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The Journal of Derivatives

The Journal of Derivatives

research paper on derivatives

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  • You have access Analytical Formula for Pricing European Options with Stochastic Volatility under the GARCH-PDE Approximation Qi Wang , Qian Zhang , Zerong Wang and Yuanyuan Zhang The Journal of Derivatives Summer 2024, 31 (4) 98-124 ; DOI:
  • You have access Inferring the Implied Volatility of SOFR-Based Swaptions Meng-Lan Yueh and Cho-Jui Wu The Journal of Derivatives Summer 2024, 31 (4) 157-179 ; DOI:
  • You have access Editor’s Letter Joseph M. Pimbley The Journal of Derivatives Summer 2024, 31 (4) 1-7 ; DOI:
  • You have access Implied Willow Tree Bing Dong , Wei Xu and Zhenyu Cui The Journal of Derivatives Summer 2024, 31 (4) 44-74 ; DOI:
  • You have access Exploiting the Gap Between Implied and Realized Volatility Javdat Umarov , Eva Lütkebohmert and Roxana Halbleib The Journal of Derivatives Summer 2024, 31 (4) 12-42 ; DOI:
  • You have access Construction of a Bivariate Distribution Accounting for Correlation Skew by Alternate Projections Romain Barc The Journal of Derivatives Summer 2024, 31 (4) 126-155 ; DOI:


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The Journal of Derivatives  (JOD) is the leading analytical journal on derivatives, providing detailed analyses of theoretical models and how they are used in practice. JOD provides full treatment of mathematical and statistical information on derivative products and techniques, with a focus on results-oriented analysis.

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The Journal of Derivatives: 31 (4)

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Volumes and issues

Volume 27 april - july 2024 apr - jul 2024.

  • Issue 2 July 2024
  • Issue 1 April 2024

Volume 26 April - October 2023 Apr - Oct 2023

  • Issue 2-3 October 2023
  • Issue 1 April 2023

Volume 25 April - October 2022 Apr - Oct 2022

  • Issue 3 October 2022
  • Issue 2 July 2022
  • Issue 1 April 2022

Volume 24 April - October 2021 Apr - Oct 2021

  • Issue 3 October 2021
  • Issue 2 July 2021
  • Issue 1 April 2021

Volume 23 April - October 2020 Apr - Oct 2020

  • Issue 3 October 2020
  • Issue 2 July 2020
  • Issue 1 April 2020

Volume 22 April - October 2019 Apr - Oct 2019

  • Issue 3 October 2019
  • Issue 2 July 2019
  • Issue 1 April 2019

Volume 21 April - October 2018 Apr - Oct 2018

  • Issue 3 October 2018
  • Issue 2 July 2018
  • Issue 1 April 2018

Volume 20 April - October 2017 Apr - Oct 2017

  • Issue 3 October 2017
  • Issue 2 July 2017
  • Issue 1 April 2017

Volume 19 April - October 2016 Apr - Oct 2016

  • Issue 3 October 2016
  • Issue 2 July 2016
  • Issue 1 April 2016

Volume 18 April - October 2015 Apr - Oct 2015

  • Issue 3 October 2015
  • Issue 2 July 2015
  • Issue 1 April 2015

Volume 17 April - October 2014 Apr - Oct 2014

  • Issue 3 October 2014
  • Issue 2 July 2014
  • Issue 1 April 2014

Volume 16 April - October 2013 Apr - Oct 2013

  • Issue 3 October 2013
  • Issue 2 July 2013
  • Issue 1 April 2013

Volume 15 April - October 2012 Apr - Oct 2012

  • Issue 3 October 2012
  • Issue 2 July 2012
  • Issue 1 April 2012

Volume 14 April - October 2011 Apr - Oct 2011

  • Issue 3 October 2011

Special Issue on Topic in Hedge Fund Research

  • Issue 1 April 2011

Volume 13 April - October 2010 Apr - Oct 2010

  • Issue 3 October 2010
  • Issue 2 July 2010
  • Issue 1 April 2010

Volume 12 April - October 2009 Apr - Oct 2009

  • Issue 3 October 2009
  • Issue 2 July 2009

Special Issue on Advances in Mean Variance Hedgeing, Guest Editors: Ales Cerny and Peter Bank

