Discomfort with vulnerability: Accepting a gift requires acknowledging that someone has thought about and cared for you, which can make some individuals feel vulnerable. This vulnerability may be challenging for those who prefer to maintain emotional distance or self-reliance.

Concerns about the gift's appropriateness: Some people may worry about the suitability of the gift, whether it is too expensive, too personal, or not aligned with their tastes or values. This concern can create unease when receiving a gift.

Fear of appearing greedy or materialistic: Accepting a gift might cause some individuals to worry about appearing selfish or overly focused on material possessions. This fear can make it difficult to accept a present graciously.

Cultural differences: In some cultures, accepting gifts may be associated with specific customs or expectations that can create anxiety or confusion. For example, certain cultures may dictate that a gift should be refused several times before finally accepting it or that an immediate reciprocal gift is required.

To overcome these difficulties, it is essential to cultivate gratitude and graciousness when receiving gifts. Remember that a gift is often an expression of love, friendship, or appreciation; accepting it graciously can strengthen relationships and foster a deeper connection with others.

What is the meaning of gift giving?

Gift-giving is a universal expression of various emotions, sentiments, and social bonds. It serves several purposes and carries different meanings depending on the context, culture, and personal intentions. Some of the key meanings and purposes of gift-giving include:

Expression of love, affection, or friendship: Gift-giving is often a way to show love and care for someone, reinforcing the emotional connection between the giver and the recipient.

Celebration or commemoration: Gifts are often given to mark special occasions, such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, or holidays, to celebrate and create lasting memories.

Expression of gratitude or appreciation: Giving a gift can be a token of thanks or recognition for someone's kindness, support, or hard work.

Strengthening social bonds: Gift-giving is essential in building and maintaining relationships, whether among family, friends, or colleagues. It promotes goodwill, trust, and reciprocity, fostering stronger social connections.

Cultural or religious traditions: Many cultures and religions have specific gift-giving customs and rituals, reflecting the values and beliefs of the community. In these contexts, gifts can carry deeper symbolic meanings and serve to uphold cultural identity and continuity.

Acts of generosity and charity: Giving gifts to those in need, such as through donations or volunteering, is an expression of compassion and empathy, contributing to the well-being of others and the greater good.

Overall, the meaning of gift-giving is multifaceted, encompassing emotional, social, cultural, and even spiritual dimensions. By giving and receiving gifts, individuals can express their feelings, strengthen relationships, and create lasting memories, making it an essential aspect of human interaction and connection.

Ralph Waldo Emerson Self Reliance

Ralph Waldo Emerson left the ministry to pursue a career in writing and public speaking. Emerson became one of America's best known and best-loved 19th-century figures. More About Emerson

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"Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”  – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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December 16, 2023

Why Do We Give Gifts? An Anthropologist Explains This Ancient Human Behavior

Gifts play an important role in human relationships and are about more than consumerism

By Chip Colwell & The Conversation US

Woman's arms in brown sweater holding gift wrapped in green paper with orange bow on black backdrop

Liliya Krueger/Getty Images

The following essay is reprinted with permission from The Conversation , an online publication covering the latest research.

Have you planned out your holiday gift giving yet? If you’re anything like me, you might be waiting until the last minute. But whether every single present is already wrapped and ready, or you’ll hit the shops on Christmas Eve, giving gifts is a curious but central part of being human.

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While researching my new book, “ So Much Stuff ,” on how humanity has come to depend on tools and technology over the last 3 million years, I became fascinated by the purpose of giving things away. Why would people simply hand over something precious or valuable when they could use it themselves?

To me as an anthropologist , this is an especially powerful question because giving gifts likely has  ancient roots . And gifts can be found in  every known culture  around the world.

So, what explains the power of the present?

Undoubtedly, gifts serve lots of purposes. Some psychologists  have observed  a “warm glow” – an intrinsic delight – that’s associated with giving presents. Theologians have noted how gifting is a way to express moral values, such as love, kindness and gratitude, in  Catholicism ,  Buddhism  and  Islam . And philosophers ranging from  Seneca  to  Friedrich Nietzsche  regarded gifting as the best demonstration of selflessness. It’s little wonder that gifts are a central part of Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa and other winter holidays – and that some people may  even be tempted to regard   Black Friday , the opening of the year-end shopping season, as a holiday in itself.

But of all the explanations for why people give gifts, the one I find most convincing was offered in 1925 by a French anthropologist named  Marcel Mauss .

Giving, receiving, reciprocating

Like many anthropologists, Mauss was puzzled by societies in which gifts were extravagantly given away.

For example, along the northwest coast of Canada and the United States, Indigenous peoples conduct potlatch ceremonies. In these dayslong feasts, hosts give away immense amounts of property. Consider a  famous potlatch in 1921 , held by a clan leader of the Kwakwaka’wakw Nation in Canada who gave community members 400 sacks of flour, heaps of blankets, sewing machines, furniture, canoes, gas-powered boats and even pool tables.

In a now-famous essay titled “ The Gift ,” originally published almost a century ago, Mauss sees potlaches as an extreme form of gifting. Yet, he suggests this behavior is totally recognizable in most every human society: We give things away even when keeping them for ourselves would seem to make much more economic and evolutionary sense.

Mauss observed that gifts create three separate but inextricably related actions. Gifts are given, received and reciprocated.

The first act of giving establishes the virtues of the gift giver. They express their generosity, kindness and honor.

The act of receiving the gift, in turn, shows a person’s willingness to be honored. This is a way for the receiver to show their own generosity, that they are willing to accept what was offered to them.

The third component of gift giving is reciprocity, returning in kind what was first given. Essentially, the person who received the gift is now expected – implicitly or explicitly – to give a gift back to the original giver.

But then, of course, once the first person gets something back, they must return yet another gift to the person who received the original gift. In this way, gifting becomes an endless loop of giving and receiving, giving and receiving.

This last step – reciprocity – is what makes gifts unique. Unlike buying something at a store, in which the exchange ends when money is traded for goods, giving gifts builds and sustains relationships. This relationship between the gift giver and receiver is bound up with morality. Gifting is an expression of fairness because each present is generally of equal or greater value than what was last given. And gifting is an expression of respect because it shows a willingness to honor the other person.

In these ways, gifting tethers people together. It keeps people connected in an infinite cycle of mutual obligations.

Giving better gifts

Are modern-day consumers unknowingly embodying Mauss’ theory a little too well? After all, many people today suffer not from the lack of gifts, but from an overabundance.

Gallup reports that the average American holiday shopper estimates  they’ll spend US$975 on presents in 2023 , the highest amount since this survey began in 1999.

And many gifts are simply thrown out. In the 2019 holiday season, it was estimated that more than  $15 billion of gifts  purchased by Americans were unwanted, with  4% going directly to the landfill . This year, holiday spending is expected to increase in the  U.K. ,  Canada ,  Japan  and elsewhere.

Modern-day gifting practices may be the source of both awe and anger. On the one hand, by giving presents you are engaging in an ancient behavior that makes us human by growing and sustaining our relationships. On the other hand, it seems as if some societies might be using the holiday season as an excuse to simply consume more and more.

Mauss’ ideas do not promote runaway consumerism. On the contrary, his explanations of gifts suggest that the more meaningful and personal the present, the greater the respect and honor being shown. A truly thoughtful gift is far less likely to end up in a dump. And vintage, upcycled, handmade goods – or a personalized experience such as a food tour or hot air balloon ride – might even be more valued than an expensive item mass-produced on the other side of the world, shipped across oceans and packaged in plastic.

Quality gifts can speak to your values and more meaningfully sustain your relationships.

This article was originally published on The Conversation . Read the original article .


Professional authors chime in on gift ideas for writers—both during the holidays and any time of year.

If you’re looking for the best gifts for writers in your life, look no further. There are lots of great gifts for creative writers—you just need to get in a writer’s head. With the help of some lovely authors, we’ve compiled this list of the best gifts for writers. Whether you’re wrapping presents for a poet, novelist, essayist, journalist, screenwriter, or experimental author, one of these unique gifts for writers is sure to satisfy.

Check out these 35 gift ideas for writers in your life.

Note: This is not an affiliate article. The items below are based on recommendations from authors we surveyed, including: Lori Goshert-Shokirov, Katherine Martinelli, Julie Vick, Shana Westlake, Kate Wehr, Caitlin Manner, Shannon Lee, Risa N. McDonell, Nandita Godoble, and Cindy Marie Jenkins. Many thanks to them!

The 35 Best Gifts for Writers

These gifts for writers are sure to delight the author in your life.

1. Online Writing Courses

One of the best gifts for writers is a writing course or workshop to help them develop their writing craft. writers.com offers dozens of unique, delightful writing courses across fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Check out the full course schedule to find what will work best for the writer in your life. 

You can gift any Writers.com course , or purchase a gift card for any amount of course credit.

best gifts for writers gift card to Writers.com course

(If the writer in your life is working on a novel, our self-guided class  The Successful Novel makes the perfect gift!) 

2. A Hotel Room for the Weekend

Cheryl Strayed, author of The Wild, often binge writes in a hotel room for days at a time. A hotel stay frees the writer from parenting duties and responsibilities at home. It gives the writer the time to focus on finishing a manuscript or making notes on a memoir. The uninterrupted time is priceless, even if it’s just for a day. Find hotel deals on a website like Kayak.com. And remember, the hotel room doesn’t have to be far away: it’s a quiet, productive space for the writer to produce their best work.

3. Fountain Pen with Ink

Some writers prefer to pen their thoughts the old school way — with pen and paper. Writer Jordan Rosenfeld loved receiving this gift during the holiday season. Make it feel like a special experience by gifting a fountain pen and ink to the writer in your life. There is nothing like a smooth pen gliding across a crisp sheet of paper, which makes this one of the best gifts for writers out there.

fountain pen gifts for writers

4. Subscriptions to Writerly Magazines

Lori Goshert-Shokirov loves that her father gifts her annual subscriptions to magazines like The Paris Review , Creative Nonfiction , and The New Yorker . It is a great way for writers to get inspired by essays, columns, poetry, and many hidden gems. These unique gifts for writers are valuable ways to remember the writer in your life and offer them something that brings more depth to their craft.

5. Writing Retreat

A writing retreat is a great way for a writer to make headway and progress on a manuscript or other long-term project. Many writing retreats span a week or two, and it can offer a writer a real chance to work in solitude and engage with other colleagues on writing-related activities. Retreats can be expensive and are often application based, but paying for a writer to go on retreat stands as one of the best gifts for writers possible.

6. Laptop Stand and Other Office Accessories

Over time, sitting too much at your desk can cause chronic pain and health issues. Writers might appreciate a laptop stand so they aren’t spending all day in a stationary position. Writer Katherine Martinelli’s goal is making her space feel more comfortable. She says, “A laptop stand, ergonomic keyboard, nice desk chair, chair pillow to help with posture — these are all things I’ve gifted myself and/or my mom (a writer). My husband got me an office chair.” Whatever you buy, prioritizing an author’s comfort will generate some wonderful gift ideas for writers.

gifts for writers chair pillow

7. Lego Typewriter

If you’re looking to splurge on the writer in your life, writer Julie Vick recommends the Lego typewriter , priced at $200. Modeled after a vintage 1950 model with movable type, this typewriter brings a sense of fun and nostalgia to any writer’s office space.

best gifts for writers lego typewriter

8. Aqua Notes

Some writers do their best thinking in the shower. Aqua Notes is a unique gift for writers that can help them get their thoughts down before the water turns off. It’s a 40-page notepad that is completely waterproof and can be used in the shower, near the bath or out in the rain. A standout gift idea for its surprising usefulness.

gift ideas for writers aqua notes

9. Pencil Chocolate

A hard day of writing definitely deserves a reward. Gift the writer in your life this pencil-themed chocolate from Present and Correct. It is Scotland-made chocolate-infused cedar and pine covered with cocoa nibs. It’s the best kind of treat at the end of the day, and it helps your writer celebrate reaching their daily word count. Among unique gifts for writers, this may be the tastiest.

pencil chocolate gifts for writers

10. Writer’s Tears Whiskey

You don’t need to be Truman Capote or Dorothy Parker to enjoy a good whiskey. If it helps get words on the page, Writer’s Tears Whiskey might be just the drink for the writers in your life.

writer's tears christmas gifts for writers

11. Meditation Apps

In addition to being healthy for anyone, centering activities like journaling and meditation can provide wellsprings of creative inspiration. Meditation apps like Calm or Headspace offer month-by-month subscriptions. Free trials are available for writers who want to try the apps before committing to a monthly or yearly subscription.

12. Gift Certificate for Home Cleaning

A clean home will make a writer procrastinate less and write more. A writer can’t use the excuse of dirty dishes in the sink or the need to fold laundry to avoid their writing. Shana Westlake recommends a gift certificate for home cleaning, and I have to agree with her recommendation. I feel like I have more freedom to write when my house is clean. For writers who just need their writing space organized, you could hire a home organizer to help them deep clean their space.

13. Meal Delivery Kits

Writing momentum sometimes comes at unexpected times, and there might be no time to stop and make lunch or dinner. Writer Kate Wehr says, “I got gifted a meal delivery kit as a birthday thing and now I’m obsessed. It’s so nice to have a basic dinner plan ready to go 2- 4 nights a week where I don’t have to think about cooking all day (yay, writing brain space) and in a pinch, I can even hand a recipe card to my spouse and plop a bag on the counter. It’s a huge time saver I never would have bought on my own.” This is an out-of-the-box gift that most writers would love to receive.

