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Young Sheldon – Season 6 Episode 3 Recap & Review

Passion’s harvest and a sheldocracy.

Meemaw and Mary engage in conversation while sipping tea at the beginning of Young Sheldon episode 3.  Meemaw asks Mary whether she is considering changing churches and converting to Catholicism, to which Mary responds that she does not know. Meemaw introduces Mary to an erotic fiction named Passions Harvest. Mary initially refuses to read it, but after a gentle push from Meemaw, she decides to give it a shot.

Professor John challenges Sheldon’s viewpoint while teaching a class about ethics. Sheldon appears to be incredibly confused and frustrated because there doesn’t seem to be a clear right or wrong answer, and Sheldon, who heavily relies on logic, finds it difficult to accept this.

Mary is seen reading her new book intently, even though she considers it to be a waste. She is immersed and reads it whenever she has the chance, even in the washroom.

George Jr buys groceries for Mandy and delivers them to her apartment. Mandy is initially hesitant to take it, but she eventually does. While visiting Mandy, George Jr discovers that she is running low on cash because she was unable to collect enough tips due to morning sickness caused by her pregnancy, and as a result, she was unable to pay her electricity bill, and her power was cut off.

Mary believes that she can do a better job at writing an erotic novel after reading the book, so she begins writing. We see Mary writing her book whenever she gets the chance, and she appears to have found a new hobby.

Sheldon enters John’s office and informs him that he doesn’t believe he can complete the assignment. He is advised by John to choose any side of the argument and to make his case. Sheldon has a need to always be correct, and since this topic is one where nothing is constant, he finds it difficult to pick a side to base his argument on.

Mandy stops by George Jr’s garage/room and asks him if she can live with him temporarily while she gets back on her feet. George Jr agrees to let her stay with him. When George questions her, she explains that she is out of money and that the owner of the house she was renting kicked her out. She goes on to say that he ejected her from the room, sealed her belongings inside, and demanded payment before allowing her back in. After learning what the landlord had done, George leaves to retrieve Mandy’s possessions.

In the living room, George Sr and Missy converse while watching television. As soon as Sheldon enters the room, he requests their help with his ethics homework. They both seem surprised because Sheldon’s plea for help and his unusual lack of knowledge is both strange and rare. Sheldon is disappointed when Missy doesn’t seem to understand his question and he goes back to his room.

George Jr is seen attempting to break into Mandy’s apartment through the window to retrieve her belongings. He accidentally climbs into her neighbor’s apartment. After learning who George is and what he was attempting to do, her neighbor stops threatening him and lets him go.

George Sr walks in on Mary as she is working on her book. She deceives him by claiming to be making a list of errands that need to be completed. Mary’s passion for writing leads her to seduce George and have intercourse with him which is unusual as their relationship is strained.

Mandy seems content when George Jr brings back her belongings. She tells him that their relationship is merely platonic and cautions him against having different hopes towards her. Mandy finds living in the garage with George uncomfortable because there is no washroom there, and George notices her uneasiness.

Mandy visits George’s home for breakfast, and she can be seen having a conversation with his siblings. Sheldon explains to her the reasoning behind why he chose the name Niblingo for her. We witness Sheldon asking Mandy an ethics related question.

Dale questions George Sr after he unintentionally falls asleep at work and asks him if he and Mary had a fight. George informs him that everything is going well and that Mary has recently been very enthusiastic about having sex. George admits to Dale that lately, he has the impression that Mary has changed a bit. Dale asserts that she could be going through menopause, but George tells him that Mary is too young for that. Dale advises him to have her checked just to be on the safer side.

When George Jr brings Mandy ginger ale during his lunch break, Mandy bursts into tears. She tells him that her situation has taken a turn for the worse and that she is disturbed. George consoles her and promises to fix everything soon.

Meemaw lets Mandy stay with her in her home and offers her the guest room. Meemaw appears to be very welcoming and kind to Mandy.

Sheldon is seen in class presenting his assignment, and using his logic he twists the assignment to his advantage and comes up with Sheldocracy, which means Sheldon’s autocracy.

Mary is writing her book, and in doing so it changes from being erotic to romantic. It appears as though she is trying to cope with her problems by using the book as a means of escape. She’s trying to make up for her troubled marriage by penning a romantic/erotic book, perhaps to experience the missing elements in her marriage with George.

