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IELTS Speaking Topic: Clothes

Posted by David S. Wills | Nov 28, 2020 | IELTS Tips , Speaking | 0

IELTS Speaking Topic: Clothes

I have written many times about the different IELTS topics and why you should use these to study for your exam. These topics tend to be things that everyone in the world could discuss. For examples, they include health , education , culture , and sports . You don’t need to be an expert, but these affect all of our lives so we can all say a little about them.

In today’s lesson, I am going to guide you through the IELTS speaking topic of clothes . I think this is a pretty useful thing to be able to be able to discuss at length.

IELTS Vocabulary: Clothes

First of all, let’s take a moment to look at some useful vocabulary about clothes. Without knowing the basics, you will struggle to talk about this topic at all.

Remember that you do not need to be an expert. You don’t need to know all the different specific parts of clothes and if you are a man then you will not really be expected to talk about different kinds of women’s clothes, for example. However, the more you know, the more you can talk about this subject.

Here is a list of basic clothing vocabulary:

ielts clothing vocabulary

The above words probably seem easy to most of you… but you don’t really need much more than that! If you wear different types of clothing and care about them, you might want to learn their names but otherwise it is not essential.

I have also made this guide to the different parts of clothes. I doubt you would need to know any of this, but it might come in useful if you really care about fashion:

parts of clothes for ielts

IELTS Speaking Questions About Clothes

Let’s now explore some sample questions about answers about clothes.

Q: Do you often buy clothes?

A: No, I don’t. I probably buy clothes about once a year at most, unless I really need something.

Q: Do you ever buy expensive clothes?

A: Not really. Occasionally someone might buy me some expensive clothes, but I would never spend a lot of money myself for that sort of purchase.

Q: What kind of clothes do you usually wear?

A: I typically throw on a t-shirt and shorts because it is very hot where I live. If I have to go somewhere formal, I will find a shirt and some smart trousers.

Vocab Notes

Here, I said “throw on.” This is an informal way of saying “put on (clothes).” I also said “smart,” which is British English for “formal” or “nice” as it relates to clothing.

Describe a piece of clothing that you like wearing.

You should say

  • what the item of clothing is
  • where and when you bought it
  • when you wear it

and explain why you like wearing it.

A: I am from Scotland and so the item of clothing that means the most to me is probably my kilt . This is something that most Scottish men get when they turn twenty-one and so I have had mine for many years. It was a gift from my parents as most people do not actually buy their own one, but rather receive it on their twenty-first birthday.

speech on the topic clothes

I really like wearing a kilt but of course it is not something that you wear every day. It is typically reserved for special occasions, such as birthdays, weddings, and graduations. In fact, I have not worn mine in a long time. Partly this is due to living in hot climates. Scotland is very cold and so kilts are made of thick wool and in a tropical region, such as the one where I currently live, they are quite impractical.

I really like wearing my kilt as it makes me feel an attachment to my culture. It is also very smart and as a man there are not many occasions when you get to dress up and look good. As such, it is a rare and enjoyable occasion when I can put on my kilt and have a good time.

Q: For which jobs are people required to wear a uniform in your country?

A: I suppose it is the same as in most countries: police officers and firefighters. However, there are lots of kinds of uniforms. Often, people who work for a particular company might have a certain kind of uniform to wear, such as those working in a shop or factory. However, that is not particularly common because in my country people feel pretty strongly about expressing their individuality and they have often fought against such practices in the past. Still, when you go to a fast food restaurant, it is quite normal to see a uniform identifying the members of staff.

Q: Do you think people are treated differently when they are in uniform?

A: Yeah, I think they usually are. People who wear uniforms are typically treated with a bit more respect than those who aren’t. Think about security guards, for example. In some places they really have no authority and yet they are treated as authority figures by the people around them simply because they have a uniform. It shows that they have some sort of rank that places them above the others in that area.

Q: What are the advantages of making children wear uniforms for school?

A: Well, this is a pretty controversial topic in my country, but I am in favour of it because I think there are several major advantages. One that people usually forget is the fact that these uniforms identify children as pupils of a particular school. This may not seem important but if that child is lost or abducted, it can really prove important in helping to find them. It is also argued that it helps cut down on bullying because when everyone is wearing the same thing, it is less likely that poor children will be singled out for their cheaper clothes.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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IELTS Speaking Lesson about Clothes

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Clothes in IELTS speaking is not easy because there is so much special vocabulary you need to talk about this topic .

In this IELTS Speaking lesson on the topic of clothes, you will learn how to talk about the clothes you wear clothes you like, and clothes for different  occassions.

IELTS vocabulary: Clothes

Be careful with these common mistakes!

  • The clothe I love is X
  • The cloth I like most is…. X  

Clothes (is always plural)

Cloth refers to the material and is also used for materials used for cleaning

One item of clothing I love is 😄

One piece of clothing I love is 😄

  • I like to dress jeans X

I like to wear jeans 😄

  • I wear jeans, it is so comfy X

I wear jeans/trousers, they are so comfy 😄

My jeans / trousers (g.b.) /pants (u.s.) are comfy

Essential verbs

1. To wear clothes  – (sounds like “WHERE”!) 

  • To wear is irregular 
I usually wear jeans and a T-shirt Last week, I wore a suit – WAR! I have never worn a tie before! I tend to wear…

2. To dress (usually no object)

I like to dress smartly / casually / neatly I will dress up when going to a party  = dress smartly To get dressed I got dressed quickly  I got the children dressed

Phrasal Verbs

  • I haven’t worn these new shoes in yet! =to wear something new until comfortable
  • I have worn this jacket out , I need a new one =used so much it can no longer be used
  • I am worn out  = I am tired!

Clothes IELTS Speaking

Different kinds of clothes you like to wear

Be careful with this  common mistake when talking about clothes in IELTS Speaking.

  • I like to wear short skirt X

I like to wear short skirt s 😄

I like to wear a short skirt 😄

I like to wear smart pants (= clean and tidy) 

You should use either the plural or use ‘a’.

I typically wear jeans and a t-shirt / a hoodie / a sweatshirt / silk clothes 

I like to look dashing   = handsome/beautiful

Describing your favourite clothes

Here are some useful words and collocations you can use to describe your favourite clothes and different type of clothes you may wear.

  • presentable  = quite smart
  • scruffy  = messy, untidy
  • willy-nilly  =without care, a bit untidy 
  • stylish yet comfy 
  • a conservative style 
  • classic clothes 
  • vintage clothes 
  • semi-formal dresses / clothes

Dressed up to the nines  = really smart/elegant

Dressed to kill (for a woman) = really smart/elegant

I am going to dress to impress!

  • bright/dark colors 
  • baggy  = very loose (too big)
  • tight / clingy  = (too small)
  • fashionable 

Clothes that are in fashion

Be careful with this common mistake about using the word ‘colour’ when describing colours – you don’t need it!

I like to wear clothes in black colour X

When talking about colours in English, we rarely use the word ‘colour’. Just use the actual colour! 

I like to wear clothes in black 😄
I like to wear black clothes 😄

The clothes I wear! [Video]

Watch the video and decide if the following are True or False – T/F

  •  After work, I like to slip into a t-shirt  
  •  I love accessories 
  •  In the summer I wear a Panama hat
  •   At work now, I have a dress code to follow 
  • In my old job, I would wear slacks or chinos 
  •  I always wear tailor-made shirts  
  •  If I am going out to a restaurant, I usually go for the smart casual look

See answers

Useful clothes vocabulary from the video

  • After work, I like to slip into a t-shirt  = change into…
  • I prefer to wear polo shirts and shorts in the summer
  • I am not really one for accessories  = jewellery, belts, bags, gloves, hats….  
  • I don’t really wear chains and stuff 
  • I do wear a cap in the autumn to keep my head warm
  • In the summer I wear a Panama hat because it keeps the sun out of my eyes
  • At work, we have a dress code to follow  
  • We have to wear business casual 
  • In my old job, I would typically wear a jacket 
  • I would have to wear a shirt and tie with a jacket
  • I would wear slacks or chinos  = smart trousers
  • I usually put on a jersey, a jumper, or a pullover (all the same) 
  • I usually wear off the peg shirts, not tailor-made ones 
  • I like short-sleeved shirts rather than long-sleeved ones
  • Snug as a rug  = fits perfectly 
  • Fits like a glove  = fits perfectly
  • There wasn’t a strict dress code
  • Many women wore business casual  
  • The women would typically wear a knee-length skirt or slacks, a blouse, and maybe flat shoes, rather than high heel shoes  
  • If we are going out, I would probably go for the smart casual look
  • I may wear jeans, it depends on the mood, on the vibe 

IELTS Speaking tip - use spoken English

Tip: in a speech, we often repeat things, but with a slight difference..

…and it drives me around the bend , and not only that, not only does it drive me round the bend , it really scares me.

…and it drives me around the bend , and not only that, it really scares me too.

If you write your answers out in perfect sentences, it will not sound natural, it will sound like you are a book! 

Don’t write your answer out first, 

Speak your answer first, then record it, then write it out.

Students' questions about clothes

  • Keith, are clothes important to you? 
  • It’s a good question. I mean on a basic level, yes, of course clothes are important. 
  • I need practical clothes, for example, if I am going out walking and it’s raining, I need to wear the appropriate kind of clothes.  
  • Maybe a rain coat, taking an umbrella, something that will protect me from the rain. 
  • So, from a practical point of view , I think clothes are really important. 
  • From a fashion point of view , I don’t think they are that important. 
  • I know some people say that clothes represent your identity and its a way of expressing your personality, 
  • but to be honest, for me, I take a much more pragmatic (=realistic) approach. 
  • I think clothes are just a way to cover ourselves and keep ourselves warm or keep ourselves cool. 
  • I don’t really see them as f ashion accessories or a way of expressing who I am, but that’s just my personal take (=personal opinion) on clothes.

Keith, how do you think fashion trends have changed since you were younger?

  • I think fashion trends have changed enormously in the past 30, 40, 50 years, not just from the 90’s, but even before that. 
  • You know, I remember when I was young, back in the day, flared jeans , (=bell-bottom jeans)   flares , were very popular, and shirts with really long collars ,
  • these huge, flying collars, they were fashionable,  as was long hair as well, especially for men,
  • but I think whilst jeans are still popular, flared jeans went in and out of fashion, and came back again, but now different kinds of jeans are fashionable, right? 
  • Ripped jeans are much more fashionable , and shirts with slim-fit, small collars are also popular now, whereas, in the past, they weren’t that popular.
  • The old-fashioned kind of mini-skirts w ent out of fashion and then again came in fashion . 
  • So, it strikes me (=it seems to me / I think) actually, that fashion goes around its cycles and it’s not long before it comes back into fashion.  
  • So, fashion has changed, but I’d say not in a linear way, but in a circular way if I can say that. 

Final notes:

You don’t have to do a conclusion at the end of IELTS Speaking Part 2 or Part 3 questions. If you can, that’s great, but it is not necessary. 

Your dress will have little influence on the examiner, you can wear casual clothes, but I recommend you are tidy and presentable. 

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MONEY in IELTS Speaking. Learn how to talk about earning, saving and spending money.

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  • Speech on Fashion


Speech on Fashion in English for Students

Fashion is the ability of a person to look good by applying a new style of wearing clothes or by styling the hair beautifully. It reflects the creativity of a person. It is all about looking good by following a few trends of clothing or styling. Most importantly, it is about being comfortable and confident in whatever clothes you wear.  

Your sense of fashion helps to express yourself better so that you feel connected to more people. People who are more fashionable and are dressed properly for events have the advantage of creating a good impression. 

India is a country where fashion is celebrated with grandeur, a country where fashion is a religion for a few, and a country where being fashionable is always trending. Fashion helps people to connect to the modern world and explore their creativity. 

Here we have provided a long and short speech on fashion and along with that we have also given 10 line pointers about the speech on fashion for students.

Long Speech on Fashion for Students

Good morning to everyone present here. Today I would like to give a 3-minute speech on fashion. I hope it helps you all. According to the dictionary, fashion is a manner of doing something. Fashion is the application of a new style of clothing, hairstyle, or body gesture that is trending in society. Fashion is very important for everybody living in a society. 

Fashion is not only about always being glamorous. Fashion trends and the clothing of a person sometimes also help in indicating the status of a person in society. If you want to make a first good impression on anyone then dress properly. 

In India, fashion is an important part of everyone’s life. India is a democratic country and has 29 states and I can assure you that each state has its own fashion trend. Fashion is not only about a popular trend that is famous on social media, it is about representing the essence of the state. From Jammu Kashmir to Puducherry Indians follow different fashion trends and wear different clothes.

India has its own glamorous and entertainment industry. This industry is known for its talented fashion designers for their styles in clothing, makeup, and hairstyles. Youth in India mostly celebrate fashion trends like a holiday with joy and happiness. Fashion trends are not only followed by big Bollywood stars and celebrities but every youth in India. Many people who are fans of these stars follow the fashion trends they do in a movie or a commercial. Fashion is a big industry in India and has a massive following among the youth. The Indian fashion industry make around 108 billion dollars every year  

As mentioned before India has people from different cultural backgrounds and because of that, there is a different fashion style among them. In the case of North India, many women and girls prefer to wear Sarees and salwar suits whereas in south India many women prefer to wear a Kanjeevaram saree, and in the case of men they wear a shirt and a lungi on the occasion of a wedding. Fashion helps in describing the culture of an individual and his background for example when it comes to Indian Muslims they prefer to wear long kurtas when attending a prayer and the same goes with every person from a different religious background. 

So you may be thinking what are the benefits of fashion? Well, fashion tells a lot about a person. The way a person dresses tells a lot about him or her. Even for a person who does not follow a trending fashion trend, the way he or she dresses tells a lot about that person. By following a fashion trend, it helps in deciding what to wear at a specific time or occasion. 

Another benefit of the following fashion is that it helps us to keep up with the modern world as we all want to look stylish and fashionable. A great way to create a first good impression is to follow a particular fashion trend. For example, if you are attending an interview it is very important to be dressed formally as it helps to provide a good first impression on the invigilator. Last but not least, fashion helps in making a person feel comfortable and relaxed. When you are confident everything will go well and you can create a positive impact. 

To conclude this 3-minute speech on fashion, I do agree fashion is required in life if you want to make a good impression on someone but fashion should not be done only to impress someone. Being comfortable in your own skin is the best fashion trend a person could follow. Always be proud of how you look, especially all the students. Please don't force yourself to look like a celebrity if it harms your mental peace. Do not follow the fashion trends if you are not comfortable with it or if it’s hurting you emotionally. Be happy and confident about how you look and how you dress and if you do that I can assure you that many people will love you and follow you. Thank you. 

Short Speech About Fashion

Good morning to everyone present. Today I want to give a persuasive speech about fashion. Fashion is applying a new hairstyle or clothing which is trending in society. Fashion is required and is very important for people who are living in a society. 

Fashion plays a crucial role in everyone’s life and the type of dresses we wear, the accessories we use or the ornaments we wear helps in expressing the kind of fashion we like or follow. 

Fashion also helps in reading a person, what a person likes or dislikes and the background of that person could be determined by seeing the clothes he or she wears. 

