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rice university essay prompts

How to Write the Rice University Essays 2024-2025

rice university essay prompts

Rice University has three supplemental essays. Two of them are required for all applicants, while one of them gives you a choice between two different prompts. If you are applying to the School of Architecture, you are required to write two additional supplemental essays.

Rice is an extremely selective school, which means that your essays need to truly shine, to set you apart from other smart, talented applicants. In this post, we’ll break down each prompt, and explain how to write an excellent response that will maximize your chances of acceptance.

Read these Rice essay examples to inspire your writing.

Rice University Supplemental Essay Prompts

All applicants.

Prompt 1: Please explain why you wish to study in the academic areas you selected. (150 words)

Prompt 2: Based upon your exploration of Rice University, what elements of the Rice experience appeal to you? (150 words)

Prompt 3: The Rice Box: In keeping with Rice’s long-standing tradition, please share an image of something that appeals to you.

Prompt 4: Please respond to one of the following prompts to explore how you will contribute to the Rice community (500 words):

  • Option A: The Residential College System is at the heart of Rice student life and is heavily influenced by the particular cultural traditions and unique life experiences each student brings. What life experiences and/or unique perspectives are you looking forward to sharing with fellow Owls in the residential college system?
  • Option B: Rice is strengthened by its diverse community of learning and discovery that produces leaders and change agents across the spectrum of human endeavor. What perspectives shaped by your background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity inspire you to join our community of change agents at Rice?

Applicants to the School of Architecture

Architecture applicants will not be required to answer Prompt 4 (above). Instead, they will answer Prompts 1-3 above, along with the following:

Prompt 1: Why are you determined to study architecture? Could you please elaborate on your past experiences and how they have motivated you to apply to Rice University and the School of Architecture in particular? (250 words) 

Prompt 2: Please expand on relevant experiences and motivations outside of your academic trajectory that have inspired you to study architecture, focusing on aspects that are not accommodated by other prompts in the application. (250 words)

All Applicants, Prompt 1

Please explain why you wish to study in the academic areas you selected. (150 words).

For this prompt, you want to discuss the reason behind your intended major and why you want to study that subject at Rice. It is particularly important to avoid giving the reader the impression that your chosen major attracts you because of the associated monetary reward or prestige—this will come across as shallow, and your passion for it will be deemed unsustainable. Instead, consider what excites you about your intended field of study, as well as the specific dimensions of this subject that fit your strengths and ambitions.

Instead of mentioning the general advantages of a Rice education, such as the high standard of academic performance and the accomplished faculty, you should discuss explicit offerings such as the Century Scholars Program , which assigns participants a faculty mentor for guidance in undergraduate research.

If you’ve visited the campus, writing about the content of a lecture that you sat in on, or the reflections of current students in the same program can demonstrate your interest in the school. It would also provide a strong basis for your belief that you and Rice’s environment are a match. If you haven’t had such opportunities, do extensive online research to show that you’ve carefully reflected on your compatibility with Rice.

For example:

  • The School of Social Sciences emphasizes the professional development of students through the Gateway Program. If you’re interested in research, there are several social science institutes at Rice, such as the Shell Center for Sustainability and the Houston Education Research Consortium, that focus on understanding and solving specific social issues.
  • In the Wiess School of Natural Sciences, academic programs (such as the Department of Kinesiology) and research organizations (such as the Smalley-Curl Institute, specializing in nanoscience) offer opportunities in unique niches of science that lend themselves to important applications. Here, you will find out that those unique niches include everything from heterogeneous cell systems to plasmids in E.coli. This is the level of specificity that you should strive for.

All Applicants, Prompt 2

Based upon your exploration of rice university, what elements of the rice experience appeal to you (150 words).

In this classic “Why This College?” essay, the goal is to strike a balance between discussing the academic advantages of Rice, and the sociocultural elements of Rice’s campus that dovetail with your personality and goals. You want to be careful to avoid the pitfall of common sentiments—don’t cite the low student-to-faculty ratio and small class sizes that the university’s website advertises, as, while wonderful things, those are features of plenty of other schools as well.

You also want to avoid repeating the benefits of studying your intended major, as Prompt 1 already addresses that topic. Remember, you already only get so much space in your college application, so you don’t want to voluntarily limit yourself even further by repeating information that can already be found elsewhere.

Instead, dig beyond the first page of Rice’s website, to find details about the school that most other applicants do not have, and show Rice admissions officers that you already have a clear sense of how you would fit into their campus community. These could be details about student organizations, study abroad programs, research opportunities, or really anything that takes admissions officers outside of the classroom, to show them what your broader Rice experience would look like.

For example, if you are interested in interdisciplinary studies, you might spend part of your essay talking about your desire to join the Houston Institute Club, whose mission is to “explore the intersection of the humanities with the sciences and technology,” as that would show how this element of your personality overlaps with a feature of Rice.

Alternatively, if activism is important to you, you might mention wanting to join Rice for Black Life, a newly-formed racial justice group that raised almost $100k in a day for organizations fighting anti-Black violence. If you’re not sure exactly what you want to do at Rice, that’s also okay! Nailing down your desire to attend a particular school in the way this kind of essay requires is tricky, but there are a few different strategies you can use for getting started on your research.

Finally, keep an eye on the word count—150 words isn’t many to work with. You probably have a whole bunch of reasons for wanting to attend Rice, but you don’t want this essay to turn into a grocery list, as you need to give yourself room to elaborate on why you’re interested in the opportunities you’ve selected.  So, make sure you keep your focus narrow, on just 1-2 features of Rice that are particularly attractive to you.

All Applicants, Prompt 3

The rice box: in keeping with rice’s long-standing tradition, please share an image of something that appeals to you..

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so choose your image carefully! The image needs to make sense on its own, as you get to include a caption or accompanying essay, but you also want it to tell admissions officers something new about you. For example, if your common app essay is about kayaking, and you include a picture of a kayak, you’re essentially just repeating yourself in visual form.

What you want to do instead is take advantage of this creative “supplement” to show a side of your personality that doesn’t come across anywhere else in your application. College applications are, by their nature, somewhat limited in what they allow you to say about yourself. As you think about what image you want to include, think about something that’s crucial to understanding who you are, but doesn’t come across in your grades, extracurriculars, or essays.

That could be a photo of your childhood teddy bear, as that would show admissions officers you are sentimental, and hold onto things that are important to you. Alternatively, you could include a picture of your collection of Taylor Swift CDs, as that will show them that, when you love something or someone, you are dedicated and passionate.

While the Rice Box is a great chance for you to get creative, you don’t want to get too creative, as, again, you aren’t able to include any explanation with your image. So, if you include a photo of an abstract painting you did, admissions officers might not understand what they’re looking at. Make sure your image can stand alone, but other than that, don’t be afraid to (despite this prompt’s reference to the “Rice Box”) think outside the box here!

All Applicants, Prompt 4, Option A

The residential college system is at the heart of rice student life and is heavily influenced by the particular cultural traditions and unique life experiences each student brings. what life experiences and/or unique perspectives are you looking forward to sharing with fellow owls in the residential college system (500 words).

Rice’s Residential College System randomly places students in one of eleven colleges and the majority of students live in their college for all four years. Rice considers diversity of perspective and experience fundamental to the success of the Residential College System, so your response should demonstrate how you would add to this system and the broader Rice community. 