Volume 11 March - October 2008 Mar - Oct 2008

  • Issue 3 October 2008
  • Issue 1-2 March 2008

Volume 10 January - December 2007 Jan - Dec 2007

  • Issue 3 December 2007
  • Issue 2 May 2007
  • Issue 1 January 2007

Volume 9 January - November 2006 Jan - Nov 2006

  • Issue 3 November 2006
  • Issue 2 September 2006
  • Issue 1 January 2006

Volume 8 June - December 2005 Jun - Dec 2005

  • Issue 3 December 2005
  • Issue 2 August 2005
  • Issue 1 June 2005

Volume 7 January - December 2004 Jan - Dec 2004

  • Issue 3 December 2004
  • Issue 2 August 2004
  • Issue 1 January 2004

Volume 6 January - October 2003 Jan - Oct 2003

  • Issue 3 October 2003
  • Issue 2 May 2003
  • Issue 1 January 2003

Volume 5 January - October 2002 Jan - Oct 2002

  • Issue 3 October 2002
  • Issue 2 May 2002
  • Issue 1 January 2002

Volume 4 May - October 2000 May - Oct 2000

  • Issue 3 October 2000
  • Issue 1 June 2000
  • Issue 2 May 2000

Volume 3 January 1999 - October 2000 Jan 1999 - Oct 2000

  • Issue 2 May 1999
  • Issue 1 January 1999

Volume 2 March - December 1998 Mar - Dec 1998

  • Issue 4 December 1998
  • Issue 2-3 December 1998
  • Issue 1 March 1998

Volume 1 February - October 1996 Feb - Oct 1996

  • Issue 3 October 1996
  • Issue 2 June 1996
  • Issue 1 February 1996
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research paper on derivatives

You can publish an open access article in this platinum partnership journal. Authors in this journal are not required to pay an article processing charge (APC)

Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies: Seonmul yeon"™gu

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Before you start

For queries relating to the status of your paper pre decision, please contact the Editor or Journal Editorial Office. For queries post acceptance, please contact the Supplier Project Manager. These details can be found in the Editorial Team section.

Author responsibilities

Our goal is to provide you with a professional and courteous experience at each stage of the review and publication process. There are also some responsibilities that sit with you as the author. Our expectation is that you will:

  • Respond swiftly to any queries during the publication process.
  • Be accountable for all aspects of your work. This includes investigating and resolving any questions about accuracy or  research integrity
  • Treat communications between you and the journal editor as confidential until an editorial decision has been made.
  • Include  anyone who has made a substantial and meaningful contribution to the submission (anyone else involved in the paper should be listed in the acknowledgements).
  • Exclude  anyone who hasn’t contributed to the paper, or who has chosen not to be associated with the research.
  • In accordance with COPE’s position statement on AI tools , Large Language Models cannot be credited with authorship as they are incapable of conceptualising a research design without human direction and cannot be accountable for the integrity, originality, and validity of the published work.
  • If your article involves human participants, you must ensure you have considered whether or not you require ethical approval for your research, and include this information as part of your submission. Find out more about  informed consent .

Research and publishing ethics

Our editors and employees work hard to ensure the content we publish is ethically sound. To help us achieve that goal, we closely follow the advice laid out in the guidelines and flowcharts on the  COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) website .

We have also developed our  research and publishing ethics guidelines . If you haven’t already read these, we urge you to do so – they will help you avoid the most common publishing ethics issues.

A few key points:

  • Any manuscript you submit to this journal should be original. That means it should not have been published before in its current, or similar, form. Exceptions to this rule are outlined in our  pre-print and conference paper policies .  If any substantial element of your paper has been previously published, you need to declare this to the journal editor upon submission. Please note, the journal editor may use  Crossref Similarity Check  to check on the originality of submissions received. This service compares submissions against a database of 49 million works from 800 scholarly publishers.
  • Your work should not have been submitted elsewhere and should not be under consideration by any other publication.
  • If you have a conflict of interest, you must declare it upon submission; this allows the editor to decide how they would like to proceed. Read about conflict of interest in our  research and publishing ethics guidelines .
  • By submitting your work to Emerald, you are guaranteeing that the work is not in infringement of any existing copyright.

Third party copyright permissions

Prior to article submission,  you need to ensure you’ve applied for, and received,   written permission to use any material in your manuscript that has been created by a third party. Please note, we are unable to publish any article that still has permissions pending. The rights we require are:

  • Non-exclusive rights to reproduce the material in the article or book chapter.
  • Print and electronic rights.
  • Worldwide English-language rights.
  • To use the material for the life of the work. That means there should be no time restrictions on its re-use e.g. a one-year licence.

We are a member of the International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers (STM) and participate in the  STM permissions guidelines , a reciprocal free exchange of material with other STM publishers.  In some cases, this may mean that you don’t need permission to re-use content. If so, please highlight this at the submission stage.

Please take a few moments to read our  guide to publishing permissions  to ensure you have met all the requirements, so that we can process your submission without delay.

Open access information

This is a sponsored open access journal, also referred to as platinum open access. Because it is published in partnership with an organisation, your article will be published open access, but you will not have to pay an APC (article processing charge) - publication is free. Your article will be published with a  Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 user licence , which outlines how readers can reuse your work.

You can find out more about our open access routes and read our FAQs on our open research page. 

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Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines

We are a signatory of the  Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines , a framework that supports the reproducibility of research through the adoption of transparent research practices. That means we encourage you to:

  • Cite and fully reference all data, program code, and other methods in your article.
  • Include persistent identifiers, such as a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), in references for datasets and program codes. Persistent identifiers ensure future access to unique published digital objects, such as a piece of text or datasets. Persistent identifiers are assigned to datasets by digital archives, such as institutional repositories and partners in the Data Preservation Alliance for the Social Sciences (Data-PASS).
  • Follow appropriate international and national procedures with respect to data protection, rights to privacy and other ethical considerations, whenever you cite data. For further guidance please refer to our  research and publishing ethics guidelines . For an example on how to cite datasets, please refer to the references section below.

Prepare your submission

Manuscript support services.

