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UW Foster MBA Essays: Tips for 2024-2025

At Menlo Coaching, we noticed that most MBA essays will fall into one of a number of categories: personal essays, career goals essays, behavioral essays, etc. Read ahead for our expert guide on approaching these essays for Foster School of Business.

Career Goals

  • Essay 1: Tell us your ideas about what lies ahead for you in your career. What are the gaps or deficiencies currently preventing you from pursuing these potential career paths? How do you plan to use your time in the Foster Full-time MBA Program to fill these gaps and advance your career? (upload file, 750 words maximum)

Behavioral Essay

  • Essay 2: Resilience is one of the most important values of a successful Foster student. Tell us about what resilience means to you and share some of the ways that you have demonstrated resilience in overcoming personal or professional challenges. How do you anticipate showing resilience during your time as an MBA candidate? (upload file, maximum 500 words)

Optional Essay

  • Essay 3: Please include this essay if you have additional information you believe would be helpful to the admissions committee in considering your application. (upload file, maximum 500 words)

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Essay* (Optional)

  • Essay 4: At the Foster School of Business, we embrace diversity as one of the foundations of both successful business strategy and a world-class educational experience. We share the University’s dedication to promoting the understanding and appreciation of human differences, and the constructive expression of ideas. We welcome you to share some of the ways you have practiced inclusion, promoted equity, or supported the advancement of underrepresented groups. (upload file, maximum 500 words) * No separate scholarship application is required to be considered for Full-time MBA merit scholarships. However, we recommend that if you would like to be considered for the ROMBA Fellowship or Forté Fellowship, you may indicate your qualifications and interest in these scholarships through the Optional Diversity, Equity and Inclusion essay question.

Applying to Foster School of Business

The Foster School of Business “blends experience and professionalism” to create a community of peers who are eager to work and enhance their capabilities in the business world. The class sizes are kept purposely small, enabling closer connections and communication between classmates and the students and faculty. Through the story you relate in your essay, the admissions council is looking to see if you reflect the same values that the school does. UW Foster is looking for students who are entrepreneurial, team-players, and pioneering. The best way to represent that you possess those qualities is through the type of essay you choose to write. 

The Career Goals Essay

You’re not the only one hoping you’ll have a job after you’ve graduated with your MBA. Admissions committees are looking for students who are motivated and clear in their intentions so that when they get a job post-grad, they’ll be more willing to speak positively of their experience in the program. And, of course, in the hopes that their alumni will earn enough money to become a donor to the school one day.  

There are three aspects to the career goals essay: 

  • What you want your future profession to look like.
  • Why an MBA is necessary to advance your career.
  • Particularly, why a degree from UW Foster will be most beneficial to you and your job plan. 

Your aspirations need to be convincing, ambitious, and realistic. Foster is looking for applicants who have meaningful goals grounded in their past experiences, and it’s important that you relate that notion in your essay, however it applies to your experience in life. 

The Behavioral Essay

To make it simple: the behavioral essay is meant to show UW Foster that you have developed some sort of leadership skills, what your values are as a leader, and how you are going to most benefit from their development programs. 

The admissions committee is looking for applicants that are self-reflective. Whether it’s through a setback you’ve experienced, or how you dealt with situations that have gone awry, the school is looking for students who are resilient and able to learn from their mistakes. 

Do not overexaggerate (or underexaggerate!) the situations you decide to write about. Be honest about what happened; Foster is looking for genuine people to join their campus community, and they are less likely to admit an applicant who has overinflated their prior experiences. 

Last but not least, make sure to describe what you learned and how you implemented this in a subsequent situation. This is an  expected  element of the behavioral essay, even if it’s not directly written in the prompt. Prompts that deal with these topics can be daunting, especially when they require you to write about a weakness you have or a failure you’ve experienced.

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foster mba essays

Optional Essays

In addition to these essay types, UW Foster also offers applicants the opportunity to write optional essays to expand on gaps in your resume or other potential weaknesses in your record. Keep in mind that this essay is meant as an addition, so try to keep it short and concise.

Foster also invites applicants to write an optional diversity, equity and inclusion essay , in which you can demonstrate your commitment to diversity and inclusion, a cornerstone of UW Foster’s mission, as stated on their website:

At the Foster School of Business, we embrace diversity as one of the foundations of both successful business strategy and a world-class educational experience. We share the University’s dedication to promoting the understanding and appreciation of human differences, and the constructive expression of ideas. UW Foster

Writing strong, coherent, genuine stories is an essential part of your MBA application. These essays are meant to help you stand out among many other applicants, so it is worth your time to do the work and write about situations unique to your life and that you truly learned from.

Feeling stuck with Foster MBA admissions essays? Our dedicated application consultants are here to provide personalized guidance and support every step of the way. Connect with us to streamline your admissions journey.

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2024-2025 UW Foster MBA Essay Analysis

Admit expert.

  • July 29, 2024

The UW Foster School of Business is one of the most competitive MBA programs in the world, and its admissions process is no exception. In order to be successful, applicants must not only have strong academic credentials, but they must also demonstrate the qualities that Foster seeks in its students, such as resilience, leadership, and a commitment to diversity and inclusion.

UW Foster School of Business MBA essay analysis

This article provides an analysis of the two required essays for the 2025 Foster MBA admissions season. The first essay asks applicants to discuss their career goals and how the Foster MBA program can help them achieve those goals. The second essay asks applicants to reflect on a time when they demonstrated resilience.

The article also provides a framework for writing effective essays for these prompts. By following this framework, applicants can increase their chances of being admitted to Foster.

MBA Application Deadlines

RoundApplication DeadlineReceive NotificationEnrollment Deadline
1October 1, 2024December 20, 2024February 12, 2025
2January 7, 2025 March 28, 2025May 1, 2025
3March 12, 2025May 15, 2025June 5, 2025

UW Foster MBA Essay Prompts for 2025 intake

There are 2 required essay prompts and 2 optional essay prompts for the 2025 admissions:

Essay 1 : Post-MBA Plans (750 words maximum) Tell us your ideas about what lies ahead in your career. What are the gaps or deficiencies currently preventing you from pursuing these potential career paths? How do you plan to use your time in the Foster MBA program to fill these gaps and advance your career?

Essay 2 : Personal Resilience Essay (500 words maximum) Resilience is one of the most important values of a successful Foster student. Tell us about what resilience means to you and share some of the ways that you have demonstrated resilience in overcoming personal or professional challenges. How do you anticipate showing resilience during your time as an MBA candidate?

Essay 3 : Optional essay (500 words maximum) Include this essay if you have additional information you believe would be helpful to the admissions committee in considering your application.

Essay 4 : Optional Diversity, Equity & Inclusion essay (500 words maximum) At the Foster School of Business, we embrace diversity as one of the foundations of both successful business strategy and a world-class educational experience. We share the University’s dedication to promoting the understanding and appreciation of human differences, and the constructive expression of ideas. We welcome you to share some of the ways you have practiced inclusion, promoted equity or supported the advancement of underrepresented groups.

UW Foster MBA Essay Analysis

Uw foster mba essay 1 analysis.

  • Tell us your ideas about what lies ahead for you in your career. What are the gaps or deficiencies currently preventing you from pursuing these potential career paths? How do you plan to use your time in the Foster MBA program to fill these gaps and advance your career? (750 words maximum)

This essay prompt requires you to define your career goals while also incorporating two essential elements: the gaps in your profile and knowledge and how they pose challenges to your long-term aspirations, as well as the pivotal role of the Foster MBA program in overcoming these obstacles. To effectively tackle this prompt, follow a structured framework that begins with outlining your background in the field, followed by addressing your gaps, elaborating on how specific components of the Foster MBA program can help you overcome them, and concluding with a narrative that aligns with your long-term goals.

UW Foster MBA Essay 1 Tips

To effectively address this prompt:

  • Look Forward and Reflect

When addressing this essay prompt, it is crucial to provide a forward-looking perspective while reflecting on your past experiences. Begin by briefly outlining your professional and academic journey, highlighting key strengths and achievements. This will set the foundation for discussing your weaknesses later in the essay.

Create a seamless transition between sections by incorporating landmark incidents or significant moments that ignited your passion for pursuing an MBA. Share the memorable instances that inspired you and demonstrate how they align with your long-term goals.

Next, explore the realization of your weaknesses. Reflect on the experiences or insights that made you aware of areas where improvement is needed. This shows self-awareness and a commitment to personal and professional growth.

Discuss how an incident, conversation, or opportunity related to Foster sparked your interest and motivated you to apply for the program. Explain why Foster is the ideal environment to address your weaknesses and enhance your skills. Illustrate the specific aspects of Foster that resonate with you and demonstrate how they align with your long-term goals.

  • Embrace Opportunities for Growth

When addressing your weaknesses or deficiencies in this essay, it is important to approach them with a growth mindset. The use of the term ‘deficiency’ instead of weakness indicates that you recognize these areas can be addressed and overcome. Reflect on the aspects that have hindered your professional or academic growth trajectory and identify specific deficiencies that you believe can be bridged during your time at Foster.

Highlight the deficiency that you have identified and explain how it has impacted your career or academic record. Then, emphasize how the Foster MBA program and its opportunities can help you address and overcome this deficiency. For instance, if you struggle with setting expectations for team members in leadership roles, you could discuss how joining programs or groups at Foster, such as the ‘Leader of the Month’ opportunity within the MBA Association special interest club, would provide a supportive environment for you to receive feedback and develop this skill. This demonstrates your willingness to acknowledge, learn, and grow from your mistakes while leveraging the resources provided by the department.

By illustrating your proactive approach to personal development and your intention to absorb real-world insights beyond the classroom, you showcase your commitment to utilizing the opportunities offered by Foster to overcome your identified deficiencies.

UW Foster MBA Essay 1 Framework

  • Foster Essay 1 framework:
  • Start by establishing a clear picture of your career goals, highlighting your aspirations and the path you wish to pursue. 
  • Transition to discussing your weaknesses, focusing on areas that may hinder your progress in achieving your long-term goals. 
  • Next, emphasize the specific aspects of the Foster MBA program that are essential in addressing and overcoming your weaknesses. This could include relevant coursework, experiential learning opportunities, mentorship programs, or specialized resources offered by Foster. 
  • Lastly, weave your narrative together by showcasing how the Foster MBA program will contribute to your long-term goals. Discuss how the program’s unique features align with your aspirations and how the skills and knowledge you acquire through the program will enable you to excel in your chosen field.

UW Foster MBA Essay 2 Analysis

  • Resilience is one of the most important values of a successful Foster student. Tell us about what resilience means to you and share some of the ways that you have demonstrated resilience in overcoming personal or professional challenges. How do you anticipate showing resilience during your time as an MBA candidate? (500 words)

Resilience is a cornerstone value for success at Foster, and in this essay prompt, the admissions committee is interested in understanding your personal interpretation of resilience and how you have demonstrated it in overcoming challenges. It is essential to delve beyond the surface and reflect on the deeper meaning of resilience, showcasing your ability to define and embody this value in your life.

Define resilience

Begin by providing your understanding of resilience. What does it mean to you personally? How does it shape your approach to challenges? This will set the foundation for your essay and demonstrate your thoughtfulness in interpreting the value of resilience.

UW Foster MBA Essay 2 Tips

Measure resilience.

Provide a comprehensive understanding of resilience by demonstrating how it has impacted your past, present, and future. Break your narrative into three segments: the moment of struggle and challenge, the lessons learned and their influence on subsequent challenges, and your vision of resilience and its impact on your future. Show the admissions committee that resilience is a central theme in your life, extending beyond specific instances and permeating all areas.

Connect personal experiences

Incorporate personal anecdotes and examples that illustrate your journey of resilience. Describe a specific challenge or setback you faced and the emotions and difficulties you encountered. Explain how you overcame the obstacle, showcasing the actions you took and the strategies you employed. Emphasize the growth and transformation that occurred as a result of your resilience.

Reflect on influential figures

Consider influential figures in your life who embody resilience. Explore their qualities and how they have inspired you. Look for overlaps between their attributes and your own, highlighting the alignment between their resilience and yours. This reflection will provide insight into your personal development and reinforce your commitment to resilience.

Portray a resilient future

Convey your vision of resilience in your future endeavors, particularly as an MBA candidate. Discuss how you plan to leverage your resilience to excel academically, contribute to team dynamics, and navigate the challenges of the program. Connect specific aspects of the Foster MBA program to your vision of resilience, highlighting opportunities and resources that align with your goals.

Foster MBA Essay 2 Framework

  • Choose a specific challenge that you have faced either in your personal or professional life. This challenge should have had a significant impact on you and may have initially seemed overwhelming or insurmountable. Clearly describe the situation and the emotions it evoked, highlighting the magnitude of the challenge.
  • Discuss how you responded to the challenge. What strategies, skills, or mindset did you employ to navigate through it? Be specific about the actions you took and the steps you implemented to overcome the obstacle. Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your response and provide clarity to the admissions committee.
  • Reflect on the lessons you gained from overcoming the challenge. How did the experience shape your perspective, values, or approach to future obstacles? Discuss the personal growth and development that resulted from this experience and how it has influenced your mindset and actions.
  • Demonstrate your anticipation of showing resilience during your time as an MBA candidate. Discuss how you plan to apply the lessons learned from past challenges to navigate the rigorous academic environment, contribute to team dynamics, and actively engage in the Foster community. Highlight specific opportunities, programs, or initiatives at Foster that align with your vision of resilience.

UW Foster MBA Optional Essay 1 Analysis

Include this essay if you have additional information that you believe would be helpful to the admissions committee in considering your application. (500 words maximum, optional)

Feel free to use this optional essay only if necessary. Given that the other essay questions cover topics like career goals, resilience, and inclusion, this essay should only be used if you have additional information that doesn’t fit into those categories.

