Writing Cover Letters for University Applications [2023 Guide]

Applying to university can be a daunting experience, especially when it comes to crafting the perfect cover letter for your application. A well-written cover letter can be the deciding factor between getting accepted into your dream program or receiving a rejection letter. In this guide, we will explore the importance of a strong cover letter, its purpose, format, content, and provide tips and examples to help you craft a compelling cover letter for your university application.

A cover letter for a university application is an essential document that can make or break your chances of getting admitted to your dream program. The importance of a strong cover letter in the application process cannot be understated, as it serves to introduce you, showcase your achievements, and demonstrate your passion for the chosen program or course.

In this article, we will cover:

  • The purpose of a cover letter for university applications
  • The format and structure of a cover letter
  • The content and elements of an effective cover letter
  • Tips for writing a compelling cover letter
  • Common cover letter mistakes to avoid
  • Sample cover letters for university applications

By following the advice and guidance provided in this article, you will be well-equipped to create a cover letter that stands out from the competition and increases your chances of admission. So, let's dive in and learn how to craft the perfect cover letter for your university application!

Purpose of a Cover Letter for University Applications

The primary purpose of a cover letter is to introduce the applicant, showcase their achievements, and demonstrate their passion for the chosen program or course. A cover letter complements other application materials, such as your resume and transcripts, by highlighting your unique qualities and strengths that may not be evident in those documents.

An effective cover letter can also demonstrate your motivation and commitment to the program, which can influence the admissions committee's decision. For example, MIT's Career Advising & Professional Development office explains that a well-crafted cover letter can help set you apart from other applicants by providing context and a personal touch to your application.

Format and Structure of a Cover Letter

A proper format and structure are crucial for creating a professional and effective cover letter for a university application. A standard cover letter typically includes:

  • Header (with your contact information and the date)
  • Salutation (addressing the recipient)
  • Introduction (capturing the reader's attention)
  • Body (highlighting your qualifications, achievements, and passion)
  • Conclusion (leaving a lasting impression)
  • Complimentary close (e.g., "Sincerely," followed by your name)

Proper formatting, such as using an appropriate font, font size, and margin settings, is essential for creating a polished and professional appearance. Keep your language clear and concise, and make sure to proofread and edit your letter to ensure it is error-free.

Content and Elements of a Cover Letter

A successful cover letter for a university application should contain specific elements that demonstrate the applicant's qualifications, achievements, and passion for the program. These elements include:

  • Addressing the letter to the appropriate recipient
  • Crafting an engaging introduction that captures the reader's attention
  • Including essential elements in the body of the letter, such as academic interests, extracurricular activities, and relevant experiences
  • Writing a compelling conclusion that leaves a lasting impression

Tailoring the content to the specific university or program is crucial, as demonstrated by Seattle Pacific University's Career Services . They advise that telling stories about your skills and experiences that are relevant to the specific program can help make your cover letter more effective.

Tips for Writing an Effective Cover Letter

Following certain tips and best practices can significantly improve the quality and impact of a cover letter for a university application:

  • Research the university and program before writing the letter to better understand their values and expectations.
  • Showcase your unique qualities and strengths by providing specific examples and details.
  • Use strong action verbs and avoid clichĂ©s or overused phrases, as suggested by Freesumes .
  • Seek feedback from teachers, counselors, or peers to ensure your cover letter is polished and compelling.
  • Revise and refine your letter until it accurately represents your passion and qualifications for the program.

Common Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid

Avoiding common cover letter mistakes is essential for creating a strong and effective university application:

  • Address the letter to the correct recipient to show your attention to detail and professionalism.
  • Avoid using generic or overly broad language, which can make your letter less impactful.
  • Submit a well-formatted and professional-looking letter to convey your seriousness and commitment.
  • Refrain from including irrelevant or excessive information that distracts from your main strengths.
  • Proofread and edit your letter to eliminate typos, grammatical errors, and other mistakes that can undermine its impact.

Sample Cover Letters for University Applications

Examining sample cover letters can provide valuable insights and inspiration for crafting a successful university application. We recommend:

  • Analyzing high-quality sample cover letters for various university programs or courses
  • Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each sample
  • Adapting the samples to your specific situation and application
  • Using the samples as a starting point for creating your unique cover letter
  • Remembering to tailor your letter to the specific university or program

With proper research, planning, and execution, a well-crafted cover letter can significantly enhance a university application and increase the chances of admission. By applying the tips and guidance provided in this article, you will be well-prepared to create a compelling cover letter that showcases your passion, achievements, and qualifications for your dream program.

As a final piece of advice, remember that persistence and dedication are key to success in the university application process. Keep refining your cover letter and learning from feedback until you have a polished and impactful document that truly represents you. Good luck on your university application journey!

College Application Letters: Cover Letters & Letters of Continued Interest

College application letters.

College application cover letters support your college applications, college resume, and college application essay prompts. In combination with the other elements of your college applications, particularly your college entrance essay, college application letters help establish your “why.” In short, a college application letter is a cover letter for your college applications that describes your background, skills, and interest in the school. When looking at college application cover letter examples, pay attention to the values that they express. College application letters and college entrance essays are similar in that they are exercises in personal branding. When reading college application cover letter examples, pay attention to the messages they convey. 

If you’re wondering how to write a college application letter, CollegeAdvisor.com has advisors who can walk you through every part of the process. If your goal is to get into top colleges, CollegeAdvisor.com can help. We’ll analyze examples of college application letters and discuss the letter of continued interest to help you craft successful applications. 

In this guide, we’ll break down the different kinds of college application letters you may encounter when completing your college applications. We’ll discuss the college application letter and the letter of continued interest, as well as teacher recommendation letters.

If you want to read college application cover letter samples, you’ve come to the right place!

What is a college application letter?

To learn how to write a college application letter, you must first understand its purpose. Do this by checking out college application cover letter examples. College application letters and college resumes serve as introductions for your college applications. Unlike college application essay prompts, there are no specific questions to answer in your cover letter. Instead, include the essential elements of university application letters: your background, what makes you unique, and your reasons for wanting to attend that particular college. In short, what makes you, you .

As you’ll see when reading example college application letters, college application cover letters are not all that different from what you would write in a cover letter when applying for a job or graduate school. The purpose of college application cover letters, college entrance essays, and college resumes is to persuade colleges that you are the strongest candidate for admissions. 

College application cover letters are not the time to be shy, but they’re not the time to be pretentious either. When reading college application cover letter examples, you’ll see that there’s a fine line. Your tone matters. In your university application letters, show your experiences and accomplishments while portraying character traits that colleges value. To get into top colleges, find a balance between being proud of your accomplishments and being humble.

College application letters – Who requires them?

Unlike college entrance essays, college application letters are required by very few colleges. However, the skills you’ll develop by writing university application letters will serve you well as you approach your college application essay prompts. When researching college application examples, you’ll notice that there are optional materials to submit. If you’re serious about your college applications, submit university application letters to show your interest. 

College application cover letters are particularly effective if the college does not have college application essay prompts that ask you to explain why you want to attend the school and/or why you want to study your major. They are even more strongly recommended when applying to colleges that don’t have any supplemental essays. You’ll see many college application cover letter examples that focus primarily on academics, but you can include so much more.

Though university application letters are rarely required, they provide an ideal way to introduce yourself. After all, you’ll notice when reading college application cover letter samples that the goal is to help the admissions committee get to know you as a person. You are more than just your grades and scores.

If you want to get into top colleges that don’t allow you to submit a college resume or don’t provide interviews, you need to take extra steps to earn acceptance. Often, you can repurpose content from college application essay prompts that ask why you want to study your major! The college application essay format differs from that of a college application letter, but they serve a very similar purpose.

Test your knowledge about other aspects of the college admissions process in our quiz below!

What is a letter of continued interest?

A letter of continued interest (LOCI) is a letter you send to a college when you are deferred or placed on the waitlist. So, not everyone will need to write a college application letter of continued interest.

Your letter of continued interest has three primary goals: 

  • Reaffirm your interest in the school.
  • Provide additional context for your application. 
  • Discuss accomplishments on your college resume that have occurred since you submitted your application.

In this guide on how to write a college application letter, we discuss all forms of college application letters in detail. We’ll expand on the above goals to explain the strategies for writing effective letters.

Explaining teacher recommendation letters 

In addition to submitting a college application cover letter and, potentially, a letter of continued interest, your application will also include recommendation letters . These letters enhance your college application entrance essay and build on answers to supplemental college application essay prompts. 

Due to the shift away from standardized testing, other parts of your college applications are inevitably getting more attention in the evaluation process. When assessing your college applications, admissions committees will often rely on letters from your teachers and counselor in place of interviews.

When reading sample college application letters of recommendation, you’ll observe that some are better than others. But, it can be a bit harder to find example teacher recommendations than it is to find college application cover letter examples. To ensure high-quality letters, create a plan well in advance of your senior year. You’ll want to ask teachers to write your recommendations who know you best beyond your grades. The strongest sample college application letters of recommendation speak to both your personal and academic strengths. 

College application sample recommendation letters with the biggest impact typically come from teachers from your core junior year courses – math, science, English, and social studies. If there’s a teacher from your junior year who taught you during your sophomore or senior year too, even better! Teachers who know you through multiple environments – clubs, classes, sports, or other areas – can often do the best job speaking to your growth and achievement over time. 

Choose teachers who know you best

Ultimately, the most effective sample college application letters of recommendation are written by the teachers who know you best. Pay attention to the college application requirements for each school on your list. Note when reading example college application letters of recommendation who the intended audience is. Some schools require math or science teachers for STEM and business majors , while others require English or social studies teachers for humanities majors .

For example, when looking at college application sample requirements, MIT writes “One recommendation should be from a math or science teacher, and one should be from a humanities, social science, or language teacher.” Caltech also requires one math or science teacher evaluation and one humanities or social sciences teacher evaluation. 