Fashion helps in creating a good first impression at an event. For example, let us imagine you are attending an important interview for a company, will you attend the meeting by dressing up informally or formally. Surely formal right? as you want to create a good impression. I am sure that if you are dressed up informally the interviewer will not even give you a chance to speak. That is the importance of fashion as it gives you an advantage at an event or an occasion.

Fashion has a great significance in India. India is a country where the fashion industry makes up to 108 billion dollars a year. The Indian population is significantly under the influence of traditional fashion as well as western fashion. 

Fashion is celebrated like a holiday in India. and the youth are massively influenced by celebrities and actors to follow a fashion trend.

Due to its diverse traditions and customs people in India follow different fashion styles for various occasions. Salwar suits or sarees are preferred by women for celebration. For men, it is generally dhoti and kurta as a traditional outfit. 

To conclude, I want to say that it is up to the individual to follow a fashion trend. The most important thing is to be comfortable in your skin. The main thing about fashion is to be comfortable and if you are comfortable and positive about the clothes you wear, trust me you are creating a positive impact on everyone. So enjoy the fashion you like and always be happy. Thank you 

10 Lines Speech on Fashion Trends

Fashion trends are done to look good and create a good impression. 

Fashion tells a lot about a person. the way a person dress 

By following fashion trends, it helps in telling what to wear on a specific occasion or event.

Following a fashion trend helps everyone to keep up with the modern world.

Fashion influences many people’s lives in a bigger way.

The Indian fashion industry has a yearly revenue of about 108 billion dollars. This shows the popularity of fashion trends among the youth. 

One way to create a positively good impression is to follow a fashion trend.

A speech on fashion for students should include the importance of fashion trends and how the students can feel comfortable with what they wear. 

Dressing according to a fashion trend helps in making you more relaxed and confident when speaking to a person. 

The greatest fashion trend a person could follow is to be comfortable in his or her skin. Always be optimistic and love yourself. 


FAQs on Speech on Fashion

1. What are different types of fashion design?

Fashion design refers to the art of creating clothing and accessories with careful regard to aesthetics and beauty when designing. Fashion Design ranges from the creation of pieces that are valued more as art than for function to pieces that are minimalist and practical. To become a fashion designer, knowing fashion design is a must. It tells one about different ways to approach the art of clothing and accessories. Fashion design alters over time and adjusts to mirror the current social and cultural influences of the time. The different types of fashion design are-

Luxury Fashion

Haute Couture Fashion

Fast Fashion

Ready-To-Wear Fashion

Economy Fashion

2. How to Become a Fashion Designer?

Fashion Designing is a stream that students come across young and are very interested in.  Fashion designers obtain their training via a fashion design program at some college or university. Fashion design degrees are open at both- bachelor’s degree and master’s degree levels. Some schools are known to even offer MBA programs that focus on the business aspects of the fashion industry. Students who want to enter the fashion design industry are expected to develop basic skills before applying. 

A fashion program may require students to submit their portfolios and go through some type of design and sewing tests. Yet, there are no licensure or diploma necessities to become a fashion designer. Designers who complete a bachelor’s degree before pursuing work in the industry take an average of years to start and run their careers. Though most graduates find work in fashion or related fields after college, it can take many years of experience and work for a designer to achieve massive recognition in the industry.

3. What is Ready-to-Wear Fashion?

Ready-to-Wear Fashion- Ready-to-Wear Fashion is also called the prêt-à-porter and is mass-produced in various standardized sizes. These types of garments are more affordable and target the mass as are available for purchase by the public in very enormous quantities. Ready-to-Wear Fashion is available with divergences in sizes to fit in more and more body sizes, Ready-to-Wear Fashion is generally made for a unique individual’s proportions. Ready-to-wear fashion focuses more on creating attractive garments that appeal to the latest market trends of that season. These garments usually have a very short backtracking time than other types of fashion design. Therefore the developers constantly need to work to remain on top of ongoing fashion cycles and trends in order to release numerous collections per year. This industry is a big industry day by day as industries have successfully caught the attention of many people with cheaper and cheaper rates day by day. 

4. What is Economic fashion and what are its implications on the environment?

Economy Fashion - The Economy Fashion is placed at the bottom of the fashion design hierarchy as this particular level of fashion has the ultimate goal of being exclusive to mass-produced garments. The goal is to achieve that in the most efficient technique and dispatch them to national and international stores. The objective of most Economy Fashion is for the producer to turn a profit by hiring the cheapest labourstylishand materials possible. Economy fashion designs take general inspiration from seasonal trends. 

Economy fashion begins by building enormous quantities of clothing which is then sold for a relatively low price. Economy fashion is not at all an environmentally friendly type of fashion design because of its very low-quality standards result, it has a very short lifespan. Trends of fast fashion change rapidly and so the wardrobe of their consumer. Economy Fashion targets people who are interested in fashion but don't have loaded purses or those who like to switch to new outfits now and then.

5. What is Luxury Fashion?

Luxury fashion comprises high-quality clothing that might be or might not be hand-made but is produced in small quantities. Luxury Fashion usually competes for the elite's attention as it highlights the uniqueness and a sense of richness. Luxury is a type of fashion design that bridges the gap between exclusive and mildly mass-produced clothing. Luxury fashion includes. Luxury Fashion often takes the benefit of limited quantity and scarcity and positions its brand accordingly. Luxury fashion can differ in quality but generally, it has more expensive fabrics and subtle designs with precise attention to detail, raising the price tag. 

The target audience of luxury brands are usually middle-class people who want to appear rich and the brand is advertised keeping them in mind. Many celebrities build their luxury brands seeing the scope and possibilities of creating something that is generally valued more and more over time. The luxury fashion demand grows every year and it is expected to persist the growth for the near future as there will be a persistent need for skilled fashion designers to fulfil the demand for high quality and details of the consumers. 

speech on the topic clothes


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IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Topic: CLOTHES

ielts speaking part 1

IELTS Speaking Part 1

1. What clothes do you usually like to wear? 2. Do/did you wear the same clothes at school and at home? 3. Will you change your clothes when you go home today? 4. Did you have any special clothes to wear when you where a child? 5. Did you like them?

Sample Recording

Well, actually I don’t have an instinct for fashion and my look says I’m a laidback kind of guy. So I usually wear casual clothes. I’m most comfortable wearing  jeans, a T-shirt and my flip-flops. Oh, definitely not. I always wore the school  uniforms which was a blue jacket with a white shirt. They were very simple and  boring. So when I reached home, I intended to put on my favourite outfits.

Oh, yes. The formal clothes really make me nervous so after I go home later, I’ll take  them off and change my sweatshirts.

Yes, when I was a child, I needed to wear a uniform at school from primary school  all the way to the very last year of high school, which is an institution, so I believed  my parents had to follow this tradition.

No, I really couldn’t stand the school uniform because the clothes were a bit too old-fashioned; in addition, sometimes I was reluctant to wear them because they were  too large. I doubted why they couldn’t be a bit more trendy and colourful like the  ones in other countries, like Japan and Australia.

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IELTS Speaking Part 1: Clothes

Here are some questions for a common topic in IELTS speaking part 1 – clothes.

  • Do you often buy clothes?
  • Are clothes important to you?
  • What kinds of clothes do you prefer to wear?
  • What kinds of clothes do you wear most days?
  • Would you ever spend a lot of money on clothes?
  • Do you think men and women have the same view of clothing?

Model Answer

  • Question: What kinds of clothes do you prefer to wear?
  • Answer: If I could choose, I’d wear casual clothes everyday. I feel much more comfortable wearing jeans and a t-shirt or a jumper. Unfortunately, my work forces me to wear formal clothes like a suit or trousers with a smart shirt which I really don’t like so I only get to wear casual clothes on my days off.

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I had test today and I was asked some these questions for Part 1. So the topic absolutely relevant.

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That’s good luck for you. I hope you did well in your test 🙂

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Hi Liz, I hope you are doing well. I have a question that is, I prefer to wear salwar kameez most of the time and it is a traditional wear for Asian women but it actually does not have any English name for this cloth, such as saree. so is it okay to say salwar kameez ?

Whenever there is a word that you want to use in a language that is not English, provide an explanation with it. For example: I sometimes wear a salwar kameez, which is a traditional dress worn by women in my country that is often made of (silk) and consists of (tailored or baggy trousers with a long matching top). Remember, each answer is a chance to showcase your English language so you can include the type of material and which items form part of the costume. As you see from the example I gave, it contains fantastic English vocabulary which will definitely increase your score and that means the use of “salwar kameez” won’t matter. But if you only say a word in your native language with any extra detail in English, you will have lost communication in English and that isn’t good for your score. I hope you understand. Wishing you well for 2024 🙂

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Dear Liz, Just wanted to thank you for being a darling.your so amaizing the way you teach.I have actually never appreciated any English teacher before but you are superior. preparing for my IELTS one week from now.you’re very helpful. Evelyn

I’m glad you are enjoying my website lessons. Good luck with your preparation and test 🙂

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thanks a lot for all this valuable information. i have one question about speaking. if an examiner ask where you live you have to speak about city or your home i mean i live in XYZ city and the city is very popular and crowded OR i live in big house in city. my house has two bedroom and so on

The examiner will always tell you what the topic is “I’m going to ask you about your home” or “Let’s talk about your hometown”. Listen to the topic which provides the context.

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The structure is significantly clear and excellent ,so now I’m happy because I think that I found appropriate way as I began training independently.

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First off I want to say fantastic blog! I had a quick question that I’d like to ask if you don’t mind. I was curious to find out how you center yourself and clear your mind prior to writing. I have had a tough time clearing my mind in getting my ideas out there. I truly do take pleasure in writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are usually wasted simply just trying to figure out how to begin. Any ideas or tips? Thanks!

It sounds like you need to change your preparation, not your mind 🙂 1) You should be preparing ideas for all common topics for writing task 2 so that you have plenty of ideas for your essay. I am currently putting together a book for this purpose. Until it’s ready, you will have to do the research yourself. Here’s a link to lots of essay questions to prepare: https://ieltsliz.com/100-ielts-essay-questions/ . Also follow the Recent Exam Questions page in the right hand column of the site to keep track of trending topics. 2) You should be trained to know exactly what to do in your first 5 to 10 mins and how to kick start your essay the right way. Get my Advanced Writing task 2 lessons to learn: https://elizabethferguson.podia.com/ . Your lack of focus is simply a lack of correct preparation.

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In the question do you think men and women have same view of clothing?,what particular aspect needs to be focused?

IELTS speaking is not about ideas. It’s about language. You can give any answer you want. The examiner wants to hear your English, and doesn’t care about your ideas.

Okay.Thank you (:

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i have one question about Grammer, why in this topic about cloth, they asked what kind of clothes do you prepare to wear and you have written if i could choose myself i would….?

You need to look in the dictionary the difference between “cloth” and “clothes” – they are not the same.

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Do the clothes we wear on the speaking test matter to the examiner?

No. This is language test – wear what you want and be comfortable.

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Grazie mile ! So helpful for those who gona prepaird in the first exam

You’re welcome 🙂 Prego!

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This is the first time i am appearing for IELTS. Could you please help me out by giving valuable suggestions or any material to go through.

Did you check the main pages of this website? It contains over 300 pages of tips for free. All main pages are found on the red bar at the top of the website. Here is the main page link for speaking: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-speaking-free-lessons-essential-tips/

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You are great Liz!

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What is imagination and how we use in our life?

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Can i show the reason in Speaking part 1. For example , if the examiner says that what color do you like ? My answer is , I like green color and then i say because this is natural color and i feel good when i saw anything in green color. Thanks Liz

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Do you think people behave differently in different kinds of cloths

Don’t forget the word is “clothes”. Liz

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Nice answers in return of this issue with solid arguments and explaining all about that.

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Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes – IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 Sample Answers

Kasturika Samanta

Updated On Jul 31, 2024


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Boost your IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 game by reading our sample answers on 'describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes/ formal clothes' below!

speech on the topic clothes

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Sample answer 1, sample answer 2, questions for part 3.

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The IELTS Speaking Module is designed to assess your English Language Speaking Skills. To ensure a good score in the IELTS Speaking Part 2 round, you must study and practice the common Speaking Question types. Below is a sample Speaking Module with responses. By studying the sample answers, you can have a reference to begin drafting your own Speaking section answers.

Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes / formal clothes

You should say:

  • What occasion it was
  • When it was
  • Where it was
  • And explain why you wore it


I’m going to tell you about the time I was a bridesmaid in my cousin’s wedding last year. It was a spring wedding, so she wanted us to wear light shades of purple with the men in silky, grey suits that were just divine. The exact date was May 13, 2017, held in a town known for its beautiful horse farms and sprawling (open, never-ending) fields called Hunt Valley. My cousin is a devout Christian (serious Christian) , so she decided to get married in a Catholic Church with a backdrop of the gorgeous fields behind us.

Although the wedding was held on this day, I ordered my dress three months in advance and had it altered two times before the big day. I had put on weight during the months leading up, as I was going through a stressful break-up (end of a relationship) . So I had to alter my dresses ordered for a size 10 to size 12. Moreover, at the last minute, I realized my heels weren’t tall enough, and the bottom of the dress was dragging along the floor, picking up dirt. So, I had it altered again by about 6cm. When all was said and done, the dress fit me like a glove (fit perfectly) . The day before, I went to get a French manicure and had my hair and make-up done the morning. My cousin provided us with bouquets, a flower bracelet, and a set of gold earrings to thank us for being a part of her special day.

Although the dress wouldn’t be my personal taste, I felt that I had to put on a face (smile even when you don’t like something) for my cousin’s sake . I know that a wedding day is one that a person cherishes, for their entire life, so I certainly didn’t want to fuss (complain) . Furthermore, a wedding, especially in a church is a formal event, so I wanted to dress accordingly. All in all, I did it for her!

I love dressing up. In fact, I keep an eye on almost every sale organised by online platforms. One of the reasons why I prefer online shopping for clothes is because I get to grab latest deals and discounts that further decrease the price to a great extent. So, on the occasion of Diwali, when I had to wear something traditional, I scrounged through plenty of eCommerce sites to find a dress.

It was back in 2019 and I simply wanted to doll-up on this festival. So, one day, I took out some time from my schedule and navigated through options available on varying sites. Fortunately, I came across a shimmery Lehenga Choli on Myntra.

At a glance, I found it attractive because of its peachy colour. Moreover, the model in those pictures had draped the Duppatta in an elegant manner. I dived more into the specifications and found out that the Lehenga Choli had cotton lining inside with artwork done on georgette cloth. All in all, I found it gorgeous and affordable; thus, I placed the order.

It arrived just a day before Diwali. Fortunately, the dress didn’t need any alterations. So, on the D-day, I dressed myself in the traditional possible way and had subtle makeup. Everybody appreciated my look and I felt gorgeous.

  • Sprawling: open and never ending Eg: The campus is surrounded by a sprawling garden
  • Devout Christian: Serious Christian Eg: As a Devout Christian, John visits the church every sunday.
  • Break up: end of a relationship Eg: Rose broke up with John as they had a lot of misunderstanding.
  • Dress fit me like a glove: fit perfectly Eg: When I wore my sister’s dress, it fit me like a glove.
  • Put on a smile: Smile even when you don’t like it Eg: Rose put on a smile and greeted everyone.
  • Sake: the purpose of doing something Eg: John sacrificed his love for the sake of his family.
  • Fuss: complain Eg: Rose didn’t want to create a fuss. So she agreed to the decision

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What kinds of clothes do people wear after work?

