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Essay On Accountability | Short and Long Essay on Accountability, Importance of Accountability

July 22, 2021 by Prasanna

Essay On Accountability: Accountability alludes to the commitment of a person to report officially to his boss for the appropriate release of his obligation. It is the answerability of a subordinate to deliver a record of his exercises to his boss. The individual who acknowledges obligation is Accountable for the exhibition of the allotted obligations. ‘

To be Accountable is to be responsible for one’s lead in regard to commitment satisfied or unful­filled”. Accountability is the commitment of a person to keep his boss educated regarding his utilization of power and achievement of doled-out assignments.

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Essay on Accountability 500 Words in English

Accountability outgrows duty and goes inseparably with it. An individual who is liable for results should perceive that he will be decided by the nature of his exhibition. Similarly, as the obligation is a subordinate of power, Accountability is a subsidiary of duty. Duty is the commitment to perform allotted assignments, accoun­tability is the detailing of execution.

Accountability makes respon­sibility significant and finishes the cycle of appointment. Responsi­bility is expressed as far as work to be done, while Accountability is expressed as far as execution. Authority is appointed, duty is expected and Accountability is forced. Authority streams descending while Accountability for execution streams up. Obligation emerges from power while Accountability is obtained from respon­sibility.

Authority implies some independence while Accountability is intended to manage self-sufficiency. Authority is the mode for making respon­sibility while Accountability is a method for satisfying duty.

The standard definition when a great many people consider Accountability or being Accountable is tolerating duty. However this is valid, to me, Accountability implies: allowing your activities to transcend your reasons, conquer your dread and acknowledge duty regarding the outcomes you are Accountable for. Accountability is freeing and requires a readiness to address inquiries from those individuals influenced by your activities. Accountability intends to finish the responsibilities you make for yourself or for other people. It implies respecting, surpassing, and further developing guidelines.

Accountability makes a pioneer compelling. Pioneers set the ground for the conduct and execution of representatives. In the event that they take risks for their accomplishments and their disappointments, it makes it simple for workers to appreciate and copy. Besides, it sets the ethics and rules that are fundamental towards accomplishing Accountability.

Importance of Accountability Essay

Accountability advances trust. In various connections, Accountability implies that one is prepared to focus on something and be sufficiently capable to see it as far as possible. In such an occasion, one acquires trust from individuals around as they have set up that one is reliable with a specific circumstance. In addition, Accountability is a declaration of respectability towards representing their activities in the event that they neglect to respect their Accountability and work towards improving the circumstance. A dependable individual appreciates self-rule, certainty, and elbowroom to direct one’s work.

Accountability evokes duty. Duty is an idea of showing that one is full-grown and a reliable individual that a business can trust. A worker shows obligation by accepting all activities, items, choices and disappointments of obligation doled out. A dependable representative has a commitment to report any difficulties, disappointments or triumphs of a task in a genuine, clear and tolerating way and find significant ways to cure a circumstance.

Accountability supports possession as when people figure out how to be liable and answerable for their activities and results they figure out how to connect esteem with their work. At the point when representatives have relegated their jobs, they comprehend that they are important and pivotal in the design of the association. Thus, they are spurred to apply more exertion in their work. Accordingly, their individual conduct and activity start to line up with their assumptions and begin noticing their results as a commitment to a group.

All in all, the structure of Accountability in an association is urgent. A pioneer does as such by wiping out dread, creating trust among the workers, being available to their reactions, thoughts and compensating them for their decision to be liable to their obligations.

Importance of Accountability

Short Essay on Accountability

Accountability guarantees execution by ensuring all representatives run after a shared objective. At the point when one is liable to their activities, it wipes out occasions of them taking part in conduct and exercises unfavorable to their positions. An association accomplishes execution by the authority laying out the objectives and assumptions for every worker and relegating errands in such a manner. Thus, each becomes mindful of their assumptions and obligations subsequently, making an internal compass.

Accountability saves time and funds. At the point when representatives in an association are liable and liable for their activities, use of time and assets is sufficiently spent among others, distinguishing arrangements towards a test rather than attempting to decide the issue. In the present circumstance, Accountability implies that each worker directs their job’s capability, and if an issue happens, they raise it up as opposed to staying silent and allowing it in the end to make a greater outcome.