Although the question is framed around the Residential College System, this is a classic example of the Diversity Essay . That means you want to focus on some aspect of your background, culture, or life experiences that has given you a unique perspective to share with other Rice students.

The prompt itself casts quite a wide net, by asking you to write about your “life experiences and/or unique perspectives.” That certainly includes race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and other aspects of our identities that people often associate with diversity. But you could also talk about your passion for Egyptian mythology, or your family’s love of fishing, or really anything that has been influential in making you who you are today.

Once you have selected a topic, you want to be sure to show, not tell, as you explain how this part of your identity would enrich Rice’s residential community. In other words, use examples to show how going on fishing trips every summer (for example) has shaped your personality. Don’t just say “Fishing has taught me patience and respect for the natural world.” Rather, describe an experience that helped teach you those lessons. That detail will give your reader a much clearer sense of exactly how you grew into the person you are today, and how you see yourself sharing your values with your peers at Rice.

As you flesh out the feature of your identity you’ve chosen to focus on, you want to make sure that you address the “Residential College System” component of this prompt, as Rice admissions officers aren’t just looking for a diversity essay. They also want you to connect your experiences to this feature of their school, which would play a huge part in your experience there.

In drawing this connection, you want to go beyond generic college tropes like late-night conversations with your roommate, as those are things you can find at any school. Instead, find some element of the Residential College System specifically that you’re intrigued by. Obviously, you don’t know which college you would be sorted into, but detail will still show Rice admissions officers that you’re genuinely interested in this feature of their school.

For example, if your essay is about coming to terms with your sexuality, and how today you are finally unafraid to express yourself in whatever way feels best, you could connect that to Brown college’s holiday decoration contest, and how your flair and confidence would make you a serious contender.

One last word of advice: make sure this supplement gives your reader new information. The broad scope of the prompt means you may be inspired to write about something you have already written about elsewhere in your application (in your common app essay, for example). But space in college applications is already incredibly limited, so you don’t want to voluntarily limit yourself even further by passing up one of the opportunities you do have to share something new with admissions officers.

All Applicants, Prompt 4, Option B

Rice is strengthened by its diverse community of learning and discovery that produces leaders and change agents across the spectrum of human endeavor. what perspectives shaped by your background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity inspire you to join our community of change agents at rice (500 words).

Like the first option for this prompt, this is a good example of the common Diversity Essay , but without the twist of incorporating Rice’s Residential College System. So, much of what we wrote above applies here too: you want to select some aspect of your identity that you feel is particularly important to understanding who you are overall, and use anecdotes to explain how this aspect has shaped you.

As noted in our breakdown of the first option, the part of your identity you focus on can be just about anything. In this prompt, the phrasing is slightly different, but Rice is still intentionally casting a wide net with the line “background, experiences, upbring, and/or racial identity.”

Do keep in mind that, after the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action , the way colleges evaluate race in admissions will be different this year. While schools can no longer factor race into their broader admissions strategies, they can still consider it on an individual level, through essays. So, if you would like to share how your racial background has shaped you and inspires you to become an agent of change, you’re welcome to do so here.

As an example of a good topic, you could write about how your parents immigrating from Costa Rica and speaking Spanish to you at home taught you the value of working to preserve the things that are most important to you. But you could also write about something more unconventional, like how helping organize files at your dad’s law firm every summer showed you that every great achievement is the sum of many small, seemingly insignificant actions.

Neither approach is better or worse than the other. Just ask yourself honestly which aspect of your identity (which you have not already shared elsewhere in your application) is most important for admissions officers to know about, and structure your response around it.

What you do want to make sure to include in your response is a broader takeaway, along the lines of the ones highlighted in our examples above. Remember that Rice admissions officers are trying to get a sense of what you would look like as a member of their campus community, so they need to know more than just “my parents spoke Spanish to me at home” or “I worked at my dad’s law firm in the summer.”  

They also need to understand why these experiences are relevant to understanding what you’d look like as a Rice student, so make sure your response answers that question. For example, for the above examples, the Costa Rican student might write that they were once speaking Spanish in a grocery store with their mom when a stranger made a xenophobic comment and told them to speak English. Because she feels most connected to her roots when speaking Spanish, she wanted others to have a supportive space to learn and speak Spanish (both heritage speakers and non-heritage speakers), so she started a Spanish club at school and put on cultural events. She can write that she wants to continue to foster these spaces at Rice and beyond.

School of Architecture Applicants, Prompt 1

Why are you determined to study architecture could you please elaborate on your past experiences and how they have motivated you to apply to rice university and the school of architecture in particular (250 words).

This is an example of the traditional “Why This Major” essay, that you will likely become familiar with as you work through your supplements. Rice wants to know two things: why you want to study architecture, and why Rice is a good fit for you to pursue your architectural goals. Remember that you’ll also be submitting your response to Prompt 1, which is also about your academic interests, so be sure that this essay presents new information and isn’t repetitive. 

In fleshing out your motivation for studying architecture, you want to draw on your past experiences to demonstrate your personal connection to the subject. If you rely on abstract theories of how to design windows, or spend 200 of your 250 words talking about why Frank Lloyd Wright is your favorite architect, admissions officers will likely want to accept him, or install a new window in their house, rather than accept you.

Instead, you could talk about how your town renovated its bus station when you were starting high school, and your fascination with the choices they made to ensure the station would still run efficiently even during snowy winters. Rather than just telling your readers that you’re interested in infrastructure, you ground this interest in a personal narrative, which gives them a much clearer understanding of why you’re drawn to architecture.

You can also take a longitudinal approach to this essay, by explaining how your passion for architecture unfolded over time. 

For example, you could begin by describing your sense of wonder the first time you saw The Vessel in Hudson Yards, a relatively new development in New York City. You could then transition into talking about how, when you started researching the project, you learned about the controversial tax breaks the Hudson Yards development project received, which prompted a broader interest in the political side of architecture.

Regardless of the approach you take, you want to be sure that you don’t just answer “Why architecture?” but also “Why architecture at Rice ?” Rice isn’t the only school with an architecture program, so you want to make sure you explain why you are interested in theirs in particular.

For the bus station example, you could connect that experience to your hope to work with Professor Georgina Baronian, whose work explores “the interrelation of climate and aesthetics.” For the Hudson Yards example, you could talk about how you hope to delve deeper into the intersection between architecture and politics through courses like ARCH 350 (2): HOUSE: Historical, Representational, Political, which “considers the house typology as a connective thread through history with embedded representational imagery and political implications.” These connections to Rice specifically will give admissions officers confidence that you are ready to take advantage of all that Rice’s architecture program has to offer.

School of Architecture Applicants, Prompt 2

Please expand on relevant experiences and motivations outside of your academic trajectory that have inspired you to study architecture, focusing on aspects that are not accommodated by other prompts in the application. (250 words).

The key to this prompt is the phrase “outside of your academic trajectory.” You already have two essays that give you space to talk about your academic interest in architecture. But choosing a major, and potentially a career, is about more than just books and classes. In this essay, you want to show admissions officers what broader fulfillment architecture gives you, to the point that you want to dedicate your higher educational experience to the field.

There’s no one right way to do that, but one approach is to consider your informal experiences, or self-motivated educational endeavors, that contributed to your interest in architecture. That could be the story of how as a child you used to hold screws in place for your dad when he was building you the bunk bed you’d always wanted. 