There are a wide range of clothes people can choose to put on when people go home from their office. One of the most popular types is shorts and T-shirts, which I think is favoured by both sexes. I guess this is because staff are supposed to dress formally at the workplace, and such clothes are pretty uncomfortable. So, casual wear helps the blood circulate better and thereby relaxing their body. Many people are also keen on gym clothes, pyjamas or skirts as it doesn’t increase their laundry, which means they don’t have to wash their clothes frequently.

What kinds of clothes should people wear at work?

I think it depends on what people do. One of the most popular types among manual labourers is thick pieces of garments with protective gear, as these help them prevent injuries and dirt. However, those working in the office have different dress codes for sure. To be more precise, office workers tend to dress formally like a pair of trousers and shirts for males or a dress for females. This is probably because they have to present a professional image in the eyes of the customers, or wearing such clothes gives staff more confidence in their ability.

Do you think it is necessary for children to wear school uniforms?

I strongly believe that it’s vital for school children to wear uniforms. The most convincing reason is that in a developing country, if all students wear the same clothes, which are white shirts and blue pants, then poor students will feel less humiliated and embarrassed about the financial conditions. Eventually, they will be able to focus more on their academic study. It levels the playing field, so to speak. The second reason is that a uniform brings and cultivates a sense of belonging and unity in a group. Besides, it will be pleasing to the eyes, if you see students in their uniforms in the schoolyard line up to enter the class, which I think is unique in my country.

Where do people in your country buy clothes?

There is quite an array of places at which people can purchase their clothes. The most typical example is the supermarket where clothes of all price ranges are on display. I reckon it caters to consumers’ interest as they are able to pick whatever garment they like and try it on, ask their buddies’ opinion, and so on. Another place is at the market or alongside the streets. Clothes sold at these points are often of lower quality but at more reasonable prices, which is quite a popular choice among less well-off folks. Needless to say, but most people are short of cash at times, so this alternative seems to be pretty good.

When do people wear formal clothes?

Formal attire is often a must on essential occasions such as meetings, ceremonies, and other solemn events. Having said this, it’s becoming more and more popular that people nowadays prefer casual wear on nearly all occasions and it’s a standard practice in my country, I’d have to admit. For example, it’s normal to wear jeans and T-shirts to weddings, birthdays, meetings, etc., if the nature of the event is not too severe. It is entirely in contrast to Westerners who often put on a suit or a dress every time they join a formal occasion.

Do people wear formal clothes more often or less often than the past?

I’d say casual attire is gaining more popularity as people in modern society prefer flexibility and convenience.

Will the way we dress influence the way we behave?

It is an interesting question, and my answer is yes. Creative people, who often choose a combination of diverse colors in their clothing style tend to be fashionistas who have a firm grasp of what to wear to make them look best. These people are dynamic, energetic, and love to socialize. On the other hand, those who often wear plain clothes belong to a group that doesn’t have much enthusiasm about fashion and are willing to put on anything they find in their wardrobe.

Vocabulary for part 3

  • Precise: (of a person) exact, accurate, and careful about details. Eg: Rose won the first prize in the precise writing competition.
  • Convince: cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something. Eg: John was successful in convincing his parents.
  • Unity: the state of being together or joined as a whole Eg: India is a united country.
  • Array: a large group or number of things. Eg: There was an array of clothing stores in the market.
  • Ceremony: a formal religious or public occasion, especially one celebrating a particular event, achievement, or anniversary Eg: My friend invited me to attend her wedding ceremony on Sunday.
  • Combination: a mixture obtained when two or more things are combined Eg: The combination of blue and green will create a yellow color.
  • Socialize: participate in social activities; mix socially with others. Eg: John loved to socialize with his friends.
  • Grasp: seize and hold firmly. Eg: She grasped the plates.

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Kasturika Samanta

Kasturika Samanta

Kasturika is a professional Content Writer with over three years of experience as an English language teacher. Her understanding of English language requirements, as set by foreign universities, is enriched by her interactions with students and educators. Her work is a fusion of extensive knowledge of SEO practices and up-to-date guidelines. This enables her to produce content that not only informs but also engages IELTS aspirants. Her passion for exploring new horizons has driven her to achieve new heights in her learning journey.

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A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Fashion.

Video playlists about Fashion

speech on the topic clothes

The Butterfly Effect: Talks from the TEDinArabic Summit

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The big problem with fashion -- and how to fix it

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Walk, walk, fashion baby

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Diane von Furstenberg's 4 favorite TED Talks

Talks about fashion.

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How to choose clothes for longevity, not the landfill

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What's the point of digital fashion?

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How to fix fashion and protect the planet

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How to unleash your inner maximalist through costume

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How to embrace – and challenge – the idea of "beauty" (w/ Elise Hu)

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The future of fashion -- made from mushrooms

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The new reality of fashion is digital

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The life cycle of a pair of jeans

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A tailored history of who wears what -- and why

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The wildly complex anatomy of a sneaker

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Exclusive articles about fashion, want to make your wardrobe more sustainable cut your new clothing purchases by 75%, leather is bad for animals and the planet — but what if we made it in a lab, when is it ok to wear an item from another culture, and when is it appropriation how to tell.

Speech on Fashion for Students and Children

Speech on fashion.

A very warm welcome to all the teachers and students present in the auditorium. I am here to deliver a speech on fashion. Fashion is something means to follow or apply new and different styles of clothing, hairstyles or body language by different ages of people. Mostly college students prefer being fashionable. It relates to all ages of individuals also male or female in different behavior. Everyone thinking that fashion only means to show glamour. In some societies, fashion and clothing indicate rank or status. It is not an individual choice but is a group choice e.g. changes in style, accessories, colors, etc.

Speech on fashion

Source: pixabay.com

In India student are very particular about fashion. Mostly girl’s fashion is too trendy and advances than any others. Fashion is not only limited to the dressing style. Fashion includes the house they live in, what they eat, hobbies, etc.

People always try to dress in the latest styles. They care so much for their outsiders that they don’t have time to get into their innards. They visit beauticians commonly for facials but never visit libraries. There has to be the right balance between being fashionable and what is good for people.

Source of Fashion

In India people were affected and inspired by western culture in a matter of fashion. Fashion comes from these four major cities in the world. These are New York, London, Paris, and Milan. These city crowd fashion weeks here where top designers apply. These cities show their new collection on top models worldwide.

In India glamorous industry and entertainment industry are the new trends of fashion. Fashion designers apply their new ideas of clothing, makeup, and hairstyle on actors, and actresses. Later on, this becomes the new trend of fashion and followed by millions of youngsters.

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Style of Fashion at different places in India

In India, basic fashion follows in the different cultural outfits of different states. A number of the cultural fashion trends of major states are In North India, sarees and salwar suits are preferred by girls and women. In South India, ladies wear kanjiwaram saree on the occasion of the wedding and men wear a type of sarong with shirts.

In Punjab, a salwar suit is the wear for girls and women and men wear a pathani suit with a colorful turban, etc. Fashion makes you feel special and confident. Youngsters are influenced by new fashion which gives harmful effects. Girls have to face some critical offense due to their unfit dressing style.

I would like to conclude by saying that being trendy and fashionable is just your wish; no one forces you to do it. What type of fashion you prefer according to place and requirement is your own decision. In India, a glamorous world and style of fashion affect many people.

People tend to forget our traditions and culture because of fashion. Changes in our attitude and physical attitudes make us confident. At the same time, it affects us badly too our culture and traditional morals and views. Following and applying fashion in life is not awful until it does not influence or impact badly on others.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

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This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

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Tomorrow is my exam . This is Very helpfull

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Fashion Speech | Speech on Fashion for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Fashion Speech:  We all love fashion. But if you want to look fashionable, it is not necessary to buy expensive clothing. With simple clothes also, you can look fashionable. India is influenced by fashion trends a lot. Glamorous ramps are organized in colleges and corporates to encourage people to flaunt their fashion in public.

You may come across some events where you have to deliver a speech on Fashion. You cannot flaunt your fashion if you are feeling uncomfortable in your clothes. So, choosing the right type of clothing for a particular occasion is necessary.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches On Fashion for Kids And Students in English

We are providing a long Speech on Fashion of 500 words and a short speech on Fashion of 150 words with ten lines about the topic to help readers.

These speeches will help the students of colleges to deliver a speech on Fashion in general events in their institutes for other students. It will also be helpful for the workers of the fashion industry to deliver a speech in any event for the audience.

A Short Fashion Speech is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. A Long Fashion Speech is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Long Speech On Fashion 500 Words In English

A Very Good Evening to all the students and teachers present in this hall.

Today I would like to talk about Fashion in my speech. Fashion is following or applying different and new styles of clothing, hairstyles, or body gesture by different age groups of people. Fashion is an essential thing for everybody.

Among college students, being fashionable is important. It can be relatable to any gender, maybe male or female. However, fashion is not just about showing glamour. Fashion and clothing sometimes also indicate the status of the people in some societies. Following the trend, maybe choosing a type of accessory, color, or style is what Fashion is all about.

Among Indians, Fashion is an important thing. A girl’s fashion includes a lot of trendy things and procedures compared to others. Fashion includes the dressing style, type of house in which we live, what we eat, and our hobbies.

People generally try to go with the latest trends in Fashion. For this, they visit beauticians for all the beautification. But it is vital for us to correctly choose what is right for us and what we are doing just for Fashion.

Indians are greatly affected by western culture in terms of Fashion. The cities like New York, London, Paris, and Milan are the world’s major fashion hubs. The top designers leading fashion weeks are all present in these cities. These cities show the public about the new fashion collections.

India has a substantial glamorous and entertainment industry. This industry is known for its talented fashion designers for their style in the clothing, makeup, and hairstyles. These styles become fashion trends later for all the public.

India having different cultural backgrounds of people, leads to different fashion styles among them. The cultural fashion trends, including Sarees and salwar suits which are preferred by women and girls in the case of North India. In the southern part of India, Kanjiwaram saree for women and sarong with shirts for men is famous in occasions of wedding.

Fashion can make you feel confident. Among the youngsters, following the new fashion is like a must activity. But we need to understand the appropriate sense of fashion and what occasion suits what type of fashion.

Lastly, I want to say, being fashionable and trendy is a wish which varies from person to person. Fashion should not be a force but a choice. Choosing the right type of fashion for a particular occasion is also up to you. Along with being stylish, Fashion is also about being comfortable in your clothes. The trending fashion industry should not negatively affect the minds of people.

Due to the rise of western fashion with the help of media, people forget their roots. People forget their traditional and cultural fashion. Fashion also affects our behavioral patterns. If you are feeling fashionable and comfortable in your clothing, you will look confident. So, following fashion is ethical, but don’t forget to be yourself first.

Short Speech On Fashion 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Fashion 150 Words In English

Good Evening Friends.

In today’s time, Fashion plays a very crucial role in our lives. The types of dresses we wear, the ornaments and accessories we use, express the type of fashion we follow or like.

Fashion has a great significance in India despite being a traditional and cultural land. Indian population is significantly under the influence of western fashion as well as traditional fashion.

With diverse traditions and customs, people in India follow different fashion styles and statements for specific occasions. Like saree, Salwar suits are a common form of traditional fashion for Indian women on celebrations. For men, it is generally dhoti and kurta as a traditional outfit.

Fashion is up to us that we would like to follow it or not. The main thing about fashion is comfort. If you feel stylish and comfortable together, your behavior will be positive. So, enjoy the fashion you like and flaunt it to everybody.

10 Lines On Fashion Speech In English

  • Fashion is a type of clothing or accessories you wear. It depends on the type of clothes you like to wear or the type of accessories you use.
  • By Fashion, a person tries to look attractive to flaunt their style statement to the public.
  • Fashion also influence your behavioral changes, like being confident.
  • Fashion also depends on the culture and occasion you are going to attend.
  • For many years, fashion has been influencing people’s lives.
  • Among youths, fashion is a remarkable statement. Going with the fashion trend is now very popular.
  • With different interests of people, the trends of fashion also vary.
  • With the changing world scenario, Fashion also keeps on updating.
  • Fashion can be quickly adopted in our daily life.
  • Fashion should not be so bold; it should be about comfort yet style.

10 Lines On Fashion Speech In English

FAQ’s On Fashion Speech

Question 1. When we celebrate World Fashion Day?

Answer: We celebrate World Fashion Day on August 21, every year. We celebrate fashion day, with glory, spirit, and art. This day is about celebrating the talented fashion designers all over the world.

Question 2. How many types of Fashion are there?

Answer: There are two main categories of Fashion. The first one is the Fashion of Haute couture, which is wearing expensive and fashionable clothes from renowned fashion houses. Another type is Pret-a-porter fashion or ready to wear clothing.

Question 3. How to select the type of Fashion for yourself?

Answer: Fashion trends and styles can be selected as per your interests. It can be selected as per the occasion, the season, or your comfort. Wearing uncomfortable clothes in the name of Fashion and trends is not appropriate. Fashion should be worn comfortably to make you feel confident.

Question 4. What are the traditional styles of fashion in India for both gender?

Answer: India is a diverse country full of traditions and culture. The traditional clothes of fashion also vary from person to person. For women, they prefer sarees and salwar kameez on traditional occasions. In the case of men, they wear kurta and dhoti as a form of traditional clothes.

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Speech on Importance Of Dress Code In School

School dress codes are more than just rules about what to wear. They are a significant part of your daily routine and a reflection of your school’s identity. The importance of these guidelines cannot be overstated.

Following the dress code teaches discipline, encourages unity, and fosters a focused learning environment. Let’s understand why it holds such a crucial place in your school life.

1-minute Speech on Importance Of Dress Code In School

Greetings, everyone!

We are here today to talk about something we all know, but might not appreciate fully – the school dress code. It’s not just a uniform, it’s our identity. It symbolizes unity. When we wear our uniforms, we are not just students. We become a part of a team, a family. We look the same, and that makes us feel together.

Think about it like this. When we go to school, we’re all on the same mission – to learn. Wearing the same clothes helps us keep our focus on that mission. There are no distractions about who is wearing the latest fashion or the most expensive clothes. We all look the same, and that helps us concentrate on what’s really important – our studies.

Also, wearing our school uniform is a matter of pride. It’s like wearing your team’s jersey. When we wear our uniforms, we represent our school. We show everyone that we belong to this community. And that makes us stand tall and feel confident.

In conclusion, the school dress code is more than just clothes. It’s about unity, focus, pride, and preparation for the future. So, the next time you wear your uniform, wear it with honor. Thank you.

2-minute Speech on Importance Of Dress Code In School

Friends, teachers, and respected members of the school community, today I am here to talk about something we all know and live with every day – our school uniform. I’m sure you have wondered, why do we wear this same set of clothes day after day? Why is the dress code so important? Let’s explore this together.

First, let’s talk about equality. In our school, we have students from many different backgrounds. Some come from rich families; some come from less wealthy ones. But, when we put on our uniforms, we all look the same. Our uniforms help us forget about these differences and promote a feeling of unity. We are no longer rich or poor; we are just students, ready to learn and grow together.

Secondly, our school uniform helps us build discipline. When you wear the same outfit every day, you learn to pay attention to details. You learn how to keep your clothes neat and clean. You learn to be responsible. This discipline can help us in other areas of our lives as well, like studying, playing sports, or even doing chores at home.

