How to Create Case Assignment Rules in Salesforce

Our organization uses Salesforce as its CRM tool, and the support team assigns cases manually. As a Salesforce Administrator, I was assigned the task of automating the case assignment for new cases. In Salesforce, we can automate this process using a case assignment rule.

In this tutorial, I will explain the case assignment rules in Salesforce and their limitations, and we will also discuss how to create a case assignment rule in Salesforce.

Table of Contents

Case Assignment Rule in Salesforce

In Salesforce, the case assignment rules help automate your organization’s support processes. The rules can also determine how cases are assigned to users or queues based on criteria that we define.

The case assignment rule can assign the cases when a new case is created. Then, that case can be created manually or automatically from web-to-case , email-to-case , etc.

How to Create a Case Assignment Rule in Salesforce

For example, there is a support team with several users, and we want to automatically assign a specific user to a new case when it is created and the Case Priority is High.

We can create a case assignment rule in Salesforce using the following steps.

1. Go to Setup . In the Quick Find Box , search for Assignment Rules . Then click on the Case Assignment Rule .

case assignment rules in salesforce

2. Then click on the New button to create a new rule.

How to create case assignment rule in Salesforce

3. Enter a  Rule Name . Then, activate the rule by clicking the  Activate  button. 

We can create only one active case assignment rule at a time. So, if you have any activated case assignment rule, it will get deactivated as you activate the new rule.

Then, click on the Save button.

case assignment rules

4. Open the rule by clicking the Rule Name .

case assignment rules salesforce

5. Then click on the New button to add rule entry criteria.

salesforce case assignment rules

6. As you click the new button, you need to enter the following details:

  • Sort Order: Here, you need to provide the number this entry should trigger.
  • Criteria: As per our scenario, we need to enter Case Priority = High .
  • Select User or Queue : Here, we need to assign high priority cases to specific user.
  • Email Template : We can select an email template so that when a case is assigned to a user, they will receive an email regarding the same.

Then click on the Save button.

Proof of Concept:

7. Now, to check how the case assignment rule works, navigate to the case tab. Then, create a new case record with case priority as high and save the record.

Case Assignment Rule in Salesforce Limitations

8. As you save the record, you will see that the case owner has automatically changed to another user. That means a new user has been assigned to this case.

Limitations in Case Assignment Rule in Salesforce

This is how we can create case assignment rules in Salesforce.

Limitations in Case Assignment Rule in Salesforce

The following are some limitations of the case assignment rule in Salesforce:

  • The case assignment rule is only used when we want to assign records automatically to a user or queue. It cannot be used to update fields .
  • If we change the criteria for an existing rule, the rule will not reassign cases until we manually update the case owner.
  • In the rule entry criteria, we can only use case fields. It does not allow the use of the related fields of the case object.
  • We can create only one active case assignment rule at a time.

You can also read the Case Assignment Rule in Salesforce .

I hope you got an idea about case assignment rules in Salesforce. In this article, we have seen what a case assignment rule is and its limitations. We have also seen how to create case assignment rule in Salesforce with an example and step-by-step explanation.

You may also like to read:

  • Auto Response Rules in Salesforce
  • Web-to-Case in Salesforce
  • Email To Case Salesforce
  • How to Create a Case Related to an Account using Flow in Salesforce

Bijay Kumar

I am Bijay Kumar, the founder of Having over 10 years of experience working in salesforce technologies for clients across the world (Canada, Australia, United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, etc.). I am a certified salesforce administrator and expert with experience in developing salesforce applications and projects. My goal is to make it easy for people to learn and use salesforce technologies by providing simple and easy-to-understand solutions. Check out the complete profile on About us .

Thursday, may 1, 2014, why salesforce assignment rule is not working.

case assignment rule not working salesforce

  • Lead Assignment Rules — Specify how leads are assigned to users or queues as they are created manually, captured from the web, or imported via the lead import wizards.
  • Case Assignment Rules — Determine how cases are assigned to users or put into queues as they are created manually, using Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, On-Demand Email-to-Case, the Self-Service portal, the Customer Portal, Outlook, or Lotus Notes.

case assignment rule not working salesforce

  • Validation rules
  • Assignment rules
  • Auto-response rules
  • Workflow rules (with immediate actions)
  • Escalation rules
  • Case Assignment Rules not working
  • Managing Assignment Rules
  • Setting Up Assignment Rules
  • Trigger Assignment Rules with Data Loader
  • Assign using active assignment rule

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How to Apply Case Assignment Rules in Flow

May 18, 2023 Yumi Ibrahimzade Actions , Automation , Flow , Flow Actions , Flow Packages , Packages 29

How to Apply Case Assignment Rules in Flow

The case object is a core part of the Salesforce platform. It helps manage and track customer issues and inquiries. You can use this standard object to handle support requests effectively. The case object acts as a central repository for recording and monitoring customer interactions. It allows you to streamline your customer service processes. In order to improve the support efficiency, it is important to assign cases to the right teams or individuals. Although you can manually assign the record, it is possible to use the standard case assignment rules as well. Case assignment rules determine how cases are assigned to users or put into queues.

When you create a new case record, you can just mark "Assign using active assignment rule" to run case assignment rules.

