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  • Trees Are Our Best Friend Essay


Essay on Trees are Our Best Friend

Trees are the essence of life. If you can listen to the murmur of leaves, they say, "we are your best friend." Trees play a crucial role in ecology and our life. Earth will be a desert without greenery. Trees offer numerous benefits to humans, expecting just a bit of love and care, which we often ignore. They give us fruits and foods to feed, oxygen to breathe, absorb carbon dioxide, and timber to make homes. They cause rain, preserve water bodies, and prevent soil erosion and floods. Trees are grand old children of mother earth, surviving longer than human beings.

Importance of Trees

We tend to forget the contribution of trees and endlessly exploit them to meet our growing demands. Despite the vengeance, trees, like true friends, share all the right things with us. They offer the most delicious fruits to eat, seeds to cultivate, and flowers to make this world beautiful. They give us timber and firewood. From timber houses, furniture and different tools are made. From Cellulose, the fibre present in raw wood is processed to make paper. Herbs and teas come with many curative properties, effectively curing many diseases.

Villagers use firewood for cooking their meals. Woods are used to building their huts, carts, and other agricultural tools. A shade provided by a tree is an oasis in the scorching heat. The flowers with a sweet smell beautify our surroundings, and they are offered to God. On the trees, the birds build their nest and wake you up in the morning with their chirp. The butterflies collect nectar from flowers and make honey. Children play around a big mango tree and eat sweet ripe mangoes from the tree. The soothing shade and cool breeze under the tree calm our body and mind. They provide so much and always stand like a true friend.

Birds build the nest on trees, and many animals take shelter in it. The birds lay and hatch eggs on their nests. New lives emerge from the eggs and fly in the sky. Forests are the habit of many animals and birds, where they live, hunt, and prosper; without forest, they would not survive. The ecological system will be disrupted without plants and trees. Herbivorous animals like elephants, giraffes, and zebras survive eating leaves, twigs, and stems of trees. Predators like a lion, tiger, and cheetahs take rest on the shades of trees. Animals like money, squirrels, and chimpanzees take refuge in a tree, as most carnivorous animals cannot climb on a tree. 

The Amazon rainforest is the lung of this earth, controlling oxygen, and carbon dioxide. The rainforest supplies around 6% of the world oxygen and absorbs the same amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. According to the World Life Fund, this forest is the habitat of ten percent of the world's species. The forest is the home of 1,300 species of birds,3,00 species of fishes, and 430 species of mammals.

Trees are guardians of our environment. They control global temperature by releasing moisture in the air. This moisture turns into clouds shielding us from UV rays. Forgetting all the benefits of cutting trees, we cut more trees in a minute than we plant. Nearly .5 660 trees are uprooted in a minute. Every year, 3.5 million trees are cut down. If we continue deforestation, all the rivers on the earth will dry up. If we plant trees within one kilometre on both banks, rivers will flow. Let us make a promise to plant trees to make the environment secure and make our life happy. Trees are the oldest living creatures on this earth. We must save them.

Benefits of Trees to Human and Environment

Trees are highly important to humans and the environment in general because of the various benefits that they provide. The benefits of trees can be categorized as social benefits, environmental benefits, and economic benefits.

Social benefits: Trees serve as a social house for many birds because birds generally build their nest on trees and even lay eggs there. Apart from birds, forests are home to many other animals. Destructing the natural habitat of such animals will leave them devoid of shelter and eventually become endangered. Also, humans see trees as a stress buster because of the serenity it provides. The ambiance of nature reduces tension and fatigue in individuals as well by promoting meditation and self-discovery. Trees also have religious values attached to it. They are worshipped religiously in parts of India like Peepal tree is said to resemble Lord Vishnu, the coconut tree is named after God Lakshmi, the Neem tree signifies Goddess Durga, and the Banyan tree is worshipped during various auspicious occasions. Therefore, cutting these trees is against religion and thus, forbidden.

Environmental benefits: Trees act like a guardian of the environment because they regulate the atmosphere’s temperature and maintain a balance between humidity and dryness and also reduce the effect of greenhouse gases. Apart from this, trees also facilitate the water cycle that causes rainfall and even protect the land from the harsh heat of the sun forming a protective shield and also preventing soil erosion and floods. Trees also help improve soil fertility by releasing nutrients into the soil when the tree and its parts rot. 

Economic benefits: Trees also provide us with certain economic benefits as the food produced by trees is converted to other products that are also exported internationally. Timber obtained from trees is also used for making homes, schools, offices, and colleges. Also, the paper used in daily lives is another important economic product obtained from trees. Also, there are many medicines produced from trees to treat diseases like HIV, fever, mastitis, and cancer.

Over-Exploitation of Trees by the Environment and Human Race

Though trees are really significant for all the living creatures on Earth, they are still overexploited in a lot of ways. However, if we as humans keep on overexploiting forest resources at such a pace, we will surely face its after-effects and consequences in the future. The industrial sector possesses a major impact on trees as they are cutting down trees exponentially so that they can get raw materials from the forest in bulk. Apart from this, even governments cut down a lot of trees to clear land for domestic purposes.

Conclusion of ‘Trees Are Our Best Friends’

We cannot survive in this world without our friends and similarly, it is impossible to survive on this land without trees. Trees give us everything and in return, we do nothing for trees. The least that we can do for trees is to protect them from being cut and over-exploited because without them our motherland will turn into a desert. Though the government is taking measures to conserve trees, we as responsible citizens of the country should also take some effective steps to protect these non-renewable sources, that is, our trees and forests. 

In today's time, the world pays little or no attention to the direct consequences of deforestation, and each one of us should take measures to protect our trees before it gets too late. 

A Brief Summary on Trees Are Our Best Friends

These points will help students in framing a well-structured essay on the topic ‘Trees Are Our Best Friends’

Trees provide human beings with oxygen and breathe in carbon-di-oxide from the atmosphere, thereby maintaining the natural balance.

Trees provide the environment with beautiful and colorful flowers, delicious and sweet fruits, and healthy herbs.

Trees even provide human beings with food, air, water, and shelter.

Trees are the primary source of oxygen on Earth.

Areas with more trees are benefitted from rainfall and various other climatic phenomena as well.

Trees must be conserved in their natural habitat.

We as human beings, never give anything in return for the benefits it provides us with.

Trees make our environment look even more beautiful and aesthetic.

Therefore, for all the benefits trees provide us, they must be respected and conserved.


FAQs on Trees Are Our Best Friend Essay

1. What is Deforestation?

The world is becoming a jungle of concrete. Deforestation is the process of permanently removing trees to make cities and towns. Forests are cut for agriculture, gazing, or using timber for construction and furniture.30% of the earth's surface is covered by forest, which provides food, medicine, and fuel to millions of people. In 2017 earth has lost 158,000 square kilometres (about the size of Bangladesh) of the forest. Every minute, an area of forest equal to the football ground is cut down. Most forests are cut for the cultivation of palm, soya oil cultivation, and wood products.

2. How Trees Protect Us?

Trees reduce the force and speed of winds. Trees act as a shield against typhoons and hurricanes, minimizing damage to life and property. The roots of trees hold the soil, preventing soil erosion. The force of the wind is reduced when it passes through dense tree cover like mangroves. The Sundarban mangrove guards the low lying coast against excess salt deposits caused by storms and floods. The mangrove stands as a wall between the land and the sea. We must conserve and regenerate mangrove covers to save the fragile ecosystem and precious human lives.

3. How to Protect Plants?

4. How to Protect Plants?

If we want to reduce pollution and global warming, we need to conserve the tropical rainforest. Ending deforestation will not solve global warming but considerably lower it. There is a ray of hope to conserve our forests, and the process has started. Many governments, corporations, and citizens are coming forward to end deforestation, and if possible, to reverse it. You can also contribute to this effort by using both sides of the paper, using scrap paper for painting. Use cloth napkins instead of paper ones — plant trees and shrubs in your terrace and pavements. Small steps can make this world more green and beautiful.

5. How can we say that the trees are our best friends?

It is widely known that trees are our best friends because they help us in many ways as all our friends do. The most important thing that trees do for us is to provide us with oxygen, without which we cannot survive. These trees also give us a beautiful environment because of blooming flowers around us and delicious fruits to eat. The trees also protect us from natural disasters like thunderstorms, earthquakes, and floods. Apart from all this, trees also maintain the natural balance of carbon dioxide in the air by absorbing it while releasing oxygen.

6. How do human beings use plants every day?

Plants are living beings that exist in the form of huge trees, bushes, and herbs that can live on land and water as well. These plants provide many products like firewood, fibers, timber, dyes, medicines, pesticides, rubber, and oil that are used by humans for a lot of activities. Apart from human beings, trees are also of use to other living organisms like insects, small mammals, worms, reptiles, and birds which take shelter under these trees. Therefore, trees are home to a lot of living beings.