Thirdly, the dress code helps us feel a sense of belonging. When we wear our uniform, we are part of a team. We belong to our school and are proud of it. This uniform is not just a dress, but a badge of honor that says we belong to this wonderful institution. It gives us a sense of pride and motivates us to work hard and make our school proud.

In conclusion, our school uniform is not just a dress code. It’s a tool for unity, discipline, a sense of belonging, and efficiency in our daily lives. It helps us focus on what’s really important – our education – and prepares us for life outside school. So, the next time you put on your uniform, remember, it’s more than just clothes. It’s a symbol of our shared journey towards knowledge and growth.

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Speech on Fashion in simple and easy words

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We all love fashion, isn’t it! But being fashionable doesn’t always mean that you wear expensive clothes or accessories; you can wear trendy and simple clothes and yet look fashionable. Fashion shows today have crossed the glamorous ramps and carpets of the popular dress designers have reached local brands, tiny streets and corners. In fact, interestingly many corporate and colleges these days are being seen organizing fashion shows on their annual fests and programs. Local brands organize shows for popularizing their brands and clothes. You may come across several occasions where you may have to deliver a speech on fashion. Our samples on fashion speech would prepare you for such occasions. We have shared here short and long speech on fashion which can be suitable for any type of shows or occasion. You can use these as examples and prepare your own speech on fashion to impress your audience.

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Speech on Fashion

Speech on fashion 1.

Good Evening Friends!

Thank you for being a part of this fashion show. Like every year, our company is organising this fashion show to promote the designer wears manufactured by our brand. This time, the company has decided to donate 50% of the earnings earned from this show to one of the charity organisations whom we are associated with. I am your host for the evening and am going to share with you what is my take on fashion and what essentially comprises this term.

To be honest, the very word “fashion” attracts everyone. To put it in simple words, it is basically the style of wearing clothes, accessories and ornaments according to the ruling trends or one’s own individual preferences. Fashion, in essence, is the art of transforming a simple attire into one that of elegance. For some, it is also about wearing designer, differently styled and appealing clothes, drapes or fancy robes. Fashion has a major role to play in establishing a trend among people who follow it. Fashion is not only about wearing stylish clothes or accessories, etc, it is also to first understand the occasion, culture and style of a particular person or place and then design the attire accordingly. Thus, fashion designers take a lot of time to study the occasion, place, material and several other things before creating designer outfits. They also have to consider the technology they use, stitching methods, fabric, etc specific to the size, weight, height and complexion of the person who is going to carry the trend.

In earlier days, fashion was often used to symbolize richness and elegance; but today fashion has reached every house and the whole idea of fashion has drastically changed as it is more about wearing and carrying your attitude well irrespective of the kind of clothes you are wearing.

Fashion is catching up quite fast in India. Even if you ignore being fashionable yourself; you can never ignore someone who is wearing a fashionable attire. If someone wears a shabby dress, you may remember the dress but if someone dresses up well; you will always remember the person; that’s the tremendous impact of fashion on our psyche.

Fashion is not just limited to clothes; its reach is far beyond clothes and attire. It’s about being neatly draped from top to bottom. Matching bottom should be teamed up with the right top, matching bangles or bracelets, watch, shades, footwear, etc in order to carry well your fashion sense.

Many rich people like to outsource this business to a professional fashion designer or makeup artist who can well take care of the taste of the person and create a suitable and fashionable drape meeting the purpose of the occasion. Fashion designers are indeed creative people and consistent too; they must know their clients’ mentality; his likes and dislikes, etc for creating a comfortable yet fashionable look.

Media also plays a strong role in influencing people; there are several fashion-specific television channels, tele-serials, movies, etc that give ideas on fashion to people. Many people like to imitate celebrities and renowned figures. Online stores offer various types of discounts on fashionable clothes; thereby making fashion accessible within everyone’s budget.

In short, fashion is an indispensable part of our lives. Thus, instead of arguing whether fashion or latest trend is good or bad for our culture; it is wise to adopt new fashion rules and create something on your own which is trendy and decent at the same time.

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Speech on Fashion 2

I am glad to announce the launch of our boutique today. We will be dealing in all fashionable attires for men, women and kids. Our main target is to make fashion accessible and affordable for everyone. Thus, we are also taking help of social media to promote our business.

In today’s time fashion plays a very important role in our lives for it is considered a medium of expressing ourselves. The dresses and accessories or ornaments that a person wears help them in identifying with a group that follows a particular line of profession, religion or lifestyle, etc. Fashion has a great significance in India too despite being a land of tradition and culture as it helps enhancing one’s personality and looks. Thus, the very word ‘fashion’ today has become identical with the whole Indian population as, believe it or not, everyone is fashionable in some or the other way, if observed closely.

India is a land of rich culture and tradition; it is divided into five major regions: North, South, East, West and Central. Each region has its own tradition and sense of dressing. Fashion in India; thus has evolved through centuries. While women in north wear Salwar Kurtas , people in south like to flaunt Sarees . Western people love to wear Blouse and Skirts, popularly known as ‘ Choli-Ghagra’ ; people in Central and Eastern India wear Sarees in different styles. People love to experiment the same traditional clothes in different ways and styles in order to stay fashionable and abreast of the latest trends. But the good part is that people are adopting each other’s style and fashion which shows the developing bond and unity amongst people.

There are several factors that have contributed to the growth of fashion as a whole. Though, the rich and the famous people, political or royal figures have moved the trends of fashion since ages; but today fashion has reached common people as well and the advertising media has contributed greatly to update people about the trending fashion.

Fashion today has gone beyond glamour and has become a way of life; it’s the reflection of the inner beauty and comfort quotient for people. We all want to look good and the world of fashion has so much to offer; thus we can adopt our own style according to comfort and the moving trend. People, especially women are more conscious about fashion and are seen to be constantly experimenting in terms of carrying different hair looks, styles of clothing, etc.

Fashion is never constant; the trend keeps changing; fashion designers very creatively would merge the old styles with new trends and introduce a new fashion altogether. While it is important that people follow the new trends in order to remain fashionable; it is also important that people understand makeup of their body and comfort needs before adopting any trend, because fashion is also about carrying yourself well rather than following the trends blindly.

India is rich in textile heritage and each part in India has its own exclusive traditional costumes and attires. Though traditional clothes are worn in rural parts, but people in urban areas also love to experiment with the traditional clothes in a fashionable manner. For example, a traditional ‘ kurta’ teamed up with fashionable jeans becomes a trend.

It is good to see that the traditional techniques of Indian embroidery such as zardosi , chikhan , crewel , etc are getting revived by the fashion designers of today and these traditional styles are reaching the international world of fashion too.

Now, please allow me to rest my speech here as I have said enough on the topic today; hope you all get to enjoy your evening with us. Also, please continue to promote fashion with all the support being given from our boutique.

Speech on Fashion 3

A Very Good Morning Everyone!

Today, this congregation has been organized in our fashion designing institute for welcoming our new students of this year to the institute. Our institute provides a platform to the people who want to make their future bright with the passion of fashion and as a chairman of this institute it is pleasure to welcome you all to our institute. Before you all step into this world of fashion designing, I would like to say a few words on fashion for you.

Fashion is everywhere in this world and it differs from place to place wherever we go because every person has its own kind of taste of fashion. When we think about fashion, the first word that comes in our mind is clothes. If we talk about our India, it is a country with a huge variety of cultures as well as tradition. Cultures play a very important role in molding of fashion. This country represents different colors of changing cultures and tradition. Here, fashion plays a very important role because here style differs from culture to culture and occasion to occasion. Every occasion has its own kind of fashion such as during “Navratri” people tend to wear “Chania Choli” and during “ Ganesh Chaturthi ” ladies tend to wear “Nauvari Sarees” etc. Thus, people wear different kinds of clothes on every festival.

But fashion is not limited to clothes but everything that is in trend is simply fashion. Most of the people style their clothes, accessories etc according to the trend but on the other hand, some people choose clothes according to their culture or traditions. Some people mix their traditional style with that of the trendy style for creating a fusion.

India is highly influenced by western style own living. Most of the people in India, wears western clothing because they feel more comfortable in them. During 1990s, India witnessed a huge change in fashion. There were new means of advertising new fashion like films and advertisements. Films play an important role in bringing up of new fashion in the market. People get highly influenced by films. The designed and styled clothes in films create a desire in the mind of people to wear them and thus it brings a turn in fashion.

To become a successful fashion designer you have to go through the historic fashion of the world for gaining knowledge about what kind of fashion was there in the early stages. We have to work according to the style and taste of people for whom we are designing. We all know that change in fashion happens very quickly and we have to be aware of all the trends so that we could design accordingly and better than the present.

On this note, I would like to conclude my speech and welcome you all to the world of fashion designing. I hope that you all will make your dream come true in this institute with your passion of fashion and have a bright future.

Thank you and I wish you all a great day ahead!

Speech on Fashion 4

A Very Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today we all are gathered here to celebrate fifth anniversary of our fashion brand. This is a very auspicious moment for us because we have completed five years of success and to celebrate this day, we have thrown a party today. As we know that our fashion brand is quite famous in all over India for its accessories and as well as clothing, I am feeling very proud to be a part of this brand. On this occasion, I would like say a few words on fashion that is the base of our brand. Our brand produces accessories and clothes that sets up new trends in the market.

Fashion has connections with everything. From our cloths to our accessories and almost with everything that we use in our daily life, fashion is connected. Every person has a desire in the heart to look good or the best. A person feels good when he/she looks good to people and get compliments by others. People experiment different kinds of fusions especially women. There is a huge use of fusion of traditional clothes and accessories with western style clothing. A person’s personality usually reflects from his or her dressing sense and style of living. People usually want to wear something that is quite different, comfortable and trendy.

In ancient period, our ancestors used to cover their body with leaves. After sometime, they started covering their body with animal skin and after that the invention of clothes taken place. After a passage of time, people started experimenting new things with clothes according to their comforts and preferences.

Today we can see a huge difference between the early fashion and today’s trends. There is a drastic change in many things that are related with our lifestyle. Our lifestyle has been transformed by the use of high technology for e.g. in today’s world, there is a fashion of using smart phones but in early times before the invention of cell phone, people used pigeons for communication and then mailboxes.

Fashion highlights the cultural beauty with the social history and people’s comforts. India is quite rich in its textile tradition and here every region has its own kind of traditional costumes and attires. In rural India, there is a huge following of traditional dresses and people are still wearing clothes according to their culture and tradition. While in urban India, there is a vast influence of western wear and fusion of western and tradition especially in metropolitan cities.

To make our brand more successful than it is now, we all have to understand the comforts of people and tradition of India. We should try to illuminate our Indian tradition more and more in all around the world because we are leaving behind our traditional Indian style in fashion.

On this note, I would like to wind up my words and hope that our brand will reach great heights of success in its new journey.

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Essay on Fashion

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IELTS Speaking part 2; Topic card: your favourite clothing/ dress/ attire

In this IELTS Speaking Part 2 post, I’m going to discuss the speaking part of IELTS test. This post is based on part 2. Here we are going to describe a model answer for the topic favourite clothing . You may also find it in the exam as favourite dress, attire, or special clothing .

IELTS Speaking part 2; Topic card: your favourite clothing/ dress/ attire

Model answer:

Thank you very much for the topic card. I am asked here to talk about my favourite clothing. Well, people around the world put on different sorts of clothing and the garments vary because of geological location and seasonal changes,. For me, the most preferable is wearing jeans clothes, especially jeans pants and a shirt.

Jeans are very familiar clothing items and they are available all the time and most popular among the youths like me as well as middle-age people. I like to wear jeans pants and shirts always even when I attend any official event. The most significant advantage of wearing jeans clothing is that they do not look unclean as quickly as the other types of clothing do. Besides, you can have the pant and shirt of all size and shape and are sold at a sensible price. You can find them in different colours and attractive patterns and designs too. It creates a smarter look in some cases than the formal dresses.

Generally, this cloth is like all the other available clothes and fashioned from jean fabric but it is unique in the logic that it lasts longer than the other dresses. Jeans are a little heavier in weight and thus the attires made with the cloths are of higher quality. Besides, the colours are also smart and able to get the attention of the adjacent people for the distinguished design. The pants and shirts prepared with jeans clothes are like a customary shirt and pants but you can use them both for formal and informal purposes whereas the other clothes are not suitable to serve the same purpose at the same time.

If you find this topic card interesting, here are links for some other topic cards for you.

1. An important email/letter you received

2. An enjoyable place you visited

3. A problem that affects the environment in your area

4. A plant grown in your country

5. A difficult choice/decision you had to take

6. A hotel you have stayed in

7. A party you have attended

8. A stressful day at work/school/university

9. A building with architectural interest

10. An English lesson you enjoyed/took


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IELTS Speaking Part 1: General questions on Changes in life, Extra-curricular activities, Social issues; with model answers

IELTS Speaking Part 1: General questions on Changes in life, Extra-curricular activities, Social issues; with model answers

This is the fourth set of general questions of IELTS Speaking Part 1 with example answers. If you wish to earn a good band score in the speaking module, you have to start with a great impression on the examiner’s mind and part 1 is the best place to do it. Practicing the general questions over […]

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In this post on IELTS Speaking Part 2, I’m going to discuss a topic card that has recently appeared in some IELTS tests around the world. Here we are going to describe a model answer for the topic ‘a piece of information which you think is not correct’. You will find a short discussion on […]

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Talk about clothes in english – video.

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In this lesson, you can learn how to talk about clothes and fashion in English.

Can you describe the clothes you like to wear in detail do you know how to compliment someone on their style in this lesson, you’ll learn how to do these things and more., let’s start with the basics: what are you wearing right now, quiz: talk about clothes in english.

Test your understanding of the vocabulary and ideas you saw in this lesson! The quiz has 20 questions, and you’ll see your score at the end.

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1 . Question

Which word to describe clothes is a material?

2 . Question

Which is correct?

I like that skirt. It ________ good on you!

3 . Question

Choose the word which is different.

4 . Question

It’s not a formal event, so you can dress ________.

  • what you want

5 . Question

  • old-fashioned

6 . Question

7 . question.

You can’t wear those old clothes to the party. Hurry up and ________!

  • get changed
  • get clothed

8 . Question

Choose the option which is different.

  • get dressed

9 . Question

Which options mean that the clothes are the correct size for the person wearing them, not a compliment about the design or fashion of the clothes? Choose as many as you think are right.

  • They fit you perfectly.
  • I like the fit.
  • It suits you.
  • I like the style.

10 . Question

Sort the words into the right order to create a sentence complimenting someone on their clothes.

View Answers:

11 . Question

In which descriptions are the adjectives in the right order? Choose as many as you think are right.

  • a new pink silk scarf
  • a plain denim shirt
  • a cotton striped top
  • a leather patterned jacket

12 . Question

13 . question.

It go good with your shoes.

The highlighted words are not quite right. Write the verb and adverb in the correct form.

It with your shoes.

Write the verb ‘go’ in the third person and the adverb related to the adjective ‘good’.

14 . Question

Complete the second sentence with one word so that it means the opposite of the first.

I need a smaller size. The legs are too long.

I need a bigger size. The legs aren’t long .

15 . Question

Complete the missing verb for when the colour of an item of clothing is similar to a person’s eyes. The first letter is given for you, so you don’t need to write it.