14. Fingerless Gloves

In the winter, especially in the morning, writers may have trouble with their fingers cramping or moving too slow. And when writing inspiration strikes, it isn’t a task to postpone. These Jane Austen-themed fingerless gloves might be the exact thing the writer in your life needs, as they keep both blood and words flowing through the fingers. Writer Caitlin Manner says fingerless gloves help with her cold stiff hands and her Raynaud’s syndrome.

jane austen fingerless gloves gifts for creative writers

15. Bluetooth Headphones

If you’re a writer who shares space with other family members, silence is likely impossible. Lori Goshert-Shokirov says “Having wireless headphones is a game-changer for me”; they’re often sound-proof, they don’t have distracting wires, and it’s easy to get lost in the page when you barely notice you’re wearing them. Some options include Apple Airpods, or a less expensive option like Lanteso TWS Bluetooth Earbuds.

16. Books on Writing

Books on writing make great gifts for aspiring writers, as a writer can open any of these works to find inspiration. Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird , Stephen King’s On Writing , and Steven Pressfield’s  The War of Art are tried-and-true works that come to mind. I personally love Austin Kleon’s Keep Going and Alexander Chee’s How to Write an Autobiographical Novel: Essays . This might be one of the best inexpensive Christmas gifts for writers in your life.

bird by bird anne lamott best gifts for writers

17. Gift Card to a Local Bookstore

Go local and support a community bookstore. Writers love these local gems where, on top of books, they can find special writing knickknacks and other unique tchotchkes. Sometimes just visiting an indie store inspires a writer to come up with new plots or writing ideas. Use Indiebound’s bookstore finder to locate independent bookstores in your state or city.

18. Blank Journals

Most writers love blank journals, and you can never have enough of them! I personally love a new journal, and I’m always excited to write in new pages because it feels like a fresh beginning. I especially love the leather bound journals from Soothi. These journals can be customized and personalized with initials or a special phrase. A writer will treasure this gift before and after they’ve written in it.

blank journal gift ideas for writers

19. Post-It Notes

Sticky notes can be insanely useful, as many writers often have brilliant ideas and forget to write them down. Plus, a writer can push through writer’s block by placing positive affirmations around their writing space. I have a fun cube called the Poppin Sticky Memo Ball that sits near my desk. When a thought about a flash fiction story or a nonfiction piece comes to mind, I grab a sticky note so I don’t forget. Alternatively, it could be used for a positive affirmation. On a recent note, I wrote, “You got this!” and placed it next to my laptop as a reminder.

20. Charging Stand

Many writers rely on their phones to conduct interviews, post on social media, jot notes and poems, or take photographs to accompany a story. In the rush of getting words on the page, it’s important that your writer’s phone can last the writing journey. This charging stand is especially handy since it charges multiple devices at once.

21. Author-Themed Candles

Writers often love rituals. A part of the routine might mean lighting a candle in their space, and author theme candles can make a space feel ripe for writing. Check out these candles from Uncommon Goods — they have everything from The Great Gatsby to Pride and Prejudice . Writer Shannon Lee loves her Langston Hughes candle , which she received as a gift from Harlem Candle Company.

22. Funny Pencils

Most writers could use a daily dose of humor. Writer Risa N. McDonell says, “Whiskey River Soap Company makes hilarious Astrology Pencils (a different box for each sign) and a great set of Pencils for Writer’s Block (e.g., “Try Vodka” and “Add a Vampire”). I have a set of pencils that I pull out occasionally to remind myself to laugh (especially during hard writing days).” These fun, unique gifts for writers will keep them joyful through the writing process.

funny pencils

23. Tea Tasting Kits

Some writers like to begin their writing routine with a warm cup of tea to ease into the page, and many writers I know won’t begin their practice without either tea or coffee. Writer Nandita Godoble recommends tea tasting kits as a great gift for writers.

tea tasting kits

24. Writing-Themed Mugs

I have an entire shelf of writer’s mugs. I cannot get enough of them, and the writers in your life could use one more mug, too. Kate Wehr says “I get writing and editing-themed mugs, shirts and coffee shop cards. Works for me! Inexpensive and they’ll get used frequently.” I have a few mugs I adore and regularly use my “Words Matter” coffee cup.

writing themed mugs christmas gifts for writers

25. Writing-Themed Cards

The best gifts for writers should be paired with the best cards. Writer Cindy Marie Jenkins recommends writing-themed cards like “I Love You to the Bookstore and Back” and “Read Books and Chill.” In addition to cards, stickers and totes are also available at Pretty Peacock Paperie. 26. Temporary Writer Tattoo

Maybe the writer in your life doesn’t want to commit to the pain of permanent ink, but would love a few temporary tattoos as a source of inspiration. These temporary tattoos from Litographs showcase different sayings, from classics like Pride and Prejudic e, Jane Eyre , Walden , and others. When the writer in your life is stuck in a writing rut, they can look at her wrist for instant inspiration.

27. Writer Shot Glasses

Why not make writing more fun with author-inspired shot glasses ? These shot glasses from The Unemployed Philosophers Guide feature Lord Byron, Oscar Wilde, Dorothy Parker, Winston Churchill, W. B. Yeats, and Charles Baudelaire. They will make great gifts for writers as a colorful addition to your writer’s bar—either as decor or a shot when you feel like celebrating a win.

28. Comfortable Pajamas

Your favorite writer likely stays home to read a book or spends time typing on their laptop. They may want to lounge or work in comfy pajamas. These writing-themed pajamas from CafePress feature quotes from authors and top 10 grammar pet peeves, making them the comfiest gifts for writers.

29. Writer’s Clock

Sometimes inspiration to work on your writing project comes from the most unexpected places. This writer’s clock from Zazzle represents the writing process in a true, humorous way. Everything from “revise” to “cry” to “wait” lets your writer move through their writing day with a sense of humor.

best gifts for writers zazzle clock

30. Neck and Back Massager

The writer in your life likely spends long hours at their desk. Sitting for so long brings aches and pains that a nice neck and back massage might alleviate. This massager offers a deep tissue massage and is also portable to use, not only at your office chair, but also while writing in bed.

31. Scrabble Magnets

An idea can strike anywhere for the writer, but ideas often come while they’re sipping a cup of coffee in the kitchen. These Scrabble magnets can serve as instant inspiration to create random words and come up with that next short story’s opening line.

32. Writer-Themed Bookends

Every writer has several books scattered all throughout the house. Having these writer bookends could immediately give a bookshelf an automatic facelift. They are also the kind of fun and stylish gifts for writers that any writer would love.

33. Writer Jewelry

This typewriter necklace is a fun trinket (that your writer friend might not buy on their own). These vintage letters hang on a sturdy chain and can be a comforting good luck charm. They’re great gifts for writers who need a little luck to get words on the page.

34. Photoshoot  

Every writer needs a headshot for their website. A photoshoot is a great idea, especially for the writer who needs a current snapshot for a book launch, a conference, or an update to their social media profile. Find a local photographer and make it easy for your writer friend to strike their best pose.

35. Writing Tools

Any writer can benefit from a subscription to writing tools like Grammarly, Hemingway App, Scrivener, or Pro Writing Aid. It can help the writer get an extra edge on proofreading, sentence construction, word choice, and even plot and character development. Helping your writer to actually write is certainly one of the best gifts for writers of all stripes.

Find the Best Gifts for Writers at Writers.com

Want to show the author in your life that you care? Writers.com classes make the best gifts for writers of all genres. Narrow down your shopping list with any of our upcoming creative writing courses , or purchase a gift card for future use.

Many thanks again for the input from authors Lori Goshert-Shokirov, Katherine Martinelli, Julie Vick, Shana Westlake, Kate Wehr, Caitlin Manner, Shannon Lee, Risa N. McDonell, Nandita Godoble, and Cindy Marie Jenkins.

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i was looking over your article here and found it to be very useful and informative i was very confusing first what to gift to my writer friend on her birthday but after reading this blog i am clear now what to gift. gifting a writing online course or diary pen i found to be very useful great ideas thanks for posting this stuff

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Thank you ✍🔥

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Have you heard of Journal of the Month? It’s a service that sends an assortment of literary magazines, a different one every month. You can find it at http://www.journalofthemonth.com

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What a wonderful idea! I can’t wait to order some for myself 🙂

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It is a fantastic blog article. Thanks a lot for your efforts.

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Really impressive information.! thanks for sharing this quality content.

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Some of the most unique gifts i have ever seen, specially for such a unique category.

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I’m a LEGO fan so by far the best gift is a typewriter, it’s gorgeous and very well built. I already have this kit and I am very happy with it. Of course, it is on a shelf among my books

' src=

Such unique ideas!

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The Wherever Writer

22 Unique Gifts for Writers (Betcha Never Thought Of These)

Unique gifts for writers.

Looking for a list of unique gifts for writers that goes beyond the boring old composition notebook and fancy pen?

You’re in the right place, my friend!

I curated this list of unique writers gifts from my own perspective as both a freelance writer and lover of words. Plus, I update it every time I find something amazing that is a must-have to my unique gifts list.  For those who write creatively and delve into academic or structured writing, incorporating a cause and effect essay template can be an invaluable tool, enhancing their ability to articulate complex relationships in their writing.

These are unique bookish gift ideas I’ve come across and thought, “I’m adding that to my very long list of things I want to buy!” #TreatYoself

Each gift idea had to pass the test of “Would I buy this for myself?”

I can honestly say that I would cherish every gift on this list.

Without further ado, here are 22 items that make great gifts for aspiring writers and experienced wordsmiths alike.

* This post has affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you decide to purchase through a link I provide (at no extra cost to you!).

#1 Unique Bathtub Book Holder for That Writer Who Likes to Read in the Bath

Bathtub tray with ipad, wine and roses

It tickles me that this actually exists.

It has a space for your book, ipad, phone, laptop, etc to slide right in so you can soak in the tub and read and write as planned.

I have a friend who loves to read while in the bathtub, so much so that almost all her books have wrinkled pages from her soaked fingers.

This nifty bamboo book holder tray also has extending sides so it stays put right in the bathtub.

You can soak, sip, and read.

You can see why I had to add this to the list of unique gifts for writers. I think anyone will be thoroughly surprised (and pleased) to get one of these  under the tree!

Click here to check the latest prices for this Bathtub Book Holder

#2  Writer’s Market 2020 – an all time Unique Gift for Writers

Writer's Market 2020 Book

If your writer friend is interested in selling their writing, THIS is the book to get them. It’s the most comprehensive guide for contact information of magazines, publishers, and literary agents.

It is a very unique gift, but it is a serious writers essential item.

#3 Unique DIY customized gifts

an unusual gift essay

DIY gifts always sound like a good idea – they’re unique, they’re affordable, and they’re thoughtful. This sounds like a recipe for the perfect gift. If you want to give your favorite author a unique and memorable DIY gift, consider custom pens . This is very useful for writers!

#4 Personalized neon lights

an unusual gift essay

Are you looking for a unique and personalized gift?

Why not give the writer custom neon signs ? This is definitely one of the best gifts a writer can ever receive. The bedroom neon lights bring more brightness to his room, while creating a romantic and warm atmosphere at night, and can also provide some inspiration for his writing. A custom neon sign can symbolize your love for an author with a unique and simple design.

#5 Cheap and practical small gifts

an unusual gift essay

Want some cute and inspiring gifts? We deserve to be customized with our own unique stamp. Items such as custom pins, custom keychains , custom stickers, and more. These custom items can be personalized with your favorite colors, patterns, etc. Your friends are sure to love these unique and fun gifts, too. Customize your own keychain at keychains.co.

#6 Elements of Style (Illustrated)

an unusual gift essay

Want to become a digital nomad and learn how to blog as a career? ​ Swipe my FREE Profitable Blog Business Plan!

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This is every grammar geek’s favorite book.

I used to own two different editions, (one was a gift from a friend, the other was a gift to myself). Now, I have become a minimalist and gave away most of my books.

I so regret giving this particular one away .

I loved the illustrated version; it’s quirky and humorous. Your writer friends will LOVE it.

Click here to check the latest price of  The Elements of Style

#7 Journals Recycled From Old Book Covers

  I just got my latest treasure from @bookjournals and I’m once again smitten. There is something magical about having an old book in your hands and having it remade into something functional for creativity. A smattering of original pages are left inside, but the majority of the interior pages are smooth high quality art paper. Jacob, the shop owner, is a positive force in the world and I love what he does. #exlibrisanonymous #recycledbookjournals #booktreasure A post shared by Cami (@cosmoscami) on Mar 27, 2017 at 3:25pm PDT

Talk about a unique writers gift. This one takes the cake!!

You know that feeling when you walk into a bookstore and the smell of books fills your nostrils?

*Sigh* That’s why these handmade book cover journals make the perfect unique gift for a writer.

I mean, just read the opening lines of the About page of Ex Libris Anonymous (the makers of the journals):

not unlike a snowflake, a soft puppy, or a slice of warm pie , every journal we make here at ex libris anonymous is one-of-a-kind, unique, and completely unrepeatable experience.

If you DON’T want these book journals, you don’t like snowflakes, puppies, pie, or any good thing. ;)

What’s more, Ex Libris Anonymous always offers FREE shipping anywhere in the U.S.

Ex Libris Anonymous seems to be a very grassroots effort, so you may not be able to receive fast shipping and since it’s handmade, it will likely take some time for them to create it. So be aware of that and order early!

Click here to check which titles are in stock for these one-of-a-kind book cover journals

#8 Writer’s Digest Critiques & Workshops

Writer’s Digest is well-known and respected in the writer world, and they offer a suite of products from books to magazines to critiques.

Personally, I’m eyeing the Personal Essays critique because I’d like an expert to pick apart my essays.

I’ve never been formally trained in that area of writing. If your writer wants to improve their craft, give them a gift from Writer’s Digest.

On their website , they offer assistance, not only with writing, but also with finding a literary agent, self-publishing and legal advise.

Another unique writers gift would be a subscription to the Writers Digest Magazine. You can find their subscription page on the main website.