Trees Our Best Friend Essay

Trees are our best friends. They provide us with oxygen, benefit our health and well-being, and offer countless benefits to the world. They need our help since trees are essential in combating climate change and increasing pollution. There are many ways to protect trees, which is essential to maintain the planet’s biodiversity. Trees our best friend essay is an important topic for kids to understand how they are beneficial for us and the need to conserve them.

Trees are responsible for absorbing vast amounts of carbon dioxide. They also clean the air and provide oxygen for living beings. Trees help prevent soil erosion, act as a natural flood barrier, reduce drought risk and control pests, like insects that destroy crops. Besides, they help to provide clean drinking water and air. They also act as a buffer against strong wind. Furthermore, trees provide food, shelter, fuel, medicines, and so much more.

trees our best friend essay in english for class 8

Importance of Trees

For thousands of years, trees have been the best friends of people. They provide us with many essential things, and they are a beautiful part of the environment. We need trees because they purify the air we breathe and provide food, shelter, and oxygen to birds, animals and humans. Trees also contribute to better soil quality and control erosion and flooding.

Without trees, our world would be a barren wasteland. Trees also help to prevent air pollution and global warming. To save the environment and protect the Earth from climate change, planting more trees is crucial – at least five trees for every person on the planet. Furthermore, trees form a living web that connects species from around the world.

Exploitation of Trees

The world is running out of trees. It is important to understand that trees provide a range of economic, social and environmental benefits. Moreover, they provide shelter from the hot sun, make the air cool in the summer, and protect the soil from erosion and weathering. Trees also reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by absorbing carbon.

All the trees in a forest are a shared resource. If too many trees are cut down, some species will go extinct, and others will no longer survive. When that happens, the entire ecosystem goes out of balance. This can affect humans by making it more difficult to get clean air to breathe, kindling fires, and wood building our homes.

Many commercially valuable tree species are threatened with extinction due to excessive exploitation. In Africa, for example, the clearing of forests for timber and charcoal is having a devastating impact on wildlife and local communities.

Deforestation affects the environment and living organisms in many ways. Loss of trees can lead to problems like desertification, climate change and global warming, soil erosion, flooding, wildlife extinction and habitat loss, increase in greenhouse gas emission, etc.

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Trees Are Our Best Friend Essay in English [PDF]

Do you know why trees are our best friends? They give us everything they can be, like a best friend they take care of us from natural diester, and more, today in this essay paper, we are gonna see an essay on trees are our best friend, so let’s jump into the essay!

Essay on Trees Are Our Best Friend feature image

Beyond the superficial, many people do not notice trees. They love how the tree provides shade on a hot sunny day. As well as they cover us with the help of their broad branches when the rain begins.

Then when summer is over, these same people marvel at the beauty of the leaves as they change color. These changing colors signal that colder weather is on its way and we need to start preparing for it.

Beyond this, most people do not know what good friends, trees can be. A tree shares every possible thing for us, that can be wood, fruits, Oxygen and much more.

Some couples know that the trees provide them with a little romantic security as their broad trunks shelter the couple from the glaring and intrusive looks.

Then when it is time to go, the tree stands quietly when the couple carves their initials into its tough bark to mark their important rendezvous with each other. The tree bears the pain the sharp knife brings in order to make sure the couple has their special moment.

Once that is done, the tree preserves that heart and arrow so when the couple comes back they can remember the special time the tree helped bring about. After the remembering is done, the tree looks at the happy couple walk away, still preserving their special moment hoping the couple will return again one day.

But that is not all that a tree does to show how good a friend it is. The tree lends its branches to hold the wood for that young child’s treehouse. Helping him to have hours of joy and fun high above the ground.

It also sacrifices its wood, so that people can have homes, fences, furniture and more. The tree is always giving us a little to big things, so you can have an enjoyable time in your life. That is not all, as many trees grow fruit to help you grow strong and healthy.

There are a wide variety of trees more than willing to let its fruit be taken just so you can benefit from all the minerals and vitamins the tree has provided. On top of that, it allows different animals to make their home in its branches or trunk.

Cats find refuge in the tree’s grasp when it feels it is in danger. A tree lets itself be used as a recreational toy. Boys can become strong, agile and develop motor skills as they climb the different branches just to get to the top.

A little swing tied to a branch lets little girls relax on hot summer days while letting men nap when they tie their hammocks to different trees. Then when one has gone away for a little while, the tree stands there waiting for the owner to return. Spreading its branches upon their arrival the tree seems to say welcome home.

The best sign that the tree is our best friend, is that it does all of this without complaining, demanding payment or some other selfish act. The tree is very selfless and asks for nothing in return.

That character trait we all can learn from. The tree sets the example for all to follow. That is why trees are our best friends.

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Trees Are Our Best Friend Essay in English for School Students

trees our best friend essay in english for class 8

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  • Apr 22, 2024

Trees are our best friend essay

Trees are our best friends, as they provide us with life-giving resources. We have relied on trees for shelter and food for millions of years. However, it is very sad to hear that every year, more than 14 billion trees are cut down for industrial and domestic purposes. Why are trees so important to us? Is life possible without trees? Why do we say trees are our best friend? On this page, we will be discussing trees are our best friend essay for school students. Did you know that in New Delhi, you have to get permission from the National Green Tribunal (NGT) to cut down a tree?

Trees Are Our Best Friend Essay in 500 Words

Trees are often known as our best friends. They provide us with different types of food and shelter, keep a check on pollution levels, increase oxygen levels in the environment, help with biodiversity, etc. Trees were here on Earth long before humans existed, and today we humans are the biggest threat to their existence. Unlike us, trees only require water and sunlight for their growth, and in return, they are being cut down for selfish reasons. Thinking economically, trees are important to manufacture different products. However, their existence is not just to boost our economy but also to maintain ecological balance.

‘The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.’ – Nelson Henderson

We often hear that trees are our best friends. Here are 6 reasons why it is called so.

  • Air Purification

The air feels fresher in forests and less populated areas. This is because trees act as natural air filters, absorbing harmful pollutants. Urban areas are polluted by industrial and vehicular emissions, and there is less green cover as compared to rural areas with forests. Trees can reduce 7 to 24% of particulate matter.

  • Water Purification

 Trees are a major line of defence against floods and landslides. Their intriguing root system slows down water absorption into the soil and helps prevent water slide and erosion. A single evergreen tree can intercept around 15,000 litres of water in a year. This becomes more crucial in flood-prone areas.

  • Bio-Diversity

Forests are home to 80% of Earth’s terrestrial plant and animal species. A single tree can house hundreds of species of insects, fungi, mammals, and plants. Likewise, trees depend on their residence to disperse seeds, control insects, and keep them from overgrowing, which leads to healthy and thriving ecosystems.

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  • Social Impact

 Trees are not just important for the environment, but for our society as well. More than 1/4th of the human population is either directly or indirectly dependent on forests and forest products. This includes relaying on food and job opportunities for arborists, researchers, wildlife biologists, bloggers, etc.

Trees are known to reduce stress and anxiety and protect our skin from harmful solar radiation. Moreover, trees provide opportunities for outdoor recreation and physical activity such as walking, jogging, cycling, and gardening.

Air filtration affects trees on a planetary scale. They cool the area by cooling, absorbing carbon dioxide, and converting it into oxygen. A single tree can absorb as much as 22 kilogrammes of carbon dioxide per year, making trees one of the most effective carbon-catching machines in the world.

With such a wide array of benefits, there is no wonder why trees are known as our best friends. Fighting deforestation and replanting damaged forests are crucial tasks for the coming decades. It will be important to improve our well-being and prevent the most dangerous effects of climate change. 

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Paragraph on Trees is Our Best Friend

Planting a tree is considered to be planting a life. There is so much that trees offer us, and there is so little we can do to save them. Trees are our best friends, not just for one or two, but for countless reasons. Trees purify the air we breathe by consuming the harmful carbon dioxide released by human activities and releasing oxygen for our consumption. Trees are crucial to maintaining the ecological balance, as they provide food and shelter to countless animal species. Our best friends also contribute to our well-being by enhancing the beauty of landscapes and providing materials for shelter, fuel, and medicine. Trees even inspire creativity and spiritual connection. Trees are very important for sustainable development. Today, around 31% of the Earth’s land is covered with trees, which is quite alarming. We must plant more and more trees to keep at least 40% of Earth’s area under forest cover.

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Ans: Trees are often known as our best friends. They provide us with different types of food, and shelter, keep a check on pollution levels, increase oxygen levels in the environment, help with biodiversity, etc. Trees were here on Earth long before humans existed, and today we humans are the biggest threat to their existence. Unlike us, trees only require water and sunlight for their growth, and in return, they are being cut down for selfish reasons. Thinking economically, trees are important to manufacture different products. However, their existence is not just to boost our economy, but also to maintain ecological balance.

Ans: Trees are important for the existence of life on earth. They help maintain biodiversity, improve our health, purify air and water, provide employment opportunities, and a lot more.