Accountability additionally advances certainty among representatives when they accomplish their objectives. Trust in representatives is obtained from a climate that acknowledges and works with legitimate collaborations and analysis, that likes their thoughts, joins them in an association, and gives them the freedom to settle on choices about their work. Also, certainty flourishes when workers get the order to settle on choices to difficulties. At the point when a business tunes in and shows interest in representatives’ presentations, they are probably going to appreciate and invest energy in their work.

FAQ’s on Accountability Essay

Question 1. What is accountability?

Answer: Accountability can be characterized as being capable to another person or being answerable for something. A Biblical rule for accountability is that man is liable to his Maker for his contemplations, words, and deeds. Man is additionally responsible to different men for his activities.

Question 2. What is the importance of accountability?

Answer: Accountability wipes out the time and exertion you spend on diverting exercises and other useless conduct. At the point when you make individuals accountable for their activities, you’re encouraging them to esteem their work. At the point when done right, responsibility can build your colleagues’ abilities and certainty.

Question 3. What is an example of accountability?

Answer: An example of accountability is an employee taking responsibility for errors he made while working on the project. He should make sure that the project goes well and should be accountable if anything goes wrong to take the blame.

Question 4. What is accountability in the military?

Answer: Accountability is significant in the military since troopers are customarily needed to perform amazingly testing obligations and administrations. Without accountability, a warrior can’t be required to fulfill these high needs and assumptions. Being responsible means being in the perfect spot at the perfect time, being in the legitimate obligation uniform, being reliable and continually showing up to deal with time, arrangements on schedule and in particular making the best decision at the ideal opportunity and constantly.

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Importance of Accountability

This essay will delve into the concept of accountability, its significance in personal, professional, and societal contexts. It will discuss how accountability contributes to ethical behavior, trust-building, and effective leadership. The essay will also explore the consequences of a lack of accountability, using real-world examples from business, politics, and social settings. It will offer insights into how individuals and organizations can foster a culture of accountability and the positive outcomes of doing so. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Accountability.

How it works

The Importance of accountability means being responsible for the decisions that arebeing made and taken. Accountability is the main element in leadership. Accountability builds up trust, improves performance, promotes ownership, and inspire confidence. It is all about being reliable and having clear standards. Also, it is about communication and asking questions to make sure the task, or whatever is being done is completed in a timely matter.

It can increase team member skills when it is done right and teaching others to value their work.

As a solider in the United States Army, I should take ac- countability for all of my actions and know that it is very important to respect my work, fellow soldiers , my time and theirs. I need to take accountability serious, because it can be vital to others safety.Those that are unable to be accountable are the ones that jeopardize the combat readiness of any unit.

Basically it is the understanding that from the bottom up. Top down and laterally everyone is going to do and is willing to do the right thing even when no one else is looking. In order for me to be accountable I need to take the meaning of it and put it to use. I need to be at formation and work on time, being at the right place at the right time and doing the right thing always. Doing the job correctly and ensuring others do it as well and do it safely are all part of accountability in the military as one does not have to experience combat to understand that just being in the military is inherently dangerous given the types of equipment and weapons that are used to train and deploy with.

The way accountability plays its role in the Army, it’s like the back bone that holds everything together by keeping chaos or commotion.If accountability fails to be kept then it can cause a lot of disorderly conductamongst the Army and society itself. Being accountable shows respect and earn re- spect from others. It can show someone that they can be taken seriously and they are not a waste of time. Accountability is not just for the military either it goes for anyone and any workplace. Without accountability it will be know structure and more excuses.

Your actions will rise abound your excuse if you accountable. But with accountability come with integrity . Integrity is basically someone who makes a choice to be honest before choosing between right and wrong. Without both a company, military, work en- vironment, and school can have poor organizational development. The lesson and message here is to immediately accept responsibility for your honest mistakes. If be honest and accept my responsibility, and mistakes it will have a short life. If I lie and make excuses and it will only compound my mistakes and destroy my integrity. So my mission is to take accountability and show integrity to provide a better service to my Military and myself.