Alternatively, you could talk about how watching a documentary on Italian Renaissance architecture inspired you to want to build something as beautiful and enduring as the duomo in Siena. Or you could connect your interest in architecture to more general values you hold, by, for example, describing how architecture allows you to combine your love of beautiful things with your belief in the importance of efficiency.

The only real rule here is that you’re honest. If you’re having a hard time crafting your response to this prompt, take a step back, from the essay and from your application to Rice in general, and ask yourself honestly: Why do I want to study architecture? In sports, athletes sometimes talk about the importance of never losing your love for the game, and a similar idea applies here. When you’re not in class or discussing building codes, what makes your heart burn for architecture? That’s the question you want to answer in this essay.

Where to Get Your Rice Essays Edited

Do you want feedback on your Rice essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

Need feedback faster? Get a  free, nearly-instantaneous essay review  from Sage, our AI tutor and advisor. Sage will rate your essay, give you suggestions for improvement, and summarize what admissions officers would take away from your writing. Use these tools to improve your chances of acceptance to your dream school!

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Rice University Supplemental Essays 2024-25 – Prompts and Advice

July 30, 2024

Rice University, the STEM powerhouse in Houston, Texas, accepted just under 8% of applicants into their Class of 2028. Given that the applicant pool—including the 92% who are ultimately rejected—are all immensely talented and qualified, any aspiring Rice student needs to find ways to stand out on their application. One such way is through the Rice supplemental essays.

 (Want to learn more about How to Get Into Rice? Visit our blog entitled:  How to Get into Rice University: Admissions Data and Strategies  for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

When evaluating applicants, Rice University places a strong emphasis on the quality of one’s essays. Below are Rice’s four supplemental prompts for the 2024-25 admissions cycle along with our advice for creating a committee-swaying admissions essay.

Rice Supplemental Essays – Prompt #1

1) please explain why you wish to study in the academic areas you selected above. (150 word limit)..

Share an authentic story here of why you are interested in your selected discipline (or disciplines). What books have you read on the subject? Which documentaries have you watched? What podcasts have you listened to? What subtopics most intrigue you? Did a teacher excite you about a topic, or was it a parent or outside mentor? Do you know where you want to take this knowledge post-bachelor’s degree? Do you aim to one day go on to pursue a graduate/professional degree or is there an occupation you are shooting for right out of undergrad? Which classes are you excited to take? What do you hope to research as an undergrad? Include as much detail as possible in this very limited 150-word space.

You can structure the narrative of this essay as a succinct but comprehensive soup-to-nuts chronicle of your entire journey toward your discipline of interest (even in limited space) or you could share one or two vignettes that illustrate your burgeoning passion for engineering, history, French, computer science, business, psychology, etc.

Rice Supplemental Essays – Prompt #2

2) based upon your exploration of rice university, what elements of the rice experience appeal to you (150 word limit.).

The admissions committee wants to know why you desire to pursue your studies at Rice. However, with only 150 words to play with, you’ll have to make every sentence count.

In general, make sure to:

  • Cite specific academic programs , professors , research opportunities , internship/externship programs , study abroad program s, student-run organizations , etc.
  • Explain how you will take advantage of the university’s endless resources both inside and outside of the classroom.

Examples of items that quality “Why Rice?” essays touch upon include:

  • Ample opportunities for mentored research with faculty as an undergraduate.
  • Rice’s mission/vision.
  • Desire to participate in some of the  300 student-led organizations on campus.
  • Lastly, one of Rice’s study abroad opportunities that appeals to you.

Rice Supplemental Essays – Prompt #3

Choose 1 of 2 (500 words):

1) Rice is strengthened by its diverse community of learning and discovery that produces leaders and change agents across the spectrum of human endeavor. What perspectives shaped by your background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity inspire you to join our community of change agents at Rice?

Take note of the wide-open nature of this prompt. You are essentially invited to talk about any of the following topics:

  • A perspective you hold
  • An experience you had
  • A community you belong to
  • Your cultural background
  • Your family background

Although this prompt’s open floor plan may feel daunting, a good tactic is to first consider what has already been communicated within your Common App personal statement, activities list, and other Rice essays. What important aspects of yourself have not been shared (or sufficiently discussed)? Then, which aspect best showcases your potential to be a leader and/or change agent within a particular space?

The admissions officer reading your essay is hoping to connect with you through your written words, so—within your essay’s reflection—be open, humble, thoughtful, inquisitive, emotionally honest, mature, and/or insightful about what you learned and how you grew. No matter what type of story you tell, the goal is to have the reader come away saying, “I can definitely see this applicant as a contributing member of our talented and engaged student community.”

2) The Residential College System is at the heart of Rice student life and is heavily influenced by the particular cultural traditions and unique life experiences each student brings. What life experiences and/or unique perspectives are you looking forward to sharing with fellow Owls in the residential college system?

Your answer here could be about an ethnic, religious, or neighborhood community/identity or a group of individuals who gather for a club, sport, or service project. Perhaps you are the captain of a team, the editor-in-chief of your school paper, or the president of a club—on the other hand, you may simply be a valuable contributing member. Regardless of whether you are a leading man/woman or a still-essential bit player, make sure that you use your writing ability to show the admissions officer what type of community member you are rather than merely telling them. Of course, they are also interested in your “life perspectives,” which are typically more engaging when shown through examples versus delivered through “I” statements.

Rice Supplemental Essays (Continued)

You can also discuss how you have engaged with your high school local/community and what you have learned from interacting with people of a different ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual identity, etc. Draw on past evidence of your commitment to being a positive force in your community and speculate how that is likely to manifest on Rice’s campus. Research and cite Rice student-run organizations, local nonprofit groups, or anything else you are drawn to. The admissions committee wants to understand precisely how you will contribute to their campus community of 8,000+ undergrads. In summary, drawing the link between your past efforts and future aims is critical here.

Rice University Supplement – “The Box”

The rice box: in keeping with rice’s long-standing tradition, please share an image of something that appeals to you..

Take them at their word here that “The Box” is “not used for evaluative purposes.” As such, you shouldn’t spend hours assembling the perfect collage or designing your own symbol from scratch. Think of this as your signature on your Rice application. You can be straightforward, silly, serious, or sincere. Also, heed their advice that the image can be something “aside from what you have achieved.” Therefore, you shouldn’t feel pressured to insert a picture of a robot you built or a trophy you won.

How important are the Rice supplemental essays?

The essays are “very important” to the Rice admissions committee. The following factors are equally important: the rigor of one’s secondary school record. GPA, class rank, recommendations, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, talent/ability, and character/personal qualities. Clearly, Rice University weighs your essays heavily in their evaluation of your candidacy.

Want personalized assistance?

Lastly, if you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your Rice supplemental essays, we encourage you to get a quote  today.

Need additional writing assistance? Check out the following blogs:

  • Common App Essay Prompts
  • 10 Instructive Common App Essay Examples
  • College Application Essay Topics to Avoid
  • How to Quickly Format Your Common App Essay
  • Should I Complete Optional College Essays?
  • How to Brainstorm a College Essay
  • 25 Inspiring College Essay Topics
  • “Why This College?” Essay Examples
  • How to Write the Community Essay
  • College Essay

Dave Bergman

Dave has over a decade of professional experience that includes work as a teacher, high school administrator, college professor, and independent educational consultant. He is a co-author of the books The Enlightened College Applicant (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016) and Colleges Worth Your Money (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).