Some applicants are tempted to send more letters than the college applications require. However, aim for quality over quantity. If you want to ask another teacher to write a recommendation letter for you, ask yourself what perspective they will bring to your college applications that isn’t already covered in your college entrance essay or other recommendation letters. 

Don’t hesitate to provide materials to help your teachers and guidance counselor write their letters of recommendation for you. In fact, you should! When reading college application sample letters of recommendation, you’ll note that they are specific and provide examples where possible. Some teachers will even have you fill out a standard form to gather information from you. So, by having additional information already prepared, you are helping them tremendously. 

Here are some materials you can provide to help your recommendations augment your college applications:

  • College entrance essay
  • College resume or a list of your extracurricular activities and awards
  • Responses to college application essay prompts.
  • A sample college application letter that you’re sending to one of your colleges.
  • A few paragraphs about why you want to study your major or pursue your intended career. 
  • Key elements of the course you took with them, such as a favorite project or unit. 

When preparing materials to give to teachers, read the instructions given to recommenders by MIT. Even if you aren’t applying to MIT, the information can still be helpful to know. By understanding the process of writing recommendation letters on the teacher’s side, you can see what information will help them write a strong letter for you. 

Don’t wait until you’re submitting your college applications to ask your teachers for recommendations. Some teachers limit the number that they will write, and you want them to have plenty of time to write a quality recommendation. To make sure you have the best recommendations , ask teachers late in your junior year or early in your senior year.

The College Application Letter

As we’ve mentioned, a college application letter is a cover letter for your college applications. It describes your background, skills, and interest in the school. It’s different from both the college application essay format and the letter of continued interest. When reviewing college application samples, you’ll see that your cover letter works together with your college resume and college entrance essay to help admissions officers get to know you. 

Below, we’ll discuss how to write a college application letter and walk through a sample college application letter. But remember, you want your letter to be original! Don’t feel limited by what’s in any examples of college application letters.

Do all schools require a college application letter?

No — few schools actually require college application letters. However, learning to write a strong college application letter can help you in other aspects of the college admissions process. Reading college application cover letter examples can also help you learn how to write for the admissions committee audience. 

One of the ways to learn how to write a college application letter is to read sample college application letters. For instance, the same skills that help you write a strong and concise college application letter will help you in the college essay format, too.

The college application letter – What should I include?

So, you know the purpose of college application letters, but what should you include in them? Reading college application cover letter samples can help you determine this. While the college application essay format lends itself to focusing on one topic or story, college application cover letter examples highlight the importance of covering several different topics.

College application letters should contain the following elements: 

1. school name and address.

You college application letter should follow formal letter formatting guidelines, which include writing the full name of the college or university you are applying to in the upper left hand corner of the letter. Try to be as specific as possible with the address you choose to use.

2. Salutation

A standard salutation is suitable for your college application letter. However, it is a great idea to do your research and use the full name of the admissions officer assigned to your region.

3. Introduction

The best examples of college application letters open strong. Thank the admissions committee for reviewing your application, and introduce yourself. Do you have a unique connection to the school? Can you hook the reader in some way to make them want to keep reading?

4. Explanation of academic interests

Your primary purpose in college is to earn a degree, so notice that in example college application letters most of the space is often devoted to discussing academic plans. Include your intended major and career path, as well as interdisciplinary interests.

5. Discussion of extracurricular interests

The college application essay format may be a place for you to discuss extracurricular involvement, so use this space to elaborate or discuss additional interests. These could be connected to your academic plans, but they don’t have to be.

6. Conclusion

Express your interest in the school! Impactful example college application letters have a clear and brief conclusion that reaffirms your desire to attend and enthusiasm for the opportunity to join the next class of undergraduates. Point to specific classes, professors, programs, organizations, and aspects of the college that pique your interest. No one is going to hold you to your plan, but colleges want to see that you have one.

8. Complimentary Close

Lastly, every good college application letter should include an expression of gratitude alongside your close and your signature.

In the example of a college application letter above, there are a few key details to highlight. The letter is essentially a five-paragraph essay, with one paragraph for each of the five elements. This differs significantly from the college application essay format. In this college application example, the college application letter has clear and distinct sections, and this is very common in college application cover letter samples.

Depending on your interests and plans, you could take a more integrated approach. You’ll read some examples of college application letters that center around a theme or broad plan rather than separated into individual paragraphs.

This sample college application letter is a narrative. The applicant’s goal is to tell her story to the admissions committee. The best sample college application letters paint a picture for the reader and draw the reader into the storyline. Though it can feel like being vivid and descriptive is a waste of your space, “showing instead of telling makes for stronger college applications.

How to format your college application letter?

When reading sample college application letters, you’ll observe that they are formatted very similarly to professional cover letters. Your university application letters should be one page single-spaced. The heading should also be consistent across college application letters. 

  • Your full address
  • The date you will send the letter
  • The admission officer’s name
  • The college name
  • The college address

Then, open your letter with a salutation. Many examples of college application letters open with “Dear” and are addressed to the admission officer. If you cannot find your regional admissions officer, it is fine to address the letter to the admissions office as was done in the sample college application letter above. Once you write the body of your letter, don’t forget your closing salutation – “Sincerely,” and then your name. 

Once you read several sample college application letters, you’ll understand the best practices. After writing a university application letter for one school, you don’t need to start from scratch for additional schools. Adapt what you have to fit the next college’s context and your specific interests on their campus. 

Being concise is key. Your university application letter should not be redundant. If it exceeds one page, see where information you mention is repeated elsewhere in your application. In your cover letter, focus on the content that makes you as original and unique as possible. Most importantly, don’t forget to proofread your university application letters! 

Can a college application letter help me with other parts of my application?

Think of the college application cover letter as the glue that holds your college applications together. When writing it, think about it as your opportunity to show your best self. After brainstorming the content, you’ll be better equipped to craft your candidate profile into a cohesive narrative and articulate why you want to attend the college.

Though many parts of your college applications will be out of your control by the time you reach your senior fall, the college application cover letter is one that you can control. Use it to elevate your college applications, show interest in your top schools , and make yourself stand out among other applicants!

The Letter of Continued Interest

Another form of college application letter is a letter of continued interest . In sample college application letters of continued interest, you’ll see that the primary purpose is to reaffirm your candidacy for a spot in the next incoming class of undergraduates. 

Though it can feel like a waiting game, the waitlist should not be passive. As soon as you are waitlisted or deferred, begin crafting a letter of continued interest. The best college application sample LOCIs are submitted promptly. Put in the effort to show you’re serious about attending. 

College application example LOCIs should focus on recent updates. Likely, a lot has happened since you submitted your application, particularly if you applied by the early deadlines. Strong college application sample LOCIs convey accomplishments and experiences that either add to previously mentioned ones or provide another dimension to your application. 

Letter of continued interest – When and where to submit?

Learn as much as you can by reading college application example LOCIs, but know that each school’s process for when and how to submit them is different. Additionally, the process may vary based on whether you were deferred to the regular decision round of admissions or waitlisted after the regular decision round. It’s important to follow each university’s directions.

Many schools will request that you upload your letter of continued interest to a portal. Some will request that you email it to an address – typically the admissions office. Others won’t allow you to submit any additional materials. If you’re in doubt, call or email the admissions office and ask. 

What to include in your letter of continued interest?

You’ll notice common trends when reading college application sample LOCIs. Effective college application example LOCIs convey a tone of sincerity, gratitude, and enthusiasm for an opportunity to attend. A strong sample college application letter of continued interest includes four elements. 

First, reaffirm your interest in attending the school if offered the chance to matriculate. Then, discuss relevant developments to your application, such as additional extracurricular accolades and continued academic successes. Sometimes, you’ll see a sample college application letter of continued interest that mentions how a student improved a lower mid-year grade or discusses a new leadership role. 

When reading a sample college application letter of continued interest, remember that colleges are looking for reasons to admit you, so don’t be shy! Offer to answer any questions they have and provide additional info in the conclusion of your letter. 

It’s important to back up your claims with supporting evidence. Strong college application sample LOCIs provide examples and specific details, just as you would in a cover letter or essay. Be vivid and descriptive as you share your story!

However, college application example LOCIs that include overly emotional appeals or merely complement the university are unlikely to be effective. Your letter of continued interest should be all about you. Though it can be difficult to realize this when reading college application example LOCIs, recognize that the content of your letter should fit within the context of the rest of your application. 

The many types of college application letters – Final Thoughts

In this guide, we covered several types of letters associated with your college process – college application cover letters, teacher recommendation letters, and letters of continued interest. Reading sample college application letters, whether they are college application cover letter samples or LOCIs, can help you do your best work. But, remember that every applicant’s college application process is unique. 

Our final tips for writing college application letters:

  • Proofread. College application letters with typos or grammatical errors reflect poorly on your effort and candidacy. Use a polished and professional tone in everything you write for your college applications.
  • Be yourself. Though this goal can get lost in the requirements, scores, and grades, you should focus on helping the colleges on your list get to know who you are . 
  • Follow the requirements. Each college has their own requirements for how they want you to submit materials. Pay close attention to the details for each college as you go through the admissions process. 

CollegeAdvisor.com can help guide you through every step of the college application process. Check out our blog , webinars , or register with CollegeAdvisor.com today. Good luck!

This guide to college application letters and letters of continued interest was written by Caroline Marapese, Notre Dame ‘22. At CollegeAdvisor, we have built our  reputation  by providing comprehensive information that offers real assistance to students. If you want to get help with your college applications from CollegeAdvisor.com  Admissions Experts , click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how CollegeAdvisor.com can support you in the college application process.

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StandOut CV

University cover letter examples

Andrew Fennell photo

If you’re applying for jobs at a university, you need a cover letter that will make you stand out amongst all the other qualified candidates.

