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Cover Letter Spacing and Margins

  • Cover Letter Format
  • Salutation and Greeting
  • Who To Address When Unknown
  • How To Start A Cover Letter
  • How To End A Cover Letter
  • Best Cover Letter Font And Size
  • Cover Letter Spacing
  • Cover Letter Length
  • Key Elements Of A Cover Letter
  • How To Write An Address
  • Official Letter Format
  • Cover Letter Opening

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Writing a standout cover letter is about more than just having great content. Coming off as professional in both form and function is going to help you get noticed by hiring managers. That means using proper spacing, margins, indentation, and length. Do these things correctly and your cover letter will be well-organized, clear, and easy to read. Whether you’re sending a physical cover letter or an email, we’ll provide guidelines to make your cover letter format perfect. We’ll also show you a sample cover letter for both a physical copy and an email version. Key Takeaways: Your margins should be 1-inch on all sides, but if you’re going over one page , then you can consider making the margins smaller Your cover letter should be similar to your resume with font and font size, which should be no larger than 12-point font. A cover letter should be between 200-300 words, but try to keep it on the shorter end if possible. In This Article    Skip to section Cover Letter Spacing Guidelines Proper Cover Letter Length Cover Letter Examples Margins and Alignment in a Cover Letter Guidelines for Cover Letter Font Sending Your Cover Letter Final Thoughts References Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More Cover Letter Spacing Guidelines

We’ll start with proper cover letter spacing, which is the first thing any hiring manager is going to notice upon first glance. Follow these rules and your page will look professionally done.

Spacing varies slightly depending on if you’re sending a physical cover letter or a digital cover letter.

Physical Copy Guidelines:

Single-space your cover letter

Start with your contact information in the following order:

Your name Your current address City, state, zip code Phone number Email address

Add one space

Write the date

Add the contact information of the letter’s recipient in the following order:

Hiring manager’s name Company Address Company city, state, zip code Hiring manager’s phone number Hiring manager’s email address

Write your salutation

Write 3-4 paragraphs, with one space between each one

Add one space after your final paragraph

Write your closing sign-off (e.g., Sincerely)

Put three spaces between your closing and your typed name

Put your signature in the space between your closing and your typed name

Tip: You can use the same header for your cover letter as your resume.

Email Cover Letter Spacing Guidelines:

Start with a salutation

>Write 3-4 paragraphs, with one space between each one

Add two spaces

Write your contact info in the following order

Full name Position Phone number Email address

If you have a formatted email signature , you can use that for step 8. You can add a digital signature between your closing and contact info if you think it looks snazzy (or, better yet, you think your prospective employer will think it looks snazzy).

Tip: When emailing a cover letter, keep your subject line clear and professional. State your name, the position title, and the fact that you’re sending along documents for an application. It should look something like “Donald Duck — Sales Representative Application.”

Proper Cover Letter Length

How to write a cover letter

Just like your resume, your cover letter should never exceed one page . Ideally, the body of your cover letter should be between 200-300 words (aiming for the lower end of that spectrum is your best bet). Hiring managers have to sift through tons of these cover letters, so keeping things short and sweet is beneficial.

A cover letter should have three paragraphs, four at the most.

Opening paragraph. Your opening paragraph should introduce yourself and your background, grab the reader’s attention with a big accomplishment, and let the company know why you’re applying. If you were referred by someone in the company, this is a good place to mention it.

Body paragraph(s). Your middle paragraph(s) should focus on your professional qualities and experiences that relate to the company for which you’re applying. Don’t repeat credentials from your resume, because the hiring manager has probably already looked at it. Dig deeper and highlight why you’re the perfect fit for the position.

If you’re having trouble deciding which elements of your professional history are best to include here, read the job description again. Note the required qualifications and significant responsibilities.

Then, look back on your experience for moments where you applied similar skills or achieved results comparable to what the new company wants to achieve. Any time you can give percentages, dollar figures, or numbers to describe your duties, it will be more impactful.

Closing paragraph. Your closing paragraph thanks the employer for considering your application. You can also express how eager you are to learn more about the role and the company.

