
Mathematical Finance Research Topics Ideas [MS PhD]

List of Research Topics and Ideas of Mathematical Finance for MS and Ph.D. Thesis.

  • A class of mesh-free algorithms for mathematical finance, machine learning and fluid dynamics
  • A Mathematical Finance Database By Marek Rutkowski and Marek Musiela
  • Using a Multi-criteria Decision-making Mathematical Tech-nique for the Influential and Interaction Factors in Pension Fund
  • A -functional It\^o’s formula and its applications in mathematical finance
  • A class of mesh-free algorithms for finance, machine learning, and fluid dynamics
  • AC^{0, 1}-functional Itô’s formula and its applications in mathematical finance
  • Mathematical Modeling in Finance
  • Risk-sensitive benchmarked asset management with expert forecasts
  • Malliavin Calculus in Finance: Theory and Practice
  • A Combination of FSAW and DOE Method with an Application to Tehran Stock Exchange
  • Ranking of Banks’ Risk Reporting Using Data Envelopment Analysis
  • Using Fuzzy Delphi Technique to Identify Financial Factors Affecting Risk Management in Iranian Banks
  • Long-Memory Models in Mathematical Finance
  • Modelling Optimal Predicting Future Cash Flows Using New Data Mining Methods (A Combination of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms)
  • The efficiency of innovative techniques in improving new and traditional standards of corporates’ performance
  • Experimental Comparison of Financial Distress Prediction Models Using Imbalanced data sets
  • Designing and evaluating the profitability of linear trading system based on the technical analysis and correctional property
  • Pattern Explanation of Micro and Macro variables on Return of Stock Trading Strategies
  • [BOOK][B] Point Processes and Jump Diffusions: An Introduction with Finance Applications
  • Bitcoin in the economics and finance literature: a survey
  • The Alpha-Heston stochastic volatility model
  • Counter-hegemonic finance: The gamestop short squeeze
  • Evaluation the profitability of dynamic investment projects by using ordered fuzzy numbers
  • Portfolio Optimization Based on Semi Variance and Another Perspective of Value at Risk Using NSGA II, MOACO, and MOABC Algorithms
  • Performance Analysis of Global Hedge Funds
  • Explain and Prioritize Information Disclosure Factors related to Sustainable Development Accounting with Fuzzy Approach
  • Option Pricing Model with Transaction Costs and Jumps in Illiquid Markets
  • Combined Optimal Stopping and Mixed Regular-Singular Control of Jump Diffusions
  • The Tail Mean-Variance Model and Extended Efficient Frontier
  • … for the Summer School\From L evy Processes to Semimartingales| Recent Theoretical Developments and Applications to Finance”(Aarhus, August 2002)
  • The Long Memory of the Jump Intensity of the Price Process
  • Smart Network Price Policy for ISP Based on Traffic Prediction
  • Modeling Islamic Economics and Finance Research: A Bibliometric Analysis
  • Developing a Measurement Model for the Sensitivity Analysis of Asset Returns with Regard to Beta Index of Exchange Rate in the Context of the Modified …
  • The Driving Factors of China’s Housing Prices Pre-and after 2012
  • Sequential Hypothesis Testing in Machine Learning, and Crude Oil Price Jump Size Detection
  • Using contingency approach to improve firms’ financial performance forecasts
  • Deep learning for efficient frontier calculation in finance
  • On Farkas’ Lemma and Related Propositions in BISH
  • Covariate Selection for Mortgage Default Analysis Using Survival Models
  • Finite-Time Stabilization of a Perturbed Chaotic Finance Model
  • Wild Randomness, and the application of Hyperbolic Diffusion in Financial Modelling
  • Financial Performance Evaluation of Companies Using Decision Trees Algorithm and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques with an Emphasis on …
  • Ranking the efficiency and soundness of business banks using a combined method of data envelopment analysis and fuzzy vikor
  • The effect of JCPOA on the network behavior analysis of tehran stock exchange indexes
  • Notes on Applied Probability and Stochastic Finance
  • An Investigation into the Effect of CEO’s Perceptual Biases on Investment Efficiency and Financing Constraints of the Iranian Listed Firms
  • Rapport sur les contributions
  • Fast Pricing of Energy Derivatives with Mean-reverting Jump-diffusion Processes
  • Interest and Growth
  • Geographic diversity in academic finance editorial boards—A discussion
  • Topics in McKean-Vlasov equations: rank-based dynamics and Markovian projection with applications in finance and stochastic control.
  • Classifying a Lending Portfolio of Loans with Dynamic Updates via a Machine Learning Technique
  • Forward indifference valuation and hedging of basis risk under partial information
  • An extremely efficient numerical method for pricing options in the Black–Scholes model with jumps
  • Earnings Manipulation and Adjustment Speed towards an Optimal Leverage
  • Reinforcement learning in economics and finance
  • Multi-stage distributionally robust optimization with risk aversion
  • Citations and the readers’ information-extracting costs of finance articles
  • Development of Internet Supply Chain Finance Based on Artificial Intelligence under the Enterprise Green Business Model
  • To Study the Effect of Investor Protection on Future Stock Price Crash Risk
  • TODIM method based on cumulative prospect theory for multiple attribute group decision-making under 2-tuple linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy environment
  • Mathematical Modeling of Stock Price Behavior and Option Valuation
  • Approximation of backward stochastic partial differential equations by a splitting-up method
  • Identifying and Ranking the Factors Affecting Customer Financial Behavior using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Technic (TOPSIS)
  • Finance Academy Ideological Bias Case Study
  • Machine learning methods in finance
  • A solution to the Monge transport problem for Brownian martingales
  • Optimal portfolio of an investor in a financial market
  • University of Customs and Finance
  • Exact simulation of gamma-driven Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes with finite and infinite activity jumps
  • Lévy processes with respect to the Whittaker convolution
  • Predictability of financial statements fraud-risk using Benford’s Law
  • White noise differential equations for vector-valued white noise functionals
  • Real Option Technique for an Assessment of the Itakpe Iron Ore Project
  • The effect of financial distress on stock returns, through systematic risk and profitability as mediator variables
  • An efficient spectral method for the numerical solution to some classes of stochastic differential equations
  • Exponentially fitted block backward differentiation formulas for pricing options
  • Time consistency of the mean-risk problem
  • Calculated Values: Finance, Politics, and the Quantitative Age by William Deringer
  • Solving high-dimensional optimal stopping problems using deep learning
  • Stability analysis of stochastic fractional-order competitive neural networks with leakage delay [J]
  • Simplified stochastic calculus with applications in Economics and Finance
  • Continuous-Time Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection with Regime Switching Financial Market: Time-Consistent Solution
  • Optimal Make-Take Fees in a Multi Market-Maker Environment
  • Approximating Correlation Matrices Using Stochastic Lie Group Methods
  • A new approach by two-dimensional wavelets operational matrix method for solving variable-order fractional partial integro-differential equations
  • Adaptive Control and Multi-variables Projective Synchronization of Hyperchaotic Finance System
  • Multiple Solutions for the Klein-Gordon-Maxwell System with Steep Potential Well
  • Anisotropic non-linear time-fractional diffusion equation with a source term: Classification via Lie point symmetries, analytic solutions and numerical simulation
  • A comparative study of curriculum and assessment of Law, Finance, & ICT at Luarasi university vs three UK universities
  • Evaluation of Students Performance using Fuzzy Set Theory in Online Learning of Islamic Finance Course.
  • Postcolonial Finance: The Political History of ‘Risk-Versus-Reward’Investment in Emerging Markets
  • A survey of some recent applications of optimal transport methods to econometrics
  • Are Delay and Interval Effects the Same Anomaly in the Context of Intertemporal Choice in Finance?
  • On statistical indistinguishability of complete and incomplete market models
  • Penalty Methods for Bilateral XVA Pricing in European and American Contingent Claims by a Partial Differential Equation Model
  • Model-free price bounds under dynamic option trading
  • Finance 4.0-Towards a Socio-Ecological Finance System: A Participatory Framework to Promote Sustainability
  • Local discontinuous Galerkin method for a nonlocal viscous conservation laws
  • Hedging futures performance with denoising and noise-assisted strategies
  • On a multi-asset version of the Kusuoka limit theorem of option superreplication under transaction costs
  • Consistent Upper Price Bounds For Exotic Options
  • L0-convex compactness and its applications to random convex optimization and random variational inequalities
  • Ecological finance theory: New foundations
  • On the strong Markov property for stochastic differential equations driven by G-Brownian motion
  • A weak law of large numbers for the sequence of uncorrelated fuzzy random variables
  • The Cold War: a very short introduction
  • Time-consistent reinsurance and investment strategy combining quota-share and excess of loss for mean-variance insurers with jump-diffusion price process
  • Determining the premium of paddy insurance using the extreme value theory method and the operational value at risk approach
  • Monitoring trucks to reveal Belgian geographical structures and dynamics: From GPS traces to spatial interactions
  • Brazilian stock market bubble in the 2010s
  • Deep Neural Network and Time Series Approach for Finance Systems: Predicting the Movement of the Indian Stock Market
  • Markov chain approximation and measure change for time-inhomogeneous stochastic processes
  • Modelling tail risk with tempered stable distributions: an overview
  • The CTMC–Heston Model: Calibration and Exotic Option Pricing With SWIFT
  • Valuation of Third Party Litigation Finance Contracts using a Real Option Methodology
  • Anticipated backward stochastic differential equations with quadratic growth
  • Quantifying the Model Risk Inherent in the Calibration and Recalibration of Option Pricing Models. Risks 9: 13
  • Unconditional density vs conditional density functions in estimating value-at-risk
  • The Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade1 Nur-Sultan ?. Almaty Management University2 Almaty ?.
  • Martingale transport with homogeneous stock movements
  • A relative robust approach on expected returns with bounded CVaR for portfolio selection
  • Deep learning volatility: a deep neural network perspective on pricing and calibration in (rough) volatility models
  • Deep ReLU neural network approximation for stochastic differential equations with jumps
  • Lower bound approximation of nonlinear basket option with jump-diffusion
  • Ancient Egypt: a very short introduction
  • The effect of religiosity on stock market speculation
  • Reframing supply chain finance in an era of reglobalization: On the value of multi-sided crowdfunding platforms
  • A study of the microevolution mechanism of internet finance in China from the perspective of the labour division
  • The Influence of Related Party Transaction and Corporate Governance on Firm Value: An Empirical Study in Indonesia
  • Thermodynamics of gambling demons
  • Level-set inequalities on fractional maximal distribution functions and applications to regularity theory
  • Mathematics II: Handout
  • Markowitz-based cardinality constrained portfolio selection using Asexual Reproduction Optimization (ARO)
  • Calibration of the Heston stochastic local volatility model: A finite volume scheme
  • Efficient simulation of generalized SABR and stochastic local volatility models based on Markov chain approximations
  • Optimal Dividend Problem: Asymptotic Analysis
  • The role of digital transformation to empower supply chain finance: current research status and future research directions (Guest editorial)
  • Shadow couplings
  • An econometric model for intraday electricity trading
  • Numeraires and martingale measures in the Black-Scholes models
  • The sum of two independent polynomially-modified hyperbolic secant random variables with application in computational finance
  • Economic capital and RAROC in a dynamic model
  • Networks in economics and finance in Networks and beyond: A half century retrospective
  • Portfolio Optimization and Diversification in China: Policy Implications for Vietnam and Other Emerging Markets
  • Exact first-passage time distributions for three random diffusivity models
  • Multi-utility representations of incomplete preferences induced by set-valued risk measures
  • Optimal bitcoin trading with inverse futures
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  • Quantifying the Model Risk Inherent in the Calibration and Recalibration of Option Pricing Models
  • Risk assessment for financial accounting: modeling probability of default
  • Public spending and green economic growth in BRI region: Mediating role of green finance
  • Evaluation of strategic and financial variables of corporate sustainability and ESG policies on corporate finance performance
  • Measuring the Environmental Maturity of the Supply Chain Finance: A Big Data-Based Multi-Criteria Perspective
  • Non-capital calibration of bureau scorecards
  • Asymptotic behavior of expected shortfall for portfolio loss under bivariate dependent structure
  • The SIPTA Newsletter
  • Risk-Averse Stochastic Programming: Time Consistency and Optimal Stopping
  • Monetary risk measures for stochastic processes via Orlicz duality
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning for Finance and the Efficient Market Hypothesis
  • Finance for SMEs and its effect on growth and inequality: evidence from South Africa
  • Machine Learning for Financial Stability
  • Is there one safe-haven for various turbulences? The evidence from gold, Bitcoin and Ether
  • A joint inventory–finance model for coordinating a capital-constrained supply chain with financing limitations
  • Leveraging large-deviation statistics to decipher the stochastic properties of measured trajectories
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  • Evaluation of the effect of credit evaluation on financial performance of commercial banks in Kisii County, Kenya
  • Hazardous infectious waste collection and government aid distribution during COVID-19: A robust mathematical leader-follower model approach
  • [BOOK][B] Coral reefs: a very short introduction
  • Effects of a government subsidy and labor flexibility on portfolio selection and retirement
  • Risk arbitrage and hedging to acceptability under transaction costs
  • Mean-Variance Investment and Risk Control Strategies–A Time-Consistent Approach via A Forward Auxiliary Process
  • Sample average approximation of CVaR-based hedging problem with a deep-learning solution
  • Efficiency measurement of Canadian oil and gas companies
  • Modified inertial subgradient extragradient method with self adaptive stepsize for solving monotone variational inequality and fixed point problems
  • Effect of internationally imported cases on internal spread of COVID-19: a mathematical modelling study
  • A Model of Market Making and Price Impact
  • Solving high-dimensional parabolic PDEs using the tensor train format
  • The multivariate tail-inflated normal distribution and its application in finance
  • Measuring value at risk using short-term and long-term memory of GARCH models based on switching approach to form an optimal stock portfolio
  • Short Rate Dynamics: A Fed Funds and SOFR perspective
  • Testing by betting: A strategy for statistical and scientific communication
  • The Jump Behavior of a Foreign Exchange Market: Analysis of the Thai Baht
  • Deep ReLU Network Expression Rates for Option Prices in high-dimensional, exponential L\’evy models
  • Climate finance governance through transnational networks
  • Hedging with linear regressions and neural networks
  • Consistent pricing of VIX options with the Hawkes jump-diffusion model
  • Big data analytics in digital platforms: how do financial service providers customise supply chain finance?
  • Fuzzy decision support modeling for internet finance soft power evaluation based on sine trigonometric Pythagorean fuzzy information
  • Tutorial on risk neutral, distributionally robust and risk averse multistage stochastic programming
  • The impact of Covid-19 on G7 stock markets volatility: Evidence from a ST-HAR model
  • Access to finance for SMEs in post-socialist countries: the Baltic States and the South Caucasus compared
  • Stochastic Volterra integral equations with jumps and the strong superconvergence of the Euler–Maruyama approximation
  • Robust pricing and hedging of options on multiple assets and its numerics
  • Finance-led growth hypothesis for Asia: an insight from new data
  • Mathematical Model of Integration of Cyber-Physical Systems for Solving Problems of Increasing the Competitiveness of the Regions of the Russian Federation
  • A fitted finite volume method for stochastic optimal control problems in finance [J]
  • A fitted finite volume method for stochastic optimal control problems in finance
  • Risk spillover from crude oil prices to GCC stock market returns: New evidence during the COVID-19 outbreak
  • Deep Learning and Mean-Field Games: A Stochastic Optimal Control Perspective
  • How does digital finance impact the leverage of Chinese households?
  • An investigation of cryptocurrency data: the market that never sleeps
  • The opportunities and challenges of utilizing alternative data in the assessment of creditworthiness in the Finnish consumer finance
  • Export complexity and the product space: any role for finance?
  • Chapter-7 Theoretical Review of Behavioural Finance and Investment Decision making
  • How to re-conceptualise and re-integrate climate-related finance into society through ecological accounting?
  • A general property for time aggregation
  • Homogenization of random convolution energies
  • Optimal Transport of Information
  • Modelling and prediction of surface roughness in wire arc additive manufacturing using machine learning
  • Spillover effects in empirical corporate finance
  • A general approach to smooth and convex portfolio optimization using lower partial moments
  • Option Pricing under Double Heston Jump-Diffusion Model with Approximative Fractional Stochastic Volatility
  • Justice is an option: A democratic theory of finance for the twenty-first century
  • Optimal control of the SIR model in the presence of transmission and treatment uncertainty
  • Integral Sliding Mode Controller Design for the Global Chaos Synchronization of a New Finance Chaotic System with Three Balance Points and Multi-Stability
  • CPT-TODIM method for bipolar fuzzy multi-attribute group decision making and its application to network security service provider selection
  • A computational approach to hedging Credit Valuation Adjustment in a jump-diffusion setting
  • Centre for Global Finance
  • Deciphering the Global Private Financial Flows
  • Resonance phenomenon for a nonlinear system with fractional derivative subject to multiplicative and additive noise
  • Robust encoder-decoder learning framework for offline handwritten mathematical expression recognition based on a multi-scale deep neural network
  • Regret-sensitive equity premium
  • Understanding the impact of land finance on industrial structure change in China: Insights from a spatial econometric analysis
  • Finance in the World of Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization
  • Model-independent pricing with insider information: a Skorokhod embedding approach
  • Modelling Volatile Time Series with V-Transforms and Copulas
  • AM Kazybayeva, PhD, assoc. prof?ssor2 The Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade1 Nur-Sultan ?.
  • Parameter behavioral finance model of investor groups based on statistical approaches
  • Option Pricing under Double Heston Jump-Diffusion Model with Approximative Fractional Stochastic Volatility. Mathematics 2021, 9, 126
  • Neural networks-based algorithms for stochastic control and PDEs in finance
  • Holistic principle for risk aggregation and capital allocation
  • The Proposition of a Mathematical Model for the Location of Electrical and Electronic Waste Collection Points
  • Expectation-Maximization Algorithm of Gaussian Mixture Model for Vehicle-Commodity Matching in Logistics Supply Chain
  • A Time-Inconsistent Dynkin Game: from Intra-personal to Inter-personal Equilibria
  • Analysis of How to Meet the Challenges Brought by the Development of Internet Finance and The Era of Big Data
  • Multi-Period Portfolio Optimization with Investor Views under Regime Switching
  • The Business Transformation Framework and Enterprise Architecture Framework for Managers in Business Innovation: An Applied Holistic Mathematical Model
  • Regional income disparities, monopoly and finance
  • Optimal uniform error estimates for moving least-squares collocation with application to option pricing under jump-diffusion processes
  • Cash Waqf risk management and perpetuity restriction conundrum
  • Stochastic volatility enhanced Lévy processes in financial asset pricing
  • On the Feller-Dynkin and the Martingale Property of One-Dimensional Diffusions
  • Modelling Volatile Time Series with V-Transforms and Copulas. Risks 9: 14
  • Super poly-harmonic properties, Liouville theorems and classification of nonnegative solutions to equations involving higher-order fractional Laplacians
  • Hamiltonicity, pancyclicity, and full cycle extendability in multipartite tournaments
  • The mathematical structure of integrated information theory
  • Reducing wind power curtailment by risk-based transmission expansion planning
  • Optimal lockdown policy for vaccination during COVID-19 pandemic
  • Cojump risks and their impacts on option pricing
  • The valuation handbook: Valuation techniques from today’s top practitioners
  • Sok: Decentralized finance (defi)
  • Overshooting of sovereign emerging eurobond yields in the context of COVID-19
  • The Positive Effects of Financial Innovation on the International Trade Volume
  • The DOL-DFL Nexus: The Relationship between the Degree of Operating Leverage (DOL) and the Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL)
  • Compressing over-the-counter markets
  • Gender diversity and corporate risk-taking: a literature review
  • Mathematical Optimization and Application of Nonlinear Programming
  • Cutoff phenomenon for the maximum of a sampling of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes
  • The implied volatility smirk in SPY options
  • Why do banks retain unprofitable customers? A customer lifetime value real options approach
  • Event studies on investor sentiment
  • Policy Analysis of Individual Financial Planning Affected by Personal Bias Factors in Indonesia
  • Mathematical Optimization Modeling and Solution Approaches
  • Fast hybrid schemes for fractional Riccati equations (rough is not so tough)
  • Exchange Rate Movements and Monetary Policies: Which Has Greater Influence on Petroleum
  • Quantum Finance and Path Integrals
  • Physics and Finance
  • Composite Indicators of Company Performance: A Literature Survey
  • Gas storage valuation in incomplete markets
  • Active and passive portfolio management with latent factors
  • The Effect of Managers’ Perception Bias Model on Earnings Management
  • The Energy of Finance in Refining of Medical Surge Capacity
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  • Group classification for a class of non-linear models of the RAPM type
  • Growing items inventory model for carbon emission under the permissible delay in payment with partially backlogging
  • Approximation of optimal transport problems with marginal moments constraints
  • Multi-area transboundary pollution problems under learning by doing in Yangtze River Delta Region, China
  • [BOOK][B] Introduction to Mathematical Systems Theory: Discrete Time Linear Systems, Control and Identification
  • The Risk Spillover Effect of China’s P2P (Peer-to-peer) Lending on Internet Finance
  • Manager Optimism Based on Environmental Uncertainty and Accounting Conservatism
  • A review of studies on green finance of banks, research gaps and future directions
  • Compound Poisson models for weighted networks with applications in finance
  • Board attributes and corporate philanthropy behavior during COVID-19: A case from China
  • A threshold for quantum advantage in derivative pricing
  • Certifiable Risk-Based Engineering Design Optimization
  • Portfolio selection in non-stationary markets
  • Skew index: Descriptive analysis, predictive power, and short-term forecast
  • On the Development of an Integrated Information System of Municipal Finance Management
  • Application of Difference-in-Difference Strategies in Finance: The Case of Natural Disasters and Bank Responses
  • Essays on Public Finance
  • Preschoolers’ self-regulation and early mathematical skill differentials
  • A Dynkin game on assets with incomplete information on the return
  • Uncovering the invisible effect of air pollution on stock returns: A moderation and mediation analysis
  • A note on the option price and ‘Mass at zero in the uncorrelated SABR model and implied volatility asymptotics’
  • Analysis of the Parametric Correlation in Mathematical Modeling of In Vitro Glioblastoma Evolution Using Copulas
  • La finance à l’heure des limites planétaires
  • Lecture Notes for International Finance
  • Addressing systemic risk using contingent convertible debt–A network analysis
  • Precise asymptotics: robust stochastic volatility models
  • Where to cut to delay a pandemic with minimum disruption? Mathematical analysis based on the SIS model
  • Can finance be a virtuous practice? A MacIntyrean account
  • Simultaneous water, salinity and nitrogen stresses on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) root water uptake using mathematical models
  • Between Scylla and Charybdis: The Bermudan Swaptions Pricing Odyssey
  • [BOOK][B] Accounting Disrupted: How Digitalization Is Changing Finance
  • Mathematical Foundations of Distributionally Robust Multistage Optimization
  • Diversity, Inclusion, and the Dissemination of Ideas: Evidence from the Academic Finance Profession
  • ?????????? ???? ? ??????-???????????. English for business informatics (b1-b2). ??????? ? ????????? ??? ?????????????? ????????????
  • Research on the dynamic evolution and its influencing factors of stock correlation network in the Chinese new energy market
  • The obstacle problem for a class of degenerate fully nonlinear operators
  • LCOE: A Useful and Valid Indicator—Replica to James Loewen and Adam Szymanski
  • A new framework for examining creditworthiness of borrowers: the mover-stayer model with covariate and macroeconomic effects
  • Model Talk: Calculative Cultures in Quantitative Finance
  • A simple approach to proving the existence, uniqueness, and strong and weak convergence rates for a broad class of McKean–Vlasov equations
  • Mean-square stability and convergence of a split-step theta method for stochastic Volterra integral equations
  • Disordered mean field games
  • Existence of Equilibria in Infinite Horizon Finance Economies with Stochastic Taxation
  • Dynamic Curves for Decentralized Autonomous Cryptocurrency Exchanges
  • An asset value evaluation for docking finance lease problems in the peer-to-peer platform
  • Governmental incentives for green bonds investment
  • The theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ)-based strategic mapping of green nuclear energy investments with spherical fuzzy group decision-making approach
  • Macro-finance determinants and the stock market development: evidence from Morocco
  • Robust tests for ARCH in the presence of a misspecified conditional mean: A comparison of nonparametric approaches
  • Implied Markov transition matrices under structural price models
  • Valuation of options under a constant elasticity of variance process and stochastic volatility
  • Utility Maximization When Shorting American Options
  • Randomized time-varying knapsack problems via binary beetle antennae search algorithm: Emphasis on applications in portfolio insurance
  • Assessing the impact of central bank digital currency on private banks
  • Efficient Importance Sampling in Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods for Computational Finance
  • Information support of the entrepreneurship model complex with the application of cloud technologies
  • A meta-evaluation model on science and technology project review experts using IVIF-BWM and MULTIMOORA
  • Has Land Finance Increased Local Financial Risks in China?
  • Dynamic patterns of daily lead-lag networks in stock markets
  • A Three-Term Gradient Descent Method with Subspace Techniques
  • Beyond the Jurisprudential Quagmire: Perspectives on the Application of Digital Currencies and Blockchain Technology in Islamic Economics and Finance
  • Pricing and hedging performance on pegged FX markets based on a regime switching model
  • Correlated Log-Normal Random Variables under a Multiscale Volatility Model
  • Instantaneous turbulent kinetic energy modelling based on Lagrangian stochastic approach in CFD and application to wind energy
  • Is there a pattern in how COVID-19 has affected Australia’s stock returns?
  • Barrier swaption pricing problem in uncertain financial market
  • Property valuation: the hedonic pricing model: the application of search-and-matching models
  • Volatility, valuation ratios, and bubbles: An empirical measure of market sentiment
  • Portfolio choice with sustainable spending: A model of reaching for yield
  • A model of solitary waves in a nonlinear elastic circular rod: Abundant different type exact solutions and conservation laws
  • Estimation of state-dependent jump activity and drift for Markovian semimartingales
  • Mechanics of good trade execution in the framework of linear temporary market impact
  • MURAME parameter setting for creditworthiness evaluation: data-driven optimization
  • Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Calibrate the Term Structure Model
  • Bridging the Knowledge Gap: Understanding the Relationship of Corporate Finance and Defense Procurement
  • The Quantitative Diversity Index in Multi-Objective Portfolio Model
  • Efficient state preparation for quantum amplitude estimation
  • Copulas and Tail Dependence in Finance
  • Variable order nonlocal Choquard problem with variable exponents
  • A multi objective model integrating financial and material flow in supply chain master planning
  • Fractal statistical measure and portfolio model optimization under power-law distribution
  • Pricing variance swaps under hybrid CEV and stochastic volatility
  • The Economics of Biodiversity: the Dasgupta Review.
  • Minimal Expected Time in Drawdown through Investment for an Insurance Diffusion Model. Risks 9: 17
  • The application research of neural network and BP algorithm in stock price pattern classification and prediction
  • An efficient algorithm for numerical solution of fractional integro-differential equations via Haar wavelet
  • Antinoise in US equity markets
  • Discrete-time macroeconomic system: Bifurcation analysis and synchronization using fuzzy-based activation feedback control
  • Minimal Expected Time in Drawdown through Investment for anInsuranceDiffusionModel
  • Optimal management of pumped hydroelectric production with state constrained optimal control
  • Convergence rate analysis of proximal gradient methods with applications to composite minimization problems
  • Analytic solution to the generalized delay diffusion equation with uncertain inputs in the random Lebesgue sense
  • On singular control problems, the time-stretching method, and the weak-M1 topology
  • A note on Gollier’s model for a collective pension scheme
  • Numerical approach in the Hilbert space to solve a fuzzy Atangana-Baleanu fractional hybrid system
  • The fast scalar auxiliary variable approach with unconditional energy stability for nonlocal Cahn–Hilliard equation
  • From Fiat to Crypto: The Present and Future of Money
  • Optimal constrained interest-rate rules under heterogeneous expectations
  • Introduction to Financial Markets and Algorithmic Trading
  • The Relationship between Sports Industry Development and Economic Growth in China.
  • Forecast of the Impact of Human Resources on the Effectiveness of the Petrochemical Cyber-Physical Cluster of the Samara Region
  • The impact of political stability and firm-specific variables on the performance of Islamic banks in Pakistan
  • Pricing of Commodity and Energy Derivatives for Polynomial Processes
  • G-expected utility maximization with ambiguous equicorrelation
  • An element-free Galerkin method for the obstacle problem
  • Comparision of the political optimization algorithm, the Archimedes optimization algorithm and the Levy flight algorithm for design optimization in industry
  • Justification of rational parameters of transshipment points from automobile conveyor to railway transport
  • Health care finance, economics, and policy for nurses: A foundational guide
  • Local Bank, Digital Financial Inclusion and SME Financing Constraints: Empirical Evidence from China
  • Dynamic programming for optimal stopping via pseudo-regression
  • Graph theoretical representations of equity indices and their centrality measures
  • Financial Performance Reporting, IFRS Implementation, and Accounting Information: Evidence from Iraqi Banking Sector
  • Heterodox Economic Cycles Theory during the COVID-19 economic crisis: Social volatility, affect and the finance market-real economy gap
  • Quantum-inspired algorithms for multivariate analysis: from interpolation to partial differential equations
  • A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) Based on SERVQUAL for Hotel Service Quality Management: Evidence from Vietnam
  • Modeling 2018 Ebola virus disease outbreak with Cholesky decomposition
  • The’COVID’Crash of the 2020 US Stock Market
  • Factor Copula Model for Portfolio Credit Risk
  • Analysing Bank Efficiency Incorporating Internal Risks: A Case of Jordan
  • COVID-19, stock market and sectoral contagion in US: a time-frequency analysis
  • Optimal group size in microlending
  • Housing Finance and Inclusive Growth in Africa: Benchmarking, Determinants and Effects
  • The Impact of China’s FDI on Economic Growth: Evidence from Africa with a Long Memory Approach
  • Renewable and nonrenewable energy consumption, trade and CO2 emissions in high emitter countries: does the income level matter?
  • Does Household Finance Affect the Political Process? Evidence from Voter Turnout During a Housing Crisis
  • Mean-Field Game-Theoretic Edge Caching
  • Predictors of oil shocks. Econophysical approach in environmental science
  • Bank Loans for Small Businesses in Times of COVID-19: Evidence from China
  • Application of Cognitive Modelling for Operation Improvement of Retail Chain Management System
  • Defining the Significant Factors of Currency Exchange Rate Risk by Considering Text Mining and Fuzzy AHP
  • Intelligent edge computing based on machine learning for smart city
  • The 2020 Global Stock Market Crash: Endogenous or Exogenous?
  • Financial Market Risks during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Offline and Online Channel Selection of Low-Carbon Supply Chain under Carbon Trading Market
  • The nonlinear effect of foreign ownership on capital structure in Japan: A panel threshold analysis
  • Index for measuring convergence between objectives and practice of Islamic banking
  • Stability analysis of a fractional-order delay dynamical model on oncolytic virotherapy
  • Credit, default, financial system and development
  • Modeling Optimal Pension Fund Asset Allocation in a Dynamic Capital Market
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  • Robust portfolio rebalancing with cardinality and diversification constraints
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  • The relationship between tourism and economic growth in the EU-28. Is there a tendency towards convergence?
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  • A mean field game of optimal portfolio liquidation
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  • Risk Early Warning Research on China’s Futures Company
  • ICT diffusion, financial development, and economic growth: An international cross-country analysis
  • Valency-based topological properties of linear hexagonal chain and hammer-like benzenoid
  • Machine translation
  • Theoretical Models
  • Entrepreneurial orientation and the fate of corporate acquisitions
  • Time-frequency comovement among green bonds, stocks, commodities, clean energy, and conventional bonds
  • Intellectual capital: A modern model to measure the value creation in a business
  • Text Mining of Stocktwits Data for Predicting Stock Prices
  • Blockchain for Islamic social responsibility institutions
  • The impact of central clearing on the market for single-name credit default swaps
  • Distributional transforms, probability distortions, and their applications
  • Firm Sustainable Growth during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Customer Concentration
  • Approximate Solution of the Stochastic Nonlinear Oscillator?
  • SGOA: annealing-behaved grasshopper optimizer for global tasks
  • An RBF approach for oil futures pricing under the jump-diffusion model
  • DNN expression rate analysis of high-dimensional PDEs: Application to option pricing
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50+ Best Finance Dissertation Topics For Research Students In 2024

