
Essay on A Trip to the Moon

Students are often asked to write an essay on A Trip to the Moon in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on A Trip to the Moon

A trip to the moon is a fascinating dream. We often gaze at the moon, imagining its surface, craters, and the feeling of zero gravity.

The Journey

The journey begins in a rocket. The blast off is exciting, as we leave the Earth’s atmosphere and head towards the moon.

The Arrival

After a few days of travel, we would land on the moon. The sight of Earth from the moon is breathtakingly beautiful.

Exploring the Moon

On the moon, we would experience zero gravity, jump high, and explore craters. It would be an unforgettable adventure.

250 Words Essay on A Trip to the Moon

Introduction, preparation and journey.

Embarking on a lunar voyage requires extensive preparation. Astronauts undergo rigorous training to acclimate to the harsh realities of space travel. The journey, powered by advanced rocket technology, takes approximately three days. This is a time of anticipation, as the confines of the spacecraft offer limited diversions.

Lunar Landing

The lunar landing is a moment of triumph, marking the successful navigation of the vast expanse of space. The moon’s surface, a barren landscape punctuated by craters, presents an eerie yet fascinating sight. The low gravity, one-sixth that of Earth, necessitates a new mode of movement, a bouncing gait that is both challenging and exhilarating.

Scientific Exploration

The moon trip is not merely an adventure but a scientific expedition. Astronauts collect lunar rock samples for analysis back on Earth. These investigations have provided insights into the moon’s geological history and its relationship to Earth.

A trip to the moon is a testament to human ingenuity and the spirit of exploration. It symbolizes our ceaseless quest to understand the universe and our place within it. As we stand on the precipice of commercial lunar travel, this extraordinary journey may soon become an experience shared by more than just a select few.

500 Words Essay on A Trip to the Moon

The fascination of lunar exploration.

The moon has always held a mystical place in the history of human exploration. From the earliest days of astronomy, through the legendary Apollo missions of the 1960s and 1970s, to today’s high-tech probes, the moon continues to captivate us. This essay will explore the thrilling concept of a trip to the moon, examining the scientific, technological, and philosophical implications of such a journey.

The Journey to the Moon

Life in the lunar environment.

Upon reaching the moon, the harsh lunar environment presents its own set of challenges. The moon’s surface is a desolate expanse of craters, rocks, and dust, with a gravity only one-sixth that of Earth. Temperatures can swing to extremes, from a blistering 123 degrees Celsius during the day to a frigid -233 degrees at night. To survive, astronauts must wear specially designed spacesuits and live in habitats that can provide life-supporting conditions.

Scientific and Technological Implications

A trip to the moon is not merely a physical journey; it’s a voyage of discovery that has profound scientific and technological implications. The moon’s geology provides a record of the early solar system, offering insights into planetary formation and processes. The technological advancements required for lunar travel, such as propulsion systems, life-support systems, and communication systems, also have far-reaching implications for other sectors, including medicine, telecommunications, and energy.

The Philosophical Perspective

Conclusion: the future of lunar travel.

As we stand on the cusp of a new era of space exploration, with countries and private companies alike setting their sights on the moon, the prospect of a trip to the moon is more tantalizing than ever. Whether for scientific discovery, technological advancement, or philosophical enlightenment, a trip to the moon represents a bold step forward in our quest to understand ourselves and the universe we inhabit. As we continue to push the boundaries of human capability and knowledge, the moon remains a beacon of curiosity and wonder, reminding us of both the challenges and possibilities that lie ahead.

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Essay On Moon

500 words essay on moon.

The moon is the satellite of the earth that moves around the earth. We see it shining it a night by the light which the sun reflects on it. The moon is a beautiful satellite that everyone admires for its beauty. Moreover, the bright moonlight is soothing for all of us. It makes the earthly objects shine like silver in the moonlight. Thus, an essay on moon will help us learn more about its enchanting beauty.

essay on moon

All about the Moon

While people find the moon to be very beautiful, it is not as beautiful as it appears to be. It is devoid of plants and animals and is not a suitable place for plants or animals. Thus, we do not see any form of life on the moon.

Similarly, human beings won’t be able to live on the moon. Like how our earth has an atmosphere, the moon does not. Thus, the lunar days are quite hot and the lunar nights are very intense.

Similarly, while it may look beautiful from the earth, it does have a forbidding appearance. In other words, the moon is full of rocks and craters. In fact, even if you look at the moon from your naked eye, you can see some dark spots on it.

They are dangerous rocks and craters. In addition, the gravitational pull of the moon is less than that of the planet earth. As a result, it will difficult to walk on the surface of the moon.

The moon has different phases as it moves along its orbit around the earth. Basically, half of the moon is always in sunlight so half the earth has day while the other half has night. Meaning to say, the phases of the moon depends on how much of the sunlit half we can see at any one time.

Journey to the moon

Ever since the beginning, man has been fascinated by the moon. We have looked at it with wonder and it shows in the earlier works of poets and scientists. To reveal the mystery of the moon, scientists tried to study it.

Thus, a lot of attempts were made to send humans to the moon. On July 21, 1969, two Americans Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin made it to the moon. They got to walk on the surface of the moon and collect lunar rocks.

After that, they had a safe journey back to earth. A lot of American scientists have sent their men to the moon multiple times now. Thus, man has conquered the moon and it is not a mystery anymore.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Moon

To sum it up, the moon shines bright at night when the sun is not on duty. It sheds its silver light which is very cool and refreshing. Moreover, the moonlit nights also impact our mind and body via a soothing effect.

FAQ of Essay on Moon

Question 1: What is the importance of the moon?

Answer 1: Moon is the brightest and largest object in our night sky, which makes the Earth a more livable planet by moderating our home planet’s wobble on its axis. This in turn leads to a relatively stable climate. Moreover, it also causes tides, which creates a rhythm that has guided humans for thousands of years.