I love that hat! It m your eyes.

16 . Question

Complete the missing word to describe a clothing pattern. The first letter is given for you, so you don’t need to write it.

I’ve bought a lovely new f -print shirt which was hand-made in Africa.

17 . Question

Write an adjective that means smart and stylish. It can describe clothes or the person who wears them. The first letter is given for you, so you don’t need to write it.

Elizabeth Taylor was one of the most e actresses in Hollywood. She always wore beautiful dresses and jewellery.

The word has seven-letters, so you need to write the last six.

18 . Question

Write the two-word phrasal verb for putting on special clothes for a formal event.

Guests are encouraged to for the ceremony. A ballgown is recommended for ladies and a dinner suit for gentlemen.

Write a verb with five letters and a particle with two letters.

19 . Question

Write the missing word for the part of a shirt, jumper or other top that covers a person’s arms.

The are too long. They come right over my hands.

Write a plural noun, seven letters beginning with S.

20 . Question

My husband gave me a loveur bathrobe for my birthday.

The highlighted word has not been written correctly. Rearrange the letters to find the name of a soft material.

1. How to Describe Clothes

Justin: Hello, Molotov Fashions, how can I help?

Maria: Hi! Yeah, I made an order online, but there’s a problem with it.

J: I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the problem exactly?

M: I ordered a floral-print silk scarf, but you’ve sent me a patterned wool scarf instead.

J: I’m sorry to hear that. What was your order number?

J: Let me see… Yes, I see it now. So, you can return the silk scarf using the label you received in your package. I see you also ordered a striped cotton top. Did that arrive okay?

M: Actually, no! You sent me a plain denim shirt.

J: Oh, I am sorry! We really messed that up. So, you can return those two items, and we’ll send out your leather jacket and your velour tracksuit.

M: Leather jacket?! Velour?! What are you talking about? Look, maybe I’ll just return the items for a refund.

J: Of course. I’m sorry, our computer systems are a little unreliable.

M: You don’t say.

In this dialogue, you heard different words to describe patterns and materials. Can you remember any?

You saw these words for patterns:

  • floral-print

There’s one common pattern which is missing. Do you know it?

You could also have check clothing, for example a check shirt. You can say check or checked —the meaning is the same.

You can use print with many different things. For example, you could have a fruit-print dress, or an eagle-print T-shirt.

You can use patterned for any clothing which has some kind of pattern which doesn’t fit any of the other words.

What about materials? Can you remember the words from the dialogue?

You heard these words for materials:

Velour is a kind of soft material. It’s not so common.

If you’re talking about clothes and you want to describe the pattern and the material, put the pattern first. For example:

  • a floral-print silk scarf
  • a striped cotton top

Talking About Clothes in English - man in striped shirt

Now, it’s your turn to practice! Pause the video and make three sentences to describe your clothing. Include the pattern and the material. You can say your sentences out loud, or write them down.

Do you need a review of clothes vocabulary? Watch this Clothes Vocabulary lesson from Clark and Miller .

Ready? Let’s move on.

2. Talking About Fit and Style

J: So, what do you think?

M: It’s okay, but it’s a little loose, and the sleeves aren’t long enough.

J: Would you like to try a smaller size?

M: But then the sleeves will be even shorter! I think I need to try something else.

J: How’s that one? It looks like a good fit to me!

M: Hmm… It’s a little tight around the shoulders.

J: I think it goes well with your shoes. Did I mention that we have a 20% discount today?

M: I’m not sure about the style, either. It’s a little too hipster for me.

J: Would you like to try something else?

M: No, I don’t think so. Thanks for your help.

When you buy new clothes, of course you want them to fit well and look good.

But, sometimes they don’t fit well. They might be too tight or too loose.

Maybe it’s just too big or small in one place. Then, you could say something like:

  • It’s tight around the shoulders.
  • It’s too big around the waist.

Notice how you say the shoulders and not my shoulders.

What other problems could you have with how clothes fit? Do you remember what happened in the dialogue?

You could also say:

  • The sleeves aren’t long enough.
  • The collar is too tight.

Useful words here are too and enough. You can use them to express similar ideas, like this:

  • The sleeves are too short.

With these phrases, you can talk about fit, but what about style?

If something doesn’t match your personal tastes, you could say something like:

  • It’s too casual for me.
  • It’s too old-fashioned for me.
  • It’s too fancy for me.

When the shop assistant in the dialogue was trying to persuade me to buy something, he said:

  • It goes well with your shoes.

This is one way to say that something looks good on someone. You could also say something like:

  • It matches your eyes.

We have a question for you: what’s your personal style? Do you prefer smart clothes, or casual? Plain, or colourful? Let us know in the comments!

Next, let’s look at some more ways to compliment someone on their clothing.

3. How to Compliment Someone’s Clothes

M: Is that a new shirt?

J: Yeah! Do you like it?

M: I do! It looks good on you.

M: It makes you look much slimmer.

J: What do you mean?

M: I mean… I just… I like the fit; that’s what I meant to say.

M: Don’t be so moody! You look very smart. You should wear smart clothes more often. It’s a good look for you!

J: I’ll try to find more clothes that make me look slimmer, then.

M: Oh, don’t be ridiculous.

So, if you want to compliment someone on their clothes, what can you say?

You can use phrases you heard before, like it suits you, but in the dialogue you heard some more phrases, such as:

  • That looks good on you!
  • It’s a good look for you.

You could also comment on a particular aspect of the clothing:

  • I like the fit!
  • I like the style!
  • I like the colours!

You can also make a more personal compliment, like this:

  • It makes you look slimmer.
  • You look very smart.

You can use these phrases in different ways. For example:

  • It makes you look younger.
  • You look very elegant.

Talking About Clothes in English - elegantly dressed woman

Now, you can describe clothes in detail, talk about the fit and style of clothes, and compliment people on their clothes in English.

There’s one more thing we have to show you.

4. Clothing Phrasal Verbs

J: Are you ready?

M: Don’t tell me you’re going like that!

M: It’s a formal event. You need to dress up. Go get changed!

J: This okay?

M: No! You need to put on a tie. And take off those awful shoes.

J: But these are the only shoes I have!

M: You are a nightmare! Well, we have just about enough time. We’ll stop at the shop on the way and buy you some black shoes.

J: What if they don’t fit? I need time to try them on before I buy them.

M: You should have thought about that earlier.

There are many phrasal verbs connected with clothing. Can you remember the ones you heard in the dialogue?

There are simple verbs, like put on and… Wait, what’s the opposite?

Did you say put off? We hope not! The opposite of put on is take off.

If you need to put on some different clothes, then you need to get changed.

There are other verb phrases with get, like get dressed or get undressed.

If you’re shopping for new clothes , you should certainly try them on before you buy them, to make sure they fit and look good.

And finally, if you’re going to a formal event, you’ll need to dress up. Dress up means you put on your smartest, nicest clothes, usually for a special occasion.

Keep practicing with this Oxford Online English lesson on phrasal verbs .

Now, we have a question for you: what’s the best place to buy clothes in your city? Tell us where to go in case we visit! You can share your ideas in the YouTube comments.

Thanks for watching!

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speech on the topic clothes

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speech on the topic clothes

The vocabulary is taken from the recommended word list for Cambridge Assessment English Pre A1 Starters examination.

Beginner Speaking Clothes

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  • Sports Activities and Exercises
  • The Body And Face Extra Exercises
  • The Home Activities and Exercises
  • Transport and Places Activities and Exercises
  • Reading Part 1
  • Reading Part 2
  • Reading Part 3
  • Writing Part 4
  • Writing Part 5
  • Starters Part 1 Animals
  • Starters Part 1 Clothes
  • Starters Part 1 Fast Food
  • Starters Part 1 Fruit
  • Starters Part 1 School
  • Starters Part 1 Test 1
  • Starters Part 1 Test 2
  • Starters Part 1 Test 3
  • Starters Part 1 Test 4
  • Starters Part 2 At Home
  • Starters Part 2 At the ATM
  • Starters Part 2 Barbecue
  • Starters Part 2 In the Garden
  • Starters Part 2 In the Park
  • Starters Part 3 Test 1
  • Starters Part 3 Test 2
  • Starters Part 3 Test 3
  • Starters Part 3 Test 4
  • Starters Part 3 Test 5
  • Starters Part 3 Test 6
  • Starters Part 4 Test 1
  • Starters Part 4 Test 2
  • Starters Part 4 Test 3
  • Starters Part 4 Test 4
  • Starters Part 4 Test 5
  • Starters Part 5 Going on a Picnic 
  • Starters Part 5 Horse Riding
  • Starters Part 5 Meeting up with Family
  • Starters Part 5 On the Train 
  • Valentine’s Day (Pre A1 Starters)
  • Listening Part 1
  • Listening Part 2
  • Listening Part 3
  • Listening Part 4
  • Speaking Videos
  • Speaking Part 1 and Part 2
  • Speaking Part 3
  • Speaking Part 4

Starters Listening Part 1 Test 1 Starters Listening Part 1 Test 1 Starters Listening Part 1 Test 3 Starters Listening Part 1 Test 4

Talking to Anna Talking to Ben Talking to Kim Talking to Pat Talking to Sam Talking to Tom

Five Conversations Test 1 Five Conversations Test 2

Bedroom Living Room Playground

Here are video of the full test from Cambridge Assessment English.

Pre A1 Starters Speaking Test 1 Pre A1 Starters Speaking Test 2 Pre A1 Starters Speaking Test 3

You see a big picture and you point to things. Then you put three things on the picture and answer questions about it.

At the farm Girl’s Bedroom

You will see three pictures and you will answer three questions about each picture.

Picture Card Set 1 Picture Card Set 2 Picture Card Set 3

You will answer three questions with a word or short phrase.

About you Set 1 About you Set 2 About you Set 3

  • Match-Up Games
  • Word Puzzles
  • Word Searches
  • Food and Drink Crossword
  • Fruit and Vegetables Crossword
  • Sports Crossword
  • Animal Flashcards
  • Body Flashcards
  • Clothes Flashcards
  • Drink Flashcards
  • Food Flashcards
  • Fruit and Vegetables Flashcards
  • Our Word Flashcards
  • School Flashcards
  • Sports Flashcards
  • Animal Set 1 Match-Up
  • Animal Set 2 Match-Up
  • Animal Set 3 Match-Up
  • Body and Face Set 1 Match-Up
  • Body and Face Set 2 Match-Up
  • Clothes Set 1 Match-Up
  • Clothes Set 2 Match-Up
  • Family Match-Up
  • Food and Drink Set 1 Match-Up
  • Food and Drink Set 2 Match-Up
  • Food and Drink Set 3 Match-Up
  • Hobbies Match-Up
  • Home Set 1 Match-Up
  • Home Set 2 Match-Up
  • Our World Match-Up
  • People Match-Up
  • Places Match-Up
  • School Set 1 Match-Up
  • School Set 2 Match-Up
  • Sports Match-Up
  • Toys Match-Up
  • Transport Match-Up
  • Animal Word Puzzle
  • Body and Face Word Puzzle
  • Clothes Word Puzzle
  • Colour Word Puzzle
  • Directions Word Puzzle
  • Family Word Puzzle
  • Food and Drink Word Puzzle
  • Home Word Puzzle
  • Places Word Puzzle
  • School Word Puzzle
  • Sports Word Puzzle
  • Body and Face Word Search
  • Directions Word Search
  • Food and Drink Set 1 Word Search
  • Food and Drink Set 2 Word Search
  • Food and Drink Set 3 Word Search
  • Our World Word Search
  • Places Word Search
  • School Set 1 Word Search
  • School Set 2 Word Search
  • Sports and Leisure Set 1 Word Search
  • Sports and Leisure Set 2 Word Search
  • The Home Set 1 Word Search
  • The Home Set 2 Word Search
  • Time Word Search
  • Toys Word Search
  • Transport Word Search

Cambridge English: Young Learners, also known as Young Learners English Tests, is a suite of English language examinations specially designed for children in primary and lower-secondary school. The tests are provided by Cambridge English Language Assessment.

Pre A1 Starters (Beginner) | A1 Movers (Elementary) | A2 Flyers (Pre-Intermediate)

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286 Fashion Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Looking for hot fashion essay topics? The fashion industry is really important, controversial, and exciting. It is definitely worth studying!

🏆 Top 10 Fashion Essay Topics

💃 fashion essay examples & topic ideas, 🥇 controversial fashion topics to write about, 🎓 hot fashion essay topics, ⭐ fashion argumentative essay topics, 💡 most interesting fashion topics to write about, ✅ simple & easy fashion essay titles, ❓ fashion essay questions.

Our article will inspire you whether you want to write an argumentative essay about fashion history or a persuasive paper about modern fashion. Here you’ll find a huge list of fashion topics to discuss and write about, outlining tips, and excellent fashion essay examples. Enjoy!