We are pleased to partner with Editage, a platform that connects you with relevant experts in language support, translation, editing, visuals, consulting, and more. After you’ve agreed a fee, they will work with you to enhance your manuscript and get it submission-ready.

This is an optional service for authors who feel they need a little extra support. It does not guarantee your work will be accepted for review or publication.

Visit Editage

Manuscript requirements

Before you submit your manuscript, it’s important you read and follow the guidelines below. You will also find some useful tips in our  structure your journal submission  how-to guide.

Article files should be provided in Microsoft Word format

While you are welcome to submit a PDF of the document alongside the Word file, PDFs alone are not acceptable. LaTeX files can also be used but only if an accompanying PDF document is provided. Acceptable figure file types are listed further below.

Articles should be up to a maximum of 9000 words in length. This includes all text, for example, the structured abstract, references, all text in tables, and figures and appendices.


Please allow 280 words for each figure or table.

A concisely worded title should be provided.

The names of all contributing authors should be added to the ScholarOne submission; please list them in the order in which you’d like them to be published. Each contributing author will need their own ScholarOne author account, from which we will extract the following details:

(institutional preferred). . We will reproduce it exactly, so any middle names and/or initials they want featured must be included. . This should be where they were based when the research for the paper was conducted.

In multi-authored papers, it’s important that ALL authors that have made a significant contribution to the paper are listed. Those who have provided support but have not contributed to the research should be featured in an acknowledgements section. You should never include people who have not contributed to the paper or who don’t want to be associated with the research. Read about our   for authorship.

If you want to include these items, save them in a separate Microsoft Word document and upload the file with your submission. Where they are included, a brief professional biography of not more than 100 words should be supplied for each named author.

Your article must reference all sources of external research funding in the acknowledgements section. You should describe the role of the funder or financial sponsor in the entire research process, from study design to submission.

All submissions must include a structured abstract, following the format outlined below.

These four sub-headings and their accompanying explanations must always be included:

The following three sub-headings are optional and can be included, if applicable:

You can find some useful tips in our   how-to guide.

The maximum length of your abstract should be 250 words in total, including keywords and article classification (see the sections below).

Your submission should include up to 12 appropriate and short keywords that capture the principal topics of the paper. Our   how to guide contains some practical guidance on choosing search-engine friendly keywords.

Please note, while we will always try to use the keywords you’ve suggested, the in-house editorial team may replace some of them with matching terms to ensure consistency across publications and improve your article’s visibility.

During the submission process, you will be asked to select a type for your paper; the options are listed below. If you don’t see an exact match, please choose the best fit:

You will also be asked to select a category for your paper. The options for this are listed below. If you don’t see an exact match, please choose the best fit:

 Reports on any type of research undertaken by the author(s), including:

 Covers any paper where content is dependent on the author's opinion and interpretation. This includes journalistic and magazine-style pieces.

 Describes and evaluates technical products, processes or services.

 Focuses on developing hypotheses and is usually discursive. Covers philosophical discussions and comparative studies of other authors’ work and thinking.

 Describes actual interventions or experiences within organizations. It can be subjective and doesn’t generally report on research. Also covers a description of a legal case or a hypothetical case study used as a teaching exercise.

 This category should only be used if the main purpose of the paper is to annotate and/or critique the literature in a particular field. It could be a selective bibliography providing advice on information sources, or the paper may aim to cover the main contributors to the development of a topic and explore their different views.

 Provides an overview or historical examination of some concept, technique or phenomenon. Papers are likely to be more descriptive or instructional (‘how to’ papers) than discursive.

Headings must be concise, with a clear indication of the required hierarchy. 

The preferred format is for first level headings to be in bold, and subsequent sub-headings to be in medium italics.

Notes or endnotes should only be used if absolutely necessary. They should be identified in the text by consecutive numbers enclosed in square brackets. These numbers should then be listed, and explained, at the end of the article.

An appropriate number of JEL codes should be included in you manuscript. This classification system is prepared and published by the Journal of Economic Literature, see:

All figures (charts, diagrams, line drawings, webpages/screenshots, and photographic images) should be submitted electronically. Both colour and black and white files are accepted.

There are a few other important points to note:

Tables should be typed and submitted in a separate file to the main body of the article. The position of each table should be clearly labelled in the main body of the article with corresponding labels clearly shown in the table file. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Roman numerals (e.g. I, II, etc.).

Give each table a brief title. Ensure that any superscripts or asterisks are shown next to the relevant items and have explanations displayed as footnotes to the table, figure or plate.

Where tables, figures, appendices, and other additional content are supplementary to the article but not critical to the reader’s understanding of it, you can choose to host these supplementary files alongside your article on Insight, Emerald’s content-hosting platform (this is Emerald's recommended option as we are able to ensure the data remain accessible), or on an alternative trusted online repository.

Emerald recommends authors that they use the following two trusted lists of repositories: and to identify the most suitable repository. Any and all supplementary material must be present/provided with the initial submission.

