Essay Papers Writing Online

My journey of writing – exploring my thoughts, discovering my voice, and reflecting on my experiences.

Writing experience essay

Throughout the vast tapestry of life, there exist moments of immense clarity, when the melody of purpose resounds within the chambers of one’s soul. For me, one such moment arrived like a gentle gust on a breezy autumn day – an epiphany that set ablaze the embers of my heart and ignited an unquenchable passion for the written word. In this introspective narrative, I invite you to join me as I traverse the labyrinthine corridors of my past, retracing the footsteps that led me to discover the extraordinary joy and fulfillment that comes with the art of writing.

In the memories of my childhood, ink-stained fingertips and dog-eared pages became the guardians of my imagination. At a tender age, I found solace between the lines of countless volumes, embarking on literary adventures that transported me to magical realms and introduced me to heroes and heroines whose triumphs and tragedies resonated deeply within my impressionable mind. Words became my labyrinth, and each sentence, a stepping stone leading to infinite possibilities. With each turn of the page, I discovered the transformative power of the written word – the ability to conjure worlds beyond reality and fashion intricate tapestries of emotion.

As I navigated the uncharted seas of adolescence, the written word evolved from a mere source of wonder to a vessel for self-expression. The allure of poetry, with its rhythmic cadence and lyrical form, beckoned me to illuminate the innermost recesses of my being. In the communion between pen and paper, I discovered a sacred space wherein my thoughts transcended the confines of language, flowing freely like a serene river on a moonlit night. The boundless potential of writing became my sanctuary, a realm where I could forge my identity and give voice to the untold stories that resided within my heart.

My Journey to Discovering My Passion for Writing

Throughout my life, I have embarked on a remarkable expedition towards finding my true calling as a writer. It has been a compelling odyssey filled with self-discovery, creative exploration, and an unwavering pursuit of storytelling.

From a young age, I found solace in the written word. I would often find myself lost in the pages of books, captivated by the vivid imagery and powerful emotions that words could evoke. As I delved deeper into literature, I began to recognize the profound impact that written stories had on people’s lives. They had the ability to transport us to different worlds, ignite our imaginations, and provoke thought. This realization sparked a flame within me, igniting my initial curiosity and setting me on a path of literary exploration.

As I continued my journey, I started to experiment with writing myself. At first, it was just a creative outlet, a way to express myself and capture my thoughts and experiences on paper. But as I honed my skills, I discovered the immense power of storytelling. Through my writing, I could connect with others on a deeper level, sharing my unique perspectives and sparking meaningful conversations. It was in these moments of connection that I truly felt alive, as if I had found my purpose.

Over time, writing became not just a hobby, but an integral part of my identity. It allowed me to explore different genres, styles, and voices, always pushing the boundaries of my creativity. Through the ups and downs, the moments of inspiration and the dreaded writer’s block, I persevered, driven by an insatiable passion to refine my craft and make a meaningful impact through my words.

My journey to discovering my passion for writing has been a winding road, full of twists and turns, surprises and revelations. It has taught me about the power of words and the importance of storytelling in shaping our world. It has shown me that writing is not just a means of communication, but a way to connect with others, to inspire, to challenge, and to leave a lasting legacy. And as I continue on this extraordinary journey, I am excited to see where it will take me and the stories I have yet to tell.

Uncovering my love for storytelling

Exploring the depths of my creativity led me on a quest to uncover my innate love for storytelling. In the depths of my soul, I discovered a burning desire to weave words together to create narratives that captivate and inspire. This newfound passion for storytelling has allowed me to express myself in a unique and profound way.

As I delved into the world of storytelling, I realized that it is so much more than just the act of writing. It is a form of art that combines imagination, emotion, and the power of words. Storytelling has the ability to transport readers to different worlds, evoke deep emotions, and provoke thought. It is a medium through which I can share my perspectives, experiences, and insights with others.

Through storytelling, I have discovered the art of crafting characters that come to life on the page. Each character has their own unique voice, experiences, and desires, allowing them to connect with readers on a personal level. It is through these characters that I can explore different perspectives, challenge societal norms, and delve into the human condition.

Storytelling also allows me to create worlds that exist only in my imagination. These worlds can be fantastical or grounded in reality, but they all serve as a canvas for my creative expression. Through vivid descriptions and rich imagery, I can transport readers to these worlds, allowing them to experience the magic and wonder that I have created.

Furthermore, storytelling has the power to inspire and motivate. By sharing personal experiences and lessons learned, I can offer guidance and support to readers who may be going through similar struggles. Through stories of triumph, resilience, and personal growth, I aspire to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Overall, uncovering my love for storytelling has been a transformative journey. It has opened up a world of possibilities and allowed me to express my creativity in a way that is both fulfilling and meaningful. Through storytelling, I have found my voice, my passion, and my purpose. It is a constant source of inspiration and a medium through which I can touch the hearts and minds of others.

Exploring different forms of expression

Exploring different forms of expression

Embarking on the journey of discovering my creative outlet led me to a multitude of diverse forms of expression. Engaging in various modes of communication allowed me to explore different facets of my inner self and unearth hidden talents. Through experimenting with writing, painting, and music, I discovered the power of artistic expression to convey emotions, ideas, and experiences in unique and captivating ways.

Writing became my go-to means of expressing my thoughts, opinions, and personal experiences. The written word allowed me to dive deep into my emotions, crafting a narrative that intertwined my inner world with the outer reality. It offered an outlet for self-reflection, catharsis, and self-discovery. Whether it was penning poems, composing stories, or simply journaling, writing became a medium through which I could capture the essence of my being.

Painting provided me with a visual language to communicate my perceptions and insights. The act of mixing colors, applying brushstrokes, and creating shapes on a canvas allowed me to translate my emotions and thoughts into a tangible form. With every stroke of a brush, I could convey my admiration for nature, depict personal memories, or express my inner turmoil. Painting gave me the freedom to unleash my imagination and explore the limitless possibilities of visual expression.

Music offered a unique avenue for channeling my emotions and connecting with others on a profound level. Whether it was playing an instrument, composing melodies, or immersing myself in the melodies of others, music became a universal language through which I could share my deepest joys and sorrows. The harmonies and rhythms acted as conduits for emotional release and provided solace in times of turmoil. The sheer power of music allowed me to express complex feelings that words often failed to capture.

Exploring these different forms of expression not only enhanced my self-understanding but also awakened a fervent desire to continue seeking and experimenting with new ways of conveying my thoughts and emotions. Each brushstroke, word written, or note played has become an opportunity to delve into the core of my being and communicate with the world around me in meaningful and impactful ways.

Overcoming self-doubt and embracing my voice

As I embarked on my journey of writing, I encountered numerous challenges that tested my confidence and belief in my abilities. Self-doubt became a constant companion, whispering in my ear, questioning my talent and worth as a writer. However, through perseverance, reflection, and the support of others, I was able to overcome these doubts and fully embrace my unique voice.