The website offers an amazing and unique bevy of writers gift ideas so be sure to check it out.

Click here to see Writer’s Digest’s Gifts for Writers

#9 Amazon Kindle Unlimited

Every prolific writer is an avid reader.

Reading good writing is one of the best ways to improve one’s own writing. So, I highly recommend purchasing a Kindle Unlimited subscription for your favorite writer.

Give them the ability to read over 1 million e-books each month!

Click here to start a free 30-day trial of Kindle Unlimited and gain access to 1 million ebooks

#10 On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction

an unusual gift essay

I own it, and I still am moved by the introductory chapter in which the author explains why using precise language is vital to protecting truth in society.

This would make a great gift for nonfiction writers.

Click here to see the latest price for On Writing Well

#11 The Associated Press Stylebook (Journalism)

Associated Press Book

As a former journalist, I was trained to use AP style.

If your writer friend is interested in writing for newspapers or magazines, the AP Stylebook is a must-have.

What makes this gift idea truly unique is that your writer friend, will be shocked and pleasantly amazed that you knew what this book was. A great gift idea indeed!

Click here to check the latest price of The Associated Press Stylebook

#12 The Chicago Manual of Style (Book Publishing)

an unusual gift essay

The Chicago Manual of Style is typically used in book publishing (fiction and nonfiction). So if your writer is interested in being published, this is the book for them!

Click here to check the latest price of The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition

#13 MLA Handbook

an unusual gift essay

Yet  another style guide is MLA. This one is most commonly used in academic settings, so if your writer is studying English, Literature, or Creative Writing, this is likely the guide they’ll need.

Click here to snag The MLA Handbook

#14 Grammarly Premium

Grammarly is an app that’s like Spell Check on steroids.

It does so much more, and I run all my articles through it before sending them off to my clients—and yes, Grammarly catches things that I didn’t.

The Grammarly Premium subscription is the perfect gift for a writer because it unlocks so many features that will up-level their writing, such as style suggestions and sentence structure checks.

Want proof that getting Grammarly will help your writer improve? Here ya go:

unique gifts for writers: grammarly premium

Click here to help your writer friend uplevel their game with Grammarly Premium

#15 A Writer’s Retreat

Of all the unique gifts for writers, this is the most valuable.

The Porch Writers Retreat

I have longed to go on a writer’s retreat for years now, but have yet to go because they tend to be pricey.

Alexis Grant of, The Write Life, recommends The Porches writer’s retreat in the Virginian countryside because it’s high quality and is fairly affordable.

White Chair on Serene Porch

Another fabulous suggestion for unique writers gifts is the Write Away Europe France Writer’s Retreat held in the French countryside every June. They also have other inspiring locales for their retreats, other times of the year so check those out too.

This is truly every writer’s dream!!

Write Away Retreats

#16 Handmade Leather Books Scented Candle

Leather Nerd Candle

This has got to be one of the most unique gifts for writers I’ve seen.

We all know scent is a powerful catalyst for imagination and memory, and this handmade soy candle smells like leather-bound books —perfect for transporting your bibliophile back to their favorite library, even if they’re just writing in their PJs at home.

Click here to give your writer the gift of nostalgic scents

#17 Handmade Leather Journal

Woman using her leather journal

I used it as my writing journal, where I sketched out characters, wrote notes of inspiration, and jotted down places I wanted to travel to and the details of what was happening around me, every day.

It was my introduction to real writing and also pure joy.

Soon, I had filled all of its pages and needed another…and then another.

As a writer, you can never have too many wonder, unique and sweet smelling journals like this one.

Woman writing in journal with designer pen

These journals come with a beautiful, designer pen.

I can definitely recommend ordering one (or a few) for your writer friend(s) because you can truly never have enough.

NOTE: Unlined pages are the BEST for creativity and drawing and lists and travel destinations and ….well, you get my point.

These amazing journals come inside a gorgeous gift box with a high quality pen. They make a very nice gift!

Click here to see a handmade leather journal for writers

#18 Real Artists Don’t Starve

Real Artists Don't Starve Book

Let me explain…

This book turns the writer/artist stereotype on its head by pointing out that Michelangelo was not a starving artist. In fact, if he lived in this day and age, he’d be a millionaire.

The book explores the ways writers, and other creatives, CAN make a good living in this new era.

This makes the perfect gift for aspiring writers or writers who are ready to “go pro” and treat their craft as a real business.

If nothing else, it let’s us writers know that there is a very real way to make a living out there and to just keep on doing what we love to do – a truly unique writers gift.

Click here to grab a copy of Real Artists Don’t Starve

#19 Compliment Your Loved One’s Writing (Or, If Possible, Buy Their Books!)

This one is simple, FREE, and is probably the most overlooked and unique writers gift of all time.

Honestly, as a writer, I can tell you the greatest gift is to hear someone say that something I wrote moved or inspired them in some way.

That’s it!  A simple email or Facebook comment will do.

So, if there is a writer in your life whose work you appreciate—let them know!

Many of us do it for the love of writing; we don’t always get monetary compensation, nor do we always want it.

I have a folder in my Gmail inbox called “Memorable Emails” in which I place those sweet notes from my readers.

So, remember to compliment the writers in your life – it’s absolutely FREE and it is probably the best gift of all!

#20 The Authors Guild Membership

Unique Writers Gift - Join Page to Authors Guild

This is one of the best writer gifts I’ve given  myself this year!

I can’t believe it took me this long to join.

As you may know, being a writer can be lonely work. The Authors Guild is a powerful force for advocacy in the writing world. They lobby for writers’ rights by protecting freedom of speech and standing up for freedom of speech and copyrights.

A membership with The Authors Guild imparts many benefits, including discounted liability insurance rates, free contract reviews, and access to a community of like-minded writers.

You can give a gift of membership to The Authors Guild very easily. While the membership gift starts at the Emerging Writers level (for beginners), your friend can easily upgrade to Professional membership if they qualify.

Click here to gift a membership to The Authors Guild (instant gift—no shipping!)

#21 Word Magnets

Magnetic Poetry Kit - Original Edition

So much more than just a fun little pastime, word magnets  actually do something very refreshing for the brain.

In a strategy known as combinatorial play (coined by Einstein), playing around with seemingly unrelated things (such as random words) can spark creativity in the brain and enable you to discover new ideas.

When your writer friend hits writer’s block, they’ll be glad to have these around.

Click here to help your friend combat writer’s block with word magnets!

#22 Gold Spot Pens

If you think your writer could use a wonderful new pen to help with their writers block, I urge you to check out Gold Spot Pens. There website is magical and their pen selection is second to none. I highly recommend you check it out and make your favorite writer very, very happy. See their  wonderful gift ideas too!

Gold Spot Pens

There you have it! Eighteen PLUS of my most favorite and special unique gifts for writers. If you liked this, please check out my gifts list for digital nomads , unique gifts for under $25 and best gifts for bloggers guides too!!

9 Practical Gifts for Travelers (That They’ll Actually Use!)
I Quit My Dream Job
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The Write Practice

6 Thoughtful Ways to Gift Your Writing

by David Safford | 11 comments

Start Your Story TODAY! We’re teaching a new LIVE workshop this week to help you start your next book. Learn more and sign up here.

There are so many items you can buy that can make a great gift. But what if this year, you give something different? What if the perfect gift you give this year is  writing instead of  things ?

6 Thoughtful Ways to Gift Your Writing

In this article, I will share six ways you can gift your writing this year.

Looking for creative ideas for gifts for writers in your life? Check out our full guide, 100 Best Gifts for Writers .

Do You Also Get Tired of Consumerism?

I love the Christmas season.

I love decorating the tree and baking cookies with my daughter. I love wrapping presents and hiding them from prying eyes.

But with every passing holiday season, I find myself loving something less and less each year: rampant consumerism, and the impossible expectations that come with it.

If you’re anything like me, making room in the budget for pricy gifts is a challenge. The bombardment of commercials doesn’t make it any easier. It seems like every ad shows a happy family unwrapping televisions, expensive smartphones, and new car keys — without a single moment of financial stress or credit card debt!

In daily life, we just can’t keep up with the Joneses.

If you're like me and feeling all of this, you might want to try something different this year. The best, most thoughtful gift you could give might not be something that comes from your wallet, but from putting pen to paper.

A Priceless Gift for Your Loved Ones

Each Christmas, I’ve found a solution to consumerism: “gifting” my writing.

It’s taken many forms. And while it isn’t free, it scales wonderfully because I can usually duplicate or copy the same gift writing to each family “unit,” or group of loved ones.

If you’re like me, you may wonder if this qualifies as a gift. “Isn’t that just hawking my stuff?” you may ask.

Here’s the trick: w rite something new for the gift.

Even if it’s just one new short story, a single poem, or a new “bonus” chapter to a book, create something new that is just for your loved ones on this specific holiday.

Then, if you have any crafting or tech skills, you can spruce it up and make it look really creative and/or professional!

When we give the gift of our writing, we're giving something that's precious. We’re giving our:

  • Heart and soul
  • Time and attention
  • High-value artistic creation

And when those closest to us receive something created specifically for them, it’s a gift that can't be found anywhere else, exchanged at the mall, or shipped back to Amazon.

It’s priceless.

6 Ways to Gift Writing This Holiday Season

As I’ve gifted my writing over the years, I’ve attempted a variety of approaches with varying success. I’ve included strategies I used as a teenager, college student, and adult, so find an approach that works best for your timeline and budget.

Your gift can be whatever you want it to be . It can be wildly fictitious or true-to-life. It can be memoir. It can be something experimental that you’re trying out. It can be poetry, short story, flash fiction, novella, novel, serialized story, a collection of blog posts — nearly anything.

And don’t forget — you can do this in advance and plan for next year !

1. Write/Say What You Want

Before going any further, we have to address an important issue: writing for family can be tough.

Some of us might use writing as a form of escape from family. If that’s true, perhaps gifting your writing will work best for distant relatives or close friends, rather than family members.

It’s up to you what’s best. But whatever you do, do not to use this writing as therapy (though it can be therapeutic to tell stories in your own voice, and then share that with family, distant relatives, or friends and loved ones when the time is right).

It’s up to you whom you feel safe sharing your writing with, and what types of writing you feel safe sharing.

Either way, don’t make the mistake of discounting your voice and its priceless value as a gift.

2. Get Crafty

Back in high school, I printed pages of my short stories and glued them to construction paper and used string as the binding. I colored the cover with colored pencils and was very pleased with the result.

I highly recommend this for younger gift-givers when limited by budgets and time.

By raiding the arts and crafts drawers of your house, you may be surprised what tools are available to create some fun projects for your family. This can work well for any special occasion, especially this holiday season!

3. Mimic Professional Printing

With access to a few more resources, you can construct a professional-looking book with printed pages and card stock. Using online tutorials, I figured how to format a double-sided, paginated booklet, and then used textured card stock for the cover. The textured card stock goes a long way to creating the “feel” of a professional piece of printing, even if the resulting book is rather slim.

With this approach, make sure you have access to a “long stapler,” so you can accurately staple the center spine of the booklet. Copy shops, or your workplace’s copy or mailroom, often have one of these that you can use.

Tapping in to your inner Pam Beasley can be fun and festive! 

4. Go Professional … but Plan Ahead!

If you decide to enlist a professional book printer, or print-on-demand service, you have to plan far in advance. I’m learning this the hard way this year, as some of my gifts won’t ship on time and I’ll have to send a “preview” before the actual book arrives.

This is a great option if you have a longer work that you want to gift to a large amount of people.

This year I’m gifting a book to fifteen family/friend units (grandparents, aunts/uncles, parents, friends, etc) for around $60 total. Out of the eleven stories in it, four have never been published outside of The Write Practice Pro , and three have never been published at all. They’re just for my loved ones.

But you have to plan ahead.

I recommend ordering your books by December 1, especially if you have to wrap and ship them to distant family units.

While this won’t help you with Christmas 2021, it’s a great option as you look ahead to 2022—and start planning your gift budget far in advance.

5. Think Outside the “Book” Box

So far, I’ve only described gift ideas for “books.” What about other media? Here are some suggestions of other ways to share your writing, stories, and creative talents for the holidays:

  • Record your stories or novel into an audiobook, and give CDs, flash drives, or printed “book covers” (with a download link) as gifts!
  • Record YouTube videos and share the URL exclusively with the gift recipients. Perhaps print screenshots and wrap them up as a gift!
  • Partner with an artist or illustrator (preferably with a spouse or another family member) to give paired gifts of art and word!
  • Offer a creative writing lesson to friends or family members that have expressed an interest in storytelling. You can “wrap” this as a coupon or voucher!

The truth is that your stories can be given as a gift in many forms, and you’re the best person to come up with clever ways to share that with those who mean the most!

6. Personalize the Story

Finally, no matter what you do, find ways to personalize the writing or the packaging.

This year I’m dedicating my gift to a family member who is a fellow writer. He wants to thrive as a creative writer, but hasn’t due to the exhausting grind of work and family life.

I’m also including a “ Foreword ” in which I share how we sometimes forget the reason for Christmas, the story of the Man that I and many other people worship and love.

So what can you say, even in just a hundred words, to positively reach out to your family?

Of course, this isn’t the time to air long-standing grievances or call out specific persons, but it is a place you can personalize the story and share your heart, if you feel so inclined.

Consider signing each book, or project, to the recipients.

Let them know that you touched it and thought of them personally. Maybe leave notes to individual loved ones throughout the project. Tiny shout-outs make people feel remembered and special. That alone is a priceless, powerful gift.

Whatever you do, give it little personal touches that really accent the meaning behind the season and the gift you’re giving.

What to Write When Giving a Gift

Now that you've created your gift (go you!), it's time to put your writing skills to work one more time before the big finale.