Cut out unnecessary information and you should have no trouble fitting everything in a 300-word count maximum.

Tip: Never address your cover letter with “To whom it may concern” . Do your best to find the name of the person who will be reading your cover letter, and address it to him or her. If your best efforts turn up nothing or you’re still unsure, use “Dear Hiring Manager” or one of its alternatives .

Cover Letter Examples

Physical copy example:

Jonathan Cash 123 Apple Street Anywhere, CO 12345 (999) 765-4321 [email protected] August 22, 2020 Phyllis Vance 789 Company Lane Somewhere, CO 56789 (543) 210-9876 [email protected] Dear Ms. Vance, I was excited to see a job posting for the Sales Representative position on NextCompany.com. I have been working in sales since I was a child with my first lemonade stand, and have 6+ years of formal experience working in sales. During my time at CurComp, I have developed my knowledge of marketing strategies, my ability to generate interest in new products, and my skill at maintaining strong, lasting customer satisfaction. My proudest achievements as a sales representative have been exceeding sales quotas by 10% or more each quarter, closing $900,000 in 2018 (25% above goal), and ranking as the top salesperson in the company in Q2 of 2019. Helping customers see the value of products that I truly believe in is the greatest source of satisfaction in my professional life. I would be thrilled to be in a position where I could implement my proven strategies to sell products offered by NextCompany, which have garnered the attention and excitement of industry experts for years. Thank you for considering me for the Sales Representative position. I look forward to discussing the role further and learning how my brand of salesmanship could fit into NextCompany’s business model. Sincerely, Jonathan Cash

Email cover letter example:

Dear Pat Murphy, ABC Inc. needs an Accountant who is determined, organized, and has years of expereince maintaining financial records. Luckily, I meet all three of those criteria. After getting an MBA with a specialization in Accounts from the University of Florida, I began working in the financial sector. For more than six years, I’ve helped companies upkeep and maintain financial records, run risk assessments, and handle all payroll and invoice documentation. I’ve also dedicated my Saturday’s performing pro bono accounting consultation for a local food bank. I was glad to see that ABC is also greatly involved with aiding the impoverished areas of our city, which further drew me to apply for this role. In my current position with XYZ Corp., I lead a team of 12 junior accountants managing a total of $10M+ in assets and cash. By setting up a new invoice system for contractors, I was able to reduce overhead by 8% and increase the efficiency of contracted projects by 6%. My proudest moment at XYZ, though, was finding a budgetary error that was bleeding over $15,000 monthly from the company. When I identified and fixed this problem, XYZ awarded me “Top Performer of the Month” in January 2020. With me, you get more than a regular CPA — you get a top-notch presenter who thrives in collaborative, deadline-driven work environments. I look forward to speaking more about how I can help XYZ achieve its goals in the years to come. Sincerely, Joanne Diggerly Johnston, HI 54321 (555) 432-1098 [email protected]

Margins and Alignment in a Cover Letter

Like most documents, your cover letter should be aligned to the left. You should use 1-inch margins on all sides, but if you’re going over one page, then you can consider making the margins smaller. But really, if you’re sticking to our cover letter length guidelines (more on that below), then you should have no issues with standard 1-inch margins.

At no point should you indent any of your paragraphs. And don’t go bigger than 1-inch margins, because it’s going to look super obvious that you’re trying to make the letter’s content look beefier than it is.

If you’re writing your cover letter in Microsoft Word, you can change margins by pressing Page Layout followed by Margins . If you’re writing your cover letter in Google Docs, you can change margins by pressing File and then Page Setup .

Guidelines for Cover Letter Font

A good rule of thumb is to make your cover letter as aesthetically similar to your resume as possible. That means using the same font. Basic, everyday fonts like Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica, or Calibri are all good options.

Font size should generally be 12-point. If you’re trying to include more content, you could consider bringing that down to 10-point, but play around with margins as well to see which option allows you more space while keeping the letter visually pleasing .

Things to avoid like the plague are: underlining, highlighting, colored lettering, and CAPITALIZING. You can consider using bold or italicized text but use these sparingly to emphasize the key points of your cover letter. And if you choose to use bold, don’t also use italics (and vice versa).