Keep your response concise and focused, avoiding any irrelevant details that do not contribute to your overall profile. Prioritize clarity and ensure that the information you provide adds value to your application.

Alternatively, you could utilize this space to discuss incidents that occurred outside of the professional and academic spheres, where you demonstrated qualities that Foster seeks for in an applicant, such as Impact in the community, Desire to make a positive difference in the world, Curiosity and willingness to learn from others, Innovative and problem-solving mindset, Team-oriented and supportive attitude, Active and well-rounded lifestyle outside of academics.

UW Foster MBA Optional Essay 2 Analysis

At the Foster School of Business, we embrace diversity as one of the foundations of both successful business strategy and a world-class educational experience. We share the University’s dedication to promoting the understanding and appreciation of human differences, and the constructive expression of ideas. We welcome you to share some of the ways you have practiced inclusion, promoted equity or supported the advancement of underrepresented groups. (500 words maximum, optional)

It is highly recommended to take advantage of this optional essay opportunity, as the question aligns with the qualities that Foster seeks in their ideal candidates. While the question is open-ended, it allows you to showcase your support for underrepresented groups beyond your professional or academic life. However, it is important to avoid superficial responses and instead focus on the strategies you employed and the impact you made for long-term change.

  • Authenticity and depth: 

Choose incidents or experiences that truly reflect your commitment to supporting underrepresented groups. These examples can come from various aspects of your life, such as personal experiences, community involvement, or volunteer work. Emphasize the meaningful actions you took to make a difference.

  • Strategic approach: 

Outline the specific strategies you employed and the framework you established during your involvement. Demonstrate how your efforts went beyond one-time events and aimed for sustainable change. For instance, if you volunteered at a food drive, highlight how you went beyond regular participation and instead focused on building lasting impact. You may discuss how you brought in and retained donors, collaborated with corporations for their corporate social responsibility initiatives, expanded the scope of the drives through partnerships with religious institutions, or coordinated larger distribution networks through a dedicated team. These examples showcase your genuine drive to create positive change rather than merely padding your resume with extracurricular activities.

  • Impact and reflection: 

Reflect on the outcomes and lessons learned from your involvement. Discuss how your experiences have shaped your perspective and deepened your understanding of the challenges faced by underrepresented groups. Share any personal growth or insights gained from your interactions, and how these experiences have further motivated you to be an agent of change in promoting inclusion and equity.

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The UW Foster MBA Video Essay Questions – And How to Successfully Answer Them

Sep 18, 2023

foster mba essays

Why does UW Foster require a video essay?

How does the uw foster video essay work, which types of questions are asked.

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UPDATE : This article was originally posted on October 14, 2022. It has been updated with new information and tips below. 

Recently, the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business has been earning its place at the top of business school rankings. The school’s location near the offices of Amazon and Microsoft makes it a great place to study for those interested in tech. In fact, it ranks first among all schools for post-MBA tech placement — 45% of MBA graduates end up in the tech industry. (Read about the experience of one of our former clients, Camila, at UW Foster here !)

Because UW Foster is becoming increasingly competitive to get into, it’s important not just to excel at the application essays , but also the video essay. 

In addition to giving the admissions committee the chance to “put a face with a name,” the video essay is an essential part of the UW Foster application, as it allows committee members to determine if your communication style and values are a good fit with the Foster community. 

In fact, in our experience helping our UW Foster applicants secure a place at the school, we have noticed that the video essay is as influential in an applicant’s admissions decision as the admissions interview . 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you understand how the UW Foster video essay works and have shared a list of Foster MBA video essay questions to ensure you put your best foot forward! 

UW Foster requires all applicants to complete a video interview because it allows the admissions committee “to get to know you better and to assess your communication skills and your ability to think on your feet,” according to their website .

The video essay also gives Foster a chance to assess your personality and delivery. The adcom will be judging your ease of speech and presence in addition to the content of what you actually say. Because Foster funnels so many graduates directly into employment , they also want to see how you will appear to a potential employer.

With that in mind, it’s extremely important to make sure you fully understand this component of the application. 

After sending in the MBA application , you will receive an email within 3-4 business days with instructions on how to record the video interview. 

Once you receive the video interview invitation, instructions, and deadline via email, you have 4-6 days to complete it. During this time, you should test your video and sound, prepare your practice video interview questions, and, if needed, ask for technical support. 

Remember: applicants must complete this requirement in order for their application to remain under review . You will be contacted if you are selected for an admissions interview later in the application review process.

Like many MBA programs, Foster’s video essay uses an automated system to feed you randomly picked questions on the spot. For example, you may be asked to talk about your strengths and weaknesses, a time you succeeded in a work project, or how you try to positively impact your community . You can see a list of past questions below . 

Once you submit your application, you will receive an email with a link to the online platform where you will complete your video essay. You will have access to an unlimited number of practice questions, allowing you to check your tech and feel more confident with the format. 

Once you decide to start the video essay itself, you cannot stop or re-do questions. You will receive 2 questions and have 1 minute to answer each question . 

Though you only have to answer 2 questions, we suggest you set aside 30-60 minutes to complete your video essay, just in case. 

Technical requirements

You can do your interview at home, or anywhere with a stable internet connection. You can use a laptop or desktop computer; phones and tablets are not supported (including iPads or Surface Pros). 

foster mba essays

You’ll also need to download software and ensure it is up-to-date prior to beginning the interview. Make sure that you have a functional webcam, microphone, speakers, and a stable internet connection . You must also ensure Flash is enabled on your computer, and that you have disabled any adblockers, notifications, and firewalls.

When you receive your post-application email, you will receive a URL for the interview website (video essays are conducted through Kira Talent ), and you can register with your email ID. 

You will have the opportunity to test your equipment in practice sessions prior to the interview.

Because Foster’s video essay questions are chosen from a long set of questions, it’s hard to determine what questions you will be asked in advance. But, generally, the interview questions are meant to evaluate your personal qualities, soft skills, and characteristics, determining whether you are a “good fit” for their mission, vision, values, and educational priorities. 

Reviewers will also be looking for things like collaboration, communication skills, passion and motivation, professionalism, empathy, and so on.

Some example questions that might show up during your video essay for UW Foster:

  • Describe a situation where you were a team member and not a leader. How did the result impact you?
  • Imagine you were transported to the year 1900. How would you explain a smartphone to a person from that era?
  • Describe a situation where you had to defend a decision you made. What was the outcome?
  • How important is integrity to you and why is it important in the workplace?
  • What is the best professional compliment you received?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to make a quick decision. What were the circumstances and what did you do?
  • Talk about an activity and how it changed your perspective.
  • Describe an accomplishment that has given you the most satisfaction and why.
  • Tell about a setback you experienced, how you dealt with it, and the results.
  • How would you describe yourself?
  • Tell us about a difficulty you have faced in your career. How did you handle it?
  • Describe a time when you showed great resilience and tenacity and it paid off. What were the results?
  • Tell us about a time you encountered an individual who was resistant to change. How did you deal with it and what was the outcome?
  • Explain a situation when you have to change your communication style. What was the outcome?
  • Give an example of a situation where you had to change your priorities due to an unexpected task and what was the outcome?
  • If you had unlimited time and resources, what would you do?
  • Describe a recent unpopular decision you made. How did you handle it?
  • Discuss an impactful achievement from your professional life. Why was it meaningful for you?
  • Describe an academic or extracurricular activity that helped you shape your personality. What did you learn?
  • Describe the attributes of what you think makes a great leader.
  • Describe a time when you set a target that you couldn’t achieve and what did you do?
  • Tell us about a time when you handled a task for which you had zero information. What was your strategy and what were the results?
  • Describe your most stressful situation at work. How did you respond?
  • Tell me about a time when you were the only person holding an idea you felt strongly about. How did you share your position? What was the outcome?
  • Tell us about an experience working with a team where members didn’t get along well in the beginning. What did you do?
  • Tell me about a time when you and another individual had to compromise to reach an agreement. How did you reach the agreement?
  • Do you think social responsibility should always take precedence over profit? Why or why not?
  • What is the key ingredient for building and maintaining business relationships? Provide examples from your life.
  • Describe a situation when you had set your sights too high and were unable to achieve the set goals. What was the outcome and how did you handle it?
  • Share an example of a time when you were given new information that affected a decision you had already made. How did you proceed?
  • What was the biggest risk you took at work and what was its outcome?

The difference between a good and great Rotman MBA video essay

Given the importance of the video essay in your University of Toronto Rotman application, it’s crucial to make sure you don’t just have a good video essay, but that you have a great video essay. 

Now that you’ve learned how the video essay will work, we’ve gathered our top 5 tips here to ensure your video essay performance brings you one step closer to reaching your goal of attending Rotman. 

Make sure you get into the Foster MBA

You have stressed about every aspect of your UW Foster application, and now you are ready to record your video essay! With the right preparation, this can be your chance to shine and get a highly-coveted spot. 

However, maybe you don’t know where to start in preparing, or maybe you ramble on and lose your focus while answering. Especially as you can’t determine what questions will be asked, preparing for UW Foster’s video essay can be especially daunting..

Luckily, our team has everything you need to prepare and go into your video essay feeling confident. Our video essay prep focuses on helping you determine how to present yourself to Foster while using appropriate, impact-driven language without being artificial, or worse, robotic.

That’s why our video essay training is completely personalized for you. Regardless of where you’re from or what type of experience you have, we are focused on helping you do your best. 

foster mba essays

Want to put the Ellin Lolis advantage to work for you? Schedule your preparation session with our team of interview experts today! 

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Foster School of Business MBA 2023-2024: A Complete Guide to Success

In the bustling urban hub of Seattle, where global corporate titans like Amazon.com, Starbucks Corp., and Microsoft Corp. have established their roots, the distinguished Michael G. Foster School of Business at the University of Washington stands as a beacon of business education. Within this article, we’ll embark on a comprehensive journey through the Foster MBA program, unveiling a plethora of academic offerings and diverse career pathways.

Full-Time MBA Program in Seattle: Fostering Collaboration and Leadership

Foster MBA’s full-time program isn’t just about education; it’s a transformative experience. Central to this journey is the fostering of collaboration and the development of leadership skills. Students participate in a unique learning environment that encourages teamwork, exemplified through collaborative study groups. Moreover, for those seeking adventure, there’s even the extraordinary opportunity to embark on a guided ascent of the iconic Mount Rainier, a symbol of challenge and achievement.

Diverse MBA Options: Tailoring Education to Your Needs

Foster MBA recognizes that one size does not fit all. Beyond the full-time program, students can explore tailored options to align with their specific career objectives. The Evening MBA is designed for those who prefer to balance work and study. Meanwhile, the Executive MBA provides experienced professionals with advanced leadership skills. Technology enthusiasts looking to transition into business management will find the Technology Management MBA an ideal fit. For professionals eager to explore global strategies, the one-year Accelerated Global Executive MBA is an opportunity not to be missed.

The Two-Year Full-Time MBA Program: A Gateway to Global Careers

The Foster Full-Time MBA program in Seattle is your gateway to a world of possibilities. Equipped with a network of over 45,000 alumni spread across the globe, Foster provides students with a comprehensive curriculum, seasoned instructors, and robust career support. The benefits of a Foster MBA extend beyond professional and financial success; it empowers graduates to lead with a lasting impact. Foster MBA consistently ranks among the top 20 schools in the nation in terms of admission requirements.

Financial Considerations: Investing in Your Future

Pursuing an MBA at Foster is an investment in your future. The estimated cost of the program is approximately $112,000, with annual living expenses averaging around $30,000. While this might seem like a significant investment, the potential return on investment is substantial, given the myriad career opportunities and earning potential.

Admissions and essay analysis for Foster 2023-2024;

You will need – 

  • a valid GMAT or GRE score
  • A minimum of 3 year Bachelor degree

Post-MBA Plans – Tell us your ideas about what lies ahead for you in your career. What are the gaps or deficiencies currently preventing you from pursuing these potential career paths? How do you plan to use your time in the Foster MBA program to fill these gaps and advance your career? (750 words maximum)

Breakdown and Approach:

  • Start by introducing your career aspirations. Describe your long-term and short-term career goals.
  • Be specific about the industry, role, and the impact you want to make.
  • Convey your enthusiasm and commitment to achieving these goals.
  • Identify the specific gaps or deficiencies in your skill set or experience that are currently preventing you from achieving your career goals.
  • These could be knowledge gaps, skill gaps, or experience gaps.
  • Be honest about your limitations, and explain how these gaps have hindered your progress.
  • Explain why you have chosen the Foster MBA program.
  • Highlight the unique aspects of the program that align with your career goals.
  • Mention faculty expertise, curriculum, or any special resources that attracted you to Foster.
  • Outline how you plan to use your time at Foster to address the identified gaps.
  • Describe specific courses, extracurricular activities, or resources at Foster that will help you develop the necessary skills and experience.
  • Show a clear connection between the program and your career objectives.
  • Discuss how you intend to grow personally and professionally during your time at Foster.
  • Mention your commitment to the program and your willingness to learn and adapt.
  • Summarize your post-MBA aspirations, the importance of filling the gaps, and how Foster MBA will enable you to achieve your career goals.
  • Conclude with a compelling statement about the impact you hope to make on the world through your career.
  • Review your essay for clarity, conciseness, and grammar.
  • Ensure that your essay addresses all aspects of the prompt within the 750-word limit.

Remember, it’s crucial to be sincere, specific, and authentic in your response. The admissions committee wants to see a clear connection between your goals, the program, and how you plan to leverage it for your career development. 