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Rice University 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

Regular Decision: 

Regular Decision Deadline: Apr 30

Rice University 2024-25 Application Essay Question Explanations

The Requirements: 2 essays of 150 words; 1 essay of 500 words; 1 image

Supplemental Essay Type(s): Community , Why, Diversity

The Admission Committee is interested in getting to know each student as well as possible through the application process. Please respond to each of the following prompts.

Please explain why you wish to study in the academic areas you selected. (150 word limit).

Consider this the prologue to your Why essay (coming up next). To nail this question, set aside an hour or so to get cozy with the Rice website and read up on your academic school and other aspects of student life. Doing all of your research at once will allow you to tell a cohesive story about yourself, while also ensuring that your essays aren’t redundant. Pour all of your academic focus into your answer to this question. What do you love about your chosen major? If you’re interested in the Visual and Dramatic Arts program, can you describe the unique opportunities you’ll find at Rice University? What resources are available to undergrads and how will they guide your craft? If you’re undecided, think about what makes Rice the ideal environment for academic exploration. How do you plan to hone in on the perfect major? The more detail you include, the more admissions will learn about you.

Based upon your exploration of Rice University, what elements of the Rice experience appeal to you? (150 word limit)

Keep the rich details flowing in this classic Why essay. Demonstrating a deep level of knowledge will show admissions that you’re a serious applicant. Even if you hadn’t heard of Rice before your guidance counselor suggested it, take the time to reflect on what makes you excited about the prospect of being a student there. Since you just wrote about why Rice’s majors and/or academics appeal to you for the first prompt, don’t hesitate to address residence life or campus activities in your response to this question. Admissions wants to know that you will not only thrive as a student, but also as a transplant living in their city. Does Rice have a club or volunteer organization that you really want to join? Did you fall in love with Houston when you came to visit last spring and now feel like a Texan at heart? What excites you about the prospect of sporting blue and grey next year?

Please respond to one of the following prompts to explore how you will contribute to the Rice community (in 500 words or fewer):

1. the residential college system is at the heart of rice student life and is heavily influenced by the particular cultural traditions and unique life experiences each student brings. what life experiences and/or unique perspectives are you looking forward to sharing with fellow owls in the residential college system.

This prompt is a spin on the classic Community Essay : what do you bring with you to contribute within the residential college system, specifically? Consider your hobbies, culture, and any other extracurricular activities you do just because you love them. One great way to choose a topic is to ask yourself: if I had a podcast, what would it be about? More than likely, you’ll come up with a topic that not only interests you, but you also want to share with the world. Along with pinpointing what you’re passionate about, try to think of how you can enrich the lives of your peers. Do you teach a craft? Do you strongly believe in paying it forward? What would your friends say is your “superpower”? These are all ways to break into a discussion of what you bring to the table and what you would do to enrich your new community.

2. Rice is strengthened by its diverse community of learning and discovery that produces leaders and change agents across the spectrum of human endeavor. What perspectives shaped by your background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity inspire you to join our community of change agents at Rice?

Odds are that this isn’t the first Diversity Essay prompt you’ve come across this year. If it is, however, please read on. Rice wants to accept students from a range of backgrounds who will contribute to their community, so tell admissions about what makes you you and how you will strive for positive change within the student body. Think about times when people have been intrigued by or curious about your identity, skillset, or background. Maybe you began practicing meditation and Buddhism during your sophomore year and you hope to spread some wisdom and mindfulness on campus next fall. Perhaps your parents emigrated from Ukraine, and you intend to raise awareness or funds for refugees. What do you hope to share with others about your lived experience? How will you incorporate this element of your identity to enrich the world around you? Show admissions that you’re eager to make your mark in their community. Bonus points if you can reference a specific component of the Rice experience (think clubs, classes, residential colleges, volunteer opportunities, etc.) as a natural stepping stone on your personal journey of leadership and progress.

In keeping with Rice’s long-standing tradition (known as “The Box”), please share an image of something that appeals to you. See the Help Section for more information.

The final piece to Rice’s supplement isn’t an essay at all. Rice understands that a picture is worth a thousand words (or so we’ve been told). So instead of having you write a thousand words (which sounds exhausting), Rice University is asking you to upload a picture of something that appeals to you. When brainstorming which image to choose, think about your goals and passions. If you’re hoping to declare an English major, maybe your photo of choice is the Pulitzer Prize. If you are hoping to develop your business management skills at Rice, maybe you want to share the photo your mom took of you devouring pizza at student-run The Hoot this spring. Regardless of which direction you choose to take, what matters most is that your image communicates something hyper-personal, and/or reveals new information about you, your interests or your goals that is not covered anywhere else on your application.

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– CEA Parent, Rice University, Class of 2025

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July 30, 2024

Rice University Supplemental Essay Prompts & The Box: 2024-2025

Rice University building

Rice University has released its 2024-2025 supplemental essay prompts for applicants to the Class of 2029. In all, Rice asks applicants to respond to three supplemental essay prompts — two essays of 150 words and one essay of 500 words. For the 500-word essay, there are two options from applicants are asked to choose one. In addition, as is tradition, Rice applicants are asked to include an image that represents them with their Rice supplement. So, what exactly are this year’s essays for the Rice Class of 2029?

2024-2025 Rice Essay Topics & The Box

150 word essay prompts.

Rice applicants are asked to answer the first two essay prompts in a maximum of 150 words. These two prompts are as follows:

1. Please explain why you wish to study in the academic areas you selected. 

This prompt is a straight-up-the-middle Why Major essay. As such, students should write an origin story of their interest in their chosen field. The origin story should take place in high school rather than in childhood. Applicants should make the story interesting rather than tout their strengths in the given area since bragging is an implausible way to inspire admissions officers to root for applicants. 

2. Based upon your exploration of Rice University, what elements of the Rice experience appeal to you? 

This prompt is a straight-up-the-middle Why College essay . It should thus be filled with specifics on why a student wishes to attend Rice — programs, institutes, the culture, traditions, activities, and more. Notice we didn’t mention classes or professors. Classes change. Professors leave. It’s about capturing the enduring specifics of Rice.

If an applicant writes a sentence that can apply to schools other than Rice, we recommend deleting it. Every sentence in this essay should be specifically tailored to Rice. That’s the game!

500 Word Essay Prompts

For the third Rice essay, applicants are asked to answer one of the following two essay prompts in up to 500 words:

1. Please respond to one of the following prompts to explore how you will contribute to the Rice community:

  • The Residential College System is at the heart of Rice student life and is heavily influenced by the particular cultural traditions and unique life experiences each student brings. What life experiences and/or unique perspectives are you looking forward to sharing with fellow Owls in the residential college system?

Rice’s admissions committee seeks to admit a diverse incoming class and while the United States Supreme Court outlawed the practice of Affirmative Action , Chief Justice John Roberts left an opening in college essays.

As he wrote in his majority opinion, “At the same time, as all parties agree, nothing in this opinion should be construed as prohibiting universities from considering an applicant’s discussion of how race affected his or her life, be it through discrimination, inspiration, or otherwise.”

