Universität Bern

Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences (GCB)

Md-phd program.

The MD-PhD Program enables medical students with an interest in research to prepare them for a career in medical research. Medical research encompasses all forms of research into the causes of diseases, the development of diseases, as well as the scientific debate of their prevention, detection and treatment, and includes patient-oriented clinical research.

The MD-PhD program includes teaching and research modules. Successful graduates can obtain the doctoral title «Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy (MD,PhD)» or «PhD in Health Sciences (Clinical Sciences)», depending on the subject of the research project, and according to the regulations of the Graduate Schools GCB or GHS.

Successful completion of studies in human medicine, veterinary medicine or dentistry is mandatory to sign up for the MD-PhD Program. The goal is to equip MD-PhD graduates with the required scientific competence, which enables them to contribute to disease- and patient-oriented research. Preferentially, they should not lose contact with the clinic and complete their clinical training, or pursue a career in a medical research institute after completion of the MD-PhD training.

For MD-PhD graduates who are pursuing a clinical activity, specialist training FMH is still essential. In some disciplines, it is possible to take into account one to two years of the MD-PhD Program for the specialist training. Candidates are advised to seek information about this possibility within the relevant medical specialization.

Becoming a Researcher: The MD-PhD Program

At the beginning of the third year of medical studies, the lecture «Karriereplanung» also includes information on the MD-PhD Program, and interested medical students can contact the coordinator of the Graduate School for personal assistance in putting together an individual training program.

The MD-PhD Program consists of a basic training and of the PhD thesis .

During the basic training, comprising 25 ECTS credit points, the students complete additional course work in subjects which are suitable for preparing them for their particular research project (e.g. cell biology/biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology, neurobiology, tumor biology, etc.). A maximum of 10 ECTS can be acquired with experimental work during an internship of three to six months in a research laboratory (1 ECTS per week of laboratory work & written report), or by conducting an experimental MD thesis. The research part of the medical dissertation is, as far as possible, also completed during the medical studies, and will lead to the title of «Dr. med.», according to the doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Medicine. On request, the experimental work can also be conducted outside the University of Bern. The basic training can be carried out either in parallel to the medical studies during the fourth to sixth year (Track I), or during the research work for the PhD thesis (Track II) . Track I Students receive personal mentoring by experienced researchers.

The place of work for the PhD thesis should be chosen as early as possible, and a master thesis based on experimental research is recommended in order to gain insight into research methods. The rules for conducting the PhD thesis are based on the guidelines of the PhD Programs of the Graduate Schools ( www.gcb.unibe.ch & www.ghs.unibe.ch ). In the course of the PhD studies, clinical activity with a maximum of 20% of the working time is possible and also recommended. Candidates are advised to start the PhD thesis immediately after the state exam; as a rule, it takes three to four years. It is possible and makes sense that the PhD thesis is a (non-overlapping) continuation and deepening of the MD (Dr. med.) thesis. In exceptional cases, the MD-PhD Program can be joined even after initial clinical training. In such cases, the PhD Committee of the Graduate School decides on a case-by-case basis on the admission to Track II. Track II Students should already have completed a medical doctorate (Dr. med.) and should aim at acquiring the required ECTS at the beginning of their MD-PhD studies (i.e., in the first year). The institute or laboratory where MD-PhD studies are carried out must document a high-quality research activity and ensure comprehensive supervision and guidance for doctoral candidates. The head of the dissertation must be involved in research in the field of the planned dissertation, during at least 30% of the working hours, and as a rule, be a recipient of SNSF funding as main applicant.

Application for the MD-PhD Program Track I

Interested candidates should contact PD Dr. Monica Schaller , Coordinator, for an appointment.

MD-PhD consulting on Wednesday mornings, by telephone 9:00 – 10:00 only, after appointment

Please send an email to the GCB Coordinator, PD Dr. Monica Schaller to make an appointment if you seek advice to organize your MD-PhD. Consultation hour will be once a week (Wednesday morning) from 9:00-10:00 by telephone only due to the COVID-19 pandemic regulations of the University of Bern. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


Applications should subsequently be sent to the GCB, using the MD-PhD Program Application Form.

Universität Bern

Graduate School for Health Sciences (GHS)

Phd candidates.

PhD candidates currently carrying out their research projects within the framework of the GHS are listed below, sorted by GHS Expert Committees (FK). Field of expertise of the Expert Committees (FK) are as follows:

Expert Committee I (FK I): Individual Factors, Public Health and Methodologies for Health Sciences Research Expert Committee II (FK II):  Neurosciences Expert Committee III (FK III): Clinical Sciences: clinical career & patient-oriented research (50:50 model)

Which Rules Apply to My PhD Program?

All students who were admitted to the GHS after 01.05.2023 will do their PhD under the new regulations.

Expert Committee I (FK I)

Expert committee ii (fk ii), expert committee iii (fk iii), a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j   k   l   m   n   o   p   q   r   s   t   u   v   w   x   y   z  .

Ahanchi Noushinsadat Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Taulant Muka Research project: «Iron status/biomarkers as a potential causative factor contributing to menopausal differences in in cardio-metabolic diseases»

Andoh John Alphaeus lnstitute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. Eliane Rohner Research project: «Comparative effectiveness of cervical cancer prevention policies in Zambia - A mathematical modeling approach»

Aponte Ribero Valerie Liliana  Institute for Primary Health Care (BIHAM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Nicolas Rodondi Research project: «Preventive care in type 2 diabetes: improving risk prediction among older and multimorbid adults and assessing the effects of novel anti-diabetic drugs»

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Banihashem Rad Seyedahmad Klinik für Zahnerhaltung, Präventiv- und Kinderzahnmedizin Zahnmedizinische Kliniken (ZMK) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Guglielmo Campus Research project: «Improving Oral Health Care among Refugees via Cultural Awareness»

Becchetti Chiara ASST GOM Niguarda Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Annalisa Berzigotti Research project: «Novel strategies to assess and manage metabolic complications in liver transplant recipients»

Blatter Tobias Universitätsinstitut für Klinische Chemie (UKC) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Benedikt Leichtle Research project: «Personalized Reference Limits from Clinical Cohort Data»

Borg Bartolo Roberta  Clinic for restorative, preventive and paediatric dentistry, Dental Clinics, University of Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Hendrik Meyer-Lückel Research project: «Oral health and its related factors in adults and elderly persons»

Bosshard Michel Institute for Medical Education (IML) Thesis Advisor: PD. Dr. Christoph Berendonk Research project: «From threat to challenge - Improving medical students’ stress response and communication skills performance through the combination of stress arousal reappraisal and preparatory worked example-based learning when breaking bad news to simulated patients»

Christen Samuel Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Evangelia Liakoni Research Project: «Impact of the nicotine concentration on the efficacy of a nicotine salt vape pod system as smoking cessation tool»

Davidović Maša lnstitute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), University of Bern Thesis Advisor: PD Dr Julia Bohlius Research project: «Cancer prevention for women living with HIV in Africa»

De la Rosa Melanie Institut für Medizinische Lehre (IML) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sissel Guttormsen Research project: «What makes post-graduate medical education programs at the University-level»

Dupuis Marc Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Alice Panchaud Research project: «A multiple-method, multiple-source approach of perinatal drug safety: The case of antidepressant, anxiolytic and hypnoid medications»

Franco Romero Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Claudia Kühni Research project: «Routine health care data to facilitate clinical research in paediatric respiratory diseases.»