At the beginning of my writing journey, I often found myself doubting my capabilities. The fear of failure and criticism weighed heavily on my mind, causing me to question whether my words and ideas were worthy of being shared. I constantly compared myself to other writers and wondered if I could ever measure up to their level of skill and success. These doubts threatened to extinguish my passion before it had a chance to flourish.

However, I soon realized that self-doubt is not a sign of weakness, but rather a challenge to be overcome. I began to confront my insecurities head-on, acknowledging that every writer has their own unique journey and that comparison is the thief of joy. I sought solace in the words of renowned authors who had experienced similar doubts and yet achieved greatness despite them. Their stories inspired me to keep pushing forward, to trust in my own voice and vision.

The turning point came when I started to share my work with others and received positive feedback and encouragement. The support of friends, family, and fellow writers became a lifeline, buoying my spirits and reinforcing my belief in myself. They saw value in my words and helped me recognize the strength of my voice. This newfound validation gave me the confidence to continue writing and honing my craft.

I also embarked on a journey of self-discovery, exploring different genres, styles, and themes. I allowed myself to experiment and make mistakes, realizing that growth and improvement come through trial and error. Each piece I wrote became a stepping stone towards finding my unique voice and artistic expression. I learned to embrace vulnerability and authenticity in my writing, understanding that it is through these qualities that connection and resonance are forged.

Today, self-doubt still occasionally creeps in, but I have learned to face it head-on with a renewed sense of confidence and self-belief. I have come to understand that writing is a journey of self-discovery, constantly evolving and unfolding. By overcoming self-doubt and embracing my voice, I have opened up a world of creativity and fulfillment, allowing my passion for writing to truly soar.

Finding solace and therapy through writing

Writing has provided me a sanctuary, a form of escape, and a way to process my thoughts and emotions. In the world of words, I have found solace and therapy, allowing me to express myself in ways that no other medium can.

During times of turmoil and uncertainty, when life seems overwhelming, I turn to writing as a means of catharsis. Through the act of putting pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, I am able to release pent-up feelings and emotions. It is a therapeutic process that allows me to confront and address my innermost thoughts and fears.

Not only does writing offer emotional relief, but it also provides me with a sense of clarity. Often, when I am mired in confusion or facing a difficult decision, the act of writing helps to organize my thoughts and bring order to chaos. Through the exploration of words and ideas, I am able to gain a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me.

Reasons why writing serves as therapy for me:
1. Emotional release
2. Clarity and organization of thoughts
3. Exploration of self and the world
4. Sense of accomplishment and fulfillment

Moreover, writing offers me a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. When I am able to capture a moment, express an idea, or craft a compelling narrative, I experience a sense of pride and satisfaction. It is a form of self-expression that allows me to share my stories and perspectives with others.

In conclusion, writing has become my solace, my therapy, and my means of artistic expression. Through this medium, I am able to find emotional release, gain clarity, and experience a sense of accomplishment. Writing has truly become a vital part of my life, offering me a sense of comfort and fulfillment that I have not found in any other pursuit.

The power of words: how writing can impact others

Writing has the remarkable ability to shape our thoughts, inspire our emotions, and influence our actions. Words hold the power to connect people from different cultures, beliefs, and experiences. They have the potential to break barriers, challenge norms, and create a lasting impact on individuals. Writing allows us to express ourselves, share our stories, and create a sense of understanding and empathy among readers.

Through the art of writing, we can convey our deepest emotions, dreams, and fears. We can paint vivid pictures with words, transporting readers to far-off lands, or capturing a moment of pure joy. It is through the careful arrangement of words that we can convey the depth of human experience, tapping into universal truths that resonate with readers on a profound level.

Writing has the power to spark change, whether it be on a personal or societal level. Activists use written words to shed light on social injustices, giving a voice to those who are marginalized. Personal stories of triumph and resilience can inspire and motivate others to overcome their own obstacles. Writing, in all its forms, has the ability to challenge our perspectives, provoke thoughtful discussions, and ignite a passion for positive change.

Furthermore, writing allows us to preserve our history and culture. Through the written word, we can document our traditions, beliefs, and values for future generations to discover and appreciate. Stories and narratives passed down through generations can communicate the essence of who we are and where we come from, providing a sense of identity and belonging.

In conclusion, the power of words should not be underestimated. Writing has the potential to touch hearts, open minds, and transform lives. It bridges the gap between individuals, cultures, and experiences, creating connections that can last a lifetime. So let us embrace the power of our words and use them to inspire, inform, and ignite change in the world.

Fueling my creativity and personal growth through writing

Embarking on a journey of self-expression and exploration, I discovered that writing has become a powerful catalyst for my creativity and personal growth. As I delve into the realm of words, I find myself constantly captivated by the endless possibilities and the unique power each sentence holds to ignite my imagination.

Writing serves as a channel for my thoughts and emotions, allowing me to delve deep within myself and dive into the realm of self-reflection. In the process, it opens doors to new perspectives and insights, revealing the intricacies of my own identity and enhancing my understanding of the world around me.

Through writing, I have discovered that my thoughts are not confined to the limitations of my own mind. The act of putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) allows me to transcend the boundaries of my own thinking and explore new horizons. Whether through storytelling, poetry, or personal narratives, I can communicate my ideas and experiences in a way that resonates with others and sparks meaningful connections.

Moreover, writing has become a means of personal growth, as it encourages me to continually challenge myself and seek improvement. Each sentence I write is an opportunity to refine my craft, to experiment with different styles and techniques, and to push the boundaries of my own creativity. In this process of constant learning and growth, writing becomes not only a source of self-expression but also a vehicle for self-discovery.

As I continue to explore the possibilities of writing, I am constantly amazed by its transformative power. It fuels my creativity, allowing me to express myself in unique and profound ways. It nurtures my personal growth, pushing me to challenge my own limitations and evolve into a better version of myself. Through writing, I have found a passion that not only enriches my life but also connects me to others in a profound and meaningful way.

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Student Essays

8 Essays on My Passion – Importance of Passion in Life [ 2024 ]

Passion is an important force in our life that helps a man in many ways. It’s the passion that helps to achieve great laurels in life, achieve wonderful things in life, bring innovations, solve hard core problems of life etc. Passion is the greatest motivating force that helps a man to withstand adversity with excellence. The following Essay on Passion talks about its core meaning, importance of passion in life and why its important for students.

Essay on Passion | Essay on Importance of Passion in Life 

Passion is something that’s hard to define. It’s something that we feel, rather than something we see. It’s what compels us to do the things we love, and drives us to be the best we can be. For me, passion is all about creating and experiencing beauty. Whether it’s through writing, painting, or simply appreciating the world around me, I find immense satisfaction in beauty.