, you must submit these as separate files alongside your article. Files should be clearly labelled in such a way that makes it clear they are supplementary; Emerald recommends that the file name is descriptive and that it follows the format 'Supplementary_material_appendix_1' or 'Supplementary tables'. All supplementary material must be mentioned at the appropriate moment in the main text of the article; there is no need to include the content of the file only the file name. A link to the supplementary material will be added to the article during production, and the material will be made available alongside the main text of the article at the point of EarlyCite publication.

Please note that Emerald will not make any changes to the material; it will not be copy-edited or typeset, and authors will not receive proofs of this content. Emerald therefore strongly recommends that you style all supplementary material ahead of acceptance of the article.
Emerald Insight can host the following file types and extensions:

, you should ensure that the supplementary material is hosted on the repository ahead of submission, and then include a link only to the repository within the article. It is the responsibility of the submitting author to ensure that the material is free to access and that it remains permanently available. Where an alternative trusted online repository is used, the files hosted should always be presented as read-only; please be aware that such usage risks compromising your anonymity during the review process if the repository contains any information that may enable the reviewer to identify you; as such, we recommend that all links to alternative repositories are reviewed carefully prior to submission.

Please note that extensive supplementary material may be subject to peer review; this is at the discretion of the journal Editor and dependent on the content of the material (for example, whether including it would support the reviewer making a decision on the article during the peer review process).

All references in your manuscript must be formatted using one of the recognised Harvard styles. You are welcome to use the Harvard style Emerald has adopted – we’ve provided a detailed guide below. Want to use a different Harvard style? That’s fine, our typesetters will make any necessary changes to your manuscript if it is accepted. Please ensure you check all your citations for completeness, accuracy and consistency.

References to other publications in your text should be written as follows:

, 2006) Please note, ‘ ' should always be written in italics.

A few other style points. These apply to both the main body of text and your final list of references.

At the end of your paper, please supply a reference list in alphabetical order using the style guidelines below. Where a DOI is available, this should be included at the end of the reference.

Surname, initials (year),  , publisher, place of publication.

e.g. Harrow, R. (2005),  , Simon & Schuster, New York, NY.

Surname, initials (year), "chapter title", editor's surname, initials (Ed.),  , publisher, place of publication, page numbers.

e.g. Calabrese, F.A. (2005), "The early pathways: theory to practice – a continuum", Stankosky, M. (Ed.),  , Elsevier, New York, NY, pp.15-20.

Surname, initials (year), "title of article",  , volume issue, page numbers.

e.g. Capizzi, M.T. and Ferguson, R. (2005), "Loyalty trends for the twenty-first century",  , Vol. 22 No. 2, pp.72-80.

Surname, initials (year of publication), "title of paper", in editor’s surname, initials (Ed.),  , publisher, place of publication, page numbers.

e.g. Wilde, S. and Cox, C. (2008), “Principal factors contributing to the competitiveness of tourism destinations at varying stages of development”, in Richardson, S., Fredline, L., Patiar A., & Ternel, M. (Ed.s),  , Griffith University, Gold Coast, Qld, pp.115-118.

Surname, initials (year), "title of paper", paper presented at [name of conference], [date of conference], [place of conference], available at: URL if freely available on the internet (accessed date).

e.g. Aumueller, D. (2005), "Semantic authoring and retrieval within a wiki", paper presented at the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), 29 May-1 June, Heraklion, Crete, available at:  ;(accessed 20 February 2007).

Surname, initials (year), "title of article", working paper [number if available], institution or organization, place of organization, date.

e.g. Moizer, P. (2003), "How published academic research can inform policy decisions: the case of mandatory rotation of audit appointments", working paper, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, Leeds, 28 March.

 (year), "title of entry", volume, edition, title of encyclopaedia, publisher, place of publication, page numbers.

e.g.   (1926), "Psychology of culture contact", Vol. 1, 13th ed., Encyclopaedia Britannica, London and New York, NY, pp.765-771.

(for authored entries, please refer to book chapter guidelines above)

Surname, initials (year), "article title",  , date, page numbers.

e.g. Smith, A. (2008), "Money for old rope",  , 21 January, pp.1, 3-4.

 (year), "article title", date, page numbers.

e.g.   (2008), "Small change", 2 February, p.7.

Surname, initials (year), "title of document", unpublished manuscript, collection name, inventory record, name of archive, location of archive.

e.g. Litman, S. (1902), "Mechanism & Technique of Commerce", unpublished manuscript, Simon Litman Papers, Record series 9/5/29 Box 3, University of Illinois Archives, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

If available online, the full URL should be supplied at the end of the reference, as well as the date that the resource was accessed.

Surname, initials (year), “title of electronic source”, available at: persistent URL (accessed date month year).

e.g. Weida, S. and Stolley, K. (2013), “Developing strong thesis statements”, available at: (accessed 20 June 2018)

Standalone URLs, i.e. those without an author or date, should be included either inside parentheses within the main text, or preferably set as a note (Roman numeral within square brackets within text followed by the full URL address at the end of the paper).

Surname, initials (year),  , name of data repository, available at: persistent URL, (accessed date month year).

e.g. Campbell, A. and Kahn, R.L. (2015),  , ICPSR07218-v4, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (distributor), Ann Arbor, MI, available at:  (accessed 20 June 2018)

Submit your manuscript

There are a number of key steps you should follow to ensure a smooth and trouble-free submission.