Ans: Planting a tree is considered to be planting a life. There is so much that trees offer us, and there is so little we do to save them. Trees are our best friends, not just for one or two, but for countless reasons. Trees purify the air we breathe by consuming the harmful carbon dioxide released by human activities and releasing oxygen for our consumption. Trees are crucial to maintaining the ecological balance, as they provide food and shelter to countless animal species. Our best friends also contribute to our well-being by enhancing the beauty of landscapes and providing materials for shelter, fuel, and medicine. Trees even inspire creativity and spiritual connection. Trees are very important for sustainable development. Today, around 31% of the Earth’s land is covered with trees, which is quite alarming. We must plant more and more trees to keep at least 40% of Earth’s area under forest cover.

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Trees Our Best Friend Essay

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Table of Contents

Trees are often referred to as “nature’s lungs” because of their vital role in sustaining life on Earth. They are not just part of our environment; they are our best friends, silently working to provide us with oxygen, clean air, and countless other benefits. In this article, we have written samples of “Trees Our Best Friend essay” of various lengths in simple and easy words. These essays will give you all the reasons why trees are our best friends and their importance in our lives.

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Here we have provided sample essays on trees our best friend of 150, 200, 250, 300, and 500 words.

Trees Our Best Friend Essay 1: 150 Words

Trees are our best friends as they provide us with oxygen, food, and shelter. They purify the air, offer shade, and enhance the beauty of our surroundings. They act as the Earth’s lungs, producing clean air for us to breathe. Trees offer fruits, nuts, and timber, supporting our nutritional and material needs. Additionally, they serve as habitats for diverse wildlife, preserving biodiversity.

In urban areas, trees purify the air, reduce pollution, and improve the quality of life. Moreover, they offer a sense of tranquility and peace, benefiting our mental well-being. We must cherish and protect these guardians of our planet, planting more trees to ensure a greener, healthier future for all living beings.

Trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide and stabilizing the soil to prevent erosion. We must protect and plant trees to ensure a greener and healthier future for ourselves and generations to come. We must protect and nurture them for a greener and healthier future.

Trees Our Best Friend Essay 2: 200 Words

Trees are often referred to as our best friends, and rightly so, as they hold a special place in our lives and the natural world. Their significance transcends their beauty and shade, encompassing a multitude of benefits that touch our lives in profound ways.

To begin with, trees are the Earth’s primary source of oxygen. Through the process of photosynthesis, they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, making the air we breathe clean and breathable. This vital function makes trees indispensable to our survival.

Trees are our best friends for several compelling reasons. Firstly, they are the Earth’s lungs, producing oxygen through photosynthesis, which is essential for our survival. Secondly, trees provide us with a variety of fruits, nuts, and timber, supporting our nutritional and material needs.

Furthermore, trees offer shelter and habitats to countless species of birds, insects, and animals. Their roots stabilize the soil, preventing erosion, and their canopy provides shade and relief from the sun’s scorching heat. Moreover, trees act as natural air purifiers, removing harmful pollutants and absorbing carbon dioxide, thereby mitigating the effects of climate change.

In a world facing environmental challenges, preserving and planting trees is not just a choice; it’s a responsibility. Trees truly are our best friends, providing us with numerous benefits while sustaining the delicate balance of our ecosystem.

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Trees Our Best Friend Essay 3: 250 Words

Trees, often regarded as the silent guardians of our planet, hold a special place in our hearts as our best friends. Their significance transcends their beauty and shade, encompassing a multitude of benefits that touch our lives in profound ways.

To begin with, trees are the primary source of oxygen through the process of photosynthesis, making the air we breathe clean and breathable. They also act as natural air filters, purifying the atmosphere by absorbing pollutants and carbon dioxide. In doing so, they combat climate change and contribute to a healthier environment.

Trees provide us with an abundance of resources, including fruits, nuts, and timber, supporting our dietary and material needs. Their roots anchor the soil, preventing erosion and landslides, while their lush canopies offer respite from the sun’s harsh rays.

Moreover, trees serve as habitats for countless species of birds, insects, and animals, preserving biodiversity and ecological balance. Their presence in urban areas enhances the quality of life by reducing heat and providing a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle.

In conclusion, trees are our best friends, offering us oxygen, sustenance, shelter, and environmental stability. As responsible stewards of the Earth, it is our duty to protect, nurture, and plant trees, ensuring a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come.

Trees Our Best Friend Essay 4: 300 Words

Trees are often referred to as our best friends, and rightly so, as they hold a special place in our lives and the natural world. Beyond their aesthetic beauty, trees play a multifaceted role in supporting life on Earth.

First and foremost, trees are the Earth’s primary source of oxygen. Through the process of photosynthesis, they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, making the air we breathe clean and breathable. This vital function makes trees indispensable to our survival.

Furthermore, trees are a valuable source of food, providing us with fruits, nuts, and a variety of culinary delights. They offer timber for construction and countless other materials essential for our daily lives.

But the importance of trees goes beyond mere sustenance. They act as natural air purifiers, absorbing harmful pollutants and carbon dioxide, which helps combat climate change. In urban environments, trees mitigate the “heat island” effect by providing shade and cooling the surroundings.

In addition to their environmental contributions, trees offer shelter and habitat to numerous species of birds, insects, and animals. They are crucial for preserving biodiversity and ecological balance.

Beyond their ecological significance, trees have a profound impact on our well-being. They provide a sense of tranquility and relaxation, making parks and green spaces vital for our mental and emotional health.

In conclusion, trees are indeed our best friends, providing us with essential resources, clean air, and a sustainable environment. It is our collective responsibility to protect, nurture, and plant trees, ensuring a greener, healthier, and more harmonious world for generations to come.

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Trees Our Best Friend Essay 5: 500 Words

Trees, often described as “Nature’s Best Friends,” are an integral part of our existence on Earth. Their multifaceted significance extends far beyond their aesthetic appeal, encompassing a wide range of environmental, ecological, economic, and emotional benefits.

First and foremost, trees are the Earth’s primary source of oxygen, a fundamental element for all life forms. Through the process of photosynthesis, trees convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, making the air we breathe clean and breathable. This vital role in oxygen production makes trees indispensable to our survival and well-being.

Beyond their contribution to the atmosphere, trees are a valuable source of sustenance. They provide us with a diverse range of fruits, nuts, and edible plant parts that support our nutritional needs. Moreover, timber obtained from trees is a vital resource for construction, furniture, and various industries.

Trees play a pivotal role in mitigating climate change. They act as natural air purifiers, absorbing harmful pollutants, and sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This carbon sequestration is crucial for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating global warming. By maintaining a healthy tree cover, we can help stabilize our climate and protect future generations.

In addition to their environmental and economic contributions, trees are essential for biodiversity conservation. They provide habitats and shelter to countless species of birds, insects, and animals. Their existence in diverse ecosystems preserves the delicate balance of life and contributes to the overall health of our planet.

Moreover, trees have a profound impact on our well-being. Studies have shown that spending time in natural settings with abundant trees can reduce stress, enhance mood, and improve overall mental and emotional health. The tranquility and beauty of forests and green spaces offer a welcome respite from the demands of modern life.

In urban environments, trees serve as “green lungs,” providing clean air, reducing pollution, and mitigating the “heat island” effect by providing shade and cooling. Their presence enhances the quality of life for city dwellers, making urban areas more livable and sustainable.

In conclusion, trees are our best friends, offering us oxygen, sustenance, shelter, and environmental stability. Their ecological, economic, and emotional significance cannot be overstated. As responsible stewards of the Earth, it is our duty to protect, nurture, and plant trees, ensuring a greener, healthier, and more harmonious world for generations to come.

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FAQs on Trees Our Best Friend Essay

Why are trees considered our best friends.

Trees are considered our best friends because they provide us with oxygen, food, shelter, and numerous environmental benefits. They play a vital role in sustaining life on Earth.

How do trees contribute to environmental conservation?

Trees contribute to environmental conservation by absorbing carbon dioxide, purifying the air, providing habitat for wildlife, and stabilizing soil to prevent erosion.

How do you write a tree best friend essay?

Trees are our best friends as they provide us with oxygen, food, and shelter. They purify the air, offer shade, and enhance the beauty of our surroundings.

What role do trees play in climate change mitigation?

Trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat global warming.

How do trees impact mental and emotional well-being?

Trees have a positive impact on mental and emotional well-being. Being in natural settings with trees can reduce stress, enhance mood, and improve overall mental health.

Why should we protect and preserve existing forests?

Protecting and preserving existing forests is essential to conserve biodiversity, maintain ecological balance, and safeguard the planet's natural resources and climate.

How can individuals contribute to tree conservation efforts?

Individuals can contribute to tree conservation efforts by planting trees, supporting reforestation initiatives, and practicing sustainable forest management.

What are the benefits of spending time in natural settings with trees?

Spending time in natural settings with trees can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall mental and emotional well-being.

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Trees are our Best Friends Essay | Essay on Trees are our Best Friends for Students and Children

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Trees are our Best Friends Essay:  Nowadays, whenever we plant a tree, we upload a post on social media saying trees are our best friends. We use hashtags like go green or save a life. Trees are the type of friends who give us everything they got and expect nothing in return.