  • Fashion as a form of self-expression
  • History of Western fashion
  • National differences in fashion
  • The role of technologies in fashion industry
  • Fashion industry and its key sectors
  • Fashion trends: causes and effects
  • Fashion as a social phenomenon
  • Market research in fashion: the main methods
  • Politics and fashion
  • Fashion blogs as a marketing channel
  • Clothes and Personality In addition to this, it is not difficult to notice that Field had a good idea about fashion and personality based on the outfits and make up for her characters.
  • Fashion Clothing Company’s Financial Statements The opening statement of financial position helps to identify capital intensity, the availability of cash to run the business, assets, and the tools available for the firm to continue smoothly.
  • Supply Chain Management in the Fashion Industry This paper is also aimed at mapping out Louis Vuitton’s supply chain, at identifying and making recommendations for addressing the most significant problems in the management of Louis Vuitton supply chain, and calculating the losses […]
  • Successful Advertising in Fashion This essay looks at advertising in fashion and some of the ways used to make advertising in fashion successful. It suffices to mention that scholars have created a link between advertising in fashion and the […]
  • The Effects of the Fast Fashion Industry on the World This led to the creation of shops that made garments to meet the needs of such a category of people in the community.
  • The 18th Century Children’s Clothing in England With that background in mind, this paper shall discus the characteristics of girls’ and boys’ dresses in the eighteenth century as well as the similarities between the dresses of both sexes.
  • Fast Fashion’s Negative Impact on the Environment And this is the constant increase in production capacity, the low quality of the product, and the use of the labor of the population of developing countries.
  • Zara Fashion Retailer: Brand Awareness and Loyalty Discussion: This chapter of this study will organise considering the research question, such as it will describe Zara’s marketing strategies to develop brand awareness and customer loyalty; Conclusions: Finally, the chapter six will scrutinise all […]
  • Zara Fashion Retailer’s Organizational Change Although this report has mentioned many areas within Zara’s operational and human resource strategies that need redirection as a direct consequence of the ever-shifting business environment, it lays its focus on how the fashion retailer […]
  • Fashion Design and Famous Designers His character narrative is about the blend of the past and the present as he tries to make his collections more relevant.
  • Valentino Clemente Ludovico Garavani: Fashion Philosophy The shift that occurred in the fashion industry toward Italy and designing dresses for movie stars and celebrities linked his name with luxury style and opulence.
  • Fashion and Identity Werner continues to argue that the contemporary generation is deceived to think that personal identity is determined by the physical attributes in a person.
  • Fashion Advertising and Its Influences on People A study on the fashion advertising processes and their influences on people will help to understand some of the impacts created by increased advertising.
  • Fashion Clothing Designs: The Golden Mean Ratio The concept of the golden ratio has achieved uniqueness and becomes a fascinating exercise in mathematics because the ratio appears in several elements and creations, such as the human body and face.
  • Fashion in the Period of Modernism The main content of the Modern was the desire of artists to contrast their creativity with the historicism and eclecticism of art of the second half of the XIX century.
  • Blogging about Fashion The blogs, as Huang, Chou, and Lin note, allows for individuals with common interest to come together to share information and ideas, as well as to gain knowledge from other members of the virtual community, […]
  • Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Fashion In this paper, the aim is to discuss the eco-friendly and sustainable practices in the fashion industry and forces that may affect the efforts of the stakeholders in this industry as they try to embrace […]
  • Motivation in Fashion Industry As a student set to join the industry in the future, my dream is to be the best designer and prioritize the needs of my customers.
  • Sandro Fashion Brand The company began in the Marais district of Paris and focused primarily on women’s fashion. In 2009, the company acquired fashion brand Claudie Pierlot in preparation for the creation of the SMCP group in 2010.
  • Teen Fashion Advertisement From magazines, to the television, to the internet, to the billboards; there is almost no limit to the ways in which teenagers are exposed to fashion advertisements.
  • Just in Time: Management Operations in the Fast Fashion Industry Sourcing is implemented using the famous lean or Just in Time (JIT) models. This means that required materials are acquired and delivered whenever they are needed.
  • Fast Fashion and Ethical Consumption A narrative literature review is selected to analyse and synthesise available information on the impact of fast fashion on society. The integration of articles is expected to reveal the gaps, tendencies, and limitations that exist […]
  • Bahrain Fashion: Culture and Antiquities The main purpose of the paper is to provide the information regarding the cultural and historical peculiarities of the country with the relation to the Bahrain fashion.
  • The American Dandies and Fops History: Men With a Great Passion for Fashion, Style, and Art This paper delves into the 19th-century use of dandies and fops in the American fashion industry, how dandies and fops came to America, and their effects on American men and Masculinity.
  • ASOS Fashion Company’s Market Entry Into Dubai The purpose of the report is to highlight the appropriate market entry strategy for ASOS in Dubai. The report considers the business, industry, and consumer factors affecting the suitability of the business location.
  • Fast Fashion and Sustainability This paper includes a brief analysis of the ways to address consumers’ fashion-related needs and reduce the negative environmental impact of the fast industry.
  • History of Fashion Merchandising This is in lieu of the fact that the demand for technical skills will continue to grow in future and in an unprecedented way.
  • Versace Fall Winter 2021 Fashion Show Review Flipping the script for the fall 2021 season, the brand introduces its fanbase to a new discussion inside the Versace-verse, monogramming.
  • Paris Fashion Design: Christian Dior Brand It was the brand that made women return to the concept of femininity in the middle of the twentieth century. In the 1970, the brand evolved to adjust to the changes in the society.
  • Child Labor in the Fast Fashion Industry To free girls from this choice and reduce the presence of kids in factories, it is necessary to combat poverty in rural areas actively.
  • The Fashion Show: Famous Designers Feathers were very much in at the latest shows and they certainly add to the movement. There were many very lovely creations and the idea of creating the animal look was more successful than fur.
  • Fashion Changes in Society and Culture In particular, the pluralism of views was reflected in the character of fashion, which gradually started to synthesize in itself a variety of trends and tendencies.
  • T-Shirt as a Fashion Statement with Emotional Expression Painted in the National Day colors and being extraordinary comfortable, the T-shirts by Lowman Fashion Enterprises are bound to become an important part of celebrating the holiday and reminding people about the importance of unity.
  • Fashion in the Movie “Zoolander” The movie “Zoolander” shows several designers and the work that they have been doing in the movie, which is paralleled to real life.”Derelicte” is the name of the fashion line that the main character, Ben […]
  • Women’s Fashion: A Little Black Dress However, I prefer to believe that is color is a classic one, it suits everyone and makes people look elegant and sophisticated. This message is the one that appeals to me, and also I wear […]
  • “Fashion Cycle” of Louis Vuitton Most of the products sold by Louis Vuitton go through the five stages of the fashion cycle, and the company has to use different strategies.
  • Western Pop Culture and Street Fashion of Japanese Youth The research of the topic needs to be preceded by the explanation of the key subjects and notions used in the current paper.
  • 1990s Fashion: A Challenge of the Decade From a more consuming and conspicuous style of the 1980s, a more defined and individualized style of dressing and composing oneself emerged in the succeeding decade.
  • Harry Winston Fashion Brand and Its Evolution Harry Winston Diamond Corporation was founded in the year 1932 and is headquartered in New York. Harry Winston has remained a powerful brand in the global jewelry industry.
  • Generational Trends in Fashion Although the development of the present-day generation of young people should be discussed as the complex phenomenon, it is possible to focus on analyzing fashion, technology, and parenting skills as the most remarkable elements which […]
  • Fashion History’s Understanding Fashion distinct classes of people in the society where complex and sophisticated fashion is related with the rich and modernity. Tailors, dressmakers, and designers have contributed to the increased trend in change of fashion.
  • Luxury Fashion and Digital Experience In addition, such a sequence of events causes the loss of exclusivity, which also prevents clients from sticking to this brand.
  • Fashion and Architecture: Relationship The paper goes ahead and gives view of the positive aspects and negative aspects of the relationship of the field in view of the current, past and possible future trends. Areas of similarities between architecture […]
  • Fashion Marketing and Trends for Women With every woman wishing to be a niche above her counterparts when it comes to dressing, she is bound to pay a mind boggling amount of money for a piece of cloth that bears the […]
  • Fashion and Reasons to Love It The second reason for me to love bags is that my bag is a very important part of my image. The second reason why I love hats is that it adds a touch of elegance […]
  • Vintage Fashion: Second-Hand Luxury in Global Market Such a drive can be explained through the prism of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in the aspect of belonging. Thus, there is a steady positive consumer attitude towards vintage clothes in the secondary market, yet […]
  • Print Fashion Media as a Popular Culture Two important aspects of the digital world are worth discussion as a cause of the decline- the economics of print media versus digital media and the change of consumer preference from print media to digital […]
  • Coco Chanel: Life, Fashion, Designs, Perfume & Facts The places and people that came into Chanel’s life and helped her take the turn of life that brought her the success she achieved include; the magazine “Time 100: The most important people of the […]
  • Fast Fashion Brand Advantages and Risks in Chinese Market The paper also looked at the risks that the fast fashion brand has to face in the Chinese market and ways in which these risks can be managed to help the organisations consolidate its advantages.
  • Gucci Luxury Fashion Brand Bizzarri describes the reinvention of the brand as the renovation of its image in the effort to recapture “the spirit of innovation” and redefine the notion of luxury.
  • UK Fashion Industry: ASOS Marketing Campaign The success of the re-launch of the modified products will greatly depend on a proper understanding of the internal and external factors that would impact the marketing campaign of ASOS.
  • Fashion and Appearance This type of pop culture and mode of dressing basically compliments and deeply expresses the attitudes of the people and their form of musical conduct.
  • Fashion Sociology In the view of evolution of fashions and clothing, the modern society is shaping its identity by allowing unique members in the society to have freedom of exercising their values and beliefs in relation to […]
  • The Fashion Industry: Discrimination Case To conclude, although the fashion industry seeks to contribute to cultural and ethnic sustainability, there are some issues that require discussion.
  • Fast Fashion Business Model Pros & Cons Specific Purpose: The presentation is meant to inform listeners about the advantages and disadvantages of fast fashion as the business model and discuss possible strategies retailers can use to increase customer attraction.
  • The Impact of Fashion Marketing on Culture The primary aim of this study is to investigate the impact of fashion marketing, specifically in the clothing sector, on culture.
  • Fashion in Clothing, Music, and Moods Often, the word “fashion” is used in relation to clothing, but this encompasses only one part of fashion. It is a combination of melancholy and fear that makes them appealing to the cyberpunk fashion.
  • Zara and Benetton Fashion Companies Management The company’s strategy is to increase its sales to diverse parts of the globe. The utilization of a network of local subcontractors proficient in different fields such as knitting and sewing contributed appreciably to its […]
  • Fashion Source of Inspiration It needs to be said that experimentation is a critical part of the process, and some colors may have to be slightly changed.
  • Fashion and Cinema: “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” According to Veblen, the aforementioned perspective as displayed in the fashion aspects of the movie indicates that the leisurely class uses dressing to express their way of life and social phenomenon.
  • Designer Clothing Market in the UK Fashion Retail Industry The fashion industry first started in England after which it slowly spread to the rest of the world.”In the UK and in the United States, the fashion industry has been one of the largest employers”.
  • The Fashion Channel Marketing Plan The firm needs to effect radical marketing strategies to help it increase the value of its service in the market. This approach will help TFC increase the ratings of its products to make it more […]
  • Fashion as an Integral Aspect of Modern Culture: Identity Importance In this paper, we will aim to substantiate the full validity of an earlier articulated thesis, while exposing the concept of fashion as such that derives out of the notion of progress, which in its […]
  • Luxury Fashion Label for Men This shows that men tend to be keener in finding their preferred fashion items and are not likely to compromise on the attributes or the quality of the items that they are looking for.
  • Vintage Fashion Styles Overview While there were many different trends in fashion during that time, this loose clothing is a major feature of the ’90s.
  • 70’s Fashion as a Freedom of Choice However, with the end of the Vietnam War, the public and the media lost interest in the hippie style in the middle of the decade, and began to lean toward the mod subculture. The 70’s […]
  • Careers in the Fashion Industry The duty of a manufacturer’s representative in the sphere of fashion is to market and sell the lines of clothes. In conclusion, all of the careers selected for this paper include a lot of responsibilities […]
  • Fads Impact on the Fashion Industry Fashion fads are the short-lived trends in the fashion industry that attracts the attention of a wide public and invade the fashion stores.
  • The Characteristics of the Fashion Industry and How They Influence Supply Chain The fashion industry thrives on the efforts of retailers who mostly take up the role of supply, sales and merchandising of products to the consumers.
  • Luxury Fashion Market and Ethics This thus leads to the question, is being ethical crucial for the survival of luxury fashion brands in the market? From the discussion above, ethics is a must have tool for luxury fashion brands to […]
  • Zero Waste Fashion and Its Perception The ingenious sales strategy of the fashion industry has a devastating impact on the environment. Mannarino explains that unlike other industries such as manufacturing and transport that have attracted the attention of the governments and […]
  • Fashion Consumerism and Its Negative Effects The fashion industry is one of the fields that is consumerism saturated the most. It is clear that the COVID-19 pandemic caused another wave of consumerism in fashion because people felt alone and bored.
  • Counterculture Fashion: Patched Denim The presentation focuses on patches and their role in the counterculture fashion. Over the century, the significance and meaning of patches in fashion have evolved.
  • Fashion Industry’s Challenges & Negative Effects In this regard, average women are used to illustrating the beauty of the fashion products being displayed. This has significantly reduced the negative effects of the fashion industry on women.
  • Haute Couture: A Fashion Design Only for the Privileged Haute couture and high fashion is a flight of fancy of the best designers around the world. One of the most prestigious events in the world of fashion is the week of high fashion in […]
  • Fashion Behavior and History: The Impact of Fashion Behavior on the Mechanisms in Society As a result of social influences, the fashion process performs in many areas of group life, particularly in the area of clothing and adornment.
  • Fashion Capitals of the World The fashion industry is a dynamic industry, which is a product of history and ‘an objective term that depends on context to give it its emotional qualities.’ For a long period of time, Paris and […]
  • Burberry Group Plc’s Fashion and Retailing In a larger sense, SWOT analysis will assist in the comprehension of the fashion market and the place of Burberry Company within it.
  • Fashion History – Women’s Clothing of the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s And yet, due to the war, limiting legislation was in effect, which caused firms to reduce the use of cloth and led to the use of more practical garments.
  • Fashion and Gender: Globalization, Nation and Ethnicity Today, fashion is changing drastically to compose fashion trends, which is very relevant in the contemporary society as it’s reflected in the new colorful and stylish designs.
  • Prada Fashion Sense and Christian Dior Fashion Sense The designs of Prada are a blend of old and modern culture, which is because of their simplicity. This is because the products are tailored to meet the needs of the locals.
  • Fashion helps us to define and show who we are and what we do It is possible to state that the individual level included into this scheme corresponds to the ego identity and personal identity from the abovementioned model; the collective identity is similar to the social identity; national […]
  • Fashion Impact on International Students in London The proposal looks at the personal experiences of a small group of international students living and studying in London, utilizing first-hand accounts of how they make sense of their university experiences abroad and integrate them […]
  • Brands’ Analysis in the Fashion Industry For the fashion industry, the ability to support the interest in a product or idea is one of the success factors.
  • Social Media Marketing of Luxury Fashion Brands The objectives of the study: To examine the impact of companies’ messages on consumer behaviour; To explore the influence of people’s messages on consumer behaviour; To compare the influence of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Balenciaga Fashion Brand’s History Born in a village in the Basque region of Spain in the year 1895, Balenciaga spent much of his early life with his mother who worked as a tailor. The Spanish royal family and the […]
  • Fashion: Bamboo Fibre in the Textile Industry The entry of bamboo fibers into the fashion industry is credited with the ever-changing customer needs and the admirable characteristics of the bamboo fibers.
  • How Companies Can Successfully Enter The French Fashion Industry Currently, the fashion industry is one of the economic sectors that are experiencing an increment in the rate of competition. This means that there is a high probability of the firms becoming established in the […]
  • French Fashion in the Eighteenth Century The eighteenth century is a distinct period in the history of the French fashion because during that time, France became the main arbiter of style in Europe.
  • The Fashion Scholarship Fund Website Rhetoric Analysis There are also shared personal stories of alumni and other people who have benefitted from using the website before that, making one visit the website to feel a connection on the importance of the website.
  • Avant-Garde Fashion: The History of Modernism and How It Changed the World One of the main reasons why this particular movement resists the main fashion trends is that the garments are abundant with black color, the combination of leather and cotton, and multiple layers.
  • How AI and Machine Learning Influence Marketing in the Fashion Industry As governments shut down factories, stores, and events to stop the transmission of the virus, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on the worldwide fashion industry.
  • Casual Fashion Trends Now vs. 60 Years Ago While this is a natural part of life, any kind of alteration can be rather frightening, as it usually means that every decade or era will inevitably become a part of the past, as opposed […]
  • How 40 to 50-Year-Old Irish Women Choose Fast Fashion and Why The replication of styles and the use of synthetic materials is meant to ensure that the product is made as affordable as possible while at the same time meeting the expectations of the market.
  • Native American Fashion Discussion Native American fashion collections aim to show respect and immortality of the indigenous culture; however, implementing the items in modern life is false memorization.
  • Analysis of Simone Rocha Fashion Designs The designs are inclusive and relate to women’s outer beauty as they bring out a sense of femininity in terms of skin tones, freckles, and skin lines.
  • Generational Attitudes Toward Fashion Sustainability To explore generation Z and millennials’ attitudes and product expectations towards sustainability in the fashion market. To explore the overlap in fast fashion and sustainable fashion markets.
  • In America: A Lexicon of Fashion Exhibition The different installations operated back and forth in interesting ways throughout the show, and it was a highlight of the curators’ strategy.
  • Waste Management Sustainability in the UK Fashion Industry In spite of the presence of the overarching goal, the exact nature and direction of sustainable policies may vary across different contexts and regions of the globe.
  • 3D Printing Development for Fashion Industry The fashion industry was not moved or altered by 3D printing during the earlier days because most of the inventions covered the need to modify and improve the printing capability.
  • Purchase of Fast Fashion Clothing and Ethical & Personal Values On the other hand, the emergence of the practice threatened the aesthetic value and ethical approach based on the utilization of the available facilities.
  • Discussion of Sustainability in Fashion In conclusion, the widespread problem of the usage of unsafe chemicals by the textile industry may well be avoided by including a precisely controlled and preventive strategy.
  • Sustainability in Fashion: Clothing Rental Services Having rented an outfit, you do not have to think about what to do with ten different dresses worn for girlfriends weddings or family dinners, because, as a rule, it is a pity to throw […]
  • Analysis of Major Fashion Trends and Their Perspective For this reason, this paper will look at such trends as the use of AI, sustainable fabrics and China’s e-commerce in fashion to predict their future development and impact on the fashion industry.
  • Socio-Economic Future of Fashion Industry Hence, in order to minimize the negative impact of this problem on the world, fashion experts encourage people to export used clothes to others with the help of second-hand markets.
  • Is Fashion Destroying the Planet? Before starting a review of the documentary, I feel it is necessary to give a definition of sustainable fashion and establish a connection between the fashion industry and the environment.
  • Voids in the Fashion Industry Performing a PEST Analysis of the fashion industry provided an opportunity to find specific voids in this market and think of the ways to fill them.
  • The PEST Analysis of the Fashion Industry The brands focusing exclusively on such products in demand during the summer or the winter as, for example, swimwear or parkas, have to account for the potential losses during an off-season.
  • Fashion Forecasting and Trends There are a lot of spring tendencies that are widely awaited; however, the designers are most thrilled about the new bottom silhouette.
  • Changing the World Through Fashion: Eva Kruse at TEDxCopenhagen The speaker says that the solution to the problem of clothing sustainability lies in understanding the changing behavior of consumers and studying the essence of the fashion industry and brands.
  • Fashion Industry: The Role of Insiders In the fashion industry, the insiders imply that one should work hard to present to the world the best products. Sometimes one does not know how people will react to the content; the vital part […]
  • Fashion: Studying Complexity of Industry However, most of them have a limited understanding of how the industry functions, its unique peculiarities, and laws that affect the cooperation between designers, models, photographers, and multiple roles people perform to create the basis […]
  • Red Color in Branding of McDonald’s and Christian Louboutin Fashion House The above examples of the use of color in brands are typical marketers’ techniques to draw attention to the brand and increase sales.
  • Winter 2020 – 2021 Fashion Trends The following are the most recent winter and holiday fashion trends of 2021. The fashion world is rapidly shifting to the new era of jeans, forgetting skinny models and returning to the silhouettes of the […]
  • Pricing With Fashion Retailers The key to success in price setting and approaching customers more effectively is focusing on the transformation of non-transactional data into some analyzable form.
  • Examining Vintage Luxury Fashion The recent evidence demonstrates that the re-sale of high-quality clothing becomes especially demanded, and the market seems to increasingly offer the desired products.
  • Analysis of Developing Fashion Trend Some of the ideas that shape fashion in the contemporary world are: This is an inspired theme that has emphasis on the significance of local values as one takes note and appreciates the moment.
  • Journal Entries: Advertising in Fashion The main argument is that advertising practitioners use an advertising imagery labelled the grotesque to generate narrative transportation for fashion consumers and also to assist in overcoming consumer resistance through fostering a more powerful experience […]
  • Legal Context of Fashion and Design: Trade Dress This is one of the strategies that can often be adopted by designers to defend their rights in court. This is one of the points that can be made.
  • Google Jumps Into Fashion E-Commerce In addition, the organizational strategy of the company is to find new ways of serving customers. It is important for managers to embrace information systems in order to achieve the corporate goal of a business […]
  • California Fashion Brand Juicy Couture Applications of this technique is appropriate, because the use of cheerful colors and an adorable design is a mode of igniting emotional and physical responses from its targeted audience hence, arousing in them the curiosity […]
  • Fashion Retail Trends In the modern age, traditional advertising is becoming obsolete, and distributors are forced to find new ways to connect with their audience.
  • 20th Century Dress and Culture – Punk Fashion This firm has a large share market in the current fashion industry providing trendy products in clothes and shoes. Culture in fashion is essential in enhancing the social grievances of a discriminated group of population.
  • Evolution of Clothes and Fashion in Twentieth Century The first half of the century was notable for the development of artistic movements, which contributed to the emergence of new elements in clothes.
  • “Management Fashion” by Abrahamson To be able to contribute effectively in the fashion setting process, scholars should internalize the knowledge that fashionable management approaches must appear both rational and progressive, management fashion should not be adopted due to sociopsychological […]
  • The History of the Fashion Industry: The Economy and Market Because of the significant numbers of the middle class, people are able to mold and shape the business and industry of fashion.
  • The History of Corsets in the Context of Fashion History Corsets may be a perfect illustration of the expression ‘beauty has its price’, and ladies from the past centuries were willing to sacrifice the health in order to look beautiful and win attention.
  • Female Image in Alexander Wang Fashion Advertisement In the “Alexander Wang” fashion advertisement analyzed in this essay, the female image is exploited to create a provocative symbol which lacks the sexual self-empowerment of feminist ideology. The woman’s shirt is white, with the […]
  • Fur Coat as a Controversial Fashion Garment Proponents state that fur is fashionable and therefore it is the way to go in terms of new fashion designs. The proposed use of refurbished fur and synthetic materials.
  • Social Media and Fashion Trends The influence of fashion on social media runs the gamut today. Prabhakar, Hitha.’How the Fashion Industry is Embracing Social Media’.Web.
  • Fashion Industry and Vera Wang The fashion industry is one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world. The lack of fashion and good designs in the bridal wears forced her to bring new designs to the bridal industry.
  • The Influence of Jacobs and Cornish on Fashion Born in 1963 in New York, Marc went to the prestigious school of arts, The New York High School and later went on to join The University of Art and Design, Parsons, to further his […]
  • Art Deco: Fashion Merchandising The model on this picture is wearing a fur trim jacket from Bisou Bisou that has been clearly influenced by the fashion of 20’s.
  • The Indigo: International Fashion Exhibition The fashion exhibition offered designs, embroideries and appliques, knits, fabrics and a lot of other aspects that deal with the fashion industry.
  • Miuccia Prada: Luxury-Fashion Pioneer The restlessness of her essence makes her perfect in modern-day fashion circles as she absorbs the dynamism of her world. Miuccia Prada is a symbol of the union between fashion and art.
  • Bottega Veneta in Italian Fashion The upper part of the dress reminds that of Bottega Veneta; the pieces of fiber cross a bit higher than in case with Tomas’s dress and they are made from thinner cloth.
  • Fashion in Society: School Uniforms and Self-Expression The use of school uniforms can actually enhance a child’s personal character development as “such requirements of standardized dress also include a symbolic rhetoric of legitimate authority, a reservoir of institutional and organizational values of […]
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 286 Fashion Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fashion-essay-examples/