Herein lies that opening. But, of course, students do not need to be underrepresented minorities to answer this question powerfully. The question is purposely broad. As such, students can write about the communities in which they were raised, their cultural traditions, their faith, or any other such topic that ideally showcases how they think and what makes them tick.

  • Rice is strengthened by its diverse community of learning and discovery that produces leaders and change agents across the spectrum of human endeavor. What perspectives shaped by your background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity inspire you to join our community of change agents at Rice?

This question is similar to the first option for the third Rice essay prompt, but it leans more heavily on being a change agent. Rice’s admissions committee wants to see how a student’s background or experiences shape who they are and how they hope to create the world they wish to see. Applicants should be specific instead of broad — think saving the bees rather than saving the world from climate change.

The Rice Box

One of Rice’s longstanding traditions is “The Box,“ a question on our application where we ask all of our applicants to share an image of something that appeals to them. The Box gives you the opportunity to present us with an image that shares something about yourself, your interests or what is meaningful to you. This image is not used for evaluative purposes in the application, but allows you to put your stamp on the application about who you are aside from what you have achieved. Be sure to choose an image that speaks for itself and does not need an explanation. The Box must be a two-dimensional image that is uploaded in the Common Application or Apply Coalition with Scoir, or uploaded in the Rice Admission Student Portal.

The image that a student uploads should be consistent with their hook. If they’re astrophysicists, the image should ideally relate to the stars. If they’re Classists, it should relate to the Classics. Too many applicants merely upload a silly image, a wasted opportunity. Beyond the essays, The Box is another opportunity to showcase intellectual curiosity.

Ivy Coach’s Assistance with Rice Essays

If you’re interested in optimizing your case for admission to Rice by submitting essays that inspire admissions officers to root for you, fill out Ivy Coach ’s free consultation form , and we’ll be in touch to outline our college admissions counseling services for seniors.

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5 Tips for Writing the Perfect Rice Essay Supplement

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College Essays


Rice University is one of the top 20 universities in the nation , and to get in, you need more than just awesome grades and test scores—you need a compelling Rice essay. The Rice application requires several essays depending on the school you're applying to at the university. So what should you write about for each Rice essay to make your application as strong as it can be?

We'll explain what the Rice supplement is and go over the Rice University essay prompts you'll see on your application. Then, we'll give you expert tips on how to answer each essay prompt so you'll have an even better shot at getting accepted to this prestigious university!

Feature Image: faungg's photos /Flickr

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What Is the Rice Supplement?

Like many colleges, Rice has a supplement that requires applicants to submit additional info to the school—that is, info not included in the Common Application or Apply Coalition with Scoir .

The Rice writing supplement consists of several essay and short answer prompts, which most undergraduate applicants (though not all—we'll explain this in more detail shortly) must answer for their applications. These supplementary questions ask about applicants' choice of academic field, reasons for applying to Rice, and so on.

In addition, as part of the Rice supplement, all applicants must upload an image that depicts something that appeals to them or is important to them . This requirement, called "The Box," isn't an essay, but it plays just as important a role in the application process. So choose a picture wisely!

Once you've answered all these questions and uploaded an image, you can submit your Rice supplement along with the rest of your application.

What exactly are the Rice University essay prompts you need to answer? Let's take a look.

What Are the Rice University Essay Prompts?

There are six Rice University essay prompts in total ; however, feel free to relax a little since you won't need to respond to all these prompts on your application. This is because the Rice University essay prompts you must answer will vary depending on the school you're applying to at Rice .

Below are all the current Rice University essay prompts, organized by what types of applicants are required to answer which ones.

All Applicants

There are four essays that all applicants must submit to Rice.

The first of these is a personal essay that responds to one of the essay prompts provided by either the Common App or Apply Coalition with Scoir (depending on which system you're using). This essay should be about 500–550 words long and must be no longer than 650 words.

Both the Common App and Apply Coalition include several essay prompts from which you can choose. We won't be listing those prompts here, but you can find them in our guides to the Common App and Coalition App essay prompts .

In addition to the Common App or Apply Coalition personal essay, all applicants must submit three short answers as part of the Rice supplement . Your answers to the first two of these questions will be much shorter than your personal essay, at just 150 words max per response.

Here are the first two short-answer prompts:

Please explain why you wish to study in the academic areas you selected above.

Based upon your exploration of Rice University, what elements of the Rice experience appeal to you?

The third supplemental essay is longer, at 500 words max , and you'll need to choose between two prompts to answer:

Please respond to one of the following prompts to explore how you will contribute to the Rice community: Option 1: The Residential College System is at the heart of Rice student life and is heavily influenced by the particular cultural traditions and unique life experiences each student brings. What life experiences and/or unique perspectives are you looking forward to sharing with fellow Owls in the residential college system? Option 2: Rice is strengthened by its diverse community of learning and discovery that produces leaders and change agents across the spectrum of human endeavor. What perspectives shaped by your background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity inspire you to join our community of change agents at Rice?


If you're into architecture, you'll need to answer these next two Rice University essay prompts.

School of Architecture Applicants ONLY

Applicants to the Rice School of Architecture must submit all of the above PLUS two more short answers (again, these are part of the Rice supplement). Your answer to each question must be no longer than 250 words , giving you a little more space to work with compared with the two short-answer questions above.

Here are the current Rice University essay prompts for School of Architecture applicants:

All Rice University Essay Prompts, Analyzed

Now that we've seen all the Rice University essay prompts, let's analyze them one at a time to see how you can answer them effectively.

Rice Supplement 1: Short Answer (All Applicants)

This first short answer wants you to summarize your (main) intended field of study as well as any other fields you're interested in studying at Rice. It's a deceptively simple prompt that's about a lot more than just what you plan to study at Rice.

The crux of this essay isn't just summarizing your major—it's explaining why you've chosen this field and why Rice specifically will be a good fit for your goals and interests .

Here are the questions this prompt is really asking you to answer:

  • Why do you want to study this particular field?
  • Why do you think Rice is a good fit for you and your academic interests?

As you write your response, try to focus on specifics . Don't just say you've always had an interest in writing stories. What specifically drove you to declare a major in English? For instance, you could discuss your deep fascination with Shakespeare, specifically with Macbeth , and how you're excited about Rice's array of Shakespeare-centered classes .

If you have enough space (remember that your answer can only be 150 words max), you could also (or instead) elaborate on what you plan to do with your intended major after college and how Rice will help you achieve this goal . If you're hoping to study music, for example, you could write about how you believe Rice's Navigating Music Careers portal and accomplished music faculty will help prepare you for establishing a successful career in music.

If you're still undecided about what you want to major in, this is a great time to explain what kinds of fields you're considering studying and why they intrigue you. Maybe you recently developed an interest in architecture after seeing the famous Gateway Arch in St. Louis and are now thinking of taking some architecture classes at Rice.

Whatever the case, be clear about what you (might) want to study and why .


What do you want to study at Rice—and why?

Rice Supplement 2: Short Answer (All Applicants)

Unlike the prompt above, this prompt is not limited to academics (though you are welcome to talk about those here as well, as long as you don't repeat anything you wrote for your other short answer). Basically, Rice just wants to know this: why Rice?

This prompt is actually a variation of the "why this college?" essay , which many colleges ask for in their applications. Specifically, this prompt is asking you to focus on why Rice is an ideal fit for you .