Question 2: How was the moon created?

Answer 2: The moon was formed 4.5 billion years ago. It was around 30 to 50 million years after the origin of the Solar System, out of debris thrown into orbit via a massive collision. This collision was between a smaller proto-Earth and another planetoid which was about the size of Mars. In our solar system, almost all moons spin at the same rate as they orbit.

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A Trip To The Moon (Essay Sample) 2022

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Growing up we all had a fantasy of visiting the glowing shiny sphere called the moon. After the first moon landing by NASA and the US in the year 1969 no one ever imagined that it was even possible for mankind to do. I remember one day after I watched a science fiction movie “A Trip To The Moon” I fell asleep on the sofa and the next thing I know, I was on my way to the moon with my friends in my dream. It was the most fun experience I ever had in my life. In this imaginative essay, I will tell you everything about how I felt and saw when I went on a trip to the moon.

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Table of Contents

Essay On A Trip To The Moon – 700 Word Long Essay

One day I was sitting in the house thinking of what I should do since I had a day off from work. All I wanted to do was to rest peacefully until the following day. I decided to have a nap in my favorite chair, and soon I fell asleep. The next thing I knew, I was in another world with my friends on a spaceship heading towards the moon. We all were so excited because this was a trip we all had dreamt of. One of my friends said, “Guess what, we are going to the moon today”. We were wearing costumes like astronauts while tight seat belts were all around us in our chairs. In this essay, I will describe how I felt traveling toward the moon and back.

While we were trying to reach the moon in my dream, I was thinking of the actual moon landing. NASA and the US took a giant leap in space exploration. NASA launched a space program to win the space race from Russia to get an upper hand in the cold war. American astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man who landed on the lunar surface in a bullet-shaped capsule. I remember this space mission helped the US establish its technological dominion over the soviet union. No matter what happens everyone will remember Neil Armstrong as the first person to ever lay foot on the moon. I always thought of reaching the moon one day like him which made me more excited as we traveled toward the moon in my dream.

I was the only one taking pictures as I was excited to have fulfilled one of my dreams. Soon everyone was hungry, but we could not eat regular food, we were served with space food that tastes differently. At last, our spaceship landed on the moon. We started walking on the moon one small step at a time to see and explore the surface. Everyone felt safe because we had high-tech sensors and radios installed on the spacesuit. Through these gadgets, we were connected with operators on earth to manage our air pressure and temperature. The operators would also occasionally send some word definitions that I didn’t know of.

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I was excited because I wanted to document everything on the moon and bring them back with me. I tried using my pen, but it could not write so I had to use a pencil. The view of the moon was beautiful, from the stars to the planets and other galaxies that lay in the blackness of space. I captured all the beautiful sights on a high-tech camera.  The moon had cliffs with big craters, making it look dangerous. The moon also had some rocks but they were not like the earth rocks, they were really lightweight. During our trip, I was awe-struck when I saw the expansive oceans, the beautiful clouds, and the earth from afar. As we traveled at 18,000 miles per hour and 90 minutes per orbit, the speed was too fast to take any photos.

During our exploration, the spaceship moved about 35 kilometers from where we landed at first. We saw the moon rocks and the soil and tested them in our hands. I took too many photographs using the spacesuit camera. After exploring for 2-3 hours we started to head back to our spaceship to head back home. As we planned our trip back to earth, we also felt sad to leave the moon.

The spaceship traveled at an approximate speed of 35,000 miles per hour. On our way back, our spaceship became red hot because of all the heat and friction it faced. At that speed with fire all around the spaceship, I felt like our space capsule was going to blast any time. As I tried to stand up in the spaceship, I fell hard on my chair and woke up to realize it was just a dream. But it certainly was an excellent one that I will remember for all my life. I stood up from my chair and looked at the moon shining far far away from us and thought to visit it for real. 

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A Trip To The Moon Short Essay 300 Words – My Imaginary Trip To The Moon

We all see the moon and wonder if we could ever get to it. We all agree that we all had a fantasy of visiting the moon someday. I also had one such experience as I visited the moon in my dream. I remember falling asleep on the couch after watching the famous film named “ A Trip To The Moon “. The next thing I knew was that I was in a space shuttle with my friends and we were soon going to land on the moon. All of us were so excited and my friends were chanting with joy. One of my friends said to me “It’s real we will soon land on the moon, get ready”. In this essay, I will share how I felt when I visited the moon in my dream.

While we were traveling to the moon I recalled everything from the movie I saw a while ago. It was the first science fiction film in the early cinema of the early twentieth century. It was the first film that featured space exploration. Georges Melies directed that film and he used stop motion photography to picture space travel. Filmmakers Jules Verne, Robert Houdin, and George Méliès all put in their different perspectives to add special effects in a wide variety of scenes. This film was released in theatres and cinemas, the audience loved the movie plot. One thing they liked a lot was the new camera angles idea that filled this film with life. After watching that movie I was only thinking about a trip to the moon and there I was in my dream.

We were traveling at a very high speed for some time and suddenly everything became smooth. We felt light as a feather and started floating in the air inside the spaceship. After some time we landed on the moon and started exploring the magical surface of the moon. I also lifted the rocks and tried to dog with all the tools that were in my spacesuit. Like astronauts, we were also wearing space suits with advanced gadgets and oxygen supplies. After some time we got back on our ship and started to make our way towards Earth.  While returning something hit my head and I suddenly woke up on my couch. I realized it was just a dream and quickly ran out to see the moon. Yes, it was shining bright outside and looked beautiful. On that day I thought of really stepping on the moon someday. With advanced technology nowadays and artificial satellites that orbit like the moon, I think my dream will become a reality.

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FAQ About Travelling To The Moon Essay

How to write a trip to the moon essay.