Tragically, we abuse their liberality by our covetousness, absent a lot of thought of the repercussions of our activities. Our codependence with trees is really uneven. We rely upon trees; they don’t rely upon us. Trees have become a vital part of our lives.

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Long and Short Essays on Trees are our Best Friends for Students and Kids in English

We provide students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic Trees Are Our Best Friends for reference.

Long Essay on Trees are our Best Friends 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Trees are our Best Friends is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Someone said a very good thing that plant a tree means to plant life. But actually, by planting a tree, we help to live many lives. Mother Earth gifted trees as a blessing to the environment. People think they are doing a favour by planting trees. But the main thing one must recall is that trees needn’t bother with us, rather we need them. Planting trees are essential for our living.

Trees are unquestionably our closest companions. They are those best friends who consistently give us everything without anticipating anything consequently.

Trees have acquired this world longer than people; nonetheless, people will, in general, overlook this reality. They neglect to perceive their noteworthiness and keep on abusing them interminably for transient advantages.

Like our all friends, trees help us in various ways. They give us the oxygen to live. They share their beautiful flowers, tasty fruits, helpful herbs with us. They protect us from some natural calamities like earthquake, thunderstorm, flood. They give us that peace beneath their shade. Trees not only help us. They are the shelter of many little creatures. Birds make nests on bunches of trees. Without forests, a significant number of these creatures would stop to exist, which would upset the idea of a natural way of life.

In urban areas, most houses have fireplaces that act as alternative sources of heating for the house during the cold season. Furthermore, tanning lumber is exclusively used in industries. Mostly the lumber used in industries is harvested from commercial or private farms.

But here are some greedy people always want to have more and more technologies, and more money. Those people maltreatment liberality of trees by our voracity, absent a lot of thought of the repercussions of our activities.

Most of the times, we cut down trees and don’t even think to plant a new tree there. This disforestation disrupts the balance of the ecosystem and is the cause of climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for indigenous people for present and future world. As we did those crimes towards the trees, now we need to artificial oxygen to survive on earth.

After the 1960s, people started to deforest many lands and areas to make factory, complex. In, Uttarakhand, 1973, some greedy people also came to cut down trees of a village. The villagers were dependent on those trees and forest. They love trees. They stopped the cutters by protecting the trees. They hugged the trees and kept a non-violent movement called “Chipko Movement”.

In that time, a Gandhian activist, Sundarlal Bahuguna lead of that movement to the proper direction. This movement gave the inspiration to many eco-social groups, NGOs who were trying to stop rapid deforestation. This movement still gives us inspiration for loving trees. The problem is that trees are nonrenewable. If we desire to keep this world sustainable and liveable for our future generations, then we need to plant trees more.

Short Essay on Trees are our Best Friends 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Trees are our Best Friends is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Trees are one of the most precious gifts from Mother Nature. They are called best friends of Humans. People and animals get many things from trees. Planting a tree is a very valuable thing to the world,

Trees absorb Carbon di-oxide what we leave through breath and give us oxygen to live. There is the best example of dependency you can see in the world. Trees give us flowers, fruits, shade, herbs, wood for livelihood.

But there are some people who are not wise enough to think about the future. They cut trees to earn money. Which are now causes climate change global warming etc.

Today, a few nations have precluded of chopping down trees by the legislature. We additionally should challenge the decimating of trees. We should likewise join to planting a tree just as we can join to tree planting efforts. So we should cherish trees, plant trees and bound to secure it as they are our best friends.

10 Lines on Trees are our Best Friends in English

1. Trees gives us oxygen and intake Carbon di-oxide. 2. Trees share beautiful flowers, healthy herbs, tasty fruits with us. 3. Trees give shelter many birds and creatures. 4. Trees protect us from flood and helps to prevent land erosion, 5. The rotten leaves of trees make the land fertile. 6. In 1973, Chipko Movement took place. 7 Gandhian Activist, Sundarlal Bahuguna lead the Chipko Movement. 8. Deforestation is the cause of Climate change, global warming and increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, 9. Now, many nature lovers made a tag called go green, plant life to aware people about the present ecological scenario. 10. WHO says, if we plant a tree in a week, we can have better habitat for future.

FAQ’s on Trees are our Best Friends Essay

Question 1. Do trees feel pain?

Answer:  Plants do not have pain receptors, nerves, or a brain. They do not feel pain as members of the animal kingdom.

Question 2.  is there any common factor between humans and plants?

Answer: Inside the cells, we find that human cells and plant cells contain six identical organelles or active components which include cell membranes, mitochondria and the nucleus. The presence of mitochondria means that both plants and humans have cellular respiration.

Question 3.  Where does a tree make its food?

Answer: The food that trees need is made in the leaves contains millions of chlorophyll cells. These cells make food through a process called photosynthesis.

Question 4.  What are the uses of cutting down trees?

Answer:  Trees are cut down for use as a building material, timber or sold as fuel. After cutting trees, the cleared land is used as pasture for livestock and agricultural crops.

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Trees Are Our Best Friend Essay for Students [Easy Words*]

February 2, 2021 by Sandeep

Trees are Our Best Friend Essay: Trees are one of the most precious and valuable gifts of nature. They are our friends who give us everything. It is a blessing bestowed upon humankind. They form an integral part of our well being and play a significant role in our lives. But human’s greed for more has resulted in depleting this treasure on a large scale.

Essay on Trees are Our Best Friend in English

We have provided Trees are Our Best Friend Essay in English for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 students.

Trees are the vital source of energy as it furnishes us with the essential needs of life-food and oxygen. As earth’s evolution took place, trees provided additional distinctive necessities like shelter, medicine, tools, etc. Their role in the environment is exclusive and because they are the longest living species on earth, offering us a link between past, present and future.

It is crucial to preserve the woodlands, forests, and trees in urban areas and sustainably manage the development. Trees act like our best friend as they give in abundance and expect nothing in return. We are entirely dependent on them for our livelihood, and cutting them would be precarious and threatening to our habitat. Not only humans but animals also suffer dreadfully because they lose their only home. The earth faces animal extinction gradually due to their home being lacerated for human greed.

Social Benefits

Several birds build nests on trees where they lay eggs and raise their little ones. Most of the wild animals live in the forest. Certain animals prefer residing in the deep or dense forest to avoid human contact. The jungle is their natural habitat where they survive, hunt, graze and procreate. Without trees, these creatures would be stranded with nowhere to go. Destruction to their habitat means disrupting the food chain further creating a void.

For humans, trees act a stress buster as it fosters serenity. The ambience reduces fatigue, tension and faster recuperation from surgery and illness. Furthermore, green spaces promote meditation and self-discovery. Being near to the trees is like therapy as it reduces noise.

Trees are religiously worshipped in some parts of India. Lord Buddha acquired enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, and Lord Vishnu is represented by the Peepal tree. Hence cutting them is forbidden and considered a sin. Moreover, the coconut tree is named Goddess Lakshmi, and Neem tree signifies Goddess Durga. During Vat Purnima or Vat Savitri, women worship Banyan tree by observing fast and tying thread to the tree.

Environmental Benefits

Trees are meant to be the guardian of the environment. They help regulate the atmosphere’s temperature by maintaining a balance between humidity and dryness. They also facilitate water cycle causing rainfall and forms a protective shield in the atmosphere to protect us against the harsh heat from the sun.

Compact tree foliage serves as a windbreaker by reducing the wind’s speed and force. They even prevent soil erosion. Mangroves mainly prevent floods by acting as a natural barrier against violent storms. On the other hand, leaves filter the air that we breathe by eliminating dust particles and releasing oxygen. People with a respiratory disorder are often recommended to live in green areas and to take a morning walk among the trees.

Trees improve soil fertility. Fallen leaves, branches, twigs, dead foliage, barks etc. falls on the ground. Through the method of rotting, they release nutrients into the soil. Trees and plants absorb these nutrients to thrive and grow strong. Because they release oxygen and intake carbon-dioxide, they reduce the effect of greenhouse gases.

Economic Benefits

For both humans and animals’ trees are the source of food. Every year we wait eagerly for good produce. Also, we convert food to other products that are exported internationally. Timber is used extensively to make furniture used in homes, schools, colleges and offices. There is also the usage of paper in our daily lives.

Essay on Trees Our Best Friend

In the grand tapestry of life on Earth, there exists a remarkable friend, silent but strong, towering yet humble, and ever-giving. These friends are none other than trees. Trees are not just a part of nature; they are our best friends. They have stood tall and firm since the dawn of time, silently watching over us and providing numerous gifts that sustain life on our planet.

Oxygen Factory:

Trees are like magical factories that churn out the most vital gas for our survival—oxygen. They are the Earth’s lungs, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing life-giving oxygen through a process known as photosynthesis. Did you know that a single tree can provide enough oxygen for three people in a year? That’s how selflessly our tree friends contribute to our well-being.