Surprisingly, a lot of gift givers—yes, even writers—fall short of words when it comes to writing that special message on the tag or in a card. You want to make it personal and meaningful, and doing this means avoiding those familiar cliches. (It's beginning to look a lot like . . .)

To help kickstart your personalized holiday message, here are some ideas on what to write when giving a gift this pandemic year:

  • Even if we can't be together in person, I hope you know how much you mean to me this and every season.
  • It's been a tough year! I hope this gift will bring a smile to your face, and also give you comfort and joy as we head into the New Year. (Come on 2022!)
  • This year wasn't anything we expected. Here's to hoping this surprise gives you some long awaited joy.
  • Pouring all my warm wishes and love into your gift this year.
  • Thinking of you with love and joy this holiday season, and hoping this gives you exactly that.

Still stuck on this? Check out a Christmas card store like Shutterfly or Hallmark for some general messages, and then put a twist on one or two of the words (or phrases) to make the message your own.

What About Gifts for Writers?

This article is about how to gift your writing to others this year. As a writer, you might also be wondering what are some great gifts  for  writers.

For full details on gifts for writers, check out this great article .

However, for some quick and cleaver ideas, consider a gift for writers that will make them writer happy, like:

  • A gift card to their favorite coffee shop or tea brand
  • A paperback book or pre-order of a hardcover they can't wait will come out next year
  • A first edition of their favorite book
  • Audible subscription (they can choose from thousands of audiobooks!)
  • Kindle Unlimited

These are only some of many ideas perfect for a book lover, especially one who is also a writer.

Give the Gift of Writing With Confidence

Finally, when the big moment comes and everyone is opening their gifts, sit tall and smile. Don’t cower or slouch your shoulders in shame.

And when they open the book and see what it is, let them enjoy it. If they compliment you, say, “You’re welcome!” or “I hope you enjoy it!” Don’t apologize that it’s not a new iPhone. Don’t explain yourself or your poverty or lack of creativity or anything else.

Give your gift with confidence!

What is more meaningful: A $20 Starbucks gift card that took five minutes to buy? Or a $5 book that took twenty hours to write, edit, print, personalize, and wrap?

Give with the confidence that you are a storyteller and you are giving to those you care about the most. Because if there’s anything we should be consuming more of each Christmas, it’s meaningful time with the people who mean most to us.

I hope this helps you do just that!

Have you ever given someone the gift of your writing? Do you have other creative gift writing ideas? Let us know in the comments .

Take fifteen minutes and start a new piece of writing that can be a gift to your loved ones this year. It can be a poem, short story, flash fiction, memoir, blog post — anything that comes from your story. Don't worry about whom it's for yet. Just take an idea or piece of inspiration and run with it, and write it with its possible “gift” role in mind.

When you're done, share your potential gift writing in the comments . I'd love to read your gift “inklings” and encourage you onward as creative gift-givers! Happy writing and Happy Holidays!

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David Safford

You deserve a great book. That's why David Safford writes adventure stories that you won't be able to put down. Read his latest story at his website. David is a Language Arts teacher, novelist, blogger, hiker, Legend of Zelda fanatic, puzzle-doer, husband, and father of two awesome children.

Writing Prompt: Finding Independence


Glenda Thompson

I agree this is a perfect gift, one with a personal touch. Several years ago, I wrote a novella based on my in-laws ancestors set during the Civil War. I included actual letters that had been written by these ancestors and preserved by great grandparents and grandparents through the years. I had it printed and bound by blurb.com and gave it to my father-in-law for Christmas. I noticed last weekend when we visited that the book was beside his recliner. He was re-reading it all these years later. The gift that keeps on giving? You bet!

Irene Joseph

Awww Glenda what a beautiful gift! They do say that food tells a story. A fab idea!

David H. Safford

I love this gift and want to read it for myself!

Seregìel Silme

Thanks for the article! I wanted to make poems for my teachers…I wasn’t too sure about it but this gave me confidence. So thank you. Merry Christmas!

They’ll love it! (I’m a teacher and I would cherish something like this, so there’s my 2 cents)

Evelyn Sinclair

I find this idea quite challenging, David, but will give it a go anyway. I so agree with what you say about rampant consumerism. To my demanding grandchildren my refrain for years has been “Remember I’m a pensioner!”.

This is not my actual writing, but an alternative plan for what seems possible. I plan one page per family member. On that page I shall include a photo or a drwing that personalises that person. Next I will write a short positive memory of good times we have shared together in the past. There will be a dozen or more pages, and the entire collection will be sent to each person who figures in “my gift of writing” Having thought it through, shared and documented my intention I realise I actually like my plan but it will be for next year – AND I WON’T FORGET TO WRITE IT.

Judi Plante

Joe, as I was reading these ways to give the gift of a writer, my idea was born. Taking some time off from my memoir, I wrote, well it started out as a short story but grew to a, novella. I have it all written but have editing and cleaning up to get it completely finished. So I’m thinking that I will pick a small section from my Novella and when I get the whole picture good enough to share, I will ask them from, where did the section I gave them, come? I hope they will accept the challenge aand enjoy it. I will suitably present each piece. Thanks for jogging my mind.

PS: It’s been a long day of writing and I left out the important thing which is I have four grown daughters and several grand children (who are adults) and the great grand children are too young to do anything but chew up the words. These are the ‘them’ in my comments.

Peggy Ernest

Great ideas, David. Many years ago, I was interested in bookbinding. I made Christmas books for family that included my poems, my young son’s imaginative story, and a humorous story penned by my husband. I hand-bound duplicated copies, complete with fabric covered cardboard covers. In more recent times, I wrote a memoir for myself one year and co-wrote one for my husband the next year, giving them as spiral-bound volumes for our family and closest friends. All very satisfying.

Sasha Zatz

Before this, I had already planned to give my best friend a book of quotes and poems by yours truly. I hope she likes it.

Best Gifts

Hmm, shared this article with a friend of mine, who is a writer, he loved this gift !

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Best Gifts for Writers

81 Amazing Gifts for Writers and Storytellers

Welcome to the ultimate list of gift ideas for writers.

This guide is broken up into sections, so you don’t need to scour the whole guide every time you need an idea.  Click one of these links to jump to that section.

  • Decorations
  • Writing Tools
  • Best Books for Writers
  • Incredible Subscriptions

Writing Decorations and Art

Beautify your writing life.

1. Awesome Literary Posters

Or, if you want something more practical you can pick up a “Proofreading Cheatsheet” or “Genre Guide” poster over here .

A block of wood called Writer's Block

2. An Actual “Writer’s Block “

The perfect guilt trip.

an unusual gift essay

3. Yoda Book End

an unusual gift essay

4. Hogwarts Book End

Game of Thrones Book End

5. “The Iron Throne” Book End

For all the darker fantasy fans out there.

Nerdy Side Note:  this is what the Iron Throne is  supposed  to look like, according to  A Song of Ice and Fire.

Jane Austen Socks

6. Writer’s Socks

As Albus Dumbledore said, “One can never possess enough socks . Another Christmas came and went and I didn’t get a single pair. People will insist on giving me books.”

Do you think Jane Austen was written in the Harry Potter universe? …I bet Dumbledore would’ve loved these.

Magnetic Poetry Kit

7. Poetry Magnets

Comes with a surprising amount of words and combinations. Great for procrastinating… I mean, for getting your creative juices flowing. There’s also Scrabble for your fridge.

8. Or Scrabble for Your Fridge

Always a great way to procrastinate…

9. This Storytelling Board Game

Dixit is a game where you try to figure out who is telling what story.

Basically, you use storytelling to bluff your opponents. Has a solid rating on Board Game Geek .

Leg Hammock for Writers

10. A  Leg Hammock

Ridiculous? Yes.

Amazing? Also yes.

Comfortable? Only one way to find out…

11.  Elegy, the Storytelling Video Game

Speaking of games…

This one is a really easy way to break through your writer’s block .

Writer's T Shirt

12.  Grumpy Writer’s T-Shirt

Sick of getting interrupted in public (or even in your own home)?

This T-shirt could solve all your problems.

an unusual gift essay

13. “Old Books” Candles

Surround yourself with the smells of an old library.

If you want more Literary Candles, you can find them here .

Dragon Book Mark

14. Dragon “Do Not Disturb” Sign

Writing time is sacred to a writer. Unfortunately, most family members don’t really understand how hard it is to sit down and write for extended periods of time.


So, here’s one solution – put this on your doorknob whenever you  must have that peace and quiet.

an unusual gift essay

15. Bathtub Book Holder

Speaking of peace and quiet…

…I’m sure the tub is a great place to get some reading (or writing) done. Much safer than just holding a book, right?

Here’s a simpler version .

an unusual gift essay

16. This Hemingway Bookmark

Just look at this little guy.

You can find more literary bookmarks here .

Coffee Mug for Writers

17. “I Turn Coffee into Books” Mug

Note: if you’re having trouble finding ones you like on Amazon, check out this Etsy Page on Writer Mugs .

Coffee Mug for Book Readers

18. For the Introverted Writer

Also works for any good book lovers in your life.

Great First Lines of Literature Mug

19. Great “First Lines” Mug

This one is covered in great first lines from classic literature. Bring on the inspiration.

I love this one.

20. Shakespearean Insults Mug

…and  especially this one.

Tall yellow water tumbler

21. This Travel Mug / Tumbler

Coffee and Tea = Writers’ Jet Fuel.

Without it, I don’t know if there would be any books at all. So this is a nice, practical gift for writers who like to write away from Home.

Violet Water Tumbler

22. Or This One

Here’s another one that’s slightly less “eye catching,” and just as practical.

The Most Useful Writing Tools

Gifts for writers that are practical, but not overly expensive.

The Writer's Toolbox

23. The Writer’s Toolbox

Get unstuck.

This box of exercises, creative games, and prompts will certainly get your writer… uh… writing.

Cushioned Lap Desk

24. Deep Cushioned Lap Desk

I don’t know how people live without one of these.

Most of my writing time is spent working on the couch, so this is a must when I’m at home.

Lap Desk Bamboo

25. Lightweight Lap Desk with Mousepad

Another option for a lap desk.

This one is much lighter, easier to move around, and far less cumbersome for people who like to fidget.

Luxury Lap Desk

26. Lap Desk with a Reading Light

And this one is perfect for paperback readers, or people who write by hand.

Bullet Journal Orange

27. Bullet Journal

What’s a “bullet journal?”

Why are there no lines?

Why is every page covered in dots? Watch this.

This is an awesome way to get your note-taking to the next level.

Slate Grey Writing Notebook

28. Moleskin Journal

Take this, the classic approach to note taking.

Bonus: it’s hard not to look distinguished when you whip one of these out in public.

29. Celtic Moleskin Notebook

Speaking of looking distinguished…

Thorin's Map Moleskin Journal

30. Lord of the Rings Moleskin

There’s a few different types you can get, but my favorite is Thorin’s Map from The Hobbit .

365 Day Writing Calendar

31. 365-Day Writing Calendar for 2019

Nothing kept me more motivated to KEEP WRITING last year than this.

There’s something about checking off the days that keeps you going. Calendars are great for writers who want to get more done, because it’s a massive visual reminder of how close they are to their goal.

32. Monthly Dry-Erase Calendar

Monthly calendars also work, in general, for keeping yourself accountable to your writing.

Prose Pen Writing Set

33. Prose Writing Set

Nothing makes you feel more like a professional writer…

…than holding a ridiculously nice set of fountain pens.

Literary Pencil Holder

34. This Gorgeous Pencil Holder

How can you not want this?

There’s even a tissue-box version .

Tech Gifts for Writers

Technology will obviously be more expensive, but these are the tools that serious writers use every day to read, research, and write.

The New Kindle Paperwhite

35. [New] Kindle Paperwhite

My personal favorite reading device. This is Amazon’s flagship e-reader.

I honestly can’t remember the last time I left home without this.

Kindle Oasis

36. Kindle Oasis

Technically, this is a step above the Paperwhite.

Lighter, longer battery life, and it comes with buttons for turning the page.

Pomodoro Timer

37. This Pomodoro Timer

It’s called the Pomodoro technique, and it’s perfect for writing sprints (getting a ton of words in a few minutes).

Here’s a video explanation:

38. A Flexible Writing Timer

To you, this may appear to be a simple kitchen timer…

…to me, it’s how I track all of my writing  and  run word sprints on my own.

Combine this with a thoughtful note about how much you support them, and how you want to make sure they’re getting time to write.

Cheap Sound Cancelling Headphones

39. Budget Sound Cancelling Headphones

You can write almost anywhere with these.

Great option to see if they even like it

40. Mid-range Sound-cancelling Headphones

Seriously, this stuff is amazing for writers who NEED to tune out the noise.

High Quality Sound Cancelling Headphones from Bose

41. [Outstanding] High-quality Sound-cancelling Headphones from Bose

Obviously, these ones are the best sound quality of the bunch.

Note:  don’t expect these to fully drown out all sound. It’s mostly to cut down on the atmospheric disruptions. That said, I don’t know how I could write without these…


42. Scrivener, Novel Writing Software

Planning a novel? Scrivener is fantastic for first-time writers who need help organizing and understanding their structure.

There are separate version for both MacOS and Windows.

Laser Keyboard

43. Laser Keyboard

For the Science Fiction Writer in your life.

Disclaimer:  I have no idea how this keyboard works… but I really want to find out. Come on, a laser keyboard?

The Best Writing Devices

A writer’s laptop is a sacred thing. For most of us, it’s how we do all of our writing.

So, this gift can be tricky. Some writers  need to choose one on their own. Others have a simple list of specs they require. And still others will be happy with anything that works.

With that in mind, I’ve provided some laptops from a range of prices that will work beautifully for almost any writer.

44. Lenovo Thinkpad 15.8”

My personal favorite. By  far .