Double check your manuscript

Before submitting your work, it is your responsibility to check that the manuscript is complete, grammatically correct, and without spelling or typographical errors. A few other important points:

  • Give the journal aims and scope a final read. Is your manuscript definitely a good fit? If it isn’t, the editor may decline it without peer review.
  • Does your manuscript comply with our  research and publishing ethics guidelines ?
  • Have you cleared any necessary  publishing permissions ?
  • Have you followed all the formatting requirements laid out in these author guidelines?
  • If you need to refer to your own work, use wording such as ‘previous research has demonstrated’ not ‘our previous research has demonstrated’.
  • If you need to refer to your own, currently unpublished work, don’t include this work in the reference list.
  • Any acknowledgments or author biographies should be uploaded as separate files.
  • Carry out a final check to ensure that no author names appear anywhere in the manuscript. This includes in figures or captions.

You will find a helpful submission checklist on the website  Think.Check.Submit .

The submission process

All manuscripts should be submitted through our editorial system by the corresponding author.

A separate author account is required for each journal you submit to. If this is your first time submitting to this journal, please choose the  Create an account  or  Register now  option in the editorial system. If you already have an Emerald login, you are welcome to reuse the existing username and password here.

Please note, the next time you log into the system, you will be asked for your username. This will be the email address you entered when you set up your account.

Don't forget to add your  ORCiD ID   during the submission process. It will be embedded in your published article, along with a link to the ORCiD registry allowing others to easily match you with your work.

Don’t have one yet? It only takes a few moments to  register for a free ORCiD identifier .

Visit the  ScholarOne support centre  for further help and guidance.

What you can expect next

You will receive an automated email from the journal editor, confirming your successful submission. It will provide you with a manuscript number, which will be used in all future correspondence about your submission. If you have any reason to suspect the confirmation email you receive might be fraudulent, please contact our Rights team on  [email protected]

Post submission

Review and decision process.

Each submission is checked by the editor. At this stage, they may choose to decline or unsubmit your manuscript if it doesn’t fit the journal aims and scope, or they feel the language/manuscript quality is too low.

If they think it might be suitable for the publication, they will send it to at least two independent referees for double anonymous peer review.  Once these reviewers have provided their feedback, the editor may decide to accept your manuscript, request minor or major revisions, or decline your work.

While all journals work to different timescales, the goal is that the editor will inform you of their first decision within 60 days.

During this period, we will send you automated updates on the progress of your manuscript via our submission system, or you can log in to check on the current status of your paper.  Each time we contact you, we will quote the manuscript number you were given at the point of submission. If you receive an email that does not match these criteria, it could be fraudulent and we recommend you email  [email protected] .

If your submission is accepted

All accepted authors are sent an email with a link to a licence form. This should be checked for accuracy, for example whether contact and affiliation details are up to date and your name is spelled correctly, and then returned to us electronically. 

Proofing and typesetting

Once we have received your completed licence form, the article will pass directly into the production process. We will carry out editorial checks, copyediting, and typesetting and then return proofs to you (if you are the corresponding author) for your review. This is your opportunity to correct any typographical errors, grammatical errors or incorrect author details. We can’t accept requests to rewrite texts at this stage.

When the page proofs are finalised, the fully typeset and proofed version of record is published online. This is referred to as the  EarlyCite  version. While an EarlyCite article has yet to be assigned to a volume or issue, it does have a digital object identifier (DOI) and is fully citable. It will be compiled into an issue according to the journal’s issue schedule, with papers being added by chronological date of publication.

How to share your paper

Visit our author rights page  to find out how you can reuse and share your work.

To find tips on increasing the visibility of your published paper, read about  how to promote your work .

Correcting inaccuracies in your published paper

Sometimes errors are made during the research, writing and publishing processes. When these issues arise, we have the option of withdrawing the paper or introducing a correction notice. Find out more about our  article withdrawal and correction policies .

Need to make a change to the author list? See our frequently asked questions (FAQs) below.

Frequently asked questions

The only time we will ever ask you for money to publish in an Emerald journal is if you have chosen to publish via the gold open access route. You will be asked to pay an APC (article processing charge) once your paper has been accepted (unless it is a sponsored open access journal). 

At no other time will you be asked to contribute financially towards your article’s publication. If you haven’t chosen gold open access and you receive an email which appears to be from Emerald, asking you for payment to publish, please contact our Rights team on 

Please contact the editor for the journal, with a copy of your CV. You will find their contact details on the editorial team tab on this page.

Typically, papers are added to an issue according to their date of publication. If you would like to know in advance which issue your paper will appear in, please contact the content editor of the journal. You will find their contact details on the editorial team tab on this page. Once your paper has been published in an issue, you will be notified by email.

Please email the journal editor – you will find their contact details on the editorial team tab on this page. If you ever suspect an email you’ve received from Emerald might not be genuine, you are welcome to verify it with the content editor for the journal, whose contact details can be found on the editorial team tab on this page. Alternatively, you can  .

If you’ve read the aims and scope on the journal landing page and are still unsure whether your paper is suitable for the journal, please email the editor and include your paper's title and structured abstract. They will be able to advise on your manuscript’s suitability. You will find their contact details on the Editorial team tab on this page.