Frischknecht Valerie Berner Reha Zentrum, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Wilhelm Research project: «Enhancing Co-Creation in Rehabilitation Research: Introducing a Patient Involvement Living Lab to Design and Tailor Digital Health Interventions in Non-Communicable Diseases»

Ganbat Mandukhai Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Claudia Kühni Research project: «Childhood asthma in Mongolia: improving diagnosis and medical treatment.»

Gareta Dickman African Health Research Institute Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Egger Research project: "Epidemiological outcomes of HIV care in the modern antiretroviral therapy era: Evidence from novel data science harmonization approaches in high HIV prevalence setting"

Gogollari Artemisa Institute for Medical Education (IML) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sissel Guttormsen  Research project: «Implementing effective digital learning and teaching in higher education beyond the Covid-19 pandemic»

Goetschi Aljoscha  Universitätsklinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Klinische Pharmakologie & Toxikologie Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. phil. Il Carla Meyer-Massetti Research project: «Development and implementation of clinical pharmacy services targeting geriatric patiens with chronic non-cancer pain»

Gördes Laura Institute of Sport Science Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Claudio Nigg Research project: «An Investigation of Potential Moderators in the Formation of Physical Activity Habits»

Guerra Buezo Beatriz Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Claudia Kühni Research project: "Asthma diagnosis and treatment in school-age children in Switzerland"

Habegger Tamara Institut für Infektionskrankheiten Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Kronenberg Research project: «What drives Antibiotic Consumption in Swiss Healthcare? A comprehensive Study across Outpatient Settings, University Hospitals and Long-Term Care Facilities»

Hamusonde Kalongo Center for Infectious Disease and Research in Zambia Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Andri Rauch Research project: «Modelling secual behaviour, sexual contact structure and sexually transmitted infections in Switzerland»

Holfelder Alexa Department of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Klöppel Research project: «Remote Memory Clinic»

Hysaj Ola BIHAM (Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Nicolas Rodondi Research project: «Understanding the association between subclinical hypothyroidism and cardiovascular disease»

Ipekci Aziz Mert ISPM, University of Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med., MSc FFPH Nicola Low Research project: «Divided pandemic society: how the polarization of opinions affects health outcomes in the context of pandemics and pandemic preparedness.»

Jörger Philippa Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Kühni Research project: «Screening for hearing loss after childhood cancer»

Kandhasamy Sreemanjari Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alice Panchaud Research project: «Pharmacy services from ideas to implementation»

Kastrati Lum Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Lia Bally Research project: «Dietary and other modifiable predictors of menopause onset, and their impact on cardiometabolic health and mortality»

Kentgens Anne-Christianne lnselspital, University Childrens Hospital Bern, Peadiatric Respiratory Medicine Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Latzin Research project: «Novel ways to assess lung function in cystic fibrosis»

Kern Charlotte Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, Inselspital, University Hospital Bern Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. med. et phil. Felix Hammann Research project: «The pharmacology of ivermectin in malaria vector control»

Khaled Ben Taieb CAMPUS SLB Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Albers Research project: «Electronically administered PROMs in spinal treatments: understanding patient preferences and requirements, and supporting them in an innovative and age-appropriate manner»

Khatami Farnaz Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Taulant Muka Research project: «Iron biomarkers and status as potential mediating factors contributing to sex differences in cardiometabolic diseases»

Kotoula Christina Universitätsspital, Inselspital Bern / Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Thesis Advisor: Dr. Evangelia Liakoni Research project: "Paracetamol in addition to WHO Step III opioids in chronic cancer pain control - a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, non-inferiority study"

Krasnova Tayisiya lnstitute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Claudia Kühni Research project: «Asthma diagnostic guidelines for children in Switzerland and Ukraine»

Lamloum Demetrio University of Pavia Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Wolf Research project: «Cost-effectiveness analysis of preventive oral health measures (pit and fissure sealant and fluoride varnish) in children»

Lange Anna Adelheid lnstitute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sofia Carolina Zambrano Ramos Research project: «The place of physicians’ emotions in medical education: a mixed methods approach»

Leuenberger Lorenz Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Claudia Kühni Research project: "Height, weight and body mass index in Swiss children"

Maisonneuve Emeline Louise Jacqueline Institute for Primary Health Care (BIHAM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alice Elke Martine Panchaud Monnat Research project: «Trends in management, medication, vaccination against Covid-19 in pregnant and lactating women: real-world data analyses»

Maklennan Anastasia Department of Preventive Restorative Dentistry Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Hendrik Meyer-Lückel Research project: «Randomized clinical trial on the efficacy of self-applied and professionally-applied fluoride vanishes, solutions and mousses on arresting root caries»

Metekoua Temdemnou Carole National Cancer Registry: a division of the National Health Laboratory Service Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Egger Research project: «Trends in the epidemiology of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas in South Africa»

Meyer Sophie Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine ISPM Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Annika Frahsa Research project: «Reseracher - policymaker interaction in public health: A qualitative, actor-centred approach»

Mitchell Sharon Institute for Medical Education (IML) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. phil. Sissel Guttormsen Research project: «Improving our understanding of teaching and learning methods acceptable and applicable for primary care professionals on the frontline»

Moens Laura FHNW School of Applied Psychology Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Sauter Research project: «Innovative tools for assessing and improving Situation Awareness in acute care teams»

Mountford Timothy Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. Andreas Haas Research project: «Utilising Routine Medical Data and Machine Learning to Identify Mental Health Care Users at High Risk of Mortality and Psychiatric Hospitalization in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.»