Personal Resilience – Resilience is one of the most important values of a successful Foster student. Tell us about what resilience means to you and share some of the ways that you have demonstrated resilience in overcoming personal or professional challenges. How do you anticipate showing resilience during your time as an MBA candidate? (500 words)

Essay 2: Personal Resilience

Introduction:  Begin your essay with a concise introduction, setting the stage for the topic of personal resilience. Mention the importance of resilience in the context of a Foster student.

Definition of Resilience:  Define what resilience means to you. This is your opportunity to show that you understand the concept of resilience. Keep your definition concise and focused.

Demonstrating Resilience:  Here, you need to provide specific examples of how you have demonstrated resilience. These examples can come from both your personal and professional life. Focus on challenges you’ve faced and how you’ve overcome them. These stories should illustrate your determination and ability to bounce back from setbacks.

Connect to MBA Candidacy:  Discuss how your past experiences with resilience are relevant to your MBA candidacy. Highlight the transferable skills you’ve gained and how they’ll be valuable during your time as an MBA candidate. Mention specific aspects of the MBA program, such as coursework, team projects, or leadership opportunities, where resilience will play a role.

Why Resilience Matters in an MBA Candidate:  Explain why resilience is a crucial attribute for an MBA candidate. Discuss how it can contribute to your success as a student and future professional. Emphasize the skills you’ve developed and how they align with the Foster MBA program’s values and goals.

Future Resilience:  Anticipate how you’ll continue to demonstrate resilience during your time as an MBA candidate. Discuss your approach to handling challenges and setbacks that may arise during your studies. Show that you are proactive and well-prepared.

Conclusion:  Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points you’ve made. Reinforce the importance of resilience in your journey as a Foster MBA candidate.

  • Be specific and provide real-life examples of challenges you’ve faced and how you overcame them. This adds authenticity to your essay.
  • Connect your experiences with resilience to the unique aspects of the Foster MBA program to show that you’ve done your research and that you’re a good fit for the program.
  • Keep your writing concise and within the 500-word limit. Admissions committees appreciate clarity and brevity.
  • Edit and proofread your essay carefully to ensure it’s free from errors and flows smoothly.
  • Use a storytelling approach to make your essay engaging and relatable.

By following this breakdown and incorporating your own experiences and insights, you can craft a compelling essay on personal resilience that aligns with what the Foster MBA admissions committee is looking for. 

Essay 3 (Optional)

At the Foster School of Business, we embrace diversity as one of the foundations of both successful business strategy and a world-class educational experience. We share the University’s dedication to promoting the understanding and appreciation of human differences, and the constructive expression of ideas. We welcome you to share some of the ways you have practiced inclusion, promoted equity or supported the advancement of underrepresented groups. (500 words maximum, optional)

  • Start by acknowledging the school’s commitment to diversity and inclusion as well as its emphasis on understanding and appreciating human differences. This sets the context for your response.
  • Reflect on your personal experiences and actions related to diversity and inclusion. Highlight specific instances where you’ve been involved in activities or initiatives that support these ideals.
  • Discuss how you’ve practiced inclusion. This could involve working with diverse teams, promoting collaboration among individuals from different backgrounds, or fostering an inclusive environment in a work or academic setting.
  • Share examples of how you’ve actively promoted equity. This might include advocating for equal opportunities, challenging bias or discrimination, or participating in initiatives that aim to level the playing field.
  • Detail your involvement in supporting underrepresented groups. Describe your efforts to empower and uplift these groups, whether through mentorship, volunteering, or any other form of assistance.
  • Explain the impact of your actions. How did your involvement contribute to the advancement of diversity and inclusion? What positive changes or results were achieved?
  • Link your experiences and actions to your MBA goals. How will your commitment to diversity and inclusion enhance your ability to contribute to the MBA program and the business world as a whole?
  • Keep in mind the 500-word maximum limit. Be concise and focus on the most impactful examples and experiences.
  • Even though this essay is labeled as optional, it’s often recommended to complete it. It provides an opportunity to showcase your commitment to values that are highly valued in the MBA community.
  • After writing your essay, carefully proofread and edit to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness.

Remember, the key to a successful response is to provide specific examples and demonstrate how your actions align with the Foster School of Business’s values and mission regarding diversity and inclusion. This will help you stand out to the admissions committee.

MBA Student Scholarships: Empowering Education Through Support

Foster MBA is committed to making education accessible and diverse. The program offers various scholarships to provide financial support to students. Some of these scholarships include the Forté Fellowship, Consortium Fellowship, Ernest I.J. Aguilar Endowed MBA Fellowship, and Reaching Out MBA Fellowship. These opportunities not only reduce the financial burden but also promote diversity and inclusivity within the program.

Diverse Student Profile: A Cohort of Excellence

The Class of 2025 at Foster MBA is a testament to the program’s commitment to diversity and excellence. The class had an impressive average undergraduate GPA of 3.3 and a median GMAT score of 714. Students brought an average of six years of work experience to the program, and the average age was 29. This diverse and accomplished cohort enriches the learning experience.

Post-MBA Success: A Launchpad for Prosperity

Opting for a Foster MBA is not just an educational choice; it’s an investment with long-term dividends. Graduates of Foster MBA gain access to a wide range of resources through MBA Career Management and other University of Washington departments. These include Foster MBA Jobs, LinkedIn groups, and career assessment tools. For those seeking personalized guidance, career coaching may be available. Leading companies like Amazon, Deloitte, Google, Microsoft, Nordstrom, Starbucks, and more actively collaborate with the program, ensuring robust career opportunities. The average salary for the Class of 2023 was an impressive $187,000, illustrating the success and prosperity that Foster MBA graduates achieve.


In conclusion, the Foster MBA program at the University of Washington is a remarkable opportunity for aspiring business leaders. With a strong curriculum, experienced faculty, and a collaborative learning environment, it equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the business world. The essay topics provide applicants with a chance to demonstrate their qualifications and fit for the program. Crafting compelling essays that reflect your unique qualities and aspirations is key to securing a spot in this prestigious MBA program. Best of luck with your application, and we hope this guide has been helpful in preparing for this exciting journey!

Remember, applying to a Bschool is a competitive process, but with dedication, authenticity, and a clear vision, you can be well on your way to an MBA and a transformative experience that can shape your future.  Let Strategy4GMAT help you shine! Contact us at [email protected]   or call us at (+91) 8766202047 and (+91) 9990493487. Your dream B-school awaits! 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

  • The Foster School of Business is renowned for its strong MBA program and a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • The Foster MBA application typically requires applicants to write three essays.
  • The essay topics can vary from year to year, but they usually revolve around your career goals, leadership experiences, and how you will contribute to the Foster community.
  • The word limit for each essay can change from year to year, so it’s important to check the specific requirements for the application cycle you’re applying to.
  • The program seeks applicants who are not only academically qualified but also demonstrate leadership potential, a commitment to community engagement, and a passion for innovation.
  • Yes, it’s important to be authentic, specific, and clear in your responses. Highlight your unique experiences and show how they align with the program’s values.
  • Work experience is preferred but not always required. The program considers a holistic view of an applicant’s qualifications.
  • The program is competitive, and acceptance rates can vary from year to year. It’s important to present a strong application to maximize your chances.
  • Yes, the Foster School of Business offers a range of scholarships, fellowships, and financial aid options to help make the program accessible to qualified students.
  • The Foster MBA program is known for its strong ties to the Seattle business community, a commitment to diversity and inclusion, and a collaborative learning environment that prepares students for success in a dynamic business landscape.

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University of Washington Foster School of Business MBA Essay Tips & Deadlines [2019 – 2020]


Are you seeking an MBA program with a strong record of job placement in the technology industry? Then the  University of Washington Foster School of Business  may make an excellent choice for you. In fact, with 99% of Foster’s MBA graduates employed within 3 months of graduation,  Foster ranks #1  in post-MBA employment of all U.S. programs.

A full 60% of the class of 2018 joined the Technology industry after graduation. Next in magnitude is the Consulting industry with only 16% of the class of 125 students landing these roles. Functionally, graduates tend toward marketing/sales – 41% of the class, finance/accounting – 22% of the class, and consulting (including consulting roles outside of the consulting industry) – 20% of the class. Yes, Foster is a somewhat regional school as 81% of graduates stay in Washington State after graduation, but that also means that there is a strong local alumni network in Washington’s startup and technology ecosystem – think Amazon and Microsoft – where many of its 54,000 alumni are concentrated.

Foster has two required and one optional essay. My tips are below in blue.

University of Washington Foster School of Business application essays

Foster mba essay #1.

Tell us your ideas about what lies ahead for you in your career. What are the gaps or deficiencies currently preventing you from pursuing these potential career paths? How do you plan to use your time in the Foster MBA program to fill these gaps and advance your career?  (750 words maximum)

This is a nice amount of space to explain what you’ve gained so far in your career and what you need to learn to reach your career goals. As with any  goals essay , make sure to show the connection between your future goals and the career you have established thus far. At least half of this essay should discuss the gaps/deficiencies in your knowledge and skills and how Foster’s curriculum and activities will fill them.

Foster MBA essay #2

Please tell us about an experience that inspired or confirmed your decision to pursue the MBA.  (500 words maximum)

The experience that you share in this essay not only has to have inspired you to pursue the MBA, it needs to inspire the admissions committee to want to meet you! Experiences in which you have stepped out of your comfort zone to lead new initiatives and make exciting impacts will demonstrate that you have the potential to thrive at Foster and in your future career.

Foster MBA essay #3 (optional)

Please include this essay if you have additional information you believe would be helpful to the admissions committee in considering your application.  (500 words maximum)

Most people cannot be summarized in two essays. If that is the case for you, then you should consider submitting this additional, optional essay. Obviously, you can use this space to explain a gap or GMAT/GPA weakness, but if you do so, I recommend sharing some additional information to assuage any of the Admissions Committee’s concerns. For example, if your Verbal GMAT score is lower than you would have liked, you might consider sharing an example of your strong communication and presentation skills to counterbalance that weakness.

Title your resume with your full legal name, mailing and email address. Outline your work experience in reverse chronological order. Be sure to include company name, a brief description of the organization (or a web address), your job title, and detailed information about your responsibilities and achievements.

Feel free to use up to three pages for your resume, and include all significant work experience since graduating from high school. Include educational background as well as your activities and community involvement [and noted elsewhere in the application: awards, honors, certificates or other forms of recognition (academic, community, military etc.) you have received].

This is one of my favorite parts of the Foster application. You cannot fit all of your achievements into your application essays or the little text boxes in the application, so go ahead and share details of your accomplishments in  your resume . The three-page limit allows you to describe the challenges you overcame and impacts you made in each professional role and in the community.

Video Interview

All applicants will be asked to submit a video interview, and will receive an email within 3-4 business days after the application deadline to which they applied with instructions on recording the video interview. The video interview allows us to get to know you better and to assess your communication skills and your ability to think on your feet as we review your application and consider your candidacy.

Once applicants receive the video interview invitation via e-mail, they will have approximately one week to complete this requirement. The email will provide instructions on recording the video interview. Applicants can test their video and sound before recording their video interview, answer practice video interview questions, and ask for technical support if needed within the video interview system. The email instructions will include the deadline to submit the video interview, and applicants must complete this requirement in order for their application to remain under review.

The video interview must be submitted in order for the application to be reviewed. Applicants will be contacted if they are selected for an admissions interview later in the application review process.

A growing trend in MBA admissions is this addition of online  automated video interviews  to complement the picture an applicant presents of himself/herself in his/her written application. Questions are randomly generated from hundreds in a database and are not in any way linked to the content of your application. You may be asked to describe your strengths and weaknesses, for example, or tell about a recent project you initiated at work or even what you do in your free time. You will have 90 seconds to respond and can even press the space bar to stop recording if you finish your response in advance of that limit.

The purpose of the video exercise is, as Foster says, to see how you “think on your feet.” However, it also gives the Foster admissions committee a chance to assess your presence and delivery. The admissions office will be judging your ease of speech and personality more than they will be seeking signs of your drive or measuring your ambition during the video exercise. Since more employers are using video as a screening tool, Foster also wants to see how you will appear to a potential employer.

For expert guidance with your Foster application, check out Accepted’s  MBA Application Packages , which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to top MBA programs and look forward to helping you too!

University of Washington Foster School of Business MBA 2019-20 remaining application deadlines

Round 2January 8, 2020* (11:59pm PDT)
Round 3March 17, 2020 (11:59pm PDT)

* Priority deadline for Forté Fellowships and merit based financial aid.

***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.***

foster mba essays

By Jennifer Bloom, admissions consultant at Accepted for 20 years and Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW). She is an expert at guiding you to produce application materials that truly differentiate you from the rest of the driven applicant pool. If you would like help with your application, Jennifer can suggest a number of options that work with any budget.  Want Jennifer to help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch!

Related Resources:

•  Why MBA? , a free guide to writing about your MBA Goals •  13 MBA Resume Tips to Help You Get Accepted •  How to Practice for a Video Interview or Essay

This article  originally appeared on  blog.accepted.com .

Applying to a top b-school? The talented folks at Accepted have helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to their dream programs. Whether you are figuring out where to apply, writing your application essays, or prepping for your interviews, we are just a call (or click) away.

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  • MBA application deadlines
  • MBA essay tips
  • university of Washington

UW Foster – MBA Program & Application Overview

Discover everything you need to know about the MBA program at the UW Foster School of Business, from application requirements to program highlights.

Posted June 28, 2024

foster mba essays

Featuring Matt K.

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Table of Contents

Welcome to the UW Foster School of Business, one of the top business schools in the United States . In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the MBA program and the application process. Whether you are a prospective student or just curious about the program, this article will guide you through all the essential information you need to know.