Tip: Look at whether your prospective company uses “serif fonts” (tails at the end of letters, like in Times New Roman) or “sans serif” fonts (no tails at the end, like Arial). Then, use a font in the same style for your resume and cover letter.

Sending Your Cover Letter

If you’re sending your cover letter as a file, make sure to give it an appropriate name. For example, “John-Doe-Cover-Letter” tells the recipient exactly what the file is.

Be advised that many companies use an applicant tracking system when reviewing resumes and cover letters, so using a compatible file format like PDF or .doc is your best bet.

Sending your application documents as PDFs ensures that formatting will remain consistent across devices and operating systems. That makes it a strong choice most of the time, unless the employer specifically asks you not to send a PDF. Instructions directly from the employer always trump any advice we give here.

Final Thoughts

Cover letter spacing and margins might be the last thing on your mind, but they’re the first thing that a hiring manager or recruiter is going to notice. A bit of creativity is great when you’re applying for jobs, but some standards exist for a reason.

Stick to 1-inch margins and single-spaced, unindented paragraphs, and you’ll be off to a great first impression .

Careerservices.illinoisstate.edu. “ PDF .”

Owl.purdue.edu. “ Quick Formatting Tips // Purdue Writing Lab .”

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Matthew Zane is the lead editor of Zippia's How To Get A Job Guides. He is a teacher, writer, and world-traveler that wants to help people at every stage of the career life cycle. He completed his masters in American Literature from Trinity College Dublin and BA in English from the University of Connecticut.

Matt Warzel a President of a resume writing firm (MJW Careers, LLC) with 15+ years of recruitment, outplacement, career coaching and resume writing experience. Matt is also a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Internet Recruiter (CIR) with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing Focus) from John Carroll University.

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How To Format A Cover Letter (Examples)

How To Format A Cover Letter (Examples)

Great writing is just step one of the process to getting your dream job. While your text may be amazing, featuring engaging stories, relevant examples, and your vision for the position doesn't count for much unless you know how to format a cover letter.

Small things such as margins, font, and spacing matter. Many candidates feel overwhelmed by all the information that's out there, but don't worry, we're here to help.

in this guide we'll teach you:

  • The principles on how to format a cover letter
  • Which font is best
  • Additional tips on Applicant Tracking System

Before we dive into it, let's make sure that your resume is on point. Head over to our resume builder for expert help.

Principles on How to Format a Cover Letter

While there are plenty of tips and tricks when it comes to down to formatting your cover letter, there are some core basics you need to abide by.

Cover letter margins should be at 1"-1.5"

Why is that? Because 1-inch margins will give you enough space to fit all of your vital information on one page. If you can afford to use an inch and a half margin, that's even better as it would be easier to read.

When it comes to your font, do not try to be special. Keep it professional, simple, and clean.

The best fonts to use for your cover letter are:

Calibri Georgia Avenir Next
Helvetica Times New Roman Cambria

These fonts are clean and compact. The worst thing you can do is choose a quirky font that's hard to read. Spare the recruiter's eyes or otherwise, they won't be kind to you.

cover letter examples margins

Make sure that your alignment is consistent all the way through. Let's look at two examples:

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to apply to the position of a Sales Director at your company, as I live and breathe sales.

My previous experience proves that I'm an expert at managing a team and hitting monthly as well as quarterly quota.

I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you further regarding the opportunity to join the team.

This cover letter looks like a complete mess and is hard to read due to the alignment. Choosing alignment to the left is a safe bet and it looks aesthetically pleasing.

Consistency is key both on your resume and on the cover letter.

Formatting for ATS

Finally, let's talk about ATS - the Applicant Tracking System. First of all, what is ATS?

cover letter examples margins

The Applicant Tracking System is a tool that reads resumes and cover letters in order to help recruiters. It screens the qualifications and keywords on your resume and cover letter in order to show the recruiter whether you match the job profile.

ATS is fully automated so in order to increase your chances of passing through, you have to make sure that you format properly. Luckily, sticking to a good font, 1"-1.5" margin and having a left alignment throughout is a big help.