Essay on passion

Importance of Passion in Life

Passion is important because it can be the difference between a life that’s mediocre and a life that’s extraordinary. It’s what allows us to tap into our full potential and achieve great things. Without passion, we would simply go through the motions of life without ever really living. Passion is what makes us feel alive and fills us with purpose.

Passion can be used in many different ways. It can be the driving force behind our actions and the motivation to pursue our dreams. It can also be a source of inspiration, helping us to see the world in a new and beautiful way. Ultimately, passion is something that we each have to find for ourselves. It’s what makes us unique and special. Passion is what makes life worth living.

My Passion in Life

I am passionate about many things in life, but most important passion that has driven me so far is art. I’ve always been drawn to the arts, and I believe that creativity is one of the most important aspects of life. It’s what allows us to express ourselves, and to connect with others on a deeper level. Art can transcend boundaries, and it can be a powerful tool for healing and transformation. I’m grateful for the opportunities that I’ve had to express myself creatively, and I hope to continue doing so for years to come.

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Inculcating Passion

One of the best ways to help children develop a passion is to expose them to as many different things as possible. This can be done through activities like going to museums, or taking classes in various subjects. It’s also important to encourage children to follow their dreams and to never give up on their passions. Helping children find their passion is one of the most important things we can do as parents and educators. It’s what will help them lead fulfilling and successful lives. It will help them to find their voice in the world, and to make a difference in the lives of others.

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Therefore, Passion is the driving force of human progress so far. All great achievers have been passionate about something. We need to find our passion and pursue it wholeheartedly if we want to achieve extraordinary things in life. Life without Passion is meaningless.

Essay on My Passion in Life:

My passion in life is something that has been with me for as long as I can remember. It’s a driving force, a constant source of inspiration and motivation, and it brings so much joy and fulfillment to my life.

Growing up, I was always encouraged to explore different activities and hobbies to find what truly sparked my interest. From music to sports to art, I dabbled in many areas, but nothing quite captured my heart like writing did. From the moment I started putting words on paper, I knew that this was my passion.

Writing allows me to express myself in ways that I never thought possible. It’s a form of therapy, a way to process my thoughts and emotions, and a means to connect with others. Whether it’s through poetry, short stories, or personal essays, writing gives me a voice and allows me to share my perspective with the world.

But my passion for writing goes beyond just self-expression. It’s also a way for me to make an impact and leave a lasting impression on others. Through my words, I hope to inspire, educate, and bring about positive change in the world. Whether I’m writing about social issues, personal experiences, or fictional tales, my goal is always to ignite something within the reader and leave them with a newfound perspective.

My passion for writing has also led me to constantly seek out new knowledge and skills. I’m always reading books on different writing techniques, attending workshops and conferences, and connecting with other writers to learn from their experiences. This constant growth not only helps me improve my craft, but it also deepens my love for writing and keeps the flame of passion burning bright.

As I continue on my writing journey, I am grateful for the opportunities that have come my way and the people who have supported me. My passion in life has not only brought immense joy to myself, but it has also allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals and build a community of passionate writers.

In conclusion, my passion for writing is an integral part of who I am. It has shaped my identity, provided me with purpose and meaning, and continues to be a source of endless possibilities.

Short Essay on my Passion for Fashion:

Fashion has always been a significant part of my life. Since I was young, I have been fascinated by the way people express themselves through clothing. The colors, patterns, fabrics, and styles all come together to create an individual’s unique fashion statement.

As I grew older, my passion for fashion only intensified. I started experimenting with different styles and trends, trying to find my own personal aesthetic. I would spend hours scrolling through fashion blogs and magazines, admiring the latest collections from top designers.

Not only do I love fashion for its outward appearance, but also for the creativity and artistry behind it. Designers are constantly pushing boundaries and expressing themselves through their designs, which is something that deeply inspires me.

Fashion is not just about following trends; it’s about self-expression, confidence, and creativity. It has the power to make a statement and evoke emotions.

My passion for fashion led me to pursue a degree in Fashion Design, where I have learned the technical skills of garment construction and design principles. Through this, I have been able to bring my ideas to life and create clothing that is a reflection of my personal style.

Fashion will always be a significant part of my life, and I am grateful for the opportunity to turn my passion into a career. It allows me to constantly learn and grow, all while expressing myself in a unique and meaningful way. Overall, fashion has not only shaped my sense of style but also who I am as an individual. So, I will continue to follow my passion and see where it takes me on this exciting journey of self-discovery through fashion.

Essay on My Passion For Learning:

Learning has always been a fundamental part of my life. I have had a deep curiosity about the world around me from an early age, and this curiosity has only grown stronger as I have gotten older. For me, learning is not just a means to an end or something that needs to be done for school or work – it is a lifelong pursuit that brings joy and fulfillment to my life.

Growing up, I was fortunate enough to have parents who encouraged and supported my love for learning. They always made sure that I had access to books, educational activities, and opportunities to explore and discover new things. This laid the foundation for me to develop a strong passion for learning, as well as a thirst for knowledge that cannot be quenched.

One of the things that I love about learning is that there is always something new to discover. No matter how much I learn, there will always be more to explore and learn about. This constant cycle of discovery and growth keeps me motivated and excited to continue my journey of learning.

Through my passion for learning, I have been able to expand my horizons, challenge myself, and develop new skills. It has not only helped me in my academic and professional pursuits but also in my personal life. Learning has taught me how to think critically, problem-solve, and communicate effectively – skills that are essential for success in any aspect of life.

Moreover, learning has opened up a whole world of possibilities for me. It has allowed me to explore different subjects, cultures, and perspectives, broadening my understanding of the world and fostering empathy towards others. It has also given me the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share my passion for learning.

In conclusion, my passion for learning is not something that can be easily put into words. It is a driving force in my life that motivates me to continue growing, exploring, and discovering. Learning is not just a hobby or a habit for me – it is a way of life, and I am grateful for the opportunity to continue learning and growing every day. As Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Essay on My Passion for Football:

Football has been my passion from a very young age. I remember watching my first match at the age of 6 and being completely mesmerized by the energy and excitement on the field. I couldn’t wait to get home and try out all the moves I saw on TV with my friends.

As I grew older, my passion for football only intensified. I started playing in my school team and soon became one of the star players. I loved being on the field, feeling the rush of adrenaline as I dribbled past defenders and scored goals. It was more than just a game for me, it was a way of life.

Football has taught me valuable lessons that go beyond the field. Teamwork, discipline, perseverance – these are just some of the qualities that I have acquired through my love for football. It has also helped me stay physically fit and motivated me to push myself harder in other aspects of my life.

Being a football fan has also connected me with people from different backgrounds and cultures. The camaraderie and bond shared with fellow fans is something special and unifying.