The Episode Review

The episode doesn’t really advance much, plot wise, but it certainly lays the groundwork for what appears to be coming up in the near future. We are aware that George marries young because it is mentioned in The Big Bang Theory, but we are unsure whether it will be to Mandy or if he will find someone else. In this episode, Mandy moves in, first at George’s garage and then at Meemaw’s house, which may be the starting point of that storyline. There may be a purpose to this arrangement.

We witness Mary turning to writing her book for solace. We watch as she crafts a tale that transforms from erotic to passionate and romantic. She seems to be writing about everything that her relationship with George lacks, so perhaps she is writing that book to fill a void.

It doesn’t seem far-fetched to assume that she will become aware of everything that her relationship lacks, including passion, romance, and everything else, as she writes that book. We watch her repress her feelings and bottle up all of her sorrows, but ultimately they are bound to rise to the surface, and it won’t be pretty.

The actors are compelling in their respective roles. Mandy, the woman carrying George Jr’s child, doesn’t perform well in her role. She doesn’t seem to know how to act and is seen trying too hard, or maybe she’s just uncomfortable in the role. The rest of the cast, as usual, do an excellent job.

  • Episode Rating (3.5)

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Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 2 recap: Finally Sheldon is clueless

Sheldon Cooper in Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 2

Sheldon Cooper has been knocked off his high horse in Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 2 – and by an incredibly unexpected source.

Last week, the final season of Young Sheldon kicked off with a bang, looking at how the residents of Medford – alongside the Coopers – dealt with the aftermath of the town’s terrifying tornado.

As well as this, Sheldon and Mary had officially left Texan life behind for Germany, although Mary tried her best to convince Sheldon to return after hearing about Meemaw’s house.

Nevertheless, the two persisted – leading to an unforeseen obstacle in Sheldon’s path… or at least, it was unforeseen by Sheldon himself. Here’s everything that happened in Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 2. Obviously, spoilers ahead.

Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 2: Sheldon struggles with higher education

Iain Armitage as Young Sheldon in Season 7 Episode 1

After convincing Mary to stay in Germany because he felt at home there, Sheldon’s wishes quickly come back to bite him in Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 2. After starting his classes with his new professor (played by Robert Picardo), Sheldon begins to confidently answer questions – until he’s called a “dummy” by both his teacher and fellow classmates. Unable to follow, the professor explains that he is way behind his fellow students, who all come from elite schools across the world.

This leads to a shocking realization for Sheldon: he needs tutoring. In even worse news for the brainiac, help comes in an unlikely package – a young girl who looks no older than 10, but is apparently competitively accomplished across the board. Slapping his hand every time he gets an answer wrong in the name of “effective punishment,” even Mary can’t help but stifle a laugh as she watches on.

Meemaw expands her gambling empire

Georgie and Meemaw in Young Sheldon

After the tornado in Episode 1, business has been booming at Meemaw’s secret gambling room behind the laundrette. While Georgie is happy with how things are ticking over, Meemaw is convinced that she needs to up the stakes in order to start getting her life back together. As a result, she brings in a roulette table, although Georgie thinks it’s a step too far.

Meemaw explains to Georgie that used properly, the table could turn over $1,000 a day. He speaks to Mandy who tells him he absolutely has to stand behind Meemaw’s decision, even if it could ultimately land them in jail. After the table’s previous owner explains it was wanted by a local mafia, Georgie starts having dreams that the group come after him.

Tension simmers in the Cooper household

Georgie and Missy in Young Sheldon Season 7

In the Cooper household, Missy feels overworked and underappreciated. Waiting on everyone, George prefers to spend his afternoons on the couch with a beer, inviting Jim to do the same when he brings Mandy’s baby stuff round. Trying to get the family to appreciate her, Missy wonders why she’s bothering to do anything at all.

To counter this, Missy devises a chore plan, sticking it on the fridge. She sends George and Jim to do grocery shopping while looking after baby Cece, with Georgie on toilet cleaning duty. When George complains, Missy explains that he could have been a lot worse off.

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Young Sheldon Review: Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple (Season 1 Episode 19 )

Young Sheldon  Season 1 Episode 19, “Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple” gives us a clear reminder of how smart Sheldon really is.

While we know from The Big Bang Theory , Sheldon starts college at age 11, in this episode, 9-year-old Sheldon gets his first look at a college physics course.