To write a trip to the moon essay starts with an introduction about how you felt initially. In the body tell everything about what you did on the moon and end it with a short conclusion on what you learned.

How To Improve My Imaginative Writing?

To improve your imaginative thinking try to write small stories about things you dream of doing someday. Also, ask other people’s thoughts on some imaginative topics and record their feedback.

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The Moon – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay For Children


Key Points To Remember When Writing Essay On Moon For Lower Primary Classes

5 sentences about moon for children, 10 lines on moon for kids, a paragraph on moon for children, short essay on moon in english for kids, long essay on moon for kids, interesting facts about moon for children, what will your child learn from the essay on moon.

The moon revolves around the earth and is Earth’s natural satellite. It reflects bright light from starry skies and adds a sense of peace and tranquillity to nightly environments. The moon is a beautiful sight, and it’s not every night we get to experience a full moon. Moonlight therapy is believed to improve eyesight, visualisation, imagination, and creative thinking skills. It also helps boost focus and overall concentration abilities. There is a lot to learn about moon, and a wonderful way to teach children is by asking them to write an essay in English on Moon.  Essay writing assignments for classes 1, 2, and 3 will be a great way to learn about this fantastic celestial body as well as develop their language, vocabulary and communication skills.

The moon symbolises serenity, beauty, and tranquillity in the night. Here are a few key points to remember when writing an essay about the moon for kids:

  • Start with an introductory paragraph on how the moon was formed and its position in the solar system
  • Get into the benefits of moonlight for humans and the missions around it.
  • End with a conclusion paragraph and summarise the essay

Moon has always attracted humans in some way or other, and kids feel a special bond with it. Here are a  few lines about moon  in English:

  • The moon reflects light from the sun and does not produce its own light
  • The moon follows a fixed orbital pathway and is Earth’s natural satellite
  • There are many rocks and craters on the moon
  • Life is not sustainable on the moon since it lacks an atmosphere
  • The age of moon is approximately 4.53 billion years

You can help your child learn about the moon by writing these 10 easy lines. Here are a few lines that can be used in an essay on moon for class 1 and 2.

  • Moon is an astronomical body with a diameter of around 3475 km.
  • There is no life found on the moon yet.
  • Humans can’t live on the moon due to the absence of atmosphere.
  • Many authors, artists, and poets have been inspired by the moon in the past and given history’s best work.
  • Neil Armstrong was the first person to land on the moon in 1969.
  • The moon is very dry, and there are no wet environments.
  • The moon is Earth’s only natural satellite.
  • The moon is beautiful and marvellous to look at.
  • The temperature on the moon fluctuates between +200 to -200 degrees Celsius.
  • Moon is approximately 4.53 billion old.

Since the beginning of time, man has always had a deep connection with the moon. It’s no wonder why there are so many mysteries around the moon and why scientists continue to do staggering research. Here is a short paragraph on moon for kids:

Moon has always been an object of admiration and curiosity for humanity. Moon is an astronomical body with a diameter of around 3475 km. The moon reflects light from the sun and does not produce its own light. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first two people to make a landing on the moon. They explored the surface, collected lunar rocks, and gave a moment to humans to remember always. It’s fascinating how scientists study the moon since there is still a lot we don’t know. Since then, many scientists worldwide have flown many astronauts to the depths of the moon.

It’s confirmed that man has conquered the moon. Many moon missions have been carried out since Neil Armstrong made his mark. Here is an essay for classes 1, 2, and 3 on the moon in English.

The moon can be seen from earth at night and shines brightly amidst the starry skies. We do not get to see a full moon every night but somewhat in different phases. The way earth revolves around the sun; the moon revolves around the earth. It takes around 27 days for the moon to do a complete orbit around the earth. There is no atmosphere on the moon; therefore, life cannot exist on earth. The moon is crucial in the formation of calendars. The temperature on the moon fluctuates between +200 to -200 degrees Celsius. It serves spiritual significance and is dubbed the fifth largest natural satellite in our solar system. Though the moon looks beautiful, it is full of rocks and craters. The moon doesn’t have its own shine; it is the reflection of the sunlight. Moon is the only natural satellite earth has. It’s amazing to see how scientists study the moon since there is still a lot we don’t know.

The moon is approximately 240,000 miles away from earth and is one of the brightest and most prominent objects in the night sky. Below is a long essay for class 3 on the moon for kids:

Moon is one of the most beautiful celestial bodies that can be seen from earth, and it has always inspired curiosity and imagination in humankind. Hence, scientists have designed several spacecraft projects to monitor the moon and observe its surroundings. When the moon and sun meet on opposite sides of the earth, it leads to a phenomenon known as a ‘total lunar eclipse.’

The moon is known by different names in various languages, such as ‘Luna,’ in Italian, ‘Mond,’ in German, and ‘Selene,’ in Greek. You can think of the moon as a desert with mountains and valleys since there are no life forms. There are many theories regarding the moon’s origins, but scientists think that the moon was made when the earth collided with a celestial body in space. The way earth revolves around the sun; the moon revolves around the earth. It takes around 27 days for the moon to do a complete orbit around the earth.

What Is Moon?

The moon is a vast rocky object that orbits the earth in space and has a total diameter of roughly 3,500 kilometers.

Phases Of Moon

The key phases of the moon are:

  • New moon, which is when the moon is unlit
  • Waxing and Waning Crescent, when the moon resembles a crescent, is also called post-lunar phase
  • Half-moon phase, which is referred to collectively as the first and third quarter
  • Full moon, a full view of the moon
  • Waxing and Waning Gibbous, when more than 50% of the moon is visible

Importance Of Moon

The moon creates tides for the earth’s oceans and ensures a steady rhythm which gives the planet direction. It also stabilises the earth’s axis by mentioning its positioning relative to it in the solar system.