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50+ Best Finance Dissertation Topics For Research Students

Finance Dissertation Made Easier!

Embarking on your dissertation adventure? Look no further! Choosing the right finance dissertation topics is like laying the foundation for your research journey in finance, and we're here to light up your path. In this article, we will be diving deep into why dissertation topics in finance matter so much. We've got some golden writing tips to share with you! We're also unveiling the secret recipe for structuring a stellar finance dissertation and exploring intriguing topics across various finance sub-fields. Here is a list of finance dissertation topics that will surely set your research spirit on fire!

What is a Finance Dissertation?

Finance dissertations are academic papers that delve into specific finance topics chosen by students, covering areas such as stock markets , banking , risk management , and healthcare finance . These dissertations require extensive research to create a compelling report and contribute to the student's confidence and satisfaction in the field of finance. Now, let's understand why these dissertations are so important and why choosing the right finance dissertation topics is crucial!

Importance of Finance Dissertation Topics

Choosing the dissertation topics for finance students is essential as it will influence the course of one’s research. It determines the direction and scope of your study. You must make sure that the finance dissertation topics you choose are relevant to your field of interest. Here are a few reasons why finance thesis topics are important:

1. Relevance

Opting for relevant finance thesis topics ensures that your research contributes to the existing body of knowledge and addresses contemporary issues in finance. Choosing a dissertation topic relevant to the industry can make a meaningful impact and advance understanding in your chosen area.

2. Personal Interest

Selecting finance dissertation topics that align with your interests and career goals is vital. When genuinely passionate about your research area, you are more likely to stay motivated during the dissertation process. Your interest will drive you to explore the subject thoroughly and produce high-quality work.

3. Future Opportunities

Well-chosen finance dissertation topics can open doors to various future opportunities. They can enhance your employability by showcasing your expertise in a specific finance area . They may also lead to potential research collaborations and invitations to conferences in your field of interest.

4. Academic Supervision

Your choice of topics for dissertation in finance also influences the availability of academic supervisors with expertise in your chosen area. Selecting a well-defined research area increases the likelihood of finding a supervisor to guide you effectively throughout the dissertation . Their knowledge and guidance will greatly contribute to the success of your research.

Writing Tips for Finance Dissertation

Writing a dissertation requires a lot of planning , formatting , and structuring . It starts with deciding on topics for a dissertation in finance, conducting tons of research, deciding on methods, and so on. Below are some tips to assist you along the way, and here is a blog on the 10 tips on writing a dissertation that can give you more information, should you need it!

1. Select a Manageable Topic

It is important to choose finance research topics within the given timeframe and resources. Select a research area that interests you and aligns with your career goals. This will help you stay inspired throughout the dissertation process.

2. Conduct a Thorough Literature Review

A comprehensive literature review forms the backbone of your research. After choosing the finance dissertation topics, dive deep into academic papers , books , and industry reports . Gain a solid understanding of your chosen area to identify research gaps and establish the significance of your study.

3. Define Clear Research Objectives

Clearly define your dissertation's research questions and objectives. It will provide a clear direction for your research and guide your data collection, analysis, and overall structure. Ensure your objectives are specific , measurable , achievable , relevant , and time-bound (SMART).

4. Collect and Analyse Data

Depending on your research methodology and your finance dissertation topics, collect and analyse relevant data to support your findings. It may involve conducting surveys , interviews , experiments , and analysing existing datasets . Choose appropriate statistical techniques and qualitative methods to derive meaningful insights from your data.

5. Structure and Organisation

Pay attention to the structure and organisation of your dissertation. Follow a logical progression of chapters and sections, ensuring that each chapter contributes to the overall coherence of your study. Use headings , subheadings , and clear signposts to guide the reader through your work.

6. Proofread and Edit

Once you have completed the writing process, take the time to proofread and edit your dissertation carefully. Check for clarity , coherence , and proper grammar . Ensure that your arguments are well-supported, and eliminate any inconsistencies or repetitions. Pay attention to formatting, citation styles, and consistency in referencing throughout your dissertation.

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Finance Dissertation Topics

Now that you know what a finance dissertation is and why they are important, it's time to have a look at some of the best finance dissertation topics. For your convenience, we have segregated these topics into categories, including cryptocurrency , risk management , internet banking , and so many more. So, let's dive right in and explore the best finance dissertation topics:

Dissertation Topics in Finance Related to Cryptocurrency

1. The Impact of Regulatory Frameworks on the Volatility and Liquidity of Cryptocurrencies. 2. Exploring the Factors Influencing Cryptocurrency Adoption: A Comparative Study. 3. Assessing the Efficiency and Market Integration of Cryptocurrency Exchanges. 4. An Analysis of the Relationship between Cryptocurrency Prices and Macroeconomic Factors. 5. The Role of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) in Financing Startups: Opportunities and Challenges.

Dissertation Topics in Finance Related to Risk Management

1. The Effectiveness of Different Risk Management Strategies in Mitigating Financial Risks in Banking Institutions. 2. The Role of Derivatives in Hedging Financial Risks: A Comparative Study. 3. Analysing the Impact of Risk Management Practices on Firm Performance: A Case Study of a Specific Industry. 4. The Use of Stress Testing in Evaluating Systemic Risk: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis. 5. Assessing the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Risk Management in Financial Institutions.

Dissertation Topics in Finance Related to Internet Banking

1. Customer Adoption of Internet Banking: An Empirical Study on Factors Influencing Usage. 2. Enhancing Security in Internet Banking: Exploring Biometric Authentication Technologies. 3. The Impact of Mobile Banking Applications on Customer Engagement and Satisfaction. 4. Evaluating the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Internet Banking Services in Emerging Markets. 5. The Role of Social Media in Shaping Customer Perception and Adoption of Internet Banking. 6. Fraud and Identity Theft are Accomplished via Internet Banking.

Dissertation Topics in Finance Related to Microfinance

1. The Impact of Microfinance on Poverty Alleviation: A Comparative Study of Different Models. 2. Exploring the Role of Microfinance in Empowering Women Entrepreneurs. 3. Assessing the Financial Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions in Developing Countries. 4. The Effectiveness of Microfinance in Promoting Rural Development: Evidence from a Specific Region. 5. Analysing the Relationship between Microfinance and Entrepreneurial Success: A Longitudinal Study.

Dissertation Topics in Finance Related to Retail and Commercial Banking

1. The Impact of Digital Transformation on Retail and Commercial Banking: A Case Study of a Specific Bank. 2. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Retail Banking: An Analysis of Service Quality Dimensions. 3. Analysing the Relationship between Bank Branch Expansion and Financial Performance. 4. The Role of Fintech Startups in Disrupting Retail and Commercial Banking: Opportunities and Challenges. 5. Assessing the Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Performance of Retail and Commercial Banks.

Dissertation Topics in Finance Related to Alternative Investment

1. The Performance and Risk Characteristics of Hedge Funds: A Comparative Analysis. 2. Exploring the Role of Private Equity in Financing and Growing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. 3. Analysing the Relationship between Real Estate Investments and Portfolio Diversification. 4. The Potential of Impact Investing: Evaluating the Social and Financial Returns. 5. Assessing the Risk-Return Tradeoff in Cryptocurrency Investments: A Comparative Study.

Dissertation Topics in Finance Related to International Affairs

1. The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on International Trade: A Case Study of a Specific Industry. 2. Analysing the Effectiveness of Capital Controls in Managing Financial Crises: Comparative Study of Different Countries. 3. The Role of International Financial Institutions in Promoting Economic Development in Developing Countries. 4. Evaluating the Implications of Trade Wars on Global Financial Markets. 5. Assessing the Role of Central Banks in Managing Financial Stability in a Globalised Economy.

Dissertation Topics in Finance Related to Sustainable Finance

1. The Impact of Sustainable Investing on Financial Performance. 2. The Role of Green Bonds in Financing Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. 3. The Development of Carbon Markets. 4. The Use of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Factors in Investment Decision-Making. 5. The Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Finance in Emerging Markets.

Dissertation Topics in Finance Related to Investment Banking

1. The Valuation of Distressed Assets. 2. The Pricing of Derivatives. 3. The Risk Management of Financial Institutions. 4. The Regulation of Investment Banks. 5. The Impact of Technology on the Investment Banking Industry.

Dissertation Topics in Finance Related to Actuarial Science

1. The Development of New Actuarial Models for Pricing Insurance Products. 2. The Use of Big Data in Actuarial Analysis. 3. The Impact of Climate Change on Insurance Risk. 4. The Design of Pension Plans That Are Sustainable in the Long Term. 5. The Use of Actuarial Science to Manage Risk in Other Industries, Such as Healthcare and Finance.

Dissertation Topics in Finance Related to Corporate Finance

1. Study the Relations Between Corporate Governance Structures and Financial Performance 2. Testing the Effects of Capital Structure on Firm Performance Across Different Industries 3. Effectiveness of Financial Management Practices in Emerging Markets 4. Integrating Sustainability and CSR Initiatives Impacts a Corporation’s Financial Performance and Enhances its Brand Reputation. 5. A Comparative Study of the Financing Strategies Employed in Mergers and Acquisitions.

Tips To Find Good Finance Dissertation Topics 

Embarking on a journey of dissertation reports on finance topics requires careful consideration of various factors. Your choice of topic in finance research topics is pivotal, as it sets the stage for the entire research process. We suggest the following tips that can help you pick the perfect dissertation topic:

1. Identify your interests and strengths  2. Check for current relevance 3. Feedback from your superiors 4. Finalise the research methods 5. Gather the data 6. Work on the outline of your dissertation 7. Make a draft and proofread it

How To Plan Your Work on a Finance Dissertation?

The students are expected to submit their dissertation by the end of the study course. Students are prone to face a lot of difficulties while working on their dissertation. In such cases, proper planning may be your best bet! Keep in mind that the main aim of writing a dissertation is an opportunity to demonstrate the depths of your research abilities. We are providing you with a short step-by-step guide that will help you plan your work.

1. Choose a topic that interests you 2. Make sure to discuss the same with your supervisor 3. Post-discussion, work on the feedback given by the supervisor 4. Narrow down the research methods that will prove the significance of your chosen topic 5. Gather all the required information from relevant sources 6. Analyse the acquired results after a thorough research 7. Prepare a draft and proofread it 8. Connect with your supervisor/advisor and see if any additions are to be made 9. Make the required edits 10. Prepare the final dissertation

Lastly, we have discussed the importance of finance thesis topics and provided valuable writing tips and tips for finding the right topic. We have also presented a list of thesis topics for finance students within various subfields. With this, we hope you have great ideas for finance dissertations. Good luck with your finance research journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

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Mathematics and Statistics Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

The Effect of Fixed Time Delays on the Synchronization Phase Transition , Shaizat Bakhytzhan

On the Subelliptic and Subparabolic Infinity Laplacian in Grushin-Type Spaces , Zachary Forrest

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Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

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Classification of Finite Topological Quandles and Shelves via Posets , Hitakshi Lahrani

Applied Analysis for Learning Architectures , Himanshu Singh

Rational Functions of Degree Five That Permute the Projective Line Over a Finite Field , Christopher Sze

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Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Application of the Riemann-Hilbert method to soliton solutions of a nonlocal reverse-spacetime Sasa-Satsuma equation and a higher-order reverse-time NLS-type equation , Ahmed Ahmed

New Developments in Statistical Optimal Designs for Physical and Computer Experiments , Damola M. Akinlana

Advances and Applications of Optimal Polynomial Approximants , Raymond Centner

Data-Driven Analytical Predictive Modeling for Pancreatic Cancer, Financial & Social Systems , Aditya Chakraborty

On Simultaneous Similarity of d-tuples of Commuting Square Matrices , Corey Connelly

Methods in Discrete Mathematics to Study DNA Rearrangement Processes , Lina Fajardo Gómez

Symbolic Computation of Lump Solutions to a Combined (2+1)-dimensional Nonlinear Evolution Equation , Jingwei He

Adversarial and Data Poisoning Attacks against Deep Learning , Jing Lin

Exploring the Vulnerability of A Neural Tangent Generalization Attack (NTGA) - Generated Unlearnable CIFAR-10 Dataset , Gitte Ost

Statistical Methods for Reliability Test planning and Data Analysis , Oluwaseun Elizabeth Otunuga

Boundary behavior of analytic functions and Approximation Theory , Spyros Pasias

Effective Statistical and Machine Learning Methods to Analyze Children's Vocabulary Learning , Houston T. Sanders

Stability Analysis of Delay-Driven Coupled Cantilevers Using the Lambert W-Function , Daniel Siebel-Cortopassi

A Functional Optimization Approach to Stochastic Process Sampling , Ryan Matthew Thurman

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Riemann-Hilbert Problems for Nonlocal Reverse-Time Nonlinear Second-order and Fourth-order AKNS Systems of Multiple Components and Exact Soliton Solutions , Alle Adjiri

Zeros of Harmonic Polynomials and Related Applications , Azizah Alrajhi

Combination of Time Series Analysis and Sentiment Analysis for Stock Market Forecasting , Hsiao-Chuan Chou

Uncertainty Quantification in Deep and Statistical Learning with applications in Bio-Medical Image Analysis , K. Ruwani M. Fernando

Data-Driven Analytical Modeling of Multiple Myeloma Cancer, U.S. Crop Production and Monitoring Process , Lohuwa Mamudu

Long-time Asymptotics for mKdV Type Reduced Equations of the AKNS Hierarchy in Weighted L 2 Sobolev Spaces , Fudong Wang

Online and Adjusted Human Activities Recognition with Statistical Learning , Yanjia Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

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Discrete Models and Algorithms for Analyzing DNA Rearrangements , Jasper Braun

Bayesian Reliability Analysis for Optical Media Using Accelerated Degradation Test Data , Kun Bu

On the p(x)-Laplace equation in Carnot groups , Robert D. Freeman

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Gradient Boosting for Survival Analysis with Applications in Oncology , Nam Phuong Nguyen

Global and Stochastic Dynamics of Diffusive Hindmarsh-Rose Equations in Neurodynamics , Chi Phan

Restricted Isometric Projections for Differentiable Manifolds and Applications , Vasile Pop

On Some Problems on Polynomial Interpolation in Several Variables , Brian Jon Tuesink

Numerical Study of Gap Distributions in Determinantal Point Process on Low Dimensional Spheres: L -Ensemble of O ( n ) Model Type for n = 2 and n = 3 , Xiankui Yang

Non-Associative Algebraic Structures in Knot Theory , Emanuele Zappala

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Field Quantization for Radiative Decay of Plasmons in Finite and Infinite Geometries , Maryam Bagherian

Probabilistic Modeling of Democracy, Corruption, Hemophilia A and Prediabetes Data , A. K. M. Raquibul Bashar

Generalized Derivations of Ternary Lie Algebras and n-BiHom-Lie Algebras , Amine Ben Abdeljelil

Fractional Random Weighted Bootstrapping for Classification on Imbalanced Data with Ensemble Decision Tree Methods , Sean Charles Carter

Hierarchical Self-Assembly and Substitution Rules , Daniel Alejandro Cruz

Statistical Learning of Biomedical Non-Stationary Signals and Quality of Life Modeling , Mahdi Goudarzi

Probabilistic and Statistical Prediction Models for Alzheimer’s Disease and Statistical Analysis of Global Warming , Maryam Ibrahim Habadi

Essays on Time Series and Machine Learning Techniques for Risk Management , Michael Kotarinos

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Reconstruction of Radar Images by Using Spherical Mean and Regular Radon Transforms , Ozan Pirbudak

Analyses of Unorthodox Overlapping Gene Segments in Oxytricha Trifallax , Shannon Stich

An Optimal Medium-Strength Regularity Algorithm for 3-uniform Hypergraphs , John Theado