Young Sheldon Season 1 Episode 19 - "Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple"

The episode opens with a very bored Sheldon daydreaming in math class. He dreams of rescuing a crashing satellite and outsmarting all the adults. As everyone else enthusiastically celebrates, Sheldon just has an adorable little smile on his face.

He’s confident his plan is going to work. Sheldon has complete trust in math and science. He isn’t worried if the satellite could crash because he knows it won’t.

It is obvious Sheldon is way beyond high school, and so he scores himself an invitation to attend a college physics class. He may be confident that he is smart enough to be there, but he is still a little boy who needs his Meemaw to walk him into class.

It would be easy for the show to paint Sheldon as older than he really is, but  Young Sheldon consistently does an excellent job of showing Sheldon as both a genius and a little kid.

It is not uncommon for Georgie and Missy to be annoyed and embarrassed by Sheldon, but on this episode, we see that Sheldon’s intelligence has a much larger effect on his siblings. While Sheldon is off at college, Missy seeks Georgie’s help with her homework. After he refuses, Missy asks him a heartbreaking question.

Missy: Do you think we’re stupid? Georgie: Sheldon’s in college right now, and we can’t figure out your homework. What do you think? Missy: Sometimes, I tell myself I only look stupid because he’s so smart.

This sparks something in Georgie, and he steps up to help his little sister. There is a definite sense that they need to prove themselves. I get the impression that Georgie has long accepted that he isn’t the genius his brother is, but he doesn’t want his sister to feel that way too.

Sheldon has never been shy about his belief that he is smarter than everyone else. That can’t be easy for his siblings to hear. While it is played off as a joke in most scenes, Georgie and Missy are struggling to find where they can shine when they are constantly stuck in Sheldon’s shadow.

Young Sheldon Season 1 Episode 19 - "Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple"

It turns out Sheldon’s physics class introduces more than just knowledge, as Meemaw finds an unexpected new beau in the form of Sheldon’s professor. Sheldon loves the idea and doesn’t waste any time planning a future for them.

Sheldon: If they get married, we immediately double the amount of smart people in our family. (Mary sighs) Sheldon: That means we go from 1 to 2.

From riding his bicycle to pick up Connie for their date to having no clue what guacamole is, Dr. Sturgis has many quirks. However, he is so innocent and sweet that Connie finds him quite fun.

Young Sheldon Season 1 Episode 19 - "Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple"

There are many parallels between Dr. Sturgis and Sheldon. They both love the color blue, vanilla ice cream, and physics, but the comparison is present in more than interests. They both struggle to relate to people and understand humor. Although, come to think of it, Dr. Sturgis might be more like The Big Bang Theory’s Raj than Sheldon.

When Missy gets her homework back, she cryptically slides it under Georgie’s door. While Missy teases Georgie about crying over their success, I wonder why she didn’t want to show it to him face to face. Perhaps, she was emotional herself.

It is both adorable and sad that Georgie pins the paper up on his bulletin board. Although, I wish they would have put it on the fridge for the whole family to see.

Young Sheldon Season 1 Episode 19 - "Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple"

The episode closes with Sheldon daydreaming yet again, but this time, he is in college. He proudly tells that class he already knows this material. It won’t be long before Sheldon is ready to move on to bigger and better things.

Other Thoughts:

  • I loved every minute of Sheldon’s daydreams. The computer screen just flashing “It worked” after Sheldon saved the satellites was absolutely perfect.
  • I know Georgie is supposed to be a low academic achiever, but he is in high school. He doesn’t know what a complete sentence is?!
  • This episode had some great one-liners. Georgie’s “Put a verb in there, girl” particularly sticks out.
  • A gluon is a subatomic particle of a class that is thought to bind quarks together.

What did you think of this episode of Young Sheldon ? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Reviewer Rating:

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Young Sheldon airs Thursdays at 8:30 on CBS.

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Meagan McNicholas

sheldon needs help with his homework

Meagan is a medical student by day and TV obsessive by night. While Lorelai Gilmore and Kate Beckett stole her heart, she has Jake Peralta and Leslie Knope to thank for keeping her laughing through the stressful times. Her knowledge of TV is unmatched, and she takes great pride in knowing her shows better than anyone else. Meagan has one year of school left before she attempts to be a better intern than Meredith Grey.