It’s key that you present yourself in a manner that will persuade the recruitment team to shortlist you for interview, and to help you impress, we’ve put together this detailed guide on how to write a standout cover letter.

We’ll share all our expert advice, along with some university cover letter examples to inspire you.

CV templates 

University cover letter example 1

University cover letter 1

Build your CV now 

University cover letter example 2

University cover letter 2

University cover letter example 3

University cover letter 3

These University cover letter examples provide you with some guidance and inspiration for writing a cover letter that gets noticed and ensures your CV will get opened.

But if you really want to master the art of writing a winning cover letter , then follow our step-by-step cove letter writing guide below.

How to write a University cover letter

A simple step-by-step guide to writing your very own winning cover letter.

How to write a cover letter

Write your cover letter in the body of an email/message

Type the content of your cover letter directly into the email you are sending, or if you are applying via a job board, directly into their messaging system.

The reason for doing this it to ensure that your cover letter gets seen instantly and you can start connecting with the recruiter as soon as they open your message.

If you attach your cover letter as a separate document, the recipient will have to open up the document, which will slow the process down, or make them less likely to even open your cover letter – which could mean your application gets skipped over.

Write cover letter in body of email

Start with a friendly greeting

Cover letter address

To start building rapport with the recruiter or hiring manager right away, lead with a friendly greeting.

Try to strike a balance between professional and personable.

Go with something like…

  • Hi [insert recruiter name]
  • Hi [insert department/team name]

Stay away from old-fashioned greetings like “Dear sir/madam ” unless applying to very formal companies – they can come across as cold and robotic.

How to find the contact’s name?

Addressing the recruitment contact by name is an excellent way to start building a strong relationship. If it is not listed in the job advert, try to uncover it via these methods.

  • Check out the company website and look at their  About page. If you see a hiring manager, HR person or internal recruiter, use their name. You could also try to figure out who would be your manager in the role and use their name.
  • Head to LinkedIn , search for the company and scan through the list of employees. Most professionals are on LinkedIn these days, so this is a good bet.

Identify the role you are applying for

Once you’ve opened up the cover letter with a warm greeting to start building a relationship, it is time to identify which role you want to apply for.

Recruiters are often managing multiple vacancies, so you need to ensure you apply to the correct one.

Be very specific and use a reference number if you can find one.

  • I am interested in applying for the position of *University position* with your company.
  • I would like to apply for the role of Sales assistant (Ref: 406f57393)
  • I would like to express my interest in the customer service vacancy within your retail department
  • I saw your advert for a junior project manager on Reed and would like to apply for the role.

See also: CV examples – how to write a CV – CV profiles

Highlight your suitability

The sole objective of your cover letter is to motivate recruiters into to opening your CV. And you achieve this by quickly explaining your suitability to the roles you are applying for.

Take a look at the job descriptions you are applying to, and make note of the most important skills and qualifications being asked for.

Then, when crafting your cover letter, make your suitability the central focus.

Explain why you are the best qualified candidate, and why you are so well suited to carry out the job.

This will give recruiters all the encouragement they need to open your CV and consider you for the job.

Cover letter tips

Keep it short and sharp

It is best to keep your cover letter brief if you want to ensure you hold the attention of busy recruiters and hiring managers. A lengthy cover letter will probably not get read in full, so keep yours to around 3-6 sentences and save the real detail for your CV.

Remember the purpose of your cover letter is to quickly get recruiters to notice you and encourage them to open your CV, so it only needs to include the highlights of your experience.

Sign off professionally

To finish off your cover note, add a professional signature to the bottom, stating your important contact details and information.

This not only provides recruiters with multiple means of contacting you, but it also adds a nice professional appearance to the cover letter, which shows that you know how to conduct yourself in the workplace.

Include the following points;

  • A friendly sign off – e.g. “Warm regards”
  • Your full name
  • Phone number (one you can answer quickly)
  • Email address
  • Profession title
  • Professional social network – e.g. LinkedIn

Here is an example signature;

Warm regards,

Aaron Smith Customer service professional 075557437373 [email protected] LinkedIn

Quick tip : To save yourself from having to write your signature every time you send a job application, you can save it within your email drafts, or on a separate document that you could copy in.

Email signatures

What to include in your University cover letter

Your University cover letter will be unique to your situation, but there are certain content guidelines you should stick to for best results.

To attract and entice recruiters, stick with the following key subjects in your cover letter – adapting them to fit your profession and target jobs.

  • Your professional experience – Employers will be keen to know if your experience is suitable for the job you are applying to, so provide a good summary of it in your cover letter.
  • Your qualifications and education – Highlight your most relevant and high-level of qualification, especially if they are essential to the job.
  • The positive impact you have made – Employers love to hear about the benefits you can bring to them, so shout about anything impressive you have done, such as saving money or improving processes.
  • Your reasons for leaving – Use a few words of your cover letter to explain why you are leaving your current job and ensure you avoid any negative reasons.
  • Your availability – Let recruiters know when you can start a new job . Are you immediately available, or do you have a month notice period?

University cover letter templates

Copy and paste these University cover letter templates to get a head start on your own.

I am excited to apply for the Lecturer position in the Politics Department at Sheffield University, bringing with me a wealth of experience and a passion for International Relations, Political Philosophy, and Critical Theory. With an MA and PhD from the University of Leeds and 6+ years of teaching experience, I possess the skills to design engaging lectures, mentor students, and conduct impactful research.

In my current role as Assistant Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, I have designed a popular course on the politics of identity and social movements, demonstrating my ability to innovate new and well-received modules. My research on the intersections of power, identity, and social movements was presented at the International Political Science Association Conference and published in the Journal of Politics. During my tenure as a Teaching Assistant, I introduced a seminar series on essay structure and technique, which received positive feedback and contributed to a significant 12% increase in exam scores. My dedication to fostering inclusive classrooms and research, as evidenced in my publications on intersectionality and politics of representation, aligns with the values of your department.

I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience to discuss how my qualifications and commitment to diversity and equity align with your department’s vision.

Best wishes,

I hope you’re well. With a varied 30-year academic career and specialist experience in 18th-century literature, literary theory, and critical race studies, I am thrilled to apply for the position of Professor of English Literature at UCL.

Through my PhD research and 12+ years of teaching experience at The University of Manchester, I have honed my ability to design and deliver engaging lectures and seminars while effectively mentoring students. My original research on race and gender in 18th-century literature has garnered recognition from Lit Today and LHB Journal, including a successful research project on the reception of African American literature in the UK. My monograph on the same subject received acclaim in Women’s Writing Journal. In my previous role as Senior Lecturer, I designed a highly requested course on the history of the novel which attracted 65% of students in its first year, showcasing my innovative approach to course development. Additionally, in 2021 I organised an international conference on race and literature that attracted scholars from 38 countries and engaged 800 undergraduate students.

I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience to discuss how my qualifications and dedication can contribute to the progressive academic excellence at UCL.

Kind regards,

Simone Rickard

Dear Martin,

I hope this email finds you well. With a 25+ year career at UCL, including a PhD in the history of women’s rights and the feminist movement, I am excited to apply for the esteemed position of Program Director, bringing with me a wealth of experience and dedication to advancing the field of Women’s History.

As the current Program Director of Women’s History at UCL, I successfully spearheaded the development of a new undergraduate program in Women’s History Studies, becoming the most popular history class in recent cohorts. I have also cultivated partnerships with external organisations, such as the British Library and the Tate, to create interpretive exhibits showcasing influential women throughout history. My dedication to fostering an inclusive learning environment is evident in my implementation of a 1-2-1 mentorship program for women interested in pursuing careers in history. My ability to design and deliver engaging curriculum materials, mentor students, and secure funding through grant proposals makes me the ideal candidate for this role.

I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience to discuss how my qualifications and commitment to advancing the study of Women’s History align with your institution’s mission.

Osei Johnson

Writing an impressive cover letter is a crucial step in landing a job working at a University, so taking the time to perfect it is well worth while.

By following the tips and examples above you will be able to create an eye-catching cover letter that will wow recruiters and ensure your CV gets read – leading to more job interviews for you.

Good luck with your job search!

College Student Cover Letter Example (w/ Tips for 2024)

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Navigating college, you've aced your exams, written A++ research papers, and delivered exciting presentations.

Your academic journey has shaped you into a specialist in your domain, and the world is eager to see what you bring...

Yet, the challenge of writing a college student cover letter feels more daunting than that trigonometry class you dreaded in your sophomore year.

Here's the good news: We've got your back!

By the end of this article, you'll know exactly what you have to do to write your student cover letter. Here’s what we’re going to cover:

  • A Perfect College Student Cover Letter Example (to Inspire You to Write Yours)
  • 5 Steps to Writing an Effective Student Cover Letter
  • 3 Tips to Take Your Cover Letter from “Good” to “Great”

Let's dive in!

College Student Cover Letter Example

College Student Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect College Student Cover Letter

You've just witnessed what a job-winning cover letter looks like. Now, it's your turn to craft one!

Just follow these 5 steps, and you’ll be as good as gold!

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

When crafting your college student cover letter, it's essential to kick things off with your contact details . Just like on your resume, these should sit in the header of your cover letter.

Here's a breakdown of what to include:

  • Full Name. Your first and last name should proudly sit at the top of the page.
  • Intended Job Title. Match the job title on your cover letter to the specific position you're seeking. (E.g.: If you’re applying for the job of “Junior Marketing Manager,” use those exact words and not “Marketing Specialist" or “Advertising Executive.”)
  • Email Address. Choose an email address that's professional and straightforward. A combination of your first and last name is a safe bet. (e.g.: [email protected] is good but [email protected] is not.)
  • Phone Number. Ensure your provided phone number is accurate so that the hiring manager can reach you. If you're applying for a job in another country, add the international dial code.
  • Location. Your city and state will suffice, no need to mention the address. However, if you're seeking a remote position or planning to relocate, be sure to mention it.
  • Relevant Links (optional). If you have any relevant websites or social media profiles, such as LinkedIn, feel free to include them.