Located in Seattle, Washington, the UW Foster School of Business offers a world-class MBA program known for its rigorous curriculum and strong emphasis on real-world applications . Foster's outstanding faculty, combined with the vibrant business community of Seattle, creates an environment that nurtures innovation and fosters leadership skills.

UW Foster Class Profile (2025)

  • Location: Seattle, Washington
  • Class Size: 111
  • Average Work Experience: 6 years
  • Average GMAT Score: 710
  • Average GRE Score: 164 (Quant); 158 (Verbal)
  • Average GPA: 3.3
  • International: 56%
  • First Generation: 19%
  • U.S. Students of Color: 53%
  • Acceptance Rate: 42%

foster mba essays

Each year, the UW Foster MBA program attracts a diverse and talented group of individuals. The class of 2026 had an average GMAT score of 710 and an average GPA of 3.3. The cohort consisted of professionals from various industries, including technology, finance, healthcare, and consulting, bringing a wealth of experience and perspectives to the classroom.

Within the technology sector, the class of 2026 included individuals who had worked at some of the most innovative companies in the world. From software engineers at leading tech giants to product managers at cutting-edge startups, these students brought a deep understanding of the rapidly evolving tech landscape. Their experiences ranged from developing groundbreaking technologies to leading cross-functional teams in delivering successful products to market.

2024-2025 Application Overview

Applying to the UW Foster School of Business requires careful attention to detail. Here is an overview of the UW Foster MBA application for the 2024-2025 academic year:

UW Foster Deadlines

Round 1 : October 1, 2024

  • Decisions released December 20, 2024

Round 2 : January 7, 2025

  • Decisions released March 28, 2025

Round 3 : March 12, 2025

  • Decisions released May 15, 2025


The Foster School accepts both GMAT and GRE scores. A competitive score is crucial to demonstrate your readiness for the program. GMAT and GRE exams are available year-round and can be taken multiple times, either at in-person testing centers or online, with scores remaining valid for five years. There is no preference between the GMAT and GRE for admissions. It is advisable to take the test early to allow for a retake if necessary, ensuring that the exam is completed and official scores are reported by the application deadline. If you have taken the test multiple times, the admissions committee will consider your highest overall score. Note that the Executive Assessment test is not accepted for admission to the Full-time MBA Program.

To read more, click here : GMAT vs. GRE for Business School—Which to Take and How to Ace Both

  • Essays: The application includes a set of essays designed to evaluate your writing skills and assess your fit with the program. Make sure to craft thoughtful and compelling responses.
  • Letters of Recommendation: You will need to secure two letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with your work experience and academic abilities.
  • Interviews: Selected applicants will be invited for an interview to further assess their qualities and compatibility with the program.

Read : The Ultimate MBA Application Guide (2024)

UW Foster Essays

Another important component of the application is the set of essay. UW Foster requires two essays and must be uploaded to your online application. The school will ask you to add your full name and the title of the essay at the top of each page. Select a professional font, use a 10- or 12-point font size, and double-space your text.

These essays are designed to evaluate your writing skills and assess your fit with the program. It is crucial to approach these essays thoughtfully and craft compelling responses. Take the time to reflect on your experiences, goals, and how the Foster School aligns with your aspirations. This is your opportunity to showcase your unique qualities and convince the admissions committee that you are the right fit for their program.

Required Essays

  • Essay #1: Tell us your ideas about what lies ahead in your career. What are the gaps or deficiencies currently preventing you from pursuing these potential career paths? How do you plan to use your time in the Foster MBA program to fill these gaps and advance your career? (750 words)
  • Essay #2: Resilience is one of the most important values of a successful Foster student. Tell us about what resilience means to you and share some of the ways that you have demonstrated resilience in overcoming personal or professional challenges. How do you anticipate showing resilience during your time as an MBA candidate? (500 words)

Optional Essay

Include this essay if you have additional information you believe would be helpful to the admissions committee in considering your application. (500 words)

Optional Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Essay

At the Foster School of Business, we embrace diversity as one of the foundations of both successful business strategy and a world-class educational experience. We share the University’s dedication to promoting the understanding and appreciation of human differences, and the constructive expression of ideas. We welcome you to share some of the ways you have practiced inclusion, promoted equity or supported the advancement of underrepresented groups. (500 words)

Learn more here: How to Write a Powerful MBA Essay—With Examples

Letters of Recommendation

In addition to the essays, you will also need to secure two letters of recommendation. These letters should come from individuals who are familiar with your work experience and academic abilities. It is important to choose recommenders who can speak to your strengths and provide valuable insights into your qualifications for the program. Make sure to give your recommenders enough time to write the letters and provide them with any necessary information to support your application.

Learn more here : How to Get the Perfect MBA Recommendation Letter—With Examples. Also, click here for our free Leland Recommender Prep Template .

UW Foster Interviews

Lastly, selected applicants will be invited for an interview as part of the application process. All applicants are required to submit a video interview. You will receive an email with instructions on recording the video interview 1-3 business days after the application deadline. Once you receive the invitation via email, you will have about one week to complete the video interview. The email instructions will specify the submission deadline.

It is important to prepare for the interview by researching the Foster School and thinking about how your experiences align with their values and goals. Practice answering common interview questions and be ready to articulate why you are a strong candidate for their program.

Read more here : How to Ace Your MBA Interview: With Prep Questions & Answers and How to Nail Your Virtual MBA Interview .

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Other UW Foster Application Items

In addition to the requirements mentioned above, there are a few other items you need to include with your application:

  • A Non-Refundable $90 Application Fee
  • Online Application Profile
  • Proof of English Language Proficiency
  • Official Transcripts

UW Foster Program Overview: Year-by-Year Overview

The UW Foster MBA program is a comprehensive two-year curriculum that prepares students for success in the business world. Let's take a closer look at each year of the program:

First Year:

In the first year, students establish a strong foundation in business fundamentals through a core curriculum. Subjects covered include accounting, marketing, finance, operations, and strategy. The year also includes experiential learning opportunities, such as case competitions and consulting projects, to apply classroom knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Second Year:

During the second year, students have the flexibility to tailor their coursework to their career goals and interests. Electives cover a wide range of topics, allowing students to specialize in areas such as entrepreneurship, consulting, or finance. The second year also offers opportunities for international study and experiential learning through internships and capstone projects.

UW Foster Deferred MBA Program

The UW Foster School of Business offers a deferred MBA program for college seniors who want to secure their spot in the MBA program before gaining professional work experience. This unique program allows students to pursue their passions immediately after completing their undergraduate studies, knowing they have a spot reserved for them at Foster's esteemed MBA program.

UW Foster Joint Degree Programs

For individuals interested in interdisciplinary education, the Foster School offers several joint degree programs. These programs enable students to earn an MBA alongside another professional degree, such as a law degree or a master's in public health. Dual-degree students gain a broader skill set and a unique perspective that combines business acumen with expertise in another field.

UW Foster Experience & Campus Life

Life at UW Foster goes beyond the classroom. Students have access to a wide range of extracurricular activities, networking events, and guest speaker series. The school also fosters a collaborative and inclusive environment, encouraging students to build relationships and support one another. Additionally, being located in Seattle, students can take advantage of the city's vibrant tech and business scene.

UW Foster FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about the UW Foster School of Business:

  • How long does the application process take? The application process typically takes a few months from submission to final decision.
  • What is the acceptance rate for the UW Foster MBA program? The acceptance rate varies from year to year , but on average, it is around 25%.
  • Is work experience required to apply? While work experience is not mandatory, most successful applicants have at least two to five years of professional experience.

Thank you for exploring the UW Foster School of Business MBA Program and Application Overview with us. We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into the program and the application process. For more information, visit the official UW Foster School of Business website.

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Full-Time MBA (FTMBA) Admissions

Full-time mba admissions, application criteria.

  • Completed online application
  • Four-year undergraduate degree, or equivalent, from an accredited institution
  • Academic transcripts
  • GMAT or GRE scores (if applicable) – All candidates must submit scores with the exception of applicants who have been granted a test waiver or applicants who are USC medical students applying to the MD/MBA dual degree program. See below for Test Waiver Request Option.
  • Two required essays (there is also one optional essay)
  • A professional résumé (typically one page)
  • TOEFL or IELTS scores (if applicable). This applies to most international applicants (non-U.S. citizen or non-U.S permanent resident). Review the "Test Scores" section below to determine if this requirement applies to you.

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Join us at our upcoming Open House to explore the exceptional MBA and MS programs available at USC Marshall, a nationally ranked top 20 business school. Whether you are an early-career professional or seasoned executive, we offer a broad range of flexible programs to fit your academic and career goals with options to pursue your degree on-campus in the heart of Los Angeles, or online.


  Deadline Decision By
Round 1 October 1, 2024 December 15, 2024
Round 2 January 10, 2025 April 18, 2025
Round 3 April 15, 2025 June 15, 2025

Round 1 and 2 are priority consideration for scholarships


Admission Details


Transcript submission is a two-step process:

  • Step #1 – You must upload scanned copies of official transcripts to the online application. Please note that these must be official transcripts printed on university letterhead. Print-outs from online student portals, screenshots, and photographs of transcripts are not acceptable.
  • Step #2 – After you submit your application and have received your 10 digit USC ID number, you must also submit (by mail, courier, or electronic service) official transcripts from all colleges, universities, and other post-secondary institutions you have previously attended.


USC now accepts official electronic transcripts from all countries, provided that the transcript originates from a secure site formally linked to the sending institution.

Please instruct the vendor to email the transcript to [email protected] . Do not send any other materials or correspondence to this email address yourself. Electronic transcripts e-mailed to any other address will not be downloaded, resulting in a delay of your file review and an extra expense to you because the transcript will need to be re-sent.

USC alumni or current students:

If you are a USC degree holder, you must still upload a copy of your official transcript into the online application. However, you do not need to submit USC transcripts to the Office of Graduate Admission. Please be sure to include your USC enrollment in the “Academic Background” section so that we may match your application to the academic records already on file.

Transcripts in original language of issuance:

International students who have earned their degree outside the United States must check our country-specific requirements to determine if we need original-language copies of their academic records. In such cases, a separate, word-for-word, English-language translation of all academic records must also be submitted. The translation should either be issued directly from the school itself or by a professional, certified translator. It must contain all information shown on the original-language documents and “mirror” them as precisely as possible. Dual-language transcripts are also acceptable.

Credential evaluation:

Please note that USC does not accept or recognize credential evaluation reports from outside agencies (e.g. WES, ECE, etc.) for the purposes of admission review.

Mailing Instructions:

Official academic records from all post-secondary schools you have attended should be directly sent to the address provided below.

If sending your transcripts via regular mail or courier service, please use the following address: University of Southern California USC Office of Graduate Admission 3601 South Flower Street, Room 112 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0915

Confidentiality and Document Submission Policy

Transcripts and all other materials submitted for admission consideration become the property of USC. The university does not return or duplicate materials for any reason whatsoever. The information and materials in your submitted application are made available only to the central Office of Admission and the admission committee of the academic department or professional school to which you have applied.

Essay Questions:

Essay #1 (Required) - What are your short-term and long-term career goals, and how will an MBA from USC Marshall help you achieve those goals? Short-term career goals should be those you want to achieve within 3-5 years post-MBA, whereas long-term goals may span a decade or more and encompass broader professional aspirations. (word limit: 400)

Essay #2 (Required) - In the USC Marshall MBA Program, teamwork is essential to success. Please share an example of a time when you collaborated effectively with others to achieve a personal or professional goal. (word limit: 400)

Essay #3 (Optional) - We realize that each person is more than a list of facts or pre-defined categories, and we’d like to recognize each individual’s unique qualities and experiences. Please use this space to share any additional information about yourself that cannot be found elsewhere in your application and that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider when reviewing your candidacy for the MBA program. (word limit: 500)

Test Scores

Uploading of Test Scores

All admissions decisions are made by the Admissions Committee based on unofficial test scores that are uploaded into the online application as follows:

GMAT or GRE Score Report – All candidates must submit at least one of these exams. The only exceptions are:

  • USC medical students who are applying to the MD/MBA dual degree program
  • Applicants who have been granted a test waiver

These tests must have been taken on or after August 1, 2020. If you have taken both tests, please submit both. Upload unofficial copies (examinee score report or test-day printout) into your online application. Note: You must either upload your score report into the application or provide the intended future test date in the appropriate field in the application. Failure to do so may result in a deny decision.

TOEFL or IELTS Score Report – All candidates must possess and demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in oral and written English. International applicants (those who are not U.S. citizens or not U.S. permanent residents) whose native language is not English must submit at least one of these test score reports. Marshall, however, does not require the submission of English Proficiency Exam scores by international applicants for the Full-Time MBA program who hold a bachelor’s degree completed in its entirety at an officially recognized non-U.S. university in which English is the language of instruction. In sum, all international applicants whose native language is not English must submit one of the following:

  • Valid, official TOEFL or IELTS test scores; or
  • A university transcript that states that the medium of instruction is English (to be uploaded in the transcript section of the USC application); or
  • Another official university document that states that the medium of instruction is English (to be uploaded in the “Optional Documents” section of the “Program Materials” part of the USC application.)

TOEFL or IELTS exams must be taken within 24 months of the date of application submission. Upload unofficial copies (examinee score report or test-day printout) in the appropriate area below. Important: Please register to have the testing service(s) forward USC the official school test report no later than the deadline for the admissions round within which you are applying. Failure to do so will result in your application being shifted to a subsequent admissions round.