Mwamuka Rukudzo University Hospital of Psychiatry, Bern Thesis Advisor: Dr. med. Monika Müller Research project: "Improving depression outcomes by predicting non-response to the FriendshipBench intervention and enhancing it using antidepressants"

Ndanga Ardele Newlands Clinic, Harare Zimbabwe Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Gilles Wandeler Research project: «Arterial hypertension and vascular health among adults with and without HIV in urban Zambia and Zimbabwe»

Neher Andrea Universitäres Notfallzentrum, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Sauter Research project: "Virtual reality for real performance: Exploiting the potential of virtual reality in performance assessment"

Oliveira Santos Nicolly School of Dental Medicine Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulze Research project: "Gray-value autocalibration of CBCT volumes"

Ortega Herrero Natalia Institute of Primary Care Medicine (BIHAM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Nicolas Rodondi Research project: «Dairy and inflammation on Cognitive Decline»

Ramírez Mena Adrià Department of Infectiology Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Gilles Wandeler Research project: «Understanding the hepatitis B continuum of care to inform elimination strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa and Switzerland»

Renggli Aaron Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. Ben Spycher Research project: «Completeness of Case Ascertainment in Swiss Cancer Registration»

Salerno Claudia ZMK Department of Restorative Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry Thesis Advisor: Prof. Hendrik Meyer-Lückel Research project: «Treatment of White Spot Lesions during and after fixed orthodontic treatments: different approaches comparison»

Schewski Lilien Department for Biomedical Research (DBMR) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Guido Beldi Research project: «Interdisciplinary lnsights into Tense Communication and Team Dynamics in Operating Room Teams: Using Artificial lntelligence to Relate Communication and Movement Patterns to Tense or Challenging Situations.»

Schütz Hämmerli Natascha Health Division; Bern University of Applied Sciences Thesis Advisors: Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Aebi, PD Dr. med. Mathias Nelle Research project: «Transition to Home after Preterm Birth: Pilot testing an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN)- led Model of Transitional Care»

Schönenberger Nicole Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, General Internal Medicine, University Hospital of Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. phil. II Carla Meyer Massetti Research project: «Development and implementation of an electronic algorithm for preventable drug related readmissions to prioritize patients for the implementation of clinical pharmacy services»

Schreck Leonie Daria  Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Claudia Kühni Research project: «Primary ciliary dyskinesia - from symptoms to phenotypes»

Schürch Kris  Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Annika Frahsa Research project: «Migrant Health and Smoking»

Severin Anna Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Egger Research project: «Open Access and Standards of Quality Control in Scholarly Publishing»

Shalaeva Evgeniya Tashkent Medical Academy Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Markus Laimer Research Project: «Type 2 diabetes and peripheral artery disease complicated by partial foot amputation»

Shamu Tinei Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Egger Research project: «Viral evolution patterns in patients receiving dolutegravir based antiretroviral therapy»

Smith Alexander Department of Forensic Psychiatry, University of Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Michael Liebrenz Research project: "Exploring perceptions of historical experts on the psychopathology of Cold War leaders"

Soria Maldonado Rodrigo Department for BioMedical Research (DBMR), Cardiology Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. Stefano Rimoldi Research project: «Pulmonary Hypertension and underlying mechanism in Chronic Mountain Sickness»

Ssekalo Ibrahim lnstitute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Kühni Research project: «Trends in child survival in Uganda and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.»

Staeck Robert Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sofia C. Zambrano Research Project: «The role of physicians’ emotions and inner life on communication about the end of life»

Streibel Carmen Paediatric respiratory medicine, Department of paediatrics, Inselspital Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Philipp Latzin Research project: «Validation of functional lung MRI as tool to evaluate therapy effects in pediatric lung disease»

Thomson Madelyn University Hospital for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Michael Kaess Research project: «Dimensional conceptualisations of personality pathology in adolescents: structure, correlates, and psychopathological significance»

Vetsch Thomas Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Wilhelm Research project: «Prehabilitation before major surgery: The challenge of adequate patient selection and optimization»

Vidonscky Lüthold Renata Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin BIHAM Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Nicolas Rodondi Research project: «Exploring different aspects related to making and implementing deprescribing decisions in primary care settings»

Wegmüller Selina Institute of Philosophy Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rouven Porz Research project: «An ethical analysis of the debate on research with animals in Switzerland»

Wespi Rafael Notfallzentrum Inselspital Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Christian Sauter Research project: «Breaking the boundaries of reality - Evaluating medical team performance in a virtual reality context»

Wicki Korian Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste (UPD) - Universitätsklinik für Alterpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie Thesis Advisor: Dr. Alain Züst Research project: «Preventing cognitive decline using portable, non-invasive sleep enhancement»

Wyss Carmen Division of Midwifery, Department of Health Professions, Bern University of Applied Sciences Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jennifer Inauen Research project: «Facilitating optimal birth care for women with obesity by Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA): A multimethod study»

Zarafeta Dimitra Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste (UPD) Thesis Advisor: Dr. Leila Tarokh, PhD Research project: «Computational Approaches to Understanding the Association Between Sleep and Mental Health»

Žarković Maša   lnstitute for Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Kühni Research project: «Diagnosing pulmonary dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors»

Zens Philipp Institute of Pathology Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. pharm Eik Vassella Research project: «Molecular epidemiology of lung cancer brain metastases»

Aschenbrenner Lara Marie Translational Research Center, University Hospital of Psychiatry Bern Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. phil. Anja Gysin-Maillart Research project: «Neurophysiological Patterns of Suicide Ideators and Suicide Attempters»

Brill Esther University Hospital of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Klöppel Research project: «Tablet based cognitive training: Can a serious game-based cognitive training attenuate cognitive decline related to Alzheimer's disease?»

Dietrich Linda Katharina University Hospital of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychothearpy Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Annekatrin Steinhoff Research project: «Linking social stressors and adolescent self-harm: The roles of systemic inflammation & HPA-axis functioning»

Filchenko Irina Department of neurology, University of Bern, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Claudio Bassetti Research project: «The role of sleep in the evolution of cognitive functioning after stroke»

Fink Erik University Hospital of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Michael Kaess Research project: "Improving prediction, risk stratification and psychotherapy response prognosis of risk-taking and self-injurious behaviour using neurobiological markers"

Frei Adriana Olivia Translational Research Center University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Bern (UPD) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Walther Research project: «Feasibility of ASSIP HT and influence of the brief therapy on neuropsychological correlate»

Gallucci Laura Department of Neurology, Bern University Hospital Thesis Advisor: PD. Dr. Roza Umarova Research project: «Prediction of post-stroke cognitive decline and dementia: impact of cognitive reserve and post-stroke life style»

Geiser Nora Carmen Zentrum für Neurologie und Neurorehabilitation, Luzerner Kantonsspital Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Nyffeler Research project: «Cross-modal interaction after brain lesion - the influence of auditory stimulation on visual neglect»

Gredig Selina lnstitute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Grunt Research project: «Barriers and facilitators for participation in children with cerebral palsy in Switzerland»