Man’s Journey To The Moon

The Apollo-11 mission was man’s first lunar landing. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin stepped out of Apollo 11 onto the moon’s surface. They collected samples from the moon’s surface and opened the room for more research on this glowing ball near earth called the moon.

Here are some interesting facts about the moon:

  • The moon’s surface is soft, and powdery, almost resembling a desert
  • The earth wouldn’t have long days without the presence of the moon
  • Moon has an axis, too, just like the earth
  • Armstrong spent 13 hours on the moon collecting rock fragments and doing experiments
  • Apollo 11 is the first lunar project that made it to the moon and safely back to earth.

Your child will learn about the moon’s history, its importance, and why it exists through this essay.

1. How Was The Moon Formed?

It is believed that when earth and a small planet close to the size of Mars collided in space; the moon was formed.

2. How Old Is The Moon?

The moon is more than 4.53 billion years old.

3. How Many Moon Missions Has India Completed?

As of 2021, Chandrayaan-2 has completed over 9,000 revolutions of the moon and is India’s second biggest Moon Mission.

4. How Many Days Does The Moon Take to Complete An Orbit Around the Earth?

The moon takes approximately 27 days to complete a full circle around the earth.

Now that you know enough about the moon, you can begin writing that essay for kids. Have fun!

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Journey to the Moon

the Moon, up close against a black sky, fills the right-hand side of the image.


The approximately 250,000-mile journey from Earth to the moon took Apollo astronauts about three days.

The closest look we’ve had at the moon came from the launch of NASA’s Apollo program in the 1960s. Between 1967 and 1972, a series of missions landed the first men on the moon. Equipped with handheld cameras, Apollo astronauts documented their journey, capturing photos of the moon and its rocky terrain through surveys conducted from lunar orbit and on the ground. The collection of moon exploration photos includes up-close views of impact craters, mountain ranges, volcanic channels and maria—dark regions believed to have been formed from molten rock. The images are part of a massive archive of more than 14,000 photos taken by Apollo astronauts.

a journey to the moon essay

Sep 7, 2023

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Why the Moon?

The Artemis missions will build a community on the Moon, driving a new lunar economy and inspiring a new generation. This video explains why returning to the Moon is the natural next step in human space exploration, and how the lessons learned from Artemis will pave the way to Mars and beyond.


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1969 Moon Landing

By: History.com Editors

Updated: July 17, 2024 | Original: August 23, 2018

Apollo 11

On July 20, 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong (1930-2012) and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin (1930-) became the first humans ever to land on the moon. About six-and-a-half hours later, Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon. As he took his first step, Armstrong famously said, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." The Apollo 11 mission occurred eight years after President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) announced a national goal of landing a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s. Apollo 17, the final manned moon mission, took place in 1972.

JFK's Pledge Leads to Start of Apollo Program

The American effort to send astronauts to the moon had its origins in an appeal President Kennedy made to a special joint session of Congress on May 25, 1961: "I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth." 

At the time, the United States was still trailing the Soviet Union in space developments, and Cold War -era America welcomed Kennedy's bold proposal. In 1966, after five years of work by an international team of scientists and engineers, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) conducted the first unmanned Apollo mission , testing the structural integrity of the proposed launch vehicle and spacecraft combination. 

Then, on January 27, 1967, tragedy struck at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, when a fire broke out during a manned launch-pad test of the Apollo spacecraft and Saturn rocket. Three astronauts were killed in the fire.

President Richard Nixon spoke with Armstrong and Aldrin via a telephone radio transmission shortly after they planted the American flag on the lunar surface. Nixon considered it the "most historic phone call ever made from the White House."

Despite the setback, NASA and its thousands of employees forged ahead, and in October 1968, Apollo 7, the first manned Apollo mission, orbited Earth and successfully tested many of the sophisticated systems needed to conduct a moon journey and landing. 

In December of the same year, Apollo 8 took three astronauts to the far side of the moon and back, and in March 1969 Apollo 9 tested the lunar module for the first time while in Earth orbit. That May, the three astronauts of Apollo 10 took the first complete Apollo spacecraft around the moon in a dry run for the scheduled July landing mission.

Timeline of the 1969 Moon Landing

At 9:32 a.m. EDT on July 16, with the world watching, Apollo 11 took off from Kennedy Space Center with astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins (1930-) aboard. Armstrong, a 38-year-old civilian research pilot, was the commander of the mission.

After traveling 240,000 miles in 76 hours, Apollo 11 entered into a lunar orbit on July 19. The next day, at 1:46 p.m., the lunar module Eagle, manned by Armstrong and Aldrin, separated from the command module, where Collins remained. Two hours later, the Eagle began its descent to the lunar surface, and at 4:17 p.m. the craft touched down on the southwestern edge of the Sea of Tranquility. Armstrong immediately radioed to Mission Control in Houston, Texas, a now-famous message: "The Eagle has landed."

At 10:39 p.m., five hours ahead of the original schedule, Armstrong opened the hatch of the lunar module. As he made his way down the module's ladder, a television camera attached to the craft recorded his progress and beamed the signal back to Earth, where hundreds of millions watched in great anticipation. 

At 10:56 p.m., as Armstrong stepped off the ladder and planted his foot on the moon’s powdery surface, he spoke his famous quote, which he later contended was slightly garbled by his microphone and meant to be "that's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

Aldrin joined him on the moon's surface 19 minutes later, and together they took photographs of the terrain, planted a U.S. flag, ran a few simple scientific tests and spoke with President Richard Nixon (1913-94) via Houston. 

By 1:11 a.m. on July 21, both astronauts were back in the lunar module and the hatch was closed. The two men slept that night on the surface of the moon, and at 1:54 p.m. the Eagle began its ascent back to the command module. Among the items left on the surface of the moon was a plaque that read: "Here men from the planet Earth first set foot on the moon—July 1969 A.D.—We came in peace for all mankind."