The Solid State Drive and decent processors let you boot up, get to your writing software quickly, AND browse the internet at crisp speeds… for research topics or reading writing blogs , of course.

It’s definitely not powerful enough to play games (which is good for cutting down on distractions).

Acer Chromebook

45. Acer Chromebook 14”

Chromebooks are the lowest cost option to get your writer started. I’ve used them a couple times, and while they won’t be lightning fast… they’re still much faster than laptops from 5+ years ago.

Note: needs to be connected to WiFi at all times to work properly.

MacBook Air

46. Apple MacBook Air 13”

For the person in your life who has to have a Mac. The specs are high quality, but so is the price.

It does look pretty slick though, and I don’t know a single writer who would complain about getting one of these.

Delicious Treats and Writer’s Fuel

There’s only one thing you can write about when you’re hungry:

I don’t know about many classic food-based heroes, so if you want to help your writer out – make sure they have the fuel to write something other than hunger .

Chocolate Tin Assorted

47. Chocolate

Chocolate is delicious, thoughtful, and VERY hard to get wrong…

  • Raaka Dark Chocolates
  • Lindt Assorted Chocolate Bars
  • Godiva Chocolatier Ballotin

…unless you’re cursed with chocolate allergies. In that case, why not try something else:

writing-wine-vini viti

Full disclosure: my wine drinking is like taking a picky child to a fancy restaurant. I’ll only try it if you promise me “it’s really,  really good.”

So I’m going to default to this list of wines for writers .

Here’s one that sounded interesting to me:  Vini Viti Vinci “Le Rougeot” Pinot Noir

“It smells like peppered cranberries in dusty trenches, and it tastes like ripe raspberries and sour black cherries strolling hand in hand down a stony Parisian street…”

And that’s what wine is all about, right? It’s about the story behind the wine – so make up whatever you want, and us writers will probably buy it.

…which means, I only try it whenever someone tells me “it’s really good.” I a fish eats plankton.

an unusual gift essay

49. Writer’s Tears Irish Whiskey

Writers are an emotional bunch (I should know). This will help them refuel their passions.

50. Coffee Beans

True writer’s fuel.

Here’s a few options…

  • Two Volcanoes

Numi Tea Sampler

51. Tea, for the Distinguished Writer

This is my caffeine of choice. I usually alternate between green, early grey, and black.

So this will satisfy most tea drinkers in some way.

Novel Teas

52. Novel Teas

Good for at least one laugh, and several dozen cups of hot goodness.

Colorful Macaroons

53. Other Writer Snacks

Got a picky person on your hands?

This list will give you a good story for the snack you chose for them (and probably appeal to their ego in some way). Win-win, right?

Must-Read Books on Writing

What is the fastest way to get better at writing?

Answer: Read. A lot.

Here’s a few essential books for writers (that they might not buy for themselves):

Stephen King's On Writing

54. Stephen King’s On Writing

You’ll see this book on EVERY writing list.

This is the peak of guilt, and probably the most useful, realistic “how to get good at writing” book out there.

Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird

55. Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

Writing should be expressive, cathartic, and above all else…

…writing should be fun .

Anne Lamott covers what it’s like to be a writer, and how to enjoy the process.

The Elements of Style

56. The Elements of Style

Want to improve your basic communication skills?

This is the only book you need to read. It’s surprisingly easy to get through, too.

On Writing Well

57. On Writing Well

This is a great book for ANY kind of writer:

  • Literary stories
  • Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • Memoirs, biographies, technical writing, etc.

58. Quiet: the Power of Introverts

The craft of writing attracts people who shy away from:

  • Public Speaking
  • Raucous events where extroverted-ness is a pre-requisite to having a good time.

In any case, this is an empowering read for ALL introverts, not just writers.

Writing Down the Bones

59. Writing Down the Bones

This is a fantastic reminder for writers who want to answer, “Why do I write?”

Writer’s Reference Books

These books serve best as a constant reference for writers.

I have several of these on my bookshelf, and return to them every time I feel stuck on a certain problem.

The 3 AM Epiphany

60. The 3 A.M. Epiphany  

200+ writing exercises and prompts. Great for a writing dry spell.

The Emotion Thesaurus

70. The Emotion Thesaurus

What’s that word for when you feel…?

Crafting Dynamic Dialogue

71. Writer’s Digest on Dialogue

A collection of essays and articles on how to write better dialogue. I refer back to this all the time when I’m not sure how to make my characters talk right.

The Writer's Idea Book

72. The Writer’s Idea Book

Sort of like the 3 A.M. Epiphany, this book will teach you how to come up with new ideas, and DEVELOP them.

Creating Character Arcs

73. Creating Character Arcs

I love K. M. Weiland’s writing guides , and this is the most thorough of all her guides. Her passion for character and character arcs bleeds through the writing.

You can also find it on Audible .

Writer Emergency Pack

74. (Not a Book) Writer’s Emergency Kit

Stuck writing a scene?

This toolkit of cards, details, and “story resuscitation instructions,” should help out.

Tequila Mockingbird

75. Tequila Mockingbird

Cocktail recipes for writers. Brilliant.

Hot Dudes Reading

76. Hot Dudes Reading

I’m sure this will be offensive to someone. I think that’s the point?

Anyway, I wasn’t sure where to put this, so it’s filed as a reference book.

The Best Magazines for Writers and Readers

This is an incredibly easy gift to give…

…and for some reason, writers tend to overlook magazines. So I’ve collected a few that I love to read, or that I find helpful for writers.


77. Writer’s Digest

OK, I’m a little biased, since I sometimes write for Writer’s Digest …

BUT, you will never go wrong with this magazine. Every writer will love it. It’s absolutely stuffed with useful advice, interesting articles, and writing related accessories.

Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine

78. Asimov’s

The old famous.

Many of today’s most popular Science Fiction  and  Fantasy authors had their early stories published here.

This is great material for any aspiring author to read.

79. The New Yorker

A classic magazine,  The New Yorker  is  always good.

Probably not the best for younger readers and writers, but mature individuals should love it.

Fantasy and Science Fiction

80. Science Fiction and Fantasy

This one covers more fantasy than the others on this list.

They make it pretty easy to buy as a gift for your family/friends.

Clarkesworld Magazine

81. Clarkesworld

One of my favorite science fiction publications.

Similar to Asimov’s. Can you tell I love Science Fiction?

Glimmer Train Winter Cover 2018

82.  Glimmer Train

Magical stories that suck you in. It’s hard to label this one with a genre, but they definitely tilt towards contemporary/literary.

Incredible Services

So your writer already has  everything. ..

Or maybe the thing they’re missing the most… is  not a thing .

Audible Logo

83. Give an Audible Subscription

I love audible. I hate saying that I love one giant company’s product, but audible has truly changed my reading life.

There are so many things you can do while listening to an audiobook, and this study showed that story retention is essentially identical to reading.

Use this code to get two books FREE from Audible (for new members).  

Kindle App Logo

84. Kindle Unlimited

I have a few colleagues who swear by Kindle Unlimited.

Basically, it’s a subscription to the Kindle library – including exclusives you can’t from anywhere else.

Brickwork Retreat House

85. Writing Retreats

This is a serious “You mean so much to me” gift.

It’s going to mean the WORLD to any writer, because it shows immense support for their craft.

…it’s also  extremely  expensive.

This post has a few to consider , including:

  • Wellspring House (Ashfield, Massachusetts, $260-$280/week)
  • The Moth (Cavan, Ireland, €300, or about $355 a week)

The Watering Hole Winter Retreat   – ( McCormick, South Carolina, $299–$399)


86. The Writing Excuses Cruise

Want to go WITH your writer on a vacation?

This cruise, brought to you by the famous Writing Excuses podcast, has plenty to do for writers and family/friends alike.

Starbucks Merry Christmas Gift Card

87. A Coffee Shop Giftcard

This one is a little smaller than a Writer’s Retreat or Cruise. But still. This is a fantastic excuse to:

  • Get a ridiculously delicious drink
  • Spend a couple hours writing.

Barnes and Noble Gift Card

88. Or, a  Barnes and Noble Gift Card

I still remember walking in to Barnes and Noble as a kid, and being told I could pick ANY book under $10.

Now they have an online store, there’s almost no reason not to shop there again.

Masterclass Logo

89. MasterClass

Intimate, self-paced online writing lessons from the greatest living authors of our time.

These classes are outstanding. Simply outstanding. I can’t recommend these courses enough. 

DuoTrope Logo

90. DuoTrope or Writer’s Market

Where are you trying to get published?

Is your story “marketable?”

Get definite answers to these questions with subscriptions to DuoTrope or Writer’s Market.

Writer's Digest Logo

91. Writer’s Digest Gift Card

What will a gift card to Writer’s Digest get you?

Numerous services, books, and opportunities abound on their website.

They are so much more than just a magazine these days.

Woman teaching a writer's workshop

92. Take Them to a Writing Workshop

Get your writer out of the house.

Find a writer’s workshop near you , and check out the tickets.

This is one of the best ways to help them make writer friends, and kick their story up several notches.


Conclusion | What is the Best Gift for Your Writer?

Buy their book.

Tell them how much you loved it, and think about giving them a 5-star review on places like Amazon or Goodreads.

It doesn’t cost much… and it will mean the world to them.

That’s it for this massive list of Writer’s Gift Ideas. I hope I could at least spark some ideas for your Christmas, Holiday, or Birthday shopping list.

3 Quick Questions Before You Go…

  • What was your favorite gift idea?
  • What was the best writing gift you ever received?
  • What is the gift you would love to get this year and why is it the laser keyboard? ( Seriously , think of all the places you could write).

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an unusual gift essay

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Buying gifts is agonizing. The “perfect” present is elusive, lines are too long, and the mall parking lot is automotive hell.

That's why the WIRED Reviews team spends all year sifting through the year's new spate of gadgets. We've pulled out the best gifts, from the most inventive and beautifully designed technology to the gear that's just plain fun. On top of that, we let you know how to order them from the comfort of your own Wi-Fi network. You're welcome.

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Adventure Time

Scuba divers, alpinists, and other dare­devils now have a more rugged Apple wearable to take on their expeditions. The Ultra improves on previous Watches with dozens of wilderness-ready features. There’s more precise location tracking, thanks to its dual-frequency GPS receiver, which works even in heavily wooded areas. The Ultra also boasts 36 hours of battery life (60 if you use WatchOS 9’s Low Power mode) to get you through overnight camping trips. We’ve been running into that battery limit a lot—mostly because we keep finding more reasons to wear the Ultra.

So Far So Good

When the all-electric Ioniq 5 debuted last year, we loved its fast-charging tech, relaxed ride, funky exterior, and smart interior appointments—like footrests on the fully reclining front seats. The only quibble we had about the family-friendly five-door was its sub-300-mile range. Now we can drop that sticking point from the “Tired” column: Hyundai’s latest update adds a larger battery option that extends the range of the rear-wheel-drive model to just a smidge over 300 miles.

For the Record

Take a spin through this photographic history of the phono­graph. Each chapter of Gideon Schwartz’s 250-page book covers a decade in the record player’s evolution, with essays on key technological advances and—of course—tons of photos of cutting-edge designs. Audiophiles will find curiosities to salivate over, like the Philips 113 portable record player from the 1970s (the cutest turntable ever) and Yoshiaki Sugano’s $11,000 phono cartridges crafted from jade and onyx.

Some people hear a bird’s song once and remember it forever. Other folks have probably thought, “Why isn’t there a Shazam for birds?” That’s what the Haikubox is. The device listens for nearby birds, sends a clip to a server where the species is identified by a neural net, then alerts your phone to tell you which feathered friend is currently serenading you. (The cloud-based ID service costs $59 a year.) It’s one of the rare pieces of technology that actually increase your connection to the real world.

Urbanista Phoenix

Solar Flair

Always forgetting to charge your earbuds? Urbanista has you covered. The solar cell on this charging case slurps energy from any type of light, from sunshine to household light bulbs, to fill the battery inside. That means there will almost always be some juice available to top off the noise-canceling, touch-controlled buds. If you live in total darkness, you can still refill the case over USB-C, and it will hold enough zap for 32 hours of play time.

Speedway Mini 4 Pro Scooter

Road Rocket

Despite its meager size and relatively light 36 pounds, the Mini 4 Pro is one powerful scooter. With a 1,360-watt hub motor in back, you can hit 28 mph on the highest speed mode. To help the battery last 20 miles or more, set it to the second level, which maxes out around 18 mph. It even handles hills at a respectable pace. The Mini 4 folds down easily (once you figure out the foot-activated mechanism), and you can collapse the handlebar to stow it in tight spaces.

JBL Clip 4

Tiny Dancer

We like this iteration of JBL’s Clip speaker more than its predecessors, and more than the other super-portable sound machines out there. The waterproof Bluetooth speaker is about the size of a hockey puck, has a 10-hour battery, and sports a spring-loaded carabiner up top for snapping onto a backpack, bike handlebars, or a nearby tree branch. Its sound is surprisingly bold, given its diminutive size.

Acer Nitro 5 Gaming PC

Cheap Thrills

Portable PCs with dependable gaming oomph at a reasonable price are hard to find. But this low-cost machine , outfitted with 16 gigs of RAM and an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050Ti graphics card, outperforms the expectations set by its spec sheet. The abundant horsepower and smooth graphics are matched by a very good keyboard and relatively quiet cooling fans. There are some sacrifices—the screen is not the brightest, and the trackpad isn’t the springiest—but you can’t expect perfection at this price.

Lego The Art of the Minifigure

Role Models

In this handsomely illustrated hardcover, former WIRED editor Brian Barrett traces the history of the Lego minifigure, the semi-articulated friendlies with fixed smiles that have populated brick castles, towns, airports, and space stations since the late 1970s. Each chapter uses dozens of photos to examine the design decisions and manufacturing innovations that helped these tiny plastic “minifigs” evolve from police officers and construction workers to Jedis and Slytherin wizards.