Submitting Official Test Scores

All candidates will need to submit official test scores (provided to USC by the testing service). To save time, applicants should, at the time of test registration, have the testing service(s) forward the official, confidential school report using the following institution codes:

  • GMAT: 389-9C-23
  • TOEFL: 4852
  • IELTS: Choose “University of Southern California, Graduate Programs.” Do not enter the name and contact information of your specific intended graduate department. USC will only accept electronic IELTS scores. Paper scores are not considered official.

Test Waiver Requests

USC Marshall MBA Test Waiver Policy

  • This program allows applicants to request a waiver for standardized tests (GMAT or GRE). To request a waiver, submit your application and explain your rationale using the Test Waiver Request Text Box. Test waiver requests will be evaluated based on academic performance, with a strong emphasis on achievement in quantitative coursework (business, economics, sciences, technology, engineering, math, etc.). Professional experience can be included in the waiver request but is secondary to academic achievement and quantitative coursework performance.

Additional Guidelines:

  • Transcripts must be uploaded into the application to be considered for a waiver.
  • Waivers are granted case-by-case and are final.
  • Approval of a waiver request does not guarantee admission.
  • Test waiver decisions will be emailed to applicants within 15 business days from the time application is submitted.
  • Test scores will not be considered in the admissions decision if a waiver is approved.

Tuition & Fees

The numbers provided below are approximations. Please be aware that living expenses can vary greatly, depending on where in Los Angeles you live and your choice of accommodation (in shared housing or on your own). COSTS

FIRST-YEAR (based on 2024-2025 tuition rates and fees) Tuition: $79,893 Fees: USC Central Services and Health Fees: $1,636 MBA Program Fees: $1,350

PRIME Fee: $3,850

Books/Supplies: $2,376 Total Living Expenses: $29,140

Student Health Insurance: $3,040

*Domestic Students only – Loan fees: $1,637

  Total Cost: $122,922

* For those domestic students who choose to take our loans

SECOND-YEAR (based on 2024-2025 tuition and fees) Tuition : $72,630 Fees: USC Central Services and Health Fees: $1,636 MBA Program Fees: $400 Books/Supplies: $1,200 Total Living Expenses: $26,226

  Total Cost: $106,769


All admitted applicants are considered for merit-based scholarship opportunities, and candidates are informed of the scholarship decision at the point of admission. The assessment criteria are the same as those used for the admissions decision but at a more competitive level. There is no separate application process for these scholarship awards. There are four additional scholarship opportunities that exist: Consortium for Graduate Study in Management (CGSM) Fellowships

Candidates who demonstrate commitment to The Consortium mission of enhancing diversity & inclusion in global business can apply for both Consortium membership and an MBA Fellowship. Candidates applying through The Consortium should apply for the Marshall MBA Program directly through this organization.

To learn more, please visit cgsm.org or reach out to our staff liaison, Nirav Mehta, at [email protected] .

Schoen Family Scholarship Program for Veterans

Newly admitted Full-Time MBA students may apply for this specific opportunity. Candidates must meet the following criteria for application eligibility:

1) Candidate must have received an honorable discharge from the U.S. Armed Forces

2) Candidate must have served at least three years of continuous, full-time activity duty in the last 10 years.

For more information, please reach out to our Assistant Dean and Director of Graduate Admissions, Camillia Lee, at [email protected] .

ROMBA (Reaching Out MBA)

Candidates who provide evidence of demonstrated leadership in the LGBTQ+ community on their application and who complete the ROMBA Fellowship Interest Form are considered for these fellowships. For more information, please visit reachingoutmba.org or reach out to our staff liaison, Nirav Mehta, at [email protected] .

FORTE FOUNDATION: More Women Leading

Forté Fellowships are prestigious, competitive awards that are recognized within the business school community and beyond. Forté Fellows exhibit exemplary leadership, represent diverse backgrounds, and demonstrate a commitment to advancing women in business. All women applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship opportunity. For more information about Forte, please visit fortefoundation.org or contact our Forte Student Ambassador, Rachel Hirsch at [email protected]

Loans & Financial Aid

Please visit the USC FINANCIAL AID  website to inquire about Federal Stafford Loans and other loan options. International students are not eligible to receive federal financial aid, which includes Stafford and Perkins loans. However, international students may qualify for private loans if they have a U.S. co-signer. Additional helpful links include: - USC STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES - USC TUITION PAYMENT PLAN - CORPORATE TUITION REIMBURSEMENT - SPONSOR PAYMENTS / AGENCY BILLING USC is a participant of the Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program. Visit the USC OFFICE OF VERTAN AFFAIRS  for more information.

Class Profile



Class Size: 199 Students Historically Underrepresented Students of Color*: 20% International: 41% Female: 35% LGBTQ+ (Self-Identified): 9% U.S. Military (of Domestic Pool): 12%

*Consists of U.S. citizens (as percentage of domestic pool) who identify as one or more of the following groups: Asian-American, African-American or Black; Hispanic-American or Latinx; American Indian or Alaska Native; or Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

Education & Employment Average GMAT: 722 | Middle 80%: 681 - 760 Average GRE: 160V | 163Q | Middle 80%: 135-166V | 155-170Q Average GPA: 3.5 | Middle 80%: 3.09 - 3.87 Average Work Experience: 5.5 Years Average Age: 29 Years

Pre-MBA Industries Financial Services: 19% Technology: 14% Healthcare: 13% Consulting: 10% Manufacturing: 6% Consulting: 6% Government/Military: 5% Media/Entertainment: 4% Consumer Package Goods: 4% Non-Profit: 4% Retail: 3% Hospitality: 2% Transportation & Logistics: 1% Other: 7%

Undergraduate Majors Business/Commerce: 32% Engineering/Computer Science: 16% Economics: 13% Sciences: 14% Social Sciences: 10% Humanities: 7% Other: 8%


Connect with current first- and second-year Full-Time MBA candidates to gain insights into the USC Marshall experience. Explore the full list of student ambassadors and chat with the one who best aligns with your interests and inquiries.

Chat with an Ambassador



If you are not a United States national, and you will be entering, or have already entered, the United States with an F-1 or J-1 student visa, you should apply as an international student. Applicants who already reside in the United States and hold other non-immigrant visas (for example, E2, H2 or L2) are also considered international students.

Permanent residents of the United States, naturalized U.S. citizens, and U.S. citizens residing abroad and attending a university outside the United States are not considered international students.

Additional Requirements

Records of your undergraduate and/or graduate degrees

When uploading transcripts into your online application or when providing the official transcripts (for all enrolling students) from the college/university, please follow these instructions.

Submit one set of records from each college or university you have attended. The records should indicate the number of lecture and laboratory hours devoted to each course and the grades (marks) you received. Included should be an explanation of the grading system and information about how the transcript should be assessed. Transcripts in a language other than English must be accompanied by an English translation performed by the university or a certified professional translator. You may send a certified copy of the official document instead of the original.

You must also submit an official document showing the title and date of each degree you have earned. For schools in some countries, the transcript indicates this information. In other countries, this information is provided on another document (e.g., graduation certification, diploma). You should upload copies of these documents along with your transcripts in the “Academic History” section of the application.

Proof of Financial Support and Passport Copies

All enrolling international students are required to submit: 1) Proof of financial support; and 2) Copies of the first two pages of their passport in order to be issued an I-20 or DS-2019. While these documents are not required for the review of your application, we strongly encourage you to upload copies of these documents into your application in the “Supporting Information” section. This will reduce the delays in processing the I-20 or DS-2019. If you wish to submit these documents after you submit your application, you may do so. For information, please visit the USC Financial Documentation website .

International Degree Verification (for enrolling students only)

The USC Office of Degree Progress requires verification of prior international degrees for all enrolling students from the International Education Research Foundation (IERF). Details about their services, including application forms, fees, and required documents are available at www.ierf.org/usc .

Please contact Degree Progress [email protected] , 213.740.7070 if you have any questions, or need more information regarding prior degree verification.

Marshall Policy on English-language proficiency

International graduate applicants must demonstrate English-language proficiency by submitting either TOEFL or IELTS scores. International applicants are exempt from the TOEFL/IELTS requirement under one of the following circumstances:

  • You hold a bachelor’s degree completed in its entirety in the United States or at an officially recognized non-U.S. university in which English is the language of instruction.
  • Your native language is English – This applies to native English speakers from countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada (except Quebec), where English is the only official language of the country.

Consortium Applicants

Marshall is a proud member of and the first business school on the West Coast to join the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management, an alliance between 21 leading American graduate business schools and top corporations whose mission is to increase representation of African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans in business education and in the corporate world. All prospective MBA students with a demonstrated commitment to The Consortium mission are encouraged to apply. In order to learn more about this important partnership, please visit The Consortium website .

Consortium Application Process

Applicants to The Consortium must apply through The Consortium’s common application that allows candidates to apply to up to six member schools for both admission and a Consortium Fellowship that covers full tuition and mandatory fees. In order to learn more about eligibility and to access the application, please visit the Prospective Students section of the Consortium website.

To schedule an appointment, please contact [email protected]

Consortium Test Waiver Request Form

For Consortium applicants only: Please complete the the Test Waiver Request Form to be considered for a test waiver. For the required essay, please submit a brief statement that summarizes why you believe you qualify for a test waiver.

Connect with Consortium Liaisons

Connect directly with a current Consortium Liaison below and learn more about DEI AT MARSHALL .

Samantha Sanchez

Samantha Sanchez joined the USC Marshall School of Business with 6 years of business development and strategy experience across multiple industries including IT & cybersecurity. In the summer of 2024, she will join Epson as a Product Development Intern. Excited about expanding the Trojan Family, Samantha takes pride in being a committed resource to candidates along their business school journey.

Janiece Smith

Janiece is a New Yorker who proudly calls Jacksonville, FL home. She thrives on exploring new culinary delights, embarking on scenic trails, and spending time with family. Rooted deeply in her values, she places a high premium on fostering diverse perspectives, embracing transformational leadership principles, and demonstrating a commitment to continual learning and professional development.

Janiece’s attended Howard University, where she obtained a B.A. in International Business with a dual concentration in Finance and Information Systems. Following her undergraduate studies, she began her career path as a financial analyst in Baxter Healthcare's Financial Leadership Development Program for three years. Her next chapter unfolded at Amazon, where she led a finance team and spearheaded transformative DEI initiatives as a program manager.

Currently, Janiece is further enriching her skill set by pursuing an MBA at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. Eager to channel her communication and strategic thinking abilities into a new realm, she aspires to transition into a career in marketing.



Can I get feedback on my candidacy before applying? USC Marshall is unable to provide pre-application feedback. We encourage you to review the Class Profile to see how your background compares to previously admitted students.

Is work experience required? Most of our students have work experience, and we recommend a minimum of 2 years.

Are there any educational prerequisites or specific majors required? Only a bachelor's degree is needed. All majors are welcome.

Can I apply if I already have an MBA degree? Yes, but please explain why you are pursuing a 2nd MBA in the optional essay of the application.

I have been denied for the MBA program in a previous year, may I reapply? You are welcome to reapply. Please use the optional essay to explain any aspects of your application that may have changed since your previous submission.


Do transcripts need translation if not in English? USC requires both the original transcript and a translated copy.

Should I mail official transcripts? You must upload a copy of your official transcript with your application. Official transcripts can be sent by your institution after admission. Refer to instructions here .

Is there a minimum GPA requirement? There is no minimum GPA required. View the Class Profile to see the average GPA based on a 4.0 scale. International applicants do not need to convert international GPAs to the 4.0 scale.


Is there a minimum GMAT/GRE score required? No, there is no minimum GMAT/GRE score required. View the Class Profile to see average test scores.

Which test is preferred, GMAT or GRE? We accept either and encourage you to take the exam you feel most comfortable with in your preparation .

When do I need to send official test scores? During the application process, you must upload a copy of your official test score report to the online application.


What is the USC Marshall MBA Test Waiver Policy? We allow applicants to request a waiver for standardized tests (GMAT or GRE). To request a waiver, submit your application and explain your rationale using the Test Waiver Request Text Box. Test waiver requests will be evaluated based on academic performance, with a strong emphasis on achievement in quantitative coursework (business, economics, sciences, technology, engineering, math, etc.). Professional experience can be included in the waiver request but is secondary to academic achievement and quantitative coursework performance.

Can I apply with a 3-year bachelor’s degree? Yes, you can apply with a 3-year bachelor’s degree.

Is there an English proficiency requirement for international applicants? Most international students will be required to demonstrate English proficiency by submitting TOEFL or IELTS scores (scores are valid within 2 years of the date of application). This requirement is waived for international applicants who:   - Meet criteria listed on the USC Graduate Admissions English-Language Test Waiver Page   - Hold a bachelor’s degree completed in its entirety outside of the United States at an officially recognized university where English is the medium of instruction.

Are any other documents required for admission by international applicants? Once admitted, international students will be required to submit financial documentation and passport copies to USC. Instructions will be provided on how to request documentation needed for visa processing.

Certification of your transcripts from the International Education Research Foundation (IERF) will be required during your first semester of study at USC.

How can international students secure loans to subsidize the cost of the program? Private financing options may be available to international students. International students should contact lenders directly for requirements (note that most will require applying with a co-borrower who is a credit-worthy U.S . citizen or U.S. permanent resident)


University of Southern California Marshall School of Business Popovich Hall, Suite 308 Los Angeles, CA 90089-2633

Phone: 213-740-7846

Speak to an Admissions Representative 

Laura Hartman Graduate Admissions EMAIL | SCHEDULE A CALL

Ben Greenfeld Graduate Admissions EMAIL | SCHEDULE A CALL

Nirav Mehta Graduate Admissions EMAIL | SCHEDULE A CALL

The Foster MBA Program selects individuals with the highest potential for achievement in the management profession—those who have demonstrated the capacity for high-quality academic work, who possess strong written and verbal communication skills, and who will contribute to the diversity of the student body and the ranks of professional leaders.