Checkbox to assign case using active assignment rule

However, if you are creating the case record using Salesforce Flow, there is no standard option to run the case assignment rules. This option exists just for lead assignment rules. Moreover, when you create a case using flow, you have to set the correct owner id. Otherwise, the system doesn't run the case assignment rules and assigns the case to the current user. If you really want to use the logic that you have in your assignment rule, you will have to build the same logic again in the flow.

Standard action to apply lead assignment rules

In this post, you can find a custom invocable action (Apex class) that runs case assignment rules for any case record that you want.

How to Use the Action

1-  Install the action using the installation links below.

2-  Add a new action to your flow and search for "Apply Case Assignment Rules", this is the name of the action that you installed.

Add Apply Case Assignment Rules Action

3- Give a name to the action and provide the id of the case record that you want to assign.

Assign case using the custom action

You can use this action in any flow type that supports the action element.

Here is a screen flow that clones a case record with its related records. It uses this custom action to assign the new case record. Read this post to learn how to create a flow to clone a record with its related records.

Installation Links

Use this link to install in production or developer edition environments.

Use this link to install in sandbox environments.


Is that a future method or synchronous?

It is synchronous.

Hi Yumi, I tried using this on a case after save flow as an immediate action on create and it doesn't work. However, if I add a scheduled path of 0 min after creation, it works. Do you know of this limitation? Thanks!

I'm also noticing that this doesn't work when a guest executes a screen flow from a public page which creates the case.

Is your screen flow working in system context - view all data?

Hi Jay, It works in asynchronous path as well. I will check if it is possible to use it in the immediate path.

Thank you, I don't have to code this now.

You are welcome!

Hey Yumi, Case is assigned but email is not fired to members of queue? Any suggestions?

Hi Priyanshu, You are right. I just added it to the code and uploaded the package again. Can you please try with the new version?

Thanks Yumi, Can you please provide the url for new version?

Yumi, waiting for your response.

Is there a way to verify (in a flow decision), using a formula or some other way, if the "Assign using active assignment rule" is checked? I have a user case where the Assignment rules need to be triggered within the flow ONLY when the checkbox "Assign using active assignment rule" is checked, but I cannot find a way to do so. Any ideas?

"Assign using active assignment rule" is not a field on the object, so I think unfortunately it is not possible to get this information.

Hey Yumi Ibrahimzade, Not working in production or can you please provide url for update version? Thanks in advance 🙂

Thank you so much for this package. I just came across the need for this and then found your solution. It works exactly as expected.

I am glad that you found it useful!

Thanks Yumi, It helped me a lot to resolve my issue!

I am glad that you liked it Nadia!

Thanks for the post, Yumi, would you be willing to publish the code in a code snippet?

You are welcome Andy. Here is the code:

public class ApplyCaseAssignmentRules { @InvocableMethod (label='Apply Case Assignment Rules') public static void CaseAssign(List CaseId) { Database.DMLOptions dmo = new Database.DMLOptions(); dmo.assignmentRuleHeader.useDefaultRule= true; dmo.EmailHeader.TriggerUserEmail = true; Case Cases=[Select id From Case Where in:CaseId]; Cases.setOptions(dmo); update Cases; } }

I am using this action in a trigger flow (After Save), but it's not working, I should a scheduled path if I wanted to work, any suggestions please ? Thank you

Hi, You should use this action in a scheduled or asynchronous path.

I am trying to install in sandbox and getting this error: ApplyCaseAssignmentRulesTest: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void startTest() from the type Test

Worked perfect in a screen flow with no Scheduled or Asynchronous path.. Thanks!

Hi Yumi! We have installed the packaged and worked perfectly well in a flow that creates cases. Thank you so much for this. We are facing another situation: we have a flow that reopens a case and we need to go through assigment rules again only when the case user owner is not active. We added the apex code to the flow but it didn´t work in this scenario. Does it trigger only for new cases? Is it possible to use it for updated cases? Can you help? Thank you in advanced.

It works on update too, can you try to run this action in async path?

Hi, I've used the component in Screenflow without any issue, but now I'm getting this one : "The "ApplyCaseAssignmentRules" element in your flow has validation errors." Is there a way to know more about the error ? It works in my previous flow version and the output, Case record variable as Id, is the same in both version. With further tests, I've noticed that the flow needed to be activated in order for the Apex Class to work.

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Case Assignment firing incorrectly after Spring '21 Release

Just seeing if anyone else having these issues.

Our org has one case assignment rule and it has a criteria that the status must be New. Since this weekend ALL updated cases in any status are getting re-assigned after update and the feed tracking says it is based on Assignment Rule.

If I turn the assignment rule off, issue stops.

Confirmed cases from last week were updated and not re-assigned.

Just seeing if I'm the only one before I create a ticket.

EDIT: The issue was caused because anything other than the one rule criteria being met was re-assigning to the Default Case Owner setting. I added a rule with no criteria and checked "Do Not Re-Assign" and it worked. Not sure if this was a Spring '21 update but confirmed this behavior wasn't happening prior to the update. I have never used Service Cloud and the consultant that implemented is long gone, so not sure if this is a change or we had it set up wrong to begin with.