Cover letter writing is a process and something of an art form. While you have to make sure that your content is excellent, you have to pay attention to the details as well, such as margins, font, and alignment.

Stick to the tips above and your cover letter will successfully pass through the Applicant Tracking System and land you the job.

Before you send out your application, make sure your resume looks flawless. He over to our resume builder for expert tips.

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Cover Letter Spacing Guidelines

cover letter examples margins

Cover Letting Spacing Overview

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  • Review Sample Formatted Cover Letters

PeopleImages / Getty Images

Technology has made it easier than ever to apply to jobs. But there’s one part of the process that’s hard to automate: cover letters.

Maybe that’s why so few candidates write them. Only 42% of applicants say that they submit this crucial document when they apply for a job. However, most hiring managers still want to see cover letters from job applicants. Even if they didn’t, it would be a shame to miss out on the opportunity to sing your praises to decision-makers. Write a thoughtful, professional cover letter, and you’ll stand out from the competition before you’ve even spoken with the hiring team.

If it’s been a while since you’ve written a cover letter—or any formal business correspondence—you might feel a little intimidated. Even the  formatting requirements  can feel confusing when you’re rusty.

The good news is that there’s a clear formula for organizing your cover letter. These cover letter spacing guidelines will help you compose a message that makes the best possible impression.

The format of a letter refers to the way the letter is arranged on the page. The format includes spacing, indentation, margins, and more.

When you're writing a cover letter, the spacing is important regardless of what form your letter is in. An email cover letter needs to be as properly formatted as a typed cover letter.

Read below for cover letter spacing and general formatting guidelines for both typed and email cover letters. Two sample cover letters, one for a typed letter and one for an email letter, are included.

  • Format an email cover letter just like a traditional business letter, with spaces in between each paragraph and your signature.
  • Align your cover letter to the left.
  • Single-space the paragraphs in your cover letter or email message.
  • When you're sending a typed letter, include a handwritten signature and a typed signature underneath it.
  • When you're sending an email message, follow your signature with your contact information. If you have a formatted email signature, use this to close your message.

Your cover letter should be one page or less. Use a 10- or 12-point font that is easy to read, such as Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial.

How to Use Letter Samples and Templates

Cover letter examples and templates  can help you visualize the layout of your letter. They also show you what elements you need to include, such as introductions and body paragraphs.

Along with helping with your layout, letter samples and templates can help you see what kind of content you should include in your document, such as a brief explanation of a layoff.

You should use a template or an example as a starting point for your letter. However, you should always personalize and customize your cover letter, so it reflects your skills and abilities, and the jobs you are applying for.

Remember that hiring managers want candidates who are passionate about this particular job, not just any job. Use your cover letter as a sales document to persuade the hiring team that you’re the right person for the job.

Review Sample Cover Letters

Here's an example of a properly spaced and formatted printed cover letter, as well as a sample email message.

Sample Spacing for a Printed Document

Your Name Your Street Address Your City, State Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email Address

Dear Hiring Manager:

First Paragraph: The first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you are writing. Mention the position you are applying for.

Middle Paragraphs: The next paragraphs of your cover letter should describe what you have to offer the employer. Make strong connections between your abilities and their needs. Use several shorter paragraphs or bullets rather than one large block of text. Keep the paragraphs single-spaced but leave a space between each paragraph.

Final Paragraph: Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position.

Signature: Sincerely,

Signature (Handwritten)

Signature (Typed)

Sample Spacing for an Email Message

Subject: Your Name - Sample Position Application

Middle Paragraphs: The next section of your cover letter should describe what you have to offer the employer. Provide details on your qualifications for the job. Keep the paragraphs single-spaced but leave a space between each paragraph.

Final Paragraph: Conclude your cover letter by thanking the hiring manager for considering you for the job.

Signature: Include your contact information in your signature at the bottom of your email message.

Best Regards,


FirstName LastName Email Address Phone LinkedIn Profile (Optional)

Jobvite. “ Job Seeker Nation Survey 2017 ,” Page 19. Accessed June 15, 2021.