Authorship and the order in which the authors are listed on the paper should be agreed prior to submission. We have a right first time policy on this and no changes can be made to the list once submitted. If you have made an error in the submission process, please email the Journal Editorial Office who will look into your request – you will find their contact details on the editorial team tab on this page.

  • Byung Jin Kang Soongsil University, South Korea [email protected]

Publishing Services Manager

  • Judy Yeh Emerald Publishing [email protected]

Journal Editorial Office (For queries related to pre-acceptance)

  • Shivani Verma Emerald Publishing [email protected]

Supplier Project Manager (For queries related to post-acceptance)

  • Sivakeerthika Saravanan Emerald Publishing [email protected]

Associate Editor

  • Yongkil Ahn Seoul National University of Science and Technology, South Korea
  • Byeong-Je An San Diego State University, USA
  • Kwangil Bae Chonnam National University, South Korea
  • Jaehyuk Choi Peking University HSBC Business School, China
  • Jaewon Choi University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
  • Sujung Choi Soongsil University, South Korea
  • Guanhao (Gavin) Feng City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Jungsuk Han Seoul National University, South Korea
  • Huisu Jang Soongsil University, South Korea
  • Yeejin Jang University of New South Wales, Australia
  • Byounghyun Jeon Marquette University, USA
  • Henny Jung University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Byoung Uk Kang Hongkong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
  • Hugh Hoikwang Kim University of South Carolina, USA
  • Jun Sik Kim Incheon National University, South Korea
  • Jungmu Kim Yeungnam University, South Korea
  • Kyoung-Kuk Kim Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
  • Ryumi Kim Chungbuk National University, South Korea
  • Kuan-Cheng Ko National Chi Nan University, Taiwan
  • Dongyoup Lee Kookmin University, South Korea
  • Jeongmin Lee Washington University in St. Louis, USA
  • Jun-Youp Lee Ajou University, South Korea
  • Yu Kyung Lee Pukyong National University, South Korea
  • Byoungkyu Min Hanyang University, South Korea
  • Joonki Noh Case Western Reserve University, USA
  • Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
  • Jong Min Oh Sung Kyun Kwan University, South Korea
  • Yuen Jung Park Hallym University, South Korea
  • Tai-Yong Roh Liaoning University, China
  • Sung Won Seo Konkuk University, South Korea
  • Carl Shen Macquarie University, Australia
  • Shu-Feng Wang Ajou University, South Korea
  • Kisung Yang Soongsil University, South Korea
  • Sun-Joong Yoon Dongguk University, South Korea

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  • Kook Hyun Chang Konkuk University, South Korea
  • Jong Yeon Choi Hanyang University, South Korea
  • Youngsoo Choi Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea
  • Jang Koo Kang KAIST, South Korea
  • Bum J. Kim Soongsil University, South Korea
  • Myung Jig Kim Hanyang University, South Korea
  • Sol Kim Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea
  • Tong Suk Kim KAIST, South Korea
  • Eun Jung Lee Hanyang University, South Korea
  • Joon Hee Rhee Soongsil University, South Korea
  • Chang Hyun Yun University of Seoul, South Korea
  • Jeongsun Yun Kookmin University, South Korea

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2022 APAD Conference

Conference of Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives (APAD) is an academic annual conference hosted by Korea Derivatives Association (KDA) since 2004, to serve scholars, students, managers, and consultan...

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Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies: 선물연구 (JDQS) is a peer-reviewed, fully open access journal on derivatives and quantitative finance across developed and emerging markets. JDQS is published in association with Korea Derivatives Association (KDA). JDQS publishes new issues four times per year, and there is no charge to the author.

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Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies (JDQS) is the official publication of the Korea Derivatives Association (KDA) and publishes both empirical and theoretical research articles ranging from major research fields in financial derivatives to broader topics in quantitative finance. The aim of the  Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies  is to provide a forum in which leading researchers present timely and important topics related to pricing and/or risk management of various financial derivatives as well as financial assets in general. The Journal's purpose is not only to share important scholarly results across finance academics and practitioners, but also to extend communications to policymakers and general audience. The Journal mainly focuses on pure or applied theoretical works with testable implications and empirical or policy research papers that are based on the solid economic backgrounds and motivations.

Started from 1993, the Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies is one of the oldest and most widely-recognized financial derivatives related journals in the Asia-pacific region. Given the large size of the Korean derivatives market in the Asia-pacific region and the fast-growing amount of research works using the derivatives market in Korea as well as the Asia-pacific region, the editorial board of the Journal consists of a large number of experts in the derivatives market in Korea as well as in the Asia-pacific region as a whole.

The Journal publishes articles with specific topics that include but are not limited to:

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Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies (JDQS) has been published in partnership with Emerald Publishing since Spring 2020 (Issue 2 of 2020). Full articles before the 2020 Issue 2 can be accessed/downloaded here .  

JDQS   is published by Emerald Publishing on behalf of Korea Derivatives Association.  JDQS  is published under a platinum OA arrangement, in that all charges for publishing an OA article in the Journal are funded by Korea Derivatives Association. Therefore, there is no charge to the author.

