
Rough Draft For The Crucible

Asmar Kalif Hour: 5 English Paper Crucible Rough Draft In the novel The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the story was based on McCarthyism. This book is based on a real story and real people. John Proctor tore up his confession and goes to his death because he can’t lie about himself and ruin his reputations. He also doesn’t want people to think he is a bad person by confessing a lie just to save his life. John Proctor knew that if he confessed he would make himself look guilty and his friends who didn’t do anything would look guilty. “I speak my own sins, I cannot judge another I have no tongue for it”(Act IV,#148). “They think to go like saints, I like not to spoil their name”(Act IV,#148).“Then who will judge me? God …show more content…

“ Because it is my name, because I cannot have another in my life ! Because I lie and signed myself to lies,(Act IV,#150). “You will not use me! I am no Sarah good or Tituba, I am john proctor! You will not use me! It is not a part of salvation that you should use me,”(Act IV,#149). “Damn the village! I confess to god, and god has seen! It is enough,”(Act III,149) John proctor wanted to keep his pride and still confess to being a witch. . John proctor is trying to tell us that there is no need for everyone in salem to know about his confession as long as god seen him write it and and the court has seen him write it. John proctor also says “god does not need my name nailed upon the church! god sees my name; god know how black my sins are” (Act IV,#149). John proctor wants to be guilty but he doesn’t want everybody to know “then it is proved. Why must I say it,”(Act IV,#149). John proctor would rather die than to make everybody who died look guilty. John proctor said, “why must it be written,” (Act III,143). He is trying to be guilty but doesn’t want everybody to know. If people knew that he confessed not only would he make himself look bad but he would also make his friends look bad because he is confessing lies about them and ruin both theirs and his reputation. Before John confessed he said to his wife “I have been thinking I would confess to them”(Act III,#143). He

Rhetorical Devices In The Crucible Act 3

Quote 1: Proctor has confessed to adultery and given himself and Abigail a bad reputation. In a community like Salem this sort of behaviour resulted in punishment since it was considered unholy. The people who admit their sins are spared, and the ones who don´t are hanged, which is not the most logical approach. John´s confession is important because he is willing to have a bad reputation in order to achieve

How Did John Proctor Change Throughout The Crucible

“I have confessed myself! Is there no good penitence but it be public? God does not need my name nailed upon the church! God sees my name; God knows how black my sins are! It is enough!” (Miller 211) This shows that John Proctor chose to rip up the confession rather than let his name be known for anything other than good. The confession represents the lie and John Proctor chose to let the god know of his sins and his name remain good within Salem. In the end John Proctor realizes the mistakes the townspeople had made by hanging everyone accused, regardless of any real evidence

Crucible Study Guide Answers

He wants the Proctor and other witches to confess so they won’t be hanged, since if they are hung then his name would go down. This is because Proctor is a respectable and high-named man.

Is John Proctor Justified In The Crucible

Proctor’s act of refusal was solemnly based on Proctor’s conscience battle. Proctor has a hard time dealing with his conscience. The trial only favors honesty, but John is a man of pride. John’s conscience believes that he should be honest and tell the court his righteous justification. On the one hand, John’s pride believes that he should stand firm and don’t need to lie.

Why Is John Proctor Important In The Crucible

At one point, he was willing to confess to something that wasn’t true and rat out his friends to save his own life. Proctor signed a confession saying he was guilty of witchcraft, although he really wasn’t. In Act IV Proctor saws, “Beguile me not? I blacken all of them when this is nailed to the church the very day they hang for silence” (Miller 239). He knew what he was doing when he confessed to witchcraft. John thought maybe he could save his life by faking a confession, but he still refused to admit he’d seen other people with the devil even though he was confessing. He tried to redress his mistake shortly after, but they found out he was lying to escape with his life. His lying was an example of his way of trying to manipulate situations to get out of them. When making a decision, one must decide if it is right and be willing to face the consequences if it is not. John was hung for his decision. His selfishness for his own life lead to his

John Proctor's Choice of Truth in The Crucible by Arthur Miller

p;    When Proctor was first faced with the decision of living with a lie or dying with the truth, he chose life.   He decided that a lie was a minute sin in comparison to voluntarily giving up the life with which God blessed him.   After signing his confession, he was notified that it would be hung above the church entrance for all to see.  Besides believing that publicity was unnecessary to a valid confession, Proctor did not want to blacken his name.   Because of committing adultery, he knew what it was like to live with a bad reputation and did not want his sons to have to live with a name marked by witchcraft.  Proctor crumbled up the paper in front of his accusers and chose death rather than advertise a lie. 