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10 Case Assignment Rules Best Practices's assignment rules are a powerful tool, but they can also be complex. Here are 10 best practices to follow when using them.

case assignment rule not working salesforce is a powerful customer relationship management (CRM) platform that allows organizations to manage customer data, track customer interactions, and automate processes. One of the most important features of is the ability to assign cases to the appropriate team or individual.

Case assignment rules are the key to ensuring that cases are assigned to the right people in a timely manner. In this article, we will discuss 10 best practices for creating and managing case assignment rules.

1. Utilize the Assignment Rules Hierarchy

The Assignment Rules Hierarchy is a way to organize and prioritize the order in which Case Assignment Rules are evaluated. This ensures that the most important rules are evaluated first, allowing for more efficient case assignment.

When creating an Assignment Rule, users can specify whether it should be evaluated before or after other rules. If multiple rules have the same priority, they will be evaluated in the order they were created. By utilizing the Assignment Rules Hierarchy, users can ensure that their most important rules are evaluated first.

Additionally, when using the Assignment Rules Hierarchy, users can create rules with different criteria and assign them different priorities. For example, if a user wants to assign cases based on product type first, then by region second, they can set up two separate rules with different priorities. This allows for more flexibility and control over how cases are assigned.

2. Use Roles and Profiles to Assign Cases

Roles and Profiles are a great way to assign Cases because they allow for granular control over who can access what. By assigning Roles and Profiles, you can ensure that only the right people have access to the right Cases. For example, if you want to make sure that only certain users can view or edit sensitive customer information, you can use Roles and Profiles to restrict access to those users.

Using Roles and Profiles also makes it easier to manage Case Assignment Rules. Instead of having to manually assign each Case to an individual user, you can set up Roles and Profiles so that all Cases assigned to a particular Role or Profile will automatically be routed to the appropriate user. This saves time and ensures that Cases are always assigned to the correct person.

Additionally, using Roles and Profiles allows you to easily add new users to your system without having to manually update Case Assignment Rules. When a new user is added to a Role or Profile, they will automatically be given access to any Cases associated with that Role or Profile. This eliminates the need to manually update Case Assignment Rules every time a new user is added.

3. Utilize Queues for Case Assignment

Queues are a great way to assign cases because they allow for multiple users to be assigned the same case. This is especially useful when dealing with high-volume customer service requests, as it allows for more efficient and effective management of those requests. Additionally, queues can be used to prioritize cases based on their urgency or importance, ensuring that the most important cases get addressed first.

To use queues for case assignment, you’ll need to create a queue in and add members to it. You can then set up Case Assignment Rules to automatically assign cases to the queue. This ensures that all incoming cases are routed to the right people quickly and efficiently. It also makes it easier to track which cases have been assigned and who is responsible for them.

4. Leverage Apex Triggers for Complex Assignment Logic

Apex Triggers allow for more complex logic than the standard Case Assignment Rules, such as assigning cases to specific queues based on criteria like case type or customer location. This is especially useful when dealing with large numbers of cases and multiple assignment rules that need to be applied in a certain order. Apex Triggers also provide an easy way to customize the assignment process by allowing developers to write custom code to handle any special requirements. Additionally, Apex Triggers can be used to automate the assignment process, which eliminates manual intervention and ensures that cases are assigned quickly and accurately. Lastly, Apex Triggers can be used to integrate Case Assignment Rules with other systems, such as ERP or CRM applications, making it easier to manage data across multiple platforms.

5. Create a Default Rule for Unassigned Cases

Creating a Default Rule for Unassigned Cases ensures that all cases are assigned to someone, even if they don’t meet the criteria of any other rule. This is important because it prevents cases from slipping through the cracks and being left unassigned.

To create a Default Rule for Unassigned Cases, go to Setup > Customize > Cases > Case Assignment Rules. Click “New” and enter a name for the rule. Set the order number to be higher than any other rules you have created. Then set the criteria so that it will always evaluate as true (e.g., “Case: Type equals Any”). Lastly, assign the case to an appropriate user or queue.

6. Automate Case Escalation with Workflow

Automating Case Escalation with Workflow allows for cases to be automatically escalated when they are not addressed within a certain time frame. This ensures that no case is left unresolved and customers receive timely responses.

Workflows can be set up in to monitor the age of open cases, and if they exceed a specified amount of time, then an automated action will occur. This action could include sending an email notification to the assigned user or group, reassigning the case to another user or group, or creating a task for someone to follow up on the case. The workflow can also be configured to send out reminders at regular intervals until the case is resolved.

This automation helps ensure that all cases are handled promptly and efficiently, which leads to better customer service and satisfaction. Automating Case Escalation with Workflow also reduces manual effort and saves time by eliminating the need to manually check each case for resolution status.

7. Allow Users to Self-Assign Cases

Self-assignment allows users to take ownership of cases they are best suited to handle. This helps ensure that the right person is assigned to each case, which can help improve customer satisfaction and reduce resolution time. It also gives users more control over their workloads, allowing them to prioritize tasks based on their own expertise and availability.

To enable self-assignment, admins should create a rule with an assignment type of “User” and assign it to all users who need access to the case. The user will then be able to select themselves as the owner when creating or editing a case. Admins can also set up criteria for self-assignment, such as assigning cases only to users in certain roles or territories. This ensures that cases are routed to the most appropriate user while still giving users the freedom to choose.