Requirements Next Steps Admissions Events FAQ

2025 Deadlines and Evaluation Dates

The Foster Evening MBA Program offers one intake per year—each fall. You may apply to any of the deadlines below; however, you may only submit one application per academic year.

Round Application Deadline Evaluation Day Receive Notification Enrollment Deadline
1 February 11, 2025 To Be Scheduled by April 4, 2025 May 1, 2025
2 April 8, 2025 To Be Scheduled by May 30, 2025 June 24, 2025
3 June 3, 2025 To Be Scheduled by July 30, 2025 August 6, 2025

Application Requirements and Selection Criteria

  • Online application profile

Required Essays (2), Optional Essays (2)

Letters of recommendation (2).

  • Official GMAT, GMAT Focus Edition, GRE or EA Score Report or completed “Test Optional Summary of Qualifications”
  • Transcripts from a completed four-year U.S. bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university or the equivalent

Proof of English Language Proficiency

  • Video Interview Submission (Applicants are emailed instructions on how to complete this application requirement 1-3 days after the application round deadline)

Non-Refundable Application Fee ($90)

Please note that the Evening MBA program does not sponsor F-1 visas.

Click on each heading to learn about each requirement.

Online Application Profile

To get started, click the apply now button below, go to the “New Applicants” section, and click the “new admissions system” link. If you submitted an application for Autumn 2024 admissions or later, please go to the “Returning Applicants” and click on the “new admissions system” under for admission to program beginning in Autumn 2024 and beyond.

From here, create your online application profile by selecting the “First-time Users” option or log into your account under “Returning Users”.

Please note that our Autumn 2025 application is on a new application system. If you’ve started an application or applied prior to 2024, you will need to create a new user account and a new application in the new system.

Once in the application system, applicants should follow the prompts to start a new application. After creating an application, ensure that you follow these steps to select the correct program:

  • Under “Program Selection” select “Graduate”
  • Select search “By Campus”
  • Select “Seattle” under filter by campus
  • Select “Business Administration – Foster School of Business – Seattle Evening MBA”

You may save your information and return as often as you’d like until you submit your completed application. All aspects of your application, including the fulfillment of these requirements, are subject to verification.

For all essays, we ask that you add your full name and the title of the essay at the top of each page. We encourage you to select a professional font, use a 10- or 12-point font size, and double-space your text. Please ensure you carefully proofread your essays before submitting them.

Two essays are required and must be uploaded to your online application. The first optional essay allows you to tell us more about yourself, or to explain any areas of concern. The second optional essay allows you to share ways you have been involved with diversity, equity and inclusion in your professional or personal life, or within your community.

Essay 1 : Post-MBA Plans (750 words maximum) Tell us your ideas about what lies ahead in your career. What are the gaps or deficiencies currently preventing you from pursuing these potential career paths? How do you plan to use your time in the Foster MBA program to fill these gaps and advance your career?

Essay 2 : Personal Resilience (500 words maximum) Resilience is one of the most important values of a successful Foster student. Tell us about what resilience means to you and share some of the ways that you have demonstrated resilience in overcoming personal or professional challenges. How do you anticipate showing resilience during your time as an MBA candidate?

Essay 3 : Optional Essay (500 words maximum) Include this essay if you have additional information you believe would be helpful to the admissions committee in considering your application.

Essay 4 : Optional Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Essay (500 words maximum) At the Foster School of Business, we embrace diversity as one of the foundations of both successful business strategy and a world-class educational experience. We share the University’s dedication to promoting the understanding and appreciation of human differences, and the constructive expression of ideas. We welcome you to share some of the ways you have practiced inclusion, promoted equity or supported the advancement of underrepresented groups.

Outline your work experience, in reverse chronological order. Be sure to include company name, a brief description of the organization (or a web address), your job title and detailed information about your responsibilities.

Please feel free to use up to three pages for your resume, and include all significant work experience since graduating from high school. Include educational background as well as your activities and community involvement.

Letters of recommendation consist of two parts: a set of short-answer questions and a written assessment. In the written assessment your recommender will be asked to write about your strengths, discuss areas where you could improve, discuss your leadership abilities, interpersonal skills, motivation and initiative and comment on your accomplishments, managerial potential, and other personal qualities.

Two recommendation letters are required as part of your application; however, you are permitted to submit up to three. Preferably, recommendations should be provided by professional contacts rather than academic or personal contacts. You may designate your recommenders at any time after starting your application. When you designate your recommenders in your online application profile, recommenders will receive an email directing them to the online recommendation form.

Your recommendations should be submitted by the application deadline for the round you are applying to. When necessary, you can use the online application system to send your recommender a reminder email. When your recommender has submitted the recommendation, you will receive a confirmation email.

Standardized Test Requirements

All MBA applicants are encouraged to take a standardized test of their choice. We accept all Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT); both the GMAT 10th Edition and GMAT Focus Edition. We also accept the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). Applicants with 6 or more years of full-time work experience may take the Executive Assessment (EA). Any exam type is encouraged, and it is the applicant’s choice which to select, we have no preference. Applicants also have the option to apply “Test Optional” to the Evening MBA Program without a standardized test score.

Applying with a GMAT, GRE or Executive Assessment (EA) Score

For the GMAT, GRE and EA, all sub-scores are evaluated. Scores should indicate a strong aptitude for business studies. You can review score averages on our Class Profile .

GMAT, GRE and EA exams are offered year-round and can be taken multiple times. Tests are available at in-person testing centers as well as online. Scores are valid for five years. There is no departmental preference for the GMAT or GRE exam.

Take the test as early as possible to allow time to re-test if necessary. The GMAT, GRE or EA must be completed by the application deadline, and official scores should be reported by the deadline. If you have taken a test more than once, the admissions committee will use your highest overall total score to evaluate your application.

Program Codes for Official Submission of GMAT, GRE and EA Scores:
Foster School of Business – Evening MBA

Applying Test Optional

All applicants who choose to apply Test Optional agree to complete the “Test Optional Summary of Qualifications” in the application questions section of the online application.

  • Please detail the specific evidence in your academic and/or professional experience that supports your analytical and quantitative preparedness for success in the program. (150 words maximum)

Please review the Test Optional FAQ section for a complete overview of the requirements for applying Test Optional and crafting a competitive application.

Transcripts & GPA Reporting

You must have completed the equivalent of a four-year U.S. bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university to be considered for admission. Transcripts are required for all undergraduate and graduate-level institutions attended. You are not required to have completed academic courses in any particular topics to be eligible for admission. An academic background in business is not required. Consistency in achievement is considered, but more weight is given to the last two years of study and courses within your academic area of focus.

Required Format for All Transcripts Do not send official transcripts to our office via mail. Scan copies of your original transcripts in PDF file format and upload them to the online application. Make sure to include any transcript keys that describe the institution’s grading scale. These are typically found on the back side of most domestic transcripts.

Self-generated online grade reports or versions that have been cut and pasted into a Word document will not be accepted.

The following information must be on all transcripts:

  • Full name of applicant (former names are acceptable if indicated on application)
  • Name of degree-granting institution
  • Title(s) of academic degree(s) awarded
  • Dates of enrollment, including date of graduation/degree conferral
  • Names of individual courses
  • Grades, marks, or ratings of individual courses
  • International transcripts must include an official English translations
  • Both marks sheets and degree statements are required, if applicable

Please note: Official transcripts sent directly from institutions are required only after an offer of admission is accepted by the applicant.

GPA Requirements Applicants should review our Class Profile for GPA averages for admitted students. Although Foster does not have a minimum requirement, a GPA of 3.0 (B) or better is generally the standard we look for in a competitive candidate. We holistically review all aspects of your application when making an admissions decision. Should your GPA fall below a 3.0 average, we closely evaluate your performance on the GMAT, GMAT Focus Edition, GRE or Executive Assessment (if applicable), as well as other aspects of your application, to assess your ability to succeed academically in our program. If you have specific concerns related to your undergraduate GPA, please contact one of our admissions counselors to discuss.

Reporting your Grade Point Average The Graduate School application asks applicants to report their Grade Point Average (GPA) on a 0.0 – 4.0 scale for the last 90 quarter or 60 semester graded credits. Specific instructions are provided on the Graduate School Application for converting and calculating your GPA if your university was not on such a system, and for converting from an international grading system to a 4.0 scale. Please read and follow the instructions carefully for converting your GPA to a 4.0 scale to complete this question. If you’d like to assess your GPA ahead of applying, the application refers applicants to the Foreign Credits website, and to use the GPA calculator for this process.

If you attended a university that does not grade courses or provide a GPA, check the “No” box to indicate that institution did not provide letter or numeric grades when entering your academic history details.

Proficiency in English is required for admission to a graduate program at the University of Washington. If your native language is not English, you are required to demonstrate English language proficiency in one of the following ways:

  • Bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree from a regionally accredited institution in the United States or from an institution in Australia, the Bahamas, Canada, Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, or the United Kingdom.
  • Official documentation from the institution verifying that your undergraduate degree is from an institution (in a country other than those listed above) where all instruction is in English. The undergraduate degree must be equivalent to a US bachelor’s degree. Documentation must be presented to the Graduate School.
  • Complete an English Language Proficiency Exam. Refer to the table below for accepted exams and score requirements.
English Language Proficiency Exam Minimum Score Requirement Program Codes for Official Score Submission
100 iBT / 100 MyBest 4854
7.0 or higher 365
130 or higher University of Washington Graduate Admissions

NOTE: Most test scores are valid for two years. Applicants with scores below the minimum score requirements are highly encouraged to retake their chosen exam before submitting an application. Official test scores must be sent directly to the University of Washington Graduate School by the application deadline.

Video interview

All applicants will be asked to submit a video interview and will receive an email within 1-3 business days after the application deadline to which they applied with instructions on recording the video interview. The video interview allows us to get to know you better and to assess your communication skills and your ability to think on your feet as we review your application and consider your candidacy.

Once applicants receive the video interview invitation via e-mail, they will have approximately one week to complete this requirement. Applicants can test their video and sound before recording their video interview, answer practice video interview questions, and ask for technical support if needed within the video interview system. The email instructions will include the deadline to submit the video interview, and applicants must complete this requirement in order for their application to remain under review.

Applicants will be contacted if they are selected for an admissions interview later in the application review process.

A non-refundable application fee of $90 must be paid by credit card through the online application system.

Evaluation Day (by invitation only)

Competitive Evening MBA candidates are invited to participate in Evaluation Day, a mandatory step in the admissions process. Evaluation Day involves personal presentations and group exercises designed to evaluate:

  • Communication skills
  • Decision-making abilities
  • Team skills
  • Leadership potential

Invitations to participate in Evaluation Day will be sent via email only.

For Concurrent Degree Applicants

Concurrent degree applicants must apply to each school, college or department of interest. Additional admissions tests may be required. Application materials should be submitted separately to both programs, as the individual programs independently make admissions decisions. Applicants must be offered admission to both programs of their choice to pursue a concurrent degree.

Here’s what you can expect after you have submitted your application.

Evaluation Day

Competitive Evening MBA candidates are invited to participate in Evaluation Day, a mandatory step in the admissions process. Evaluation Day is a large group interview which involves personal presentations and group exercises designed to evaluate:


If you submitted a complete application, including all supplementary materials, by one of the application deadlines, an admission decision will be sent to you via email no later than 5 p.m. on the corresponding decision dates posted above. If you apply between deadlines, your application will be held and reviewed when the next application deadline arrives. All communication regarding the status of your application, including admission decisions, will be through email only.

Important Dates

Candidates who are admitted to the Evening MBA Program at Foster are required to attend a series of orientation and MBA preparation events prior to the official UW start date. Orientation dates for Autumn 2025 will be posted soon.

Visiting Graduate Student Applications

On a limited basis, we accept applications from individuals who meet the Visiting Graduate Student (VGS) requirements and are eligible to take MBA courses without being admitted as a degree-seeking student. Before applying, we strongly encourage all prospective applicants to make an appointment with a member of our admissions team to verify eligibility, and to discuss the application process and upcoming deadlines. The application deadline for applicants is approximately 6 weeks before the desired quarter of enrollment. For more information or to schedule an appointment with a member of our admissions team, email [email protected] or call (206) 543-4661.

Admissions Events

The Foster Evening MBA program aims to achieve a quality match between the students we admit and the program we deliver. Whether you’re just exploring or ready to apply, connect with us. Take advantage of opportunities here on the UW Seattle campus or around the Puget Sound area and find out if the Foster Evening MBA is the right fit for you.

Interested in receiving information about Foster’s Evening MBA? Complete the request form to receive periodic email updates for prospective MBA students. If you have questions, please call us at 206-543-4661 or send us an email .

Upcoming Admissions Events

Connect with admissions, information sessions.

Attend an Information Session to learn more about the three-year Evening MBA Program and meet other prospective evening MBA students. The session format allows you to ask your specific questions, and also to learn from the questions asked by other attendees. Please find the registration link for your preferred date in the calendar above.

Informational Interview

Schedule an on-campus or phone informational interview with a Foster MBA admissions counselor before you apply.

Connect with Students

Our student ambassadors love talking about the Foster MBA program! In fact, over half of our students volunteer their time to be an ambassador and answer your questions. Email our Evening MBA Student Ambassador Coordinator at [email protected] with your questions. Be sure to include information about your background and career goals. We’ll try to connect you with a student that can speak to your interests. If you’d like to connect with veteran MBAs, please contact our Veteran Outreach Coordinator at [email protected] .