Power Graphs of Quasigroups , DayVon L. Walker

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Groups Generated by Automata Arising from Transformations of the Boundaries of Rooted Trees , Elsayed Ahmed

Non-equilibrium Phase Transitions in Interacting Diffusions , Wael Al-Sawai

A Hybrid Dynamic Modeling of Time-to-event Processes and Applications , Emmanuel A. Appiah

Lump Solutions and Riemann-Hilbert Approach to Soliton Equations , Sumayah A. Batwa

Developing a Model to Predict Prevalence of Compulsive Behavior in Individuals with OCD , Lindsay D. Fields

Generalizations of Quandles and their cohomologies , Matthew J. Green

Hamiltonian structures and Riemann-Hilbert problems of integrable systems , Xiang Gu

Optimal Latin Hypercube Designs for Computer Experiments Based on Multiple Objectives , Ruizhe Hou

Human Activity Recognition Based on Transfer Learning , Jinyong Pang

Signal Detection of Adverse Drug Reaction using the Adverse Event Reporting System: Literature Review and Novel Methods , Minh H. Pham

Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Cyber Security and Health Sciences , Nawa Raj Pokhrel

Machine Learning Methods for Network Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Prevention Systems , Zheni Svetoslavova Stefanova

Orthogonal Polynomials With Respect to the Measure Supported Over the Whole Complex Plane , Meng Yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Modeling in Finance and Insurance With Levy-It'o Driven Dynamic Processes under Semi Markov-type Switching Regimes and Time Domains , Patrick Armand Assonken Tonfack

Prevalence of Typical Images in High School Geometry Textbooks , Megan N. Cannon

On Extending Hansel's Theorem to Hypergraphs , Gregory Sutton Churchill

Contributions to Quandle Theory: A Study of f-Quandles, Extensions, and Cohomology , Indu Rasika U. Churchill

Linear Extremal Problems in the Hardy Space H p for 0 p , Robert Christopher Connelly

Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Ovarian and Breast Cancer , Muditha V. Devamitta Perera

Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Stomach Cancer Data , Chao Gao

Structural Analysis of Poloidal and Toroidal Plasmons and Fields of Multilayer Nanorings , Kumar Vijay Garapati

Dynamics of Multicultural Social Networks , Kristina B. Hilton

Cybersecurity: Stochastic Analysis and Modelling of Vulnerabilities to Determine the Network Security and Attackers Behavior , Pubudu Kalpani Kaluarachchi

Generalized D-Kaup-Newell integrable systems and their integrable couplings and Darboux transformations , Morgan Ashley McAnally

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Real-time Classification of Biomedical Signals, Parkinson’s Analytical Model , Abolfazl Saghafi

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Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

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Statistical Analysis of a Risk Factor in Finance and Environmental Models for Belize , Sherlene Enriquez-Savery

Putnam's Inequality and Analytic Content in the Bergman Space , Matthew Fleeman

On the Number of Colors in Quandle Knot Colorings , Jeremy William Kerr

Statistical Modeling of Carbon Dioxide and Cluster Analysis of Time Dependent Information: Lag Target Time Series Clustering, Multi-Factor Time Series Clustering, and Multi-Level Time Series Clustering , Doo Young Kim

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Hamiltonian Formulations and Symmetry Constraints of Soliton Hierarchies of (1+1)-Dimensional Nonlinear Evolution Equations , Solomon Manukure

Modeling and Survival Analysis of Breast Cancer: A Statistical, Artificial Neural Network, and Decision Tree Approach , Venkateswara Rao Mudunuru

Generalized Phase Retrieval: Isometries in Vector Spaces , Josiah Park

Leonard Systems and their Friends , Jonathan Spiewak

Resonant Solutions to (3+1)-dimensional Bilinear Differential Equations , Yue Sun

Statistical Analysis and Modeling Health Data: A Longitudinal Study , Bhikhari Prasad Tharu

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200 Finance Dissertation Topics: Quick Ideas For Students

finance dissertation topics

Finance dissertation topics are on-demand in the 21st century. But why is this so? It may perplex you how everyone is up and down looking for interesting, quality finance topics. However, the answer is simple: because fascinating finance dissertation topics can earn students bonus points.

We will delve into that in just a second. Your finance topic dictates the difficulty of the assignment you are going to handle. Landing on the right topic means that you will not have to toil as much as when you pick a highly complex topic. Does it make sense?

Let’s explore the nitty-gritty of finance dissertation papers before we get into mentioning the top-rated finance research topics list.

What Is A Finance Dissertation?

As the name goes, finance dissertation is a kind of writing that investigates a particular finance topic selected by the student. The topics range from the stock market, banking, and risk management to healthcare finance topics.

This dissertation provides the student with a degree of academic self-confidence and personal satisfaction in the finance field. Finance writing requires extensive research to create a persuasive paper in the end.

Writing Tips For Finance Dissertations

Are you uncertain concerning what you need to do to compose a top-notch finance dissertation? Worry no more! Our professional writers have put together some essential suggestions to kick you off. In the next few minutes, you will be in a position to create a perfect finance dissertation painstakingly:

  • Narrow down your topic : Trim down your finance topic to a specific niche. It should focus on one region; either micro-finance, macro-finance, or internet banking.
  • Verify your facts : Finance is a field that includes a lot of statistical data to be followed logically. Therefore, verify facts and figures with reliable sources before opting to use them in your paper.
  • Write concisely : Unlike other papers with long narrative tales, you should encapsulate a finance paper into a tight, concise paper. The rule of ‘short is sweet’ technically applies here at great length.
  • Arrange your data neatly : A paper that is stuffed with numerals and charts all over may turn down a reader at first sight. For an impressive finance thesis, know-how and when to use your data.
  • Write simply : Avoid jargon that may confuse an ordinary reader. Where a need is for technical terms to be used, illustrate them with relatable examples. Simplicity is gold in a finance dissertation. So, use it well.

With these tips and tricks, you are all set to start writing your finance paper. We now advance to another crucial part that will make sure your finance paper is refined and at per with your institution’s academic standards.

General Structure of a Finance Dissertation

It is crucial to consult your supervisor regarding your dissertation’s research methodology, structure, style, and reasonable length. Depending on the guidance of your supervisor, the structure may vary. Nonetheless, as a general guide, ensure the following sections are part and parcel of your dissertation:

  • Introduction: State the problem that you intend to address in your dissertation. It also includes a definition of key terms, the relevance of the topic and a summary of hypotheses.
  • Theoretical and empirical literature, hypotheses development and contribution: It provides the theoretical framework of your study. The hypotheses are based on the literature review.
  • Data and methodology: State the model (i.e. dependent and key independent variables) that you want to use the drawing on theoretical framework or economic argument that you may employ for your analysis. Define all control variables and describe the data used to test the hypothesis.
  • Empirical results: Describe the results and mention whether they are consistent with the hypotheses and relate them with the existing evidence in the literature. You will also describe the statistical and practical/economic significance of your findings.
  • Summary and conclusion: Summarize your research and state the general conclusion with relevant implications.

It is important to have all the dataset you want to use readily available before finalizing the topic. The dataset is essential for testing your hypotheses.

There are thousands of research topics for finance students available all over the internet and academic books. You only have to browse and lookup for the latest research or refer to past readings or course lectures.

Even though this exercise may look simple enough on the surface, it takes a lot of time to consider what makes for interesting finance topics adequately. Not all ideas you find will achieve the academic requirements that your supervisor expects from you.

Here is a list of freshly mint topics to use for numerous finance situations:

Impressive Healthcare Finance Topics

Healthcare involves more than just treating patients and administering injections. There are finance aspects that also come into play, including:

  • Strategies for marketplace achievement in turbulent times: Medical staff marketing
  • Effects of the employer executive compensation and benefits plan after the Tax Reform Act of 1986
  • Improving profitability through accelerating philanthropic giving to healthcare systems
  • Acceleration and effective information strategies for cash management in hospitals
  • Finding the system’s solution to health care cost accounting
  • How hospitals spend money from charitable organizations and donor funding
  • Models of enhancing cost accounting efforts by improving existing information sources
  • Strategies of increasing cash flow with a patient accounting review
  • A systematic review of productivity, cost accounting, and information systems
  • A study of the cost accounting strategies under the prospective payment system
  • How to manage bad debt and charity care accounts in hospitals
  • Achieving more value from managed care efforts in healthcare systems
  • Strategies of achieving economies of scale through shared ancillary and support services
  • Profitable ways of financing the acquisition of a health care enterprise
  • Effects of mergers and acquisitions on private hospitals
  • Measuring nursing costs with patient acuity data in hospitals
  • Affordable treatment and care for long-term and terminal diseases
  • Survey of the organization and structure of a hospital’s administration concerning financing
  • Impact of culture and globalization on healthcare financing
  • Discuss the necessity for universal health coverage in the United States

Finance Management Project Topics

If you are a finance management enthusiast, this section will impress you the most:

  • The impact of corrupt bank managers on its sustainability
  • How banks finance small and medium-scale enterprises
  • Loan granting and its recovery problems on commercial banks
  • An evaluation of credit management in the banking industry
  • The role of microfinance banks in the alleviation of poverty in the US
  • Comparative evaluation strategies in mergers and acquisitions
  • How to plan and invest in the insurance sector and tax planning
  • Impact of shareholders on decision-making processes on banks
  • How diversity in banks affects management and leadership practices
  • Credit management techniques that work for small scale enterprises
  • Appraisal on the impact of effective credit management on the profitability of commercial banks
  • The impact of quantitative tools of monetary policy on the performance of deposit of commercial banks
  • Financial management practices in the insurance industry and risk management
  • The role of the capital market in economic development
  • Problems facing financial institutions to the growth of small scale business in the USA
  • Why training and development of human resources is a critical factor in bank operations
  • The impact of universal banking financial system on the credibility
  • Security threats to effective management in banks
  • The effect of fiscal and monetary policy in controlling unemployment
  • The effects of financial leverage on company performance

Topics in Mathematics With Applications in Finance

Mathematics and finance correlate in several ways in that they borrow concepts from each other. Here are some of the mathematics concepts that apply to finance paper topics:

  • Linear algebra
  • Probability theory
  • Stochastic processes
  • Regression analysis
  • Value at risk models
  • Time series analysis
  • Volatility modelling
  • Regularized pricing and risk models
  • Commodity models
  • Portfolio theory
  • Factor modelling
  • Stochastic differential equations
  • Ross recovery theorem
  • Option, price, and probability duality
  • Black-Scholes formula, Risk-neutral valuation
  • Introduction to counterparty credit risk
  • HJM model for interest rates and credit
  • Quanto credit hedging
  • Calculus in finance and its application

International Finance Topics

International finance research topics deal with a range of monetary exchanges between two or more nations. Below is a list of international research topics in finance for you to browse through and pick a relevant one:

  • A study of the most important concepts in international finance
  • How internal auditing enhances good corporate governance practice in an organization
  • Factors that affect the capital structure of Go Public manufacturing companies
  • A financial engineering perspective on the causes of large price changes
  • Corporate governance and board of directors responsibilities
  • An exploratory study on the management of support services in international organizations
  • An accounting perspective of the need for theorizing corporation
  • Impact of coronavirus on international trade relations
  • Is business ethics attainable in the global market arena
  • How exchange rates affect international trading
  • The role of currency derivatives in shaping the global market
  • How to improve international capital structure
  • How to forecast exchange rates
  • Ways of measuring exposure to exchange rates fluctuations
  • How to hedge exposure to exchange rates fluctuations globally
  • How foreign direct investment puts individual countries at risk
  • How to stabilize international capital markets
  • A study of shadow banking in the global environment
  • A comparative analysis of Western markets and African markets
  • Exploring the monetary funding opportunities by the International Monetary Fund

Corporate Finance Research Topics

These 20 topics have the potential to help you write an amazing corporate finance paper, provided you have the will to work hard on your paper:

  • Short- and long-term investment needs for working capital trends
  • Identifying proper capital structure models for a company
  • How capital structure and an organization’s funding of its operations relate
  • Corporate finance decision making in unstable stock markets
  • The effect of firm size on financial decision making incorporates
  • Compare and contrast the different internationally recognized corporate financial reporting standards
  • Evaluate the emerging concept integrated reporting in corporate finance
  • Managing transparency in corporate financial decisions
  • How technological connectivity has helped in integrated financial management
  • How different investment models contribute to the success of a corporate
  • The essence of valuation of cash flows in financial and non-financial corporates
  • Identify the prevalent financial innovations in the USA
  • Ways in which governance influences corporate financial activities
  • Impact of taxes on dividend policies in developed nations
  • How corporate strategies related to corporate finance
  • Implications of the global economic crisis in the backdrop of corporate finance concepts
  • How information technology impact corporate relations among companies
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of corporate financing tools and techniques
  • How do FDI strategies compare in Europe and Asia?
  • The role of transparency and liquidity in alternative corporate investments

Finance Debate Topics

These finance debate topics are formulated in keeping with emerging financial issues globally:

  • Is China’s economy on the verge of ousting that of the US?
  • Does the dynamic nature of the global market affect the financial alienations of countries?
  • Is Foreign Direct Investment in retail sector good for the US?
  • Is it possible to maintain stable oil prices in the world?
  • Are multinational corporations good for the global economy?
  • Does the country of origin matter in selling a product?
  • Are financial companies misusing ethics in marketing?
  • Why should consumer always be king in marketing messages?
  • Does commercialization serve in the best interest of the consumer?
  • Why should companies bother having a mission statement?
  • Why should hospitals receive tax subsidies and levies on drugs?
  • Is television the best medium for advertisement?
  • Is the guarantor principle security or a myth?
  • Compare and contrast market trends in capitalism versus Marxism states
  • Does the name of a business have an impact on its development record?
  • Is it the responsibility of the government to finance small-scale business enterprises?
  • Does budgeting truly serve its purpose in a company?
  • Why should agricultural imports be banned?
  • Is advertising a waste of company resources?
  • Why privatization will lead to less corruption in companies

Finance Topics For Presentation

Is your group or individual finance presentation giving you sleepless nights just because you do not have a topic? Worry no more!

  • The role of diplomatic ties in enhancing financial relations between countries
  • Should banks use force when recovering loans from long-term defaulters?
  • Why mortgages are becoming difficult to repay among the middle class
  • Ways of improving the skilled workforce in developing
  • How technology creates income disparities among social classes
  • The role of rational thinking in making financial decisions
  • How much capital is necessary for a start-up?
  • Are investments in betting firms good for young people?
  • How co-operatives are important in promoting communism in a society
  • Why should countries stop receiving foreign aids and depend on themselves?
  • Compare and contrast the performance of private sectors over public sectors
  • How frequent should reforms be conducted in companies?
  • How globalization affects nationalism
  • Theories of financial development that is still applicable today
  • Should business people head the finance ministry of countries?
  • The impact of the transport sector on revenue and tax collection
  • The impact of space exploration on the country’s economy
  • How regional blocs are impacting developing nations
  • Factors contributing to the growth of online scams
  • What is the impact of trade unions in promoting businesses?

Finance Research Topics For MBA

Here is our best list of top-rated MBA financial topics to write about in 2023, which will generate more passion for a debate:

  • Evaluate the effect of the Global crisis to use the line of credit in maintaining cash flow
  • Discuss options for investment in the shipping industry in the US
  • Financial risk management in the maritime industry: A case study of the blue economy
  • Analyze the various financial risk indicators
  • Financial laws that prevent volatility in the financial market
  • How the global recession has impacted domestic banking industries
  • Discuss IMF’s initiatives in tackling internal inefficiency of new projects
  • How the WTO is essential in the global financial market
  • The link between corporate and capital structures
  • Why is it important to have an individual investment?
  • How to handle credit crisis in financial marketing
  • Financial planning for salaried employee and strategies for tax savings
  • A study on Cost And Costing Models in Companies
  • A critical study on investment patterns and preferences of retail investors
  • Risk portfolio and perception management of equity investors
  • Is there room for improvement in electronic payment systems?
  • Risks and opportunities of investments versus savings
  • Impact of investor awareness towards commodities in the market
  • Is taxation a selling tool for life insurance
  • Impact of earnings per share

Public Finance Topics

These interesting finance topics may augur well with university students majoring in public finance:

  • Financial assistance for businesses and workers during Coronavirus lockdowns
  • Debt sustainability in developing countries
  • How we can use public money to leverage private funds
  • Analyze the use of public funds in developed versus developing countries
  • The reliability of sovereign credit ratings for investors in government securities
  • Propose a method of analysis on the cost-benefit ratio of any government project
  • The role of entities in charge of financial intermediation
  • The reciprocity and impact of tariff barriers
  • Impact of the exempted goods prices on the trade deficit
  • Investor penalties and its impact in the form of taxes and penalties
  • Public government projects that use private funds
  • Ways of measuring the cost of sustainability
  • Maintaining economic growth to avoid a strong recession
  • The impact of the declining income and consumption rates
  • Effects of quarantine and forced suspension of economic activity
  • Innovative means of limiting the scale of pandemic development
  • The growing scale of the public debt of the public finance system
  • A critical analysis of the epidemiological safety instruments used in countries
  • The growing debt crisis of the state finance system
  • How to permanently improve and increase the scale of anti-crisis socio-economic policy planning

Business Finance Topics

You can address the following business finance research papers topics for your next assignment:

  • How organizations are raising and managing funds
  • Analyze the planning, analysis, and control operations and responsibilities of the financial manager
  • Why business managers should take advantage of the federal stimulus package
  • Economical ways of negotiating for lower monthly bills
  • Evaluate the best retirement plans for entrepreneurs
  • Tax reform changes needed to spearhead businesses to the next level
  • How politicians can help small businesses make it to the top
  • Setting up life insurance policies from which you can sidestep the banks and loan yourself money
  • Why every business manager should know about profit and loss statements, revenue by customers and more.
  • Advantages of creating multiple corporations to business entrepreneurs
  • Why good liquidity is a vital weapon in the face of a crisis
  • Reasons why many people are declaring bankruptcy during the coronavirus pandemic
  • Why you should closely examine the numbers before making any financial decisions
  • Benefits of corporations to small scale business ventures
  • How to start a business without money at hand
  • Strategies for improving your company’s online presence
  • Discuss the challenge of debt versus equity for small-scale businesses
  • The impact of financial decisions on the profitability and the risk of a firm’s operations
  • Striking a balance between risk and profitability
  • Why taking the ratio of current assets to current liabilities is important to any business

You can use any of the hot topics mentioned above for your finance dissertation paper or opt for our thesis writing services. We have competitive finance dissertation writing experts ready to tackle your paper to the core.

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mathematical finance dissertation topics

Research Topics & Ideas: Finance

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PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable education-related research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan of action to fill that gap.

Overview: Finance Research Topics

  • Corporate finance topics
  • Investment banking topics
  • Private equity & VC
  • Asset management
  • Hedge funds
  • Financial planning & advisory
  • Quantitative finance
  • Treasury management
  • Financial technology (FinTech)
  • Commercial banking
  • International finance

Research topic idea mega list

Corporate Finance

These research topic ideas explore a breadth of issues ranging from the examination of capital structure to the exploration of financial strategies in mergers and acquisitions.

  • Evaluating the impact of capital structure on firm performance across different industries
  • Assessing the effectiveness of financial management practices in emerging markets
  • A comparative analysis of the cost of capital and financial structure in multinational corporations across different regulatory environments
  • Examining how integrating sustainability and CSR initiatives affect a corporation’s financial performance and brand reputation
  • Analysing how rigorous financial analysis informs strategic decisions and contributes to corporate growth
  • Examining the relationship between corporate governance structures and financial performance
  • A comparative analysis of financing strategies among mergers and acquisitions
  • Evaluating the importance of financial transparency and its impact on investor relations and trust
  • Investigating the role of financial flexibility in strategic investment decisions during economic downturns
  • Investigating how different dividend policies affect shareholder value and the firm’s financial performance 

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Investment Banking

The list below presents a series of research topics exploring the multifaceted dimensions of investment banking, with a particular focus on its evolution following the 2008 financial crisis.

  • Analysing the evolution and impact of regulatory frameworks in investment banking post-2008 financial crisis
  • Investigating the challenges and opportunities associated with cross-border M&As facilitated by investment banks.
  • Evaluating the role of investment banks in facilitating mergers and acquisitions in emerging markets
  • Analysing the transformation brought about by digital technologies in the delivery of investment banking services and its effects on efficiency and client satisfaction.
  • Evaluating the role of investment banks in promoting sustainable finance and the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria in investment decisions.
  • Assessing the impact of technology on the efficiency and effectiveness of investment banking services
  • Examining the effectiveness of investment banks in pricing and marketing IPOs, and the subsequent performance of these IPOs in the stock market.
  • A comparative analysis of different risk management strategies employed by investment banks
  • Examining the relationship between investment banking fees and corporate performance
  • A comparative analysis of competitive strategies employed by leading investment banks and their impact on market share and profitability

Private Equity & Venture Capital (VC)

These research topic ideas are centred on venture capital and private equity investments, with a focus on their impact on technological startups, emerging technologies, and broader economic ecosystems.

  • Investigating the determinants of successful venture capital investments in tech startups
  • Analysing the trends and outcomes of venture capital funding in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, or clean energy
  • Assessing the performance and return on investment of different exit strategies employed by venture capital firms
  • Assessing the impact of private equity investments on the financial performance of SMEs
  • Analysing the role of venture capital in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Evaluating the exit strategies of private equity firms: A comparative analysis
  • Exploring the ethical considerations in private equity and venture capital financing
  • Investigating how private equity ownership influences operational efficiency and overall business performance
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of corporate governance structures in companies backed by private equity investments
  • Examining how the regulatory environment in different regions affects the operations, investments and performance of private equity and venture capital firms

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Asset Management

This list includes a range of research topic ideas focused on asset management, probing into the effectiveness of various strategies, the integration of technology, and the alignment with ethical principles among other key dimensions.

  • Analysing the effectiveness of different asset allocation strategies in diverse economic environments
  • Analysing the methodologies and effectiveness of performance attribution in asset management firms
  • Assessing the impact of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria on fund performance
  • Examining the role of robo-advisors in modern asset management
  • Evaluating how advancements in technology are reshaping portfolio management strategies within asset management firms
  • Evaluating the performance persistence of mutual funds and hedge funds
  • Investigating the long-term performance of portfolios managed with ethical or socially responsible investing principles
  • Investigating the behavioural biases in individual and institutional investment decisions
  • Examining the asset allocation strategies employed by pension funds and their impact on long-term fund performance
  • Assessing the operational efficiency of asset management firms and its correlation with fund performance

Hedge Funds

Here we explore research topics related to hedge fund operations and strategies, including their implications on corporate governance, financial market stability, and regulatory compliance among other critical facets.

  • Assessing the impact of hedge fund activism on corporate governance and financial performance
  • Analysing the effectiveness and implications of market-neutral strategies employed by hedge funds
  • Investigating how different fee structures impact the performance and investor attraction to hedge funds
  • Evaluating the contribution of hedge funds to financial market liquidity and the implications for market stability
  • Analysing the risk-return profile of hedge fund strategies during financial crises
  • Evaluating the influence of regulatory changes on hedge fund operations and performance
  • Examining the level of transparency and disclosure practices in the hedge fund industry and its impact on investor trust and regulatory compliance
  • Assessing the contribution of hedge funds to systemic risk in financial markets, and the effectiveness of regulatory measures in mitigating such risks
  • Examining the role of hedge funds in financial market stability
  • Investigating the determinants of hedge fund success: A comparative analysis

Financial Planning and Advisory

This list explores various research topic ideas related to financial planning, focusing on the effects of financial literacy, the adoption of digital tools, taxation policies, and the role of financial advisors.

  • Evaluating the impact of financial literacy on individual financial planning effectiveness
  • Analysing how different taxation policies influence financial planning strategies among individuals and businesses
  • Evaluating the effectiveness and user adoption of digital tools in modern financial planning practices
  • Investigating the adequacy of long-term financial planning strategies in ensuring retirement security
  • Assessing the role of financial education in shaping financial planning behaviour among different demographic groups
  • Examining the impact of psychological biases on financial planning and decision-making, and strategies to mitigate these biases
  • Assessing the behavioural factors influencing financial planning decisions
  • Examining the role of financial advisors in managing retirement savings
  • A comparative analysis of traditional versus robo-advisory in financial planning
  • Investigating the ethics of financial advisory practices

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The following list delves into research topics within the insurance sector, touching on the technological transformations, regulatory shifts, and evolving consumer behaviours among other pivotal aspects.