Once your own contact information is in place, it's time to add the hiring manager's details:

  • Company Name. Clearly state the company you're applying to.
  • Hiring Manager's Name. If you can find the name of the hiring manager for the specific department you're interested in, include it.
  • Location. Specify the city and state or country of the company, especially if it's a global organization.
  • Email Address (optional). If you manage to find the hiring manager's email address, it's a nice touch to include it.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you've got all your college student cover letter's contact info in place, the next step is addressing your letter properly.

You can always go for something generic like "To Whom It May Concern,” but if you want to stand out, you’re better off addressing the hiring manager directly .

Start by doing a bit of research. Take a look at the job listing, the company's website, or even their LinkedIn profiles. This will help you find the name and email address of the person who'll be reading your cover letter.

Next, address them in a formal but friendly way. You can use "Ms." or "Mr." followed by their last name. If you're unsure about their gender or marital status, just use their full name. Here are some examples:

  • Dear Ms. Rodriguez
  • Dear Alex Rodriguez

If you can't find any specific info about the hiring manager or the department head, it's okay to address your letter to the department or the company in general. Just keep it friendly and professional:

  • Dear Marketing Department
  • Dear Marketing Team
  • Dear Human Resources
  • Dear Hiring Team

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers typically spend around seven seconds evaluating a college student's application before deciding whether to read it thoroughly. So, making a strong first impression in your cover letter is vital.

In the opening paragraph, be sure to introduce yourself and explain why you're interested in the position. Expressing your enthusiasm for the industry or the specific job can grab the hiring manager's attention.

Doing a bit of research on the company can be very helpful here. The more you know about the employer, the better you can emphasize how well you'd fit into their work culture. This demonstrates that you're not just applying to random companies but are genuinely interested in this particular role.

You can also kick off your cover letter by mentioning a noteworthy achievement or showcasing the skills that make you an ideal candidate. Keep this paragraph short, though. The goal is to spark the hiring manager's interest and encourage them to read into your cover letter's details.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The body of your college student cover letter is your chance to provide in-depth details that truly showcase why you're a perfect fit for the job.

Discuss courses, projects, or experiences that have given you skills relevant to the role. Additionally, share any extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or internships that align with the position.

For instance, if you're applying for a marketing role and you managed a social media campaign for a college club, that would be perfect to mention. It's also beneficial to highlight any soft skills, such as communication or teamwork, and give examples of when you've put them to use.

Next, demonstrate that you've done your research by mentioning something specific about the company that resonates with you, whether it's their mission, a product, or a recent accomplishment. 

It's important to show how the company’s values or goals align with your experiences or aspirations. Every cover letter should be tailor-made for the job you're applying for, so make sure to emphasize experiences and skills that match the job description. 

It can also be helpful to incorporate keywords from the job posting, especially if the company uses applicant scanning software for initial screening.That said, avoid the temptation to simply rehash your college resume - your cover letter should be a supplementary document, not a copy-paste.

Want to learn what a great cover letter looks like in different fields? Check out our cover letter examples !

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Wrapping up your college student cover letter is the final touch that can leave a lasting impression.

It's essential to conclude on a strong note, ensuring that your conclusion reinforces why you're an excellent fit for the role.

In your conclusion, confidently recap your qualifications and the skills that set you apart from other candidates in the college student industry. Reiterate how your experiences align perfectly with the job.

Following your conclusion, it's time to include a call to action. Encourage the hiring manager to take the next step, such as initiating a discussion about your application. This proactive approach can significantly increase your chances of securing an interview.

Finally, select an appropriate closing line and follow it with your full name to end your letter like a pro. 

Please feel free to contact me at the provided email or phone number to arrange an interview. I eagerly await the opportunity to discuss my application at your earliest convenience.

Warm regards,

Jodie Sawkins

And finally, if you prefer to explore alternative sign-offs to "Warm regards," here are some options:

  • Best regards,
  • Respectfully,
  • Thank you for your consideration,

college student cover letter structure

3 Essential College Student Cover Letter Tips

You've got the basics of cover letters down, and now it's time to take your college student cover letter to the next level with some essential tips . 

#1. Match Your Resume

When you're a college student applying for a job, it's important to maintain a consistent application style.

Make sure your cover letter's format and layout closely mirror your resume template to create a professional and organized impression. 

Align your text and contact details neatly on the page, keep font styles and sizes uniform, and set appropriate margins and line spacing. 

By doing this, you'll present a polished and cohesive application while ensuring your cover letter stays on a single page.

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Don't want the hassle of starting from scratch? We've got you covered! Our cover letter templates are designed to save you time and ensure your cover letter pairs perfectly with your resume. 

Crafted with insights from the world’s leading hiring managers, our templates meet industry standards and look fantastic.

#2. Focus on Extracurricular Activities & Internships

Chances are, as a student, you don’t have a lot of hands-on professional work experience.

That doesn’t mean you lack valuable experience that can impress potential employers.

Extracurricular activities and internships can play a pivotal role in showcasing your skills, dedication, leadership, and adaptability.

Participating in clubs, organizations, or sports can demonstrate skills like teamwork, leadership, time management, and problem-solving. For instance, if you were the captain of a sports team, it suggests leadership and dedication. If you were part of a debate club, it shows strong communication and critical thinking skills.

#3. Proofread the Final Draft

Proofreading your final draft is a crucial step when polishing your college student cover letter. Typos and bad grammar can quickly sabotage a great first impression. 

First off, run your cover letter through Grammarly or any other online tool to find any mechanical errors.

Then, re-read it yourself carefully to make sure that the tool didn’t miss something important.

Finally, get a friend to give it a final review to make sure the cover letter is objectively good.

Key Takeaways

Hopefully, by now, you know all you need in order to create an effective college student cover letter.

Before you go and start applying for jobs, here’s a quick recap of everything we’ve covered in this article:

  • Your cover letter is often the first introduction to a potential employer. Ensure it's polished, professional, and captures your qualifications effectively.
  • Extracurricular activities, internships, and academic achievements can be valuable assets. Don't shy away from showcasing these experiences.
  • One size doesn't fit all. Customize your cover letter for each position, emphasizing how your skills align with the job requirements.
  • Hiring managers often skim through applications due to volume. Aim for clarity and brevity, getting straight to the point.
  • Minor errors can be detrimental. Use online tools, seek feedback, and meticulously review your content before submission.
  • Let your passion shine through. Employers value candidates who are not only qualified but also genuinely interested in the role and the company.

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  • Career Advice

How to Write a Successful Cover Letter

By  Victoria Reyes

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job application letter to a university


Sociologist Andrew Whitehead started a Twitter thread some months ago detailing his take on various stages of the academic job market. For the cover letter, he gave excellent advice . He suggested among other things, keeping it at a suggested length (one and a half to two pages) and avoiding jargon. He also stressed the importance of strong lead sentences, using the cover letter to highlight and point to other parts of your application, and controlling the narrative you want to tell .

Others have also written about writing a cover letter. Cheryl E. Ball, for example, provides excellent advice and a paragraph-by-paragraph breakdown . Indeed, a simple Google search on “how to write an academic cover letter” brings back 49,600 results if the clause is in quotations, and 526 million results without quotations.

I want to build on the foundational advice of those before me and provide additional insight into the purpose of a cover letter, tips for writing a successful one and what to avoid in it. At the very least, I find having multiple perspectives, styles of writing and exposure to different ways of thinking about the same topic to be useful.

This essay draws on an invited prep talk on how to write a cover letter that I gave at the 2019 American Sociological Association’s annual meeting and on my own experience as a job applicant and as a faculty member on search committees. It’s meant to be helpful for those new on the job market, as the following advice may seem obvious to those who have been in academe for a while.

The first thing that Ph.D. students need to remember about the academic cover letter is its purpose: to introduce who you are as a scholar, what you would bring to the department as a potential colleague and how you fit the requirements listed in the advertisement. The cover letter may be the first thing search committee members see, alongside the CV, so you want to make sure that it captures their attention in a good way.

Here are some tips that I hope you’ll find helpful.

Don’t assume knowledge on the part of the reader. Don’t presuppose that faculty members are reading your application holistically, or that if you mentioned something in a research statement, you won’t have to repeat it in the cover letter. As Whitehead suggests, you should walk your reader through the narrative you want to tell of who you are as a scholar. For example, what is it you study? Are you a scholar of globalization? Social movements? Race? What is the overarching question your research addresses? Even if the content of your publications covers particular topics, and it seems obvious to you who you are as a scholar, you need to specify in your cover letter what it is you study. Take the lead in shaping the narrative of you who are. If you don’t, others will.

Another aspect of not assuming knowledge on the part of the reader means that you need to be explicit, stating what you think is obvious -- because what is obvious to you is not always obvious to the reader. For example, although your dissertation may use qualitative methods, you may be able to teach undergraduate statistics. But you decide not to say in your cover letter that you are able to teach that class because you assume that anyone who has a Ph.D. in sociology could do so. However, that assumption would be incorrect, and the search committee will not know that you can, and want, to teach undergrad statistics unless you say that explicitly in your cover letter and teaching statement.

Tailor your letter. As others, like Karen Kelsky, have written , do your research on the institution and department behind the ad. Take care to understand and communicate how you fit with a given department and how you and your work connect to departmental activities and communities across the college or university. That means elaborating on your approach to teaching for a liberal arts college, for example, and demonstrating what your publications and research can specifically bring to a research university.