Haupt Clemens Alexis University Hospital of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (UPD) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Michael Kaess Research project: "Project ELIPSE (Early Life Intervention in Pediatrics Supported by E-health)"

Holfelder Alexa UPD Bern, Department of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Klöppel Research project: «Remote Memory Clinic»

Jehli -Elisabeth Zentrum für Translationale Forschung, Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste (UPD) Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Werner Strik Research project: «The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis as a key player in paranoia and anxiety»

Krammer Werner Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roland Wiest Research project: «Effects of serotonergic neuromodulation on behavioural recovery and motor network plasticity after cortical ischemic stroke: A longitudinal, placebo-controlled study»

Lysser Yves UPD Bern, University Clinic of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. Jessica Peter Research project: «Reducing hippocampal hyperactivity in Mild Cognitive Impairment»

Menéndez Granda Marta Universitätsklinik für Alterspsychiatrie und Psychotherapie (UPD) Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. Jessica Peter Research project: «Prospective memory and aging: Neural processing routes and the influence of motivation»

Mujanovic Adnan Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, Inselspital Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. med. Johannes Kaesmacher Research project: «REFIT: Reperfusion following Incomplete Thrombectomy»

Nogueira da Silva e Sousa Mario Jorge Parkinson's Disease xMovement Disorders Center, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Paul Krack Research project: «Speech as a potential biomarker for Parkinson’s Disease – from motion to emotion»

Melanie Nuoffer Translational Research Center University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Walther Research project: «Optimizing rTMS stimulation protocols to ameliorate psychomotor slowing in psychosis»

Palermo Luana University Hospital of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychothearpy Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. Marialuisa Cavelti Research project: "The longitudinal course of impairment in personality functioning in adolescent patients"

Piani Maria Chiara Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste UPD Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Thomas König Research project: «Pre-reflective processes of ego pathology in early episode psychosis»

Salzmann Saskia University Hospital for Children, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Regula Everts Research project: "Metacognitive Intervention in youth with Oncological disease - the Mio study"

Schmitt Francesca University Hospital of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychothera Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Michael Kaess Research project: "Mental health in benign and malignant hematological diseases"

Schneider Carlotta Louisa University Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Nissen Research project: «Modulation of sleep perception through auditory closed-loop stimulation of brain oscillatory activity»

Sedlinská Marie-Anna Translational Research Center, UPO Bern, University of Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Anja Carolyn Gysin-Maillart Research project: «Influence of the Brief Therapy ASSIP on Neuropsychological Correlates»

Stoffel Natascha Department of Neurology, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Selma Aybeck Research project: «Approaching Functional Neurological Disorder via Interoception & Oxytocin in the Bayesian Brain»

Stüble Miriam University Hospital of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste (UPD) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jochen Kindler Research project: «Early detection of psychosis and its neurobiological underpinnings»

von Känel Sofie Amanda University Hospital of Psychiatry, University of Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Walther Research project: «Investigating the neural correlates involved during gesture production in patients with depression»

Wild Salome University Hospital of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Michael Kaess Research project: «Sleep P: Sleep Neurophysiology as A Window onto Adolescent Mental Health»

Wicki Korian René Julien UPD / Uniklinik für Alterspsychiatrie und Psychotherapie Thesis Advisor: Dr. Marc Alain Züst Research project: «Preventing cognitive decline using portable, non-invasive sleep enhancement»

Zarafeta Dimitra Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste (UPD) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Leila Tarokh Research project: «Computational Approaches to Understanding the Association Between Sleep and Mental Health»

Zeller Céline Jacqueline UPD / Uniklinik für Alterspsychiatrie und -psychotherapie Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Klöppel Research project: «Improving slow wave sleep by auditory stimulation to enhance memory consolidation and new learning in older individuals with risk for dementia»

Zengaffinen Francilia Sabrina Translational Research Center, University Hospital of Psychiatry Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Werner Strik Research project: «Symptom dimensions in psychopathology: From health to psychosis—Dimension of language and thought disturbance»

Zimmermann Nadja Translational Research Center, University Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Bern Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. Yosuke Morishima Research project: «Aberrant local brain oscillations and cortical connectivity in the prodromal state and early psychosis – a TMS-EEG study»

Amsler Jennifer Inselspital Bern, Department of Rheumatology and Immunology Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Britta Maurer Research project: «Molecular and cellular characterisation of ANCA-associated vasculitis for precision medicine approaches»

Amstutz Deborah Inselspital Bern, Zentrum für Bewegungsstörungen Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Paul Krack Research project: «Apathy and Impulse Control Disorders in Parkinson's Disease - Two Opposite States of a Behavioral Spectrum?»

Andreoti Themis Areti   Inselspital Bern, Universitätsspital Bern Thesis Advisors: Prof. Dr. Jochen Karl Rössler Research project: «Vascular malformations in the era of precision medicine: Clinical, genetic and therapeutic approaches»

Bartkowiak Joanna Columbia Univeristy Medical Centre, Bern University Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Fabien Praz Research project: «Integrating Multimodal Imaging and Clinical Assessment for Improved Outcome Prediction in Transcatheter Mitral and Tricuspid Valve Interventions.»

Baumann Lukas Department of Infectious Diseases, Inselspital Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. Christien Thrunheer Research project: "Immune responses and inflammation following vaccination in immuno-suppressed persons"

Begré Lorin Aaron Department of Infectious Diseases Inselspital, Bern University Hospital Thesis Advisors: Prof. Dr. Andri Rauch Research project: «Understanding treatment outcomes of HIV/HBV coinfection: A prospective cohort of HIV/HBV-coinfected patients in Europe (Euro-B)»

Beyeler Morin Department of Neurology - Inselspital - University Hospital Bern Thesis Advisors: Prof. Dr. Simon Jung Research project: «Use of biomarkers in ischemic stroke)»

Bovermann Xenia Department of Pediatric Pulmonology, University Children`s Hospital, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Latzin Research project: «Automated quality control in lung function measurements and its implementation in longitudinal follow-up in patients»

Brechbühl Daniel Clinic for pediatric neurology, Kinderspital, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisors: Prof. em. Dr. Maja Steinlin Research project: «Childhood arterial ischemic Stroke: an approach to pathophysiology and a more»

de Brito Rodrigues Nunes Maria Lucília Department for BioMedical Research (DBMR) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Annalisa Berzigotti Research project: «Predictors and management of post-banding ulcer bleeding in cirrhosis»

Büchi Annina Elisabeth Universitätsklinik für Pneumologie, Allergologie und klinische Immunologie, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. Sabina Guler Research project: «Electrical Impedance Tomography for the Assessment of Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients with Chronic Lung Diseases»

Catucci Damiano Department of Diagnostics, Interventional and Pediatric Radiology, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. Adrian Thomas Huber Research project: «MAGNIPHICO: MAGnetic resonance imaging for Nonlnvasive characterization of Portal Hypertension In patients with ChrOnic liver disease »

Durand Alexane Divison of Clinical Radiology, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. vet. Daniela Schweizer Research project: «MRI skull stripping in dogs an cats.»