Shadow Nights

Experience a night as a Foster Evening MBA student. Attend a campus visit night to get an overview of the program and attend an Evening MBA Core class with one of our current students. See how you can fit the Foster Evening MBA Program into your life. Check the event calendar above for upcoming Shadow Nights.

Evening MBA Student Connections

These weekly virtual informal and conversational meetings are hosted by current Evening MBA students. Join us to speak with a student and get the inside perspective on what makes our Evening MBA program so special. Come ready to ask questions about the student experience!

Foster Alumni Connections

Are you interested in connecting with Foster Evening MBA Alumni? Alumni are working at various companies and cities, including Microsoft, Amazon, Nordstrom and more. They are available to meet for coffee, connect by e-mail, or speak on the phone. If you would like to connect with an alumnus, please e-mail [email protected] and provide your location, how you would like to connect, and a brief description of what you would like to speak about. The Foster Evening MBA Alumni Ambassador Coordinator will be reaching out to you shortly to facilitate a connection. For general admissions inquiries, please send us an email. The Foster community looks forward to connecting with you!

Learn about Work-Compatible MBA Programs

Work + mba open house.

Open Houses are evening events designed for prospective students to gain more information about each of the work compatible MBA Programs. The evening includes program representatives for drop-in questions and information sessions for each program. Check the event calendar above for upcoming events.

Find the Right Fit

The Foster School offers four MBA programs designed for professionals who want to continue working full-time while they earn their degree. This hour-long event is a great way to learn more about the Evening MBA, Executive MBA, Hybrid MBA, and Technology Management MBA programs. Program representatives will present a high-level overview of each program and be available for Q+A. Check the event calendar above for upcoming events.

Admissions FAQ

Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions from applicants that we receive each year. We keep this information up to date to be helpful and informative for applicants. If you have any questions after reviewing our recommendations below, you can always reach out to [email protected] so that we may best assist you.

Do I need to calculate my GPA on a U.S. 4.0 scale? Yes. We ask all applicants to calculate their cumulative undergraduate GPA on a U.S. 4.0 scale if your institution’s grading scale is not on a 4.0 scale.

What tools can I use for calculating my GPA on a 4.0 scale? You are welcome to use the Scholaro GPA calculator , Scholaro GPA conversion tool, or WES iGPA Calculator to calculate your GPA on a 4.0 scale.

I attended a school outside of the United States. How do I report my GPA if it is not on a U.S. 4.0 scale? All applicants should calculate their GPA to a U.S. 4.0 scale if the GPA isn’t already on this scale. Please use the Scholaro GPA calculator , Scholaro GPA conversion or WES iGPA Calculator resources provided in the application portal to calculate your GPA to a U.S. 4.0 scale.

I am calculating my GPA on a U.S. 4.0 scale, but my university’s grading scale is not listed in the Scholaro GPA conversion resource. How do I calculate my GPA using this tool? If your university is not listed on the Scholaro GPA conversion tool, you may select the grading scale that most closely matches your university’s grading scale.

My school does not provide grades. How do I report my GPA? Most schools provide some form of letter or number grades, marks, percentages or other form of scoring. Please calculate your institution’s scoring methods to a U.S. 4.0 scale. If your university does not provide grades, or a GPA, check the “No” box when asked if your “ institution provides letter and/or numeric grades” when entering academic history details.

My GPA is below a 3.0. Can I still apply? Yes, you are welcome to apply if your GPA is below a 3.0. Each year we admit applicants with GPA’s that may fall below a preferred 3.0 GPA who have strong MBA qualifications. We recommend that you refer to our Class Profile and consider how you can strengthen your application and demonstrate your academic readiness in other parts of your application. Our admissions counselors would be happy to talk with you more about this if you’d like to make an appointment by emailing us at [email protected] .

Letters of Recommendation

What happens if my recommender has not submitted their letter of recommendation by the deadline?

Please plan to submit a complete application by the deadline, which includes two required letters of recommendation. You may designate your recommenders at any time after starting your application. We advise you reach out to your recommenders well in advance and give them gentle reminders of the deadline! However, you can submit your application even if your recommendations have not been received. Please connect with your recommenders and let them know that your recommendations should be submitted by the deadline. Please contact us if you are experiencing a delay with your recommender so we can make a note of that.

Essays and Application Materials

How should my essays be formatted? Your full name and the title of the essay should be at the top of each page. Select a professional looking font and use a 10- to 12-point size. Ensure you double-space your essay to ensure ease of reading. Lastly, we highly recommend you take the time to carefully proofread your essays before saving and uploading to the application system.

Guidelines for submitting application essays. All essays, required and optional, are submitted in the “Application Materials” section of the application.

  • For the required essays, navigate to the section labeled “Statement of Purpose” to upload your Post-MBA Plans Essay and the “Personal Statement” section to upload your Personal Resilience essay.
  • To upload the files, select the “Choose File” button, navigate to your essays and then scroll to the bottom and press “Save and Continue.”

The process is similar for the Optional Essays.

  • To upload the files, select the “Choose File” button at the bottom of the Additional Materials section, upload your first essays and then scroll to the bottom and press “Save and Continue.”
  • If you need to upload the second optional essay, return to the Application Materials tab, go to the Additional Materials section. Click Add Another, then click Choose File, navigate to your essays and then scroll to the bottom and press “Save and Continue.”

Once your essays are submitted, we recommend you return to the Application Materials tab to preview this section and ensure both required essays are submitted. You should also ensure your resume and optional essays are submitted at this time.


Do I need to submit an official or unofficial transcript with my application? We recommend that you scan copies of your original transcripts and upload them as a PDF file to your application. Make sure to include all pages and any transcript keys that describe the institution’s grading scale. These are typically found on the back side of most domestic transcripts. Self-generated online grade reports or versions that have been cut and pasted into a Word document will not be accepted.

Where do I send my official transcript? Please do not send official transcripts to our office by mail or digitally. You may submit your application using copies of your original official transcripts. We will provide further instructions on how to submit your official transcripts to the University of Washington Graduate School should you be admitted to Foster.

Does my transcript need to be translated if it is not in English? Yes, transcripts and degree documents that are in a language other than English must be accompanied by an official English translation (translated by a university, government official/organization, or a certified translation service, example: American Translators Association.)

Can I submit a WES evaluation as part of my application? Applicants may choose to submit a WES ICAP evaluation in addition to a PDF copy of your original transcript. WES ICAP evaluations submitted alone as part of your application, without an accompanying copy of your original transcript and diploma, are not considered complete and we will reach out to you upon review of your application if we do not have a complete transcript. Please note that this is not a requirement, and there is an additional cost associated with the WES ICAP evaluation.

Do I need to submit transcripts for every school I have attended, including schools that I transferred from or where I did not earn a degree? Please submit your transcript from the undergraduate institution where you earned your bachelor’s degree at a minimum. We recommend that you include transcripts for all other coursework that you would like to be considered with your application, including other colleges or universities where you have earned transfer credits or completed other coursework. You should also include transcripts for any graduate degrees earned or additional coursework taken.

Do I need to submit a transcript if I took classes to earn a certificate or pursued continuing education? Please include transcripts for all pertinent coursework and academic history that you would like the admissions committee to consider with your application.

I have a 3-year bachelor’s degree. Can I still apply? The University of Washington Graduate School requires that all graduate students have the equivalent to a 4-year undergraduate degree from the United States for admission. This is typically the equivalent of 8 semesters of academic coursework in a degree-seeking program. In some situations, additional course work, such as one or more full academic years of coursework, a Master’s degree or postgraduate diploma, in addition to a 3-year degree, meets the requirement.

If you have questions about your degree prior to applying, you may inquire at [email protected] . In some situations, we may be able to provide guidance by reviewing your transcripts. If you would like us to review your transcripts, please send a complete PDF copy of your undergraduate transcript and any additional coursework you have completed.

I have been offered admission to the program and am planning to enroll in the Evening MBA Program. I have already submitted my transcript as part of my application. Do I need to submit another copy of my transcript? Transcripts submitted as part of your application to Foster are considered unofficial. Once an offer of admission is made, the University of Washington Graduate School requires all enrolling graduate students to submit official transcripts for verification. Official transcripts must be sent directly from your university to the UW Graduate School. You will receive an email with steps for submitting your official transcripts once you have accepted your offer of admission. You may also follow the instructions listed on the UW Graduate School website and on your Application Status page for submitting official transcripts.

English Language Proficiency

Can I have the TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo exam requirement waived? All applicants must meet the University of Washington’s English Language Proficiency requirement. This requirement cannot be waived and therefore no waivers are provided for TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo. There are several ways to demonstrate English Language Proficiency outlined in the UW Graduate School Policy 3.2 if English is not your native language. You may demonstrate English Language Proficiency by providing test scores (TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo), or by providing proof of English being the language of instructions for the entirety of your undergraduate degree.

My transcript is in English. Does this satisfy the English Language Proficiency requirement? No, transcripts in English do not satisfy the English Language Proficiency requirement for a Medium of Instruction document. Your transcript or an official letter from your college or university must clearly state that the Medium of Instruction was 100% in English to fulfill the requirement.

My university conducts all courses in English, do I still need to take the TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo exam? You do not need to take the TOEFL , IELTS or Duolingo exam if the Medium of Instruction of your entire undergraduate degree program was English and your transcript clearly states this. If not explicitly noted on your transcript, you may provide an official letter or documentation from your university stating that the Medium of Instruction was English to meet the English Language Proficiency requirement.

English is not my native language, but I am living and working in the United States. Do I still need to take the TOEFL or IELTS Exam? You must submit documentation of English Language Proficiency as outlined in the UW Graduate School Policy 3.2 if English is not your native language. Living and working in the United States does not satisfy the English Language Proficiency requirement.

Do I need to submit my official TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo scores? How do I report my official scores to Foster? Official test scores are required and must be received before our program can make an admission decision. Please use the institution codes below to reports your official scores by the application deadline.

English Language Proficiency Exam Program Codes for Official Score Submission
University of Washington Graduate Admissions

English is not my native language, but I attended university in the United States or another English-speaking country. Do I still need to take the TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo exam? You will not be required to take the TOEFL,IELTS, or Duolingo exam if you have earned a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree from an institution in Australia, the Bahamas, Canada, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, or the United States, and where English is the Medium of Instruction. Please be sure to submit complete transcripts with your application as documentation.

Does Foster accept the TOEFL My Best Score? Yes, we accept the TOEFL My Best Score.

Work Experience

I don’t have any work experience; can I still apply to the Evening MBA Program?

Admissions to the Evening MBA Program is competitive and work experience is highly valued. While you are welcome to apply with no work experience, the average student enters the program with strong work experience. Please refer to our current Class Profile for information on the average work experience of admitted students.

While applicants are welcome to apply without test scores, admission to the Evening MBA Program is competitive, and we still strongly encourage applicants to consider submitting GMAT, GRE or EA scores for a number of reasons, including demonstrating academic preparedness, scholarship consideration, and future career screenings that rely on GMAT, GRE or EA scores. Please review the Test Optional FAQ section for information on requirements for applying without a GMAT, GRE or EA score.

How do I report my official GMAT, GRE or EA scores to Foster? If you are applying with GMAT, GRE, or EA scores for consideration with your application, please be sure to report your official test scores to the University of Washington Graduate School in order to complete your application. We will conduct an initial review of all applications with self-reported scores, but official test scores are required before an admission decision will be made.

Use the program codes below to report your official test scores.

When do I need to report my official GMAT, GRE or EA score? Please submit your official GMAT, GRE or EA test scores as close to the application deadline as possible. While we can conduct an initial review of your application with your self-reported scores, official scores are required before an admission decision can be made.

How long will it take for my official scores to be received and processed by the University of Washington? It can take the testing company 1-3 business days to deliver your official scores to the University of Washington once you’ve requested they be sent. Once received, it may take 7-14 days for your official scores to be processed and synced with your application. If you sent your official scores ahead of submitting your application, please allow several days for the scores to match to your application. As part of our application review process, our team verifies your official test scores are received. We will reach out to you directly if your scores have not been received or if we have any questions.

I have taken the GMAT, GRE or EA more than once. Which score will Foster consider? We will always consider your highest overall test score. We do not consider the highest combined test section scores from multiple exams.

Can I have the GMAT, GRE or EA requirement waived? While we do not waive application requirements, Foster will provide applicants the option to apply “Test Optional” to the Evening MBA Program for Autumn 2025 entry without a standardized test score. Please review the Test Optional FAQ section for information on requirements for applying without a GMAT or GRE score and tips from our admissions team on crafting a competitive application.

I plan on re-taking the GMAT, GRE or EA after the application deadline. Will my new scores be considered? You are welcome to report updated test scores. Please indicate in the Optional Essay that you plan to retake the exam and include the date of your scheduled exam. Reach out to us at [email protected] once you have received your initial score report to let us know you have new scores available for review. Please also ensure you update your application with new self-reported test scores and report official scores to the University of Washington. Please keep in mind that, while the admissions committee will do their best to consider updated scores, scores submitted after the application deadline are not guaranteed to be considered with your application.

Does Foster prefer one test over another? There is no preference between the GMAT, GRE or EA. We accept the GMAT 10th Edition, GMAT Focus Edition, the GRE and the Executive Assesment. In our holistic review process, we consider a number of factors to determine your ability to handle the academic rigors of the program, achieve success in the career development process, and contribute actively and positively to our community. Test scores are just one piece of information considered in the review process.