Tailoring your letter also means tailoring it to the job ad, remembering to be as explicit as you can about how you fit the listed requirements. If the job ad states that the position is for someone who studies religion, for example, say you study religion. Additionally, show how your broader research agenda ties to religion in some way. My department is currently hiring in organizations and institutions, and successful applicants clearly state they are scholars that study these areas. More important, the most successful applicants demonstrate that they are primarily interested in expanding theoretical knowledge about organizations and institutions more generally, rather than being theoretically interested in a different topic that happens to take place within an organization.

Something I didn’t realize until I was on the faculty side of hiring is that the areas of specialization asked for in the ad, other than those few open hires that call for anyone in any specialization to apply, are often tied to holes in the curriculum. So, for instance, at my institution, an applicant who demonstrates a teaching record related to organizations and institutions is the strongest, while a desire to teach -- with no prior record -- is slightly less ideal but still a potentially strong applicant. Someone who does not explicitly state their experience or their desire to teach in organizations and institutions is not as strong a candidate. The search committee only knows what you write down in your materials, so be sure to mention the obvious!

Write as a potential colleague rather than as a graduate student. When you write about your research, focus on your arguments and contributions rather than simply describing the details of your specific study. That demonstrates you’ve shifted to being a producer of knowledge who knows how your research fits into the broader field. Another way to write as a potential colleague, rather than as a graduate student, is to discuss how you see yourself fitting into, and contributing to, the department, college and university. That means doing your homework and seeing what centers and institutions are on the campus, as well as any workshops, symposia or other events that occur in your department and how you could contribute or add to those ventures. This involves a transition to seeing yourself as someone who is a useful resource that brings something to the academic table.

Write fact-based statements that highlight your accomplishments, including publications, awards, fellowships and teaching. It is not bragging or self-promotion to say that you’ve received an award or fellowship. It’s a statement of fact. For example, saying that you’ve won a teaching or mentoring award is evidence of excellence in teaching or mentoring. That is different than adjective-filled comments that talk about your “passion for teaching,” for example. Fact-based statements that highlight your accomplishments show , rather than tell, the reader of your commitment. Of course, you could still say you are passionate about teaching. Just follow it up with a sentence that provides concrete evidence or data that supports your claim -- such as a teaching award.

Be clear and concise. Write short, declarative sentences. Do not write long, complicated sentences, as your point may get lost in the details.

Here are a few things to avoid when writing a cover letter.

Excessive detail. Don’t try to describe each and every paper you’ve written in the cover letter. Instead, highlight one or two given papers and discuss their arguments and significance. Also, don’t give a detailed description of how your paper fits into the existing literature. That is appropriate for an article but not a cover letter, because it takes up too much space that could be better used to highlight your own accomplishments rather than others’ arguments. To be sure, you can gesture to how it fits into the existing literature, but limit it to just a short sentence or two. You should not write a whole paragraph on the intricacies of the subfield.

Jargon. Similar to what Verena Hutter and Kelsky write, be sure to avoid jargon and clichĂ©s . Remember that members of the search committee are likely not in your subfield. Translating your research for a general audience means getting rid of the jargon, or at the very least, defining the jargon you use. While each subfield’s jargon differs, think about whether a certain concept or word is familiar to an educated lay audience. If not, then it is important to try to explain your work without using the jargon.

For example, if you are dedicated to feminist praxis, talk about your commitment to both feminism and putting theory in action in lay terms, and/or define what you mean by “feminist praxis” -- particularly if you are applying to a department other than gender studies or related subfields. That said, avoiding jargon means knowing your audience, as it depends on the discipline and subfield. For example, writing that you are committed to feminist praxis may not be jargon in a gender studies department. In contrast, writing that you are committed to having students discover their “sociological imagination” may be jargon for gender studies but is a taken-for-granted concept across subfields within sociology.

Hyperbole. As previously mentioned, stick to fact-based statements that highlight your accomplishments. Remember you are probably competing with hundreds of applicants, many of whom have competitive records and accomplishments. So saying something such as “I am uniquely qualified to fill the position” is very likely to be untrue.

The three things to avoid that I mention above are common mistakes that signal someone who is still positioning themselves as a grad student, not a colleague, and thus, someone who may not be ready for a faculty job. That is a tricky but extremely important transition to make. It requires walking a delicate line between drawing on and acknowledging the work that senior scholars have done in the field and being confident enough to know you have something to contribute.

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How to Write an Academic Cover Letter With Examples

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  • How to Write an Academic Cover Letter

Be Prepared for Faculty Review

Target your cover letter, cover letter format.

  • Cover Letter Example & Template

Requred Job Application Materials

Submitting your application.

When you are applying for a faculty position at a college or university, your  cover letter  will differ significantly from the standard business cover letter.

Your cover letter may be reviewed by Human Resources department staff to determine if you meet the basic qualifications for the job. If it does, it will be forwarded to a search committee comprised mostly of faculty members and academic deans. 

These individuals will be accustomed to reading more lengthy academic cover letters and  resumes  or curriculum vitae (CV) than would be customary in the business world. They will also often be more interested in the philosophical foundations for your work than the typical business recruiter.

Kelly Miller / The Balance

Tips for Writing an Academic Cover Letter

Your initial challenge will be to pass through the Human Resources screening. Review each of the required qualifications included in the job announcement and compose statements containing evidence that you possess as many of the skills, credentials, knowledge, and experiences listed as possible. 

Address as many of the preferred qualifications as possible. 

Give concrete examples to support your assertions about your strengths. 

Your faculty reviewers will typically have an interest in your philosophy and approach to teaching and research within your discipline. They will also be evaluating how your background fits with the type of institution where they work.

Research the faculty in your target department to assess their orientation and expertise. Emphasize points of intersection between your philosophy and the prevalent departmental philosophy.

If you possess traditionally valued areas of expertise that are not already represented by the current faculty, make sure to point those strengths out in your cover letter. It's important to tailor your letter to the orientation of the college and adjust the mix of emphasis on teaching and research based on the expectations in that setting. 

Colleges will typically want to hire new faculty who are passionate about their current research and not resting on past research credits.

Describe a current project with some detail and express enthusiasm for continuing such work. 

Try to do the same with any evolving teaching interests. 

Highlight any grants and funding you have received to undertake your research activities. Incorporate any awards or recognition which you have received for your teaching or research activities. Some text should also be devoted to other contributions to the college communities where you worked, such as committee work, advising, and collaborations with other departments.

Your cover letter should be written in the same basic format as a business cover letter. An academic cover letter is typically two pages compared to a single page for non-academic letters.

Here’s an example of the appropriate format for a cover letter and guidelines for formatting your letters.

Academic Cover Letter Example

You can use this sample as a model to write an academic cover letter. Download the template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or read the text version below.

Academic Cover Letter Example #1 (Text Version)

Robin Applicant 123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345 555-555.5555 robin.applicant@email.com

April 5, 2021

Dr. Sylvia Lee Chair, English Department Search Committee Acme College 123 Business Rd. Charlotte, NC 28213

Dear Dr. Sylvia Lee,

I am writing to apply for the position of assistant professor of English with an emphasis in nineteenth-century American literature that you advertised in the MLA Job Information List. I am a Dean’s Fellow and Ph.D. candidate at XYZ University, currently revising the final chapter of my dissertation, and expecting to graduate in May I am confident that my teaching experience and my research interests make me an ideal candidate for your open position.

Over the past five years, I have taught a variety of English courses. I have taught a number of American literature survey courses, as well as writing courses, including technical writing and first-year writing. I have extensive experience working with ESL students, as well as students with a variety of learning disabilities, including dyslexia and dysgraphia, and disabilities like ADD and ADHD. I pride myself on creating a classroom environment that accommodates the needs of my students while still promoting a high level of critical thought and writing skills. Some of my most satisfying experiences as a teacher have come from helping struggling students to grasp difficult concepts, through a combination of individual conferences, class activities, and group discussion. I know I would thrive as a teacher in your college, due to your belief in small classroom size and individualized support for students.

Not only does my teaching experience suit the needs of your school and department, but my research interests also fit perfectly with your description of the ideal candidate. My dissertation project, “Ferns and Leaves: Nineteenth-Century Female Authorial Space,” examines the rise and development of American female authors in the 1840s and 1850s, with a particular focus on patterns of magazine publication. I argue that, rather than being submissive to the requirements of the editor or publisher, female authors, in fact, developed a more transparently reciprocal relationship between themselves and their readers than previously has been assumed. I apply recent print-culture and book-history theory to my readings of novels, magazine articles, letters, and diary entries by various female authors, with a particular focus on Sara Willis (known by her pseudonym Fanny Fern). I plan to develop my dissertation into a book manuscript and continue to research the role of female writers in antebellum magazine culture, with a particular focus on the rise and influence of female magazine editors on literary culture.

My research interests have both shaped and been shaped by my recent teaching experiences. Last spring, I developed and taught a course on the history of print culture in America. I combined readings on theory and literature that addressed issues of print with visits to local historical museums and archives. My students conducted in-depth studies on particular texts (magazines, newspapers, novels) for their final papers. I believe my interdisciplinary teaching style, particularly my emphasis on material culture, would fit in well with the interdisciplinary nature of your English department.

I am therefore confident that my teaching experience, my skill in working with ESL and LD students, and my research interests all make me an excellent candidate for the assistant professor of English position at ABC College. I have attached my curriculum vitae and the two requested sample publications. I would be happy to send you any additional materials such as letters of reference, teaching evaluations, and past and proposed course syllabi. I will be available to meet with you at either the MLA or C19 conference, or anywhere else at your convenience. Thank you so much for your consideration; I look forward to hearing from you.