Home for Wildlife:

Trees are not just essential for humans; they are vital for countless other creatures too. Forests, made up of trees, serve as homes for a variety of animals, from birds to insects to mammals. These trees provide shelter, nesting sites, and food for our furry and feathered friends. Without trees, many animal species would be homeless and endangered.

Clean Water Source:

Trees play a critical role in maintaining clean and fresh water sources. Their roots help absorb rainwater and prevent soil erosion, ensuring that our rivers and lakes stay clean and full. Moreover, they filter out harmful pollutants, making water safe for all living beings.

Nature’s Healers:

Trees possess a unique power to heal the earth. They absorb harmful pollutants from the air and soil, making our environment cleaner and healthier. In cities where air pollution is a growing concern, trees act as natural air purifiers, providing us with clean, breathable air.

Provider of Food:

Trees offer a banquet of fruits, nuts, and seeds that nourish us and countless animals. Apples, oranges, almonds, and so many more delicious treats come from trees. They don’t just feed our bodies but also our souls with the joy of harvest and the taste of nature’s bounty.

Climate Champions:

As the world faces the challenges of climate change, trees are stepping up as our champions. They absorb and store carbon dioxide, reducing the greenhouse effect and helping to cool the planet. By preserving and planting more trees, we can combat global warming and protect our environment.

Beauty and Serenity:

Beyond their practical benefits, trees provide us with beauty and serenity. The sight of a lush forest, the sound of leaves rustling in the wind, and the shade they offer on a hot day are all priceless gifts that soothe our souls and refresh our spirits.

Lessons in Resilience:

Trees teach us valuable lessons in resilience. They endure storms, harsh winters, and long droughts, yet they stand tall, showing us the importance of staying strong in the face of adversity. Trees are like nature’s wise elders, offering us wisdom through their steadfast presence.

Cultural Significance:

Throughout history, trees have held deep cultural and spiritual significance. They have been symbols of life, wisdom, and connection with the divine in many cultures. Trees are not just part of our environment; they are part of our heritage and identity.

Conclusion of Essay on Trees Our Best Friend

In conclusion, trees are indeed our best friends, offering us immeasurable gifts and benefits. They provide us with the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. They shelter and nourish countless species, and they teach us important lessons about resilience and the value of nature. As responsible stewards of our planet, it is our duty to protect and care for these invaluable friends. Let us remember always that when we plant a tree, we plant a friend for life, and when we protect trees, we protect our future. So, let us cherish and honor these silent giants, for they are, and will always be, our best friends in the natural world.

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Essay on Trees are Our Best Friends

Students are often asked to write an essay on Trees are Our Best Friends in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Trees are Our Best Friends


Trees are our best friends because they provide us with the essentials of life. They clean the air we breathe, provide shelter, and offer us cool shade on hot days.

Role in Nature

Trees play a critical role in maintaining the balance of nature. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, keeping our environment healthy.

Provider of Resources

Trees provide us with many resources like fruits, wood, and medicines. They also offer habitats to many species, contributing to biodiversity.

In conclusion, trees are our true friends. They ask for nothing in return, yet they give us so much. We must protect them.

250 Words Essay on Trees are Our Best Friends

The unspoken companionship of trees, the life sustainers.

Trees are irreplaceable contributors to our planet’s ecosystem. They absorb carbon dioxide, a primary greenhouse gas, and release oxygen, a fundamental element for human survival. This symbiotic relationship between trees and humans is a perfect example of nature’s balance.

Guardians of Biodiversity

Trees are not just friends to humans, but to a myriad of species. They provide habitats for countless organisms, from birds nesting in their branches to insects thriving in their bark. Their role as biodiversity guardians is crucial for the health and stability of ecosystems.

Healers of the Mind and Soul

Beyond their ecological contributions, trees have a profound impact on human mental health. The Japanese practice of Shinrin-yoku, or “forest bathing,” has shown that spending time among trees can reduce stress, improve mood, and even boost the immune system. Their silent, steadfast presence can be a source of comfort and peace.

The Silent Witnesses

Trees are the silent witnesses of our lives and our history. They stand tall through seasons and centuries, observing the world change around them. They symbolize strength, growth, and resilience, qualities we aspire to imbibe.

In conclusion, trees are our best friends in an array of ways. They sustain life, foster biodiversity, provide mental solace, and bear witness to our existence. Their silent companionship is a testament to their invaluable role in our lives and the world at large.

500 Words Essay on Trees are Our Best Friends

The indispensable companionship of trees, the oxygen providers.

Trees are the lungs of the Earth. Through the process of photosynthesis, they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, a gas vital for our survival. The significance of this process cannot be overstated, especially in an era where industrialization and urbanization have led to a surge in air pollution. Trees are our natural air purifiers, mitigating the adverse effects of pollution and ensuring the air we breathe is clean and healthy.

Trees are the backbone of biodiversity. They provide habitat to a myriad of species, from insects and birds to mammals and even other plants. In tropical rainforests, it’s estimated that up to 50% of all species on Earth reside. This rich biodiversity is not only fascinating but also crucial for the balance of our ecosystems. The extinction of one species can trigger a domino effect, disrupting the entire ecosystem and leading to unforeseen consequences.

Climate Change Combatants

The psychological impact of trees.

The benefits of trees extend beyond the environmental to the psychological. Studies have shown that exposure to green spaces can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive functioning. The Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, or forest bathing, is based on this principle and is now recognized as a legitimate form of therapy.

The Silent Witnesses of History

Trees are also silent witnesses to our history. They have stood the test of time, bearing witness to the rise and fall of civilizations. Some trees, like the ancient Bristlecone Pines, have been alive for thousands of years. Their rings tell stories of past climates, providing invaluable data for climate scientists.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

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Trees Are Our Best Friends Essay For Students in 1000 Words

In this article, you will read ‘Trees Are Our Best Friends Essay’ for students and children in 1000 words. It includes the meaning of this phrase, its significance, its importance, benefits, helpful trees, and 10 lines on trees.

Table of Contents

Trees Are Our Best Friends Essay in English (1000 Words)

It is correctly said by a great scholar that “when you plant a tree, you plant a new life.” Trees are one of nature’s most priceless, precious, and valuable gifts.


Trees are the essence of our lives. Tree leaves murmur, “We are your best friends.” They play a significant role in the ecology and in humans’ and other organisms’ lives.

They absorb carbon dioxide and hence reduce the carbon content in the atmosphere. They are the sole reasons for the rainfall and preservation of groundwater.

Why Are Trees Important?

It is just impossible for any human being to survive without trees, as they belong to the category of principal sources of oxygen on earth. 

Fiber present in the cellulose of raw wood is used to make paper. Trees are also a source of teas and certain medicinal herbs that effectively cure many diseases.

Benefits of Trees in Our Daily Life

This is the most important economic product that we obtain from trees. Trees also provide many medicinal products to treat many deadly diseases like fever, HIV, cancer, and mastitis. 

They serve as a social gathering place for many birds, as they build nests and lay eggs on them. They are also a home for many of the animals. Human activities have immensely damaged their habitats, leading to the extinction of many animals. 

The 10 Most Helpful Trees

The name of the most helpful tree, which you need to know for survival in the forest nearby, is:

How Do You Save Trees?

Trees are an essential component of the earth’s ecosystem.We must save them by making a few minor lifestyle changes that will help to make our planet a better place to live in. 

10 Lines on Trees Are Our Best Friends

Conclusion .

Still, as responsible citizens of this country, we need to move forward and take some effective steps to protect this non-renewable resource, that is, our trees and forests. Trees are our best friends. This must be our main agenda, and we must protect them. 

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Essay on Trees is Our Best Friend

Madhuri Thakur

Updated February 13, 2023

Importance of Trees

Friends are people we can count on and are there for us. They can often be even more significant than family members. Similarly, trees are essential to every habitat and form the basis of the forests that support all life. In addition to providing food and shelter, trees also stabilize the ecology. Most of the country turns into sparsely inhabited or desert territory without a dense canopy of trees. It signifies that trees are the best friends of all other organisms in the ecosystem. They play a crucial role because they balance the ecology. They provide a home for various plants and animals. Trees aid in the regulation of the weather and the prevention of soil erosion.

Essay on Trees is Our Best Friend 1

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Our life and the health of the world depend on trees. They provide different benefits and are essential to preserving the ecosystem’s equilibrium. Trees purify the air we breathe by removing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. They also serve as a natural filter, clearing the air of impurities like dust. The Earth’s lungs, known for enhancing the quality of the air we breathe, help us breathe cleaner air.

Trees absorb pollutants and generate oxygen in metropolitan areas, which decreases air pollution levels. By offering shelter and cooling the air, they also aid in preventing the “heat island effect,” in which cities frequently experience much higher temperatures than the nearby rural regions. As a result, they contribute to decreasing the effects of climate change.