High Moon Audio High Desert Loudspeaker

Native Speakers

Handmade in Austin, Texas, out of sinker cypress reclaimed from riverbeds, these gorgeous loudspeakers will vibrationally elevate your listening room. Each solid wood enclosure houses a 7-inch paper cone woofer and a 1-inch textile dome tweeter, both produced by the high-end driver-maker Seas. The boxes can be paired with amps that put out anywhere from 25 to 250 watts. Spin your favorite track and you’ll experience a soundstage as big, warm, and open as the Texas sky.

AudioTechnica ATHM20xBT

Sound Value

With inflation through the roof, it’s nice that at least one audio company is still serving up great sound for not a lot of money. The Bluetooth version of Audio-Technica’s popular M20x headphones offers gorgeous audio quality, excellent frequency response, and solid mics for Zooms. The battery powers a truly impressive 60 hours of wireless play time. And while there’s no noise-canceling tech, the snug earpads keep the sonics isolated and pristine.

Garmin inReach Messenger

Stepping off the grid is fun and often necessary, but sometimes you need to check in with loved ones or (gulp) call for help. This pocket-size messenger connects to the Iridium satellite network to send and receive text messages in areas where there’s no cell service. It can also regularly report your location so worrywart family members can see where you are. Use it conservatively and you can squeeze 28 days of alone time from the battery. It requires a satellite data plan for off-piste pings, but month-to-month options are available for under $60.

Nomadix Bandana Towel

These super-soft microsuede bandanas are our new favorite workout accessories. The absorbent, 2-foot-square fabric—made from post-consumer recycled plastic—can be tied around your neck on runs, pocketed on bike rides, or kept next to your yoga mat for a quick wipe-down after Chaturanga Dandasana. At the campground, they pull double-duty as shower towel and dishrag.

Samsung QN900B 65inch

Dream Theater

You don’t buy a TV like Samsung’s latest flagship 8K LED because you want to watch all the 8K content out there at full resolution; 8K streams are still too scarce to justify the leap. No, the reason to buy this TV is that it’s the prettiest and most sensible set we’ve seen all year. The company’s One Connect box attaches to the center-mounted pedestal, where it supplies the TV with power and A/V signals through a single cable. All the connections route into the box, allowing you to hide the wires below the TV or mount the set on the wall without annoying multi-cable runs—a nice touch. An integrated Dolby Atmos sound system actually puts out a decent amount of bump as well. And when the 8K revolution finally arrives, you’ll have all the pixels you need to fully enjoy it on the huge, nearly bezel-free screen.

Roark 3Day Fixer 35L Bag

Roark’s hassle-free carry-on keeps the skies friendly by hitting all the high notes: two main compartments for three days’ worth of duds and a padded laptop sleeve that fits a 16-inch PC; a zippered water bottle pocket; and a couple of semi-hidden pockets to keep your cash, passport, and other valuables away from filchy fingers. Handles on the top and sides make wrangling it into and out of the overhead compartment a breeze, and stashable shoulder straps convert it into a comfy backpack for the quarter-mile hump to the transit stop.

Bern Hudson

Bumper Guard

Bern’s skid lid provides solid protection on any bike; it meets all the latest safety standards and uses the MIPS system to minimize the rotational forces that can scramble your egg in a collision. It’s especially suited for electric bikes and scooters because it’s NTA-8776­-certified to withstand crashes at speeds of up to 27 mph. A removable rear light snaps into the back vent, where it flashes or pulses red for up to 10 hours between charges.

Adidas Terrex Xploric RAIN.RDY City Jacket

Rain jackets are too often fashion disasters—formless rubber sheaths that make you look 6 years old. The Xploric, on the other hand, makes you look like a cool Blade Runner who’s carrying very important, detective-type things in your big, ingeniously placed pockets. Of particular note: the oversize chest pocket for items that would otherwise get lost in the depths of your carry-all, and the wide belt that keeps the waist flatteringly cinched. Best of all, the jacket is made from 60 percent recycled fabric, and it’s left undyed to give it an even smaller eco footprint.

HyperX Quadcast S Mic

For the past few years, the Blue Yeti was the only USB mic that Twitch streamers seemed to use. A challenger has now stolen the show, and it’s easy to see why: The Quadcast S features colorful LEDs that can cycle through the rainbow or be customized to match your decor or mood. But the mic is also user-friendly. A gain knob built into the bottom makes input-level adjustments a breeze. And a touch-sensitive button on top mutes the audio and disables the colorful LEDs, giving you a visual signal that it’s safe to talk sh*t.

Nano X

Crypto Keeper

Just as the wallet in your pocket stores physical currency, a crypto wallet stores your digital currency, keeping it safe and readily available whenever you need it—something cloud-based exchanges can’t do. The X strikes a good balance between simplicity and security, storing your private crypto keys while remaining beginner-friendly. It uses Bluetooth to connect to your phone or PC, where you then use Ledger’s app to move your coins or NFTs. One thing it won’t securely store is your seed phrase. Uh, you do have that written down somewhere , right?

Craighill Lark Knife

Minor Point

Measuring just 2.6 inches closed, Craighill’s lovely pocket knife is scarcely bigger than your pinkie. Flick the tab on the back to swing open the 1.5-inch drop-point locking blade, which is crafted from ultra-hard 12C27 steel that stays sharp for months. Attach it to a key ring using the metal eyelet; just remember to remove it before you get on a plane.

Solo Stove Pi Pizza Oven

Grills and smokers excel at slow-and-low Sunday fare, but for short-order weeknight crowds you can’t beat Solo Stove’s dual-fuel pizza oven . A vigorously flaming load of quality timber in the rear-mounted wood-burning assembly brings the main chamber to 500 degrees within 15 minutes, as top and bottom vents increase the airflow for more efficient heating. For less patient guests, swap in the gas burner attachment. It gets the oven up to 700 degrees in 20 minutes—hot enough to crank out a crusty, bubbly 12-inch pie every two minutes.

Roland Aira ­Compact Series

Tribute Band

Roland has spent the past few years packing the analog sounds of its beloved ’80s-era instruments into affordable and portable reissues. New this year is the Aira Compact line , which includes a 303-style drum machine, a Juno-style sequencer, and a Kraftwerk-­tastic vocal processor. They’re all Midi-­capable, so you can plug them into a computer, but they can also be synced without a laptop. Each unit has two 3.5-mm ports for daisy-chaining the boxes together, and mix-in/mix-out ports for snaking audio through all three devices without a mixer.

KiwiCo Marine Biologist Starter Kit

This creative play set uses hands-on activities to teach kids about marine life. Two wooden models—a whale and a hammerhead shark—demonstrate the principles of underwater propulsion and help young ones explore the difference in fin movement between cetaceans and elasmobranch fish. Your young Cousteau can also learn about coral bleaching by building their own reef out of colorful blobs of heat-reactive clay that turns white when it comes into contact with warm water. KiwiCo makes similar kits for budding paleontologists, veterinarians, and astronauts aged 5 and up.

Hisense PX1Pro Trichroma Laser Cinema

If you don’t have the room to mount a traditional cinema projector, consider Hisense’s new short-throw model , which casts a sharp 4K image of up to 130 inches from less than a few feet away. The bright (2,200-lumen) image is drawn with red, green, and blue lasers for accurate color. Snag yourself a screen compatible with laser projectors—and a Roku for The Crown , since the onboard Android TV software is missing Netflix—and you’re ready for some larger-than-life entertainment. The built-in 30-watt Dolby Atmos soundbar will ensure that you feel all of the soundtrack’s thunderous crescendos.

MiirR Climate Tumbler

That old travel mug has been gathering dust since the dawn of the WFH era. If you’re going to invest in a new commute buddy, get one that treads more gently on the planet. The new Climate+ line of drinkware from Miir is designed using 25 percent less stainless steel than its other mugs, and the lids are made from recycled plastic. The vacuum insulation keeps hot go-juice piping till lunchtime. Choose from a grippy powder-coated black finish or a satiny silver. It also comes in 12- and 16-ounce sizes; we like the bigger one because we’re real coffee people.

XtraCycle Stoker

One Less Car

In tandem bike lingo, the pedaler in back is called the stoker. That’s where Xtracycle’s longtail gets its name—not because the passenger has to do any work (it’s an ebike!) but because the Stoker’s 400-pound limit can accommodate two adults. Or you can tote a couple of wriggly kids, a week’s worth of groceries, or bags of soil from the garden center. The 24-inch wheels lower the center of gravity for more stability, and a Shimano EP8 motor delivers three levels of pedal assistance. The 630-watt-hour battery lasts 45 miles on a charge—60 if you take it real easy. Rear-wheel footrests and cargo nets come standard. Trick it out with a padded rear seat ($75) and handrails ($240), or add more cargo options and start using your family ebike for much more than school drop-offs.

Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2

Microsoft’s new Elite controller lets dedicated Xbox gamers swap out taller thumbsticks and more comfortable D-pad attachments for extra agility. Discerning players can also adjust the stick resistance and trigger sensitivity. Included paddles can be attached to the rear, a hack offering even more button customization options. Now if they lose the next round, they can’t go blaming the controller.

DJI Wireless Microphone System

DJI is best known for its drones, but the company has started branching out into action cameras, laser-firing robots, and this wireless microphone system for capturing hours of podcast interviews, field recordings, and vlogging sessions. In the box are two clip-on mics, one receiver, and a charging case with a 15-hour battery. The receiver features a touchscreen control panel, a headphone jack, and 3.5-mm output, enabling you to monitor the recording and feed it to the camera at the same time.

For Bitter For Worse Evas Spritz

More than just botanically laced bubbly water, Eva’s Spritz is a nonalcoholic concoction of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that’s inspired by—and meant as a sober stand-in for—an Italian amaro digestivo. Rhubarb and citrus peel give it a vegetal nose and a pleasant bitter­ness, and fruit extracts provide a dash of sweetness. Serve this to your guests over ice with a slice of orange. Even booze aficionados will sip up and take notice.

Cascadia board game

Game of Life

The goal of Monopoly is to keep jacking up the rent till your friends have been squeezed completely dry. Cascadia’s goals are a bit more chill: Acquire different types of terrain, nurture each eco­system’s native habitats, and foster an environment where the most diverse assortment of wildlife can flourish. Suitable for ages 10 and up, and as many as four treehuggers can play at once.

Wyze Video Doorbell Pro

This is the smartest and most reliable video doorbell we’ve found for under $100. The HD camera provides an expansive view of your porch, and two-way audio lets you invite your friends inside by talking into an app on your phone. Cloud-based object recognition can tell you what’s on your doorstep—person, package, pet—but that requires a $20 annual subscription. The included indoor chime doubles as a Wi-Fi extender that keeps the outdoor half connected. Run it on battery power for six months, or hard-wire it to toll forever.

Image may contain Clothing Fleece Hood Coat Jacket Sweatshirt Hoodie Sweater and Knitwear

Back to the Future

Patagonia turns 50 next year, and the longtime outdoor apparel innovator appears to be celebrating that milestone with some retro-inspired mashups. The Microdini is a hybrid of two of the company’s well-loved modern fabrics—its durable and recycled Micro D lightweight fleece and its lightweight Houdini ripstop nylon—dressed in bright, mid-1990s Barbie colors and outfitted with the company’s iconic, sun-blocking high collar. The resulting garment is light, warm, and timeless.

Koeppel Design Record Tote

Groove Home

Schlep your vinyl with this beautiful bag made of heavy canvas and South Carolina denim. A protective birch-wood board in the base distributes the weight of your LPs across the whole bottom of the bag so the records on the ends of your stack endure no more strain than the ones in the middle. A zipper closure keeps 15 or so discs secure inside. The smaller external pocket is the ideal size for carrying a stack of handbills promoting your next DJ gig. Handmade in San Francisco (just like WIRED).

Insta360 One RS 1inch 360 Edition

Sphere Factor

We already love how Insta360’s modular cameras can shoot either great GoPro-style action clips or eye-­catching spherical videos, depending on which accessories you pop onto the core unit. The latest add-on is a two-camera head co-engineered with Leica. When it’s mounted, the action cam looks like an ice cream cone, but the real sweetener is that, with dual 1-inch image sensors, it produces the best-looking 360-degree footage we’ve ever seen. The ideal use case: Capture a scene in 360 without worrying where you’re pointing the camera, then use the companion app to edit the video into a more traditional crop for sharing on social media.

Sonos Ray bluetooth sound bar

No matter how badly you want a soundbar, plenty of obstacles can crush that dream: a tiny dresser, crammed entertainment center, absurdly short legs under the set. If your home theater is space-challenged, the Ray just might fit the bill. It’s less than 3 inches tall, making it short enough to provide great sound without blocking the picture on smaller sets. At just under 2 feet long, it takes up minimal real estate. If you don’t have any surface area to play with, you can buy the Ray’s $39 wall mount. The speaker performs better than most soundbars at low volumes—good for rooms with thin walls—and stays balanced and crisp at any level. Of course, it plugs into the Sonos-verse, syncing with your other Sonos speakers to fulfill all your streaming needs.

Plume SuperPod With WiFi 6E

Buddy System

Home networking has thankfully been demystified by mesh routers—plug-and-play beacons that work together to blanket your home with connectivity. Plume’s SuperPods beam ultrafast Wi-Fi 6E signals to your thirstiest modern devices, while their stylish design is a welcome antidote to ugly routers bristling with antennae. They get expensive if you have a big house, but for smaller homes that only need a pod or two, it’s a reasonable option. A $99 yearly HomePass subscription unlocks extras like ad blocking and parental controls.

bFriends desktop Stand M

Permanent Waves

This twisty-foldy desktop organizer was designed by the big brains at the London firm Pearson Lloyd. The stand—ingeniously shaped from a single, squiggly line—is 3D-printed from recycled and recyclable bioplastics. The front is shaped to prop up a phone, and the three additional storage bays can hold whatever you want to keep handy. It’s available in 13 playful hues; we suggest choosing the one that best matches your phone case.