Ferro Desideri Lorenzo Department of Ophthalmology, Inselspital Thesis Advisor: Prof. Martin Zinkernagel Research project: "Investigational clinical and imaging features associated with the clinical course of central serous chorioretinopathy"

Fischer Elia Luca Department of Neurology, Inselspital Thesis Advisors: PD Dr. Dr. Arseny Alexandrovitsch Sokolov Research project: «Gamified assessment and neurorehabilitation of executive deficits in acquired)»

Goldberg Johannes Department of Neurosurgery - Inselspital - Bern University Hospital Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. med. David Bervini Research project: «Screening for unruptured intracranial aneurysms in heavy smokers and value of arterial wall enhancement for follow-up imaging with ultra-high field 7 Tesla MRI»

Göldlin Martina Béatrice   University Clinic for Neurology, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital Thesis Advisors: Prof. Dr. Urs Fischer und David Julian Seiffge Research project: «Classification of intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) subtypes - MRI-based phenotype of small vessel disease»

Gomes Livia Inselspital SWEZ Thesis Advisors: Prof. Dr. Claudio L.A. Bassetti Research project: «Towards new biomarkers in Central Disorders of Hypersomnolence - a microbiome approach»

Gschaidmeier Alisa Madeline Division of Neuropaediatrics, Development and Rehabilitation, Department of Paediatrics, Inselspital Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Grunt Research project: «Effects and mechanisms of Sensory Afferent Electrostimulation (SAES) to improve Upper Limb Function in Children with Hemiparesis»

Henning Nilius Department of Clinical Chemistry, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Nagler Research project: «Improving the value of laboratory tests using machine learning algorithms»

Jakob Julian BIHAM Institute of Primary Health Care Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Reto Auer Research project: «Effects of Electric Nicotine Delivery Systems on pulmonary health in teenagers»

Joliat Gaëtan Romain Department of Visceral Surgery, Lausanne University Hospital CHUV Thesis Advisors: Prof. Markus Schäfer Research project: «Short- and long-term outcomes after pancreas surgery: predictability and prognosis»

Jin Baudouin Zongxin Department of Neurology Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roland Wiest Research project: «Predict and Monitor Epilepsy after a First Seizure: The Swiss-First Study»

Kassar Mohammad Department of Cardiology, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: PD. Dr. med. Nicolas Brugger Research project: «Mitral and Tricuspid Valve Interdependence Following Percutaneous Repair or Replacement Assessed by Multimodality Imaging in Patients with Severe Atrioventricular Valve(s) Regurgitation(s)»

Koch Alexander Department of Paediatrics, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Kopp Research project: «Early Life Intervention in Pediatrics Supported by E-health (ELIPSE) - lowering obesity and second-hand smoke exposure in children»

Kurmann Christoph Carmelino University Hospital Bern, Department of Neuroradiology Thesis Advisors: Prof. Dr. Jan Gralla Research project: «Predicting Brain Eloquence with perfusion imaging using deep-learning: the BENIGN study»

Kolev Mirjam Clinic for visceral surgery and medicine Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Nasser Semmo Research project: «Primary Biliary Cholangitis in the Context of Systematic Autoimmunity»

Lange Naomi Division of Hepatology, University Clinic for Visceral Surgery and Medicine, lnselspital Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Annalisa Berzigotti Research project: «FIMADIA: Non-Invasive Findings of Flbrotic MAFLD Patients in a DIAbetes Outpatient Clinic»

Lenouvel Eric Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern (UPO), Universitätsklinik für Alterspsychiatrie Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Klöppel Research project: «The cognitive basis of fear of falling and its treatment»

Marchionatti Emma Department of Clinical Veterinary Science Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Adrian Steiner Research project: «Use of Octenidine Dihydrochloride for Surgical Antisepsis in Bovine Surgery»

Maradan-Gachet Marie Elise Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Center, Neurology Department, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Paul Krack Research project: «Creativity and hallucinations in Parkinson's disease - Dysfunctional brain networks and the role of dopamine»

Mulder Fanny Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Panchaud Alice Research project: "Pharmaceutical interventions based on interprofessional collaboration in medication management "

Münger Robin Clinic for Paediatric Neurology, University Children's Hospital, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Maja Steinlin Research project: «Childhood arterial ischemic Stroke: clinical and radiological investigation of Focal Cerebral Arteriopathy of the inflammatory type (FCA-i)»

Nitsche Catharina Kinderklinik, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Latzin Research project: «The natural course of allergic diseases in children»

Patt Nadine

Kliniken Valens, Rehabilitationszentrum Valens Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Claudio R. Nigg and Dr. Jens Bansi Research project: «High intensity interval training and energy management education, compared with standard training and progressive muscle relaxation, for improving health-related quality of life in persons with multiple sclerosis: a two-armed randomized controlled superiority trial with six months’ follow-up.»

Parduzi Qendresa Department of Neurosurgery, Luzern Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Kathleen Seidel Research project: "Guiding neurosurgical decisions in a complex clinical context using machine learning in global and focal brain injuries"

Perrodin Stéphanie Dept. of Visceral Surgery and Medicine, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Guido Beldi Research project: «Impact of core muscle training on incisional hernia and pain after abdominal surgery»

de Preux Mathieu Swiss Institute of Equine Medicine (ISME), Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. vet. Christoph Koch Research project: «Percutaneous trigeminal rhizotomy facilitated by neuronavigation for the treatment of trigeminal-mediated headshaking in horses»

Rauch Janis Patricia Department of Neurology Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. David Seiffge Research project: "Recovery trajectories after intracerebral hemorrhage - importance of small vessel disease, neuroimaging and anticoagulation"

Rohner Roman University Institute for Diagnostic and lnterventional Neuroradiology Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Johannes Kaesmacher Research project: «IRIS (lmproving Reperfusion Strategies for lschemic Stroke) lmaging Project - lmaging-based Evaluation of Treatment Effect Heterogeneity of IVT prior to EVT for lschemic Stroke Patients Directly Presenting to EVT-Capable Centres»

Romer Alessia Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. phil. Alice Panchaud Research project: «HYPO - HYpertensive Patients dedicated InterprOfessional model»