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Young Sheldon – Passion’s Harvest and a Sheldocracy

By: Sammi Turano

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Young Sheldon Cannot End Without An Appearance From This Crucial Character

Sheldon with family and friends

"Young Sheldon" needs to bring Paige Swanson back in Season 7.

Paige, played by "Gifted" star Mckenna Grace, is introduced in Season 2, Episode 2 – "A Rival Prodigy and Sir Issac Neutron," as one of Sheldon's (Iain Armitage) fellow students in Dr. Sturgis' (Wallace Shawn) class. Despite some initial tension between them about who is smarter, the two young prodigies become good friends, and Paige makes a number of appearances throughout the show's run.

During the earlier seasons of "Young Sheldon," Paige tends to pop up when Sheldon needs help with a problem, and she offers him some advice or a different perspective. But by Season 5, Episode 17 – "A Solo Peanut, a Social Butterfly and the Truth," their relationship has flipped on its head. While Sheldon is thriving at East Texas Tech and even making friends, Paige has been left devastated by her parents' divorce and feels completely alone, leading her to drop out of college. Sheldon does his best to support Paige as she makes this life-altering decision, even letting her crash in his dorm and going to his mom for help. When he sees her again in Season 6, Episode 13 – "A Frat Party, a Sleepover and the Mother of All Blisters," he tries to help her again — but the show ultimately leaves Paige's future up in the air.

"Young Sheldon" will come to an end with Season 7 , and as one of the few close friends Sheldon has had in his childhood, it's important for Paige to return before the show's conclusion. The series' last few episodes will wrap up this period of the young genius' life before he moves to California, and Paige is an important part of that. "Young Sheldon" cannot leave her story unfinished.

Young Sheldon shouldn't leave Paige in a bad place

Sheldon trying to help Paige

Paige and Sheldon start off on equal trajectories, with both set to make great strides in the world of science. But, as Sheldon achieves academic success and reaches major life milestones, such as graduating from high school in Season 4 and then from East Texas Tech (which is expected to happen in Season 7), Paige's life heads in a very different direction.

Fans of the show see the character struggle with her parents' fraught relationship and eventual divorce even as she deals with the pressures of being a pre-teen in college. Not only does Paige drop out of school as a result, but she also starts partying and drinking heavily despite her young age. Her final appearance in Season 6, Episode 16 – "A Stolen Truck and Going on the Lam" ends with her and Missy (Raegan Revord) detained in the back of a squad car after running away together. At the end of the episode, Paige's mom, Linda (Andrea Anders), comes to get her daughter, and she hasn't been seen or heard from since.

The way Paige behaves in her later appearances on "Young Sheldon" is a huge departure from the character she was at the start of the show. Although she's not exactly regressing, she is struggling and no longer following the same path as Sheldon. But she's still his friend, and he's still hers, and she's had a big impact on his life. It doesn't seem right that Paige now seems forgotten and left behind while the show is providing satisfying conclusions for its other characters.

Young Sheldon needs to explain why Paige is missing from Sheldon's life in TBBT

Paige holding map

Leaving Paige in a poor place emotionally is bad enough, but "Young Sheldon" also needs to bring her back in Season 7 to tie up a major loose end. The show needs to explain why she is never once mentioned by Sheldon (Jim Parsons) in "The Big Bang Theory." With Paige on a very different life path from her friend right now, it is a sad possibility that the pair just naturally fall out of touch. But what happens between this series and "Big Bang Theory" is not clear from what we've seen so far.

Paige's absence in "TBBT" has fans questioning her future , with some even theorizing that she dies by suicide. If she continues to go down a dark path fueled by alcohol or even drugs, as we began to see, and her mental health continues to deteriorate, this, tragically, could come to pass. However, it's also completely possible that Paige will get her life back on track and end up with a prosperous career within the world of science or even another academic field.

There are a lot of ways Paige's story could go, but at the moment, there's absolutely no sign of a conclusion for her. What's more, the series has provided no explanation as to why she and Sheldon aren't in touch in "TBBT." As of right now, fans of "Young Sheldon" are left with nothing more than speculative theories about her future.