Quintal Coffee Bag Subscription

The word quintal refers to the weight in which coffee beans are often bought and sold in the wholesale market, so it’s a fitting name for a subscription service that sources directly from farmers and roasters in Central and South America. Each month, the Quintal folks ship a 12-ounce bag of specialty beans directly to your home within three days of roasting. You get ultra-fresh beans, and the proceeds flow right back to the workers at Jalapa Producers in Guatemala, Azahar in Colombia, or wherever that shipment’s beans were grown. Brewed well, the coffee is always delicate, floral, and addictively delicious.

Vssl Flask and attachments

First Aid Kit

Meet your new essential camp companion. Vssl’s rugged aluminum flask not only holds 8 ounces of firewater within its glass-lined interior, but it also houses a bottle opener, an oil-filled compass, and a four-mode LED flashlight with a blinking SOS function. Unscrew the bottom of the flask to find a pair of collapsible stainless steel shot glasses, because we should all observe the buddy system when exploring the wilderness.

Xero Denver Boots

Devotees of the minimal-shoe movement can run half-marathons wearing only a thin strip of rubber under their feet, but they may have a hard time once the winter chill sets in. Xero’s boots let those slim-sole stalwarts venture outside comfortably in the colder months. These have the same minimal sole, wide toe box, and zero-drop heel found in the company’s running and walking shoes, but they’re swathed in water-repellent vegan material (or leather ), lined with cozy flannel, and warmed by a heat-reflecting insole.

Nimble Apollo Wireless Pad

Bundle of Energy

The grippy pad of this wireless charger is made from recycled silicone that’s been melted down and reformed. The resulting swirly pattern highlights the gadget’s eco-provenance while giving it a bit of flair. The Apollo provides up to 15 watts of fast-charging power to iPhones, AirPods, AirPods Pro, and Android phones. Embedded magnets grab onto the MagSafe connector in newer iPhones to make sure the handset is aligned perfectly on the charger. Just BYO wall wart—as is the trend, you won’t find one in the box.

Resident Buster Table Light

Joint Effort

The unique ball-and-socket construction of this table lamp is both practical and whimsical. It makes the light easily configurable, since it enables the main post and the head to be twisted and positioned independently, but the innovative design also gives the piece a striking appearance, as if it’s ready to topple over even though it’s perfectly stable. Let your finger linger on the power button to control the dimmer function.

Image may contain Screen Electronics Projection Screen and White Board

Product reviewers: Michael Calore, Julian Chokkattu, Scott Gilbertson, Medea Giordano, Parker Hall, Simon Hill, Matt Jancer, Simon Lucas, Adrienne So, Haley Sprankle, Adam Speight, and Jeremy White.  

Photo Assistant: Taka Mark Kasuya. Graphic design: Fisk. Photographs: Joseph Shin

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Essay on My Birthday Gift

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Birthday Gift in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Birthday Gift


My birthday is always a special day for me. This year, it was made even more special with a unique gift.

The Surprise

My parents gifted me a beautiful bicycle. It was something I had been wishing for a long time.

I was overjoyed to see my dream gift. It was not just a bicycle, but a symbol of my growing independence.

This birthday gift made my day memorable. It was a reminder of the love and care my parents have for me.

250 Words Essay on My Birthday Gift

The anticipation.

As the days neared my birthday, the excitement grew. The anticipation of the gift was not about its monetary value, but the sentiment attached to it. I was curious about what my loved ones had chosen for me, what they thought would make me happy.

The Unveiling

The day arrived, and as I unwrapped the gift, my eyes fell on a beautiful, vintage record player. It was not just a gift, but a gateway to a world of music that I had always wanted to explore. The record player was a symbol of my passion for music and the vintage touch signified my love for all things classic.

The Significance

The gift was not merely an object; it was a reflection of the understanding and love of those who gifted it to me. It showed their knowledge of my interests, passions, and the little things that bring me joy. The record player was not just a music device but a means of connecting with my soul.

In conclusion, the best gifts are not always the most expensive ones but those that carry a personal touch, understanding, and thoughtfulness. My birthday gift was more than just a present; it was a testament to the love and care of my dear ones. It was a gift that will always remind me of the beautiful bond I share with them.

500 Words Essay on My Birthday Gift

Introduction: the anticipation.

Birthdays are often associated with joy, celebration, and a sense of growing older and wiser. But beyond the cake and the candles, there’s always that one thing that makes the day even more special – the birthday gift. This year, my birthday gift was not just an object, but a profound life lesson that would forever change my perspective.

The Unconventional Gift

Symbolism and reflection.

The Bristlecone Pine sapling was not just a plant, but a symbol of resilience, longevity, and the beauty of life itself. These trees are known to withstand harsh conditions and still live for thousands of years. This gift was a gentle reminder that despite the adversities we face in life, we can still grow and thrive, just like the Bristlecone Pine.

Life Lessons from the Gift

The sapling taught me several valuable life lessons. Firstly, it emphasized the importance of patience. Just like the tree that takes years to grow and mature, achieving our goals also requires time and patience. We cannot rush growth or success; it’s a gradual process that requires consistent effort and perseverance.

Finally, it underscored the value of sustainability. By gifting a sapling, my friend was indirectly encouraging me to contribute towards a greener and healthier planet. It was a call to action to be more environmentally conscious and to make sustainable choices.

Conclusion: The Gift That Keeps Giving

In conclusion, my birthday gift was much more than a physical present. It was a poignant life lesson, a symbol of resilience, and a call to action for a greener planet. This gift will continue to grow and thrive, just like me, and serve as a constant reminder of the lessons it holds. It was indeed the best birthday gift, not just because it was unique, but because it carried a message that resonated deeply with me. In the end, the best gifts are not always the most expensive or luxurious ones, but those that touch our hearts and inspire us to be better.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Essay Samples on Gift

The poisonousness of gift as an expressive mode for group morality.

It is interesting to note the menace implied in the etymological origin of “gift” (in German’s case, “Gift” as every single common noun is capitalized) in Germanic languages German, Dutch, Danish and Swedish and other linguistic relatives such as French and Greek, Old Norse etc....

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Precious Value Of A Gift From My Grandmother

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Reciprocity Of The Gift And Mauss' Obligation To Reciprocate

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The Art Of Thank You Gifts on Global Thank You Day

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The Gift-Giving Event as an Irreplaceable Part of Our Life

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The Social and Individual Factors Behind Gift Exchange

Cheating and similar opportunistic behaviour has been discussed, among others, in the context of cheap-talk games (e.g., Sutter (2009); Gneezy (2005); Charness and Dufwenberg (2006)), where experiment participants can send messages and signals that can be strategically used to deceive other experiment participants for personal...

Best topics on Gift

1. The Poisonousness of Gift as an Expressive Mode for Group Morality

2. Precious Value Of A Gift From My Grandmother

3. Reciprocity Of The Gift And Mauss’ Obligation To Reciprocate

4. The Art Of Thank You Gifts on Global Thank You Day

5. The Gift-Giving Event as an Irreplaceable Part of Our Life

6. The Social and Individual Factors Behind Gift Exchange

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Everyday is a Gift

  • Categories: Gratitude Philosophy of Life

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Words: 698 |

Published: Sep 16, 2023

Words: 698 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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The gift of life, embracing the present moment, cherishing relationships, pursuing passion and purpose.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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an unusual gift essay

Writing Riot

Unexpected Gift – Eric, Grade 7

Unexpected Gift

I was in my room playing video games when suddenly my mom announced that Christmas was arriving soon and that we all had to buy presents for the family. I knew what it meant. It meant that we had to go shopping. Each year if my mom wanted something, I had to get it for her. My presents never went over $40, while my mom’s went close to $100. This year, though, something unusual happened like an elephant eating a crocodile. My mom actually told me how much she wanted me to spend on her gift!

“$50 this year,” she shouted from the kitchen.

“$50 should be OK,” I sighed reluctantly, “including tax.”

“K,” she replied with a smile.

We went to Markville Mall. At Walmart, I bought some books and a pair of headphones. I was thinking of saving money for an iPhone, but my mom literally wasted my $50 on a pair of earrings. They were pretty, but I thought she should have used my money on something worthy. The reason I say it is that she has a lot of earrings at home, and she never wears them. She just buys them and wears them for a week and never wears them ever again.

The next day I went to my grandparents’ house, and they said that they were taking me to Markville Mall. I wondered why we were going there again. I had just been there the day before, and now I was going there again! We got into  the car and drove straight onto the highway. In a matter of minutes, we arrived. I ran as fast as the flash to the Apple Store and looked at the iPhones, and my grandparents followed. I didn’t know what my grandparents were up to since I had started playing a few addictive games on the iPads.

Suddenly, I remembered a few nights before I had heard my mom talking to my grandma about my grades on the report card. She said that I had done really well, in fact way over her expectations. My grandma was very happy and told my mom that she was getting me something as a gift, which I didn’t take seriously at the time.

At home, I decided to take a shower. As I was walking into the bathroom, I heard my grandma calling my mom and saying something about a cell phone. I cut my shower short as I was curious to know what was going on. After my shower, I immediately went to my bedroom. There was a wrapped box lying on my laptop. It was shiny and had many different colours on it, red, orange, yellow, blue, and green. It had snowman pictures on the back and read “Congratulations.” “What would it be?” I thought. Then I thought to myself, instead of wasting all this money on little gifts, if everyone had given the money to me, I would have been able to buy myself an iPhone. So very reluctantly, I decided to rip it open. But much to my surprise, I found an iPhone 5s in the box. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I almost cried and set it up immediately. I had a hard time focusing on what I was doing, and my tears dropped all over the phone.

On that day, I found out that if I worked hard and did something well, my achievement would be noticed, and I would be rewarded by my parents and grandparents. I also learned I should not make rash judgments about people.

That night, I hugged my grandparents and thanked them so much for their wonderful gift. My grandma told me, “If you work hard, you will have a bright future.” So that is why I am heartened to aim for the best in school next year as well.

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Guest Essay

What the Polls Say About Harris That the Trump Team Doesn’t Like

A black and white photo of Kamala Harris is decorated with orange dots and blue stars.

By Kristen Soltis Anderson

Ms. Anderson, a contributing Opinion writer, is a Republican pollster and a moderator of Opinion’s series of focus groups.

Now that we have a little more data about how voters are processing the new Kamala Harris-versus-Donald Trump presidential matchup, the poll unskewing — efforts to prove that certain unfavorable survey results are missing the mark — has begun.

Right out of the gate comes Tim Saler, a data consultant for Mr. Trump’s campaign, who takes issue with the latest CBS News/YouGov poll showing Ms. Harris ahead of Mr. Trump by one point nationally and running very close to Mr. Trump in the key battleground states. In an internal memo that the Trump-Vance campaign made public , Mr. Saler writes:

The latest CBS/YouGov poll of registered voters nationwide showing margin-of-error shifts in the national head-to-head ballot between President Trump and Kamala Harris is entirely the result of a methodological decision allowing ideology to change significantly, while maintaining weights on age, partisanship and race to make the survey appear not to have been manipulated. Without this manipulation, President Trump would be maintaining a 51 to 49 lead in their Aug. 4 survey.

There’s a lot of interesting and potentially controversial stuff going on with this poll and how it estimates the results in the battleground states, but for today, let’s unpack Mr. Saler’s particular complaint. His contention is that the only reason the poll shows Ms. Harris doing so well is a “methodological decision” about what factors to hold steady and what factors to allow to shift from poll to poll, with the implication that there were choices made intentionally that “manipulated” the results. (A Trump campaign senior adviser, Brian Hughes, went further, calling it a “national gaslighting campaign.”)

Whenever we pollsters conduct a survey, we know that the sample of people we talk to may not exactly match up demographically with the broader population. As a result, we adjust our data to align with known benchmarks, a process known as weighting. The New York Times/Siena College poll, for instance, weights its results along a dozen dimensions , and that’s just for understanding registered voters, to say nothing of the additional modeling that goes into the poll’s results among the likely electorate.

Weighting a survey by factors like age and race is quite standard and is a basic matter of good research practice . Weighting a political survey by party identification is also fairly common these days, though not without controversy and complication; while my age will always be a fact rooted in the year of my birth, I may wake up tomorrow and decide I am no longer a member of the political party with which I identified yesterday. Pollsters have robust and friendly debates over the best ways to keep a poll from over- or undersampling people of a certain party. (And yes, when it comes to sampling, pollsters sometimes get it wrong.)

Ideology (as opposed to party identification) is not a factor most pollsters hold to be constant. While I as a pollster can have good benchmarks for how old or how male or how Democratic an electorate is likely to be, ideology is an attitude that is arguably more fluid than even partisanship. The Trump campaign may very well be using ideology as a weight in its internal polling, as is its prerogative, but CBS News/YouGov isn’t some strange outlier trying to manipulate its results by not holding ideology steady.

If a major change in the race (such as the rollout of a whole new major-party presumptive nominee) suddenly means that more progressive voters become fired up and engaged in the process, it would not be unusual to see a slightly higher number of liberals and progressives as likely voters.

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English Compositions

Essay on Life is a Gift [200, 500 Words] With PDF

Life is precious. In this lesson, you will learn to write essays in two different sets on life as a gift. It will help you in articulating your thoughts in the upcoming exams.

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Essay on life is a gift in 200 words, essay on life is a gift in 500 words.

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A gift is viewed as something unique, valuable, and mysterious. Life is the most priceless and precious gift our parents have bestowed upon us. It’s a fascinating journey full of adventures with unknown and unexpected elements. It can fill us with love, happiness, and a feeling of purpose.