Here are some examples of topics you could write about:

  • A particular academic program or major you're interested in doing, possibly one that's not offered elsewhere or is somewhat rare
  • The small community atmosphere at Rice and the fun activities and traditions it offers students , such as O-Week and Beer Bike
  • The diversity of the Rice student body and why this positive, blended environment would be ideal for you as a student
  • Its urban location in Houston and how you intend to use the resources of the big city to further your academic or professional interests
  • A certain professor or faculty member whom you wish to work with

Remember to be specific —don't just say you're interested in Rice because it's known for quality research or because it's ranked highly on many "best colleges" lists. What specific features does Rice have that made you apply?

If you're not sure what to write about for this Rice essay, I recommend doing some research on Rice. Start by visiting the official Rice website to see what the school offers in terms of academics, extracurricular activities, professional opportunities, internships, study abroad programs, etc. You can read more about anything that sticks out to you or resonates with your interests.

You can also refer to community-based websites, such as College Confidential and Reddit , to see what current students have to say about life at Rice.

Rice Supplement 3: Essay (All Applicants)

The third essay in the Rice supplement offers a choice of two prompts. Aside from the Common App or Apply Coalition with Scoir personal essay, this is the longest Rice essay you'll write for your application .   You have a limit of 500 words , which should give you plenty of space to delve into the details of yourself and what you'll contribute to the community at Rice.

So what are these prompts asking you to do exactly? Both options are essentially a diversity essay prompt . But let's discuss one prompt at a time.

Option 1: The Residential College System is at the heart of Rice student life and is heavily influenced by the particular cultural traditions and unique life experiences each student brings. What life experiences and/or unique perspectives are you looking forward to sharing with fellow Owls in the residential college system?

Option 1 basically has two parts: the first asks what makes you different from other applicants and what qualities you bring to Rice. The second part focuses on Rice's residential college system , which is founded on the principles of diversity and communty; that part of the prompt asks you to describe how your cultural background or past experience will shape your contribution to your assigned residential college.

Note the significance of the word "unique" in the prompt here—this is the crux of what you should write about in your essay. What specific distinctive qualities do you have that you think will make a positive contribution to the Rice community?

Here are some sample topics you could write about for this Rice essay:

  • A particular skill you have —for example, maybe you often play classical guitar music to calm down your younger sibling at home, and you think this skill could help students (and yourself) feel better during finals week at Rice
  • A positive personality trait you have , such as optimism or dedication, and how this trait has helped you in life and could help you and others at Rice as well
  • A cultural, religious, or ethnic background you have that is important to you in your daily life and that you feel will help increase the diversity at Rice
  • Any unique experiences that are significant to you or have had a major impact on how you define yourself —perhaps you've lived in many countries and believe these experiences of constantly having to adapt to new cultures and lifestyles might help you (and others!) with transitioning to life at Rice

Option 2: Rice is strengthened by its diverse community of learning and discovery that produces leaders and change agents across the spectrum of human endeavor. What perspectives shaped by your background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity inspire you to join our community of change agents at Rice?

Option 2, meanwhile, asks you to share how at least one aspect of your background or identity—whether you define that by your race, ethnicity, spirituality, sex or gender, sexual orientation, how you were raised, or a particular experience—has shaped your worldview. It then asks you to explain and why that perspective makes you want to attend Rice specifically.

With this essay, keep in mind the particular use of the phrase "change agents."  The university is representing itself as a community of students who want to make a difference in the world, so given your upbringing, experiences, values, or identity, in what  specific  are would you like to have a positive impact? For example, does being a first-generation college student inspire you to become a peer mentor with Rice's Student Success Initiatives ? Did volunteering at a food bank every Thanksgiving with your family make you passionate about the service learning component of the university's Program in Poverty, Justice, and Human Capabilities?

Whether you choose option 1 or 2 for this third supplemental essay, keep in mind the following:

Make sure to show, not tell. You've got plenty of room to be able to tell a compelling story, so try not to rely on dull descriptions, clichés, and general, all-encompassing statements. Rather, fill your story with personality, voice, images, and realism. Using a variety of literary devices can add lots of color to your writing and will help your essay stand out.

In addition, don't repeat anything you've already written in your Common App or Apply Coalition with Scoir essay. The essays required for both application systems are similar to the Rice essay above in that they're all longer and more personal. Write about something different for each so you don't sound as though only a single thing defines you.

Rice Supplement 4: Short Answer (Architecture Applicants ONLY)

Why are you determined to study architecture? Could you please elaborate on your past experiences and how they have motivated you to apply to Rice University and the School of Architecture in particular?

This prompt is similar to the first short-answer supplemental prompt in that it's asking you to elaborate on your chosen major (in this case, architecture) and why you're interested in it. For this essay, however, you don't need to focus on architecture as a major as much as you do on architecture as a passion .

In other words, this is your chance to tell the story of how you developed a deep interest in architecture and what architecture means to you .

For this Rice essay, and as the prompt says, you can focus on aspirations (i.e., what goals do you have and how does architecture fulfill these?), experiences (i.e., did a particular incident make you develop an interest in architecture?), and relationships (i.e., who, if anyone, inspired you to study the field?).

Here are some potential topics you could write about:

  • A particular person, such as a parent or teacher , who introduced you to architecture, and how this person influences you today (if applicable)
  • A design or architecture class you took , either at school or as an extracurricular, and how this class made you become interested in architecture
  • A research project you did , whether specifically about architecture or not, and how it drew you into wanting to learn more about architecture and its various applications
  • A certain piece of architecture , such as the Eiffel Tower or Empire State Building, you either saw in person or learned about and that made you want to study the field further

In your essay, use specific details and avoid clichéd openings , such as "I knew I wanted to study architecture when…" The admissions committee at Rice has more than likely heard these types of overly broad statements hundreds, if not thousands, of times, so avoid them!


This is one cliché you'll definitely want to avoid in your Rice essay.

Rice Supplement 5: Short Answer (Architecture Applicants ONLY)

Please expand on relevant experiences and motivations outside of your academic trajectory that have inspired you to study architecture, focusing on aspects that are not accommodated by other prompts in the application.

This is an interesting essay prompt since it's so much broader than the other one you have to respond to as an architecture applicant to Rice. The purpose of this prompt is to reveal to Rice what types of activities you're interested or engaged in (outside of architecture) and what role they play in your fascination with architecture .

Think about what you do in your spare time, what you're passionate about, and possibly what you are obligated to do (e.g., chores or duties at work). Are there any activities you do that you find fun but also intellectually or physically challenging? Are you particularly invested in an activity?

Don't be afraid to get really creative and honest here —you're allowed to write about an activity that's unconventional, eccentric, "boring," or even plain goofy. Just make sure you're also giving the admissions committee deeper insight into something about you , such as how you flourish when competing against your own times in cross-country races or how you calm yourself down by watching urban planning YouTube videos every evening. Ultimately, you want to highlight a personal hobby or motivation that has contributed to your interest in architecture .