Nancy M. Schullery, Linda Ickes, and Stephen E. Schullery. “ Employer Preferences for Résumés and Cover Letters ,” Business and Professional Communication Quarterly . Accessed June 15, 2021.

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Cover Letters Part 1

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What should my cover letter look like? Your cover letter should be one page and single-spaced. Your letter should have 1-inch margins all the way around the page. Your cover letter text font should match your résumé’s text font. Lastly, your letter should also follow a business letter format. You have three options: Block format – the text of the entire letter is left justified (against the left margin) Modified block – the body text of the letter is left justified, but the date and closing are tabbed to the center point Semi-Block – the body text of the letter is left justified except for the first sentence of the paragraphs. The date and closing are tabbed to the center point Click here to see examples of all three formats on the Purdue OWL. Regardless of which format you choose, your cover letter should follow some general content guidelines. What should my cover letter accomplish? Your cover letter should

  • Show the employer you have tailored the letter to the company and to the job you want
  • Explain your experiences in a clear, story-like format that works with the information in your résumé
  • Explain in detail your experiences/skills that relate to the job you want
  • Explain in detail how your experiences/skills will help you help the employer and fulfill the job requirements
  • Provide an example of your communication skills.

Click here to download the PDF file containing sample résumés and employment letters.

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How to write a CV objective (with UK examples)

Anna Muckerman

Review the job description fully

Reflect on your motivations for applying for the job, spotlight your achievements, be clear and concise.

Whether you’ve just graduated, are looking to switch careers, or are stepping into the workforce for the first time, an entry-level CV objective is a great way to share your goals and let the hiring manager know about your unique strengths.

However, CV objectives can be viewed as outdated. If it’s all about you and not the prospective employer, then including a CV objective could make you look a little self-serving. The trick is to get the balance just right by clarifying how your strengths and goals align perfectly with the job posting and prospective employer.

In this article, we’ll explain what a CV objective is, the right time to use one and provide you with some examples of CV objectives that you can tailor to your unique requirements.

What is a CV objective?

An entry-level objective on your CV is an introductory paragraph designed to highlight your key skills, career goals, and share the reasons for applying to a specific company.

Traditional CV objectives are typically brief statements focused on your goals, such as “Keen to secure the role of IT specialist and progress to a supervisory role at ABC Group.” While this communicates your objectives, it doesn’t tell the hiring manager about your unique strengths or how you plan to add value if appointed.

The best approach is to craft a short paragraph (three to five sentences) that includes key skills mentioned in the job description, relevant education, and any notable achievements. 

How to write an entry-level CV objective

Including a CV objective on your entry-level CV can help you project your ambition and professionalism. Here are the steps to follow: 

Treat the job description as a master plan when preparing your CV objective. This document will outline exactly what the employer is looking for in a potential candidate, so take note of any skills, experience, education, and attributes that are emphasised as important. These keywords or terms should feature prominently in your CV objective. 

Why are you applying for the job? Why do you want to work for the company? What motivates you and what do you hope to gain from the position? The answers to these questions will help you write a CV objective that is both authentic and compelling.

  • Tailor your CV objective to the specific job opportunity and make sure it’s consistent with the rest of your CV.
  • Include any specific facts or quantifiable figures in your CV objective. This backs up the skills and experience you are putting forward.
  • Use complicated language in your CV objective as it can sound unauthentic. Instead of “flourishing,” try “growing.”
  • Brag and oversell your skills and abilities in your objective. It’s great to be confident, but you can trip up in an interview situation.

While you may be applying for your first job, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have zero accomplishments to highlight in your CV objective. Have a brainstorming session and make a list of any relevant awards or achievements you have acquired via your academic studies, part-time jobs, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities. Selecting a notable achievement can make your CV objective shine. 

Don’t try to cram too much information into your CV objective and use clear language to communicate your intentions for applying for the role. Hiring managers prefer a short, succinct CV objective, rather than a long and winding tale.

CV objective examples

Now you have the lowdown on the steps to writing a powerful CV objective, let’s take a look at some CV objective examples to give you some inspiration.