John Proctor Was Innocent Essay

Proctor 's decision to tell the court about his affair ironically demonstrates his goodness. He also spoke up for the innocent girls that had their names branded. He willingly sacrifices his good name in order to protect his wife and others who are wrongly accused. Only through his public acknowledgment of the affair does Proctor regain his wife 's trust. At the end of the play, Proctor refuses to slander himself by allowing the court to make him make a false confession. The court told him to lie, and that if he lies that he would not be sent to the gallows. He did the right decision by telling the truth about his affair with Abigail. He honestly told the truth about the affair, and that he was not part of the witchcraft. His response further exemplifies Proctor 's integrity. But John was not guilty. He had nothing to do with witchcraft, he admitted to his own mistakes. Proctor knows that if he confesses that he will be damned himself, yet again, if he agrees to confess, he will also be free from the torment from the demon inside him and set others free too. This realization, along with Elizabeth 's forgiveness, enables Proctor to forgive himself and finally regain his good name and self-respect. As the court

Essay about John Proctor in The Crucible by Arthur Miller

After being tried and condemned to death, John refuses to confess. But he doesn’t want to die because of some witches that are just making lies. So he signs the paper that is going to be nailed to the church door saying he has committed sins. He asks himself “God in heaven, what is John Proctor, what is John Proctor.” He is asking if John Proctor is considered honest or a liar. Because he knows he did nothing wrong in his life but he is accused and no one wants to believe him. But he shortly takes back his claim and refuses to sign it because he doesn’t want his friends being condemned for his actions, “I speak my own sins, I cannot judge another. I have no tongue for it.” So by doing so he answers part of the question “What is John Proctor” by coming forth on his own view of himself. John Proctor cannot live with the lie if he had signed that confession, so he will die by his own honesty.

Essay about John Proctor: A Character Analysis

  • 3 Works Cited

Another inner quality that defines John Proctor is the value he holds to his good name. Proctor is a firm believer in the fact that one’s name is the only thing that remains after death, and what is done with it while living can affect one’s posterity for generations. This is the driving force behind his actions in the final act of the play. At first, he felt no shame in lying to the court about his accusation of witchcraft because he felt there was no more damage he could do to his reputation and that one more sin would not make any difference. His attitude changed when he realized his confession would mean blackening the name of those who already had died, and his sons would have to live with that mark on their names. He knew he could not teach his sons “. . . to walk like

Salem Trial in The Crucible by Arthur Miller Essay

John Proctor has a terrible struggle with his conscience towards the end of the play. John Proctor’s conscience is telling him that he should stand up to court and to not fear them. Furthermore it is telling him he shouldn't lie to the court and then his death can be a proud one because he spoke up. However his natural instinct, is telling him to lie. It’s telling him let people loose respect for you at least you will be alive. If he lied he will be able to grow old with his wife, see his children grow up, but he will be forever disrespected.

Crucible Essay

Redemption is defined as atoning for a fault or mistake. Therefore, the idea of a redemptive character emanates from that character committing a perceived wrong and then overcoming the subsequent consequences with his actions. The Crucible, a famous play by Arthur Miller, incorporates this idea of redemption into its plot through the personal journeys of major characters in the Salem Witch Trials. One such character that displays these qualities of redemption is John Proctor. In the beginning of the play Proctor presents himself as a man full of honor and integrity with a loathing towards hypocrisy. Eventually though, his adultery is revealed and he

Essay On Moral Dilemmas In The Crucible

John Proctor faces one of his many moral dilemmas to confess to witchcraft in order to stay alive. In making this decision he has to think about his