Even though I may not be playing professionally, my passion for football continues to grow. Whether it’s watching a match with friends or playing a friendly game, football will always hold a special place in my heart. It has given me unforgettable memories and experiences that I will cherish forever. Football is more than just a sport to me, it’s my passion and I am grateful for all that it has brought into my life. So, I will continue to support my favorite team, cheer on my favorite players and spread the love for this beautiful game.

Essay on My Passion for Singing:

Singing has always been my passion since I was a child. I still remember when I used to sing along with the radio, trying to imitate the beautiful voices of my favorite singers. As I grew older, my love for singing only intensified and it became an integral part of my life.

One of the main reasons why singing is my passion is because it allows me to express myself in ways that words cannot. When I sing, I am able to convey my emotions and feelings to the audience without any barriers. It’s a form of catharsis for me, as I can release any pent-up emotions through my voice.

Moreover, singing also brings me immense joy and happiness. There is a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction when I hit the right notes and create beautiful melodies. It’s a feeling that cannot be described in words but can only be felt.

I have also had the opportunity to perform on various stages, from school functions to local competitions, and each performance has been a thrilling experience. The adrenaline rush I feel while performing is incomparable to anything else. It’s like a form of meditation for me, where I am completely immersed in the music and forget about everything else.

My passion for singing has also allowed me to meet new people who share the same love for music. I have made some lifelong friends through singing, and we often gather to jam and sing our hearts out.

In conclusion, my passion for singing is something that brings joy, fulfillment, and a sense of self-expression in my life. It’s more than just a hobby; it’s a part of who I am. I will continue to nurture this passion and strive to improve my skills as a singer.

Essay on My Passion for Swimming:

Swimming has been a major part of my life ever since I was a child. Growing up near the beach, swimming became one of the activities that I enjoyed the most. As I grew older, my love for swimming only increased, and it eventually turned into a passion.

One of the main reasons why swimming is so important to me is the sense of freedom and relaxation that it brings. Every time I dive into the water, all my worries disappear, and I feel completely at peace. It’s like a form of meditation for me, where I can disconnect from the outside world and focus on my own thoughts.

Aside from the mental benefits, swimming also has numerous physical benefits. It is a great workout for the entire body, and it helps me stay in shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The feeling of being weightless in the water is also a big plus for me, as I have always been fascinated by the ocean and its mysteries.

My passion for swimming has also led me to participate in competitive races and join swim teams. The adrenaline rush that comes with competing against others while pushing my own limits is exhilarating. It has taught me discipline, determination and the importance of hard work.

In conclusion, swimming is not just a hobby for me, but a passion that I will continue to pursue for as long as I can. It has been a constant source of joy, relaxation and personal growth in my life, and I am grateful to have discovered such a fulfilling activity.

Essay on My Passion for Cooking:

As a child, I was always drawn to the kitchen. While other kids were playing outside or watching cartoons, I found myself eagerly learning how to chop vegetables and mix ingredients. This early interest in cooking has only grown stronger as I’ve gotten older.

For me, cooking is not just about following recipes and making food. It’s an art form that allows me to express my creativity and passion. I love experimenting with different flavors, textures, and cooking techniques to create unique dishes that are both delicious and visually appealing.

Not only is cooking a creative outlet for me, but it’s also a way to connect with others. There’s something special about sharing a meal with loved ones – whether it’s a fancy dinner party or just a casual weeknight dinner. Cooking brings people together and creates lasting memories.

I am constantly seeking to improve my cooking skills and knowledge, whether it’s through trying new recipes or taking cooking classes. I am always excited to learn about different cuisines and techniques from around the world.

Ultimately, my passion for cooking stems from a deep love of food and the joy it brings to myself and others. It’s a never-ending journey that I am grateful to be on, and I can’t wait to see where it will take me next.

  • Start by identifying your passion.
  • Describe what you love about it.
  • Share personal experiences and anecdotes.
  • Explain how it has influenced your life or goals.
  • Convey your enthusiasm and dedication.
  • Write about the specific passion that drives you.
  • Describe how you discovered it and its significance in your life.
  • Explain how it has influenced your choices and personal growth.
  • Share examples of how you pursue or nurture your passion.
  • Convey your excitement and the impact it has on you.
  • Your passion in life is something you deeply love and are enthusiastic about.
  • It can be a hobby, a cause, a career, or an interest that brings you joy.
  • It’s unique to you and often motivates your actions and goals.
  • A passion paragraph is a concise piece of writing that briefly describes and conveys your strong interest or enthusiasm for a specific topic or activity.
  • It often introduces the reader to your passion and provides a glimpse of why it matters to you.

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Essay on My Passion

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Passion in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Passion


My passion is painting. It’s a unique form of self-expression that allows me to create my own world on canvas.

Why Painting?

I love painting because it provides a platform for my imagination. With every stroke of my brush, I can bring my thoughts to life.

Impact on Me

Painting is therapeutic for me. It helps me to relax, reduces my stress, and gives me a sense of accomplishment when I finish a piece.

In conclusion, painting is my passion. It’s more than a hobby, it’s a part of who I am.

250 Words Essay on My Passion

The genesis of my passion.

Growing up in the digital era, I was always fascinated by the endless possibilities technology offered. This fascination soon turned into a passion when I wrote my first line of code. The sense of accomplishment I felt was unparalleled, sparking a desire to delve deeper into the realm of technology.

The Impact of My Passion

My passion for technology has shaped my life and career choices. It led me to pursue a degree in Computer Science, where I have been able to explore different facets of technology, from coding to artificial intelligence. This passion has also allowed me to contribute to society by developing solutions for real-world problems.

The Future of My Passion

Looking ahead, I see my passion for technology continuing to grow and evolve. I aim to use it as a tool to drive innovation and positive change, leveraging its potential to solve complex global issues. My passion is more than just a personal interest; it is a commitment to using technology to create a better future.

In conclusion, passion is a powerful motivator that can lead us to achieve great things. For me, technology is not just a field of study or a career, but a passion that fuels my curiosity, creativity, and desire to make a difference. It is a journey of continuous learning, growth, and innovation, and I am excited to see where it will take me next.

500 Words Essay on My Passion

Introduction: the awakening of passion.

Passion, a profound, intense emotion, is the invisible force that drives us to commit ourselves to particular activities, ideas, or fields. It is the spark that ignites the flame of our deepest interests. My passion, which I discovered during my early teenage years, is for technology and computer science.

Unveiling the World of Technology

The journey of learning.

I embarked on a journey to learn more about the intricacies of computer science. I started with basic programming languages and gradually moved to complex ones. With each line of code I wrote, I felt a sense of accomplishment and a growing desire to learn more. The more I learned, the more I realized that computer science is not just about coding; it’s a way of thinking and problem-solving. It’s about developing algorithms to make life easier and more efficient.