Detail-oriented environmental science graduate with a passion for sustainability. Successfully completed an internship with Celsa UK, contributing to policy analysis and research projects. Keen to apply solid academic background and acquired scientific expertise to contribute to EcoCentral’s short- and long-term goals.

Caring, creative, and reliable child care professional, holding NVQ Level 2 in Early Years Childcare and valuable volunteer experience gained at a local toddler group. Focused on supporting young children to reach their full potential. Keen to learn, progress, and contribute as a nursery assistant with ABC Nursery.

Driven professional with eight years of experience in sales and business development in the financial services sector, and a passion for digital marketing. Currently completing a diploma in digital marketing management. A creative problem-solver, adept at engaging with diverse clients to enhance revenue and boost brand visibility. 

Key takeaways

  • Writing a powerful CV objective is a great tool you can leverage to convince a hiring manager to give you a shot when applying for your first job.
  • Review the job description so you can identify the key requirements of the specific role, then address these areas in your CV objective.
  • While a lack of experience may seem like a major obstacle when creating an entry-level CV, don’t forget that your academic studies, part-time jobs, volunteering and extracurricular activities are all valuable areas you can reference.
  • Keep your CV objective direct, succinct, and impactful without stuffy language or jargon. Include facts and figures as much as possible, and tell the company exactly what you can do for them. Show yourself as the solution to their problem!

How to Write an Excellent CV With No Experience

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Second Interview Thank You Email Examples and Guide

Trevor Richfield

  • Aug 31, 2024

Securing a second interview is a significant milestone in the job search process , demonstrating that you’ve impressed the employer enough to warrant further consideration.

However, the journey doesn’t end with the meeting itself; a well-crafted second interview thank-you email can play an important role in reinforcing your enthusiasm for the occupation.

In this article, we’ll explore the essential elements of writing a compelling email after a second interview , including tips on structure, tone, and content.

What is a second interview?

A 2nd interview is a follow-up meeting that typically occurs after a candidate has successfully navigated the first stage, particularly if that was conducted via video . It usually signifies that the employer is interested in learning more about you and assessing your fit for the position in greater detail.

Why send a thank you letter after a second interview?

Writing a post-interview email may seem like a small gesture, but it carries significant weight in the hiring process.

This follow-up communication is more than just a courtesy; it plays a crucial role in solidifying the impression you’ve made and reinforcing your interest in the employment.

Below are some reasons why should you send a thank you email after a second interview:

  • A thank you note reflects your professionalism , showing that you appreciate the time and effort the interviewers invested in meeting with you.
  • Sending a gratitude email allows you to reiterate your enthusiasm for the company.
  • A letter after the interview gives you an additional opportunity to address extra questions . You can clarify any responses or add information that strengthens your candidacy.
  • It helps you recap and emphasize key aspects of your discussion, particularly those that align with the employer’s needs and your skills.
  • Following up demonstrates your good manners and can positively influence HR perception of you as a potential colleague.
  • A well-written second interview thank you letter showcases your communication skills and attention to detail.

How to write a second interview thank you email?

Crafting a thoughtful gratitude letter can significantly impact the hiring decision.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you compose a compelling post-interview email:

1. Start with a polite greeting

Begin your thank you note with a respectful and personalized greeting. Address the interviewer by name, using the appropriate title (e.g., Ms., Mr., Dr.) .

2. Express gratitude

Clearly state your appreciation for the opportunity to meet again and for the time they took to discuss the role with you.

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me for the second interview. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn more about the team.

3. Reiterate enthusiasm

Reaffirm your interest in the company. Highlight what excites you about the firm and how it aligns with your career goals .

I am even more enthusiastic about the opportunity after our discussion. The insights you shared about the current projects and the organization’s vision have further solidified my interest in your organization.

4. Address key discussion points

Mention specific topics from the interview that stood out to you. This shows that you were engaged and attentive to details.

Our talk about the new product launch was particularly exciting, and I am enthusiastic about the possibility of contributing to its success.

If there were any points you didn’t fully cover or if you have additional information to share , a thank you note after the second interview is a good place to include it.

After our conversation, I realized I did not fully reveal how my previous role involved managing multi-channel campaigns and analyzing their impact on brand growth.