8. Make Sure Your Rules are Well Documented

Documenting your rules helps ensure that everyone in the organization understands how cases are assigned and why. This is especially important when multiple users or teams are involved in case assignment, as it ensures that all parties understand their roles and responsibilities. Additionally, documenting your rules can help you identify any potential issues with the process before they become a problem.

When documenting your Case Assignment Rules, make sure to include details such as who is responsible for assigning cases, what criteria should be used to assign cases, and which team members should be notified of new assignments. You should also document any changes made to the rules over time so that everyone is aware of the current version. Additionally, consider creating a flowchart or diagram to visually represent the process. This will make it easier for everyone to understand the rules and follow them correctly.

9. Monitor Performance of your Rules

Monitoring the performance of your rules is important because it allows you to identify any issues with the rule, such as incorrect criteria or an inefficient assignment process. This helps ensure that cases are being assigned correctly and efficiently, which can help improve customer satisfaction and reduce case resolution time.

To monitor the performance of your rules, Salesforce provides a number of tools. The Case Assignment Rules report shows how many cases were assigned by each rule over a given period of time. You can also use the Rule Performance dashboard to view the average time taken for each rule to assign a case. Additionally, the Assignment Debug Logs provide detailed information about the assignment process, including the criteria used to assign the case and the user who was assigned the case. By using these tools, you can quickly identify any issues with your rules and take corrective action if necessary.

10. Test, Test, Test!

Testing is important because it allows you to ensure that the rules are working as expected and that they are assigning cases correctly. It also helps identify any potential issues or conflicts with other rules, which can be addressed before they become a problem.

Testing should include creating test cases and running them through the assignment rules to make sure they are being assigned properly. This can be done manually by creating test cases in Salesforce and then running them through the assignment rules, or it can be automated using an automation tool such as Selenium. Automated testing is especially useful for larger organizations with complex assignment rules.

It’s also important to periodically review the assignment rules to make sure they are still valid and up-to-date. This includes checking for any changes in business requirements or processes that may require updating the rules. Additionally, if there have been any changes to the data model, such as adding new fields or objects, these should be tested to make sure the assignment rules are still functioning correctly.

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Salesforce CRM review

An infinitely customizable crm for medium-to-large businesses.

screenshot of Salesforce homepage

TechRadar Verdict

Salesforce is a powerful and versatile CRM that excels in core capabilities and integrations, making it ideal for medium to large enterprises seeking robust solutions. However, its high cost and complexity may pose challenges for smaller businesses.

Comprehensive core capabilities

Extensive integration options

Frequent updates and feature releases

High cost compared to competitors

Complexity in setup and navigation

Limited customer support for standard users

Why you can trust TechRadar We spend hours testing every product or service we review, so you can be sure you’re buying the best. Find out more about how we test.

  • Core capabilities
  • Ease of use
  • Integrations
  • Customer support
  • Value for money
  • Company trajectory

If the CRM industry is a zoo, Salesforce is an 800-pound gorilla. It’s one of the best CRM platforms on the market powered by cutting edge AI and hosted on the cloud. It also has separate modules for managing customer relationships across sales, service, marketing, commerce, and more, making it a great fit for almost any team in any business. 

With over 150,000 customers worldwide, Salesforce CRM has been a driving force in the digital transformation of businesses for over two decades. 

However, its dominance doesn't necessarily mean it's the best fit for every organization. In this in-depth Salesforce review, I'll dive into the platform's core capabilities, ease of use, integrations, customer support, value for money, and company trajectory to help you determine if it’s the right choice for your business. 

While we’re going to focus primarily on Sales Cloud, Salesforce’s most popular CRM module, this review is also going to weave in features from other Salesforce offerings like Customer Success and Einstein 1. 

My hope is to present you with a well-rounded perspective of Salesforce’s core CRM offerings. While not every feature will be available on every module, Salesforce makes it very easy to build your own version by combining different aspects of its suite into a package called Customer 360. You can read our dedicated Salesforce Sales Cloud CRM review here. 

Salesforce CRM core capabilities

At its core, Salesforce provides a robust set of CRM features to effectively manage customer relationships throughout the entire lifecycle. On the whole, I've found the core relationship management capabilities to be quite intuitive. 

Creating, editing, and organizing contacts is straightforward, with the ability to capture detailed information like communication preferences, activity history, and custom fields relevant to my business. I can easily store and organize detailed information about individual contacts, including their role, communication preferences, and interaction history.  Plus the account hierarchy feature is particularly useful for managing complex B2B relationships with parent and child companies.

You can easily score leads based on criteria like demographics, behavior, and engagement. A visual kanban-style lead workspace allows you to drag-and-drop leads through different stages of the sales cycle, from new to qualified to converted. I appreciate the flexibility to customize lead stages and automate assignment rules based on unique sales processes.

I can track deals across every stage, from prospecting to closed-won or closed-lost. Salesforce’s opportunity record provides a complete view of the deal, including products, competition, quotes, and revenue projections. There’s also a collaborative forecasting feature, which allows sales managers to view and adjust team forecasts while providing executives with real-time visibility into the pipeline.

Speaking of visibility, Salesforce provides a wide range of standard reports out-of-the-box, covering everything from sales performance to customer service metrics. I've been impressed with the report builder, which allows me to easily create custom reports using a drag-and-drop interface. The ability to schedule and share reports with key stakeholders will improve your team's efficiency and accountability.