  • Analysing the impact of technology adoption on insurance pricing and risk management
  • Analysing the influence of Insurtech innovations on the competitive dynamics and consumer choices in insurance markets
  • Investigating the factors affecting consumer behaviour in insurance product selection and the role of digital channels in influencing decisions
  • Assessing the effect of regulatory changes on insurance product offerings
  • Examining the determinants of insurance penetration in emerging markets
  • Evaluating the operational efficiency of claims management processes in insurance companies and its impact on customer satisfaction
  • Examining the evolution and effectiveness of risk assessment models used in insurance underwriting and their impact on pricing and coverage
  • Evaluating the role of insurance in financial stability and economic development
  • Investigating the impact of climate change on insurance models and products
  • Exploring the challenges and opportunities in underwriting cyber insurance in the face of evolving cyber threats and regulations

Quantitative Finance

These topic ideas span the development of asset pricing models, evaluation of machine learning algorithms, and the exploration of ethical implications among other pivotal areas.

  • Developing and testing new quantitative models for asset pricing
  • Analysing the effectiveness and limitations of machine learning algorithms in predicting financial market movements
  • Assessing the effectiveness of various risk management techniques in quantitative finance
  • Evaluating the advancements in portfolio optimisation techniques and their impact on risk-adjusted returns
  • Evaluating the impact of high-frequency trading on market efficiency and stability
  • Investigating the influence of algorithmic trading strategies on market efficiency and liquidity
  • Examining the risk parity approach in asset allocation and its effectiveness in different market conditions
  • Examining the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in quantitative financial analysis
  • Investigating the ethical implications of quantitative financial innovations
  • Assessing the profitability and market impact of statistical arbitrage strategies considering different market microstructures

Treasury Management

The following topic ideas explore treasury management, focusing on modernisation through technological advancements, the impact on firm liquidity, and the intertwined relationship with corporate governance among other crucial areas.

  • Analysing the impact of treasury management practices on firm liquidity and profitability
  • Analysing the role of automation in enhancing operational efficiency and strategic decision-making in treasury management
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of various cash management strategies in multinational corporations
  • Investigating the potential of blockchain technology in streamlining treasury operations and enhancing transparency
  • Examining the role of treasury management in mitigating financial risks
  • Evaluating the accuracy and effectiveness of various cash flow forecasting techniques employed in treasury management
  • Assessing the impact of technological advancements on treasury management operations
  • Examining the effectiveness of different foreign exchange risk management strategies employed by treasury managers in multinational corporations
  • Assessing the impact of regulatory compliance requirements on the operational and strategic aspects of treasury management
  • Investigating the relationship between treasury management and corporate governance

Financial Technology (FinTech)

The following research topic ideas explore the transformative potential of blockchain, the rise of open banking, and the burgeoning landscape of peer-to-peer lending among other focal areas.

  • Evaluating the impact of blockchain technology on financial services
  • Investigating the implications of open banking on consumer data privacy and financial services competition
  • Assessing the role of FinTech in financial inclusion in emerging markets
  • Analysing the role of peer-to-peer lending platforms in promoting financial inclusion and their impact on traditional banking systems
  • Examining the cybersecurity challenges faced by FinTech firms and the regulatory measures to ensure data protection and financial stability
  • Examining the regulatory challenges and opportunities in the FinTech ecosystem
  • Assessing the impact of artificial intelligence on the delivery of financial services, customer experience, and operational efficiency within FinTech firms
  • Analysing the adoption and impact of cryptocurrencies on traditional financial systems
  • Investigating the determinants of success for FinTech startups

Research topic evaluator

Commercial Banking

These topic ideas span commercial banking, encompassing digital transformation, support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and the evolving regulatory and competitive landscape among other key themes.

  • Assessing the impact of digital transformation on commercial banking services and competitiveness
  • Analysing the impact of digital transformation on customer experience and operational efficiency in commercial banking
  • Evaluating the role of commercial banks in supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Investigating the effectiveness of credit risk management practices and their impact on bank profitability and financial stability
  • Examining the relationship between commercial banking practices and financial stability
  • Evaluating the implications of open banking frameworks on the competitive landscape and service innovation in commercial banking
  • Assessing how regulatory changes affect lending practices and risk appetite of commercial banks
  • Examining how commercial banks are adapting their strategies in response to competition from FinTech firms and changing consumer preferences
  • Analysing the impact of regulatory compliance on commercial banking operations
  • Investigating the determinants of customer satisfaction and loyalty in commercial banking

International Finance

The folowing research topic ideas are centred around international finance and global economic dynamics, delving into aspects like exchange rate fluctuations, international financial regulations, and the role of international financial institutions among other pivotal areas.

  • Analysing the determinants of exchange rate fluctuations and their impact on international trade
  • Analysing the influence of global trade agreements on international financial flows and foreign direct investments
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of international portfolio diversification strategies in mitigating risks and enhancing returns
  • Evaluating the role of international financial institutions in global financial stability
  • Investigating the role and implications of offshore financial centres on international financial stability and regulatory harmonisation
  • Examining the impact of global financial crises on emerging market economies
  • Examining the challenges and regulatory frameworks associated with cross-border banking operations
  • Assessing the effectiveness of international financial regulations
  • Investigating the challenges and opportunities of cross-border mergers and acquisitions

Choosing A Research Topic

These finance-related research topic ideas are starting points to guide your thinking. They are intentionally very broad and open-ended. By engaging with the currently literature in your field of interest, you’ll be able to narrow down your focus to a specific research gap .

When choosing a topic , you’ll need to take into account its originality, relevance, feasibility, and the resources you have at your disposal. Make sure to align your interest and expertise in the subject with your university program’s specific requirements. Always consult your academic advisor to ensure that your chosen topic not only meets the academic criteria but also provides a valuable contribution to the field. 

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hamza mashaqby

thank you for suggest those topic, I want to ask you about the subjects related to the fintech, can i measure it and how?

Zeleke Getinet Alemayehu

Please guide me on selecting research titles


I am doing financial engineering. , can you please help me choose a dissertation topic?


I’m studying Banking and finance (MBA) please guide me on to choose a good research topic.

Md. Ahsan Habib

I am studying finance (MBA) please guide me to choose a good research topic.

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101 best finance dissertation topics: a comprehensive list.

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101 Best Finance Dissertation Topics: A Comprehensive List

Writing a finance dissertation is a substantial academic undertaking that demands in-depth research, critical analysis, and a comprehensive understanding of financial theories and practices. Crafting a compelling finance dissertation requires a structured approach, meticulous planning, and a clear focus on a relevant and engaging topic within the vast realm of finance.

Introduction to Finance Dissertation Writing

A finance dissertation presents an opportunity for students to explore, analyze, and contribute to the evolving landscape of financial theory, practices, and trends. It involves investigating complex financial phenomena, conducting empirical research, and offering novel insights into the dynamics of financial markets, institutions, or decision-making processes.

101 Finance Dissertation Topics

  • The Impact of Monetary Policy on Financial Markets
  • Corporate Governance and Financial Performance: A Comparative Analysis
  • Behavioral Finance: Exploring Investor Decision-Making
  • Cryptocurrency and Its Role in the Future of Finance
  • Financial Risk Management Strategies in International Banking
  • Merger and Acquisition Trends: Financial Implications
  • Sustainable Finance: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Investments
  • Impact of Fintech on Traditional Banking Practices
  • Financial Literacy and Its Effect on Personal Financial Management
  • Private Equity Investments: Risk and Returns
  • Corporate Finance: Capital Structure and Firm Performance
  • The Role of Central Banks in Economic Stability
  • Financial Derivatives and Their Impact on Financial Markets
  • Real Estate Investment and Financial Market Dynamics
  • Behavioral Biases in Investment Decision-Making
  • Quantitative Trading Strategies: Analysis and Implementation
  • Islamic Finance: Principles and Global Adoption
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance
  • The Influence of Market Sentiment on Stock Prices
  • Impact of Economic Policies on Financial Markets
  • Venture Capital Financing: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Financial Technology (Fintech) Adoption and Its Impact on Banking
  • Financial Inclusion: Bridging the Gap in Developing Economies
  • Financial Regulation and Its Impact on Financial Institutions
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: Financial and Managerial Implications
  • Impact of Globalization on International Financial Markets
  • Credit Risk Management in Banking Institutions
  • Behavioral Factors in Household Debt Accumulation
  • Financial Market Volatility and Its Impact on Investment Strategies
  • Initial Public Offerings (IPOs): Market Reactions and Investor Sentiment
  • Impact of Brexit on Financial Markets and Institutions
  • Financial Fraud and its Detection and Prevention Measures
  • Exchange Rate Risk Management in Multinational Corporations
  • Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Financial Decision-Making
  • Financial Engineering: Innovations in Financial Products
  • Environmental Finance and Sustainable Investments
  • Behavioral Biases in Corporate Financial Decision-Making
  • Financial Distress Prediction Models and Their Application
  • Financial Market Efficiency: Empirical Evidence and Implications
  • Risk Management in Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments
  • Banking Sector Reforms and Financial Stability
  • The Role of Credit Rating Agencies in Financial Markets
  • Behavioral Economics in Personal Finance and Wealth Management
  • Impact of Tax Policies on Corporate Financial Strategies
  • Market Microstructure and High-Frequency Trading
  • Impact of Global Economic Events on Financial Markets
  • Crowdfunding and its Role in Financing Startups
  • Financial Technology (Fintech) and its Regulatory Challenges
  • Behavioral Finance and Investment Portfolios
  • Financial Performance Metrics: Analysis and Interpretation
  • Financial Health of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  • Financial Decision-Making in Family Businesses
  • Debt Financing vs. Equity Financing: Comparative Analysis
  • The Influence of Social Media on Financial Markets
  • Financial Inclusion Initiatives in Emerging Economies
  • Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on Stock Market Returns
  • The Role of Financial Institutions in Economic Development
  • Corporate Dividend Policy and its Impact on Shareholder Wealth
  • Financial Distress and Bankruptcy Prediction Models
  • Impact of Interest Rates on Financial Markets and Investments
  • Ethics and Corporate Governance in Financial Institutions
  • Financial Reporting Quality and Market Perception
  • Green Finance and Sustainable Investments
  • Impact of Economic Crises on Financial Markets
  • Alternative Investments: Risks and Returns
  • Financial Market Integration and its Implications
  • Behavioral Aspects of Retirement Planning and Investment
  • Sovereign Wealth Funds: Investment Strategies and Implications
  • Equity Market Anomalies: Exploring Market Inefficiencies
  • Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Shareholder Value
  • Global Financial Markets and the Role of International Institutions
  • Impact of Trade Policies on Currency Markets
  • Corporate Finance and Firm Valuation Techniques
  • Financial Distress in Non-Profit Organizations
  • Financial Modeling and Forecasting Techniques
  • Impact of Political Events on Financial Markets
  • Microfinance and its Role in Poverty Alleviation
  • Financial Crisis and Banking Sector Resilience
  • Real Options Theory in Strategic Financial Decision-Making
  • Impact of E-commerce on Financial Transactions
  • Financial Performance of Healthcare Institutions
  • Behavioral Aspects of Investment in Cryptocurrencies
  • Financial Innovation and its Impact on Economic Growth
  • Impact of Climate Change on Insurance and Risk Management
  • Financial Inclusion Initiatives in Rural Economies
  • Behavioral Factors in Investment Advising and Wealth Management
  • Financial Management in Non-Profit Organizations
  • Impact of Technological Advancements on Financial Services
  • Quantitative Methods in Financial Analysis
  • Financialization and its Impact on Global Economy
  • Financial Education and Its Impact on Youth
  • Risk Management in Insurance Companies
  • Impact of Corporate Governance on Financial Performance
  • Financial Market Reaction to Earnings Management
  • Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Financial Valuation
  • Financial Market Liquidity and Trading Strategies
  • Impact of Regulatory Changes on Financial Institutions
  • Financial Planning for Retirement: Strategies and Challenges
  • Impact of Global Trade Patterns on Financial Markets
  • Financial Market Resilience and Crisis Management Strategies
  • Behavioral Finance in Personal Finance Management

Writing a finance dissertation is an intellectually rewarding endeavor that allows students to contribute meaningfully to the finance discipline. It requires meticulous planning, extensive research, critical thinking, and effective communication of findings. Embrace the challenge, stay focused, and let your passion for finance drive your dissertation to academic excellence.

A well-executed finance dissertation not only demonstrates your expertise but also offers valuable contributions to the field, fostering further discussions and advancements in financial theory and practice.

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233 best finance dissertation topics to write about.

August 10, 2021

Hearing about finance thesis topics or finance management project topics could scare you. Many finance students are afraid of digging into their finance research topics list because of the complexities that could be involved. You can center your essay, presentation, paper, or dissertation on any aspect of finance. It could be corporate finance, healthcare finance topics, or something about managing financial risks.

finance dissertation topics

To ease your fear and make your research easy, here are topics across different parts of finance for you. You may be an MBA student, college student, or student in need of writing tips. With these topics, you should only bother about how to write your research.

Finance Research Topics for MBA

You may be interested in writing on risk management or other forms of finance paper topics to fulfill your MBA requirements. You can consider these finance management project topics:

  • Assess the capital management and investment choices of (company)
  • Attempt a research study on Employee salary plan and Employee strategy for paying taxes
  • Assess the intermediaries in the stock market and how they affect or improve market growth
  • A comparative study between traditional finance methods in America and the influence of Fintech
  • Invoice: a contemporary perspective on client-customer accountability
  • An Assessment of life insurance and health insurance and how it contributes to financial realities
  • A critical assessment of risk management in internet trading
  • A study of investment and the investor in stock market
  • A critical Assessment of the commodity market in North America
  • A study of investment selfishness and protection of company interest by management
  • An Analysis of risk management strategies and how it has worked overtime
  • A study of capitalism and how it bears semblance to China’s communism
  • A bird’s eye view at the stock exchange of India and New York
  • The study of debt patterns and how they affect savings
  • The study of debt patterns and how they affect financial accountability
  • The study of saving patterns and how it relates to financial management
  • A survey of investment preferences and strategies of real estate investors
  • A critical analysis of investment preferences and strategies of retail investors
  • The study of stocks in the banking sector
  • Small business and medium-sized business: a Critical Assessment of investment choices, strategies, and risks
  • The Assessment of risk in mutual funds
  • The assessment of risk in the commodity market
  • The Assessment of risk and risk patterns in Forex trading
  • The danger and blessings of reliability on Cryptocurrency
  • Cryptocurrency: the way forward for the digital age and the risks involves in financial and data security
  • A study of budget control, inventory management and their roles in business growth
  • Online payment: the risk and the growth of financial technology
  • The study of income and taxation: how low-income earners fair in a capitalist society
  • The financial risk of Chinese Communism
  • What are multi-level marketing and its distinctions to other forms of entrepreneurial marketing systems?

Finance Research Topic List

If you’re looking for topics to base your research on, there are limitless healthcare finance topics, finance management topics, and many others for your finance dissertation. You can consider the following topics shaped in the form of questions for your project.

  • Digital currency: how digital marketing and sales have changed the world of currency and channels for trade
  • Data protection: what is new and how does it impact social security?
  • Financial Technology: the strategies of development and how it has challenged the status quo
  • Blockchain technology: what does it mean for the world?
  • Crowdfunding: how has social media contributed to emergency financial assistance
  • A critical attempt to study portfolio Management in the UK
  • A study of foreign exchange and the risk involved in such Transactions
  • Trends and challenges of the innovations in financial technology
  • The Development of online trading and what it means for the world and risk management
  • A study of equity and technical analysis before and after investment
  • Bonds and risk clearing in the banking sector
  • The banking sector and how it bears semblance with the insurance industry
  • Organizational investment chart: the risk and the profits for the past 5 years and what was responsible for risks and profits
  • Compare and contrast the marketing systems of two companies
  • Investment companies: how price fluctuations could affect business Transparency and customer trust
  • Agriculture and business: how does it work together?
  • Gold and diamond: an assessment of luxury goods Industry
  • Retail industry: how business owners manage themselves in periods of financial crisis, a case study of Ali Baba
  • A critical assessment of students loans in the UK and the US
  • Insurance companies and the complexities around their roles in the promotion of financial security
  • Financial security: the reality of a lie for middle and low-income earners
  • The study of business preferences in investors and how it affects what is considered “credible” businesses and otherwise
  • How financial growth relates to financial independence
  • Why an international and mega-company can’t be without debt
  • A critical Assessment into the theories of financial probability and how it affects business growth

Research Topics for Finance Students

If you’re interested in finance research papers topics, you may want to blow the mind of your professor with practical approaches to contemporary issues. You can consider the following topics for your university essay or project:

  • A study of banking and the growing significance of digital banks over physical banks
  • An attempt to assess reasons behind the fierce opposition of banks towards digital currency trends in recent years
  • The digital age and the challenges to banking and risk management
  • A study of security practices in protecting online data on retail stores and digital trading centers
  • Terrorism: an attempt to identify the loopholes of AI and Fintech in recognizing suspicious patterns to tackle terrorism
  • Ethics of banking profits: what is right and what is wrong for the customer
  • The developments of UK exits of Brexit and what it means for the UK banking system, the public, and the international community
  • The education of accounting in the UK and its influence on the banking sector
  • Auditing: a Critical Assessment on the theories of trust in business
  • How contemporary accounting standards can be driven to exceed the expectations of regulators
  • The need for regulators in the international financial systems
  • A critical assessment of the financial systems of the UN
  • Accounting programs: compare and contrast the systems of the US and the systems of the UK
  • Law: where legal aid is essential in financial protection in business by two or more founders
  • Financial accountability and risk management: a case study of (an NGO)
  • Contemporary financial trends and how it complicates or improve the financial sector
  • Analyze the challenges of modern banking systems and the risk for customers
  • Poverty alleviation schemes: a sham or a potential means to reduce poverty
  • The study of regulation and supervision in the banking industry
  • An Analysis of the strategies employed by microfinance institutions which leads to growth of business decline
  • A critical assessment of the trends in financial technology and its impacts on the growth of the industry within a 10-year scope
  • International banking and the systems to discover risk and fraud
  • Fraud: how Financial institutions can tackle the challenge of online scam
  • The transition from Traditional financial systems to contemporary financial systems: what changed?
  • The concerns of the public and their reactions to the commencement of IFRS in the UK
  • A critical study of real estate companies and agencies in the UK through the eyes of a banker
  • Investment banking: the link between capital structure and property management
  • An investigation into the influence of digital retail industries on the economic growth of US
  • Domestic and foreign banks: a study of profitability and risks
  • Retail Industry: how COVID-19 affected investment in the offline retail industry

Finance Topics for Presentation

If you’re considering research topics in finance for your presentation, you can as well choose business finance topics. These are topics about real-life situations which you can reflect on to your selected audience. Depending on the situation, you can fine-tune the following topics to your interest:

  • An analysis of a trend in the finance industry over the past two years
  • An assessment of pension plans and how retirees could remain in financial penury
  • Report of trading and the competition across countries of the world
  • The weakness of mutual funds and how it poses a challenge in the present day Financial market
  • How companies manage their asset and the chains of distribution
  • A critical Assessment of consumer behavior towards marketing in online stores and physical stores
  • Risk management and what it means for small businesses in the digital age
  • A guide to Forex trading and the things you must be conscious of
  • A study of trading accounts and trader interest in digital investments
  • An attempt to study investor protection and SEBI
  • The economic chart of China’s Belt and Road initiative and what it means for the international economy
  • The sustainability of Chinese economic growth: possibilities and dangers
  • The economic ties of China with Russia: the politics and the economic interests
  • The distinction between international politics and economics
  • The benefits of the global market in Chinese economic progression
  • Exchange rates and what leads to the changes in the market structure
  • How you can manage your finances even when you save more than half of your earnings
  • Macroeconomics and the problems of the international community: what is the role of macroeconomics in today’s world?
  • What are the standards of financial reporting and how does it improve business accountability
  • The profit of firms and how it affects corporate social responsibilities

Corporate Finance Research Topics

If you need a finance research topic list on investment, banking, or any other sector of international finance, you can still impress your professor with your topic choices. You can consider:

  • Does auditor independence help in achieving transparency and accountability in business?
  • Organizational structure and how it related to corporate debt rate
  • The ethical challenges of corporate finance and possible solutions for financial security
  • The importance of bank officials in the international stock exchange market
  • The effect of price fluctuations in the prices of stocks and bond ratings
  • The importance of the knowledge of business finance for an entrepreneur
  • Business modernization: what has changed and what remains practical?
  • Economic crisis: the challenge on corporate organizations and how they overcome economic death
  • Corporate organizations: a study of three companies and how they fared during the 2008/09 economic recession
  • Corporate organizations: the challenges COVID-19 pandemic caused and how they overcome it
  • Financial crisis: how the banking industry can help in the circulation of money
  • Why corporate organizations should learn about accounting and auditing
  • The economic structure of a corporate organization of your choice
  • The problems and challenges faced by corporate organizations under the contemporary financial systems
  • Financial realities: what it means for personal finances and corporate finances

International Finance Topics

If you’re interested in writing about international finance topics, you are not restricted to a particular continent or the economic part of the international economy. You can flex your potential across continents, even the politics involved in the economic systems of countries. You can consider finance research paper topics like:

  • A critical study of foreign investment and the trend of economic growth in Ghana
  • A study of the economy of China and Russia in the last 10 years
  • The trends in the international economic systems
  • The politics of international economy and how policies have political undertones
  • Saudi economic reform: the changes in foreign economic structures
  • Oil and gas industry: the market share of the industry and how it determines overall economic capacities of a country
  • The role of small businesses in the economic growth of the US
  • The advantages and challenges of digital banking
  • Assess the benefits and dangers of foreign investment in any African country
  • Study the trends of the Belt and Road initiative in the past 5 years and identify the changes in the acceptance of China’s economic power
  • The Financial crisis of 2007 was inevitable: discuss
  • What determines payouts and corporate dividends?
  • A review of financial terms in the international context
  • The effectiveness of financial forecasts and their impacts on internal development
  • An Assessment of the need for financial corporations in any country in Latin America
  • Global Financial crisis and what it means for every country of the world
  • Regional integration and the importance in a capitalist or socialist environment
  • What causes the devaluation of the currency of any country of your choice
  • What is the role of International Monetary Funds in alleviating systemic poverty in beneficiary countries
  • A study of liberal international economy and its potential benefits to all

Interesting Finance Topics

There are also interesting research topics for finance students to write about in your paper or essay. You can consider the following finance paper topics:

  • A study of the financial policies and structure of the United States under President Donald Trump
  • How can companies fail through their financial decisions: a case study of two companies
  • The role of financial markets in the sharing of Financial Resources?
  • The challenges of modernity in answering questions about digital banking
  • Social security: the financial side that protects customers
  • The possibilities of regulating the economy of a country through its financial resources and outlets
  • NGOs: the formation of financial resources and the problems associated over time
  • What do you think about taxes?
  • The principles of capitalism and how it affects personal savings for low-income earners
  • The ethics of financial management
  • The theory of economic integration in Europe
  • The UK exit Brexit: what does it mean for regional economic integration?
  • Budgetary and the challenges of the system
  • The implementation of taxation and the economic significance
  • Loans as the potential source of constant debt
  • There is more mathematics in finance
  • Finance encompasses the economy of nations and offers insights into functionalities
  • Online Investments: the test of individual financial choices

Public Finance Topics

If you want to know about the influence of a government in the economy of its state, you may need to analyze the context of finance, debt, taxation, and other finances. For your finance thesis topics, you can consider:

  • A critical study of the US government in its financial systems
  • The evaluation of how taxes are used to increase revenue
  • The idea of theory and practice when it involves taxation policies and implementations in the UK
  • How government share the revenue it raised
  • Budgeting and accounting systems of the government of your state of choice
  • Public finance and policies and how it could affect international trade
  • Public financial policies and how they could influence a company’s growth
  • The effects of the public finance sector on the international market
  • Economic efficiency and the role of public finance in achieving it
  • The world bank and its financial roles in an Asian country of your choice
  • Can countries do without financial regulatory bodies?
  • The role of public finance in increasing the growth of small business owners
  • The effect of population explosion on public finance
  • The Influence of modernity and technology on government Financial decisions
  • A study of bad credits and what it means for personal finances
  • An analysis of the economic reforms of President Xi of China
  • An analysis of the economic reforms of the United States under President Biden
  • An assessment of the economic reforms in contemporary Russia
  • An assessment of the economic systems before industrialization and after industrialization
  • The Influence of politics on public finance and growth
  • How does the relationship between the World Bank and a developing country aid or impeded economic development in that country?
  • How the implementation of hedge funds can help increase the economy of a country
  • The differences between loans and foreign investments
  • Public finance and poor management: what does it mean for the public?
  • How can governments make wise economic policies and reforms?