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Importance Of Accountability. (2021, May 10). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/importance-of-accountability/

"Importance Of Accountability." PapersOwl.com , 10 May 2021, https://papersowl.com/examples/importance-of-accountability/

PapersOwl.com. (2021). Importance Of Accountability . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/importance-of-accountability/ [Accessed: 20 Sep. 2024]

"Importance Of Accountability." PapersOwl.com, May 10, 2021. Accessed September 20, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/importance-of-accountability/

"Importance Of Accountability," PapersOwl.com , 10-May-2021. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/importance-of-accountability/. [Accessed: 20-Sep-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2021). Importance Of Accountability . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/importance-of-accountability/ [Accessed: 20-Sep-2024]

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Essay on Accountability And Responsibility

Students are often asked to write an essay on Accountability And Responsibility in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Accountability And Responsibility

Understanding accountability.

Accountability is when you take ownership of your actions. It’s like saying, “I did this, and I stand by it.” When you are accountable, you accept the results of your actions, good or bad. It’s a key part of growing up and becoming a responsible person.

What is Responsibility?

Responsibility is closely linked to accountability. It means you have a duty or task to perform. For example, your responsibility might be to do your homework. When you fulfill your responsibilities, you show that you can be trusted and relied upon.

The Link Between Accountability and Responsibility

Accountability and responsibility go hand in hand. When you take responsibility for something, you are also accountable for the outcome. For instance, if you’re responsible for a group project, you’re also accountable for its success or failure.

Why They Matter

Both accountability and responsibility are important in life. They help us make good choices and learn from our mistakes. They also show others that we can be trusted and relied upon. By being accountable and responsible, we become better people.

250 Words Essay on Accountability And Responsibility

What is accountability.

Accountability is about being answerable for your actions. It means that if you do something, you should be ready to explain why you did it. For example, if you are a student and you did not do your homework, you should be able to explain why. This is what accountability is all about.

Responsibility, on the other hand, is about being in charge of something. When you are responsible for something, it means you have to take care of it. For example, if you have a pet, you are responsible for feeding it and taking care of it. This is what responsibility means.

Why are Accountability and Responsibility Important?

Accountability and responsibility are important because they help us to grow as individuals. When we are accountable and responsible, we learn how to make good decisions. We learn how to think about the consequences of our actions. This helps us to become better people.

How can we be more Accountable and Responsible?

We can be more accountable and responsible by thinking about our actions before we do them. We should ask ourselves, “Is this the right thing to do?” If it is not, we should not do it. We should also be ready to explain why we did something. This will help us to be more accountable and responsible.

In conclusion, accountability and responsibility are important qualities that everyone should have. They help us to grow as individuals and to make good decisions. So, let’s all strive to be more accountable and responsible.

500 Words Essay on Accountability And Responsibility


Accountability is like a promise. When we say we are accountable, we are saying that we will accept the outcomes of our actions, good or bad. For example, if you break a glass and then tell your parents about it, you are being accountable. You understand that there might be a consequence, but you accept it because you know it was your action that led to the broken glass.

Understanding Responsibility

Responsibility is a bit different. It is about doing tasks that we are expected to do. For instance, if your teacher gives you homework, it is your responsibility to complete it. You can’t pass it off to your friend or your sibling, it’s your job to get it done.

Responsibility, on the other hand, teaches us to be dependable. When people know they can count on us to do our tasks, they trust us more. This leads to better relationships with friends, family, and teachers.

Accountability and Responsibility in School

In school, being accountable and responsible is very important. Teachers rely on students to do their homework, study for tests, and behave well. When students are accountable and responsible, it creates a better learning environment for everyone.

In conclusion, accountability and responsibility are two important values that guide us in life. They help us become better people by teaching us to be honest, dependable, and respectful. By practicing these values in school and at home, we can build better relationships and create a positive environment for everyone.

Remember, it’s okay to make mistakes as long as we learn from them and take responsibility for our actions. That’s what being accountable and responsible is all about.

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Essay on Accountability

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In a world brimming with complexities and challenges, accountability stands as a fundamental principle guiding individual actions and societal progress. This essay delves into the essence of accountability, its significance in various spheres of life, and its pivotal role in fostering a responsible and progressive society.