Apart from this, Salesforce's mobile app is a useful addition for field sales reps. I can access and update critical customer information, track activities, and even close deals right from my smartphone or tablet. Push notifications keep me informed about important updates, like when a key opportunity stage changes. Salesforce’s mobile experience is intuitive, mirroring the desktop version, ensuring a seamless transition between various devices.

Salesforce has recently enhanced its CRM platform with several AI features, by introducing a new module called Einstein. It’s integrated across various Salesforce Cloud applications, including Sales Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Service Cloud, and Commerce Cloud. Einstein’s conversational AI assistant can automate day-to-day tasks like summarizing records, generating customized communications, and streamlining case resolutions.

screenshot of salesforce Einstein homepage

While it offers a wealth of features, I have encountered a few limitations with Salesforce too. For example, the email templates can be basic compared to other marketing automation platforms. The forecasting tool, while powerful, does require some setup and training to leverage.

Speaking from a more general perspective, Salesforce CRM also features a bit of a learning curve and has a pricing structure that’s somewhat prohibitive for small businesses.

But overall, I've been impressed with the core capabilities of Salesforce CRM. The platform provides a comprehensive set of features to manage the entire customer lifecycle, from lead to loyalty. While there may be a learning curve for some advanced functionality, the benefits in terms of productivity, collaboration, and customer insights far outweigh any challenges.

How easy is Salesforce CRM to use?

Salesforce’s layout is clean and well-organized, with key features and data easily accessible from the navigation menu and dashboard. The use of consistent iconography and naming conventions makes getting around the platform easy and fast. However, given the sheer breadth of features on offer here, a certain learning curve is expected.

It also allows administrators to tailor the user interface to match their organization's specific needs and terminology. I've been able to create custom fields, page layouts, and workflows that align with unique sales processes. While the customization options are extensive, Salesforce provides a user-friendly setup menu and guided wizards to help admins make changes without needing to write code.

Trailhead, Salesforce’s learning platform, offers a wealth of onboarding and training resources to help new users get up to speed quickly. It takes a gamified approach to training, with bite-sized modules and hands-on challenges that cover everything from basic navigation to advanced features. I think that this is an engaging and effective way to onboard new team members, with the added benefit of allowing them to learn at their own pace.

In addition to Trailhead, Salesforce offers extensive documentation, how-to guides, and community forums where users can find answers to common questions and best practices. The Salesforce Success Community is a particularly valuable resource, connecting users with experts and peers who can provide guidance and support.

screenshot of salesforce trailhead

Based on my own experience, I think that most users can navigate the basic features and perform essential tasks with Salesforce within a few days of training. More advanced features and customizations may take a few weeks to master, but the platform's intuitive design and robust support resources make the learning process manageable.

Whilst this flexibility is a strength for enterprise customers, it can also be overwhelming for small business and probably isn’t the best CRM for startups that don’t have an extensive onboarding budget or lots of ramp-up time. Salesforce’s initial setup and configuration process is a great example of this, requiring a significant time investment and a certain level of technical knowledge to get everything configured optimally.

Despite the issues, however, I've found that the long-term benefits of Salesforce's scalability far outweigh the initial setup hurdles. Once the platform is tailored to your organization's specific needs and processes, it becomes an incredibly powerful and efficient tool for managing customer relationships.

Salesforce CRM integrations

Salesforce provides both pre-built integrations and an open API for custom data exchange. Beyond that, there’s comprehensive documentation, code samples, and developer resources to support integration development and usage. 

With the AppExchange marketplace, Salesforce offers a vast library of pre-built integrations and applications from partner companies. These out-of-the-box solutions cover various business functions, such as marketing automation, customer support, accounting, and more. 

With over 3,000 pre-built apps already available, businesses can easily find and deploy integrations that align with their specific requirements. Popular integrations include Mailchimp for email marketing, Zendesk for customer support, QuickBooks for accounting, and Jira for project management.

For businesses with unique integration needs, Salesforce provides a robust and well-documented API. The Salesforce REST API allows developers to access and manipulate data programmatically, enabling custom integrations with internal systems and external applications. 

Salesforce’s API supports standard HTTP methods and exchanges data through JSON or XML responses, making it compatible with a wide range of programming languages and tools. It supports various protocols and data formats, such as REST, SOAP, and bulk data operations, giving developers flexibility in designing integrations.

Salesforce also provides robust data management capabilities to maintain data integrity during integrations. Features like data mapping, transformation, and cleansing ensure that data is properly formatted and synchronized between systems. Additionally, Salesforce's data governance tools help enforce data quality standards and compliance requirements, giving businesses confidence in the accuracy and security of their integrated data.

During my time with the CRM, Salesforce's integration capabilities appeared reliable and performant. Pre-built integrations from the AppExchange worked quite seamlessly. Plus the API was stable and responsive, allowing for efficient data exchange and real-time updates. Data synchronization was consistent and timely for both pre-built integrations and custom ones.

However, it's important to note that the success of integrations largely depends on proper implementation and adherence to best practices. Salesforce’s Developer Community provides guidelines and recommendations for integration development, such as understanding limits, securing data, and implementing authentication methods. Custom integrations can be built using popular programming languages like Java, C#, and Python, making it accessible to a wide range of developers.