Robin Applicant (hard copy letter)

Robin Applicant

Academic Cover Letter Example #2 (Text Version)

Betty Applicant 567 North Street, Boston, MA 02108 555-555.555 betty.applicant@email.com

Dr. Robert Smith Chair, Department of Biology Acme University 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Dr. Smith,

I am writing to apply for the position of Assistant Professor of Biology with a focus on molecular biology at XYZ University, as advertised in the March issue of Science. I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of XYZ in the Department of Molecular Biology, working under the advisement of Professor Linda Smith. I am confident that my research interests and teaching experience make me an ideal candidate for your open position.

My current research project, which is an expansion on my dissertation, “[insert title here],” involves [insert research project here]. I have published my dissertation findings in Science Journal and am in the processing of doing the same with my findings from my current research. The laboratory resources at XYZ University would enable me to expand my research to include [insert further research plans here] and seek further publication.

Beyond my successes as a researcher (including five published papers and my current paper in process), I have had extensive experience teaching a variety of biology courses. As a graduate student at Science University, I served as a teaching assistant and guest lecturer for both biology and chemistry introductory courses and won the university award for outstanding teacher’s assistant. As a postdoctoral fellow at the University of ABC, I have had the opportunity to teach Introduction to Biology as well as a graduate-level course, Historicizing Molecular Biology. In every class, I strive to include a blend of readings, media, lab work, and discussion to actively engage students with the material. I would love the opportunity to bring my award-winning lesson planning and teaching skills to your biology department.

I am confident that my research interests and experience combined with my teaching skills make me an excellent candidate for the Assistant Professor of Biology position at XYZ University. I have attached my curriculum vitae, three recommendations, and the two requested sample publications. I would be happy to send you any additional materials such as teaching evaluations or past and proposed course syllabi. I will be available to meet with you at the ASBMB conference or anywhere else at your convenience. Thank you so much for your consideration; I look forward to hearing from you.

Betty Applicant (hard copy letter)

Betty Applicant

It’s important to submit all your application materials in the format requested by the college or university. You may be asked to email, mail, or apply online via the institution’s applicant tracking system.

You may be required to provide references with your application, so be prepared to submit a list of references. The institution may also request transcripts, teaching evaluations, and writing samples.

Send only what is requested. There's no need to include information that the institution hasn't ask for.

However, you can offer to provide additional materials like writing samples, syllabi, and  letters of recommendation  in the last paragraph of your letter.

Follow the instructions in the job posting for submitting your application. It should specify what format the college wants to receive.

Here are some examples of what you may be asked to include with your cover letter and resume or CV:

  • A cover letter, CV/resume, and contact information for three references.
  • A cover letter (PDF format) of interest indicating your qualifications and reason for application, Curriculum Vitae (PDF format), and a minimum of three professional references, including phone and email contact information.
  • A letter of interest, a Curriculum Vitae, a teaching vision statement, a research vision statement that specifically indicates how you would interact with or collaborate with other department faculty, and three references.
  • A cover letter, CV/resume, and contact information for three references. Please upload these as ONE document in RTF, DOC or PDF format.
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3 Proven University Application Letter Templates

Creating a compelling university application letter involves presenting your qualifications, experiences, and motivations in a structured and engaging way. Here are three unique templates that cater to different styles and focuses:

Template 1: Traditional and Academic-Focused

Subject: Application for [Program Name] at [University Name]

Introduction: Dear [Admissions Committee/Specific Person’s Name],

I am writing to express my enthusiastic application for the [Program Name] at [University Name], a course I believe will profoundly shape my academic pursuits and career trajectory. My interest in [Subject/Area of Study] was sparked by [brief personal anecdote or experience], leading me to a dedicated exploration of this field.

Academic Background:  

Trending Now: Find Out Why!

Throughout my academic journey at [Your High School/College], I have immersed myself in [Relevant Subjects], achieving [mention any honors or recognition]. My coursework in [specific subjects or projects] has not only solidified my knowledge base but also honed my skills in [mention critical skills related to the program].

Research and Projects:  

I have engaged in [describe any relevant research or projects], where I [describe your role and what you learned]. This experience [briefly describe the impact or outcome], underscoring my passion and commitment to [the field or subject].

Career Goals:  

My ambition is to [describe your career goals], a vision I am eager to pursue through the comprehensive curriculum and unique opportunities at [University Name]. I am particularly excited about [mention specific courses, faculty members, research opportunities, or university resources].


I am eager to bring my passion, dedication, and academic accomplishments to [University Name], contributing positively to the vibrant academic community. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my application in further detail.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Template 2: Storytelling and Personal Journey Focus

Subject: Application for [Program Name] – Discovering My Path


Dear [Admissions Committee/Specific Person’s Name],

Imagine a [young age] year-old fascinated by [simple yet relevant experience], unknowingly taking the first step towards a lifelong academic and professional journey. That was me, [Your Name], and this letter outlines my voyage from that initial spark to my fervent desire to join [University Name]’s [Program Name].

Personal Story:  

My journey into [Subject/Area of Study] truly began when [describe a significant personal experience related to the field]. This experience was a crucible, transforming my casual interest into a dedicated passion. Since then, I’ve been on a relentless quest to deepen my understanding and refine my skills in [specific area].

Academic and Personal Growth:  

At [Your High School/College], I embraced opportunities that challenged and expanded my horizons. Whether it was leading [a specific project or club] or diving deep into research on [specific topic], each step was a building block toward a clearer vision of my future. My academic achievements, including [mention any notable accomplishments], are milestones along this path.

Why [University Name]:  

[University Name] stands out as the beacon that can guide me to the next phase of my journey. The program’s emphasis on [mention specific aspects of the program or university that align with your interests] resonates with my educational philosophy and career aspirations. I am particularly drawn to [mention any specific courses, professors, or research opportunities].

Joining [University Name] is not just a goal for me; it’s the next essential step in a journey that began years ago with a simple [refer back to the introductory anecdote]. I am excited about the prospect of contributing to and growing within the [University Name] community.

Warm regards, [Your Name]

Template 3: Innovative and Visionary Focus

Subject: [Your Name]: Aspiring Innovator for [Program Name] at [University Name]

Hello [Admissions Committee/Specific Person’s Name],

In a world where [mention a global challenge or trend related to the field], the need for innovative thinkers and visionary leaders is more critical than ever. I am [Your Name], an aspiring [your desired profession or role] keen on harnessing the power of [specific field or technology] to make a difference. My application to [University Name]’s [Program Name] is driven by this vision.

Innovative Endeavors:  

During my time at [Your High School/College], I didn’t just learn; I sought to innovate. Whether it was developing [a specific innovative project] or pioneering [a new initiative or club], I’ve always looked for ways to push boundaries and challenge the status quo. My project on [specific project] was not just a class assignment; it was a mission to [describe the project’s innovative aspect].

Vision for the Future:  

My goal is to [describe your future vision], and I am convinced that the [Program Name] at [University Name] is where this vision can become a reality. The program’s commitment to [mention aspects of the program that support innovation] aligns perfectly with my ambition to [mention your career goal].

I am particularly excited about [specific resources or opportunities at the university] that I believe will be instrumental in shaping my journey. [University Name]’s environment, renowned for fostering innovation and creativity, is the ideal setting for a [your desired profession or role] like me to thrive.

I am eager to bring my innovative mindset and visionary aspirations to [University Name], where I hope to not just learn, but also contribute to the legacy of innovation that defines the institution. Thank you for considering my application.

Best regards, [Your Name]

These templates are starting points. Personalize them with your specific details, experiences, and aspirations to make your application stand out.

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University Student Cover Letter Example

Boost your chances of getting hired & learn creative tricks to use in your own cover letter with our free, expertly drafted University Student cover letter example. Use this cover letter example at no cost or modify it in any way using our job-landing cover letter creator.

Milan Ć arĆŸĂ­k — Certified Professional RĂ©sumĂ© Writer

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University Student Cover Letter Example (Full Text Version)

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the Software Intern position at your esteemed company. My name is Cheng Kun, and I am a Computer Science student at the University of Waterloo. I believe that my skills and knowledge make me a strong candidate for this role.

As a fourth-year student with a GPA of 3.96, I have developed a deep understanding of computer science and possess the ability to analyze problems and provide creative solutions. In addition to my academic achievements, I have also gained industry experience at Intel Corporation, where I excelled in a fast-paced environment and received recognition for my hard work.

I am proficient in coding languages such as JavaScript, C++, and Java, and have demonstrated the ability to work effectively both independently and as part of a team. I am eager to contribute to your team and continue to learn and grow in the field of software development.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the needs of your company.

Sincerely, Cheng Kun

Milan Ć arĆŸĂ­k — Certified Professional RĂ©sumĂ© Writer

Milan Ć arĆŸĂ­k, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional RĂ©sumĂ© Writer (CPRWℱ) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of RĂ©sumĂ© Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCCℱ). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

Edit this sample using our resume builder.

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. artificial intelligence can write it for you..

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. Artificial intelligence can write it for you.

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Cover letters for faculty job applications

The cover letter serves as an introduction to your application package and answers the following questions: Who are you? When will you defend your dissertation (if you’re currently ABD)? Why are you interested in applying for this assistant professor position? Why are you interested in this institution? What is your dissertation research about? What are your future research plans? What kind of teaching experience do you have? How will you contribute to our department and institution? Why is the school a good fit for you and vice versa? A strong cover letter will be tailored to the institution to which you’re applying. For the humanities and social sciences it is typically 2–3 pages long, and for STEM fields 1–2 pages, but this may vary depending on your specific discipline.

The Purpose of a Cover Letter

Sometimes called a “ letter of intent ” or “ letter of interest ,” a cover letter is an introduction to the rest of your job application materials. The purpose of a cover letter is to quickly summarize why you are applying to an organization or for a particular position, and what skills and knowledge you bring that make you the most suitable candidate for that position. The cover letter is often the first impression that a prospective employer will have of you, especially if they do not know you or have not heard about you from their network of contacts. First impressions count, and so getting your cover letter right is a critical step in your job application process. Like all your job application materials, it may take time and focus to write your cover letters well. You will likely have several drafts before you come up with a final version that clearly articulates your skills and your understanding of the employer and the job requirements.