Lies and Deceit

The only way John Proctor can save himself is by falsely confessing to being involved with witchcraft; however, he does not confess. This describes another example of situational irony. Proctor decides to tell the truth and not lie to himself because he now understands the meaning of a good reputation. As critic Richard Hayes says, “The dilemma of man, fallible, subject to pride, but forced to choose between the ‘negative good’ of truth and the morality, and the ‘positive good’ of human life under any dispensation.” Proctor would rather die than live with the town believing untrue statements about him. When Proctor is asked to explain why he decides to tell the truth he replies, “Because it is my name!...How may I live without

Persuasive Essay On The Crucible

In the play, Arthur Miller wrote called, The Crucible John Proctor says "Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!” (Miller 143). He had a very strong belief that if his name was blackened there is no reason to live. John Proctor also chose to die because he could not double cross his friends, the fact that he has three children, John could not raise his children to walk like men in the world if he himself was not a true man. Therefore, for the sake of his name, reputation, and his kids John's decision to die was a heroic one.

John Proctor's Dilemma In The Crucible

He is faced with extreme conflict due to the fact that he committed one of the biggest sins there is: adultery. Proctor then has to decide whether he wants to confess his sin in order to save his wife or to be selfish and live a slandered reputation. Just as John Proctor makes the decision to save his wife’s life and his family's reputation, so too will any person that believes it is more important to put their family above

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The Crucible Rough Draft Analysis

The Crucible Rough Draft Have you ever felt guilt? Guilt can control a lot of people. Guilt did control some of the characters in the Crucible. John Proctor had a lot of guilt thought out the Crucible for having an affair with Abigail and hurting his wife Elizabeth because of having the affair with Abigail. The first thing throughout the book was on page thirteen. Abigail says, “John-I am waitin’ for you every night. Proctor says, Abby you’ll put it out of mind. I’ll not be comin’ for you more.” later on Proctor says, “Abby, I may think of you softly from time to time. But I will cut off my hand before I’ll ever reach for you again. Wipe it out of mind- we never touched, Abby. Abigail says, “Aye, but we did.” This is when they are in …show more content…

Proctor was telling Abigail that he is never going to do a sin of committing adultery again like he did. On page fifty you see that Proctor feels a lot of guilt and is starting to feel worse. You can tell he is feeling bad on how he wasn’t loyal to his wife. Abigail says, “Him! Oh, John, I will make you such a wife when the world is white again! (she kisses his hand.) You will be amazed to see me every day, a light of heaven in your house, a- (He rises, backs away, amazed.) Why are you cold? Proctor says, “My wife goes to trial in the morning, Abigail.” Abigail says, “Your wife?” Proctor says, “Surely you knew of it.” This is saying that she still has feelings for him. She says she will be a great wife to him, and that they will get married, but you can tell he doesn’t want her. Abigail just says she will treat Mr. Proctor better than Elizabeth treats him. He doesn’t want to hear that. This is all taking place in the woods. This is the time Proctor just wants Abigail to just tell the truth and not lie about it anymore. People always lie and don't tell the truth because they know people will think different about them. You see this happening in our world today. In conclusion, John Proctor had a lot of guilt thought out the Crucible for having an affair with Abigail and hurting his wife Elizabeth because of the affair with Abigail. There is a lot of people that put guilt on themselves and on others. Guilty controls a lot of people’s actions in the Crucible of example John Proctor had a lot of guilt for admitting

Why Is John Proctor Wrong In The Crucible

In the Crucible, there are a lot of people who did wrong things. Let’s take John Proctor, John Proctor did a wrong doing thing and then asked for a Forgiveness. John Proctor has a two kids who help him everyday on the farm and a wife, but John Proctor got into an affair with a girl name Abigail William and she wants to marry with John Proctor, however it lacks the capacity to forgive Himself. John Proctor has Succumb Sin and he commitss the adultery and asked for forgiveness.

How Does John Proctor Change In The Crucible

proctor tries to completely deny the affair he tells Abigail they “Never touched.” Abigail tried to argue and bring out the truth but Proctor keeps on denying it. Proctor will do anything to keep his affair undercover. Throughout the play Proctor realizes

Life Or Death: Did John Proctor Make The Right Decision?