At 5:35 p.m., Armstrong and Aldrin successfully docked and rejoined Collins, and at 12:56 a.m. on July 22 Apollo 11 began its journey home, safely splashing down in the Pacific Ocean at 12:50 p.m. on July 24.

How Many Times Did the US Land on the Moon?

There would be five more successful lunar landing missions, and one unplanned lunar swing-by. Apollo 13 had to abort its lunar landing due to technical difficulties. The last men to walk on the moon, astronauts Eugene Cernan (1934-2017) and Harrison Schmitt (1935-) of the Apollo 17 mission, left the lunar surface on December 14, 1972. 

The Apollo program was a costly and labor-intensive endeavor, involving an estimated 400,000 engineers, technicians and scientists, and costing $24 billion (close to $100 billion in today's dollars). The expense was justified by Kennedy's 1961 mandate to beat the Soviets to the moon, and after the feat was accomplished, ongoing missions lost their viability.

Apollo 11

HISTORY Vault: Moon Landing: The Lost Tapes

On the 50th anniversary of the historic moon landing, this documentary unearths lost tapes of the Apollo 11 astronauts, and explores the dangers and challenges of the mission to the moon.

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Journey to the Moon

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A Journey to the moon - Creative writing. Using the senses to describe a journey to the moon.

A Journey to the moon - Creative writing. Using the senses to describe a journey to the moon.

Subject: English

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Other

Francesca's English Lessons and Resources!

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16 May 2019

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a journey to the moon essay

  • A lesson using the sense to describe a journey to the moon. Students look at Neil Armstrong’s moon landing and a clip from Wallace & Gromit to plan their stories.
  • Aimed at KS3b but can easily be adapted.
  • Differentiated using the GCSE mark scheme.
  • Lesson is created using the TEEP model.

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A Trip to the Moon: George Melies Journey Into Narrative Cinema

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A Trip to the Moon: George Melies Journey Into Narrative Cinema. (2021, Mar 26). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-trip-to-the-moon-george-melies-journey-into-narrative-cinema-essay

"A Trip to the Moon: George Melies Journey Into Narrative Cinema." StudyMoose , 26 Mar 2021, https://studymoose.com/a-trip-to-the-moon-george-melies-journey-into-narrative-cinema-essay

StudyMoose. (2021). A Trip to the Moon: George Melies Journey Into Narrative Cinema . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/a-trip-to-the-moon-george-melies-journey-into-narrative-cinema-essay [Accessed: 30 Aug. 2024]

"A Trip to the Moon: George Melies Journey Into Narrative Cinema." StudyMoose, Mar 26, 2021. Accessed August 30, 2024. https://studymoose.com/a-trip-to-the-moon-george-melies-journey-into-narrative-cinema-essay

"A Trip to the Moon: George Melies Journey Into Narrative Cinema," StudyMoose , 26-Mar-2021. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/a-trip-to-the-moon-george-melies-journey-into-narrative-cinema-essay. [Accessed: 30-Aug-2024]

StudyMoose. (2021). A Trip to the Moon: George Melies Journey Into Narrative Cinema . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/a-trip-to-the-moon-george-melies-journey-into-narrative-cinema-essay [Accessed: 30-Aug-2024]

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A Trip to the Moon: George Melies Journey Into Narrative Cinema essay

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Mort Garson’s Universe of Ideas

Mort Garson ’s Universe of Ideas

Sacred Bones’ era-spanning archival collection Journey to the Moon and Beyond highlights the joy of creation as the throughline in the synth pioneer’s career.

Words : Will Schube

Photo : courtesy of Sacred Bones

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a journey to the moon essay

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Mort Garson used music as a tool to tap into the hidden meanings of life. The Canadian composer, arranger, and synthesizer pioneer has treated his work as decoder tools, mechanisms to excavate deep, ancient secrets and animate our wildest fantasies. He’s perhaps most well known for Mother Earth’s Plantasia , a 1976 album that boasted the enviable subtitle of “warm earth music for plants and the people who love them.” The emphasis being: this is music for plants, but the only way for plants to hear the music is for humans to play these tunes. If Garson had figured out a way to transmit this music directly to his vegetative fellas, he would have circumvented the middle people altogether. If it’s possible for music to take on the dictionary definition of whimsical, Mort Garson’s would be a perfect candidate. 

Despite his fascination with all things non-human, this is deeply felt, deeply empathetic music. It’s music with a smile, music for celebrating the joy that music offers. It’s a triumph, a declaration of music at its most optimistic. On Sacred Bones’ latest Garson collection, entitled Journey to the Moon and Beyond , the label compiles different eras of Garson’s work, making clear that among his many musical iterations, his joy of creation is the key unifying component.

There’s a reason why the label’s 2019 reissue of Plantasia spurred an influx of interest in Garson’s work. Though he did have success as a songwriter for pop acts in the 1950s and 1960s, these songs weren’t affiliated with his name. For many listeners, Plantasia was a real introduction. From the opening horns of the title track, Garson introduces a world of playful exploration, and it makes perfect sense that these songs found their way into soundtracks and commercials, podcast intros and rap beats. 

Journey to the Moon and Beyond compiles different eras of Garson’s work, making clear that among his many musical iterations, his joy of creation is the key unifying component.

In another era, Garson could have been like Jason Segal’s character in Forgetting Sarah Marshall , churning out ominous tones for crappy television shows—making music that tells the viewer how to feel. Instead, Garson made music for organisms who couldn’t keep him afloat; plants can’t pay for records. As such, the project was only initially available to people who bought a houseplant from a store called Mother Earth on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles—or, curiously, a Simmons mattress from Sears (“I don't know how the mattress thing came about—no idea,” Sacred Bones founder Caleb Braaten told Dazed in 2019).