Challenges: The Fuel to My Passion

The journey was not always smooth. There were times when I felt overwhelmed by the complexity of the problems I was trying to solve. However, these challenges only fueled my passion. Each obstacle was an opportunity to learn something new, to push my boundaries, and to come up with innovative solutions. These challenges taught me resilience, patience, and the importance of a growth mindset.

Impact and Future Aspirations

Conclusion: the power of passion.

Passion is more than just a strong interest or hobby; it’s a commitment to pursue something with all your heart and mind. It is the driving force that pushes you to go beyond your comfort zone and explore new horizons. My passion for technology has shaped my life in countless ways, and it continues to inspire me to learn, innovate, and create. It is a reminder that when we pursue what we love, we not only find joy and fulfillment, but we also have the potential to make a significant impact.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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My Greatest Passion and How It Has Contributed to My Personal Growth Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

The 18th century French philosopher Denis Diderot’s remark that “Only passions, great passions can elevate the soul to great things”, is significant and deserves primary attention as a close look at history reveals that all the great people were obsessed with some passion or the other. The ambition and the passions of an individual are closely linked as one is most likely to go after his most dominant passion to cherish his ambition in life.

It is the innate passion of the individual that motivates him and leads him to undertake any amount of challenges for the accomplishment of his dreams and ambitions. Each individual has his/her own unique passions and my greatest passion in life is for the poor and needy humans.

Hailed from a very poor region in Russia and having lost my dad at the age of 15, I always had a passion to make this world a better place for the poor and the homeless children whom I came across from my early childhood onwards. Thus, my passion for the suffering humanity has drastically changed my life and this instilled in me a strong desire to dedicate my life for their cause. Within no time I realized that I needed to pursue the career of a social worker to fulfil my passion for the poor and downtrodden section of the society.

My desire to become a committed social worker transformed my way of life too. I became more and more interested in social issues, and each time I saw injustice and maltreatment done to the helpless, I was tormented with sympathetic and empathetic feelings towards them. I still remember how I dreamt of building a huge house in my locality so that I can provide solace and shelter to the homeless and the needy. I even cherished the fantasy of building a shelter for the strayed animals and birds that did not have a resting place to sleep. I wanted to learn more about social problems and my passion for the society and the people around me prompted me to pursue my higher studies either in psychology or sociology.

My passion for the suffering humanity was so strong that I always enjoyed travelling, discovering new cultures, and meeting new places and people. Knowing more about various cultures and human beings provided me immense satisfaction and I used to spend sleepless nights learning about human behaviour and human psychology. After my school studies I decided to pursue my higher studies at the California University where I want to study either Health and Social Care Management or Sociology.

My family members realized how determined I was in the pursuit of my ambitions and I am grateful to my mother and relatives for providing me constant support, encouragement and confidence. One of the reasons I wanted to study in California was that I really fell in love with Los Angels the very first time I visited the city. Besides, I am fascinated by the American culture and I believe that Los Angels is the right place to equip myself with the necessary knowledge and skills to cherish my passion in life-that of helping the humanity and making the lives of the people around me happier.

Thus, my passion for the cause of the poor, the helpless and the needy has contributed both to my personal and professional growth. The years I worked hard to accomplish my innate passion also saw me through the development of my personality. Within no time I established myself as a person with a lot of social contacts and I could see that my communication skills and leadership abilities have also been improved considerably. To conclude, it was my social commitment and my passion for the poor and the needy that resulted in my personal and professional growth.

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 28). My Greatest Passion and How It Has Contributed to My Personal Growth.

"My Greatest Passion and How It Has Contributed to My Personal Growth." IvyPanda , 28 Sept. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'My Greatest Passion and How It Has Contributed to My Personal Growth'. 28 September.

IvyPanda . 2021. "My Greatest Passion and How It Has Contributed to My Personal Growth." September 28, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "My Greatest Passion and How It Has Contributed to My Personal Growth." September 28, 2021.


IvyPanda . "My Greatest Passion and How It Has Contributed to My Personal Growth." September 28, 2021.

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Example Application Essay on ‘My Passion in Life’

essay on my passion

by Talha Omer, M.Eng., Cornell Grad

In personal statement prompts.

Some university programs require you to write an essay about your passion in life. The admissions committee looks for what motivates and drives you through this essay. Here is an example of a successful essay written by an applicant who talks about her passion and how it developed. As a result, the applicant was admitted to top graduate programs in business and management.

Sample Admissions Essay on My Passion in Life

One day, when my male cousin asked me to go to a secluded room, I didn’t resist. By the time he walked away, I was overwhelmed with confusion. Over time, I learned to bury the memory deep under a wall of silence. Years later, my secret came out in waves of teary confessions. What I heard next was my worst nightmare; my younger sister had been hurt too. That was a defining moment for me, where I learned the power of speaking up.

I am passionate about using my voice to advocate for the equality of status for women in and out of the workspace. I am also passionate about helping other women discover their voices so they can take their rightful place in the conversation at the workplace. This quest directly relates to my identity as a progressive woman and my need to cultivate a safe, nurturing space for women.

Furthermore, I want women to understand their inherent power in the workplace as equal contributors to profitability and productivity. My experience with the Women’s Club chapter at Coca-Cola, where I witnessed the impact and influence of mentoring and training, has fueled my passion for utilizing my voice to ensure that women are provided with the avenues of growth they deserve at the workplace.

My consulting practice that will develop learning and organizational development solutions resonates with my passion for helping women achieve their true potential in a diverse, accepting and empathetic work environment.


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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, how to show passion through writing.

I'm working on my college essays and I want to convey my passion for my chosen field effectively. Can anyone suggest some passionate tone words and writing techniques that would help me express my enthusiasm and dedication more convincingly? Thank you!

When it comes to writing a college essay that showcases your passion, it's important to focus on using descriptive language, providing concrete examples, and conveying genuine enthusiasm. Here are a few tips and techniques to help you effectively express your passion through writing:

1. Be specific and use vivid language: Rather than making generic statements about your passion, focus on specific details or experiences that demonstrate your enthusiasm and drive. Use descriptive language with strong adjectives and active verbs to bring your passion to life. For instance, instead of saying "I love helping people," you could say "I discovered the immense gratification of volunteering at the local soup kitchen, listening to the stories of the people I served, and witnessing the impact of my actions on their lives."

2. Share personal anecdotes and stories: Sharing personal experiences related to your passion can make your essay more engaging and relatable. When explaining why you're passionate about a particular field or activity, recount a specific moment or experience that sparked your interest or deepened your involvement. These stories should highlight the emotional connection you have with your passion.

3. Show growth and development: Demonstrating how your passion has evolved over time can be an effective way to convey dedication and progress. Discuss any challenges you faced along your journey, how you overcame them, and how these experiences enriched your relationship with your passion.

4. Use passionate tone words: To communicate enthusiasm, use tone words that evoke excitement, commitment, and drive. Some examples include: captivated, inspired, invigorated, zealous, ardent, fervent, and devoted.