Accountability refers to the obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and disclose the results in a transparent manner. It involves being answerable to someone for something you have done or, sometimes more importantly, have failed to do.

The Dimensions of Accountability

  • Personal Accountability : This involves taking responsibility for one’s actions, decisions, and their consequences. It’s about owning up to mistakes and learning from them.
  • Professional Accountability : In the workplace, it entails fulfilling one’s duties to the best of one’s ability and being answerable for the outcomes.
  • Social Accountability : This extends to how actions and decisions impact society and the environment, emphasizing the need for ethical and sustainable practices.

The Importance of Accountability

  • Trust Building : Accountability fosters trust in relationships, whether personal, professional, or societal. When individuals and institutions are accountable, they earn the trust of those they interact with or serve.
  • Promotes Ethical Behavior : It encourages individuals and organizations to act ethically and responsibly.
  • Enhances Performance : In a professional context, accountability leads to better performance, as individuals understand their roles and the expectations associated with them.
  • Facilitates Learning and Improvement : Recognizing and owning up to mistakes is a learning process that fosters personal and professional growth.
  • Strengthens Democracy : In governance, accountability is crucial for a healthy, functioning democracy. It ensures that public officials and entities are serving the interests of their constituents.

The Benefits of Accountability

  • Builds Trust : When people are accountable, they build trust with colleagues, friends, and family, which is foundational for healthy relationships and effective teamwork.
  • Improves Performance : Accountability drives individuals to perform better. Knowing that one’s actions are observed and evaluated encourages a higher standard of work.
  • Promotes Responsibility : It instills a sense of responsibility, ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.
  • Enhances Decision-Making : Being accountable means considering the broader impact of one’s decisions, leading to more thoughtful and responsible choices.
  • Fosters Learning and Growth : By owning up to mistakes and learning from them, individuals and organizations grow and improve.

Accountability in Different Spheres of Life

In education.

  • Students : They are accountable for their learning – attending classes, completing assignments, and actively engaging in the educational process.
  • Educators : Teachers and administrators are accountable for providing quality education and fostering an environment conducive to learning.

In the Workplace

  • Employees : They are responsible for fulfilling their job responsibilities and contributing to organizational goals.
  • Employers : They must create a safe, equitable workplace and ensure the well-being of their employees.

In Governance

  • Government Officials : They are accountable to the public, ensuring transparent, efficient, and ethical governance.
  • Citizens : As part of a democratic society, citizens are accountable for participating in the democratic process, including voting and civic engagement.

The Challenge of Upholding Accountability

Upholding accountability is not without challenges. These include a lack of transparency, inadequate systems for monitoring and evaluation, cultural barriers, and sometimes, a lack of will or understanding of its importance.

Steps to Foster Accountability

  • Clear Expectations : Whether it’s in a personal, professional, or public domain, setting clear expectations is the first step towards accountability.
  • Transparent Communication : Open and honest communication encourages a culture of accountability.
  • Effective Systems for Monitoring and Evaluation : Regularly assessing and reviewing actions and decisions help in maintaining accountability.
  • Education and Training : Teaching the importance of accountability from an early age fosters a culture where it is valued and practiced.
  • Reward and Recognition : Acknowledging and rewarding accountable behavior reinforces its importance.

Personal Accountability: The Foundation

Accountability starts with the individual. It’s about taking responsibility for one’s actions and their impact on others. It involves honesty, integrity, and sometimes, the courage to stand up and admit to mistakes.

The Role of Accountability in Leadership

In leadership, accountability is crucial for gaining the respect and trust of team members. It involves:

  • Setting Clear Expectations : Leaders must clearly articulate goals and standards.
  • Leading by Example : Demonstrating accountability in their actions sets a tone for the team.
  • Providing Feedback and Support : Regular feedback helps team members understand how they can improve and grow.

In conclusion, Accountability is the linchpin of a well-functioning society. It builds trust, fosters ethical behavior, drives performance, and underpins democratic institutions. As the world grapples with various challenges, the need for accountability across all sectors and at all levels – personal, professional, and political – has never been more critical. For students participating in essay competitions, exploring the concept of accountability offers an opportunity to reflect on its fundamental role in shaping a just, responsible, and progressive society.