Though Garson was introduced to a much wider audience with Sacred Bones’ recent reissue (as well as the 2020 comp Music From Patch Cord Productions ), the label’s latest endeavor sheds light on a project much bigger and far more epic in scope than an album that hoped to make plants thrive. In 1969, Garson and his Moog were commissioned to record a soundtrack for the moon landing. Because it was happening live ( 2001: A Space Odyssey began shooting in 1965, after all), Garson completed the score to an edited version of NASA films from previous space flights in his small Hollywood Hills home studio. The plan was for CBS to cut to the film during coverage of the mission, resulting in Garson’s score being heard by viewers across the country. 

“The only sounds that go along with space travel are electronic ones,” he told the LA Times in a 1969 interview, which was reported on by the paper in 2008. “The Apollo film shows different facets of the flight—blastoff, separation of the stages of the rocket, scenes of the moon at close range, of the astronauts playing games in the ship and of earthrise.” As such, he viewed his own personal mission as having, “to carry the film along. It has to echo the sound of the blastoff and even the static you hear on the astronauts’ report from space. People are used to hearing things from outer space, not just seeing them. So I used a big, symphonic sound for the blastoff, some jazzy things for the zero-G game of catch, psychedelic music for a section that uses negatives and diffuse colors on shots taken inside the ship, and a pretty melody for the moon. After all, it’s still a lovely moon.” 

That last line captures the essence of Garson’s approach. It’s a philosophy that’s highlighted on Journey to the Moon and Beyond . Whether Garson was traveling to outer space, distant planets, or just your local horticulturist’s house, he treated his work seriously and created it playfully. It’s a delightful combination. He does the research so we can pass the test.

Whether Garson was traveling to outer space, distant planets, or just your local horticulturist’s house, he treated his work seriously and created it playfully.

Other songs featured on the project include the soundtrack to Jack Arnold’s 1974 blaxploitation film Black Eye (starring Fred Williamson) and previously unreleased and newly unearthed music for advertising. There’s also “Zoos of the World,” where Garson soundtracks a 1970 National Geographic special of the same name, and the “Western Dragon” trilogy, which  were found on tapes in the archive with no further information. 

This is the brilliance of Mort Garson’s work—and Sacred Bones’ handling of it in particular. It exists within certain contexts, but listeners don’t need to buy into these concepts to enjoy the music. Much of it functions like an excellent soundtrack, valuable as a complete work on its own but further enhanced by the visuals it accompanies. It’s a universe of ideas, a buffet of sounds, styles, and theoretical frameworks within which his music exists. Help yourself to all, none, or simply a few favorites. The variety of his work practically guarantees that there’s at least something everyone will like, and for devotees , Journey to the Moon is a thrilling addition to a catalog that continues to wow in its diversity, confidence, and willingness to experiment. It’s remarkable to think about, but somehow the world is still just beginning to catch up with the work of Mort Garson. FL

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Where The Mountain Meets The Moon

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81 pages • 2 hours read

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

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Chapters 16-20

Chapters 21-26

Chapters 27-31

Chapters 32-37

Chapters 38-41

Chapters 42-45

Chapters 46-48

Character Analysis

Symbols & Motifs

Important Quotes

Essay Topics

Discussion Questions

Analyze and explore the use of storytelling in Where the Mountain Meets the Moon: For what purposes are stories told, and to what effect? Are they helpful to the characters, or harmful, or both? And what is the function of stories-within-chapters as a narrative device?

There are several instances of magic in Minli’s journey to Never-Ending Mountain, including talking fish, seeds that rain down from the sky, and a peach tree that grows with the tap of a magic stick. Is Minli’s journey possible without a belief in magic? What would it look like without it?

Every hero’s journey has at least one big test where the hero must use her accumulated experience to win either an external or internal battle. What is Minli's test, and does she pass or fail?

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Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Essay Questions

By grace lin, essay questions.

These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own.

Written by Leslie Spurrier

Minli's mother and father represent very different characters. Compare and contrast the two and analzye their impact on Minli.

Minli’s mother takes on an adversarial role. She is strict, pessimistic, and harsh. Her body language, like her audible sighs, often express impatience or disapproval. She frowns upon the stories Minli's father tells believing they are nonsense. Minli's mother places the burden of poverty and responsibility squarely on Minli's shoulders and makes her feel the true weight of their situation. Minli's father provides the balance to her dark persona. He seems gentle, patient, and kind. His stories provided a needed distraction to their intense poverty and serves as the source of hope for Minli. Those stories also keep her from becoming "dull and brown" like the rest of the village.

Describe the character Magistrate Tiger and analyze his role in the novel.

Magistrate Tiger rules a village. A ruthless, greedy leader, he cares nothing for his subjects and only acts on his own behalf. His means of securing what he wants are often violent or evil. For example, when he discovers his commissioned painted dragon has no eyes, he seeks to punish the entire village with double taxes. Magistrate Tiger is very much the villain of the story. He appears in several of the smaller vignettes, and it's his evil spirit that Minli's compassion counteracts.

Explain the nature of the relationship between the King and the Magistrate Tiger. How does this relationship impact the King's decision about the "borrowed line?"

The King’s father was the Magistrate Tiger’s son, the one who married the grocer’s daughter. This makes Magistrate Tiger the King's grandfather.The "borrowed line" came to the King down through his ancestors as part of his familair heritage. The paper on which the borrowed line is written is known as the Paper of Happiness. During the King's reign, the line on the paper changes; it provides wisdom and instruction for the King as he encouters difficult situations. In Chapter 23 the line reads: “You only lose what you cling to.” At this point, the King realizes he must part with the borrowed line. Because of his grandfather's dark reputation, this action redeems the family name. Perhaps it even makes it easier for the King to part with the treasured object.