I can’t get an online GMAT, GRE or EA exam date until after the application deadline. Can I apply with no test scores and update my application after the deadline? Applicants should apply to the earliest application deadline to which they can submit their strongest complete application. If you are unable to take the GMAT, GRE or EA before the application deadline, we advise looking ahead to preparing a strong and complete application for the next application round.

Test Optional

Any applicant who is able to demonstrate strong quantitative skills through their prior academic work and/or recent professional experiences may apply for admission to the Evening MBA for Autumn 2025 entry without a standardized test score.

Which standardized tests does the Evening MBA Program accept? The Evening MBA Program accepts the GMAT, GMAT Focus Edition, GRE and EA standardized tests. For Autumn 2025 admission, Foster will provide candidates with the option to apply without a standardized test score.

Should I consider applying without a test score? What factors make an applicant well-suited to submit an application without a test score? All candidates are required to meet the following criteria:

  • Have a four-year undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited university in the U.S. or equivalent international degree.
  • Have a 3.0 GPA or higher in the most recent degree earned, per the University of Washington Graduate School’s minimum GPA requirements .

For a candidate to be competitive without a test score, they must demonstrate quantitative and program readiness by meeting several of the following criteria:

  • Strong quantitative or analytical ability demonstrated throughout educational records, with a GPA at or above average as listed on the class profile .
  • An undergraduate, masters, or advanced degree in STEM or a business-related major, with strong performance and multiple quantitative or analytical courses.
  • Clearly demonstrated quantitative or analytical professional work experience. Professional certifications in a quantitative-related field, e.g., CPA, CFA, PE, etc.
  • Four or more years of progressively responsible professional work experience which demonstrates deep quantitative or analytical aptitude.
  • A University of Washington undergraduate or graduate degree with a strong academic record.

These criteria will be considered in holistic review along with other elements of the application including transcripts, resume, essays, recommendations and admissions interview, in the context of the competitiveness of the overall applicant pool.

Meeting the above criteria does not ensure admission to a Foster MBA program. If you believe your academic readiness is best demonstrated by an exam, we encourage you to provide an exam score.

Are there circumstances in which it might be helpful to submit test scores? Yes, if you had weaker performance as an undergraduate student with a GPA below the class average , a strong test score can help demonstrate quantitative aptitude or mitigate concerns regarding academic readiness.

How do I apply without a test score? To apply test optional, complete the “Test Optional Summary of Qualifications” under the “application questions” section of the online application. You will be asked the following question prompts:

  • Are you applying without test scores (meaning test optional)? Upon selecting yes, you will be prompted to answer the following required short answer question.

Applicants applying Test Optional are not required to self-report GMAT, GMAT Focus Edition, GRE or Executive Assessment scores. Please skip the score reporting sections in the application.

Does the admissions team have guidance for completing the short response question? The short answer question asks you to outline your academic and/or professional experience that prepares you for the quantitative and analytical rigor of the program. This response is required, and asks for a short, 150 word response. We encourage you to type your response in a Word Document first to ensure accurate spelling and grammar, and that your responses meets the word limit, and then to copy and paste your responses into your application.

I have reported test scores to the University of Washington, but I do not wish for these to be considered in my Evening MBA Application. What do I do? If you previously reported a test score to the University of Washington and do not want any test scores considered in your application for Autumn 2025, then select yes to applying test optional and complete the Test Optional Summary of Qualifications. Your test scores will not be used in review of your application.

Can you use an expired score in the evaluation of my application? GMAT, GMAT Focus Edition, GRE, and EA scores are valid for five years, but you may point to the results of an expired test score as evidence of quantitative or verbal aptitude in your request to be considered without a standardized test score.

Please self-report the test scores in your application and upload a PDF copy of the GMAT, GMAT Focus Edition, GRE or EA score report to the “Optional Essay” section of the application along with a note that you would like us to consider your expired test scores.

Who do I contact if I have questions that are not addressed here about applying Test Optional? If you have questions about how to submit your strongest application, you can schedule an informational interview with an admissions counselor by emailing [email protected] .

Admissions Review Timeline and Decisions

When can I expect to receive my invitation to complete the required video interview? You can expect an email invitation to complete your required video interview from Kira Talent 1-3 business days after the application deadline.

When can I expect a decision on my application? Please refer to the Admissions webpage for application decision notification dates by round.

Can Foster provide me feedback on my application if I am denied admission? Unfortunately, we are unable to provide denied candidates with feedback. There normally is not a single deciding factor that led to a denial, and the decision is usually dependent on the competitiveness of the entire applicant pool. If you are interested in reapplying for the program next year and wish to speak with an admissions counselor about ways to strengthen your application, you may contact [email protected] to schedule an appointment.

What if I want to defer my acceptance and attend the following year? If you are admitted to the program and need to defer for one academic year, you can formally request to defer. The admissions committee considers these requests on a case-by-case basis.

General Application Questions

Does Foster offer an application fee waiver? Unfortunately, Foster is unable to offer fee waivers as our application portal and fee is managed by the UW Graduate School. A limited number of fee waivers are available through the Graduate School based on financial need. Please visit the Graduate School website for more information.

What is the Post-Application Questions section showing up in the Applicant Checklist after I submit my application? The Post-Application Questions section will appear within a few minutes of submitting your application. We encourage all applicants to submit the Post-Application questionnaire. The questions asked in the Post-Application Questions section are not a part of the review of your application for admission.

Can I apply to multiple Foster MBA programs? You are welcome to apply to multiple MBA programs at Foster. Each MBA or master’s program has its own application and admissions process, so you will need to complete an application to each individual program you wish to apply to.

Do you have rolling admission? We review applications at the deadline to which they were submitted and generally send out admission decisions within 2-3 months after the deadline. Please see the Admission Notification dates for the date to which you can expect to hear a final admission decision.

Can I apply to start in the winter/spring/summer term? Our program starts once a year in the fall. No other program starts are offered.

I am having technical issues submitting my video interview. What do I do? The video interview is hosted by Kira Talent, and applicants can request technical support 24/7 from Kira Talent in the online video interview platform.

Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any issues completing your video interview by the deadline. Our team will work with you to provide options for submitting your video.

The application review section allows me to “Save for Later” but not submit my application. How do I complete my application and submit it? The review section shows a list of any incomplete items in your application. You must complete all items labeled as “Required Field or Error” to submit your application. If an application item is labeled with “Warning” the item may be required but can be updated in the application portal post submission of your application.



  1. UW Foster MBA Essays: Tips for 2023-2024

    foster mba essays

  2. 2024-2025 UW Foster MBA Essay Analysis

    foster mba essays

  3. Washington / Foster MBA Essay Topic Analysis 2024-2025

    foster mba essays

  4. 2022-2023 MBA Essays: Tips for UW Foster

    foster mba essays

  5. Foster MBA Letter of Recommendation-Questions & Answers

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  6. Foster B-School Why MBA & Goals Essay

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  1. David Foster Wallace on Tennis & Roger Federer as Religious Experience

  2. How to write good essays for the Mastercard Foundation Scholarship

  3. Clayton

  4. How To Nail Your MBA Essays

  5. Foster School of Business

  6. Tips for a Compelling MBA ‘Goals’ Essay


  1. Admissions

    The Full-time MBA application is now open. To get started, click the apply now button below, go to the "New Applicants" section, and click the "new admissions system" link. If you submitted an application for Autumn 2024 admissions or later, please go to the "Returning Applicants" and click on the "new admissions system" under for admission to program beginning in Autumn 2024 ...

  2. UW Foster Essay Examples & Tips, 2024-2025

    Read on for our full analysis of UW Foster's 2024-2025 application essay questions. University of Washington Foster School of Business Essay Analysis, 2024-2025 Essay 1: Post-MBA Plans (750 words maximum) - Tell us your ideas about what lies ahead in your career.

  3. UW Foster MBA Essays: Tips for 2024-2025

    There are three aspects to the career goals essay: What you want your future profession to look like. Why an MBA is necessary to advance your career. Particularly, why a degree from UW Foster will be most beneficial to you and your job plan. Your aspirations need to be convincing, ambitious, and realistic. Foster is looking for applicants who ...

  4. Washington / Foster MBA Essay Topic Analysis 2024-2025

    The following essay topic analysis examines the University of Washington's Foster School of Business (Foster) MBA admissions essays for the 2024-2025 admissions season. You can also review essay topic analysis for other leading MBA programs as well as general Essay Tips to further aid you in developing your admissions essays.

  5. UW Foster MBA Essays Guide: Overview, Tips & Examples

    In conclusion, the UW Foster MBA essays are an integral part of the application process and provide an opportunity for applicants to showcase their qualifications, accomplishments, and fit with the program. By following these tips and reviewing real examples, you can write compelling essays that leave a lasting impression on the admissions ...

  6. 2024-2025 UW Foster MBA Essay Analysis

    UW Foster MBA Essay 1 Framework. Foster Essay 1 framework: Start by establishing a clear picture of your career goals, highlighting your aspirations and the path you wish to pursue. Transition to discussing your weaknesses, focusing on areas that may hinder your progress in achieving your long-term goals. Next, emphasize the specific aspects of ...

  7. University of Washington Foster School of Business MBA Essay Tips and

    ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with Washington Foster directly to verify its essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.*** Foster class profile. Here's a look at the Foster MBA Class of 2025 (data taken from the Washington Foster website): Class Size: 111. Average age: 29. Mid 80% range of ages: 26-33. Women ...

  8. Foster School of Business

    The following essay topic analysis examines the University of Washington's Foster School of Business (Foster) MBA admissions essays for the 2024-2025 admissions season. You can also review essay topic analysis for other leading MBA programs as well as general… Read More Read more

  9. University of Washington Foster School of Business MBA Essay Tips

    Foster MBA essay #3 (optional) Include this essay if you have additional information you believe would be helpful to the admissions committee in considering your application. (500 words maximum) Most people cannot be summarized in two essays. If that is the case for you, then you should consider submitting this additional, optional essay.

  10. The UW Foster MBA Video Essay Questions

    The format. Like many MBA programs, Foster's video essay uses an automated system to feed you randomly picked questions on the spot. For example, you may be asked to talk about your strengths and weaknesses, a time you succeeded in a work project, or how you try to positively impact your community. You can see a list of past questions below.

  11. Admissions

    Essay 1, 2, and 3 are concise, written statements that allow you to showcase your intentions and qualifications for the TMMBA program. All three essays are required. Essay 1 (250 words max) - Describe your career goals and explain how obtaining a Technology Management MBA from the Foster School will empower you to achieve these objectives.

  12. How to Write a Powerful MBA Essay—With Examples

    Interview Questions. 3. Get Vulnerable. Most MBA admissions essay prompts are written with the goal of getting to know as much about you as possible in the shortest number of words. To do that, you're going to have to share real things from your life — to get personal, intimate, and vulnerable.

  13. Writing Foster MBA Essays: A Simple Guide

    Writing Foster MBA essays is your chance to show who you are and what you want to achieve. By following this simple guide, you can create strong essays that highlight your goals, resilience, and ...

  14. Full-time MBA

    Build your knowledge and leadership skills with our top-ranked MBA program housed in one of the world's most innovative cities. A Foster Full-Time MBA offers a cutting-edge business education taught by world-renowned faculty. With one of the highest ROIs within top 25 business schools, this is the degree that will help you get ahead.

  15. Foster School of Business MBA 2023-2024: A Complete Guide to Success

    The Class of 2025 at Foster MBA is a testament to the program's commitment to diversity and excellence. The class had an impressive average undergraduate GPA of 3.3 and a median GMAT score of 714. Students brought an average of six years of work experience to the program, and the average age was 29.

  16. University of Washington Foster School of Business MBA Essay Tips

    Foster MBA essay #3 (optional) Please include this essay if you have additional information you believe would be helpful to the admissions committee in considering your application. (500 words maximum) Most people cannot be summarized in two essays. If that is the case for you, then you should consider submitting this additional, optional essay.

  17. UW Foster

    Read: The Ultimate MBA Application Guide (2024) UW Foster Essays. Another important component of the application is the set of essay. UW Foster requires two essays and must be uploaded to your online application. The school will ask you to add your full name and the title of the essay at the top of each page. Select a professional font, use a ...

  18. MBA Essay Examples for top ranked Business Schools

    Samples of MBA essays submitted by real candidates who were accepted to Wharton, Harvard, Stanford, INSEAD and other top ranked business schools.

  19. Curriculum

    Year Two Core. Electives. Over 20 months, Full-time MBA students take integrated core coursework during their first year and choose from a wide variety of electives in the second year. The program requirements are: 48 required Core credits (5 Core classes) 40 elective credits. 7 additional required degree activities:

  20. Hybrid MBA: Foster's Online MBA

    With the same rigor and prestige of a full-time MBA, you can enjoy the convenience of online learning while working in teams to tackle real-world business challenges. Hybrid format that builds your skills and your network. Classes held in-person during quarterly immersions and synchronously online 1 to 2 evenings per week.

  21. Full-Time MBA (FTMBA) Admissions

    Completed online application. Four-year undergraduate degree, or equivalent, from an accredited institution. Academic transcripts. GMAT or GRE scores (if applicable) - All candidates must submit scores with the exception of applicants who have been granted a test waiver or applicants who are USC medical students applying to the MD/MBA dual ...

  22. Evening MBA

    Meet with us. Prospective students may call the MBA Programs office at 206-543-4661 to schedule an on-campus or phone informational interview with a Foster MBA admissions counselor to discuss any specific questions about the program and/or admissions process. The Evening MBA Program at the Foster School of Business offers a full-time MBA ...

  23. Admissions

    The application deadline for applicants is approximately 6 weeks before the desired quarter of enrollment. For more information or to schedule an appointment with a member of our admissions team, email [email protected] or call (206) 543-4661.