Significance of Trees

Trees are a crucial habitat for various species, including insects, fungi, birds, and squirrels. They contribute to preserving the delicate balance of nature by supporting the entire ecosystem. Trees offer shelter and protection from the harsh sun, wind, and rain.

From a human point of view, trees give us various resources vital to our survival and well-being. People use wood from trees to construct homes, furniture, paper goods, and as fuel. Timber, a crucial structural component of buildings still widely utilized to make doors, frames, and other components, comes from trees. Numerous different tree species also provide fruits, nuts, and flowers that are essential sources of sustenance for both people and wildlife. Many trees have therapeutic value and can treat a variety of illnesses.

Essay on Trees is Our Best Friend 2.jpg

In addition to helping the environment, trees are essential for our physical and emotional health. Studies show that reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, and enhancing overall mood are the benefits of spending time outdoors and among trees. Studies have even shown that being near trees and other green spaces is good for human longevity and health.

Despite all the advantages trees offer us, they are frequently ignored and do not receive the proper protection and maintenance. Deforestation and urbanization have chopped down millions of trees, causing a catastrophic impact on our planet. It is our responsibility to preserve our woods, plant new trees, and recognize the essential part they play in our daily lives.

In the history of human civilization, trees have always been essential. Without the use of wood, it would have been difficult to create huge civilizations, from supplying the hunter-gatherer tribes with fruits and berries to transporting lumber. Trees continue to be essential for preserving ecosystems and preserving local weather across continents in the present day. Because trees continue to be a significant source of raw materials for our life, they remain our closest friends. We must conserve trees to ensure the existence of all life on Earth.

Conclusion – Essay on Trees is Our Best Friend

Trees are our best friends since they provide us with everything we need, including the oxygen we breathe and the beauty of our surroundings. They provide us with fresh air, clean water, shade, wildlife habitats, and other things which are necessary for our existence. We must actively work to save and maintain our woods. We must make sure that future generations may benefit from their numerous advantages because they deserve our respect, care, and preservation.

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Essay On ‘Trees Are Our Best Friends’ – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Kids

Shraddha Mishra

  • Key Points To Remember When Writing Essay On Trees Are Our Best Friends
  • 10 Lines On Trees Are Our Best Friend
  • A Paragraph on ‘Trees Are Our Best Friends’
  • Short Essay On Trees Are Our Best Friend
  • Long Essay On Trees Are Our Best Friend

Interesting Facts About Trees For Kids

  • What Will Your Child Learn From the Essay On Trees Are Our Best Friend?

Trees and plants are part of the environment that we take for granted, and they are all around us, contributing to some of the most critical processes that sustain life. When we truly understand the importance of trees, we can see that they are our best friends, and we cannot do without them. As a topic, the ‘Trees our best Friend’ essay in English is frequently asked about in school, so children can learn all about the role trees play in the environment. Such essays for students and children also help them improve their writinf and comprehension skills.  

This article presents an essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 on trees and their importance in our world.  

Key Points To Remember When Writing Essay On Trees Are Our Best Friends  

Here are some important tips on how to write this essay on trees:

  • Start by working on an outline. Plan what to focus on in your writing.
  • Collect interesting information about trees, such as their age, height, habitat, etc.
  • Add introductory and concluding lines to both short and long essays.
  • Give importance to the flow and narrative of the long-form article.

10 Lines On Trees Are Our Best Friend  

One-line essays are simple and ideally suited for children in the lower grades. Here is an example essay for classes 1 and 2 on trees:  

  • Trees are living beings, just like people and animals.
  • They give oxygen and take away carbon dioxide.
  • Trees make every place look beautiful.
  • Trees give us fruits, seeds and flowers that we enjoy eating.
  • Trees provide us with shade on hot and sunny days.
  • Trees are important for maintaining cool weather in the city.
  • In the forests, trees give shelter and food to different animals.
  • Trees provide us with timber for construction and other work.
  • Without trees, everything on the Earth will find it hard to survive.
  • Trees are our best friends.

A Paragraph on ‘Trees Are Our Best Friends’  

Trees are essential to our lives in more ways than we can imagine. Here is a paragraph on why they are our best friends:  

Trees are a blessing on our beautiful planet. Every tree species has something to contribute to the planet, and it is one of Earth’s most significant and oldest living things. They help sustain other plants and animals. Humans need trees for different purposes, such as food and construction timber. Building a great civilisation without all the raw materials from trees would not have been possible. Trees give oxygen during the day by taking carbon dioxide, and they control the weather through transpiration. Trees are our best friends because we wouldn’t be here without them.  

Short Essay On Trees Are Our Best Friend  

Short essays are a good way to express our thoughts about things. Here is an example of a short essay for children on why trees are our best friends:

10 Lines On 'Trees Are Our Best Friends' For Kids

Trees are indispensable in both urban and forest environments, serving critical functions that sustain life. Forests provide essential shelter and nourishment for many wildlife, forming the backbone of diverse ecosystems. Trees are pivotal in enhancing air quality and regulating temperatures in urban settings. Through photosynthesis, they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, effectively mitigating pollution generated by vehicles and industrial activities.  

The absence of trees would lead to severe environmental degradation, resulting in the extinction of numerous plant and animal species that rely on them for survival. Furthermore, trees are instrumental in soil conservation, helping to prevent landslides in hilly regions by stabilising the earth with their root systems. Their presence is vital across the globe, contributing to ecological balance and human well-being. Without trees, life as we know it would be unsustainable, highlighting why they are often regarded as our best friends in nature.  

Long Essay On Trees Are Our Best Friend  

A long essay on trees is a trickier task for children to handle. With a good foundation in short paragraphs, they can attempt a long one. Here is an example of a long essay for class 3 on trees:    

Friends are people we can rely on and are present throughout our lives. Sometimes, they are as important or even more important than family members. Similarly, trees play a crucial role in every environment and are the foundation for forest areas where every organism thrives. Trees offer shelter and food and contribute to the stability of the ecosystem. Without a thick cover of trees, most of the land becomes scarcely populated or barren. It means trees are the best friends of every other living organism in the environment.  

Trees are not just important for the beauty they provide in the cities, but also for their crucial role in maintaining the fragile ecosystems. During the day, they absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide for their photosynthesis process and release oxygen. This means they absorb the polluting gas given off by most vehicles and replace it with oxygen, which improves air quality. Trees also keep the cities cool by regulating the moisture in the air and the local weather over the city. The coolest cities worldwide have dense parks and wooded areas that control the temperature. Finally, trees shelter a range of birds, animals and insects in the town, contributing to the delicate balance of urban ecosystems.  

Trees have always played a central role in the development of human civilisation. It would have been impossible to build great cultures without wood, from providing fruits and berries to the hunter-gatherer tribes to delivering timber. In the modern-day world, trees are critical in maintaining local weather over continents and protecting ecosystems. They are our best friends because trees are still a primary raw material source for our lives. Protecting trees is essential to ensure the survival of all organisms on the planet, including us.  


Why Are Trees Important In Our Life?

Trees are important in our life because they are an essential part of nature. Being around trees is healthy as they give plenty of oxygen during the day and make us free and refreshed. Trees give plenty of shaded areas on hot summer days and cool the city. They are also the source of some of our favorite fruits.

What Are The Benefits of Trees?

Trees have three main benefits to humans:

  • Economic Benefits: Trees are the source of timber, with is a critical structural material in construction, and it is still used extensively in making doors, frames and various components. Trees are the source of multiple products such as fruits and vegetables and medicinal ingredients.
  • Environmental Benefits: Trees are critical to the survival of almost every ecosystem on land, such as forests and swamps. Trees are also home to many animals in the ecosystem, contributing to the bigger picture, stopping topsoil erosion and protecting the ecosystem during floods.
  • Social Benefits: Trees are important to make any place feel natural. Human beings are naturally wired to be around trees, as most people experience a feeling of calmness and peace while being around trees in parks and forests. They offer natural shelter from the elements and are an essential part of even the human environment.

Overexploitation of Trees

Since trees are still a major source of raw construction materials, they are cut in different parts of the world. Since consumption always exceeds availability, deforestation occurs on a larger scale than ever before. Overexploitation of trees has consequences on every ecosystem on the planet and the weather.

How Can You Save Trees?

Here are some tips to take action to save trees:

  • Use fewer products that use palm oil.
  • Use less paper.
  • Purchase recycled paper products.
  • Choose cloth-based products over papers.
  • Purchase only FSC-certified wood.
  • Support initiatives that protect forest areas and trees.
  • Raise awareness about deforestation regularly.
  • Participate in drives that plant trees

Some interesting facts about trees for children:

  • It is possible to accurately tell the age of a tree by counting its tree rings.
  • Branches spread out the leaves of trees to receive the most sunlight possible.
  • Many trees live for over 50 to 100 years. The oldest tree is 4,853 years old!
  • California’s redwood trees are the tallest globally, growing to 90 meters tall.
  • Trees have existed for more than 370 million years on Earth.

What Will Your Child Learn From the Essay On Trees Are Our Best Friend?  