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Transparency statement

Transparency statement for journal of derivatives and quantitative studies: 선물연구.

Journal Ownership: Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies is published by Emerald Publishing on behalf of Korea Derivatives Association.

Governing Body: The editorial team is appointed and managed by the Korea Derivatives Association. The journal is governed by the editorial team in collaboration with Emerald Publishing.

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Frequency: The journal currently publishes four issues per annum.

Access: All journal articles are published Open Access on -  under a CCBY 4.0 licence (please see section 5).

Revenue sources: The journal is published under a platinum Open Access arrangement, in that all costs associated with publishing an Open Access article in the journal are funded by the Korea Derivatives Association.

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This statement was updated by Judy Yeh (Emerald Publishing) on 16th Feb 2020.

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Deep Learning for Derivatives Pricing: A Comparative Study of Asymptotic and Quasi-process Corrections

Annals of Operations Research, 0 [10.1007/s10479-024-06114-1]

38 Pages Posted: 28 Aug 2023

Hideharu Funahashi

Kanagawa University; Kanagawa University

Date Written: August 27, 2023

In this study, we propose and compare two methods for efficiently learning the price of derivatives in using neural networks. The first method involves learning the difference between the price of derivatives and its asymptotic expansion, rather than directly learning the price of derivatives within the neural networks. The target derivative price is then obtained by adding the approximate solution with the predicted value of neural networks. It reduces the required amount of learning data, often by a factor of one hundred to one thousand, compared to the case where the derivative price is directly learned through neural networks. The second method is to learn the difference between the price of derivatives written on the underlying asset price that follows the target complex stochastic process and the price of derivatives written on the underlying asset price that has a relatively simple stochastic process that has a closed-form solution for the target derivatives prices. This method provides an alternative valuation method when no efficient approximate solution for the derivative value is observed and if one can arbitrarily determine the model parameters of the quasi-process that approximates the original process. We also propose a unified method to determine the model parameters of quasi-processes from underlying asset processes. These methods prove valuable in cases where general analytic solutions are absent, as seen in widely used financial models such as the stochastic volatility models. These cases involve time-consuming numerical calculations to generate learning data; hence, our proposed approaches aid in significantly compressing calculation times.

Keywords: Artificial neural network, derivatives, local and stochastic volatility model, asymptotic expansion, Monte Carlo simulation, stochastic differential equation

JEL Classification: G12, G13, G17

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Hideharu Funahashi (Contact Author)

Kanagawa university ( email ).

Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama City 221-8686 JAPAN

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Enhancing sustainability through weather derivative option contracts: a risk management tool in greek agriculture.

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1. Introduction

2. materials and methods, 2.1. pricing weather derivatives, 2.2. design of different option strategies, 2.3. value at risk (var) methodology.

  • μ is the mean (average) value the total market value of tree crops for all winter periods.
  • σ is the standard deviation of total market value of tree crops for all winter periods.
  • Ζα is the Z-value corresponding to the confidence level (95%).
  • VaRα represents the value at risk at the α confidence level, which represents the maximum expected loss.

2.4. Study Area and Temperature Data

3.1. basis statistical characteristics of hdd index and the graph of index development, 3.2. analysis of hdd options strategies, 3.3. hedging effectiveness, 4. discussion, 5. conclusions, author contributions, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

MonthAvg High (°C)Avg Low (°C)
Statistical CharacteristicsHDD Index
Standard Deviation117.39
Range (Dispersion)424.6
Coefficient of Variation0.0983
Premium of Call OptionStrike Price Based on HDD IndexPremium of Put Option
EUR 76.341135.44EUR 18.38
EUR 45.621194.14EUR 45.68
EUR 23.771252.83EUR 81.80
HDD Index Range
Strike Price
Payoff from Long StrategyPremium of Call (cL)Net Payoff
HDD ≤ K1135.44077.3−76.3
HDD ≥ K1135.44HDD -
77.3(HDD -1135.44)-76.3
HDD ≤ K1194.14045.6−46.26
HDD ≥ K1194.14HDD -
45.6(HDD -1194.14)-45.6
HDD ≤ K1252.83023.7−23.7
HDD ≥ K1252.83HDD -
23.7(HDD -1252.83)-23.7
HDD Index Range
Strike Price
Payoff of LongPremium of Call (cL)Payoff of PutPremium of Put (pL)Long Straddle Payoff (LP)Net Payoff
HDD ≤ K1135.44HDD -1135.4476.31135.4-HDD 18.3Call + Put PayoffLP-
HDD ≥ K1135.44HDD -1135.4476.31135.4-HDD 18.3Call + Put PayoffLP-
HDD ≤ K1194.14HDD -1135.4445.61194.1-HDD 45.6Call + Put PayoffLP-
HDD ≥ K1194.14HDD -1194.1445.61194.1-HDD 45.6Call + Put PayoffLP-
HDD ≤ K1252.8HDD -1252.8323.71252.8-HDD 81.8Call + Put PayoffLP-
HDD ≥ K1252.8HDD -1252.823.71252.8-HDD 81.8Call + Put PayoffLP-
Without Hedging (WH)WH+S1WH+S2WH+S3WH+S4WH+S5WH+S6
Without HedgingS1S2S3S4S5S6
Value at Risk (VaR)11,706,5809,972,59710,412,17510,886,2089,899,08610,524,24111,044,387
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Share and Cite

Prentzas, A.; Bournaris, T.; Nastis, S.; Moulogianni, C.; Vlontzos, G. Enhancing Sustainability through Weather Derivative Option Contracts: A Risk Management Tool in Greek Agriculture. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 7372.