Rosner Jan Department of Neurology, Inselspital Bern, University of Bern & Spinal Cord Injury Center, Balgrist University Hospital, University of Zurich Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Claudio Bassetti Research project: «Clinical and Pharmacological Determinants of Central Neuropathic Pain»

Ryser Fabio Department of Rheumatology and lmmunology, Inselspital Bern Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. med. Urs Steiner Research project: «Molecular endotyping and clinical translation of biomarker signatures in autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disorders »

Schanne Daniel Klinik für Radio-Onkologie, Inselspital Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Daniel Matthias Aebersold Research project: «Genetic Signatures of Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.a»

Scharf Tamara Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin (BIHAM) Thesis Advisors: Prof. Dr. Reto Auer Research project: «Reducing Zolpidem and Benzodiazepine prescriptions for chronic insomnia treatment through data driven Quality Circles of primary care physicians)»

Siepen Bernhard Matthias Department of Neurology - lnselspital Bern Thesis Advisors: Prof. Dr. Urs Fischer Research project: «Deciphering outcomes in intracerebral haemorrhage associated with different types of oral anticoagulants)»

Starvaggi Carl Notfallzentrum für Kinder und Jugendliche, Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern Thesis Advisor: PD Dr. med. et phil. Kristina Keitel Research project: «Accelerating the Learning Curve of Orthopedic Surgery Postgraduate Trainees for Pediatric Musculoskeletal Radiograph Interpretation»

Tuleja Aleksandra University Hospital Bern, Department of Angiology Thesis Advisors: Prof. Dr. Yvonne Döring Research project: «Classification and management of extracranial congenital vascular malformations»

Wenz Elena Department of Neurology, Inselspital Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Claudio Bassetti Research project: «Central disorders of hypersomnolence - prevalence, multimodal phenotyping and evolution»

Wernli Ursina Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM), Primary Care Pharmacy Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alice Elke Martine Panchaud Monnat Research project: «Palliative Care Pharmacist at the Interfaces of Interprofessional Palliative Care - a New Role for Pharmacists in Switzerland»

Zangger Martina Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM) Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sven Streit Research project: «Medication Optimization in Primary Health Care: From Evaluation of Optimization Potential to Intervention Design and Spillover Effects»

Universität Bern

Doctoral Program Brain and Behavioral Sciences

Phd program.

The “Doctoral Program for Brain and Behavioral Sciences" establishes and provides a semi-structured, research-oriented post-graduate curriculum for Ph.D. candidates, with the involvement of senior researchers and Ph.D. students working on issues related to brain and behavioral sciences, scientific writing, research methodology, and statistics.

This will be done with the help of content-focused graduate courses, annual summer courses, and by providing an active research network and the necessary infrastructure for high-quality research of selected Ph.D. candidates. For every course they attend, the Ph. D. students will receive a course certificate.

Upon completion of the Doctoral Program, the Ph. D. students will be awarded with a doctoral program certificate.

Logo Uni Bern

PhD Student in Clinical Substance Use Epidemiology

The Institute of Primary Health Care of the University of Bern (BIHAM) is dedicated to train and foster the next generation of primary care physicians and to carry out research in primary health care, epidemiology, and public health. The BIHAM offers a lively, interdisciplinary environment with excellent methodological support and access to a large network of practicing primary care physicians.

We are looking for a PhD Student in Clinical Epidemiology to join the research team of the BIHAM (www.biham.unibe.ch) and work on the 5-years follow-up visits of the ongoing Efficacy, Safety and Toxicology of ENDS (ESTxENDS) randomized controlled trial, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). ESTxENDS is a participatory, interprofessional and interdisciplinary research project of a team of national and international researchers including epidemiologists, qualitative researchers, clinicians, biostatisticians, toxicologists and public health experts. You will work under the guidance of Prof. Dr. med. Reto Auer (head of substance use research at the BIHAM) and associated researchers at BIHAM.

  • Participate in the coordination of the work of study nurses performing the assessments
  • Synthesize and analyze quantitative and qualitative data
  • Present own work at international conferences and publish articles in peer-reviewed journals
  • Assist supervisor in various scientific and administrative activities
  • Collaborate in other projects at the BIHAM substance use unit
  • Highly motivated with a strong interest for substance use and counselling
  • Holding a master's degree in epidemiology, life science, medicine, pharmacy or any degree considered as equivalent
  • Interested in biostatistics and training in statistical programming (STATA/R).
  • German and English (B1 or more), French is a plus
  • Ability to work efficiently, independently and in an interdisciplinary team

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Wissenschaftliches Personal

Phd student (m/f/d) - 335 n/2024.

The Hanseatic city of Rostock is a lively and child-friendly port city on the Baltic Sea. Rostock University Medical Center (www.med.uni-rostock.de) is the maximum care provider for the region of Rostock, a growth region with great potential.

The Translational Neurodegeneration Section “Albrecht Kossel” at the Department of Neurology investigates the molecular causes of neuronal dysfunction in various neurodegenerative diseases. Aiming for the translation of innovative therapies into the clinical neurology, the main focus of the group is the application of human cell models of pathological aging (progeria infantilis and adultorum, down-syndrome), of adult neurodegeneration (ALS/FTD, Parkinson´s disease) and of juvenile neurodegeneration (chorea-acanthocytosis, Niemann pick type C, NCL).

We are currently looking for a PhD student (m/f/d) to start on the 01.01.2025, initially limited to 2 years, with the option for prolongation, paid according to TV-L.

Tender No. 335 N/2024 End of tender: open

Your tasks:

Project title: The role of ER-mitochondria signalling in PRKN-associated Parkinson´s disease

The focus of the project concerns the role of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Parkin in the pathogenesis of Parkinson´s disease. Parkin is critically involved in mitophagy, the regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis, mtDNA maintenance and metabolic function, possibly by regulating the interplay of mitochondria and the ER. In the planned project, we want to investigate how Parkin is involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and mitochondrial DNA maintenance and what role the contact sites between mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum play in this context. The results will help to elucidate at the cellular level how mitochondrial dysfunction is involved in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease.

For this project, neuronal cell cultures from induced pluripotent stem cells obtained from healthy controls and from Parkinson's patients with mutations in Parkin are used. Using state-of-the-art super-resolution live cell microscopy (Airyscan technology), interorganelle structures and functions are investigated, such as the transfer of calcium ions between mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrial DNA, or the function and interaction of different organelles.

In the project, we are working closely with European partners from the University of Luxembourg: Prof. Anne Grünewald from the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) is an expert in the field of Parkin-induced disruption of mitochondrial DNA in the context of Parkinson's disease. Prof. Gunnar Dittmar from the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) works in the field of proteomics analysis using mass spectrometry and will investigate the proteome of different organelle interaction sites.