Additionally, Salesforce's partner network includes a wide range of integration specialists and consultants who can assist businesses in designing and implementing complex integration solutions. Plus the company releases regular updates and new features that expand its integration capabilities and improve overall performance.

Salesforce CRM customer support

Salesforce offers several different support channels, including both live and self-service options. Users can reach out for assistance via phone, chat, and email, depending on their preference and the urgency of their issue. Based on user testimonials, support representatives appear to be knowledgeable, patient, and genuinely interested in providing a satisfactory resolution.

Live chat offers quick and convenient assistance for less complex queries. Representatives are more than happy to offer step-by-step guidance or direct you to relevant resources. For more involved queries, you can contact the support team via phone at +1-800-664-9073. Email support, while not as immediate as phone or chat, is a reliable enough option for less urgent matters, with representatives typically responding within a day or two.

In addition to live support, Salesforce offers a vast collection of self-help resources under the umbrella of Salesforce Help. It’s a comprehensive knowledge base that covers every aspect of the platform, from basic setup to advanced customization. The articles, videos, and documentation are all well-prepared, easy to follow, and frequently updated to reflect the latest features and best practices.

Part of the larger self-help infrastructure of Salesforce Help, there’s also Trailhead. It’s a guided and gamified learning module that offers an interactive way to quickly familiarize yourself with the platform’s most important features and functionality. You can use Trailhead to upgrade your Salesforce skills, earn badges for each milestone, then promote your services and expertise through the associated community.

Speaking of community, Salesforce Trailblazer connects users from around the world to share knowledge, ask questions, and collaborate on solutions using a dedicated forum. A quick look at the platform shows you how active and helpful the community is, thanks to both internal experts and other users. Every day, the community forum highlights active members to reward them for their participation. This makes sure that users feel rewarded for helping others navigate the platform and troubleshoot their issues.

In terms of response times, Salesforce generally meets or exceeds industry standards. Customer satisfaction with Salesforce support is consistently high, as demonstrated by a 4.5 star rating on platforms like G2 and TrustRadius. While the learning curve for new users is steep, Salesforce’s generally reliable and helpful support system makes it much easier to adopt.

That said, there is always room for improvement. Some users have reported longer wait times during peak hours or when dealing with particularly complex issues. It also seems that the quality of help received is directly influenced by the support tier you’re on. Customers who purchase Premier+ Support or Mission Critical Support receive priority access to better agents. Meanwhile, standard users are mostly stuck using the self-service options.

Salesforce CRM value for money

As one of the most expensive CRM solutions on the market, Salesforce demands a significant investment, but it also delivers a robust platform that can grow with your business. A per-user pricing model allows for flexibility as your team grows, but it can become costly for larger organizations. 

Salesforce employs a tiered pricing model with four main editions: Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, and Unlimited. The Essentials plan starts at $25 per user per month while the Unlimited plan costs $300 per user, per month. 

However, Salesforce offers a breadth of features even in lower-tier plans. Essentials, while basic, still includes features like account and contact management, opportunity tracking, and email integration. But, advanced capabilities like lead scoring and collaborative forecasting are only available from Professional, while workflow automation is restricted to Enterprise and Unlimited. 

The company offers a 14-day free trial. After that, Salesforce offers annual billing for all plans except Essentials, which can be paid monthly. While opting for annual billing often comes with a discount, it requires a larger upfront investment and less flexibility for businesses with fluctuating needs. 

Apart from the core plans, Salesforce also offers various add-ons that can enhance the CRM's functionality. While these can provide excellent value for businesses with specific needs, you should calculate costs thoroughly to make sure the investment justifies the ROI.

When comparing Salesforce to other CRM solutions, it's important to consider the total cost of ownership. While the initial price may be higher, Salesforce's extensive customization options, robust app ecosystem, and scalability can provide you more long-term value. Its ability to integrate with a wide range of third-party applications can also lead to increased efficiency and productivity, potentially offsetting the higher cost. 

But for smaller businesses or those with simpler CRM needs, Salesforce’s pricing may prove prohibitive. Unless you need all the advanced functionality, there are more affordable options on the market that offer similar core functionalities at a lower price point. 

Saleforce trajectory

Salesforce has maintained its position as the dominant player in the CRM market, consistently innovating and expanding its offerings. As of 2023, it commanded 21.7% of the global CRM market share, easily outpacing its nearest competitors Microsoft (5.9%), Oracle (4.4%), SAP (3.5%), and Adobe (3.4%). 

In the current fiscal year, Salesforce reported a total revenue of $34.86 billion, 11% more than last year. Meanwhile, the company's subscription and support revenues, which form the core of its business model, grew by 12% to $32.54 billion. Its growth trajectory is supported by strategic acquisitions, such as Tableau and Slack, which have expanded its capabilities and reach.

Going beyond the financials, Salesforce's user community is one of the largest and most active in the software industry. Its ecosystem, including customers, partners, and developers, continues to grow rapidly. Right now, 150,000+ businesses utilize its services globally. 