Prentzas A, Bournaris T, Nastis S, Moulogianni C, Vlontzos G. Enhancing Sustainability through Weather Derivative Option Contracts: A Risk Management Tool in Greek Agriculture. Sustainability . 2024; 16(17):7372.

Prentzas, Angelos, Thomas Bournaris, Stefanos Nastis, Christina Moulogianni, and George Vlontzos. 2024. "Enhancing Sustainability through Weather Derivative Option Contracts: A Risk Management Tool in Greek Agriculture" Sustainability 16, no. 17: 7372.

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  1. (PDF) Financial Derivatives Use: A Literature Review

    PDF | On Feb 17, 2020, Simon Grima and others published Financial Derivatives Use: A Literature Review | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

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    The Review of Derivatives Research provides an international forum for researchers involved in the general areas of derivative assets. We publish high-quality articles dealing with the pricing and hedging of derivative assets on any underlying asset (commodity, interest rate, currency, equity, real estate, traded or non-traded, etc.). Co-Editors.

  3. The Journal of Derivatives

    ABOUT THE JOURNAL OF DERIVATIVES. The Journal of Derivatives (JOD) is the leading analytical journal on derivatives, providing detailed analyses of theoretical models and how they are used in practice. JOD provides full treatment of mathematical and statistical information on derivative products and techniques, with a focus on results-oriented analysis.

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    Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES. Find methods information, sources, references or conduct a literature review ...

  5. Financial derivatives and firm value: What have we learned?

    Abstract. Despite an enormous amount of research on the relationship between financial hedging and firm performance, the literature provides so far no clear-cut findings on whether the use of derivatives results in higher firm valuation. Using a meta-analysis of 51 studies, this research explains whether the absence of a consensus is due to ...

  6. The Impact of Financial Derivatives on Economic Growth

    Derivatives market is important to many aspects of the financial system and the economy, but only limited research has shed light on its relationship to economic growth, let alone any studies that consider the influence of risk measures. ... this paper uses a panel vector autoregression to investigate the dynamic causality between economic ...

  7. Risk management and financial derivatives: An overview

    It is our hope that the interesting, invaluable and innovative papers in this special issue will encourage others to undertake research in a variety of challenging areas associated with the exciting and rapidly expanding areas of risk management and financial derivatives. 2. Overview. In the first paper, "Conditional Correlations and ...

  8. Full article: Are Options Trading Strategies Really Effective for

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  10. The Global Derivatives Market by Steven L. Schwarcz :: SSRN

    The chapter then turns to how derivatives are documented, and also to how they are cleared and settled. The chapter also examines how derivatives are regulated, including the so-called central clearing mandate, and analyzes how regulation might be improved. Finally, the chapter explores possible new future uses of derivatives.

  11. Volumes and issues

    Volume 1 February - October 1996. Issue 3 October 1996. Issue 2 June 1996. Issue 1 February 1996. Volumes and issues listings for Review of Derivatives Research.

  12. A Study on The Impact of Derivatives on Bank Risk and Profitability

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  14. A Review of Derivatives Research in Accounting and Suggestions

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  16. Full article: An analytical study of equity derivatives traded on the

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  17. (PDF) A Study of Indian Derivatives Market and its

    This paper traces the growth and current position of Indian derivatives market. Since its inception in June 2000, derivatives market has exhibited exponential growth both in terms of volume and ...

  18. Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies: Seonmul yeon"™gu

    The Journal mainly focuses on pure or applied theoretical works with testable implications and empirical or policy research papers that are based on the solid economic backgrounds and motivations. Started from 1993, the Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies is one of the oldest and most widely-recognized financial derivatives related ...

  19. A Study on the Derivatives Market in India

    Abstract. Derivatives market a significant role to play in a country's economic development. The study's objective is to investigate the effect on the underlying market volatility of financial derivatives (futures and options). Currently, financial derivatives have become increasingly popular and utmost frequently used in the world of finance.


    Abstract. The emergence of the market for derivatives products, most notably forwards, futures and options, can be traced back to the willingness of risk-averse economic agents to guard themselves against uncertainties arising out of fluctuations in asset prices. Derivatives are risk management instruments, which derive their value from an ...

  21. Deep Learning for Derivatives Pricing: A Comparative Study of

    Abstract. In this study, we propose and compare two methods for efficiently learning the price of derivatives in using neural networks. The first method involves learning the difference between the price of derivatives and its asymptotic expansion, rather than directly learning the price of derivatives within the neural networks.

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    The research subject in this paper is the role of financial derivatives, derived financial instruments, and their role in financial risk management. In this paper, the author emphasizes the basic ...

  23. Enhancing Sustainability through Weather Derivative Option

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