Finance Debate Topics

You may want to try international finance topics and convert them into a debate. There are many arguable financial topics to write about. You can explore the following topics:

  • College Education should be free
  • The evolution of digital banking makes every insecure
  • People do not need health or life insurance
  • Personal finance has nothing to do about personal behavior, it’s all about a high level of income
  • Buying a used car is better than buying a new car
  • It’s better to pay a student loan off first
  • Multinational corporations exist to keep their host countries in perpetual economic decline
  • The monopoly of multinational corporations is a sin
  • Cryptocurrency leads to financial insecurity
  • The digital retail Industry is the death of physical retail stores
  • Quality over quantity: what matters?
  • Job security is not what the government can guarantee
  • Financial security is a myth
  • Poverty alleviation schemes are only schemes that meet present challenges; they’re not sustainable
  • Healthcare should be commercialized
  • Everyone should access basic social needs without paying for it
  • The institution of taxation is dangerous for financial independence
  • There should be no poor people in developed countries
  • Capitalism is no better than communism as a flawed economic system
  • The danger of foreign aid is more than its benefits
  • Corruption is inevitable in the government and the private sectors
  • Nationalism is the death of globalized economics
  • There is no economic freedom
  • What makes multinational corporations superior is the backing of their home government
  • The weakness of a country is its economic policies, not the people
  • Private companies cannot help to improve a country’s economy
  • The industries of the public sector should be in private hands
  • Trade unions help secure better economic reforms
  • Corruption is inevitable in a growing economy
  • Oil is a major contributor to the growth of world finance
  • Loans are for the good of the borrower
  • Foreign investment is a curse in disguise
  • You can’t save up on your own

Topics in Mathematics with Applications in Finance

As you know, there are certain aspects of Mathematics in finance. If you want to elaborate on any topic in finance with connection to mathematics, you can choose either of the following:

  • Single variable calculus
  • Linear algebra
  • The concept of probability
  • Statistics and charts
  • Value Added Tax
  • The models of Value At Risk (VAR)
  • Stochastic Processes
  • The modeling of volatility
  • The models of commodity
  • The study of portfolio management
  • Factor modeling
  • Risk neutral valuation
  • The recovery theory of Ross
  • Interest rates and credits: HJM models
  • The time series models
  • The Quanto credit hedging
  • The theory of counterparty credit risk

Are You Having Trouble With Your Finance Dissertation?

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Information on Diploma and Master Theses

Prerequisites for a master’s or diploma thesis at the Research Group are certificates or passed exams in

• Stochastic Analysis (MA4405) • Continuous Time Finance (MA3702) • Master's seminar at the Research Group Finance and Actuarial Science • 2 further lectures in the area of ​​Financial Mathematics OR • 2 further lectures in the field of Actuarial Mathematics

• Master's seminar at the Research Group Finance and Actuarial Science • Financial Mathematics 1 (MA3407) and Financial Mathematics 2 (MA3408) OR • Insurance Mathematics 1 (MA3405) and Insurance Mathematics 2 (MA3406)

Please send your complete application documents to [email protected] . A decision on your application will be made by the research group according to available supervision capacities and you will be informed.

Information sheet on Master Theses at the Research Group Finance and Actuarial Science

The LaTeX template for Master Theses at the Research Group Finance and Actuarial Science can be downloaded from here:

Template Master and Diploma Theses (English)

Template Master and Diploma Theses (German)

Please note that theses at Department of Mathematics have to be organized according to a specific format. Further information can be obtained from  https://www.cit.tum.de/en/cit/studies/students/thesis-completing-your-studies/mathematics/  