As a CRM, Salesforce was named a leader in various analyst reports, such as The Forrester Wave and IDC MarketScape, which evaluate solutions based on criteria like market impact, vision, and capability. The company's Pledge 1% initiative, which encourages companies to donate 1% of equity, product, and employee time to charitable causes, has garnered participation from over 15,000 companies worldwide. 

Looking ahead, Salesforce's trajectory appears promising, with projections indicating continued growth in both market share and revenue. The company's focus on integrating AI-driven insights into its platform is expected to further enhance its offerings and maintain its competitive edge. 

With regular updates, an active user community, and strategic partnerships through Salesforce AppExchange and Partner Innovation Awards, Salesforce continues to operate as the undisputed leader of the CRM space — despite competition from giants like Microsoft, Oracle, and Adobe.

Salesforce CRM review: Summary

After a comprehensive evaluation of Salesforce CRM, I find that the platform excels in several key areas, offering a robust set of core capabilities and extensive integration options. It’s a great choice in particular for medium-to-large enterprises, with a pricing structure and learning curve that may not be the best CRM for small businesses . 

Ritoban Mukherjee is a freelance tech and innovations journalist from West Bengal, India. His work focuses on reviews, guides, and features about consumer and business software, such as AI website builders and CRM platforms, among other things. He has been published on Tom's Guide, TechRadar, Creative Bloq, IT Pro Portal, Gizmodo, Medium, Quartz, and Mental Floss. 

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email issue with case assignment rules in playground

I've created a case assignment rule using queues. When it fires, the case gets assigned to the proper queue and an email is sent out to the appropriate queue members, but the email is not the email template that I specified in the assignment rule, it's the standard "case notification" email (the one that reads "Case 00000000 has been assigned to you. Please click on the link below to view the record." and then has a link to the record).

Deliverability is set to all, 'send email to members' is checked in the queues, and the email template is properly assigned in the assignment rules.

I'm doing this in a trailhead playground, so I'm assuming that it's just some limitation of the playground, but maybe someone knows a better answer?

Just to add a little more weirdness, the identical scenario in Lead assignment rules has no issues, the emails are sent using the template.

Thanks for the help!

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zargosh's user avatar

2 Answers 2

It has nothing to do with Playground orgs

Notifications on case assignment are influenced by Service Cloud Support Settings found in Setup

Notify Default Case Owner -- Notify the default case owner when a case is assigned to that user. If the new owner is a queue, the notification is sent to the queue email address. Notifications are system-generated and can't be modified.

cropredy's user avatar

  • Thanks, croprredy. That explains the notification email, but I still don't get why the email template that I've specified is not also being sent (and 'Send Email to Members' is checked). –  zargosh Commented Aug 22, 2023 at 21:01
  • Notifications are system-generated and can't be modified. –  cropredy Commented Aug 22, 2023 at 22:26
  • I've figured out what the issue is. When a lead is created manually and assigned using the assignment rule, Salesforce takes one action - it assigns the lead, so the email based on the template is sent link But when a case is created manually and assigned there are two actions that take place. First it assigns it to the person manually creating the case, and then it reassigns using the assignment rule. link Since it’s a reassignment and not a creation, no template email is sent –  zargosh Commented Aug 23, 2023 at 2:01
  • @zargosh - as a service to the community, write up an answer and then accept it –  cropredy Commented Aug 23, 2023 at 15:43

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case assignment rule not working salesforce


  1. Salesforce: Case Assignment Rule Email Not Working

    case assignment rule not working salesforce

  2. Case Assignment Rules in Salesforce

    case assignment rule not working salesforce

  3. Create Case Queues and Assignment Rules

    case assignment rule not working salesforce

  4. Tutorial 21 : Case Assignment Rules in Salesforce

    case assignment rule not working salesforce

  5. Salesforce: Case Assignment rule is not working in Custom Lightning Page

    case assignment rule not working salesforce

  6. Video

    case assignment rule not working salesforce


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  1. Why is my Case assignment rule not firing

    2. I have two case queues, one for New Cases (this is the default on the Support settings page) and one queue for the Unreferenced (cases with no account or contact). I wrote an assignment rule for the Unreferenced queue. ISNULL ( AccountId ) && ISNULL ( ContactId ) The Problem is that these cases are still being assigned to the New Cases queue.

  2. Case or Lead Assignment Rules fail to set the Owner

    Publish Date: Jul 6, 2021. Description. A recently created or updated Case or Lead Assignment Rule isn't setting the Owner on new or edited Case or Lead records that appear to perfectly match the rule's criteria or formula conditions, but ownership is not being assigned. Resolution. Be sure the Case or Lead Assignment Rule is active:

  3. Salesforce: Case Assignment Rules not working

    To force Case assignment rules, select Default under Case Assignment Checkbox and unselect 'Show on edit page'. This means end-users won't see any option to turn off case assignment rule when creating and editing a case. If both 'Show on edit page' and Default options are chosen, the assignment checkbox is displayed and is checked by default.

  4. Salesforce

    Support Settings: Checked Notify Default Case Owner but that sends the generic email when no assignment rule matches. But in case of matching with case assignment rule no email. Case Creation Template (chosen) Case Assigned Template (chosen) As I am on sandbox so I enabled these settings too: Email->Deliverability->Access level-> All Email.