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Words: 529 |

Published: Jan 30, 2024

Words: 529 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Table of contents

Definition of accountability, importance of accountability in personal life, accountability in professional settings, accountability in public and political arenas, accountability in education.

  • Eden, D., & Eldor, E. (1993). Accountability, the Inability to Disconfirm, and the Psychotherapeutic Process. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61(4), 629-635.
  • American Society of Employers. (2018). The Impact of Trust and Accountability in the Workplace. Retrieved from https://www.aseonline.org/Insights-Resources/Blog/The-Impact-of-Trust-and-Accountability-in-the-Workpl
  • Transparency International. (2020). Global Corruption Barometer. Retrieved from https://www.transparency.org/en/gcb
  • National Education Policy Center. (2019). The Negative Consequences of High-Stakes Standardized Testing. Retrieved from https://nepc.colorado.edu/publication/negative-consequences

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103 Accountability Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Accountability is a fundamental aspect of personal and professional growth. Whether you are a student, employee, or leader, understanding the importance of accountability is crucial for success. Writing an essay on accountability allows you to explore various aspects of this concept and its implications. To help you get started, here are 103 accountability essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The importance of personal accountability in achieving goals.
  • How does accountability contribute to ethical decision-making?
  • Exploring the relationship between accountability and trust.
  • The role of accountability in building strong teams.
  • Accountability and its impact on workplace productivity.
  • Analyzing the consequences of a lack of accountability in an organization.
  • How can leaders foster a culture of accountability within their teams?
  • The connection between accountability and effective communication.
  • The impact of accountability on individual and organizational performance.
  • The influence of accountability on employee morale and job satisfaction.
  • Exploring the accountability of leaders in times of crisis.
  • How does accountability contribute to personal growth and development?
  • The role of accountability in maintaining work-life balance.
  • Analyzing the relationship between accountability and self-discipline.
  • The impact of accountability on decision-making processes.
  • The connection between accountability and resilience in challenging situations.
  • The role of accountability in preventing and addressing workplace conflicts.
  • Exploring the consequences of a lack of accountability in educational institutions.
  • The influence of accountability on student motivation and academic performance.
  • Analyzing accountability in the context of social media and online behavior.
  • The role of accountability in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
  • The impact of accountability on ethical leadership.
  • Exploring the connection between accountability and organizational culture.
  • The consequences of a lack of accountability in government institutions.
  • The influence of accountability on public trust in political leaders.
  • Analyzing the role of accountability in healthcare systems.
  • The connection between accountability and patient safety.
  • The impact of accountability on environmental sustainability.
  • Exploring the consequences of a lack of accountability in the criminal justice system.
  • The role of accountability in promoting transparency and reducing corruption.
  • The influence of accountability on financial management and reporting.
  • Analyzing accountability in the context of international relations and diplomacy.
  • The connection between accountability and human rights protection.
  • The impact of accountability on peacebuilding and conflict resolution.
  • Exploring the consequences of a lack of accountability in the media industry.
  • The role of accountability in promoting fair and unbiased journalism.
  • The influence of accountability on corporate social responsibility.
  • Analyzing accountability in the context of sports and athletics.
  • The connection between accountability and fair play.
  • The impact of accountability on sportsmanship and athlete behavior.
  • Exploring the consequences of a lack of accountability in the education system.
  • The role of accountability in improving teacher-student relationships.
  • The influence of accountability on educational policies and reforms.
  • Analyzing accountability in the context of parenting and family dynamics.
  • The connection between accountability and effective parenting strategies.
  • The impact of accountability on children's behavior and character development.
  • Exploring the consequences of a lack of accountability in personal relationships.
  • The role of accountability in fostering trust and mutual respect.
  • The influence of accountability on relationship satisfaction and longevity.
  • Analyzing accountability in the context of addiction recovery.
  • The connection between accountability and successful rehabilitation.
  • The impact of accountability on relapse prevention.
  • Exploring the consequences of a lack of accountability in the military.
  • The role of accountability in promoting discipline and unit cohesion.
  • The influence of accountability on military readiness and effectiveness.
  • Analyzing accountability in the context of volunteer organizations and charity work.
  • The connection between accountability and impactful social change.
  • The impact of accountability on volunteer motivation and commitment.
  • Exploring the consequences of a lack of accountability in religious institutions.
  • The role of accountability in maintaining ethical conduct within religious communities.
  • The influence of accountability on religious leadership and followership.
  • Analyzing accountability in the context of technology and cybersecurity.
  • The connection between accountability and data privacy protection.
  • The impact of accountability on combating cybercrime and online threats.
  • Exploring the consequences of a lack of accountability in the entertainment industry.
  • The role of accountability in promoting diversity and representation in media.
  • The influence of accountability on ethical content creation and consumption.
  • Analyzing accountability in the context of entrepreneurship and business startups.
  • The connection between accountability and entrepreneurial success.
  • The impact of accountability on business ethics and sustainability.
  • Exploring the consequences of a lack of accountability in the tourism industry.
  • The role of accountability in promoting responsible travel and cultural preservation.
  • The influence of accountability on sustainable tourism practices.
  • Analyzing accountability in the context of scientific research and innovation.
  • The connection between accountability and research integrity.
  • The impact of accountability on scientific discoveries and advancements.
  • Exploring the consequences of a lack of accountability in social welfare programs.
  • The role of accountability in ensuring fair distribution of resources.
  • The influence of accountability on poverty alleviation and social justice.
  • Analyzing accountability in the context of humanitarian aid and disaster relief efforts.
  • The connection between accountability and effective emergency response.
  • The impact of accountability on fostering resilient communities.
  • Exploring the consequences of a lack of accountability in the transportation industry.
  • The role of accountability in promoting road safety and reducing accidents.
  • The influence of accountability on sustainable transportation practices.
  • Analyzing accountability in the context of animal welfare and conservation.
  • The connection between accountability and ethical treatment of animals.
  • The impact of accountability on wildlife conservation efforts.
  • Exploring the consequences of a lack of accountability in food production and distribution.
  • The role of accountability in ensuring food safety and quality standards.
  • The influence of accountability on sustainable farming practices.
  • Analyzing accountability in the context of mental health care and support.
  • The connection between accountability and destigmatizing mental health issues.
  • The impact of accountability on access to mental health services.
  • Exploring the consequences of a lack of accountability in urban planning and development.
  • The role of accountability in creating sustainable and livable cities.
  • The influence of accountability on community engagement and participation.
  • Analyzing accountability in the context of cultural preservation and heritage protection.
  • The connection between accountability and safeguarding cultural diversity.
  • The impact of accountability on promoting inclusive cultural practices.
  • Exploring the consequences of a lack of accountability in international aid and development.
  • The role of accountability in ensuring effective allocation of resources in developing countries.
  • The influence of accountability on sustainable development goals.