"286 Fashion Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fashion-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '286 Fashion Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "286 Fashion Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fashion-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "286 Fashion Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fashion-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "286 Fashion Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fashion-essay-examples/.

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How to Dress for Public Speaking

Suit or sweater?

Pants or a dress?

Does how you dress impact your effectiveness as a speaker? If so, how?

Eric Hudon ( @erichudonca ) asks this on Twitter:

@6minutes How should a speaker dress and in what circumstance? Casual, Formal, Other? What is to be avoided?

In this article, we examine clothing do’s and don’ts for public speakers .

Dress Like Your Audience is Dressed

Different speaking situations call for different clothing styles, but you are usually pretty safe if you are clean, tidy, and dressed as your audience is dressed. Why?

  • Ethos (your credibility) is one of three pillars of persuasion .
  • To develop ethos, you emphasize your similarity to your audience.
  • One practical way to achieve this is by dressing similarly to them.

So, how do you know how your audience will dress? Do your audience analysis ! If the venue is a recurring conference or setting, go with what people wore last time. If you are presenting at a venue which is new to you, ask the event organizer what the usual dress code is. If there is a strong dress code, adhere to it!

This doesn’t mean you have to wear the identical suit or dress that everyone in your audience wears. There’s obviously quite a bit of latitude here. The point is that you don’t want to be significantly over-dressed or significantly under-dressed.

But I’ve heard that I should dress better than my audience?

“ The key is that you look professional and respectful. Once you start talking, they shouldn’t be noticing what you are wearing anyway. ”

Conventional wisdom says that you should dress one notch higher than your audience is dressed. Why a notch higher?

  • To stand out?
  • To earn respect?
  • To hint at your success and affluence?

I don’t think any of those are particularly strong reasons for dressing above the level of your audience. Instead, I think the motivation for the “dress one notch higher” advice is that it buys you a little insurance in case your audience analysis was flawed.

  • If you dress one notch higher than your predicted audience dress code, and the audience is dressed fancier than you predicted, then you are still safe.
  • Of course, if your estimate is wrong the other way, you can show up significantly over-dressed.

I wouldn’t worry too much either way. The key is that you look professional and respectful. Once you start talking, they shouldn’t be noticing what you are wearing anyway.

Public Speaking Clothing Taboos

If a good rule of thumb is to dress at (or just above) the same level as your audience, what would the opposite of that be?

The worst thing you can do is dress in such a manner that makes you stand out… for all the wrong reasons.

Any area you emphasize will be noticed — most often in a distracting way. […] Do you like the fit of the lower-cut neckline of your new wraparound blouse? You can bet your cleavage will be noticed. Think about what you’re emphasizing as you dress. Consider what you can emphasize that stresses your professionalism and your expertise, not your sexuality.

Another general taboo is shirts with sayings on them, especially if the saying is potentially offensive to any member of your audience. Again, you want the attention to be on the words you speak, not the words on your shirt.

  • Exception: If the saying on the shirt is tied to your presentation, this may be appropriate. For example, if you are speaking to raise money for cancer research, then a “I’m a survivor” t-shirt may not only be appropriate, but may cement your authenticity.

As suggested earlier, be sure you show up clean and tidy. Failure to do so may be interpreted as a lack of respect for your audience.

Plan for Clothing Malfunctions and Mishaps

Nobody wants a clothing malfunction to occur to them. A few ways to guard against these negative events include:

  • Consider taking a second outfit , particularly if you are travelling or if the presentation is really important. You’ll want that insurance in case something happens (e.g. an untimely spill) before your presentation.
  • Be careful with what you eat or drink just before your presentation. Grape juice and spaghetti sauce are probably not wise choices.
  • Don’t tempt fate with clothes that are too tight . Speaking is (or should be) a physical activity, and you don’t want to pop a button or rip a seam when you’re moving around. (I’ve seen both happen.)
  • Similarly, you may wish to avoid overly loose clothes or accessories which can get caught in odd places, like on a lectern or a flip chart stand.

But what if, despite your best efforts, a clothing malfunction happens anyway?

Roll with it. Fix it discreetly, if you can (e.g. an undone button, or an unzipped zipper). Sometimes, you’ll be the last person in the room to notice. Just laugh it off and get back to providing value for your audience.

When is it Okay to Go Against the Grain?

In certain (rare) situations, it may be appropriate for you to throw out all of the conventional wisdom and use your clothing to capture attention.

If you give this a try, I’d suggest doing it in the early part of your presentation. By the time you are bringing the powerful messages, you’ll be dressed “normal” again so the audience can take you seriously.

Other Speaker Clothing Considerations

The clothing you wear can have an impact beyond the way you look standing in front of the room.

  • Avoid noisy clothing or accessories . It’s not good if your shirt, pants, or jewellery distract your audience every time you move.
  • Comfort is important too . Your energy level and delivery can be negatively impacted if you are wearing really uncomfortable clothing or shoes. This is especially important if you are speaking for a long keynote, or an all-day course. Pyjamas are not appropriate, but there is middle ground.
  • Will you be wearing a microphone ? If so, consider where it will be pinned.
  • What gestures, actions, or props do you have planned? Will they work with what you are wearing?
  • Before you get called up to speak, remove any potentially distracting items (e.g. ID badges, cell phones, sunglasses, hats)

In summary, do clothes make the speaker?

The point here is not that clothes don’t matter at all, but that we should not be drawn into thinking that there is some scientifically based recipe that is guaranteed to enable us to convey a favourable impression to every member of the every audience, regardless of the particular circumstances of the occasion.

Perhaps the best advice I can give on what to wear is simply this: Wear a smile, because that will probably carry more weight than any piece of clothing.

Your Turn: What’s Your Opinion?

Do you have a clothing preference when speaking? Can you share a story about a speaker who was or was not dressed appropriately?

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Image credit: Bill Gates and Big History by Steve Jurvetson ( CC BY 2.0 )

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Excellent article and quotes, Andrew.

Your clothing can also be part of your personal branding.

Example: Black turtleneck sweater, blue jeans, and white sneakers – Steve Jobs.

Thanks for the Post!

To all my speaking students: Great Um’s article and how to dress article as well!

I’m a job search coach, so I provide my clients with pages of dress-for-success tips. For women, it’s crucial, because we’re judged much more harshly than men when it comes to personal appearance.

One thing I’ve seen women do on stage that is a terrible distraction is to wear a skirt well above the knees. When the stage is elevated, your legs get a lot of attention, and if they’re not attractive, you really do yourself a disservice.

Women in particular need to make sure that when they’ll be wearing a wireless microphone, you need a place to clip the microphone (a lapel, front pocket, front button flap) AND a place to put the battery pack (pocket, belt). I’ve learned this the hard way. I once wore a tailored dress with absolutely nothing to attach either one to. Nothing worse than speaking while holding the wireless mike and its battery pack.

As your personal brand builds you have the flexibility to dress how you want. In the beginning its good to go with the professional standard. I wouldn’t try to pull a Steve Jobs just starting out.

Good suggestions, Andrew. I tend to err on the side of a professional appearance when I’m speaking before a new audience. I think it sends a good message and it provides me a little more pride.

Although this is a little off topic, proper attire is important for sales calls, as well. A business suit and tie may not sit well in a manufacturing setting, though every presentation (and business) is unique.

Great ideas. I teach 911 Education and encourage our folks to dress for the event. Thanks for sharing your expertise. Kay

Aloha Andrew,

Your information on appropriate attire reiterated my recollections of my past speaking engagements as I challenge my upcoming event on Maui! My challenge is delivering a 30 minute talk of my journey as a small business owner. It is projected to inspire new start up entrepreneurs! Thank you for the tips and clarity of dressing for your audience and being comfortable. As I prepare myself I feel confident with your 6 minute rules! Mahalo!

Enjoyed the articles I have read

Mr.Andrew Dlugan My family and travel to many churches a outdoor events also festivals I have always dress one step above the audience unless it is an outdoor event.But I have some members of the group that wants to dress sometimes in tennis shoes and t shirts.My husband and was wondering is there anyway to convince them how important it is they do dress most of the time but we sing at a prison they want to dress in jeans and t shirts what do you think

Thank you Andrew for a fabulous article on room set up and now on Clothing. Look forward to more.