A behind-the-scenes photo teases Paige could return

Raegan posing with Mckenna

Despite there being nothing to indicate that Mckenna Grace will appear in the seventh season by way of an upcoming credit on her IMDb page or an official announcement from CBS, "Young Sheldon" star Raegan Revord has given fans hope. Revord posted behind-the-scenes photos on Instagram while filming Season 7, including one featuring Grace. It's not clear from the background whether the happy selfie of the co-stars was taken on the set of "Young Sheldon," but the picture was part of a carousel that included several photos that are from the set and featured other members of the cast and crew, including Iain Armitage and Montana Jordan.

Grace has been doing press for her movie "Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire" while "Young Sheldon" Season 7 has been shooting, but she isn't currently filming any other projects, which could mean she's free to make an appearance before the show wraps. It certainly would be a shame if the show's bosses chose not to bring Paige back to conclude her storyline, as "Young Sheldon" would be leaving a major aspect of Sheldon's childhood unresolved. It's also highly unlikely she'll return in the upcoming Georgie and Mandy (Montana Jordan and Emily Osment) series since Armitage and  Revord won't appear in the "Young Sheldon" spin-off , so this really seems like it's the last chance to conclude Paige's story.

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‘Young Sheldon’ Is One of TV’s Most Popular Shows. So Why Did It Just End?

The “Big Bang Theory” spinoff aired its last episodes Thursday night, but the franchise will continue on CBS this fall.

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A woman in a black dress looks concerned by a young man in a black suit and bow tie

By Noel Murray

This article includes spoilers for the “Young Sheldon” series finale.

In last week’s episode of the CBS sitcom “Young Sheldon,” a laid-back, beer-drinking Texas high school football coach named George Cooper (Lance Barber) says goodbye to his family and goes to work. He never comes home: George dies of a heart attack later that day.

The tragedy sets up the series’s last two episodes, which premiered Thursday night on CBS. They are about what happens when someone so steady, so reliable and so unassuming is just … gone.

A spinoff of “The Big Bang Theory,” the long-running CBS hit, “Young Sheldon” has been steady, reliable and unassuming over its seven seasons. This warm family sitcom, which fills in the back story of the “Big Bang Theory” breakout character Sheldon Cooper — played by Jim Parsons in the original and Iain Armitage in the prequel — has quietly been one of TV’s most-watched shows since it debuted in 2017.

And now it, too, is gone. The series finale takes Sheldon from the small town of Medford, Texas, where he attended high school at 9 and college at 11 as his family tried to understand and accommodate his genius, to the California Institute of Technology, where “The Big Bang Theory” is set. The episode included appearances by Parsons and Mayim Bialik, whose character, Amy, marries Sheldon in the original show.

The franchise will continue this fall with another spinoff: “Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage.” It will follow Sheldon’s good ol’ boy older brother George Jr. (Montana Jordan) and his wife, Mandy (Emily Osment), as they raise their baby daughter.

“Young Sheldon” was a smash from the start, and while its network TV audience has shrunk (just like most every other show’s), its episodes elsewhere have drawn newer, younger viewers . Reruns air on the cable network TBS almost daily. Netflix licensed the show late last year, and it has since appeared regularly on that service’s self-reported Top 10 most-streamed TV series.

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    Sheldon asking for help with his homework Now that is wild! #youngsheldon #shorts. Skate humor mania · Original audio

  18. Sheldon Needs Help With His Homework! #youngsheldon #funny

    Young Sheldon Summary Clips!#shorts #youngsheldon #sheldoncooper #sheldon #missycooper #memawCopyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976...

  19. Solved Sheldon has been operating his model train business

    Sheldon has been operating his model train business as a sole proprietorship but decides that it is too much work for him to do alone. He does not want to file a lot of government forms but would like to bring in someone to own and manage it with him. Sheldon needs a (n)partnerinvestormergerlimited-liability companystockholder.

  20. Sheldon needs help with his homework #sheldon # ...

    Sheldon needs help with his homework #sheldon #youngsheldon #sheldonfunny #sheldonclips. sheldon_clips · Original audio

  21. Sheldon needs help to do his homework.#youngsheldon # ...

    welcome to our cosmo universe 🌏🪐Young sheldon The Best Moments of All Seasons. Young Sheldon is a spin-off of the popular sitcom The Big Bang Theory, which...

  22. 'Young Sheldon' Is One of TV's Most Popular Shows. So Why Did It Just

    In framing scenes, the older Sheldon and Amy argue about his parenting of their own children, underlining one of the show's main themes: that Sheldon's parents, while dealing with all the ...