Current and completed master and diploma theses

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  • Hu, Wenshuang: Mortality heterogeneity and biological age. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Lausser, Tobias: Closed-form portfolio optimization under generalized GARCH models. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Lyu, Zhe: Factor Models for Multivariate Asset Returns based on S-vines. , 2024 more…
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  • Niadbaila, Valeria: Versicherungsjahrabhängiges Storno in der privaten Krankenversicherung - Herleitung der Wahrscheinlichkeiten und Einfluss auf die ökonomische Bewertung in der Projektion. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Reimoser, Veronika: Composite Goodness-of-fit Tests with Kernels. Master thesis, 2024 more…
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  • Thanos, Alexander: Financial Time Series Forecasting with Transformer-based Models. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Tyagi, Ishita: A Multi-Curve Approach to Market Consistent Pricing. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Ahmeti, Diellza : Exploring Dynamic Pricing Strategies with Demand Covariates. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Ben Ali, Leandro Sami : Robust Portfolio Optimization for Small and Medium Sized Banks. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Fanta, Arved Niklas : SHAP-Value Analysis: Advantages and Disadvantages with application on insurance demand models. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Govindarajan, Ramsundar : A Generalized Framework for Applications of DDPG in Portfolio Optimization. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Herrera, Elvia : Cyber risk as a challenge to classical actuarial methods. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Hron, Peter: Dynamic Portfolio Optimization for Time-Inconsistent Models. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Iversen, Emma Kathrine Kokborg: Modeling the severity of the financial consequences of German fire incidents. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Jiang, Chen: Natural Catastrophe Modelling for Marine insurance. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • König, Matthias: Axiomatic Approaches to Performance Measures and their Applications. Master thesis, 2023 more…
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  • Maier, Tim: Combining Deep Learning with Reinforcement Learning for Cryptocurrency Market Making. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Mazutskii, Iurii: Hedging and optimizing Energy Portfolio, given evolution of risk exposure with energy transition and geographical location. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Molter, Eric: Portfolio Optimization in an affine GARCH Model Using Derivatives. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Papazoglou-Hennig, Jonas: Modelling Multivariate Financial Risk through Copula-based Distribution Learning. , 2023 more…
  • Pfanzelt, Tobias : A Global Model for Capital Markets: Improvement of Calibration to Account for Stylized Facts. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Philipp, Paul: Applications of Nonparametric Survival Analysis in Credit Risk. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Solfronk, Tobias : Maximum Mean Discrepancy for Model Comparisons. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Speck, Max: Portfolio Optimization with Parameter Uncertainty under a GARCH Model. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Srivastava, Manya : Modelling Recovery Rates for Real Estate Industry in Europe. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Taieb, Raphael : A stochastic approach to value Private Equity investments. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Tremmel, Stefan : Claim Frequency Modeling in Cyber Insurance. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Yang, Yu Jung (FIM): Multivariate Affine GARCH in portfolio optimization. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Yatskovskaya, Vlada (FIM): The effect of greenwashing allegations on green bond prices. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Zhang, Yuanxi: A Study on Portfolio Optimization with ESG Scores. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Zheng, Yibei: Implementing Constraints into Portfolio Optimization with Clustering. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Ziegltrum, Maximilian: Flexible regression models for the analysis of competing risks. , 2023 more…
  • Akachukwu, Dabelechukwu : Econometric Test for Predictive Accuracy. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Benčić, Josip : The Signature Transform and Applications. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Bürgermeister, Janik : Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Investment Strategies in Continuous Time. Master thesis, 2022 more…
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  • Fuchs, Felix : Option Pricing with Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Gonzalo, Victor Bastián: Dynamic Portfolio Optimization Based on a Crisis Indicator. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Hancharyk, Anton : Analysing the relation of expected signatures to laws of stochastic processes. , 2022 more…
  • Hau, Jenny: Robust Inference in Predictive Regressions of Stock Returns. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Hauner, Benedikt : Machine Learning in Empirical Asset Pricing: A global investor perspective. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Heinrich, Anna: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mortality of the German Population - A Comparison with four other European Countries. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Huberty, Cédric : Deep Hedging and Market Generation. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Lehste, Antonia: Intergenerational Risk Sharing in Collective Defined Contribution Plans. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Mayer, Korbinian: Term Structure Forecasting using Machine Learning. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Melling, Teresa : Tweedie’s Compound Poisson Model - Application to Insurance Claims Modelling. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Reißwich, Maria : Multi-population mortality models: Comparison of the frequentist approach and the Bayesian inference in development of the multi-population mortality models. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Schmidt, Jakob : Earnings Forecast via Machine Learning and Estimation of the Implied Cost of Capital. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Schulz, Jakob : Individual Claims Reserving Models in Non-Life Insurance - A Survey. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Strack, Alexander (TopMath): The Martingale Hypothesis for a First Order Markovian-in-Mean. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Wang, Yuping : Decomposition of Anomaly Returns – Mispricing or Risk? Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Altheimer, Julia (FIM): Financial Analysis of solar and storage Power Purchase Agreements. Master thesis, 2021 more…
  • Belli, Emanuele: The market impact of corporate bond ETFs – An empirical analysis of European bond markets. Master thesis, 2021 more…
  • Deubelli, Maximilian: Extreme Value Theory in Practice. Modelling High Water Levels at the Isar. Master thesis, 2021 more…
  • Grill, Alexander: Reinforcement Learning for dynamic Investment Strategies. Master thesis, 2021 more…
  • Kobler, Stefanie: Vuong Test for Model Selection and its Application to Machine Learning. Master thesis, 2021 more…
  • Le, Phuong Mai: Gaussian and Student's t multivariate time series models and their relation to vine copulas. Master thesis, 2021 more…
  • Schoder, Kea: Design and Demand of Retirement Products in the Accumulation Phase - An Analysis of the Policyholders' Perspective. Master thesis, 2021 more…
  • Spies, Ben : Expected Utility Theory on General Affine GARCH Models. Master thesis, 2021 more…
  • Tippeswamy, Kartik: Experience Rating in Competitive Insurance Markets under Asymmetric Information. Master thesis, 2021 more…
  • Wenzel, Matthias: Vine-based Stationary Time Series Models for Mixed-Type Data. Master thesis, 2021 more…
  • Blagoeva, Aleksandra Yordanova: Computing optimal portfolios of credit-risky assets under Marhall-Olkin distribution. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Chen, Miaomiao: Bonds and the Cross-section of Stocks: International Evidence. , 2020 more…
  • Dokic, Teodora: Green Bonds – Impact of environmental changes on the bond market. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Elsherif, Kesmat: Vehicle Classification – Using Different Machine Learning Algorithms to create Vehicle Risk Classes. , 2020 more…
  • Euthum, Maximilian: Multi-Population Mortality Models - A Comparison via a Socio-Economic Index of Deprivation on Italian Population. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Fuchsberger, Manuel: Directed Percolation and the Transition to Turbulence: A geo-Statistical Analysis. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Geck, Uwe: Extracting Short-Term Interest Rates from Derivatives Data – A Comparative Analysis. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Geske, Flora (FIM): Social-Media based NLP-powered ESG Scoring Methodology. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Gollart, Maximilian (FIM): Portfolio Optimization with Affine GARCH Models. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Harmuth, Lukas: State-Space Models with Regime-Switching – an Application to Crude Oil Markets. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Heger, Julia: Modeling, Decomposing and Forecasting Credit Spreads using Machine Learning Methodology. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Hinken, Maria: Stackelberg Games in Insurance and Reinsurance. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Hötzelsperger, Michael: Kalibrierung und Validierung eines 2-Faktor-Hull-White Modellsin einem Economic Scenario Generator unter Solvency II. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Kielmann, Julia: Modelling of Dependence between Oil Price Shocks and Stock Market Returns using Dynamic Vine Copula Models. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Kiesl, Josef: Implementation of factor strategies in the financial market. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Kschonnek, Michel : Portfolio Optimization: Not Necessarily Concave Utility and Constraints on Wealth and Allocation. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Legat, Markus: Lead-lag effects in the VIX ETPs. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Li, Jiaqi: Statistische Modelle für medizinische Inflation. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Morgenstern, Amelie: Driving macroeconomic factors of individual recovery rates. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Ohlwerter, Dennis: Contributing to estimating the distribution of household wealth. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Rauscher, Marco: A machine learning approach to predict trends of exchange traded products on the VIX. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Rexho, Nensi: Applications of Extreme Value Theory in Cyber Risk Modelling. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Salama, Hana Sameh Ahmed: Copula Transformation Method for Collective Risk Models. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Scharpf, Lea: Betrachtung von Emil J. Gumbel als Lehrperson aus politischer und mathematischer Perspektive mit einer fachdidaktischen Analyse statistischer Lehrinhalte. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Stein, Noel: Neural Networks for Claims Reserves Estimation in Legal Expenses Insurance. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Theel, Vanessa (FIM): Inference from Annual ESG-Scores and Social-Media based Sconing Methodology. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Theilacke, Lorenz: A Neural Network Approach To Optimal Investment Strategies. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Walther, Jasmin: Stochastic Mortality Modelling - Comparative Model Analysis and Quantification of Longevity Risk under Solvency II. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Weber, Jan (FIM): Securitization of solar power purchase agreements. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Wiggenhauser, Rayna Josefina: The Hierarchical Lévy-Frailty Default Model - Application to CDO Pricing. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Wiyoga, Gusnadi: Combination of Two Approximation Approaches in Insurance Liability Modeling. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Yao, Limei : Market anomalies using machine learning techniques. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Abed, Bassant: Customer churn prediction in the insurance industry using machine learning methods (in cooperation with ERGO). Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Antonin, Carina (FIM): Approximation of the Loss Distribution for a Generalized Multi-Period Credit Risk Model. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Bayerlein, Melanie: Machine Learning in Life Insurance – Searching for patterns in Stochastic projections (in Kooperation mit Swiss Life). Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Beckmann, Martin: Dissecting characteristics via machine learning. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Brück, Florian: Clarke's Test For Non-Nested Model Comparison. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Dias Duarte, Ruben : Comparison of Interest Rate Models based on their Sensitivity Profile and Hedge Performance for Multi-Callables. , 2019 more…
  • Giss, Viktor: The Idiosyncratic Volatility Puzzle and Average Stock Variance Evidence from Japan. , 2019 more…
  • Imeraj, Arben: The BIX-Creating a Bitcoin Volatility Index. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Keller, Maximilian (FIM): Dynamic Investment Strategies under Minimum Guarantee and Risk Contraints. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Miao, Xinyue: A comparison of liquidity proxies for the German stock market. , 2019 more…
  • Müller, Felix Alexander: Managing Mortality Risk with Pooled Annuity Funds under a stochastic mortality approach. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Perevozchikova, Elena: Modelling Oil Price Shocks and Stock Market Returns using D-Vine Copula Models. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Qi, Mingxin: Risk Free Interest Rate Implied from Put-Call Parity Relation for German Market. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Satzger, Franziska: Model Dependence Analysis between a Risk Model and Churn Model in Non-Life Insurance. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Schischke, Amelie (FIM): Modelling Recovery Rates. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Schneider, Zeno: A machine learning approach to estimate analyst forecast errors. , 2019 more…
  • Schnell, Alexander: Pricing of Callable Perpetual Contingent Convertible Bonds. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Seith, Theresa: Optimal Investment Strategies for Participating Contracts. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Sinani, Ayrton: Analysis of DAX Options and Warrants. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Tupko, Olha: Machine learning techniques for insurance claims prediction. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Veit, Benedikt: Machine Learning Applications for Asset Allocation. , 2019 more…
  • Walther, Max (FIM): Timing an sizing of residential PV in New South Wales with a real option approach. , 2019 more…
  • Winter, Denis: Machine Learning in Insurance in cooperation with ERGO. , 2019 more…
  • Xie, Linyi: A Protocol for Factor Identification: Theory and steps to replicate. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Zilker, Ludwig: The Hüsler-Reiss Copula - Properties, Estimation and Simulation. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Ausäderer, Patrick: A Comparison of Factor Models for the Japanese Stock Market. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Burkart, Moritz: Emil J. Gumbel´s Contribution to Multivariate Analysis. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Bösing, Gerald: Dependencies between Sub-portfolios in Prohabilistic Natural Hazard Models: Analysis and Approximation with Copulas. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Dobler, Stefan: Pricing of long-term CDO-like Structure in Life Reinsurance. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Graßl, Sarah: Industry Trade Networks and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns: Evidence from Germany. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Heck, Daniel: Price Discovery and Efficiency in Bitcoin Markets. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Helm, Jonathan: Portfolio diversification using the hierarchical clustering approach. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Hermann, Kirstina: Behavioral Asset Pricing in the Stock Markets of the United States and Great Britain. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Heyn, Claudia: Contagion in Time Continuous Bank Run models. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Kammerer, Alexander (FIM): Decomposition of Credit Spreads For Euro Area Government and Corporate Bonds. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Kopic, Petra: Reconstructing of a financial network – Comparison of the Exponential random graph model and the Fitness model. , 2018 more…
  • Krüger, Daniel: General Vine Copula Models for Stationary Multivariate Time Series. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Le, Francesca (FIM): Large VAR modeling with application to energy data. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Mattejat, Roman : Reducing the Impact of Estimation Error on Portfolio Optimization. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Mulgrew, Harry : Pricing Bitcoin Options using Extension of the Black Scholes Model & Determining the Economics of Cryptocurrency Competition. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Panagiotopoulou, Konstantina: Modeling and forecasting downturn LGD. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Preissler, Fabian: Model Comparison with Sharpe Ratios – How to Choose Model Factors for Asset Pricing Models? Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Rosenkranz, Fabian: Self-Harming Mergers - A Game Theoretical Analysis. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Senn, Markus (FIM) : Price of Liquidity in the Reinsurance of Fund Returns – Analytic and Numerical Valuation. , 2018 more…
  • Sinani, Ayrton : Overprice Warrants in the EU Market. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Spyridaki, Chloi Zanet: Statistical inference for Blomqvist´s beta. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Steffan, Dominik (FIM): An Experimental Comparison of Balanced Scorecard and Fix Remuneration Systems - With Focus on Cultural Differences between Australia and Germany. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Steinbach, Sarah Andrea: ALM-Optimization using Core-Satellite Decomposition and Robustification. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Wellbrock, Felix: On the Relation between Implied Cost of Capital and Stock Returns Using Models Including Current Earnings Forecasts. , 2018 more…
  • Wissing, Alexander: Forecasting claim inflation in non-life insurance using macroeconomic factors. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Zeller, Gabriela (FIM): Hawkes Processes in Insurance: Risk Modelling and Optimal Investment. , 2018 more…
  • Zheng, Xinyi (FIM): Deep Learning in Index Forecasting and Portfolio Optimization. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Bednorz, Nico: Spurious regression and cointegration of unit-root time series. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Dörrie, Philipp (FIM): Stress testing with ROM simulation. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Fraga Esparza, Pablo Isaac : Rearrangement Algorithm. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Haas, Alexandra Valérie : Forecasting GDP for the Euro Area using Dynamic Factor Models for Mixed Frequency Data. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Han, Jae June : Risk Premia in Crude Oil Futures and Option Markets. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Havrylenko, Yevhen: Optimal fees in hedge funds with first-loss compensation using non-concave utility maximization. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • He, Yiyi : Computational aspects for multivariate shortfall risk allocation. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Herold, Paul: Interpolation of Implied Volatilities via Chebyshev Interpolation. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Jürgensen, Kristofer: Modeling Seasonal Stochastic Volatility in Agricultural Futures Markets. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Klausz, Michael : Efficient Option Pricing by ‘Magic Points’ in one and two Dimensions. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Kronbauer, Thomas: Pricing and hedging Bermudas Swaptions. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Liu, Cancan: Optimal Mean-Variance portfolio Selection in Continuous Time via Markov-Modulated Stochastic Optimal Control. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Lubojanski, Martin (FIM): Diversity in Financial Risk Management – Revisiting the Lehman Sisters Hypothesis. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Mahler, Johannes: Stress testing of credit portfolio models. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Prinzbach, Diana (FIM): Hedging of bunker fuel cost with futures or forwards. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Spiegelberg, Leonhard (FIM): Model-free approaches for evaluation counterparty credit risk. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Tamburini, Andrea: Dynamic factor copula models and systemic risk in the banking sector. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Tobert, Dennis: Seasonal Stochastic Volatility in Commodity Markets. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Wieczorek, Jakub : Explaining aggregated recovery rates. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Wong, Shu Yeung: Low-rank tensor approximation methods for financial problems. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Abend, Stephan: Bid-Ask Calibration of Lévy Models – Theory and Implementation. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Ailer, Elisabeth: Value-at-Risk Decomposition and Sensitivies. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Amtmann, Stefan: Statistical Tools for Fraud Detection in Hedge Fund Returns. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Becker, Jonas: Catastrophe Bond Pricing with Application to a left-truncated NatCat linked Loss Index. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Bergen, Volker (FIM): Robust multivariate portfolio choice with stochastic covariance in presence of ambiguity. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Bollman, Laslo (FIM): Predicting Influenza-Like Illness in the USA. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Borowiak, Przemyslaw: Sovency II: Standard formula vs. internal models. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Börsch, Annika: Multi-asset perspective on private equity. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Capuano, Annalaura : Overpriced OTC derivatives. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Cera, Katharina (FIM): General Semi-Markov Model for Limit Order Books: Theory, Implementation and Numerics. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Ding-Hirschfeld, Mei (FIM): Designing new ventures for serving foreign merkets – the evaluation and choice of sales channel(s) by the example of a Chinese home acceccories venture in Germany. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Fließbach, Carolin : Economic Scenario Generation – A Statistical Evaluation on the Example of a Stochastic Investment Model. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Gatzka, Fabian (FIM): Hybrid Methods for Valuing Executive Share Options & Numerical Experiments. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Glock, Christian: CVaR Portfolio - A Scenario-based Approach Using Copulas. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Gruber, Oskar: State-dependent Bootstrapping of Investment Strategies. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Han, Yang (FIM): Statistical and Empirical Properties of Factor Model Quantile Simulation. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Heuke, Jakob: Copula Modelling of Dependence in Multivariate Time Series. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Hiller, Maximilian: Optimal Investment Strategies under Illiquid Liabilities. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Hoffmann, Jannik: Inflation-Protected Investment Strategies. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Höhn, Vincent (FIM): Fee structures in hedge funds – An equilibrium between manager and investor. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Ivanova, Maria : Smart Beta: Funds Performance Evaluation. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Kaufmann, Florian (FIM): The effect of diversification on value for international financial institutions. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Kriebel, Paul (FIM): Portfolio optimization under regulatory constraints. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Kunzelmann, Sven: Endpoint Estimation in Extreme Value Theory with application to sport records. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Lachenmaier, Alexander: Minimum CVaR based portfolio construction – Comparing different strategies for CDS portfolios. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Lichtenstern, Andreas (FIM): Behavioral Finance Driven Investment Strategies. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Maslova, Valeriia : Multi-Asset CVaR: Minimizing Downside Risk of Multi-Asset Class Portfolios. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Michel, Daniel: Non-linear statistical models for incomplete data. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Mirosnikov, Matvei : Preselection of Financial Instruments for the Portfolio Replication. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Pötz, Christian: Chebyshev Interpolation for Parametric Option Pricing: Empirical and Theoretical Investigations. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Scherer,Julia (FIM): Who holds the Carbon Risk bomb? Overview of potential Risk Takers. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Seifert, Felix (FIM): The Impact of Time Series Models in Coherent Mortality Projection. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Sloot, Henrik: Exogenous shock models. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Stolz, Barbara (FIM): An Actuarial Analysis of Australian Retirement Village Contracts. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Teuma Manekeng, Stephanie : Vine Copula specifications for stationary multivariate time series. Master thesis, 2016 more…
  • Altemeyer, Raphael: FEM for 2D Heston’s Pricing PDE. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Anzer, Gabriel: Modelling of Loan Recovery Rates. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Arbeiter, Michael: Bilateral CVA under Collateralization, Rehypothecation and Netting. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Asfaw, Zelalem: Interest Rate Risk Under Solvency II. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Bienek, Tobias: Constrained Portfolio Optimization. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Brummer, Ludwig: Liability Driven Investment Strategies. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Criens, David: Construction of Equivalent Martingale Measures. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Ebach, Eva Marie : On the Usage if Entropy Distributions to Quantify Investors Sentiment in Capital Markets. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Engel, Janina (FIM): One-factor Lévy-frailty copulas with inhomogeneous trigger rate parameters. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Felski, Nassi-Florian: Extracting the implied factor premiums from a FAMA-French three-factor model using implied cost of capital estimates. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Gschnaidtner, Christoph: Ein multivariates stochastisches Volatilitätsmodell für Anwendungen im Devisenmarkt. Bachelor thesis, 2015 more…
  • Ivanov, Ievgen: Copula Based Factor Models for Multivariate Asset Returns. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Jaser, Miriam: Ein Frühwarnsystem zur Beurteilung der Bonität börsennotierter Unternehmen. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Klotz, Stefan (FIM): Interantional Yield Curve Prediction with Common Functional Principal Component Analysis. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Kramlinger , Peter : Determining the Number of Factors in Approximate Factor Models. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Lingauer, Michael: FAVAR Modelle: Theorie, Schätzung und Anwendung. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Lui, Chang: Option Evaluation using Reduced Basis. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Mayer, Martin Anton: Consistent Estimation of Factor Models using principal components. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Melnikova, Ksenia : Calibration oft the affine LIBOR model. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Michel, Daniel: Non-linear statistical models for mixed frequency data. , 2015 more…
  • Munkelberg, Dennis: Comparison of estimation procedures for the structure of hierarchical Archimedean copulas. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Möbus, Lisa: Dynamic Factor Models : Estimation and Applications. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Neumann, Moritz: Entwicklung eines Optimierungsverfahrens für das Hedging von Optionen im Kundengeschäft. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Oganian, Maria: FEM for Heston’s and 2D Black-Scholes‘ Pricing PDE. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Panz, Sven: Pricing multiple barrier derivatives under stochastic volatility and random covariance. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Probst, Johannes: Analysis of Downturn Effects in the Modeling of Loss Given Default. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Schneider, Benedikt: Quantifizierung von CVA bei verallgemeinertem Wrong-Way-Risk Credit Value Adjustment with respect to generalized Wrong-way risk. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Schneller, Marvin: The impact of senior managers´ reputation on internal capital markets: Empirical evidence from the S&P 500. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Weichenberger, Andreas (FIM): Contingent Convertibles and the Extension Risk. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Welsing, Simon: Nonlinear Shrinkage estimation of Covariance Matrices for Portfolio Selection. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Will, Martin: Portfolio Insurance Strategies: Stop-Loss versus CPPI. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Wurzer, Tobias: The Regime-Switching Multi-Curve LIBOR Model. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Zawadzki, Emil : A two-step estimator for approximate factor models based on Kalman filtering. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Zimmermann, Maximilian: The Finite Element Method with Splines for Option Pricing. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Amrhein, Lisa: Modellierung deutscher Wetterdaten mittels mehrdimensionaler Extremwerttheorie. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Bi, Monika: Generalized Principal Component Models – Next Generation. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Cossmann, Eike Alexander: Fortgeschrittene Life Cycle Asset Allocation. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Denk, Katharina: Optionality Properties in the Return Distribution of Hedge Fund Returns. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Eden, Markus: Pricing FX Forwards including bilateral counterparty risk and funding costs. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Fuchs, Markus: Markov-Switching Multifraktale Modelle mit Anwendungen. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Grobosch, Sonja: Diskrete Nicht-Wahrscheinlichkeits-Markt-Modelle: Transaktionskosten, Arbitrage und Implementierung. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Gschnaidtner, Christoph: Parameter recovery for the Heston stochastic volatility model. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Gu, Jingjing: Forecasting Electricity Prices Using Artificial Neural Networks. , 2014 more…
  • Gu, Jingjing: Anwendung künstlicher neuronaler Netze zur Strompreisprognose an der EEX. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Hegenloh, Samuel: Realoptions-Portfolios in Kraftwerkparks: Bewertung und optimale Ausübungsstrategien von gegenseitig abhängigen Optionen. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Hirt, Marcel: Zinsderivate in Multi-Curve-Modellen. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Hock, Andreas: Portfolio Loss Distributions for Asset-backed Securities with Moderately Heterogeneous Assets. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Hong, Zicheng: Numerische Methoden für rückwärts-stochastische Differentialgleichungen mit Anwendungen in Finanzmathematik. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Hüttner, Amelie: Bewertung und optimale Kapitalstruktur in einem strukturellen Kreditrisikomodell basierend auf einem Springprozess. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Ickenroth, Tim: Dynamic Investment Strategies under Behavioral Aspects. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Killiches, Matthias: Refinanzierungsrisiken. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Krieg, Korbinian: Variational Solution of the Pricing PDE for European Options in the CEV Model – Analysis and Finite Element Implementation. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Lorenz, Christian: Power Plant Valuation with Switching Options. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Morelli, Valerio: Goodness-of-fit tests for elliptical distributions. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Neginsky, Dmitry: Pricing and Hedging of VIX Options. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Polta, Florian: Äquivalante Martingalmaße in unvollständigen Märkten: Eigenschaften und Zusammenhänge. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Ruppert, Melchior (FIM): Factor Model Quantile Simulation of Stock Returns. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Schuberth, Steffen (FIM): Real Options in Strategic Management. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Sigle, Patrick: Hedging of structured products. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Stark, Tina: Development and Evaluation of a Robust Portfolio Modeling Approach with Budgeted Robustness. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Storhas, Dominik (FIM): Multiscale Causalities and Dependencies in Oil and Refined Product Markets – A Wavelet Coherence and Symbolic Wavelet Transfer Entropy Approach. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Su, Yue: The Herd Behavior Index – Implementation based on DAX index data. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Sun, Xiao: Mengenwettbewerb mit allgemeinen zeitlichen Entscheidungsstrukturen. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Walter, Sebastian: Credit Valuation Adjustments und Wrong-Way Risk – Eine umfassende Fallstudie zum Thema Risikomanagement von Gegenpartei-Risiko. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Wiersch, Claudia: Reduced basis method for option pricing in the CEV-model - Analysis and Numerical Implementation. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Zhang, Wenqian: Abhängigkeitsmodellierung mithilfe von Kopulas für Versicherungsrisiken. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • von Bonhorst, Leopold: Empirische Identifikation heterogener Risikopräferenzen. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Bao, Min: Bayesian Vector Autoregressive Models and their Applications. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Gauß, Annika: Wind Speed Simulation and Insurance Products for Wind Farm Investors. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Gengler, Christian: Non-Linear Filtering for Mean Reversion Processes with Heston Volatility. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Groß, Christina: Dynamische Portfoliooptimierung mit Hilfe eines Regime-Wechsel Modells. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Hiller, Martin: Option Pricing in a Black-76 Framework with Semi-Markov-Modulated Volatility. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Hümmer, Michael: Herdenverhalten auf experimentellen Finanzmärkten: Eine empirische Überprüfung theoretischer Erklärungen. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Kant, Benjamin: Saddlepoint approximation in portfolio default models with conditionally independent and identically distributed (CIID) default times. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Kraus, Daniel: Estimating default risk in the banking sector using financial stress indicators and Rregime switching models. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Krause, Daniel (FIM): Stochastic Covariance and Dimension Reduction in the Pricing of Basket Options. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Leonhardt, Daniel: Modeling Commodity Futures Using a Cointegrated Extended Geometric Model. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Ramsauer, Franz (FIM): Pricing of Variable Annuities - Incorporation of Policyholder Behavior. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Rudolph, Benedikt (FIM): Estimation of continuous time stochastic covariance models. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Schmidt, Tim: Pricing Timer Options. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Stosch, Maximilian: Copulas: Statistical estimation and goodness-of-fit tests. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Zhou, Bianca Wenyü: Einkommensverteilung und intergenerationale Mobilität: Die Rolle von öffentlichen Bildungsausgaben. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Abe, Christine : Valuation of Convertible Bonds using the Jump to Default Extended CEV Model. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Angerer, Christian von: Construction of arbitrage-free volatility surfaces - An empirical examination based on different market scenarios. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Beying, Christopher: Konzeption und Aufbau eines dynamischen Planungs- und Kontrollinstruments für das Startup miBaby. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Blum, Mathias: Asymptotic expansions for compound distributions in Operational Risk. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Bohner, Christian: Agent staffing in an Allianz customer service center subject to service level constraints. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Bredl, Thomas: The Economics of Orders, Decorations and Medals: Modelling and Testing Political Awarding Cycles. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Diewald, Laszlo (FIM): Seasonal patterns in commodity returns: MCMC estimation of time-dependent jumps. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Gaß, Maximilian: Laplace inversion pricing methodologies for portfolio default models. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Geldner, Daniel: Weather Derivatives and Electricity Demand Modeling. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Hannecker, Sebastian: Intraday-Spotpreismodellierung an Elektrizitätsmärkten. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Hasselmann, Gunnar: Entwicklung eines Optimierungsverfahrens zur Bestimmung der Eigen- und Fremdkapitalquote in der Finanzplanung eines Gaskraftwerks. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Hauptmann, Johannes (FIM): A Fast and Accurate Estimation of Risk Measurements for Large Mark-to-Market Credit Portfolios with Random Recovery and Correlation. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Hortig, Christian Andre: Simulation von Finanzszenarien mit verschiedenen Ansätzen. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Hörhammer, Stefan: Modellierung und Strukturierung von Assetportfolios - ein Markov Switching Ansatz -. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Jansen, Sebastian: Volatility as an asset class. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Kallert, Lisa: Tail Risk Hedging Strategies. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Kampert, Nils: Weather derivatives – Risk management of a portfolio. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Kishkurno, Dimitri: CPPI under Liquidity Risk. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Kostoposlos, Dimitrios: Investor Sentiment and the cross-section of Stock returns. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Kunze, Matthias : Implied Recovery Models - Application of three different Implied Recovery Models to pre-default CDS Spreads of distressed Companies. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Kutzmutz, Monika: Genetische Information und private Versicherungen. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Leidner, Jan: Energy commodity price models and their implementation with the Kalman filter. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Link, Thomas: Central Banks as Lenders of Last Resort. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Lu, Sien: Variance Reduction Methods for Value-at-Risk Calculation. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Mahlstedt, Mirco (FIM): Pricing of multivariate derivatives with two barriers. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Matzeder, Michael (FIM): Data Snooping Tests on Technical Rules and Nearest Neighbor Algorithms. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Mitterreiter, Michael: Market crises and the 1/N Asset-Allocation Strategy. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Müller-Rensing, Sven-Lars: Coherence of production technologies and hedging activity of power supplyers. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Natolski, Jan: Simulation of jump diffusion processes and applications in pricing defautable securities. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Niedermeier, Melanie: Modeling Local Volatility Using Implied Trees. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Peintinger, Sebastian: Evaluating the Implied Cost of Capital from a Nonlinear Perspective. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Roemer, Nikolas: Modellrisikoanalyse des Common Background Vector Modells für Kreditrisiko. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Rupaner, Julia: Der Rearrangement Algorithmus. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Steinrücke, Lea: The LIBOR market model – a stochastic volatility extension of the LOG-normal model. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Sörgel, Nina: Variance reduction schemes for Monte Carlo methods in portfolio credit risk. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Vilensky, Aleksey: Zur Übertragbarkeit von Alterungsrückstellung in der privaten Krankenversicherung. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Weese, Martin: Modeling the Price Dynamics of CO2 Emission Allowances for Multiple Trading Periods. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Zhao, Wenting: Performance-Maße und deren Anwendungen. Diplom thesis, 2012 more…
  • Zheng, Lecong: Integrated scorecard rating model with macroeconomic forecast. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Baureis, Thomas: Dynamic Efficient Frontiers. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Bernhart, German: Default Models Based On Scale Mixtures Of Marshall-Olkin Copulas: Properties And Applications. Master thesis, 2011 more…
  • Braun, Alexander: Credit Portfolio Modeling - Credit Risk vs. One-Factor Copula models. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Cheng, Yi: Liability Hedging. Master thesis, 2011 more…
  • Czembor, Piotr: Portfolio Optimization under Asset Pricing Anomalies. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Dietrich, Eva-Maria: Counterpartyrisk under IFRS. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Einig, Kolja: Pricing certificates under issuer risk in a stochastic volatility model. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Frielingsdorf, Tobias: Impact of factor models on portfolio risk measures. A structural approach. Master thesis, 2011 more…
  • Hoppenkamps, Anja : Der Kapitalmarktseismograph - Theorie und Anwendung. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Jäger, Christoph: Interest Rate Models for Scenario Generation. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Kemmler, Bastian: Portfolio Management und Performance Analyse - Strategisches Asset Management in einer simulierten Handelsumgebung. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Knöferl, Harald: Calibration of a real world economic scenario generator. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Krause, Daniel (FIM): Stochastic Covariance and Dimension Reduction in the Pricing of Basket Options. Master thesis, 2011 more…
  • Landgraf, Jan: Option Pricing with Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic Volatility Models. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Lazarovici, Remy Alexander: The impact of ownership concentration on voluntary IFRS adoption: An empirical analysis of European companies. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Ma, Shihe: Valuation of Options with Dividends using Monte Carlo Methods. Master thesis, 2011 more…
  • Machatschek, Pascal: Personnel scheduling at check-in counters subject to stochastic demand. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Maier, Duongmani: Stochastic Optimal Consumption Models. Master thesis, 2011 more…
  • Meier, Lorenz: Loss Aversion and Skill Heterogeneity in a Tullock Contest. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Neumann, Maximilian Alexander (FIM): The Determinants of Jump and Variance Risk Premia. Master thesis, 2011 more…
  • Neumann, Michael: The Dynamics of Risk-Neutral Higher Moments: Evidence from the S&P 500 Options. Master thesis, 2011 more…
  • Neykova, Daniela: Derivates Pricing under Stochastic Covariance with a Fast and a Slow Mean-reverting Component. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Reuß, Andreas: The alpha-stable regime switching model and its applications in Finance. Master thesis, 2011 more…
  • Schenk, Steffen: CIID models: A new multivariate default model based on CGMY-type processes. Master thesis, 2011 more…
  • Schmid, Ludwig: A new portfolio credit default model based on a CIID construction with shot-noise processes. Master thesis, 2011 more…
  • Schulz, Thorsten: A conditionally independence model for credit portfolios based on dependent intensities with incomplete information. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Schuster, Andreas: A Nonparametric Approach to Evaluate Switching-Options. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Schwaiger, Christoph: Modeling and valuing wind power plants using option theory. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Spitaler, Patrick: Pricing and hedging of CDO tranches using CIID models. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Syryca, Janik: The Implied Cost of Capital, a new approach with panel regression. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Ta Dinh, Khoa: Pooling - Gleichgewichte auf privaten Versicherungsmärkten. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Vicedom, Sebastian: Discrete option delta replication with proportional transaction costs. Master thesis, 2011 more…
  • Werner, Simon: Longstaff-Schwartz and LIBOR Market Model. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Wobst, Michael: Realized Covariance Modeling with Adaptive Approach. Diplom thesis, 2011 more…
  • Zhao, Jie: Credit CPPI – Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance in Fixed Income Markets. Master thesis, 2011 more…
  • Artinger, Helmut: Longevity Risk in the Pension Context. Diplom thesis, 2010 more…
  • Comparative studies of discrete-time limit order book models: CPPI strategies in a Markov switching framework. Diplom thesis, 2010 more…
  • Gross , Michael: Abnormale Ankündigungsrenditen bei Unternehmensübernahmen. Diplom thesis, 2010 more…
  • Hieber, Peter: Incorporating default risk in an equity portfolio optimization. Master thesis, 2010 more…
  • Hroß, Sven: Die Theorie der großen Abweichungen zur Schätzung von VaR und CVaR für Kreditportfolios. Master thesis, 2010 more…
  • Kraus, Carolin: Quantifizierung und Analyse von Liquiditätsrisiken. Diplom thesis, 2010 more…
  • Krimm, Theresa: Asset Allocation und Nachhaltigkeit in turbulenten Marktphasen. Master thesis, 2010 more…
  • Kroker, Matthias: Private equity investors in Europe - stock picking specialists or governance champions? Master thesis, 2010 more…
  • Leonhardt, Daniel (FIM): Modeling Commodity Futures Using a Cointegrated Extended Geometric Model. Master thesis, 2010 more…
  • Liebhart, Valentin: The Market Risk of Listed Private Equity: An Empirical Analysis. Master thesis, 2010 more…
  • Linezki, Denis: Structural Credit-Risk Models. Diplom thesis, 2010 more…
  • Marchionini, Robert: Entscheidungstheorie und rationales Herdenverhalten in der Gesundheitsökonomie. Diplom thesis, 2010 more…
  • Mayer, Klaus: Kraftwerksbewertung mit Switching Optionen. Diplom thesis, 2010 more…
  • Müller, Stephan: Asset Management Simulation. Master thesis, 2010 more…
  • Niklas, Michael: Organallokation in den USA, Spanien und Deutschland - Vergleich der Allokationsalgorithmen und empirischer Aspekte. Diplom thesis, 2010 more…
  • Pankratov, Pavlo: Estimation of equity premia from credit risk premia and calibration and implementation of an approach based on credit agencies ratings. Diplom thesis, 2010 more…
  • Pleie, Frans-Mathis: Private Equity Investments and Managerial Incentives - An analysis of European companies. Diplom thesis, 2010 more…
  • Rauch, Johannes: Pricing of Commodity Derivatives and Derivatives on Commodity Indices. Master thesis, 2010 more…
  • Rubinov, Alexander: Delta Hedging With Regime Switching Implied Volatilities. Master thesis, 2010 more…
  • Schembera, Alexander: Messung von idiosynkratischen Risiken bei Leveraged Buy-out-Transaktionen. Diplom thesis, 2010 more…
  • Seibert, Annelene: Hedging von Variable Annuities mit Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefits. Diplom thesis, 2010 more…
  • Selch, Daniela: Libor Market Model with SABR-style Stochastic Volatility. Diplom thesis, 2010 more…
  • Stamm, Sebastian: Forecasting Commodity Spot Prices - An Empirical Analysis of Time Series and Futures-based Models. Master thesis, 2010 more…
  • Stibli, Martin: Realoptionen bei Investitionen in Humankapital - Eine bildungsökonomische Betrachtung in diskreter und stetiger Zeit. Diplom thesis, 2010 more…
  • Vogt, Christofer: A Fund of Hedge Funds under Regime Switching. Master thesis, 2010 more…
  • Yang, Y.: American Options in the Heston Model. Diplom thesis, 2010 more…
  • Banholzer, Dirk: Intensity-Based Credit Risk Models. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Beyschlag, Georg: Do investment-cash flow sensitivities really exist for German firms? Evidence from the impact of Working Capital management, the influence of banks and the ownership structure. Master thesis, 2009 more…
  • Denkl, Stephan: On the Black-Scholes Strategy in Exponential Lévy Models. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • El Moufatich, Fayssal: Economic Scenario Generators: Calibration, Simulation and Comparison from an ALM Perspective. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Ernst, Cornelia: The most reliable approach to measure Value at Risk adjusted for market liquidity. Master thesis, 2009 more…
  • Friederich, Tim: Credit Modeling of Hedge Funds. Master thesis, 2009 more…
  • Grossmann, Martin: M&A Activity of German Family Firms. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Grottenthaler, Cordula: Untersuchungen zu oberen und unteren Schranken von Basket-Optionen. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Gürses, Ertan: Empirische Untersuchung des Stromhandels - Ein europaweiter Vergleich von Strombörsen. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Hanke, Christian: Portfolio Optimization under Partial Information. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Hauck, Matthias: Wettbewerb im Non-Profit-Sektor - Eine theoretische Analyse. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Hippe, Yvonne: Das Heston LIBOR Market Model mit und ohne Shift-Parameter. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Kalepky, Markus: Implied Densities, Volatility Dynamics and Application to Delta-Hedging. Master thesis, 2009 more…
  • Kienlein, Georg: Produktqualität in vertikalen Monopolstrukturen. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Krayzler, Mikhail: An Empirical Analysis of Risk Factors for Calibration of a Credit Portfolio Model. Master thesis, 2009 more…
  • Kuate, Christel Merlin Kamga: A portfolio credit risk model driven by a time-change Lévy process. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Lahno, Amrei Marie: Bewertung von Early Exercise Produkten. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Leibner, Bernhard: Intensity-based credit risk models with stochastic recovery rates. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Lê, Minh: Variable Annuities mit GMWB Option. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Martinus, Thomas: Calibration of Stochastic Volatility Models. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Nehfischer, Thomas: Cheating in Contests. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Nenova, Mila: Das Markov Functional Model für die Bewertung von Zinsderivaten. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Olie, Andreas: Hedging von Express Zertifikaten. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Putzer, Magdalena: CDO Sensitivitäten gegenüber Modellannahmen. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Schlosser, Andreas: Falluntersuchungen von großen Verlustfällen in Finanzinstitutionen ? Eine Betrachtung aus der Perspektive des Risikomanagements. Master thesis, 2009 more…
  • Schwanecke, Fritz: Praxis der Vorstandsvergütung in Europa im Spannungsfeld von Vorstands- und Unternehmensinteressen. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Shenkman, Natalia: On discrete variance-optimal hedging in affine stochastic volatility models of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Sossau, Florian: Semi-Analytical Models for Counterparty Exposure. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Tong, Siwen: Spread Option Valuation with Fourier Transform. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Voß, Moritz: On pricing derivatives on quadratic variations in time change levy models. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Wagner, Wolfgang: Berechnung arbitragefreier Volatilitätsflächen für Aktienoptionen. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Xu, Yanlan: Time-inhomogeneous portfolio liquidation. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Zhang, Qionghui: Numerische Bewertung amerikanischer Put-Optionen im Black-Scholes-Modell. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Zong, Yuhang: CPPI in Discrete Time. Diplom thesis, 2009 more…
  • Baeva, Natalia: Kreditrisikomodellierung in Emerging Markets: Thorie und Anwendungen. Diplom thesis, 2008 more…
  • Balan, Ana-Maria: Stochastic Modelling of Private Equity - An Empirical Approach. Master thesis, 2008 more…
  • Benk, Janos: Calibration of the Das, Foresi, Balduzzi and Sundaram three-factor short rate model. Diplom thesis, 2008 more…
  • Biere, Andre: Robust CDS Pricing Routines in a Structural Default Model with Jumps. Diplom thesis, 2008 more…
  • Gong, Xi: Style Investing in Emerging Markets. Master thesis, 2008 more…
  • Gärtner, Andreas: Simulationsbasierte Verfahren zur Bestimmung varianzoptimaler Hedgingstrategien. Diplom thesis, 2008 more…
  • Hu, Wenjing: Bewertung exotischer Zertifikate in Modellen mit stochastischer Volatilität. Diplom thesis, 2008 more…
  • Huber, Michael: Zertifikateportfolios für Privatanleger. Master thesis, 2008 more…
  • Kobinger, André: Konstruktion von Private-Equity-Indizes. Diplom thesis, 2008 more…
  • Kroneberg, Ada: Empirische Untersuchung von Ausfall- und Recoveryrisiken in hybriden Modellen. Diplom thesis, 2008 more…
  • Löhner, Fabian: Structural mortgage models with additional borrowing and variable interest rates. Master thesis, 2008 more…
  • Muhr, Gerald: Empirische Untersuchung von Risikofaktoren zur Kalibrierung eines Kreditrisikomodells auf Portfolioebene. Diplom thesis, 2008 more…
  • Obernberger, Stefan: The Impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on the Costs of Going Public - An Empirical Analysis. Master thesis, 2008 more…
  • Petram, Michael: Empirische Studien zum synergetischen Kapitalmarktmodell. Diplom thesis, 2008 more…
  • Riegler-Rittner, Sebastian: Performance of 130/30 Strategies. Master thesis, 2008 more…
  • Seegerer, Philip: Pricing Correlation Sensitive Cross-Asset Portfolio Derivatives. Diplom thesis, 2008 more…
  • Sprißler, Sabrina: Bildungsfinanzierung und Neue Politische Ökonomie - Eine Analyse des bildungspolitischen Entscheidungsprozessesin einer Demokratie. Diplom thesis, 2008 more…
  • Wang, Xiaogang: Modeling Financial Scenarios. Diplom thesis, 2008 more…
  • Bartl, Melanie: Implied Dividends: High Frequency Data Analysis. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Bernhardt, Elena: Adjustable-Rate Mortgage-Backed Securities: Bewertung und optimale Beimischung in Zinsportfolios. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Böger, Christian: Optimal Stopping in Presence of Jumps. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Dimitrova, Cvetelina: Approximationsmethoden für konvexe semi-infinite Optimierungsprobleme. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Dost, Benjamin: Ansätze zur Monte-Carlo Simulation von Griechen. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Feng, Xiaolei: Parameter-Kalibrierung und Bewertung exotischer Optionen im Heston Modell. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Goy, Martina: Vergleich der Black Scholes-Strategie mit der varianz-optimalen Hedgingstrategie in exponentiellen Lévy-Modellen. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Grill, Michael: Schätzung von Risikomaßen mit Extremwerttheorie und Copulas. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Götz, Barbara: Stochastic Correlation - Pricing Spread Options and CDOs. Master thesis, 2007 more…
  • He, Yong: Credit Derivatives. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Hoffmann, Alwin: Realisierung einer modularen Plattform für den simulierten Handel auf Finanzmärkten. Master thesis, 2007 more…
  • Huber, Florian: Bildung, Fortschritt und ökonomische Ungleichheit. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Kandler, Stefanie: Correlation-Robust Replication of Volatility Swaps. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Kiechle, Andreas: CPPI Options. Master thesis, 2007 more…
  • Kuboth, Heiko: Bewertung von hochdimensionalen Derivaten mit Monte-Carlo-Simulation. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Mai, Jan-Frederik: Modellierung von Finanzmärkten mit Markov Switching Modellen. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Mayer, Barbara: Credit as an Asset Class. Master thesis, 2007 more…
  • Merz, Christina: Empirical Analysis of Credit Default Swaps. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Middelkamp, Christoph: Investigation of a procedure of robust portfolio optimization under elliptical distribution assumptions. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Milz, Klara Sofie: Bewertung von inflationsabhängigen Derivaten. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Nguyen, Khoa: Nichtparametrische Kalibrierung exponentieller Lévy-Modelle. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Oberdorfer, Katrin: Simulation von Lévy Prozessen und Testen des Momentenschätzers im BNS Modell (Projekt). Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Rösch, Christoph: Asset Liability Management in Financial Planning. Master thesis, 2007 more…
  • Saffaf, Tarek: Bildungsfonds in Deutschland. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Schröder, Christina: Statisches Hedgen von Single Barrier Optionen. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Wagner, Maria: FFT-Methoden für Optionspreisbewertung in Lévy-Modellen. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Wallenhorst, Felix: CDOs und Intensitätsmodelle: Kreditportfoliosimulation durch bei der Kalibrierung implizite Korrelation. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Wiesent, Julia: Risk Management of Asian Hedge Funds - Comparison of different Models. Master thesis, 2007 more…
  • Wolf, Jürgen: Optimal asset allocation with Asian hedge funds and Asian REITs. Master thesis, 2007 more…
  • Zhang, Hailin: The LIBOR Market Model: LFM und LSM. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Zheng, Yiying: Liability Driven Investment Optimization. Diplom thesis, 2007 more…
  • Blum, Benedikt: Deterministische Bewertung von Optionen in Lévy-Modellen. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Bundscherer, Jörg: Vergleich von LIBOR-Modellen und Zinsmodellen. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Fang, Bei: Different Methods Comparison for Portfolio Optimization. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Fang, Lei: Coherent Risk Measures in a Dynamic Setting. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Graf, Andreas: Optimierung von mehrperiodigen Asset-Modellen über quadratische Nutzenfunktionen. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Heiden, Maria: Commodities as an Asset Class. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Hermann, Elena: Die empirische Untersuchung des Unsicherheitsfaktors im Schmid-Zagst-Modell. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Höcht, Stephan: Comparing Default Probability Models. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Kessinger, Nikola: Bewertung und Analyse der statistischen Qualitätskennzahlen und ihrer Wirkungszusammenhänge am Beispiel eines Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmens. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Kraus, Julia: Option Pricing using the Sparse Grid Combination Technique. Master thesis, 2006 more…
  • Krivoborodov, Alexey: Visualisierung von Monte-Carlo-Methoden zur Portfolio-Optimierung mit Asynchronous JavaScript und XML (AJAX) (Projekt). Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Muhle-Karbe, Johannes: Portfoliooptimierung in Modellen mit stochastischer Volatilität. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Nowak, Anabell: Öffentliche versus private Bildungsfinanzierung. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Reifinger, Kathrin: Bildung und Einkommensverteilung. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Rieder, Johannes-Martin: Berechnung des besonderen Zinsrisikos auf Basis der iTraxx Indexfamilie. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Sieslack, Frank: Ein Affines Modell zur Bestimmung von Kreditwürdigkeitsänderungen und Kredit Spreads. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Spangler, Manuela: Bewertung von nicht-handelbaren Krediten. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Stangl, Christian: Bewertung von Fixed-Rate Mortgage-Backed Securities mit ökonometrischen Prepaymentmodellen. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Stäbler, Dirk: Optionspreise in stochastischen Volatilitätsmodellen mit Sprüngen. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Torres Luna, Yolanda: Risk based Capital Allocation for a Specialty Insurance Company. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Ulbrich, Andreas: Integrated Asset Liability Management. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Utikal, Verena: Staatsverschuldung und Vermögensverteilung ? eine politökonomische Klammer. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Wimmer, Hannes: LIBOR Markt Modelle und Inflationsderivate. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Wintermantel, Thomas: Hedging in Illiquid Markets. Diplom thesis, 2006 more…
  • Ahner, Thomas: Validierung des Modells von Lardy, Finkelstein, Yang und Khuong-Huu zur Berechnung eines eintägigen Credit-Value-at-Risk über Aktienäquivalenzpositionen. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Bauer, Iris: Risikotheoretische Betrachtungen zur Überschussgestaltung deutscher Lebensversicherungsunternehmen. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Borowski, Boris: Hedgingverfahren für Foreign-Exchange-Barrieroptionen. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Ferenczi, Isabella: Globale Optimierung unter Nebenbedingungen mit dünnen Gittern. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Fuhurer, Mohammed: Pricing of Embedded Options in German Life Insurance Contracts. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Hagedorn, Hendrik: Inflation-Linked Bonds. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Heller, Cornelia: Parameter estimation in affine stochastic volatility models. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Hirmer, Manuela: Style Classification of Hedge-Funds by Cluster Analysis. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Husar, Tobias: Investmentstrategien: Überblick und Performancevergleich. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Jakob, Thomas: Numerical valuation of the mean variance hedge in affine stochastic volatility models. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Liu, Li: Option Pricing Using Monte Carlo Simulation. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Lutz, Michael: Independent Component Analysis in Multifactor Models. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Meyer, Thomas: Integrierte Modellierung von Zins- und Aktienmärkten. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Mohm, Carolin: Asset-Backed Securities: Einfluss von Kreditzyklen auf die Bewertung von CDOs. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Reder, Ruth: Auto Trigger Securities: Closed-form Solutions and Applications. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Schmidtchen, Marc-Oliver: The Libor Market Model with Stochastic Volatility. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Stewart, Tobias: Numerische Verfahren zur Bewertung exotischer Optionen. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Tarkhanova, Olga: Long Term Measures. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Tempes, Michaela: Implementierung einer Copula-Toolbox unter Matlab. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Weiß, Tobias: Konsistente Modellierung von Asset Klassen. Diplom thesis, 2005 more…
  • Amann, Carolin: Realoptionen in der Unternehmensbewertung. Diplom thesis, 2004 more…
  • Antes, Stefan: Empirische Validierung von hybriden defaultable Bond Modellen. Diplom thesis, 2004 more…
  • Dunkel, Veronika: Implementierung und Testen von verschiedenen Erweiterungen der klassischem Mean-Variance Optimierung. Diplom thesis, 2004 more…
  • Hampel, Kristina: Ermittlung und Integration von Marktprognosen in die Portfolio Optimierung. Diplom thesis, 2004 more…
  • Jesse, Arnold: Algorithmen zur vektorwertigen Portfoliooptimierung. Diplom thesis, 2004 more…
  • Klimm, Mathias: Vorstandsvergütung und finanzielle Performance in Deutschland. Diplom thesis, 2004 more…
  • Roth, Jeanette: Empirische Validierung intensitätsbasierter und hybrider defaultable Bond Modelle. Diplom thesis, 2004 more…
  • Scharschunski, Irene: Hierarchische Bayes-Modelle zur Analyse heterogener Präferenzen. Diplom thesis, 2004 more…
  • Schäffler, Alexander: Implementierung und Vergleich von Portfolio-Optimierungsproblemen mit unterschiedlichen Risikomaßen. Diplom thesis, 2004 more…
  • Stemmer, Bernhard: Der Einfluss von Wirtschaftsmedien auf das Entscheidungsverhalten von Investoren. Diplom thesis, 2004 more…
  • Bauer, Christina: Schätzung von GARCH-Modellen mit Hilfe von Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methoden. Diplom thesis, 2003 more…
  • Brunner, Philipp: Strategische Assetallokation: Portfoliowahl für Langzeitinvestoren. Diplom thesis, 2003 more…
  • Drexler, Daniela: Entscheidungsfindung bei F&E-Projekten - Projektbewertung in Forschung und Entwicklung. Diplom thesis, 2003 more…
  • Fischer, Anja: Stochastic Volatility Modelling. Diplom thesis, 2003 more…
  • Fritzsche, Susanne: Ausgewählte Optionspreismodelle auf der Grundlage von Lévy-Prozessen. Diplom thesis, 2003 more…
  • Garschhammer, Claudia: Ein stochastisches Modell zur Ertragsoptimierung eines Sachversicherers. Diplom thesis, 2003 more…
  • Hüntemann, Aloys: Bewertung von Kreditderivaten mit dem Modell von Jarrow, Lando und Turnbull. Diplom thesis, 2003 more…
  • Kupka, Constantin: Bubbles and Crashes. Diplom thesis, 2003 more…
  • Schröder, Jasmin: Risikoaggregation als mehrdimensionale Faltung - Untersuchung mehrerer Ansätze. Diplom thesis, 2003 more…
  • Seybold, Stefanie: Bewertung modularer Produktionsstrukturen mittels der Realoptionspreistheorie. Diplom thesis, 2003 more…
  • Wenderoth, Stefan: Modellierung extremer Finanzmarktveränderungen mit Hilfe von Copulafunktionen. Diplom thesis, 2003 more…