5. Describe the impact and connection to others: Show how your passion impacts not only you but also the people around you or the broader community. Explain how your dedication to your chosen field influences your relationships, inspires others, or contributes to something greater than yourself.

6. Reflect on the future: Share your aspirations and goals related to your passion, and discuss how you envision further developing your skills and interests in college and beyond. This demonstrates a continued commitment to your passion and a desire to grow as an individual.

By incorporating these techniques and focusing on your own unique experiences, your passion will shine through in your essay, effectively showcasing your enthusiasm and dedication to your chosen field.

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Best topics on Passion

1. Fueling the Fire Within: What I Am Passionate About

2. Teaching Philosophy as a Passionate Job for Passionate Teachers

3. Important Info To Know About Hobbies And Interests

4. Passionate Pursuit: Being Passionate About Art

5. My Passion And Searching What You Are Passionate About

6. The Consequences of Losing Your Own Passion

7. How Passion and Pragmatism Shape Individual’s Life

8. The Character of a Younger Brother in E.L. Doctorow’s Novel “Ragtime”

9. How My Passion Towards Sport Incredibly Changed My Life

10. The Art and Discipline of Figure Skating: A Passionate Journey

11. Antoine de Saint-Exupery and His Passion for Flying

12. Vincent Van Gogh: Passions and Interests of an Artist

13. Journaling and Barrett’s Power Theory

14. Defining Myself and My Dream Through Passion

15. Passion as a Key for Success in Working Environment

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The Future World of Work

What Are You Most Passionate About? 11 Example Answers

Christina J Colclough

By Christina Colclough

Last updated: March 20, 2024

When the interviewer asks what you are passionate about in life, their purpose is quite clear. This question aims to probe further into your personality and life goals, revealing part of your motivation when applying for the position in the first place.

What Are You Most Passionate About

Experienced candidates should navigate this question without problem, but I understand why beginners consider it a struggle. No worries; let me help you out with a list of common examples of passions you can adapt to your own case!

In this article:

How to answer this question.

answering questions during an interview

1. Select Something You Are Passionate About

Whether it is a non-professional hobby or something work-related, make sure you can talk about it confidently with both knowledge and excitement. That way, the interviewer can recognize and acknowledge your strong commitment to personal growth.

Unsure what to talk about? Then, think about something you enjoyed doing in your previous role or an activity you always look forward to during weekends. You can also share your thoughts about a mission you think is crucial for your current industry/field, such as workplace safety or empowering women for leadership roles. 

2. Give A Specific Example

Discuss how you participated or strengthened that passion. For instance, if you are dedicated to promoting equal rights, make sure to mention your voluntary work with trustable organizations or in projects for the underprivileged. Show them you are not just passionate about it but actively working on it as well! 

Another alternative is to share your specific goals related to that passion. Let’s say you love exercising; then you can explain that you are going to enroll in a triathlon and have developed a consistent training schedule for it. I believe any HR professional like me always welcomes employees who know how to set doable goals and build excellent plans for them. 

3. Relate Your Genuine Passion To The Job

Finally, conclude the answer by linking it back to your applied position. 

Are you a huge writing enthusiast and are applying for a public relations department? Then, you can easily link your writing skills to the job requirements. For instance:

  • Writing takes practice, which you also apply to your work practices.
  • You always customize your writing style to cater to different readers. This strategy helps you attract more diverse demographics in your previous job. 

Top 11 Examples To Answer: “What Are You Most Passionate About? “

1. personal growth.

“I am genuinely passionate about continuous learning because I believe that knowledge is a powerful catalyst for both personal and professional development. That’s why I have always been committed to staying updated with emerging technologies in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence.

My personal passion for continuous learning doesn’t stop at technical skills; it also extends to understanding diverse perspectives, reading literature from various genres, and venturing into topics outside my immediate professional interests. Not only does it enrich my own life, but I can also bring a more multifaceted perspective to any project or challenge at my workplace.”


“Digital art is one of my greatest darlings. Growing up, I have always found solace and excitement in expressing myself through visual mediums. This biggest passion led me to pursue a degree in Graphic Design and explore various aspects of modern creativity.

Artistic skills aside, these valuable experiences taught me how to understand a project from a client’s objectives and tailor my expertise to their needs. Furthermore, witnessing the positive impact of my work on the nonprofit’s outreach was incredibly fulfilling; it reinforced my belief in the power of creativity to make a difference in the community.”

3. Mindfulness

“Several years ago, I found myself constantly overwhelmed by the fast-paced nature of both work and personal responsibilities. It was affecting my well-being, and I knew I needed a change. That’s when I discovered mindfulness meditation!

I started incorporating it into my daily routine and set aside time for meditation and reflection each morning. And I did not just stop there. Recognizing the similar burnout many of my colleagues were experiencing, I collaborated with a certified mindfulness instructor to design workshops tailored to our work environment.

So, you see, my passion is not just for my own gain; I genuinely want to bring tangible changes in the lives of those around me.”

4. New Experiences

“One thing that truly fuels my passion in life is to seek out and embrace new experiences. For me, each of these lessons, whether big or small, contributes to a broader perspective of the world!

Last year, I decided to challenge myself and planned a month-long journey through various Southeast Asian countries. Physical exploration aside, I can say it was a journey of self-discovery; I learned to adapt to new environments and appreciate the beauty of human connections around me. 

How about my professional life? My passion for new experiences translates into my approach to problem-solving. I thrive in dynamic environments that value adaptability, and always take the initiative to come up with creative solutions regardless of the challenges I face.”

5. Your Family

Mom and childhood

“I love my family more than anything in the world, even though many of us are hundreds of miles apart. Every summer, members from different corners of the country gather for a weekend picnic filled with laughter and stories, and each of us is assigned a specific role in organizing activities. 

These treasured moments become a guiding principle that influences how I approach relationships in both my personal and professional life. 

That’s why I strongly believe in a healthy work environment where colleagues become more than just coworkers but family. Just like those fulfilling weekend picnics, I also find a similar sense of contentment in working closely with my trusted colleagues toward a common goal.”

6. Your Relationships

“I have spent almost my whole life trying to nurture and build meaningful relationships. 

I always believe that strong connections with others form the foundation for both my personal and professional success and create a supportive environment for everyone involved. Hence, I have spearheaded community volunteer projects for the past few years to encourage people to work towards shared goals. 

This passion also aligns directly with my professional work. My ability to connect and understand others’ perspectives contributes significantly to the success of the team and the organization as a whole.”

7. Giving Back

“I love to give back to the community and make a positive impact on the lives of others. Witnessing firsthand the power of collective efforts to uplift those in need has been a very inspiring driving force for me. I believe that by joining hands together, we can build a stronger, more compassionate society.