Essay writing is an essential skill children need to learn. It builds their language skills, which are important later in life for their higher education. These Trees, Our Best Friend essays act as an example of how to write articles on trees in different formats. Children can gather ideas from here and incorporate them into their writing.  

1. What Is Deforestation?

Deforestation is cutting down trees or clearing large swaths of land of the existing forest for cultivation, creating ranches or urbanisation.

2. How Does A Tree Make Its Food?

Trees make their food through a process called photosynthesis. They use a specialised pigment in the leaves called chlorophyll to absorb sunlight and convert it into chemical energy.

3. How Can Kids Help Protect Trees?

Kids can contribute to tree conservation efforts in several ways:  

  • Can Plant trees and nurture them to ensure a greener and healthier future.  
  • Avoid wasting paper by using both sides and using scrap paper for painting.  
  • Use cloth napkins instead of paper ones to reduce paper consumption.  
  • Spread awareness about the importance of trees and the need to protect them.  
  • Participate in tree planting drives organized by schools or local communities.  
  • Avoid littering and damaging trees in parks or public spaces.  

4. How do Trees Help Prevent Natural Disasters?

Trees play a crucial role in mitigating the impact of natural disasters:  

  • They reduce the force and speed of winds as a shield against typhoons and hurricanes.  
  • The roots of trees hold the soil , preventing soil erosion and stabilizing the ground.  
  • Dense tree covers like mangroves guard low-lying coasts against excess salt deposits caused by storms and floods.  
  • Mangroves stand as a wall between the land and the sea , protecting the fragile ecosystem and human lives.  

Writing an essay on “Trees Are Our Best Friends” nurtures a child’s writing skills and instils a profound appreciation for nature. Encouraging young minds to express their thoughts on this vital topic fosters a deeper connection with the environment, ensuring they grow into responsible stewards of our planet.  

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Just look around; what do you see? We see a world full of pollution and construction sites. If we ask people to look around in the early years, they will see a view full of trees and lush greenery. What has happened to that lush greenery view?

An accurate phrase says, ' ' The greatest gift to the existing life is trees. The way we treat the trees is not acceptable. We forget that we need them for ourselves.

Trees are beneficial, and also we call them our best friends. Like friends, trees help us in numerous ways without expecting anything in return.

Trees are the early residents of the Earth. Even though trees were the first ones to avail the benefits of the Earth, they are the ones to be in the position of getting deteriorated. We, as good humans, fail to understand and analyze the importance of trees in our lives.

Trees have medicinal benefits. When antibiotics do not help, tree herbal medicines obtained from trees guarantee work. To add more about our best friends, they also save us from natural disasters. They are home to many animals and birds.

Let us discuss the benefits of trees.

These are a handful of benefits of trees. In villages, children love to play with trees. You will see a big swing hanging on the branches of trees. Children merrily sing and swing. You can see a huge sitting arrangement near the roots of trees where farmers and people sit and have a gala time. Trees provide them shelter and fruits after tiring, and they enjoy this time with their pals.

Trees witness new lives emerging and deaths too. Trees are the . Many herbivores and tamed animals need trees and small plants as a meal. Trees are helpful in sanctuaries. We can see forest structures in sanctuaries.

We are coming to the weather report. In a place with many trees, that place is pleasant, cool and breezy. Trees help to control the heat and bring coolness to the atmosphere. We use sunscreens to protect our skin. Instead, we should plant trees. .

More trees will bring environmental balance to our surroundings. It will help the smooth functioning of the water cycle. The water cycle will help in timely rainfall, and weather conditions will be appropriate.

Coming to religious beliefs, in Hinduism, the Peepal tree is very sacred. It resembles Lord Vishnu according to Hindu mythology, whereas the coconut tree to Goddess Lakshmi and the neem tree to Goddess Durga.

Trees can stop soil erosion and flooding. The soil gets vital nutrients from trees, which helps the ground mature. It takes nothing to plant a tree but gives you a lot in return. It .

Two trees are enough for each person on this planet. Two trees quench the thirst for oxygen of a person every year. There is no artificial method to produce oxygen and reduce the carbon dioxide content of the environment. We must protect and plant trees.

We, humans, are futuristic, but when it comes to nature and nature saviours, we do not take the necessary measures. It will be disheartening if we think of our upcoming generation and the air they will have to grow in. Why not take steps from now onwards? Better late than never.

Industrial pollution and construction effects weaken trees and often lead to deforestation. The pollution thus is proving to be hazardous for the environment.

You have the scenario in front of you-the condition of trees and our role in it. What can we do to save our future and the trees? Plant trees and take care of our best friends. There are times when our friends leave us due to work or any other reasons. But trees are those precious diamonds that will never leave our side till the end. We come from and become one with the soil near our best friend. It is in our hands to protect our best friend trees and how they protect and care for us.

Consider the numerous benefits of trees and our behavior towards them. There are different government schemes and plans to save trees and plant trees. We should participate actively in such activities. As responsible citizens of India, we should take up this as a personal issue and work to eradicate its effects.

Gandhiji said, ' .' If we take this saying by heart and pull up our socks to see a greener and more pleasant India, let us start right now. Looking at you, your friends will join and so on. Soon the whole of India will be a family in this mission. Let us come together to save our best friends.

Many natural problems and calamities will soon be under our control. Let us pledge to plant a tree in our locality, workplace, schools etc., whenever we get time. Yes, it is a slow process, but not impossible. Good things take time to happen. But one day comes when everything runs smoothly the way we want.

Let us close our eyes and listen to the rhythmic songs our best friends will sing for us when our place is full of lush greenery. Why go to hill stations when we can create one in our surrounding area? So let us look forward to a greener India. A hug to our best friends-trees.

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Essay about Trees Are Our Best Friend (200 & 500 Words)

Trees are some of our most valuable companions on Earth. They provide us with oxygen, food, shelter, medicine, and so many other important things. That is why trees really are our best friends. Trees give us the oxygen we need to breathe. They absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen through photosynthesis. A single mature tree can provide enough oxygen for 2 to 10 people per year.

Trees also clean the air by absorbing pollutants like sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide. Their leaves trap dust particles and other contaminants that can be harmful to our health. Trees provide food for people and animals. Fruits, seeds, nuts and many other edible products come from trees. Chocolate, coffee, maple syrup, and spices like cinnamon and nutmeg originate from tree species. Trees also provide habitats for birds and insects that are important for pollinating crops and balancing our ecosystems.

Trees are used to make important products we use daily like paper, furniture, housing materials, fencing and sporting equipment. In fact, over 5,000 products are made from trees! Trees also provide us with medicines, rubber, oils and much more.

Their roots prevent soil erosion and flooding. Trees give us shade and lower temperatures on hot days. Studies show trees even improve our physical and mental health. For all these invaluable contributions, it is clear that trees truly are our best friends. We should recognize their importance and continue to plant trees and have respect for them. Trees make our lives better in so many different ways.

Essay about Trees Are Our Best Friend (200 Words)

Trees are some of the most important living things on Earth. Trees provide us with oxygen, food, medicine, wood products and more. They give us clean air to breathe and shade from the sun. Trees help prevent soil erosion and provide habitats for animals. For all these reasons, trees really are our best friends!

Trees give us oxygen through a process called photosynthesis. Their leaves absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release the oxygen we need to survive. One large tree can give enough oxygen for two to ten people every year. Trees also trap dust, pollutants and other harmful particles that can make people sick.

Trees give us nutritious fruits and seeds to eat. Things like apples, oranges, walnuts and coconuts all come from trees. Trees also provide homes for birds, monkeys and other wildlife. We get valuable products from trees like paper, rubber, maple syrup and wood. Trees like neem and cinnamon provide medicinal ingredients.

Trees prevent soil erosion by holding soil in place with their roots. They also provide shade from hot sun. Studies show being around trees makes people happier and healthier. For all these important benefits, it is clear why trees are truly our best friends. We should plant more trees and take good care of them.

Essay about Trees Are Our Best Friend (500 Words)

Introduction to why trees are our best friends.

Trees are some of the most valuable and important living things on Earth. They provide us with oxygen, food, medicine, building materials, and more. Trees also clean the air, prevent soil erosion, and provide homes for wildlife. For all these indispensable contributions, it is clear that trees really are our best friends!

All the Ways Trees Keep Us Alive

Trees provide us with the oxygen we need to survive. Using energy from the sun, trees absorb carbon dioxide through their leaves and go through the process of photosynthesis to release oxygen back into the air. A large mature tree can produce enough oxygen for anywhere from two to ten people per year. Trees are like the lungs of the Earth, continually replenishing our air supply with fresh oxygen.

Trees also improve air quality by trapping dust, pollen, smoke, and other pollutants that can be harmful to human health. The leaves of trees catch and filter out dangerous contaminants, cleaning the surrounding air. Their root systems also prevent soil erosion, stabilizing the ground we live on.