  • Your love of design  and how toys you used to play with as a child, such as LEGO bricks, led to your gradually developing a desire to learn more about architecture as a field
  • Any personal experience that relates to how you became interested in architecture —maybe you grew up in a shoddy apartment complex, an experience which showed you how better and safer architecture could improve people's day-to-day lives
  • A relevant video or board game you love to play , such as SimCity, Minecraft, or 7 Wonders Architects, and how this game connects with your love of planning and building
  • Volunteering with an organization or at a specific place , such as at Habitat for Humanity, and what this activity means to you ( NOTE: I recommend only picking this topic if you're continually involved with a specific volunteer effort and if it's something you're very invested in—if you helped build a house for a low-income family only once, for instance, don't write about that here!)
  • An architecture-based TV show or movie , such as  Big Dreams, Small Spaces, Grand Designs , or Amazing Spaces ,   that you love and indulge in on a regular basis and why you believe this program or film has shaped your passion

As a final tip for this Rice essay, don't feel obligated to choose an "impressive" topic . Instead, use this open-ended essay prompt as a chance to demonstrate your personal strengths and passions in a highly personal, creative way.


Real Rice Essay Example + Analysis

Though knowing what kinds of topics you can write about for each Rice essay is definitely helpful, it's even better to be able to see what an actual successful Rice essay looks like. Below, we show you a real Rice essay example that was written by an admitted student .

The following essay was written in response to a prompt similar to the current Rice essay prompt for the second short-answer essay above. (In other words, it's essentially a "Why Rice?" prompt.)

Note: Since this essay is a little older and the Rice essay topics change every few years, the prompt and word length for this essay differ slightly from the current guidelines. For this essay, the word limit was 250 words, whereas the current limit is 150 words.

Here is the essay:

"We are going to visit Rice today," my mom leaned back in her front row seat and said to me.

Wait, is that a restaurant specializing in all kinds of rice dishes? Like fried rice, rice soup, and rice balls? My brain went into a frenzy.

All other questions flooding my thoughts dissipated, however, when my eyes lay on Rice's beautiful Byzantine-style buildings with its magnificent archways and its soft sand-pink brick walls. While just outside its surroundings the thriving city life of Houston continues, Rice kept its sacred ground intimate with its relatively small campus and peaceful with its large spreads of greenery and shades. It's perfect! said my right brain, falling in love at first sight with the campus. My left brain, however, chastised the emotional side of me with Don't judge a book by its cover. You can't just choose your true love like that!

Exasperated by my left brain, I attended an information seminar. Phrases like "Passport to Houston," "Best Quality of Student Life," "Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen," and "more than 40 interdisciplinary centers" flashed by my eyes. Almost unlimited access to Houston's transportation and hangout spots? A research facility where I can group with students of all fields and work on solving real-world problems? Friendly research faculty who might allow me to continue my interdisciplinary research in psychology and computer science? My left brain finally gave in. Alright, alright. Let's go make Rice into not just a staple for food, but also education, then.

What Makes This Rice Essay Work?

It's got a lot of personality. The italicized parts, which symbolize the applicant's thoughts, give us a highly personal and intriguing look into their reactions to their first visit to Rice. In addition, the humorous bits (such as when the university's name is compared to the actual rice food) add a fun and creative touch.

It oozes passion. While this applicant might occasionally go a little overboard in how they describe how amazing Rice is, one thing is clear: they're extremely interested in attending Rice and making the most of their interdisciplinary interests here.

How Could This Rice Essay Be Even Better?

It could cut out the clichés. The saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" has been done to death and doesn't add any memorable insight into the applicant. This essay would be better if the applicant had changed this phrase or simply cut it out completely. Moreover, although the concept of Rice as a food is funny, this applicant likely isn't the first person to have made a joke about this.

It could be more specific. Although there's clearly a lot of passion in this Rice essay, it lacks detail in areas where we could've learned a lot more about the applicant. For example, what kinds of research does this person want to conduct at Rice? And what "real-world problems" do they want to solve?


How to Write a Great Rice Essay: Five Key Tips

Before you go off writing your Rice essay, here are some final tips to keep in mind.

#1: Use Specific Details

I've said this before and I'll say it again: be specific in your essays . Rice doesn't just want to know that you're good at softball—it wants to know why this sport is important to you, what kind of role it plays in your life, and how it makes you feel.

If you're describing a specific person in one of your essays, use concrete details to show the admissions committee who this person really is. Does she have an endearing gap in her teeth when she smiles? What does his voice sound like?

Details like these will allow your readers to more readily feel the personality and passion in your writing, making it easier to relate to you on a deeper level. They'll also help you and your essays stand out from the sea of applicants, which is always a plus!

#2: Channel Your Inner Voice

Personal essays are all about showcasing your personality and a side of yourself that's not made clear in the more quantitative (i.e., grades and test scores) parts of your application.

Therefore, with each Rice essay, make sure you're channeling your inner voice. Does the essay sound as though you wrote it and not someone else did? Are you writing about what you really want to and not what you think the Rice admissions committee wants to read?

For example, if you're naturally a humorous person, feel free to throw in a joke or two. If you're the poetic type, you could add in some lines of poetry you've written (if relevant to your essay topic) or sprinkle in some flowery metaphors.

The basic tip here is to write in whatever way comes most natural to you .

That being said, there are a few things you should always avoid in your college essays:

  • Typos, poor grammar, incorrect spelling, and other technical errors (the only exception to this would be if you're quoting someone who used incorrect grammar or colloquial words such as "ain't" or "gonna")
  • Inappropriate stories —don't write about the time you got arrested or made an obviously wrong or immoral choice, for example
  • Rude or impolite words and phrases

#3: Give Yourself Plenty of Time

Even though most of the essays on the Rice supplement aren't that long, you still have a lot to write for just one school, so these essays will likely take up a lot of your free time. Be sure to start your essays (for all the colleges you're applying to—not just Rice) ahead of time, ideally at least a few months before your college application deadlines .

#4: Avoid Repeating Yourself

Many of the Rice University essay prompts touch on similar topics, such as why you want to attend Rice, why you want to study a certain field, and what makes you unique.

As you answer the prompts, try to ensure there isn't too much overlap between the content of your essays .

It's OK if there's a little bit of repetition. For example, it'd be hard not to talk about your interest in architecture as you answer supplement 1 (What do you want to major in?) and supplement 3 (Why architecture?).

That said, your primary goal should be to focus on different main points for each of your essays . This way, Rice will get a more well-rounded (versus one-sided) picture of who you are.


Avoid repeating the same ideas in your essays; remember that you're trying to stand out as an applicant, so each response should give the admissions committee new information about who you are, your intellectual passions, and your motivations.

#5: Don't Forget to Proofread!

For each Rice essay, take a lot of time to edit and proofread it.

After you write a rough draft, put the essay away for a few days. Once some time has passed, take your essay out again and reread it. Fix any obvious errors, such as typos and misspellings, and mark any areas that are awkward, unclear, or irrelevant.

Do this process a few times until you have a fairly clean draft. Then, give your essay to someone else to read ; this could be a parent, teacher, older sibling, tutor, etc. Ask this person for feedback, and use their advice to further tweak your essay until you eventually have a quality final draft.

As with any essay, be sure to do one final proofread (and get someone else to look it over, too!) right before you submit it to a college.

What's Next?

Interested in applying to other highly prestigious schools besides Rice? Then take a look at our guides to how to write essays for Northwestern , Harvard , and Stanford .

Writing college admissions essays can be tricky. Check out our expert guides to learn how you can write a great Common Application essay and Coalition Application essay .

For more tips on how to get into Rice, including what SAT/ACT score you'll need, check out our Rice University admissions page .