Dress tastefully and simply. What you wear should compliment the presentation not detract. The idea is for people to listen to the speaker not spend time critiquing their wardrobe. It is also important for the speaker to be comfortable. If not, he or she will be consumed with making adjustments.

Are there any restrictions to wearing a hat giving a speech?

Recent Tweets

How to Dress for Public Speaking http://t.co/mwjXVcbH via @6minutes — Pascal Haumont Jan 23rd, 2013
RT @CYSAgriculture: So you have your speech prepared & ready to go- but what to wear during #CYSA14? Here’s some tips http://t.co/c5NbTCBeXX — @PEI4H Sep 16th, 2014
RT @CYSAgriculture: So you have your speech prepared & ready to go- but what to wear during #CYSA14? Here’s some tips http://t.co/c5NbTCBeXX — @Wendy_HR Sep 17th, 2014
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You thought only your words would matter? Nah! You also have to appear in the best sets of clothes. https://t.co/sX7XAKsh2G — @TayoWrites Nov 7th, 2016
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3 Blog Links

Clothing do’s and don’ts for public speakers « Presenter News — Dec 6th, 2011

Links of the Week « My World — Dec 16th, 2011

Web resource for delivery « teachingpublicspeaking — May 29th, 2012

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What to wear for public speaking (and what absolutely positively not to wear) before your next speech

by Kolarele Sonaike

what to wear for public speaking Image

I wasn’t really naked. I simply didn’t have any clothes on – Josephine Baker

What to wear. What to wear. What to wear for public speaking.

What to wear for public speaking is a much more important question than even I used to think. In my practice as a barrister, the options for clothes were pretty limited. Dark Suit, white shirt, dark tie, dark shoes, dark gown – and on top of it all a funny looking white wig made of horse hair! First impressions matter in all things, and public speaking is no different. Even before you say your first word, the audience will make a silent judgment about you, based largely on the way you look. Make the right impression, and you’ll get the audience on side from the start. Get it wrong, and however strong your speech, your audience will spend the whole time distracted by your clashing colours.

what to wear for public speaking

From the jeans and turtleneck of Steve Jobs to the colourful and elegant headscarves of Malala Yousafzai, what you wear can often have as much impact on the message people receive, as what you actually say.

speech on the topic clothes

So before you suffer your next wardrobe malfunction, here are some tips to consider on what to wear for public speaking and what you absolutely positively should not wear before your next speech. It’s a long list, but don’t be scared. The one rule to rule them all is… Be Yourself!

The Three Things to Think About

When it comes to choosing what to wear for public speaking, there are basically three things to think about:

  • Comfort & Practicality

speech on the topic clothes

“Style is whatever you want to do, if you can do it with confidence” George Clinton

S ubstance, of course, is key when it comes to speechmaking. You can’t get away with weak content and cover it up by looking good. But beyond the content of your speech, the style you bring to the stage is still massively important for two big reasons: One – the impression your audience gets of you; Two – the confidence you get from looking good.

Annie Francesca, the Reinvention Stylist recommends that we ask ourselves

“ What clothes can I wear that will make me feel powerful? Look for clothing that makes you feel as if you are literally wearing a superhero cape. When you dress in the way that reflects the person you want to show up on stage, you literally attract that magic”

The things to consider when thinking about the style of what you wear are:

what to wear for public speaking

  • do you personally feel confident in the outfit?
  • can you add a signature piece? Something that uniquely represents you? (I have a thing for yellow socks!)
  • choose your primary colour carefully (here’s a good article for the meaning of certain colours)
  • think about the backdrop to your speech (if it’s going to be a black backdrop you probably want to avoid black clothes; if you’ve got a white backdrop or screen, avoid white – especially if you’re going to be on video as light levels can play havoc with white clothes)
  • hair – if you’re follicly challenged like me, this isn’t so much of a worry. Otherwise, consider things like – will your hair be combed, unkept, tied up, swept back, styled, kept natural etc.
  • beards – clean shaven, stubbled, full bearded
  • glasses – will you wear glasses or contacts
  • culture – consider the culture of the country, region, industry, company, audience and be sure that what you wear comports with the culture
  • skirt & blouse, dress or trouser suit
  • smart or casual or smart casual or casually smart (is there a difference?) ; street or corporate;
  • Ironed or rumpled?
  • jewellery & accessories – what will you wear?  what impression will they create?
  • the occasion – what is appropriate for the occasion itself
  • shoes – colour, style, formality, stilettos vs flats; brogues or trainers; polished
  • skin showing – bare or covered arms; high/low neckline; open/closed buttons; cleavage
  • skin tone – pale skin often benefits from darker shades, whilst darker skin will often carry off lighter colours well. I love pink shirts for instance!
  • makeup – heavy, light, natural, accentuated
  • loose or tight fitting clothes
  • hat, cap, headscarf or open
  • cologne/perfume – will you use any? What scent? How strong?
  • breath – your mouth will get very dry, which will probably accentuate your breath. Consider what you eat beforehand. I personally get very conscious of my breath during a speech so I’ll always carry some mentos for emergencies

what to wear for public speaking

Chimamanda Ngozie

Don’t try to be anyone else but yourself. It isn’t worth it!


speech on the topic clothes

Carl Lewis for Pirelli

No sense looking great if it affects your performance. At the same time you consider style, you’ve got to think about your comfort and the practicalities of giving a presentation. Think about:

  • will it allow for movement (of your arms, neck, legs, bending, demonstrating) – I feel really constricted with a buttoned-up shirt so any chance I get I dispense with my tie and undo the top button. So think about the practicality of suits, pencil skirts, tight tops
  • sweat patches – some tops don’t handle sweat well at all. So, unless you know you’ll be as cool as a cucumber, plan for the inevitable sweat
  • temperature of the venue – will you get too hot/cold
  • spare clothes – do you need to bring a spare of something in case of problems?
  • Shoes – especially if you are standing
  • tears, stains, loose threads, missing buttons etc – check your outfit for defects because they’ll bother you otherwise

You will have 100 other things to worry about when the moment of your speech comes, so don’t make what you wear thing number 101.

You’ve thought about your style and your comfort. But remember, this is ultimately about the impression you make on your audience. So the final and most important thing to consider is what message you want to make with what you wear for public speaking. We saw a classic example of this with Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. Zuck is normally a T-shirt and hoodie guy because it fits with his non-corporate accessible techie image. But he knew that that wouldn’t cut it for his appearance to answer questions before an angry (non-tech savvy) US Congress.

what to wear for public speaking

So we saw him in a sharp tailor-made sober suit and standard blue tie. Message – I’m serious about this. So, think about:

  • matching or challenging your audience’s expectations – do you want to blend in or stand out? Are you one of them or apart from them?
  • the tone you are giving about yourself – are you serious, funny, professional, relaxed, accessible, austere, affluent, humble
  • jewellery and accessories – are they distracting, jangling or noisy?
  • Colours – every colour has a meaning so choose carefully .
  • will you use a meaningful prop e.g. scientist’s lab coat; yo-yo

what to wear for public speaking

Be in control of the message your appearance gives so that there is perfect consistency and symmetry between your look and your message.

And some Dos & Don’ts 

  • Do have a dress rehearsal. Practise your presentation in full dress. It will help you decide whether you’ve chosen wisely
  • Don’t wear red if you’re a woman.  According to research , red as a primary colour for an outfit apparently signals sexual receptiveness to men, and triggers defensiveness in women
  • Do pick two outfits the day before and sleep on it. The right one will pick itself in the morning.
  • Don’t wear stripes unless you are a fashion expert and absolutely confident in your choice. Moving stripes play havoc with eyes and cameras
  • Do get a friend to give you a 360 check just before you speak. You won’t notice fluff on your back, an open fly, or spinach in your teeth
  • Don’t over worry about your look. You have a 99% chance of being absolutely fine. And even if you end up looking a bit odd, your audience won’t hold it against you.

I guess all that remains is to show you my personal go to public speaking costume. Grey suit, pink shirt (though it looks kind of white on camera), no tie open button (cos I hate ties); a single button done up on my jacket so I’m neat but my arms are not restricted. Although you cant see it, my shoes were black and polished and of course, I was wearing yellow socks!

what to wear for public speaking

If you’ve got this far, you’ll definitely like my free live webinar: How to become an outstanding public speaker even if you are not a natural performer and without being overwhelmed by fear 

Kolarele sonaike, the great speech consultancy, pin it on pinterest.

speech on the topic clothes

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  1. IELTS Speaking Topic: Clothes

    speech on the topic clothes

  2. 6 Clothes Ielts Speaking Topic PDF

    speech on the topic clothes

  3. Free Clothes Flashcards for Autism and Speech Therapy

    speech on the topic clothes

  4. A detailed ESL Beginners’ lesson plan on clothing vocabulary and

    speech on the topic clothes

  5. Fashion Speech

    speech on the topic clothes

  6. Let's Talk about Fashion: English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

    speech on the topic clothes


  1. 50 ESL Speaking Topics about Clothes

    There are flashcards included, of course, but also tons of ideas for speaking activities, including a role play so your students can practise going to the shops and talking about clothes. Alright, let's get going with a list of conversation starters all around the topic of clothes: 1. What are you wearing right now? 2.

  2. IELTS Speaking Topic: Clothes

    Part 2. Describe a piece of clothing that you like wearing. You should say. what the item of clothing is. where and when you bought it. when you wear it. and explain why you like wearing it. A: I am from Scotland and so the item of clothing that means the most to me is probably my kilt.

  3. IELTS Speaking Lesson: Clothes

    Introduction. Clothes in IELTS speaking is not easy because there is so much special vocabulary you need to talk about this topic. In this IELTS Speaking lesson on the topic of clothes, you will learn how to talk about the clothes you wear clothes you like, and clothes for different occassions.

  4. Clothes: IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 Sample Answers

    Download Now. This article provides sample answers for the IELTS cue card topic - " Describe Clothes You Wear on Special Occasions ," along with Part 3 questions related to clothing. In Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking section, the cue card task is common. You will have one minute to prepare and then speak on a specific topic.

  5. Speech on Fashion in English for Students

    Long Speech on Fashion for Students. Good morning to everyone present here. Today I would like to give a 3-minute speech on fashion. I hope it helps you all. According to the dictionary, fashion is a manner of doing something. Fashion is the application of a new style of clothing, hairstyle, or body gesture that is trending in society.

  6. IELTS Speaking Part 1

    Oh, yes. The formal clothes really make me nervous so after I go home later, I'll take them off and change my sweatshirts. Yes, when I was a child, I needed to wear a uniform at school from primary school all the way to the very last year of high school, which is an institution, so I believed my parents had to follow this tradition.

  7. IELTS Speaking Part 1: Clothes

    Unfortunately, my work forces me to wear formal clothes like a suit or trousers with a smart shirt which I really don't like so I only get to wear casual clothes on my days off. ... Filed Under: IELTS Speaking Tagged With: clothes topic, speaking answers, speaking part 1. Comments. Mykola says June 15, 2024 at . I had test today and I was ...

  8. How to Speak about Clothes and Fashion in English (Intermediate+)

    In this video I give essential clothes and fashion vocabulary on the topic for English learners of B2 level2 QUIZZES for this video https://nmodel.net/clothe...

  9. Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes

    Here are the sample band 9 answers for the topic describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes/ formal clothes - IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 Sample Answers on IELTS Speaking part 2 and part 3 of the IELTS Test

  10. Ideas about Fashion

    Here, sustainability researchers share four things that we can do to tackle the fast fashion problem. Posted Apr 2022. Leather is part of many of our wardrobes, but producing it creates carbon pollution and drives deforestation. Thanks to science, sustainable lab-grown leather could soon be a reality. Entrepreneur Andras Forgacs explains how it ...

  11. Speech on Fashion

    It tells people a bit about who we are. If you like to wear clothes with pictures of animals, people might think you love nature. If you always wear sports clothes, people might think you're athletic. But, the most important thing about fashion is that it should make you feel good. You should wear what you like, not what others tell you to ...

  12. Speech on Fashion for Students and Children

    Speech on Fashion. A very warm welcome to all the teachers and students present in the auditorium. I am here to deliver a speech on fashion. Fashion is something means to follow or apply new and different styles of clothing, hairstyles or body language by different ages of people. Mostly college students prefer being fashionable.

  13. Speech on Fashion for Students and Children in English

    We are providing a long Speech on Fashion of 500 words and a short speech on Fashion of 150 words with ten lines about the topic to help readers. These speeches will help the students of colleges to deliver a speech on Fashion in general events in their institutes for other students. It will also be helpful for the workers of the fashion ...

  14. Speech on Importance Of Dress Code In School

    You learn how to keep your clothes neat and clean. You learn to be responsible. This discipline can help us in other areas of our lives as well, like studying, playing sports, or even doing chores at home. Thirdly, the dress code helps us feel a sense of belonging. When we wear our uniform, we are part of a team.

  15. 50 Latest Clothes IELTS Topics

    Answers. ···. Opinion. Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters (such as food, clothes and entertainment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe that it is important for children to make desicions about matters that affect them.

  16. Speech on Fashion in simple and easy words

    To put it in simple words, it is basically the style of wearing clothes, accessories and ornaments according to the ruling trends or one's own individual preferences. Fashion, in essence, is the art of transforming a simple attire into one that of elegance. For some, it is also about wearing designer, differently styled and appealing clothes ...

  17. IELTS Speaking part 2; Topic card: your favourite clothing/ dress

    November 18, 2017. by IELTSdeal. In this IELTS Speaking Part 2 post, I'm going to discuss the speaking part of IELTS test. This post is based on part 2. Here we are going to describe a model answer for the topic favourite clothing. You may also find it in the exam as favourite dress, attire, or special clothing.

  18. Talk About Clothes in English

    If you're talking about clothes and you want to describe the pattern and the material, put the pattern first. For example: Now, it's your turn to practice! Pause the video and make three sentences to describe your clothing. Include the pattern and the material. You can say your sentences out loud, or write them down.

  19. Beginner Speaking Clothes

    There are four exercises to reinforce your learning so you feel confident about talking about clothes. The vocabulary is taken from the recommended word list for Cambridge Assessment English Pre A1 Starters examination. Beginner Speaking Clothes. Ex 1 Ex 2 Ex 3 Ex 4 Word List. First listen and then do the exercise.

  20. 286 Fashion Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Red Color in Branding of McDonald's and Christian Louboutin Fashion House. The above examples of the use of color in brands are typical marketers' techniques to draw attention to the brand and increase sales. Winter 2020 - 2021 Fashion Trends. The following are the most recent winter and holiday fashion trends of 2021.

  21. How to Dress for Public Speaking

    Another general taboo is shirts with sayings on them, especially if the saying is potentially offensive to any member of your audience. Again, you want the attention to be on the words you speak, not the words on your shirt. Exception: If the saying on the shirt is tied to your presentation, this may be appropriate.

  22. What to wear for public speaking (and what absolutely not to wear)

    In my practice as a barrister, the options for clothes were pretty limited. Dark Suit, white shirt, dark tie, dark shoes, dark gown - and on top of it all a funny looking white wig made of horse hair! First impressions matter in all things, and public speaking is no different. Even before you say your first word, the audience will make a ...