Life or Death: Did John Proctor Make the Right Decision? Countless people have learned about the lies and horrors of witches in 1692 during the Salem Witch trials. In The Crucible, a tragedy written by Arthur Miller, it displays the tragedy and wrongful convictions of the townsfolk of Salem. One notable character being John Proctor a well respected upperclassman in Salem who was willing to confess his sins, sacrificing his life for the greater good of his family and friends. There are many reasons people choose to do things in life whether or not they will turn out well in the end.

What Is John Proctor's Reputation In The Crucible

In The Crucible, a drama by Arthur Miller, John Proctor demonstrates courage by speaking out for what he believes in while knowing his consequences, admitting his wrong doings with Abigail to save Elizabeth’s life, and choosing to be hanged over having his name posted on the church door because the second his signed confession is posted, his and his loved ones reputations will be ruined. In the beginning of the play all John Proctor cared about was his reputation. However, ultimately he sacrificed his reputation by telling the court he committed adultery. John telling the court he was guilty ruined his reputation, which made all hell break loose.

Comparing Two Characters In The Crucible

Proctor says, “In the proper place - where my beasts are bedded. On the last night of my joy, some eight months past, she used to serve me in my house sir” This act of confession shows how much he loves Elizabeth and what he’s willing to do to protect her. Abigail had told proctor that she had never seen any spirits, but she had told him when they were alone. Proctor had to confess in order to prove that abigail would want to hurt Elizabeth and she had been lying about the witches and the devil.

Is John Proctor Justified In The Crucible

Likewise, when Elizabeth is brought before Danforth to verify Proctor’s confession, she lies to protect her husband, whom she refers to as a “goodly man,” from suspicion (Miller, 113). The affair may have caused Elizabeth to doubt Proctor but both parties still care deeply for each other and try to protect each other from harm. Even in his last moments, Proctor’s last words- “Show honor now, show a stony heart and sink them with it!”- were directed toward Elizabeth and were full of love and care (Miller, 144). Proctor may have sinned but his regret over his affair with Abigail and the trouble he had brought upon his wife justifies his

How Does Abigail Williams Show Dishonesty In The Crucible

She tells him “John, I am waiting for you every night” (Miller 23). Abigail claims that she waits every night for John Proctor to come to her. John Proctor tells Abigail that he does not want her and that he wants his wife. Abigail tells him “I wake and walk around the house as though I would find you coming through the door”. She believes that she walks around the house in hopes that she would find him coming through her door.

The Relationship Between Proctor And Abigail Williams In The Crucible

Proctor then states that there was never a relationship to begin with and she should let go of her hopes. Abigail yells in tears at Proctor stating that he has loved her and convinced her that they were in love. She also states that it is impossible to give up her love for him and that she will accept Proctor no matter what sin he commits. This scene from The Crucible reveals how the characters judge one another by their past relationships and interactions to bring out the quality of arrogance. In the beginning of the scene, Abigail moves closer and compliments Proctor because she has a desire to be with him.

The Crucible John Proctor Guilt Analysis

Guilt is emotional torture that transforms one's psychological operation. In the play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller, before the Salem witch trials emerge, John Proctor cheats on his wife Elizabeth Proctor, with young Abigail. Causing him to live with an eternal shame that generates dispute. Proctor’s endeavour is to elude from his wrongdoing, but he cannot because of the disgrace he feels himself to be when around Elizabeth. Miller shows that John Proctor's emotional and behavioral conflict rises from his guilt.

Examples Of Adultery In The Crucible

In the vindictive play, The Crucible, Arthur Miller writes about accusations of witchery, unfaithfulness and assumptious judges that lead to undeserved deaths. There are many different characters with many different motivations for what they did. John Proctor is a tormented man because he cannot forgive himself for the things he had done to his wife. Preceding the actual play, John Proctor and his servant, Abigail, had an affair.