Explain the meaning and significance behind the tale of Wu Kang. Relate the theme of the tale to the larger story in the novel.

Wu Kang was a man filled with discontent, always wanting more. His biggest desire was to be immortal, so he approached the Old Man of the Moon with his request. Despite the Old Man's teaching, Wu Kang's greed remained until the Old Man shared his final lesson: one of patience and contentment. As a result, he is forced to chop the same tree every night on the Never-Ending Mountain until he learns his lesson or until the end of time. This same tree he chops provides the “Moon Rain” for Da-A-Fu’s village. This focus on contentment mirrors the quest of Minli. In essence, she is not content with her life. Pushed by her mother, she wants more: more riches, more security, more status. The author uses this tale to foreshadow the decision Minli will face.

What did Minli (and her family) actually gain through her selfless act of asking the Old Man in the Moon Dragon's question?

Minli and her family greatly benefited immensely from her choice to put Dragon's needs before her own. Because the Dragon learned to fly, he could take Minli home to join her family again. The ball Minli removed from his head turned out to be a very valuable Dragon Pearl. This pearl brought wealth and prosperity to the whole village. Additionally, Dragon came “home” when he brought Minli back, and the curse on Fruitless Mountain was lifted. Now that the land was green and alive again, everyone in the village – including Minli’s family – benefited. By thinking of Dragon first, Minli actually got everything she wanted and more.

Examine the common thread connecting the buffalo boy, the King of the City of Bright Moonlight, and Da-A-Fu.

Genuine contentment serves as the common thread connecting these characters. Each has learned to be happy in the midst of their own circumstances, regardless of the nature of the situation. The buffalo boy feels happiness in his life even though he is poor and destitute with no one to look after him The King is able to part with his most prized possession for the sake of another person, demonstrating the depth of his selflessness. The twins, when given the opportunity to ask the Old Man of the Moon a question to change their fortunes, answer by implying they would never want to change their fortunes – they are happy as they are. Finding satisfaction in one's circumstances also remains a central theme in the novel at large, as evidenced by Minli's change of heart when she approaches the Old Man of the Moon.

Based on the novel's themes, characters, and imbedded stories, explain the theme of contentment running throughout the book and explain the author's stance on the subject.

Throughout this novel, the author puts the desire for riches, power, and status against that of being content. Many of the vignettes, as well as Minli's own quest, represent the discovery of contentment through seeing the way that others live and by reflecting objectively on one's own situation. being happy with what you have and feeling grateful for your circumstances. In the novel, those experiencing contentment focus on the blessings and gifts in their lives instead of the trials. They may even view challenges as blessings in themselves. According to the book, the most important things in life are health, family, love, peace, and joy. These are things that many people showed to Minli on her journey and tbrought happiness to other characters (including Minli and her parents). The adversarial characters– like the Magistrate Tiger and Wu Yang – only showed greed, anger, hatred, and selfishness. These emotions led those characters to death, destruction, or eternal misery. In all, the book urges its readers to find contentment in life, regardless of your situation.

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Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

The main character, Minli, is a young Chinese girl scraping by with her poor parents in the village at the base of Fruitless Mountain. With nothing else to occupy them in the evenings, Minli’s father spins tales of the Old Man in the Moon and the...

Define Personification

Personification is a literary device that give human traits to nonhuman objects.

"The wind howled." pg. 66

. In the story that the girl told the Great Green Tiger she stated that another tiger had taken her brother to be his slave for life. *

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Where the Mountain Meets the Moon study guide contains a biography of Grace Lin, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

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Broadway’s Sara Chase Says She Started to 'Sob Uncontrollably' Reflecting on 'Lonely, Secret' Cancer Journey

The 'Great Gatsby' star was diagnosed with fallopian tube cancer and kept her health journey a secret while on Broadway

Steve Zak Photography/FilmMagic

Sara Chase is detailing the “double life” she lived while dealing with cancer.

The Broadway performer had just landed her dream role as Myrtle in the musical adaptation of The Great Gatsby when she decided to have her fallopian tubes removed. The 41-year-old underwent the preventative surgery after previously testing positive for the BRCA1 gene mutation , which means she was more likely to develop cancer. 

However, two weeks after starting to rehearse for the show, Chase received a call from her doctor and was told they found cancer in one of her fallopian tubes.

“Thankfully, it was caught early, but the standard of care was an immediate full hysterectomy, oophorectomy, and six rounds of chemotherapy every three weeks,” she wrote in a personal essay for TODAY . “I couldn’t believe what he was telling me.” 

“I went into rehearsal the next morning and didn’t tell anyone. Mostly because I was in denial,” she said. “If I said it out loud, it would be true. That I have cancer. That I am rehearsing a Broadway show while being treated for cancer. Or maybe I thought someone would try and take my dream away from me. Or people might treat me differently. Best to keep it to myself until absolutely necessary, I thought.” 

Dia Dipasupil/Getty

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Chase said she found herself living a “secret double life” while undergoing treatment. She would meet with her doctors early in the morning, get blood work done and then stash her hospital bracelets before heading to her Broadway rehearsals.

“Two weeks after my diagnosis, I secretly got a full hysterectomy, oophorectomy and cervix removal,” she wrote. “Four days after that, I was on stage singing and dancing in full costumes and wigs like nothing had happened. (For the record, I do not recommend this.) I hid my scars with compression garments underneath my costumes, and I hid my pain too.”

The actress recalled experiencing a lot of the side effects of her treatment alone while at work, having to pretend as if everything was okay.

“As people were telling their friends and family about this new Broadway show they were in, I was telling friends and family about what to expect in the next coming months. My colleagues met with stylists; I met with oncologists,” she said.

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By the time opening night came for The Great Gatsby , Chase said she stood in her dressing room and “started to sob uncontrollably.” With the grueling treatment and rehearsal schedule, she hadn’t been able to sit and fully acknowledge what she’d been through.