6. Show willingness to provide more information

Offer to answer any further questions they might have.

Please let me know if there are any other details or documents you need from me as you continue your decision-making process.

7. Close professionally

End your post-interview thank you email on a positive note, expressing your appreciation once again.

When to send 2nd interview thank you email

Aim to write your gratitude email within 24 hours of your second interview . This shows promptness and reinforces your enthusiasm while the interview is still fresh in the minds of the recruiters.

If you’re in another time zone or if your interviewers work in different shifts, consider sending the follow-up after the second interview during their working hours.

Avoid submitting late in the evening or at weekends , unless you know that recruiters are likely to be checking their email.

Second interview thank you email examples

Here are several samples of letters you can use as a template. Each example is tailored to different scenarios to suit various tones and levels of formality.

Second round interview thank you email for marketing coordinator

Dear Ms. Johnson, Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you again yesterday regarding the Marketing Coordinator position at Bright Horizons Media. I appreciated the chance to discuss how my background in digital marketing aligns with your team’s objectives. Our conversation about the upcoming social media campaign was particularly inspiring. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my experience in content creation and analytics to contribute to the campaign’s success. Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide. I look forward to the next steps in the process. Best regards, Jessica Lee 555-123-4567 [email protected]

Follow-up after the second interview for executive assistant

Example of a second interview thank you email for an executive assistant

Gratitude email to send after an interview for financial analyst

Dear Dr. Martinez, Thank you for the engaging conversation during our second interview for the Senior Financial Analyst position at Apex Capital Partners. I appreciated the opportunity to delve deeper into the strategic financial planning initiatives. I was particularly interested in our discussion about future merger analysis. My extensive experience with financial modeling and due diligence would allow me to contribute effectively to this project and support your team’s objectives. Please let me know if there are any additional materials I should provide. I am eager to bring my expertise to Apex Capital Partners. Sincerely, Rebecca Adams 555-654-3210 [email protected]

Post interview email for product manager

Example of a second interview thank you email for a product manager

Second interview thank you email for a graphic designer

Dear Mr. Thompson, Thank you for meeting with me again about the Junior Graphic Designer position at Creative Visions Studio. I enjoyed our talk about the new branding project and am excited about the creative direction your team is pursuing. Our conversation about the design challenges you’re facing was particularly inspiring. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to bring my skills in Adobe Creative Suite and visual storytelling to contribute to your projects. If you need any further information from me, please let me know. I look forward to the possibility of joining your team. Best regards, Samantha Brown 555-321-9876 [email protected]

Email to send after interview for HR manager

Example of a second interview thank you email for HR manager

Thank you letter after the second interview for the director of sales

Dear Mr. Robinson, I wanted to extend my gratitude for the opportunity to discuss the Director of Sales position at Pinnacle Enterprises in more depth. I appreciated the insightful conversation and the chance to learn more about your team’s sales strategy. Our discussion on expanding market reach and increasing client retention was particularly valuable. I am confident that my track record in driving sales growth and leading high-performing teams aligns well with Pinnacle Enterprises’ goals. Thank you once again for considering my application. Please let me know if there are any further details or steps required. Warm regards, John Smith 555-456-7890 [email protected]

Sending a thank you email after a second interview is an integral part of the job application process that can influence your candidacy.

A well-crafted thank you note serves multiple purposes: it highlights your enthusiasm for the position, addresses any points you may have missed during the interview, and keeps you top of mind with the hiring team. By personalizing your message and directing it promptly, you can effectively strengthen your application .

Use this opportunity to convey your eagerness and suitability for the role, and stay engaged as you await further updates.

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cover letter examples margins

Trevor Richfield

Career Coach & Professional Resume Writer

Trevor is a professional resume writer, career coach, and Nationally Certified Online Profile Expert (NCOPE) with well over 1,000 resumes under his belt. He emphasizes the importance of building an authentic professional brand you are proud to display to potential collaborators and employers. From recent graduates to executive leaders, Trevor has helped professionals land jobs at Fortune 500 companies and expand their own independent ventures.It's not only about results with Trevor, but about a continuous journey of professional and personal empowerment.

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