The Crucible Abigail Williams To Blame Analysis

This affair was never fully proven, but Proctor did say, “Abby, I may think of you from time to time but I will cut off my hand before I’ll reach for you again” (Miller 1140). Abigail was madly in love with Proctor and wanted Elizabeth out of the picture so she could have Proctor all to her self. Abigail was very jealous of Elizabeth. She thought that if Elizabeth would die, she would get Proctor all to her self. She accused Elizabeth of being a “cold, sniveling woman”(Miller 1140).

Internal Conflict In The Crucible

The Crucible - Conflict Analysis John Proctor Internal: John Proctor’s most eminent internal conflict is over the sin he has committed, adultery. Proctor cheated on his wife with Abigail Williams, and this makes Proctor feel incredibly guilty because in the town, he is “respected and even feared” (19). He tried very hard, and succeeded, with keeping this moral crime to himself. He still walked about Salem as if he was “an untroubled soul,” (21) however, avoiding the sin again would be a difficult task. Abigail flirts with him, in attempt to have him for one last night, and it’s obvious Proctor has an arduous time pushing her away.

Examples Of Abigail Williams In The Crucible

Proctor realized the truth behind everything and decided it was time to come forward and tell Danforth, “She thinks to dance with me on my wife's grave! And well she might, for I thought of her softly. God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. But it is a whore's vengeance, and you must see it now” (Miller ). John tries to reveal who Abigail really is but it does not help the lives of those who are to be hanged.

Who Is To Blame For The Hysteria In The Crucible

Abigail, in tears, “I look for John Proctor that took me from my sleep and put knowledge in my heart! I never knew what pretense Salem was, I never knew the lying lessons I was taught by all these Christian women and their covenanted men! And now you bid me tear the light out of my eyes? I will not, I cannot! You loved me, John Proctor, and whatever sin it is, you love me yet!”

Unhealthy Relationships In Arthur Miller's The Crucible

John Proctor’s words towards Elizabeth signal irritation and annoyance. John Proctor, the main character of The Crucible, has an affair with a much younger girl, Abigail Williams, breaking his wife, Elizabeth’s trust in him. Her suspicion of him rises when he tells her he was in a room alone with Abigail. Elizabeth’s growing mistrust begins to aggravate John, which is revealed when he says, “I’ll not have your suspicion any more” (489). Elizabeth is doubtful after learning about John’s affair with Abigail and her lack of trust in her husband begins to anger him.

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The Crucible

by Arthur Miller

Sample Essay Outlines

The following paper topics are based on the entire play. Following each topic is a thesis and sample outline. Use these as a starting point for your paper.

Outline I. Thesis Statement: One central motif of The Crucible is the importance of a good name. The meaning of a good name to John Proctor at the end of the play, however, is vastly different from the good name that Reverend Parris seeks.

II. A good name as pride and reputation A. Reverend Parris B. Judge Danforth

III. A good name as goodness A. Rebecca Nurse B. Elizabeth Proctor

IV. A good name as individuality and moral integrity A. John Proctor B. Reverend Hale

V. The naming of names

Outline I. Thesis Statement: The judges of Salem are not concerned with seeking the truth and justice, but with maintaining their authority and reputations. This goal leads them to consistently reject truth, against all logic and evidence of their senses.

II. Symbols of truth A. Elizabeth Proctor B. Rebecca Nurse C. John Proctor

III. Symbols of falsehood A. Reverend Parris B. Abigail

IV. Hale’s reaction to the truth A. On first arriving in Salem B. At the end of the play

V. Danforth’s reaction to the truth A. Giles Corey’s evidence B. Mary Warren’s confession C. John Proctor’s reason

Outline I. Thesis Statement: While authority stems from many different sources and is responded to in many ways, The Crucible supports the response of Rebecca Nurse as the true model.

II. The authority of the written word A. The Bible B. Hale’s books on witchcraft

III. The authority of the church leaders A. Reverend Parris B. Reverend Hale

IV. The authority of the court A. Judge Danforth B. Judge Hathorne

V. The authority of individual conscience A. John Proctor

VI. Rebecca Nurse’s response A. Respect for outward authority B. True to her conscience

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"The Crucible - Sample Essay Outlines." MAXnotes to The Crucible, edited by Dr. M. Fogiel, Research and Education Association, Inc., 2000, 4 Sep. 2024 <>

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