From my research, I’m impressed that your company also strongly emphasizes corporate social responsibility and community engagement. As my values perfectly align with your culture, I’m confident I can contribute to the company’s broader mission, going beyond business success to pursue a better society.”

8. Pets or Animals

Woman working remotely with dog

“Since childhood, I’ve always found solace in the companionship of animals and appreciated their unique bonds with us humans. This passion motivated me to volunteer at local animal shelters for years. I also organized community awareness campaigns for shelter pets and even participated in large fundraising events by animal rescue organizations.

As you can see, it’s not just a personal interest; I am also driven to contribute to the well-being of animals in the community. I’m eager to bring the same passion to the workplace, where I can integrate my community-centric initiatives with professional skills to bridge the gap between the company and local people.”

9. Spiritual Beliefs

“Jesus’s teachings on impermanence and compassion have been transformative to me. 

These principles allow me to cultivate a balanced, more purposeful existence where I can experience the tangible benefits of deep interconnectedness with others. I have also opened workshops to help people around me find a new sense of self-awareness.

I believe my compassionate contributions to both myself and others align with the company’s emphasis on focus and adaptability. And, given the success of my previous workshops, I cannot wait to cultivate a positive work culture where every member feels supported in their personal growth.”

10. Writing Books

Writing Books

“Writing, for me, is one of the most pleasant hobbies. There’s nothing more joyous than to spend time developing your characters and weaving plotlines into a compelling message that deeply resonates! It also allows me to contribute my unique voice to the world. 

In another vein, effective communication is just as crucial in professional settings as in any of my books. Not to mention creativity, attention to detail, and so much more – all considered important attributes to the organization’s success! As a team member, I promise to bring fresh perspectives to any creative projects we undertake.” 

11. Photography

“Photography has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember. There’s something magical about capturing moments in time and telling stories through a camera lens! I am drawn to the way light, composition, and perspective can transform something ordinary into a powerful visual narrative. 

My passion for photography will be a valuable asset in any professional role involving creativity and visual communication. 

I see opportunities to apply my keen eye for detail to promote the visual aspects of any project, ensuring they not only meet but exceed expectations. Coupled with my unique perspectives, I believe I am a strong candidate for the position.” 

Things to Avoid

  • Think twice before discussing controversial or polarizing topics unless they are directly related to the industry or your applied position.
  • Keep the focus on the positive aspects of your hobbies only. Avoid talking about what you hate or are not passionate about.
  • Refrain from sharing overly personal information that is either irrelevant to the job or could be considered inappropriate for a professional setting.
See more interview tips: 10+ Good Skills To Put On A Resume How To Write A Follow-Up Email After Interview 3 Examples For Thank-You Email After Interview 8 Examples of Challenges You Have Overcome At Work 6 sample answers of accomplishments at work 5 Examples of Problem-Solving in The Workplace How To Ask for Feedback After Job Rejection How to Explain The Reason for Leaving a Job on Applications For Interview Question: How To Answer: “Why Do You Want To Work Here?” What Do You Like To Do For Fun? What Are You Most Passionate About? What Are You Looking For In Your Next Job? Why Are You Interested In This Position? How To Answer What Is Your Desired Salary? What Accomplishments Are You Most Proud Of?

This job interview question might seem tricky at first glance. But at the end of the day, you are just talking about something you love; it should not be that difficult, right? Use my sample answers to adjust yours if you don’t know where to start. As always, write to me if you need more advice.

Christina J. Colclough

Dr Christina J. Colclough is an expert on The Future World of Work and the politics of digital technology advocating globally for the importance of the workers’ voice. She has extensive regional and global labour movement experience, is a sought-after keynote speaker, coach, and strategist advising progressive governments and worker organisations.

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37 Questions to Help You Identify Your Passions

Questions for discovering what inspires passion in your life—and what defeats it.

Posted March 20, 2018

What are you most passionately curious about, and fascinated by? What do you love to study and research, write about, blog about, investigate and try to understand?

5) A flow state is one in which you’re utterly absorbed and focused in some activity you enjoy, energized, oblivious of time, content even when it’s difficult.

Which, if any, of your involvements and activities typically make you feel like you’re in a flow state? (And if you can’t think of any, write down when the last time was that you felt like you were in a flow state?

6) Having a feel for what wants to emerge in any given situation—a conversation, a relationship, a career , a life—is a valuable skill in living fully. What do you sense is trying to emerge in your life at this juncture? What’s trying to happen, to come to fruition?

7) Among the most consistent precursors of what are called “spontaneous remissions” from disease, is a profound and affirmative personal change just prior to the remission. It could be a revelatory experience, a reconciliation with a long-despised parent, the radical assumption of responsibility for your own life, a significant confession or admission, allowing a long-buried and essential part of you to finally emerge and be expressed, or the pursuit of a long-denied passion.

Name some profound and affirmative personal change you could make (or perhaps should make) that even if it didn’t heal your body, would still have a profound healing effect on your life.

8) If you were granted one superpower, what would it be?

9) What is your favorite quality about yourself?

10) What movie(s) have you watched over and over? What’s the theme?

11) What kinds of things do you pray about the most often? Or pray for?

12) Name someone who inspires you with his/her approach to life. What is it you admire most about the way this person lives?

13) If you could choose a mentor, dead or alive, to help guide you back—or forward—to a sense of aliveness, who would it be, and why?

What advice would s/he would give you regarding how to find your way to this sense of aliveness and vitality?

14) Name a time in your life when you were unusually bold (by your own standards)?

What might boldness look like right now in your life?

15) Name one positive change you’d love to see in your work life?

16) What kinds of scenes in movies most often make you choke up? Dramatic reconciliations, acts of kindness, people sticking up for other people, underdogs triumphing over obstacles.

17) What if anything do you have a chip on your shoulder about? (Grudges are forms of passion and energy, potential sources of power and sense of mission, and can motivate us to action.) Being raised with certain disadvantages, not going to college, something your parents suppressed in you, some way you’ve been victimized.

18) What issues or stories in the news predictably fill you with indignity and outrage?

19) The secret of life, the sculptor Henry Moore once said, is “to have a task, something you devote your entire life to, something you bring everything to. And the most important thing is that it must be something you cannot possibly do.”

When your passions are hooked up to a larger frame of reference, something bigger than yourself, it can help inspire and motivate you. Name some meta- motivation , some value or vision that much of your work and your passions are geared toward achieving (or that you’d like them to be geared toward achieving). Protecting the environment , helping empower people affected by cancer, inspiring lifelong learning, strengthening communities, creating a more informed public, helping people laugh.

essay on my passion

20) Compose a bucket-list. 10 things you’d love to do or experience before you die. Learn how to ski, swim with dolphins, get a tattoo, run a marathon, write a book, forgive someone.

21) Where in your life—in what places, doing what things, with which people—can you say, “I like myself here”?