While your CV briefly states your skills, knowledge, experience, and (most importantly) what you have achieved using your abilities, the cover letter gives you an opportunity to create a narrative that shows the path you have taken in your career or education, emphasizing the skills you’ve used along the way, and explaining why the position you are applying to is the next desirable step on this path.

Timeline: Getting Started with Your Cover Letter

Step 1: The first step to writing a good cover letter is to have a good CV. Your cover letter expands upon some of the information you include within these documents and describes the role you have played in achieving your academic goals (i.e., showing how your experiences have made you the best candidate for the position).

Step 2: The next step is to find an open position that interests you. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all cover letter, as each should be tailored to each job you apply to, but there will certainly be parts of the letter that will stay much the same and be appropriate for multiple jobs. A 1-3 page cover letter might be the norm when applying for a tenure-track faculty position, but you need to check with your own department to find out what the standards are in your field.

Step 3: Go through the job ad and carefully note all of the requirements and skills the employer is looking for. Based on your background research of the employer and the people you have spoken to who know about this employer (whether a business or a university department), try to identify the two or three most important skills that the employer is looking for. You should then try to create a cover letter that illustrates that you have these skills and have used them effectively.

When applying for faculty positions, you will be expected to spend some time in your cover letter talking about your past research experiences and future research goals as well as your teaching—even though you may have covered these in more detail in your research statement and teaching philosophy documents. How much time you need to spend talking about teaching and research will depend on the nature of the position and your field of study. For some humanities and social sciences applications, you will not be asked for a separate research statement, and this information will need to be integrated into the cover letter. Cover letters for scientific positions will generally be shorter, as more (but not all) of the information about research will be covered in the research statement.

Keep in mind that academic letters also need to cover everything that non-academic cover letters address. You need to show that you are not only a good academic, but that you are a good person to work with who is committed to making meaningful contributions at that particular institution. Make sure that you address the requirements of the position as stated in the job ad. Speak to faculty in your department to get a sense of what is expected in cover letters in your discipline. See if any faculty you know have been involved in search committees, and find out what they looked for in cover letters.

Additional Resources

For further tips, tricks, and strategies for writing an academic cover letter, see the resources below:

  • The PhD Career Training Platform is an eLearning platform with on-demand, self-paced modules that allow PhDs and postdocs to make informed decisions about their career path and learn successful job search strategies from other PhDs. Select the University of Pennsylvania from the  drop-down menu, log in using your University ID, and click the “Faculty Careers” tab to learn more about application documents for a faculty job search.
  • How to Write a Successful Cover Letter
  • How to Write a Persuasive Cover Letter
  • 6 Tips to Improve Your Cover Letter
  • Writing a Compelling Cover Letter for Faculty Roles (video)
  • Cover Letters for Research-Intensive Faculty
  • Cover Letters for Teaching-Intensive Faculty

Cover Letter Samples

The cover letter samples below were provided by Penn graduates and postdocs after their successful job searches and represent a range of disciplines.

Science PhD cover letter

Linguistics PhD cover letter

History PhD cover letter

Art history PhD cover letter

Spanish PhD cover letter

Science PhD cover letter (postdoc)

Explore other application documents:

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Assistant Professor of Psychology - Developmental Psychology Apply now to Assistant Professor of Psychology - Developmental Psychology


Position overview

Application window.

Open date: August 26, 2024

Next review date: Tuesday, Oct 1, 2024 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) Apply by this date to ensure full consideration by the committee.

Final date: Monday, Jun 30, 2025 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) Applications will continue to be accepted until this date, but those received after the review date will only be considered if the position has not yet been filled.

Position description

The Department of Psychology at the University of California, Davis invites applications for an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) position in Developmental Psychology. We are seeking a developmental psychologist with expertise in social-emotional development and/or health psychology. Example research topics include socialization processes; identity development; cultural, psychosocial, and structural determinants of children’s health; and developmental perspectives on stress and health. We are particularly interested in candidates who consider how these developmental processes manifest in diverse contexts or underrepresented communities.

As one of the country’s leading research institutions, and an emerging Hispanic-Serving Institution, UC Davis seeks candidates with exceptional potential for research, teaching, and a commitment to diversity and inclusion. The successful candidate will demonstrate an understanding of the barriers preventing full participation of members from student communities historically excluded from higher education, including (but not limited to) individuals marginalized due to their race or ethnicity, LGBTQIA+ status, veterans, individuals with disabilities, individuals from economically disadvantaged groups, first-generation scholars, and undocumented students. In addition to being exceptional scholars, successful candidates will help advance UC Davis’ goal of improving access and building an inclusive community for all marginalized communities. The successful candidate will also have a track record (calibrated to career stage) of teaching, research, or service activities addressing the needs of individuals historically excluded from higher education, and a clear vision of how their work at UC Davis will contribute to the University’s mission of serving the needs of our diverse state and student population.

Applicants are required to submit a research statement describing their research to date and future research goals, and a contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) statement describing (a) their track record of engagement and activity related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as (b) their plans for future engagement (see https://academicaffairs.ucdavis.edu/guidelines-writing-diversity-statement for guidance and information about the university’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion). The DEI statement will be carefully read as a standalone document and should, therefore, include all relevant information related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, even if aspects are also discussed in other submitted materials.

In addition, applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a teaching statement describing their experience as well as perspectives and practices related to effective teaching, three representative publications (or preprints), and names and contact information for at least three individuals who may be asked to submit letters of recommendation. All application materials should be submitted electronically at: https://recruit.ucdavis.edu/JPF06660 .

The start date for this position is July 1, 2025. The position will remain open until filled. Applications must be submitted by October 1, 2024 for full consideration. Applications submitted after this date may not be considered. If you have any questions about the search or position, feel free to contact the Search Committee Chair, Dr. Paul Hastings ( [email protected] ), or any member of the search committee: Dr. Drew Patrick Cingel ( [email protected] ), Dr. Simona Ghetti ( [email protected] ), Dr. Camelia Hostinar ( [email protected] ), Dr. Yuko Munakata ( [email protected] ), Dr. Dulce Westberg ( [email protected] ), or Ruohan Xia (rhxiaucdavis.edu) .

The department and UC Davis are committed to addressing the family needs of faculty, including dual-career couples and single parents. We are also interested in candidates who have had non-traditional career paths, who have taken time off for family reasons, or who have achieved excellence in careers outside academia. For information about benefits, potential relocation to Davis, career needs of accompanying partners and spouses, and other resources for new faculty, please visit: https://academicaffairs.ucdavis.edu/new-faculty .

The University of California is committed to creating and maintaining a community dedicated to the advancement, application, and transmission of knowledge and creative endeavors through academic excellence, where all individuals who participate in University programs and activities can work and learn together in a safe and secure environment, free of violence, harassment, discrimination, exploitation, or intimidation. With this commitment, UC Davis conducts a reference check on all first-choice candidates for Academic Senate Assistant Professor or Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment, Steps 4, 5, or 6, or Acting Professor of Law positions. The reference check involves contacting the administration of the applicant’s previous institution(s) to ask whether there have been substantiated findings of misconduct that would violate the University’s Faculty Code of Conduct. To implement this process, UC Davis requires all applicants for any open search for assistant professor to complete, sign, and upload the form entitled “Authorization to Release Information” into RECRUIT as part of their application. If an applicant does not include the signed authorization with the application materials, the application will be considered incomplete, and as with any incomplete application, will not receive further consideration. Although all applicants for faculty recruitments must complete the entire application, only finalists considered for Academic Senate Assistant Professor or Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment, Steps 4, 5, or 6, or Acting Professor of Law positions will be subject to reference checks.


Ph.D. or equivalent in psychology (or related field) or anticipated to be completed by July 1, 2025.

· Evidence of scholarship, teaching, and leadership relevant to successful research and teaching in the discipline of psychology · Demonstrated ability or potential to obtain extramural support for research activities · Track record of and plans for future contributions to research, teaching, and/or service activities addressing the needs of individuals historically excluded from higher education · Demonstrated ability or potential to develop curriculum and instruct undergraduate and graduate students · Demonstrated ability or potential and interest to mentor undergraduate students · Demonstrated ability or potential and interest to mentor Ph.D. students · Evidence of communication and perspective-taking skills and collegiality consistent with effective departmental, campus, and professional citizenship

Application Requirements

Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.

Statement of Research - The research statement should describe your research to date and future research goals.

Statement of Teaching - The teaching statement should describe your experience as well as beliefs and practices related to effective teaching.

Statement of Contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion documented in the application file will be used to evaluate applicants. Visit https://academicaffairs.ucdavis.edu/faculty-equity-and-inclusion for guidelines about writing a statement and why one is requested.

Authorization to Release Information Form - A reference check will be completed only if you are selected as the first choice candidate. Download, complete, sign, and upload the form: https://aadocs.ucdavis.edu/your-resources/forms-and-checklists/forms/ARF.pdf

Representative reprint or preprint 1

Representative reprint or preprint 2

Representative reprint or preprint 3

Cover Letter - Can describe how you believe your research area complements the department, why you are interested in UC Davis, and/or any extenuating circumstances you would like the committee to consider when evaluating your application. (Optional)

  • 3-5 required (contact information only)

Help contact: [email protected]

About UC Davis

UC Davis is a smoke and tobacco-free campus ( http://breathefree.ucdavis.edu/ ).

We are an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, and particularly encourage applications from members of historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, women, individuals with disabilities, veterans, LGBTQ community members, and others who demonstrate the ability to help us achieve our vision of a diverse and inclusive community.

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, or other protected categories covered by the UC nondiscrimination policy.