“I’ve heard the journey of cancer described as incredibly lonely, and I’ve found that to be true,” she admitted. “No matter how many people I have in my corner (and I have so many wonderful people), no matter how many people applaud for me or greet me at the stage door, no matter how many incredible cast members and crew surround me, this was ultimately something I had to do by myself.”

She continued, “And as I stood by myself on stage, just a spotlight on me and my secret hiding in plain sight, whatever I was feeling earlier melted away and was replaced with pride.”

The following week, Chase said she told her cast the truth about her health. She ultimately took a leave of absence and relied on understudies in order to finish treatment.

Chase wrote that she’s “comforted by the fact that soon I’ll be back on stage.” 

“And this time, I know I’ll be even stronger,” she said.

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    NASA. October 3, 2017. Credit. NASA. Language. english. The approximately 250,000-mile journey from Earth to the moon took Apollo astronauts about three days. The closest look we've had at the moon came from the launch of NASA's Apollo program in the 1960s. Between 1967 and 1972, a series of missions landed the first men on the moon.

  12. Why the Moon?

    Image Credit: NASA. Published: September 7, 2023. The Artemis missions will build a community on the Moon, driving a new lunar economy and inspiring a new generation. This video explains why returning to the Moon is the natural next step in human space exploration, and how the lessons learned from Artemis will pave the way to Mars and beyond.

  13. A Critical Examination of 'A Trip to the Moon' as a ...

    Introduction "A Trip to the Moon", a 1902 silent film directed by Georges Méliès, stands as a landmark in the history of cinema. Not only did it captivate audiences of its time with its innovative storytelling and visual effects, but it also left an indelible mark on the development of filmmaking. In this essay, we embark on a journey through the cinematic wonders of "A Trip to the Moon ...

  14. 1969 Moon Landing ‑ Date, Facts, Video

    NASA/Newsmakers/Getty Images. On July 20, 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong (1930-2012) and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin (1930-) became the first humans ever to land on the moon. About six-and-a ...

  15. Journey to the Moon

    Journey to the Moon. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. The United States and other parts of the world went through hardships during the 1950s and the 1960s. The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union caused tensions ...

  16. Essay on Chandrayaan 3: India's Journey Towards Lunar Exploration

    Essay on Chandrayaan 3, India's latest moon mission launched in 2023: Delving into the cosmic unknown, a testament to India's relentless pursuit of outer space. ... The journey to the moon is not a short one, with Chandrayaan-3's voyage expected to take approximately 42 days. This lengthy journey is due to the spacecraft's trajectory, which ...

  17. A Journey to the moon

    A lesson using the sense to describe a journey to the moon. Students look at Neil Armstrong's moon landing and a clip from Wallace & Gromit to plan their stories. Aimed at KS3b but can easily be adapted. Differentiated using the GCSE mark scheme. Lesson is created using the TEEP model.

  18. A Trip to the Moon: George Melies Journey Into Narrative Cinema

    Essay, Pages 13 (3009 words) Views. 2695. The image of a rocket ship flying into the eye of the moon is world famous, so famous that the name Georges Méliès is rarely attached to it. Georges Méliès was one of the first cinematographers of the early twentieth century to step beyond the documentaries and "actualités" of the Lumière ...

  19. FLOOD

    Journey to the Moon and Beyond compiles different eras of Garson's work, making clear that among his many musical iterations, his joy of creation is the key unifying component. In another era, Garson could have been like Jason Segal's character in Forgetting Sarah Marshall , churning out ominous tones for crappy television shows—making ...

  20. Where The Mountain Meets The Moon Essay Topics

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "Where The Mountain Meets The Moon" by Grace Lin. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt ...

  21. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Essay Questions

    Essay Questions. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. Written by Leslie Spurrier. 1. Minli's mother and father represent very different characters. Compare and contrast the two and analzye their impact on Minli.

  22. 10 lines essay on Moon in English

    Hello friends! This video is about 10 lines essay on moon in English. Moon essay writing is very easy to write. The moon is the only Satellite of our Earth. ...

  23. Swimmer Christie Raleigh Crossley Shares Journey to Paralympics

    Essay People tell me I don't 'look disabled,' but I'm a Paralympian — and I'm going for gold As a collegiate swimmer, my dream was to go to the Olympics, but life doesn't always go ...

  24. Serenity Forge Bringing Narrative Journey To the Moon to Consoles

    And Johnny's last wish is, of course... to go to the moon. Fans of To The Moon can also look forward to Serenity Forge's stunning Memory Globe, available for pre-order next week for $74.99. Stay in the loop on all things Serenity Forge by visiting the team's website and Twitter page. The Beach Episode will be launching with English and ...

  25. An imaginary journey to the moon Free Essays

    The novel An Imaginary Life' by David Malouf‚ takes the main character Ovid‚ on a symbolic journey from the constricting world of comfort and knowledge‚ to the wonder and freedom of shedding everything. The way in which the novel takes Ovid on this journey is much like. Premium Debut albums Ancient Rome Europe. 1066 Words. 5 Pages. Good ...

  26. Broadway's Sara Chase Started to 'Sob Uncontrollably' Over Cancer

    'Great Gatsby' star Sara Chase was diagnosed with fallopian tube cancer and kept her health journey a secret while on Broadway, reflecting on the "lonely" battle in a personal essay

  27. Opinion

    Guest Essay. Boeing's No Good, Never-Ending Tailspin Might Take NASA With It. Aug. 28, 2024. ... Fifty-five years ago, when humans first walked on the moon, the Apollo 11 astronauts left Earth ...

  28. Blue Journey

    ツキノナミダ (Tears of the Moon) Lyrics: ある日 星の声が聴こえなくなった / どこに行ってしまったのだろう 一人探していた / いつか 夢の終わりが ...