22) You're standing at a crossroads. There's a signpost in front of you with two signs on it, pointing in different directions. Without thinking too much, what's written on each of the signs (a word or short phrase)?

23) The psychologist Arnold Mindell, founder of Process Oriented Psychology, says that symptoms are usually dreams trying to come true. Name some recurring symptom in your body that has your attention . Then give it a voice, let it speak to you and tell you: “My dream is that you would………….:”

24) The novelist Toni Morrison once sat down and wrote all the to-do list items she had to get done in the average day—work and non-work related—which was many pages long. At the end of it, she wrote: “What must I do or I shall die?” She came up with only two items: be a mother to my children, and write! Ask yourself the same question: What must I do or I shall die?

25) What decision you could make today that your future self would thank you for?

26) If you could program a subliminal message onto your own computer, and have it flash at you 500 times a day, what message would you plug in?

27) If you died tomorrow, what would be your biggest regret about what you didn't do in life, or didn't get to do?

(Now take a spin back through your responses to the questions, and look for patterns by circling all recurring themes.)

What Defeats Passion:

1) What pleasures/passions/involvements have you let slide or lost touch with over the years that you miss the most?

2) Every culture has a word for vampire, for a creature or force so needy it sucks the life-force out of others. And part of reclaiming your vitality is identifying where in your life you lose it, where it drains out.

Name a few of the activities and involvements in your life where your energies tend to drain out, that take vitality from you rather than give it. Socializing out of guilt or obligation, Driving in rush hour traffic when you don’t have to, television, letting yourself be trapped in conversations by talkaholics, digital busywork.

3) Now do the same for beliefs and attitudes that tend to take energy from you rather than give it; that rob you of optimism , faith or joy. In other words, undermining, glass-half-empty self-talk , the kind of stuff you probably wouldn’t put up with if someone else was saying it to you: I’ll never lose weight, there are no decent jobs out there, or decent men/women, I’ll never learn this—I’m hopeless, life is unfair, I’m too old to learn new tricks, I never have enough time, I stink at making money, I’m not good enough.

4) There are essentially two kinds of boredom . One is situational—you’re stuck in the checkout line, in traffic, in the waiting room, in a tedious class. The other is existential: you’re bored with your work, your marriage , your life, even your own company. The French call it ennui, the Germans call it unlust, and scientists call it hyperboredom.

Identify any aspects of your life that you feel deeply bored with.

5) The remedy for boredom is typically action. But with the deeper kinds of boredom, the remedy is more likely to be insight . That is, if you dig a bit you’re likely to find some thwarted desire or energy that the boredom and restlessness are masking .

To whatever degree you feel plagued by hyperboredom and inertia, go with your gut and see if you can identify what passion or desire may be underneath it that wants expression.

6) Name a few things that are on the top of your list of things you procrastinate around. (There’s often something compelling about what you procrastinate around, something that has a charge for you.) Making a career change, or a relationship change, going back to school, starting an exercise regimen, doing service work, having a certain conversation with a certain someone.

7) If you could change one thing about your personality , how would you be different?

8) Name a thing or two that your parents tried to suppress in you. Some part of your personality, forbidden behavior, activities that were frowned on.

9) What fear have you struggled your whole life to overcome?

10) Restless Legs Syndrome is characterized by having a hard time resting or sleeping , uncomfortable sensations in the legs that patients typically describe as “creepy” and “crawly,” and the compelling urge to move. In fact, the medical literature says that actually getting up and moving usually offers immediate relief.

In what arena of your life do you feel the most restless, if not stagnant? Where do you feel the least forward momentum?

And answer this question: what wants to move and where does it want to go?

Again, look through your responses to the questions, and see if you can find patterns by circling all recurring themes.

Gregg Levoy

Gregg Levoy is the author of Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion (Penguin) and Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life (Random House).

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My Passionate, Essay Example

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My passion relates to finding the truth and understanding the world and this has played a vital role in my storytelling hobby. My father was very keen to keep me updated concerning the need to gather knowledge as an important part of gaining wisdom. My craving for knowledge heightened my fascination concerning nature, religion, the stars and play. I also love to research about history, and looking in the cultures of different civilizations, which help shape my storytelling. However, my passion for history would not likely have a strong effect on the world, but it provides knowledge and wisdom of the past. I would love to be a historian or a archeologist if given the opportunity. As my passion is world history. My family heritage gave me this passion. I have learned so much over the years from reading, and hearing my grandfather talking about the Korean War. When I went to Seoul Korea, going to the museums, my relatives were surprised how well I am familiar with Korean history, despite not ever visiting Korea. Then they offered me a personal family tree book. This escalated my interest, as I learned that my great ancestor was a great general in ancient Korea. The experience of researching history made me a better thinker and communicator, and, in turn, a better filmmaker. My passion for history persists as an avocation, if not a vocation, and my passion gives me a unique perspective in the movie business world. During my childhood, I appreciated the fact that I needed to gather knowledge on the issues that I knew least. I was keen to watch our television that I believed is a good medium to access important information on diverse issues. I was also interested in reading books and therefore I was a fun of cracking encyclopedia and libraries. My motivation to read the books and encyclopedias that I could access was out of the fascination of the information contained in these materials. Interesting information concerning the world was clearly displayed in these materials waiting for somebody to read and gain knowledge.

When I discovered that books were the greatest source of information, I made sure that I carry all the favorite books that I came across and I kept most of them within my reach. Every moment of my time was spent on these books that contained sufficient information on animals, the space and all scientific knowledge that one could aspire to know about. Passion plays a vital role in reading and this has greatly transformed me in my storytelling hobby. Extensive reading gives me the needed knowledge on diverse fields such that, I can competently narrate a story with a high degree of creativeness and authenticity. Such passion does not necessary need that a person was successful in school. It is possible to get a lot of solace in books even after failing to achieve excellently in school. Books are good sources of connections and they contribute significantly in building our memories and feelings. To be a passionate reader of books makes one to actively share experiences, connections and feelings, in life with others.

I came to appreciate the greatest gift one can ever acquire as the passion to read extensively. Extensive reading distracts the reader from many things; it consoles, excites and gives the necessary knowledge and experience that are needed in the world as a moral illumination. A lot of gains are associated with reading books. The most notable of the benefits is associated with mind-expanding gains. Great thinkers of the past left behind their works in books and this is the best place that we can access the wisdom that they had.

Sometimes life become unbearable and such a situation can be surmounted by taking a brief escape in to the books. Reading has the potentials of absorbing the brain leading to relaxation thereafter.  Some of the books serve to entertain the reader. Such books include thrillers, novels and scientific books that entertain and opens the minds to a new world. Books are the best and outstanding source of wisdom and knowledge that can be accessed with comparatively low cost. Continuous reading is therefore a great source of knowledge that greatly influences the future of the reader. The reader becomes informed in a wide range of fields that enhances other skills such storytelling as is in my case.

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