For the University of California's Affirmative Action Policy, please visit: https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/4010393/PPSM-20

For the University of California's Anti-Discrimination Policy, please visit: http://policy.ucop.edu/doc/1001004/Anti-Discrimination

Under Federal law, the University of California may employ only individuals who are legally able to work in the United States as established by providing documents as specified in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Certain UC Davis positions funded by federal contracts or sub-contracts require the selected candidate to pass an E-Verify check. More information is available at: http://www.uscis.gov/e-verify

The University of California, Davis (UC Davis) is committed to inclusive excellence by advancing equity, diversity and inclusion in all that we do. UC Davis celebrates the multi-cultural diversity of its community by creating a welcoming and inclusive environment demonstrated through a variety of resources and programs available to academics, staff, and students. Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are core values of UC Davis that are embedded within our Principles of Community and are tied with how to best serve our student population. Our excellence in research, teaching, and service can best be fully realized by members of our academic community who share our commitment to these values, which are included in our Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Vision , our strategic plan: “To Boldly Go,” our Principles of Community, the Office of Academic Affairs’ Mission Statement , and the UC Board of Regents Policy 4400: Policy on University of California Diversity Statement . UC Davis is making important progress towards our goal of achieving federal designation as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and an Asian American, Native American, and Pacific Islander-Serving Institution . The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion offers a plethora of resources on their website, and the Office of Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (HEDI) has outlined similar goals in their "Anti-Racism and DEI Action Plan.” There are a plethora of links available on the About Us webpage where you can learn more about our Administration, Diversity and Inclusion, Rankings, Locations, Native American Land Acknowledgement, Sustainability, Visiting UC Davis, UC Davis Health, and Campus Safety.

The university is consistently ranked among the top institutions in the world for campus sustainability practices by the UI Green Metric World University Rankings . UC Davis is focused on achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and repeatedly shown its commitment to preserving a healthy and sustainable environment for generations to come .

As a University employee, you will be required to comply with all applicable University policies and/or collective bargaining agreements, as may be amended from time to time. Federal, state, or local government directives may impose additional requirements.

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    Use a proper salutation. Begin your college application letter with a formal salutation. The standard, in this case, is "Dear". Be sure to avoid informal salutations such as "Hey", "Hi", and "Hello". 💡 Tip: Do your best to personalize your university application letter in every way that you can.

  2. How To Write a College Application Cover Letter (With Template)

    1. Write your name and street address. At the top of your cover letter, write your first and last name. On a separate line include your street address, followed by your city, state and zip code on another line. 2. Include the date. Below your contact information, write the date you plan on sending the cover letter.

  3. University Application Letter Example: Free & Effective

    University Application Letter Example Template. Dear Admissions Committee, I am writing to express my enthusiastic application for the [Program Name] at [University Name]. My interest in [Subject or Field of Study] was sparked by [brief personal anecdote or experience that ignited your passion in the field].

  4. How To Write a College Student Cover Letter (With Template)

    The image is titled Cover Letter vs Resume. An example cover letter is on the left with tips written below it. The cover letter reads: Malik Rabb (123)456-7891 [email protected] May 1, 2020 Dear Hiring Manager, I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for the associate marketing position at Retail Ocean. Storytelling through marketing is a true passion of mine, and I graduated with a four-year ...

  5. Writing Cover Letters for University Applications [2023 Guide]

    A successful cover letter for a university application should contain specific elements that demonstrate the applicant's qualifications, achievements, and passion for the program. These elements include: Addressing the letter to the appropriate recipient. Crafting an engaging introduction that captures the reader's attention.

  6. How To Write a Great Academic Cover Letter (Steps and Example)

    How to write an academic cover letter. Here are some steps to follow when writing a cover letter for academia: 1. Read the job posting thoroughly. Any academic employer expects you to discuss your teaching history and philosophy, but the amount of detail can depend on the school. If the department asks for a separate teaching philosophy ...

  7. University Student Cover Letter Samples & Examples 2024

    Here are 6 examples of skills to describe in a university student cover letter. Communication (always describe your style of communication) Collaboration and teamwork. Leadership. Critical thinking. Time management. Responsibility. Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a cover letter.

  8. College Application Letter

    1. School Name and Address. You college application letter should follow formal letter formatting guidelines, which include writing the full name of the college or university you are applying to in the upper left hand corner of the letter. Try to be as specific as possible with the address you choose to use. 2.

  9. 3 University cover letter examples [Get the job]

    I would like to apply for the role of Sales assistant (Ref: 406f57393) I would like to express my interest in the customer service vacancy within your retail department. I saw your advert for a junior project manager on Reed and would like to apply for the role. See also: CV examples - how to write a CV - CV profiles.

  10. College Student Cover Letter Example (w/ Tips for 2024)

    Content. Top ↑ College Student Cover Letter Example 5 Steps for the Perfect College Student Cover Letter #1. Put Contact Information in the Header #2. Address the Hiring Manager #3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement #4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details #5.

  11. PDF Cover Letters for Academic Positions

    A cover letter must accompany and be tailored to any application you submit. STEM letters should not exceed one page. Humanities and social sciences letters may extend up to two pages. Check with faculty in your department. Address to the individual named in the job posting, or with "Dear Members of the Search Committee."

  12. Dos and Don'ts for writing a cover letter for the academic job market

    He also stressed the importance of strong lead sentences, using the cover letter to highlight and point to other parts of your application, and controlling the narrative you want to tell. Others have also written about writing a cover letter. Cheryl E. Ball, for example, provides excellent advice and a paragraph-by-paragraph breakdown. Indeed ...

  13. College Admission Letter Example: Free & Effective

    Answer: A College Application Letter is a document that a student submits to a college or university as part of their application for admission. The letter typically provides information about the student's academic background, extracurricular activities, personal qualities, and other factors that make them a good candidate for admission.

  14. How to Write an Academic Cover Letter With Examples

    Robin Applicant 123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345 555-555.5555 [email protected]. April 5, 2021. Dr. Sylvia Lee Chair, English Department Search Committee Acme College 123 Business Rd. Charlotte, NC 28213. Dear Dr. Sylvia Lee, I am writing to apply for the position of assistant professor of English with an emphasis in nineteenth-century American literature that you advertised in the ...


    The letter of application is essentially a sales letter. In it, you are trying to sell your services and, in most cases, you will be competing with other applicants. Your immediate objective is to have your letter read by someone in the organization who has authority to screen job applicants; your ultimate goal is to obtain an interview.

  16. 3 Proven University Application Letter Templates

    Template 1: Traditional and Academic-Focused. Subject: Application for [Program Name] at [University Name] Introduction: Dear [Admissions Committee/Specific Person's Name], I am writing to express my enthusiastic application for the [Program Name] at [University Name], a course I believe will profoundly shape my academic pursuits and career ...

  17. How to Write a Letter of Application (Example & Tips)

    No hard numbers. "I worked in a team and provided customer service to elderly residents". 5. Choose engaging words for your application letter. Your letter of application's length should be 250 to 400 words or 3 to 4 paragraphs — long enough to get your point across but short enough that the reader won't lose interest.

  18. University Student Cover Letter Example

    555-555-5555. [email protected]. EQQ Technologies, Inc. New York City, NY, United States. 08/10/2019. Application for the position of Software Intern. Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to express my interest in the Software Intern position at your esteemed company. My name is Cheng Kun, and I am a Computer Science student at the University ...

  19. How To Write an Application Letter (With Template and Example)

    Follow these steps to compose a compelling application letter: 1. Research the company and job opening. Thoroughly research the company you're applying to and the specifications of the open position. The more you know about the job, the better you can customize your application letter. Look for details like:

  20. Cover letters for faculty job applications

    A 1-3 page cover letter might be the norm when applying for a tenure-track faculty position, but you need to check with your own department to find out what the standards are in your field. Step 3: Go through the job ad and carefully note all of the requirements and skills the employer is looking for. Based on your background research of the ...

  21. How to Write an Application Letter—Examples & Guide

    Use the same font you chose for your resume. Left-align all content. Keep your application letter length to only one page. Just like with your resume margins, set them to 1-inch on your job application letter as well. Leave ample white space by using double-spacing between paragraphs and setting line spacing to 1.15.

  22. How to Write a Cover Letter: Examples + Guide for 2024

    It's always best to address them by their title and name. For example: Good cover letter greeting examples: "Dear hiring manager,". "Dear [XYZ Company] team,". "Dear Customer Acquisition Hiring Manager,". Weak cover letter greeting examples: "To whom it may concern,". "Dear sir,".

  23. Letter of Application: Job Example, Format & How-To Guide

    Format of an Application Letter. Create enough spacing: 1-1.15 between lines, 1-inch margins, double space between paragraphs. Choose the font: Garamond, Helvetica, or Arial in 11-12 points in a font size. Align the content to the left. Pick the file format: PDF, unless the recruiter requested a Word file specifically.

  24. Lecturer

    Application Window. Open date: August 26, 2024 Next review date: Friday, Sep 20, 2024 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) Apply by this date to ensure full consideration by the committee. Final date: Sunday, Dec 1, 2024 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) Applications will continue to be accepted until this date, but those received after the review date will only be considered if the position has not yet been filled.

  25. Bilingual Para Educator at Lancaster School District

    If FIVE (5) applicants are permanent employees from the Lancaster School District and demonstrate the ability to meet the job qualifications, the position will be filled on a promotional basis. Copy of Transcript (Copy of Transcript) Letter(s) of Recommendation (Letters of Reference) Letter(s) of Reference (Letters of Reference) Resume (Resume)

  26. Assistant Professor of Psychology

    Application Window. Open date: August 26, 2024 Next review date: Tuesday, Oct 1, 2024 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) Apply by this date to ensure full consideration by the committee. Final date: Monday, Jun 30, 2025 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) Applications will continue to be accepted until this date, but those received after the review date will only be considered if the position has not yet been ...