Life is an art for some, which they wish to paint in vibrant colours, while it is a science for others, which must be mastered with discipline and punctuality. While some people squander their life on worthless pursuits, others find meaning in the most insignificant objects and circumstances. We are gifted with the five senses to experience life sensuously.

We must recognise its significance and strive to develop ourselves daily. Our activities, as is commonly stated, purify our souls. Some of us devote our lives to doing good things, while others squander them in the hope of greater results. While some have good intentions, others are out to harm. Life is full of both good and painful experiences. We must not give up if we have had an unpleasant or unpalatable experience in life. It’s important to remember that it’s just transitory and that with perseverance, it can be conquered.

A gift is regarded as special, valuable, and mysterious. Life is the most precious gift that our parents have given us. It is a delightful journey packed with adventures containing unknown and unanticipated elements. It has the tremendous potential to provide us with love, happiness, and a sense of meaning. For some, life is an art they want to paint in wonderful colours, while for others, life is a science that must be mastered with discipline and punctuality.

While there are people who waste their lives in meaningless endeavours, there are others who fetch meaning from the most futile objects and situations. We are gifted with the five senses to experience life sensuously. We must understand its importance and work hard to improve ourselves every day. It is often said that our actions purify our souls. Some of us dedicate our lives to performing good deeds, whereas others spoil it in the hope of getting better results. While some have ethical intentions, others have evil objectives. Every day is a gift to learn new things and enjoy the new experience. 

We must embed our lives with the people we love. We must preach kindness. If we are kind to one another and respect humanity, life will be kind to us and appreciate our existence. We all should have a motto that shall help us make this earth a better place. We must work on the legacy we wish to leave behind us. It must be something that would be cherished by the ones who know the ones who are strangers to us and us. 

Living life is not easy. Some days are tough and demanding, and it takes courage to sail through them. On such days, remembering the struggles of people who had come before us and did not give up in the face of hardships will encourage us. Life almost always offers us a wide range of options. However, we must make our choices wisely.

We must be guided by reason, and we should be passionate about all the activities we indulge in. Our sheer determination can make the impossible possible. We must have faith and promise to give our best in all situations. We should also allow ourselves leisure to take vacations, practice sport, work on our hobbies, read and write. As William Henry Davies puts it in the poem Leisure, 

“What is this life, full of care? We have no time to stand and stare.” We must never limit ourselves in our scope of doing something. 

After all, life is not a bed full of roses, but it gives occasional prickly thorns in our pathway, which we must tread carefully. We can take the flower lily as an inspiration. Although it lasts for a brief period, its aroma creates a freshening and beautiful environment. Living life honourably is the duty of every human being. We must spend our life inspiring others with thoughts that stir ecstasy. We must apprehend that life is a gift and not a burden.

Hopefully, after going through this lesson, you have a holistic idea of the value of life and the ideal way of living it. I have tried to cover every aspect of the topic briefly and in an expanded form. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more such essays on many important topics, keep browsing our website. 

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Essay On My Unique Gifts, Passions, And Circumstances

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Leadership , Education , Actions , Workplace , Leader , Organization , Human Resource Management , Development

Words: 2500

Published: 03/06/2020


Personal and Professional Mission Statement

Personal Mission Statement and Alignment

Profiling self is vital in developing knowledge of one’s abilities and weaknesses to plan accordingly on how to capitalize on the presented opportunities while working on your shortfalls. I am a 23-year-old man of Saudi Arabian origin but currently living in America. I am gifted in mathematics, which has been a guide towards the course I chose to pursue at the university. I also have unique entrepreneurial and statistical skills. In addition, I am gifted at learning and adapting to a new system quickly as proven during the language classes. I passed the language classes, which allowed me to enroll for a bachelor’s course in a local university. I am passionate about gaining knowledge and advancing my skills to higher levels. In the pursuit of this passion, I desire to pursue a master’s course after successfully completing my current level course. I am passionate about national development in Saudi Arabia and believe that I have a leadership role to play in this development. I am also passionate and highly motivated about using the acquired knowledge to achieve my leadership objectives. I travelled miles away from my home country in 2008 to seek higher education in the prestigious institutions of America. On arrival, I commenced with language school, which I completed successfully. Currently, I am pursuing bachelor’s course in business administration (BBA) with a focus on the field of accounting. Before enrolling for the BBA course, I had attended architecture classes. I perceived that my passion for mathematics would assist me through the course. However, as I progressed in the field, I found that it was coupled with more art than I imagined. I figured that I needed to drop architecture since I had no passion in arts whatsoever. I chose to pursue a course in accounting. Having consulted on the coursework and credit units, I find that majoring in accounting is in line with my personal objectives.

What I stand for

I stand for equal treatment and the distribution of opportunities fairly. Based on Allah’s message through the Prophet, every man has a duty to treat other individuals in the manner he expects to receive treatment. In addition, a man should desire for his brother what he desires for himself. The message guides me and enables me to govern my intentions and actions. Therefore, with the opportunities that will arise from my academic success, I aim at treating all individual equally and according to how I would like them to deal with me. I believe that a man must try to build a family to share his success with and to rise the younger generation of leaders. For this reason, I look forward to focus on my family once I have completed bachelor’s degree to accord my wife the necessary attention and offer my children the best parenting. I also stand for good deeds to all men without the intention to reap later from my deeds. According to Allah`s message good deeds, have better results than bad deeds. In the pursuit of personal satisfaction, I protect actions that are based on good intentions rather than those will ill motives. I strongly hold that individuals cannot hold all knowledge as knowledge comes from Allah (Cameron & Green, 2008). I hold that the actions I perform should have a moral backing. From this perspective, everybody should work with the individuals around him or herself in order to improve personal and general state. To attain full potential development in Saudi Arabia working together as professionals with the help of semi-skilled individuals will enable the great nation to achieve it agenda. Only Allah’s strength and favor enables individuals to gain knowledge. Therefore, the skills gained through academic training should serve the community rather than single individuals.

Major Values that Guide My Decisions

I believe that the communal benefit has more advantages than individual benefits. I also hold that the means should justify the end as opposed to performing harmful action just to achieve an objective. My decisions also receive guidance from the principles of Morality and Allah`s word. As I make decisions, I also consider the future and the effects of any conclusion on the time to come.

Ethical Theories that Support My Values

The deontological ethics as suggested by Kant support my values. From the ethical theory, it is clear that an individual can only base the morality of their action on a set of rules. The action must adhere to the said rules without compromising on any (Fontaine, & Ahiemad, 2013). The rules and obligation, which guide my values, include the Quran, constitution, and code of conduct within the school or workplace environment. I base my activities on the rules set by the constitution along with the teaching from Allah through his Prophet. Another ethical theory, which supports my values, is Utilitarianism. From utilitarianism, I try to perform actions, which present more benefits than harm to the community and me (Cameron & Green, 2008). As I make decisions, I consider the number of people it affects and evaluate the gains against the losses. In addition, I believe that the means of achieving an objective should justify the end. Although I have set goals and desire to achieve them within specific timeframes, it is my duty to ensure that the procedure of achieving the goals is morally justified (Ali, 2005).

Possible Ethical Challenges that I Foresee

Having chosen to major in accounting, there are numerous challenges that lay ahead in terms of career development. Attaining a bachelor’s degree and majoring in accounting will enable me to pursue a master’s degree in the same field. With a successful completion of the master’s course, I expect to join a successful career path where I will be in leadership position. One challenge that lies ahead is nepotism. When I hold a powerful position, I expect that my close friends and family will try to benefit from this position too by seeking employment through the back door. Individuals from Saudi Arabia hold the perception that once a friend or relative succeeds to attain a high power position then they need to benefit from a person. Therefore, friends who seek favors in terms of job placement and contracts will pose a challenge to me in the future. In addition, colleagues who perform poorly at the workplace also pose a challenge to may performance in the future. Such colleagues may fail to do their assigned duties and seek my favors for them to maintain their job positions. Furthermore, I might be obliged to take up more work to compensate for their poor performance. Other challenges from colleagues include absenteeism and seeking favors from me to cover for their poor performances. I also face the challenge of people offering job positions to me because of the friendship or other close relationships. Considering the nature of the qualifications I expect to attain, I understand that I will be highly valuable, and many organizations will seek my services. Therefore, some individuals may favor me due to the relationship between me and they reserve job slots for me.

My Intended Actions

With the privilege to hold, the top position in any organization I intend to hire employees based on the terms for recruitment that have been set by the firm. It is imperative for me to apply the terms and conditions set to govern the staffing process because they are set using specific standards that the employers seek to achieve. In situations where I will be working for an organization, which does not have rules to govern the recruitment process, and then I will hire workers based on their merits rather than nature of the relationship. Staffing employees based on their qualification is the best policy because it offers a criterion, which all employees must meet. In addition, this approach allows the job seekers to compete for the job positions equally. Otherwise, nepotism will give some of the individuals who will be searching for employment an upper hand, which is not fair competition. I will not cooperate with individuals who will try to seek favors from me at the compromise of the organization. I will focus on ensuring that the firm reaps maximum benefits from my services. In essence, I will not support individuals who try to sabotage the organization; neither will I associate with workmates who show no interest in the organization’s success. Although employment is a major issue, and I look forward to being employed, I will not accept employment for jobs, which I have not qualified. I believe that I need to leave the opportunity to other individuals who have qualified for the jobs rather than take jobs, which do not match my skills and education.

My Understanding of Leadership

Leadership in general is a broad concept that cannot be easily defined. One can exhibit leadership traits in many ways, which can be equally effective. Based on Northouse (2013), leadership refers to an activity of identifying the objective, or destination for a group of individuals and assisting them to arrive at the described objective. I understand leadership as a service, which is offered by an individual with the skills and ability to motivate and direct other individuals towards a common goal (Northouse, 2013). From this perspective, I understand that leadership is similar to stewardship where an individual receives the responsibility for other individuals with the faith that he holds the required traits and skills to take control over situations and attain the set goals. Following this logic, I believe that my personal leadership style can be best classified as transformational. The concept of transformational leadership was introduced by James McGregor Burns in 1978 (Burns, 1978). He distinguished between two leadership types: transformational and transactional. Transactional leadership entails exchange relationships between leaders and followers, where the former give the latter something in return for their followership and loyalty. In my opinion this leadership style is not sustainable in the long run, since it does not create strong bonds with the followers. It is particularly useless in times of crises, when leaders can give the followers nothing in return for their loyalty. Transformational leaders, on the other hand, create stronger bonds with their subordinates and try to inspire people, rather than to motivate them with rewards. Good transformational leader are able to motivate people by emphasizing the value of idealized objectives and manage to convince followers to commit to the common good of the company/community even in cases, when self-interest needs to be forgone (Bass, 1985). Although transactional leadership is surely effective and easily implementable, I am continuously trying to stay away from this leadership style and try to develop the traits of a transformational leader. It gives me a great pleasure to learn about people around me, to understand their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their personal aspirations. In my opinion, it is only possible to drive people towards a common goal, when a leader understands the followers and when he/she is able to sparkle interest and excitement about the chosen strategy. It is also the only way to overcome difficulties and to ensure that the first “bump on the road” will not become devastating for the teamwork. That is why I personally strive to manage people by motivating and inspiring them, by considering their personal goals and current needs. This, in my opinion, is the only strategy for a leader to develop long-lasting and strong relationships with the followers. A leader has a responsibility to him or her before leading other individuals. Before taking-up the leadership mantle, a great task lies ahead. I have to understand myself to establish my abilities and weaknesses (Northouse, 2013). A leader needs to understand them before they commence on the leadership process. Therefore, the first role is to determine my capabilities and shortcomings. Next, a leader has to identify the approaches they will use to improve their inefficiencies. One must understand other people’s limits to lead them accordingly. Understanding oneself enables a leader to develop confidence from self-awareness. As a leader, I have a role to motivate the group that I will lead. Motivation plays an important role in the duties of a leader. It encompasses understanding the strengths of the other employees and assigning duties based on this understanding (Northouse, 2013). It also involves determining the weaknesses of the workers and organization as a whole and developing a strategy to eliminate the identified weaknesses. While in leadership, I have a role to ensure that fairness and equality exists in all the operations of the company. It is my leadership role to ascertain that employees are motivated to work. Further, I have a duty to check and assure that the workers whom I lead understand the objective of the organization. It is also imperative for the workers who work under me to understand their roles and duties within the firm (Northouse, 2013). Therefore, I should constantly inform the subordinates their role within the organization. In addition, as a leader, I have to link the employees and the top-level management. Representing the staff to the managers does not mean that I will assume the roles of the human resources (Cameron & Green, 2008). However, a leader has to facilitate communications and understanding between the managers and staff within the firm. My role also involves acknowledging the responsibilities and expectations that my employers have set for me. The acknowledgement of duties and anticipations enables a leader to establish their scope of operations (Rollin, 2011). Leadership entails understanding the values and results that the management requires as results. Understanding these values enables a leader to align their operations along with the targets set by the managers (Northouse, 2013). In addition, recognizing the responsibilities enables a leader to embrace their duties within the organization. I am convinced that with the knowledge gained through this course, I will successfully develop my career along the accounting field.

Ali, A. (2005). Islamic perspectives on management and organization. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Pub.. Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper & Row. Bass, B. M. (1985). Leadership and Performance, New York, NY: Free Press Cameron, E., & Green, M. (2008). Making sense of leadership exploring the five key roles used by effective leaders. London: Kogan Page. Fontaine, R., & Ahiemad, K. (2013). Strategic management from an Islamic perspective text and cases. Singapore: Wiley. Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Rollin, P. F. (2011). 42 rules for your new leadership role the manual they didn't hand you when you made VP, director, or manager. Cupertino, CA: Superstar Press.


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