Why Trees Are Important for the Planet

Trees play a critical role in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. As they grow, trees absorb and store carbon within their wood. This captured carbon would otherwise remain in the atmosphere and contribute to climate change. That is why protecting forests and planting more trees helps combat global warming.

Trees also provide habitats for birds, monkeys, insects, and other animals. They offer food, shelter, and safety for countless species. This promotes biodiversity and helps maintain balance in our ecosystems. Fruits and seeds from trees provide nourishment for wildlife and for humans as well.

All the Useful Things We Get from Trees

Trees provide food for people such as fruits, nuts, seeds, and products like maple syrup, spices, coffee, chocolate, and cooking oils. Trees like neem, cinnamon, and sandalwood also provide ingredients for natural and traditional medicines. We get valuable materials from trees including wood, paper, resins, rubber, and textile fibers. Our homes, furniture, books, and newspapers are all made with materials originating from trees.

Conclusion About Why Trees Are Our Best Friends

Trees give us oxygen, prevent soil erosion, provide homes for wildlife, and supply materials that sustain us. They clean the air, lower temperatures, and improve our health. Trees are invaluable contributors to life on Earth. That is why trees really are our best friends! We should recognize their importance by planting more trees, taking care of them, and appreciating their contributions to our lives every day.

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trees our best friend essay in english for class 8

Sana Mursleen is a student studying English Literature at Lahore Garrison University (LGU). With her love for writing and humor, she writes essays for Top Study World. Sana is an avid reader and has a passion for history, politics, and social issues.

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trees our best friend essay in english for class 8

Trees are our Best Friends : Trees make every place look beautiful.

Trees are one of the most precious gifts from Mother Nature. They are called best friends of Humans. People and animals get many things from trees. Planting a tree is a very valuable thing to the world,

Trees absorb Carbon di-oxide what we leave through breath and give us oxygen to live. There is the best example of dependency you can see in the world. Trees give us flowers, fruits, shade, herbs, wood for livelihood.

But there are some people who are not wise enough to think about the future. They cut trees to earn money. Which are now causes climate change global warming etc.

Today, a few nations have precluded of chopping down trees by the legislature. We additionally should challenge the decimating of trees. We should likewise join to planting a tree just as we can join to tree planting efforts. So we should cherish trees, plant trees and bound to secure it as they are our best friends.

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Essay on Trees

500+ words essay on tress.

We cannot imagine a world without trees because there won’t be one without them. Trees are one of the most essential beings on planet earth . They work continuously to clean the air that living beings breathe. Moreover, they make the world a better place to live in by giving us numerous offerings. This essay on trees will help you understand how important they are for us.

essay on trees

Significance of Trees

Trees are one of the most significant things on our planet. They help in improving the health of humans and make them fit and happy. You can notice this in people who are surrounded by trees as opposed to those who are not.

Further, we must all look after trees to do ourselves a favour. In other words, we are dependent on trees, they are not. They have utmost significance in many ways of life. Firstly, they give us fresh air. It allows us to breathe freely and live healthily.

Similarly, we also get food from trees. On the other hand, they provide us shade and shelter. We protect ourselves from the heat of the sunlight and the rainfall. Most importantly, a lot of our medicines come from trees only.

The tree extracts help in the making of these medicines. Not only these medicines, but trees themselves have medicinal values which we can use in a lot of ways. When we are around trees, we can feel peace and calm.

Similarly, its presence helps us relax. They also bring down the temperature and are a saviour on sunny or hot days. Also, trees work to conserve water as well as prevent erosion of soil. Thus, they have utmost significance in various ways which essay on trees will help us understand.

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Save Trees and Save Lives

Trees are not only important to humans but also to animals. We must do our best to save trees so everyone can lead a good life. Firstly, we must not waste paper. Using less paper will result in lesser trees being cut down.

Further, it is better to borrow and share books instead of buying new ones. You will help in lesser consumption of paper. Similarly, you can also donate your old books to those who need them. This will help the planet and the needy, both.

Moreover, plant more trees. Planting more trees can really help the planet as it is the need of the hour. Also, visit the forests to make children aware of their importance. We can all do our bit and make the world a greener place.

In conclusion, trees are very important for every form of life on planet earth. If we do not have trees, we will find it very hard to survive in this world. In fact, all species will not be able to make it without trees. Therefore, we must continuously work to save trees and plant more of them to give our future generations a better and greener world.

FAQ of Essay on Trees

Question 1: Why are trees significant?

Answer 1: Trees are significant as they give us a lot of benefits. From the air we breathe to the fruits we eat, we get it all from trees. Similarly, they also work to conserve water and prevent soil erosion. On the other hand, we also get many medicines from trees.

Question 2: How can we conserve trees?

Answer 2: Essay on trees can help you learn how to conserve trees. Save paper and you will save trees. Similarly, try to buy alternatives to wood when buying furniture. On the other hand, do not overuse paper towels or tissues in daily life. Do not throw away old books but donate them so the paper can be saved and ultimately trees.

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    Trees are Our Best Friend Essay: Trees are one of the most precious and valuable gifts of nature. They are our friends who give us everything. It is a blessing bestowed upon humankind. They form an integral part of our well being and play a significant role in our lives. But human's greed for more has resulted in depleting this treasure on a ...

  11. Essay on Trees Our Best Friend

    They have been symbols of life, wisdom, and connection with the divine in many cultures. Trees are not just part of our environment; they are part of our heritage and identity. Conclusion of Essay on Trees Our Best Friend. In conclusion, trees are indeed our best friends, offering us immeasurable gifts and benefits.

  12. Essay on Trees are Our Best Friends

    250 Words Essay on Trees are Our Best Friends The Unspoken Companionship of Trees. Trees, the silent sentinels of nature, are our best friends in the most profound sense. They provide a multitude of benefits, from the oxygen they produce to the habitats they create, and serve as a testament to the beauty and resilience of the natural world.

  13. Trees Are Our Best Friends Essay For Students in 1000 Words

    Trees are the essence of our lives. Tree leaves murmur, "We are your best friends.". They play a significant role in the ecology and in humans' and other organisms' lives. Trees are our best friends, and they are those friends who give us everything without expecting a single thing in return. Without the trees, the earth would no longer ...

  14. Essay on Trees is Our Best Friend

    Significance of Trees. Trees are a crucial habitat for various species, including insects, fungi, birds, and squirrels. They contribute to preserving the delicate balance of nature by supporting the entire ecosystem. Trees offer shelter and protection from the harsh sun, wind, and rain. From a human point of view, trees give us various ...

  15. Essay On 'Trees Are Our Best Friends' (in English) for Classes 1, 2 & 3

    Long Essay On Trees Are Our Best Friend A long essay on trees is a trickier task for children to handle. With a good foundation in short paragraphs, they can attempt a long one. Here is an example of a long essay for class 3 on trees: Friends are people we can rely on and are present throughout our lives.

  16. Trees are Our Best Friend Essay

    Trees are beneficial, and also we call them our best friends. Like friends, trees help us in numerous ways without expecting anything in return. Trees are the early residents of the Earth. Even though trees were the first ones to avail the benefits of the Earth, they are the ones to be in the position of getting deteriorated.

  17. Essay about Trees Are Our Best Friend (200 & 500 Words)

    They provide us with oxygen, food, shelter, medicine, and so many other important things. That is why trees really are our best friends. Trees give us the oxygen we need to breathe. They absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen through photosynthesis. A single mature tree can provide enough oxygen for 2 to 10 people per year.

  18. Essay on Save Trees for Students and Children

    Essay on Save Trees: From childhood, we have heard that trees are our best friend but in practical life, we didn't see anyone who treats trees as their friends. Although they are the most valuable life source on the earth. They benefit every life form in a direct or indirect way. And the earth is connected to them to maintain a natural balance.

  19. Essay on Trees are our Best Friends in 150 Words

    Essay on Trees are our Best Friends in 150 Words. ... Trees are our Best Friends : Trees make every place look beautiful. ... Class 8 Chapterwise MCQ Test; Class 7 Chapterwise MCQ Test; Related questions +1 vote. 1 answer. Essay on Trees are our Best Friends in 500 Words. asked Mar 28, 2023 in English by SrilakshmiSharma (23.9k points)

  20. Trees are our best friend essay in english

    Essay on trees our best friend this video is about. In this video you will see paragraph or trees are our best friend. This essay will surely helps students ...

  21. Trees are our Best Friend Essay in English

    About our ChannelOur channel is about letter writing, Essay writing and other educational things, We are trying to help students by educating them. Also, W...

  22. Essay on Trees for Students and Children

    Thus, they have utmost significance in various ways which essay on trees will help us understand. Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas. Save Trees and Save Lives. Trees are not only important to humans but also to animals. We must do our best to save trees so everyone can lead a good life. Firstly, we must not waste paper.

  23. Trees Are Our Best Friend Essay In English ...

    Trees Are Our Best Friend Essay In English | Importance Of Trees | Trees Our Best Friend Essay | Study By Handwriting |Hello friends,In this video we will le...