Your profile:

  • Excellent university degree (Master's or comparable) in biology / biochemistry / biotechnology or related natural sciences
  • Enjoy experimental work and interest in clinically oriented basic research
  • Experience with cell culture and molecular biology methods (microscopy, Western blot, PCR) is an advantage
  • Ability to work independenty and ability to familiarize yourself with new issues
  • Good knowledge of written and spoken English

We offer you:

  • Company health management 
  • Company pension scheme in the VBL   
  • Use of a job ticket (employer subsidy) for local public transport-     
  • Company conditions in Rostock gyms, at selected events and in selected pharmacies   
  • Access to university sports

Please send your complete application documents, quoting the above-mentioned above by e-mail, please only in PDF format as one file, to 


Severely disabled applicants will be given preference when filling vacancies within the framework of thelegal regulations, applicants with disabilities will be given preferential treatment.

Costs incurred in connection with the application cannot be covered.

  • Online Bewerben

For further information please contact:

[email protected]

[email protected]

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Universität Bern

Degree Programs & Courses Doctorate

Public Health Sciences Course Program

The newly established, structured course program in the Public Health Sciences (PHS) aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of Public Health and develop competencies focusing on key methods and applications. The program will be attractive to PhD students working on public health-related topics who want to get ready for a post-doc position in academia or an organization close to science. It will also be useful for post-docs, clinicians and public health practitioners who want to learn about specific topics or methods.

  • Samara Region
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  • List of Research Institutions, Centers and Laboratories

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Oil & Gas Engineering at Samara Polytech

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Welcome to Samara Polytech

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Students Impressions

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We are ranked at THE World Universities Rankings 2021

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Sustainable Development of Samara Polytech

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Russian Language Courses

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Some example text.


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Ompatile Butale, student:

— It was a warm, autumn morning after a 14 hour long train ride from Novomoskovsk, when I first set foot on the land of Samara. My very first experience of Samara State Technical University was at the main building where I handed in my documents. It looked much better than it did when I liked it up on the internet, a beautiful, bright white, multi-storey building. In the office for international students, I was very surprised to meet people who spoke very good English. They are all very kind and helpful. Each time I enter the room they are always happy to see me. After we got my documents sorted out, one young lady from the office at the time kindly offered to drive us to my hostel in her own car, luggage and all!

I’ve made very good friends in the group and I am yet to make more. All my group-mates are intrigued and ask me questions about Africa and my country Botswana and how it’s like. I still do my best to answer all their questions. It would be nice if they could visit and tour the natural beauty of Botswana.

Every semester for three semesters, I attended English language conferences which I enjoyed very much. There is a wide variety of presentations by many bright students with a passion for learning and speaking English. It was also very interesting to listen to and learn from them, as well as from the special guests. In one of the conferences the special guest was a man from America. He made an interesting presentation about Education in America. In the last conference I attended the guest of honour was a Taiwanese lady who gave us an informative about the interesting aspects of the culture of Taiwan. These conferences were a great opportunity to talk about my country. I talked much about the education, engineering and about the culture of Botswana.

One of the greatest attractions in Samara is the Volga River. I remember learning about the Volga in geography class at school. It’s pretty amazing to actually see it live and have the opportunity to visit it regularly.

If you are planning to be a foreign student in SSTU my advice to you would be to study very hard and use this opportunity to learn something new. Do your best to try to understand what is being taught and how it can help you in future. It is easier to be motivated to study and finish projects on time if you know why you are doing it.

I am really happy to be studying in Samara State technical University. It is I wonderful experience I may even share with my grandchildren. I’m sure many other foreign students like me would want to experience this and so I urge them to enroll!

Read full Ompatile's story about living in Samara

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Joel Nkangi, student:

— Studying at SSTU in itself is an experience of its own. Apart from being a historic university in this region, its one of the best of its kind in areas of Engineering, Chemistry and Physics, as its equipped with modern technology. As a student here, you'll be equipped with the necessary skills required to face the demands of the current job market, and with the supportive staff who are at the same time working professionals in their respective fields, you're guaranteed to have the best information you'll ever need from experience after all, who else knows better how to teach a particular trade than a person working in that same trade.

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  • Open Lectures
  • Academic partners
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  • Facts and Figures
  • Technopolis of the Volga region
  • Press Releases
  • Social and recreational facilities
  • Impressions

Universität Bern

Medizinische Fakultät

Graduate schools (md-phd, phd).


  1. 100 zusätzliche Medizin-Studienplätze ab 2018 in Bern

    phd uni bern medizin

  2. 26 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Bern, Switzerland

    phd uni bern medizin

  3. Elias PRIMETIS

    phd uni bern medizin

  4. Zahnmedizin: Universität Bern ist weltweit auf Platz 7

    phd uni bern medizin

  5. Luca VALENTE

    phd uni bern medizin

  6. 112 PhD and academic Positions at The University of Bern

    phd uni bern medizin


  1. Todesfalle Germanische Neue Medizin?

  2. Uni-Besetzung und Pro-Palästina-Protest

  3. Master of Science in Life Sciences

  4. Four international research strengths at the University of Bern you should know

  5. Medizininformatik BFH

  6. Medizin in der Türkei studieren


  1. Research: Graduate Schools (MD-PhD, PhD ...

    The Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences (GCB) of the University of Bern, jointly administered by the Faculties of Medicine, the Faculty of Human Sciences and the Vetsuisse Faculty, offers structured, experimental research training programs leading to a PhD, MD.PhD or DVM.PhD degree.. The PhD program aims to provide comprehensive, internationally competitive training in the ...

  2. Graduate Schools (MD-PhD, PhD)

    Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences (GCB) der Universität Bern wird gemeinsam von der Medizinischen Fakultät, der Philosophisch-humanwissenschaftlichen Fakultät und der Vetsuisse-Fakultät verwaltet. Sie bietet strukturierte, experimentelle Forschungsprogramme, die zu einem PhD-, MD.PhD- oder DVM.PhD-Abschluss führen.

  3. Studies: Graduate Schools (MD-PhD, PhD)

    Studies: Graduate Schools (MD-PhD, PhD) - Faculty of Medicine. Faculty of Medicine. Menu. Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine (IBMM) Institute of Complementary and Integrative Medicine (IKIM) University Hospital of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.

  4. Studies: Doctoral Degree

    As a university with eight faculties offering a full range of courses and an institution with a real emphasis on research, the University of Bern offers early career researchers attractive structures for a promising doctorate. You can either take the doctorate within a graduate school or as part of a doctoral degree program, or you can even ...