Want to write the perfect college application essay?   We can help.   Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will help you craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay to proudly submit to colleges.   Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

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Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she taught English in Japan via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel.

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Tips for Applying to Rice

Applying to college can seem like a really big task, but our Admission Officers are here to help! This blog post includes insights on how to make your Rice application stand out, directly from the Admission Officers that will read your application.

Applying to college is a time where you get to really showcase yourself and your achievements. We asked six of our very own Rice Admission Officers to give advice on how to create a high quality application that will present you in an authentic light.

Two male students thinking about how to build their lego structure in front of them.

Tip 1: Activities

The goal of the Activities section of the application is to present a well-rounded and impactful profile that reflects your unique experiences, passions and contributions. You can showcase your diversity of interests and passions to help you present yourself as an individual with a range of skills and experiences. Highlight your most meaningful activities where you have had the greatest impact on your personal growth, skill development, or contribution to your community. Emphasize any leadership roles where you have demonstrated initiative, responsibility, and the ability to influence and guide others. Provide detailed descriptions and quantify your impact within your activities. And don’t forget to add other ways you spend your time outside the classroom such as work or family responsibilities. They are just as important as school activities to give admission officers insight into your lived experience.

Tip 2: Essay

Simply put, the college essay is a writing sample used in college applications for consideration in admission. That being said, it’s a fantastic way to showcase three things: your personality, the way you think and your overall unique story. Colleges want unique perspectives in their classes, which is why you shouldn’t fall into the trap of writing what you think colleges want to hear. We want to be able to use your story to create a depiction of a real student at Rice. The most important thing you can do to help you properly articulate your unique perspective is to make sure you give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm ideas and create an outline for your actual essay. Once you have that down, the rest of the process should be pretty straightforward. What’s left for you to do is translate your outline into an essay and then revise it before your submission. Lastly, remember that you have plenty of people to support you and help you revise your essay. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, but be sure to stay true to your own story!

Male student standing in front of his film photos printed out and hung up on wall.

Tip 3: Supplemental Essays

The supplemental essays are university-specific prompts that serve as one of the many pieces admission officers use to evaluate your application. These prompts give students the opportunity to convey their interest in a specific institution. Colleges have a limited number of students they can enroll every year, and they like to see students who are excited by what they have to offer. The supplemental essays provide space to express that excitement. It is important to read the prompts carefully. You can't just copy and paste your responses, as they will differ from college to college. Students are encouraged to research the universities they apply to, and reflect on which attributes draw you to that particular school. It could be an academic program, a location on campus, or the student culture. When you are specific about what parts of the university experience excite you, colleges gain a better understanding of how you will positively impact their community.

- Jose C. , Hanszen '21

Male wearing blue polo and news cap leaning on a table.

Tip 4: Letters of Recommendation

Your letters of recommendation are a great way to understand how you impact the community as well as the classroom from an external perspective. In order for these letters to have the best impact on your application, they should be from the teachers who you have the most interaction with and who can give a thorough account of your participation and work within the class. It is also recommended that one of these letters of recommendation come from a professor related to your major of interest, thus allowing the admission officers reading the application to best assess how your class work can translate to your intended major. This will also be a way to reiterate your interest in the major(s) you intend to pursue. Make sure to ask your teachers for a letter of recommendation early, so they have enough time to craft a thoughtful letter by the time you need it, especially since you may not be the only one to ask this same teacher for a letter of recommendation.

- Gabby A. , Will Rice ‘19

Tip 5: Researching Schools

Deciding which schools to apply to can be a daunting task. To make it easy on yourself, I recommend pulling up the sites of all the schools you are considering and looking at the pages for each major you're interested in. What are the faculty working on? Does their research or most recently published work align with what you want to learn about or do in your own professional career? Find the schools that have faculty focused on what you feel you will benefit most from and the choice becomes clear!

- Al A. , Lovett '20

Male professor standing in the front of room with two screens behind him, speaking to a group of students sitting down.

Tip 6:  Covering Costs

It’s no secret that going to college can be quite expensive, and many families are reluctant to talk about finances. However, the cost of attending a school should be one of the first things that’s discussed when deciding whether or not to add it to your list. For many students, their most affordable options will be their in-state public colleges and universities and institutions that meet full need, like Rice. Additionally, every college that participates in the federal student aid program is required to offer a net price calculator, and that is a great way to quickly determine if a school is a good financial fit for you!

Male student wearing full graduation regalia set smiling at camera.

You may feel pressured to think that you must have everything in your life figured out for a competitive application, but that is definitely not the case. As long as you have a general direction of where you imagine yourself to be in the future and you're able to articulate it, then you already have the upper hand. Get ready to start your application!

If you have any additional questions or want to learn more about our application process, check out the following resources:

Read our blog posts!

- Your Application Checklist

- Introducing the Application Advice Series

- Demystifying Early Decision

-  Breaking Down the Rice Investment

- Advice for your Admission Interview

Check out  the  Apply page of our admission website for more details about the application timeline!

Sign up for an on-campus visit and/or our  virtual events !

Walk in to our office or give us a call at 713-348-7423 during any weekday between 9am-5pm to speak to an admission counselor or email us at [email protected]!

(Last updated on 8/9/23. Please note, this post was published prior to the 2024-2025 admission cycle. For updated admission policies, please visit our website .)

If you have an idea for a blog post or would like to write a guest post, fill out the Content Interest Form .

Keep Exploring

Photo of the front of Lovett Hall.

With two updates made recently to Rice admission policies, students might be curious about what’s in store for the Fall 2024-25 admission cycle. Explore the reasoning behind Rice’s new ED II plan and learn more about our updated test score policy.

A female student wearing a purple shirt paints on a wall of red, yellow and green overlapping circles, with a watercolor tinge to the paint.

Rice is now a loan-free institution! Learn more about how this initiative could impact your educational experiences.

Student sitting in coffeehouse on their laptop

We asked our current Rice senior interviewers to give advice to high school students planning on doing admission interviews. See what they had to say so you can ace your next interview!

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rice university essay prompts

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Rice University’s 2023-24 Essay Prompts

Architecture short response 1.

Why are you determined to study architecture? Could you please elaborate on your past experiences and how they have motivated you to apply to Rice University and the School of Architecture in particular?

Architecture Short Response 2

Please expand on relevant experiences and motivations outside of your academic trajectory that have inspired you to study architecture, focusing on aspects that are not accommodated by other prompts in the application.

Select-A-Prompt Short Response

Please respond to one of the following prompts to explore how you will contribute to the Rice community:

The Residential College System is at the heart of Rice student life and is heavily influenced by the particular cultural traditions and unique life experiences each student brings. What life experiences and/or unique perspectives are you looking forward to sharing with fellow Owls in the residential college system?

Rice is strengthened by its diverse community of learning and discovery that produces leaders and change agents across the spectrum of human endeavor. What perspectives shaped by your background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity inspire you to join our community of change agents at Rice?

Why This Major Short Response

Please explain why you wish to study in the academic areas you selected above.

Why This College Short Response

Based upon your exploration of Rice University, what elements of the Rice experience appeal to you?

Image Upload

The Rice Box: In keeping with Rice’s long-standing tradition, please share an image of something that appeals to you.

Common App Personal Essay

The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don‘t feel obligated to do so.

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you‘ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

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