These 103 accountability essay topic ideas cover a wide range of disciplines and industries, allowing you to approach the concept of accountability from different angles. Whether you are writing an essay for academic purposes or personal reflection, these topics will provide you with a solid foundation to explore this important subject. Remember to choose a topic that interests you and aligns with your objectives, as this will make the writing process more enjoyable and meaningful.

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The Importance of Accountability Coursework

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Importance of accountability in a health industry, measuring the employees accountability, checks and balance process, affection of the organization culture by accountability, maintaining a positive culture.

Accountability is defined as an act of person(s), organization/ institutions being responsible of the tasks assigned. Accountability is therefore, a culture that is critical in determining the success in institutions in their mandate to deliver on the assigned tasks. Health sector in this regard is mandated with the welfare of citizens’ health. For this sector to succeed in taking care of the people health, accountability has to prevalent. However, this is not the case, as the sector has failed to achieve its objectives due to lack of accountability. Below we shall look at accountability in health industry.

In almost all aspects of life, accountability is very essential, although in some sensitive areas like a health facility it can save a life. In a health facility, everything carries a cost starting from doctor’s time, the prescriptions, patients’ beds, office expenses, and the staff salaries among others (Scott, 2003). In the health facilities, if any commodity is wasted, misused or may be stolen there is someone who will carry that burden, and that is either the consumer or the insurance company that is offering the cover.