Boston University Academics

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  • PhD in Mathematical Finance

The PhD in Mathematical Finance is for students seeking careers in research and academia. Doctoral candidates will have a strong affinity for quantitative reasoning and the ability to connect advanced mathematical theories with real-world phenomena. They will have an interest in the creation of complex models and financial instruments as well as a passion for in-depth analysis.

Learning Outcomes

The PhD curriculum has the following learning goals. Students will:

  • Demonstrate advanced knowledge of literature, theory, and methods in their field.
  • Be prepared to teach at the undergraduate, master’s, and/or doctoral level in a business school or mathematics department.
  • Produce original research of quality appropriate for publication in scholarly journals.

After matriculation into the PhD program, a candidate for the degree must register for and satisfactorily complete a minimum of 16 graduate-level courses at Boston University. More courses may be needed, depending on departmental requirements.

PhD in Mathematical Finance Curriculum

The curriculum for the PhD in Mathematical Finance is tailored to each incoming student, based on their academic background. Students will begin the program with a full course load to build a solid foundation in not only math and finance but also the interplay between them in the financial world. As technology plays an increasingly larger role in financial models, computer programming is also a part of the core coursework.

Once a foundation has been established, students work toward a dissertation. Working closely with a faculty advisor in a mutual area of interest, students will embark on in-depth research. It is also expected that doctoral students will perform teaching assistant duties, which may include lectures to master’s-level classes.

Course Requirements

The minimum course requirement is 16 courses (between 48 and 64 units, depending on whether the courses are 3 or 4 units each). Students’ course choices must be approved by the Mathematical Finance Director prior to registration each term. The following is a typical program of courses.

  • CAS EC 701 Microeconomic Theory
  • CAS MA 711 Real Analysis
  • CAS MA 779 Probability Theory I
  • QST FE 918 Doctoral Seminar in Finance
  • CAS EC 703 Advanced Microeconomic Theory
  • CAS MA 776 Partial Differential Equations
  • CAS MA 781 Probability Theory 2
  • QST FE 920 Advanced Capital Market Theory
  • CAS EC 702 Macroeconomic Theory
  • CAS MA 783 Advanced Stochastic Processes
  • QST MF 850 Advanced Computational Methods
  • QST MF 922 Advanced Mathematical Finance
  • CAS EC 704 Advanced Microeconomic Theory
  • CAS MA 751 Statistical Machine Learning
  • QST MF 810 FinTech Programming
  • QST MF 921 Topics in Dynamic Asset Pricing

Additional Requirements

Qualifying examination.

Students must appear for a qualifying examination after completion of all coursework to demonstrate that they have:

  • acquired advanced knowledge of literature and theory in their area of specialization;
  • acquired advanced knowledge of research techniques; and
  • developed adequate ability to craft a research proposal.

Guidelines for the examination are available from the departments. Students who do not pass either the written and/or oral comprehensive examination upon first try will be given a second opportunity to pass the exam. Should the student fail a second time, the student’s case will be reviewed by the Mathematical Finance Program Development Committee (MF PDC), which will determine if the student will be withdrawn from the PhD program. In addition, the PhD fellowship (if applicable) of any student who does not pass either the written and/or oral comprehensive examination after two attempts will be suspended the term after the exam was attempted.


Following successful completion of the qualifying examination, the student will develop a research proposal for the dissertation. The final phase of the doctoral program is the completion of an approved dissertation. The dissertation must be based on an original investigation that makes a substantive contribution to knowledge and demonstrates capacity for independent, scholarly research.

Doctoral candidates must register as continuing students for DS 999 Dissertation, a 2-unit course, for each subsequent regular term until all requirements for the degree have been completed. PhD students graduating in September are required to register for Dissertation in Summer Session II preceding graduation.

Academic Standards

Time limit for degree completion.

After matriculation into the PhD program, a candidate for the degree must meet certain milestones within specified time periods (as noted in the table below) and complete all degree requirements within six years of the date of first registration. Those who fail to meet the milestones within the specified time, or who do not complete all requirements within six years, will be reviewed by the PhD PDC and may be dismissed from the program. A Leave of Absence does not extend the six-year time limit for degree completion.

Milestone Maximum Time Period
Complete all required courses (no Incompletes) End of fall of 3rd year
Successfully complete comprehensive examination End of 3rd year
Have a dissertation committee with at least three members, a committee chair, and a dissertation topic End of fall of 4th year
Have a defended dissertation proposal End of 4th year
Complete dissertation End of 6th year

Performance Review

The Mathematical Finance Program Development Committee will review the progress of each doctoral candidate. Students must maintain a 3.30 cumulative grade point average in all courses to remain in good academic standing. Students who are not in good academic standing will be allowed one term to correct their status. Prior to the start of the term, the student must submit a letter to the Faculty Director (who will forward it to the PDC) explaining why the student has fallen short of the CGPA requirement and how the student plans to correct the situation. Failure to increase the CGPA to acceptable levels may result in probation or withdrawal from the program, at the discretion of the PhD Program Development Committee (PDC).

Graduation Application

Students must submit a graduation application at least five months before the date they expect to complete degree requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the process for graduation. The application is available online and should be submitted through the Specialty Master’s & PhD Center website for graduation in January, May, or August.

If graduation must be postponed beyond the term for which the application is submitted, students should contact the Specialty Master’s & PhD Center to defer the date. If students wish to postpone their graduation date past the six-year time limit for completion, they must formally petition the PhD Program Development Committee (PDC) for an extension. The petition, which must include the reason(s) for the extension as well as a detailed timetable for completion, is subject to departmental and PDC approval.

PhD degree requirements are complete only when copies of the dissertation have been certified as meeting the standards of Questrom School of Business and have been accepted by Mugar Memorial Library.

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Financial Mathematics

mathematical finance dissertation topics

Financial Mathematics is the field of applied mathematics that involves defining problems in finance and providing solutions using methods that draw from probability, statistics, differential equations, optimization, numerical methods, and data science.

The primary emphasis in financial mathematics is the derivation of the mathematical models that confirm the intuition from financial economics. For example, the seminal case of the Black-Scholes-Merton model, and its many extensions such as stochastic volatility, pure jump processes, and collateral funding, is built around the no-arbitrage assumption and assumes as given the evolution of the stock price in order to find the prices of derivative securities.

The unifying premise for financial mathematics is more than just a collection of techniques applied to a common problem area. Rather, it quantifies and enables much of the modern interplay in global markets among companies, investors, and financial agents, often constrained or constructed by the actions of central banks, regulators and governments. Global financial institutions develop and provide products and services that are vital to the course of capital allocation, investment, and risk transfer. None of this could occur without the sophisticated approaches enabled by financial mathematics which have evolved over the past 25 years.

Primary Areas of Research

Hopkins Engineering faculty research in financial mathematics focuses primarily in the following areas:

Commodities and Energy Markets

Studies of the markets for oil, metals, agriculture, cryptocurrencies, electricity and alternative energy, from extraction or production through delivery and usage – the so-called ‘supply chain’ and its financing issues.

Derivative Pricing

Extending and proposing new models with realistic and desirable financial properties and then employing various tools from stochastic calculus to PDEs and Monte-Carlo methods to find ‘no-arbitrage’ prices of derivatives. Many problems are still open in the case of incomplete markets.

Quantitative Trading and Investing

To the extent that financial markets are not perfectly efficient, statistics combined with financial theory offers the possibility of producing positive excess returns on a risk-adjusted basis.   Classical methods such as value investing and factor models are now supplemented by modern approaches using machine learning, natural language processing and ESG investing.

Risk Management

Risk management focuses on quantifying various risks that financial players are subject to and defines ways to mitigate and reduce them.  Examples include credit risk and systemic risk.

Utility Optimization

This area focuses on understanding and solving investors’ fundamental problem of wealth maximization in various settings, and then deriving the resulting price models, especially in the relevant and unsolved context of market incompleteness.

Related Courses

Complete descriptions appear in the course catalog .

View the semester course schedule .   

  • EN.553.4/613 Applied Statistics and Data Analysis I
  • EN.553.4/614 Applied Statistics and Data Analysis II
  • EN.553.4/627   Stochastic Processes and Applications to Finance
  • EN.553.4/628   Stochastic Processes and Applications to Finance II
  • EN.553.4/629   Introduction to Research in Discrete Probability
  • EN.553.4/633   Monte Carlo Methods
  • EN.553.4/636   Introduction to Data Science
  • EN.553.4/639   Time Series Analysis
  • EN.553.4/641   Equity Markets and Quantitative Trading
  • EN.553.4/642   Investment Science
  • EN.553.4/644   Introduction to Financial Derivatives
  • EN.553.4/645   Interest Rate and Credit Derivatives
  • EN.553.4/646  Risk Measurement/Management in Financial Markets
  • EN.553.4/647 Quantitative Portfolio Theory and Performance Analysis
  • EN.553.4/648   Financial Engineering and Structured Products
  • EN.553.4/649  Advanced Equity Derivatives
  • EN.553.4/661  Optimization in Finance
  • EN.553.4/688 Computing for Applied Mathematics
  • EN.553.720   Probability Theory I
  • EN.553.721   Probability Theory II
  • EN.553.749   Advanced Financial Theory
  • EN.553.753   Commodities and Green Energy Finance
  • EN.553.847   Financial Mathematics Masters Seminar


Most Harvard PhD dissertations from 2012 forward are available online in DASH , Harvard’s central open-access repository and are linked below. Many older dissertations can be found on ProQuest Dissertation and Theses Search which many university libraries subscribe to.

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Master's Thesis topics in quantitative finance?

  • Thread starter Thread starter ItosLemma
  • Start date Start date 12/9/18

Hi all, Starting to conduct my master's thesis in the spring of 2019. My background is in MSc Finance (afer the thesis), with minor in computer science. So I have some experience in math and programming and quantitative finance (couple of courses), however consider myself as a beginner in this field. My goal would be to learn as much as possible by doing my thesis, however it would be nice if it would have some scientific value at the same time. Any ideas, what would be a suitable topic for someone interested in quantitative finance? Would it be wise to examine some phenomenom in financial markets with the tools of mathematical finance? Or how should one approach this? Thanks in advance for any help!  

Daniel Duffy

Daniel Duffy

C++ author, trainer.


Modern Computational Finance book


What about volatility models. I think they make nice thesis topics. Do you know SABR and/or Heston? Here you can combine theory of mathematics, such as stochastic processes, with computational/numerical mathematics by calibrating the models to real lige market data.  

Aber said: What about volatility models. I think they make nice thesis topics. Do you know SABR and/or Heston? Here you can combine theory of mathematics, such as stochastic processes, with computational/numerical mathematics by calibrating the models to real lige market data. Click to expand...
Daniel Duffy said: Big topics and lots of hard maths and finance (IMO). How long does a thesis last? How strong is your maths? Click to expand...


"Master's Thesis topics in quantitative finance?" why not HFT?  

ExSan said: "Master's Thesis topics in quantitative finance?" why not HFT? Click to expand...

Any ideas on a practical level, any examples? Regarding for example the suggested HFT, volatility modeling or greeks?  

And where could I get inspiration for Thesis topics? Is there any library for this field theses or some journals? Journal of finance surely has some, but not that mathematical usually.  

@Daniel Duffy @P. Carr @Ken Abbott  

Ken Abbott

Among the topics I've supervised or am supervising now: VaR vs ES for different portfolios Survey of retail finance markets and models Survey of commodities markets The multivariate and time series structure of the US yield curve 1962-2018 The multivariate and time series structure of foreign exchange markets CCAR and SCAP stress testing models Bikeshare data analysis Analysis of weather data The latter two are obviously not finance-related but come with huge, free datasets ripe for analysis. What school?  

P. Carr

RIP 1958-2022

  • new vol index called SPIKES constructed in the same way as VIX but using American style options on the SPY ETF
  • risk measures for writing real day options (google it), a forward starting option on SPX with strike fixed for just one day
  • a new stochastic vol model which extends Heston to quadratic drift chosen to bound the instantaneous variance rate
  • applying multilinear algebra to PCA of yield curves so as to add dimensions to term, eg country, credit rating, compounding frequency


Nice topics Ken. here are some more addtion and a bit more topical currently: What drives FRA-OIS spread. Survey of US repo markets how does the fed policy affect the US real curve Survey of business cycles and what real yields usually cause the turn around given slope of the curve of those yccles Driver of long end swap spreads (this one is a fun one if u compare 10yr and 30yr swap spreads ) Ways to hedge short end tips (another high value project) so many good topics to write about. makes me want to go into a research based grad program sometimes.  

pingu said: Probably because HFT is not really finance. Click to expand...
Joy Pathak said: Nice topics Ken. here are some more addtion and a bit more topical currently: What drives FRA-OIS spread. Survey of US repo markets how does the fed policy affect the US real curve Survey of business cycles and what real yields usually cause the turn around given slope of the curve of those yccles Driver of long end swap spreads (this one is a fun one if u compare 10yr and 30yr swap spreads ) Ways to hedge short end tips (another high value project) so many good topics to write about. makes me want to go into a research based grad program sometimes. Click to expand...
Ken Abbott said: I like yours better than mine. Click to expand...