  5. PhD Program

    Duration FKI and FKII: The PhD program involves 3 to 4 years of research work, culminating in a doctoral thesis, and requires an individually tailored training program of 18.0 ECTS credit points. Duration FKIII: For candidates in Expert Committee III, the program duration is 4 to 6 years. Degree Awarded: Upon completion of the program ...

  6. MD-PhD Program & MD-PhD Scholarships

    The policy is effective immediately. The maximum allowable for the MD,PhD curriculum is 10 ECTS. This means students pursuing a MD,PhD curriculum who are eligible and are granted the maximum 10 ECTS for prior research work, must acquire a minimum of 21 ECTS earned through courses relevant to their individual PhD project. May 1 2023

  7. MD-PhD Program

    MD-PhD consulting on Wednesday mornings, by telephone 9:00 - 10:00 only, after appointment. Please send an email to the GCB Coordinator, PD Dr. Monica Schaller to make an appointment if you seek advice to organize your MD-PhD. Consultation hour will be once a week (Wednesday morning) from 9:00-10:00 by telephone only due to the COVID-19 ...

  8. Studies: Doctoral Programs

    Phone. +41 31 684 85 41. [email protected]. Besides the graduate schools, doctoral students at the University of Bern also have the option to take a structured doctorate as part of. a doctoral program of the University of Bern. a CUSO doctoral program (programs of the Conférence universitaire de Suisse occidentale (Association of ...

  9. Graduate School for Health Sciences (GHS)

    The Graduate School for Health Sciences (GHS) offers research-oriented curricula on psychological and physiological factors that determine the health of individuals and groups in their social contexts and physical environments. The GHS is an interdisciplinary program jointly organized by the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Human Sciences ...

  10. Studium: Doktoratsstudium

    Doktorieren an der Universität Bern. Sie sind interessiert an eigenständiger Forschungstätigkeit und möchten an der Universität Bern ein Doktorat beginnen? Die Universität Bern als forschungsstarke Volluniversität mit acht Fakultäten bietet Nachwuchsforscherinnen und -forschern attraktive Strukturen für ein vielversprechendes Doktorat.

  11. PhD Candidates

    PhD Candidates. PhD candidates currently carrying out their research projects within the framework of the GHS are listed below, sorted by GHS Expert Committees (FK). Field of expertise of the Expert Committees (FK) are as follows: Expert Committee I (FK I): Individual Factors, Public Health and Methodologies for Health Sciences Research.

  12. Medizinische Fakultät

    Das kompetitive MD-PhD-Grants-Programm der SAMW vergibt individuelle Beiträge, um forschungsinteressierten Ärztinnen und Ärzten ein Doktoratsstudium zu ermöglichen. ... Die Medizinische Fakultät professionalisiert ihre Führung: Das Amt des Dekans bzw. der Dekanin ist ab sofort haupt- anstatt nebenamtlich. ... Universität Bern ...

  13. PhD Program

    The "Doctoral Program for Brain and Behavioral Sciences" establishes and provides a semi-structured, research-oriented post-graduate curriculum for Ph.D. candidates, with the involvement of senior researchers and Ph.D. students working on issues related to brain and behavioral sciences, scientific writing, research methodology, and statistics.

  14. PDF PhD position in Digital Pathology

    The University of Bern is looking for a PhD student / Doctoral Candidate (DC). This DC position is part of the MIRACLE consortium, a Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions Doctoral Network that starts on the 1st of February 2024. ABOUT THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF BERN

  15. Uni Bern: PhD Student in Clinical Substance Use Epidemiology

    The Institute of Primary Health Care of the University of Bern (BIHAM) is dedicated to train and foster the next generation of primary care physicians and to carry out research in primary health care, epidemiology, and public health. The BIHAM offers a lively, interdisciplinary environment with excellent methodological support and access to a large network of practicing primary care physicians.

  16. PhD Student (m/f/d)

    PhD Student (m/f/d) - 335 N/2024 The Hanseatic city of Rostock is a lively and child-friendly port city on the Baltic Sea. Rostock University Medical Center (www.med.uni-rostock.de) is the maximum care provider for the region of Rostock, a growth region with great potential.

  17. Direkteinstiegsseiten: Doktorierende / PhD

    Informationen zum Doktoratsstudium. Bewerbung und Zulassung. Graduate Schools. Doktoratsvereinbarung. Promotionsreglemente und Studienpläne. Bern und seine Umgebung.

  18. Forschung: Dr. med. / Dr. med. dent.

    Wer eine Dissertation einreichen darf. Ärzte/Ärztinnen und Zahnärzte/Zahnärztinnen, die ihr Studium in der Schweiz abgeschlossen haben, sowie Studierende der Medizin und der Zahnmedizin an einer Schweizer Universität dürfen an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Bern eine Dissertation einreichen, die unter der Leitung einer an der Medizinischen Fakultät Bern habilitierten ...

  19. Category:Airports in Samara Oblast

    Main page; Contents; Current events; Random article; About Wikipedia; Contact us; Donate; Help; Learn to edit; Community portal; Recent changes; Upload file

  20. Togliatti State University

    Togliatti State University ( TSU) is a public research university located in Samara Oblast, Russia. It was established on May 29, 2001, as a result of the merger between the Togliatti Polytechnic Institute (founded in 1951) and the Togliatti Branch of Samara State Pedagogical University (founded in 1988). Today, the university is home to over ...

  21. Studies: Public Health Sciences Course Program

    The newly established, structured course program in the Public Health Sciences (PHS) aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of Public Health and develop competencies focusing on key methods and applications. The program will be attractive to PhD students working on public health-related topics who want to get ready for a post-doc position ...

  22. SAMARA POLYTECH Flagship University

    NEWS. 13 Aug 2024. Samara Polytech Held a Summer School "Tools and Means of Automation of Technical Systems". 12 students from African countries studied at our university. 12 Jul 2024. Graduation Day at Samara Polytech. Students completed pre-university course of the Ruissian language. 05 Jul 2024.

  23. Studium: Graduate Schools (MD-PhD, PhD)

    Graduate Schools (MD-PhD, PhD) Die Informationen zu den Graduate Schools wurden verschoben. Sie sind nun im Hauptmenü "Forschung" unter "Akademische Laufbahn" zu finden. Dort hin.

  24. Samara region

    Samara (Сама́ра), called Kuybyshev (Ку́йбышев) from 1935 to 1990, is one of the largest cities in Russia. Its population is 1,172,034 people (2014). Samara is an administrative centre of Samarskaya Oblast. The city was founded in 1586 as a fortress. Now it is an important political, industrial, and cultural center of Russia.