If everyone becomes accountable for what he or she is using, the operating costs of the overall institution would be low. In addition, the accountability is very crucial in a healthy facility, because a slight error especially by the doctor or the patient may cost someone’s life. Slight errors in a healthy facility should be reported as quickly as possible especially errors concerning the medicines and other prescriptions. The fear of being embarrassed or denying an error in a healthy facility should never be an issue as everyone can make a mistake.

The employees’ accountability is seen in a healthy care industry through his or her working procedures. For instance if an employee can start a project with a certain patient and he or she fails to follow that project until the end, this is a show of lack of accountability of that patient (Savage, 2010). For any employee who is accountable to his or her actions, there is a regular feedback of the course of actions between him and the supervisor. The work of a committed employee has some set objectives and he or she ensures that the objectives are accomplished and the report made to the supervisor. There are those employees in healthy facilities who like delegating most of their duties to others, not knowing that their duties are very sensitive, as they are dealing with people lives. Such employees who are very fond of delegating show a quality of a person who runs away from his or her own accountabilities. In a healthy facility, there is no need of any employee to do something he or she is not sure of, as mistakes be turn to be very expensive, the employees who are held accountable and very aware always seek for clarification from the relevant people before they perform such actions.

In any successful organization, there must be a reliable process for performing checks and balances. The first process is by establishing measurable goals. If for instance is a healthy facility where the management has established a coding compliance program, the reasons of establishing that program are made available to the users. The organization should ensure that the employees are aware of the reasons like improving the quality of coding, and easy documentation (Dekker, 2007). The organization should also set some measurable objectives such that beginning with the status and setting the level of expectations. The next step is for the management to choose the right team to work with.

This process will involve the employees and the top management. As the employees perform their duties at the ground level, the top management should be waiting for the results of all the performances. The third step is to have a layered approach, for instance a healthy facility may have to put some extra efforts to ensure there is a coding manager who is an expert to be ensuring that all the coders records are accurate and perfect. The fourth step is to define the audit especially during the times when there are some new team officials whether they are experienced or not. When a new team member is working, he or she may not be able to point out the differences. The auditor should be ready to work on a coder-by-coder basis. The fifth step is for the management to equip its employees with the right tools that will enable them to perform, and after which the management should do some follow ups and educate the team (Ledlow & Coppola, 2010). After achieving the set goals, the management should widen the goals for more improvements within the organization.

The accountability affects the culture of the organization greatly because some employees’ attributes keep of recurring. In history, there are some companies where unless there is some threats and intimidation no actions of delivering results may happen. In addition, some employees only act through the presence of the supervisor and with much pressure (Savage, 2010). Therefore, the accountability or failure of the employees sometimes becomes the culture of the organization. In some cases, there are some organizations where employees have a culture of timely and perfect deliveries, and this becomes the culture of the organization.

A positive company culture can be through selection of facilities, creation of communication channels, and the general way of how employees treat one another on daily basis (Scott, 2003). The management should concentrate on how to improve the relationship among the employees, and how they fell about one another. An organization can improve a positive culture by making the employees happy, energetic, secured and friendly. Through participating in the activities of the employees, the management would define their general mood. If the management realizes that the culture of the organization is not pleasing, it should work on improving it towards the positive side.

Accountability is therefore key to success in any given institution. As seen in the health sector, the employees and the management should embrace the culture of accountability. This will in turn translate in to better service delivery to the patients due increased efficiency.

Dekker, S. (2007). Just Culture. London: Ashgate.

Ledlow, G., & Coppola, N. (2010). Leadership for Health professionals: Theory, Skills, and Application. New York: Jones & Barlett Learning.

Savage, G. (2010). Strategic Human Resource Management in Health Care. New York: Emerald Group Publishing.

Scott, T. (2003). Healthcare performance and organisational culture. New York: Radcliffe.

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IvyPanda. (2022, May 30). The Importance of Accountability. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-importance-of-accountability/

"The Importance of Accountability." IvyPanda , 30 May 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/the-importance-of-accountability/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'The Importance of Accountability'. 30 May.

IvyPanda . 2022. "The Importance of Accountability." May 30, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-importance-of-accountability/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Importance of Accountability." May 30, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-importance-of-accountability/.


IvyPanda . "The Importance of Accountability." May 30, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-importance-of-accountability/.

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