How about correct pricing of collateral based on myriad regulations (basel 3, nsfr, lcr etc) and whats the best positioning for a broker dealer in US?Balance sheet is a big constraint among all major banks and if anyone can provide good clarity on the most optimum use of collateral, then they got a job for sure!  

Krutarth Satoskar

Hi, I am a final year undergraduate student. I am currently searching for a topic for my thesis. I am interested in stochastic processes, probability theory, statistics and computation. My proficiency in these areas is on an intermediate level. Can someone please suggest me some topics in quantitative finance which I can work on as my thesis?  

Krutarth Satoskar said: Hi, I am a final year undergraduate student. I am currently searching for a topic for my thesis. I am interested in stochastic processes, probability theory, statistics and computation. My proficiency in these areas is on an intermediate level. Can someone please suggest me some topics in quantitative finance which I can work on as my thesis? Click to expand...


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Postgraduate taught

mathematical finance dissertation topics

MSc Mathematical Finance

Equip yourself for a career in the finance industry

Year of entry: 2024 (September)

1 year full-time

Department of Mathematics

September 2024 ( semester dates )

Apply for this course

Join us online or in person to find out more about postgraduate study at York.

Our exciting and intensive MSc in Mathematical Finance will give you the skills you need to work in the financial sector and adapt quickly to new developments in the field. 

Join an established course which has been serving students for over a decade. Our team of dedicated academic staff are leaders in their field, publishing their research in leading academic journals.

Mathematical Finance (MSc) is part of our suite of uniquely interdisciplinary finance Masters programmes. They bring together expertise from the Department of Mathematics , the Department of Economics and Related Studies and the School for Business and Society .

Our syllabus includes contemporary tools, methods and approaches to tackle applied, professional and academic challenges in accounting and finance.

If you'd like to study this course but feel the need to revise and consolidate your mathematics background before starting, we offer an online pre-sessional course: Mathematical Foundations of Quantitative Finance . 

Learn more about the study of finance at York .

Guest stars

Hear from leading mathematicians from around the world at our regular seminars and events

Research excellence

A UK top 20 research department according to the Times Higher Education’s ranking of the latest REF results (2021).

Comitted to equality

Each of our three departments has received an Athena SWAN Bronze Award, recognising our continued commitment to gender equality.

Course content

You'll complete taught core and option modules, and undertake an independent research project. 

You'll learn a wide range of advanced mathematical, computational and research techniques, ideal for developing a career in mathematical finance or for further study in related fields. The programme will be of particular interest to students with a background in Mathematics or a closely-related subject. 

After completing the programme, you will have acquired the knowledge and experience necessary to work in a trading or research and development role in quantitative finance industry or to embark on a PhD programme in Mathematical Finance or related fields.


Core modules.

  • Mathematical Methods of Finance
  • Theory of Finance
  • Stochastic Calculus and Black-Scholes Theory
  • Computational Finance with Python
  • Interest Rate Modelling

Option modules

You'll also study one option module:

  • Corporate Finance and Governance
  • Financial Econometrics

Our modules may change to reflect the latest academic thinking and expertise of our staff, and in line with Department/School academic planning.

  • Finance Dissertation

You'll complete a piece of independent research or dissertation of up to 10,000 words, carried out over three months of the summer. It will offer you the chance to examine a topic in depth and to develop your academic research skills.

The York approach

Every course at York is built on a distinctive set of learning outcomes. These will give you a clear understanding of what you will be able to accomplish at the end of the course and help you explain what you can offer employers. Our academics identify the knowledge, skills, and experiences you'll need upon graduation and then design the course to get you there.

Students who complete this course will be able to:

  • Use with a high degree of confidence and sophistication a range of mathematical models of financial securities: stocks, fixed income securities (including the term structure of interest rates), and derivative securities
  • Critically analyse the application of mathematical techniques involved in pricing, hedging and analysis of derivative securities, in both discrete and continuous time market models
  • Use logical reasoning as a basis for the critical analysis of ideas or statements which have a mathematical finance context, and develop independently their own ideas using well-founded reasoning
  • Design numerical algorithms and develop computing codes in spreadsheets, programming languages and/or symbolic computation software to implement solutions and prepare relevant documentation
  • Communicate advanced topics in mathematical finance analyses and associated conclusions clearly, in writing or in a presentation, at a level appropriate for the intended audience
  • Research selected topics of current interest in Mathematical Finance in depth; link recent theoretical developments with modern financial market practice
  • Encourage students to consider the potential for applications of mathematical finance within the wider society, beyond pure monetary advance.

Fees and funding

Annual tuition fees for 2024/25.

Study modeUK (home)International and EU
Full-time (1 year) £15,890£32,260

Students on a Student Visa are not currently permitted to study part-time at York.

Fees information

UK (home) or international fees?  The level of fee that you will be asked to pay depends on whether you're classed as a UK (home) or international student.  Check your fee status .

Find out more information about tuition fees and how to pay them.

  • Postgraduate taught fees and expenses

Funding information

Discover your funding options to help with tuition fees and living costs.

We'll confirm more funding opportunities for students joining us in 2024/25 throughout the year.

If you've successfully completed an undergraduate degree at York you could be eligible for a  10% Masters fee discount .

Funding opportunities

  • UK government Masters loans
  • Funding for UK students
  • Funding for international students

Living costs

You can use our  living costs guide  to help plan your budget. It covers additional costs that are not included in your tuition fee such as expenses for accommodation and study materials.

Impactful research

100% of our departmental research outputs received the highest ratings (3* and 4*) in the latest Research Excellence Framework (2021)

Maths a bit rusty?

Brush up on your skills before you begin your degree with our online pre-sessional course

CQF Institute Membership

The CQF Institute is the fastest-growing quant finance membership organisation. Students studying on our finance suite of Masters degrees will now gain complimentary membership to the Institute.

Teaching and assessment

You’ll work with world‐leading academics who’ll challenge you to think independently and excel in all that you do. Our approach to teaching will provide you with the knowledge, opportunities, and support you need to grow and succeed in a global workplace.

Teaching format

Our teaching is informed by the latest research, meaning you can focus on the latest ideas and models.

We use a wide range of teaching methods to suit different learning styles including:

  • Problem classes

For some modules you may also attend practical classes, computer laboratories or workshops.

Lectures are used to describe new concepts you will have to learn and problems classes put them into practice. Seminars are small, interactive sessions which allow us to focus on your individual needs. You'll be able to use our Virtual Learning Environment to supplement lectures and seminars.

While you're working on your project and your dissertation you'll have regular meetings with your academic supervisor who will offer advice and support. We will give you a supervisor with specialist knowledge of the area you're investigating.

Teaching location

You will be based at the Department of Mathematics  on Campus West. Most of your small group teaching will take place in the Department's dedicated MSc seminar room (the Dusa McDuff room), with larger classes taking place close by in James College, Derwent College and elsewhere on Campus West.

You'll gain access to our schools' and departments' shared resources and financial databases, including:

  • Amplify Bootcamp
  • Reuters Refinitiv Workspace, including Datastream
  • Centre for Research in Security Prices (CRiSP)
  • Compustat (North America)
  • China Stock Market & Accounting Research Database (CSMAR)
  • 2iQ Global Insider Transaction Data

About our campus

Our beautiful green campus offers a student-friendly setting in which to live and study, within easy reach of the action in the city centre. It's  easy to get around campus  - everything is within walking or pedalling distance, or you can always use the fast and frequent bus service.

Assessment and feedback

All taught modules are assessed by a combination of the following types of assessment:

  • Closed book written exam

The closed book written exam assesses your subject-specific knowledge through theoretical and practical questions, in an array of targeted and broad, open-ended problems. These require topic knowledge and the ability to recognise, compare and critically evaluate different knowledge areas.

The coursework and projects consist of problems and practical tasks that might require the use of software. You'll develop your subject knowledge and analytical skills as well as your ability to apply, implement and interpret theory.

Presentations are specifically designed to enhance your communication skills for a range of audiences, from subject experts to the general public.

In the independent study module, you'll conduct a piece of applied research. You'll continue to develop your critical reasoning and digital literacy skills, including programming. As this module is assessed with a dissertation, your training is rounded off by consistently working on your written communication skills.

Professor Reidun Twarock supervising a student

Careers and skills

Upon successful completion of this course, you can embark on careers in trading and pricing derivative financial securities (options, futures, forwards, and the like), fund management, risk management, research and development, or pursue further study to PhD level.

Career opportunities

  • Financial analyst
  • Credit risk manager
  • Investment manager
  • Risk analyst
  • Statistician

Find out more about  career opportunities . 

Transferable skills

  • Communicate ideas and arguments in written and oral form in a clear and rigorous manner.
  • Apply and implement results in current literature in a practical context.

Entry requirements

Typical offer
Undergraduate degree 2:1 or equivalent in Mathematics or a related subject including certain science degrees. In certain cases we may also consider a 2:2, which would usually come with the condition that you complete the online pre-sessional course in with a final grade of at least 60%. If your undergraduate degree is in business, finance or economics with sufficiently strong mathematics background (equivalent to at least two years of university level mathematics courses), then we encourage you to apply also. We welcome students with recent degrees as well as those with work experience in related disciplines and professions.
Other international qualifications

English language

If English isn't your first language you may need to provide evidence of your English language ability. We accept the following qualifications:

Minimum requirement
IELTS (Academic and Indicator) 6.0, minimum 5.5 in each component
Cambridge CEFR B2 First: 169, with no less than 162 in each component
Oxford ELLT 6, minimum of 5 in each component
Duolingo 105, minimum 95 in all other components
LanguageCert SELT B2 with 33/50 in each component
LanguageCert Academic 65 with a minimum of 60 in each component
KITE 426-458, with 396-425 in all other components
Skills for English B2: Pass with Merit overall, with Pass in each component
PTE Academic 55, minimum 51 in each component
TOEFL 79, minimum 17 in Listening, 18 in Reading, 20 in Speaking and 17 in Writing
Trinity ISE III Pass in all components

For more information see our postgraduate English language requirements .

If you haven't met our English language requirements

You may be eligible for one of our pre-sessional English language courses . These courses will provide you with the level of English needed to meet the conditions of your offer.

The length of course you need to take depends on your current English language test scores and how much you need to improve to reach our English language requirements.

After you've accepted your offer to study at York, we'll confirm which pre-sessional course you should apply to via You@York .

You can apply and send all your documentation online. You don’t need to complete your application all at once: you can start it, save it and finish it later.

  • How to apply

Get in touch if you have any questions

Professor Jacco Thijssen

Related courses

  • Finance (MSc)
  • Accounting and Finance (MSc)
  • Corporate Finance (MSc)
  • Financial Economics (MSc)
  • Finance and Investments (MSc)
  • Finance and Management (MSc)
  • Finance, Investments and Economics (MSc)
  • Financial Engineering (MSc)

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Topics in mathematical finance, econ 690-82, cross-listed as.

  • MATH 690-82

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Mathematical Institute

Please note the following topics are only open to Part C Maths, Maths & Phil, Maths & CompSci and OMMS students. For current students please see the full proposals here .

Representations of finite Hecke algebras - Prof D Ciubotaru

Homotopy Type Theory - Prof K Kremnitzer

Integrated Information Theory - Prof K Kremnitzer

Enumerating finite groups - Prof N Nikolov

Hyperquiver Representations - Prof V Nanda

Non-local PDEs and fractional Sobolev - Dr D Gomez-Castro

Fundamental solutions of linear partial differential equations - Prof J Kristensen

Extensions of Lipschitz maps, type and cotype - Dr K Ciosmak

Multi-dimensional Monge-Kantorovick system of PDE's - Dr K Ciosmak

von Neumann Algebras - Prof S White

Geometry, Number Theory and Topology

Modular Forms - Prof A Lauder

Graded rings and projective varieties - Prof B Szendroi

The Hardy-Littlewood Method - Prof B Green

Divergence of finitely generated groups - Dr B Sun

Geometric Class Field Theory - Prof D Rossler

The Semistable Reduction Theorem for Curves over Function Fields - Prof D Rossler

Poisson geometry and symplectic groupoids - Dr F Bischoff

Sieve Methods - Prof J Maynard

Galois Representation - Dr J Newton

Hodge Theory, Morse Theory and Supersymmetry - Prof J Lotay

Number Theory and Random Matrices - Prof J Keating

HKR Character Theory - Dr L Brantner

A bound for the systole of an aspherical manifold - Prof P Papazoglou

Analysis of Boolean Functions - Prof T Sanders

Chabauty techniques in Number Theory - Prof V Flynn

Topics in O-minimality - Prof J Pila

Mathematical Methods and Applications 

Mathematical Modelling of Plant - Prof D Moulton

Magneto-active elastic objects - Combining magnetism with elasticity - Prof D Vella

Modelling aspects of cells and Stokes flows in mathematical biology - Prof E Gaffney

Modelling aspects of cellular signalling beyond the simplest Turing mechanism - Prof E Gaffney

Modelling geothermal boreholes using pertubation methods - Prof I Hewitt

Viscoplastic models for geophysical flows - Prof I Hewitt

The time-elapsed model for neural networks - D P Roux

Dynamics on signed networks - Prof R Lambiotte

Mathematical Physics

The classification of 2d conformal field theories - Prof A Henriques

Scattering Theory - Prof L Mason

Numerical Analysis and Data Science

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare - Dr A Kormilitzin

Approximation of functions in a square, cube, and hypercube - Prof N Trefethen

Lightning Helmholtz solver - Prof N Trefethen

Numerical conformal mapping - Prof N Trefethen

Development and Calibration of Models for Pedestrian Dynamics - Dr R Bailo

Numerical Schemes for Crystal Growth - Dr R Bailo

(Randomised) Numerical Linear Algebra - Prof Y Nakatsukasa

Characterizing the structure of networks with discrete Ricci curvature - Dr M Weber

Optimization algorithms for data science - Prof C Cartis

Stochastics, Discrete Mathematics and Information

Random walk in random environment - Prof B Hambly

Blockchains and (Decentralized) Exchanges - Prof H Oberhauser

Bismut formula, Feynman-Kac formula and estimates for second order parabolic equations - Prof Z Qian

Convergence of finite Markov chains on abelian groups - Prof Z Qian

PDF method in turbulence - Prof Z Qian

History of Mathematics

Students wishing to do a dissertation based on the History of Mathematics are asked to contact Brigitte Stenhouse at  @email  by Wednesday of week 1 with a short draft proposal. All decisions will be communicated to students by the end of week 2.

All supported proposals , will then be referred to Projects Committee who meet in week 4 for final approval. With the support of Brigitte Stenhouse students must submit a COD Dissertation Proposal Form to Projects Committee by the end of week 3.

Department of Statistics

Please note that Part C Mathematics and Statistics students MUST select from the list of the below topics. OMMS students are also able to select the Statistics and Probability projects from the Department of Statistics.

It may be possible for a Maths student to complete a Statistics dissertation, however, the priority when allocating will be the Maths & Stats and OMMS students. If you are interested, please email  @email  for more information.

A novel deconvolution method based on entropic optimal transport - Dr G Mena

Applications of Machine Learning to Drug Discovery - Prof G Morris

Bayesian Optimal Experimental Design - Dr T Rainforth

Co-jumping behaviour in time series and financial networks - Prof M Cucuringu

Concentration inequalities and applications - Prof G Deligiannidis

Convergence Complexity for Markov Chain Monte Carlo in High Dimensions - Dr J Yang

Extreme Classification - Prof F Carron

Genealogies of Sequences experiencing Recombination - Prof J Hein

 How many have died due to the COVID-19 pandemic and who was at greatest risk - Prof C Donnelly

Instrumental Variable Estimation with Weak Instruments - Prof F Windmeijer

Kernel-based tests and dependence measures - Prof D Sejdinovic

Mirror Descent and Statistical Robustness - Prof P Rebeschini

Multi-Locus Phase-type Distributions in Population Genetics - Dr A Biddanda

Polygenic scores - Prof R Davies

Protein folding interfaces template the formation of the native state - Dr D Nissley

Quasistationary distributions for Markov processes - Prof D Steinsaltz

Random Recursive Trees - Prof C Goldschmidt

Urn models and applications - Prof M Winkel


  1. Custom & Free Mathematical Finance Dissertation Topics 2020

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  2. Custom & Free Mathematical Finance Dissertation Topics 2020

    mathematical finance dissertation topics

  3. (PDF) Selected Topics in Applied Mathematics of Finance

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  4. Mathematical Finance and Probability. A Discrete Introduction

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  5. 200 Outstanding Finance Dissertation Topics for Students

    mathematical finance dissertation topics

  6. 200 Outstanding Finance Dissertation Topics for Students

    mathematical finance dissertation topics


  1. 3-Minute Thesis Competition 2023

  2. Indian Institute of Quantitative Finance

  3. 29 Banking Dissertation Topics

  4. Financial Mathematics

  5. Mathematical Finance previous years question paper Bsc Hons Mathematics #du #delhiuniversity #math

  6. How to write dissertation in methodology of econometric modelling


  1. MSc Mathematical & Computational Finance: sample dissertations

    MSc Mathematical & Computational Finance: sample dissertations. Below are some examples of MSc dissertations from previous years, which received high marks: Optimal Strategies from forward versus classical utilities. Robust Pricing of Derivatives on Realised Variance. Log Mean-Variance Portfolio Theory and Time Inconsistency.

  2. Research in Mathematical & Computational Finance

    The Oxford Mathematical and Computational Finance Group is one of the leading academic research groups in the world focused on mathematical modeling in finance and offers a thriving research environment, with experts covering multiple areas of quantitative finance. Our group maintains close links with the Data Science, Stochastic Analysis and Numerical Analysis groups as well as the Institute ...

  3. Mathematical Finance Research Topics Ideas [MS PhD]

    List of Research Topics and Ideas of Mathematical Finance for MS and Ph.D. Thesis. A class of mesh-free algorithms for mathematical finance, machine learning and fluid dynamics. A Mathematical Finance Database By Marek Rutkowski and Marek Musiela. Using a Multi-criteria Decision-making Mathematical Tech-nique for the Influential and Interaction ...

  4. 50+ Best Finance Dissertation Topics For Research Students In 2024

    50 Best Finance Dissertation Topics For Research Students


    The Martingale Approach to Financial Mathematics Jordan Rowley In this thesis, we will develop the fundamental properties of financial mathematics, with a focus on establishing meaningful connections between martingale theory, stochastic cal-culus, and measure-theoretic probability. We first consider a simple binomial model in

  6. Mathematics and Statistics Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2016 PDF. A Statistical Analysis of Hurricanes in the Atlantic Basin and Sinkholes in Florida, Joy Marie D'andrea. PDF. Statistical Analysis of a Risk Factor in Finance and Environmental Models for Belize, Sherlene Enriquez-Savery. PDF. Putnam's Inequality and Analytic Content in the Bergman Space, Matthew Fleeman. PDF

  7. 200 World-Class Finance Dissertation Topics in 2023

    The topics range from the stock market, banking, and risk management to healthcare finance topics. This dissertation provides the student with a degree of academic self-confidence and personal satisfaction in the finance field. Finance writing requires extensive research to create a persuasive paper in the end.

  8. 120+ Research Topics In Finance (+ Free Webinar)

    120+ Research Topics In Finance (+ Free Webinar)

  9. 101 Best Finance Dissertation Topics: A Comprehensive List

    101 Finance Dissertation Topics. Writing a finance dissertation is an intellectually rewarding endeavor that allows students to contribute meaningfully to the finance discipline. It requires meticulous planning, extensive research, critical thinking, and effective communication of findings. Embrace the challenge, stay focused, and let your ...

  10. 233 Finance Dissertation Topics: Useful List To Inspire You

    You can consider finance research paper topics like: A critical study of foreign investment and the trend of economic growth in Ghana. A study of the economy of China and Russia in the last 10 years. The trends in the international economic systems. The politics of international economy and how policies have political undertones.

  11. PDF ST915-45 Mathematical Finance Dissertation

    ST915-45 Mathematical Finance Dissertation 22/23 Department Statistics Level Taught Postgraduate Level Module leader Aleksandar Mijatovic Credit value 45 Module duration 12 weeks ... The subject of the dissertation can be any topic in financial mathematics chosen jointly by the student and the supervisor. Students will

  12. DPhil (PhD) studies in Mathematical Finance @ Oxford

    The Mathematical and Computational Finance Group (MCFG) at Oxford is one of the largest and most dynamic research environments in mathematical finance in the world. We combine core mathematical expertise with interdisciplinary approach. We foster lively interactions between researchers coming from different backgrounds and a truly impressive ...

  13. Master Theses

    Prerequisites for a master's or diploma thesis at the Research Group are certificates or passed exams in. FPSO 2014. • Stochastic Analysis (MA4405) • Continuous Time Finance (MA3702) • Master's seminar at the Research Group Finance and Actuarial Science • 2 further lectures in the area of Financial Mathematics OR • 2 further ...

  14. PhD in Mathematical Finance » Academics

    The PhD in Mathematical Finance is for students seeking careers in research and academia. Doctoral candidates will have a strong affinity for quantitative reasoning and the ability to connect advanced mathematical theories with real-world phenomena. They will have an interest in the creation of complex models and financial instruments as well ...

  15. Financial Mathematics

    Financial Mathematics is the field of applied mathematics that involves defining problems in finance and providing solutions using methods that draw from probability, statistics, differential equations, optimization, numerical methods, and data science. The primary emphasis in financial mathematics is the derivation of the mathematical models ...

  16. Mathematical finance and stochastic analysis

    Mathematical finance and stochastic analysis. Our research interests span a broad range of topics in continuous and discrete time. In mathematical finance our areas of research activity include: applications of optimal stopping, singular control, and game theory to investment problems in the real economy ("real options").

  17. Harvard Mathematics Department Harvard Department of Mathematics PhD

    Department of Mathematics. Science Center Room 325. 1 Oxford Street. Cambridge, MA 02138 USA. Tel: (617) 495-2171 Fax: (617) 495-5132. Department Main Office Contact. Web Site Contact. Digital Accessibility. Legacy Department of Mathematics Website.

  18. Master's Thesis topics in quantitative finance?

    Starting to conduct my master's thesis in the spring of 2019. My background is in MSc Finance (afer the thesis), with minor in computer science. So I have some experience in math and programming and quantitative finance (couple of courses), however consider myself as a beginner in this field. My goal would be to learn as much as possible by ...

  19. Mathematical and Computational Finance @ Oxford

    The Oxford Mathematical and Computational Finance Group is one of the world's leading research groups in the area of mathematical modeling in finance.. Research Topics include stochastic processes, derivative pricing, multi-level Monte Carlo methods, computational methods for PDEs, credit risk modelling, quantitative risk management, data-driven modeling and machine learning, market ...

  20. Topics in Mathematics with Applications in Finance

    The purpose of the class is to expose undergraduate and graduate students to the mathematical concepts and techniques used in the financial industry. Mathematics lectures are mixed with lectures illustrating the corresponding application in the financial industry. MIT mathematicians teach the mathematics part while industry professionals give the lectures on applications in finance.

  21. MSc Mathematical Finance

    Dissertation. Finance Dissertation; You'll complete a piece of independent research or dissertation of up to 10,000 words, carried out over three months of the summer. ... Communicate advanced topics in mathematical finance analyses and associated conclusions clearly, in writing or in a presentation, at a level appropriate for the intended ...

  22. Topics in Mathematical Finance

    Topics of current research interest in mathematical models with relevant applications to finance. Prerequisites: Mathematics 230 or 340 or equivalent, or consent of instructor. Possible additional prerequisites depending on course content.

  23. Dissertation Topics Titles 2021-22

    History of Mathematics. Students wishing to do a dissertation based on the History of Mathematics are asked to contact Brigitte Stenhouse at [email protected] by Wednesday of week 1 with a short draft proposal. All decisions will be communicated to students by the end of week 2.