  5. Case Assignment Rule Not firing

    My case assignment rule has the following rules: High Priority Queue: (Case Origin = Facebook) OR (case origin = Twitter) High Priority Queue: (Case Subject contains "Voicemail") Customer Services Queue: (Case Status = New). It all seems so logical to me, I want social and voicemail cases to go into the High Priority queue which is routed with ...

  6. Run Case Assignment Rule from Apex

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  7. Create Case Queues and Assignment Rules

    Click New and enter the rule details. Rule Name: Standard Case Assignment; Select the Active checkbox to make this the active case assignment rule. Click Save. Add a rule entry that assigns Product Support cases to the Product Support Tier 1 queue. Click the Standard Case Assignment link. Under the Rule Entries, click New and enter the details.

  8. Cases created from Experience Sites do not trigger Case Assignment Rules

    You may also want to upvote and comment on the following idea: Case assignment rules don't fire on the new community. Note: The Case Assignment Checkbox was available prior to Winter '19 release in sites that use the Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce template. The checkbox was removed after Winter '19 release as this was determined as not working ...

  9. How to Create Case Assignment Rules in Salesforce

    Go to Setup. In the Quick Find Box, search for Assignment Rules. Then click on the Case Assignment Rule. 2. Then click on the New button to create a new rule. 3. Enter a Rule Name. Then, activate the rule by clicking the Activate button. We can create only one active case assignment rule at a time.

  10. Why Salesforce assignment rule is not working?

    Here a few steps to troubleshoot: 1. Check the assignment rule is Active. Only one assignment rule can be active at one time in both Case and Lead. 2. Try to create the record manually in the Salesforce web user interface. Check if the record is assigned to the correct user/queue and make sure checkbox Assign using active assignment rule is ...

  11. Case Assignment Rules

    Case Assignment Rules - Not working from Quick Action Button I have a button but it will not trigger the case assignment rules. I am not the best with flows, and was looking into whether or not a flow would work best, but I am having a hard time figuring out the best way to do this.

  12. How to Apply Case Assignment Rules in Flow

    1- Install the action using the installation links below. 2- Add a new action to your flow and search for "Apply Case Assignment Rules", this is the name of the action that you installed. 3- Give a name to the action and provide the id of the case record that you want to assign. You can use this action in any flow type that supports the action ...

  13. Assignment rule not firing from Global action "New case"

    I have a case assignment rule which works well when creating new cases from the cases list view. But I have a Global action, "new case" when I try creating case from here, assignment rule is not fired. Please help. I dont know to write triggers but still after doing some research I wrote this which gives errors, Please tell me a simple solution

  14. Case Management Best Practice Guide

    Explore this Help & Training article to learn how the combination of case rules and queues can help you prioritize, distribute, assign, respond to, and escalate case records. • Set Up Assignment Rules Assignment rules define how the case is triaged and can be routed to a specific user or queue based on your requirements. Review this Help ...

  15. PDF Case Management Implementation Guide

    From the object management settings for cases, find the fields area. Click New to create a custom case field. Choose the type of field to create and click New. Enter a field label and name, and respond to any other prompts. For formula fields, choose a data type for your formula output. Click Next.

  16. Create Case assignment rule does not fire from action

    I wrote the assignment rule where Case Status = New and added the email template. Everything works fine when case is created from the cases list view. But I have an action button on Accounts page named "Create a Case" when I create the case from here the assignment rule does not fire.

  17. community

    I have used a Case Assignment rule which works fine normally on Case creation based upon record types, but when I try to create a case through Community portal using a Community user profile, the case assignment rule is not triggered. On Case Detail Edit page in the Community portal, I cannot find "Assign using Active assignment rule" checkbox.

  18. Assignment Rules

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  19. Case Assignment firing incorrectly after Spring '21 Release

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  20. 10 Case Assignment Rules Best Practices

    Case assignment rules are the key to ensuring that cases are assigned to the right people in a timely manner. In this article, we will discuss 10 best practices for creating and managing case assignment rules. 1. Utilize the Assignment Rules Hierarchy. The Assignment Rules Hierarchy is a way to organize and prioritize the order ...

  21. Case assignment rules are not triggered by SFO 'Email-to ...

    When you create a case from Salesforce for Outlook by using the Create Case button, the case assignment rules do not trigger. This is by design, SFO uses a Create Case Destination in the Outlook configuration to assign the case. See also: Create Cases from the Outlook Ribbon with Salesforce for Outlook.

  22. Salesforce CRM review

    Salesforce Einstein 1 offers powerful tools for managing and building customer relationships. (Image credit: Salesforce) While it offers a wealth of features, I have encountered a few limitations ...

  23. email issue with case assignment rules in playground

    I've figured out what the issue is. When a lead is created manually and assigned using the assignment rule, Salesforce takes one action - it assigns the lead, so the email based on the template is sent link But when a case is created manually and assigned there are two actions that take place. First it assigns it to the person manually creating the case, and then it reassigns using the ...

  24. Set the option 'Assign using active assignment rules' to ...

    4. Test and confirm that when a user creates a new case/lead, the 'Assign using active assignment rules' checkbox is set to true. Save the case/lead. Click Edit on the test case and confirm that the 'Assign using active assignment rules' checkbox is set to false. II. Create a new record type. Classic: 1. Click Setup.